View Full Version : new shooting: Newtown, Conn. details breaking
7th January 2013, 07:17 PM
Yeah really. Very simple. It's as easy as changing the date on the server that's hosting it.
Takes 5 seconds.
Only problem with that logic is that you can't do that on a production web hosting service. Especially one that has many hundreds or thousands of users. You'll run in to some major problems with database backups.
7th January 2013, 07:32 PM
Interisting link, do not know if was posted. If repeat, apology in advance
7th January 2013, 07:33 PM
Only problem with that logic is that you can't do that on a production web hosting service. Especially one that has many hundreds or thousands of users. You'll run in to some major problems with database backups.
No need for logic when Jooboo is the resident master of bluster and bullshit.
7th January 2013, 08:09 PM
Members here should be savings these screenshots to their hard drives. I'm sure Jooboo is calling the ADL/SPLC to get to scrubbing this pronto. Withing a few days, everyone in the world will have figured out that they've been had.
7th January 2013, 08:18 PM
The changing of the timestamp on facebook pages, the United Way and even Google itself just proves that time is relative. It would only take about 5 minutes to change the time server at the United Way AND Google in order to put out the "anti-conspiracy" proof that the time had been tampered with and therefore the "conspiracy" must be false. I am sure that this would be only a small thing.
Hey Boo - did you ever notice that your computer seems to pick up the right time every time you are on the Internet?
Edited to add: I just did the Google search date range 12/10 through 12/14 and you also get all kinds of other bots and search pages showing the same things on the same dates, as well as some things shown on 12/13. Now how do we explain that Google indexed it and a bunch of other bots all indexed it - all the same datestamps?
Internet Time Server
A Time Server is a device connected to the network that has trusted time and responds to a computer request for time information by using one of several internet time protocols. By far the most commonly used time protocol is the Network Time Protocol (NTP) ( Other time protocols include the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP), Time and Daytime.
Generally what is meant by an Internet Time Server is a Time Server connected to the Internet that is available for public use. It responds to time queries from computers all over the world. By installing the NTP client software on each of your workstations, and then directing each of them to get their time from the Internet Time Server, you can keep your network synchronized.
This is fine as far as it goes but many IT Administrators want a dedicated time server installed inside their firewall. Why? There are several reasons but the main one is security. Using an Internet Time Server means you have to open a "hole" in your firewall (UDP 123). This brings with it a risk of attack from the outside. With a time server inside your firewall you have control over all aspects of synchronizing your network and you can keep your firewall as intact as possible.
There are many Internet Time Servers available around the world for public use. For a comprehensive list go to (
Hatha Sunahara
7th January 2013, 08:31 PM
We can all take the FEMA IS 120.a training. Go here:
This will show you how a FEMA exercise works. It will tell you all you need to know about FEMA exercises.
I've entertained the notion that the Medical Examiner was acting out the scenario in his press interview, and he knew he was misrepresenting the facts, and that was the basis for his comment that he hoped it would not all come down on their heads. The minute any of these people knowingly make false or deceptive statements publicly, they become insiders in the real agenda--and are locked into their lies and to silence about anything they know. I think that was the purpose of the NDAA, which is truly similar to Hitler's Night and Fog decree. See here: The NDAA is for 'insiders'--people who know and need to shut up about the agenda. Your problem goes away if the person causing it goes away. This is how Stalin worked in the Soviet Union. Problems were solved by people disappearing. No trial necessary. This is the stick part of the need for silence. The carrot part is that the participants get paid well with bonuses and career advancements. Keep your eyes open on the careers of the Cops and the Medical Examiner at Sandy Hook, and remember the faces of the actor/parents who will show up again and again in future exercises of this type. And watch for people who disappear. There was a nurse that treated people in Aurora that disappeared by drowning shortly after the incident. No doubt some of the actors at Sandy Hook will disappear into the night and fog. We'll never know why.
7th January 2013, 09:09 PM
Holy crap you should check out chapter 5 of that training manual. There is a short video on the last slide. This is the whole play-book. Acting out disasters in a believable and realistic manner. Fucking hollywood reality Teevee.
7th January 2013, 09:56 PM
This thread has become a great one, regardless of the guy trying to kill it, it will not die, Well JQP will not see this info but we do and can give it out like fish heads to oriental guys.
7th January 2013, 09:58 PM
This thread has become a great one, regardless of the guy trying to kill it, it will not die, Well JQP will not see this info but we do and can give it out like fish heads to oriental guys.
7th January 2013, 10:11 PM
Only problem with that logic is that you can't do that on a production web hosting service. Especially one that has many hundreds or thousands of users. You'll run in to some major problems with database backups. True, but is it in fact hosted with other sites, and/or were other sites affected? I'm trying to avoid being indoctrinated into the cult of moonbat before seeing something substantial.
7th January 2013, 10:11 PM
LOL always thinking of you there but it was general statement If you will.
Would be grand if more did wake up, but most are just worrying about there next bills this month.
7th January 2013, 10:18 PM
Members here should be savings these screenshots to their hard drives. I'm sure Jooboo is calling the ADL/SPLC to get to scrubbing this pronto. Withing a few days, everyone in the world will have figured out that they've been had.
I can only think of three possible reasons for your behavior if you are in fact a doctor (which I'm really beginning to doubt). You had a stroke recently, you substance abuse (booze, pills), or you're just off your rocker i.e. paranoid schizophrenia.
Sorry man, I call things the way I see them. If that makes you think I'm a secret agent.....well....see my explanation above.
I ask questions before blazing down any rabbit hole into the cult of moonbat.
I like to see something solid before I start ranting about satanic cults, and fake kids like buddy in your youtube vid.
7th January 2013, 10:30 PM
Hmm. Jooristic person/jewmanti?
7th January 2013, 10:52 PM
United Way extends our most sincere condolences and prayers to all those families affected by the devastating events in Newtown/Sandy Hook, Connecticut. While the eyes of the world may be on Newtown/Sandy Hook, to several staff, volunteers and contributors, Newtown is home. We will stand with the community and everyone affected directly and indirectly by this tragic event as we face the days and weeks ahead.
United Way of Western Connecticut is committed to providing support and resources where and when they become identified and needed. As people from our area and beyond respond to this heartbreaking tragedy, they are turning to United Way looking for ways to help. In response, United Way of Western Connecticut in partnership with Newtown Savings Bank has created the ‘Sandy Hook School Support Fund’ that will be able to provide support services to the families and community that has been affected. (
And a passel more links to same. ( 2%2F11%2F2012&tbm#hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&tbo=d&tbs=cdr:1%2Ccd_min%3A12%2F11%2F2012%2Ccd_max%3A12% 2F11%2F2012&sclient=psy-ab&q=sandy+hook&oq=sandy+hook&gs_l=serp.3..0l4.38378.42061.0.42459. 387.1379.1j6j1j1.9.0.les%3B..0.0...1c.1.iPGhOE8qHQ A&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.eWU&fp=a7e118819f5e1e5b&bpcl=40096503&biw=1024&bih=456)
Don't know who this outfit is but the person the domain is registered by has a bit of internet history. A Ham radio operator. A father who needs some in house assistance.
They are listed on corporation wiki which has a graphic showing other people linked to them. Worth a look.
Dana Rawding is associated with United Way of Western Connecticut, Inc. ( with the role of Director. Dana Rawding has 14 known relationships including Lavern Anderson (, Alecia Andrews ( and David Deschenes ( and is located in Danbury, CT.
Dun & Bradstreet last refreshed 6/19/2012
Do any of these names stand out?
Lavern Anderson (
Alecia Andrews (
David Deschenes (
Marianne Gaffey (
Elizabeth Goehrin (
Jennifer Hallissey (
Judy Hlavenka (
Gale Houser (
Michael Johnston (
Tina Mazzella (
Kim Morgan (
June Renzulli (
Stacy Schulman (
Henry Vega (
Some interesting info on United Way. They have a huge amount of money go through their books. $4.2 Billion per year. That's one big charity.
The United Way of America, based in Alexandria, Virginia (,_Virginia), is a non-profit organization ( that works with more than 1,200 local United Way offices throughout the country in a coalition of charitable organizations ( to pool efforts in fundraising ( and support. The focus of United Way is identifying and resolving pressing community issues, as well as making measurable changes in the communities through partnerships with schools, government agencies, businesses, organized labor, financial institutions, community development corporations, voluntary and neighborhood associations, the faith community, and others. The issues United Way offices focus on are determined locally because of the diversity of the communities served. However, the main focus areas include education, income and health.
The organization has roots in Denver, Colorado (,_Colorado), where in 1887 church leaders began the Charity Organization Society (, which coordinated services and fund raising for 22 agencies.[1] ( Many Community Chest ( organizations, which were founded in the first half of the twentieth century to jointly collect and allocate money, joined the American Association for Community Organizations in 1918. The first Community Chest was founded in 1913 in Cleveland, Ohio (,_Ohio), after the example of the Jewish Federation ( in Cleveland—which served as an exemplary model for "federated giving". The number of Community Chest organizations increased from 39 to 353 between 1919 and 1929, and surpassed 1,000 by 1948. In 1948, Walter C. Laidlaw merged the Community Chest and other Detroit charities to form the United Foundation. By 1963, and after several name changes, the term United Way was adopted, but not everyone chose to use it. After Walter C. Laidlaw fell ill, William Aramony ( became CEO of the national governing body which was known as the United Community Funds and Council of America (UCFCA) and in 1970 the organization was renamed United Way of America (UWA), and moved from New York City ( to Alexandria, Virginia (,_Virginia) in 1971.[2] ( After Aramony's departure in 1992, Kenneth W. Dam was named interim CEO until Elaine Chao ( was selected as UWA's second President. Betty Stanley Beene took over in 1997 and stayed until 2001.[3] ( Chris Amundsen, Chief Administrative Officer, served as interim president during a year-long search. Brian Gallagher (, former head of United Way in Columbus, Ohio (,_Ohio), accepted the job in 2002[4] ( and was still president and CEO at the end of 2011.
In the 2007 Philanthropy 400, United Way of America was again the largest charity in the United States, with 1,285 local United Ways reporting over $4.2 billion in contributions, a 2.2% increase over 2006.[5] (
In May 2009, United Way of America and United Way International ( were integrated as one global entity, United Way Worldwide ([6] (
link (
7th January 2013, 10:59 PM
Hmm. Jooristic person/jewmanti?
You're infected as well eh? Careful. It's a mental affliction, it's spreads.
I used to rip both those guys apart on GIM1 with the 9/11 stuff. Even got JP's little friend banned once....he freaked out over it calling for my ban.
I've matured, and become a lot more level headed in life. I no longer gobble down everything I see that is conspiracy related just because of some youtube video.
Reason being there is a definite cult of moonbat out's some kind of mental disease.
See: Godlike productions if you need a quick overdose.
8th January 2013, 01:15 AM
You're infected as well eh? Careful. It's a mental affliction, it's spreads.
I used to rip both those guys apart on GIM1 with the 9/11 stuff. Even got JP's little friend banned once....he freaked out over it calling for my ban.
I've matured, and become a lot more level headed in life. I no longer gobble down everything I see that is conspiracy related just because of some youtube video.
Reason being there is a definite cult of moonbat out's some kind of mental disease.
See: Godlike productions if you need a quick overdose.
Cult of moonbat? You need only to look at the interviews of Gene Rosen, Robbie Parker, and other 'parents', the medical examiner to get a quick overview what the cult of moonbat is doing.
But you are telling people not to believe their own eyes, that somehow the conclusion that Sandy Hook, was faked, is a particularly crazy one, well done Joobot!
8th January 2013, 01:46 AM
^ Gene Rosen
8th January 2013, 02:15 AM
Cult of moonbat? You need only to look at the interviews of Gene Rosen, Robbie Parker, and other 'parents', the medical examiner to get a quick overview what the cult of moonbat is doing.
But you are telling people not to believe their own eyes, that somehow the conclusion that Sandy Hook, was faked, is a particularly crazy one, well done Joobot!
Sorry I'm not buying the fake kids, fake house, fake school, fake town, fake brother, fake mother, fake father, fake shooter, fake friends, fake everything...and the list goes on forever....the whole thing is fake.
Get the fuck out...that is full on cult of moonbat shape shifting lizard style.
People's brains are falling out.
They see one thing as plausible, and scream down the rabbit hole over the whole thing top to bottom. It's all FAAAKE!
....and I'm a CIA/FBI jew operative again. (<--- retard para-schizo comments on this soon to follow)
midnight rambler
8th January 2013, 02:58 AM
Not only is Lt. Paul Vance the Department Spokesman/Media Relations Commander of the Connecticut State Police, he's also the Commanding Officer State Police Missing Person Unit - (for someone in media relations/communications his spelling sucks)
8th January 2013, 04:21 AM
The changing of the timestamp on facebook pages, the United Way and even Google itself just proves that time is relative. It would only take about 5 minutes to change the time server at the United Way AND Google in order to put out the "anti-conspiracy" proof that the time had been tampered with and therefore the "conspiracy" must be false. I am sure that this would be only a small thing.
Hey Boo - did you ever notice that your computer seems to pick up the right time every time you are on the Internet?
Edited to add: I just did the Google search date range 12/10 through 12/14 and you also get all kinds of other bots and search pages showing the same things on the same dates, as well as some things shown on 12/13. Now how do we explain that Google indexed it and a bunch of other bots all indexed it - all the same datestamps?
Internet Time Server
A Time Server is a device connected to the network that has trusted time and responds to a computer request for time information by using one of several internet time protocols. By far the most commonly used time protocol is the Network Time Protocol (NTP) ( Other time protocols include the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP), Time and Daytime.
Generally what is meant by an Internet Time Server is a Time Server connected to the Internet that is available for public use. It responds to time queries from computers all over the world. By installing the NTP client software on each of your workstations, and then directing each of them to get their time from the Internet Time Server, you can keep your network synchronized.
This is fine as far as it goes but many IT Administrators want a dedicated time server installed inside their firewall. Why? There are several reasons but the main one is security. Using an Internet Time Server means you have to open a "hole" in your firewall (UDP 123). This brings with it a risk of attack from the outside. With a time server inside your firewall you have control over all aspects of synchronizing your network and you can keep your firewall as intact as possible.
There are many Internet Time Servers available around the world for public use. For a comprehensive list go to (
Just keeping things from sliding too much due to ......backsliders
8th January 2013, 04:56 AM
a chat room user at Mami's Shit blog ( posted these, haven't investigated yet.
Amanda4: Found on TIU- Look at the location of the freemason lodge in Sandy Hook.. guess what? It's right through the woods from the school, Go the google map on that page, zoom in and switch to satellite.
Amanda5: Check out the facebook page The United Way of Western CT posted their “thoughts and prayers are with parents & students of Newtown” at 8:38am. They are in ET. The shooting didn’t start until about 9:30am ET
8th January 2013, 06:24 AM
I used to rip both those guys apart on GIM1 with the 9/11 stuff. Even got JP's little friend banned once....he freaked out over it calling for my ban.
Wow! Cool... What was your screen name back then? I know it wasn't joboo.
8th January 2013, 06:43 AM
I can only think of three possible reasons for your behavior if you are in fact a doctor (which I'm really beginning to doubt). You had a stroke recently, you substance abuse (booze, pills), or you're just off your rocker i.e. paranoid schizophrenia.
Sorry man, I call things the way I see them. If that makes you think I'm a secret agent.....well....see my explanation above.
I ask questions before blazing down any rabbit hole into the cult of moonbat.
I like to see something solid before I start ranting about satanic cults, and fake kids like buddy in your youtube vid.
Lots pf personal attacks: can't debate or refute the argument so instead attack the credibility of your opponent, employing innuendos, insults, insinuations and slander.
You like the word moonbat. I haven't heard that word since the days of GIM and Halo, Juristic Person and Masonic Plot. Interesting.
Your single-minded and dogged attempts to derail this thread have more than anything else convinced me that the Sandy Hook Shooting is a government false flag and totally staged event.
Thank you.
8th January 2013, 06:45 AM
Not only is Lt. Paul Vance the Department Spokesman/Media Relations Commander of the Connecticut State Police, he's also the Commanding Officer State Police Missing Person Unit - (for someone in media relations/communications his spelling sucks)
He also recently tried out for Survivor, seriously.
8th January 2013, 06:49 AM
a chat room user at Mami's Shit blog ( posted these, haven't investigated yet.
Amanda4: Found on TIU- Look at the location of the freemason lodge in Sandy Hook.. guess what? It's right through the woods from the school, Go the google map on that page, zoom in and switch to satellite.
Amanda5: Check out the facebook page The United Way of Western CT posted their “thoughts and prayers are with parents & students of Newtown” at 8:38am. They are in ET. The shooting didn’t start until about 9:30am ET
It makes me wonder if this was supposed to go down on the 13th instead of the 14th.
And I can't get past the interview with the principal who was already dead. I've never seen anything like that.
8th January 2013, 06:54 AM
It makes me wonder if this was supposed to go down on the 13th instead of the 14th.
And I can't get past the interview with the principal who was already dead. I've never seen anything like that.
I've seen something kinda like that....
8th January 2013, 07:24 AM
Is it mind control? Looks like it to me.Hatha
Yes, then you have these donation agencies that have to place the money somewhere.
Maybe if it gets too large with no real outlet, someone will notice that it has nowhere to go to, or those receiving will become to powerful in their own right?
So you gotta take those down...
8th January 2013, 07:27 AM
He also recently tried out for Survivor, seriously.
@ 2:18 - "Hey, Officer Vance, ... (" (NSFW- language, and more importantly, as Fetcho explains (9 mins) ( eloquently, "violence" to the principles of open discourse and reason... whole Fetcho show here (
8th January 2013, 07:29 AM
News reporters and weathermen frequently stand in front of a blue screen. The blue is chromakeyed out and replaced with another image. That other image might just be the backdrop of the city, a file photo taken years before. Not saying that is what happened but it needs to be considered.
Causality refers to the relationship between two events. One happening after another leads to consideration of the relationship between the two events.
Causality (also referred to as causation[1]) is the relationship between an event (the cause) and a second event (the effect), where the second event is understood as a consequence of the first.[2]
In common usage, causality is also the relationship between a set of factors (causes) and a phenomenon (the effect). Anything that affects an effect is a factor of that effect. A direct factor is a factor that affects an effect directly, that is, without any intervening factors. (Intervening factors are sometimes called "intermediate factors".) The connection between a cause(s) and an effect in this way can also be referred to as a causal nexus.
Though the causes and effects are typically related to changes or events, candidates include objects, processes, properties, variables, facts, and states of affairs; characterizing the causal relationship can be the subject of much debate.
The philosophical treatment on the subject of causality extends over millennia. In the Western philosophical tradition, discussion stretches back at least to Aristotle, and the topic remains a staple in contemporary philosophy.
Hatha Sunahara
8th January 2013, 09:41 AM
I've done my best to completely disregard the troll/shills posting here. This thread will live out its useful life if everyone did that. Don't even bother to read the shill's posts. Or if you can't help yourself, put the shill on your ignore list. Combat with trolls kills threads--even good ones like this. I won't post anything more on this troll issue. It doesn't exist for me.
8th January 2013, 10:07 AM
It makes me wonder if this was supposed to go down on the 13th instead of the 14th.
And I can't get past the interview with the principal who was already dead. I've never seen anything like that.
i've wondered about the date also..(jewish holiday anyone?..or maybe anniversary of something?)
I can't get past the Gene Rosen fellow..
8th January 2013, 10:13 AM
FAU prof stirs controversy by disputing Newtown massacre
By Mike Clary (, Sun Sentinel 9:32 p.m. EST, January 7, 2013
A communication professor known for conspiracy theories has stirred controversary at Florida Atlantic University ( with claims that last month's Newtown, Conn., school shootings did not happen as reported — or may not have happened at all.
Moreover, James Tracy asserts in radio interviews and on his that trained "crisis actors" may have been employed by the Obama administration in an effort to shape public opinion in favor of the event's true purpose: gun control.
"As documents relating to the Sandy Hook shooting ( continue to be assessed and interpreted by independent researchers, there is a growing awareness that the media coverage of the massacre of 26 children and adults was intended primarily for public consumption to further larger political ends," writes Tracy, a tenured associate professor of media history at FAU and a former union leader.
In another post, he says, "While it sounds like an outrageous claim, one is left to inquire whether the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place — at least in the way law enforcement authorities and the nation's news media have described."
FAU is distancing itself from Tracy's views.
"James Tracy does not speak for the university. The website on which his post appeared is not affiliated with FAU in any way," said media director Lisa Metcalf.
Tracy said he knows he has sparked controversy on campus. In one of his courses, called "Culture of Conspiracy," Tracy said some students have expressed skepticism about his views.
"But I encourage that," said Tracy, 47, a faculty member for 10 years. "I want to get students to look at events in a more critical way."
In the Internet age, "We see more and more professors getting into trouble for what they're posting on Facebook, or Tweeting," said Gregory Scholtz, director of the department of academic freedom at the Association of University Professors. "And administrations are sensitive to bad publicity; they don't like things that public might find obnoxious or reprehensible. But most reputable administrations stay above the fray and give latitude."
Robert Shibley, an official with the Philadelphia-based Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, said Tracy is well within his rights of free speech, especially when teaching a course on conspiracy theory.
"The only way that a university would have a right to tone it down, or insist he stop talking about it, is if students come to him and say they find it disturbing," said Shibley. "People are allowed to talk about things that are upsetting — for example, abortion."
On Monday, the website Global Research posted a timeline written by Tracy which purports to show how federal and local police agencies, abetted by "major media," conspired early in the Sandy Hook investigation to constuct a scenario pointing to Lanza ( as " the sole agent of the massacre" when others may have been involved.
8th January 2013, 10:37 AM
James Tracy's blog:
his article published yesterday,
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline ( By Prof. James F. Tracy (, January 07, 2013 (
The timeline of the December 14 mass killing of 20 children and 8 adults seeks to verify how the storyline was constructed and manipulated by law enforcement authorities and major media
Continue reading → (
another J.Tracy blog,
January 1, 2013 · 8:33 pm
Sandy Hook School Massacre Part II: Continued Ambuguity and Augmented Realities ( Revised on January 4, 2013
As documents relating to the Sandy Hook shooting continue to be assessed and interpreted by independent researchers there is a growing awareness that the media coverage of the massacre of 26 children and adults was intended primarily for public consumption to further larger political ends.
