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21st November 2012, 04:37 PM

21st November 2012, 04:53 PM
"Rome needed Christianity" so they invented the NT.... http://www.angelfire.com/wi/famtree/romned.html

21st November 2012, 05:13 PM
The NT is a retelling of Egyptian mythology... http://www.in5d.com/origins-of-christianity.html

21st November 2012, 05:22 PM
The 10 Commandments are also of Egyptian origin, basically a shortened version of scripture #125 found in the "Book of the Dead\Papyrus of Ani." http://www.edward.de.leau.net/the-10-commandments-are-a-copy-from-chapter-125-in-the-egyptian-book-of-the-dead-20070513.html

21st November 2012, 05:39 PM
Thomas Paine "The Age of Reason" Part I http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/thomas_paine/age_of_reason/part1.html

21st November 2012, 06:19 PM
Constantine had a lot on his plate.


He wasn't from the same neck of the woods.

"It was, in the first place, declared improper to follow the custom of the Jews in the celebration of this holy festival, because, their hands having been stained with crime, the minds of these wretched men are necessarily blinded. ... Let us, then, have nothing in common with the Jews, who are our adversaries. ... Let us ... studiously avoiding all contact with that evil way. ... For how can they entertain right views on any point who, after having compassed the death of the Lord, being out of their minds, are guided not by sound reason, but by an unrestrained passion, wherever their innate madness carries them. ... lest your pure minds should appear to share in the customs of a people so utterly depraved. ... Therefore, this irregularity must be corrected, in order that we may no more have any thing in common with those parricides and the murderers of our Lord (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deicide). ... no single point in common with the perjury of the Jews.


21st November 2012, 07:47 PM
I see there is a new proud addition to GSUS- another christian hater who likes to spout lies.

Hmmmm, which sock puppet is this?

21st November 2012, 08:15 PM
Honest question. Is the the same person as this guy?


I think the OP link makes for interesting reading. Only part way through at this time.

So who wrote the NT? Was it the Romans?

21st November 2012, 08:33 PM
I see there is a new proud addition to GSUS- another christian hater who likes to spout lies.

Hmmmm, which sock puppet is this?

Read his posts, he's BarnacleBob from GiM

I'm sure he would be happy to discuss these matters with you.

It might not be "worth" your time but I always learn a lot when reading the debates here.

21st November 2012, 08:37 PM
@Spectrism.... I only seek truth thru knowledge... has nothing to do with hate.... however this appears to be the Xian response to the creation of their belief system.... research indicates that Judaism & Xianity are hybrid-religions spawned from Egyptian & Babylonian systems... created for polarizing political unity. Further esoteric research indicates that ALL religions are based on astro-theological concepts that were transformed into oral traditions by ancient poets that today are known as prophets....

21st November 2012, 09:47 PM
ALL of the hybridized religions hold the concept of SIN over their believers heads.... yet, the followers NEVER question the etymology of the language employed.... SIN for example was the Mesopotamian\Akkadian MOON GOD...the "Father of the Pantheon of Gods." Sin fell out out of favor as the Father of the Gods when Egyptian military power & their Sun God gained prominence..in the area. The SOLAR Gods gained favor, SIN fell from grace and became a despised deity when it was learned that he (Sin, the moon god) was a fraud, a liar & imposter who stole his light from the Sun Gods.... http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sin_(mythology)

21st November 2012, 10:30 PM
Who is LUCIFER as referenced in Isaiah 14:12? "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" He is "Lucifer of Cagliari" a Catholic Bishop whose followers were known as Luciferians... Lucifer challenged ecclesiastical authority by teaching that scripture should be interpreted allegorically, while the Church demanded the interpretations to be read literally.... Lucifer, the fallen,. excommunicated Bishop was placed into the text of Isaiah, replacing Adam Kadmon as the morning star... Lucifer of Cagliari revolt against the Catholic dogma & doctrines resulted in the Church branding him as evil! http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09410b.htm

21st November 2012, 10:46 PM
If anyone wants to know why the Jewish Nation rejects the New Testament, the answer is in the Bible, the book no one reads.
Why go to a "link" provided by some hell-bound, Christ rejector (like many orthodox Jews...hint hint) when you can pick up a Bible (King James, of course) and read for yourself. The answer is "in the book" as the old saying goes.

21st November 2012, 11:02 PM
@Spectrism... please tell me the real reason why Xianity uses the fish symbol? It doesnt represent the Age of Pisces either.... the symbol is rooted in Akkadian & Babylonian culture...

21st November 2012, 11:16 PM
What the hell you want to drag a religion around with you in this day and age and believe what institutions tell you sure beats me.

This is the age of enlightenment which means we become that which is........

It dosnt mean we carry on about ancient text 1000s of years old.....wake up or carry on regardless......

why should anyone accept anything......the new testament ,what happen to the old one or is that out of fashion now .....this sort of stuff is bad for my spiritual continuation...........

22nd November 2012, 12:10 AM
What the hell you want to drag a religion around with you in this day and age and believe what institutions tell you sure beats me.

This is the age of enlightenment which means we become that which is........

It dosnt mean we carry on about ancient text 1000s of years old.....wake up or carry on regardless......

why should anyone accept anything......the new testament ,what happen to the old one or is that out of fashion now .....this sort of stuff is bad for my spiritual continuation...........

The reason is mostly because these are books of law. The recent domninant law in Australia was christian. It comes with some guarantees such as freedom from unlawful pillage plunder and imprisonment.

The current dominant law in australia is a mix of talmudic and freemason/babaloynian/luciferian or what ever you want to call it. It contains none of the safety features against such acts as such as pillage, plunder and imprisonment. We see this because there is no check or balance for their actions. No trial by peers. No habeus corpus. Only accusation, libel and whim.

I see the bible as a book of case law. It includes examples of laws and contracts and the outcomes of those laws and contracts. At least in the OT anyways.

22nd November 2012, 12:11 AM
ALL of the hybridized religions hold the concept of SIN over their believers heads.... yet, the followers NEVER question the etymology of the language employed.... SIN for example was the Mesopotamian\Akkadian MOON GOD...the "Father of the Pantheon of Gods." Sin fell out out of favor as the Father of the Gods when Egyptian military power & their Sun God gained prominence..in the area. The SOLAR Gods gained favor, SIN fell from grace and became a despised deity when it was learned that he (Sin, the moon god) was a fraud, a liar & imposter who stole his light from the Sun Gods.... http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sin_(mythology)

Interesting I was searching on the Sinai Peninsula the other day after the Gaza conflict and found its name might have derived from ancient moon god.

The Sinai Peninsula or Sinai (Arabic: سيناء‎ Sīnāʼ ; Egyptian Arabic: سينا Sīna, ... The name Sinai may have been derived from the ancient moon-god Sin.


sin Dios

22nd November 2012, 12:22 AM
yes the past is always so much more exciting................

22nd November 2012, 01:47 AM
Thomas Paine "The Age of Reason" Part I http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/thomas_paine/age_of_reason/part1.html

Thank you, brings back memories from my adolescent years!

22nd November 2012, 02:04 AM
Highly religious people lack the abilities to think critically as they continually repress this thought process in order to keep believing. It's a catch 22.

22nd November 2012, 04:55 AM
Highly religious people lack the abilities to think critically as they continually repress this thought process in order to keep believing. It's a catch 22.

They only lack that ability when it comes to questions that challenge their belief system. There are many MANY examples here and on other forums.

22nd November 2012, 06:46 AM
@Spectrism... please tell me the real reason why Xianity uses the fish symbol? It doesnt represent the Age of Pisces either.... the symbol is rooted in Akkadian & Babylonian culture...

What is Xianity? You are sourcing liars as your foundational "knowledge" and working hard to smear the Truth. You work for the "anti-humans" which are the demons or fallen angels. The truths of the bible go back before any of these other "earlier myths" and you have the counterfeiting concept backwards. In this spiritual realm, you are trying to teach that gold coins are counterfeits of the real Federal Reserve Notes. You are in darkness.

btw- I am very disappointed in you. I always held you as a more astute thinker.

22nd November 2012, 06:49 AM
What the hell you want to drag a religion around with you in this day and age and believe what institutions tell you sure beats me.

This is the age of enlightenment which means we become that which is........

It dosnt mean we carry on about ancient text 1000s of years old.....wake up or carry on regardless......

why should anyone accept anything......the new testament ,what happen to the old one or is that out of fashion now .....this sort of stuff is bad for my spiritual continuation...........

We are seeing YOUR age of enlightenment in all world governments, bankster cartels, lying news media, mind-destroying schooling systems and every facet of life infiltrated by YOUR acceptable rejection of the God of Creation.

22nd November 2012, 06:57 AM
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." Isaiah 45:7 ... so if this is the infallible word of G-d, so much for your rebellious fallen angels & demon myths...!

22nd November 2012, 07:02 AM
They only lack that ability when it comes to questions that challenge their belief system. There are many MANY examples here and on other forums.

I'm of the belief that it's like a muscle. Use it or lose it concept. Perhaps disagreeing with something is not the same as critically thinking around it, however it appears to be the same.

Then again the brain is well known to physically setup it's own pathways (plasticity) so there could literally be a blank disconnected area in the head like you say.

22nd November 2012, 07:09 AM
Ya might wanna Google & read, "The Secret of Sin and Suffering" by Clara M. Codd .... interesting that you accuse truth of backwardness.... "My people suffer for they lack knowledge." Do you really believe Jonah was swallowed by a whale and lived 3 days in the belly of that whale? Or is the myth symbolic of an initiate being initiated? The initiate is swallowed by the spiritual waters, he lives 3 days w\o food & water, in the darkness, the Whale spews him out on shore... he is now initiated & there is no going back....

22nd November 2012, 07:13 AM
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." Isaiah 45:7 ... so if this is the infallible word of G-d, so much for your rebellious fallen angels & demon myths...!
So god is also satan? Well there is no contradiction with an almighty omnipresent god, at least...

There appears to be many logical contradictions between old and New Testament, maybe they should not be together in one book?

22nd November 2012, 07:15 AM
Ya might wanna Google & read, "The Secret of Sin and Suffering" by Clara M. Codd .... interesting that you accuse truth of backwardness.... "My people suffer for they lack knowledge." Do you really believe Jonah was swallowed by a whale and lived 3 days in the belly of that whale? Or is the myth symbolic of an initiate being initiated? The initiate is swallowed by the spiritual waters, he lives 3 days w\o food & water, in the darkness, the Whale spews him out on shore... he is now initiated & there is no going back....
Initiated to what?

22nd November 2012, 07:39 AM
So god is also satan? Well there is no contradiction with an almighty omnipresent god, at least...

There appears to be many logical contradictions between old and New Testament, maybe they should not be together in one book?

Is it my assumption that it was "created" to be interpreted by clergy only, Or am I thinking "Holy" with my brain?

Its a reference novel, more or less used like a codex in relation to the world of the real.

22nd November 2012, 07:40 AM
Initiated to what?

Initiated into the mysteries & hidden knowledge of the universe... the esoteric mysteries were forced underground as they are NOT compatible with organized Religion & Politics.... "the Temple of G-d is within."

22nd November 2012, 07:41 AM
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." Isaiah 45:7 ... so if this is the infallible word of G-d, so much for your rebellious fallen angels & demon myths...!

Isa 45:7 I formH3335 the light,H216 and createH1254 darkness:H2822 I makeH6213 peace,H7965 and createH1254 evil:H7451 IH589 the LORDH3068 doH6213 allH3605 theseH428things.

The green letters/numbers are called the Strong's Reference numbers. H= hebrew. With the best transcript we have, and it is not bad, we can look up meanings of words. Especially when the context may not be perfectly clear to us. Here, however, we have a very simple context that guides the proper meanings of the words. So... let's look up this word "evil" H7451.

רעה רע
ra‛ râ‛âh
rah, raw-aw'
From H7489; bad or (as noun) evil (naturally or morally). This includes the second (feminine) form; as adjective or noun: - adversity, affliction, bad, calamity, + displease (-ure), distress, evil ([-favouredness], man, thing), + exceedingly, X great, grief (-vous), harm, heavy, hurt (-ful), ill (favoured), + mark, mischief, (-vous), misery, naught (-ty), noisome, + not please, sad (-ly), sore, sorrow, trouble, vex, wicked (-ly, -ness, one), worse (-st) wretchedness, wrong. [Including feminine ra’ah; as adjective or noun.]

We see in the context a contrast between opposites: light /darkness, peace/evil. In our translation, the word "evil" is not exactly a good representation of the opposite of peace. So, to be sure of our meanings, let's look up the meaning of the word translated as "peace"- H7965.

שׁלם שׁלום
shâlôm shâlôm
shaw-lome', shaw-lome'
From H7999; safe, that is, (figuratively) well, happy, friendly; also (abstractly) welfare, that is, health, prosperity, peace: - X do, familiar, X fare, favour, + friend, X greet, (good) health, (X perfect, such as be at) peace (-able, -ably), prosper (-ity, -ous), rest, safe (-ly), salute, welfare, (X all is, be) well, X wholly.

Now we can begin to sort the meanings.

We see here that "peace" refers to welfare, safety, prosperity. It's opposite then, is not exactly "evil" as we know it in today's English, but affliction, calamity, distress. To claim that God created evil- as in corruption or wickedness, is just ignorant. The bible is the infallible word of God- but the translations and our understanding is fallible.

22nd November 2012, 08:01 AM
Strong is a self proclaimed authority the same as Webster... the language is fluid, dynamic & ever changing among the profane... hence the need for esoteric secret teachings whose meanings & interpretations are not perverted for greed, control, etc....

22nd November 2012, 08:10 AM


Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage: "an astute businessman".

22nd November 2012, 08:13 AM
In one breath I'm expected to believe the mono-theistic creator G-d is omni-potent, omni-present, omni-science & INFALLIBLE, perfect in every way.... in the next breath I'm expected to believe he created INFERIOR beings that lack free-will, yet they rebell against their direct creator.... A creator that cannot err...! Extra-ordinary claims require extra-ordinary evidence!

22nd November 2012, 08:22 AM
In one breath I'm expected to believe the mono-theistic creator G-d is omni-potent, omni-present, omni-science & INFALLIBLE, perfect in every way.... in the next breath I'm expected to believe he created INFERIOR beings that lack free-will, yet they rebell against their direct creator.... A creator that cannot err...! Extra-ordinary claims require extra-ordinary evidence!

Its just business Bob, don't take it so personally. lol!

22nd November 2012, 08:22 AM
BB, look at my post #2 here:
If there is such a thing as God and i seriously have my doubts. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?63531-If-there-is-such-a-thing-as-God-and-i-seriously-have-my-doubts)

22nd November 2012, 08:24 AM
"God", or "that which men have called God" creates and sustains all.

God is the One without a second. He is the circle whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.

For atheist-types, to them I'll say that God is Absolute Reality; what you would see if you were to zoom out of the entire Cosmos.

This is real shit. God is the realist Thing there is! It's the only Thing there IS!

This post has been in vain because God is beyond all labels, descriptions, qualities and is completely ineffable... which itself is not even close to touching the nature of God because God is beyond even the word "ineffable"!

As a side note, I am pleased to have some "backup" when discussing the Mystery Schools and their esoteric teachings.... in the past I am typically figuratively crucified by Magnes.

22nd November 2012, 08:29 AM
This is funny. Barnkle, you're hitting all the classic atheist jew mason buttons. "Xian?"... haha. Total jew slang. "the profane?"... That's rich. Nobody but a Freemason uses that term. hahaha...

22nd November 2012, 08:50 AM
In one breath I'm expected to believe the mono-theistic creator G-d is omni-potent, omni-present, omni-science & INFALLIBLE, perfect in every way.... in the next breath I'm expected to believe he created INFERIOR beings that lack free-will, yet they rebell against their direct creator.... A creator that cannot err...! Extra-ordinary claims require extra-ordinary evidence!

You are NOT expected to believe anything. That is entirely up to you! Please don't create straw arguments like that. It really makes you look silly.

mono-theistic creator G-d is omni-potent, omni-present, omni-science & INFALLIBLE, perfect in every way.... in the next breath I'm expected to believe he created INFERIOR beings that lack free-will, yet they rebell against their direct creator.... A creator that cannot err...!

A sovereign God by definition could/would only create "INFERIOR beings". Nobody said they lack free will.... at least I did not. You exhibit your free will in all the erroneous things you CHOOSE to write.

As I said, you believe what you want and you play all the mind games you want. But when you publish lies as if they are truth, don't mind if I call your BS bluff on them.

D sciple
22nd November 2012, 08:56 AM
The Jews can't accept the New Testament...or old more importantly, because they're imposters (Rev 2:9) (see British Israelism). I mean...why would they want to divide the land into farm lots (Num 33:54) when they're making so much money enslaving (employing) everyone?

Interesting article though OP, some interesting things to consider.

Matt. 5:17 "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill (to do, accomplish)."

22nd November 2012, 09:02 AM
This post has been in vain because God is beyond all labels, descriptions, qualities and is completely ineffable... which itself is not even close to touching the nature of God because God is beyond even the word "ineffable"!


22nd November 2012, 09:09 AM

i think you mean "un-fuck-with-able"??

22nd November 2012, 09:14 AM
i think you mean "un-fuck-with-able"??
That's not what Berlusconi said about his higher powers! ;)

22nd November 2012, 09:35 AM
My point in this exercise is that SIN means G-d made an imperfect being according to scripture - Since there is Sin\Evil, yin-yang, Sin\Evil must serve a HIGHER PURPOSE than the Religions & their churches teach.... IOW there are false teachings & false interpretations... And NO, but hell no I'm not a Mason nor am I hebrew\jew or a Kabbalist.... I study esoteric allegory & symbolism... it has taught me that the Revealer can only mirror what is inside.... my Revelation, as yours will be much different than Johns Revelation..... that Revelation was for John, no one else....

22nd November 2012, 09:47 AM
This is funny. Barnkle, you're hitting all the classic atheist jew mason buttons. "Xian?"... haha. Total jew slang. "the profane?"... That's rich. Nobody but a Freemason uses that term. hahaha...

The original labarum, designed under the emperor's direction on the day subsequent to the appearance of the "cross of light", is described by Eusebius (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05617b.htm) (Vita Constant., I:26) as "a long spear, overlaid with gold", which with a transverse bar formed the figure of a cross. "On the top of the whole was fixed a wreath of gold and precious stones, and within this the symbol of the Saviour's name (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07421a.htm), two letters indicating the name of Christ by means of the initial letters, the letter X intersection P at the centre." These two letters formed what is known as the monogram of Constantine, so called — not because it was the invention of this emperor, for it had been a familiar Christian (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03712a.htm) symbol prior to his conversion (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04347a.htm) — but because of the great popularity it enjoyed from the date (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04636c.htm) of its appearance on the imperial standards. From the cross-bar of the spear, was suspended a purple banner with the Greek inscription TOUTO NIKA — i.e. conquer by this (sign), usually rendered in Latin "In hoc signo vinces" (in this sign thou shalt conquer). This banner, square in form, covered with a rich embroidery (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05400a.htm) of precious stones, and "being also richly interlaced with gold, presented an indescribable degree of beauty to the beholder". The part of the staff immediately above the embroidered (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05400a.htm) banner was adorned with medallions of the emperor and his children. Fifty soldiers of the imperial guard, distinguished for bravery (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06147a.htm) and piety (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12748a.htm), were entrusted with the care and defense of the new sacred standard (Vita Constant., II:8). Standards, similar to the original labarum in its essential features were supplied to all the legions, and the monogram was also engraved on the soldiers' shields. An idea (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07630a.htm) of some of the deviations in form of the standards furnished to different divisions of the army may be obtained from several coins (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11152a.htm) of Constantine's (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04295a.htm) reign still preserved. On one coin, for instance, the portrait of the emperor and his sons are represented on the banner instead of on the staff; on a second the banner is inscribed with the monogram and surmounted by the equal-armed cross, while the royal portraits, though on the shaft, are below instead of above the banner. In form, the labarum of Constantine was an adaptation of the already existing cavalry standard of the Roman army; the pagan (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11388a.htm) emblems were merely replaced by Christian (http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03712a.htm) symbols. The term labarum, which is of uncertain derivation, was probably familiar in the Roman army from the reign of Hadrian.




