View Full Version : Why Jews cannot accept the New Testament
7th January 2013, 10:45 PM
Gee, I thought it was banana's or corn flakes for breakfast.
... and chicks for free, too. :D
8th January 2013, 12:39 AM
Free will is an interesting concept. Something like the invisible church. You have to believe in it before it matters..
Due to free will I decided not to respond to this, but then I did.
Free Will & Fate are part of the same balanced, dumbbell.
Church & State are fated and rise in a unity of fates.
8th January 2013, 07:43 AM
"Free Will" analyzed:
8th January 2013, 07:54 AM
Free will is an interesting concept. Something like the invisible church. You have to believe in it before it matters.
There are really only two forms of governance. Church or State. Internal or external. Mind or body.
When State rules, it offers free will in place of salvation.
There is Ultimately only one Will.
Think about it... how could free will be proven? How can you tell if you have and exercise true free will? Free will can not be differentiated from the ILLUSION of free will.
The Universe is a one-man band.
8th January 2013, 08:22 AM
What kind of freedom do our minds have? Our choices cannot and obviously should not be totally free from (or fail to take into account) our knowledge, values, and perceptions of our environment and ourselves. Our choices are not free from past thoughts and decisions, nor from external influences. Our choices can also not transcend the laws of nature, ie. do the impossible. Once we relate our mind's abilities to that of non-volitional entities, we find that the freedom in freewill is not the elimination of influencing factors as such, but the expansion of our choices by our unique ability to deal with abstract concepts; by our self-awareness, our imagination, our ability to seek out knowledge and project the future; and, most importantly, by our awareness and monitoring of our own thinking. This is the source of our freedom; this is what makes us self-determined. This is the crux of the true understanding of freewill: Not free from influences, but free to make intelligent choices.
8th January 2013, 09:08 AM
It seems to me that logic would lead people to understand that there is no such thing as happenstance, or coincidence.
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." This is the logic by which we logistically function.
In other words, logic dictates that everything occurring now in the Universe has to have had an original source of action from which set the reaction in motion, logically requiring that if even one coincidence occurs within the chain of reactions, then all motion must then become coincidental.
There's no logical way out this cosmological conclusion, except through speculating or imagining multiple universes or infinite space and time. But those things are based on faith, not logic.
This is why the mental exercise called logic is flawed. It requires an end at the end of the Universe, historically expressed in giving a face, or persona to God.
God is the original action of the Universe. The prime directive of existence. God is inexplicable, but profoundly ordered.
So much so, that in all the Time that the Universe has existed, it has been running perfectly, never seizing, never faltering, never ending.
I believe god/nature/xxx designed into the laws of nature a certain degree of randomness that force change and adaptation.
The universe was set in motion and when two objects collide each object has undergone it's own set of entropy which will result in a random breakup sending pieces flying in new random patterns. These new objects may become new planets around our sun or planet x. Or may never ever come anywhere near here.
8th January 2013, 10:48 AM
It's generally accepted that "self" consists of body and mind, and that my mind is where my free will emanates from. "My mind is mine and mine alone. My private property. My inner domain where "I" reside."
But what if that's a load of self deluded bullshit, helped along by the external forces of the State?
What if "self" or "I" begins and ends with the purely physical material. Self being the conceptual remnant of instinct for survival or something.
What if the Mind is really the continuation of space, or aether where all material bodies reside in the universe?
What if "I" don't own the state of own my mind any more than "I" own the state of New Hampshire?
What if "I" am just a component body receiving and reacting to the many varied inputs from the universe?
Like a cell within a body, or like a planet within a galaxy.
Not predestination, but the synchronous motion of the universe.
Think about it. Is the earth responsible for the sun? Is the tree responsible for the forest?
What if what makes us truly free is the understanding that we as individual bodies are NOT actually
responsible for the entire world and the universe in which we reside.
When we as individuals take possession and credit for the Mind as if it's some sort of private Real Estate, we in effect, entomb it inside of our "self." That is effectively the separation that divides us from God.
Rather than accepting and allowing God, the One Mind, or Nous to speak through us via our understanding of the nature of the Mind, through practiced and ritualized Intuition for example, we wind up attempting to speak for God from the most narrow perspective possible,... our "selves."
