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10th October 2019, 12:27 PM
Anna von Reitz (
1 hr ( ·
Why Peace Treaty 2020 Won't Work
Don't get me wrong. It's a fine idea.....but.....
For a Treaty to be valid you need to have certain things straight, and as with everything else these guys are doing or attempting to do, they don't have the verbiage straight. They are still confused by the similar names deceit, and as a result, they keep making the same mistakes.
As I observed about Phil Hudok. He didn't reclaim his rightful birthright as an American by his actions. He reclaimed his birthright as a British Territorial United States Citizen ---- as if he had been born in Guam.
And that's why the King's Courts are so willing to give him succor and relief as a poor Pauper of the Commonwealth coming before the King's Bench for relief --- as in "welfare relief".
The same kinds of mistakes are self-evident in the Peace Treaty 2020 document, so that's a non-starter from the beginning.
So that is one insurmountable issue.
Another is that in order for a peace treaty to work and be valid, you have to have the correct parties signing it---- and for the moment, that is as impossible now as it was 150 years ago.
The American Civil War was a Mercenary Conflict fought on our soil by two opposing sets of Federal Service Providers. The Big Dogs in the fight were the members of the Confederation formed by The Articles of Confederation in 1781, what we call "the North and South" or, "the Union and the Confederacy".
In fact, both the North and South were members of the original Confederacy, so it is more proper to think in terms of the Northern Confederation vs. the Southern Confederation.
It's also necessary to know that these "Confederate States" were not "States" in the sense that we typically think of the word, and also, were not our States of the Union.
They were the original American States of States operating as businesses to provide our States and People with services at the federal level.
So you have actual States that are members of our Federation of States, and you have States of States that are supposed to function as members of the Confederation. Apples and oranges. Actual States and States of States.
It was the original States of States business organizations that fought the Civil War.
So, The State of New York went to war with The State of South Carolina, for example, and these were the entities that conducted the entire war.
You can easily prove this by looking at the war rosters of men being inducted into the service on both sides of the conflict. They were mustered out as companies representing "The State of ___________".
These powerful business interests were the primary combatants, but both the Territorial and Municipal United States "Federal Service Providers" also got involved.
The Territorial United States entity dba "the" United States of America sided with the North. The Municipal United States entity dba "the" United States sided with the South.
Thus, to have a valid Peace Treaty ending the conflict, the parties to it would have to be fighting an actual declared war -- which they weren't, and all the parties would have to sign it, which is impossible because the Confederate States --- both North and South --- ceased functioning.
The Northern Confederacy was bankrupted in 1863, and the Southern Confederacy was "ruined" and rendered unable to function by the Grand Army of the Republic, and neither one was ever reconstructed.
So, the Big Dogs in the fight are no longer present and in a condition to sign a Peace Treaty, even if a Peace Treaty were the appropriate instrument to end a Mercenary Conflict ---- which it is not. [What you are looking for, is a "Peace Accord" similar to what they did in Vietnam.]
Their respective allies, the British Territorial United States dba "the" United States of America and the Municipal United States dba "the" United States are still present, but they've turned all this into a big joke and used it as an excuse to continue a totally bogus "war" on our shores ever since.
Pending the Reconstruction, of course.
The reason that I call the continuing mercenary war between the British United States and the Municipal United States "bogus" is that they are both working for the Pope and always have been.
The Territorial Government works for him indirectly, and the Municipal Government works for him directly, so the whole thing is a spoof played from both ends against the middle.
The Queen manages the British Commonwealth for the Pope, so she is the Pope's employee in this matter, and the Municipal Government works directly for the Pope, so you are treated to the spectacle of two Roman Catholic business entities "fighting" each other for profit.
And an entire civilian population owed their "Good Faith and Service" being pillaged and plundered by their own employees using these specious excuses.
So what you are actually looking for is called a "Peace Accord" and in order to get it, you have to reconstruct the American States of States, both North and South.
All right, well, the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People is a living government composed of Lawful Persons defined as State Citizens ---- living Americans who accept their Public Duty and populate the actual States of the Union by serving the State Government in various capacities ----Jurors, Deputies, Justices, and so on.
Our first obstacle is that thanks to continuing Gross Breach of Trust on the part of the Popes and British Monarchs, we have all been deliberately misidentified and mis-characterized as either Territorial United States Citizens or Municipal "citizens of the United States".
According to them, this entire country is populated by Federal Employees. And if you believe that, I have some Florida real estate to sell....
This results in a situation wherein we have to go back and deliberately, knowingly correct our political status records.
After we go through all that Turkey Trot and notify the United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, we can function as State Citizens, can organize our actual States, and can then "reconstruct" the American States of States, both North and South.
But even though we must do our best to accomplish this whole task of assembling our States and reconstructing our States of States (which we are doing) that is still no guarantee of peace.
Why? Because the Pope, that Diva of Peace and Love [purportedly], continues to make commercial war against us under these deplorably and inexcusably False Pretenses. His employee in this matter, Elizabeth II, continues on with the charade.
His other employee in this matter, the Secretary General of the United Nations, is playing his part to a "t" and cannot be trusted to act as our Trustee ---- a set up engineered by Jimmy Carter's Administration --- because he, Antonio Guterres, is a lifelong subject of the Pope.
I almost burst out laughing when I heard Pope Francis sanctimoniously saying that we must obey the United Nations --- that is, obey his employee, Antonio Guterres.
It's the same game, folks. Whether it is the British Queen indirectly doing the Pope's bidding, or the Secretary General of the United Nations indirectly doing the Pope's bidding.
It all comes down to the gross malfunctioning of the Roman Curia and the Roman Catholic Church and the Office of the Pope.
If you want peace in this world, you have found the epicenter of perpetual war --- the so-called "Church Militant"--- and you now have a firmer grasp on what you are really dealing with.
May all the Roman Catholics reading this wake up and realize just how despicable and two-faced the behavior of the "Church" has been on this and on many, many other occasions ---- and take action accordingly.
May all the world leaders reading this wake up and deal with the situation at the United Nations, which is being primed as the new "store front" for these hypocrites.
May all the Americans reading this wake up and reclaim their political status as Americans; all of us who are not in the military nor in the Federal Civil Service at this time, are free to repudiate all claims that we are any species of Federal Citizen at all.
Unless you all want to live under the thumb of the Inquisition and under the control of a dirty theocracy run by hypocrites, it's time to convince the Pope that the whole carefully planned set up is blown.
And as for Mr. Trump? He can do what Andrew Johnson did, and create a binding commercial contract on the rats by three times Declaring the Peace in Public.
It will take a concerted effort on all our parts to ride herd on the members of Congress to make sure that such a Peace is honored, but it can be done internally, and Mr. Guterres will be obligated to obey our internal Peace Accord.
If they welch on it, every country in the world will know who to bomb and who to avoid as business partners and allies.
The Brits appear to be waking up after a very long slumber and so do the erstwhile members of the Commonwealth.
We have 27 of our States of the Union assembled and populated --- a majority position capable of conducting business for The United States of America. And more Americans are waking up to the clear and present danger every day.
If you want peace, not only in our country, but throughout the world --- get off your duffs, and start chewing on the elephant in the center of the dining room.
10th October 2019, 02:54 PM
Anna von Reitz (
1 hr ( ·
The Spirit of the True God Moves Us
The Spirit of the True God moves us and gives us enlightenment; the Holy Spirit is called The Counselor, and The Comforter, because the Holy Spirit was sent here to do both things pending the final resurrection and construction of Heaven on Earth.
Our Father, also a Spirit, gives us life and health and the fullness of our being, our consciousness, and our bodily incarnation --- but his Spirit also gives us insight and answers and solace.
We make a huge mistake when we rely on our own resources and take counsel with our own thoughts---- because we have open access to so much more, and so much assistance is ours, if we simply ask for it and accept help.
How do you all think I have come to know all the things that I have revealed to you? I have not come to this knowledge by myself.
I have asked for help and I have been given help, and it is the same for everyone else. If I am "special" in any way, it is only that I had the humility and horse sense to ask and knock and recognize the hand of God extended to me, enlightening my mind and lightening my load and giving me the answers.
The relationship is very much like that of any other parent and a child.
So long as your child is happy and progressing on their own, even if they fall down from time to time, you let them continue to exercise their free will and learn on their own. But when your child comes to you with a problem they can't solve, you pause and help them.
It is the same with the Holy Spirit. He will pause and help you with whatever you need, if you ask for help.
Once you ask, you need to relax and let the answers come. There is usually a time delay of between three and thirty days, but the answers will come.
Now as to all those gossips who say, "Why was she talking to and 'working for' the Pope (Benedict XVI)?" --- I have this to say:
(1) I was shown by the Holy Spirit that the Pope was in control of it all, both the British Territorial Government and the Municipal Government, so I took the problem to him under the Spirit's guidance;
(2) Pope Benedict XVI responded and tried to help despite great danger and personal cost to himself; I have no doubt that he truly wasn't told what was going on, and I have proof that he took immediate good faith action to correct --- including sending me and many others to give Notice to his employees worldwide, telling them to correct their operations;
(3) Pope Francis has been a different story. He focuses on circling the wagons and reorganizing the church and indulges in efforts to keep the venal machinery of the Roman Pontificate intact, howbeit, operating through a new storefront -- that of the United Nations organization, instead of the Roman Catholic Church. That is to say, he is moving to relocate the problem and expand upon it.
So what I have spoken to you about all these things does not come from my limited awareness, but from my Counselor and Teacher, the Holy Spirit. If any of you have any question about the truth of what I have said or are struggling to verify it, ask him. You will be shown and guided.
If anyone has any further question about why it is necessary to address the Pope in order to bring peace to this country and to the world --- consider that both the corporations engaged in this "war" on our soil are owned and controlled by the Pope.
One is controlled by the Pope indirectly, as the Queen serves him to administer the Commonwealth aka British Territorial Government, and the other is more obviously and directly connected via the Municipal Government.
He controls both the "teams" of pirates that have been attacking us under color of law.
And he will still control both teams of pirates and they will still continue to attack us, even if the Queen is no longer involved and even if the Roman Catholic Church is "officially" removed from the field and replaced by the United Nations.
It would still be a farce in which the United Nations controlled by the Pope does battle with his own Municipal Government, and we, the miserable civilian population would still be misidentified and caught in the middle.
So the problem is the Pope, and so is the solution with the Pope.
We must contend with the Evil in High Places --- the secretive and venal competing religion of Babylon. We must contend with the Spirit of Falsehood. We must expose this Evil at every turn.
We must deal with the entire misguided "Church Militant" that believes in killing "for" Jesus. We must deal with the oxymoron posed by the "Secular Church".
And this must be done from inside the Roman Catholic Church and from outside the Roman Catholic Church.
Just as we have been played "both ends against the middle" for a century and a half by two foreign governmental services corporations, both ultimately working for the Pope, the Church must be --- not attacked --- but cleansed as with good soap and hot water, from within and without.
The Roman Catholic Church must not allowed to carry on as it has been, promoting war, betraying trust, avoiding its treaty obligations via constructive fraud, and generally causing trouble as it pursues a Secret Agenda of world conquest veiled even from its own members.
This despicable and duplicitous behavior on the part of the Roman Catholic Church has to be recognized for what it is, and the Church must be "called on the carpet" by the entire world, most especially by its membership, its laymen, its organizations, and its clergy.
Let us suggest that there are a lot hotter topics for the Curia to discuss and for the clergy to address, than returning to a policy of allowing married priests.
How about giving up the Doctrine of Scarcity and the Doctrine of Collective Entities? Throwing it out, just as you have thrown out the Doctrine of Discovery? They are all bunk. They all cause misery.
How about ending the "Church Militant" and all the nastiness that goes on because of that? When is the last time that the Church was in mortal danger, as opposed to causing mortal danger for others?
How about voluntarily ending the whole farcical pretense of fronting "wars" between the church's own business interests, and using this as an excuse for attacking bystanders?
How about calling a halt to attempts to use any good organization, including the actual Church or the United Nations, as a storefront to conduct operations that are by their very nature and existence ---- evil?
These are the Hot Topics that the top clergy of the Roman Catholic Church needs to be discussing, because believe me, the rest of the world is watching, and so is The Kingdom of Heaven.
10th October 2019, 04:30 PM
Congratulations ... 100 pages of every nightmare Anna ever dreamed about. Her shrink would have a field day with this material.
10th October 2019, 06:49 PM
Anna von Reitz ( WEqRbPLn6Cmimo0tsy-Kdrr9OjRgQd7_Ni&hc_ref=ARQaBJMkQf42UbF9rhr1snhjsHVZdmos8Ulyc3TWdwI Qc3OUz36EnggBjEl3Z-G1bq4&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
My Reply to More Questions --- Purportedly from Flag Officers:
I have been assured that I am corresponding with a liaison for the Flag Officers of this country, and there has been some corroboration of that, but I am beginning to think that my leg is being pulled. If this is indicative of the level of knowledge possessed by military officers at the Flag level, we are all in a lot of trouble. See for yourselves:
From Flags:
I don't know where to begin except to say this Judge Anna woman needs help. Some serious help because she shouldn't believe the crap she writes and spews as it makes her seem to be a very delusional person. Maybe someone is feeding her this crap and she bought into it.
We pray she gets some help. Paul, I will only communicate with you so at least you know of the truth do, document and we share - and it's free Plus, POTUS and Barr are very aware of what we have done and what's in queue.
From Anna:
Then why is it that Senior JAG Officials agree with me and not with you? Why is it that they have told everyone the truth --- that there have been hundreds if not thousands of such "Arbitration Awards" over the years, and not one of them fulfilled? I am aware of this. Why aren't you, if you are such an expert?
Where were you when General Roy took the Farm Union Cases to the United States Supreme Court? Why do I know what they told him and you don't? Face it, you just got involved in all this ---at most 3-4 years ago-- and you are trying to assert that you know more about it than someone who has spent more than forty years studying this situation.
Keep going on like this, and you will continue to be utterly useless and also in dereliction of duty.
From Flags:
Paul, you may want to ask her, how is a claim (Phil's) of your actual birthrights from the Creator not superior to a fiction of law American?
From Anna:
Apples and oranges again, or more like apples and kumquats. The Kingdom of Heaven has nothing to do with "the" Kingdom of God. Same basic confusion. Same logic default. Maybe if you get one "Aha!" moment, you will be able to see it all, but until then, you just make assumptions and more assumptions, and in the process try to put words in my mouth.
I have been in the front lines with Kurt Kallenbach, revealing that the Divine Origin of each of us has been "papered over" by the "birth day" (recorded entrance time) and then again by the "birth date" (registered exit time). The situation is like being marooned at sea and claiming to be, instead, out in the middle of Kansas.
Our actual point of incarnation occurs by an Act of God resulting in fertilization of an egg and formation of a unique zygote from which all else follows. That's the truth and that's where our Divine Birthright originates from, along with our Natural and Unalienable Rights. But Phil made no reference to any of that. He stayed firmly out to sea. So who is "delusional"?
From Flags:
She claims State national is highest yet now claims American? Where are the docs allowing all capacities, characters, conditions, status and standings utilized and effectuated today by the alleged government? Why doesn't she post proof of her deffinitions. It seems she is always saying in a round about way this is the way it is and so what.
From Anna:
That's because even though I gave you explicit directions and proof of exactly where these different kinds of political status are defined --- and repeat myself --- you still try to pretend that I haven't answered you when I have answered you---and far more than one time.
Here it is again:
American State National defined at: 8 USC 1101 (a) 21.
American State Citizen defined at: 8 USC 1101 (a) 22 (B).
United States Citizen and Municipal citizen of the United States defined in any of the three (3) Constitutions at: Article 1, Section 3, Clause 3 and Article 1, Section 2, Clause 2.
And as for me saying, "So what?" --- it's because you are bringing forward non-issues as if they were issues, or as if they were cause for surprise or discussion. Why wouldn't the King be Arch-Treasurer of a British Territorial corporation doing business as "the" United States of America?
That doesn't make him Arch-Treasurer of the American Federation of States doing business as The United States of America----which is what you are trying to claim.
From Flags:
I am sure during our next meeting which is to be held again at the Charlottesville Winery I could really impress the Flag Officers and Eric if I could produce J Pegs from Anna of the 3 Constitutions she speaks of. But she won't and you know why.
From Anna:
And why would I have to provide you with anything that you can easily go out and obtain for yourself and which you have a duty to obtain---- and follow ---- if you call yourself a "Flag Officer" ?
Go to the Congressional Library ---like we all did--- to satisfy yourself that I am not just making this up, because with your disgusting attitude, I could give you mint condition copies of the original documents delivered on a silver platter, and you would say I faked them.
Remember these are the names and dates of the Constitutions:
1. The Constitution for the united States of America (1787)
2. The Constitution of the United States of America (1789)
3. The Constitution of the United States (1790)
And don't try to pretend (again) that your lack of Due Diligence is my fault or responsibility.
From Flags:
At this point the Flag asked me to tell Anna they would like to speak with the continental marshals she claims to be working with and what is their contact info? I told them that's the BS she makes up to keep her ignorant lemming followers continuing to follow her music of baiting hope never to deliver anything.. Yes, that request was made in jest as they have read much of the incoherant statements and claims on her website.
From Anna:
I suggest that they speak directly with Senior Chief Marshal Tresa Haywood. I will give Paul the contact information to pass on to you. She is nice and polite, but, she has her ducks in order ---and isn't likely to take any guff or put up with any insulting presumptions. Read that: incoming stovepipe.
From Flags:
I and those around me follow the law and most of them are old and some very old and hidden from most. Arbitration in its common law form developed in England; in the Middle Ages, in tribunals such as the Courts of the Boroughs. Courts became suspicious of arbitration; for example, in Kill v. Hollister (1746), an English court ruled that the arbitration agreement could 'oust' courts of law and equity of jurisdiction. Arbitration was common in the early United States, with George Washington serving as an arbiter on an occasion. And the Arbitration process has been used ever since. However, its been used mostly by the selserving imposters.
From Anna:
"Arbitration" is Law-by-Contract, and it doesn't work unless there is an Arbitration Clause built into the contract to begin with.
Trying to enforce a one-sided arbitration results in attempted unilateral contracting process, which is why none of these numerous "successful" arbitration actions work.
Both the people bringing the issue and the people issuing the judgment didn't check: (1) the status and standing of the Claimant relative to the Claim; (2) the existence of an Arbitration Clause in the contract; (3) the proper jurisdiction of the Law being addressed, which must match the jurisdiction which the Claimant is claiming.
Phil loses on all three counts.
As I keep trying to tell you, as far as law is concerned, there are no living men in the international jurisdiction of the sea, nor in the global jurisdiction of the air ---either one.
So Phil has an unenforceable arbitration award and you are trying to make yourselves out to be Great Sages.
For the record:
Arbitration only works and exists in the realm of contract law.
So here is Phil Hudok, claiming to be a living man owed all his rights, using a process of contract law that only applies to corporations and officers of corporations, that is, to Persons, and trying to apply it to a contract that has no arbitration clause applicable to him. Brilliant. Simply brilliant.
Why don't you all stop embarrassing yourselves? It only gets worse from here on.
11th October 2019, 05:21 AM
Anna von Reitz ( NJLc_vt0pe2tUDRln5IIR6199&hc_ref=ARTuITUnH7DUTTzT9LpbMSLNhwtaWBn3_xoBElPdQbx yP3JJTzDRVjsWQSTqZriyPak&fref=nf)
9 hrs ( ·
Ewww! Half a Billion Stolen From Our Collective "Income Taxes"
Most people don't know this, but the "Income tax" got its start during the 1100's, with an "obligatory tithe" on "income" called "Peter's Pence", which was collected in Britain and France by the Inquisition every April 15th, to support the cost of wars in the Middle East --- the Crusades.
Sound familiar?
So here we learn that a half billion has been improperly siphoned from our "Peter's Pence" funds --- all the loot taken from us as "Income Taxes" under false pretenses and presumption that we are "voluntarily" adopting the Municipal United States political status as "citizens of the United States" and that we are all members of the Municipal religious cult, too.
Well, here's your "Holy Cause" as stated by FDR during his First Inaugural Address--- which will make more sense now that you know the history of "Peter's Pence" ---- however, apparently, the current Church thinks that this money is being set aside for purposes other than making war, as you will gather from the comments in this video: ( CJwU5ycKqtdOd86ZY9Spd5A3tUyNi4)
It looks like a scheme to set up a new bank in the Inner City of London, plus Benefits, of course.
Which gives us pause, because the Vatican and its various affiliates already have any number of banks all over the world. Why misappropriate half a billion of income taxes (that most of us never owed) to buy another bank building under the auspices of Westminster?
How very strange.
It all makes me ill to consider how many people have been unknowingly and unwillingly enslaved and suffered in peonage to this scam, and for what?
Let's bring them all forward and question them?
What, at the end of the day, was all this criminality about?
11th October 2019, 05:46 PM
Anna von Reitz ( dEVXh1pflVIsf1v6NffNDxvc&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
Navy Issues in RE: Hudok Arbitration
Everything that Phil Hudok and his pals are doing is in the context of being British Territorial United States Citizens--- a citizenship status created under the Constitutions as I showed you --- to allow the British Service Providers to be here and deliver the "essential government services".
And I have already said-- if that's the political status you want to adopt-- who am I to stop you?
However, as I also pointed out, you are then no longer claiming to be, nor to act as--- an American, and that is where I object to you fellows claiming to be Americans and Patriots, when you are in fact acting as British Persons on our shores and claiming clemency from the British Territorial Congress.
Three Constitutions gives rise to three kinds of "US Congress" too.
So the way I perceive it is that you are all either: (1) confused and thinking that "Well, of course, we are acting as Americans!" when you are not, or (2) you really are British Tories, know exactly what you are doing, and are trying to ensnare as many clueless Americans as you can, to pad the Queen's bottom line.
Not disclosing this situation and the authority under which it is occurring -- together with failure to disclose the downside aspect of it-- results in more fraud.
None of the people signing on are being told what they will LOSE as a result of doing so -- only what they will gain.
In my view that is like setting up a salt lick.
Everyone has a choice, but that choice must be made freely, under conditions of full disclosure.
Have you told everyone signing this Arbitration Award that they will be giving up their claims as Americans? That they will be identified as British Territorial "United States Citizens" and lose their land rights?
That they will become liable for the Queen's debts?
That is the other "issue".
Assuming that you know what you are doing and that you support the Queen and wish to live as a British Subject under the King's Law, and you know what the pros and cons of this are, I am not objecting to your choices or arguing with you about it.
But you are not "fully disclosing" the circumstance nor the consequences of "signing on" to all the people signing up. In fact, you are making it sound like some great "patriot victory" for Americans, when it doesn't even apply to us.
So it is that lack of disclosure that I am holding against you and your cohorts and your Queen. If you want to serve in the British Navy, that's up to you--- but press-ganging has been outlawed for two hundred years, and that is, in effect, what you are doing.
12th October 2019, 01:59 AM
Anna von Reitz ( pVpCYlKtEa7JnE1f_o0U6AeFo79ZPCP_fu&hc_ref=ARRabaw9x3Kh-pOAvCePPThA7nkuHFF0Bhl7TbKsbEgwBt7BL2G6OgrDFAIeHmZ 8qpU&fref=nf)
48 mins ( ·
Incorrigible Ignorance
I tried to work with Ron Vrooman for two years, but he is incorrigibly ignorant. So is Phil Hudok. So is Thomas Deegan. So was Bruce Doucette.
They can't figure it out themselves and they won't take anyone else's word for it. So, what's a Grandma to do?
Now they are eagerly lining up at the trough and selling their birthright for "porridge" ---rapidly devaluing military script that is issued based on their voluntary donation of their estate and inheritance to the British Queen.
Not me, Bubba.
I'm not going to lick any British boots after all that they owe to me and mine. In a pig's eye will I betray the men and women who fought the Revolution.
As always, I warned these folks, and I am telling you all right now that they have been warned and duly advised and if they give away their identity as Americans and adopt British Territorial United States Citizenship by standing under the King's Law and taking his sop, it's their fault what happens to them. Not mine.
I won't be lifting a finger when foreign forces come around looking to collect for the King's debts and the Pope's debts from all the Federal Citizens. They will deserve what they get, because the truth of the matter has been fully disclosed -- by me.
They will lose their claim to be an American. They will lose their rights to the soil and land of this country and never be able to actually own any of it. They will be willing tenants in their own country. They will lose their constitutional rights and guarantees and remain clinging to the same chains that many of them have been trying to escape for years. They will be held responsible for paying the King's debts and the Pope's debts. Both.
And they can't whine and say that they didn't know, that the contract was undisclosed, blah, blah, blah ---- because I am standing here and telling you all that there is no free lunch, and this is no different.
Accept any part of any such Arbitration Award, and you have to stand under the King's Law and admit to being a British Subject.
Once you admit to being a British Subject and accept standing under the King's Law, you're not in Kansas anymore. Or Oregon.
I am bringing a complaint against the Queen's Government to put an end to this. I am doing this among other reasons, because its illegal, and also because I have reason to think that there will be no pay outs--- but the contracts identifying these people as Brits will still be effective.
That is, there won't be any money or even debt script paid out.
But those "voluntarily" identifying themselves as British Subjects will be held accountable for the King's debts, and their land and soil assets will be seized upon just the same.
12th October 2019, 07:32 AM
I am bringing a complaint against the Queen's Government to put an end to this.
Complaints exist in a plane where you are admitting you lack control of your CARTOON universe. This MAN has a complaint
A man walks down the street
He says, "Why am I soft in the middle, now?
Why am I soft in the middle?
The rest of my life is so hard
I need a photo-opportunity
I want a shot at redemption
Don't want to end up a cartoon
In a cartoon graveyard"
Bonedigger, Bonedigger
Dogs in the moonlight
Far away in my well-lit door
Mr. Beerbelly, Beerbelly
Get these mutts away from me
You know, I don't find this stuff amusing anymore
So the remedy is to engage in contract negotiation ... of course they have to know how to CALL you or else the response might be misdirected by the POSTAL SERVICE
If you'll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
And ELIZABETH, when you CALL me, you can call me ANNA
Matthew 5:38-40
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.
Here it is presumed that if you are struck on the cheek the act is with the back of the hand (as administered by a superior to an inferior). In response you turn your cheek so that when the hand comes back it is with the palm rather than the back of the hand (as equals). It is a STATUS thing. If you don't have a STATUS then you might as well walk away. Inferior guests get seated below the salt.
12th October 2019, 11:17 AM
Anna von Reitz ( dLYjR4usn_wbAgodka0x1xMFjIIfkELXep&hc_ref=ARQq_bkE40444wH1qELKzsN-XoeRsaeDpl9Feo9V_7KxDk1rjkEmX2iaVRXMA_brbAY&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
About California, Feinstein, the Bar, Etc.
Any State of State that sells the Port of Long Beach to the Chinese deserves to get its treasonous butt reamed and I hope Trump does a good job of it. I hope he scours that Pit so clean that the bums in Venice Beach straighten up and comb their hair.
Any people who betray their country and their neighbors and endanger everyone by establishing "sanctuary cities" that welcome and protect drug dealers and child snatchers and other international criminals, militant Muslims, foreign mercenaries, illegal immigrants, and idiots who shout "Death to America" while filling our welfare roles and running Mexican flags up our flag poles ---- those people deserve a learning experience they won't forget and a no-nonsense dismantling of their "sanctuary cities" because these things are threats to our civilian population.
Cities have no rights as local government structures in this country and have no Public police powers, either, so any argument that these incorporated franchise entities have any right to declare themselves "sanctuary cities" is Bushwah and I will stand right behind President Trump and say so, too.
In fact, most of what has been going on in this country and especially in California, Nevada, and New York (forget about Washington, DC -- that's hardly on the same planet) has been illegal usurpation that people have foisted off --- literally gotten away with --- until others accept it as "the way it is, the way it has always been...." when in fact it is not the way things should have ever been in the first place.
International crime syndicates and "transnational" corporate syndicates have been eating away at California for years until it has become the Sin Capitol of the World. George Soros owns Disney. People---- wake up. That's why we have cozy cartoons for the kiddies celebrating the wonders of child sodomy. Big business interests and political nut jobs and Special Interest Lobbies have been taking over your country and your world while you've been asleep.
If you don't wake up and figure out what is going on and get properly organized to stop it, you and your children are going to live as Serfs under the boot of Corporate Feudalism---all run as a Theocracy by a Satan-worshiping cult that has been festering in the Roman Catholic Church---- a cult that is planning to move uptown to the United Nations for more fun and games.
You'll all be marching up pyramids in a drugged daze and throwing your babies into the mouth of a giant owl-shaped furnace, drinking blood, raping goats and worshiping trees--- if you don't get unglued from your Mindbox TV.
So come on, Trump. Seal the borders. Arrest Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein the moment they step foot outside the Boundary Stones area set aside for them in Washington, DC. I am completely serious. The Municipal Government is limited to activities within the Boundary Stones area. Anything beyond that, and they are on our ground, subject to our law.
Mr. President, do you have ears?
Seal them off from the rest of the country and let them howl. You don't have to be dependent on them anymore. And we never were.
Arrest these foreign government officials who are in gross violation of their contract and treaty agreements owed to the States and People of this country.
Give them mops and buckets and make them clean up Washington, DC ---- literally. Let them clean the public toilets for the rest of their days, and let them wear baggy striped yellow and orange jumpsuits and ankle bracelets as the new Municipal Government Employee Uniforms. Confiscate the wealth they've accumulated by pedaling influence to lobbyists and to foreign governments.
Or better still, put them in the front lines of the conflicts they have caused and funded as investment strategies.
Give Nancy a parachute and let her jump off into Kurdistan at night.
Give Diane an old Jeep and let her act as a one-woman road-side bomb detection unit. Be sure they get all their shots before they go, with plenty of "vaccine" laced with aluminum and lead and the latest experimental drugs, so that they, too, can serve as guinea pigs and as Dead Women Walking after their tours of duty are over.
Who knows? Maybe they could find elderly Turkish husbands and learn how to milk camels.
Give us a few days and we could come up with any number of solutions....
How about this? We pack up their wardrobes and other personal effects and ship them home to the Pope? What's a few hundred more refugees after all the people that he has deliberately displaced from their homes and forced to migrate to all sorts of places they don't like and where they don't belong? The Pelosis and Gettys and Kerrys and the whole Pilgrim Society can set up tent camps around the walls of Vatican City and beg the Swiss Guards for scraps.
We could have a similar deportation plan for all the former Bar Attorneys who have sat in our courthouses and pillaged our people under Color of Law.
Pack them and their families up on whatever floats and pack them off home to the Queen. After all the service they have done for her and the Pope, they are due a hero's welcome and the nicest tidbits and titles.
No doubt many of them deserve knighthoods for all the innocent trusting people they've harmed and all the assets they've stolen outright, embezzled, or otherwise misappropriated.
The British Government can afford to build them nice comfortable apartment complexes with dreary views out on the Moors and give them an annual heating allowance just sufficient to keep the water in the pipes from freezing. Lovely.
And poetic justice, too.
If you need more planning options, Mr. Trump, just let us know.
12th October 2019, 09:22 PM
Anna von Reitz ( tPQOz-2IAZLam--m6cX7BQ2PsDmOyq9tw1&hc_ref=ARS2z7AMzGFodMibjXQEMyJcKwv5RSp2TSTaEpBjxPT e4fGvcjhJhKMiOJmXHxiZCHs&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
Assets and Control via Fraud
These five words sum up what the Enemies of Mankind seek and, for the last 150 years, the means they have most often employed to get what they want -- fraud.
It's really what you need to concentrate your attention on.
Ignore mainstream TV. Ignore racism as an "issue". Ignore LGBT as an "issue". Ignore Democrat v. Republican as an "issue". Ignore Catholic v. Protestant as an "issue". Forget Muslim v. Christian as an "issue".
None of these things are THE issues.
The actual issues are money and control, and when you come right down to it, money isn't even the issue. It's control that they seek --- control over your minds and your bodies and your souls and your land and your labor and your resources and your national currencies and your children and your education and everything else you can name.
They even want to dictate what foods you can eat and what herbs you can ingest, and at the same time dictate vaccination programs and 5G and everything else that is evil in the world.
And for what? Profit. Profit they don't even need, they are so disgustingly filthy rich already from all that they have commandeered and pillaged and embezzled.
It's not about the endlessly changing platter of "issues" designed to separate people into opposing camps and play them against each other.
It's about money, but beyond money it's about what money buys for them ---- control of your lives and your minds.
There is a True God. That much I know from my own experience. There is a Spirit of Truth. I know that, too, directly. I can testify to its existence and its power. But it doesn't conform to the ideas and prejudices of men. It is divine and it lives and it does what it will, without asking the Pope or Pat Roberts.
We need to stop arguing and start observing and learning and realizing that 90% of what we have assumed about "our" government and about the way the world works is pure, unmitigated nonsense.
And then look around the corners, as my Mother used to say. Zoom out and look at the larger picture so you can see what they are trying to achieve.
From where I sit, it's obvious that they are trying to ensnare as many Americans as they can to continue paying their debts for them. These Arbitration Awards are a salt lick. If they pay out at all (and I see no reason why they would) they would be paid with what?
Ah, military script issued as debt notes, based on the victim's own assets, which they will donate to the British King, by voluntarily standing under his law and subjecting themselves to him as self-admitted British Territorial "United States Citizens".
Which explains the Whole Deal, and also why "the Flag Officers" have been pushing this.
As we have learned, the British Monarch directs the US Navy on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways. The Flag Officers are stuck in the capacity of "United States Citizens" and they get their pay from bilking clueless Americans, so why not cheat and deceive as many as possible?
Misery loves company. If you aren't on your toes, you can be classified as a "United States Citizen" just like them, and be obligated to serve the British Monarch and pay his debts, and the debts of his Master, the Pope, too.
And interestingly, they get what they want, whether any of the Americans falling for this get paid a dime or not.
Has it occurred to you all yet that the game isn't about giving you money?
The "Arbitration Awards" are about getting a viable claim on your land and soil assets from you --- and they can accomplish that for free simply by having you sign the dotted line and claiming to be a British Territorial United States Citizen, willingly subjecting yourself to the Queen in exchange for what?
Why is their military script issued as debt notes? Why not just issue credit notes outright? It's because they are already in debt to you when they issue the notes. It's a double embezzlement scheme.
They borrow your assets by taking title to them at the hospital. They issue their military script based on your assets, which means that they ultimately owe you for backing their script and their spending. They owe the script they propose to give you --- to you, already, but you are never told this.
And it turns out that they set this whole system up using criminal means and false presumptions, so that they don't actually have any valid claim on you or your assets.
If they can give you a pile of their debt notes (which are, remember, all backed by your own assets) as an "Arbitration Award" and get you to sign up and admit to being a British Territorial United States Citizen --- guess what?
They secure that vital missing piece--- a valid contract from you, agreeing to all this garbage and fraud. They get to stand there and say, "See? He willingly subjected himself to the King of the Commonwealth! He donated all his assets to us---- voluntarily."
Ten gives you twenty that they don't ever pay out any "awards"---or maybe just a drib to seal the deal. Why would they? The moment you sign, they have what they want.
It's the same scam as "home loans". You think they are offering to give you money at interest to build a home, but what they are actually soliciting is for you to loan your home to them as an asset they can issue credit against.
We are working to shut down all these undisclosed and outrageous contracting processes as we speak, but in the meantime, be aware. Be sharp. Be not like dumb driven cattle stampeding toward any trough offered to you. Think. Think. Think.
I now have hard evidence that at least a substantial number of "Flag Officers" are in mutiny against our civilian government and working to undermine our States and our People.
Just this morning, one of them admitted to being a traitor and taunted me saying, that at least he wouldn't get arrested (because he is working for the crooks).
I have news for him.
13th October 2019, 02:52 AM
Anna von Reitz ( NE9IY1VIHO4D09D2&hc_ref=ARSh-8JHzizYz_GX5l_EACYigJHRg-SMSlihvGd5bjSU7-58iV-K3TilLyv_GZyVjdA&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
Treason Does Have a Cost -- and Protocol
I hear a lot of scuttlebutt and ignore most of it until hard evidence surfaces, but Field McConnell is one of those people whose information has turned out to have teeth over time, so when he says that Obama was executed for Treason at Gitmo on September 29, 2019 ---- I listen. Carefully.
Almost incidentally, Field discussed the fact that people who know about Treason and don't report it to the following list of officials --- are guilty of treason, too: (1) one state Governor, (2) one Chief Justice, or (3) a justice of any one state.
Turns out that there are specific officials that we are supposed to report Treason to. And we'd better know who they are. That's something that should be taught to kids in grade school, but like nearly everything else that is important, we've been left out of the loop.
I have reported a lot of things that can be considered Treason and I have reported these to Governors and Chief Justices and state justices, too, but that was just horse-sense resulting from my grasp of law.
Nobody ever gave me The List and said, "This is who you are required to report Treason to."
Naturally, I want to spread the news to my fellow-probably-not-so-explicitly informed Americans. I'd hate to see some Innocent backed against a wall, just because they reported Treason to their local Sheriff and called it good. You have to go to: (1) one State Governor; (2) one Chief Justice; or (3) a state justice.
And what would the High Crime of Treason amount to?
Selling information vital to our National Security, conspiring against the Constitution, large scale international counterfeiting injurious to our economy, giving away billions of dollars in cash to the government of Iran--- there are all sorts of things that could qualify as Treason, but principally, its undermining our country and our government and aiding and abetting enemies thereof, especially in time of war.
It is entirely plausible given the known public record of things that Obama did while in office, that successful Treason charges could be brought before an Admiralty Court. If this has in fact happened, it would explain the absolute and sudden panic-attack of Nancy Pelosi and Company ----and the desperate drive to find some means to impeach Donald Trump.
Charging and executing Obama for Treason would bring the message home (finally) that it could also happen to them. And give them good reason to panic. It would also point out that all of those who acted in support of treasonous activities, even those who knew and did nothing to stop such activities, are next in line.
Yes, that could easily take out half of the Beltway. Squawk, squawk, squawk. They are great ones to dish it out. Not so hot on the receiving end.
Sitting here tonight and thinking about all the suffering our people have endured, all the children murdered, all the money and assets squandered, our young men and women squandered, our Uranium being sold to the Russians, our ports being sold to the Chinese, our Ranchers being ambushed and murdered on our Highways, those planes plowing into the Twin Towers and being recorded by Hollywood Film Crews put in place the night before.....I can't say it bothers me to think of these traitors facing firing squads.
After all, a firing squad is simple, swift, and sure.
A firing squad is a far more humane and orderly way to go than what happened to LaVoy Finicum, or all those people in Waco, or those at the World Trade Center, or for our misled young soldiers in World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and Iraq, or for our children snatched from our arms never to be seen again.
It is all their fault, these politicians who knew and did nothing to protect and defend, who did profoundly evil things in our names, who squandered our money and our lives, who lied to us, who denied us freedom that was owed to us from the moment we were born, who sat snug and smug in Washington, DC, and called us "livestock" and planned to make us wear RFID tags like cattle, who foreclosed our land and evicted us from our homes for non-payment of mortgages and taxes that we never owed, who vaccinated our children with poisons and who poisoned our water with industrial wastes as well, who commandeered our medical care to "control our life cycle", who poked their noses into our bedrooms, who licensed our rights, and who turned Due Process and Justice into jokes.
Yes, it is their fault. And it isn't that they weren't told about the injustices and misery suffered by their constituents. They heard; they collectively didn't give a damn.
So if Mr. Obama is no more, you won't see me sniffing in the back row feeling sorry about it. If a good many more of the guilty parties join him, I still won't feel sorry about it.
13th October 2019, 02:56 AM
Anna von Reitz ( MqMBsdtbfPCffAvjJWLiCfk&hc_ref=ARTG5e2sxlg_oNTvxe83seOV9pfl4AXDkTTIQyLFF1l hX7oCow4mKylafaSwmIYOtTA&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Follow Up for the Flag Officers
Questions are going to be asked of Phil Hudok and his followers--- serious questions.
Why did you encourage people to execute a non-disclosed contract?
Did you know that signing on to this Arbitration Award would result in official conversion of political status? And lead to people being identified as British Territorial United States Citizens?
Did you know that by all standards, that conversion of political status represents a profound loss of material and immaterial rights and assets?
Why would you knowingly accept---or encourage anyone else to accept--- such a comparatively disadvantageous political status?
Were you aware that you were acting in a way contrary to the best interests of your country? And contrary to the best interests of your countrymen?
Did you know that foreign banks, especially the Vatican Bank and the Bank of England would benefit from your actions?
What did you think you were doing?
Why didn't you listen when Justice Riezinger explained it to you?
Why didn't you do your own Due Diligence to further investigate?
What credible evidence do you have that you were not knowingly acting as an Undeclared Foreign Agent?
And on and on and on like this. Be ready, because it's coming.
13th October 2019, 02:59 AM
Anna von Reitz ( ChQMhFWPoF3LNzKrnFyN2dDB28ogf-esGL&hc_ref=ARSI3aL2TVPUo6tT4RBm3jNQVUQh_edTKzf7YutzxKy H9I0NngUEY3u_nb7ppuPzteE&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
The Pigeons and I
The last few days my friends have been showing up in droves saying things like, "Boy, the trolls are really after you now!" and "That Virgo Triad idiot is at it again." and so on.
You all know how it goes.
You are minding your own business and living your life.
Then something happens and you have to do something about it. For whatever reasons, you just have to do something about it, because you can't look at yourself in the mirror if you don't.
So you do.
And as you stand up for your country and for what is right and what is true, the British and the Papal pigeons both come and poop on you.
Now, this is just the way it is. I know that. You all know that.
But my words will still be standing here, and what I say and do will still be true, long after those pigeons have flown away and sought some crevice to hide in.
Don't think that I am swayed or bothered by any amount of lies they can manufacture.
13th October 2019, 11:49 AM
Anna von Reitz ( 2NfxiZz57arGGR5lOSZbBJ1-XxYa5JF45l&hc_ref=ARSqudTUF5EnjL7mTR5h5qP1h4bcOksRebYUE0kjBuh 6TPfSDROMrwZ3rp-0GvEGi-Y&fref=nf)
57 mins ( ·
Uh-Duh.....The United States of America, Not the States of America
Just so that this is absolutely clear to everyone worldwide: the actual American Government still exists and is still functioning. The Proper Name of this country and of its international Government is: The United States of America.
The States of America was our subcontractor, formed under The Articles of Confederation, and functioning as a business consortium to provide essential government services in international jurisdiction.
The organization operating as the States of America was never our actual government. It was a subcontractor, under contract to perform services for us, that went belly up. It was one of three such subcontractors.
What has happened is that two other interloping foreign subcontractors, both organized as corporations, and both ultimately owned and controlled by the Pope, have contrived to usurp upon the work intended to be done by the States of America under conditions of non-disclosure and fraud.
This would be a situation similar to a farm owner subcontracting with three Italian corporations to do three different kinds of work on a contract basis for him. He hires one such firm to do his plowing and fertilizing, and another to provide labor to bring in the harvest, and a third to manage his hay and grain deliveries to market.
One of these Service Providers is unable to perform, so without telling the farmer, the other two contrive to take over the additional work and benefit themselves while the disabled contractor is under "reconstruction".
That is the actual situation.
None of these "federal" entities are the actual government of this country and never have been.
They are foreign subcontractors obligated by treaty and trust and service contract to provide us with Good Faith Service ----and the details of this history and their respective contracts are now open for public discussion worldwide.
At the very least, the Pope and the Queen operating the Pope's Territorial Commonwealth interests, have both shown extremely Bad Faith toward their employers, the American States and People.
Their activities are fully exposed as either incompetent or criminal-- or a combination of both.
As the full scope of their fraud and criminality is exposed and people worldwide come to grasp the extent of the misery that these two run-amok foreign subcontractors have caused on our shores and for everyone else worldwide, there will be profound disillusionment with the Church and with the Queen and also with the United Nations which is largely influenced if not outright controlled by the Pope and the Queen.
Hundreds of millions of Catholics will flee as the pagan schism within the Roman Catholic Church is revealed and they realize that the Office of the Pontiff was in fact devoted to the worship of Mammon and similar Babylonian "gods"---- bloodthirsty and venal idols at their worst.
We must not lose sight of the fact that the actual American Government is still here and still owed all right, title, and interest in American assets, and also is owed all control of all government functions.
The United States of America as opposed to the Pope's Territorial Commonwealth subcontractor doing business in our name as "the" United States of America, is a living government organized directly by the people of this country.
Our actual government has been called to assemble and has been in the process of doing so for several years. We now have 27 States properly constituted and assembled--- a number sufficient to do business.
We are holding the Pope and the Queen accountable and responsible for making correction and honoring their actual contracts with us. We, The United States of America, as the Delegators of all Delegated Powers, have the power and the right to direct our mandates however we see fit, and we have directed the Territorial Commonwealth Government under contract to us to protect and defend the States and the People that they are actually under contract to protect and defend.
This will be quite a change for them, but it must be thoroughly understood by everyone concerned.
The Pope and the Queen are at the moment both in Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract with respect to us and our actual Government, The United States of America. World opinion must gather and do its work to check and balance their grotesque behavior.
13th October 2019, 06:00 PM
Anna von Reitz (
1 hr ( ·
Self-Governance for The Rest of Us
Having a right to do something does not equal doing it.
I can have the right to pick blueberries on my neighbor's farm, because we have a written contract between us allowing that, but if I don't hike up the hill where the blueberries grow at the appropriate time of year and actually bend down and flex my fingers and pick the berries off the bush, it doesn't matter that I have the right to do it.
It's not my neighbor's fault if I fail to exercise my right to pick blueberries.
I have the right, but to accrue the benefit of it, I have to exercise my right by taking actions of various kinds. I have to locate the berry patch. I have to notice the time of year. I have to find a pail. I have to hike up the hill. I have to exert myself to bend down and I have to move my fingers to pluck the berries and put them in the pail.....
It's the same way with the American Government. You have the right to organize it and operate it and enforce its laws and do all else that is necessary, but if you don't do it ---- guess what?
It doesn't matter what you say. You can talk about blueberries and argue over where the best patch is and whether or not you should use a pail or a basket for the rest of your lives, but unless you get yourself up that hill and actually pick berries, it's academic.
It's the same way with the American Government.
You can huff and puff and talk about your rights all day long.
You can argue about the meaning of "unalienable" and "Inalienable". You can make all sorts of claims about your rights --- but it is not a matter of what you say, it's a matter of what you do.
I have raised the alarm and pointed out the fact that you are being misidentified as a foreign citizen, and that as a foreign citizen, you lose your rights as an American.
Things have slipped a cog beyond just not exercising your right to self-govern.
If you don't object and correct these falsified political status records, you won't have the right, even in theory, to walk up the hill and pick blueberries anymore.
If you don't answer these false claims you will lose your right to self-govern--- and your failure to exercise your right, will result in denial that you have the right to do so.
So correcting these "registrations" and recording your counter-claims and serving Notice on the Perpetrators making "presumptions" about you and about your political status choices --- that is Job One.
And this is why everyone needs to go through the effort to reclaim your political status as an American State National and everyone also needs to step forward and populate your lawful State Assembly.
You have to take the action to self-govern before you can claim to be "self-governing".
People in a majority of States of the Union have done this already, and have "populated" their actual State Government as a result. They are, in fact, exercising their right to Self-Govern at a State level. Their unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America, is now fully operable.
Why? Because people have done the work to Self-Govern.
They have made the effort to not only exercise their own rights, they have empowered their government "of the people, for the people, and by the people" by taking the necessary action to do so.
They walked up the hill. They bent down. They picked the berries.
If you consider yourself an American and you were born within the borders of one of our States, and you are not directly and actually employed as a Federal Military or Civilian Service Employee, you can do the same.
The actual Government of this country is not an exclusive group.
You don't have to do anything beyond waking up and reclaiming your birthright political status to be recognized as an American State National.
And having gotten that far, you need to take additional action and accept the rest of the work of Self-Governance. To do this, you accept your responsibility to act as an American State Citizen. You agree to act as a Juror and stand as part of your State Jural Assembly. You agree, if you are able, to serve as part of the State Militia. You may even have to serve an elected State Office or County Office.
Generally speaking, we all know what it takes to pick blueberries, but on a stormy day, it might take a raincoat.
You agree to take the actions and accept the responsibilities that go with Self-Governance, or you are just talking about picking blueberries and eating blueberry pies.
And that simple fact is what is escaping so many would-be patriots.
They like to strut around and talk about their "rights" but they aren't even taking the most elemental steps to correct the identity theft fraud that has been practiced against them by their Federal Employees.
They spout endlessly about these "rights" but not about the responsibilities and actions necessary to exercise those rights ---and they take no actual, factual, sufficient, and necessary action to Self-Govern this country.
As a result, their rights remain stuck in the airy-fairy realm of yes, you have the right, but exercising that right and actually Self-Governing requires more than talking about it.
Nobody is keeping anyone from walking up this hill and exercising their rights.
The doors to the State Assemblies stand open, waiting for all these patriots to come home and straighten out their political status records, fill all the jury pools, occupy the vacant offices, and do the actual work of Self-Governance.
Without which, they are stuck standing under foreign governments, presumed to be foreign citizens in their own country, and generally speaking, up a creek without a blueberry in sight.
13th October 2019, 07:13 PM
Anna von Reitz ( zxDM2gRfapm0IQROp7luZ9MYzfsOuqbd0G&hc_ref=ARQKmSMooabJpci783TtNURqUh8TOcJedipiSkbojR-dMR2kJIhrdhkFDm69-Ma8HlM&fref=nf)
19 mins ( ·
That Rotten Little Word -- "Of"
13 October 2019
Those following Phil Hudok's lead and slavering at the prospect of being able to wallow in a trough of military script are presenting themselves as patriots and as Americans and touting their arbitration process as the greatest victory and blessing and legal insight in history.
And so they sing their siren song of "easy money" and herd everyone into the wide path that leads to destruction --- knowingly or unknowingly; in terms of impact, it hardly matters which.
Too bad it's not true.
All they are accomplishing is putting themselves further into debt and accelerating the process of hyper-inflation----plus, officially admitting that they are British Territorial United States Citizens, liable to pay the debts of both the King of the Commonwealth and the Pope.
Oh, dear.
First, there is the fact that Phil never bothered to correct his own political status records, apparently thinking that that was unnecessary, and teaching others the same.
Second, there are his own claims and words identifying himself as a "citizen of the state of West Virginia". And that rotten little word, "of".
Many people miss the point that West Virginia is the State, and anything calling itself a "state of West Virginia" or a "State of West Virginia" or even a "STATE of West Virginia" ---- are not States.
"Of" means "apart from, besides, or belonging to" ----- so, any form of "state of West Virginia" refers to a separate entity apart from the actual State.
And identifying himself as a "citizen" of such an entity can only mean that Phil Hudok is choosing to "reside" in a foreign political status--- instead of just living in West Virginia as a West Virginian like the rest of us.
Roman nomenclature was used by the Municipal Government to describe various levels of "state of state" authorities prior to 1860, with "state of State" like Phil's "state of West Virginia" designation being used in their system to identify the original Federal States of States doing business as, for example, "The State of California" ----which was recognized as "the state of California" for Municipal purposes.
However, West Virginia never existed as a "state of West Virginia" under that system of nomenclature, and "The State of West Virginia", never existed as a member of the original Confederation, either.
That is because West Virginia itself was defined as a State in the middle of the Civil War --- June 1863, so there's no historical meaning or precedent for the existence of anything called "the state of West Virginia".
Read that: Phil Hudok is claiming to hold a political status and citizenship based on something that never existed. At all. Ever.
He is in fact claiming to be a "stateless person" for Municipal purposes, and standing under the King's Law --- and voluntarily subjecting himself to the British Monarch, presumably as a poor refugee suffering from amnesia, since he has forgotten where he actually lives.
If you needed anything more to tell you that the "Arbitration Award" is fishy and not what it seems, just look real hard at that little word --- "of" --- and understand what it means.
Claiming to be a "citizen of the state of West Virginia" is a good trick. Very creative. Extra credit points. Totally impossible otherwise. Ultimately, no banana.
Any such claim is actually pure craziness and bunk, and if the Pope is willing to throw rivers of Federal Reserve Notes at it, you have to figure that something else is actually going on.
How about this as the likely scenario?
The Municipal Corporation wants to bankrupt the Territorial Corporation, so they are opening up the floodgates to issue these "Awards" as Federal Reserve Notes?
That will cause hyperinflation and the gross devaluation of Federal Reserve Notes. It will also cause a short term boom, like the Roaring Twenties, with all sorts of crooks swaggering around with stuffed pockets.
And what if all the innocent Americans participating in this destruction of the United States economy, are at the same time unknowingly giving away their inheritance as Americans? What if by accepting these Arbitration Awards, their land and soil, and their Unalienable and Natural Rights, are unwittingly being donated to the Queen? And best of all, from her perspective, they are being snagged to pay the Queen's debts?
And what if the Queen is herself snagged to pay the Pope's debts?
A pretty little fraud scheme, indeed. A criminal enterprise. A round robin circle of fraud. Again. And all aimed at defrauding America and Americans.
14th October 2019, 01:30 PM
Anna von Reitz ( sfihTHCOQtZyCkC9jD3CDpp&hc_ref=ARQKrqYB_buIch_2btcGhzHfchvO36wlSCXHenpN-Slp_jIzRNFnDmyWQnh_kCqZH5c&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
May Day! May Day!
I want everyone to thoroughly understand the fact that Queen Elizabeth acts as "Queen of the Commonwealth" --- and in that position, she acts as an overseer for the Pope. The origin of this is cozy arrangement goes all the way back to her ancestor, King John.
The British Territorial United States including Puerto Rico and other "Insular States" is a Commonwealth. So the Queen manages it for the Pope.
People also need to understand that the Pope's minions manage the Municipal United States Government directly, and they always have.
This is part of the Power-Sharing Agreements hammered out in the various treaties settling The War of Independence and implemented by the Constitutions.
So we essentially have two foreign governments on our shores, both apparently at odds, but both ultimately belonging to and being the responsibility of, the Pope.
Take in what I just observed to you. Both the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States "Governments" --- that is, the foreign governmental services corporations that have been running amok here for years --- are actually under the control of the Pope.
He controls the Territorial Government indirectly through the Queen, and he controls the Municipal Government directly through the Roman Municipal Government System created by the Pontificate.
So if there is any "Civil War" or other criminality or disturbance here, the road does indeed lead directly to Rome and nowhere else.
Now, I think its time that you all should realize that there are factions of people in Rome who are largely nutcases. They, together with similarly-minded Muslims and Zionists, think that they can and should "fulfill" Biblical prophecy by their own hands. So, in keeping with that, they propose to destroy the world by fire.
What is happening in California right now?
Fires are being set by teams of arsonists that came through our unguarded Southern Border. We shall shortly know who ordered the hit on America, but I think it is fairly clear that this is part of the Religious Nut Case Grand Plan.
The enemies of mankind have progressed in secrecy and stealth and used all manner of devices and human failings to divide us and undermine us, but I have news for you this morning --- it doesn't matter if you are Republican or Democrat, a Catholic or a Jew, when the ship is sinking and you hit the water.
There is one man and one office on this planet who is singularly responsible for everything bad that has happened to this country since 1860, and who is still uniquely responsible: the Pope.
Repeat after me: Pope Francis ultimately owns and controls both sides of any civil war being promoted in America.
He controls the Territorial Government through Queen Elizabeth. He controls the Municipal Government via his own machinery.
So if we have a problem here, much less a civil war --- who should we, and the rest of the world, hold accountable?
14th October 2019, 04:01 PM
There is one man and one office on this planet who is singularly responsible for everything bad that has happened to this country since 1860, and who is still uniquely responsible: the Pope.
I find it interesting that Pope spelled backward is epoP..... or E-Pop? Your ethernet daddy?
15th October 2019, 03:07 PM
Anna von Reitz ( c23mejQFCabLPrlYg71lJwoFFDF0UEYYw3&hc_ref=ART0HqNS-paLXD6YQVyVLGuYLELAKmG6zwxEKHLHvFs7MbaY6P2lO8nh607 DHDiIWmE&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Evaluate the Options
As everyone now has cause to fully grasp, there are two corporate "groups" standing under umbrellas as the Territorial United States Government and the Municipal United States Government. They are both ultimately under the control of the Pope, so any idea that they are actually different or truly separate should be disallowed from the get-go.
Now you know why no matter how you vote in their corporate elections, you get the same result. This is why it doesn't matter if you vote for the mainstream Republican Party candidate or the Chosen One of the Democratic Party, either. This is why it is always a choice between raspberry-flavored feces or chocolate-flavored feces.
It's all the same overall course and affect in these corporate elections because both of the governmental services corporations are in the end being operated by the same puppeteers: the Roman Curia and their property managers at the Vatican.
The only difference is that the Territorial United States Government is run on a second-hand basis by the British Monarch for the Pope. So the Pope governs the Territorial United States Government indirectly and the Municpal United States Government directly.
Since 1976, the Municipal United States Government has tried to slough off its responsibility toward us by "releasing" the trusteeship they owe us to the United Nations via the International Organization Immunities Act; however, the Municipal Congress has no ability to do any such thing "for" us.
As part of this false initiative undertaken "for" us by the Pope's governmental services organization, there has been continued movement toward "regional government" --- a consolidation of power within "regions" again defined by the interlocking trust directorate established by the Holy See.
This is most visible in a series of treaties and trade initiatives undertaken during the Bush Administrations, which if successful, would totally undermine the national character and sovereignty of Mexico, The United States of America, and Canada.
Britain is facing its own version of this with the Brexit Crisis. The Svengalis working for the Pope in Bern are attempting to use similar "regionalization" treaties to hold Britain captive to the European Union --- their version of Regional Government.
It's time we all stopped deluding ourselves about the nature and intent of the Papacy. The Great Good of the Church has been more than counterbalanced by The Great Evil of the Pontificate.
There is no reason for us all to waste our time fighting and arguing with each other as nations nor as interest groups nor as ethnic minorities within nations.
What we all need to give our attention to are the 147 corporations that have thus far been identified as part of the interlocking trust directorate implementing these "programs" and manipulating currencies and commodities, and the illegal and immoral patents and trademarks giving life and profit to these schemes.
Most of all we all need to realize that we are responsible as nations for self-governance. We did not agree to let nameless, faceless, foreign corporations control us, our economies, our currencies, our access to food, water, electricity, or anything else. They have usurped these positions in Breach of Trust and commercial contract, and have no basis for their existence. They are crime syndicates.
Pope Francis and the Roman Curia are required to take action against all corporations that function in an "unlawful" fashion. Please notice, I said: "unlawful" ---not "illegal", and please also note that all of the 147 corporations involved in the global interlocking trust directorate have indeed functioned in a grossly "unlawful" manner.
That is their responsibility -- to clean up the mess they have created, to pull the plug on these colluding crime syndicates, and to honor the debts and obligations they have.
What is our responsibility in turn? To self-govern. We cannot complain about what they plan and do to maintain normal public services and provide a system of law however foreign to us, so long as we fail to exercise our right to self-govern.
To self-govern requires that we declare our identity and our political status and then to "populate" and operate our government made of flesh and blood.
This is why you must correct your political status records and reclaim your birthright political status as a State National and, if you are of age (21) and mentally and physically able, you are needed as a member of your State Assembly. There are a few States that have still not assembled. They need to be organized as quickly as possible.
Go to: (
15th October 2019, 03:16 PM
Anna von Reitz ( T3lqpHyDEzMAriyDZjjL_u0qv-A9_9Q9kZ&hc_ref=ARQzIGfPhWZHxa-7WuJo3hZ-Bo9T15aa_smkOytIxGBE17jqAdH-q8Lu_Z0JTnQT2WI&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Blind Greed
I have a Labrador Retriever, now very long in tooth for a Labrador Retriever, who has been a perfect gentleman his entire life, except for one fault. He is a glutton.
Since puppyhood, he has been first and last at the food bowl, eating as fast as he can, as much as he can. He is, when it comes to food, the epitome of Blind Greed.
There are many people afflicted by the same character fault and impulse.
If they see "money" --- even if it is debt notes issued against their own assets -- they can't help themselves. They are nose up to the trough and going for it as fast as they can, without a second thought. Oh, yum, yum, yummmmm!
Arbitration award? Did someone say, "Arbitration award"?
Now, don't get me wrong. Thanks to the total mismanagement of the world economy by governmental services corporations operated by the Popes and the Queens and Kings for their own greed and other nefarious purposes, there are a good many people who are severely malnourished both physically and spiritually. They have been ground down by years of deprivation and they can be easily forgiven for rushing toward any source of "food" whatsoever.
Nonetheless, it behooves all of us to look around the corners and see what is really going on here.
Two or three years ago, I happened to have a conversation with a senior government consultant to the Department of Administration. His specialty was and is, accounting. So I brought up the little matter of the National Credit owed to Americans. After several exchanges bringing forward the obvious fact that there is an answering credit for every debt in a debt-credit system, the light bulbs went off and he scurried on with his business.
I hoped that he might do something good with the information. Silly me. Last Friday, I found out what he did with the insight I offered him.
He did the Glutton Thing and worked very hard to figure out a way to "get him some" and joined forces with Senior Flag Officers also intent on "getting them some" and they then went to Rand Paul and Ron Paul and set up the whole Arbitration Award scheme to "give back" money owed to the people of this country.
Only it's actually military script that was and is still being issued on our credit, so what does that amount to? More debt.
Let me ask you ---do you believe Municipal Congress which has stonewalled Ron Paul for forty years would suddenly roll over and give his son, or us, anything good?
What they are actually doing is counting on human need and human greed to fuel the engines destroying the Federal Reserve Note via hyperinflation. That is, they are counting on people to embrace their own economic destruction by being senseless gluttons.
And that is what this man, this senior accounting consultant to DOA dreamed up, as a way to repay us the National Credit owed to us: indebt us some more.
And, in the bargain, get people to voluntarily identify themselves as British Territorial United States Citizens, so that they officially release their inheritance as Americans, give up their constitutional guarantees, give up their land and soil, and --- score double points! ---become responsible for the debts of the British Monarch.
This man, Richard, actually had the brass to call me a "traitor" and an "evil old woman" --- after he and his buddies, Phil and the Flag Officers, came up with such a scheme and I declined to go along with it.
Now, either these people are really stupid, or they are really criminal, and in either event, they are playing into the hands of the Municipal Corporation which is more than happy to pay us off by handing us more debt via these "Arbitration Awards", and the Brits are, of course, more than happy to get more Americans officially signed up to pay the Queen's debts.
All this undisclosed chicanery is just more fraud, leading to the same results as ever: the Americans being bilked by the Pope, who doesn't have to pay his debts under this scenario, and by the Queen, who gets American labor and American land and soil assets to help her pay her debts, via this Arbitration Award Scam.
As for Richard and Phil and their pals, the Flag Officers --- better decide whether you are dumb and innocent, or smart and guilty. As I see it, the Idiot's Defense is about all you have as an option.
If you want to be paid in actual money, and retain all your rights and material interests go to (
16th October 2019, 07:05 PM
Anna von Reitz ( BgqZlZ9-SP8BYG7ySv7cR-M&hc_ref=ARQ5CaO1Ty1J3GJkIZJRWRLNQEwT6C8TiMfXKBNKnCD 0HX0_2HFcbwU2B14TU9GunC0&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
Political Parties v. Public Fiduciaries
Our country's actual government depends upon a system of Public Fiduciaries who are bound to act according to The Prudent Man Standard--- meaning that what we do for the Public must be for the Public Good and must reflect decision-making and spending in the manner that a reasonably prudent man or woman would exercise when conducting their own business affairs.
County officials and State Officials are supposed to act as "Fiduciary Deputies" and members sent by the State to attend sessions of Congress are also obligated to act as Fiduciary Deputies. Members of Congressional Delegations are meant to be subject to recall: members of the House of Representatives are subject to direct recall by the people, and members of the Senate are subject to recall by the State Legislature.
That is our actual government. It is designed to seek the best deal and Public Good for everyone.
What we have had instead are Political Parties -- organized Political Lobbies representing special interests -- the Worker's Party, the Green Party, the Bull Moose Party, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, the Independent Party and so on.
These people, misleadingly styling themselves as "representatives" are not functioning as Fiduciary Deputies committed to the Public Good and held to The Prudent Man Standard. These are professional lobbyists without any declared obligation or moral code. Once they were empowered to represent "voters" instead of "electors", they quickly removed the recall provisions for the Senators to be recalled, resulting in a situation wherein for six years, anyone elected to their Congress (which is different than our Congress) gets to do whatever they please without any threat of recall.
As a result, we've had a bizarre situation in this country, in which corporations in the business of providing governmental services, have been raiding the public purse for generations---providing whatever services, taking whatever actions, and charging "the rest of us" whatever prices they pleased. The only control valve on this unaccountable feeding frenzy has been opposition from the opposing political lobbies, who of course, have their own groupies to feed at the expense of everyone else.
There is no concept of the Public Good and no actual accountability in this foreign and unauthorized system which has been "acting in the name of" and passing itself off as our government.
We are meant to have a Confederation Congress, a Territorial Congress, and a Municipal Congress -- with one set of Delegates wearing three different hats, as they address the different functions of the Federal Government.
Things have not functioned properly since our Great-Grandfather's day, because the Reconstruction of the American Confederation was never completed after the Civil War.
We retain our Continental Congress, which is a separate Congress of the actual States of The United States of America [Federation], apart from the various flavors of "United States" Congress.
From time to time people ask me, in a state of bewilderment, what went wrong? What are we going to do?
Basically, the British Monarchs and the Popes acted in Breach of Trust and under conditions of secretive constructive fraud, to make us pay all their bills for them.
Now, they have provided us with services we agreed to receive from them, albeit, not always with the agreed-upon oversight---so, we do legitimately owe them for at least some of the services they have provided.
In the same token, they have usurped authority never granted to them and they have run amok on our shores and spent our money and resources and most of all, our credit, on a great many things never authorized. Our people and our States have suffered because of this, and they are still trying to weasel out of making amends and correcting their operations.
So we are assembling our States of the Union and exercising our Federation of States, The United States of America. As we continue on this road we will reconstruct the American States of States that are supposed to be providing us with the bulk of federal services, and things will fall back into place.
For the moment, we are holding the erstwhile foreign Service Providers feet first to the fire, and making sure that everyone knows that the Pope is ultimately responsible for both the Territorial and the Municipal Government.
The Pope is not able to fight against himself and interposing the British Monarch as the overseer of his Commonwealth interests is not sufficient to plead otherwise.
Read that: no "civil war" is possible-- because both sides of any such conflict are under the same ownership and always have been. Any pretense otherwise is just that --- pretense.
We have denied our Territorial and Municipal Service Providers any permission to stage any war of any kind on our land and soil; it is, instead, their explicit duty to protect us, our Persons, and our property interests.
And everyone worldwide can see that.