22nd November 2012, 09:48 AM
"God", or "that which men have called God" creates and sustains all.

God is the One without a second. He is the circle whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere.

For atheist-types, to them I'll say that God is Absolute Reality; what you would see if you were to zoom out of the entire Cosmos.

This is real shit. God is the realist Thing there is! It's the only Thing there IS!

This post has been in vain because God is beyond all labels, descriptions, qualities and is completely ineffable... which itself is not even close to touching the nature of God because God is beyond even the word "ineffable"!

As a side note, I am pleased to have some "backup" when discussing the Mystery Schools and their esoteric teachings.... in the past I am typically figuratively crucified by Magnes.

I agree, Gonz. I'm not averse to looking at esoteric teachings either, and I don't think it should ever be condemned, but....

Going out of ones way to attempt to destroy other people's Faith has nothing to do with truth at all.

Personally, I don't give one damn about Christianity as an organized religion, and agree that for the most part it IS the creation of the lords of the world. The Devils Brood.

But for those who know Christ, simply know... there is no longer the obsessive compulsive need to pursue the esoteric "knowledge" of good and evil. Or to pursue power over others for that matter, which I believe is what the hubbub of the "occult" is really all about.

That always leads to our fall away from the state of being in God's grace. You want Occult knowledge, join the CIA, or create WMD's from a bunker in VA.

Pursue the Occult, or the Mysteries at your own risk. "Power corrupts." Oh, yes, it surely does.

As I understand it, "Christ" is not a "Man God" or "Sun God" or "Moon God" at all, but is simply the state of being in God's grace. It's a gift for us to accept or reject. With Christ, we no longer feel the incessant gnawing need to "control" every stinking molecule in nature. Salvation from our fears of death. Not only in the afterlife, but here, NOW.

No small matter, and it denotes just how few actually are in a state of Christianity.

Wisdom comes from accepting God's grace, not obsessively and endlessly parsing the difference between good and evil. That always leads to disease and war and spiritual death.

22nd November 2012, 10:04 AM
Wisdom comes from accepting God's grace, not obsessively and endlessly parsing the difference between good and evil. That always leads to disease and war and spiritual death.

All hail Santa, now with good and evil out of the way,

we can get back to our Monday morning usury pursuit of our fellow man thru non-ferrous metals.

22nd November 2012, 10:04 AM
I agree, Gonz. I'm not averse to looking at esoteric teachings either, and I don't think it should ever be condemned, but....

Going out of ones way to attempt to destroy other people's Faith has nothing to do with truth at all.

Personally, I don't give one damn about Christianity as an organized religion, and agree that for the most part it IS the creation of the lords of the world. The Devils Brood.

But for those who know Christ, simply know... there is no longer the obsessive compulsive need to pursue the esoteric "knowledge" of good and evil. Or to pursue power over others for that matter, which I believe is what the hubbub of the "occult" is really all about.

That always leads to our fall away from the state of being in God's of grace. You want Occult knowledge, join the CIA, or create WMD's from a bunker in VA.

Pursue the Occult, or the Mysteries at your own risk. "Power corrupts." Oh, yes, it surely does.

As I understand it, "Christ" is not a "Man God" or "Sun God" or "Moon God" at all, but is simply the state of being in God's grace. It's a gift for us to accept or reject. With Christ, we no longer feel the incessant gnawing need to "control" every stinking molecule in nature. Salvation from our fears of death. Not only in the afterlife, but here, NOW.

No small matter, and it denotes just how few actually are in a state of Christianity.

Wisdom comes from accepting God's grace, not obsessively and endlessly parsing the difference between good and evil. That always leads to disease and war and spiritual death.

While I am not disagreeing with your post, I will add that the ultimate goal of a true, noble student of "occult teachings" is Self-Realization. This is not an ego thing... Self-Realization is much greater than that. For a shortcut, one can eat a few handfuls of psilocybe mushrooms to understand this firsthand.

Indian yogis would often hear their students exclaim that they (the student) had suddenly realized powers and gifts that they had not had before. The teacher would reply "yes, but don't use them."

There are many roads and paths to the same end. Some are shorter, some are more trying and arduous.

All roads lead to God.

As it says in the Bhagavad Gita: "The Journey of the Self, through the Self, to the Self."

22nd November 2012, 10:45 AM
We are seeing YOUR age of enlightenment in all world governments, bankster cartels, lying news media, mind-destroying schooling systems and every facet of life infiltrated by YOUR acceptable rejection of the God of Creation.

Its not my age of anything

Its up to individual people

My rejection of the god of creation ,where did I say that.

These institutions are crumbling.

22nd November 2012, 11:06 AM
These institutions are crumbling.

Where are you getting your numbers?

I'm getting pretty good growth correlation between church & state.


22nd November 2012, 11:37 AM
Where are you getting your numbers?

I'm getting pretty good growth correlation between church & state.


Out of my head .........did you say Boston ,could be a turning point...hahaha

Banks are cracking up at least.

Most institutions are having a hard time validating there very assistance

If people want to believe an institution can take them to the godhead,god realization,or the Christ consciousness or the cosmic consciousness then good luck on that one but from my observations its a personal thing entirely,your relationship to the creator ,ect.

This is a bit like cutting out the middle man ....you get a better deal...hahahah

22nd November 2012, 11:55 AM
My point in this exercise is that SIN means G-d made an imperfect being according to scripture - Since there is Sin\Evil, yin-yang, Sin\Evil must serve a HIGHER PURPOSE than the Religions & their churches teach.... IOW there are false teachings & false interpretations... And NO, but hell no I'm not a Mason nor am I hebrew\jew or a Kabbalist.... I study esoteric allegory & symbolism... it has taught me that the Revealer can only mirror what is inside.... my Revelation, as yours will be much different than Johns Revelation..... that Revelation was for John, no one else....

Your point shows that you have not thought the concept through very well and you failed to really look at the simple logic.

God created everything good. It was without fault. He happened to create beings that were more than robots. He made man in His image and He made man with the ability to accept or reject His love. The unfortunate part of that choice is its election not only served as proof of its existence but it also condemned man away from the perfect God.

22nd November 2012, 01:18 PM
You are NOT expected to believe anything. That is entirely up to you! Please don't create straw arguments like that. It really makes you look silly.

A sovereign God by definition could/would only create "INFERIOR beings". Nobody said they lack free will.... at least I did not. You exhibit your free will in all the erroneous things you CHOOSE to write.

As I said, you believe what you want and you play all the mind games you want. But when you publish lies as if they are truth, don't mind if I call your BS bluff on them.

"Do what I say or suffer the worst suffering your mind can imagine for eternity" is not a choice.

How did anyone get the idea this kind of ultimatum resembles anything close to being a choice?

It's akin to demanding cooperation at gunpoint, only worse.

22nd November 2012, 05:35 PM
It's akin to demanding cooperation at gunpoint, only worse.

Is the reason for missionaries, before Europeans made it to the west with the word of God,

those Indians that passed are still wandering around until this day in torment...

also its pre-requisite that much fence must be laid before the word is even available to you.


22nd November 2012, 07:56 PM
"Do what I say or suffer the worst suffering your mind can imagine for eternity" is not a choice.

How did anyone get the idea this kind of ultimatum resembles anything close to being a choice?

It's akin to demanding cooperation at gunpoint, only worse.

Haven't we had this discussion before?

Your mind is polluted by the lies of the devil and you willing choose them.

God did not want anyone to suffer eternity or at all. That is why He gave the stern warning. Choices have consequences. You want to hate God and still demand blessings from Him. News for you- you ain't God.

Not only did God give man the warning but He provided an escape for all who would have it. And here you sit blaming God for your bad choices. You have been given all you need yet you still reject the Creator. What is your glorious excuse? Stupidity? Self-willed stupidity?

22nd November 2012, 08:35 PM
what happen to the old one or is that out of fashion now

It's better, Jesus Christ fulfilled the law of the old, if you reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah (like the nation of Israel did, Acts 7) you will naturally reject his testament.

Hebrews 7:22 By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament.

22nd November 2012, 09:35 PM
Haven't we had this discussion before?

Your mind is polluted by the lies of the devil and you willing choose them.

God did not want anyone to suffer eternity or at all. That is why He gave the stern warning. Choices have consequences. You want to hate God and still demand blessings from Him. News for you- you ain't God.

Not only did God give man the warning but He provided an escape for all who would have it. And here you sit blaming God for your bad choices. You have been given all you need yet you still reject the Creator. What is your glorious excuse? Stupidity? Self-willed stupidity?

Explain the option of choice provided again?

People must obey the "word" or suffer the worst fate imaginable.

Because you think it's so does not change the reality that there is no actual choice involved in the matter.

Instead of just not being allowed into "heaven", and simply fade into nothingness, you are punished severely. Punished out of spite, and vengeance. Nice role model lesson to teach people on how to behave from the perfect one.

Hell is a demented reality made up by a sick person (human being) in order to control people through their ultimate fears.

In real world terms, instead of not being allowed into an establishment, and leave it at that, the bouncer follows you home, and tortures you endlessly.

Yeah that sounds like a great establishment with truly loving, and most perfect owners.

Real role model type stuff there for sure.

Aside from all this, the real irony is the guy knows who is going where in advance but creates you anyway. It's literally insane.

23rd November 2012, 01:33 AM
Are both books a complete representation of the Testaments themselves? Don't at least one of these books lack all of the material discovered, written and compiled on the subject?

I'm pretty confident there's lots of information that's not published. That makes if hard to form a strong assessment of the material. If you can't access it you can't know it. I think that leaves us in a situation of limited ignorance. Obviously that's why we have these discussions because we don't have all the puzzle pieces but some of us don't even recognise that some of the pieces are missing.

23rd November 2012, 02:38 AM
The NT is a retelling of Egyptian mythology... http://www.in5d.com/origins-of-christianity.html

The 10 Commandments are also of Egyptian origin, basically a shortened version of scripture #125 found in the "Book of the Dead\Papyrus of Ani." http://www.edward.de.leau.net/the-10-commandments-are-a-copy-from-chapter-125-in-the-egyptian-book-of-the-dead-20070513.html

I think the fact that we see the same pattern over and over again reinforces the truth of the idea, rather than diminishes it.

It's a lot like physics for example. In physics, there are lots and lots of different theories to explain the same phenomena. Over the last several hundred years, there have been dozens of theories which yield similar answers, but actually have inconsistencies.

Just because a lot of these theories appear to be copies of previous wrong theories, but tweaked a little, doesn't therefore mean that the theories are wrong or useless.

Furthermore, there are always phenomena that the mainstream scientific theory can't explain. Other non-mainstream theories can however explain that phenomena, but can't explain other phenomena that the mainstream one can. That means that there is no theory that is completely correct. But do we get hung up on these areas and therefore reject all mathematically-based physical theories? (math itself, the foundation, has been shown to be incomplete or inconsistent)

No. Instead we say that, yes, all the current theories are wrong, but there is an abstract thing which they are imperfectly trying to describe that is real. Just because a pseudo-scientist may come along and make incoherent arguments has no bearing on the larger picture. It's a fallacy to reject all of science because someone argues on behalf of it who is wrong.

Furthermore, it ultimately doesn't matter what the consensus is. If you and a large group of others all agree that a branch of science doesn't exist, you do nothing but isolate yourself. People might not necessarily put the effort into going out of their way to spoon-feed you in a way that gives you their viewpoint. Sometimes the physics professor is busy conducting research, and you are lucky if you can get some one-on-one tutoring from his grad student. You have to pay a lot of money to attend his classes, and you have to pass all the prereqs to even register for the class, no matter how much money you have.

Finally, it doesn't even matter. People lived their lives before physics was developed, and people can live their lives the same way no matter what the current theory is. If the subject doesn't appeal to you, except for telling others they're wrong, just ignore it. But if you choose to ignore it, don't go around arguing that the world is (or isn't) flat. Just accept that it's an area that you choose not to deeply research and you really don't know what the answer is (which actually doesn't put you that far behind everyone else...maybe even ahead of them). On the other hand, asserting something is a lot different than pointing out things that are wrong. You don't have to know what is correct to shoot down things that are incorrect. And I guess that's what I'm doing in my post here...not saying I know all the answers, but rather saying that this previous record of myths doesn't necessarily disprove everything.

That said, discussion threads like these are great, I'm not trying to criticize anyone, just adding another viewpoint. Unlike physics, in esoteric science the researcher is the subject of his own investigation, so you can't simply externalize it as 'some theory'. The same language could potentially have different meanings for different people, and they think they disagree when they actually don't. You really can't simply naively apply the scientific method to this type of research. Other methods are required.

23rd November 2012, 08:18 AM
The 10 Commandments are also of Egyptian origin, basically a shortened version of scripture #125 found in the "Book of the Dead\Papyrus of Ani." http://www.edward.de.leau.net/the-10-commandments-are-a-copy-from-chapter-125-in-the-egyptian-book-of-the-dead-20070513.html

There is a much greater in-depth meaning to the 10 commandments than meets the ordinary eye...

23rd November 2012, 08:24 AM
The 10 commandments express the attributes of the Supreme Being.... in Ancient thought G-d spoke 10 utterances to create the universe, these 10 utterances are the emananations of G-ds attributes as contained & written in the Tree of Life....

23rd November 2012, 08:27 AM
Needless to say, the current version of the 10 commandments are certainly wanting as an expression of the real attributes of the Supreme G-d head......

23rd November 2012, 08:35 AM
Are there other religions that do not write the word God?

Writing the Name of God
Jews do not casually write any Name of God. This practice does not come from the commandment not to take the Lord's Name in vain, as many suppose. In Jewish thought, that commandment refers solely to oath-taking, and is a prohibition against swearing by God's Name falsely or frivolously (the word normally translated as "in vain" literally means "for falsehood").

Judaism does not prohibit writing the Name of God per se; it prohibits only erasing or defacing a Name of God. However, observant Jews avoid writing any Name of God casually because of the risk that the written Name might later be defaced, obliterated or destroyed accidentally or by one who does not know better.

The commandment not to erase or deface the name of God comes from Deut. 12:3. In that passage, the people are commanded that when they take over the promised land, they should destroy all things related to the idolatrous religions of that region, and should utterly destroy the names of the local deities. Immediately afterwards, we are commanded not to do the same to our God. From this, the rabbis inferred that we are commanded not to destroy any holy thing, and not to erase or deface a Name of God.

It is worth noting that this prohibition against erasing or defacing Names of God applies only to Names that are written in some kind of permanent form. Orthodox rabbis have held that writing on a computer is not a permanent form, thus it is not a violation to type God's Name into a computer and then backspace over it or cut and paste it, or copy and delete files with God's Name in them. However, once you print the document out, it becomes a permanent form. That is why observant Jews avoid writing a Name of God online: because there is a risk that someone else will print it out and deface it. See a 1998 discussion of the issue at The Sanctity of God's Name, Part 1: Erasing Sacred Texts from a Computer Screen if you're interested, but be aware that the lengthy article is thick with technical religious jargon, not always explained.

Normally, we avoid writing the Name by substituting letters or syllables, for example, writing "G-d" instead of "God." In addition, the number 15, which would ordinarily be written in Hebrew as Yod-Hei (10-5), is normally written as Teit-Vav (9-6), because Yod-Hei is a Name. See Hebrew Alphabet for more information about using letters as numerals.

Judaism 101

23rd November 2012, 08:36 AM
Just because a lot of these theories appear to be copies of previous wrong theories, but tweaked a little, doesn't therefore mean that the theories are wrong or useless.

When it comes to pasting over fear of the unknown, which is all they're trying to do.

I'd say they're useless.

23rd November 2012, 08:37 AM
Needless to say, the current version of the 10 commandments are certainly wanting as an expression of the real attributes of the Supreme G-d head......

The Tree of life expresses G-ds attributes as Crown, Wisdom, Understanding, Mercy, Strength, Beauty, Victory, Splendor, Foundation, & Kingdom.

23rd November 2012, 08:47 AM
When it comes to pasting over fear of the unknown, which is all they're trying to do.

I'd say they're useless.

Isnt it interesting how investigation is transformed into a defensive position when the religions of SUBMISSION are analyized? "The FEARFUL have FAITH in DEATH; the BRAVE have FAITH in LIFE!"

23rd November 2012, 08:56 AM
If the jews cannot accept the new testament, then you are a jew- or at least as bad as such jews.

Explain the option of choice provided again?
People must obey the "word" or suffer the worst fate imaginable.
Because you think it's so does not change the reality that there is no actual choice involved in the matter.
Instead of just not being allowed into "heaven", and simply fade into nothingness, you are punished severely. Punished out of spite, and vengeance. Nice role model lesson to teach people on how to behave from the perfect one.

You are standing next to a busy highway. You are told not to cross that highway because you will die. You stomp your feet and mock the warning and the one giving it to you. "Some choice!" you say. "Just because I might want to play on the highway, I get punished out of spite and vengeance." Well, you sure have not grown up since you were 4 years old.

Hell is a demented reality made up by a sick person (human being) in order to control people through their ultimate fears.
In real world terms, instead of not being allowed into an establishment, and leave it at that, the bouncer follows you home, and tortures you endlessly.

No. Your lack of understanding is what is demented. You are the type that would stab an ambulance worker with a knife while you are dying and the emergency tech was working to save your life. You would bite the hand that feeds you because that was the only source of food offered to you. You would insult the man who took you off the street to give you a warm shelter. You would not be comfortable in the presence of God so hell would be a happier choice for you.

Yeah that sounds like a great establishment with truly loving, and most perfect owners.

Real role model type stuff there for sure.

Aside from all this, the real irony is the guy knows who is going where in advance but creates you anyway. It's literally insane.

Do you have any idea how demented you sound?

23rd November 2012, 09:02 AM
Needless to say, the current version of the 10 commandments are certainly wanting as an expression of the real attributes of the Supreme G-d head......

You must be a jew. What is "G-d"? The feigned reverence for God is ridiculous. You insult Him and His only begotten Son and think you do well to leave an O out of this little title?

Since when were the 10 commandments supposed to portray all the attributes of God? What manner of nonsense are you dredging this concept from?

23rd November 2012, 09:03 AM
Isnt it interesting how investigation is transformed into a defensive position when the religions of SUBMISSION are analyized? "The FEARFUL have FAITH in DEATH; the BRAVE have FAITH in LIFE!"

Who is Esus, Hesus or just add a J??? http://www.celtnet.org.uk/gods_e/esus.html

23rd November 2012, 09:25 AM
You must be a jew. What is "G-d"? The feigned reverence for God is ridiculous. You insult Him and His only begotten Son and think you do well to leave an O out of this little title?

Since when were the 10 commandments supposed to portray all the attributes of God? What manner of nonsense are you dredging this concept from?

I have already stated my position as an esoteric Gnostic.... attack away bro, seems you would again "hang him on a tree" AGAIN for revealing truths that dont agree with the Pharisees or Popes teachings....

23rd November 2012, 09:25 AM
Isnt it interesting how investigation is transformed into a defensive position when the religions of SUBMISSION are analyized? "The FEARFUL have FAITH in DEATH; the BRAVE have FAITH in LIFE!"

One thing is for certain with history as a testament,

Many popularized and repetitively wrong versions of how to live life righteously have lead to early graves of the beholden.