Perhaps attempting to comprehend the universe from the perspective of "self" is the most insane concept imaginable. {0}
8th January 2013, 03:26 PM
Let’s equate free will with original thought. With the exception of the highest primates, no living mammal has ever had an original thought. And the dog getting its leash, bowl, etc…. doesn’t count. They are trained & bred for this. Without original thought, there can be no free will. Survival of the fittest does not equate to original thought.
8th January 2013, 03:35 PM
What kind of freedom do our minds have? Our choices cannot and obviously should not be totally free from (or fail to take into account) our knowledge, values, and perceptions of our environment and ourselves. Our choices are not free from past thoughts and decisions, nor from external influences. Our choices can also not transcend the laws of nature, ie. do the impossible. Once we relate our mind's abilities to that of non-volitional entities, we find that the freedom in freewill is not the elimination of influencing factors as such, but the expansion of our choices by our unique ability to deal with abstract concepts; by our self-awareness, our imagination, our ability to seek out knowledge and project the future; and, most importantly, by our awareness and monitoring of our own thinking. This is the source of our freedom; this is what makes us self-determined. This is the crux of the true understanding of freewill: Not free from influences, but free to make intelligent choices.
I agree, but also say it's easy for people to get caught up in the mind's end, to which there is no resolve or completion.
Its all the mind can do (seek) the Bible dramas play this end up (consort upon it)
In other words life is spent here on Earth, not in our imaginations, Earth is where things get resolved.
10th January 2013, 01:19 PM
3rd February 2013, 06:08 PM
Christian Bible Exposed:
3rd February 2013, 06:39 PM
Christians worship Satan?
3rd February 2013, 09:04 PM
Why would a moron keep attacking something that he supposedly does not care about? Any guesses? Is this fool possessed by some mad demon? Is it lunacy? Or is he really quite sane and touching on the truth?
It takes me only a few seconds to read the idiot links posted and see the demonic crap being pushed. It is a conditioning to get people accustomed to accepting these attacks as normal. Such devils will have a long time in a hot vacation place to think about their choices.
3rd February 2013, 09:12 PM
Why would a moron keep attacking something that he supposedly does not care about? Any guesses? Is this fool possessed by some mad demon?
He sees the world spinning round,?
Or the universe spinning about it. (for the geocentrists & creationistas present)
3rd February 2013, 09:24 PM
Christians worship Satan?
Page attacked...
4th February 2013, 01:25 PM
I find it undeniable that...many, many of the epic heroes and ancient patriarchs and matriarchs of the Old Testament were personified stars, planets and constellations..." —Dr. Robert M. Price, The Pre-Nicene New Testament "I can re
4th February 2013, 09:32 PM
The devil is desperate because the clock is ticking. He will drop hints of unbelief in the ears of those stupid enough to listen. Message for the devil: your time is short and once you take out the garbage, so will you be taken out. You cannot touch anyone outside of permission granted. Rage at that.
5th February 2013, 09:15 AM
The title of this thread is "Why the Jews cannot accept the New Testament!" The reasons they CANNOT & WILL NOT is AXIOMATIC.... Namely they dont accept SUICIDAL dogma or outrageous fantasies....
5th February 2013, 11:11 AM
You cannot touch anyone outside of permission granted.
Yo Diablo, no puerdo los zonas rojo!
26th February 2013, 03:24 PM
JESUS, HIS APOSTLES, AND THE RELIGIONS MADE US WORSHIP SATAN AND NOT THE TRUE GOD .... So before condemnation, at least read the authors contentions & may learn something... especially you Spectri...
27th May 2013, 10:57 PM
Did beforeitsnerws[dot]com always push this ERANO M. EVANGELISTA stuff?
This is bizarre:
27th May 2013, 11:38 PM
Remarkable. Page after page going on about Gods name. Citation after biblical citation as to why and how Gods name will be revealed.
Why not just reveal it. 1 sentence is all it takes.
Jesus belongs to the people of israel? raelly? pretty whacked right there. Anyway False prophets?
Hey 7th Trump? Does this guy fit the profile of the false one? You mentioned 3 passages in another post on this question but I'm not sure which book. Figuring it's Revelations.
28th May 2013, 12:11 AM
Did beforeitsnerws[dot]com always push this ERANO M. EVANGELISTA stuff?