We are standing on the right side of the Law in all respects, while they, and especially the Pope, stand revealed for all the damage they have done here to innocent people to whom they owe good faith service.
They have in fact attacked us in the name of protecting us. They have in fact enslaved us in the name of freedom and democracy.
It is, in the end, worldwide public opinion that rules the day; and, the world will judge them for the way they have treated us and for what they do now to either work with us to make amends, or work against us and try to justify their failure to perform their duty owed to the American States and People.
They either straighten up their operations here or everyone on Earth will know them as crooks and abject hypocrites unworthy of trust.
Now that you can see how this really rolls, what's missing, how things are supposed to be versus the way they are and have been for a long time, you can appreciate the need to take action.
If you were born within the borders of one of the fifty States, if you were born to American Parents abroad, or were officially Naturalized here, you can participate in the greatest revival and restoration in world history. Go to: ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3VkFVWv18IegtJDjY8zxrpPLLwd pYRC7pnpABwuYARSf2tSL0zB03Y9Zc&h=AT1XqG71SPdv-IFM_Po40GgEBcdV2We8Row3l0F04Mgo6r8TV2LQzX9MqnbYY4_ sCpSeOp06MNGNldMLhfmKWZcuBv9DoMxe9UBklfsxXWZ8kdxDg suglj2CssYr2w0umGbAR9sr0iienwqC1Pl-zHyFFBu1m2VT)
You can reclaim your birthright or natural right to adopt the political status of an American State National, and if you are over 21, you are cordially invited to fully participate in your State Assembly. There are jury pools to fill and public offices to be held, duties to fulfill and rights to be exercised.
The American States Assembly has been properly constituted of American State Citizens from the start, and no other organizations have been. We have the right political status, the right standing, and the right jurisdiction to hold our federal Service Providers to account, and their State of State franchise operators, too.
So if you are sick and tired of seeing your beloved country run amok by foreign interests that are supposed to be providing you with stipulated and enumerated government services, and if you are fed up with being harassed and bullied and misrepresented by your employees ---yes, it's time you woke up, got off your duff, and do what has to be done to restore your lawful government and correct this situation without further delay.
18th October 2019, 03:38 PM
Anna von Reitz ( opSiWbQyaxhyVsh-SZp5ZA2EJNsrA7b17b&hc_ref=ARR1l9HTh_gSCjpPqheyg-UwxEiVQSKAitbszScd8GZNa4aXH1HKYcCP6X0KZw0ixNQ&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
People v. Persons
There are four political statuses generally available to Americans. They are: (1) State National; (2) State Citizen; (3) United States Citizen [Federal and Territorial] and (4) citizen of the United States [Municipal] .
The first political status, State National, confers our nationality. As Americans, we are typically born within the geographical borders of a State of the Union and we technically acquire our nationality from our sovereign State.
Thus, though you have not been taught or had cause to think deeply about this, you are actually a Wisconsinite, a New Yorker, a Texan, a Virginian, a Minnesotan, and so on---and taken together, we call ourselves Americans.
If we are born to American parents living in foreign places, we naturally acquire and can claim our nationality through either one of our parents.
If we immigrate to this country legally and go through the naturalization process, we can choose to adopt a State of the Union as our home and permanent domicile, and redefine our nationality to be that of an American State National like everyone else.
We say that, for example, Minnesota is populated by Minnesotans. Minnesota is a physically-defined State and Minnesotans are all "people" adopting that place as their home, and they are part of the "population" of Minnesota. Note the verbiage: people, home, population.
You can also choose, once you are of age (21, in this case) to adopt the political status of a State Citizen, one of the People to whom the guarantees of the Constitutions are owed.
All citizenships involve a responsibility of some kind to serve a government. State citizenship is no different.
By joining your State Assembly, you become involved in fulfilling the responsibilities of self-governance and you reap the rewards thereof.
As Americans, we have the absolute right to self-govern, but we must also organize and accept the responsibilities of self-governance to actually exercise that right. Otherwise, it's just academic, and our actual government "of the people, by the people, for the people" goes dormant.
State Nationals are living beings known as "people". State Citizens are known as "Lawful Persons" or "People".
Assuming the responsibilities and rights of a State Citizen and "standing in the capacity of your Lawful Person" enables you to enforce the contractual guarantees of the Federal Constitutions, so this is the necessary political status for you to adopt if you (1) want the freedom of self-governance; and (2) wish to enforce the constitutional guarantees you are owed.
Both these political statuses, State National and State Citizen, are domestic with respect to The United States, meaning that they exist and function within the borders of the Several States that are members of the Union of States formed by The Unanimous Declaration of Independence.
There is only one caveat. If you choose to stand as one of the People, you must forswear all other allegiances to any other State. That is, you can't exercise Dual Citizenship and claim to be a Texan-Oklahoman or a British-Floridian.
If you step beyond this point, you leave the land jurisdiction of your home State and its sister States behind, and enter the airy-fairy realm of the International Jurisdiction of the Sea and Legal Persons.
Legal Persons have no physical connection to land or soil, nor to flesh and blood. They are what are known as "legal fictions". They function under International Law and represent officers and employees and wards of various governments and corporations.
For example, a "Mayor" or a "Governor" or a "President" is a Legal Person; but, also notice that if you are at sea, that is, on the High Seas, your own Trade Name that you use on land, becomes a Legal Person and as a result of treaties long-established, you, an American, are considered a ward of the British Monarch while on the High Seas or on the Navigable Inland Waterways of your own country.
Thus, there is an interface, like a toggle switch between your "Lawful Person" as a State Citizen on the land, and your "Legal Person" on the sea, and there is an equally profound difference in your capacities.
As a State Citizen and Lawful Person standing on the land and soil of your State, you are subject only to your own government. When you venture out on the High Seas or Navigable Inland Waterways, however, you become subject to International Law, and you are redefined as a "Legal Person" and as a ward subject to the King of Great Britain.
Which one you are is determined by your "standing" --- literally, where or in which capacity you are acting: Lawful Person (State Citizen) or Legal Person (Ward of the King).
Legal Persons are said to "Inhabit" our country and are not considered part of our population; instead, they merely "reside" among us for a temporary period of time for specific purposes, and instead of living in our States of the Union, they are "United States Citizens" operating in International Jurisdiction and "inhabiting" or "residing" in equally fictional "States of States", like a "State of New Hampshire".
Note the verbiage: "resident", "inhabitant", "state of state".
Please notice that living people "populate" New Hampshire, but there are no living people in the State of New Hampshire. Instead, there are Legal Persons "inhabiting" or "residing in" the State of New Hampshire and adopting the capacity of officers or employees of corporations--- business entities and governments operating internationally.
This is the realm of "United States Citizens", a legal -- not lawful -- political status that came into being first with the creation of the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America on September 9, 1776, and secondly, with the adoption of the three (3) original Constitutions and delegation of some of the authorities of the Federation in international and global jurisdiction to: (1) the States of America, (2) the British Territorial United States Government, and (3) the Municipal United States Government.
There are three kinds of "United States Citizens"- (1) Federal (two varieties); (2) Territorial; and (3) Municipal (two kinds) --- and they are all Legal Persons.
As we have seen, United States Citizens might be serving as officers or elected officials of various kinds of corporations, they might be temporarily "passing through" international jurisdiction on a tramp steamer headed to Peru, they might be working for the federal government and temporarily "residing" here in a "State of State", they might be acting in behalf of The United States of America (Federation) or the States of America (Confederation), they might be acting as Territorial Citizens of "the State of Montana" or "the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico".
What they all have in common is that: (1) they are legal fictions -- and are "dead" non-living entities by definition; (2) they are "inhabiting" the foreign International Jurisdiction of the Sea owed to the States or delegated to "States of States"; (3) they are subject to international law.
This applies to both kinds of Federal United States Citizens (The United States of America Citizens and The United States Citizens), and Territorial United States Citizens ( that is, Citizens of "the" United States of America).
Those "United States Citizens" who work for the Federation of States dba The United States of America include all our most powerful international officials, including the Continental Marshals, who exercise the non-delegated Powers of this country in international jurisdiction.
There should also be, but presently are not, employees of the Confederation dba the States of America, exercising the Delegated Federal Powers--- apart from those duties specifically assigned to the Territorial and Municipal United States entities.
The fact that the Confederation doing business as the States of America is "missing" since the Civil War has been the excuse used by the other federal contractors, the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States, to claim that a "state of emergency" exists.
In fact, all the powers delegated to the States of America automatically returned to the Delegator, The United States of America, a long time ago and all such claims by the other two subcontractors are specious at best.
Municipal "citizens of the United States" are also Legal Persons that take things a step farther removed from the actual and factual realm. These "citizens" exist in the global Jurisdiction of the Air and are subject to Municipal Law. There are two kinds of Municipal citizens of the United States ---- (1) people adopting this political status to serve the Municipal Government, for example, Postal Service Employees; or (2) actual United States corporations chartered by the Municipal Government
This is where you find all the STRAWMAN entities --- JOHN M. DOE, and GENERAL MOTORS and CARLYLE, INC. and STATE OF NEW YORK and NEW YORK CITY.
Now all of this complex and initially confusing, but if you are Joe Average American what it comes down to is this: you want to be acting in your "lawful capacities" as either a State National or as a State Citizen.
What it further comes down to is that unless enough of us declare our political status as State Citizens and accept the responsibility of State Citizenship, our lawful government "of the people, by the people, and for the people" goes dormant. It's still sovereign, but it is not exercising its sovereignty, because we are not undertaking the functions and filling the offices of our lawful government.
This unwitting "neglect" on our part leaves the door open for corporations --- including foreign corporations --- to come in as "federal" contractors, and rule the roost. It allows the King's Courts to harass and pillage us. It allows the Pope's minions to enslave us.
Now, obviously, there is a vast difference between the Lawful Persons and the Legal Persons.
Lawful Persons have substance. They are tied to physical reality and fully defined. Maine, for example, is an actual place defined by physical borders, weights, and measures; and it has an actual living, breathing population that is also physically defined. Maine and the People who live there own actual assets-- land, soil, gold coins, trees, fish.... and only Lawful Persons can own these Lawful Assets.
Legal Persons are immaterial and incomplete, a condition described in law as "Inchoate". They exist only in the realms of international business and global commerce. The inchoate entity doing business as "the" State of Michigan is just a business organization chartered by the British Territorial United States Government. It has no borders or physical reality. The inhabitants, also known as "residents" of the State of Maine or STATE OF MAINE, have no ability to actually own physical assets in Maine; at most, they may act as employees of corporations and trade in credit and debt instruments known as securities.
And now, finally, we come to the reason(s) why both the NLA and the various Jural Assemblies organized by the Michigan General Jural Assembly and other similar efforts are just more wheel-spinning exercises: they are organizations formed by Legal Persons, that is, by those choosing to act as "United States Citizens" and/or "citizens of the United States" ----- not by those who have declared their political status as State Citizens.
As Legal Persons, they are functioning in a foreign and immaterial capacity, and they are attempting to commandeer rights and authorities and responsibilities that belong to the People -- that is, Lawful Persons operating as State Citizens.
Whether they realize it or not, what they are doing is so improper that it can be considered an unlawful and illegal attempted take-over of our actual government.
NLA and all these misbegotten "Jural Assemblies" that are running around half-cocked are functioning in the wrong jurisdiction to do what they say they want to do, and the people involved are acting as "inhabitants" of foreign "States of States" ----not as part of the actual State's population.
It is a classic situation of "you can't get there from here".
You can't exercise the rights and the prerogatives of our actual government or enforce the Constitutions while acting as a foreign government employee or dependent of a foreign corporation.
Furthermore, you can't operate any kind of state or even a state of state organization on the basis of a Jural Assembly or a Grand Jury. That's like building a car door and pretending to have a car.
We have talked to these groups until we are blue in the face and despite their long record of accomplishing nothing toward relief or justice for the people of this country, and despite the fact that what they are doing is patently improper and may amount to insurrection against the actual government, they persist in their wrong-headed assumptions.
So the NLA and all these improperly organized Jural Assemblies get nowhere and do nothing effective toward enforcing the constitutional guarantees, because they don't adopt the correct political status, standing, and jurisdiction to do so.
What is worse in our opinion, is that they actually endanger their membership as a result, and leave people who are simply trying to exercise their God-given and constitutionally guaranteed rights subject to attack. We have heard many horror stories wherein federal subcontractors have sicced the IRS on people, seized their homes in bogus foreclosures, even seized their children or burned their businesses to the ground.
"My people are being destroyed for lack of knowledge...."
Members of the NLA and the MGJA-led Jural Assemblies are not functioning in the correct capacity, so their members are still being hunted and harassed and entrapped by Federal Agents.
Besides the fact that their members are not declaring their proper political status, these organizations don't build all the pieces of State Government necessary to do the job of self-governance. They just waste time and money and cause trouble--- and all because they don't grasp the difference between People and Persons.
Thankfully, other Americans who do "get it" have done the work and done it correctly, so that they can exercise their Lawful Persons to gain control of the runaway train that is functioning (somewhat) as a government in this country. They have organized their actual States and are operating as People, by making the correct Declarations and assembling their Populace.
Everyone who is sick and tired of being harassed by their own employees and attacked and misrepresented and taxed to death in their own country, are invited to join their State Assembly. There are a few States lagging behind in this process who still need State Coordinators.
Go to: ( 0p57lXIgJ-EpJs6chHI) and step to the plate.
Accept the responsibilities of self-governance and exercise your rights -- don't just stand there talking about them.
18th October 2019, 03:57 PM
Anna von Reitz ( TfKzbdQtQlmV6w4w6oUdKsv7S8LzEbh5Ch&hc_ref=ARSgZSepU6x_4OGsV_BUYeLBsoSjJdUlkckVZQ1vfzN kBjL0j741N5-U3LUG0ldd7rw&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Decree Over Mandate
When we established the Constitutions --- Federal, Territorial, and Municipal, we delegated some of our established "Powers" to be exercised "for" us by others.
So, naturally, there had to be a "Delegator" of these "Powers" and there had to be stipulated "Delegatees" receiving and exercising these "Powers" in our behalf.
As the Preambles of the Constitutions clearly state, the Delegation is made by the "People" of this country. The People are defined as the State Citizens and their State Governments. The State Governments in turn function together in international jurisdiction through their unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America.
The United States of America is a Holding Company, and what it holds are all the rights and prerogatives of the sovereign states/States that they exercise in common in international and global jurisdiction.
Thus, The United States of America is the "Delegator" of the "Powers" shared out under the Constitutions.
Who are the "Delegatees"?
The first Constitution (1787) called the Federal Constitution and/or "Original Equity Contract", delegates Powers to the Confederation of States formed March 1, 1781 and doing business as the States of America. The Powers assigned ran a gamut of responsibilities related to international business affairs, law enforcement, military operations, tax collection, and oversight.
The second Constitution (1789) called the Territorial Constitution delegates Powers to the British Territorial United States Government to exercise for us in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea. The Powers assigned relate largely to Naval Operations and international tariffs and trade policies.
The third Constitution (1790) called the Municipal Constitution delegates Powers to the Pope's Municipal (City-State) Government to exercise for us in the Global Jurisdiction of the Air. The Powers assigned relate to Postal Service, Patents, Trademarks, and similar functions.
So: Delegator: The United States of America -- our unincorporated Federation of States.
Delegatees: (1) the Confederation of States formed March 1,1781 doing business as the States of America --- which has been inoperative since 1860; (2) the British Territorial United States Government --- a British Commonwealth Government doing business under our name as "the" United States of America; (3) the Pontiff's Roman Municipal Government doing business under our name as "the" United States.
When the States of America confederation ceased operations, the Delegated Powers assigned to it immediately reverted to the Delegator -- The United States of America, but, conveniently, nobody told us what was going on in the chaos and confusion after the Civil War.
The Grand Army of the Republic came in and began "administrating" everything under Admiralty Law on the Sea and General Order 100 -- The Lieber Code -- on the land, pending the Reconstruction of the States of America organization. And that is where it has remained -- in limbo -- for over 150 years, waiting for the Reconstruction to be completed.
Because we were operating in this offbeat fashion and other countries had to interact with us, they began operating in the same way. The Hague Conventions and the Geneva Conventions were adopted to facilitate this new organizational scheme in which countries were presumed to be occupied by Armed Forces awaiting the "return" of civilian government.
The Perpetrators of this circumstance --- Generals and Admirals who benefited from the exercise of political power not vouchsafed to them, and foreign governments that gained economic advantages by preying upon people and the assets belonging to the people of each country began a conspiracy of silence and collusion and formatted their operations through commercial corporations.
The Central Banks were established to expedite this process and various institutionalized fraud schemes were set up to make "harvesting" the value of our labor and other resources efficient. These have included the IRS/Internal Revenue Service, the fraudulent Land Titles schemes, the bogus Foreclosures, the Conscription via military drafts and Uniformed Officers Codes, The Dead Baby Scam, and many more automated schemes controlled by patents and trademarks and other control systems.
And they are all kaput as of 14 October 2019.
We pulled the plug and issued our Decree Over Mandate on that day.
So what is a "Decree Over Mandate"?
Each Constitution creates a "Public Mandate" that granted sweeping powers to each of the Delegatees ---- all to be exercised under conditions of strictest International Treaty and Trust Obligation. Such a Mandate is very powerful in keeping with the extensive Powers granted, but it remains Subject to Decree by the Delegator: The United States of America -- unincorporated.
The United States of America -- our unincorporated Federation of States -- summoned the States of the Union to Assemble and has overcome the obstacles placed in the way of Americans seeking to exercise their lawful authority. A majority of properly constituted States have now Assembled and The United States of America has issued a Decree Over Mandate ordering relief and directing the financial affairs of the country for the first time since the Civil War.
The first order of business beyond declaring the proper authority has been to bust the physical human trafficking and pedophile rings operating in our formerly defenseless international land jurisdiction.
The second order of business has been to set our financial affairs in order, locate and organize our assets, and declare all these foreign corporations bankrupt and subject to the Primary Creditors --- the People of this country and every other country on Earth.
The third order of business is to begin the process of securing remedy and relief for all those who have been enslaved --- specifically, an end to the false claims of debt, "protective" asset seizures, phony loans and mortgages, forced registration of assets and similar usurpation and oppression carried out against the living people of this country and this planet.
We have also nipped all threats of "Civil War" in the bud; both the Territorial and Municipal Corporations are ultimately under the Pope's control and ownership, and he cannot fight against himself. So we no longer have to put up with that threat and all the associated garbage.
We know who is accountable and we will hold them accountable.
This action made possible by the tireless efforts of The American States Assembly organizers marks the onset of the Re-Venue of all physical assets to the possession of living people, the end of Corporate Feudalism, and the end of Martial Law being imposed on civilians in this country. The Reconstruction necessary to restore our fully functioning Federal Government will not be far behind.
If you have not yet declared your proper political status and stepped forward to serve your country, go to: ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3qVV-eKc4-NZOVxVKpYQwlz5XtedD5R2jAD_AHvwONXk82lJj1ceAICVg&h=AT2Ehm3veZP7KBV18CbHpJkUm11eUlqhBHIbFkq-4bzWKEQrzdO_kMGeYzE2yFsSSNoVUs28gI_Y-Gqg8j72kNjPTSu1HknD293zfKCpXVTEKJgC_4B5hnvkzChi2fw wlISXyUOdbLIk3AxoA2DikaUKPEVOvhN-)
A complete jpeg copy of the Decree Over Mandate is now published and available (or soon will be) at: ( and ( lid%3DIwAR1umFKmKGbKWZr5MzstEeLoKSNOS4-NgFCHkm-XF97dcUjT8Sw78s1Bi8M&h=AT0pxgwxNDPVYJnuBI_b771JkwNKesdPXPwt7qvPClUUwM0J H97VFFZhKW7fV5FqjyHilkLUYd2YQjRqBquHvvr6x6mb0MhVsv ClToWiL6B2anuyIjKgDshzL7qvnaEsNDaVJEu1OGneXHjvq9Fh AX5aOdGIoEhx) websites.
18th October 2019, 04:04 PM
Anna von Reitz ( OWKUuAhSLIOWc-T&hc_ref=ARTSFwLj520_VGJnluUyBA1zgTP19sRiHOG-ePazhwrwptPq62Y5zTf2SAvsv62tfI8&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Call Out for Continental Marshal Support
As all my Readers know, we re-commissioned the Federal Marshals in 2015 and renamed them Continental Marshals in an effort to draw a clear and firm distinction between their functions and jurisdiction compared to their counterparts, the United States Marshals.
Our Continental Marshals function as Peacekeeping Officers in both the International Jurisdiction of the Land and the International Jurisdiction of the Sea -- Reserved Powers, Amendment X.
You will note that all the gross criminality effecting the international securities markets and fiat currencies and all the human trafficking and interstate bank fraud problems got going at about the same time that the Federal Marshals were first "merged" into the United States Marshals Service, and then de-funded by the Municipal Congress operating 'in our names".
This left our international land jurisdiction largely undefended.
The U.S. Marshals have suffered the same problem as our Sheriffs, in that they have had to exercise their "individual discretion" in enforcing the Constitutions, and have often had to do so against the wishes of the people signing their paychecks "for" us.
That is, thank God, coming to an end as a result of your efforts to educate yourselves and reclaim your birthrights and organize your States of the Union. If you have not already done so---get moving now and go here to start: ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR082CNKnUJ69ggTXiIzcZfTMiORP RFRfzSSpPdDOMFy5k0GGe9Q27mKQb0&h=AT3qqi0eVLEr2lIBZnuQ6eaE2Q5dj5lrzNh_zV48SJymbX__ HOE6eUaJwyNXPuUHiU7nbjggwwtw3Q_pet7oxPDCgrE27j65CE W4sIbLLZq3b-Tf8I9cC5oUpNPlhzH0xfAO8l1mltet4lo1iEFjopR3me4x3--T)
It also ending because of the men and women stepping forward to serve as Continental Marshals and fill the empty shoes of our Federal Marshals, and because of the commitment of President Trump and his Administration to the American States and People.
This group effort from all sides of the various fences is the only way to peacefully and surely operate the government that this country is owed and which we are all heir to.
Until the issues of funding are settled, all our offices are being staffed by volunteers, including the offices of the Continental Marshals. Our Senior Chief Marshal, Tresa Haywood, has gone above and beyond to do her Public Duty as an Officer of The United States of America --- and now she needs our help.
She has to move her home and offices. Donations can be sent through this GoFundMe link:… ( p-homelessness%3Futm_source%3Dfacebook%26utm_medium% 3Dsocial%26utm_campaign%3Dp_cp%2Bshare-sheet%26fbclid%3DIwAR3e8sHZzfA656dSsnzcHaplnIr9WiD NSwB3PfjIgFu2gkaRE69eGEqIWx4&h=AT1HcBdevcmznm5jCty_wGaKR09qToHZju5yWY4tKRyibo_R u6QamGERpVeLISLUWXP3pn3g9GGea9gufL3Igv7OHKwgMf2yxn T2T_3zZCHgt0lmuzgkSjyBZzcOEtis3XTR0K2mLud1k0gcNMvc a8XekcKLOfz7)
If you want to donate toward the moving expenses or for the Continental Marshals' Silver Stars Program (funds issuance of actual traditional silver star badges for the Marshals and for Sheriff Stars for Sheriffs who agree to honor their Public Duty to enforce the Constitutions) just write a note on PayPal donations to or on checks or money orders sent to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
We will make sure that the money gets sent where it needs to go and that every Marshal and Sheriff who stands up to defend and enforce the Constitutional guarantees we are owed, has the correct silver star badge designating them as Peacekeepers.
This will allow us all to quickly identify those Officers who are working to defend and protect us and our country, versus those who are working merely as corporate private security personnel --- Pinkertons --- doing private "law enforcement" activities on our shores.
19th October 2019, 09:19 AM
Three constitutions? :confused: The Constitution was drawn up and signed in 1787, by 12/7/1787 5 states had ratified it.
By June 21, 1788 9 states had ratified the Constitution. It was agreed the general government of the United States under the Constitution would begin on March 4, 1789. George Washington was inagurated President April 30, 1789.
19 amendments were introduced by Madison in 1789 and 12 were approved by Congress 9/25/1789 and sent to the States for ratification.
10 these amendments amendments were ratified. The Bill of Rights were made part of the Constitution December 10, 1791.
I see one Constitution for the United States of America or Anna’s The United States and 10 amendments from 1787 through 1791 :cool:
The Preamble of the Constitution begins with the words We the People of the United States with a small t as the name of the United States and ends with do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America again with a small letter t.
19th October 2019, 10:15 AM
Three constitutions? :confused:
But only ONE seal though.
You need to review THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER.
England ceased to exist if the seal could not be found. The pauper was using it to crack walnuts. What do you use your seal for?
A seal is a heraldic device. Other heraldic devices are
coats of arms
Considered as a group these three things constitute ARMS.
ARMS are how militia are regulated. You have a 2nd amendment right to BEAR ARMS. And believe me these three items are more powerful than any the BATFE attempt to regulate. As the saying goes: THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD
So when it comes to multiple constitutions you might check for multiple seals.
When it comes to flags check whether the flag is a regulation TITLE IV flag with the proper dimensions and not some 3x5 China made copy or a gold fringed admiralty flag. When you receive an envelope purporting to be from 'your' government check for a FREE stamp in place of a monetary stamp 'cause there was an act of congress that permits any of your servants to communicate with you without the benefit of paid postage and you have the same right ... to communicate with them.
Wonder if Anna pays postage? Ask for proof.
The device on top of the flag is important too. A spear represents a military court. A ball represents peace (a cannonball not fired in anger). An eagle represents the EXECUTIVE if the wings are up or the Post Office if the wings are down. You are of course free to put your own device on top of the flag. Have you chosen to do so? In my opinion a man in a robe pouring water from a jug would be appropriate for the Age of Aquarius.
Question - Was the purpose of the English invading Washington D.C. in 1812 actually to seize the Great Seal of the U.S. of A.? I directed the Secretary of State to place this seal on a simple ID I sent to assist me in crossing the lines of battle and he/she seems to have gone completely silent. If a Great Seal is presently in use is it the same as was used in 1812?
19th October 2019, 05:12 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 9qqD67l3Q8gtYLuK_as_yTmg&fref=nf)
17 hrs ( ·
The Issue of Slavery
Jim Rowe struggled mentally and emotionally for decades to overcome trauma and PTSD from Vietnam. He suffered physically from a broken back and knee injuries from being half-crushed in an airfield accident.
He finally died of a rare cancer known to be caused by Agent Orange. He was like many embittered and jaundiced Vietnam veterans and though he was many years older than me, he was one of my dearest friends.
One summer night we built a bonfire on what he called "the Watchtower" -- a bare summit that can be seen for miles around, and we talked about poetry and ravens and motorcycles in cold climates.... and he suddenly turned to me, looked straight at me, and he said, "It's all right. You know, it's just perfect, just the way it is."
I didn't agree. He shook his head and waved at the stars above and said, "Look at that! I am part of it! What could be better than that?" His voice was touched with wonder as he stared into the heart of sky.
I didn't understand then, but I do now. He could see farther than I could at the time, and he turned back to tell me what he saw: the unimaginable splendor and glory of Creation, and our blessed part in it all.
And it is all right, because we are united forever in that glory, beyond space, beyond time, already perfected in Our Father's eyes. We shuffle off these mortal bodies like butterflies and rise up in our true form, set free, aware of the love that connects us to everyone and everything else that was, that is, and that will ever be.
Death is but another season.
The great issues of this time are but an echo of the past, the unresolved detritus and unanswered questions left over from the Civil War. Where do we stand on the issue of slavery?
That question remains unresolved, because of the sophistry of the men who were left in charge after Lee's surrender.
While loudly proclaiming the abolition of slavery, they secretively preserved it.
Indeed, they enshrined slavery and inextricably equated being a slave with being a criminal, too. While they abolished private slave ownership, they made sure that public slave ownership endured.
Thus, plantation slaves who were supposed to be emancipated at the end of the Civil War, were re-enslaved as public property, and additionally saddled with the onus of being criminals by definition, too.
In this backhanded way, public slave ownership continued in the land of the free, and human chattels became a more and more important source of collateral assets backing the credit of the usurping foreign governmental services corporations operated by the Pope and the Queen.
The more slaves, the more collateral assets, and the more credit for the Interlopers to spend. That's why the Dems want more immigrants --- more slaves equals more money. Now you know, in part, how China suddenly became so fabulously wealthy. The Chinese Generals took a bribe of $80 billion dollars and sold their people as assets to the criminals.
It was a foregone conclusion that these fraud artists would continue to claim innocent people as slaves after the Civil War, and their practice of public slavery, like the former practice of private slave ownership, would spread like a cancer until we have all come to this question again: where do you stand on the issue of slavery?
Slavery has been outlawed worldwide since 1926. Press-ganging has been outlawed for 200 years. Yet, here we are, asking this question again, because these con artists have endeavored to claim living people and their private assets as bonded securities backing their own spending.
And they've gotten away with it, which is the fault of the Holy See.
Our deal with the Holy See is strictly this -- that corporations can exist only for lawful purposes --- and these corporations have been anything but lawful.
Obviously, Cede and Company and all Successors need to go. So does the DTTC. Mellon Bank. The jackasses at the US Patent and Trademark Office. JP Morgan. The American Corporations Company. The US Bar Association. The Federal Reserve. The IMF. The World Bank. The IBRD. The List goes on.
We need a reset alright, but not just a reset. We need a re-venue. We need the debt system turned upside down and on its head, so that all these venal corporations are the ones paying their debts to society.
As I have said from the beginning, this is not a matter of politics, not about black or white, not about religion. This is about fraud and racketeering and human trafficking and identity theft and nothing else.
As this situation teaches, if we allow anyone to be victimized by crime---such as being enslaved or forced into peonage--- it quickly spreads, like a disease, until we are all impacted by it.
I have been told that our assets are "blocked" by "very powerful" individuals.
Those individuals are criminals.
I need a hundred Marines to walk into the lobby of Citibank in Chicago with me and start pulling down pants. Then we'll see whose assets are blocked.
And it won't be the assets of The United States of America.
The same criminals are blocking your access to your assets in the "name of" protecting you, too--from yourself, apparently, while they feast on your larder, ruin your country, deny you the freedom you have earned, and snatch your children ----and then tell you lies and fairy tales about it.
Have we all had enough? Where do you stand on the issue of slavery?
19th October 2019, 05:18 PM
Anna von Reitz ( J_et5nyHfIVBL2TqY4IyUTSg-vknwqdKG2&hc_ref=ARQZdIUfduD4hLtM0I3Dsg7k1hxQYYQ5nPvYh3JmrBF OP8N0q7QZuuCD1cNXefbnC38&fref=nf)
16 hrs ( ·
Infinity Accounts, Infinite Quantitative Easing, and Other Lies
I hear endless drivel from the economic markets, bank pundits, and politicians.
Let's make this clear: (1) "Infinity Accounts" don't exist; computer programs that rely on bogus accounting algorithms do exist, but that's not the same thing, is it? (2) "Quantitative Easing" is counterfeiting by another name; (3) "Private Placement Trading Platforms" were supposed to provide credit for worthy philanthropic projects -- but instead, have been turned into bizarre corporate gambling casinos that do nothing but devalue everything in sight; (4) This devaluation, coupled with physical counterfeiting, and numerous other crimes, are all stealing the value of your money.
And everyone else's money, too, because like it or not, all these currencies are pegged to the various species of "US Dollar".
Just tonight at the hardware store I heard a man complaining bitterly to a stock clerk about the price of rope. It's increased 30% in six months. I had just had a similar discussion myself at my favorite restaurant where all the prices had increased by about 40% over the past year and a half. The same gallon of milk that used to be $2.99 five years ago is now $5.69.
Do you see what is happening? The run up to hyperinflation. And the rats are doing all that they can to shift gears and blow smoke and steal the value of your money as it sits in their banks.
The money printing presses that Obama sent offshore to places like Mexico and Thailand and China, are running day and night overseas, provided with all the special paper and ink and trick devices, so that the counterfeits are indistinguishable from any other "dollar". And they are just continuing to pour and pour and pour into the world market, which devalues, devalues, and devalues your money as it is sitting in the bank, which further devalues US Treasury Bonds, which further devalues what you are owed as recompense for all the theft and abuse these criminals have already inflicted on you.
To keep up with it, you would have to be making 30% on your investments, day in and day out, every day. Are your investments doing that well?
There are only two ways for this to end--- we do what Iceland did, or we live as slaves to crooked bankers.
What's it going to be, people of the world? Are you fed up yet? Tell me when you have had enough to get off your couch and get organized.
Time to raise your hand and realize that you are being robbed.
Time to bitch, bitch, bitch and not to some helpless, clueless sales clerk.
This is not being done by a guy with a black balaclava and a knife. It's being done by bankers in nice suits in broad daylight.
This is not being done by an obvious, overt "bank bailout" or "bank bail-in". Instead, it's being done while your account seems perfectly secure. The digits are the same. It's the value of the digits that is being wasted.
Don't shake your heads in wonder as you notice that $100 doesn't mean much anymore. How could it, when foreign governments are running the printing presses and chunking out $100 bills by the billions?
The bankers and the politicians and the run amok military generals who don't know which side of their rumps to sit on, are stealing the value of your money, on purpose, with malice aforethought, because they don't want to pay you what you paid in.
Back when you earned the credit six months ago, a hundred bucks filled the tank in your car and bought dinner and toothpaste and garbage bags. Now it only buys half a tank of gas and a chicken.
And if we don't do something about it and I mean really DO something about it, the situation will only get worse.
We have no choice but to put the hammer down and push it flat.
19th October 2019, 06:19 PM
Anna von Reitz ( wqmOuO7ZrZsVYCnDdXlueizNgUNkH7XRNp&hc_ref=ARQVz7LLFVGjJPqVwpy7iYJxKyeV5qqDBc17fCsCyxb bSHcuRmMwgK7XXXcFOLdgV8Y&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
A Letter to Donald Trump and the Joint Chiefs -- 19 October 2019
Dear President Trump and Joint Chiefs:
My Uncle Henry was a great guy, but he liked to stir the pot.
He would ask us kids questions like, "What weighs more-- a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?"
A pound is a pound is a pound.
Yet, today, we have an entire world economic scheme built on a Ponzi Scheme that doesn't recognize that fact.
The direction that the Central Banks have taken is now very clear. They mean to bankrupt the entire world and everyone in it via hyperinflation. Think of it as The Great Depression multiplied by a million.
Even as we speak, they are counterfeiting the USD, and their brokers are buying, selling, and trading upon assets that don't belong to them, to secure this disastrous end result.
Yet somehow you all think that allowing this to go on is better than arresting these same bankers, putting other people in charge, and returning the actual assets to the people to whom they belong?
President Trump, you have worked very hard and with great zeal and skill to bulwark the American economy and keep the boat afloat, but you have been undermined every step of the way by criminals.
Those same criminals are now setting themselves up to block everyone's access to assets that were deposited with these banks in good faith. Their object is simple theft.
They mean to pay their own debts with assets that in fact belong to others using fake default robot ID's as recipients, similar to the way they have used undisclosed escrows and the pretense of "abandoned funds" to rob generations of victims.
We've been told outright that they have blocked our names and the assets owed to The United States of America and to Americans in general. And they won't willingly honor our demand to return our deposits.
They won't even give credit receipts or statement reports to the actual depositors of factual assets. I repeat--- they are proven criminals.
Well, here's our demand and let it sink in. We are here, in public, in front of everyone. We are not "missing", not "absent", not to be "presumed dead"; we are demanding that our assets be accounted for and made accessible to us, not to some foreign paper STRAWMAN or electronic representation of us.
It isn't our intention or desire to make any big moves of actual deposits or cause any undue disruption; there's actually no need for that, despite all the damage these thieves have done----- but we do mean to put a stop to these banker games and it is long overdue.
We want the ringleaders in jail and we want anyone caught aiding and abetting this monstrous fraud against us in jail --- where they belong.
They have been acting as brokers and as executors de son tort, buying, selling, and trading assets that don't belong to them, impersonating us, making false claims in commerce, operating under color of law, and defrauding generations of people here and around the world.
The actual Powerholders and Beneficiaries have "returned" though they never actually went anywhere. With respect to The United States of America, there is no doubt where your duty lies, and also your own self-interest.
These cretins have planned things out to make sure there is an economic meltdown by Election Day, Mr. Trump ---- and you fellows manning the Joint Chiefs positions? They have made plans to do away with the US military, sever all military pensions, and use America as a "Resource Dump".
It is well past time for the banks to be taken over and placed under well-scrutinized management, worldwide.
There is no more pressing task at hand, unless you count returning our land assets including our patents to our direct freehold ownership, then securing all the deposits and assets owed to Americans and The United States of America----and returning them to us.
The days of any military protectorate are numbered. That's the way it is, and in view of the present situation, the way it has to be.
Administration by a civilian government run by Fiduciary Deputies won't be as colorful, but it will be far more sane and honest.
Now, Gentlemen, you can do what you are actually paid to do, and you can save your own respective skins at the ballot box and when it comes to retirement, or you can sit there and stare at us like steers in a rainstorm.
The United States of America is the Powerholder. The people of this country have suffered gross mistreatment and identity theft. We have vast amounts of actual assets that have been stolen under false pretenses. If you want to keep your contracts---- nail the criminals to the wall and return our assets.
Give the bankers and members of the US CONGRESS a deal they can't refuse, just like the Unconscionable Contract they tried to foist off on American babies in their cradles, just like all those "intestate infant decedent estates" they created, just like all the phony "court" proceedings, just like all the thefts disguised as tax sales, just like all the trespasses on our private property at all levels for the past 150 years.
These people haven't represented us. We don't even know them. And we are here to claim back what is ours.
You are all employed by us under the terms of the actual Constitutions and obligated to protect our Persons and property, individually and in sum total. It's high time you did so.
19th October 2019, 06:28 PM
Anna von Reitz ( h6moE6UbmdZJzaUJBkCBjRhfnG2cs__geQ&hc_ref=ARQnpiogzhTTw-S4_PGqTN0hg8yMmHENSbBJ6J2RDjzZx3pHgi0g9HFGyKi6bZD4 f5k&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Secondhand Salvation
How often have you heard someone say that "Jesus died for your sins."?
That's a lie.
Jesus died because of the sins of men. Note the difference between the words "for" and "because".
The Sanhedrin accused him of Necromancy, because he raised Lazarus from the dead. That carries the death penalty according to the Old Testament. So they wanted him executed for giving life back to his friend.
Such a crime.
The Romans were disturbed by rumors of the Lazarus incident also. They didn't really take it seriously, but Romans are superstitious. What if.... well, what if this Jewish rabble-master could summon an army from the ranks of the dead? That's enough to chill the spine of any Roman General. Just as a thought. So why not do away with any threat, real or imagined?
So they did. It was convenient. What difference could it make anyhow?
What was the death of one more impoverished, itinerant Jew?
And that is really the way it was--- just plain old run-of-the-mill banal evil at work. Give Judas a little payola, the Fix is in, and la,la,la.....
Let's get this clear -- Jesus didn't die "for" our sins, he died because of our sins. Our sinful nature. Our slack-handed acceptance of evil and selfishness as a way of life. Our lack of caring. Our blind greed and idolatry.
And his suffering was never some kind of warm, fuzzy, security blanket for Christians. It was our example of what we may have to endure.
So when ignorant people ask me about my "blood seal" on the altar of the true church, let me explain --- the actual True Church is known only to God, the Father. He calls whom He will call. He calls us forth from every faith. Even the Lamb has nothing to say about it. My blood seal is the same blood seal as His, the sign of my own suffering and death.
Those of the True Church are called to war against those of the False Church in a supernatural war of the spirit. The Grail Kings are called to overcome the Kings of this world. The Sword of Truth is summoned to dispatch the deceits of the Romans.
One of the snide Maxims of Roman Civil Law is, "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived." In other words, if you are too stupid to realize that you have been defrauded, it's your problem. The law will afford you no remedy or help until and unless you wake up and object to the fraud.
Roman Civil Law is what the Municipal Governments including the Municipal United States Government operate under. Their whole system is founded on such deceits and the allowing of such deceits.
So what do we find? A whole world deluded and defrauded and deceived.
A whole world believing that "Jesus died for our sins" and that we don't have to do anything to save ourselves. Not even a good faith effort. Just live our lives in whatever reckless, depraved, sick and double-minded way we please --- and then throw ourselves on his mercy? Broker a deal for forgiveness through some handy-dandy priest? Pay your money and clutch your golden cross?
And you wonder why I snort at this ridiculous state of affairs? Why I don't believe in money? Why I decry every aspect of this situation? Why I went to the Popes and the Cardinals and served Notice of the Fraud? Do you think that they can avoid their own law the same way they try to avoid the Law of the Living God?
The Watchmen are calling, the Watchtowers are lit. The Apocalypse has come and the Great Tribulation [Tribute to Rome] must end. Their sin and their fraud is upon them. Their use and abuse of living people for the sake of legal fictions crafted as idols by their own hands, has come home to roost:
Once: Fictio cedit veritati --- fictio juris non est, ubi veritas.
Twice: Fictio cedit veritati --- fictio juris non est, ubi veritas. Thrice: Fictio cedit veritati --- fictio juris non est, ubi veritas.
Once: Ex dolo malo non oritur action.
Twice: Ex dolo malo non oritur action.
Thrice: Ex dolo malo non oritur action.
We raise the living from the dead.
We raise the living from the dead.
We raise the living from the dead.
We end the time of times and restore the Truth.
We end the time of times and restore the Truth.
We end the time of times and restore the Truth.
Recently, I have been attacked by those seeking to escape their own redemption. They are so messed up and confused that they don't know friend from foe. Perhaps this is to be expected after so much deceit and so much woe.
We conquer by the power and the might of the spirit of the True God. We need nothing else at all.
And so my seal stands upon the altar of the True Church, as I have been called forth by Our Father and am dedicated in life and in death to my Creator, not deceived and not deceiving anyone --- including those like Cardinal George.
I have declared myself freely in the presence of my Father and many Witnesses. I was called and I have come in the name of the True and Living God, as proof and as seal of the Grail Kings. And even if it is not apparent yet to everyone, the end of the Evil One and His reign on Earth has come.
19th October 2019, 06:42 PM
Anna von Reitz ( JpxdFDODR&hc_ref=ARRM98PqkIe6nMNTUcOSMmVxq6E0l5RPf0aTj05Pj1H GLmfDAmM1YEiSvXooqZFtqB0&fref=nf)
59 mins ( ·
Hoax and Hoaxers
There is a tradition of hoaxing and hexing that came to Britain with the Romans. It quickly caught on, and when the British --- especially British sailors --- settled in America, they brought this tradition along.
It is part and parcel of the superstitions of the Romans and the sea-faring Phoenicians, many of whom worshiped The Father of All Lies as a deity, because they profited themselves by perpetuating hoaxes and frauds of all kinds.
If one is to believe one's direct observation and a British Merchant Mariner's Handbook from 1801 (and 1803 and 1811) all Bar Attorneys are International Shipping Clerks, supposed to be engaged aboard ships and in Custom's Houses to direct collection of tariffs and fees as import duties and taxes, as well as impounding illicit shipments of contraband goods, handling insurance claims, and cashing out bottomry bonds.
Well, well, well, what do the astute observe going on in what are supposed to be our courtrooms?
There have been active efforts to discredit both the testimony of Judge Dale and the evidence accrued by Rod Class, to decry the testimony of Melvin Stamper, author of "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree", and to claim that I am not a Judge--- which I am in the parochial and popular sense, though in fact, I am a Justice and outrank a "Judge" by several country miles.
All these attacks hinge on the presumption of the perpetrators that they are in possession of some truth, though in fact they are often the most abject victims of the actual hoaxes involved---- clueless tax collection agents, law enforcement officials who don't know that there is any difference between a Law and a Statute, and similar purveyors of common -- but totally incorrect --- knowledge.
Forgive them, Father, but sock them in the nose for me.
They need a righteous correction and exposure of their sins to save their souls.
Here's an example of it that has been admitted by the perpetrators of the the fraud known as "Black's Law Dictionary", all published by Reuter's in Canada sixteen (16) years ago, and yet, the so-called "courts" continue to use Black's Law Dictionary and Law Schools continue to promote it, and Westlaw continues to publish it---- how's this for a hoax for you?
Published on: May 28th, 2003, Modified on: May 28th, 2003, Montreal, PQ (Reuters) - Sarah Medhurst (nee Black) shocked journalists and legal scholars at a press conference held at the Black family estate Monday when she revealed that Black's Law Dictionary, a highly regarded legal reference text, was originally written as a joke by her eccentric great grandfather Henry Campbell Black.
Medhurst appeared unapologetic, suggesting that the Black family had never tried very hard to keep it a secret. "Have any of you actually taken the time to read it?” she asked, flipping open the renowned text.& nbsp; “Look at page 840 for instance. 'John-a-Nokes'? Or how about page 347? 'Correality – the quality or state of being correal." She then cast a challenging look around the room.
Medhurst admitted that the entire Black family has participated in the century-long ruse, working together to generate content for the ever-expanding text. She credits her Uncle Bertrand with developing one of their most successful filler techniques: "We created more than 30 new entries just by using the word 'actual'. Actual agency - see agency. Actual allegiance - see allegiance. Actual authority - see authority. And on and on - you get the idea."
Medhurst admits that the family started to get lazy in later editions, at times resorting to stealing terms from other dictionaries. "I remember one time my brother pulled 'Le Roi' (literally: "the king") right out of his French-English dictionary to meet the deadline for the 5th edition while on a three-week ski trip in the French Alps."
She claims the ploy has been used sparingly, however, and that the family put a stop to the practice when her brother started bringing the Official Scrabble Dictionary to editorial meetings.
Henry Campbell Black had never intended - or even imagined - that his dictionary would become the authoritative source for legal terminology. "My great granddad had actually written the text for an upcoming firm skit night", Medhurst explains. "It was his way of showing how convoluted and, well, pompous the legal profession had become."
The dictionary became an instant hit, however, and Henry Black's comedic intentions went unnoticed. When the money started to roll in, Black elected to pursue a highly lucrative career in legal publishing instead of becoming a marginally talented prop comic.
When asked why the family is revealing the fake after all this time, Medhurst stated that they had grown tired of living a lie, and were genuinely concerned that the universally accepted legal lexicon "is actually just a bunch of made-up gibberish."
The family is asking that lawyers and students alike immediately dispose of any editions of Black's Law Dictionary into the nearest trash receptacle or recycle bin.West Group, the current publisher of Black's, could not be reached for comment.
So, if their favorite dictionary is a hoax, and they are supposed to be working as Shipping Clerks in Custom's Houses, how much more do you really need to know? What has been passing as "the law" and the courts in this country for the past 150 years is a gigantic fraud. A combined British and Roman hoax in their grand tradition of Fraud for Profit.
The Municipal United States Government functions under Roman Civil Law. A prime chestnut of Roman Civil Law is a Maxim thus stated: "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived." This means that if you don't have brains enough to object to the fraud, you get what you deserve under Roman Law. You get fleeced and the Roman Civil Law will do nothing to protect you.
However, the same law requires that fraud once discovered, vitiates everything, clear back to the root of the fraud--- wherever and whenever it began. This is why every "Act" as in "Actors" and plays and stages----of the Municipal Congress since the 1860's to today, contains this one-line disclaimer as part of their Enabling Clause: "This Act shall not effect any right thus previously established."
This means that under Roman Civil Law, we are being constantly Grandfathered-in, with all rights brought forward.
This is so that if they get caught, they can raise their palms and smirk and say, "See? We didn't actually do anything wrong."
But they have done a gross amount of damage and they have acted in criminal Breach of Trust, and they do owe the return of all our purloined property, all our rights, titles, and interests, plus the profit from their use and abuse by our "volunteer" usufructs, whose services were never needed nor requested in this capacity in the first place.
For the record --- the only Law Dictionary ever approved for use by our Congress --- is Bouvier's.
20th October 2019, 02:28 PM
Anna von Reitz ( a2McgJdGk_a1HD8juX2rjuz-4sdcZ0iC5n&hc_ref=ARSnX3Z5ls23v6dCwozBrjiYS0yUdsjy527gUnXOJ8u E5QBbhb523nHFzNO1OcU85D8&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Calling Out Pope Francis and "the Republic"
So, you boys, the Popes acting as Roman Pontiffs, and the members of the Roman Curia, have sat in secrecy for the past 1500 years like a bunch of old women, scheming to profit yourselves at everyone else's expense, using the Church as a storefront for your evils, ignoring your actual responsibilities under Ecclesiastical Law, and basically, operating as a crime syndicate subject only to Roman Civil Law ---- if you get caught.
This is the "System" you all grew up in. It's the way things have been done for hundreds of years --- a two-faced and double-minded system, reflecting all that is good on one side and all that is evil on the other, just like the old cartoons with the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other shoulder, both whispering in our ears.
So also, you have run the Municipal United States Government under Roman Civil Law and under the Roman Maxim, "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived."
And you even bought your legal insurance policy, the Disclaimer placed in the undisclosed Enabling Clause of every "Act" of the Municipal Congress from 1860 until today: "This Act shall not effect any right thus previously established."
All this and much more has been done to "legalize" all the crap you've pulled here, but in the end, you have caused incredible misery and destruction, misused and abused our country, lied to our people, and are responsible for sponsoring the most unaccountable, venal, and power-crazed government on Earth.
This is all because you have manipulated and breached both your own trust obligations with respect to the Municipal United States Government, and also worked in collusion with the British Monarch as the Trustee and Overseer of the British Territorial that is ---Commonwealth--- Government, to operate the Territorial United States Government in breach of trust, too.
As we all know, the British Monarch is obligated to work for you as your Overseer for all your Commonwealth interests.
So you, Francis, are responsible for both circumstances and own both the Municipal and Territorial Governments. Unless you can fight against yourself, you can forget about having a nice cozy little civil war among your employees on our shores.
The entire world will know what you are doing. It won't look good.
And what American would knowingly participate in such a farce in detriment to their own country and people?
Now we come to the issue of "the Republic" and your further attempts to manipulate and retain control via another sleight of hand and more verbal deceit. Most Americans have been conditioned by the wildly improper promotion of the "The Pledge of Allegiance" to assume the existence of "a" Republic --- but when we look at the history, what do we find?
The only "Republic" is the Municipal United States Government -- the same venal, out of control, reprehensible, piece-of-shit Roman-style oligarchy you have been running here for the past 150 years.
So you have arranged via a "Chinese" Elder to loan the vermin inhabiting our capitol city $80 billion dollars. Strange, that is the same exact amount that certain Chinese Generals received as a bribe to get them to sell their people into the same kind of slavery you have engineered here.
Those same Chinese Generals have since been captured and killed and amazingly, their money has ended up in "the" Republic Treasury.
Miracles abound.
You are being called out and on the carpet, Francis. The evil you have sustained and nurtured, together with the pagan worship of Mammon and Baal, is exposed. Your shameful and secretive promotion of "Freemasonry" -- the worship of Mammon and Baal in the modern day --- is also exposed.
The corruption of the Church has spilled out and runneth over into the halls of the United Nations, too. Here are all these good Catholics, supporting you and thinking you are such a wonderful man, and yet, just look at what you have done and what you have been involved in?
Plots to murder Donald Trump? To remove him from office? To put Mike Pence, a known child molester, in charge? And then remove him, and put another shill in place? Come on! Wake up! Earth to Francis! Earth to the Joint Chiefs!
The bankers and Galli (attorneys) and the corporations are the ones that have to be "sacrificed" and all the actual assets returned to the people they belong to. Now. Without any more scheming and without any more deceit and without any more mafiosi-style "reasoning".
Listen to the angel on your shoulder. Do you think that the Living God is dead? That everything you have done here is not known?
It's all known and it has to be accounted for. I have asked Our Father to forgive you, but punch you in the nose. Maybe that is what it takes to wake you up, and the members of the Curia, too.
The Municipal Government "Republic" is not our government and never has been. It has always been a foreign subcontractor and that is all that it can ever be.
Your Municipal United States Government --- what you are misleadingly calling "the" Republic and attempting to confuse with the actual government owed to this country --- has functioned as a foreign and enemy government operating in gross Breach of Trust; and this is occurring at the same time that everyone is pledged and promised to uphold our Constitutions and to protect the States and People "from all enemies, both foreign and domestic".
We are calling you out, Francis, under both Ecclesiastical and Roman Civil Law, and we find you extremely wanting.
You have failed your duty to liquidate the offending crime syndicates under Ecclesiastical Law; instead, you turned the liquidation of the UNITED STATES, INC. into a mockery and opportunity to enrich your cronies instead of punishing those responsible for this criminality. You allowed the same criminals to take profits that don't belong to them, and turn right around, spawn a new corporation, and skate on as if nothing happened. Shame on you all forever.
And now you are failing and avoiding your obligation under the Roman Civil Law as well.
We are not deceived, Francis. Hear that? This is the third time we've said it in the presence of God and Man. We see the fraud. We object to it. We have the political status, standing, and jurisdiction to do so, and we are coming right down your throat and speaking a language you can understand:
FICTIO-CEDIT-VERITATI-- FICTIO-JURIS-NON-EST---UBI VERITAS. "Where truth is, fiction of law does not exist."
EX-DOLO-MALO-NON-ORITUR-ACTION. "An action does not arise from fraud."
We, the Lawful Officers of The United States of America, the States and People who are Parties to and owed all three (3) Constitutions are standing here before the entire world demanding that you, Francis, and the Roman Curia, obey your own laws.
Either obey the Ecclesiastical and Roman Civil Law, both, or be accounted as common criminals, fraud artists, dishonorable men and outlaws having no excuse for your Bad Faith and Breach of Trust against The United States of America, the States, and the People of this country.
Cease and desist your immoral and unlawful and illegal activities on our shores. Stop misdirecting and abusing our military. Stop lying. Stop evading. Stop your efforts to deceive people into adopting your Municipal Government under False Pretenses -- that is, by confusing Americans and pretending to be the actual Lawful Government of The United States of America--- our civilian government of the people, by the people, and for the people that we are owed.
We may have fallen asleep, but we are here now. Our States are Assembled. And we have the drop on you, in front of the whole world.
Those members of the military who have offered to harm Donald Trump must be corrected. Those bankers who have "blocked" our access to our actual assets also need to be corrected. In fact, your entire operation, top to bottom and front to back and side to side, needs to be corrected and fundamentally reformed.
We suggest that you get out of our way and concentrate on your own actual housekeeping which has been long neglected. Confess your sins against the Living God and pray.
Admit that the Municipal United States Government, which you are trying to re-brand as "the" Republic is nothing but the same old corrupt and nasty organization you have been running out of the District of Columbia for the past 150 years, and which is nothing but a run-amok subcontractor of our actual government, The United States of America--- to which you and the Queen both owe Good Faith Service.
Boot the Central Banks in the butt, get the records cleaned up, open our accounts and re-task the IRS to process the claims of the people of this country; instead of stealing from us, you are now going to accept Mutual Offset Credit Exchanges and you are going to recognize the Exemption of our people from all "federal income taxes", all federal citizenship obligations including all mortgages, and all Territorial and Municipal Codes and Statutes.
You are going to convert all improper registrations of babies and other private property back into simple public records.
You are going to return and convert all land titles into patents and return them to the lawful owners.
You are going to do all this without a lot of fanfare. You are also going to get the fiscal ducks in order and return our accounts to our control and to the control of The United States of America without any further delay or evasion.
You, Unfaithful Stewards, have failed one time too often. Make haste. Your True Master has come. Don't let him catch you still engaged in serving Mammon.
20th October 2019, 04:48 PM
Anna von Reitz ( nALW6feYr4m2SLC2J&hc_ref=ARQ8fkN2DFeg9QqjzN0KqXu5roeKpMY9ka6pkk_XQ6g Gt-MxyiEh_l4thp3Q4sEzJ2k&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Still More Proof of the Insular States Criminality
The Municipal United States Government has been run under Roman Civil Law by the Roman Pontiff and Roman Curia embedded within (and hiding behind the store front offered by) the Roman Catholic Church.
The Pope has also had control of the British Territorial United States Government which is a Commonwealth operated for the Pope by the British Queen.
No surprise that these two colluding Interlopers who are subcontractors of our actual government ---The United States of America --- went hog wild and devolved into crime syndicates that are utterly debauched and still making a bid to control our country via some misdirected and clueless military officers promoting "the" Republic.
For the past several years, we have reported on the "IRS" -- Municipal and "The Internal Revenue Service" -- Territorial operations. These entities have been run by the Inquisition and operated out of Puerto Rico for decades to collect "Peter's Pence" ---- otherwise known as "Federal Income Taxes".
Puerto Rico is a British Commonwealth. When we blew open their fraud and base of operations in Puerto Rico, they went lickety-split to another "Insular State" --- the Northern Mariana Islands, and set up their same old fraud scheme there.
And now, we have proof that they have been running crime schemes of an even more dubious kind out of the Marshal Islands --- another Insular State being mis-managed "for" us.
I am quoting in part from an article published by Forbidden Knowledge TV: entitled "Arizona Child Predation Services" ----
"Maricopa County Assessor Paul Petersen was arrested on charges of running an illegal international adoption scheme in three states. Petersen is facing 62 criminal charges for bringing pregnant women from the Marshall Islands to Arizona to give birth and then selling their babies in Utah, Arizona and Arkansas."
What this doesn't tell you is that the Marshall Islands were being used merely as a collection place and shipping center. They aren't talking about pregnant Marshal Islanders. They are talking about victims of rape and criminal abuse who are impregnated by these fiends being shipped around and "harvested"--- their children robbed from them and sold for profit on top of everything else.
It also doesn't tell you that our own dear "US NAVY" has been deeply involved in this transport and trafficking.
"According to public records and sources, Petersen has curious associations with GOP critics of President Trump, including the late US Senator John McCain, US Senator Mitt Romney and especially with former US Senator Jeff Flake, who is known to have made several trips to the Marshall Islands, himself."
And, there's more.... " an NGO called Child Help [with] connections to George Bush, Hollywood, Merv Griffin and the Mafia of Atlantic City, New Jersey." Plus.... "three "real-life heroes", senators who had been working on behalf of trafficked children and who were all murdered and how sitting Arizona State Senator Dave Farnsworth continues to carry on with their work."
The three heroes working to help the enslaved women and helpless children?
Jonathan Nichols from the Oklahoma State Senate and Arkansas State Senator, Linda Collins-Smith, and former Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer--- all murdered execution-style in their homes.
"Child Protective Services (CPS) and/or the Department of Human Services (DHS) are private, non-governmental agencies funded by federal grants. Child Protective Services (CPS) is a multi-billion dollar business and can be a very corrupt service. Unfortunately, there is an incentive to sell children, and CPS can be fraudulent and can hide behind the confidentiality clause ...."
This is all part of the illegal and unauthorized "government by agency" introduced by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the corrupt Municipal United States Government being run amok by the Office of the Roman Pontiff, which has served to "privatize" government functions and place them into the hands and control of unsavory private business interests.
This has all been further promoted by the Federal Block Grant Scam introduced by another Democrat who came to power via criminal violence --- LBJ ----which is basically just bribes and kickback money offered to state-of-state and local government franchises in return for tolerating and advancing federal racketeering operations on our soil.
This appalling criminality has to be stopped, nationally within our States, and internationally, by The United States of America.
As horrific as the situation with DHS and CPS is, these are merely two (2) so-called "Federal Agencies" which are run as unaccountable privatized crime syndicates, all operating under color of law.
They have no actual authority to address Americans or take our children, but they pretend to have such authority and get away with it because people remain uninformed and trusting---thinking that these goons are actually part of our government when they are not.
These agencies--- like the IRS, like the FBI, like DOJ, like BLM--- are just subcontractors of subcontractors. They are hired and operating under color of law, under the auspices of the Pope's Municipal United States Government, which is operating the so-called "Federal Civil Service" and doing business in our name as "the" United States.
Remember how LaVoy Finicum, a Rancher on his way to a Public Meeting, was ambushed and murdered by agents of the FBI and colluding local "Sheriffs" working for incorporated federal franchises operating "as" Counties?
It's all part of the same gross mismanagement of government contracts, all sourced to the same evil --- the Roman Pontificate and Roman Curia, lodged at the center of The Roman Catholic Church. And more recently trying to work through the United Nations as a storefront, too.
And now your actual government of, for, and by the people of this country calls upon you to get up off your couches and correct your falsified political status records, and join your State Assembly.
Go to ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3DMg9pWr0-6VykJK4FMbImYWJ3Wepv72xdXDI95Utmx4NiTv0-EDQ4hss&h=AT0Iixc3cDy1mWVsW1nCOX8-Y14DhPVXeBfgoQOiSfAj_f3dtAutkdVfk72pHwLg_6HN1clsSe 0eQA_dXoUCorbfww9XhW8mfebnwRygBQOHAXGR0n1V5WZ9_PMo ROpfxUDRe675gtyv4e0m7SESpyW3e4j8ZsrB)
Get started today. These are ultimately our run-amok employees. If we don't impose sanctions upon them and redirect them at all levels, it's our fault.
If we don't pin the erring Municipal United States Government to the ropes, it's our fault.
If we don't give a good ******* enough to stand up and run our own country, it's our fault. And if we don't bother to bring these wrong-doers to justice--- guess what?
It's our own fault.
Spread the word and flush the .... Hint-- most but not all, are Democrats. You shall know them by their fruits--- aka, voting records.
22nd October 2019, 05:34 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 5y7Xb64mN1meduOJi&hc_ref=ARR75CCn8aeUVY9cYi1xGT7GX9rYhq6q-KNAHDf_1fPmZ_dR7OON7Xv4EhBDaimHOjI&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
For Those Who Grieve for Our Country - 22 October 2019
I am often on the receiving end of angry people who are just now waking up. Instead of thinking about the facts and taking action, these angry people just want to attack something, or someone -- usually, me -- and go back to sleep. I have grown used to this response and consign such people to my "Hibernating Bear Bin" --- those who resist waking up.
Harder for me to deal with, by far, are those who grieve for our country, who meet the Bad News head on, but with tears and horrible sadness. Today, I had to meet with a young Russian immigrant who had such high hopes based on coming to America. He didn't realize that he would struggle here, too, with a police state mentality and a corrupt government. Like many immigrants, he came looking for America and found "the US" instead.
His disappointment was heart-wrenching. He wept without sound. He wept for himself, but also for me and for you and everyone else, and I recognized the moment: it's that hopeless moment between when you realize that you've cut yourself, and the bandage being applied.
Nobody can say much at such a time. I am a Great-grandmother, so I know about such things, and yet. knowing doesn't always help. All I could offer was a hand on his shoulder.
Then, quite by accident, in my "Poem-a-Day" subscription file (Poem-a-Day is an internet program from the Academy of American Poets that publishes a new poem every day) I found this and I quote:
"My Invisible Horse and the Speed of Human Decency" by Matthew Olzmann:
"People always tell me, "Don't put the cart
before the horse," which is curious
because I don't have a horse.
Is this some new advancement in public shaming--
repeatedly drawing one's attention
to that which is currently not, and never
has been, in possession of?
If ever, I happen to obtain a Clydesdale,
then I'll align, absolutely, to its proper position
in relation to the cart, but I can't
do that because all I have is the cart.
One solitary cart --- a little grief wagon that goes
precisely nowhere---along with, apparently, one
invisible horse, which does not pull,
does not haul, does not in any fashion
budge, impel or tow my disaster buggy,
up the hill or down the road.
I'm not asking for much. A more tender world
with less hatred strutting the streets.
Perhaps a down-tick in state-sanctioned violence
against civilians. Wind through the trees.
Water under the bridge. Kindness.
LOL, says the world. These things take time, says
the Office of Disappointment. Change cannot
be rushed, says the roundtable of my smartest friends.
Then, together, they say, The cart!
They say, The horse!
They say, Haven't we told you already!
So my invisible horse remains
standing where it previously stood:
between hot dog stands and hallelujahs,
between the Nasdaq and the moon's adumbral visage,
between the status quo and The Great Filter
and I can see that it's not his fault ---
being invisible and not existing--
how he is the product of both my imagination
and society's failure of imagination.
Watch how I press my hand against his translucent flank.
How I hold two sugar cubes to his hypothetical mouth.
How I say I want to believe in him,
speaking softly into his missing ear. "
I quote it for you, because this-- in essence-- what I hear everyday from people young and old, all over this country, and all over this world.
They want to believe in a better world and a way to get there, but in their grief, they don't see how. They don't yet really know that the answer lies inside themselves, that they are the "missing" horse and the "missing" government.
In my own reply, I gently say--- wake up from the bad dream, my children.
It's only an old man behind the curtain. And he can't give you what you want. Freedom, kindness, a better world--- these are all things that you can give yourself, and give to others, too.
The lack of society's imagination, you can supply that. The impotent, seemingly non-existent government, well, that belongs to you, too. I smile. I rest a hand on a shoulder.
We'll answer the call. We may be slow. We may make a lot of mistakes. But we will get where we truly want to go. Five more States of the Union assembled themselves last week, took up the reins of self-governance, and put flesh back on the invisible horse again.
No need to worry about the cart. It's there, carrying a bin full of grumpy hibernating bears.
22nd October 2019, 11:18 PM
Anna von Reitz (
2 hrs ( ·
Money is a Commodity
I keep saying this from time to time, but people also keep missing the point.
Money is a commodity like rice, beans, and soybeans. Nothing more or less.
If you "corner the market" on any commodity, you can control the supply and if you keep the supply below the level of demand for that product, you can keep the "perceived value" of that commodity high.
When the world had many different competing national currencies, there was a healthy and more or less honest exchange of goods and services. Gradually, however, the Rothschilds and others controlling the transport of money -- like J.D. Rockefeller who made his fortune by controlling the transport of oil -- rigged and manipulated the market for money, just like some group might conspire to rig the market for pork bellies or fava beans.
This process culminated in the founding of the Federal Reserve Plan at Jekyll Island, Georgia, during the bankruptcy of the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America" -- Incorporated.
Basically, what the bankers in control of the transportation of money and a substantial share of the actual gold and silver decided, was to give themselves and all their corporations a Big Break, and load as much of the tax burden (as much as possible at every opportunity) onto the backs of all those ugly little people, the workers and farmers.
They also agreed to make their commodity, money, extremely plentiful for a period of ten years so as to devalue it, and then cut the supply of their commodity---money, --- a maneuver we all know as The Great Depression. This enabled the bankers to buy up vast amounts of actual assets for almost nothing.
Make no mistake, this was a criminal conspiracy for purposes of Unjust Enrichment that ultimately caused two World Wars.
And it went unrecognized and unpunished as a crime.
Now they are doing the same thing again, only their success with these prior schemes has encouraged them to think bigger and to aspire to literally ruling the world by manipulating currencies and especially THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DOLLAR known as the USD.
This is a currency fronted by -- you guessed it -- not our country, but a corporation "representing" itself as something to do with our country, when in fact it is another imposter "trading upon" our credit under False Pretenses.