23rd November 2012, 09:33 AM
If the jews cannot accept the new testament, then you are a jew- or at least as bad as such jews.

You are standing next to a busy highway. You are told not to cross that highway because you will die. You stomp your feet and mock the warning and the one giving it to you. "Some choice!" you say. "Just because I might want to play on the highway, I get punished out of spite and vengeance." Well, you sure have not grown up since you were 4 years old.

No. Your lack of understanding is what is demented. You are the type that would stab an ambulance worker with a knife while you are dying and the emergency tech was working to save your life. You would bite the hand that feeds you because that was the only source of food offered to you. You would insult the man who took you off the street to give you a warm shelter. You would not be comfortable in the presence of God so hell would be a happier choice for you.

Do you have any idea how demented you sound?

Those are ridiculous analogies. Still does not change the fact that a cruel person is one who punishes out of spite. Do this or I will make you suffer the worst fate imaginable. Welcome to my perfect creation.


23rd November 2012, 09:43 AM
Research of a Vatican insider.... http://maurobiglino.com/research.php

23rd November 2012, 09:46 AM
Those are ridiculous analogies. Still does not change the fact that a cruel person is one who punishes out of spite. Do this or I will make you suffer the worst fate imaginable. Welcome to my perfect creation.


Who is punishing out of spite???

It seems you have no logic for righteous judgment. You would condone the savages playing the knockout game or the thief stealing so he can buy drugs. You think child pornography is fine and care nothing for murdered babies. For you, there should be no judgment because YOU think it is cruel.

I think YOUR ideas are cruel. I would not have a pedaphile living with my children. I would not feed the ghetto scum so they can breed more. I would protect the good and cherish the worthy. I would not taint their existence with evil.

A perfect God who never changes and demands righteousness is the ideal father. And because he is merciful, He provided a way for those willing to become righteous even though they were evil. You slander a good and merciful God and you refuse to see what is plainly before you. You love evil and darkness. There is no truth in you. Yes- it will be a horrible existence for such as you. So long as you hold evil, vengeance, pride and greed as your gods, you will never see the truth. But because time has been encapsulated, we will soon see this age come to a close.

23rd November 2012, 09:56 AM
Research of a Vatican insider.... http://maurobiglino.com/research.php

How intriguing that Joshua in scriptures has EXACTLY the same Hebrew name as the Messiah... the Greek translation is IESOUS... BUT the letter "J" was not invented until around 1478-1550, and the letter was not in use in the English language until around 1634.... this begs the question: What & who does this name Jesus really represent?

23rd November 2012, 09:57 AM
Who is punishing out of spite???

It seems you have no logic for righteous judgment. You would condone the savages playing the knockout game or the thief stealing so he can buy drugs. You think child pornography is fine and care nothing for murdered babies. For you, there should be no judgment because YOU think it is cruel.

I think YOUR ideas are cruel. I would not have a pedaphile living with my children. I would not feed the ghetto scum so they can breed more. I would protect the good and cherish the worthy. I would not taint their existence with evil.

A perfect God who never changes and demands righteousness is the ideal father. And because he is merciful, He provided a way for those willing to become righteous even though they were evil. You slander a good and merciful God and you refuse to see what is plainly before you. You love evil and darkness. There is no truth in you. Yes- it will be a horrible existence for such as you. So long as you hold evil, vengeance, pride and greed as your gods, you will never see the truth. But because time has been encapsulated, we will soon see this age come to a close.

And if those crimes are never commited....it's still off to hell. What's the point you are trying to make?

Every religion thinks they are the right one. Well, someone is wrong that much is certain.

23rd November 2012, 10:07 AM
And if those crimes are never commited....it's still off to hell. What's the point you are trying to make?
Every religion thinks they are the right one. Well, someone is wrong that much is certain.

Let's be honest, ok? You KNOW you have sinned against God. Let's not be coy and play that game.

23rd November 2012, 10:13 AM
Let's be honest, ok? You KNOW you have sinned against God. Let's not be coy and play that game.

I live a clean life and harm no one. Yet according to the ultimatum, I will be punished severely for not taking some magic oath.

Hmmm... Something does not seem right there.

23rd November 2012, 10:14 AM
Let's be honest, ok? You KNOW you have sinned against God. Let's not be coy and play that game.

LMAO.... "To treat your facts with imagination is one thing, but to imagine your facts is another" -- John Burroughs

23rd November 2012, 10:19 AM
Needless to say, the current version of the 10 commandments are certainly wanting as an expression of the real attributes of the Supreme G-d head......

I find it very revealing that the most important of the 10 are listed after the first 4.

23rd November 2012, 10:22 AM
I live a clean life and harm no one. Yet according to the ultimatum, I will be punished severely for not taking some magic oath.

Hmmm... Some thing does not seem right there.

Clean life? You deceive yourself. I KNOW your words are not true. Anyone who thinks they are "good" either has a very sloppy definition for the word or loves to live in delusion.

LMAO.... "To treat your facts with imagination is one thing, but to imagine your facts is another" -- John Burroughs

There are none so deceived as those you think they are not. Once aware of the deception, the shackles fall off and the truth has set you free. -- Spectrism

23rd November 2012, 10:24 AM
I would not feed the ghetto scum so they can breed more.

And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,


23rd November 2012, 10:25 AM
How intriguing that Joshua in scriptures has EXACTLY the same Hebrew name as the Messiah... the Greek translation is IESOUS... BUT the letter "J" was not invented until around 1478-1550, and the letter was not in use in the English language until around 1634.... this begs the question: What & who does this name Jesus really represent?

"If they will lie about the name of the one we serve, then they will lie about anything" Acts 4:12, Mal 3:16

23rd November 2012, 10:27 AM
Still does not change the fact that no matter how nice someone is, if they don't take the oath, or they are of the wrong faith, they are punished severely.

You can try to twist words but it does not change the facts of the matter. No oath, or the wrong oath, and the hammer of doom awaits.

If that isn't the definition of spite...not to mention jealousy. Two very flawed emotions for a supposedly perfect entity.

23rd November 2012, 10:31 AM
"If they will lie about the name of the one we serve, then they will lie about anything" Acts 4:12, Mal 3:16

Yahusha means "Yah is our deliverer" in Hebrew. Jesus seems to convey "Hail Zeus" in Greek, and "the horse" in Hebrew (he-soos)...

23rd November 2012, 10:59 AM
@Spectrism... you accuse me of being a Jew.. did it ever occur to YOU that I may be attempting to gain knowledge and wisdom about the greatest of my economic competitors?

23rd November 2012, 11:10 AM
@Spectrism... you accuse me of being a Jew.. did it ever occur to YOU that I may be attempting to gain knowledge and wisdom about the greatest of my economic competitors?

This quote must be included in the old jew testament somewhere.


23rd November 2012, 11:42 AM
Strange it appears to this esoteric Gnostic that a follower of Judeo-Xianity would accuse & accurse Moi of being a Jew.. It is not I whom adopted a hybrid religion based upon Judaism... Xianity is hybrid mix of Judaism & the Roman Pantheon...

23rd November 2012, 12:01 PM
People are ignorant of HIS-story. Wherever Rome went, their G-ds followed... Sol Invictus ruled over 12 Olympian G-ds... is it just a coincidence the J-esus had 12 disciples? This is Rome blending its beliefs with the occupied territory!

23rd November 2012, 12:42 PM
News for you- you ain't God.

Dont want to be nic picky here Spectrism but if God created everything and is everything and is in everything then how come poor ol joboo misses out.......

Become the supreme being which is the godhead which is located within ourselves............

unless people want to create separation between ourselves and the creator.......

what religion has been attempting to do for eons.

23rd November 2012, 12:46 PM
Clean life? You deceive yourself. I KNOW your words are not true. Anyone who thinks they are "good" either has a very sloppy definition for the word or loves to live in delusion.

There are none so deceived as those you think they are not. Once aware of the deception, the shackles fall off and the truth has set you free. -- Spectrism

What is wrong with accepting ourselves totally with all the filth ,good parts and bad parts accept ourselves totally for what we are right now ,this minute.

23rd November 2012, 01:15 PM
Dont want to be nic picky here Spectrism but if God created everything and is everything and is in everything then how come poor ol joboo misses out.......

Become the supreme being which is the godhead which is located within ourselves............

unless people want to create separation between ourselves and the creator.......

what religion has been attempting to do for eons.

I'll take a stab.

Because the first 4 commandments prove that "god" is a very, very jealous god, and if I don't take his special oath of allegiance he will make me suffer for it.

Even if I spend my entire life helping other people tirelessly, and doing good deeds all day long, I will still get spited from above. Heck I could even be the most appreciated person in my community.

Kinda sucks to be a nice person who gets tortured for eternity because I didn't pass the test of allegiance to "insert brand x" religion.

.....all those other religions are also doomed despite all the good deeds they do as well. Bummer.

Mmm...pass the critical thinking logic circuits. Extra gravy pls.


23rd November 2012, 01:19 PM
There is an old saying,,,,,the answer lies within,,,,,as opposed to with out or outside of ourselves ie religion

23rd November 2012, 01:44 PM
@Spectrism... please tell me the real reason why Xianity uses the fish symbol? It doesnt represent the Age of Pisces either.... the symbol is rooted in Akkadian & Babylonian culture...

So far you havent answered one ? with empirical facts! Only propagandized canned accusations... The FISH SYMBOL is derived from the DAGON Religion... when the bible says the metaphorical Jesus was a fisher of men it symbolically means he was modeled after an initiate of the Dagon cult same as the Catholic Church exhibiting their fish miters... http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/4849-dagon

23rd November 2012, 01:51 PM

23rd November 2012, 01:56 PM
What is wrong with accepting ourselves totally with all the filth ,good parts and bad parts accept ourselves totally for what we are right now ,this minute.

I think you missed the part about God and His kingdom being righteous, holy (set-apart), true, perfect, without fault, under the authority of God and in agreement with the Almighty.

Are you that?

I'll take a stab.

Because the first 4 commandments prove that "god" is a very, very jealous god, and if I don't take his special oath of allegiance he will make me suffer for it.

Even if I spend my entire life helping other people tirelessly, and doing good deeds all day long, I will still get spited from above. Heck I could even be the most appreciated person in my community.

Kinda sucks to be a nice person who gets tortured for eternity because I didn't pass the test of allegiance to "insert brand x" religion.

.....all those other religions are also doomed despite all the good deeds they do as well. Bummer.

Mmm...pass the critical thinking logic circuits. Extra gravy pls.


Let's see..... you have sworn an oath of allegiance to the devil yet you refuse to bow to the righteous Judge and Creator. Something does not add up in your silly collection of lies. God has NEVER called for an allegiance a brand of religion. You lie.

You claim to do good deeds all day long (at least hypothetically). I say BS. Your words are satanic. You seek to elevate yourself above God. Your superiority does not exceed the bounds of your own skull.

23rd November 2012, 01:57 PM
This is starting to get very fishy..........

23rd November 2012, 02:05 PM
This is starting to get very fishy..........

Apparently you haven't met any jewish evangelicals, yet.


A campaign advertisement from the Costa Rican 2010 Presidential election, that roughly translates to "The lesser evil is the best" or maybe, "I'm not as bad as everyone else". At least he's honest.

The political advertisement for Luis Fishman, candidate for President of the Republic (Costa Rica) by the Social Christian Unity Party (PUSC).

23rd November 2012, 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by BarnkleBob http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=590557#post590557) @Spectrism... please tell me the real reason why Xianity uses the fish symbol? It doesnt represent the Age of Pisces either.... the symbol is rooted in Akkadian & Babylonian culture...

So far you havent answered one ? with empirical facts! Only propagandized canned accusations... The FISH SYMBOL is derived from the DAGON Religion... when the bible says the metaphorical Jesus was a fisher of men it symbolically means he was modeled after an initiate of the Dagon cult same as the Catholic Church exhibiting their fish miters... http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/4849-dagon

Hell!! That was a serious question?? LOL... you are really disappointing me.

No- it was not from Dagon. Your sources of lies are pretty shallow.

The gospel message describes God's providence of salvation as a safety net. As fish, we are scooped up- not of works, but by the grace of God. It is miraculous that God saves any of us. I would have wiped out all of mankind and erased that sad memory from history. But, no... God does something more amazing.

Adam was created as a friend of God. They met and talked and enjoyed each other's company. With the fall of Adam (and Eve), God provided an escape from the consequence of sin. But just like the original sin, tainting the flesh of man, there had to be a cooperative choice involved. It was not through intelligence, ruling out the feeble-minded. It was not through physical strength, ruling out the feeble-bodied. But it would require faith. Faith in the provided Messiah.... something the devil and his minions could not do. And it was a sacrifice of mankind so that mankind could be saved.

So this miraculous safety net was provided by God just as the life-sustaining fishes and loaves of bread were miraculously provided.

Mat 14:16 But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat.
Mat 14:17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.
Mat 14:18 He said, Bring them hither to me.
Mat 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the
five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
Mat 14:20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.
Mat 14:21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.

Mat 15:32 Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.
Mat 15:33 And his disciples say unto him, Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to fill so great a multitude?
Mat 15:34 And Jesus saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven, and a few little fishes.
Mat 15:35 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground.
Mat 15:36 And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
Mat 15:37 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full.
Mat 15:38 And they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children.

And the parallel of fishing for men was very plainly given here:
Joh 21:4 But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.
Joh 21:5 Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.
Joh 21:6 And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.
Joh 21:7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.
Joh 21:8 And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits,) dragging the net with fishes.
Joh 21:9 As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.
Joh 21:10 Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.
Joh 21:11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.
Mat 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Mat 4:18 And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.
Mat 4:19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
Mat 4:20 And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.

23rd November 2012, 02:14 PM
I think you missed the part about God and His kingdom being righteous, holy (set-apart), true, perfect, without fault, under the authority of God and in agreement with the Almighty.

Are you that?

Let's see..... you have sworn an oath of allegiance to the devil yet you refuse to bow to the righteous Judge and Creator. Something does not add up in your silly collection of lies. God has NEVER called for an allegiance a brand of religion. You lie.

You claim to do good deeds all day long (at least hypothetically). I say BS. Your words are satanic. You seek to elevate yourself above God. Your superiority does not exceed the bounds of your own skull.

No good deeds, and no good lifestyle is remotely possible unless....and of course....or else.


That's about as rich as it gets, speaking of BS.

Reminds me of just another cult trying desperately to justify itself. Pass the tax free collection plate.

23rd November 2012, 02:15 PM
I think you missed the part about God and His kingdom being righteous, holy (set-apart), true, perfect, without fault, under the authority of God and in agreement with the Almighty.

Are you that?


I have accepted myself completely including faults and blemishes but also the good parts .

I have no doctrine to fall back on and would never try to impose any belief I may have on another as it dosnt work like that.

Love the enlightened ones ....Jesus,Buddha,Mohamed ,Krishna....it is up to us to become the higher consciousness and for it to remain with us more and more.

Jesus didnt start a religion.

He wanted people to become more self aware and realize their higher self.

No institution no religion can do this or has ever done this otherwise the world would be a better place than it is now.

There is only TRUTH and unless a person sees the truth for themselves instead of repeating sentences rehashed from ages gone then they will be prone to be caught up in and believing in the enlightenment of others but missing out on their very own .

A person can follow whatever religion ,teaching they wish but until they become consciously aware and seeing truth for themselves then they are simply believers of other peoples seeings and to me that is a kin to being a second hand human being. A spiritual second hand human .

23rd November 2012, 02:17 PM

not only do you get the fish but the eye also......... 2 for 1

23rd November 2012, 02:20 PM
Hell!! That was a serious question?? LOL... you are really disappointing me.

No- it was not from Dagon. Your sources of lies are pretty shallow.

The gospel message describes God's providence of salvation as a safety net. As fish, we are scooped up- not of works, but by the grace of God. It is miraculous that God saves any of us. I would have wiped out all of mankind and erased that sad memory from history. But, no... God does something more amazing.

Adam was created as a friend of God. They met and talked and enjoyed each other's company. With the fall of Adam (and Eve), God provided an escape from the consequence of sin. But just like the original sin, tainting the flesh of man, there had to be a cooperative choice involved. It was not through intelligence, ruling out the feeble-minded. It was not through physical strength, ruling out the feeble-bodied. But it would require faith. Faith in the provided Messiah.... something the devil and his minions could not do. And it was a sacrifice of mankind so that mankind could be saved.

So this miraculous safety net was provided by God just as the life-sustaining fishes and loaves of bread were miraculously provided.

Mat 14:16 But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat.
Mat 14:17 And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.
Mat 14:18 He said, Bring them hither to me.
Mat 14:19 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass, and took the
five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. five loavesMat 14:20 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.
Mat 14:21 And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children.
Mat 15:32 Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.
Mat 15:33 And his disciples say unto him, Whence should we have so much bread in the wilderness, as to fill so great a multitude?
Mat 15:34 And Jesus saith unto them, How many loaves have ye? And they said, Seven, and a few little fishes.
Mat 15:35 And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground.
Mat 15:36 And he took the seven loaves and the fishes, and gave thanks, and brake them, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude.
Mat 15:37 And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets full.
Mat 15:38 And they that did eat were four thousand men, beside women and children.

What of the person who cannot read..............

23rd November 2012, 02:22 PM
Why Evangelicals are Returning to Rome

The Abandonment of Sola Scriptura as a Formal Principle

By Bob DeWaay

The February 2008 edition of Christianity Today ran a cover story about evangelicals looking to the ancient Roman Catholic Church in order to find beliefs and practices.

What was shocking about the article was that both the author of the article and the senior managing editor of CT claim that this trip back to Rome is a good thing. Says Mark Galli the editor, “While the ancient church has captivated the evangelical imagination for some time, it hasn’t been until recently that it’s become an accepted fixture of the evangelical landscape. And this is for the good.”2 Chris Armstrong, the author of the article who promotes the trip back to the ancient church, claims that because the movement is led by such persons as “Dallas Willard, Richard Foster, and living and practicing monks and nuns,” that therefore, “they are receiving good guidance on this road from wise teachers.” This he claims shows that, “Christ is guiding the process.”3

Apparently, contemporary evangelicals have forgotten that sola scriptura (scripture alone) was the formal principle of the Reformation. Teachings and practices that could not be justified from Scripture were rejected on that principle. To endorse a trip back to these practices of ancient Roman Catholicism is to reject the principle of sola scriptura being the normative authority for the beliefs and practices of the church. In this article I will explore how modern evangelicalism has compromised the principle of sola scriptura and thus paved smoothly the road back to Rome.


23rd November 2012, 02:23 PM
No good deeds, and no good lifestyle is remotely possible unless....and of course....or else.
That's about as rich as it gets, speaking of BS.
Reminds me of just another cult trying desperately to justify itself. Pass the tax free collection plate.

I belong to no cult and I am not a tax-free organization. Your lies are manifold.

23rd November 2012, 02:24 PM
What of the person who cannot read..............

You mean, like you?

23rd November 2012, 02:29 PM
What of the person who cannot read..............

Illiteracy? You mean like like pretty much everyone back in those days? Shame about them.

Also didn't they even prevent the common folk from owning bibles initially?

Didn't want those sinning commoners getting their hands on the secret script, makes the indoctrination job much harder. ;)

23rd November 2012, 02:30 PM
this is starting to get very fishy..........

lol :)

23rd November 2012, 02:31 PM

23rd November 2012, 02:36 PM
I belong to no cult and I am not a tax-free organization. Your lies are manifold.

You are lying to yourself if you think there are no good people in this world without the specific "magic seal of approval".

If you can't see that, then your mind is firmly entrenched in a cult level of understanding.

23rd November 2012, 02:57 PM
You point to the Bible as if its some kind of inspired authority that proves your position... from what I see, even your exoteric interpretations are very flawed, and you have never even seen the deeper side of the manuscript where the truth lays....

