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31st May 2019, 01:59 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCvD3IgeGoOisnFqp4oNxSXODAd1JO7BXRVJ8h_eVFpVI 2bIQFkvXc5IBILE3wqQ8pZWWiMn6LFPt5v&hc_ref=ARQjeVBqfw_KdmKZdS1T_zYXnjc9bK4ch8FOrkhm_CU uKwOf0xBTMy7FQfpHKQc4k9o&fref=nf)
2 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2231078823607852) ·

The Two Deals -- Not Just the New Deal

Let's go on the record here that I like Jim McBride and regard him as one of those people on Earth who has contributed mightily to the Cause. It's also true that he shared his research about the "sole relief and remedy" being offered by the Municipal United States and in general by the Territorial Government (two years ago already) -- but here's the thing.... and maybe he will read this and respond.

When I look at the history and read the documents, especially those concerning Roosevelt and the "New Deal" and the Conference of Governors and its actions "pledging" the good faith and credit of "their states and the citizenry" thereof --- it's apparent that they were talking about their Territorial States of States and the States of States "citizenry" --- meaning those relatively few people who actually were United States Citizens. Not American State Citizens.

They gave their all-----all 1 in 1550 of us. And it didn't hurt them much, as most of them were ineligible to act as American State Citizens in the first place.

What they did was provide an excuse for a "legal presumption" that all the rest of the people in every State were similarly "pledged" and by a process of constructive fraud, undisclosed contracts, and semantic deceits, those responsible unlawfully converted the estates of millions of Americans into their "Public Charitable Trust" scheme "as if" they were actual United States Citizens or Citizens of the United States when they were never either one and never "volunteered" and never "donated" their children or their earnings, either.

It was a giant constructive fraud and identity theft and impersonation scheme, pure and simple.

Now, if we go back in as the Undeclared Heirs we admit that we are the Progeny of the United States Citizens who were pledged by the Conference of Governors on March 6, 1933, and subjected under the ancient Feudal System of pledging to the Queen--- that is, if we do as Jim suggests without first reclaiming our Lawful Persons as American State Citizens, we have no other recourse: we have "voluntarily" identified ourselves as British Territorial Subjects owed restitution under the quid pro quos of the New Deal. This then means that we cannot receive remedy as Americans.

There is a large amount of money to be shared out of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) which is meant to provide welfare benefits to the destitute Paupers among us --- and most of that money shouldn't be there, because it was obtained by constructive fraud --- and there again, we are admitting to be "Paupers" if we accept "benefits" or payouts from the liquidation of the Public Charitable Trust. So strike one -- admission of being British Territorial Citizens, and strike two-- admission of being Paupers.

Some people don't care, they just want a lot of credit to spend, regardless of where it came from or how it was obtained or what you have to admit about yourself to get a share of it, but to me--- there are numerous unanswered questions and people taking advantage of this option should at least think through the pros and cons of it as it relates to their own circumstance and they should have full disclosure before making such a decision.

The Public Charitable Trust was set up in the wake of The American Civil War as a welfare fund for displaced plantation workers and their families to help former slaves survive the bumpy transition to freedom. That is still the basic premise of the Public Charitable Trust, in that it is supposed to go to poor people in hard circumstances to pay for things like catastrophic medical bills and emergency shelter and travel money to get them back home when they have wound up in a place and can't get home. Now they are liquidating this trust as part of the General Bankruptcy of the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia.

This is what --- according to my understanding of the situation --- you are getting a share of, when you apply (there's that word again) under provisions of the sections of Title 50 that Jim's claims are under. Well, someone should claim it, and that's no lie. I tend to think that the people who should claim it are the actual United States Citizens and especially the Colored United States Citizens. It seems somehow as if we would be coming in and claiming something from the mouths of people who struggled and suffered without recourse for it--- even though, to be sure, many of us and our parents and grandparents, too, were among the sufferers.

I just can't see myself as a Brit nor as a Pauper, and I certainly am not a "Person of Color", so all those factors enter in to the questions I have about Jim's claims under Title 50, subsection (b). I also wonder what happens when the fraud issues are fully entertained --- as they must be, since there is no statute of limitation on fraud claims and as probate of estates is never really closed. At least a significant portion of the money and credit represented by the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) was purloined under conditions of constructive fraud, and shouldn't be in that Trust at all. What then, when the actual Heirs come forward and say---- hey, wait a minute, my Grandfather wasn't black, wasn't a United States Citizen, and wasn't a Pauper, either. What in the Name of Glory are you talking about?

What are the Bankruptcy Trustees going to do then? Run screaming into the bushes? And what happens to all those people who came forward and made these claims who aren't really United States Citizens, aren't Paupers, aren't Colored and......? Well, you see where this line of questioning is going. What if we are asked to pay the credit back, basically because we are making a fraudulent claim on the basis of being defrauded ourselves or fraud committed against our parents and grandparents?

This gets very convoluted and I am not sure what the answers are. I am not a believer in creating another injustice as an answer to an earlier injustice, and I certainly don't want people to get a chunk of credit, spend it, and then out of the blue be forced to pay it back. These are the kinds of issues and questions that I still have, and foolish or not, I still feel that "nagging sense" that perhaps I am being offered a proverbial bowl of porridge, and not even a bowl of porridge ever intended for me.

I would somehow feel bad pretending to be a British Pauper and taking advantage, when I know of many, many people out there who really are struggling to put food on the table and heat in the house and shoes on the feet of their children. I am not suggesting that Jim is immoral or that he means any ill in anything he is doing, these are just unresolved gut-level issues and questions that I have. Someone is owed that credit and it certainly should be claimed. My problem is that I don't know if it should be claimed by me or most of those reading my articles.

What after all, does it really mean? If I admit that I am now or ever truly was a British Territorial Citizen and a Pauper in the Commonwealth that automatically forestalls any claim I can make to the land and soil I am heir to as an American State Citizen.

And the land and soil is there to be claimed, too, as a result of other frauds and schemes that went on before the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration, and which in fact took place during the Administration of his Cousin, Theodore Roosevelt.

It's the reclaiming of the land --- the actual and factual world -- that I care about and value, and upon which all our lives and well-being depend. Money and credit are as nothing compared to the value of the land and the soil, the reality which gives money and credit any meaning.

Rather than endanger or muddy my claim to the land and soil, I would gladly forego any other claim, because as long as I have the land and soil, I have the basis of all wealth and happiness and security. I have the ground solid under my feet, and on that solid foundation, I can build a new world. And while the money and the credit may fail, the land and soil endure.

Thus I may be less than sophisticated, yet in my own way, wise in bringing forward the claim to the land and soil as an American State National --- one of the lowly People of this country who are owed the return of all title, all right, and all interest in the land and soil of this country..

Perhaps Jim would be kind enough to share the affidavit and let me see what is required? It's possible that my fears are groundless and that having once regained our Lawful Personhood no such concerns are valid. Maybe we can have our cake and eat it, too. That would be nice and I would have nothing against it.

31st May 2019, 03:55 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCPWenOhdU8OiR8gOe8XKWEj7LuRIEAJ9KodcysYagsnK RQC9fdq0Y2NBy1V-hcQkLyVCnmbAFP_226&hc_ref=ARQbUHFQ7XG7Bn694_Ucv-OVQDwTBBoKabPHkJjbpnubnpiWcj8Zlo6LmlDRAdAOI5g&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2231868440195557) ·

Lawful Military Service v. Legal Military Service

The basic issue is very similar, if not quite the same, as the difference between acting as a peacekeeping official versus a law enforcement officer. In one capacity, you are acting lawfully and in the other you are acting legally.

The activities appear very similar, but are fundamentally different because they are being engaged in under totally different premises and different forms of law and different jurisdictions.

The Lawful Soldiery of a nation, which includes a Lawful Navy and Lawful Air Force, operates under the Geneva Conventions. A Legal Soldiery by contrast is a private Mercenary Force and operates under the Hague Conventions.

Through no fault of their own, our honorable men and women in the Armed Services of the United States, have been forced to act as Mercenaries for hire ever since the Civil War. This is why they and their activities fall almost exclusively under the provisions of the Hague Conventions which were in fact developed out of the Lieber Code adopted by Abraham Lincoln and imposed upon our troops as General Order 100, the very first Executive Order ever in the history of this country.

When a Lawful Soldiery goes to war, it is an officially Declared War among nations. When a Legal Soldiery goes to war, the "war" may be declared or not, and may be engaged in as guerrilla warfare and include aims and activities that are not normally allowed by the Lawful Soldiery.

The employment of Mercenaries --- also known as Crown Pirates, Privateers, or Soldiers of Fortune for Hire --- has gone on since ancient times.

The history buffs among us will remember that King George III hired German Mercenaries from the Principality of Hesse --- Hessians. It was a contingent of Hessian troops that were the target when Washington crossed the Delaware. These men were sold into a form of slavery by their government. Instead of being Free Agents and selling their services as soldiers on the open market, they were conscripted against their will and used as gun fodder, with the proceeds being collected by their local tyrant, the Grand Duke of Hesse.

The same thing has happened to millions of Americans. Our boys and girls have been sold as cheap mercenaries and the proceeds collected by the "US Government" ---- which by now we have all learned, is a foreign entity on our shores, albeit, under constitutional contract to serve and defend our States of the Union.

The Draft enforced during World War II, Korea, and Vietnam was exactly the same kind of conscription forced upon the Hessian soldiers--- we just didn't know it. It was based on the "presumption" that the men and women serving in these conflicts were all "voluntarily" and knowledgeably adopting United States Citizenship, which in itself was a crock.

Just as FDR conveniently forgot to inform us all that our sons and daughters were being used as cheap commercial mercenaries, the following Administration didn't inform us (or them) that in order to ever come home again, they would have to expatriate from the presumption of United States Citizenship and that they would have to expatriate in order to receive the actual benefits of their Service, which were supposed to include lavish stock portfolios, freedom, and their Constitutional guarantees.

Some men, notably corrupt Generals and General Staff, made out like bandits during World War II, Korea, and Vietnam-- and retired into lives of luxury because they expatriated back to their original birthright political status and collected on those stock portfolios, all nicely plumped up as a result of wartime demand for corporate goods and services.

The rest of us got the G.I. Bill and never came home from Foreign Service because nobody told the troops that they had to expatriate from the status of "United States Citizenship". So they and their children and their grandchildren remained on the record as slaves owned by the Federal United States, subject to the whims of the Queen and the Pope's Municipal Congress, and their stock portfolios remained "unclaimed", in the care of military bankers who managed these stock portfolios "for" the victims of this scheme.

Does someone need to pay for all this fraud against the American States and People? Yes. Their names are Francis and Elizabeth. But we must all admit that they can never, ever repay what they owe us. They can never give back the lives lost and destroyed, the families cheated, the time on Earth that could have been so much different and better.

What we can do is wake up and smell the java. Especially, the military can wake up and smell the java: you are being used as cheap mercenaries in wars for profit, your political status is being damaged and misrepresented, your country is being endangered by this ongoing fraud and malfeasance, you and your families are being surreptitiously and fraudulently enslaved, and at the end of the day, you are being cheated out of investments -- stocks and bonds -- that are owed to you.

Who knew?
Quote Benedict XVI in a high-pitched wail: "Nobody told me!"

Well, now that you know, what are we going to do about it? Even the lowliest Buck Private who served in World War II is richer than Midas on paper. And most of them and all the other G.I.s are struggling to get basic services out of the Veterans Administration. Does that make sense to you?

Most of them still don't know that they aren't naturally "United States Citizens" and that they need to expatriate from any such status the moment they leave the Service, and that if they don't do this, they are permanently deprived of the freedom they fought for and which they deserve, as well as the Lion's Share of benefits they are owed from these filthy corporations and also denied their Constitutionally guaranteed rights as Americans.

The members of Congress, at least some of whom have known about and profited from this travesty all along, have smiled and kept mum and spent the proceeds. Let's all remember John McCain and the two-week long spectacle of his unending funeral. And let's all take comfort that, at least, it was a funeral.

The return of America as its own country, no longer in the thrall of foreign corporations, and the return of our Armed Forces to the status of a Lawful Soldiery, is long overdue. So are the benefits owed to all those who were mis-characterized as "United States Citizens" long overdue.

For starters, reclaim your birthright political status. Re-convey your Good Name back the land and soil of your birth State. Formally expatriate from any presumption of Territorial or Municipal United States Citizenship. If you are a veteran, send the head of your branch of service an informative letter telling him or her that you have elected to return to your birthright political status and have expatriated and retired from any further presumption of United States Citizenship. You will, however, continue to collect all earned benefits and maintain your Honorable Discharge.

There was an effort to conscript more volunteers from the general populace by establishing and alleging that a "civilian military service component" exists, for which we recommend sending a DD 2168, also. The object of applying for benefits that you obviously don't qualify for, is to get an official response admitting that you are not part of any such "civilian military service component" and therefore not obligated in any way in your civilian life to military discipline or United States Citizenship. This is one instance where we want our applications to be denied.

Lately, we've been seeing numerous cases where military records have been altered, always to the detriment of the men involved.
In one case, a 20 year veteran of the Navy Seals came up totally missing from the military records. Poof! His entire career in the military disappeared without a trace and he was being denied service from the VA. Luckily, his deceased wife had kept his records faithfully and his son still had them.

In another case, another Seal's Death Certificate came up with the box for "Military Veteran" checked "No".

In a third case, a Seal's Service Record was altered to show completely different duty stations, history, and educational components--- all serving to downgrade his rank and the amount of his military retirement.

For whatever reason, it appears to be Open Season on Navy Seals' records and if you or anyone else you know is a former Seal, we suggest making sure that your service records are secure and it might be a good idea to request new copies. See if your information is correct --- and still on file.

It's good advice for anyone retired from any branch of the US Military to make sure that your records are secure. What they owe you is one of the more significant portions of their National Debt, and there is growing anecdotal evidence that in addition to cheating veterans out of freedom, political status, and pay and benefits they are owed, their military records are being altered and "lost".

If they were ever actually employed by the US Corporations in an "official capacity" as professional Lawful Soldiery there is considerably less likelihood of these sorts of things occurring, but as it stands, most US military veterans have never been part of any Lawful Soldiery, and were merely mercenaries employed in a private capacity by Foreign Corporations engaged in wars for profit.

Such corporations can and do go bankrupt and just as they are engaged in shady business on a global scale, they are not above bilking people out of retirement and pension benefits.

I know this is going to be shocking for many people to contemplate and yes, I expect considerable backlash from outraged veterans. It is indeed very disturbing, but also is self-evident when you are aware of the rest of the history involved. From the moment Abraham Lincoln ordered the initial attack of the Civil War, the United States Military has been acting as a Commercial Mercenary Force --- a legalized private military "Security Service" operated by commercial corporations on a "for hire" basis.

I guess the only other thing that can be said about this circumstance is that if we had known what was going on: (A) a lot less people would be veterans and (B) we would have charged a lot more for our services.

Please observe that an Airman First Class with two kids and a wife will have to apply for Food Stamps to survive, while his counterpart answering an ad in Soldier of Fortune Magazine stands to make $125,000 a year, plus perks.

It is instructive that when the Selective Service contacted my son and he said, "No thanks, I'm not adopting US Citizenship." their response was complete and utter shock and disbelief. The lady on the other end of the phone line didn't know what to do. She was reduced to stuttering, "But, but, but--- you have to sign up for Selective Service! Everyone does!"

Not everyone has to and not everyone does.

It took four increasingly strong letters refusing their "offers" and a dozen phone calls before they finally admitted that no, Selective Service is not mandatory for Americans.

I noticed my son was rather upset about the whole experience. In a different world, with a Lawful Soldiery to join, it would be a different thing. As it is, if he ever decides to seek employment as a mercenary, he'll get paid the going wage for it.

31st May 2019, 04:11 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDHW59jzBUAX_OyL3LqA9JESvnbsm_fcZLo0pYFE8rcKZ WxDxjaEQ7H51apSle9pWIp4dKyTccV2hln&hc_ref=ART1NETpLMRTTAScyzE6v7Vw1lLCbjEsiWgnx2XCr5m ljwMyyuSoZNKyCBDy8N9EvXg&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2232077766841291) ·

"Tax Processing Centers" -- Public Warning Notice -- Demand for Action

The latest in a long line of Tax Frauds committed by the US Territorial and Municipal US "Government" corporations is on the way.

I am referring to the advent of "Tax Processing Centers" --- these bogus private operations are springing up all over the country and forewarned is forearmed.

What appears in your mail is one of those particularly irritating letters that are glued together around the edges and that you have to deconstruct very carefully to avoid tearing.

These missives are addressed to Municipal Public Transmitting Utilities --- names that appear in ALL CAPS --- and use what appear-to-be Middle Initials, but without a period to designate it as such.
Observe the form of the NAME: JOHN M DOE. The names being used now are also devoid of hyphens or other punctuation: LINDA A SMYTHE ANDERSON, instead of Linda A. Smythe-Anderson.

Their first dodge will be to announce that a "Federal" Tax Lien has been established on your property, usually at some time in the past. This will be big news to you and you will, of course, be frightened. When you run down to the Recording District you will find that yes, indeed, a mammoth Tax Lien has been filed against your property. And I do mean a Big tax lien --- often ten times the value of the property, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of "tax lien" that just appears out of the blue sky.

This is because the STATE OF COLORADO, for example, is being bankrupted as a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the UNITED STATES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION. Instead of paying their taxes all these years, they have claimed exemption as a government entity, only to have it discovered that they were operating as commercial corporations and therefore not eligible for exemption.

Oh, my. So, their tax debts are being passed in domino fashion to their "presumed" Secondary Co-Signers --- JOHN M DOE and LINDA A SMYTHE ANDERSON.

None of this has anything to do with any American State National or American State Citizen, but we are being dunned just the same.

Your options are:
(A) join the party and file for bankruptcy protection along with the rest of the rats, submit yourself to the tender mercies of the bankruptcy court, have the black mark of bankruptcy against your name, and hope to survive with your home, $8000 worth of personal assets, and one car per family; or

(B) get on your broomstick and beat the politicians and the Queen and the Pope responsible for this situation with your pens and your law suits and your commercial claims until they decide that, perhaps, this isn't the way to do business after all. Scream bloody murder and share the news with everyone you know, or

(C) do what we have been telling you to do all along, and after you have joined your State Assembly, see your State Coordinator about National Credit Redemption.

In order to make their scheme "legal" they had to provide for remedy and we have found it. The bad news is that the system supporting the effort is so old, unkempt, secretive, and rickety that moths fly out of the record books and everything concerned with redeeming the credit we are owed is painfully slow. Think: sloths on vacation, even though, to be fair, the IRS workers in charge are slaving away and doing their best.

It is a priority assignment for everyone reading this to send letters to everyone they can think of involved in the Government Corporations --- "US" Senators, Congressmen, President Trump, the US Attorney General, the UN General Secretary, the Queen, the Pope, and everyone in between --- demanding a modern National Credit Redemption Program and a special Credit Card to be issued to qualified American State Nationals --- the only Parties to whom such Redemption is officially owed. This Card is to be used to pay off mortgages, tax debts, medical bills, college loans, auto loans, and utility bills.

Once issued, the Cards can be used by the State Coordinators and others to pay off these debts for friends, neighbors, and others in our communities who are in need regardless of their political status.

It's our Credit. Until the whole system is updated into the modern age, we are stuck using rubber stamps and registered mail and daily firefights with confused IRS Agents who know nothing --- absolutely nothing --- about the National Credit.

Those of us who have teeth are taking a bite out of the backsides of the perpetrators and demanding action and broad spectrum correction and are holding back our own claims to protect seniors and others who are losing their homes as a result of this impersonation fraud and the slower-than-molasses-in January response curve. Those in urgent need, need to come first. Those who aren't being billed yet need to stand down and hang on and tough it out until we prevail upon the perpetrators to modernize delivery and release the National Credit.

And everyone needs to "Bang a Gong" --- loudly enough that they can hear it in Whitehall and Saint Peters.

The next scam is a "Warrant of Distraint".
Now a "Distraint Warrant" (as opposed to a "Warrant of Distraint") is a peculiar warrant used in the United Kingdom for the collection of tax debts.

Are we in the United Kingdom?

No, didn't think so. And the rats in Whitehall who think we are in the United Kingdom need a fire lit under their tails to inform them that our generosity does not extend to "gifting" them with our continent and our National Credit.

What these scam artist Tax Processing Centers are sending out is a "Warrant of Distraint" --- a bogus "simulation of legal process" that so far as I know exists only in Montana and is enforceable only with respect to "County of ________" organizations.
Along with this completely horse-hockey Notice they announce their intention to levy your bank accounts and cause other trouble until the above referenced tax liens are paid in full. Oh, lovely. We have scam artists making up bogus tax liens and then going around to ignorant local banks and levying bank accounts based on this manure.

Everyone have your pitchforks and bonfires ready? See why the perpetrators needed 25,000 one gallon canisters of cyanide and 30,000 guillotines to kill their Priority Creditors? American Military, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mr. Trump..... UN Secretary General, Pope Francis, Lizzy?

If you don't want to be identified as the criminals in this story, you'd better get busy and release the $950 trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities" Prince Philip collected in Canada ---- most of which belongs to us, and you also need to start paying out the National Credit.

If you look at the Return Address for these "Tax Processing Centers" you will see that:
(1) there isn't a real Return Address. All it says is "Tax Processing Center" and then the name of your town and state. The only contact is a telephone number, and if you call it, a scam artist will be waiting on the other end, telling you how they are going to "help" you out of whatever they can skin you for.

(2) The Return Address does reveal (in tiny type) that it is for "Private Mail Only" --- it's not a government publication, it's not a government organization, it's a private commercial debt collection based on totally false presumptions being carried out by criminal subcontractors of the US Bankruptcy Trustees, and they all need to be arrested and have their rumps permanently resettled on their shoulders.

As I have said many times, this is not a matter of politics. It is a matter of crime. Those crimes include impersonation, kidnapping, unlawful conversion, constructive fraud, inland piracy, collusion, barratry, identity theft, collusion, false claims in commerce, credit fraud, press-ganging, conspiracy against the Constitutions, commandeering of Public Vessels, securities fraud, and more.

If the perps don't want to be permanently recognized as nothing but sleazy criminals and outlaws deserving a noose, it's well-past time that they took action and directed the enforcement of the actual Public Law we are owed and did their jobs to protect us.

They can begin with closing down the "Tax Processing Centers" and expediting the removal of all these fictitious "Tax Liens" and ceasing and desisting all other attempts to collect debts that don't exist. They can also shut down the "US Bankruptcy Trustees" on a permanent basis and nationalize the banks that have been colluding with this foreign agenda on our shores.

We call upon our traditional Allies and the People of the world to join in the Housecleaning that is so obviously required; let it be peaceful, effective, and understood by everyone involved.

If you receive one of these bogus letters, open it and copy its contents front and back, and take it to your local Sheriff and the Territorial State Police and the District Attorney and the State Attorney General and the Governor and whomever else you can contact and swear out a criminal complaint demanding that these "Centers" be located and the perpetrators arrested for violations including:
Combined MUNICIPAL and Territorial Notices
of Violation(s) and Failure(s) to Perform
NOTICE OF CLAIM of “sole relief and remedy” under Title 50 Section 7 (c) and (e) of 2012 and previous.
Notice of Violation of Lanham Act --- attempted attachment and seizure of Unregistered Trademarks; Title 15, Section 1125 (a)and 11.
Notice of Violation of Admiralty, Maritime and Prize Cases, Title 28, Section 1331 (1) and (2) and (12).
Notice of Violation of Special Maritime and Territorial Jurisdiction of the United States, Title 18 Section 7 (1), (3), (8) and (13).
Notice of Violation of The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of Title 39, Sections 1-908 and 3621-3591.
Notice of Violation by Presumption of the Public Vessels Act, 46 U.S.C.A. Appendix Sections 781-790 as originally enacted.
Notice of Violation of The False Claims Act, Title 31 U.S.C.A. Section 3729 (a) and (7).
Notice of Violation of The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Title 28, Sections 1602-1611.
Notice of Violation of the United States Statutes-at-Large, Title 12, Section 411.
Notice of Administrative Failure by the IRS/Internal Revenue Service for Failure to Produce Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Vouchers and Instructions, failure to validate Proof of Claim as required by the Administrative Procedures Act, failure to provide remedy required by the Emergency Banking Act, and the United States Statutes-at-Large.

The Scammers responsible may claim that you violated Federal Mail Statutes by opening mail that wasn't "really" addressed to you, but bear in mind, that the entity being addressed doesn't really exist, and if you have done your homework and have recorded your Certificate of Assumed Names, you have control of any and every Name or NAME associated with you and your assets, including any "permutation, ordering, variation, style, or punctuation" of your names.

Time to settle this, folks; dig down to the bottom of it and throw it back in the laps of the greedy criminals responsible.

Feel free to distribute this Public Warning Notice to all and any local, state, national, and international peacekeeping officials and law enforcement officers, all politicians, all corporate officers, all bank officers, all agencies including the IRS/Internal Revenue Service, and any actual news agencies in your communities.

White Hats --- land this one on the President's Desk.

31st May 2019, 11:04 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAFHO9A3oFVaWYh7l7QCLbgpuAlOF1Yh3_EokUCZh5UPT HGhp_F4sht-L0De-WaPjOUktQwYCgtbBKP&hc_ref=ARR-h5lInhedg82CQRFbcfV4xF1D-NMJRhcwSRH-KV9g7cddVwiJU0RwcFlQOiQ50_A&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2232339243481810) ·

Please Inform Mike Pompeo

Dear Mr. Trump,

This is my second letter this week. I will make it very brief.

Please inform Mike Pompeo about the basic history of this country?

The entities "held in abeyance" after the Civil War were nothing but Federal Contractors, not the actual American Government.

We are still here. Still Texans. Still Wisconsinites. Still Montanans.
These are our nationalities. Our states are our nations.

We are not either species of "United States Citizen". We don't belong to the Queen, and neither are we "Citizens of the United States" --- not chattel properties of the Municipal Civil Government, either.

Our political status pre-dates the Constitutions.

Our Federation of States, The United States of America, is unincorporated and still in business.

And both the Queen and the Pope owe us Good Faith Service.

Thank you, very much.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

1st June 2019, 05:08 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCc7CuTsxcaYivDgxlXkzn4msVFtZzXsKWM4CsOu0dOpZ buTGVQUffwKYo55KOySekSbKkcH6_pZz7G&hc_ref=ARRnvix_1bMKkL-fC7o5Jkcs0MMWGTRR1jjk97oNjYsy2SpBBUwjTo44a8386s2Fe Iw&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2233620016687066) ·

The Big Baloney -- QE II and Pope Francis -- My Humble Suggestion

This morning I was treated to a parody news story from newspunch.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fnewspunch.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DI wAR0iufAXOnKRGkwrJDzuFLkHpQP6cBVn48iLajIgFMyrYMQUu WffLV0IFDM&h=AT2ABNwRmPnO3bDSZ-PY4iOPxAFmbpVW1g63ILZZqDokAydCkEXyCLh11i5b-6l38c3HuKCyqrpWUHOn3ys_TTpjtERik9HJyfJOPYgyOafjqhr uadZvjTkNhtNLS3pPFnwcZtCtDA5OWvaDfQUwXE6rGSd0oYd3) , announcing that Queen Elizabeth is claiming to be the 43rd great-granddaughter of the Prophet Mohammed.

She is, according to their story, trying to convince the Muslim world that she is their rightful ruler, as part of a bid to usher in global Crown Rule and perk up the oil business.

It's bizarre enough to be true (not the claim to be the Prophet's progeny -- the news story) and it would neatly explain the proliferation of guillotines in America and the forced migration of Muslim people and the accompanying demands for Sharia Law.

The actual truth is that Queen Elizabeth is a criminal -- a proven criminal, and she needs to be arrested. If her own people won't do it, someone else will have to. And that will mean another bloody, senseless World War.

As a German by actual lineage, Elizabeth has about as much right to the Throne of Great Britain as I do. [I might have a little more claim than she does, because I have some Scottish Clan MacDonald blood flowing in my veins.]

So there is strike one.

She isn't a "Windsor" --- that's just an otherwise honorable name adopted because it slyly admits that she is the Prince of the Air's Purser. She occupies the same basic position as the French Payseur Family---"Wind-sur" like "Pay-sur". She's a military banker.

So there's strike two--- lying about her name and actual function.
And then there's the actual proof of criminality and Breach of Trust. In 2011 she was convicted of: (1) not having been actually seated on the Throne and (2) breaking her Coronation Oath, by a British Jury.
http://mtrial.org (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmtrial.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR 2DlbgSE73lUONg75qu-mHNX5p0IP6e5nO873xGxg3cVptYnrCh6pQkDL0&h=AT2gCyeCmyfhkcgC-Hk4fw7MmFPo2cafnfIZYi7WLzhwDvRj7x7ymyWTxHEhHQap2Nt o4Nwmz6KNxa3Z2XAtOARvd-21kv-bbHLK66wpB9lZLX6k_UcI4JW-cdN6j9VtbwXa9xj2W82XupO_TK6TNVo7XlsZx2NJ)
http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fjamesfetzer.blogspot.com%2F% 3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3Ine7q7PcrYcL2UiSXhiMbrW6GaJ90fyvYP jCZyHHxatfB13a66rUqCLg&h=AT14IizBRknbrOrP7S034E4LOSldEbBPuXbF3tuE1l-pbgHOQNdSP_M4uYP9O4MRgA7QPpU18C9RE6Jls3nNfq_Y0j97q IOQmYz4DxxykfRtiJMZlKA95rkn2X1yM5cUqSc1sBr8LbMTgg1 ejDK-rxzHU-OzNgFp)
http://terroronthetube.co.uk/2011/05/12/muaddib-acquitted/ (http://terroronthetube.co.uk/2011/05/12/muaddib-acquitted/?fbclid=IwAR3NuDOnstwSHr8d1AedG2CBDOWyRqaVfe3rm6la AUfzOeKDMZICqLcRbWw)
http://jforjustice.co.uk/77/ (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fjforjustice.co.uk%2F77%2F%3Ff bclid%3DIwAR1snDQC0nmmpFS6u7vS6hnBUYJ-96OnYlaZ61aO3HEAIpVZgLoYB5rOCtE&h=AT1zKEZXbQnn598qRCT3DFIPW7tl21jOQWukhAvjxB6RgEqE C5zBGCdPlBIy5NgcaoRA74DtLzX4w0vxWLEj6KGUZMdqqy2IKL s7P-_SbF5uxgsf7BgL7ZJYPoWMcaVpRR0aG7oCSf17dd1bctlW0qbc-QDvWbhT)

This is the John Anthony Hill [JAH] Case. She was tried. She was convicted by a jury in a British Court. Fair and square.

There you have strike three.
There can be no doubt that Queen Elizabeth II is in fact impersonating the Queen of Britain and has been doing so for many years.

If you could do that, why not claim to be the 43rd great-granddaughter of the Prophet Mohammed?

Interestingly, not only is Elizabeth impersonating the Queen of Great Britain, the substance of all her crimes against us and against many other people, is a form of impersonation, too.

Enfranchisement is a form of impersonation. You take a living man and you redefine him as a franchise corporation, a thing.
When goaded to arrest her, the excuses and howling from Parliament and the Privy Council amount to, "But, but.... if we did that, all the laws bearing her signature would be invalid..... if we did that, there would be no lawful Succession (there isn't anyway, but so what?)....if we did that....." And then there's, "But she is so old.....why not just let Nature take its course? Not cause any disruption of the government....."

Given her family history, she could last another fifteen years and hope to convince us all that she's Mohammed's 43rd Great-Granddaughter.

And go on signing invalid legislation affecting all her phony franchises the whole while.

It appears that the British Parliament is afflicted with the same mental illness and dearth of common sense that afflicts the "US" Congress.
They know that no law or treaty she has ever signed has any validity. They know that she is not actually the Queen and that any contract or covenant she had with the British People was severed within three days after her Coronation. They've all known that for eight (8) years, full on, in their faces, undeniable.

I guess they hope that the rest of us won't notice, but we have.
If the Queen isn't the Queen, there is no valid power of enforcement behind the British Courts, including the British Territorial Courts.
Quite simply, they have no lawful or legal authority to say or do jack-diddly.

They are all caught in a nasty double-bind. If they go backward and re-instate the Land Law, which is what they should do, they will all be condemned to death under it. Yet, there has to be some kind of law or society will devolve into chaos. Enter Sharia. But even an idiot knows that isn't going to wash.

Every idiot, that is, but those in the British Parliament and Nancy Pelosi.

And while we are on that topic.... the Queen isn't the Queen, and the Pope isn't the Pope, either.

Francis is a Jesuit. Jesuits take a lifetime vow to serve the Pope. So it follows that a Jesuit can never be the Pope. Even a Lutheran knows that. So what is going on?

Every Pope since the first Pope has worn two hats.
He wears the Sacred Office of the Pope, and the Secular Office of the Roman Pontiff. All this was inherited at the Council of Nicea from the Roman Emperor, Constantine, and consolidated in 800 A.D. under Charlemagne.

So Benedict XVI, feeling himself too old to deal with the rigors of the Secular Office, turned to his loyal foot soldiers, the Jesuits, and chose one to take on the job of Roman Pontiff, while he, himself, openly retained the "ministerial office".

In other words, Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus, is still the Pope. Francis is serving him as a loyal Jesuit, doing what he is told to do --- which is basically to circle the wagons to protect the Church's interests and "act as Pope" while taking on the burden of the Secular Office.

So he is impersonating the Pope just as Elizabeth is impersonating the Queen.

We are dealing with Magicians, Con Men, and Bad Actors. This is the Evil in High Places the Bible speaks of, and it is essentially the Sin of Moses coming home to roost.

The True God gave us Ten Commandments, knowing that we are too stupid and undisciplined to obey even ten laws, but at least we could give it a good faith effort.

Moses and his feckless brother, Aaron, gave the people over 600 additional "laws" --- the equivalent of statutory laws --- guaranteeing that all would be condemned.

So, here we are, between the Rock and the Hard Place and here is my humble suggestion:

1. Forget about trying to implement Sharia Law;

2. Set aside enforcement of all Statutory Laws;

3. Adopt the Law of the Kingdom of Heaven -- there are only three (3) laws in Heaven, and those allow everyone to save their skins;

4. Turn over the purloined property assets to me; I am the Fiduciary. I will return the land and soil to the peoples of the Earth without further adieu;

5. Agree to the establishment of a True Currency based on the value of all traded commodities and labor.

A lot of lawyers will be out of work, but that is a small price to pay----- especially as this is the only way that everyone keeps breathing.

2nd June 2019, 04:32 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDMjrGL131lKyP-hoqiBSoZnUtlh1Q7ITgp2ZCUfKk6DV0v0MMaw7LaD8BrTlKEnz vFwM-cKnOQ3SMp&hc_ref=ARSDiSP13dGy24eG2MtaDJ8yp8ks8ZVW8iZdZwF3bBY HnN3rNbIYRyZgXlViADJC-Ho&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2235492449833156) ·

In the Tiger Suit

I come from a small town in the Midwest. High School sports are a big thing there and our team, the Tigers, had its own social glitterati attached to it. The Coach, the Teams, the Captains, the Cheerleaders, the Drum Majors and Majorettes-- and where was I in this midst of all this?

In the tiger suit. I was the team mascot. And nobody knew it but the gym teacher, either.

After everyone else was suited up and out on the field, I'd sneak downstairs to the janitor closet and struggle into the thirty pound costume and the crowd would roar with laughter when I appeared, because I always made it clear that I was late or having trouble with my tail or some darn thing.

I liked being the mascot -- a job everyone avoided, precisely because it was anonymous. I got to express the emotions of the home town contingent, leaping in the air with delight when there was a big score, skulking and shaking my paws when there was a bad referee call.

Any Vaudeville pratfall in the book was fair game. I got to kiss the Coach, pull down the Cheerleader's sweaters, chase lost balls, pick up litter, shepherd the elderly to their seats, and of course, lead the yearly Homecoming Day Parade --- all anonymously, of course.
And that's how I liked it, because it wasn't about me.

Now I realize that anonymous or relatively anonymous service isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I am the one who delivers in brown envelopes and doesn't write a return address on the package. I'm the one that finds your lost child at the grocery store and brings them back to you, then disappears while you are still kissing and scolding. Because it's not about me and I realize that it's not about me and I am okay with that. In fact, I prefer it that way.

So anyone coming to The American States Assembly and expecting to find conventional leadership and political bombast will be sadly disappointed. Unlike any political or social organization you have ever experienced, it won't be about centralized power and committee chairmen. And I, by far, won't have the answers to everything, solutions all neatly worked out, and everything in place, because it isn't a well-oiled machine yet. It's just getting started.

It will take a lot of people to make this work. Not just one old woman from Big Lake, Alaska.

Frankly, I am loathe to be the public face of it, or to be in any kind of public position at all. I am standing in the gate to make sure that the effort stays on course, fending off threats from without and threats from within, because if nothing else, our own ignorance and indoctrination is enough to do us in.

If we are to succeed in restoring our lawful government to full function and glory, its going take a lot of sacrifice and learning and teaching and growing. We have to learn history we've never been taught, processes in banking and law that we never knew existed, and while we are struggling along with our own daily traumas, we have to try to help everyone else through this process.

After that, we have to hold elections and run our own government. Everyone talks about self-governance--- but have you ever really thought about what that means? A whole government? One that is competent and serving the people as it should from the grassroots to the top?

It's a mammoth undertaking, and though we are starting with a firm foundation and the house plans, let's face up---- a hundred and fifty years of drifting off course and being commandeered by our purported "Allies" takes a tremendous toll.

We not only have to do the job before us, we have to retrain ourselves as we do it. We have to learn to think in new ways, and in view of the actual history, we have to make new assumptions about who we are as a nation and where we fit in the world and how things are supposed to work.

There's no central power coming down to us from on high. We have to do this all by ourselves from the grassroots upward, and while there are many observers cheering us on and hoping and praying to God that we succeed, there are others whose wishes for us and for our upstart government of the people, for the people, and by the people ---- are anything but kind.

Like the Founders, we are facing a challenge we never expected, a job we were never prepared to do. Those who have usurped our government have crippled us almost from birth, creating false assumptions, lying about or simply not disclosing the actual history, leaving us without the tools we need to get a grip on the situation, much less self-govern.

Governing us is something they are willing to do "for" us, so that they can profit from our ignorance and our wrong assumptions and our willingness to be led by authority figures, even if it is to our own self-destruction and the destruction of our country.

We haven't been taught that we are the only authority and that what happens in our world is up to us.

We've been taught just the opposite--- the better to control and to oppress and to misdirect us for the profit and the power of a few.

Now that we are awake and learning the truth about our past and also, our present situation, we find that the rest of the world is in an uproar, too. The Brits are realizing just how far they've been conned and beaten into submission. The French aren't willing to eke out their lives in penury anymore. And the Germans, well, the Germans well-know that theirs is a puppet government and that they of all people, have born the brunt of it all.

Things aren't going so well for the Bad Guys.

It appears that Group Number One's well-laid Plan B Fall Back Position-- to surreptitiously take over the Chinese Government with bribes of various kinds using Hong Kong as a backdoor-- and their bid to impose a worldwide gold standard isn't working. The Chinese have remembered their own history. The Opium Wars. The Boxer Rebellion. And so much more.

It also appears that Group Number Two, the Arab and Islamic World, isn't buying the candy or drinking the Kool-Aid anymore. They know they are being cheated and used as tools in the Globalist Agenda.
Teddy Roosevelt's sardonic Natural Resources Plan --- buy everyone else's resources on the cheap and save our own for later -- has been well-applied to them. As their own oil supplies and access to the world market dwindles, they find that the US had far greater oil resources hidden away the whole time.

Now let's hope that they further realize that "the US" is not America.
A lot more of us have to wake up to that same startling revelation-- that the "US" is not America-- and don our tiger suits. A lot more people like me, who have spent their lives being quiet and avoiding the limelight, have to step forward out of their comfort zone.

As we do, we face many challenges and many challengers.

Those who have profited by evil don't want to give it up. Those who are confused won't know who to believe -- at first. And the rest of us have to overcome odds that only Divine Providence can settle in our favor.

I recently read an article by Kevin Annett ---and I can't find it right now, so I can't quote directly -- but it was basically that we can't stand around waiting for what what others can do. We have to do what we can do. And that's what makes the difference.
He is right about that.
Much of what he is saying, is true.
I just hope his activities don't lead to wholesale destruction of churches and condemnation of Roman Catholics, the same way I hope the world will recognize that America is not responsible for the evils promoted by "the US"

2nd June 2019, 05:16 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA4zVgGMQEJNiKcimi0PZhg_dSpNB67a-fJMx4hkhTyl_dUVUIRTwZwsqePcDmDFSL4cp1HLO1PBBdE&hc_ref=ARQSBOMFfBhqGNkv6s4yaPCM2PygXDM4LoMUM0R282F-AbFKZLP2baTH71Vjk2_ohQY&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2235493076499760) ·

Bear With Me

When I got up this morning, I had 48,332 emails in my inbox, and 8,113 of them were marked as "Urgent" or "Personal" or "Private" or "Government Business".

I literally get a hundred telephone calls a day. Minimum.

And piles of mail at two locations. I do mean -- piles of mail, more mail than one person could keep up with in a hundred years of hard trying.

Among the other slander I have suffered lately is the complaint that I am "not supportive" or "not responsive". I am "not doing my job" ---though I am unaware of having a job description, and God knows, my paycheck is apparently lost in the mail.

Given the facts, it's amazing that I get anything done but respond, respond, respond all day long, every day, 18 hours a day, seven days a week, non-stop.

The plain fact is that I CAN'T answer all these emails, phone calls, and letters.

I and those helping me are doing our best, but as volunteers running an all-volunteer organization, and as mere men and women who have to clean our own toilets and cook our own dinners --- we do what we can that is all we can do.

So don't be offended if I don't get right back to you, or if I don't get back to you at all. It's not that I am snubbing anyone. It's that I can't do it all, and we as a group are doing all that we can with the resources we have. Sometimes, too often, things simply overwhelm us and it is like being in a flood.

I also can't be available on demand to help with projects that other people have taken on. I try my best to keep everyone safe and operating within the law. I answer questions as I can, and that's about the best I can do.

Recently, I observed that The Living Law Firm is after the Arsonists and we cannot get bogged down fighting the brush fires. I said that and immediately got another two hundred appeals to help with court cases.

We are stretched beyond paper-thin in all respects.

Bear with me. Literally.

2nd June 2019, 06:39 PM
We are stretched beyond paper-thin in all respects.

Actions made by people who are stressed are likely not rational or reasoned.

3rd June 2019, 08:36 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCMi8pkxjwo14xcyIWk90ikTAoUZsyS5urU0OpDWX6NH2 TBsDIflPmo5qkDcWKWzpLMWiZsEuGeqNQG&hc_ref=ARTifiohHDdZIYCvb1yhx70O2gFCqMQ3y07QPwPUXdO LcpkWpQZ_yCWnCqJhqeRjRtY&fref=nf)
15 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2235688393146895) ·

The Chickens or Eggs Identity Theft Gambit

About five years ago, I learned that there was someone called "Anna von Reitz" in New York City, running around causing trouble. This came as a big surprise, because "Anna von Reitz" is a made-up name, and I am the one who made it up. It's a deliberate shortening of one of my family names for use as a pen name---and "von Reitzenstein" is by no means a common family name to begin with.

This "Person" was promoting check kiting and insurance frauds and applying for various programs in my pen name and as soon as I got wind of it, I went into the local State Troopers Office. What the young Trooper there told me was rather astounding.

There's nothing much that local law enforcement can do about this.

They have a national data base and a hotline number where you can call in and report the theft of your good name, but that's about it.
They don't actually do anything about it. It's just "flagged" to use his terminology, letting the authorities know that someone is using your name without your consent.

And as it turns out, we could report the government for the same thing, right?

I left his office feeling bewildered. If your name can be stolen, so can all the rest --- and that is, in fact, what we are experiencing in this country right now.

Those who have promoted this kind of identity theft, including those who compiled all the phony IRS Master Files, have become very adept at misrepresenting us.

No surprise, then, that they do this when they are running "ops" on our Assembly groups, either.

Two and a half years ago, we had a guy calling himself "Nathan" show up in the Utah State Militia group. He was a big, bluff, one-of-the-guys fellow, a rancher and hunter and football watcher. Or so we were led to believe. But he weaseled his way in and stole the money members contributed and blamed it on the group leader.

The DA charged the group leader with theft and jailed him on circumstantial evidence which was later proven untrue. Meantime, "Nathan" disappeared. This has happened at least two times since-- accusations of "theft" followed by the accusers blowing town.
"Nathan" in Utah is not the same as "Nate" in Arizona. We have had that confirmed both by Nate in Arizona and by photographs. The names are similar, but not the same.

Here's another loop for you ---
One of the perpetrators in North Carolina who attempted to steal another clump of money from group leaders there, pretended to be a Continental Marshal calling himself "Jim Garinger"---- a name that can be easily be confused with "John Garinger".

John Garinger from Arizona is not Jim Garinger from North Carolina and we have had that confirmed by witnesses and photos, too.

From two levels, from two different states of the Union, one man in Arizona has been targeted----both his nickname "Nate" and his actual name have been subjected to the similar-but-not-the-same routine.

I don't know what he's doing but it must be something right, to garner that much attention.

Here's another one.
My friend, Steven Duane Curry from Colorado, was picked up on a warrant for Stephen Duane Curry, born in another state and on a different day. The arresting officers beat him senseless for no reason.
My friend spent two years in a New Mexican jail being tortured and falsely accused before the rats let go of him ---- but only after forcing him to accept one false charge of resisting arrest as a condition of his release.

An infiltrator comes in, picks up names, and then the operatives of the government crime syndicate adopt "similar names"---only operating in a different state.

See the pattern? "Nathan" not "Nate". "Jim" not "John". "Stephen" not "Steven".

There's another pattern, too. Accusations of petty theft.

That was the claim in Utah, that was the attempted act in North Carolina, that was what was alleged about Chief Marshal Heywood, and more recently, with a slightly different twist--- I was accused of "stealing" someone else's work and "not paying them for it", when in fact I did no such thing and was under no such obligation.

So now that you know what is going on, you can see why we have to be on guard and why certain circumstances or actions or accusations act as triggers.

Similar names? My ears perk up and swivel around.

Accusations of theft? My ears come to rapt attention.

The same "name games" that are being applied to Americans in the Assembly groups can be applied to anyone in the general population, too. Just pick up a name of someone living in another state, and voila, more impersonation, more confusion, more excuses for false arrests, more defamation of innocent people.

I know a man named Joe DeAngelo who has no less than five criminal doppelgangers attached to him, not counting the government renditions. I told him to officially change his name to something like "Foxy Dolzano XYZ Sandersen the Third" and hope for the best.

And just to further demonstrate how bad this is, some of you may remember that I was discussing similar subjects one day in an article and quipped that I was adopting the name "Lady Flamolare del Chesa" in response to it all.

Well, guess what?
I may have to defend my copyright to "Lady Flamolare del Chesa", because there is someone out there actually using that name as well---- a name I made up out of the blue air.

The criminality of the "government" corporation service providers in this respect and the specific crimes of identity theft and impersonation and barratry practiced by the court system, has led to an absolute explosion of this kind of crime, and the more aware of it everyone is, the better.

Don't trust in names or, as the Bible says, in "Persons" --- they are being stolen every second of every day in ever-increasing numbers and for more and more purposes.

Make the effort to sort through similar but not the same names and look sharp when you realize that an "accidentally-on-purpose" confusion of this kind exists.

It means that you or your group is being targeted by criminals, though in itself, doesn't tell you which group of criminals.
Also learn to look for patterns in what you are seeing as they float to the top of the pot. The repeated pattern of accusations of theft is a good example.

Theft is a particularly handy accusation. It's hard to disprove in many cases, it immediately and thoroughly discredits whoever it is aimed at, and it universally causes distrust of whoever is being accused, isolating them from the group and rendering them less effective members of the group.

That's why it is popular among the criminals who are in fact pilfering group savings and project funds, running up credit cards, committing crimes "in our names" and causing other kinds of trouble.

As always, they accuse their victims of what they are doing themselves.

5th June 2019, 11:35 PM
PaperUpNow.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FPaperUpNow.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3D IwAR0d4zVkLomgR6mYv1aDxd_DGseA-VbY21nsKS3UJrO2-vRj42c3x9sD93g&h=AT3VIRTbSY7ZOA_SZ3LZJmupF_D_WadCQgusOIuGi2tNYG86 1zLyy8k_TKFKy80LKcKf2NnkJUbVF-mxk_YjEANtSwDsXy0txlP4BdrVHm_X1XKmiV_1fM1pmV8CbbSW 29mcs0JONDdGXjhJTNK13jI3loFp7zj3_63wse9NvLyVpg)

Public Notice

The site www.PaperUpNow.com (http://www.PaperUpNow.com) has always been under the exclusive creation and sole ownership of jocelyne colombe©, a peaceful living woman.

It was achieved by compiling, sorting through and clarifying thousands of pages of data from a variety of sources.

It is being shut down permanently.

Thank you for the readership and your donations.

The owner has never given permission for anyone to move the site’s content to any website or mitigate the information formerly on this site to anyone or anywhere.

From its beginning through to the termination of www.PaperUpNow.com (http://www.PaperUpNow.com), the venue has provided education and knowledge for people to come together under mutual friendship.

Any name listed and ever found on the “Coordinator” page or any name related to this site through private calls or group teleconference calls including the moderators and guests of these calls is to be held harmless of any wrongdoing, myself included.

In addition, anyone connected to “Jural Assemblies” through this site was never given full disclosure, including myself, regarding the term “Jural Assembly”.

More specifically and not limited to that “Jural Assembly” has never been used as a lawful term in the founding documents of our country.

The owner became aware of this issue on May 27, 2019. As such, had she known this connection and the liability associated with it, it would have dissuaded her from joining or supporting any development of assemblies within her own state or any of the other states.

Anyone joining a “Jural Assembly” needs to do their own research as with any documents.

I, Jocelyne Colombe© revoke and rescind any prior association with the Arizona State Assembly and the support of other States towards the development of a State Assembly and or a State Jural Assembly ab initio.

In closing, believe in yourself. You are more powerful than you think or have been "programmed" to believe.

Most importantly, trust yourself more than anyone else. Never stop learning from MANY sources.

Be good to yourself and kind to others.

Enjoy the journey….

With love and hugs to the many I now call "friends for life".

jocelyne© aka jc© All Rights Reserved.

6th June 2019, 08:41 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAv-MlMuymJvhMHksIylz8LdEkg-EVogqG4ZA1RMPjrzUIPxHao0Db2bMTe214NZ0pc2NJZNDCvxh6 U&hc_ref=ARQivq0AVLSBK-rHM8QvGL9oFlrYy4wiBeaEQieQHcZYtycZ7KbzoMpNc0fJ0XiA KPU&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2242333519149049) ·

Translation Key for Everyone

The United States is the Proper Name of our Union of republican states.
Capital T on The.

But "the" United States is the Municipal United States, an independent international city state, a franchise of the Holy Roman Empire on our shores. This entity is a plenary oligarchy run by the crooked members of Congress.

The United States of America is the Proper Name of our Federation of States. It is an unincorporated business organization of which our States are members.
Notice again--Capital T on The.

But "the" United States of America is the name of a British Territorial Government that is responsible for the mutual defense of our States.

Remember these distinctions so that when you are reading news and other documents you can recognize which entity is actually being referenced---and be less confused.

6th June 2019, 08:52 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBRCjVlDSbe9z0714pQy2cnGcRyArnbrpEP8W3wDLxEQb cZzYfLB4OKeZlnlgPviN823S4qUgDvaxD9&hc_ref=ARSTb8-yIugIThHLImUCGUm6XroLogQXgJIlQYjqkK1XU5fdnxJp0yPn1 9NIrxYUER8&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2242339215815146) ·

Impersonation - The Cause of World War I

Obviously, someone with a Given Name like "Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger - von Reitzenstein von Lettow-Vorbeck" is not (and is not claiming to be) Jane Smith.

My ancestry is what it is, and for the most part, I am proud of it. The story of our family weaves back and forth across the Atlantic for centuries. I can easily prove ancestors in America prior to the Revolution.
Also, obviously, I grew up in America and love this country and consider myself an American.

So did George Washington, who was a cousin of King George.

Just because we have familial relationships that span oceans and continents does not mean that we are disloyal to the land that bears us, nor does having "royal" or "noble" blood suggest that we are part of the problem.

Not all of the Royals failed humanity. Not all of them sold their souls for the Rothschild's profits.

Not all of them were deceived by the fornication of the Church. Notably, the Prussians and the Russians, stood firm.

It may have escaped everyone's notice, but Kaiser Wilhelm II was a Protestant King and Czar Nicholas was Russian Orthodox.

They opposed the British return to Babylon and Queen Victoria's "adultery of Mankind" -- the enfranchisement (meaning incorporation) of living men so as to render them mere "things" and also opposed the "securitization" of living flesh-- on religious grounds.

There are many scriptural references in primarily the Old Testament, but also in the New Testament, warning us against the use of "persons", telling us that God does not "respect" them, condemning "personhood" and in James 2:9 flatly telling us that we cannot be part of these practices without sin:

"But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors."

Please note that to this day, when pirates come ashore they are said to be "trespassing" upon us, but when the opposite happens, and landsmen invade the ships dry docked in port or at sea, it is called "transgression".

As a result of this scriptural indictment and those numerous examples in the Old Testament, truly Christian Kings could not support any British scheme to profit from impersonating living people and were and are still obligated to protect against it.

For all those who felt (as I did) that the assassination of one Archduke was a petty provocation to start World War I, or that even jealousy over the Kaiser's navy was insufficient to explain what happened --- look again.

Queen Victoria succumbed to the lure of the profit to be made from impersonating living men in the 1860's--- and profit she did. She used the credit gained from enslaving the English population by "enfranchising" them to enslave the Indian Subcontinent.

Encouraged by this, Queen Victoria and her Ministers and her Successors rapidly expanded this practice of impersonating living men as corporate franchises and "securitizing" their assets as chattel backing the Royal Credit throughout the Commonwealth and imposed --- totally illegally and immorally --- the same scheme in America.

Her chief opponents in this rampant criminality serving to enslave and profit from her own subjects in a devious and diabolical way, were the German Kaiser and the Russian Czar, both of whom raised religious and moral objections.

That is what led to World War I: the stubborn refusal of the Germans and the Russians to take part in the identity theft-impersonation and credit fraud scam promoted by the British and the Holy Roman Empire, on moral and scriptural grounds.

Put bluntly, the Roman Catholic Church did "fornicate" with the bankers and the renegade royals by getting involved in the whole business of defining and managing and promoting corporations -- that is, "persons" and then allowing these practices to be grossly abused to seize the assets of living men and women for use as chattel property, thereby enslaving the population of the entire Earth.

The Roman Catholic Church, or to be more specific, its "Secular Office" running the Holy Roman Empire side of things, is revealed to be The Great Whore, and cannot be anything else: they have promoted and facilitated and failed to object to this entire abuse --- and the Biblical injunctions and the Treaties and the high-sounding United Nations Declarations have been standing against them the whole time.

It is as wrong now and as forbidden in scripture now as it was in the 1840's when all of this began to gain traction.

And all of the Sons of Abraham of all three major western religions -- Judaism, Islam, and Christianity -- are obligated to stand against it.

My relatives, the Archdukes of Mecklenburg-von Strelitz and the House of Romanov, did stand against it.

Not all the Royals failed, but just like the startling news that you are not all "United States Citizens" nor "Citizens of the United States" --- comes the equally startling news that America backed the wrong horse in 1917. We should have come in and finished the job that the Kaiser and Czar Nicholas started.

Had the Czar lived, we could have been living in a much different and better world. Instead, we all had to suffer through World War II and the Communist Era and now this.

We could have saved ourselves and everyone else the trouble of World War II and the entire Mess that the world is in right now, simply by cleaning out the Church and exposing the villains and the "Holy Roman Empire" for what it is.

So here we have a phony Queen, who in proven fact abdicated her Throne within three days of taking her Coronation Vow, and a British Parliament without the guts to enforce the actual law they are always enshrining and prattling about.

And who are they all appealing to for protection? Donald J. Trump.

And who is Donald J. Trump? He is President of the United States.

And what is the United States with a small "t" on the "the"?

The Municipal United States Government--- the independent international City State of Washington DC's government, the franchise of the Holy Roman Empire, the one that is supposed to limit its activities to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia, just like the Vatican Government is supposed to limit its activities to the one square mile of Vatican City. LOL.

And who are they blaming for this debacle? The Lord Mayor of London.

Bar Members worldwide, did you hear that? You and the bankers are being fingered for all this rot.

Claiming that you were just "following orders" per the Nuremburg Defense is not likely to work, so you had all better take counsel and correct your operations to bring them into accord with the actual Public Law.

It's time for the rest of us, the Silent Majority, to take our Silent Notice of the situation. That, and alert Donald Trump and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and NATO, so that they are all fully informed and aware that their actions are being scrutinized to within a gnat's eye-lash.

The Roman Curia is on the Hot Seat before God and all Mankind, to repent and take corrective action.
The British Parliament, which is secondarily responsible for this Mess, is also called to account.

Both are desperately seeking some way out, because they know that they are condemned under the Law of God and the Law of Man; both are resisting the only Law that will allow them to live --- The Law of the Kingdom of Heaven, which has come at last.

"So oftentimes it happens, that we live our lives in chains, and never even know we have the key....." --- The Eagles, "Already Gone".

Special Call Out to my German Readers: my German language skills are pretty rudimentary. Would some of you undertake the challenge to translate the German Declaration of War in World War I into English for us?

6th June 2019, 09:12 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDDN1pnqUtyaiSmfZvNzpWelGw2g4DgSHK3y63eBQGHBh EIKPjEPeqS9BV3pRYvsMaK2sCq72gMw2IJ&hc_ref=ART5sM3BsFTko1XhLElZsZOzk9Dyu8ABw862WgMJPRJ cYKUN3hqvHgEPfhiRRK-ECy8&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2242348685814199) ·

Scriptural Defense Against Impersonation

Yesterday, I unleashed quite a discussion about the causes of World War I and also discussion about the scriptural reasons why no truly Christian Monarch can go along with the British-Holy Roman Empire practice of enfranchising people and securitizing their living flesh and other assets as chattel property backing the debts of the British Crown and/or the Municipal Government run by Rome.

Begin with Ezra 7:23-26. Here you find the actual definition of "minister" and the prohibition of mixed marriage of flesh with incorporated things.

This has happened before in the history of Mankind and resulted in the "adultery" of our identity as men and women, a condition known as the Great Abomination in scripture, and as the "Collective Entity Doctrine" in the current species of law being practiced in our courts.

The Collective Entity Doctrine makes bold to claim that there is no difference between the identity of a living man and the identity of a corporate thing and that we are responsible for the debts of corporations merely made up out of thin air and named after us ---- all without our knowledge or consent.

Deuteronomy 1:17,10:17 stands against such impersonation.....
2nd Samuel 14:14 stands against such impersonation.....
Matthew 22:16 stands against such impersonation....
Acts 10:34 stands against such impersonation....
Romans 2:11 stands against such impersonation.....
James 2:9 stands against it and leaves no doubt that impersonation is a sin.

Impersonation is also a crime under the national law of every country we have researched. Nobody allows it, not even as a private contract.
Peonage, whether voluntary or involuntary, has been internationally outlawed since 1926.

So, how is it that any Christian Monarch, any Jewish Rabbi, any Muslim Mullah is tolerating this gross lawlessness?

And what possible excuse does Elizabeth II or Pope Francis, either one, have for this situation?

It is possible that in the endless quest to profit themselves, these institutions and offices have been utterly overcome with greed and corruption. It is possible that these evils have crept in upon us so gradually and behind so many closed doors that even those practicing these evils --- the governments and purveyors of the "law"---- are truthfully unaware of them.

Yet we, the living people of each country thus affected, suffer the consequences of being enslaved and held responsible for phantoms, legal fictions and their odious debts, that we did not knowingly create or allow to function in this manner at all.

By no means on Heaven or Earth is the "securitization" of living flesh allowed, yet we have Cede and Company and the American Corporations Company spawning the DTTC on our shores and the DTTC issuing bonds against us and our "value" as if we were widgets on the factory shelf, and in Canada, we have self-interested cretins sponsoring legislation like the Canadian Ownership Control and Determination Act.

And it is all against the Biblical Law, the Public Law, the Treaties governing interactions between governments, and all the tripe offered by the United Nations. It is literally a matter not of what they say, but what they do.

While spouting all the platitudes about justice and freedom, they are running a de facto slave market in the back room, selling child labor contracts under The Miller Act, and running a lively business in the trading of souls based on Baptismal Certificates, which like Birth Certificates, are records of ownership interest.

Go to your incorporated Church and ask for your Baptismal Certificate. They will tell you that they don't have it and don't keep such records, which so far as it goes, is true. They ship them off for profit, and plump their bank accounts, based on the false claim that you agreed to entrust them with your soul---donated it as chattel backing their organization.

This pretense of "gifting" these organizations with our substance, even our souls, is repeated throughout this disgusting scam. When held to account, the perpetrators tell you that the STRAWMEN attached to you like parasites are "gifts". When you look up the IRS Codes, you find that all your "voluntary" donations to the IRS are listed as "gift estate taxes". They claim that you "gifted" your Earthly estate to them, or that your Mother gifted it to them.

Where is all this bushwah coming from?

The Secular Administration of the Roman Catholic Church, aka, the Holy Roman Empire, aka the Municipal Government of the United States, run by utterly corrupt and corrupting members of Congress--- mostly Democrats --- and ultimately, by the Pope and the Roman Curia.

When you press the perpetrators of this to the wall, they will point to the Inaugural Address of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933, and they will try to convince you that his remarks created a valid contract with the American People, and that he merely took our voluntarily offered gifts for his "holy cause" and that the occupation of our country by Municipal Government Corporations was fully disclosed and allowed

--- but it wasn't.

Not at all. We, the American States and People, weren't even under any obligation to reply to FDR's "offer". Here's why:

(1) FDR was consistently speaking of "a Nation" and "this Nation" throughout his Inaugural Speech, but each State is a nation, and at that time, the Territorial Government had "States of States" so the only entity operating that could speak of itself as "a Nation" was the Vatican's Municipal Government: FDR's Nation---the independent, international City-State of Washington, DC, and its Municipal Citizenry was being addressed throughout his Inaugural Address---- not us, not ours.

(2) He makes reference to "pledging" which is a feudal act, again, totally foreign to us or anything to do with the American States or People.

(3) He refers to a "trust reposed" in him--- but by whom? Let's step back a moment and look at what he was doing in the Inaugural Address: he was accepting the Office of President of the United States, that is, President of the Municipal Government being run as a commercial corporation, so it only makes logical sense that he was talking to the Citizens of the United States. Again, more proof that he was not addressing the general public, not talking to the American States or the American People.

(4) We could not possibly be part of FDR's "consecrated Nation" and "Enemy Aliens" at the same time.

(5) We, Americans, our States of the Union, were provably, demonstrably, definitely, not operating in Commerce at that time; our commercial "Vessels" were all moth-balled and had been moth-balled since 1868. Therefore, any supposition that we, Americans, were even possibly under the Law Merchant--- which is the only venue of the law that allows implied unilateral contracts--- can't be supported.

Neither, for that matter, can we be held to account under any interpretation of the Interstate Commerce Clause since 1868.

The King and the Pope came in here as our "Trustees" in 1868 and moth-balled our Federal States of States "for" us pending "reconstruction" and then just forgot to tell us all the details, just like they forgot to tell us how we could obtain the Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges and Exemptions we are owed under their 1933 scheme.

Having removed our commercial "vehicles" from service, they willfully substituted their own, and they are 100% responsible for all of them and for all the misery and rot they have caused from 1868 onward.

And as for FDR, as we have seen, the only "citizenry" addressed in his 1933 Inaugural Address, were the Citizens of the United States. We had no reason to reply to his offer and no obligation to do so, either.

What has gone on here is naked extortion, racketeering under color of law, and utter lawlessness in contravention of the scripture and the Public Law.

No Christian Monarch, no Jewish leader, no Muslim leader, can suffer this with a straight face, and as for the Pope(s) and the Queen --- they need to be: (1) providing modern access to our National Credit and all our Exemptions; and (2) returning our land jurisdiction assets to our lawful administration without further obstruction or excuse.

The United States of America --- the actual Federation of States --- is alive and well and operating and we do not appreciate the continued false pretenses being offered against our lawful claim to the land and soil of our own country. We have renewed and in the public addressed our claim to all right, title, and interest associated with our States and People since September 9, 1776 and those claims, liens, and notices are cured upon the public international record since 2011.

See the final re-conveyance of authority from the Receiver, The United States, to the Agent, The United States of America, and all the associated liens and notices issued upon the Recording District 311, 2019-008503-0 and UCC Central Unit 500.

Those who have entertained the Great Abomination need to be held to account by the world community and suitable correction is required, returning to the American States and People the National Credit, the exemptions, and the Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges that are owed to them, and also returning all right, title, and interest in our land assets, including our Good Names, unharmed, unencumbered, and free of debt.

All pretense of "war" including mercenary war needs to be dropped and the property seized upon by the Office of the Custodian of Alien Property (now the US Attorney General) needs to be returned to the States and to the People of this country without further adieu.

The IRS has also been allowed to run rampant under the false pretenses described above regarding FDR's Administration and any commercial quid pro quos resulting from it.

Millions of innocent Americans who never owed a dime of "Federal Income Tax" and who were not in receipt of any Federal Income have been the victims of organized theft and racketeering at the hands of both the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service. They have been harassed under false pretenses and entrapped via undisclosed contracts and denied relief including exemptions and Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges they are owed.

This ruthless abuse and mistreatment of Allies and Friends deserves nothing but universal condemnation and disgust. It is owed nothing but prompt correction and return of our stolen property. .

This entire System is in fact and in truth a part of the Great Abomination, forbidden by scripture, and leading inexorably toward the extinction of any principal of religion, any ethical consideration, any concept of justice or order.

That it should even be necessary in modern times to come forward and do battle with this ancient adversary, is some measure of the ignorance and depravity that consumes our society and infects world leaders.

Men are not corporations; corporations are not men. The Collective Entity Doctrine is bunk. The courts need to be reformed. The premises upon which they operate need to be promptly, permanently, and with prejudice---corrected.

Fictio cedit veritati;fictio juris non est, ubi veritas.
Translated --- Fiction yields to truth; where truth is, fiction of law does not exist.
And we are now speaking the truth.

7th June 2019, 10:40 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBTZIbdaWZ7YjfQoDWXmm2M30WRElxxhMSYnwCCvDEnnS aw5hggPq7VVTmOFyYN5rrsDwvXF_NaD-3z&hc_ref=ARTdTgDuoFXVNpt5KHXnChXxkgLHJa2R2veK2o16fwY 8P0tzj9rTIaVTyE7xJ-Kr-4s&fref=nf)
11 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2243158559066545) ·

A Spiritual War

It has been said many times, many ways, and it is clearly stated in the Bible. We do not struggle against flesh, but against the Spirit of Evil; all that the Spirit of Evil makes incarnate is like itself: deceptive, illusory, unreal, and yet having a form.

Consider that the Holy Spirit brings forth its children and its fruits in the same way, except that what it makes incarnate is like itself: honest, true, imbued with endless power derived from our Creator.

The Spirit of Evil thrives on secrecy, deceit, and distortion.

The Holy Spirit thrives on transparency, truth, and clarity.

It is really as simple as that, and the only thing holding Mankind back, is fear.

It takes courage to embrace the Holy Spirit and more courage to live our lives without fear, but it can be done.

Fear and lies are the greatest weapons of our opponents--- fear which keeps us from acting upon our convictions and lies that keep us from knowing the truth and acting appropriately, so that our efforts are wasted.

Those who would keep us enslaved seek to keep us confused and misinformed, wish us to cling to our own chains and believe in secrets and in money. If you are ready to move on, then come along.
Admit that time does not exist. There is only now.
Admit that money does not exist. It is only a symbol of value.
Admit that secrets don't exist. Everything is known.
Admit and know that the Holy Spirit within you is unimaginably powerful, that love is the true currency of the Universe, and that your strength lies far beyond your physical body in the realm of the spirit and the mind.

If you will overcome the Spirit of Evil, you must overcome both delusion and fear.

You have heard it said that in these days we will contest with Evil in High Places, and you have known that the Evil One would be released for a short time before the end of this world as we have known it. Do not despair and do not be troubled; all these things that are happening must happen; rather, put on the full armor of God and His Peace which passes all understanding.

Redouble your efforts to dissolve the Great Seals and gently release the pent up energies of the Earth. Feel them beginning to flow as they should. Release all your bad memories and traumas and grudges and losses and heartaches. Let them go.

Over the past six months I have been dredging up a lot of "gunk" --- hurts, disappointments, losses --- examining them like objects, like bad teeth that have been extracted, no longer able to cause any pain--- objects that I am looking at before throwing them away.

They were part of my life once, but they are baggage now --- baggage that I am not taking with me into tomorrow or next week or next year. These painful things, these injuries, are like they happened to someone else.

I step back from them. I see them for what they are, and I let them go. Old knee injury? Gone. Supremely embarrassing moments? Gone. Lost loves? Gone. Vain regrets? Gone. Consuming anger? Gone. Might-have-beens? Gone.

And with each thing you toss away, your soul becomes lighter and stronger.

We are like fractured crystals --- all this pain, all these injuries --- have served their purpose: to break us, so that we can capture and disperse more light, but having served their purpose, they can go now.

This week let the pain go. Release it into the void somewhere beyond yesterday. Go with me to my Happy Place, if you don't have a Happy Place of your own.

My Happy Place is a meadow with a cool, clean, fast-flowing shallow stream flowing through it. There is soft grass and small prairie flowers in the meadow itself, birds in the trees along the banks, and the sand and small gravel of the stream bed is soft and clean underfoot..... I just wade out in the middle of the stream and let the water carry away all my sadness, all my weariness, all my pain. I watch the tiny fish darting here and there. I see the dragonflies hovering above the yellow pond lilies growing in a small pool just downstream. It's early afternoon in Midsummer and the hot sun is nicely balanced by a cool wind and the cool water.

It's just a little old farm place in the Midwest. Nothing grand, no palaces, no buildings at all, but I am perfectly at peace there, and eternally renewed.

Take some time to go to your Happy Place this week. Seek the lightening of your load and the renewal of your spirit. Remember what matters and let all the rest of it go.

In this way, and by making this your practice, you will be constantly restored and renewed, set free of past suffering, ready and able to accept new blessings and new opportunities without being burdened or afraid.

8th June 2019, 09:17 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDUzaxFMzUGl4Xd_glZ62-dYiE3_1hLsWbB9IcoqIQtb1yhXhwsnf6V5nshbPw8PYtg_Ulk6 6BUUmUW&hc_ref=ARSttC4ofMRPUBCSUNcjZc787SyaH2N2_wIKzCeKOa2 BCP3gVhZVye1kwmbljVMVohQ&fref=nf)
10 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2244810625568005) ·

Dog Report and La-La-Land Again

In all my life I can only remember one rainy birthday. The first week of June is usually like the weather of charmed Camelot, with wild roses in bloom, strawberries ripening in the sun, and blue skies. It was certainly that way on my birthday this year and again, today.

One of my college chums sent me a gorgeous bouquet of roses and Gerbera Daisies and stocks. I charmed the guests with my pound cake and fresh strawberries and fresh raspberries (your choice) and whipped cream in lieu of a traditional birthday cake.

I have my own world and time, when everything is perfect and the music is gentle and the wine is smooth and everyone smiles because the purity of the day is so undeniable and sweet.

It's a great time of year to have a birthday--- after school is out, before the weather gets too hot.

The only sad note to a June 6 birthday is remembering D-Day; because of that long shadow, it is a memorial day of its own. There's a quiet to it, an echo of cemeteries instead of brass bands. A time of remembrance, I used to say,

and not just of a year gone by, or the passing of my time. I stood in the doorway as the wind was rising and listened to Pavarotti.

Evening came and storm clouds gathered in the East, soon there was lightening and thunder and pouring rain, and I went to sleep, snug and warm in my bed, listening to the rain on the roof, smelling the fresh cool wind, feeling blessed.

My dog, who has survived so much, is recovering nicely from surgery and our primary concern remains keeping him quiet long enough to actually heal. His nature as a Labrador Retriever is so exuberant --- his tail wags SO hard --- it's difficult to keep him calm enough, even with the sedatives the vet provides. If he makes it through the next two weeks, we can start to breathe easier ourselves and count the operation a success. By all means, keep the prayers and good thoughts coming.

With love and blessings and lots of rest the next two weeks, he can hope for a few years more of bumping along at my side, and snoozing with his nose on my foot as I sit at my desk --- his proven method of knowing whenever I go anywhere or do anything, the signal for him to get up and follow me wherever I might go. This morning, only two days out of surgery, he was ready to hop in my old Suburban, otherwise known as The Dog Car, and go snoop around at the world.
Tonight, I pour a little oil of lavender and oil of marjoram into my palms and rub it on the fur of his golden ruff, and sense how the smell relaxes him and bids him to rest and to sleep, rest and sleep. That is about all he can do or should do for the next two weeks.
Also tonight, I was amused to read a long and rambling expose by Sun-Tzu, who still imagines himself to be Jesus and who just discovered the infamous Act of 1871.

How many generations of American Patriots will it take to realize that the Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874? How often must we learn how it was passed piecemeal and how the rats finally achieved their aims in 1878? And then, too, how long before the worthwhile message of his meanderings comes through?

Yes, they incorporated everything, including the Church. They reduced life to business franchises, dead things without souls, without mercy: eating machines locked into a single inflexible purpose: profit, profit, profit, profit at any cost, profit by any means, including war.

So now they have their profit, but not their souls, their corruption but not their names.

8th June 2019, 09:23 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDasPUgecWg1h8puwdsaSAmV3uO8xa_s-CYldtabecMtBjXq5LchC5lJUFzggkyUpp3BIpyLkYVfJDx&hc_ref=ARTurWBd9MgB9GXWsozq84bOqF6N3JausgYK57kwXrX L1fh4qTToxX-KAh0YNYfH_C8&fref=nf)
10 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2244838298898571) ·

The Act of 1871 -- A Correct Analysis by Team Law

With all the hub-bub about The Act of 1871 circulating in the patriot community, I felt it was time to re-publish (for about the tenth time) the actual breakdown of what happened to The Act of 1871 after its initial repeal in 1874 ----- and to publish again the correct analysis of it all by Team Law, which was finished some years ago:

1871 - Act of 1871 ---“An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia,” ch. 62, 16 Stat. 419, February 21, 1871 ---which was repealed in 1874 and then passed piecemeal via these actions---- “An Act Providing a Permanent Form of Government for the District of Columbia,” ch. 180, sec. 1, 20 Stat. 102, June 11, 1878, to remain and continue as a municipal corporation (brought forward from the Act of 1871, as provided in the Act of March 2, 1877, amended and approved March 9, 1878, Revised Statutes of the United States Relating to the District of Columbia . . . 1873–’74 (in force as of December 1, 1873), sec. 2, p. 2); as amended by the Act of June 28, 1935, 49 Stat. 430, ch. 332, sec. 1 (Title 1, Section 102, District of Columbia Code (1940)).

When looking at the intent of all this, given that the actual District of Columbia was set up in 1790 and fully chartered by 1801, the aim of the Act of 1871 is, it appears, merely to set up “U.S. Corp”---

“That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the “District of Columbia”, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes … and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation.” – Act of 1871 verbiage---

So the Act of 1871 was to create a private corporation owned by the actual government of the District of Columbia--- the infamous District of Columbia Municipal Corporation:

“Further, the only government created in that Act was the same form of private government any private corporation has within the operation of its own corporate construct....... U.S. Corp is not merely an incorporated municipality (District of Columbia); rather, it is a private corporation (District of Columbia Municipal Corporation) that was lawfully created by our original jurisdiction government.” ----
Team Law analysis.

8th June 2019, 03:02 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAU6BFhOMdT4Qsqg5PstMEmzuQO3j7nyxT7WPH97ZgQry 8p9mguKO1eUarlmusazIl9uMtQ4n2_UPBd&hc_ref=ARSYh6Ne13HJZR3bqS2w0_Im0rKwYX62LCrZzG_7lJp tb3GlXqxCEdsdPwX0mMp7ftE&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2245753615473706) ·

States vs. States of States

Why, you might ask yourselves, was it necessary for the fledgling government of this country to create multiple organizations of states?

We have the Union, The United States, formed of republican states occupying the national soil jurisdiction of this country.

We have the Federation, The United States of America, formed of Sovereign States occupying the international jurisdiction of the land and sea.

We have a Confederation of States of States, the States of America, formed of commercial corporations, occupying the global jurisdiction of the air.

If you look at this list you will see the answer. Each of these different organizations--- The United States, The United States of America, and the States of America---- all serve in different capacities and occupy different jurisdictions.

Their member "states" are different in nature, too. The national-level republican states and the international States of the Union are defined by physical borders, but the global States of States represented by the States of America Confederation are commercial corporations.

So as you can see, each one of these organizations operate in profoundly different capacities and in different jurisdictions. A state is not the same as a State, and a State is not a State of State [Confederate State].

We rarely have a reason to differentiate between our states and our States, because soil and land jurisdictions work so closely together that the evidence of one is evidence of the other. General Session Laws of the State are supposed to reflect the will of the republican state and people, whereas State of State Statutes are supposed to "codify" and regulate the operations of the Territorial Government and their corporate personnel on our shores.

An important distinction needs to be made here and underlined in Day-Glo Orange Highlighter.
A State is corporate in that it is partially fictional by virtue of having a name --- say, Wisconsin---- but it is a free-standing entity that is physically defined, much as a man named Thomas Tinker is a free-standing entity that is physically defined. Neither Wisconsin nor Thomas Tinker is incorporated as part of some greater entity.

In keeping with the Law of Kinds, a State like Wisconsin, is operated by People, like Thomas Tinker.

A State of State, like the State of Wisconsin, may be incorporated (chartered) by the greater, free-standing entity --- the State, which is what our original plan was when the Confederation of States was formed.

Or, a State of State could also be chartered by a foreign government --- and merely set in place as a "service provider" which is in fact what has gone on here since the Civil War, when the British Government secretively came in here and arbitrarily put a Scottish corporation in charge of our State of State administration "for" us.

States are sovereign entities; States of States, by definition, are not.

Under the constitutional agreements, our States agreed not to operate directly as States of States, which is also part of the reason that we can be absolutely sure that none of our actual States were involved in the Civil War, which was a commercial mercenary fight among commercial corporations--- States of States, which are also called "Confederate States" even though they are not actually States at all.

Since World War II we have further compounded the confusion between States and States of States by allowing the deployment of Municipal STATES OF STATES on our shores. These incorporated franchises are totally foreign and are chartered by foreign governments in the business of providing essential government services.

That is, the STATE OF WASHINGTON is not chartered by nor operating under the auspices of Washington, the State. It is a franchise of the foreign Municipal United States Government and its infamous District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, dba, the UNITED STATES.

So, we have our native States which are corporate, but not incorporated, which are sovereign free-standing entities with physically-defined borders, and then, we have a plethora of foreign "service organizations" operating as Territorial States of States and Municipal STATES OF STATES, none of which are actually chartered by our States.

This is not the way our government is supposed to be organized or operated.

What should happen in a sane world is that the State, such as Georgia, charters a State of State and incorporates it to conduct business for Georgia.

The original States of State were put out of commission by the Civil War and never "reconstructed" which has led to this situation wherein foreign Territorial and Municipal franchise organizations have been here on our soil conducting business "for" us and recklessly spending our money and credit as if we ever authorized them to do this.

To solve this conundrum requires us to organize our actual States of the Union and to act in our capacity as the People of this country, and to finish the so-called "Reconstruction" that has been pending since the end of the Civil War.

Put simply, the People of Georgia need to re-charter The State of Georgia to conduct business for them.

We have been hampered from doing this necessary work by the foreign-chartered government services organizations on our shores arbitrarily conferring citizenship obligations upon us. The British Territorial States of States claim that we are United States Citizens.
The Municipal STATES OF STATES claim that we are Citizens of the United States.

It is up to us to thumb our noses at these patently false presumptions and tell our subcontractors and their employees that no, in fact, we are State Citizens and nothing else: Virginians, Californians, Minnesotans and so on, for each of the fifty States of the Union.

It is also up to us to act in our own best interests and explicitly return to the land and soil jurisdiction of our States which is our natural home --- and deny them any excuse for their insupportable presumptions.

9th June 2019, 06:51 AM
It is also up to us to act in our own best interests and explicitly return to the land and soil jurisdiction of our States which is our natural home --- and deny them any excuse for their insupportable presumptions.

The nature of all governments is: Charitable Trust. Only Charitable Trusts exist for more than 99 years.

Governments exist in TRUST SPACE. They act as all trusts do. They hold and manage property of the estates of their beneficiaries. They hold these properties as either USES or USUFRUCTS. If you don't know what these words mean then you would do well to do some research into the concepts and specifically how long government has made use of them.

I'll give you an example. Written in the Spanish Civil Laws (las sietes partidas) still in effect in Louisiana (which it seems extends even north of the Canadian border):

How long a usufruct endures which is granted to a city or town, without mention of any specific time. When the usufrcut of a building, or an estate, or other thing belonging to another person, is granted to a city, or town, the usufruct will endure a hundred years, and no more, if not specific time had been stipulated in the grant; after which it will revert to the owner of the estate, or his heirs. And the reason is, that a usufruct granted expressly to the commons of any place is extinguished by the death of all its inhabitants; for the ancient sages have conceived that after the lapse of a hundred years, all those would be dead who were born at the time the usufruct were granted. And we also say that the usufruct would expire, if the town or place in favor of which it was granted, should be destroyed so that the ground be cultivated on which it stood or the place become a desert. Yet if all, or a part of the inhabitants of such place, afterwards establish themselves in another place they will preserve the usufruct nothwithstanding they had abandoned the soild of the town where they dwelt at the time they acquired the usufruct.

Kindly read that code carefully. If you happen to be an heir to anything that was donated 100 years ago you have a right to demand its' return without waste (in the same condition it was granted). Take your parents or grandparents birth certificates. Was this a usufruct granted to government? Has 100 years expired? How much and what property was transferred to the municipality that issued the certificate? What was that wealth used to create? Was waste involved in the usufruct? Has this estate been squandered by government or has it been held honestly in TRUST?

You might want to review the actions that necessitated the dropping of the Articles of Confederation to T(t)he United States Constitution with these concepts in mind. The NW Territorial Ordinance was created first under the Articles and then soon after under T(t)he Constitution. There is a problem with territories. These must be attached to a municipality and there was no municipality created under the Articles. T(t)he Constitution cured this defect by creating Washington City in the district. This is the entity that attaches all estates to fund their ongoing bankruptcy.

The Matrix is a TRUST.

9th June 2019, 09:03 AM
I don't think the Article's were dropped, as The Constitution called for a president of the United States and a president of the United States of America.

I think they were combined.

9th June 2019, 02:50 PM
I don't think the Article's were dropped...I think they were combined.

I don't discard used toilet paper. Instead I combine it with other used toilet paper.

The U.S. constitution was combined in a similar manner to the 14th amendment. History suggests that when you are insufficiently able to decipher a legal document you place it at the bottom of the heap and make the heap higher.

11th June 2019, 11:30 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCNUPpW9rlzsaw2lndMrFsPzHAC9TtXdeDS1o5DJ0ROKB PUvGMJj-DdL6XIKoEg2pZlCSincZPZ3J7t&hc_ref=ARSKUl_pN9h3VXm06wfStgDPMQUGvF9Xw1-tMEkqvaTEvaOXePVQueJZY0LELGue5-Y&fref=nf)
June 8 at 6:28 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2246203868762014) ·

A Word to John Best

This is an official comment, directly from Anna von Reitz. John, with all due respect, your comments are all wrong. First of all, you talk about "We, the People" as many patriots do, without bothering to discover who or what the "People" being referenced are. Notice that the word "people" is capitalized? That "P" is there for a reason. The reason is that the "People" being referenced are acting in a specific capacity --- as the Lawful People governing the States of the Union.

Correcting our political status records and acting in that capacity to assemble our actual States of the Union as "People" is exactly what I am teaching people to do ---contrary to your suppositions. I am, in fact, putting the pieces together to unite the People of this country to lawfully and peacefully self-govern. That is what The American States Assembly is all about.

I am teaching people the basics of how their government is supposed to be organized and I am pointing out the necessity of finishing the long overdue "reconstruction" of the Federal States of States. There is nothing "nonsensical" about it. It's the proper and lawful and established way for us to organize ourselves and conduct our own government and direct our own business.

You suggest that we somehow use The Declaration of Independence to "remove our government" --- but it's not our government sitting in Washington, DC. Our government at the Federal level has been moth-balled for 150 years.

What needs to happen is for our actual Government --- of the people, for the people, by the people --- to wake up and get organized and do the actual work of self-governance.

All that we could do by "exercising" The Declaration of Independence is create another bloody war and blame others for our own ignorance and sloth and as you put it, "mind-numbing stupidity". Granted that we have been deceived and suffered constructive fraud, identity theft, Breach of Trust and a host of other evils, but also note that we were not awake enough nor motivated enough to do anything effective to prevent or even protest these crimes until now.

For the most part, we have just trundled along under the lash of the tyrants and gone, "Oh, ho, hum, well, that's the way it is...." and paid more taxes and put up with more harassment until it has finally come to this.

Be assured that this is not a "lie" and not a matter of "law". It is a matter of fact. Calling me a "liar" because I am not preaching insurrection against what is masquerading as "our" government is extremely irritating, most especially because I am not lying and am in fact offering the only course of action that doesn't lead to violence.

To finish this comment --- our opponents in this game would just LOVE for us to blunder into their trap and "start something". They have been trying to get some kind of violent insurrection going for years. They have tried all the motivators there are ---- race, religion, politics, false flags, you name it, and they have been trying to gin up something that would cause riots and other disturbances that they could use as an excuse to attack us all. Why? Because we are their Priority Creditors.

They owe us an unimaginably large amount of Credit and also unimaginably large amounts of actual assets. They don't want to pay us back. They want to kill us off instead, which is exactly what they have prepared for with 800 FEMA Camps and millions of body bags and 30,000 guillotines.

Simply killing their Priority Creditors helps and enriches them in many ways.

First, they don't have to pay anything back --- not the credit, not the assets, and not the interest.

Second, they get to come in and claim all the "abandoned assets" of their victims -- our land, our homes, our businesses, our public facilities, everything.

Third, they get to claim all the "Life Force Value Annuities" and Life Insurances they have placed on each and every one of us.

Fourth, they get to charge the survivors for the "service" of killing us.

This is why it is emphatically necessary for us to NOT give them any reason to do what they want to do. This is why we must follow the lawful path and do the work and give them no excuse.

11th June 2019, 11:45 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDH27c9msUdIklJS8HNLleuVawTHDYj7xWl2DURQstMNp wQWj8uux5VqViuaW-T__Ryo4KDpzCarn6u&hc_ref=ARSZnUf9tAdaG_P1zeetrOrPG3uj-uAvVN9Z7dPthKghoDdjv_Gh1DZj1g4q3TOd1zA&fref=nf)
June 9 at 1:47 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2247602131955521) ·

Know The Commonwealth History or Else

Last week I had an amiable conversation with Joseph Gregory Hallett, the last of King John's offspring, and still Keeper of the Commonwealth, alive and kicking in New Zealand. He is loyally beating the streets for the Commonwealth and that's fine with me--- within reason.

What is the Commonwealth?
The Commonwealth as a concept developed in the Dark Ages when the Church was in receipt of private bequests from estates without heirs. The Church took these gift properties and developed them to produce benefit for the Church and its Parishioners and for the support of the poor and sick.

The concept developed further under the auspices of the First Holy Roman Empire, when King Pepin the Short donated a whole kingdom to the Pope, giving the Church property to manage on the scale of a whole country. Additional holdings were secured under Charlemagne and the Church's role as a property manager and Earthly rulership expanded. They applied the principles of The Commonwealth to their holdings and prospered.

Monasteries were supported by the labors and entrepreneurial skills of the Christian Brothers and Cloistered Orders, and to this day, we are all familiar with the vast range of products they continue to produce--- everything from applesauce to zinfandel, with the profit going to support Mother Church and local administration and outreach to the poor.

In England the Church struggled along and formed alliances with the Catholic Irish and Welsh rulers and gradually spread the concept of The Commonwealth throughout England--howbeit with less material success-- but when the Catholic Normans invaded England in 1066, things began to look up. William of Normandy was generous to the Church and granted decent land and woodlots to be managed as part of The Commonwealth of England, for the support of the indigent, sickly, and poor.

The original deal made the Church the steward of The Commonwealth lands and they were responsible for their oversight and upkeep. The King retained the title to the land and the Church received the beneficial interest.

And then came King John, 126 years later, and The Holy Alliance, wherein the positions were reversed --- and the Church held the title to The Commonwealth lands both as Donor and Beneficiary, and the King became the Steward, responsible for their oversight and upkeep.

That's how things sorted out with King John and that is still the position of his descendants, The Keepers of The Commonwealth. They are essentially Trustees working for the Holy See to preserve and manage the lands and properties (like National Trust properties) that belong to The Commonwealth on a worldwide basis.

So now Greg Hallett is stomping the circuit as King John's Heir, and making some remarks about The Magna Carta to the effect that it was "void" and had no force of law, etc., etc., etc. --- which is perfectly true with respect to The Commonwealth, but totally off-base and incorrect with respect to what is called "Greater England" and the Law of the Land established by the Norman Kings, which we know as The Magna Carta.

You can be perfectly sure that The Magna Carta applied and still applies to every cubic centimeter of British soil ever ceded to the Normans.

You can also be sure that the only land controlled by King John was in fact the land bequeathed to The Commonwealth: his nickname was "John Lacklands" precisely because he had no other land in England upon which to base his throne.

The Commonwealth started out with good intentions and for the most part has been competently managed for the Common Good of the Church and of the communities that the Church has served. For that reason it has a long history of political support and in many areas it continues to provide better profits and more benefits than government-sponsored programs aimed at public property management. The cynics among us maintain that most of this advantage is the result of de facto peonage, as the Church is able to make use of volunteer labor.

So what does all this mean for us?
For one thing, it means that for those whose landholdings derive from the Norman Conquest and from the Norman Kings who received sovereignty in their own right from William of Normandy, The Magna Carta has always been valid and accepted as the Law of our Lands for going on a thousand years, and we have no intention of allowing any claims otherwise.

America set sail under the sovereignty of William Belcher, one of the Norman Conquest Heirs, and so, for us, The Magna Carta is valid and does remain in effect as a basic foundation stone of our Land Law. We take notice that the "land law" of The Commonwealth is actually nothing but the policies of the Holy See regarding property management; we respect their turf and hold our own.

Any expectation or hope that we would be ignorant of all this or "drop the ball" and allow generalized claims invalidating The Magna Carta are sadly disappointed and the Holy See will have to go bark up some other tree to sell that bit of deceit.

That said, we have been at peace with the Church for almost a thousand years and as embattled as it presently is as a result of its own indiscretions, let me suggest that the Church should be thankful that we are willing to honor our agreements even if they have manifestly failed to honor theirs. They should let well-enough alone, return our purloined property, and stop imagining that we are all chumps who failed History 101.

Those things that legitimately belong to The Commonwealth can still belong to The Commonwealth; all that property which has merely been seized upon and "presumed to be" donated, must be returned unharmed, free of debt or encumbrance. We also expect that the people who have been disinherited by this chicanery and who have suffered de facto peonage will be compensated by the return of their individual land titles and access to their National Credit.

The motives that the Perpetrators of this scheme have for killing off their Priority Creditors--- exactly as they did in Nazi Germany--- have been duly noted and presented to the rest of the world.

As a result, if they carry through on their plan to exterminate their creditors, the rest of the world will know what to expect from doing business with them. If they steal the assets they surreptitiously "borrowed" from the American States and People without returning them and without paying anything as interest, the rest of the world will know what to expect, too.

We have what is popularly called "A Mexican Stand-Off". We have demanded the return of our land titles and control of our actual assets, plus access to the National Credit we have earned. They have scurried around made excuses and offered various dodges to avoid returning our property and avoid paying anything for the use of it.

The most recent dodge is to try to claim that all our property was "donated" to some kind of non-existent Public Municipal Trust back in 1933 and rolled into a Commonwealth Estate.

We have countered that that is pure hokum and shown exactly how flawed that claim is by deconstructing the language used by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his First Inaugural Address, proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that he was addressing the Municipal Citizens of the United States and not the American People.

We have also thereby demonstrated that Americans were not obligated to reply to an offer that was not and could not possibly be addressed to them, and that in any case, our commercial vessels were moth-balled in 1868, so that we could not in any way be presumed to be operating in commerce in 1933 and could not be subject to commercial contracting processes, either.

That is, unilateral and undisclosed and implied and secret contracting processes could not, did not, and do not apply to us, to our States, nor to our People, then or now.

Ironically, this is proven true by the very circumstance that the Schemers used to substitute their own "State of State" corporate franchises for our original Confederate States of America. They are caught in their own trap, as God Above would have it.

So not only is The Magna Carta still in effect, but the Commonwealth does not extend to America, nor any of the American States, nor to the individual estates of the people of this country. Thank you, very much, for asking. And the Norman Kings are still standing, alive, well, and pissed off.

And now that we have settled those questions, may we ask when we may expect: (1) return of all our land titles and interests, both public and private, from our Trustees? and (2) access to our National Credit, which is needed to pay off bogus mortgages and other debts merely presumed to exist?

We first made this demand in 1998. We repeated it in 2008 and received sincere assurances that restitution would be forthcoming.
Instead, the agencies of the Municipal Government --- FBI, DOJ, IRS, FEMA, BATF, BLM, etc., have engaged in a crime spree of unprecedented proportions, and the UN Corporation has gotten involved and set up 800 internment camps for "resettlement" of Americans whose only crime is to be cheated by the Pope.

Its time for everyone to wrap their heads around this circumstance and more than past time for the Church and the Queen to get serious about returning the property owed to the American States and People and also to start paying back some reasonable portion of the National Credit that the people of this country are owed.

Twenty-one years have passed since James and I woke up and realized what was going on. An entire generation of young Americans has sprung up in that time, and for the most part, they are even more dumbed-down than their immediate predecessors, less able to defend themselves from the outrages of those who pretend to be better than they are.

We see from the circumstance who is truly elite and who is truly moral, as opposed to those hypocrites who have endeavored to steal the assets of their neighbors under a pretense of trust, and then planned to kill off and resettle their Priority Creditors.

And there is so much for the idea that we are or ever were Paupers, or ever part of The Commonwealth, either.

11th June 2019, 11:50 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBudzgkUmi86wQKZxQhZi-CdZH9PnKRFos3ZICSds2QwawXX1C4H67y-SN-JVoCa2jO5-PIZCHfKf_E&hc_ref=ART3xLoU4nVnYhLn0_Ube7ZaaBQacwVEdy66_d2QchY qiI8KL1BPIxbXXF_Un-AFxE8&fref=nf)
June 9 at 11:53 AM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2247682485280819) ·

News Flash for the US Department of State....

....and also for the United States Department of State, the US State Department, the United States State Department, the US STATE DEPARTMENT, or however else you wish to cobble things up and rename and shuffle and shamelessly, criminally misconduct your business operations:

We, the American States and People, are not Municipal Citizens of the United States, did not ever even reply to the offer made by Franklin Delano Roosevelt specifically to Municipal Citizens of the United States --- and were under no obligation to reply, since his remarks were obviously not addressed to us.

Nor can we be presumed to be subject to any undisclosed, unilateral or implied commercial contracting process, as our commercial vessels have been dry-docked and otherwise moth-balled since 1868. We couldn't have been operating in commerce nor be subject to any commercial law in 1933 and the issuance of commercial vessels in our names as purported gifts is just self-interested fraud.

Rather, you and your bosses are all under obligation to honor a normal course of business with us and to erase all trace of your improper presumptions against us and our property assets, especially the private property assets of average Americans.

That means the lawful conversion and re-venue of absolutely everything you unlawfully converted in 1933. It also means providing correct passports. It also means providing access to the National Credit we are owed.

This jig is up.

Correct your records and operations on our shores. Return the National Credit and the land titles owed to the American States and People or be exposed in front of the whole world as a crime syndicate overdue for liquidation.

11th June 2019, 11:56 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA_N5EVw8hpU_iRX-3pGTorwjiN0o-qf_6tytv6vzI3L0XemAPpnFWzEFL2tlnzGTQUHV4ShAA3Yso4&hc_ref=ARTvgtB7lpsRAJSsiKACjTKZ74Qi7FbfDPOx_UhT4El RWw7aKQGQyPAZSrutFDIUL54&fref=nf)
19 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2249582915090776) ·

What the Evidence Suggests

With rampant speculation ongoing about what "really" happened in England recently between the Queen and Donald Trump --- let me suggest that the evidence suggests that the Queen is removing her government from the middleman position, and letting The Donald have direct interface with the Municipal Government system run by the Vatican.

This makes sense, because the Queen was being squeezed between a rock and a hard place, acting as a Vassal of the Holy Sea in various capacities and also then being relied upon to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, at the same time. Can anyone say---gross conflict of interest?

As profitable as it was, it can't have been a secure or pleasant position to be in, so no surprises that the Queen under the pressure of her advisors would wash her little gloved hands and hope for the best.

This also makes sense because The Donald actually works for the Municipal Government as the President of the United States---- but he was having to go through the Queen and bow and scrape because she has been holding a portion of our Delegated Powers and exercising them "for" us. Now he doesn't have to run interference with the British Government and can go directly without Protocol to the Vatican.

The incoming mail also suggests that everyone is blaming the criminality and nastiness on the Lord Mayor of London and the Government of Westminster, which is true, but hardly responsible given the trusteeships and treaties involved: both the Queen and the Pope were supposed to be riding herd on the Lord Mayor and the British Crown and providing oversight on the "ways and means" of his procurement operations worldwide --- not letting them devolve into the biggest racketeering and identity theft scheme in world history.

So now all of a sudden we have what they are calling the Global Defense Fund or the Global Security Fund or Economic Security Fund or Exchange Stabilization Fund or whatever other name(s) they want to assign to the same pile of ill-gotten assets that the rats assembled and used to utterly rig and control the world currency markets --- about $65 trillion in assets used to manipulate, control, and enforce their schemes and interfere with the economies of other countries.

Well, whoopee-ding-do, I suppose it could be in worse hands than Donald Trump's.

The situation also suggests that instead of Steven T. Mnuchin enjoying a semi-autonomous position as a sort of Co-Chair in control of the Commodity Rigging Fund (CRF)--- that's what I and the other Cynics call it--- working for the IMF as an Interpol Officer, he will be pulled in and acting under the thumb and forefinger of Mr. Trump, which, as Mr. Trump appointed him, is the way it is actually supposed to be.

11th June 2019, 12:12 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCqr7hg0FHlmt4kUf0s-ltdwm7pF2rBtH2ywKQFXnlTfAV-C9ZLkrHL0yeXQbSG18RDoFRXxtD1TfpA&hc_ref=ARSAtgMYKSQl_ey51SiW4xQQmw8L5g0JxF4goh0Zt4e rdnBH-jM3wUA1TfgBDgxzuMM&fref=nf)
19 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2249600725088995) ·

The Meek Plot-- So-Called

My sources in the Catholic Heirarchy are all scurrying around like mad ants, preparing for a big announcement about returning the assets to the "indigenous people" of the Earth, trying to make their narrative about the "meek inheriting the Earth" play out in real time. Only the "meek" aren't meek and its all just more bull designed to excuse things that were always inexcusable now as well as then.

Its time for everyone to fully realize that the only time that exists is right now. Trying to repair the past by making more injustices manifest in the present is just a recipe for disaster. So get ready for more idiocy on a half-shell.

If we were in receipt of anything like a Good Faith effort -- which we are not thus far -- then all the False Doctrines would be sorted through and thrown out. It wouldn't just be the Doctrine of Discovery on the rubbish heap of history. It would be the Collective Entity Doctrine and a lot of other doctrines, too, examined and jettisoned as flotsam.

The fact that the Holy See hasn't made correction and is more intent on pulling a big publicity stunt has not escaped anyone in my circle.

It also hasn't escaped us that the Stigmatics are all bleeding, all at once, all over the Globe, indicating that Jesus is suffering over the idiocy of men and our governments and the violence and misery that their present actions --- however well-intended --- are on course to cause.

I guess that this is what comes from making men wear dresses and funny hats and not allowing them to get married and have families of their own. They lose track of actual life and what it is all about and what will work and what won't.

I read the piece about the "Secret Constitution" -- but there are no secrets, just things nobody has been told or bothered to learn. There are long-standing misunderstandings about our Federal Constitutions-- some of them deliberate that need to be guarded against. So please bear with me once more:

"The United States" is the proper name of our national union of republican states controlling the soil jurisdiction of this country. It was adopted on September 9, 1776. At the same time, a federation of States was formed and named "The United States of America" controlling the international jurisdiction (both land and sea) belonging to The United States.
Five years later, in March of 1781 -- still during the full fight of The American Revolution--- a confederation of States of States was formed doing business as the "States of America".

See how that works? Nation gives rise to Federation and Federation gives rise to Confederation.

It had to follow through in exactly that way and exactly that order, because the "land" jurisdiction underlying the soil cannot be accessed until and unless the soil jurisdiction (national jurisdiction) is claimed first--- just as you can't define or get to the flesh of an apple without the skin. You have to claim the "skin" --- that is, the soil jurisdiction defining the national turf in physical terms first. This is the home place of our republican states of the Union, dba The United States. Notice that this is a proper name: The United States and it is not the same as "the" United States.

Next, you claim the international land jurisdiction underlying the soil and the international sea jurisdiction naturally belonging to the country, and for this job, our ancestors created States and a Federation of States doing business as "The United States of America". Note that this is a proper name: The United States of America, and it is not the same as "the" United States of America.

You have to have physically defined States operating both the soil and land jurisdictions before you can create States of States and a Confederation of these entities. "Florida" has to exist before you can have a "State of Florida" and also, the Federation has to exist before a Con-federation can organize.

All these different entities occupy different jurisdictions and act in different capacities.

The United States = soil jurisdiction = republican states of the Union = Texas Republic (soil) and Republic of Texas (surface water).
The United States of America = international land and sea jurisdiction = States = Virginia, Maine, California....
States of America = global commercial jurisdiction = incorporated States of States = (originally) The State of Maine, The State of Virginia….. these are all called Confederate States, but they are actually all inchoate corporations. All the entities that fought in The American Civil War were commercial corporations, not actual States.

Obviously, States of States, that is, commercial corporations acting as Confederate States at all levels, can be chartered by any government. Our big problem has been that our original Federal States of States (Confederate States) were all disabled and moth-balled in the wake of the Civil War, so we've had foreign-chartered interlopers in here cracking the whip.

So now it comes as no big surprise that there are three (3) Federal Constitutions, either ---

The Constitution for the united States of America --- governing the structure and operations of the States of America --the original Confederation-- describes the duties and limitations of this government under contract to provide certain enumerated government services.

The 1787 Constitution is set up to define exactly what powers the States are allowing the States of States to exercise "for" them and under what limits. It addresses American business organizations under contract to our States to provide stipulated government services, but there have been no American organizations in this position since 1868: the Federal States of States haven't been "reconstructed".

Instead, the Brits and the French-Benelux-Swiss-Holy Roman Empire goons have been in here "helping us out" of house and home and substituting their own Territorial and Municipal State-of-State organizations to do the work of our own Federal States of States, like The State of Maine.

The Constitution of the United States of America -- reiterates the structure and duties of "the" United States of America -- the British doppelganger operating "in our name" to exercise our powers delegated to it. This addressed British business organizations under contract to our States to provide agreed upon services.

The Constitution of the United States - again reiterates the same basic plan for the Municipal Government which is operating "in our name" to exercise our delegated powers for us. This addresses the rights and duties of the Municipal corporations which, like the States of America, are all business organizations in the business of providing stipulated government services.

The Constitutions set up the three branches of the Federal Government -- Federal, Territorial, and Municipal -- to provide us "essential government services" and to exercise our own "powers" for us to provide those services.

The Constitutions are glorified government service contracts backed via international treaties. They spell out which subcontractor gets to manage which piece of the pie--- a pie that belongs to the States of the Union.

The Constitutions are international contracts, not commercial contracts.

That is why you can't "reach" the Constitutions in a Municipal COURT and the strongest evidence there is yet, that the creation and attempted foisting off of Municipal PERSONS named after Americans is a deliberate attempt to circumvent the Constitutions and their guarantees. If we are acting in the capacity of PERSONS we "can't get there from here". We can't invoke the protections or the guarantees of the Constitutions as "presumed to be" Citizens of the United States.
By "conferring" municipal citizenship on us and "gifting" us with multiple Municipal PERSONS without our knowledge or consent, the rats have attempted to subject us under commercial law and tried to make us liable for their odious hypothecated debts, and have deliberately sought to create unconscionable contracts with minors and do all sorts of other evil -- and do it "in our names" no less.

This entire scheme has been a conspiracy to undermine and circumvent and vacate and otherwise avoid the lawful restraints and obligations of our Constitutions--- and to deny the American People the guarantees and protections they are heir to and owed.

12th June 2019, 06:45 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB86oEY5zA9zQKDi9M7yXPArOf5Sv6sgyJqzNGs6YSaKM f4qoqV7fT2jh5XXMIL84tu6skM7z6r9TCA&hc_ref=ARQQAQNN3E-_0-iD01nISd7wCg8htb4nOPVDGGI8udf6qqH5KaMFouGiVVLMsgrE fBo&fref=nf)
22 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2251552644893803) ·

Our Debt to Jailhouse Lawyers

This week I was approached to run for President of the United States. I had to explain that that was impossible and that the only office I could aspire to would be President of The United States of America, and that is an office I am too old and crotchety to do justice to.

So then I was asked if I knew people who are still Federal Citizens who could take up the torch and act as Third Party Candidates-- maybe scissor-kick the old Two Party System where it hurts. I scratched my head. I smiled.

I know some men who could do that and do a fine job, though they would not be likely to win because they are all Felons.
Every single one of them have run afoul of the Statutory Law and have educated themselves as lawyers while in prison. They are all fine men, all skilled lawyers as a result of their own miseries, and they are helping people all across this country--- Jailhouse Lawyers, one and all.

We all owe a great debt to them. They have done and continue to do service in the cause of actual justice, a job that the conventional attorneys have largely forgotten or willingly abandoned, if they ever held justice as a goal to begin with.

So many men and women have been unjustly jailed in this country that it is almost unavoidable and nearly a badge of honor to have a criminal record for infractions like resisting arrest and tax issues and refusal of licenses.

A little later in the day I got an email from a young Jailhouse Lawyer who is exceptionally gifted, and with it, good news for other living people who have been jailed and prosecuted by these foreign courts.
To protect his identity and forego the likelihood that he will draw even more flak from his jailers than he is currently suffering-- I will wait until he is released to properly credit him, but be aware that this is the result of one man working tirelessly from a jail cell. This is what he discovered and what he shared with me and what he wants me to share with others:

Title 18 U.S.C. is a codification of authority granted under to Article IV section 3 clause 2 of The Constitution of the United States for lands purchased, which means Guam, Mariana Islands, and Virgin Islands, as identified in Title 18 U.S.C. Part 1 Chapter 1, Section 23 --"Courts of the United States defined".

These specialized District Courts are established under Title 28 U.S.C. Part 1, Chapter 5, Sections 81-131, and only have authority to handle Civil matters pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C. Part IV, Chapter 85, Sections 130-169. The referenced sections provide a list of administrative duties.

Read that: these courts have no ability to try criminal matters at all, so put it all together and turn it all around (do the Hokey-Pokey) and what do you get?

(A) Virtually every criminal case they have adjudicated is void for lack of jurisdiction and lack of Due Process, and (B) they are simulating legal processes, which is clearly criminal activity [constructive fraud] and whenever it has involved fines or charges for incarceration fees charged to the Public Purse, it is organized crime and racketeering.

I think we have just sounded the death knell of the "Prisons for Profit Scheme" and mandated the end of the false charges and false imprisonment of millions of Americans who aren't from Guam, the Marianas, or the Virgin Islands.

This coming to light is especially helpful in view of our discovery that the IRS has moved its headquarters from Puerto Rico to the Marianas.

Now we know why, and we also know where all the "Public Transmitting Utilities" --- the entities using our names in the form JOHN M DOE are being domiciled. These Municipal Corporations are being housed in the Marianas to bring them under the jurisdiction of these criminal District Courts, and only God knows what form of "law" is being practiced in the Marianas.

In Puerto Rico, where they domiciled our ESTATES doing business under names in the form JOHN MICHAEL DOE, we were being held accountable under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.

Well, folks, this also appears to be a gross violation of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the Municipal Constitution, which limits the activities of the Municipal United States Government to the District of Columbia.

Houston, Houston.... we have a problem here, Mr. President. A real, great, big, fat, stinking corruption problem. Corruption of the Municipal Government. Corruption of the Courts. Fraud, theft, and racketeering by these subcontracting commercial corporations on an unimaginable scale.

Here is the scheme in black and white to impersonate the American Employers, steal their identities, and move the resulting fictional dopplegangers offshore, so as to manipulate and subject THEM under foreign Territorial laws and enable the Territorial Courts of Guam, the Marianas, and the Virgin Islands to claim jurisdiction over people and property assets to which they have less than no justifiable claim.

Pope Francis, Queen Elizabeth, and President Trump --- we have figured out the whole scheme, top to bottom. We can cite chapter and verse, not only for the prior fraud against our estate interests, but the present fraud involving the PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES--- and it looks like we need to send a million volts up all of your Collective Entity knickers.

The Great Fraud is over. Done. There won't be a reboot.
Your continued unwillingness to face facts and deal with us all in an honest fashion, the continued efforts to install foreign "States of States" on our shores, the continued use of "substitute" PERSONS and attempt to conscript and subject us under whatever local law is adopted in the Marianas-- is all emblematic of continued Bad Faith.

I recently told my Readers that Stigmatics are bleeding and to expect "more idiocy on a half shell" -- and here we are.

12th June 2019, 06:59 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAihxR_-LrRKuEMdCl-_FV8bBeS3JkOTPZLTcnxEerzSfkFpPElNjNLac1MDkvjonvPR0 ICs_UhXaQz&hc_ref=ARSkp7jk8A2YPUF2IU0q6mKthosBjdzMxu5kLmWkveN 2iQAdJTJerqsKUVXv2QhoQzQ&fref=nf)
20 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2251740234875044) ·

The Parts and Pieces of a State Assembly

There is a ginned-up misunderstanding about Jural Assemblies as if they were State Assemblies and vice-versa.

Let's get this straight and make it clear.

Jural Assemblies like State Militias are adjunct organizations like Committees of the actual State Assemblies. I never said that Jural Assemblies were equivalent to or the same as State Assemblies, and I would appreciate it if people stop "putting words in my mouth" and making inappropriate assumptions.
You will all note that The American States Assembly is dedicated to organizing what? State Assemblies.
It is to be taken for granted that in the process of organizing State Assemblies, the adjunct functions of the Jural Assemblies and State Militias which are under the authority of our State Assemblies will also be organized.

What happened --- as usual --- is that certain people got the cart in front of the horse and were trying to organize Jural Assemblies and "Common Law Grand Juries" without bothering to create the State Assembly first.

They were also doing numerous things that were dangerous and mistaken --- things that could get them and their members arrested for sedition. So I began writing to them and trying to educate them to avoid that outcome.

The leaders of some of these organizations refuse to learn and so, we split off and created The American States Assembly for those people who want to do this and do it right, safely, peacefully, in order, with all ducks in place.

Because none of our actual States allow Dual Citizenship it is necessary that everyone who is admitted to membership in an actual State Assembly expatriate from the presumption of Territorial and/or Municipal US Citizenship.

You have to make a choice and record that choice and act accordingly in order to establish the correct capacity to function as a State National or State Citizen.

This scares some people because they have been duped into thinking that there is something good about being a "US Citizen". It is in fact a slave status and a pauper status. Nobody who was fully informed would choose to act in such a political status, which is why they palm it off on us while we are still babes in our cradles and hide all the details forever afterward.

Many people seem to be milling around wondering what to do. It's sort of a, "Gee, well, we formed a State Assembly and got our paperwork recorded. Now what?"

For starters you hold regular meetings and develop means of helping and supporting each other. The State Coordinators are being trained to help with some of the worst problems people in their State Assemblies face.

And as for the Big Vision of what the State Assemblies need to do, it has already been described and set forth by our Forefathers.

Our form of government is supposed to be organized like the current government of the Swiss Cantons. Since we have a living example of how the Swiss Cantons function, it isn't exactly rocket science to apply the same principles in America. So study the Swiss Cantons, discuss how they operate, look at how you can adapt a similar grassroots system of "republican" government for your State.

Once you start looking at the Swiss system you can recognize the pieces and parts of our nearly-but-not-quite defunct lawful government -- our Jural Assemblies, our Courts, our Law, our Sheriffs, our State Militias, our Public Notaries, our Electors, and all the rest of it that our Forefathers established, and which our foreign subcontractors have usurped upon.

State Assemblies give rise to Jural Assemblies and State Militias, as well as other Offices and Committees. They train and commission Public Notaries. They keep Public Records. Through their Federation, they will issue passports. They will assist members who need access to the Public Credit our States and People are owed. They oversee the courts and banks. They charter their own State of State organization to conduct business and maintain infrastructure and care-take Public Property. They have Public Safety Committees. Executive Committees. Communications Committees.

It's a huge amount of work and organization that has to be done, researched, implemented, and expedited primarily by volunteers --- by Mom and Pop. Not everyone has all the skills and knowledge to do this, but anyone who is sufficiently motivated can grab an oar. Split up the work to be done according to the skills and interests of your group members.

Those of you who have butted heads with the Driver License issues, why not research that and share your findings with everyone else?

Those who have dealt successfully with the IRS, take up the hammer and tongs....
If a large number of us engage, these illegal and immoral activities can be exposed and stopped and even reversed.

The instrument able to accomplish all of this and more is your State Assembly. Thus far, the greatest danger to success appears to be the idea that some people have that the State Assembly is an instrument all ready-made and set up to solve their own immediate problems --- their law suit, their fight with their neighbors --- and they want service right now!

It is important for people like this who are coming into the Assembly process to be told that this is not "the government" as they have known it. This is the government that they are owed and that they are responsible for. And while it is just getting started, they need to take JFK's words to heart --- and ask not what their Assembly can do for them, but what they can do for their Assembly.

12th June 2019, 07:08 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBZJXlq4WPUNCYUoxH5TPPiH4WRaVYzwxxiJ9BBW90MuJ ih63VefVUW-4XCzNa2Kgc-MjoiJw4tRgyT&hc_ref=ARSN--co4XO3WBUReMYvySEMn111oNXSk4b6bfsNxmf_ZEOAdImalcRh GzIEmODytrg&fref=nf)
17 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2251910681524666) ·

Same Set Up, Different Day

The IRS Headquarters was off-shore in Puerto Rico and that is where they cashiered all the bogus ESTATE trusts they created out of thin air and named after each of us in the form: JOHN MICHAEL DOE. Then, as these THINGS were domiciled in Puerto Rico--- a "United States Commonwealth" --- they were subject to the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.

That is what gave the IRS its awesome power to terrorize and harass and confiscate and bully and lie about people and get away with it. They weren't operating under any law that we are familiar with. They were operating under the foreign private ecclesiastical "law" of a corrupt Church operated as a storefront by criminals engaged in kidnapping, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, press-ganging, and other heinous crimes.

Our old "friends" -- the Dominicans, it turns out, not the Jesuits -- were hard at work, pretending that we had a contract with them based on FDR's First Inaugural Address, even though it is perfectly clear that he was speaking to the Municipal Citizens of the United States, and even though it is also perfectly clear that none of us were Municipal Citizens of the United States and took no notice of their crazy presumptions, because we weren't being addressed and owed no reply.

The operation in Puerto Rico was discovered and all the credit that could be hypothecated against our ESTATES had been siphoned off, so it was time for the parasites to move on ---- to an exactly similar situation in the Northern Mariana Islands----quote Wikipedia:

"They, the Mariana Islands, are composed of two administrative units: Guam, a US territory, and the Norther Mariana Islands which make up a Commonwealth of the United States."

See the set up? The Northern Marianas are another "Commonwealth of the United States" just like Puerto Rico. What do you want to bet that this "Commonwealth" is run under the old Spanish Law of the Inquisition, just like the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, but now, they are applying it to the PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES operated "in our names" styled like this: JOHN M DOE.

The Roman Catholic Church set up the Apostolic Prefecture of Mariana Islands in 1902, then suppressed it in 1911 too create two suffragan Diocese under one Metropolitan Archbishop --- the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agana
This particular Archdiocese of Agana is an ecclesiastical territory of the Catholic Church in the United States. And which "United States" is this? The Municipal United States, of course.

So, that neatly ties up the whole package with a bow and proves that the Roman Catholic Curia has not learned its lessons nor corrected its operations, has not repented its horrific sins, and is not operating in anything like Good Faith.
It has simply moved its HQ closer to China, its next intended victim.

So what possible answer is there to this circumstance?
We have a Church of Criminals operating out of island bases as pirates, plundering and pillaging the people of the Earth, and using undisclosed Spanish Law of the Inquisition to enforce judgments on everyone else-----and all in the name of Jesus.

The True God has smelled the stench of their "holocausts" offered to Baal. The True God has heard their councils and taken account of their motivations. Yes, he has measured them with a fine sieve and they will not escape the righteous judgement coming to them, both as a result of their deeds and as a result of their arrogance and failure to repent these past twenty years that they have been under direct Notice.

I came to them and gave them Notice. They cannot say that they didn't know. They cannot reply that they are sorry for their indiscretions and misdeeds---not while they continue to promote the same and worse. No portion of mercy can be poured out for them for their ignorance, because they have been told --- from the Pope to the Paupers, they have been told.

They have had twenty years to correct their operations and turn their faces around, but here they are, still proposing to operate their same old scheme at our expense, from the Islands of the Ladrones --- literally, the Islands of the Thieves.

Roman Catholics everywhere --- this is your Church. This is what it has come to. This is the misery it has inflicted on the whole world. This is what its leadership has sunk to. And they are doing this in your names and in the name of Jesus, while stealing the estates of babies and trading your Baptismal Certificates---the titles to your souls, or so they claim---as commodities.

This is your Church. Not mine. Not anyone else's. If you do not demand change, the Cardinals have already shown their hand, their complete and utter lack of conscience, their intention to carry on with these criminal activities and allow their minions and franchises to continue on business as usual.

12th June 2019, 07:17 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCdzIOKqk_oA_RKUAiqBMXPh-c9aQ38L8S2um3EtwlkJY6h1_U42CryQHYH5sh2wQpD6fuS0f7j iwwJ&hc_ref=ARTE6AwyqFiti8U0dG3Rx4l7vqrFshpBLiQlla_ABFg iKmQl38moaE7dvYGMpWsBrQQ&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2252821258100275) ·

Proof in Their Own Words

From the first salvo, my objection to what the Michigan General Jural Assembly and other such groups have done is that they have attempted to include US Citizens --- both United States Citizens (Territorial) and Citizens of the United States (Municipal) as part of their membership.

I pointed out that our States of the Union don't allow any Dual Citizenship and never have allowed Dual Citizenship from the first blush, because the Founders considered Dual Citizenship a built-in conflict of interest.

There is also Biblical injunction against it that the Land Law is bound to honor: no man can serve two Masters.

Almost immediately, I was attacked for taking this stand and pointing out this requirement --- yet it is clearly stated in Article IV of the Constitutions that States cannot act as States of States, and it is indicated from the fact that no mention of any other kind of "citizenship" other than State Citizenship is ever mentioned in any of the Statehood Compacts or other documents related to the formation of our States of the Union, and it is also implied by the existence of the original Confederacy formed under The Articles of Confederation.
If States could act as States of States (that is, as incorporated entities) they would lose their sovereignty. They would, in effect, be demoted to the status of a mere commercial corporation like any other commercial corporation on the planet -- and in fact, there is language admitting that fact:

The government, by becoming a “corporator” (See: 22 U.S.C.A. 286e) lays down its sovereignty and takes on that character and status of a private citizen. It can exercise no power which is not derived from the corporate charter. (See: The Bank of the United States vs. Planters Bank of Georgia, 6 L. Ed. (9 Wheat) 244, U.S. vs. Burr, 309 U.S. 242).
Therefore, no actual State of the Union can be incorporated. The States can charter corporations to act in their behalf, just as they did when they created the States of States that were members of the original Confederation, but the States themselves are attached to the physical world and geography of the land and soil; in their sovereign capacity, they are utterly unique.

This is also the Common Sense of the issue. Just as Ohio cannot act as Wisconsin, and I and my Sister are not "the same as" each other, even though we are closely related, there is no such interchangeability in the natural world, nor is there in the realm of sovereign States.
Thus it is literally impossible for me to be both a Texan and a Wisconsinite at the same time. There is only one of me, just as there is only one Texas and one Wisconsin and only one State Citizenship possible.