A considerable amount of evidence has been withheld by authorities, who in a telling move have successfully postponed public disclosure of items culled from Nancy and Adam Lanzas’ residence and vehicles for an additional ninety days. [1]
Continue reading → (
8th January 2013, 10:42 AM
this didn't happen on the moon. can't somebody just drive over to the town and spend 1 day figuring out if all of these people & their kids really live there and are dead?
8th January 2013, 10:46 AM
Lots pf personal attacks: can't debate or refute the argument so instead attack the credibility of your opponent, employing innuendos, insults, insinuations and slander. You like the word moonbat. I haven't heard that word since the days of GIM and Halo, Juristic Person and Masonic Plot. Interesting. Your single-minded and dogged attempts to derail this thread have more than anything else convinced me that the Sandy Hook Shooting is a government false flag and totally staged event. Thank you.
Dude, you did the exact same thing but started it first....gmafb. High horse time lol...
The term moonbat has no trademark, welcome to the internet. But it has to! A perfect example of how paranoia can melt your brain. I can only imagine if I said "twoofer".....stars would be falling from the sky.
"If you ever doubt me, this thread, or the youtube're a secret jooo internet agent!!!!"
I haven't derailed anything except perhaps a bat circling a large glowing orb in the sky.
8th January 2013, 10:55 AM
Wow! Cool... What was your screen name back then? I know it wasn't joboo.
Bullion something or other. I used the golden douchebag award on him, and buddy short circuited. Patcolo should remember it. It was pretty epic. JP also blew a gasket for a few days, and never really recovered.
8th January 2013, 10:55 AM
this didn't happen on the moon. can't somebody just drive over to the town and spend 1 day figuring out if all of these people & their kids really live there and are dead?
Don't you have a friend that lives there?
8th January 2013, 10:57 AM
Don't you have a friend that lives there?
yep, she lives about 20 miles away. her friend had her daughter killed. that's why i don't get any of this. i mean, she went to the funeral and knows the lady personally. i can't imagine my friend is lying to me about it and is part of some big conspiracy.
8th January 2013, 11:00 AM
She's just making it up to make herself feel important.
8th January 2013, 11:07 AM
Just keeping things from sliding too much due to ......backsliders
I know about SNTP time servers. I set my domain controllers to run their own localized SNTP server to synchronize the entire domain. I don't know anyone that runs their own atomic clock timer server....port 123 open all the way on the firewall to get updates from a source server. You have to get a baseline from somewhere....that's an atomic clock.
Some IT dudes run nuclear time clocks in the server rooms!? Whoa...must be on another planet I've never visited, or they're all hiding them REALLY well.
Here's some more info (photo 2nd link) if you're interested:
8th January 2013, 11:18 AM
yep, she lives about 20 miles away. her friend had her daughter killed. that's why i don't get any of this. i mean, she went to the funeral and knows the lady personally. i can't imagine my friend is lying to me about it and is part of some big conspiracy.
Do you know if the parents saw their daughters body?
8th January 2013, 11:19 AM
Do you know if the parents saw their daughters body?
And in person, not a photo?
8th January 2013, 11:24 AM
Do you know if the parents saw their daughters body?
of course she did, as did countless others- it was an open casket funeral. my friend even saw the body at the funeral. that's why i don't get any of this. i even googled "open casket funeral" and it looks like there were lots of open casket funerals after the shooting. that's why i find this "all of the kids are alive" stuff to be crazy town.
8th January 2013, 11:56 AM
of course she did, as did countless others- it was an open casket funeral. my friend even saw the body at the funeral. that's why i don't get any of this. i even googled "open casket funeral" and it looks like there were lots of open casket funerals after the shooting. that's why i find this "all of the kids are alive" stuff to be crazy town.
Thanks Chad. This is the kind of direct eyewitness confirmation we were looking for. So according to your friend its all on the up and up. OK then, we've been barking up the wrong tree. No harm no foul in testing a hypothesis.
8th January 2013, 12:10 PM
I thought all the bodies were in 'locked' caskets... thus the reason of identifying from photographs and not in person. If many caskets were open then why did they say they were closed? This is all crazy shyt.
8th January 2013, 12:17 PM
Edited to add: I just did the Google search date range 12/10 through 12/14 and you also get all kinds of other bots and search pages showing the same things on the same dates, as well as some things shown on 12/13. Now how do we explain that Google indexed it and a bunch of other bots all indexed it - all the same datestamps?
This is a really good question, and some particularly interesting detective work. If it got indexed by web crawlers.
I have no answer for it other than WTF.
8th January 2013, 12:21 PM
I thought all the bodies were in 'locked' caskets... thus the reason of identifying from photographs and not in person. If many caskets were open then why did they say they were closed? This is all crazy shyt.
missinfo to discredit all the moonbat conspiracy theorists, maybe?
8th January 2013, 12:32 PM
of course she did, as did countless others- it was an open casket funeral. my friend even saw the body at the funeral. that's why i don't get any of this. i even googled "open casket funeral" and it looks like there were lots of open casket funerals after the shooting. that's why i find this "all of the kids are alive" stuff to be crazy town.
Obviously then all the kids are not alive. I wonder where the disinformation came from that parents and relatives were not allowed to see their children?
8th January 2013, 12:35 PM
I agree with mamboni, there's nothing wrong with discussing a testing out various hypotheses, even if many of them are considered way far out crazy. The fact that we have a membership here with strong critical thinking and deductive skills is impressive.
8th January 2013, 12:42 PM
I agree with mamboni, there's nothing wrong with discussing a testing out various hypotheses, even if many of them are considered way far out crazy. The fact that we have a membership here with strong critical thinking and deductive abductive skills is impressive.
Fixed that for you madfranks, it's an important distinction.
8th January 2013, 01:06 PM
missinfo to discredit all the moonbat conspiracy theorists, maybe?
I've been wondering about this a lot lately over the past year.
Toss in some unexplainable items on purpose, sit back, and watch it all unfold.
Slice a line right down the middle...left/right paradigm. The "crazies" v.s. the "sane" people.
I did a stint on GLP for about 4 months (do yourself a favor, and don't ever post there). Some of the shills there are totally paid, and the other end of the spectrum is rubber room insane. Both ends might be on the time clock for all I know (probably), but definitely not all.
What I did learn is how effective it is at destroying the logic out of a situation by reducing it to circular chaos, while the perps just slip out through the back door.
8th January 2013, 01:07 PM
I've been wondering about this a lot lately over the past year.
Toss in some unexplainable items on purpose, sit back, and watch it all unfold.
Slice a line right down the middle...left/right paradigm. The "crazies" v.s. the "sane" people.
I did a stint on GLP for about 4 months (do yourself a favor, and don't ever post there). Some of the shills there are totally paid, and the other end of the spectrum is rubber room insane. Both ends might be on the time clock for all I know, but definitely not all.
What I did learn is how effective it is at destroying the logic out of a situation by reducing it to circular chaos, while the perps just slip out through the back door.
It's a good thing you're here at GSUS, to save us from ourselves.
8th January 2013, 01:35 PM
Not sure if being sarcastic, but I often feel like I need to save myself. ;)
What I'm finding is somewhere in the middle of the spectrum of claims is usually found some pieces, or most of the truth (from all sides).
There are aspects of this story that don't pass the smell test at all, and of course the blatant gun grab agenda is a given, and we know there are paid actors in the news since the harley tshirt guy on 9II.
Faking the deaths for joo organ donations, or satanic rituals was a dead end for me. I couldn't make it pan out.
8th January 2013, 01:58 PM
Bullion something or other. I used the golden douchebag award on him, and buddy short circuited. Patcolo should remember it. It was pretty epic. JP also blew a gasket for a few days, and never really recovered.
Bullion_Bob is the only Bullion name I remember. Was that you? As I recall he did get in it a little bit with Jooristic Person.
8th January 2013, 02:09 PM
It sounds like we are getting some reliable at least second hand testimony that part of the media story is true. This still does not prove the lone gunman, the handguns only/bushmaster controversy, etc. It is unfortunate that we have to not trust the media and authorities so much!
8th January 2013, 02:33 PM
They could have brought Lanza in the back door in one of those large garbage bins on wheels already "processed", and dumped him on the floor for all anyone knows. I find that equally as plausible. Was the guy running in the woods part of it, and botched the exit strategy? Don't know yet.
Why are they putting kooky contrived witnesses on it rush to get a story out, or something else?
NY times outed the one guy who claimed he was his uncle as a fraud, which sparked the police to put out a statement warning anyone who tries the same. They are supposed to be interviewing credible background checked witnesses. This is the least to be expected.
Do they want to lose viewership credibility on purpose over rushing a story out with flaky, suspicious witnesses, I don't know the answer to that yet.
8th January 2013, 03:56 PM
I'm still not convinced (no offense Chad). None of the families' stories were believable. None of the stories about what happened in the school are believable. I'm going to keep looking into all of this as much as I can.
8th January 2013, 04:05 PM
I'm still not convinced (no offense Chad). None of the families' stories were believable. None of the stories about what happened in the school are believable. I'm going to keep looking into all of this as much as I can.
The other thing about the bodies. If they were truly all killed with .223, and Lanza only had pistols on him and the rifle was in the car...that would lead to a lot of bad possibilities.
8th January 2013, 04:11 PM
keep on investigating it, is good. i'm just of the opinion that there are **some** dead children.
8th January 2013, 04:13 PM
I'm still not convinced (no offense Chad). None of the families' stories were believable. None of the stories about what happened in the school are believable. I'm going to keep looking into all of this as much as I can.
It is much in the official account that doesn't add up. Too many inconsistencies, but I think Chads account via his friend is correct. Children were killed...
8th January 2013, 04:30 PM
this didn't happen on the moon. can't somebody just drive over to the town and spend 1 day figuring out if all of these people & their kids really live there and are dead?
Why would you need someone to drive over there, if your friend could verify?
Or don't you trust your friend?
In fact I say you don't.
8th January 2013, 04:39 PM
i've know this woman for 20+ years, yes i trust her. i started this thread with a tip from her before this was even on the news. i'm not going to call her up and go "hey, can you go over to newton and interview family members, maybe get some polaroids of dead kids for me?"
8th January 2013, 04:43 PM
They could have brought Lanza in the back door in one of those large garbage bins on wheels already "processed", and dumped him on the floor for all anyone knows. I find that equally as plausible. Was the guy running in the woods part of it, and botched the exit strategy? Don't know yet.
Why are they putting kooky contrived witnesses on it rush to get a story out, or something else?
NY times outed the one guy who claimed he was his uncle as a fraud, which sparked the police to put out a statement warning anyone who tries the same. They are supposed to be interviewing credible background checked witnesses. This is the least to be expected.
Do they want to lose viewership credibility on purpose over rushing a story out with flaky, suspicious witnesses, I don't know the answer to that yet.
They have dumbed down, flaky viewers. They can do whatever they want. "It's on teevee, it must be true."
8th January 2013, 04:44 PM
"hey, can you go over to newton and interview family members, maybe get some polaroids of dead kids for me?"
Why would you need her to do that?
You don't trust her.
8th January 2013, 04:51 PM
t is much in the official account that doesn't add up. Too many inconsistencies, but I think Chads account via his friend is correct. Children were killed...
Which of course makes it all the more disgusting.
However, to blow their deception now, if indeed it is a deception, which seems very likely, will mean that they're murdering American kids for political gain.
This is so despicable that I can't imagine anyone who could claim it to be for the better. I'm thinking specifically of Madelaine Albrights's TV interview saying that 100,000 children dying as a consequence of war with Iraq was worth it....
Now they may, if caught, try to blame it on some outside terrorist rogue assassin cell, and while it may be indirectly true, it's OUR MEDIA and OUR PARAMILITARY and those who give them orders who will be directly to blame. No fucking excuses.
This is mass murder of the worst sort. This is democide. This is traitorous treason beyond any pall.
But anyway, you guys have been awesome. Especially sunshine05.... and I sincerely hope no one cares to continue to label her or anyone else here a moonbat or insane for their dogged journalistic perseverance in researching this thing, regardless of how weird it gets.
That shit pissed me off.
8th January 2013, 04:53 PM
Why would you need her to do that?
You don't trust her.
i wasn't referring to my need to see an investigation, i was referring to all of the "it's hollywood actors" people on youtube. i trust there are dead people in newton, ct.
8th January 2013, 05:02 PM
i wasn't referring to my need to see an investigation, i was referring to all of the "it's hollywood actors" people on youtube. i trust there are dead people in newton, ct.
My impression is Homeland Security put the cap on it, and shuffled the real folks into the WPP.
You might at least ask her how her friend is doing...
8th January 2013, 05:03 PM
My impression is Homeland Security put the cap on it, and shuffled the real folks into the WPP.
You might at least ask her how her friend is doing...
will do. i'll check in with her later this evening.
8th January 2013, 05:07 PM
It is much in the official account that doesn't add up. Too many inconsistencies, but I think Chads account via his friend is correct. Children were killed...
I think you almost have to believe that all 20 of them were killed or none of them were. The Emilie Parker thing is just too weird. I don't believe she even existed. They just photoshopped another child into that family photo. There are other families too where the sibling looks exactly like the child who allegedly died.
For some reason, I'm fixated on the buildings. Something is very strange in Monroe. The reason I'm looking at this so much is that I don't believe they moved the kids to this school in that amount of time and it was so secretive, no media allowed near the school. I noticed this morning that according to the tax records, the school was built in 1988 (Chalk Hill). The article with info supposedly from the historical society states that the school was built in 1969 and lists all these people in the article that claimed to have taught there way back. NONE of the addresses are right, the school websites are ghost sites. The elementary school info/news section hasn't been updated since 2009. Something is wrong. I don't know how they did this or why but things are not as they appear.
If it's true that Newtown was considering closing Head O'Meadow elementary due to low enrollment at the schools in Newtown, why wouldn't they have placed the kids into the other 3 elementary schools? Instead they moved them to a different town, a different school district?
8th January 2013, 06:22 PM
Can anyone think of any reason why when you look up the address of SH school (and the other ones on Fan Hill) that people are listed, as if it's a residence? I have names and email addresses of people listed for these properties.
This is supposed to be the address for the old Chalk Hill school.
8th January 2013, 06:27 PM
Records for 12 Dickinson Dr.
Lots of registered sex offenders within a mile of the school too. What is up with this looking like a residential listing?
8th January 2013, 06:52 PM
Isn't there some kind of law or policy to keep sex offenders away from schools?
8th January 2013, 06:57 PM
Isn't there some kind of law or policy to keep sex offenders away from schools?
Yes, there's supposed to be!
8th January 2013, 08:28 PM
Can anyone think of any reason why when you look up the address of SH school (and the other ones on Fan Hill) that people are listed, as if it's a residence? I have names and email addresses of people listed for these properties.
Maybe everyone was foreclosed on in the area, and all that is left is a ghost town?
How do you attach emails to physical address?
Geez Ms. Simonini has like Twelve residences.
8th January 2013, 08:45 PM
of course she did, as did countless others- it was an open casket funeral. my friend even saw the body at the funeral. that's why i don't get any of this. i even googled "open casket funeral" and it looks like there were lots of open casket funerals after the shooting. that's why i find this "all of the kids are alive" stuff to be crazy town.
I did a startpage search for: <sandy hook "open casket"> and found interesting results.. but my skepticism lights are still flashing. The following all make some "open casket" ref:
Newtown Funeral Director Pasquale Folino Says Sandy Hook ... (
Newtown Plans Funerals For Victims Of Sandy Hook Elementary ... (
The undertaker for Sandy Hook victims opens up about 'week from ... (
Newtown Holds First Funerals For Sandy Hook Victims « CBS Boston (
6-year-old Sandy Hook victim James Mattioli laid to rest in Newtown ... ( QAs0jdRVL)
Funerals for Newtown massacre victims begin - Washington Post (
Hundreds attend funerals for 2 Newtown children (
Wrestling With Details of Noah Pozner's Killing ( < these nice joosh parents allege they were at the tattoo parlor the very next day getting tats in memory of Noah... :|~ and:
"... The details that stuck with me the most — and the details which I felt most conflicted about putting in print — were Veronique’s descriptions of the damage to her son’s body. He was shot 11 times; she told me that his jaw and his left hand were mostly gone. "
and there's this telling bit from the same Joosh Daily Forward article,
Veronique told me that Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy visited her in the funeral home, and she brought him to see Noah’s open casket. I asked her why it was important for her and for the governor to see Noah’s body. “I needed it to have a face for him,” she said. “If there is ever a piece of legislation that comes across his desk, I needed it to be real for him.”
so lots of ZSM stories of open caskets, still no pics.
and all that ^ is offset by stories like
Lauren Rousseau, Teacher Killed In Newtown Shooting, Mourned By Canadian Family
Her Canadian-born father, Gilles Rousseau, told Radio-Canada that he wanted to see his daughter's body but was informed by authorities that it would not be possible.
In a tearful interview, he said the rounds used were so powerful that they ripped through the school's walls and left several holes in his daughter's car outside in the parking lot.
"They told me, 'You can't see (the body),'" Gilles Rousseau told Radio-Canada, the French-language CBC. "Because most people he shot, it was two or three shots in the face, point-blank."
so it's all still just not passing the sniff test.
8th January 2013, 08:55 PM
i've know this woman for 20+ years, yes i trust her. i started this thread with a tip from her before this was even on the news. i'm not going to call her up and go "hey, can you go over to newton and interview family members, maybe get some polaroids of dead kids for me?"
Well yeah, I wouldn't ask her to take Polaroids either, when a digital camera would suffice.
8th January 2013, 09:11 PM
"Because most people he shot, it was two or three shots in the face, point-blank." per PatColo's post #825.
Experienced gun owners here please chime in: 20 victims, 17 small children, most shot 2-3 times in the face at point-blank range, all in 20 minutes? Is this possible? The victims would have to be virtually immobilized and the shots would have to be near continuous within a few seconds of eachother.
Hatha Sunahara
8th January 2013, 09:31 PM
So, some of it is true and some of it isn't? Isn't that a classic description of disinformation? I don't believe any of it. It's turning out just like 911. It doesn't matter any more what really happened. What matters is that the 'authorities' are covering something up. They are lying to the public. They are pushing an agenda. There is a crisis, be it real, or unreal, and they are not letting it go to waste. Where does all this lead? Too bad Kafka isn't alive. He could make a great surreal novel out of this.
midnight rambler
8th January 2013, 09:34 PM
8th January 2013, 09:38 PM
Maybe everyone was foreclosed on in the area, and all that is left is a ghost town?
How do you attach emails to physical address?
Geez Ms. Simonini has like Twelve residences.
I found information on Ancestry on the supposed owner of 12 Dickinson (Wendy Foreman) and the year the property is associated with her is 1994. So weird. This is supposed to be a public school. There shouldn't be people connected to these properties at all. Unless the schools closed and the property was sold to these people.
I keep thinking about how the whole event was viewed from that fire station and that school sign is right in front of it. Why wasn't everyone up by the school?
The daycare on the corner across from the fire station appears to have a ghost website. I think there is something very unusual about that whole area.
8th January 2013, 09:51 PM
I think there is something very unusual about that whole area.
Well they are the recruiters for Satan's Church up there.
Does you're friend's friend attend that Church, Chad?
P.O. Box 3184, Newtown CT.
8th January 2013, 10:00 PM
Those are incredible coincidences. The probabilities by chance alone have to be one in a million or less.
8th January 2013, 10:04 PM
More about the memorial videos made before the shootings. This is pretty convincing.
8th January 2013, 10:04 PM
Those are incredible coincidences. The probabilities by chance alone have to be one in a million or less.
The Stamford Advocate story ( mentions that Getzinger’s injuries were, at first, called non-life threatening by the police. But then he died.
The last fact of the story is stunning, to say the least. Mr. Getzinger was a resident of…Newtown, Connecticut.
Then we have the fact that Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games, a novel in which 23 children are ritually sacrificed in combat by the dystopian state, also lives in Sandy Hook/Newtown.
Jon Rappoport
For real?
Its at times like these I fear they will turn the internet into the T.V., I don't believe anything in that box either.
Damn Jesuits
8th January 2013, 10:21 PM
Wow, that's pretty creepy.
8th January 2013, 10:22 PM
For real?
Its at times like these I fear they will turn the internet into the T.V., I don't believe anything in that box either.
Damn Jesuits
Yes, it's true about Suzanne Collins living there. I remember reading that just days after the shooting.
8th January 2013, 10:30 PM
Not trying to derail the thread, but was Nostradamus jewish?
8th January 2013, 11:13 PM
Not trying to derail the thread, but was Nostradamus jewish?
8th January 2013, 11:28 PM
I think you almost have to believe that all 20 of them were killed or none of them were. The Emilie Parker thing is just too weird. I don't believe she even existed. They just photoshopped another child into that family photo. There are other families too where the sibling looks exactly like the child who allegedly died.
For some reason, I'm fixated on the buildings. Something is very strange in Monroe. The reason I'm looking at this so much is that I don't believe they moved the kids to this school in that amount of time and it was so secretive, no media allowed near the school. I noticed this morning that according to the tax records, the school was built in 1988 (Chalk Hill). The article with info supposedly from the historical society states that the school was built in 1969 and lists all these people in the article that claimed to have taught there way back. NONE of the addresses are right, the school websites are ghost sites. The elementary school info/news section hasn't been updated since 2009. Something is wrong. I don't know how they did this or why but things are not as they appear.
If it's true that Newtown was considering closing Head O'Meadow elementary due to low enrollment at the schools in Newtown, why wouldn't they have placed the kids into the other 3 elementary schools? Instead they moved them to a different town, a different school district?
I think the satanist angle, could explain a lot, maybe all of the anomalies, and there could still be a lot of children killed, and the weird behavior of the parents, smiling through an entire interview, the mentally disturbed medical examiner, Gene Rosen, getting a tattoo commemorating the massacre of their son the next day (Pozner). And the really one in a million connections with Batman Dark Knight Rises... It certainly is possible that the friend of Chads friend is a satanist too, or their child just ended up being at the wrong place at the wrong time...