This is bizarre:
before its news is a web site that basically a bunch of people anyone in fact can post on before its news
too me its about being self aware and more conscious ,
to follow anything now is folly ,
thats not to say you cant love ,
but to become or follow people ,religion, beliefs ,something that is outside of us is very dangerous because the creator lives within us, we are alive , it is part of us , to say it isnt but outside of us is an insult a slap in the face ,to the creator.
we are it and it is us. its very simple and brings peace of mind.......
28th May 2013, 12:40 AM
There is nothing I need to believe in,
if we are conscious living people living in the present moment,believing is a bit like living in the past because you always have to remember what you believe in before you look and see something.haha.
Just look and see .
The Kingdom of heaven as they say is really a state of mind that isnt addled by belief.
Its right there between our thoughts all the time ,everyone is conditioned to believe that Heaven some far away place in some far away time.This is a bunch of lies put over by religion to gain control over us ,not only in life but in death also .
You may as well give a religion your soul.
In the end everyone is too fearful to leave the religion as the conditioning has been going on for a long time.
Its right here and now baby ,just a matter of realizing the fact.
And when you do ,it means you have awakened. What good is a religion going to be too an awakened man,I ask you.
The awakened man may feel sorry for you that you need to attach a religion to yourself.
The awakened man can love Jesus ,but then the awakened man can love anyone and everyone its just that some are a lot easier to LOVE than others, haha,
there is no doctrine ,words and stuff required , love is quite simple you see.
No intellectual argument about anything concerning this and that.
All that stuff relates to our minds and what we think, become conscious instead
Peace of mind is closer than you think, should be called peace of heart.
7th trump
28th May 2013, 05:04 AM
Remarkable. Page after page going on about Gods name. Citation after biblical citation as to why and how Gods name will be revealed.
Why not just reveal it. 1 sentence is all it takes.
Jesus belongs to the people of israel? raelly? pretty whacked right there. Anyway False prophets?
Hey 7th Trump? Does this guy fit the profile of the false one? You mentioned 3 passages in another post on this question but I'm not sure which book. Figuring it's Revelations.
No, this guy is not the false one.
And yes I was referring to the book of Revelation.
The false one will appear announcing he's christ having been granted all kinds of powers to fool the world. He'll be able to basically snap his fingers and lightning will come from the heavens to AWE the world into believing hes the returning real messiah.
Another indication who the false one is is when he appears from heaven is if you are still in the flesh.
When the real Christ appears everyone sheds the flesh body.
We (everyone) changes when the true Christ appears....Christ doesn't change. There are seven trumps, seven vials and seven seals total. The fake messiah appears at 666 and the real Messiah appears at 777.
28th May 2013, 05:56 AM
JESUS, HIS APOSTLES, AND THE RELIGIONS MADE US WORSHIP SATAN AND NOT THE TRUE GOD .... So before condemnation, at least read the authors contentions & may learn something... especially you Spectri...
BarnacleBrains... you are a jew, right?
You keep citing crap as if it has any validity. It took me one minute to read a couple misinterpretations of the bible at that link to know the writer was either deceived and passing on his error or a devil willingly attempting to deceive others. Either way, he is a bad reference.... and so are you.
6th March 2014, 09:46 PM
actually I was thinking of beginning a new thread, but changed my mind. .
a little bit more than a year has passed since BB started this one. Although I only went through the first 15 and last 15 pages, I had this impression again of a communication failure between members, well, all I wanted to say: this most likely is one of the worst threads ever in the spiritual/religious section
Not saying anything about the beliefs themselves but the way we generally interact with strangers. When comparing the mega global mess we are in and the quality of exchange between humans, it just is deplorable.
very saddening.
7th March 2014, 08:36 AM
actually I was thinking of beginning a new thread, but changed my mind. .
“ is impossible to overlook the extent to which civilization is built up upon a renunciation of instinct....”
― Sigmund Freud (, Civilization and Its Discontents (
7th March 2014, 08:13 PM
although I studied Carl G. Jung for about 3 years (and I think that is he's sooo much more valuable than Freud), this freud's quote sounds so accurate... doesnt mean that it is an absolute truth though, but in this time and age, yes.
7th March 2014, 08:26 PM
BarnacleBrains... you are a jew, right?
Pope bowing to his jew master
Previous pope doing yard work for his master
Must be. BarneyBob posted here at GSUS that the jews are just pawns of the evil Vatican.