What these criminals propose to do, is to hyperinflate supplies of the USD by direct counterfeiting of USD in foreign countries and by "Quantitative Easing" which is another form of counterfeiting. Once again we see the same plan in motion--- devalue the currency, then cut off supplies, while the schemers claim bankruptcy protection at our expense and skate.
When the Secondary Creditors come to collect, they will show up on your doorsteps claiming that a municipal franchise corporation named after you owes them hundreds of thousands of dollars. You will look at them. They will look at you.
Nobody will know that the actual scoundrels set up you up and set up those Secondary Creditors, too.
But, now you know. That is what is going on. A plan by these bankers and politicians to foist their debts off onto innocent people and on equally innocent business partners who have supplied them with everything from jet planes to champagne to wing nuts.
They plan to ride off into the sunset, still in control of the money supply, in possession of all their ill-gotten gains, and sit there, enjoying the show, watching everyone else starve to death and lose their homes and lives for lack of what?
Money, a commodity that the bankers produce just like Exxon produces oil, and which they control the supply of, just like OPEC.
To avoid the catastrophic "end of the world" that the bankers have planned for 90% of humanity, the military of many nations must wake up, and the politicians must be convinced that their lives are on the line, which they are--- because if the banker's "end of the world" scenario doesn't kill them, the rest of us surely will.
And all of this is over nothing. It's over chits, like poker chips-- "symbols" of value.
The only reason it is even a serious threat, is that people don't realize that "money" is a commodity like Oreo Cookies, so don't pay attention to what the bankers are doing and don't ride herd on the bankers and don't hold the bankers feet first to the fire for their crimes.
Let me suggest that all those people in Washington, DC are either (a) complicit in this crime; or (b) too clueless to live. This has been coming at us for at least five decades, and now, it has arrived.
The US, Russian, and Chinese military all sit around on their thumbs because they have been paid off with peanuts to do nothing. The idiot "Dems" and "Republicans" provide a sideshow entertainment to keep public attention distracted away from the hyperinflation that is stealing the value of the digits in your bank accounts and IRAs.
They are too banal and self-satisfied to realize that they are the intended scapegoats.
And the Pope, who occupies "the" position that is most responsible for all this greed and guile and cruelty and criminality, does nothing at all.
Perhaps he thinks he will survive the debacle that his lack of decisive action against the banks is allowing.
And now, it comes down to me and you. What are we going to do, besides wising up?
I encourage you to join your State Assembly and to do so as quickly as possible.
Go to: ( DFN3wZ0dRDs-L24bqIA)
I encourage you to support your lawful government, The United States of America, with might and main, with prayers and with pennies.
This is a completely ridiculous situation but we are ham-strung by a doltish misdirected military and corrupt politicians. Unless this situation is promptly rectified, the entire world will suffer needlessly because criminals have been left in charge of money supplies and they have not been adequately recognized as the cause of the problems they are creating.
They've gotten away with these "games" in the past, and see no reason why they shouldn't get away with another round. Let's let them know that we know what "money" is --- whether it is paper, gold, or plastic. And we know who to hold responsible.
25th October 2019, 10:12 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Sk&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 10:40 AM ( ·
The Offices of the President -- Where the Bear Went Through Buckwheat
I was in Sixth Grade and had just read Rifles for Watie for Extra Credit, as part of a school unit on the Civil War. For a Sixth Grader simply reading the book, which is several hundred pages long, was a task most of my classmates didn't attempt; I, however, struggled on and got through it.
I was just congratulating myself on that accomplishment, when my Mother suggested that I read the autobiographies of Jefferson Davis and Ulysses S. Grant, too.
You may imagine my horror.
This was my first introduction to the Offices of the President. That is, the multiple Offices of the President.
The Offices of the President are all about conducting business.
Any presidential office is always an office concerned with the functions of a business chief executive --- and is not designed to function as a Head of State.
This comes as a shock to most Americans, but, look it up for yourselves in a Law Dictionary, preferably the only Law Dictionary every approved for use by our Congress: Bouvier's.
The actual Power Holder Office is: The President of The United States of America --- that is, the President of our unincorporated Federation of States, our Holding Company that gives its name to our entire country: The United States of America.
There is also: President of the Confederate States of America, President of the United States of America, and President of the United States.
These are all separate Offices.
The President of The United States of America conducts business for the entire country in international jurisdiction, and has wide-ranging power over every aspect of our international relations as well as power over the internal business functions (known as "domestic functions") of the Federal Subcontractors.
The original Federal Government Subcontractors were: (1) the States of America Confederation; (2) the British Territorial United States; (3) the Pope's Municipal Government.
All three were in the business of providing "essential government services" to the States and People of The United States of America.
So in those capacities we had: (1) President of the Confederate States of America, (2) President of the United States of America; (3) President of the United States.
So take a gander, folks --- four different Offices of the President that can be occupied, plus, the Office of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.
In the case of Donald Trump, he would be qualified to occupy The Office of the President of The United States of America, because he was born in New York, is of age, and is a landlord --- but to date, he has not occupied the Supreme Power-Holder Office, even though he could do so.
He has, instead, done what all his predecessors since Ulysses S. Grant have done --- occupied the Municipal Office of President of the United States, and the Territorial Office of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.
Both of these Offices of the President are supposed to be subservient to The Office of The President of The United States of America, but when that office is left unoccupied for whatever reasons (usually because the incumbent isn't qualified to hold the Supreme Office or can't be bonded for it) it is possible to limp along and conduct business using the two Lesser Offices.
Now the crazed and criminal Municipal "Congress" is trying to impeach Donald Trump from the Office of President of the United States --- the Municipal Office of the Presidency.
This is because he has up-ended their leadership's plans to stage a Civil War on our soil and prevented their corporation from making money they had planned to make from bilking us and various other foreign countries.
They, the members of the Municipal Congress, argue that as they conduct the Municipal Business as a for-profit corporation, it is his duty as President of their corporation (and its thousands of illicit franchises) to make profit for profit's sake, even if it involves violence, drugs, war-for-profit, human trafficking, and other crimes.
Donald Trump, to his credit, hasn't gone along.
You will also note that the Vermin are accusing Trump of exactly what Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in fact did --- colluding with the Russians and taking Russian money. You will also note that Trump didn't do any such thing.
So what if they impeach him from the Office of the President of the United States?
He can step immediately into The Office of The President of The United States of America and tell the Pope to quash them.
Simple as that. And the Pope, acting as Pontiff Successor and as a Subcontractor in charge of the Federal Civil Service, including all the "Agencies"--- will have to comply and put a stop to all this criminality and nonsense.
Why? Because The President of The United States of America outranks all the other Offices of the Presidency. It is when an American operates in this otherwise vacated Office, that both the Delegated Power-Holders, the Pope and the Queen, have to hove-to and obey.
We have bonded The Office of the President of The United States of America and we have invited Donald Trump to step up and do the actual job. All he has to do, is reclaim his birthright political status as a New Yorker and he is good to go.
Once in the Office of the Supreme Power-Holder, he can tell Queen Elizabeth how high to jump in her administration of the Territorial Government, as well as telling Pope Francis how the Civil Service and Agencies are to operate on our soil. They are, after all, operating on Delegated Authority.
As a fully empowered President of The United States of America, Donald Trump can issue new asset-backed currency for this country and help oversee the long, long overdue Reconstruction of the Federal Government.
Donald Trump can be a hero and kick the stuffing out of what has been going on in the Municipal Congress and end all the nefarious crap that has been going on in the Territorial Congress as well.
I suggest that everyone reading this say a prayer for Donald Trump and a prayer that he will act upon this opportunity to exercise the actual Office he is heir to.
25th October 2019, 10:24 PM
Anna von Reitz ( v&hc_ref=ARS3O5zlux_jvQZv2dm0nL3OdVLROWHnbEOfElQT9GP HjGKaAEAvKyAqhd5jBOPkl18&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 12:21 PM ( ·
The Long Shadow of the Norman Conquest
The Norman Conquest ended the British Monarchy.
This "news" is almost a thousand years old, but somehow, it still isn't sinking in.
The Queen is not a Queen in Britain.
The only thing the Queen can be is Overseer of the Commonwealth for the Pope, which basically means that within three days of the fake Coronation, she abdicated and occupied The Chair of the Estates as a Lesser Office, the same way that past American Presidents have occupied the Lesser Office of President of the United States.
And we can readily observe, thanks to John Anthony Hill, that that is exactly what she did, too.
William, the Conqueror, did a very careful accounting of everything he conquered. He established a Sovereign Patent upon it all, and upon his death in 1087 A.D., he divvied up all the land in Britain among his faithful nobles and declared them all "sovereigns in their own right" --- so instead of any single British Monarch, we now had powerful mini-monarchs, all in charge of their own kingdoms. The Normans thus became kings in England, barons in France.
William, the Conqueror, disowned his son, John, on purpose, and refused to grant him any lands at all --- hence the nickname, John Lacklands. And even if William hadn't taken this precautionary measure to make sure his Will would stand in the matter, it is worth noting that Britain still succumbed to Norman rule and that all William's progeny were Norman, too.
The result is the same: there is no British Monarch to rule Britain.
That's why we have the odd spectacle of "British" Monarchs from France and Scotland and Germany and Holland and even from Greece.
There has been no true British Monarch since 1066 A.D. The Pope's Commonwealth Overseer has been pinch-hitting since then.
I am bringing this forward --- again --- so that people may better grasp the implications. Her Royal Majesty serves as the Pope's lackey and derives whatever land jurisdiction she has from that Office and relationship.
The Pope, acting under Delegated Authority, controls the Municipal (Federal Civil Service) Government directly, and controls the Territorial United States Government indirectly through the Queen.
That's the way it is, and the way it has been, since long before this country was founded and seized upon its own government----and that's also the way the empowerment flows downhill among our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors that have been left to run wild while exercising Delegated Powers "for" us.
It has been very handy for the Popes to be able to hand off responsibility for all this wrong-doing by donning the Pontiff's hat and office, a nicety they have attempted to keep going by their present arrangement in which Benedict retains the sacred ministerial office, and Francis operates as Successor to the Pontiff's responsibilities. But at the end of the day, it's all just excuses for criminality and fraud.
The Pope(s) need to return control of all our assets to us without further obfuscation or denial.
They-- Francis and Benedict-- also need to make amends for their wrong-doing and especially, for offering to start another Civil War on our soil, for enslaving our people, for defrauding Americans, and for all the racketeering that has gone on here as they have illegally and immorally enforced the collection of "Peter's Pence" otherwise known as the Federal Income Tax, plus many other improper actions including: forced licensing, forced conscription, confiscation of private property without compensation, mortgaging assets that do not belong to them, trading in human flesh and bondage, gross trespass and practice of inland piracy upon their actual employers, conspiracy against and evasion of their treaties and constitutional obligations, usurpation in the form of chartering millions of municipal corporations and operating them within the borders of our States ---when they know very well that they are limited to operating within the District of Columbia and, specifically, within the Municipality of Washington, DC.
The Queen and her Hubby have grotesquely benefited themselves as the Pope's lapdogs, and though they owe us Good Faith Service, they have taken their orders from the actual Headquarters in Rome like good little Nazis. They need to be reminded of the verdicts in the Nuremberg Trials.
And everyone throughout the world needs a wake up call about the actual known history of all this, so that we are all on the same page and know exactly who to blame and who needs to make restitution for all this, to the extent possible.
Now, it's not possible to give back the lives that have been lost. It's not possible to give back the time that has been lost. We cannot make up for the truncated lives that people have been forced to live because of this criminality at the root of western civilization. We can't return the careers sabotaged, the babies aborted, and so much else.
But we can cut the canker out, drain the swamp, and get the show back on the road, restored, reformed, and operating as it is meant to. We can make up for what we can make up for. We can utilize the wealth that is duly ours to clean up the planet and provide a good future for everyone. We can return the stolen land and homes to the actual owners. We can put our boot heels on the throats of the offending corporations.
What can never be repaid or repaired must be forgiven, for our own sake, if nothing else. And we can all make a new start.
It is an open question to the People of Britain --- why have you put up with this situation for so long? William, the Conqueror, is long gone.
Why do you continue to let foreigners rule over your country and to use your Government as a base for piracy and crime against you and against humanity?
25th October 2019, 10:51 PM
Anna von Reitz ( ri9-rAwILv0iix4aBImmQvG0&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
The Only Currently Available "Common Law".
People in the patriot community like to go around bleating about "Common Law" this and "Common Law" that --- what they mean is our American Public Law, which is our Common Law --- but which is not widely available.
The Federal Courts have no obligation to "interpret" the Common Law for actual States of the Union, so in 1938, they announced that they don't have a "General Common Law" --- that is, Public Law; all the Federales have is Military Common Law, and nobody in their right mind would wish to be judged under Military Common Law.
However, when you ask for "common law" in their courts, that's what you get.
They don't do the kind of common law people are thinking of. They no longer carry the Bible into the courtroom with them. And since they have taken over what poses for most "State Courts" and operate these as "State of State" Courts instead, the same problem applies to what appear to be state level court actions. You still are not accessing American Common Law and for the same reasons.
To this correct this requires that Americans: (1) declare their political status; (2) establish their standing; (3) populate their lawful jurisdiction on the land and soil of this country, (4) assemble their State of the Union; (5) form their own courts to serve their own people ---- county and state.
We are a separate population and have our own form of law that is a higher form of law than what the Federal and State of State courts practice, but until you "come home" and operate your own government --- that is, self-govern --- you are presumed to be a federal employee or dependent and to be subject to their foreign forms of law.
Once you realize that what you are looking at and thinking of as "your courts" aren't your courts, you can begin the process of restoring order to this country, starting with correcting the presumptions about your own political status.
Are you a Federal Employee or Dependent? (This does not apply to Federal Retirees, except in the matter of income tax.) If you aren't a Federal Employee, you need to stand up and say so.
You need to record your political status declaration and seize control of your own name and estate. Otherwise, you are going to be held responsible for the Queen's debts and the Pope's debts and your own assets will be at risk and they will continue to have an excuse for hauling you in and prosecuting you under foreign law in foreign courts.
And once you have your own political status declared as an American State National and not as a British Territorial "United States Citizen" and not as a Municipal "citizen of the United States"----- you have another decision to make.
Are you going to join your State Assembly and build the court system you are owed? So that you can access the form of law you are owed? -- American Common Law?
The reason that NLA and so many of these other groups are wrong-headed is that they want to build just part of a State Court or State Assembly.
I have likened the NLA effort to form Grand Juries without having Courts to support those Grand Juries ---to building a car door and trying to operate as if you had a car.
The same thing applies to those groups organizing "Jural Assemblies" without a State Assembly. A Jural Assembly is part of a State Assembly, again --- building the transmission without a fuel system.
To restore and enjoy the benefit of the American Common Law, you have to stand under the American Common Law as a conscious decision that is determined by your declaration of political status as an American State National. And next, you have the obligation of self-governance, the obligation to provide yourselves with your own courts.
That means joining and supporting your State Assembly, serving as a Juror, and doing the work to open your own State Court. Bear in mind -- yours is a State Court, not a "State of State" Court. Your judges are "Justices".
Our people are being fleeced and pillaged in foreign courts and subjected under foreign law, because they have been deliberately misidentified as British Territorial and/or Municipal Government Employees. It's time to wake up and correct that situation by restoring your own State Assemblies and your own own American Common Law courts.
Once our own courts are up and rolling in each State and our people have "re-populated" our States of the Union, it is already agreed that the foreign quasi-military courts that you see operating in your courthouses today, have to stand down and withdraw themselves back to the limits of their own natural foreign domain.
Military "Common Law" will no longer be mistaken (or misrepresented) as the American Common Law.
26th October 2019, 05:57 AM
One thing for sure. Common law is male law. This would make more sense on the continent where language is more directed to gender .... in German Die for female and Der for male and Das for neuter.
Females have t heir own law ... calling it EQUITY. So think about this when you put EQUITY into your home and when your spouse gets the property when you separate. Anna operates in her own EQUITY space and not in COMMON LAW space. She does so because of her gender.
And just why is there a GENDER GAP in pay when the liberals are now saying 'there is no gender'? Are they attempting to blur the boundary lines between male and female and common law and EQUITY?
28th October 2019, 07:35 AM
Anna von Reitz ( cZl5Bq9oB0SuUDI9sbGzMPRE&fref=nf)
16 hrs ( ·
Update: Not a Re-Set -- A Re-Venue
While everyone is being entertained by the circus of obvious lies and finger-pointing in Washington, DC, the rest of us have been evaluating the world as it is, and pulling hard for the world that should be.
My Team and I are being bad-mouthed seven ways to Sunday, and here we are. It's Sunday.
Those who are bad-mouthing us and what we have done to shut them down are angry for four reasons: (1) their efforts to unjustly enrich themselves at everyone else's expense have been exposed and objected to; (2) the nature of the "Federal Reserve Note" as military script (you guys who have lived overseas on long tours know all about that) has been exposed; (3) the Pope has to pay his own debts; (4) their Queen doesn't get to claim any more American assets.
From the perspective of "the rest of us" all four points are good news. It's only the crooks and the usurping foreign governments who lose.
So we will be happy to accept our enemies for the sake of our friends and family, who would otherwise be stuck (again) bearing the brunt of this con game.
A great deal has been said and written about "the Global Re-Set" --- what this refers to is essentially re-setting the game board of currency values, and set up another round of the Same Old Game of currency manipulation.
It's just an offer to use the Exchange Stabilization Fund (translation: World Currency Value Commodity Rigging Fund) in a different way --- a way that will impoverish most people on the planet for the benefit of a few. As usual. Of course, those few who are "in on it" are anxious for the wheels to roll and at least some of them see themselves as White Knights, who will spend all their ill-gotten gain on philanthropic projects.
That does, of course, skip over the "ill-gotten" part, which is what disturbs the rest of us who have learned the lesson that the ends do not --- ever --- justify the means.
Numerous variations on the theme have been played out over the last twenty years. On the banker's side, it comes down to an issue of control. They don't care about how much money or where it is flowing as much as they care about being able to control it. Anything that leaves them firmly ensconced in the middleman comptroller position is fine with them.
The problem is that they have not proven to be honest or competent comptrollers and all our efforts to establish and maintain proper oversight of the bankers and brokers have been overcome by blackmail and bribery.
So what's a responsible government to do?
Re-set the game board? Give new players the poker chips with the same old casino operators in charge?
That's what the "Global Currency Re-Set" is all about. It's not a fundamental change in the game at all.
As The Who put it many years ago ---- "Meet the New Boss.... same as the Old Boss..... and pray we don't get fooled again...."
It is essential that all of us, worldwide, don't get fooled again. It is time to clear the game board and institute new ways of monitoring and disciplining banks and brokers alike.
A return to Glass-Steagall is part of it. The actual implementation of a working Mutual Offset Credit Exchange System is crucial. The enforcement of Anti-Monopoly and Anti-Trust Law is fundamental. Public access to consumer protection against loan fraud artists, enforcement of anti-slavery and anti-peonage provisions of the Public Law, and shutting down the "Private Placement Trading Platforms" all play a part.
In sum total, Wall Street and its Evil Step-Sisters, have to be brought to heel, and so must the Central Banks and the major brokerages and bond and stock issuing agencies, which have all been motivated by profit to engage in criminal activities that are profoundly injurious to living people and the Public Good.
Our demand to bankrupt and liquidate the offending organizations is a first step toward recognition of the actual problem. It isn't that the "system is broken".
It's a matter of the system being criminal and irresponsible and out of control. It's a matter of employees preying upon their employers. It's a matter of justice being up-ended, so that criminals run the courts and private, for-profit "Public Policies" masquerade as Public Law.
It's time for a show down --- not at the Okay Corral, but in the hearts and minds of people throughout the world.
Is this how we want to live? Being harassed by our employees? Having our private property stolen and conscripted without remuneration?
Having our interests as Priority Creditors stonewalled under False Pretenses? Being coerced into a system of Corporate Feudalism that makes Colonialism look tame by comparison?
We don't need a "Re-Set" of the Same Old Same Old. We need a "Re-Venue"--- a return to the Law of the Land and to the Public Law being enforced against the offending corporations. We need a "lawful conversion" to reverse and remedy the "unlawful conversion" created by FDR.
And most of all, we need people to wake up and realize that while they may have the right to self-govern, they have to act upon that right and accept that duty before it means anything.
Owing to the disgraceful disservice we have received at the hands of Territorial and Municipal Employees, our political status records have been falsified. So the first Order of Business is to correct these records and declare our actual birthright political status as American State Nationals --- as per their own Federal Code -- at 8 USC 1101 (a) 21. Record your political status documents and land your Notice on US Secretary of State Pompeo's desk.
And after that, it is up to each one of us to take the next necessary step and accept the responsibility that goes with the right to self-govern: joining our State Assemblies and working hard to restore the civilian court system and lawful means of enforcement we are owed.
Freedom isn't free. Sometimes it requires action on the battlefield, and sometimes it requires knowing who you are, and sometimes it requires acting upon your responsibilities as an American to exercise your right to self-govern and enforce all the other rights and material interests you are heir to.
Nobody can do that "for" you. It's that lonesome valley we have walk by ourselves, rooted in our self-knowledge, in our sense of justice, and our determination not be be ruled over by self-serving corporations.
Some people have misunderstood --- accidentally-on-purpose --- my role as Fiduciary of The United States of America.
Please note, that there are supposed to be around 270 million adults in this country, and therefore, around 270 million Fiduciaries; instead, when Push Came to Shove, only one lonely old woman stepped forward to do her Public Duty.
While the rest of you slept, I was awake and objected to having our entire portion of the North American continent claimed by foreign creditors of the Municipal and Territorial Governments, with all our property both public and private offered up by the con artists as "Abandoned Property" and then also subjected to Civil War against us -- the actual Priority Creditors -- who would be considered mere "unknown tenants" and "disregarded entities" in our own country.
So why am I the Fiduciary? Because I am the only one who did the job.
And, by the way, there's more than enough room for all of you to step forward and do your Public Duty, too. That action on your parts is long overdue.
I am quite elderly and my husband is even older. We do not cherish having our household in a continual state of chaos as we endeavor to meet the needs of an actual government for this country. We don't like being pressed into such service under such hair-raising circumstances. and we don't appreciate the guile and disservice of our employees, either. We are, frankly, wondering what's wrong with the rest of you?
Your identity has been stolen. Your credit has been hacked. You are "presumed" to be holding the bag for all these debts you never knew about and never approved of. And you are just standing there? The willing victim? How fast would you react if someone stole your credit cards and racked up $30,000.00 in bogus purchases?
You want your freedom? Well, God gave it to you, but it's always something you have to earn by accepting the Gift and standing up for it and making use of it. Don't put your freedom on a shelf. Don't think that when the guns are silent, there are no enemies sneaking around trying to steal your birthright from you.
What they could not take by force of arms, they have endeavored to take by deceit and guile. And they have been unimaginably successful --- right up until the point that we denied the Joint Chiefs any plausible deniability for their preparations for Civil War. Right up until the point where we addressed the Pope and said ---- "What's going on here?"
This is you and your family, not just ours, faced with the looming prospect of having foreign mercenaries on your doorsteps, presenting you with bills you know nothing about --- bills that were "hypothecated" against your credit and your assets by treasonous individuals in the Municipal United States Congress, pretending to "represent" you.
It is more than high time to present yourselves and give meaning and flesh and power to the American Experiment. Declare yourselves to be Americans, now that you have been warned that your identity as such has been stolen. And boot up. Get moving now to build and re-populate your State Assemblies in every State of the Union.
Restore your own government.
Take back your seat of power and kick these interlopers in the butt. We have done the work and done the research to know for sure what happened and when and at whose hands this country has been betrayed. We also know what has to be done to restore the Public Law --- the actual Law, not merely the "Rule of Law" masquerading as Law.
So stop arguing and stop wondering and running amok. This is your country. A handful of us have saved it for you and held the door open so that you can come home and can claim your birthright as an American. Do so. We didn't say it would be easy or fashionable---- only possible, and dependent on what you do today.
Our Law Team is hard-pressed. Grandma's Cupboard is bare. The winter is coming. The country remains operating --- unnecessarily --- using military script "as" money, when in fact, we are the principal owners of most of the actual assets of this country and the world. Rank and file Americans aren't the only ones who need to wake up.
We are being robbed in broad daylight and those responsible for protecting our "persons and property" are sitting on their thumbs, trying to figure some dim way to further unconscionably access our credit.
Re-directing attention away from a Re-Set and toward a Re-Venue instead, means an end to Business as Usual and the return of wealth to each country and to the living people worldwide, which also means a whole new basis for funding government operations.
As my Mother used to sing out early on Saturday morning --- "Wake up! Daylight in the Swaaaaammmps!"
Donations are needed to keep going forward. I am still acting as Paymaster. All our people are continuing to work as Volunteers dependent on gifts to get through and keep pressing onward, just as our Forefathers had to depend on gifts to fund the Revolution. Please help if you can. Please step forward and make the difference necessary to stop Corporate Feudalism in its tracks.
My PayPal is: and the snail mail here is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520944, Big Lake, Alaska [99652].
28th October 2019, 07:43 AM
Anna von Reitz ( pTfAMQrmD6CcXLBB-Nxw9WuGJ73yPReWdD&hc_ref=ARRub46tBYWChPwYG9WIROiehKOK3sFiDuHh7L4Nfiw msIM67M7m4wCyZ4_0swekwFQ&fref=nf)
15 hrs ( ·
It's This Simple
Americans have recognized Natural and Unalienable Rights and guarantees under the Constitutions.
United States Citizens and citizens of the United States, do not. They "voluntarily" subject themselves to the British Queen or the Roman Pontiff, respectively, as a condition of employment.
Americans are wealthy and are owed the American National Credit --- the flip-side of the US National Debt --- trillions of dollars of credit,
plus the control and possession of the assets that credit is based upon.
United States Citizens (British Territorial Government-- (that is, US Military and Dependents, except properly, the US Army and Submarine Corps and Coast Guard) and Municipal citizens of the United States (that is, all Federal Civil Service and Agency Personnel, dependents and officers) are inheritors of the US National Debt.
Americans have been systematically misidentified as United States Citizens and/or citizens of the United States via the Birth Certification process --- their political status has been falsified and their identities have been stolen to promote fraud against them and to deprive them of their birthright --- their Natural and Unalienable Rights, their Constitutional Guarantees, their National Credit, and the possession of their assets.
United States Citizens and citizens of the United States have acted in the same role as Credit Card Hackers against their actual employers, the American States and People. They have also embezzled the profit from this activity and failed to balance the books, resulting in the accumulation of their "US National Debt". They have practiced numerous other kinds of fraud and criminal activities including:
(1) Inequitable exchange rates;
(2) Collection of "federal income taxes" from non-federal sources;
(3) Racketeering and extortion of double billings;
(4) Off-shore tax sheltering and embezzlement of funds from unauthorized fraudulently constructed public trusts;
(5) Collection of property taxes from the landlords and patent owners misrepresented as "tenants";
(6) Collection of franchise taxes under False Presumptions of enfranchisement;
(7) Illegal impound, illegal detainment, illegal arrest, impersonation, and barratry against land assets and landsmen-- acts of violent piracy;
(8) Illegal conscription of involuntary service and illegal licensing of rights;
(9) Illegal confiscation of assets and illegal undisclosed registration processes.
(10) Unlawful conversion of private assets for use as public assets;
(11) Unlawful conversion of private persons for use as public persons.
(12) Abuse of the courts, unlawful probate, illegal bankruptcy protection, and imposition of de facto martial law.
The two brands of foreign for-profit corporations that have been providing you with "essential government services" have also been usurping upon your lawful American Government, and have been operating as crime syndicates --- the Municipal Government and 185,000-plus unauthorized Municipalities is directly chartered by the Holy See and the British Territorial (Commonwealth) Government also belongs to the Holy See, administered by the British Monarch.
They have tried to pass responsibility for this Mess on to the United Nations organization, but have no authority to do so.
They are currently rampaging around trying to cast their debts off onto any bystander and refusing to do what has to be done: discharge the Odious Debt they have created and release the assets back to the actual owners.
Every American who has been mistakenly functioning as a "US Citizen" --and who is not currently a US Military or Federal Civil Service Employee of any kind, needs to wake up and re- establish their identity as an American. We have to realize that our identity has been stolen, our credit has been hacked, and our assets have been seized upon under False Presumptions.
As Americans, you are owed every jot of the Constitutional Agreements, and you are owed both the return of your assets free and clear of encumbrance, and the return of profit made from the use of your assets during your "absence"---even though you actually never went anywhere in the first place. You are not in debt and you are not involved in any "war".
Stand up for yourselves and say so. Correct your political status records and help re-populate your State Assemblies and re-establish your lawful court system.
Go to: ( yhsj-GlnDI-2dNDvX8U) and learn how today.
28th October 2019, 10:06 PM
Anna von Reitz ( OZMFzQz1PLOZBmcDfB3uHXIyh9k_CAptVE&hc_ref=ARTdvvymRakQs7Ll4ax4KzeSXy3mtoc63qUSPBZ3uao cBV38nz_c-kEao1sfeWfsXUg&fref=nf)
9 hrs ( ·
Out of Thin Air --- and Your Pockets
I am reprinting this article because someone has to let you know what is really going on, so that the urgency of your own action to put an end to this craziness becomes more apparent.
Those of you who are lagging behind the necessary steps --- (1) correct your political status; (2) assemble your State Assembly; (3) repudiate the System and the debt being lavished on you --- are still in harm's way. This mammoth bail out is being funded on your backs, your land, your assets, your labor. You are being enslaved at this very moment to the tune of billions of dollars a day --- so that the fiends in charge can keep their sideshow going.
Fed Ups Its Wall Street Bailout to $690 Billion a Week as Media Snoozes
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 24, 2019
~ Yesterday the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York Fed) announced that the giant money spigot it turned on for Wall Street on September 17 would be growing exponentially beginning today.
The New York Fed will now be lavishing up to $120 billion a day in cheap overnight loans to Wall Street securities trading firms, a daily increase of $45 billion from its previously announced $75 billion a day.
In addition, it is increasing its 14-day term loans to Wall Street, a program which also came out of the blue in September, to $45 billion.
Those term loans since September have been occurring twice a week, meaning another $90 billion a week will be offered, bringing the total weekly offering to an astounding $690 billion.
It should be noted that if the same Wall Street firms are getting these loans continuously rolled over, they are effectively permanent loans. (That’s exactly what happened during the 2007-2010 Wall Street collapse: some teetering Wall Street casinos received,
individually, $2 trillion in cumulative loans that were rolled over for two and one-half years – without the authorization or even awareness of Congress or the American people.
One bank, Citigroup, received over $2.5 trillion in Fed loans, much of them at an interest rate below 1 percent, at a time when it was insolvent and couldn’t have obtained loans in the open market at even high double-digit interest rates.)
This latest announcement from the Fed comes on the heels of an October 11 announcement that it is launching a program to buy up $60 billion a month in Treasury bills and that program will last into “at least” the second quarter of next year. What the New York Fed is doing is unprecedented in U.S. history and yet you will find no mention of it on any front page of a newspaper today.
This is just a partial list of what makes this action
unprecedented or highly questionable: No Wall Street crisis has been announced to the public to explain these massive loans and Treasury buybacks; Not one hearing has been held by Congress on the matter; Not one official elected by the American people has authorized these loans; The loans are not being made to commercial banks (which could re-loan the money to stimulate the U.S. economy).
The loans are going to the New York Fed’s primary dealers, which are stock and bond trading houses on Wall Street who count hedge funds among their largest borrowers; (See list below. There is only one bank among the 24 primary dealers.) Many of the primary dealers are units of foreign banks whose share prices have been in freefall.
The Fed is making these loans at approximately 2 percent interest – an interest rate these firms could not come anywhere close to obtaining in the open market; These same foreign banks are counterparties to mega U.S. banks’ derivative trades – raising the suggestion that this is another bailout of Wall Street’s derivatives mess as occurred in 2008;
The Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010 was supposed to rein in this exact type of abuse by the New York Fed and, in fact, it states that Congress must be informed as to which banks are receiving the money to be sure it’s not going, once again, to failing financial institutions as happened in the last crisis;
The Government Accountability Office (GAO), when it released its audit of the Fed’s bailout programs of 2007 to 2010 chastised the Fed for failing to document the reasons it was flinging trillions of dollars to Wall Street and foreign banks. Notwithstanding the GAO’s report, the New York Fed is back to its old tricks again; The New York Fed is owned by its members banks in its region.
Representatives of these banks sit on its Board of Directors. It is thus too conflicted to be in charge of this bailout money spigot which is ultimately backstopped by the U.S. taxpayer if the New York Fed fails;
The New York Fed is the regulator of the largest bank holding companies in the U.S. But its failure as a regulator is why these same banks needed to be massively bailed out in 2008 and, apparently, again now.
This system lacks any semblance of checks and balances; The parent organizations of five of its primary dealers have admitted to criminal felony counts brought by the U.S. Department of Justice for frauds against the investing public. Bailing out felons and Wall Street firms with serial histories of wrongdoing perpetuates moral hazard and, thus, more wrongdoing and bailouts.
Just this morning the New York Fed pumped out $134.15 billion to Wall Street under its new loan programs. The $45 billion in 14-day loans was oversubscribed by $17.15 billion, meaning the demand for liquidity on Wall Street is growing, not subsiding. Congress and mainstream media failed to do their job in the leadup to the epic Wall Street crisis of 2008 and they are failing the American people again.
28th October 2019, 10:12 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 8j4j8_VkIrlVFsayXGqgyBnRxATofqq61c&hc_ref=ARQQ0wM-2BJwg8Q6n9LuExYBcbyMB7kLrjTeWqTWWoMeDpKfRYyCbv7BHr aDsX7YxGo&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
Pope Promises to Obey Himself --- Again
Many of you have sent me links to the Pope's recent statements to the effect that it is "Our duty to obey the United Nations".
What he is really saying is that its our duty to obey him and the Roman Curia, because the members of the United Nations are all corporations in the business of providing "governmental services" and are all chartered by the Holy See.
It's an entire kingdom made of lies and paper, and he, Francis, owns and operates it all under Color of Law and conditions of deceit.
It's an odd reprise of the conditions by which he came into office in the first place.
Everyone knows that Jesuits take their Oath to obey the Pope.
So how is it that a Jesuit can be Pope? He takes an Oath to obey himself?
How quaint. Even pigs in the fields do the same.
Francis in effect has vowed to obey himself upon taking up the Office of Pope, and now has stated his "duty" to obey himself again with his mandate to "obey the United Nations".
What he should be doing is willingly and promptly liquidating all these phony "governments" which are his own flunkies and which have been found to be operating as criminal syndicates. Instead, he is trying to protect and promote these felonious corporate impostors as the actual governments of these countries.
If the Roman Catholic Church doesn't take out its own dirty laundry, someone else will have to. The same goes for the United Nations organization.
It may come as news to Francis, but his Municipal Government had no authority to "gift" our state offices and laws to the United Nations back in 1976 under the International Organizations Immunities Act and its still has no such authority now.
We are grandfathered-in and we insist that he corrects his presumptions.
It may also come as a shocker to know that he has 185,000 municipal corporations that need to be shut down in this country alone, as they are operating in contravention of international law and in violation of the both the Geneva Conventions and the Hague Conventions.
We noted in our first Decree Over Mandate that the Pope directly controls the Municipal United States Government and indirectly, through the British Queen, controls the Territorial United States Government --- so any offer to start a civil war on our shores is an offer by the Pope to start a war with himself on our shores.
Now he counters by offering to use the International Organizations Immunities Act (1976) as an excuse to pretend that the United Nations is an entity separate from himself --- but a closer examination shows that all those "governments" being "represented" as members of the United Nations are corporations and franchises holding charters under the auspices of the Roman Curia.
So whether he offers a Civil War between the Municipal and Territorial Governments or he offers a Civil War between the Territorial Government and the United Nations --- either way, Pope Francis is offering to fight himself. And he needs to be called out for this reprehensible and deceitful behavior.
It is not our "duty" to obey any corporation --- much less a large group of corporations. Rather, it is the duty of corporations to obey the Public Law and living men. Pope Francis has it exactly opposite from the facts.
His paper monsters are allowed to exist and to function "for any lawful purpose" --- not any "legal" purpose.
That is the key point that needs to be driven home and brought forcefully to the attention of the Roman Curia. All corporations caught involved in criminal activities are to be liquidated without question and without delay. That's the deal--- and the only deal we have ever made.
The Pope owes this world and its people honesty and peace and if he will not grant that willingly, he does indeed need to be the last Pope and this needs to be the last fight that anyone ever has to have with the Roman Catholic Church and its venal secretive pagan Roman Pontificate.
The proposal to use the United Nations as a new storefront to replace the Roman Catholic Church's role needs to be recognized for what it is and refused en masse by the members of the United Nations Organization.
While the Pope appears to humble himself and his "back office" organization operating as the UN CORP behind the scenes, the shell companies fronting as corporate governments need to remember that from his perspective, the servants are the masters.
28th October 2019, 10:21 PM
Anna von Reitz (
8 hrs ( ·
Our Government v. Their Government
I get contacted all the time by various groups trying to work as Private Membership Organizations (PMAs) to substitute themselves for the lawful government we are owed and gain some degree of protection for their members.
Be aware that this holds no traction and makes no difference in the larger scheme of things. You and your fellow-members are still in the Matrix, still owned and controlled by the same foreign governments, and still just as far away from accomplishing the actual work of Reconstruction.
You are in effect following the same pattern and making the same mistakes as were made directly in the wake of the Civil War ---- acting as "declared" US citizens --- that is, Federal Employees, because you haven't corrected the falsified political status records they foisted off on everyone --- so all you can do is form foreign "State of State" organizations.
In fact, your actions can be taken as anti-American and as insurrection against the actual Lawful Government ---- and ironically enough, as activity that the actual Interlopers are happy to prosecute, because they can charge the rest of us for the service and put down "patriots" in the bargain.
Please keep on track and follow the logic of the history involved.
You have all been run through the mill and issued a foreign Birth Certificate.
You have to take exception to that mis-characterization or you cannot function as an American.
It requires correction of your political status records as a first step.
And the second step requires assembling your State of the Union.
You have to have the proper political status to have standing, and you have to have standing to assert jurisdiction and you have to have jurisdiction or all your actions are null and void.
You are just spinning your wheels and playing back into the hands of the Brits and the Roman Municipal Government, dividing the resources of the Patriot Movement, and causing more problems instead of co-creating actual, factual, lasting reform and solutions.
There is at this point exactly one (1) organization that is properly organized, that has corrected the political status of all members, and which is actively engaged in the process of self-governing and assembling the States of the Union. Go to: ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3JFikz_P_gWA2krFeVYottBpXrQ RysEyMZLc-vXHWdzBveMPwmte_4X44&h=AT3ZOxEKm_F31zvkhDMJuGstv9KwWNWIbFPklXfcGDBn129X jaFHB4hoCl84nyamUShUFtsfVJVp_vJODLIrX7Hn2QQ2hUGXZ0 AIV2HlqxwOs20P3CyNBQqlHz8886Qir5ZkMSX9p9jhGB14pPsf xeNlpHRKNHXW)
This is the only organization with the teeth --- the status, standing, and jurisdiction --- to operate as the "People" and therefore, enforce the Constitutions. This is the only organization that is properly organized to operate The United States of America, our Federation of States.
There is no other such organization out there, and if there were, we would not be bothering to re-create the wheel. We would be lending our support to that other organization, instead.
As it is, here we are. Doing the right thing, the right way, to have the power to restore and reconstruct the American Government we are owed, because we have the political status, standing, and jurisdiction to do so.
Don't waste your time on any "private" organizations trying to make up for the lack of honest public administration.
You are being called to assemble your own long-lost Lawful and Sovereign Government of the people, for the people, and by the people ---- a Living Government that is not subject to the whims of the Queen or the Pope, and not existing in a world of universal (and largely bogus) debt.
29th October 2019, 05:57 AM
You have to have the proper political status to have standing
Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts-bay Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.
I.The Stile of this Confederacy shall be "The United States of America".
IV. The better to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and intercourse among the people of the different States in this Union, the free inhabitants of each of these States, paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives from justice excepted, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several States
Pauper has only debt .. no gold or silver assets.
Vagabonds hold less than $5 (in specie) on their person.
Fugitives from justice generally includes everyone unless they place a legal notice concerning their current location or intention to return. If you cannot be found then you become a member of the fugitive class.
30th October 2019, 06:44 PM
Anna von Reitz ( t1KjSTGt8n1pEjRvZSvOBWhw&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
My Take on NLA - October 30, 2019
One of my Readers who has kept track of "National Liberty Alliance" (NLA) for reasons I don't understand, got in contact with me and told me all about their supposed "expose" last Monday night, claiming that "everyone associated with me (Anna von Reitz) has ended up in jail".
I broke with the Colorado Nine at least six weeks prior to their misguided transgressions against the foreign State of Colorado Court System. And I made the reasons for the schism very public and very explicit and published them on my website well-prior to that whole debacle going down.
So, anyone pretending that what happened to the Colorado Nine was my fault is either: (1) totally misinformed, or (2) purposefully lying.
The Colorado Nine were no longer "associated" with me and no longer acting under my advice when they got into trouble. There is no excuse for anyone including the NLA to say anything otherwise, except to irresponsibly and immorally blackball me out of spite.
So, let's have a go back at NLA, which has been in existence -- at least by my count -- for at least twelve years, and which has accomplished exactly nothing in that time period, aside from sopping up a lot of energy and money and wasting a lot of time.
In my opinion, the NLA is designed purposefully, with malice aforethought, to co-opt and bilk money from the Patriot Movement. It's entire actual reason for existing appears to be to keep people spinning in circles, going nowhere, while wasting as much time and money as possible doing it.
Just as NLA has attempted to mislead people by bare-faced lying about my former association with the Colorado Nine and obscuring the actual facts, NLA has been feeding Americans a steady diet of Patriot Myth instead of conducting any solid research on any subject at all.
NLA has produced a large number of Common Law Writs and has addressed them to Admiralty and Maritime Courts that are operating in totally foreign jurisdictions, so that all of NLA's high-sounding Writs bounce off these foreign courts like cotton balls lobbed at the back of a tortoise, and for good, known reasons.
It's the "good, known reasons" part that should be a concern to NLA members. I told John Daresh exactly why Common Law Writs don't work against such courts a decade ago, and NLA is still doing the same things the same ways and getting the same results.
It should also be of concern to NLA members that their leadership is telling bald-faced lies about me and my attempts to unmask the actual Svengali who did lead the Colorado Nine astray--- Michael R. Hamilton.
Mr. Hamilton, a federal insurance examiner, fed them all full of Patriot Myth and marched them off to slaughter. Amazingly, when the actual events occurred, Michael R. Hamilton was nowhere to be found. Think about that, just don't think too long.
If any self-admitted federal insurance adjusters walk up to you and start spewing Patriot-Talk, take my advice firmly standing on the record --- and beat feet in the opposite direction.
See Article 484 on my website and related articles that were published in the days and weeks just prior to the events that led to the Colorado Nine being arrested. And think for yourselves.
I would like to issue a Writ to NLA for its lack of moral compass (telling lies about already known facts) and for being a vacuous waste of time and money amounting to a fraud scheme to purposefully mislead and co-opt the efforts of Americans who are trying to restore their lawful government.
Unfortunately, a Writ prohibiting Fraud Masquerading as Incorrigible Ignorance and Moral Turpitude does not exist.
Another Principal Lie being promoted and practiced by the NLA is the Myth of the Free-Standing Grand Jury, which after a decade, has also produced zero results.
Many years ago now I asked John Daresh, the NLA leader, the simple question -- "How can you have a Grand Jury without having a Court in back of it?"
Not only did I get no response to my question, I got a hateful screed full of invective in return. It was at that point that I shook my head, shook the dust off my sandals, and never returned to give NLA a second look. It is a given that if an organization's leadership is bad, the organization will be bad. And it is-- a purposefully misleading, willfully immoral waste of time.
The fact is that a Grand Jury is just a part of a Court, like a car's transmission is part of a car. It needs all the other parts of the "car" to function as a car. Otherwise, you can build all the transmissions you like and they can work just fine, as transmissions, but you still won't be a mile farther down the road, will you?
Well, and go figure, again --- that is exactly where NLA and the whole "Grand Jury Movement" stands after a decade of organizing Grand Juries.
Is it credible that people continue to buy into the NLA song and dance,
after more than a decade of wheel-spinning and overtly illogical activities and non-productive efforts?
Are we dealing with True Believers or True Deceivers here?
How is it possible for anyone to believe in NLA when NLA does the things it does and fails, fails, fails, and then also fails to correct its mistakes and fails some more?
The Bar Association Members must be howling with laughter. They must slap each other on the back and wink and say, "Well, we could always join the NLA.... hahahahahah!"
So, if you want to waste your time and money on an organization that has gone nowhere for ten years and which is still determinedly going nowhere for the next twenty --- join NLA.
If you want to be part of an immoral and irresponsible group led by immoral and irresponsible leaders --- join NLA.
If you want to look ridiculous to the rest of the world, like a little kid riding a broomstick hobby horse and pretending to be a Grand Jury without the nicety of building a court to back your Grand Jury --- go ahead. Join the NLA.
It's all the same to me, because at the end of the day, the truth is still going to be the truth, and I and those with me will still be "safe" -- though safety is not our prime motive for doing any of this -- and we will still be making progress long after NLA is simply a bad taste in the mouth and an ugly image in the rearview mirror.
4th November 2019, 12:49 AM
Anna von Reitz ( pI09lCAB-Wz1QOixvz_bgHo6&hc_ref=ARR9-6nDT6SIVoNgjaDn3sniDyb20H4axJqR8J0zPzVngqPbwUuYr04 5eMd0Tyy1J_0&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
More Straight Talk About "Money"
Go here and understand why it is essential to keep cash in use and to refuse any "cashless" society proposals, and also, pick up on why it is fundamentally necessary to impose increasingly strict bank and securities regulations:… ( nyKlr1tki5d3PsdhOs)
In only ten minutes, you will learn the salient economic facts and the "rationale" behind what the Guilty Parties are trying to promote as a Means to Power for themselves---- to the detriment of the entire Earth, otherwise.
Our answer must come and it must come without delay and without any limp-wristed offer of compromise allowing the bankers and brokers to incrementally wheedle their way forward.
Join me and mine in bringing these issues home to the "government" and the "church" and all those responsible for allowing these bankers to run fraud schemes against entire governments and regions of the world.
Simply arresting and punishing a few dozen bankers and politicians and securities brokers under our existing laws would do wonders toward correcting this problem.
Educating ourselves about money and bothering to think about money and credit, would solve the rest in short order.
Do not neglect this topic. There is nothing more vital than to regain control of the banks and securities corporations and to enforce against them.
There is no issue more important that resisting any and all attempts to remove cash from use, refusing to be "chipped" like cattle, and boycotting any business that refuses cash payments.
Do not be fooled by any contrary arguments, and do not accept any suggestion that people who insist on preserving cash are Luddites.
The Politically Incorrect among us will still be alive and free and ----you won't, if you allow the banks and brokers to get away with a totally digital monetary system. It doesn't matter who controls such a system or what guarantees are made about its security.
Any such "cashless society" is a slave society by definition.
4th November 2019, 05:42 AM
it is essential to keep cash in use and to refuse any "cashless" society proposals
The vision that flashed through my brain when reading this was one of rats clinging to a sinking ship when lifeboats are provided for evacuation.
Not that I believe cashless is a solution but come on ... you don't own that FRN anyway ... you just PRETEND to.
Cash is an illusion. Cashless is also an illusion that is shared by wealthy and poor alike. The status of 'homeless' is frequently accompanied by the element of 'cashless'.
4th November 2019, 06:58 AM
The vision that flashed through my brain when reading this was one of rats clinging to a sinking ship when lifeboats are provided for evacuation.
Not that I believe cashless is a solution but come on ... you don't own that FRN anyway ... you just PRETEND to.
Cash is an illusion. Cashless is also an illusion that is shared by wealthy and poor alike. The status of 'homeless' is frequently accompanied by the element of 'cashless'.
Those things you call frn's are also called US Notes. There are two seals on it.
One for private credit based frn's and one for public US Notes.
4th November 2019, 07:07 AM
Those things you call frn's are also called US Notes. There are two seals on it.
One for private credit based frn's and one for public US Notes.
neither one are “money” the United States dollar is a fixed weight of fine silver
4th November 2019, 07:24 AM
Those things you call frn's are also called US Notes. There are two seals on it.
One for private credit based frn's and one for public US Notes.
In ROCK/PAPER/SCISSORS paper is always cut by scissors. Rock doesn't float in a maritime environment though (specie is rock) but survives an attack by scissors.
Seals? Might as well have been attached with invisible ink if there is no well published connection with any real entity.
4th November 2019, 08:58 AM
In ROCK/PAPER/SCISSORS paper is always cut by scissors. Rock doesn't float in a maritime environment though (specie is rock) but survives an attack by scissors.
Seals? Might as well have been attached with invisible ink if there is no well published connection with any real entity.
Why are there two seals one for the fed and one for the us treasury? Why not just one seal for the fed?
4th November 2019, 08:59 AM
neither one are “money” the United States dollar is a fixed weight of fine silver
There you go, injecting reality into our little discussion on the fine points of fraud.
I suspect a conspiracy, 2 Danes against 1 Norwegian
4th November 2019, 09:32 AM
Why are there two seals one for the fed and one for the us treasury? Why not just one seal for the fed?
Antiently seals are used to validate a contract. A contract requires two parties thereunto (been waiting for a chance to use that word). Ergo two seals are evidence of a contract between Treasury and the Federal Reserve.
I usually refer to 12 USC 411 (by reference I import the law) when these small scraps of paper are presented.
4th November 2019, 10:47 PM
There you go, injecting reality into our little discussion on the fine points of fraud.
I suspect a conspiracy, 2 Danes against 1 Norwegian
Instead of picking on poor downtrodden Norwegian's take in some culture.
5th November 2019, 07:10 AM
6th November 2019, 10:23 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Qlft4zwLSJrHnlb40OA5q9WrQAVs-o3aH2&hc_ref=ARQ5wkKWB_K7G0n4_OEt5kkDtTTXRJvJfJxptjxzC4h w0B0P4_L94gnEAQ1wMbz3IHs&fref=nf)
11 hrs ( ·
About Field McConnell
Field McConnell has been arrested and charged with three felonies of an unknown nature.
Remember that THEY can and do indict ham sandwiches. Their entire system is built and predicated on the presumption that a "person" is guilty until proven innocent. And it is hard to prove innocence.
Remember who or what is taking this action --- Broward County, Florida, one of the most evil and corrupt County Governments in the United States Municipal Government flock of corrupt State and County franchises.
Remember that Field McConnell is a retired Air Force Lt. Colonel in his seventies --- Vietnam Era, and that these charges, whatever they are, are said to stem from things that happened in the 1970's --- Ollie North Era.
Remember that a lot of good men, especially pilots, got drawn into CIA and DIA and other plots hatched during the take down in Vietnam and Iran Contra and other illicit "Ops" and also remember that many of those men actually believed -- and had reasonable cause to believe -- that they were working for our actual government and in the "National Security Interest" when in fact they were being ordered and/or induced under conditions of deceit to commit crimes.
Remember then, too, that the very Agencies responsible for ensnaring these men into committing crimes in the first place, then hold those same crimes as blackmail over guys like Field. This could very well be that kind of hypocritical pay back scenario, where Field wouldn't go along with their current agenda, so they pulled out ancient dirty laundry on him.
Remember that Field McConnell's principal contribution to the world so far has been to expose the "Senior Executive Service" --- the SES, the most powerful and venal part of the British Territorial Government in the US and elsewhere.
That makes for a lot of very powerful enemies.
Remember that Field McConnell's anti-child trafficking efforts are in competition--at least in some people's warped minds-- with Craig Sawyer's campaign against the same evil.
And finally, to make sense of this all, you have to know some basic history and Who's Who.
At the Federal level there are two (2) "governments" employed as subcontractors -- (1) British Territorial and (2) Roman Papist Municipal.
Both are ultimately controlled by the Pope, but one is indirectly controlled by the Queen and the other is controlled directly as part of the Roman Municipal Government system.
This results in two "Congresses" --- staffed by the same people wearing different hats.
It also results in a multiplicity of services of all kinds. There are two or more departments, bureaus, and agencies covering (and charging for) every possible function of government.
There is the actual Department of Defense run by the British Territorial Government, and then, there's "the DOD" run by the Municipal Government. And there are rivalries between these entities.
Competitions. Snake Oil Sales. Separate contracts with various agencies -- both foreign agencies and interagency contracts.
This makes for a very complex mix of organizational alliances and at the same time, competitions and oppositions, as all these various groups have somewhat the same and somewhat different motivations.
Wherever there is money to be made, you will find two or more of these groups in the bidding, cutting deals in the back rooms, and trying to push each other off the playing field.
My initial "intel" on this subject as it concerns Field is that the snakes in Broward County who make a lot of money off of smuggling everything from child prostitutes and white slaves to drugs to tigers to booze, cut a "deal" with Craig Sawyer, one of Field's competitors in the new burgeoning anti-trafficking movement, and that's why Broward County is picking on Field.
Well, if you have two competing groups engaged in anti-child trafficking operations, and you are Broward County, you obviously want to buy them off. And if one of them will take the bait and the other one won't, you obviously want to make the payola flow toward the group that will work with you and attack the group that won't make a deal.
So the Smart Money is that Field and his group of anti-child trafficking heroes wouldn't make a deal with Broward County (and behind them, the British SES involved in all this crap) to protect the Pedogate monsters, but Craig Sawyer would.
Or maybe Craig Sawyer was simply seen as the lesser of two evils and benefited from being less competent.
Or maybe this is just more of the Standard Operating Manual for the Scumbags among us, and the Deep State is attacking Field, and blaming Craig Sawyer for it, in an attempt to destroy both at once.
These things get complicated. You have to be able to play 3-D chess.
What is certain is that news channels associated with Craig Sawyer's group are taking "credit" for Field's arrest. But, that could be a set up, too.
After all, how many infiltrators have tried to set relationships with me, so that they could blackball me by association? Take nothing for granted.
This all gives rise to the spectacle of: (A) competition between two shadowy former-agency/former-military groups leading to harm of everyone's efforts to stop child-trafficking; (B) dirty dealing with the dirty quasi-government officials ruling as kingpins in Broward County to allow trafficking to continue in exchange for a cut of the action; (C) petty personal conflicts leading some selfish and small-minded people to betray the best interests of all concerned; (D) agreements by some parties to protect Pedogate criminals in exchange for carte blanch to prosecute lesser criminals in Broward County; (E) some mixture of all of the above.
What I can tell you for sure is that any prosecution of Field McConnell for crimes committed back in the 1970's is dirty prosecution by dirty people.
And, at the end of the Food Chain, they are high-ranking dirty people, too.
Many men, especially pilots, get into very sticky situations in the course of their professional work. The filthy Agencies that do the dirty work as subcontractors of the Departments of the swamp-dwelling foreign "federal government" subcontractors --- are always in need of transportation for themselves, for their agents, and for various kinds of cargo.
Just think of Han Solo and the ET bar scene in the original Star Wars movie.
And at the end of the day, it also often comes down to whether a man chooses to work for the good side or the bad side on any given issue.
This much I can tell you--- Field McConnell is a good man in my opinion and he has never said or done anything to my knowledge that was less than squeaky clean, intelligent, and fervent. His arrest has caused all sorts of consternation and butt covering in the so-called "Patriot Movement", but not here, not with me.
I've been around the block long enough to know an insider "interagency" job when I see one. And that is what this is and all it can be. Pray for Field and keep the faith with him. Don't let the rats get away with anything. Keep your attention focused and your brains engaged. He has done enough damage to them by exposing their underbelly that this was, I suppose, inevitable.
Field himself has certainly lived under the shadow of the likely "payback" of the Deep State every day for years. It hasn't kept him silent like so many other men who have ultimately yielded their own honor for fear of blackmailers and pedophiles and murderers. And fear hasn't kept him on the couch, either.
Instead of running away because the known criminals in Broward County brought charges against Field McConnell -- stick around and pay attention and keep the pressure on Broward County and all the Florida "officials" responsible not only for arresting Field, but for all the smuggling and trafficking and other crime that goes on in Florida.
Remember, there's a reason they called the TV Show "Miama Vice". And there's a reason they call Mike Pence the "Vice President", too. My sources say that Pence already ordered an agency "hit" on Timothy Holmseth, Field's compatriot in Minnesota, who has been instrumental in exposing the Midwest child theft rings and their connection to Pedogate.
They also say that they have film of Pence doing some very, very nasty things.
So I will repeat my advice to all would-be Whistleblowers: don't stand around talking about blowing the damned whistle. Blow it. Now. Get the bombs out of your hands and into the news cycle. It's time.
6th November 2019, 10:38 PM
Anna von Reitz ( i22Y6MLNbFo5mzg6tQ_6SzjFfo6rNK9xfl&hc_ref=ARRR5EfQ7J09z6ZSl1edL22yoW_6y9EKfZ2ye2Wrkp1 1tSvzoSnHCtGGTOUDuK-0Pwg&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
Excellent Presentation About IOIA
I am reposting, in its entirety, this article about the International Organizations Immunity Act with only one small edit --- I placed quotation marks around the word "the" in the header, so everyone is clued into which "United States" surrendered its offices and statutes to "the" United Nations. I thank the anonymous authors.
This action was taken by the Pope's Municipal United States Government franchise handing over its offices and statutes to "the" United Nations (Incorporated)--- the UN Corp. It's not our "United States". It's the Municipal entity operated "in our names" as "the" United States --- but having no delegated authority to donate our states or any public law of ours to "the" United Nations, which is the UN Corporation and a totally different kind of "organization" than The United Nations.
Be aware of how convoluted and deceptive this really is. Anyone who is unaware of the difference between The United States and "the" United States will think that this legislation gave away our States of the Union and our state laws --- but it only appears to do that, because it is actually talking about a different "United States" and a different "United Nations", too.
And this also explains the Pope's recent comments about it being "our duty to obey the United Nations" --- which just coincidentally, happens to be owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Holy See and be under the direction of the Roman Curia as a collection of corporations in the business of providing governmental services.
Hence my comments about the Pope promising to obey himself again.
Anyway, with that small caveat to enhance your overall understanding of what this information provides --- read on:
December 9th 1945 International Organization Immunities Act relinquished every public office of “the” United States to "the" United Nations. ( ntury%2Fdecad034.asp%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3QIUh1ntEVLpRG gcvJJbg7stDptVKE9Pj7oU2D16HOabiKLMjLScNO8Ig&h=AT2LTdSe4sH-36HIwrXt16XJ5flvo7O5WgR_XWOlGyM7V4s_ww2XSStqNjEcUZ p6fLAiwUl4p6d6KRnvmtrKV_bjAcwQMWB24j7YuLfIxDkXr9Ly VNovLyfLkRILy3RsGXzBk4RUoniIhSe43AJlNNRF6ZA22Qq_)…/h…/uscode22/usc_sec_22_00000288 ( 2Fhtml%2Fuscode22%2Fusc_sec_22_00000288%3Ffbclid%3 DIwAR10bF3_ZtG5Cz3pLqq7bcPfyEb-YbLUthQjrxuHLVH2l17BIkX3pAtsR60&h=AT18_EH9xKtwAsJeHW-GTCd91ojmp-wH79e19TPbEKz4bv11slh6xYmBjnZVLRT-al17eWSQyRK-wDktOmCUFlTS9uI_XPibicEJcrsDBMdOMga9kAI8WFzBsyiPsb dGsMq8W3NQ3sOFnhBR-sK9bgDMxzWTdqhM)—-000-notes.html
Whatever the form in which the Government functions, anyone entering into an arrangement with the Government takes the risk of having accurately ascertained that he who purports to act for the Government stays within the bounds of his authority.
The scope of this authority may be explicitly defined by Congress or be limited by delegated legislation, properly exercised through the rule-making power. And this is so even though, as here, the agent himself may have been unaware of the limitations upon his authority.
See, e.g., Utah Power & Light Co. v. United States, 243 U.S. 389. 409, 391; United States v. Stewart, 311 U.S. 60, 70, 108, and see, generally, In re Floyd Acceptances, 7 Wall. 666);
As a member of a corporation, a government never exercises its sovereignty. It acts merely as a corporator, and exercises no other power in the management of the affairs of the corporation, than are expressly given by the incorporating act. Suits brought by or against it are not understood to be brought by or against the United States. The government, by becoming a corporator, lays down its sovereignty, so far as respects the transaction of the corporation, and exercises no power or privilege which is not derived from the charter.); U.S. v. Georgia-Pacific Co., 421 F.2d 92, 101 (9th Cir. 1970) (Government may also be bound by the doctrine of equitable estoppel if acting in proprietary [for profit nature ] rather than sovereign capacity); the “Savings to Suitor Clause” is also available for addressing mercantile and admiralty matters aka “civil process” at the common law and within a state court.
Title 8, 22 & 28 USC
December 26th 1933 49 Statute 3097 Treaty Series 881 (Convention on Rights and Duties of States) stated CONGRESS replaced STATUTES with international law, placing all states under international law.
December 9th 1945 International Organization Immunities Act relinquished every public office of the United States to the United Nations.
22 CFR 92.12-92.31 FR Heading “Foreign Relationship” states that an oath is required to take office.
Title 8 USC 1481 stated once an oath of office is taken citizenship is relinquished, thus you become a foreign entity, agency, or state. That means every public office is a foreign state, including all political subdivisions. (i.e. every single court and that courts personnel is considered a separate foreign entity)
Title 22 USC (Foreign Relations and Intercourse) Chapter 11 identifies all public officials as foreign agents.
Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15A states that the United States is a Federal Corporation and not a Government, including the Judiciary Procedural Section.
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 4j states that the Court jurisdiction and immunity fall under a foreign State.
The 11th Amendment states “The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of an Foreign State.” (A foreign entity, agency, or state cannot bring any suit against a United States citizen without abiding the following procedure.)
Title 22 CFR 93.1-93.2 states that the Department of State has to be notified of any suit, and in turn has to notify the United States citizen of said suit.
Title 28 USC 1330 states that the United States District Court has to grant permission for the suit to be pursued once the court has been supplied sufficient proof that the United States citizen is actually a corporate entity.
Title 28 USC 1608 I have Absolute Immunity as a Corporation
Title 28 USC 1602-1611 (Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act) allows the jurisdiction of a court to be challenged, and a demand of proper jurisdiction to be stated.
July 27th 1868 15 Statutes at Large Chapter 249 Section 1 “Acts Concerning American Citizens in a Foreign State”, expatriation, is what is broken when jurisdiction is demanded, and it is not met with an answer.
Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12b 6 the prosecution has failed to provide adequate proof that the parties involved in this situation are actually corporate entities. I have provided ample proof that the prosecution and other agents are actually corporations.
1950 81st Congress Investigated the Lawyers Guild and determined that the B.A.R. Association by definition is founded and run by communists. Thus any elected official that is a member of the B.A.R. will only be loyal to the B.A.R. entity and never have allegiance to the people.
End note from Grandma: this again confirms what the Vatican Chancery Court said twenty years ago-- that these corporate STRAWMEN are "gifts" and are all pre-paid, tax percuse. In other words, Title 28, Section 1608 demonstrates exactly that kind of "hold harmless" status, but the Queen's British Territorial Government has continued to prosecute these entities for profit under their infamous 14th Amendment to the their corporate re-write of The Constitution of the United States of America issued in 1868 by the now-defunct Scottish Interloper.
Read this as: they colluded (remember the British Territorial Government is indirectly under the Pope's control, too) to set up a phony "war" on our shores and profit themselves via confusing these "named entities" with actual Americans, who are Third Parties who had no idea what was going on.
It is all 100% constructive fraud, all crimes of personation and barratry, all carried out under color of law. And at the end of the day, all the cows come home to Rome. And "Congress".
Sitting as the Territorial Congress, these "Members of Congress" kept the bogus 14th Amendment provisions going and used them to attack the Municipal PERSONS. And at the same time, putting on a different hat and sitting as the Municipal Congress, these same "Members of Congress" promoted the creation of these PERSONS and allowed the attacks to continue.
It has all been a self-serving little war for profit on our shores, engaged in by our foreign federal subcontractors, and at the end of the day, both "sides" of this war have been controlled by the Popes.
The Popes have direct charter rights over the Municipal United States Government and indirect control of the British Territorial United States (through the Queen acting as administrator of the Commonwealths) and also a combination of direct and indirect control of The United Nations and ownership of "the" UN Corporation, too.
As a result, the Pope has nobody left to blame or to fight; he can't fight himself, or hold the Queen or the UN Secretary-General up like sock puppets and pretend to be at war with his own subordinates.
9th November 2019, 12:09 AM
Anna von Reitz ( tifLDKkrF5&hc_ref=ARSfQBXHzHQtxZm93ht8NKalcCW7mWE2COeJCwnCD0n ZOIVGsshfn0au0PEgyLWp56c&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
The Gra-El Kings
Many people are talking about the "Fourth Dimension" and "Fifth Dimension" but what they are talking about isn't related to dimensions at all. I suppose it is because they don't have a vocabulary yet to describe what they are trying to express, so we wind up with misnomers.
Our physical reality is cast in terms of a complex multi-layered information field with many layers. Those layers are not "dimensions".
They are frequency fields, that bleed into each other the same way that radio stations fade in and out and become "solid" when you hit the right frequency on your radio dial.
Thus there are recent reports of ghosts and giants walking among us and reports of people being possessed by demons and reports of gigantic "planets" being visible in near-space, and reports of strange beings identified as Extra-Terrestrials, and so on.
What is actually happening is a disputed changing of the guards and stewards of this planet and a mandated resolution of the claims of the Gra-El Kings against the rulers of this world---- and the healing of the Faery Accord that pre-dates all other known charters, claims, or treaties in this world.
The Faery Accord was violated by the eating of flesh.
The Creator of this world never intended that we would eat the flesh of the animals which He also created and blessed with life. There was never meant to be a "Law of Tooth and Claw" upon the Earth.
And now, in the "twinkling of an eye", the fornicators and prevaricators are to be removed, once and for all. They know this and they are preparing to receive their "king" --- Satan, the Cruel Master, who will continue to rule over them in the Abyss. Thus, they have set up statues of his idols in the Vatican and in London and at the Coliseum and in Turkey and in Tel Aviv and in New South Wales and in Argentina and in Peru and various other places around the world.
They are practicing their chants: "Hail, King Satan!" Their Death Cult members are scuttling around like cockroaches all over the planet, all excited, like ants swarming on a rotting apple.
This is taking place at the same time that we also prepare to receive our King and Creator, and to enter into our Inheritance: a new world and a renewed Earth.