23rd November 2012, 03:08 PM
@Spectrism..please allow me to inquire. The scripture says Adam & Eve ATE of the forbidden fruit, WHY then did they cover their nakedness? Genesis says their mouths sinned, NOT their bodies!

23rd November 2012, 03:21 PM
You are lying to yourself if you think there are no good people in this world without the specific "magic seal of approval".

If you can't see that, then your mind is firmly entrenched in a cult level of understanding.

Sure. My cult level of understanding comes from pure science. I learned that if there is no life in a sealed flask, then no life can spontaneously generate in it. That was 50 years ago. Since then, nodoby has proven it different. An accurate cult- I would say. Likewise, when something is perfect without blemish, I expect to find no blemish in it. My standard of perfection and purity is absolute. So, give me an example of someone who is without sin - i.e. did not have Adam's race has his father.

You point to the Bible as if its some kind of inspired authority that proves your position... from what I see, even your exoteric interpretations are very flawed, and you have never even seen the deeper side of the manuscript where the truth lays....

You point to the bible as a comic book. You are deceived. Instead of your hyperbole, show me a source that is more reliable and provide more than YOUR exoteric interpretations. I have tested mine for many years and I know personally the source of the words. Can you say the same thing?

@Spectrism..please allow me to inquire. The scripture says Adam & Eve ATE of the forbidden fruit, WHY then did they cover their nakedness? Genesis says their mouths sinned, NOT their bodies!

If you steal something, is it only your hand that steals?

23rd November 2012, 03:33 PM
You are lying to yourself if you think there are no good people in this world without the specific "magic seal of approval".

If you can't see that, then your mind is firmly entrenched in a cult level of understanding.

joboo, you need Billy Graham.

We are all children of Israel, and you are falling short.

War with heathen China is next...:|-->


23rd November 2012, 03:50 PM
You mean, like you?

No I can read

I mean if someone couldnt read any holy book in this case the bible ,where does that place them.

Many of us can see how we are programmed in day to day life but mention the same thing with religion and people get up set.

Why would anyone get up set unless they are defending their beliefs ,faith ect and dont want to let go.

Empty out yourself until there is nothing to defend.

By hanging on to worn out ideas or beliefs we end up carrying around baggage which prevents us from seeing the truth of a matter.

Unfortunately this is no easy task and you have to throw away everything that you ever believed in.Then the light can start to shine in ,until then it is obstructed.

23rd November 2012, 04:41 PM
Serpo, I don't mean this as an insult. It is just plain truth. You are clueless. I met personally the Messiah. I am not the only one. Unless you know Him and He knows you, you cannot know the truth. It is not about reading anything or doing anything. Is a son or a daughter important to their father because of what they read or do?

If I am in a cult- then it is the one led by the Creator of all that has been made. I can live with that.

23rd November 2012, 04:53 PM
Im not sure why you call me clueless and it is basically an insult.

My whole life from a very young age has been one of spiritual understanding and realization.

I cannot fathom how you can know or understand what I know or have known or not known and you take it as fact that the experience you have had that I havnt had this experience.

Have I ever insulted you ....no ,why would I .

23rd November 2012, 04:56 PM
Sure. My cult level of understanding comes from pure science. I learned that if there is no life in a sealed flask, then no life can spontaneously generate in it. That was 50 years ago. Since then, nodoby has proven it different. An accurate cult- I would say. Likewise, when something is perfect without blemish, I expect to find no blemish in it. My standard of perfection and purity is absolute. So, give me an example of someone who is without sin - i.e. did not have Adam's race has his father. Pure science eh? LOL. I know I can't change the way you think because you cannot think outside what your mind is conditioned to think. That would be sinning, and evil. It takes a few years of deprogramming, and many years of headshaking after that wondering how it was possible to get like that. Been there done that. There's no good people in the world just evil people that disagree with you. ;)

23rd November 2012, 05:16 PM
Im not sure why you call me clueless and it is basically an insult.

My whole life from a very young age has been one of spiritual understanding and realization.

I cannot fathom how you can know or understand what I know or have known or not known and you take it as fact that the experience you have had that I havnt had this experience.

Have I ever insulted you ....no ,why would I .

If you can't handle the truth, don't ask for it. Go your happy way and deal with reality when you meet the dead end.

I know what you don't know by the words you have written.

As for insults, I have put up with this thread far too long as a few of you have spouted out lies from the devil as if they were perfect truths. I see you people mocking God and I warn you that you are dead wrong. I have done all I need to do. Your blood is on your own hands.

23rd November 2012, 05:29 PM
So everyone in the world is evil unless they agree with your religious views? Do you not see that as a just a tad bit extremist? All the other religions are wrong, and evil, but you (somehow luckily) managed to get the right one? I guess the real tragedy here is people are being born elsewhere in the world, and being brought up with the wrong religions.

23rd November 2012, 05:43 PM
So everyone in the world is evil unless they agree with your religious views? Do you not see that as a just a tad bit extremist? All the other religions are wrong, and evil, but you (somehow luckily) managed to get the right one? I guess the real tragedy here is people are being born elsewhere in the world, and being brought up with the wrong religions.

I never said that and you know what you just wrote is a lie.

Truth is extreme. It leaves no room for lies.

I made it clear numerous times that I do not adhere to any religion. You ignore my words and come up with lies repeatedly. Did I not say that knowing the Creator and being known of Him is what matters?

23rd November 2012, 06:07 PM
I see you people mocking God and I warn you that you are dead wrong. I have done all I need to do. Your blood is on your own hands.

I'll refer Serpo & Joboo to the initial Constantine video I posted earlier.

There's only room enough for one sheriff in town...


23rd November 2012, 06:40 PM
I never said that and you know what you just wrote is a lie. Truth is extreme. It leaves no room for lies. I made it clear numerous times that I do not adhere to any religion. You ignore my words and come up with lies repeatedly. Did I not say that knowing the Creator and being known of Him is what matters? Which is why I posed it as a question. People are direct products of their environment, and there is no escaping it. When social environments change, people change, and along with it their views of god , religion, and everything else. At some point you have to question who is right, and who isn't. IMO this is single the biggest flaw when it comes to placing one religion over the other. There is simply no moral high ground to be found from a religious perspective. It doesn't exist. Ironically science, the biggest counter argument to religion, is universal regardless of people, time, places, historical reference, etc. Science will always be the same, yet it is frequently frowned upon by all religions as providing any kind of legitimate insight. That says something to me.

23rd November 2012, 07:58 PM
And we wonder why there are wars over religon........hahaha

23rd November 2012, 08:12 PM
Serpo appears more Christian in his words than Spectrism.

Spectrism comes across a bit Pharisaical.

23rd November 2012, 08:43 PM
Which is why I posed it as a question. People are direct products of their environment, and there is no escaping it. When social environments change, people change, and along with it their views of god , religion, and everything else. At some point you have to question who is right, and who isn't. IMO this is single the biggest flaw when it comes to placing one religion over the other. There is simply no moral high ground to be found from a religious perspective. It doesn't exist. Ironically science, the biggest counter argument to religion, is universal regardless of people, time, places, historical reference, etc. Science will always be the same, yet it is frequently frowned upon by all religions as providing any kind of legitimate insight. That says something to me.

And there are thousands of scientists who will sell you global warming because of your carbon footprint.

No. Science is political because it is in the hands of man. It is flawed because it is managed by man. It cannot do everything and has definite limits.

Serpo appears more Christian in his words than Spectrism.
Spectrism comes across a bit Pharisaical.

I guess you will just have to wait a few more years to see what you should have been able to see today. Everyone will see the truth soon, but the vantage point will not be pleasant for most.

23rd November 2012, 08:48 PM
OP are you familiar with Christian Identity?

23rd November 2012, 09:31 PM
And there are thousands of scientists who will sell you global warming because of your carbon footprint.

No. Science is political because it is in the hands of man. It is flawed because it is managed by man. It cannot do everything and has definite limits.

I guess you will just have to wait a few more years to see what you should have been able to see today. Everyone will see the truth soon, but the vantage point will not be pleasant for most.

The Kingdom of God is within me, just like Yeshua said.

He also said that verily if one had the faith of a mustard seed, one could move mountains, and nothing would be impossible for them.

23rd November 2012, 09:38 PM
And there are thousands of scientists who will sell you global warming because of your carbon footprint. No. Science is political because it is in the hands of man. It is flawed because it is managed by man. It cannot do everything and has definite limits. I guess you will just have to wait a few more years to see what you should have been able to see today. Everyone will see the truth soon, but the vantage point will not be pleasant for most. Science never changes. Some people's interpretation of it does, but the science itself remains constant no matter what. Physics is physics. Math is math. Chemistry is chemistry. All based on universal constants. The problems with religion is that it is unbelievably subjective (and a huge understatement at that) to the observer, and it changes like the wind blows everywhere you look without fail. Proof positive can be found all around you 360 degrees in every direction.

23rd November 2012, 09:48 PM
Science never changes. People's interpretation of it does, but the science itself remains constant no matter what. Physics is physics. Math is math. Chemistry is chemistry. All based on universal constants. The problems with religion is that it is unbelievably subjective (and a huge understatement at that) to the observer, and it changes like the wind blows everywhere you look without fail. Proof positive can be found all around you 360 degrees in every direction.

See my post here:
http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?65327-Why-Jews-cannot-accept-the-New-Testament&p=590796&viewfull=1#post590796 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?65327-Why-Jews-cannot-accept-the-New-Testament&p=590796&viewfull=1#post590796)

23rd November 2012, 10:13 PM
See my post here:
http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?65327-Why-Jews-cannot-accept-the-New-Testament&p=590796&viewfull=1#post590796 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?65327-Why-Jews-cannot-accept-the-New-Testament&p=590796&viewfull=1#post590796)

If society were wiped out tomorrow, x amount of years later science would still eventually wind up being the same. Atoms are atoms, gravity is gravity, speed, distance, and temperature coefficients are what they are.

With religion being rebuilt, the name Jesus would just be another word, or could not even exist. All the labels would be entirely different, and people could be worshiping frogs due to some village elder licking one, and having an epiphany to wash hands to prevent getting sick.

A completely random, and unpredictable outcome would be the result. This realization strips away all the noise, and identifies the core realities of both imo.

23rd November 2012, 10:44 PM
And we wonder why there are wars over religon........hahaha

Wars are NOT the result of religion but of someone wanting something they don't have but wish to possess. They made be done in the name of....(fill in the blank) but the real true underlying reason is covetousness.

The reason for the 10th commandment

Exodus 20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

James 4:1 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?
James 4:2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.

23rd November 2012, 10:47 PM
What of the person who cannot read..............

They can hear

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

23rd November 2012, 11:15 PM
If society were wiped out tomorrow, x amount of years later science would still eventually wind up being the same. Atoms are atoms, gravity is gravity, speed, distance, and temperature coefficients are what they are.

With religion being rebuilt, the name Jesus would just be another word, or could not even exist. All the labels would be entirely different, and people could be worshiping frogs due to some village elder licking one, and having an epiphany to wash hands to prevent getting sick.

A completely random, and unpredictable outcome would be the result. This realization strips away all the noise, and identifies the core realities of both imo.

But we see the same repeated myths in creation stories, all around the world. We see pyramids all around the world. The same ideas of gods and spirits.

In fact, we actually have few instances of different cultures with no contact coming up with the same scientific theories (for example algebra, which anyone could potentially invent). Historically, science in one part of the world has lagged until ideas spread from one part of the world to the rest of the world.

On the other hand, almost every culture believes in gods and spirits, has pyramids, similar creation stories, and performs sacrifices and rituals. Almost all "worship" the sun. So it appears we have spontaneous similarities with respect to religion, but objective science tends to lag behind. It's similar but slower. You're right, there would be no "Jesus", but there also wouldn't be a "volt" or "kelvin". But the basic pattern is there.

23rd November 2012, 11:50 PM
But we see the same repeated myths in creation stories, all around the world. We see pyramids all around the world. The same ideas of gods and spirits.

In fact, we actually have few instances of different cultures with no contact coming up with the same scientific theories (for example algebra, which anyone could potentially invent). Historically, science in one part of the world has lagged until ideas spread from one part of the world to the rest of the world.

On the other hand, almost every culture believes in gods and spirits, has pyramids, similar creation stories, and performs sacrifices and rituals. Almost all "worship" the sun. So it appears we have spontaneous similarities with respect to religion, but objective science tends to lag behind. It's similar but slower. You're right, there would be no "Jesus", but there also wouldn't be a "volt" or "kelvin". But the basic pattern is there.

Sure, once people start looking for answers to the unknown some notion of a "thing in the sky" would return, but only on the most primitive level would it be the same. i.e what are the stars, why does that bright thing in the sky make food grow, and hurt my eyes to look at. Those types of observations are very basic, and common. Thunder, lightning, shooting stars, falling water Hmm...must be something "up there" doing it.

Pyramids are just the easiest way to build a structure (i.e. stack stones) high effectively in the simplest configuration. Earlier ones would be small from crude rocks, until people discovered how to cut rocks, or make them from molds. Not terribly convincing for me that something special was going on there.

Here's a question: Why is god up, and hell is down?

Stuff from the sky (up) makes food grow, and is the giver of all life. Hot painful deadly lava stuff causes death and misery, and comes from below (down). hmm...

Those two realities alone are a huge tell. Speaks volumes of echoes from primitive times. Personally that's it (heaven/hell) right there. Look no further.

Given enough time scientific conclusions would all be the same. The names of measurements, and elements would change but it would still be the same formulas, conventions, and conclusions.

The new bible would be unrecognizable from it's predecessor. Any convention could literally take hold because it's 99.9% open to broad imagination, and individual interpretation....and in reality it has which is why societies have worshiped everything imaginable since the dawn of time according to their immediate environment, and circumstances, and not surprisingly, still do.

24th November 2012, 12:24 AM
, nor his ass, .

liked that part

24th November 2012, 12:31 AM
I guess you will just have to wait a few more years to see what you should have been able to see today. Everyone will see the truth soon, but the vantage point will not be pleasant for most.

Im not waiting around for some gloom or doom ,its here and now or nothing ,anything else is fantasy,or should I say this is the final trump card.....................the fear factor...........sorry dosnt work on me as Ive faced every fear and in the end fear is but an emotion ...handy when you need it but until then Im not going to abuse it with with imaginary things ,real or not.

24th November 2012, 01:25 AM
Here's a question: Why is god up, and hell is down?

Because Constantine said it is so, otherwise there wouldn't be either.

24th November 2012, 01:48 AM
Apparently you haven't met any jewish evangelicals, yet.


A campaign advertisement from the Costa Rican 2010 Presidential election, that roughly translates to "The lesser evil is the best" or maybe, "I'm not as bad as everyone else". At least he's honest.

The political advertisement for Luis Fishman, candidate for President of the Republic (Costa Rica) by the Social Christian Unity Party (PUSC).
Damn Sweden looks good!

24th November 2012, 02:22 AM
Its a bit spotty in Africa

24th November 2012, 02:31 AM
Back to that up down thing ....in tai chi (have done for long time and it is good for your energy) up is heaven or the sky ,earth is down at your feet.

Breathing exercise with the hands and arms involved.....breath in from the earth and out towards heaven.In the middle is your center located about an inch below your navel.My old chinese tai chi teacher was seen once balancing on a chair end with one leg from this part of the body to show that it indeed was your center as the body could balance on this one spot.

A lot of so called esoteric stuff can have a simple physical explanation .

24th November 2012, 05:23 AM
The Kingdom of God is within me, just like Yeshua said.

He also said that verily if one had the faith of a mustard seed, one could move mountains, and nothing would be impossible for them.

And He also said:
Mar 4:11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, allthese things are done in parables:
Mar 4:12That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, andtheirsins should be forgiven them.
And this:Luk 18:17Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.

Science never changes. Some people's interpretation of it does, but the science itself remains constant no matter what. Physics is physics. Math is math. Chemistry is chemistry. All based on universal constants. The problems with religion is that it is unbelievably subjective (and a huge understatement at that) to the observer, and it changes like the wind blows everywhere you look without fail. Proof positive can be found all around you 360 degrees in every direction.

What is the square root of negative one? What is five divided by zero? What is the constant of time? I can just as well say that stupidity never changes. Stupidity is stupidity. So where does that get us? I work in the research industry. They use science, chemistry, biology, math and a few other disciplines. Ain't it funny how research is always under suspicion and studies that were once used as foundational turned out to be falsified? Why? Greed and evil motives were elevated as important to people.

Truth requires no lies. Truth must have no faults. Perfection requires no impurities. Show me a perfect silver coin with no impurities. Show me a water sample with nothing but pure H2O in it. You cannot.... unless your standard of perfect is less than perfect.

Here's a question: Why is god up, and hell is down?

Stuff from the sky (up) makes food grow, and is the giver of all life. Hot painful deadly lava stuff causes death and misery, and comes from below (down). hmm...

Those two realities alone are a huge tell. Speaks volumes of echoes from primitive times. Personally that's it (heaven/hell) right there. Look no further.

Given enough time scientific conclusions would all be the same. The names of measurements, and elements would change but it would still be the same formulas, conventions, and conclusions.

The new bible would be unrecognizable from it's predecessor. Any convention could literally take hold because it's 99.9% open to broad imagination, and individual interpretation....and in reality it has which is why societies have worshiped everything imaginable since the dawn of time according to their immediate environment, and circumstances, and not surprisingly, still do.

That is your version of science..... "look no further" and "would be". You are not holding to science but your own prejudices. Science says "look further", "test", "repeat the test", "challenge the results", "observe".

Im not waiting around for some gloom or doom ,its here and now or nothing ,anything else is fantasy,or should I say this is the final trump card.....................the fear factor...........sorry dosnt work on me as Ive faced every fear and in the end fear is but an emotion ...handy when you need it but until then Im not going to abuse it with with imaginary things ,real or not.

I told you that all would see the reality- the truth of things within a few years. Many already see the truth but you cannot. It is not to instill fear, although you have all rights to be fearful. You should take your choices seriously because your existence is impacted by them.

Can you tell me one imaginary thing that is real? And if it is real, why is it imaginary?

24th November 2012, 05:36 AM
"A lot of so call esoteric stuff can have a physical explanation" BINGO... the Muslim 72 virgins is time... it takes 72 exact yrs for the Sun\son to move 1 degree thru the constellation... Solomon locked away 72 spirits, etc. Most esoteric knowledge is advanced science...

24th November 2012, 06:03 AM
So, what do the last 3 pages have to do with the OP? This thread started out with some potential, but has quickly degenerated into some sort of religious pissing contest.

24th November 2012, 06:03 AM
Johns Revelation chapt 7 & 14 dated 96 ad, 12 tribes (cycles of time) multiplied by 12k is 144k. Now divide 144k by 72 = 2000 yrs. John has encoded a time stamp for the end of the age....

24th November 2012, 06:41 AM
Johns Revelation chapt 7 & 14 dated 96 ad, 12 tribes (cycles of time) multiplied by 12k is 144k. Now divide 144k by 72 = 2000 yrs. John has encoded a time stamp for the end of the age....

Personally I think Johns Revelation is about the washing away of TOXIC beliefs & interpretations that have creeped into the world during the last age.... very symbolic!

24th November 2012, 06:58 AM
From an occult\esoteric perspective, Noahs 40 days\40 nights in the ark, Moses (Mises) 40 yrs in the desert & Jesus "time of temptation" by Shaitan 40 days\40 nights represent "testing periods" of an initiate into the mysteries!