8th January 2013, 11:30 PM
I think the satanist angle, could explain a lot, maybe all of the anomalies, and there could still be a lot of children killed, and the weird behavior of the parents, smiling through an entire interview, the mentally disturbed medical examiner, Gene Rosen, getting a tattoo commemorating the massacre of their son the next day (Pozner). And the really one in a million connections with Batman Dark Knight Rises... It certainly is possible that the friend of Chads friend is a satanist too, or their child just ended up being at the wrong place at the wrong time...
Good point. Satanists are usually upstanding citizens from what I understand. They appear perfectly normal, and I'd expect them to be in an affluent, somewhat out-of-the-way area.
8th January 2013, 11:45 PM
Well they are the recruiters for Satan's Church up there.
Does you're friend's friend attend that Church, Chad?
P.O. Box 3184, Newtown CT.
The link is gone!
8th January 2013, 11:51 PM
^ still works for me.
9th January 2013, 12:09 AM
9th January 2013, 12:17 AM
Emily Parker Facebook Fund Set Up 5 Hours After Death. BEFORE VICTIMS NAMES WERE RELEASED. LINKS BELOW.
9th January 2013, 12:34 AM
Apparently she did that on almost all photos, she is the sister of Emily Parker...
9th January 2013, 12:35 AM
^ still works for me.
Maybe it is censored here in Turkey...
9th January 2013, 12:45 AM
Emily Parker Facebook Fund Set Up 5 Hours After Death. BEFORE VICTIMS NAMES WERE RELEASED. LINKS BELOW.
As the family got the news, that a shooting had occurred at the school. They pretty quickly came to the conclusion their daughter was dead, since they hadn't heard anything contrary to that, and asked a friend to set up this web page to help them with the funeral expenses. The really interesting thing is that the maker of that page comes out and apologizes about 5 hours later, that they don't know what happened to Emily, yet.
It sure looked like it was Emily Parker in the lap of the president, but hey don't believe your own lying eyes, you are deranged if you do...
9th January 2013, 02:04 AM
Yeah, like the hedgies in Newtown need fucking funeral funds. I don't think so. That area is stinking wealthy.
9th January 2013, 02:22 AM
Makow reprinted this based on a 1996 poll in Newtown. The Satanists are plainly knee deep in the Sandy Hook psyop, so this bears scrutiny for those studying it. Also see these Red Ice Radio shows:
Winter Laake - Hour 1 - Satanism & Lucifer the Liberator (
Douglas Dietrich - Hour 1 - Occultism & Satanism in the U.S. Military (
Newtown has Reputation as Satanist Hub (
December 22, 2012
(Above - Dead teacher Vicki Soto with warlock, i.e.male witch, making sign of Baphomet.)
Latest- Welcome to the Church of Satan - Newtown (
In this 1996 article, Perry DeAngelis found that although the Newtown Police Dept. covered for Satanism, 45% of local respondents to a telephone survey had heard of Satanic cult activity in Newtown.
Satanism in Newtown (
by Perry J. DeAngelis
The Connecticut Skeptic Vol.1 Issue 1 (Winter '96)
(Abridged by henrymakow,com)
I have lived all but four of my thirty two years in Connecticut. In that time I have heard about the haunted cemeteries, Revolutionary War ghosts and hidden psionic labs (more on all these in future issues).
9th January 2013, 05:03 AM
Well they are the recruiters for Satan's Church up there.
Does you're friend's friend attend that Church, Chad?
P.O. Box 3184, Newtown CT.
i have no idea ??? this is getting weird now, especially the rapport report about the batman prop guy. wtf? i think i'm going to have to ask her some direct questions now.
9th January 2013, 06:14 AM
Here's an obscure theory following the money: Getzinger's wife, Susan McGinniss Getzinger had raised issues with the Board of Education re: her disabled child being denied services...
9th January 2013, 08:22 AM
OT : This guy has undeniably proven at least a dozen actors at the Sandy Hook 'Shooting' FROM THE SAME FAMILY
Download these before they get taken down....please.
Small sample...
'Nick Phelps and Laura Phelps, parents of children at Sandy Hook' (
Tony Greenberg and sister Jennifer Greenberg Sexton, from their library
More Laura Phelps vs. Jennifer Greenberg Sexton
Great grandchildren of David Rockefeller Jr. (
and them posing as 'siblings of Victoria Soto, hero teacher'
a side by side of Leon Greenberg vs. 'the brother' ( 7.png)
Pic of the great grandchildren of David Rockefeller Jr. (
Compare the old man sitting to...David Rockefeller Jr.
If you want the rest go to godlikeproductions and search -
More than a dozen actors exposed in Sandy Hook Hoax download vids b4 theyre gone (
9th January 2013, 05:38 PM
James Tracy's blog:
his article published yesterday,
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline ( By Prof. James F. Tracy (, January 07, 2013 (
The timeline of the December 14 mass killing of 20 children and 8 adults seeks to verify how the storyline was constructed and manipulated by law enforcement authorities and major media
Continue reading → (
another J.Tracy blog,
January 1, 2013 · 8:33 pm
Sandy Hook School Massacre Part II: Continued Ambuguity and Augmented Realities (
Professor won’t back down from Newtown massacre conspiracy theory (
By Claudine Zap ( | The Lookout ( – 5 hrs ago
A media professor at Florida Atlantic University who is questioning the Sandy Hook massacre has caused controversy with his conspiracy claims.
James Tracy, who writes a personal blog about conspiracy theories, believes the events that unfolded at Sandy Hook did not happen as reported.
The professor writes on his blog, Memory Hole (, “While it sounds like an outrageous claim, one is left to inquire whether the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place—at least in the way law enforcement authorities and the nation’s news media have described.” He suggests that there were multiple shooters and that the number of dead is incorrect. The blog post was published on the Global Research ( site, where it caught the attention of the Web.
The academic, who is known for his conspiracy theories on 9/11 and the Oklahoma bombing, believes—as he claims on his blog and recently stated on a radio show (—that trained “crisis actors” may have been employed by the Obama administration to shape public opinion on gun control.
The 47-year-old, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in mass communication (, wrote on his blog, “ As documents relating to the Sandy Hook shooting continue to be assessed and interpreted by independent researchers there is a growing awareness that the media coverage of the massacre of 26 children and adults was intended primarily for public consumption to further larger political ends.”
According to his faculty profile (, the professor "teaches courses examining the relationship between commercial and alternative news media and socio-political issues and events." He also lists his recent work in “Censored 2013: Sourcebook for the Media Revolution. The Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2011-2012."
When questioned about his theories by a local CBS12 ( news reporter, Tracy responded, "The whole country mourned about Sandy Hook, but yet again the investigation that journalistic institutions should have carried out never took place, in my opinion."
He added, "As a society we need to look at things more carefully. Perhaps we as a society have been conditioned to be duped."
His blog, with 222 followers, lays out his theory in detail, suggesting that it was a training exercise in which actually nobody was killed. He writes, "To declare that the shooting 'never took place' is cause for intense opprobrium in most polite circles where, in familiar Orwellian fashion, the media-induced trance and dehistoricized will to believe maintain their hold."
Speaking on behalf of Tracy, Peter Phillips, president of the Media Freedom Foundation and Project Censored, said in a statement to Yahoo News:
James Tracy isn't promoting a "conspiracy" theory regarding Sandy Hook, but rather saying the mainstream media distorts the news, and doesn't follow up on important questions. There were reports of more than one shooter in the Sandy Hook case. Tracy is not denying that it happened, but he is saying that when such events do happen it is the responsibility of the media to fully investigate all aspects of the story and not just sensationalize the tragedy.
Tracy’s employer has distanced itself from its faculty member’s remarks. Mary Jane Saunders, the president of Florida Atlantic University, said in a statement to Yahoo News that reads in part:
I am sure that many of you are aware of the recent comments by a Florida Atlantic University faculty member regarding the tragic events that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14. I want to make it clear that those views and opinions are not shared by Florida Atlantic University, and I am personally saddened by any media stories that have added to the pain felt by the victims’ families. FAU joins the entire nation and people around the world in feeling profound grief for the lives lost on that awful day.
9th January 2013, 05:53 PM
The media use the standard tactic of asking the dissidents employer about their obviously politically correct opinon etc when they are trying to disempower somebody as in the video over here. Journalism is dead.
9th January 2013, 06:11 PM
some here have heard of a left/demrat gatekeeper site. They have this article up about Prof. Tracy, ignoring his evidence and going straight for the ad-hom/ridicule spin,
Tue Jan 08, 2013 at 12:17 PM PST
Obama staged Newtown shooting with 'crisis actors,' says professor who is totally not a crackpot (
by Kaili Joy Gray (
275 Comments ( Not actually the professor,
but close enough.
This conspiracy theory (,0,4267958.story) is not completely batshit insane at all:
A communication professor known for conspiracy theories has stirred controversary at Florida Atlantic University with claims that last month's Newtown, Conn., school shootings did not happen as reported — or may not have happened at all.
Moreover, James Tracy asserts in radio interviews and on his that trained "crisis actors" may have been employed by the Obama administration in an effort to shape public opinion in favor of the event's true purpose: gun control. [...]
Tracy said he believes the deaths at Sandy Hook may have resulted from a training exercise. "Was this to a certain degree constructed?" he said. "Was this a drill?
These are obviously good, solid, in-no-way-absurd questions that must be addressed. Right after we address whether the moon is maybe made of cheese, where Elvis has been hiding himself all these years, and how the foreign country of Kenyan Hawaii snuck native son Barack Obama into the White House in order to take over America with socialist Muslimism.
Okay, yes. At first glance, these might seem like ridiculous questions, which is why the university has boldly distanced itself from the professor by insisting that he "does not speak for the university" and his website is "not affiliated with FAU in any way."
But lest you think that this lunatic is, you know, a lunatic, he addresses that:
"I describe myself as a scholar and public intellectual," he said, "interested in going more deeply into controversial public events. Although some may see [my theories] as beyond the pale, I am doing what we should be doing as academics."
See? He's not a crackpot. Just a good scholar and intellectual doing his job.
9th January 2013, 06:40 PM
If you want the rest go to godlikeproductions and search -
Careful son, you'll shoot your eye out. :)
9th January 2013, 06:56 PM
Check the comments, they couldn't possibly be pre-approved:
9th January 2013, 07:45 PM
Statement from Crisis Actors
January 9, 2013
We are outraged by Florida Atlantic University Professor James Tracy's deliberate promotion of rumor and innuendo to link Crisis Actors to the Sandy Hook shootings of December 14, 2012. We do not engage our actors in any real-world crisis events, and none of our performances may be presented at any time as a real-world event. James Tracy's so-called research is copied almost verbatim from a tightly-connected group of hate blogs and YouTube channels that use only one another as sources. From the thousands of comments of these sites' devoted followers, one thing is clear. They are nothing but thrill-seekers using any pretext to vent their irrational hate against the Sandy Hook community and a nation of mourners.
at their site you now have to register/login to view their promo vid- maybe someone can find another YT copy?
9th January 2013, 07:49 PM
Let the Crisis Actors back up these tough words with actions: post a photograph with full name of every actor and actress in your employ. Then let the world decide for themselves if any of these 'actors' worked at Sandy Hook that fateful day.
9th January 2013, 08:01 PM
"James Tracy's so-called research is copied almost verbatim from a tightly-connected group of hate blogs and YouTube channels that use only one another as sources. "
Such telltale joowey rhetoric ^. And brazenly, embarrassingly FALSE (redundant to say I guess since it's joowey rhetoric). Tracy's articles are rigorously sourced to ZSM "news" organs ( (so maybe crisisactors is onto something in noting their HATE-filt-ness).
The Sandy Hook School Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information (
Inconsistencies and anomalies abound when one turns an analytical eye to news of the Newtown school massacre.
Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline ( By Prof. James F. Tracy (, January 07, 2013 (
The timeline of the December 14 mass killing of 20 children and 8 adults seeks to verify how the storyline was constructed and manipulated by law enforcement authorities and major media
Continue reading → (
another J.Tracy blog,
January 1, 2013 · 8:33 pm
Sandy Hook School Massacre Part II: Continued Ambuguity and Augmented Realities (
9th January 2013, 08:22 PM
They are nothing but thrill-seekers using any pretext to vent their irrational hate against the Sandy Hook community and a nation of mourners.
Well what would've been expected, but heavy drama from an acting coach.
If you ask me the entire "crisis acting" is pure stupidity.
They'd be better of throwing down a bunch of oral Annie blow up dolls in the yard.
9th January 2013, 09:03 PM
You bunch of James Tracy's! You otter be asamed of yerselves fur not belivin' what they tell you on the teevee. :cool:
9th January 2013, 09:05 PM
Well what would've been expected, but heavy drama from an acting coach.
If you ask me the entire "crisis acting" is pure stupidity.
They'd be better of throwing down a bunch of oral Annie blow up dolls in the yard.
Not stupidity, rather maybe serious business, deadly serious business. That's what this thread is trying to find out.
9th January 2013, 10:26 PM
Br. Nathanael - Why The Jews Want Your Guns (
9th January 2013, 10:41 PM
Check the comments, they couldn't possibly be pre-approved:
Well they all seem to support the MSM Meme throughout
9th January 2013, 11:01 PM
Check the comments, they couldn't possibly be pre-approved:
yeah dailykos is a classic ["Left"] gatekeeper site- kosher-vetted daily news stories, heavily censored comments... if you look into the site's ostensible owner, a youngish looking guy who's supposed real last name is Kos...something long & Greek sounding, but search his background, he was outed years ago as having CIA connections. CIA = ZiOwned tool.
Still listening to today's Charles Giuliani show, but so far (20-some minutes in) it's all Sandy Hook talk, 88 mins comm-free,
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.01.09 ( (
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9th January 2013, 11:11 PM
yeah dailykos is a classic ["Left"] gatekeeper site- kosher-vetted daily news stories, heavily censored comments... if you look into the site's ostensible owner, a youngish looking guy who's supposed real last name is Kos...something long & Greek sounding, but search his background, he was outed years ago as having CIA connections. CIA = ZiOwned tool.
Still listening to today's Charles Giuliani show, but so far (20-some minutes in) it's all Sandy Hook talk, 88 mins comm-free,
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.01.09 ( (
Synopsis pending.
Archive (
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64k CF Download MP3 (
actually Pat is there a download that does not destroy my hard drive, cannot find it but would love to hear the interview
Yea your posts (in this case) are all pure bullshit we do not need this that can destroy our computers, this sucks
9th January 2013, 11:15 PM
Br. Nathanael - Why The Jews Want Your Guns (
He wants our money too, lots of repetitive links to donate, for the site, for his food, clothing, adnausium...
9th January 2013, 11:22 PM
Makow reprinted this based on a 1996 poll in Newtown. The Satanists are plainly knee deep in the Sandy Hook psyop, so this bears scrutiny for those studying it. Also see these Red Ice Radio shows:
Winter Laake - Hour 1 - Satanism & Lucifer the Liberator (
Douglas Dietrich - Hour 1 - Occultism & Satanism in the U.S. Military (
Newtown has Reputation as Satanist Hub (
December 22, 2012
missed this from Rappaport Dec 28,
Sandy Hook: Aleister Crowley, interview freak-show, police audio (
by Jon Rappoport
December 28, 2012 (
I’ve been listening to a stream of police dept. audio during the initial response to the Sandy Hook shooting.
This link has most of its action in the first four minutes:
At roughly 2:38, a police voice says: “Party in custody.”
Then at 3:49, “We have a suspect down.”
This next link, for me, was somewhat clearer:
Starting at roughly 3:13, there are relevant police comments:
“A teacher reports two shadows running past the building past the gym.”
“They’re shooting.” (??)
“Yeah, we got ‘em.”
“They’re coming at me down Kurt’s (sp) Way!”
“Got ‘em (?)…proned out.” (at 5:34)
We get the distinct sense there are multiple shooters.
Whoever is proned out, whoever is in custody, whoever is “coming at me,” whoever is down…we don’t know what happened to them.
Reporters on the scene have, as far as I know, provided no information, and neither have police. The
suspects have disappeared down the memory hole.
Then we have these television interviews with families of the victims.
It’s astounding. Parents are smiling. They’re actors from Central Casting? One thing is for sure. They’re androids, if you measure their responses against reports of what happened in the Sandy Hook School.
And as androids, they’re only matched by the TV reporters who are interviewing them.
If you’re tempted to say the parents and family members are in shock, or they’re reacting to being on television, forget it. Their attitudes don’t match a massacre by any stretch of the imagination.
Is Sandy Hook/Newtown a Stepford Village? Are these people all programmed to be pleasant and accommodating No Matter What?
It’s about as bizarre as the purported video footage of the Aurora theater during the shootings there this summer. As people exit the lobby and come out on to the street, there is no sign of blood and no one is coughing from the reported tear gas inside the theater.
With these Sandy Hook parents, we’re looking at a level of conditioning in which Being Nice can completely overwhelm even the murder of one’s own child.
Tears? Not one person in these interviews has actual tears running down his or her face.
One of the fathers, Robbie Parker, has had his interview played and replayed all over the planet on YouTube, and you can watch him smiling and grinning, for all the world looking like he’s just been appointed CEO of a company he works for…and then he steps to a podium to make his statement, and as one poster succinctly describes it, “gets into character.”
This isn’t just an internal event. You can watch Parker huffing and puffing and pushing himself into what he thinks is a tragic and grief-stricken state of mind. He does it so badly you wonder why no one in the room calls him on it. It’s beyond strange. Yet reporters later talked about Parker “struggling through tears and suffering to make a heartfelt statement…” The reporters are just as deranged as Parker is.
This boggling show isn’t confined to Sandy Hook. A commenter below a Deseret News article on Parker replied: “Brave young father, wise to forgive early and choose to move forward—nothing can be gained by dwelling on what cannot be changed.”
At times, watching these interviews, I wondered whether the parents had been conditioned to believe, in the face of ANYTHING, that good and nice children all take a choo-choo train to heaven and there is nothing to regret about their murders at all.
In an earlier article, I pointed out that, indeed, at 1hr:58 of The Dark Knight Rises, Gary Oldman, talking about an impending attack on “Strike Zone 1,” is pointing to the words “Sandy Hook” on a map in front of him. These are the only legible words on the map.
By happenstance, the production designer of Dark Knight Rises, Nathan Crowley, is related to the infamous British black-magic legend, Aleister Crowley, who was sometimes called The Great Beast 666.
In an interview, Nathan said, “Yes, Aleister Crowley is a direct relative, he’s my grandfather’s cousin, but we were never allowed to even mention his name because we were a very Quaker family.”
Nathan is also the production designer of Lady Gaga’s video ad for her perfume, Fame.
In terms of “the dark side,” the full 5:41 version of the video-ad makes Dark Knight Rises look like a Disney cartoon by comparison.
But not to worry. What happened at Sandy Hook was exactly as the major media portrayed it, and nothing more. Sure. You bet.
Jon Rappoport
9th January 2013, 11:41 PM
yeah dailykos is a classic ["Left"] gatekeeper site- kosher-vetted daily news stories, heavily censored comments... if you look into the site's ostensible owner, a youngish looking guy who's supposed real last name is Kos...something long & Greek sounding, but search his background, he was outed years ago as having CIA connections. CIA = ZiOwned tool.
Still listening to today's Charles Giuliani show, but so far (20-some minutes in) it's all Sandy Hook talk, 88 mins comm-free,
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.01.09 ( (
Synopsis pending.
Archive (
Show Notes (
64k CF Download MP3 (
these links are nothing but take down links, you need to do better and this sucks
10th January 2013, 12:05 AM
^ not sure what a "take down link" is- either case, Mami's shit blog ( posted their most recent few shows at zippyshare rather than their usual kiwi-something server... maybe they had a problem with kiwi today? anyways I had no trouble getting the mp3 file from that zippyshare link- trick is u have to go there first (right click Download MP3 (, then click their download button.
dare I note, Duffy was on Rense last night? haven't listened yet, but you figure some Sandy Hook talk (Duffster-disinfo?) is inevitable,
Listen ( Download ( Hour 2 - Gordon Duff ( - Editor-in-Chief, Veterans Today VT World View
10th January 2013, 12:39 AM
actually Pat is there a download that does not destroy my hard drive, cannot find it but would love to hear the interview
Yea your posts (in this case) are all pure bullshit we do not need this that can destroy our computers, this sucks
pls clarify (destroy HDs?), & "pure bs posts" (identify/link)??? Or R U drunk-posting?
can also listen via the player console embedded at Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.01.09 (
10th January 2013, 01:25 AM
Idonno Pat, I went to every link after I saw his posts besides the ones I already checked out, no problem here. Ghostery did stop a redirect in the comments section of Mr gagas perfume page but that was it. I think he means by take down a virus or something? Oh and Mr gagas perfume ad is pure satanist crap, fuk can't people see this? Maybe people just want to belong to something. The perfume bottle says from some lab in Paris, I wonder what kind of evil shit is in there. I am sure it is cursed by followers of Satan but what is actually in there has me wonder. Trade secret you know...
10th January 2013, 01:37 AM
^ apparently,
Lady Gaga's new perfume created using blend of human blood, semen, and poisonous extract (
"satanist", though?!? NAH! she's like all respectable & shite,
10th January 2013, 01:39 AM
duff 2nd hour download and listen ok.
I would not wear any kind of "cologne". There is nothing in there you want to spray on your skin IMO.
The gaga thing needs a thread of it's own. Belladona was used by the witch against sleeping beauty wasn't it?
10th January 2013, 06:43 AM
Belladona was used by the witch against sleeping beauty wasn't it?
Notice the "Queen" wears gloves whilst touching the Gaga snake.
10th January 2013, 06:58 AM
^ apparently,
Lady Gaga's new perfume created using blend of human blood, semen, and poisonous extract (
"satanist", though?!? NAH! she's like all respectable & shite,
The only viable explanation is the queen is really a shape shifting zio-lizard, and is mind controlling bush's hands. Dozens of youtube videos confirming it.
More proof:
Clinton has to put his hands behind his back, to avoid detection:
Here she's clearly mind controlling Bush Sr to unzip his pants:
Proof she has Reagan completely under her mind control spell, his hand is conveniently hidden under the napkin:
Jimmy Carter is not actually there, she has obviously conjured him as an apparition:
Gerald Ford clearly having great difficulty holding the wine glass: (
More Proof...Nixon also tries to hide his hands behind his back out of confusion while to his right, hands are quickly stuffed into pockets to conceal her powers:
Here she is mind controlling Kennedy into making a gun symbol with his hand sealing his doom for all to see:
Here she conjures a realistic apparition of Eisenhowen while pretending to be totally unaware. She is clearly mocking the cattle goyim with her supernatural abilities:
Harry S Truman has to clasp his hands together to avoid detection, and maintain a persona of self control. The strained futile look of stupor on his face makes it all too obvious:
midnight rambler
10th January 2013, 11:47 AM
And the joobot takes a huge dump on this thread.