Federal "Citizenship" is an entirely different animal, allowing numerous possible attachments, as these forms of citizenship merely represent obligations of shareholders of incorporated entities. You can easily be a shareholder in two companies and you can be indebted and subjected to various vicissitudes by their Board of Directors, too.
This is in fact part and parcel of how Americans have been enslaved and defrauded.

Our turf and our natural home is the land and soil of our States of the Union, each one utterly unique as we are ourselves. This is our position of strength. This is where we rule, and it is as State Citizens that we control the operations of our States. This is the natural political status that we lose when we adopt any Dual Citizenship offered by the federal corporations---- and here is more proof in their own words (thanks to Karen Gore):

The Oath of Office-- Title 5 USC 331, 332, 333, backed up by Title 22 CFR Foreign Relations 92.12 - 92.31 and Title 8 USC section 1481 -- The public official relinquishes his "national citizenship" and are thus "foreign agents" as stipulated under Title 22 USC chap. 11 section 611 , "loss of national citizenship" ' Public officials are no longer US citizens , but rather are "foreign agents" and must register as such.
The United States Citizenship being lost in this case is "national citizenship" --- the citizenship of the soil jurisdiction of our State of the Union. It's "The United States" not "the United States" being discussed here. So when we cross over the invisible line known as "the Bar" and act as "public officials" in the Federal System, this means that we are acting as elected officers of a foreign corporation incorporated by a foreign government---- and thereby becoming Foreign Agents.
This is the same circumstance reflected by the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

Just the fact that there is an "Oath of Office" involved should be enough to tell us that we are on foreign ground, because our Biblical Land Law forbids the taking of oaths.
Thus, it is impossible for us to assemble as Americans, impossible for us to Assemble our States of the Union, and impossible for us to exercise the sovereign dominion of our States so long as we cling to any foreign office or political status as a shareholder or officer of a foreign corporation. This is a conflict of interest and kind that neither the law nor Common Sense can allow.

If I am a shareholder in a commercial corporation that stands to gain from controlling a State's natural resources, can I be trusted to administer the State's resources for the State's good?

This is why our State Assembly members must forswear US Citizenship of all kinds and why only those who do so can invoke, inherit, and operate the States of the Union. This is also why all these foreign commercial corporations on our shores have been anxious to "confer" their citizenship upon us, so as to muddy the water and hobble us and keep us from exercising the rights and prerogatives our States are guaranteed.

12th June 2019, 08:44 PM
can I be trusted to administer the State's resources for the State's good?

The nature of all government is TRUST.

Just as the nature of all economics is to MANAGE SHORTAGES.

The nature of all politicians is to LIE.

The nature of all attorneys is to GRAB.

And the nature of all ziero's is to NULLIFY.

12th June 2019, 09:30 PM
The nature of all government is TRUST.

Just as the nature of all economics is to MANAGE SHORTAGES.

The nature of all politicians is to LIE.

The nature of all attorneys is to GRAB.

And the nature of all ziero's is to NULLIFY.


13th June 2019, 04:47 AM

Do adjectives modify periods?

13th June 2019, 06:34 AM
Do adjectives modify periods?

The adjective is the capstone on your soliloquy.

13th June 2019, 12:21 PM
The adjective is the capstone on your soliloquy.

Complete sentence structure is not of one adjective made. Unless prose is your goal. If so then you might find the following poem of interest. It is titled FLEAS and goes

Adam had'em

13th June 2019, 01:25 PM
Complete sentence structure is not of one adjective made. Unless prose is your goal. If so then you might find the following poem of interest. It is titled FLEAS and goes

Adam had'em

But it complete's your sentence... life. When just being Dansk is not enough.

14th June 2019, 03:57 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDzUCJbgNF_j6s4gxXWxq9eVYXmv5TPFJHaCFRqm1V1Fn poDKlWPjjsVbUprm7q3nIMBhdNflE6OEV6&hc_ref=ARR5oUFvCl9_y9-bcCVEZ7WF8UvicmmFTlRaBAmksWNux5I8Ml_qCeZA_1q_MKVWS aI&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2256102381105496) ·

The National Credit Redemption

When we are afraid of someone -- and have cause to be -- it's hard to communicate with them in a rational, factual way.
Most of us retain a quite child-like response pattern when we are confronted with our own wrong-doing as adults: avoidance, excuses, lies to to try to escape, blaming third parties, and so on.
We know its wrong. We know in our heart of hearts that our excuses and explanations aren't going to work. We are scared and we are wondering, oh, no, what happens now?

That's the position that the bankers are in. They've been caught red-handed, and their crimes go back at least 150 years. So, first they blame the colluding governments, and next they blame the military, and then it's the regulatory agencies fault and then, it's the victim's fault.

We've suffered through all these various stages of denial, excuses, and explanations, all the blaming and gaming. What it comes down to is this: the bankers are afraid, and to some extent, they have cause to be.
This makes it hard for them to think straight and have a sane conversation with me.

When we make a deposit of an actual asset --- silver, gold, etc., -- with a bank, it is called a "Special Deposit".
Special deposits are loans to the bank and are carried on the bank's books as a liability, because (1) the banks have to pay back these Special Deposits, and (2) they have to pay some reasonable amount of interest on these Special Deposits, which they are using as the basis of making loans to other people throughout their "fractional reserve" banking system.

What this means in microcosm is that when I give them a ten pound bar of gold, they accept that as a Special Deposit and put it on their actual assets ledger as a bank liability owing whatever the going price of that much gold is. The actual assets ledger is separate from the credit ledger. The bank then issues seven to ten times the value of my actual asset on deposit with them as loans of credit to other parties, and sits in the middle of this situation.

Please note that credit is a separate and different thing than an asset. When banks issue a credit, it becomes a debt for whomever accepts it. Until the debt is paid, including the interest on it, the bank has to stand good for it.

In the case of my gold bar, the bank owes me my actual asset back, plus interest. They are loaning credit based on the value of my asset to others and making money off of my assets, so that is only fair. The bank is dependent on other people pay their debts to the bank in order for the bank to be able to pay me.

The bank itself has no assets to loan. It is acting entirely as a middleman and "trading off" of other people's assets.
Please note that even though my asset stays in the bank the whole time, it has been "monetized" --- used as the basis to issue fiat "dollars" as credit.

As others pay back the loan of credit, the bank recoups what it owes me in terms of credit, but credit is not an actual asset. It's just a debt countering the debt that the bank already owes me.
This is called expunging an asset loan.

The bank is working to pay back what it owes me already, plus interest, from loaning out seven to ten times the actual value of my asset to others as credit at interest.
Because bank loan interest is moderated by law, they have to loan out this same value several times merely to recoup what they already owe, but at a certain point, they break even and begin making pure profit which they don't share with me, the original Special Depositor.
But they are still making loans based on my Special Deposit. Therein lies the rub. They didn't stop and let well-enough alone. They "pooled" my asset with other assets of the same kind and continued to use it to issue more credit and generate more loans.
Now instead of ten loans based on my asset, there are two hundred loans partially based on my single asset and it is impossible to tell which two hundred loans my asset is supporting and for how much, but it is apparent that some of those loans are going to fail and the bank is going to be on the hook for it. It is also apparent the bank is going to try to get off the hook for this and pass the pain on to whom? The Depositors, who are in fact the bank's own Creditors.
And the Depositors for the most part, don't even know what is going on or how confused and bad this situation is. They just trust that the bank is going to return their gold bars whenever they need them.
So, imagine that your ancestor made a Special Deposit to a bank (or the US Federal Reserve, for example) a hundred years ago....because the bank hasn't paid back the Special Deposit and hasn't paid the interest on that Special Deposit in a hundred years, what happens when you walk in the door and say, "I am Joe Schmoe, here's my Deposit Receipt and ID. I'd like to withdraw my grandfather's gold which has been on deposit here since 1819."

I'll tell you what happens: sheer, blind panic and denial of the, "This can't be happening!" kind.
Those deposits have been there so long, sleeping so peacefully, and have been used to "back" so much debt, that the bankers are thrown into complete disarray. Suddenly, they are faced with not only having to cough up the gold that was deposited, but all the interest on the gold. And they can't do it.
They know that they are facing the loss of the Special Deposit base that lets them loan credit and without that initial deposit, they have no basis to make more loans --- therefore, no way to recoup.
All it takes is innocent Joe Schmoe walking in and wanting to take his asset somewhere and do something else with it.
So the bankers wig out. They go to the government. They go to the military. They say its a matter of "National Security!" And then they all make up various kinds of stories to excuse them from honoring the plain fact that the Depositor's property is owed back to him or her, plus interest.

I think that in the past ten years I have heard every excuse possible for the banks to hold onto control of Special Deposits that are in fact owed to living people who are the legitimate heirs of those deposited assets.

And it is all Bushwah. 100%. Of course, they can't show any actual contract giving them permission to do any of this, so they just lie their rumps off and make up all sorts of fanciful excuses for not returning the actual assets to the actual owners.

Most of these excuses are the "dog ate my homework" kind. Here's an example: the depository fees haven't been paid.
Oh, but wait a minute, I never agreed to pay any "depository fees" and you didn't ask for any at the time the deposit was made. Besides which, you've been making money on my asset for thirty years and have to pay me interest, so why haven't you taken the "depository fees" out of what you already owe me as interest?
Uh, oh, well, uh....
We all know how this is supposed to work. You place your gold bar on deposit with a bank for safekeeping. They are supposed to return your gold bar whenever you have need of it. If they don't, something is drastically wrong, and a crime is happening.
Simple as that.

In recent years, the banks and the Municipal Government --- the one run as a franchise of the Holy See by members of Congress--- have gotten even more creative and sought to cover their butts by claiming that you are an incompetent ward of their State of State organization, a pauper left as a baby on the doorstep, so that all your assets including your body and good name, are all in the keeping of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and are chattel properties backing "US" debts.

Did you get that? You were purportedly "donated" to "the" United States's Commonwealth of Puerto Rico as a baby.
Uh-huh. Except that nobody told your Mother any of this, and they sure as hell didn't tell you this cock and bull story. It's all just a tremendously Big Lie, foisted off by the members of "the" United States Congress--- the Municipal Government Corps' Board of Directors.

Now, I know that, and the bankers know that, so they are scared to death of me and spend their days making up stories about me. I must be crazy. I must be up to something. I must intend to crush them all. I must be involved in some nefarious plot to harm millions of people. Why else would I show up on their doorstep and flash my Deposit Receipt?

And, once they do--- somehow--- scrape together the means to pay me back, what am I going to do with all that money and credit?
Let me suggest to you that nobody is served by destroying the economy or harming trade.

Neither is it just or fair that Depositors be deprived of the use and enjoyment of their own assets. If I want some of the credit that is owed to me as interest, I should be able to access it.
For some reason, the banks are trying to paint me as an irresponsible madwoman, who would jerk all the Special Deposits out of the banks and mix them around and destroy some banks and favor others and create all sorts of terrifying disruption --- and this is the story they peddle, when in fact, all I am asking for is: (1) an accounting, and (2) reasonable access to credit that is already owed and long overdue.
Right now, the issue is access to the National Credit that the American States and People are owed.

We have been owed credit for our work and our goods for over a hundred years. We were simply left in the dark, mis-characterized, and not told how to access the Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges we have been owed all along.

So, let's deal with that issue first. The credit is on the books. We know where it is, we know basically how much it is.
Three offices buried in the IRS maze are not going to be able to process the volume of claims using red rubber stamps, so we suggest hiring a lot more staff, and developing a special National Credit Redemption Card that can be used for specific expenses, including mortgage payments, medical and dental expenses, utility bills, and school loans.

That's a start. Let's start there and get some actual practical relief to those who deserve it most.

As for my other request, I have already bluntly stated that I don't even believe in money. None of it. Not credit. Not coin. None of it. I am pleased to hear that the Vatican finally honored my request and set up my Fiduciary Account, but not pleased to hear all the scuttlebutt gossip and ideas about what I am going to do with it.
I am going to do exactly what I told you all that I was going to do with the Fiduciary Fund.

What I care about is the actual, factual world --- about the people and the animals and the Earth. I am not likely to pursue any pie-in-the-sky ideas, nor likely to waste any resources.

My car may be a BMW, but it is sixteen years old. Left to myself, God willing, I will still be driving it ten years from now. My house is nice, but it is small, and needs some petty, mostly cosmetic repairs. Have you all got the picture? I live this way because I am not a consumer at heart. I have no debt. My car is paid off. My house is paid off. No credit cards. The only things "cluttering" my house are books, houseplants, two dogs and a cat.

Why, then, would I suddenly go crazy and spend, spend, spend on nonsense and luxuries? All those that are clacking their jaws and spreading that fear can just go home and soak their heads.

There is a need for an organizational nexus to connect Americans to the rest of the world. There is a need for a valid, lawful, local authority which is competent to enforce the Public Law of this country. Here we are.

We are the Priority Creditors of the banks and no mistake about that. We aren't going to be bought off with beads and trinkets. We aren't going to mistake credit for actual assets---much less our own actual assets.

And we are not "lost at sea".

Now that we have all that cleared up, plainly stated, and on the table for everyone to see, can we get started cleaning the rest of this Mess up?
I brought my mop and bucket.

14th June 2019, 04:08 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAhWPSAz15IuP1JP6kac-hWbpzSfKY8--hXJkovXWQ5XFpymtM3Rjn8xBqQJ3sFppiU3gRn1XowHzN5&hc_ref=ARQYZbtQv9cessIToklPHuPyQ0xrcFVgdlPfc4ufmfY 76TW9mTWTpMOpar-SRyVlZ0k&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2256374461078288) ·

The Irony and the Elephant

We have made tremendous progress. We can finally talk, openly, about the "elephant" in the middle of the room. Strangely, it was this way about the issue of American Independence, too. For the longest time, people couldn't or wouldn't discuss it.

Part of this was loyalty to England. Many Colonists were originally from England and they continued to have fellow-feeling for their homeland, even several generations removed from British soil.
Part of this was fear, because the British were nasty landlords, and had a habit of knocking heads and sending out squads of soldiers whenever the least bit of controversy was heard concerning the latest Acts of Parliament.

Both sentiment and fear of unpleasant consequences dictated the silence then, and so it has again been the same way in America today, for the same causes, only the names have changed.

Many Americans continue to have a misplaced sense of loyalty toward the foreign commercial corporations that have been providing them with "essential government services" and have not only accepted, but have been clinging to, a mistaken identity as "US Citizens"---- never realizing how disadvantageous this political status actually is.

They don't want to face facts and admit that the IRS terrifies them and steals large amounts of their yearly earnings--- a greater percentage by far, than serfs had to pay in the Middle Ages.

They don't want to see that the courts are utterly corrupt.

They don't want to fully understand that the "political parties" are actually "political lobbies" engaged in fighting over who gets to deliver the biggest piece of pie to their members --- completely without regard for the good of the country.

Many Americans desperately want to believe in "their" government, complete with brass bands and fireworks, and many still don't realize that their government has been gradually undermined and usurped upon, until it is a pitched battle for volunteers to keep it alive and rebut claims that it has been "abandoned".

And as in the days leading up to the Revolution, many Americans are afraid to speak up. They hope, by keeping their heads down and paying large portions of their earnings to "the government", to have a little modicum of peace in their lives. Still, whenever they think of the IRS or a traffic stop, they sweat.

So between ignorance and fear, it has been relatively rare for anyone to actually talk about these facts and many more. Those with the good sense to realize that something is drastically wrong have been labeled and marginalized as Tin Hats and Conspiracy Theorists. Those who have done anything about the situation, have been mis-characterized as "violent" and "unbalanced" and called names like "sovereign citizen".

The police, with a rare combination of bovine stupidity and bull-like violence, have been keeping the peace via violence and armed theft of their employers' assets. Most of them don't even know that they are acting as private security personnel and are not bonded, not public officials, and have no special authority to ram around in military surplus vehicles and flak jackets bullying and robbing the rest of us under color of law.

But now at last, the actual situation can be talked about. Indeed, it can be openly addressed. The fact is that we are the Priority Creditors and Employers of these Yahoos, all of them, and they are in extremely deep debt to us.

They have plotted to kill us off precisely because of that fact.
They have mis-characterized us and labeled us and told outrageous lies about us because of that fact.

And now the truth comes out. The "US" National Debt is owed to the Americans. The elephant in the middle of the room can be talked about.

The reason that it can be talked about and is being talked about --- and the reason that the push is on to not only save the lives of the innocent people, but to get them relief that they are owed --- is that we, The Living Law Firm and The American States Assemblies --- have brought it all forward.

Others have also brought the circumstance forward, but they didn't have standing to do so, and for the most part, they brought it forward because they were trying to chisel-in and secure special advantages for themselves.

The Living Law Firm held the line. The People have assembled.
Otherwise, the charlatans would have declared bankruptcy again and left us on the hook as their "presumed" secondaries to pay their bills for them.

Otherwise, all the assets and land would be (according to them) "abandoned" and up for grabs by any Tom, Dick, or Daniel from whatever foreign countries wanted to show up here and claim what you and your ancestors fought and died for.

So now the tide is turning and the actual facts may be discussed in the open, in front of God and Everyone. This miracle is made possible because millions of people worldwide are waking up, are admitting what is right in front of their faces, and are taking action to change, to restore, to reform, and to correct.

Yes, Virginia, there is an elephant in the living room. And a St. Bernard on the front porch, too. You are not imagining it.

The irony of all this is that while Americans stand to regain trillions of dollars worth of assets and credit that they are owed because of The Living Law Firm and The State Assemblies, nobody pays them. It's all volunteer. The Living Law Firm, including the historical researchers, the paralegals and auditors--- lives or dies on the basis of your donations. The State Assemblies, too, can't make it without you donating your time and talents and money.

More times than I can count the last three years we have been down to running on fumes, and we are getting close to that again. Every time it happens, we get just enough in to keep our noses in the black. I mean, literally, just enough--- maybe ten or twenty dollars to spare. It is so close each time, that it's like God is poking me in the ribs and making sure that I know where this is coming from and how all this is actually being accomplished --- by His Spirit and Grace.

None of this is according to the wisdom of men. Not one little iota. And at the end, the only credit we can give, is not to ourselves. A far greater wisdom has guided us and a far greater love has sustained us every step. This work has not been done, and these aims have not been pursued, by mere mortals. It is God in us that makes this possible.

If you are called to help, please answer the call today. Everyone can pray. Just stop and ask for help for yourselves and for us. I have learned the hard way, that you have to ask. And sometimes keep asking for as much as thirty days.

Let this, the 14th of June, be the beginning of a thirty day prayer effort. Once a day, for thirty days, pray for the peace of our planet and for the abundance of life and grace and love we need to carry us onward. Pray for wisdom to guide us and for the skills and tools and resources we need to do the work before us.

The Atheists can snicker and pooh-pooh all they like. It still takes faith to move mountains.

Those of you who can help financially, we survived last month with a small reserve which is now close to being spent. Even when we recoup everything and have funding from other sources, there isn't a "line item" for Grandma and The Living Law Firm and the peculiar work we do.

If you have been blessed and wish to bless others -- my PayPal is the same as my email address: avannavon@gmail.com. We take Snail Mail donations to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. I act as the conduit and comptroller to parcel out resources to all the others involved, except for Paul, who has his own donate button.

We've come a long way. The correct issues are finally under discussion and the correct People --- the Heirs and Beneficiaries of our States of the Union, are present and accounted for. If your State Assembly is still looking for a Coordinator and you have your paperwork reclaiming your birthright political status recorded, don't wait another day. Hear the call and say the prayer and do what you can do.

15th June 2019, 12:40 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARD-wWew7KDxc0oV4x92D34Jszgr7hRlnAuoxcUCzCymMkr_1lrFdj t5nbSj36JvteZZWhIGbtJgagfs&hc_ref=ARTVBmYOSWwKCVQOr9RYjXICj5FSbWBb9xCIsNnIYr2 yqkzDcnmwa2XezTTwcySoUYg&fref=nf)
11 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2258156057566795) ·

A Proclamation: To Attorney General Bar and Secretary of State Michael Pompeo

It has come to our attention that both of you may be ignorant of the actual history of this country. This in itself is normal, because none of us have been taught the actual history in school. However, those of us who have taken the time and made the effort to learn are in position to assist in clearing up several pervasive confusions.

First, the only entities involved in the "American Civil War" were Federal States of States, not the actual States of the Union. The American Civil War was in fact a mercenary conflict. It was never properly declared by any Congress and it has never been resolved by a Peace Treaty. Those Federal States of States, which are --- whether North or South --- all "Confederate States", have yet to be reconstructed, a circumstance that has never been fully explained to the American Public and which has never been corrected as a result.

Second, this circumstance leaves a third of the Federal Government inoperable, and from our perspective, the most important part: that which is supposed to be operated by Americans for Americans. The British Territorial contractors and the Holy Roman Empire's Municipal contractors eagerly entered the power vacuum created by this situation and secretively substituted their own "States of States" organizations for ours, operating like cuckoo birds occupying a nest.
They also incorporated their service delivery operations, so that in fact, we have private, foreign-chartered, for-profit commercial corporations masquerading as our government.

Third, this is not what we are owed in terms of treaty or commercial contract, and it stands before the entire world as an affront to decency and good faith and service by both the Queen's Government and the Holy See, that we, the Americans, have not been fully informed and have not been assisted to restore the functions of the Federal Government.

Fourth, it is also an affront that our States have been accidentally-on-purpose mistaken for rival commercial corporations and our People have been mis-characterized both as combatants and as commercial vessels, when it has been plainly stated and well-established ever since the Civil War that we are a separate population with a sovereign civilian government of our own that you are all employed by.

Fifth, for your edification, The United States, a Union of soil jurisdictions states, controls the soil jurisdiction of this country. The United States of America, a Federation of land jurisdiction States controls the international jurisdiction of this country. Our States of America organization is supposed to be in control of the bulk of the Federal functions delegated under the constitutional agreements.

Sixth, because of the foregoing situation and out of self-interested deceit, both the British Territorial Government and the Holy Roman Empire's Municipal Government have been operating commercial corporations "in our names" and employing our Delegated Powers in unauthorized ways. The British Territorial Government has been operating as "the" United States of America and the HRE Municipal Government has been operating as "the" United States. These are not our Proper Names and it needs to be fully understood that nothing our employees do or say while acting as our agents in any way countermands what we tell you ourselves, nor does their bankruptcy affect us beyond the fact that we must find new service providers.

Seventh, this basic misunderstanding has led to a situation in which the British Territorial and Municipal Governments have imagined themselves to be the only governments present on our land and have proposed that all Americans are born as Dual Citizens of the their respective commercial corporations, owing duty to the Holy See and the British Territorial Government, which is deliberate self-interested misrepresentation of the facts. The Americans are still here, still minding our lawful and to put a fine point on it --- sovereign--- government of every state of the Union. We don't belong to you; you belong to us. You are our employees, not the Queen's, not the Pope's, and it is time for all these False Claims in Commerce to cease and desist.

Eighth, Americans are born as nationals of their respective States and those States are not subject to any commercial corporation on Earth. We are Minnesotans and Georgians, Californians and Texans. We are not born as nor do we choose to adopt either brand of Federal Citizenship --- neither United States Citizens nor Citizens of the United States. Those citizenship statuses were created under the respective constitutions and have no meaning apart from the constitutional agreements that both the Queen and the Pope stand in breach of.

Ninth, since the 1930's the HRE Municipal Government has been telling a most pernicious lie and making an absolutely outrageous False Claim in Commerce -- a claim that is false on the face of it. They have claimed that Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address created a Public Trust and that all our assets, personal, private, and public, were rolled into this Express Trust. In fact, this is self-interested poppycock.

Tenth, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was being sworn in as President of the United States ---- the Municipal United States Government operated by the Holy See. He was addressing the Citizens of the United States --- the employees and dependents of the Municipal United States Government, and could not be presumed to be addressing anyone else just because they were in earshot. His language throughout is consistent with this interpretation and no other performance would have been legal.

Eleventh, Franklin Delano Roosevelt had no authority to establish any Express Trust related to rank and file Americans and no authority to conscript anyone on our shores. There is no evidence that any Public Trust was in fact established as a result of his verbiage; rather, there is evidence of illegal and immoral and unlawful "taking" of our property and assets and use of legal chicanery to falsely claim that our private property magically became part of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) set up as a welfare trust for former plantation slaves in the wake of the Civil War.

Twelfth, no American was ever under any obligation to reply to or rebut Roosevelt's presumptions, because we were not addressed. The only persons having any such obligation to rebut were the Citizens of the United States at that time, and only a small portion of the population, approximately 15%, was or is legitimately in that political status then or now.

Thirteenth, these false presumptions which could only apply to a small percentage of the population, and which were never fully disclosed to anyone by Roosevelt's speech, have since been used to plunder and pillage and abuse and conscript millions of Americans in the greatest fraud and identity theft scheme in history---- which is now discovered and firmly rebutted as nothing more or less than commercial constructive fraud.

Fourteenth, as a result of the fore-mentioned collapse of the States of America Confederacy and the secretive usurpation that took place in the 1860's--by definition, the bulk of Americans were not operating in Commerce in 1933. A "gift" of a commercial franchise operated in our NAMES and conferred upon us without our knowledge or consent and used to make false claims of citizenship obligation upon us was an act of self-interested fraud and any acceptance of such gifts offered under color of law is revealed to be nothing but more crime and chicanery designed to alter our birthright political status as Americans in contravention of the Geneva Conventions.

Fifteenth, the foreign commercial corporations which have been operating on our shores in our purported "absence" and which have been promoting these crimes against us are being liquidated for cause, and no new contracts have been issued to the perpetrators. Our property being held by Attorney General Barr in his inherited capacity as Alien Property Custodian is owed immediate return to the rightful owners and all presumption that we are or ever were "Enemies" must be dropped along with all the False Claims against our property interests.

Sixteenth, as these acts were all promulgated by breach of international treaties and commercial contracts and were promoted via inland piracy, no change of ownership from the original American ownership can be implied. We find that the Congress has attempted to insulate itself from the curse of its own actions by adding a disclaimer to the enabling clause of every Act of Congress since 1861: "This Act shall not effect any rights thus previously established." In effect, every American who has ancestors who were present on our soil prior to 1861 is grandfathered in and owed every jot of all three Constitutions and all rights and benefits that have accrued since then.

Seventeenth, as a result of the foregoing: (1) no presumption of animosity or enemy combatant status can be advanced against our actual States of the Union nor our People; (2) no presumption of 14th Amendment citizenship can be applied to anyone who isn't both the progeny of former plantation slaves and also currently receiving unearned federal welfare benefits from the Public Charitable Trust; (3) STRAWMAN Municipal commercial trusts and utilities issued in our names must be presumed to be gifts without strings attached, admitted to be tax percuse, and we ourselves must be held harmless in all respects to the extent that those commercial entities are used for any purpose.

Eighteenth, prompt correction for all these ills and misunderstandings must be provided and those operating the court system must be re-educated and given new instructions fully informing them to stand down and cease making the presumptions under which they have been operating. Proper passports for actual Americans functioning as State Nationals or State Citizens must either be provided or we will provide them ourselves. Likewise, most Americans don't "drive" or operate commercial "motor vehicles" and they need to have proper identification of their private automobiles and their private status as travelers. Again, your agencies may be hired to provide this service or we will provide it ourselves, but you cannot just wave your hands and pretend that everyone in America is involved in interstate commerce and subject to commercial law.

Nineteenth, all the corporate law enforcement personnel need to be informed that they are operating in a private, for-hire capacity under the Pinkerton Laws and have no special authority or public bonding for what they are doing, that they are working for foreign, for-profit, privately held commercial corporations in a mercenary capacity and are not allowed to bully, harass, enter private property, or charge Americans for any infraction that does not directly impair the US Mail or actually occur on the trains or railroad right of way.

Twentieth, all the banks need to be informed that accounts held in the names of living people and unincorporated businesses cannot be misidentified as accounts belonging to commercial franchises of any US or USA CORPORATION and that such accounts are not subject to lien or seizure on the basis of the existence of Social Security Numbers or other evidence obtained under color of law, force, coercion, non-disclosure, or implied, unilateral, or unconscionable contract.

Twenty-first, the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service have both been operating wildly out of context and without authority on our shores and must be severely corrected and re-purposed. These organizations have been operating under the false presumption that all Americans are US Citizens or Citizens of the United States and playing a pillar-to-post confiscation fraud scheme, pretending that Americans have to be either US Citizens or Citizens of the United States, or both, when in fact Americans are owed full recognition of the fact that they are Americans without any federal citizenship obligations at all.
Most Americans are not in receipt of any Federal income and are in fact holding the majority of Federal debt as Priority Creditors.

Twenty-second, these facts may be difficult to hear, bear, and deal with, but they are nonetheless facts, and they have been fully vetted, fully investigated, and are known throughout the higher levels of the global community. Any attempt to kill off your Priority Creditors so as to enforce these numerous and egregious False Claims upon us will be instantly recognized for the criminal activity that such attacks against civilian populations always represent. The lawlessness and criminality of the corporations and Boards of Directors involved will be fully exposed and the corporations responsible will be subject to liquidation.

Twenty-third, generations of Americans have been used and abused as mercenaries in wars for profit without their knowledge or consent. This practice, too, is built upon false presumptions of citizenship obligations that do not exist.
The Selective Service needs to be shut down permanently, and all recruitment activity in the Armed Services required to fully disclose the nature of the work being offered, the risks, and the rewards--- such as they are. In the absence of any war directly threatening our borders, no pretense that they will be defending their homeland can be used as an excuse to con these young people into employment as mercenaries.

Twenty-fourth, our employees are required to act honorably and to provide Good Faith Service to their actual employers----that means, us, the American People. None of the circumstance we have described above meets those criteria and our extreme displeasure has been conveyed to both the Queen and the Pope and the United Nations. As things stand, both the Territorial and Municipal Governments are out of compliance with the Hague Conventions (Territorial) and the Geneva Conventions (Municipal) and the corporations responsible are continuing to act in a rogue, outlaw capacity with respect to their own employers as well as the international community at large.

Twenty-fifth, we are calling upon both the United States Attorney General and the Secretary of State to make correction within your respective spheres of duty. Mr. Barr is being called upon to Perform under The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States to return our private and public "alien" property unharmed and unencumbered. Mr. Pompeo is being called upon to provide a process by which Americans claiming their birthright political status may be recognized and identified and set free of these noxious false presumptions of federal citizenship.

Most Sincerely,
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
President Donald Trump
United Nations Secretariat

16th June 2019, 12:19 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA4Roc31pVPylUmVuuFK_BOYpx_PtYjAXrQg0ybEXwLc0 3Coj4Xt5Gb6sQ9WVBQRpSDt2LlnqmyGLll&hc_ref=ARTgup2A0YnUKdugYKlpBhOkOuaaX8sYyMfIF6PFuT5 flbJSq72nrrc2WXjckyIkVuM&fref=nf)
16 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2258672244181843) ·

About Small Contributions

Some friends are only able to send $5 or $10 toward the expenses we face here and they feel bad that it couldn't be more. But if you think about it, it's the staying power that counts and the commitment to give what we can.

If you think about the immensity of the problem, all contributions are small.
Only God knows whose $5 or $10 kept us in the black all these months of struggle, but there have been many times when it came down to that. So let's hear it for those small donations that add up and keep the wheels rolling.

When I was young I ran with a pack of very athletic Californians. These people were all Norwegian scions and were tall and blond and built for all sorts of sports and outdoor activities. They kept on and on about wanting to climb this particular (rather low, but still a "mountain") in the local area where we lived and I, the short and slightly flabby and only German member, kept saying--- "No, I have no interest in climbing any kind of mountain."

Germans, being Germans, are pragmatic by nature. It's built into the warp and weft. We don't, if we run true to form, climb mountains for no reason. We might walk for pleasure, we might even hike, but it is a rather rare German bird that sets off to climb a mountain just because it's there.

Notice--- I didn't say I couldn't climb that mountain, just that I wasn't interested in doing so.

Nonetheless, they kept at it, week after week and month after month. Finally, in exasperation, I agreed to climb the mountain with them. So, one Saturday morning, we set off.
Of course, they immediately out distanced my stubby legs and were soon lost in the rain forest mist. I was left chugging along far behind, so far behind that I could no longer hear their cheerful voices up ahead.

But by then, I was disgusted to be climbing a mountain for no reason. And I grimly plodded along, ever upward.
A couple hours later I met the first one of them coming back down the trail. His hiking boots had chafed his feet and he was limping home with blisters.

My sympathies. Despite my smallish physique, I had actually used my hiking boots enough to break them in and I was doing fine in that respect. So I wished him well and kept climbing.
One after another, for all their various reasons, I met them all on their way back down the mountain.

I was all alone and the only one who made it to the top of the mountain late in the afternoon. I had brought along a plastic garbage bag to pick up the beer cans and empty film cartridges and other detritus that climbers always leave behind at the summit. Don't ask me why. I am not of the mentality that climbs mountains for no reason.

So I picked up the trash and took in the view and took photographs and headed for home, hauling the trash bag out and walking and climbing more swiftly going downhill in hopes of getting to the trail head before dark---- which I did. Just barely.

My point is that the tortoise who endures and knows what it takes to climb a mountain is a better bet than the rabbit who doesn't, and the size of a contribution is not necessarily the measure of it, any more than the size of a climber determines their success.

It's the will behind it all that matters. It's the grit. It's the decision we make to take action and keep climbing.
Like the Widow's Mite, a small gift from small resources is the moral equivalent of a large gift from large resources. And it all counts. Ten bucks a month over the course of a year is $120. Not such a small donation, is it? Not when you think and feel and see the bigger picture spread out before you.

There are three elements to a lawful claim upon property --- status, standing, and jurisdiction. The only people who have established their correct political status on the public record, the only ones having the standing to bring a claim in behalf of our States of the Union, and the only ones left guarding the land jurisdiction of this country, are all those who have listened and taken action to reclaim their Good Names and correct the falsified political status records.

We, ourselves, our band of brothers and sisters from all across this country, are the only ones determined enough and in position to rebut the claims of all the foreign Secondary Creditors of "the" United States. We didn't want to climb this mountain, either, but here we are.

Despite everything that the perpetrators allege and throw against us, we keep coming. Despite the lies and the disruptions and the widespread ignorance and every other obstacle, we are building our Assemblies, too. As each State Coordinator steps forward and serves notice that their State of the Union is populated, another miracle happens--- America is reborn.

Soon, the immensity of all our "little" contributions will become more obvious, the impact of simple truth-telling and logic will emerge out of the confusion and the pile of purposeful lies and omissions that we have had to sort through. That's another mountain we were not eager to climb.

But we did so. Today, I ask you to remember a great man you never knew. His name? Bill Benson. Bill climbed his mountain, too.
As a retired forensic auditor for the State of Illinois, he began to suspect that something was wrong with the records and the claim that the Sixteenth Amendment (the Federal Income Tax) was ever ratified by the States.

So he and a few others began the long, long trek, all across this country, digging into records in State Archives that nobody had looked at in a hundred years, getting Certified Copies, and painstakingly piecing together the proof that the Sixteenth Amendment was never ratified by the States of the Union.

That proof, a two volume set of over-sized books published as "The Law That Never Was" absolutely documents the deceit and the fraud against the American People.

As a thank you, the Powers That Be arrested Bill Benson on false federal charges and denied him the medication he needed to live.
I suffered for him then and I suffer for him now.

This afternoon I am told that the large platform scanner your contributions made possible completed the job of scanning every page of "The Law That Never Was" into digital form for The Library of the Continental Congress.

The rats who are so famous for burning books will never be able to destroy the record he gave up his easy retirement and ultimately, his life, to create.
Bill was hopeful that all his work and effort would bear fruit, that people in this country would look at the records and come to their own conclusions.

There are no small contributions. Write a letter, tell your kids, pass it on, elbow your best friend and fill them in. Cash in your pocket change. Take on a piece of the puzzle. Rebuke Satan. Collar a Congressman. Report their abuses and hypocrisy to the United Nations. Do whatever you can. And keep doing it.
We're not only going to climb this mountain. We are going to move it. If we have to do it $5 at a time, that's how we will do it. Raindrops make an ocean and single footsteps gain the summit --- never forget that.

16th June 2019, 12:30 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBpxEksr08fZTtYmffV_pVW5RI0RLVMFZyUBHNeK50TfK UFT0Uxp3wy10YWfA4mRjoVXUlmbww3tiLe&hc_ref=ARQ7RnGJ8UOQxxZ28LR0xrc-FLikztFv1gTDLOp1exnRjswQ1xIxSJ2Iq4Bd0xVi7eY&fref=nf)
11 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2259080047474396) ·

Modus Operandi 1.0

Our enemies think that we are stupid because we are trusting and easy to mislead and easy to distract --- like sheep, like children. And they have no mercy for either.

They think that they are so very superior, because their minds dwell upon how to deceive and how to cheat, how to misrepresent and mislead. This is their stock-in-trade, and it is what they use to profit themselves every day that they live.

They worship the Father of All Lies and call him by many names --- Satan, Poseidon, the One-Eyed God, Baal, Molloch, Hades, Lucifer, El Shaddai---- even plain old Death.

It hardly matters what they call their idol. What matters is that even their idol is false and empty as a shadow; the Spirit of Evil is a Spirit of the Air.

For Satanists, every lie is a prayer, and the bigger the lie, the better. This is why they always, reliably, and monotonously accuse their enemies of precisely whatever they are doing themselves. They collude with the Russians so they accuse Donald Trump of colluding with the Russians.

I have over the course of many months discussed what these people predictably do to cause trouble. Let's review.

They pretend to be their enemies, and pull all their crappola in the name of or in the guise of their enemies, so that their enemies get blamed for their wrong-doing.

For example, they pretend to be Jews or Muslims or Christians, cheat and murder and steal "in the name of" the victims of this ruse, and then leave the innocent members of the targeted group to pay the bills and take the blame.

Sound familiar? It should. That's precisely what they have done to us--- the actual Americans. They have pretended to be us, and acted "in our names" to access our credit, charged up our credit to the limit, then sought bankruptcy protection and left us on the hook to pay off their debts. Repeatedly.

I first became aware of this Satanic Role Playing as a student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where, quite by accident, I discovered that one man was playing the role of a Jewish Businessman, a Catholic Priest, a Jazz Singer in a Night Club, and a Mafiosi. All four. And he was discrediting all four.

His version of a Jewish Businessman was a greedy pig with a boorish bad temper-----a greedy, loud-mouthed, bossy, self- aggrandizing cheat.

His version of a Catholic Priest was slimy as an eel, sharp-eyed, lecherous, sanctimonious, hypocritical, and a silver-tongued devil if there ever was one. He had affairs with married parishioners and quoted snatches of Ovid in his sermons.

His version of a Jazz Singer was egotistical and imperious, cruel to his band members, always grinding everyone else into the dirt and stealing whatever he could from the bars where he worked.

His version of a Mafiosi hung out at the Flamingo Grotto until four in the morning and talked Big Stuff with the local Bosses of the Unions and DOT and sloshed down more Red Table Wine than a big horse drinks on a hot day.

I called him The Big Wave.
Wherever he went and whatever he was doing, it was always Big and it was always Bad, and at the end of the day, he was a walking Disservice to everyone and everything he portrayed. He gave a bad name to Jewish Businessmen, Catholic Priests, Nightclub Singers, and Mafiosi with equal zeal.

I used to wonder what it was all about, what possible reason a man could have to pretend to be and act in all these roles? And trash them all?

Obviously, Moshe in his beaded yarmulka was not the same as Father Pietro, who was not the same as Lucian Fabriano, who was not related to the Jazz Singer, Leon Diaz.

Yet they were all the same man, with the hair-line scar on his upper lip and the small blue birthmark on the side of the middle knuckle of his little finger on the right hand. And all his characters were equally, purposefully, dreadfully obnoxious.

I had an upstairs apartment on State Street in the University district and a brutal class and work schedule that kept me up and moving around at all hours of the day and night. He was hard to miss, about 300 pounds of obnoxious and six foot four, usually wearing handmade Italian shoes.

And then one day it hit me: there didn't have to be a rhyme or reason for his role playing. It could be utterly random. Whatever characters he wanted to discredit, for whatever reasons and according to whatever characters he could convincingly play. Just go out there and make everyone despise everyone else.

That's your job as a Satanist. Spread hatred. Give credibility to stereotypes. And that is what they do. Fan the fires of prejudice and hatred --- and no doubt, for profit.

I had the eerie feeling that I was the only one in the entire city who had spotted him, knew what he was doing, and in some sense, knew who and what he was.

I also had the feeling that for some reason, I was invisible to him.
The last time I saw him he was playing Father Pietro, wearing his priest cassock with a massive gold crucifix bumping against his chest as he strode across the University Quadrangle. It was past midnight in late April. The full moon was diving in and out behind windswept clouds and gale force winds were coming in off the lake beyond the Student Union. I had run down Bascom Hill in the dark and across the Quad and was leaned up, panting for breath, against a cement wall.
We were the only two people in that entire plaza and for one terrifying moment, I feared that he would see me, would simply look up and look into my eyes and know that I knew about his secret lives--- and perhaps kill me for it. The moment passed and so did he, his immense cassock flapping and billowing like three sailing ships in a storm, the heavy hollow sound of his footsteps receding as he made his way toward the corner of State and Mifflin Street.

I shivered and thought about T.S. Eliot and the Beast shuffling away toward his unlikely destination--- and waited until he turned the corner before I hurried home. The last glimpse I had of him was the edge of his massive profile brightly illuminated for a moment by the headlights of a car.

So that is Lesson One: these people are literally role players, and by their actions they discredit whole groups of people without actually being members of that group at all. Father Pietro wasn't Catholic. Lucian Fabriano wasn't Italian. Moshe Levinson wasn't a Levite. Leon Diaz wasn't a Cuban ExPat.

All that I can guarantee you, but who this man actually was-- I never found out. And that is typical of Satanists, too.
Their Father has no actual name. Ditto his children.

16th June 2019, 11:56 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAMakrplypUr8PHzRh7iCSUMvK6YC3_ZnBHsjVpUPGblW e23opUNjxYxjLQTn1kMZgwuTsMg3ahFCPl&hc_ref=ARQSa3BLOR0dns24YvFZNLf08peel4DSHzJ3rIbm9uo Bu3L0kRQq09XIVxpOgjGU4QU&fref=nf)
45 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2260666877315713) ·

Modus Operandi 2.0

Yesterday, we discussed the fact that Satanists are role players --- actors in the same sense that there are actors in Hollywood. They infiltrate our society, our churches, our businesses, our clubs --- and they blackball whoever and whatever they wish, based on their own actions.

They have total control of how they portray their victims, what pre-existing prejudices they pluck like strings on a guitar.
Their job is made easier because many targets have identifying uniforms or emblems, which these Players adopt as their own for the purposes at hand.

Want to target the Catholic Church? How hard is it to find a priest's cassock at a costume shop?

Want to target Jews? Wear a yarmulka, with or without sideburns, and a big, flashy gold necklace with a Star of David pendant.

Hate Democrats? Plaster your car with DNC bumperstickers and Eco slogans, sign up as a member of Planned Parenthood, contribute to Dem candidates, volunteer as a campaign worker. Be as air-headed and obnoxious as you can be.

Have it out for Republicans? Same deal. Change the donkeys to elephants. Slather on the pro-gun bumperstickers and flag decals. Join the NRA. Be as crass and opinionated as possible.

Want everyone to hate Americans? Wear gaudy, ill-fitting clothes, maybe even some cowboy boots. Talk with a drawl or a New Yorker or Boston accent while flashing wads of greenbacks. Talk big. Be overbearing. Arrogant. Nasty. Pushy.

It won't be long and everyone in town will think they know who and what you are and they won't like you ---- an antipathy and prejudice they will apply to all Americans like the smell of a skunk.
See how this works?

With a little creativity it isn't hard to target any group, and as they do this, they "give substance to stereotypes and prejudice". They "model" the purported behavior of lecherous priests and dishonest judges and greedy "Jews" and Ugly Americans. They even have their stereotype of "Sovereign Citizen" ready to roll.

Some of these Creatures of the Night are actually hired as actors to go out and discredit entire religions, nationalities, political parties, competing corporations, racial groups ----you name it and they will play it and trash it.

When it comes time for a False Flag, there they are, Johnny On the Spot, crawling away from the fake firebombing, moaning pitifully.

Other times their mission is more generic: infiltrate a group, collect information, mislead, co-opt, misdirect. They "plant" wrong ideas to promote wrong assumptions, which spawn wrong actions ---- and undermine our efforts.

I sit here like a fighter pilot in the cockpit, clocking the Bogeys as they appear on my radar --- this week, it's the idea that the Articles of Confederation were "good" and the Constitutions were "bad".

How can we possibly recognize and combat such insidious, diabolical ruses?

Do what my Grandma told me to do: look sharp and hard at each and every individual and every idea that people are pushing at you.
Examine what they say and do, how they look, what does and does not ring true. Most especially, examine the results of what they do: judge their fruits.

Does a particular individual cause trouble wherever they go? Are they always the center of attention? Do they spread controversy? Are they fear-mongers encouraging paranoia and "contingency plans"?

Or are they spreading "Hope Porn" and encouraging people to do nothing? Just wait for The Rapture?

Are they obnoxious in some way? Nervous? Put your finger on it. Think about it.
What does the sum total of their "act" add up to? What does it accomplish? Who or what does their behavior discredit? Do they make honest mistakes? Or do they deliberately "misunderstand" when you tell them something?
If you find yourself explaining the same things to the same person multiple times you have to ask yourself --- is this person genuinely impaired, or pretending to be, so that they can prolong dangerous and/or destructive activities?

What or who are they aiming for? Extrapolate the target.
Use your brain like a sieve. Sort the possibilities and the probabilities. As you do this, you will get better at it and faster.
Think beyond the context of the present drama they are creating. Look at how their actions and words are "directing" you to a conclusion, and whatever that conclusion may be, and what that leads to.
The most common goal of all these Players is to create confusion, fear, or doubt, but they are also often trying to plump up a political agenda by discrediting someone or something.

Remember, if they want to discredit Jews, they pretend to be Jews. If they want to discredit Republicans, they pretend to be Republicans. If they want to discredit Americans, they pretend to be Americans. If they want to discredit Muslims, they pretend to be Muslims. And so on an on.

A priest who smokes cigars, drinks like a fish, owns brass knuckles, and keeps a locker full of well-thumbed hardcore porn magazines? A Republican Senator who votes with the Democrats ninety percent of the time? A devout Jew who eats pork BBQ?

Most of the time, their role playing only goes so far, and the truth about who they really are oozes out around the edges.

To win this "war" requires us all to be a lot quicker on the uptake, more watchful and discerning, more skeptical, more aware of the nagging-can't-quite-put-your-finger-on-it sense that you are being led to think, feel, or do something like "hate Iran" or "distrust Paula Reynolds" or whatever else today's agenda might be.

The easiest way to catch these Players out, is simply to sit back and let them run their spiel. Listen. Watch. The vast majority of them will go too far into their role and ham it up if they are the least bit encouraged---just like vaudeville. They are more patriotic than Uncle Sam. They are more righteous than Jesus. They are more Jewish than Moses.

Set your Shinola Sensors on "High Alert" and be aware that there are skilled actors out there, paid operatives, as well as plain old Satanists stirring the pot and causing trouble for everyone just because spreading violence and distrust and lies and immorality is what a Satanist does.

If they see something good, they target it and try to tear it down, for the same reason that moths are drawn to flames.

Both kinds of Players will be coming into our Assemblies with their own agendas. They will try to obtain information and assets. They will cause disruptions and "steal the show". They will charm. They will be boors. They will try every trick there is.

One of their favorites is to find someone in the local community who is in trouble with "the law" or who can be threatened through their families, and force them --- a known and trusted person --- to be the Snitch and/or Instigator, while a Controller sits in the background and watches everything. Be on the look out for these Tag Teams. Be sharp. Be aware.

Notice who comes and who goes, and who comes and goes together.
And be aware that although the pros can be flushed out or compromised with a Bevins Declaration, the "volunteers" are under no such obligation to declare themselves.

We are the only ones who have recouped our political status, proven our standing, staked our claims timely, built up the record, and correctly identified the True Parties of Interest, populated the correct jurisdiction, and now have the eyes and ears of the entire world focused on us.

We are the last star fighters.
You had better believe that the intelligence services of the entire planet are up to their nostrils in every word we say and everything we do--- but as for that, we don't care. So long as we are not foolish, as long as we are not deceived, as long as we don't give it away, and aren't tricked out of it, our birthright and our destiny is safe

17th June 2019, 07:21 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCnJHOfKjVZPVaJgsLpCyaLNji4_K3z91FZOEYRqSGdoO 4NUX4VljLrGz_qHC7XNnE3aA0aQoLlGHu0&hc_ref=ARQokqkP9VMMrKDV_cgrenUtrOQPLnGaWPNjE-OSpdOCDjz74MabxjXKaMFOyA8dCwc&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2260822630633471) ·

Modus Operandi 3.0

We have been discussing the methods and aims and practices of those who oppose Mankind and wish for our destruction.

Thus far we have discussed how THEY use role playing --- in reverse --- to sling mud and blame on their opponents. For example, if they want to discredit Catholics, they pretend to be nuns or priests, do despicable things, and then just skinny out of their clerical costumes and let the victims take the blame.

We have also described how --- with monotonous regularity --- they accuse their opponents of exactly what they are doing themselves. For example, they accuse Donald Trump of playing footsie with the Russians, when they have already sold 20% of our Uranium reserves to the Russians.

Now we come to a third gambit these creatures play. For lack of a better explanation, I will just call this one "Inducement to Hang Yourselves".
Why bother to hang you, if they can get you to do it to yourselves?
I cannot stress this point strongly enough: every time you incorporate anything, you give it away to whoever and whatever grants it a charter. Period. You place it under the law of the charter granting authority and in their ownership, too.
They, not you, get to dictate what happens to your incorporated business, your incorporated church, and if you let them incorporate your "person" without taking exception and taking action to counteract their legal presumptions, they will exercise the same arbitrary, plenary authority over you, too.

This afternoon I had a lengthy discussion with a friend who thought that they had found the answer to this, a way to incorporate and get tax benefits without incorporating and being subject to The Borg.

No such pathway exists, by definition.
Incorporation is incorporation. It's like being eaten. The substance of the peach you ate for dinner is at this very moment being "incorporated" into your body.
The charter-granting authority subjects whatever is being incorporated, and the new franchise becomes part of the parent corporation which is owned and operated by a sovereign government.

At this time, there are tragically few sovereign governments left in the world: the Holy See is gunning to own everything and everyone, and so, is trying to get its franchise --- the Municipal Government of the United States --- to destroy those few remaining national bastions.
That's what all the threats against North Korea and Iran are all about. That's what all the threats against Libya and Iraq were about. That's what the threats against Britain over Brexit are about.

They made the mistake of joining the European Union and that incorporation is being used to claim that England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales are just "dependent sovereigns" within the larger EU corporate conglomerate.

The Holy See plans to be the only unincorporated sovereign government on Earth, simply because it will claim that every other government has "voluntarily" incorporated as part of the Holy Roman Empire. It will reign supreme simply by default, as everyone else foolishly abdicates their sovereignty by incorporating their government -----hanging themselves in the process.

The Municipal Government of the United States is their local franchise.
The Territorial Governments are all "Dependent Sovereigns" by definition--- meaning that they are "subject nations". This is the same status that the American Indian Tribal Governments have been in for the past 200 years.

My friend was happily telling me about how the people in her group were all adopting Tribal Member status and Tribal IDs. She was chirping about the sovereignty of indigenous people. And I was shaking my head in disbelief.

Go visit any Reservation and see how "sovereign" they are.
The Ancient Romans called the "uncivilized" peoples living on the fringes of their Empire "tribes" because they were "subject to Rome" and forced to pay "tribute" to Rome ---- that word again: tribute, tribulation, tribe.

So when you hang yourself by claiming to be part of a "tribe", you are automatically agreeing that you owe tribute to Rome. You are using their words, and those words have a meaning.
There is a world of difference between calling yourself a Lakota Sioux and characterizing yourself as a member of any Lakota Tribe.
One is still a sovereign nation, bloodied but unbowed.

The other is a franchise operated by the Vatican for the benefit of the Holy See, and all the Tribal Members are understood --- by the Romans at least --- to be pledging themselves and all their worldly goods to be good little Tax Payers and send tribute to Rome.
Its the same kind of difference between calling yourself a Texan and calling yourself a Citizen of the United States. One is a free, independent, and sovereign national of Texas. The other is a wholly owned slave of the Holy Roman Empire.
If you don't know the difference, it is all too easy for these magicians to claim that they have done nothing wrong by enslaving you. You pledged yourself to them and subjected yourself to their law--- voluntarily. You hung yourself.
And nine-tenths of the people in this world are just like my friend-- happily hanging themselves, not realizing the consequences, and not even having the wherewithal to admit that they "made a mistake"---- confess the sin --- and escape the trap.

THEY are under sacred obligation to release you if you "confess" your mistake, but first you have to realize that you made a mistake.
Otherwise, its the same old box, different day.
If you are a Tribal Member, you are a Tax Payer. You are subject to the Municipal Government of the United States, which is a franchise of the Municipal Government of Rome which is a franchise of the Vatican which is the Property Management Corporation ---- all owned and operated by the unincorporated and sovereign government of the Holy See.

If you are an incorporated church, you are obligated to the State Religion, which can be anything at all, including Satanism.
I explained to my friend how the British Crown Corporation picked up billions of dollars of church properties for nothing:
They said, "We will give churches tax exemptions! Just sign up as non-profit religious corporations!"
But our churches were already tax exempt. Say what?
Churches in this country were always exempt from Territorial and Municipal taxes, but by taking the bait and incorporating themselves, the churches lost their natural tax exemption and their continued exemption from taxation under Territorial Law was converted into a mere privilege --- a privilege that can be revoked at the Queen's or the Pope's whim.

The British Crown Corp used this constructive fraud inducement and claimed billions upon billions of dollars of church properties as chattel property backing their debts and financing their operations worldwide.
They got the churches to hang themselves.
They enslaved the clergy the same way they have enslaved the workers and the businesses and the industries of this country---through false claims in commerce, through constructive fraud, and through our own ignorance.
They've been having a good time, getting us to hang ourselves, and raking in the proceeds.
Until people actually see what incorporation is and what it does, until people fully comprehend the danger that incorporation represents to dignity and freedom and life itself --- mankind doesn't stand a chance.
Remember this: your State of the Union is a sovereign nation, and you, a Lawful Person of that nation, one of the People of your State, are owed every jot of every protective treaty and agreement your Forefathers put in place. If you get suckered in and claim to be a Moor, a Tribal Member, a United States Citizen, or any kind of Citizen of the United States, or adopt any other status or identity at all----it all goes out the door. You lose your birthright. You lose your land and soil. You lose your rights. Everything.

Never, ever incorporate anything unless you don't want the responsibility and rights of owning it. Never pledge anything; pledging is a custom of feudalism and is totally foreign to your country. Never voluntarily register anything that you want to keep as private property, either.

All these "gifts" the vermin have been conferring on you, all these corporate franchises named after you--- and all the citizenship obligations that go with them--- have to be converted to your control.
The only way to do this is the path we've cut for you: reclaim your Lawful Person, your Trade Name, and establish its permanent home and domicile on the land and soil of your actual State of the Union. Then move all the "derivatives" to permanent domiciles on the land and soil of your State, too.

This finally gets you out of the box, back home, operating under the Public Law of this country and the Constitutions you are owed.
You can't regain your freedom by moving to another jail.
And you can't address their crimes to them, until you stop hanging yourselves.

The Pope is under the gun now. The full scope and meaning and diabolical nature of the scheme promoting the "Holy Roman Empire" using corporations and the process of incorporation --- and the plot to leave the Holy See as the only unincorporated government, and therefore the only sovereign government left standing--- is fully revealed.

The result of joining the EU and being "incorporated" into that larger regional government is being brought home to Britain right now. They lost their sovereignty, gave it away, hung themselves.
The only way they can regain it and BREXIT and go back to the Pound Sterling and British Law again without World War III, is to admit their mistake and hang a very large club over the Roman Curia's head.

As disgusted as I am with the Brits and their gross mistreatment of our States and our People, I wish them well in this endeavor, and hope that the rest of Europe wakes up, too. Commercial Feudalism is an unimaginable evil and it needs to be stopped by all and any means possible.

17th June 2019, 08:29 AM
Rumor from some had it that Trump's visit to the queen recently involved a separation of the U.S. from the atypical British scheme of things. If one is looking for a sign that this is about to come about all you have to do is check your mailbox (should you be retired ... or know of any retired people) to see if the social security check comes to an end. Talk about separating the wheat from the chaff ... this would do it.

17th June 2019, 08:34 AM
So when you hang yourself by claiming to be part of a "tribe", you are automatically agreeing that you owe tribute to Rome.

When growing up in Iowa the only tribe we had on scene was the MesQuaki. Seems in the late 1800's Iowa got rid of all of them .. .moved 'em to Nebraska and some got homesick and started trickling back (as nomad peoples are prone to do). At the time they were forbidden from owning anything in the State of Iowa so the governor of the time graciously established a trust for them so they could purchase 80 acres of land.

Jumping forward 100 years they are now known as the MesKwaki tribe and are sovereign enough on their little 80 acre patch to operate a casino that brings in hundreds of millions of dollars for them and the State. So MesKwakis are now self-supporting enough that they can purchase their own alcohol and opiods. A recent incident had a young tribe member killing his familiy ... probably in a moment of excess sovereignty while under the influence.

17th June 2019, 04:33 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA4Y8d_GuIn5hFK6_IvqE3oeyLRlMnFGcTyUbmAeOeokD dp49IwHo2P5LJapuQ9-GEWY5IjIRI-P03r&hc_ref=ART1urMoEaGjK7rdHbQa15JW2pS4u2iE3QbnQGH-NM8zjKk8LuCPnPAmdIWTIq-u9Zw&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2261776410538093) ·

Yes, Virginia, Incorporated Entities Are Trusts

Incorporated entities are just another form of trust. The Incorporators act as the Donors of their ideas and dreams and assets. The Operators act as the Trustees. The Owners and Shareholders act as the Beneficiaries.

So as you can see, incorporated entities are just another kind of trust known as a "Business Trust", and in the case of government chartered business trusts, the owners are the government corporations issuing the charters: the parent corporations.

Your incorporated business, whether it is IBM or the Pacific Railroad, Inc., is in fact owned by whichever parent corporation(s) chartered it. Not by you.

If you filed your incorporation paperwork with the State of California you are operating under a British Territorial Charter. If you filed with the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, you are operating under a Municipal Holy Roman Empire Charter.

The ultimate owners and beneficiaries are the Queen or the Pope, respectively.

You may, of course, do all the actual work and take all the risk of developing such a business venture "for" them, and you may, as a loyal subject, aspire to be a shareholder and so secure some small portion of the benefit of the enterprise for yourself and your progeny---- but the fact remains that you gave that "vessel" away the moment you incorporated it.

Why would anyone ever do such a thing? It just doesn't make sense, does it?
Unless....unless you were engaged in making profit from some activity that was intrinsically very risky, very immoral, and therefore, very "subject to liability"---- and still wanted to profit from it to whatever extent possible, without being held accountable.
Then such a deal makes perfect sense, and you would, as a shareholder, willingly give up the ownership interest in exchange for escaping the liability associated with the enterprise. Think in terms of Defense Contractors. Tobacco Companies. Distilleries. Fireworks Manufacturers. Petrochemical and Mining operations. Pharmaceutical Corporations. Pesticide Manufacturers.

According to organizations issuing your charter, you voluntarily entered into a contract with them to escape liability for your business activities, and willingly donated the copyrights, trademarks, production facilities, brands, widgets, patents, and all else deemed part of the now-incorporated business enterprise, in exchange for being held harmless.

That protection of whatever other assets you have, and the limitation of liability to the extent that you are only putting your shareholder interest in the incorporated business at risk, is the purportedly "equitable consideration" provided by the organization issuing the charter and receiving all the material assets of the incorporated entity as new chattel property backing their own debts.

So, if you get a hair stuck crosswise and decide to incorporate your cupcake manufacturing business (it isn't clear to me why making cupcakes is so risky that incorporation makes sense, but, it's your business and you can give it away if you want to) by filing Articles of Incorporation with the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, which is a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC., which is a franchise of the UN CORP, which is owned and operated ultimately by the unincorporated and sovereign government of the Holy See---- you've donated your business to the Pope.

If you filed Articles of Incorporation with the State of California, you have donated your business to the Queen.
The incorporated governmental service providers thus acquire the title to the substance of all these incorporated businesses, with the local franchise (State of California or STATE OF CALIFORNIA, for example) retaining the legal title and responsibility for enforcing it, and the Queen or the Pope holding the equitable title -- the benefit of the whole operation. Shareholders are allowed a little of profit in exchange for taking on their share of the risk -- the value of their shares.

Now, you would think that this would be obvious and common knowledge, but it isn't, because 99% of the people who have "voluntarily" incorporated their churches, and their businesses, and thoughtlessly taken other actions serving to incorporate themselves and their children via registrations and applications serving to "enfranchise" themselves---- have never been told what I just told you.

They don't understand what incorporation is or what it does beyond providing bankruptcy protection. They aren't told who or what ultimately benefits from it. They are not provided anything like full disclosure or good advice from the attorneys who are working respectively for the Queen or the Pope.

This is why when you go to "un-incorporate" anything it causes such an extreme amount of scrutiny and controversy. Even if you go the pre-approved route and liquidate via bankruptcy proceedings and thereby make sure that either the Queens Esquires or the Pope's Magistrates get to oversee every nuance of the asset distribution involved, there will be guaranteed grilling and howling because you are severing your service contract with them.

I once had the unhappy task of serving as an Officer of a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Corporation. It had one asset, title to a forty acre parcel of land, which was to be developed or sold to provide community services in our small town.

The other Officers were completely incompetent and would not organize or get started to do anything at all with the asset, so after two years of paying the property taxes out of my own pocket, I gave them an ultimatum. I told them I wasn't paying the taxes again. Three more years went by, and the local Borough moved to sell the land for non-payment of the property taxes, which of course, a 501 (c) 3 is obligated to pay. By then I was the only Officer still active and paying attention.
I made one more good faith attempt to rouse the other officers to take action. They told me they would attend to it in a few weeks --- after the land was to be sold at auction --- and took off for California.

It was a valuable tract of land and our small community needed to get some benefit out of it, so I looked around for another community non-profit (Friends of the Library, as it turned out) that was competent to pay the back taxes and signed it over to them and sent in the dissolution paperwork to the STATE OF ALASKA.

Oh, the crying, the howling, the accusations, the beating of chests---- the disbelief that I would, as the only remaining Officer responsible for the asset, give it away to another community non-profit that would actually be responsible and take care of it and make use of it.

The other completely inactive and irresponsible Officers of the now-dissolved non-profit dragged me into court and alleged that I had acted improperly. I had to go before a Magistrate Judge and explain all this. Why? Because a 501 (c) 3 like every other kind of incorporated entity, is a Public Trust. The STATE OF ALASKA chartered it and so, the STATE OF ALASKA had an interest in how it was administered and what happened to the assets.

Thankfully, the Judge was sane. Otherwise, I could have gone through no end of bother and expense just to responsibly un-incorporate and divest the assets of a stillborn, inactive, non-profit Business Trust.
Imagine what happens when a C-Corp tries to divest itself of its corporate trust?

I have very succinctly described for you why incorporation exists --- to avoid liability and accountability for one's activities. I have also explained the cost of incorporation ---- 100% loss of the assets.
I would guess that over 75% of all the businesses that incorporate themselves gain no real benefit from it at all, and yet, they suffer the same 100% loss of their assets and merely retain the privilege of acting as operators and shareholders.

This also neatly shows you how unincorporated sovereign governments are the only entities that actually benefit from all this avoidance of responsibility. The sovereign governments, which are all unincorporated, acquire the assets of all the incorporated businesses they charter. In this way, they establish feudal commercial fiefdoms, based on the assets of all the incorporated entities and all the paupers working for those entities.

And now you know why the Bar Attorneys who work for the Queen never tell anyone the truth about incorporating a business. They want you to donate your business and all its assets to their Queen. The story is the same for the Magistrates working for the Pope. They want you to give away everything you have to the Pope, and live as a Pauper, slaving away without any actual pay or ownership interest in anything.

They knowingly benefit and enrich themselves via this racket, and take advantage of your gullibility. And they can't easily be blamed for any wrong-doing, either, because theirs is a sin by omission and non-disclosure. Their Business Trusts and contracts may be voided for non-disclosure, but first you have to demonstrate that they had an obligation to fully disclose....and if they can allege that you, yourself, are operating as a commercial entity, they have no such obligation.

However, only the Citizens of the United States were operating in Commerce in 1933; the rest of us deserve and were grandfathered-in to operate under lawful contracting processes which do not include unilateral, undisclosed, or implied contracts. They are required to fully disclose the consequences of incorporation to us, and they didn't. And there stands the "conditions precedent".

Another consequence of their Breach of Trust and rebellion against the Constitutions is that they cease to exist as viable, recognizable political entities. The political status of United States Citizens, like the political status of Citizens of the United States, are both created by the Constitutions and without the Constitutions, their "Persons" dissolve.
In the case of Americans working for these foreign corporations, that means they devolve back to being Americans operating under our Public Law.

In the case of British Operatives, including the millions of Bar Attorneys, they also revert back to their original status and are subject to British Territorial Law. All the "citizens of the United States" created by the 14th Amendment to the corporate constitution of the defunct Scottish commercial corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Inc." simply dissolve into the thin air from which they were created.

And as for the Municipal Government, all its "citizenry" dissolves and there are no more "Citizens of the United States" at all. The Congress is left stateless and is bound to either return to our shores or be deported; in view of the damage they have done and attempted to do to this country and its people, many of them have planned ahead and accepted Dual Citizenship in foreign countries, primarily Luxembourg and Israel.

Don't let the screen door hit you on your way out.

18th June 2019, 03:48 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAg9Mff2g7YFQqs2SZDNfk_Xuk6z6aesx8tJmlYoro4Cb FFhVChroH-MGrYyB_6q68BypLfx0OCDsWZ&hc_ref=ARQOFW1HShfal1iVU1X_OwJA3ZlBmgXYhiycQlWLIR6 HtpJy60Dohj_tswEzy6S9q5M&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2263535773695490) ·

Modus Operandi 4.0

So we have learned how incorporation is used as a trap or self-entrapment device, by which the vermin obtain ownership of everything in sight for free, and the only obligation they have is to offer bankruptcy protection.

This is a form of entrapment that only succeeds to the extent that the nature of it remains undisclosed and/or undetected or both. It only succeeds because people don't realize what they are giving up when they incorporate anything.

The same is true of another insidious theft and entrapment mechanism -- registration. People think that registering something is the same as recording it, but in fact, any time you "register" anything, you are at least temporarily giving up your ownership interest in it. So, think about that one....

Registering your private auto or truck as a "motor vehicle" with the what? Oh, the Division of Motor Vehicles---- notice the verbiage --- means that you are: (1) claiming to be operating a kind of business that makes use of the public roads for private profit -- like a taxi service, courier service, trucking company, etc. and (2) admitting that your private auto or truck is engaged in this business as a "motor vehicle".

Look up the definition of "motor vehicle".
Have you ever driven a "motor vehicle" in your life? Most of us haven't, yet our names are on record as being professional motor vehicle drivers and our private property cars and trucks have been registered as "common carriers" --- public conveyances belonging to the State of State organization running this scam.

Yet, if you insist that yours is a private auto, you will face constant harassment and racketeering efforts by clueless "state patrolmen" and traffic court personnel. This is the very definition of "organized crime" and it is being promoted by foreign commercial corporations on our shores, acting under color of law, pretending to "represent" our State of the Union.

Voter Registration is a similar entrapment and theft mechanism. When you "register" to vote, you in fact give up your right to present yourself. It hands your proxy over to whomever gets elected out of the political party stew pot and makes you responsible for their spending and their crimes. Now, who in their right mind would ever want to hand their proxy over to a Washington, DC Lobbyist, and "stand good" for whatever that PERSON does?

Nobody. Yet, because the actual results of "registering to vote" are not disclosed to you, and because voting is propagandized as a good and wonderful thing, and your "right to vote" is constantly being held up as something sacrosanct-- millions of Americans get suckered into co-signing loans for the brigands.

Yes, that's what you are doing when you "register to vote"--- you are "volunteering" to act as a co-signer on the loans these cretins take out "in the name of" your State, and if for whatever reason, they don't pay the resulting bills, guess who the Creditors of these foreign commercial corporations go after?

All the foreign commercial corporations have to do is go bankrupt, and voila, you are on the hook for it --- and once again, you have unknowingly, unwittingly gotten sucked into this position for lack of full disclosure. It's a form of commercial constructive fraud, complete with false advertising.

And really, this is the small end of the pool, because the vermin have not been content with issuing false titles to non-existent motor vehicles or gulling unwitting co-signers into inking the dotted line. No, beginning in the 1920's, the temptation to run the Big Con on us was just too strong. They had to start registering births, too.

The moment that 200 million American Moms and Grandmothers wake up and realize that they are signing away their ownership interest in their babies and allowing foreign commercial corporations to "seize upon" their children as chattel backing the debts of those foreign commercial corporations, there's going to be an awakening in this country ---- an awakening where hospitals and hospital administrators and those "state of state" officials running the Birth Certificate scam are going to be skewered in the cross-hairs and the politicians responsible are going to be hiding under their desks.

Because "registration" of your children as a "Person" means the same thing as registration of your private car as a "Motor Vehicle" --- it means making a false claim about them, that then allows false legal presumptions, which in turn subjects them as slaves and chattel of these foreign commercial corporations operating under color of law on our shores.

It's another entrapment/coercion/racketeering scam, only this is the Big One. This is where they take your most precious possession --- your kids.

Your children are born as living people with honest Trade Names that you give them, but then, charlatans trick you into signing over your children and unwittingly making the False Claim that they are "US Citizens" when in fact they are Americans.

That then allows these vermin to make false assumptions called "legal presumptions" about your children and also about you.

You naturally think of your own country when you hear the words "United States" ---- that is, you think of the Proper Name: The United States. And when you hear "United States Citizen", you naturally assume that yes, you are a United States Citizen. But what if there are other kinds of "United States" involved?

And different kinds of "United States Citizens", too? Which there are?
There are Territorial United States Citizens and Municipal Citizens of the United States, too. By checking the box 'US Citizen" without stipulating which kind of "United States" you are talking about, you allow whatever kind of interpretation someone wants to put on it.

So the Territorial Government presumes that you are a Territorial Citizen and under obligation to them.

And the Municipal Government presumes that you are a Municipal Citizen and under obligation to THEM.

But in truth and in fact, you are a State Citizen of The United States and they are all under obligation to you.

They've been working their little fraud scheme pretty good, haven't they? Hooking you to serve them, instead of them serving you. Fingering you for their debts and wild spending. Mis-characterizing and misidentifying you and your children for fun and profit.

And now comes the reckoning, and they need to know it and pay up, because you now know what they have been doing and how they have been doing it --- tricking and entrapping you, abusing, misusing, and in fact, enslaving you in your own country.

Now, you might think that Mr. Trump is responsible for this situation, but he is not. And you might think that the members of Congress are responsible, but they have been using a Disclaimer for all their Acts since 1861: "This Act shall not effect any rights thus previously established."

That is, nothing that they have done since 1861 has any effect on you---except to the extent that you have been "mistaken for" a Territorial United States Citizen or a Municipal Citizen of the United States.
Only the Judicial Branch is responsible and accountable for this criminality.

In 1991, the Congress altered the wording of the Federal Judicial Oath so as to sever their accountability to the Constitutions and they have run like wild horses without a backward glance. They have pillaged and plundered and utterly ignored their moral and actual duty to the Public Law and the People of this country.

It does not take a Juris Doctorate to know that unconscionable, illegal, immoral, and unlawful contracting processes are being used to pillage and plunder this country and its people under color of law. It is simple and self-evident and any Judge worth the salt in their fecal matter knows it as well as I do.

The entire scenario reeks of racketeering, fraud, False Claims in commerce, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, press-ganging, and enslavement --- and the people who are taking their paychecks from your pockets and who are supposed to be protecting you are sitting on their thumbs, participating in and benefiting from all this instead of doing their jobs.

So, what do you do? You reclaim your birthright political status. You assemble your State Assembly. You operate your State Courts. And you fire the rats. And you hire new people. And you enforce the Public Law.

It does not take rocket science to figure out who is ultimately responsible: the Queen and the Pope and the Lord Mayor of Westminster, all three, are responsible. They, though obligated to act as our Trustees, have profited themselves via these schemes and thereby acted as accomplices to this genocide on paper.

The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate has now gone full circle, and instead of pointing at us, is pointing at them.

They have used False Claims in Commerce to create a criminal system of Commercial Feudalism.

The rest of the world got sick of their old system of Colonial Feudalism, so they re-branded it and moved their operations to the Municipal Jurisdiction to create something even worse. And now it appears that by joining the EU, the corrupt government of Britain has fallen into its own Bear Trap.

As for you, come out of Babylon. The fact that you are reading this is not an accident. Come out, together with all of your children.

19th June 2019, 02:23 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBmq3tGggeIdPwIc8jCHoycSYxIVhv7rn4pwiz_m55VV0 igSTpVTncF_760tNjhVQaitfB3cSGxnSuM&hc_ref=ARRxf0GrfAlQAcvbzT94YS5E_pLiSjxuELb-dXu2OcdLraMiJMLA7merqC-RF7w8O5E&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2265241120191622) ·

Modus Operandi 5.0

This week we have been discussing the ways and means of the True Enemies of Mankind-- the Criminals among us, who are in Bible terms, the Sons and Daughters of Cain.

Cain's lineage got a head start on this planet, and it should not surprise anyone that his progeny are numerous and widespread. Then, as now, they tend to inhabit cities and especially seaports. They also take most advantage of us while we are asleep--in the Land of Nod.

What else do we notice about Cain? He is callous and uncaring and has no conscience. He kills his own brother in a fit of petty jealousy and what is his only question? --- Am I my brother's keeper?

We are still dealing with these people today. They care nothing for anyone or anything else beyond themselves.
Even when they appear to have concerns about other topics and issues, this is a superficial caring that links right back into their own self-interest and profit. Modern psychologists call them sociopaths. They may be cunning, they may be charismatic, they may be very attractive ---- but they have no heart for anything beyond what profits them and strokes their egos.

These people are focused on profit of all kinds-- political power is a kind of profit. The adulation of deluded fans is profit. The unearned trust of millions of people is profit. Fooling people into doing something that harms their own interests, yet benefits the sociopath, is profit in their minds.
It's not just money with them, but it is always in a broader sense-- profit.
No mistake, then, that these people naturally gravitate toward and build and are happy to contribute to organizations that have the single goal of making profit-- commercial corporations.

Most incorporated entities are organized for one purpose and one purpose only--to make profit for the owners and shareholders.
So not only does the basic process of incorporation encourage secretive thievery and allow the receiving of unearned assets by those issuing the charters, but the resulting Business Trusts attract exactly the kind of people who are most criminal in nature--- those who are already aligned with the pure profit motivations of incorporated business structures.

Cain's callous, ruthless, violent, and rather stupid and short-sighted mentality is as common as dirt in corporate board rooms around the world.

Corporations as business structures are by definition profit-making machines, and the Sons and Daughters of Cain are mindlessly focused on making profit, too. It's a perfect match of tool with base motivation.
So the incorporated business structure that results from the secretive theft of assets that occurs whenever an incorporated entity is formed, spins off another evil-- and the resulting Business Trust structure becomes a natural tool for evil men to use to profit themselves.
If they can profit themselves by producing a good product or service they do so, and if they can profit themselves more by producing a bad product they do so with equal alacrity. They literally don't give a fig how they profit themselves, who or what is harmed, so long as they profit by it.

But, you say, doesn't Monsanto and it's Board of Directors know that by doing the things they are now engaged in, they are ultimately killing themselves and their children along with everyone else?

Remember the other characteristics of Cain?
He is not only uncaring--- he is stupid and short-sighted about his profit-making. His only fear is that other people will catch on and kill him for his misdeeds. Otherwise, who cares if his corporation kills 20 billion people ten years from now, so long as it generates a 20 billion profit this year?

He thinks --- we will just transfer the assets, bankrupt the brand, re-brand the product, make it a different color, add more perfume to mask the odor, and be off and going again in no time. "Round Up" may disappear, but "Nemesis Weed Whacker" will still be selling off the shelves, and as long as we can buy off the FDA---we'll go on profiting ourselves.

It is the same with adding fluoride to drinking water and using the excuse that it prevents cavities. It also causes mental and emotional retardation because it is a central nervous system poison, but who cares?

It turns a dangerous waste by-product of aluminum extraction into a profit maker for mining interests allied to the aerospace and defense contractor industries, so to someone with Cain's limited mindset, adding fluoride to drinking water is good. His corporation doesn't have to pay for safely disposing of the fluoride, and it makes a profit! Happy days!

At least the rest of us will have more teeth in our heads when we die, after living truncated lives with reduced brain function and adrenal failure.

Their answer to your concerns is always basically the same: am I my brother's keeper? Who cares? We are making a buck here!
And that is exactly what you encounter in corporate board rooms throughout the world--completely callous disregard of everyone and everything in the name of profit. Profit for the corporation. Profit for the men who secretively own the corporation. Profit for the the shareholders. Profit for the operators.

Not necessarily profit for the customers. The Sons and Daughters of Cain are happy to sell rat poison as medicine. Literally.
Now, it is bad enough when it is Monsanto or a consortium of Aluminum Manufacturers or a pharmaceutical company---but what happens when what is serving as your government is organized as a for-profit commercial corporation?

All the same evils of other commercial corporations apply to the United States, Inc. and the UN CORP, too.
Evil men bent on nothing but profit are sucked into the government corporations just as they naturally gravitate toward Microsoft and Mitsubishi.

And the end result is that someone like Nancy Pelosi winds up being Speaker of the House, and billionaire Donald Trump is drafted to oversee a profit-making bankruptcy for the UNITED STATES, Inc.
Did you hear that right? "A profit-making bankruptcy???" What is Grandma talking about now? How can a corporation profit by a bankruptcy?

They simply plan ahead and shuffle off all the profits of an old corporation into new corporations chartered by the same old perpetrators, then bankrupt the old shell they are leaving behind, leaving you behind to pick up the pieces and pay off their secondary creditors.

So the assets of the UNITED STATES, INC. are shuffled off into THE UNITED STATES, INC., and the old Business Trust is bankrupted and liquidated. The perpetrators start off with a fresh slate and the bulk of the accumulated ill-gotten gain from the old UNITED STATES, INC. to play with.

They leave you on the hook as co-signers and invested shareholders of the bankrupted entity.
Who cares? We are making a buck here! Am I my brother's keeper?

In this case, the parties making the ultimate profit from all this are the Pope and the Queen, who just happen to be the ones chartering all these incorporated Business Trust structures in the first place.

First, they profit from all the assets they receive as the undisclosed result of the incorporation process, then they profit from all the income from their governmental services corporations, then they shuffle off the profits to new similarly named corporations, then they bankrupt the old Business Trust structures and leave you on the hook to pay their bills.

It's Babylon and Egypt all over again.
They keep their secondary Creditors happy at your expense and keep right on trucking.

Who cares if you lose your home, your business, and your standard of living?

Who cares if that erodes your ability to work and earn and buy more stuff--including more government services? They are off and on their way to China. Tally-ho!

Who cares if their privateer operation in Puerto Rico is discovered? They've got another set up ready to go in the Northern Mariana Islands.

You see what I mean? These people really aren't too bright. Just sneaky and self-serving. They don't see that the Greater Good is "profit" to them and their business. They get lost in all sorts of petty sidebar schemes that turn a profit today and kill off their customer base tomorrow.

Look back at the story of Cain to see the mentality you are dealing with, and then take counsel accordingly.
Pope Benedict bowed to the inevitable. He knew that the UNITED STATES, INC. had been caught red-handed engaged in criminal activity against the States and People of this country. He knew he had to liquidate it as a crime syndicate, so he did.

But he didn't liquidate the American Corporations Company, or Cede and Company, or the Depository Trust Corporation/DTTC at the core of the criminality and enslavement racket. He didn't liquidate MERS and all the banks and securities houses that have benefited from it. He didn't liquidate the Belgian equivalent of MERS known as the BEAST. He didn't get rid of the IRS.

His Successor, Francis, circled the wagons at his behest and has overseen the quick-march reorganization designed to set up the same old system and try to pull the same old crappola again.

Pope Francis washed his hands and the Church's skirt with his Moto Proprio, and then he allowed the UNITED STATES, INC. bankruptcy to chug along and let THE SAME PERPETRATORS set up a new incorporated Business Trust --and let them CONTINUE to use us as Presumed Co-Signers (!!!) and to use our assets as collateral subject to their debts---business as usual in other words.

That is why we have complained in public and exposed the mammoth failure of the Curia to self-correct.
It's like the right hand slapping the left hand. Nothing has actually been done. The same criminals are in control. The same illegal, immoral, and unlawful practices are being employed by the "new" corporation as by the old.

Same story, different day--- except.... we are no longer asleep and no longer in the Land of Nod. As with Cain, all they are afraid of, is that the rest of us will catch on and kill them for their misdeeds.

20th June 2019, 09:01 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDzLDWB9qJhkWHTbE0fuKaMryoWNr0LvMVr3BHEUp0piO JTCgmtfO40tJYYcQFn4_UNPYuuwt5wldOP&hc_ref=ARTn3M-wtFH2I9iSmpQYQyoUSZNBp03Mk6q-OzLcFnyqxTSt88r-XUnTTGKDnrGNOig&fref=nf)
18 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2265393730176361) ·

Modus Operandi 6.0

Now we have the beginning of the "gauge" of the problems we and the rest of the world are facing, and they are substantive and logical and hard to overcome.

The few remaining sovereign governments (and it appears we may no longer include Britain thanks to their participation in the EU) profit themselves by chartering incorporated franchises. The assets of these franchises are seized upon, but because the operators and shareholders remain the same, people are under the delusion that they continue to own the business they created and which they have foolishly given away.

That is, most incorporated businesses have done this foolishly, while a relatively small number of organizations engaged in immoral, illegal, or other activities with "liability issues" such as defense contractors, have incorporated knowingly to escape being accountable for their actions, yet enabled to continue to reap profit from them.

The organization reaping the most profit from this scheme is the Holy See, with the British Government coming in a close second.

By incorporating the organizations responsible for delivering government services, they further increased their throttle-hold on everyone and everything, and set up a situation wherein their own corporations are guarding their own other commercial corporation holdings, and the men responsible for oversight --- the Roman Curia and the Pope --- the ones profiting the most from all this oppressive criminality, are the ones supposed to be upholding law and order and liquidating their own crime syndicates.

Does anyone see a problem with this?

Thus Pope Benedict liquidated the UNITED STATES, INC., but only after shuffling off the bulk of the assets to other incorporated entities owned and operated by the same shysters, and Francis has left all the rest of the infrastructure of this evil intact and thriving, and not even under investigation.

He will give you his best stare, cock his head, look vaguely interested --- FBI? DTC? DTTC? MERS? THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? IRS?

He might give a little jolt of surprise and look at you more sharply if you mention the new gig using the Northern Marianas to set up the same scam they've been running all these years in Puerto Rico.
But then, he would ask, isn't the Church able to tithe its members for voluntary contributions to Peter's Pence? The cost of carrying on worldwide Crusades against everyone and everything else is costly, after all.

They have by dint of clandestine action whittled down the list of other sovereign unincorporated governments to a mere handful. They even managed to undermine the endlessly perfidious British Monarchy, and that is no small feat.

Imagine their consternation when the sovereign American States rose up, shook off the dust of a 150 year nap, and arrived back on the playing field?

Some members of the Curia realize that this may be the last gasp hope for the Church's redemption and salvation.

Others are continuing on with their plan to use Donald Trump and our muscle to wipe out Iran and North Korea, let the Arab nations wipe out Israel, and then simply announce that they have taken over the U.S. and use their tool, the United Nations, to announce that they will no longer recognize any unincorporated governments.

Such an announcement, they reason, would just fly over people's heads. The sheep wouldn't know what it meant, so wouldn't react. And there they'd be, sitting at the Apex of the Pyramid, not having to share power with anyone at all, silently owning everyone and everything --- but not as a Church morally obligated to preserve a worldwide trust --- as the biggest transnational commercial corporation on Earth and the inheritor of all the assets of all the commercial corporations they chartered directly or chartered through their franchise organizations.

It would be Satan's Kingdom, the Kingdom of God, not the Kingdom of Heaven.

So they aim to literally own everything and everything outright, in the commercial sense of ownership. They are not waiting for Jesus to return. They are just setting themselves up to rule as oligarchs. And all on the QT.

Many lifelong Catholics are hearing about this for the first time. They can't even imagine that their Church has been involved --indeed, promoting and perpetuating something like this --- for over 150 years. It seems so opposed to what the Church is supposed to be about, and yet, if they stop and think.... what is the Pontificate? What is the history of the Holy Roman Empire? What was Martin Luther ranting about?
Is the selling of Indulgences --- certificates allowing rich people to sin in exchange for gold --- really that much different from trading baptismal certificates on a private stock exchange and claiming that they are buying and selling souls?

The Pontificate has been hidden in plain sight for centuries, a pagan Roman institution existing side by side with the Roman Catholic Church. Yet, somehow, the sincerity and sacrifices of the Saints has covered up the sins and evils of the "property management" side of things.

The weak link in all of this criminality is exposure and public discussion of it, thus it has been kept secret and implemented in secret via what? Secret societies. Brotherhoods. Men engaged in a Great Work.

Just steal the whole world (for it's own good, of course, wink-wink) and tell the gullible pawns that it is about something else entirely.
So here we find more of their Modus Operandi: (1) serving as their own oversight -- and then just looking the other way as much as possible; (2) lying to and deceiving their membership, in the church, in the "secret" fraternal societies they spawned, in the labor unions they spawned, and the political parties they spawned, too; (3) using the virtues and sincere beliefs of others as a storefront to cover crime; (4) secretly mocking Jesus and celebrating his death; (5) upholding Satan's Kingdom --- the "Kingdom of God" --- and trying to confuse it with The Kingdom of Heaven, the same way the have confused "the" United States with The United States.

We are saying this to wake the conscience and awareness of people and especially of Catholics worldwide: the Roman Catholic Church has a deep and ugly schism built into it, an element of criminality it must overcome.

This is the War of the Spirit, in which the Holy Spirit must overcome the Spirit of Evil, and in which men must choose which Master they will serve.

20th June 2019, 09:08 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCT28MQzrStOgawYQHw-SXCrKRgweERXwdes-d6EVlBN4-Rol0k4zdfXPdsILlJ-kzeNXFLOPJrboeA&hc_ref=ARQHgk1vZ3-Oeygv_W8qBokAo5WHPElLChI-DYYVTpPP5Boj8eia-aO7VoUCIX-47T4&fref=nf)
18 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2265415590174175) ·

The Long and Short of It:
the RFK Assassination Truth Reduced to Two Paragraphs:

"Unlike his assassinated brother, RFK received a first-class autopsy whose results are trustworthy. Renowned medical examiner Thomas Noguchi performed the autopsy. The autopsy report and Noguchi’s trial testimony reveal that (1) all three bullets striking RFK were fired from behind him, and (2) the three bullets had been fired at point-blank range—“[the] muzzle distance… was very, very close.” The fatal bullet was fired from a firearm “one inch from the edge of [RFK’s] right ear and three inches behind the head.”

Sirhan could not possibly have fired these three shots. He was in front of RFK and never came within 4 or 5 feet of him."

Is that clear enough for everyone?

The DOJ was complicit. The FBI was complicit. The CIA was complicit.

The LAPD was complicit. They all lied their rumps off.

I knew that on my 12th birthday, June 6, 1968. The first thing I heard that morning was the assassination of RFK, the last US Attorney General who actually tried to defend the American States and People.

Want to know the EXACT details? Read Lisa Pease's new book, "A Lie Too Big to Fail".
Want the abstract I quoted above?
Go here:Link (https://flagpole.com/news/news-features/2019/06/19/the-real-story-of-the-assassination-of-robert-f-kennedy?fbclid=IwAR1CCyuGMV72ldFyoWNpgm0vpD62WiZPK 9pceeyE6CFwXpe-CCq1jgz_eS0)

20th June 2019, 09:16 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAjGc8KiXrmlK5-Dcaut0JYfnYdqUdj9k3jZSED4nQM_HNZABg0LeJkEDy8TBXaaJ kb94p7-nWz6-mn&hc_ref=ARR88eKl97joOndOZcRcbxFwNOek-dsZot9VsCO_m65KTgw2jjoGX1M7EZ5kDDZ2mow&fref=nf)
17 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2265560356826365) ·

Modus Operandi 7.0

Do you realize that: (1) secret societies, (2) university sororities and fraternities, (3) labor unions, (4) political parties and (5) Bar Associations---- are all relatively recent developments, and they all have their genesis in the same exact time period that the Roman Pontificate and the British Monarch have been busily incorporating and enfranchising everything and everyone in sight?

All these "institutions" and organizations that we now take for granted -- except for the secret societies and protypes of the Bar-- didn't exist 150 years ago. The Greek Fraternities and organizations like Skull and Bones didn't exist. The Labor Unions didn't exist. The Political Parties didn't exist. And the Secret Societies and Bar Associations are only a little bit older than these other organizational developments, having their genesis in the 1750's.

What do all these organizations--- which have sprouted up like mushrooms for no apparent reason--- and all contemporaneous with the development of Corporate Feudalism, have in common?

They are all private organizations, largely outside the purview of public scrutiny or regulation.

They are all to some extent, secret, and use their privacy to shield their members and their activities.

They all promote private networks of special privilege and knowledge.

They all bind people to loyalty to their organizations and their aims and "traditions" in exchange for support and assistance to obtain things of value for members.

They are all lobbies.

They exist to promote group actions, group beliefs, group knowledge, group associations, group transfers of property, and to lobby for and promote advantages for group members.

Some of this is harmless enough, like pooling together for lower rates on health insurance or hosting an annual picnic in the park with free hot dogs. Some of it, like obtaining opium and underage girls, is just plain old garden-variety crime and immorality.
And some of it aims at toppling governments, profiting private businesses at public expense, plundering public trusts, profiting from enslavement of entire populations, commodity rigging, unlawful conversion of assets, mercenary wars, group sponsored thuggery against individual people and businesses, racketeering, coercion, extortion, smuggling, drug-running, human trafficking and other organized crime and collusion to benefit group members at the expense of the public.

So, why do we have political lobbies running a government?

Why do we have "secret" organizations on our university campuses promoting elitism and debauchery? Why do we have "secular churches" meeting in specially built windowless temples--- worshiping what, if not profit and Baal? Why do we suddenly have labor union lobbies advocating for groups of workers on one hand, and selling them out on the other? Why do our policemen -- who still take their pay out of the public pocket -- belong to secret police fraternities?

Why do almost all lawyers now belong to Bar Associations? And are required to belong, just like in a closed union shop?

Where did all of this come from, out of the blue, and just between 200 and 150 years ago? Answer: from the Holy Roman Empire. From the Pontificate of the Roman Catholic Church.

And all of this was developing to full flower at about the same time that a certain Roman Catholic Pope declared himself "infallible" and also required that Roman Catholic Clergy had to remain celibate and could not marry.

That's a relatively recent change, too, though well outside any of our lifetimes.
It's immediate impact, of course, was to provide a convenient haven for homosexual men and women, and that in turn also invited other groups with sexual issues to seek clerical vocations. Nobody wants to talk about it, but the facts are the facts, and we are seeing the results in literally thousands of complaints about child abuse and sexual misconduct.

These lobbying organizations all have their own flavor, but they all amount to the same basic theme of networking and lobbying for special advantages and promoting special knowledge and elite privileges for their members at the expense of the Average Joe, who doesn't have the support of these gangs.

In view of the damage these groups have done to our country and the world, there is really no excuse to allow them to exist at all.

The only good that they accomplish could be accomplished via other rules and means, and the evil that they promote is just plain criminal conspiracy aided by a convenient means to excuse and privately organize racketeering, extortion, smuggling, drug-running, human trafficking, political kickbacks and other dirty dealing.

20th June 2019, 05:17 PM
Do you realize that: (1) secret societies, (2) university sororities and fraternities, (3) labor unions, (4) political parties and (5) Bar Associations---- are all relatively recent developments, and they all have their genesis in the same exact time period that the Roman Pontificate and the British Monarch have been busily incorporating and enfranchising everything and everyone in sight?

Ification is the process of being. All organizations such as those enumerated above have one thing in common: THEY LACK EXISTENCE.

This is standard for things classed LEGAL FICTION.

Other legal fictions: FBI, IRS, U.S., Canada, the Pacific Ocean, the Moon

20th June 2019, 10:49 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDdmuwfhYr1FPUu0GZNUd3yc4_ZcIhMn6gMbI9yBq7u81 G0qj-kQakl8QbudMubg_ubBaJEK3AqXZhM&hc_ref=ARRYeYSNKOYzxw7sXMjtPO1CGRSqMJhZdgTuJaod0Ve aazvrKCxvfOVDhpYqoeDHAJM&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2267340166648384) ·

Modus Operandi 8.0

In summation to this point -- a wide variety of means are employed to promote the criminality in our midst. Those means involve making False Claims and Accusations, role playing by Actors to confuse identities and discredit whole groups of people, the incorporation of business interests and individuals as mere franchises in a larger corporate web all tied to the unincorporated government of the Holy See---which in the case of governmental corporations is promoted under force and color of law, and finally, the creation of Special Interest Groups and Secret Societies to promote self-interested privilege, elitism, and material advantage for members, often using these groups--- knowingly or unknowingly-- to organize and enforce criminal activities.

Let's work backwards now and see how this operates in reverse -- going from one particular Special Interest Group, through the incorporation process, back to the Actors, and finally to the False Claims underlying it all. We will demonstrate that this is indeed a Kingdom built on lies.

The Special Interest Group most responsible for creating and maintaining the criminal corporate government system can be generally described as Public Employees. The explosive increase of criminality promoted by the civilian Public Employees started shortly after they were allowed to form Public Employee Unions---- a political lobby of government workers.

So, once again, the delivery system for all this criminality is organized via a lobby. Take special note. All these Special Interest Groups -- secret fraternal organizations, Bar Associations, labor unions, political parties, and labor unions -- can all be described as lobbyist organizations, or in British parlance, as guilds. All of them.

These groups, often possessing specialized skills or knowledge, and the commercial corporations they work for, both governmental and non-governmental, are the core delivery system for the institutionalized crime we are dealing with.

While the impetus and motivation for crime may begin with the self-interest of a relatively few individuals or a small group within the framework of the whole, for an example, the State of Ohio Legislature passing a Driver License Statute to pay for road improvements and pay patrolmen and "promote public safety" back in 1923 --- if there is a profit to be made, the profit motive spreads the crime throughout the entire system like wildfire.

The State of Ohio, Inc. made a profit on licensing Drivers of Motor Vehicles, and soon every Territorial State of State organization in the country was doing the same. Technically, this was "legal" because the legislation affected only State of Ohio employees and dependents and affected only "Motor Vehicles".

Remember that we are dealing here with commercial corporations in the business of providing government services --- not actual governments. As commercial corporations they are motivated by profit, not the Public Good. As commercial corporations, they can demand that their employees wear uniforms, obey private corporate laws called "statutes", and adhere to other requirements as a condition of their employment----including licensing requirements.

So: (1) the State of Ohio, Inc., as a commercial corporation, requires its employees and dependents to register their private cars and trucks as "Motor Vehicles" and requires them to obtain "Driver Licenses" as a condition of their employment. (2) State of Ohio, Inc. made money by doing this. (3) Motivated by profit, all the Territorial State of State franchises were soon doing the same, and (4) by a process of assumption and non-disclosure, they gradually imposed their private corporate Public Policy upon the General Public under color of law.

The Public Employees become complicit in this process because more money for the corporation employing them means more money, more power, more benefits, and more jobs for them.

The key realization for all concerned is that these things operating "as" our government at both the Federal and State levels are all for-profit commercial corporations, and not true governments at all.

Everyone in this whole system from the Holy See -- the final receiver and beneficiary of this system, to the State of Ohio Legislature, to the State of Ohio Court System, to the Public Employee Unions, to the lowliest junior traffic cop or officer worker at the now-privatized Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) -- is corrupted by the same private profit motive.

They are in direct conflict of interest with the Public Good and all working together as a network -- an organized crime syndicate -- to profit themselves.

Do they do some good by enforcing Driver Education and Performance standards? Yes. Do they do some evil by enforcing their Public Policies as "law" and charging members of the General Public to pay and obey? Yes.
They are engaged in open racketeering and acting in violation of our Natural and Unalienable Right to travel.
Very little has changed since the days when Robber Barons sent out groups of armed men to waylay travelers in mountain passes and charge them tolls for the use of the road.
And who is going to enforce the actual Public Law against them? Who is going to provide a Court to bring them to justice?
Certainly not the same corporate police and corporate court officials who are profiting from all this graft and misrepresentation and greed.
The military? The military is looking to the same criminal corporations to make the profits to keep them fed.

There are only two answers: (1) expose and embarrass them from the Pope on down, so that the sheer force of public awareness and public outrage bears them down and forces reform; (2) seize upon our natural birthright political status as Free People and boot up our lawful system of self-governance, including our Public Courts and Sheriffs and Marshals.

Okay, so we have tracked our example back to the level of the Public Employees who are creating and enforcing this criminality. We have exposed their motives, and their costumes as Actors are plain enough to see: police uniforms and judges robes. There is only one more step to go.

We have to examine the Lies at the bottom of all of it.
In our example, the underlying Lies are the "Offer and Demand" by the State of Ohio to do two things: (1) falsely register your private car or truck as a "Motor Vehicle", and (2) falsely register yourself as a Person subject to their private corporation and its internal rules and regulations.

Their organization is basically requiring you to lie about yourself and your own private property and they are doing this under color of law and armed force. If you don't do what they want, when they want, how they want, at the price they demand, they will roam around in armed bands and molest you on the highways of this country like Highwaymen of old.

These Legislators and Judges and Police Officers and Commissioners and Governors and other Public Employees acting in support of this and similar racketeering schemes are betraying the Public Trust for money and political power---- for commercial corporation profit, not the Public Good.

As commercial corporation employees they are in fact no different in kind or authority than the Board Members and Employees of Burger King, International. The only difference is that these Public Employees are in the business of providing government services instead of flipping burgers, and they are grossly usurping upon their employers in violation of their employment contracts.

They are using armed force under color of law to coerce compliance with their lies and their demands.

They are by definition engaged in extortionate racketeering and inland piracy.

And nobody --- not the Pope, not the Queen, not the Lord Mayor, not the Parliament, not the Congress, not the Judges, not the Legislators, not the Public Employee Unions, not the Public Employees themselves --- nobody, no group within their entire chain of command, is doing anything sufficient to self-correct.

Instead, what we see is that when someone like Donald Trump tries to make corrections and bring the corporate operations back in line with actual Public Law and the actual commercial contracts that these corporations are supposed to honor and fulfill-- we have the members of the runaway Congress and the corrupt Judiciary bucking like wild horses against the saddle.

History has proven that corruption of this kind just breeds more corruption, and that unless this process is stopped, it simply gets worse until the people rise up and start murdering public employees and anyone else who can be identified as any kind of official. In Cambodia and China and Vietnam and during the French Revolution, the purging of corrupt "government" officials got down to the level of school teachers and public notaries.

The commercial corporations employing and mis-directing all these people were destroyed, along with vast amounts of valuable property and infrastructure.

To prevent this from happening again with increasing violence on both sides, a number of things have to happen.

Public Employees need to remember who they actually work for.

The American People have to wake up and undertake the duty to self-govern and provide the governmental structure and Public Courts that will in turn counteract the corruption and crimes of the commercial service corporations.

The President and the military and the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury need to fully support the peaceful efforts of the People to correct this mess, and need to respect our actual political status and standing regardless of the coerced, non-disclosed, and falsified public documents, birth certificates, licenses, and registrations that have been employed as a means of identity theft and constructive fraud against the American People.

The Pope needs to do far more to correct operations and liquidate corporations engaged in criminal activities. He also needs to deny corporate privileges to those who have engaged in such crimes in the past, not foster a revolving door syndrome in which the same sins are engaged in by the same people simply from a new location or under a slightly different name or charter.

So does the Queen need to get off her velvet tuffet to actually honor the contracts held by her government and to stop British commercial corporations from usurping against our government, stop press-ganging our people, stop trespassing on our jurisdiction.

Every member of Parliament and Congress and all the "state of state" legislatures and the Public Employees in general need to wake up, too--- and stop their criminal trespasses against the American States and People.

21st June 2019, 05:24 AM
All of these arguments disappear when you take responsibility for your own Universe. After all, if you are responsible, then who are you going to blame? Yourself? If you are to blame then fix your problems.

Anna requires that you accept limited liability to make others responsible. Then these others must fix their problems. Except you cannot force them to fix their problems because they don't see them as problems. They see Anna as the problem and in THEIR Universe she is the one who needs 'fixed'.

21st June 2019, 07:13 AM
All of these arguments disappear when you take responsibility for your own Universe. After all, if you are responsible, then who are you going to blame? Yourself? If you are to blame then fix your problems.

Anna requires that you accept limited liability to make others responsible. Then these others must fix their problems. Except you cannot force them to fix their problems because they don't see them as problems. They see Anna as the problem and in THEIR Universe she is the one who needs 'fixed'.

Your fix has a name.


Never has worked.

21st June 2019, 07:46 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBtcpMCejjN_-dxQyJzAsh0vmalsUjmymCEZEQ898DbmaqQHHfGFhSefg59D276 PemyuKhqMAIpfj6L&hc_ref=ARSVawpWghBH6i3Yd_jbcFV7vLexueRvKqMfyxM3Uq8 UCpdU4xGrcExtULTQ85uwEz8&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2268026299913104) ·

Trading With the Enemy Act Deconstructed

The idea that Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address created a Public Trust impacting the General Public has been thoroughly examined and debunked, and along with it, the idea that the American Public was obligated to respond to his offer. The American Public was self-evidently not being addressed by FDR: the Municipal Citizens of the United States were being addressed and only the Municipal Citizens of the United States had cause to rebut his insane presumptions.

Now we come to the infamous Trading With the Enemy Act:
What do we observe? The enabling clause of the Trading With the Enemy Act reads: "Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled...."

This is an action being pursued by the Territorial United States of America.

By definition such an Act pertains to Territorial United States Citizens and to the operations of the British Territorial Government with respect to its obligations to provide for a mutual defense for our States and People. Nothing more or less.

The "citizens of the United States" being referenced are the same 14th Amendment "citizens of the United States" referenced in Territorial Corporate "constitution" adopted in 1868 --- The Constitution of the United States of America.

And who are these "citizens"? Black and other colored former plantation slaves owned as franchises of the Municipal United States Government ever since 1868. That is the ugly truth of the matter.

This same phrase can also more generally be applied to Citizens of the United States --- that is, to Officers of the Municipal Government of the United States and their Federal Civil Service Employees and Dependents.

Either way, the fact that that these are the people being addressed throughout the Trading With the Enemy Act is made explicit by the constant reference to "the" United States and less frequently "the" United States of America.

If this Act in any way referenced the American People or the State Citizens of this country, the Act would reference The United States and State Citizens. It doesn't, so we may safely presume that it has nothing whatsoever to do with us except to exempt us--- as it does under Title 50, Section 7 (c) and (e).

So all presumptions against us, against our "VESSELS" in commerce, should we have any, and against our "Vessels" in international trade, should we be engaged in any such activity, are exempt, pre-paid, not subject to seizure as enemies of any sort under any international law or rule of Admiralty, including the Law of Prizes.

Once again the Perpetrators have deliberately fostered a scam, a con game, in which they have arbitrarily "declared" war on each other.

Both the Territorial United States of America and the Municipal United States have "conferred" citizenship upon us without our knowledge or consent, for the purpose of trading upon our Good Names and Credit.
These foreign Persons (Territorial) and PERSONS (Municipal) are used without our understanding or consent as tools to promote fraud, identity theft, inland piracy and usurpation against our lawful government.

This ruse allows both commercial corporations to declare commercial mercenary "war" on each other and pretend that average Americans who are minding their own business on the land and soil of their own country are "citizens" of their respective foreign commercial corporations, instead.

This set up allows the Territorial Government to attack and seize upon Municipal CITIZENS merely presumed to exist, and on the come around, allows Municipal CITIZENS to attack and seize upon any Territorial Legal Person.

The clueless Americans have no idea that their run amok Federal Subcontractors have designed this scam as a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" Doublespeak Con Game and a political identity theft scheme specifically forbidden by the Geneva Conventions.

When pressed to justify their presumptions both of these guilty commercial corporations claim (lamely) that these "citizenship franchises" they secretively conferred on us are "gifts" to us, but in reality, these "gift franchises" provide the perpetrators with an excuse to misapply the Trading With the Enemy Act.

The Territorial Government declared "war" against the Municipal "citizens of the United States" --- the PERSONS gifted to us by the Municipal Congress, and the Municipal Congress declared "war" by "necessity" against the Legal Persons conferred upon us by the Territorial Congress.

Thus by "accidentally-on-purpose" mistaking us as officers, employees, or dependents of the rival corporation, they have colluded together to pillage and plunder their employers --- the very people that they are under solemn oath and contract to protect and defend, and they have also used this jive to evade the restrictions and limitations of the Constitutions without which their "persons" cease to exist.

That is a point that needs to be brought home to these cretins: both United States Citizens and Citizens of the United States are Persons created by and under the the authority vested in the respective Constitutions owed to the States and People of this country. Without the Constitutions there are no United States Citizens, no citizens of the United States and no Citizens of the United States, either.

Without the American States and People, the Constitutions are vacated, and the foundations of both Federal political moieties cease to exist.
The Constitutions the Perpetrators are undermining and trying to escape are in fact their own meal tickets, the Source of their Persons, and the guarantee of their jobs.

Without the Constitutions all brands of US Citizen cease to exist, and like the dysfunctional and dishonest members of Congress, the most that Federal Civil Service and Military Employees can hope for is a bread line provided by the same people you have betrayed and dis-served and dishonored.

The Territorial Trading With the Enemy Act has nothing whatsoever to do with American State Citizens---and any supposition that it ever did is an outrage.

These foreign commercial corporations are not authorized to conscript, press-gang, volunteer, or confer any citizenship obligations on their employers, may not compel us to conduct business in any foreign jurisdiction, or compel us to be "licensed" to conduct business, get married, or do much of anything else that does not involve interstate transport and sale of firearms, tobacco and alcohol.

A Constitutional right owed to American State Citizens cannot be licensed. That includes all of our Natural and Unalienable Rights, the rights enumerated as part of the Bill of Rights, the right to conduct our private business, the right to travel freely wherever and whenever we wish, the right to speak our minds without duress, the right to our religious practices and beliefs without censor, and the right to own and enjoy our private property assets without any presumption against our Persons whatsoever.

The only "job" that the Territorial and Municipal Governments have is to provide essential government services under contract as stipulated by the Constitutions. They are not invited here to create mischief and work fraud schemes against their employers.

The misapplication of the Trading With the Enemy Act and the misuse of foreign PERSONS to work collusive constructive fraud against Americans is international crime in admiralty and commercial fraud of the worst kind.

This entire circumstance is an affront far worse than anything Iran has done, and deserves immediate, complete, absolute, and permanent correction by the Pope, the Queen, the Lord Mayor of London, the President of the United States, the United Nations Secretary General, and everyone else holding any kind of Office, Public or Private.

The United States = is unincorporated and represents the combined National Jurisdictions of the states of this country. Notice---- this is a Proper Name: The United States The word "The" is part of the Proper Name and it is styled and capitalized in exactly this way.

"the" United States = foreign Holy Roman Empire Municipal Corporation under contract to provide essential government services. It's a foreign municipal corporation acting as a subcontractor exercising specific delegated powers and obligated to work within the limitations clearly stipulated by The Constitution of the United States.

The United States of America = the unincorporated Federation of States holding the international jurisdiction owed to this country and the original Delegator of the Delegated Powers under which the Territorial Subcontractor doing business "in our name" as "the United States of America" functions. Again, notice that "The" is part of the Proper Name of the Federation of States.

The Territorial commercial corporation doing business as "the United States of America" is a foreign commercial corporation subcontractor exercising specific delegated powers and obligated to work within the limitations clearly stipulated by The Constitution of the United States of America as originally enacted.

Look as long and as hard as you like at the Trading With the Enemy Act and you will never see a reference to The United States nor to The United States of America. What you will see are plenty of references to our subcontractors and their citizens.

The only thing that the Trading With the Enemy Act can say about us is what it in fact does say about us ---- that we are exempt, totally, absolutely, without question and that our persons are also totally exempt.

So let this be Public Notice to the Pope, to the Queen, to the Lord Mayor of London, and to the President of the United States: the Trading With the Enemy Act has nothing to do with the American States and People.

If you can't read and understand what the Trading With the Enemy Act actually says, and who and what it pertains to, it's time to get out of the kitchen.

For the neophytes among us --- the Holy See sided with the Southern States of the Confederacy in the Civil War, while the British King sided with the Northern Confederate States. They have been playing mercenary games on our shores ever since, taking pot shots at each other on one hand and colluding with each other to defraud, pillage, and plunder the actual States of the Union on the other.

This is clearly nothing but immoral, illegal, and unlawful activity by commercial corporation subcontractors against their employers: the actual States of the Union never declared any "War" and didn't participate in the Mercenary Conflict known as the American Civil War.

So these criminals have been on our shores and on our backs, telling lies about us and misrepresenting us, purposefully misidentifying us, setting up constructive fraud schemes, falsifying public records, and working identity theft rackets against their employers while taking their paychecks from our pockets.

They have used Federal "Code" --- which is literally encoded --- to promote false legal presumptions, facilitate identity theft, and promote hypothecation of debt against assets that don't belong to them.

Let this serve as Public Notice and let service be Noted: that all assets of all Americans that have been seized upon by the United States Attorney General under false presumptions encouraged by the Trading With the Enemy Act are already claimed by the States and People of this country.

The United States Attorney General and Army General Staff are under demand to perform according to their obligations under The Constitution of the United States of America as originally enacted, by the Lawful Heirs and Landlords who have indisputable provenance, and who have never been subject to any aspect of the Trading With the Enemy Act.

A very serious mistake has been made by the Federal Subcontractors. A very profound Breach of Trust has occurred.

All land and titles, all property assets and interests naturally belonging to The United States of America, the member States of the Union, and the American People must be returned without further pretense or delay.

21st June 2019, 07:57 AM
Your fix has a name.
I offer no fix.


Never has worked.
If your system worked then why are you complaining?

21st June 2019, 09:28 AM
I offer no fix. That is about the first true thing you have ever said.

If your system worked then why are you complaining?

The system is off the tracks set down by the founders and we are trying to put it back on those tracks.

21st June 2019, 02:56 PM
The system is off the tracks set down by the founders and we are trying to put it back on those tracks.
Interesting exercise. When successful you might then consider the problem of how to get expandable foam back in the can again.

22nd June 2019, 09:10 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCrw_zj8m1C4aJv2NY0bd0DUXJB2BXP9N3EMBlfa-MXbMyaTrP9aYhWZuNcMRZ_OvdgvJsNWbe5Y7O3&hc_ref=ARTecMkqCTsYKkm7-mSqoKqrkW-TCmCIuLlLfzESd1zhoNhiRa6TVGuhmGFcq_CCoyc&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 1:13 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2268907569824977) ·

Situation Recap Report and Resolution

The two remaining branches of the original Federal Government are playing war games on our shores in contravention of their duties and contractual obligations.

They are secretively preying upon Americans via various means of fraud which they have attempted to excuse by deliberately engaging in the following actions: (1) falsification of records; (2) identity theft; (3) secretive unilateral contracting processes serving to confer opposing citizenship obligations -- so that Americans are presumed to be both Territorial United States Citizens and Municipal Citizens of the United States, when in fact they are neither; (4) confiscation of assets based on a phony interpretation of the Trading With the Enemy Act; (5) holding of assets based on a phony interpretation of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address; (6) misdirection and corruption of the Judicial Branches of the respective Territorial and Municipal Government corporations to secure enforcement for all the above crock of horse hooey.

So, it is apparent to us and it should be apparent to everyone reading this, that the entire country has been run amok by two competing commercial corporations, both of which are operating as crime syndicates in gross violation of their treaty and commercial contract obligations.

It should also be apparent that their criminality is orchestrated and purposeful, and that they have colluded together to produce a single desired result: the rape and pillaging of the American States and People that they are all sworn to protect and defend, and the avoidance of the limitations of the Constitutional Agreements that permit the existence of these corporations and their presence on our shores.

The duty which the Roman Curia owes the entire world is to prevent this kind of thing from happening and to promptly liquidate any corporation caught engaging in unlawful activity. They created all these corporate entities --- thought them up out of thin air and gave them form; they thus remain responsible for them.

So, they shuffled off the assets of the Municipal Corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC., left the victims on the hook as Presumed Co-Signers of its debts, and allowed the same perpetrators to boot up numerous new corporations which have offered to continue on with business as usual, promoting the same frauds, and operating in the same way as the UNITED STATES, INC.

The IRS for example, simply moved its Headquarters from Puerto Rico to the Northern Mariana Islands, and snugged down, ready to continue on beating and fleecing Americans under the same false presumptions of Municipal Citizenship and under the same old tired excuse of relocating the Municipal PERSONS to a United States Commonwealth where they can be prosecuted under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.

Their remedy has fallen far short of what the victims of this perfidy are owed and thus far presents nothing but another fraud and another con game that obeys the letter, but not the spirit or intent of the Ecclesiastical Law, and which immediately engages the new corporations in the sins of their predecessors--- all without any relief to the victims of these crimes who are in fact the Priority Creditors of these corporations.

They have also failed to liquidate the holdings of Her Royal Majesty, the British Territorial Government, and those of the Lord Mayor of London and the Government of Westminster, all of which have exercised the privilege of issuing incorporation charters and allowed the resulting corporations to operate as crime syndicates. By international agreement, the Pope retains the ability to liquidate these monstrosities as well, and owes it to the American States and People to do so without further adieu.

The Territorial and Municipal Corporations have all trespassed in a criminal and
coordinated fashion and committed capital crimes against their employers, the American States and People. They deserve to be liquidated and all their assets returned to their Priority Creditors -- the same American States and People who have been harmed and victimized by these crimes.

Our agreements with the Pope, Her Majesty, and Westminster are very clear and do not allow such Breach of Trust and legal chicanery. Mr. Trump and his Administration have been and are being fully informed regarding these issues and all Parties concerned worldwide are being called upon to put an end to these outrages and return the purloined property to the rightful owners.

This is nothing more or less than the exercise of international and commercial law and its requirements, well-agreed upon for hundreds of years. The claim that hundreds of millions of Americans have "voluntarily" and knowingly embarked on careers as British Merchant Marine Warrant Officers is ludicrous.

The claim that we are "missing, presumed dead" is equally ludicrous.
We have been deliberately scammed, misinformed, defrauded by dishonest employees, have suffered identity theft, have been robbed, pillaged and plundered by mercenary pirates, and in all ways abused in Bad Faith by the Popes and the British Monarchs and the Lord Mayors of Westminster, who have pretended to be our Friends and Allies, and who have instead acted in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of commercial contract obligations that we are clearly owed.
Giving their own lackeys our property is not relief nor is it remedy for this circumstance and any continued pretension that it is, will be met with instantaneous rebuttal. Creating a Revolving Door where one corporation is shut down for criminal activity and another corporation operated under a slightly different name or with a different headquarters is allowed to resume the same criminal activity, is not an answer.

We insist that the American States and People be fully recognized and their political status be honored. We insist that our property be returned to us free and clear and unencumbered by foreign debt. We insist that all right, title, and interest naturally belonging to us be returned to us. We insist that our employees cease and desist all false claims and false citizenship presumptions and render Good Faith Service instead.

We can read the historical record, the Territorial Code, and the Municipal Code for what it actually says. We are not confused by Doublespeak. We are not confused about the identity, function, or administration of either the United States nor the United States of America, and their relationship to The United States and The United States of America, respectively.

If the Pope and the Queen and the Lord Mayor expect us to honor our obligations under the Constitutional Agreements and the international law, they must also honor theirs---- and not via some oblique mockery of substituting one criminally misdirected commercial corporation for another criminally misdirected commercial corporation with the intention of continuing to promote crime against the American States and People.

We wish the Internal Revenue Service and the IRS to be completely and permanently reformed. We wish for these organizations to be re-directed and enabled to modernize their delivery of credit that is owed to the American States and People via application of our exemptions and Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges we are owed.

We deny the Territorial United States Congress and the Municipal United States Congress any ability to pass Flat Taxes or Sales Taxes "for" us, and we deny their franchise operations any ability to pass or enforce Property Taxes on our private property assets, which are all due return and revenue.

A grotesque and profound Breach of Trust and international law has occurred here and no succor can be afforded to the guilty parties on the basis of any "law of necessity" or the existence of any "war powers" exercised on our behalf to justify our destruction. We have our own recourse to the law of necessity and as a sovereign government, we have the lawful ability to enforce the Public Law upon all and any perpetrators and promoters of these crimes on our shores.

1. The National Credit owed to the American States and People must be made available to them, and their public and private property assets must be lawfully conveyed and officially re-venued without recourse to any presumptions otherwise.

2. Peace must be declared with respect to the land and soil of our country and peace between the Territorial and Municipal United States while operating on our shores or in our Territories and Insular Possessions must also be maintained. We are not putting up with any more pretensions of "commercial warfare" on our shores, in our Territories, or in our Insular Possessions. This country has been at peace since 1814 and for everyone's sake, it is best that it remain so.

3. All Federal Service Providers and all Federal Franchise States of States and Agency Subcontractors must be brought into alignment and compliance with the respective Constitutions and Service Agreements owed to the American States and People, together with their guarantees and limitations, without delay.

4. The conscription apparatus put in place by the British Territorial Government to entrap and arbitrarily confer Territorial United States Citizenship on Americans must be dismantled and subscribed to the Dust Bin of history. This includes all registration of births and all retention of all false claims based upon such registrations. The registration and securitization of living flesh using the pretense of non-existent citizenship obligations is forbidden by both international law and scripture and has no place in America.

5. The corollary apparatus put in place by the Municipal United States Government used to create bogus Cestui Que Vie Trusts and Public Transmitting Utilities and Public Charitable Trust ACCOUNTS must also be reformed. Hundreds of millions of innocent people have suffered probate fraud as a result of these activities and a mighty correction is long overdue.

6. No foreign government is allowed nor entitled to confer citizenship upon anyone born in the States of the Union and no pretense or excuse may be offered for this circumstance in which the Hired Help have deliberately mis-characterized and mis-identified Americans as either species of Federal Employee or Dependents or US Franchise Corporations and sought to entrap and persecute their Employers in Gross Breach of Trust.

7. The foreign governments responsible for this circumstance have employed fraud of various species throughout this process of misrepresentation and entrapment and both bankruptcy and probate fraud upon the courts has been employed. As fraud vitiates everything tainted by it, we exercise our Natural and Unalienable Rights and our Law of Necessity to invoke the Public Law and the Law of the Land owed to this country and we invoke the Grandfather Clause of all Acts of Congress since 1861, declaring ourselves free of any taint or obligation or crime committed by these foreign political lobbies deceitfully operating "in our names".

22nd June 2019, 09:21 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDKDVK59qUQzbqWvGknp8NvbVOLTx1rBx9b8PwvTNamYN vea352DOotpGKU4r40izdT5-TPnsaX_OFi&hc_ref=ARSVK5gFof_n9BRKmm36sHghVfWYa94kRuJbGWEYIBM sulRjz5-8ozWzymBhtoHqbLg&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 6:04 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2269256209790113) ·

This Week's Sickening Disinformation

1. Big Lie #1 --- America Remained a British Crown Colony after the Revolution.

The Offered Proof --- King George called the "Prince of the United States" in The Definitive Treaty of Peace, 1783.

The Rebuttal --- "the United States" is being referenced here, not The United States. This is referring to the King's role as Protector of the United States Commonwealth properties and does not imply that America remained a British Colony, much less a British Crown Colony. The British Crown is a separate entity run by the Government of Westminster. Our lawful government has separate treaties with them, and no, America is not a British Crown Colony.

Another Offered Proof --- The Act of 1871 incorporated the District of Columbia.

The Rebuttal -- The District of Columbia was fully defined and created as of 1802. The Act of 1871 was an attempt to create a municipal corporation for the District of Columbia; it failed and was repealed in 1874. A separate Municipal Corporation was finally created in 1878. As the District of Columbia Government is a foreign government, it gets to run its internal affairs as it sees fit and its choice to operate a municipal corporation has no affect on our relationship to it nor the duties and obligations that its government owes to us.

Please warn everyone that people are being bamboozled again.

The United States is a separate entity from "the" United States.

The United States is a Union of our soil jurisdiction states, while "the" United States is a foreign Municipal (Holy Roman Empire) independent international city-state government authorized to exist under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17. It exercises some of our Delegated Powers "in our names" --- literally.

All this confusion needs to be cleared up and taught to every schoolchild:

The United States = our Union of soil jurisdiction states.

"the" United States = foreign municipal international city-state government.

2. Big Lie #2 --- Indigenous Tribes are sovereign entities.

Proof Offered: Native people have separate treaties and tribal governments.