24th November 2012, 07:08 AM
So, what do the last 3 pages have to do with the OP? This thread started out with some potential, but has quickly degenerated into some sort of religious pissing contest. That's the core of it right there, and the reason why nobody in the world can agree on which religion makes sense over the other as they are all different, and conflicting. No constants, or evidence, on which to base a valid conclusion other than there is no consensus of what is reality. The entire argument is folly until a baseline is established, which is where scientific constants are introduced, in order to make tangible any sense of it. If brand X religion disagrees with brand Y religion does it even really mean anything in the big picture? I'd say a deeper discussion is the only natural progression. Akin to a SHTF scenario, you need to start from scratch, rebuild it from the basics, and look at what sticks to the wall , and what doesn't.

24th November 2012, 07:19 AM
"A lot of so call esoteric stuff can have a physical explanation" BINGO... the Muslim 72 virgins is time... it takes 72 exact yrs for the Sun\son to move 1 degree thru the constellation... Solomon locked away 72 spirits, etc. Most esoteric knowledge is advanced science...

I think so too. Esoteric knowledge appears to involve advanced science. Hidden science. Typically hidden away to be used as weapons to gain advantage of control over others. Otherwise, why would it be hidden to begin with if it didn't offer some seductive private advantage?

24th November 2012, 07:21 AM
And He also said: Mar 4:11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, allthese things are done in parables: Mar 4:12That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, andtheirsins should be forgiven them. And this:Luk 18:17Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. What is the square root of negative one? What is five divided by zero? What is the constant of time? I can just as well say that stupidity never changes. Stupidity is stupidity. So where does that get us? I work in the research industry. They use science, chemistry, biology, math and a few other disciplines. Ain't it funny how research is always under suspicion and studies that were once used as foundational turned out to be falsified? Why? Greed and evil motives were elevated as important to people. Truth requires no lies. Truth must have no faults. Perfection requires no impurities. Show me a perfect silver coin with no impurities. Show me a water sample with nothing but pure H2O in it. You cannot.... unless your standard of perfect is less than perfect. That is your version of science..... "look no further" and "would be". You are not holding to science but your own prejudices. Science says "look further", "test", "repeat the test", "challenge the results", "observe". Ok. Let me know when the periodic table of elements changes because someone wills it to suit their personal agenda. I won't hold my breath.

24th November 2012, 07:30 AM
@Santa... Government like Religions come & go over time... the knowledge remains hidden from the profane masses that would, like always pervert it! Think about the Church destroying the Templars or The Inquisitions over history.... it must remain hidden....

24th November 2012, 07:34 AM
Im not sure why you call me clueless and it is basically an insult.

My whole life from a very young age has been one of spiritual understanding and realization.

I cannot fathom how you can know or understand what I know or have known or not known and you take it as fact that the experience you have had that I havnt had this experience.

Have I ever insulted you ....no ,why would I .

I can fathom it. Been subjected to it my entire life. These people(self ascribed Born Agains ) have shown themselves to me, to be evil arrogant pricks that think nothing of robbing people blind, as well as treating people of other faiths as being inferior and misguided .

I recently spent 6 months working in the Middle East with a group of these people. I had spent ten years working with them, and on this trip I have never seen such contempt and arrogance shown to people of other races and religions.

A disgusting disgrace to be sure. I was ashamed and embarrased for these so called enlightened souls.

I will never forget one incident before we embarked on our trip. We were all sitting in an airport bar awaiting departure to Dubai. I was heart stricken at the time, which was understandable when one considered that I had just said goodbye to my wife and two children and watched them drive away. Not knowing when I would see them again, I was in need of same pain relief.I ordered a double bourbon, and was promptly chastised and ridiculed. For you see, I must have been under the false assumption that" IT WAS NOT WINE THAT JESUS HAD MADE FROM WATER, BUT RATHER IT WAS GRAPE JUICE!!!!!!!!"

What audacity!

Never again will I subject myself to working with these people.

God is everywhere and in everything if we would just open our eyes. I need no silly book written by men to bring understanding.

24th November 2012, 07:39 AM
@Santa... Government like Religions come & go over time... the knowledge remains hidden from the profane masses that would, like always pervert it! Think about the Church destroying the Templars or The Inquisitions over history.... it must remain hidden....

When fishing, the action takes place along the banks, not in the middle of the river... Exoteric knowledge remains in the middle of the river! Look at some of the posts in this thread... imagine the damage if the hidden knowledge was exposed to that form of mentality! Its why parables & quatrains, etc. exist...

24th November 2012, 07:46 AM
@Millwright... "Religion will abuse, harass, mock & kill you NOT for what you believe, but for what you DO NOT believe" .... "G-d lives in the rocks, stirs in the plants, dreams in the animals and finally awakens in man" --The Vedas

24th November 2012, 07:59 AM
@Millwright... "Religion will abuse, harass, mock & kill you NOT for what you believe, but for what you DO NOT believe" .... "G-d lives in the rocks, stirs in the plants, dreams in the animals and finally awakens in man" --The Vedas

Indeed it will, and indeed it does.

Great to see you here by the way. I remember well your contributions on the old GIM,they were greatly appreciated .

24th November 2012, 08:13 AM
Indeed it will, and indeed it does.

Great to see you here by the way. I remember well your contributions on the old GIM,they were greatly appreciated .

The STUPIDITY of Morons... "Jesus turns water into wine" is a metaphor of transmuting from one state of being into a higher state of being, it is the alchemical equivalent of turning lead into gold.... Oh the stupidity... do these morons believe a Messiah would be reduced to a magicians parlor tricks? They are blind & cannot see the deeper meanings...

24th November 2012, 08:34 AM
would someone wake me when this thread gets back on track...

24th November 2012, 09:04 AM
would someone wake me when this thread gets back on track...

Under Constantine I (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_the_Great) Jewish clergy were given the same exemptions as Christian clergy.[1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_the_Great_and_Judaism#cite_note-0) Constantine also supported the separation of the date of Easter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter) from the Jewish Passover (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passover) (see also Quartodecimanism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartodecimanism)), stating in his letter after the First Council of Nicaea (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Nicaea) (which had already decided the matter):

"... it appeared an unworthy thing that in the celebration of this most holy feast we should follow the practice of the Jews, who have impiously defiled their hands with enormous sin, and are, therefore, deservedly afflicted with blindness of soul. ... Let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd; for we have received from our Saviour a different way."

Theodoret (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodoret)'s Ecclesiastical History records The Epistle of the Emperor Constantine, concerning the matters transacted at the Council, addressed to those Bishops who were not present:


After his victory over Licinius, Constantine inaugurated a more and more hostile policy toward the Jews. It is true that as early as 321 a law was promulgated which made it obligatory for Jews to fill onerous, expensive municipal offices; while on the other hand such Jews as had devoted themselves to the service of their own religion were exempted in 330 from all public services, and those who were already "curiales" were freed from the levying of taxes. In 329, however, the Jews were forbidden to perform the rite of circumcision on slaves or to own Christian slaves; the death penalty was ordained for those who embraced the Jewish faith, as well as for Jews versed in the Law who aided them. On the other hand, Jewish converts to Christianity were protected against the fanaticism of their former coreligionists. Simultaneously with this an edict was issued forbidding marriages between Jews and Christians, and imposing the death penalty upon any Jew who should transgress this law. Some of these enactments were affirmed in 335. Noteworthy is the hostile language of several of these laws, in which Judaism is spoken of as an ignominious or as a bestial sect ("secta nefaria" or "feralis").

The hostile attitude of the Christianized state, which later became more and more accentuated under Constantine's sons, thus owed its origin to Constantine himself; it is even probable that it was Constantine who renewed the law prohibiting the Jews from entering Jerusalem.



24th November 2012, 09:05 AM
Profane masses? Seriously? I'd be really careful, Barny.

Let me tell you something. You and I are no more than dying skin cells that WILL be sloughed off the body. No matter how much bullshit hidden information you try to cram into your skull, it ain't gonna save you. No matter how clever you think you are compared to others, it ain't gonna save you. No matter how many fish you flop up on the bank it ain't gonna save you. No matter how deep you bury your bunker underground, it ain't gonna save you from death.

Just the same as all the other "profane" masses you deign to look down upon.

24th November 2012, 09:20 AM
Profane masses? Seriously? I'd be really careful, Barny.

Let me tell you something. You and I are no more than dying skin cells that WILL be sloughed off the body. No matter how much bullshit hidden information you try to cram into your skull, it ain't gonna save you. No matter how clever you think you are compared to others, it ain't gonna save you. No matter how many fish you flop up on the bank it ain't gonna save you. No matter how deep you bury your bunker underground, it ain't gonna save you from death.

Just the same as all the other "profane" masses you deign to look down upon.

Hit a nerve, did I? I was born to die, thats a FACT.... i'm one of a kind, thats another FACT.... the word PROFANE is the unthinking herd of robots employing mental mush that is always unquestioning lay downs.... they arent individuals but automotons follow the will of other men & their programing schemes..... indeed they know no better.... it doesnt make me above or below... I'm neutral... I merely let the electrons & protons flow.

24th November 2012, 09:45 AM
From an occult\esoteric perspective, Noahs 40 days\40 nights in the ark, Moses (Mises) 40 yrs in the desert & Jesus "time of temptation" by Shaitan 40 days\40 nights represent "testing periods" of an initiate into the mysteries!

Forgot to mention, the 40 days initiation informs us that the use of the 40 sephirot system while the 40 yrs indicates the very indepth 400 sephirot system....

24th November 2012, 10:26 AM
Profane masses? Seriously? I'd be really careful, Barny.

Let me tell you something. You and I are no more than dying skin cells that WILL be sloughed off the body. No matter how much bullshit hidden information you try to cram into your skull, it ain't gonna save you. No matter how clever you think you are compared to others, it ain't gonna save you. No matter how many fish you flop up on the bank it ain't gonna save you. No matter how deep you bury your bunker underground, it ain't gonna save you from death.

Just the same as all the other "profane" masses you deign to look down upon.

Santa, I can not answer for BarnkleBob, but death is not something that I fear or am particularly trying to avoid. It will come exactly when it should, according to Universal Law. Although when I go, it would ideally (to me, anyway) be via mahasamadhi.

Bodies deteriorate... all physical beings die... that is the nature of the physical realm. It is not much to be mourned, however, because matter is merely the grossest, lowest form of being.

What is dead, Santa? Non-existence? Sitting in a dark room forever, "experiencing" nothing? What is there to fear? The unknown?

Your point is well taken, that "initiate" and "profane" all cease to exist physically, and that arrogance (or perceived arrogance) does no favors to the messenger, but there is more to this strange place than just life and death. The big picture is pretty big. Ultimately there is only One Thing.

The Universe is God playing hide and seek.

24th November 2012, 10:26 AM
Council of Nicea cannonized the so-called NT... which is really alchemy blended with Kabbalah, regional beliefs & finished off with the Roman Sol Invictus & the Pantheon... not necessarily a bad thing when read, interpreted & understood from a proper perspective... the real problems began when the allegory & symbolism of the texts were forced to be interpreted as literal in their meaning.... that opened Pandoras Box to pious fraud.... http://www.hiddenmysteries.org/religion/christianity/piousfraud.shtml

24th November 2012, 10:41 AM
Council of Nicea cannonized the so-called NT... which is really alchemy blended with Kabbalah, regional beliefs & finished off with the Roman Sol Invictus & the Pantheon... not necessarily a bad thing when read, interpreted & understood from a proper perspective... the real problems began when the allegory & symbolism of the texts were forced to be interpreted as literal in their meaning.... that opened Pandoras Box to pious fraud....

The original intent was for a proper piety perspective, so the unwashed masses didn't corrupt. Fact is corruption's origins come from all sides above and below,

as is evident in the opposite effect with the bible's initial public release with Lutherferians. Granted a more straight forward and uncomplicated approach to life other than the bible would have been easier to determinate.

My end feeling is the symbolism and contradictions contained in the bible give key turning points to those wishing to humble the masses, thru a long history of research into human psyche and its response to the natural world. Made to be supernatural.

The teachings of Jesus play second fiddle throughout it, maybe rightfully so as he was only a circumcised sun with umbilical chord.

24th November 2012, 11:00 AM
Indeed... I posited the ? why are there 10 commandments, not more, not less... my answer was in the form of an attackthat allowed the respondent NOT to ANSWER.... why are there ONLY 4 gospels in the NT, WHY do all the Avatars mysteriously die at the age of 33, etc., etc., etc. Unfortunately there is ZERO proof of WHY, a smoking gun... BUT a careful study of exoteric & esoteric history reveals the answers...

24th November 2012, 11:21 AM
Hit a nerve, did I? I was born to die, thats a FACT.... i'm one of a kind, thats another FACT.... the word PROFANE is the unthinking herd of robots employing mental mush that is always unquestioning lay downs.... they arent individuals but automotons follow the will of other men & their programing schemes..... indeed they know no better.... it doesnt make me above or below... I'm neutral... I merely let the electrons & protons flow.

You claim neutrality, but you're merely dying. You think you're cleverer than the mental mush, but you're merely dying.
You're one of a kind. Yes you are. But you're merely "one" of a kind. What makes you different than the profane masses? How do you even know that it's you who's doing the thinking?

Worship of self is the metaphorical equivalent of Satanism.

24th November 2012, 11:28 AM
Indeed... I posited the ? why are there 10 commandments, not more, not less... my answer was in the form of an attackthat allowed the respondent NOT to ANSWER.... why are there ONLY 4 gospels in the NT, WHY do all the Avatars mysteriously die at the age of 33, etc., etc., etc. Unfortunately there is ZERO proof of WHY, a smoking gun... BUT a careful study of exoteric & esoteric history reveals the answers...

Bullshit, Barny. You have no answers.... If you were wise, you'd know that. Go ahead and stuff your self with numerological puzzles. It won't help you.

24th November 2012, 11:31 AM
Worship of self is the metaphorical equivalent of Satanism.

Is your body a temple, or do you frequent McDonalds?

Once again Santa is seen delivering dramatic antidotes in the form of two lumps of coal...:p

24th November 2012, 11:32 AM
You claim neutrality, but you're merely dying. You think you're cleverer than the mental mush, but you're merely dying.
You're one of a kind. Yes you are. But you're merely "one" of a kind. What makes you different than the profane masses? How do you even know that it's you who's doing the thinking?

Worship of self is the metaphorical equivalent of Satanism.

OK, I'll bite the forbidden fruit ... in answer: SUPER SPERM! What else could or would I say?

24th November 2012, 11:44 AM


24th November 2012, 11:55 AM
So, what do the last 3 pages have to do with the OP? This thread started out with some potential, but has quickly degenerated into some sort of religious pissing contest.

Gee how unusual

Screw the Jews ,they only accept their own inverted reality

24th November 2012, 12:22 PM
Religion is something I have Never been able to understand.

To me it is based on someone else's spiritual experience that people end up following somehow.

For this privilege they give up believing in their own direct experience and take guidance from another.

This to me is flawed and weak and people end up handing over their soul to some organized group that in some cases is run by perverted types.

Most people I have noticed havnt the courage To face their own reality as they see the institution as being more powerful and in control.I see the institution as being weaker and of having lost it's way a long time ago if in fact it ever knew it's way.

Why would I want to depend on some force or group outside of my self for my own spiritual realization ,can anyone answer me that.

24th November 2012, 12:38 PM
You know, Millwright, Barnkle, Joboo.... I did not enter this thread to attack any of you. I did not enter this thread out of arrogance or "pharasaical" intentions. I saw lies about my friend being written and I came in to provide a witness against what I saw wrong. You enter the spirit realm will BS and pretend to know what you are talking about. I give you easy principles and universal truths. If you are not happy with them, I will refund your purchase price.

@Millwright... "Religion will abuse, harass, mock & kill you NOT for what you believe, but for what you DO NOT believe" .... "G-d lives in the rocks, stirs in the plants, dreams in the animals and finally awakens in man" --The Vedas

Nope. You are quite free to believe what you want or not believe. It is only when you step into my backyard and start throwing rocks at my windows that I take an interest. If you want to believe lies, go right ahead. But when you stand in the public square preaching them, I will also stand in the public square and challenge them.

would someone wake me when this thread gets back on track...

The OP was a blind link to another website. Most of the posts HAVE been on track- blind.

Hit a nerve, did I? I was born to die, thats a FACT.... i'm one of a kind, thats another FACT.... the word PROFANE is the unthinking herd of robots employing mental mush that is always unquestioning lay downs.... they arent individuals but automotons follow the will of other men & their programing schemes..... indeed they know no better.... it doesnt make me above or below... I'm neutral... I merely let the electrons & protons flow.

I was born to live and glorify God. I was born twice and may only die once. And yet, I already died to receive new life and die repeatedly with this sin-tainted flesh fighting daily to come back alive. All of Amerika is becoming :neutral" and politically correct. The new morality is to shun definite truths while pretending all beliefs are good. You are the cause of the fall of mankind- not single-handedly, but the mindset you hold is prevalent like lemmings being herded over a cliff.

When you state something as a fact, please site your references or studies for verification. That is science, right? How did you determine that you are unique?

The original intent was for a proper piety perspective, so the unwashed masses didn't corrupt. Fact is corruption's origins come from all sides above and below,
as is evident in the opposite effect with the bible's initial public release with Lutherferians. Granted a more straight forward and uncomplicated approach to life other than the bible would have been easier to determinate.

My end feeling is the symbolism and contradictions contained in the bible give key turning points to those wishing to humble the masses, thru a long history of research into human psyche and its response to the natural world. Made to be supernatural.

The teachings of Jesus play second fiddle throughout it, maybe rightfully so as he was only a circumcised sun with umbilical chord.

Thanks for sharing your FEELING. Can you be a little more scientific?

With the advent of bible teaching in native languages, Martin Luther and Gutenberg heralded in an age of enlightenment. Wherever this bible went, nations flourished and people lived in wisdom and peace. America was a place that many fled to in order to live and learn of this bible. As long as the people lived righteously as instructed, they were blessed with prosperity. More accurately, as long as the people sought to advance the true Church- bringing the gospel to all peoples, they were empowered.

Now we have a God-less country and we will be destroyed. I guarantee you that!

24th November 2012, 12:47 PM
Religion is something I have Never been able to understand.
To me it is based on someone else's spiritual experience that people end up following somehow.
For this privilege they give up believing in their own direct experience and take guidance from another.
This to me is flawed and weak and people end up handing over their soul to some organized group that in some cases is run by perverted types.

Most people I have noticed havnt the courage To face their own reality as they see the institution as being more powerful and in control.I see the institution as being weaker and of having lost it's way a long time ago if in fact it ever knew it's way.

Why would I want to depend on some force or group outside of my self for my own spiritual realization ,can anyone answer me that.

Let's take your last line first- why would you ask the question wherein you question the question? Are you confused?

Next, you define religion.... and I largely agree with you. I have said many times that I hate religion. Religion is man's attempt to codify and regurgitate what God has for any who would call on His name. There should be nobody between each of us and God.

You decry the words of the bible yet you can find no fault in them. Show me these contradictions spoken of. Don't go to some atheist web site and repost somebody else's BS. Then you would be following some other religion. Show me a contradiction that is really bothering you in the bible. The satanists have their own religion and I can name 4 people in this thread who are easy suckers for it.

Somebody points an easy path for you to follow for good food. He even offers to take your load and carry it for you. You refuse to walk that path and ridicule the person who gave you the directions. So, who is the fool?

24th November 2012, 01:37 PM
and who is rejecting reality for dogma & programming! So why are there ONLY 4 gospels in NT.... WHY are there only 10 commandments... Why is there a trinity, not 2 or 4? Is it not true that Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Rome, etc. did not force and\or combine their belief systems upon the conquered & vanquished? Is it also not true that those that rejected the new programing were put to death? } dont expect a reasonable answer BTW....

24th November 2012, 01:45 PM
Thanks for sharing your FEELING. Can you be a little more scientific?