7th March 2014, 08:32 PM
although I studied Carl G. Jung for about 3 years...
Carl Gustav Jung[a] ( was born in Kesswil (, in the Swiss canton ( of Thurgau (, on 26 July 1875 as the fourth but only surviving child of Paul Achilles Jung and Emilie Preiswerk. Emilie Preiswerk was the youngest child of Samuel Preiswerk who was also Paul Achilles Jung's professor of Hebrew.
7th March 2014, 09:44 PM
I am not in favor of such associations, Book... and you should be very cautious. Juan Cole for example is a young jew exposing the deceptions of the holocaust. There are people in Israel speaking against zionism. Jung and Freud became nemeses as their theories differ a lot.
Manipulating psyches is an art that is 4000 year old at least... and practiced by every culture.
Yes, right now we have the zionists AND freemasons on our backs
7th March 2014, 11:03 PM
I am not in favor of such associations, Book... and you should be very cautious. Juan Cole for example is a young jew exposing the deceptions of the holocaust. There are people in Israel speaking against zionism. Jung and Freud became nemeses as their theories differ a lot.
Manipulating psyches is an art that is 4000 year old at least... and practiced by every culture.
Can you mention a few goy psyche manipulators that you are aware of and have studied?
8th March 2014, 12:49 AM
I haven't read the whole thread, but it just mystify's me, that all the sudden in history, Constantine puts the bits of the bible together,( the books he sees fit) some angel called down to a girl named Mary that she will have a child and name it Jesus? He will save us all?
I really just don't know .. If Constantine put them all together and had scholars helping it seems to me as to control the masses, more likely it was from a higher power though not a imaginary GOD, how do you or I know GOD or Jesus wasn't a alien? Some one from the heavens?
How many times have you prayed to this GOD and how many times was your prayer granted? !!!!!
For me, not any.. not any at all, so why do we not question it. ( cause we wil go to hell and burn forever)
So I guess it is ok for everyone to preach lots of goodness, but not to question Constantine's motives?
8th March 2014, 06:10 AM
Zap, it took 400 years to write the bible, a LOT can happen in a such long period of time. assuming that all the people involved over that time frame were sinless. is childlike. I am fine with people who believe in Christ, but then they should research pre-Bible Christianity to see where everything went wrong the day Constantine converted himself. Constantine's endorsment of Christianity was a **political** move and nothing else, historical facts of that era speak by themselves.
So I guess it is ok for everyone to preach lots of goodness, but not to question Constantine's motives?
8th March 2014, 06:12 AM
YHWH is the God of all. But He is not the Father of all. For Him to be your father, you must be adopted into His family. And, unless you are in His family, you are either a perfectly clean servant or you are an enemy. All of mankind is tainted... impure.... sinful. This is an easy thing for you to check unless you do not love truth or you are so twisted that you cannot see reality. Can you point to any man or woman as the model of virtue? If so, how close have you been to them?
It is common now for the devil to detract from the gospel message of salvation through Messiah. He has many- most people fooled. We have a whole generation growing up on the lies they are fed through TV, school, music, government programs, etc. And we even have people on this forum working for the devil. They blame the jews for writing the bible as a control device over the goyim. And those same "jews" are the ones in Hollywood, government, schools, etc... who are attacking the bible. So which is it? If the bible was written by the jews to control the fools, why would they be so against it? We have doubleminded fools on this forum who don't know their own asses from a hole in the ground.
So if YHWH is not the father of all, why should He listen to those who are enemies? Why should He answer the prayers of those who just want His blessings and power, but not His holiness? The truth is that He does not "hear" those who are sinners. All your prayers are wasted if you are not one of His children or you are not pure. It is impossible for you to gain entry to the throne room of God as a sin-tainted human.
This is why the Messiah was provided. He is the sacrifical Lamb that would provide the purification for those who could not clean themselves. And it is a simple offer requiring a simple response. Accept His mercy by first agreeing with His Spirit which shows us our lack, and then surrender to His kingship. Trust in Him that He will be faithful and true to His word and promise. Be indwellt by His pure Spirit and become one of His children.
Your alternative is to keep yourself surrendered to the devil. In that state of delusion, you will have a hard time seeing the truth and you will have a horrible ending- by your choice.