10th January 2013, 11:52 AM
And the joobot takes a huge dump on this thread.
Yeah, I'm not sure what patcolo's post about blood/perfume + bush making devils horns has to do with reptilians?
10th January 2013, 11:56 AM
And the joobot takes a huge dump on this thread.
If you don't see it then it's not there... :D
Hatha Sunahara
10th January 2013, 12:07 PM
Here's a vid looking at Newtown from a viewpoint of revealing the agenda:
10th January 2013, 01:38 PM
If you don't see it then it's not there... :D
Thanks for the reminder, great idea.
10th January 2013, 09:36 PM
Interesting Property Records – Yogananda Street ( Posted on January 10, 2013 ( by lynne0312 (
I’ve been looking at the property records on Yogananda Street where Nancy Lanza reportedly lived with Adam, 36 Yogananda to be exact. I noticed some very interesting things while going through these records. First, Peter Lanza not only owned 36 Yogananda, he also owned 13 Yogananda. There is no record for 13 on the Newtown property records so I’m unable to see the sale dates of that property but the address shows up in People Finders.
Also, several houses on that street all have a “sold” date of 12/25/09, the exact same date. This is the case for 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 30, 31, 34 and 35 and more. The properties can be viewed here (, just type in “Yogananda” street. 24 Yogananda is owned by Newtown. I don’t understand a lot about mortgages and property records but it doesn’t make sense to me that almost the entire street shows the same sold date. Nancy Lanza’s house has a sold date of 2/8/11.
The most interesting thing that I found is that John Trentacosta owned the property adjacent to the Lanza’s, 34 Yogananda. John Trentacosta ( is the CEO of Newtown Savings Bank and is also on the Federal Reserve Advisory Council ( (
He has also been heavily involved in the fundraising for Sandy Hook.
Newtown Savings Bank CEO John Trentacosta told Patch that the fund came together as a response to countless requests.
“We had no experience of dealing with anything of this magnitude,” he said, so the bank reached out to the United Way. “They agreed to help us be custodians of the fund.”
Newtown Savings Bank and the United Way are planning to form an independent advisory board that will make decisions on how to get the money out, Trentacosta said, but bank and foundation officials won’t make the final call. More likely, he said, everyone from town religious leaders and PTA members to Board of Education members and first responders will have a say over how the funds are used.
The United Way has come to aid in similar situations in the past, including in Littleton, Colorado. “There’s a tremendous amount of need,” Trentacosta said. “… A lot of individuals can’t go back to work after that.”
The bank can’t disclose how much has been raised so far, but support has been widespread and the United Way has been utilizing the press and social media to spread the word.
“You have to understand — this was done as a reaction. People wanted to know how to give,” Trentacosta said. “We’re not actually doing an active solicitation … What we’re trying to do is be responsive and helpful to our communities and the citizens who were impacted by [this tragedy].” link:
midnight rambler
10th January 2013, 10:06 PM
Also, several houses on that street all have a “sold” date of 12/25/09, the exact same date. This is the case for 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 30, 31, 34 and 35 and more. The properties can be viewed here (, just type in “Yogananda” street. 24 Yogananda is owned by Newtown. I don’t understand a lot about mortgages and property records but it doesn’t make sense to me that almost the entire street shows the same sold date. Nancy Lanza’s house has a sold date of 2/8/11.
How can they have a 'sale date' of Christmas?? ???
Also, I been under the impression that Peter and Nancy Lanza bought that house in '98 when they moved to Newtown and then they were divorced in '08 - which doesn't align with the 'sale date' of 2/8/11.
old steel
10th January 2013, 10:57 PM
old steel
10th January 2013, 11:04 PM
10th January 2013, 11:39 PM
must be a typo with that. It claims the footage is before the shooting.
11th January 2013, 12:16 AM
And the joobot takes a huge dump on this thread.
Shut up, you loved it.
High powered vacuum cleaner for your vagina sand infestation. Maximum setting!
11th January 2013, 12:20 AM
Yeah, I'm not sure what patcolo's post about blood/perfume + bush making devils horns has to do with reptilians?
Surely you can't believe the elite are entirely human? It's well documented on youtube. Ask the Cebu. ;)
11th January 2013, 03:10 AM
just noticed this article posted at J. Fetzer's blog last Sun.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Sandy Hook: Analogies with the 7/7 London Bombings (
By Nick Kollerstrom (with Jim Fetzer)
"No-one has been able to get into the Sandy Hook elementary school to verify if there are any bullet-marks, bloodstains etc, then on January 2nd, the children were transferred to another school some miles away: we assume the old Sandy Hook Elementary School will remain sealed off, and will be demolished. Perhaps a shootout DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN THERE, it was just an illusion."--Nicholas Kollerstrom ( Nicholas Kollerstrom is an historian of science who has taken great risks and suffered real harms by his willingness to conduct scientific research on the Holocaust ( He has also done brilliant work on 9/11 ( The points that he makes here are rather chilling, including that the Batman film ‘Dark Knight Rises’ alluded to Sandy Hook region of Gotham City, as a portion of the city of Gotham during a setup of one of the bad guy’s dirty deeds in that movie. Earlier promotions of the film the year before did not (Alex Jones discovered) have that Sandy Hook reference. The 2000 film ‘The Sandy Hook Lingerie Party Massacre’ ( the killer strike in the aftermath of a hurricane.' And the ritual sacrifice of 23 children is portrayed in ‘The Hunger Games’ ( by Suzanne Collins: she lives in Sandy Hook. As he observes, "Perhaps a shootout DID NOT ACTUALLY HAPPEN THERE, it was just an illusion."
Sandy Hook: Analogies with the London 7/7 Bombings
by Nicholas Kollerstrom
The Predator has struck, one more time. We seek for its identity, what is it? I here compare two different events, perpetrated by the Enemies of Mankind, seven years apart. Maybe first read my earlier post. (
1. Scene of crime remains concealed: no media access
Kollerstrom was guest on Fetzer's radio show last week, 2 hrs, 41 MBs, must advance through comm breaks! :(Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Nick Kollerstrom / Clare Kuehn: MP3 (
Sandy Hook
Posted by Total at 10:06 PM 28 comments: (
midnight rambler
11th January 2013, 03:41 AM
High powered vacuum cleaner for your vagina sand infestation. Maximum setting!
"Queer minds think queer thoughts." --Dr. Rosenbloom
11th January 2013, 03:56 AM
"Queer minds think queer thoughts." --Dr. Rosenbloom
Damn those queer Vaginas!
grumpy, grumpy, grumpy...
11th January 2013, 04:25 AM
also from fetzer, as published at VT:
Sandy Hook: Analogies with the London 7/7 Bombings ( (
Ncholas Kollerstrom is an historian of science who has taken great risks and suffered real harms by his willingness to conduct scientific research on the Holocaust.
1. Scene of crime remains concealed: no media access
2. CCTV switched off
3. The patsy perpetrator(s), clueless and unmotivated, are themselves killed so they cannot defend themselves. Dead, then can be given all the blame.
4. An ever-changing story
5. Terror-Drills being run
6. Guilty culprits announced too soon.
7. Film pre-announcement of the event.
8. Families not allowed to see bodies of loved ones.
9. Families not allowed to speak
10. Identity Theft
11. Actors used
12. Deaths not real
January 6th, 2013 | Posted in Of Interest (,WarZone ( | Read More » (
Sandy Hook: Huge Hoax and Anti-Gun “Psy Op” ( (
There are obvious signs that tell the difference between genuine and fabricated event.
December 27th, 2012 | Posted in WarZone ( | Read More » (
Did Mossad death squads slaughter American children at Sandy Hook? ( (
Last Friday, authorities say, Adam Lanza shot his mother repeatedly in the head with her .22 calibre rifle as she lay in bed.
December 23rd, 2012 | Posted in Editor (,WarZone ( | Read More » (
11th January 2013, 05:05 AM
Here's a vid looking at Newtown from a viewpoint of revealing the agenda:
pt 2:
Published on Jan 10, 2013
This is the 2nd part of a viewers text:
The First Part is here:
[added: and regarding the controversy of the bill's number:
According to this article the bill was passed and them the number changed from hr 3200 to hr 3962 without any change to the actual bill. (
There is some debate about the compulsory microchipping in the Health care Bill, but Ron Paul usually knows what he's talking about.
Republican Congressman Ron Paul from Texas, states on his website:
"Buried deep within the over 1,000 pages of the massive US Health Care Bill (PDF) in a "non-discussed" section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521— National Medical Device Registry, and which states its purpose as........ He quotes that part of the law and then goes on to say: "In "real world speak", according to this report, this new law, when fully implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have implanted in them a radio-frequency identification microchip for the purpose of controlling who is, or isn't, allowed medical care in their country".
Read the entire story at:
He supports the fact that compulsory microchipping is in the health care bill and that it has the capacity to determine whether you live or die. Something we should keep a very close eye on.
As soon as the American public, particularly the christian right, get a whiff of this and especially in an environment where they are trying to disarm the country, then all hell may break loose.
In this environment the intimidating public purchase by Homeland Security of a billion rounds of illegal hollow point ammunition begins to add up; illegal by international law because of its destructive effect on the body, literally ripping it to shreds.
Since when however does the US or Israel abide by International Law?
See."Why does Homeland Security need 1.4 billion rounds of ammunition?" of_ammunition.html
and many other references.
They may be expecting a massive revolt against the rapidly emerging police state from a, till that time, aquiescent public .
Not even forced gun confiscation on its own would create that kind of backlash.....but forced gun confiscation as a prelude to forced microchipping;- only then does the massive overreaction by those who think they are gods start to make sense.
To potentially add further to a building revolt there is the perception among many also of guillotines, death camps, death trains etc for dissenters to a program associated with the Fema and Homeland Security police state .
Just remember the government has been usurped by a no holds barred mob of evil doers to whom the above is no more distasteful than shooting rabbits to cull their numbers. It is in the same vein as what is already happening all over America by stealth, but whitewashed by the media.
another Morris posted yesterday,
11th January 2013, 05:27 AM
Morris again, posted Jan 9,
11th January 2013, 07:05 AM
How can they have a 'sale date' of Christmas?? ???
Also, I been under the impression that Peter and Nancy Lanza bought that house in '98 when they moved to Newtown and then they were divorced in '08 - which doesn't align with the 'sale date' of 2/8/11.
That may be when the house was put it in her name. What's weird is that there is a 13 Yogananda St showing up in People Finders in Peter Lanza's name but there is no record of that property in the Newtown files. I wish I could see the deeds.
11th January 2013, 07:11 AM
County records?
11th January 2013, 08:11 AM
Helicopter footage
11th January 2013, 08:52 AM
What's weird is that there is a 13 Yogananda St
now THAT is California sounding.
11th January 2013, 11:10 AM
Yeah really. Very simple. It's as easy as changing the date on the server that's hosting it.
Takes 5 seconds.
Even if this were true and I don't have enough knowledge about computers to know either way, it is extremely unlikely that two web pages asking for donations for the same incident would have dates before the event occurred. It is one thing to do this intentionally, quite another to do it accidentally.
Add this to the Victoria Soto Facebook page that was posted before her death and the Newtown Bee article that quoted the dead principle and it becomes unbelievable that these are just coincidences.
11th January 2013, 11:14 AM
I'm posting this again, surprised there aren't many comments on it. Here is a link to the Federal Reserve in all of this. There is so much more. I'm starting to find some very interesting things.
11th January 2013, 11:37 AM
Even if this were true and I don't have enough knowledge about computers to know either way, it is extremely unlikely that two web pages asking for donations for the same incident would have dates before the event occurred. It is one thing to do this intentionally, quite another to do it accidentally.
These coincidences happen all the time. Move along, nothing to see hear... /sarc
11th January 2013, 11:43 AM
I'm posting this again, surprised there aren't many comments on it. Here is a link to the Federal Reserve in all of this. There is so much more. I'm starting to find some very interesting things.
I don't understand this, there is way too much to understand. This I am now sure is the reasoning behind it, confuse the masses. Divide and concur, conspiracy theorists, tinfoil hats VS MSM and the sheeple, many who will remain in denial.
11th January 2013, 12:18 PM
Helicopter footage
Well at least there is 3 layers of police tape up, I guess they filter out unregistered personnel that way.
11th January 2013, 12:42 PM
Having thought this through I am still of the opinion that this was done in a similar way to Aurora.
Hit team does the killing and dumps patsy at the scene.
Federal agents come in and manage the crime scene evidence.
Paid actors manage public perceptions of incident on television and create official narrative.
Video footage of crime not released or destroyed.
School to be demoed to prevent anyone from possibly finding evidence contrary to official story.
I would have to dig into it more but I think the original plan was to patsy both Lanza brothers but for some reason they couldn't nab Ryan. Then they screw up and his ID is found on his brother. Later they must come up with BS story that Adam stole his brothers ID two years ago and just happened to have it on him at time of killing.
There were also some reports that 4 handguns were found in the school than later that changed to 2. 4 makes sense for two patsy's but not for one.
11th January 2013, 01:08 PM
I'm posting this again, surprised there aren't many comments on it. Here is a link to the Federal Reserve in all of this. There is so much more. I'm starting to find some very interesting things.
About the date Christmas day in 2009, it is weird that so many of the properties has a sale date, on that date, but I saw most of the properties were built in 1997, or 1998. I don't know about the real estate market in the US, but is it possible, that the houses were leased out, by a financier, with the option to buy the property at the latest Christmas day 2009. Maybe in '97- '98 it wasn't that easy for a young upward moving family (like the Lanza's) to qualify for a mortgage on a $300,000 house, so the developer offered this deal instead?
That Trentacosta character looks really creepy (somewhat like Hannibal Lecter), so he was nextdoor to the Lanza's, and now he is joining the New York federal reserve bank, and is administrating the relief funds for the victims, small world aye!
11th January 2013, 01:28 PM
Having thought this through I am still of the opinion that this was done in a similar way to Aurora.
Hit team does the killing and dumps patsy at the scene.
Federal agents come in and manage the crime scene evidence.
Paid actors manage public perceptions of incident on television and create official narrative.
Video footage of crime not released or destroyed.
School to be demoed to prevent anyone from possibly finding evidence contrary to official story.
I would have to dig into it more but I think the original plan was to patsy both Lanza brothers but for some reason they couldn't nab Ryan. Then they screw up and his ID is found on his brother. Later they must come up with BS story that Adam stole his brothers ID two years ago and just happened to have it on him at time of killing.
There were also some reports that 4 handguns were found in the school than later that changed to 2. 4 makes sense for two patsy's but not for one.
This seems like a likely/possible big picture. One thing about federal agents though, do you think that they were in on it, or is it that they are easier to handle, because they have been trained to uniformly follow the rule book, and the administrative hierarchies orders without question?
11th January 2013, 01:29 PM
About the date Christmas day in 2009, it is weird that so many of the properties has a sale date, on that date, but I saw most of the properties were built in 1997, or 1998. I don't know about the real estate market in the US, but is it possible, that the houses were leased out, by a financier, with the option to buy the property at the latest Christmas day 2009. Maybe in '97- '98 it wasn't that easy for a young upward moving family (like the Lanza's) to qualify for a mortgage on a $300,000 house, so the developer offered this deal instead?
That Trentacosta character looks really creepy (somewhat like Hannibal Lecter), so he was nextdoor to the Lanza's, and now he is joining the New York federal reserve bank, and is administrating the relief funds for the victims, small world aye!
Yeah, I'm not sure about the sold date of 12/09 but most of the homes have it. The Lanza home didn't though. I will investigate this some more.
Hatha Sunahara
11th January 2013, 02:14 PM
I'm getting some insights into the agenda and how this all works by reading the Protocols of Zion. It's good to refresh one's grasp of events by delving into a document that provides a larger context.
And Neuro,
This seems like a likely/possible big picture. One thing about federal agents though, do you think that they were in on it, or is it that they are easier to handle, because they have been trained to uniformly follow the rule book, and the administrative hierarchies orders without question?
Federal Agents are most interested in career advancement and comfortable retirement pensions, so when their bosses tell them to stop looking at something, they tend to follow orders--not wanting to endanger their promotions or pensions. The NDAA exists for those insiders that cannot be bought or trusted to keep their mouths shut. Some of them at higher levels may be in on the real agenda, but only if they belong to the group perpetrating these shootings.
11th January 2013, 03:43 PM
Prof Tracy again, 58 mins, 10 MBs:
Guns and Butter with Bonnie Faulkner 2013.01.11 ( (
"Sandy Hook: Unanswered Questions" with Professor James F. Tracy. ( Discrepancies in media coverage; coroner's press conference; political fallout.
Articles: The Sandy Hook School Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information; (
POLICE STATE USA: The Paranoid Style of American Governance; (
FAU Prof With Controversial Newtown Theories Says He Was Misunderstood ; (
FAU prof stirs controversy by disputing Newtown massacre; (
Prof. James F. Tracy - Archive (
Bonnie's website (
Guns and Butter archive (
Download MP3 (
11th January 2013, 04:27 PM
That Trentacosta character looks really creepy (somewhat like Hannibal Lecter), so he was nextdoor to the Lanza's, and now he is joining the New York federal reserve bank, and is administrating the relief funds for the victims, small world aye!4292
With neighbors like that guy, your enemies will be eliminated.
11th January 2013, 05:51 PM
I'm posting this again, surprised there aren't many comments on it. Here is a link to the Federal Reserve in all of this. There is so much more. I'm starting to find some very interesting things.
Sunshine, it's interesting indeed, surely indicative of the larger iceberg, but hard to know which way to run with it without more answers as to the selling/buying parties.
Prof James Tracy is emerging as a Sandy Hook Truther with some academic credential gravitas under him- why not email him @ FAU pointing him to your blog with your original research?
11th January 2013, 07:38 PM
There is an overview here raising many points already covered in a succinct manner:
11th January 2013, 08:10 PM
latest at sunshine's blog, astounding video!
Interview With A Sandy Hook Fireman (
Posted on January 11, 2013 ( by lynne0312
They are calling him a “first responder” but he said he didn’t learn about the shootings until he saw the helicopters because he was across town. He stumbles all through this interview. He couldn’t even answer basic questions with ease.
Also notice how crisp and new his uniform appears to be … and for that matter, why is he even wearing it at the time of the interview? It reminds me of the Medical Examiner wearing his white lab coat for his interview.
midnight rambler
11th January 2013, 08:25 PM
That FF has been with the Sandy Hook FD for 20 years and his bunker gear is SPOTLESS. Also note the slightly-built, middle-aged well coiffed woman behind him also wearing SPOTLESS bunker gear. WTH is a woman like wearing her own personalized bunker gear?? Are we supposed to believe that this woman actually fights fires??
Exposure to a SINGLE fire and bunker gear gets smoke on it.
11th January 2013, 09:34 PM
Many dumbf***s worship the so called first responders. After 911 and what not people view them as quite the authority.
11th January 2013, 09:35 PM
There is an overview here raising many points already covered in a succinct manner:
That's a pretty good rundown of things, I thought this part was especially notable.
It would also be helpful to hear their explanation of how someone who, according to official reports, had not engaged in any gun training prior the attack, could have achieved such proficiency and deadly accuracy with an assault rifle.
Keyword is deadly, as there are few if any injuries here.
11th January 2013, 09:35 PM
RE: Sandy Hook Rampage - Gene Rosen's Greatest Hits - It's all been like a really bad movie!
Published on Jan 4, 2013
I know you guys are probably real sick and tired of listening to this creep, and so am I.. It just seems too incredible to me that this guy was paraded across television sets around the world as some kind of hero as he spews all of his contradictions and lies. Surely the correspondent, interviewing Gene had to have realized that the scenario he describes over and over again is quite impossible. Which should be putting him under some suspicion. I suspect that in the clip where Gene describes the lady looking for her son at 12 o'clock and how her face turned to stone, was actually recorded during the immediate aftermath (on the same day) of the massacre. In every other clip the background is blissfully peaceful, but when the lady's face turned to stone, there is a helicopter hovering nearby or overhead for the entire interview. Perhaps the six children were down in his basement at the same time and the helicopter is meant to drown out the noise coming from the FireHouse? I think if there are any honest detectives left who are working on this case for the sake of justice. then they should look at this video to see that the media along with Gene Rosen are going out of their way in every interview to hide the fact that Gene's house is located right next to the firehouse! So how is it possible that he did not know what was going on? When ever there is a massacre like this the police will order every one in the school to one area. A more logical choice would have been the gymnasium at the school but for some reason they chose the FireHouse. Never the less when they do that it is because they want to do a head count, to make sure everyone is accounted for. It's a major crime scene so I doubt whether anyone has the choice not to comply. Meanwhile for almost an hour, Gene has these six kids hold up in his little yellow house giving them stuffed animals to play with and juice to drink! I'm sure the "juice" was purple koolaid. I suppose he told the authorities (if they ever even questioned this creep) that "We were all just having so much fun, that we just forgot to phone 911. I think the idea was juggled about but nobody could remember the number. LoL
Thanx to all the good folks who have been broadcasting the many peculiar performances on Mr R.S.Rosen. A lot of the black magic antics which I've featured on this video are based on the movie Sandy Hook Rampage. I was arriving at this conclusion when I stumbled upon this video. I highly recommend it
12th January 2013, 03:23 AM
2 hour Kevin Barrett radio show, I just started listening, not sure what this guy's deal is- supposedly a skeptic/debunker (re-bunker?) of S.Hook conspiracy theories. here's the MP3, 2 hrs 27 MBs, must FF through the comm breaks:
01/09/2013 ( Wednesday - 1st Hour: With Jeff Prager. 2nd Hour: With More with Jeff Prager.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Sandy Hook debunker Jeff Prager takes YOUR calls! (
Wed. 1/9/13, 3-5 pm Central, American Fre ( R ( ( (archived here (
Call in and argue!