With the advent of bible teaching in native languages, Martin Luther and Gutenberg heralded in an age of enlightenment. Wherever this bible
went, nations flourished and people lived in wisdom and peace. America was a place that many fled to in order to live and learn of this bible. As long as the people lived righteously as instructed, they were blessed with prosperity. More accurately, as long as the people sought to advance the true Church- bringing the gospel to all peoples, they were empowered.

Now we have a God-less country and we will be destroyed. I guarantee you that!

Keyword, went* your living in the past tense, which has since (as far as religion) is concerned become corrupted (incorporated) a colossal failure due to its being interpreted, and taken out of the hands of its keepers. The end result itself becoming nothing more than an icon for those incorporated religions that pour derision upon each other.

Though many still dance around the musical chairs to the tunes it once sang, its been effectively twiced over.


24th November 2012, 02:05 PM
Keyword, went* your living in the past tense, which has since (as far as religion) is concerned become corrupted (incorporated) a colossal failure due to its being interpreted, and taken out of the hands of its keepers. The end result itself becoming nothing more than an icon for those incorporated religions that pour derision upon each other.

Though many still dance around the musical chairs to the tunes it once sang, its been effectively twiced over.


Verily I say unto you... is it a mere coincidence that the erected Avatars seemingly die at 33 yoa, or the exoteric Masons highest rank is 33 degrees... the Hebrew alphabet is 22 letters related to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life & the 32 paths of wisdom... their are 22 paths plus the 10 sephira which equals 32, plus the thing itself! The number 33 represents the initiate AT some level with G-d....

24th November 2012, 02:21 PM
I personally find it AMAZING that the XIANS which is just a shorter version of Christians haven't even challenged the original post in this thread, namely "Why the Joos dont except the NT." All the diatribe so far is a distraction from answering why the dont accept the NT... this in itself is very revealing!

24th November 2012, 02:34 PM
I am pleased to see that BB has gone the same path I took 7 years ago... I do believe in universal consciousness and that it is mentioned in all religious, Bible included, texts but buried under fear driven allegories

@Spectrism.... I only seek truth thru knowledge... has nothing to do with hate.... however this appears to be the Xian response to the creation of their belief system.... research indicates that Judaism & Xianity are hybrid-religions spawned from Egyptian & Babylonian systems... created for polarizing political unity. Further esoteric research indicates that ALL religions are based on astro-theological concepts that were transformed into oral traditions by ancient poets that today are known as prophets....

24th November 2012, 02:52 PM
"A lot of so call esoteric stuff can have a physical explanation" BINGO... the Muslim 72 virgins is time... it takes 72 exact yrs for the Sun\son to move 1 degree thru the constellation... Solomon locked away 72 spirits, etc. Most esoteric knowledge is advanced science...

ditto and that is why there is a war against the so-called new age... there is no new age but ancient aka esoteric knowledge only. Sure, if everything was exposed, guess what: ALL religions would go under... and we'd remain with a belief system based on sciences, the one world spirituality...

divide and conquer: only your religion is worth it, all others are from satan worshipers.

I cant stress enough about the work of Walter Russell, a must read for anyone willing to end divisive spiritual matters.

Interestingly many GSUSers want BB to become a member... be careful what you wished for. :)

24th November 2012, 03:08 PM
I personally find it AMAZING that the XIANS which is just a shorter version of Christians

I had always thought Xians was created to cover all the existing denominated sects ie: Pentecostal, Evangelical, Baptist, etc.

As far as the numbers go, they are self evident. I imagine "they" do use them to curve things towards their own gain, but then again I think once in a great cycle reliance on them, or focusing on them exclusively also fails.

Currently I can only exist in a state of heart spawned ataraxic consciousness, anything else seems a horrible waste of my time here.

24th November 2012, 03:21 PM
several weeks ago Patcolo started a thread with an interview of a woman, Dr Day...

see: http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?63245-Who-Rewrote-the-Bible-Dr-Lorraine-Day-on-Spingola&p=569956&viewfull=1#post569956

.. while what she says about Israel, Judaism and Judaites is truly compelling, and although I like to hear from other sources before making up my mind, I believe that Dr Day picture to be quite accurate.... here is something that many of you will for sure find interesting: 15 years or so ago I wrote a screenplay about Hatshepsut (which I almost sold Phoenix Pictures a few months before 911), the only female pharaoh, and whose father Thutmose I spent many years of his reign to fight the Hyksos and eventually expelled them for good. My research about the latter (at the time) seems to indicate that they were hebrew ancestors so to speak. And this could corroborate the fact that the terms jew and judaism didnt exist back then: I am speaking of more or less 1500 BC. However listening to Dr Day helped me connect a few dots.

I am going to drop a bomb now... :)

Did the authors of the Bible invented the Old Testament? Seems like it... and if so... what to think of the NT?

Now I am willing to believe that Jesus existed (after all we had MLK and Ghandi who followed the same fate) and that the PTBs at the time, when seeing paganism being threatened, organized the shift towards monotheism and came up with Christianity.

24th November 2012, 03:46 PM
The Wizard of Oz was disguised political satire of what could not be spoken outright... the O.T. is much of the same... the Hebrews were either occupied by foreign powers or placed into slavery\bondage... speaking out meant death... as such they relied on poetry & myths to tell their history... they couldnt tell the truth w\o risking harm to themselves by their captors... today unfortunately people read these stories as literal truth.... therein lays much error...

24th November 2012, 04:02 PM
I personally find it AMAZING that the XIANS which is just a shorter version of Christians haven't even challenged the original post in this thread, namely "Why the Joos dont except the NT." All the diatribe so far is a distraction from answering why the dont accept the NT... this in itself is very revealing!

Well, I will answer it to please you and Freespirit. The answer is really quite simple.

The Church was begun with Adam... and his faith in the provision of the woman's seed to stomp the head of the devil.
Gen 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Throughout the history of mankind God was drawn to those with humble and contrite hearts. He visits those who hate their own sins and hunger for the things of the Spirit.... the lovers of Truth. We saw in Noah, Moses, David, Abraham and the prophets many physical examples of the spiritual realm. The OT is real history- the best on the planet. It does not favor anyone, showing the good, the bad, and the ugly- right alongside the beautiful. It is snippets of viewpoints with perceptions plainly seen and images of a safety net for those fish being saved.

But the prophets were hated typically among the Hebrews for their stern words. The people of Israel were prone to turn away from God and even worship false gods. How quickly they forgot the blessings they were given. Much like America today- they brought judgment upon themselves. Still, God was faithful to His promises and He provided the Messiah wrapped in the flesh of His only-begotten son.

Did all the Jews reject Messiah? Of course not!! The original question in this thread is wrong and stupid. The early new testament Church was ALL Jews- and then gentiles were seen believing and being endowed with the Spirit.

Act 4:1 And as they spake unto the people, the priests, and the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees, came upon them,
Act 4:2 Being grieved that they taught the people, and preached through Jesus the resurrection from the dead.
Act 4:3 And they laid hands on them, and put them in hold unto the next day: for it was now eventide.
Act 4:4 Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand.

It was the government of the Jews- the false temple leaders who were threatened with losing money because of this new "cult"..... and yet they saw it was operating in power.

The message of the gospel and the power of the Spirit was provided first to the Jews, then to the non-Jews.

Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation to everyone believing, both to Jew first, and to Greek;
Rom 1:17 for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; even as it has been written, "But the just shall live by faith." Hab. 2:4
Rom 1:18 For God's wrath is revealed from Heaven on all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, holding the truth in unrighteousness,
Rom 1:19 because the thing known of God is clearly known within them, for God revealed it to them.

24th November 2012, 04:23 PM
I am going to drop a bomb now... :)

Did the authors of the Bible invented the Old Testament? Seems like it... and if so... what to think of the NT?

singular_me, you fit right in with joboo, barnkie and Horn- welcome to the party. Unfortunately, you are so far from the truth I am not sure where to begin. How about just looking up the Dead Sea Scrolls?

I am sure you can find any number of reasons to doubt the bible and "feel" that it is a zionist tool to control feeble-minded morons. But, don't you feel the slightest silliness in claiming ancient stories of the occult are life codes to live by? Have none of you even questioned why you are so quick to embrace the dark slanders that have no foundation?

24th November 2012, 04:45 PM
IS-RA-EL, ISIS, Egyptian goddess of motherhood, magic & fertility depicted as the throne. RA, Egyptian solar deity depicted as the father. Ra marries Isis together they are EL which is short for Elohim... The Hebrews were in Egypt for 430 yrs., they brought Egyptian beliefs with them to the promised land!

24th November 2012, 04:54 PM
IS-RA-EL, ISIS, Egyptian goddess of motherhood, magic & fertility depicted as the throne. RA, Egyptian solar deity depicted as the father. Ra marries Isis together they are EL which is short for Elohim... The Hebrews were in Egypt for 430 yrs., they brought Egyptian beliefs with them to the promised land!

Really? After 40 years in the desert for their unbelief and needing to be refined so that ALL of that generation in Egypt would die off and only those of NEW life and FAITH could enter the promised land, how did you arrive at your conclusion?

24th November 2012, 04:54 PM
I am sure you can find any number of reasons to doubt the bible and "feel" that it is a zionist tool to control feeble-minded morons.

keyword; reason

Spectro as Big Dan Teague


24th November 2012, 05:02 PM
When you look to John Goodman, George Clooney and Hollywood as your modern day prophets, you get exactly the kind of religion you folks are wanting. I must be on the wrong forum. I didn' know this was a mainstream news media, hollywood and Obama-loving place.

Those who eat poison must not be surprised that their stomachs rot and their brains cloud. Thanks Horn.... you really put it together.

24th November 2012, 05:05 PM
Thanks Horn.... you really put it together.

Its an act, not too much unlike the one you are following.

Of course being the light(law)bringer would be your part.

Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey", set in the deep south during the 1930's. In it, three escaped convicts search for hidden treasure while a relentless lawman pursues them.

24th November 2012, 05:10 PM
Its an act, not too much unlike the one you are following.

Really? After 40 years in the desert for their unbelief and needing to be refined so that ALL of that generation in Egypt would die off and only those of NEW life and FAITH could enter the promised land, how did you arrive at your conclusion?

The "EXODUS MYTH" as told by a Jew... http://www.examiner.com/article/the-jewish-exodus-from-egypt-never-happened As previously stated... the 40 yrs in the desert is symbolic allegory of initiation, its not literal!

24th November 2012, 05:16 PM
Is your body a temple, or do you frequent McDonalds?

Once again Santa is seen delivering dramatic antidotes in the form of two lumps of coal...:p


My last 2c. I'll take a 95% proven scientific theory over 1% religious guesswork any day.

I do find it amusing that everyone agrees that the gods Zeus, and Athena, Mars, etc.. are all hilarious jokes, but they were very, very real to the people living in those times. Life and death, sacrifice your first born, real.

But THEY were crazy. Those crazy people.

LOLZ given enough time...guess what they will be saying about the fabricated paper "gods" people worship right now. Two guesses.

History has proven time, and time again the whole thing changes up like underwear blowing on a clothes line. Just go and look.

Whoa...Big surprise! People really are products of their environment.

Corroborates everything I've been saying.

Don't hate the playa, hate the game.

24th November 2012, 05:28 PM
The "EXODUS MYTH" as told by a Jew... http://www.examiner.com/article/the-jewish-exodus-from-egypt-never-happened As previously stated... the 40 yrs in the desert is symbolic allegory of initiation, its not literal!

Bob- are you freekin nutz? That link has a screwed up jew going to his screwed up rabbi and the rabbi says... eh, so maybe the supernatural stuff is fictitious.

That is your "evidence" of no Exodus?? You need to go eat a bagel.

24th November 2012, 05:34 PM
Whoa...Big surprise! People really are products of their environment.

I was discussing that with singular_me in a prior thread, how the environment could've been slightly different in the past.

Could be reason for those pantheistic religions/philosophies made much more sense in ancient history.

As if since, man moved in and took over the planet, God was then off sited.

24th November 2012, 05:45 PM
That is your "evidence" of no Exodus?? You need to go eat a bagel.

However, the archeological conclusions are not based primarily on the absence of Sinai evidence. Rather, they are based upon the study of settlement patterns in Israel itself. Surveys of ancient settlements--pottery remains and so forth--make it clear that there simply was no great influx of people around the time of the Exodus (given variously as between 1500-1200 BCE).

Could be imagination, as the jew trait is one gifted in such things as imagination.

Being an Egyptian slave was probably even looked up to, as a "we didn't start out here with the rest of these lowlifes".

its a typical jewish mindset, even displayed amongst the posts in this thread.

24th November 2012, 05:45 PM
@Spectricsm... Google: "The Exodus Myth" even the Rabbis agree its a lie! I believe G-d doesnt lie, but I KNOW men do! http://www.chabad.org/holidays/passover/pesach_cdo/aid/1771/jewish/Is-the-Exodus-a-Myth.htm

24th November 2012, 05:57 PM
Could be imagination, as the jew trait is one gifted in such things as imagination.

Being an Egyptian slave was probably even looked up to, as a "we didn't start out here with the rest of these lowlifes".

its a typical jewish mindset, even displayed amongst the posts in this thread.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.... the Jews are liars extrordinaire! Moses parted the Red Sea... sure, whatever... prove it! Seems you may be under their magic spell...

D sciple
24th November 2012, 05:58 PM
Oh big suprise, crossbreeds posing as Israelites don't really believe the scriptures.

24th November 2012, 06:07 PM
Sure, if everything was exposed, guess what: ALL religions would go under... and we'd remain with a belief system based on sciences, the one world spirituality...

Science, the One World Spirituality. Haha... Yeah... It'll go perfect with the One World Order and the One World Government.

24th November 2012, 06:10 PM
I was discussing that with singular_me in a prior thread, how the environment could've been slightly different in the past.

Could be reason for those pantheistic religions/philosophies made much more sense in ancient history.

As if since, man moved in and took over the planet, God was then off sited.

Worships Joboo:
http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=I.4611657517631256&pid=15.1&W=160&H=150 (http://www.mnh.si.edu/exhibits/natures_best_2008/gallery/JulianAsher_IndigenousCulturesHH_lg.jpg)

Worships random stars in the sky:
http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=I.4899802535362675&pid=15.1&W=160&H=146 (https://s3-us3.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&cat=pics&c=pf&q=romans&h=468&w=512&th=146&tw=160&fn=Romans.jpg&fs=80.7%20k&el=boss_pics_2&tu=http:%2F%2Fts4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DI.489980 2535362675%26pid%3D15.1%26W%3D160%26H%3D146&rl=NONE&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.chemistryland.com%2FCHM130W%2F06-Nomenclature%2FLanguageOfChemistry%2FLanguage.htm&udata=d63224ff60ccca6dbe3354e07ff306c3&rid=LFLNPNSKPLPO&oiu=http:%2F%2Fwww.chemistryland.com%2FCHM130W%2F0 6-Nomenclature%2FLanguageOfChemistry%2FRomans.jpg)

Worships Iphone:
http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=I.4901919984255630&pid=15.1&W=160&H=118 (https://s5-us3.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&cat=pics&c=pf&q=texting+while+walking&h=426&w=575&th=118&tw=160&fn=Texting-While-Walking_0011-575x426.jpg&fs=69.3%20k&el=boss_pics_1&tu=http:%2F%2Fts3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DI.490191 9984255630%26pid%3D15.1%26W%3D160%26H%3D118&rl=NONE&u=http:%2F%2Fblogs.orlandosentinel.com%2Fcrime-and-safety%2Fcategory%2Fno-category%2Fpage%2F14%2F&udata=8e01df5dfd85a2e45b6ddead205ff839&rid=LJLNPNSKOSSN&oiu=http:%2F%2Fblogs.sun-sentinel.com%2Fcrime-and-safety%2Ffiles%2F2010%2F08%2FTexting-While-Walking_0011-575x426.jpg)

Worships Big Macs:
http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=I.4635932663022250&pid=15.1&W=139&H=160 (https://s5-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&cat=pics&c=pf&q=fast+food+fat&h=564&w=494&th=160&tw=139&fn=fast-food-tattoos.jpg&fs=78.6%20k&el=boss_pics_2&tu=http:%2F%2Fts3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DI.463593 2663022250%26pid%3D15.1%26W%3D139%26H%3D160&rl=NONE&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.sodahead.com%2Ffun%2Fwould-you-hate-an-arranged-marriage%2Fquestion-1541691%2F&udata=40e6e692003b56cf7b018dff0b19a544&rid=LHLNPNSKOQQS&oiu=http:%2F%2Fidahokettlebells.com%2Fblog%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F01%2Ffast-food-tattoos.jpg)

Worships Donkey Kong:
http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=I.4798312446232391&pid=15.1&W=160&H=139 (https://s3-us3.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&cat=pics&c=pf&q=gamer+nerd&h=294&w=336&th=139&tw=160&fn=hardcore-gamer-loser-vigin-virginity-nerd-gaming-gamer-demotivational-poster-1234151474.jpg&fs=73.6%20k&el=boss_pics_2&tu=http:%2F%2Fts4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DI.479831 2446232391%26pid%3D15.1%26W%3D160%26H%3D139&rl=NONE&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.demotivationalposters.org%2Ftags% 2Fgamer&udata=f11e4d4983591d0f205c1f31c3c5f14a&rid=LHLNPNSKPPOL&oiu=http:%2F%2Fwww.demotivationalposters.org%2Fima ge%2Fdemotivational-poster%2Fsmall%2F0902%2Fhardcore-gamer-loser-vigin-virginity-nerd-gaming-gamer-demotivational-poster-1234151474.jpg)

Worships Brawndo:
http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=I.5011304161871469&pid=15.1&W=160&H=85 (https://s3-us3.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&cat=pics&c=pf&q=idiocracy&h=244&w=454&th=85&tw=160&fn=idiocracy.jpg&fs=126.3%20k&el=boss_pics_1&tu=http:%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DI.501130 4161871469%26pid%3D15.1%26W%3D160%26H%3D85&rl=NONE&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.6ixthman.com%2Fthinking-vs-idiocracy%2F&udata=0551cd05ac665870873444555c0da28f&rid=LILNPNSKPKRR&oiu=http:%2F%2Fwww.6ixthman.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F04%2Fidiocracy.jpg)

Worships Xenu:
http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=I.4704145319854779&pid=15.1&W=122&H=160 (https://s4-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&cat=pics&c=pf&q=admiral+ackbar&h=374&w=288&th=160&tw=122&fn=Admiral-Ackbar.jpg&fs=25.6%20k&el=boss_pics_2&tu=http:%2F%2Fts4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DI.470414 5319854779%26pid%3D15.1%26W%3D122%26H%3D160&rl=NONE&u=http:%2F%2Fjurassicwars.blogspot.com%2Fp%2Fadmir al-ackbar.html&udata=4d537c96a8fe55feabc223b733b6e307&rid=LELNPNSKPNLN&oiu=http:%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-lzGHKG0w3HY%2FTuZ5Vp8WKBI%2FAAAAAAAABpo%2FL-KgCCo55ec%2Fs1600%2FAdmiral-Ackbar.jpg)

;) (https://s4-us4.ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&cat=pics&c=pf&q=mother+of+god+meme&h=1520&w=1500&th=160&tw=157&fn=disgusted-mother-of-god-l.png&fs=848.8%20k&el=boss_pics_2&tu=http:%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DI.474069 5497115084%26pid%3D15.1%26W%3D157%26H%3D160&rl=NONE&u=http:%2F%2Fclean.alltheragefaces.com%2Fface%2Fdi sgusted-mother-of-god&udata=3284097eaa0425143c6b97736e870014&rid=LBLNPNSKPOKP&oiu=http:%2F%2Fclean.alltheragefaces.com%2Fimg%2Ff aces%2Flarge%2Fdisgusted-mother-of-god-l.png)

24th November 2012, 06:12 PM
Seems you may be under their magic spell...