8th March 2014, 06:28 AM
hehehe... I see the trap here... but honestly, were you see power, you see lots of manipulation going on. It is interesting though that the foundation of psychoanalysis is the study of archetypes in ALL cultures, but from mainly in the Greek mythology. Modern Psychoanalysis didnt invent anything... some were just clever enough to see how they could use it as a weapon. Not being an apologist here, far to the contrary.
Looks like were are back to the Mystery School again... what is happening today has a trail of 4000 years of track record. To eliminate the problem (freemasonery/zionism) western society will have to fall apart completely. There is no way out. Vatican-Christianity/Torah/Talmud cannot be saved, I am afraid
Can you mention a few goy psyche manipulators that you are aware of and have studied?
8th March 2014, 06:44 AM
ohh my goshhhh .... Are you a Jehovah's Witness? You sound sooooo much like them
YHWH is the God of all. But He is not the Father of all. For Him to be your father, you must be adopted into His family. And, unless you are in His family, you are either a perfectly clean servant or you are an enemy. All of mankind is tainted... impure.... sinful. This is an easy thing for you to check unless you do not love truth or you are so twisted that you cannot see reality. Can you point to any man or woman as the model of virtue? If so, how close have you been to them?
It is common now for the devil to detract from the gospel message of salvation through Messiah. He has many- most people fooled. We have a whole generation growing up on the lies they are fed through TV, school, music, government programs, etc.
And we even have people on this forum working for the devil. They blame the jews for writing the bible as a control device over the goyim. And those same "jews" are the ones in Hollywood, government, schools, etc... who are attacking the bible. So which is it? If the bible was written by the jews to control the fools, why would they be so against it? We have doubleminded fools on this forum who don't know their own asses from a hole in the ground.
So if YHWH is not the father of all, why should He listen to those who are enemies? Why should He answer the prayers of those who just want His blessings and power, but not His holiness? The truth is that He does not "hear" those who are sinners. All your prayers are wasted if you are not one of His children or you are not pure. It is impossible for you to gain entry to the throne room of God as a sin-tainted human.
This is why the Messiah was provided. He is the sacrifical Lamb that would provide the purification for those who could not clean themselves. And it is a simple offer requiring a simple response. Accept His mercy by first agreeing with His Spirit which shows us our lack, and then surrender to His kingship. Trust in Him that He will be faithful and true to His word and promise. Be indwellt by His pure Spirit and become one of His children.
Your alternative is to keep yourself surrendered to the devil. In that state of delusion, you will have a hard time seeing the truth and you will have a horrible ending- by your choice.
8th March 2014, 07:55 AM
ohh my goshhhh .... Are you a Jehovah's Witness? You sound sooooo much like them
Yes- I am if you are a moron. You sound sooo much like them.
Here is a little clue for you.... I refer to God's name as YHWH, not Jehovah. duh.
You preach new age bullshit and attempt to bolster your argument with science conducted by someone else, intermingling it with meanderous wanderings amidst the fogs of confusion tainted with delerium gas. Harsh words? Yep... and for your own sake, you had best wake up.
8th March 2014, 08:40 AM
well there are a few Witnesses in the area and when they speak, they sound like you, sorry for asking this then.
there is nothing new about any religions in the West, they all can be traced back to one source, the Mesopotamia, 4000 years before the Bible was written. It is always the same (old) story, re-phrased with a different angle, according to the need of the elites/politics at that time.
YHWH = no vowels = Semitic languages
sorry for bring this up again. :)
you never answered my question: why 33 masonic degrees ... and Jesus dying at age 33.
Spectrum what you call new age is everywhere in religious textbooks as they are all masonic/kabalistic in essence. They all worship sacred numbers, but since it is more than most people can handle, verses explain this with parables. For example, the "virgin birth" is a recurrent theme in many spiritual approaches. Read the Bible again, have a sheet of paper and a pen and write it down every time you come across a number, and you will see that that always are the same numbers resurfacing again and again... why?
Yes- I am if you are a moron. You sound sooo much like them.
Here is a little clue for you.... I refer to God's name as YHWH, not Jehovah. duh.
You preach new age bullshit and attempt to bolster your argument with science conducted by someone else, intermingling it with meanderous wanderings amidst the fogs of confusion tainted with delerium gas. Harsh words? Yep... and for your own sake, you had best wake up.