Rebuttal: Native nations enjoy "dependent sovereignty" within the States of the Union. Many "nations" may occupy the same geographical space. So far as the Roman Municipal Government is concerned, "tribes" are "uncivilized people" who owe "tribute" to Rome. While you may call yourself a "Lakota Sioux" and preserve your heritage and sovereignty as a nation, the moment you call yourself a member of the Lakota Sioux Tribe, you admit owing tribute to Rome and being a Federal Dependent and Citizen of the United States. You can't have it both ways.

3. Big Lie # 3: The Titles of Nobility Amendment passed in 1810 and ratified in 1819, sometimes called the Original 13th Amendment, or TONA, mysteriously disappeared.

Proof Offered: There is no such Amendment in The Constitution of the United States of America.

Rebuttal: This Amendment is part of a different Constitution called The Constitution for the united States of America. The Amendment didn't disappear.
The Constitution containing it, and our Federal States of America, are what have been deliberately obscured and largely removed from the Public Record and view.

Our Federal States of States, members of the Confederation formed under The Articles of Confederation in 1781, were secretively moth-balled "pending reconstruction" in the wake of the Civil War. British Territorial States of States were deceitfully substituted for our American States of States and the American States and People were left uninformed in Breach of Trust by both the British Monarch and the Pope.

The British Territorial States of States were used to pillage and pilfer and later, to plunder and conscript our assets via deliberate constructive fraud schemes;
the Municipal United States Government got into the act and also participated in these venal bunko activities.

To a casual reader none of these things seem that important, but these are the same kinds of semantic deceits which have served to enslave, entrap, defraud, and confuse generations of Americans. It's time we joined forces and spread the word by word of mouth. Make sure that your friends, family, and children know the differences and know the truth.

22nd June 2019, 09:25 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBwJLlZegEVFPoZJYI6O_ccXVCHfPvT9R4tbjdLCzQVf8 85jrO58XNDYBwgoBjnIocgyIjKxmlzeele&hc_ref=ARSL8aESBfJYfENTqk5CZMT5lLPbJWKpUDButcaNSrY lAeR_GQL-J2L2hPrKkyCpwTk&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 4:45 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2269359266446474) ·

Why NOT to Incorporate a Town

There is presently a drive on to get small unincorporated towns to incorporate themselves as franchises of bankrupt Counties and States of States organizations There was even such an effort to try to incorporate my own small hometown, Big Lake, Alaska.

It failed miserably because there are too many savvy millionaires who live here and who know the scam, plus they don't want to pay for any more government layers of unaccountable stupidity.

The perpetrators want to glom onto the assets of the unincorporated towns and counties so as to: (1) gain new assets they can borrow money against; (2) have new assets to offer their greedy Creditors as "security" on these loans.

So if you want to give up your freedom and your security and your property rights and the ownership of your private property, just agree to incorporate your village or town, and the vermin responsible will be happy to bankrupt you and seize upon your assets as free gifts and donations to their foreign government.

Does that explain why no unincorporated town or village in its right mind should ever even think about incorporating its operations?

22nd June 2019, 09:31 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDQ79Vim1jB8c1tI1kZ9rANhGf4wxoL40fe0lLoiTqtvl vUIqgb0KMINvJ5cvusdwk5ZEgHfkc2jA0B&hc_ref=ARTw1GyaiGr5zt7xOZJyjntOn7rz2zHebupTkqcFm6r iYOxjrDFiGeuSafusGOk0ibM&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 5:37 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2269419596440441) ·

Don't Claim Any "Tribal Rights" or Memberships

I have always had a respect and sympathy for Native Americans and have taken interest in their problems and plights and claims and efforts to be heard and to gain back property rights and treaty protections that are owed to them. As a Young Gun I got involved in the American Indian Movement at the same time my Mother was working on the Farm Union Claims.

The issues are eerily the same --- the rightful owners displaced at gunpoint under color of law, only one group was red and the other was white. And now we have corporations seeking to displace everyone concerned, based on phony "citizenships" that don't exist.

If we don't wake up and develop both some Street Schmartz and backbone, Russell Means' parting shot, "Welcome to the Reservation!" will come true.

I have some advice and insight that needs to get widely dispersed --- the Romans used the word "tribes" to describe "uncivilized groups of people" who owed "tribute" to Rome.

So guess what? When you claim to be a "Lakota Sioux" or an "Athabascan" or an "Ahtna" or a "Ho-Chunka" or "Navajo"--- you are standing on solid ground and claiming an ancient and honorable estate as a free living one of your own people.

But when you claim to be a "Lakota Sioux Tribal Member" --- or to be part of a "Tribe" --- you are admitting to be one of those uncivilized people who owe "tribute" ---- taxes and loyalty---- to Rome. Tribal Members are thus all converted into "citizens of the United States" by definition, Paupers and Federal Dependents.

The rats have laid another one of their little semantic traps for people, and eagerly await our stumbling into it, like a fresh cow pie disguised with leaves and dust.

If your Name has been "enrolled" and you are in receipt of "Federal Benefits" of any kind, think twice. This is the same Schtick, slightly different flavor, as the Birth Certificate or Social Security scam.

Like everyone else, you have to think twice to regain control of your name and reclaim your birthright ---- or at least not give away your birthright by calling yourself a "Tribal Member". Pretend you are playing poker, because you are.

There may be some entity called "JOHNNY TWO BLANKETS" enrolled as a Tribal Member, but he isn't you.
You are the only Johnny Two Blankets standing here, and you are a Lakota, a Navajo, a Ute, an Iroquois, a Winnebago, a Cherokee....
This is the same distinction everyone has to make between "US Citizen" and Minnesotan, Wisconsinite, Texan, New Yorker, Virginian....
You get to declare who you are and in what capacity you are acting, and by choosing wisely, you regain your standing as one of the People of this Land.

22nd June 2019, 09:38 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARC_qo48nB87Iyw--OP_CD2QuacVADsu_MreZ6mu77yf-FXuiT7S8gGj2j3xB1oyu5LNHRtpSu1bCRdj&hc_ref=ARTJQBZ3-C-s64o1E5poWJ8aoNvjXlFP9vgVQ8kYbjNl-NCv_q8xHYK72eDyrDn2k2c&fref=nf)
10 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2270579986324402) ·

In the Engine Room

It's Saturday. I should be wearing play clothes and be outdoors mowing the lawn. Instead, I am sitting at my desk, explaining history to the United States Attorney General. And suing him for performance.

And writing letters to the Pope and members of the Curia, taking exception to their Collective Entity Doctrine nonsense, which facilitates the crime of impersonation (already proven to be against the scripture and the common law) and violates the Law of Kinds.

Now, all of what I am explaining is actually either: (1) readily available for anyone to see, or (2) easy for anyone to determine given a modicum of guidance telling them where to look for specific information --- but here I am, plodding away, step by step....and another step..... and another....

Sometimes readers see a copy of a letter being sent to Donald Trump or the Pope or the King of Spain from the actual, factual land jurisdiction government of this country acting in behalf of the living people who are being criminally mistreated and abused by their own misdirected and ignorant employees.

The published letters are just the tip of the iceberg, a small sampling of what goes on.

Sometimes the lack of education and awareness is also pervasive at the top of the pyramid, too.
Up and down and around and around we go.
Suffice it to say that the sheer volume of correspondence which goes out of my office is humongous. The effort to maintain it and catalog it and keep all the mailing receipts and return cards is mind-numbing. Yet, it has to be done.

Each new crop of people, each new political appointee, has to be addressed, has to be brought up to speed, the Conversation has to be engaged. Other countries have to be addressed. Other organizations, like the United Nations, have to be addressed.

Why? Because this criminality is ultimately a political problem. Organized groups of public employees operating as crime syndicates are fleecing and demeaning and abusing their employers on a worldwide basis. And it has to stop.

Educating people and objecting to the criminality and talking about it and exposing it, is key to getting it stopped.

I hate to ask for donations again, but they are needed--- partly because I am recovering from my own stint of bad luck: dog surgery, dental surgery for my son, major car repair, etc., etc., so that I don't have any extra right now to give to The Living Law Firm --- and partly because the scope of the work expands.

The outreach of the diplomatic effort increases exponentially, as does the effort to get the salient facts into the hands of more and more Americans.

Thanks to all of you smelling the java and sharing the news by word-of-mouth and thanks also to all your efforts to educate local, State, Federal, and International authorities, there is both a top down and bottom up effect taking place.

Remember Scotty, the Engineer on Star Trek --- "I dunno, Captain! I dunno if she's going to hold!" as the laboring engines sparked and sputtered and the Starship Enterprise lugged to haul herself into hyperdrive one more time---just at the crucial moment?

That's how I feel most of the time. We're going to make it, or we're going to blow up. Only God knows the outcome.

If you have the ability to help, please do so. If you can't send a donation at this time, pray. My Paypal is: avannavon@gmail.com. The Snail Mail address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. I divvy up the donations and send wherever and to whomever on our team is most in need of help.

23rd June 2019, 05:09 AM
why no unincorporated town or village in its right mind should ever even think about incorporating its operations?

The counties that comprise a state are composed of a body politic that consists of cities, villages and townships. There are no people in any of these. A township is nothing more than a trust. The fact that it is joined with cities and villages into a body politic make counties and states trusts. Like joins with like.

A township is analogous to the manor once claimed by a lord. A city or village are both municipalities. Municipality is defined as the officers appointed to represent them. Incorporation means electing a mayor who can then adopt a seal and proceed to negotiate with the state as a member entity.

All territory is attached to a municipality. In the case of a state the territory attached to the capital city is defined generally in the constitution of that state. Territory that is attached to a county is a subdivision of all the territory claimed by the state. Cities and villages likewise have territory attached. Townships have no attached city but it is necessary for a township board to be installed and the territory they claim is attached to this board. This is evidence that all territory is attached to an officer or court. In the case of the state all territory is attached to the governor/ Lt gov/courts/legislators. What you believe is a state is actually nothing more than a board of supervisors. They write laws all the time that regulate their own actions and people get confused and believe these state codes apply to them.

I have never been in a state ... the office has eluded me. I am not subject to the laws established for others.

Don't let Anna suck you into her universe.

23rd June 2019, 09:14 AM
Thanks, sort of.

I remember a time not to distant in the past when all our counties were bribed to incorporate the county. Seems you could not get all these grant money's as a plain old unincorporated county.

Same story goes for towns, most are now incorporated.

Who's universe were we in, before most of our towns and counties incorporated?

23rd June 2019, 11:09 AM
Same story goes for towns, most are now incorporated.
If they have a mayor they are incorporated.

Who's universe were we in, before most of our towns and counties incorporated?
Easier to ask "who's universe were we not in." Answer would be the non-commercial universe that had no bankers.

24th June 2019, 01:34 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCnqGQJfIHc_VSmPpGlSY9uWzyqTRd-UE5xF3XoqIgd9rO_ss3QD50w0nysahG1N3arcGzKsxHGqfEM&hc_ref=ARRc2TKTRDUTZH5oFp_eyvKyV9kCNMSuaTXXlujBBco ECLVTpQa9rEn2UNS990XlKeU&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2274036765978724) ·

Note to Pope and Congress: There Are No 14th Amendment Citizens

To all those reading this --- to all Whitehats, to all members of the Roman Catholic Church including the Curia, to every world government:

This is information that needs to be conveyed to the Pope and Curia, and to the members of Congress and Secretary of State Pompeo and President Trump, and to all world governments, at the earliest convenience.

It also needs to be fully understood by everyone in the Human Rights and Patriot Movements worldwide:

There are no 14th Amendment Citizens--- even though we have a letter from the US Passport Agency last week baldly stating that they consider us all "Fourteenth Amendment citizens" ---that's a claim that they, Mike Pompeo, the Trump Administration, the Queen, and the Pope---- are all going to have a hard time selling.

The so-called 14th Amendment was adopted by a Scottish Commercial Corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" [Incorporated]. It published its "corporate constitution" in 1868 as a knock off of the actual British Territorial United States Constitution. They were using this corporate By-Law change misrepresented as an "Amendment' as a ruse to recoup money they lost in the American Civil War.

When Lincoln bankrupted the Northern States of the original Confederacy, he took more than half of what they hoped to steal off the plate and caused no end of whining and howling in London. The vermin were restricted to making false claims in Commerce only against the Southern States--- and the Southern States were ruined by the war and mainly farmland, so slim pickings there.

The Roman Pontiff sided with the Southern States of the original Confederacy, so these crooks arbitrarily conferred "citizenship of the United States" on the poor black former Plantation Slaves and used that as an excuse to "seize upon them" as property ---- to in effect, they re-enslaved them as public slaves to carry the public debt.

This is the profoundly ugly truth of it. Black people were never set free. The whole system of slavery was simply re-branded, and went from private slave ownership to public slave ownership. These "Fourteenth Amendment citizens" have been carrying the debt ever since, and the outrageous lies and claims have only expanded, to the point that these vicious con men are now claiming that we, Americans, are all Fourteenth Amendment citizens.

But Fourteenth Amendment citizens don't exist.

The "Constitution" that this Amendment is part of was in fact the Articles of Incorporation of The United States of America, Inc., which was chartered in Scotland in 1868 and bankrupted in 1907. It was never ratified by the States and has nothing to do with the States, nor the People of this country.

Obviously, a corporation does not actually have any citizens. Rather, this is a tongue-in-cheek deceit by the Roman Pontiff. All corporations are owned and operated by the Roman Pontiff and administered by the Roman Curia, so, technically, such entities are "citizens" of Rome prior to 1929, or now, Vatican City.

This gives us the odd perspective that a corporation owing its existence to the Roman Curia --- the Scottish blackguard in here secretively substituting itself "for" our actual government and pillaging to make up its losses in The American Civil War, attacking other corporations --- also ultimately owned and operated by the Roman Curia. The only difference was the Middlemen involved--- the Pope v. the Union and the Queen v. the Confederate States of America.

None of these "entities" ever claimed to represent us as the States of America, and none of our States were involved in the War, yet these European Bounders used their commercial conflict (where have you heard that before?) as an excuse to come ashore and pillage and plunder our people and make these outrageous False Claims against us?

Yet, through all this maze of lies and double-speak, Fourteenth Amendment citizens don't exist.

What they are talking about is a political status, a capacity, which we may choose to undertake or not. The original Municipal Citizen political status was created by The Constitution of the United States and provided for Holy Roman Empire employees to be here providing "essential government services" --- nothing more or less.

The adjunct political status "citizen of the United States" was created for Negroes in the wake of the Civil War as a means of seizing upon and enslaving them to pay the debts of the Confederacy. Thus, there came to be two kinds of "Citizen of the United States" --- the original Federal Civil Service Employees and their Dependents, and the new crop of slaves known as "citizens of the United States" --- termed "Fourteenth Amendment citizens of the United States".

Americans in general were never the object of the Fourteenth Amendment, as the public discussions that took place at the time make very, very clear. The intent of the Congress in passing the measure is also clear --- in their minds, they didn't mean to enslave anyone. They were trying to avoid more bloodshed and controversy.
The freed Negro population needed to have some kind of political status, so the Congress "conferred" US Citizenship on them rather than struggle with the individual States trying to make the States accept them as State Citizens.

The creation of a secondary, even less advantageous version of Municipal Citizenship--- the creation of a new kind of slave status-- was not the intention of the Congress that created the Fourteenth Amendment.

Two generations of bureaucrats and the bankruptcy of the original Scottish Corporation in 1907 would try to change the interpretation of the Act, but the Act still stands for what it is ---- proof that the way to Hell is paved with good intentions --- and the fact that no present-day presumption against us can be maintained on the basis of Fourteenth Amendment "citizenship".

If you aren't black and aren't either working for the Municipal Government and/or receiving unearned welfare checks from the Municipal Government, you couldn't possibly be in the political status of a Fourteenth Amendment citizen in the first place --- by definition.
And, obviously, the policies of a long defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation merely infringing on our Good Name and pretending to be "The United States of America" have no bearing on our political statuses today.

The actual, factual government occupying the land jurisdiction of this country decries this as nothing but the most venal and disgusting kind of abusive constructive fraud and organized commercial crime, all of it undertaken in Breach of Trust, and we lay the blame for it firmly at the feet of the Pope and the Queen and the members of Congress.

Now we come to FDR and his humongous fraud, which again, involved "Citizens of the United States" ---- Municipal Citizens. The Municipal Citizen political status is created and allowed by the Constitutions and is administered via The Constitution of the United States (Notice--- no "of America" --- just "United States").
Every United States President since Washington has been sworn in as "President of the [Municipal] United States" and FDR was no different. The present crop of con artists have based their False Claims on his Inaugural Address, in which he "offered" in the commercial sense of the word, to conscript all the Municipal United States Citizens and the "citizens of the United States" and all their property for a "Holy Cause".

This only makes sense when you realize that these people are all employed by the Pope. Our government maintains separation of Church and State.

So who was FDR addressing? The Municipal Citizens.

That doesn't include us, the rest of the American Public. We were not being addressed, so we had no reason or cause to reply.

We hear news about BREXIT on the BBC every day, but we have no cause to comment or write to members of Parliament about it. In the same way, we had no reason or obligation to agree to or rebut anything FDR said to his employees and "presumed-to-be" slaves in 1933.

As we were not being addressed, and were not participating in any realm of commerce since 1868, it does not allow for any False Claim that our silence equates to acquiescence or agreement to adopt the political status of "citizens of the United States" under a non-existent Fourteenth Amendment to a corporate "constitution" adopted by a defunct Scottish commercial corporation.

The same can be said of all the Misaddressed mail that Americans receive which is addressed to Municipal corporations that have been named after them by the same fraud artists.

Since when did "JOHN MARK DOE" --- the name of a Puerto Rican Cestui Que Vie trust --- equate to the Lawful Person of an American State Citizen called "John Mark Doe"?

In fact, if it did, their entire System would fall apart within hours, yet they still keep trying to fob off their "Collective Entity Doctrine" the same way they have tried to foist off the "Doctrine of Discovery" --- claiming that because some drunken sailor wearing a soup pot on his head staggered ashore and stuck a flag in the sand that any entire country already occupied by living people was somehow magically transformed into a possession of a European Monarch.

It's like dealing with Evil Children engaged in a bizarre game and its time for this insanity and criminality to stop. Forever.
We are the "Parents" of these entities --- the Roman Catholic Church, and the Congress and the British Monarchy. These are all just institutions gone mad, institutions that depend upon us for their existence. The men and women engaged in misdirecting these institutions need to be brought up short and forced to face their actual Board of Directors.

And here is the first piece of information they all need to receive: there are no "Fourteenth Amendment citizens" in America. That political status, to the extent that it ever existed, vanished in 1907 along with the corporation that created it.

Negro Americans are State Citizens just like everyone else now, and so are Native Americans.

Their nationality is determined by the ground upon with they were born and the soil that they bodies derive from, and no corporate charter can say otherwise, no unconscionable "policy" of trying to create unconscionable contracts with babies will stand and neither will the rest of the horse dung being promoted as an excuse to justify Commercial Feudalism.

We threw off Feudalism, Colonial Feudalism, and now, Commercial Feudalism.

If we have to make it clear a third time that we will not tolerate this, we won't bother blaming and fighting Iranians for you, we will just bomb London and Rome and Brussels and be done with the entire epicenter of this global scourge.

As for us being "Citizens of the United States" voluntarily and knowingly subjecting ourselves to a commercial contact offered by FDR, that's a stinking pile of horse dung, too. He wasn't addressing Americans in an inauguration speech as US President, and none of us were operating in commerce in 1933.

Despite the "gifts" of corporate franchises being "conferred" upon us via unconscionable contracts, first by the Queen's Government to kidnap and transport us illegally into Territorial jurisdiction, and then being offered by the Queen as Municipal slaves to the Pope, it's time to pay up for the Breach of Trust and fraud that the Popes and the British Monarchs and the members of Congress have been engaged in.

The whole "Collective Entity Doctrine" needs to be scrapped and consigned to the Dustbin of History along with the "Doctrine of Discovery" and a lot of people in Westminster and Whitehall and Rome and Washington, DC, need to be making haste to correct their sins. Or this time, they aren't going to be able to pass the blame on to someone else.

Not the Germans. Not the Chinese. Not the Americans. Not the Iranians. Not the Russians. We've all had enough of your crap. It's time to get back in your box --- the ten miles square allotted to you. And stay there.

25th June 2019, 02:44 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCFzuvH1ZN0ejyfFIR3DEsH5bWn2TJw-SkNa775lIX31H6HN8gLIzxwVsE3GK3zTWgeG7Xd8WQMdTk0&hc_ref=ARQUk5a2Gn5EGFaIyOvTy_DK2mB8e4rWnfFAfvIoOC6 agD6gnSbzaHqHKTRqSbcdkgM&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2275878569127877) ·

Never Trust the Navy

The US Navy is controlled by the British and if it had been doing its job the last 150 years we wouldn't have had British pirates on our shores plundering and pillaging and unlawfully converting our assets.

The Navy was allowed to take over our Coast Guard so that we had no Coast Guard--the better to expedite the inland piracy we have suffered and the drug running and the human trafficking.

The entire British Government and that of Westminster is filthy dirty.
The Navy is part and parcel of the problem, not the solution. So when you see an old Admiral come out of dry dock you know that the Rats are at it again and are about to launch something nasty.

Sure enough.

"ISIS" --a division strength multi-national mercenary force bought and paid for by the Bank of England and financed through Quatar has been retasked and sent to America, to our Southern Border, where they intend to engage domestic police and normal US Troops.

The Queen, Mr. Trump, the Bank of England and the Bank of Scotland will all be very, very sorry if any such plan is ever implemented on American soil.

25th June 2019, 04:53 PM
The Navy was allowed to take over our Coast Guard so that we had no Coast Guard

The Coast Guard started as part of the Revenue Service, merged with the Lifesaving Service and the Treasury, even later to Transportation and currently Homeland Security. Officers and enlisted wear the Treasury shield rather than the Pentagon Star of the Navy. The USCG is that hard core around which the US Navy forms in time of war although there is an entirely false rumor that you may only enlist in the USCG if you are 6 foot or over (so you can wade ashore when the boat sinks).

More useful information: The USCG is charged with the administration of ALL maritime law in the U.S. Quite a coincidence they with the Treasury connection.

Ask a Coast Guardsman how long he has been in the service and the prescribed response is:


26th June 2019, 10:42 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB9xa9HSc-Q3i40LWPP2Ulr5dNLrGUAZg63ONdsIj2bRYnQ8V8Tpsx_wtJJl r07Q1SE6z4zhXCR2gKz&hc_ref=ART29m1izfXHno52xDkY37qkiPy1deK5VAySUfj2_dP MxKRPdNyF8MU5LeKtEIjJod0&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2277446155637785) ·

The Second Message: Life or Death

Yesterday, we sent out an urgent message and asked the help of White Hats, Patriots, and Human Rights Activists everywhere to distribute the information to the President, the Queen, the Pope, the members of Congress, members of the Roman Curia and others responsible for the continuing abuse of living people.

That message can be summarized as --- we have proof now that the US Department of State is trying to mischaracterize all Americans as "citizens of the United States". This is both a grossly self-serving lie and an impossibility. We explained why in the article released yesterday--- "Note to Pope and Congress: There Are No 14th Amendment Citizens".

We described how and why and by whom this purported political status was created. It was created by a long-defunct Scottish Corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America"-- Incorporated, as a means to steal our identity and plunder our resources, including our credit. They basically exhausted our credit, went bankrupt, and left us holding the bag for their crime and fraud.

The political status of so-called "Fourteenth Amendment citizens" was created by this criminal corporation as a means to enslave and seize upon freed plantation slaves as human chattel pledged to pay off public debt. Plantation slaves went from being owned by other people to being owned by foreign corporations in the business of providing governmental services. Private slave ownership was abolished, but public slave ownership allowed by these venal Perpetrators. Black people in this country were never actually set free as a result.

So what is a "Citizen of the United States"-- as stated by the Perpetrators of this Big Lie?
“A Citizen of the United States” is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and Co-beneficiary of the (Public Charitable Trust) the constructive, cestui que trust of the U.S. Inc. under the 14th amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc.” Congressional Record, June 13th 1967, P.P. 15641-15646

When you look up the referenced Public Charitable Trust, you learn that this is a welfare fund set up for the relief of displaced black plantation slaves in the wake of the Civil War. So according to the US Department of State, we are all Negroes, we are all destitute, we are all in receipt of welfare benefits and we are all knowingly operating in the above capacity as co-Trustees and Co-Beneficiaries of this same Public Charitable Trust.

A more outrageous lie is hard to imagine, but that is, in effect, what the US Department of State is trying to allege about every single American seeking or using a US Passport --- they are promoting a fraud based on the earlier criminal fraud of a foreign governmental services corporation that went bankrupt in 1907.

Today, we are asking all White Hats and Freedom Lovers, all Patriots, all Human Rights Activists to get this Second Message to the Congress and the White House-- and all the other guilty government and church officials worldwide: only Lawful Persons can own Lawful Assets.

This simple fact -- that only Lawful Persons can own actual assets -- is the motivation for this hideous, outrageous, criminal False Claim being promoted against the American People by the US Department of State under Michael Pompeo.

Above and beyond providing the Perpetrators with an excuse to make False Claims against us and our assets, this same claim unlawfully converts "People" into "Persons" and deprives us of our ability to own Private Property.

Fourteenth Amendment citizenship was always a perfidious scam from the get go, and we explained why, but there is another element to this we didn't touch upon and that is the fact that such Legal Persons are all inchoate.

They are incomplete.

They are "one or more steps too many" detached from physical actuality.

They are mental constructs only.

Your Lawful Person, your Given Trade Name, is your property, an asset belonging to you in the same sense that a bicycle belongs to you, and like a bicycle, it serves you as a means for you to travel to and communicate with others about yourself and for them to communicate to and about you.

Your Lawful Person naturally populates the land jurisdiction of your State of the Union and is only subject to the Public Law of this country. It represents you as an actual fact, not as a Legal Fiction, not as a Foreign Situs Trust, not as a co-Trustee or Co-Beneficiary, not an incorporated entity or officer of any kind.

Legal Fiction Persons don't exist by definition, and that is another reason that Fourteenth Amendment citizens don't exist. Literally.

Now to understand the Second Message: only Lawful Persons can own Lawful Assets. What is actual and factual only belongs to and with what is actual and factual.

The Roman Curia has already been presented with the Scripture forbidding impersonation of living flesh, and now they are served Notice that they are operating in violation of the Law of Kinds as well; the Collective Entity Doctrine is an offense to both Scripture and Logic.

Living people are the lawful owners of land and gold and silver and every other actual possession on this planet, and their Lawful Persons are the only abstraction directly representing them.

A Legal Person can act as an Administrator, an Executor, a Transferee, a Trustee, or any number of similar capacities "for" a Lawful Person, but cannot bridge the gap between fiction and actuality. As a result, a Legal Person cannot actually own land or diamonds or gold or even a bouquet of flowers.

Commercial PERSONS are a specialized variety of Legal Persons that are even one step more removed from the world of actual fact, and so are even less competent to possess actual assets.

For this reason, both Legal Persons and Commercial PERSONS operate on a fictional basis --- they use "commercial script" instead of actual gold or silver money, they deal in stocks, bonds, and certificates, because they can't interface with actual possession of anything in the factual world.

Legal fictions deal with symbols of things: fiat money and ledgers representing Silver Dollars, birth certificates representing ownership interest in an actual nativity, bonds representing a debt of some kind, stocks representing a "share" of ownership benefit or interest.

As a result, it is impossible for a Legal Fiction Person of any kind to possess land or silver coins or gold for itself---why?

Because a Legal Fiction is universally dispossessed of the material world.

Reducing living men and women to the level of Legal Persons utterly deprives them of their rights and dignities and --- this is the crucial one --- their private property.

Now ask yourself what happens when every living man or woman is being mischaracterized --- deliberately --- as a Legal Fiction Person belonging as chattel to a governmental services corporation?

They become slaves.

They can have no private property nor possession of actual assets, by definition.

They can --- as a business, a trust, a partnership, a coalition, a cooperative, a foundation, a public transmitting utility, an NGO, a PLC, an LLC (the list goes on....and on....) manage assets, use assets, even abuse assets --- but they cannot by definition possess or truly own anything in the factual world.

Once you step off the edge of the Earth and continue the process of abstraction beyond the simple Lawful Person of your Given Name -- you are dealing in a realm of fiction divorced from fact --- a Kingdom of Lies, the Realm of Satan.

So, here we are. Thanks to these shysters falsifying records and making False Claims in Commerce, virtually everyone has been secretively "redefined" as a Legal Fiction Person--- purported identities that have been "conferred upon" us without our knowledge or consent, for the purpose of stealing our private property --- beginning with our Given Names.

The Agents of the British Crown have stolen our identities --- literally. They have copyrighted our Given Names and seized upon our Unregistered Trademarks and they did this while we were still babies in our cradle, so that we could have no conscious knowledge or memory of the theft and therefore, could never object to it.

This is an "unconscionable contracting process" that is both illegal and unlawful, but they have done this just the same, in violation of the Geneva Conventions and the Hague Conventions and virtually every Declaration ever made by the United Nations--- and all to one purpose: to deprive us of our private property and our private identity and our ability to own anything in our own names.

This is a white collar form of enslavement and genocide on paper, and they are being ordered to Cease and Desist.

All of this gross criminality is being orchestrated under the auspices of the Municipal United States Government chartered by the Roman Catholic Church and run as an oligarchy by the members of Congress.
As we also pointed out, it has nothing to do with us, our States of the Union, our country, nor even the Confederate States of States that fought the Civil War. This is all mismanagement, fraud, criminality and graft engaged in by Federal Contractors obligated under commercial contract and international treaty to provide us with Good Faith Service and "essential government services".

We are exposing this gross, venal corruption for the single purpose of putting an end to it and reclaiming our private property--- our Good Names, our copyrights, our Unregistered Trademarks, our land and soil, our gold and silver, and everything else that actually and factually belongs to us.

We are not Citizens of the United States, nor are we "citizens of the United States" and making any false claim that we are, is already defined as a crime by the British Territorial Government: 18 USC 911 --- not that their statutory law applies to us, but it does apply to them and any territory occupied by them.

The existence of this statute proves that the British Territorial Government has been aware of the problem, but hasn't enforced against it. That is, the "US Army" looked the other way and so did the hordes of Bar and District Attorneys that have infested our shores like locusts. They knew, they declared it a crime, and they did nothing to enforce their own law and defend and support their Employers, the actual States and People.

Instead, they actively colluded with the members of Congress to mischaracterize their Employers and evade the limitations and obligations of the Constitutions owed to the actual States and People of this country by deliberately mischaracterizing our Federation States as Confederate States and mischaracterizing Americans as Citizens of the United States.

Here again we are dealing with Foreign Contractors obligated by venerable commercial contract and international trilateral treaties caught acting in Bad Faith and knowingly colluding against their innocent Employers, failing to uphold their own published statutory laws and trying to excuse their misconduct and criminality on the basis of a 150 year-old commercial conflict that never involved us in the first place.

We have extensively dealt with the issue of "Fourteenth Amendment citizenship" --- and why we are not and never were in any such political status. We have dealt with the issue of "taking title" to us and mischaracterizing us as former plantation slaves. And we have dealt with the issue of the Odious Debt these con artists have "hypothecated" against us and our actual assets.

If Mr. Trump and the US Army are to do their duty by the People of this country, they must recognize who the People are, and admit the simple fact that we are not converted into "Persons" just because some fat bureaucrats say so behind our backs.

This criminal misadministration by the US Department of State and the US Passport Agencies must be addressed, as must the continuing misadministration of the IRS/Internal Revenue Service.

Americans are owed over $25 Trillion Dollars-worth of National Credit, as well as the return of title to all of our actual and factual assets. We, the Lawful Persons, the People of this country, are the only ones competent to receive back our assets and we declare openly that our assets are not abandoned, have not been voluntarily donated, and don’t belong to the US, Inc. or the USA, Inc., either one.

We are not chattel belonging to these same corporations, are not subjects of the Queen, are not subjects of the Pope, and are not subjects of the members of any Congress. We are not Legal Persons of any kind. We are each sovereigns in our own right.

We are Lawful Persons known as the People of this country and we are owed every jot of each Federal Constitution, and also by definition, we are not any species of "Citizen of the United States".

Mr. Trump-- you need to correct Mike Pompeo and the US Department of State/US State Department for accidentally-on-purpose misidentifying millions of Americans as "citizens of the United States", for issuing False Passports, for making False Claims in Commerce against us, for conspiring against the Constitutions and acting in Bad Faith with respect to all the contractual obligations of the Pope and the Queen and the members of Congress.

It's high time everyone involved in so-called public service stopped bilking their employers--- from the Queen and the Pope on down.
The US Department of the Treasury needs a good swift kick in the rump and the IRS/Internal Revenue Service needs to Cease and Desist collections under false presumptions. Both agencies need to re-tool to issue Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges the People of this country are owed and all the personnel involved need a slap-in-the-face readjustment of attitude from Steven T. Mnuchin on down.

The US Department of State needs to correct all Passports issued to Joe and Jane Average American to reflect their actual political status as State Nationals without any tricks, without trying to foist off presumed private contracts or obligations, without trying to confer any foreign citizenships upon them. No ear tags. No "presumed donation" of DNA. None of it.

And if the Secondary Creditors don't like these reforms recognizing the sovereignty of our States and People, they know what they can do:
Send the bills to Prince Philip.

Prince Philip and the Governor of Ottawa colluded to abscond with $950 Trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities" that belong to Americans and Canadians just before Prince Philip’s retirement from Public Life.
He can pay all the bills owed by the presumed-to-exist corporate franchises and return the excess to the people to whom it is all owed via appropriately managed restitution programs.

27th June 2019, 08:31 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBOhQr9WQ2udCt1CedUE7HH7Qp7wUGpfWmwbvc4EcMPkK idphoZ6e5-Y4r-2eLF512VMCB5i09uhkK3&hc_ref=ARQ7SkoUb9Qc6uwjIbviECDFKJ5i1k7t1myjyUQ4Sm1 7fOkqSIbz7gsFbEQFLOkc7d4&fref=nf)
16 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2278078295574571) ·

Barr's Call to the Scottish Templars

The Stupid People among us are making jokes about United States Attorney General William Barr's sudden appearance playing the bagpipes.

What they don't know is that that is a worldwide signal to the Scottish Templars to go to war and aid him in his duty, whatever that duty is.

The wheels of a massive and ancient Brotherhood are now turning and will turn until God or another Grandmaster cancels "The Calling".
Whether it's good or bad, I will leave that to all of you to determine in the days and weeks to come.

Considering that it was a Scottish Templar corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Inc." that began all this corruption and criminality on our shores, it doesn't look good that the same basic organization-- three generations removed-- is now mobilizing.

That, together with the resurgence of US Navy influence in military affairs, indicates a British Empire impetus to do something --- but against who and what --- is not yet clear.

With the eyes of the entire world now focused upon them--- and rather jaundiced eyes, too-- they need to be called to righteous action instead of the usual guile that has made Perfidious Albion famous since 1302.

27th June 2019, 09:14 AM
that is a worldwide signal to the Scottish Templars to go to war and aid him in his duty, whatever that duty is.

Is there a market where one can speculate on the price of Scotch Whiskey futures?

27th June 2019, 09:19 AM
Is there a market where one can speculate on the price of Scotch Whiskey futures?

Of course.

27th June 2019, 09:21 AM
Of course.
What does the market say?

27th June 2019, 09:23 AM
What does the market say?

Do you hear markets?

27th June 2019, 10:43 AM
Do you hear markets?

Market sound
THE SOUND OF A MARKET. ... The sounds you hear are connected to the bids, asks and trades. A high sound is a high bid or ask and a low sound is a low bid or ask.


28th June 2019, 11:35 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBUOfLoQoJPDLexolB-HMIdd8HlIcalENp0iE8Rg3ku0VtfXMvFld2ditDhZiVWIrYydg CPxfYpt6zd&hc_ref=ARR3EAoIQgWIhfxk4og121lek2CcVWI1w1comzeGcFo FNQUDzzPC6U-3rk7bfOdhPmU&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2280443515338049) ·

For Confused Continental Marshals

The Continental Marshals Service serves the Land Jurisdiction of The United States of America.

The Land Jurisdiction is an international jurisdiction belonging to The United States, but controlled and operated by The United States of America. This is where we get "States of the Union" meaning "States belonging to the Union".

These States are all Federation Compact States -- Wisconsin, Florida, Texas, California, Ohio..... not to be confused with "states of states".
The United States = the Union = republican states = national jurisdiction.

The United States of America = the Federation = States of the Union = international jurisdiction.

These unincorporated business structures are not to be confused with the Territorial United States Government doing business "in our name" as "the" United States of America, nor with the Municipal United States Government doing business in our name as "the" United States.

From the foregoing you can see that Continental Marshals have enforcement authority under direct delegation from the unincorporated government that is in charge of the international jurisdiction owed to the States in general and that government is The United States of America.

They have primary responsibility for enforcing the Law of the Land including the Constitutions, the Un-revised United States Statutes-at-Large, Postal Laws and issues arising under the Reserved Powers of the Tenth Amendment.

As international land jurisdiction Officers they are not under any authority vested in the individual States, are not part of the State Militias; like the sea-going US Marshals their turf is defined by Districts --- in the case of Continental Marshals, they work within Postal Districts that may overlap several States.

The structure mandated is that each State has one Chief Marshal and each Postal District has a District Chief Marshal, all organized under a single Chief Marshal of The United States of America. Deputy Marshals serve under the direction of the Chief Marshal for their State or the District Chief Marshal as the issues and needs may demand.

So long as the Constitutions are honored, the duties of the Continental Marshals are limited to protecting the land jurisdiction of this country as described: Constitutional Issues, Un-Revised US Statutes-at-Large, Reserved Powers (Amendment X) and Postal Laws.

If the Constitutions are vacated, the Continental Marshals become responsible for enforcing all aspects of international law within their Districts.

Continental Marshals serve a unique interface between the County Sheriffs and the Federal Government; when County Sheriffs need assistance to enforce Constitutional guarantees, the Continental Marshals are there to assist; when County Sheriffs fail to uphold the Constitutional guarantees and other Natural and Unalienable Rights of the American People, the Continental Marshals can be called upon.

Some of the men now serving as Continental Marshals are confused because they are being required to Expatriate from "the" United States. They mistake "the" United States --- the foreign Municipal Government created by Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 for the actual United States: The United States.

This confusion has been promoted for many decades by gangs of political lobbyists who have used it to commandeer the wealth and resources of our country. The Municipal United States Government is operating "in our names" because it exercises some of our Powers which were delegated to it under The Constitution of the United States.

Please look carefully at the names of things --- The Constitution of the United States is referring to the Municipal United States Government, not The United States, just as The Constitution of the United States of America is referring to the Territorial United States Government and not The United States of America.

Continental Marshals must be able to identify the Federal Entities and know the constitutional limitations placed on those entities, must be able to tell the difference between an actual State and a State of State or STATE OF STATE incorporated franchise.

Expatriating from both "the" Municipal and Territorial United States leaves Continental Marshals free to stand upon their lawful jurisdiction as Americans and allows them to enter the international land jurisdiction of The United States of America where they work as Lawful Persons engaged in the enforcement of international law.

If they do not expatriate from the foreign Dual Citizenship capacity of US Government Employees, they cannot lawfully enter upon the Land Jurisdiction of this Country and do their jobs. More importantly, if they are confused with US Marshals, they may be mis-identified as threats or as charlatans impersonating US Marshals.

The only way to guard against this is to have their paperwork in order and properly recorded and a firm grasp on exactly what their duty and source of authority is.
Duty: Enforce the Constitutions, the Un-Revised United States Statutes-at-Large, the Postal Laws, and any issues arising under the Reserved Powers of Amendment X. Assist county peacekeeping officials and local people to enforce the Public Law owed to this country.
Turf and Authority: Established Postal Districts and groupings of States within the Postal Districts. Continental Marshals are Federal Postal District Officers under the original Federal Constitution, The Constitution for the united States of America, and they are working for The United States of America --- not the Queen, and not the Pope.

I hope this clears up any misinformation/disinformation coming from Destry Payne and others. Any Marshal who has questions can contact me directly at avannavon@gmail.com and use "Continental Marshal Question" as the subject.

28th June 2019, 09:59 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB-bHZyoQE-Bt20BuQh7wz5ukykd-0NhGBFIj2r_2IHeQBHklkPaixV9rvyLoVxRiqOdCSSE69hfgFc&hc_ref=ARQZPr5peAKut8LJ8MKfdk2n-9wYkr0Elp4J26mvgpkPBUrYIzv5oNwoTSdgaUM02E8&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2281235881925479) ·

The Status and Operations of the United States in 30 Points

This is not rocket science. We all just have to learn a few things we have never been taught.

1. The American Civil War was not a war. It was a Mercenary Conflict fought on our shores between opposing commercial corporations.

2. Both the North and the South were “Confederate States” – meaning incorporated businesses run under the auspices of the States of America confederation which was formed in 1781 under The Articles of Confederation.

3. Confederate States are not States; they are “States of States” --- businesses hired to provide governmental services to our actual States and People. They may be viewed as subcontractors of the States.

4. The Confederate States of States, like The State of Florida and The State of Wisconsin were supposed to be the primary Federal service providers and to operate under The Constitution for the united States of America.

5. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln bankrupted the Northern States of States. The only Office he had left that he controlled was that of Commander-in-Chief, so he imposed a form of Martial Law called The Lieber Code and began to rule by Executive Order.

6. The Office of the Commander-in-Chief falls under the auspices of the Territorial United States Government and is responsible for coordinating joint defense for the States between American Land and Air Forces and the US Navy which remains under direct control of the British Monarch. As such, this Office is under the British Territorial Constitution known as The Constitution of the United States of America.

7. In the years since this began, The Lieber Code has morphed into The Hague Conventions, which apply to Territorial Government activities. Land jurisdiction governments meanwhile formed The Geneva Conventions.

8. The affairs of the remaining elements of the Federal Government in 1865 entered into an uneasy Trusteeship pending the “reconstruction” of the American States of States and day to day operations were entrusted to the British-backed Territorial United States Government.

9. So what we had for a “Federal Government” coming out of the Civil War was a British Trust Protectorate overseen by an American-elected Commander-in-Chief operating under The Lieber Code (later The Hague Conventions) and ruling via Executive Orders. That’s what we still have today.

10. Please note that none of this ever involved our actual States. This is all about the administration and/or mis-administration of the Federal Government and those functions delegated to it via the Constitutions.

11. Meanwhile, the only other surviving part of the original Federal Government structure, the Municipal United States Government entrusted to the members of Congress under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, regrouped itself and began a long process by which it, too, has attempted to usurp upon the authority of the actual States and People of this country.

12. By the end of the Spanish American War, the British Trust Protectorate had insinuated itself as the de facto government of this country and acting in its Territorial Capacity, the Congress assumed “War Powers” and “Emergency Powers” for itself that were never granted to it-- under Title 50, the Trading With the Enemy Act--- which again, does not involve our actual States or People at all, except to exempt us.

13. The Trading With the Enemy Act establishes a gigantic trust and defines “the United States” as any place the U.S. military occupies. This allows the U.S. military to vastly expand its Territorial operations and acquisitions on a worldwide basis, and that is precisely what it has done and the reason for establishing 950 U.S. military bases all over the globe.

14. Along with this vast expansion and extension of Territorial Government power, the Municipal United States Government has expanded commercial franchises in every corner of the globe, setting up corporate franchises for itself, such as CANADA and NEW SOUTH WALES, to promote and control business operations associated with the Territorial Government expansion.

15. Obviously, all of this is going on under the auspices of the British Government and the Pope’s Municipal Government manipulating the American Protectorate and using and abusing our resources and our people to do it.

16. They have principally endeavored to defraud and dis-inherit the actual States and People of this country via a series of collusive constructive fraud schemes, and sought to ultimately evade the limitations of the Constitutions and International Treaties that have empowered them.

17. This constructive fraud begins when the Territorial Government “seizes” upon American babies born within the borders of one of our States and falsifies information about their identity and political status so as to conscript them and register them as Territorial United States Citizens.

18. This has the effect of kidnapping and transporting Americans from their natural jurisdiction on the land and soil of their actual State, and into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea: press-ganging, which has been outlawed for two centuries worldwide.

19. Thus misidentified by the Territorial United States Government as Territorial U.S. Citizens and deprived therefore of their property rights and Good Names and lawful identities, the victims are leased as property assets (collateral) to the United States, Inc. run by the Municipal United States Government.

20. The Municipal United States Government seizes upon the Territorial Legal Persons-- which are all defined as Foreign Situs Trusts, and spins off its own corporate franchises operating under various NAMES – JOHN MARK DOE, for example, is a Municipal Cestui Que Vie Trust named ultimately after the living American victim.

21. All of this has been done in Gross Breach of Trust, in deliberate conspiracy against the Constitutions, in violation of the Geneva Conventions, and under False Presumptions.

22. The first False Presumption is that our States and People are subject to The Law of Belligerent Occupation as the result of a 150 year-old commercial Mercenary Conflict that we were never engaged in.

23. Our States and People are in fact owed The Law of Peace, as described by United States Army Pamphlet AR 27-161-1 and have suffered Gross Breach of Trust and Gross Mis-Administration of the Protectorate.

24. Any Powers exercised or conferred upon or delegated to either the Territorial Government or the Municipal Government of the United States derives directly from the actual States and People of this country, which they have deliberately mis-identified as Confederate States of States and as British Territorial Citizens.

25. Without us and our continued support, their “Persons” disappear along with the Constitutions allowing and defining their existence.

26. Whereupon we observe that the Municipal United States Corporations have all been bankrupted and we are the Priority Creditors, owed $25 Trillion as our National Credit, plus many other considerations.

27. Whereupon we also note that as bankrupt Subcontractors, all “Powers” vested in any incompetent or insolvent entity, return immediately to the Delegators --- to the States and People and their unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.

28. The Trustees overseeing the bankruptcy of the United States, Inc. and also the USA. Inc. franchises are responsible for returning Full Faith and Credit to The United States of America, its member States, and People.

29. By Maxim of Law, possession by pirates does not change ownership of assets, and any Persons seeking to seize upon and exploit the assets of Trust Property arising from any Federal claim at all, are pirates by definition with respect to our land and soil jurisdiction States and People.

30. Those responsible for these atrocities committed against the American States and People –an attempted genocide on paper – have acted in criminal Breach of Trust and they must make prompt correction and amends to avoid being identified as criminals guilty of capital crimes and treason.

28th June 2019, 10:07 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCLx7bR2QINsWALXSZ9LfRA1xRoktr8ObOHRtUnXUB3SX hYJn31s7ZI3RQCqULgQkFskQYzfLlpOyHD&hc_ref=ARSYA0rMK1GbQ2uB0ghOLd8hHj9SbQIyhxJ7JYRdaDG B5dZjXbgucrQTmTvw2WUrNHs&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2281336861915381) ·

Operation Wet Back

Back in the 1950's, when Americans were not pre-programmed to be politically correct, General Dwight D. Eisenhower and his Staff conducted Operation Wet Back. They used US Army and Federal Agency personnel to sweep through the Southern and Western States and remove all undocumented aliens back to their countries of origin. If I recall correctly, more than a million people, mostly South American in origin, were ultimately returned home.

They were returned home and the home country got a stern warning: you are responsible for the care and conduct of your own people within the international community. We respect your borders. You respect ours.
End of communique.

And that was that. No crisis. No political Flim-Flam. No Mexican flags flying above the American flag in LA. No pretense that "treaties" signed by unhinged members of political parties have anything to do with us and our States and our People and our land and soil. No South American Gang Members being allowed to come here and cause trouble.
Threat to our security. Boom. End of that problem.

Eisenhower performed the duty owed by the Territorial United States Government and the U.S. Military and the Commander-in-Chief to protect and defend our land and soil against any kind of invasion--- without fanfare, without apology, without political correctness, and without a nod to the Municipal Congress, either.

So now here we are, the actual States of the Union, flexing our muscle and making visitation upon our erstwhile Federal Employees. Consider it a Surprise Inspection after a 150 years, but here we are.
We find that Donald Trump is attempting to do his duty, but various members of the Joint Chiefs and PENTAGON are having difficulty understanding exactly what their duty is and who is owed Performance under the contracts, treaties, and agreements which allow their own existence as "Persons" and which delegates the empowerment they exercise in our behalf.

So here it is, boys, spelled out in black and white.
Your paychecks come from the States and People represented by The United States of America--- not "the" United States of America and not "the" United States, either. The Queen and the Pope are both just acting as middlemen under our Delegated Power. Your actual duty to perform is owed to us--- the American States and People. Period.
Anything and anyone that threatens us and our well-being, whether foreign --- like the hordes of illegal immigrants -- or domestic, like renegade members of Congress - you are under absolute obligation to protect us, our peace, and our well-being.

If that means building a physical wall, so be it. If it means telling South American Governments to back off, so be it. If it means rounding up illegal immigrants and arresting Municipal Officers operating unauthorized "Sanctuary Cities" on our shores, so be it. If it means arresting members of Congress who have violated the Public Trust, so be it. Deport them along with the illegal immigrants. If it means being politically incorrect, so be it.

Do your duty. Do it no matter what yelling and screaming it provokes. Do it no matter who snivels and cries in the New York Times. You don't owe Performance to U.S. Citizens, but you do owe Performance to us: the American States and People.

So, as you can now see, it is all very simple. You all do your duty to the Public Law and the States and the People of this country, or----what good are you? Exactly what do we need you for?

We'll fire your flat rumps and hire someone else who will do the job we hired them to do. We'll suspend your pensions for Dereliction of Duty. We will Dishonorably Discharge the whole General Staff. And we won't blink or be acting guilty or apologizing or being politically correct about it, either.
Better get on board. The Ship of State is sailing.

4th July 2019, 10:01 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDIlVtFmcqRWQZd8Kgvp6IxVfCiYExu0sC73_CYIei-10ch20ypV2tAoQ1DIHMJUIZwkCzL31DMXXS-&hc_ref=ARSCxq96vTo4BmytFXzsHge0jrxROJBdJ6M3Ckf03HV qsE78TsbXNPW9kadqv44OL8A&fref=nf)
23 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2289848964397504) ·

The Third of July

The die has been cast since the first day of July. Everyone has known that the King's Offer --- more taxes, more oppressive regulation, more involuntary commodity rigging --- was refused two days ago, but it is still sinking in somehow.

There's an odd mood in the air. Those who know are both grim and giddy.
It's done.
The long argument about Independence is over. At least the Americans finally know what they want and where they stand. They have given their beliefs and desire both form and voice: The Declaration of Independence.

The members of Parliament are still blissfully unaware, arrogant, already counting the American tax money they assessed in an effort to make Americans pay for the Thirty Years War in Europe.

After all, who could expect those Upstart Colonials to do anything but kneel and bow under? Nobody, but "the Colonials" themselves could imagine any other outcome.

Fettered by British treaties, oppressed by British Regulations, impoverished by British taxes and import tariffs, they, the Colonials, have had enough. It isn't the first time that they have voiced their complaints. The records of the British Parliament are replete with dozens of protests and petitions --- all unheeded, disparaged, and ignored.

So now it has come to this, a bloody war, that will drag on for eight years, winter and summer, until the British surrender at Yorktown.
Right now, today, on July 3, all of that seems a million miles away. It's only a seed stirring in the warm wet Earth, the beginning of an idea taking root --- a dream not of liberty granted by a King -- but instead, a dream of freedom.

What a concept? Every man's home his castle? Every State Citizen, the Ruler of a kingdom?
Yet this is the American Ideal that was sprouting on July 3rd, the day before the formal announcement and publication of The Declaration of Independence. It is a wild, thrilling, improbable, infinitely exciting ideal.
Men at peace with their neighbors. Men set free of the intrigues and demands of governments and petty tyrants. A government designed to serve, rather than be served.
Imagine that? At the time, it was a concept so radical that Europeans hearing it, laughed.

Determined to share their own misery, these same European politicians hardly blinked nor gave two thoughts to the American Ideal as they continued their own obsessive drive to colonize the rest of the world --- and do it by any means possible.

By war, by deceit, by genocide, by whatever means at all, they, the so-called Elite, continued their "crusade" to claim dominance over the globe, and they snubbed the foolish, gullible Americans.
When the rest of the world finally said, "No!" to Colonialism and forced them to give up their ill-gotten holdings and to dissolve their lucrative Commonwealths, they simply switched gears and jurisdictions and went merrily onward.

Colonialism might be dead, might be a bad word, but Commercial Feudalism was the new game in town and the Great Game continued; only the names and natures of the Players were changed, not the goals.

Now instead of Kings and Queens and Principalities, the same Players would mask themselves as corporations and do battle in the commercial forum. Mercenary armies would become the vogue. Hordes of middlemen would be employed. The names, relationships, and ownership interests would be obscured.

The silly sleeping Public would hardly be aware of their Doom as chattel belonging to corporate interests.
It's the Third of July again.

4th July 2019, 10:10 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCbgbmUp0Jv6g2rec_NEpJzwb8agvyZ0b-TFv-m5aSrZ8tTjD0T9MjljrVoFPyto_L-SUpEHzStcP9_&hc_ref=ARSxJb7osZtirARTde4ILW_KHg1RlEWVuGPv3ufXfjt VmGn4FoNso4F_BZ8eHxVs4Gw&fref=nf)
11 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2290547570994310) ·

Independence Day 2019

When the Hired Help took over, they didn't bother to tell us that we are the actual and lawful heirs, the landlords of this country.

If you don't remember who you are---if they can keep you in an ignorant and debased condition, kidnapped and enslaved in their foreign jurisdictions--- well, so much the better for them.

So it came down to us and two frightening questions: how do you restore a lawful government to a country and to a people shanghaied for decades? How do you return them home again after six generations lost at sea?

When people ask why they should support us, I have a question to ask them in return -- who else is standing up for you? Not the Queen. Not the Pope.
Who else served Due Process on the Trustees, on the Municipal Government, and on the Territorial Government, too?
Well, here we are, on the record, with thousands of pieces of registered mail to verify the effort.
Who asserted their standing and proved their provenance all the way back to the Armoricans and William the Conqueror?
Who lawfully summoned the States of the Union to Assemble?
Who else provided you with the tools needed to reclaim your own Lawful Person and return home to your natural domicile on the land?
We could have collected kick-back money, kept silent, and gone on like all the others who have been paid off since 1871.
Could have. Didn't.

So why should you support us and what we are doing? Because we stood up for you, because we told you the truth. Is it such a stretch that you should stand up for us, too?

Our forefathers established a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, a lawful government which depends upon each one of us to self-govern not only our own lives, but the affairs of our individual States.

Where is that lawful government now? Look around as far as you can see, and you won't find any other organization operating in the proper jurisdiction, with the proper credentials and provenance to operate our Ship of State, The United States of America.

If you are Joe Average American, you should support us and what we are doing because we stand together to reclaim and restore your rights, your freedoms, your property assets and your lawful government.

We have shown the world the evidence of the unconscionable contracting practices and other acts of constructive fraud that have been employed against us (and you) as a means to press-gang, enslave, convert, and impersonate Americans.

We have called upon the actual Allies of the American People to enforce against these False Trustees --- and our Allies have answered. Like the Riders of Rohan--- they have come when the Watch Fires were lit.

And who lit the Watch Fires? We did.
We exposed the fact that we own the land mass of the Philippines and that the Philippine Government created in 1934 was granted independence specifically so that they could act as our Trustee and hold our physical gold assets until we should come and claim them.

Well, here we are, and there is nobody else with the standing to do so, who has pursued lawful due process and brought forward your claims and the claims of the lawful American Government.

We have made many friends who support us, but at the end of the day, we need to stand on our own two feet and take up the responsibilities of honest men and women.

This is our country. And we are its lawful government. That means we have to do the work. It's not something we can hire someone to do for us, and it's not something we can do alone. You are needed to take up an oar.

We exposed the fact that we, Americans, are owed all the land titles and patents owed to the Statehood Compact States, which means that you stand to inherit not only actual lawful possession of your own private property, but the public property of your States of the Union, free and clear of debt or encumbrance.

Who else did that for you?

We exposed the fact that we, Americans, are owed the gold that FDR confiscated from our grandparents under color of law.
We exposed the fact that we, Americans, are owed over $21 trillion dollars worth of credit as our National Credit.

We have debunked the claims of the pirates and the mercenaries when there was nobody else to do it, and now you ask --- why should you support us? How about this? Because we are the ones who have supported you.

If you are a Federal Military or Civil Service Employee, you should support us, too. Why? Because when you retire, you will want to come home and enjoy the freedom you fought for. You will want to be at peace. You will want the respect and care you deserve.

And how are you going to get that from a bunch of crooks bent on defrauding Americans and stealing everything in sight? Your freedom and your property rights depend on us, too, just as much as everyone else's.

If we don't uphold our "Natural and Unalienable Rights", there will be no reference standard for you to claim any "Equal Civil Rights". There will be nothing to be "equal" to.

So your fat is in the fire along with every other American.
This week, in despair, we deleted 85,000 emails. With our current resources and staffing levels there is no way to answer. We need volunteers. We need educational materials. We need prayers. We need money to continue this effort and expand it.

There are now Americans populating the land jurisdiction of all fifty states, but a great deal more remains to be done. The People need to be educated and enabled to run the government they are owed.

We are restoring the lawful government one office and one volunteer at a time. And that's why you need to support the effort, need to get your own political status records corrected, and need to join your State Assembly.

The American Dream is still alive and kicking, but it depends on you as much as anyone. This Fourth of July--- think it through. It's not just a matter of what our Forefathers did. It's a matter of what you do, too.
We could make an earnest plea for more donations, because we surely need them, but don't think that throwing money at it will answer all the needs and serve all the causes.

[Paypal address is: avannavon@gmail.com. Snail mail donations should be sent to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.]

We need your minds, your skills, your time, your care, and your ability to communicate, too. It takes living people to run a lawful government. It takes a whole cadre of dedicated Americans in every State taking care of their own.

Now, we aren't saying this is an easy prospect, but its what has to be done. Americans have faced far greater challenges and won.
Meantime, millions of people worldwide need to be brought along and educated, too, because this same vicious system of Corporate Feudalism has been employed worldwide to enslave and demean and devalue everyone.

It's not just an American problem or an American need to live in peace and dignity. So let's build on what our Forefathers gave us and make it count. Let the lessons learned be fully internalized so that we never forget who we are, and never fail to meet any challenge to our sovereignty.

12th July 2019, 06:09 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDIpO6h69nMFDrowCbDDjeqSEjY5T7fUkNTcTu-eaXg27__cGj78py4PTYBx5c3ym_D-P4J1gtQ14Xy&hc_ref=ARQVp3PdiOB7lxXQxONmIjwXeJ4JcU0l-dya29LAyOHJSYYu3-WSf0HxPRIKeyW6MWU&fref=nf)
11 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2303941259654941) ·

States Are Not States-of-States

Okay? Everyone using their eyes here?
Can you literally see that the word "State" is not the same as "State of State"?

Wisconsin is not the same as State of Wisconsin, right?

If you want a definition of what a "state of state" is, you will find it in the definitions section of the Uniform Commercial Code. For the purposes of our discussion, it's a commercial corporation chartered by a government organization to transact commercial business activities.

And what is "commerce"? [This will be on the test, kids.]
Commerce is business between two incorporated entities --- that is, business between corporations that are chartered by and insured as franchises of government-operated States of States.

Ralph's Roller Derby, Inc., is a franchise of the Territorial State of Washington, and it can conduct business with SKATE WORLD, INC., a franchise of the Municipal STATE OF WASHINGTON. Both entities are incorporated and both enjoy bankruptcy protection, if they need it.
Both can operate in interstate commerce, and if they do, they will be subject to regulation by the Federales.

Of course, they can also conduct their business totally within Washington, and not be subject to Federal Regulation under the Interstate Commerce Clause, but, they will still be subject to the rules and "Public Policies" of their sponsors -- the British Territorial Government and the Municipal United States Government, respectively.

Corporations are legal fictions and they are supposed to be public corporations owned and operated by the people of this country. They are supposed to be chartered under the auspices of our own States of States, such as The State of Georgia.

Thanks to the Great Fraud that began with the Civil War, and the fact that Reconstruction of our own States of State has never been completed, people in America have been forced to charter corporations as foreign, private entities, and to subject them to foreign administrative "law".

There isn't a judge left in America with a proper Oath of Office, except for the Postal District Judges, and they are serving as volunteers. All the other judges have all been commissioned to either: (1) serve under Title 5, which is administrative law of the corporations, or, (2) commissioned as Officers acting under the Code of Military Justice.

To hide this deplorable fact and muddy the water, they deliberately refuse to identify the nature of their office and the nature of the court they are serving. So not only are we deprived of our identity, they are deprived of theirs. They only pretend to be civilian judges occupying public offices.

We are all being forced to play roles according to a foreign script, and nobody is being honest enough about the circumstance to address the problem in a forthright way---- but there it is.

Do we have recourse? Yes, but first we have to understand who we are and where we are in terms of law, history, and jurisdiction.

Our States of the Union are fully competent to function in the international venues and they actually control and/or own all of these entities, directly or indirectly via delegation of powers, so we do in fact have the authority and the power to address this Mess and sort it out.

That is, we have the ability to make the correction, but only if we educate ourselves and correct our political status records and get organized to do it.

We have to realize that States are not States of States. We have to realize that the State of State organizations we are familiar with are all foreign entities and that our own States of States are still moth-balled, awaiting "Reconstruction"--- and finally, we have to figure out that in order to create new Federal States of States, we have to assemble the actual States of the Union to do it.

Florida has to be organized and functioning in order for it to recharter The State of Florida and complete the Reconstruction still pending since the Civil War.

That is why we are engaged (and must be engaged) in organizing the actual State, Florida, and not trying to organize any kind of incorporated State of State.

Without first assembling the actual State and populating it with State Citizens, as we are doing, it is not possible to re-charter a Federal State of State.

The chicken does have to come before the egg in this case.

So while all these other organizations are wildly flailing around and trying to form new Territorial or Municipal "States of States" to act as successors to the bankrupt entities we have now, they are missing the whole point.

If it were as easy as going down to the nearest Corporations Division of the State of Kentucky and dreaming up another corporation to serve Kentuckians, it would have been done long ago.

Instead, what has to be done is for the People of Kentucky to "come home" to their land and soil jurisdiction, declare their permanent domicile to be the land and soil of Kentucky, and assemble the actual State --- Kentucky.

And then, finally, the actual State Assembly -- The Kentucky Assembly -- has the power to charter the renewed Federal State of State known as The State of Kentucky.

The "Missing" Pieces of our intended Federal Government can be set in place again and our State Administration can be American-owned and operated for the Public Good again. These organizations can be what they should be, and held to the high standards of accountability that we all deserve, but we all must get the information contained in this article firmly in our heads.

States are a different breed of animal from States of States, just as surely as a horse is different from a cow.

Our States of the Union are still viable so long as we act in our birthright capacity as the People of our States. Once we correct our own political status records, we are in position to peaceably assemble our State.

Once we assemble and organize our State Assemblies, we have the power to conduct all necessary business for our self-governance, including the reconstruction of the Federal States of States, which will put an end to the conundrum caused by the Civil War.

This can be done peacefully, and in an orderly and lawful fashion. We simply have to grasp the step-by-step logic of the situation and take the necessary actions in our own behalf.

12th July 2019, 06:22 AM

Hour 1:

Hour 2:

12th July 2019, 09:10 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARD2sgYmNMDFjqYdeKCaIkM8pOpdJhakzlCL8NsbQrGHRu MCu9ad947k0O723RzVJydD2YaSUyAD1tFY&hc_ref=ARR1D_0a2ImRLHOOmJnbQQhDzArPm6ful-cNwGml-JxZot4S0nKcl2UceqUL6HSXlTU&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2305364362845964) ·

Citizenship Is the Issue -- in a Way, It's the Only Issue

A lot of people are blowing gaskets about Mr. Trump's Executive Order regarding citizenship records. Citizenship is a dire issue, but only partially because of all the illegal aliens pouring over our borders.

When the corporate Territorial Constitution was adopted in 1868, nine million Americans, a huge section of the population at that time, was deliberately disenfranchised under the infamous 14th Amendment.

This Great Disenfranchisement arose because the Pope's Municipal Government sided with the Confederate States of America. Citizens of the United States (as opposed to United States Citizens) were denied the ability to vote in Territorial Elections.

That prohibition has never been lifted.
Technically, Nancy Pelosi and most of her supporters are Enemies under the 14th Amendment, subject to arrest, and not eligible to vote.

If William P Barr can read, the Trump Administration has grounds to pull another Great Disenfranchisement --- not that these people ever had the right to vote under the 14th Amendment anyway.

They've been allowed to, and haven't been prosecuted for doing so, but the 14th Amendment is clear on the point that it is a crime for them to vote in Territorial Elections.

What has happened over time is that the Civil Government has passed itself off as the Civilian Government, and the prohibitions that were meant to be applied against the Municipal Citizenry, have instead been mis-applied to the General Populace --- us, the State Nationals and State Citizens, who aren't supposed to vote in Territorial elections for completely different reasons.

The Territorial Government has been engaged in a de facto mercenary "war" with the Municipal Government for decades, but rather than fight each other, they have combined forces to prey upon the rest of us. Now that we have stuttered awake and objected to this, locating the real "enemy" has begun, as it has to.

It's like Parliamentary Procedure, once the question has been called, it has been called.

So fasten your seat belts.

There are other reasons that the citizenship question is crucial. Here's a sampling.

The Territorial United States Government constantly touts itself as a "democracy"--- a democracy needs a mandate of 51% to govern. They can't ever achieve a mandate until and unless they know how many citizens they have.

By international law, the Territorial United States can only impose upon and presume upon its own citizenry.

We, American State Nationals and American State Citizens, are Third Parties who have nothing to do with their mercenary squabbles. We are supposed to be properly identified as Internationally Protected Persons under the Geneva Conventions.

The fact that we have instead been deliberately mis-identified as one form or another of Territorial or Municipal US Citizen, is both a crime and a disgrace.

If Mr. Trump wants to do the right thing and run the Territorial Government according to Hoyle and Doyle, then he must not rely on the falsified citizenship records that have been kept by the agencies.
He needs to come all the way clean, tell people what "citizenship" really means, honestly describe the kinds of citizenship there are in this country, and let Americans step forward under conditions of full disclosure and identify themselves as: (1) Non-citizens (includes State Nationals); (2) Territorial Citizens (United States Citizens); (3) Municipal Citizens (Citizens of the United States; (4) Permanent Legal Residents (Foreigners Granted Asylum); (5) State Citizens.
Our form of Government requires State Citizens to maintain a singular Citizenship obligation to their State of the Union, which is why we cannot vote in Territorial Government Elections.

The Territorial Government allows Dual Citizenship, but at least one of those citizenship obligations must be to the Territorial Government.
The Municipal Government also allows Dual Citizenship, but anyone with this citizenship is prohibited from voting in Territorial Elections by the 14th Amendment.

Millions of people who are citizens of The United States have been deliberately with malice aforethought misidentified as citizens of "the" United States --- the Municipal Government, instead.
This makes it appear that we are enemies of the Territorial Government, and that we are involved as "enemies" in their perennial hard-scrabble with the Municipal Government, and leaves us subject to all manner of abuses and false claims in commerce.
This international crime has to stop.

We must be accorded the protections of the Geneva Conventions and assisted in our efforts to correct the falsified records and claim our actual political status ---- but the only way that this good and necessary result can be accomplished is by being honest about the situation, explaining it to the whole population, and then letting people self-identify under conditions of full disclosure.

A final area where the issue of citizenship comes push to shove arises under various United Nations treaties and conventions. Many UN Treaties require that the signatories agree to only conduct tests of weapons and geoengineering (weather warfare) and similar research on their own domestic population.

Currently, millions of Americans are being subjected to unconscionable contracting processes and are being "targeted" as guinea pigs in various Department of Defense weapons and population control tests---- all based on the false premise that these Americans are part of the "US" domestic population and are "US Citizens" of one kind or another--- when they aren't.

The "US" whether defined as the Territorial Government or the Municipal Government or even if and when the original Federal Government structure is restored, is a foreign entity with respect to us and our States of the Union. It was set up that way from the beginning and it is still that way now.

Americans living and working in the States of the Union are not "domestic" with respect to the Federal United States, so when we are misidentified and targeted as "US Citizens" and used as guinea pigs by Federal Agencies and Defense Contractors, another international crime and treaty violation is taking place.

Think of all the nasty experimental drugs and weapons that were first tested on our military personnel being applied in the same way to our civilian population.

If it was outrageous and immoral and unacceptable that they exposed our boys to Agent Orange and experimental drugs and brain-washing, how much worse and broader spectrum is it that our whole population has been exposed to nanobit and coal ash pollution via chem trails? Suffered devastating floods and earthquakes due to scalar tests? Been poisoned by adding fluorine and chlorine to our drinking water? Lead in our vaccines and dental amalgams?

Being a "US" Citizen of either stripe exposes us to life-threatening misery, unjust laws, punitive taxation, and many, many other undisclosed ills. The phrase "misery loves company" comes to mind. Nobody in their right mind would voluntarily and knowingly accept either form of "US Citizenship" in preference to their birthright political status---- at least not as the Territorial and Municipal Governments are currently managed---- which is perhaps part of the reason why the Perpetrators have sunk to such low levels of moral depravity and Breach of Trust.

It was originally an honor and a knowing sacrifice to serve our country as a member of either the Territorial or Municipal Governments. Americans undertaking the Dual Citizenship required by either the military or the civil service were required to undergo a lengthy process of Notices and to prove their good moral character and to explicitly and repeatedly affirm their decision to enter Federal Citizenship status. See the first Naturalization Act.

Today we still recognize the sacrifices of the military and the civil service, but fail to recognize our own. Millions of Americans have been commandeered, kidnapped, press-ganged, suffered enslavement, peonage, and unlawful conversion of their assets, unjust taxation, false arrest, and confiscation of their assets---- in the biggest identity theft scheme in history, and it all revolves around the issue of citizenship.

Mr. Trump has started down a long road, but it is a necessary road if he is to fulfill the offer he made in his First Inaugural Address --- an offer to give this country back to the American people. We heard, acknowledged, and accepted his offer. And now all we have to do is agree on making a clean breast of the citizenship issues and how best to serve the people of this country and deliver the good faith service they deserve.

A great many international efforts are being made and much pressure is being brought to bear on the US Military to straighten itself up and do the right thing. That includes issuing the correct Geneva Convention identifications that American State Nationals and American State Citizens are owed. It includes assisting our efforts to get our civilian government fully reconstructed and operational again. It includes full disclosure of the issues surrounding citizenship.

Freedom begins at home.
Thank you, Mr. Trump. Now go the final mile and don't rely on the falsified records of the Federal Agencies to provide the information you need. This issue -- citizenship--- requires a national plebiscite, a national discussion, and full disclosure.

13th July 2019, 06:13 AM
This issue -- citizenship--- requires a national plebiscite, a national discussion, and full disclosure.

Definition of Citizen --- Any who occupy an office of public trust and draw a paycheck. To be valid the office must exist.

In general all office holders (citizens all) may elect to convert their office from de facto to de jure by placing a bond on the reverse side of their subscribed oath. This act limits the liability of the office holder. De facto office holders rely upon the limits of the insurance policy provided by RISK MANAGEMENT. Practically all office holders you are likely to encounter are operating de facto. While their actions are valid their lack of oath and bond allows the following observation --- There are no public officers --- they don't exist.

If asked whether I am a U.S. citizen my reasoned response is "Not at the moment. I am eligible to occupy any vacant office but at the present time I am between offices of public trust. Of course at one time I did occupy such an office."

13th July 2019, 06:39 AM
Definition of Citizen --- Any who occupy an office of public trust and draw a paycheck. To be valid the office must exist.

In general all office holders (citizens all) may elect to convert their office from de facto to de jure by placing a bond on the reverse side of their subscribed oath. This act limits the liability of the office holder. De facto office holders rely upon the limits of the insurance policy provided by RISK MANAGEMENT. Practically all office holders you are likely to encounter are operating de facto. While their actions are valid their lack of oath and bond allows the following observation --- There are no public officers --- they don't exist.

If asked whether I am a U.S. citizen my reasoned response is "Not at the moment. I am eligible to occupy any vacant office but at the present time I am between offices of public trust. Of course at one time I did occupy such an office."

Do you have a source for your musings or do you just make it up as you go along, much like most of what calls itself govt in the U.S.?

13th July 2019, 07:14 AM
Do you have a source for your musings

De facto vs de jure was much discussed 100 years ago. Not so much today. The English have to refer to American law for most of the material they use on de facto vs de jure. They never developed the concept really well I suppose because they practice hanging and drawing and quartering as an acceptable response to those who question authority. This leaves the literary trail pretty sparce for material.

Taxes of the income variety are paid by public officers. In fact in Pennsylvania at one time (1830's) their definition of citizen was "one who pays state tax" (or words to those effect). Everyone who has done research knows that the income tax was established only for public office holders.

The question asked is "Are you a U.S. citizen?" and the response might be "Not at the moment but I am eligible for that office". If probed further with "This is a question that requires a yes/no response." Then the answer must be "No."

Or you might respond "You betcha" which I would consider to be a neutral response good enough for most armed border crossing agents.

15th July 2019, 01:04 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCCM0WcchfxjhNA3uffcckvGzwFtIaCfKTf-EUz7YwqxQG4LeW2qblrnHFcG5m8u0sR3nnel8zU4PER&hc_ref=ARSx5K4VQICxPbBKogLtQxwjhTVuuZ4-xlS0I8UWSL6L1KP3KPNa5Efy0iPRbnwGIQw&fref=nf)
51 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2310536505662083) ·

Are You Ready for This?

The latest news and research from Kurt Kallenbach has me stunned, and I have seen, investigated, and thought about a lot of arcane stuff in my life, including ancient religions and mathematics. I know a lot of weird stuff. And even I am stunned.

He has, I believe, discovered and documented the Ultimate Fraud which the modern day acolytes of the Babylonian Slave System have used to excuse their abuse of mankind.

Kurt, as many of you will remember, is -- like me -- from the Midwest, where he pioneered his research. His search took him back to St. Thomas Aquinas and the Summa Theologica and to Medieval superstitions about the nature of the Afterbirth material that follows each one of us into this world. It also led to the development of his Paramount Claim.

The Paramount Claim establishes a claim upon our life and DNA and unique identity back to the embryonic zygote--- the fertilized egg that gave rise to our physical body.

Now, following the track down the same rabbit hole, but going even deeper and wider ranging, he has discovered FDR's mysterious "Holy Cause" which was mentioned in Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inauguration Speech, the true meaning of the World Cross used as an emblem by the Templars, the Knights of Malta, and the Swiss Red Cross, and also the meaning and function of the Federal Reserve.

All of this is beyond stunning, hidden in plain sight, and requires us all to think about things that most people literally never think about and history that we are never taught.

So get ready and begin to shift your gears.
The first topic you will need to think about is the nature of time.
Time does not exist.
Time is another handy fraud --a "legal fiction" -- that allows us to keep track of when something happened relative to when something else happened, by counting days and months and years.

This counting system is arbitrary and was originally developed by the Ancient Builders to expedite the practice of usury and collection of debts based on usury.

Calendars were developed as a means of telling when debts were accrued and scheduling out their repayment.

Not surprisingly, many such calendars have been developed over the millennia, and the calendars used in the western world the last couple thousand years, the Julian and Gregorian Calendars, are only two examples of calendars developed for usury, shipping schedules, and other purposes.

At the Vatican Observatory and on the grounds of Vatican City you still see the "keyholes" and ley line markers that were used to establish these calendar systems. You can also observe as Russell-J: Gould did, that the keyholes upon which these calendars are based no longer line up.

The Precession of the constellations has moved on, and the basis of the calendar systems has shifted until everything is out of alignment and invalidated.

This led to Russell-J: Gould's observation and formal declaration that this is all bogus and that the only time that actually exists is the eternal moment we call "now".

This is not a new or unique observation. Australian Aboriginals have maintained the same knowledge and viewpoint for endless generations, as have many other indigenous people worldwide.

So, not only is "time" unreal, an arbitrary mental construct imposed like a grid overlaying a map of the physical world, the entire basis used to establish the grid and calculate "a" time, is mutable, too.

This is confirmed by advanced physics and mathematics, too, but the consequences of this realization that time does not exist is so threatening to the established world powers that it has been suppressed and the careers of many brilliant men and women have been torpedoed simply because they realized that the entire concept of time is intrinsically fraudulent and arbitrary.

As handy as time is as a device, it is still a device-- and time is an arbitrary, changeable device, too, altered by one's assumptions and starting points.

The search to develop an accurate, defensible, "true standard" of time measurement has been sought for centuries and has led to such developments as the so-called Atomic Clock and UCT and UMT standards--- but we are still attempting to measure something that does not exist.

Try to wrap your mind around how crazy that really is: we are refining ways to measure something that literally does not exist.
This is all going to come as a great shock to many people. We have been encouraged to think of time as something that is actual and factual, dependable -- "you can set your watch by it!" -- but it's not.

Understanding this is similar to knowing that your name is not you.
Time is a fictional device in the same way that your name is a fictional device. Both of these devices are "legal fictions" that are imposed upon us or voluntarily adopted to make it easier to accomplish tasks.

Not only is a time standard necessary to keep track of interest payments, it is necessary to track shipments of goods, schedule work crews, figure out payrolls, and calculate taxes.
And still, at the end of the day, we are dealing with illusions-- with things that don't exist.

When a Paymaster calls out a name like "John Michael Doe" and pays "him" for working "40 hours" we all think we know what is going on, but in fact, what we are witnessing is a magic show-- an illusion that results in delusion.

Most people equate the name used to identify a man with the man himself, even though we also know that there may be more than one guy named "Joel Carl Black" or even two or more fellows bearing the name "Raymond Fitzgerald Peabody".

Most people also accept time as being something real.
And this gives rise to still more delusional concepts.
That same Paymaster is paying "John Michael Doe" for fictional hours using fictional money.
And if the Paymaster is a Banker, he has cause to know just how arbitrary and fictional all of this is, because he is manufacturing all this "money" that he is paying "John" for "hours worked" ---as a commodity, simply by entering keystrokes on a computer ledger.
So what kind of Commodity is this "money"?
A fictional one.

So we have in fact a fictional man (an arbitrary name) being paid for an amount of a fictional commodity (time) in exchange for another fictional commodity (fiat money).

It is in truth and in fact an entire system, a kingdom, built on fiction -- that is, on lies and delusions.

And who is the Father of All Lies?

How is this kingdom of a wannabe god - literally a false god-- to be converted to the kingdom of our Creator?

Stop for a moment and take in the view: your name is a fiction, time is a fiction, and the money in your pocket is a fiction, too.
Was there ever a place on Earth where this was not the case?


Do you know where it was?

Do you know how to get back there?

15th July 2019, 04:06 PM
Was there ever a place on Earth where this was not the case?

Said the Zen monk to the hot dog merchant: "Make me one with everything".

This coincidentally is why I won't stand up when the bailiff sings out "All rise" in court. I am not all ... and in fact am not even very many ... and as far as I can tell he is commanding all dead people present to participate in the court proceedings.

16th July 2019, 02:11 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAakx8pLi_Om5NRkg2i7Ew3kBCzQiIvSCgzs0dqufLROC VmdhJluVez5NmsgdDirZdpPDn7R5xjm2nX&hc_ref=ARRppTLXUeBq9idIoCgSo_7bQNOxzdyJF9ukyGeA2b7 euScIfoLBviPD_LxE8mZhZb4&fref=nf)
16 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2311186102263790) ·

Are You Ready for This - 2.0

I could have called this "The Problem".

As you have already seen, the concept of "time" is man-made, the concept of "money" is man-made, and even the "names" we give each other, are man-made.

Indeed, everything outside of the Natural World, is man-made.

The man-made mental constructs, labels, grids, "handy" devices, names, political maps, regions, etc., are all part of "the world", not the Earth. And the worldly kingdom, by definition, is primarily made of lies called "legal fictions", or, you may think of them as lies we have agreed to use for specific purposes.

We agree to the concept of Time Zones, for example, to accommodate the effect of distance relative to the daily changes from night to day conditions and our own sleep cycles, but Time Zones don't actually exist.

We adopt a "40 hour work week" as a standard, but no such standard actually exists in nature. It's merely what we have, as a group, decided use as a reasonable amount of time spent working every week before we start charging "Overtime" rates.

We developed the idea of a "foot" from some idealized average length of a man's foot and that replaced the idea of a "cubit" which was supposedly the length of a man's arm from wrist to elbow. I suppose they used a worm to develop the standard for an "inch", too, and it's all incredibly arbitrary and lame, but there you are.

Arbitrary and lame is the order of the day, the foundation upon which the man-made world rests. Next time you reach for a flathead screwdriver and come up with a Phillips screwdriver instead, remember me saying this --- it's all arbitrary.

And while you are thinking about how truly ridiculous this is and how much we have accomplished despite it all, give a thought and a tear for those progenitors who discovered that some mushrooms are good to eat. This is the kind of trial and error, slop and by-gosh, that human progress depends on, because while we are creative ---- we're not The Creator.

It's all pretty funny once you realize that time doesn't exist and that we are just fooling ourselves and muddling about in the quagmire of our own perceptual reality.

What we are really parceling out is not time, but our attention and energy applied to tasks that we may or may not find fulfilling, in order to obtain symbolic "payment" --- money or credit --- that we can "spend" in turn to fulfil our other needs.

Okay, so all of this, the entire system, is man-made and essentially all fraudulent, all flawed, all imbued with elements of the silly and/or insane, and all done by a "wink and a nod" agreement to function in this fashion, according to these rules, and yes, its all arbitrary, not mandated by our Creator and effectively separated from our Natural Estate as nameless eternal Beings having no such obligations.
It is, as I said from the first, like a some kind of weird children's game gone wildly astray.

The world is what we mistakenly call "civilization". The rules of the bizarre game are called "laws". And we are all stupid enough to believe in this as adults.

Many men have taken note of all this, most famously, Jean-Jacque Rousseau, and they have somewhat impacted our rational sense of what is actually happening in our self-created world that is to our detriment and to the detriment of other people, too.

Unfortunately, this "naturalist" movement was cast in terms of political anarchy instead of reasoned analysis leading to constructive betterment and change, so instead of freeing ourselves from our own chains, we have allowed things to drift into the current morass.

The Problem is that God, the Creator, is responsible for His Creation(s) and we all have a Sacred Contract with our Creator, a Mission, and a Relationship with our Creator --- which has largely been hidden from us by Middlemen seeking to benefit themselves and separate us from our destiny as children of the Living God.

This is where Kurt Kallenbach's research takes us --- to the intersection of the equal-armed World Cross, where a singular Act of God intersects with the plane of the physical world to create one indivisible species-specific unique creation: each one of us, and wherein the Die is Cast: the moment of fertilization.

That is where life as a separate organism enrobed in flesh begins, but it is not the genesis of our Being, which according to scripture pre-dates any such physical incarnation: Jeremiah 1:5: "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb...."

That is, we are truly born in The Kingdom of Heaven, and transported to the Earthly Realm --- our First Birth. We are made incarnate in the Flesh -- our Second Birth. And later, nine months on average, we are separated from our mothers, which we mistakenly call "being born" or "our nativity" --- which is a whole different and separate matter.

You can see from this that we are truly born in an invisible realm of energy and thought and expressed as physical beings at the moment of fertilization (formed in the womb), but what we call "birth" is just a physical milepost in which we become visible and more or less functional on Earth as separate unique beings. It's another handy man-made lie.

Our birth is not our birth. It is not the beginning of the sequence of our being.
Our actual birth in The Kingdom of Heaven is mysterious and without time. Nobody knows how old any of us actually are, save our Creator, who has known us "before" forming us in the womb.

Our second "birth" on Earth is also mysterious and un-trackable, as no man can know the exact moment of the fertilization of the egg that morphs into his physical body.

The third "birth" into the air of the earthly realm along with its separation from our Mother is the first observable, certifiable moment when we draw breath, but this is merely physical and mandated by the first two Acts of God. And it occurs some months AFTER the moment of fertilization.

This may seem of no concern to anyone, as there is clearly an unbroken progression from being known to Our Father before being formed in the womb, to being formed in the womb, to being physically separated from our Mother--- but to the commercial geniuses among us, what this means is that there is a break in the time line, therefore a break in the Sacred Contract between God and Man.
Where did the missing time in the womb "go"?

This is the kind of thinking you get from men who worry about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Or not.

And where have we been between the moment of fertilization and when we are cast out of our watery amniotic environment onto the dry land? Talk about a sailor being returned from the (internal) sea?
We now know that the fertilized egg gradually insinuates itself into the uterine wall--- a process known as "conception" in which the fertilized egg acts like a parasite and forms a temporary connection to the Mother's blood stream ("soul" in Biblical terms) and becomes a chimera --- not totally itself and not totally the Mother, either, but a combination of both. The Mother's mitochondria migrate and become part of the baby's cellular matrix and other exchanges take place that do not fully resolve into the unique framework of the child until they are postpartum.

This time enfolded in the womb is the "missing time" that the creators of this System use and promote as a break in the Sacred Contract between the Creator and Mankind to insinuate the fictional realm of suppositions and material claims into the mix.

Who does the lost baby belong to? The Creator? The Mother? The Father?
The Government? The Church?

They further exacerbate this spurious discussion when the baby is physically born, and both the baby and the afterbirth are expelled together with the umbilical cord and various other membranes related to the amniotic sack.

It will come as a great and disgusting revelation to know that these "waste" materials are gathered up and kept "in reserve" and that the result is a "partial birth delivery". They don't deliver the entire package to the owner. The rest of the biological material apart from the baby, but containing the baby's DNA, is kept and categorized as a "foundling" and "infant decedent". Literally.

We are not considered "whole" by these monsters until we return and claim the rest of the gunk as ours, and we are not eligible to receive our whole inheritance until we do.

This is, obviously, just an excuse to separate us from our birthright as divine creations and as whole children of God and is used to deny us the benefit of the Sacred Contract between God and Man--- so that they can benefit from it, instead.

As absolutely crazy as this is and as it sounds, too, that's what these renegade Merchants have been spinning ---

"Oh, we don't really know who or what he is.... he just popped out of his Mother's womb by magic. The stork brought him and dropped him down the chimney.... oh, wait, that was Santa Claus, instead. Some load got dumped down the chimney, ha,ha,ha, well, you know, it was Winter Solstice. Who knows what happens on Winter Solstice, eh? Everyone was drunk.... we don't know this Beggar from Adam. Or Eve. He's a homeless Pauper. No relation to God. And he's only half here. He's a cripple. Where's his placenta? No placenta! He might not be a man after all. Maybe he just sprouted like a clump of broccoli...."
Woe be it to them who shall be left with our NAMES as a curse.

16th July 2019, 09:10 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDdA-cKq3IgTkp7-Aq9pky0tiCr5r1uv87ZNaAnbTdDriBjtZUMzgDnhj91uBv0yAK wt-ECQ4BAfGkD&hc_ref=ARQuyrfi0tuFOAtsJDDfiL1TDf8M6sipsMohTBNbCfj PZvyYgsj8FAR6I9em1eoOMYg&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2312488252133575) ·

Meet Your Strawman -- For Bodhi

I get questions like this on a regular basis and I am trying to funnel up-to-date answers through the State Coordinators, but there are still many people, like Bodhi, who are sorting through the copious notes on the historical "process" that brought us all forward to today on their own --- and they are getting confused.

This is unavoidable, because (1) we have had to discover the answers as we went, and (2) everything keeps changing. So far in the time that I have been writing my blog we have gone through two national level bankruptcies amounting to a liquidation in one case and a quick march reorganization in the other, both of which have impacts in terms of what we are doing and how things work.

So start right there. Because of the bankruptcies and reorganizations, what was appropriate and workable three years ago isn't anymore; the processes we were engaged in then won't work now. Do not pass "Go" and do not collect $200. On top of that, the processes for Federal Workers and Average Joes are unavoidably different in terms of what relief is available. We have three different populations here and everyone is in trouble, so we are doing our best to help. You have to be able to identify which group you are in and which processes apply.

The groups are: Federal Territorial Citizens (mainly military and dependents), Federal Municipal Citizens (mainly Federal Civil Service and dependents), and Joe Average Americans.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I have addressed the problems of all three groups in my writings and tried my best to make it clear when I am talking to or about Federal employees --- but it can get confusing.

Go to TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FTheAmericanStatesAssembly.net %2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0cnjqj4RE6oMnXqparAkIwcz33KszdA X7CGaZRXTcrKJ1hqQqIWCmi-rc&h=AT2vv6Mx172hGRqVQ9TcNjepsZTl0Ho4vqVIDDReyTdVh-YVKY-fa1SdMZqpQCAWMMKP40YcIFxMhIN3wgQKICDRbvqNYWPyzgSLU WTYw6vSSt4CB5m8OorRNA3b3U_bzLiP3L2qGVjlpRShcu-ebB94i_ztja_L) website and use the process outlined there. It is the simplest and the most up to date for Joe Average American and you won't get sidetracked into past practices or information that only applies to Federales.

Alternatively, skip all the verbiage and head directly to Article 928 on my website, where all the various documents have been collected and read through those. I believe that except for the Expatriation documents they are all self-explanatory.

The only thing "tricky" about the Expatriation documents is that in those, we are not talking about the expatriation of any living man or woman. We are expatriating corporations that were created and named after us --- these corporations are popularly known as "STRAWMEN".

The most important thing you need to know about your three "primary derivatives" that function as STRAWMEN is that they are all criminals as far as the Territorial United States Government is concerned, and they are all fugitives from justice subject to arrest and prosecution under commercial law.

In fact, the Territorial Government which operates under the vast bulk of the Federal Code, has defined all crimes as commercial crimes.
They don't address you, the living man or woman, at all. They address only your pre-judged and pre-sentenced STRAWMEN. Since the STRAWMEN are guilty by definition there is really no need for a trial or a jury; the Territorial Judge can simply pass sentence and collect money or impose jail time.

The first STRAWMAN is a Cestui Que Vie ESTATE trust that is created to contain your assets. This is the one resulting in a Birth Certificate. This is the one that you "return" to the United States Secretary of the Treasury or the United States Secretary of Defense or the United States Secretary of State--- the same way that you would return an escaped prisoner to custody, using a Form 56 to make them responsible for IT.

The reason you do this is to make the government officials accountable to you for what they have created "in your name". They now hold the Fiduciary Responsibility for the entities they created and foisted off on you, not you, and if anyone summons THEM they will need to talk to the responsible officials.

This creates a settlement date when you leave the debts and the crimes of the Municipally-owned and operated STRAWMEN behind and re-flag your VESSELS as State Nationals operating under the Public Law of your State of the Union and under the actual Constitutions.

The criminally mismanaged entities and their debts as of the day you returned them are now back in the hands of those responsible.

You, meantime, have reflagged all such "VESSELS" associated with you, and declared their permanent domicile to be the land and soil of your State of the Union. This then removes the legal presumption that THEY are being operated out of Puerto Rico and under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition.

This leaves the US Government responsible for the debts and wrong-doing of the STRAWMEN they created and operated "in your name" and provides you with a clean slate and legitimate claim to be operating all your business affairs as an American under the Public Law of your State of the Union.

Neither the Territorial Government nor the Municipal Government can continue to treat your NAME(S) the same way or under the same legal presumptions. You have returned their Municipal PERSON(S) to them, and now operate exclusively as an American State National.

In case you missed the play, you have used their own system against them. They created these THINGS "in your name" and used them to hypothecate debt against you and your assets. Now you have officially returned their property to them and made them responsible for the debts accrued, while establishing your own newly refurbished American State entities, which look identical, but which are functioning under the Public Law of your State of the Union and which are American VESSELS owed every jot of the Constitutional guarantees.

So you have the old JOHN MAYNARD SMYTHE who was a Pauper owned and operated by the Municipal United States Government, cast ashore in Puerto Rico and operated under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition, and you have the new JOHN MAYNARD SMYTHE --- an American permanently domiciled in Ohio and operating under the Public Law of Ohio.

You have declared and recorded all this and given Notice of it and have the mailing receipts to prove that you carried through on it, so there is really no excuse for any judge or government official to presume anything more about it. You returned the Municipal STRAWMEN to the Municipal Government Officials responsible for them "without recourse".

And from now on, you have redefined what "JOHN MAYNARD SMYTHE" is and the law "HE" operates under.

There is nothing to stop the existence of two "JOHN MAYNARD SMYTHES" just as there is no stopping the existence of two "Albert Michael Donaldsons". The original Municipal PERSON was a "gift" to you, and you have every right to return the "gift" and to operate your own State franchises in your own name.

Understanding this is key to explaining it to a Judge or anyone else who comes after you and tries to force you to pay for the debts and crimes of a runaway municipal slave operating under a similar NAME.

"The DEFENDANT is a Municipal Corporation that I do not own or operate. I returned the ownership Certificate without recourse to a responsible Municipal Government Official effective July 11, 1966 (or whenever your actual birthday is) and named him to act as Fiduciary. These facts are all recorded and registered. If you have any problems related to IT, you will have to speak to him. I conduct all my business affairs privately under the Public Law of Ohio."

As you can see, the issue is to say, "No, thank you." to the "gift" of these Municipal Government franchises being operated "in your name", and to then redefine the political status of any STRAWMEN that are associated with you, as private American entities.

Question 1:
In Anna's "steps to take document" it suggests using a 9 digit code from the registred mail receipt to use as the TDA number however the format of the number on my receipt is just 20 numbers so it is not in the correct format. Where else can I find a 9 digit code to use in its place without accidentally using one that is already in use? I am stuck here because I can't even get the A4v stamp I need made without having this first and I need it to put in the paperwork as well of course.

It should say "Registered Mail Label" --- I am referring to the nine-digit number that appears on every red and white Registered Mail Label, but please note, we no longer use any "A4V" process because the UNITED STATES is now bankrupt and it is illegal to charge bankrupt entities.

Question 2:
On IRS Form 56 there is a box for "Identifying number" in the top row. I suspect this is my social security number however there is another box right after it labeled "Decedent’s social security no." which is also the strawman I would think. Do I put my social security number in both of these? This seems odd. Also is it with or without dashes? The way it is worded it seems like the first would be without dashes and the second with dashes but I want to be sure.

The "identifying number" is the File Number on the Birth Certificate.

Question 3:
If I am accepting the title (birth certificate) as "payment" as the secured party why am I then giving it back to the government via the Secretary? Isn't the whole point of doing this process to take it back from them through this process to put it into my ownership and control as the living man? If I accept it for value from the strawman then sign it over to the secretary don't they own it again now? Even worse don't they own it in a way that I can never retrieve it back (unlike it was originally) by doing this? In a previous explanation of this process I found it doesn't suggest this:

When you endorse THEIR Birth Certificate and return it to them, you are exonerating yourself from the debts of their bankrupt Municipal franchise. You do not benefit from holding any ownership interest in their Municipal franchise. It is being used as a means to extract value from you and your assets, so give it back to those who issued it and thereby say, "No, thanks" to their offer.

"Then turn the BC over and on the back anywhere write: Pay to the Order of the United States of America, U.S. Treasury. Without Recourse. And again, write— by: Your Upper and Lower Case Signature, and date it."

This returns the "value" of the Municipal Franchise --- the debt -- to the Territorial Treasury, where it has to be converted into credit held in your Name.


In a different set of instructions I have simply says to stamp it with the A4v stamp in this format:

By: (my name)
All Rights Reserved Without Recourse
Exemption ID: (my ss number no dashes)
Deposit to US Treasury the same to
(name and ss number)
Private Indemnity Bond # AMRI00001 Kentucky
Registered Treasury Acct. # (number)



What we are doing now is claiming the National Credit owed to each and every American and acting as the Priority Creditors in a bankruptcy. This is now being addressed to the "US Trustees" and they are being made liable for any failure to clear the books and return the credit owed to the Priority Creditors. What is debt for the Municipal franchises is credit owed to you.

What they have tried to do is to claim that you didn't claim your credit and other assets, thereby giving them a chance to "make a claim on abandonment" and to "redistribute" your wealth to every corner of the globe while leaving you still responsible for the debts of these bogus Municipal franchises.

We have said, "To Hell with that!" and shoved it all back in their faces.
So get on board, do your best to get your own political status corrected, and join your State Assembly.

17th July 2019, 05:27 AM
you have the old JOHN MAYNARD SMYTHE who was a Pauper owned and operated by the Municipal United States Government, cast ashore in Puerto Rico and operated under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition

This law is Las Sietes Partidas .. the 7 parts. It is in effect by proclamation in 1758 in those areas purchased by the United States in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase and was brought into line with U.S. laws (common law) in 1820 by the Louisiana State legislature.

Now Anna makes it appear that this is bad law but after the stuff dealing with the Spanish crown and Catholic church is scrubbed out what is left isn't terribly bad. For example, a judge that exceeds his jurisdiction gets to complete the sentence himself. And a defendant is instructed not to answer when charged with a crime against a legal fiction until his prosecutor (persecutor?) presents a proper carte de persona (showing his authority to act in the name of such legal fiction). Then too they make provisions for heirs to demand from municipal authority the remainder from trusts established over 100 years previously by their ancestors. Now this last one bears thinking about.

17th July 2019, 05:30 AM
do your best to get your own political status corrected, and join your State Assembly.
After you have established your political status why bother to muck it up again? Uncle Remus instructs us to not get entangled with the Tar Baby.

17th July 2019, 07:10 AM
This law is Las Sietes Partidas .. the 7 parts. It is in effect by proclamation in 1758 in those areas purchased by the United States in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase and was brought into line with U.S. laws (common law) in 1820 by the Louisiana State legislature.

Now Anna makes it appear that this is bad law but after the stuff dealing with the Spanish crown and Catholic church is scrubbed out what is left isn't terribly bad. For example, a judge that exceeds his jurisdiction gets to complete the sentence himself. And a defendant is instructed not to answer when charged with a crime against a legal fiction until his prosecutor (persecutor?) presents a proper carte de persona (showing his authority to act in the name of such legal fiction). Then too they make provisions for heirs to demand from municipal authority the remainder from trusts established over 100 years previously by their ancestors. Now this last one bears thinking about.

And where pray tell are you going to find a lieyer who will take on the court in a manner you have presented?

Like no where, man, get a grip on reality.

This inquisitor stuff is what we have now in most of "our" courts. And the lieyers play the game and take your money and will appeal all your cases until you have no money left to pay them and then they will say sorry man, but you lose.

And they wander off looking for another sucker. Maybe you.

17th July 2019, 08:47 AM
And where pray tell are you going to find a lieyer who will take on the court in a manner you have presented?

If you are relying on a lawyer then why not just shoot yourself? You have already lost.

19th July 2019, 08:29 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA_HJxCUi9fYfzqiyIKNUWkG3K6shLD3fTNCR9bkfLyln g5hFzwhzMb_W9WaBoVVcZBvkCeuvZAaZJV&hc_ref=ARRIXmoiG-oDSAJniW_AQg3ie8mDyXl3sHXkA5OdSwQdP-aVE1ZPjXAgnWbEvRU0W4w&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2318107141571686) ·

Loose Ends and Ties that Bind

As you can all perhaps begin to appreciate, there are things to be built up and things to be torn down, and all of it in concert.

This poses tremendous logistical challenges, especially when not everyone is aware of the need for change, the reasons for the change, nor aware of the authority backing the change.

Everyone clamoring for immediate relief and restitution must remember that this System has functioned on a "need to know" basis, often falsely claiming that these criminal activities were issues of "National Security" --- without, however, explaining which "nation" and whose actual "security" was the cause of concern.

The workers implementing this vast web of lies and deceits are for the most part Useful Idiots, who have lived their entire lives within the confines of a highly compartmentalized "box"--- doing what they are told, according to whatever assumptions they can derive.

My Readers know that when the banks advertise "Home Loans" they are soliciting us to loan them the use of our homes and other property assets so that they can make a profit ---- not offering to loan us anything of theirs.

My Readers know that they don't have a mortgage --- the State of State organizations have mortgages that we are being enslaved to pay off for them, while they retain "title" to homes and lands that are ours, not theirs.

Just this morning I received a letter from an IRS Agent who has attempted to assume a "normal course of business" and that collecting taxes is a necessary evil and that the entire change that FDR implemented never happened. In her mind, home loans are cash loans made to people who are borrowers, who are then obligated to pay these "home loans" back. In her mind, taxes are collected to pay for government services.

She is operating in a mental state and under a system of assumptions that are almost a hundred years out of date.

She's a Useful Idiot.

And there are millions of people like this, who are good enough people --- they just don't have a clue. They all have to be contacted and re-educated and the rights, remedies, and reliefs have to be booted up and exemptions exercised ....and so much other work has to be done.... and guess who gets to do it?

You and me, Brother.

So don't worry or let your hearts be troubled. Just rise up every morning and do your best. We are the change we want to see in the world, every single one of us. Awaken the millions and the slumbering Giant will make quick work of turning all these lemons into lemonade.

I am here, working double-time, and we are all making progress. The DOD is responsible for issuing the proper ID's and Kurt Kallenbach has nailed them, if not to a cross to something solid enough to bear their weight in gold. All this takes time and effort, folks. Be patient. Keep working. Go Forward. Work on the issues that you know about in your own lives and work together.

A small group of dedicated people focused upon exercising and retaining exemptions and rights that are already guaranteed to them, is more than sufficient to move any mountain in sight.

Forward, ho!!!!

20th July 2019, 05:26 AM
And there are millions of people like this, who are good enough people --- they just don't have a clue. ... guess who gets to do it?

You and me, Brother.

You are in servitude because you volunteered into it. Servitude is not dishonorable. By serving you are helping someone else.

Perhaps it helps to know the boundary conditions you place upon your servitude. If you don't settle this in your own mind don't be surprised if others don't test these limits and will try to place you in slavery rather than servitude.

There is a field that you are able to modify that surrounds you. This field extends out some distance from you and is used to inform others of your status and/or state of mind. Men shake hands to test who has the dominant field. Men and women dance together to see whether their fields are compatible or not. Dogs put out a field that can be therapeutic.

Anna tends to skip over these little details. Hers is a flat universe. It lacks dimension.

20th July 2019, 10:01 AM
You are in servitude because you volunteered into it. Servitude is not dishonorable. By serving you are helping someone else.

Perhaps it helps to know the boundary conditions you place upon your servitude. If you don't settle this in your own mind don't be surprised if others don't test these limits and will try to place you in slavery rather than servitude.

There is a field that you are able to modify that surrounds you. This field extends out some distance from you and is used to inform others of your status and/or state of mind. Men shake hands to test who has the dominant field. Men and women dance together to see whether their fields are compatible or not. Dogs put out a field that can be therapeutic.

Anna tends to skip over these little details. Hers is a flat universe. It lacks dimension.

Sounds interesting; do you have a source that will serve others?

20th July 2019, 01:24 PM
Sounds interesting; do you have a source that will serve others?

You might check out Dr Tennant's material ... or Dr Bruce Lipton.

It is irresponsible to blame others for your universe. Being irresponsible is dishonorable. Being dishonorable is what is punished.

20th July 2019, 03:40 PM
You might check out Dr Tennant's material ... or Dr Bruce Lipton.

It is irresponsible to blame others for your universe. Being irresponsible is dishonorable. Being dishonorable is what is punished.

Seems like blaming has worked pretty well for the Jews. Their whole universe is a creation of blaming others.

And now they own everything.

Dishonor may be a sin, but it seems to pay well.

When will we white people kill all the Iranians so the Jews can have greater Israel?

20th July 2019, 03:47 PM
Seems like blaming has worked pretty well for the Jews.

Making decisions based upon others observations is not logical or rational. Why not face the fact that your information comes from a flawed source?

20th July 2019, 05:06 PM
Making decisions based upon others observations is not logical or rational. Why not face the fact that your information comes from a flawed source?

You are a flawed source.

The crap you spew is made up by Jews for stupid goyim to live up to while they rape and pillage and make the goyim do their dirty work.

I think you are a Danish Jew, just like Carl.

My decisions are based on my observations. All the crap you present is like you live on some island with only your family on it. Than your crap will work and work well and if your island gets to be a place where there is wealth and abundance there will come a day when some Jew will show up with a tale of terrible people who did just awful things to him and his family and he will beg you to let him in.

Your story and all you worked for go down hill from here....

Enjoy your servitude dude.

20th July 2019, 07:13 PM
You are a flawed source.

Actually I am not a source at all. You need not believe me. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

One further piece of the puzzle I can hand you though. Anger causes stress. Stress causes your body to enter FIGHT OR FLIGHT mode in which your blood resources are diverted from the viscera to the muscles. When this happens your immune system stops working at 100% and eventually you become ill and have nothing left to fight with. Anger comes with its' own penalty so don't believe for an instant you are engaged upon a path that will guarantee a free ride (except perhaps to eternity).

20th July 2019, 09:34 PM
Actually I am not a source at all. You need not believe me. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

One further piece of the puzzle I can hand you though. Anger causes stress. Stress causes your body to enter FIGHT OR FLIGHT mode in which your blood resources are diverted from the viscera to the muscles. When this happens your immune system stops working at 100% and eventually you become ill and have nothing left to fight with. Anger comes with its' own penalty so don't believe for an instant you are engaged upon a path that will guarantee a free ride (except perhaps to eternity).

Thank's for telling me how bad you feel. I will miss your noise when you are gone.

21st July 2019, 06:23 AM
I will miss your noise when you are gone.
Past ... Present ... Future... Three possibilities. You can dwell in the past or speculate on the future but you only are alive today.

21st July 2019, 06:25 AM
The last message is past. This is now.

21st July 2019, 06:26 AM
Now!!! .... darn seems I am always too slow to hit the Present.

23rd July 2019, 02:34 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDOFYFPpVc4aM5m5UkVzXGHBecdOGDJICIRvHBqIJlXg8 M84RgkixdDy300zxLTpZ6XFvzFeSlhcgd0&hc_ref=ARSQlz8hk1jYu_7Qw21rvNFc-mBLC_f7JlkMVSCXSIRBgaS6PXB5a1qAnQ-nSGzMVcs&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2324676730914727) ·

Status Report: Self-Government

It's crazy busy. That's the first circumstance.
We are all coming together. That's the second circumstance.
From all over the world, in all directions, people are waking up. And what they are seeing is amazing to them, in the same way as Dorothy reacted to her first sight of The Land of Oz. It's just plain strange and different from anything any normal person ever imagined, the same way that Technicolor is different from Black and White, and the landscape of Oz differs from that of Kansas.

Then, having glimpsed the strange reality of the "government", people react in horror and fear and denial and disbelief. How is it possible that we have been living in the midst of all this deceit and crime, and had no idea? How is it that so many government officials have been duped in the same way?

One of the most difficult skills we have to teach is what the Hindus call "discernment". Discernment is the ability to discern the truth, to see through the veils of illusion surrounding us, and to pierce to the heart of actuality. Discernment requires the desire and will to seek the truth in the first place, and then, also requires the tools to achieve it.

The tools include quite a range of skills most of us have never been taught: grammar, phonics, the history (etymology) of words, Latin (and Hebrew and Greek), definitions of words and legal terms, logic, mindfulness, centeredness, self-awareness, and ultimately, self-government.

It was never intended by those who mean to profit from us, that we should ever learn these skills, ever discern The Land of Oz, or ever learn to rule ourselves. Ruling over us is the job they crave: to govern us by manipulating our minds and limiting our ability to perceive and ultimately, to discern, what they are doing to us. It isn't in their self-interest to educate us. So they don't.

Imagine a loathsome viper biting through your skin in such a subtle way that you hardly notice that it is there, clinging to your heel. Imagine dragging this thing along with you every step you take, while its poison is very slowly drip-feeding into your blood stream, killing you a bit more every day.

That is the circumstance that we all live with.
In order to kill the viper and get rid of it once and for all, we must learn all these other skills and apply them.

We must learn to self-govern, and never again leave that responsibility to other men, for the only men who desire to rule over others are, by definition, those who are untrustworthy to do so, and those who, unwilling though they may be to step forward, are called to do so in order to save the race of mankind.

And then, as we evaluate the leaders who would lead us one way or another, either deeper into The Pit, or out of it, we must develop the skills of discernment ourselves in order to know the difference between the two cadres of leaders now emerging.

We must also develop these skills for our own sakes, to use in our own lives and our own business affairs, and ultimately, we need these same skills to forge a future for our country and our world. So let's set aside our astonishment and our fear and get on with the job.

Americans are nothing if not task-oriented, so let's accept that our educations were deliberately incomplete and flawed, and we must now make up for it.

The school we will attend is not conventional. The teachers don't have degrees in education. The school itself doesn't have a street address. We carry this institution of Higher Learning within us, in our minds and in our souls. There are two Headmasters, the Devil and our Creator.

And we must learn to discern the difference between the teachings, ideas, and lies of the Great Viper, and our Father. One leads to death and agony. One leads to life and joy.

It's really that simple, and that difficult, and we each face the challenge alone.

So, I have learned and practice a high level of discernment. My Shinola Sensor is acute. I know when people are lying to me on purpose. I know when they are lying in ignorance. And I know when they are telling the truth. This ability is a great natural advantage, but teaching it to others is not so easy.

There are other teachers and they vary from me, because of their own peculiar backgrounds and their path of learning and their own interests and specialties. My only concern about them -- and you -- is that you understand where they are coming from and therefore understand what to expect and glean from them. Also, there are a very few high level teachers who are treacherous, and those you either need to avoid, or approach carefully to learn from, but not as they would teach you.

I have recommended Mark Emery and the Lighthouse Law Club. This group is centered on learning to cope with the System in practical ways, how to handle traffic stops, divorces, foreclosures, and most of all, business affairs. They regularly come up with nuggets that are insightful and helpful when dealing with the Unreal World.

I have recommended Kurt Kallenbach and his seminars. He currently has one going called "Where Darwin Meets God". I caught the last hour of discussion last night and it was sheer brain candy for those who are already aware. The only caveat I have about Kurt is that he has studied the issues of the Jurisdiction of the Air, which is -- admittedly -- the most important jurisdiction in terms of understanding the whole scheme--- but to the exclusion of the other jurisdictions. That can lead him to say some disparaging things about the realities we face day to day -- such as the need to own and control our own Given Names.

The reality is that we all interface with all three jurisdictions and have to know the ropes in all three. We can indeed return to "Kansas" -- but The Land of Oz will continue to exist, and its best to have one's plan to deal with Flying Monkeys.

Ken Cousins and the Panterra organization has a wealth of information to offer at their Gemstone University. Again, it is a mixed bag coming from many directions, many subjects, and not all absolutely correct, but overall solid and worthwhile and well-intentioned.

Ditto SEDM.org. (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FSEDM.org%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1h zrYVo3jAdYWGucQDch03jNlYYP9MX4qmrTboa4z3hIGTJAZoYF axKzE&h=AT0BbH1bvPKIaM6YLqFThqtJBUqROJM88_PwOFpdLcdZfQd5 f0ffiym9vD7JdMVlCkFbHqvmADfx7UEEz5CUD00dreXkKL1V3E ZXLxLcBDY5Mzy57_WHzOfyhE7ojFs2sNvmowuMpvxGJmmWJ9RM ymtWvaJH0M8f)

David Straight is wonderful. Karl Lentz is wonderful. Romley Stewart is wonderful. The list of worthwhile teachers goes on and on, and each one of them has something well-worth knowing to offer.

It's the same with all the groups and individuals coming together. We may not have it all absolutely right, and so once again, we come to the issue of discernment.

We all tell lies by accident, if nothing else. We are all fooled to one extent or another, it's just a matter of degree. "All fall short of the glory of God." So while we all deal in facts to the best of our ability, we all make mistakes. We are all impacted by our own experience and limitations.

Imagine a group of people standing in a circle with their backs to each other, all looking out from a mountain top, and shouting out what they see.

That's the situation that we have right now with all the various teachers and preachers in the worldwide Patriot Movement.
And on top of that, we have paid Disinformation Agents out there pounding the streets and the internet, trying to muddying things up deliberately.

Use your Horse Sense, but don't rely on much of anything you learned in school.

Use your instincts and your ability to reason, but don't take recourse to what you have assumed to be true all your life. Assume nothing and evaluate everything and you will be far better off.

In many ways, the Path to Discernment is a path of forgetting what you were taught and learning to see things from different angles, and most of all, becoming aware of the serpent you have been dragging along at every step --- the falsehoods and false assumptions that have crippled you.

For those of you who have a solid background and are already pretty far advanced and know the differences between the jurisdictions and the role of semantic deceit in all of this--- and who have resources to make a hefty (recommended $600 donation) -- I can already recommend Kurt Kallenbach's "Where Darwin Meets God" seminar.

The most valuable thing this seminar will help you with is to demonstrate how the air jurisdiction functions, is organized, and the thought processes and definitions underlying it.

For similar help with the international jurisdiction of the sea (which is where most of us get walloped day to day) our friends in Australia have put together a fabulous presentation on YouTube called "Justinian Deception (Law)" ---

https://www.youtube.com/watch… (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv% 3Dfp2XyHWuuu4%26fbclid%3DIwAR1TAS9LX30Z078TvRofyNb qNbOZyoLjsQCWnMbTVDy6js8AD6lDcpVYuec&h=AT0vZfW6rcBkwaBqvaYnxoXvYqTCKxMKiWNVxGIfCH_u16MS Qnksp7p-D6np-0fs8joJSvhDjcUGDTDq_fs0OQfe4kamht52h7euqDE1oGos_Du q2h_K1_gcU-DUgLg_-KtyIdjlSzhJgLWT6mxzbYpfnNNPtMXh)

I personally guarantee that if you are ready for it, you will learn vast amounts of useful skills and information from these two teachers -- Kurt for the jurisdiction of the air, and Rom for the jurisdiction of the sea.

You will also learn a lot about courts from Karl Lentz (and some good attitude adjustment, too!) and you will learn more about courts and American History from David Straight, who has his head screwed on and a fine sense of who he is and "where the bear went through the buckwheat", too.

There are many good teachers and good organizations now entering the arena and helping to dis-spell the illusions and lies and semantic deceits that have enslaved people for centuries. In the midst of all this revelation it is easy to get confused and to get side-tracked down rabbit holes, and also fairly easy to be deceived either because of deliberate manipulation by Disinformation Agents, or because of honest ignorance.

The best safeguard is a healthy awareness of The Big Picture, and an open-minded but also skeptical and questioning attitude.

As you study and learn, you will notice that things begin to "fall into place" and make sense. When you are offered a new piece to the puzzle that doesn't seem to fit, you will be aware enough to question it, and that will lead to either: (a) recognizing it as a lie or mistake; or (b) expanding your view of the puzzle.

I am not the best teacher for everyone. We all have our strong suits, our strengths, our weaknesses. I strive to give you a vision of the ultimate goals --- the ability to discern truth and achieve self-government being two major goals --- and a practical pathway forward. I also try to point you toward developing the skills and "ways of seeing" that are necessary to succeed.

It's a long haul to arrive at the point of being "in it, but not of it". God bless each and every one of you who aspire to be free and self-governing.

23rd July 2019, 03:16 PM
I am not the best teacher for everyone. We all have our strong suits, our strengths, our weaknesses. I strive to give you a vision of the ultimate goals --- the ability to discern truth and achieve self-government being two major goals --- and a practical pathway forward. I also try to point you toward developing the skills and "ways of seeing" that are necessary to succeed.

A skill to develop is to see things which aren't there. Law generally discusses things that are forbidden but I have yet to see any written law that says this law or that applies to me. Believe me ... I have looked pretty hard. Most people just look at a statute and presume it applies .. or how it applies. Few do apply to people. Most apply to corporations.

24th July 2019, 11:09 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDfseuqnRH30QAuQkO7fY7vk6Z4DWBdXXCDW4Jrw9fSFV xlw-hV9dnzbw7SscRbjDCOAI3ctJMzrK1Z&hc_ref=ARTAyEFqQNDOktpTh5kQXrOvIl1-KmePLVloKrDSrTYL9t8ug69-duuuXX0Sl9Gp2xM&fref=nf)
12 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2325365387512528) ·

The Rain and Belief

Tonight I have listened to the second segment of Kurt Kallenbach's seminar, "Where Darwin Meets God" and I must say, it is stimulating a lot of thought and connections with other associated material.... ecclesiastical and otherwise, because he is discussing what in Admiralty terms are "bridges" ---think Roman Pontiff, and "bars" --- as in barriers.

As I have been listening intently to this two-hour long discussion, I have been aware that the rain is pelting down in gentle sheets outside --- finally, the drought of Summer 2019 in Alaska --- is ended. I must admit it is a relief to relax my mental focus and let the sound of rain on the roof and dripping from the eaves enter my consciousness more fully.

Rain after drought. Love after hate. All the schemes and dreams of men are, in this day and age, being exposed like the skeleton of a whale on the beach long after the flesh is gone.

Now that all the jurisdictions have been explored and the basics of the over-arching architecture of the World Trust are clear, the dynamics of belief are also shoving over the horizon. Some of it is ridiculous in modern terms and would be deeply disturbing if one had cause to contemplate the logical implications of continuing such practices and claims.

Fortunately, I don't seriously expect that the same reasoning that identifies the amniotic membranes and afterbirth materials as a separate dead, water-breathing being, and accords it an estate and probate and burial -- and which allows the false claim that we "abandoned" this poor creature and thereby allowed other parties to claim it ---oh, and our DNA and our identity, too --- will be extended to its ultimate logical conclusions.

If it were, a bit of urine, poop, fingernail clippings, "abandoned hairs" from our heads and other parts, a carelessly discarded snot rag, a used Band-Aid, even a fingerprint, all of which contain our DNA and "substance" could be used to front similar claims.

Oh, my poor, poor dead fingernail clipping! I must give it a burial and probate its estate! And just look at that mass grave, out in the septic settling field! And if I inhale a booger (by mistake, I assure you!) then it must be a crime of self-cannibalism.

That's where the madness of this entire system ultimately leads. It began with medieval ignorance, and then, thanks to the self-interest of crooks and governments has evolved into the current lunacy.

Still, the rain is pouring down outside, drenching the dust settled deep on the Earth, relieving the dying birch trees, sweeping aside the fires that have devastated the vast public forests on the Kenai Peninsula like a magic wand. Rain, rain at last! Fresh from the hand of God, who makes the sun shine and the rain fall upon both the evil and the good.

I think I will re-read The Book of Job tonight.
Whether it makes sense to anyone else at all, I believe in an everlasting and true Creator, a Being that inhabits and enlightens us all, a Living God that gives us life and every good thing--- and which we can never describe or second-guess or know --- in the same way that a two year-old can't know an adult.

It no longer bothers me that I can't put this True God in a box, and can't fathom the Creation, much less the Creator. I am content to accept that I am made part of it all, that I am blessed, and that I am loved and cared for and guided--- and that the rain comes and goes.

It is enough, more than enough, just to be here and to be part of it all.

24th July 2019, 11:20 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBv0VMSX-wd0ebc_vYylA0XZ_bMEaPZYNmUdMv6HHDuqaFSKpgQFDUwoXW0 ePX-nuiU3Fq0C80M-38B&hc_ref=ARSHQS_6d51lc_2jOpPFSYPq0iXmgHsuhQhbSccF-nN9zh-Nvx7xrUehvwezOfswvG8&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2326130400769360) ·

Beyond Words

Yesterday, we talked about discernment -- the desire to know the truth and the tools necessary to discern truth. We've also spent thousands of hours discovering just how profoundly slippery words are as a form of communication -- how words are used to deceive, and how imperfect they are as a mode of communication.

Imagine a totally different mode of communication which does not involve words, but uses pictures like words.

Imagine that you are hovering above a vast undulating surface, a field stretching as far as the eye can see, all papered over with photographs, each holding a place within the surface of the field, like tiles of glass in a mosaic picture that is much larger.

Each photo contains the absolute truth of what is contained in it. And you can perceive that truth directly, without the use of any words at all, in detail.

For example, the photo is of a smiling man and two young women, his daughters. At a glance, you know all their life stories in detail and all of what brought them to that particular moment that is encapsulated in the photo. Not only that, but everything about their world-- the rocks, trees, bugs, all of it, is revealed and known and preserved, too.
This little microcosm, their stories, their moment, is part of the much larger field which contains billions upon billions upon billions of these photo archives hidden within each surface photo. And you are enabled to absorb all this information at a glance --- absolute information without any distortion created by words.
Not only that, but along with the images, feelings and intentions are recorded and layered into the overall communication. You know how the man felt at that moment and you know why he is smiling. You know, again, at a glance, the totality of his life and his intentions, his feelings, his failures, his triumphs, what he values, the status of his health, and an infinity of other truthful information about him, all conveyed in "picture-feelings" without the use of a single word.
There are no secrets. Nothing is hidden. Nothing is deceptive. It simply is, or is not, and that is all there is to it. Wherever you focus your attention, you see whatever there is to see, and there is no inexactitude, nothing to interpret or argue over or be uncertain about.
All those illusion-laden aspects of communication (or miscommunication) are gone and you are able to receive and understand billions of these photo archives instantaneously, as well as being able to see the much larger mosaic-like picture that all these pieces combine to create.

It all keeps changing moment to moment, but also stays the same, as each photo is firmly set in place, cemented into the flexible substrata, existing separately and within set parameters.