While their preparations are obvious and outward, involving public demonstrations and veiled announcements, the appearance of idols, parades of bizarre naked men, blood-letting ceremonies, orgies, etc., our preparations are internal and not obvious at all.
Our preparations are largely silent and taking place in each heart.
We choose our destiny and which Kingdom we will serve --- The Kingdom of God, meaning Mammon, or The Kingdom of Heaven.
Nobody here on Earth condemns anyone in any way that counts. Only the True God, our Creator, has the power to do that.
Yet, his condemnation will come. And a great many foolish people will perish, both in the flesh and the spirit, because of their pride and selfishness and arrogant hardness of heart, because they would not listen nor change nor repent from the evils they have embraced.
So let it come and don't be afraid. For those who have let war and greed and hatred rule, a place for them has been prepared in the Abyss, where they will remain. For those who have clung fast to compassion and grace, an entirely different destiny awaits, and that, too, has been prepared.
Look into your hearts and quiet your minds. Seek your Father in Heaven and ask for his grace and kindness and protection. Be like little children and place your faith only in him, calling no man "Father", and doing your best to remember who you truly are.
Be blessed. You will soon enter the realm of True Magic, and everything that I have spoken to you will be confirmed. If you are willing to live at peace with your neighbors and embrace the Oneness of Creation, you will be safe in your Mother's arms, and nothing on the Earth or in the Heavens will harm you.
I do not suggest that you should just sit around and wait, however. Quite the contrary, this is the most crucial time for action, the time when you must choose and must act to declare your nature and intentions as men and women who turn their faces away from Death, and align with the forces of Life.
What we choose now, what we stand up for now, will be our fate.
9th November 2019, 12:18 AM
Anna von Reitz ( HFsqI9ag-H3b2HqSGd6MEOYk&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
Think Grasshopper -- Public Law? Private Law?
What does it mean when someone starts talking about "private law"?
It is obviously different than "public law"--- right?
So what does it mean when someone starts talking about "private law" with respect to public institutions, like the Federal Government?
Ah, well.... think some more! The Government is "public", but is it also "private"?
We, the American States and People, created the Federal Government. Period. We created it, defined it, empowered it, and funded it.
All those functions we mandated and contracted to receive and pay for are public functions. However, providing the agreed-upon services is not all that the Federal Government does.
And that is where "private law" comes in.
Private law isn't properly "Law" as most people understand it, at all.
Private law is internal to a group --- like a religious sect or a for-profit corporation or a fraternity. It's how they direct their own affairs and employees and manage their contracts, hire their vendors, etc.
So from the very first, the Congress has passed both Public Laws that pertain to their Delegated Powers and Performance owed to the States and People, and, they have passed Private Laws that pertain to the internal administration and direction of government Employees and Dependents who are here on our shores providing "essential government services".
Public Laws apply to the exercise of constitutionally mandated duties owed performance and those Public Laws that apply to everyone concerned must be published in the Congressional Record.
Private Laws apply to the employees and dependents of the foreign governmental services corporations providing the "essential government services" referenced as part of Article IV.
Public Laws are published as United States Statutes-at-Large and otherwise plainly and directly designated as "Public Law", for example, Public Law 27-103, together with disclosure of exactly which "Public" this Public Law applies to.
Is it the American Public, the British Territorial United States "Public", or the Municipal United States "Public"? Or the "Public" in New Guinea?
Private Laws pertaining to the internal operations of the Federal Subcontractors are published as Federal Codes and Regulations and Public Policies.
Both of these forms of law created by --- Congressional "Acts"---- are merely legislative and administrative in nature, adopted by members of Congress, and subject to nullification by the States and People and by the United States Supreme Court in the case of Public Law, and subject to repeal by the Executive Officers, Legislators, and/or the "Administrative Agencies" in the case of Private Law.
The problem is that the Foxes left guarding the Hen House have been functioning almost entirely under "Private Law" and mis-applying their "Private Law" to people who are owed and who naturally stand under the Public Law, instead.
You can see how "private law" functions in your churches and clubs and working environments.
You sign up as a Methodist and you agree to obey the Methodist doctrines and use the Methodist liturgy and so on. You accept the obligation as part of your membership in that Church, right?
You join the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and you agree to the rituals and provisions and policies of that organization, and you agree to receive whatever benefits that membership provides as part of the deal in exchange for your membership dues.
You sign up to work for KBR, Inc. and you wear their ridiculous lime-green uniform and a funny hat, and you stand behind a milk processing machine all day and control levers that adjust miniature conveyor belts from 6 in the morning to five at night, four days a week, in exchange for an hourly wage and a 401K Plan. Okay? You got it? That's "private law".
We are all familiar with private law.
We all know that in order to be subject to "private law" we have to sign a valid contract of some kind --- a membership in a religion or a club or an employment contract or something of that kind.
Well, what if --- unbeknownst to you or them --- other people "signed you up" for a "free membership" called a "conferred citizenship" ----and all the benefits and obligations thereof--- as an unpaid employee and/or dependent of the Territorial and Municipal Government Services Corporations?
Then you'd be left standing with a doo-dad in your hair, subject to their Codes and Regulations, obligated to pay their taxes, and so on. And you would have no idea what happened or "what hit you" to create this situation.
And what if all of this "conferring of citizenship" is criminal activity, that these foreign, for-profit governmental services corporations have been involved in for years and years, just cranking away like Bad Bookies with a "System"?
Call it the "Federal Reserve System".
What if the "policies" and practices of these corporations seeking to conscript and enslave you as an unpaid "volunteer" or "dependent" are recognizable as world-class felonies? Outlawed under the Lieber Code? Outlawed under the Geneva and Hague Conventions?
What if these corporate policies and practices --- their "private law" ---results in your own native political status and all its protections being stolen from you along with your identity as an American, so that you lose all your property rights, your Bill of Rights, and everything else?
Are you ready to tell these corporations where to get off and which end of their asses to light?
Are you ready to demand that the Pope and the Queen responsible for this criminality make immediate correction and pay for their Breach of Trust?
All this talk about "private law" with respect to any agency, department, branch or entity of "government" is just bunk if you are not legitimately and knowingly and willingly acting as a federal employee or dependent in the first place.
The only law that actually applies to any American is our own Public Law and the jackdaws in Washington, DC and their "Agencies" and their "Court System Employees" have plenty of cause to know it.
Now, you do, too.
Go to: ( and reclaim your proper birthright political status. Join your State Assembly. Write to the members of Congress and express your horror and extreme displeasure. Tell them, in plain English, what you think of them and the foreign governments (Holy See and British) that they in fact represent. And make it clear that they are in Breach of Trust and operating in inexcusable criminal violation of their Constitutional obligations.
Do it today.
14th November 2019, 03:23 AM
Anna von Reitz ( unqYvpIIfM333vZeanYyZu0I4k1LsGLYP4&hc_ref=ART2KSdxdDCtN5lDdVGUOsyGp-VtSGNI9jkzTZ-kgOOI6En_TYhndgZwuVXASfWtGxw&fref=nf)
November 12 at 2:40 PM ( ·
International Notice to the Pope and the British Monarch -- IRS Operations, Etc., Etc.
There are two (2) "internal revenue services" active in this country, one that works for the British Territorial Government, one that works for the Municipal Government. Both collect money from Americans "by mistake" and neither one are authorized by our actual government.
Many IRS Agents are under the impression that they are collecting money from you (Americans) to pay for running the government and for government services in general. That's the way it used to be many, many years ago. They -- and perhaps you -- have continued to assume that "normal course of business" because the changes were not properly explained or announced.
We call this circumstance "a lack of disclosure". It voids any inequitable or unconscionable contract as fraud, which is in essence, what has gone on here for decades.
The foreign government subcontractors of the Municipal United States Government simply "converted" everything more or less overnight, and didn't tell the average people of this country, and as it turns out, didn't tell their own workers either.
So everyone went forward with the same assumptions of a "normal course of business" where people pay taxes to support government services --- when in fact, something else was going on.
They (Municipal and Territorial Employees) were instead "hypothecating debt" against you (average Americans) and your assets and the assets of this country, and basically telling big, fat lies about you, your political status, and everything else they could lie about.
To fully grasp this situation, you must know some very peculiar things that most Americans are never told. For example, did you know that the Municipal United States Government is a theocracy, run by the Roman Catholic Church?
No, I suspect that "news" will come as a big shock to most Americans, even Catholics, yet that is the truth and it has been this way since the Founding.
Provided with that tidbit of information, it will not seem so strange that in his First Inaugural Address, Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke of "consecrating" this nation--- the "nation" of the Municipal Government --- and of a "holy cause" ----which only makes sense if you are dealing with and in behalf of a theocracy.
Which he was, as President of "the" United States.
So what was he blathering about and why was such a public "consecration" necessary?
He sold out the original Municipal Government which was Christian to the Roman Pontificate, which is pagan.
So instead of being protected by the Office of the Pope, we were instead being prosecuted under the Office of the Pontiff. And of course, the Roman Government then sent its traditional bill collectors, the Galli--- black robed priests of Cybele--- to collect.
And they were none too careful about who they collected from nor the presumptions that they made about the political status and commercial and religious obligations of the people they imposed upon.
We were all suddenly mis-identified as tribal members owing tribute to Rome and as Sinners and Heretics, subject to the Inquisition run by the Dominican Order in Puerto Rico under the laws of the Spanish Inquisition.
And the politicians in Washington, DC, and the Queen, and the Pope all got cuts of the largesse that came pouring in as their private bill collectors --- all operating under color of law "as if" they were legitimate courts and "as if" they were actual representatives of our government--- began The Great Tribulation on our shores.
The Galli, the Bar Attorneys, were instructed to take anything they could, which of course, they have done.
The IRS/Internal Revenue Service, was instructed to collect "Peter's Pence"--- a once a year "gift tithe" styled as a "tax on income" to the Roman Church collected by the Inquisition on April 15th of every year---traditionally used to pay back the cost of Crusades.
So now it will not surprise you (Americans) to learn that all those "income taxes" you have been coerced and hounded and oppressed to pay all these years are in fact handled as "gift and estate taxes". And it will also not surprise you to learn that they have been collected based on "the assumption" that you have a private contract with the Roman side of the Church agreeing to this tithe, based on FDR's forced conversion of Municipal Employees back in 1934.
Millions of lives have been truncated and ruined in this country and people have lived in fear of the Inquisition and even the Employees were fooled into thinking that they were doing something right by robbing and ruining people who never in fact owed a dime, weren't Municipal Employees, and weren't under any such obligation.
It's a wonder that we haven't all fallen upon the Churches and the IRS and the fake Courts and the politicians responsible and torn them limb from limb. It's a wonder that someone in some military of the world hasn't lobbed a missile at St. Peter's and taken out the whole nest of these con men and robbers once and for all.
So, here we are, looking down the barrel of yet another "Tax Season", and the thieves who have glutted themselves on our labor and resources and stolen trillions of dollars worth of credit "in our names" are trying to move their operations to China and trying to get us to agree that this was all okay, in exchange for making "private" restitution to a few people.
This is Formal Notice that the private remedies being offered to individual "natural persons" are insufficient to heal or in any way repair the vast bulk of the damage done to our country and cannot be used as an excuse to claim that the Pontificate or the Church or the Queen or the Municipal Government or the Territorial Government, either, have made remedy available in any meaningful sense.
This "remedy" was, as ever, not fully disclosed to the American Public, was not offered in Good Faith, and is merely another ruse to make false claims in commerce to the effect that we, our States and People, have "settled" our claims against the Holy See and the Queen's Government, when we have not.
We have not settled our claims against our erstwhile Subcontractors and do not "accept" whatever pittances are being offered to these few individuals who are insiders attempting to sell out their country and their countrymen under conditions of non-disclosure.
The Chinese Government is also hereby given Formal Notice of these facts and the likelihood of being the next victim of these parasitical practices if they allow these pirates to come ashore and spread their pernicious two-faced "System" throughout China.
We, the States and People of this country, The United States of America, require the Territorial and Municipal Governments which are the responsibility of the Holy See and the Queen, to begin faithfully discharging their debts via Mutual Offset Credit Exchange and Exemptions which were promised but never fully disclosed nor made available to the victims of this Great Fraud.
We, the States and People of this country, The United States of America, hold the Holy See and the Queen's Government fully at risk and accountable for their Gross Breach of Trust with regard to us and for their mis-administration and theft of our assets both public and private via commercial fraud executed under color of law.
We, the States and People of this country, The United States of America, firmly declare that a full restoration of all our assets, both public and private, is owed, free and clear of any debt or encumbrance or presumption of contract apart from the clearly stated and enumerated provisions of our Constitutions.
A full and public restoration is required. Access to our purloined assets, including our American National Credit, is required. No "Mark of the Beast" system requiring RFID chipping or digital currencies is allowed.
We must be made whole in all respects, for all our people in their private capacities -- their land and rights and immunities must be returned and honored, whether or not they come forward to make individual claims, and without any deadline restrictions placed upon anyone's ability to make claims or receive back their property interests.
Nobody and no assets in this country are subject to discretionary legal presumption, unilateral contracts, or any unconscionable contract.
All our States and our County Governments must be released from any presumptions of enfranchisement or "abandonment" and all our public property must be returned to us, free and clear, in good order, and without remonstrance or delay.
All Municipal and Territorial Government Employees must be instructed to stand down and cease and desist all trespasses against Americans and American property, public or private. Americans are self-identifying by (1) declaring and recording their political status and (2) joining their State Assemblies.
The American States and People are owed peace and Good Faith Service.
We are here to make sure that that is what we receive from now on.
Any politicians working at cross-purposes to that aim are to be removed from their private offices now.
Anyone proposing to offer Americans a private remedy which they in effect pay for themselves with more public debt, is in fact engaged in more self-interested fraud and is not offering any remedy.
The Popes and the British Monarchs for the past six generations have perpetuated this ungodly fraud upon our innocent and trusting people. The only appropriate remedies are those that the Popes and the British Monarchs pay back to us out of their pockets -- not ours.
For the interest of Americans who are still not fully up to speed concerning the limitations of the IRS/Internal Revenue Service, we highly recommend:
14th November 2019, 12:31 PM
Anna von Reitz ( l3WzkWIrdSiLT5geJYiHTmAwF69embp1n8&hc_ref=ARQ1T0S-POlCHwjsR0lxYui6ze3AGgZovuR4kyDsZtoAqGTzuN_Z1F_pKy 7CZdaTWWI&fref=nf)
8 mins ( ·
A Roster of Failures for Richard and by Association, Phil Hudok
Failure Number One: Your failure to recognize and report the fact that our National Credit has been embezzled --- siphoned off by foreign powers, invested in slush funds, the stock market, and "private placement trading platforms" --- deliberately stolen and hidden and withheld from the people it is owed to. As a Senior Consultant Accounting Expert for Department of Administration, it was your job to "notice" the elephant in the living room and do something about it, not mine. I am just a simple country bumpkin Fiduciary and I noticed. Why didn't you? Even though you took your paycheck from our pockets, you were working for the middlemen, and the middlemen were chiseling off all the profit and benefit for themselves. Weren't they, Richard? I could put you under oath and find out pretty quick, but I already know the answer to the question.
Failure Number Two: Even after I told you about the Missing American National Credit, you still did nothing about it, beyond trying to figure a way to get some of it for yourself ---- howbeit, the end result you've worked out comes at the expense of racking up more Public Debt instead of accessing the National Credit. You still want the Big Con to continue and for living people to pay for the dead. That's why you approve of generation skipping trusts that lock down our assets and the credit owed to us --- all in the name of avoiding "income taxes" that normal Americans don't owe in the first place.
Failure Number Three: As an expert government accountant, you know that the "private" relief you are touting is being paid for at the cost of more public debt, but you are trying to avoid that fact, and trying to convince people to take the bait, pretending that it does no harm for them to do so. But it does harm them directly, because they ultimately have to pay for this "relief" with taxes and other public debt measures used to recoup it. On top of that, they have to repay it with interest. So it is literally no advantage to them and it is in fact an additional burden on them, their children, their neighbors, and their country.. You know that, Richard. You have to know that as a government accounting consultant.
Failure Number Four: You and your buddies are trying to convince people that they are "natural persons" and encouraging them to accept that legal status in "equitable exchange" for putting themselves deeper in debt, but as any legal dictionary makes clear, "people" and "natural persons" are two different things. And it is not a good thing to be labeled a "natural person" because it implies that you are an incompetent, and that in turn allows members of the Bar to administer your estate with impunity. They may guarantee your "immunity"---- which, by the way, we are guaranteed anyway, once we claim our correct political status --- but they keep control of our money and assets and thanks to you, they have permission to do so. Thanks to you, we have all these people on record agreeing that they are "natural persons" and that's the name of the real game --- suckering people into foreign political statuses where their assets and credit can be commandeered.
Failure Number Five: But you and your buddies didn't stop with (1) getting the suckers to pay themselves with public debt that they then owe back with interest, and (2) hand over control of their credit and assets to foreign powers and voluntarily and officially subject themselves to the mercies of the Bar Association members, but (3) you also had to bamboozle people into accepting another "title" placed on their land by the Municipal United States Government. Please observe how grammar works: "a big, black and blue and red, and" Now observe: "freehold, allodial patent, forever and ever........title". The pay-off and the actual meaning always comes at the end of the string of adjectives, and what you are offering is just another "title" --- which means the victims are agreeing to place their land assets in a Municipal Government Trust, subjecting themselves to property taxes owed to the Government issuing the "title", and are in fact depriving themselves of the result they are seeking ---- return of their own property assets to their own State Trust, which is what they are owed.
Failure Number Six: Failure to divulge the actual result of accepting this "Arbitration Award" --- see above --- is all damning enough, but there's another little codicil that you guys all fail to mention. Once the victim signs the dotted line, all bets are off. There's no guarantee that the government will ever pay them anything---- even their own debt posing as credit. Why? Because the government already got what it wants and is free to do with the victims whatever it will. After all, they agreed by private contract to: (1) pay back any "relief" with interest; (2) accept administration of their estate by the Bar; (3) gave their land back to the Municipal United States Government to hold "in trust" instead of placing their land in their own State Trust, where it belongs. That's pretty much carte blanch to do whatever "the Government" wants to do with these poor sods. By their own hand and admission.
And the proof that the so-called government got what it wants is further underlined by the fact that once people "sign on" to this Arbitration Award, they can't back out again. Now, where does it say that as part of the paperwork? Where does it say that "signing on" means that you can't "sign out" if you change your mind? It doesn't, but as several people have found to their dismay, once they stumble into the trap, they have to go to a member of Congress to beg their way out again.
Failure Number Seven: This whole "System" is going to implode and the assets that are owed to people are going to be returned, one way or another. Too many people know the score now. Too many people are still able to think their way out of the box. The only question is -- will the transition back to a normal course of business be simple and pleasant? Or are we going to have to fight con men and grifters every step of the way home? You were in a position of public trust for many years, and you dishonored our trust. You took your money from our hand, and served a foreign government to our detriment. You are still serving that foreign government. And true to form and modus operandi, just like the Democrats trying to paint Donald Trump with Joe Biden's well-earned brush, you are trying to paint me as a foreign agent. Ha!
Let's make this very, very clear. I am an American born and bred in Wisconsin. My home is here. My loyalty is here. My family and their future is here. It's not back in Germany, and that's for sure. To the extent that my European Ancestors were aware of the evils of the Roman Pontificate and passed that knowledge on to me, they are to be applauded by Americans, and so am I, for using that knowledge to defend and protect America and Americans from more damage caused by these violent criminals and con men. And if you think that you are getting away with any of this crappola on our watch, you need to think again.
15th November 2019, 04:08 PM
Anna von Reitz ( KRD3FAz2YGhTIdYIZ-gyo59g&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Re-Posting More Proof
I am re-posting in its entirety a report by RY, titled "Congress Finds Federal Reserve Theft" below; however, I want to point out that "Congress" only "found" this theft after they were forced to do so by me and by others who brought it forward for DECADES prior to this.
The immensity of this Breach of Trust by the Popes, the British Monarchs, the Members of Congress, and certain members of the US Military and Federal Civil Service for the past 150 years cannot be calculated.
The damage done to the American People and to many other people throughout the world cannot be calculated, either.
Simply blaming the "Federal Reserve" is not an answer for this.
The Elephant in the Living Room has been there for a very long time, and those who discovered it (repeatedly) and did nothing but siphon and embezzle and benefit themselves from it must take their share of the blame, too.
This takeover of, first, the American financial system and then the world financial system, did not take place in a vacuum, with nobody being the wiser.
The Congress has not just "found" this gargantuan embezzlement job that has been ongoing for over a hundred years, and it is extremely deceitful and even ludicrous to pretend that the organizations responsible didn't know and didn't benefit.
They spent money that wasn't theirs like drunken sailors, and withheld the benefit of it from the actual owners for generations.
So "sorrow" is hardly the word I would use for it. Outrage, maybe. Disgust, maybe.
RY must mean sorrow for all the people who paid taxes they didn't owe, mortgages they didn't owe, people who fought wars as cheap mercenaries --- and didn't know it, people whose lives were made unhealthy and truncated and who went without even the basics of life because of these crimes, people who went to jail for non-existent offenses, people who were harassed and terrorized by IRS goons, people who were lied to so terribly and constantly that they no longer know what to think or who to believe ---- yes, sorrow for all of them.
But for the Rats? For Ulysses S. Grant, for Woodrow Wilson and FDR and LBJ and Richard Nixon and a good many others? Not so much.
When the dust settles, let's exhume their remains and bury them at sea. They don't deserve a place of rest among their countrymen.
Read on:
"Congress Finds Federal Reserve Theft" by RY -
11.13.1911/13/2019 10:24:00 PM Emailed, News, Thoughts
Entry Submitted by RY at 2:42 PM EDT on November 13, 2019
Congress finds Federal Reserve theft of Trillions & Economic Destruction.
Federal Reserve System (FRS) = an international entity.
Reference:…/115th-cong…/house-bill/5404/text… ( 5th-congress%2Fhouse-bill%2F5404%2Ftext%3Fq%3D%257B%26fbclid%3DIwAR1hN3 C4YernvpwlFGCJHVuR04C-E3yLMG-MO9D6SWhJ5D6L7os1aLlhvXo&h=AT3nEXEzchO0-fZvrYYgQpjG7bfhFM06fn8NplxACwcudVWWTcN4jAT0Gr4ya1B fJo2CzYbFqnNpiI5ESyack03yeEyXz5jjPj0b-59gzJnWr4ld-YWCuVPPolgPFzfF6mm8195KglT9Nhcj0tR2mNRtUCOf6m07)"search"%3A%5B"Hr5404"%5D%7D&r=1&s=1
Keep in mind,
-- US annual gross production is about $20 Trillion.
-- US annual gross profit margin is about $2 Trillion
-- US annual corporate system tax payment is about $350 Billion
-- The World gross production is about $80 Trillion
-- What has been reported as stolen from American by the FRS during the last 40 yrs is well over $100 Trillion in the form "cash" tax payment (not including debt theft or numerous other means of theft).
US CONGRESS: massive TREASON and THEFT discovered.
US Gov website:
Resolution HR5404.
Congress finds the following:
(1) The United States dollar has lost 30 percent of its purchasing power since 2000, and 96 percent of its purchasing power since the end of the gold standard in 1913.
(2) Under the Federal Reserve’s 2 percent inflation objective, the dollar loses half of its purchasing power every generation, or 35 years.
(3) American families need long-term price stability to meet their household spending needs, save money, and plan for retirement.
(4) The Federal Reserve policy of long-term inflation has made American manufacturing uncompetitive, raising the cost of United States manufactured goods by more than 40 percent since 2000, compared to less than 20 percent in Germany and France.
(5) Between 2000 and 2010, United States manufacturing employment shrunk by one-third after holding steady for 30 years at nearly 20,000,000 jobs.
(6) The American economy needs a stable dollar, fixed exchange rates, and money supply controlled by the market not the government.
(7) The gold standard puts control of the money supply with the market instead of the Federal Reserve.
(8) The gold standard means legal tender defined by and convertible into a certain quantity of gold.
(9) Under the gold standard through 1913 the United States economy grew at an annual average of four percent, one-third larger than the growth rate since then and twice the level since 2000.
(10) The international gold exchange standard from 1914 to 1971 did not provide for a United States dollar convertible into gold, and therefore helped cause the Great Depression and stagflation.
(11) The Federal Reserve’s trickle down policy of expanding the money supply with no demand for it has enriched the owners of financial assets but endangered the jobs, wages, and savings of blue collar workers.
(12) Restoring American middle-class prosperity requires change in monetary policy authorized to Congress in Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the Constitution.
The following is a small fraction of all the reports by government and corporate authorities, investigators, etc:
FRS audit reveals 16 Trillion stolen 2007-2010:…/first-federal-reserve-audit-… ( 2F2011%2F08%2F28%2Ffirst-federal-reserve-audit-reveals-trillions-secret-bailouts%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0GRtW0hnYLOhWs7J32pXXDMG7B GbaAxDi80yULFiydarWluRFDOobhLGc&h=AT2pR_LkG9_tGKfzoXyJ6mSCbBh662niyNG__l3swQJ-c30PPsEFJXHrSojWnDZR220EQ6msRhrRL8QvuUfuHn_EqSFwvD DtkXH-rBtH6XhMp2oWw7cdc3DGAZJk-e313YHLGkj7idvcBySpyLh3u-5gA9ugoK0Q) ( JIZX8EmUl7-tA2S3HtKiQuGeaB1zdSzQFI&h=AT1x4Hv_hbhnbtvZfmvZghPMHF1tQIwztUNImxqSE7yZyIZz oFbvCEQMcAFFo7lwk_99brf0mNgiEbvnSdoSm2BssdaKEXBTPe qVc81B_bXX_07qPWgjxkz6eed0yKhvtkWhdQhqbHcfZBjP3DHg 3W_GgAur27pd)
21 Trillion stolen 2015 = $65,000 per American:…/americas-missing-money-15725… ( 5s&h=AT3tU2M4T-_HhwALIHqKj0FAHG1fC5i2Radj2S4uBdKwDI9Iqi86BBFkRz0b JRxLECkOcLhuMrCQz42InXay4hJgfpPr6Ci9tyQ4zgW1qGZMPp sY0qiAULAtBIMeQ889V99y1JuuiUSOoSmMRBvlxzXq038Vk_q0 )
85% of taxpayer money is/has been missing:…/53616/mystery-missing-money ( e%2F53616%2Fmystery-missing-money%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR29R5n_brMDz6v5_M7rI_ahsBCThH6 bgKpyieb-4OyiQNkYN29fbh-biE4&h=AT0dWZftJccbJjaDMXmznGRTMP8leP994e5H1OB5ogbvK1zE EC5ra9UF_nJ9kU0opiNkmQhjJm5RO1B94f2Q_W5ZicUxUAQUn_ 7cf_F3_m4XMM6tVyKV6YhKnT3Y-AcsgpQN8MIsn78S32FRRdwBryo_914LWeci)
Well over $100 trillion theft from the public through thin-air money and fabricated Fractional Banking by FRS and its associated banks:…/fractional-reserve-banking-pure… ( 015-11-23%2Ffractional-reserve-banking-pure-fraud-part-i%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3Vfq19nYgr6kB2car60hYp7E2z1s-T7WAahWpGVvDe6rpXDe6T3KIunmQ&h=AT0I61KNHx7zHY5_EFZo5yYIdfThuVwFHiRj3INU9bnIODVU x_SJRjOSS-wTl6wtQWdKNEKIo6yqtJXmlT56pyyMtBOoNSGOEd7yBnMDszUa 1Hd45nyO2r8u4RI_c-9fOt4Z1k6pdnVlmDnOYbMkci54blIBsT8n)…/what-is-fractional-reserve-banking-an… ( ooncryption%2Fwhat-is-fractional-reserve-banking-and-is-it-fraud%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0cdefNF5jKfXeM8Ne3OHXrpN0aMyK YRhpQmJRsTIlJO868UrgFatJ2R80&h=AT3r0cLDMRQLoOF8f3W3Z_23m0hz4tHgBTPL-zMKAeAARP-E18wwutqu4jJu6aw8kxLfG6Y1kjheJhAFGWTYfgJDdM-BLgWl4pbgWlCKl6299bgz8CC0EwQkpByD0sfj0nQ9i4M9GFlx7 3xrTfmyt7ydZKhNSo2z)…/biggest-scam-history-mankind/ ( eo1ABa87XABvIEbzFbY)
And a thousand more sources warning us.
Derivatives thin-air created IOU's + interest intake):
Estimated vary from
$2 to $4 Quadrillion ("Q", not T or B)
Oh, where is the theft with this? A constructive and non-inflammatory currency/money has always been and still is an exchange of "products and services" for "products and services" = "earned" exchanged for "earned", "real" for "real".
In the case of Derivatives it is "real" exchanged for "fiction" = eventual loss of purchasing power by the public (unfortunately =, the submissive "succors").
The mass-theft, since the origin of Breton Woods in 1946, totals approximately 500 times the entire world's annual production. (
Only our unity and genuine care for "all" of humanity can solve our state of sorrow.
Only when we all behave and act as "Created in the image of God/Father" will we have a real chance for a prosperous and peaceful nation/world. Light never need to fight the shadow. It illuminates it into nonexistence.
One for All. All for one.
17th November 2019, 08:33 AM
Anna von Reitz ( UMrf5-qL4wR2sHWm4fduIx3rojm1jAj801&hc_ref=ARTTzjoz55gLiK0e7Sp2UB7uWlFoHVktaecrf7Zubee 8sTviz4AkJRt1oo4TSNBR0bU&fref=nf)
11 hrs ( ·
Urgent Alert from The Living Law Firm
We have now had time to fully research and consider the elements of the program unveiled as Phil Hudok's Arbitration Award and Peace Treaty 2020.
This Alert combines legal opinions from several members of The Living Law Firm, including former Bar Attorneys and Judges who have taken their stand with the people of this country:
"Once you have admitted to being a "natural person" and admitted to being "at war" with them [the Federales] and allowed them to take title to your land assets --- what do they need you for?
Nothing. They can seize your property and abuse you and do whatever they wish, because you agreed to all of it.
We will not be able to protect people who take this "Arbitration Award" offer, because we cannot protect them against themselves....[they have the unlimited right to contract.]"
This is an Urgent Alert issued to all Americans interested in preserving their freedom, their lawful government, and their standing to press claims against the British Territorial United States and Municipal United States for physical damages and war crimes:
"The Hudok Offer including the Arbitration Award and the associated "Peace Treaty 2020" is an attempt to gain multiple undisclosed advantages is a misrepresented commercial offer amounting to a bribe leveraged against restitution that is already owed to the victims."
"The actual States and People of this country were never engaged in the mercenary conflict known as the American Civil War. Encouraging people who were never involved in any such conflict to issue a "Peace Treaty" creates the false idea -- and equally false legal admission -- that these same innocent civilians were in fact at war and subject to combat status as Enemies."
"This False Admission then serves to exonerate the actual Guilty Parties who have waged war against non-combatant civilian populations..."
"While we are not seeking revenge for the past we do not advise anyone to offer inappropriate Peace Treaties that may or may not be honored and we do not advise anyone to seek or accept any settlement that uses deceptive legal terms like "natural persons" and which misrepresents land "titles" as Free Holds".
"On the balance, these documents [the Arbitration Award and Peace Treaty 2020] are diabolically deceptive and aim at undisclosed and highly prejudicial goals. Run like gazelles --- in the opposite direction."
"We, as a Review Committee, find these proposals to be highly inappropriate and prejudicial...."
"Signing onto these documents [Hudok's Arbitration Award and Peace Treaty 2020] would mis-characterize the victims as knowing Enemy Combatants, rob them of their natural political status, and steal title to their land assets."
Bottomline: "You'd have to be crazy to go for this."
17th November 2019, 08:42 AM
Anna von Reitz ( WyH8xCzjb8KtgV8WCaDWPpHw-qxUCnTIh0&hc_ref=ARRbgt4xPucAlgBqEVg8IPEVKnYtTLw0KWlCZ7Pd6vp SNxOF1ql3lKmes6_fLxzczX0&fref=nf)
9 hrs ( ·
"Benefit" is a Dirty Word
This is what happens: the "Federal" corporations providing us with "essential government services" spin off some new program or offer to contract addressed to their employees. But it isn't explained that this new whiz-bang is for their employees.
They make it look like it applies to everyone and that it is a good deal for everyone ---- when it is never a good deal for Americans and may not be a good deal for their employees, either.
These programs and policies are often imposed under color of law, making it look like it is a requirement of "the government" in general to join or pay or participate in something, for example, Selective Service, when in fact it is a "private requirement" or "policy" of a foreign governmental services corporation being imposed upon its employees and dependents.
For another example, Social Security.
If you go back and read the legislative history and the newspaper articles and discussions presented by Franklin Delano Roosevelt at the time that Social Security was introduced, you would never pick up on the fact that this program was limited to Federal Employees (Civil Service) and their Dependents.
You'd hear a great deal about preparing for our old age and being responsible for our own care, etc., but nary a word about the fact that this program was for Federal Civil Service Employees and that for Joe Average American it was: (1) not required; and (2) involved very substantial losses, including the presumed loss of our birthright political status.
In point of law and fact, Social Security was limited to Federal Employees and was introduced as a Federal Pension Program, however, it contained some tricky legal language that let federal welfare benefit seekers and federal political asylum seekers sign up and participate in the program, too.
All these people --- federal welfare recipients and federal political asylum seekers and Federal Civil Service Employees are "citizens of the United States" [Municipal Government] by definition.
There isn't supposed to be an American in the whole dog pile.
Yet millions of innocent Americans who never sought welfare, never needed political asylum, and who were under no obligation to participate in Social Security at all, were entrapped and given false information to the effect that they "had to" enroll in Social Security and "had to" have a Social Security Number to get a job in this country.
Any requirement to apply for or have a Social Security Number is, in fact, only for those seeking Military or Federal Civil Service jobs or, alternatively, Federal welfare benefits---a fact that was not disclosed to millions of Americans--- a non-disclosure which counts as one of the biggest "Sins by Omission" ever in recorded history.
As we enrolled in this miasma of foreign corporate deceit and got sucked into paying 7.5 percent of our lifetime earnings (an amount matched by our equally imposed-upon private employers) we also unwittingly provided the crooks with an excuse to "presume" that we were knowingly adopting Municipal United States citizenship, and that we were seeking Federal Welfare Benefits.
In other words, unknown and undisclosed to us, "applying for" a Social Security account changed our "presumed" political status and subjected us to many, many obligations that accrue to Federal Employees, Federal Welfare Recipients, and Federal Asylum Seekers---- without our knowledge or consent.
This is just one example of the process of entrapment and non-disclosure and "attachment" via adhesion contracts that has resulted in Americans being suborned and presumed against and fleeced "as if" they were Federal citizens, when they are not naturally Federal citizens, and not knowingly needing or seeking any such political status, either.
The current flap over Phil Hudok's Arbitration Award and Peace Treaty 2020 is a similar obfuscation.
If you are in fact a Federal citizen, you are already a subject of the Queen and the Pope and you land assets, if you have any, are already held in trust. So it doesn't further hurt you to admit to being a "natural person" and it doesn't matter if you accept a Municipal "title" to your land.
Also, if you are a Federal citizen, you might want to establish a Peace Treaty 2020, because Federal citizens actually fought the Civil War and the Civil War was never officially ended and that has caused trouble and legal mischief for 150 years.
The problem comes when average Americans get caught in the middle and unwittingly sign up for "Arbitration Awards" meant for Federal citizens--- and thereby allow the "presumption" again, that they are freely and voluntarily and knowingly adopting Federal citizenship and its obligations---and giving up all the advantages and guarantees and freedoms and assets owed to Americans, including their Constitutional guarantees and property rights.
Put bluntly--- what stands as a "benefit" to a Federal Employee often stands as a terrible loss for an American.
Federal Civil Rights protections, for example, may be a great leap forward for Federal citizens who had no rights at all prior to the adoption of these measures; but Federal Civil Rights are no match for, nor rational replacement for, the Natural and Unalienable Rights owed to American State Citizens.
If you are an average American, you have never been directly employed by the federal government -- except perhaps for a stint in the military, and you have no actual reason to adopt Federal citizenship, which is a decidedly disadvantageous political status compared to your birthright political status as an American State National or American State Citizen.
Even those who have served in the Federal Civil Service would be shocked to learn that "US" citizenship involves such very serious losses of material rights and the acceptance of so many disadvantageous obligations--- so much so that most people who had other options would avoid such employment and such obligations and would joyously set aside Federal citizenship at the earliest opportunity.
The Second Class nature of Federal citizenship has been kept a secret from most Americans, who would be naturally offended to know that others living on our shores were being, comparatively, mistreated by these foreign government organizations operated ultimately by the British Monarchs and the Popes.
The fact remains that Federal Citizenship of both kinds --- British Territorial United States Citizenship and Municipal "citizenship of the United States" --- involve foreign political statuses and very substantial loss of rights and property interests owed to Americans.
If you are in fact an American and not a Federal Employee or Dependent, which includes American Retirees from Federal Employment, both Military and Civil Service, you are free to come home and receive back your original political status --- including your property rights and your constitutional guarantees.
Unfortunately, thanks to the above-described improper practices engaged in by our foreign subcontractors--- seeking to claim Americans and American property for the benefit of foreign interests--- we must all be ever-vigilant and knowledgeable about our political status and not get drawn into any federal program applications and intrigues that can serve as a means to deprive us of the property and rights owed to us as Americans.
20th November 2019, 11:50 AM
Anna von Reitz ( SP&hc_ref=ARRlo6q14o-7IpnQKwXyE89q6okLpqtFUzv-21LGgmd1QZwQ_lJe6B_S_zI90URAKnk&fref=nf)
11 hrs ( ·
To Understand the Second, You Have to Understand the First
To understand the Second World War, you have to understand the First World War, and most importantly, to avoid World War III, you have to stop what you are doing and pay attention.
Now, I am going to say something that to many Americans will seem very strange.
The Second World War was directly caused by the First, and the First was caused by British crimes against America.
The Kaiser objected to Britain stealing American gold and using that as the basis of its own bid to create a new kind of Corporate Feudalism devoid of a human face or emotion, a machine-like "system" in which our lives would be encased from cradle to grave, with profit-making for the rich, and control and exploitation of the poor, its only goal.
The Russian Czar also objected, as all the Russian Czars and nobles had objected at and since the infamous Congress of Vienna.
The gold was purloined from us beginning in 1898, when the Scottish Commercial Corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" ---Incorporated, bought the Philippine Islands "for" us, and the Queen's US NAVY began transporting American gold to "safe keeping" in the Philippines in preparation for bankrupting the Scottish doppleganger.
The American Public was never told, of course.
When the Scottish Interloper went bankrupt in 1906-07, it left Germany and the actual Americans holding the bag for the British Territorial United States' debts. Naturally, the Kaiser was upset--- appalled by the godless and drab and unjust future proposed for humanity, disgusted by endless British guile, he began making preparations for war.
He thought that we, Americans, would see the British hands in our pockets, and support Germany. He underestimated the gullibility of Americans and their lack of access to foreign news and translations. If we had ever actually known what was going on and what was at stake, there is little doubt that we would have supported the Kaiser's point of view and let Whitehall starve.
As it was, we wound up defending our False Friends. And they wound up taking vicious revenge upon Germany in the form of War Reparations.
The discontent created by the dire economic drain of the War Reparations extracted by Britain and France then opened up the political theater that Hitler took advantage of. He had learned how to exploit a captive population from the British Grandmasters who had plugged their siphons so firmly into America.
So he did the same thing with the Germans that the Brits had done with the Americans: run up humongous debts "in their names" and then left them and their investors holding the bag for it. Only when it really came down to it, Hitler didn't have the support of the German General Staff to carry out the actual plan, which was to kill the entire German population rather than surrender.
Coincidentally, of course, this "complete self-inflicted de-population" of Germany was what the international bankers wanted. The Scandinavian races, they believed, were just as well-suited to industrialized slavery, and more docile. They could be moved into Germany like a new breed of cattle.
In between the wars, in what was described as an effort to discourage war profiteering and war-mongering in general, it was agreed by the Roman Curia that whoever wins a war has to pay for the losses.
Think about that for ten seconds.... 1, 2, 3....
Whoever wins the war.... not who starts it, not who deliberately foments it.
This is the basis of The Mouse That Roared, a 1955 satirical novel by the Irish American writer Leonard Wibberly, and the 1959 movie of that name starring Peter Sellers.
Sellers also gave us Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, and Being There. These three (3) films are a microcosm reflection of the world political situation during the Cold War and too very close to the truth.
This is not by any means the only time that the film industry has "shoved it in our faces", and Sellers is not the only actor to give us too much truth about our times.
Thus, America was in fact the "sacrificial victor" in World War II. We were never allowed to stand down. We were kept under military rule and discipline and our factories produced under-cost products for the rest of the world and unjust taxes and unjust tariffs were agreed to "for" us by the Popes and British Monarchs, which year after year, went into rebuilding our Japanese and European competitors with little or no re-investment in America.
We were the Goat, hitched up under the British lash, and never allowed to "go home"---and though we may have smelled a rat, known that something wasn't right, it was not the sort of thing that was easy to put one's hand on with no proper education about our own history or anyone else's.
But before we get to this bizarre circumstance and concept of "the victor pays", let's remember that behind everything that goes on, is a fundamentally crooked and quasi-religious interlocking trust directorate that is mis-directed and increasingly corrupt so that whatever new concept or belief is adopted by the Roman Curia, that same new buzzword winds up on our tables for breakfast.
Care for the environment is really the least of their concerns. Finding a new excuse to tax people and blame people is the actual motivation for everything they do.
As of today's writing, they are even taking it upon themselves to create new sins for us:…/Pope-Francis-considers-introd… ( WsCDt3BLIeMtB2M-0zXu5DrJhDOLdU)
It hasn't hit home yet that we haven't mastered The Ten Commandments under their guidance for the past 2000 years, so probably shouldn't be taking on an Eleventh....
Forgive me for being snide. I am not inclined to be flippant, just observing the fact that the incompetent have mistaken themselves for gods, and come to rely on their machine -- their institutionalized fraud scheme -- instead of their hearts and minds.
So they set about to make a final "sacrifice" of America as of December 21, 2019. The international bankers, the shady elements of the military, and the worthless immoral members of the Municipal Congress would collude with the Chinese Government to expedite the greatest theft and injustice in world history and the innocent American People would be made to pay for the debts of these double-dealing crooks, deprived of the credit Americans have earned, and be "re-settled" under force in a Hitler-esque nightmare complete with internment camps.
Germany is set to be sacrificed, too. They were the ones that "won the lottery" after World War II as the Losers, and so, their central bank, Deutsche Bank, was the one chosen to hold all the "derivatives" --- the bogus contracts, entities, titles and deeds used to expand the banker's criminal securitization scheme in the same way that cancer cells proliferate.
With America and Germany both out of the way, it would be easy for the criminals to tweak things their way and buy up everything that is left for pennies, just as they did after the stock market collapse in 1929.
And that would be that, the last gasp of mankind, the supremacy of corporations and Corporate Feudalism would be established permanently throughout the Earth.
Mankind is to be reduced to the level of lab rats lost in a system of cradle to grave rewards and punishments, unable to exercise freewill in any way, ruled over by hypocrites and liars, despotic and dishonest oligarchs, who now think they are in a position to create new sins out of thin air, the same way they created trusts and foundations, C Corps, S Corps, Cooperatives, and fiat money-- and who in Breach of Trust imposed upon the American People to accept their I.O.U.s under force of legal tender laws, then used bankruptcy fraud to escape their obligations, and now intend to leave Mom and Pop disinherited and enslaved to pay their debts.
It's time to remind them of their own sins and to do it in a big way.
If we have any problems with our economies and currencies, it is the fault of the bankers and brokers, nobody else, and if we have troubles with bankers and brokers, it is next the fault of the politicians and military generals, and nobody else.
Except the Pope, of course, whose entire misguided interlocking trust directorate underlies it all.
So we are in a situation where our civilian government has been called to assemble for the first time in 150 years, and our military has been reminded of its obligation to obey the civilian government --- not the "civil" government.
So also we must recognize the evil endemic among the members of the "US" Congress and do whatever we can to remove this mixed-bag of idiots and criminals from control. Most of them haven't got the least little bit of an idea of how our government is supposed to be organized and how it is supposed to function.
Even worse, they think good is evil and evil is good. It's like leaving Al Capone, Abbot and Costello, and Cruella de Ville in charge of a runaway train and thinking that it won't derail.
Finally, we must search within ourselves for the truth and for justice and for the highest calling of our own souls, our wish for a far, far better world, where each individual is valued and corporations are the slaves, not people.
20th November 2019, 11:51 AM
Anna von Reitz ( SP&hc_ref=ARRlo6q14o-7IpnQKwXyE89q6okLpqtFUzv-21LGgmd1QZwQ_lJe6B_S_zI90URAKnk&fref=nf)
11 hrs ( ·
To Understand the Second, You Have to Understand the First
To understand the Second World War, you have to understand the First World War, and most importantly, to avoid World War III, you have to stop what you are doing and pay attention.
Now, I am going to say something that to many Americans will seem very strange.
The Second World War was directly caused by the First, and the First was caused by British crimes against America.
The Kaiser objected to Britain stealing American gold and using that as the basis of its own bid to create a new kind of Corporate Feudalism devoid of a human face or emotion, a machine-like "system" in which our lives would be encased from cradle to grave, with profit-making for the rich, and control and exploitation of the poor, its only goal.
The Russian Czar also objected, as all the Russian Czars and nobles had objected at and since the infamous Congress of Vienna.
The gold was purloined from us beginning in 1898, when the Scottish Commercial Corporation merely calling itself "The United States of America" ---Incorporated, bought the Philippine Islands "for" us, and the Queen's US NAVY began transporting American gold to "safe keeping" in the Philippines in preparation for bankrupting the Scottish doppleganger.
The American Public was never told, of course.
When the Scottish Interloper went bankrupt in 1906-07, it left Germany and the actual Americans holding the bag for the British Territorial United States' debts. Naturally, the Kaiser was upset--- appalled by the godless and drab and unjust future proposed for humanity, disgusted by endless British guile, he began making preparations for war.
He thought that we, Americans, would see the British hands in our pockets, and support Germany. He underestimated the gullibility of Americans and their lack of access to foreign news and translations. If we had ever actually known what was going on and what was at stake, there is little doubt that we would have supported the Kaiser's point of view and let Whitehall starve.
As it was, we wound up defending our False Friends. And they wound up taking vicious revenge upon Germany in the form of War Reparations.
The discontent created by the dire economic drain of the War Reparations extracted by Britain and France then opened up the political theater that Hitler took advantage of. He had learned how to exploit a captive population from the British Grandmasters who had plugged their siphons so firmly into America.
So he did the same thing with the Germans that the Brits had done with the Americans: run up humongous debts "in their names" and then left them and their investors holding the bag for it. Only when it really came down to it, Hitler didn't have the support of the German General Staff to carry out the actual plan, which was to kill the entire German population rather than surrender.
Coincidentally, of course, this "complete self-inflicted de-population" of Germany was what the international bankers wanted. The Scandinavian races, they believed, were just as well-suited to industrialized slavery, and more docile. They could be moved into Germany like a new breed of cattle.
In between the wars, in what was described as an effort to discourage war profiteering and war-mongering in general, it was agreed by the Roman Curia that whoever wins a war has to pay for the losses.
Think about that for ten seconds.... 1, 2, 3....
Whoever wins the war.... not who starts it, not who deliberately foments it.
This is the basis of The Mouse That Roared, a 1955 satirical novel by the Irish American writer Leonard Wibberly, and the 1959 movie of that name starring Peter Sellers.
Sellers also gave us Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, and Being There. These three (3) films are a microcosm reflection of the world political situation during the Cold War and too very close to the truth.
This is not by any means the only time that the film industry has "shoved it in our faces", and Sellers is not the only actor to give us too much truth about our times.
Thus, America was in fact the "sacrificial victor" in World War II. We were never allowed to stand down. We were kept under military rule and discipline and our factories produced under-cost products for the rest of the world and unjust taxes and unjust tariffs were agreed to "for" us by the Popes and British Monarchs, which year after year, went into rebuilding our Japanese and European competitors with little or no re-investment in America.
We were the Goat, hitched up under the British lash, and never allowed to "go home"---and though we may have smelled a rat, known that something wasn't right, it was not the sort of thing that was easy to put one's hand on with no proper education about our own history or anyone else's.
But before we get to this bizarre circumstance and concept of "the victor pays", let's remember that behind everything that goes on, is a fundamentally crooked and quasi-religious interlocking trust directorate that is mis-directed and increasingly corrupt so that whatever new concept or belief is adopted by the Roman Curia, that same new buzzword winds up on our tables for breakfast.
Care for the environment is really the least of their concerns. Finding a new excuse to tax people and blame people is the actual motivation for everything they do.
As of today's writing, they are even taking it upon themselves to create new sins for us:…/Pope-Francis-considers-introd… ( WsCDt3BLIeMtB2M-0zXu5DrJhDOLdU)
It hasn't hit home yet that we haven't mastered The Ten Commandments under their guidance for the past 2000 years, so probably shouldn't be taking on an Eleventh....
Forgive me for being snide. I am not inclined to be flippant, just observing the fact that the incompetent have mistaken themselves for gods, and come to rely on their machine -- their institutionalized fraud scheme -- instead of their hearts and minds.
So they set about to make a final "sacrifice" of America as of December 21, 2019. The international bankers, the shady elements of the military, and the worthless immoral members of the Municipal Congress would collude with the Chinese Government to expedite the greatest theft and injustice in world history and the innocent American People would be made to pay for the debts of these double-dealing crooks, deprived of the credit Americans have earned, and be "re-settled" under force in a Hitler-esque nightmare complete with internment camps.
Germany is set to be sacrificed, too. They were the ones that "won the lottery" after World War II as the Losers, and so, their central bank, Deutsche Bank, was the one chosen to hold all the "derivatives" --- the bogus contracts, entities, titles and deeds used to expand the banker's criminal securitization scheme in the same way that cancer cells proliferate.
With America and Germany both out of the way, it would be easy for the criminals to tweak things their way and buy up everything that is left for pennies, just as they did after the stock market collapse in 1929.
And that would be that, the last gasp of mankind, the supremacy of corporations and Corporate Feudalism would be established permanently throughout the Earth.
Mankind is to be reduced to the level of lab rats lost in a system of cradle to grave rewards and punishments, unable to exercise freewill in any way, ruled over by hypocrites and liars, despotic and dishonest oligarchs, who now think they are in a position to create new sins out of thin air, the same way they created trusts and foundations, C Corps, S Corps, Cooperatives, and fiat money-- and who in Breach of Trust imposed upon the American People to accept their I.O.U.s under force of legal tender laws, then used bankruptcy fraud to escape their obligations, and now intend to leave Mom and Pop disinherited and enslaved to pay their debts.
It's time to remind them of their own sins and to do it in a big way.
If we have any problems with our economies and currencies, it is the fault of the bankers and brokers, nobody else, and if we have troubles with bankers and brokers, it is next the fault of the politicians and military generals, and nobody else.
Except the Pope, of course, whose entire misguided interlocking trust directorate underlies it all.
So we are in a situation where our civilian government has been called to assemble for the first time in 150 years, and our military has been reminded of its obligation to obey the civilian government --- not the "civil" government.
So also we must recognize the evil endemic among the members of the "US" Congress and do whatever we can to remove this mixed-bag of idiots and criminals from control. Most of them haven't got the least little bit of an idea of how our government is supposed to be organized and how it is supposed to function.
Even worse, they think good is evil and evil is good. It's like leaving Al Capone, Abbot and Costello, and Cruella de Ville in charge of a runaway train and thinking that it won't derail.
Finally, we must search within ourselves for the truth and for justice and for the highest calling of our own souls, our wish for a far, far better world, where each individual is valued and corporations are the slaves, not people.
20th November 2019, 12:03 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 0ckmU-AVQh4-Cd4aihZpR73fWhn3BzFwCj&hc_ref=ART_mYrqUdC7f0ss_28FshlbnTuqkjLSgS8CheS9Gdr iV_P5tjlg0n_pax1_Vkj9jsM&fref=nf)
13 hrs ( ·
“Read the Words!”
By Anna Von Reitz
During my long verbal duel with Richard Schaum, an advocate of Phil Hudok’s Arbitration Award and Peace Treaty 2020—who, so far as we can see, hasn’t signed up himself— he kept saying, “Read the words!”
Well, we did. That’s just the problem.
I knew that “natural person” isn’t correct terminology and a quick look at a legal dictionary online confirmed that, but I continued to be bothered by it. Something was niggling around in the back of my mind, a memory concerning that exact legal term: “natural person”.
I’d seen that before somewhere in my meanderings, but “natural person” isn’t a common normal term you see everyday. It’s one of those oddball things you encounter only in specific, limited, rather esoteric areas of probate law—- and there is a very good reason for that, because “natural person” means “corpse”.
Corpse, as in literal dead body, morgue, toe-tagged, Coroner’s Office.
So what in God’s Name is going on here?
People are being encouraged to make claims to the effect that they are corpses?
Nobody in their right mind should ever make such a claim, and nobody in their right mind should ever write legislation like this “piece of art”.
Yet, apparently, this has been sponsored and passed as a relief measure by “the” United States Municipal Congress—- so that we have the spectacle of Zombies, literally corpses, coming forward to claim reparations for their deaths?
Get a clue here, folks. This isn’t happenstance. This is no accident. You have no cause to know that “natural person” means “corpse” but the black-robed shysters defrauding you do. Rand Paul, a Bar Attorney, does.
There is a logic to it. If you claim to be corpses then you must be dead and remain dead. You must “accept” their action declaring that you are “legally dead” and continue to act as if you are. Accept whatever happens and whatever they do to you or “for” you, because, obviously, as a corpse you have no rights or motive force, no ability to speak or defend yourself, no property rights at all.
By accepting their offer to call yourself a “natural person” you agree not to ever come back from the “dead” and reclaim your living estate.
You hand them carte blanche to do what they want to do with your name and estate forevermore.
Just hand it over in “equitable exchange” for what they owe you anyway.
I have rarely seen a more carefully crafted or more deceitful legal document or process than this crappola being pushed by Phil Hudok and Richard Schaum and the purported Flag Officers. It truly is diabolical in concept and execution and designed to defraud average Americans while at the same time accomplishing three goals for the rats.
1. Claiming that you are a “natural person” forecloses your ability to come forward and claim back your purloined birthright estate. They claimed that you were dead as a premise to allow them to seize upon and inherit your estate—-and by signing onto these “relief measures”—- you agree with them. It’s their Home Free card, disguised as relief for you, when in fact it is relief for them.
2. You accept a title issued by the Municipal United States Government —a private Corporation— to your land. It doesn’t matter what words they use to describe this title— “freehold, in allodium” etc. A title is a title. And if the title is issued by the Municipal United States this can only mean that you donated your land to them and they are graciously giving you back the rights of a tenant—not a landlord— by their grace. That’s goal Number 2 of this heinous “offer”—- sucker you into donating your land and accepting a title in exchange for it.
3. If you sign a Peace Treaty that serves as de facto proof that you have been at war with them and exonerates them for all their abuse of you and your property assets. This, when no average American has ever been at war with them, and when they have instead been committing war crimes against innocent civilians and profiting themselves for 150 years using this pathetic excuse.
If you signed on to the “Arbitration Award” or signed the “Peace Treaty 2020” contact the Congressional Delegation “representing” your State and tell them that you made a mistake and were not given full disclosure about the meaning of the legal terms and circumstance
—so you request that your name be removed from these actions and protected from further abuse of your trust and good faith.
Do it today and get your butts backed out of this wringer.
And all of you who have been led astray by dollar signs—- be aware that Phil Hudok hasn’t received a dime, and even if he does, it’s just more Public Debt being heaped on your own backs and everyone else’s. It’s not any remedy being provided by the Popes or the Queen, the actual Perpetrators that owe you money from their own pockets and both genuine remedy and relief.
Having “read the words” and having evaluated this offer, I and the other members of The Living Law Firm are telling you in all earnestness, that this whole package being promoted by Phil Hudok and Company, is at best a bad joke and an insult, and at worst, an attempt to get millions of Americans to sign away all rights of the living and expedite more crimes against them.
Shame on Rand Paul. Shame on the Flag Officers. Shame on everyone associated with pushing this ploy on innocent people and grossly misrepresenting a “remedy” for yourselves as a remedy for them.
By all means, you Zombies have our permission to agree that you are dead and to forever relinquish any right you had to call yourselves Americans, or claim any rights owed to living beings; and, you may also release any right to own any land here, forever.
The rest of us will hold you all to your commitments, alive or dead.
That includes your duty to defend us and our States of the Union against “all enemies both foreign and domestic” so I guess you better report to the nearest prison facility and put your own boney arms in shackles.
20th November 2019, 12:09 PM
Anna von Reitz (
13 hrs ( ·
About Republic of Texas
I tried to teach them that the correct name of their State Republic is “The Texas Republic” and pointed out that “The Republic of Texas” only controls navigable surface water and the shoreline, but they continued to plow along and ignore the naming conventions adopted in the 1850’s.
This also causes them to be confused about “Texas” the State of the Union and “State of Texas” and why both of these entities are important and necessary.
They think, “Well, we’ve got The Republic of Texas and we don’t need anything else!”
That’s like thinking you are good to go with only one wheel on your car.
It’s the same phenomenon we see with people organizing Grand Juries without organizing the Court that the Grand Jury is supposed to be part of.
Or organizing State Jural Assemblies without organizing the State Assembly that the Jural Assemblies are supposed to be a part of.
It seems that people have this tendency to latch onto a part of the structure and concentrate on that one part, and get so focused on that, that they can’t see beyond it and integrate what they are doing into the larger framework that is necessary.
They also tend to get very territorial and defensive about what they are doing and instead of bringing their part to the whole, think that the whole should be subject to them.
So if Ed and the others think that having control of The Republic of Texas —all the navigable surface water in Texas, that is— is the do-all and be-all and that they can do okay without Texas itself.....well, what can I say?
If Destry Payne thinks that “a” Jural Assembly made up of US Citizens can do the job of the American State Assembly owed to each State, or John Daresh thinks a Grand Jury can function without a Court System backing it—- again, what can I tell you?
My favorite Cowboy Poet, Baxter Black, once said something to the effect, “He didn’t know what he was doing, but he never doubted that he could do it anyway.”
At some point people will wake up and see where their part of the puzzle fits in the whole thing and perhaps then all these groups wandering around the wilderness will stop spinning their one wheel and finally get to the Promised Land.
We can only hope.
21st November 2019, 09:03 PM
Anna von Reitz ( sYmyxjTt31P7Ih8xt4JpE524&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
Your Life or Your Money
We all need to understand that FRN's are not your money. Never were. Federal Reserve Notes are I.O.U.'s that belong to the Federal Reserve. They are private script, just like when you (might) give someone an I.O.U.
They are responsible for paying it, but with what?
They haven't used actual money since 1933.
They've just passed debts around "as" money, and passed off their debts as your debts, as the "presumed" co-signers purportedly backing it.
They've inflated this currency 98% and this whole past month, they poured another trillion "dollars" of debt into the stock market, to prop it up at "your" expense.
This serves to further in-debt your family and bail out the corporations and banks at your expense. It also devalues whatever serves as currency yet some more, which shows up as inflation of prices at the gas pump and food stores and everywhere else.
We've seen close to a 30% price increase for many food items here in Alaska in the past three months alone. Nobody is talking about it, but, if you are paying attention or living on a limited income, you are feeling it and your discretionary income is evaporating. Worse, the value of any savings or retirement you have is evaporating, too.
Their excuse for propping up the stock market at your expense is that they have invested heavily in all these corporations "for" you, using your money. So now they are throwing more of your money at these corporations and at the stock market, also "for" you, when in fact those stocks are grossly overvalued already and the money markets and pension funds --- which they also invested in "for" you --- are based on "derivatives" and phony electronic titles and so-called "mortgage backed securities"---which are also bogus.
We have, unknown to us, been living in the Land of Oz for almost a century.
So, here's the picture: we are the actual, factual primary creditors of these banks, but they are pretending that we and all our earthly assets are instead "donated collateral" backing their debts in a commonwealth (communist) system of government that is in fact foreign to us.
The Land of Oz.
The truth is easy to ascertain. We have literally millions of Witnesses. Nobody outside the environs of Washington, DC, was ever told what was going on. Not only were we not told a word about any of this, we were deliberately misled and lied to and coerced under color of law. By our own employees.
To make things more interesting, the criminals in back of all this fraud and racketeering, sought bankruptcy protection in 2009, and as a result, in 2011, all the "Federal Reserve Notes" became utterly worthless, backed by nothing at all but the good faith of Congress --- the same rogues that created the situation in the first place.
Please bear in mind that Federal Reserve Notes are NOT "United States Dollars" nor "United States Notes", either. You must pay attention -- close attention -- to what you are holding in your hands. And in your bank accounts.
So, there you are, misidentified as a Municipal "citizen of the United States", on the hook as the "presumed" co-signer for all these debts, and according to them, all your assets should be forfeit to their creditors, most especially, the Communist Chinese.
Enter two factions of the "US" military and a Wild Card ---- one faction, the Municipal DOD, is happy to see America overrun and sacked for debts it doesn't owe, because the alternative is paying their own debts. They and their endlessly criminal US NAVY are on our backs, as if it were our fault that their Roman Government is led by criminals and schmucks.
The Territorial Department of Defense is stuck in the middle, having a contract and obligation to defend us. That's the second military faction.
And then, there's the Wild Card. This is basically one man, who they shafted many times too often. He has, all by himself, locked down the hard asset accounts of the world and nothing that they can do is of any avail.
There they are, wiggling like dying bugs, or vampires, an encrypted computer program straight through their hearts, trying to convince us after all that has gone on, that digital "currency" is the way to go.
If it were, they wouldn't be in the position they are in, would they? Held captive by a single computer geek.
Digital currency is just more fiat-on-speed, having even less connection with reality. We would be better off conducting business using plastic clothes pins as tokens. At least such objects have actual substance and a practical use.
The problem started with the Pope and the Queen and ultimately, it has to come back to them, but in the vernacular world, we have trouble caused by bankers and securities brokers breaking the actual laws of our country and many other countries.
And right behind that, we have problems with the politicians and the military, who are allowing the bankers and securities brokers to be a problem in the first place.
So, what to do, if you are just one lonely little person in the midst of this maelstrom of deceit and malfeasance?
The Smart Money says --- (1) redeem all Federal Reserve Notes as United States Notes; (2) get yourselves some actual silver and gold coin as a hedge against the collapse of the domestic fiat system.
We've been saying this for a long time. We are saying it again---louder.
Paul has his silver Mintbuilder program up and running on his website and on ( lid%3DIwAR2VbPGIlcS-hHE7iUg3Vd7w0lju2_yal2VK2aq0wHw6LrgdeOi7T4adAIc&h=AT241xJpa6cl_R70AV0FuYhsk9ZjZALA4pnYJRq7UDlnXfMB aTwpFYj-MvPZHw9ttrJN-HfTCxcvIqjvbXdJXh017_NptPVi_hXyiL9_5pFGvQEZrvcBQpf 8Olmwk8oxxqqDRevpEv-svN0sQD6pBRVeZtrtoMfU)
I have had good service from SBC Gold in Scottsdale, Arizona, back in the day. Another company getting good reviews is Patriot Gold. I have no direct experience with them, but they have a decent buy-back provision and good reputation.
If you haven't taken action to buy some gold and silver coinage as a hedge, do so now, if you have any means to do so.
It's just a practical fact that if this all goes ka-bleweee ---- and it certainly could, the perceived value of gold and silver will skyrocket and off-set the loss suffered by those holding paper.
I can't advise you about how these prices will rise or fall or about how much is enough for your family or how long you may need to use such reserves. What I can say with some amount of certainty is that both gold and silver have a value as commodities and so far as I can see, always will.
So, do you choose to use a domestic private Municipal script, the Federal Reserve Note--- which is tanked? Or do you use United States Notes, which are backed by oil and gas? Or do you use United States Silver Dollars, which are actual money? Or Gold Eagles, which are also actual money?
The choice is up to you. These are commodities. You are the consumer.
Do you want a wool sweater, an acrylic sweater, or a sweater made out of paper? Try to de-mystify money in your mind, so that you get a clearer view of what your actual options are.
We are trying to get President Trump's attention riveted on the fact that We, the actual People of this country, who are not any variety of "US Citizen" and not "citizens of the United States"--- exist apart from and above all this scrabbling and lying --- and the actual assets belong to us.
Only Lawful Persons can possess Lawful Assets. Our States are the Parties to the Constitutions and our State Assemblies are up and running. We are owed all our actual assets back, free and clear of debt or encumbrance.
So we are the ones who can put this country, and the world, back on its tracks via Re-Venue, and we can legitimately and physically access American gold and silver assets.
For all these reasons, there needs to be cooperation to gently transition everyone back to solid ground. Including the rats, who can drown just as well as anyone else.
Until then, there are certain elements that think trying to save themselves via crash-landing the world economy is the answer --- and until their goose is fully cooked, prepare yourselves.
You can never be hurt by having some extra groceries and fuel on hand, and you can never be harmed by having some gold and silver and other commodities for trade purposes. In the past, soap, chocolate, coffee, hosiery, feminine hygiene products, medical supplies, sugar, and alcohol have all been popular items for local trade purposes. I might add dried fruit to the short term list, Vitamin C, salt, pepper, other spices with long shelf life, and tea.
Keep calm in the event of any emergencies and be sure that your signage is out in clear view -- both the UN signs and Private Property - No Trespass signs. And stay home. Do not go out into the streets if there are disturbances. Staying quiet and calm deprives THEM of any excuse for violence.
There is no actual lack of abundance, no reason for anyone to suffer -- just knot-headed selfishness and arrogance and criminality in High Places, especially London and Rome.
One final note -- the effort to successfully transition without violence is being led by your lawful government: The United States of America.
You should know that this government is owed vast amounts of gold, silver, and other assets, but thanks to the criminality of what has gone on here, those assets have been locked down along with the assets of the Perpetrators. As a result, everything is being run by volunteers and via donations, and until all these matters are resolved, there is no relief in sight.
We clearly realize that winter is upon us, we are here encouraging you to do what you can to prepare for possible hard times ahead, and at the same time, our State Assemblies and The United States of America need to be supported.
Without a viable lawful government in the field, we have no chance of successfully recouping the assets owed to all Americans.
Thus, we are all somewhat between "a rock and a hard place" --- needing to save ourselves and yet, support our lawful government --which serves to defend our interests on a worldwide basis. So. Do what you can, and if you can't send money, send prayers for all of us.
