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Thread: Vanishing in the wilderness

  1. #191
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wildernes

    Steve Isdahl put another one up this morning. The first story is of a young guy in Arkansas that saw something in his thermal scope and unloaded his gun shooting at it. That story starts at about the 4:00 minute mark.

    The second story is about a guy that had encounters in Montana south of Billings and in the Wind River Range in Wyoming. His experiences start at about the 14:00 minute mark.

    About a year ago I visited a lady friend that lives near Sheridan, Wy. We went for a drive over the Big Horns to Lovel,Wy and were going to go east of there to a place where she'd camped and something had come in to her camp. She said it had the foul odor people experience sometimes when these things show up. It got late on us and we didn't make it to that camp site and decided to return to Sheridan. Probably a good thing because you can get in to trouble going looking for things like that.

    We are all travelers through this world
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    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
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  2. #192
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    Re: Vanishing in the wildernes

    "I don't know what it was but thought it a good idea to unload my shotgun at it"?

    I was taught early on that you probably really should know what it was you were trying to kill.

    Act in haste. Repent at leisure.

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    Tumbleweed (27th March 2021)

  4. #193
    Unobtanium osoab's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    Quote Originally Posted by Tumbleweed View Post
    Steve Isdahl put up a video this morning with a photo. The photo is clear and was taken through a window with a camera with flash. There's a story that goes with it. Lots of strangeness in this story from south east Kansas.

    Steve added an response to this. I liked the perspective.
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  6. #194
    Unobtanium PatColo's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    Quote Originally Posted by Tumbleweed View Post
    Steve Isdahl reads a written interview Bobby Short did with a Northern Cheyenne Indian man who shot a Bigfoot in the Wind River range in Wyoming. This was supposed to have taken place about 1970. Interesting interview. The story gets started about the 3:00:00 mark.
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  8. #195
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    John Ballen tells the stories of three people that went missing. These are stories that come from David Paulides books.

    We are all travelers through this world
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    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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    JDRock (29th March 2021)

  10. #196
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    Quote Originally Posted by Tumbleweed View Post
    In the past I've been a long ways in to the back country wilderness in and around Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks. Had a couple of things happen while camped there that I still wonder about. These stories are interesting and something that should be taken in to consideration when venturing in to the national parks. I've listened to a lot of these kind of stories over the years and there are two pieces of advice that seem to be good advice and consistent. Don't go alone and don't go unarmed. The government doesn't want you carrying fire arms in national parks but I don't think you should pay any attention to those communist bastards and SOB's, just keep your weapons out of sight.

    Thought I'd add that the government employees I ran in to when I was in the back country were assholes that seemed to like to bully people and were always looking for some thing they could chew your ass for.

    T weed, if you get time, please dish on your own strange experiences, we would love to hear them.

  11. #197
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    Steve Isdahl put up a video this morning. He reads an email from a special forces guy that was on the trail of some other people near a swamp. There were orbs moving around them during the night and other disturbances.

    They caught up with the people they were trailing the next day but several had vanished and the ones they found were terrified of something in the swamp.

    We are all travelers through this world
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    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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    JDRock (30th March 2021)

  13. #198
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    "special forces guy that was on the trail of some other people near a swamp. There were orbs moving around them during the night and other disturbances"

    I make it a personal rule never to spend the night in a swamp chasing people without an adequate supply of source of orbs on the planet!

  14. #199
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    Steve Isdahl read a story from a guy who disappeared for awhile. He was a child when this happened and didn't remember it for a long time. It happened in the Wind River Mountains in Wyoming. His story starts at about the 16:00 minute mark. It could explain some of the disappearances David Paulides writes about.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

  15. #200
    Great Value Carrots Tumbleweed's Avatar
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    Re: Vanishing in the wilderness

    Quote Originally Posted by JDRock View Post
    T weed, if you get time, please dish on your own strange experiences, we would love to hear them.
    Ok JD, I've never seen a bigfoot or a UFO but I've seen and heard some things that I still wonder about when I've been in the wilderness. I think in maybe 1986 or seven I went in to the Bob Marshall wilderness south of Glacier Park with some other people with saddle horses and pack mules. I think we rode south for about three days with a different camp every night. At the furthest camp we stayed two nights and then started making our way back out.

    As I recall I would hear what may have been wood knocks that people speak of as we traveled along during the day and I wondered if it may have just been trees or chunks of wood falling and hitting another tree of chunk of wood. On our trip out of the wilderness we camped along a creek and a couple of guys picked up some dry tree limbs that were baseball bat size and started doing some batting practice seeing how far they could send a rock flying. They made some pretty loud cracks doing that for quite a while. I don't know if they might have attracted the attention of some forrest creatures when they were doing that but they might have.

    There were grizzly bears in the area where we were camped and I didn't like the looks of the campsite because someone had camped there before us and had left it kind of dirty. There were some porrkchop bones in the fire pit they'd left that weren't burned and it looked like trouble to me but we camped there anyway. We cooked and ate our supper then set our tents up for the night. We sat around the campfire for a while visiting then turned in for the night.

    I think about 2:30 or 3 am I woke up and heard something big walking past my tent. I lay real still and just listened. It was breathing heavy and making kind of a grunt as it walked by. A little way behind it was what sounded like two young Japaese kids jabbering back and forth to each other. I though it was probably a grizzly that went past my tent and those two Japanese kids were going to be running in to that bear and I'd soon hear them screaming. Never heard anything though and I'm sure glad I didn't because even though I had a revolver I'd sure have hated to have to crawl out of that tent and go try to help them.

    I just lay there and waited until daylight and we all got up. I asked the others there if they'd heard what I did and no one had and they just kind of looked at me funny when I told them what I'd heard. I looked for tracks but the ground was hard packed and there weren't any. I didn't say anymore about it after that. I looked for recordings of bears to see if I could find a recording of the sounds bears make but never could find anything like what I'd heard going past my tent that night until I listened to a story Greg Yost tells about an encounter he had. I've listened to the Ron Morheads Sierra sounds but they weren't quite like what I heard that sounded like two young Japanese. I don't know what the hell would make to young Japanese kids go hiking in the wilderness though at two or three am in the morning. So I now wonder what walked past my tent that night in the wilderness.

    Greg Yost is a real character and kind of interesting to listen too. He tells some stories in this video below and at about the 2:00 mark he does an imitation of something that came down off a hill towards him and his dog "Buddy". The imitation of what he heard coming down off the hill towards him is exactly what I heard going past my tent that night in the Bob Marshall Wilderness minus what sounded like two Japanese kids behind it jabbering to each other.

    We are all travelers through this world
    Birth till Death
    We travel between the Eternities. Robert Duval as Print Ritter "The Broken Trail"

    I believe the DSCI christians know and speak the truth

    The old coyote senses danger and sinks into the grass.
    He cannot be seen but he watches and waits. Author unknown

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    JDRock (4th April 2021)

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