Are you looking for an argument ( Well, look no further! Today's guest, Jeff Prager, argues that a careful analysis of the many apparent anomalies of the Sandy Hook massacre reveals that every single one of them has a persuasive innocent explanation! Well, actually, maybe "innocent" isn't the right word. Jeff suggests that in some cases, the anomalies may have been "inserted" into the coverage by psy-ops people.
If Jeff is right, there are basically two possibilities:
1) Lanza acted alone, and psy-ops bad guys may have encouraged conspiracy theorizing to discredit people like us, in a Cass Sunstein style attempt to foster "beneficial cognitive diversity" (i.e. confusion);
2) Lanza acted alone after having been trained and programmed MK-Ultra style, and the anomalies suggesting multiple shooters, evidence tampering, etc. are red herrings inserted by psy-ops people to discredit people like us and conceal the actual "Manchurian candidate" scenario.
Personally, I think Sandy Hook looks like a "mega-ritual" as discussed in SK Bain's The Most Dangerous Book in the World ( You want evidence? How about this:
In the film, The Dark Knight Rises, which premiered last summer in Aurora, where a killer(s) took the lives of 12 theater goers, wounding 58 others, there is a moment at one-hour, fifty-eight minutes. A startling moment in the Batman movie. Commissioner Gordon is talking about thwarting an imminent attack on “Strike Zone One.” At that moment, he points to the only legible words on a map lying on a table in front of him. The words are: SANDY HOOK. -Jon Rappaport, (
A coincidence? Rappaport also points out:
The production designer of The Dark Knight Rises, Nathan Crowley, is related to the infamous black-magic British legend, Aleister Crowley, sometimes called The Great Beast 666. Aleister was Nathan’s grandfather’s cousin. Then we have the fact that Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games, a novel in which 23 children are ritually sacrificed in combat by the dystopian state, also lives in Sandy Hook/Newtown.
I think Gordon Duff, who has been battling Jeff Prager in an email thread, is barking up the right tree when he suggests that we should be asking: Which groups have a history of human-sacrificing children, arranging mega-rituals, etc.?
In any case, let's listen to Jeff's attempt to debunk Sandy Hook, and come to our own conclusions.
Update! My previous radio guest on this topic (, Professor James Tracy, was just attacked this morning by the ultra-Zionist New York Daily News (, after getting blasted by the Daily Mail yesterday ( Google "Sandy Hook conspiracy" and you'll find a huge number of MSM stories screaming bloody murder about the "evil Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists."
Gordon Duff says this is the biggest epidemic of Zionist push-back he's ever seen, and suggests the MSM is "protesting too much" thereby revealing their complicity.
Jeff Prager thinks the MSM is making hay of the fact that the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories are easily debunkable.
What do you think?
Posted by Kevin Barrett ( at 7:50 AM 12 comments: (
there's also this Thu night Rense show with Jay Weidner- it's all S.Hook talk- he's into alien/human hybrids... otherwise interesting:
Listen ( Download ( Hour 2 - Jay Weidner ( - Things Aren't Looking Good
12th January 2013, 08:17 AM
To me, the significance of Rosen is the fact that he clearly was playing a role. Some try to say he made the whole story up, that he's just crazy but that's not possible. The fact is, there are 3 or 4 versions of kids escaping from the classroom so that is the script. All the different versions occurred due to the sloppy psy-op execution. But none of that matters because the majority of people aren't sifting through these details to try to understand what really happened that day.
12th January 2013, 09:16 AM
Patcolo>Gordon Duff says this is the biggest epidemic of Zionist push-back he's ever seen, and suggests the MSM is "protesting too much" thereby revealing their complicity.
In other news VP Joe Biden Meets with faith leaders.
Washington (CNN) – Vice President Joe Biden and officials on his gun violence committee held an unannounced meeting Wednesday evening with a group of 12 national faith leaders.
One theme brought up by several participants was the "moral tragedy" reflected in the gun violence the nation has seen over the past several months.
The double prong attack of desert God's pure evil combines into Super Twin wonder powers.
Novus Ordo Seclorum pyramid complete.
12th January 2013, 09:42 AM
I was googling John Trentacosta, and among the first hits was his LinkedIn page, I clicked on it but his profile wasn't there, but I got a cached version: wonder if there may be something suspect with any of the organizations and volunteer works he has been associated with?
12th January 2013, 10:02 AM
I was googling John Trentacosta, and among the first hits was his LinkedIn page, I clicked on it but his profile wasn't there, but I got a cached version: wonder if there may be something suspect with any of the organizations and volunteer works he has been associated with?
He had a major promotion into the uber world of finance last year, No need to be linked with the untouchables anymore.
12th January 2013, 10:06 AM
He had a major promotion into the uber world of finance last year, No need to be linked with the untouchables anymore.According to the cached page date, it was Cached the 2nd of January 2013...
12th January 2013, 10:25 AM
According to the cached page date, it was Cached the 2nd of January 2013...
12th January 2013, 11:55 AM
Interesting if you google Adam Lanza and Nancy Lanza for pictures respectively, and you tell Google to look for photos prior to 12/31/2011, you find no photos with any likeness to either of them. Peter Lanza had one tiny photo, only, at a site similar to LinkedIn, but which I never heard of before...
12th January 2013, 12:00 PM
Interesting if you google Adam Lanza and Nancy Lanza for pictures respectively, and you tell Google to look for photos prior to 12/31/2011, you find no photos with any likeness to either of them. Peter Lanza had one tiny photo, only, at a site similar to LinkedIn, but which I never heard of before...
Ok the site is called Yatedo, and apparently they take the information from sites like LinkedIn, without the consent of the user.
midnight rambler
12th January 2013, 12:06 PM
Interesting if you google Adam Lanza and Nancy Lanza for pictures respectively, and you tell Google to look for photos prior to 12/31/2011, you find no photos with any likeness to either of them. Peter Lanza had one tiny photo, only, at a site similar to LinkedIn, but which I never heard of before...
I don't find it surprising that there's no photos of any of the Lanzas to be found online prior to 12/14, especially of a kid that no one has seen for three years (except for supposedly a handful of people like the woman who would cut Adam's hair when his mother brought him in).
12th January 2013, 12:11 PM
I don't find it surprising that there's no photos of any of the Lanzas to be found online prior to 12/14, especially of a kid that no one has seen for three years (except for supposedly a handful of people like the woman who would cut Adam's hair when his mother brought him in).
You could certainly be right about that...
12th January 2013, 01:00 PM
This seems like a likely/possible big picture. One thing about federal agents though, do you think that they were in on it, or is it that they are easier to handle, because they have been trained to uniformly follow the rule book, and the administrative hierarchies orders without question?
Here is how I think these things get done.
At the very top are the Royals/bankers, families like the Rothchilds that are pulling the strings behind the scenes. They would give an order to the smoking man group to shape public perceptions and develop a political climate where people would give up their guns. They don't have direct knowledge or involvement in the operation.
The smoking man group would sort of be like the group of old men on X-files that were involved in the alien conspiracy. Hopefully most of you know what I am talking about. Guys that have worked for CIA or other intelligence agencies for decades, helped to overthrow governments and have been proven to do whatever it takes to get the "job" done. They are psychopaths/sociopaths and have a good idea of the overall scheme of things and are doing it for the money/sex/power, hoping to move up to the top group, whatever does it for them. They direct the other groups involved in the conspiracy. They never reveal their true identities to the lower groups but still direct them.
The Hit team is made up of special forces guys or similar that have murdered, raped or some other heinous crime and are facing decades jail time or death. The smoking man group being CIA or similar have access to medical/psychological records and all other records pertaining to these individuals and can pick the ones best suited for the type of work that involves killing innocent people. The are approached by one of the smoking men and given an offer they can't refuse. Work for us and you will be given a new identity, be free of the charges and be paid very well. They are monitored very closely and if at any time the smoking man group losses confidence in one of them similar assets are given the order to terminate. This group probably doesn't need a cover story they enjoy their work for the most part and realize betrayal to their masters means death.
The Feds that manage the crime scene are made up of individuals who have also been picked by the smoking man group. They also are unaware of the true identities of the smoking men. They are similar to the hit men in that they are black-mailable but may not have quite the same propensity for violence. They are usually doing drills very near to where the event is to take place, that way they can show up within a half hour or less and take over the crime scene. This is one reason why their are often conflicting reports. Some local law enforcement may release information to the press that they discovered before the Feds show up but the story is quickly corrected by the feds and who is the media going to believe? The FBI or Hicksville PD? They are likely given a cover story, ends justifies the means BS but are mainly kept in line through fear and desire to be rewarded.
The last layer is the actors, certain local officials and high up media plants that manage the story, that are also in on the scheme. This is where most people can't figure it out. They aren't compromised shortly before the event, they are CIA or other intelligence assets that have been working undercover for decades perhaps. Jesse Ventura has told the story of how when he became governor that the CIA visited him and that they were people from that community who's job was to blend in and gather intell. Well they likely don't just gather intell they also perform tasks when called to action. The smoking man group would also profile their assets and pick the ones that are willing to get the job done and are either black-mailable or gullible enough to buy some version of propaganda. They are also likely psychopaths/sociopaths and being undercover may not even be aware of the other assets involved in the conspiracy. The coroner, police chief and certain "family members" could be in this group. Moved into the community well before the event may even have been planned and placed into positions of influence or authority. For example CIA asset runs for police chief and because of CIA money can easily get the votes needed over others without unlimited funds. Eugene Rosen fits this profile nicely being on the board of a local media station I believe and also just happening to live close to the school.
So there you have it. If you count up those involved other then the top group you have less then a hundred involved probably and they are all compartmentalized and compromised well before the event takes place. If they go rogue they are dispatched by a hitman group. They control and manage the flow of information to the public but can't control it all so discrepancies always surface. The smoking man group realizes that the majority, trusting in authority and the media will not question the official narrative despite the inconsistencies.
12th January 2013, 02:51 PM
They don't have direct knowledge or involvement in the operation.
Only crevat is that in most instances, or when there is a hitch in plans, someone at the top would need to be sequestered. These people didn't get to where they are by having partners they can "trust", every major move would need their blessing.
12th January 2013, 06:29 PM
haven't listened to this yet - Carolyn's S.Hook show last week was great though:How Big of a Hoax was the Sandy Hook “Massacre?” ( I gather this one has no guest, just her discussing. 2 hrs comm free, 28 MBs:
Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager Jan. 12, 2013 ( (
Sandy Hook, Part2
We are told that the lesson to be drawn from the Sandy Hook “massacre” is that easy access to assault-type weapons creates a public danger of untold proportions. We need to understand that the real danger is from our public media, which is the ultimate WMD, or weapon of mass destruction, for our people. The media has given us an “official narrative” of Sandy Hook which on even semi-close inspection cannot be believed. Thus it comes under the category of an operation to
“change our perception of reality (” order to make us more pliable to the wishes of our governments. (In other words, a psychological operation or psyop.)
Carolyn discusses the reports and rumors about Sandy Hook from this point of view and points to the danger within the “alternative media” and/or “truth movement” of getting bogged down in debate over details of little consequence, as has happened in the 9/11 Truth Movement and also in “The Holocaust,” for that matter. Mentioned on the program: Fla. Atlantic Univ. Professor James Tracy interviewed ( Guns and Butter.
Show-page (
Download MP3
( 2.mp3)
12th January 2013, 10:27 PM
gotta watch the 5 min clip below; it's first I've heard of CNN hoaxing up fake "live from Saudi" reports during Gulf War 1 in 1991, actually from their US studio somewhere! :o Hoax ZSM coverage has surely come a long way since then, though you wouldn't know it from how sloppy & fake many of the sandy hook psyop actors are!
January 11, 2013 (
Sandy Hook and 9/11: Anti-terrorism Exercise Drills Are Invitation to “Live” Terrorist Events ( Reply (
Sandy Hook Shooting ( • Tags: Carl Rochelle (, Charles Jaco (, CNN (, Desert Storm (, George HW Bush (, News fraud ( ( ( NEWS NETWORK
CNN Perpetrated Hoax on America (
”Laural & Hardy” CRISIS ACTORS
During George H.W. Bush’s 1991 Gulf War, CNN would broadcast phony “live” coverage from Saudi Arabia day after day and the TV audience never suspected a thing.
It was no secret to media insiders that Jaco and crew never left the CNN studio but corporate media conspired to keep this deception a secret by agreeing not to “investigate” their own lies.
Nobody watching TV could imagine that Jaco, his crew, the CNN anchor and even Wolf Blitzer were laughing and joking about reporting phony neews behind the backs of millions of American taxpayers.
In 2013 this media deception is much more sophisticated. Today, the Crisis Actor industry flourishes with their alleged mission to provide “realism” in drills and exercises for first responders.
But like 9/11 and Sandy Hook, these practice drills go “live” and deadly when unexpected “actors” show up to terrorize and kill by taking advantage of all the confusion of what was supposed to be an exercise to prevent terrorism.
13th January 2013, 08:40 AM
Nat'l ZSM goes on the attack against S.H. "conspiracy theories"... specifically Anderson Vanderbilt/Cooper's been tasked here with the first assault. @ John Friend's blog- his speculation is at the more extreme end I've seen, namely his first guess is 100% hoax, no one killed, all actors; see his: Calling bullshit on the Sandy Hook hoax! - Updated (
Open to see reader comments:
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Anderson Cooper: Suppressing the truth about Sandy Hook? (
Anderson Cooper, easily one of the most establishment serving, despicable scum bags in the mainstream mass media, is incredulous, and a bit irate, about some of the legitimate statements ( and claims ( made by Florida Atlantic professor of communications James Tracy ( about the Sandy Hook "shooting" hoax.
Anderson Cooper Tackles 'Sickening,' 'Ignorant' Newtown Conspiracy Theories (
The excellent writer and actual journalist DC Dave Martin's Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression ( will come in handy after viewing the video above. Which techniques are Anderson Cooper and the clowns at CNN using to suppress the truth and perpetuate the Sandy Hook "shooting" hoax? I'd say numbers 2 and 4 are the techniques primarily on display in the video above. What do you think? (
Strong, credible allegations of high-level criminal activity can bring down a government. When the government lacks an effective, fact-based defense, other techniques must be employed. The success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, compliant press and a mere token opposition party.
Dummy up. If it's not reported, if it's not news, it didn't happen.
Wax indignant. This is also known as the "How dare you?" gambit.
Characterize the charges as "rumors" or, better yet, "wild rumors." If, in spite of the news blackout, the public is still able to learn about the suspicious facts, it can only be through "rumors." (If they tend to believe the "rumors" it must be because they are simply "paranoid" or "hysterical.")
Knock down straw men. Deal only with the weakest aspects of the weakest charges. Even better, create your own straw men. Make up wild rumors (or plant false stories) and give them lead play when you appear to debunk all the charges, real and fanciful alike.
Call the skeptics names like "conspiracy theorist," "nutcase," "ranter," "kook," "crackpot," and, of course, "rumor monger." Be sure, too, to use heavily loaded verbs and adjectives when characterizing their charges and defending the "more reasonable" government and its defenders. You must then carefully avoid fair and open debate with any of the people you have thus maligned. For insurance, set up your own "skeptics" to shoot down.
Impugn motives. Attempt to marginalize the critics by suggesting strongly that they are not really interested in the truth but are simply pursuing a partisan political agenda or are out to make money (compared to over-compensated adherents to the government line who, presumably, are not).
Invoke authority. Here the controlled press and the sham opposition can be very useful.
Dismiss the charges as "old news."
Come half-clean. This is also known as "confession and avoidance" or "taking the limited hangout route." This way, you create the impression of candor and honesty while you admit only to relatively harmless, less-than-criminal "mistakes." This stratagem often requires the embrace of a fall-back position quite different from the one originally taken. With effective damage control, the fall-back position need only be peddled by stooge skeptics to carefully limited markets.
Characterize the crimes as impossibly complex and the truth as ultimately unknowable.
Reason backward, using the deductive method with a vengeance. With thoroughly rigorous deduction, troublesome evidence is irrelevant. E.g. We have a completely free press. If evidence exists that the Vince Foster "suicide" note was forged, they would have reported it. They haven't reported it so there is no such evidence. Another variation on this theme involves the likelihood of a conspiracy leaker and a press who would report the leak.
Require the skeptics to solve the crime completely. E.g. If Foster was murdered, who did it and why?
Change the subject. This technique includes creating and/or publicizing distractions.
Lightly report incriminating facts, and then make nothing of them. This is sometimes referred to as "bump and run" reporting.
Baldly and brazenly lie. A favorite way of doing this is to attribute the "facts" furnished the public to a plausible-sounding, but anonymous, source.
Expanding further on numbers 4 and 5, have your own stooges "expose" scandals and champion popular causes. Their job is to pre-empt real opponents and to play 99-yard football. A variation is to pay rich people for the job who will pretend to spend their own money.
Flood the Internet with agents. This is the answer to the question, "What could possibly motivate a person to spend hour upon hour on Internet news groups defending the government and/or the press and harassing genuine critics?" Don t the authorities have defenders enough in all the newspapers, magazines, radio, and television? One would think refusing to print critical letters and screening out serious callers or dumping them from radio talk shows would be control enough, but, obviously, it is not.
Posted by John Friend ( at 10:28 AM 8 comments: (
here's the YT "more info" on the CNN clip above,
Published on Jan 11, 2013
Believe it or not, there are actually people out there who are convinced that last month's horrific shooting in Newtown, Connecticut was staged. Anderson Cooper opened his show tonight taking on these conspiracy theorists. He said that ordinarily, he wouldn't give much thought to insane conspiracies, but one of the people pushing them is a Florida professor who raises doubts as to whether the shooting "ever took place" in the way that the media described, and the whole thing was just a huge conspiracy to get the country behind gun control. And as if that wasn't unbelievable enough, he also suspects that some of the parents of the children were really actors.
RELATED: Colbert Takes On NRA's Wayne LaPierre: 'You, Sir, Are F**ked In The Head'
Cooper couldn't fathom how this professor could possibly have such kind of doubts, but he found an even crazier theory going around the internet: one of the little girls killed at Sandy Hook was not, in fact, present, which Cooper described as "sickening." And Cooper himself was even connected to the conspiracies, as one mother he interviewed on camera was not crying during the interview, therefore, by the logic of the conspiracy theorists, she could not have possibly been a real grieving mother.
Cooper said that in all the years he's interviewed people in grief, he has never seen people react the same way every single time, dismissing this theory as simply "ignorant." The aforementioned professor, regrettably, has elevated the conspiracy theories to a mainstream level that have spawned much outrage, especially over the fact that a public university is keeping him on the payroll.
Cooper brought on CNN reporter John Zarrella to reveal that they tried to have the professor on the program, but instead Zarrella went to Florida to confront the professor about his remarks. Zarrella revealed that over the phone, the professor said he would only provide an e-mail response, in which the professor apologized for "any additional anguish and grief" his comments may have caused, though for the most part he stuck to his guns.
13th January 2013, 11:53 AM
They are showing they may/will come after someone harshly who question the official account, especially if that person is an official person... Likely outcome will be loss of job, ending up a pariah among friends, neighbors and family...
13th January 2013, 02:37 PM
The excellent writer and actual journalist DC Dave Martin's Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression ( will come in handy after viewing the video above. Which techniques are Anderson Cooper and the clowns at CNN using to suppress the truth and perpetuate the Sandy Hook "shooting" hoax? I'd say numbers 2 and 4 are the techniques primarily on display in the video above. What do you think?
I've noticed Pierce Morgan Uses #2 constantly. Anytime he is presented with a fact he cannot rebut he will go the, "how dare you!", "that is an absolute lie!", "that is ludicrous!" route.
This is a type of public shaming, if said with enough conviction can be very effective on those unaware of the tactic.
I wonder how much practice guys like Clinton and Pierce Morgan have had to be very convincing when doing this.
13th January 2013, 02:44 PM
I've noticed Pierce Morgan Uses #2 constantly. Anytime he is presented with a fact he cannot rebut he will go the, "how dare you!", "that is an absolute lie!", "that is ludicrous!" route.
This is a type of public shaming, if said with enough conviction can be very effective on those unaware of the tactic.
I wonder how much practice guys like Clinton and Pierce Morgan have had to be very convincing when doing this.
I don't think they needed to practice it at all, sociopaths and psychopaths do these types of things naturally!
old steel
13th January 2013, 02:52 PM
13th January 2013, 02:57 PM
I don't think they needed to practice it at all, sociopaths and psychopaths do these types of things naturally!
Cock gobblers like Anderson Pooper & Piers Morgan also find it natural to straddle fairy media executives types to the top of the anchor chain.
13th January 2013, 03:00 PM
I don't think they needed to practice it at all, sociopaths and psychopaths do these types of things naturally!
Yeah I guess so. If you have been lying your whole life it would be pretty easy.
13th January 2013, 06:49 PM
As of today, "sandy hook shooting" and "sandy hook hoax" have equal search volumes in google trends: %20hook%20hoax&date=today%201-m&cmpt=q
13th January 2013, 09:42 PM
This thread will never die, if we had a post 9/11 thread it would the the same as we are talking about the same perpetrators I think
13th January 2013, 09:47 PM
America erwache!
13th January 2013, 10:46 PM
America erwache!
Auf GSUS sind wir nicht schlafen!
14th January 2013, 03:15 AM
Nat'l ZSM goes on the attack against S.H. "conspiracy theories"... specifically Anderson Vanderbilt/Cooper's been tasked here with the first assault. @ John Friend's blog- his speculation is at the more extreme end I've seen, namely his first guess is 100% hoax, no one killed, all actors; see his: Calling bullshit on the Sandy Hook hoax! - Updated (
Open to see reader comments:
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Anderson Cooper: Suppressing the truth about Sandy Hook? (
couple S.H. entries @ Tracy's blog re ^, getting a lot of reader comments there!
January 12, 2013 · 7:41 am
Does Anderson Cooper Want James Tracy and/or His Family Members Harmed? (
It would seem so from the broadcast journalist’s January 11 performance on his CNN program. Once corporate news media have told us what “reality” is, no further questioning is allowed, especially from credentialed individuals such as “tenured professors.” One has to ask, “Is this journalism? Or the frustrated defense of a news presenter and an increasingly uncertain storyline?”
Continue reading → (
January 11, 2013 · 7:30 pm
Public Statement via CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 (
The producers of CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 have invited me to appear on tonight’s broadcast to discuss this week’s controversy surrounding my articles on the Sandy Hook tragedy. Unfortunately, I am at present unable to accommodate this request. CNN has asked for a written statement from me to present in my absence. This statement, issued to a CNN representative late this afternoon, appears in its entirety below.