8th March 2014, 01:56 PM
To eliminate the problem (freemasonery/zionism) western society will have to fall apart completely. There is no way out. Vatican-Christianity/Torah/Talmud cannot be saved, I am afraid
edit: when I say that they "cannot be saved", I mean as *organized* religions. People will always believe in what they want to believe, but at least they will not be enforced anymore nor influence the political landscape (after the demise).
Organized religions operate as "group think", hence are coercive toward minorities. You are with us or against us ???
I am fortunate enough to be interested in all relgions and myths, as they all offer worthy messages. Being compassionate and having empathy should be cultivated, regarless of one's own beliefs. As long as there is no (moral and physical) aggression, who cares about the neighbor? And there has been too much killings and oppression/suppression in the name of 'organized" religions. Regarding each other as a devil worthiper because one doesnt share the same ideas is precisely why were are now faced with an unprecedented event on a global scale. There is no way out... the devil is coming but it is not the one announced in textbooks... it is man's arrongance and immaturity, ie: his own lack of awareness to see that the kingdom of God is and will forever remain within.
did God create Man on the sixth day???
8th March 2014, 02:13 PM
well there are a few Witnesses in the area and when they speak, they sound like you, sorry for asking this then.
There are many counterfeits. There is only one truth. Anyone who loves the Truth will fight fiercely for that truth and settle for nothing less.
Your quote at the end of your posts is by an ignorant or evil man.
A man who is not afraid is not aggressive, a man who has no sense of fear of any kind is really a free, a peaceful man.... We are to learn about fear, not how to escape from it... the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem.... J.Krishnamurti
This implies that anyone "aggressive" is afraid. It is a feeble attempt to undercut any argument that comes against you. Feeble.
there is nothing new about any religions in the West, they all can be traced back to one source, the Mesopotamia, 4000 years before the Bible was written. It is always the same (old) story, re-phrased with a different angle, according to the need of the elites/politics at that time.
You keep talking religions. You seem unable to distinguish between religions and belief.
YHWH = no vowels = Semitic languages
sorry for bring this up again. :)
It is the name of the Almighty and eternal One. It is not a language.
you never answered my question: why 33 masonic degrees ... and Jesus dying at age 33.
How do you know the age of Messiah when he was murdered?
Spectrum what you call new age is everywhere in religious textbooks as they are all masonic/kabalistic in essence. They all worship sacred numbers, but since it is more than most people can handle, verses explain this with parables. For example, the "virgin birth" is a recurrent theme in many spiritual approaches. Read the Bible again, have a sheet of paper and a pen and write it down every time you come across a number, and you will see that that always are the same numbers resurfacing again and again... why?
I don't worship any numbers. Therefore you are wrong.
You cite counterfeits as evidence that the real thing does not exist. Fail.
8th March 2014, 02:50 PM
Spectro stops to contemplate existence in trial terminalous.
In an instant of mental clarity, the reign of Dictator Pink is brought to an end...not through years of war and futile sacrifice but rather by human accountability. It is one of the most sudden shifts in character throughout the story, yet one that perfectly reflects Waters' view of both social and personal responsibility. All of the world's ills - the oppression, atrocities, and violence - all come down to one thing: Choice. One either decides to act for the betterment of himself / herself or their society, or one doesn't act and lets decay set in. Life is full of potential, both positive and negative. Everyone has the potential for redemption just as everyone has the potential to become self-imprisoned and closed-minded, like Dictator Pink.
8th March 2014, 05:45 PM
you never answered my question: why 33 masonic degrees ... and Jesus dying at age 33.
How do you know the age of Messiah when he was murdered?
stop right here, my friend. Anybody refuting this central piece of the scriptures had to doubt his/her own faith, or be a follower of another Christian religious order. And I know that they are many out there
Christ died at age 33. in the Bible, the only authoritative book for christians. And I think that all the various versions of the Bible agree on that, correct me if I am wrong
Now this said, since He was never born on a 25th of december, and that I read in several occasions that AD - Anno Domini - is most likely several years ahead since Christ wasnt born in 0 AD.
It is good that you are challenging the age of Christ but the Bible must be accepted as written. The fact is that the master number 33 in Numerology means 'universal Healer'. So yes, Christ death needed to occur when he was 33.
However I am not too bent on dates/numerology... it is the overall message in the Bible that matters the most. Unfortunately all the verses are designed to confuse.