This is communication on a whole different scale and of a whole different kind, set free of the waffling quicksilver nature of words, all available to you at a glance --- but you must become aware of it, and you must learn to see it with your "inner eye", and you must become aware that you have an inner eye--- a non-physical organ of sight.
You use it every day as you visualize things in your mind, yet we somehow remain placidly unaware of its factual existence. The facility of imagination is make possible by this unseen "eye" and by other unseen organs as well. These additional sensory organs are what you use to communicate in "photo-feeling" language. This precise, truthful, unerring, universal language is the language of the True God.

We are all born with the ability to use this language and we do so, but we do it unconsciously, as if in our sleep, and when we pop back into the world of words and imprecise illusions, we conveniently forget what we actually know.

One of the things that we actually do know, is our covenant with the True God. It is set forth plainly enough in The Book of Genesis. Genesis, as we have learned by dint of hard-slogging, is not our beginning --- not even our beginning in this physical world. It is the beginning of what the critics of the Manichean Heresy, including Kurt Kallenbach, called the "False Start" or "Second Start".

What the Bible actually teaches is that we exist prior to any physical and corporeal embodiment (Jeremiah 1:5) and that no man knows the start date of his existence nor does he know his name.

We exist in this non-physical form and then, we incarnate in physical form, a process that has us start as a water-breathing fish-like creature derived from a single, unique, species specific fertilized egg.
All that we can physically become, is encoded in the information contained in this single fertilized egg. This egg and the information contained in it, is literally our earthly estate, but it is not the summation of our total estate, which remains in the non-physical realm from which we ultimately come and to which we ultimately return.

In between, there are way-points, like milestones on a highway we journey upon. These are not, in themselves, the beginning or end of anything, though we often mistake them as such. One such way-point comes about nine months after our egg is fertilized and our earthly estate is formed.

Over the course of these nine months, the fertilized egg has multiplied and diversified itself into over two hundred different kinds of living tissue, and has sequentially organized and formed first a water-breathing creature, and then, transformed the water-breathing creature into one capable of breathing air on dry land.

With all of this mission accomplished, we are born -- ejected from the watery environment of the womb --- and this event, a way-point on the journey --- is memorialized as our birthday, but this is not our ultimate beginning.

What we call our birthday isn't even our second beginning. That second, physical beginning, occurred when the egg was fertilized, and that was again, after some unknown moment when we were first conceptualized and created in the unseen realm of pure energy.

So we can't know when the Living God created us and knew us prior to our physical incarnation. We can't know exactly when our particular egg was fertilized, either. These earlier way-points on our path of Becoming are unknown to us in our present form, and it is only in retrospect and upon reflection that we "know what we don't know" about ourselves and our journey.

The mysteriousness of our actual beginning leads many people to discount it, and to pretend that we somehow leapt into existence at the moment we became visible as a separate being, the moment of what we call our birth, and that is recorded as our "birthday". This act, attaching our existence to a calendar, then also condemns us to "death"--- the moment we exit this physical realm.

Yet none of these things, what we call "birth" and what we count as "time" and what we call "death" --- are anything but way-points, markers of orderly transformations that are all occurring in a single mysterious moment called "now".

When is your life occurring? Now. When is your death occurring? Now. Where are you at all points in between? Now.

So "your" birthday is just a convenient lie, a means of marking when you entered this world as a separate visible air-breathing being. Unavoidably, it also marks the moment when the water-breathing creature is transformed and all the apparatus associated with it is expelled as waste material.

We see this same process when a butterfly exits its chrysalis and leaves the detritus of the caterpillar body and the hard shell of the chrysalis behind. One form ends and another begins, but this transformation of form is not a death. It's a transformation. A change. Not an end.

There is no break in the continuity of our existence. There is no excuse for probating our estate.
There is no break in our relationship with the Living God. In fact, we have never been dead and never existed in a past nor a future. We are not broken. We are whole and we are part of a greater whole.

When we communicate at the deeper levels of our Being, where fact is fact and all the illusory constructs of words and convenient lies ('legal fictions") are set aside, we know this.

25th July 2019, 09:03 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAYCTbgyFTPtIz053-iUGced8JyokYINI9oUWRnR2ZT5T55H23nYRQpnT0OkRBoJe73N MDedwDWc7Qh&hc_ref=ARQPg88OYVLh9AsGSTYdA5kpQ93FvXLx2mDGEtErwbh EWuFj8p_FYkDa4p4gxUPx3L8&fref=nf)
19 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2326509800731420) ·

It's Very Simple and Exactly the Opposite of What You Suppose....

I have explained it before and shall explain it again. It is so simple, so huge, so anti-intuitive that people tend to bounce it right out of the brain matrix the first time they hear it, so multiple repetitions are necessary--- no matter how frustrating that is for me.

Repetition is also necessary for all the Newbies joining our ranks every day.

They continue to send me astonished questions and even try to "shame" me and the others who are claiming our National Credit. This is because they don't yet understand the information in this short article.

1. We have been living under a British controlled military Protectorate since the spring of 1863.

2. In order to end this Protectorate, we have to organize our unincorporated States of the Union and "reconstruct" our own federal-level States of States organizations. We haven't done that, so the Protectorate drags on.

3. We haven't been told anything about this necessary action or taught anything about it in school, because the British and the Pope have been benefiting from it--- at our expense.

4. Thus, technically, we are in this bind as a result of our own inaction, but we can hardly be expected to ever take action because we aren't made aware of the fact that we need to do anything of the sort.

5. Now that we finally "woke up" and realize what must be done, we find that we have been misrepresented by those benefiting from this continuing travesty in Breach of Trust, and have been deliberately misidentified as criminals and slaves belonging to the Municipal United States Government.

6. These so-called "Fourteenth Amendment citizens" are a political sub-class created by Congress in the wake of the Civil War as a means to re-enslave plantation slaves and convert their ownership from private ownership to public ownership.

Read that--- these people were owned by private slave owners prior to the war, and then were claimed by and owned by public sector slave owners --- the Municipal Washington, DC Government operated by members of Congress [See Article I, Section 8, Clause 17 -- these vermin have been running their own plenary oligarchy in competition with our actual government.] as public property after the war.

Let that sink in. And now let it sink in that they have deliberately and with malice aforethought falsified records to claim that you are such a "Fourteenth Amendment citizen of the United States".

In 1866, "Civil Rights" were created by the Civil Rights Act of 1866. This was done to define for the rest of the world how Congress intended to treat their new slaves, and what privileges they would guarantee to these unfortunates.

Also in 1866, the Municipal Congress adopted the Metric System, a foreign system of weights and measures, by which they could define their new slaves in a system separate from the rest of the population. Babies born into this new form of slavery would be weighed using kilograms and grams instead of pounds and ounces. This would also then serve to "convey" them automatically into Admiralty Jurisdiction.

To expedite the "conveyance" of people from one status to another, they adopted a system of "conversion" allowing them to legally convert pounds into metric weights and measures. and thus from a condition of natural freedom and national land law, into a condition of slavery under Admiralty Law, at the same time. [See the Metric Act of 1866. Thanks for this information goes to Kurt Kallenbach.]

Former plantation slaves were the original targets of this malice which benefited both the British Monarch and the Pope: since these people exist under Admiralty Jurisdiction the British Monarch can control and tax them, and as they are owned by the Municipal United States, so can the Pope.

Over time, this scam and outrage against common decency and our Constitution and international law proved so profitable that they created the "Federal Reserve" --- an institution formed and financed solely on "human capital" and on our "good faith and credit": our "presumed" slavery, in other words.

They simply abused their positions of trust to falsify records and claim that we are all their slaves, all "Fourteenth Amendment citizens of the United States", as recently verified by the US State Department.

7. In concert with the creation of the Federal Reserve, the guilty corporations responsible for all this began the conversion of our Lawful Money into Legal Tender --- fiat "Federal Reserve Notes". Such Promissory Notes are I.O.U.'s promising future repayment, no different than any other I.O.U.

Many people are still confused about this. They think that when they went to a bank and got a "home loan" or a "car loan" that they were given something of actual value by the bank, but instead they were given I.O.U.'s. In fact, they were duped into loaning their homes and their cars as assets that the banks seized upon and used as the basis to extend credit to other "borrowers" ---and profit themselves, of course.

A "home loan" in this system is a loan of your home to them, and all they give you for it in return is a share of their already pre-existing debt and their mortgage.

As a "State of State" organization, these same criminals are holding title to your home and land under a purported protective custodial "relationship" owed to your public trust: JOHN MAYNARD DOE, for example, and they have "hypothecated" debt against your home and land already, resulting in a mortgage owed by the State of State, like the State of California.

This is the mortgage you get stuck paying off for them. It has nothing to do with your "voluntary" loan of your home to them, when you mistakenly agreed to a "home loan"---- and everything to do with yet another level of fraud being practiced against you by the banks, your employees, and your international trustees--- the Pope and the Queen.

8. Since the adoption of the "Federal Reserve System" by the Municipal United States Government, you have been forced under the false pretense that you are a "Fourteenth Amendment citizen of the United States" to exchange your labor and goods for nothing but their empty paper promises to pay.

Your goods and labor are exchanged for I.O.U.s --- evidences of debt owed by a foreign corporation. If you accept an I.O.U. as payment for a glass of lemonade, are you the Debtor or the Creditor?
The Creditor.

If you accept Federal Reserve Notes as payment for your house, are you the Debtor or the Creditor?
The Creditor.

In all of these transactions you are providing actual and factual goods and labor and they are providing promises to pay at some unknown future date.

And they never pay, so you never get paid, and that is what creates their National Debt and your National Credit.

Because these vermin operate as corporations, they simply run up your credit to the stratosphere, then declare bankruptcy, and leave you on the hook as the "presumed" co-signer to pay their debts.

That's what happened in 2009 when the vermin bankrupted their trademarked "Federal Reserve System" and shifted their debts onto the backs of the weary public slaves --- all the presumed-to-exist "Fourteenth Amendment citizens of the United States".

So, having read this, read it again. And again. Read it however many times it takes to sink in, and then, ask yourself ---- am I a "Fourteenth Amendment citizen of the United States"? Have I received anything of actual value in return for my goods and services, or have I been the source of whatever value there is in these transactions?

Am I a Creditor in this situation, or a Debtor?
And while you are at it, notice that the "Fourteenth Amendment" is itself a sham and a fraud, a measure adopted by a Scottish corporation as a By-Law to Articles of Incorporation disguised as the Territorial United States Constitution and merely doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated". That corporation, formed in Scotland in 1868, went bankrupt in 1907. It's long defunct, and so is its "Fourteenth Amendment".

9. So here's the "news" for the Pope and the Queen: you are responsible for these corporations and their operations on our shores. They have operated as crime syndicates and you are responsible for their misdirection. The Pope is responsible under Ecclesiastical Law to shut them down. You are both responsible for these despicable and criminal claims, acts, and frauds perpetrated in Breach of Trust against every American.

The debts of these corporations over and above market rates of services we agreed to receive as part of the Constitutions, are all yours, and the interest and leases and other fees and escrows owed, together with the actual principal assets--- are all ours. We claimed our "reversionary trust interest" all the way back to our days in Heaven, and we are the Priority Creditors without any doubt.

And we set ourselves free of any presumption, claim, or pretense otherwise.

27th July 2019, 09:27 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAP3iCnFHr5Qhh2DPUhos12skWRsEsMAi0F4YIXKafYcL wLzayeZukLcFT0Z9HoFItDJV-UXYT4i5Df&hc_ref=ARRnW9mJOs20bxumuWEyBijo154QbH9ZhQTULvzfUd9 6Eg3lGADgAVPzGWrHQjbh1PY&fref=nf)
10 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2331338133581920) ·

The Dogon - A Tale of Gross Ingratitude

There is a tribe in Africa called The Dogon. They are not Dogons themselves, merely named after the actual Dogons, who were half-fish, half-men.

We think of them as mermaids and mermen and they are often symbolized with the torso of a man or woman and the tail of a fish-- but this is only symbolic.

In truth, we are told that they were humanoid in form and walked upon the Earth on two feet and swam through the sea much as we do.
The scales of their skin were larger and much more obvious than ours (yes, our skin surface is composed of minute scales). They were larger and stronger on average than we are. They had an extra transparent eyelid that protected their large, light sensitive, slightly bulging eyes, and their eyes usually were flecked with gold. Their toes and fingers were noticeably webbed.

They had land-dwelling cousins called Terrans, who lived in underground cities connected by tunnels and underground water canals.

Originally, very long ago, they came from the Sirius B star system according to the modern day Dogons.

The Dogons played a part in our creation. It is their reptilian DNA that gives us our "reptile brain", our autonomic and lymph systems, and our scaly skin, our tear ducts, our claw-like fingernails.
In fact, if not for our fish-man contributors, we would not exist in anything like our present form and we could not be incarnate on Earth.

Why? Because when the fertilized egg forms a zygote, the first creature formed is a water-breathing, fish-like embryo, which gives rise to the air breathing baby--and which dies when the baby is born and begins to breathe air.

Thus, the Dogon religion that grew up in the Mediterranean region before and after the Great Flood teaches that the innocent fish-like embryo is the First Born creation of God, our older brother and co-habitant in the womb.

This First Born dies and sacrifices itself so that we might live, and we reject it and refuse to care for or claim it's dying body--the amniotic membranes, placenta, etc., that are the remains of a reptilian fish-man brother with the same DNA as ours.

He, according to the Dogon, is our direct link to the Creator, the legitimate First Born of the Act of Creation that created the Zygote. Without him, they say, we would not exist. And self-evidently, they are right.

So we are the heirs of a Divine Estate bequeathed to us by a reptilian First Born brother, who gave up his life for us, and who we rejected and refused to acknowledge as any relative of ours.

That's why "abandoning" the Afterbirth material is such a grave sin in the eyes of the Dogons, the reason that their adherents so scrupulously collect and weigh and catalogue every tiny bit of this material and consider it holy.

This is why they hold the remains in "Reserve" waiting for you to humble yourself and return to claim your own remains and admit your debt to the dead Infant before you can inherit his estate.

This, from the Dogon point of view, is the reason that an infant decedent estate exists. And this is the reason that you must go to the Federal Reserve and claim the Eucharist held in Reserve for you-- the literal sacrificial blood of the collected remains --and claim back your dead reptilian brother so you can legitimately inherit his estate.

Strange, yes. Biologically true, yes.
Adherents of this religion will look you in the eye and cite even more facts to prove that the fish-man is the Elder-Born, including the fact that our blood is naturally the same pH as seawater--- proving again that our biological existence is linked to and comes to us from the sea.
They will also note that the Order of Creation is given in The Book of Genesis and we can see for ourselves that the creatures of the sea were created before the animals of the land. What holds true for creation as a whole also holds true in the microcosm of our unique life.

The mitre that the Pope wears, that strange tall hat, is the same exact headdress worn by the priests of Dogon many millennia ago. You can see it carved in bas relief on the ruined walls of Dogon temples throughout the Middle East.

Why are we never taught about this mysterious religion?
Because this whole rationale is the excuse used to enslave and defraud and alienate you from your inheritance.

27th July 2019, 09:38 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCYOkwk44yoVuR4h3vGULB__dNVkEMGb58jbzzOYntz9w EAPtUKr0T6sUcxd6GSHTQeW_SwIdEeGQxy&hc_ref=ARTfnm5A-O-9T1k2i2X_CSTQV30K8TFXC8-4RWtc1fGWIMBLEmYWy38D-R8tVNnWXrA&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2331505576898509) ·

The Dogons -- Part 2

Having read "The Dogons -- A Tale of Gross Ingratitude" you are no doubt having some uncomfortable stirrings and are making some odd associations.

Here we are, talking about the Dogons --- the (according to the priests of Dogon) First Born of God water-breathing embryonic beings that make our development as fetuses possible and which innocently die when we are born, thereby "sacrificing themselves so that we might live" and providing a "Eucharist" of blood to save us ---- and where have we heard something like that before?

Oh, yes, Jesus is called the "first born of God" and he, too, is innocent. He, too, sacrifices himself so that we might live and be saved. He, too, provides a Eucharist of blood..... It's the same story, only this time, the hero isn't an unknown "brother in the womb" but a separate living man. In the Christian story, God not only draws the sperm and egg together and ignites them in a creative act of combining, he contributes the sperm himself.

It's hard to tell who is who and which story is which with all this hybridization going on, fish-men X men, and men X God, which by implication means fish-men X men X God ---- to give what? An entirely new kind of being that has been "brought forth" and hybridized at both the physical and the spiritual levels.

And what happens to the fish-man part of us after we are born as air-breathing babies?

Well, he is checked into the hospital -- admitted by the doctor's signature and identified by Your Name: First, Middle, Last.

He -- the water-breathing Amnion, composed of fetal afterbirth materials and organs, the purported "First Born of God" and purported Heir to the Divine Estate, then dies upon exiting the womb, and of course, "he" dies intestate, giving rise to the "infant decedent estate".

Thanks to my background in ancient religions and Kurt Kallenbach's research we now have the whole story and the evidence to bust this religious cult, Mystery (aka Eucharist) Babylon, once and for all.
They weigh the dead water-breathing Amnion in metric units, identify "him" using your First-Middle-Last, as a Territorial United States Ward of the State of State ---say, State of California, register his death and send his estate to probate. When "his" estate emerges from probate it is declared "abandoned" property and the Pope --- running the Municipal United States --- claims the abandoned estate as public property belonging to the Civil (not Civilian) Government.

And, Presto -Change-O! --- by magic (of the black kind) there is the "Missing Person" Cestui Que Vie Trust operated as YOUR NAME: FIRST MIDDLE LAST, out of Puerto Rico, under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition. The Missing Person isn't you. It's your Amnion, the water-breathing fish-man that these freaks claim "died for you" and which was according to them, the First Born of God, the Heir of the Kingdom, who "sacrificed himself" for you.

There are several points to be made. First and foremost is that your unique DNA is your unique DNA and the Amnion that results from the Act of God (that is, sex act in their religion) is merely a physical apparatus derived from and directed by your DNA, like a caterpillar's cocoon, to expedite your exodus across the Red Sea (of blood) and arrival on the Promised Land.

The Amnion has no existence or personality of its own. It is not a viable living being and would never exist apart from your existence. You and your unique ---and as Kurt says--- "species specific" DNA, is in fact the Creator of the Amnion and once you claim your Zygote and DNA, you naturally claim everything that derives from the Zygote and your unique combination of DNA --- including the Amnion whether it is alive or dead, with you or separated from you.

You, as Kurt Kallenbach points out, began with fertilization--- not with emergence from the womb. We have a Fertilization Date, not a "birth day", and not a "birth date", either.

Also according to the Old Testament, Jeremiah 1:5, our actual beginning pre-dates all of this: we were actually created and known by the Living God prior to us being "formed" in our Mother's womb.

These are the biological facts and we can stand on science for our claim to be the legitimate owner of all property including ESTATES derived from our DNA; and, we can also rely on Jeremiah, if we are Jew, Christian, or Muslim, to rebut the lies being used to justify these outrageous claims about our Amnion and "his" purported ESTATE.

The Roman Catholic Church is well and truly busted as the reptile-worshiping religion of Mystery Babylon. The Queen is also busted for allowing this to go on. So is FDR and the actual citizenry of "the" United States busted for criminal Breach of Trust, Fraud, and Unlawful Conversion resulting in identity theft, grand larceny, and proxy genocide.

Meantime, back at the hospital....
They destroy the evidence and burn the remains of the Amnion in an incinerator, thus "he" truly does become a "Missing Person".

The Territorial Government issues you a Birth Certificate, a proof of ownership and receipt owed to the "spoilated owner" that they are obligated to give you under Article 38 of the Lieber Code and the international Hague Conventions.

You, the baby, are never admitted to the hospital at all. There is no record of you being there. Your name is never recorded as yours. The only name involved is the First Middle Last name that your parents contributed as their intellectual property and which the hospital administrators attached to the dead Amnion, not you.

As Kurt Kallenbach pointed out in his recent lecture series, we all have the Mother of All Law Suits for damages against every hospital and hospital administrator in the United States, every doctor, every nurse and administrative aide who has been an accomplice to this grotesque fraud scheme.
We also have just cause to go after the Pope, his minions and supporters, the Queen, for her part in this, and all the politicians and generals who have either stood by like dumb cattle or who have knowingly participated in this fraud, this genocide on paper, against the American People.

As this profane and ridiculous system of lies has been applied to most countries and to most people worldwide, we all have cause to stand up and listen.
These heretical cultists have spawned a worldwide crime network right under our noses, the principal part of which is a false claim that we voluntarily abandoned the poor, dead, purported sacrificial victim, the Amnion, and thereby refused and abandoned our connection to our Divine Heritage.

May we all throw up now, or wait for later?

27th July 2019, 09:50 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDWvnyjmrds_IqShVtLp4ybJWmPfS3jzcG6N3m5lwY7W1 1tPxo2DmRQVD-kJq2V4tvOlYT_IhcwxXuO&hc_ref=ARSFA3wU9syVSTHfNnYszXeWQJQkv5_bq8HPA5hXwex m37u7Cknrmyth8FBTGnIGBT0&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2331833306865736) ·

Debtors and Creditors

This week we have definitively busted the Roman Catholic Church for harboring a grotesque criminal cult within itself, and using sincere Christians as "storefronts" covering up for the nefarious activities of the cult members.

The exact actual religion that the cultists adhere to has been identified as the Dogon Religion, a reptile-worshiping religion native to Africa and the Levant. It is apparent that this religion stems from very early contact with advanced alien civilizations that were familiar with genetics, astronomy, histology, embryology, and other information not available on Earth at the same time.

It is also apparent that this "sacred knowledge" was perverted and used for entirely corrupt and criminal purposes, and that its primary center of power was the Office of the Roman Pontiff within the Roman Catholic Church.

We may safely say that this pagan religion came to Rome no later than the Second Century B.C. and became enmeshed in the Roman administrative government where its adherents served as tax collectors and notaries. We may also infer that Treaties made by Constantine the Great and other Roman Emperors prior to the Council of Nicea resulted in this secretive cult being included under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church as part of a quid pro quo agreement negotiated by "Saint" Jerome.

"Saint" Jerome also polluted the basic scriptures of the New Testament adopted by the Council by including numerous Letters attributed to the Apostle Paul, but actually written as Homages by Paul of Ephesus. These misogynist diatribes were necessary in the mind of the Roman Emperor to ensure the continuance of the Roman Patriarchy.

The use of impersonation and introduction of "Dog Latin" as a means to enslave illiterate people was established under the later Emperor Justinian, adopted by the Cult ruling the City of Rome, and allowed by the Roman Catholic Church which operated its Secular Business under Roman Civil Law.

This so-called Secular Church operating under Roman Civil Law and ruled over by the Office of the Roman Pontiff morphed into the Holy Roman Empire circa 800 A.D., a convention that was continued under various rulers and organizational structures ever since, becoming the Third Reich in Germany and the Fourth Holy Roman Empire in 1939.
It's current operations are centered in Brussels where they have established The B.E.A.S.T. computer system as part of the European Common Market, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and the Kingdoms of Monaco and Lichtenstein---- all backed by principal gold deposits held in Spain and France and later, Switzerland, the Philippines and Kuwait are all up to their piggy snouts.
It all needs to be cleaned up and cleared out like a backed up septic system and we all need to wake to eff up.

One of the peculiarities of this "religion" is that they rape children, especially the rape of young men and boys by older men in acts of sodomy, and the rape of very young girls and even baby girls. This is done to pollute their bloodlines with foreign genetic material. It has only recently been learned that we retain genetic material from every sex partner we have ever had, but this fact has been well-known to the Dogons.

They see this as an opportunity to assure lots of progeny for themselves, seeded into the general population. They also use it as a means of subjecting, terrifying, and corrupting their victims, using false guilt, shame, and fear as a means of assuring obedience and submission to their purported supremacy and political agendas.

It is now time to pull the masks off these criminals, using whatever means is necessary.

And it is also time to explain the details of how they have used "our" treasury system against us.

Anna Riezinger is the Living Being in Possession of my natural family name.

Anna Riezinger is the Creditor of both the Territorial Person admitted to the hospital --- the Amnion named "Anna Maria Riezinger" ( and not-coincidentally also the name of the Lawful Person occupying the international land jurisdiction of this country as one of the People of Wisconsin) and all the Municipal CITIZENS doing business "in my name".

These international criminals working in collusion and Gross Breach of Trust have attempted to kill off the People on paper and thereby evade their responsibilities and guarantees under the Constitutions, while continuing to profit themselves from the commercial Service Contracts the Constitutions provide for.

They have repeatedly attempted to evade the Constitutions by acts of bankruptcy, false settlements, and false Settlor Agreements of the bogus trusts that they have used as a means to legalize all this tripe.
And now we have them in our sites. Squarely identified. The whole Schtick.

Correct your political status records, claim your zygote and DNA, and the next time you see a Catholic priest, forego the impulse to grab him by the throat --- you never know if you are dealing with an honest Christian or a servant of Satan, who was, as we are told, "cast down into the sea"---- a sea snake among the water-breathing fish-gods.

Join your State Assembly. This is necessary service in the interest of self-governance. You must accept the responsibility and create the proper instrumentality to enforce your claims and put an end to this criminal nonsense.

We need courts, we need Public Notaries, we need actual Sheriffs, we need Continental Marshals, we need Public Recorders--- all of which are in short supply.

We need actual Lawyers, not "Bar Attorneys".

Now think about this whole situation in terms of credits and debts.
Anna Riezinger is the Principal Creditor.
Anna Maria Riezinger, a Wisconsinite and one of the People of this country--- who just happens to have the same exact name as "Anna Maria Riezinger" a British Territorial Citizen --- representing a dead Amnion belonging to Anna Riezinger ---- is also a Creditor.
The British Territorial Citizen "lost at sea" and also called "Anna Maria Riezinger" is not a Creditor, because the Amnion doesn't actually come first in the lineage. The zygote does. The Amnion is a Debtor with respect to Anna Riezinger, without whom "she", the Amnion, would never exist, so "she" and "her" ESTATE are both Debtors and Property owned by Anna Riezinger.

Ditto the situation with all the Municipal PERSONS created by the Municipal United States.

My parents created the Unregistered Trademark, Anna Maria Riezinger,, and neither they, nor I, are at fault because of the actions of a doctor mis-applying my land jurisdiction Proper Name to a dying Amnion.

It cannot be presumed that any of this intricate fraud scheme has anything whatsoever to do with me or my actual estate, other than the fact that I own the Principal name, own the Priority Creditor, hold all derivatives accountable and liable, and claim my exemptions.
The most that can be alleged is that these Municipal and Territorial Corporations have provided me with some services and incurred some costs under the actual Constitutions, and that they should be paid by my State, which is party to those Constitutions.

Whereupon we, the Principals and the Priority Creditors, call for an accounting and a return of our interest in our Amnion's ESTATE(s), PUBLIC TRANSMITTING UTILITIES, PUBLIC CHARITABLE TRUSTS, and all other DERIVATIVES, plus the interest and ownership in our parent's and grandparent's similar ACCOUNTS and Accounts, which they were just as unaware of as we were when this started.

27th July 2019, 10:02 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAPpEhp0AffnJKg6Tr-BYBxtQJg2BsqNax3CnQ3vCKGrSJKhoKW4_HXUoKvQVDiGbzYz9 CZIgLeV1me&hc_ref=ARSof4P_0QnB41NmytO2xBaJRNNbdqv0xgPepd3qVWh lMzysiVUlDvdGh2EnbFyg69I&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2331904443525289) ·

Why I Oppose Manna World Holding Trust, Etc.

In 25 words or less: the culprits responsible for this situation --- all of whom are thieves guilty of capital crimes --- chose one of their own to be the Holder, instead of returning control of the assets to the actual owners.

Is that simple enough for everyone to understand?
Kim Goguen is one of them by blood, by training, by indoctrination, by belief, by all that is endemic to the evil that pervades the Banking Cult.

She may try to do things differently. She may have good intentions. But that does not change the fact that she is in control of (or claims to be in control of) stolen goods and assets that don't belong to her, and she is standing there bare-faced and refusing to give the assets back to the actual owners.

So, what am I as a Justice supposed to do? Support her in unlawful possession? Just because she seems to be a Nice Person?

Looking deeper into the situation, it is clear that the actual Holder of all these assets is and should be The United States of America, which means that they fall under my Fiduciary Office and not hers. She should be working for me and doing what I tell her to do, not stomping around making False Claims based on possession related to piracy, fraud, and unlawful conversion.

What I would tell her to do is very simple --- start releasing assets in a step-by-step fashion to the people they actually belong to.

Return all the Titles to American Land to the most recent American Owners, meaning living people, not corporations. Do the same on a worldwide basis. Return all the "individual" ESTATES to the Americans they are named after, all the Brits they are named after, all the Germans they are named after.... .

It isn't rocket science. The benefit of the massive wealth stolen and amassed by these criminals can be returned to the people individually and as funding for many beneficial technologies and new infrastructure.

And as for the military, I'd tell them to stop goosing around like idiots. Tell the Europeans we are calling in their debts and taking over their corporations and their banks if they don't shut down the B.E.A.S.T. system and the UN nonsense and stop all the False Claims against Americans.

You military generals may be "US Citizens" all you like, but you need us to back you up and give you a contract, otherwise you are all just a bunch of mercenaries and thugs with no standing as soldiers and if you are going to betray the people who actually employ you and do the bidding of Middlemen acting in Breach of Trust ---- then why do we need you? Hello? Why do we need to keep paying you and buying you new toys?

What good are your oaths to protect and defend "the" Constitution when you are too clueless to know which Constitution that is? Too clueless to know that you work for the American People, not the Queen, not the Pope and not the ever-loving "UN CORP", either?

NATO is the Enemy. It was formed by the same group of criminals that formed the European Common Market and that are trying to create the B.E.A.S.T system.

The US Navy is compromised and in conflict of interest. Even the Marine Corps that actually allows that our troops are American --- is compromised in its command structure because they take their orders from the Navy and the Navy takes their orders from the Queen. We have no Coast Guard thanks to the same cozy arrangement.

The Coast Guard is supposed to be protecting us --Americans-- from Inland Piracy. That is what we pay them to do as their principal responsibility. But guess what? All this graft and fraud has come ashore on their watch. They are stood down, useless, helpless to stop the human trafficking and gun running and drug running, left without funding just like the Federal Marshals who are supposed to be protecting us and our international land jurisdiction. We have to rely on volunteers to provide enforcement.

They-- the Navy, the Marines, and the Coast Guard (inappropriately) are all under the command of the Brits, and the Queen is guilty and up to her knickers in graft and fraud against her own people and the "former" commonwealth nations and us, too, taking the payola and not giving a fig more than her batty great-grandmother did about the consequences of her betrayals.

The pelicans at the BBC snarking about Trump and trying to get something started with Iran --- or anywhere else they can get a nice little war going -- are nothing but a bunch of greedy self-interested war mongers and propagandists for men who make their money on war.

So let's throw them in front of the cannons and the tanks, this time, shall we?

Haul out all the BBC Commentators and the Board Members of all of Britain's top corporations and their US Brethren and the members of Congress, and let them fill the trenches.

They always want war, they are always pulling false flags and blaming others for their misdeeds. It's time that the Brits either shut up and pay up, or we stand back and let the buggers take it square in the shorts and nobody -- not us, not the Aussies, not the Canadians, not the New Zealanders, not the Scots, and certainly not the Irish --- nobody comes to rescue them.

Anyway that "Special Relationship" with the British is why Trump has had to fall back on the US Army and Joint Forces Command of the American Armed Forces. See that word? American? They aren't talking about South Americans, in case you were wondering.

Trump can't trust the US Navy. Its a sad day when the Commander-in-Chief of American Armed Forces can't depend on a third of the military we pay for, but that is the circumstance. The Navy wags have tired to kill him three times that I know of, and also tried to get WWIII started with the Russian submarine incident. I can only thank God that Putin had sense enough to see through it and Trump had sense enough to be skeptical and not rush into anything.

All you Brass in the Navy? You'd better straighten your gigs and ratlines. The Queen is supposed to be acting in Good Faith under our Delegated Authority, but instead, she's in Breach of Trust. Be aware. She's not your actual Boss. We are. Without us, all she can do is serve you tea and crumpets and shower you with "knighthoods" like she gave the feckless traitors Colin Powell and G.H.W. Bush and Henry "the Floss" Kissinger.

28th July 2019, 05:36 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAtmvtqPlUwKkhUdPAlX2689dAVZarok_ZHkX1Z-zI5gkE6FT22fuFquqR1Qv7DRG23iaSVTnwA2bt0&hc_ref=ARQ4JNQRTBN1Fm3FtVj1mykG67lNMEi2xRbU4Qg-HNpkZ1_gHeLucoVq_NQS6XCLwwo&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2333126603403073) ·

For Ernest --- The Military Connection

I already have a system worked out that far surpasses anything (QFS) the military has --- fast, secure, yet transparent so far as transactions go, completely un-hackable and alien to any systems presently in place, deployable worldwide, accessible for everyone, free to private parties, fees paid by corporations according to their size and net income, far better than the present internet or Google, designed for secure commercial and banking transactions....... but instead of talking to us in an open and forthright way, they send me military "planners" and mathematicians who have already failed to provide such a system, who nose around trying to get the technology for free and to dictate how we can use our own invention.

The plain fact is that we have been lied to about mathematics just as we have been lied to about everything else. We "can't get there from here" as a result. The QFS system is a bomb. It leaks like a sieve and is of very limited utility. Last I heard, they could run it for six minutes a day. Try to run the world's financial needs on six minutes a day. Any questions as to why the system they have doesn't work and isn't secure and has a host of problems they can't solve?

Kim and her sidekick "Tank" keep on talking and explaining away, but they can't actually do what they say they can do. She only has half the keys. And she doesn't know who the "male" counterpart is, so they are stuck there, too. She doesn't even know enough to know that she HAS a male counterpart. She doesn't know how the system she is trying to work is actually set up and she doesn't know why. I do. LOL.
Go figure. God has a great sense of humor. Maybe its payback for my lost career as a mathematician?

But all these people think that they are the Big Wigs and the Controllers and the fastest, smartest, etc., etc., etc.---- so I just let them go along and fritter away and stew in their own juice and wait for that magic moment when they realize that they are getting nowhere and aren't going to get anywhere by themselves. Then maybe they will humble themselves and come see Grandma and I can help them get back on the road. But only if they ask nicely and act appropriately going forward. I am not in the business of suffering fools and I don't appreciate being taken for one, either.

The key to all of this, is honesty, Ernest. All these people have been trained to lie and pre-conditioned to lie. They think that's natural. They think that they are doing it in "the national security interest" and blah-blah-blah, but they aren't. They are deceived by forces outside themselves. They think that their need to control things and approve of things overthrows the basics of common morality --- like the simple fact that taking someone else's assets without their voluntary and free permission is theft. The military has been going around confiscating whatever they like for so long that they have forgotten common decency and the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are still in full force and effect. Thieves are thieves and putting some pretty top-dressing on it and making excuses doesn't change that.

Liars, cheats, gossips, false witnesses, thieves, murderers---- are all abhorrent to the Living God. So when the military confiscates the world's financial backing assets from private individuals who are innocent and honest, guess who God turns against? The military.
That's why despite the Nazi's firm belief in "Gott mit uns." they lost the war and were trampled and defamed. They forgot the basics. They forgot the Ten Commandments. They forgot the rules. They forgot common decency. The same thing will happen to our military if they don't repent and start dealing with a full deck. The Laws of God are all like the Law of Gravity. Ignore them, and you fall flat on your rump.

Doing this and doing it right requires bringing the actual owners and trustees of the "legacy trusts" to the table and dealing with the FACT that the military doesn't own those assets and whatever claim it has to controlling those assets is naturally subject to dealing with the owners of the assets in a moral and respectful way. There are those who would have you believe that the world's assets are owned by monsters, all controlled by the evil Illuminati Banking Cult Families---- and that therefore, the military is justified in taking all their assets and setting up their "meritocracy system".

First, tell me how they are going to set up a system based on merit, when they have forgotten things as fundamental as "don't steal other people's property" ----? Are we talking about the "merit" of being the best, most creative crooks? Or the "merit" of telling lies for a supposedly good cause? For example, if I hear one more Big Whopper about climate change, I think I will just throw up in public and divert attention to more realistic things.

Second, tell me what you believe all that crappola about the evil Illuminati Banking Cult Families? The truth is that the bankers work for the military and the military works for the Pope and the Queen in the western world. All bankers are military bankers, except for the very few who do function as private bankers. Even the Queen is a military banker for the Pope under the Commonwealth System. So if you have a problem with the bankers, by definition, you have a problem with (1) the military and (2) the Pope and the Queen.

95% of the mismanagement of the banking system lies squarely with the military. We are living under a largely British-controlled military Protectorate and have been living under these conditions for over a hundred years. Our Navy, our Marines, and our Coast Guard are not our own. We "entrusted" all those functions to the British Monarch and the Pope (Coast Guard) under our delegated authority and the British Monarch is in Gross Breach of Trust and so is the Pope. So, add two plus two plus two plus two..... and what do you get?

The bankers and lawyers have been busily bilking and plundering and pillaging us at the direction of our own military, which in turn has been misdirected by the Queen, who has been acting as a subordinate and collaborator of the Pope and the Lord Mayor of London. They have suborned the civilian courts and replaced them with "civil" courts and military tribunals instead. And then, acting under color of law, as if this were anything but a military dictatorship with a veneer of political control covering it, the military has been confiscating our homes and telling lies about us and betraying our interests in the name of the "Law of Necessity".

They haven't been protecting us and they haven't been upholding their Oaths to the actual Constitution, either. It's right there in front of our noses and it is up to us to put it right back under their noses. The military controls the banking system, so don't blame the bankers. If the military wanted to solve the foreclosure crisis in this country, it would be solved tomorrow. If they wanted to honor their agreements made in 1933-34 and make good on the Mutual Offset Credit
Exchanges they promised us, the "National Debt" would evaporate like morning fog.

Instead, they just want to lie, lie, lie and control, control, control. And we all know who the Father of All Lies is, don't we? We all know that the Living God gifted us with free will, don't we?

Remember what I said about the Ten Commandments being in full force and effect? Remember what I said about the inexorable nature of God's Laws and getting knocked down on your rump if you forget?

There are Illuminati Banking Cult adherents, but the majority of the people who actually own (and are owed) the world's banking assets are ordinary people. Farmers. Indian chiefs. Housewives. Those are the people that the military doesn't control and therefore, the people that the military is afraid of--- and the people that the military is stealing from. The Illuminati are a piece of cake, co-conspirators, willing lackeys who happily jump as high as the military wishes them to jump in exchange for a cut of the profits. It's the rest of us, who have the odd idea that since we pay the military, the military should indeed be subject to our civilian government --- not the "civil" government --- as the Constitutions require.

They have justified or tried to justify their Endless Protectorate by pretending that the need to "reconstruct" the original State-owned corporations doing business as States of States was of paramount importance and that our government ceased to exist and was in "abeyance" while we sorted this out and established new "Federal" corporations. In fact, no such thing is true.

Our States, which delegated all federal authorities, are still here, still competent, still able to "assemble" and conduct business. We simply weren't informed fully by our employees. In fact, we were deliberately not told the truth and not assisted by our employees, who have instead taken "the bit in their teeth" and run roughshod over the entire world "in our names" and at our expense.

So the truth of the matter, Ernest, is that: (1) the military has made a hash of things; (2) they are having a lot of trouble facing up to this fact and are afraid they will be found guilty of treason and other crimes; (3) they are compounding the problems they have caused by not being honest and not accepting civilian --- as opposed to "civil" control; (4) they don't know how to solve the banking problems or solve the systems requirements for a new global banking interface; (5) both the Queen and the Pope know that their misdeeds are discovered, so they are circling the wagons and tightening the purse strings, (6) and though I can help them sort this all out, they need to approach all of this in terms of conciliation and mutual benefit and (7) in full view of the necessity of giving up the Culture of Lies and Commercial Feudalism.

Given their belief in lies and their enthusiasm for plundering everyone including their employers, this adjustment back to civilian control and respect for the actual Constitution and the Ten Commandments, is a hard bowl of ice cream to swallow.

28th July 2019, 09:13 PM
The Ralph Winterrowd show.



Hour 2

29th July 2019, 11:32 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARARq7_0TrS548afxxDW_mwxS2QWmItDdNhH6MS1bWBTTr FDBBSlEU5m09l92blNG6n6u7covHiLxPTL&hc_ref=ARQnurFXIrG8QnjlooqH0UzyinkaCZdPWhJyv7N30sn 4MuvqfvJva0r6AMZekBb-c7U&fref=nf)
7 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2334771136571953) ·

A Short Reply to Thomas "Tank" Williams

When Kim first appeared on the scene, I thought --- "Thank goodness! Someone to help sort through this mess from the banking side!"

I am not a banker. I am a fiduciary. Those two facts should, taken together, add up for you in the proper order: I have a responsibility of a fiduciary nature owed to my country and all the other Americans, but I am not a banker, so I am not in "competition" with any banker, and I don't desire to be a banker, either.

Thank you, very much, I have more than enough to do without learning everything there is to know about banking, too.
Basic justice and honesty is all I require and all that I am interested in.
Unfortunately, my experience with Kim has been deeply compromised and tainted by the fact that I gave her two names of actual trustees who stepped forward and bonded themselves to act in that capacity for the benefit of the other people those trusts serve ---- and what did she do?

She rejected them out of hand without doing due diligence, responded with some whackjob claims of her own based on the residual holdings of the Russian Orthodox Church in Alaska, and when I replied to those, I heard nothing more from her. Not a word.

Next, those two trustees were viciously attacked by "federal" operatives, and have had to spend the last two or three years of their lives fending off false charges and acts of violence. The coincidence is a bit too improbable. I gave Kim their names, and now these innocent, God-fearing, honest, compassionate people who gave up their own rights as beneficiaries so that they could serve as trustees ---- they are being attacked.

Hello? Do I look stupid?
Why in the world would I give Kim any other names when this sort of thing is the result? It's pretty obvious, isn't it, that Kim wants to be "the" Trustee and the military wants to work with just one Trustee, because working with the actual people who ARE the legitimate trustees --- in other words, doing the honest thing --- is just too inconvenient.

The Private Trustees who have come to me for help in navigating the morass of the present system deserve far better treatment. They are the ones that have voluntarily offered to give up a portion of their lives and their share of the assets to help deliver the benefit of those trusts to others and they are being hounded and harassed for one reason: I gave their names to Kim.

So go figure why I won't give her any more names and won't support her bid to legitimize the Manna World Holding Trust.

And please note, that I am the one who actually told you all that "the" United States is not the same thing as The United States, nor is "the" United States of America the same as The United States of America.
Please show the respect and do me the honor of not feeding my own lessons back to me and pretending to the audience that you are better informed?

Until the military comes to heel and accepts the civilian government of the States and People, there is nothing more to talk about.

I am not going to be played for a fool or have my Office disrespected by my employees and that is that.

I was more than willing to accept help and to work with Kim and do my part to straighten this mess out. I observe the results of my attempts to do so, and that is also the end of the story.

If you want relief from your situation, you need a whole new attitude, and you need to be honest about the provenance and ownership interests attached to the assets underlying the world banking establishment.

29th July 2019, 11:18 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDq0GoF7cdeqVL3Lo8mnSyF06ohZkD_yWTz3IBD3KTSP2 U68OS7OrBC6QknKVMujMCPFbTMWF9WiBgS&hc_ref=ARStPiGD0ydbLNwgoxo279KhJMup1Kk2Drwy9E7bk6o 39O-O1_pIMzb1RN3KzizS-s4&fref=nf)
10 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2334880636561003) ·

The US Navy Conflict of Interest

What? The US Navy is in conflict of interest? Say what? Believe me, you are not the only ones in a state of shock over this bombshell, but it is nonetheless true.

The US Navy is in conflict of interest. It always has been. It's not the Navy's fault. It's the result of deals that were cut between the Brits and the Americans in the distant past.

After the Revolution and during the peace process, both the British and the Americans were left in a bind.

The Americans had a giant commercial fleet but no navy to protect it. We had raw materials to sell. The British had need for those raw materials for their industrial era factories. Our commercial shipping was being cut to ribbons by privateers, which was a stumbling block for both countries.

So we made a deal with the devil, George III, and the British Monarch became our Trustee "on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways".

When the Navy is at home port, say Fort LeJeune, for the Marine Corps, which is attached to the Navy and under Navy Command, the Navy is free to be American as apple pie, but when it hits the High Seas or ventures up the Mississippi, they come under the jurisdiction of the Queen.

And it has always been that way ---- a residual leftover from the 1700's that has never been addressed again, thanks to the Pope's sleight of hand using the "civil government" to replace the civilian government, and the Queen's cupidity acting in collusion with the Roman Pontiff.
Knowing this key fact about the US Navy helps explain why the Lusitania was sunk in international waters, why the Carrier Fleet left port in Hawaii, but the rest of the Fleet took it in the shorts at Pearl Harbor, and why the Navy has been armed with the latest and greatest scalar people-and-animal killing technology --- and the ground forces have been left to be ---- well, part of the people-and-animal contingent.

This is also why, strangely enough, we can thank God and our lucky stars for our supposed enemies, the Russians and the Chinese, who have developed counter-measures of their own, and who won't stand by helpless should the US Navy deploy their killing technology.
Thank God, too, that at least some of us woke up and poked the United Nations where it hurts.

Under numerous United Nations treaties that Britain signed, including treaties involving Environmental Modification and Resonance Weapons and the use of Nanotech and Biologic Vectors in warfare, the US Navy is limited to testing these weapons on the "domestic" population. They were going along testing at will and using our country and our people as Guinea Pigs with a free hand, but then, some of us raised our hands and observed the obvious --- hey, we aren't domestic with respect to them!

So their activities have been curtailed and limited to the narrow zone of land along the sea coast and navigable inland waterways. When you see the vermin in Congress trying to declare a "200 mile inland Constitution-free zone" you now know why.

The Queen has been playing us, and the Lord Mayor of London and the Pope have been playing her.

It so happens that we, The United States of America --- the unincorporated version, have a mutual protection treaty with Russia, which Russia remembers. So as long as these idiots are attacking the actual American People, officials at the UN are forwarding the information to their home governments, and the Russian Government is honoring its obligation.

So, in a nutshell, that is why the US Navy has, through no fault of its own, a built in conflict of interest-- and also the reason why it has so often been abused as the tool to create murder and mayhem in conflict with the actual best interests of America and Americans.

This is also why Mr. Putin keeps a very sharp and jaundiced eye on all US naval operations, including the recent submarine incident; and now that he is fully clued-in, it is also the reason that Donald Trump is better off with Army body guards. No offense to the Marines, no offense to the Navy --- but both are compromised by this conflict of interest.

All the officers throughout the military might as well know it and everyone involved needs to do their best to deal with it, both politically and practically, and also needs to remember that it is the Russians and the Chinese that are holding our backs and preventing the Queen and the Pope from unleashing truly devastating technology against us.

Friendly governments around the world are also protecting us through their diplomatic agencies and recognizing the fact that we are not a domestic population of the United States ----- we belong to The United States of America, instead.

Please note that the Pope and his organization does not allow for any other unincorporated government to remain standing --- including the British Monarchy. So colluding with the Pope on all these various activities is also a game which the British stand to lose.

Finally, everyone from the Pope to the Queen to the US Navy Admirals and everyone else on the planet, needs to understand that the legitimate and actual government of this country is vested in the living people, who as Lawful Persons known as the People of this country, operate the States of the Union --- The United States of America, which is also unincorporated.

The United States of America is the actual name of this country and we are doing nothing wrong, nothing insurrectionist, nothing against any treaty or constitution, by assembling our States and reclaiming our land and other assets from the military Protectorate established by the Pope and the Queen under false pretenses.

We are simply restoring our lawful government and encouraging everyone else worldwide to do the same. Ours is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people ---- not a government of the corporations (persons) by the corporations (Persons) or for the corporations (PERSONS). We are not members of any reptilian religious cult masquerading as "Christianity" and we are not volunteering to serve any such "holy cause" nor donating our assets to the Roman Catholic Church as Paupers in need of any salvation.
Now that we have all of that settled and on the public record, we are prepared to move on ---- and clean up this Mess.

The Jokers in Washington, DC, running the Pope's franchise operations on our soil, need to be held feet first to the fire and told to observe the parameters of their ten miles square kingdom, to get back into their box and stop making false claims in commerce. They owe us a tremendous amount of credit and they owe us the return of all our actual assets, too. Ditto the Queen.

If the American Military doesn't understand anything else, they need to understand that fact and back our lawful and legal claims.

29th July 2019, 11:32 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBJpymELuCd2Qf5sJ5aMof0nUPRKyajNLAF2RurR2RoeM g6wqaad8gXsfb7sWC8C-ZGtlzjnnr6rP3C&hc_ref=ARRwmXMkasPRhen_hOAysCoun6VJpD_OZgXLStT-GBZUnP0OxzUOqRyu8MMsIk2Ejqg&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2335079249874475) ·

Facts of Ownership

The word "ownership" in Legalese does not denote the same thing as the popular meaning of the word. An owner in legal terms is a custodian, a care-taker of someone else's property.

The Federal Government is an "owner" in the legal sense of all the public land in the Western States, as an example. The actual Possessors in Being are the living people. It all actually belongs to us -- but we have all these middlemen organizations acting as "owners" and the custodians have not been competent --- and in many cases, they have not been honest.

Let me give you all an example that is important in the current situation. The Territorial United States of America purchased the land mass of the Philippine Islands "for" us. They used our assets to buy the land, and the Philippines became our literal property in the same sense that Alaska was purchased and became property of The United States of America.

It's still our property. Literally. Just like buying a bicycle. We have the receipts and the sales agreements and that's that. So why does nobody know this?

In 1934, the US Congress operating in Breach of Trust, created an "independent government" for the Philippine Islands "for us", so that they could foist off their Trustee responsibility for our gold (which had been stashed there prior to all this) on this new government they created.

So they created the Government of the Philippines, and then pretended that they had no further relationship with that Government by calling it "independent". Is a franchise "independent" of a parent corporation?

So once again we are looking at a shadow show of players acting "for" us on the world stage, often in their own self-interest, and often dishonestly. You will also note that they play "both ends against the middle" ---- we are the actual owners and they are misrepresenting us, which results in confusion and false claims and all sorts of mis-administration at home and abroad.

The people of the Philippines think that they have an independent government because the US Congress said so, but in fact, what they have is a Territorial Government. They also think that the land of the Philippines is theirs free and clear --- and it's not.
People also think that aside from the Japanese attack on Attu Island in the Second World War, American holdings were untouched. That's also not true. Everything that happened in that theater of the war affected our property assets in the region. And still does.

When such major historical facts are unknown or ignored, everyone concerned is left playing with half a deck.

Whose gold was cashiered in the Philippines? Ours.
Whose assets were used to purchase the land mass of the Philippines? Ours. Not "the" United States. Not "the" United States of America.

The United States of America. Unincorporated.
So all this is bunko of the con artist kind, the by-product of people and organizations acting "for" us in Breach of Trust and criminal collusion.

We still own the Philippines and we own the franchises and the gold, and God knows, we have paid more than enough for it, too, both in terms of lives and assets.

It would be a Big Mistake for the US Navy to think that we have been asleep and that we don't know these facts and don't know who transported our gold to the Philippines and who orchestrated the creation of the "independent" franchise Government of the Philippines. We know. We have the receipts, the treaties, all the various agreements made "for" us and in our names.

A similar go-round has been launched with the Russians making claims to own Alaska. That's bogus, too. They think that because "the" United States goes bankrupt or because "the" United States of America goes bankrupt, that they are in position to claim our land. Sorry.

The Territorial Government used our assets to buy the land mass underlying Alaska. They bought it "in our names" and they paid for it with our money in gold. We have the receipts. We know what went on. We have honored the property of the Russian Orthodox Church which was grandfathered-into these agreements and that's as far as it goes.
Alaska, like the Philippines, belongs to The United States of America. Unincorporated.

The Roman Catholic Church claims that the Creator is the actual Being in Possession to whom all the assets belong; I am prepared to go that far and agree.
I didn't create the Earth, so it isn't mine. It isn't theirs, either. And thus far I see no reason to trust the Bishop of Rome to be the Chief Custodian.
No matter what else you see or believe in this melee of cross-purposes, greed, religious beliefs, cover-ups, and so on, it is clear that the Pope and the Boys have made a tremendous hash of things in their rush to take over the world "for Jesus" by any means fair or foul.

Killing for Christ doesn't make sense and any sane man who ever read any teaching attributed to Jesus would know that, just as oppressing and murdering and debauching people "for" America isn't credible, either.

Like Gandhi said --- and I paraphrase broadly --- I love Jesus, but the Christians, not so much. These purported Christians don't act like Jesus, they don't practice what they preach, and they show precious little respect or compassion for anyone else, so, what's to say about that? It reeks of hypocrisy. And Bad Faith.
And so it does.

Just as "Christ" has been used to cover up and paper over Jesus and his actual teachings, "the US" has been used to cover up and paper over America and Americans. Those operating "for" us as middlemen have had a very different set of values and agendas, which makes us look like what?
Hypocrites. Liars. Thieves. Untrustworthy bunko artists. Or worse.

The Church itself has practiced Christian Communism as its form of government, with terrible results and corruption, just as the openly secular forms of Communism have failed. It all sounds good, but it doesn't work. To work such a system requires the free will acceptance of sacrificing everything to the Church, and also requires that the Church be trustworthy --- which it self-evidently is not. No human institution is. Such absolute power corrupts absolutely. The ego and the base instincts take over and that's that.

Failure to recognize the failure is what it is, is what dooms us. It's not the mistakes we make. It's our failure to face up to our mistakes and make correction that causes the actual problems --- nothing else. It's also what prevents us from finding answers.

The Queen and her system of things is just as bad. They have claimed that the whole world belongs to the British Monarch by right of conquest, but their conquests are based upon criminal fraud. Since when do the rest of us have an obligation to bow down to thugs?

So both the priests and the monarchists are claiming to be the owners --- custodians --- of God's Property and cutting the rest of us out of the picture, when in fact, according to the Bible --- which they claim to regard as holy scripture, we are collectively the owners and custodians of God's gift to us.
And we are doing a wretched job as custodians of ourselves or anything else.

Why? Because certain Parties have not lived up to their obligations and have not taught people to be good caretakers, have not encouraged self-government for selfish reasons, and have instead sought to create a populace of ignorant and helpless dependents in order to facilitate their own manipulation of our lives and our assets to suit themselves.

The Queen doesn't own Australia, Canada, or much of anything else. She certainly does not own this country, though she has usurped upon us and manipulated things so as to achieve a de facto kind of coup via Breach of Trust and improper exercise of delegated power.

With these facts about ownership in mind, let us strive to own ourselves first, and our States second, and our country third. This is more than enough for all of us to "own" and be responsible for.

I have a home where I live and I have a cabin where I like to live in the summer though I haven't had that opportunity for several years.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that we can't be in two places at once. So we can't actually own the Philippines and we can't actually own Alaska if we are in Louisiana. There are limits to physicality and actuality that we all have to respect.

As a result, all this talk and bargaining and claims and counter-claims is nonsense, and what we really need to do is learn to take care of ourselves, our families, our land, and what's right in front of our faces. We need to accept what is naturally ours and give back to others what is naturally theirs.

The United States of America -- the unincorporated Federation that actually owns everything --- does not propose to steal anything from anyone, anywhere. In the same token, we aren't going to stand here and be raped by a bunch of pirates and disloyal employees and foreign corporations acting as middlemen. Our interests are ours, bought and paid for, and we are presenting ourselves accordingly.

Any claim that we are "dead" or defunct or incapable of operating our own business affairs is bunk. And it has been adequately rebutted right here.

30th July 2019, 06:44 AM
The people of the Philippines think that they have an independent government because the US Congress said so, but in fact, what they have is a Territorial Government. They also think that the land of the Philippines is theirs free and clear --- and it's not.

Say you own a parcel of "land" said to reside in the great State of Minnesota. Or at least that is where your deed places what you own. But then that same great State only transacts business in script (paper) dollars based upon the full faith and credit of the United States. So instead of owning "land" what you own instead is your portion of the debt owed by the United States. That isn't quite what I have in mind when "land" becomes the topic.

Gold is portable soil. Gold itself is simply a symbol of portable "land".

The people of the Philippines should be aware of the origin of the name of the land they claim


from Spanish Islas Filipinas, literally "the islands of Philip," named for Philip II, king of Spain. Related: Philippine.

If they want to change the system they should consider a name change such as ObamaLand or Marcos Island. Their present name ties them to the debts of Spain and is war booty.

30th July 2019, 08:39 AM
The land I own is in Minnesota. A state with metes and bounds.

The State of Minnesota is a Federal entity, created by the congress.

But do carry on talking about fiction.

30th July 2019, 08:56 AM
The land I own is in Minnesota. A state with meets and bounds.
Perhaps metes is a better word.

The State of Minnesota is a Federal entity, created by the congress.
Of course. There are no People in Minnesota. Perhaps you should review your history. Prior to the formation of the State of Minnesota there was the Territory of Minnesota. This is also a federal enclave that was created on March 3, 1849.

Prior to the Territory of Minnesota this was the Territory of Iowa, then before that the Territory of Wisconsin and prior to that the Territory of Michigan. Oh, and while it was in the Territory of Michigan there was created a County of Du Buque with an overlaying Township of Julian. Said county extended from the lower limb of Rock Island to the Canadian border. These are all Federal enclaves. But then that is because there are no People in a Federal territory.

But prior to 1803 the French had this land. Prior to them the Spanish had it. Prior to the Spanish acquisition this land was declared the territory of the French as they were defeated in the French-Indian wars.

If you have to refer even further back I suppose you get into Indian occupation but then they only occupied and never settled.

But do carry on talking about fiction.
We can only discuss the past, the present and the future. Fiction is better left to comic books (and Anna).

30th July 2019, 09:36 AM
So, did Iowa ever have people? Or Michigan?

Where is the source for your info?

Very interesting stuff.

Mange takk.

30th July 2019, 09:45 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDhcJC527qHgc4RUacBAofJYjBhV83CFQ-DEOwwPUTpPCZUKjRwJNxosXhihgSQscGX06k2A5mbQBDd&hc_ref=ARTC52tnAjYtlDr2kDQhA2UJbKjZX1k3i158GWjJFSN yq-qgSSQoraGG_fKtpqnFQSU&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2335820373133696) ·

The Big Billy Goat Gruff

Remember the story? It was one of my favorites.
There is a troll who lives under the bridge. (The Roman Pontiff. Literally.) This troll eats unwary goats and sheep passing over the bridge.

So, first the Little Billy Goat Gruff gets caught by the troll and pleads for his life, saying, hey, my brother is coming soon. He's much bigger and tastier than me. The troll sits back and decides to wait for the Middle Billy Goat Gruff, and the same thing happens--- hey, wait a minute, my brother will be here in a few minutes and he is much bigger and tastier than me.....

Again, the troll waits, slavering in anticipation. Finally, the Big Billy Goat Gruff arrives and bounces the troll right off of the bridge, passes freely over to the other side, and joins his brothers. The end.

Okay, folks, your actual given family name is the Big Billy Goat Gruff. It is the "Person in Being" --- Joseph Blow. Just your first name and your last name, printed just the way you did it in Grade School, Upper and Lower Case.

The Middle Billy Goat is your Lawful Person: Joseph Alphonse Blow, when he is standing on the land, or could be your Legal Person--- also called Joseph Alphonse Blow, when out on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways.

The Little Billy Goat(s) are all the Municipal PERSONS named after you -- JOSEPH A. BLOW, JOSEPH BLOW, JOS. BLOW, etc.., which are easiest for the monsters from under the bridge to snack on.

So naturally, these "trolls" who live "under the bridge" attack the easiest prey first --- all the Municipal Corporations that they have concocted and named after you. Ah, but you are exempt under Title 50, Section 7, Subsections c and e, of the 2012 version --- which you are grandfathered-into, if you were alive in 2012.

Oh, Mr. Troll, there has been a mistake.....
So trot on over the bridge and start grazing.....
Ah, but here comes your Middle Billy Goat, your Lawful/Legal Person, and the trolls come out and try to attack him, too, but you say ----
Oh, Mr. Troll.... the Doctor at the hospital made a mistake.... Joseph Alphonse Blow is the name of my Lawful Person, and as you can see, the Earth is solid under my feet....

And now we come to the best part of the story, when the Big Billy Goat arrives.
"Oh, Mr. Troll, I am Joe Blow, a man from Minnesota, and heir to everything in sight, including the land under my feet. I am a Third Party, a civilian native to this country, and not the Subject Matter of any corporation or US military protectorate."
Ka-thunk! Splash!

That's the sound of your actual family name, knowledgeably applied, hitting the Bar Attorneys squarely in the gut, followed by the sound of them landing where they belong --- in the water and headed out to sea.

Now, you are dealing with trolls and trolls will be what trolls are. Bear that in mind and avoid bridges whenever possible. Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally. Know whether you are a Little Billy Goat Gruff in Municipal Court or a Middle Billy Goat Gruff in Territorial Court or..... the Big Billy Goat Gruff holding your own sovereign court proceeding.

Strange as it seems, plain old Martin Hansen, hand-printed like a kid in Grade School, Upper and Lower Case, is the Big Kahuna. For most people in any kind of court situation, this is the name to use. All other names associated with you derive from it. This is the name of the Being in Possession.

It is neither wise nor necessary to belabor all the various names and jurisdictions. When the Recorder calls out, "Is Martin H. Hanson here?"
"No, but Martin Hanson is."
Smile. If you listen closely, you will hear sphincters closing all over the court building.
Some of us have our reasons for dilly-dallying with the other names and jurisdictions, but 90% of the people reading this and being forced to cross such a bridge would be better served by cutting to the chase.

Martin Hanson -- Being in Possession
Martin Alan Hanson -- can stand for a Lawful Person on the land, or a Legal Person on the Sea; they always try to interpret it as a Legal Person, but you can rebut that and they are self-evidently in dry-dock.

MARTIN ALAN HANSON, MARTIN A. HANSON, MARTIN HANSON - Municipal corporations of one kind or another.

Martin Hanson is the rightful owner of all these entities, but he has to claim them and declare their domicile on the land and soil of one of the actual physically-defined States of the Union, before his "presumed" names are ever called to court.

30th July 2019, 09:49 AM
So, did Iowa ever have people? Or Michigan?
Nope. The assignment of People to a state or territory is beyond the purview of the legislature. There is a perception only .. but perceptions are the result of sound, sight, taste, smell and feel. Anything not perceived is a creation of the mind.

Where is the source for your info? You might do some research in AmJur 2d concerning the topic of 'county'. There you will find a Michigan case cite that informs you that the body politic of a county are 1) cities 2) villages and 3) townships. So therefore when Michigan territory created Du Buque county they had to make it out of something and they created Julian township. Except the creation of the county appears to have predated the creation of the township marginally so the county actually was composed of Nothing (an empty container?) and they decided to fill it up with township-stuff right away.

States are subdivided into counties. If there are no People in any county likely you will find none in any State. If you want to know where to find People you need a Hundred. That is how England dealt with People. You couldn't be in England for more than a month without being assigned a Hundred ... but then you wouldn't really be in England to begin with if your mind didn't place you there.

30th July 2019, 10:24 AM
I'm having a little trouble squaring this equation with the requirement that a State must have a minimum population before the congress grants statehood to any territory.

2 and 2 does not seem to be equal to 4 in your world instead it is 0.

30th July 2019, 11:28 AM
I'm having a little trouble squaring this equation with the requirement that a State must have a minimum population before the congress grants statehood to any territory.

How can a State have ANY population if it hasn't qualified as a State?

How many Boy Scouts do you need before you have a Troop?

Which came first? The Troop or the Boy Scouts?

If Nothing existed then can Anybody be President?

30th July 2019, 12:16 PM
How can a State have ANY population if it hasn't qualified as a State?

It is not a State, it is a territory, until it has the required population to be made a State.

And in 0 land that is 0, while in Minnesota it is...?

30th July 2019, 12:23 PM
It is not a State, it is a territory, until it has the required population to be made a State

If you must go there then this is what a territory is

this word (Territorie) is most properly a circuit of ground, containing a libertie within it selfe, wherein divers men have land within it, and yet the same Territorie it selfe doth lie open and not inclosed, although perhaps there may be divers inclosures within it, for this worde Territorie, as I take it, is derived from the Latin word Territorium, which is a Territorie, or all the fields and contrey lying within the bounds and libertie of a Citie, which doth extend farre without the walles of the Citie round about, by certain meetes and boundaries, without any other inclosure belonging to the same: And, because a Forrest doth likewise lie open and not inclosed, having onely but meetes and boundaries to know the Ring and uttermost Skirtes of the forrest by, therefore this word Territorie, is used as a meete word for that purpose. The French man doth use this word Territorie in the same sense, for he doth say le Territoire d’vneville, which is, the territorie or whole circuit of land, belonging to a towne or Citie.

Note that "divers men have land within it" however what they "have" is not part of the territory.

Are you a divers man?

30th July 2019, 01:20 PM
sure am, very.

in the territory.

30th July 2019, 01:53 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB34IU8Cvfye6P_BGmc65mOXDFF9GSeadbW_F4Bajr2w_ 1ycSK4YGR01k65pD4C60FUPZ49mcYdanBV&hc_ref=ARRx-noiY1DIkgrfvZM7apB5MutUCePS7Z7twrEY7GXdF4PDd_KStI_ ZoqRqZ2PPbRs&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2336668403048893) ·

An Unavoidable Realization

What if people have been taught to call themselves "Christian" just as they have been taught to call themselves "US Citizens" ---- to their own detriment? What if the whole concept of "Christ" versus Jesus is just another substitution fraud?

How else to explain how many "Christians" do nothing toward imitating Jesus, and make no real effort to follow his teachings?

How else to explain the ugly doctrine of transubstantiation, which would have us believe that we are drinking the actual blood of Jesus from a Communion cup? Cannibalism? Blood-drinking? In the Church? Really?

How else to explain the gross commercialism of going to "confession", paying a fine, going out the next week and committing the same sins, going to confession, paying a fine ----- over and over again, with no change in heart or action?

Why leave Jesus hanging on the cross as a crucifix, instead of declaring that the suffering is over and the deed is done?

What if the confusion of The Kingdom of Heaven with "The Kingdom of God" is the same sort of deliberate substitution and deceit as substituting "the State of Wisconsin" for The State of Wisconsin?

What if the confusion of the Roman Catholic Church with the Universal Catholic Church is also deliberate? A matter of usurpation? Just as "the" United States of America has masqueraded as The United States of America?

What if the deliberate use of the endearment "Father" applied to Catholic priests is a knowing insult to our Father in Heaven? A turning away from the Heavenly Father in favor of an earthly one----with feet of clay, no less?

Substituting the "civil" government for the "civilian" government?
Substituting the "boat" -- the amnion -- for the baby?

It's all part of the same thing. Deceit. Deception. Fraud for gain. This is the Kingdom of Satan in our midst, with all its glitter and emptiness, its cruelty and oppression of Mankind --- and its not just limited to the "Christian" Churches.

All these airy-fairy "belief" systems with all their arbitrary man-made codes and traditions and obligations attempt to ignore and evade and side-step and misinterpret the profoundly simple and inexorable laws of the Living God.

Yet all the cruel deceits and lies fade away in the glorious light of the Truth, like darkness dispelled by a single candle, like a grease film removed from a dusty mirror.

This is, indeed, a spiritual and mental battle, one in which the battlefield is our own mind and heart, a battle in which we are tested not for our brute strength, but our ability to discern the truth and make corrections accordingly.

There is a brief scene in the movie "Secondhand Lions" in which Hub McCann tells his Grandnephew a profound truth ---- we should believe in things that are worth believing in, the things that are good and right and true.

Our choices may be somewhat flawed, we might occasionally swallow a "whopper", but if we hold our religious and political beliefs to that standard, the deceits of Satan will fall. The self-interest and dishonesty will be exposed. The excuses made for violence and cruelty and lust and selfishness will be shown up for what they are.

We should reject anything that isn't good, and right, and true. Regardless of tradition. Regardless of indoctrination. Regardless of "what we've been told". Or how many generations of mankind have been fooled by these fakirs.

America, sadly, is not the land of the free. It is the land of the enslaved.

We have been enslaved by gullibility and ignorance, deliberately dumbed down and trained to be good for nothing but gun fodder and emptying bedpans. That's the fact.
But its not where we start from, folks. It's where we end up that counts.
We have begun a process that is as inexorable as rain falling and the sun rising, a process of awakening, of seeing---- and ultimately, a process of taking action against these evils in our midst.

30th July 2019, 01:58 PM
sure am, very.

in the territory.

Which Municipality are you attached to then? Specifically when did that Municipality come into existence? Was it there when King George III was in charge?

Before it was a territory (in your mind) what then was it? Think Man ... enquiring minds are endevouring to discover your thoughts.

30th July 2019, 03:43 PM
Which Municipality are you attached to then? Specifically when did that Municipality come into existence? Was it there when King George III was in charge?

Before it was a territory (in your mind) what then was it? Think Man ... enquiring minds are endevouring to discover your thoughts.

I'm just a poet

and I knowit.

1st August 2019, 08:40 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB-ov77tLKc82Dcum0pto3s8z_wtkseOZifieaWmX4fgcBevppHw9 LcF12fbIUAcO2hYBJXk1CcGiCB&hc_ref=ARThPLn1pCUFziB_x9GKxe_xGDaXBXeT8Qiyyfv2pFA OExDoksKd4z2rFiU8kVIaY90&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2340096219372778) ·

Economic Flying Factoids

For those of a certain age, you will recognize the Flying Factoids as a by-product of the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate. I keep getting questions from people that indicate an ongoing level of confusion about economics that needs to be dealt with, so I am setting this up as several separate topics to answer these questions. Most people could benefit from contemplating the answers.

1. Abeyance My Foot
THEY have claimed that our government is in "abeyance" --- a sort of suspended animation, not dead, not alive, just sort of sitting on idle for a 150 years. This is because certain parties have deliberately chosen to "mistake" a business organization for the employer thereof.

This would be like mistaking your housecleaning service or the guy who mows your lawn, for you. They claimed that Wisconsin was "in abeyance" because the original entity doing business as The State of Wisconsin went bankrupt and was never reconstructed after the Civil War.

One is tempted to say, "So what?" Obviously the power that delegated all the power ever held by The State of Wisconsin is capable of either fronting a new service organization of its own or hiring someone else, but instead....

The Brits usurped the position of The State of Wisconsin by substituting their own territorial version, "the" State of Wisconsin, and used semantic deceit to cover it up. If we had been properly informed and supported by our employees, this bunko by the British could never have succeeded.

Now that it is discovered, it can no longer succeed. We are faced with the responsibility of self-governance, and it is a burden that carries with it our freedom and our property rights. We therefore have no choice. We have to assemble our States of the Union, reconstruct the Federal States of States we are owed, and get on with the business of restoring a fully functioning and properly structured Federal Government for ourselves.

Restoration comes first, followed by reform.

2. The First Scam Gives Rise to the Second:
Having substituted their own corporate franchises for ours, the Territorial Government threw up its hands in the equivalent of a coy school girl and basically said, "Oh, my! How are we to fund the government in the "absence" of our employers?"

It was quite simple really. The military confiscated everything under a British-controlled Protectorate, placed false claims and liens against all our property, public and private, and borrowed against it. This was pretty raw and contrary to basic law, including The Ten Commandments, so they refined this over time and made up a new vocabulary to smooth over the rape and pillaging of our country and our people by foreign interests.

This is now called "hypothecating debt" ---- where someone surreptitiously seizes title to someone else's property, borrows against the value of someone else's assets, and leaves the victim to pay for it.

Hypothecation of debt is fraud by another name. It's a form of theft by deception and assumption. People think that their own legitimate government is doing this to them, so they make their best effort to pay and they assume that the debt is theirs. In fact, they have no contract obligating them to pay the debts of these foreign corporations and it isn't their government. It's just a foreign commercial corporation in the business of providing governmental services acting under "color of law".

That is, they give you the impression that they are the government and acting with the government's authority, but in fact, they aren't your government and have no such authority. They are spoofing you into paying for whatever services they want to offer you and charging whatever price they like, too, then enforcing this situation using the pretense that they have some legitimate authority or right to do this, when they don't.

This is called "operating under color of law".

3. Over time it became more apparent that something was wrong, so increasingly sophisticated obfuscations and confusions have been developed, all designed to pass their debts on to you by any means fair or foul.

The Administration under FDR (the corporate government of the offending commercial corporation administering the military protectorate) was obliged to set up a system of Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges as remedy to this outright theft.

The idea is that they owe us for the use and abuse of our property as chattel backing their debts, and we owe them for services they provide. So both owe money to the other.

This is a situation where you owe me a hundred bucks and I owe you ten, so we agree to reduce your debt to me by ten bucks and now, you only owe me ninety.

This is all well and good, except that the rats never told you a word about this arrangement and did not provide any well-explained or obvious means to execute such a transaction. It remained something that government insiders could use, but all the victims were kept out and prevented from accessing this relief by a Code of Silence.

Gradually, because they obstructed your access to this remedy, their "National Debt" simply continued to grow and with Obummer in power, to sky-rocket. They explained this circumstance to the rest of the world by claiming that we all "gifted" our estates to them and deliberately "abandoned" our claims to be repaid.

How convenient. That's how they wound up with a $25 trillion dollar National Debt--- by never exchanging any of the debt they owed to us. That is, they continued to rack up debt against our assets and never returned any of the credit they owed to us.

They intended to discharge their debt in bankruptcy, and to saddle us with paying it off for them as purported co-signers and accommodation parties (all without our knowledge or consent, of course), only this time, the people they deluded into extending them credit based on our assets wanted to be paid off. So they concocted yet another duplicitous scheme: false letters of administration.

4. This is where the "dead baby" scheme kicks in, where they claim that you were born dead based on the fetal afterbirth material they collected and "named after you" at the hospital.

They claim that "John Michael Doe" died within a short time after his birth at the hospital where "he" was admitted by the attending physician's signature. You, meanwhile, technically don't exist. Think about it.

Your Mother was admitted to the hospital, pregnant. The afterbirth "entity" was admitted to hospital as a poor dying "person" named with your name. You were never admitted to the hospital so far as the hospital records are concerned. You are Nobody. Literally.

Even though your DNA is the same as the Dead "Baby's", and you are in fact the living being inheritor of any "estate" he or she left behind, the State of State has probated your estate and claimed it as public property underlying their debt. They then set up "Letters of Administration" giving members of the BAR Association control of the estates that purportedly belonged to all these "dead babies" that just happen to be named after us.

Neat, huh? 72 different ways to Screw the American People Senseless, all orchestrated, allowed, and promoted by their Public Employees --- both the federal military and federal civil service and all the judges and bar members and police attached to them.

That's why the vermin were parading around the effigy of a giant dead baby in a coffin at the London Winter Olympics.

If I could, simply by thinking about it, I would erase every lawyer who participated in any of this. They would simply cease to exist in the physical sense, in the same way that they have attempted to genocide us on paper.

It's time that we started showing them that the baby survived, grew up, and is here to claim back their estate. And it's also time for the whole world to hold the Queen and the Pope and the Lord Mayor of London and the Cretins in "Congress" responsible for these outrages.

5. Why a GCR Cannot Happen.

People have been staking their hopes on a Global Currency Reset (GCR), but it should be apparent that no such thing can happen ---- at least not the way they are expecting it to happen.

Why? Because those promoting and executing it, would be admitting to crime.

They have been rigging the currency as a commodity, like any commodity, for a long time. They've been sitting around on their duffs arbitrarily deciding that the money of Nigeria is worth 1/13th of a fiat Petro-Dollar, for example. They have a giant slush fund called the "Exchange Stabilization Fund" set up to enable them to enforce these kinds of decisions. They've been doing this for decades and it is completely immoral, illegal, and unlawful for them to meddle in the world currency markets this way, but they have done it anyway.

So you expect them to come out with a GCR and show everyone that they can do this? And you expect them to admit that they have been doing this for a long time, and that any decisions that they make now, are just as arbitrary as the decisions they made then? Hello?

No matter what they did to tweak the "valuation" of the dollar or the yen or the ruble, it's just pure self-interested and otherwise arbitrary committee nonsense that has no basis in any actual factual market for currency commodities.

They are literally sitting around saying, "Oh, I don't know, Jamie, what to you think? Put the yen up four points today?"
"Not today. Wait a week."

They quibble back and forth like this among themselves trying to edge out this economy or that, via manipulation of the value of that country's currency. As a result there is no free market in world currencies and no way to prove or assess the actual value of any national currency.

Part of Mr. Obama's job for the Queen and Lord Mayor was to counterfeit and release trillions of unauthorized hundred dollar Federal Reserve Notes. Because he controlled the presses and actually exported money printing presses, engraving plates, special inks and papers to foreign locations all over the world, there is no way to tell the difference between these counterfeits issued in places like Thailand, and those dollars printed by the U.S. Mint.
And guess what?

They all carry serial numbers attached to our estates. According to the vermin doing this, we issued those promissory notes. You and I.
According to them.

Meantime, the Queen's Hubby, Prince Philip, has collected all the "Life Force Value Annuities" owed from the life insurance policies the vermin took out on all the dead babies and their estates.

So there can't be a GCR and if there were, it would be arbitrary and criminal.

And those responsible would be exposed simply by showing their ability to do such a thing.

7. People ask me--- "What do I do about buying a house?"

You can't buy a house under the current scenario. Nobody has been able to buy a house in this country since the 1930's. All you get is a "future lease-payment agreement" and the privilege of paying off the debts these vermin have already placed against the property as an asset. And at the end of the day, it is still their property --- not yours; the only difference is that you have paid off their mortgage. You, of course, never had a mortgage in the first place.

You're dead, remember? Or you never existed. One way or the other the lousy crooks have mucked things up to the point where there is no private property---- at least according to them, on paper.

It has all been confiscated and "administered" under the False Pretense that you: (a) voluntarily gifted your estate to them; (b) you knowingly abandoned and waived your estate; (c) you are incompetent ---- because, obviously, if you knew what was going on and were competent, you'd object.

You'd find the means to shove this whole wad of shinola back down their throats. Which is where we are right about now.

So don't enter into a mortgage and help them out. Get rid of any mortgage you have by any means fair or foul. Dump this all on the heads of the bankers and the military and the lawyers and the politicians that have concocted this morass of criminal deceits, lies, false claims, and genocide of innocent Third Parties on paper.

It's Payback Time and you have better things to do, than to pay back their mortgage on your property for them.

1st August 2019, 08:49 PM
You're dead, remember? Or you never existed.

De non apparentibus et non existentibus eadem est ratio. The reason is the same respecting things which do not appear, and those which do not exist.

So if you cannot figure out how to not appear then maybe content yourself with learning how to appear LESS?

As to the first charge (being dead) the entire legal system is based upon NECROMANCY ... or how to fulfill the will of the dead. Why do you think every lawyer you have ever met suggests you should have a will? Without a will how are the necromancers expected to act as your servant when you go toward the light?

Of course you are treated as one of the dead simply because the system cannot have any dealings with the living.

Status is the concept worth investigating. The living have status. The dead have none. Without status you exist as a Toby on the plantation.

1st August 2019, 08:58 PM
Of course you are treated as one of the dead simply because the system cannot have any dealings with the living.

A system dreamed up by lieyers (BAR card Lawyers) the better to lie to you and write lies and call it code.

That is the essence of color of law, not real law.

1st August 2019, 09:08 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDPCH-7VrUCOoB-Bn0Q51q6BDq101a_408DMooLHxO3BfyfixAn7prSMtUuD3YE8p-JcaXg2mD-9phZ&hc_ref=ARQUGMI15d2adAJe-wFkGPmHfWKiGxRG1YTU04p9P8vrquQOnnXTF-W4ld4-7hdEJkc&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2340232032692530) ·

To the World:

The American People still exist.
We have been set-upon and robbed by our employees, both the British-controlled "US" military, and the Pope's Federal Civil Service have participated in these crimes against the innocent civilian populace of our country. They have knowingly and with malice aforethought made false claims in commerce against us, against our property assets, and against our good names.

Instead of aiding us and giving us full disclosure of the circumstance following the end of hostilities in their Civil War, the guilty perpetrators have usurped upon the lawful government and established a criminal system of white collar fraud to fund their operations on our shores.

We have suffered identity theft, theft of our property interests, and gross mis-administration of a totally unnecessary and gratuitous military "protectorate" that should be better termed at the highest levels as a gang of mercenary thugs and thieves. We have been betrayed additionally, by an usurping Municipal Civil Service, which has served itself to our detriment. Both have acted in Breach of Trust and violation of their commercial service contracts.

They have made false claims in commerce against us and committed fraud upon our courts, granted themselves letters of administration related to bogus estates purportedly belonging to us, after cobbling up excuses for misidentifying our fetal afterbirth material as a "living person" and attaching our Given Names to it, and forming these estates in the first place under conditions of fraud and non-disclosure and deceit.

These criminal outrages against the American People at the hands of their own employees have been exercised under purportedly "delegated powers", yet we have never directed our employees to set up any such system and have not authorized any such claims as they are making against us or anyone else.

In fact, the protection of our "Persons"--- is a primary obligation and mandate and condition of their employment contracts known as "The Constitution of the United States of America" and "The Constitution of the United States", respectively.

Both have contrived to evade their obligations and responsibilities and to grossly glut and benefit themselves via unconscionable usurpation against their trusting employers. Worse, they have extended this "system of governance" throughout the world, and secretively substituted their commercial corporations and franchises thereof for the actual lawful governments people are owed.

The only thing allowing them to succeed in this monstrous enterprise, is our ignorance, our lack of awareness of what they have done and are doing, and our unknowing support in the form of allowing them to conscript our labor and other resources to make war and carry on their additional parasitic activities.

This is not the will or desire of the American People, who have been victimized by the Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor of London, along with everyone else.

We wish you to observe that the "US" is not America.
We wish you to cease and desist blaming America for this state of affairs. We are not the perpetrators. We are the victims.

Please do whatever you can do to spread the word, increase public awareness, educate those who need to overcome the false indoctrination they have received, and support the effort to expose and dismantle this cruel and criminal enterprise for what it is.

Our Living Law Firm and other organizations we support are making the effort to exercise the Public Law and the International Law to recover from this situation, as well as making a major educational and organizational effort aimed at both ends of the Public Employee Spectrum---- from the lowest paid clerk to the Principals responsible.
These people are taking their paychecks from our pockets, the bread from our mouths, and we are living in fear of our own employees. Think about that. They are operating in our country as purported "service organizations" and they are using our money and our natural resources and our labor to prepare concentration camps for us.

They have spent billions of dollars charged against our own assets on "resettlement" camps. They have bought and distributed billions of rounds of ammunition and railroad trains full of guillotines and guns to Municipal Government Agencies --- BLM, FBI, FEMA, BATF, and so on, in anticipation of staging yet another "Civil War" on our soil, in flagrant violation of their contracts with us and all that is holy.

Please help us tear aside the curtain of ignorance and blind trust that has allowed these monsters to so far progress toward their aims of enslaving and controlling the entire Earth for their benefit at the expense of everyone else.

The people behind this are literally parasites that eat into their hosts and deplete them in the same way that all parasites do. They gained a foothold in America a hundred and fifty years ago and used this as their Base Camp to deploy worldwide. Now they are trying --- as all parasites eventually must --- to find a new home and new hosts in China.

They will simply do the same thing again --- use the Chinese people as gun fodder, starve them and siphon off the value of their labor, steal "title" to their land and even to their children, and engage in the same criminality again.

It's time for this to end and for the people of the world to recognize the true source and nature of the evil that has brought our Earth to the edge of destruction: lies.

This all based on lies and fantasies, on symbols, and on propaganda. It has no meaning -- or value -- apart from what they contrive to make us believe that it has. Look at the "money" in your pocket. Pieces of paper. Look at the obligations of your religions. Are you free? Are you happy? Do you even remember what that might mean?

Yet, that is what your Creator intended for you -- that you should be free and happy.

Where is the life, where is the dynamic, where is the fulfillment, where is the true value? All gone. All siphoned off and denigrated, adulterated and perverted by these criminals.

It's time to cast off the illusions and the false claims and the false beliefs. It's time to join together in a worldwide self-defense, to overwhelm and defeat the Father of All Lies---- and his minions, once and for all.

Truth is our sword and our armor. Truth is the means to overcome, but it is not easy to discern what is true, because we have been indoctrinated to believe lies our entire lives.

Please help us in whatever way you can. Pray for us. Spread the word for us. Send money if you can. David meets Goliath every day on the field of this battle. I am still the Paymaster and Chief Bottle Washer. I use your PayPal donations and checks and money orders as best I can to help support our research and our non-Bar lawyers and Paralegals by paying at least some of the expenses associated with our activities --- nobody gets a salary. We are all volunteers, but your donations help with emergencies, travel expenses, supplies, and in some cases, light bills and food. The addresses are: Paypal at avannavon@gmail.com and Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

Bless all who help put an end to the Kingdom of Lies. Bless all who help in any way. It isn't possible for me to reply to every letter, question, or donation. There isn't time or staffing available, so I plod forward and remember you all in my heart of hearts.
We are gaining on them.

1st August 2019, 09:18 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCt3yBL1gIKQ-v83xUTa7WzpkjrB3AlGgGgtl0cgmWw9Fiwltp57qIuLTzqzce9 jpg14oBncP3RagKq&hc_ref=ARTls0XpTQjiUU9YqQ47LY3K8W5w-zUwnzbbsVo3vtmXc8g_DFix0ObXELq0bL2NvN0&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2340624525986614) ·

Why We Should All Buy Art

People sometimes approach me, and more often, my husband, and they are curious about the role of art in our lives and why we would devote such a considerable and fond portion of our time on Earth to art? To many people, art seems extraneous, useless, just "pretty pictures" on the wall--- something that might be nice to have, but serving no actual purpose.

People have lost their "eyes to see", and are like dead people in fact as well as on paper, not because they lack the essential organs and capacities to relate to art, but because they have been stymied, atrophied, and discouraged to the point wherein they can't perceive art naturally anymore, and can't interpret it, either.

It's like a foreign language hanging on the wall, someone speaking in Dutch or Japanese or another foreign language --- pleasant enough, for the most part, but unintelligible.

In frustration, many modern artists have attempted to bonk audiences on the head, to demand attention, and force people to look at things like soup cans and dead bodies and manikins and dog feces and all sorts of ugly, or mundane, or downright offensive presentations. They don't know what else to do. Their art becomes the equivalent of a fire alarm or S.O.S. signal.

Other modern artists have attempted to become art. They tattoo their bodies and pierce their noses and weave odd colors and bones and ribbons in their hair. They dress up in costumes or wear things that aren't identifiable as clothes, or they tear off every stitch in desperation --- all because they feel that they can't get through to the numbed-down and dumbed-down audience they are playing to.

So if you want to avoid the penalties of bad art, become a better seer and a better listener. Tune up your inner organs of perception --- your inner eye, your unseen ears of the soul.

Art helps us do that and to make that leap in perception that can carry us all the way back to the "lost" Universal Language of Photo-Feelings and instant knowing. This is why we love art and collect art and spend time with art. That's why we enjoy it. We speak the Universal Tongue.

Most people in America are like little children just learning to read when it comes to art, and they tragically stay that way all their lives. They spend their whole lives meeting externally mandated and arbitrary needs, content that they can tell the difference between red and green. And as a result they can neither "read" art, nor can they communicate with art --- their own or anyone else's.
They pass by, they glance, but they can't take in the content.

All brave souls begin the journey with simple art that pleases them, because that's their reading level, and that's wonderful. I encourage them every step of the way and discourage no one. Remember when you were a child just discovering books? It's the same way with art.

Most of us start out with simple sounds and simple words and simple art, and that's just fine. Whatever pleases you, whatever speaks to you, is fine. Never feel embarrassed or defensive or pretend to like things because "art snobs" like them. Like what you like and let your responses be honest. Let your responses to art thrive. Exercise your perceptions like you exercise muscles.

As time goes on, your appreciation will increase, become more mature, and your art "vocabulary" will expand. Maybe you will be like me, and always retain a place for simple art and friendly mutts.
Maybe you will be strongly drawn to one kind of art or one medium.
Over time, most of us develop multiple interests in multiple mediums and genres.

Paintings, prints, sculpture---- will all stimulate your inner eyes and inner ears. They will all teach you to speak the Universal Tongue that existed before Babylon.

And they will all empower you beyond your wildest dreams.

That's why we should all buy art. Art still retains the power to transport us into realms where we are at home, restored, and safe from the parasites that would suck us dry of every living impulse, and squelch every creative thought until we are reduced to living in a box provided by their constant propaganda.

And that, again, is why we should seek art, love art, and buy art for our homes and offices and anywhere that we spend time. Our art becomes our castle keep, our mental retreat, our reminder of better things. Even the memory of art allows us to dwell in a different world, using different sensors to attain new perceptions and stir our emotions.

Art keeps our souls alive and develops our ability to see with our inner eyes. It allows us to silently communicate vast amounts of feeling and meaning, just as two lovers can say everything with a single soul-piercing glance.

What use does art have, but to discover and to express and to expand your own soul and your own ability to see, to feel, and to know? To empower you to speak the Universal Tongue. To know who you are. To know what you most truly value. To express your heart. To find others who have felt what you have felt, to find silent mentors whose vision expands your own.

Art is infinitely more important than any news you will ever hear on the television or radio, yet we are encouraged, almost forced, to pay attention to the Talking Heads and the politicians, to believe that they are important when all they offer is a constant diet of discouragement, embarrassment, fear, and hot air of a kind that won't even heat your home.

A decent painting of a warm fireside on a cold winter night is a far, far better investment than a television set. Why? Because it warms your heart, makes you feel secure, maybe even grateful. It stirs good memories and associations and gives you hope. It tells you that you are safe. It tells you what matters.

The pictures flickering over a television screen go by too fast for your contemplation, and no matter what their content, much of which is bad, they slip by so fast that there is no opportunity for us to learn how to extract meaning from these pictures. Our feeble yet-to-be-developed inner organs of perception are flooded, dulled, overwhelmed, unable to get a foothold on all that content --- but a painting or illustrations in a book, that's a different story.

So we should buy hard copy art --- art for our walls, illustrated books, you name it. If it is a picture that we can pause over and actually look at and see before it morphs into something else, it will teach us the skills and sensitivities we desperately need to be and to feel alive.

Buy art, for the sake of those whose mission it is to save our lives and awaken our souls. Buy art, for your own sake to comfort you and inspire you and enliven your vision and your soul. Buy art and cherish it and keep it for your lonely days and quiet moments, for when you need to cling to something beyond yourself. Buy art and spend time with it, as it is the only way to learn the Universal Tongue.

2nd August 2019, 06:54 AM
A system dreamed up by lieyers (BAR card Lawyers) the better to lie to you and write lies and call it code.

That is the essence of color of law, not real law.

Lawyers never act as principals. They have carved out a niche in the field of AGENCY. For myself I state that I never deal with agents. Just as in the movie MATRIX when you encounter an agent RUNNNNNN!! And normal people might be converted to an AGENT in the wink of an eye.

[A] x [A] -1 = 1

You don't want to pay attention to [A]. Figure out [A] -1. The "1" is the IDENTITY matrix. If you have no identity then you have lost "the ONE".

3rd August 2019, 06:58 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAetZWHYg9aoGnq-p5X6jhmwUDH0AG9FL1GYyYH4Qg9dAxej6E1HOniqc6Nmk6VuNU ZMRXYNdcX3Na0&hc_ref=ARTPA0c6mxpu7yEKLWU6ZoFr2Tem2687fhPeiqfiLHX CEH1WkjvWxekx2XdjJfrFC2I&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2343661269016273) ·

Regarding All Federal Retirees --- Civil and Military

Anything that the PERSON is owed as a result of service or labor is still owed regardless of where that PERSON is domiciled or what law that PERSON lives under after retirement.

Our veterans earned their pensions and services in terms of medical care, etc., so their situation is entirely the same as a person who worked and vested in the Social Security system and retired.

Imagine that you went to work for a foreign corporation in a foreign country ---- say, for example, that you went to work of a Target store in Morocco. While in Morocco, you have to follow the law of that country, right? And while working for that employer, you have to follow their corporation's rules, too? Well, that's what happens when you join the Armed Services or the Federal Civil Service, either. You subject yourself, temporarily, to the rules of a foreign corporation and enter the foreign federal jurisdiction, which is the equivalent of a foreign country.

When you come home ---- and that is what they call it, too ---- "going home", you have to set aside Federal Citizenship in order to receive back your natural birthright political status. This is the equivalent of leaving Morocco and moving back to Columbus, Ohio. Suddenly, you are no longer living in Morocco --- or in this case, "the US" anymore, so you are no longer subject to the laws of that country. You are back home living under American Public Law. And, you have retired, so you are no longer living under corporate rules and regulations, either. You no longer have to punch their time clock or wear their uniform.

Just like the example of the Target store, any employee pension or retirement or service benefit you earned while employed by the Federal Government is still owed to YOU, and is still due and payable as a Priority Debt of the corporation, even if it goes bankrupt.

So, military retirement benefits, like earned Social Security payments, like Federal Civil Service pensions ----are "earned dividends" that are still owed to you, wherever you choose to live and whatever law you choose to live under after your retirement. You can leave Morocco. You are not obligated to stay and live there after you retire. And once you stop receiving a current-duty paycheck, you aren't obligated to follow the rules and regulations of any corporation, either.

It used to be that when our men and women retired from the military it was "assumed" that they returned home to the States and took up their natural birthright political status again, but after Korea, the "presumption" was changed, so that our retired military personnel are assumed to stay in Federal Territory until and unless they specifically tell their branch commander that they have returned home to their State of the Union.

The DOD should be automatically issuing them the correct ID when they leave the service, but that hasn't been done, because the corporation is trying to protect its bottom line and trying to retain coercive control over the veterans ---as if they stayed in Morocco and are still working for Target, long after that is no longer the case.

As military personnel our veterans carry many burdens that civilians don't have. By pretending that our veterans haven't "officially" returned home, the rats have continued to impose military law and military discipline and military service obligations and have deprived these Americans of the very freedom they fought for. They have also imposed unfair taxes and deprived them of benefits that they are in fact owed.

Americans are owed the National Credit by "the US" and its corporations. US Citizens are not eligible to collect on the National Credit. This is another reason why it is to the advantage of the Federal Corporations to "presume" that you all stayed in Federal Territory once you left the service. It renders you ineligible to execute Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges with the US Government and claim against the National Credit that Americans are owed.

By returning home to the States and expatriating "your" Federal PERSONS to Ohio, for example, you make it clear that you are no longer in Federal Territory. You become eligible for all the protections of the Constitutions. You become eligible to claim against the National Credit you are owed. You are set free of military obligation, regulation, and discipline and have to be treated as a civilian again.

The advantage of this is self-evident. Who wants to claim "civil rights" that are dependent on the whim of a corrupt Congress, when you are owed your "natural and unalienable rights"? Who wants to carry the burden of the US National Debt, when you are in fact owed trillions of dollars as an American? And you are owed access to all that credit, too?

You can have your cake --- your freedom and ability to access the National Credit --- and eat it, too, by retaining all earned dividends and services that are owed you as a result of your military service, simply by expatriating back to your home State of the Union and waiving all "unearned" benefits. It takes a little paperwork, but the rewards are well-worth it.

As a US Citizen, you have to struggle to pay back the mortgages that the Territorial States of States have placed on your home and land. As an American, after you have given notice to your Branch of Service of your decision to return home and done the paperwork to expatriate back to your home State of the Union, you can claim your exemption under Title 50, Section 7 (c) and (e), 2012, and then execute a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange to pay off any mortgage, hospital bill, college loan, etc.,etc., that is addressed to the federal PERSON.

So, yes, Virginia, you can collect any earned Federal pensions and pension services owed to your PERSON, without any obligation to live in a Federal Territory or subject yourself to Federal regulation. Once you expatriate back home to your State of the Union, you also become eligible to receive access to the National Credit and can use the process of Mutual Offset Credit Exchange to pay off any debts addressed to your PERSON.

For millions of American Retirees, especially military retirees, this news is the difference between scraping along, barely living---- and enjoying life. It's the difference between being a free man and a slave to autocratic Federal demands. It's the difference between being a "Freeholder" and standing on your own two feet and being considered a Pauper and a Ward of the State of State.

Some people are alarmed and afraid to claim back their birthright status. They are confused because they don't understand the difference between a "US Citizen" and an "American State Citizen".
Others think that we are doing something wrong or obtaining some unfair advantage or taking some form of welfare by claiming and accessing the National Credit. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our National Credit has been bought and paid for with honest goods and services, by us and by our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. There is nothing dishonorable or shady about exchanging our credit for THEIR debt. In fact, this is the only realistic way that the US National Debt can ever be off-set and reduced back down to reasonable levels.

So both as a former "US Citizen" and as an American, our veterans can best serve this country by returning home to their birthright political status, expatriating back to their State of the Union (where they were born), and exercising their ability as Americans to offset the debts of the US with credit that is already earned.

That's right --- already earned credit. All our debts are pre-paid. We simply have to return to and act in our proper political status to access this credit and apply it. The IRS is responsible for crediting any ACCOUNT that belongs to an American State National or American State Citizen.

The difference between an American State National and an American State Citizen? A National owes no service or obligation to any government. A Citizen owes a duty or service obligation to uphold the State Government. So, upon your "return home", you can choose to join your State Assembly, which I highly recommend, and engage actively in the necessary task of self-governance, or depending on your own needs, you may choose to be a State National with no obligation to the government at all, beyond maintaining the peace and not causing damage to other people and their property.

4th August 2019, 05:32 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDMNibnqRzMIoYZ_fKsnoHRBy4hmvzj-S_5uDxRjskGOLt7kltt-LxauN8umceqd01g5txjnkDPDXPH&hc_ref=ARQCnqkVrXTeU4apbMzIPZf_HDomUeiFKH7T2ydxv3v SVXWUmCh4ZenVEcLA3lRWS-o&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2344121282303605) ·

Sheriffs and Marshals -- The Enforcement

The Offices of Sheriffs and Marshals are split into two kinds and two "venues" -- land and sea.

Sheriffs and Marshals operating on the soil and land jurisdictions are peacekeeping officials.

Sheriffs and Marshals operating in the maritime and High Seas jurisdictions are law enforcement officers.

See the difference? Peacekeepers v. Law Enforcement. Public v. Private. Land v. Sea. Officials v. Officers.

Sheriffs of both kinds work at the county level. Marshals of both kinds work at the federal district level--- only one works in the Postal Districts (land) and one works in the US Districts (sea).

They are intended to work together for the common good of the people of this country and of the country itself, but thanks to greed, graft, and commercial corporation self-interest, these offices have been misunderstood, misdirected, and misinformed.

Land jurisdiction marshals used to be called "Federal Marshals" as opposed to sea jurisdiction marshals who were called "US Marshals". Both are operating in international jurisdiction, both operate in "districts", but the peacekeeping officials are operating in a Public Capacity and the law enforcement officers are operating in a Private Capacity.

The run amok members of the "US Congress" have sought to phase out the Federal Marshals by leaving them unfunded and forced to serve as a volunteers. This circumstance led The United States of America [Unincorporated] to re-name and re-commission these Public Peacekeeping Officials as The Continental Marshals Service in 2015, in an effort to draw the line between land jurisdiction and sea jurisdiction and to make it clear that these men and women are serving the land jurisdiction of this country and are here to enforce the Constitutions in behalf of the lawful government as peacekeeping officials operating in international jurisdiction.

The public officials outrank the private (corporate) officers, but in the absence of public peacekeeping officials, the private officers enter the vacated office of "County Sheriff" and act "as" both kinds of Sheriff until the public office is re-occupied.

As a result, many so-called "County Sheriffs" are not actually functioning as County Sheriffs. They are simply federal corporation franchise employees considered Dual Citizens by the federal organizations, who have the option to enforce the Law of the Land --- or not --- as they see fit.

This gives them almost God-like usurped power, until and unless the people in the actual, factual County wake up and (1) prevail upon these men to do their actual intended duty, or (2) reclaim their own birthright political status, hold their own elections, and elect their own County Sheriff to serve specifically in the actual Public Office as an elected peacekeeping official.

This usurpation of our Public Offices, both the County Sheriffs and the Federal Marshals, by privately owned and operated commercial corporations and their employees is a violation of our Constitutions at all levels.

It occurred without disclosure and under conditions of semantic deceit, resulting in the entire process being tainted by fraud, and also without any valid authorization.

County Officials at the time that this corporate take-over occurred (circa 1965-66) were lured by federal kick-backs in the form of Block Grants and never told the consequences of their actions. Those few individuals who knew what they were doing committed both treason and fraud.

Now is the time that we all have to deal with the consequences and exert ourselves to straighten the resulting Mess out.

All across this country Sheriffs -- whether they are acting as peacekeeping officials or as law enforcement officers -- are waking up.

They are beginning to enforce the Public Law and to defend Americans from unlawful asset seizures, unlawful arrest, and other crimes contrary to the Constitutions. They are beginning to quietly take up positions in the backs of courtrooms and their presence has proven sufficient to keep the judges honest.

The Enforcement of the actual Public Law of this country has quietly come back into view, and as it does, conditions will improve. Do everything you can do to educate your County Sheriff whether he is acting as a Law Enforcement Officer or as a Peacekeeping Official.
And when you meet a Continental Marshal, realize that this man or woman has taken up a most difficult and challenging duty, and is voluntarily policing the land jurisdiction of this country directly under the auspices of The United States of America.

If the County Sheriff fails to protect your persons and property, it is the duty of the Marshals Services, both the Continental Marshals and the U.S. Marshals, to protect them and enforce the Constitutions.

4th August 2019, 06:01 AM
If the County Sheriff fails to protect your persons and property, it is the duty of the Marshals Services, both the Continental Marshals and the U.S. Marshals, to protect them and enforce the Constitutions.

Duty is established by oath or contract. As far as I can discover the U.S. marshals have neither. One U.S. marshal informed me "there is no such thing as the Country of Iowa" upon which I responded "you must be a National employee rather than a Federal employee". He looked at me rather intensely for a few seconds before replying "I am a Federal employee". I don't believe he really understood that employee is a fiduciary and establishes a duty to the trust he works for. All employers are trusts.

4th August 2019, 06:10 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAhWrnFigsLojHE4_B3_81uAaUI5E3rTMw6JmrXOKcObU hail-I2uYC663d2qaaLanj40iJk4CEQp8t&hc_ref=ARQVwTiRdpPerN3i5dX5Fwvg3b9TBTn-_Oms-cl7dFUSn-XAR0HQY2kt8rsPWnE5rKk&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2344320642283669) ·

The Municipal Debt Scam

It is apparent that a great many people haven't gotten the drift of why we have obtained copies of all these Birth Certificates and why we have Authenticated these records through the US State Department, nor why we have returned the Municipal PERSONS to Steven T. Mnuchin.

It's because we need evidence of the crimes committed against us and proof of action taken to correct, so that we cannot be accused of wrong-doing.

When we go through the effort to Authenticate a Birth Certificate through the US State Department for the purpose of conducting business in a Non-Hague Convention country, something very important becomes visible. The good faith and credit of "the" United States of America (the Territorial Government) is being extended and an indemnity bond is being issued to insure the Municipal Government VESSEL.

This proves that they are colluding together and benefiting each other. It also exposes the nature of the deception. It is designed to make it appear that we are acting as our own Creditors, as if "the" United States of America is the same as The United States of America.
And its not.

In fact, "the" Municipal United States is $25 trillion in debt to us. We are their Priority Creditors, and they are endeavoring to make it look like that debt is owed by The United States of America, instead--- owed by us, that is.

They are using "the" United States of America, the British Territorial Government, to promote that assumption. It's a shell game.

Which United States? Which United States of America? Who is on first and What is on second.

The Pope's Municipal Government doing business as "the United States" owes us, The United States of America, $25 trillion in credit. Their National Debt is our National Credit.

The Territorial United States Government doing business as "the"United States of America, is standing in the middle, making it look like we indebted ourselves, but in fact, both the Municipal United States and the Territorial United States of America owe us money.

We owe them for services and they owe us for goods and services, too. So all three are debtors with respect to the others, to some extent.

What is supposed to happen is called "Mutual Offset Credit Exchange".

So King George owes me a thousand dollars and I owe him a hundred. I knock a hundred off of what he owes me and my debt to him is "offset" against what he owes me and at the end of the transaction, his debt to me is reduced to $900.

So the Pope owes me a million dollars and I owe him a hundred thousand. I knock a hundred thousand off of what he owes me, so that my debt is offset against what he already owes me and his debt to me is reduced to $900,000.

You see? We are supposed to be trading debts as credits. That is how the US National Debt is supposed to be reduced and kept under control.

If they had simply done this, as their Public Policy and Public Law requires, there could be no out-of-control US National Debt, because most of it would automatically be offset against the American National Credit.

Instead of doing this, both the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States have been cheating and not allowing us to access our National Credit.

This is how the US National Debt keeps growing exponentially. There is nothing to offset it. We just get stuck extending more and more and more credit to them, which they spend without crediting anything back to us. The more they gouge us, the more they pillage and racketeer and counterfeit against us, the deeper into debt they go.

These two foreign subcontractors have been run as commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services, no different than Exxon or J.C. Penny. They have dishonorably, disloyally, illegally, and unlawfully exercised our own delegated powers against us, all under color of law.

They have planned to pretend that The United States of America no longer exists, and that all our National Credit is abandoned funds. Meanwhile, they would use their own immense National Debt to plead bankruptcy and poor mouth for new taxes --- like carbon taxes.

In this way, they planned to: (1) steal our National Credit and make themselves out Good Fellows by distributing it to their cronies worldwide as grants and kickbacks; and (2) avoid their own debts via bankruptcy while justifying oppressive new taxes, and (3) leave us on the hook to pay back their immense debts as presumed municipal slaves.

And all this has been going on behind our backs and being promoted by foreign governments that owe us good faith service. The rest of the nations in the United Nations have been looking forward to feasting on our National Credit---and our gold and our land---- and that anticipation is what the perpetrators have used to try to buy off all the other nations to participate in this gang criminality, all the while spouting the most sanctimonious bull crap about goodwill and brotherhood and caring for the poor. Why not? What does it cost them?

They did the same thing in the 1960's to get the clueless county governments to go along with their criminality ---- promising "Federal Block Grants" and other payola inducements to those counties that "voluntarily" incorporated as federal franchises, while never disclosing the fact that the county's own resources and assets would be taken under "foreign title" and used as the source of these "federal" grants.
And if nobody knows what they did, there is nobody to oppose it.

Now they are trying to use our National Credit to buy off the other governments of the world and subsume them all into One World Government under the control of these same ruthless con men----criminals who blather about establishing a "meritocracy" to oversee this proposed planetary empire of criminals and fools.

So. That's the scoreboard. Is it the Pope or the Pontiff on first base? The Queen Elizabeth II or Her Britannic Majesty on second base? The President of the United States of America or the President of the United States on third?

What you all need to understand is how we have been played and by whom, what their game is, how they play it, and what it takes to put an end to it.

These people are liars, Masters of Deceit, and most of them are deluded into thinking that this is about "National Security" or "the True Faith" or other Noble Causes that justify Noble Lies ---- when in fact there is no such thing as a Noble Lie, and all this conundrum is about nothing more than greed and ignoble aims, betrayal of trust, and bank fraud.

Nobody --- and I do mean nobody --- has any right to steal anyone else's time on Earth. Nobody has any right to lie and use lies to steal from others what is rightfully theirs. And nobody who participates in, promotes, or advances any such scheme has "merit" going forward.

Both Communism and Fascism are failed doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. Both sound good at first to the unsophisticated among us, because they preach liberty and fraternity. They don't mention that it is the liberty given slaves, not the freedom owed to men. They don't mention that it is a fraternity of eternal Have-Nots who are deliberately castrated and crippled and impoverished to better serve the Master Race of Liars and Thieves.

We have no reason to ever go back and visit the horrors of any World War, nor to test out the economics of either Communism or Fascism again, both of which reliably end in the criminals trying to kill off their Priority Creditors---- which is, not coincidentally, precisely what has been planned for us, with their 800 FEMA camps and billions of rounds of ammunition distributed to the alphabet soup "Agencies".

The reason that the Communists and the Fascists kill millions of people is to avoid paying back their own debts. It's all about money and assets and their endless, mindless greed. It has nothing to do with freedom or equality, compassion or patriotism. None of those things enter into it.

This is about redistribution of wealth --- our wealth which we have earned the hard way --- going into their pockets, based on lies they have told each other.

4th August 2019, 01:13 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARD1VpMgKq2GgA62_b2NO2H4x6g19fDgK7HwcI_piJmiTI P5w8hRIlD92ixpOwSj26IYM1cn7u4-eT-L&hc_ref=ARTXJK01446oo6-RubIwbjDsj9KFvnXY2gDEK413ZM7-W73Dfl00qloAZsXp54UukQc&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2345138685535198) ·

Hey! All You Slaves Out There!

I keep getting people who are complaining, "Oh, this is all so difficult! It's so confusing!" ---- the lies are confusing, I will grant you that. Lies are almost always convoluted and confusing because they are lies. The truth is always simple. So I will tell you the truth, and then you can discern the lies for yourselves.

First, you are the employer of all these people. Ask yourself, since when do the employees boss the employers around?
Just asking.

That circumstance all by itself should be enough to convince you that something is wrong. Now we get to what The Problem is. The problem is that you have been deceived and its a mind-numbingly simple, but effective, deceit. Are you ready for it?

Okay, wait for it.....wait for it.....
The United States is not the same as "the" United States. And The United States of America is not the same as "the" United States of America.

The United States is a union of republican states, but "the" United States is a municipal oligarchy modeled after the Ancient Roman Government. Apples and oranges. Two different things with very similar names. Because this municipal oligarchy is exercising some of our delegated power, it is operating "in our names". Unfortunately, it is doing so in Breach of Trust and in violation of the Commercial Service Contract and Tri-lateral Treaty known as The Constitution of the United States.

So when you claim to be a "citizen" of something called "United States" it is not clear which United States is being referenced.

They use this confusion as a means to latch onto your Good Name and assets as if you were naturally subject to them and their independent international city-state. They "convey" your name, issue a corporate franchise named after you, and transport it offshore to Puerto Rico (now the Northern Marianas Islands) where the franchise operates under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition. They do everything they can to erase your identity as a living man and as an American born in one of the States of the Union.

They do this so that they can enslave, cheat, and steal from you. And this, believe it or not, is all done under the auspices and with the oversight of the Roman Catholic Church.

Who is doing this to you? The members of the Municipal UNITED STATES CONGRESS acting under authority granted to them under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17. Who is responsible for oversight? The Pope and the Roman Curia.

What is the key issue? You are an American State National and they owe the American States good faith and service. Defrauding, impersonating, press-ganging and kidnapping our people to use them as slaves while singing Yankee Doodle Dandy is not good faith and service.

It's not anything to do with Jesus and his teachings, either.

Beyond that, they are limited by their agreements with our States to operate within the ten miles square of the District of Columbia and have no right to trespass beyond those boundaries.

Meanwhile, the Queen and her Group of Idiots are responsible for keeping them in their boundaries and are failing to do that, too.

Beyond that, the Pope and the Queen and their Party Hearties all owe us a helluva lot of money --- almost the entire US National Debt is owed to the American People. Their National Debt is our National Credit.

Since when do Debtors get to crack the whip over the backs of their Creditors?

The masters may choose to act as servants, but the servants aren't actually the masters. Big difference. Big.

A similar situation exists with respect to "the" United States of America, which is a British Territorial Government under contract to The United States of America. Again, they are exercising some of our delegated powers in Bad Faith and operating "in our names" the same way that "the" United States has been operating in the name of The United States.

The British Territorial Government has been colluding with the Papist Municipal Government to rape and pillage the States and People they are under the most solemn treaties and contractual obligations to protect.

It's really that simple. Betrayal and Breach of Trust via semantic deceits and similar constructive frauds.

It is all both illegal and unlawful under international law.

They are in violation of both the Geneva Conventions (for their purposeful falsification of our records, their mistreatment and impersonation of our persons, and their unconscionable contracting practices) and the Hague Conventions which apply to them, not to us.

So, time to get it on and bang a gong, folks.

Donald Trump is now in charge of the Territorial Horrorshow and rattling sabers for the Queen who wants to take over Iran, one of the last independent unincorporated countries in the world----using our blood and resources to do it, of course.

And the Pope and his minions are running their bizarre operations aping the fallen Ancient Roman Empire (as if that debacle was ever anything worthy of repeat) with a little Eastern Mediterranean snake and fish worship thrown in --- up to their nose-hairs in debt, and still trying to pretend that it is our debt and that they did all these craven, immoral things "for" us, while acting in Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract.

Come home. Claim your share of the National Credit, your land, your Good Names. Fold up this Carnival Show in Washington, DC like last year's newspaper. Re-task and reform it. Look at it for what it is. These people are crooks and parasites, eating the substance out of your country, impersonators pretending to be you or to "represent" you, for the purposes of credit fraud.

They are pretending to be you, accessing your credit, and running up debts against your assets and Good Name, just like any other Credit Card Hacker or Identity Theft Ring. The only difference is the sheer magnitude of The Sting.

And all you international and local "Law Enforcement Officers", all you Officers of the Courts, all you "Attorney Generals", all of you tasked with upholding any law worth upholding ---- get a job. If a Great-Grandma in a place like Big Lake, Alaska, can see what is wrong with this picture, how many other people are catching on and looking at you as "The Other Problem"?

5th August 2019, 06:18 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB7LoU4FcsRcAy3Ps-NYFlCu2hBFUksLeUBS2tPlUAapqcFpwtltU-CfzJs-sWwOWVHPmvfBdRXap36&hc_ref=ARRoRxsU5F_7a_zyNTAmN_GtiajFsM_uZ4rUS_JBzw1 _hgIsOWhmlA6vyS_TUPDyoww&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2347048325344234) ·

Dear Sheriff....

One of the most dangerous parts of this whole situation is the ignorance of the Law Enforcement community. We have LEOs who don't know what LEOs are. They are still acting under presumptions of a normal course of business like all the rest of us. "Sheriffs" assume they are Sheriffs, long after the "County" they work for has been converted into a private business enterprise, and therefore lost all public mandate and actual power to act as a County government. Read that: these men are acting under color of law with respect to us, and most of them don't even know it.

So, it behooves us to write them lots of nice letters and fully disclose and inform them about the situation and their position in the middle of it. Here's an example letter that covers the bases:

Dear Sheriff,
It has come to our attention that although you have been elected in what appear to be public elections, that is not the case. You have been elected in private corporation elections related to an incorporated “County” franchise of a federal corporation ---and we have all been presumed to be shareholders voting you a proxy to act in our behalf, which is quite a different matter than a public office in our government, and which results in you serving as a private Law Enforcement Officer, contrary to our intention, which is that you serve as an elected Public Peacekeeping Official.

Our government is not bankrupt and is not set aside. Whatever private “gift” shareholder status the corporate County franchise has bestowed on us enabling us to vote in their private elections has been undisclosed and any presumptions related to it have also been undisclosed. We accept all gifts and waive all benefits and we give Notice that we are not voluntary shareholders nor voluntary participants in any of this sleight-of-hand attempting to unlawfully convert our Public Offices into Private Security Jobs.

This situation also gives rise to potential conflicts of interest. We have been unjustifiably “presumed upon” and misidentified as federal citizens when in fact we are Americans and nothing else. We are owed all the guarantees and protections afforded our States under the provisions of the Federal Constitutions and you may not presume otherwise.

As an employee of a foreign corporation merely in the business of providing governmental services the objectives and profit motives of the “County” corporation may be at odds with the Public Good, the will of the people of this county, and the even the Public Law ---- and this puts you in a difficult position as the employee of the private corporation acting as middleman and, ultimately, the people of this county.

When push comes to shove, and the corporation tells you to violate our Constitutional rights and international law, where do you stand?

A seminal US Supreme Court case, Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc. addresses this dilemma. The Court made it clear that you may serve your conscience and may enforce the Public Law including the Constitutions like any other American, but it fell short of mandating that you do so.
Upholding the Public Law is therefore left in limbo so far as Law Enforcement Officers are concerned -- subject to your discretion -- and the actual job of upholding the Public Law is left to average Americans.
We are people of the soil and land, owed the Public Law, including The Law of the Land. From the military, we are owed The Law of Peace, AR 27 1-161-1.

However, realistically, continued failure of the LEO’s and the military to uphold the Public Law and failure to protect our “persons” and respect the Constitutions, may result in unrest and even insurrection; it may also lead to what appears to you to be vigilante action, when in fact it is only Americans doing their duty to uphold the Public Law.

If things continue to devolve in this fashion, with LEO’s being told by the self-interested middleman corporations to stand down or arrest people under false presumptions, and the people in desperation are left to enforce the Public Law all by themselves, what do you intend to do?
Exercise your right to enforce the Constitutions? Or violate our rights and guarantees at the behest of the middleman corporation that signs your paycheck “for” us?

Homes in this county are being confiscated without lawful Due Process, under false Legal Presumptions, and under Color of Law. People are being deliberately misidentified and mis-characterized as franchisees of federal corporations. Trillions of dollars are being siphoned out of this country by foreign corporations every year, and we have discovered exactly how they are doing it.

Ironically, though you actually still work for us, too many Sheriffs in this country have forgotten that fact and the local “County” corporations have misdirected them so that they are allowing themselves and their Offices and the Public Trust to be abused. Many LEO’s have unwittingly or purposefully become accomplices to massive and coercive constructive commercial fraud against the people of this country.

This is your Notice of the facts and also your Notice of Liability should you misidentify us as corporate government franchises, members of any religious cult, members of any Commonwealth, federal employees, or federal dependents. As a private security officer, a LEO, you are 100% commercially liable for any damage done to us under international law. You are also responsible for any trespass upon our private property, any presumption that our private property is public property, and any arrest of our persons under false legal presumptions.

Although you may choose whether or not you will enforce the Public Law owed to the people of this country, including the enforcement of our constitutional guarantees, we retain our identity as American State Nationals and American State Citizens. This is your Notice of the Facts. As Americans we are assembling our States of the Union and preparing to hold our Public Elections for the first time in over a century. Those elected in our elections will be American Public Peacekeeping Officials --- the job we thought we hired you to do, and they will be fully empowered and tasked to enforce the Public Law.

We expect you to respect the authority of the Public Officials thus elected and to work with them to ensure justice and peace for the people of this county. We invite you to join the discussion and wish you to know that we are peaceful non-combatant civilians, part of the political body of the Federation Compact States of the Union doing business as The United States of America since September 9, 1776. We have not been involved in any war since the close of hostilities in the War of 1812.

We are being forced to organize and hold elections in light of continued misbehavior and malfeasance by federal officials and federal corporations and their employees in violation of their obligations to the people of this country. These offenses include impersonating us and practicing barratry against us, hypothecating debt against our assets without our knowing consent, trespass upon our private property, secretive and unlawful conversion of our Public Offices, semantic deceit, constructive fraud, infringement of our Unregistered Trademarks, and deliberate mis-characterization of our persons as Federal Citizens.

We have no obligation to act as Federal Citizens and have chosen not to accept any such obligations. All gift franchises operated in our NAMES have been returned to the Secretary of the Treasury and otherwise expatriated, re-flagged, and properly and permanently domiciled on the land and soil of our State. Any such gift franchises are under our private management and now stand under the Public Law of our State --- not the statutory law of any Territorial State of State or Municipal STATE OF STATE organization. As such, they are outside your jurisdiction as a LEO and not subject to federal presumptions.

As we are law-abiding and knowledgeable people this information should not be taken as any kind of threat to you or to your “County” corporation; rather, it is offered as necessary discussion and orientation so that you know what is going on and why. We invite you to faithfully enforce the Public Law and the Constitutions and to use your discretion as a loyal American would; failing that, we invite you to observe the limitations of your private corporate office and post Notice of your liability and the liability of other “County” employees and hereby also issue Mandatory Notice as required by the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, to not trespass upon our persons and our private property.

Please put us on your “Do Not Detain List” and please notify the DOD of their obligation to provide the correct ID to you and to us.

6th August 2019, 05:05 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARC2Y44N1G7GRAm3F_mdJyJICxj8hinST6uXBRQl4MXO5r s918rU1XuoGi_p_gkHP5hpqGTxQHHM4-JV&hc_ref=ARRDfxsOeusTETSNR-W8jlKxCI1MLdbCKsX_9xTKHo_-vElG7oYb_QIYXQf18NDdxZA&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2348537758528624) ·

Good Advice From Grandma

People ask me, "How can we take our country back?"
My answer? Stop giving it away.

These rats are "interpreting" you and your actions to suit themselves, so they arbitrarily "interpret" you as going along with their hijacking of America and going along with and supporting their substitution of for-hire, privately owned corporations in the business of providing government services for your own government, and supporting their presumptions against your credit and your assets to pay for all those government services, too.

When you "register" --- there's that word again: remember when you register anything, you are giving it away --- to vote, they are taking your proxy. They are actually taking your voice and your choice away from you and giving it to whoever you are silly enough to elect.
How far away is this from "self-governance"?

You have to govern yourselves, or someone else will gladly volunteer to do it for you. Most of them are crooks like Bill Clinton or idiots like Maxine Waters, but they will gladly volunteer to do the job, if you won't do it for yourselves.

You have to be determined and proactive and organized, or you will be enslaved, and it is only a question of what kind of enslavement you will endure: communism, fascism, monarchy, or commercial feudalism (monarchy without the nice touches) are the current "other" choices.