There are numerous outlets claiming to support this effort --- some of them actually do, and some don't. Paul Stramer has a button on the ( lid%3DIwAR0BJkdHdaQLKicb86C-ZoxbyYLl3_KYsbhJqSQHzmYQFes7WF10lpQfU-U&h=AT0Xn_ShTIc3IzxmD-543n1BKTGF8NrdUmDYp-eun41EF8Kb2WCHZTNuSKcgMnCkf3LdvW5y9xbhBsMRvgS1F0bq 8nAuMrTfF92eZc7jviGEUbFQ8wHMusrcL2YpXOb9cCeVb76GBC suNhoS7yyD8ulDU4G-dBvQ) website to help support the website and all the work that goes into that. There's also a donation button on the
American States Assembly website: ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3FVyzfJD0Ec4V7tcfKmuDUzUt5N Byee6hpEgfTqJOdIIALYkNykkQoP98&h=AT0KjkE6IFrdm76bPCgqbipU3UqgLGmpEAQFGCK-3NFEfK-NAyHCYmJ9_eqVlIqXGXAcZzRLRiOQZtIXMTs4BWVsHwdhHqtjc 3zLQYLbPi67eJhDVDWKhPr8W6-set33QUXCgjbBLvlP5BdTAJUbwOYbfrJ56CoY)
That money goes to support that website and the sister website, ( %3DIwAR3JgReGO1NzFh9zHOTek4w8JvPPzsHv9iS7dtrvkF4Jg wRbk27zxp-6wmY&h=AT0q9-5MtbG9gWd8BVszC_ogZ2U8UXdoGsr75ZarHHtfoWe1dZp2FZhS _qBobyNQKh3OQbuz1hNeh-U6tpELjhbQQa30Ab31VliIbNfYXlJYuv-8NdFc36CCQ7n9Z1EUjipOyHWxSrqtfUQqokOPNYWFhtwvS0Pn)
These are "fully approved" efforts and needs as far as we are concerned, but don't directly support the legal team and other expenses of The United States of America, nor, so far as I know, do they support the State Assemblies.
Outreach and education are vital, but so is organization and postage money.
We are the only properly declared, constituted, papered-up, and viable American organizations of self-government on this continent.
It falls to us to recoup the assets owed to all American States and to all Americans in general. We, and those who join us in reclaiming their birthright, are the only ones who have the standing and preparation to do it.
If you feel a chill stiffening your spine, that's the breath of the patriots who have died defending this country, and who are now depending on you.
Somehow, we have to pull together to do this with no great armies, with no great amount of money, just you, me, and the gatepost against the hounds of Hell.
I am still the Paymaster for this operation on a country-wide basis. Please send whatever you can to my PayPal: or by Snail Mail to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
Help prepare us as best you can, while also preparing yourselves. We are proceeding in a peaceful and lawful course in pursuit of justice and in the best interests of all concerned, according to our constitutional guarantees.
Please take up the effort to organize your State Assemblies and help other Americans properly declare and record their correct political status. There are still some States lagging behind that don't yet have State Assemblies in operation. It is crucial for the people in those States to have their State Assembly up and rolling. Failure to do this work provides an excuse for violence and asset seizures. Get busy.
We are beginning to work with and poll the State Assemblies for votes on international affairs issues. That is, we are now at the point that self-governance begins in earnest and we have a quorum to conduct business.
Those States that don't get their State Assembly organized won't have a voice in the process and may not even be aware of the issues--- to the detriment of those States and their people.
For all these reasons its time for everyone to stop the silly bickering, face facts, and get all the States of the Union assembled and working together.
Please notice that YouTube's new censorship policies go into effect the day before IG Horowitz's report is released. We may reasonably infer that there is an expectation of need to shut down videos of crimes taking place, riots, or other disturbances of the peace during the second week of December.
Please also note that such riots are already occurring in France and various other countries around the world, but we are suffering a virtual news blackout.
21st November 2019, 09:13 PM
Anna von Reitz ( i2J0dLxIAJUSyEXuT-IlFYuXWeIQKjnsd2&hc_ref=ARTj6geig0YCjkyjoAo0L4472rMtcP-gJsqkuele8jzA49SQNZYJmCDJQb1Z8MTX6UE&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
Are You "Stateless" or "State of Stateless"???
I had a good laugh today, even though its the "Ouch!" kind of humor. A friend reported on what is going on in Texas.
They still don't get the fact that they have a State of the Union called "Texas" which is the only claim to a birthright that they have.
They are still mistaking the loss of Municipal and Territorial "States of States" as the loss of their State --- Texas.
That's like mistaking your own dog for your neighbor's refrigerator.
And people all over --- not just Texas --- are so gullible that they buy into this "verbiage", and though they don't know what it means, they assume that they do....
I have it on very good authority from the person who coined the word "verbiage" that he meant it to imply "words used so deceitfully or with such little true meaning as to be come the verbal equivalent of garbage".
And that is what this "stateless" meme is and the false claims behind it, too. Verbal garbage.
No American is "stateless" unless they voluntarily abandon their own State of the Union.
There are some Americans who have ignorantly agreed to be identified as Municipal "citizens of the United States" who will be left "stateless" in a sense, because their corporations operating as "STATE OF STATES" like the "STATE OF MISSISSIPPI" are going away, but that is not the same thing as being "stateless".
These Municipal "STATES OF STATES" never had any right to exist here in the first place, and now that the Municipal United States is bankrupt, even less reason to be here.
If the Territorial "States of States" also go away, that's no cause to think you are "stateless" either.
Anyone born in this country is welcome to reclaim their birthright as an American and as a Minnesotan, Vermonter, Floridian, Californian...... and so on. Whichever State you were born in is your State. Claim it by declaring your correct political status, recording it, and joining your State Assembly.
The actual States are all still here. So. The only reason you should ever be "stateless" is if you are gullible and/or fail to reclaim your birthright political status.
Now, all those Texans have been told the truth about this numerous times, but they still have this tendency to get lost in the verbiage just like getting lost in a cactus patch and with much the same result.
They don't know that a "Confederate State" is in fact a Federal State of State. They don't know that Texas, the State of the Union, is an actual State and not a State of State.
And because they mix up the two different kinds of things that are both being called "states" it's easy for them to mistake their own dog for a neighbor's refrigerator.
These people need and deserve their State as much as anyone else, and it does hurt me to think that any of them are going to be cheated out of what is owed to them because of verbiage.
So here's one more try for the sake of the Alamo:
Texas is your State and it is right under your feet. You are a Texan if you were born within the borders of Texas. Period. That's your actual nationality.
You weren't ever naturally born in the Territorial "State of Texas" nor were you ever naturally born in the Municipal "STATE OF TEXAS".
Those are both foreign political statuses pertaining to Federal Employees and their dependents. British Territorial United States Citizens are called "United States Citizens" and are usually military personnel. Municipal United States Federal Civil Service Employees are called "citizens of the United States".
Those folks, if they are Americans, all need to "come home" and even if they remain "Dual Citizens" which is allowed under the Federal Constitutions, they need to reclaim their birthright political status as at least one of the two citizenship(s) they can hold.
Otherwise, if both of these foreign "state of state" corporations go bankrupt, the Federal Employees will be "state of stateless" with no true State of Origin on record, out of a job with no place to go, no excuse for being here.
Helluva a situation for them and that's where you will be, too, if you let these funny balloon salesmen tell you that you are "stateless" just because they are.
If you are a Texan, claim Texas. If you are a Virginian, claim Virginia. Get off your silly butts and declare your proper political status.
Ninety-percent of you aren't Federal Employees of any kind and have no reason in the world not to claim who you are and who you have always actually been.
And even the Federal Employees who were born here in this country have no excuse and no reason for not claiming their birth State as one of their Dual Citizenship(s).
Remember --- our States of the Union don't recognize any Dual Citizenship, so people can't act as a State Citizen and vote in their State Assembly at the same time they are employed by the Federal Government and claiming some form of "US" citizenship.
But also remember that so far as the Federal Government is concerned, Dual Citizenship is okay. You can keep your federal job and if it goes away, and you are left with only your State National status, you can still come home and you are still not "stateless" so long as you have the good sense to claim your original birthright political status as a Texan or Vermonter or wherever else you were born.
So--- here's the best advice about dogs and refrigerators.
If you are Joe Average American working in a private sector job, not on any Federal welfare (that is, receiving actual unearned Federal Benefits, not talking about or counting payment you earned as a result of military or other service) and not seeking political asylum from the Federales, declare your proper political status as an American State National (Texan, Ohioan, Minnesotan.....Whichever) and consider joining your State Assembly as a State Citizen.
If you are a Federal Employee or Dependent of some stripe, declare your birthright political status as one of the two citizenship(s) you can have, and be proud of your nationality as a Texan, Ohioan, Minnesotan...... and look forward to the day when you can retire or quit Federal citizenship obligations and re-join your State Assembly ---and inherit back all your rights and property assets.
So long as you were born or properly naturalized here and you claim a State of the Union as your permanent home and domicile, you are never "stateless".
22nd November 2019, 07:36 AM
Anna von Reitz ( z5nIB0tIAqA065bOVx61BSWY&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
The Municipal Government
The Municipal United States Government was created by the original Constitutional Agreements, and specifically by The Constitution of the United States adopted in 1790.
The current updated version of The Constitution of the United States was commonly available in bookstores as recently as 2012, when I picked up a copy at Barnes and Noble. It is a simplified, stripped-down version of the original written in modern English with several key restrictions and limitations removed, apparently without notice to or consent of the People presumed to be upholding the other end of the agreement.
I can tell you that reading it was quite a shock to my sensibilities after a lifetime of dealing with the difficulties of reading 18th century legal documents. I can also tell you that like so many other books, documents, court cases, and quotations that have been altered or buried or burned to serve political agendas during the past one hundred and fifty years, when I went back to buy a few more copies, it had disappeared. Out of print.
The physical location of the Municipal United States Government is limited to the ten miles square of Washington, DC, enclosed within the Boundary Stones of that "independent, international city-state" chartered by the Roman Curia and originally administered by the Holy See from 1790 to 1933, whereupon its administration was unlawfully converted and taken over by the Roman Pontificate--- the pagan Holy Roman Empire promoting itself as the "Secular Church".
Apparently this profane religion adores oxymoron expressions and purposefully proliferates such nonsense in order to further promote confusion and illogical thinking. Maybe also as an intelligence test?
This pagan Municipal United States Government has been operating under Roman Civil Law on our shores and its rulers are plenary oligarchs -- the members of "the" United States Congress, as stipulated at Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.
The clear intention of the Founding Fathers was to establish a capital city where everyone could meet in pleasant and secure circumstance, and on even terms. The members of Congress were entrusted to form a city government and keep it in good order for the intended purposes.
That same government has, since 1945, acted to grossly defraud and dis-serve the American States and People and has usurped upon their lawful government for 150 years, acting in perennial Breach of Trust, and since 1934, with increasing boldness and disregard of any law.
They prefer to practice "the Rule of Law" which is no actual Law at all, but merely a proliferation of Court Rules and Procedures designed to enable them to obtain whatever end result their minions desire simply by interpreting certain words in different ways and claiming "judicial discretion".
This same foreign municipal government has established Municipal Districts and Municipal Courts and Municipal STATES OF STATES in every State of the Union, expanded its administration with over 350 new "Agencies" and allowed those agencies to operate under color of law on our shores.
Via the use of "Federal Block Grants" used as bribes with undisclosed consequences---basically kickbacks from racketeering--- the Municipal Government has expanded to over 185,000 municipalities and municipal corporations in this country. And none of them have any right to be here.
The intent of the Founders and Signers of the original Constitutions to provide a congenial meeting place on the banks of the Potomac and their equally simple entrusting of this duty and oversight of the capitol city government to later members of Congress, has been grotesquely expanded and trampled, and stands against the Constitutions, including The Constitution of the United States. As such, their actions and presumptions are null and void.
It is a peculiarity of the Roman Civil Law that the Municipal Government adopted, that you can lie, cheat, steal, and defraud to your hearts delight, so long as you don't get caught. However, once fraud is discovered, everything tainted by it must be disallowed and wiped clean: fraud vitiates everything.
The Great Fraud was discovered by loyal Americans in 1980 and initial action was taken to oppose and expose it.
The Municipal United States Government has been operating against the requirements of the Roman Civil Law ever since, and has continued to defraud Americans and racketeer against them in criminal violation of their Constitutional obligations.
In 2004 these same Americans reported an uptick in Municipal Agency activity aimed at militarization of Municipal Police, importation of foreign military personnel, vast inexplicable building projects staged in Free Trade Zones and the development of FEMA relocation camps, apparently using the same plan as Hitler's Concentration Camps.
We accordingly took our objections to the Holy See in Rome, which is also the seat of government for the Roman Pontificate. We pointed out that our agreements are with the Holy See, not the Roman Pontificate.
We expressed our concerns and objected to the mistreatment, fraud, and mis-characterization of Americans as "citizens of the United States", the threatening actions undertaken by the Municipal United States Government in violation of their Constitutional obligations, and much more.
For the next seven years, we served Notice and Due Process upon Municipal Employees at all levels of the Municipal United States Government, including members of the Municipal United States Congress. In 2011, the Holy See closed the Roman Pontificate and moved to liquidate the underlying trusts. In 2014, we finished the Notice and Due Process, and issued our findings as a Final Civil Order Judgment.
We also issued General Civil Orders to the Joint Chiefs in July of 2014, alerting them to the looming danger posed by militarization of the municipal police and Agency Personnel, construction of concentration camps on our soil, purchase of billions of rounds of ammunition and other vast armament supplies including 30,000 guillotines by the Municipal United States Government, the presence of foreign -- especially Chinese factory workers in large numbers in Free Trade Zones located at critical communication and transportation hubs, and the sale of military equipment and natural resources such as Uranium to both the Russians and Chinese Governments by members of the Municipal Government.
In this way, their cover was blown and no plausible deniability remained for the Joint Chiefs, either.
With the selection of Pope Francis and the retirement of Pope Benedict XVI, progress ground to a halt. Nothing truly effective has been done to shut down the operations of the rogue Municipal United States Government, which owes its charter to the Roman Curia. Their operations were liquidated on paper, but they were allowed to form a new series of corporations, and sail right on. The Great Fraud allowed by the Roman Pontificate and its minions in Washington, DC, has not been exposed to the people of this country, much less to the world, and the criminality underlying it has not been brought under control, much less to a stop.
Instead, we have reports of municipal franchise corporations and municipal agency personnel --which have been heavily supplied with military grade armaments via the process already described-- getting "ready for action" against innocent American civilians.
The lawful government of this country, The United States of America, has done and is doing everything that it can do to protect the people and to recoup the purloined assets of this country. We have called out the Holy See and we hold the Roman Catholic Church and the Roman Curia absolutely responsible for this Gross Breach of Trust and commercial contract; we also hold the British Monarch responsible for these crimes against us.
Let it be set before the whole world and particularly the members of the United Nations Organization, that the Roman Curia controls all incorporated governments via the issuance of charters, so that action by the United Nations is ultimately action undertaken by the Pope.
Let it be seen that the Roman Curia also holds the charter and is responsible for the Municipality of Washington, DC, and that any action undertaken by the Municipal United States Government is also ultimately action undertaken by the Pope.
Finally, let it be seen that the Pope also indirectly controls the British Territorial United States, which is a Commonwealth overseen by the British Monarch in behalf of the Pope.
All roads lead to Rome, and any "civil war" engaged in on our soil in violation of our Public Law and our Land Law and our international treaties and our solemn trust indentures and the service contracts owed to us, is fronted by the Pope on both sides of the issue.
Whereupon we bring forward our condemnation of the Pope and the Roman Curia for promoting and allowing this situation to exist and for pretending that they are not fully responsible for it and accountable to our lawful Government for this circumstance.
The Pope cannot fight against himself, and he cannot order his minion, the Queen, to fight against him, either, and have any plausible excuse for the disruption, bloodshed, and misery this one man is proposing to cause by fomenting a phony civil war on the soil of a foreign nation -- ours.
We ask all treaty and alliance members for their urgent assistance to prevent any such travesty, and ask them to begin Counterpoint Operations to make sure that the Pope and the Queen both receive our message via taking up stations.
The same Roman Pontificate which has used the Catholic Church as a storefront for its venal operations is proposing to use the United Nations in the same way --- as a storefront to hide its own unsavory activities and get innocent people to pay for their own destruction.
As long as the governments of the various countries continue to operate as incorporated franchises under charter and patent of the Roman Curia, this is a foregone conclusion, and so is the predatory criminality with which the Holy Roman Empire has fostered and formed the threat of global Corporate Feudalism.
So now you know what we are up against and who is behind it, no matter how they twist and turn it. This is just another instance of "Holy Roman Empire" war-mongering for profit, another instance where these pirates in clerical costume and nice suits propose to kill off their Primary Creditors rather than return our purloined assets to us--- and offer to use our own assets and our own deluded countrymen to do their dirty work, too.
Let every American wake up and smell the java. Let every officer of every Municipal Agency lay down his gun or never pick it up. Let every official of the Municipal United States Government hang their heads in shame.
In the same way that they have waged a secretive and unholy war by guile and deceit upon the American States and People, they have promoted the same aims of "quiet conquest" against the whole world and every national government, and they now propose to ignore even their own Roman Civil Law.
Many members of the United States Military and the Federal Civil Service have been led astray by promises of great wealth and reward for themselves.
The bankers have led them on and they have sold their honor for nothing.
And this, to date, is the status of the Municipal United States Government.
24th November 2019, 09:56 AM
Anna von Reitz ( D6Dq2Bx8ZqpaCvn2kM-MyFP3Jopa7vW5lo&hc_ref=ARSsFhGYcg-iX4bQm4-Bw97rzSCwste_nwzoU5_Ledt48JZTC6jSNywQhoCyyngwGDo&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
Please Note:
Whatever law you stand under, you subject yourselves unto.
Repeat: whatever law you stand under, you subject yourselves unto.
Repeat: whatever law you stand under, you subject yourselves unto.
How many times do I have to repeat this simple fact?
If you occupy your proper birthright political status, you can act in one of two possible capacities: (1) State National; (2) State Citizen.
A State Citizen takes up the responsibilities of self-governance at the State and Local Level. He or she agrees to serve as a Juror and may or may not be elected to various offices serving the actual State or County Government.
Our States and Counties are all unincorporated.
Our States and Counties do not recognize Dual Citizenship and do not allow Dual Citizens to participate in State Assemblies; our Forefathers considered Dual Citizenship a source of conflict of interest according to the Biblical injunction: no man can serve two masters.
I know many patriots who spend huge amounts of time arguing about Federal Codes. This only makes sense if you are a British Territorial Federal Employee, that is, a United States Citizen. If you are a British Territorial United States Citizen, you stand under Federal Code.
Otherwise, the only possible reason to study or know Federal Code is to hold British Territorial United States Citizens accountable to their own "law".
But you don't do that by arguing with them about their duties in court.
If you are standing in their Court, arguing their Law, what is the Judge supposed to think? Answer: they are going to think you are standing under that law, too, which means you are subjecting yourself as a Federal Citizen.
Why on Earth would any American do that?
If you are an American, and you are owed your Constitutional guarantees, say so. Correct your political status. Place your declarations and re-conveyances in the public record.
And the only purpose you ever have in learning or reciting any Federal Code is to spell back to THEM what their obligations are. So what do you have to do when you tell them THEIR law so as to hold them to it? You owe them full disclosure of the facts.
And what are the facts?
(1) You are not a Federal Employee or Dependent;
(2) You do not stand under the Federal Code;
(3) You are telling them their own obligations under their own law--not offering to stand under Federal Code;
(4) You are not a member of a political party or any religious cult and are addressing them as one of the people of ____________. (Your State, not any "State of State".)
The Municipal Government is mis-characterizing you as the members of a :"federal" religious cult under "voluntary" contract to donate everything you are and own to them, including income taxes every April 15th. Such a "citizen of the United States" is a slave by definition.
The Territorial Government is mis-characterizing you as a British Territorial United States Citizen --- Federal Employee or Dependent, a member of a political party, "voter", "resident", ---a foreigner in your own country.
None of these Courts deal in any kind of law that "generally" applies to you.
These foreign courts are designed to deal in international and global contract law and proceed on the basis of legal presumptions to the effect that:
(1) you are a corporation; or
(2) you are a franchise of a corporation, or
(3) you are an officer, either elected or appointed, of a corporation;
(4) you are a Party to a contract involving subject matter within the jurisdiction of their court.
You must clearly state the capacity in which you are acting, and in which you are NOT acting, and when you walk into one of their courts, it's best to have evidence on the public record supporting your claim to be an American having the standing to act as an American already established.
Otherwise, it looks like you are just evading and dodging consequences of foreign citizenship obligations.
This is not rocket science. It's just common sense once you step back and look at it. They are they and we are we, and never the twain shall meet. You cannot stand on the dry land and at the same time, be adrift on the sea.
So. Think about it. Think about what you are doing. Who you are. And how you are presenting yourself.
When THEY have controversies THEY take refuge in THEIR courts.
When we have controversies, we give them Notice in the Court and in the Administrative and in the Legislative and Executive Forums.
As Americans we do not "generally" recognize their legislatures at the State of State level, nor do we recognize their Congresses. Why?
Because we are on the land and they are on the sea. So we don't address their congresses and legislatures the same way that their own "persons" do.
We can issue Notice of Infringement, Violation of Contract, Breach of Trust or any number of other offenses. We can issue Declarations of Protest and we can issue Declarations of Remonstance, both, but Writs do not "generally" appear in their courts or legislatures at all.
Most of those who contact me are in trouble of some kind. While I sympathize, the help that I can offer is limited to sharing information that numerous people can take advantage of. I have too much work to do to provide counsel to individuals, and the members of The Living Law Firm are equally overwhelmed.
Likewise, unless you have something that you really feel is of importance on a broader scale, please don't write and send me details of individual cases. There is no way that we can help at the individual level.
What we aim to do is force systemic change affecting everyone for the better: end the foreclosure frauds --- all of them; recoup the assets and credit owed to Americans --- all of it, for everyone.
Or as my friend said, "We are after the arsonists. We can't stop to fight brush fires."
Not only that, we are after the arsonists on an international level, so, that is yet another step beyond the normal fight.
The United States of America [Unincorporated] is your Federation of sovereign and unincorporated States, the lawful government of this country, and the only entity that can step up and as a Lawful Person, reclaim the land, the gold, the silver, and all else that is owed to the American States and People.
Please help in any and all ways that you can. With prayers, with love, with forbearance for all the things we can't do with a wave of our hands, with faith and with generosity, with determination, and with time, with volunteer work, with efforts to educate others and spread the word, with might and with main, with pennies and with dollars, with ideas and with hours ---- this is our country and our government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
There is no other --- no other State Citizens properly declared and "returned" and able to act as "People", having the standing to claim and demand the return of all American assets, able to enforce the Constitutions, and able to stand before the nations of the world with sovereignty equal to any.
Please, look around you, think of what you can contribute, what you can do, to help yourself and others.
There are times when I get thousands of emails in a single day, hundreds of cards and letters, packages, court filings, copies of records, books, publications from decades and centuries past ---- it's often a mad house trying to sort through it all, and though I try to read everything and respond as I can, the response time is slow due to the sheer volume of mail and the work load.
My advice to everyone is --- don't wait. Don't think that you can ride the fence. Almost every day I get communications from people who are desperately trying to resolve problems that arose because they didn't take action to reclaim their correct political status sooner. As a result they are being prosecuted as Federal Citizens, and have to fight from inside the box ---- a much tougher proposition than would be possible if they had acted to reclaim their correct political status earlier.
Are you an American? Or a Federal Employee or Dependent?
It's really a pretty easy question to answer, once you understand that Federal Retirees, both Military and Civil Service, are NOT "Federal Dependents" just because they get health care or pensions. Neither are people receiving Social Security.
If you are getting payments or services that you worked for, contributed to, and earned --- you are NOT a "Federal Dependent" or "welfare recipient" ---- you are an American Retiree receiving Earned Program Dividends, not welfare "benefits" ---- and you are free to live where you like and adopt the law and the political status you are owed.
24th November 2019, 10:22 AM
Anna von Reitz (
10 hrs ( ·
185,000 Mistakes?
I recently took the time to explain the Big Picture Problem of the Municipal United States Government—-what it is and who controls it and how far off track it has gone.
So what besides forming a stable clean government for Washington, DC, is the Municipal Government supposed to do?
The Municipal Government is also called the Civil Government and it is in charge of the Federal Civil Service Employees and their functions.
Originally, the non-military functions of the Federal Government were largely performed by the American States of America Confederation and the Municipal Civil Government was limited to providing postal service and a well-run Capitol city and little else.
Following the Civil War the role of this foreign subcontractor was vastly expanded and it began doing work originally entrusted to the Confederation — it took over the patent, trademark and copyright offices, the Government Land Office, the banks, the US Mint, the Customs Houses and Port Authorities, the Coast Guard, the Railroads and Highway System— all of which were supposed to be controlled and run by the Confederation of States-of-States dba States of America.
By simply not disclosing the facts to the American Public, the “Reconstruction” of the States of America was stalled and eventually set aside, and the foreign interloper fronted by the Holy See settled in.
The next phase of development saw the Municipal “Civil” Government proliferating itself like a cancer. Instead of doing all the extra work itself, the Municipal United States Government started hiring subcontractors and creating Agencies.
This is how we wound up with a foreign subcontractor hiring more subcontractors “for” us—- and actually dodging the duties, so as not to be directly accountable.
They hired the Federal Reserve.
They hired the United States Postal Service.
They basically farmed out all the work, like house maids hiring house maids for themselves and all on our credit.
By the end of FDR’s Administration there were around 350 new “Federal Agencies” all empowered to make their own laws and regulations and enforce them as “Administrative Code”.
Thus, we now had unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats writing “laws” and imposing them on us.
Over time, many of these Agency contractors became corrupt or were directly misdirected by the Municipal Congress to serve political agendas instead of providing any true service to us.
We were devolving into a Robber Baron mentality in which the Cabinet Level Department Secretaries could and did direct the “outside” agencies to do their dirty work.
Thus we have the Department of Justice colluding with the CIA, MI-6, DHS, FBI and so on, to illegally wire-tap and spy on the Trump Campaign, using all the equipment and manpower we pay for, to serve their own political and payola objectives.
And they think this is okay.
Some of the worst abuses have occurred at the US Patent and Trademark Office, where blatantly criminal business models and technologies were protected under patents.
But, by far the worst and most problematic development has been the chartering of over 185,000 “Municipal Government Corporations” and letting these THINGS masquerade as local level governments.
This is how we get “sanctuary cities” and other aberrations in conflict with actual Public Law and government in this country and NONE of these entities are supposed to be here.
The Holy See owes it to us and everyone else to come clean, explain the situation, fully disclose everything, and liquidate all the Municipal Government charters.
Obviously, the Pope does not want to do this and would prefer to start a Civil War instead. Thus far he has not even offered to sit down and negotiate a settlement of these issues with us, the States and People being usurped upon and harmed by this unconscionable situation.
At any time in the past 150-plus years, the Popes and the British Monarchs could have done their duty as our Trustees. They could have fully disclosed the situation at the end of the Civil War and assisted us in organizing new elections. They could have assisted the Reconstruction process instead of obscuring it.
Instead, they saw an opportunity to benefit themselves at our expense and acted in Gross Breach of Trust, Treaty, and Commercial Service Contract owed to us and to our States of the Union.
Instead of making amends for any of this, and instead of seeking a peaceful resolution via confession and negotiation, the Pope and the Queen continue to interfere with our lawful government and to promote war on our shores.
This is the thanks we get for preserving them and their institutions through two World Wars.
This is what their “diplomacy” really amounts to—- ugly threats, obstruction, and interference in our internal affairs, even down to the level of spying on and trying to undermine President Trump.
The Pope and the Queen have cashiered away and benefited themselves from vast amounts of American assets including land, gold, and silver which they purloined for their use, “Human Resources” that they conscripted under force and conditions of constructive fraud and deceit, and intellectual property and material rights they have preyed upon.
If they wish to have peace in the world and friendship with America, it’s time to up-end and reverse course.
The United States of America is still here, still alive. Our lawful Persons are assembled and properly declared and constituted to collect and receive back the assets owed to us and our States of the Union: our land, our gold, our silver, our labor, our Good Names, our credit, and our peace.
Even if it is “impossible” to return everything that they have purloined, the Pope and the Queen and all their assorted minions, owe a Good Faith effort to do what they can to make amends and to cooperatively and peacefully assist us —a hundred and fifty years late— as we restore our lawful government to full function at all levels.
And there is certainly no excuse for either Principal Party, the Queen or the Pope, to meddle in elections, obstruct election outcomes, or to promote, instigate, or support any form of violence on our shores.
Let all Americans know and all the other people around the world know, too, what we— and they— are up against.
The Holy See has 185,000-plus mistakes to correct and that’s just for starters.
24th November 2019, 10:29 AM
Anna von Reitz ( aptfpP0&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
My Thanksgiving
Our family will be apart—again—this Thanksgiving. It has been more than a decade since we’ve seen our oldest son. It isn’t a matter of estrangement, it’s a matter of Duty Stations.
Our eldest daughter is clinging to life, beset by many health problems.
One is reminded of a magnificent bear beset by wolves.
No one malady can take her, but they hunt in packs.
Thyroid imbalance cooperates with adult onset diabetes and they collude with chronic back pain caused by a freak accident, and bit by bit, she slips away.
She won’t have the health to spare to come to our Thanksgiving table this year.
Our middle son is the typical rising star can-do-it-all guy, with all the problems that go with that. Has to work all the time, be on call, run, run, run.... lucky that he and his wife can slip away to a restaurant somewhere at the end of the day and pay someone for a shadow of a Thanksgiving Dinner.
So we will have what we have, with those similarly afflicted, and we will cobble together a time to cheer each other up, make the best of it, and be thankful for those blessings that remain.
My dog is still alive. An ancient Labrador Retriever that the vets gave up on more than a year ago, is still frisking in the snow and laughing at me with his eyes every morning.
My husband, who according to the experts, should have died a long time ago, is similarly ill-disposed to comply with the opinions of the doctors. His cheeks are pink, his eyes are bright, at pushing eighty, he is shoveling snow and clicking right along.
It appears that life and love do count for something, after all.
And we are blessed by friends both near and far. Those who love this country and who love the Earth and who love freedom, have come from all the corners of the Earth, and both in fact and in spirit, they will be here with us on Thanksgiving Day.
It’s not likely to be any big, fancy deal. Just a basic Thanksgiving Dinner with turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy, dressing, green beans, cranberries.
And we will share that simple menu and be very grateful for it.
We will remember the Wild Turkeys that fed our forefathers and the domestic turkeys we raised ourselves in years gone by. We will remember the smell of the earth as we harvested potatoes and the blossoms of the beans nodding on the summer wind. We will remember picking wild rice and wild cranberries and the full moons of September and October rising above the lakes we have traveled in canoes from shore to shore.
We will remember every place we have ever called home, and all our friends and family, our co-workers, our mentors, and all those who made a difference in our lives for the better—those that are here with us and those who are gone. We will stop and savor “the All of it”.
The ebb and flow of seasons. The smell of pine and wood fires and snow. The snug feeling of being where we belong, and being who we are, and being at peace with the mystery that surrounds us.
And most of all, the mystery of being together in spite of everything that tries to keep us apart.
24th November 2019, 10:37 AM
Anna von Reitz ( N7DfFS6sHXqswbb3ciJfWix0&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
It seems there is a picture in everyone's mind when you say the word, "Grandma".
My own Grandmother was tall and lean, with bright green eyes, and a wicked smile. She had her own sense of humor. When we'd fall down and scrape our knees (as long as it wasn't broken and only a temporary end of the world) she'd shake her head and say, "Come here, I'll pick you up."
Pretty soon, she'd have us laughing in spite of ourselves. Wincing and sobbing and laughing all at the same time. Mad at her. Loving her.
She loved rocks and minerals and was an inveterate observer of the landscape in all its detail. Give her a piece of beach and she happily walked along the strand for hours, peering bird-like at every bit of detritus, every shell. She had a fine eye for every nuance, and whether she was scanning the sand or the horizon, I always had the sense that she was seeing all of it.
And I do mean---- all of it.
Sometimes we'd hold hands and wade out into the surf for no reason, other than to feel the sea tugging and swirling around our bare feet.
Her eyes would go unfocused then, thinking of other times and places, of young men who went away to sea and never came back again, and very quietly, almost to herself, she'd sing songs in a surprisingly melodious voice.
Over the Sea to Skye. The Marine Hymn. Eternal Father.
It seems strange looking back that the sea had so much to do with our lives, considering that we lived most of the time in the middle of the continent, where the only seas were seas of grass.
My Father asked me to sing "Eternal Father" at his funeral, too, which I know must have sent a shock wave in all directions. Whoever heard of a daughter singing at her Father's funeral service? And such a song, at a graveside in the middle of Wisconsin?
Mine is not to reason why. That's what he asked of me. So, that's what I did.
Maybe it's because his Grand-Uncles were Admirals in the German Navy? Men who trained on the last of the Tall Ships, and who knew every sail and splice and knot, every kind of rope?
Their lives were supremely odd, too.
After the First World War, there wasn't much for a German Admiral to do. So they came to America and used their Midshipman skills learned on the Tall Ships, as trapeze artists traveling around with Barnum and Bailey's Circus.
When we went to visit them at their winter camp in Delavan, Wisconsin, they were so tall I barely came up to their knee caps, and very handsome and fit, despite being at least seventy years old by then. They had a merry gleam in their eyes despite all of it, and a small Fox Terrier named Bailey that knew every trick in any dog book ever written.
So my Grandmother, who loved the sea, and my Great-Granduncles, who were all about the same age, came to sit around the campfire in Wisconsin with snow all around, and more snow filtering down among the caravans parked there for the winter, and they wrapped her in a fur blanket and talked quietly about a world that was no more.
And I listened, quiet as a mouse in a room full of cats, hoping to catch a glimpse of it.
It was a gilded, glorious, hopeless age, the vanished Belle Epoque. The men went to sea and learned to fly stunt planes for fun. Grandma went to France and learned to play concert piano.
How could they ever dream that they'd wind up in Wisconsin? She, the matron of a dairy and herb farm, they, wearing funny costumes and flying on trapezes around the Big Top, a thousand miles from the sea?
Their lives seemed so tragic, yet, they all smiled about it just the same.
Come here, I'll pick you up.
They would never give up, so they could never taste defeat. Any of them. Not for any reason. Ever. That's just the way they were. Bon chance, mon ami.
And come the springtime when the apple trees were in bloom again, the two old knights rode up to her farmhouse on horseback just as the late afternoon sun touched the windows upstairs; I saw them and ran to the dooryard, staring in disbelief.
They were riding two of the biggest, shiniest, blackest horses I could even imagine, at least seventeen hands high at the shoulder. I suppose they borrowed them from the circus.
It was as if the past had come alive again, or as if it had never died. They swung easily down out of their saddles, attired in elegant gray tunics and trousers, wide, black leather belts and black leather riding boots. They were two figures out of a dream, stepped out of the old black and white tin-type photographs, and onto my Grandmother's doorstep.
Just in time for dinner, they said, and grinned like two school-boys up to a prank.
Come here, I'll pick you up.
26th November 2019, 05:57 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 8nNarN2r3QNSfsPW1RzoSeX5l5gBHtYXXG&hc_ref=ARQf0bxogSH7A7bP6sK9A3mQkHW3g4Tn5g65ANrsWct ynCdtFYp7ae4gmsrA_B3FPbA&fref=nf)
22 hrs ( ·
What We See
I was driving down the road one day in early spring when there is still snow on the ground and my husband, who happened to be riding shotgun said, “Just look at all the red coming out.”
“Red?” I asked. “What red?”
He turned toward me, thunderstruck, and he waved at the countryside all around us.
“The red in the landscape,” he said in an incredulous tone of voice. “Don’t you see it?”
And all of a sudden, because he directed my attention to it, I could see it, too. I was amazed how much red there was in all the buds and budded branches. There was red wherever I looked, but I had never noticed it before that moment.
It was my turn to be thunderstruck. My husband, the artist, had always seen the red in the landscape and took it for granted that I and everyone else saw it, too.
Not necessarily, it turns out. In fact, it turns out that our ability to see color and identify different colors is directly tied to our early experience naming colors.
If we don’t know the name for burnt umber or burnt sienna we don’t make a distinction and only see “brown”.
Since then I have come to learn that we all are different and see different things, know different things, and no, we can’t take for granted that others see the same things we do.
There are many things that I see and take for granted that others don’t see at all. I was reminded of this again last night, when I realized that many of the State Assembly Coordinators and State Assembly members don’t yet know how important their work really is.
Or why.
So I explained how the banks and our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors and various other countries had planned to claim the assets of our States and our People as abandoned property.
That “greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world” you keep hearing odd references to? That was our wealth they were talking about transferring and dividing up. It was our country that they “presumed” was without a government because the Reconstruction was left hanging.
And God knows that via their various schemes to mis-characterize us as British Territorials and Municipal “citizens of the United States”, they had done their best to de-populate our country on paper.
According to them, there were no American State Citizens left, therefore no State Governments and no States, either. And without the actual State Governments there couldn’t be a Reconstruction of the Confederation and no Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
To hear them tell it (just listen to Karen Hudes on this topic) our actual government had disappeared and been “held in abeyance” for 150 years. We hadn’t been heard from. The foreign subcontractors had been left in charge of the shop, but the actual Americans and their government were “missing, presumed lost at sea.”
And all the while of course, our erstwhile public servants were busy deliberately misidentifying us as Brits and Papists, even “stateless disregarded entities”—- anything and everything but what we self-evidently are.
We were asleep at the wheel and after being asleep for 150 years, what were the chances of us waking up and taking up the reins of self-governance again?
It must have been a big joke in certain circles.
Hot dog, they figured, they would just charge our credit up to the max, spending on all sorts of things for themselves and their friends, and when the bill came due, they would seek bankruptcy protection for themselves, stand back—and let their creditors take our stuff as payment for their debts.
That, Mr.Trump, is why America has always been paying the lion’s share of all these international expenses. That’s why we have been stuck paying for 900-plus military bases all over the world, the reason we were paying the defense and police costs for NATO, donating the Big Bucks to Israel, and almost single-handedly paying the tab for the UN.
That, too, is why our gold and silver assets have been cashiered away “in safekeeping” — offshore, purportedly “for” us in our “absence”, but in reality used by these False Friends as giant slush funds and collateral for them to borrow against and use to rig commodity and currency markets worldwide.
This is why we always take it in the shorts on every trade deal, too, and the reason that there has been no major infrastructure investment in this country since Eisenhower built the Interstate Highway System.
Our “Trustees”, the Pope and the Queen, have been busy spending our money and our blood on whatever they and their pals wanted anywhere around the world, and we have been paying it without as much as a thank you, while our wealth has been taken away offshore, ready to be claimed as “abandoned assets” once the Perpetrators decided to roll up the rug here and take all their ill-gotten gains to new digs in China—-leaving us to the tender mercies of their creditors, stripped bare, living as tenants of the Crown and the Pope in our own country.
Until we woke up, folks, there was no way to stop that from happening.
Nobody had the standing to claim back our assets and say— “Hey, wait a minute. We are not British Territorials. We are not Municipal citizens of the United States, either. What’s going on here? We’re Americans—- look around the room: Texans, Virginians, Wisconsinites, Ohioans, Georgians...,”
All our political status records have been carefully falsified without us knowing it, and until we correct that we have no standing to correct anything else.
So we begin by claiming our own estate, then assembling our State of the Union, and then, together, our country as a whole.
Our hands were tied and we didn’t even know it. We were being set up by the Popes and the British Monarchs to carry theirs debts and their friends’ debts, and even to pay for our own destruction, too.
So when a handful of Americans woke up and said, “Whoa!”—-it must have been a terrible shock, but not enough to convince the conspirators that their plot wouldn’t work.
After all, they reasoned, there were all these other countries in on it, too. Everyone was set to get a piece of America.
So they plowed right onward and worked double-time, stealing all that they could via bogus mortgages and foreclosures and the collection of income taxes we never owed and property taxes on our own land that we never owed, either.
But then something happened.
Enough of us woke up and corrected our political status records.
Enough of us manned our old “Ship of State”, The United States of America, and claimed back our birth States.
And now we are only 14 States away from total assembly of all 50 States. Let’s put the hammer down and finish the job now.
Our properly Constituted State Assemblies are proof that our People are still populating our States of the Union and that our State
Governments still stand and that our Federation of States of the Union, The United States of America, stands, too.
Our State Assemblies prove that our country is not “depopulated” and not abandoned, not without our own lawful government, and, our assets are not “abandoned” either.
Our State Assemblies have many vital abilities, not the least of which is the right and authority to enforce the Constitutions and to direct the State of State Legislatures concerning State Trust Assets and the administration thereof.
The dog can resume control of its own tail, thank you, very much. All this criminal activity and corruption can cease now. And it is all because of our properly constituted State Assemblies.
For the first time in 150 years the actual States are presenting themselves.
So—to the fourteen States still lagging behind— do you want a bunch of foreigners to seize everything that is owed to you and your State?
Your land? Your share of the gold and silver? Your share of the National Credit? Your share of the 20,000 tons of gold FDR racketeered from your grandparents and great-grandparents?
Are you going to stand there like stumps?
You have a birthright, a fabulous inheritance that is owed to you.
All you have to do is follow the logical steps to correct your own falsified political status records, and then self-govern by organizing your State Assembly.
Once the States are back in order, we will move on and finish the long overdue “Reconstruction” of the Confederation of the States of America. Each State will organize a business organization to function as a “State of State” for it, and the restoration will be complete.
So, do you see the red yet?
26th November 2019, 06:01 PM
Anna von Reitz ( LSzuWIZfHAALX0RXldRUpmkvIr1IR2CZH9&hc_ref=ARRkK_kGzUMDs0QK6Dq4j58Oy4KZB7Jb95an-qDxzWiJGqdtRTwv-wyuYuAsLV-J_G8&fref=nf)
9 hrs ( ·
The Only Solution
This morning I awaken to three typical Complainers yammering at me.
They all have problems with the current "justice" system.
They all want me to give them solutions to their problems with this system.
When I suggest correcting their political status, joining their State Assembly, and operating their own government, they react like wet cats.
You expect us to self-govern? THAT's the solution to my custody battle? My divorce? My DUI? My foreclosure? My (and the list goes on and on)?
Self-governance is the answer.
Every day the madmen in DC and all their affiliates in all fifty-seven "states" in their system add more "laws" to what their citizens have to obey. There are now more than 80 million such laws on the books.
Even a backwater place like Alaska adds 200-300 new "laws" per year.
Over the course of a decade, that's 2,000 to 3,000 brand new laws for you to know and obey.
Each one of those "laws" is an opportunity for the State of State system to collect revenue for itself and to coerce you. Every single one of those "laws" amounts to a tax on the people participating in their system of things.
The only thing that keeps it in check is the expense of enforcing all this burdensome idiocy.
So, do you want to be free? Or a slave?
Being free means that you correct your political status records and join your State Assembly and govern yourself according to The Ten Commandments as your ancestors did.
You can live under ten Laws or 80,000,000 statutes.
If you choose to live under 80,000,000 statutes, don't come running to me to gripe. I've already told you what the problem is and how you can not only avoid it, but control it.
If you don't get busy and do what has to be done, nobody can do it for you.
Many of you are confused and think that Americans live under Federal Code.
The only people who live under Federal Code are British Territorial United States Citizens---mostly US military personnel and their dependents.
Many of you are further confused and think that Americans live under Municipal Code.
The only people who live under Municipal Code are "citizens of the United States" --- mostly Federal Civil Service employees and their dependents.
If you are an American, you need to come home, and self-govern. And tell your public servants what you expect of them, too.
26th November 2019, 06:39 PM
Anna von Reitz ( IjhJQbJ5EwZMqc3Y-50eyrRuNnQ4C5tx50&hc_ref=ARRg5P1-puhLmdzS6XIT5XQltWXJC6THI711QgHGHboCsz47WKSebszBrl mT9sS5vHA&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Why It's Always the Navy
If you go to the US Patent and Trademark Office and start reviewing patents held by the US NAVY you will see some truly criminal and deceitful patented processes. Things that will make your hair curl and your blood boil. And it is all right there, in their own words, with their names and addresses on it.
And then, the more you trot around the world, you realize that it is always the Navy causing trouble. Just like Britain, the Navy is always at the bottom of the dog pile. All roads in skullduggery go back to.... the Navy.
Not the Army. Not the Air Force. It's always, predictably, the Navy that causes trouble. And there is a reason for that.
The Navy is controlled on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways by the British Monarch.
That gives the British Monarch quite a wide latitude to curry influence and direct operations of the Navy---- and to cause trouble for America and Americans.
Over time, many senior "American" naval personnel get mixed up about who they actually serve and how this system is supposed to work. They even mistake such concepts as "Commander-in-Chief" of all military forces.
Recently we have had several flare ups of the Navy kind. Two admiral-rank naval officers defied direct orders from President Trump and nearly caused a Bay of Pigs situation before being shut down.
Now, the Secretary of the Navy has been fired by his boss, the Secretary of Defense.
What it all comes down to is insubordination--thinking that because the Queen plays such a dominant role in naval operations out on the High Seas, that her command structure is the important one.
That, and forgetting who they all actually work for-- the American States and People -- which is a common problem both in the military and the Federal Civil Service.
As you study history you will notice that there is a long and shady connection between the US Navy--- meaning both the Territorial United States Navy and the Municipal US NAVY--- and all sorts of disastrous, corrupt, and politically-motivated actions.
Why was it that the Municipal Carrier Fleet was saved and the old battleships were sacrificed at Pearl Harbor?
What really happened with the Lusitania? The Titanic? The USS Liberty?
The Boxer Rebellion? Hong Kong? The Bay of Tonkin?
We've seen the gross abuses of FDR's Administration in so many mirrors, should it surprise us that the Prime Suspect and Bone Carrier of British Ambition during WWII was the Navy, too?
Should we be surprised that the United States Navy spirited our gold away to the Philippines for "safe keeping"?
Or that the US NAVY carried all the paperwork associated with our phony Birth Certificate ESTATES from Puerto Rico to Europe, just before Puerto Rico was devastated by a man-made hurricane geoengineered by the US Navy? (Oh, yes, they have the patents on all that, too.)
Or that the US Naval Observatory was involved directly and indirectly with the 9/11 Cover Up? Or that Annapolis has long been the seedbed of elitism and secret society activity in the US Military?
Why was it a Navy task force investigating financial aberrations that was targeted during the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon?
Should we be surprised that career officers in other branches of the service routinely refer to the Navy as "Navy Pukes"?
They aren't talking about sea-sickness.
It's always the Navy. Don't even stop to check your watch.
And unfortunately, with the Queen and the Pope working together hand-in-glove, the problems with the Navy are exacerbated a hundred-fold.
Why? Because the profane "religion" of the Satanist Liars is a sea-going religion, too.
It started in the sea ports of Babylon and traveled West to the shores of the Mediterranean at Balbek near modern Tel Aviv, through Turkey and Greece on the north side of that sea, and to Carthage on the south; from Greece it traveled to Bulgaria and eventually to the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, from Carthage it went to Rome and from Rome to Ireland and Cornwall and Wales, and also to Portugal.
The Phoenicians adopted this religion whole-heartedly, hence our use of the slang word "phony" to describe anything that is bogus, misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent to this day.
The Dutch version of this profane religion settled in New York along with the rogue Dutch East India Company commercial fleet in 1702. The British version, the British Crown, was already here.
Where was Satan "cast down"? The sea.
Who invented Liar's Dice, "liberty" as opposed to "freedom", press-ganging, and debtor's prison?
Do you think that maybe, perhaps, there is a reason that "Withholding Agents" are all Warrant Officers in the British Merchant Marine Service?
And who was it who made the bulk of their money trafficking everything, including slaves and tobacco --- one of the original "controlled substances" that the Federal Government regulated and taxed for funding?
It's always the Navy--- just like its always the Brits--- and not least because the British Monarchs have maintained an improper influence and control over the US Navy, and have regularly abused this delegated power entrusted to them.
26th November 2019, 06:45 PM
Anna von Reitz ( sjxzNc&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Ambulance Call -- Nation on Life Support
Listen up. There are three governments active in this country.
They are: the Queen's British Territorial United States Government, the Pope's Municipal United States Government, and last but not least, the actual American United States Government, dba The United States of America.
Because both the Queen's Government and the Pope's Government are operated as for-profit incorporated entities in the business of providing governmental services, they operate like other big transnational incorporated entities --- think GE, Raytheon, Mitsubishi, etc.
They use "Public Policies" set by their Boards of Directors which are then rendered into administrative codes ---- Federal Code that directs the Territorial Government, and Municipal Code that directs the Federal Civil Service.
These codes are interpreted and enforced by in-house Tribunals, operating as MUNICIPAL COURTS and as District Courts, respectively, at the Federal level, and at the State Franchise level by STATE OF STATE Municipal Courts and State of State Territorial Courts.
State Franchises are just like Dairy Queen franchises of the two foreign federal corporations providing us with "governmental services". Same menu, same agenda, all bound to act in sync and according to the directive of their parent corporations.
Each of these foreign "service providers" are subcontractors of our actual American Government.
Unlike the foreign entities here to provide us with "essential government services" per Article IV of our constitutional contracts with them, our government is a living government, not an incorporated business structure.
Our ancestors vested all sovereignty associated with this country in the living people and Lawful Persons thereof.
That's why our government is known as "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" and not as "government of the persons, by the persons, and for the persons."
Unfortunately, thanks to immoral and improper actions undertaken by our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors, our political status records have been falsified and we have been misidentified as either British Territorial United States Citizens or Municipal Government "citizens of the United States", instead of being recorded and recognized as being American State Nationals and/or American State Citizens.
This falsification of our political status records has been done for a variety of self-interested reasons -- to facilitate taxing us, to control us by subjecting us to foreign courts and statutes, but also to claim that we, as a nation and as a country doing business as The United States of America--- no longer exist.
No Americans means no American State Citizens and no American States. No American States means no Constitutions and a whole continent wide open to be claimed as "Abandoned Property".
That is what the Queen, the Pope, the Central Banks, and a host of other Bad Actors have been up to: to bring false claims of abandonment against our lawful government and use that as an excuse to claim that all our assets belong to them.
It's a criminal enterprise engaged in under Gross Breach of Trust, which, by Maxim of Law is equivalent to Fraud.
And you, Joe Average Americans, are the potential victims of this heinous plot brought to you by your own employees.
This is to inform you that your lawful government, The United States of America, is not dead. It's still alive and still defending you, but it is on life support. Unless you get off your duff and breathe life back into it and into your own State of the Union, it could be gone, and then what?
You get "re-settled" like the Irish population was "resettled" in the 1850's and 60's. Maybe you will get to live in those gleaming, unoccupied cities the Chinese Government built in the Gobi Desert, but you will lose everything you have here, everything that is rightfully yours.
So, your options are: (1) do nothing and let this happen; or, (2) correct your political status by declaring and recording the fact that you are an American State National; and then, (3) act as a State Citizen to self-govern your State of the Union.
To date, thirty-six out of fifty States of the Union have been officially re-populated and State Assemblies formed. If your State is one of those lagging behind in this process, don't stop to ask the reason why. Go to: ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0QLkzOBPRKEOwqfU5T4RIJlmmvX d9MQKEgbBhoO4HWEe6DF_6OnmNGDVQ&h=AT3zbooUTHlWF2v2SABahxvumBZVTSY-ygOvau0bugszraSYOLtr_ivRQryo1ncDAqficFKNPMLYlXA-50CjJl0CMMz0pR3Wjc1O6ov6WsPA4-yBRWaUVoGoW0y3iL_dIU0XVx0Hc7DcGxGa5MGEGnpCrLIGtkDZ ) and take action to save your own bacon and your State of the Union now.
Those States that don't answer the call and assemble will be considered vacated and fair game for the abandoned property claims. Get yourselves and your States out of this wringer now.
Answer the ambulance call to save The United States of America.
Make a donation to our work today. Paypal is: and Snail Mail is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
If you can't donate, work and educate others, and if you can't work and educate, pray.
26th November 2019, 06:51 PM
Anna von Reitz ( BK_CCablVubnv3DJt5jF&hc_ref=ARQE0bnKElzCUnyCS-UT1GqvvaBTgcPGZ3w5CdBOBM-581V6hK73u0l33XzweueVpLk&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
What State Assemblies Can Do
Many people are just plain missing the point.
Not only do you have to reclaim your political status as an American to be able to access your rights and guarantees under the Constitution and to avoid foreign taxation, you have to do this to re-populate, officially, your States of the Union.
If your State is "vacant", the Pope and the Queen will seize it as abandoned property and steal it without firing a shot.
So there you have the carrot and the stick.
Now let's add another carrot.
Once you have your State Assembly up and functioning, that State Assembly (not "State of State" Assembly--- State Assembly) can tell the State of State Legislature how high to jump and what you want corrected.
Bogus Mortgages and Lending Practices leading to equally bogus Foreclosures? Tell the State of State Legislature that the State Assembly demands a Moratorium on all Foreclosures affecting State Nationals within the borders of your State.
Fed up with CPS stealing kids? Tell the State of State Legislature that the State Assembly supports keeping families together and objects to mis-characterizing marriages as Joint Business Ventures and to the licensing of marriages in general.
Tell the State of State Legislature that you are dissatisfied with their presumptions and their activities registering American babies improperly as British Territorial or Municipal citizens --- and you want it stopped in your State.
Tell the State of State Legislature that you displeased with the racketeering that agents of the IRS (Municipal) and Internal Revenue Service (Territorial) are carrying out against people in your State who don't receive any Federal Income and aren't obligated to keep records for foreign governments.
Your State Assemblies formed by properly declared American State Citizens have vast powers that can be exercised to correct all of these evils and many more.
So quit whining and crying and fighting with these yahoos. Adopt and declare your proper birthright political status, join and operate your State Assembly, and start cracking the whip. Issue Declarations of Protest and Remonstrance to the State of State Legislature operating in your State of the Union, and if it is a "Federal Issue" to the Congress as well.
They work for you, you don't work for them.
27th November 2019, 09:50 AM
Anna von Reitz (
9 hrs ( ·
American Catholics
In Southcentral Alaska we have a Catholic radio station. It re-broadcasts Catholic news and views programming from around the world. It often pops up loud and clear on my radio dial as I am driving around and if there is an interesting discussion going on, I listen in.
This week I caught a discussion about the sanctity of life and how the answer to the one question, "Is life sacred?" then leads to extremely disparate results.
If life is sacred, the speaker, a senior cleric explained, then we must respect the dignity and rights of living beings.
But if life is not sacred, then nothing connected to life is sacred, either.
It is then possible to justify murder and rape and theft and all sorts of immoral things based on the assumption that life is not sacred. It all becomes "relative", if life itself is not sacred.
I could have joined in and said, well, then, if you understand that, why has your Church tolerated The Collective Entity Doctrine, which claims that living people are equivalent to and interchangeable with dead legal fiction entities?
Why has the Church stood by and allowed members of the Bar Associations, including Catholic Attorneys, to use grossly misleading "terms of art" like "human" (colored people) and "natural person" (corpse, dead body) and let them create "infant decedent estates" to defraud and manipulate living people?
Why has your Church carried on a de facto persecution of innocent living people of all faiths, knowing that most Americans don't actually owe "Peter's Pence" at all?
If life is sacred, why stand by and allow living people to be demeaned as "dead" legal fiction entities or literal corpses, either?
I was steaming away like The Little Teapot.
Oh, I applaud the Roman Catholic Church for holding the line against abortion. But what good does it do, when the same Roman Catholic Church oversees the "killing" of these same babies on paper, denies them their sacred nature, and reduces them to the level of legal fictions a few days or weeks after they are born?
If life is sacred, then it must be sacred in all times and places, including courtrooms, and the ownership interests owed to living people must be respected in all jurisdictions of the law.
Nobody blessed to live can be reduced to the level of a fictional character or an inanimate thing-- a corporation of any kind; life, if it is sacred, can never be diminished by the color of anyone's skin, and nobody can be described as a "corpse" while still drawing breath.
I'm sorry, but you can't preach to me about the sanctity of life with one breath, but then, with a few lies and the stroke of a pen, reduce those same living babies to the level of corporate fictions--- a dead man's estate, a public transmitting utility, a public charitable trust, a foundation, an LLC.....
I pulled into my driveway just as the next topic came up: original sin.
Again, the speaker explained the standard Catholic doctrine -- that Original Sin resulted in man trying to play God, and make moral judgments that mankind is incapable of.
But, just that morning, I had read in the news that Pope Francis is considering making environmental damage a sin. A sin. And an excuse for more blame and taxation, of course.
Looks like Francis is ready to eat the apple, core and all.
In the early 1960's at the time of Vatican II, just about the same time that President Kennedy was killed, the Roman Catholic Church went off track.
It eschewed Latin as part of the Mass, but vastly stepped up the use of DOG LATIN to tax and defraud and mischaracterize living people as THINGS---- in direct contradiction to its avowed stance on the sanctity of life. It has been merrily committing paper genocide, indulging in the Justinian Deceit, denying the living status of living people ever since.
The Roman Catholic Church has been preaching one thing and practicing another for decades, until now we have the spectacle of pedophiles as priests and Jesuits as Popes and Pope Francis defining new sins.
Apparently, God forgot one?
How about this? It's wrong to lie about and defraud little babies in their cradles. It's wrong to steal from, enslave, harass, disrespect, cheat, lie to or lie about anyone.
I sat there in my car and watched the snow falling in the twilight. The priest on the radio seemed so calm and reasonable. His voice was reassuring. He seemed to be saying, everything's all right, the snail is on his thorn and God is in his heaven....
I could see why a presentation like this would be very comforting to Catholics hungering for positive, simple, solid, spiritual guidance.
If you weren't also aware of the double-dealing going on at the Bureau of Vital Statistics---and the Catholic Church's role in it, you would certainly never suspect that anything was amiss and never imagine that the Church was in on the Dead Baby Scam and still promoting it.
Just as Americans in general have to wake up and smell the garbage, American Catholic have the extra duty to smell the rot in their own Church and they bear the ethical and practical responsibility to clean it up.
This is not a task I envy anyone, and given the strict hierarchy of the Church, I am not sure how such a clean up and clear out can be done. I only know that it desperately needs to be done and I hope that the many sincere Catholics I have known will be guided, inspired, and enabled to shut down the "Dead Baby" identity theft scam, racketeering "gifts", and all the other criminal and quasi-criminal activities their Church has been involved in.
The ends do not justify the means, no matter what you say or how you say it, or whatever excuses are made for the violent racketeering and other crimes that have been committed here and all over the world by the Roman Catholic Church. Nobody here attacked the Church. The Church attacked us in Gross Breach of Trust and profited from it.
That's the ugly truth that is owed sincere amends to the actual victims.
27th November 2019, 09:59 AM
Anna von Reitz ( Q31n3Y0NJtAr5VGPwNiLLMuijJ9H6X1RXI&hc_ref=ARQfiUGJW0nqSlVYJwI3H74u_-uviahqPyZiG7nRY763Sn7xvgj51QfECa7zEKpp_Gk&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
The Montana Question
One of the people in Montana who has worked hard to help build the State Assembly there was forced to leave Montana seven months ago.
She has continued to try to help organizing efforts there, but, because she no longer lives in the State (despite still owning land and property there) and has no set plan for returning, there is no basis for her to act as Coordinator for Montana nor to retain State Citizenship there beyond the limits of the State residency requirements.
When we move from one State to another, we have to establish "residency" in the new State. "Residency" is a temporary status and does not imply that you are settling down forever and ever in that State. Ironically, most of us have unknowingly been living as "residents" in our own home States because we didn't know we had to record our being born there, or because we failed to actually adopt a new State when we moved.
Most States have published standards for how long you can be out of State before you are no longer considered to be living in that State, and for how long you can be a visitor in a new State before declaring residency there. The key words to look for in the General Session Laws are "living" and "homestead" and "residency".
I don't off-hand know the Montana laws for this, but I know that in Alaska, if you are gone more than 180 days out of the year, you no longer qualify to be considered an Alaskan.
The States of the Union have never allowed Dual Citizenship, and that includes Citizenship in any two States as well as State-Federal combinations.
The Founders considered Dual Citizenship to be a potential conflict of interest and against the Biblical injunction that "No man can serve two Masters" so none of the soil and land jurisdiction States allow it.
If you think about it briefly, you will see that State Citizens by definition need to be living in the State where they claim State Citizenship.
Otherwise, you could have people who were actually living in California, for example, but claiming to be Nevada Citizens, and then deciding the fate of people and assets in Nevada.
Nobody on the receiving end of such an arrangement would consider that fair or equitable, so it is not allowed, nor should it be.
For some reason, our friend in Montana is struggling over these facts and claiming that people outside of Montana are deciding things "for" Montana and "meddling" in Montana's affairs and so on and so forth in her struggle to remain active in Montana and not establish new State Citizenship where she is living now-- but it has always been this way and it has nothing to do with anyone meddling with anything.
We can't be two places at once, though sometimes we all wish we could.
State Coordinators are volunteer State Citizens who have taken on the job of helping others get their political status declarations done and recorded, and who are spearheading the effort to organize their State Assembly. This isn't any official "office" of the State Assembly. It's just another job that needs to get done.
It wouldn't be fair to have people who are living in other States acting as your State Coordinator(s), just like it wouldn't be right to have people from other States voting in your State elections.
So, no, you can't be living in California for most of the year and claiming to be a State Citizen of Montana. It just doesn't work that way.
Please note: you have to live and make your permanent home in the State where you claim your State Citizenship, but your State National status travels with you.
In other words, I will always be a State National of Wisconsin because I was born in Wisconsin, but unless I actually live in Wisconsin, I can't be a State Citizen of Wisconsin
29th November 2019, 05:51 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 9W5axPywSlCD8B2844xTeOk0&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
Understanding Source and Cause; Q and The Plan
There are three (3) dates and three entities that every American should have cause to know and to memorize. All three occurred during The War of Independence.
The first is the publication of The Unanimous Declaration of Independence on 4 July 1776. This created "The Union" known as The United States.
The then-colonies redefined themselves over a period of years first as the "United Colonies" and later as "estates". The soil jurisdiction holdings were defined as private holdings of separate nations and the geographic bounds of what would become States were recognized as (e)states belonging to the people living within those boundaries, both as public and private holdings.
In the Roman system of nomenclature this gave rise to states including: new york, massachusetts, rhode island, new hampshire, etc. while in the English nomenclature, gave rise to New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, etc.
The second is the creation of The United States of America on 9 September 1776. This created "The Federation of States", an unincorporated Holding Company.
This secondary "union" represents the international land and sea jurisdiction which underlies the soil of each (e)state and the international powers accorded to each State which were combined for mutual aid and benefit. This Federation of unincorporated States is the "doing business as" name of the American States and People.
The third is the creation of the States of America on 1 March 1781. This Confederation of States was formed under The Articles of Confederation to serve as an incorporated business structure doing business in the global jurisdiction of the air under the charter of the Several States and in their mutual behalf.
Both The United States and The United States of America are unincorporated entities, free-standing and existing under the direct provisions of the sovereign States and People.
By contrast, the States of America was created as a separate chartered business enterprise of the Several States and People to provide essential government services in the realm of global commerce.
There is a clear progression and delegation of power inherent to this process.
The (e)states (national jurisdiction) gave rise to the States (international jurisdiction) and the States gave rise to The States of States (global commerce jurisdiction).
There is an equally distinct progress in kind.
The Union known as The United States is "corporate" in that is stands apart from each separate and sovereign (e)state and so is our Federation doing business as The United States of America, but neither one of these entities are incorporated. They are independent, free-standing entities that are designed to do mutual business for the (e)states of the living people and the Estates of the Lawful People of this country, in two separate jurisdictions: national and international, respectively.
The Confederation begun in 1781 is chartered by the individual States and incorporated by them using The Articles of Confederation.
The difference is akin to the difference between two independent businesses and a commercial corporation.
Thus you may think of Massachusetts as an independent business and The United States of America as a Federation of independent businesses. You may also think of Massachusetts and the People thereof as granting a charter to The State of Massachusetts and then authorizing its membership in a Confederation of similar state-of-state franchises doing business as the States of America.
So there are three (3) different entities right from the start, separate in name, separate in jurisdiction, separate in date of creation, and separate in kind: union, federation, confederation.
The United States, The United States of America, and the States of America each served a different function and were designed to operate in different capacities.
The United States, a union of states formed by Unanimous Declaration, derives its existence from the (e)states and living people of this country.
The United States of America derives its existence from the land jurisdiction States and the Lawful Persons known as People of each State.
The States of America derives its existence from the States and People granting charters to States-of-States and thence to their Confederation.
The States of America, the Confederation of States of States, is the missing piece that went off-line during the Civil War.
This country has been operating like a 12-cylinder engine firing on six cylinders ever since and nobody bothered to explain the situation to the populace so that this could be corrected.
Therein lies the specific Gross Breach of Trust amounting to Fraud which has been committed against us by our own Government Service Subcontractors and Employees, both Military and Federal Civil Service.
People often ask me about "Q" and "The Plan".
It seems like that elements in the Military and Intelligence Community have been working for some time to correct their operations and honor their actual service commitments; I have no argument against "Q" and their treatment of the Deep State Actors as criminals --- for such, they are.
This is not now and never has been about politics, race, religion, or much of anything other than fraud and commercial crimes.
This is about identity theft, impersonation, constructive fraud, unlawful conversion of assets, inland piracy, human trafficking, enslavement, illegal securitization, patent, trademark and copyright fraud and infringement, press-ganging, peonage, extortion, racketeering, kidnapping, collusion, conspiracy against the Constitutions and a host of other heinous crimes-- mostly of a commercial nature-- and all committed against the people of this country and our estates.
Perhaps it was the existence of 800 FEMA camps and industrial-scale foreign military operations staging out of Free Trade Zones within these United States that finally jolted at least some members of the Joint Chiefs awake and alerted patriotic members of the Officer Corps and Senior Enlisted.
Maybe it was our General Civil Orders issued in July of 2014, denying them all any plausible deniability, that kicked the football hard enough to get things moving.
So long as the ball is moving in the right direction, and the restoration of good order and public safety is secured, we can't complain about their initiative and the arrest of large numbers of criminals.
We estimate that if law already standing on the books were to be satisfied, upward of two million people in this country would have to be arrested and charged with heinous offenses against their fellow man and against the lawful government of this country.
We must, however, point out that these actions are not, by themselves, sufficient to restore the government we are heir to, nor to provide for its correct functioning.
In order to get the 12-cylinder engine back up and running, we have to assemble our States of the Union, we have to severally charter new American States of States, and restore the States of America Confederation in order to do that.
Beyond that, we must invest in educating a great many people about their actual government and their responsibility for it. Self-governance begins with attitudes learned and responsibilities accepted at home, at school, at work, and in the social fabric of a country. It cannot be achieved by the promotion of dependency and victimhood and unearned trust.