More positively, the Bible is a true master piece in the sense that it fits any mind construct. Anybody can find in It, all the verses suiting his/her visions of the world. But the same can be said about any other religion, I guess. That is why I am not following one in particular.
9th March 2014, 06:55 AM
stop right here, my friend. Anybody refuting this central piece of the scriptures had to doubt his/her own faith, or be a follower of another Christian religious order. And I know that they are many out there
Christ died at age 33. in the Bible, the only authoritative book for christians. And I think that all the various versions of the Bible agree on that, correct me if I am wrong
So show me the chapter and verse. You insist His age of death is in the bible as 33. I simply asked you how you knew. There is a difference between refuting and questioning. Show me.
Now this said, since He was never born on a 25th of december, and that I read in several occasions that AD - Anno Domini - is most likely several years ahead since Christ wasnt born in 0 AD.
It is good that you are challenging the age of Christ but the Bible must be accepted as written. The fact is that the master number 33 in Numerology means 'universal Healer'. So yes, Christ death needed to occur when he was 33.
Where does "numerology" get this concept? Prove the source.
However I am not too bent on dates/numerology... it is the overall message in the Bible that matters the most. Unfortunately all the verses are designed to confuse.
Designed by who? Since "all" the verses in the bible are "designed to confuse" who is supposed to read them? Why are they written?
More positively, the Bible is a true master piece in the sense that it fits any mind construct. Anybody can find in It, all the verses suiting his/her visions of the world. But the same can be said about any other religion, I guess. That is why I am not following one in particular.
Actually, it does not. It is many things, but a literary piece to "fit any mind construct" it is not. It is a record of history. It is a record of God's declarations and judgments, as well as His promises and provisions. It provides directions for men to live in harmony with God and each other. The demonic and human hybrid cannot find solace in the bible. Those of the evil ones cannot find a soothing answer to fit the constructs of their perverted minds. The human being which rejects God will find horrors in the bible whereas the repentant and washed soul finds liberty from the directions of the bible.... and reality in the relationship with God directly.
edit: when I say that they "cannot be saved", I mean as *organized* religions. People will always believe in what they want to believe, but at least they will not be enforced anymore nor influence the political landscape (after the demise).
Organized religions operate as "group think", hence are coercive toward minorities. You are with us or against us ???
How does that differ from business organizations? Social clubs? Military forces? Street gangs?
All have a group think at some level and at some time. It is the HUMAN condition. Yet you want to blame religious faith for the woes of mankind and ignore that a fish in the sea is not the cause of floods.
I am fortunate enough to be interested in all relgions and myths, as they all offer worthy messages. Being compassionate and having empathy should be cultivated, regarless of one's own beliefs.
Let me rephrase what you just said: I am glad to be blind and ignorant to truth because I can happily lump truth with myths and pretend to know the valuable messages of both. Feeling good is really what matters.
As long as there is no (moral and physical) aggression, who cares about the neighbor? And there has been too much killings and oppression/suppression in the name of 'organized" religions. Regarding each other as a devil worthiper because one doesnt share the same ideas is precisely why were are now faced with an unprecedented event on a global scale. There is no way out... the devil is coming but it is not the one announced in textbooks... it is man's arrongance and immaturity, ie: his own lack of awareness to see that the kingdom of God is and will forever remain within.
There is constant immoral and physical aggression from the government, homo-groups, socialist oppressors, tax collectors, money fabricators, news media, business advertisers, company product sellers, anti-gun rights groups, atheists, liberal jews, education system, movies, etc.
The religion of tolerance demands acceptance of all things except christian values. The socialists demand my money and the homos demand my agreement and acceptance of their wicked practices as "good". The religion of tolerance is preached by mindless people like you who cannot see the destruction of liberty that you foment. The importation of uncultured (evil ciultured) and primal peoples without assimilation into a moral system has further erroded all European and American life. TOLERANCE! We must tolerate all! This is their cry as the few remaining values to the culture are wiped away. And then such fools blame religion for their woes.
I hold people like YOU responsible for this idiocy. I also hold the timid assholes who pretend to lead the churches, the government offices, the military and schools for allowing the devil to gain control of their institutions. You talk in confused circles pretending to have found wonderful insights. You are an empty cave with no light.
9th March 2014, 07:38 AM
Caesars Messiah? Questions, questions and even more questions!!!