So cancel all "Voter Registrations" as a start. Cancel all memberships in political lobbies coyly named "political parties". Start putting your time, energy, and money into your own government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Then correct your political status records and put your claim to own your own Name on the public record, because your identity has been stolen and deliberately falsified to make it look like you are a dead British Territorial United States Citizen and/or a denizen of Washington, DC.

People ask me why we need donations to support our government, when they are already reduced to lives like hamsters in a treadmill paying for government services.

It's simple. We are the actual government of this country. We don't use printing presses to gin up "money" out of thin air. We don't practice identity theft to gain access to your credit and assets. We don't enslave you in the name of guaranteeing your freedom. We don't use you as mercenaries and call you soldiers and then cheat you out of residual pay and medical services you earned. We don't do wars for profit.

So, if you want to gain control of the situation that you have unwittingly created by seeming to go along with all the criminality coming out of Washington, DC --- stop empowering them, and start empowering yourselves. Use your feet, your mouth, and your horse-sense.

They think that they are so much smarter than you that they can afford to smirk and call you "livestock". They think that they are so much better than you that they can pick your pockets and you won't even object. They think that they can steal your trademarks --- that is, your Trade Names --- and use and abuse them to do anything they want to you and you are too stupid to do anything about it.

That's what they think. So now it is up to you to prove them wrong.

How? By educating yourselves and refusing to be "dumb, driven cattle" and refusing to participate in their scams.

Don't vote in their elections; sponsor your own.

They've substituted their "Law Enforcement Officers" for your elected Public Peacekeeping Officials --- your County Sheriffs. So get organized and declare your correct political status and hold your own elections. Return the favor.

No need to argue. Most LEOs know that they are working in a private capacity for corporations in the business of providing government services. If they won't do the job you intended for them to do and won't protect you and your assets, and won't enforce the Public Law and the Constitutions, then they are obviously being misinformed and misdirected by the middleman corporate bosses---- and they all need to be fired, don't they?

Elect your public officials and they immediately over-stand anyone acting in a private capacity. Get enough people awake and on the move, and you won't have to worry about lack of enforcement.

Don't "voluntarily" tax yourselves for taxes you don't owe --- wake up and realize that if you aren't receiving a federal paycheck you don't owe federal income taxes. It's really that simple, folks, and always was.

Realize that while you may owe them for some of the "services" they have been providing you, they owe you a helluva lot more, so that instead of continuing to pay them through the nose for whatever they want to charge against your credit and assets, you can and should demand a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption as described in Federal Title 12. Trade any debt you owe them against the over $25 trillion they already owe you.

This has the effect of freeing you from any debt owed to them, and reduces the "US National Debt" at the same time.

So disentangle yourself from their government(s) and support your own.

Send any voluntary donations that you would have sent to the IRS or given to the political parties to support the work of The American States Assembly, because we are serious about self-governance and restoration of the government we are all owed as Americans.

We won't send racketeers to your door to force you to make "voluntary gifts" to us by April 15th every year. We won't use crooked judges to confiscate your property or put you in jail for failure to "donate", either.
We won't mortgage your home to finance our reckless spending. We won't conscript your sons and daughters as cheap mercenaries for sale.
None of that.

In summation: you have a choice between being self-governed, or being governed. Which do you prefer? You are going to have to support a government in any event, but you do have a choice about what kind of government you support and what kind of people run your government, too.

You want carnival actors in charge? Celebrities? Lobbyists? Crooks? Roman Catholic Archbishops running an Inquisition against you? Welfare cheats? That's what you've got running the Municipal United States Government.

You want Dr. Strangelove and Colonel "Bat" Guano instead? That's what you've got running the Territorial United States Government. They never heard of a war or a way to kill people that they didn't love---and make money on.

Or do you want to hike up your skirts and do what has to be done to restore your own government?

When you have a clear view of the choices, it becomes obvious what has to be done and what's missing from this picture --- you are missing from this picture.

You haven't been minding your own shop, so your employees are bossing you around like you were their whipping boy. They are drinking up your wine cellar and putting your property in hock to pay for all these "services", too.

So, if you are sick of this idiocy and if you are determined to correct it in a peaceful and lawful manner: (1) declare your correct political status and put it on the public record; (2) join your actual State Assembly; (3) tell your friends and neighbors; (4) send any "voluntary gifts and donations" to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652 or PayPal to avannavon@gmail.com and we, Americans all working together, will put pedal to the metal to get this Mess straightened out.

7th August 2019, 01:43 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDWO_WprKd_lcdo2NR8YdRGTe5kkwuIik_axNwF5vixHl F38xV9aJKI-k8I7O5kMp8Q_TpeXwneXKMm&hc_ref=ARSZz_luDz6JVGPJ5_ZXxYO62vm7vXuscUa4j6U84dU Iym_yRm8HDhvYiCuWlMf8-eo&fref=nf)
50 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2350502508332149) ·

Dear Mr. Trump, You'd Better Move Now

There are many reasons why continued delays are not in the public interest.
First, the closer to the elections, the harder it is for you to make sense of it all for people.
Many Americans are still asleep. They may make the mistake of thinking that you and the Generals are at fault, especially given the ownership of the media conglomerates purporting to provide us with so-called news. Instead of thanking you, they may react in fear and think that some kind of illegal takeover is happening.

Yes, I know that is entirely ironic, but the point is that you have to have time to explain it and clear the air BEFORE the election cycle kicks in, in earnest.

The alternatives --- to shut down the elections or convert the nature of the elections back to being public elections --- would have mammoth repercussions of their own. If you shut down the corporate elections, you have foreign governments howling and causing trouble and accusing you of a military take over. If you convert the elections without sufficient public education and time for people to declare their proper political status, you have a flawed election process.

This is far from ideal timing in any respect, but continuing the status quo and leaving the rats in place and in power isn't an answer, either.

The longer this investigation process goes on, the more time they have to stage False Flags and kill people for the sake of their agendas. These are, after all, criminals that we are dealing with. They do what criminals do. Giving the investigators time also means giving the criminals time to commit more atrocities.

Any vain hopes of carrying these investigations out to capture all the vermin involved are doomed from the start. These evils took decades to develop and ultimately involve over two million people in the US alone; no matter how much effort is applied, correction will not happen overnight. The web will continue to expand and corrective action will take continued long term effort. The most you can do is make a good start, focus public attention on the problem, and garner support sufficient to keep the effort rolling.

Whatever firestorm of media malignancy your opponents can come up with, the facts will speak for themselves and putting the perpetrators in jail will make it considerably harder for them to cover up the facts and orchestrate distractions. Round them up and let it all flow downhill.

Dealing with the criminals will encourage not only your supporters-- it will encourage the whole world and bolster the economy, once the initial shock and uncertainty is set aside. Put the rats in jail. Show us that nobody is above the law. Make the words have meaning again.

The media has been under gag orders since the First World War and is even now having every story vetted by subcontractors of the Defense Department and the British Reuters News Services and Associated Press. This presents a monolithic threat both to our political process and the Freedom of Speech. This has gone hand in hand with consolidation of media conglomerates. You would be doing us all a favor to set aside the DOD/CIA censorship machinery and bust up the media monopolies, just like Reagan busted Ma Bell. It's time.

It's also time to expose the names and addresses of the people running these specious corporations like the "UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT" and "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and the "GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES". Don't take the heat for them any longer.

Let the people know what has been going on and the people will take care of the problem. Guaranteed.

7th August 2019, 02:51 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCWAfGQWxMBwcyqWwm2ogbFBGxQ-11-wZWdtmnJUKrHFGRQl_ghgGgUmG4Zhev5C7TKZUHJZU7DoCHw&hc_ref=ARQ1j-fVONst_EkccINvSgtKZmA9U3eBCERExijRofjckZVb-2q776nAkJWjAC64icU&fref=nf)
35 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2350609938321406) ·

Hope Porn 101

Lots of people are attracted to Hope Porn and believe all sorts of weird things that absolve them from responsibility for taking action and doing a lot of hard work. It's a Learned Laziness Syndrome that comes from being a Dependent --- someone who isn't self--motivated and who naturally waits for instructions and solutions provided by someone else or some organization (like the Government or the Church) outside of themselves and their own efforts.

Yet we all have plenty of experience that should tell us that the world doesn't really work that way, that there is no "free lunch" and that sitting around waiting for help to arrive --- especially when you are depending on "the" US Congress to deliver it --- is a vain exercise.

Take NESARA for example. The Nesara legislation hasn't moved a quarter of an inch in a quarter of a century, and it's not going to, either, at the rate things are going. Just go look it up on Thomas.com. (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FThomas.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR 3t2jayp8wsGDklBQsFhLBorTaJjitl_B6LZcBdAUjkW5bZxoUA bkcQt6M&h=AT3y2mX6k2-md2DWvfpHKACvbSspfoyE105nP3WwHAc1m3RbTrBEELpgNvpdW 5N8oJbymAwoCuZSJxYbd1gKeGL_oH99YNPDdB0ARYQfHQinHZB sHaNxI_OFcgn7iQdlr1hFNoRPA1cosSeaNHJi5gr1jfczZ3Jz) Prove it to yourselves. You are being fed nonsense. There's nothing to wait for. It was a well-intended effort back in the day. And so what?

Today I read another completely ridiculous article on the NESARANEWS website, this one being promoted by the Michigan General Jural Assembly, which must have been hijacked by idiots. They went off-track when they lost sight of what a "State" is and failed to establish the standing of their members to assemble an actual State of the Union, and have since then compounded their errors.

Now we are told, rather gratuitously, that all the publicly traded corporations on Wall Street have been "nationalized" and oh, rejoice, rejoice.


What has happened is that the UNITED STATES, INC., which entered involuntary bankruptcy in 2015, is being liquidated, and any corporation merely "presumed" to be a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. is being seized upon as chattel to pay back their debts.

Hello, hello, are you the Party to whom I am speaking?
That includes JOHN MICHAEL DOE, folks, and JOHN M. DOE and JOHN DOE.... and all those "derivative" public trusts, public transmitting utilities, and public charitable trusts named after you, too. This means your property and your assets are under attack so long as you are accepting these Municipal PERSONS as being anything related to you.

You, your home, your bank accounts --- everything you think you own--- is being misidentified as Public Property owned by the Municipal United States Government. If you don't exempt yourself from the MUNI COURTS, their Trustees will come in and take everything. If you don't further defend against the British Territorial Courts, the Queen will turn you over to the Pope's Inquisition.

Talk about being between a rock and a hard place?

The same, of course, goes for all the "Publicly Traded" Corporations that aren't under private ownership. Millions of American businesses misidentified as Municipal Franchises or as belonging to Municipal Franchisees like MARK D. CLEMSON, will be under attack in Municipal DISTRICT COURTS.

The franchises and their assets are forfeit to the creditors, and yes, if we are standing in our proper political status, we are creditors. We are the Priority Creditors in fact.

How many of you are in your proper political status? Let's see a show of hands..... won't be anyone from the Michigan General Jural Assembly in proper status and that's for sure, because they missed the boat and the whole point of the exercise. So now they are out there crowing about this great "victory" and still don't understand that they've shot themselves in the foot.

So long as they do this, they get all of the heat and none of the fun. "Dead" Territorial US Citizens can't profit from this liquidation nor act as Creditors. They will be attacked along with everyone else and they won't know what to say or do to protect their assets. So they will go on losing their homes and their bank accounts and being the goats, when they could exercise their option to be Priority Creditors, instead.

The American States Assembly is the only organization that is properly organized and standing in the way of this outcome. It's the only group that has vetted its membership and required the mandatory political status correction to be able to act in the Priority Creditor role. As American Nationals and American State Citizens, we can demand that the IRS settle any such debts by offsetting them against the American National Credit, which has been sequestered from the bankruptcy.

Naturally, only Americans can access the American National Credit.

Americans misidentified as British Territorial United States Citizens (that have been declared legally dead on top of everything else) can't access the National Credit they are owed. Americans misidentified as Municipal United States Citizens or as citizens of the United States are, if possible, even more S.O.L.

Only those who claim their exemptions and who reclaim their birthright political status as Americans will be able to pass through the eye of this needle.

Naturally, too, as time goes on, your motivations for reclaiming your birthright political status will be questioned. People will look at you and think -- "Ah, well, you are acting in a self-interested fashion. You went to the party and drank the wine, and now you don't want to pay the cover charge."

It's hard to prove on a case-by-case basis that you were never told anything about all these claims being made about you and about your property, even though there are millions of Americans in the same boat who can honestly claim the same thing.

And that is the reason why it is absolutely necessary for us to form our State Assemblies and to vet our membership to be sure that everyone is functioning as an American and nothing else at all ---- so that we aren't picked off one-by-one and left standing all alone with a doo-dad in our hair and a lame uncorroborated story about how nobody told us what was going on and what was being alleged about us and our political status.

So, judge for yourselves what comes around. The current leadership of the MGJA is crowing happily about the demise of corporate America, not realizing that their own dogs are still in that fight.

Meanwhile, The American States Assembly is working overtime in every State of the Union to educate and enable people to save themselves and their country from this foreign economic warfare. We aren't selling any Hope Porn and we aren't making any mistakes; if you do the work and learn the facts, you will have help and you will have knowledge to protect yourselves and your assets.

If not.... well, you can go bankrupt just like the parent corporation. You get to keep a home (mortgaged to the hilt in most cases) and a car and $8000 of personal property.

8th August 2019, 04:12 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB-g-98HiOXdzWsWH2kTA3Aoc79BCAD6Vs3B_O1d0i5KZQpJvtUBV4c JxQiWMD46peBzH4nIXDO4mfl&hc_ref=ARSk0Kt3X7yYyN28-XurEG7Kv8GRECUDzjmoJoJu4V8R-9JTPmgYbkaoMIq6vdOwT14&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2352395681476165) ·

Dear Uriah - Part Two

The wind blew from the West all night, a gentle, playful wind we haven't had here in a very long time. It reminded me of when we were kids and every summer was ages long and every day was perfect --so were we, of course.

His funeral was last week. I saw her briefly and made all the usual condolences, hid my worker's hands in gloves, and did my best to avoid both Simon and Oliver to no avail. They wanted to talk about old times. I listened to them talk about old times and finally managed to lead them away from the bar and out into the garden.

I knew that if I could just tough it out she would eventually escape and meet me there. And if those two got thirsty enough they'd retreat back to the bar and leave me to my vigil--which is exactly how it turned out. It was sunset by the time all the guests left and she found me there sitting by the fountain. She burst into tears.

She sat down beside me with her beautiful tear-stained face turned toward the sunset.
She said at last, "I don't know what to say to him anymore...."
I suppose that now it's up to you.

This last bit, his illness, the business enterprises, the government affairs and the strange torture she has endured all these years being married to him and his noble causes, yet still so very much in love with you, has taken its toll.

She folded her hands in her lap and wept like a child. It seems our lives have been spent in pursuit of so many splendid endeavors and now, for better or worse, we are left to pick up the threads of our regrets.
Don't let it be a regret any longer, Uriah. Don't waste a moment on decorum.

He had all his affairs and possessions, his kingly virtues, his duties. But he never truly knew her and couldn't care for her as you have. She was not his "only one".
Sitting there beside her I noticed how very thin she is, almost fragile, and very pale. I wish you could have been there in my place, could have wrapped your arms around her and whispered something in her ear.

A "well done, Sergeant Pfeiffer" wouldn't do, but something in the equivalent in the language of your two hearts, to say you understand how difficult it's been for her, how honorably she has acquitted herself, and now that she is free at last, that there's a whole new world opening up, the world of what might have been, could have been, and should have been.

You know I am not the drippy sort of Sentimentalist to play harps and violins, but if you could have seen the two of us huddled there like two school girls wondering what next--- you would have been on the night train, I'm sure, and not waiting for me to report.

I left the next day on urgent business of my own, and have waited to hear back from her, hoping to give her a few days to sort things out. She called yesterday and though her voice quavered dangerously near tears a couple times she seemed to have recovered some bit of her old gallantry and wit, and she said, "If you can contact him, if there is any way, tell him that I love him. Tell him that I always have and always will and never have figured out how to make my heart let him go."

So there you are, Uriah. It's time to come home at last.

9th August 2019, 02:57 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAVWZbIJAKSx4lTJlxeAOub21uG1eA6VS98BY61TJgtME h7HX6Nx16MJq1olvN24V53EcWSpz0WyKr-&hc_ref=ARTapUUWhUEW1R1ku9y75uXwVmK21vIijtVDzaF9uFZ UgGW5apWhq7kBSd2xuJmrZ90&fref=nf)
20 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2352748544774212) ·

International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam

Following the American Civil War, the British Territorial Government took over under the pretext of providing us with a military Protectorate, based on their Constitutional contract to provide a Mutual Defense for our States of the Union.

Mr. Lincoln left them the Lieber Code to administer -- basically, instructions for what they were supposed to do and how they were supposed to conduct themselves and over time, that morphed into the Hague Conventions. The next day Lincoln bankrupted the Northern States of the original Confederacy.

And here we've sat ever since, left in the dark and fed horse chunks, under "reconstruction", purportedly awaiting the day when our States would reconstruct the States of America and issue new Federal States of States--- while our States have been lulled to sleep and reassured that all is well and not made aware of any purported necessity to reconstruct anything left over from a 150 year-old foreign commercial mercenary war.

In point of fact, our States are under no obligation to reconstruct the Confederation of States dba States of America and are potently capable of exercising every power ever delegated to the Confederation.

Our States of the Union were never involved in the Civil War, by definition; our states were never bankrupted, either, and our Holding Company, The United States of America, has never ceased to function.

Thanks to guile, betrayal, self-interest, and Breach of Trust by both the Queen and the Pope, we have been bubbling along, deliberately left unaware of the external circumstance and all the many, many lies that these subcontractors have been telling the world about us and the false claims they have been making against us and our assets ever since.

To expedite and institutionalize their cozy "special relationship" the perpetrators have established The Dead Baby Scam, a throwback to earlier outlawed practices of the so-called Holy Roman Empire. Admission of their corruption can be viewed on the televised London Winter Olympics footage, which shows those responsible parading in hooded robes around the giant effigy of a Dead Baby, much to the amazement and consternation of the rest of the world, which was left wondering....?

Now you know that that weird procession involved a "Sealing Ceremony" in which they hoped to consecrate their spellbinding --- also known as fraud -- against the American States and People and most of the rest of the world, too.

The British Territorial Government operating its bogus perpetual military Protectorate on our shores conscripted our doctors, nurses, dentists, and other health professionals as "Uniformed Officers". See their Federal Title 37. They then licensed those ersatz officers and under duress of not being able to practice their professions, misdirected them to do something very peculiar in hospitals throughout our country.

They were to admit the fetal afterbirth material (amnion) resulting from each natural birth process as a "dying person" to the hospital record and use whatever Given Names our parents provided as the name of the amnion.

As a result, all our mothers were admitted as patients and gave birth to a dead "person" carrying our Given Names. There is no record of us being present at all. This fraudulent genocide on paper was then used to excuse the creation of trusts by the Municipal United States Government.

The British Territorial Government held the Equitable (Beneficial) Title to these trusts created and operated in our NAMES and the Municipal United States Government held the legal title to them. The Municipal Government additionally created many other incorporated entities ---- public transmitting utilities, public charitable trusts, LLCs, Joint Ventures, etc. --- all operated in our NAMES.

This is an identity theft scheme of staggering proportions carried out against individual living Americans for the purpose of accessing our credit and confiscating our assets under color of law.

No wonder the British Perpetrators were marching around their effigy of a dead baby, mumbling their incantations in hopes that we would all remain asleep and never, ever figure out what was going on.

But we have figured it out and we are not happy with our subcontractors. In fact, we consider it a gross criminal Breach of Trust and we demand immediate corrective action, and reinstatement of all Given Names and living estates to all the Americans those properties naturally belong to.

The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is responsible for issuing correct Identification Cards owed to all these purportedly "dead" Americans under the Geneva Conventions governing peaceful civilian populations under occupation and correct passports until such time as our States Assemble and The United States of America issues its own passports again.

32 CFR PART 161 § 161.4 Policy. (a) It is DoD policy that a distinct DoD ID card shall be issued to uniformed service members, their dependents, and other eligible individuals and will be used as proof of identity and DoD affiliation. (b) DoD ID cards shall serve as the Geneva Convention Card for eligible personnel in accordance with DoD Instruction 1000.1, ‘‘Identity Cards Required by the Geneva Convention’’ And... All Veterans at age 60 are entitled to a pension and medical benefits (via the DOD not the VA).

We are not DOD "personnel" but we are Protected Persons owed a correct ID from the U.S. military, and "protection of our persons and property" as well.

To say that we are dismayed and disgusted by the hypocrisy, graft, greed, disloyalty, guile, deceit, necromancy, identity theft, false probate of living estates in violation of their own statutory laws and U.S. Supreme Court decisions --- Scott v. McNeal, 154 U.S. 34 (1894), conspiracy against our lawful government in contravention of the Constitutions that created and empowered these foreign subcontractors to exercise our delegated powers in the first place --- would be a complete understatement.

The entire Dead Baby Scam is a plot so evil, so fantastical, so bizarre that it beggars all belief, and yet there it is -- exposed at the London Winter Olympics, clearly tracked on the public records of these organizations --- the largest identity theft and credit fraud scheme in the history of the world, all predicated on a fictitious genocide on paper and deliberate misapplication of our Given Names to our amniotic waste materials, substituted for the True Owners of our Earthly estates -- the Zygote and the living baby resulting from the unique Zygote underlying all other claims from the moment of fertilization onward.

It is an Eternal Shame that any Church has colluded to Dishonor the Covenant between Mankind and our Creator.

Let it stand for the record that the Hospitaliers, also known as the Knights of Malta, are the agents and principals responsible for the largest part of the implementation of these fraudulent records and the resulting false claims in commerce against our living estates. Let it also stand that they have been aided and abetted in these activities by members of the Roman Catholic Dominican Order, which has conducted an Inquisition and religious persecution on our shores using the instrumentality of the IRS to prosecute millions of false claims in commerce against Americans.

For this fraud and theft, the Office of the Roman Pontiff, liquidated in 2011, is fundamentally responsible. We continue to hold the Roman Curia, the Holy See, and the Roman Catholic Church as a whole responsible for gross Breach of Trust in criminal self-interest. We also hold the British Government and the British Crown responsible for their part colluding in this outrageous Breach of Trust and international fraud scheme.

Let this also stand for the record of the entire world that all such bogus Cestui Que Vie ESTATES are dissolved upon their discovery, together with their derivatives, and all beneficial intellectual and material rights, titles, and interests return to the living people to whom these assets naturally belong.

All Municipal COURTS outside the District of Columbia must be shut down. This is a non-negotiable issue of our national security. These COURTS are being operated under color of law and are trespassing in violation of The Constitution of the United States.

We, our States and People, do not intend to be involved in any commercial mercenary squabble between federal service providers, and we are not acquiescing to any bogus commercial claims or foreign administration of fraudulently created and falsely probated estates operated in our names.

All subcontracting Agencies of the Municipal Government are to be fully informed of their status and the personnel briefed concerning this fraud, so that every American however employed knows what went on here.

All Territorial Courts are restricted to their internal administrative duties and such duties in Admiralty as are strictly defined and intended under the provisions of The Constitution of the United States of America of 1789. The officers and subcontractors of the Territorial United States Government are hereby "fully informed" concerning this fraud scheme directed against their employers and benefactors-- the American States and People-- and are called to perform their duties in Good Faith and to honor their obligation to support and defend our States and our People.

Our government, The United States of America, is fully functional. We are aware of the worldwide conspiracy of corporate interests seeking to overcome the lawful governments of the people in every country. It is more than past time for the perpetrators of these schemes to be recognized for what they are ---- criminals and outlaws, intent on thievery, murder, and fraud. Anyone supporting these incorporated entities in their aims is an accomplice to this profound evil and part of the problem we all face.

The Holy See is under demand to re-task the IRS to process credit claims brought by the American States and People. It is also under demand to redirect all Municipal employees to ensure cessation of all false commercial claims and improper probate administrations. Although the IRS operations were shut down in Puerto Rico, the same old evils are being perpetuated in the Northern Marianas Islands --- the Ladones --- the Islands of Thieves. We are not amused and continue our demand that all such criminal activities cease, that all false liens be released, and that no such trespasses against us continue.

The British Government is under demand to cease and desist all commercial mercenary actions on our shores and to end all collusion with the Municipal United States Government against the American States and People. This includes redirecting all Territorial Court Personnel who are present on our soil to stop their trespassing and racketeering activities without exception.

The Territorial Courts and Administrators are required to observe strict interpretation of their boundaries and must cease and desist improper conscription of American medical personnel, licensing of American medical personnel, registration of American babies, and all other actions, procedures, and activities designed to steal our identities, unlawfully conscript our private assets, and otherwise trespass upon us.

Anyone issued a Birth Certificate has been the victim of this fraud. The Birth Certificate is proof and evidence of Unconscionable contracting processes being used to defraud American babies --- literally in their cradles.

Any American having such a Birth Certificate is exempt from commercial claims and is entitled upon declaration of their State National or State Citizen political status to access the American National Credit to offset all bills and presentments made against Municipal PERSONS or Territorial Persons that have been operated in their NAMES/Names.

If you are not presently employed by the U.S. Military or the Federal Civil Service nor serving in an elected or appointed political office of the Territorial or Municipal United States nor receiving unearned federal welfare benefits nor willingly and knowingly operating a federal corporation nor seeking federal asylum, you are eligible at this time to reclaim your birthright political status. Federal employees who quit Federal Service or retire will be eligible to do the same upon completion of separation.

We are serving Notice on the U.S. Department of Defense with this International Public Notice Regarding The Dead Baby Scam that we are non-combatant civilians who are owed proper identification as internationally protected persons and who are owed proper passports, too.

We are in the process of assembling our States of the Union and have posted our Will and Intent as of September 9, 1776 and have re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent as of November 4, 2015.

Our government observes separation between Church and State and guarantees religious freedom to all.

American Indians and African Americans are under no presumption of servitude nor of obligation nor of any enemy status related to our government and are to be considered American State Nationals like any other American born on our soil, equal inheritors of all natural and unalienable rights and blessings.

If in view of the mis-administration, Bad Faith, criminal activities, and false claims advanced in Breach of Trust--- the Queen, the Pope, or the Lord Mayor desire to say one word against our directives to their personnel on our soil--- they have had more than ample opportunity to disagree with our evaluation of the situation and they have failed on all counts to do so.
Whereupon we accept their admission and acquiescence and direct Mr. Trump and the U.S. Secretary of Defense to begin operations to shut down the MUNICIPAL COURTS preparatory to full reinstatement of the Federal Postal District Courts we are owed and our occupancy of the State Courts. We also direct the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and the IRS to unblock the individual accounts owed to The United States of America and to every American State National who reclaims their birthright political status by public recording of their declarations and who presents a Birth Certificate in evidence of Unconscionable contracting processes and unlawful conversion of their estate in violation of both commercial and international law.

Each State Assembly is validating and correcting the political status records of Americans who are Beings in Possession of all their natural and complete property rights and who are owed the guarantees of the Constitutions and who are also owed access to the American National Credit. Victims of this vicious scam are encouraged to come forward and to record their declarations of political status and to claim their Given (Trade) Names and Lawful Estates.

It is to the eternal shame of the Holy See and to the British Empire that any such situation exists and that average Americans are being imposed upon to correct the Bad Faith and Errors of these Subcontractors run amok on our shores and elsewhere throughout the world.
It is also to the eternal shame of the Bar Associations, their members, and the Judiciary that has aided and abetted the enforcement of this criminal fraud scheme to enrich and empower themselves at the expense of basic decency and justice.

An almost equal share of blame is owed to misdirected Federal Agencies, including the FBI, BATF, IRS, FEMA, DHS, CIA, DIA, TSA, BLM, USDA, SEC, and others that have engaged in and acted in support of these institutionalized crime schemes designed to defraud, oppress, and control their hapless employers.

These private "federal" agencies have been used to enslave us, so that the racketeering profits from their activities could be used to enslave others around the world, in a reprise of what Queen Victoria did in the 1850's and 60's --- that is, to sell out and enfranchise the British People to raise money for the Raj in India.

The people of the world have already said no to the Raj, to the Nazis, and we shall say no to any US or Chinese military hegemony dedicated to the same ugly principles of criminal injustice, greed, oppression, enslavement, immorality and deceit.

The New World Order is nothing but the Old World Order, an endless repeated attempt to establish a global Roman Empire, an idea which needs to be put out of its misery together with its insistence on distorted musical scales, incorrect calendars, idolatry, immorality,
abuse of power, and every other cruelty and stupidity that anyone can name.

Clinging to the past only prevents us from embracing a far better future.

Americans are invited to peaceably come forward and declare their proper political status and assemble their States of the Union. The United States of America will continue to work with The American States Assembly to ensure an orderly and safe re-venue process and will continue to press for reform and correction of U.S. operations, proper identification of American Civilians, issuance of credit owed to Americans, and overall restoration of our lawful government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

All U.S. Territorial and Municipal Employees, all U.S. Territorial and Municipal Elected Officials and Appointees, all members of the U.S. Territorial and Municipal Judiciary, all members of the U.S. Armed Forces, all members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, all Foreign Governments, all participants in the United Nations General Assembly, all High Contracting Powers and Principals are hereby given Notice of the Crime committed against us. This Notice is provided to encourage your understanding and assistance as we address this criminality and enforce correction of The Dead Baby Scam.

9th August 2019, 08:17 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCPxSF3IhrQXOvBz_oGobLUVE2GZ3TDp_uxa3xq662lcP qIFv7UbgOdiErui5Lxs2_lse5ZttgXQtly&hc_ref=ARRPpfiKIPjGuvfH_1q04sobtrKv_XbwLBlcSVVi4kL ZshFCw_1pmMaoVaMKH6xZzpo&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2354401307942269) ·

Letter of Severance for Roman Catholics

A great many Catholics are beyond mere dismay, disappointment, confusion, or hurt. They have recognized the grotesque pollution of the Roman Catholic Church by Pagan Rome and its misuse as a tool and storefront for criminals and their activities. Numerous Catholics have written to me and called, as they know I am sympathetic to them and their dilemma. What to do?

Doing the right thing in their system of belief, requires endangering their immortal souls. They must excommunicate themselves from the Church in protest of its evils and mis-administration. They have basically come to the same conclusion as Martin Luther did, five hundred years ago.

The peace negotiated with the Emperor Constantine via the Council of Nicea cost far too much. It has led to tampering with the scriptures, misrepresentation of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles, establishment of a foreign Roman Patriarchy within the fabric of the Church, substitution of "Christ" for Jesus, and a weird in-tandem relationship with Satan's Kingdom via the Office of the Roman Pontiff (finally dissolved in 2011) and the incorporation of the Vatican City State functions.

Like countless Protestant Churches, the Roman Catholic Church has made itself a corporation, not a church, not a community of people ---- only a dead representation of such a community composed of "persons", instead.

In addition to this heresy, which is clearly contraindicated by numerous scriptural warnings and directives related to the sin of impersonation, the Church leadership has sheltered a mentality of endless tolerance for sin of every kind, with the result that sin has flourished and those opposing it, have been chastised. Various forms of perversion have been sheltered in the Church, including the idolatry of Mystery Babylon, which involves the worship of money, sodomy, pedophilia, vampirism, temple prostitution, and cannibalism.

The Church leadership has allowed and encouraged the use of fictional "money" and other devices of an illusory nature, indicating that they are deceived by or in league with the Father of All Lies.

Faced with all this, what can an earnest, sincere, and devoted Believer do?
You can write Letters of Protest demanding reform, addressed to the Pope, the Archbishops and Cardinals.
You can withdraw your support in terms of money and time donated, until such time as the Church reforms itself.
And if you are utterly fed up, as many will be, when everyone learns that even our souls have been "certificated" and bought and sold as commodities by these incorporated "churches" --- you can follow the inexorable logic of the situation --- and write a Letter of Severance:

"Dear Archbishop ____________:
I find myself in a crisis of conscience, no longer able to put my faith in an institution which has failed me and millions of other people in such an epic fashion.
I draw you attention to evil doctrines which have been adopted and practiced by the Church, including the Doctrine of Transubstantiation which would have us acting as vampires, believing that we are drinking the actual blood of Jesus, and the Doctrine of Discovery which has already been thoroughly discredited.

The Doctrine of Collective Entities is another atrocity against life and reason, promoting the idea that men are the same as corporations, and that we and our Good Names may be abused with the same impunity as legal fictions made of nothing but hot air and paper.

I object and take exception to all practices of the Church issuing "Certificates of Baptism" and then buying and selling our souls for profit; this was certainly never disclosed to me nor to my parents or anyone else in our community, and it is not anything that we have knowingly allowed nor participated in. Any contract with the Devil thus presumed to exist as a result of these actions by the Church leadership, is null and void.

I joined the Roman Catholic Church wanting to be part of a community of Believers committed to the teachings of Jesus and to imitation of his example. Instead, I find myself involved in an association which is not appropriate for me and acting in support of an organization which does not embrace my values; therefore, I am severing all and any relationship with the Church of Rome and with the Roman Catholic Church.

Remove my name from the membership rolls and do whatever you can to correct, cleanse, and reform the operations of a Church that is no longer mine; strive to bring your practices and doctrines into alignment with truth, with the scripture, and with the teachings of Jesus. If not, it will not be my immortal soul in danger of Perdition.


10th August 2019, 08:29 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCq_UCdFHOFwLC98sXoiLx0b67HU_PKWf2RF0_et82-q9hHP9aUi6U12EfaEy3PxymIKxRnfgIUG0KR&hc_ref=ARTeDWxueJ03-aejLE2rf1z-DCEuhdb3PuOQ0g8-rb-IpNd3WUMiiC1lU535t6A_xig&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2356055734443493) ·

The Dead Baby Scam - Part 3

At some point, everyone reading my blog has to realize that when I tell you something, I've got research and basis behind it. I didn't just see something weird going on at the London Winter Olympics a few years ago and let my imagination run wild. Both Kurt Kallenbach and members of my team have thoroughly researched The Dead Baby Scam and I have gone out and organized "non-academic" legal research myself.

Kurt Kallenbach's research into the subject and even his delving into the etymology of words associated with this bizarre practice of killing babies on paper is exhaustive. No reasonable person who took the time and listened to the biology lessons and examined the supporting documents could disagree with his findings. I invite all of you who think, "Aw, this can't be true!" to attend one of his seminars. You will learn that this whole scheme has roots going back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. And you will be able to refute the resulting legal presumptions in court and in "agency" hearings.

At the higher levels of government administration in this foreign federal theocracy of the Church of Rome known as the Municipal (think "City" as in "City of Rome") United States Government, you are dealing with a weird, ancient, perverse religious belief system built on a Cult of Deceit. FDR's First Inaugural Speech and his exhortations about his "holy cause" weren't talking about any normal church or religious institution. He was calling for the equivalent of a jihad by the Temples of Baal --- the same "temples" that we associate with the Inner City of London, Westminster, and the Legal Profession.

When we begin researching that thread, we learn that lawyers as we know them --- the "Black Robes" --- started out in the centuries immediately before Jesus, and were part of the Cult of Cybele. Cybele was worshiped throughout the Hellespont, Turkey, the Caspian Sea region, the Levant, and North Africa. She was an odd combination of fertility goddess and goddess of destruction, as if someone combined Ashtoreth and Kali, and wound up with Cybele. These early lawyers were called "Galli".

The Galli were always weird. They castrated themselves in honor of their goddess. Knowing some lawyers today, it's too bad they didn't continue this practice.
They also wore black robes and white powdered wigs, just as British Barristers continue to do to this very day. Beginning in the second century B.C. the Galli became tax collectors for the Roman Emperors, and, for City of Rome.

The money and "tribute" they collected from the "tribes" for their gods --- Cybele and the Roman Emperor --- was divided, with part of it going into the City of Rome Trust known as the Urban Trust, because it was overseen by powerful stewards from the Roman Family of that name, and part of it going to Caesar to keep the Legions happy.
In their framework, the City of Rome was their "Mother Rome", and the Emperor was their "Father". I could go on, but for now, I will just leave you all to do your own research and connect your own dots.

The Urban Trust of the City of Rome was started in something like 753 BC, was in the business of loaning money at usurious rates to vassal kings throughout the Roman Empire, and you still see its trademarks and emblems emblazoned all over the world today: three crossed keys with a crown above them.

These three keys appear on the emblems of the Roman Pontiff and UBS, the Swiss banking syndicate, as well as the Family Coat of the Arms of the Urban Family to this day. The crossed keys symbolize enslavement of the mind, the body, and the soul in subjection to "the crown" of the Queen of Heaven.

We are dealing with an ancient evil here, something that is alive and well and pumping out its pagan beliefs like germs floating in the atmosphere, and all without any of the normal population being aware of this "church within a church", what it does, where it came from, what it believes, how it is administered --- none of that is ever revealed to the public. It operates in the background in near-total secrecy via secret fraternities and societies like The Pilgrim Society in America.

These "elites" are not so much elites, as they are religious cultists motivated by a combination of lust and fear. They maintain their own logic and view of the world. They can function very well in the societies they spawn like bee hives. When this cult mixes with Judaism, you get the death-and-destruction elements of the Talmud. When it mixes with Christianity, the same negativity emerges -- pogroms and inquisitions and crusades. And don't forget the jihad elements of Islam that encourage destruction and deceit against all Unbelievers.

They call their purposeful introduction of negative elements into belief systems held by others "The Great Dialectic". Their cult is based on sex, so also on positive and negative energy, on what is also called "The Great Dipole" of energetic polarity. At the highest levels they teach that this polarization is necessary for the continuance of the dynamic of life--- so they consider polarizing everything and everyone part of their religious duty.
It doesn't hurt their pocketbooks, either.

I bring this all this up because you have to understand what your problem is, before you can fix it, and in this case we are dealing with what has been called, the "Religion of the World" or "the Secular Religion", which is centered in cities and practiced by the seed of Cain. This Empire of the Cities is entrenched in Rome, Westminster, Washington, DC, and since the 1870's, New York, Brussels, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Athens, and Prague.

If I were one of them, I would be murdered for telling you this, but as I am not one of them and a Power in my own right, they have no right to meddle in what gifts I give to you. This Law is honored, because they have no choice.

The seraphs, also known as "angels", were created in the Age of Storms before the dinosaurs, and were in physical form what you would recognize as dragons. They were the overseers and go-betweens involved in terra forming the Earth and conducting the whole experiment with the Great Lizards.

The Fallen among them are called "Archons" by the Romans and "Nephilim" by the Jews. The acolytes of the Secular Religion summon these ancient entities and enlist their guidance and assistance in spreading chaos and negativity and separation and violence. They are only too happy to oblige, because the Fallen hate mankind and this planet with a passion.

Such beings live for untold measures of what people think of as "time", but once you realize that all time is "now" and that time is place, the rest of the circumstance begins to make sense, and you realize that by definition, all that is created is immortal, too. Including you. So do your best to be the best you can be each moment that you are alive and every moment you are dead, because what you do, say, see, feel, and experience is going to be with the Universe forever, for better or worse.

Now you begin to see your importance in all of this, and the importance of being truthful, being kind, promoting good experiences, being aware, and most of all, compassionate. "For as you sow, so shall you reap."

By turning away from evil and delusion and clinging to what is good and true, you can turn the tide for eternity and for Mankind. It's all up to you. And you have no idea how important you and your choices really are. You just get up every morning, and think that you are Joe Green, on your way to a job at the local meat packing plant... LOL!

If the Archons and their servants have their way, you will all be dead in fact as well as on paper, but look, there are mighty Archangels standing up for you. There is no reason to be afraid. Your freewill is being scrupulously honored. So it really is all up to you; you have been given the right and ability to decide your own fate, both as individuals and as a race of beings.

When I confront the leadership of the world with the facts of their lies and iniquities, nearly all of them react the same way: fear. They are terrified of me. They are terrified of what I say. And most of them want to do the right thing, they really do, but they are afraid because they know they are guilty of crimes and doing the right thing involves admitting it.
Just like the GCR. We could cobble together new standards that would be far more fair and which would "re-seed" the world economy literally overnight, but at the rate things are going, it will never be done because doing so involves admitting to serious crimes.

Think about it, using the GCR as an example.
If we can simply "reset" the machine, that admits that there is a machine.
And if there is such a machine, it admits that there has been manipulation and commodity rigging and a totally unfair playing field in place for a long time, doesn't it?
That in turn sets the search engines and mental wheels running as people naturally think: "Who did this to us? Who did this to our world?" and they start looking for those to blame.

Correcting the problem requires admitting to guilt. And confession, under any standard of law ---except for one--- means death. Literally every standard of law on earth, except for one, mandates the death of these men and women, over two million of them in America alone. And this is on top of the billions who have already perished and suffered as a result of what they've done to us.

You see how this works? They kill us for their self-interest at the behest of their phony "gods", the Archons. We kill them in return. Everyone winds up dead. Nothing gets resolved, because we are all immortal. And on and on it goes, generation to generation.
It's time for this stupidity to end, and if we don't have sense enough to end it ourselves, it will be ended for us.

The guilty need to confess, at least in their own hearts, and take the actions needed to correct. We all need to adopt The Law of Love and concentrate on our similarities, not our differences.

And now, after a very significant digression -- back to The Dead Baby Scam. You don't believe what I am telling you is true? Okay. Do what I and a couple dozen of my helpers did. Go to the hospital and ask to see the records of your own birth or the births of your children.
There's no record of you giving birth. No record of your children being born. No record of their names. No billing statements. No medical charts. No paperwork at all, unless the birth is very recent.

The Hospital Records Staff will be surprising, too. They all appear to be men with tattoos and obvious military backgrounds, doing a clerical job where you'd expect to see at least some women. They will roll their eyes at you and when you ask them to do so, very pointedly, they will sign a paper under oath saying that there are no such records that they know of or have access to.

The same thing will happen if you return to the Church where you were baptized "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost" ---- but which Father, which Sun, and which Holy Ghost? --- and ask for a copy of your "baptismal certificate".
Oh, we don't keep those.

No, indeed, they send the "titles" to Rome to be traded on a dirty underground stock market, that purports to buy and sell souls. These filthy incorporated church franchises trade something that purportedly "represents" your soul, for money. And there are people deluded and crazy enough to buy it, too.

So by now, as a result of your direct research and experience, you know that there is something very, very odd about all of this, don't you?
You can go online at ancestry.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fancestry.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIw AR3Ee3PqqcYD1qOorOX67-r39d-rMWuqqo3SJisxOmMb0-jWWy3rPTMZ1L8&h=AT1d_UHhamM09Wspux2ea2WpssJJB4Frqv-6waa2W24gBV_IGv1G28nkdL20VQ7sP_jJpZU3tT_kIg2tPqiox hGhcjzrQdLFKZyonSYmAMgF7dvGBQXISY79Cz_xWMMj6O1XotB xBLsRYRmybOZl_m2uDPGLNErH) and find photos and business records and wills and no end of detritus information about dead relatives you never knew you had, but there's no record of your son being born twenty years ago? No billing statements from the doctors? No maternity ward charts?
No copy of your baptismal certificate?
This, in a society where every credit card receipt appears in triplicate? Every bank check back to 1906 is archived?
Most of your school records have disappeared or been altered, so that they are false, too. Must be magic.

Just like that version of "Anna Maria Riezinger" running a rum distillery in Barbados or the one running around New York City--- what should be in evidence isn't there, and plenty of falsehoods that shouldn't be present, are.

Go look for yourself. Ask around about your own or your family's records.

We had two dozen people all over this country try this experiment and the results were the same. Your records either aren't where they should be at all, or they have been altered in ways that invalidate and falsify them.

Why? Because we are dealing with the same belief system that burned the library at Alexandria ---after they carted off all the books and scrolls. The same ones who stood around the bonfires in Nazi Germany ---after they read the books themselves, altered the content of any remaining editions to suit themselves, and stole "the true knowledge" for themselves.

Did I tell you that keeping you ignorant is the Bread and Butter of their entire agenda? So that you don't know the truth and can't defend yourselves?
But still, you are saying, it all seems too weird, too fantastical, like some odd "otherworld" from Harry Potter.

You need more proof, something solid to take to court, something even more solid than all the circumstantial evidence like the Procession around the Dead Baby at the London Winter Olympics or your own mysteriously disappeared medical and church records----and something more explicit than the Uniformed Officers Code in Title 37 and well, Kurt Kallenbach seems too far out there for you?

Here you go, the Mother Lode of Shipped High In Transit from one of our Team Members ----
"The State (of State)'s Birth Certificate processing is readily exposed in the government publication "Hospitals" & Physicians' Manual on Live Births & Fetal Deaths." The legal language & terms set forth in the manual are clear & convincing evidence of the crime; starting with the term "moving conveyance." It gets much worse from there!"
Here's the link:
https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/misc/hb_birth.pdf (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/misc/hb_birth.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1wmO-IESepPo_hONUq0VLmX9lAHlSs_OW708VaJt5UmYAA9OK3-CKwwdU)

Get your copy, step right up, and don't be stupid. Now you know why "you" are being rented out as a public vehicle by DOT.

This is what's going on. It's up to you and millions of other Americans and people around the world to put a stop to this Kingdom of Lies --- which is, after all, the Kingdom of Satan, the Father of All Lies.

11th August 2019, 09:04 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA55_JXet3ERTD1TIEyNBOEJvLA75O-9eqeHboFKFiki-2P6S_aqdC0rGt7bkRRX1mcWjFBvmFE1Czh&hc_ref=ARQRM0aaO9mWjLSYYgJiX0ySiBx00kytM0u04kkYDnL-4hAVpDraJ0UOpedvY5pAcXw&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2356872341028499) ·

A Useful Screed, But.... An Important Edit

I have run across this particular article on numerous occasions over the years and it is indeed a very useful and enlightening article, except for two really grave semantic errors that are repeated ----the part where the writer claims that there are "no Judicial Courts in America" and again, where they claim that there are "no Judges in America".

If we are going to give people a solid education and reliable guides, it's important that we get it right and pay close enough attention to our reader's inexperience to describe the context of what we are really saying.

A better way to explain the situation is that there are no Judicial Courts in the Federal Government. All the Judicial Courts are supposed to be in America, instead. Our Forefathers kept every iota of authority and ownership related to the land and soil of our States inviolate.
So when they created the Federal Government to operate in the foreign jurisdictions of the sea and air, they didn't create any Federal Judicial Courts. Why would they? They were not allowing the foreign Federal Government to enter their jurisdiction nor letting them exercise any authority over them and their assets at home on the land and soil of their States, therefore, the Federal Government had no need for any Judicial Courts.

There was only one exception: The Supreme Court of The United States. You will note that to this day, the Supreme Court Justices are the only "Justices" in the Federal System. This first and only Supreme Court was supposed to provide oversight for Federal Government operations and to act as a faithful Interpreter of the Constitutions for the members of the Federal Congress, the Territorial Congress, and the Municipal Congress.

Instead, with the incapacity of the States of America following the Civil War, this Supreme Court fell into disuse, a separate Territorial United States Supreme Court and later, a separate Municipal United States Supreme Court began operations under slightly different names. As these two subcontractors, Territorial and Municipal, fell into the obvious malpractice of unilaterally amending their own Constitutions, the intended role of the one Supreme Court faded away and the remaining institution(s) became increasingly political.

In 1991, the Municipal United States Congress moved to eviscerate what was left of the Constitutional Federal Judiciary, by amending the Federal Judge's Oath to make it meaningless and to remove any obligation of the Judges to render decisions "agreeable" to the Constitutions. In this way, whatever power that remained vested in the Federal Judiciary as a whole was undermined and frittered away upon the discretion of individual Judges, rendering the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government ineffective and unable to mount any credible restraining influence upon the members of Congress. The Checks and Balances built into the Federal System were thus eroded and the People of this country betrayed.
No greater duty of reform is set before us than the overturning and repeal of this infamous Congressional meddling with the requirements of the Federal Judge's Oath.

So,instead of there being "no Judicial Courts in America" --- in fact, all the Judicial Courts are in America-- and the situation is just the opposite of what the writer assumes. All Judicial Courts are in America and none are vouchsafed to the Federal Government, except the One Supreme Court that is no longer functioning as intended, and that is the way it has been since the very beginning.

This is an important distinction and one that has to be thoroughly understood by Americans in search of Justice in this country. The return of our Judicial Courts to full operation will automatically signal the shut down and withdrawal of all the foreign federal military and maritime courts. The issue has already been decided by Milligan Ex Parte in 1863. All we have to do is kick-start Old Bessie and get our own Judicial Courts organized and serving the people again, at which point the admiralty courts and administrative tribunals have already agreed to retract back to their natural limited status and stop trying to gain false jurisdiction over us "out of necessity".

Once again, people, we have to govern ourselves, or someone else will do it for us.

The other incorrect meme in this article is the statement that there are "no Judges in America". There are Judges in America --- far too many of them, in fact. Our Judicial Courts are run by Justices, but because we've stupidly let so many of our Judicial Courts fall silent, there are precious few Justices to serve the people who claim their birthright political status as American State Nationals and American State Citizens. I know, because I am one of those few Justices.

The title "Judge" is, in our American system of government, unique to the Federal United States courts and their jurisdictions, not ours, with the exception of the Postal District Court Judges, who are obliged to enforce the laws of the the land jurisdiction of our country and to enforce the international and global laws affecting the land jurisdiction owed to our States of the Union.

So, contrary to what this writer says, there are scads of Judges in America, most of whom should not be here.

These Federal and Federal franchise State of State Statutory Courts are taking up the work of the largely vacated Judicial Courts and striving to keep control of the situation by impersonating Americans so as to draw them into the foreign jurisdictions of the admiralty and statutory courts.

On one side of the issue, this is a worthy above-and-beyond service--- they are, after all, for the most part, protecting us from murderers, armed robbers, rapists, and other violent criminals.

On our side of the issue, however, they are operating under color of law, prosecuting Americans under known false legal presumptions, and abusing their positions of trust to defraud and pillage us. These are still foreign "carpetbagger courts" and they are still milking and bilking Americans under completely fraudulent premises.

The take-home message for Americans is to take exception and exercise the exemptions and protections owed to you as non-combatant civilians, and meantime, get off your duffs and take up the work of self-governance: correct and record your political status as American State Nationals and American State Citizens, join your State Assembly, educate yourselves, and take up the work of operating your own Judicial Courts.

Our Judicial Courts are simple to operate, all our land and soil Law is based on The Ten Commandments, there have to be actual Injured Parties presenting their own issues (the one exception being when the victims of crimes are too disabled to present their own case, or dead, in which case, the Public Prosecutor takes over in their behalf), and the jury is "king". Not the Justice.

In our Judicial Courts, juries have the unequivocal right of jury nullification. If an American Jury finds a law repugnant, unjust, impractical, or unworkable, it is free to nullify the law, as if it never was. In this way, Americans have insured themselves against legislative error and injustice, and have maintained their sovereignty. But with the lapse and relative scarcity of Judicial Courts and growing public ignorance, the foreign admiralty and commercial and administrative courts have crept in and raised both Hell and Havoc.

When Americans complain about these foreign courts they need only reflect that if they got busy and organized and educated themselves, they wouldn't be under the thumb and at the mercy of these increasingly corrupt federal and federated state-of-state courts.

Another fundamental difference that lies between our Justices and their Judges is the role they play in the respective courts --- Justices ensure a level playing field, fair rules of evidence, and keep the proceedings in order under the rules of Due Process. At the end of the proceedings, the jury renders a decision and the Justice reads it --- a process called "pronouncement". That's it. The Justice in an American Judicial Court doesn't address the facts or interpret the Law; the jury does all that. This is because in our courts, the people are sovereign and the juries in America literally act as the king.

This is in stark opposition to what goes on in a Statutory Court, where in fact the Judge acts as a Hired Jurist paid to interpret and enforce the statutory law in one of four possible specific venues and capacities. The Judge takes over the place of king and decides everything and the function of the jury is in the manner of a group of corroborating Witnesses, paid to sit and listen and nod their heads.

The only power that such a jury has is the power of "voiding error". If some jurors absolutely disagree with the conclusions of the Judge, they can void the judgement and the findings are inconclusive. Unless the Judge agrees that an error has been made (which is a rare occurrence, as this requires them to admit that they made an error) the whole issue can be re-tried.

Alternatively, if the Prosecutors bringing a claim are shown to deliberately lie or misrepresent material fact or to lie about the applicable statute or fail to bond the case or, or, or.... the Judge in a Statutory Court can throw the whole case out the door "with prejudice" and the issue cannot be raised again. If the procedure is not air-tight, the case is not air-tight, which is why procedure takes up such a dismal amount of time and attention in Statutory Court --- the object is to acquit the Judge, not to guarantee Justice.

We saw an example of this in the Bundy Case where Federal Agents outright lied and misrepresented fact, and the Judge reacted by throwing the whole thing out the door with prejudice. They endangered her by lying to her, so she was well-justified in this reaction, which just happened to serve the cause of justice, too.

With these caveats and insights as to where our American Judicial Courts exist and who is supposed to be operating them, and also the reasons why Judges (who should be relatively rare) are over-running America like lemmings on a stampede, read on:



We do NOT GIVE OUR CONSENT EVER. We are NOT U.S. CITIZENS, i.e. We are living Souls and not a dead entity written in all upper-case letters on a piece of paper or bond paper being claimed as a vessel owned by another living or dead entity.

A “STATUTE” is NOT a law! Flournoy v. First National Bank of Shreveport, 197 LA 1057. 3 So.2d 244, 248.

A “CODE” is NOT a law! In Re Self v. Rhay, Wn 2d 261, in point of fact in law.

A concurrent or “joint resolution of legislature is NOT “Law”. Koenig v. Flynn, 258 N.Y. 292, 179 N.E. 705, 707; Ward v. State, 176 OKL. 368, 56 P.2d 136, 137; State ex rel. Todd v. Yelle, 7 Wash. 2d 43, 110, P.2d 162, 165).

STATUTE. Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition. The written will of the legislature, solemnly expressed according to the forms prescribed in the constitution; an act of the legislature.

U.S. SUPREME COURT DECISION – The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the codes, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law”. Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261.

U.S. SUPREME COURT DECISION – ALL codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities ONLY, not human/Creators in accordance with God’s Laws. All codes, rules and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process…” Rodriques v. Ray Donavan, U.S. Department of Labor, 769 F.2d, 1344, 1348 (1985).

Supreme Court 1796- This decision has never been overturned:
United States Supreme Court Decision from 1796- [Cruden v. Neale, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E.] "There, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowman without his consent."

“There are NO Judicial Courts in America and have not been since 1789. “Judges” do NOT enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. FRC v. GE, 281 U.S. 464 Keller v. Potomac Elec. Co., 261 U.S. 428 1 Stat. 138-178”

“There have NOT been any “Judges” in America since 1789. There have only been Administrators. FRC v. GE, 281 U.S. 464 Keller v. Potomac Elec. Co., 261 U.S. 428 1 Stat. 138-178”

“The Supreme Court has warned, “Because of what appears to be Lawful commands [Statutory Rules, Regulations and -codes–ordinances- and Restrictions] on the surface, many citizens, because of their respect for what appears to be law, are cunningly coerced into waiving their rights, due to ignorance… [deceptive practices, constructive fraud, barratry, legal plunder, conversion, and malicious prosecution in inferior administrative State courts].” (United States v. Minker, 350 U.S. 179, 187, 76 S.Ct. 281, 100 L.Ed. 185 (1956);”

“The Common Law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land. The codes, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law.” (Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn 2d 261), They are the law of government for internal regulation, not the law of man, in his separate but equal station and natural state, a sovereign foreign with respect to government generally.

“A concurrent or ‘joint resolution’ of legislature is not “Law,” (Koenig v. Flynn, 258 N.Y. 292, 179 N. E. 705, 707; Ward v State, 176 Okl. 368, 56 P.2d 136, 137; State ex rel. Todd v. Yelle, 7 Wash.2d 443, 110 P.2d 162, 165).

All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not human/Creators in accord with God’s Laws. “All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process of Law..”(Rodriques v. Ray Donavan, U.S. Department of Labor, 769 F.2d 1344, 1348 (1985)); …lacking due process of law, in that they are ‘void for ambiguity’ in their failure to specify the statutes’ applicability to ‘natural persons,’ otherwise depriving the same of fair notice, as their construction by definition of terms aptly identifies the applicability of such statutes to “artificial or fictional corporate entities or ‘persons’, creatures of statute, or those by contract employed as agents or representatives, departmental subdivisions, offices, officers, and property of the government, but not the ‘Natural Person’ or American citizen Immune from such jurisdiction of legalism.”

“A “Statute’ is not a Law,” (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3 So.2d 244, 248),

A “Code’ or Statute’ is not a Law,” (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3 So.2d 244, 248),”

“A “Code’ is not a Law,” (In Re Self v Rhay Wn 2d 261), in point of fact in Law)

11th August 2019, 06:52 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA4wXY6bxjF_MHr1n3suDnhanlAW7X9ZAEf3i5SyW3OvN NO6XSV4ex0gkxq5AvPOiDk5nGh2AbfIWFB&hc_ref=ARQKz2AnPaZ7HN4G_8-w7r3WBi7HUsLy4iEKp2ar9936O-wZNIBQXqSDjiM8G7U-4kI&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2357822230933510) ·

Prayer - Review and Fine Points

Jesus already taught everyone how to pray, but it seems that the message isn't getting through, so I am doing a little follow-up and drawing your attention(s) to some fine points.

First, our Creator is constantly creating us. Your present physical incarnation in living flesh began with an Act of God at a specific moment, but it didn't end there, did it?

There was the zygote and the amnion and the fetus and the baby and the toddler and the grade school kid and..... on an on. Every one of your trillions of cells and over 200 different kinds of tissues in your body get replaced on a regular cyclic schedule. You are being constantly created and in the verbiage of the modern era, "manifested".

Now, we just take all that for granted because from our perspective, it happens automatically--- but if you stop a moment and think, you will realize that all this is being ordered and orchestrated, along with a great many other things. He numbers the hairs on your head, because He is the One putting them there.

Just from that one example, you can see that you are not a static creation and your relationship with your Creator is not static, either. It's a vast, constant, intimate, ever-changing, dynamic interaction and the connection to your Creator is a built-in part of you.

Your Source is part of your Being and is literally "within you" in much the same way that an electric current is within a sewing machine, except of course, that this "electric current" is sentient. Your Father knows everything about you, and I do mean, everything.

You don't know how much keratin is in your toenail, but He does.
So there is no need to belabor your needs or drone on about the car payment. These things are already known.

There's also no way to hide anything. As the Irish say, "the all of it" is fully and completely known.

As I have told you many times, there's no way to lie about anything, so you might as well give up that bad habit, because all it does is cause dissonance and friction.

Lying actually makes you feel bad and "out of sorts" for a reason. Lying runs counter to the truth within you, grating along your nerves like a rasp on a piece of wood.

Stop thinking of your Source as something or someone distant from you or external to you or unfamiliar with you and your circumstance. Also stop thinking of your Father as a Deadbeat Dad; He has in fact given you life and everything else besides.

As He said to Moses as Moses stood on the edge of the Red Sea with Pharaoh's chariots closing in ---- why are you calling me? I already taught you everything you need to know....
So, because God is literally within you and knows the whole skinny, you don't even need to pray in words. You can pray with mental images. You can pray with feelings. You can pray using any form of communication at all and if you use words, the only important thing is that they are true and friendly and humble.

That's why Jesus gave you the example of The Lord's Prayer --- not that you should endlessly repeat exactly what He said, but so that you get the gist of how to pray --simply, truthfully, humbly.

Now, most men and women are prideful, and humbling themselves is not an experience they cherish, but it is necessary when you approach your Father and appropriate, too. He is far greater than you, as a man is greater than a child. You don't have to be afraid of Him, because He loves you --- but at the same time, show and give back the respect that He also shows you.

He is wonderful. He is present. He is all-knowing. He is, well, the True God. So if He humbles Himself to care for you and to give you life and He expends the energy to manifest your body and your consciousness and provides you with an environment that supports your physical life --- how much more grateful and humble should we be, when we turn our attention away from our small selves and address the Living God?

When we search for God within ourselves, we find Him. When we look around the Earth, we see His works and they reflect his glory and testify to His mind and heart, but He is not "out there" far away from us. He is literally within us. So look for Him within yourself, and you will find the glorious truth that you are part of the Living God and He is part of you.

You are part of All That Is.

He is not distant. Not foreign. Not vengeful. Not immune. Know this -- when we suffer, He suffers with us. When we rejoice, He feels that, too. So any idea that He is the cause of your sufferings needs to be released as the gigantic lie that it is. He may allow us to suffer for our own sakes, but that is a different thing from causing our problems or desiring them.

Prayer should be a gentle conversation with a Loved One, a Loved One who is trusted and respected, and whose generosity and kindness is beyond question or reproach. He does not withhold anything good from us, and all we have to do, is ask....and receive.

It's the receiving part, our end of it, that gets garbled.

Once we learn to pray to Our Father who is within us, and learn how to ask for what we need in a simple and honest way, we also need to learn how to receive and recognize His gifts which are returned to us as a result of our prayers.

Imagine the situation. We ask for the perfect husband, but we turn away because he doesn't look like we expect him to look. We ask for delicious, nourishing food, and then trample on it, because we think of it as weeds. We need a car to get to work, and sure enough, one just happens to be sitting in the parking lot at Walmart with a "Sale by Owner" sign in the window, but we don't call the number.

And then we complain and we blame and we stomp around like two year-old children and think we didn't get what we asked for. We did, yes, we got exactly what we asked for, we just didn't recognize our blessing when it came.

It gets worse, because we don't recognize our own blessings, we are constantly impeding the flow of gifts and blessings intended for others. Imagine being at the baggage carousel at the airport and everyone is grabbing someone else's bag off the rack? Imagine the confusion and consternation?

What's a Father to do with us?

Perhaps we need another version of the Serenity Prayer: Father help us to recognize the blessings you give to us, help us to see your miracles and to accept the hand-tailored gifts you send to us in answer to our prayers. Open our eyes to see these gifts that are meant for us and open our hearts so that we don't envy or seize upon the gifts that you have sent to others....

If we learn to recognize the gifts and blessings that are ours, hand-tailored, made especially for us, if we simply accept them, our contentment and joy would flow like the sea, and there would be no want or misery anywhere.

So while we are paying attention and learning how to pray and where to address our prayers, let's also learn how to recognize and receive the gifts and blessings that are so reliably returned in answer to our asking.

14th August 2019, 07:18 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBIiT1QFENy-CZa9bd0hUHOhVu3lygxSrjH3S0Ec5yBsmrzJSKpzH4yAGap58E yK36aXHArCADnWOTJ&hc_ref=ARSipuwojlwrWA8jl19J8xQYVkVjCpLotqAgpav_DYK 1teYLiYRhYVI2iLzJONz_Dts&fref=nf)
18 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2364134206968979) ·

For the Alliance: From The Fiduciary of The United States of America
By: Anna Maria Riezinger

Intro: I am doing this the old school way without a teleprompter, so don’t expect it to be slick. You will also probably want to have a pen and paper handy to jot things down as we go.

1. The first point I want to make is that we inherited this situation. The people responsible for it, are all long-since dead and gone. We aren’t to blame, but we are responsible for what we do about it now. So it is important that we all do the right thing.

2. So with that firm understanding, let’s begin. Point two…. Americans have been living under a largely British-controlled military protectorate since 1863. That is a fact that is never taught to Americans in school and indeed, most members of the American military have been left unaware of it, too. The only way that we become aware of it is by noticing certain facts and they are:

A. The position of the British Monarch as our Trustee “on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways” under The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783 and the attendant Admiralty Treaties;

B. The fact that our Congress never declared the so-called American Civil War;

C. The genesis of the Lieber Code in 1863;

D. The fact that no Peace Treaty concluded the American Civil War, which was in fact a foreign Mercenary Conflict, just like Vietnam, staged on our shores;

E. The adoption of The Lieber Code as The Hague Conventions.

F. The attempt by the Municipal United States Congress to give away our state offices to the United Nations under the International Organizations Immunities Act in 1976, and thus transfer responsibility for our land jurisdiction government to the United Nations. This left the Brits in control of what is supposed to be our Navy and the United Nations purportedly in control of our land and soil.

3. Point three…. the foregoing facts lead to the following facts:

A. Americans are internationally protected persons under the Geneva Conventions, because we are members of a non-combatant Third Party population being occupied by our own Army, albeit an Army acting as a Federal Subcontractor operated under our own Delegated Power;

B. The U.S. Department of Defense owes every American an international Identification Card admitting their actual political status and providing for the exercise of their “natural and unalienable rights” and all guarantees owed to their States of the Union by the remaining Federal Subcontractors – which are the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States Governments.

C. The American Subcontractor, the actual intended majority interest holder in the Federal Government, a Confederation of States of States operating as the States of America, has been under reconstruction since 1865, a project that has never been finished by the States and People of this country because our other Federal Subcontractors usurped upon our lawful government and failed their duty to inform and assist.

D. Any role that the United Nations presumes to have in any of this, has been handed to them by the Municipal United States Government, which has no authority to do any such thing. The situation is similar to that which results when the heir to an estate has been left uninformed of his heritage, and suddenly finds out. The probate of his estate under the presumption that no heir exists, has to be reversed and the property returned. In the same way, all control of America has to be returned to the Americans it belongs to.

4. And now we get down to the nitty-gritty of how Americans have been mischaracterized, misinformed, and impersonated by our own employees so as to prevent us from operating our government and keep us from accessing the guarantees and credits that are owed to us.

A. The first part of the current scam intended to defraud and pillage Americans was put in place by the British Territorial United States Subcontractor, via the abuse of our military and unlawful licensing and conscription of private physicians, dentists, nurses and other medical professionals on our soil under their Title 37 Uniformed Officers Code.

i. Under duress of losing their ability to practice their profession, medical doctors have been instructed to admit fetal afterbirth materials, what is properly called the “amnion” to the hospital as a dying “person” admitted under the Given Name of the living baby.

ii. This then reliably gives rise to an intestate infant decedent estate operating under the Given Name of a living American baby --- this dead imposter is presumed to be a Federal Dual Citizen, under obligation to both the British Territorial Government and the Roman Municipal United States Government franchise. This thing, this dead “amnion” is thus substituted for a living American baby and their estate is then operated by members of the Bar Association using Dead Letters of Administration issued by their own Circuit Courts, for the benefit of the Pope and the Queen, in Gross Criminal Breach of Trust.

iii. It is self-evident from these practices and the circumstance, that foreign European governments that owe us Good Faith and Service, have deliberately and with malice aforethought set up a criminal enterprise of vast proportions on our shores, all designed to defraud Americans of their identity and their property rights and that these Subcontractors have been misdirected to usurp upon and undermine our lawful government – a government that they are under solemn treaty and commercial contractual obligation to protect and defend.

iv. As a result of this identity theft fraud scheme, millions of Americans have been impersonated and in effect, kidnapped, from their natural jurisdiction on the land and soil of this country, and so far as the paperwork goes, we have been genocided on paper by misdirected Federal Subcontractors.

v. All this has in turn led to completely insupportable legal presumptions being applied to us and to our property assets, a False Claim and Presumption that our Given Name represents a Dual Federal Citizen, that this Dual Federal Citizen died intestate as an infant, that the estate of this infant is subject to administration by the Bar Association Members, and that the resulting Public Trust Estate is available to serve as chattel property backing the debts of the British Territorial Government and the Municipal United States Government, which have colluded to deprive generations of Americans of their freedom and their property assets under conditions of Gross Criminal Breach of Trust.

B. The second part of the scam involves manipulation of our monetary system, a process that began shortly after the Civil War hostilities ended.

We must pause to note that the Parties to the Civil War were all “States of States” that is, commercial and business corporations --- not actual States --- and were all members of the original Confederation of States formed in 1781, whether North or South. Thus, the actual States and the People of the States of the Union were never involved in this mercenary conflict and are thus, not the subject of any “war”, nor under any presumption of enmity against anyone. We have been innocent Third Parties throughout. That is, there can be no presumption that we are now or ever were involved in any sedition or rebellion against our own government.

i. In 1868 a Scottish commercial corporation merely calling itself “The United States of America”—Incorporated, set up shop, infringed upon our Proper Name in an obviously fraudulent manner, and misrepresenting itself as our lawful government, accessed our credit and stole our gold.

ii. This secretive substitution of a Scottish Interloper for our intended American Federal Government then led to the equally secretive substitution of franchises of this commercial corporation operating as British Territorial States of States for the “missing” Federal States of States we are owed.

Their Scottish “State of Wisconsin” replaced our American “The State of Wisconsin” and nobody was the wiser.

iii. Having gutted our credit and having despised our good name, these criminals began preparing – “in our names” -- for bankruptcy. In December of 1898 they concluded an agreement to purchase the Philippine Islands using our money, and began transporting our gold reserves to the Philippines. In 1906-07, they bankrupted “The United States of America” – Incorporated, and the Filipino Government was left as Steward.

iv. Next, the Pope and the Municipal United States took their turn at pillaging and raping America. In addition to the phony Territorial “States of States” set up to administer the foreign military protectorate, the Roman Municipal Government set up its own phony Municipal “STATES OF STATES” and the Double Dipping began. The Dead Baby Scam (assisted by the British Territorial Government) and the Federal Reserve scam was the result.
In 1934, the Territorial United States Congress declared the Philippine Government to be “independent” so that it could act as Trustee of our gold. This is where Ferdinand Marcos and all that association with the Philippines got started---the purchase of the Philippine Island land mass using our money back in 1898, followed by this action. Notice that although they declared the Philippine Government to be “independent”, the actual ownership of the land mass of the Philippines remains with us. It was all purchased “in our name” using our money, just like Alaska was purchased from the Russian Government.

v. The Municipal United States Government is a franchise of the City of Rome Municipal Government, operated as an independent international city-state on our shores. It is a Theocracy that worships Baal using the Roman Catholic Church as a storefront. It is supposed to be limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia, and it is supposed to be ruled over by members of our “missing” Federal Congress acting under the provisions of Article I, Section VIII, Clause 17, to provide an open meeting ground for all the States to send their Deputies. Obviously, they have been operating secretively on their own since the 1860’s, because no American Federal Government has met in Washington, DC, since that time. Our seat of government is and always has been in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The run-amok Municipal Government has treaties and a service contract with our lawful government called The Constitution of the United States (no “of America”) which it has grossly violated in thought, word, and deed.

vi. We have covered The Dead Baby Scam so now we will cover both the Federal Reserve and the IRS Frauds promulgated by the City of Rome franchise doing business as the Municipal United States Government---misrepresenting itself as The United States and as the Congress owed to the people of this country.

a. In 1913, with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, legal tender “laws” were imposed upon all citizens of “the” United States ---- not our United States---- the Federal Municipal United States Government. Unfortunately, we were all impacted by this, because we have to carry on trade with them. They established themselves a very profitable exchange rate of one US DOLLAR – their fiat script, for one American United States dollar --- an ounce of fine silver. They forced us to accept their corporation’s I.O.U.’s as an equitable exchange for our silver dollars under color of law.

b. They used this exchange rate to fill their coffers with American silver for the cost of printing up paper “dollars”.

c. In 1934, after deliberately causing The Great Depression and bankrupting their own commercial corporation doing business as “the” United States of America----Incorporated, which is yet another infringement and constructive fraud substituting a commercial corporation pretending to be the actual government of this country analogous to the Scottish Interloper of 1868 --- they created a “debt credit domestic monetary system”.

d. Under a debt credit system, you either: (1) owe no debts yourself and collect debts as credits, or, (2) everyone concerned is in debt to the others, and the Parties exchange debts as credits. It is all based on zero-sum transactions. This is anti-intuitive and against any normal course of business, so pay attention:

You go into a burger joint and give the owner a fiat five dollar bill in exchange for a hamburger. You have just gotten a hamburger which has actual value, in exchange for an I.O.U. – a debt, in other words. You still owe for that hamburger and no actual money has changed hands. Your debt just grew by $5 and the hamburger joint owner just accrued a $5 debt-credit. Every debt creates a credit in exactly the same amount, so there is a “zero sum” result--- and it is impossible for there to be a debt without an answering debt-credit.

So, when they talk about the “US National Debt” you know automatically that there has to be an answering “American National Credit” --- the credit/payment still due for that actual hamburger.

e. Americans have been accruing American National Credit under this system for more than eight decades and “US” Municipal United States Citizens have been accruing the US National Debt under the same system. Our National Credit with them is equal to their National Debt to us. We, Americans, are by far the largest and highest Priority Creditors with respect to the US National Debt. China is a far distant second runner.

f. This is why the perpetrators of this scheme plotted to kill us all off, thinking that they could escape their debt by killing their Priority Creditors, just as the Nazis endeavored to kill off the Jewish population that was holding the bulk of their National Debt.

g. Who actually owes us the US National Debt, our gold, the interest, and the profits? The Pope, the Queen, all their actual, legitimate government franchises, all their banks and corporations worldwide. They have coerced the use of our assets under color of law and forced us to extend our credit for their benefit under conditions of Gross Breach of Trust and Treaty for the better part of two centuries, and now, they don’t want to pay up. Forced extension of our credit, without our consent, and additional False Claims against the Dead Baby ESTATE, is what happens every time their foreign Municipal “Congress” extends the debt limit.

h. Next, we address the situation where both parties owe each other debts in a debt-credit system --- this is supposed to result in a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption. Americans do owe the Territorial and Municipal Governments for stipulated government services that they have provided under the terms of their respective Constitutions, and obviously, they owe us train loads of credit as a result of the monetary system they imposed under color of law. What is supposed to happen according to their own admissions in the 1934 Emergency Banking Act and Federal Title 12, is that we have the right to claim “exemption” and to demand “offset” of any federal debts we owe them, against the credit they already owe Americans.

This is a situation where I owe Joe a hundred dollars and he owes me a thousand, so I agree to knock a hundred off what he owes me already.

Every time Americans do this offsetting process, the US Debt goes down.

If this system had been utilized and properly administered from the beginning, the US National Debt would have been constantly pared down, but instead, those responsible have kept this a secret from the General Public and used various means, most especially, The Dead Baby Scam, to prevent Americans from accessing the American National Credit and offsetting federal debts they actually don’t owe.

Without the counter-balancing effect of the Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption, the US National Debt has increased exponentially.

i. The mysterious $23 Trillion Credit that the DOD Division of Fiscal Services found on its books, as well as the principal part of the gold in the Philippines, plus the actual ownership of the land of this country belongs to The United States of America --- Unincorporated, and to the member States of the Union and to the People of this country--- that is, all the long-lost purportedly dead Americans.

j. And now you know why Americans actually are the Priority Creditors of the US and why we are owed the preponderance of the US National Debt.

k. This foregoing circumstance, the constructive Dead Baby Scam leading to denial of the individual American’s ability to offset federal debts they don’t owe and the commandeering of their assets by the Bar Associations acting under color of law, fraud, and deceit --- also leads directly to the IRS Fraud.

l. You will remember that the dead fetal afterbirth “Person” registered under our Given Names as a Dual Federal Citizen owing obligations to both the British Territorial and Municipal United States Governments was also by definition obligated as a result, to pay Federal Debts, including Federal Income Taxes. This same identity theft and impersonation scheme was also used to allow the Municipal United States’ religious Inquisition to extract payment of Federal Income Taxes and to deny Americans access to the Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions they are owed.

m. Forcing people who are not in receipt of any federal income to pay federal income taxes is quite a feat, but using The Dead Baby Scam in concert with other historical maneuvers has allowed the perpetrators to siphon off billions upon billions of dollars-worth of fiat debt notes and physical assets belonging to the American People. The principal historical maneuver referenced in connection with this, is the Victory Tax.

n. During the Second World War, the United States Congress “offered” the opportunity for patriotic Americans to step forward and voluntarily pay an amount equal to what their federal citizen counterparts were paying as income tax, as a special “Victory Tax” to help win the war. This special tax was supposed to end at the end of the hostilities and the American “volunteers” were supposed to be released from any further obligation. This never happened.

o. These patriotic Americans who came to the aid of the British Government during its “darkest hour” were kept on the hook and mercilessly billed and harassed and misidentified as “Withholding Agents” --- British Merchant Marine Warrant Officers, in charge of collecting “gift and estate taxes”—from their own presumed-to-exist Dead Baby ESTATE, created by the Municipal Government in the first place as part of The Dead Baby Scam. The date for the end of the hostilities which was supposed to mark the end of the collection of the Victory Tax is clearly marked at the beginning of Title 50.

p. All of the taxes that were collected after that date in September 1945 from Americans who signed up to pay the Victory Tax and who were not directly employed by either the Territorial United States military government, nor by the Municipal Government, were collected under conditions of knowing constructive fraud; even worse, these Americans were again deliberately misidentified as Dual Citizens under obligation to serve both the foreign British Territorial United States Government and the Pope’s Municipal United States Government, when in fact they were never actually Federal Citizens at all and under no such obligations. These gallant “volunteers” were repaid with vicious continued taxation, vicious false arrest, and vicious seizure of their private assets under conditions of fraud, deceit, and violent racketeering by members of the Bar Associations and IRS employees.

q. The IRS and the “Courts” being operated by the Bar Associations are all operating under color of law on our shores; they are all private and foreign entities that should not be here and should not be operating in these capacities at all, misrepresenting themselves as being some part of our lawful government, when in fact they are all nothing but federal subcontractors that are supposed to be limiting their activities to serving actual federal citizens and dealing only with stipulated federal issues.

vii. The Life Insurance Fraud – Life Force Value Annuities
In addition to all the other dis-service that the British Government and the Popes have provided to this country and its people via the gross, deliberate mis-administration of their functions as Federal Subcontractors, they additionally contrived to insure their surreptitiously and falsely claimed property, by taking out life insurance policies on all the Dead Babies – in the form of Bottomry Bonds placed on the bogus Dead Baby ESTATES.

The British Government colluded with the Government of Ottawa and its Governor to “subsume” all the Dead Baby ESTATES into the bankruptcy of CANADA, and the Annuities generated when these ESTATES were collapsed (“died”) --- $950 trillion dollars-worth, were paid to Prince Philip as the presumed beneficiary. He resigned from Public Life two days later, in April of 2017, revealed to be the King Rat of King Rats.
And now this is what we have to say as the actual Americans who have officially returned to the land jurisdiction of our country and who are operating the actual States of the Union and our Federation of States called The United States of America, which is Unincorporated:

We wish for every Municipal COURT including the US TAX COURT, which is improperly operating outside the District of Columbia to be permanently shut down, immediately, and all CRIS Accounts associated with these COURTS to be seized and held pending disposition to the rightful owners;

We wish for all members of the Bar Associations to be re-educated about these issues and for all Circuit Courts to be fully informed and strictly limited and subjected to oversight when issuing Dead Letters of Administration; we wish for drastic reform and re-education of the Territorial Courts as well, so as to ensure compliance with international law and an end to pillaging;

We wish for the immediate worldwide recognition of our lawful government as the only government that has any right, reason, or ability to control the affairs of the actual United States in international affairs;

We wish for the cessation of all corporate hostilities whatsoever, and for the immediate dismantling of The Dead Baby Scam, the release of all our medical professionals who are not working directly for the military from any obligation of conscription or coercive licensing, and the correction of all our records to reflect that fact that we are not “dead”, not federal Dual Citizens, not Enemies of anyone, not responsible for any of this deplorable criminality exercised in our names, and not offering to serve in any capacity but that of the lawful government of this country and the Priority Creditors of the US National Debt;

We wish for all actual Americans who are not currently working directly for the federal government in the military or Federal Civil Service, to reclaim their birthright political status by public declaration and by joining our actual State Assemblies and for the U.S. Department of Defense/DOD to:
(1) issue proper international identification cards identifying these Americans as State Citizens and/or State Nationals who are non-combatant civilians owed The Law of Peace by the military and owed every jot of the guarantees afforded their States under the federal constitutions;

(2) issue credit cards directly attached to their unblocked credit accounts to execute Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges to offset the US National Debt using the American National Credit that is owed to each and every one of them;

(3) work with our State Assemblies remove the private property of these Americans from all public tax rolls and permanently return the freehold land patent to their possession;

(5) shut down all registration activities affecting land and land assets in this country—all of which must be recorded, not registered;

We wish for a cessation of all talk of transfer of our wealth to Third World countries upon the premise that our assets are “abandoned assets” and an end of any presumption that the Municipal “Civil” ---not “Civilian” Government had any right or authority to transfer any aspect of our government to the administration of the United Nations nor any justification to create the Dead Baby ESTATES and DERIVATIVES attached to our Given Names, either.

These are all criminal activities recognized under the Geneva Conventions and they carry the death penalty should anyone wish to raise their hand and continue these practices--- let them be well-advised;

We wish for it to be recognized that the British Crown and Government of Westminster in particular, has been operated as a crime syndicate on our shores and worldwide, as has the Roman Catholic Church which has been used as a storefront by criminals, as has the Municipal Government of Great Britain, as has the Municipal United States Government, the British Territorial United States Government, the various subsidiaries including CANADA and the Territorial Governments, including the Office of the Governor of Ottawa;

We wish for Prince Philip and the Governor of Ottawa to be prosecuted for the return of all Life Force Value Annuities owed to the natural heirs, including the multi-generational heirs actually owed these Annuities;

We wish for the entire world to wise up and realize that money and credit are commodities like rice or pork bellies and that these commodities no less than all the others have been commandeered and manipulated via commodity rigging schemes cooked up by the World Bank and the various “Territorial” Governments --- that is, commercial corporations in the business of providing governmental services under subcontracts to actual governments --- including the creation of the Exchange Stabilization Fund, the London Gold and Silver Exchanges, the Shanghai Exchange, the various other Stock and Commodity Exchanges, and the grossly mis-managed Securities and Exchange Commission organizations worldwide;

We wish for the entire world to realize that the all the nastiness done in our names was in fact done and ordered by British Territorial Citizens and Roman Municipal Denizens, acting as “US citizens” ---working for corporations and institutions which have been criminally mismanaged and misdirected ever since this plague of deceit and criminality was started under the reign of Queen Victoria when she sold out the British Working Class by “enfranchising” them and their assets as chattels to back the Raj in India and to promote herself as Empress of India;

We wish for all of you hearing and/or reading this to realize the gravity of the situation and the fact that any GCR will immediately reveal the manipulation that has been readily available all this time, the arbitrary nature of that manipulation of world money supplies and currencies, and the grotesque fault of the bankers and the politicians which has resulted in so much misery and violence for no good reason;

We wish for a gentle re-seeding of the world markets and believe that this can be adequately accomplished at a micro-economic level simply by converting the debt system to a credit system, allowing people to exercise the Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions they were always owed, shutting down The Dead Baby Scam and seizing back the so-called “Legacy Trusts” from the administration of bank administrators who have falsely claim that these are abandoned assets;

We have already seen what happens when we leave things to the discretion of members of the Bar Associations and other bankers. We wish for an end of their hegemony and respect for the Titles of Nobility Amendment made to The Constitution for the united States of America in all dealings regarding us, our property, our courts, and our day-to-day lives until this entire business is brought to a conclusion and all our Judicial Courts are returned to service;

We wish for the realization that the Legacy Trusts are for the benefit of living, breathing people, including the lawful heirs and the intended beneficiaries---not corporations; also, they are not “abandoned property” to be divvied up among cronies to promote political agendas, to buy protection from government contractors, or to otherwise be abused and mischaracterized as public trusts, subject to legal chicanery and to being siphoned off under conditions of fraud, False Claims, and deceit.

The final point that I wish to make solely in my unique capacity is that we have to let go of the old, before we can embrace the new. If your hands are full of blessings that belong to someone else, you can’t have the peace and joy of knowing and enjoying your own. It is apparent that there is far more than enough in terms of resources to wipe out poverty, to provide abundant food and water, to educate everyone on this planet and build a marvelous future ---- but only if we give up the false assumptions that have been fostered under the Roman Church’s Doctrine of Scarcity and only if we embrace our true birthright and standing.

15th August 2019, 11:53 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAmFvR1aMCwL1IhSPPLEUvP8oseTvmZ3JSxr8dOgXgsEP IYzqggpNsm0EBupyPxm7pogxBWCGjwLeAm&hc_ref=ARQ12WW7NjHVHGyaSwA7CdwsVA-qZX_wZVfSHcVeAP7iALprn41pLltLF1tzZykjcvY&fref=nf)
55 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2365595140156219) ·

Why It Is Important to Have a Hereditary Head of State

Quite simply, it beats them at their own game.

The Normans conquered and settled England.

King John was basically disinherited by his own Father and left with no land in England and no land in France --- hence his nickname, John Lackland.

All King John had left was his job as Keeper of the Commonwealth, a position that required him to work closely with the Church and the Pope, "to preserve and maintain" the "orderly operation of the Commonwealth for the greater good of its inhabitants".

Even back then, people who had no actual home or claim to land were called "inhabitants" and "residents" in England. Paupers, the inhabitants of King John's remaining kingdom, merely "reside" on a temporary basis, under the protection of the Crown ---- a commercial corporation that provides them with the bare necessities of life and works them to death building up properties and businesses belonging to the Church. Think work houses. Internment camps.

Are you beginning to draw the conclusions that result when these Bar Attorneys refer to you as a "resident" of the "State of Minnesota"?

Their schtick is that the entire world must be ruled by people with the proper pedigree.
Why? Because they are Monarchists. They think that they are elite and that their elite status has been conferred on them by a King who is even more elite. Therefore to preserve their own purportedly special status, they have to support the claims of the King who gave this special status to them.

And God forbid that anyone else believe anything different or live under any different system---- because then they wouldn't be special and elite anymore.

This is what happens when people forget that they already have the highest status imaginable as Children of God.

They claim that their Queen is the natural ruler of England, France, America, Australia, etc., etc., etc., and this appeals to her vanity and her pocketbook, but it really isn't about her. It's about promoting her, so that the elitists supporting her gain more power, more prestige, and more money.

To the extent that they can bamboozle themselves and everyone else into believing this tripe, they succeed in their "Other Agenda" which is to bilk people who aren't elite ---- all the paupers --- under color of law.

However, William the Conqueror, was a renegade as a king, and a realist as a man. When he died, he made all his senior nobles who helped him conquer England "sovereigns in their own right" and bequeathed land to them and their heirs forever afterward in England. To this day, the Norman Patent underlies every stitch of land in England and everything that derived from the Doomsday Book accounting established by the Normans is under their claim.

These men, who were still Barons owing fealty to William's heir in France, became kings in their own right in England. The worldview of the Monarchists was shattered: mere men could become kings.

This is why the "Barons" were able to force King John to abide by the Magna Carta and the reason the Magna Carta became the driving force behind English Land Law for five hundred years.

It was only in the 1750's that the English Land Law was eroded by Lord Mansfield's pollution of Land Law with Admiralty Law to create Equity Law ----the perverse form of law practiced by Territorial Courts in America today.

In America, the Land Law persisted as a result of the War of Independence. Worse, one of the Norman kings-in-their-own-right, had moved to America and one of his progeny sided with the Colonials against George III.

Like his illustrious ancestor, William the Conqueror, William Belcher (Belle Cher) bequeathed sovereignty in their own right to all the Continental soldiers who fought in the War of Independence, and to all Americans who would be born on our soil forever afterward.

This time, not only a handful of Barons became kings. An entire people became sovereigns in their own right.

The end of the road for the Monarchists was in sight. This was viewed as a death blow to monarchy as an institution. If millions of common people could be elevated to the status of kings, the elites would have nowhere to go, no basis to make their claims of special status.
When William Belcher took on the role and responsibility of being Head of State, he clearly understood and agreed that this was an Office he was serving in order to get this country recognized and enabled to do business in international trade.

The Monarchists wouldn't do business with us otherwise.
So he used his royal ensigns as a king in his own right, his national coat of arms, as the basis to issue the Great Seals of both The United States and The United States of America. You can see this for yourself, simply by looking up the Coat of Arms being used by the Belchers at this time in history.

It doesn't mean, obviously, that a Norman king who conferred sovereignty on all Americans was a Monarchist himself, nor does it imply that any of his progeny are Monarchists, either. It is the simple fact that William Belcher had a superior form of sovereignty to the Kings of England who as heirs of John Lackland were Kings of the Commonwealth. When he stepped onto the stage, the Monarchists were beaten at their own game.
And they still are.

So long as a Belle Cher maintains the Office of Head of State, even according to their own rules and traditions, the Monarchists must recognize the sovereignty of our States and our People, which has been bequeathed to us under the Settlement of the Norman Conquest.

The Kings of the Commonwealth and their elitist supporters have tried many ways to undermine these basic facts, most recently by up-ending and leaving the land and the land law by going to sea, but at the end of the day, they are still at sea and their Equity Law, which they have used as a spearhead to try to overcome our lawful claims, is not recognized nor practiced by any Judicial Court in America.

Wake up, People. You are engaged in a battle of wits against ruthless adversaries who wish to promote a new form of feudalism -- Commercial Feudalism -- and they aim to make you all into serfs and slaves, already far worse off than any counterparts in the Middle Ages.

A serf in the Middle Ages gave 10-25% of his income each year to the King and the Church combined. You are now being diddled out of over half of your income, and more demands are soon to be placed upon you, using currency inflation as a weapon to tax and devalue what you have left.

Wake up, America. The precious birthrights that our forefathers all fought for, Norman Royals and Everyman alike, are being undermined by lawless criminals intent on stealing by guile what they could never win by force of arms.

James Clinton Belcher isn't standing up as Head of State to enslave you. He is standing up to challenge this new form of Feudalism based on hot air and paper. He is doing it to protect you and your assets from the False Claims of these sea-born pirates. Please note --- he isn't doing it because it is safe, nor thanks to your own ignorance, because it is a popular thing to do (it should be, but isn't). He is doing it because it is the right thing to do.

We must all oppose Commercial Feudalism with might and main, with determination and education, with heart and with soul and with whatever means and eloquence we can use to expose the plots of those engaged in these evils, all aimed at promoting their self-interest at the expense of the entire Earth and everyone living upon it.

The American Head of State stands for the sovereignty of each and every State of the Union, and for the sovereignty in their own right of the People of this country. He stands for your right to own private property. His ancestors fought, bled, and died so that you could have these precious birthrights---- but others have tried to steal these bequests from you by deceit, by lies, and by unconscionable contracts.

Wake up, wake up, wake up! The men who gave you these gifts in the first place are not the ones trying to steal them from you now.

James Clinton Belcher is standing between you and rapacious pirates. Don't you think it is about time you woke up and helped him push back?

We call on each and every one of you to help break the chains of Commercial Feudalism before they are solidly locked around your necks. Come home. Declare your birthright political status. Place your declaration and re-conveyance of your Good Name which your parents gave to you on the public record of these fiends, and make them accountable.

15th August 2019, 01:31 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARByhJGu_K0Q5yszwhDzKtk9Pjdkcy6Nw1p6ZDSx8tNZeR _cXlDHuRaPNgsEgb05hgKjuG0yBpA0huV3&hc_ref=ARRqQlQfAJ_k4QShHnC63afFah7d2lF1J8LGlldIUEj HHQKtbyusTmNlTwjdai0_-FI&fref=nf)
29 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2365764796805920) ·

Extraordinary Effort -- EE -- Message for White Hats

Today, I am making an Extraordinary Effort --- which should rate me a grade of "EE" in the Great School of Things --- by using whatever graphic skills I have (very little, indeed) to draw out basic symbols and rules of symbols for you. I am doing this to make you all aware of these things and hopefully in a way that you can grasp at a glance. The end result will be available on my website, www.annavonreitz.com. (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F%3Ffbc lid%3DIwAR27ceLQV8iWUm_l1CNFlnzbyW8vhrvsOIitRdqLYb OUn5n47QzZa2A4qZg&h=AT1MqVpEdbbrXw-NWTFwQC0Ypl3kVmWlr-4i1L6XuhjOuPjyjvp0d46kEdR77nkDOizrNIUa8lPJ5DNckVYM IVGm-mWoUSnnvyCyZ4gcUSlnGv1blDvrHTQbrtbhYLSGv6Ys3zPJ_IA 8ZlvTDZGVtxRQrWOQYV-R)

Second, everyone has been pestering me about the death of a puke named Jeffrey Epstein. You need to be swift enough on the uptake to know when your attention is being diverted and then look at what it is being diverted from.

In this case, you are being lured by your natural but prurient interest in sex, to give your attention to issues that are unimportant. How Jeffrey Epstein died in a high security prison is no mystery. That he died is a disappointment to those of us who would have liked to see some justice for the victims, but that is fundamentally unimportant, too. A puke is dead. Good riddance. There are plenty more just like him.

What is important is that this past week the rats launched an all out effort to register your land as their land and to shut down the land recording offices throughout this country.

THAT is what is important, and THAT is what your attention is being diverted from. White Hats, we need assistance blocking this attempted registration of our land assets, which would unlawfully convert our entire country into a corporate holding.

If you have not recorded your metes and bounds description and land marks you must do so now and you must take exception to the registration of any land assets in this country. They are attacking the fundamental basis of your country --- so get off your duffs and record your interest using landmarks.

We have already claimed back the States which are physically defined, so you are somewhat shielded, but you need to exempt your own landholdings from their process explicitly and specifically, by counterclaiming all their various descriptions of your land and rolling all those land descriptions under your physical description.

For example, "112 Mockingbird Lane" is a Territorial Land Description, seeking to identify your physical property as property existing in a Territorial State of State, while "Block 9, Lot 2, Mercier Lakes Subdivision" is a Municipal Land Description seeking to identify your physical property as property existing in a Municipal STATE OF STATE. You must seize upon both these descriptions and any other such descriptions that they offer to use and apply to your land and counterclaim these by issuing your own landmark-based physical description in your State ---- for example, "the Southeast one-quarter of the original homestead of John Mayo recorded upon the Crystal Lake County, Illinois Recorder's Office, Volume 2, Page 114, August 15, 1855, and consisting of forty acres of rolling hills, orchard and pasture land, enclosed on the east by the Millburne Creek, enclosed on the west by a split rail fence and brass corner markers, enclosed on the North by our border with the Neil Olson Homestead running directly East and West between the northern brass corner monument of our western fence line and Millburne Creek, and enclosed on the South by the ditch and road system easement of US Highway 54...."

You get the idea. Now get moving.

The Clerks have developed a new tack in their attempts to befuddle you and muddy the waters. They are telling everyone that they don't record legal documents. This is true. Legal documents must be registered, not recorded; however, the paperwork (not documents) that you are recording are land records, not legal documents.

You are yourself a land asset: dust thou art and to dust returneth. So you have every right and reason to record everything including land asset re-conveyances of your Good Name and private property interests.

And more importantly, you have no reason to register anything. Ever.

Finally, for those of you who are intrigued by my First Life as a mathematician, here's a helpful step into the brave world of actual mathematics, even if they don't have it all figured out yet:

What is Reality?

Quantum Gravity Research
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ztlIAYTCU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ztlIAYTCU&fbclid=IwAR0ECXFGHaRp0BaYyfNGXc78Y91KPR6OaSG8aP0SS kjAc9mDOcUy3kAYJOY)

16th August 2019, 06:39 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAza8HQlmewTSwJsbzxtpXnQlJ8k-uDwIgk5ZIm9cPouGmsq-kzRH-s_mEWTia_N-_04nn9EDoIQKaY&hc_ref=ARSWiNlg1xUDF5hqa3yVFfHDeBjLg6iHAREWgAKKlzN hO-MrtnXtJfC29EbPVnFZ4KI&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2367545979961135) ·

The Land Grab

Right now, you have a "DEED" on your property record that is held by the STATE OF WHATEVER --- STATE OF VERMONT, STATE OF TEXAS, etc.

That entity is bankrupt, because its parent corporation, the UNITED STATES, INC., went bankrupt via Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy in 2015. It's gone and it isn't coming back.

So now what? Your property that was being held "in trust" by the UNITED STATES, INC. is being caught up in their bankruptcy and considered chattel backing their debts, simply because you have not stepped forward as the "Powerholder" over the ESTATE and claimed it and properly directed what is to be done with it.

As a result, the British Territorial United States Government run by the military is stepping in and converting all those land recordings to registrations --- unlawfully seizing upon your land holdings and turning them into property owned and controlled by the Queen and the British Crown.

They will then re-issue a new "title" to your property under the auspices of some organization calling itself something like "State of Wisconsin" or "WISCONSIN" or whatever the name of your actual state is, and most people will not be the wiser --- unless you tell them and you all take action to save your property and yourselves.

We have to create a Major Stink over this one, and bring our complaints to the UN and every foreign government that will hear us.

The UN is not in charge of us because of some legislation passed by the Municipal Congress, but it has plenty of hand-holds on Britain if American sovereignty is being threatened --- as it is, by this egregious land-grab.

We already have liens reclaiming the States of States and State Trusts for the actual States and The United States and The United States of America, so you are already somewhat insured, but you need to re-record your land claims in terms of physical landmarks, not their airy-fairy "land descriptions".

People are having trouble wrapping their heads around this concept, so here's a typical for-instance.

You currently have a Deed of Trust or a Warranty Deed sitting on your property.

You will want to record a "Notice of Vacated Deed Conveyance".

In that Notice you will want to reference the various land descriptions that have been attached to your property, giving the details of each such description, for example:
"The property formerly described as "Block 11, Lot 10, Herkimer Subdivision" in the town of Herkimer, Pennsylvania, recorded by the COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, Document Number 12-90104, recorded on May 3, 1985, and as also described as 4536 Hillsboro Road and recorded by the State of Pennsylvania in the Township of Herkimer and shown on the Town Plat as Item 1290-1992, Page 15099, Plat 11-342, Volume III, is hereby conveyed to Pennsylvania and stands upon the land and soil of Pennsylvania as a two acre irregularly shaped plot of land in the general form of a triangle enclosed by green metal posts and piles of native granite around the posts, located as boundary markers at each corner of the triangle. The land and soil has been physically surveyed by Keith A. Pierce and Sons, Surveyors, of Herkimer, Pennsylvania, and that survey is accepted as an accurate physical description of the location of this privately owned plot within Pennsylvania's borders. All right, title, and interest in this property belongs to Pennsylvania, a State of the Union, and to me, the Powerholder enforcing the State Trust. All Deeds issued by the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, the COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, PENNSYLVANIA, or other franchises of the UNITED STATES are vacated and re-conveyed to the original jurisdiction of Pennsylvania, free and clear of debt, as a Freehold upon the land and soil of Pennsylvania."

Sign it as the Powerholder in your Upper and Lower Case Name, First and Last only, using a by-line like this: by: George Allenby, Powerholder, for Allenby, George-Frederick, of Herkimer, Pennsylvania.

This last bit is necessary because in their records, we are not listed as "George Allenby" or as "George Frederick Allenby", but are instead listed as "Allenby, George-Frederick.

They've gobbered everything up with their endless deceits to such an extent that I think Frank Zappa was right --- just call your children by nonsense names that do not conform to their system of nomenclature at all, and adopt whatever kind of name you want for yourselves, as well.

They want to run the world in abuse of trusts and using false nomenclature? Fine. Millions of people can play the same game. Change your name every month or two and give them (Vital Statistics) notice of the change.

I, Frank Marvin Williams, have changed my name to Funkweiler P. Morgan as of November 11, 2017...... and then a month later..... I, Funkweiler P. Morgan have changed my name to Little Funk Morgan, otherwise known as LF Morgan, as of April 18, 2018......and then a month later.... I, Little Funk Morgan, otherwise known as LF Morgan, have changed my name to Pittance LF Marvin as of October 10, 2018.....

Why not? They want to seize upon our names and play these stupid games to unjustly enrich themselves via fraud and False Claims in commerce? They want to define "JOHN ADAMS" as a Public Charitable Trust of the foreign Municipal United States Government?

They want to pretend that registration of land assets is proper? Well, you are the Powerholder and you can define where your land and soil interests are "seated" ---- and how they are defined, too.

We, The United States of America, will be opening our Land and Soil Recording Offices soon and you can record your interest in your private property with us for a small fee. Just be sure to do your paperwork and declare your birthright political status first.

TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net (http://theamericanstatesassembly.net/?fbclid=IwAR3tkIKgAUgKMgOdo3yvk5yPif8osS7YoaQ69Dyf Bl9TU3FwKM6FdVSdx90) is where you learn more, followed by SignInAmerica.net. (http://signinamerica.net/?fbclid=IwAR2Pvju3tBZ0_n1AnkuZAudXldMAvWP487kQaWCU McoFCAKi1dxdOQFlyho)

17th August 2019, 09:15 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAza8HQlmewTSwJsbzxtpXnQlJ8k-uDwIgk5ZIm9cPouGmsq-kzRH-s_mEWTia_N-_04nn9EDoIQKaY&hc_ref=ARSWiNlg1xUDF5hqa3yVFfHDeBjLg6iHAREWgAKKlzN hO-MrtnXtJfC29EbPVnFZ4KI&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2367545979961135) ·

The Land Grab

Right now, you have a "DEED" on your property record that is held by the STATE OF WHATEVER --- STATE OF VERMONT, STATE OF TEXAS, etc.

That entity is bankrupt, because its parent corporation, the UNITED STATES, INC., went bankrupt via Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy in 2015. It's gone and it isn't coming back.

So now what? Your property that was being held "in trust" by the UNITED STATES, INC. is being caught up in their bankruptcy and considered chattel backing their debts, simply because you have not stepped forward as the "Powerholder" over the ESTATE and claimed it and properly directed what is to be done with it.

As a result, the British Territorial United States Government run by the military is stepping in and converting all those land recordings to registrations --- unlawfully seizing upon your land holdings and turning them into property owned and controlled by the Queen and the British Crown.

They will then re-issue a new "title" to your property under the auspices of some organization calling itself something like "State of Wisconsin" or "WISCONSIN" or whatever the name of your actual state is, and most people will not be the wiser --- unless you tell them and you all take action to save your property and yourselves.

We have to create a Major Stink over this one, and bring our complaints to the UN and every foreign government that will hear us.

The UN is not in charge of us because of some legislation passed by the Municipal Congress, but it has plenty of hand-holds on Britain if American sovereignty is being threatened --- as it is, by this egregious land-grab.

We already have liens reclaiming the States of States and State Trusts for the actual States and The United States and The United States of America, so you are already somewhat insured, but you need to re-record your land claims in terms of physical landmarks, not their airy-fairy "land descriptions".

People are having trouble wrapping their heads around this concept, so here's a typical for-instance.

You currently have a Deed of Trust or a Warranty Deed sitting on your property.

You will want to record a "Notice of Vacated Deed Conveyance".

In that Notice you will want to reference the various land descriptions that have been attached to your property, giving the details of each such description, for example:
"The property formerly described as "Block 11, Lot 10, Herkimer Subdivision" in the town of Herkimer, Pennsylvania, recorded by the COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, Document Number 12-90104 (tel:12-90104), recorded on May 3, 1985, and as also described as 4536 Hillsboro Road and recorded by the State of Pennsylvania in the Township of Herkimer and shown on the Town Plat as Item 1290-1992, Page 15099, Plat 11-342, Volume III, is hereby conveyed to Pennsylvania and stands upon the land and soil of Pennsylvania as a two acre irregularly shaped plot of land in the general form of a triangle enclosed by green metal posts and piles of native granite around the posts, located as boundary markers at each corner of the triangle. The land and soil has been physically surveyed by Keith A. Pierce and Sons, Surveyors, of Herkimer, Pennsylvania, and that survey is accepted as an accurate physical description of the location of this privately owned plot within Pennsylvania's borders. All right, title, and interest in this property belongs to Pennsylvania, a State of the Union, and to me, the Powerholder enforcing the State Trust. All Deeds issued by the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, the COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, PENNSYLVANIA, or other franchises of the UNITED STATES are vacated and re-conveyed to the original jurisdiction of Pennsylvania, free and clear of debt, as a Freehold upon the land and soil of Pennsylvania."

Sign it as the Powerholder in your Upper and Lower Case Name, First and Last only, using a by-line like this: by: George Allenby, Powerholder, for Allenby, George-Frederick, of Herkimer, Pennsylvania.

This last bit is necessary because in their records, we are not listed as "George Allenby" or as "George Frederick Allenby", but are instead listed as "Allenby, George-Frederick.

They've gobbered everything up with their endless deceits to such an extent that I think Frank Zappa was right --- just call your children by nonsense names that do not conform to their system of nomenclature at all, and adopt whatever kind of name you want for yourselves, as well.

They want to run the world in abuse of trusts and using false nomenclature? Fine. Millions of people can play the same game. Change your name every month or two and give them (Vital Statistics) notice of the change.

I, Frank Marvin Williams, have changed my name to Funkweiler P. Morgan as of November 11, 2017...... and then a month later..... I, Funkweiler P. Morgan have changed my name to Little Funk Morgan, otherwise known as LF Morgan, as of April 18, 2018......and then a month later.... I, Little Funk Morgan, otherwise known as LF Morgan, have changed my name to Pittance LF Marvin as of October 10, 2018.....

Why not? They want to seize upon our names and play these stupid games to unjustly enrich themselves via fraud and False Claims in commerce? They want to define "JOHN ADAMS" as a Public Charitable Trust of the foreign Municipal United States Government?

They want to pretend that registration of land assets is proper? Well, you are the Powerholder and you can define where your land and soil interests are "seated" ---- and how they are defined, too.

We, The United States of America, will be opening our Land and Soil Recording Offices soon and you can record your interest in your private property with us for a small fee. Just be sure to do your paperwork and declare your birthright political status first.

TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net (http://theamericanstatesassembly.net/?fbclid=IwAR3tkIKgAUgKMgOdo3yvk5yPif8osS7YoaQ69Dyf Bl9TU3FwKM6FdVSdx90) is where you learn more, followed by SignInAmerica.net. (http://signinamerica.net/?fbclid=IwAR2Pvju3tBZ0_n1AnkuZAudXldMAvWP487kQaWCU McoFCAKi1dxdOQFlyho)

Ponce: “get your Land Patent” The land was granted to the original patentee and his heirs and assigns “forever” by the United States.


17th August 2019, 09:31 AM
The land was granted to the original patentee and his heirs and assigns “forever” by the United States.

Did you hear of the Nebraska farmer years back? He was charged with child abuse. He attempted to leave the farm to the kids.

23rd August 2019, 01:09 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARABdu2qDhzwn-myTfA0U2uhoVGJMr0Asdnv_CIYPKNtwmv7yjRbab6SMaKaw84g MFL1pyhPrfP4C88a&hc_ref=ARS62ui7V9E0ytpujjqWycS5DAS9_VDcd1J4N1-h2Kgncjqq8c3gkUOnjI1_S6ZL_uE&fref=nf)
27 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2380994148616318) ·

How to Kill an Archon

Sometimes I wonder, seriously, if we as a species, are too stupid to live?

This morning I woke up to the "news" that the banks are 220 trillion "in debt" as a result of "derivatives" ---- basically false names and false titles that have been used to defraud people all over the world, with malice aforethought, by eight conspiring central banks and a handful of securities brokerages and holding companies.

"Ha!" I snorted into my morning coffee, much as my Father used to do when something startling came to the surface early in the day. "Is that all?" I thought. And then I thought, "Well, what to hell? The idiots just gave Prince Philip $950 trillion in "Life Force Value Annuities"---- all owed to innocent Americans and Canadians, by the way---- go shake his pockets loose and poof! That "derivative problem" just goes away..... and then some."
Then I brooded on the topic of so-called "water shortages" that we are experiencing as a result of the US NAVY and NATO Allies doing unlawful and illegal weather warfare "testing" on non-domestic populations in flagrant violation of the United Nation's ENMOD Treaties.

Their schtick selling you oil as a "precious commodity" is at an end, so they have cast around and found something even more precious that they can "limit" by manipulating the jet stream and causing a fake drought----- water, which, unlike oil, you need to live.
Just ask yourselves, how is it possible to have 85% humidity and no rain for weeks at a time? And how much could the bastards extort, if they "corner the market" on water?
Geoengineering. Weather modification technology. All those "chem trails" were establishing "field antenna" structures to bounce other radiation off of---- similar to the Japanese Pixel Paint that allows them to paint a wall and make it into a TV screen forty feet long and eighteen feet high.

Using this technology they can keep water vapor suspected in the atmosphere indefinitely, while using other technology to be able to "download" copious amounts of this atmospheric water for themselves. They can also use other technology to redirect the natural jet streams ---- rivers of water vapor in the atmosphere --- and cause them to dump their payloads of water into the oceans instead of letting them rain on the land.

Hence the sudden "threat" of a "centuries long drought" and sky-high water prices.
How about this? We all wise up and recognize a few things.

What is an Archon?
Basically, an Archon is an extra-terrestrial Bad Idea that assumes a physical form.
These things are the embodiment of greed. The ultimate Useless Eaters. All they know how to do, is consume, consume, consume.
And all they know how to do in order to consume is to cheat, and lie, and steal.
Because these THINGS are not, strictly speaking, alive, they are somewhat hard to kill.
It has to be done underwater, with an infrared laser through the eye sockets.
If you don't do it right the first time, they come back, sort of like warts or in-grown toe-nails, and continue to cause trouble.

Another thing about Archons is that they are, relatively speaking, physically weak and quite cowardly on average. That's part of the reason that they constantly hide behind "proxies" ---- proxy governments, proxy banks, proxy proxies.
Their entire modus operandi is to work through others to achieve their ends, so as to protect themselves, and to hide their identities, and to give themselves "plausible deniability" when the Shipping High In Transit comes down.
So they pretend to be Catholics --- but aren't Catholics.
They pretend to be Jews --- but aren't Jews.
They pretend to Muslims --- but aren't Muslims, either.
So never blame the people like Donald Trump or even Queen Elizabeth or Pope Francis. That's like blaming an evil sock puppet.
No, you have to think harder and look longer and suddenly you will start to see the actual shape and nature of the Beasts. It's easy to target their nerve centers: New York, Inner City of London, Rome, Luxembourg, Washington, DC, Prague, Hong Kong, New Delhi.... but not so easy to identify them.

Howbeit, we have done so. We know exactly who they are and where they live, how they came to be here, all of it.
And the information has already been distributed to millions of interested parties, here and throughout the galaxy, complete with a "How to Recognize an Archon Guide" that shows the DNA markers of bodies they are known to use.
So it won't be such an easy business for them to "externally manipulate" things any longer. Our attitude is, if they won't go peaceably, well..... there are other means of getting rid of the plague.

In view of their tampering with the biosphere and in particular, their attempt to corner the market on water and in full view of their actions deliberately causing severe drought conditions as part of their build-up scheme, we are ready to evict them forcibly and permanently.
Someone should inform the United Nations that they are being used as a storefront the same way the Roman Catholic Church has been used, and that the ENMOD Treaties are being violated with impunity by these vermin, but this time, it won't be me who carries the bad news to the Galactic Council and the UN Inspector General.
I have other things to do.

24th August 2019, 04:57 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBXWsH1i-yvkmrgOUl2exl75ZUZQzp2owU1HVwPoD6AQTpCJzwgYQcB6N6t pclg_9rIvKFv0MgXH40g&hc_ref=ARQhrePKTaLi8pS_ejYav8kGnHoXV4TrFdZ1-Vk0cygzM5atMEjmnd4Z__Vt-05VRg0&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 3:16 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2381123141936752) ·

Red Alert! I'm Baaack!

To quote the Terminator..... and squalling mad, too.

Everyone needs to get their heads screwed on and right smart quick.

The minions of the Vermin have discovered that yes, indeed, they have no basis to be in our court buildings and don't own our court facilities and that in fact, they are about a hundred years behind on their lease and rental agreements.

Oh, my. And on top of that, it turns out that the people that they have been persecuting and prosecuting are their Creditors. Imagine that? Fully admitted, in black and white, just as I have been telling you all for several years. Take a close look at the attached pdf. Notice something odd? The Plaintiffs are the Debtors and the Defendants are the Creditors. Enough said.
So now they are going around to the humble Justices of the Peace that are still serving the actual people of their respective Counties and trying to wine and dine them into signing paperwork that would "gift" the courthouses and other facilities that belong to the actual People of this country to the foreign interlopers, corporate thieves, and renegade Municipal "Government" which is operating in flagrant violation of the Constitution that allows its very existence.

What part of "ten square miles" don't the Pope and the US CONGRESS understand? Do we need to draw them a picture?

What part of "shall not be infringed" are they struggling over? Again, are those little international symbols--- the red circle with a bar across the circle really necessary?

These activities have been reported in several states now, and thankfully none of the actual Justices of the Peace have been stupid enough to fall for it---- but it is high time that we all "fully informed" everyone in local government that: (1) their positions do not allow them to make such deal for two reasons: (a) most of them have not properly declared their political status on any public-available record; and (b) none of them are authorized to sell, trade, distribute, or "gift" away any particle of our land or soil, our public buildings or our property in general ---- it is all ours, thank you very much, and as long as even one American retains their interest, the rats are SOL.

Being trusted to use that property for valid public purposes is a serious Public Trust in and of itself, one that has been grossly abused by the Officers of these Foreign Courts who have been leasing the facilities to conduct their private corporate tribunals under conditions of constructive fraud and operating these foreign courts under color of law to extort assets and credit from Americans.

I have instructed the Territorial United States Government to get off their rumps and shut down the Municipal COURTS which are all operating outside their limited jurisdiction and in violation of the constitutional agreements that give these institutions any right to exist.

If they are to continue to operate at all, they must operate solely within the ten miles square apportioned to them and must stop addressing Americans as "citizens of the United States", which 90% of us are not and never were.

As I speak, these idiots are gearing up for another "civil war" on our shores --- another mercenary "conflict" ----- and it's up to all the nations of the world to put a stop to this activity once and for all, on our shores or anyone else's.

It's a lot cheaper to arrest, try, and execute members of a "Congress" operating in Breach of the Constitution, in Gross Criminal Breach of Trust, and in violation of their commercial contracts, than it is to involve millions of innocent people in extermination campaigns designed to kill off the Priority Creditors of both these foreign commercial corporations.

And while we are at it, it is also much more time and cost effective to liquidate these corporations entirely, and gift the "receipts" to the victims. The British Crown and the Municipal United States corporations and their European Masters have caused nothing but war and misery and planetary catastrophe for three centuries.

All it really takes is to arm our tactical weapons and lock on the pre-selected targets in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Inner City of London, Scotland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Rome, Prague, New York, New Delhi, Hong Kong, and Washington, DC.

Let them know that the rest of the world has had enough. We see right through their lies and we know who they are. Literally. It's time for all this crappola to stop or for the ringleaders to die--- on a permanent basis.

Fear not the one who can kill the body and not the soul; rather, fear the One who can toss both body and soul in Gehenna.

This time, if they push any more "drought", cause any more earthquakes, or create any more trouble at all, it's not going to be a lot of misled innocent people "sacrificing" themselves for the sake of lies.
It's going to be the perpetrators of these schemes that get gutted and burned. And they will not return.

24th August 2019, 05:24 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCtaFU2LeI7hdcIbKLyqdnY3tygRg_-NTCJbdvSiEKMHhtMIPIK-DuS-hB-6JRBJag4FpCLaben2g9J&hc_ref=ARQ_eYfAvRmB6HFASlSA5oL7aJ5DaAOGG54TW9ZNW0J XscuqBBcAY88jUMJtDyYf5aI&fref=nf)
20 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2381522091896857) ·

An Answer and an Invitation to Greg Hallett:
Dear Greg,

I read with interest your long expository piece about Queen Victoria and the situation she faced in regard to the Rothschild coup --- all points duly noted.

However, saving the "royal line" via an illicit, underage, out of wedlock tryst between Cousins reeks of exactly the same practices and standards practiced by the Illuminati --- practices and religious beliefs steeped in the cult of bloodlines and intermarriage with close relatives and obvious disregard for standards of age of consent and marital vows and wedlock --- things that are all foreign and emblematic of the Egyptian Cultists, Druids, etc., and not "Christian" at all.

That being so, and the Rothschilds being acknowledged as the owners of the "breeding rights" to the British Royal family, a scandalous proposition in and of itself, who is to say that the Rothschilds ---operating from their standards, not from ours--- didn't order the rape and impregnation of a 14 year-old girl as the start of their breeding program?

As you are no doubt aware, these cultists have their own ideas about genetics and "purity" ---- one of which is to backbreed into related lines to preserve initial genetic content, just as dog breeders do.

It looks to me like they established exactly such an insurance policy of "blooded stock" when they took over the British Royals Breeding Program---- and deliberately produced your ancestors and co-collaborators to create exactly such a "backline".

According to their beliefs, only two virgins produce a pure line, because any other, later, intercourse is apt to be polluted via fragments of genetic material left by former lovers in the mother's bloodstream.

So they wasted no time in taking charge of the royal bloodlines and getting the virgin princess impregnated by her own cousin when she was only 14 --- a gross and despicable action for which these cultists deserve to be universally condemned-- just on the face of it.

It also makes sense that they would do this as a preliminary action, as it was their intention to otherwise adulterate and thereby invalidate the British Royal Bloodline ---- which is what they proceeded to do and which is the "trump card" you are now playing.

The diabolical genius of this is that they wind up with two bloodlines, one "pure" according to their ideas, one "adulterated" -- also according to their ideas --- both of which they own and control.

The impure serve as puppets and scapegoats. The "pure" serve as a fallback for them to continue claiming the throne no matter what.

If the adulterated line refuses to do their bidding, or people wake up and get out the pitchforks, they bring forward the "pure" bloodline and use that as an excuse to depose the "impure line" and then they present it (you) as an alternative to their same evil: Boaz and Joachim, Pillar and Post, Republican and Democrat.

You will all have to get up a lot earlier in the morning to put any such argument or facile substitution past me.

So what you appear to be saying is that you are rightful King of England and of the Sangrael ("Holy Blood"/"Holy Grail"/"Holy Vessel") as a result of sins committed by Princess Victoria under duress....but the total picture is considerably different and more problematic, and the more sober judgment would seem to be that both from a spiritual and practical standpoint, your claims ---and theirs--- are tainted and derived from immoral criminal activities, including underage sex trafficking, enslavement, child abuse, child rape, falsification of records, identity theft, substitution frauds, semantic deceits----all surmounted by no small amount of purposeful constructive fraud and conspiracy against the lawful British government and the actual Royal Family which was also defamed, deposed, bankrupted and murdered by the same Actors.

Notice the mistreatment suffered by the last Plantagenets at the hands of Princess Victoria: the Earls of Loudon, who are Belle Chers and rightful hereditary heirs and Christi. Notice the purposeful obfuscation of the origins of "America" as a series of "Armorican" ---Norman French colonies--- not British.

We can all see the fruits of such a religious cult in the two World
Wars and innumerable mercenary conflicts which have all but destroyed the world and the biosphere, both.

So, given that, why would anyone in their right mind continue to support any individual monarch or form of governance promoted by these Cultists at all? And I do mean -- period -- at all?

If you, as an individual, want to do the right thing --- then do it.

Use whatever power you may have or assume, to bring peace and justice--- and not through some monolithic military conglomerate merging all the nations on Earth into one Evil Empire ruled over by puppets owned, operated, and bred like dogs by criminal bank syndicates.

This whole story line of beneficent "merging" of nations all being brought together doesn't smell right, and there is a reason that it doesn't---- it's the same garbage that the Deep State has been trying to accomplish for years, only "re-branded" as something new and good.

Call horse hunks by a different name, Greg, and strange thing, ----they smell and taste exactly the same.

As you may have cause to know, there are German and French and Italian and Indian and Ethiopian Sangraels, the Christi, so there is not one "Christ", but many; as you certainly have cause to know, the only special status of your claimed Office is the overseeing of the Commonwealth, and finally, as you may know, my Office is not limited to my work as Fiduciary of The United States of America.

I would suggest that the Bank of England and the Society for the Economy and the government of Westminster simply give up, admit what they have done, cough up the records, do what they can to correct and make amends, and otherwise stop causing trouble.

If the Perps have given you all sorts of ranks and titles and passed the purloined scepter to you, its well-past time for you to tell the "US" Navy to stop its illicit attacks on America and stop its tampering with American water resources and stop its disrespect of its obligations under the ENMOD Treaties regarding domestic targets only----and stop trying to corner the market on water supplies.

It's never going to work. We have all the patents as evidence and proof in their own handwriting and need nothing more to condemn them all to death. No questions asked. And the people of over 200 countries would applaud the action.
My Office is not Terrestrial in origin, not subject to any Earthly King or Prince; I know exactly who I am and am in full command of my history. If you want to talk turkey, get on the horn and talk. Field has my number.

25th August 2019, 10:56 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBhXOlCKtwWT_XC0oOPzbHWpKO-W-5t1oP6b9pwypHBP5C6RZhIkG30kCL0Gy2xXfuKtfWMgCA1le_x&hc_ref=ARS231014dB_RlHttY1LT26hkgMOizXH0ptareAjJab Ql4jisRqBf5PzOC5TYzYUcbI&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2385135098202223) ·

About the "International Arrest Warrant".....

About the "International Arrest Warrant" issued by "Reign of Heaven" Society, against me and my husband and the Government of The United States of America ---- another bogus entity pretending to be "the" American Government, based on the purchase of documents related to the defunct Scottish Corporation formed 1868 and operated "as" The United States of America, Incorporated---- at a Naval Auction, no less ---- it is all 100% Bushwah, having no cause, no basis, and no affect so long as everyone who is anyone keeps their heads screwed on and reality firmly in view.