Our country has been steered off track deliberately and kept off track for generations by foreign interests we mistook as friends, allies, and treaty partners. They have used us as gun fodder in their wars for profit, and stolen us blind for 150 years.
It cannot be supposed that restoration of our government or our educational system can happen over night, after such a long and damaging period of abuse by foreign powers and misdirected public employees. Instead, we must patiently expose and understand the rot we are dealing with, and secure as much assistance, good will, and understanding as possible going forward.
This same system of deceit, impersonation, identity theft, a commercial criminality has infested not only "the US" Territorial and Municipal Governments, but similar incorporated governmental services corporations worldwide.
So, by all means, let the Q Plan materialize, but let's not fall asleep again and think, oh, goodie, things are back on track....because it will take major work on all our parts to finally accomplish the restoration of our self-governance.
29th November 2019, 05:58 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 6iH1ZGdKJMkdAJjzJgxCqLwhLi8wXxMd_-&hc_ref=ARTeZXLpVqgOEw5xOXwfJ3-sDLGDlbcso4_WHLgu3zW4dXYyG9dkuHxC_yUWilOzS-k&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
Land and Soil; Domicile and Home
When we formally and officially and in public record our re-conveyance of our Trade Name back to the "land and soil" of an American State, we are establishing our connection to both the soil (top 6 inches of dirt) and land (everything below the soil).
It's impossible to have land without soil or soil without land, so we say, "land and soil", yet under British land law, which is where we inherited this system, land represents a separate international jurisdiction, while soil is understood to be the national jurisdiction.
This same bifurcation of land and soil results in the concept of "domicile" and "homestead" as two separate but closely related aspects of actual life.
Living people have homes and homesteads. Lawful Persons and Legal Persons have domiciles - their principal places of business.
So when we say that we re-convey our Trade Name to the land and soil, we mean that we are conveying both our living self, one of the people, and our Lawful Person, one of the People, as the two unincorporated jurisdictions are inextricably linked: land and soil, domicile and home, Lawful People and living people.
And just like you can't have land without soil or soil without land, you can't have a lawful domicile without a home or a home without a lawful domicile, a Lawful Person without a living man or woman, and vice-versa,
So now we have people claiming that they have "a" domicile as a Person in Montana, but they don't actually live in Montana anymore.
This can only pertain to Legal Persons, which are not tied to carbon-based, actual, factual bodies.
Our Lawful Persons which are one of the People and which are State Citizens, are very much attached to our physical habitation, whether a house made of blood and bone or a house made of wood and stone, in the same way that soil and land are actually part of each other and inextricably combined.
As a result, it is impossible for a Lawful Person to exist and conduct business apart from a specific living man or woman being present. Lawful Persons are attached to us in the same way that the soil is attached to the land. State Citizens are all Lawful Persons.
I can't send my Lawful Person to school or market "for" me, because my Lawful Person does not exist apart from me. At most, I might send another man or woman to act as my agent or proxy.
So claiming that you have a permanent domicile in say, Ohio, while you are in fact living in another State, can only pertain to Legal Persons --- your STRAWMAN for example, was domiciled in Puerto Rico before you Expatriated the NAME and brought it home.
30th November 2019, 06:01 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Yc_8o&hc_ref=ARRzLdmDOAIxVJN7dAawUeUM-HXlMUifygvpDYk8HmaJSZOjR4dU4J5eE6dKqXeM0gM&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
For Steven Charles.
When you were a little kid and you did something wrong, what did you do?
You tried to cover up and remove the evidence of the wrong-doing. You swept up the broken pieces of pottery. You hid the ruined shirt in the rag bin in the garage.... and what else did you do? You lied about it if confronted.
I'm not a little kid, but the members of Congress have acted like little kids over the years that the Great Fraud has been ongoing. And so have the members of the Court System. There have been endless efforts to hide what they don't want us to see --- annotations, archiving, re-numbering, re-naming, and re-sorting---- all to obscure records. From time to time, they've even outright destroyed the evidence of what actually went on. We call this process "moving the cheese" and it is as common as dirt.
Without any reference to what you tried to do overall, it's impossible to comment, but what I can tell you is that back then the Congress was aware of wearing different "hats" as it dealt with issues coming from different jurisdictions.
The Continental Congress was in session on September 9, 1776, and any action that they took regarding the land jurisdiction would be properly recorded in the Congressional Record, not the Congressional Register; furthermore, they would be acting all across the board --- conducting air, land, and sea business as separate issues, but switching from one subject area to the next in an orderly fashion. This results in two different kinds of records -- the Register and the actual Congressional Record, plus three different venues: national, international, and global.
So what they did in fact in the air jurisdiction (which derives from the Unum Sanctum Trust that was established more than 400 years prior and is no more a figment of my imagination than you are) on that day ( which later becomes part of the records as a Municipal Government action and where you found this ) is what you posted above:
"Resolved, that in all Continental Commissions, and other Instruments where heretofore the Words, “United Colonies,” have been used, the Stile be altered for the future to the United States."
So, Steven Charles, Big Mouth, Accuser, Know-It-All ---- let's see if you know what a "Continental Commission" is? And in what context is this phrase being used here? And to which jurisdiction does this action pertain? Hmm?
What you have in fact uncovered is more proof of what I have said all along, though not the specific alteration being referenced by me. In the jurisdiction of the air (commerce) they began using the "United States" name at the same time that "The United States of America" was formed in the international jurisdiction (trade). This is the other half of the same action. They were trying to keep commercial accounts separate from international trade accounts.
You are just too inexperienced to read the tea leaves, but that doesn't stop you from shooting off your Big Fat Mouth.
If you don't care enough to learn these things and learn where to look for the evidence (obviously not in Municipal Government records) --- go back and suck up all the political rot and believe in that and be satisfied with your life as a slave.
30th November 2019, 06:09 PM
Anna von Reitz (
3 hrs ( ·
A Reply for "No One" ---- The Proof is in the Pudding.
What is, is.
Donald Trump is unique in my experience of Presidents--- and that now goes back sixty years --- in that he has kept or made very good faith effort to keep every single one of his campaign promises.
That is not the modus operandi of a "rat". That is evidence of an honorable man.
The modus operandi of a "rat" is clearly demonstrated by Barack Obama ---- "you can keep your health insurance" --- uh-huh and "I'm going to cut the federal budget" ---- after I inflate it by $12 trillion more in debt.......
THAT is a rat.
But a man who keeps his campaign promises? No, that is something different. Something really, really different.
So, based on The Pudding Test, Donald Trump gets high marks.
And I will stick with that until proven otherwise.
As for "Q" --- there has to be something in play and in a major way, or we would be at war by now. In fact, if Hillary had won, we'd all probably be in cattle cars by now.
Call it what you will -- "Q", the Plan, the White Hats, or the Good Angels. Whatever. All those federal indictments didn't just come out of nowhere, you know. So, there again, while I am waiting like everyone else for actual arrests of the criminals, the paperwork alone that went into that process is proof that "something major is going on".
And if it is what "Q" says, I am all on board with that, because it is a matter of criminality and not a matter of politics or economics or race or religion or anything else. It's all just ugly old garden-variety bunko and other forms of crime being practiced on a vast scale. So, yes, I agree with "Q" ---- it's a police matter.
With an estimated two (2) million felons at large in this country, it's more a matter of which variety of felon do you go after first?
For any competent and motivated police force, it's a "target rich environment".
And the next question is --- where do you put all these felons?
Look what happened to Jeffrey Epstein. Even if you find space for them, how do you keep the key contributors to the crime spree alive long enough to testify?
All that money put into Gitmo makes sense now, doesn't it?
And where do you find justices/judges competent to hold that many extra trials? A great many trial lawyers have to be trained to actually conduct admiralty courts, or, the normal caseloads of existing courts must be drastically reduced.
If I were a betting woman, I'd bet that there will be efforts to clear out jails by releasing and commuting the sentences of Americans who have been jailed illegally for regulatory infractions.
The impetus for that is two-fold: (1) we told the Pope and the Queen that we aren't paying for the cost of incarcerating those Americans, and (2) they need the jail space.
Again, if I were a betting woman, I would guess that they are waiting for the last shoe to drop in the Municipal bankruptcy that started under Obummer.
And then, technically, there won't be a Municipal Government left to protect the rats. They will all have to seek different cover.
Some members of Congress already have their Dual Citizenship set up to seek protection in other countries that don't have extradition treaties with us. Others will try to adopt back their American State National status ---- which is what Bill and Hillary have hidden behind for decades, but which will not be so foolproof now that our Government is operational again. We will be able to arrest them even if Mr. Trump can't.
Finally, if you were Donald Trump and you had around two million active felons at large, including the bulk of the Municipal Congress, which group of them would you focus your attention on taking down first?
He has chosen the pedophiles, and in my opinion, he has chosen wisely.
Why? Because they are universally detested as cowards and perverts, and that is well-earned; but, more importantly, because they prey upon the most vulnerable among us. As an extra reason to go after them first ---- the pedophiles span the whole spectrum of activities engaged in by all the other criminals and are often kingpins in additional crime syndicate activities.
That is, you can nail them for pedophilia and other gross moral crimes, and at the same time, take them out of their snuggled-up positions in banking and securities administration, government finance, records administration, Congress, the military, State of State administration, Court System.... all across the board.
I think Mr. Trump is doing a great job honoring his promises and taking out the worst of the worst of them in an orderly, non-destructive fashion. Godspeed and go for it.
But, one must remember --- Mr. Trump can only do what the parameters of his offices allow him to do. He cannot single-handed restore our lawful government "for" us.
The responsibility of self-governance remains our responsibility, and the authority of the land and soil jurisdiction can only be exercised by Americans claiming their unique birthright State National political status and then choosing as adults to act as State Citizens, operating their State of the Union.
Otherwise, we continue to operate a 12 cylinder engine on eight, and we continue to be at the mercy of the Pope and the Queen and whatever minions they have staffing their Territorial and Municipal Government structures.
30th November 2019, 06:18 PM
Anna von Reitz ( _wA5SSjRHRusHuACfE&hc_ref=ARR6a2W468iQuXDWXIivgAOV-n2VrmK3dMvLnt_S0W6vQASqlHzC3SZApMcBLujV89Y&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
For the State Assemblies and New Readers
1. We have Admiralty/Maritime Courts operating in an improper way in this country because our own American Courts are --for the most part-- not operating.
This situation arose as a result of the Civil War. The solution for it has been on the books ever since.
Milligan Ex Parte provides that when our civilian courts are operational, their military and commercial courts must be withdrawn and transitioned back to their proper limitations.
So, while I appreciate the fact that many of you have problems with both the Territorial and Municipal Court Systems, and understand that you are being improperly "addressed" as Territorial or Municipal Franchisees, it's up to all of us to do something truly effective to end this situation on a permanent basis.
And that is?
Declare our proper political status as American State Nationals, and, as adults, step forward to engage in self-governance as American State Citizens.
Having the "right" to self-govern is not the same thing as doing the work of self-governance and thereby exercising that right.
Having corrected our own political status records and having formed our State Assembly, we are in position to begin the whole endeavor set before us ---- and to organize our own land and soil jurisdiction Courts to serve the People/people of our States and Counties.
Once our courts are up and operational, their foreign courts by prior agreement established by Milligan Ex Parte, must withdraw and stop presuming upon us and misaddressing us.
So, now you know all these troubles with their courts---foreign taxation, child theft, licensing, foreign "titles" and "descriptions" placed on your land, foreign mortgages and foreclosures, funny money banking, securitization of living flesh resulting in enslavement and peonage--- all these evils can be stopped simply by you and your neighbors declaring your proper political status and filling your jury pools and electing your court officers.
What's stopping you? You are members of a separate population and you exist in a separate jurisdiction and you are responsible for your own self-governance, which includes operating courts for your own people.
Step up. Let your feet be fleet.
If you are having trouble explaining this situation and garnering enough support from other Americans to assist you and join your State Assemblies, you aren't explaining freedom well enough.
2. Each FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE issued by THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a foreign fiat currency, not actual money, being issued as an I.O.U. and as a military script by a foreign corporation.
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not The United States of America.
For the Newbies--- any time you see anything named using all capital letters, you are looking at one of two things: (1) a dead man's estate, or (2) a commercial corporation, and in either event, you are not looking at The United States of America [Unincorporated] --- which is the Proper Name of our Country and our Federation of States operating in international jurisdiction.
The potential collapse of this or any related foreign currency as a result of foreign counterfeiting and other criminal acts has nothing to do with us and emphatically does not mean that our country or our people are "bankrupt".
Far from it. American State Nationals and American State Citizens are the Priority Creditors of these organizations, commercial corporations, and the foreign governments supporting them.
So, again, give your friends and neighbors the benefit of an education in the value of being an American versus being a "US" citizen.
You can claim your true birthright political status and receive back all that is owed to you, including your State property assets, free and clear, or you can stupidly and stubbornly insist that you are "US citizens" of some kind or another, and be caught with your pants down.
So. Do you want your land, your gold, your silver, and your National Credit returned to your possession, free of debt and encumbrance?
Choice One.
Or do you want to be saddled with "infinite debt" that is actually owed by criminals --- but to be paid for by you and your children for generations to come? Choice Two.
Again, if you are having any trouble explaining this to your friends, neighbors, and countrymen, you're not trying hard enough.
These are not trick questions.
As an American State National or American State Citizen, you are the heirs and landlords and sovereigns in your own right.
As a "US" Citizen --- either a British Territorial United States Citizen or a Municipal "citizen of the United States" you are a servant and a debtor without recourse.
In fact, as a "US" Citizen [that is, a Federal Employee or Dependent] of either stripe, your only hope is that other Americans will step forward and reclaim your State for you, thereby preserving your inheritance free and clear of debt, for the day when you, too, can "come home" again.
3. Once you have your State Assemblies properly populated you are in position to begin issuing instructions to the State of State Legislatures and the Congressional Delegation.
You don't like being mis-addressed? You want the bogus tax bills to stop? You want the Post Office to operate properly? You want a foreclosure moratorium in your State? You want Child Protective Services to actually protect children?
Well, there's nobody but you to tell your public servants what you want done. And once you do, they are actually obligated (by their paychecks and pensions) to do what you tell them to do. Note the Emoluments Clause.
I can't do it for you. Mr. Trump can't do it for you.
Self-governance begins with you, your decision to take responsibility for your own life.
From that decision comes the decision to take responsibility for your own government, both at the county level and the State level.
From that decision comes the determination to take responsibility for the proper operation of the Federal Government, too.
Americans in charge of America.
What a concept!
And again, if you are having trouble garnering the understanding and support of other Americans and trouble filling the ranks of your State Assemblies, it is high time that you reviewed points 1, 2, and 3 with them.
1st December 2019, 12:58 AM
Anna von Reitz
5 hrs · (
My Beef -- Military, Get a Clue: 30 November 2019
Some persons have attempted to paint me with an "anti-military" brush, and also with an "anti-civil service" brush, but generally speaking, that is not at all true. I am, in fact, holding the line and fighting the fight for our military and our veterans along with everyone else.
My beef is with the Pope, with Her Britannic Majesty, and with scads of high level politicians and administrative ne'er do wells, who have happily enriched themselves in gross Breach of Trust, and far too often, have enriched themselves via spilling blood. That blood is ours, whatever job description.
They have followed up by cheating the actual military out of the services and pensions they have earned at such a cost. And that is what they are intent upon, again, as part of their Grand Slam Plan right now: collapse all the Pension Funds, let the stock market crash, stand back and reap the "benefits" by being able to buy up companies like GE and 3M and Bayer and Mitsubishi and Sanyo at pennies on the dollar, using our gold and silver to do it.
Who cares that the military pensions and services will also be "discharged" in this hideously unfair and dishonorable manner?
I do, so I guess I am not the Enemy of the military, am I?
I am one of those who wishes to scuttle the rats and force the corporations to pay up, instead of sitting on my thumbs and letting the actual living people suffer.
The US NAVY is a foreign, for-profit Municipal Corporation. It is staffed by Federal Civil Service Employees working for the Municipal DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, also known as "the" DOD. Most of these people are "retired" United States military personnel and many of them don't have a clue that they are doing anything wrong.
Thanks to all the "similar names deceits" that go on, some people have mistaken this entity, the US NAVY, for the United States Navy, which is another animal entirely.
Let's make it clear: the DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE and the US NAVY are both corporations. Giant commercial corporations. Both operate under the auspices of "the" Municipal United States Government. And both have been known to go completely bonkers and operate as crime syndicates, especially under the influence of quasi-military Agencies like the CIA.
These are the entities that spend their days cashiering away the American National Credit owed to the American States and People, and pretending that we are "absent".
These are the entities that, for the most part, have established the morally and legally and lawfully repugnant patents and protected those criminal patents "in the name of" National Security. Never mind which "National Security" they may be concerned about, and the fact that all these miscreant patents are null and void for criminality on the face of them.
Imagine --- self-admitted, blatant, criminal schemes --- being protected by the US Patent and Trademark Office. Everything from mind control to geo-engineering to "systems" designed to lodge false claims to own our DNA, to deliberately conceived "educational programming" designed to undermine our ability to think, to bogus electronic 'trading systems" that bypass the necessity of having any actual interest in physical assets that are supposedly being "traded".
These are all violations in Gross Breach of Trust being practiced against us and the rest of the living people worldwide, by run amok incorporated crime syndicates that have been promoted and protected by the Office of the Roman Pontiff, and since 2011, by the Roman Curia, which is continuing to play Circle the Wagons and Hide N' Seek while they try to protect the Catholic Church on one hand, and move their seat of operations to the United Nations which they propose to use as a storefront, just as they used the Roman Catholic Church for the same deceptive purposes.
Just so we are clear, all the "governments" represented in the United Nations are private, for-profit corporations in the business of providing "government services"---- not actual national governments at all.
Let us further be clear that the majority ownership and administrative control of all those corporations is held by the UN Corporation, a nasty old Vichy French Nazi-collaborator formed during the Second World War, two years prior to the United Nations Organization being chartered, and which functions in the same way as the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia once did ----- as a Comptroller Umbrella Corporation owning the majority interest in all these individual governmental services corporations.
So with the Roman Pontiff (or whatever they are going to call "him" now) holding the majority interest in these "national government" corporations, whatever they do is only what the UN Corporation tells them to do, and the UN Corporation does whatever the Roman Curia tells it to do--because they hold its charter "for" the Holy See, and the Roman Curia, in turn, serves Whatever Name or Office for the Prince of Darkness.
So once again, no matter how you cut it, all this deceitful, nasty, double-dealing, all these dishonest and immoral corporations and their activities, including the issuance of criminal "patents" to the US NAVY---- it all comes back to the Roman Curia and the Roman Municipal Government and ultimately to the Holy See and the Pope.
So don't imagine that I am being mean or critical of Midshipmen and boat Commanders and Captains of Vessels. I am not after Shavetail Lieutenants, Bosun's Mates, or Quartermasters. My quarrel is not with Warrant Officers, Commissary Officers, or Sergeants, Engineers, or anyone else having an honest job and occupation in the Armed Services at all.
My beef begins with corrupt Admirals and Generals and it climbs the food chain from there.
None of this is about honest men and women serving in the United States Navy or any other branch of Military Service in any rank. It's about rats infesting and manipulating our actual military for no good reason and without any granted authority to do so.
This, among other issues, is about preventing the criminals from foisting their debts off onto our actual military personnel and civil servants and preventing these foreign governments from evading the payment of the pensions and services that our military and federal civil service members are owed.
This isn't just about American State Nationals or American State Citizens. It's about what our Federal Employees are owed, along with all the rest of us, too.
But bear in mind, it is the "People" of this country, that is the American State Citizens, who hold the other end of the constitutional agreements, and we --- those of us who adopt and hold this political status --- are the only ones that can hold the thieves accountable.
So instead of telling lies about me and about our State Assemblies, and trying to cobble together individual "deals" to save yourselves at everyone else's expense, or trying to front fake "State Assemblies" composed of US citizens --- get a clue.
This game of Musical Chairs has come full circle.
The American State Nationals and the American State Citizens aren't the only ones who got cheated and treated like rubes--- and we aren't the only ones that they have attempted to feed "carrots for jackasses", either. We just happen to be the only ones who can hold the feet of the Queen and the Pope to the fire, and you happen to be our employees, responsible for assisting.
1st December 2019, 08:19 AM
Anna von Reitz ( t6fK9wm4kRTnwsw7w2DldfbSgJC8QrMpw1&hc_ref=ARRAG_ucUrxnojJSaRWoma4s7riVuO7WYpxlcJzoe1G R3DqchuNlbFgFqMi6rN5MzKw&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
Understanding States
A couple days ago I wrote an article about the concepts of Land versus Soil and Domicile versus Home and International versus National, and how the whole business of transition from Colonies to (E)states to States occurred in this country.
I also touched on the definition of soil -- the top six inches of dirt -- versus the land, which is everything under that skin of soil on top.
The way all this developed then is that the colonies became independent "landed estates" owned by the people living within their borders.
Perhaps the best way to envision this is a thin outline of your state's geographic shape, six inches thick, that you walk upon and plant crops in--- what we think of as our native soil --- and this soil comprises the National Jurisdiction belonging to you and the rest of the people who have adopted your state as their permanent home.
Your nationality derives from the soil. You are, strictly speaking, a Texan, an Ohioan, a New Yorker, and so on, at birth, and your State is your Nation. Because there are fifty States of the Union, we typically say we are "Americans" when someone asks our nationality, but in terms of actual law, that is not correct. We are Wisconsinites, Californians, Montanans, and Louisianans.... et alia.
Obviously, in addition to soil, your State also has to have land attached to and underlying the soil. This underlying subsurface layer plays by its own rules and is the home of many resources that your state shares with other states--- aquifers, oil reservoirs, mineral deposits and so on, don't respect political boundaries drawn on maps, so it should become clear why the land is an international jurisdiction in much the same way that the sea is an international jurisdiction.
For example, pollution of groundwater that occurs in one State may easily become a problem for one of more other bordering States that share the same underground resource. Such pollution becomes an interstate issue, which in this country means, an international issue.
Please note -- because our soil jurisdiction states are nation-states, the words "interstate" and "international" are synonymous in America.
Over the years, these technical differences between the National soil jurisdiction and the International land jurisdiction, have not been well-understood and are mostly only appreciated by miners and other subsurface resource developers and specialists in law and legal matters who have to deal with the interface between land and soil.
Most of us go our whole lives and when we say, "Minnesota" we automatically think of it as being one contiguous entity and we parrot the phrase "land and soil" without knowing the difference. We just lump these two things together for most purposes, the same way we say we are "Americans" though in fact we are Virginians or Wisconsinites or.....
So, one name, "Minnesota" stands for both the land in International Jurisdiction and the soil in National Jurisdiction, which is attached to and defined by the physical borders of Minnesota. This thing we call "Minnesota" is a physical place with borders, landmarks, land and soil, lakes and running rivers, and thanks to the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence Seaway, access to the oceans of the world as well.
All the other land and soil jurisdiction States of the Union have their own unique character, borders, landmarks, land and soil, etc., too.
These States, which are physical and which are geographically defined by borders and landmarks, are not created by any Constitution.
Like the people populating these States, the States of the Union are part of Nature, and to the extent that they exist as named entities, they exist because of State Compacts --- Common Law Covenants, which are agreements established among living people at a given time and which are memorialized and passed on to future generations of Minnesotans, Texans, Californians....
Neither the actual States nor their Federation doing business as The United States of America, owe their existence to any constitution.
It's the States of States that are formed by Constitutions.
As a result, the States and their Federation stand apart from and above and beyond any State of State or Federal Government Subcontractor.
When we are talking about States --- actual, factual States, we are operating under Treaties and Compacts, not Constitutions.
So the Federation of States, The United States of America [Unincorporated], is in a different class and realm than any of the Federal entities --- above and apart from the ruined Confederation of American States of States doing business as the States of America, also above and beyond the British Territorial Government doing business as "the" United States of America, and also above and beyond the Municipal United States Government doing business as "the" United States.
When you talk about the States and The United States of America, you are talking about sovereign unincorporated entities and a Federation of sovereign entities created by Compact and Sovereign Letters Patent, which are obligated by Treaties. Consider them "apples".
When you talk about States of States of any kind, including those chartered by the British Territorial Government and the Municipal United States Government, you are talking about corporations created by charters issued by sovereign entities (our States, the Queen, and the Holy See, respectively), defined by Articles of Incorporation and obligated by Constitutions. Consider them "oranges".
And know this -- the "apples" can do the work of the "oranges". They simply delegated portions of their own work and responsibility to other entities to perform.
I may give AB Lawn Services, Inc., a contract to mow my lawn, but if the corporation in receipt of the contract [described as a constitution] goes bankrupt, or fails to perform the assigned job in good faith and with reasonable competence --- guess what?
I still know how to pour gas into my lawn mower, I can still replace the air filter, and I can still mow my own grass, thank you, very much.
I am not rendered incompetent because of whatever ills befall my subcontractors, and neither is The United States of America rendered bankrupt nor incompetent because of things that happen to or because of its "Federal" subcontractors malfunctioning.
So --- repeat after me: States are apples. States of States are oranges.
States are formed by Compact and Sovereign Letters Patent, and are obligated by Treaties. Apples.
States of States are formed by Charters and Articles of Incorporation, and are obligated by Constitutions. Oranges.
1st December 2019, 06:08 PM
Anna von Reitz ( kehIcGPkq38vVVcvW3bia3JJuIx-8iVukv&hc_ref=ARTzfZqRj4vFQV31F38aua8Yp3dmSc0f-ejTp9VHBmCro2qBFYP-olqCprNulbG-fuA&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
The Biggest Lies
I've been sitting here this morning, thinking about lies.
Children lie because they don't know any better, but as you get older, most people stop lying --both to themselves and to others. There are, of course, many exceptions. and many adults continue to lie because they think it profits them in some way.
Bill Clinton: "I did not have sex with that woman."
Those of us who have arrived at the next stage of maturity, know that it does no good to lie, because the Truth, in its entirety, is always known. So, as a practical matter, there is no use in lying. That's why we don't do it.
Barack Obama: "I'm going to cut the Federal budget."
It really is laughable at times, and yet, people who believe lies act upon them.
Think of the millions of people who have voted for politicians to run their lives and ruin their country, simply because they believed lies?
And then failed to check back on voting records and do performance evaluations?
So they continue to believe and vote for the same politicians who have been lying through their teeth the whole time.
US Senator Lisa Murkowski: "Of course, I'm a Republican."
Billions of people worldwide give up over half of their earnings under conditions of force and duress, yet somehow, they believe that they are free.
They pay property taxes and mortgages, yet they think they own their homes.
NIST: "The World Trade Center towers collapsed because of office fires ignited by jet fuel."
Just recently, I was accused of lying.
A neophyte researcher went on the internet and couldn't find something I referenced.
He was looking for an action undertaken by the Continental Congress affecting the International Jurisdiction of the Several States--- in Municipal Government records. No joke.
That's like looking for Acts of Parliament in the archives of the City of Pittsburgh, Ohio.
Even after I explained his mistake, he remained convinced that I'd lied to him.
So, it's not just a matter of being lied to by others, it's also a matter of lying to ourselves --- failing to admit our mistakes and limitations.
How else does his incompetence become my lie?
Pope Francis: "We must obey the UN."
[I just won't mention that I own 'the" UN.]
We discover, much to our amazement, that our two foreign Subcontractors, the Queen and the Pope, have been colluding together to create a perpetual "war" on our soil.
This is amazing on three counts.
First, it's amazing because a shot hasn't been fired in this "war" in a hundred and fifty years, plus, the whole thing was an illegal mercenary conflict and not a war to begin with.
Second, it's amazing because they are our Employees and have no reason or right to be fighting on our soil.
Third, it's amazing because the Queen works for the Pope as his Overseer of the Commonwealths, and the British Territorial Government that is supposed to be one side of this non-existent "war" is a Commonwealth. So the Pope is fighting against the Pope, and both the Pope and the Queen are profiting from this at the expense of their Employers.
I'll admit this is a jaw-dropper, but it is the truth nonetheless.
So, yes, it can be hard to make a distinction between truth and lies, simply because the truth is unbelievable.
Who could believe that the Pope is the one ultimately responsible for all this destruction and criminality? That he is literally causing it to exist?
As he, the Pope, owns all these corporations and controls the charters issued by the Holy See, he could, presumably, pull the plug on the whole shooting match, and end the bogus "war" with the flick of a pen and a whisper in Lizzie's ear.
And what about us? Why are we standing here allowing our EMPLOYEES to cause us trouble?
It is unbelievable. It's also true.
So, what to do in a world where truth can appear to be a lie, and a lie can appear to be the truth?
Perhaps the answer lies in science and mathematics--- the Natural and Universal Laws.
Perhaps, too, there is a reason that this video showed up in my in-box this morning as I was ruminating about lies. It exposes the Biggest Whopper of them all:…/the-biggest-lie-youve-ever-…/ ( 2F11%2F30%2Fthe-biggest-lie-youve-ever-been-told-this-will-change-the-world%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0QdpIqkE0fMNTkNe7BMBhuK4or Fb1CJkd1D-k2Hd8KYzcrVrylkfo8HqM&h=AT3fEfBzQ4KQDYzpE3qTUZreTx_RAUEOp2e4-JRoH2UpXHJXSt4KjjEOYLqORAlIKYqMl4cif8flgvYW0Bj6hsX pCJ-BPH2gI71kdJU7FH0qYmPeaQDcy5u2l3ssNALgr1XYaS5PKSqkW QKYh4MvqmDHdeqgXUgd)
Remember our meditation to break apart the Great Seals that are interfering with the flow of energy on this planet? The Great Palatine Seal in Rome is battered, but still standing. It's time to pull it apart.
Maybe that will finally convince the Pope?
The Seal on Bardsey Island is below the waves, but needs to vanish entirely.
Just imagine untying knots, releasing all the things that bind us, letting go of the past, letting go of selfishness and fear, being truly free and truly honest and truly healthy and truly loved.
Because you are.
2nd December 2019, 10:24 PM
Anna von Reitz ( AC&hc_ref=ARSZXBQvQI0jUzP2Ek3xe7j7rDsBW2TnBroXbIj2wCD Qhta8yJwNlDpImi1c56FDEyk&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
Schmanking = Criminal Banking
The banks are crooked. All of them. They have no other choice. And THAT is the problem. We have, whether we know it or not, created a criminal banking system and then stood back and let it roll. What kind of results do we expect from that?
A train wreck is what I expect from that, and "transitioning" out of this crooked system is made difficult by the fact that both alternative models, the gold-backed system and the quantum system, are known to be crooked, too.
What bothers me is that the bankers know this and I know this and you should know it if you don't --- but nobody is talking about this fundamental fact.
The Federal Reserve system is a fantasy built on grossly criminal practices requiring impersonation, enslavement, and barratry.
The IMF system is built on a currency commodity rigging scheme -- the "Exchange Stabilization Fund".
The BRICs system is built on manipulation of gold reserves and artificially restricting access to gold --- commodity rigging, again.
The Quantum system is another fantasy built on manipulation of old MS-DOs programming and manipulation of digits, more rigging....
It's all about manipulation of "perceived values" of symbols and artificially controlling access to commodities. It's all crooked. And if you think about it more than five minutes, it's also crazy.
It's idolatry. Just like people used to carve statues and worship the "image of God" they had themselves created, we create these "symbols of value" ---- coins, pieces of paper, etc. --- and give them value based on our belief that they have value.
Years ago I waved a dollar bill at a friend who was staring at me like I was nuts.
I said to him, "Look at this! What is it? It's a piece of paper! And it's not even a useful piece of paper. It's printed all over, so not good to write on. It's too stiff and hard-surfaced to use for toilet paper. What in the hell do you think this is? What gives it any "value" if not your pig-headed belief that it HAS value?"
And it is the same thing with a gold coin. Sure, gold is a metal, so relatively speaking, more valuable than paper. It's even a fairly rare metal with some special properties as metal, which increases its value for some industrial applications. But, when you get right down to it, what good is it to you? Can you eat it? Wear it? Will it keep you warm or fuel your car?
And if you don't use gold or silver, what other commodities are you going to arbitrarily pick? Blueberry jam? Seltzer water?
You see, this whole system of thinking and doing things is crazy, so instead of arguing over which idiot-system we are going to use, let's stop being idiots.
There is only one (1) and exactly one (1) honest form of money possible.
And that is money based on the value of all traded commodities and all labor, worldwide.
A currency based on all traded commodities and all labor immediately guts the motivation for rigging commodities and buffers everyone against losses. It also puts a curb on "futures trading" --- because every country is a producer of "currency standard goods", and so, at least potentially, is every individual.
So, we could have honest money, free trade, and global harmony for the cost of issuing a currency based on the total value of traded goods and labor, worldwide. It could be issued by one international Think Tank and all the various countries could take turns sending their own oversight teams to make sure nobody was fudging anything. That takes care of the fear that there would be one bank controlled by one set of all powerful bureaucrats.
Along with this, strict and permanent accords would have to be adopted guaranteeing every living man and woman the absolute right to engage in trade and to use this global currency without restriction or fear of losing access to it and the transfer systems related to it.
Our money would stand for the labor, both skilled and unskilled, of workers in China as well as Belize, Germany, and all the other countries of the world. It would stand for all the commodities traded on every stock exchange worldwide.
So a gain in the value of skilled labor in Bangladesh would increase the value of the money worldwide, and a new forest planted in Brazil would increase the value of the money worldwide.
In this way, the monetary system would encourage everyone to do better and to help each other. It would also encourage every government on Earth to be diligent in guarding against counterfeiting and hoarding and other evils, because they would know that it was their money being victimized by these practices, along with everyone else's.
Ah, but what about the Eternal Problem? How to pay for the disabled, the sick, the elderly, the infants--- all those who, for one reason or another, are not able to pull their weight?
We simply value them more, and in our new banking system, we give them extra tokens.
Life itself is infinitely valuable, beyond price.
So we need to stop focusing on the comparatively petty issue of how do we feed the poor and infirm--- and start focusing on the much larger issue of properly valuing life and thereby valuing our brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, friends and neighbors, the dogs at our feet and the trees lining our streets.
After all, everything that we trade and everything that we earn from work and services, is all predicated on being alive and having needs and desires as living people. Most of us are both producers and consumers, but those who are only able to consume are vitally important as well.
It is the consumers who give meaning and value to what the producers produce, whether it is goods or services.
Consumers are the ultimate source of "perceived value" in any such system.
Put another way, it's my hunger that makes your hot dog valuable in the first place.
If we remember these simple facts when we create economic service systems--- and that is all that banking and insurance and stock and bond markets are--- and properly value consumers for what they contribute, then everything falls back into balance. Both the yin and the yang have their due.
From that perspective, it then becomes possible for people to see that all of this, whether honest or crooked in its factual operation, is arbitrary.
It's a game. We are keeping tally and nobody really knows why. That simple act of keeping track of what goes into the system and what comes out of the system and into "your" account and "my" account, is what creates the illusion of limitation, separation, and value.
Accounting makes rich men rich and poor men poor.
Accounting is the mechanism of enslavement, just as law is the instrument of condemnation.
So we need to ask ourselves --- what are we accounting for? Why?
Perhaps it might make sense if the purpose of accounting was to make sure that everyone gets a fair share, or to make sure that something pencils out in terms of effort going into it versus benefit coming out of it, but instead, the main purpose of accounting in the modern world is to keep track of digits and shunt them here and there, to keep a tally of symbols---signifying what? Non-existent piles of silver? Hours that nobody ever worked?
This might be harmless enough in a theoretical world, but our actual experience tells us that it is harmful, because people forget it is a game and charlatans make false claims in commerce based on these tallymarks. They take actual homes and farms and factories "in return for" --well, nothing at all.
Yes, I will give you credit for reading this, because most people can't bear to think about these things --- and I will note that there is no big difference between me "giving you credit" for reading this and any bank giving you credit for filling out a loan application, pledging your assets to them, so that they have credit to loan you.
You finally see how stupid this is? How important it is to know what you are valuing? And how that value is accounted for?
Value, like beauty, is actually in the eye of the beholder. It doesn't exist external to the relationship between individual Producers and individual Consumers. So focus the economic services industry on the relationship between Consumer and Producer, and properly value the Consumers.
The simpler, more mindful, more direct, and more honest we can make the interface between Consumers and Producers on a worldwide basis, the better. Instead of quibbling about what physical material we use to make tokens ---our little Tiki gods made of gold, plastic, paper or what-have-you-- or what form the tokens take, our attention should be on what we value and why we value it and how we account for it.
The more abundant and the more widely dispersed the tokens are, whatever we use as tokens, the better. We don't need to be coy or chintzy about our reasons for distributing tokens, either, so as to make them seem more valuable by being scarce. We can freely give every man, woman, and child on this planet more than enough tokens to live and live well, which should be the goal of any sane economic system.
And then, we need to ask ourselves a lot of disturbing questions like: do we really need ten Barbie dolls? Do we need to eat meat every night of the week? What impacts do our consumer choices have on the planet? The plants, the animals, and other people? Do we need to make other choices and value other things? Or value different things more?
Maybe love and health should hit the scales and weigh in as being "valuable"?
These are the worthy questions, and the answers we give can change the world.
It really doesn't matter whether we use gold, paper, plastic, or digits as a "medium of trade". Whatever tokens we use to represent value, they remain tokens, in the same way that a statue representing a saint remains a statue.
So let's re-focus our thinking and the worldwide debate about banks and "money" and currencies, and most of all about "value" --- and let's squarely face such questions as, "Can value be stored?"
I, for one, don't believe that value can be stored in a gold coin like storing electrons in a car battery; rather, I see that some delusions are more durable than others. People more readily believe that gold has value, so according to their belief, it does.
But that's like saying I believe in ghosts, so I am more scared when I hear something go bump in the night.
It's not a reflection of the value of gold. It's a reflection of people's long term belief in the value of gold.
Let's ask--- what is our standard for assigning "value" to a cord of wood, or an hour of time?
Let's ask why your hour as a brain surgeon is so much more valuable than my hour cleaning ten toilets?
Most of all, let's ask who all this really belongs to --- because to be honest, none of us created any of what we are trading.
Even our ability to walk around and think and perform work is being constantly created for us by powers we don't begin to comprehend.
So, in the final analysis, what are we doing, but indulging in an adult game of "Pretend"?
Let's look at what we are doing, why we are doing it, and how we are doing it. And then answer the real question that we are being asked by the entire Universe: what do you want? Do you want things to be like this?
And if not, let's change it.
3rd December 2019, 02:28 PM
Anna von Reitz ( kkEJze8rrDRikCVVMWh-gIPtS1v0RM41fH&hc_ref=ARTXYK9cL0mR8W6n8NtRt6Xax1h4544KhhkVHaBmW3q 1RE8-VJO4-gwFSIcPZMeDQ8U&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
About Us Working With Karen Hudes
Karen Hudes is a flak for the World Bank— but this statement requires analysis of what the “World Bank” is. It’s a bank of banks, controlled by bankers from all over the world.
So what happens when the World Bank does things that endanger or offend the member banks?
If things get bad enough and the implications liability-wise are clear enough, those member banks that stand to lose the most will need a “whistleblower” to dampen down the improper actions being taken by the World Bank.
The same scenario could develop within the World Bank itself. The Directors could find themselves being outgunned and out-maneuvered by several very powerful member banks —in effect, forced to do immoral or illegal things and left to take the blame for it.
Enter Karen Hudes.
That is the kind of “Whistleblower” she is— not the brave, lonely figure alerting the world to criminal wrong-doing, but the Insider being employed to blow the whistle because internal organizational control mechanisms aren’t working.
You might think of her as the person being paid to pull the emergency brake on a runaway train.
So, she’s certainly not an enemy of the World Bank. She still indirectly works for them and so, last time I looked, does her husband. She was, in fact, taking action to help at least some factions within the World Bank and most likely, her activities stem from the second scenario— that is, most likely she was working for some of the directors of the World Bank to save the World Bank.
My beef with Karen is that she either doesn’t know or chooses not to tell the truth about the American issues. She misrepresents American history and does so in a way that undermines efforts to settle accounts.
And why that is?
She has spent her life in Europe and even many Americans who grew up and stayed in this country for a lifetime don’t know their own history, so it is completely plausible and even likely that she simply doesn’t know that she is misrepresenting what went on here.
It could also be that she knows the history and is — again —- protecting the World Bank.
The World Bank has reasons why it does not want to hear about what it owes Americans.
For starters—
1. We know that FDR collected by his own admission 20,000 tons of privately held American gold. We know that 6,000 tons of that was used to capitalize the Federal Reserve System, and 14,000 tons was used as a bankruptcy guarantee for the other Secondary Creditors—- the World Bank and IBRD (International Bank of Reconstruction and Development).
We know this gold stash was used as a collateral guarantee backing both the World Bank and IBRD as a result. We also know that when the bankruptcy of “the” United States of America, Incorporated was finally settled in November of 1999— that gold was not returned to the Americans.
World Bank and IBRD claimed it as “abandoned assets” —-and made no attempt to contact us and return the assets to the lawful heirs—- the living people of this country.
I have a problem with that.
It’s bad enough that they had the free use of our assets as collateral for 66 years without our consent and even worse that FDR stole our assets at gunpoint in the first place—- which they also had cause to know—- without adding injury to insult by purloining the assets once the bankruptcy was over.
We want the 14,000 tons of American gold returned to the lawful government of this country, to be returned for the direct benefit of the heirs of those it was stolen from.
It’s just simple law and decency. If your Grandmother was forced at gunpoint to “donate” her wedding ring, you’d feel the same way I do. It’s not even the thought of any riches. It’s the thought of justice and property being returned to the lawful heirs and owners.
Second Bone to Pick—-
Upward of $21 trillion dollars worth of credit owed to Americans is also owed by the banks —and the World Bank and its members certainly have cause to know this.
The “system” adopted in 1913 and completely implemented in 1934 is a debt-credit system using a private military script I.O.U. known as the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE — FRN’s, as currency.
Like any other “Note” this is just a piece of paper promising to pay at some later date.
But to be legal there has to be a redemption date and there is none published on these notes—- why?
Because the debt was transferred to Treasury Bonds that are issued in tranches and paid off on specific dates —to the purported investors, the Federal Reserve Banks.
But are the Federal Reserve Banks the actual investors?
No. They are just a bunch of check kiters, illegal securities brokers, and crooks.
The American States and People are the actual investors— again, at gun point, forced to “invest” by Legal Tender Laws.
So let’s look a little deeper at the actual situation.
They are using debt as legal tender which results in what is known as a debit-credit system.
I give you an I.O.U. and you give me a hamburger.
Have I paid you for the hamburger?
I have promised to pay you back sometime in the future.
In this way the “US National Debt” accumulated, and so also did the American National Credit.
All the Americans who exchanged their actual labor and actual hamburgers for I.O.U.s are owed pre-paid credit for every penny of the US National Debt.
Plus interest.
This is a fact that none of the banks want to face, because they all benefited from using this credit that was in fact owed to us. They purloined it, leveraged it, invested it, cashiered it away so that we couldn’t have any direct benefit from it, and now, they don’t want to admit what they did and return it.
In fact, they can’t return it, but they could make a good faith effort to benefit the people they wronged by carrying through on the promised remedy passed by their Congress back in 1934, and honoring a system of Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption, which the miscreants never actually disclosed to the public or fully implemented.
In a MOCEE system both parties owe each other debts.
In this case, we owe them for government services and they owe us for the goods, services, credit, etc., that they receive from us—- so we simply agree to “offset” our debts.
I owe you $10, you owe me $100, so we agree that henceforth, I owe you nothing and your debt to me is reduced to $90.
If the rats had simply carried through and made this available to the Americans, the US Debt would have been kept in check and never “blossomed” into a $21 trillion dollar behemoth. Plus interest.
Now the “US” Corporations, including the Federal Reserve System, responsible for this theft and embezzlement of pre-paid credit owed to the Americans, applied for and received bankruptcy protection because of the bogus “US National Debt” that should have been offset —but clearly, this was all predicated on fraud and embezzlement of credit owed to us, so that no bankruptcy protection should have been allowed.
Those who benefitted from this theft and who protected the perpetrators—- the Pope and the Queen—- remain on the stick for it, but all the banks worldwide benefitted, so Karen’s buddies at the World Bank are squeezing their knees together, too.
It’s an absolutely staggering amount of pre-paid credit that was extracted from us and the interest owed on it has taken on a life of its own.
The pre-paid American National Credit is the elephant in the downstairs bathroom.
We know that they can never pay us back in actual fact, but they can begin to make amends by doing what they agreed to do in the first place. They need to be authorizing Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions for all Americans, allowing us to offset all public debts.
In real time that means that we would be able to offset mortgage payments (which are public debt, not private—but that’s another story), college loans, utility payments, and various other bills.
This could be done simply by issuing a special purpose credit card.
In this way, Americans would finally obtain relief and the Perpetrators would finally be paying some of their own bills and nobody would have to go broke over it.
So far, they are trying tooth and nail to obscure and cover up the facts, but both the history and the very nature of a debt-credit system belie them.
They are stuck and they either come to terms to provide relief that is owed, or eventually enough “wolves” will wake up— enough other countries will realize that they have been or are being victimized in exactly the same way, and then all bets are off.
I suspect that this latter fact is what makes the World Bank so nervous.
Growth and profits are good things for corporations—-and that includes banks, but not at the cost of enslaving people you are supposed to serve, and not at the cost of fraud, embezzlement, and all the other crimes involved.
This is just "the credit side' of things. There's more that puts us -- Americans -- at odds with Karen and the World Bank on the actual assets side.
In 1868, the Scottish Government chartered a commercial corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Inc." They then gained access to our credit using this semantic deceit. Their plan and the plan of every other corporation operating in this manner ever since, was simply to charge up our credit cards to the limit, claim bankruptcy protection for themselves, and claim that we were their co-signers --- so as to leave us holding the proverbial bag. Before their planned bankruptcy, however, they did a number of things that have still to be corrected or accounted for.
Most significantly, they bought the Philippine Islands "for" us, using our money to do it, and then, they transported all our physical gold to the Philippines for "safe-keeping" offshore.
Yeah, right.
That original Doppleganger went bankrupt in 1906 and the next Doppleganger, "the" United States of America, Inc. pulled the same basic trick, inflated the currency, ran up the stock market, caused the whole "Roaring Twenties" and Prohibition mark up, went bankrupt in 1933 --- and in 1934, their Board of Directors calling itself a "Congress" passed legislation "creating and independent government for the Philippines".
This created a situation wherein we owned the land of the Philippines lock, stock, and barrel, but now the Philippines had an "independent government" to act as the Trustee for all our gold that was packed off and stored there. This is the connect between Marcos and the Philippines and our gold and President Kennedy and the various agreements that various Presidents made "for" us and that Karen keeps hooting about --- the Bilateral Minefields and Green Hilton and so on.
To put it mildly, all that went on back then by any sane evaluation, is piracy.
And by Maxim of Law, "Possession by Pirates does not change ownership."
Everything that they stashed over there still belongs to us and we have the shipping and docket and flat and box numbers and everything else from those days down to this. We even have their supreme Bank Trustee in our jurisdiction, and are working with him to sort this Mess out.
So, that is stroke Number Three that Karen Hudes and the World Bank don't want to face.
Don't get me wrong. The Americans don't own all the gold that is cashiered in the Philippines and Indonesia. We do, however, own a very goodly part of it, and we own it outright. Our gold and silver deposits collateralize many, many, many banks and the loss of that collateral is what ultimately terrifies the banks.
As with so many other bunko schemes they changed the meaning of "Depositor" to allow themselves to seize deposits left in their keeping, but our deposits were made before those surreptitious changes away from a "normal course of business" ---- so we are unaffected and grandfathered-in.
Karen and her Employers at the World Bank don't know whether to stand up or sit down as a result. Nobody knows what to do, and at the same time, nobody wants to talk to us --- because they are afraid of us. They know how mercilessly we have been cheated and defrauded and they expect no mercy in return.
I can only assume that they judge others by themselves.
However, in the broad scheme of life, it does no good for anyone to seek the destruction of others. That just opens up another avenue for nasty people to profit themselves at everyone else's expense, so no, we are not proposing vengeance. We are proposing a peace and reconciliation process to discharge odious debt and open up credit resources and restore a sane economic system, at the same time that we fully restore our own government--- putting Americans in control of America again.
This should be good news for people worldwide, as it dawns on them that "the US" is not America. It should also be a relief that we are proceeding in a lawful and peaceful manner and not being vengeful.
At the same time, Mr. Trump and the Pope and the Queen, need to talk directly to the actual Creditors and dispense with any pretense that we are anyone or anything but what we are: the American States and People, doing business as The United States of America [Unincorporated].
Obviously, Karen and the World Bank and the community that she represents professionally have tried to avoid these facts and tried to explain them (and us) away, and that is why I have a less-than-high regard for Karen. I see her as someone who is grinding her own wheel and actually protecting interests that have been less than honest and forthcoming both now and in the past.
That doesn't mean that they can't change, and it doesn't mean that we won't talk to them in the interests of resolving all these issues. It just means that the facts as we know and observe them don't jive with the story that Karen is selling.
3rd December 2019, 09:29 PM
Anna von Reitz ( EaVuxN1vSG2VxguL6soH0&hc_ref=ART-MkjMDdkiBE2LxmwLwggSML3M6a7qqOSyrjYbj8-VJJ12ZG2oKROQkA7DkdTrOsw&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
Publishing the Notice Sent to the Alaska Congressional Delegation and Other Parties in April 2016
April 22, 2016
To: Don Young, Lisa Murkowski, and Dan Sullivan
c/o “Alaska Congressional Delegation”
702 Hart Senate Building, Washington, DC 20510
US Certified Receipt: 7006 0810 0003 3541 5755
709 Hart Senate Building, Washington, DC 20510
US Certified Receipt: 7013 3020 0002 1837 0399
2314 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
US Certified Receipt: 7013 3020 0002 1837 0412
From: Anna Maria Riezinger, Grandmother
I am writing to you today pursuant to my duty to fully inform you.
1. Please be informed that you do not represent me and that I am not your employee. I am in fact your employer and benefactor and am a Beneficiary of the United States Trust which you are all supposed to be administering as Trustees in my behalf; also be informed that ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER and ANNA M. RIEZINGER and all other franchises created or thought to be created and operated under these names owe their allegiance to the land of Wisconsin, are of age, and are voluntarily expatriated from any allegiance, obligation, or association with the corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES and equally expatriated from any allegiance, obligation, or association with the corporation doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
The living Americans who are the respective Holders in Due Course of these given names and the underlying Trade Names formed in Upper and Lower Case and all other derivative names, labels, accounts, assets and vessels in commerce associated with them are American State Nationals owing their singular allegiance to the land of their birth.
This is your Notice of these facts.
2. In April of 1861, Lincoln forced the remaining (Northern States) members of Congress back into Session as Commander-in-Chief under martial law, and this has remained the situation ever since. Despite three public declarations by President Andrew Johnson declaring the land jurisdiction to be at peace, no peace was ever actually declared and no Peace Treaty ending the Civil War has ever been signed, with the result that our nation has remained at constant “war” of one kind or another for 150 years. This has caused incalculable damage to millions of people worldwide and the deaths and deprivations of millions of Americans, too. The blame for this continuing outrage against humanity rests firmly on the shoulders of your predecessors and now upon your shoulders.
Resume operation of the proper civil government owed to us under international treaty or stand revealed before the entire world as a nothing more than a despicable corporate military dictatorship being run by international banks under color of law.
This is your Notice of these facts.
3. June of 1864-- the “acting Congress” passed an Act changing the meaning of "state, States and United States" to mean "the territories and District of Columbia". (13 Stat. 223, 306, ch. 173, sec. 182, June 30, 1864.)
“US Territories” means “portions of the United States that are not within the limits of any state and have not been admitted as states. Includes all federal installations”—military bases, docks, courthouses, arsenals, etc.
This was never changed, so, all references to “state, States, and United States” in Federal Code that are not otherwise specifically defined, must be construed as “the territories and District of Columbia”.
You must also make a distinction between the meaning of the words used prior to and then after the passage of this 1864 corporate law.
Prior to this, “state, States, and United States” meant what we commonly still believe them to mean--- after 1864 in Federal Code—they generally meant something entirely different and opposed to the popular meaning.
This is your Notice of these facts.
4. In 1871-78 an additional meaning was given to “United States” via a process set in motion by the Act of 1871:
The Legislative Act of February 21, 1871, Forty-first Congress, Session III, Chapter 62, page 419, Congress chartered a Federal Company entitled "United States," a/k/a "US Inc.," a "Commercial Agency" originally designated as "Washington, D.C."
Though the Act of 1871 was repealed, its legislative intent was merely chopped up and subsequently passed via this process:
“An Act Providing a Permanent Form of Government for the District of Columbia,” ch. 180, sec. 1, 20 Stat. 102, June 11, 1878, to remain and continue as a municipal corporation (brought forward from the Act of 1871, as provided in the Act of March 2, 1877, amended and approved March 9, 1878, Revised Statutes of the United States Relating to the District of Columbia . . . 1873–’74 (in force as of December 1, 1873), sec. 2, p. 2); as amended by the Act of June 28, 1935, 49 Stat. 430, ch. 332, sec. 1 (Title 1, Section 102, District of Columbia Code (1940)) .
As the actual District of Columbia was set up in 1790 and fully chartered by 1801, the aim of the Act of 1871 is, as it must be, merely to set up the “United States Corp”.
This process of legislation created a private corporation owned by the actual government of the District of Columbia.
Thus the only government created was that of any private corporation which determines its own administrative rules and structures.......that is, the US Corp dba “UNITED STATES” is not merely the adopted doing business name of an incorporated municipality (District of Columbia)--- it is also the name of a private corporation (District of Columbia Municipal Corporation) that was created by the acting Congress via the Act of 1877 and as amended ever since.
This is confirmed by Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C), which states unequivocally that the UNITED STATES is also the name of a corporation, as just demonstrated from the public records.
This is your Notice of these facts.
5. In 1945, the United States Supreme Court addressed the meaning of “United States” for what it termed the “final time” and offered the following:
“The term "United States" may be used in any one of several senses. (1) It may be merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in the family of nations. (2) It may designate the territory over which the sovereignty of the United States (that is, the territories and District of Columbia) extends, or (3) it may be the collective name of the states which are united by and under the Constitution.” --- Hooven and Allison Company v. Evatt, 324 US 652 (1945) (This is also the verbatim definition of “United States” given in Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition.)
Thus we have a total of five definitions of “United States” in common use within the federal government– the three given above, the one adopted in 1864, and the one coming out of the Acts of 1871-78.
This is your Notice of these facts.
6. The same duplicitous word-smithing was done with the words “United States of America”— with the same result.
From --- A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier, published 1856:
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. (First meaning given):
“(1) The name of this country. [That is, the actual land mass.] The United States, now thirty-one in number, are Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, and California.”
(Fifth meaning): “(5)—The United States of America are a corporation endowed with the capacity to sue and be sued, to convey and receive property, 1 Marsh, Dec. 177, 181, but it is proper to observe that no suit can be brought against the United States without authority of law.”
So, even before the “US, Inc.” there was the “USA, Inc.” and both of these entities are referenced in what follows.
This is your Notice of these facts.
7. Does the UNITED STATES – the private corporation operating the government of “the Territories and District of Columbia” have “citizens”?
1873: U.S. v. Anthony 24 Fed. 829 (1873) "The term resident and citizen of the United States (”United States” meaning “territories and District of Columbia”) is distinguished from a Citizen of one of the several states, in that the former is a special class of citizen created by Congress." (That is a “citizen of the United States” is a “statutory citizen”—created by legislative action.)
1875 - This definition of "United States" as a Corporation has its own citizens (see United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542) who are generally referred to as United States citizens.
1953 - Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383 "A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government…”
1967 - Congressional Record , June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646: A "citizen of the United States" is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT, the private constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc. in Section 4.
Yes, the UNITED STATES Corporation has “citizens”.
This is your Notice of these facts.
8. Can “citizens of the UNITED STATES” be corporations? Yes.
Diversity of citizenship exists when opposing parties in a lawsuit are citizens of different states or a citizen of a foreign country. If the party is a corporation, it is a citizen of the state where it is incorporated or is doing business. If diversity of citizenship exists, it places the case under federal court jurisdiction pursuant to Article III, section 2 of the U.S. Constitution.
See above definition of “citizen of the United States” from the 1967 Congressional Record--- “a civilly dead entity defined as a private constructive cestui que trust which “upholds the debt” of both the USA, Inc. and the US, Inc.”
This is your Notice of these facts.
9. What is a cestui que vie trust? It’s a trust formed when the actual owner of property is “unknown, presumed dead, lost to accident, natural disaster, or missing at sea” and the State then seizes control of their property assets and presumes to be the owner and beneficiary of their estate.
So where are all these “missing people” coming from?
From the Bureau of Vital Statistics, which has been busily and fraudulently seizing upon American babies and declaring them civilly dead almost at birth.
This is your Notice of these facts.
10. What has been done here is nothing less than slavery by proxy:
A corporate franchise has been named after each one of us, and then, we have been coerced and deceived into accepting the debts of that franchise via a “similar names” deceit.
Prior to 1933 a Foreign Situs Trust created by the USA, Inc. was named after a living man called “John Frederick Doe” and this Foreign Situs Trust was then also gratuitously named as a Surety for the bankrupt USA, Inc’s debts. The actual man named John Frederick Doe was then pursued and forced to pay the debts owed in fact by this corporation. In 1999 that bankruptcy settled and the American People paid off every penny of it.
Beginning in 1944 the US. Inc. similarly named a Cestui Que Vie Trust after the living man John Frederick Doe and called it “JOHN FREDERICK DOE” and this estate trust was named as the Surety for the US Inc.’s debts and “removed” to Puerto Rico. The actual man named John Frederick Doe was then pursued and forced to pay the debts owed by this corporate franchise, too.
This past year, 2015, President Obama acting as the CEO in charge of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. (the USA, Inc’s latest rendition organized under the laws of the United Nations City-State) announced the creation of a new franchise named after “John Frederick Doe”--- and created a franchise of a bankrupt Puerto Rican Electric Utility named “JOHN F. DOE” operated under the laws of Puerto Rico.
Meanwhile the living American who is the Holder in Due Course of the given name “John Frederick Doe” and who is in fact the owner and executor of his name and all derivatives thereof associated with him, is being subjected to false charges and racketeering on a scale unique in world history.
All this violence, all this fraud, all this insufferable abuse of our trust and good faith is draped around your necks and is now on public display.
This is your Notice of these facts.
11. What is the “UNITED STATES” with respect to the states of the Union and the People thereof?
It’s a private mostly foreign-owned corporation subject to the Clearfield Doctrine, nothing more or less, and the same applies to the USA, Inc. when doing business on our soil. The same applies to all their various “State” franchises, including the “STATE OF ALASKA” (US, INC.) and “ALASKA” (USA, INC.)
These corporations and their “State” franchises are all being operated as criminal syndicates.
This is your Notice of these facts.
12. Fraud vitiates everything. It destroys all contracts and presumptions. It taints everything it touches. All Americans subjected to this undisclosed process in Breach of Trust and Constitution have been defrauded and mischaracterized and deprived of their lawful status as living people and as American State Nationals. This has been done secretively and under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure so as to facilitate identity and credit theft and the practice of personage and barratry against the victims.
All “consent” obtained by any process under these conditions is null and void ab initio and no excuse of war or emergency may be introduced as no such powers were ever granted under The Constitution for the united States of America. There is no statute of limitations on the crime of fraud and it is recognized as crime in all venues and jurisdictions of law, national and international and global.
This is your Notice of these facts.
13. Such mischaracterization and capitulation of the peaceful and non-combatant American People living on the land of the American States is additionally a war crime, which has been committed against them by the US, Inc. and the USA, Inc. and their respective corporate officers.
This is your Notice of these facts.
14. Such abuse, theft, misrepresentation, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, kidnapping, press-ganging and racketeering is also in deplorable violation of both national and international law and in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Universal Right of Self-Declaration and numerous other Declarations and Conventions of the United Nations which the United States has agreed to and signed.
This is your Notice of these facts.
15. Is the “United States” a foreign entity with respect to the states of the Union?
We quote The Informer:
“No court is to be charged with the knowledge of foreign laws; but they are well understood to be facts which must, like other facts, be proved before they can be received in a court of justice. [cites omitted] It is equally well settled that the several states of the Union are to be considered as in this respect foreign to each other, and that the courts of one state are not presumed to know, and therefore not bound to take judicial notice of, the laws of another state.”
[Hanley v. Donoghue, 116 U.S. 1, 29 L. Ed. 535]
[6 S.Ct. 242, 244 (1885)]
Another key U.S. Supreme Court authority on this question is the case of In re Merriam's Estate, 36 N.E. 505 (1894). The authors of Corpus Juris Secundum ("CJS"), a legal encyclopedia, relied in part upon this case to arrive at the following conclusion about the "foreign" corporate status of the federal government:
“The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state.” [citing In re Merriam's Estate, 36 N.E. 505, 141 N.Y. 479, affirmed U.S. v. Perkins, 16 S.Ct. 1073, 163 U.S. 625, 41 L.Ed 287] [19 C.J.S. 883]
Before you get the idea that this meaning of "foreign" is now totally antiquated, consider the current edition of Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, which defines "foreign state" very clearly, as follows:
“The several United States*** are considered "foreign" to each other except as regards their relations as common members of the Union. ... The term "foreign nations," as used in a statement of the rule that the laws of foreign nations should be proved in a certain manner, should be construed to mean all nations and states other than that in which the action is brought; and hence one state of the Union is foreign to another, in the sense of that rule.”
And a recent federal statute proves that Congress still refers to the 50 States as "countries". When a State court in Alaska needed a federal judge to handle a case overload, Congress amended Title 28 to make that possible. In its reference to the 50 States, the statute is titled the "Assignment of Judges to courts of the freely associated compact states". Then, Congress refers to these freely associated compact states as "countries":
(b) The Congress consents to the acceptance and retention by any judge so authorized of reimbursement from the countries referred to in subsection (a) .... [!!!]
[28 U.S.C. 297, 11/19/88]” -- End quote.
Each one of the sovereign states of the Union is in fact its own nation having its own distinct character, local law, and government apart from any franchises owned and operated under color of law by either the US, Inc. or the USA, Inc. offering to pose as the lawful government of the people, for the people and by the people of these United States.
This is your Notice of these facts.
16. Was it ever the intent of the Founders of this Country that any Congress operating in any capacity whatsoever would ever be granted any right of despotism over the People via any means, mechanism, or pretense?
The Preamble of the actual Constitution which is a trust indenture forever obligating the government of the United States however that government is defined gives the answer, which was further elucidated by the Bill of Rights.
As all the foregoing demonstrates you are each and collectively in Breach of Trust and in Commercial and Administrative Default with respect to your presumed Public Offices and are operating as the administrators of an international crime syndicate with respect to the people and states of the Union you are hired to protect and which you have freely claimed to “represent”.
This is your Notice of these facts.
17. The seedbed of these crimes against Americans has been the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, which has been used as a staging ground for these heinous activities by the British Crown and its operatives, and the United Nations Corporation (UN Corp) –not to be confused with the United Nations--- which has sought by various means of similar fraud and force to impose its administration upon us and all other sovereign nations.
This is your Notice of these facts.
18. We have informed the Secretary General of the United Nations and the United States Secretary of State and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and hereby give Notice to the United States Congress that these acts of virulent crime against the American people and the states of the Union and all claims and presumptions based upon them must come to an immediate and permanent stop.
Full disclosure and remedy must be provided to all natural-born American State Nationals and all their vessels in commerce must receive full cure and maintenance without further obfuscation, avoidance, or delay.
The operations of the Trustees of the insolvent UNITED STATES, INC. and the administrators of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. must be brought under control and forced to comply with both national and international law. If President Obama objects, he must be impeached without further excuse or delay.
This is your Notice of these facts.
18. Any officer corporate or otherwise of the United States or its government however defined who fails to take immediate and forceful action to correct and remedy these practices and issues in favor of the American people and the states of the Union shall be in full admission of treason against the same.
This is your Notice of these facts.
19. Any officer corporate or otherwise of the United States of America or its government however defined who fails to take immediate and forceful action to correct and remedy these practices and issues in favor of the American people and the states of the Union shall be in full admission of treason against the same.
This is your Notice of these facts.
3rd December 2019, 09:30 PM
20. Operatives of the British Crown and UN Corporation staged initially in Puerto Rico and now operating out of Florida are implementing a propaganda campaign against the peaceful non-combatant people of the states of the Union and again mischaracterizing them as “sovereign citizens”.
This is an oxymoron demonstrating the complete ignorance of those applying such a label to American State Nationals. It is not possible to be or to act as a “sovereign” and at the same time to be or to act as a “citizen”.
The apparent motive for this PR campaign is to excuse the taking of violent action against the American people and against their states of the Union and to provoke an armed insurrection which would then give these same corporate crime syndicates a plausible excuse for killing their creditors.
This is precisely what happened in Nazi Germany and it is threatening to happen here and now.
Any attempt on the part of the Trustees of the bankrupt and insolvent UNITED STATES or on the part of the operators of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to provoke such a contest or make such false claims against their creditors will be instantly and internationally recognized for the specious and self-interested crime that it is.
This is your Notice of these facts.
21. As the “United States Congress” is uniquely and specifically responsible for the administration and indeed, the misadministration, of the Territories and the District of Columbia, it is incumbent upon each one of you to put an end to the international crimes being perpetuated by and within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico against the people of the United States and to put an end to the efforts of the British Crown and UN Corporation to further parasitize and mischaracterize and misrepresent us. Failure to do so will have permanent and extremely unpleasant results for all parties engaged in this international crime spree.
This is your Notice of these facts.
22. “The free, sovereign and independent people of the United States” –quote the Definitive Treaty of Peace, 1783, are still alive and well and competent to act in their own behalf and in behalf of their sovereign nation-states.
We have kept our part of the constitutional bargain and paid for the services we agreed to receive and also a great many “services” that we did not agree to receive and for which we do not owe. We have loyally stood by the British and French Governments through two World Wars, and this present miasma is the thanks we have received for our support.
The mechanism and implementation of these commercial frauds and personage practices against the unsuspecting people and organic states of the Union was provided by the British Government and by undeclared foreign agents, especially by members of the American Bar Association acting in violation of the 1947 Bar Association Treaty.
The presumptions being exercised against us by the so-called “governments” of these corporations dba UNITED STATES and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA have become intolerable and we find the constitutional contract has been Dishonored by those entrusted to act as our fiduciary Deputies, Trustees, and Administrators.
An immediate cessation of all hostile actions and presumptions against the people and the states of the Union and an immediate declaration of peace formally ending the Civil War and all other “wars” is called for. Any failure to provide this and all other appropriate remedies will result in the liquidation of the offending corporations via arbitration.