Link ( to January 11, 2013 Anderson Cooper 360 episode.
Continue reading → (
14th January 2013, 04:32 AM
someone sent me this, apparently it's not the original uploader coz the voiceover talks about links he's putting in the YT description, but there's no info in this vids more-info area. Got >18K views though, uploaded Jan 8. I guess we'd need to search Vimeo for this S.H. tribute vid he speaks of, posted around a MONTH BEFORE...
I did this vimeo search for the title just as I see it in the YT above,
and get 7 pages of results, oldest relevant result being 4 weeks old, not last Nov. I wouldn't expect such a video to remain on vimeo, if indeed it was once there. That search also yielded this 8 min vimeo vid, a longer version of the YT version above, but this one has big description below
Sandy Hook School Shooting Tribute - 1 month earlier? What the..? (Very Sick)
from Evoke & Evolve ( 5 days ago
ALL POINTS BULLETIN ! This is not a joke, or faked in any way. At this point, serious investigation needs to be done to find out how far back this all goes.
We need to find out WHO THE HECK uploaded a "tribute to the sandy hook shooting" on November 10, 2012. And how they knew BEFOREHAND who was to be shot.
The Sandy Hook shooting was on December 14th, 2012 yet this video shows all the victims, teachers, etc.. and the video was uploaded for sure on November 10th, 2012.
This time stamp for sure does not lie... vimeo.. look at their other uploads as well.
The link is below -- this is smoking gun proof of people knowing beforehand the shooting..
I DEMAND AN INVESTIGATION NOW! From police and all online investigators.
Here is the video uploaded on Nov. 10, 2012 , almost ONE FULL MONTH before the sandy hook shooting.
instructions :
Move your mouse over the date below the vimeo video (
Here are the other uploads from this person: (
DATE the sandy hook tribute video was TWEETED .. was November 10, 2012 --- same date..
This is for real.. "they" are busted.. Sandy Hook preplanned / fake.
Tweet Dated 10 Nov 2012... (
text of the tweet:
"I just uploaded "My Movie" to Vimeo:" (; The link took me to a Sandy Hook Elementary School Tribute film! Does it for you??
thanks to tatoot1009 for discovering this.. here is his facebook: (
here is his youtube page: (
make sure to stay tuned, tatoot has got something to say about all of this, and he's not too happy .
Neither am I.
Something strange is afoot...
Here is the information on just one of the fundraisers setup FOUR DAYS before the shooting..
This is starting to look like the whole Sandy Hook event was a preplanned 'faked' event.
Which is more likely? Preplanned with videos waiting online... or faked 100%?
It goes all the way to the top, (the president). Either he was duped by this elaborate hoax.. cops, law enforcement, and media are 'in on it' ..... or they ALL know ... and it was planned by them !
For sure we know now, it was preplanned, with FOR SURE multiple people involved going back to November !!
This should be an all points ALERT if you really think about it. (
so we check - and we read it was DELETED on Jan 9, the day after the above vid was published! :o
Page not found
Sorry, "READ THE INFO BELOW MORONS!" was deleted at 11:05:03 Wed Jan 9, 2013.
We have no more information about it on our mainframe or elsewhere.
so does that mean the title of the video once located at that URL was titled "READ THE INFO BELOW MORONS!" ????
14th January 2013, 07:26 AM
PatColo>I wouldn't expect such a video to remain on vimeo, if indeed it was once there. That search also yielded this 8 min vimeo vid, a longer version of the YT version above, but this one has big description below
All the pictures of the little blonde girl posted look like they were modeling photos for some kind of acting career.
14th January 2013, 07:40 AM
so does that mean the title of the video once located at that URL was titled "READ THE INFO BELOW MORONS!" ????
I think it means someone is leaving clues. Like the one who posted the cryptic clue before the event. Do we know what is posted below, on that page? What sort of comments were posted.
14th January 2013, 09:21 AM
^ there's only 2 comments at that main vimeo page with the long description/links- The supposed corresponding tweet url is also an error page now. One of the comments asks this question I also wondered,
Nikki Kitley ( 19 hours ago
All the links bar one which is the Google time stamp link have been removed now, I have looked at this and the date is indeed 11th Dec......., but was just wondering if a page can be modified after the fact. For example use an existing page and update it, so the original post date would stay the same but the information contained within would change, I am a bit of a technophobe so am not great when it comes to looking for this info (perhaps I have miss it though), I am just researching my own facts and your info has been a great enlightenment thank you.
and the shorter rendition @ YT has comments disabled,
14th January 2013, 01:11 PM
The Obama dead girl photo op thing has been debunked.
( of the date issues explained:
14th January 2013, 01:23 PM
It appears that the Parker family is Mormon.
14th January 2013, 01:30 PM
The Obama dead girl photo op thing has been debunked.
( of the date issues explained:
The guy did some good investigative work. He did not answer all the questions, but did a good job on Vimeo and Emilie Parker (I never quite bought that one for the reason he states, there were three girls, and two in the picture, and sisters can look very similar).
14th January 2013, 01:34 PM
It appears that the Parker family is Mormon.
14th January 2013, 01:38 PM
I thought so. I should have put the emphasis on "is" here: Originally Posted by sirgonzo420 (
It appears that the Parker family *is* Mormon.
I figured that having the funeral service at an LDS stake center would be confirmation if anything would be.
14th January 2013, 03:20 PM
I was disappointed with this latest TUT show- host Hesham Tallawi, guests M.C.Piper & Mark Glenn. The 3 of them criticize S.Hook skepticism, esp among those who are familiar names for their 911 Truth work... coz the ZSM will conflate all the "crazies" together. You have to hear it, their logic didn't really work for me. S.H. is "the 9/11 of gun control", with disarming Americans the obvious driving agenda. Disarming populations always precedes democide. James Fetzer calls in and spends about 1/2 the show with them, defending S.Hook skepticism. 47 mins, 11 MBs.
Current Issues with Hesham Tillawi Jan 13, 2013 ( (
The kookery of the various Sandy Hook conspiracy theories and how it is being exploited by the JMSM to label all ‘truthers’ as crazies. Great interview with Hesham Tillawi, Michael Collins Piper and Mark Glenn.
Show-page (
Download MP3 (
edit- been reading the comments on this Tillawi show, both at grizzom
and at TUT,
happy to see majority opinion at both sites is not falling in line with the Tillawi/Glenn/Piper view. here's one @ TUT (where we'd expect a more biased, TUT supportive readership), if you read the others you'll find this is representative,
#14 ( by PATTY ( on January 14, 2013 - 2:44 pm
Bravo Dr. Fetzer. You did an excellent job despite the hostile circumstances and I totally agree that whatever happened at Sandy Hook, it’s sole purpose as a psychological operation is to disarm the American people beginning with the semi-automatic weapons which the govt. calls “assault weapons”.
I was disappointed by the ridiculous reasoning presented by Tillawi/Piper/Glenn. They seemed to argue that no one should question or pose alternative theories regarding the latest false flag attacks on the American psyche, at least not on any mainstream forum, lest the mainstream make the entire truth movement into a bunch of kooks and that this would do irreparable damage to the 9/11 movement. This is truly idiotic logic.
First, who cares about anything the Jew media says. They are the kooks who disseminate only Jew/Govt lies and propaganda to further a sinister agenda. Any lie exposed will be ridiculed by them–Holohoax, 9/11, OKC, USS Liberty, JFK assassination, Pearl Harbor, Adolf Hitler, etc. Jim Fetzer did a great thing by using MSM to alert people there are other ways to look at the events of our day. Only those with ears to hear will hear.
Second, Tillawi kept on stupidly saying “But there are no facts, only questions and theories”. After 9/11 and the “Holocaust” we were also not privy to hard-core evidence about what really happened. This extends to all historical lies. The inquiry begins with looking at all the inconsistencies and improbabilities in the official story and the lack of evidence to support the official story except for ” the govt/authorities told me so”. The official Sandy Hook story has so many holes in it that it unravels right before our very eyes. Go to to hear her 2 radio shows on Sandy Hook, Sandy Hook Parts 1 and 2. Part 1 has 2 very interesting guests.
#15 ( by Eva F. (http://TUT) on January 14, 2013 - 7:53 pm
I agree with Tillawi’s anger. He was a bit harsh, but -so what- Mr. Fetzer is an old warhorse. This harshness will not harm him. In fact it was way too early to go public with a theory, even when there are a lot of holes and questions in the offical Sandy Hook narrative. I really wonder f.e. why the parents were not allowed to see their dead children. Does anybody understand that ?
14th January 2013, 05:48 PM
Some of the date issues explained:
Someone placed some reloaded video labels to cover up for the Facebook page & other dated donation sites?
14th January 2013, 06:49 PM
this guy's YT channel HistoricalRecordsVLT ( has many good vids, including:
Anderson Cooper Blasts National Hero James Tracy & Sandy Hook Conspiracies - Plus Proven FEMA Fakery - YouTube (
Anderson Cooper Blasts National Hero James Tracy & Sandy Hook Conspiracies - Plus Proven FEMA Fakery ( dsVLT (·498 videos (
Published on Jan 13, 2013
Anderson Cooper does a piece about James Tracy, the professor who has gone public with his Sandy Hook questions.
James Tracy's Website:
Full Anderson Cooper video:
KTH: Exposing Newtown conspiracy theory
"Laural & Hardy" CRISIS ACTORS
URGENT - FOX News Caught Using Fake Video Of Riots HA, HA!
False footage of police running to school shooting scene.
The James Tracy Saga: Students Rally Behind Embattled Professor
Commentary: Reaction to FAU professor's Newtown conspiracy is misguided and misinformed
old steel
14th January 2013, 09:16 PM
Professor won’t back down from Newtown massacre conspiracy theory
A media professor at Florida Atlantic University who is questioning the Sandy Hook massacre has caused controversy with his conspiracy claims.
James Tracy, who writes a personal blog about conspiracy theories, believes the events that unfolded at Sandy Hook did not happen as reported.
The professor writes on his blog, Memory Hole (, “While it sounds like an outrageous claim, one is left to inquire whether the Sandy Hook shooting ever took place—at least in the way law enforcement authorities and the nation’s news media have described.” He suggests that there were multiple shooters and that the number of dead is incorrect. The blog post was published on the Global Research ( site, where it caught the attention of the Web.
The academic, who is known for his conspiracy theories on 9/11 and the Oklahoma bombing, believes—as he claims on his blog and recently stated on a radio show (—that trained “crisis actors” may have been employed by the Obama administration to shape public opinion on gun control.
The 47-year-old, who holds a Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in mass communication (, wrote on his blog, “ As documents relating to the Sandy Hook shooting continue to be assessed and interpreted by independent researchers there is a growing awareness that the media coverage of the massacre of 26 children and adults was intended primarily for public consumption to further larger political ends.”
According to his faculty profile (, the professor "teaches courses examining the relationship between commercial and alternative news media and socio-political issues and events." He also lists his recent work in “Censored 2013: Sourcebook for the Media Revolution. The Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2011-2012."
When questioned about his theories by a local CBS12 ( news reporter, Tracy responded, "The whole country mourned about Sandy Hook, but yet again the investigation that journalistic institutions should have carried out never took place, in my opinion."
He added, "As a society we need to look at things more carefully. Perhaps we as a society have been conditioned to be duped."
His blog, with 222 followers, lays out his theory in detail, suggesting that it was a training exercise in which actually nobody was killed. He writes, "To declare that the shooting 'never took place' is cause for intense opprobrium in most polite circles where, in familiar Orwellian fashion, the media-induced trance and dehistoricized will to believe maintain their hold."
15th January 2013, 12:43 AM
I am not sure, other than location, why they would even involve the author Collins. Seems to me a head fake to make it seem more absurd that people question the presentation?
16th January 2013, 07:37 PM posted some good articles on this. One of their writers, Joe Quinn, paid to get the full police audio files for the day of the massacre.
Sandy Hook hoaxes and the terror of the situation (
Many of the most notable events in modern (and even ancient) history have provoked some form of 'conspiracy theory'. That is to say, ordinary people were not satisfied with the official story about how the event unfolded because all or some aspects of that story simply did not objectively make sense. Despite what the mainstream media would like us to believe about 'conspiracy theories', most conspiracy theories are based on objective problems with the official narrative. But note that I said 'based on'. The problem with conspiracy theories is that, while they usually reflect a more accurate overview of a major event, they are forced to rely on theory (due to deliberate with-holding of data by official sources) rather than hard evidence (which would disqualify them as theories) and are therefore open to abuse by people who tend to use their imaginations to complete the picture rather than the more critical functions of the human mind.
Compared to other similar events where many people found the official story implausible, the Sandy Hook massacre has provoked a veritable flood of conspiracy theories, and many of them are not based on any hard evidence.
A large majority of the alternative news pundits that have attempted to independently investigate the Sandy Hook massacre have engaged in some seriously irresponsible and shoddy journalism. Among the more outlandish and baseless theories, we find the claim that "actors" took the place of the parents and siblings of the Sandy Hook victims, and that no children were murdered at all because, the theory goes, if they were, "why haven't we seen any bodies?" I've already exposed the logical fallacies in a few of these theories elsewhere (, but there is one theory that still refuses to go away, perhaps because it is slightly less obviously bogus, and many people are still touting it as the single fact that "busts open" the official story as a "hoax".
The theory in question is that a man named Christopher Rodia was the REAL owner of the black Honda Civic, which has been identified as the car of Adam Lanza's mother that was found outside the Sandy Hook elementary school. The basis for this erroneous belief, still held by many, is police scanner audio that was picked up from the morning of Dec. 14th and which details Connecticut State Police response to the massacre.
I obtained the original audio files from the website and had to pay a small sum for the full files. I have listened to them, and the evidence they contain can only lead to one plausible conclusion: that it is unlikely that the aforementioned Christopher Rodia had anything to do with the Sandy Hook massacre, even if his name and DOB are mentioned in the audio.
What so many of those who are searching for evidence of conspiracy at Sandy Hook have apparently missed is the fact that the audio files clearly contain police communications about MORE than just the Sandy Hook event.
In the audio streams there are several communications from Connecticut State police who are clearly not involved in the response to Sandy Hook and are just out there doing their 'normal' jobs of stopping people for no reason and catching speeding drivers.
The Connecticut State police scanner audio from the morning of Dec. 14th 2012, as provided by, begins at 9.34am and lasts for one hour until 10.34am, i.e. it begins at about the time Lanza is said to have entered the school and lasts for one hour.
Below I will provide all relevant excerpts from this hour of audio, with my comments, which include the now infamous references to the license plate of Nancy Lanza's car and to Christopher Rodia.
If you wish to download this audio (which is split into two half-hour files, you can do so here ( (first part) and here ( (second part). Right click and 'save as' to your computer.
First audio segment: 9.34am - 10.04am
At 00:15, an officer refers to an "apartment door" and says "he is not responding to me verbally". (This probably has nothing to do with SH.)
At 1:55, an officer seems to be reading out an license plate and refers to a 'Camry' which is likely a reference to a Toyota Camry car.
At 4:28, a female officer says "we're outside waiting for the ok to go in". (This may be the first reference to SH.)
At 5:15, the same female officer says "it's now in lock-down". (This is most likely a reference to SH.)
At 6:15, a female officer says: "Dickenson Drive, 12 Dickenson Drive." (This appears to be both the address of the fire-house at the entrance to the SH school driveway, which was the designated staging area, AND the address of SH school itself.)
At 6:20, an officer says: "car is responding, the shooter is apparently still shooting in the officer area, 12 Dickenson Drive."
At 6:47, an officer says: "personnel take exit 10 then a left on 34 then continue on Riverside Road, Dickenson Drive, make sure you have your vest on."
For the next few minutes there are various communications that seem to relate to officers arriving at SH school. At 8:39, for example, an officer asks for "directions again please", another officer then gives the same directions to SH school for officers arriving from some distance away who are clearly NOT familiar with the area. That is to say, they are out of town CT. State Police.
At 9:18 an officer says "I have Newtown on the line yet."
Another officer responds: "Get Newtown on the line so we are coordinating with them; they may just want us to establish a perimeter."
At 10:45, more instructions are given about which exit to take and how to get to SH school. These are clearly not the communications of police that are familiar with the area. That is, they are not Newtown police.
At 11:49, an officer calls out a license plate "X-ray Libra Golf, 941.″
Then at 12:15, we hear a female officer or dispatcher say: "We've got an injured person in room number 9 with numerous gunshot wounds."
Between 13 and 14 minutes, more descriptions of how to get to SH are given.
At 15:00, an officer says: "negative on description, ok, shots were fired about 3 mins ago, quiet at the time."
Then there are more descriptions of how to get to SH school.
At 17:30, an officer says: "can you swing down here and get us a pink slip for his toll form please?" (This sounds like a communication that is NOT related to SH).
At 18:18, an officer says: "do you have a case number on this"? (See above)
A female responds: "number is 18264.″ (see above)
At 18:38, an officer says: "no violation, just the same kind of complaint from yesterday that he forgot the..." (See above).
At 19:15 an officer says: "Newtown's reporting one suspect down, the building has now been cleared." (Clearly a reference to SH)
At 20:23 an officer says: "Dickenson 91 in the Liberty Way parking lot, reported no injuries but possible side airbag deployed." (Clearly NOT a reference to SH, but keep 'Liberty Way' in mind.)
At 20:45, another officer says: "... motor vehicle stop..." (Do I need to explain it?)
At 21:58, another officer says: "same location, 544 Xray Charlie Lima Connecticut 40.″
At 22:47, another officer says: "got a speed limit sign down."
At 25:13, more directions are given to police officers who are arriving to the scene of the SH shooting.
At 26:24, an officer says: "33 headquarters, motor vehicle stop." The same officer repeats "motor vehicle stop."
Immediately after this a female voice says: "12 Dickenson Drive, Dickenson Drive."
At 27:00, the same voice that said "33 headquarters, motor vehicle stop" at 26:24, says: "722 VHA, radar." (Clearly NOT a reference to SH.)
At 28:56, an officer says: "street, near a park, connected trailer V87 278, unsecured load." (Clearly NOT a reference to SH)
For the next few minutes there are intermittent police communications that appear to be about the SH response.
Segment ends at 30:32.
Second audio segment 10.04am - 10.34am
At 1:20, a female (possibly a dispatcher) says: "please respond, Liberty Way" [...] (See reference to 'Liberty Way parking lot' in first segment above).
At 1:39, an officer says "Connecticut 872 Y Yankee, E Echo, O Oscar, 872 YEO possible suspect vehicle." (This is the license plate of the car of Nancy Lanza, the mother of Adam Lanza).
At 2:04, an officer with a deep voice, clearly NOT the officer that made the previous 872 YEO license plate report, says: "run the eh... operator, he's a Florida license Connecticut as well, first name is Rodia, R-O-D-I-A, Christopher A. Date of birth is, eh... August 6th '69."
For the next 8 minutes there are various communications, all of which appear to refer to SH: people being evacuated, staging areas and more directions for CT. State Troopers who are still arriving.
Then at 10:15, an officer says: "665 YRG." This could well be yet another call from a CT. State Trooper who is NOT at SH but is still out on normal patrol and is calling in a license plate.
At 11:34 and for the next few minutes, we have yet more directions about how to get to SH school.
At 15:34, an officer says: "we have big furret? Connecticut 258 Yankee Yankee Hotel, 258 YYH, Laser."
For the next 6 or 7 minutes the transmissions are all about SH; the staging areas, people coming out of the building, etc.
At 22:02, an officer says: "763 Zula Rima Julliet, 763 TLJ Lucifer."
At 22:36, what sounds like the same officer says: "New Jersey plates, a couple of occupants, eh... not sure where exactly on Stoneway, I got cut off on the caller..."
At 25:12, what sounds like the same officer says: "Fat van? near 55 Stoneway when you're ready. Jersey, Charlie 6 6 Bravo SS, New Jersey, Charlie 66 Bravo Sierra Sierra, there'll be a few males in the van..."
At 27:10, an officer says: "Ford Econoline, eh registered to the Courier car rental out of Wayne, New Jersey."
Another officer responds: "the occupants are out of state they're doing a documentary on owl(?)-hunting in Canaan(?)"
The rest of the audio refers mainly to the Sandy Hook police response.
The two communications in bold above are what have caused many independent Sandy Hook investigators to believe they had found evidence of a "hoax". They claim that, together, the comments constitute 'clear evidence' that Christopher Rodia owned Nancy Lanza's car. But, taken in context, i.e. that both communications are part of a continuum of Connecticut State police communications on the morning of the Sandy Hook shooting that include State Police responses to the shooting AND things like traffic stops by police who are NOT involved with the response to the SH shooting, and that both types of communications are naturally interspersed... well, the rational conclusion then is that Rodia was just one of the several people who were stopped in their cars by a CT. State police officer somewhere nowhere near Sandy Hook school, as evidenced by the scanner audio.
In addition, it seems clear from the audio that some of the State police communications were coming from pretty far afield and had nothing to do with Sandy Hook; the reference to "Liberty way parking lot" in the audio, for example, most likely refers to Liberty way parking lot in Greenwich CT (, which is 45 miles from Sandy Hook. The word 'Greenwich' is also spoken by a dispatcher in the above audio, although I didn't include it here. If you want to hear it you'll just have to listen to the audio yourself. If you do, you'll be among a select few individuals who have, it seems, bothered to actually listen to the audio in full.
By way of further evidence that Rodia is unlikely to be the owner of the Honda Civic, here is a copy of his consolidated property tax statement, showing that he does not own a Honda Civic. If he did, it would be on this statement: (
Therefore, if someone could explain to me how a cop at Sandy Hook school could receive Rodia's details from the car license plate 872 YEO when Rodia doesn't own a car with that license plate, I'd be all ears.
And just for good measure, here's the consolidated property tax record for Rodia's wife (or maybe it's his sister, I can't remember now). She doesn't own a Honda Civic either: (
The many internet news pundits and 'researchers' who have jumped on the "Sandy Hook hoax" bandwagon and relied on what has turned out to be spurious evidence that the parents were 'actors' or that Christopher Rodia owned the Honda Civic, are guilty of either neglecting to use their critical thinking abilities to engage in serious research, or are simply repeating these claims in an effort to get attention. Of course, we can't discount the possibility that someone, somewhere, has been deliberately encouraging the spread of this information in an effort to make anyone who questions, in any way, the official story of the Sandy Hook massacre look like a raving lunatic.