There is one actual Federation of States doing business as The United States of America. It is an unincorporated Holding Company formed September 9, 1776; it is privately held by the States and People of this country, and has never been incorporated. This is another example of British Crown guile in action --- a gross breach of trust and infringement upon our copyrights, names, and trademarks without our knowledge or consent.

Keith Livingway, the leader of this quasi-religious group, is a whackjob who has been in and out of Federal Prison for decades and who was forced to leave this country and live offshore to avoid arrest. He went to a Naval Sales Yard Auction, bought the aforementioned items once belonging to the defunct Scottish Corporation, and thought that he was thereby made King of the World, and America, too.

Next, he got "religion" and plagiarized the work of Frank O'Collins and shamelessly abused another man's work for his own purposes (shamelessly took credit for it all, too) to create the completely elitist and whackjob "Reign of Heaven Society".

They closed membership in 2012 in honor of the "End of the World" predicted (they said) by the Mayan Calendar. That means that you, Bubba, can never truly be a member in their elitist little group, because you were not "called" to their banner and subtly extorted into signing their contracts by December 21, 2012.

It turns out that the Mayan Calendar did not, does not, and will never predict any such thing. It also turns out that these people are nuts. Ignorant nuts, too, as they are continuing to rely upon documents created by pirates as the basis of their supposed authority and ownership interest.

So, however "official" all their documents and prognostications may appear, its all just more crappola, wrapped up in a different piece of paper. Sorry to bother everyone to pay any attention whatsoever to their nonsense, even for the purpose of debunking it.

If anyone needs to be arrested, its the heirs of that Scottish Corporate Interloper and all those who attempt to form commercial corporations "in our names" for the purpose of identity theft, copyright and trademark and patent infringement, constructive fraud, credit fraud, and other nefarious purposes.

25th August 2019, 11:11 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAn-xlyLbKJJt8BjBaqW4yK2nDWFaQTeGLto7UA7uIgUC5IzBGuKIT rYitYDmKT-LpbfnnSAhFU7fmA&hc_ref=ARSWrUBJVOU3F9W3Ovss81OvtUyVZXDWc_PKXw8G9V_ vZyqMam-XVQEZ673ycs1IY3c&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2385157921533274) ·

Dear Greg -- In Response to Your Response

Ever since the days of Simon Magus there have been those in the Church and also those outside the Church, who have viewed the whole "Jesus Story" as a new scam, with miracles being a new kind of Magic Show. They saw and they see it -- still today -- as something that smooth operators could use to fleece the gullible. And script to suit themselves.

The True God doesn't take any note of them and their presumptions. He doesn't act on their schedules. His thought processes and time scales are profoundly different. And He writes His own scripts. I can tell you that for sure, based on my first-hand experience.

While they are scrabbling around trying to fulfill prophecy using human means and reasoning, He is pursuing His own way. Guess who is successful in the end?

Let me tell you what is at work in terms of the Anti-Christ, who appears before the Risen One:

The Bilderburgers and the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission and the huge plethora of Government Council organizations and "Federal" agencies, especially the military departments, agencies, and subcontractors, have contrived with the help of "Christian' Communists, to create and operate a worldwide military hegemony potentially able to enslave the entire planet for their benefit. And that is what they are bent on doing.

I am not just speaking through my hat here.

We have the actual records, public and private meeting notes, debates, legislation, treaties, witnesses, ---everything, including proof of how they have falsified documents, practiced identity theft and unconscionable contracting processes, promoted constructive fraud, conspiracy of various kinds, securities fraud, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, patent fraud, infringement of copyrights and trademarks, treasonous usurpation of government authority, gross breach of trusts, treaties, and commercial contracts, and on and on, but most especially, their promotion of monopoly interests and their rigging of commodity supplies, and now, their rigging of the weather via advanced "secret" geoengineering.

Greg, these people are criminals of the worst kind. Worse than any traditional mafia. Are you sure you want to be their poster boy?

I mean, "King of England" is just a role, like playing "Bat Man" or "The Joker" --- a matter of being a hereditary Actor and putting on a big public magic show designed to fleece the gullible -- and all resulting in the same objective which has been their object all along: to consolidate all apparent power in the hands of one man who will serve them and yet appear to be the independent leader of all nations, all religions, etc., etc., etc. -- the Anti-Christ claiming to be Christ.

Is that a role you cherish for yourself, Greg?

If the Pope can't serve thanks to the exposure of the Deep Rot in the Church and the President of "the" United States won't serve thanks to the exposure of the Deep State running the Municipal United States Government, well, then, we are back to Merry Old England, and the Territorial Government (that's what they call the Commonwealth these days, BTW), and still searching for some plausible story line to carry out their Master Plan.

So here comes Joseph Gregory Hallett with all the right ear-markings and all the Mystery School trappings and a plausible story line, claiming the Title of Christ.....

But wait a minute....

Jesus never called himself "Christ", did he? Ah, no....

And he never married anyone that we know of, did he? No such thing is recorded in the scriptures --- not even in the Apocrypha.

So all this story line about Jesus and Mary Magdalene getting it on and secretly having a child and Dan Brown blah-blah-blah --- can really be traced to the Merovingian Kings and claims they made, all without proof, to legitimize their own positions hundreds of years after Jesus lived and died.

It's a strange parallel to what you are doing now --- claiming a secret tryst out of wedlock as a basis for kingship via an earthly bloodline. And that in turn echoes the tryst out of wedlock between Mary and the True God --- you can see where this is all going. Straight into the crapper.

But we have: (1) no good reason to believe that Jesus had physical heirs; (2) no reason to think that bloodlines established by his siblings were exceptional -- by his own declaration; (3) no reason to think that we receive our inheritance from Jesus in any physical sense or for any physical reason: rather, we inherit from the Holy Spirit and his teachings, or we do not, we obey His Father, or we do not.

The only family Jesus had according to the scriptures was limited to his Mother, Father, and siblings ---- and he, himself, expanded his family to include all those who obey the Will of His Father in Heaven, indicating very clearly that that is the standard of kinship with Him to be observed, not any physical bloodline. Even if it did exist.

Jesus was a man on a mission, faithfully and lovingly enduring its requirements in obedience to the True God, his beloved Father in Heaven.

His mission, if possible, was to redeem the Sons of Abraham.

It was only because of their rejection and cruelty that the Gentiles got a seat at the table at all.

Of course, this rejection had been foretold by the prophets, especially Isaiah and Jeremiah, but then, ten of the ten tribes were Baal worshipers on the side, and they controlled the Sanhedrin.
So go figure, then as now.

Those in power want to remain in power. They see no reason why they should give it up or give it back to the people they stole it from, just like the Sanhedrin refused to honor Jesus and accused him of necromancy for bringing Lazarus back from the dead.

Any excuse to accuse, deny, defile, mis-characterize, or, alternatively, to promote you, so long as it justifies their continued hegemony, will do.

So the choices for you, Greg, are to: (1) serve as their puppet Anti-Christ, or, (2) be rejected; or (3) play their game and disappoint them, which means you will be murdered. Just as foretold.

It's all very tiresome for me. Like watching the replay of a football game you've seen seventeen times already. It doesn't even have the charm of being a new set of lies.

I am sorry to be so blunt, but if you were me, you would understand that I have been to this rodeo too many times before, and I am sick of it.
Mankind must progress beyond this puerile state of selfish incompetence and delusion. Must. Now.

A totally new understanding of self and of reality is needed, and along with that, new forms of self-governance and self-responsibility.
Mankind has been stuck at the "two year-old with a hammer" stage for far too long----a circumstance and delay that has been caused by the self-interest, lust, lies, and criminality of a few old demons sitting on top of a Ponzi Scheme based on idolatry and commodity rigging.

Now they are trying to rig water as "the" controlling commodity.
I have one thing to say to them ---- stop now, or the actual God will blow you all to kingdom come, with great precision, one by one.

And to you, Greg, I have this to say --- stop now, or you know what will happen to you. You are playing a game with the Devil and his only intention is to use you as a pawn and to play you as such.

So far as I know, there hasn't been "a" rightful King of England for a very long time. Our mutual ancestor, William of Normandy, made sure of that and sounded the death-knell of any actual monarchy in England almost a thousand years ago.

It's more than high time for everyone to accept that outcome and recognize the fact that all the "Kings" and "Queens" who have served since then, have served as Regents for the Popes, having no clear claim to control or rule anything but Commonwealth property. Even the rebellious Tudors succumbed.

Trying to bamboozle people and institutions out of their natural property rights via semantic deceits and other criminal acts of fraud does not a valid "commonwealth" make. Changing the names and administrative units of the "former" Commonwealth to the control of the "Territorial Government" doesn't change anything, either.

As I said --- changing the name of horse hooey has no discernible effect upon it. It remains horse hooey, first to last. Commonwealth Government equals Territorial Government and Territorial Government equals Commonwealth Government.

Please, everyone, get it through your heads --- it doesn't matter to God what you call it. What matters is what it is. Period.
Commercial Feudalism will fail, just as its Monarchist predecessors failed, and for the same reason: it is unnatural.

Feudalism creates an unnatural matrix of controls and subjects mankind to those unnatural conditions. It deprives men of the rewards of their labors and the exercise of their freewill.

It promotes idolatry and blasphemy and criminality in the process of seeking to enslave one man to another, instead of accepting the fact that we are all fundamentally equal, all deserving of equal protection under the law, and all owed the opportunity to thrive and chart our own course in life.

Self-governance is not merely an idea promoted by American Founding Fathers. It is a Law of Nature. And every single time we ignore the Laws of Nature put in place by our Creator, guess what happens, Greg?
We fall on our noses. And fall and fall and fall and fall.....
Are you beginning to grasp why I am bored silly?
We've got a little group of self-interested men who like this game because they get perks from it, and because of them and their infantile animal urges and general lack of common sense and decency, the entire rest of the world and the Earth itself is made to suffer.

Over and over and over and over and over and over....
It's not just the eternal return of things, its the eternal throw up of things.
Notice the results? Every single time.... just like when you were a baby learning to walk--- boom! boom! boom!

The only difference is that we learned from our numerous tumbles onto our butts back then, and we have not learned the similar lessons provided by every exercise in governance by kings, queens, Popes, corporations, or Mystery Schools electing a "Christ".

Feudalism of any kind, based on any rationale whatsoever, is unnatural and doomed to fail (after a whole lot of misery) because it is unnatural.
So, we are back, again, to the dilemma of Samuel. Nothing has changed. The Israelites are demanding a king to rule over them, instead of accepting the fact that no man is king.

It has been slightly over 12,000 years that this "lesson" has been ongoing. It's like being trapped in an Algebra Class with idiots who just can't get the concept of Cartesian Coordinates. So over and over and over and over again, we all suffer through this whole turkey trot..... Point A......Point B.... Point C.....

Men are not meant to rule over other men.
You and I and everyone else on this planet has had that proven to them in so many ways over such an expanse of time that it defies imagination that we are all still sitting here struggling over this fact.

Men are meant to rule themselves, and have a hard enough time even doing that much.

We are meant to rule ourselves by conscious, logical, reasonable discernment of truth about ourselves and the world around us, but we can't do that when we are constantly lied to by entire organizations posing as churches and governments and universities in the literal business of lying to us for their own self-interest.

What's a Creator to do? Give up on a failed experiment? Conclude that this species is too stupid and too selfish to live? How to choose between the Deluders and the Deluded, when the Deluders are deluded themselves?
Yet despite all this, Jesus came here, willingly, suffered and died. William Cooper wrote "Behold, A Pale Horse" in the same spirit. And here I am, banging you about the ears like a schoolboy, trying to bring your attention to the fact that feudalism, including Corporate Feudalism, doesn't work for known reasons, and the practice of external kingship doesn't work ---- even if you are the king.

The True God, who is the only King, dwells within us. He has and needs no officers, no prelates, no priests; he doesn't play favorites and doesn't follow our instructions. Rather, he instructs us --- if we will listen --- in the wisdom of life and truth and the way we should go. And he hands us lessons and tests and observes what we do, the same way a loving parent challenges us with new tasks and new skills.

We are failing the test about kings. We are stuck like ants in amber on an Ancient Canaanite practice that didn't work then and still isn't working now.

And we have no excuse for this idiocy, because we have fallen down on our butts more times than I can guess or remember.

It's time for the whole world to find a new answer, and to realize that as Jesus said thousands of years ago, the True God --- our True King --- is within us.

We may get it right as we stagger forward, or we may get it wrong, but at least we'd be making some progress, not getting stuck doing the same old thing the same old way for the same old failed reasons, and yes, getting the same results: warfare, death, destruction, lies, theft, more lies, more power struggles, more fraud, more pieces of useless paper, and more treaties that aren't worth wind, much less the paper they are written on.

How about this? Three laws. Total.

1. Love the True God, the Creator and Giver of Life and Consciousness.

2. Love your neighbors and yourself.

3. Keep the peace and honor free will.

And we will just toss out the millions --- literally --- millions of statutory "laws" and codes and regulations, and pay attention, finally, to the Natural Laws that our Creator established for us, instead.

If everyone on this planet accepts and practices these three things, we can have our paradise on Earth and eat ice cream, too, illuminated by peace and prosperity and an end to selfish idiocy.

And we can all spend our time and money doing something more productive and positive than fighting and struggling to control external governments.

I don't know about you, Greg, but I am ready to graduate to an entirely new world and new system of doing things, a new system of beliefs and values, a new system of self-governance, peace, plenty, and yes --- joy. I have learned my lessons. I don't need to sit here and watch another round of the same "Algebra Lesson" unfolding.

27th August 2019, 12:18 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBkXWhZ5UFJLvaw8KocAV3kLalfsP9PbLy85XNg4Qbnbv p_pkfB-gOZfYNMeewsLghFmWuc8UmyW77F&hc_ref=ARTDyLe71fAkUrdYO0seJQQNN6IxF_2w-KMpQ8jo9JSybY1vGOCcD9vVe9UQZzjpd-8&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2387122454670154) ·

Say, "Aye", Patrick Byrne

I never knew Patrick Byrne until yesterday. More's the pity. He's the former CEO of Overstock.com. (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FOverstock.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DI wAR3cLLJqL_5vfQRRWlvE-Zk578WKYwXSK2m3_WcD6aZ-hyv7WAa1UqpHt9w&h=AT0YiPeLlzPr0b6ukmThoNkes_s1O0LFpwFEhKCDhJB9z438 iu8mvn2Cs6cKTKJOdqg2WROIUTFInr_3sF7HIPtExvEOvoBCcR JS-xNtuauIGxSUEa7zYCxjKxsFcbgMfaraabVPCqnmIt0vcwyI3_c IHgFC1-g_) He resigned to protect the shareholders from any fall-out resulting from his testimony and evidence regarding the FBI knowingly and purposefully engaging in political espionage against both political parties.

Yes, you heard that right. Both. It wasn't just Donald Trump. Or Marco Rubio. Or Ted Cruz. All of them were targets, but so was Hillary Clinton.

And the whole object of it? Blackmail. Trying to get some dirt on the candidates to use against them both before and AFTER the election....

You see, it isn't just about who wins or loses, or which political party is online to do what bit of nastiness. It's about being able to blackmail them the whole time they are in office.
That's what the FBI has been told its job is.

The career field agents were deeply shamed by the whole set up. They knew what was going on and couldn't stop it. Their "superiors" were corrupt and giving them corrupt orders and they knew it.
But what do you do when you are a grunt with thirty years in the service, and nowhere else to go?

This is why it is so important for those of us who are outside the Federal Box to stand tall and stand guard and help those who are inside the box, because they are Americans, too. And most of them are very loyal Americans.

One of the things that Patrick shared was a warning he received to the effect that if he came forward, if he cared about America--- he'd be killed and the Washington Establishment would grind him into dust.

I'd say it's time we all turned on the headlights of this old jalopy called "America" and roared our V-8 Engines. It's the Beltway Denizens that are slated for the stamping mill, and their bosses, too.

The IRS, FBI, and BLM along with numerous other "Federal" Agencies --- none of which have any constitutional right to exist --- all of them are nothing but private subcontractors on our soil operating under color of law --- are being run by a single renegade corporation calling itself the "GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES".

So who owns this eff-up? Who are the board members directing this crap? Who are the shareholders benefiting from it?

These are the people that killed LaVoy Finicum. These are the vermin that made the Wildlife Refuge Occupation an "issue". These are the little lying sneak-thief cheat experts not doing their jobs-- and sitting there fat and sassy, on our payroll, talking down to us.
These are the rodentia responsible for the mis-administration of the IRS/Internal Revenue Service. And now, these are the same people responsible for political espionage for the purpose of blackmail.

So who are they? Where are they chartered? Where do the Board Members live? What kind of car do they drive? What kind of toilet paper do they use? What kind of religion do they practice? Who are the shareholders? What do the shareholders say about this?
How much more of this criminal crap goes on before they lose all those juicy "Federal" contracts? And have their faces plastered on billboards and posted in Post Offices as criminals?

Hey! All you researchers out there, all you legal eagles, all you Constitutional Sheriffs, all you Continental Marshals, all you US Marshals..... come on! Get the lead out! This is a clear and present danger to our whole country.

If a Great-Grandma in a place like Big Lake, Alaska, could figure this out in ten minutes spent on a computer doing a multiple data-base search --- what possible excuse do you have for standing there with your thumbs up your?

And when you get the answer and you are still too afraid to do anything about it, come to me. I'll be glad to show you how to nail hides to barn doors. It's an old-fashioned pioneer skill.

As for everyone else reading this, let's show the Beltway Scum that cost Patrick Byrne his job what we think of them, by doing all our holiday shopping at Overstock.com. (http://overstock.com/?fbclid=IwAR2VLeVQghcCoZdLyam84KF6A2BV8tG1Gkl9HGV6 osS1ixrurvYchlZNwx8) Let's also join in saying a prayer for this country and for him, and for all of us.

27th August 2019, 04:06 AM
He resigned to protect the shareholders from any fall-out resulting from his testimony and evidence regarding the FBI knowingly and purposefully engaging in political espionage against both political parties.

I have heard it suggested that the Pinkerton Detective Agency (the PDA?) of the 19th century evolved into the FBI. This is Darwinism in action. Things evolve. The U.S. of A. evolved into the USA. The U.S. Army evolved into the Army of the United States. The Mesquaki indiian tribe evolved into the sovereign casino powerhouse Meskwaki.

Perhaps that is the message of Darwin? Corporations which have no existence are subject to evolution? The difference is that biological entities evolve over millenia while corporations can evolve in the blink of an eye.

27th August 2019, 12:04 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBrAzZakFffV3a_0HS95oFGxjscuXYgxK41NhYc-eSQUXGHERlarzrahmddvHtLilQMZn-DtvztG8Hk&hc_ref=ARSRmKWGtUtQu5WkU_y5o4yww8B3Wb4i_Qbra10nOKG bI5tzWY91PwgrXIkTIvlKziE&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2388100194572380) ·

They Even Lied --- Successfully --- to the Russians

And the Russians are hard sells to spoof.

I find it fascinating. What has actually happened is that there are in fact two factions of bankers represented by the Federal Reserve and the IMF, respectively.

The Federal Reserve is run by old-line Sephardic Spanish, French, Italian and more recently, Israeli banks.

The IMF is run by upstart Ashkenazi and military-industrialist commercial bankers.

Both of these groups have been acting as crime syndicates and predators, and not because they are Jewish --- it's because they are bankers, and as bankers, they work for governments and militaries which, to some extent they control, because the bankers are charged with finding ways to finance both the politicians and the militaries of all these countries.

This became very difficult to do early last century for two reasons: (1) gold is an inelastic commodity, and (2) a very large portion of the gold backing the world's monetary system disappeared between 1898 and 1907. It simply disappeared.

We now know that it went to the Philippines and that it was cashiered there by a now long-defunct Scottish commercial corporation doing business "as" The United States of America --- Incorporated. The gold was transported to the Philippines by the British-controlled U.S. Navy. It was our gold and the gold of other countries that trusted our banks, and therefore, deposited gold here.

The Philippines were supposed to become-- for the Bank of England and Bank of Scotland and Bank of France crooks responsible for all this-- a sort of alternative to Switzerland as a banking stronghold. It was to be a new epicenter for international banking ----and, for continued fraud and theft and "leveraging" of currency commodities.

They experienced some difficulties when the Japanese took the Philippines during World War II, but for the most part, it was too hard for the Japanese to transport the gold under war time conditions and while they managed to set up a couple secondary centers in Indonesia and Hong Kong and various stashes around the Pacific Rim, including the Japanese homeland, most of the gold remained in the Philippines.

Douglas MacArthur could be sure that he would return. He knew that with that much gold sitting there up for grabs, no expense of men or materials would be too great.

Did MacArthur know that he was sitting on stolen American gold and gold stolen from private citizens and other countries from around the world who deposited their gold in our banks? Probably. But he was also no doubt given some plausible Cock and Bull story to explain away the circumstance, too.

This has been the long history of The Mess: honorable men are lied to by those in positions of authority, and acting upon these lies, they make wrong assumptions and take heinously incorrect actions.
As the Zoroastrians observed Millenia ago, without right thoughts, it is impossible to take right actions.

So, what was the ultimate "Hundred Year Plan" of these hucksters?
They would collect by all means possible, all the gold in the world that they could mine or otherwise lay their hands on, hoard it, and when the time was ripe and they had siphoned off all real and/or perceived value of the fiat currencies, they would purposefully limit the supply of gold and force the grandsons of the men they stole the gold from in the first place to pay exorbitant amounts of resources and labor to buy it back.

Gold, just before the Crash, sold for @ $30 in silver per ounce. What does it sell for today? At least $1000 in oil per ounce. That difference between $30 and $1000 for the same amount of gold, is what the crooks were (and are) aiming to cash in on. THAT is what it is all about: (1) limiting access to gold; (2) driving the price of gold up as much as possible.
They did the same thing with oil and they are trying to do the same thing with water. It is always the same. Find a commodity that everyone either needs or that they believe is supremely valuable, corner the market, choke off the supply, and charge up the wazoo for it.
It's boring. It's infantile. It's crooked. And in the end, it's insane, because it creates bogus shortages of things that are in fact abundant. It leaves everyone on Earth dealing from a stacked deck and living in a purposefully skewed reality dominated by artificially created shortages.

No matter how they create these bogus shortages or what commodity is targeted, the modus operandi is always the same. And the people of the Earth always suffer for it.

So now we have Russian Generals hopping around up and down on one leg and calling Donald Trump an "economic hit man" and pointing fingers at "the Jews".
The Jews have been bankers since the seventh century BCE for the simple reason that although their religion forbids them to charge interest on loans to other Jews, it allows them to charge interest on loans (practice usury) made to Gentiles.

Since the advent of Islam, Muslims have been pressed into service as bankers for similar reasons, except that Muslims who are dishonest face moral and physical punishment within their own communities--- hence, on average, Muslims make more honest bankers.
That's why so many high-flying Jews keep their money in Muslim banks. Muslim banks are safer and Muslim bankers are more honest. Go figure.

And that is part of the reason that Iran is being targeted. Word has it that vast amounts of gold and other precious metal and jewel assets have been stashed by Muslim bankers in Iran.
And that is why Iran is being misrepresented by the Western Press Corps as a dangerous Aggressor --- when it hasn't fought a war outside its borders in over 200 years.

It's time to grow up.
It's time to look at what is in front of our faces.
The bankers are a problem because we let them be a problem.
We let the politicians and military be a problem, too.
They work for us. They get their pay from us, albeit via the Queen or the Pope acting as middlemen. Their armies and navies are built on the backs of our sons and daughters.
What happens if we all --- Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Germans, Americans, and yes, Brits --- all wake up and face the facts?
It's all a crooked, violent, destructive, criminal racket built on lies and secretive enslavement of living people, theft of their assets, and created shortages of commodities that are in fact abundant.

This situation exists because we have all been sitting on our rumps, gullibly trusting our governments and bought-and-paid-for news commentators.
Mr. Trump isn't an economic hit man. He's a beleaguered corporate CEO trying to administer an unimaginably huge bankruptcy, which is predicated in turn on an unimaginably huge probate fraud ----and if he fails, not only this country but the entire rest of the world will be thrown into WWIII --- a cataclysm that nobody will survive.

The American States and People are owed the return of approximately $387 billion in gold, plus interest, from the World Bank. We are owed the return of the control of the Philippines and Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariannas Islands --which were all purchased "for" us, with our money. We are owed -- at a minimum -- $23 trillion dollars as the American National Credit.

And we are owed nothing but thanks from the rest of the world which has benefited itself at our expense for 150 years.
Those are the facts.

So, now what do we do with them?
We declare and record our proper political status, we boot up our States of the Union, we elect our Justices of the Peace, we serve as Jurors, actual County Sheriffs, Land Marshals -- aka, Continental Marshals --- and we reboot our civilian courts.
We demand the closure of the Municipal and "Administrative" COURTS and the end of all presumptions against our private and public property assets, the collapse of all so-called "infant decedant estates" and the return of all assets to the lawful owners.
We object loudly to U.S. Navy and NATO attempts to create a worldwide drought in order to make water a "strategic commodity".
We pay attention to what these cretins are really doing behind our backs.
We get to the bottom of who owns and operates the corporation doing business as the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
We grab these miscreants by the shorthairs and hang them upside down until they call "Uncle".

It's all simple enough, not rocket science at all. And all it takes is for the people of this world to wake up, declare their proper political status, and take action, action, action --- and those actions to not include begging these vermin for more "treats" like trained dogs.
No, we don't "petition" them for anything. We tell them what they are going to do as our deputies. And if they don't do their duty, they lose their contracts.
And that, darlings, is the only way to deal with out of control commercial corporations --- pull their contracts and charters, un-staff their offices, sell their stock, expose their dirt, arrest their officers if they are guilty of crimes, boycott their products, sue them for non-performance in your own courts of law, and stop being chumps and marks.

The real economic "hit men" are operating Municipal and Administrative COURTS in this country and around the world. That's why these COURTS have to be shut down and replaced by actual civilian courts from here to Dusseldorf.

These COURTS are being used as private debt collection agencies and they are being used to sue the actual Creditors of these Perpetrators. Just as we told you all --- these vermin borrow from and then murder their Creditors, so that they don't have to pay them back. We recently published absolute proof of this fact by their own admission.

This is what happened to the Jews in Germany, because they were holding the largest amount of the Nazi Government's debt, and this is what the Perpetrators of this "System" have planned to happen in America, too.

Take a look around, people. There are more than 800 FEMA camps in this country, and billions of rounds of ammunition in the hands of Municipal "Agencies" ---- is it worth your time and effort to pay attention and get involved in running your own government?
Or are you just going to sit there and wait for whatever comes?

It's time for a vast outreach of people-to-people around the globe, all working together to end this madness, and nobody has more fat in the fire than the Jewish and Muslim bankers who have been used to set up and operate this "System".

Now, I know that when you wake up and look at the actual situation, you will feel afraid of the Beast. That is natural. Just be aware that it is a Beast of your own creation, and that will help cut it down to size. Like the shadows in your closet and the dust bunnies under you chair, it exists because you were asleep and let it accumulate.
And now, it's time to wake up and clean house.

27th August 2019, 12:16 PM
This is what happened to the Jews in Germany, because they were holding the largest amount of the Nazi Government's debt, and this is what the Perpetrators of this "System" have planned to happen in America, too.

This is either ignorance or a lie.

There were very few Jews in the concentration camps. The few that were there were running the place as the kapo's. Put in charge by the SS commanders, sympathetic to the communist cause.

This is one of the main ploys the Jews use to spawn their soldiers around the world.

Hitler acted as controlled opposition making threatening sounds that gave the impression the Jews were going to suffer for their misdeeds.
So now we have Jews running around the world crying help, help let us in; if you don't let us in they are going to kill us.
Now we have large numbers of Jews in all the western countries acting as a 5th column, Paratroops with pens instead of guns. To control the message they create the message.

27th August 2019, 06:53 PM
We now know that it went to the Philippines and that it was cashiered there by a now long-defunct Scottish commercial corporation doing business "as" The United States of America --- Incorporated. The gold was transported to the Philippines by the British-controlled U.S. Navy. It was our gold and the gold of other countries that trusted our banks, and therefore, deposited gold here.

David Wilcock https://divinecosmos.com/




The wooden boxes were then glued shut. That way, the bonds were much less likely to get moldy — after being stored in a chest and buried underground in a secure location for 60 years.

After the 60 years, the Asian countries were told they could dig up the chests, cash out the bonds and get their money back if they wanted to.

According to Fulford, Keenan and other sources, in 1938, the Kuomintang dynasty in China sent seven battleships’ worth of gold (http://www.divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/995-lawsuit-end-tyranny)— a staggering amount — to the United States (http://www.divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/995-lawsuit-end-tyranny) to protect against it being stolen by the Japanese.

This is a key aspect of the trillion-dollar lawsuit we have been discussing.

In response, the United States issued massive amounts of 1934-series Federal Reserve bonds — carefully sealed in boxes, which were then sealed in locked chests — and handed them back to China as collateral.


In 1998, the 60 years were up. The Kuomintang had fled to Taiwan and were no longer the ruling party in China, but they still wanted their gold back. The Federal Reserve fought them in a secret international court at the Hague — and lost.

The Federal Reserve was ordered to pay out the debt as of September 11, 2001. They did not. We all know what did happen that day.

What very few people knew, until now, was that all the Kuomintang gold was being stored under Building 7 at the World Trade Center. (http://www.divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/995-lawsuit-end-tyranny) After the towers came down, the vaults were “mysteriously” found to be empty.

The Kuomintang have been fighting ever since to get their gold back. The size and scope of such a “winner takes all” heist is truly extraordinary — but something outrageous and unprecedented in any known laws of physics did happen that day.

Susan Lindaeur is now the highest-level, most credible witness to have added significant strength to the story that “9/11 was an inside job.”

The lawsuit Neil Keenan has filed on the Dragon Family’s behalf could potentially break the whole story open before the eyes of the world — and again, this lawsuit has the backing of a 122-nation alliance.

I have written this investigation to help end the deadly silence — so justice can be served. Ultimately, this is everyone’s war — not just those seeking to reclaim their stolen property.

27th August 2019, 09:26 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCznfyoCk2XXCqO4yfxO4HaNzIyAGeZE5F9SbUPmb5xt1 Ai61j6-q7vP8mIUSgUXxFum2UYsxFmNyOT&hc_ref=ARQLPu-LzK0ktZEqYSl4TN_AdZXsJaf4yYWdaC7xYuruh4zcTGZAY312V cFShnk1epw&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2388636327852100) ·

Sometimes the Things I Write About....Homework

Yes, sometimes the things I write about go right over people's heads, and "my fellow
Americans" are left standing there scratching their ears and looking very dull indeed. It's not their fault. They aren't stupid. They have been deliberately un-educated and left in the dark by swanky criminals bent on making use of them.

So the rest of the world will have to understand this about Americans and be patient while we catch up; once alerted and motivated, as everyone knows, we can be hell on wheels--- one of the ironic consequences of being used as gun fodder for a hundred and fifty years.
There's a part of us that really doesn't give an EFF. That comes in handy for fighting evil--- once we have a clear view of the Enemy. So, gang way.

I am sharing two articles from the not-so mainstream media, which I recommend that you read in order one after the other, and then, connect the dots.

The first article from Zero Hedge is about HSBC and its role as "the" premier money-laundering agency for the British-operated Opium Trade in the Far East, India, and Afghanistan.

It will be a shock for most Americans to realize that there has been a "Triangle Trade" in drugs similar to the Triangle Trade in slaves that existed between New England, Barbados, and Africa. The Drug Trade dates from the same era as The Slave Trade. It simply occurred in a different part of the world.

It will also be a shock to realize that India, China, and Afghanistan have been used and abused by the British to create, sustain, and yes, even enforce, this illicit drug trade despite its heinous and destructive nature and despite all the hypocritical anti-drug posturing of the western governments.

The Zero Hedge article describes the "traditional" money laundering system of HSBC and the Swiss Cartels.

The second article by Layman's Law describes what is being done now, and how the Vermin are using their bogus Foreclosure Mill and private mercenary security forces mislabeled "Law Enforcement" and acting under color of law as "STATE OF...." officials to unlawfully convert their worthless paper generated from drugs, slave trading, gambling, and other illicit activities into nice "clean" real estate assets in America:

This has to be stopped by shutting down the Municipal and Administrative COURTS that are enforcing and running "the laundry", and then by shutting down the banks and secondary "mortgage servicing companies" that are making the false claims and corrupting the course of justice.

Make no mistake, this is Super Big Business, and it represents generations of corruption by the British Crown. Literally millions of people are involved worldwide, from Kandahar to Kuwait, from Persia to Pittsburgh.

And the only way it can be stopped is for many more millions of people to wake up and take action. It's either that, or everyone on Earth will be enslaved to criminals and criminal enterprises, and life will not be worth living.
You might as well hold your noses and jump.

What you will see is how the same British and European criminals have raped and pillaged and abused the entire rest of the world, including America, and also how they have used America as their Whipping Boy.

You will understand once and for all that "the US" is not America, that the British Crown is not the British Monarchy, that the UN CORP is not the United Nations, that "the" United States is not The United States, and that "the" United States of America was never The United States of America, either.

You will also understand exactly how and why the rest of the world has been misled into hating "America" --- how they have misidentified us so that we are mistaken as "the US", and how "the US" has in turn been used as a vicious club by British Fobs and European bankers to subdue and defraud and oppress and cheat and corrupt the entire rest of the world.

We, Americans, have been unknowingly used as their patsies and proxies in place of "The Raj" to do all this harm, so of course we get painted with The Ugly Brush. Of course, other nations hate and fear us.

This is why you've got people in Tehran and throughout the world ignorantly shouting, "Death to America!" --- because the British Creatures and their Municipal City of Rome Counterparts certainly don't want the blame for their actions and schemes coming back to them, do they?

The nasty little cowards would much rather play the part of sanctimonious and thoroughly "decent" people, and let you take the blame and pay the costs of their war-mongering and criminality. Watch on:

Link 1: https://www.zerohedge.com/…/hsbc-bank-secret-origins-launde… (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zerohedge.com%2Fnews%2F2 015-02-16%2Fhsbc-bank-secret-origins-laundering-worlds-drug-money%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1GDkExosX6aL1JoVE_0c4GPpOj4RF RMu74OS5NqUeooGams87_lrZg3UM&h=AT2qxUWgb-M8Bk8TWa3I37hMh0w41Uj96BYgVJZY_WatzIZ2JwM_u_oQb1Qr lEGCNUr1i4I6TJEGAzFYBWljUfAxqBJqmMMEIk2uUxZjbwmqto MzMeqruA8nAzpzQQpsb_8yQMRrUkUl2TwPwBay0xafb-D-Nyi4)

Link 2: https://laymanslaw.home.blog/how-to-steal-and-launder-tri…/… (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Flaymanslaw.home.blog%2Fhow-to-steal-and-launder-trillions-in-american-foreclosures%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1FpvCLTFoj9RsibHPqt DDckYtSYdAo1fSB8D-s8kxjWtDdDW-R8KqQJa0&h=AT0FdmYQZ_mNAehZ_cNYz1yowqiTmyq6sw8yndRPuhxVEAGk BulZr5wCEVcrRsvAfse8aTp0V5w-6sYlO_zRS0sOOeFeU2EA6Tl-H14dHvaD1ZmqQ5A2bVLTNACBtGCxqbEoWkERd5mnKTk-j7L2_nzRRcUbz23l)

Come on, people! You can do it!
Daylight in the Swamps!
Spend three minutes and pay special attention to what Godfrey Bloom has to tell you in this one, at the four minute mark:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OgJWJIRfU4 (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv% 3D4OgJWJIRfU4%26fbclid%3DIwAR13M4eMeifyVEozPfXD52N c4_q2Gs0K-O32zvgbAxGBrVOweDMYoc-K87Y&h=AT0arhFgocsGxMqvHSdd1qn_7TO614OAohGJ_P9mnt93lBXW Z2v9mdtVYh21hf7P-QHksVJRfqNEZGp9IyAszZikGNZ1dBk_tDcRJsO21OT8pWpTzBs jvNvNgcAXM76cfwQukci8F5vf7ASyzYgVmrkfUlvXwTey)

Spend another couple minutes and see what the former head of the IRS has to say about the "voluntary" income tax that we all purportedly "volunteered" to pay though most of us have no "federal income" at all:

https://www.c-span.org/video/… (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.c-span.org%2Fvideo%2F%3Fc4455340%252Firs-head-steve-miller-admits-income-taxes-voluntary%26fbclid%3DIwAR0S9BxgRU3sSU1llE-XSoUdWUXwa12izLXUyKLgFVL5Xg39ul-jIJnMxuE&h=AT0A-TLkkhBFKxs45MaqCn8uulYO7CTmFe0-J0YkM0NeTQY4ghJbq0rJ4W2fK404DgoVWTcRLhbEhfxZyAUCYL rJxICook8i5p-4I3FdsWGsK9rkgL9qKafOgHRoO-Sg16bpAC0IWf-tWI43TA4barlURNvQjFE6)

Spread the word and take the action. Declare your actual birthright political status and take a stand. Push back. Join your State Assembly. Organize your civilian courts to replace the Municipal and Administrative "COURTS". Alert every Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff and Law Enforcement Officer. Tell every US Marshal -- the Continental Marshals already know. Tell everyone you know in the military. Tell the members of the phony Congresses.

Give them no "plausible deniability" --- tell them and let them all know what's going down.
Inform them, and if anyone complains, just tell them that you are doing your public duty to inform them of crimes being committed, and that if you didn't do your public duty you would be an accomplice to those crimes ---just as they will be if they don't get the lead out and put a stop to it.

28th August 2019, 08:26 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDmPJD1Xr5KjpmEJNQUPz2LcvjKus_ghWtrNJMNLqk83S wPBLod0vAxAD44UxEtYkn7Pd1EcWB43XCc&hc_ref=ARSecFchPND1afIllvGYE_xbt5gW1LvfTgLaTs48RlD d-kQAhEMIg3x-WvJo58cZkpE&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2388956937820039) ·

Red Alert!

Constructive Fraud underway!

The United States of America is an unincorporated Federation of States formed September 9, 1776.

The united States of America was a chartered Confederation of Federal States of States formed March 1, 1781.

Everyone get those facts firmly ingrained in your heads and if you remember no other dates in your lives, remember these two key bits of information.

The United States of America = Federation of States = September 9, 1776.

The united States of America = Confederation of States of States = March 1, 1781.

Now we have a bogus "Private Membership Association" promoting itself as something called "The United States of America 1781" and claiming to "be" The United States of America.

They are claiming something that is literally impossible.

Why? Because The United States of America wasn't formed in 1781.

These people are nutcases. Ignorant nutcases. And they are out to enslave you by getting you to sign up for their bogus private association, just like "the United States" got your parents to unwittingly sign up as "US Citizens".

This is more Roman Catholic Church crappola. Just read the way that these vicious criminals have stolen the work of Frank O'Collins and claimed it as their own --- infringed on his copyright, and created a False Church and called this Satanic Organization The Reign of Heaven Society.

Reign of Hell is more like it!
These dopplegangers must be stopped. And Sarah Westfall and John J. Singleton must be warned and advised of the facts.
Under international law, possession by pirates does not change ownership.

The name and the trademarks of the actual Federation of States doing business as The United States of America are still ours and we lodge extreme displeasure and international protest that any organization is misrepresenting itself as any characterization of this United States of America so as to entrap and mislead unwary Americans into undisclosed membership "agreements". Again.

Part of the stated objective of this elitist crime syndicate from the very first of its creepy declarations on the internet was to form a hierarchy just like the Roman Catholic Church and use it for the same purposes. Well, we all know that the Roman Catholic Church has been infiltrated top to bottom with Satanists and that the Freemasons have worked in league with those elements to destroy all that is decent in the world.

There must be an immediate recognition that this evil and illegal organization calling itself "The United States of America 1781" is a Big, Fat Lie and that it is operating under constructive fraud and trying to deliberately confuse itself with our nation.

Attack it and bring it down. If you have registered a "residency" in it, immediately withdraw and put your permanent domicile on the land and soil of your native State of the Union.
Remove yourselves immediately!

28th August 2019, 08:40 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDtkl2BiU1sLCv4dUzELFM0aE3ZHg6xuD3vG_jBG4S001 mpuWsuiFhJN-mhVTHJULPhOwxAZroz5FeX&hc_ref=ARS-U8A7xDVfqm9EzBWBczBATSEQv6MIXOvW7ePhv6CViiZ5__Q-W1GUGQgZinHoaTA&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2389160681132998) ·

International Protest, Claim, and Counter-Claim

Sent to Pope Francis: 27 August 2019: 23:06....

International Protest, Claim, and Counter-Claim Under Public International Notice for Pope Francis, President Donald Trump, the Lord Mayor of London, the Government of Westminster, Queen Elizabeth II and all other Interested Principals and Parties:

This is your International Notice of Constructive Fraud ongoing on the sea and in the air:

We are the People of The United States of America. We know who we are and when our Federation of States was formed: September 9, 1776, almost five (5) years before any commercial organization of confederated states of states was formed March 1, 1776; we know our jurisdiction and the nature of our States as the Donors of all Delegated Powers ever received by the Municipal United States Government and also any such Powers exercised in our names by the Territorial United States of America.

Tonight we have been informed of yet another Interloper deliberately infringing upon our Unregistered Trademarks and Copyrights in violation of International Law for the purpose of commercial entrapment and fraud.

The guilty Parties have launched a "Private Membership Association" called the Reign of Heaven Society, based on plagiarizing the work and infringing upon the copyrights of Frank O'Collins; they have similarly attempted to infringe upon our recorded copyrights and trademarks and sought to promote a deliberate confusion via a Similar Names Deceit between their additional Private Member Association calling itself The United States of America 1781 and our unincorporated Federation of Independent States doing business as The United States of America since September of 1776.

Though I have no reason to suppose that Pope Francis is unaware of basic International Law, including the fact that possession by pirates does not change ownership of assets, I must remind him of his responsibility as the Keeper of Corporations under Ecclesiastical Law, and bring this matter to his attention and that of the Roman Curia for correction and must also demand the dissolution of this would-be imposter organization which has no actual or historical relationship with our States or our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.

We also wish to make it clear that The United States of America represents the independent and complete and physically-defined States belonging to the People of this country, and neither we nor our member States are any kind of "state of state" at all.

As States and as a Lawful Federation of States, we cannot be defined as any enemy of any state of state organization and may not be mischaracterized as a state of state organization ourselves; we occupy a complete and separate jurisdiction as natural people and as Lawful Persons owed every respect and protection under international law.

We are permanently and properly domiciled on the land and soil of our States and have no cause nor reason to reside in any inchoate state of state at all. Any paperwork or delusion that we have left our native land and soil, abandoned our birthright for proxy benefits or otherwise knowingly allowed any such legal presumptions must be set aside and disallowed; we accept all gifts, waive all unearned benefits, and act as Prudent Men.

We do not inhabit nor reside in any inchoate incorporated state of state at all, and as we are the Beings in Possession of the States, we are not stateless, either. We claim our inheritance as the living sons and daughters of our Creator, formed by an Act of the True God at the moment of fertilization and as true heirs of every bit of DNA and matter belonging to us by His Gift, including claim upon every beneficial interest in the estate thus created, including any estate left behind by our dead amnion being misrepresented as a "person" and as an "infant decedent" and then used as a device to promote fraud and identity theft against our living estate and Given Name.

We are not amused by any of these attempts to mischaracterize us or entrap innocent people under false premises and unconscionable contracting processes --- not the Dead Baby Scam, not the Justinian Deception, and not another deceitful attempt to misrepresent our Federation nor our States nor our People via the employment of deceitfully similar names adopted by "membership organizations" or commercial corporations or any other kind of inchoate Legal Entities at all.

Our Social Contract within our States has been established since 1776, and any and all obligations shared with the British Government and with the Holy See have been set upon the international record since 1783; there has been no valid alteration in any provision since 1861: "This Act shall not effect any right thus previously established".

Must we remind His Holiness of the obligation of the Holy See to strictly limit its governmental services activities to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia?

And the further obligation of the Holy See and its servants to drop any and all frivolous claims to the effect that our people are "citizens" of any fictional legal entity?

We wish this to be done, and to be done now, in this moment and forever.
We are the Children of the True God, not Children of Men; we command the Angels and command the Devils, too.

Remove these atrocities from our presence.
Liquidate the phony 500 municipal districts which have been overlaid upon our land and soil. Remove the Municipal and so-called Administrative COURTS that have been established in violation of Our Sacred Covenants.

Remove the false claims to own our souls or any other right, title, trademark, copyright, patent or property interest rightly belonging to us.

Release all bonds and set our people free.

Cease all false claims that any of us are commonwealth property, paupers, warrant officers, municipal volunteers, employees, dependents, assets, or mere matter subject to the whim of any man, archon, seraph, ghost, demon, spirit, or goblin.

On your immortal soul, Francis, these outrages must cease.

We demand the prompt liquidation of this THING calling itself by a name deceptively similar to our own --- and we note that there never was and is not now any valid entity called "The United States of America 1781" associated with this country or with this nation.

We also demand the cessation of any attempt to contract with this inchoate entity as if it represented our Federation of States or held any authority related to us, our Powers, our States or our Nation. "The United States of America 1781" is a foreign entity of dubious origin seeking to substitute itself for our lawful Government in violation of international law, treaty, and commercial contracts which the Holy See owes to us alone.

Living people are not sheep to be herded from pen to pen, fraud to fraud, delusion to delusion---- and Lawful Persons are owed their due recognition, respect, and protection. The True Heirs of the Kingdom have returned; let no man or spirit presume otherwise and let there be no more testing deployed against non-domestic targets.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

Non-domestic: Private copyright:
4711 Birchwood Road,
Big Lake, Alaska

28th August 2019, 09:19 AM
IGNORANCE. The want of knowledge.
2. Ignorance is distinguishable from error. Ignorance is want of knowledge; error is the non-conformity or opposition of our ideas to the
truth. Considered as a motive of our actions, ignorance differs but little from error. They are generally found together, and what is said of one is
said of both.
3. Ignorance and error, are of several kinds.
1. When considered as to their object, they are of law and of fact.
2. When examined as to their origin, they are voluntary or involuntary,
3. When viewed with regard to their influence on the affairs of men, they are essential or non-essential.

Ignorance is either essential or non-essential. 1. By essential ignorance is understood that which has for its object some essential circumstance so intimately connected with the: matter in question, and which so influences the parties that it induces them to act in the business. For example, if A should sell his horse to B, and at the time of the sale the horse was dead, unknown to the parties, the fact of the death would render the sale void.

Non-essential or accidental ignorance is that which has not of itself any necessary connexion with the business in question, and which is not the true consideration for entering into the contract; as, if a man should marry a woman whom he believed to be rich, and she proved to be poor, this fact would not be essential, and the marriage would therefore be good.

So is the Pope dead (essential it seems to an appeal to authority)? Seems many popes are currently dead so necromancy would drive appeal to their office.

Or is the Pope insolvent (aka poor)? Insolvency seems to be irrelevant to an appeal to authority. When you are poor you have no authority in the watery world of commerce.

The concept of essential or non-essential ignorance would dictate the outcome of asking for Papal dispensation.

28th August 2019, 11:44 AM
make no mistake, this is super big business, and it represents generations of corruption by the british crown. Literally millions of people are involved worldwide, from kandahar to kuwait, from persia to pittsburgh.

and the only way it can be stopped is for many more millions of people to wake up and take action. It's either that, or everyone on earth will be enslaved to criminals and criminal enterprises, and life will not be worth living.
you might as well hold your noses and jump.



29th August 2019, 08:50 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDzvBqPeSX9RMrv6L1sYpCLmBWoSS2yRuq6RBa-Kva3VPzHyWiT6hlUTKjP76OPQvweXkorJ6i8P3O4&hc_ref=ARQG43X-ldiMkdMG4xv1zAdWssFyDhXc589OGvC6LZCndio6BbaKAmcbW7 M3LXUvNP4&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2391876007528132) ·

Typo-Corrected International Notice of Protest, Claim and Counter-Claim

The original Notice was issued late at night and contained an operator error that must be corrected:

The United States of America, a Federation of States, was formed September 9, 1776.

The "united" States of America, a Confederation of business organizations operating as states-of-states, was formed March 1, 1781.
Not March 1, 1776.

The Official Version appears below:
International Protest, Claim, and Counter-Claim Under Public International Notice for Pope Francis, President Donald Trump, the Lord Mayor of London, the Government of Westminster, Queen Elizabeth II and all other Interested Principals and Parties:

This is your International Notice of Constructive Fraud ongoing on the sea and in the air:

We are the People of The United States of America. We know who we are and when our Federation of States was formed: September 9, 1776, almost five (5) years before any commercial organization of confederated states of states was formed March 1, 1781; we know our jurisdiction and the nature of our States as the Donors of all Delegated Powers ever received by the Municipal United States Government and also any such Powers exercised in our names by the Territorial United States of America.

Tonight we have been informed of yet another Interloper deliberately infringing upon our Unregistered Trademarks and Copyrights in violation of International Law for the purpose of commercial entrapment and fraud.
The guilty Parties have launched a "Private Membership Association" called the Reign of Heaven Society, based on plagiarizing the work and infringing upon the copyrights of Frank O'Collins; they have similarly attempted to infringe upon our recorded copyrights and trademarks and sought to promote a deliberate confusion via a Similar Names Deceit between their additional Private Member Association calling itself The United States of America 1781 and our unincorporated Federation of Independent States doing business as The United States of America since September of 1776.

Though I have no reason to suppose that Pope Francis is unaware of basic International Law, including the fact that possession by pirates does not change ownership of assets, I must remind him of his responsibility as the Keeper of Corporations under Ecclesiastical Law, and bring this matter to his attention and that of the Roman Curia for correction and must also demand the dissolution of this would-be imposter organization which has no actual or historical relationship with our States or our Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.

We also wish to make it clear that The United States of America represents the independent and complete and physically-defined States belonging to the People of this country, and neither we nor our member States are any kind of "state of state" at all.

As States and as a Lawful Federation of States, we cannot be defined as any enemy of any state of state organization and may not be mischaracterized as a state of state organization ourselves; we occupy a complete and separate jurisdiction as natural people and as Lawful Persons owed every respect and protection under international law.

We are permanently and properly domiciled on the land and soil of our States and have no cause nor reason to reside in any inchoate state of state at all. Any paperwork or delusion that we have left our native land and soil, abandoned our birthright for proxy benefits or otherwise knowingly allowed any such legal presumptions must be set aside and disallowed; we accept all gifts, waive all unearned benefits, and act as Prudent Men.

We do not inhabit nor reside in any inchoate incorporated state of state at all, and as we are the Beings in Possession of the States, we are not stateless, either. We claim our inheritance as the living sons and daughters of our Creator, formed by an Act of the True God at the moment of fertilization and as true heirs of every bit of DNA and matter belonging to us by His Gift, including claim upon every beneficial interest in the estate thus created, including any estate left behind by our dead amnion being misrepresented as a "person" and as an "infant decedent" and then used as a device to promote fraud and identity theft against our living estate and Given Name.

We are not amused by any of these attempts to mischaracterize us or entrap innocent people under false premises and unconscionable contracting processes --- not the Dead Baby Scam, not the Justinian Deception, and not another deceitful attempt to misrepresent our Federation nor our States nor our People via the employment of deceitfully similar names adopted by "membership organizations" or commercial corporations or any other kind of inchoate Legal Entities at all.

Our Social Contract within our States has been established since 1776, and any and all obligations shared with the British Government and with the Holy See have been set upon the international record since 1783; there has been no valid alteration in any provision since 1861: "This Act shall not effect any right thus previously established".

Must we remind His Holiness of the obligation of the Holy See to strictly limit its governmental services activities to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia?
And the further obligation of the Holy See and its servants to drop any and all frivolous claims to the effect that our people are "citizens" of any fictional legal entity?

We wish this to be done, and to be done now, in this moment and forever.

We are the Children of the True God, not Children of Men; we command the Angels and command the Devils, too.
Remove these atrocities from our presence.
Liquidate the phony 500 municipal districts which have been overlaid upon our land and soil. Remove the Municipal and so-called Administrative COURTS that have been established in violation of Our Sacred Covenants.
Remove the false claims to own our souls or any other right, title, trademark, copyright, patent or property interest rightly belonging to us.
Release all bonds and set our people free.
Cease all false claims that any of us are commonwealth property, paupers, warrant officers, municipal volunteers, employees, dependents, assets, or mere matter subject to the whim of any man, archon, seraph, ghost, demon, spirit, or goblin.
On your immortal soul, Francis, these outrages must cease.

We demand the prompt liquidation of this THING calling itself by a name deceptively similar to our own --- and we note that there never was and is not now any valid entity called "The United States of America 1781" associated with this country or with this nation.

We also demand the cessation of any attempt to contract with this inchoate entity as if it represented our Federation of States or held any authority related to us, our Powers, our States or our Nation. "The United States of America 1781" is a foreign entity of dubious origin seeking to substitute itself for our lawful Government in violation of international law, treaty, and commercial contracts which the Holy See owes to us alone.

Living people are not sheep to be herded from pen to pen, fraud to fraud, delusion to delusion---- and Lawful Persons are owed their due recognition, respect, and protection. The True Heirs of the Kingdom have returned; let no man or spirit presume otherwise and let there be no more testing deployed against non-domestic targets.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

Non-domestic: Private copyright:
4711 Birchwood Road,
Big Lake, Alaska

29th August 2019, 09:07 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAmHBci00c_sh92IosBxDw2qesGRB1qVwskZjYPFBk2Dw p0l7PWKASM4dP7kMeFfJelbhb64aP5hG4H&hc_ref=ARQ6lkC7iBW2xQbHBcuu767AxCYyErw1gaWPxKYCorK UkvCZcXqA9WDT7gLBnehzQwM&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2391892584193141) ·

Clarification for All

The United States of America was formed on September 9, 1776. The Confederacy of States of States was formed March 1, 1781.

The United States of America, therefore, as opposed to the "united" States of America was indeed formed almost five years earlier.
September 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780, plus three months into 1781 equals --if you want to be picky, four years and three months, affecting six calendar years 1776 to 1781.
Am I getting the point through to all and everyone? The Federation is older than the Confederation by years and not only that, the Federation is composed of independent sovereign States, not business entities called "States of States".

Am I making myself perfectly clear?

Is everyone now understanding what is going on here?
We are declaring our birthright political status and casting off any "presumption" that we volunteered to adopt any foreign citizenship at all.

We are assembling our actual independent and sovereign States, not a business organization set up to sell us services.

Does everyone get that through their heads now?

As such, Mr. Trump, the Joint Chiefs and every man jack in the British Territorial United States of America is REQUIRED by International Treaty, International Trust, and International Commercial Service Contract to remove these Municipal and Administrative Courts from our soil, restrict the Municipal Government to its Constitutionally declared limit of the "ten miles square" granted to them, collapse the 500 mini-municipal districts which these treasonous corporations have attempted to overlay upon our land and soil, seize the offshore tax trusts formed "in our names" and the related CUSIP Bonds, and return all our assets including our land titles to us.

Don't you all get it yet?

Our own dear military has at the highest levels, knowingly or unknowingly, followed orders under the False Presumption that the foreign Roman "Civil Government" set up merely to run the business of the Washington DC Municipality, was somehow magically converted into the "Civilian Government" of this country in our purported "absence".

The two For-Hire Service Providers were running amok, securing credit under False Pretenses in our names and using our assets as collateral purportedly backing "our" debts---while in fact, they were spending our money and credit however they wished, with no consequences for them, until we stood up and said --- WTH?

This is the same situation as a credit card hacker stealing your identity, accessing your credit, and going on a spending spree. Does everyone see that?

Because the British Territorial Government was allowed to exercise some of the Delegated Powers belonging to The United States of America, it was also allowed to conduct business under a variation of our name --- "the" United States of America.

Many people were naturally confused and did not notice nor understand the difference between The United States of America and the United States of America.

This would be like John Reynolds Jackson being mistaken for John R. Jackson, or any other such Similar Names Deceit.

This is the game these corporations have been playing for 150 years and it is nothing but the most facile kind of con game. It's time to end it. Now.

Agents of the British Territorial entity exercising some of our Delegated Powers and doing business under our name as "the" United States of America" have been snatching American babies and trafficking them into their foreign territorial jurisdiction for decades, deliberately misidentifying them as British Territorial Dependents and cashiering their Good Names and assets for use backing the debts of the British Crown Corporation.
Wake up.

The British Monarchs who are obligated to act as our Trustees in this venue have allowed this to go on in Gross Breach of Trust.

The Popes have similarly allowed this in Gross Breach of Trust.

The Lord Mayor of London has conducted commercial "war" against Treaty Allies and innocent Internationally Protected Persons and is an International Criminal of the Highest Order.
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

We are not chattel.

We are not here to be picked apart by the Creditors of pirates who have been grossly and without merit pretending to "represent" us.

So now we are engaged in unraveling this criminal enterprise and calling down the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor, and the United Nations ---for all the world to see--and we are flatly demanding the return of our purloined property and actual assets to us, not to them "acting" as our "representatives".

Obviously, they are not trustworthy. Period.

They have breached their Trust with the American States and People and the only sane option is to return it all whence it came, to our Lawful and actual government which is now assembling under the organizational heading of The American States Assembly.

The States have been called to Assemble and conduct business by The United States of America formed September 9, 1776 and by the Hereditary Head of State under whose Great Seals the International Ship of State sails. This is right and proper and verifiable and cannot be contested or overturned.

There is no record nor verifiable provenance of any organization operating as The United States of America 1781 related to this country at all.

It appears to be an attempt to latch onto the long defunct Confederacy of business organizations dba States of America which was formed March 1, 1781, by a group of religious fanatics also operating as The Reign of Heaven Society.

The noxious history and nature and intentions of that organization calling itself The Reign of Heaven Society began when it plagiarized the work of Frank O'Collins, twisted it, and re-presented it as the basis of this elitist religious sect.

Well, we've all had enough of that, haven't we?

Thus far the Perpetrators behind all this Gross Mismanagement and Criminal Neglect have tried to maintain control of our assets by handing them to "Third Party Philanthropists"-- Wolfgang Struck, Kim Goguen, Karen Hudes, etc., -- and ginned up various stories as to how and why these persons suddenly control our assets and have any right to dispose of them.

The simple truth is that the banks stole the assets, the US military stole them back, and now nobody knows how to both control their release (which is necessary in terms of flooding the markets and collapsing everything) and yet, return them to the actual lawful owners.

Another part of the problem is that lawful assets can only belong to lawful persons, and none of those responsible are acting in the capacity of lawful persons.
They are all acting as Legal Persons --- and so was Prince Philip when he received all the purloined "Life Force Value Annuities" owed to Americans and Canadians.

They appoint the presumed-to-be Philanthropist that they control and pretend that this Person has some natural inherited claim to sit in this position-- and it is all just an infantile smoke screen for what has actually gone on here.

Their attempts to appoint a Third Party Philanthropist to handle the distribution hasn't sold, so they have tried other means. They've tried to justify the Dead Baby Scam. Nobody is buying that, either.

They have fronted a GCR, but that won't work for the reasons I have already outlined. Doing it admits that they CAN do it, and that they are criminals. Exit that.

They've tried a new round of the old Justinian Deception via introducing "PARSE SYNTAX" as the new Legalese. That isn't working, either.

So now they are back to the Ye Olde Scottish Corporation trick of trying to use a similarly and deceitfully named corporation ---in the present situation, a Private Membership Association calling itself "The United States of America 1781"--- to snare unwary people into more undisclosed contracts created under conditions of deliberate constructive fraud with intent to deceive.

We are calling them out on all of it.

What needs to happen is for the Pope to get rid of the Freemasons acting as "Worshipful Grandmasters" in the old Pontifical System -- which is supposed to be gone and isn't--- who are still dictating to elected Territorial Governors. He also needs to engineer the removal of Mike Pence from the office of Vice President.
Unfortunately, "Vice President" has come to mean "the President in charge of Vice" as in "Vice Squad".

You have to give them credit for having a sardonic sense of humor, but, we don't need any vice here, much less a CEO in charge of vice-related business enterprises, thank you.

Now with that in mind, take a close look at who has been serving the Pontifical Vice Apparatus in your country? Mike Pence, Creepy Joe.... all the way back to LBJ, who, yes, was largely responsible for the murder of President Kennedy. Take a bow, if you knew that back in 1963.

Next, look at all the "Lieutenant Governors". These vermin have ruled from behind the throne, the better to have someone else to blame. Has it ever made sense to you that we have all these obviously quasi-military offices in plain view? Lieutenant Governor? What to Hell is a "Lieutenant Governor" or a "Tax Commissioner" or even worse, an "Attorney General"? Where are their offices defined in any legitimate original constitution?

Nowhere. None. These Vermin have no authority related to us. These offices have existed and continued to exist merely as a result of public ignorance and failure to monitor our "service providers".

Francis also needs to close down the Municipal COURTS throughout this country, voluntarily and peacefully.
If he fails to take these actions he is obviously not acting in good faith.

Meantime, the Queen needs to come forward and exercise our Delegated Power "for us" in fact, to restructure the operations of the US Navy to do its job for us instead of being engaged in worldwide crime syndicate activities benefiting the British Crown. No more using it to transport drugs all around the Pacific Rim and Mediterranean and then passing their Operations Bills on to us. No more targeting American soil and American people as "domestic" targets for Geoengineering and Scalar Tech weapons, either.
She also needs to arrest the Lord Mayor and oust his peculiar religion from British Shores, if she has the sense of a Dung Beetle and wishes to retain any credibility for the limited monarchy she is responsible for.

The Holy See is already committed in Public to prosecution of the Temple of Baal and its promoters- even though the Holy See privately deals extensively with the pirates and fraud artists running these so-called "secular programs" the consequences of overtly supporting them against the demands of our lawful government would further endanger the Church and its credibility.

All the rats are now in the same basic position they were in 1300. Their choices are the same now as then. Prosecute the Satan worshipers or be prosecuted themselves.

So the Satan Worshiping vermin have proposed to leave America and set up their new base of operations in China where they have long controlled the Drug Trade, but the Chinese, Indian, and Afghani Governments that have been enslaved to the British-organized Triangle Trade, can see the situation now and have other ideas.
To put it very bluntly, the time has come for actual reform and honest government throughout the world.
All governments are supposed to be functioning as non-profit service organizations monitored closely by the people they serve.

When you think about it, such a goal is stupidly simple to achieve once people understand what the goal is, what their role as oversight monitors requires, are given a means to enforce their oversight ---- and assuming that they are motivated to do their part.

If the prospect of being slaves to drug and sex crazed Satan Worshipers isn't motivation enough to wake up and get moving --I don't know what is.
And that is literally what is going on and what is at stake here.

Wake up.
Stop nit-picking and dawdling.
Get on your feet. Declare your proper political status. Record it. Join your State Assembly or if your State is one of the few that still does not have an official State Assembly, form one now.

There is one legitimate government left standing in the international jurisdiction, one and only one that actually does represent the People of this country. The name of that organization is The United States of America. It was formed September 9, 1776.

The United States of America operates and sails its vessels in international jurisdiction under the auspices of the Norman Kings of England and France, and in particular, under the Great Seals of William Belcher, an American in fact, also known as The Belle Cher, one of the Belles Kings of Gaul as well as being a sovereign in his own right in England by lawful heritage established and settled in 1087 A.D.

William Belcher's kinsmen, The LaFayette, came to his aid in 1776. And the Belles and Pelles will still answer against the Helles kings, if need be.

The Belles and Pelles of this generation stand behind teaching the People to Self-Govern and to honor the True King of Heaven, Our Creator, who lives in the hearts of all Mankind forever. Any other presumption must be disallowed

30th August 2019, 11:14 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCdTHspn-IbDuyXSQdB0C2YQxnc4edXydFz9ETMHNCdle-9dH5HdKN-2aWdjUuG3cztfHUi28fxe0yr&hc_ref=ART2XLfU08Sz2MX4aYRUVDPqguKimR1zyNJDJtlqhl-yendH1RnyvpNayNteOul_fU8&fref=nf)
12 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2392466407469092) ·

Answer to an Important Question and ---- Thank You!

In the work I've taken on, I often have to deal with some truly unsavory situations and equally unsavory characters.

It's disheartening to spend your days unraveling the history of criminal acts and breaches of trust and gross injustices.

It's an unhappy business having to deal with secret societies, gangs, mobs, mafias, and more.

The old-style mafia bosses are a breath of fresh air compared to what Harvard has been producing. Or Yale. Or the Yah-Yah Club members coming out of Georgetown, Columbia, and other so-called institutions of "Higher Learning".

It must "high" in the sense of cannabis, because despite my hopes that I will find one or two unleashed mental capacities among the graduates of these institutions, it's like they have been mind-wiped, as if every logic circuit has been welded shut, and the basic ability to think has been overcome.
And over it all, fear.

I have never met a generation of people more overcome by fear of all kinds. Fear of the future. Fear of the ugly elements of the past. Fear of being who we are. Fear of being what we are. Fear of offending anyone. Fear of being outside the social matrix. Fear of being labeled. Fear of being singled out. Fear of taking any kind of moral stand. Fear of speaking up with an honest self-generated opinion. Fear for the sake of fear.

It's a wonder that these young people plod onward at all.
Occasionally, I meet young people who have a glimmer of light and intellect in their eyes, and once in a great while, I meet one that actually suspicions the Truth --- that our educational system is, for the most part, merely a social programming system.

There's certainly no intention to teach anyone how to think for themselves.
Please note that the word "diploma" comes from the Ancient Greek meaning, "I double, fold over." This is in the same sense as "folding" in a card game. You give up, you acquiesce, you accept a license in exchange for your intellect.

These bright, hopeful, innocent kids are being functionally lobotomized, and then loaded down with debts they will have to pay for decades for the privilege.

And because their parents and teachers told them so, they believe that they are doing the right thing, improving themselves, preparing for careers in the arts and sciences....

One of these great kids jogged me loose and then a random comment from a much older reader sent the wheel rolling.

When you go into a court and introduce yourself on your own terms, simply as "Joe" or "Alice" and you tell the Judge that you are there to collect upon the trust, the Judge will inform you that you have to be an attorney to administer the trust.

Most people, overwhelmed by the situation, will not have presence of mind enough to shoot back, and say, "I don't need an attorney when I am the donor of the trust and I am here to collapse it, tell you to settle the account, and return the profits to me with prejudice against the Plaintiff."

The courts are administering either (1) trusts in probate or (2) bankrupt franchises in bankruptcy court. The Defendants are all Creditors of that NAMED Trust or Franchise. It's the court's job to defend the trusts and bankrupt franchises against the Defendants--- you, the Creditors.

So, do you want to act as a Defendant and defend anything?
The entire deck is stacked against you. And these people actually think that they are doing the right thing, too. They are defending YOU from you.

They are using the strawmen and tar babies as poppets --- a common little bit of black magic.

To break this requires absolutely certain knowledge of who and what you are and the capacity in which you are acting: you are not the Trustee, you are not the Administrator, you are not the Executor.
You are the Donor if they address any kind of trust--- public or private--- [this includes names in the forms: JOHN JAMES DOE or JAMES DOE, John James Doe or James Doe].
You are the "Donor of the Grantor Trust and Sole Shareholder of the Public Transmitting Utility" of anything called by a name with what appears to be a middle initial, for example, JOHN J DOE or John J Doe.
And either way, you are there to collapse the trust, settle the related accounts, and tell the Judge what you want done.
Everything and anything they have to administer in any court at all, comes from you. It's yours. So say so. If you stand there and look confused or offer to play some other role, they will railroad you accordingly.

This is all very dirty and disheartening business, even for a jaded old lioness with sore feet. I often feel spiritually dirty after delving into this gigantic manure pile, and today was no different, except for one thing.
One of the State Assemblies sent me a care package. It was a big pile of thank you notes, some with money, some with words, some with both words and money..... some from elders and some from children who are just attending meetings with their parents.

I wept. Chills were running up and down my spine.
I felt the awakening spirit blowing over me like a fresh wind, shaking off all the detritus of the liars and the thieves and the ill-will aimed at me day after day by detractors of all stripes.... the hard shell and all that gunk just melted away.

Yes, I sat in the warm late afternoon sunshine and let it pour over me like honey. I bathed my soul in that warm light and in the light of the messages as I opened each small note and for the first time in a long while, I felt new and clean and pure again. I felt set free. At rest. Able to sleep. Confident of the outcome.

I want you all --- and you know who you are --- to know just how much this meant to me and how timely it was, today of all days. May you all, each and every one of you, be blessed. May you be richly rewarded for answering the call of your country. May you find deep peace and satisfaction in knowing that you are doing the right thing, the right way, and together, we shall overcome all the obstacles shoved in our way.

30th August 2019, 11:27 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBw1b4wJ3RvJIvjWSy34JGxtJNX0c1IeIRJE4bS3CizaA V81fTf-_DoThRaruzMSj6fxMO16wB7lddb&hc_ref=ARTSslj6WoxQJL8N-9tqtfiPpKhs1GHRAZXuchGzjAhurhkNA_PUzEDAnylzWuoyA84&fref=nf)
12 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2392473820801684) ·

Understanding Britain and the British "Crisis".

If you are watching television today you are hearing a lot of scratching and squawking about the Queen suspending Parliament. You are also hearing a lot of very queer verbiage about "our unwritten and flexible constitution...."

Say what? An "unwritten" and "flexible" constitution?

That's the equivalent of saying--- an unwritten and flexible contract to buy your home, or secure your services to paint a house. It's a sort of wink and nod arrangement, in which you are "presumed" to approve of and trust whatever the legislature does "in your name".

Sound familiar? It's the same exact schtick that the British Crown Corporation employed here. We are not the only ones waking up. It's just too bad that the British Parliament is as ignorant, apparently, as the "US" Congress.

It's complete, obvious, nonsensical blather to talk about or accept an unwritten "flexible" contract of any kind, yet otherwise perfectly sane people are spewing this out of their mouths on the BBC and broadcasting it. Something that isn't written down and which is "flexible"--- to be defined however one Party or another wishes to define it at any given time, is worthless.

So they are admitting, apparently without realizing it, that their "constitution" is worthless.

They are also describing Britain as a "constitutional democracy". No, no, no, no..... Britain is not and has never been a "constitutional democracy". It is a limited constitutional monarchy.

Notice the difference: constitutional democracy versus constitutional monarchy.

See? It's the same kind of game that has been played here.

America isn't a "democracy" either.

America is governed by fifty independent self-governing state republics.
Internationally, these republics are operating as States. These States act through a Federation of States known as The United States of America.

You see? It's the same claptrap about "democracy" in Britain as it is here. It's the same bunch of lies and the same game plan of criminals usurping against the lawful government in Britain as it is here and elsewhere.

We are in the presence of a global commercial conspiracy, which has used the "Territorial" which means "Commonwealth" Governments to implement their schemes, and which has arbitrarily defined all those territorial governments as "democracies".

So what is a democracy? It's a Greek (Helles) institution of Mob Rule.
If 51% out of 100 such "citizens" want to eat your liver, they consider it perfectly legal to do so, though it will never be lawful.

Acting upon their principal of Mob Rule, they disrespect everyone and everything, including the property rights of others, and they behave as pirates and parasites on land and sea.

Most alarmingly, if 51% of their population wants to sit on their butts and receive everything for free, they think they are well-within their rights to rob and enslave the remaining 49% to accomplish their desired end.

The problem for all these secretive self-proclaimed democracies is that they are all organized as corporations and have no natural right to exist.

The further problem for them is that they have never in the history of any of these countries that they claim to rule over ever faced a Public Plebiscite or received a Public Mandate --- that is, they've never proven to have a 51% majority in favor of anything they have proposed.

So even as self-proclaimed democracies all of their actions have been completely illegitimate and criminal in nature, and even a government by Mob Rule cannot be asserted.

So what do we have in control of Britain? The same kind of criminal corporate government that has usurped against the lawful government in America.

If you look around, you find the same thing in France, in Germany, in Sweden, in Japan.....all over the world, all these countries proudly and ignorantly claiming to be democracies haven't got a clue what it means and their governments don't have a mandate to rule as a democracy, either.

Japan is supposed to function as a constitutional monarchy, not a constitutional democracy.

Find me a record anywhere showing that the general population of any of these countries was fully informed about what a democracy is, and given a straight up opportunity to adopt democracy as their form of government? Show me proof that any of them have done so via a fully disclosed General Plebiscite Election.

You won't find any such record, because democracy is a crappy form of government that allows the strong to act as predators against the weak, and naturally the predators didn't want to give the victims an honest choice in the matter.

The Creeping Rot of the corporate criminals is everywhere, powered by banks drunk with digits and delusions.
And now, all over the world, the proverbial cows of this situation are coming home.

This has all been engineered behind the scenes by Papists and Freemasons; and, the Popes and the Roman Curia --- who are the ones responsible under Ecclesiastical Law for oversight of all corporations on Earth and the Air Jurisdiction governing intellectual property in general --- have obviously failed in their duty to liquidate corporations operating as crime syndicates.

This is how the Popes and the Roman Curia and the Holy See are involved in all of this. It's their responsibility to make sure that such things never happen, and yet, we wake up one morning and --- "What, ho!"
Smell the English Breakfast Tea steaming in your cup.
There isn't a legitimate democracy anywhere on Earth. There are just a bunch of filthy dirty commercial corporations running their internal affairs "as" democracies, but even internally, they don't have a mandate and are nothing but lawless mercenary pirate organizations.

The "UK Parliament" is the Board of Directors for the Territorial Government running the "United Kingdom" as a parliamentary democracy.

The fact is, that all that they really have any right to control are their own officers and employees, but they have usurped upon the government of the people of Britain in the same way as their counterparts in America, Germany, and elsewhere have usurped upon the rest of us.

They have pretended to be the government over the people of Britain and they have used the people and their assets as chattels backing their corporate debts in the same way that the "US" Congress has abused its employers.

And it is all nothing but crime. It's all Bushwah. Constructive fraud. Probate fraud. False claims in commerce.
It has all been funded by criminal bankers and securities brokers and implemented and enforced by employee-owned and operated crime syndicates engaged in everything from commodity rigging, monopoly interests, human trafficking, drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, securities fraud, counterfeiting, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, treason, murder, money laundering, and more.

These quote-unquote corporate "democracies" don't represent us, don't represent the Brits, don't represent the Germans, don't represent the Japanese....all they represent are territorial corporations, corporate officials and corporate employees.

And forget the similarly constructed "municipal corporations" that serve municipal employees, which are plenary oligarchies --- organizations of members of Parliaments and Congresses that claim to have the right to boss their employers around, enslave them, take their private property, and abuse them at will. They are even worse, more criminal, and even less justifiable.

Yes, you read that right and if you have been following along, you are now realizing that the UK Parliament has been functioning in precisely the same way and status as the "US" Congress and the United Kingdom Parliament has been functioning in the same way and territorial status as the United States Parliament.

Both these entities are nothing but government employee corporations, run by government employees, for government employees.

Was it you intention to give your body, soul, land, home, businesses and everything else to your employees?

Did you knowingly let them declare you "legally dead" and allow them to work a probate fraud against your interests, so that they could better control you and offer your assets --- all of them including your children --- as chattel belonging to their corporations, available to support their spending?

Did you ever knowingly agree to that?

Did you elect to participate in a corporation acting as a government, operated as a democracy?

Did you knowingly consent and agree to "gift" these organizations with your private property?

Are you sick of this criminality, promoted by people on your payroll?
So, what do we do? Looks like the Queen just made her first move as the Pope's Regent by "suspending" Parliament. And which "Parliament" did she suspend? The Territorial Parliament.

Most of the people participating in this fiasco are blissfully ignorant of what they are doing. They believe that they are part of a legitimate Parliament elected by the People of Great Britain, representing their respective land jurisdiction counties.

Their first clue that this is not true is the word "district" being attached to everything, as in the preposterous misnomer and oxymoron, "County District Court" .
Get a clue, folks, any "County" that is in a "District" is not a County by definition.

It's time to educate everyone and put an end to this archaic and nasty system of Commercial Feudalism, beginning with the conversion of all government corporations to Non-Profit Corporations, the conversion of all C-Corps to B-Corps, and the return of all titles and land patents to the counties and people of each country, plus the profits and credit they are owed.

After that, following a transition period needed to re-educate everyone, let me suggest that no government corporation ever be allowed to operate for any purpose to profit itself, and no corporation traded on a public stock exchange ever again be issued a "for profit only" charter, nor given bankruptcy protection out of public funds.

It's time for mammoth reform of all these operations on a worldwide basis.

As we begin the necessary changes, yes, hold onto your hats, but don't be afraid. These are your employees. It's time you reminded them of the facts.

31st August 2019, 07:02 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCBb2QkQuDDShUtuwNS2L7aVlEpiueqSAF-nxAXpiF-RfLLErl1hC20iLUDDoDoteHr6_ogqXET-GZ7&hc_ref=ARQ0H0Vvlv2dKGs15kt6IChTnW_7jQ4k7Gj5c2UvJf_ 7hXuaOF8UDiCdWgoW1W9Knws&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2395348660514200) ·

For Young People

One of the watershed moments of my life and career came this week. I received a thank you note and a one dollar donation from a child. That is astonishing, but even more astonishing, the accompanying note made it clear that they knew what they were supporting: their government, their country.

Good job, Mom and Dad!
When I am home, I wake up every morning staring at a portrait of me when I was seventeen. I have gotten better looking as I've aged. It's not a flattering picture: my nose soars above the flat oval of my face like a granite ridge, and my expression, though sweet, is also supremely calculating and intense. I am considering something..... considering it very carefully.

What would I say to her, this much younger version of myself? What would I tell her about the road ahead? ---Even knowing that she wouldn't believe any of it?

Oh, yes, you are going to finish school and roam the world and end up after years of knocking about, in Alaska, and you are going to marry an accomplished artist, yes, an oil painter.....

And I wondered this morning, can I give back something to my child donor, from the life I have led? Some bit of insight to help them navigate besides --- "Keep a close eye on the government!"

How have I gotten through Life with my heart and Shinola Sensors intact?
Of course, there's The Ten Commandments. I learned those early and well, thanks to my parents carefully and repeatedly finding occasion to discuss each one of them. As I look back, adopting them as a basic Life Code has saved me (and others) no end of misery, so yes, remember The Ten Commandments, and not just by rote.

You have to internalize these commandments, so that they become part of you and your responses to Life. To the extent that The Ten Commandments enter your life, to that same exact extent, you will be spared misery and doubt and shame in your relationship with the True God and in your relationships with other people.

The Ten Commandments taught me to live a life of justice, and if you will listen, they will do the same thing for you. It may not make sense right now, but by the time you are my age you will look back and know how many, many times these simple rules made all the difference.

I recommend that children start with The Ten Commandments, because the Commands of Jesus, though supremely wise, are more subtle, and require a much greater understanding of self and greater life experience.

The Golden Rule to love others as ourselves, doesn't make much sense until we arrive at the point of really knowing ourselves and being at peace with ourselves so that we can love ourselves and so, create the standard we are supposed to observe in dealing with others.

The same thing applies to the command to "Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and all your mind, and all your...." Before you can do that, you have to have had enough life experience to be aware of the Presence of God, to know God, and have a relationship with God.

To know God is to love God; so that part is easy as falling off a log. That part is natural. The hard part is developing the discernment to become truly aware of God, and that takes time and attention.

We are talking about connecting to an invisible and mysterious and benevolent Being, that is our source of life and the natural compass of our hearts. To do this is not easy for people who are focused 95% of the time on external sensory data.

Many people never get this far. The Ten Commandments are hard enough.
But to my children, and to yours, I can give no better advice than to spend the time seeking to know yourself and love yourself and make the effort to know the True God who is the Author and Sustaining Power of Life
Observe him at work in the world around you and in the small miracles of every day.

These Higher Commandments bear the wealth of the Spirit and do far more than keep us out of trouble or spare us the miseries and embarrassments of committing crimes and gaffs we regret.

These Two High Commandments of Jesus, when mastered, give us peace and gladness. These are the ones that make life so much easier to bear, and which fill life with joy.

So begin with The Ten Commandments, but don't stop there. Pursue the Higher Commandments, knowing that it will take years before you truly know yourself and years before you can joke with God and recognize his hand on your shoulder.

The best things in life take time and effort, and the struggle to truly know and love yourself and to know and love the True God go hand-in-hand. Both are a matter of closely observing the unfolding revelation which is your own life.

If you pay attention and ask for guidance, you won't be disappointed. As the years go on, you will feel the years accruing ever-greater richness and meaning. While your heart will be hard toward the evil in the world, it will remain soft toward all that matters and all that is good.
In this way, you will protect yourself and those you love from harm, and come to rest in your own place in the great scheme of things, at peace with who you are, knowing and being content that you are part of All That Is.
Beyond these spiritual quests and standards, there a few other things I can offer simply as a matter of life observations:

I am the kind of Grandma who does her own dishes, and when she gets to the end of a bottle of dish soap, she rinses it out to get the last drops. If I am somewhere where I can recycle, I toss the empty dish soap bottle in the plastic recycling bin.

I am thrifty and make it my aim not to waste anything. There is a reason for that. Think about it. Why would you waste, what you struggle to earn? You had to work and pay for that soap. Get the most out of it.
As for recycling, that makes sense, too. When the bottle is done being a dish soap bottle, it can be re-molded into many other useful things. Would you throw away bricks and lumber needed to build a house? So why throw away plastic and paper, either?

I am also the sort of grandma who does all the unpleasant chores. I de-scale the coffee pot. I de-frost the refrigerator. I scrub the cat food dish. I dust the ceiling fixtures. I clean the toilet bowl --- up under The Rim. Don't try to avoid the unpleasant little tasks of life. Face them head on. Make each one a conquest.

Yesterday my youngest son asked me about the fine points of toilet bowl cleaning. I showed him. Then, curious, I asked why the sudden interest?
When he gets married, he doesn't want his wife to have to clean the toilet bowl.
Girls? Hear that? The line forms to the rear....
I quirked and raised an eyebrow.... "Oh, you don't want your wife to clean The Bowl, but it's okay for your Mother to have to do it?"
The look on his face was priceless, but I smiled. It's okay. Learning to be honest and accepting what's true is also important.

This Grandma has also known what it is to be poor. Very poor. She worked and learned and didn't stay that way, but she isn't afraid of being poor and neither should you be.
Being poor teaches you things you could never learn any other way. It has a wisdom of its own, and though it isn't exactly "pleasant" to be broke or nearly so, it forces you to realize what you truly need and what you merely want.

These are good lessons, not bad. Seeing what you can do with almost nothing is a worthy creative challenge, too. When you have nothing, the world becomes a world of endless opportunity.

Someday, if I live long enough, I am going to write The Starving Artist's Cookbook and share the tricks of the trade. Because my husband has been successful as an artist we often have young people who aspire to be artists asking for advice.

They want to be artists or writers or musicians, but they are afraid of being poor. Their parents and friends have told them its not practical, not possible, they'll starve, they'll sail over the edge of the horizon and not come back. Sure, other people have done it, but no, it's not possible for you.....

Follow your passion. Don't be afraid of being poor. There's always a way forward when you are honoring the truth, and equally, there is no way to be happy or content if you are not honoring what is inside of you.
So make up your mind to live life on your terms come what may, and learn to look for the doors and windows that open for you.

Another place where young people need advice is simply this: take care of your body. Many young people are careless or reckless or just plain ignorant when it comes to taking care of their bodies.
Your body has to last you a lifetime. You have, for example, only two knees. What happens if you blow one out doing something stupid? You've got 32 teeth for this long journey; why aren't you brushing and flossing?
I know a great many people who are half my age who are in worse physical shape than I am. I know, because I regularly out-perform them doing tasks as simple as shopping for groceries.

It's not an accident and its not the result of having good genes that I am healthy and energetic at my age. I didn't let myself sit in a chair and get obese. I am a little overweight, but not grossly so. I get exercise every day doing honest work around the house and yard, which benefits me and benefits my family.

There's always something to do, if you want to do it. If you don't have any chores of your own, go borrow some. Help out your neighbors. There are always elders in need of an extra set of hands, dogs to walk, toddlers to chase.

Work, and you will soon learn to enjoy working. You will see how it is part of the joy of living and being powerful, being able to make a difference.
People who sit around on their thumbs are missing the boat.

I chose not to put noxious chemicals into my body. I chose not to drink bad water. I chose not to eat horrible processed food and bread akin to marshmallows. I chose not to smoke, do drugs, or drink too much alcohol.
These choices add up to better health, more strength, greater agility, less stress, less expense ---and the dividends pay forward, just like a pension plan.
Make good choices for your body, beginning now, and you will remain powerful and competent in your old age. Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Learn about good nutrition and follow what you learn. You won't be sorry.

Never pass up an opportunity to learn a skill. I don't care what it is. If someone offers to teach you, learn. Maybe it's knitting or car repair or fence building. Learn. Learn. Learn. You never know when the skills you pick up along the way are going to come in handy, save you money, or even save your life.

More often than I can count, skills that I have learned have helped and saved other people, too. My friends and my family have all benefited from things I have learned and skills I have developed.

Don't let yourself get stuck in a dead end job. I know many people who have led miserable lives because when they entered the work force, they were adrift and just took whatever work they could get--- and then stayed in that job because it was secure and they developed family responsibilities that kept them plodding away year after year like hamsters in a treadmill.

Employers like to get good steady people to perform at a specific job and the nastier the job is, the more relieved they are to find someone competent to fill it. That's wonderful for them, but if you are not happy, its not so wonderful for you.

Here's a typical example --- a younger man I know went to work for a grocery store chain and worked his way up to be manager of a store. He wasn't married, so they tagged him to go to a remote store location where they had all sorts of problems --- logistical problems, personnel problems, store maintenance problems.

He solved all those problems, and then, guess what? The managers wanted him to stay there forever, in this remote, inhospitable, difficult place-- and they didn't want to give him a raise or any special support. They just wanted him to be a store manager like any other store manager in their chain forever and ever.

They were very happy with his performance, and he was happy that he showed what he could do, but also surprised when performing all those miracles got him nowhere but stuck in a place he never wanted to be in the first place.

He can plow his way out, and find a different job with a more enlightened company----which he will do, and that is the whole point. Don't let yourself get stuck in a job you don't like, even if you can do it well, even if it is secure, even if the bosses love you.

Finally, and this is the Real Biggee: don't have children until you are ready for them. I know more people than I can count who made the mistake of rushing in and having children before they were ready, and both they and the kids have suffered.

The timing of being ready for a family of your own varies widely, and yes, it involves many factors. Having a loving relationship with the right mate is Number One.

Being emotionally fulfilled and mentally stable and ready to settle down is Number Two. Some people are ready at seventeen. Some won't be ready for a family at seventy. You have to know yourself well enough to know when you are ready, and if the answer is no, let it be no --- for your sake and everyone else's.

Other people are always ready to make your commitments for you. Don't let them.

There is a general time clock and schedule to life. You bloom, you go to seed, and you die. But not everyone follows the same time clock. Many young people feel pressured to fulfill expectations related to a pre-ordained template: graduate high school at 18, graduate college at 22, go on to graduate school or, get a job and get married.... or, maybe where you live, the template is to drop out of high school in your Junior year and go to work at the local steel mill.

Whatever the template is for your time and place and community, there is a template by which people seem to schedule their lives, whether it really fits them or not.

Whatever the expectations are, don't just accept them. And don't let your decision to start a family be dictated by them, either. It's going to be your family. Your responsibility. Your life.

Having a child of your own is the most wonderful, but also the most demanding experience you will ever have. Prepare yourself for it, like you'd prepare to climb a mountain. Think deeply about not only taking care of yourself, but taking care of and providing for a mate and a child.
Or two, or three, or.....
And I am saying this to women as well as men. Many women assume that they are going to get married and their husband is going to take care of supporting them and any children they have. That's not a safe assumption. Most men make an honest effort for their families, but men are not gods. Men get sick. Men have accidents. Men lose jobs. Men, like women, and for whatever reasons---- fail. And then what?
Then Mom has to step up to the plate, and she'd better be prepared to do so.

You may find yourself having to take care of a disabled spouse and children. Be aware of that fact. It happens. Prepare, so that if you ever face such a dire circumstance, you're ready to go on loving and shoving, because that's what it takes.

Yes, from your own experiences growing up, you will have some idea of what it takes to be a parent and even some opinions about what it takes to be a good parent, but this is one of those things that you can't fathom until it happens to you, and nobody including me can quite describe it.

So be aware and be serious-minded enough to know that of all the decisions you make in your life, choosing a mate and choosing when to have a family, are the two biggest decisions most of us ever make, and are they are the decisions that have the most impact on what kind of life we live, and the satisfaction we have in living.

As I write this, forty percent of babies in America are being born without Fathers in evidence. Part of this is people avoiding medical costs, because the State will pick up the maternity care and birthing costs for unwed mothers, and part of it is men avoiding responsibility. Either way, this is having a terrible impact on our whole country and on the world we live in. Children need their Fathers and men need to be men.

There is an aspect of self-respect and self-worth involved here. As tough as it can be to stand tall and deal with life, there is a glory in it, too.
And the alternative is to be a slave to the State, which is how we got into this whole discussion in the first place,

Sometimes we all get into situation that are beyond us, that we can't help, that we can't change, that we can't deal with. Know that. It's part of the way life is, that there are times when we all fall down and can't get up without some help. That's to keep us honest.

But we can do our best to know ourselves and plan ahead and make good decisions for ourselves and for the babies we bring into the world. We owe that to ourselves and to them.

May God bless you and keep you safe in the crook of his arm; may you never feel alone and never forget to count your blessings. Keep your Shinola Sensors turned on "High" and a smile on your face. When sadness comes to you, remember that it will pass. When challenges come, know that it is for your betterment.
And never, ever, despair about anything. Ever.
Love, Granna.

1st September 2019, 09:44 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBr5dSftMJH4_Ho4mx1bIzoagVmGFXaDMVWN4OCSdULKj P78LDCoCrmUcPmngzpPDjeScSxqCPtwvw-&hc_ref=ART8vuRpt5OZFxK3KSlPk-HEvtkIJmG3OCmNuaxyb7K1jPl17GchRPvjKOgRMDTkgB8&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2397038013678598) ·

No Pledge of Allegiance

Generations of American school children have been pushed to learn (and recite by heart) something taught to them as "The Pledge of Allegiance".
They are never told what a "pledge" is, much less the hidden meaning of this odd observance--- and the fact that no American should ever recite it for any reason.

A "pledge" is an ancient feudal act offering a promise of material interest and subservience to a monarch.
It has nothing to do with America nor with our lawful government.
This will come as a great shock to many, but The Pledge of Allegiance is literally un-American.

The only monarch seeking such pledges is the British Monarch, usurping upon our States and our People, and seeking voluntary conversion and subjection of ourselves and our property assets to the Queen.

So that is what The Pledge of Allegiance is all about --- agreeing to act as a British Territorial "Citizen" and agreeing to subject yourself and your property to the mercies of the British Queen, instead of claiming your birthright as an American.

The Pledge of Allegiance is just another filthy British scheme to get their hands into our pockets, and their names on the receiving end of our credit--- and that is all it has ever been.

It's difficult to tell that to men and women who have, in mindless good faith and trust, recited this "allowance" of unlawful conversion since childhood ---- but the facts are the facts.
Getting you to recite "The Pledge of Allegiance" without full disclosure is just another excuse being offered by the Brits to the rest of the world, trying to build a case that we gave them our permission to seize upon us and our assets and that we voluntarily accepted British rule ---- when nobody ever told you what a pledge was, nor the affect of it.

Look at it for what it is ---- "I" ---- this can only mean the Speaker, which is you, the man or woman reciting this.
"Pledge" ---- ancient feudal act subjecting oneself to a monarch.
"Allegiance" --- a status of subservience to a monarch;
"to the United States of America" ---- and which "United States of America" is it referring to? Oh, the British Territorial version, of course.
"and to the Republic for which it stands" ---- and since when do we have "a" Republic in this country? We have have fifty republican states, but that does not "a" Republic make.
No, the only thing that can be construed as "a" Republic is the Washington, DC international city-state oligarchy, attempting to substitute its municipal government as the civilian government owed to this country.

"one nation under God" --- but, wait a minute, our government observes strict separation of church and state! What's going on here? Turns out that it's a foreign government being represented, the Theocracy of the Roman Catholic Church running the Municipal Governments worldwide.

"indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." --- but, wait! Our States are independent States. Obviously, they have their own character and government. And what is this thing called "liberty"? We are to inherit freedom..... not liberty.

Liberty is what British sailors get when they reach port.

The Pledge of Allegiance, far from serving any patriotic purpose, seeks to justify the undermining and dismantling of our own lawful government to benefit the Municipal United Government representing itself as "a" Republic and the British Territorial Government doing business under our Delegated Power and under our name as "the United States of America" --- Incorporated.

These two foreign governmental services providers are seeking to benefit themselves at the expense of your lawful government and you, and every time that you or anyone else says this Pledge of Allegiance you are nailing yourselves and your country more firmly to this cross of European Fraud and Deceit.

When people trot out The Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of any public function or meeting, they are --- knowingly or unknowingly --- serving Notice that you are in the right church, but the wrong pew. Your British and Papist Public Servants are conducting your business "for" you, and when you recite their Pledge of Allegiance, you are subjecting yourself and your assets to their administration.

You are agreeing to serve the Queen and the Theocracy ruling the Municipal Government of Washington, DC. Both. And pay taxes to both. And when the rest of the world sees Americans stupidly reciting their agreement to all this, what is the rest of the world to think?

If it is not your intention to give away your assets and subject yourself politically to the Queen and the Pope, then it is high time that you learned what The Pledge of Allegiance is and what it implies.

Far from being American or patriotic or any kind of good thing at all for any American, The Pledge of Allegiance is a form of entrapment and Unconscionable Contract, a power-grab and justification for the British Government and the Municipal Government --- the old, ugly "Holy Roman Empire" -- to come in here and pillage and plunder.

Stop being your own worst enemies. Wise up. Take a stand. Declare your birthright political status. Join your State Assemblies --- go to www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.TheAmericanStatesAssembly .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2EDK2IP4uVHJT0kzds4-Uv1RbMsbYdLPyVCEu9m-heixO9pcXP4EmcPV0&h=AT0sImQ9qtokJs-I2Gh7o2ejymTZfi31lrchUvtV6xxikNliaCDBfrDRDMazTQlbo J2mTVNbsUMVkDUk4vqKbqIE5Onc-Hd8SOFne_hdzfRouBm-FV3w7gPox3Fh9r5xr3sog2U_qEPUqyJQevBP0dN_dixdKbL-) --- and learn what is going on and why.

If you care about your future, the future of your children, your country, your world, or anything else ---- listen to what I am telling you. And if you don't believe me, go take the time to look up the legal meaning of these words for yourself ---- then you will know for certain that the wolf is not only at the door, but in the house.

After the small ceremony installing me as a Justice of the Peace, I went home to my hotel room and thought I would read my daily portion of the Bible before going to sleep. Instead of the pages I intended, Psalm 119 presented itself to me.

Yesterday, I went out to buy some used bookshelves for The Living Law Firm. It turned out that the seller was a Christian bookshop in the process of remodeling. That became my opportunity to look for a new Family Bible. In the evening, I sat down to read from it for the first time, and again, the book seemed to open by itself--- this time to Jeremiah 51.
Jeremiah 51 is the Great Condemnation against the Chaldeans and Babylon, one after another. First, the Chaldeans are chastised --- the Germans. Next, the Babylonians are destroyed -- those who sit upon the many waters, the jurisdiction of the sea --- a worldwide hegemony.
The Chaldeans survive, but Babylon is slated for utter and permanent destruction.

Think about that. There is only one glimmer of hope, and that is that they will repent their crimes and correct their government. This was confirmed again this morning by Ezekial 45:9, which rebukes the princes of Israel for their violence and plundering and tells them to "stop dispossessing my people".

This is exactly what is happening here --- Americans are being dispossessed by fraud and guile, and it is being done via racketeers plundering us under color of law.

As I look around the world, it's clear that the same thing is being done all over, in every country I can think of. And all this violence is being driven by mindless greed, at the behest of men and women who already have more than they can ever spend in a hundred lifetimes.

Psalm 119 is the lament of the Justices of the Peace confronting this lawlessness and falsehood. Jeremiah 51 is the End Cap, declaring the end for these people if they will not repent and correct. And Ezekial is the Power of the Prophets come home to roost, telling them exactly what they must do: stop the violence and plundering and dispossession. Or else.

Please notice that they have choice. God does not mandate their destruction. If it comes, they choose it themselves. This is a truth that applies to all of us.

We are called upon this day to choose life, to choose sharing, to choose what is just and good. Let us choose what is right with all our hearts and place our pleas before Our Father, because everything happens for a reason. It is no happenstance that these scriptures have come forward to me.

The hour is very late. Those who have plotted in the darkness are well-known. Those who have murdered the innocent are seen. The false leaders who have taught their employees to rob and steal, their names are written down. Those who have dealt in treachery and guile to entrap the poor with words of art and deceitful practices like "The Pledge of Allegiance" --- these wrong-doers will be repaid and reap what they have sown--- and not by the hand of any earthly King, but by the Living God.

1st September 2019, 10:03 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBwWBrv5cpJUrGlHCibTf6Tavo3TVMsF0zXQ7l9ScANXF w47iHvYxMzwLxGegsmDcXONVR5_oY_zfze&hc_ref=ARSrqG8A_S0uBVTHYlgdCUqkQAU7mTYXMVPJ6Xg7bcr wc-winWSHV1bPXZllA7dJCXc&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2397373660311700) ·

Jackson Hole and You

All I really need to tell you is that "G7" was a meeting of governments and Jackson Hole was a meeting of bankers, and you should automatically turn your attention to what went on in Jackson Hole.

We have the Brits in their usual role as Agents of Destruction.

We have the Americans in their usual role as Savior Fall Guys.

At least the Brits have admitted the logical necessity of vastly expanding their already completely insupportable credit bubble in order to keep afloat.

I am reminded of a famous British Naval History saga in which a British ship in a Dutch port laden with a load of manure labeled "Ship High In Transport" was in danger of both sinking and exploding at once.
The danger of sinking was caused by numerous leaks in the planking of the hull and the inability of the bilge pumps to keep up.
The danger of exploding was caused by the increase of methane gas that is released in greater quantities when the manure gets wet.

So here we are at the bilge pumps, both parents working three jobs and at least 60 hours per week trying to keep the family in a house with a roof and food on the table..... and there are the bankers adding to the problem they created and suggesting that more of what caused the problem is what is needed to solve it.

Just let us exponentially increase our debt bubble and keep insuring ourselves with your assets, at your expense, and all will be well.
We'll just float a cashless currency on nothing at all, think up some new Big Words to dazzle the bystanders, and continue to claim that a "dollar" of hot air is equivalent to a "dollar" of silver or a "dollar" of gold or a "dollar" of oil.... and no matter how many "hot air dollars" we issue, we maintain Value Parity.

Here, specifically, is what the Bank of England Governor Mark Carney proposed at Jackson Hole ---- adoption of a "Synthetic Hegemonic Currency" which would be a "virtual currency" ---- that is, nothing but digits on a computer screen, a virtual currency in a virtual reality --- to replace the "US" Dollar, and of course, this completely baseless currency is to be issued "without constraint" by the Central Bankers.

That is, they want to issue as many digits as they like, pegged against your labor and your resources, with no cost to them, no risk to them, and no limit to the credit they propose to extend to themselves and whoever their Cronies may be.

I have a better idea.... but first, back to British Naval History and Adventures in Shipping High in Transit.... the First Mate and the Ship's Carpenter came up with a plan to enclose two side compartments on either side of the main cargo bay and completely seal them with pitch and caulking, and, taking a lesson from hot balloonists, fill these compartments with hot air so as to lift the ship up on both ends and suspend the reeking cargo in between these "Elevation Chambers" long enough to get the cargo ashore.

Sort of similar to the "Synthetic Hegemonic Currency", don't you think?
The use of such air bladders to perform a variety of repairs at sea was, at the time, the very latest in naval technology back then, just like cyber currencies are the latest financial technology now.

The bankers are taking up a practice they learned during the New Deal, and which is clearly stated in the 1934 Emergency Banking Act. The Perpetrators just arbitrarily declared that their paper "dollar" would be equivalent to an American Silver Dollar at a one-to-one fixed Exchange Rate.

This allowed them to exchange paper for silver for the cost of printing--- and do this on an endless basis, at least, until the American Silver ran out.
Now they propose to exchange mere digits in a computer ledger for a "hegemony" of actual, factual commodities, including silver, gold, water, wheat, rice and what-have-you.

They are saving themselves even the printing costs of their scam and broadening the scope of commodities they can steal to promote it.

This is how "the US" ran up a $23 trillion dollar National Debt. A very real, very factual debt owed mainly to the Americans and plus another $4 trillion secondarily owed to the Chinese.

Unfortunately, the rest of us are not asleep and not trusting the bankers this time around, so the idea that we should allow them to run up an infinite debt against us and keep all the profit for themselves causes a rising gorge reaction and a natural desire to hang them as pirates without the necessity of a trial.

Just the fact that Mr. Carney would dare to voice such a prospect is indicative of his utter arrogance and disrespect for both the common sense of the issue and the people he is proposing to rob.
We do have laws on the books that allow us to hang pirates.
Back to the Dutch Port and the S.H.I.T. problem.... the British sailors risked life and limb to carry out the plan and pump hot air into the Elevation Chambers, but the additional buoyancy was not sufficient and the effort to off-load the cargo to Dutch Farmers was not proceeding fast enough.

The Dutch Farmers had heard about the problems on board the ship and were familiar with what happens when you have wet manure in an enclosed space. Despite drastically reduced prices, they were not eager to come close enough to collect the manure off the ship.

So, there the British seamen sat, waiting to sink or blow up. Then as now.
The frantic Dutch Harbormaster implored his Government to do something to get the British dung scow away from his pier and towed out of the harbor to no avail. "What are the British doing exporting manure anyway? Certainly they need it for their own fields!"

Some Members of Parliament, disturbed by the odor of a neighboring pig farm too close to the noble nostrils, came up with the scheme.
Ah, well..... history repeats itself. And now you know why the EU is so mad at Britain. The Brits caused the problem, hauled their manure over to the Continent, and now propose to depart via a different route home, leaving "the problem" docked in Brussels and Berlin and as much as possible, Rome.

The fact is that they have created a completely insurmountable Odious Debt and they all know it, but nobody is willing to take the paper loss. They would rather off-load their problem onto the backs of the working people and the productive sectors of the economies of the affected countries, which is basically all of the Western World.

This is also why they all have such a problem with Donald Trump. He has other options and a belief (borne out by actual prior experience) that energizing the manufacturing and productive capacities of our country will expand the economy.

If need be, the issuance of an "executive" national currency like Lincoln's Greenbacks or Kennedy's intended Kennedy Dollars, could be used to raise money for broad spectrum re-investment in fundamentals that would put people back to work, maybe even kick start a General Employment Program to hire people off the unemployment and welfare rolls to do work similar to the Depression Era Work Projects Administration.

Even more "destructive" from the standpoint of people like Mark Carney, Trump might even fire the Federal Reserve and establish a new National Central Bank.
Wouldn't that be a kicker in the knickers?
Such a practical solution would be nothing at all like the rose-colored limitless credit for the banks to pass out with no risk to themselves, as envisioned by Mr. Carney, with all their gambling and speculation underwritten and insured by the public, too, since the repeal of Glass-Steagall and the merger of so-called "investment bank" activities with standard commercial bank functions.

Yes, Mr. Carney and the Bank of England are envisioning Banker Paradise; I trust that we are all ready and willing to send them to Heaven or elsewhere, using other means.
It's time for these banks to be taken over and nationalized. All of them. Beginning with the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England.

It's also high time to re-instate Glass-Steagall in the U.S. and similar protective provisions in other countries, too. This makes it clear to the bankers that their self-protective sopping up of credit intended to go back into the General Economy isn't a viable long-term strategy. It also tells them that their risky ventures and favorite boondoggles will have to be underwritten by other means.

It's a hot day. The Captain and First Mate and Ship's Cook and Ship's Carpenter have disappeared in the night. Some lost-looking British sailors have begged places to stay with generous prostitutes, until they can find another ship. The reeking, slowly sinking old British ship rides against the pier. The Harbormaster despairs.

Ironically, the Elevation Chambers are keeping the old wreck barely afloat, which increases the chances of a catastrophic explosion. There's no way to tow the wreck out to sea. The only possible ---and relatively fortunate outcome, would be if the ship just sank, straight down, beside the pier.

After a few years the cargo would naturally degrade and except for the loss of pier space in the harbor and occasional noxious bubbles of methane breaking the surface, all could be endurable. In time, the Harbor Master muses, there could be a dredging operation using cranes and pulley systems and winches to remove the wreckage. Things could get back to normal with nobody getting killed and no great physical damage to the harbor.

Acting upon this inspiration, the Harbormaster pays exorbitant sums to men willing to go below the water line on the old ship, and, with bits and braces, bore holes through the rotten planking on the hull, hoping to speed the ingress of seawater and sink the ship and its cargo beside the pier. He sets up pumps to pump seawater into the ship toward the same end. He even risks his own life to go aboard and open up the Elevation Chambers.

All to no avail. The old British ship stays stubbornly afloat, if only on a crust of barnacles. It is sinking slowly, but the amount of methane is increasing every hour.

The G7 can and will do nothing, because they are in debt to these Looters called Bankers. The only people who can help them out of the jam they are in, are the same people they have plundered, pillaged, and defrauded for a hundred and fifty years.
You see the problem?

Finally, one hot evening in August, the Harbormaster clears the harbor. He hires an expert archer with a crossbow to shoot a flaming arrow into the wreck. The resulting explosion is heard in Paris. The Dutch pier is badly damaged. The British Government refuses to pay for it. The Dutch Government passes laws against British manure imports.
How soon we forget.

Now, this is a somewhat funny story, but the situation is desperate. We absolutely cannot let the Bankers get away with what they are proposing. And the U.S. Congress which is insurmountably in debt to these same bankers cannot be allowed to act "for" us in this matter. It is imperative that Americans wake up, assemble their States, and do their own mop-up.
Run, don't walk ---- go to www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.TheAmericanStatesAssembly .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0MynocieUrF2i3YbDu-yoS5Bxo8tcCDz70_o3HAE4sfMCtjKJpkI2ki08&h=AT1S9p_wqug-0IUSx1w6PP31SRuFxhVTTcHYd4cag9QpCkYgSVPJlF7iVblMzU HrZCOxotfzXwQQ8_ZEJjGvyGeJNWD1X24xNMacl0m4hy0PD4Kn xxeNgNXeA3cSpbsQR8NIeShFoBgfHrR1WZt6wswsx0k-HaTM) and learn more.

It is also imperative that President Trump be supported in his efforts and that he supports us. Come what may, he has stayed the course and continues to make progress against the Swamp.

The New York Federal Reserve CEO has threatened Trump with having to take the risk of an economic and financial meltdown right around election time---- ironically, a risk that the Federal Reserve and IMF have created --- if he continues to spar and bargain with China.

This is because China has nailed the Fed for its debts to China. The Federal Reserve wants us to be stripped naked to pay its debts to China. And God forbid when the Americans wake up, because the Fed owes us roughly five times what it owes to China.

Do you notice all the British Corporations upping anchor and beating for home? BP just sold off all its interests in Alaska. Care to take a guess why? Because the Brits are afraid that we will find our compass and cajones and nationalize everything they claim to own.

But heck, we can do that anyway, no matter where they roam or what name they adopt. The world has become a smaller place. It's no longer possible for them to just disappear over the horizon and escape the consequences of their actions.

An end to the British manure trade is infinitely preferable to the solution proposed by Mr. Carney.

Does anyone have a match? And some rope?

2nd September 2019, 05:16 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAj7MunLGAFucKYk5nU5JaIvyVtKJluVopKlkMqp0AwM_ oZpX_jKY6q8yAD9xqcsJk1JbtNwRCcydjZ&hc_ref=ARRLsqVmuzooI1MOuXbcjRP-wQZ_srd-PI2dGZJmUoLEzDUeN7EJo1Qxud6En9ozumY&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2399077116808021) ·

The Marshall Plan and a Message to the Department of Defense, Labor Day, 2019:

It is a strange fact that those who win wars wind up paying for all the destruction they cause. That is by international agreement and so, guess who got the bill for World War II? We did.

We were the only ones who could rebuild the world.

Obviously, the Germans were not in any position to pay anyone back for anything. They were too busy clearing their own streets of rubble.
The Brits were in similar condition, hanging on by threads.

So when it came time to rebuild Europe, Japan, and places as far-flung as Burma, who picked up the tab?

Mom and Pop back home in Des Moines.

This was accomplished by the Marshall Plan, yet another stroke of genius drummed up by our military, which should be permanently barred from having anything to do with accounting or finance.

Any organization that can lose trillions of dollars off their books, and turn around and find even more trillions of dollars of credit on their books that they can't account for, needs to be relieved of accounting duty.

Am I wrong?

This same organization is perfectly aware of the exact date and time that World War II officially ended, yet didn't bother to release millions of Americans from paying "Victory Taxes", either.
They are dropping their jaws and going, "What? What?"

So tell the General Accounting Office that military accounts are their responsibility again, and we are returning to carriage accounting, because "Double Accrual Accounting" leads to too much temptation and too many opportunities for guile.

Anyway, on to the Marshall Plan.....
The recovering nations were allowed to place debilitating tariffs against American goods and services, and to profit their own governments on those tariffs. The resulting income was more than sufficient to pay for rebuilding all the war-time damage to Europe, a process that was complete by 1970.

These same nations were protected by the American Armed Forces at little (we are talking 1- 4% percent) or no cost to them, so virtually all the burden of their national defense was footed by the Americans, too.
Good Old Joe.

All of that should have come to a conclusion around 1970-75, at most. The tariffs against American goods and services should have been quietly removed by all the various recipient governments and our own manufacturing and productive sectors of our economy should have been set free to thrive.

Read that --- The Rust Belt should not exist. Detroit should be thriving. Millions upon millions of American manufacturing and service jobs should have been cranking out a good future for millions of American families for the past fifty years.
Should have been.

But we have been letting the Pope and the Queen manipulate our government processes and promote their corporate elections while suppressing our lawful government and unlawfully usurping upon us in Gross Breach of Trust.

They happily sold us and our best interests down the river and continued to glut themselves for an additional fifty years--- and all in breach of International Treaties, in Breach of Trust, in violation of their commercial contracts.

Fifty years. Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter.... traitors all.
It's only now that the facts about The Marshal Plan and its gross mis-administration are coming to the attention of the American People and they are beginning to understand just how terribly they and their country have been mistreated.

Donald Trump is the first American President in all these years to have sense and guts enough to call a halt to it.

Of course, those who have been sucking us dry are disappointed.
It's important for the Pope and the Queen and all the other World Leaders who have been acting as leeches to understand that Donald Trump isn't the only American who has had enough.

There are, in fact, millions of us. Not everyone knows the details yet, but all our backs are up, simply because of the level of suffering and injustice we've endured without relief for fifty additional years of enslavement and taxation and tariffs under "wartime" mobilization.

We are not willing to be killed off in yet another mercenary war, just so they can avoid paying their debts back to us, either.

If we go, they go. For sure. That's the hidden double meaning of "WWG1WGA". And it doesn't depend just on Trump.
This message is for the American Military as much as it is for anyone else.
You have been used, abused, sacrificed, lied to, and cheated by these same criminal European powers, betrayed by politically-motivated Generals, and ironically, have been used as the excuse for these abuses and also the muscle to impose them.

Ever heard of shooting yourself in the foot? That's what you do when you follow any "order" to harm any American in any way--- including economic harm.

"Harm" doesn't just happen in terms of blood. It happens in economic losses, in terms of lost time and quality of life, lost security and prosperity, lost rights and freedoms.

You are supposed to be protecting all of us from all of that, and you have failed your mission for fifty years. That's why Americans are suffering, including veterans.

You have been misdirected by foreign powers acting in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their commercial contracts. And you have followed their Orders like so many ducks marching in order.

That's why our borders are being overrun. That's why American children are being snatched and killed by perverts. That's why American children are going hungry. That's why veterans can't find work to support themselves and their families. That's why this country sucks.

It all comes back to the military and being lousy accountants is really the least of your sins and errors. This country has been run as a military protectorate since 1863, so when the chips are down, who else is there to blame?

Fifty "extra" years-worth of The Marshall Plan? An extra 75 years of Victory Taxes?

DOD is responsible by its own admission for providing Americans with proper ID.

Instead, "the Brass" have been trying to set up our civilian population for identity theft and mis-characterization, depriving us of our rights, railroading us through Kangaroo Municipal COURTS. Using us as slave labor to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy. Genociding us on paper, while taking their paychecks out of our pockets. Trampling every standard of "honor".

Everyone from here to Bangkok is wondering what your claim to fame is?
Not being worth your salt? Nothing but criminal mercenaries? Idiots? Clucks? Clods? Shills? Accomplices? Treasonous worthless bastards?
Words fail to describe what has gone on here in "the land of the free and the home of the brave".

Millions of Americans have been robbed of their homes --- literally --- on your watch. Millions have suffered needlessly for the past 150 years, because you have failed your duty to us and failed to assist the actual civilian government of this country to assemble and reconstruct the Federal Government we are owed.

Entire generations of Americans have paid for your protection and instead have suffered as your prey.

Well, fellas, the tale is told. What are you going to do about it?

3rd September 2019, 05:25 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARD1-znb7YfgoZu8xV31O-EQpBvsAOTlwRlgVST6_L8j31aIa66QOQJVcdFs5-1zW2uMhwgJ0HiTqron&hc_ref=ARRV_Fn00nHHaxYACmat-8z9Mv96JQQ3WC3MVa2cmnJUirVScljX6SvHunQabzka4zo&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2400646799984386) ·

My Ten Billion Dollar Request to the Vatican Bank

The ten billion request I made to the Vatican Bank is only a tiny start on what The United States of America is owed.

It is/was intended to be seed money to fund the reorganization and restructure of the bankrupt corporate "county" government organizations to put them back on the land and soil and allow us to get on with the business of assembling the States and finishing the "Reconstruction" of the Federal States of States.

It is/was also supposed to fund the operations of the Office of the Fiduciary, which is responsible for recouping the assets of The United States of America which have been scattered all over the world, conducting audits on the assets and accounts owed to The United States and The United States of America, and establishing local offices where Americans can come claim back their private property assets.

The purpose for the money was fully explained as part of the instruction I gave THEM.

As I am the Fiduciary not only for The United States of America, but the entire world--- because all the rest of it was organized based on the fraud against us and we wound up as the Title Holder--- this is/was an utterly reasonable purpose and amount for the work to be done.

Kim is trying to take over my job and making up a lot of ugly stories to benefit herself and those who are managing her. It won't help her in the end, because the truth is known and the truth will win.

Kim's failure to fund this worthy work and her failure to fund many other things is just another indication that: (1) she is not who or what she claims to be; and (2) that she is indulging in what THEY always do ---- accusing other people of being what they are themselves, and of doing the wrongs that they themselves perform.

The Vatican Bank owes us trillions of dollars because of their mismanagement of our assets and the Gross Breach of Trust that the Holy See has committed against The United States and The United States of America, both.

If they had the sense of Beagles, they would do what I requested them to do, set aside $10 billion to fund our service and assessment activities, and work hard to correct The Mess that they and the British Monarch have created not only for The United States of America, but the rest of the world as well.

You see the results. These Debtors welch on their debts, and then blame us for asking for a small, almost trivial amount of what they owe us as an initial return, so that we can resume our normal course of business, take care of long overdue accounting functions, and provide needed services to the people of this country.

Instead, we are stuck having to bootstrap our counties and everything else on volunteer efforts and donations.

It's just another indication of how irresponsible and criminal these people really are. They can't even come up with a small amount toward their debt, while they continue to live in palaces.

They poor-mouth and try to excuse levying more taxes on the backs of the people they are supposed to serve, even creating the whole Global Warming Fraud as an excuse for more taxation--- while they sit on and use trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of our combined assets and return virtually nothing to the actual owners.

This entire situation has to end.

As I have explained, Kim and various other people --- Karen Hudes, Wolfgang Struck, etc., have been presented as "Third Party Philanthropists" -- as a means of returning the assets while keeping control of the assets and also, avoiding blame for having purloined our assets in the first place.

This is unacceptable for a number of reasons, first and foremost, that it is dishonest.

We can't build a future on fairytales.

People have to have a solid foundation to build a new world economy. They have to have honesty about this from the get-go, or there is no basis for any public trust whatsoever.

What the True God builds, stands. What men build out of their lies, fails.
I have already told them (the Vatican) and Kim and all of you, that there is no purpose in lying about anything at all, because the truth is known in great detail.

So, that being so, my suggestion to the Vatican and to Kim is to just stop trying to avoid what is true, and get on with the business of correction.

Set aside the money I requested for the purposes outlined, and let us get on with straightening out the situation in this country, because this country has been used as the staging platform for all the other skullduggery and needs to be the one that takes the lead to straighten this Mess out.

Obviously, the Vatican/Holy See structure failed to do its duty by the people of this country and the rest of the world. Obviously, too. the British Monarch has failed their duty.

As a result, the purported Donors of the Public Trust have presented themselves and pulled the plug.

It is really that simple.

Kim's failure on all counts is self-evident and the inappropriateness of any Third Party Philanthropist Scheme is also.

Once the all the county governments are fully funded and operating in their proper jurisdiction, and the accounting is done, the people of this country are more than capable of reconstructing some Federal corporations and taking care of their own business.

We propose that a return to self-governance of the people, by the people, and for the people is the solution to this ongoing Mess, not only for America, but for all the other countries of the world. We take care of our own farms and fig trees. Period.

If the governmental services corporations want to stay in business, they quit the lying, stealing, cheating, and other foul activities they have been engaged in.

Otherwise, they don't have a contract.
And that, too, is simple enough to grasp.

They may not like it, but, tough. That's the way it is. That's the truth of the matter and even the Pope would have a hard time disagreeing, much less a lackey like Kim Goguen.

4th September 2019, 10:04 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA0TPzDS8bI24npI5tRCZkxqSNukhpjWF8Lv4iLkdBjPf IXYijL7RwbH9HwdFXwSEKx4sS28HU452k5&hc_ref=ART0CPfk-iu-VVywJByOxbXnfAvghU9o_MdHFxj2v8ZEI2ZpXZyfZ0lpy1tDWN qcdsc&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2402951366420596) ·

Your First Clue --- "Christian Communism"

As you have probably noticed by now, our enemies and the enemies of all Mankind, rely heavily on oxymoron(s) and code words and anagrams. They take great pride in this and think it proves their intelligence, especially when people nod and don't call them on their nonsense.
For example, "sovereign citizens" and "attorney generals" and "county district court".

Once you know the meanings of these words, it is blatantly apparent that one cannot be a sovereign and a citizen at the same time, that "shipping clerk general" makes no sense at all, and that any county that is in a district isn't a county.

Those promoting the use of these oxymoron labels are laughing at those who accept and use these fed-to-them contradictions, and, no doubt, they are using them as a basic kind of intelligence test to see how much BS they can get away with. It is the same with "Christian Communism".

The Christians who are promoting Communism are hearkening back to the model of the Early Christian Congregations that formed in the decades immediately after the Crucifixion---- at least, that is their excuse.
These early congregations headed up by the Apostles required that people joining their group donate all their worldly property to the group and submit to the absolute authority of the community elders, who were entrusted with responsibility for divvying things up and meeting the needs of the community as a whole.

They were preparing for what they assumed would be the imminent return of Jesus in the flesh and they were using one incident in his ministry as the basis for their presumptions against private property.
You will recall the young would-be follower who came and asked what more he needed to do to be a disciple and Jesus told him to go and sell all he had and give it to the poor. This, the young man could not bring himself to do for whatever reason, and so went away sorrowful.

In a struggle between the True God and Mammon, the True God must win--- and absent that, you cannot be a follower of Jesus. Why? Because when push comes to shove, you cannot serve Two Masters. Mammon can't even be in the race.

As Christians we have to know that Mammon --- money and securities and credit and all the rest --- isn't real. It's idolatry. It is worth nothing compared to the actual living flesh and fruits of the Earth.
All the money in the world can't create as much as a single living hair.
Christians have to know that little truth and live by it.
But note, giving up everything to the Church and subjecting ourselves to an elite priesthood was never anything Jesus commanded.
His admonition was uttered only once and to one specific would-be disciple, whose ties to Mammon were his stumbling block.
It wasn't that Jesus wanted the would-be disciple's money, for himself or even for the poor. It was that Jesus wanted him to set himself free from his servitude to Mammon, so that he could wholly serve the True God.
This was not a comment against private property in principle, and not an excuse for theft or violation of freewill, either. Jesus didn't command his followers in general to make any such sacrifices. For most of us, such dedication to riches is not an issue to begin with.

Nonetheless, his disciples issued commands in His Name that He never gave.
They made demands He never made.
And judging from the number of errors they were heir to during his ministry, it's not surprising that they continued to get things wrong after his death --- because even with the help of the Holy Spirit, men must listen in order to hear.

So what went astray and was misunderstood a long time ago continues to be a stumbling block today, as people like Pope Francis get confused and think that "Christian Communism" --- the forced surrender of private property to a Theocratic State and its management by an elite --- is justified by scripture (this one incident) and practice (the early Christian groups).