Who me?

No, I just think they make great demon movies. I imagine them stating that they originated somewhere far away from Jerusalem,

actually I've often thought of them as a meatshield placed there at just the right moments thru history and by the Pharaohs.

After a succession of "sandnigger" buffer zones fell in short order... its just a geographical inclination.

24th November 2012, 09:33 PM
There should be nobody between each of us and God.

Thats it we are in agreement ,its very simple.

24th November 2012, 09:59 PM
Thats it we are in agreement ,its very simple.


I'd go for the heirloom reference,

its only $50, but has a hard back for striking the demons away.

25th November 2012, 01:07 AM

I'd go for the heirloom reference,

its only $50, but has a hard back for striking the demons away.

What so spectrum is a mason

25th November 2012, 02:14 AM
The Crown Chakra and Spiritual Enlightenment This article was written by Douglas De Long
posted under Chakras & Energy Work (http://www.llewellyn.com/journal/article_topic.php?article_topic=Chakras+%26+Energy +Work)
In ancient times there were mystery schools dedicated to helping initiates (http://www.llewellyn.com/encyclopedia/term/initiate) explore the mysteries of life. These schools flourished in places such as Egypt, Tibet, and Persia, and were believed to have their roots in Atlantis (http://www.llewellyn.com/encyclopedia/term/atlantis).

It was here that seekers of truth were taught to develop their psychic and spiritual abilities through special techniques, exercises, and initiations. One of the most important initiations, or rites, from thousands of years ago still exists today. It was called the “First Initiation Rite,” or “Great Initiation Rite,” by the ancient Egyptians and involved the toning of special chants or sounds. The high priest of the respective ancient mystery school performed this wonderful rite with newly enrolled students. This ritual took place at midnight in various locations such as the Sacred Lake at Karnak or in a secret chamber that existed below the Great Sphinx. The results of this initiation were profound and lasting for all that took part in it.

More than three thousand years ago, a beautiful man made lake existed amongst the temples of Karnak in Egypt. This was the Sacred Lake just mentioned. References to ancient Egyptian rituals and ceremonies can be found in books such as Egypt’s Ancient Heritage, Herbak: the Initiate and The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid. All are published by the Rosicrucian (AMORC (http://www.llewellyn.com/encyclopedia/term/amorc)) Brotherhood in San Jose, California.

In my book Ancient Teachings for Beginners (http://www.llewellyn.com/product.php?ean=9781567182149&utm_source=llewellynjournal&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=llewellynjournal), this initiation is explained in detail along with a history of the ancient mystery schools. As the author, I recognize the value of this ancient rite and have employed it many times on myself and countless others. Many individuals on a spiritual path have experimented with this ritual on their own, as well. The effects have been beneficial for everyone.

One of the chants associated with the First Initiation Rite affects the crown chakra (http://www.llewellyn.com/encyclopedia/term/crown+chakra) greatly and the third eye chakra, or energy center, to a lesser degree. The crown chakra, of course, is located at the top of the head and is linked on a physical level to the pituitary gland. The third eye chakra is situated in the middle of the forehead and is connected to the pineal gland on a physical level.

When intoned properly, this special chant or sound will send a vibration deep within the head where both the pineal and pituitary glands are situated. This causes these glands to vibrate, which in turn stimulates them and the surrounding areas of the brain. As this happens, the crown chakra will become ‘activated’ and open up. The third eye chakra will also be activated slightly at the same time. This allows higher vibrations of energy to enter into the crown chakra, the third eye chakra, the body and the human energy field or aura. This energy is connected to the Godsource, or heavenly fields above, and exists all around you. It is in the air that you breathe and the water that you drink. This energy is also referred to as chi (http://www.llewellyn.com/encyclopedia/term/chi), universal energy, prana (http://www.llewellyn.com/encyclopedia/term/prana), and spirit energy. Although this high vibration of energy was explored and discussed in the ancient mystery schools by the Egyptians, it was known simply as spirit.

When the crown chakra is activated fully and the third eye chakra to a lesser degree, the universal energy enters into the auric field, thereby letting several things happen. The aura will become cleaner and brighter. The seven main chakras, or energy centers, will receive this high vibration and become more balanced. This will allow healing energy to flow into the body. The stimulation and activation of both of these glands will affect the hypothalamus region of the brain resulting in the release of some endorphins into the body. This in turn will help someone to feel better. This in itself is particularly beneficial for anyone suffering with mood swings. Also, the neo cortex of the brain becomes stimulated and results in neurons firing into many areas of the brain. This allows you to use more of your brain’s potential, including the awakening of latent psychic abilities. This special chant slows down the aging process as well, because the endocrine glandular system becomes more balanced and in harmony. This is due to the fact that the pineal gland and pituitary gland when activated will influence the other glands of the endocrine system in a very positive way.

A brief description of this chanting exercise follows. The sound to use is May, as in the month. Before you begin, take a deep breath in and hold it for about five seconds. Then exhale slowly and evenly through your mouth or nose. This is your choice. Repeat this breathing technique two more times. It is important that the deep breathing is done a total of three times. This allows some of the chi or universal energy to be absorbed into the lungs and ultimately the whole body via the circulatory system. This ensures that the brain waves slow down, your auric field around you expands and brightens, and you feel more relaxed. This is necessary in order to receive the full benefits of performing the May chant.

This chant is done in a mid C musical note. For those of you who are not musically oriented, follow this general rule. When you chant, make sure that your voice is in a mid-range, not too high and not too low. You can also experiment with the range and find the exact level that works best for you.

Now, take in another deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Then, as you exhale, intone the sound M-A-A-A-Y-Y-Y until all your breath has been expelled. Let the pitch of your voice rise and fall a little as you do this. Take in a second deep breath, hold it once more for a bit and then repeat the chant. Intone the chant a third and final time. Once completed, just relax for a few moments.

Some of you may start to notice certain physiological things happening during or just upon completion of this “Crown Chakra Exercise.” For others, the results may be slow at first and less significant. In these cases, the results will be subtle but effective even though you may not be fully aware of it. In Ancient Teachings for Beginners (http://www.llewellyn.com/product.php?ean=9781567182149&utm_source=llewellynjournal&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=llewellynjournal), I explain the effects of performing this chant along with other chants and exercises in great detail.

Another of the physiological effects of this exercise is a feeling of ‘tingles’ on the top of the head where the crown chakra is located. This is a sign that the crown energy center is opening up. It is starting to receive higher vibrations of universal energy from the heavenly fields above, as mentioned earlier. Also, it is an indication that neurons are firing in the cerebrum of the brain, creating new pathways to other areas within. The cerebrum is the major mass of the human brain. Some of your psychic abilities are stored within this part of your brain.

As these pathways open up, universal energy and electrical stimulation are sent to dormant cells of the cerebrum that contain some of your psychic gifts and abilities. These cells will then be activated, allowing you to begin using some of these untapped abilities.

The pituitary gland has many physical purposes. It also has a psychic and spiritual purpose. When it is stimulated, it begins to work as a receiver of psychic information and spiritual impressions. The potential of working with your angels and spirit guides becomes available. For those of you who already communicate with these wise beings, your abilities will become enhanced.

As stated, the stimulation of the cerebrum, pineal and pituitary releases endorphins into the bloodstream. Seratonin is one of the hormonal secretions released through this chant. This helps to give you a natural high. Obviously, people who suffer from depression and low seratonin levels can find this exercise beneficial in alleviating this condition.

Once the pituitary gland has been activated on a physical level, and the crown chakra has been opened on a psychic level, more psychic and spiritual gifts will unfold. Some of these gifts are as follows: intuition increased, creativity expanded, clairvoyant abilities (to see beyond the norm) developed or enhanced, and empathic abilities developed or enhanced.

For many of you, these gifts will allow you to become aura readers, energy healers, spiritual mediums and medical intuitives. If you are already engaged in any of these pursuits, these attributes will be increased.

Spiritual enlightenment is a goal that everyone should seek. A spiritually developed or enlightened person affects the world around them in wondrous ways. When you become enlightened, your soul within will become a beautiful light to others. Enjoy your spiritual journey!


25th November 2012, 08:37 AM
Hey BB,
I'd just like to apologize for my aggressive outbursts. I think I may have misunderstood your points pertaining to the examples of hubris such as the "profane masses," etc, that you've been sprinkling...
I was judging your words based on what I considered to be a sense of your personal spirituality, and I may have been mistaken about that.

I still wonder why there's such "passion" here in talking down Christianity, specifically. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're talking about all institutional religions, of which I agree have always been constructed and used by the shitsacks at the top.

I read the links you posted, and without going into specifics, it seems to me that several of them reek of fabrication under the guise of history. Who would know otherwise? Without factual provenance it's mostly just interpretive fabrication.

If we're talking about spirituality and "personal" faith,... that's something else entirely, which I think should be treated with more respect, because it represents the heart of the person, the poster, whoever that may be. And in that regard, I defend agnostic and gnostic as well. Even those who place Science on an alter, so long as they don't get the idea that they can fuck with other people just because they have an advantage.

But anyway, if you actually believe routinely that the bulk of humanity are "profane," stupid automatons, and robotic herds, then all I can say is, "Fuck You, you evil little piss ant sack of shit." You are as much the enemy as the sociopathic shitsacks at the top who use underhanded esoteric occult means to control the populations, and your study of their methods makes you one of their sycophants, one of their satanic luciferian anti-human minions.

Lack of knowledge or ignorance of fact does NOT equate into "stupid automaton," or "profane herds."

Otherwise, I'm quite happy that you're here sharing your research. :)

25th November 2012, 08:44 AM
Christianity obliges people to remain a cult of children.


25th November 2012, 09:27 AM
Christianity obliges people to remain a cult of children.


this clown is a toad demon.

You feed on this kind of tripe Horn? WHat a friggin waste of time.

25th November 2012, 09:32 AM
this clown is a toad demon.

You feed on this kind of tripe Horn? WHat a friggin waste of time.

Typical childhood cult response.

25th November 2012, 10:06 AM
@Santa: Profane; to misuse anything that should be held in reverence or respect. -American College Dictionary pg. 966

25th November 2012, 10:19 AM
I was piqued by the comment, "One of a kind," and what came to my mind was the word, archetype. One, of a kind of archetype.

Archetype is based on the Greek root "archon," of which BB has referred to.

I'll start with wikipedia.

Archon (Gr. ἄρχων, pl. ἄρχοντες) is a Greek word that means "ruler" or "lord," frequently used as the title of a specific public office. It is the masculine present participle of the verb stem ἀρχ-, meaning "to rule," derived from the same root as monarch, hierarchy, and anarchy.Gnosticism

In late antiquity the term archon was used in Gnosticism to refer to several servants of the Demiurge, the "creator god" that stood between the human race and a transcendent God that could only be reached through gnosis. In this context they have the role of the angels and demons of the Old Testament. They give their name to the sect called Archontics.

A characteristic feature of the Gnostic concept of the universe is the role played in almost all Gnostic systems by the seven world-creating archons, known as the Hebdomad (ἑβδομάς). These Seven are in most systems semi-hostile powers, and are reckoned as the last and lowest emanations of the Godhead; below them—and frequently considered as derived from them—comes the world of the actually devilish powers. There are indeed certain exceptions; Basilides taught the existence of a "great archon" called Abraxas who presided over 365 archons (Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses, i. 24); in the Valentinian system, the Seven are in a manner replaced by the Aeons.

The ancient astronomy taught that above the seven planetary spheres was an eighth, the sphere of the fixed stars.[6] In the eighth sphere, these Gnostics taught, dwelt the mother to whom all these archons owed their origin, Sophia (Wisdom) or Barbelo. In the language of these sects the word Hebdomad not only denotes the seven archons, but is also a name of place, denoting the heavenly regions over which the seven archons presided; while Ogdoad denotes the supercelestial regions which lay above their control.

The Ophites accepted the existence of these seven archons (Origen, Contra Celsum, vi. 31; a nearly identical list is given in On the Origin of the World):[7]

Yaldabaoth, called also Saklas and Samael
Feminine name: Pronoia (Forethought) Sambathas, "week".
Prophets:[8] Moses, Joshua, Amos, Habakkuk.
From Hebrew yalda bahut, "Child of Chaos"? The outermost who created the six others, and therefore the chief ruler and Demiurge par excellence. Called "the Lion-faced", leontoeides.
Feminine name: Lordship.
Prophets: Samuel, Nathan, Jonah, Micah.
Perhaps from Yahu, Yahweh, but possibly also from the magic cry iao in the Mysteries.
Feminine name: Deity.
Prophets: Elijah, Joel, Zechariah.
The Old Testament title God of Hosts was thought a proper name, hence Jupiter Sabbas (Yahweh Sabaoth).
Astaphanos, or Astaphaios
Feminine name: Sophia (Wisdom).
Prophets: Esdras, Zephaniah.
Astraphaios is beyond doubt the planet Venus, as there are gnostic gems with a female figure and the legend ASTAPHE, which name is also used in magic spells as the name of a goddess.
The Sun.
Feminine name: Kingship.
Prophets: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel.
From the Hebrew term for "the Lord", used of God; Adonis of the Syrians representing the Winter sun in the cosmic tragedy of Tammuz. In the Mandaean system Adonaios represents the Sun.
Elaios, or Ailoaios, or sometimes Ailoein
Feminine name: Jealousy.
Prophets: Tobias, Haggai.
From Elohim, God (El).
The Moon.
Feminine name: Wealth.
Prophets: Michaiah, Nahum.
From Jaroah? or "light"? or Horus?

In the hellenized form of Gnosticism either all or some of these names are replaced by personified vices. Authadia (Authades), or Audacity, is the obvious description of Yaldabaoth, the presumptuous Demiurge, who is lion-faced as the Archon Authadia. Of the Archons Kakia, Zelos, Phthonos, Errinnys, Epithymia, the last obviously represents Venus. The number seven is obtained by placing a proarchon or chief archon at the head. That these names are only a disguise for the Sancta Hebdomas is clear, for Sophia, the mother of them, retains the name of Ogdoad, Octonatio. Occasionally one meets with the Archon Esaldaios, which is evidently the El Shaddai of the Bible, and he is described as the Archon "number four" (harithmo tetartos).

In the system of the Gnostics mentioned by Epiphanius we find, as the Seven Archons,

Saklas (the chief demon of Manichaeism)
Elilaios (probably connected with En-lil, the Bel of Nippur, the ancient god of Babylonia)
Yaldabaoth (or no. 6 Yaldaboath, no. 7 Sabaoth)

The last book of the Pistis Sophia contains the myth of the capture of the rebellious archons, whose leaders here appear as five in number.[9]

Ariouth (females)
Iachtanabas (males)


Among the Mandaeans, we find a different and perhaps more primitive conception of the Seven, according to which they, together with their mother Namrus (Ruha) and their father (Ur), belong entirely to the world of darkness. They and their family are looked upon as captives of the god of light (Manda-d'hayye, Hibil-Ziva), who pardons them, sets them on chariots of light, and appoints them as rulers of the world.[10]

The Manicheans readily adopted the Gnostic usage, and their archons are invariably evil beings. It is related how the helper of the Primal Man, the spirit of life, captured the evil archons, and fastened them to the firmament, or according to another account, flayed them, and formed the firmament from their skin,[11] and this conception is closely related to the other, though in this tradition the number (seven) of the archons is lost.

Irenaeus tells us: "the holy Hebdomad is the seven stars which they call planets" (i. 30). It is safe, therefore, to take the above seven Gnostic names as designating the seven planetary divinities, the sun, moon and five planets. In the Mandaean system the Seven are introduced with the Babylonian names of the planets. The connexion of the Seven with the planets is also clearly established by the expositions of Celsus and Origen (Contra Celsum, vi. 2 2 seq.) and similarly by the above-cited passage in the Pistis Sophia, where the archons, who are here mentioned as five, are identified with the five planets (excluding the sun and moon).

In this, as in several other systems, the traces of the planetary seven have been obscured, but hardly in any have they become totally effaced. What tended most to obliterate the sevenfold distinction was the identification of the God of the Jews, the Lawgiver, with Yaldabaoth and his designation as World-creator, whereas formerly the seven planets together ruled the world. This confusion, however, was suggested by the very fact that at least five of the seven archons bore Old-Testament names for God—El Shaddai, Adonai, Elohim, Jehovah, Sabaoth.

Wilhelm Anz (Ursprung des Gnosticismus, 1897) has also pointed out that Gnostic eschatology, consisting in the soul's struggle with hostile archons in its attempt to reach the Pleroma, is a close parallel of the soul's ascent, in Babylonian astrology, through the realms of the seven planets to Anu. The late Babylonian religion can definitely be indicated as the home of these ideas.[12]

The Bundahishn (iii. 25, v. z) is able to inform us that in the primeval strife of Satan against the light-world, seven hostile powers were captured and set as constellations in the heavens, where they are guarded by good star-powers and prevented from doing harm. Five of the evil powers are the planets, while here the sun and moon are of course not reckoned among the evil powers—for the obvious reason that in the Persian official religion they invariably appear as good divinities.[13] It must be also noted that the Mithras mysteries, so closely connected with the Persian religion, are acquainted with this doctrine of the ascent of the soul through the planetary spheres (Origen, Contra Celsum, vi. 22).
Judaism and Christianity

The N. T. several times mentions the "prince (ἄρχων) of the devils" (δαιμονίων), or "of the (this) world," or "of the power of the air;" but never uses the word absolutely in any cognate sense. In Leviticus (LXX.) Αρχων (once οἱ Ἄρχοντες, Leviticus 20:5) represents, or rather translates, Molech. The true biblical source of the usage however is Daniel 10:13-21 (six times Theodotion; once indistinctly LXX.), where the archon (שַׂ֣ר, "prince" A. V.) is the patron angel of a nation, Persia, Greece, or Israel; a name (Michael) being given in the last case only.

The Book of Enoch (vi. 3, 7; viii. 1) names 20 "archons of the" 200 "watcher" angels who sinned with the "daughters of men," as appears from one of the Greek fragments. The title is not indeed used absolutely (τ. ἀρχόντων αὺτῶν, Σεμιαζᾶς, ὁ ἄρχων αὐτῶν, bis: cf. ἱ πρώταρχος αὐτῶν Σ.), except perhaps once (πρῶτος Ἀζαὴλ ὁ δέκατος τῶν ἀρχόντων), where the Ethiopic has no corresponding words: but it has evidently almost become a true name, and may account for St. Jude's peculiar use of ἀρχή (Jude 1:6).

Christians soon followed the Jewish precedent. In the 2nd century the term appears in several writers alien to Gnosticism. The Epistle to Diognetus (7) speaks of God sending to men "a minister or angel or archon," etc. Justin (Dial. 36) understands the command in Psalms 24:7-9 (ἄρατε πύλας οἱ ἄρχοντες ὑμῶν LXX.) to open the heavenly gates as addressed to "the archons appointed by God in the heavens." The first spurious set of Ignatian epistles enumerates "the heavenly beings and the glory of the angels and the archons visible and invisible" (Ad Smyrn. 6), and again "the heavenly beings and the angelic collocations and the archontic constitutions" (i. e. order of provinces and of functions), "things both visible and invisible" (Ad Trall. 5); the meaning being lost by the time of the interpolator, who in one case drops the word out, and in the other gives it a political sense. The Clementine Homilies adopt and extend (xi. 10, ἐν ᾅδῃ . . . ὁ ἐκεῖ καθεστὼς ἄρχων) the N. T. usage; and further call the two good and evil ("right and left") "powers," which control the destiny of each man, "rulers" (archons, vii. 3), though more commonly "leaders" (ἡγεμόνες).
Greek theology

The mythology of ancient Greece knew gods, daemons, and heroes. Θεοὶ ἄρχοντες (ruling gods) appear in the subsequent philosophy of Plato (Phaedr. 247 A). However Philo never alludes to archons: in a single passage (De Mon. i. 1)[14] ἄρχοντες is merely correlative to ὑπήκοοι.