The fact of the matter is that there are some serious unanswered questions about the official narrative of what happened at Sandy Hook ( on the morning of Dec. 14th 2012. In the absence of any clarification of these outstanding questions, and taking into consideration other similar massacres and the problems with the official narrative around those (, not to mention the virtual certainty that an elite cabal has existed in the USA for several decades and has been involved in assassinations (, it is entirely rational to conclude, on the balance of this collective evidence, that Adam Lanza was not yet another 'lone gunman'.
I understand that people who are already well-versed in the clear evidence of duplicity of the ruling elite may have a wilful tendency to accept as fact any evidence of further elite treachery that comes their way. But in our modern era of the all-seeing eye of the national security state and tried and tested 'counter-insurgency tactics that are practiced as much at 'home' as abroad (, it is prudent to be suspicious not only of the elite but also of those who, at first glance, may appear to be our allies.
As a result of my own investigation into this massacre, which involved the discovery of a large amount of bogus 'evidence' of a "Sandy Hook hoax", I have been left with a very clear understanding that the people who carried out this particular operation are very powerful indeed. Powerful beyond what most people can imagine could ever be possible. While I have little doubt (for the reasons noted above) that more than one person was involved, I also am forced to admit that the perpetrators of the Sandy Hook massacre left literally NO hard evidence of their monstrous crime. Consider the level of control that is required to leave so little evidence when carrying out a horrific massacre like Sandy Hook. In addition, the implication is that the mainstream media were in some way complicit, or at least controlled and duped. The end result is the sense of "a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that [men] had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." 1
If we are to understand anything from the Sandy Hook massacre, let it be an understanding, born of careful thought and analysis, of the true nature of the forces that are reigned against us as we engage in the fight to ensure that Truth is heard in a world dominated by lies, a world where the wanton murder of innocent children becomes all too 'normal'.
1: This is from a speech by Woodrow Wilson:
"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. They know that America is not a place of which it can be said, as it used to be, that a man may choose his own calling and pursue it just as far as his abilities enable him to pursue it; because to-day, if he enters certain fields, there are organizations which will use means against him that will prevent his building up a business which they do not want to have built up; organizations that will see to it that the ground is cut from under him and the markets shut against him. For if he begins to sell to certain retail dealers, to any retail dealers, the monopoly will refuse to sell to those dealers, and those dealers, afraid, will not buy the new man's wares."
While it is clear that the "power" that Wilson was referring to was a business power that in this context was exerting control over "commerce and manufacture" and a "monopoly" preventing people from choosing their own business calling, it is also clear that he was referring to a power above and beyond the "biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture". To me, that's a lot of power.
16th January 2013, 08:05 PM
Here's another good one:
The Sandy Hook Massacre: Unanswered Questions (
16th January 2013, 08:22 PM
Here's another good one:
The Sandy Hook Massacre: Unanswered Questions (
Interesting. Didn't someone run the plate on that vehicle and confirm it belonged to the Christopher Rodia? i think they did meaning the stuff about the radio transmissions and different cops calling in different plates is meanlingless.
The green car with bullet holes I think is explainable. On the radio feed you can hear the office arriving and reporting that two men are running and shooting. You can also hear 2 shots and they are some distance away from him so it is not him firing. I'd guess there was a short exchange of gun fire in the parking lot before the 2 guys did a runner to the woods.
I'd like to know how long after the event was first called in was the helicopter footage taken. There are a lot of vehicles parked, no vehicles moving, no crazy traffic jam of vehicles trying to get in like cops and other responders. Everyone is there, parked and milling about so it seems the footage is from sometime after the event was called in.
interesting to know radio reference has more audio on this. I'll have to take a look. I also thought the helicopter footage was interesting because there is digital transmissions being made. You can hear them on the helicopter footage. I wonder what is being transmitted there. Maybe it's the footage itself, maybe somethng else.
16th January 2013, 10:14 PM
Well ok, but the problem also is that Rodia's car was photographed in the News to be Lanza's and the plates to belong to Rodia, so no I do not yet buy that Rodia was not somehow involved, possibly just his car was used.
This is like the JFK Murder aftermath at light speed with current technology they can throw out dozens, hundreds of false trails to go down that will eventually cause most people, after these false pieces of evidence are proven false, in the publics head, if one is false they all are in the past this has been the case at least.
16th January 2013, 10:25 PM
few item's from Tracy's blog, he was on No Lies Radio Jan 12,
Sandy Hook: Unanswered Questions _ on Anti-War Progressive Teach-in | NO LIES RADIO (
edit: this is a replay of Tracy's Guns & Butter radio appearance
Taft Union High School Drill Becomes “Real Life” (
Tracy's blog points to these from Rappaport,
How TalmudVision will shape the new gun-culture in America (
What government fears most: blacks and whites united with guns (
16th January 2013, 10:32 PM
2 hour Kevin Barrett radio show, I just started listening, not sure what this guy's deal is- supposedly a skeptic/debunker (re-bunker?) of S.Hook conspiracy theories. here's the MP3, 2 hrs 27 MBs, must FF through the comm breaks:
01/09/2013 ( Wednesday - 1st Hour: With Jeff Prager. 2nd Hour: With More with Jeff Prager.
Charles Giuliani & guest spend most of today's show deconstructing Prager's appearance on Barrett's show,
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.01.16 ( (
Guest Greg in Seattle.
Archive (
Show Notes (
Download MP3 (
16th January 2013, 10:51 PM
more whining from Anderson Cooper
Hatha Sunahara
16th January 2013, 11:31 PM
more whining from Anderson Cooper
Anderson Cooper and the two others in this video appear to be part of the hoax. Never mind the facts, you have to believe us because we are the MSM. Would the government lie? Would we lie? Please, if those conspiracy theorists managed to turn your brain back on, turn it off. You know that thinking for yourself isn't healthy.
Cooper must be desperate. They can see that people aren't buying their BS any more, and asking questions. And it freaks them out. Bravo!
16th January 2013, 11:49 PM
CIA Spokesman Anderson Cooper Sent by Masters to Discredit Independent Sandy Hook Investigations (
here's a vid embedded above, it's a longer version of the clip at the CNN link in reply 966, just more of the same faux 'righteous indignation' shtick from AC
17th January 2013, 12:04 AM
Vacuum's find 1358407999
17th January 2013, 12:12 AM
ok guys, I have an extremely paranoid alternate theory of what's actually happening. I'm mainly posting this just to get it on the record.
It's possible that the shooting was real but intentionally made to look fake. It could be a false hoax. Once a truth movement is built and is really going strong, they could then release all of the hard evidence. The pictures, security footage, names, autopsy reports, etc. Everyone would feel horrible (it wouldn't be their fault though because evidence was withheld).
Why would they do such a thing? To shatter people's faith in each other and themselves. It would be very similar to the comet Elenin thing - hyped, perhaps intentionally, then nothing. People will be extremely skeptical about any other comet story in the future. It's no different than the silver market. They artificially pump up the market sometimes so that silver bugs panic and buy, then they not only remove the artificial support, but then perhaps artificially depress it so that people really have their confidence shaken.
The other thing is that, once the fact that the "hoax" is destroyed, the question of whether it was a false flag will then never be able to be discussed. Because "the hoax theory has already been debunked, you despicable person" even though that fact would have nothing to do with whether it was indeed a FF.
Why did I come up with this extremely paranoid theory? Because this whole thing seems to have so many problems it's hard to believe they really tried. Chad has given some conflicting reports. And also, as I mention, it's not unheard of to actually pump up then crash 'the alternative' (whether doom dates or metals prices).
With this theory clearly articulated beforehand, if it does come about, we can come back and point to this to prove that we were indeed not out of our minds, but were simply rationally responding to evidence presented to us. We aren't simply making conspiracies up as we go, as would seem to be the case if we later claim it was a "false hoax but still a false flag" if they purposefully hold back the evidence while purposefully giving false evidence, then at a later date release the real evidence. It's neither our fault nor improper thinking or behavior if they were to do such a thing.
Anyway, carry on...
17th January 2013, 12:17 AM
Alls they need to do is release a photo of the bloody up inside of the school, you're correct.
Thing is it still wouldn't deny all those second shooter claims & video in the woods. Inconsistency in initial reports.
My thought is its all just to let intelligent folks know that they are no longer needed in this society, or The Priests have assumed control.
17th January 2013, 12:27 AM
^ not a novel theory at this point vacuum, I've heard it & variations of it spoken about in numerous podcast discussions, etc. Three "The Ugly Truth" personalities (Glenn, Piper, Tillawi) did a joint radio show where they unanimously discouraged "truthers" from taking the "sandy hook bait". Outspoke S.H. skeptic Jim Fetzer was also on through more than half the show, but was nary allowed to complete a sentence without interruption. The podcast's reviews were almost unanimously negative in comments by dedicated reader/listeners, myself included. More on that here: #955 (
17th January 2013, 12:42 AM
lol, look at this comment on youtube on the video horn posted....this comment was made 5 minutes ago. Good stuff.
Grenville84 ( 5 minutes ago (
1) Mass shooting does actually occur
2) Deliberately misleading reports & red herrings dispersed by media
3) Conspiracy theories propounded to account for the red herrings
4) Left to boil until conspiracies are rife and widely discussed (nearly 10m views here!)
5) Conspiracy theories are officially proven wrong, red herrings shown to be coincidental
6) Media reports how damaging the conspiracy theories were for the families
7) Fresh attempts to censor the internet
Attack on 1st amendment?
· 2
Twisted Titan
17th January 2013, 03:50 AM
ok guys, I have an extremely paranoid alternate theory of what's actually happening. I'm mainly posting this just to get it on the record.
It's possible that the shooting was real but intentionally made to look fake. It could be a false hoax. Once a truth movement is built and is really going strong, they could then release all of the hard evidence. The pictures, security footage, names, autopsy reports, etc. Everyone would feel horrible (it wouldn't be their fault though because evidence was withheld).
Why would they do such a thing? To shatter people's faith in each other and themselves. It would be very similar to the comet Elenin thing - hyped, perhaps intentionally, then nothing. People will be extremely skeptical about any other comet story in the future. It's no different than the silver market. They artificially pump up the market sometimes so that silver bugs panic and buy, then they not only remove the artificial support, but then perhaps artificially depress it so that people really have their confidence shaken.
The other thing is that, once the fact that the "hoax" is destroyed, the question of whether it was a false flag will then never be able to be discussed. Because "the hoax theory has already been debunked, you despicable person" even though that fact would have nothing to do with whether it was indeed a FF.
Why did I come up with this extremely paranoid theory? Because this whole thing seems to have so many problems it's hard to believe they really tried. Chad has given some conflicting reports. And also, as I mention, it's not unheard of to actually pump up then crash 'the alternative' (whether doom dates or metals prices).
With this theory clearly articulated beforehand, if it does come about, we can come back and point to this to prove that we were indeed not out of our minds, but were simply rationally responding to evidence presented to us. We aren't simply making conspiracies up as we go, as would seem to be the case if we later claim it was a "false hoax but still a false flag" if they purposefully hold back the evidence while purposefully giving false evidence, then at a later date release the real evidence. It's neither our fault nor improper thinking or behavior if they were to do such a thing.
Anyway, carry on...
If they would be a FIRST in the History of FF's
Which is Highly unlikely because you are under the assumption that the adversary cares enough about you to defeat you strategically.
I submit to that they do not.
Why would I use a scapel when a simple Sledge Hammer will suffice?
911 was the greatest failure in the History of integellence yet was any person brought up on charges?? Hell nobody didnt even lose their Job.
So why you think they put that type of effort out is a tad bit hard for me to accept.
But i must concur that the possibility does exist.
17th January 2013, 05:46 AM
I've been trying to make sense of the Sandy Hook puzzle, and, while I haven't found a grand-unified theory which explains all the oddities that have been documented, I think I've found a way to stick a few of the pieces together to make a partial picture.
My assumption is that a shooting actually happened at the school, although the question of who conducted it is largely left open.
Let's start this story shortly after the shooting. The police have arrived, the first reports start to filter out. At 11:34 AM the police on the scene issue a statement that that the shooter is dead, and they found a Glock and a Sig-Sauer on him. Since even the dullest cop could tell the difference between a floor littered with .223 brass and one littered with handgun brass, the fact that only handguns were mentioned strongly suggests that there was no AR involved.
When this story of a tragic school shooting hit the news, members of the White House's “Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste” team (shortened to NWAC hereafter) would have started to buzz with excitement. They were planning a gun-control push for Obama's second term, and the timing of this shooting seemed perfect. They would have immediately started considering how to put this crisis to best use.
By 1:57 PM an “Anonymous federal law enforcement source” who claimed to be “in contact with authorities on the scene” was leaking info to CNN. This suggests to me that the NWAC team were in contact with police on the scene, had decided to become the conduit for information released about the shooting, and had basically taken control of the incident.
Many of the early details the NWAC team leaked turned out to be wrong: The Ryan / Adam mix-up, for example. These guys are political hacks, not detectives, and they were getting raw intel from the scene and releasing it without vetting. Probably someone ran the license on the car, decided it couldn't be Nancy, found records of a son Ryan and jumped to the conclusion it was him. The nice thing about leaking info anonymously is that you never have to take the blame for it being wrong.
At 3:54 PM, the NWAC team leaked to CNN that a Bushmaster was found on the scene along with the Glock & Sig-Sauer. Now, it isn't remotely credible that it took police four and a half hours after searching Lanza to realize that he had an AR in his pocket that they'd missed. The NWAC team had decided they wanted an assault-weapon involved, since the first item on their gun-control agenda was Diane's ban: so they simply inserted one into the story.
That evening after dark one of the networks was tipped off to send their helicopter by the school, where the cops put on a show of discovering an “assault weapon” in the trunk of the shooter's car by flashlight. I suspect this was directed by the NWAC team to inject an additional gun into the story, or was perhaps an after-the-fact effort on the part of the locals to explain the extra gun they were supposed to have found. At that point in time they don't seem to have firmed-up exactly what they wanted or were going to claim with regards to the guns involved: they just knew they wanted an assault-weapon.
At 7:05 the next morning, Lt. Vance was on ABC's Good Morning America, and was asked:
ABC: “Three guns found on site?”
Lt. Vance: “We haven’t discussed that as of yet, but, uh, in excess of three guns”.
So, the number of guns found on the site was something that was slated for a discussion that hadn't been held yet: in other words, it was going to be a political decision.
Later that day, Lt. Vance had his discussion with the NWAC team. They decided that it wasn't enough for an assault weapon to have been discovered: it was to be the weapon used for the murders.
At some point that day, I'd guess early-afternoon, members of the NWAC team took the Medical Examiner, Dr. Carver, aside for a little talk. Although he wasn't enthusiastic about it, they eventually prevailed upon him to falsify his testimony and claim that an assault weapon had been the murder weapon. It was just a little lie, after all, and it was for the children....
I suspect that Dr. Carver's cooperation was secured shortly before his 3:45 PM press conference, as it explains some of the oddness of his presentation. His opening remarks about how he hoped this wouldn't come crashing down on them makes a lot of sense in this context: he was worried that the assault-weapon hoax would be discovered.
Once the questions started flying, Dr. Carver realized that he hadn't been briefed on important details like the caliber of the imaginary assault weapon that he was supposed to blame, or even what type of weapon it was supposed to be (details that wouldn't occur to the anti-gun political hacks of the NWAC team). This is why he hemmed-and-hawed and wouldn't answer the caliber question, and finally settled on the phrase “the long weapon” to describe the murder weapon: he simply didn't know these details of the story he was supposed to tell, and was afraid that any specifics he might give would contradict whatever the “official story” was supposed to be.
When a reporter stated that they thought the AR had been discovered in the car, Lt. Vance pipped up with a “That's not correct, Sir”. Note that he didn't volunteer to say where it had been found, since they hadn't worked that out themselves (and still haven't, as far as I know).
At this point, they were committed to the lie. That commitment explains a lot of other things about this case: why no one can be allowed into the school, why there are no pictures of the physical damage, the closed caskets and the story of the victims being shot multiple times in the head to explain them. Any evidence that would contradict the .223 story has to be suppressed: and that is pretty-much all the physical evidence.
The only actual physical evidence that I've seen was a car with a couple of .22 caliber holes in it, which had been removed from the school grounds before the photos were taken: so it could have picked up those holes after the fact. The owner of that car was dead, so who would object?
Shortly after the Medical Examiner's performance, the NWAC team realized that their story was starting to spin out of control. They responded by clamping down on all info, getting a court-order sealing the evidence, and letting their media-whores know that they should “move-on” with their coverage.
This theory seems to me to be a good fit for many of the facts of this case. It doesn't explain the strangely-acting parents. It strongly suggests that the NWAC team didn't make the shooting happen, since if they had they could have made it happen the way they wanted rather than trying to warp it into what they needed after the fact. Other than that it doesn't place limits on the shooter & shooting: so perhaps there is an intersecting conspiracy to unravel.
To test this theory would require some access to physical evidence, or eyewitness testimony. There would be a number of cops who would know the score. If I were the parent of one of the slain children, I'd demand an independent autopsy.
gunny highway
17th January 2013, 07:23 AM
lol, look at this comment on youtube on the video horn posted....this comment was made 5 minutes ago. Good stuff.
Grenville84 ( 5 minutes ago (
1) Mass shooting does actually occur
2) Deliberately misleading reports & red herrings dispersed by media
3) Conspiracy theories propounded to account for the red herrings
4) Left to boil until conspiracies are rife and widely discussed (nearly 10m views here!)
5) Conspiracy theories are officially proven wrong, red herrings shown to be coincidental
6) Media reports how damaging the conspiracy theories were for the families
7) Fresh attempts to censor the internet
Attack on 1st amendment?
· 2
This never crossed my mind but it makes sense. And they can kill two birds with one stone, the 1st and 2nd Amendments. It's genius really. I'd be impressed if it weren't so damn scary.
17th January 2013, 07:40 AM
Well, this business sure adds weight to the expression, "It's all smoke and mirrors."
17th January 2013, 08:33 AM
ok guys, I have an extremely paranoid alternate theory of what's actually happening. I'm mainly posting this just to get it on the record.
It's possible that the shooting was real but intentionally made to look fake. It could be a false hoax. Once a truth movement is built and is really going strong, they could then release all of the hard evidence. The pictures, security footage, names, autopsy reports, etc. Everyone would feel horrible (it wouldn't be their fault though because evidence was withheld).
Why would they do such a thing? To shatter people's faith in each other and themselves. It would be very similar to the comet Elenin thing - hyped, perhaps intentionally, then nothing. People will be extremely skeptical about any other comet story in the future. It's no different than the silver market. They artificially pump up the market sometimes so that silver bugs panic and buy, then they not only remove the artificial support, but then perhaps artificially depress it so that people really have their confidence shaken.
The other thing is that, once the fact that the "hoax" is destroyed, the question of whether it was a false flag will then never be able to be discussed. Because "the hoax theory has already been debunked, you despicable person" even though that fact would have nothing to do with whether it was indeed a FF.
Why did I come up with this extremely paranoid theory? Because this whole thing seems to have so many problems it's hard to believe they really tried. Chad has given some conflicting reports. And also, as I mention, it's not unheard of to actually pump up then crash 'the alternative' (whether doom dates or metals prices).
With this theory clearly articulated beforehand, if it does come about, we can come back and point to this to prove that we were indeed not out of our minds, but were simply rationally responding to evidence presented to us. We aren't simply making conspiracies up as we go, as would seem to be the case if we later claim it was a "false hoax but still a false flag" if they purposefully hold back the evidence while purposefully giving false evidence, then at a later date release the real evidence. It's neither our fault nor improper thinking or behavior if they were to do such a thing.
Anyway, carry on...
This is a possibility but even if this was the plan I don't think it would work very well. The conspiracy theory doesn't hinge on just one or two vital pieces of information.
Most of us aren't saying that the whole thing is a hoax. Just that it is a false flag and there are a lot of discrepancies and weirdness surrounding the official story.
If they were to release video footage from the school that actually shows Adam Lanza in action (which I highly doubt they have.) That doesn't destroy all the other confounding evidence. What about the bad acting? What about the guy arrested in the woods? What about the Victoria Soto face book page? What about the Donation pages? What about the news article that quotes the dead principle? What about the reports of no rifle, 2 handguns, 4 handguns, rifle found in car, rifle found in school, Ryan Lanza did it etc?
I can't see how they could possibly explain all these things without raising the question of how and why all this false information was released and allowed to circulate for so long.
I think they are stuck with the narrative they cooked up at this point.
17th January 2013, 08:43 AM
ok guys, I have an extremely paranoid alternate theory of what's actually happening. I'm mainly posting this just to get it on the record.
It's possible that the shooting was real but intentionally made to look fake. It could be a false hoax. Once a truth movement is built and is really going strong, they could then release all of the hard evidence. The pictures, security footage, names, autopsy reports, etc. Everyone would feel horrible (it wouldn't be their fault though because evidence was withheld).
Why would they do such a thing? To shatter people's faith in each other and themselves. It would be very similar to the comet Elenin thing - hyped, perhaps intentionally, then nothing. People will be extremely skeptical about any other comet story in the future. It's no different than the silver market. They artificially pump up the market sometimes so that silver bugs panic and buy, then they not only remove the artificial support, but then perhaps artificially depress it so that people really have their confidence shaken.
The other thing is that, once the fact that the "hoax" is destroyed, the question of whether it was a false flag will then never be able to be discussed. Because "the hoax theory has already been debunked, you despicable person" even though that fact would have nothing to do with whether it was indeed a FF.
Why did I come up with this extremely paranoid theory? Because this whole thing seems to have so many problems it's hard to believe they really tried. Chad has given some conflicting reports. And also, as I mention, it's not unheard of to actually pump up then crash 'the alternative' (whether doom dates or metals prices).
With this theory clearly articulated beforehand, if it does come about, we can come back and point to this to prove that we were indeed not out of our minds, but were simply rationally responding to evidence presented to us. We aren't simply making conspiracies up as we go, as would seem to be the case if we later claim it was a "false hoax but still a false flag" if they purposefully hold back the evidence while purposefully giving false evidence, then at a later date release the real evidence. It's neither our fault nor improper thinking or behavior if they were to do such a thing.