9th March 2014, 11:12 AM
Caesars Messiah? Questions, questions and even more questions!!!
I watched 2 minutes of that crap. You put a blind link on here with no commentary. You direct us to a crapsite of morons who are anti-christian. That was a real waste of 2 minutes.
9th March 2014, 12:18 PM
6103 (
In this sign ( thou shalt conquer (
9th March 2014, 12:26 PM
Caesars Messiah? Questions, questions and even more questions!!!
Fixed it for ya.....
In the past, evidence had been put forward to suggest that the NT gospels are literary accounts containing
mythological accretions. However, Christians have been able to dismiss that evidence on the grounds that underneath it all there 'must' be a Historical Jesus.
"There was no historical Jesus and the Gospels were Roman imitations of Jewish sacred texts created by the Flavian Emperors as ironical 'good news' to deceive the Jews
It is one thing for Christians to use works of literature as their sacred documents. It is quite another for them to continue using what have now been discovered to be deliberate Roman fakes about a non existent Messiah.
9th March 2014, 12:32 PM
hehehe... I see the trap here... but honestly, were you see power, you see lots of manipulation going on. It is interesting though that the foundation of psychoanalysis is the study of archetypes in ALL cultures, but from mainly in the Greek mythology. Modern Psychoanalysis didnt invent anything... some were just clever enough to see how they could use it as a weapon. Not being an apologist here, far to the contrary.
Looks like were are back to the Mystery School again... what is happening today has a trail of 4000 years of track record. To eliminate the problem (freemasonery/zionism) western society will have to fall apart completely. There is no way out. Vatican-Christianity/Torah/Talmud cannot be saved, I am afraid
So you haven't studied ANY modern non-Jewish psyche-manipulators then? If it is a trap you set it yourself...
9th March 2014, 05:42 PM
between sprectum and I, there is an abyss... the connection is BEYOND REPAIR
I wish you the best, pal
ME I am fortunate enough to be interested in all relgions and myths, as they all offer worthy messages. Being compassionate and having empathy should be cultivated, regarless of one's own beliefs.
HIM: Let me rephrase what you just said: I am glad to be blind and ignorant to truth because I can happily lump truth with myths and pretend to know the valuable messages of both. Feeling good is really what matters.
9th March 2014, 05:45 PM
not at all, because 90% of pioneers in psychoanalysis are.... zionists/jews. But the latter didnt invent it... it is all there in the mythologies... Freud didnt invent Oedipus, did he? And I dont think Freud and Co are such a scam in the sense that the use myths against us is obviously working. There is a subtle difference between deception and scam.
The study of Mythological Archetypes in high schools should be mandatory, if it was the case, we would have seen it come.
Guess what? ALL archetypal heroes in myths/movies/comics/books are a deception because they perpetuate the WRONG HERO CLICHE as their motivations are only valuable if they can challenge an absolute nemesis to start with and power is anti-human rights. NONE of those myths (ie: the Thor' movie series) want to achieve peace but confrontation, in that type of tale, heroes are misguided and misguiding, hence deceptive.
So next time, just go for anti-heroes :)
So you haven't studied ANY modern non-Jewish psyche-manipulators then? If it is a trap you set it yourself...
5th August 2014, 12:39 PM
There is a subtle difference between deception and scam.
Jewish Tradition and the Challenge of Darwinism
Darwin’s theory of evolution transformed the life sciences and made profound claims about human origins and the human condition, topics often viewed as the prerogative of religion. As a result, evolution has provoked a wide variety of religious responses, ranging from angry rejection to enthusiastic acceptance. While Christian responses to evolution have been studied extensively, little scholarly attention has been paid to Jewish reactions. Jewish Tradition and the Challenge of Darwinism is the first extended meditation on the Jewish engagement with this crucial and controversial theory.
The contributors to Jewish Tradition and the Challenge of Darwinism—from several academic disciplines and two branches of the rabbinate—present case studies showing how Jewish discussions of evolution have been shaped by the intersections of faith, science, philosophy, and ideology in specific historical contexts. Furthermore, they examine how evolutionary theory has been deployed when characterizing Jews as a race, both by Zionists and by anti-Semites.Jewish Tradition and the Challenge of Darwinism addresses historical and contemporary, as well as progressive and Orthodox, responses to evolution in America, Europe, and Israel, ultimately extending the history of Darwinism into new religious domains.
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