We've seen the fruits of this system already in America.
What Francis and others are missing is the fact that they are violating The Law of Freewill, and that gifts coerced are not gifts at all.
"Christian Communism" uses Christianity as an excuse for thuggery and elitism, both of which are deeply repugnant to the Holy Spirit and the overall teaching of Jesus.

So, once again, as ever when we confront the actual Enemy, deceit and contradiction and evil are the fruits. Falsehood and hypocrisy and self-interest are the signs.

You can see for yourselves what is spewing from the mouths of these people in Washington, DC, and examine the results.
Nancy Pelosi--- what was that you said? You have to pass the bill before you can know what it says?
In a sense, she's right, because the Holy Roman "Congress" passes "laws" they never read, and turn the job of interpreting their nonsense over to completely unaccountable and unelected for-hire agencies.
One agency prepares the bill, the Municipal Congress passes it, and another agency interprets it.

The members of Congress find out the consequences of their Acts when people complain about the way these "laws" are being administered. When enough people complain, they stir their sluggish Martini-drinking rumps to re-examine whatever subsections are causing the problem. That's it.
That's how federal bureaucracy is spawned. This is how your freedom and your pocketbook is chiseled away by lobbyists pushing political agendas and by faceless unionized public employee bureaucrats and political appointees.

This entire circus is presided over by unelected persons working behind the scenes compiling Administrative and Municipal Code, and then ignorantly applying it to you, as if you were a government employee subject to their Code and their limitations.

And if you don't stand up like Tarzan and point out the obvious --- "Me, Employer! You, Employee!" --- who else is going to?
It's the same thing with the Church. You have to defend what is right and true and call horse dung what it is.
"Oh, we can steal their health care and profit from it?..."
"Oh, we can force them to accept I.O.U.'s as money?...."
"Oh, we can enfranchise them and use them as collateral?...."
"Oh, we can change the Judge's Oath and politicize their offices?..."
"Oh, we can shuffle off our responsibilities and blame hired agencies if things go wrong?...."
Are you beginning to see why it is important to object to their verbiage and words of art?

Why people like Nancy Pelosi should not be in charge of anything, even if they mean no actual harm?

Why the entire concept of "Christian Communism" is flawed? (Hint: it has to do with honoring Free Will, which we are born with for a reason.)
Why our Forefathers separated Church and State?
How FDR violated that principle?
How we have all suffered as a result?

Good. These are topics and discussions that are long overdue for debate.
I hope you and your family engage them, remembering that Satan is as eager to exploit your virtues (generosity, humility, compassion) as he is to exploit your vices (self-interest, elitism-ego, greed). You can err by going too far in either case.

4th September 2019, 10:13 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBZO8dOjyYFUVb7NWhCMaKKPL4Pb1DLDYRiAibLrx5jNm W8Dcny9zHQ7KfExXO4DDVN027E2Aqp8gD_&hc_ref=ARSWcoVCfd4VC8gHsLDWBNMEqFDCTYdStMo7_975Uhf kfWrtBvpU3jKy9_VdqVBFmJA&fref=nf)
41 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2403084699740596) ·

Situation With the Alaska Assembly

People have asked me why I am not active in the Alaska Assembly.

I can't be at this time, because I am anchoring all the claims of the States that entered the Union under the Northwest Ordinance, including my birth state, Wisconsin.

Similarly, my husband is anchoring the States that are still in limbo, like Washington State, where he was born--- States which were never officially enrolled as members of the Union and are only members of the Federation by Compact.

Only our sons and daughters who were born and raised in Alaska are able to participate in the Alaska Assembly directly, without harming the legal and lawful claims of other innocent people in other States.

And there have been reasons that they have held off, too.
The former leaders of the incipient group in Fairbanks (never officially part of the American States Assembly) are wonderful people and good Christians, but their religious beliefs led them to want to mix our strictly non-sectarian government with theocracy, and the fact remains that guaranteeing religious freedom for all is the right role for government, even if we are Christians in our private lives.

Our government guarantees religious freedom for all, because our Forefathers realized that this is the surest way to guarantee religious freedom for ourselves, too.
When we leave a door to oppression open, we can be oppressed along with those whose rights we abandoned; like setting a bear trap and forgetting about it, one can become the victim of one's own laxity and oversight.
That is what happened with the issue of slavery. We didn't actually close that door to oppression at the end of the Civil War.

Southern Democrats in league with European Bill Collectors and Banks contrived to "assume the title" to the freed plantation slaves so as to use them and their labor and possessions as collateral backing government debt.
As a result, the evil of slavery never ended. It simply flip-flopped from private slave ownership to public slave ownership, and we have all suffered as a result, as the perpetrators were further encouraged by their success in re-enslaving Negroes to contrive means to enslave all of us as chattel backing government debt.
We are still resolving the detritus of mistakes and self-interest and fraud left over from the Civil War. Slavery is still an issue for and within this country, because we failed to put an end to it in all jurisdictions. We failed the American Negroes and that has very nearly led to our enslavement, too.

As our Forefathers knew, the oppression of one man leads to the oppression of all men. The suppression of one man's religious conscience, leads to the suppression of religious conscience as a principle. When we restrict the right to free speech, we gag ourselves.

So if we succumb to our religious prejudices and seek to make America into a theocracy, instead of honoring our commitment to freedom of religion, we leave open exactly such a door to oppression and set exactly such a bear trap again.

I could not get the Fairbanks leadership to understand that, so the future of the group as a whole and its legitimacy as an Assembly was always in doubt. I am happy to report that Alaska has a new State Assembly Coordinator and it is not Destry Payne.

Destry was the former webmaster for the Michigan General Jural Assembly, a group that "almost got it right, but not quite" --- in that they have not recognized the need to declare their proper political status and organize their State in preparation for organizing a new Federal State of State. He moved to Alaska about a year ago and has taken over the group in Fairbanks, which he continues to mislead and to incite to violent action.

I wish to make it absolutely and perfectly clear that this group in Fairbanks is not acting in accord with the knowledge that we have, and not following the peaceful and lawful path to Assemble an actual State.

The Fairbanks group members have not reliably completed and recorded the necessary Declarations. The group as a whole is not part of the American States Assembly process. And it is becoming increasingly exhorted -- by Destry Payne -- to take violent and pre-emptive "action" of some undesignated kind.

This is par for the course for Federal Agents.
They don't get specific about what "action" people are supposed to be taking, they just incite action and then let the victims hang themselves, like Schaeffer Cox. The Federales made him fearful and got him thinking about "actions" to take "in case" and got him to talking about such plans, and that is how they snared him and drummed up enough evidence to charge him.

I very much suspect that the same modus operandi is being employed in Fairbanks again, right now --- trying to ensnare more innocent people with fear-mongering and "contingency plans" and more of the same kind of entrapment as was employed before, only this time by an imported Agent,
Destry Payne, playing a role more similar to that played by Michael R. Hamilton who misled the Colorado Nine.
It is a goal of Federal Agents to quash organization efforts for our lawful government, by such entrapment programs aimed at people naďve enough to fall for it. They then "make examples of them" in hopes that the rest of the population will be too scared to assemble their States.

As I am in Alaska, it would be logical for the Federales to try to target any group organizing a State Assembly here. They would love to be able to take down any group calling itself the Alaska Assembly and blame it on me, and scare off all those who are committed to restoring our lawful government.

But I have nothing to do with what is going on in Fairbanks, and neither does the American States Assembly.

Even though the group in Fairbanks has never actually qualified to be the Alaska Assembly, and even though they have never officially joined the American States Assembly process, taking them down could be used as a publicity stunt, and the misery inflicted on these innocent people like that already inflicted on Schaeffer Cox and the Colorado Nine, could be used to throw cold water on all our efforts to get this country back on track.

I am therefore making this public statement about all these goings-on, the reasons and why. We now have an Alaska Assembly operating under the American States Assembly process in accord with the actual Law. The members are making and recording the proper Declarations. My children
will join this organization, which upholds the separation of Church and State.

I will continue my work as Fiduciary for The United States of America, will continue to hold the line for Wisconsin and the other Ordinance States, and will continue my office as a Justice of the Peace for the Alaska State.

I wish the people in Fairbanks only goodwill and good fortune, but as was necessary with the Colorado Nine, I fear they are on a dangerous and ill-advised path now and I wish to make that clear for them and also wish to make a distinction between what they are doing and being led to do, and what the American States Assembly is about.

We recognize the fact that our States of the Union require a singular devotion and that only the actual States can legitimately organize State of State service organizations that are of, for, and by the American People. We recognize the necessity of declaring our political status. We know and respect the jurisdictional boundaries. We stand for the peaceful and lawful resolution of these long-standing issues left over from the Civil War, the restoration of our lawful government, and the full reconstruction of the Federal Government we are owed.

I dearly hope that the people in Fairbanks recognize the ear-markings of Federal Operatives and resist any Siren Song that involves violence, laying aside stockpiles of guns, and similar activities, for they are almost certainly being set up to take such actions, and if they do, they will just as certainly be arrested.

And it will have absolutely nothing to do with me or mine or the actual Alaska Assembly now taking shape or the American States Assembly, either, if the Fairbanks group should fail the test and become another victim of Federal Incitement.

5th September 2019, 04:36 AM
this worde Territorie, as I take it, is derived from the Latin word Territorium, which is a Territorie, or all the fields and contrey lying within the bounds and libertie of a Citie, which doth extend farre without the walles of the Citie round about, by certain meetes and boundaries, without any other inclosure belonging to the same: And, because a Forrest doth likewise lie open and not inclosed, having onely but meetes and boundaries to know the Ring and uttermost Skirtes of the forrest by, therefore this word Territorie, is used as a meete word for that purpose. The French man doth use this word Territorie in the same sense, for he doth say le Territoire d’vneville, which is, the territorie or whole circuit of land, belonging to a towne or Citie.

Alaska is presumed to be a territory purchased by the U.S. of A. from Russia. A territory is a whole circuit of land belonging to a towne or citie. In the case of Alaska the city it is attached to is Washington City, District of Columbia. Lest this be confused with the presumed territory belonging to the State of Alaska the city is Juneau. The two territories may overlay each other in which case each city has a claim to the presumed territory(s).

This word 'circuit' is interesting.

circuit (n.)

late 14c., "a circumference; a periphery, a line going around (an area), whether circular or not; a circular or circuitous course," from Old French circuit (14c.) "a circuit; a journey (around something),"

A circuit is a journey around something. To my knowledge the U.S. of A. has never sponsored a circuit of Alaska. Even the Lewis and Clark expedition to the far ends of the Louisiana Purchase did not constitute a circuit .... they took a straight line path.

When I purchase property I take an action called 'Livery of Seisin'. This is also known as possession. Explicitly the act is to walk around the property (perambulation) and if I leave a boundary marker in the process I might take a tablespoon of dirt/soil from the location where the marker is located.

If Livery of Seisin is not performed and recorded nothing is possessed.... and it is not even a territory.

9th September 2019, 07:41 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDsA3p6gYSb248DwN2aFfU4dQPXwHkK274mkVgZW0FRIe 2aFrU1sIVfsC0XKVqE3yefd_-BtXRJhQ5j&hc_ref=ARTC2vU4V32lqM5AAzzelw32vnGFE4w28Fci_vbpyod ANX12T3_hhIzsWKOt29aNSYU&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2410466642335735) ·

Revenge of the Robber Barons

We don't study history much, at least not history that matters, so very few people remember the anti-trust and anti-monopoly actions that toppled Standard Oil, gave rise to the IMF, and unleashed the Revenge of the Robber Barons on innocent people from here to Bangkok.

J.D. Rockefeller and the Railroad Barons discovered something important --- you can control both ends of anything connected by and dependent upon a transportation corridor, whether its people traveling from Boston to New York City on a sleek passenger train, corn being transported from Kansas to Wyoming on a rickety old freight train, or oil being pumped from Beeville,Texas to Galveston, Texas.... the access to whatever is on the other end of the line, is what drives the market, and the Middlemen who control the pipelines and electrical grids and trains and trucks and planes control the markets via control of the transportation.

It's really simpler to think of this as pipelines, J.D. Rockefeller's specialty, because it is all about "pipelines" of one kind or another --- oil pipelines, drug pipelines, people pipelines, services pipelines, banking pipelines, commodity pipelines, even pipeline pipelines.

Every system that transports something or someone from Point A to Point B is a pipeline, and that is clearly how old J.D. saw the world.

Control the pipeline, and you control the Producers of whatever is being delivered, as well as the Consumers, waiting on the other end for the Product.

In this way, Standard Oil, which wasn't really an oil company, conquered the known world. It simply controlled transport of oil, both crude oil going from wells to refineries, and refined product going to docks and tanker ships and railroad yards.
With the flick of a pen, Rockefeller could impose extra fees on producers, and tax consumers. His position was not unlike the coercive power of a government. And therein lies the rub, the clue, and the answer to what has happened to this country since 1922.
You see, the business of providing government services is just another pipeline.
That's how J.D. saw it. That's how Nelson saw it. That's how all the Rockefellers saw it, and still see it to this day.
On one end of the Government Pipeline you have the Service Providers --- all those Government Employees and Programs. On the other end of the Government Pipeline, you have all those people who have become dependent on Government Services. And in the middle, controlling everything, taxing everyone, is your own deceptively named corporation---- the U.S. Postal Service, not the U.S. Post Office, the Department of the Treasury, not the Treasury Department....

So you have one group, public employees, that is motivated to spur on need for their services, and another group that screams bloody murder in the politicians' ears if those services aren't available, are slow, are inadequate in any way..... and in the middle, you have the pipeline owners, happily dictating everything to everyone, including the price of all these "services".

While Public Employees and Public Employee Unions are a fairly obvious target, and so are all the people clamoring for more and more and more free benefits and more services and more money spent on them ---- it's the pipeline owners I want you to focus on, because they are the real problem.
You see, J.D. took it hard when "the government" dismantled Standard Oil, so he and his Buddies decided to dismantle the government, and make a mockery of it. How? By turning it into a pipeline operation.
As usual, they have no moral compass in any of this. They didn't think about the countries they were selling down the tubes --- literally. They didn't bother themselves about lying to the innocent victims of their schemes. All they thought about was profit and control, profit and control, profit and control.

For over a hundred years they have profited themselves at the expense of billions of people, billions of truncated, miserable, unhealthy lives. And they haven't cared at all.
Whether it was oil or Aid to Families With Dependent Children, the schtick has been the same: control the pipeline and thereby control both ends of the pipeline, the "markets" connected by that pipeline.

So who actually owns the Government Pipelines? Who sits on the Board of Directors for the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (INC.)? Who owns the IMF? (Hint, it was started by Standard Oil.) Who owns the Federal Reserve? Who owns the Department of the Treasury?
All it takes is a good Private Investigator with some industry contacts. Most of it is public record, one way or another. In a month of hard slogging you can track down every single Government Services Pipeline, every Board Member, every CEO.
Who is in charge of the Exchange Stabilization Fund? President Trump and Secretary Mnuchin.
Who is Chairman (and President) of the National Security Council? President Trump.
Who is in charge of the Conference of Governors?
What is a "Municipal League"?
Tri-Lateral Commission? Council on Foreign Relations? Council of State Governments? Council of County Governments?

And exactly what are all these unauthorized, unconstitutional, un-elected, un-official agencies? Who knows? Raise your hands?

These are the pipeline operators. They are usurping upon and controlling all aspects of government services.
They are standing in the background telling Janet Reno to firebomb the Branch Davidians. Shoot Randy Weaver's wife and little baby. Murder LaVoy Finicum. And they are getting away with it under color of "law", because they own and operate the Pinkertons --- the private security forces represented by all the Law Enforcement Officers.

This entire system of oppression grew out of the railroad transfer corridors (pipelines for people and commodities) and the bank transfer systems (pipelines for financial transactions) and the program services organizations (pipelines for "public" services) and it all bears the earmarks of J.D. Rockefeller and his Sons and their Belle Epoch Cronies ---- the Vanderbilts and Warburgs, the Carnegies and Astors, the Winchesters and the Edisons and all the rest of the Party Hearties, who, one way or another, were involved in "pipelines" of various sorts.
And still are, to the detriment of the whole Earth and everyone on it.
They have contrived to run the government as private pipeline enterprises and have privatized government functions to the point where there is no government anymore. Now they hurry themselves home, looking for the dream they slaughtered, only to find that the friends and neighbors they betrayed are waking up.

Fifty "extra" years of the Marshall Plan? Seventy-five extra years of the Victory Tax? Bankrupting the trademarked "Federal Reserve System"? Stealing the receipts from the bottomry bonds placed on our "vessels" without our knowledge, all the insurance paid for by us? Our identities stolen by people appearing to be government workers and hospital employees? Our DNA stolen as "discarded DNA" by Snooper Poopers at hospitals and fake police following us into public toilets in hopes of cigarette butt or a used napkin? Our homes being mortgaged to pay for the debts of foreign "service organizations"?

It's all in the pipelines, folks.

9th September 2019, 07:59 AM
It is useless to complain about things external to you. You are only responsible for your own actions and not those of others. Sitting there complaining about things you cannot control is not only useless but destructive.

Scientists have simulated environments with two types of entities. One entity searches for truth and the other entity searches for fitness. In these simulations the entity that searches for truth always goes extinct while the entity that searches for fitness always survives. Fitness means 'suitable for sustaining my continued existence'.

This concept fits in the idea of 'being' as 'the ability to change as the environment changes'. If you stop being you are counted among the dead. Sarah Palin suggested this with her concept that dead fish always follow the flow.

9th September 2019, 10:15 AM
It is useless to complain about things external to you. You are only responsible for your own actions and not those of others. Sitting there complaining about things you cannot control is not only useless but destructive.

Scientists have simulated environments with two types of entities. One entity searches for truth and the other entity searches for fitness. In these simulations the entity that searches for truth always goes extinct while the entity that searches for fitness always survives. Fitness means 'suitable for sustaining my continued existence'.

This concept fits in the idea of 'being' as 'the ability to change as the environment changes'. If you stop being you are counted among the dead. Sarah Palin suggested this with her concept that dead fish always follow the flow.

It's useless to complain.

So why are you?

9th September 2019, 10:43 AM
It's really simpler to think of this as pipelines, J.D. Rockefeller's specialty, because it is all about "pipelines" of one kind or another --- oil pipelines, drug pipelines, people pipelines, services pipelines, banking pipelines, commodity pipelines, even pipeline pipelines.

Every system that transports something or someone from Point A to Point B is a pipeline, and that is clearly how old J.D. saw the world.

Control the pipeline, and you control the Producers of whatever is being delivered, as well as the Consumers, waiting on the other end for the Product.

In this way, Standard Oil, which wasn't really an oil company, conquered the known world. It simply controlled transport of oil, both crude oil going from wells to refineries, and refined product going to docks and tanker ships and railroad yards.
With the flick of a pen, Rockefeller could impose extra fees on producers, and tax consumers.

Very thought-provoking Bigjon. Recently I've developed a hatred for evil AMAZON who now sits like a parasite between me and the so-called "free marketplace". Amazon now charges full retail on everything then adds STATE SALES TAX. No alternative anymore since they first undersold then thus drove out all the competition. Amazon also sits on all non-Prime orders for an entire week before shipping...

midnight rambler
9th September 2019, 11:31 AM
It is useless to complain about things external to you. You are only responsible for your own actions and not those of others. Sitting there complaining about things you cannot control is not only useless but destructive.

Scientists have simulated environments with two types of entities. One entity searches for truth and the other entity searches for fitness. In these simulations the entity that searches for truth always goes extinct while the entity that searches for fitness always survives. Fitness means 'suitable for sustaining my continued existence'.

This concept fits in the idea of 'being' as 'the ability to change as the environment changes'. If you stop being you are counted among the dead. Sarah Palin suggested this with her concept that dead fish always follow the flow.

The #1 rule of survival is to be in harmony with one's environment, whether triple canopy jungle or concrete jungle.

9th September 2019, 04:26 PM
It's useless to complain.

So why are you?

Observation is not the same as complaint. My comments apply to MY universe. The rules of YOUR universe probably differ significantly.

9th September 2019, 09:10 PM
Observation is not the same as complaint. My comments apply to MY universe. The rules of YOUR universe probably differ significantly.

Tomayto tomato Sounds like another excuse to complain.

Looks like you have picked up a fanboy; His logic matches yours, a real pair for the funny farm.

9th September 2019, 09:32 PM
Anna von Reitz
6 hrs ·

More Red Flags for Fairbanks and Elsewhere
A couple days ago, Destry Payne, who has been closely associated with the off-track Michigan General Jural Assembly organization and who has also claimed to have Dual Citizenship in Luxembourg, claimed that President Trump was following his "Orders" by terminating the Act of 1871.
I pointed out that the Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874.
And here we have a report that is much, much closer to the mark:


"it is intended the oath of every serving member of our forces will be cancelled, and they will be required to undertake a new oath of loyalty to Brussels"

10th September 2019, 10:43 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBNKy6PLryjDJWJCSTIv48wlJMqL5yqzmwN8lPNVP9hDd S_9BNI2YLbJA96BOcXynf87fYvInM3kEdd&hc_ref=ARQv6WonrsN3L267gwLeHlfrzwo_8_IeWTSbGyeydOx J1Jhh28AEMTSdWwYxUWYJpqE&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2412461722136227) ·

The Great Principles

I was visited --- unexpectedly and unannounced --- last night, by one of the brothers who attended Thomas Merton. I didn't recognize him at first and he played me along, until he finally introduced himself. Then, of course, we had an interesting conversation.

He told me that Merton is haunting the little garden where his body is buried, and that many people who visit the grave site have seen him and had interactions with him in the years since he died. Those who tend the plot also regularly either sense his presence or have interactions with him. This surprised me, and made me wonder --- why would Merton, of all people, hang around his own grave after he was set free of his body?

The answer came like a thunderbolt -- to be the "second voice" lifted to Heaven to invoke the presence of Jesus, when some poor and lonely soul comes to his grave to mourn and to pray over their own miseries and the miseries of the world.

Of course, Thomas would do that. He'd be there to be that Second Voice, so that nobody who came to his grave to pray, would pray alone.

Did the brothers need to be concerned, my visitor asked?

What were the fruits of these encounters? I returned.

A sense of peace and miraculous answers to prayer, he answered.

Well, then, what is there to be concerned about? Our brother is not resting when so many are in need and the membership of the Church is in such torment and turmoil.
But, but, but.... we are not to communicate with the dead.
Are the dead prohibited from communicating with us?
Obviously, not.

Lazarus communicated with plenty of people. Jesus communicated with his Disciples for weeks prior to his departure. Innumerable interactions with long-dead saints and the Virgin Mary have been recorded and many, many miracles have been attributed to these encounters.

Why, then, brother, do you concern yourself about Thomas?
He looked at me strangely. I think it hadn't occurred to him until that moment that Thomas, like Jesus, was still walking about after his physical death, still tending to the heart-sore and the way-worn, still offering prayers.

One of the Great Principles is the Principle of Love. Love is the glue that binds everything together. Everything. Including your body. Love is far more than an emotion with many shades of color. Love is the binding and creative force of the Universe.

Those who truly love us are never far from us. Those who truly love Mankind often continue to minister to us from beyond the grave. It's not so strange, once you realize that love is literally what binds us together.

My visitor trundled off into the night, leaving as he came, quietly and on foot, padding down my driveway in the fading light, a gentle, slightly-built man, clean-shaven, approaching old age. He was a young Trappist in 1962.

I continued to muse.
Yes, love is the great binding force, but there is a corollary law, and that is just as important to remember: what we don't love, we lose.
Throughout our lives we are constantly being prodded to choose. There is always a question posed and hovering over our heads, what do you choose or which do you choose? Red or green? Skinny or fat? Right or wrong? Blond or brunette? Stocks or bonds? Hearts or clubs?
Even when we are old and our choices are solid, we are constantly pressed and prodded by the urgency of choice. Will you choose the True God or Mammon? Will you choose love or hate?

And everything we do not love enough, falls away.
It is assumed that we don't want it anymore, like leftover birthday cake.
So all the friends we lose track of, fall away. The spouses we neglect, fall away. The great passions of our lives that we don't answer, fall away. In the end, even life itself, falls away. But love remains.

There is a great and looming question posed by the theft of our amnion estate and the false claims to own our DNA: do we love and respect ourselves enough? Do we love the Source of our lives enough to treasure life, to treasure our earthly estate and our divine origin?

Will we defend that? Claim it? Or will we leave our DNA and the divine mystery of our own incarnation discarded like garbage on the hospital floor?

Have we loved our neighbors enough?
Most of us don't even know our neighbors anymore.

Have we loved life? Probably not nearly enough.
Have we loved our country?
If not, no questions about why it is in danger of becoming a global criminal empire ruled by men all cut from the pattern of the Robber Barons.
It all comes down to what and who you love, and what we as the whole of Mankind care about.

If we don't give the Earth enough love, it falls away from us, and becomes sickly and barren. Our pets. Our families. Our friends. Our faith. All will fall away from us, without love.
So those who would deprive us of everything to satiate their greed, those who would literally steal the breath from our nostrils, seek to keep us embroiled in fear and in hate, to keep our attention centered away from every loving thought, word, and deed.
They seek to keep us centered on their abuses and nonsense, when -- if we would merely love more and fear less -- all their apparatus would vanish.
Because what we love is bound to us, and what we do not love, falls away.

As you confront the Great Evil that has been built up like a towering prison edifice around us, as you quail before the might of the misdirected military, as you despair in the face of injustice-- turn away.

Turn your attention to those you love, to all the people and all the things you love.
There are those in this country who don't love America. They do not think of it as their country, their soil, their rocks and trees. To them, it is a hateful idea, a label, a political brand name, something they are ashamed of, and which they despise.

They don't have sense enough to know what their country is, much less sense enough to love it.

And what we don't love, falls away. That's why the rest of us have to love it more than ever.

Here's my favorite quote from Thomas Merton:
"Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another."
I hope that on the balance, when you stop long enough to consider what I have actually written and what I have done, you will all realize that every word and every action, even my outrage and occasional name-calling, comes from love --- love for this country and its people, love for this planet and the glory of creation, love for the True God, our Creator, love for the teachings of the Jesus and the Prophets, love for all Mankind.

Being a Fiduciary is not a labor that anyone would choose, and even my Lord did not command me to do it. It simply needed to be done, and I was prepared. So here I am, as strange as the whole circumstance may be--- in my view, or in anyone else's. Love binds me to the work and binds me to the Earth and to the service of Mankind, and no doubt someday my pleasant ghost will kneel and add a Second Voice to other's lonely prayers.

10th September 2019, 01:00 PM
a real pair for the funny farm.

Have I gored your Oxen?

midnight rambler
10th September 2019, 02:40 PM
Tomayto tomato Sounds like another excuse to complain.

Looks like you have picked up a fanboy; His logic matches yours, a real pair for the funny farm.

Anna's fan boi is bothered by others dissing Anna. lol

10th September 2019, 03:01 PM
Anna's fan boi is bothered by others dissing Anna. lol
Although I have no intention of dissing Anna but much of the material she brings up is intended to inflame passions rather than to simply educate. Anyone calling for action must have some plan by which the present system is replaced but I have read nothing here but why this system needs gone and not how to replace it with something that will work.

11th September 2019, 04:56 PM
Anna's fan boi is bothered by others dissing Anna. lol

I'm bothered by a lack of coherent argument.

11th September 2019, 05:24 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA3aeruKLfg-MF7ODt9Xr7-syZtog6myItv-dI8gcTw0zZOCHryRGX4mRwHhfGsS65nl1KhpG9YxbCQ&hc_ref=ARTPa32DuacJ8xCrrH1x4Q1eE7VA9HS9SQ5bEDXZnLT iva2HCVsMOI1yyeMFcnOVYFQ&fref=nf)
54 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2415102201872179) ·

The Unknown Past

It’s often said that those who don’t remember the past are condemned to relive it, but what if you are never told your own past? What if you get a twisted version of it, and make bad decisions as a result?

Today, we are going to talk about the Unknown Past --- the past we are never taught in Public School. We are going to focus on the Civil War and its immediate aftermath, a time period from 1861 to 1888, because that’s where our country got off-track, and where our intended Federal Government collapsed.

Hostilities began in April 1861 when Southern Confederation troops opened fire on Northern Confederation troops garrisoned at Fort Sumter, South Carolina.

That is, the military units involved were both in the field representing Federal States of States --- all members of the Confederation of States formed under the original Articles of Confederation formed March 1, 1781--- that were estranged from each other.

Our unincorporated Federation of actual physically-defined States doing business as The United States of America, wasn’t involved.
As a result, the Civil War was technically a “mercenary conflict” like Vietnam, and not a true war at all, and the Parties to the conflict were not Sovereign States.

We are never told this in our history classes. We are left to assume that the “Confederate States” involved in the Civil War were actual States --- not businesses providing governmental services to the actual States. We are also left to assume that this was an actual war, not a mercenary “conflict” between rival business enterprises.

As a result of the foregoing facts, no formal Declaration of War could be issued by Congress, and none ever was. Instead, Lincoln issued an Executive Declaration allowing the Northern Confederation troops to fire back.

Similarly, at the end of the hostilities, no Peace Treaty was ever signed. Lee simply surrendered his Army and everyone began picking up the pieces—a process known as The Reconstruction.

It will come as a great shock to most Americans to learn that The Reconstruction has never been finished and is in fact ongoing. The vast bulk of the Reconstruction Acts have never been repealed and are in full force to this day.

Nobody can finish the Reconstruction but us, and we are not even aware that we need to do anything --- so there it sits, in limbo, decade after decade.

Our Federal Government is crippled and functioning in ways that we never intended it to function as a result.

This is the perennial “Emergency” used as an excuse by the politicians for their many improper and unauthorized actions.

Educating the American Public about this situation is not in the best interests of the politicians, who are usurping upon our power, so we simply aren’t told the truth about any of this.

Instead, we have to figure it all our for ourselves, and then, we have to overcome additional obstacles which have been placed in the way to further obstruct us from taking action.

To understand and overcome these obstacles, we have to grasp some more of the Unknown Past.

When the Constitution(s) first set up the Federal Government, Powers belonging to the actual States and People were “delegated” to three distinct entities to exercise in our behalf.

Most Americans are aware of the fact that Powers were Delegated, but how and to whom was never made clear. Now we know that the Constitutional Agreements were the result of the Treaties that ended The War of Independence.

The Americans kept control of the bulk of their International and Global Powers by delegating them to their own Confederation of States, the British King kept control of the Territorial Government functions and was allowed to do business in our name as “the” United States of America, and the Roman Pontiff was similarly allowed to do business as “the” United States and to provide municipal services, primarily Postal Services.

So you have the actual Federation of Sovereign States doing business as The United States of America, and you have a British Territorial Government doing business as “the” United States of America.

You have a Union of sovereign republican states doing business as The United States, and you have a Roman Municipal Government doing business as “the” United States.

The argument for this is that these foreign entities were exercising our delegated powers and acting in our behalf, so they should operate under our names as well.

This is how we came to have two entities operating as “United States” and two operating as “United States of America”.

And this is also how both the Pope/Pontiff and the British Monarch became our Trustees: when you exercise delegated powers for someone under contract, you act in their behalf and are obligated by your agreements to act in Good Faith.

So, what happened when the Confederation of States doing business as the States of America, and exercising the bulk of our powers in international and global affairs, dropped off the map at the end of the Civil War?

The Territorial and Municipal Subcontractors stepped in and filled the gap, pending our completion of Reconstruction, but it wasn’t to their benefit that any such Reconstruction should ever occur.

We had, and we have had, the foxes in charge of our hen house ever since.
When we object and take exception to this, they shrug and say, well, it’s your own fault. You can reconstruct your States of States any time you wish, but you haven’t done so.

Meantime, they continue to operate under our names, to indebt us without our authorization, and to claim “Emergency Powers” that don’t exist.

Putting an end to this situation and finishing the Reconstruction is what we have to do, but first, we have to overcome a few other obstructions that our erstwhile Trustees have placed in our path.

In 1868, the British Territorial Government reconfigured itself and began functioning as an incorporated franchise of the United Kingdom, and specifically as a Scottish Corporation misleadingly calling itself “The United States of America, Inc.”

So now we have three entities operating “as” United States of America – the actual unincorporated Federation doing business as The United States of America, the British Territorial Government doing business as “the” United States of America, and a Scottish commercial corporation doing business as “The United States of America, Inc.”

Confusion and commercial fraud have been the predictable result, and it only got worse from this point on, but we digress: for right now, focus on 1868.

The Scottish Corporation dba “The United States of America, Inc.” published their own “constitution” – which was remarkably similar to the actual Territorial Constitution – except that this corporate constitution was used as The Articles of Incorporation for that entity, and included numerous by-laws deceptively presented as “Amendments” which were naturally assumed to be approved by our States. And never were.
That, too, is another story.

This supremely deceptive document is called “The Constitution of the United States of America” and most Americans have assumed it to be their Constitution, when in fact we are left looking at the Articles of Incorporation for a long-defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation.
Amendment 13 of this document abolishes private slave ownership.
Amendment 14 of this document enshrines public slave ownership and declares all criminals to be slaves.
It then continues by declaring all “citizens of the United States” --- the Municipal Government --- to be criminals. This is because the Papal Government sided with the South in the Civil War, and the Brits were intent on collecting war reparations and suppressing “rebels”.
Amendment 14 also made it illegal for any such “citizen of the United States” to vote in the corporation’s elections.

Conveniently, they proceeded to misidentify all Americans as “citizens of the United States”, to disenfranchise everyone but their own employees and their dependents, and to arrest, tax, and enslave all the purported “rebels”.

This legal charade and abuse was applied across the board, causing then-President Andrew Johnson to make three Public Declarations of Peace, holding American civilians harmless.

Remember, our actual States were never involved in any of this, and our People are not “citizens of the United States” ---- that is, not employees, dependents, nor officials of the Municipal Government, not rebels, and not debtors owing any war reparations, either.

Nonetheless, the Scottish Corporation maintained that if we wanted to participate in their private corporate elections, we must “register to vote” and enfranchise ourselves to them --- the consequences of which were never disclosed.

This disenfranchised nine million Americans at the time. By now, that number has increased to approximately 150 million American Electors.
President Trump, as the current CEO/Chairman of the foreign corporations providing us with governmental services, can put an end to this situation via issuance of a Presidential Declaration of Peace – the same correction applied by Andrew Johnson.

President Trump merely needs to recognize the fact that the bulk of Americans are not Federal Citizens of any kind, that we are a peaceful civilian population that had nothing to do with the Civil War, that the governmental services corporations are at peace with us and have been at peace with us since 1814, and that we are natural Electors – not Voters – owed our voice in all Territorial and Municipal Elections affecting the exercise of our Delegated Powers.

The millions of Americans misidentified as Municipal “citizens of the United States” would be enabled to participate in the elections as Electors, not Voters, and Mr. Trump, whose goals and values are aligned with the majority of Americans who want their country to be great again, would have millions of new supporters at the polls in November 2020.

The American States Assembly has recognized the necessity of correcting our own political status records, which have been systematically falsified under the corporation’s 14th Amendment, the necessity of assembling the actual States of the Union, and the necessity for those States to form a new Confederation --- thus ending the Reconstruction, ending the perpetual “Emergency” and restoring our Federal Government.

It’s one thing to drain the swamp. It’s another thing to take the dam out of the river that is causing the problem in the first place.

Now that you are getting a basic understanding of the Unknown Past you can appreciate the consequences of leaving your country on autopilot for the better part of a century and a half --- and also the necessity of grabbing an oar and actually participating in self-governance—which is what government of, for, and by the people requires.

Go to: www.theamericanstatesassembly.net (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theamericanstatesassembly .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3UJiLddO_eZnLnbNWPGzxShzXn9 1j4ZA4c_DzCrchvBrMLc5g4mIQ0WAo&h=AT1w2tVsmBXn_1O635-CJZ9bPHAEzHfsx05xYcZZ48nr50iNt8UDyj9sGvKFJIg9NMbDF cyBiPCs5bzcdSHFtEMw3o5efmCKNjjufUD5VokUf2NJY1WRw4b UsvQAdxRp9A9RT3hqJ7yhueNH6xkjtClAxIosaxyo) and get started today.

11th September 2019, 05:35 PM
Although I have no intention of dissing Anna but much of the material she brings up is intended to inflame passions rather than to simply educate. Anyone calling for action must have some plan by which the present system is replaced but I have read nothing here but why this system needs gone and not how to replace it with something that will work.

Well, that to me shows that you are so far out in left field you can't see the forest for the trees.

You have only muddied the water with your inane comments about the definitions of words taken from god knows where, that have no bearing on the problem.

We can understand the words, used today, using the definitions provided.

What Anna says makes perfect sense to me and the way she is going about it makes sense also. You can't be a United States Citizen and a State citizen, because it was never allowed when we had functioning States. So you have to make your declaration and work towards real States.

11th September 2019, 06:00 PM
you have to make your declaration and work towards real States.
BS. There never has been 'real States'. There never have been People in any State. There are no People in Municipalities. There are no People in Counties. These are Legal Fictions and Like joins with Like. The Dead get to commune with the Dead. The Living get to commune with the Living. Politicians get to Lie but You don't have to be Snookered. You don't even need to call Them on their Lies (unless you happen to be a Citizen).

11th September 2019, 06:55 PM
BS. There never has been 'real States'. There never have been People in any State. There are no People in Municipalities. There are no People in Counties. These are Legal Fictions and Like joins with Like. The Dead get to commune with the Dead. The Living get to commune with the Living. Politicians get to Lie but You don't have to be Snookered. You don't even need to call Them on their Lies (unless you happen to be a Citizen).

I guess that depends on who is making the definitions.

Once upon a time persons were people too.

11th September 2019, 07:47 PM
Once upon a time persons were people too.

Every fairy tale I ever heard started 'Once upon a time ... '.

A person is
1) a word
2) an action
3) representation

These are all verbs. A person is not a noun.

Ification is the process of being..... that is, being a NOUN.

Reification is the process of being something else....another NOUN.

Deification is the process of dismantling a being.... converting a NOUN to a verb.

Is a verb a DEITY?

11th September 2019, 09:22 PM
Every fairy tale I ever heard started 'Once upon a time ... '.

A person is
1) a word
2) an action
3) representation

These are all verbs. A person is not a noun.

Ification is the process of being..... that is, being a NOUN.

Reification is the process of being something else....another NOUN.

Deification is the process of dismantling a being.... converting a NOUN to a verb.

Is a verb a DEITY?

A person is a being that has certain capacities or attributes such as reason, morality, consciousness or self-consciousness, and being a part of a culturally established form of social relations such as kinship, ownership of property, or legal responsibility. The defining features of personhood and consequently what makes a person count as a person differ widely among cultures and contexts.

12th September 2019, 05:30 AM
A person is a being that has certain capacities

A trust has a capacity. So does a 5 gallon bucket. The bucket will be empty until filled. So too for the trust. But the bucket has no capacity to be a person.

Your government is such a trust.

A slave has no capability to be a container for things. Neither can a slave testify. The slave has not the attributes of a bucket but they share one thing in common: neither one can be a person.

12th September 2019, 06:50 AM
A trust has a capacity. So does a 5 gallon bucket. The bucket will be empty until filled. So too for the trust. But the bucket has no capacity to be a person.

Your government is such a trust.

A slave has no capability to be a container for things. Neither can a slave testify. The slave has not the attributes of a bucket but they share one thing in common: neither one can be a person.

What is "my" govt?

Who is the slave?

This is supposed to be my court system.

Did you know the Anglo-American system (Our system) of jurisprudence is the only one which developed out of what is called the Common Law (http://svpvril.com/comcivlaw.html), that is, the general law of private property known in the British Isles? It is true - Common Law (http://svpvril.com/comcivlaw.html) was designed through the centuries to secure the rights of individuals (you and me) to property and to make it difficult for property to be taken away from us by a government or governmental structure (bureaucracy) without due process of law.

The Common Law (http://svpvril.com/comcivlaw.html) was expounded over the years in hundreds of thousands of case decisions as a result of trials in which the Common Law (http://svpvril.com/comcivlaw.html) jury acted as the Judges (http://www.fija.org/), and in which they exercised the authority to hear and decide questions of both Law and fact. Common Law (http://svpvril.com/comcivlaw.html) deals with legal relationships, powers and liabilities, and types of actions rather than theoretical definitions of abstract legal concepts. The Common Law (http://svpvril.com/comcivlaw.html) was recognized by Our Founding Fathers and is the basis of all law in America today.

The Common Law (http://svpvril.com/comcivlaw.html) recognizes the Power of Government lies in the common people and not in an elite group of power brokers. It is the terrible Equity, Maritime or Admiralty Laws (laws of contract) that steals this power from the people and centralizes it into the hands of a few power oriented men.

The Common Law (http://svpvril.com/comcivlaw.html) deals in real property whereas the Equity Laws deal in written abstractions of performance (agreements or contracts). In other words, Masters own their own property, work and destiny. We are all Masters when we truly own our own property. Slaves do not own property, they usually rent property of another and are compelled to perform upon or with that rented (tenured) property according to some agreement or contract.

It is from such controversies involving property that all of our Rights (http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/print_documents/v1ch14s39.html) have come. Property is known as Substance at the Common Law (http://svpvril.com/comcivlaw.html), and includes hard Money (http://svpvril.com/Money.html#TOP%20Money)in the form of gold and silver coin as required by Our federal Constitution (http://www.constitution.org/) and every other State Constitution (http://www.constitution.org/) as they were all drafted to be in perfect harmony one with another.

Controversies involving these matters carry with them a Law jurisdiction, a jurisdiction in which all of our Rights (http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/print_documents/v1ch14s39.html) are found. The Judge in a Court of Common Law (http://svpvril.com/comcivlaw.html) is an impartial referee of the dispute, and he is bound to protect the Rights (http://press-pubs.uchicago.edu/founders/print_documents/v1ch14s39.html) of the parties to the dispute, or he will have lost whatever jurisdiction he may have had, or claimed to have had. It is the Jury who decides whether or not the Facts of the case are valid and they also decide the Law - does it apply? Is it correct for this case?, etc. Only judges acting under equity law can decide law...

12th September 2019, 08:48 AM
What is "my" govt?
A charitable trust. These are the only legal fictions allowed to extend beyond 99 years. All other legal fictions expire at this boundary.

The Federal Reserve (if it claims existence) is such a charitable trust. If otherwise it expired in 2012.

Who is the slave?
A clue and let you decide. Gold is for sovereigns, silver for gentlemen, copper for peasants and paper is for slaves. Where do YOU fit?

This is supposed to be my court system.

"The Judge in a Court of Common Law is an impartial referee of the dispute, and he is bound to protect the Rights of the parties to the dispute, or he will have lost whatever jurisdiction he may have had"

At common law a judge in the singular sense has squat for authority. Common law requires a panel of judges, one being of the quorum (knows the law ... not the law presently taught to all lawyers). [my authority for this statement is a magistrates manual printed in 1604 called EIRENARCHE]

12th September 2019, 10:31 AM
A charitable trust. These are the only legal fictions allowed to extend beyond 99 years. All other legal fictions expire at this boundary.

The Federal Reserve (if it claims existence) is such a charitable trust. If otherwise it expired in 2012.

A clue and let you decide. Gold is for sovereigns, silver for gentlemen, copper for peasants and paper is for slaves. Where do YOU fit?

"The Judge in a Court of Common Law is an impartial referee of the dispute, and he is bound to protect the Rights of the parties to the dispute, or he will have lost whatever jurisdiction he may have had"

At common law a judge in the singular sense has squat for authority. Common law requires a panel of judges, one being of the quorum (knows the law ... not the law presently taught to all lawyers). [my authority for this statement is a magistrates manual printed in 1604 called EIRENARCHE]

How did my govt get to be a legal fiction?

The form of the united States is still intact. Minnesota is one of those nations.

I have enough gold and silver, so I'm a sovereign.

The Judge in a common law case is the Jury of 12.

12th September 2019, 10:55 AM
How did my govt get to be a legal fiction?

The form of the united States is still intact. Minnesota is one of those nations.
Minnesota wasn't around in the beginning so must not be essential to the existence of the united States.

I have enough gold and silver, so I'm a sovereign.
So you are insolvent?

The Judge in a common law case is the Jury of 12.
12 what?

12th September 2019, 07:21 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDpqI6JjD_JkXyti5LBJPW8N3nKiBwxjXwUc0tDaXwikC yqf50ieaj5GyWoxnTH9KgPN9Jm6FDYCYx1&hc_ref=ARS6Q-mEXj4j7R9cI10QpeT_8P-UC4H6kKGpg11wEjdl5a14Ek_HW6Gc8sucLpQHvQw&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2416304145085318) ·

The Unknown Past -- Part 2

Steven T. Mnuchin and Michael Pompeo and all these other characters aren't acting as Americans.

They aren't acting as any kind of U.S. Citizen nor as a Municipal "citizen of the United States", either.

These Cabinet-level Officials are acting as Interpol Officers and have renounced their obligations to this country. They work for the World Trust and the World Bank as Enforcers.
When we send Mnuchin and/or Pompeo a Form 56, Notice of Fiduciary Relationship, and a "Birth Certificate" issued to a presumed-to-exist Municipal CITIZEN, we are surrendering a runaway slave and making them responsible for its well-being. Caesar's noxious property has been returned.

All roads lead to Rome, and from there they lead to Bern and Brussels, where the "Secular Church" ---ha! --- has long had its base of operations.

Mr. Trump isn't serving as President of The United States of America. He is serving as President of the United States of America --- the British Territorial Government operating under our name. He is also serving as Chairman of the (Municipal) National Security Council.

As President of the United States of America, Mr. Trump is a Level 18 Administrative Officer. There are ten (10) levels of authority above him.

We are dealing with a very ancient control structure that has been "corporatized" for about a hundred and fifty years, a process that began in the 1850's. The result is what I have dubbed "Corporate Feudalism".

About ten years ago, give or take a few, a group of Dutch Mathematicians who were running a statistical analysis completely unrelated to any of this picked up on some startling data correlations. I believe I first read about this in Scientific American. What they discovered at that time was the existence of interlocking trust directorates connecting a large number of corporate structures that otherwise don't appear to be connected.
By now, their studies have grown to include 43,000 corporate entities, and the rabbit trail has led to the identification of 700 corporate officials who are the "keymasters" of this system of secretive collusion and what has been dubbed the "Global Network of Corporate Control".
Mathematics to the rescue, again.

Corporate Feudalism is, if possible, even more toxic than plain old Feudalism.
At least with traditional Feudalism, you had a Monarch with a face and a name. If things were rotten in the Kingdom of Denmark, you had someone specific to blame.

Now, with the move to Corporate Feudalism, the "Monarch" is a faceless, undefined, unknowable ---- and, this is the important part ---- unaccountable, network of corporate interests conspiring to rule the world.

Let's return to yesterday's topic and the year 1868 when what I shall call "The Scottish Interloper" set up shop as The United States of America, Incorporated.

As we observed, Amendment 14 of their Corporate Constitution, identified all Municipal Government "citizens of the United States" as criminals and allowed enslavement of criminals.

So you have a Scottish Commercial Corporation holding all these Municipal United States citizens to be criminals and enslaving them.

This was so they could charge them for the cost of war reparations and continue to arrest them as "rebels" even after the military hostilities ended.
But, wait a minute, you say ---- the Queen operates the British Territorial Government under our delegated authority and she also charters all corporations in the United Kingdom and she is also the Pope's Right Hand, running all the Commonwealth operations worldwide.....
So how does the Pope's employee operating a British Commonwealth as a subcontractor to our government allow the charter of a Scottish corporation that is infringing on our trademarks and further allow it to declare economic war against an entire Municipal population that is under the Pope's protection?

That would be like my gardener creating a company designed to hunt down and enslave my family. Why would I continue to employ him?

The Babylonians and later the Romans, have always been pro-slavery. It's no surprise and no secret that the Pope/Pontiff's Municipal Government sided with the South in the American Civil War.

And so, also, it is no surprise that the Queen's 1868 Scottish Corporation and its Fourteenth Amendment also enshrined and continued the practice of slavery -- simply slavery of a different kind, applied to a different group of people, for the purpose of extracting war reparations.

The Pope couldn't care less, because it was all just business to him, a matter of taking it out of one pocket and putting it into another pocket. He was content to let the British Monarch work out the dreary details.

However, as a result of all this, a completely innocent civilian population was caught in the middle, and both the Queen and the Pope were (and are) obligated to act as their Trustees: the American People.

So now what? It's 1868. You have two groups of foreign citizens --- British Commonwealth and Papist --- on our shores, and the Brits are busily trying to track down the Papists intending to make them pay war reparations and enslave them as payback for siding with the South.

We have the spectacle of two groups of slave owners and slavery proponents, each calling the other names. One group enslaved black people based on the color of their skin, the other group enslaved people based on owing war reparations to the victors in a mercenary squabble.

None of this has anything to do with us --- nothing to do with The United States of America, nothing to do with the American States, and nothing to do with the American People.
We have been, however, caught in the middle of all this nastiness.

Despite the fact that both the Queen and the Pope are obligated to act as our Protectors and Trustees under the international treaties ending The War of Independence and also the constitutional contracts that followed--- both decided that they needed more victims to pay war reparations, and it was convenient to start "mistaking" Americans as "citizens of the (Municipal) United States".

So, for the past 150 years, they and their various minions have been colluding to accidentally-on-purpose misidentify Americans as "citizens of the United States" instead of State Citizens of The United States.

All this wrong-doing, all this abuse, has been based on such semantic deceits (lies) as you can see demonstrated above. It takes a sharp and vigilant cookie to split the hairs between "the" United States and "The" United States and when you say the words verbally, there is absolutely no way to tell the difference.

This example above also neatly demonstrates how the "Secular Church" --- another one of their favorite oxymoron descriptions --- is built on lies and represents the Kingdom of the Father of All Lies, also known as "the Kingdom of God"---- which god was that, eh?

Make no mistake, brethren. You are owed The Kingdom of Heaven, and all that Satan has is forfeit to you, so long as you have sense enough to see the shell game.

Millions upon millions of Americans have been the victims of this Gross Breach of Trust by the Pope and the Queen. We have been purposefully misidentified as "citizens of the United States" and deprived of our true standing as American State Nationals and American State Citizens via constructive fraud and purposeful semantic deceit.

And as every attorney around the world has cause to know, fraud vitiates everything. Fraud has no statute of limitations. And fraud taints everything it touches. They have no leg to stand on, and like their Father, are reduced to crawling on their bellies.

So the moment that the Queen's men seized upon a baby who was given the name "Anna Maria Wilhelmina Hanna Sophia Riezinger - von Reitzenstein von Lettow - Vorbeck", a Seventh Generation American born on the soil of Wisconsin----and renamed her "Anna Maria Riezinger" and misidentified her as a "citizen of the United States" and sold her back to the Pope as a slave ---- they committed the crime of genocide against a little baby in her cradle.
They killed the American baby on paper and created a Municipal slave for themselves, all based on the prior fraud and lawlessness of a long defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation: a fraud based upon a fraud.

A more filthy, more violent, more deceitful, more vile, more venal, more self-interested scheme can scarcely be imagined. And that is what these sanctimonious con artists have been using as their excuse to act as predators and a plague upon people that they owe "good faith service" to.

So now, as Paul Harvey used to say, you know "the rest of the story".

As we all have cause to know, both peonage and slavery have been outlawed worldwide since 1926, yet these fraud artists have contrived to get around this prohibition against slavery by pretending that we are all corporations--- "named franchises".

In this process they defraud living people of their most basic identity and reduce them to the level of being "Things" --- Legal Entities, and that, too, is nothing but a Great Big Fat Lie.

The Roman Curia has further promoted and endorsed this grotesque fraud by adopting "The Collective Entity Doctrine" to replace their former excuse, "The Doctrine of Discovery".

The time has come for the Beast to be removed from our sight.

It is time, Mr. Trump, for you to shut down the Municipal Courts that have been allowed to proliferate on our shores and which have no valid business in our Territories. Declare the Peace. Admit the distinction between Americans and "citizens of the United States" and put an end to the cradle snatching. Re-task the Internal Revenue Service to balance the books and unblock our credit accounts.

The Scottish Interloper ceased operations in 1907. It has been more than a century since their Articles of Incorporation, including their "Fourteenth Amendment", ceased to have any meaning whatsoever.

The actual Territorial Constitution still stands and its duties are still owed.

12th September 2019, 08:06 PM
The Babylonians and later the Romans, have always been pro-slavery.

Slavery = compassion. Although there is an element of greed involved as well.

Now the reason for this is in war when you defeated an opponent you had two choices ... kill him or make him a slave. The compassion part came from sparing the warriors life instead of harvesting it.

Now in the Spanish civil law the decree of the crown is that no Christian can be the slave of a Moor (Muslim). This is a declaration of war to the death .. no quarter asked or given.

12th September 2019, 11:24 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBZrEN3_W78TklFOWZsCY-3zUY6sgxCIcyWFVom94walL13oug5DUOOCYZMBUBOl74HLnXdG daa-Dwy&hc_ref=ARSreZ39UtDVgNwSc9vuGuStipTAQeZMxiA7zxGWZJK iqpEbt8Ug0nJqYfpbPskYSU8&fref=nf)
7 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2417353148313751) ·

My Opinion? Okay, this really is just an opinion.

What did I think of the Democratic Candidates?

Seven out of the group led with stories about all their failures.

What does that tell you?

It tells me that they are consciously trying to appeal to losers, trying to get a "I'm a loser, too." vibe going. They are telling their fans, literally, that they are backing a loser. Failed lawyers. Failed businessmen. Failed politicians.

Do you want to vote for a loser? Really?

Must be some new Democratic Party polling meme: capture the Sympathy Vote.

Tell what a failure you are, how you did really dumb stuff that forced you to seek a career in politics, because you failed at everything else....
And tanking now, too, I thought. More than once.

Such an approach doesn't really show a lot of respect for or actual empathy for the voters. Even sick, hurt, old, disabled, unemployed, and poor people want an effective champion. They want a winner. They're not stupid just because they are sick, hurt, old, disabled, unemployed, and poor.

That, and "togetherness". That's the obvious buzzword. We're gonna do it together! Yeah!
Yes, we can..... rah, rah, rah!

But what it is that they are going to do---together or separately--- they fall down on that part.

Only one candidate (by my count) made a good faith stab at defining any focus for all the togetherness ya-ya. And his presentation fell flat.

There was, of course, Bernie Sander's suicidal Charge of the Light Brigade attack on all the Special Interests at once. I guess that counts as an Action Agenda, but not a Togetherness Agenda.

Not that many politicians in Washington actually want to do anything, much less bite the hands of the Special Interests. So, once again, Bernie Sanders, like The Cheese, stands alone.

Bernie is the Last of the True Believers. Really. He puts me to shame.

I get regular Dutch Uncle notes from people telling me how naive I am. I can't hold a candle to Bernie Sanders.

Anyway, most of them were clearly pandering for sympathy votes and none of them have any talent for stand up comedy, which is a shame.

A guy who could come in and make people laugh about innocent things instead of rehashing vicious old partisan themes could go far. Instead....

Creepy, creaky Joe? I'd rather vote for Doctor Strangelove.

Pocohontas? If she'd lie about THAT, she'd lie about anything.

Bernie? Enough said.

The Middlemen --- the pack of middle-aged career politicians jockeying for position, mainly to get experience and face time for later ambitions. Blah, blah, blah. I think I heard every cliche in the history of politics in less than an hour.

That was really cloying. I felt like a dog that ate too much peanut butter.

The Young Turks -- Ms. "Harris" -- lies about who she is, just like Pocohontas.

And.... even if you don't like a President, anyone in politics needs to respect his office, especially when you are running for his office.

There's a screw loose there that goes beyond young and dumb.

It was a singularly bland and re-hashed and re-run presentation overall, with the oddballs sticking out like displaced porcupine quills.

There was only one candidate who struck me as wise and measured and serious-minded. Sincere. And as luck would have it, she was the one whose name zipped right by and wasn't mentioned again. She was the one who spoke about her Mother telling her not to let anyone tell her who she was.

If I didn't know better, I'd think it was a set up to make her shine by comparison to all the others. But I do know better.

Brainy, soft-spoken, serious-minded people have a real uphill battle in Washington. The same Special Interests that Bernie loves to punt with don't like their tools too sharp. And without substantial Special Interest funding, it's a very long shot to get traction and face time in the media.

I would certainly look for her in events to come and be interested in what she had to say, I know that much.

Remember, Grandma doesn't have a dog in the fight. I am a disenfranchised Elector. I don't have a thing to say about it, except to speak my mind. And so far, if you want to vote for a loser, it looks like the Dems have a full roster to choose from.

13th September 2019, 10:29 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCDWovfJFfh_BZvKFNgOAOd9vIXytfrr4AX44IOFKSMMU xyPsydb_w1mgSXnnM4C7GKwjcDEj2gXAFM&hc_ref=ARQHAL0ktRrnoPeUylAec-bSRjYUfN9EIULpwZvsS490FVpg1gOoNImwqbhu3NWDYw4&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2418692898179776) ·

Good Questions!

As a result of three recent Articles, "The Unknown Past" and "The Unknown Past - Part 2" and "Quick Primer", I have received some good questions that deserve good answers.

1. Is the Civil War ongoing? Do you mean it never ended?
The hot war ended in June of 1865 in the Arctic. The last shot was fired by the legendary C.S.S. Shenandoah, one of the finest American fighting vessels of all time. Even this was lied about in our history books and we were left to believe that the Civil War ended with the surrender of Lee's Army at Appomattox, Virginia in April of 1865. Oh, well. Those of you who care to know the truth are invited to read Lynn Schooler's "The Last Shot". Naval history buffs won't be disappointed.

The cold war has continued, because it has allowed the associated European Powers, the British Monarch and the Pope, to plug a siphon into our wallets and keep pumping. That this is the fact can be easily observed by the existence of such Offices as the United States Attorney General, the Lieutenant Governors, and other undefined quasi-military offices that have no legitimate provenance in our government.

Yes, People, those of you who are just waking up. Our disloyal employees have been staging a mercenary cold war conflict on our shores for a hundred and fifty years, and they have been conscripting you into this illegal perpetual mercenary "war" without your knowledge or consent.

They have falsified the public records concerning your political status, nationality, and other facts, so as to continue and promote this circumstance, while leaving you no means to object. You can't object or defend yourself, because you have been left ignorant and uninformed ---deliberately. Most Americans don't have a clue.

The fundamental Breach of Trust takes place when we are only a few days or weeks old, long before we are truly conscious and able to defend ourselves. This results in Unconscionable Contracts being set in motion.

Keeping us ignorant about the actual circumstance has been their means of enforcing Unconscionable Contracts benefiting them. They keep the fake war going so that they can continue to claim costs related to the "war" and so that they can assert oppressive military common law. Instead of supporting and obeying the actual civilian government as their contract demands, they have been running rough shod over their employers.

The only Courts left that are competent to convene a Three-Man Officer Court and make a determination in our favor as a Military Tribunal are the Circuit Courts. All the other courts are being operated as private bill collection agencies under a series of deliberate false legal presumptions.

They've been treating us like cattle in a stockyard, and picking us off one by one via illegal confiscations and foreclosures, illegally conscripting and press-ganging our children, distorting our textbooks, infiltrating our universities, converting our rights into privileges, asserting legislative statutes over the Public Law, converting our private property into public trusts which their attorneys are allowed to pillage at will.

This secretive and highly illegal and immoral plundering has been taking place for decades.

2. How would a Declaration of Peace change anything?
Every time we visited the Civil War in any history class I ever attended, the teacher took at shot at Andrew Johnson, the Vice-President who became President after Abraham Lincoln's death. We were given no details but left with the impression that Andrew Johnson was a bad President, incompetent, etc.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Andrew Johnson is quite possibly the bravest man who ever sat in the President's chair. He issued no less than three (3) Public Declarations firmly establishing the Public Peace. He did everything he could to prevent and put an end to exactly the situation described above.

The Plotters eventually got around his actions by creating corporations to do the dirty work and by getting later Presidents to go along with their criminality.

Trump, like Johnson, is in a position to put an end to the worst of it by issuing a similar Public Declaration of Peace. He could also open up the Electoral Process simply by recognizing the over 150 million Disenfranchised Electors who have been coerced to either
(1) register to vote and give up their property rights to the federal corporations or (2) stop casting ballots in the General Elections and be counted as criminals if they do.

This racketeering scheme and manipulation of our Electoral Process has somewhat backfired on them in that it keeps them from ever achieving a mandate for their "democracy"--- a form of government that is patently alien to our country and our people.

3. What are we going to do about it?
At the end of the day, we have to wake up and get organized and stand on the jurisdictions that we are heir to.

Now that we know what has gone on here and how we have been misidentified and who and what is being manipulated to secure these deplorable results, we are enabled to take action in our own behalf.

First, we have to stop drifting along letting our employees define us and our political status to suit themselves. Because the two sides of this phony "war" are both groups of our employees, one British Group, one Papist Group, they have sought to misidentify us as federal employees, too. They do this to involve us in their "war" and provide themselves with excuses to confiscate our property and harass us.

This requires them to mis-characterize us as either a "United States Citizen" --- one of the Brits, or, as a "citizen of the United States", one of the Papists. We are in fact State Citizens of a different "United States"---- The United States, with a capital "T".

Most of us are not federal military employees or dependents, nor are we federal civil service employees or dependents. As a result, the correct way to describe our political status is: "State Citizen of The United States", but the similarity of the names and general ignorance has allowed them to confuse people about which "United States" is being referenced.

They deliberately and forcefully falsify our records at hospitals using the Dead Baby Scam.

We are in fact American State Nationals at birth and need to reclaim that status.
Our team has pioneered a paperwork process to do this. It is explained and templates are made available on my website,

www.annavonreitz.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F%3Ffbc lid%3DIwAR1sieC55L2yTNc03wXYB4noI_UUiqRns0W9TLAwKH KtFUuT1-HwBYFUiss&h=AT0R4y_Ja_e0CpRo3_TI1MXRyOtnriiTAIVi89xfqwdsRh2F AddBcBn2v2uNql7ego9VE7FXOAag9wqq4GxZHP23el45S9q-x-9ohB5morptR5yGVyTmjO8Ljix6L7Ou2w8LoN9uqLbo4S0-z-BUEPtldCzSOblm), Article 928, and at

www.theamericanstatesassembly.net (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theamericanstatesassembly .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1ZG884BKUuSz7Bu6eh5KfP7P538 tiEIl5_zfzjzEoCgYhw2IMJsKyBZyo&h=AT3WJBS0GXxM_FvfmR1soe1k8xICRgpRSle2y9TmbnFFiIdK-mWuUxmAbhD7oqEjnHBDadHFNa5vlxEdLwTZs4pOpaVu4pLNh9l IHuIrQIokmHqiluqhKG5NRMTUM-LeEHj50MFp5csp6hEqwpcqQlYmTSoFbv7y) website.

A man has no name for himself. God did not give us names and we were not given any authority to name ourselves. All this goes back to Biblical constructs in the Western World.
So, all living people are nameless.

What happens is that we are "Given" a name as a "Gift" and as an "Inheritance" in the same way that we might be given a bicycle. This is your Person, also known as your Trade Name, because you use it to identify yourself and others use it to identify you when conducting business affairs.

This Given Name in the West is Bicameral --- represented by the House of Lords and the House of Commons in England. Your Bicameral Name is split in two parts, your Christian Name, for example, "Peter" and your Family or Sur Name, for example, "Olson". "Peter" is supposed to be represented in the House of Lords, while "Olson" --- which is a name that can equally belong to many people --- is supposed to be represented in the House of Commons.
This same principal applies to the representation in The United States Senate vs. The United States House of Representatives.

The idea is that we are individually sovereign and "lords" as living people in our private lives, while maintaining an association with our families and communities "in common" ---- thus, there is a natural separation between private interest and public interest which is reflected in the legislative bodies and in our Bicameral Names.

The introduction of a so-called "Middle Name" was adopted as a means of creating an additional "immaterial" Person --- a business entity separated from this system of "recognizable" and "lawful" government.

As you will discover if you read Law Dictionaries, the use of a Middle Name invalidates this system of lawful national government and puts you in a different international status.

Your Lawful Person is "Peter Olson". Your Legal Person is "Peter John Olson".

Unfortunately, the Legal Person has been substituted for the Lawful Person and as a result, only those who happen to know this information can access the protections of their Nationality, or, alternatively, redefine the Legal Person by a process of "Lawful Conversion" --- which is what we do.

Most of us have suffered from the "Unlawful Conversion" of our Lawful Persons like "Peter Olson" into these foreign, international Legal Persons, like "Peter John Olson" and must undertake an answering "Lawful Conversion" to reverse the process.

Because we have many records and property held in these foreign, international Names, we have to keep control of the Legal Person we've been unwittingly operating under.

To rectify this and still keep control of our property interests requires us to "convert" the Legal Person by declaring its permanent home and domicile on the land of a Sovereign State.
This process effectively "dry docks" the Legal Person and makes it subject to the Law of the Land, bringing it under the protections and conventions of the Constitutions and the international land laws, such as the Geneva Conventions.

A Judge seeing the name "Peter John Olson" assumes that he is dealing with a Legal Person in the international jurisdiction of the sea; after you lawfully convert this Legal Person by seizing upon it and declaring its domicile on the land jurisdiction, a whole new set of legal presumptions and laws apply.

It will be your responsibility to inform the Judges in your cases that your Legal Person, for example, "Peter John Olson" has been lawfully converted and returned to the land jurisdiction.

The paperwork that you record is evidence of the lawful conversion you have executed and the fact that "Peter John Olson" is now subject to the Law of the Land.

You must do a similar correction with all the Municipal PERSONS that have been "gifted" to you, for similar reasons.

When you are addressed by any Municipal or Territorial District or State of State Court, you must immediately challenge its jurisdiction and appeal the issue to the Circuit Court---- "I challenge this court's jurisdiction and appeal to the Circuit Court."

The Circuit Court is the only court left that can bring a panel of three military officers and make a determination of your political status, consider the facts of your case, and grant you relief.

4. Okay, I have lawfully converted all these "persons" and returned them to the land jurisdiction. I returned and surrendered the Municipal PERSON Birth Certificate to competent international law enforcement officers and returned the trademark NAMES to the land jurisdiction, too. I recorded the Certificates for those along with the rest of the paperwork. I understand that I am a State National of The United States with a capital "T", not a "United States Citizen" and not a "citizen of the United States". Now what?

You are now clear to claim your actual State Citizenship and assemble your State of the Union. Go to: www.theamericanstatesassembly.net (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theamericanstatesassembly .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1AyqrCn56OsC0HkUAg22Yv1wnZz gvtpJQClSodOhLHXY0_eHlQnh1peDE&h=AT3Ab-rFwQp1r2HnQkIPcYVSvoZfxyP0LDJ4BPQOelnwGdxiKHQBlGAX 78Lx6fGqDWlRiBUArpKRFEzT1mh9eJU3DgcbPurKv_lg8Tck-aJeJMr4_75qSmQjFRkh4vXu9uhzGW92RUGA0j4ajZYzDBxUMMZ MWdQ3) to get started.

5. How can we enforce this?
The moment you "arrive" back on the land jurisdiction and assume your role as one of the People of this country, you are enabled to enforce the Constitutional Agreements and have a duty to do so.

We enforce the Constitutions by assembling our States, populating our public offices, filling our vacated courts, commissioning our Continental Marshals, electing our land jurisdiction Sheriffs, and joining our State Militia.

Many people assume that only uniformed police officers have the power to make arrests and only "state of state" courts have any ability to prosecute crimes. They also think that militias are dangerous and inhabited by right-wing nutcases. None of this is true.

In this country, every American who accepts the responsibility of State Citizenship has the right to make citizen arrests. Even Americans who happen to be working as foreign Law Enforcement Officers on a For-Hire basis, have the ability to enforce the Public Laws including the provisions of the Constitutions. See Mack and Prinz vs. USA, Inc.

Moreover, every State Citizen between the ages of 21 and 45, who is mentally and physically fit, is by definition a member of the State Militia. We are not at war with anyone and we are not part of the commercial mercenary squabbles of our run amok employees, but we do owe a duty to the Public Peace and we also have a duty to ourselves and to our country to enforce the actual Public Law.

In addition to a Public Declaration of Peace by President Trump, we can lawfully and peacefully impose our control over our jurisdictions which include the land and soil of this country. Bringing a permanent end to the bogus Civil War and all the false legal presumptions and frauds and unauthorized offices associated with it is as easy and as difficult as issuing a credible Order as an organized civilian government.

This requires having active jural assemblies in at least a majority of the States. We are close to that goal now, and could have the job done tomorrow, if certain parties would wake up and face the necessity of doing the paperwork to "return" the Legal Persons and convert them into Lawful Persons.

6. Why can't we just use our plain names, the original Lawful Names, like "Peter Olson", form our Assemblies, and go forward?

Because there is now no record of anyone called "Peter Olson" being born at the time and place where you were born. This is what I meant about having to maintain control of the foreign Legal Person and lawfully convert it.

Your name has been unlawfully removed from the land and soil of your country, and illegally administered. A foreign improper Legal Name has been substituted for your Lawful Name. You have to convert the Legal Name and re-convey it back to the land and soil jurisdiction of the State where you were born and operate it "as" your Lawful Name in order to retain and control your assets and still be able to operate the land jurisdiction of your State.

New records will have to be established. This is only a sufficient fix to protect everyone's material interests, and bring our civilian populace back under the protections of land law.

The ultimate resolution of this Mess involves the Queen or her Successor returning all the purloined copyrights to the American Legal Person names which have been operated for profit by the British Crown, and the Pope calling an end to the issuance of Municipal PERSONS in our names.

Until then, we have to slog it out one by one by one, and we have to use the authorities that we definitely do have to correct the records and deal with the circumstance.

They are our Employees and they have no right to conduct any "war" on our land and soil, no right to presume anything about our identities or political status as babies, no excuse for what they have done. We have every right to fire them and hire new subcontractors to provide whatever services we want.

Once we return to our proper status and accept the responsibility of self-governance we have the power to direct both the Territorial and Municipal United States to stand down and put a permanent end to their squabbling and self-interested double-dealing----and especially their attempts to genocide Americans on paper and retain institutions of slavery.

7. If, as you say, the document we are familiar with as "The Constitution of the United States of America" is just a Doppelganger of the real Territorial Constitution --- very similar, but not the same --- and its Fourteenth Amendment is just a By-Law of a defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation, not an Amendment to any Constitution ratified by our States ---what in the name of Jesus is going on?

Fraud. Just plain old garden variety fraud.

There is no excuse or valid basis for the enforcement of the "Fourteenth Amendment" or, for that matter, any such "Amendment". Mr. Trump has made references to the purported Fourteenth Amendment and like most Americans has taken it seriously.

But like Black's Law Dictionary, it began as a spoof --- a knowing fraud, that was taken seriously. That allowed the con artists to assume our identity, access our credit, and operate our government "as if" they were us, when in fact they were just con artists---- an early version of identity thieves and credit card hackers.

Until we wake up and inform Mr. Trump of the facts and he realizes that he is standing on sand, both lawfully and legally, the Territorial Government he represents will continue to enforce a known fraud as if it had validity and will continue to enforce de facto slavery long after all such provisions have been outlawed on a worldwide basis.

If we are sick and tired of this preposterous circumstance, it's time to lift our ugly heads and roar something to the effect, "The Articles of Incorporation of a defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation that ceased operations in 1907 have no authority, meaning, or enforce-ability on anyone today. Get your heads screwed on or go away!"

The greatest danger to this country is our own gullibility, general ignorance, and failure to take action.

Those of us who are awake must make every effort to act as modern day Paul Reveres and put as many sticks in the wagon wheels of these run amok corporations as possible.

8. What is being done to stop these criminals from doing us and other people harm?
First and foremost, the information is getting out and into the hands of foreign governments including the foreign governments responsible for this horse hooey.

This has two immediate effects: (1) friendly governments now have an understanding of what has gone on here and are inclined to intercede in our favor; (2) governments and corporations that were scheming against us and against our property interests on many levels are now exposed and their criminality is apparent, thus, they are "encouraged" to cease and desist and are being obliged to slink back into the shadows.

Second, once the Legal Persons are seized upon and converted and returned to the land jurisdiction, land law clamps down and people are again protected by the Constitutional guarantees and Geneva Conventions and other provisions that the Perpetrators have to honor or be further exposed as crime syndicates.

Third, your Federation of Sovereign States, The United States of America, which is your official "Ship of State" is still sea-worthy and competent to act in your favor while you attend to the task of assembling your States and getting on your feet.

We have lost no time in rebutting False Claims of Abandonment and False Claims that our currency is insufficient. We have also put numerous protections in place to stop the looting at an international level, including Notices and Liens and Fixture Attachments on all assets belonging to the States and People of this country.

This has been a long process that has run in tandem and in multiple jurisdictions, and poses an effective rebuttal to Globalist claims that we "no longer exist" and their attempts to seize our property.

I know this is all a huge amount of unhappy information to take in, and I fully sympathize with the dismay and sense of being overwhelmed that many people feel.

However, the actual States and People of this country have many friends and supporters, The United States of America is widely revered, our founding Principles are strong and valid and second to none, our government structure has resisted all attempts to circumvent it, and we have cleared the pathway home.

What remains is for each one of us who are free to do so, to correct the records and convey and convert the Legal Persons associated with us, and then assemble our actual States, which are physically defined and occupy the international land jurisdiction of this country.

Go to: www.theamericanstatesassembly.net (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theamericanstatesassembly .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0HSAP1IGi-UTJslb1KYMHkpdovGrTILp8Nz1NMyIqg8MaVO5Gj6zMcPvA&h=AT0Fu1r4c11SJ8sJs3gueqHM8CipzEXg1noP0RNS8dx5_POd djWly-3mr-COWtOTYJRLezwk5TyWjcxIxAbFTNTZP5VwV3CoI55xJODCi_5H H1nfIe6DrjBl-FN-6MoQtXw-ELPRjCF5Dd_F2RFuNYzkSb_3097_) website to get help with the paperwork involved and to get started on the whole reclamation process.

14th September 2019, 04:14 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARC7L0U0GQ393ZSnKltw4g4AoyeNt4cF1k-MHmYm2Lw0S5RAIkUrp49CpdfjEjJFYUc2s1AUYK9RfGEN&hc_ref=ARTkZh6EM0h3xXO7tnpnVCKeV9pYpTp7BSOEG8IGQ_D McLrSeSHrXu3xjxx8Z4_0HYo&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2420064324709300) ·

Whoa! Find Your Butts.... A Message for the White Hats

You are talking to the woman who first defined this evil as "Corporate Feudalism". To suppose that I don't know what we are "living under" is the height of stupidity.

Unlike a lot of my critics, I listened when Eisenhower warned us about the "Military Industrial Complex". I heard him. I was only a little bitty kid, almost a toddler, but I heard what our President said and I took notice. All my life, I have remembered Eisenhower standing there and telling us that.

Where were all the rest of you?

I know exactly how we got here, the patent system that controls it, and more importantly, I know how to correct it without firing a shot.

We can return this country to civilian government and enforce the peace we are owed, but right now, the greatest stumbling block to this happy conclusion are a bunch of old military honchos who don't want peace, who are in fact afraid of peace.

They see war as the source of their power, their expertise, their life's purpose.
So when I say, "Hey, fellas, you can come home now!" ---- that's not what they want to hear.
When I say, "If you just do your job and actual duty and help return this country to civilian government, all this can be done very peacefully and lawfully with nobody getting hurt." --- that isn't what they want, either.

That answer doesn't ring the "Ca-ching!" in their cash registers.

That answer doesn't leave them in control.

And they still want to be in control even though their incompetence has landed us in this Mess and even though they don't know how to get out of it, short of blowing the world up.
Much to the disappointment of the proponents of the Military Industrial Complex this is a spiritual war first and foremost, and beyond that, an economic war staged as a cold mercenary war between foreign federal subcontractors.

May I add, it's a totally illegal mercenary war. A criminal and dishonorable and unnecessary "war" that is against international law and the Geneva Conventions.

I know how it was built, so I know how to take it apart.

There are two paths set before you --- a peaceful return to civilian government with abundance and freedom for everyone concerned, or, World War III and the total destruction of the planet.


I don't consider most "White Hats" to be White Hats. I consider most of them to be self-interested flunkies of the Military Industrial Complex intent on preserving the same old Military Protectorate that has existed in this country since 1863 and which has functioned with Bad Faith and self-interest to keep the civilian government from finding its feet and putting an end to the Gravy Train.

And that is what I really think about most of the vaunted "White Hats" who, to my knowledge, have done nothing but try to infiltrate and lurk around like a bunch of overgrown schoolboys sneaking a drag on a single cigarette.

When I call on the "White Hats" for help, you know what I get? People like Destry Payne, Citizen of Luxembourg, sneaking around spreading crap about me and causing trouble that doesn't need to exist.

If the White Hats want to help, if the White Hats want their country back, if the White Hats realize that their "government" isn't what is supposed to be running this country and that in fact, the military is supposed to be taking its orders from the civilian government --- not the other way around --- then for God's sake, find your butts with both hands.

Lawful assets can only belong to Lawful Persons. You can't qualify because by definition all Military Personnel are functioning as Legal Persons.

But if you get out of our way and put on your Thinking Caps instead of your jock straps, you will realize that we, the civilians, are the only ones who have the key and the right and the standing and the provenance to reclaim the actual assets of this country. Restoring the civilian government is the key and the difference between victory and defeat.

In two weeks the military government will default unless you fellows do your actual duty and assist us.

So you can sit there and rattle your sabers and watch the Debt Clock digits fall, or you can do the right thing. Support the civilian government this country is owed. Stop acting as predators upon the people you are hired to protect.

And if you aren't going to do the right thing and return this country to civilian government, stop calling yourselves "White Hats".

Grey Hats with a lot of dingy stains and spots is more like it.

14th September 2019, 04:33 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDXC6biy1spBDeY9V7eDcAFnAip67MzGm8U5JCpD5SHs4 FektlyStfqACKY0t_AP48u2vEtnNBMcWqz&hc_ref=ARSELnYHQhi1eIQ-vqMMxPCVTHRQ6pVxKHHEUGyZQhbHEpMqnEcCPixIQekhLabDS-s&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2420293474686385) ·

A Restatement for the Confused

It's apparent that at least in some corners, my message is getting distorted, not being clearly understood---- or being deliberately sabotaged.

We, the American States and People, are not at war.

Technically, we have haven't been at war since 1814.

Get those facts very clearly established in your minds.
1814 not 1914.

And here is the actual structure of the government that is supposed to be functioning and running this country:

The Union of republican states known as The United States, fifty in number, in control of the national soil jurisdiction, populated by people who are all American State Nationals who owe no duty to the government beyond keeping the peace. These are living men and women.

The Federation known as The United States of America, composed of fifty States in control of the international land jurisdiction of this country, populated by People who are American State Citizens who owe their singular allegiance and duty to their State and who run its government. These are people functioning as Lawful Persons.

The Confederation known as the States of America, composed of fifty Federal-level States of States, populated by American Persons. These are people functioning as Legal Persons. This level of our government hasn't been functioning since the 1860's.

Add to the above American institutions, two foreign subcontractors:
The British Territorial Government operating under our name as "the" United States of America, populated by British Territorial "Inhabitants" who are supposed to be here providing us with "essential government services" per Article IV of the separate Constitution governing their activities. These are all foreigners dubbed "United States Citizens".
Americans can choose to act as "United States Citizens" and do so when they work for the military. These are all Legal Persons.

The Roman Municipal United States Government operating under our name as "the" United States, comprised of Federal Civil Service Employees and Dependents. These are largely former American State Citizens of The United States who operate the "civil" --- not the "civilian" government functions we associate with the Federal Civil Service. Again, these are all Legal Persons dubbed "citizens of the United States" and while they continue in Federal Civil Service employment, they remain in this capacity.

Okay? Got that much firmly fixed in your brains?

The American part of the Federal Government hasn't functioned since the 1860's.

All the "federal" functions were taken over by the British Territorial Government operating "as" --- "the" United States of America -- on an "emergency" basis as of 1868.

[Our country has been run as a British Territorial Military Protectorate from 1868 to 1976, when the Perpetrators of this situation handed the Protectorate over to the United Nations.]

At the conclusion of the "American Civil War" which was in fact not a war, but a mercenary conflict like Vietnam, this Interloper published a new "constitution" for itself modeled on and very similar to the actual Territorial Constitution. This Scottish-chartered Commercial Corporation rapidly adopted a number of "Amendments" to this fake Constitution (their "Amendments" were in fact corporate By-Laws) including the infamous Fourteenth Amendment.

The Fourteenth Amendment declared all "citizens of the United States" to be criminals, and subjected them to slavery, because the Pope sided with the South in the so-called Civil War, and the Brits wanted to collect war reparations from the Federal Civil Service workers.

This cold commercial mercenary "war" between these two groups of foreign governmental services contractors has been ongoing ever since, even though the Scottish Interloper went bankrupt in 1907 and whatever slim legitimacy its "Constitution" --- including any "Amendments" --- had, vanished with it.

Our actual States, the members of the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, were never involved in any Civil War.

We can be sure of this because:

1. Our States are not "Civil" entities.

2. No war was ever declared by our Congress.

3. Lincoln bankrupted the Northern [Confederation] States [of States] in 1863; but, our Sovereign States are not eligible for bankruptcy, therefore, we can be sure that none of these actions involved our States.

4. No official Peace Treaty ever ended anything called the "American Civil War".
The "American Civil War" was a vicious mercenary conflict between Federal Service Providers --- the American Federal Service Providers were destroyed or disabled, and their duties were usurped by the foreign-backed government employees.

These two remaining groups of foreign-backed Federal Employees, have been conducting a cold mercenary war on our shores ever since, with the British (now United Nations) controlled entity being used to promote wars for profit, and the Municipal "Civil" entity being used to collect "war reparations" for their activities.

To make this work for the benefit of the Perpetrators, a complex and now-mechanized constructive fraud scheme has been used to kidnap Americans and mis-characterize them as Federal Citizens--- both "United States Citizens" and "citizens of the United States". Basically, we have been illegally and immorally press-ganged as babies in our cradles.

The point is that these are our Employees doing this to us, and their Managers, the Pope and the Queen owe us Due Diligence under both Treaty and Commercial Contract to make sure that nothing like this ever happens. Period. At all. They are both in Gross Breach of Trust.

The collapse of the Confederation of the Federal States of States had nothing to do with us, beyond the fact that we should have been alerted immediately and assisted to reorganize new business entities to perform the duties assigned.

Instead, the Brits secretively substituted their own franchises --- substituting their Territorial States of States for our Federal States of States. They usurped upon our authority and "expanded" their commercial service contracts via an undisclosed process of assumption without our knowledge or consent.

To the average person on the street, the only change that was observable was a change from receiving services from "The State of Wisconsin" to receiving services from "the" State of Wisconsin.

And so the American People have been cullied and gulled by their British-controlled (and now United Nations controlled) Employees, used for gun fodder in foreign wars for profit, and then made to pay the cost of those wars when they got back home.

Do you see the scam now? Finally?

The Brits get us into the wars, we fight them, then we pay for them, and the Brits and the Pope reap the profits.

The Brits reap it directly as money and credit extorted from us under the false legal presumption that we are Municipal Civil Service Employees owing perennial war reparations under the bogus corporate Fourteenth Amendment.

The Pope reaps it indirectly via backdoor payments from the Brits.

And both of these governments are supposed to be our Allies, our Friends, our Protectors and Trustees under contract, committed to providing us with good faith service, "perpetual amity", to be Defenders of our National Trust ---- and if we hadn't pulled their chestnuts out of the fire in two World Wars, they wouldn't even exist anymore.

This is the "thanks" we got.

This is exactly what went on in the 1750's with the "French and Indian War" and exactly what the Colonists, including George Washington, objected to and which led (among other factors) to The War of Independence. We fought that war for the Brits and they rewarded us with punishing taxes, as if we were the Enemy.

It's the same exact circumstance and only a slightly more sophisticated scam was used in constructive fraud to gain the desired result: Americans forced to fight their wars for them, then pay for the cost of the wars, and they keep the profit.

Wake up.

And its all criminal. It's all both unlawful and illegal as hell. It's all based on fraud and Unconscionable contracts. Better (or worse) still, its all based on "Amendments" made to a corporate charter by a defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation that went bankrupt in 1907.

Let's get this straight --- corporations can provide government services, but corporations are not governments.

Corporations are chartered --- that is, created --- by governments.
Not the other way around.

So all these corporations that you see here have been chartered by the British Government and by the Papal Municipal Government. And both those foreign governments are utterly responsible for the behavior and actions of these corporations on our shores.
The Creator is responsible for the Creation.

We have no more intractable enemies on Earth than the members of the UK Parliament and the Lords of the Admiralty sitting in Westminster, and once again, we are being asked to pull their chestnuts out of the fire, fight their wars for them, and pay for their wars afterward.

If we had the sense of Guinea Hens, we should have turned all our fire power on London and Rome and let both burn a long time ago. Add Brussels, Bern, and Hong Kong.

And as for the Traitors who have infested our Capitol and acted as Inland Pirates and fostered this entire charade, we should have recognized them for what they are, too, also a long time ago.

Since when do political lobbyists hold the strings to the Public Purse in this country?

Wake up. If you don't get it, if what I am telling you is too hard to understand, go back and re-read it as many times as necessary.

Satan's Kingdom is forfeit. We won the game without a hot war. Now all that has to happen is for Mr. Trump and our military to wake up, support the actual civilian government of this country, and assist us in collecting our assets.

15th September 2019, 06:55 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDotnESIeHj6uw0so3fzeD1cLWnLvUtBX_5lHeBSDmUGs ZszPfhmZW8ecCat5oxQrBsO0B4Km9Ybb7O&hc_ref=ARQjWutb3Z3r52CFhnLkNSiQw0rrMLxz3xbPwezT7Q9 B1QK00AvlMq8uLHFT2o0p-d8&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2422346127814453) ·

Bringing Everyone Up to Speed:

We have the civilian government, which is the government of the people, for the people, by the people: our civilian government, which is supposed to be ruling the roost and giving the orders to our employees. We are born as State Nationals and accrue our nationality from our States – Wisconsinites, Virginians, Coloradans, etc.

We are properly described as State Citizens of The United States.
Please notice: The United States, not “the” United States.

We are supposed to be in control of the Public Purse and making all the decisions about what goes on inside this country and also supposed to be directing our course of action in international affairs.

However, things went wrong back in the 1860’s.

Our government is supposed to extend its power into the international arena via its Confederation of States, the States of America, which was founded in 1781.

Under our plan of government, we have both a Federation State, which is a geographically defined area and its body politic of people living within that area, and a Confederation State, which is organized as a business and service organization operating in international and global venues on behalf of our State.

The Federation State known as Massachusetts is supposed to be served by a Confederation State known as The State of Massachusetts.

Notice: The State of Massachusetts, not “the” State of Massachusetts, and not “the” STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS.

During the Civil War, this system was disrupted and has never been “reconstructed”.

Foreign business and service organizations secretively substituted themselves for our American Confederation of States, and thereby usurped the power of our intended Federal Government.

The usurping business and service organizations were fronted first by Britain, beginning in 1868, and later, the Papal Municipal United States Government got into the act, too.
This was only made possible because our military failed us and was misled. Men like Grant and Sherman had no experience in international politics and were easily lied to and led astray in the chaos immediately following the end of hostilities.

Contrary to what we are left to believe, the entire Civil War was fought by “Confederate” States, that is, by members of the Confederation of States. Both the North and the South were Confederate States of States. The American Civil War was, therefore, a mercenary war between business organizations.

Read that--- the Civil War had nothing to do with the Sovereign States of the Federation doing business as The United States of America. We, the actual States and People, were not involved. It was a fight among our federal service provider organizations.

By 1863, the Northern Confederation was bankrupt. Lincoln turned to military command and issued the first Executive Order as Commander-in-Chief, which is known both as General Order 100 and as The Lieber Code, and from then on, we have lived under a military protectorate.

By 1865, the Southern Confederation was in ruins and the Northern Confederation still in bankruptcy.

The physical ruin was overcome in about twenty-five years, but the political ruin has continued.

Once empowered, the military didn’t want to give up that power. The military protectorate which began as an emergency measure became entrenched.

Meantime, the Papist Municipal Government of the District of Columbia, stepped into the role of the civilian government, secretively substituting its “civil” government --- as in Federal Civil Service --- for our civilian government.

Thus we have had two groups of foreign-sponsored federal employees substituting for our intended American Confederation of States for many decades, and these dishonest, disloyal interlopers have conspired to wreck this country and pillage our people “in the name of” the legitimate government.

So where is the legitimate government?
Lulled to sleep. On auto-pilot.

The government of the people, for the people, and by the people still exists, and will exist as long as one American stands up for it; but, while we sleep, the foreign federal service providers continue to run amok, continue to mis-administer our affairs, and continue to abuse our people under color of law.

The fundamental premise of their operations is to involve us in constant war via the unauthorized exercise of our “presumed consent”, have us fight these wars for them, then have us pay the war reparations for them, and they keep the profits. Thus, our peaceful country and our kindly people have been abused and used as “the hammer” for these European manipulators.

This results first and foremost in the death and maiming of our young people and secondarily in the pillaging, oppression, and enslavement of our older people.
As we have fallen deeper into our slumber and ignorance about our own past and our own government, the European Powers actually responsible have become more corrupt, more virulent, and more obviously criminal in their activities ---- which are of course, all blamed on us --- the same Americans who are in fact being grossly victimized by their own Hired Help.

By the time we woke up and began our organized action to reclaim the actual government and sound the alarm, the Perpetrators had almost reached their goal: exclusive legislative representation. Almost.

But enough of us woke up and stood tall, and now they are the ones who have to answer to our account. Both the Queen and the Pope are in Gross Breach of Trust and in gross violation of their commercial service contracts. Both are responsible for the actions of every one of these “service” organizations on our shores since 1868.
The military is also responsible for allowing the “civil” government to usurp upon the “civilian” government.

Instead of assisting our civilian government to hold new elections and national plebiscites in the wake of the Civil War, the military decided to take control and collude with the Papist Municipal authorities to put on a show --- a masquerade, in which the “civil” government would replace the civilian government and the military would pretend to obey it.

Over time, of course, the appearance became the reality and the military was subjected to the usurping civil government via the municipal government’s control of the Public Purse, which they have all been pillaging “in our names” for multiple generations.

These are criminal activities, all predicated on fraud.

We have “returned” although we never actually left, to find that our country is in ruins, our substance eaten away by these criminals, our wealth transported offshore where they have planned to use it to buy off other governments into their control scheme; the duty to assemble our actual States and to enforce the Constitutions and to finish the task of Reconstruction of the Confederation is set before us.

But before we can do this, we must reclaim our natural birthright character and identity as Americans and as State Citizens of The United States, not “United States Citizens” (Territorials), and not “citizens of the United States” (Municipals).

Almost all of our records regarding our actual nationality and political status have been deliberately falsified. Our disloyal and criminal “Public Servants” have conspired to create a gigantic identity theft scheme against the American People and have committed genocide against us on paper.

They have misidentified us as members of their foreign organizations, in order to access our credit and bring false claims in commerce against our assets.

We are officially and internationally making everyone aware of these actions by the Pope and the Queen and their minions on our shores, and we are calling up the United Nations and all countries owing us support via treaty and contract to bring forceful international assistance to bear upon these matters and to compel the following immediate actions:

1. Shut down the Municipal COURTS which have been used as private collection agencies while pretending to operate in juridical capacities related to us;

2. Shut down the IRS and retask the Internal Revenue Service to efficiently process Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption Claims;

3. Notify the Government of the Philippines that The United States of America is alive and well and coming to claim its part of the gold horde;

4. Notify the World Bank of the same;

5. Notify the Hague that both the United States (Municipal Government operating in our names) and the United States of America (Territorial Government operating in our names) have violated the Hague Conventions and practiced genocide against their Employers;

6. Notify the Geneva Convention Members of the same;

7. Notify President Trump of the circumstance and the necessity to correct the falsified political status records and reinstate approximately 150 million American Electors, enabling them to vote in the 2020 Elections without any compromise of their political status;

8. Engage in a broad spectrum educational effort to bring the American Public up to speed and enable them to act in their own rational self-interest;

Besides spreading the word, what do you as an American need to do?
Those who are not under any obligation to adopt federal citizenship are advised to get busy and correct your own individual political status records, reclaiming your birthright as an American State National, and, if you love your country, then join your State Assembly.
The Federation States are called to Assemble and to conduct business for the first time in a 150 years.

Only those claiming their unique office as State Citizens can participate and all those who thus assemble must be either American State Nationals by birth, or Naturalized State Nationals who have entered the country legally and who have officially adopted State Citizenship.

These are serious issues that require everyone’s immediate attention.

Federal citizens, both United States Citizens and citizens of the United States, are called upon to support the actual civilian government of this country --- which is, in fact, your primary and actual duty.

All international organizations and governments are placed on alert.

The Queen and the Pope are called upon to honor their obligations to the American States and People and to voluntarily and immediately cease and desist:
(1) all attempts to engage our country in any more wars, mercenary or otherwise;
(2) all false claims against American property assets;
(3) all false claims of abandonment of our assets;
(4) all conscription and child labor contracts;
(5) all press-ganging;
(6) all falsification of our nationality and political status records;
(7) close the Municipal COURTS which have no business operating on our shores;
(8) shut down the IRS and re-task the Internal Revenue Service to accept and process Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption claims;
(9) release our assets being claimed by the ‘Federal Reserve’ and drop the Dead Baby Scam operations;
(10) discipline and redirect all members of the Bar Associations;
(11) return all State Trust assets to the lawful owners.

The Pope and the Queen and all their subsidiary personnel are also hereby requested to expedite the correction of American Passports and Identification Cards and to speed up the issuance of correct Identification Cards owed to us under the Geneva Conventions.

The entire world knows what you owe us, and the entire world now sees how both the Pontificate and the British Government have mistreated, lied to, cheated, and abused your most loyal Allies and Treaty Partners. Without the American People and without the use of American resources, both your governments would have been wiped off the face of the Earth a long time before this.

A “prompt and permanent reconciliation” and correction is called for, along with negotiation regarding your respective debts and obligations to us going forward.

Mr. Trump and Joint Chiefs and Grey Hats/White Hats ---- whatever. The military owes its honor to honorable service and earns it no other way.

You have been used as self-interested Useful Idiots by these named European Powers to enforce a criminal system of political genocide and oppression upon the American People ---- your Employers. How stupid is that?

Even given the plots to change your base of operations to China and all your efforts to remove our wealth offshore and keep it cashiered in Slush Funds ---- you can’t succeed. The days when the Dutch East India Company could just sail over the horizon are over.

The plots to use the Municipal Agencies to kill your Priority Creditors are also exposed.
Stop trying to deny what has gone on here and stop trying to finagle some “justifiable” excuse to continue it. Do your job: protect us. That is all your contract calls for --- to defend the American States and People. You have been doing a piss poor job and acting as predators upon us, instead. If we sound a bit testy, we are.

All Federal Employees need to get back in their boxes and assigned duty stations, performing their actual jobs. Your contracts are all hanging by a thread, and if you don’t jump to it and assist us in reclaiming the assets owed to this country, you will be in financial default by October 4.
Get moving.

15th September 2019, 07:10 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBialk2aWi9LxvPZbTSG0JMwNb3dBOnSEc-4UdAt6Mhd5YpwQy8VzC9puL1TCVcKqy_G9d0g9ciksGq&hc_ref=ARS1iEIsM9KzcWHx6cX-oK4hTHHeFcGsuztalGK3LUT6IbwKFQnboarQLUiLv6TjCZE&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2422546897794376) ·

More Useful Idiots

So now we have Thomas Williams running around saying, "Anna von Reitz knows about this stuff because she is one of them." \

Once again, we see their modus operandi at work ---- always -- accuse your opponent of being what you are yourself.

Ask yourself, if Kim Goguen, Thomas's pet, has all the secret account codes to the actual asset accounts ---- how did she get them?

The deposit account records were stolen by the Central Banks and the accounts of the New Asset Ledgers were set up by the U.S. Military and its subcontractors at M.I.T.

So how did she get them? A little birdie just sat on her shoulder one day and whispered in her ear? Hey, Babe, here's the goods we want you to manage for us.... put on a nice public show of philanthropy, but actually give the stuff only to those we control....

I educated myself for over forty years and my parents weren't stupid.
My parents went to every Town Hall Meeting and dragged me along.
My Mother worked on the Farm Union Claims that resulted in the original NESARA effort.

I worked on the American Indian Movement Claims that have been the spearhead to restore Native Americans to their proper standing.

We aren't your average working class family, no, we are not.

But it's not because the Plotters responsible for this situation informed us about what they were doing.

We come from ---- many generations ago --- the actual German and French and Russian Royals who were murdered and replaced just as the actual States of States were murdered and replaced via secretive substitution.

We're not the "Wind-surs", not the Payseurs---- not the Banker's Pursers, we are the actual Royals: so I suppose we have a natural knack for seeing these mechanisms of government at work, but we are not the people that THEY confide in.


Our relationship with THEM is that of Mongoose and Snake, Protector and Thief, Shepherd and Wolf. We are the ones who paved the way for people to self-govern.

It was our ancestors that created and enforced the Magna Carta. It was our ancestors who declared every American born on the soil of this country to be a sovereign in their own right. We are not elitists.

We don't believe that men are supposed to rule over other men.

We think that men have enough trouble just learning how to govern themselves.

Unfortunately, learning to self-govern doesn't come easily or overnight.
It unnerves THEM because we seemingly know everything. We see through them. We know their history. We know their mechanisms. We know who is responsible and accountable. And they can't figure out how we know this stuff.

We've had no less than five "missions" come to our homes and plant bugs and listening devices all over, even in the bathrooms. They are trying to monitor our communications and find out who is feeding us all this information. We know the bugs are there, but we do nothing to remove them. We don't care if they listen in, 24/7.

They can chase their tails and phantoms and be bored silly until the cows come home and meet them in the back pasture.

All that they plot in secret is brought to light. Every lie they tell is detected.
But then, I have given them warning, which they don't want to believe, that absolutely everything they do and think and say and feel ---- is already a known quantity.

I have told them flatly that there is no use in trying to lie about anything: the judgement of God, the True God, is infallible; and that is because His knowledge is precise.

I know these things, because I am part of the One True God. I can walk the time grid. I can pass between the worlds. I know my true identity. I am a child of the True God.

And that scares them more than anything, the confirmation that there is a True God who sees their idolatry and doesn't like it, and who will take the actions he has promised, if they don't repent and turn aside from their evil.

These Jews --- and they are all Jews by blood --- regardless of their religion, know that they have been here before, but they are having a tough time recalling the details. I have no such problem.

Once again, they are being given the choice of Jeremiah, Chapter 31, or, Jeremiah, Chapter 51. Joy or destruction. Life or death. Sovereignty under the True King, or Death under a False Idol.

The True God, our Creator --- or Mammon.

Some of the Central Bankers, many of them, in fact, are scared. They know they have gone too far. They know that the misery they have caused has been lifted up to the highest heaven. They can feel the ground shifting under they feet, getting ready to swallow them. They can sense their carnival sideshow magic fading and the True Magic entering in.

And then you have men like Mark Carney, who are already dead, who have no fear of the Living God, who think that nobody knows what they have done and nobody notices the self-interested evil they propose.

Yes, they meet in secret, in a downstairs room, without windows, with locked doors and they face the East and they stupidly imagine that the True God does not see and hear absolutely everything. Uh-duh.

They think that there is nothing to stop them, that they hold all the cards. They can almost taste all the power they will have if they can just bamboozle the rest of the world one more time.

Just a little longer, they think, and there will be "endless credit" that costs them nothing at all, and they will parcel it out like misers, and use it to pay off their cronies, and pay off the military leaders, and nobody will see through the fraud and nobody will call them on it.

So they think, but..... the beginning of wisdom is the love of the True God.
For one brings peace and light and life, and the other brings nothing but misery and death and destruction.

Ahem.... so if you wonder how I know these things, think back on what I am telling you and trace it all through for yourself. Just use your own horse sense and if you get stuck, "Ask, and it will be given to you." --including what to believe about me.

16th September 2019, 09:06 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAMSwG0xQWmgniy5mpiJ3CGZ71IeeDAOpZ7-iWUreSnQlGV2Z-q7fUmLyhZBEJPcTCo80_rTZ2bVv6M&hc_ref=ARS1qA5Ba4Su6aPEGJadDalTmJvIYq6BAgOtu2bdCRf _saJId3ulmHwROWwdeN-97Gk&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2424148594300873) ·

Look Upward

I've been talking with a friend and I think he is right. He's one of the survivors of the later Montauk Experiments and as always, for everyone, his sufferings have given him special insights.

We undergo terrible traumas like 911 for two reasons. On the bad side, there is an energy release that the Evil Ones crave, but on the good side, there is also an energy release that we crave ---- an emotional break-down that at least for a brief time creates a bond of unity and sharing.

We have all seen this happen.

New Yorkers who wouldn't have given each other the time of day on September 10th, were suddenly crying in each other's arms on September 11th, 2001.

I have witnessed this many times in my life--- times when circumstance, usually terrible circumstance--- pushed people together in common cause, forced us to open up, and unleashed our hearts.

The question then becomes --- why does it take some ghastly overwhelming circumstance --- a wild fire, an explosion, a war, a plane wreck, etc., to bring us together?

My friend from Montauk maintains that it is because we don't look upward. He says that everything on Earth is a matter of frequencies and that the frequencies emitted by the Heavens above us are not being received because our Pineal Glands are being chemically atrophied and because on top of that, we don't look up into the heavens.

That is, our own natural receivers are being blocked biologically by pollutants, and then on top of it, our secondary sensor systems are failing because we don't consciously look up and take in the frequencies through our visual portals, either.

I am a practical being down to my flat little feet. And I am skeptical by nature as a wild dog. For me, the proof is always in the pudding. So, for the past several weeks, I have increased my sky-watching time.

He's right.
Sky-watching increases vibratory energy and insight. It gently unleashes the heart in the same way as a catastrophe releases it, only more gradually. By looking up, we download the messages of eternity and become aware of the global unity that we are missing otherwise.
I was astonished by the way my viewpoint and "center of spiritual balance" shifted once I started doing this.

To get a grasp of the effect --- imagine tossing a bag of popcorn up into the air, all the fluffy kernels of popped corn going in every direction, right? But now imagine all those scattered puffs being pulled back together into a popcorn ball.....and you will have a visual representation of what this practice does to the scattered, unfocused emotional energy that we fritter away and block otherwise.

Looking up at the sky unblocks your heart and collects together your emotional center at the same time. This empowers you. It gives you back your sense of unity with the Earth and Cosmos and Fellow Living Beings and does it faster than anything else I have ever tried. Suddenly, we don't need a disaster to unblock the flow and reconnect. We just use our eyes to see.

So look upward. Try it for yourself. If you have ever been in a disaster or otherwise in fear for your life and had to depend on other people, you will recognize the sensation as a gentler version of the same uniting energy, one that you can access every day without any trauma or drama.

17th September 2019, 05:36 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAMSwG0xQWmgniy5mpiJ3CGZ71IeeDAOpZ7-iWUreSnQlGV2Z-q7fUmLyhZBEJPcTCo80_rTZ2bVv6M&hc_ref=ARS1qA5Ba4Su6aPEGJadDalTmJvIYq6BAgOtu2bdCRf _saJId3ulmHwROWwdeN-97Gk&fref=nf)

Look Upward

...That is, our own natural receivers are being blocked biologically by pollutants, and then on top of it, our secondary sensor systems are failing because we don't consciously look up and take in the frequencies through our visual portals, either.

I am a practical being down to my flat little feet. And I am skeptical by nature as a wild dog. For me, the proof is always in the pudding. So, for the past several weeks, I have increased my sky-watching time.

He's right.

Sky-watching increases vibratory energy and insight. It gently unleashes the heart in the same way as a catastrophe releases it, only more gradually. By looking up, we download the messages of eternity and become aware of the global unity that we are missing otherwise. I was astonished by the way my viewpoint and "center of spiritual balance" shifted once I started doing this.

To get a grasp of the effect --- imagine tossing a bag of popcorn up into the air, all the fluffy kernels of popped corn going in every direction, right? But now imagine all those scattered puffs being pulled back together into a popcorn ball.....and you will have a visual representation of what this practice does to the scattered, unfocused emotional energy that we fritter away and block otherwise.

Looking up at the sky unblocks your heart and collects together your emotional center at the same time. This empowers you. It gives you back your sense of unity with the Earth and Cosmos and Fellow Living Beings and does it faster than anything else I have ever tried. Suddenly, we don't need a disaster to unblock the flow and reconnect. We just use our eyes to see.

So look upward. Try it for yourself. If you have ever been in a disaster or otherwise in fear for your life and had to depend on other people, you will recognize the sensation as a gentler version of the same uniting energy, one that you can access every day without any trauma or drama.


We can prove it for ourselves just by watching this video a few times Bigjon.


17th September 2019, 07:11 AM
Well I've always been a stargazer. At least 3 times a week from the comfort of my hot tub.

It is an awesome place we live in.

17th September 2019, 10:45 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA1bIJFNPVVwR8OJWXDFeAnjhS3WHIPQLr96p6PUZwcin yhMlMtbWAB9lPNI4Y-MxUlg64zyzlC9FYU&hc_ref=ARRYEA2t27cbUoVYQ_1-mHhdjY5IhdmNETs3EJrawXbdBs2hEtQOTASO7dvfSJI9a34&fref=nf)
21 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2424199520962447) ·

Identity Theft and Fraud

If you are an average American, you have been misidentified as a member of a religious cult that requires all its members and employees to "donate" their estates -- defined as "the net worth of a man or woman, alive or dead" -- to public trusts set up "in their names".

Since you have the unlimited right to contract guaranteed by the Constitution and since you also have guaranteed religious freedom, you can do any ridiculous thing you want to do with your estate --- and it is all considered "voluntary" and a "donation" ---- a "gift".

That is what "federal income taxes" are, too. All your voluntary donations of your earnings are processed as "Gift and Estate Taxes".

Because this is something that you are presumed to do as a religious choice, it is a private and civil matter, and doesn't fall under the heading of crime even though it is criminal.

When you go into a court you need to very clearly state that you are the victim of organized crime and identity theft, that you have been misidentified as a Municipal "citizen of the United States" when you are in fact a State Citizen of The United States with a capital "T" on the "The" ---and you are here to collapse the presumed Public Trusts and Transmitting Utilities that have been attached to your estate and reassign all such property interests to your Proper Name standing under the protection of the unincorporated United States of America.

I am not a member of the Federal Religious Cult and I never was.

Thank you, very much, Mr. Prosecutor, for offering to administrate an estate trust that has no business existing, and as the presumed Original Issuer and Donor, I deny you any ability to exercise a position of trust related to me and I require the bonds posted in this case to be returned to me, right now.

He had better have his checkbook ready, because the Judge isn't going to take responsibility for him.

So put yourselves back in the driver seat and start pushing these vermin right off the checker board.

17th September 2019, 07:48 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBmmXuRzbbRp7KvGe3HqYCnoYS_IICG7TiGl2epN1yebT fyIk0fJmSYvMSPOEIZFLT4NKa7OOrsQ_VB&hc_ref=ARStZvhfaDpzKmcF9J-c4TChKBwAgaVmchO6n3DYFHbr0wjvN37QexWiwIho-N8lL4s&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2426439734071759) ·

To All Jews, Israelites, and Hebrews, Both Ethnic and Religious

As you all know, you are all part of The Chosen People.

As you also have cause to know, some members of your Tribes have done things to cause you all to be Unchosen, too.

Let's review the facts.

The First Covenant was breached by Adam and Eve.

Abraham revived worship of our Creator and rejected the Babylonian Pantheon. The Second Covenant was born.

Jacob fooled his blind Father, Isaac, and stole his brother's birthright, but the True God was not deceived; at Beth-El, Jacob lost ten of his sons and their tribes to the false worship of the idols of Babylon. These Ten Lost Tribes have been lost to the true worship of the Creator ever since. With respect to them, the Second Covenant was broken.

And so it goes down through history --- first, you are Chosen and Blessed, then you are Unchosen and Punished.

Each time this happens, the consequences are more severe, most recently resulting in the Holocaust.

It's always the same thing.

When you worship the True God, our Creator, all goes well for you and the rest of the world. When you fall away and worship Mammon, everything goes to hell in a more and more spectacular fashion.

This time, folks, its the End Game. Jesus warned you --- fear not him who can only kill the body; fear him who can toss both body and soul into Gehenna.

Now, throughout your history with the True God, you have seen spectacular miracles and signs of all kinds. You've got Daniel in the Lion's Den. You've got Elijah. You've got the Passover in Egypt. You've got the Red Sea. Last, but not least, you've got the Sign of Jonah.

Once again, the choices of Jeremiah are set before you. You can chose Chapter 31 and have joy and honor and life, or you can choose Chapter 51 and continue worshiping Mammon, in which case you get destruction.

Only this time, you are facing the total destruction spoken of by Jesus --- not just your bodies will be destroyed if you flub this up.
So stop and think about this, seriously.

The True God doesn't suffer worship of idols. And when you worship Mammon instead of delighting in the truth---- what happens to you, each and every time?

You get tossed out like yesterday's newspaper. You lose your Chosen status and other people enter in and claim your blessings --- and it is all because you get sidetracked and deluded and start worshiping Mammon and Ashtoreth and Molloch again, and again, and again.

So here's the message: the rest of us are sick of it. If you don't have sense enough to worship the True God, the rest of us do.

We feel like we are dealing with Forrest Gump's Evil Twin Brother, an idiot who fails his way to destruction with the monotony of a dirge.

I am here. Michael is here. Metatron is here. Elijah is here. The Sign of Jonah has been given to you, and the Choice of Jeremiah.

Given the fact that you have already been given this same choice repeatedly and chosen wrongly every single time, we have to wonder, are you incapable of learning?

How many times do your noses have to be rubbed in your own idolatry?
Repent. Learn from the men of Nineveh. Hear the lesson of the gourd.
Turn away from your own evil and stop misleading other men: stop worshiping Mammon and return to the True God while you can.
The time is very short for you and will not come again.

This is all the result of your own Bad Choices and making the same wrong choices about who and what you worship, over and over again. "For I, the Lord, Your God, am a jealous God...."
Act now while the choice is still in front of you, choose life.

The True God has been faithful to you; it is you who have been unfaithful to yourselves as you have entered into the practices of criminals and made choices unworthy of men as a result of your worship of False Idols: Ashtoreth, Nimrod, Molloch, and Mammon.

These "gods" are all just delusions and personifications of your own most base desires. Have done with them now and don't look back.

19th September 2019, 06:38 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDG2_3iBafH-TsHxGVX6ISptNLSFOF9G57xwgsUIsUne5R_RK67ZMqH4wU4Oy_ 1KqIN3Rd28YY8nQkW&hc_ref=ARRWdzaN2pRbVHiMMvsE22AuZMiA8zaanxB0ZzV9vAd bRAfjVNomcHjrsydOHOTnSYE&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 3:52 AM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2427057034010029) ·

The Time of God's Tears

Do you know someone who lives under a dark cloud? You know the kind of person I mean. No matter what he or she does, it goes South. They are constantly beset by misfortune.

As hard as they try, and as good as their intentions are, nothing ever works out. Their love life stinks. Their careers tank. They can never get ahead. It's just one thing after another after another.

Know anyone like that? We all do.

Well, strange to tell, they can be released from all of that this week, if they are willing to let go of the huge karmic debt load they are carrying.
Demons see people like this and flock around them, taunting them in the spirit with all their griefs and misfortunes, seeking to drive them insane or to an early grave.

We, our Earth, has entered a time period known as The Time of God's Tears, a time when God weeps for us, for our hard-heartedness, our stubborn pride, our cruelty, our greed, our predilection for every evil, and our refusal to repent.

During this time, marauding gangs of Accusers are roaming the Earth seeking to pick off the weakest among us. Imagine the kind of angry mob you see in newscasts, screaming and shouting angrily, shaking their fists and making their hatred and nastiness very clear. Think of them clinging and clawing at you or someone you love.

Those special people who are still carrying such terrible burdens anyway, are being especially tested and assaulted this week --- in effect, targeted. Of course, I notice this and know it, but to me it is like observing the rain falling. Yes, yes, of course.... I take note, and hurry on---- but something happened tonight that spurred me to write about this.

Pray for everyone you know who is in this perpetually unlucky category, pray for them to let go of their past --- which may be present in the form of anger, or despair or self-abuse or hopelessness. Pray for them to be protected and upheld. Pray for them to release their past. Pronounce them innocent. Hold up all that you know about them that is good about them: acts of generosity, acts of compassion, good intentions. Whatever you can think of.

This is the time to repent and to search your own hearts and to release your burdens, which most of us are quietly doing; but it is also the time to pray for others less fortunate, those who need a friend, those who need an Intercessor, a Defender, someone who will stand in the way of the demons and declare the victim innocent.

"Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be washed white as wool...."
This washing is accomplished by tears of repentance and compassion.
At this time, I wish to bring everyone's attention to The Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted--- those words should stand out like a homing beacon in your minds and be a life raft for your souls.

This is, indeed, a most difficult time--- but stand fast and unleash your hearts. Declare each other innocent and stand like a shield between the demons and their prey.

Those who mourn now and who repent and who release their sins and tears, will inherit the Beatitudes.

This is the time to shed yourselves of your sins and your regrets, your griefs and your failures. This is the time to open the floodgates of your soul and release all of that. Let it go. Let the misery of it all wash through you, until you are clean.

We are at the end of that time and the grief of the death of our innocence is soon to be over. A new time is come. It is only right and natural for us to go through this cleansing, so that we, too, can be made new.

19th September 2019, 06:49 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBVwqhwyTQqBDpluGP0XeUT6MrypaUaP0GVt9qBu3ArRL oML1UNGMHtHsrolor4jnAsveYsGVdxPuYL&hc_ref=ARSEBG_WV__IYfayAhWsejvLRyKu3LFh5H_2kVSHHNc eKXqdDaKubIuZ9b5NjVgYZ5k&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 6:15 AM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2427243340658065) ·

Wall Street

Most people hear "Wall Street" and they think of the glittering drama of the New York Stock Exchange, the great trading houses and securities companies, the "heart" of the New York Financial District.
But do you know the history of Wall Street? How the place got its name? And what underlies it to this day?

Slaves built New York City, tens of thousands of slaves, who were worked to death and whose bones, skulls, blood, and other remains were hauled out to the perimeter of the area under development and dumped into a ditch.

The ditch filled up, and then, this barrier of human remains and construction debris became a wall. And the closest street to the wall? Wall Street.

It represents one of the "Seals" on Earth, because it was "sealed" in the blood of the innocent, just like the bones and blood on Bardsey Island, just like the bones and blood underlying Rome.
All these places are grossly tainted with innocent blood.
As you think about Wall Street from now on, do so with the understanding of what it is truly built on, and why that blights everything and distorts the natural flow of the Earth's magnetic field.

People who have died at peace, full of years, well-loved, leave no such trace; theirs is a happy echo. But those who have died in misery and distress, who have been abused and terrified--- that is a different story. Their blood cries out to the Living God, the True God, our Father, the Creator.

And their innocent blood calls down the Wrath of Heaven.

Those who have caused this, of course, think that nobody has noticed and that nobody will answer the cries of the dead. The time delay between when they commit these heinous acts and when Heaven answers, is such that they can't connect the two events.

New York City has offended the True God in other ways as well, knowingly or unknowingly. They have allowed the French Free Masons to place a statue -- an idol --- honoring Ashtoreth, The Great Abomination --- in New York Harbor, and they have passed this profane and foreign goddess off as "The Statue of Liberty" and deluded people into welcoming her under these False Pretenses.

What this country stands for is freedom and truth, not lies and liberty.

Liberty is what British sailors get when they reach port.

Ashtoreth, the Great Abomination, ironically stands as the marker of the gateway of a country founded by pilgrims, and her promoters, sophists and hypocrites of the worst sort, claim that we are obligated by our commitment to freedom of conscience and religion to tolerate their anti-religion devoted to the Father of All Lies, and his Consort, the Great Harlot.

This circumstance has painted a big bull's eye target on New York City, and as Jesus warned, "When you see the Great Abomination (a statue of Ashtoreth) standing where it should not stand....."

The deceit involved, bamboozling innocent people into thinking that "The Statue of Liberty" is a good thing, and the general failure to recognize it as a profane and pagan idol, makes it all-but-impossible to correct.

The pride and infamy of the members of Congress is another issue. These men and women have pretended to be representatives of the people of this country, but in fact they have only been political lobbyists, mostly in the employ of special interests --- including political interests that despise this country and which seek to destroy it at every turn. Because of their endless arrogance and self-importance, the prophecy of the Sycamores and the Cedars has been fulfilled.

The labeling and witch hunting and defamation that the members of this Congress have indulged in, their character assassination of Justice Kavanaugh and Donald Trump, their heedless waste of public time and money, their lack of any kind of character or conscience, their deplorable Bad Example ---all stands as an affront.

They have sought to destroy families and marriages, as they have hypocritically sought to destroy the reputations of innocent men for their own political ends, and they think that there will be no retribution for this.
They aren't sharp enough to catch the time delay between the Cause and the Effect. So when they are disgraced and rubbed into the dirt, they still won't grasp why the house fell down on top of them.

The Public Law makes it very clear that it is forbidden to "securitize" living flesh, so what do these Devotees of Satan do? They concoct the entire Dead Baby Scam, pretend that our fetal afterbirth material was a "living person" and attach our names to it, so that they can create a phony infant decedent estate trust "in our names" and latch onto it for their own benefit.

That's how they have "served" the people of this country. By impersonating us. By thieving from us. By committing genocide on paper against us. By disgracing our good names. By obstructing our trade. By stealing our credit. By taxing us without any fiduciary responsibility. By jailing millions of Americans for profit. By running private corporate collection agencies "as" courts. By disenfranchising at least half the population. By fraud. By lies. By secretive deceit.

With all the weapons of Satan's arsenal, these zombies have committed every crime and act of treason possible; still, they think, "I am no widow....."

They think nobody is watching, and that Heaven doesn't hear.
But Heaven does hear and does see. Not one hair is lost in all the Seven Seas. Not one cry of pain or distress is unheard. Not one drop of blood will go unanswered. Not one.

19th September 2019, 07:05 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDYs7O6eXQLIBkkgfvrXV_n3jtPD4BCoQZL7hVI5LSTZZ iJuz-HvrccJlCaUV7CUpchm_tt7tadTjHX&hc_ref=ARRrQadJ3IXsZtDNLqAwpLTrj8fX2Aj5POsgw6gQXbP HQRPFccgCL0Q9sqjjs3nt1AU&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2429626673753065) ·

Unsealed Specific General Orders

The actual civilian government of this country has been operating continuously since the Civil War, but it took a quantum leap forward in 1998 and has been more active than ever before in the intervening years and is now running in tandem with everything else that is going on.

In July of 2014, the Joint Chiefs received the first General Civil Orders that any group of Generals has received since 1863. Those Orders directly from the Civilian Government, and delivered under our Seal, required them to address the threat of weaponization of Federal Agencies.

The Municipal Government has set up more than 800 unauthorized internment camps, ordered 30,000 guillotines, and taken other obvious hostile actions clearly aimed at using Federal Civilian Service Employees as an Army on our shores. We objected and issued the Orders to the Joint Chiefs and notified the United Nations to neutralize that threat, which has largely been accomplished.

Unfortunately, they have not yet honored our instruction to arrest members of the Municipal Congress as they trespass outside the original Washington, DC campus enclosed by Boundary Stones.

Washington, DC, is an independent international city-state and within its specific boundaries, the members of Congress function as a separate government created under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17. Within the area circumscribed by the Boundary Stones they enjoy a plenary oligarchy intended to act as a simple government shared among the fiduciary officers of the states to operate as a "pleasant meeting ground" for all the State Congressional Delegations.

What has happened, of course, is something else that was never intended by our Forefathers.

In collusion with similar independent international city-states (all operating under the auspices of the Holy Roman Empire --- includes the Inner City of London, Vatican City, Washington, DC, New York, the United Nations and others) the members of this plenary oligarchy have waged commercial mercenary war against the Territorial Government for profit, and have committed gross treason and fraud against the people of this country.

As a result, the Joint Chiefs have been under standing orders for the past five years to arrest the members of the Municipal Congress the moment they stray outside the Boundary Stones and place them under military custody arrest and take them to Fort Belvoir to be questioned and debriefed.

The realities of the situation are to be explained to them and they are to be questioned to ascertain their knowledge or lack of knowledge regarding the nature of their own positions as political lobbyists masquerading as fiduciary deputies of our States of the Union and the details of the weaponization of the Federal Agencies and other matters of urgent importance.

It it our further instruction that those who voluntarily accept the grave responsibility to actually act as Fiduciary Deputies in behalf of their States are to receive a new and binding contract to act in Good Faith under the Prudent Man Standard as Fiduciary Deputies of their home States and be taken to Philadelphia to conduct necessary business on an interim basis until Americans can be brought up to speed and new actual Public Elections can be held.

Those who refuse are to be placed under formal arrest, charged with treason, inland piracy, and other crimes of state, transported off shore, and bound over for trial.

It is to be anticipated that presented with the facts and the choices, most members of Congress will voluntarily come to heel, accept their actual intended jobs, and assist in restoring the lawful government owed to this country. It is also to be expected that when thus cornered and trapped, some die-hard communist and anarchist elements will choose to die.
It's all the same to us.