Anyway, carry on...
I think this is very possible. One thing I've already noticed is that they see that people are looking into this closely and slowly over time they have tried to explain away some of the questions. For example, they now say that Adam wore earplugs in response to many saying that an autistic person would never do a shooting like this because they are sound sensitive.
They now say that he was wearing a fishing style vest, NOT a bullet proof vest in response to many questioning why one would wear one and then shoot themselves.
They now say that the person in the woods was just an off duty cop from another town. (nothing to see here folks, move along).
They are desperately trying to counter the "wacko conspiracy theorists" but I don't think it's working.
I won't be surprised if they do release something more solid soon, video or photos but at this point I think they've already lost so much trust that it's going to be tough for people to believe anything from them.
17th January 2013, 09:02 AM
lol, look at this comment on youtube on the video horn posted....this comment was made 5 minutes ago. Good stuff.
Grenville84 ( 5 minutes ago (
1) Mass shooting does actually occur
2) Deliberately misleading reports & red herrings dispersed by media
3) Conspiracy theories propounded to account for the red herrings
4) Left to boil until conspiracies are rife and widely discussed (nearly 10m views here!)
5) Conspiracy theories are officially proven wrong, red herrings shown to be coincidental
6) Media reports how damaging the conspiracy theories were for the families
7) Fresh attempts to censor the internet
Attack on 1st amendment?
· 2
This is why people need to keep a level head, and stick what is known instead of immediately flying off into the unknown. People start acting irrationally, it becomes contagious, and it escalates out of control. Next thing you know everything is fake, and nothing was ever real.
17th January 2013, 09:14 AM
ok guys, I have an extremely paranoid alternate theory of what's actually happening. I'm mainly posting this just to get it on the record.
It's possible that the shooting was real but intentionally made to look fake. It could be a false hoax. Once a truth movement is built and is really going strong, they could then release all of the hard evidence. The pictures, security footage, names, autopsy reports, etc. Everyone would feel horrible (it wouldn't be their fault though because evidence was withheld).
Why would they do such a thing? To shatter people's faith in each other and themselves. It would be very similar to the comet Elenin thing - hyped, perhaps intentionally, then nothing. People will be extremely skeptical about any other comet story in the future. It's no different than the silver market. They artificially pump up the market sometimes so that silver bugs panic and buy, then they not only remove the artificial support, but then perhaps artificially depress it so that people really have their confidence shaken.
The other thing is that, once the fact that the "hoax" is destroyed, the question of whether it was a false flag will then never be able to be discussed. Because "the hoax theory has already been debunked, you despicable person" even though that fact would have nothing to do with whether it was indeed a FF.
Why did I come up with this extremely paranoid theory? Because this whole thing seems to have so many problems it's hard to believe they really tried. Chad has given some conflicting reports. And also, as I mention, it's not unheard of to actually pump up then crash 'the alternative' (whether doom dates or metals prices).
With this theory clearly articulated beforehand, if it does come about, we can come back and point to this to prove that we were indeed not out of our minds, but were simply rationally responding to evidence presented to us. We aren't simply making conspiracies up as we go, as would seem to be the case if we later claim it was a "false hoax but still a false flag" if they purposefully hold back the evidence while purposefully giving false evidence, then at a later date release the real evidence. It's neither our fault nor improper thinking or behavior if they were to do such a thing.
Anyway, carry on...
That's not paranoid at all. It's called reality based thinking imo.
Everyone is so eager to go zooming down a rabbit hole these days. 9II withdrawal? I dunno...
17th January 2013, 09:27 AM
I've been trying to make sense of the Sandy Hook puzzle, and, while I haven't found a grand-unified theory which explains all the oddities that have been documented, I think I've found a way to stick a few of the pieces together to make a partial picture.
My assumption is that a shooting actually happened at the school, although the question of who conducted it is largely left open.
Let's start this story shortly after the shooting. The police have arrived, the first reports start to filter out. At 11:34 AM the police on the scene issue a statement that that the shooter is dead, and they found a Glock and a Sig-Sauer on him. Since even the dullest cop could tell the difference between a floor littered with .223 brass and one littered with handgun brass, the fact that only handguns were mentioned strongly suggests that there was no AR involved.
When this story of a tragic school shooting hit the news, members of the White House's “Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste” team (shortened to NWAC hereafter) would have started to buzz with excitement. They were planning a gun-control push for Obama's second term, and the timing of this shooting seemed perfect. They would have immediately started considering how to put this crisis to best use.
By 1:57 PM an “Anonymous federal law enforcement source” who claimed to be “in contact with authorities on the scene” was leaking info to CNN. This suggests to me that the NWAC team were in contact with police on the scene, had decided to become the conduit for information released about the shooting, and had basically taken control of the incident.
Many of the early details the NWAC team leaked turned out to be wrong: The Ryan / Adam mix-up, for example. These guys are political hacks, not detectives, and they were getting raw intel from the scene and releasing it without vetting. Probably someone ran the license on the car, decided it couldn't be Nancy, found records of a son Ryan and jumped to the conclusion it was him. The nice thing about leaking info anonymously is that you never have to take the blame for it being wrong.
At 3:54 PM, the NWAC team leaked to CNN that a Bushmaster was found on the scene along with the Glock & Sig-Sauer. Now, it isn't remotely credible that it took police four and a half hours after searching Lanza to realize that he had an AR in his pocket that they'd missed. The NWAC team had decided they wanted an assault-weapon involved, since the first item on their gun-control agenda was Diane's ban: so they simply inserted one into the story.
That evening after dark one of the networks was tipped off to send their helicopter by the school, where the cops put on a show of discovering an “assault weapon” in the trunk of the shooter's car by flashlight. I suspect this was directed by the NWAC team to inject an additional gun into the story, or was perhaps an after-the-fact effort on the part of the locals to explain the extra gun they were supposed to have found. At that point in time they don't seem to have firmed-up exactly what they wanted or were going to claim with regards to the guns involved: they just knew they wanted an assault-weapon.
At 7:05 the next morning, Lt. Vance was on ABC's Good Morning America, and was asked:
ABC: “Three guns found on site?”
Lt. Vance: “We haven’t discussed that as of yet, but, uh, in excess of three guns”.
So, the number of guns found on the site was something that was slated for a discussion that hadn't been held yet: in other words, it was going to be a political decision.
Later that day, Lt. Vance had his discussion with the NWAC team. They decided that it wasn't enough for an assault weapon to have been discovered: it was to be the weapon used for the murders.
At some point that day, I'd guess early-afternoon, members of the NWAC team took the Medical Examiner, Dr. Carver, aside for a little talk. Although he wasn't enthusiastic about it, they eventually prevailed upon him to falsify his testimony and claim that an assault weapon had been the murder weapon. It was just a little lie, after all, and it was for the children....
I suspect that Dr. Carver's cooperation was secured shortly before his 3:45 PM press conference, as it explains some of the oddness of his presentation. His opening remarks about how he hoped this wouldn't come crashing down on them makes a lot of sense in this context: he was worried that the assault-weapon hoax would be discovered.
Once the questions started flying, Dr. Carver realized that he hadn't been briefed on important details like the caliber of the imaginary assault weapon that he was supposed to blame, or even what type of weapon it was supposed to be (details that wouldn't occur to the anti-gun political hacks of the NWAC team). This is why he hemmed-and-hawed and wouldn't answer the caliber question, and finally settled on the phrase “the long weapon” to describe the murder weapon: he simply didn't know these details of the story he was supposed to tell, and was afraid that any specifics he might give would contradict whatever the “official story” was supposed to be.
When a reporter stated that they thought the AR had been discovered in the car, Lt. Vance pipped up with a “That's not correct, Sir”. Note that he didn't volunteer to say where it had been found, since they hadn't worked that out themselves (and still haven't, as far as I know).
At this point, they were committed to the lie. That commitment explains a lot of other things about this case: why no one can be allowed into the school, why there are no pictures of the physical damage, the closed caskets and the story of the victims being shot multiple times in the head to explain them. Any evidence that would contradict the .223 story has to be suppressed: and that is pretty-much all the physical evidence.
The only actual physical evidence that I've seen was a car with a couple of .22 caliber holes in it, which had been removed from the school grounds before the photos were taken: so it could have picked up those holes after the fact. The owner of that car was dead, so who would object?
Shortly after the Medical Examiner's performance, the NWAC team realized that their story was starting to spin out of control. They responded by clamping down on all info, getting a court-order sealing the evidence, and letting their media-whores know that they should “move-on” with their coverage.
This theory seems to me to be a good fit for many of the facts of this case. It doesn't explain the strangely-acting parents. It strongly suggests that the NWAC team didn't make the shooting happen, since if they had they could have made it happen the way they wanted rather than trying to warp it into what they needed after the fact. Other than that it doesn't place limits on the shooter & shooting: so perhaps there is an intersecting conspiracy to unravel.
To test this theory would require some access to physical evidence, or eyewitness testimony. There would be a number of cops who would know the score. If I were the parent of one of the slain children, I'd demand an independent autopsy.
Very well wrtiien analysis and summary - completely plausable. Thank you - this is excellent.
midnight rambler
17th January 2013, 09:55 AM
ok guys, I have an extremely paranoid alternate theory of what's actually happening. I'm mainly posting this just to get it on the record.
It's possible that the shooting was real but intentionally made to look fake. It could be a false hoax. Once a truth movement is built and is really going strong, they could then release all of the hard evidence. The pictures, security footage, names, autopsy reports, etc. Everyone would feel horrible (it wouldn't be their fault though because evidence was withheld).
Why would they do such a thing? To shatter people's faith in each other and themselves. It would be very similar to the comet Elenin thing - hyped, perhaps intentionally, then nothing. People will be extremely skeptical about any other comet story in the future. It's no different than the silver market. They artificially pump up the market sometimes so that silver bugs panic and buy, then they not only remove the artificial support, but then perhaps artificially depress it so that people really have their confidence shaken.
The other thing is that, once the fact that the "hoax" is destroyed, the question of whether it was a false flag will then never be able to be discussed. Because "the hoax theory has already been debunked, you despicable person" even though that fact would have nothing to do with whether it was indeed a FF.
Why did I come up with this extremely paranoid theory? Because this whole thing seems to have so many problems it's hard to believe they really tried. Chad has given some conflicting reports. And also, as I mention, it's not unheard of to actually pump up then crash 'the alternative' (whether doom dates or metals prices).
With this theory clearly articulated beforehand, if it does come about, we can come back and point to this to prove that we were indeed not out of our minds, but were simply rationally responding to evidence presented to us. We aren't simply making conspiracies up as we go, as would seem to be the case if we later claim it was a "false hoax but still a false flag" if they purposefully hold back the evidence while purposefully giving false evidence, then at a later date release the real evidence. It's neither our fault nor improper thinking or behavior if they were to do such a thing.
Anyway, carry on...
The thought has also occurred to me that it's a massive psyop to finally and forever discredit and destroy 'truthers'.
The fact that search engines are now showing/anticipating 'sandy hook hoax' etc. searches so well along with the matter of the 'truthers' 'hoax' going viral (the woman who cuts my hair was telling me about how her daughter's boyfriend was all over the Sandy Hook hoax thing reminds me of the story of the elevator operator giving out stock advice to people at the end of the stock market bubble in '29 - this woman I'm referring to had also 'bought in' when she's someone I wouldn't necessarily expect doing that) gives me an indication that it may be a setup.
When the Death Cult pulls off a large operation they always have it as multi-purpose to accomplish more than one goal.
Hatha Sunahara
17th January 2013, 11:29 AM
Agrippa's analysis above is excellent. It conforms with my experience of the behavior of political bureaucrats, and how they weave agenda driven stories. This analysis explains the behavior of the public officials disseminating 'information'. but it falls short of explaining the behavior of the 'next of kin' of the people killed.
I have a few observations to make and questions to ask. First, how sound is the assumption that an actual shooting took place and that people were actually killed? I ask this because of the suspicion that the parents of the kids who were killed were actors. We have Jennifer Sexton Greenberg posing as the mother of one dead child. She was also an actress in the Gaby Giffords shooting. And then we have Robbie Parker, the father of Emilie giving a third rate performance. And the others who were a little too cheerful to be in mourning for their lost children. And Adam Lanza's strange emergence from several years of absence from public view? And how many people knew Noah Pozner? Also, why did we not see any children being evacuated from the school in the helicopter videos? Supposedly there were more than 400 kids in that school. We saw only one still picture of a few kids being led somewhere, and that picture could have been taken at any time in the past.
You are being generous, Agrippa, to assume that the NWAC team latched on to this crisis after the fact. How could the actors like Robbie Parker show up so fast? They must have known about this long beforehand, and that means somebody planned the whole incident, organized, staffed, coordinated, and controlled it. And why was there DHS/FEMA training going on in Bridgeport about 20 miles away on the 'needs of children in crisis situations' on the exact day and time of the incident? Did the NWAC team arrange that on the fly? No. That was planned months in advance. This is a full blown psy-op. Planned and executed by some hard core psycho/sociopaths and popular mythmakers. Not a casual individual random shooting by a lone crazed gunman.
17th January 2013, 11:37 AM
CIA Spokesman Anderson Cooper Sent by Masters to Discredit Independent Sandy Hook Investigations (
here's a vid embedded above, it's a longer version of the clip at the CNN link in reply 966, just more of the same faux 'righteous indignation' shtick from AC
Someone should ask Cooper the pooper snooper if he believes there are any government cover-ups and conspiracies.
Do you believe the official JFK story?
Gulf of Tonkin cover-up?
9/11, building 7 just fell, pentagon hit?
Fast-n-Furious cover-up?
Benghazi cover-up?
Banker bailouts were in the trillions?
election/voter fraud?
secret societies?
Nixon Watergate?
Iraq war, weapons of mass destruction?
Osama Bin Ladin death?
Clinton's murders?
Holohoax official story?
Wall Street and government in bed?
Libor fraud?
Obama eligibility, birth certificate legit?
Mortgage fraud cover-up?
NWO is real?
secret assassinations of US citizens?
If you believe any of these were conspiracies or cover-up's, does this not lead one to believe there are more?
I personally believe the children were killed. I do not believe the official story.
17th January 2013, 01:52 PM
New blog article:
17th January 2013, 03:13 PM
Alls they need to do is release a photo of the bloody up inside of the school, you're correct.
Thing is it still wouldn't deny all those second shooter claims & video in the woods. Inconsistency in initial reports.
My thought is its all just to let intelligent folks know that they are no longer needed in this society, or The Priests have assumed control.
As "nice" as it would be to see this, can you imagine how much worse the hysteria would be if they plastered photos of dead kids with blood all over the place in the media?
The anti's would have gone completely insane.
If they really wanted to ramp up the gun grab to stellar levels put all kinds of carnage pics out there.
Little arms and legs, partially covered by bloody blankets. Easy enough to do. Gives pause for thought.
17th January 2013, 03:50 PM
As "nice" as it would be to see this, can you imagine how much worse the hysteria would be if they plastered photos of dead kids with blood all over the place in the media?
The anti's would have gone completely insane.
If they really wanted to ramp up the gun grab to stellar levels put all kinds of carnage pics out there.
Little arms and legs, partially covered by bloody blankets. Easy enough to do. Gives pause for thought.
And blame the released photos on "sandy hook truther hackers"
17th January 2013, 03:53 PM
As "nice" as it would be to see this, can you imagine how much worse the hysteria would be if they plastered photos of dead kids with blood all over the place in the media?
The anti's would have gone completely insane.
If they really wanted to ramp up the gun grab to stellar levels put all kinds of carnage pics out there.
Little arms and legs, partially covered by bloody blankets. Easy enough to do. Gives pause for thought.
This is coming next, if they feel the need.
17th January 2013, 06:38 PM
TUT blog is continuing their campaign of distancing from S.H. "CTs",
Mask of Zion Report Jan 17, 2012 ( Posted by crescentandcross ( in Uncategorized ( on January 17, 2013 ( In yet another barnburner of the Mask of Zion Report, the one and only Jonathan Azaziah addresses the nuances and dangers of the “Sandy Hook truth movement” before delving into the newest Zionist wars of aggression on Mali and Algeria before signing off with a heartfelt tribute to the martyrs of the Aleppo University massacre in Syria. A brilliant and important program.
Download Here (
Posted by crescentandcross ( in Uncategorized ( on January 17, 2013 cdb10c81
An exhaustive study of the internet has uncovered the fact that there are NO PHOTOS of dead bodies, blood, bullet holes, etc, that would prove that the massacre at Aurora, Colorado (said to have been perpetrated by James Holmes, pictured above) in fact took place.
Given that this is one of the ‘proofs’ being used by ‘Sandy Hook Truthers’ to prove that the massacre in Connecticut in fact DID NOT take place (and which has now become the subject of ridicule by the JMSM) what we are forced to conclude is that the massacre in Aurora, Colorado also did not take place, and is all part of a huge conspiracy on the part of Israel to propagandize Americans into giving up their guns.
Lest We Forget–Mossad ‘Death Squad’ Killed the kids at Sandy Hook (
Posted by crescentandcross ( in Uncategorized ( on January 17, 2013
ed note–Again, let us ask ourselves the following question–When Foxman, Schumer, Dershowitz & co read articles such as this, what is their initial reaction? Fear? Anger? Panic? …or laughter??? Read the rest of this entry » (
Why Sandy Hook Massacre Spawned Conspiracy Theories (
Posted by crescentandcross ( in Uncategorized ( on January 17, 2013
Read the rest of this entry » (
Meet the Sandy Hook truthers (
Posted by crescentandcross ( in Uncategorized ( on January 17, 2013 (
Read the rest of this entry » (
17th January 2013, 07:01 PM
17th January 2013, 07:39 PM
This is astonishing. Google is censoring search trends information on sandy hook!!! Can other people please verify this is indeed the case? g%2C%20sandy%20hook%20hoax&date=today%201-m&cmpt=q
17th January 2013, 08:24 PM
I got that google result a couple hours ago, but assumed they had momentary bad data or something- but checking the link again now, same result. I still think bad data- the notion of goog 'censoring' it fails the smell test- they'd know such censoring would explode across the blogosphere.
17th January 2013, 08:31 PM
I got that google result a couple hours ago, but assumed they had momentary bad data or something- but checking the link again now, same result. I still think bad data- the notion of goog 'censoring' it fails the smell test- they'd know such censoring would explode across the blogosphere.
Well then how come when the first search term is replaced with a dummy, the data indeed shows up? And it shows it's exploding: %2C%20sandy%20hook%20hoax&date=today%201-m&cmpt=q
17th January 2013, 09:30 PM
Does anyone have a link to a credible tally of national deaths in the US. I'm looking for the number of US shooting deaths as it stands now. I get told all sorts of drivel about gun deaths. Everyone I meet has some statistic such as "since Sandy Hook there have been more than 900 assault rifle shooting deaths in the US". Clearly cobblers but I'd like to know where some real stats are that I can refer to.
17th January 2013, 10:40 PM
don't know vacuum, but I'm sticking with bad goog data. Yes suspicious but I just don't think it's deliberate... maybe I give them too much credit but that would be a bumbling move, trying to censor trends results on words which are hot trends currently. I've posted that goog trends link at several blog comments past couple days- Prof Tracy's, John Friend's, grizzom... so that particular trends search itself has surely seen a rise in requests. So them deliberately 'censoring' it would be blatantly showing their hand. I know the bait is tempting but I say don't take it- they can turn proper trend data results back on like a switch.
Glass- FBI data is considered the official stats- don't know if they're real-time, or even real, in this Orwellian post-911 world.
you may be interested in this new podcast posted @ grizzom, I haven't listened yet- desc. sounds like it's got a white nationalist theme...
Thursday, January 17, 2013 Australia Calling: Destroying the White Worker in Australia 2013.01.17 ( (
Derrick MacThomas Presents “Australia Calling.” On episode 1 you will be introduced to the following topic… One in eight Australians are now living below the poverty line, but instead of doing something about it, the government is giving billions in aid to Africa? Rise up white man! Rise up white woman! It is closer to midnight than you think. Remember to participate in our Radio Show Chatbox (
Truth Militia Site (
Archive (
Download MP3 (
here's another S.H. blog, haven't looked at it deeply, but the top articles seem reasonable.
18th January 2013, 12:58 AM
You're right, it was a glitch. It's now working.
18th January 2013, 01:15 AM
You're right, it was a glitch. It's now working.
yes I see it's working now. Nice the way "...hoax" has now exceeded "...shooting", with "hoax" about half (47%) of what the peak was on the Sat Dec 15 peak. Here's the 90 day view, just for the Dec 15 peak, %2C%20sandy%20hook%20hoax&date=today%203-m&cmpt=q
Mouse-over the graph and a data window opens for each day.
18th January 2013, 07:11 AM
found this in the YT channel run by the same guy who has that 30 min vid with nearly 11 million views. This ones just 2-3 days old, over 89K views. Demonstrates convincingly that in the pre-shooting Parker family photo, Emilie was photoshopped in. 5.x mins
Sandy Hook Exposed - Fake Photo Revealed (
Sandy Hook Exposed - Fake Photo Revealed ( (·4 videos
30,988 89,101 680 91
Published on Jan 15, 2013
Thanks to "EnterThe5t4rz" for exposing the obvious "Parker Family" photo editing. If you are not familiar with this family please watch our first video. You can see EnterThe5t4rz channel here:
18th January 2013, 07:36 AM
found this in the YT channel run by the same guy who has that 30 min vid with nearly 11 million views. This ones just 2-3 days old, over 89K views. Demonstrates convincingly that in the pre-shooting Parker family photo, Emilie was photoshopped in. 5.x mins
Sandy Hook Exposed - Fake Photo Revealed (
From youtube:
Enterthe5t4rz ( replied to a comment ( from Tony07UK ( 1 day ago
Yes, Tony, any Photographer worth their salt understands balance. Even at those cheap Mall places (which I doubt the Parkers ever had to go to) I remember as a kid them moving us into different positions to balance the photo. We never just got to sit where we wanted. This is what photographers are trained to do. In two professional photos, taken at different times we have the SAME glaring mistake.
mamboni asks: what is the significance of the girl being photoshopped into the old family photos?
If someone has a link to the hi res original photo, I will be able to confirm whether it has been photoshopped - it's very easy when you know what to look for.
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