We created the “United States” and the “United States of America” by our sovereign Will and as the creators we are uniquely endowed to take against the Will and to amend the Will and to destroy the Will if we so desire. By the misadministration, duplicity, dishonor, and dishonesty of your predecessors we have not been served; any continuance of these false claims and practices against American State Nationals and the states of the Union will not be tolerated and will be subject to international prosecution as virulent crimes amounting to identity theft, credit theft, press-ganging and inland piracy against these United States and the people of the United States.
This is your Notice of these facts.
23. All prosecutions against birthright Americans under the false pretense that they have agreed via any undisclosed or implied contract to act as “citizens of the United States” or agreed to cede their estates, assets, names or any other property naturally belonging to them to the UNITED STATES or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are acts of international fraud and inland piracy and are subject to the death penalty for anyone caught intentionally and knowingly participating in or enforcing such crimes under color of law.
The execution of foreign pirates caught in the act may be summarily carried out under Citizens Arrest or by any lawfully elected Sheriff or any duly appointed Federal Marshall under the Public and Organic Law of this nation.
This is your Notice of these facts.
24. All birthright American State Nationals presently accused of any white collar, statutory, or victimless crime being held under false pretenses as “citizens of the United States” must be given full disclosure and released without further delay.
This is your Notice of these facts.
25. All property and rights and material interests naturally and lawfully belonging to birthright American State Nationals must be promptly returned to them and returned to the land recording districts of these United States and to the administration of the actual organic states and people, together with all escrow accounts, interest, tithes, and fees owed to them.
We suggest that the administration of THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE be properly informed and pressed into service to discharge all outstanding debts owed by the fraudulently established individual UNITED STATES franchises operated under the given NAMES of American State Nationals and obliged to deliver all copyrights, trademarks, titles, deeds, credit and other assets owed to and naturally belonging to the people of these United States without further obfuscation or delay.
This is your Notice of these facts.
26. In the interests of national and international peace and decency you are being “requested and required” to do the job that the trusting American people elected you to do in good faith as Trustees and fiduciary Deputies. Failure to do so will be your individual and personal admission of willful treason against these United States and against the people of these United States.
No further excuses or word games are acceptable. The officers of the British Crown among the Delegates either act with Honor and fulfill their obligations owed to these United States and to the people thereof, or they shall be recognized as pirates subject to the penalties of both our Public Law and the international Law of Admiralty.
This is your Notice of these facts.
27. We wish to draw your attention to the ravages and rampages taking place in the so-called western compact States and the atrocities being willfully committed against American State Nationals and their private property interests in those states by agencies of the UNITED STATES.
An innocent rancher named Robert LaVoy Finicum has been waylaid and murdered by men receiving their paychecks on our dole as agents of a corporation merely doing business as the “GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES” and its subsidiaries including the “BLM” and the “FBI”. These federal agents have acted as criminals and under false presumptions on our soil.
We call for their immediate arrest and re-education.
Any continuance of this violent racketeering is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
However Congress has seen fit to organize its administration of the “territories and District of Columbia” its agencies clearly have no right whatsoever to attack, commandeer, address, or otherwise infringe upon the people of this country.
Similarly, American State Nationals including Ammon and Cliven Bundy and other western state ranchers have been mischaracterized as “citizens of the United States” while in fact being people of these United States.
We are not amused by the convenient and apparent acts of personage and barratry --- crimes under both national and international law--- which are being promoted by the Trustees of the UNITED STATES and the misnamed DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (INC) in their attempts to collect on odious debts owed in fact by their own corporation(s).
What is being attempted is clearly a Reverse Trust Fraud Scheme in which the Trustees of our nation are attempting to act as the Beneficiaries and are mischaracterizing the actual Beneficiaries of the United States Trust as the Trustees of a foreign trust we never consensually agreed to participate in and to which we have no natural affiliation at all---the Public Charitable Trust set up to provide welfare to displaced Negro plantation slaves in the wake of the Civil War.
We suggest that the Congress release the western state ranchers and honor its obligations and redirect its erring employees and inform the creditors of the UNITED STATES of the actual status of these affairs without any further argument or delay.
It may result in embarrassment, inconvenience, and considerable international negotiation to resolve, but all the governments of the world are in one way or another in similar condition and the International Year of Jubilee provides an excellent opportunity for these festering wounds and causes of criminality to be recognized and healed without further bloodshed, violence, or crime.
This is your Notice of these facts.
28. The Congress which is responsible for the operations of the “government of the United States”--- that is, the US, Inc. acting as the government of the “territories and District of Columbia” ---and the various Presidents have committed a great many sins against the people of our nation and their organic states of the Union, including but not limited to all the items addressed in this Notice.
Beginning in 1933 the members of Congress have conspired with the Office of the President and the Governors of Federal State franchises of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to embezzle from and defraud the American people.
This was done primarily by legislative actions taken under color of law, including the Emergency Banking Acts, the Trading With The Enemy Act, and much more.
As part of the historical fraud upon the people, the US, Inc. and the USA, Inc. colluded to set up a fiat currency to be exchanged on a “dollar for dollar” basis--- a worthless Promissory Note issued by a cartel of international banks doing business as the “Federal Reserve” while in fact having no association with our lawful government---in exchange for an American Silver Dollar. This amounted to the exchange of a piece of paper backed by the good faith of criminals for an ounce of fine silver.
As you all have cause to know, the Federal Reserve bankrupted the old Federal Reserve System and skipped town owing these United States and the people of these United States trillions of dollars worth of gold and silver.
The Federal Reserve’s most recent iteration now proposes to use our labor and our assets to back more “Notes”---- and repeat the same scam, only owing to the fact that they have already embezzled our precious metals, they now wish to up the ante and more overtly control and enslave us.
This is your Notice that we are not now and never were chattels, slaves, livestock, nor corporate franchises of the UNITED STATES nor of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA nor any other fictitious entity you care to name and we are not subject to your statutory rule except by fraud, personage, barratry and criminal mercenary force.
Put another way--the United States belongs to us. We do not belong to it. We are the Priority Creditors, first, last, and always. Any further attack, embezzlement, misrepresentation, collusion of banks, false claims, or legal chicanery undertaken against us or our interests will be recognized as an Act of War against innocent Third Party non-combatants and you will be held individually and personally and commercially 100% liable.
If this is not apparent to you, you should immediately step down from any office or pretension of office related to us or our lawful government in any way.
This is your Notice of these facts.
29. In full view of the national identity and credit theft which has been engineered jointly by the UNITED STATES and USA against the people of these United States and the states of the Union, the present members of Congress must either abdicate and make way for new and more competent deputies elected directly and by paper ballot by the people of these United States or do the right thing and clean up this mess once and for all.
International criminal prosecution of the Federal Reserve and the IMF and all the colluding banking institutions including the World Bank and IBRD which received American gold and silver assets as their payoff for the 1933 fraud is necessary. As already noted, fraud has no statute of limitation and is a crime across all jurisdictions and venues of law worldwide.
Immediate confiscation of the assets of these banks and the assets of shareholders and subsidiaries of these banks is appropriate and necessary for our national security---and as you should now be aware, if our national security goes, so does that of the “territories and District of Columbia”.
Proper administration and discipline of the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, the HOUSE OVERSIGHT SUBCOMMITTEE, and the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES would be another start in the right direction. The BLM, FBI, and other “agencies” are here to serve the public, and if not, they are here to be dissolved.
Immediate re-issuance of American Silver Dollars as both our international and your domestic currency is required as a first step toward honest trade.
Disengagement from all Middle Eastern conflicts is demanded and you are advised that no contract to serve in the “US military” is binding as a result of the same fraud and personage scheme herein otherwise described.
Complete immediate cessation of spraying aluminum oxide and other poisonous industrial wastes on our land and on us is demanded without apology.
Complete immediate cessation of the addition of fluoride, another poisonous industrial waste of the aluminum industry to our drinking water, is also demanded without apology.
The closure of most if not all foreign military bases which have been created under the auspices of the US, Inc. and the return of the land and buildings to the host countries needs to be negotiated posthaste.
Our borders need to be sealed and protected and our assets secured against foreign invaders and if they are not promptly defended and honored by you as members of “Congress” you will stand revealed before the entire world as officers of a corporate crime syndicate subject to immediate liquidation.
If President Obama objects to any of this remedial program ordered by the people of these United States and the states of the Union, it is your duty so long as you assume any office related to these United States to impeach him without further delay and remove him from any office having or pretending any authority whatsoever related to us. Notice given to you is notice to your agents and agencies, and notice given to your agents and agencies is notice to you.
Most sincerely and by my hand and under my seal,
by:_______________________________Anna Maria Riezinger, all rights reserved.
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska
Postal Code Extension 99652
Ashton Carter
US Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1000
via US Certified Mail #7013 3020 0002 1837 0405
Joint Chiefs
9999 Joint Staff
Washington, DC 20318-9999
via US Certified Mail #7013 3020 0002 1837 0429
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
c/o United Nations Secretariat
New York, NY 10017
via US Certified Mail # 7006 0810 0003 3541 5465
6th December 2019, 02:05 AM
Anna von Reitz ( A89gYfLtR-wL6OhpMml-5Q590xLqANHowH&hc_ref=ARQIa1yNdOovRi2jEKSsXfVewViTjptWDdvmwL7f1G8 9jKAqsjwWlz4YlcvYGTqU4Kg&fref=nf)
11 hrs ( ·
Shoes and Justices
Let's call him "Ben" --- a kid in my First Grade class at Black River Falls Elementary School, which was a big, old, rambling nineteenth-century brick building with a spooky Mansard roof structure like something out of the Addams Family movies.
Ben was a strapping boy, tall for his age, with pale skin and dark eyes and dark hair swept over from a side part. I always liked him. He was polite and personable and friendly, but he was poor as the pigeons in the park. His family had eleven children. He was in the middle of the pack. And they and their parents were trying to make a go of it on a hard-scrabble worn out dairy farm somewhere in the back of the back country.
Even with a well-oiled system of hand-me-downs, by the time you hit the fifth or sixth generation, things are worn out. So, there was Ben, and we had all returned to school for the fall semester --- most of us in new school clothes and shoes, but not him. He was wearing a ragged flannel shirt with arms too short, a pair of pants two sizes too big, and a pair of old brown leather dress shoes that looked like they belonged on a grown man. He could barely walk in them, but he was trying.
We were all only six years old, but still, his appearance was arresting --- like a scarecrow or someone playing dress up.
To make matters worse, the whole family was "poor proud" and wouldn't take any help.
So we had to do something, but what?
A Gentle Conspiracy between my Mom, my teacher, and a local merchant took place, in which I played a small part. Our teacher contrived a school lesson about feet and had everyone make an outline of their foot as part of the lesson.
Using this as a guide, my Mom and old Mr. Moe, owner of Moe's Shoe Store, and I --- acting under strict secrecy --- found just the right shoes. They and a shoe care kit appeared in Ben's cubbyhole at school. He couldn't believe his eyes, but he put them on. All that winter, I would see him out in the coat room brushing and shining his shoes. So I asked my Mom if I could have a shoe care kit for Christmas.
She smiled and looked bemused, but agreed. That would be one of my gifts. I made good use of it, too. I polished shoes and oiled boots for everyone in the family.
Years later, when I was in college, I had a roommate from Wayzata, Minnesota, a very upscale neighborhood in Minneapolis. She had never seen anyone polish their own shoes. Well, surprise, surprise, I had been taking care of my boots and shoes, thanks to Ben, ever since I was six years old. And I taught her how, too.
Now, people in the State Assemblies who are grappling with the process of electing Justices of the Peace often ask me how they are supposed to find qualified people to serve their Courts.
Obviously, no Bar Association Members can serve in our courts, thanks to the Titles of Nobility Amendment, and that leaves many people feeling alarmed; they are so indoctrinated into the idea that you have to be a Bar Member to be "legitimate" that they don't know what to think or do.
However, virtually everyone knows The Ten Commandments, and that's what our courts use as our law, with reference to earlier deliberations known as case law, but never being bound by prior precedents.
In our courts, the jury is still king and the Justices of the Peace rule upon the rules of the court and letter of the law, not the facts and law in any particular case. The People decide the facts and the law. So, unlike the Bar Courts, where the Judge is king, in our courts the Justices provide a different function.
In our courts, the Justices assist the juries by answering questions about the rules of evidence and testimony and the meaning of any confusing terms and jargon -- "the letter of the law" --- but from there on, our courts depend on the sense of justice and moral conscience embedded in each juror and also upon each juror's ability to sift through facts and reason their way to reasonable conclusions.
Also, unlike the foreign process, we know our Justices. We don't just vote for a name on a ballot and hope that John G. Finkelmeyer is a good guy because he is recommended by the Bar Association.
So, who do you want as a Justice of the Peace?
First and foremost, a Justice in our courts has to know The Ten Commandments, front and back and sideways. You want someone who is familiar with the Bible, and particularly, with the Old Testament Law which is common to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
Our Justices carry the Bible with them when they enter the courtroom. This is the origin of having people stand up when the Justice enters the courtroom --- not out of respect for him, but out of respect for the Bible and the Law it contains.
Second, you need people who are hard-headed enough to bear the cost of rendering justice. It's not an easy job to sit in judgement, but there are times when punishment has to be meted out in order to preserve the peace and safety of innocent individuals, families, and communities.
So preserving peace and safety is the goal of our courts and you need people strong enough to lay the gavel down in behalf of the whole community when it becomes necessary.
You want Justices who have firm common sense and a wide range of practical experience in life---not little tweaky-bird college boys who never learned to shine their own shoes. As a result, most Justices of the Peace are, and will always tend to be, "of a certain age".
Justices need to be smart, hard-headed, logical, and honest ---but they also have to walk the line of moral conscience and have sincere care and respect for people in all conditions of life.
Finally, Justices of the Peace have to have an interest in and familiarity with Due Process, Rules of Evidence, and American Common Law --- which have to be learned like any other subjects.
In about three months of hard study, anyone can learn how to put together and run a competent Common Law Court. My experience with the people of this country suggests that we have thousands of men and women who have by various routes, achieved this basic knowledge, but may need to adjust their viewpoint to exclude additional knowledge they have acquired about admiralty and maritime courts.
In other words, we have no general lack of education about the various forms of law, but there is a common degree of confusion regarding the practices that belong in an American Common Law Court and those foreign practices peculiar to Admiralty and Maritime venues.
Thus, finding competent Justices of the Peace may require candidates to go through a process of "unlearning" as well as learning the principles of our Public Law system---- and for many good candidates, that may include sorting out the jurisdictions in their own minds until they have a firm comprehension of Public Law based on The Ten Commandments and Due Process, versus private law based on Codes and Regulations and Judicial Discretion.
Many former Bar Attorneys are now joining our ranks and undergoing just exactly this kind of "unlearning" process. It takes about two years on average, based on our experience, for people who have grown up in and practiced private law, to thoroughly adjust to Public Law.
So, ironically, someone who has never gone to a conventional law school nor practiced in the Admiralty/Maritime Court system is likely to have an easier road and quicker grasp of the foundation principles and practices of our courts, simply because they don't have as much to "unlearn".
One of the key differences between our courts and the foreign courts, is that our courts consider both the facts and the law, and hold the power of jury nullification. In other words, our courts have the ability to directly overturn legislation and uphold constitutional guarantees ---powers that the Admiralty and Maritime Courts do not possess and cannot consider exercising.
Learning to shine one's own shoes is strangely analogous to learning to run your own State, your own Courts, and your own life. It's simple and practical enough so that anyone can learn to do it, and beneficial enough so that everyone ought to learn. Finding competent Justices of the Peace is just a practical matter of looking among the members of your community and your State Assembly to find those who have "the right stuff" to serve.
So start looking for bright, even-handed, common sense people who have their heads screwed on, a knowledge of the Bible, a willingness to serve, a humble heart, and either the direct experience or the willingness to study Due Process, Rules of Evidence, and American Common Law.
A couple years after Ben got those new shoes, things started looking up for his family. His two oldest brothers matured enough to weigh in on the farm work and took enough burden off their Father so that he could take a paid job in town. With his extra income and the older children taking up position to help on the farm, the family began to flourish. Ben had everything he needed from then on, plus, he had learned to polish his own shoes --- a lesson he would pass on.
Last time I went home to Black River Falls, Wisconsin, I bumped into "Ben" at one of the local hardware stores. He had his son and two grandchildren with him. Every shoe was spic and span.
If we don't already know, we can learn how to polish our own shoes and how to run our own courts. It's all just a practical and caring process of taking care of our own country and community, the same way we care for and maintain a pair of good sturdy shoes.
6th December 2019, 02:15 AM
Anna von Reitz ( TfeCV_N-62mti8hwu6whwp3S0kRp4HvY58&hc_ref=ARSJg497vRRu8_peRN-G6O6o7phXrq_IYCdgOLVGdQ6m-PMCXObWwAdVt_NyeIU7d1w&fref=nf)
9 hrs ( ·
For Ernest and All the White Hats
One of the things I learned a long time ago, is that you have to deal with people as individuals,because group-think leads to injustice. And prejudice. And bigotry. Just because my husband and I are of "royal blood" doesn't mean that we are royal skunks. Our Ancestors broke from the Bloodline snobs a long time ago and have paid with our lives and fortunes for it ever since.
And just because I helped Pope Benedict give Notice to this Employees of their wrong-doing does not mean that I was helping him do any wrong-doing. Benedict was being black-mailed, but he still took action to correct and to help us derail the machine.
Read that: I was helping him in his efforts to correct the Mess, prior to those efforts being side-lined by Francis and the Curia. Remember those twelve Archbishops who were killed in a train wreck? Get a clue.
Good men have died over this power struggle --- many of them Catholic and some Protestants, too. But exposing the rot and miasma within the Church and correcting it, is of top priority for everyone on this planet --- Catholic and non-Catholic, too.
As I explained to Robert David Steele:
…..”What appears to have happened is that a single "heir" was assigned by the various Families and he is the "owner" in the legal sense, whereas, there are numerous Trustees operating for (1) the banks and (2) the depositors, plus (3)a cadre of those controlling the bank transfer systems.
Add to that mix the complications that arise when you attempt to interface hundreds of different kinds of currencies and money issued by over 200 countries during the past few centuries and you have a recipe for a Perfect Storm.
And now that you have that recipe, add this one final factor: jurisdiction. Only Lawful Persons can possess Lawful Assets. That is, only people having the proper political status can actually possess and hold land, gold, silver, etc. “
Okay. Got that? What have I and those with me been doing?
Encouraging people to correct their falsified political status records so that they can act as Lawful Persons---- State Citizens. We have been teaching them how to do that, so that they can inherit and possess the land and receive back all the other actual material assets that rightfully belong to them, instead of standing around with a doo-dad in their hair and having everything that is theirs stolen from them under False Pretenses.
And again:
“….the Vatican Boyz were pushing to incorporate all the government services corporations and trying to operate them "as" actual governments, and then simply also redefine all the government workers ----and eventually all the people in entire countries as purportedly "voluntary" franchises of these governmental services corporations.
By incorporation, they effectively "killed" these governments and people on paper, reducing them to the level and standing of legal fiction entities. And they were doing this so secretively, with such a high degree of compartmentalization,that nobody saw it. But the end game of all this, is that the "winners" --- would be those who maintained their status as living people and as unincorporated governments.
According to their plan, the Holy See would be left as the only such government on Earth. They would then literally possess and own everything of an actual and factual nature --- and the rest of us would be disinherited "things" trapped in the realm of fiction, the proverbial Land of OZ. Thus, the mad dream of the Unum Sanctum Trust would finally be realized as One World Government under the Bishop of Rome, and the Bishop of Rome would serve Mammon as the head of the so-called "Secular Church".
They came very close to succeeding. When we woke up there were only six unincorporated governments of any size left in the world.
That number had dwindled down to three by the time we managed to bring forward The United States of America[Unincorporated].
The United Nations has been populated by incorporated government services corporations all operating under the old Vichy French "UN Corp"--- so it would appear to "represent" all the countries on Earth, but would actually be just a bunch of franchises like Dairy Queen franchises under the thumb and forefingers of the UN Corp stockholders, and the principal stockholder with controlling interest would be the Pope.
There were very few Lawful Persons left "alive" on paper who could inherit the land and other physical assets, and what they were doing by hook or by crook, was something similar to the theme of the popular "Highlander" movies---- finding ways to kill off the remaining few. That's why, among other things, the pressure to destroy the governments of North Korea and Iran.
And it has all been predicated on commercial fraud and obstruction of trade and illegal banking and securities operations, including commodity rigging and counterfeiting.”
That is, crime.
So, for those who want to take pot-shots at me for being a “royal” --- remember that it was “royals” of a different kind who fought and bled to give you all “sovereignty in your own right”, so that you could stand as men and women and as Free Holders in your own country---if you have sense enough to do so.
It was my ancestors and my husband’s ancestors who gave the world the concept of “Might for right.”And the Magna Carta. And who also championed the “novel idea” that men could and should learn to govern themselves. Guilty as charged.
Let me also remind them that Pope Benedict took action in behalf of the people of this Earth despite being black-mailed and having his life threatened. And it was because he put a “full stop” on the machinery of the “Secular Church” that he was ousted as Pontiff and replaced by Francis, a man of certain politics.
And yes, so long as the Pope was willing to do the right thing by the people of this planet, I was willing to help him. So long as the Pope was moving toward honest reform, I was willing to help him.
But war-mongers and criminals who think that they have the right to steal from babies what the True God gave them, and those who would dictate the lives of others, and all the miscreants and unrepentant criminals of the world know, that the True God is set against them and that I am set --- and sent --- against them, too.
So pay attention to my works and what I am teaching you, because it is for your good and because by our works we are known and that is the only way that anyone is ever known----including those who claim to be “White Hats”
6th December 2019, 02:27 AM
Anna von Reitz ( yqNcSRLe5uPBHTM2TvIDNF1c&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
Sending THEM Home
While everyone is running around willy-nilly and certain irresponsible fools are talking about another civil war (Civil War 2.0) on our shores, it's time to remember whose shores these are and the fact that these are our employees.
Now that The United States of America [Unincorporated] is up and assembled and functioning, we can send the entire Municipal Government Pink Slips for insubordination and Breach of Trust and send them home without supper.
Once the Delegators enter the room ---- and we have ---- its time for the Pope and the Queen to step down and do our bidding, not the other way around.
This is our country, our land, our soil. They don't have a tinker's damn to stage any kind of "war" or any mercenary conflict here. If they do, they will be shown up as nothing but international criminals operating in Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract.
We will arrest their leaders as criminals and try them for treason and execute them, as per the Public Law of this country and nation.
And we will hold the Pope and the Roman Curia directly responsible in all cases, as the Pope (1) directly owns the Municipal United States Government; (2) indirectly owns (through the Queen) the Territorial United States Government, and (3) owns the United Nations (through majority stock ownership of the UN Corporation).
So any way that Francis and the Boyz want to cut this, they are on the hook for it, 100%, and no getting out of the blame for it and the cost of it, whatever it turns out to be beyond a whole lot of blather.
As for the actual and factual Government of this country, we are giving our Municipal Government Employees and their Boss, the Pope, a straight ultimatum --- either get back in your box and behave, or every single Municipal Employee and Agency Employee is fired, off our payroll, effective 12 December 2019.
That includes the members of the Municipal Congress.
Drop the saber rattling and the impeachment crappola or the next one on the chopping block will be SERCO.
6th December 2019, 06:33 AM
While everyone is running around willy-nilly and certain irresponsible fools are talking about another civil war (Civil War 2.0) on our shores, it's time to remember whose shores these are and the fact that these are our employees.
It seems it is easier for our employees to exercise their authority upon other agents/employees than upon principals.
I am the only authority that I recognize. Do you have a carte de persona? Or are you begging to be protected as evidenced by a REALID TM star on your permission to travel documents?
6th December 2019, 07:56 AM
It seems it is easier for our employees to exercise their authority upon other agents/employees than upon principals.
I am the only authority that I recognize. Do you have a carte de persona? Or are you begging to be protected as evidenced by a REALID TM star on your permission to travel documents?
As usual, I have no idea what you are talking about.
It is nice to see you though. I thought you had run off without so much as a bye your leave.
6th December 2019, 08:53 AM
As usual, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Agents deal with agents. Principals outrank them. As described in the movie MATRIX .... when you see an agent RUN!!! Or as I prefer to do present them with a business card stating that I only deal with Principals.
The carte de persona is described in the First Law of the Defendant ... don't answer until the agent proves his right to represent the principal.
I thought you had run off without so much as a bye your leave.
So I did. Who am I going to request leave of?
A woman gave up her twin sons for adoption. One went to Spain and was named Juan. The other went to the middle east and was called Amal. Years later Juan sent her a photo. She was depressed because she had no photo of Amal until her husband told her "They are identical twins. When you have seen Juan you have seen Amal"
6th December 2019, 01:12 PM
Anna von Reitz ( XWXq6giVc&hc_ref=ARRRKXh5DQgTqNcIgt4EOtX5jKU1KDRZg0mADCl0BaB naAqelcy_SI1m6wjUyBN-i4s&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
Dear Kirk Pendergrass
Let me point something out to you --- nothing in Federal Code pertains to the States and People except those few portions of legislation published in the Federal Record, not the Federal Register, and only those portions published in the Congressional Record that are in alignment with the original intent of the Constitutions are valid.
That means about 8 percent of all the "Acts of Congress" have portions that apply to actual Americans, and of those, about half,are either contrary to the original intent or otherwise invalid from the get-go.
Title 42 says virtually nothing about the actual States or People; it concerns itself with British Territorial Government operations and United States Citizens and issues that don't pertain to any Joe Average American. It's all well and good -- what you are doing -- but it still only pertains properly to Territorial United States Citizens: that is, to Legal Persons, not People.
And why are we bothering to fight that fight?
It would seem that only a rather small percentage of Americans would ever need to do such a thing --- attorneys, doctors, dentists, pilots, and certain other "licensed" professions that have been illegally and immorally conscripted under color of law, are about the only ones impacted.
I am not suggesting that we leave these Americans to their fate, merely that the point is illegal conscription of civilian "assets" all across the board, not a case by case campaign to obtain redress from foreign British Territorial State of State Legislatures that shouldn't even be in operation on our shores.
These are our subcontractors and employees. We don't petition them. We don't seek redress from their legislatures. We kick them in the rump for insubordination and return their "legislation" to them for repeal or correction.
There is an entire living government "of the people, for the people, and by the people" that exists outside of and beyond the Federal Subcontractors and their Agencies and operations, a whole "other" jurisdiction that belongs only to the States and People of this country, and which is foreign with respect to both the United States [Territorial] Citizens, and Municipal "citizens of the United States".
And our Subcontractors operating under our Delegated Powers, the Queen and the Pope, both know it.
How is it that so many other worthy people, including yourself, are caught up and confused about who we are and what we are owed and what the actual proper action is?
I understand that Field may have elected to retain US Citizenship as a result of his own situation, but that leaves him in a different political status --- NOT the normal political status Americans are heir to and which at least 90% of us should be exercising.
If he had corrected his political status prior to all this happening, he wouldn't be in any "Federal" jurisdiction and would not be considered any "subject matter" for them to arrest and impound, either.
Redressing his grievances in the Legislature is part and parcel of accepting Territorial United States Citizenship, and most Americans have no rational reason in the world to accept such a foreign and subordinate political status.
The living people and Lawful Persons of this country are not subject to Statute. As the name implies, Statutory Entities, that is, legal fiction entities, are subject to Statute because they are created by Statute.
Are we created by any form of Statute? My parents would disagree.
The actual People, that is, the Lawful Persons who are State Citizens, retain the right to directly nullify any legislative act, code, or regulation derived from legislation. Our courts can directly overturn any legislation via jury nullification.
No petitioning to any executive officer getting a paycheck from us. No redress sought from the criminals in the various territorial and municipal legislatures.
Just flat out average people operating in their proper political status and organizing their own State and local County assemblies have the power to overturn whatever criminal or civil statutes these roaches "offer" to "presume" upon us while pretending to "represent" us.
Pray tell, why would we need someone to "represent" us, when we are present ourselves?
This curious concept of "representation" is made necessary only by constructive fraud and impersonation being practiced against us by members of the Bar Associations, which are, as you have begun to uncover --- illegal "guilds"---- trade unions. A Bar Card is a Guild Card is a Union Card.
The Bars, both the so-called "American Bar Association" and the "US Bar Association" have been operating what appear to be our courts as closed Union Shops, and the Municipal COURTS have been operating in violation of Federal Code, and they get away with it because they don't operate under Territorial Federal Code, they operate under their own Municipal Code which nobody (hardly) references.
So these foreign interlopers have both been sitting dry docked on our shores, both impersonating us, with the Municipal COURTS operating in flagrant violation of the Smith Act and Taft-Hartley Act, both.
They, the Bar Associations and the Courts they are operating, all need to be busted as criminal enterprises --- undeclared Foreign Agents engaged in racketeering, coercion, identity theft, human trafficking, impersonation, barratry, and more on our shores.
Any legislation repugnant to the Constitution, to the spirit and intent of our Public Law, our Declaration of Independence, or our moral sense, needs to get tossed out the door in our courts without a backward nod to the "Congresses" or the foreign State of State Legislatures. And that is why the perpetrators of the Great Fraud have tried for so long to suppress us and suppress our land and soil jurisdiction courts --- ever since the Civil War.
These animals literally steal our identities as Americans and impersonate us while we are still babies in our cradles, then lie to and extort us into adhesion contracts as youths, and illegally tax and mortgage us to death as adults.
I see no reason for us, Americans, to pander to nor to seek redress from their foreign legislatures. I see reason to fire the whole lot of them and subject them to the actual Public Law of this country and the actual international Law of the Admiralty.
Why bother getting involved in some internecine one-by-one brush fire contest with these Buggers, grinding our way through Due Process and seeking redress from their foreign legislatures?
Why not attack the issue of their unlawful and illegal conscription and press-ganging of Americans into their jurisdiction in the first place, which is at the root of all these problems and issues, including those suffered by "licensed" professionals?
Why not address them in Admiralty and bust them for genocide on paper and human trafficking of American babies in violation of both the Hague and Geneva Conventions?
Where is Quantico when we need them? Forgot who we are? Forgot who they actually work for?
Everyone needs to get a move on and start striking at the roots, not the leaves and branches.
We need to kick their rumps back into the sea where they belong, liquidate their corporations as criminal operations, and seize upon every asset that they think they own. We need to bust up their monopolies including the Media Circus and Bar Associations and rip and tear through them like so much frozen butter in the face of some very hot knives.
Of course, I support any and every effort to put an end to the criminality by any means and in whatever venue. I do. But fighting the brush fires is not really the point. Nailing the arsonists flat to the floor is the point.
6th December 2019, 01:24 PM
Anna von Reitz ( TFaWGWaiznFU7LSGBwbuJUuw&fref=nf)
9 hrs ( ·
BWAAAH! What Have I Been Telling You???
For several years now, I have flatly defended Pope Benedict and praised him for his efforts to dismantle the criminal machinery of the Pontificate and the incorporated governmental services entities masquerading "as" national governments worldwide. I have explained and published my role giving Notice and Due Process to his employees, to stop the wrong-doing and fraud they have been engaged in, in numerous articles, published letters, and especially my book, Disclosure 101.
But there have been those who have instead told you that Benedict XVI was an evil man and that as Pope he "had to be" in on the fraud, and those who have tried to paint me as an "Agent of the Vatican" even though it is plain as the nose on my face that acting as a "private attorney" for Benedict XVI has nothing to do with the Vatican.
My business with the Pope was with the Holy See, regarding the contracts we hold with them since the 1700's; the Vatican only came into existence in 1929.
And now, today, look at what comes across my desk.
Confirmation of the "Vatican Coup" led by Soros, Obummer, Killary, Biden, and the rest of the Goon Squad from Hell, promoting a radical leftist --- Pope Francis, who, technically, isn't even eligible to serve as Pope.
Jesuits take their Oath to serve the Pope, which logically precludes the premise of a Jesuit holding the Office. Anyone who knows anything about the Roman Catholic Church was taken aback by that, including millions of Catholics.
And here, at last, is the confirmation of what I always knew: Benedict XVI was black mailed and deposed by force. The whole Papacy has been reduced to a politicized farce and Francis does well not to accept obedience, because he is owed none. Read on:
WikiLeaks: Clinton, Obama, Soros Overthrew Pope Benedict In Vatican Coup Posted by Francesco I
George Soros, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton orchestrated a coup in the Vatican to overthrow the conservative Pope Benedict and replace him with radical leftist Pope Francis, according to a group of Catholic leaders citing evidence from various sources including WikiLeaks emails.
Pope Benedict XVI reigned as Pope of the Catholic Church from 2005 to 2013 before unexpectedly resigning in unusual circumstances. Becoming the first Pope to step down since Pope Gregory XII in 1415, Benedict is widely considered the first to do so on his own initiative since Pope Celestine V in 1294.However the group of Catholic leaders cite new evidence uncovered in emails released by WikiLeaks to claim the conservative Pope Benedict did not actually resign on his own initiative, but was pushed out of the Vatican by a coup that the group of researchers are calling the “Catholic Spring.”
Soros, Obama and Clinton used the United States’ diplomatic machinery, political muscle, and financial power to coerce, bribe and blackmail “regime change” in the Roman Catholic Church in order to replace the conservative Benedict with the current Pope Francis – who has since become an unlikely mouthpiece for the international left, stunning Catholics around the world.
Now the group of Catholic leaders have sent a letter to President Trump urging him to launch an official investigation into the activities of George Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton (and others) who they allege were involved in orchestrating Catholic Spring that resulted in their goal of “regime change” in the Vatican.
The Catholic leaders cite eight specific questions they seek to have answered concerning suspect events that led to the resignation of Pope Benedict, the first papal abdication in 700 years.
“Specifically, we have reason to believe that a Vatican ‘regime change’ was engineered by the Obama administration,” say the petitioners, in their January ( bclid%3DIwAR3JO95KJIMQBNqcql3VTUW2ePXKiMhTT_kmLSyX ZvON8FVC4etFJWqs7bo&h=AT2cazdxaAVfg47EUOFbijFBMW9Z1GOR-cm53g_dUVcukBML9epqc5mfCfp6za1TKW_Vors47ZhJb55lFzg IKUxSDh8vJtWiZZBMhFRsINsenOX6CyW_n3I70N1Gpeo2G-6_Yu7cgw4CRRA3mDtVDMCWE5B6MIZc)…/3001-did-vatica….
“We were alarmed to discover,” their letter notes, “that, during the third year of the first term of the Obama administration your previous opponent, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and other government officials with whom she associated proposed a Catholic ‘revolution’ in which the final demise of what was left of the Catholic Church in America would be realized.”
The letter includes links to documents and news stories underscoring their claims. It first directs attention to the notorious Soros-Clinton-Podesta e-mails disclosed last year by WikiLeaks, in which Podesta and other progressives discussed regime change to remove what they described as the “middle ages dictatorship” in the Catholic Church.
Regarding the Podesta e-mails in question, The New ( m%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3TcJiNZbHTm9iFw3iwnAWOslpQEdzC _qAd56-mrX1iaSg14TVjkup5P9U&h=AT0QGZYV758g9JiwJqhtZqTX45FWA7xBhgsxZfn2WrjW1Uvi JwgcoB3ltlQXIbiaKSP_-5Nk6gCGgaEMaFtJxMoBW1NI2fz0lpbbvYiWdkW-OXwo5uXcO2zAV1DFh_LC-OaySGkAfur8h-a6HKpTOVb8NzYgvo5l)…/24289-clinton-c…
last October:“
Podesta, a longtime Clinton adviser/confidante and hand-picked top activist for left-wing funder George Soros, revealed in a 2011 e-mail that he and other activists were working to effect a “Catholic Spring” revolution within the Catholic Church, an obvious reference to the disastrous “Arab Spring” coups organized that same year by the Obama-Clinton-Soros team that destabilized the Middle East and brought radical Islamist regimes and terrorist groups to power in the region.
The Podesta e-mail is a response to another Soros-funded radical — Sandy Newman, founder of the “progressive” Voices for Progress. Newman had written to Podesta seeking advice on the best way to “plant the seeds of the revolution” in the Catholic Church, which he described as a “middle ages [sic] dictatorship.”
In their letter to President Trump, the group of Catholics leaders write: “Approximately a year after this e-mail discussion, which was never intended to be made public, we find that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated under highly unusual circumstances and was replaced by a pope whose apparent mission is to provide a spiritual component to the radical ideological agenda of the international left. The Pontificate of Pope Francis has subsequently called into question its own legitimacy on a multitude of occasions.”
“We remain puzzled by the behavior of this ideologically charged Pope, whose mission seems to be one of advancing secular agendas of the left rather than guiding the Catholic Church in Her sacred mission,” they say, expressing the thoughts of millions of Catholics around the world stunned by Pope Francis’s left-wing ideology. “It is simply not the proper role of a Pope to be involved in politics to the point that he is considered to be the leader of the international left.” ( Ffbclid%3DIwAR1QPjbsXiQB8Oy2FBDb__pMpYEPayAOizF4yn CLi0ErB3XaLqdlSxEwPi4&h=AT3J_8H6esENm3QB2gi6j-BGTt8ZqE-KsdlDCGP-VJywpAjUmTCGJCgQhd7d1sJn75DdBydylXxLrMNGxOMewI9BA7 MViuvIrjcOPuHzTnubzuFdfxhZyVxXkSsqZ_-mqDuXhTkV8zATXPz_VhN_0_ChGtNkAY9l)…/3001-did-vatica…
“With all of this in mind, and wishing the best for our country as well as for Catholics worldwide, we believe it to be the responsibility of loyal and informed United States Catholics to petition you to authorize an investigation into the following questions:
– To what end was the National Security Agency monitoring the conclave that elected Pope Francis?
– What other covert operations were carried out by US government operatives concerning the resignation of Pope Benedict or the conclave that elected Pope Francis?
– Did US government operatives have contact with the “Cardinal Danneels Mafia”?
– International monetary transactions with the Vatican were suspended during the last few days prior to the resignation of Pope Benedict. Were any U.S. Government agencies involved in this?
– Why were international monetary transactions resumed on February 12, 2013, the day after Benedict XVI announced his resignation? Was this pure coincidence?
– What actions, if any, were actually taken by John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and others tied to the Obama administration who were involved in the discussion proposing the fomenting of a “Catholic Spring”?
– What was the purpose and nature of the secret meeting between Vice President Joseph Biden and Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican on or about June 3, 2011?
– What roles were played by George Soros and other international financiers who may be currently residing in United States territory?”
The investigation the group of Catholic leaders is requesting of President Trump should be of interest to more than just Catholics. George Soros’s ability to co-opt leading political figures to assist his radical plans for nation states is well known; but his ability to force “regime change” in the Catholic church, an institution previously thought impenetrable from the outside, raises serious questions about his potential for global chaos. The investigation — and punishment — should begin at once. ( lid%3DIwAR0L7S3WVz3DyjYHleaqMwwaPMqxqltZHADpvvJfUv rwZ7-Stl3wzLbE0PM&h=AT0k1ser87GnhdUfZmy4OO92ElPjiO9Q4Io3DxG_2P9uZdeX h06Y8c4ozbkuGKyJikfeZyfFKwliPtnqs8QDyWmKoRhvY4Bd8D M-DvWxCqwtAimOMtlbM6xQqtaAUgOWensXHNv-fzRvC3oDV9LyqW7qHBQCxo66iIrSiKJTzmrflA)___ ( UOOGMhGGRjgCIAOtiFtMypwAsksKufEkE3SBIq9_Jz4Q)
8th December 2019, 05:55 PM
Anna von Reitz ( ZnWydR_qM0XO0NJlbBhr2fF7I8J5sSel2q&hc_ref=ARSlHLSfCFOLJnYBUX9apOyZe_ekCtUfQxFTqNz6OKT WqKUGbqJbObHCBI2G4VAXOfU&fref=nf)
18 hrs ( ·
Facts to Keep Firmly in Mind
The actual government of this country is vested entirely in the living people. That is why it is called a government "of the people, for the people, by the people".
It follows that no incorporated entity can ever be the government of this country.
Corporations of various kinds can serve the living people. Only.
When a living man, one of the people, acts in a Public Capacity -- for example, serves as a Juror, he is acting in a "corporate" capacity --- the Office of a Juror, but still not acting in an "incorporated" capacity.
This is the same difference you see between unincorporated small businesses, like Mel's Autobody, and incorporated businesses like GE, Inc., or Intel, Inc.
A unincorporated small business is "corporate" but unincorporated. It does not owe its existence to any charter granted by any government.
In the same way, when a living man acts in a Public Capacity, as a State Citizen, a Juror, a Sheriff, a Coroner, a Justice of the Peace, and so on, he acts in a corporate but still unincorporated capacity as one of the People.
While acting in a Public Capacity of Office, each American acts as either (1) a Lawful Person (land jurisdiction) or a (2) Legal Person (sea jurisdiction). The land jurisdiction protects you while you are standing on the land and soil, and the Queen or King of Britain is supposed to be protecting you on the "High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways" but they haven't been doing that.
"We, the People" who created the Constitutions were all acting as Lawful Persons. The Founders were acting as State Citizens and State Delegates to Congress---that is, they were acting in a "corporate" but "unincorporated" capacity. If they had been acting as Legal Persons-- that is, incorporated entities, of any kind, the phrase would read, "We, the Persons".
It is only when we adopt the same political status and shoulder the same responsibility that we have the same standing as, "We, the People" in the current day, and are able to enforce, negotiate, and enter the jurisdiction of the Constitutions and their guarantees.
So-- take that fact to heart. Underline it.
Now, here's the next fact, even though you were born in the proper political status, your name and identity were kidnapped and transported --- "trafficked" into the realm of corporations and incorporated entities, the strange "Land of Oz" world, where both Legal Persons and INCORPORATED PERSONS exist.
According to the fraud artists, you were identified as a "Legal Person" and, furthermore, as a Public Person -- but not an American, when you were just a few days old. The evidence of this is the Birth Certificate the rats were obliged to give you.
It shows that you were the victim of "Unconscionable Contracting Processes" when you were only a few days old, long before you could become conscious of what this meant.
As a result, you are being "presumed to be" a British Territorial Citizen, like someone born in Puerto Rico, a member of the Commonwealth, who is, for whatever reasons, living as a "resident" --- a temporary sojourner in America, called a "United States Citizen".
Obviously, this is a false presumption and you never knowingly, willing, or voluntarily adopted such a foreign political status. You were born in an actual State, like Kansas, and you were far too young to choose to live in any imaginary State of State like the Territorial State of Kansas (or the Land of Oz).
Nonetheless, the Wicked Witches cast a spell on you, trafficked you into their realm and redefined you as a Legal Person, a Public Person, and a British Territorial Citizen obligated to follow Federal Code, but not having any Constitutional Guarantees.
They did this because they acted in Breach of Trust concerning you and did not fully inform you of the circumstance, nor did they assist you to recoup your natural, lawful and owed political status. Why?
Because by "redefining" you and trafficking you into their foreign jurisdiction, they could latch onto your Good Name and Estate and buy and sell your Person and everything you own.
So, the first thing these Evil Cretins did was to sell you and your labor to the Pope and his Flying Monkeys.
You were then "additionally" presumed to be a Dual Citizen of both the British Territorial United States AND a MUNICIPAL "citizen of the United States".
This also took place under cover of darkness, before you were old enough to object, and resulted in several incorporated entities operating under you name being established "in your name".
These are incorporated THINGS are like any incorporated entity you are familiar with --- and may be defined as different kinds of trusts, C-Corps, S-Corps, 501 (c) 3 Corps, Cooperatives, Public Transmitting Utilities, Foundations, LLCs, LLP's and whatever other phony business structure designations the Roman Curia can define and sell as patented and trademarked and copyrighted products.
JOHN DOE is a Public Charitable Trust.
JOHN R. DOE is a Public Transmitting Utility.
JOHN ROY DOE is a constructive Cestui Que Vie Trust.
And so on.
All these entities are created by the Municipal United States Government, and according to the Vatican Chancery Court, they are all supposed to be "gifts" to you ---- rather like the Trojan Horse, because on the other side of Dual Citizenship created by your Stolen Identity, the Queen gets all the benefit of these "gifts" and you get to pay for them. And the Queen works for the Pope.....
The excuse for this is that they have been pretending to be involved in a perpetual "civil war" with the Queen's Territorial (Northern) Government against the Pope's Municipal (Southern) Government in a continuance of the illegal Mercenary Conflict known as The American Civil War.
It ended more than 150 years ago, but they kept right on pretending, because it profited them and let them pillage and plunder you. That is, they acted in Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract.
All that is silly enough, if the consequences for Americans were not so dire, but on top of that, the fraud is two-faced and double-sided, in other ways.
The Pope controls the Queen who acts as his Overseer for the Commonwealths, and the British Territorial Government is operating as a Commonwealth. So when the British Territorial United States fights with the Municipal United States, you've got the Pope telling the Queen to fight with him and with those who are working for him.
It's actually all just a mercenary conflict with the Pope against the Pope (indirectly through the Queen), which is ridiculous.
More recently, the Pope, has attempted to use the United Nations as his "storefront" and bring UN Troops in to fight with the Territorial United States. Either way, he hoped to get a hot war going and kill off millions of his Priority Creditors --- but as you can now see, since the Pope owns majority stockholder interest in the UN Corp, he is merely proposing to fight with himself again.
Now he is attempting to spread the war his predecessors and minions created in the Middle East, by selling off his purported interests in the two Governmental Services Corporations --- "the" United States. Inc. and "the" "United States of America, Inc." to his Arab and Jewish Creditors, so that maybe they can drum up an excuse to bring their quarrels here.
Just look what they have done in Europe. Wholesale "seeded" war throughout Europe using humanitarian aid as their excuse --- but not their object.
Take a tiny Norwegian hamlet of 6,000 souls, import 300 Shiite Muslims and 300 Sunni Muslims, and what do you get? War in Norway, Norwegians unable to ride their bikes to work because the "crazies are using bicycle blades and saws to kill each other in our streets now, and often enough, killing us, too".
The Pope and the Boyz aren't creating peace on Earth this holiday season. Far from it. They are creating new wars, endless wars, endless conflicts, because that is how they make their money and excuse themselves for the evil they choose to create.
But is it the fault of the Muslims, really? What do you expect? They have been at each other's throats for centuries. Both sides have have evicted from their homes. Their families have been killed and abused and robbed and given no peace or rest for generations.
What I want to know is --- who are and where are the senseless evil bureaucrats who didn't separate these populations and encapsulate them, instead of blowing them like mold spores all over the entire Earth?
We are plainly, loudly, and unequivocally telling Francis to go stuff his head up the nearest elephant butt, because no matter what they say or do: these entities that he controls are our employees.
They have no permission to front any kind of a "war" or commercial mercenary operation on our soil, and neither do any would-be "Successors to Contract", either.
Hence the word has gone out to the Pope, the Brits, the Saudis, the Israelis, everyone who needs to know. We are the actual employers of these "governmental services providers" and we have had enough of their Breach of Trust and Dis-service.
There is the Fact that needs your attention. We are the actual Employers of these Monsters.
If the cretins responsible for this situation don't back down, it won't matter if Nancy Pelosi impeaches Donald Trump as the "President" of "the" United States, Inc., a bankrupt corporation liquidated for criminal activity. It won't matter who was stupid enough to buy such vacuous claims and non-existent property interests.
All that will matter is that throughout the world: (1) the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church will be exposed as a crime syndicate that has dishonored our Trust and our service contract with them without cause; (2) the Queen and her Predecessors have done the same; and (3) no Successors have a contract of any kind, except the quid pro quo we established for President Trump on a month by month basis.
We own the actual unincorporated United States and these Several States and the States of America, and we also own our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America --- we are the actual, factual government of this country. All the rest, is just foreign subcontractors making a huge mess.
We are not at all confused nor are we amused. Our records and our paperwork and our liens are all in effect and in order.
Buying and selling and trading upon what they don't in fact have any valid claim to own, may be the style and habit of these hucksters, but at the end of the day, it's all still ours and we can hire whomever we wish to hire to do a better job of providing us with services, because in actual fact --- as an entire country, we are richer than Midas. And we are owed our re-venue.
We are also owed peace, because the actual government of this country has been at peace since 1814 and if the erstwhile "Trustees" force us into any other pattern or status, this is Published Notice to the Principals and their Agents, that in our world, those who start wars pay for them 100% and also do so 100% of the time, to the full, plus interest.
The actual government of this country did not participate in the baseless and fraudulent "Civil War" promoted by our Employees.
We aren't paying for any "Mouse That Roared" scenario. Our Employees are going to stand down and shut up or be shut out.
Keep these facts firmly in mind going forward. There is and can be no "civil war" here so long as we overtly forbid it --- which we do, and so long as we, the actual Employers, refuse to fund it and/or refuse to fund those people including the members of "the" Municipal Congress who are attempting to pull off this gross criminal escapade.
There needs to be a Detente established with Rome and with the Vatican and the Queen and all their Bankers, such that they clearly understand that we know who we are and also know who they are; we have assembled our States accordingly, and we are "home" with 40 States reporting and more on the way.
We are conducting our own business, thank you very much.
As the actual and factual Americans, those having the political status, standing, and jurisdiction to speak as "We, the People", we are telling Pope Francis and the Federal Civil Service and the Federal Agencies to go back in their box, mind their business, do their jobs, stop fomenting fraud and causing trouble, or they will all be out of work.
Any would-be Successors are similarly instructed and under the same demands and particulars.
Judging by the impact of numerous other "federal government shut downs" they aren't doing anything much anyway----and what they are doing, they are doing wrong.
8th December 2019, 08:53 PM
Anna von Reitz (
23 hrs ( ·
Proof A -Plenty --- I Repeat, Yes!
I have published this before and will publish again. Please everyone be prepared to really dig and update it.
I have had my copy of this list for years. Don't remember if it was the Informer or not who landed this on my desk during the dark days of "complete confusion" back in 1998-1999. It was a welcome addition to the reference desk and at the time, every reference checked out and was easy to find. Remember that "THEY" have been busy Moving the Cheese and you will have to track things down, again, unless you are lucky enough to have "Period Documents" from that time period.
(1) State Citizens v. (2) US Citizens
3. "There are two classes of citizens, citizens of the United States and of the State. And one may be a citizen of the former without being a citizen of the latter" Gardina v. Board of Registers 48 So. 788, 169 Ala. 155 (1909)
4. Federal citizenship is a municipal franchise domiciled in the District of Columbia, and the political rights of federal citizens are franchises which they hold as privileges at the legislative discretion of Congress.” (Murphy v.Ramsey , 114 U.S. 15 (1885)).
5. (1 "The only absolute and unqualified right of a United States citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States," US vs.Valentine 288 F. Supp. 957
6. "Therefore, the U.S. citizens [citizens of the District of Columbia]residing in one of the states of the union, are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an "individual entity." Wheeling Steel Corp. v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 L.Ed. 1143, 56 S.Ct. 773.
7. “A “US Citizen” upon leaving the District of Columbia becomes involved in“interstate commerce”, as a “resident” does not have the common-law right to travel, of a Citizen of one of the several states.” Hendrick v. Maryland S.C.Reporter’s Rd. 610-625. (1914).
8. "There is in our Political System, a government of each of the several states and a government of the United States Each is distinct from the other and has citizens of its own." . US vs. Cruikshank, 92 US 542.
9. "...the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States do not necessarily include all the rights protected by the first eight amendments to the Federal constitution against the powers of the Federal government."Maxwell v Dow, 20 S.C.R. 448, at pg 455;
10. "The rights of the individuals are restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the "citizenship" to the agencies of government." City of Dallas v Mitchell, 245 S.W. 944
11. " might be correctly said that there is no such thing as a citizen of the United States. ..... A citizen of any one of the States of the Union, is held to be, and called a citizen of the United States, although technically and abstractly there is no such thing." Ex Parte Frank Knowles, 5 Cal. Rep.300.
12. This can also be confirmed in the definitions section of Title 5 USC, Title 26USC, and Title 1 USC.
Therefore a US citizen is a piece of property. If you read any of those old court cases prior to the civil war where slavery was the issue, the debate was ALWAYS over property rights, therefore a US citizen, is a SLAVE.
13. The Fourteenth Amendment defines what a US citizen is; "Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States,....."
14. The so-called Fourteenth Amendment criminally converts US citizenship completely upside down from what the founding fathers intended. A US citizen is a corporation:
Congressional Record , June 13, 1967, pp. 15641-15646). A "citizen of the United States" is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT, the private constructive, cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc. in Section 4.
15. [US citizens] have not the political'[ rights]'which are vested in citizens of the States. They are not constituents of any community in which is vested any sovereign power of government. Their position partakes more of the character of subjects than of citizens. They are subject to the laws of the United States, but have no voice in its management.
If they are allowed to make laws, the validity of these laws is derived from the sanction of a Government in which they are not represented. Mere citizenship they may have, but the political '[rights]' of citizens they cannot enjoy…”People v. De La Guerra,40 Cal. 311, 342 (A.D. 1870) ·
Del Sharp--- United States Code that uses “American national” while maintaining no such status as 14th Amendment “naturalized citizen of the United States”. 8 U.S.C. § 1502 :
Certificate of nationality issued by Secretary of State for person not a naturalized citizen of United States for use in proceedings of a foreign state.
The Secretary of State is authorized to issue, in his discretion and in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by him, a certificate of nationality for any person not a naturalized citizen of the United States who presents satisfactory evidence that he is an AMERICAN NATIONAL and that such certificate is needed for use in judicial or administrative proceedings in a foreign state. Such certificate shall be solely for use in the case for which it was issued and shall be transmitted by the Secretary of State through appropriate official channels to the judicial or administrative officers of the FOREIGN STATE in which it is to be used.
Corpus Juris Secundum § 883, [t]he United States government is a FOREIGN CORPORATION with respect to a state.8 USC § 1101(a)(21), [t]he term “national” means a person owing permanent allegiance to a state.”
8 USC § 1101(a)(22), [t]he term “national of the United States” means (A) a citizen of the United States, or (B) a person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States.
American national ≠ national/citizen of the United States. These are TWO distinct statuses within the system. The former is a freeman and Freeholder.
I might also add, that our research into FDR's Inaugural Address indicates that these cretins have also claimed to own our souls via the issuance of "Baptismal Certificates" returned to them for safe-keeping, but actually traded as "private assets".
So not only do you have to claim your "vessel" --- your DNA and body from the moment of fertilization (not "conception" and not anything else but the moment of fertilization) but you must also claim your private relationship with your Creator since before your physical incarnation here, and also must maintain that you are not a member of any "religious cult".
8th December 2019, 08:59 PM
Anna von Reitz ( dCAypP&hc_ref=ARQTdEPq0QjoAViCt2R9G6dja50yPJfuezfDaCe-jF6rC_72bIcV-IaqEquDnr6yVgE&fref=nf)
22 hrs ( ·
America Never Sold, Just Foreign Corporations Abusing Our Names and Credit
For several days I have been getting this photo lobbed at me, as if it was any huge surprise, and as usual, the people sending it to me have jumped to the mistaken idea that "America" was sold to these Billionaires: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Duponts, Harrimans, and Warburgs in 1927.
The only things sold were foreign corporations "doing business as" the United States (Inc.) and the United States of America, (Inc.) ----- British Territorial and Municipal corporations in the business of providing "essential governmental services" --- not our country.
That is the key fact you have to know and stick to and realize that while corporations can be bought and sold and go bankrupt, etc., this actual country and the people who live here are not eligible nor in need of any "bankruptcy protection". We are, in fact, immune from bankruptcy of any kind. Period.
So when you see things like this --- step back, remember your history. What was happening in the 1920's? The Internal Revenue Service was brought ashore as a Delaware Corporation in 1925, the stock exchanges were bought up and up and up in preparation for the Big Bust in 1929, just two years after this report.
We are in the midst of the Roaring Twenties and these are five of the Robber Baron Families benefiting from all the graft and identity theft and "false titles" being issued by "the" United States of America, Incorporated.
If you own a house and you have a Lawn Service and a Housekeeping Service and they both act crazy and abuse your credit without you knowing or approving and then they go bankrupt ---- what happens?
Well, the bankruptcy and the credit theft is their problem and the problem of the banks issuing the credit ---- not yours. And as for the rest, it doesn't matter if they stay in business or go out of business after the bankruptcy, because it has nothing to do with you as their Employer.
You can cluck, you can duck, you can offer help, you can ignore the whole situation and deny them as much as access to a single penny of all the credit that is owed to you. Why?
Because they are all incorporated entities, separate from you in nature and in fact, and the most that you really have to do is look around for other organizations that can mow your lawn and swab your kitchen floors.
Give Paul a little while to post the actual news photo. It's interesting, but it does not mean that "America" was sold---or bankrupted, either. It's just a big corporate merger that subsequently went South and created the Great Depression, because these men were wanted it that way and profited themselves from it by bilking you.
So, learn from it, and don't let them get away with what they are trying to do again.
9th December 2019, 03:16 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 0OG8DiPAtEsB0rbVQoDVnh-j0G0-YDyDeE&hc_ref=ARQOO2l31CzSpLEb6-YuJCScIiFI0sPXCMuGOlaKdmvF37c14Ir17rCd1pRAjYNUxRo&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Frustration on the Home Front - Mine
I realize that there are those of you who want action, action, action.
There is actually more than enough to do, if you concentrate on learning all that you need to know and mastering the ins and outs of setting up your own State Assembly, your own Courts, and your own State Militia and Offices. But instead of doing that, certain people just have to rush around, looking for other things to do and more rabbit holes to tunnel around in.
No, we don't need any Treaty of Peace. We were never involved in any unresolved war. We are members of the Federation of States. Not the Confederation of States of States.
Think, people. The actual States are sovereign entities. They cannot go bankrupt. They don't need insurance -- they have indemnity.
Our actual government hasn't been at war since 1814.
American State Nationals and American State Citizens are owed The Law of Peace, AR 27 -161- 1. Period. And there is no excuse for anyone in government not knowing that and honoring that.
The entities that need to enter into peace accords are the States of America Confederation members, and these cannot be formed and "reconstructed" until our actual States assemble and charter them.
So get the horse in front of the cart and realize that there is a profound difference between States that are members of the Federation doing business as The United States of America and the States of States that are members of the long-dormant Confederation doing business as the States of America.
We have to assemble the States of the Federation, and then the States of the Federation reconstruct (re-charter) the State of States of the Confederation. Wisconsin reclaims the property assets vested in The State of Wisconsin and re-charters it, for example.
Next order of irritation....
No, there is no advantage to any Joe Average American in joining any tribal trust and doing so automatically voids all the work that you have done to extract yourselves from the maze.
Our States are Nations.
Our States require one singular political status --- one nationhood.
You can't be part of the Algonquin Nation and serving as part of the Wisconsin Assembly for the same reason that you can't belong to the Texas Assembly and the Wisconsin Assembly at the same time, and for the same reason that you can't be a US Citizen and a State Citizen at the same time.
One means one. Singular means singular. No other allegiances or political statuses are allowed while adopting American State Citizenship and running a State Assembly.
Actual Native Americans have always been free of taxation and are Constitutionally guaranteed that. It has nothing to do with belonging to a trust and everything to do with meeting the Federal definition of "native". Last I heard, that requires at least one-eighth native DNA.
Tribes can adopt white people as friends and family within their own community but this makes no difference to Washington, DC. White people can belong to tribes if they wish, but they get no tax or other benefits and won't be recognized as Natives by the Federal Government.
White people claiming tax exemption or other "Federal benefits" as Tribal Members are regularly prosecuted for tax evasion and fraud--- and they should be. What is given to one should not be claimed by another.
So if you are Native, there are some advantages to being Native, but there are also downsides, too. Native Tribes are under a condition of Dependent Sovereignty. As a result, all Native Tribal Members are (with a few exceptions) considered United States Citizens and citizens of the United States.
This precludes them from accepting Tribal status and benefits and State Citizenship at the same time.
We have noted and formally declared that our States of the Union accept people of all races, kinds, colors, and ethnicity without prejudice, meaning that so far as our States are concerned Natives are as welcome as anyone else to embrace the protections and benefits of State Citizenship.
But also like everyone else, once you step over the fence, you are no longer eligible to receive emoluments from any foreign government and participate in a State Government at the same time.
9th December 2019, 08:11 PM
Anna von Reitz ( xskbNojx-evQntZAu-9wX7is&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
IRS Fraud 101 - Tacit Admission
I recently mentioned that HR - 1 [House Resolution 1] of 2017 is a tacit admission of wrong-doing with respect to the so-called Sixteenth Amendment, in that it attempts to redefine the taxing authority under which the "Income Tax" is collected and to place it under the general taxation provisions of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1.
Why is that important?
They are admitting that they've been collecting this tax under false premises for decades.
They are admitting that they had no subject matter jurisdiction over money accrued from our labor as men and women--- our earnings and salaries that they taxed as "personal" --- meaning "corporate" income.
As Thomas Freed has said, regardless of any power to create a tax, there must also be the ability to write law to enforce it. "The fact that the 16th Amendment never gives Congress the authority to write law with respect to the enforcement of this alleged direct taxing just ignored...."
Notice that Congress has the power to tax us, but only under the limits and constraints of the Constitutions.
And next....
Notice that Congress can tax Federal Citizens, both Territorial and Municipal, any way it wishes to tax them. Constitutional constraints don't apply to Federal Employees and their direct dependents.
This is another case of the foreign court system operating under Roman Law and "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived."
All my American Readers now know that this law was created for and applied to whom? United States Citizens and "citizens of the United States" ---- Federal Employees and their Dependents, in other words.
Federal workers are not in receipt of any Constitutional guarantees, so they were fair game and not protected by Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3, nor by Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4.
Federal citizens of both kinds, military and Federal Civil Service, are defined by the Constitutions and are not parties to these agreements, so they can be abused at will.
Simply by redefining all of us as "Volunteers" working for the Federal Government for free, as "Withholding Agents", they could strip us of our constitutional protections, too.
And they did.
So what does this change in the source of claimed authority from the Sixteenth Amendment to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 do?
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 contains no ability and no claim to the ability to impose an un-apportioned direct tax on us and our earnings and salaries.
They can continue to do whatever they like to the Federal Employees and their Dependents, just as they always could before, but for those of us who declare our proper political status as Americans, the actual constitutional protections clamp down again.
If Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 is the only basis for the income tax, then it must also take the form of an impost, duty, or excise tax and the source of that impost, duty, or excise tax must be explicitly stated in the written law and that source must be taxable.
And we already know that 15 USC 17 specifically excludes any "excise taxation of labor", and we also know that as originally enacted in 1913 and still maintained as Subtitle A, Chapters 1-6, the intended "foreign persons" were all the Federal Employees, so that there is no possible application to the earnings and salaries of Joe Average Americans working in these United States.
Take home message --- direct un-apportioned taxation of the earnings and salaries of average Americans as Federal "income" has always been illegal.
They simply contrived to get around this fact by: (1) alleging that we "volunteered" to act as Federal Employees (Withholding Agents) and (2) misidentifying us as British Territorial Citizens and/or Municipal citizens of the United States at birth.
This "unlawful conversion" of our political status stripped us of our Constitutional protections and guarantees and having converted us into "Federal Citizens" then made us subject to whatever taxes they imposed on their own employees.
So, they've admitted -- tacitly--that the Sixteenth Amendment was bogus as a taxation authority, and that also means that all the tax enforcement actions taken against average Americans by IRS Agents acting "under the 16th Amendment" from 1913 to 2018, were also bogus.
And now we get down to the reason that the Sixteenth Amendment was always a bogus taxation authority with respect to Joe Average American.
The "Constitution" that was amended by the "Sixteenth Amendment" was actually the Articles of Incorporation for a Scottish Commercial Corporation, merely calling itself "The United States of America" --- Incorporated. And that corporation went bankrupt and liquidated in 1906.
So we have been treated to the spectacle of a hundred years-plus of vicious taxation based on the By-Laws of a defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation that was infringing on our Good Name for purposes of deliberate deceit and identity theft. And is trying to do so again.
But that's another story.
For now, declare your proper political status, record it, give notification of it, and if you are not a Federal Employee or direct dependent of a Federal Employee, revoke your election to pay Federal Income Taxes.
Thomas Freed has done a great deal of work on these issues though I have not been able to spend adequate time to evaluate it; it seems likely that he does not understand the reasons that the 16th Amendment had to be abandoned and may not understand that Federal Citizens were always subject to being taxed in ways beyond the constitutional provisions.
Most Americans remain stubbornly unaware of the existence of the two second class citizenship statuses of our Federal Employees and the impacts on them and, if we are not vigilant, on us.
Be that as it may, Freed does understand the implication of this tacit admission. Those who want to investigate more can find more at: ( DIwAR1OFxaKA_JRWHmZd30fXD-sna4mE7b1pMi9C9iuk4NiqlCb0prMuqy2Zrs&h=AT3xwFaIMwsltowZo4K4iqwcwKddP-0QSCs2hg9Gt-TulWLvfNrTBZSK3Cf9Y-8a0JdNvzgYnvT-ybtRe-N7DLZYbwR1dhKByst8jGoeoQCY9m1o94WlFU86WspKhRfULy1A rC8vxIDhI_Joh8dEZOP31vIu7O7q) & ( & ( Ffbclid%3DIwAR1ORxFAUo3sQwXXsqOmn-EZkKycq0KX0Ndqc3flgMxeTUuYQh3oQmyHYsQ&h=AT1uCyOwe58DHE1209NOYJigc7uU0hiNvK5T01T4XM3w9XzY l-J3NJs5CXOVMgH60Lfbm5LrBrOPzQ4q-ERL3BvB6watToCznmj6f8JBhWU6oiiJXf-eEVl21BMSruQAj5rxBMs_7Rdw5iPS-7_w2x9DXfZzHMo2)
17th December 2019, 12:30 AM
Anna von Reitz ( UD0axmMqoqDA-FU1QRvb2eWMY6C-wdgT0a&hc_ref=ART2YKsUkr47qt5-8suI0eDNmnY4OqJ522FDcSPXWOM3OUOEAJCJMtIf1WuD0ZN5SL 0&fref=nf)
December 15 at 1:43 PM ( ·
Glitzy Christians and Sunshine Patriots
I was talking with a friend recently and he came up with a new description that startled me, but I knew right away what he was talking about: "glitzy Christians". We both have met many multi-millionaires and even billionaires in the course of our lifetimes and have rubbed shoulders and noses with these men and women over the course of decades, but somehow had never discussed our mutual experiences with the wealthy Christian community.
Of course, I nodded. I knew exactly what he was saying, when he said "glitzy Christians".
Christians who spend money on a new private jet every year, and who go hang-gliding in Nepal. Christians who wouldn't dream of missing the winter season in Geneva. Christians who wear million-dollar diamonds on the golf course. Christians who have season tickets at the Vienna Opera, that they might use once a year.