They are not being left in the dark or unfairly treated, but they are to be held to account.

Meantime, in the background, we have conducted vast research --- and this is all volunteers, mind you --- to track down where all our purloined assets have been stashed offshore and in investment (slush) funds and asset bunkers all over the world. We have also sorted through quite a large number of "legacy trusts" --- often fraudulently constructed estate trusts based on the Dead Baby Scam --- which have been illegally seized upon under the same False Legal Presumptions.

As we have described it for you, our Foreign Federal Subcontractors, both Municipal and Territorial, have been conducting a "cold" mercenary war on our shores for the last 150 years, without our knowledge. They have been deliberately misidentifying us and both sides have been claiming us as members of their bogus "armies" to facilitate various forms of fraud and other crimes against us ---- all aimed at conscripting us and confiscating our assets under color of law..

Various scams and schemes have been employed by both sides to do this, and they have gotten away with it simply because nobody but those responsible for the crimes have known what they were doing. This knowledge has been highly compartmentalized and sequestered on a "need to know" basis, with the result that even many high level people haven't had a clue as to what was really going on.

Now we do know and now is the time to bring these matters forward for prompt and permanent resolution. Both the Municipal United States and the Territorial United States Corporations have been bankrupted or will be very shortly.

Most other "corporate governments" operating at the Territorial and Municipal levels worldwide will also be bankrupted as a result.
This, if left unattended, would result in widespread government shut downs affecting all sorts of government services across the board.
Pensions and Public Assistance checks could not be paid, hospitals and fire stations would close, police and military units would have to function on a volunteer basis, and other violent disruptions would take place.
Those who intended to be the receivers of these bankruptcies are crooks; they meant to let all this chaos, death, and destruction erupt, so that they would have far fewer creditors to pay off.

We have a different plan.

The United States of America ---- the Unincorporated Federation of States --- is alive and well. We are the Priority Creditors and also the Presumed-to-Be Donors of all these Public Trusts. We are putting the hammer down.
This will result in the re-venue and lawful conversion of all the stolen and/or misdirected assets, the issuance of new currency, new banking laws, and new securities laws. The Financial Sector is due for radical reform, but not the kind of disruption the Enemies of Mankind have planned.

In the days to come expect that new currency will be issued. Some additional startling, but not threatening announcements, will be made, helping to direct and assure the continued services people need and depend upon, and begin the process of issuing long overdue Earned Credit to individuals and families and local communities.

Instead of giving back your own money as a "welfare benefit" and parceling it out and making working families pay for it all, we are calling it for what it is --- your Earned National Credit being returned to you, that is, credit that is already paid for and owed to you.

The Specific General Orders require the General Staff and the Joint Chiefs to assist in securing our hard assets which have been squirreled away all over the world. If they continue to be insubordinate, they won't have a contract and they won't have money to operate. If they cooperate and assist, they will enjoy the blessings intended for everyone including them, and they will have plenty of new and more pleasant work to do.
So that's the bottom line.

This country is far, far from broke, and the same is true for most other countries throughout the world. Those countries that need new infrastructure will have abundant resources to do what they need to do and access to communications, sanitation, organic agriculture, clean water, education, and beneficial technologies will vastly expand throughout the Third World.

19th September 2019, 07:13 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDLD_ooVCuTfmc_QZIOSpZpAMRokQu92z17hUJpo9GPmw nwHAgaHcEhE9NMKBMjUeZEkcalvzNHRkcL&hc_ref=ARSW4CJus-22MtkLt0EHtcfdNm2bcY5rWUHS0DfJWbXlJtJVVvrtCWx_s-rasBIZCig&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2429990023716730) ·

Constitutional Enforcement Pre-Study Materials -- Part 2

In Part 1 we reviewed the overall current status of our situation, which includes the fact that millions of Americans have been deliberately misidentified as different kinds of "US Citizens" and disenfranchised as Electors in their own country.

It also includes the --- to some people --- startling news that adult Americans who operate in their correct political status are by definition members of the Militia.
We not only have a right to enforce the Constitution and the Public Law, we have the duty to do so.

I am now posting Part 2 of the Pre-Study Materials for our meeting of Peacekeeping and Law Enforcement Officers and Continental Marshals.
Check my website: www.annavonreitz.com (http://www.annavonreitz.com/?fbclid=IwAR3SHO2FRDH9v940GGfCgbXXe75FFnFSAyemGqK1 OAZ-niKzod8LrosL1co) and www.TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.TheAmericanStatesAssembly .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0hervAgcv0vlZ1O2R9zvHwRTA6a d0mD2K676bV3OUbDSxnfuze45YTXVY&h=AT3m9Q4toPUU7g7DAyPNLt2-jJIa_ATZTieiPUThjHOYLr6DPZ6tOHrKTlqsXh_muftxblxqm0 83UiPi9A8IuhiUzb4_jxNELGxVV90VGTjPfPM0GuNe43I9KbAw s2RgE9i8HKQvhzqBOI0CAC-nN3SE8wNBziQ4) website for access to the pdf.

20th September 2019, 04:42 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARC5VqpkoiYuY8lq1wA6SOeDs-gkbInRpLJDl1DHeGcINuPQY5OuiRbFr_eQqjEg4svUEa3DtqnC mY76&hc_ref=ARQKU50V2clAplh29-C50VexwHyxvYX0GOVrcIGAEWZPgjxs7JGhv76KQaQ3NpwnyRo&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2431567216892344) ·

The Point Is.....

You are a crime victim.
Every day I get calls from people who have done their paperwork and are still being railroaded through these foreign courts.

The first thing to note is that our paperwork is not retroactive with respect to things that already happened. If you got a DUI and then do our paperwork, you are still going to face the DUI charge as a Presumed U.S. Citizen.

The second thing to note is that these courts do not consider the facts or the law in these cases. They could care less.

The incorporated THING they have listed as the DEFENDANT isn't you, it's an incorporated THING that is already declared guilty. All they have to do and all that they care about is collecting money and assets from this THING.

You are entirely extraneous to the whole process. You are just a guy with a similar name who showed up, who is "deemed" responsible for the THING in the dock.

So don't bother yourselves with codes and statutes and arguments. None of that is appropriate.

What is appropriate is to: (1) challenge the jurisdiction of the court and claim exemption; (2) assert that you are the victim of identity theft, fraud, and Unconscionable Contract --- and you can prove it.

Haul out your BC. This "official" document proves two very important things -- first, that you were only a few days old when the purported contract was created and you couldn't have had any sentient knowledge of it (therefore an Unconscionable Contract) and second, it shows where you were born, establishing that you are "eligible" to claim to be a State Citizen of The United States.

Now your case is all but won. The Judge may ask, "But how can I be sure that this Certificate belongs to you? That you are who you say you are?"

So you haul out your Two Witness Testimonies, signed, sealed, and ready to go.

End game. They have to admit that there is no valid ESTATE or DERIVATIVE for them to administrate and that the actual owner showed up claiming exemption.

If they don't immediately roll over, appeal to Circuit Court on the spot.
Technically, the Circuit Court is the only one that can make a determination of political status and "officially" make the correction. The lower courts can only dismiss action with or without prejudice, which may or may not be good enough for you and your purposes.

So--- those are the points you want to make, no matter what the charge is, and those are the documents you need to prove your claims. Beyond that, if any other action is desirable or necessary, you go to circuit court. And that's an end to it

20th September 2019, 04:50 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARC-d8uKARp_qven8BOcvQfSDb8tIe8gWo1_nk1eUj3nMhuqSUOo7l CxBeiscLTa8W2bVHZuGalojJge&hc_ref=ARTEzRwtWno6ZyjjtANpDtjcNAU8n_Hp_UzdxY0TqoZ C7N3VXjxNjy_WXymrz_R2APc&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2431608900221509) ·

To the Governor of Ottawa: It's Too Late

At the end of a very diabolical contract detailing the methodology and plan of the Synagogue of Satan are the following words, usually written in a child's blood on human skin as a spell to nullify their own instructions:

"This covenant must NEVER, EVER, be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER, be written or spoken of, for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself."

Too late.
The True God sees in secret. He hears and sees what nobody knows. But if this is true of the Father, imagine how much more true it is of the Mother?

Notice this, people of the world: it is the woman who is the PRIMAL CREATOR. It is the Great Mother, called by many names, who is also The Destroyer. Have you not seen this for yourselves?

Who is it who gives birth? Who is it, who cares for the dead? It was the woman who gave birth to him and the woman who went with him to the tomb. It is the woman who is the portal between worlds.
I shall call her by her most Ancient Name: Durga.
She has awakened, along with her fury. Destruction and the Abyss have been chosen and earned by those who have indulged these heinous practices. The Abyss of Separation has been set aside for all of you.
She walks the Earth and gathers the wounded, weeping for her children. Her rage builds with every passing day and will be born in time to intercept the moon and stars. Even the sun stands still for her.
Those who do not repent with all their hearts will inherit all their sins, down to the final hour of final hours.

Out of a power you don't understand, she comes. Grim-faced, she comes to devour the cruel and the arrogant and the hateful. And nothing will stop her, no lie can fool her, no excuse for this evil can be found.

The one who gave you life, the gift you have despised, will cut your threads with her own hands. She will say, "You are no child of mine. You shall have no inheritance."

Love you will never know again.

You will not even be a memory in the mind of the True God; forgotten unto endless ages you shall be, suspended in the Abyss, unable to move, alone, separated for all Eternity from All That Is --- this is the reward you have earned and coveted for your greed and your cruelty and your pride, your idol worship, and your lies.

You have chosen this; so be it. The Order is given.
A little time remains for those who will yet repent. The Ultimate Pronouncement is His.

20th September 2019, 05:17 PM
The Point Is.....

You are a crime victim.

Jonah wouldn't have been on the ocean if he hadn't been attempting to avoid certain commands. If you ask me the whale was the victim not Jonah. He expended a lot of energy expecting a good meal and got deprived.

22nd September 2019, 02:52 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDszdsjtnDcIXHBDeMvkULp8waCcw9oVGP5P_FD8kgLkc pMelyT67Qk-FEQqoRsjVbQZFmYWe4DL9p9&hc_ref=ARQ8sIcKVBB1HEEEQEzQo-0lk0c6Y4NiFdZ7-ADIvURqbVOQdwYbrLPLSkbNK5eRwW4&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2435753196473746) ·

Constitutional Enforcement Pre-Study Materials - Part 8

For those who have been following along, Part 8 pdfs are now being released and can be found on my website and at www.The AmericanStatesAssembly.net. (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FAmericanStatesAssembly.net%2F %3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2D-SwYrdTVsDC2uq5W9bJww-zcgWdbp-BM71eBuik_bAZUdEaYzV2SWeg&h=AT2P64fIaKqt2Yb5MjeQPPslkUBph7bsjdtd4ZsubEReTGIV nDIzaITbv2CX3qYRsyfdj_3YzyjkIWRfLdS4YzRlFKUcjfVXvF xsl-dYvlbpA3OXCUdVY-xdAvDCwd8zevqoPlGY17CFW9Jh6recJmPGzDTYG_7E) This is the final segment.

Constitutional Enforcement Pre-Study Materials - Part 8

So you may be asking --- why is a peacekeeping official higher in rank than a peacekeeping officer? And why are both higher on the totem pole than law enforcement officers?

It’s because, in the first case, peacekeeping officials are elected. A whole bunch of people examined a man’s (or woman’s) credentials and their attitude and their understanding of the job, and they approved of him or her to do the job. When you’ve got a beef with an elected Sheriff or Justice of the Peace, you’ve got a beef with all the people who did the electing.

And as for the second question, why do all peacekeeping officers outrank all law enforcement officers?

It’s because peacekeepers are public officers and LEOs are private officers.

The focus of peacekeepers is to protect people and their property and to enforce the Public Law. The focus of law enforcement officers is to protect the corporation they work for and enforce private laws.

About now a lot of the LEOs out there are bristling. They go out there everyday and risk their lives as much as any peacekeeping officer, and many LEOs think of themselves as caring for people and protecting their communities, and to the extent that that is true, that’s wonderful.

However, the fundamental fact is that peacekeeping officers work for the Public directly and are tasked to protect the Public Good and to enforce the Public Law. LEOs may work for the public indirectly as subcontractors, but there’s a foreign, for-profit corporation acting as a middleman, and that corporation directs their actions and priorities. It protects itself and its self-interest first.

Like the Supreme Court told Sheriff Mack --- well, you can enforce the Public Law if you want to. And it’s left for Sheriff Mack and men like him to hear the rest of the unspoken part of that message: you can enforce the Public Law if you want to, but it’s not going to advance your career. It’s not going to win you Brownie Points from the corporation you are working for. It’s not a mandatory part of your job.

When a LEO is working on a public contract, say, working as a State of State Trooper in a typical Public Safety Office----enforcing the Public Law surely should be a mandatory part of the job. The corporation he is working for is receiving public funds to do what appears to be a public job, so Joe Public is his ultimate employer, right? And Joe certainly intends for him to enforce the Public Law. That’s what Joe Public is paying for and what Joe expects.

Most of us assume that when you receive public money you work for the public and in a public capacity, but no, that’s not how it works anymore.

Foreign for-profit corporations have taken up a middleman position, inserted themselves in the cash flow stream, and they now dictate how our public money is spent. So they spend it on protecting themselves first and plumping up their profit margins second, and devil take the hindmost on all the rest.

What do you expect? They are foreign, for-profit corporations. They are foreign, so they don’t give a rat’s rump about the people they serve. And they are here to make a profit.

So these corporations calling themselves “states of states”, like State of California, spend your money which you allocated for the enforcement of your Public Law, on the enforcement of their private, corporate law instead.

And guess what? Their private corporate law always favors them and it always involves statutes and codes and regulations. It doesn’t involve Public Law at all.

I have a good friend who is one of the most respected attorneys on the West Coast and a former State Supreme Court Judge as well. He’s about thirty years older than me and still sharp as a tack. He witnessed the unlawful conversion of our government firsthand back in the sixties when men like LBJ started handing out the Federal Kickbacks as bait to get the States and Counties to incorporate.

Here’s a quote from him about it:
“Nobody saw it coming. Nobody understood how it worked or what impact it would have, except of course, the attorneys. Those of us who had resisted the Bar up to that point and continued to act as Counselors of Law gave up and decided to join the Bar and pursue careers in contract law, because that’s all that was left.”

When the State Legislatures and County Boards all stupidly voted to incorporate they ceased to be public bodies. They went private, and most of the people voting for this, to say nothing of Joe Public, didn’t know the consequences of doing this.

Now I am going to repeat that so that everyone understands: when the state legislatures and county boards voted to incorporate, they became franchises like Dairy Queen franchises, of the Foreign Subcontractors who were already running their “federal” operations as commercial corporations.

So, take in the view: our own Federal States of States were mothballed and the British Territorial Subcontractors came in and very quietly substituted their own States of States organizations as a temporary emergency measure back in the 1860’s. Soon after that, they incorporated these States of States organizations, and began running them as corporate franchises. Ever since then these bodies like the State of California Legislature have been pretending to “represent” the Public, but are in fact private, foreign corporations merely in the business of providing governmental services.

What you think of as “your” State Legislature, isn’t your State Legislature. It’s nothing but a bunch of people elected to run a foreign for-profit governmental services corporation franchise, like a local dealership franchise of General Motors. It’s not a public body, though its pretending to be one, and its merely claiming to “represent” you and your public interests.

And thanks to LBJ, most of the Counties in this country have been commandeered the same way. They had to incorporate as franchises of these foreign State of State organizations in order to get a share of all the federal kickback money that LBJ unleashed as Federal Block Grants.

In this way, via incorporation and enfranchisement and semantic deceit, these private corporate interests have endeavored and largely but not entirely succeeded in substituting their government for yours.

It all happened in the twinkling of an eye, hinged on a single vote by people acting with no authority to convert your government, with no public debate, no public notice, and no full disclosure of what the ramifications would be.

And now, as of December 21st of this year, they think that they are going to make all this legal chicanery – their illegal and unlawful “friendly” corporate take over of your government -- a permanent arrangement benefiting themselves at your eternal expense.

We need all the peacekeepers, all the LEOs, and all military on our side on this.

Every law enforcement agent, every federal employee, every State-of-State employee, every member of the American military, every Sheriff, every Peacekeeper, every LEO, and every member of the public has to wake up.

It is really no surprise that these foreign, for-profit governmental service corporations have served themselves.

They did this mainly by falsifying your identity “for” you, as we’ve seen, with The Dead Baby Scam and the falsified Masterfiles and use of coercion under False Pretenses to force you to enroll in Social Security and force you to sign up for Selective Service and all the rest of it.

They also acted “for” you to take control of your water and power utilities, your natural resources, your commodity and currency markets, your hospitals and schools, and virtually every other public or private institution they could glom onto and “administer”.

Oh, and of course, your public investments. All of these State of State corporations are absolutely immensely wealthy, because they have been siphoning off your wealth for decades while purportedly acting in your behalf.

Last, but not least, they have taken away your rights and converted them into pay-for-play privileges.

Driver licenses. Marriage licenses. Business licenses.

And its all bogus. It’s all criminal. It’s all commercial fraud and restraint of trade in one kind or another.

Not surprisingly, then, these monsters in suits have also unlawfully converted public peacekeeping offices into private law enforcement offices. They have done this by “de-funding” your public peacekeeping offices and paying for their private law enforcement offices with your money. They then use the LEOs they’ve hired “in your name” to harass and intimidate you and do things like evict you from your homes when you fail to pay fraudulently constructed mortgages.

All those nice people in the State of State Legislature? Most of them are clueless. Most of them spend their days plowing through crap up to their eyeballs and listening to people complain. Most of them get paid a pittance and per diem. It’s the same with the County Board and all the various Commissioners.

They are just cogs in the wheel like the judges who stare at me and say, “But, but, but…. that’s the way we do it. That’s the way we’ve always done it….” Because they can’t remember a time when things were done differently.

There are, however, some criminal kingpins, some true King Rats, embedded in or just outside of all these organizations. And, thankfully, they aren’t hard to spot once you know what you are looking for.

So, not surprisingly the corporations “representing” our Representative Government, have defunded our Public Offices and funded their Private Security Services --- their Pinkertons, instead. Now, the LEOs aren’t going to like this, but they are by definition corporate mercenaries, just like the Belgian shock troops going into Angola. They work for corporations on government contracts, which is not the same as working for the actual government.

The State of State Troopers, for example, are “government corporation” LEOs --- as we have seen – they don’t have any legal basis for their operations, as the Pinkerton Laws like the 14th Amendment ceased to have any validity public or private, in 1907. Most of what they do doesn’t have anything to do with protecting railroads or mail services anyway.
In fact, such gangs of men out patrolling our roads in squad cars and accosting and detaining us are acting under color of law and in a private de facto capacity repugnant to the Public Law, which does not even allow for such organizations to exist.

Think about it. There’s really no difference between the “State of California” and GM, except the kind of business and the size of the business. And what happens if we let every Fortune 500 Corporation in America hire their own private army?

Right. We devolve into a corporate gangland, with various groups of thugs fighting with other groups of thugs over turf and client base and profits.

For that reason, private security forces, LEOs, that is, corporate mercenaries, had to be specifically allowed by an Act of the Territorial Congress and also for that reason, they were strictly limited to serve in the Public Interest to protect our railroads and mail service. Was that good or bad?

Well, at best it’s a slippery slope. Using public funds to fund private security forces may have had some justification if it was truly needed to protect public transportation and public mail service and public payrolls in the Old West, but there is really no reason to use private security forces for these functions.

We could have just hired more Federal Marshals to do the job, or even Deputized members of the Militia. So why did we ever have Pinkerton Laws?

The answer goes back to British Territorial influence and cronyism. The Pinkerton Agency was a British Company and certain members of the Territorial Congress wanted to give them the fat contract.

All police forces in this country are supposed to be operating as peacekeeping forces. If they get a dime of public source funding they are in fact obligated to enforce the Public Law, but they aren’t being directed nor encouraged to do so by the corporate middlemen. Instead, they are being misinformed and misdirected to protect the interests and bottom line of the corporations involved in this scheme.

I’ll give you a good example of it.
I went with an elderly friend to the local State Trooper’s Office to file a complaint about the abuse of Driver Licenses. When the secretary realized that we were giving Notice and a Report of Unlawful Activity ---- it’s against the Public Law to license a natural right to travel on the Public Roads and this has been affirmed many, many times --- she called one of the Troopers on duty.

He was a young man, just out of the Trooper Academy. He came in all buff and bristling, jaw muscles working, gun at the ready, and he launched into a tirade about, “Are you one of them Sovereign Citizens?”
“No,” I replied mildly, staring at the spectacle of menace in front of me, “Sovereign Citizen is an oxymoron. You can't be a sovereign and a citizen at the same time.”
“Why are you filing a report?” he sputtered angrily.
“Because it is illegal and unlawful for you to be interfering with average Americans who are not members of your Jural Society and not employed by your corporation. It’s not your job to restrict our right to travel.”
“I am hired to enforce the law!” he bellowed.
“I think you will find that what you are enforcing is a State of State Statute, which is not a Public Law of any kind.” I paused. “And since you are hired using public funds, you owe your duty to me.”
“State Statute is Public Law,” he bristled.
“No, sorry, it isn’t. By definition.”

He got on his intercom and called for reinforcements against two little old ladies, one of them obviously all crippled up with arthritis and weighing less than a hundred pounds. The whole scenario was ridiculous.

When the other two officers, older men, came panting in and looked around for the “threat” they were obviously confused. The young Trooper was practically wheezing, he was so red-faced and angry.
“Oh, Christ!” said one of the older Troopers, recognizing me. He grabbed the young Trooper by the shoulder and marched him through a set of double doors. The remaining older Trooper gave me a baleful, tired stare and said, “Why do you want to cause trouble?”

He had a point, from his perspective. He deserved an answer that he could understand.
“I’m doing my Public Duty,” I said.
“Right,” he said wearily, staring out into space.
Except for true Ignoramus cases and greenhorns and corrupt company men in on the fix, LEOs know that there is something wrong and they usually more-or-less admit it. They can sense it if nothing else. Like most people working in government jobs, they don’t know what it is. It’s up to the rest of us to teach them, because we all owe that same Public Duty, to ourselves and to each other.

As my friend the old attorney said, “Every time a right gets converted into a privilege, we all lose.”

So we are not causing trouble when we object to bogus licensing demands and illegal registration demands. We, as members of the people, who are naturally not subject to any form of law meant to apply to corporations, not only have the right----we have the duty--- to object to and resist improper demands made by employees of foreign for-profit corporations masquerading as our government.

They may be subject to corporate Public Policies as a condition of employment, but the rest of us owe no such respect, compliance, or obedience. Uneducated employees of these corporations, however, believe that everyone owes the same obligations and is subject to the same “law” as them.

We have to teach them otherwise.
We have to teach ourselves and our children, too.
Otherwise, we will have a generation of men like that clueless young State of State Trooper, engaged in activity that is --- strictly speaking, both illegal and unlawful --- rampaging around insulting and threatening his employers and believing the whole time that he is an officer of “the” law, when in fact, at best, he is an officer of “a” law.
He’s not even aware of the actual Public Law. That rather precludes any ability on his part to enforce it.

Most of us who are here, engaged in this training, are peacekeeping officials of one stripe or another, or, we are considering taking up the duty of peacekeeping, because we realize that this blight of corporatism and the so-called “privatization of government” is criminal in nature, is being promoted by foreign powers and foreign business interests, and will lead inevitably to the abject enslavement of ourselves and of our country if we don’t all stand up and liquidate these paper dragons.

We can, ironically enough, use the corporation’s own apparatus to do this, just as they have used our money and gullibility against us.

It is essential that LEOs be brought up to speed and that the Peacekeepers correct their own falsified records, declare their proper political status, and get themselves and their State Assemblies organized. It is then of crucial importance that the State Assemblies get their Jury Pools, Court Officers, and other actual government functionaries organized and operating. At the beginning, this will require a lot of volunteer effort on all our parts, and a vast educational effort as well.

The Continental Marshals Service is being trained to intercept, prevent, and prosecute crimes taking place in the international jurisdiction of the land. By definition this includes interstate crimes: human trafficking, bank and securities fraud, counterfeiting, inland piracy, and similar offenses all fall under their baileywick. So do prisoner transport and collection duties.

The State Militias are populated as part of the State Assembly process and may be employed on a state and local basis for peacekeeping activities, including making Citizen’s Arrests when necessary. The more common role of the State Militia is to support the local County Sheriffs as Deputies when local manpower resources are tapped out or unavailable.

The Old School Sheriffs like Richard Mack still know their actual duty and still know the Public Law. They know how their power and their authority have been usurped, and now they know how justice itself has been undermined by the corporate plague. As more of them grasp what has actually happened here and see the way things are supposed to be versus the way things are, their motivation toward right action will increase, public support for their efforts will increase, and County Government can be directly and expeditiously restored.

It is to be hoped that the majority of men serving as LEOs will come awake with a bump and assist our efforts, or at least recognize them for what they are, and not be misled or induced to take any action against us. We have proof that just as members of the FBI and other Agencies are being lied to and presented with falsified documents, LEOs serving as corporate “Sheriffs” have also been lied to. A significant amount of propaganda money has been invested by the guilty corporations to “educate” LEOs about the dangers of so-called Sovereign Citizens and Hate Groups and so on, and we have been painted with that brush often enough, or we wouldn’t have had three beefy full-grown armed men bearing down on two elderly women, one of whom is so frail in body that she would blow away in a stiff wind.

There are whackjobs of every description out there and there are groups that want a violent insurrection against what is passing for our government, but the answer we embrace is to simply do our Public Duty and restore our government as it is meant to be. Only those guilty parties who have endeavored to pull off this corporate take-over scheme could object, and for obvious reasons, their willingness to do so will be curtailed by the realization that treason against our government by any means is a hanging offense.

I anticipate that once the information I have shared with you becomes the common knowledge of Americans nationwide, the travesties which have haunted Washington, DC, since 1865, will finally be set aside, our flag will appear in its proper orientation in the Capitol Rotunda, our people will come together again to put a final end to slavery of any kind --- public or private, the issues of race and of second-class citizenship will be put to rest, the efforts to undermine our nation for the sake of corporate greed will be exposed for what they are, and a new, revitalized, motivated, and properly educated and directed cadre of local, state, international, and global peacekeepers will emerge.

You all now stand on the cutting edge of what has been a very grim part of our history. America still stands. We are here to make sure she always will.

End Part 8.
End of Pre-Study Materials.

22nd September 2019, 02:53 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDszdsjtnDcIXHBDeMvkULp8waCcw9oVGP5P_FD8kgLkc pMelyT67Qk-FEQqoRsjVbQZFmYWe4DL9p9&hc_ref=ARQ8sIcKVBB1HEEEQEzQo-0lk0c6Y4NiFdZ7-ADIvURqbVOQdwYbrLPLSkbNK5eRwW4&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2435753196473746) ·

Constitutional Enforcement Pre-Study Materials - Part 8

For those who have been following along, Part 8 pdfs are now being released and can be found on my website and at www.The AmericanStatesAssembly.net. (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FAmericanStatesAssembly.net%2F %3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2D-SwYrdTVsDC2uq5W9bJww-zcgWdbp-BM71eBuik_bAZUdEaYzV2SWeg&h=AT2P64fIaKqt2Yb5MjeQPPslkUBph7bsjdtd4ZsubEReTGIV nDIzaITbv2CX3qYRsyfdj_3YzyjkIWRfLdS4YzRlFKUcjfVXvF xsl-dYvlbpA3OXCUdVY-xdAvDCwd8zevqoPlGY17CFW9Jh6recJmPGzDTYG_7E) This is the final segment.

Constitutional Enforcement Pre-Study Materials - Part 8

So you may be asking --- why is a peacekeeping official higher in rank than a peacekeeping officer? And why are both higher on the totem pole than law enforcement officers?

It’s because, in the first case, peacekeeping officials are elected. A whole bunch of people examined a man’s (or woman’s) credentials and their attitude and their understanding of the job, and they approved of him or her to do the job. When you’ve got a beef with an elected Sheriff or Justice of the Peace, you’ve got a beef with all the people who did the electing.

And as for the second question, why do all peacekeeping officers outrank all law enforcement officers?

It’s because peacekeepers are public officers and LEOs are private officers.

The focus of peacekeepers is to protect people and their property and to enforce the Public Law. The focus of law enforcement officers is to protect the corporation they work for and enforce private laws.

About now a lot of the LEOs out there are bristling. They go out there everyday and risk their lives as much as any peacekeeping officer, and many LEOs think of themselves as caring for people and protecting their communities, and to the extent that that is true, that’s wonderful.

However, the fundamental fact is that peacekeeping officers work for the Public directly and are tasked to protect the Public Good and to enforce the Public Law. LEOs may work for the public indirectly as subcontractors, but there’s a foreign, for-profit corporation acting as a middleman, and that corporation directs their actions and priorities. It protects itself and its self-interest first.

Like the Supreme Court told Sheriff Mack --- well, you can enforce the Public Law if you want to. And it’s left for Sheriff Mack and men like him to hear the rest of the unspoken part of that message: you can enforce the Public Law if you want to, but it’s not going to advance your career. It’s not going to win you Brownie Points from the corporation you are working for. It’s not a mandatory part of your job.

When a LEO is working on a public contract, say, working as a State of State Trooper in a typical Public Safety Office----enforcing the Public Law surely should be a mandatory part of the job. The corporation he is working for is receiving public funds to do what appears to be a public job, so Joe Public is his ultimate employer, right? And Joe certainly intends for him to enforce the Public Law. That’s what Joe Public is paying for and what Joe expects.

Most of us assume that when you receive public money you work for the public and in a public capacity, but no, that’s not how it works anymore.

Foreign for-profit corporations have taken up a middleman position, inserted themselves in the cash flow stream, and they now dictate how our public money is spent. So they spend it on protecting themselves first and plumping up their profit margins second, and devil take the hindmost on all the rest.

What do you expect? They are foreign, for-profit corporations. They are foreign, so they don’t give a rat’s rump about the people they serve. And they are here to make a profit.

So these corporations calling themselves “states of states”, like State of California, spend your money which you allocated for the enforcement of your Public Law, on the enforcement of their private, corporate law instead.

And guess what? Their private corporate law always favors them and it always involves statutes and codes and regulations. It doesn’t involve Public Law at all.

I have a good friend who is one of the most respected attorneys on the West Coast and a former State Supreme Court Judge as well. He’s about thirty years older than me and still sharp as a tack. He witnessed the unlawful conversion of our government firsthand back in the sixties when men like LBJ started handing out the Federal Kickbacks as bait to get the States and Counties to incorporate.

Here’s a quote from him about it:
“Nobody saw it coming. Nobody understood how it worked or what impact it would have, except of course, the attorneys. Those of us who had resisted the Bar up to that point and continued to act as Counselors of Law gave up and decided to join the Bar and pursue careers in contract law, because that’s all that was left.”

When the State Legislatures and County Boards all stupidly voted to incorporate they ceased to be public bodies. They went private, and most of the people voting for this, to say nothing of Joe Public, didn’t know the consequences of doing this.

Now I am going to repeat that so that everyone understands: when the state legislatures and county boards voted to incorporate, they became franchises like Dairy Queen franchises, of the Foreign Subcontractors who were already running their “federal” operations as commercial corporations.

So, take in the view: our own Federal States of States were mothballed and the British Territorial Subcontractors came in and very quietly substituted their own States of States organizations as a temporary emergency measure back in the 1860’s. Soon after that, they incorporated these States of States organizations, and began running them as corporate franchises. Ever since then these bodies like the State of California Legislature have been pretending to “represent” the Public, but are in fact private, foreign corporations merely in the business of providing governmental services.

What you think of as “your” State Legislature, isn’t your State Legislature. It’s nothing but a bunch of people elected to run a foreign for-profit governmental services corporation franchise, like a local dealership franchise of General Motors. It’s not a public body, though its pretending to be one, and its merely claiming to “represent” you and your public interests.

And thanks to LBJ, most of the Counties in this country have been commandeered the same way. They had to incorporate as franchises of these foreign State of State organizations in order to get a share of all the federal kickback money that LBJ unleashed as Federal Block Grants.

In this way, via incorporation and enfranchisement and semantic deceit, these private corporate interests have endeavored and largely but not entirely succeeded in substituting their government for yours.

It all happened in the twinkling of an eye, hinged on a single vote by people acting with no authority to convert your government, with no public debate, no public notice, and no full disclosure of what the ramifications would be.

And now, as of December 21st of this year, they think that they are going to make all this legal chicanery – their illegal and unlawful “friendly” corporate take over of your government -- a permanent arrangement benefiting themselves at your eternal expense.

We need all the peacekeepers, all the LEOs, and all military on our side on this.

Every law enforcement agent, every federal employee, every State-of-State employee, every member of the American military, every Sheriff, every Peacekeeper, every LEO, and every member of the public has to wake up.

It is really no surprise that these foreign, for-profit governmental service corporations have served themselves.

They did this mainly by falsifying your identity “for” you, as we’ve seen, with The Dead Baby Scam and the falsified Masterfiles and use of coercion under False Pretenses to force you to enroll in Social Security and force you to sign up for Selective Service and all the rest of it.

They also acted “for” you to take control of your water and power utilities, your natural resources, your commodity and currency markets, your hospitals and schools, and virtually every other public or private institution they could glom onto and “administer”.

Oh, and of course, your public investments. All of these State of State corporations are absolutely immensely wealthy, because they have been siphoning off your wealth for decades while purportedly acting in your behalf.

Last, but not least, they have taken away your rights and converted them into pay-for-play privileges.

Driver licenses. Marriage licenses. Business licenses.

And its all bogus. It’s all criminal. It’s all commercial fraud and restraint of trade in one kind or another.

Not surprisingly, then, these monsters in suits have also unlawfully converted public peacekeeping offices into private law enforcement offices. They have done this by “de-funding” your public peacekeeping offices and paying for their private law enforcement offices with your money. They then use the LEOs they’ve hired “in your name” to harass and intimidate you and do things like evict you from your homes when you fail to pay fraudulently constructed mortgages.

All those nice people in the State of State Legislature? Most of them are clueless. Most of them spend their days plowing through crap up to their eyeballs and listening to people complain. Most of them get paid a pittance and per diem. It’s the same with the County Board and all the various Commissioners.

They are just cogs in the wheel like the judges who stare at me and say, “But, but, but…. that’s the way we do it. That’s the way we’ve always done it….” Because they can’t remember a time when things were done differently.

There are, however, some criminal kingpins, some true King Rats, embedded in or just outside of all these organizations. And, thankfully, they aren’t hard to spot once you know what you are looking for.

So, not surprisingly the corporations “representing” our Representative Government, have defunded our Public Offices and funded their Private Security Services --- their Pinkertons, instead. Now, the LEOs aren’t going to like this, but they are by definition corporate mercenaries, just like the Belgian shock troops going into Angola. They work for corporations on government contracts, which is not the same as working for the actual government.

The State of State Troopers, for example, are “government corporation” LEOs --- as we have seen – they don’t have any legal basis for their operations, as the Pinkerton Laws like the 14th Amendment ceased to have any validity public or private, in 1907. Most of what they do doesn’t have anything to do with protecting railroads or mail services anyway.
In fact, such gangs of men out patrolling our roads in squad cars and accosting and detaining us are acting under color of law and in a private de facto capacity repugnant to the Public Law, which does not even allow for such organizations to exist.

Think about it. There’s really no difference between the “State of California” and GM, except the kind of business and the size of the business. And what happens if we let every Fortune 500 Corporation in America hire their own private army?

Right. We devolve into a corporate gangland, with various groups of thugs fighting with other groups of thugs over turf and client base and profits.

For that reason, private security forces, LEOs, that is, corporate mercenaries, had to be specifically allowed by an Act of the Territorial Congress and also for that reason, they were strictly limited to serve in the Public Interest to protect our railroads and mail service. Was that good or bad?

Well, at best it’s a slippery slope. Using public funds to fund private security forces may have had some justification if it was truly needed to protect public transportation and public mail service and public payrolls in the Old West, but there is really no reason to use private security forces for these functions.

We could have just hired more Federal Marshals to do the job, or even Deputized members of the Militia. So why did we ever have Pinkerton Laws?

The answer goes back to British Territorial influence and cronyism. The Pinkerton Agency was a British Company and certain members of the Territorial Congress wanted to give them the fat contract.

All police forces in this country are supposed to be operating as peacekeeping forces. If they get a dime of public source funding they are in fact obligated to enforce the Public Law, but they aren’t being directed nor encouraged to do so by the corporate middlemen. Instead, they are being misinformed and misdirected to protect the interests and bottom line of the corporations involved in this scheme.

I’ll give you a good example of it.
I went with an elderly friend to the local State Trooper’s Office to file a complaint about the abuse of Driver Licenses. When the secretary realized that we were giving Notice and a Report of Unlawful Activity ---- it’s against the Public Law to license a natural right to travel on the Public Roads and this has been affirmed many, many times --- she called one of the Troopers on duty.

He was a young man, just out of the Trooper Academy. He came in all buff and bristling, jaw muscles working, gun at the ready, and he launched into a tirade about, “Are you one of them Sovereign Citizens?”
“No,” I replied mildly, staring at the spectacle of menace in front of me, “Sovereign Citizen is an oxymoron. You can't be a sovereign and a citizen at the same time.”
“Why are you filing a report?” he sputtered angrily.
“Because it is illegal and unlawful for you to be interfering with average Americans who are not members of your Jural Society and not employed by your corporation. It’s not your job to restrict our right to travel.”
“I am hired to enforce the law!” he bellowed.
“I think you will find that what you are enforcing is a State of State Statute, which is not a Public Law of any kind.” I paused. “And since you are hired using public funds, you owe your duty to me.”
“State Statute is Public Law,” he bristled.
“No, sorry, it isn’t. By definition.”

He got on his intercom and called for reinforcements against two little old ladies, one of them obviously all crippled up with arthritis and weighing less than a hundred pounds. The whole scenario was ridiculous.

When the other two officers, older men, came panting in and looked around for the “threat” they were obviously confused. The young Trooper was practically wheezing, he was so red-faced and angry.
“Oh, Christ!” said one of the older Troopers, recognizing me. He grabbed the young Trooper by the shoulder and marched him through a set of double doors. The remaining older Trooper gave me a baleful, tired stare and said, “Why do you want to cause trouble?”

He had a point, from his perspective. He deserved an answer that he could understand.
“I’m doing my Public Duty,” I said.
“Right,” he said wearily, staring out into space.
Except for true Ignoramus cases and greenhorns and corrupt company men in on the fix, LEOs know that there is something wrong and they usually more-or-less admit it. They can sense it if nothing else. Like most people working in government jobs, they don’t know what it is. It’s up to the rest of us to teach them, because we all owe that same Public Duty, to ourselves and to each other.

As my friend the old attorney said, “Every time a right gets converted into a privilege, we all lose.”

So we are not causing trouble when we object to bogus licensing demands and illegal registration demands. We, as members of the people, who are naturally not subject to any form of law meant to apply to corporations, not only have the right----we have the duty--- to object to and resist improper demands made by employees of foreign for-profit corporations masquerading as our government.

They may be subject to corporate Public Policies as a condition of employment, but the rest of us owe no such respect, compliance, or obedience. Uneducated employees of these corporations, however, believe that everyone owes the same obligations and is subject to the same “law” as them.

We have to teach them otherwise.
We have to teach ourselves and our children, too.
Otherwise, we will have a generation of men like that clueless young State of State Trooper, engaged in activity that is --- strictly speaking, both illegal and unlawful --- rampaging around insulting and threatening his employers and believing the whole time that he is an officer of “the” law, when in fact, at best, he is an officer of “a” law.
He’s not even aware of the actual Public Law. That rather precludes any ability on his part to enforce it.

Most of us who are here, engaged in this training, are peacekeeping officials of one stripe or another, or, we are considering taking up the duty of peacekeeping, because we realize that this blight of corporatism and the so-called “privatization of government” is criminal in nature, is being promoted by foreign powers and foreign business interests, and will lead inevitably to the abject enslavement of ourselves and of our country if we don’t all stand up and liquidate these paper dragons.

We can, ironically enough, use the corporation’s own apparatus to do this, just as they have used our money and gullibility against us.

It is essential that LEOs be brought up to speed and that the Peacekeepers correct their own falsified records, declare their proper political status, and get themselves and their State Assemblies organized. It is then of crucial importance that the State Assemblies get their Jury Pools, Court Officers, and other actual government functionaries organized and operating. At the beginning, this will require a lot of volunteer effort on all our parts, and a vast educational effort as well.

The Continental Marshals Service is being trained to intercept, prevent, and prosecute crimes taking place in the international jurisdiction of the land. By definition this includes interstate crimes: human trafficking, bank and securities fraud, counterfeiting, inland piracy, and similar offenses all fall under their baileywick. So do prisoner transport and collection duties.

The State Militias are populated as part of the State Assembly process and may be employed on a state and local basis for peacekeeping activities, including making Citizen’s Arrests when necessary. The more common role of the State Militia is to support the local County Sheriffs as Deputies when local manpower resources are tapped out or unavailable.

The Old School Sheriffs like Richard Mack still know their actual duty and still know the Public Law. They know how their power and their authority have been usurped, and now they know how justice itself has been undermined by the corporate plague. As more of them grasp what has actually happened here and see the way things are supposed to be versus the way things are, their motivation toward right action will increase, public support for their efforts will increase, and County Government can be directly and expeditiously restored.

It is to be hoped that the majority of men serving as LEOs will come awake with a bump and assist our efforts, or at least recognize them for what they are, and not be misled or induced to take any action against us. We have proof that just as members of the FBI and other Agencies are being lied to and presented with falsified documents, LEOs serving as corporate “Sheriffs” have also been lied to. A significant amount of propaganda money has been invested by the guilty corporations to “educate” LEOs about the dangers of so-called Sovereign Citizens and Hate Groups and so on, and we have been painted with that brush often enough, or we wouldn’t have had three beefy full-grown armed men bearing down on two elderly women, one of whom is so frail in body that she would blow away in a stiff wind.

There are whackjobs of every description out there and there are groups that want a violent insurrection against what is passing for our government, but the answer we embrace is to simply do our Public Duty and restore our government as it is meant to be. Only those guilty parties who have endeavored to pull off this corporate take-over scheme could object, and for obvious reasons, their willingness to do so will be curtailed by the realization that treason against our government by any means is a hanging offense.

I anticipate that once the information I have shared with you becomes the common knowledge of Americans nationwide, the travesties which have haunted Washington, DC, since 1865, will finally be set aside, our flag will appear in its proper orientation in the Capitol Rotunda, our people will come together again to put a final end to slavery of any kind --- public or private, the issues of race and of second-class citizenship will be put to rest, the efforts to undermine our nation for the sake of corporate greed will be exposed for what they are, and a new, revitalized, motivated, and properly educated and directed cadre of local, state, international, and global peacekeepers will emerge.

You all now stand on the cutting edge of what has been a very grim part of our history. America still stands. We are here to make sure she always will.

End Part 8.
End of Pre-Study Materials.

24th September 2019, 06:42 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBK8tHJUDz6omjifZznw50z-9YFiJl8LG_fSg84-e2lkB5dfjXeEp2tImQjfbpPpruJ5KBsG1l1Vz7W&hc_ref=ARSjW1NKYvdJA5JHgKSIekLWwX0iy-PP5RZoYtBoMwFqSWGrk1vEYw1KRaT0bmEN4sg&fref=nf)
September 22 at 5:44 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2436110083104724) ·

Two Bad Choices, Followed by One Bad Choice, As Usual

When you educate yourself about history of money in America you will hear about the "Continental Dollar" a script issued by the first fledgling government which suffered its demise through hyperinflation.

What the textbooks never tell you is that the hyperinflation was caused by purposeful British counterfeiting.

You will also never be told that we are suffering the effects of this same evil now, and for the same reason: British counterfeiting.

Trillions of dollars-worth of hundred dollar bills were printed by the Obama Administration, which sent actual government printing presses, engraving plates, paper and ink, to places like Burma and China and Thailand and Kuwait so that our currency could be hyper-inflated and devalued.

This was a supplement to "Quantitative Easing" which as Godfrey Bloom and I agree, is just another form of counterfeiting.
So, once again, for those who are paying attention, it should be perfectly obvious that our enemy and the Enemy of all Mankind is the British Government responsible for this and for a great many other evils. This same British Government that has been manipulating our government for many generations using means both fair and extremely foul, as in this case.

Barack Obama was born in East Africa --- a British Territorial Citizen from the Get-Go, and no more a Communist than I am. Following their usual modus operandi and pretending to be their enemies, they hope to blame him on the Communists and at the same time, infiltrate the Communist ranks. Just like Hitler, he was an implant acting under the direction of the Lord Mayor of London and the Lords of the Admiralty.
His differences with the Queen were quite genuine, in that he was the Boy Toy of Westminster and the British Crown, which have sought to undermine and compromise her position for the sake of commercial interests all her life.

And the form of "British Government" that Obama worked for --- and so far as I know, still works for, is a Bully Boy for the Pope. The only religion these people believe in is the idol worship of Mammon.

Let's be perfectly clear here --- I don't hate or dislike the British People. Far from it. Nor do I have anything against sincere Roman Catholics.

It's the extremely evil corporate interests that have been using the Queen and the Church as storefronts for their operations that I object to.

Just look at all the little graven images in your own pockets. These are the "products" they sell, regardless of whether they are called "Federal Reserve Notes" or "Dollars" or "Francs" or "British Pounds Sterling", and regardless also of whether or not these products are made of paper or gold or silver or plastic or anything else.
They are just products --- like so many variations of little wooden Tiki-gods produced by Omar the Idol-maker.
To compound the idiocy of mistaking the image for the fact, and ascribing any special "value" to any of these things at all, we trade these things back and forth, and bet on them, and hoard them and play all sorts of games with them. Via their manipulation some people live lives of total immoral sloth, others commit gross crimes for want of even a little supply of these little idols, some countries have far more than they can ever spend, and others have to beg.

From the perspective of an Angel on Earth, this whole place has been turned into an insane asylum because of "money".

Horrible injustices have been spawned because of it. Countries have been overrun for it. Billions of people have died to get it or died for lack of it, and it's a mirage.

There is no such thing as money as a "store of value". There is no safety or reason to run helter-skelter trying to find shelter for a value that does not exist. Imagine my consternation and grim amusement as I listen to men argue -- earnestly -- all day long, about the "strength" of gold, the "weakness of the dollar" and watch the ceaseless ebb and flow of the betting that goes on.

It's all completely loony-tunes---objectively insane: an active defiance of logic and fact, and it is institutionalized all over the planet, locked down like a cement overcoat over (nearly) everybody's minds.

How can such a thing be? How can it endure?
It's called "Operant Conditioning".
The mouse drops a piece of litter into the cup and gets a piece of cheese. The mouse drops a piece of litter into the cup and gets a piece of ham. The mouse drops a piece of litter into the cup and gets a piece of bread. As a result, the mouse associates the piece of litter with "value" because it translates into cheese and ham and bread.

The banking system has done the same thing to delude and condition the responses of otherwise sane and sober men.

The thing being used as money is the litter, the cash register or card reader is the cup, and whatever the "mouse" receives is the reward. And because it is rewarded each and every time, the mouse goes back for more.
All that is simple enough and easy enough to see.
But is that piece of "necessary" litter really worth anything? No.
Is it really necessary? No.
Is the nature, color, or material used to make the litter important? No, it's completely arbitrary.
Because of this early Operant Conditioning and the fact that their parents have also been bamboozled, billions of people on this planet develop a Basic Logic Fault. It's like a feedback loop in a computer program. The logic process concerning money goes so far, stops, and returns to reset: blip-blurp, blip-blurp, forever and ever.

Even otherwise well-educated and experienced people can't engage me in an intelligent conversation about this topic, because of their firm belief that money has value. And my equally firm conviction that its nothing but a "traditional" and well-orchestrated con game.

It's as if the whole human race is a family of pea-pickers set on automatic pilot: my great-grandfather was a pea-picker, and my grandfather was a pea-picker, and my father was a pea-picker, and I am a pea-picker, and my son is a pea-picker and my grandson is a pea-picker.... ad infinitum.

And when it comes to money, they can't break their minds out of the seemingly inescapable destiny of being a pea-picker / money user, too.
All over the world, people can't imagine a world without money. They can't even entertain the thought of other forms of money, much less the all-important question of who or what should control your access to money, if you are going to use such a cock-a-doodle-loo system in the first place.

So let's go over some important and relatively recent history and facts.
Sovereign governments can't go bankrupt, but incorporated "governments" --- or to be exact, governmental services corporations, can.

So these yahoos have been operating as "governmental services corporations", making false claims against the assets of the people and of the countries they are supposed to serve, obtaining credit based on this purloined collateral, charging whatever they want against credit owed to others, then going bankrupt, and leaving the victims (the presumed to be co-signers) holding the bag for them.

The world's "governments" are involved in something that is very little more sophisticated than a credit card hacking scheme. And except for Iran and North Korea and some Pacific Island Kingdoms, they are all in on it.

They all think they are so smart, that their actions are so secret, that nobody will figure out what they are doing, how they are doing it, why they are doing it, and ultimately, who is responsible for it.

The generals and the bankers are responsible for it. Both. But when push comes to shove, you can bet that the bankers will get the bad end of that deal, now and forever, anon.

It will surprise many people to learn that "bankruptcy" is a patented business model based on deliberate insurance fraud against the public, and that insurance is merely legalized gambling among commercial corporations.

This is why you can't add your spouse to any insurance plan without a "marriage license" --- the license permits the legal presumption that the "marriage" is in fact a joint venture among commercial corporation franchises, and the parties to it --- interpreted as commercial corporations, not living people -- are by this pretense made "insurable".
Also in this way, living people who are otherwise owed absolute indemnity, become subject to tax collection, tariff collection, and, in a divorce, subject to the distribution of their assets by their unseen "silent partner" in all this skullduggery, ---the same "governmental services corporation" that has secretively gained an "insurable interest" in your "marriage" and the "products thereof" ---- otherwise known as your children, via the issuance of a "marriage license". This is also one of the primary scams they play to make you liable to debtor's prison and "impoundment".
What does a bail bondsman really do? He provides a "bailment"---- an insurance policy for the guilty "State of State", guaranteeing their insurable interest in YOU, with yet another insurance policy issued by another gambler.

It's all stupid enough to provoke howls of laughter, but the damage all this sanctimonious crime causes is absolutely mind-boggling.

Instead of people simply working together to take care of themselves as a group, they muddle along and let all these parasites and predators play havoc, and these "Service Organizations" and "Professional Associations" exponentially increase the actual cost of the services needed many, many times over.

Now, you have the lay of the land and the stench of the stink, and it should not surprise you to find that what you think of as your money has no magical value. It's not special. It's not mysterious. It's a commodity like pork bellies. If it is made of gold, it has the market value of that much gold. If it is made of paper, it has whatever value people will pay for it, usually under the duress and coercion of legal tender laws.

So, there are two established "schools" of money manipulation.
There are the Gold Merchant Banks, who manipulated world "government" corporations to steal and hoard vast amounts of gold, so that they could force the use of fiat currencies, devalue them, drive up the price of gold, and then, cash in by controlling access to the gold supplies and forcing the great-grandsons and great-granddaughters of the people they stole all the gold from in the first place, to buy it all back at a ten thousand percent (or more) "value accrual" plus interest price.

Theirs is a simple, brutal commodity rigging scheme. They hoped to evade attention and public understanding of what they were (and still are) doing by staggering this scheme out over decades and boiling the frogs slowly, milking the value out of the fiat currency they forced upon us as they went. This is the "Hundred Year Plan" of the schemers who built the Federal Reserve.

They were so entrenched and so successful, that J.D. Rockefeller and the Vanderbilts and J.P. Morgan and the Mellons and other Party Hearties decided to start the International Monetary Fund -- a vast fiat and securities-based commercial credit fund and use other commodities besides gold, but including blood and labor--- as the basis of their lending. They also schemed to control by interbank treaties and agreements the transfer of credits and debts between banks.
Both of these groups collude with each other to bilk and milk the public. They simply use different "instruments" to do it, which amounts to --- would you prefer to be dismembered using a knife or a saw?
Joachim and Boaz, pillar and post--- again.

For the past several years these groups have been paralyzing each other, one group blocking, one group unblocking, back and forth, as they jockey around trying to keep two steps in front of the bank and securities regulators who are finally waking up and "taking steps" ---- only because it has occurred to them that they, also, might otherwise lose their heads---- and ten steps ahead of the General Public, which will roast them alive like Jacques De Molay if average working people ever wake up and realize how badly they've been abused by the whole delusion of money.

I have suggested to both groups, that for the good of the whole world, and their own health, they should come up with a solution. This is what they've come up with:

They will have a group of cronies in the Municipal US SENATE ram through a new digital currency based on nothing at all but digits and false claims; they, the same guilty bankers, will parcel out the digits to their cronies and use this so-called "money of account" which is created by entering digits onto a bank ledger --- to pay off the endlessly stupid government officials and labor unions.
I burst out laughing. I couldn't help it.

They create this whole problem, they inculcate this whole bizarre system of idol worship, they kill billions of people over the course of three centuries, they build a whole civilization based on fraud and criminality, they truncate and maim countless lives --- and the best they can come up with as recompense, is a system that costs them nothing, which they control, and which they can use at will to abuse anyone on Earth.

They propose to have this "Senate Action" carried through by December the 18th, so that they can celebrate their conquest of the entire planet on their pagan holiday, the Winter Solstice.

I had to remind them that nothing the Municipal or Territorial Officers do has any validity at all with respect to us and our land and soil holdings and never has. So they will in fact have nothing to peddle but a glorified credit card system and more hot air.

To say that this solution is not a solution and not at all acceptable, would be a gross understatement. The arrogance and affront involved is breath-taking. L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace, but audacity on the part of capitol level criminal felons who have been caught in the act is not audacity.

My solution involves deprogramming the Operant Conditioning. Just plain removing it as if it never was, letting people see "money" for what it really is, and letting the bankers and their "products" go spin in the wind of the Abyss.

So, between the two extremes, they better get serious about a real solution and they'd better not expose their cronies, including those in the "US SENATE", the Knesset, and the Parliament.

At the rate things are going, they will need every crony they've got.

24th September 2019, 07:02 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBKZr0bnOzapdggLR1Qj2Y00N5A2nNcKe6zr6MAkEImeP T2TzPFxOqgK5dWBfim6k6q5uT791x1lap9&hc_ref=ARR_kwQy2mU0oJaN5uQPZWG3M9flfBvZ9bhv0_R8DGi L_IWr35-yLPcqScWPWh1D97U&fref=nf)
16 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2437737079608691) ·

Diabolical Thinking

Satan rules the world, they say. The Bible makes it clear that at the time of Jesus, he was already ruling the world. He doesn't rule the Earth--- just the world. So what is the world?

The world is all the mental constructs and associated behavior that takes place. It's the things that don't actually exist, like corporations, foundations, trusts, cooperatives, LLC's, pension funds, fraternities, etc., which are just built of ideas and labels and names, agreements, and "business structures", patents and copyrights and trademarks, generally accepted accounting procedures, banking and securities laws, treaties, doctrines, dogmas, accords, conventions, conferences, and so on.

Now that you are squarely looking at it, does it disturb you to know that Satan's Kingdom is built of nothing but words and ideas?

And does this now explain the need to examine your thinking?

Thoughts are built of words. Emotions are built of thoughts. Emotions and thoughts together build actions. Actions build the world.
But how can you build rightly, if any of the precursors are faulty?
If you use the wrong words, or the words can be interpreted in various ways, your thoughts can go sideways.

If your thoughts are not built on a solid understanding, your emotions have nothing to rely on and can easily be completely inappropriate.
And with wrong thinking (wrong assumptions) and wrong emotions resulting from wrong thinking, it is all but inevitable that you will take wrong actions, too.

We recently had an example of that in our own family. My two daughters-in-law got into a horrible cat fight over a complete misunderstanding. One said something and the other "took it wrong". This happens all the time, and we all know that it happens, but once equilibrium is restored, we don't take time to examine this phenomenon.
We don't care enough about how it happens, to examine it, so we never catch on to how this same process is utilized by Satan.
The foundation of Satan's kingdom is diabolical thinking which is based on the equally diabolic misuse of words.

Deceitful words and ideas are part of the rebellion against the True God, who is the personification and embodiment of Truth.
In the beginning, was the Word.... and in the beginning, each word had a specific function and meaning, there was one language, and everyone knew precisely what every communication meant.

But something happened in Babylon.... words began to take on a life of their own, the meanings of words began to change and shift, and the content of thoughts sparked by words also began to change and shift and become uncertain. This, then, affected emotions and actions, too.
More kinds of words were added to language and these "modifiers" --- adjectives and adverbs -- layered on more layers of possible, but increasingly uncertain meaning.
What appears red to me, may appear green to you.
What is "up" with relationship to me, may be "down" with relationship to you.

So the effort to make our language more precise and meaningful at the same time caused it to be more debate-able. This is where lawyers have their stock and trade, sorting through the misunderstandings and deceits and double-entendres that lurk in business and social agreements of all kinds.

When a bank advertises "home loans" are they offering to loan you money to build a home, or are they soliciting to borrow your home as an asset for their use?

When you realize that the common mortgage process consists of: (1) you paying for the house; (2) conveying your own property into a trust; (3) giving the bank control of that trust; (4) which they then abuse for their own advantages.... it becomes clear that "home loans" doesn't mean what you were led to suppose.

The phrase was used as a "term of art" --- it took on a special meaning, quite different than any common use, and nobody told you. This is Satan's Kingdom at work. You were misled to interpret "home loans" as an offer to loan you money for a home, when in fact, it is a solicitation for you to loan your home to the bank. The exact opposite.

The same thing happened when a group of people calling themselves the United States [Territorial] Congress "forgot" to tell you that they were acting in a "Territorial Capacity" and changed the meaning of the word "person" to mean "corporation" without telling you.

Double score! Two deceits for the price of one!

First, you were misled to think that they were operating as our State Delegates, and then, whenever they said "person" it suddenly meant "corporation".
And again, the new meaning is exactly the opposite of the old meaning.
"Person" used to refer to you acting in your Lawful Capacity as a tradesmen or merchant or businessman of some kind, but this group of men suddenly upended that meaning of the word, and from then on, when they said "person" it meant "corporation".

Thus, when you see the words "personal bank account" you naturally continue to think of it as your own private property, your bank account, but when these Masters of Deception say or write the same exact words, it translates as "corporate bank account".

What corporation?
Well, they provided for that, too, by stealing your identity and unlawfully converting your Trade Name (also known as a Given Name) into the name of a corporation franchise conveniently owned and operated by them.

We are seeing this in the whole debate about "global warming", too. There's no scientific basis to think that carbon dioxide caused by human activity (or cow farts) is causing changes to the climate.

This deceit, this wrong idea, has gained ground-- and now we have hysterical women standing on street corners shouting like Hellfire Preachers, telling innocent people that if they don't stop using fossil fuels "the Earth will die in eleven years!"

This is like the hysteria caused by the publication of "The Population Bomb". This book claimed to "prove mathematically" that population growth would "kill" the world by the late 1980's if we didn't all reduce ourselves to eating dirt right now.

The 1980's came and went and only the abject True Believers (who were not mathematicians or they wouldn't have bought this crappola in the first place) continue to buy the ugly fantasy of the "mathematically certain" destruction of the planet because we are having babies.

Neutering yourself for the cause proved less popular than boycotting oil products, thank the True God.

A more "sophisticated" man or woman (not a compliment) can easily see that: (1) both these hysteria responses were promoted by false information causing wrong ideas which caused wrong emotions and wrong actions; (2) this progression of errors is being used to promote political and economic agendas designed to control and tax people.
Nothing more. Satan's Kingdom at work. Get the rubes to cling to their own chains. Get them to believe a false narrative that lets us tax and regulate them more, with their own agreement and consent.
This is what I call "diabolical thinking"---- and it is the actual means by which "Satan" ---or at least his Devotees--- use to lie their way to success.

It's up to the rest of us to become such critical thinkers, such skeptics, and so true-hearted, that we are bullet-proof against this.

Many people were startled by my statement exposing Barack Obama as a British Corporate Jock, not a Communist at all. How could I deduce that?

It's simple. These people always pretend to be their own target.
This deflects attention away from what they are actually doing, causes others to have false assumptions about them and their motivations, allows them to blame their own bad behavior on their enemies, and, last, but not least, their agent gets to infiltrate the social group they are targeting.

So if Barack Obama pretends to be a pro-black, liberal, Communist, you can be sure that he is an elitist, racist, British Agent --- the exact opposite of what he pretends to be.

This is how these people think and how they operate. Black is white and white is black, the common man is an elitist, the progressive is a Luddite, a person is a corporation, and a "home loan" involves you loaning your home (and credit) to a bank for the bank's profit, entirely and wholly at your expense.

At every step, you are deliberately misled and your thinking, emotions, and actions are manipulated-- by deceitful use of words and phrases, by deliberately promoted false ideas and false assumptions, and then it is all kicked into action.

It's like using electrical shocks on a mouse in a maze to "induce" the behavior you want from the mouse.

Want a war in Iraq? Produce some false evidence, spread a bunch of lies using the lapdog media, promote wrong ideas and assumptions, get people all pumped up, and they will reliably take whatever wrong action you want them to take.

In such a manipulated and manipulative environment, free thinking and logical deduction are even being discouraged in the scientific community. Facts and truth might interfere with self-interested commercial and political agendas.

This is why you must examine not only your own logic circuits, but learn how these people use verbal deceit to promote wrong actions that benefit them.

The Pilgrim Fathers called attorneys "Masters of Deceit", because they make their livings alternately promoting and unraveling exactly these kinds of deceits--- but it's not just attorneys steeped in this crappola. Increasingly, the corporations posing as legitimate governments--- that got into their position by deceit, are using more deceit to stay in power.

This is why ex-CIA Chief Michael Hayden spoke so glowingly about "Post-Truth America". He wasn't, as many people assumed, indicating any future event in which the actual Truth would be told to the American Populace. He was talking about a world completely built on lies, ruled by exactly these kinds of deceits and manipulations. He was gloating about it. He thinks its a good thing, because it allows him and people like him, to rule over good people.

It allows him and those like him to murder, steal, corrupt, use and abuse good people, and they think we are too stupid to catch on, ever, because generations of Americans have trusted what they thought of as their government and never figured out that they have been the victims of a hostile corporate take-over, and all but overcome, by these banal deceits.

But, Satan lost the bet a long time ago. His Kingdom is forfeit. And we are here to collect. Be of good cheer. One candle lights a lot of darkness, and the Truth is a sword.

25th September 2019, 05:40 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCAUANg_zvQSo1Blf9jbQ0-7nncJTr-DpRuemRkO90w5XQQ3lwzKF1MUTTPePCDkll26lDupBT54Gyz&hc_ref=ARQSZNR2ZTnu0xwvKWYFGUqu3ZXkAV2b-sIO7WZ7LtQSI7u_4iYmdcL2KjT-Qczg_wo&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2441265905922475) ·

So, You're a Mouse....

The last few days we've been looking at the nature of Satan's Kingdom, otherwise known as "the world" and much to some people's amazement, we've shown that "the world" is built of nothing more than words and ideas.

We have also looked at how words are misused to manipulate our thinking processes and assumptions to promote wrong emotions and wrong actions.

This can be done using labels like "Luddite" and "Sovereign Citizen" and "Nigger". It can be done by changing the common meaning of words to mean something else entirely, such as changing the meaning of "person" to mean "corporation" --- for "Federal purposes". It can be done by leaving meanings ambiguous in order to promote fraud, such as the question, "Are you a US citizen?" -- which then leaves the answer open to interpretation.

It can be done by attaching prior experience and assumptions to new meanings, too. Prior to 1933, when someone offered you a "home loan" it meant they were offering to grubstake you and loan you money to build a place of your own. After 1933, for the Federales among us, it meant, "Hey, buddy, loan us your home as an asset and let us tax you to death, too."

And then, they and the banks just conveniently "forgot" to explain the change in the verbiage to you, and let you continue to assume that a "home loan" still meant that they were loaning you money to buy a home, instead of you loaning your home to them so that they could borrow against it.

We also discovered how similar lies and deceits can be used to steal even more precious things --- like your identity and everything you own, using The Dead Baby Scam as a means to falsify records held "in your name".

We have also discovered how our Public Law and Public Peacekeeping Offices have been undermined and "unlawfully converted" into private corporate "Law Enforcement" positions --- so that our domestic police forces have been misdirected to act as corporate mercenaries for hire, tasked to protect the "service" corporations and their bottom lines, instead of being assigned the duty we all intended for them, which is to protect our private property and persons.

This then was all designed to protect the corporate criminals and their operations on our shores, and to unlawfully convert the apparatus of our government to serve them, instead of us.

Finally, we looked at how these monsters use Operant Conditioning to get us to believe in obvious falsehoods, get us to worship idols, and hand them the keys to our property, our minds, and our lives --- including our spiritual lives.

It's basically the same mechanisms discovered by Pavlov and B.F. Skinner, just applied for a much longer time and on a much greater scale than anyone imagined.

We have seen how we have been misled to ascribe value to "money" which is an arbitrary token in an equally arbitrary reward system, how the vacuous concept of "time" has been used to capture our energy and even how something as simple as communion with Jesus has been "converted" into a "saleable commodity" and subjected to commodity rigging.

Obviously, these activities and evils have been going on for a very long time and have been practiced at a high level by certain elements --- organizations and institutions -- that have used these means to obtain coercive control and then abused their positions of trust to inflict misery and theft on others.

The chief offenders?
The Roman Catholic Church, which was itself targeted by the Roman Empire for use as a storefront hiding their continued criminal enterprises and con games.

The Bar Associations and their members, who have worked for the Roman Empire since the second century BC.

The British Crown Corporation and its Secret Partners, the "American" heirs of the Dutch East India Company.

The UN Corporation, which was formed in 1943 by Nazi Sympathizers in France and Switzerland and Luxembourg--- a full two years before the United Nations organization was even chartered.

The so-called Central Banks and Securities Brokerages.

The problem for them and for the Pope, is that all of these organizations except the Holy See, are incorporated, and they have all acted as crime syndicates, so under the Ecclesiastical Law of the Air, he is obligated to nullify their charters.

He also owes us the responsibility, as I have pointed out numerous times, to deny the Perpetrators of these crimes access to new charters designed to commit the same crimes. He can forgive them all he likes, but he owes us good faith service to prevent crime.

This is, in a way, the same situation posed by all the pedophiles and sodomites that the Roman Catholic Church has protected. The Popes and the Cardinals can forgive them---for their own part--- all they like, but at the end of the day, they also owe a duty to the rest of us to report and to prevent crime.

The same principles apply to the "revolving door" of these corporate crimes against humanity. It isn't enough for the Pope to bow to the facts and shut down and liquidate the "UNITED STATES, INC." if he then allows the same group of Perpetrators to "come in the out door" and form a new corporation operating as "US, INC." or, more to the point, "UN, INC." and carry on the same atrocities.

It's time to stop being mice and, instead, act as men and women. Use the most powerful weapons the True God gave you --- the Truth and your minds.

1st October 2019, 07:14 PM
Notice of Political Status and Situation Report (https://mainerepublicemailreport.com/2019/10/01/notice-of-political-status-and-situation-report/)

Posted on October 1, 2019 (https://mainerepublicemailreport.com/2019/10/01/notice-of-political-status-and-situation-report/)by David Robinson (https://mainerepublicemailreport.com/author/mainepatriot/)
https://mainerepublicemailreport.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/anna-2.png?w=145 by Anna von Reitz

Notice of Political Status and Situation Report

First of October 2019

Secretary of State, Michael Pompeo, 2201 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20520

Secretary of Defense, Dr. Mark T. Esper, 1000 Defense, Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301

Dear Sirs:

This letter brings to your urgent attention the fact that literally millions of American civilians have been misidentified by your respective offices. The content of this letter is being broadcast to approximately 65 million Witnesses worldwide, so there is no purpose in claiming that you never received this information. Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

Millions of Americans have been falsely presumed to be some species of Federal United States citizen engaged in a commercial mercenary conflict on our shores, when in fact they are non-combatant Third Parties and are actually your Employers. They are State Citizen Parties to all three Federal Constitutions and are owed your Good Faith Service and every jot of every Constitutional Guarantee.

These people have suffered mechanized and institutionalized identity theft and genocide on paper while your Predecessors partied it up in Washington, DC, and racked up Odious Debt against our purloined credit. We are putting a stop to it, Gentlemen, and you are going to help us put a stop to it.

Millions of American civilians have been deprived of their property rights using deliberately constructed fraud schemes administered through the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the Social Security Administration, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Office of the Secretary of the United States Treasury, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Banking and Securities Commissions, States of States franchise organizations, Bureaus of Vital Statistics, the unauthorized Department of Justice, and associated organizations.

This is the single greatest crime against a civilian population in world history, and it has all come to a head on your watch.

My husband and I have notified you and your Predecessors eight times in 20 years that we are American State Nationals who may at our discretion act as American State Citizens: non-combatant civilians native to the States of this country. Both definitions, American State National and American State Citizen, are recognized in your own Federal Code at 8 USC 1101 (a) 21 and 8 USC 1101 (a) 22. Amazingly, it appears that your offices have lost our Prior Notices —- again, and neither one of you know a thing about what we are telling you.

So we shall be sending you another set of wet-ink Notices of Political Status signed under penalty of perjury for Anna Maria Riezinger (and all variations, permutations, abbreviations and punctuations of that name) and for James Clinton Belcher (and all variations, permutations, abbreviations, and punctuations of that name) via Registered Mail and we shall be standing ready to produce our mailing receipts and records detailing the same correspondence going back to 1998 plus additional evidence of the fraud against us, only this time, we are instituting a new system of publication for such Notices so that they are Published in Public and available for anyone, including your offices, at any time.

It has proven to be too convenient for your Offices to lose or misplace our Notices and other records, so we are forming a permanent International Land Recording Office for these Notices of Political Status and other documents. These new International Land Recording Offices will function in tandem with our State Assemblies and will be held under the authority and jurisdiction of The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States formed September 9, 1776.

A new alpha numeric ID system will also be put in place. Each eligible American civilian will be issued an independent identifier, instead of Social Security Numbers and other identifiers which have been used as part of the fraud against us.

These new designated Unique Living Being (ULB) identifiers will be the private property of the people using them and will have both public and private interfaces. These will be used to identify the political status of the users and other basic information about them, and will, in turn, be used by them to identify their private property.

This will enable all members of the military and foreign privatized law enforcement agents and foreign court administrators to recognize American civilians and their private property at a glance, so that they can easily avoid trespassing upon us and avoid making inappropriate presumptions and assumptions about our political status, about our rights and about any obligation or lack of obligation of juridical persons attached to our names for administrative purposes in foreign jurisdictions.

You are to assume from this moment onward that you are surrounded by approximately 200 million American civilians who have been the victims of organized crime perpetuated against them by their own employees — foreign subcontractors acting in Gross Breach of Trust.

You are to assume from this moment onward that your duty – your only actual duty – is to protect and defend these abused Americans, and from now on competently administer the trust which these people have placed in you. Corroborating correspondence to follow shortly. Any and all claims against our Public Insurance for bankrupt corporations chartered “for” us are to be refused and referred to former Prince Philip and Pope Francis.

Justice Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska [99652]

6th October 2019, 10:15 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAMm5-WzEZksD1yS2fM-PflJlG9tC7lGA5Dpbuyq04FrGOi2emn60BP4-07KsUfW_dFElJu0Rw-_DUl&hc_ref=ARS1sfeLgb5mNn2RvpM1Ukv7xmoOMlsncnnXqjViTnG Miy07Pk6JMt6Kvmaq-DODg5U&fref=nf)
12 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2460787923970273) ·

Why No Excitement Here Over Arbitration Awards

In a word, I am not excited about Arbitration Awards as a means of relief because I am not British.

I don't stand under the King's Law.

I am not a British Territorial United States Citizen.
So why would I get all excited about the Brits getting relief from their own courts? Why would I even comment on this?

Phil Hudok and all the other people pursuing these arbitration awards are U.S. Citizens, complaining about Municipal Citizens.
So, whoopee-ding-dong. There's nothing new here.

The Brits have been claiming against the Municipal CITIZENS since the Civil War, and awarding themselves whatever they want to award themselves under the False Presumption that everyone in this country is a Municipal Citizen and fair game for their predatory actions.

The Brits claim against the Municipal Citizens and the Municipal Citizens go along with this, because both sides are colluding to involve us in their cold mercenary war, and defraud us of our rights and property under False Pretenses.

The Brits are motivated by desire to access our credit and resources. The Municipals are motivated by desire to force us to pay their war reparations debts.

Both ends against the middle.

The whole take home message for you as an American is that you are NOT a British Territorial U.S. Citizen nor are you a Papist Municipal Citizen, either.
Neither one.

Repeat after me---- unless you actually are a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, these Arbitration Awards pursued under the King's Law, have nothing to do with you--- and if you claim to be a British Territorial U.S. Citizen because you think that this is the way to get justice out of the System, guess what?

You automatically give up your freedoms, your claims to the land, and your political status as an American.

You give up your birthright for a bowl of porridge, dishonor the men who fought the Revolutionary War, and settle for whatever fiat restitution you can get.

The Queen will be glad to promote these Arbitration Awards, because printing paper money is a cheap way to dispense with your claim to be an American State National, someone owed all your Natural and Unalienable rights, owed the land and its resources, and owed the Good Faith Service of the Queen.

The Arbitration Awards are another squabble between Brits and Municipal Citizens --- our two foreign Subcontractors --- and not something involving Americans at all, so long as you have sense enough to declare your status as Americans.

The whole point of reclaiming one's political status is to be free of any foreign feudal system of government. That is why we fought The War of Independence.

So why would I, an avowed American State Citizen, ever go back and "plead" for justice from a British Monarch? I would have to admit to being a British Subject to do that, and so would you.

That is what Phil Hudok has done, for whatever reasons.
It isn't my place to comment on his choices. Tories have always lived here among us. Killing them just because they are British-sympathizers and willing to bend their knees to the Queen and be considered paupers in their own country---- doesn't make sense to me.

They may be poor desperate ignorant people who really believe that Monarchy is a good form of government and that Feudalism is a desirable social system.

I have recently heard grown women propose to eat babies as a means to stop the Earth from wobbling on its axis. Compared to that, Phil Hudok's deal with the Queen seems pale by comparison.
As for me, the British Monarch admittedly owes me justice already, with no concessions owed on my part, and now it's just a matter of skewering the Queen and the Pope on the prongs of worldwide public opinion to make sure that justice is served.

6th October 2019, 10:23 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAmPsoY92kqD9IyhJZ8TOUiig25BKf_m6fIezzIxZqgiz j7zL2GBV-3DwAlKVZF8yrDI7qM1cInOw9B&hc_ref=ARSvHM07lLq-JOPgbIwNOiehnIHFeTPMNO8y_oK_fONGRf--8Zmh_dVUWsnUScakPJY&fref=nf)
11 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2460862920629440) ·

Remembering Where We Are in Time

Today was memorable for many reasons, not the least of which was an extraordinary conversation I had with a man who actually thought that The Treaty of Paris, 1783, was the Founding Document of our country.

I had to tell him that no, The Treaty of Paris, 1783, is not our Founding Document.

Our Founding Document is The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, published in July of 1776.

The Treaty of Paris barely mentions us for the same reason that the Constitutions barely mention us.

Neither the Treaty of Paris nor the Constitutions are about us -- they are instead Power Sharing Agreements between European Principals, sorting out what they will do and what their responsibilities are, going forward.

Look at this circumstance again--- there are four separate entities operating under confusingly similar names.

The United States --- the proper name of our soil jurisdiction states acting as a Union of republican States.

"the" United States -- the name of the Pope's Municipal United States Government.

The United States of America -- the proper name of our land jurisdiction unincorporated Federation of States.

"the" United States of America -- the name of the British Territorial United States of America.

As you read The Treaty of Paris, 1783, you will note that the bulk of whole thing is about "the United States" --- that is, the Pope's Municipal Government, and "the United States of America" --- that is, the British Territorial United States.

Both these entities were to receive specific "Delegated Powers" from us as a result of the peace treaty; they were to exercise these delegated powers for us and in our behalf, so they were both allowed to operate "under our names".

So, from 1783 onward, when you see references to "the United States" you have to read the context of the document in these early years to know whether they are talking about The United States or "the" United States.

Past about 1790 when all this got consolidated, you can reliably assume that any reference to The United States is about our soil jurisdiction Union of republican states, and any reference to "the" United States is about the Pope's Municipal United States Government.

The same process applies to the use of The United States of America. When you see it presented as The United States of America without the word "Incorporated" you may assume that our Federation of States is being discussed unless there is a specific agreement otherwise defined by the text. When you see "the" United States of America it refers to the British Territorial United States Government.

The Treaty of Paris of 1783 set up and defined what was being agreed to between the British King and the Pope, and who was responsible for what in the new Power Sharing Agreement coming into effect; the Constitutions then implemented these agreements.

From 1781 to 1787, our own States of America Confederation provided all the Services and exercised all the Delegated Powers.
After the original Constitution was adopted in 1787, specific "powers" that had been exercised by the States of America, were split off and exercised by the British Monarch and the Pope, instead.

The States of America continued to exist and function as our American Federal Service Provider until 1860, when the Civil War resulted in splitting the original Confederacy in half --- what remained were the Northern members of the States of America, and the Southern members now functioning as the Confederate States of America.

See the similar names now?

The bunko artists have tried to obscure these facts and prevent them from coming to public knowledge, but praise God, we now know.

When the Constitution of 1787 was adopted, the State of America confederacy lost many vital powers which it had hitherto exercised for us; it was obliged to turn these enumerated powers over to the British King of the Commonwealth (King John's heirs) and the Municipal Government of the Pope, respectively, according to the agreements reached as part of The Treaty of Paris, 1783.

The States of America continued to function in this lessened capacity until 1860, and was never reconstructed after the so-called American Civil War, mainly because the two foreign subcontractors secretively usurped upon their employers--- the American States and People and our unincorporated Federation of States, dba, The United States of America.

So the States of America has been awaiting "Reconstruction" all these years, and generations of clueless Americans have been left unaware that this job has yet to be done.

It is important to understand that our Government "of the people, for the people, and by the people' is a living government operating in an independent and sovereign capacity. It is summoned into being when necessity demands, and it is being summoned now to assemble the State Citizens who are the "People" who are Party to the Constitutions and who are enabled to enforce them.

Thanks to General Ignorance and various actions undertaken by our Federal Subcontractors in Breach of Trust we have had a long journey home and have been forced to remember exactly how we got here and who we are.

6th October 2019, 10:50 AM
Thanks to General Ignorance and various actions undertaken by our Federal Subcontractors in Breach of Trust we have had a long journey home and have been forced to remember exactly how we got here and who we are.

Perhaps this exert from Hobbes Leviathan will help Anna on her journey:

Actor, Author; Authority
Of Persons Artificiall, some have their words and actions Owned by those whom they represent. And then the Person is the Actor; and he that owneth his words and actions, is the AUTHOR: In which case the Actor acteth by Authority. For that which in speaking of goods and possessions, is called an Owner, and in latine Dominus, in Greeke Kurios; speaking of Actions, is called Author. And as the Right of possession, is called Dominion; so the Right of doing any Action, is called AUTHORITY. So that by Authority, is alwayes understood a Right of doing any act: and Done By Authority, done by Commission, or Licence from him whose right it is.

Covenants By Authority, Bind The Author
From hence it followeth, that when the Actor maketh a Covenant by Authority, he bindeth thereby the Author, no lesse than if he had made it himselfe; and no lesse subjecteth him to all the consequences of the same. And therfore all that hath been said formerly, (Chap. 14) of the nature of Covenants between man and man in their naturall capacity, is true also when they are made by their Actors, Representers, or Procurators, that have authority from them, so far-forth as is in their Commission, but no farther.
And therefore he that maketh a Covenant with the Actor, or Representer, not knowing the Authority he hath, doth it at his own perill. For no man is obliged by a Covenant, whereof he is not Author; nor consequently by a Covenant made against, or beside the Authority he gave.

But Not The Actor
When the Actor doth any thing against the Law of Nature by command of the Author, if he be obliged by former Covenant to obey him, not he, but the Author breaketh the Law of Nature: for though the Action be against the Law of Nature; yet it is not his: but contrarily; to refuse to do it, is against the Law of Nature, that forbiddeth breach of Covenant.

The Authority Is To Be Shewne
And he that maketh a Covenant with the Author, by mediation of the Actor, not knowing what Authority he hath, but onely takes his word; in case such Authority be not made manifest unto him upon demand, is no longer obliged: For the Covenant made with the Author, is not valid, without his Counter-assurance. But if he that so Covenanteth, knew before hand he was to expect no other assurance, than the Actors word; then is the Covenant valid; because the Actor in this case maketh himselfe the Author. And therefore, as when the Authority is evident, the Covenant obligeth the Author, not the Actor; so when the Authority is feigned, it obligeth the Actor onely; there being no Author but himselfe.

6th October 2019, 05:48 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARC607OksPr8nEFFhm_QSle-Fk7uwssTvQDuSYavFt2aN2b1l0UhsqngpJS6xj8r0zliM7X4zD-A1XaP&hc_ref=ARTx-G3awDCPXnaY8l2-5W_M9nuZqpmFVe27MXyxH9Iv0TJPfU2P_-br9HdZc6geT3E&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2461815610534171) ·

Again, About the Arbitration by Phil Hudok and Others

The following is a snippet from a conversation with one of those advocating and all excited about Phil Hudok's Arbitration. It starts abruptly by answering the notion that the Queen or I or anyone else has the ability to determine someone else's political status....

Pardon me, but neither I nor the Queen have a word to say about your political status choices.
You [those advocating Hudok's solution] are the ones claiming to be subjects of the Queen by continuing to (1) espouse "US Citizenship" without declaring which "US" you belong to; (2) by standing voluntarily under the King's Law, and (3) by accepting the relief offered by his courts (as in "welfare relief").

By these acts, you voluntarily subject yourself to the King (or Queen), and you look ridiculous if you then claim otherwise.

What you and others, too, fail to comprehend ---even though I place it before you almost daily---- is that there are multiple governments at work here in America. Not just one.

The American Government of, for, and by the people does exist, but so does the Queen's British Territorial Government, and the Pope's Municipal Government. All three.

That circumstance, of having three different governments actively employed here at the Federal level, is the result of the "Power Sharing Agreements" that are in front of your faces--- The Definitive Treaty of Paris, 1783, the implementing Constitutions, and if you were to dig further, you would find the related Treaties of Versailles and of Westminster dating 1778-1784.

Each one of these separate governments --- American, British Territorial, and Papal --- has specific jobs to do by contractual agreement. In performing those jobs, the subcontractors exercise our own "Delegated Powers" and operate "in our names". This adds to the confusion.

So here you are, claiming the leniency and mercy of the King on one hand, championing his law and subjecting yourself to it, and on the other hand, claiming to be an American Patriot. Pardon me, again, but I am not the one who is confused.

You can be counted as an American, and claim your birthright as a State National, or you can go a step further and claim to be a State Citizen. See the Definitions in 8 USC 1101 (a) 21 and 8 USC 1101 (a) 22 (B).

You can also voluntarily choose to be considered a British Territorial United States Citizen (which is what you and Phil Hudok are doing, whether you realize it or not) or, you can choose to act as a Papal Municipal "citizen of the United States".
These citizenship statuses were created by the Constitutions implementing The Definitive Treaty of Paris 1783 --- Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2, and Article 1, Section 3, Clause 3.

Both these foreign citizenship statuses cited directly above, were created by the Constitutions and without the Constitutions, they cease to exist.

This is why preserving the Constitutions is of primal importance to all those who claim their political status based upon the Constitutions.

We, Americans, don't base our nationality nor our citizenship status on the Constitutions. Our political status pre-dates the Constitutions by a decade.

So, if you want to style yourself as a British Territorial Citizen and wish to subject yourself to the Queen, who am I to criticize or say differently? The Constitutions give you that right, just as they preserve my rights and guarantees.

6th October 2019, 06:01 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDPoWXPcM3-asrauRylofnp9_heDyNLeUoSo4-77zu095HgzDhSZVIplhT4iWC6db6DFXJxILhHVb5Z&hc_ref=ARR0qQKUMgFXIYbXrWMyNyfvhPalSlGIAFVKeWgQ0LC 3U6LLZkoUstMAxrTJYfYd-nM&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2462167783832287) ·

Notice to Pope: Babylon is Fallen, is Fallen

Now, fully armed, locked and loaded, with the ---to many people explosive knowledge --- that there are three governments active in this country, and always have been, we must also realize that "President of the United States" refers explicitly to the CEO of the Municipal United States Government.

Anything done by "the United States" that is not specifically a "delegated power" entrusted to it, does not in any way apply to Americans.

So the USMCA Treaty is just about them, not about us ---- however, we need to impress them and everyone else with these facts, so that we are not presumed to agree with nor to condone the USMCA Treaty as anything undertaken for us and certainly nothing we are taking responsibility for, either.

We consider it nothing but a gross extension of criminality and fraud, destined for destruction.

The reason that the "Federal Reserve" has ever been considered "legal" is that it is a religious institution.

Yes, you heard that right.

In order to make their scheme work, the Federal Reservists -- members of a pagan religious order protected under the Roman Pontificate --- asserted their right to contract and their right to religious freedom.

They thereupon created the "reserve" defined as their blood and bodies, put a price upon these precious resources and upon their labor and upon all their interest in private and public property ---- and donated it all to their religious institution --- The Federal Reserve.

They also trademarked and created the "Federal Reserve System", which they bankrupted in 2009, ending any pretense that they would be responsible for their debts, including the "Federal Reserve Notes" that their Federal Reserve System issued as Promissory Notes from 1913 to 2009.

Since then, we've all be passing their vacated debts around as if there was anything at all backing them, and as if there was any hope of them ever being honored by the banks issuing them.

But, you say, ----I am not a member of this weird religion! I never even heard of it before! I most certainly never "pledged" my blood and body, my labor, my private property, my public lands, my children, or anything else to the Federal Reserve....
But guess, what?

By a process of deceit and purposeful non-disclosure and even physical duress and coercion, they got your Mother to "donate" your name to them when you were only a few days old.

This resulted in an "Unconscionable Contract" --- literally a contract that you were never aware of, and could not be aware of, being established "in your name" and granting your body and blood, your labor, your private property, your interest in the public property of this nation, your children, your marriage, and everything else including the copyright and trademark of your Given Name --- to the perpetrators of this Gross Fraud Scheme and Breach of Trust.

We are in the process of repudiating all such Presumptions, one by one, as millions of Americans return to and claim their birthright political status and deny any such obligation or religious connection.

Meantime, those who actually, knowingly, and willfully engaged in this grotesque self-immolation and religious idolatry, have continued on and retained their character as "citizens of the United States" ---- the Pope's Municipal Government.

That failed theocracy, which is not Christian, and which worships Mammon, is now ducking and running and collaborating with its sister organization, the International Monetary Fund, which is the bank behind the criminal UN Corp founded during the Second World War by Vichy French and Swiss Nazi Collaborators.

They propose to replace "UNITED STATES DOLLARS" with "SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS" also known as "SDR"s, all predicated on the idea that they have obtained some legitimate commercial right to "draw upon" ---- like vampires --- your blood, your body, your DNA, your private property, your public property, your progeny and your labor ---- all functioning as collateral backing for all their debts.

Shall we all stand up right now and tell President Trump and all the Politicos that we never accepted any such contract? Are not members of this religious cult? And neither were any of our ancestors?

Shall we tell the Federal Reserve and the IMF and the Pope and the perpetrators of this horrific enslavement scheme to Go to Hell?

Shall we demand the return of all right, title, and interest, all patents, and all labor resources that they have fraudulently conveyed and assumed an "ownership interest" in?

And shall we make sure that President Trump knows of our objections to his signature permitting "the" United States to participate in the IMF/UN Corp scheme "in our names"----- all based upon the Presumption of our "donation" of ourselves to their god, Mammon?

Yes, I think it is most appropriate, and I think that it is necessary for all Roman Catholics to come squarely to terms with what has been done "in their names" too.

Worship of Mammon is idolatry. Worship of Ashtoreth -- aka, "The Statue of Liberty" is blasphemy and is worship of "The Great Abomination", which is indeed standing "where it should not stand".

Worship of Nimrod-Satan-Poseidon is worship of a False God, known appropriately, as "The Father of All Lies". His emblem, the snake, is prominently displayed as an integral part of the Pope's Auditorium design, and also entwines itself around the Pope's throne in the Auditorium Chamber.

Roman Catholics, this cult is what has been using your Church as a storefront for generations, just as it has been using our country as a storefront, and just as it proposes to use the United Nations organization as a storefront for global enslavement of mind, body, and soul.

This is what we are all up against, and it must be destroyed, from within and from without.

Mr. Trump has made the error of agreeing to let "the" United States participate in the IMF/UN Corp scheme. Perhaps he has been swayed by their arguments of freedom to contract and freedom of religion --- without looking deeper and fully understanding that criminality cannot be excused as a "religion".

Before we all start bashing in skulls and slitting throats and chasing down Catholic priests and dismembering them in the streets and hanging nuns like grotesque black and white Christmas ornaments---- which is merely our Public Law and the Geneva Conventions for dealing with capital level felons ---- we need to take pause.

Most of these people had no clue what their church was getting into, just as most Americans had no idea what was being alleged and falsified about them and their country, either.

This evil cannot stand the light of day, and its intention, to enslave and suck dry the people of the entire world under the same False Presumption of contract ----can't either.

Pope Francis needs to deeply consider not only his own future, but the future of the Roman Catholic Church under his direction, and the likely outcome of continuing this drive to attain world domination via fraud and coercion "in the name of" Jesus, or 'in the name of" The United States, or "in the name of" the United Nations, either.

If he and his pagan cohorts want to do all this evil, they can attempt it without any reference to us and without any pretense of representing us.

The rest of us must confront the fact that none of this has anything to do with Jesus. Quite the opposite. It has to do with "cells" of Satanists embedded within the Church, within the "US" Municipal Government, within our military, and within many governments worldwide.

This is an ancient, venal, fecund evil which has been repeatedly suppressed ever since it first arose and led to the downfall of Ancient Babylon. It's time to not only suppress it, but to utterly destroy it.

If anyone is so mentally disturbed or stupid as to support a "religion" based on crime against oneself and one's fellow man, a "religion" that promotes the destruction of mankind and of all moral fiber, a "religion" that advocates worship of idols including Molloch and Mammon and Baal, a "religion" that practices infanticide, pedophilia, and cannibalism ---- then let them go to a mental hospital, where they belong.

As for the rest of us, it's time to stand up and put Pope Francis and the Roman Catholic Church in the cross-hairs and keep them there until they curl up and purge themselves of this Great Evil, and ditto-ditto the "Federal Reserve", the "IMF", the "UN Corp", the United Nations organization, the bankers en masse, and anyone, anywhere who dares to support their agenda.

Mr. Trump, kindly withdraw from the USMCA Treaty, and put these arrogant criminals back in their places --- a very dark box where they all belong. Do not venture to further sully our names with these acts and practices.

We'll put the two hundred or so Americans who knowingly, willingly, supported this to death in effigy, as the original perpetrators are all physically dead. We will provide safe mental institutions for those who are intractably and incurably addicted to these practices and delusions.

We will happily liquidate their corporations and put an end to this macabre bid for world domination using the Roman Catholic Church, our country, and the United Nations organization as storefronts for this profound Evil.

We will restructure the banks and the credit system--- which is actually an easy, quick thing to do --- and get the world back on track with no further adieu.
https://publiushuldah.wordpress.com/…/so-you-think-trump-w…/ (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpubliushuldah.wordpress.com% 2F2019%2F10%2F06%2Fso-you-think-trump-wants-to-get-rid-of-the-fed%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR36NVdlVAUyQcCb5o647eNcwmWQLF fofce_l1Q435pB0o_6FB2PyBOczLE&h=AT037Qd1GRji3DTn9YLleJHuscmJjmnUKbUf81RyivEwqQo3 qsMC43oskqO8GyeFsmcQjW6S32sKJRG4uSieFjA2MibZLPGBJg Y-p_UvtS9gAKZ6A_KX-nKYMfdXVOJNoZwtIQU_iX2UaFHW4iu7NKaEebJ7jv1B)

And everyone kindly remember that none of this has anything to do with America or Americans in general. The epicenter of this evil and this fraud lies with the Pope's Municipal United States Government----- "the" United States, not The United States.
It remains for the Roman Catholics and the United Nations organization members to do the same thing for themselves ---they need to declare their repudiation of all these fraudulent claims and falsified documents being held against innocent people worldwide.

They need to "come out of Babylon" or suffer Babylon's fate.

6th October 2019, 06:30 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARByylp1pNobBoWgcInIa6rgolSA_mYnFos3gM3DmVLbS8 nJ3y3ncmPiOjrtNX2lOqY06YNguJljYpFx&hc_ref=ARQpLXrAzsQ6AD7PeQEGOFlLeRO349Obh6kQ-xmfJ9lG0v_l6nwIUdF1Hdt4hAQmY_E&fref=nf)
27 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2462401850475547) ·

The Revolving Door

In the name of protecting the confessional and granting forgiveness to penitent sinners, the Church has harbored criminals.

As I have said often enough before, there is only One who can grant forgiveness, and as I will say again, in order for forgiveness to happen, our repentance must be sincere.

Repentance must cut to the bone and change our hearts, or we are just as guilty as we ever were --- maybe more so, because those who seek forgiveness without true repentance brand themselves as hypocrites, too.

This lackluster mundane chronic "forgiveness" offered by the corrupted Church leads to a revolving door syndrome.

Week One: "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I have had sex with my dog twice this week...." Week Two: "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I have had sex with my dog three times this week....." Week Three: "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I had sex with my dog, two donkeys and a really hot cat this week....."

You see what I mean and what this leads to.

The same thing applies to the Church's responsibility under both Ecclesiastical and Canon Law to liquidate corporations that engage in criminal activities. Witness the liquidation of the UNITED STATES, INC.

This took ten years to accomplish, was not properly administered, resulted in rewarding the criminals responsible, and then, these same criminals were allowed to form a new corporation under a new name, and allowed to sail on as if nothing had happened.

The form of justice was somewhat maintained. They went through the motions of a liquidation the same way they go through the motions of repentance and forgiveness ---- but nothing was bettered or altered, no justice was done, and the criminality fostered by this has continued unabated.

Here's another example: "Among those arrested, 36 men were charged with trying to buy sex [from children] and one man was arrested for promoting [child] prostitution. Forty-three women were arrested for selling sex — they were connected with social services aimed at rehabilitating human trafficking victims,
WBNS-TV reported."https://www.foxnews.com/…/ohio-sex-sting-104-arrested-docto… (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxnews.com%2Fus%2Fohio-sex-sting-104-arrested-doctor-church-youth-director.amp%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2cUVBO_94KiSArZJE9oyZr JxcKpKqernm8ESMVpnfHkaLBvMDTS0Oi_Gg&h=AT3GARgt68nBwgDqHvy4IN36j_sYUiWsEmzNKBPCtk6GWkzP 8uxwOYYv8ePWkItwgVWZ2d9S9ecBbDUw7TaGBkFCZtwLm4XQdP Frx9tdhQ2d2xMNhE1oasjay3aCMlR_Qrl5YxITeYz0zAF1jeKS uH_5DrIqR1TJ)

You notice that last kicker? The women arrested were "connected with social services aimed at rehabilitating human trafficking victims" ---- the traffickers were the ones hired to "rehabilitate" the victims.

Apparently, "rehabilitation" means being abused some more, so that the victims learn to accept it better.

Think about it --- 43 grown women, involved in sex trafficking children. What possible punishment would be appropriate or sufficient for them? Branding a big red "T" in the center of their foreheads?

Many people are surprised when they hear about child sex trafficking in places like Ohio. I selected this story out of many to bring home the point that rural America and rural Canada are the favorite hunting grounds of these depraved criminals.

My Mother, a farm girl from Wisconsin, was attacked when she was only seven years old. It scarred her for life. She carried a gun wherever she went. And if anyone had ever again offered to harm her or one of her children, that person would be dead--- with extreme prejudice. She was connected to an entire group of adult women in Wisconsin who had been abused as children, and they were all the same. They all carried guns. And they were all sworn to use them.

My Mother's brothers were also members of a similar men's group, as a result of her abduction and abuse. They and their friends, mostly WWII buddies, were similarly dedicated to protecting the community's children. If any gang of pedophiles or child traffickers ever came into Jackson County, these people were unceremoniously fed to the catfish. It was "settled law", and that was enough.

Guys who stormed Anzio and the Normandy Beaches didn't give a rat's rump. Anyone --- and I do mean anyone --- who messed with their children, was going to wind up on the short end of a long stump.

As a result, nobody had to lock the doors of their houses. Nobody had to worry about locking their cars. We kids played wherever we wanted to play, carefree as the daisies in May. We stayed out in the evenings until the streetlights came on and fire flies came out, and nobody ever had to worry, because there were adults deployed all over that county watching us all like hawks. If anyone was caught harming a child, they died, and the Jackson County Coroner signed the Death Certificate "natural causes".

You can't get more natural than a big catfish.

Now, that's the reality of it all and that's what people of a new generation have to face. It's not all sunshine and roses and butterflies. It's not all unicorns and sly snarky jokes and name-brand jeans.

It's not that these same pedophiles and sex traffickers and cannibals didn't exist in my day. It's that they didn't exist for long. They got taken out and down and off the street faster than rabid dogs.

The local policemen, all three of them, didn't do the job of policing our community and protecting our children. A bunch of grim old men and women, teamed up with a few well-fed catfish, did that job. It was "settled law" and they enforced it.

Last time I was home in Wisconsin, it was late summer, a dark and beautiful moonlit night with a yellow full moon riding high in the sky. I stopped and parked my car and listened to the whippoorwills and watched the small ripples on one of the countless lakes. Behind me, across a two-lane asphalt road was a narrow three-story court building, built of grey limestone blocks.

That court building stands mostly empty and unused now, because it belongs to the actual County and the actual People of Wisconsin.
It's only when a grey-beard like me comes to town and the Justices of the Peace hold a meeting or when the County Land Surveyor brings in a new record, that it gets used at all.

One could think that there was nobody in a hundred miles. One could easily think that nobody had ever been there since the courthouse was built. It was that quiet.

But I remembered a night fifty years ago, when that same courthouse was anything but quiet.

A 42-year old man from Chicago had been caught red-handed raping a seven year old boy from Hatfield, Wisconsin.

A jury of twelve men heard the facts, heard the law, and delivered their verdict within about an hour. The Justice of the Peace pronounced the sentence. By two o'clock in the morning, everyone was home in bed, the boy was in his Mother's arms, being comforted, and our criminal visitor from Chicago was dead.

They netted and weighted and threw his hanged body into that same lake I was looking at. It was the established and published and settled law of our actual County, and they enforced it.

If Chicago wanted to gripe, they could sit on Lake Michigan and spin.

He was a big, fat, white man and he looked like a dead pig as they lowered him in, wiped their hands, and said a prayer for his immortal soul.

That's the way it was back then, and if the military and the police don't haul rump and get their heads wrapped around what we are facing in this country, it will have to be that way again, because nobody in their right mind is going to put up with having their children grabbed and raped and murdered.

I don't care if you are black, white, purple, LGBT or ET. Doesn't make a bit of difference to me. You're on our turf now. And its our law that matters.

As I started up my car to leave, I saw a shadow detach itself from the pine trees across the parking lot and saw a flash of white smile in the darkness. A Winnebago man from the Ho-Chunka Reservation out fishing for the evening. He was about my age and there was something familiar about him, but I couldn't immediately place who he was.

Ah, the younger brother of one of my classmates.

We greeted each other kindly, respectfully, and passed the time for a couple minutes, then he said, "I remember the way it used to be."
"So do I," I replied.

"We were poor," he said, "but people were honest."
I nodded.
"My own son stole my outboard motor and sold it," he told me, for no apparent reason.
People are forever telling me things they wouldn't tell their Mother.
"Did you get it back?" I asked.
"Yes, the motor I got back, but not my son," he said sadly. "He thinks that money is the important thing, not his Father's respect and love."
He was leaning against my car, looking up at the full moon. I could see the tears rolling down his face, but his voice didn't betray a thing.
What could I say? That our country has been deluded? That the whole world is led astray by con men? So that people value what is not valuable, and throw away everything that matters, even their self-respect?
"I don't think I will ever use that outboard again," he said finally. "I think I'll throw it away somewhere. Dig it a grave."
What could I say? I knew exactly what he meant and why he said it.

We've gained things, but not virtues. We have money, but not love. Whatever pleasure or utility that outboard motor once provided to him, it was nothing compared to what it cost him --- his pride and his trust in his son.

As I pulled away and out onto the road again, I tried to follow his shadow back into the trees, but he vanished back into the forest as abruptly as he came, and I knew that even if I stopped the car and cut the engine and listened hard, I wouldn't hear his moccasin boots on the soft ground covered with pine needles.

It all brought up an unexpected sense of loss. Harsh as it was, our justice was once swift and sure.

Hard as it was, to wear homemade cotton dresses and eat scrapple for breakfast all winter long, and share my portion with the dog so that he could live, too---- hard as it was, it was true. It was built out of our land and our labor, not out of cheating someone else, and not out of stealing, least of all, stealing from our family and our friends.

This, this ugly system of immorality, criminality, and greed is the "superiority" and the "sophistication" of the Europeans --- polite, white collar crime, murder carried out with a pen by clueless bureaucrats ---- and they can have it, too, I thought, as I shoved the old stick shift into third gear.

Predators of children and the elderly and our veterans, too, I thought, as I turned Old Bessie over into fourth gear and rocked on down the road. And they are going to give me a title, Esquire, so that I can work for them? And aspire to be like them?

Ha! They are on my turf now.

9th October 2019, 08:36 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAqD0SoguUvrhCzv7r7_yd8JkgGS77gToURl-vqHVBUHARBdjgHsCLqTrwNeT4N5DZhaO6L8w-4RPQ_&hc_ref=ARTtOdNxtCFDckEDiIjcMLIAT4NPKX6zZi5AAWM9acl VJWwKylN-j1eAu0SlDvRUII0&fref=nf)
15 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2466003876782011) ·

I Will Make This Very Clear

When men and women sign up to serve in the United States Military, they adopt--- knowingly or unknowingly--- British Territorial United States Citizenship, one of the two citizenships created under the Constitutions, and they give up (hopefully temporarily) their status as American State Nationals or American State Citizens for the duration of their Tour of Duty.

It used to be that when a Tour of Duty ended and they received their Honorable Discharge, our service members were "assumed" to return to their normal civilian birthright political status as American State Nationals.

Somewhere between 1945 and 1950, all that changed, and unless one specifically gives Notice, the discharged service members have been "presumed" to remain in Federal Territorial or Municipal status--- that is, they never returned home. They remain classified as British Territorial United States Citizens.

Most former service personnel want to return home to the States after they are released from duty and would be very upset to know that so far as the Federal Government is concerned, they have stayed in Federal Custody--purportedly of their own volition.

This has made them subject to Federal Taxation and subjected them to the foreign law of the British Territorial Government and the Municipal United States Government and deprived them of the freedom and exemptions they are owed.

Now we are hearing all about Phil Hudok and the Big Arbitration Award, and many people are being seduced by the lure of easy money and fast results without being told the downside to all this.

So, here's the upside --- you get paid off, sometimes large amounts, of fiat script, and you get to hop around on one leg and crow for a while afterward.

And here's the downside --- you admit by doing this that you are a British Territorial United States Citizen, not an American State National. You admit that you voluntarily stand under the King's Law as a Pauper of the Commonwealth, owed "relief"--- as in "welfare relief". You lose your Natural and Unalienable Rights, and your Constitutional guarantees, you can never actually own land in the States, and you offer yourself as chattel backing the King's debts.

If you then decide to come forward later and claim that you are in fact an American State National and are owed your Natural and Unalienable Rights, and your land and your constitutional guarantees, you will be told-- "I'm sorry, we have a valid record here, signed in your own hand, claiming a share in this Arbitration Award as a British Territorial United States Citizen."

I suppose it depends on your mindset and what your needs are.
If you really are a Pauper and desperate enough to sell yourself --including your soul-- to get some increasingly worthless military script as your "share" in the National Trust owed to the States and People of this country, and you are fooled by all the rhetoric that Phil and Company are blatting, then this might be just your ticket.

Who am I to stand in your way, if you want to "voluntarily" sell your birthright for a bowl of porridge?

Just leaves more for me and mine to claim as the actual, factual Landlords and heirs of the States and of The United States of America.

Your choice. But at least you know what you are giving up when you take the British sop.

The men promoting this are not trustworthy nor truly knowledgeable in my opinion, and appear to be willfully deluding themselves about the meaning and the effect of what they are doing.

I do not believe in Free Lunches, and I do not subject myself to the Pope nor to the Queen of the Commonwealth for any amount of debt-money.

As for me and my household, we'll stand on our flat little feet and hold the Queen and the Pope accountable for honoring their Good Faith Service owed to American State Nationals. We will demand that our Natural and Unalienable Rights be respected. We will claim our land freeholds and patents, all the way back to The Unanimous Declaration of Independence.

9th October 2019, 02:34 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB0Pw3JO5jrkQe6w2axykiXwb-y0z47Y-nWQWs8JI9LN9q15pEf9y_INyCxe781SKuw_aBejVG4oymL&hc_ref=ARRXwzM_43BN97LS9_iQUsKgqFBhHLgINkSmDBTP9bT 5Hb8Gr6sh45wACz-RT-Z-gwo&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2467337366648662) ·

For the Pope, the Queen and the Flag Officers:

You think that we are poor in spirit; but we are not deceived.
We are not fooled by your deceits.

We are not stumbled by your simple ruses, your attempts to hide your business affairs and avoid your obligations by doing business under many names.

We don't miss the point that the Queen rules the Commonwealth for the Pope. We see that the Pope working as the Roman Pontiff rules the Municipal Governments of the world.

We see how you have used similar names to "represent" us and our country and yes, even our Armed Services, seeking to abuse and destroy us from within.

We see how you have used both virtues and vices to your ends.

We see how you have used the Roman Catholic Church as a storefront for the benefit of evil, and how you move to use the United Nations organization in the same way.

We hear how you laugh at us and we know what you think.

You think that you own all that you see and that you have inherited the Kingdom of your God.

You think that all the Earth is in your power and you rejoice in the evil and the deceptions in which you are willingly participating.

You have always mistaken the Power of Death for the Power of Life.
And you think --what are we? Frail children made of dust?

We are those who have come from Heaven to collect your debts.

We are those whom the Living God has made. We belong to Him alone and His Spirit dwells with us.

We don't have to do anything, or make any war against you; indeed, we only speak to you so that you may be made fully aware of your own choices.

And so that your guilt or innocence may be firmly established for everyone to see.

Foolishly, you place your faith in death and in bombs and in poisons and in plasma technology. Our Father has made everything in this world to test you and your spirits.

Even now, you come to your own judgement and shall fully know what it is, and will have no questions about His Justice.

But as for us, we are incarnate by an Act of God: we do not have to work against you, because you undermine yourselves and choose against the better life and more abundant life we wish for you and which we would freely give you.

So be it. The Order is given.

By His Spirit you are overcome. By His Spirit is this battle won. Not by flesh and deeds of men, but by the Spirit of the Living God, making all things new.

As for Donald Trump he will triumph and his works will stand, because he humbles himself and does not rely on the wisdom of men.

He will put you to shame, even as Cyrus did; he will stretch out his hand and none of the guilty will escape. He will roar and the mountains will remove themselves.

You will witness this for yourselves, and even then, you will not believe it.

Oh, stubborn, hard-hearted sons! How easy it would have been for you to just come home at last, and be at peace. How easy to accept the truth that you cannot fight against... but now, as then, you will not humble yourselves and accept the gifts of your Father.

You will not hear the wisdom of His Counsel nor seek the help of His Fiduciary, so your troubles will mammothly increase, and all those evil things you seek to do will vanish like mirages from in front of your face. Your arms will be useless. Your faces drained.

From this moment on and until you repent to your bones and your heart, His Spirit will rest heavily upon you and your guilt will be illuminated as with a spotlight.

Nothing you do will come to harvest. No cruelty you inflict will have the result you expect. Those you mislead and misdirect have heard the words spoken by the Spirit; yes, they now awaken. They shake off the dust of ages and see you for what you are.

Let no man think you haven't chosen this misfortune for yourselves, for well and truly, you have committed these atrocities and told these lies, even after you have been well-warned, well-counseled, and well-advised.

9th October 2019, 02:39 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAYAnI2bUsIcYLr2WLX3O9x4G6Ppfr4N8VONyf5LwHSiT oWqGsYL_hLvcnYmZIr5NG4QCNN5L9oKRMZ&hc_ref=ARTYGOB_IDnlQSaq0G2no_U1cqtjgxMnDUpT30qUlZn PJq9zQb36-FkbKaLE9Omt-qk&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2467374489978283) ·

Silly People

Silly people still don't understand.

They think all this circumstance is about politics and religion and race and "culture wars" and even about what adult people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms.

It's not about any of that.

It's about crime. It's about fleecing and controlling us all. It's about keeping our house divided, so that Mankind cannot unite and overcome the demonic forces picking away at us day and night.

I got a piece of mail across my desk today saying that "sovereignty" is anti-Semitism. That is how crazy this narrative has gone. It's as if people are brain-dead. Not only are they too dumb to catch onto what is actually going on, but they can't even sort apples from oranges anymore.

They can't tell the difference between private business and public business, between one country and another.

We have Phil Hudok and others, including Flag Officers, too clueless or disloyal to realize that if they stand under the King's Law, they subject themselves to the King. And lose their heritage as Americans.

We have LGBTs "embracing" Pedophiles, as if the knowing acts of adults are comparable to and in the same league with parasitic rape of children.

Please do all that you can to wake these people up. Observe that we are all being fed a line of tripe and that all these "Issues" are being used as a smokescreen by real criminals.

First, they have constructed a phony public trust.

Second, they have set up a scheme to get your Mothers to unknowingly donate you and your assets to this bogus trust.

Third, they have used the falsified documents to create false legal presumptions.

Fourth, they have used these false legal presumptions about your identity and political status to prosecute you in foreign courts run by the same perpetrators.

Fifth, they have developed an institutionalized set of mechanisms based on criminal private patents to accomplish their racketeering and piracy under color of law.

Sixth, they have replaced civilian peacekeeping forces dedicated to upholding the public law with private "Law Enforcement Officers" loyal to their own corporate agendas.

Seventh, they have created a worldwide interlocking trust directorate scheme involving 147 corporations to set up a system of Commercial Feudalism to serve their ends of ruling over all the Earth and all Mankind, forever.

If we don't wake up and call upon the Spirit of the Living God to end this criminality, madmen and criminals will rule over us and the Earth will be destroyed.

It is that simple.

9th October 2019, 09:12 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDDFfEKuBqw_cOe3FCPS1O9S5wbsRfVY6iUptRDZPUxRN Ze0w7CYJOwsn6uwKf67cWiYPrRdB2QHoiL&hc_ref=ARTx3MVOLxYWnPrf_0mGsomrKnaxirYsTU3kpEQk0FJ Bn6-yr_kabFupZfk0gZ0j_-g&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2467840173265048) ·

Long Overdue

This information has been "Flash Banned" by many sources, but it is brief and simple enough to understand.

The "Vice President" is an office that has always been charged with handling vice operations, as in "Vice Squad".

In the United States Municipal Government, this initially meant that the Vice-President was responsible for riding herd on the regulation of interstate manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. These so-called "Sin Taxes" were established initially as the means to fund the operations of the Federal Government.

It falls primarily under the heading of the Municipal Government because it involves (or is supposed to always involve) business between organized corporations engaged in "interstate commerce", and commerce is the realm of the Municipal Government.

So from the very first, the Vice President's Office has been concerned with: (1) regulatory activity concerning commercial operations and specifically commerce in controlled substances and commerce in foreign trade; and (2) enforcement activities related to sin taxes, trade in controlled substances, and "vice".

Unfortunately, when the wrong people get into this Office, it is easy for things to go sideways and instead of being a comptroller and regulator seeking to promote Public Safety and collection of taxes and tariffs on controlled substances and oversight of commercial transactions with foreign business partners involving commodities subject to tariffs and fees of various kinds----- gross abuses occur, which is precisely what happened with Joe Biden.

Joe Biden couldn't resist feathering the family nest in a big way.
While there is no evidence that he, himself, directly received funds from these activities, it is clear that he abused his office to rig deals and peddle influence highly beneficial to his son, Hunter Biden.

By all accounts, Hunter Biden is a man with a troubled history of drug addiction and instability caused by drug addiction---- but because of his Father's office and deal-making and pressuring of foreign governments, Hunter received improper appointments and contracts.

In the first incident, Joe Biden got his son, Hunter, appointed to the Board of Ukraine's largest private producer of gas, even though Hunter knew nothing about gas production or the Ukraine and had no experience with either. This netted $50,000 a month, plus a $3 million backdoor payment laundered through other countries.

A Ukrainian prosecutor was alerted to the money laundering of the $3 million, and began investigating the gas company and Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden held up $250 million in aid to the Ukrainian Government for ransom, until the prosecutor was fired and this investigation quashed.
This is a crime. It's called Obstruction of Justice and Economic Blackmail. Joe Biden bragged about it afterward.

Nepotism, influence peddling, coercion, and other lesser crimes are also self-evident.

A second such intervention by Daddy Biden netted Hunter Biden over $1.5 billion dollars from China ---- that's "billion" with a "b".

Clearly, this not just some petty one-time dalliance of a morally compromised politician finagling a quid pro quo for his son.

This is a Vice President of the United States getting involved in vice for vice's sake, participating in vice and criminality for unjust enrichment, and abusing his Office "in our names" to do it.

This, when Biden's actual duty as Vice-President, was to control and combat such corruption, regulate vice-related substances, and collect sin taxes related to controlled substances and foreign commercial tariffs.

One wonders what the governments of Ukraine and China can think about our country and about us?

It is outrageous that Joe Biden abused his Public Trust and Office in this manner, but unfortunately, it has become par for the course in Washington, DC. This and behavior like it, is the reason that the voters hired President Trump to drain the swamp.

Obviously, those pigs--- or alligators?---- at the trough in DC, are resisting exposure of their dirty deeds and criminality, and so are trying to magically transform this information into a whole new fictional story line, claiming that President Trump did something improper by inquiring about Biden's activities as Vice-President.

News for the Beltway: Biden behaved as a criminal while occupying the Office of Vice-President of the United States.

Biden shouldn't be walking the streets, much less running for President.

More News for the Beltway: President Trump did nothing wrong.
Still More News for the Beltway: The Party is Over.

It also appears that the families of John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi have been involved in similar activities, and there may be Republican Lawmakers who have also engaged in this kind of criminality, too. It hasn't been investigated until now, "out of respect for Congress".

Obviously, our respect for Congress and all other elected officials has to be predicated on what Congress does, and influence peddling, economic blackmail, and similar activity don't merit our respect, our trust, nor our tolerance.

10th October 2019, 11:57 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBqY71_dOIt_va6Jouh1pJi5klT1WbDRX1DxyTBFqEBeh cYKbOmZNPfD5CqMTYB7c4VZ28oPy7-OH9b&hc_ref=ARSg8fCT7HMtA0nWqWWXM3ymD6iK8Zdn1zT922eyv4C neyXPa9aWZtotcKe-6Ftt2fE&fref=nf)
14 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/2468136873235378) ·

Still More for the [Misled] Flag Officers:

Well, you are not all misled, just some of you. And it is to you Misled Fellows that this is addressed.

Here's the accusation:
She is again obfuscating the facts about what the founding docs really were/are. The King's founding and the foundations America was built on (follow the money please) was just a business venture documented in the 1606 First Virginia Charter of claims and was never canceled.
Virginia received three charters, 1606, another in 1609, and the third in 1612. The differences among the three charters lie primarily in the territorial jurisdiction of the COMPANY. He who owns the most land wins. He needed Real Currency so he claimed a share of all the Gold, Silver and Copper found in America by his surveyors and all that would mine for it. These shares would be passed on to his heirs in perpetuity. A good conquest businessman he was to even take care of his future family members. And all at the expense of the Native Americans.

Here's the answer:
Of course, the colonization was a business venture. Of course, the Virginia Company and the New England (Bedford) Company and several others as well were chartered by the King of the Commonwealth and other European Monarchs as well. So what?

The private business dealings underlying that progress has nothing whatsoever to do with the public business of our government as of 1776, other than the fact that the private British business interests were preserved by the Definitive Treaty of Paris, 1783, and again, all within the British Territorial Government doing business as "the" United States of America, operating "in our name" under our specific delegation of powers.

There's nothing exotic about any of this. The actual entities being referenced are clear throughout all the documents and the nomenclature is both specific and consistent throughout.

Our country and our Federation of States has a Proper Name. That Proper Name is: The United States of America.

There is also "the" United States of America, which is the British Territorial Government doing business "in our name" and functioning under our delegated authority. That government functioned as a business which was later, by 1856, incorporated as "the" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
And again, so what?

All that is about British corporations chartered to do private business and make investments in the New World and they were allowed to continue to function in their own Territorial jurisdiction even after The War of Independence.

If you bother to read the first few pages of "You Know Something Is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probably Cause" you will find that I years ago described this situation and what everyone got out of it.

It simply doesn't have anything to do with our actual government and our actual country, The United States of America.

The King is Arch-Treasurer of "the" United States of America, not The United States of America.
Get it through your head.

And though they are very similar names, as any lawyer worth their salt can tell you, "The United States of America" is a very different beastie than "the" United States of America.

Here's the accusation:

That's it! Except as a CYA Act the Congress agreed 1789 no one shall take an oath to " the Constitution for the United States of America" because the United States of America was hi$.

And here's the answer:

No, again. As I explained yesterday, there are three (3) different Constitutions with three (3) different names.

The one passed in 1787 is the Original Equity Contract and Federal Constitution.

The one passed in 1789 is the British Territorial Constitution.
Therefore it makes perfect sense that the 1789 version included the prohibition against taking an oath to the 1787 Constitution, and also, the 1789 Constitution included the Federal Judiciary Act, allowing the Territorial Government to have Sea Jurisdiction Courts.

Until you get your heads out of your pockets and realize that you are dealing with three different governments all operating on our shores, each providing different governmental services, you will be left making stupid assumptions.

The Constitution for the united States of America--1787-- (American Service Provider).

The Constitution of the United States of America - 1789 -- (British Territorial Service Provider).

The Constitution of the United States - 1790 - (Municipal Service Provider).

Do you think they created all three of these separate documents and passed them over a period of four (4) years for no reason?

Whenever you see "the" United States of America or the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, they are talking about the British Territorial entities and the British Territorial United States ---- meaning the Insular States and Possessions.

Absolutely none of this is talking about our actual country or the States or its civilian government at all.

Here's the accusation:

The only thing I may add is basic contract law is simple the articles were overwritten ie replaced by the new Contract ie Constitution. In international law a sovereign needs another sovereign to co-sign so the articles agreed to the change in terms to be able to conduct commerce internationally which was needed at the time to pay off debts.. Classic case of those with power writing a one-sided contract.

And here's the answer:

The Articles of Confederation were never "overwritten", and neither for that matter was anything else. The entities involved had no such powers. The States of America ceased to function in the wake of the Civil War. They were American business entities operated by the actual States and thanks to British betrayal and duplicity, the American States never "reconstructed" these businesses. Until now.

Here's the accusation:

Further, the names she uses are not even used on official docs nor internal ones. And all the capacities, characters and conditions she speaks of, not one is explicitly authorized. Sounds like she is actually doing PR that jailed Heather tried floating, as well the one who claimed she was in illuminati, I and broke free. We did what we did because the Creator asked us to be evil so that you may see good. Remember, SHE came out initially saying it was all fraud. We were born free.

And here's the answer:
You are just too ignorant to know what the documents are or what they say. The language and the nomenclature is absolutely consistent in all the Federal Constitutions. The entities are named throughout the Congressional Records, throughout the Constitutional Conventions, throughout the Federalist Papers and it is all the same and exactly as I have described it. We have the documents and we have the dates when all these things were decided, named, and put into effect. We know why it is the way it is, and it all makes sense.

Our history is consistent. Our interpretation of the situation and the nomenclature fits.
And yours doesn't.

You're just talking through your hat and making assumptions, which is a dangerous thing to do, when the fate of your country hangs on it.

Here's the accusation:
Now she is saying you are subject to a state and what they did was ok - LOL. Claim your political birthright. She attacke Phil and for claiming the proper and recognized birth right. Sounds to me like a well-planned long term psy-op courtesy of the master manipulators. aka Tavistock. They were behind this long term ie late 50s and beyond social transformation. My my my where we have gone in under a generation.

And here's the answer:
The problem is that because Phil is acting from wrong assumptions, just like you, he didn't claim his "proper and recognized birthright" as an American. He claimed his birthright as a British Territorial Citizen, instead.

And he's allowed to do that and so are you, but as I also explained --- it means that you are a British Pauper living on the clemency of the King and standing good for all his debts.

That's all well and good, if that is what you want to do and mean to do, but if not, it's time to get your heads out of your nether regions and listen up. You can always admit to making a mistake, but the only mistake you can't correct is the one you won't admit.