Presently the syncreticism of the later Greek philosophy found room for archons, which appear in Neoplatonism and claimed Plato's unwritten tradition. They are inserted by the author of the book De Mysteriis Aegyptiorum (ii. 3-9), and even it would seem by his questioner Porphyry, below gods, daemons, angels, and archangels, and above heroes (omitted by Porphyry) and departed "souls," in the scale of invisible beings whose presence may become manifest. It may be only an accidental coincidence that about the end of the 2nd century "Archon" was one of the names given by the Platonist Harpocration to the "Second God" of Numenius (Proclus in Tim. 93 C).

For all the series of the ruling Gods (θεοὶ ἄρχοντες), are collected into the intellectual fabrication as into a summit, and subsist about it. And as all the fountains are the progeny of the intelligible father, and are filled from him with intelligible union, thus likewise, all the orders of the principles or rulers, are suspended according to nature from the demiurgus, and participate from thence of an intellectual life.
—Proclus, The Theology of Plato[15]

25th November 2012, 10:31 AM
I think you misunderstand... while I do not agree with Spectrism, I do not consider him Profane! I believe he lives by his beliefs... while the Profane do not... many will go to church on SUNDay as a social occasion & thereafter forget about everything DEMANDED by their so-called belief system. A system that serves THEM whenever it suits their social or control agenda... thats PROFANE!

25th November 2012, 10:49 AM
Spectrism... unlike you, I dont take literally what is in the Bible... if the hebrews didnt exist in 1500 BC... then we have a big problem with the Abraham tale/allegory. The letter H in hebrew, as it is pronounced, means BREATH by the way and A "aleph" the beginning... as a matter of fact, all letters composing the name of biblical characters are based on the kaballah/numerology. So anyone believing the the bible do worship kaballah, somehow.

Read the book of Thot, and you will read a near copycat of the Genesis... the sumarian tablets too have a similar story.

singular_me, you fit right in with joboo, barnkie and Horn- welcome to the party. Unfortunately, you are so far from the truth I am not sure where to begin. How about just looking up the Dead Sea Scrolls?

I am sure you can find any number of reasons to doubt the bible and "feel" that it is a zionist tool to control feeble-minded morons. But, don't you feel the slightest silliness in claiming ancient stories of the occult are life codes to live by? Have none of you even questioned why you are so quick to embrace the dark slanders that have no foundation?

25th November 2012, 10:51 AM
I think the answers to our questions about the control meme structure that us conspiracy theorists are studying exists mostly dormant in our everyday language, and that studying the esoteric, so-called "Occult" is a red herring. Childish grasping for the most part.

That's not to say that their aren't hidden sciences, or mathematical concepts the "herds" aren't taught, which are used to control us, such as things like Harmonics that Glass recently brought up. I think those methods are obviously being used.

But more importantly, knowing the exoteric meaning of the words we use everyday is absolutely critical in understanding what's being done to us. And it's obviously critical in translating what's written in the Bible.

The translation of the bible becomes the important thing, not the Bible itself.

Which really comes down to translation. Or allowing the Archons of the world to translate for us, so to speak.

25th November 2012, 11:33 AM
I think you misunderstand... while I do not agree with Spectrism, I do not consider him Profane! I believe he lives by his beliefs... while the Profane do not... many will go to church on SUNDay as a social occasion & thereafter forget about everything DEMANDED by their so-called belief system. A system that serves THEM whenever it suits their social or control agenda... thats PROFANE!
Then I think you have it backwards in a very important way. Judging the multitudes of humanity in condemnation for their ignorance is what's profane. It's exactly what the fucking Masons do and you're falling for it. You're buying their Shtick...

You, as an individual do not have the ability, the mental capacity, the wisdom to make such vast worldly judgements. That's only for God to judge.

Therefore you err, as in competition with God, the Organizing Principle Mind, grievously... and are on a path to your demise, your death.

You're making the same mistake that the fulers of the world make. Believing you have some special mental capacity, some "authority" over others to be the decider. But you cannot be the decider. It does not matter what you do, or how much knowledge you gain, or how much gold you have, or what deeds you accomplish, you're far too stupid to judge the masses of humanity. We all are.

When you say you're "one of a kind" in that regard, you're classifying yourself as one of the very wicked "Archons" the gnostics, were referring to. Trying to mentally position yourself as a "ruler or lord" in the world.

But you aren't. You're merely shaking your claw at the real authority. You're FALLING!

But then, we're all falling in one way or another.

We all are because we all represent archetypes of humanity.

God is always the father and we are always His children. That cannot be turned around.

It's metaphorical, yes.... and it's reality.

25th November 2012, 12:06 PM
But then, we're all falling in one way or another.

We all are because we all represent archetypes of humanity.

God is always the father and we are always His children. That cannot be turned around.

It's metaphorical, yes.... and it's reality.

I feel like I've just been judged to be a fallen angel.

What I feel more is as an extension of "God" - divine consciousness, and just a part of humanity,

but its just a part you're playing, you're witnessing the all world stage, which inturn makes you, you.

I have no wish to be Santa. :)

25th November 2012, 12:26 PM
Research suggests that Kabbalah is the Eastern Kundalini experience! Gnosticism recognizes Samael (the Demiurgos) as the Ruler over this dimension... the Hebrews capitulated to Samael & in doing so claim to be the "chosen ones." FOR ME, I had to read & understand many primer books before I could really understand or properly interpret the KJV Bible... once I gained this knowledge, what were once viewed as contradictions... seemingly disappeared from the pages!

25th November 2012, 12:35 PM
FOR ME, I had to read & understand many primer books before I could really understand or properly interpret the KJV Bible... once I gained this knowledge, what were once viewed as contradictions... seemingly disappeared from the pages!

Was the KJV abridged?


25th November 2012, 02:15 PM
Santa, the hidden/occult has always negative consequences, such as lies... people must be able to access the big picture whenever they want... so believing that the occult is evil is a half truth/lie.

I think the answers to our questions about the control meme structure that us conspiracy theorists are studying exists mostly dormant in our everyday language, and that studying the esoteric, so-called "Occult" is a red herring. Childish grasping for the most part.

That's not to say that their aren't hidden sciences, or mathematical concepts the "herds" aren't taught, which are used to control us, such as things like Harmonics that Glass recently brought up. I think those methods are obviously being used.

But more importantly, knowing the exoteric meaning of the words we use everyday is absolutely critical in understanding what's being done to us. And it's obviously critical in translating what's written in the Bible.

The translation of the bible becomes the important thing, not the Bible itself.

Which really comes down to translation. Or allowing the Archons of the world to translate for us, so to speak.

25th November 2012, 03:52 PM
Typical childhood cult response.

You posted a demon toad cult leader and did not answer whether you feed on that crap. I guess you do.

25th November 2012, 04:12 PM
You posted a demon toad cult leader and did not answer whether you feed on that crap. I guess you do.

What specifically classifies it as crap from a "demon toad cult leader"?

Does include telling you exactly how (in numbered sentence) to be a good boy & get what you want from Santa?


25th November 2012, 04:22 PM
The NT contains what appears to be numerous passages & myths from many different religions around the world... hence the appearance of contradictions... The OT is the same retelling, just much older. Genesis is the rehash of the Enuma Elish, Moses is the Egyptian Mises, etc. It's history told from a jewish PERSPECTIVE, but for the most part its NOT jewish history...

25th November 2012, 04:24 PM
is that to say we should just find the commonalities and use them as the "real story"?

25th November 2012, 04:24 PM
Back to the OP- it is not just Jews who cannot accept the New Testament, but all those who are of the world and the ruler of this world is the devil.

There are many Jews who have put their faith in Messiah. They are called messianic jews. They have come to see the fulfillment of the prophecies in the Nazarene.

25th November 2012, 04:29 PM
The NT contains what appears to be numerous passages & myths from many different religions around the world... hence the appearance of contradictions... The OT is the same retelling, just much older. Genesis is the rehash of the Enuma Elish, Moses is the Egyptian Mises, etc. It's history told from a jewish PERSPECTIVE, but for the most part its NOT jewish history...

The Jews did not exist from the beginning of the world. They were just one tribe of Israel's 12 tribes. And before Israel was Abraham. And before Abraham was Noah. There are many branches of people who made up the world and they all came from the family of Noah. I would expect any of them with the ability to record history would have similar stories.

If you tell me 2 + 2 = 4, how bright would I sound if I told that you are wrong because mathematicians uttered those words years before you did?

25th November 2012, 04:55 PM
The NT contains what appears to be numerous passages & myths from many different religions around the world... I just learned today that the story about Jesus being the same as Egyptian god Horus, is a hoax, there is nothing recorded from ancient Egyptian scrolls documenting that Horus had the characteristics of Jesus that for instance Zeitgeist have claimed...

25th November 2012, 05:20 PM
"The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors" http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/kersey_graves/16/chap1.html

25th November 2012, 05:23 PM
I just learned today that the story about Jesus being the same as Egyptian god Horus, is a hoax, there is nothing recorded from ancient Egyptian scrolls documenting that Horus had the characteristics of Jesus that for instance Zeitgeist have claimed...

Horus the Sun God, son of Osiris. Is not begotten, son of Osiris?

Yet I am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no God, but me: for there is no savior beside me.
- King James Version

25th November 2012, 05:36 PM
Is Death Real? New theory says no... it is just transmutation of energy! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/blackberry/p.html?id=384515

25th November 2012, 06:00 PM
Looking for the answers in a dusty old book written by magic men with magic pens surrounded by a sea of gullible illiterates.

What could go wrong?


25th November 2012, 06:09 PM
joboo have you ever read Isis Unveiled or the Secret Doctrine by Blavatsky? ... its very entertaining...

25th November 2012, 06:56 PM
ITT clueless morons

25th November 2012, 07:23 PM
In today's social climate we have a sea of political and economic illiterates. Witness the result. But it was somehow different back then with the status quo being unable to read or write on top of it all, and not to mention the magic robed ones being the government. Yikes.

25th November 2012, 08:14 PM
Odd how some claim that to listen to other men is being deceived and they ridicule the magnificent truths of the bible as if the bible is flawed.

These same people quote evil men and ridiculous sources as their idols.

25th November 2012, 09:05 PM
Actually Spectrism I find it refreshing now to read NT .... especially since it contains some of the greatest secrets of our Creator that were\are held by so many cultures in their exoteric & esoteric belief systems.... contained in one book no less!

Old Herb Lady
25th November 2012, 09:20 PM
chilleth outeth peoples, our beliefs are all different. Be happy anyways ! :)




25th November 2012, 09:23 PM
Here is one of my favorite religious songs.


25th November 2012, 09:23 PM
Why did the old testament need to become the new testament if it was supposedly written from a perfect source? Why would something supposedly perfect need to be revised into a new version? Would that not indicate it was perhaps no so perfect in the first place? So how is that possible? Talmud to torah as well. Seems like a recurring trend.

25th November 2012, 09:40 PM
Why did the old testament need to become the new testament if it was supposedly written from a perfect source? Why would something supposedly perfect need to be revised into a new version? Would that not indicate it was perhaps no so perfect in the first place? So how is that possible? Talmud to torah as well. Seems like a recurring trend.

Puritans from the Church of England had problems with the original translation,

later they brought it to America to burn many a witch with it.

25th November 2012, 11:35 PM
Actually Spectrism I find it refreshing now to read NT .... especially since it contains some of the greatest secrets of our Creator that were\are held by so many cultures in their exoteric & esoteric belief systems.... contained in one book no less!

But I DO NOT limit my understanding to any particular school of thought, excepting Gnosticism! Why would I, after all, whether it be esoteric or exoteric the writers were writing to achieve specific results... usually limited to social, political and economic goals! The truth isnt free, its also covered with propaganda...

26th November 2012, 12:35 AM
Puritans from the Church of England had problems with the original translation, later they brought it to America to burn many a witch with it. Definitely perplexing. It's elephants in the room inconsistencies like this that prevent me from glazing over. I don't know how some people can do it, and keep a straight face.

26th November 2012, 06:23 AM
But I DO NOT limit my understanding to any particular school of thought, excepting Gnosticism! Why would I, after all, whether it be esoteric or exoteric the writers were writing to achieve specific results... usually limited to social, political and economic goals! The truth isnt free, its also covered with propaganda...

Give your evidence of the last comment. Who had what social, political or economic goals in the writing of the letters seen in the new testament? These men lived their lives under torture unto death. Your slander is sick.

Why did the old testament need to become the new testament if it was supposedly written from a perfect source? Why would something supposedly perfect need to be revised into a new version? Would that not indicate it was perhaps no so perfect in the first place? So how is that possible? Talmud to torah as well. Seems like a recurring trend.

The only recurring trend is your desire to remain ignorant. The torah and the words of the prophets were given as direction for sin-tainted man. They showed the future so that one looking back into the words could see that they came from God. They provided the explanation and the examples pointing to the Messiah. They made certain in the minds of men that sin-tainted mankind cannot save himself. They showed the difference between perfection and what man does and is.

And what that message could not accomplish, the Messiah did. The books of the bible are not the complete works of God. Nor are they separate entities coming from two different sources. They are one Word and one message.

26th November 2012, 07:37 AM
The only recurring trend is your desire to remain ignorant. The torah and the words of the prophets were given as direction for sin-tainted man. They showed the future so that one looking back into the words could see that they came from God. They provided the explanation and the examples pointing to the Messiah. They made certain in the minds of men that sin-tainted mankind cannot save himself. They showed the difference between perfection and what man does and is. And what that message could not accomplish, the Messiah did. The books of the bible are not the complete works of God. Nor are they separate entities coming from two different sources. They are one Word and one message. I'm not exactly sure you're free of that claim yourself. Why was something perfect rewritten into a new version if it was perfect in the first place? Something is not adding up on a fundamental level in that regard. Seems simple enough to answer. Have you ever actually thought about it?

26th November 2012, 07:43 AM
I'm not exactly sure you're free of that claim yourself. Why was something perfect rewritten into a new version if it was perfect in the first place? Something is not adding up on a fundamental level in that regard. Seems simple enough to answer. Have you ever actually thought about it?

Oh man! If I thought for a minute that you had a sincere interest in truth I would not be so exasperated with your ridiculous love for blindness.

The old testament books were not "rewritten". They portrayed human life as it really is. They veiled secrets for different times in history to be revealed.

What is concealed in the Old Testament is revealed in the new. They are one flowing message, not a rewrite of a failed text. Only those who have ears to hear will be able to enjoy the pleasant sounds of that orchestra.

26th November 2012, 07:46 AM
Oh man! If I thought for a minute that you had a sincere interest in truth I would not be so exasperated with your ridiculous love for blindness. The old testament books were not "rewritten". They portrayed human life as it really is. They veiled secrets for different times in history to be revealed. What is concealed in the Old Testament is revealed in the new. They are one flowing message, not a rewrite of a failed text. Only those who have ears to hear will be able to enjoy the pleasant sounds of that orchestra. But a revision was necessary. So why was it necessary? Stick to the realities before you break out the paintbrush again. ;)

26th November 2012, 08:57 AM
Bible's stoopid. I believe in youtube. :)

26th November 2012, 08:58 AM
@Spectrism.... I applaud you for your beliefs..... BUT all your HISSING (KJV Isaiah 5:26, Zech 10:8) for the OT Serpent God fails in toto when interpreted literally... "The LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery SERPENT, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it shall live." Numbers 21:8,9. A SERPENT of BRASS! The Sumarian Serpent God statuette: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_anunnaki/reptiles/images/reptiles40_03.jpg

26th November 2012, 09:37 AM
Gen 3:8 "Lord God was WALKING in the garden." HOW can this be? "God is SPIRIT" Gen 1:2, "God is INVISIBLE" EX 33:20, JOHN 1:18, COL 1:15, 1TIM 1:17, ACTS 7:48-49, "God is INCORPOREAL" LUKE 24:39 .... "I the LORD DO NOT CHANGE" MAL 3:6, HEB 13:8.... well someones commiting fraud as scripture states Adam & Eve, Isaiah, Moses & Enoch ALL saw God... you know, the invisible NEVER CHANGING God!

26th November 2012, 10:43 AM
Gen 3:8 "Lord God was WALKING in the garden." HOW can this be? "God is SPIRIT" Gen 1:2, "God is INVISIBLE" EX 33:20, JOHN 1:18, COL 1:15, 1TIM 1:17, ACTS 7:48-49, "God is INCORPOREAL" LUKE 24:39 .... "I the LORD DO NOT CHANGE" MAL 3:6, HEB 13:8.... well someones commiting fraud as scripture states Adam & Eve, Isaiah, Moses & Enoch ALL saw God... you know, the invisible NEVER CHANGING God!

If God is limited to spirit realm, how could He create a physical realm? And if He could create a physical realm, how would He be unable to create an interface in the physical?

What you miss is the real important message: God once walked upon the earth when it was good and man had not brought a curse to it. Afterwards, we do not see a reference of the Spirit of God taking form unless in agreement with man- to bring the Messiah. You see, man was given dominion over the earth and when Adam & Eve chose to turn from God, it became a place that must not be blessed with the presence of God. Time was encapsulated and the clock started ticking.

@Spectrism.... I applaud you for your beliefs..... BUT all your HISSING (KJV Isaiah 5:26, Zech 10:8) for the OT Serpent God fails in toto when interpreted literally... "The LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery SERPENT, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it shall live." Numbers 21:8,9. A SERPENT of BRASS! The Sumarian Serpent God statuette: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_anunnaki/reptiles/images/reptiles40_03.jpg

What you see as hissing is my anger over lies and slanders spoken.

You must understand the events and "types" of the story. The rebellious Israelites who could only complain about everything after being saved from the Egyptian slavery, were domed to wandered and be snake-bitten. God provided an escape for those who would die. Look to the serpent on the pole.

The serpent on the pole (symbol used in medical practices) referred to a hated and devious one- the devil. So how could the devil be used for healing? He is not. That serpent on the pole actually is a type (foreshadow) of the Messiah who would be scorned AS sin and murdered on a pole. The Messiah became sin for us that we might be saved.

But a revision was necessary. So why was it necessary? Stick to the realities before you break out the paintbrush again. ;)

DOoooood.... there was no revision. It is a continuation. Within the continuation we see the Messiah offer a "new covenant". This is the same covenant- the same promise given to Adam by God. The Messiah is the seed of the woman who would crush the head of the serpent. The Messiah is the sacrificial Lamb portrayed in ancient Israel with the blood scrifices at the temple. The Messiah is the same Lamb given in the passover sacrifice with the blood marking the doorways of the Israelites. The Messiah is the same saving ark that kept Noah and his family alive.

NO revision. It is the same God speaking to the people about the same plan of salvation. It shows the inability of man to live up to perfect standards and the NEED for the Messiah to be that unblemished lamb.

26th November 2012, 11:53 AM
"As above, so below" is the Alchemical expression to describe our reality...the Atum\Atom is alchemically described as the Trinity... the electron, the proton & the neutron! The Light that creates the shadow of reality is the same light that taketh it away with entropy...the destruction of matter a..k.a. the process of material degeneration of particles was explained as Demons destroying the creation... (just because science renamed demons to particles etc. doesnt matter)... Religions, myths & superstions in the past have served illiterate & ignorant populaces well... dont eat any fish w\o scales meant dont try to dry & store fish w\o scales! Same goes for pork, etc. Many of these LAWS from antiquity were created to build healthly societies... to serve the Priesthood...