The very best of them have "a" cause or maybe two, that they are passionate about. Saving the wild horses of the western states. Providing homes for outcast teenagers in LA. Promoting adult literacy. Saving wild parrots in Borneo.
I wondered what Jesus would say. I wondered if it is even possible to be "Christian" and "glitzy" at the same time.
Of course, it's not my call. Of course, I am not privy to the history of their souls or the lessons they are trying to learn. But if you think about it, Jesus was the Great Leveler, the One who brought it all down to brass tacks: tax collectors and prostitutes, Roman soldiers, Samaritans, lepers, sinners and outcasts of every kind came to him. The rich and famous stayed away.
Too controversial. Too common.
He is the one who said, "If you would be perfect, go and give all that you have away to the poor."
It is part of His Testament that we cannot serve both God and Mammon.
So maybe being rich is not such a good thing.
Perhaps it is an obstacle to our souls' freedom and growth, that leaves us empty and disconnected at the end of the day, as so many of my very wealthy acquaintances seem to be.
So many of them seem to be like little kids whistling in the dark, delighted that they "made it" and are so rich and powerful, and yet....
Empty. Alone. Depressed. Running hither and thither, restlessly searching for meaning.
They show up on my doorstep when they get in trouble with the government, and they presume because they are wealthy that they can buy first in line treatment. But they can't.
They make their case about how important they are and how important their issues are, but I seldom agree. Usually, they are just like everyone else with a beef, a fight with a regulatory agency, or the IRS or a Zoning Commission someplace.
It's not that I am not sympathetic when "the government" is in the wrong, as it often is. It's more a matter of seeing them and their problems without the fake glory of their money, and knowing that 90% of the time, their problems are just like everyone else's problems. They only think that they are special because they are rich.
Recently, a billionaire acquaintance was arrested for money laundering and other charges. I thought back to when he approached me for a legal opinion about his latest get-richer-scheme. I wasn't encouraging. He left me with the tab for lunch. Now, he's in jail.
I am wondering if he cashiered enough money with his family to pay for his defense team. No doubt the government has locked down his own resources and left his parents to pay his bail -- and all this, just before Christmas.
I'm sorry he didn't take my advice. I'm sorry he was so wrong-headed about basic things, like being grateful when someone takes time out of their day and gives you a legal opinion for free. Like not sticking "the little people" with the bill. Like using your wealth for something more and better than just accruing more and more and more....
Like caring --- really caring --- about the world we live in.
There's so much that he could have done, both in terms of making money and giving back. Oh, he wanted his freedom, but he wasn't interested in helping others achieve theirs. Contributing to the overall push to restore our lawful government wasn't on his radar. Just tweaking things so that he could be free was enough, in his opinion.
Unfortunately, that seems to be par for the course with the rich and famous. That's why their money actually does so little worthy work and contributes so little to the benefit of humanity.
Why invest in State Assemblies that will restore the lawful government of this country, when you could invest in mini-golf courses, instead?
So I paid the lunch tab for him and his buddies and I smiled and I walked away, knowing that I was richer than all of them.
And then today I got a note from a woman who is reduced to living on SSI, and it's Christmastime, and she sent me a donation of $25 for our work here, and she apologized because she couldn't afford to send more.
I sat at my desk and wept.
That same billionaire could have given me $25 million, and it wouldn't have hurt him half as much, as what she shared from what little she had.
I wrote back to her and told her that we recently hit rock bottom with all the expenses we've had here, all across the board. We got down to 26 cents in our account, but we didn't go in the red. And her $25 was the first contribution after that low point.
Think about that.
There haven't been any big donors helping us pursue the American National Credit owed to Americans. There haven't been any "investors" backing our bid to recoup the gold FDR stole from our Great-Grandparents and Grandparents. No "glitzy Christians" have cared enough about the country to weigh in on America's side of the issues. No Big Timers have paid our way to the Philippines or the Hague or Rome.
They seem quite content that everything go to wrack and ruin, so long as their investments run high. America? Their neighbors? The communities they live in? Who cares?
A woman who is so crippled up, she's on SSI.
A teen in Baltimore who makes a living mowing lawns in the summer and shoveling snow in the winter.
A cowboy out in Montana who sends $20 every pay day.
A man in New York who sends a small percentage of every sale he makes.... $1.01, $2.89, $1.78......
A retired steam and boiler technician, a waitress at Don's Diner, a Korean War Vet, a farmer in the Midwest facing eviction, a dock worker who is on Workman's Comp, and so the list goes on. Our contributors.
Not a truly rich man among them.
If anyone has cause in years to come, to go back and look at how we survived the winter of 2019-2020, and how our effort grew despite everything against it. and they pour over our books and accounts as much as they like, they won't be able to say that there was any political party behind us, or any rich financier.
All they will find will be "un-glitzy" people and patriots who cared.
The day will come when the rich and famous will beat a path to our door, just as they now trample the road into Washington, DC, seeking favors and pay offs and buy offs and all the rest of it. Count on me to turn a deaf ear--- not to any injustice, but to any pretension of importance on their parts.
It's clear to me who the really important people are, the ones who make the wheels turn, who wash the cars and the dishes, who feed the hungry, who do all the work and bear all the burdens. The race is not to the swift. The glory does not belong to the rich and famous.
It belongs to us, down here in the trenches, slogging along day to day and year to year, to our workmates and families, to our friends. The glory always belongs to those who think and who care --- and it always comes down to us, because it is our will that finds its way to expression. It's our dream that we, together, build.
We won't be alone or empty or wondering what life was all about when our time comes. We won't regret missing the ski season at St. Moritz. Or the unused season tickets at the Vienna Opera.
17th December 2019, 12:35 AM
Anna von Reitz ( JvKW5A7-jYW7bhSenv6XOMJ8&fref=nf)
December 15 at 7:27 PM ( ·
The Bar Association and US Democracy
The Bar Association is a Guild -- a European-style Labor Union.
A Bar Association "license" is a Union Card.
Bar Associations are operating their foreign courts in this country as Closed Union Shops.
This is in flagrant violation of the Smith Act and Taft-Hartley Act, which are laws of the Territorial United States, published as part of the Federal Code.
The [Territorial] Federal Code is not being enforced by President Trump as Commander-in-Chief, most likely because: (a) he doesn't realize that it is his job to oversee and discipline these foreign quasi-military courts; (b) they are using the Municipal COURTS to violate the Territorial law; (c) people assume (wrongly, it turns out) that members of the Bar Association would obey, and not evade, the law; (d) all the above.
Law is an occupation of common right in this country and always has been. Attorneys are not allowed to speak for any injured parties or to deliver hearsay evidence in our courts.
Demands or "provocations" demanding that anyone procure an Bar Attorney or that they accept a Public Defender, are part of the evidence that these foreign courts are engaged in attempted human trafficking and constructive fraud against Americans.
This is yet another evidence in the face of obvious admission that the British Territorial Government is a "democracy" --- that is, it functions by Mob Rule. A 51% mandate legalizing murder, for example, is sufficient to condone wholesale homicide in such a vicious and primitive political system as theirs; it must also be faced that the British Territorial
Government has never yet achieved any kind of mandate approaching 51% of the eligible voters, that less than 30% typically turn out in any election year, and that of those a mere plurality of 11-12% is what carries their excuse for a "vote".
Please also note that "Political Parties" are foreign to the American System of Government, and are evils (very expensive evils) that only arose in this country in the wake of the Civil War.
Any American reading this who isn't scandalized, should be.
We spend billions of dollars every election cycle for the purpose of electing new slave masters. Every four years our country is subjected to mind-numbing public debates that only expose how stupid the political candidates are, how totally corrupt such a government is, and how stupid we are for putting up with it.
We pay literally billions of dollars more each year for court services that we do not receive, and on the backside of it, we suffer pillaging, plundering and racketeering to the tune of billions more, to say nothing of the damage done in terms of lost jobs, lost property, broken families, and lost income, as these foreign courts run by the Bar Union deliberately misidentify Americans as Federal Citizens and attack them as "enemies" in a war that officially ended, and which we took no part in, over a century ago.
We, Americans, do not live in a "democracy". We live in fifty republican States of the Union.
The British Territorial democracy is subject to our lawful government and runs its concession on delegated authority, and if that is not true, then our run amok employees need to be fired, and the Trustees need to be arrested and subjected to public trials for treason, piracy, and conspiracy against the Constitutions.
And instead of worrying about Russia or China, we need all fire power we can get focused on London and Rome.
19th December 2019, 08:03 PM
Anna von Reitz ( UMRJyU8HCt572MV5f8ZCqXcEuBmQhoYO6H&hc_ref=ART7lJx5XymkAvBp4FVRA10CLHA3XsThAXEV3lLOOt7 R-_ko9GfTtSYtLjEn7nhYInw&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
The Truth About the Presidency
The American States properly constituted, polled, and assembled, have agreed that Donald John Trump meets all Constitutional requirements to become The President of The United States of America, and that he does represent the chosen President of the American People despite the defects of the underlying legal presumptions giving rise to the election process.
It is therefore deemed a matter of Good Faith with respect to those Americans who, however improperly identified through no fault of their own, have elected him, to honor their expressed Will, and also to express the Will of those members of the American People still present on these shores who have by a majority of States also approved his election, to announce that Donald John Trump of New York is qualified and elected to serve in the High Office of the Power Holder and as The President of The United States of America, if and when he throws off the chains which have hitherto bound him and accepts and adopts his birthright political status as a New Yorker and as Holder in Due Course of all Persons associated with his Good Name.
Upon his action declaring himself a New Yorker and accepting his Name and all Persons/PERSONS related to him as Holder in Due Course, free of any other ownership or obligation to Cede and Company, the State of New York, the STATE OF NEW YORK, the United Nations or any other foreign city-state, he is right-wise empowered to enter into The Office of The President of The United States of America by the American People, and is charged to direct the operations of all foreign subcontractors on our shores.
He is specifically and in public instructed that upon entering the Power Holder Office, he is to meet with the Electors within 90 days, and is to maintain the security and well-being of these States and these People without exception, including the prevention of any mercenary conflicts on our shores, the arrest of persons engaged in acts of commercial piracy and fraud, and the persons of those engaged in predatory and criminal activities aimed at children, the aged, and the infirm.
As President of The United States of America, he is empowered and entrusted to act as the day to day Chief Executive Officer of the American States and People, to direct the course of business in their behalf according to The Prudent Man Standard. His powers include the authority to discipline and impose the constitutionally established limitations upon all Federal Officials, Subcontractors and Agents.
We regret the circumstance that he has had to face and the fraudulent misrepresentation of Americans which has led to commercial interests gaining an improper control of our government and the promulgation of false claims in commerce against our citizenry. We further regret the gross breach of trust and insupportable actions of certain members of the Municipal House of Representatives.
We look forward to Mr. Trump's acceptance of the actual Power Holder Office and stand ready to guide him through the process necessary to attain that Office and to function as the actual American President.
21st December 2019, 08:14 PM
Anna von Reitz ( hCmckJ4KRuhMUu1PET0jLsbM&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
Practical Help for State Nationals
This is for those who have declared and recorded their proper political status as Joe Average Americans, and who are not Federal Employees or Dependents.
Federal employees and those who are actually receiving unearned welfare "benefits" have other options and other things to say "in-house" to the members of the Congressional Delegations.
For the rest of us, it is obviously necessary to light a fire under their collective rumps. There are many measures that we can take to compel these yahoos to perform and to clean up their own Mess. Writing a simple letter and flooding their offices with complaints about one supremely important topic --- the remedies you are owed --- is one way to do it.
We have begun a program to secure these remedies for Americans who have taken the time and made the effort to correct their political status.
Thus far, the Internal Revenue Service and "Treasury Department" are attempting to stonewall us and unreasonably restrict access to remedy. They need direction from their bosses --- the members of Congress; and we need to give the members of Congress their marching orders, too.
No need to be rude, just get your points across.
I will note that if you want to send an email to "YOUR" Congressional Delegation, most of their email programs require you to choose a "title" or "office" --- this is so they can pretend that you are actually agreeing to serve in such an office and are their employee, instead of being their employer.
As this is a "required field" go ahead and choose any "office" you wish--- then explain and disclaim this at the very beginning of your email to them. I usually choose "Marine Corps General" and then explain that I actually don't occupy any Office of Person, but was forced to choose one by the email program and so, chose "Marine Corps General" because that's how I feel ...
To help get you thinking and started, here's a sample of the kind of letter you --those who have declared their actual political status --- can write:
Dear Senate Delegates:
I have suffered multiple attempted acts of commercial piracy because you have failed to properly instruct Federal subcontractors concerning the exemptions that average Americans are owed and also failed to expedite the Mutual Off-set Credit Exchange I am owed. See Public Law 73-10.
Your failure to properly oversee and administer this process has led to the accumulation of the so-called "National Debt"--- a situation that must be corrected. It has also led to millions of Americans suffering unjustifiable foreclosures and allegations of federal tax debts that they don’t owe.
There is a Treasury Direct Account that was created in my name without my knowledge or consent as a result of FDR's Executive Order 2039. That "special trust account" is supposed to be used to off-set public debts and to hold me harmless as a [man/woman] who holds no Office of Person in the Federal or State of State Governments.
In the hard copy version that will follow this email, I am enclosing a letter to the Internal Revenue Service [or other agency, court, etc.] that I have been forced to send after a prolonged failure on their part to respond to me and continued harassment and false allegations of federal tax debts brought against Federal PERSONS that I never knowingly authorized to exist.
You will note that I have also been forced to file liens against the perpetrators and to "offer" to enforce commercial and legal sanctions against them. This is regrettable, because for the most part, they don’t know that they are doing anything wrong. They’ve been left in the dark like everyone else.
I consider the Courts and the out of control Federal Agencies to be at fault for this circumstance and even more so the banks and lending institutions including the USDA, but ultimately, I consider you all to be at fault for this inland piracy against average Americans who have not been given anything like “full disclosure” and who are left operating in the dark as a result of your continued failure to provide disclosure and failure to properly instruct your employees, including members of the court systems.
As you are choosing to perform in an undisclosed capacity as members of an "incorporated" government, I should also point out that you are yourselves without any protection of sovereign immunity and that the municipal plenary oligarchy you are serving is out of compliance with its charter --- that old-fashioned thing known as The Constitution of the United States.
We, Americans, will still be here, but the continued existence of "the" United States is another matter. The Pope issued your municipal charter and the States and People hold the other end of the string. Now that we are, by dint of our own efforts, aware of all the nasty things FDR did, we have taken appropriate action to declare our proper political status, organize the States of the Union, and prepare to finish the long, long overdue "Reconstruction" of the Federal Government.
If you have an interest in the well-being of this country and any shred of honor, it is well past time to take an interest in the malfunctioning of your subcontractors and the harm that your failure to properly instruct your own employees is causing to them and everyone else....
NOW, obviously, you have to tailor things to your own circumstance. If you haven't filed punitive liens, don't say you have. Put in your own information about whichever agency or agencies you have a beef with.
Make it clear that you are owed remedy and are being stonewalled and prevented from obtaining it by mis-informed Federal Employees.
Light a fire under them. Do so by the millions. They deserve it.
21st December 2019, 08:17 PM
Anna von Reitz ( lRN4INjXR1UXATe4PSeDK9QC5hIPxry60n&hc_ref=ART48BVHuqyEj1Ar2lwmYxfSEyhjcaTTSX0AEFz6lk9 lMD72C-tQOKuSAzAyvQ06rJI&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
It is "Cognitive Dissonance"
Cognitive Dissonance occurs when new information doesn’t fit into our learned pattern of assumptions. Such information tends to bounce out of our minds, like a pin ball hitting a bumper.
The information I teach isn’t actually hard to understand. It’s not rocket science—- but it can feel that way because of Cognitive Dissonance and our built-in tendency to avoid, shut out, and if possible— ignore, whatever doesn’t fit neatly into our own conceptualization of the topic at hand.
How difficult is it to understand that the Reconstruction that was supposed to happen after the Civil War didn’t happen?
And an important part of our intended Federal Government has been missing ever since?
So we need to.get.organized and do the job, right?
What good does it do to drain the swamp, if you don’t also remove the dam that’s causing the problem in the first place?
We are missing the largest, most important, and only truly American portion of the Federal Government because the Reconstruction is still hanging.
This circumstance is what is causing the breakdown of accountability and discipline — it’s the dam creating The Swamp.
So let’s try to consciously move past the Cognitive Dissonance and into the clear light of new understanding.
22nd December 2019, 10:32 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Z_MGjCEpALoSCDqve5FFvmCzsZ4xMs29VX&hc_ref=ARRBqhGXj75nugj4epVw6iqt-8WCIfJc_TxhF6oasg-Eo8xkbdM0T0BrASvuUZtJSLs&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 9:47 PM ( ·
More Practical Help for State Nationals -- Banking
In order to get by and thrive in life, you have to have a reasonable concern for "the other fellow" --- your family, your workmates, and yes, public employees, shopkeepers, veterinarians.... the list goes on. You also have to deal with bankers.
Most of the problems people are having with banks --- at least those that come over my desk --- are self-created and can be fixed just as quickly as they start.
Let's review some basics.
You are allowed by law to transact your business as you wish. You can, by law, use Federal Reserve Notes or United States Notes, either one. So, why not choose to use the lawful currency, United States Notes? This helps pay down the so-called "National Debt" and helps everyone in this country, including you.
The use of United States Notes presents a paper problem for the bank, because at any given time, most banks don't stock a lot of United States Notes, and they are worried that you are going to walk up to their cashier and want to cash out your account in United States Notes. If they ask, assure them that that is not your intention.
Not having enough United States Notes on hand could be a cause of embarrassment for the banks, or worse, cause people to think the bank is insolvent, etc., and cause a "bank run".
In reality, that is an extremely unlikely scenario, and denominating the funds in your accounts as United States Notes isn't actually the worry of the individual banks, because the government backs those denominated funds internationally as SDRs based on actual assets.
So, no actual worries for the banks, and you are, meanwhile, paying down the National Debt and making sure that your funds won't be subject to any bail-outs or bail-ins or other political shenanigans.
If your bank is edgy about your decision to denominate the funds in your accounts as United States Notes, just sit them down and explain what I just explained to you. Many small town bankers are not all that familiar with the currency laws and the use of United States Notes. Set them at ease.
Next point.....
There is no reason to be scared of using a Social Security Account Number when setting up a bank account. The banks use this information to insure against losses, but if they get caught doing anything inappropriate with your Social Security Account, they get fried and served for lunch.
Social Security Numbers function as both CUSIPS and AUTOTRIS account numbers. The familiar version with dashes is the CUSIP account set aside for making charges. The much-less familiar AUTOTRIS version without dashes is the credit side of things.
This is a direct demand account that FDR established "for" you without your knowledge or consent and dubbed a "special trust account" --- that you haven't known about or had access to. How convenient.
This "special trust account" was created by Executive Order 2039 and technically applied only to Municipal Employees....but via non-disclosure and fraud, the perpetrators entrapped almost everyone and then used it as the excuse to steal your name, your assets, your rights, and in many instances, even your lives.
That "trust account" is yours and it's time that you had the benefit of it.
So understand and make sure the bank understands that when they ask for your Social Security Number that they are asking for access to your trust account and to your Signature for their use as a rubber stamp---let them know that you are aware of what they are doing and that you will hold them individually 100% commercially liable if they do anything at all inappropriate with this information.
To clip their wings be sure to use a "byline" and "without prejudice" and a small copyright notice (a small "c" surrounded by a circle) when you sign the Signature Card.
That identifies that particular signature as your own unique creation and places it under your private copyright. That means that not only will they be fried and served for dinner if they mess with your account, they will be deep-fat fried.
With that caveat, go forth and conquer.
The exact verbiage to safely endorse the back of a check and denominate the funds in "lawful money" --- is:
By:_________________________ (c) All rights reserved. Redeemed in lawful money. 12 USC 411.
Please note that I don't have a copyright symbol in this program so the (c) above should actually be a small "c" that is completely encircled.
Use your Upper and Lower Case Signature to sign checks, like you were taught in school, and don't use any exotic punctuation or odd or inappropriate abbreviations like "ar" or "LS".
After all --- "ar" might mean "all rejected" or anything else at all, and "LS" --- "Living Soul" certainly doesn't belong on a check.
Also consider that if you were a bank and someone was placing a restriction on their signature using unknown abbreviations, you would have cause to be alarmed, too.
Just think about what you are doing and in which arena you are operating and play it straight. Most banks are aware of their fiscal responsibility to their customers and are only asking that you be reasonable and explicit --that is, honest, about what you are doing and what you expect of them in return.
So spell it out. Say, "All rights reserved." or "Without prejudice". That's perfectly okay for you to say or do and nobody should have any concern about that --- but "ar" or "wp" won't do.
Admittedly, if you get numerous checks you could get writer's cramp doing endorsements, so get a self-inking rubber stamp at a copy shop, and all you have to do is add your signature in ink.
Finally, you should be aware that there advantages to running your affairs as a small independent business which is "corporate" but not "incorporated". This places your business squarely in the realm of international trade, which offers you protections when conducting business with commercial (incorporated) corporations and makes it clear that you are not subject to commercial presumptions.
Ah, so. When a commercial corporation tries to attack you or seize your bank account they find it to be a much more difficult proposition. Most of them, including the IRS and other privateers prefer to go after lower hanging fruit.
If you are dealing with a commercial bank (most are) they will want you to have a business license when setting up an account, which is to protect them, not you. But having met that hurdle for a time, and presuming that you are conducting your business exclusively with lawful money, you can let the license lapse and operate as a truly private business, even though you are using the services of a commercial bank.
The commercial corporations can mess with their own script and control their own affairs and employees within reasonable limits. The transition from a licensed small business with limited commercial obligations to a private business functioning entirely in the realm of international trade should be viewed as similar to the transition when you move from one state or country to another.
Most banks are dependent on small businesses which by far employ the greatest number of people in any given community and which generate the lion's share of GDP. The last thing they want to do is drive your business away.
That said, the banks need to get their act together, too, and show you the care and respect that you deserve. If they treat you well and keep your accounts secure, they've done their job. If not, the pendulum swings and other alternatives must and will be sought.
I have a very handy reference on my desk that shows how to convert a "Federal" Credit Union into a State Credit Union --- and I am not talking about a "State of State" Credit Union, I am talking about an actual State Credit Union.
Credit Unions naturally belong in the realm of international trade and are perfect for the needs of average people and small businesses. Most of us would be well-served and well-advised to do most, if not all, of our business with credit unions as a result. We simply do not need the array of services and regulations associated with big commercial banks.
So just sit down for a few minutes out of your life and think seriously about what is best for you and for your country. How do you want to conduct business? What services do you need? How are you going to sign your checks? Which currency will you use? What impact does that decision have on your funds and accounts--- and on your country?
Although money and often, lack of it, consumes an inordinate amount of effort and concern in our lives, we are taught almost nothing about it in school ---- for the simple reason that what you don't know benefits crooks and leaves you more vulnerable to pirates.
When you think about the efforts that you make to earn money, doesn't it make sense that you should think about what money is? What credit is? What securities are? How banks work? How important is your signature? How can it be abused?
There are many questions that most Americans never ask and we really should --- for our own sake and the sake of our country, too.
Most people choose a bank at random. They go to that bank because their parents went to that bank, or because some high-flyer friend uses it, or because its on the way home. That's not the way to choose a bank.
Banks are run by people and you want a bank that shares your values and which offers the services you need.
For most of us, that means we want a bank that is operating under a State Charter and which has been in business for a long time serving people just like us.
Let's face it, most of us have no reason or need or ability to be transferring millions of dollars around the globe, so why would we take our business to one of the huge, glitzy commercial banks?
No. Most of us need a Mom and Pop bank or credit union, one that is locally chartered and controlled by actual people that we either know, or can get to know.
Most of the bankers I have met in my lifetime are extremely lonely people. Most of them really do care about their communities and their employees and the services they provide.
Within the weird world of a credit-debt currency system and double accrual accounting, they are doing the best they can.
And they love it when they get an "Attaboy!" or "Attagirl!"
So instead of treating your bank like a convenient public toilet, stop a moment and think about your bank. What do you really know about it? It's history? Who runs it? The laws and regulations that impact it?
If you have questions or concerns --- ask, discuss, learn. Most bankers are happy to share their expertise and will give good advice if they are asked.
As with any other human endeavor, you have Good Guys and Bad Guys.
So take the time to actually think about your bank and your banking needs and do some research and soul-searching. It's your money and your credit----and your life.
How do you want to conduct your business to best benefit yourself, your community, your country-- and your world-- as a whole?
22nd December 2019, 10:51 PM
Anna von Reitz ( nZUlq8enDgumq30gNfXVkmhgoccmVjTg7q&hc_ref=ARQ63jvyXCJ_VPay9mln1iHQ7dajeb9zN7ajA8WQ-Q79hzo8qQ0yq96ONJwyEIeR0Rs&fref=nf)
18 hrs ( ·
The Cards Are Called
We've had some real rats as Presidents. Gangsta quality guys. Robber barons. Even pukes like Slick Willie. There are no --- repeat, no, none, zero, zip, nada --- choir boys in the ranks of the Presidents. Number one, they can't be Candide and get that far, and number two, if they were all sweet and cuddly and a box of rocks, they'd make terrible Presidents.
The trick most of them employ is to: (1) look good; (2) say whatever people want to hear (Obama is an excellent example of this); and (3) follow the political maxim of "do whatever you want, so long as you don't get caught".
This means that in addition to not being Choir Members, most Presidents are tremendous hypocrites. Not all, but most of them, don't believe in or care about anything but money and power and how best to benefit themselves and their pals at the public trough.
That's why when someone like Trump comes in without a ticket, it upsets the whole DC Beltway Carnival.
Trump is not a Choir Boy, either.
The difference is that he is a really astute business man. And he's not nearly the world-class hypocrite that most US Presidents have been.
He actually sees --- and values --- the power and potential and beauty of America. He knows in his own terms what the "American Dream" is.
That's the truth about Donald Trump, as proven in the pudding he has served up over the last four years.
By their fruits you shall know them.
The American Dream runs counter to the Democrat Dream of controlling the work force via Labor Union bosses just like the Overseers on their beloved plantations.
Most people don't realize it, but the modern Democratic Party was birthed by largely German Communists who came here after the 1848 Worker's Rebellion and settled in my home state of Wisconsin. They were joined by the "traditional" Southern Democrats who were the remainders of the Southern elitists leftover after the Civil War. This unlikely marriage of what superficially appears to be radically different partners wasn't so strange after all.
It turns out that the Communists have a lot in common with the traditional Southern Democrats, though for wildly different reasons. Both groups are elitist. Both believe in deceit and that lying is an acceptable means to an end. Both readily adopt to either/or thinking patterns and use "pillar" to "post" control systems to divide and conquer. Both groups are hypocrites. Both believe in subjugation of the inferior masses -- while spieling the exact opposite message from both sides of their mouths.
Just so we are clear, I don't venerate either political party and I did not start my life despising the Democratic Party. Far from it.
I grew up in hardscrabble Black River Falls, Wisconsin, in a working class farm family and almost everyone I knew who bothered to vote --- was a Democrat. I considered myself a Democrat at one time and I continue to embrace many of the broad-minded egalitarian principles that the Democrats pretend to champion.
That's the problem.
They pretend to champion all these high ideals of caring about communities and working class people and sharing with the less fortunate and education for all ---and, as it turns out, the Democratic Party doesn't actually care about any of those things. The Democratic Party is ruled by thugs with connections to big crime syndicates and populated with staffers and wannabes too stupid to notice that all the rhetoric is fake.
Stone cold fake. And on purpose.
I had to learn that the hard way, by pouring through piles and piles of voting records on major issues and pieces of legislation that have been severely damaging to working class people and people of color.
I've got a tip for you -- in every case I examined, and that ran a gamut from the Civil War to 1973, Democrats created the evil legislation, spoke loud and long against it, and then, by wild margins, voted FOR it. In every single case.
I remember kicking back in my chair and staring at the ceiling of my college dorm room, feeling like I had been slapped up the side of the head. It was like the time I kept track of the "nightly news" stories for content and discovered that I was being fed a steady diet of stories about death and sex, and virtually nothing of use or benefit to me or anyone else.
So I turned off the Democratic Party like I turned off the Nightly News.
Back then, with all my youthful idealism intact, I thought Democratic politicians believed in the stuff they talked about.
It's only when you look at actual voting records-- at what the Democrats do, rather than what they say-- that the brutal truth shoves firmly into view.
This also explains why -- despite having super majorities for entire decades -- the slave-like, destructive welfare state has burgeoned into a huge population of people who are literally entrapped by the welfare system.
Entrapped, dependent, believing that there isn't enough of anything --- not enough money, not enough food, not enough of anything --- and that the only way to get more is to push for more welfare spending and more welfare programs.
It never occurs to them that they are being kept poor and dependent and miserable on purpose. And by the very people they believe are their champions.
Most people forget or miss the point that the government is in the business of providing services and that having a large captive population totally dependent on such services adds up to big profits for them and big meal tickets for bureaucrats---- and large dependent voting blocks for scumbag politicians who deliberately create poverty and break families and stifle job opportunities so that they have a big captive population to serve.
Thus, Black and Hispanic and other Minority voters put these rats into office year after year, decade after decade, vainly hoping for change and a better life, and never once realizing that their purported champions are the ones doing them the damage and keeping them down.
Like other Americans, Minority Voters don't check voting records and don't know the history of the Democratic Party. They don't read the horrible damaging legislation proposed by Democrats, then repudiated by Democrats, and then, quietly voted for ---- all by Democrats.
"Keep them hungry and keep them stupid." is the unofficial motto of the Democratic Party at the highest levels. Believe me, because I have been there in my younger days and no matter what they say or pretend, I would never go back again.
Don't believe me? Go look at the actual voting records on key topics.
Enfranchisement ---as in Dairy Queen enfranchisement. Electoral votes (actual voting rights) for women and people of color. Municipal corporations. Taxes. Abuse of Social Security funds. CPS. Land ownership. Marriage "licensing" laws. The Buck Act. And why in the Hell didn't they recognize the "Natural and Unalienable Rights" of colored people, instead of pulling yet another sleight of hand and offering "Civil Rights" instead?
If you are a rat, born to the breed, then you would find it deliciously amusing, just how easily misled and stupid American voters have been, and how many generations of us have taken politicians at their word and never checked their actual voting records and actual performance.
Let's finally get to FDR, the King Rat of them all.
I am going to quote the guts of Executive Order 2039 which created the perpetual private trusts on March 6, 1933 --- the very same day that the Conference of [Territorial ] State [of State] Governors "pledged" their "states and the citizenry thereof" as collateral for loans from the Municipal Government.
"....the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approval of the President and under such regulations as he may prescribe, is authorized and empowered (a) to permit any or all of such banking institutions to perform any or all of the usual banking functions, (b) to direct, require or permit the issuance of clearing house certificates or other evidences of claims against assets of banking institutions, and (c) to authorize and direct the creation in such banking institutions of special trust accounts for the receipt of new deposits which shall be subject to withdrawal on demand without any restriction or limitation and shall be kept separately in cash or on deposit in Federal Reserve Banks or invested-in obligations of the United States."
So, what are we really witnessing here?
At the Conference of Governor's meeting taking place that same day, FDR got the rats to "pledge" all the Territorial "citizenry" as collateral backing loans from the Pope.
The same day, "clearing house certificates" were allowed to be issued for "new deposits".
He's talking about birth certificates and the "new deposits" were American babies being deliberately misidentified as "United States Citizens" and used as literal bank collateral to fund the bankruptcy reorganization of "the" United States of America, Inc.
The Pope and the then-King are consolidating their operations on our shores, moving to run both sides of their Papist Commonwealth-Roman Municipal scheme under one consolidated governmental services corporation --- and all at our expense.
Think of it. You are the Pope and you are in the business of providing "governmental services". You have two levels of the American government under your control, one directly, and one indirectly. Well, of course, you want to reduce your costs and expand your services---and profits--- by doubling them up and expanding the range of services on offer.
So you hire, on our behalf of course, two guys to do the job of one, profit yourself from the labor of both, and charge the clueless American public for it.
Just go on the internet and do a search for something that should be simple --- like "Alaska Department of Natural Resources". What you will find is a multitude of such entities listed, all with slightly different names, different addresses, etc.
There's the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, the State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, the Alaska DNR, and so on.
Now, you may think that these are all the same and all part of the same government, but they aren't. What you are seeing is the duplication for profit scheme in action---- a Territorial DNR, a Municipal DNR, a Regional (UN) DNR, a State Trust DNR....... and so it goes, the "government services" proliferating like a rapidly growing cancer.
And stupid people clamoring for more.
And of course, the "Legislatures" which are just elected Boards of Directors for these governmental services corporations, have no motive to stop it, so long as they can charge you for it and profit themselves at your expense.
Having created a completely redundant second or third or fourth set of workers, you can then use all the extra help for political and other profit making purposes.
The final details of the 1933 take-over transition were finished four years later in 1937 with the signing of The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States.
At least they had enough class back then to admit that they were "in" The United States.
I happen to have and to have securely archived an original signed copy of this document implementing Corporate Feudalism---which was handwritten on over-sized sheets of rag paper in India ink, like something from the Middle Ages.
Please notice that the main Issuer and Purveyor of the bonds related to FDR's Executive Order 2039 action was the Depository Trust Company (DTC) and that the underlying holding company in possession of the "deposits" --- i.e., Birth Certificate Applications, was Cede and Company --- all managed by the newly created Vatican Government (est. 1929).
Also notice that from FDR's side of the "New [Undisclosed] Deal" his profits from selling you into slavery and confiscating all your assets were poured into the Federal Reserve Banks and that "special trust accounts" were established in the names of all the "new deposits".
This is where "YOU" came in, along with the all the undisclosed escrow accounts siphoning off your money, the value of your labor, and your natural resources--- including your children.
When we started tracking it, the money trail led from DTC to the Vatican Bank (the Pope gets his share first) and then to the Bank of Canada (the Queen's "Commonwealth" share) and having been laundered through both these banks, the filthy loot of the Slave Traders comes back to the Mellon Bank (the share of the American traitors and their "progeny" --- mostly members of The Pilgrim Society) -----and finally, the remainder lands in the Federal Reserve Banks closest to wherever the victims were born.
All the lucre raised from selling "me" that was left after the scumbags took their shares is sitting in the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, under a CUSIP/AUTOTRIS "Social Security Number" and an account labeled: RIEZINGER, ANNA MARIA.
Please note that the habit of using all capital letters without hyphens between the words is known as "DOG LATIN" --- a venal script amounting to gibberish that was applied by the Roman Emperor Justinian to identify and defraud "tribal members" who were illiterate.
This slave operation has been going on a long, long time, but it is time for it to end, and for the outraged world to throw off the yoke of men who at best could be called criminals--- and also the institutions which have betrayed the trust and Good Faith of billions of people.
And there, right smack dab in the middle of the cradle of this stinking and reprehensible modern day enslavement and racketeering scheme, sits Pope Frances.
There are only two possibilities: (1) Frances is the Chosen One of the evil and rightfully suppressed "Holy Roman Empire" and he was, as is rumored, put in power by means of murder and blackmail; (2) Frances is the loyal Jesuit "Bag Man" for Pope Benedict XVI, who has taken a powder from public view, similar to Prince Philip who retired from public life two days after receiving $950 trillion dollars worth of "Life Force Value Annuities" belonging to us and the Canadians.
This is how, when, where, and by whom we were all secretively betrayed and the reason that we all have been treated as slaves and sucked dry by our public servants; and this is how slavery has been maintained in the modern world, right here in the land of the free and the home of the brave, since 1933.
This was done to us by FDR and the Democratic Party, which deserves to be outlawed as a crime syndicate--- up front, here and now, for sure.
I still have friends and family members who are Democrats and Catholics, both, and I love them dearly. If they knew what has been going on in their Party and their Church, they would be as sickened as I am.
They couldn't imagine such evil and deceit, lurking just underneath the surface of their government, their political party, and most of all, their church.
But the evidence is in, and the cards are called.
Yes, Julia, there were Republicans in the dog pile, too.
Teddy Roosevelt, FDR's Cousin, was an absolute promoter of the whole scheme, and a skilled and devious actor. His career was launched by the Robber Barons. He oversaw the First Bankruptcy of the Scottish Interloper doing business as The United States of America, Inc. and he established the foundations for the Federal Reserve System and did far more damage to this country than ten atom bombs----and he was a Republican.
But he was also a Roosevelt.
So we had Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, doing the set up, and we have FDR, a Democrat, doing the take down.
Among all the Players who have contributed to this seething cauldron of corruption--- the name "Roosevelt" needs to be etched in stone.
Rothschild means "Red Shield" and Roosevelt means "Red Field".
Go figure.
These men were so arrogant, so evil --- and so diabolically brilliant --- that they literally believed that the rest of us would never be able to figure it out.
Yet, there it is, all neatly dissected, decoded, and presented in a single paragraph of a single Executive Order issued back in 1933.
Let's outlaw the Democratic Party as a crime syndicate. And then let's abolish the Political Party System and the Federal Reserve System, too.
Lets make a clean sweep and all go home to America, where we don't have political parties, don't buy and sell babies as "new deposits", and are sick to death of all of this crap.
25th December 2019, 02:46 AM
Anna von Reitz ( ZcEICgYU5nA0ijUT2U1tak_YK5bghkpQku&hc_ref=ARTnbBpjC1V01ENdg_b0kBaSpnAmHvGRmTlY13nunqu KRo8yDZYzULaIYhD6ikTkqjE&fref=nf)
December 23 at 1:30 PM ( ·
To a Bureaucrat in Wisconsin:
Here is an example of what you, too, can do to wake up the slumbering among us and "put it to" the members of the Bar Associations:
Sent to: DFI-UCC <>
December 23, 2019
Thank you. I am afraid that the only fraud being promoted is being promoted by the British Monarch and the Municipal United States Government, which has been condoning Unconscionable Contracting Practices and using them against unsuspecting Americans.
The root of this issue goes back to a specific Presidential Proclamation of Franklin Roosevelt (2039) issued on March 6, 1933.
The British Territorial United States Government corporation styling itself as the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia came ashore and secretively conscripted American doctors as "Uniformed Officers", and forced them on pain of losing their [Territorial] license to practice, to participate in this scheme which has compelled millions of innocent and trusting American women to sign undisclosed commercial contracts misidentifying their babies as British Territorial United States Citizens and also mis-characterizing themselves as "Informants".
This has then allowed the rats behind this scheme to seize upon our Given Names and our assets and to sell the same to the Pope, whose minions operating the Municipality of Washington, DC, then create all these ACCOUNTS "in our names" and use these to hypothecate bogus debts against American public and private property assets.
Your house and land and everything else you think you own has been seized as chattel backing their spending and you didn't even know it.
Your friends in the "legal department" are under a similar gun as the doctors. They are forced to belong to a foreign labor union --- a "guild" based in London --- and to have a Bar Card issued by the Queen to practice law in her British Territorial United States Courts.
Please tell them that I know exactly how this works and what their problem is and that they are going to have to understand mine.
And yours, if you are a typical American.
YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE is actually your "Death Certificate" ---- the American baby was, as a result of the undisclosed contracts being shoved off on our Mothers, "conveyed" into British Territorial jurisdiction. Your birthright estate as an American was unlawfully converted and instead of being marked down as a state national of Wisconsin ---which is what should have happened --- you were deliberately mis-identified as a Territorial "United States Citizen" and British Subject.
This unlawful conveyance which is, by the way, a capital offense under both the Hague and Geneva Conventions ---death penalty by hanging or firing squad--- resulted in the creation of what is termed an "infant decedent estate" -and because you purportedly "died" as an "abandoned" infant left on the doorstep of the hospital and "presumed to be" a British Territorial United States Citizen, of course, you "died" intestate, without a will.
That allows the "Attorney General" to determine everything about your estate as an American and dispose of your land and home and everything else however he wishes.
So the filthy Vermin decided to reap the fruits of their fraud scheme by using our American assets as collateral to back their debts.
They sell all our names "as" British Territorial "Citizens" to the Pope, who has them "deposited" as the same "new deposits" ---- American babies! --- referenced by FDR in his Presidential Proclamation and unlawfully conveys them --- again --- into Municipal United States jurisdiction and deliberately mis-identifies them a second time as Municipal CITIZENS responsible for paying all the debts of the Municipal United States Government.
This is all the most venal kind of international crime and slave marketing and genocide on paper imaginable----- and is is all being practiced against us by people who are (1) receiving their paychecks from our hands and (2) under contractual obligation to protect our Persons and (3) sworn to defend us against "all enemies" both foreign and domestic.
Tell your friends in the "Legal Department" that I accept and acknowledge via this email, which I will record, that they are all acting as Officers of the Queen, that they are all 100% commercially and personally liable for these practices and for any harm that comes to me and my non-existent "infant decedent estate" which is in fact my own estate and nobody else's, including my Mother's.
You may also tell them, if you will, that this "System" of things is at an end. The crime and the underlying constructive fraud that has resulted in the existence of all these "registered properties" and being manipulated by the Bar Associations "in the name of" living Americans ---- has at long last been tracked down to its source. And it has all been nothing but purposeful fraud resulting in Odious Debt being "hypothecated" ---- "in theory" ---- against my assets and being claimed against me in real life. They all have a choice now.
They can either honor their actual duties owed to me and my decidedly "non-decedent" estate and get busy and correct the "mistake" regarding the registration of my name --- "Anna Maria Riezinger" which has not been corrected despite my Mother's repudiation of her purported "donation" standing on the books of the Jackson County Registrar, and despite my properly Witnessed instructions to the Clark County Registrar.
And they may inform the Wisconsin Attorney General that is is not his privilege or the Queen's to deprive or defraud any Wisconsinite in this manner and they can shift their rumps to put a stop to these practices and to get this Mess straightened out and my Good Name conveyed back into its proper and original jurisdiction and myself and my assets Held Harmless.
Because, of course, neither my Mother nor I, nor--- most likely, you, ----have ever been given full disclosure about any of this phony baloney going on behind our backs, and because in the course of my life I created and adopted a Pen Name, Anna von Reitz, my situation is even more complicated.
They have not only "presumed upon" my Given Name, they have done the same with my Pen Name, and with an infinity of permutations, orderings, styling, punctuation and other variations and so called "Municipal DERIVATIVES" thereof, including ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER, ANNA M RIEZINGER, ANNA RIEZINGER, ANNA VON REITZ, ANNA M.REITZ, ANNA VONREITZ, ANNA M RIEZINGER-VON REITZ, and Anna Von Reitz and Vonreitz, Anna M., and Reizinger-VON REITZ, Anna Maria, and so on and so on and so on......
This is all the fault of your pals in the Legal Department not doing their duty owed to Americans including, most likely, you ---- and standing there like dumbshits, living in fear of losing Bar Cards. Would they rather be charged with conspiracy against the Constitution? Would they rather be hauled up in international court for violation of the Geneva and Hague Conventions? Would they rather have me charging their ACCOUNTS, instead of the purportedly pre-paid TAX ACCOUNTS and Federal Reserve Bank ACCOUNTS operating as CUSIP and AUTOTRIS ACCOUNTS set up "for" me as "special trust accounts" ---to quote King Rat FDR---- ? Or would they like to clean this crap up "for" me, instead?
I am a reasonable American Person. I realize that we owe the governmental services corporations for services performed; however, I also realize how much those same governmental services corporations owe to me and to other Americans and I am fully aware that their perpetual bankruptcies and their decision to operate in such a deplorable and criminal manner is not my responsibility. It's theirs.
So. Please, by all means, light a fire under the tails of the members of your Legal Department for me. It's about time somebody did so. If any of them are ex-Service Members, remind them of the Oath they took and which I accept ---- to protect and defend "the Constitution"--- which includes their obligations to American State Citizens and the requirement to protect American babies against all enemies BOTH foreign and domestic.
Most Sincerely,
Anna Maria Riezinger (et alia!)
I am going to sign and record this along with a screen shot as part of a UCC Lien and "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit".
26th December 2019, 05:12 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 0Scg-Jb8m9cwD0GDj&hc_ref=ARQCWWO01UgULp9VNJELLIcnylaWumKEzV3HkHkdm3p 6YJ8_Dsy4ohPJAdLfUSAe8dE&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Actual Answers -- Listen Up, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh....
Okay, let's begin with the fact that I stopped listening to conservative talk radio about the same time I stopped listening to Mainstream Media.
I stopped listening to Mainstream Media because I proved, scientifically, that I was being fed a steady diet of "news" about sex and death, none of which I could do anything about, and none of which had any practical benefit for me.
So, instead of feeling depressed and anxious, I turned the dial and started wondering: "What possible benefit do these scags get from feeding people useless stories about sex and death?"
The situation with Talk Radio is somewhat similar. After six months of analyzing Michael, Mark, and Rush--- I came to the unavoidable conclusion that these guys are great at asking questions, but don't offer answers.
Maybe they can't talk about actual answers and still keep their broadcasting license?
So, again, I turned the dial.
They may have some use in prodding people to ask questions about government issues, but.....that's like encouraging an interest in gingivitis without discussing bacteria and oral hygiene.
Oh, gee, my gums are bleeding......
And...... (dead silence).
For me, staring at my navel ended in High School. Picking the lint out has continued unabated ever since.
1. The way all the rats are getting around respecting your Constitutional guarantees is by redefining who you are and they are using simple semantic deceit to do it.
As an American State National you are owed all your guarantees and respect for your Natural and Unalienable rights. You can also act as a State Citizen of The United States and hold the rats to their obligations.
So they "redefine" you and "mistake" you as--- instead---- a "United States Citizen" ---- as if you were born in Puerto Rico, instead of Bangor, Maine.
And they also contrive to mistake you as a "citizen of the United States" --- as if you were a "US Corporation" chartered in Washington, DC.
These other "citizens" have no Constitutional guarantees or protections. At best, the "United States Citizens" have "Equal Civil Rights".
Wake up, People ---- what are these "Civil Rights" supposed to be "Equal" to?
They are supposed to be equal to your Natural and Unalienable Rights, but they aren't, because they are conferred on you by the Congress and what Congress gives, Congress can take away---- as opposed to Natural and Unalienable Rights which are the free gift of Nature and Nature's God.
Because you don't know the verbiage and don't know what they are alleging about you and so--- you don't protest and deny their allegations--- they get away with this sleight of hand.
And they use it to infringe on your right to keep and bear arms, your right to travel where you please, and your right to have custody of your own children and on and on and on.
It's all because you, a State Citizen of The United States, have been "mistakenly-on-purpose' misidentified as a British Territorial "United States Citizen" or a Municipal United States "citizen of the United States".
And you have been kept in the dark and unable to rebut these Legal Presumptions until now.
So there's Answer Number One.
Get off your rumps and draw the line for your employees, so that they are no longer able to impersonate you and deny you your guarantees and seize upon your property and put you in jail for "regulatory infractions" and taxes that only apply to them.
Ready for Number Two?
2. Both Political Parties practice the Hegelian Dialectic.
What to ____ is that, you may say?
It's a simple but ugly step-by-step process.
First, you create a problem.
Second, you stomp around and complain about the problem you created.
Third, you offer a solution to the problem.
Fourth, you get chosen to implement the solution, which gives you political power.
Fifth, you solve the problem you created, and spawn four or five new problems.
In this way, you dupe your victims into thinking that you are their savior and indispensable to them In Washington, DC, and as long as you can create problems, you can keep your seat.
Here is a real life example.
1. The Federal Government Corporation creates a fraud scheme that allows them to make false commercial claims against the assets of your County; [They create the problem.]
2. This leaves your County unable to pay its bills and leads to widespread unemployment and misery in the cities within your County; [They decry the problem--- the poverty, the unemployment, etc. --- that they created..]
3. LBJ offers "Federal Block Grants" as assistance to your County --- these are kickbacks from the racketeering and fraud that took place in Step One; [They present the solution to the problem they created and with much fanfare unveil the new Federal Program.....]
4. Your County takes the bait, gets a share of the payola, and starts functioning as a dependent franchise of the criminal Federal Government Corporation; [Your County Officials are snookered into participating in the fraud and racketeering and think that the Federal Government has "saved" the County, because they don't realize that the Feds created the problem in the first place.]
5. LBJ and other Perpetrators are regarded as heroes instead of as villains, and they are rewarded for their bad deeds, thus encouraged to continue on in the same manner....and all the clueless grateful "voters" continue to put these con men into office.
That's the way this really works --- the sleazy politicians are ultimately rewarded for creating problems, not for solving them. So guess what?
They, themselves, create an endless avalanche of problems that would not otherwise exist.
They create poverty. They create unemployment. They create broken families. They create environmental disasters. They create wars. They create bad food, bad drugs, bad medical care practices.
They are profiting from all the problems they create, so they just create more.
Ready for Number Three?
3. All the evils and ills in the world require Middlemen, and Middlemen are thus purposefully inserted into every program and process you can imagine.
The IRS is a Middleman. The Banks are all Middlemen. The Defense Contractors are Middlemen. The Arms Dealers are Middlemen. The Insurance Companies are Middlemen. The Tax Assessor is a Middleman. The Corporate Politicians are all Middlemen. The Human Resources Departments are all Middlemen. The CPS Agents are Middlemen. The LEOs are all Middlemen. The Judges are all Middlemen...... and yes, the priests in the Roman Catholic Church are all Middlemen, too.
They all insert themselves and stand in the middle, and profit themselves by doing so.
Everywhere you look, in every system of society that you examine closely, you will find the same thing:
We live in a complex, responsive, morphogenic information matrix that we ultimately control via the net result of our combined thoughts and feelings.
Naturally, we should seek what is good for ourselves and our families, right?
Whatever gives us the greatest pleasure and health and well-being should be instantly reflected in the world around us.
Instead, what happens?
The "Governments" of the world, operating under the principles exposed in Actual Answer Number 2 above, insert Middlemen into the process, and use these Middlemen to distort and up-end and reverse results.
You wish for peace and plenty, but they get in the middle and send out the false information that you want war and deprivation, instead.
So you get war and deprivation, because these Middlemen messed with the signal. And most of the time, they don't even know what they are doing.
The knowledge about this is kept compartmentalized, so that Middleman A doesn't know what Middleman B is doing.
And, you, of course, are left standing there shaking your head thinking ---- WTF? I ordered up a heaping helping of peace and plenty, and I get war and disaster, instead?
Well, yes, that is exactly what happens because the "mirror" is being distorted and reverse imaged like a Fun House mirror.
And it is being done deliberately, with malice aforethought, without your knowledge and without your consent, and even without --- generally speaking --- the knowledge of the Middlemen implementing the distortion.
And all for the profit and curiosity of men like Elon Musk and Bill Gates and mad scientists and even crazier politicians who have lost all sense of morality and who propose to "Play God". Literally.
About thirty years ago, these same Players unleashed "Mindbox" technology on the world and along with it, the weird world of "MERS" and the "BEAST" system in Belgium.
Now, they have tinkered and added more layers of Middlemen and found out more scientific information that they are exploiting as A1 technology to control your thoughts, which control your emotions, which together form the basis of reality for the entire planet.
If they succeed and are not brought down, they will create a world of unspeakable horror.
As a result, both the kingpins in Silicon Valley and their off-shoots in China have to be brought down, their patents cancelled, and their ability to profit --in any way-- from their evil Middleman technology, put to an end.
The simplest temporary solution is to render their physical bodies inoperable, and destroy their broadcast and AI Middleman programs. This can be done using conventional and unconventional Special Forces.
The second quickest and ultimately most efficient (and longer-term answer) is to overwhelm their distortion with positive thoughts and emotions.
This may require us to "suspend belief" in the ugliness surrounding us and to consciously generate thoughts and feelings of peace and plenty to countermand and correct the message they are sending.
It may also require us to become truly conscious and resistant to their interference with our brain waves and their attempts to create "second brains" within our neurological framework.
We can do this simply by telling our brains not to obey outside subliminal programming that we do not consciously know about and approve of. To create such a subconscious "command" simply repeat the instruction over and over in at a variety of times and circumstances, but especially at bed time and when you first wake in the morning:
"I do not accept subliminal programming from Artificial Intelligence and Broadcast Sources."
This is the equivalent of building a "Firewall" against external Artificial Intelligence and Broadcast manipulation of your neural network.
This is for real, folks. Listen up, Mike, Mark, and Rush.
Google, Facebook, Neuralink Sued for Weaponized AI Tech Transfer, Complicity to Genocide in China
27th December 2019, 12:23 PM
Anna von Reitz ( yLU_nhb6EkTi4yySj3pD5suqEh-Qsze5-B&hc_ref=ARTRNbGGIPSiPQEQDW1G-qsYdb-0h7nvXAATMqqpgMZwZAN5sD8qOWQKskfEeSfGhY4&fref=nf)
15 mins ( ·
Straight Talk for Tony, From Ernest and Me.....
Get serious, guys. Here is why [the Democrats didn't impeach Obummer for his crimes.]
Antonio Gramsci, Karl Marx,and Freud combined plans to destroy western culture. It's called: Cultural Marxism=Political Correctness.
They formed a plan to implement this scheme in Frankfurt, Germany. Hence, the Frankfurt "School" and the Frankfurt Plan. [This is really old news--- so old you might have missed it.]
The Frankfurt School's Eleven Point Plan.
1) The Creation of racism offenses. [Remember how everyone was dubbed a "racist" by the Demon-c-rats?]
2) Continual change to create confusion. [Do you feel like you are in a Mix Master?]
3) The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children. [Uh-huh]
4) The undermining of schools and teachers authority. [CPS comes in and steals your kids if you discipline them and its worse for teachers. Yep.]
5) Huge immigration to destroy identity. [So.....what has already happened in Europe and trying to happen here?]
6) The promotion of excessive drinking. [And drugging, too.]
7) Emptying of churches. [By undermining their credibility and commandeering their leadership and assets.]
8) An unreliable legal system with bias against crime victims. [Oh, boy, you think???}
9) Dependency on the state or state benefits. [How many people on the dole after Obummer cut their jobs and increased their cost of living?]
10) Control and dumbing down media. [Watch five minutes of any "news" program. Check to see if you heard any actual news.....]
Okay, anyone out there got any questions? Pope Francis is an avowed Cultural Marxist, which means he has no culture in mind at all, just destruction of everything, as outlined above.
The Roman Catholic Church has got to get rid of him and the Cardinal Bishops supporting him, or the whole world as we know it will blow.
And they, the Roman Catholic Church, will go up in smoke, right along with everything else.
The RCC will be destroyed and all the other churches that have been dumb enough to incorporate themselves in order to avoid taxes they were already exempt from.
So to all Americans reading this and all members of churches, especially the Roman Catholic Church --- there IS a reason why all this crap is happening, and we all now officially know what it is. It has a name: Cultural Marxism.
So, too, our mission is to destroy "Cultural Marxism" at its roots --- to attack it and its reason for being, and attack anyone caught espousing it, high or low on the totem pole. From the Pope on down. Right or left. Rich or poor. They have to go.
And it is not negotiable. Either we stand up for ourselves and for our culture, or these closet Anarchists will destroy all culture and leave the people of the Earth with nothing --- no framework, no agreed upon standard of morality, nothing.
Nancy Pelosi and all her little pals have to go. The sooner the better. Time for the rest of us to move into her district and go door to door and talk to people about what she is doing in their names----and see how long she lasts on Capitol Hill.
Let's target The Big Bitch and send her to you-know-where politically.
Let's put the hammer down and expose, expose, expose so that every drunk and dumb cluck in this country knows what "Cultural Marxism" is and knows how they and their country have been targeted. And by whom and by what.
28th December 2019, 09:40 AM
Anna von Reitz ( Mp22UJIa0ZbxYGG2_Qmy7RxyYeJSuKLTZ6&hc_ref=ARTxCzOHeRUdGlVb3jwHsCLvDND5-BF4hKedkSkoxv6oe3KL1b-GEIyEe8KegpCq_Z8&fref=nf)
19 hrs ( ·
RINOs, DINOs, Dip-Critters All
For the last several days I have been explaining Political Basics for Neophytes --- like the fact that politicians create problems deliberately, because they get rewarded for solving (or appearing to solve) the problems that they create.
I told you all about my discovery (in college) of Democratic Party Voting Records on key "social progress" issues --- like actual Electoral Voting rights for blacks and women, like actual Natural and Unalienable Rights being recognized for blacks and women, like Freedom of Speech, like disclosure of the 'New Deal', and on and on.
In every single case I examined, here is what I found:
Democrats loudly decrying the evils of inequality and prejudice against the working class and colored people, while secretly legitimizing and voting for inequality, and at the same time, undermining and taxing the working class to death to buy votes and create slush funds for themselves.
Indeed, what I found is that the Democratic Party almost uniquely legislated FOR inequality and enslavement of the working classes and colored people they pretend to champion.
For just one stunning example:
When black people in this country stood up and demanded to be treated like everyone else --- which I understand to mean that they wanted their "Natural and Unalienable Rights" recognized --- what did the Democrats do? They offered--- and passed off --- "Equal Civil Rights", instead.
And Equal Civil Rights can never be "equal" because they are granted by the Congress and can be taken away by the Congress, whereas Natural and Unalienable Rights are given as a gift to us by Nature and Nature's God.
They pulled a Bait and Switch, and when MLKJ discovered it, they killed him.
I could go on at least half a day and type as fast as I could and show you case after case after case where the hypocrites pretended to champion the rights and interests of poor people, working people, colored people ---- and in fact, the Rats were busily creating and passing legislation to undermine, enslave, abuse, and harm the same groups.
Believe it, because it's true. I had no ax to grind with the Democrats when I discovered this stuff. In fact, at the time, I considered myself a Wisconsin Democrat, born and bred. You can imagine how repulsed and disillusioned and disgusted I was back in 1973 --- and still am.
Their party name should be amended to "Demon-c-rats". Nobody should ever vote for them. Ever. Least of all the traditional voting blocks that support them.
Recently, I have been asked about Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski and her apparent waffling about the Trump Impeachment issues.
Well, short answer-- the Dems are being identified as "the" problem, as they deserve to be, and so they are deliberately infiltrating the Republican Party and pretending to be Republicans.
Why not? If they can stand there and pretend to champion the rights of the poor while sticking the poor in the back, why not pretend to be a Republican and continue to do the same things?
And right here in River City, in my backyard, is a darn good example of this.
In answer to the question about Senator Murkowski's "waffling" ----
Lisa Murkowski is a RINO's RINO [Republican in Name Only]---- her Dad was US Senator before her, a banker, and husband to Nancy Gore ----- as in Al Gore. Same family. Related to the Daley Clan in Chicago. She's no more a "Republican" than FDR.
People are so stupid to elect these shills and then think that they are going to keep their word and act according to the advertising. I told everyone what I discovered about Democrat voting records, no? Talk one way and vote the other? Time after time after time.
Same thing with Lisa's voting record, too.
And when I called her on a particularly evil example of this in action, all the Brain Dead Republicans in Alaska flew at me like crows on a road kill.
You would have thought that I had killed their dog and maimed their cat. They are so dumb that they trust in the name "Republican" instead of paying attention to the fact of the Voting Record.
No wonder the Voters are "confused", right? You've got Democrats claiming to be Republicans and loudly proclaiming their support for workers and poor people ---- and then creating legislation that undermines and enslaves both.
We all have a right to feel "confused" ---- and betrayed, and angry to the bone.
And thanks to Democrats camouflaging themselves as Republicans and Republicans being too dumb to ferret them out, we have this same kind of game going on and being promoted by what appear to be members of both Political Parties.
That is, Lisa isn't really a GOP Senator "waffling" about Trump's bogus Impeachment charges. She's a Dem in GOP clothing waffling about Trump's bogus impeachment charges.
Everyone needs to wise up, but nobody needs to wise up more than the traditional Democratic voters.
Recently, there has been an "awakening" and many Democrats have joined the "Walk Away" Movement and exited, Stage Left, the Democratic Party and Voting Block. I would suggest that a "Run Away" Movement would be more appropriate.
Run like an antelope away, and keep a sharp eye out for Dems pretending to be Republicans, too.
Here's how I would begin "the Hunt" on Nancy Pelosi's House Seat: I'd take a photo of her big walled mansion, and I'd make a one-page leaflet of it and here's what the leaflet would say: "Here's where Nancy Pelosi lives. You really think she "represents" you?"
And I would paste and plaster that leaflet all over her filthy dirty, run-down, miserable, low-class, semi-slum Voting District.
Hello, Slum Dwellers. You think this woman is one of you? You think she cares? Really? Let's examine that belief.....
And then I would go door-to-door and actually talk to people. I'd give them a copy of the Frankfurt Plan of the Cultural Marxists and ask them to look around at their world and her voting record.
I'd ask why --- after decades of supporting Nancy Pelosi, and despite her rise to power in Washington, DC, ---conditions in her home district have only --and steadily--- gotten worse?
Fewer decent jobs, more decayed housing, more garbage in the streets, but trillions of dollars belonging to US Taxpayers being spent in other places on other things?
And all this being done on your ticket?
Still believe that Nancy Pelosi "represents" you?
No, she does not, and Lisa Murkowski doesn't represent me.
So why are they still in Washington, DC, pretending that they do?
Mainly, it's the gullibility of Republicans (allowing RINOs in their party) and American Voters in general that allows this situation to go on.
People don't seem to understand that it is their money being spent in DC and that its being spent on everything and everyone but them
28th December 2019, 04:24 PM
Anna von Reitz ( MeQQ1z09cw4lesvzjfpLRw0M&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
You Are Daniel Daley
Pretend for a couple minutes that you are a man called Daniel Daley and this is your story.
As a young man, you start a company, and for lack of more imagination, you call it: The Daniel Daley Company. It's a big success and people use your company's services all the time.
Then you go on a business trip and are lost at sea.
Your affairs are left in the hands of your business partners. They decide (in your absence) to incorporate The Daniel Daley Company under a Scottish-issued charter and Articles of Incorporation very similar to your original business plan and mission statement--- except of course, that an incorporated entity is owned by the government issuing its charter and is eligible for bankruptcy protection and is subject, in turn, to Scottish law.
This process of incorporation turns your private business into a public business. All the assets that The Daniel Daley Company owned are "converted" into assets owned by The Daniel Daley Company, Incorporated.
And instead of being a private American Company operating in the realm of international trade, your business is now operating as a Scottish Corporation in the realm of global commerce.
Now, your friends, the Board of Directors, who are doing all this "for" you, in your absence, don't really have any permission to do any of this, but because they don't have any real authority they also don't have any accountability.
They claim to represent you and since you aren't present to nix their activities and nobody really questions their claims, they get away with it. They figure you are dead, so whatever they do is their business, and they can do whatever they wish with The Daniel Daley Company, Incorporated.
So, that's what they do. They use your company's assets to capitalize the Scottish Corporation, then they run up huge bills against your Good Name and credit---- so huge that they finally have to seek bankruptcy protection and liquidation.
They, your erstwhile buddies, have become very rich off this process. So rich that they decide to take another spin. So, without missing a beat, they go to the State of Delaware, and open up another corporation named --- you guessed it --the Daniel Daley Company, Inc., reinvest the profit they made off the first bankruptcy, and do the same thing all over again.
The only difference between the Scottish Corporation and the State of Delaware Corporation is that the little word "the" is made part of the corporation's name in Scotland: The Daniel Daley Company, Inc, and the Delaware version is: Daniel Daley Company, Inc.
These names look very similar on paper and are indistinguishable in conversation, so people easily mistake one for the other, and they also mistake these corporations for your original company and also begin to just shorten the name in common parlance to "Dan Daley", like this:
"The Dan Daley took a hit at the trade conference."
"We'll make the Dan Daley into a tourist destination."
"The Dan Daley will succeed in its bid to take over Amazon."
The years flow by. And one day a passing ship sees you sitting on your desert island, picks you up, and before you know it, you are in New York again. The world has changed.
You've changed. Your old friends don't recognize you anymore. But everyone knows your name.
You are aghast at what your "friends" have done to your Good Name and your Company. You go to them and say----WTH? And they say, "Uh, well, uh...."
So you invoke your ownership rights and move to extract all your assets from the incorporated version back into the original company structure, and you have just begun this process when another bankruptcy hits, so now you are dealing with the Bankruptcy Trustees and they don't know who you are from Adam.
They look at you and they remark, "This guy's name is Daniel Daley. Weird coincidence, right?"
You explain that it isn't a "coincidence" at all, that in fact the original company and the later corporations were all named after you, and that these run amok organizations and all their assets actually belong to you.
And there you stand, Daniel Daley, Original Issuer, Holder in Due Course, Primary Priority Creditor, Assignor of the whole messed up shebang ---- and nobody knows what to do.
All the debts run up by the purported "secondaries" to your company and estate can't be attached to you or to assets actually belonging to you, because the secondaries had no authority to act for you in the first place and neither the Scottish Government nor the State of Delaware had any authority to convert your assets, either. So.....
The actual assets have to go back to you, the debts incurred "in your name" and against your estate have to be discharged as Odious Debts, and all of this creates vast confusion because "Dan Daley" has become a household word, yet nobody knows which "Dan Daley" or "Daniel Daley Company" we are talking about at any given moment.
This is the situation --- unfortunately --- with both "the US" and "the USA".
Just plug in "United States" or "United States of America" for "Dan Daley" and see what you will see.
It's the same story. The same Mess.
The Queen and the Pope and their minions staffing the various "Congresses" in DC are synonymous with the reckless friends who took over and ran "The Daniel Daley Company" ---purportedly "for" you.
And now it is up to you to step back into your own shoes, assert your rights and interests as the actual owner, and sort this mess out ---- for your own sake and for the sake of everyone else in the world.
28th December 2019, 04:29 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 3g2k11_njxQCEiXP-tqxUtg5Ou08BQ6jyl&hc_ref=ARSDtc4QVOj7Qk3fuWYUGK5YewKFiq5Nxhc5PqHxRg7 Lbfvg3f8QJ42zKPQzzI8w6Tk&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
More Useless Noise from TROH....
Once again, I am being asked about Keith Livingway and his weird unauthorized organization pretending to be The United States of America, Incorporated.
There is no such corporation authorized by the actual government of this country--- not now, and not in 1868 and not in 1907 and not in 1933.... and it really does not matter what anyone says or does to the contrary, because it is plain and solid on the public record that this government is a living government, not an incorporated government. Period.
Our actual government is government of, for, and by the people of this country.
It has nothing to do with any foreign corporations being operated by foreigners "in our names" and we specifically, loudly, and officially denounce all such claims and pretensions, including those advanced by Keith Livingway and his weird "Reign of Heaven" organization.
Keith went to a Naval Yard sale and bought memorabilia left over from the bankruptcy of the Scottish Interloper and its bankruptcy in 1907. He thought (only God knows how) that he had purchased the whole country because he bought this flotsam.
No matter what the law actually requires and no matter what logic requires, he and his whole group of Insane Persons persist in pretending that this "claim on abandonment" somehow magically gave them the correct political status and standing to act as the government of this country.
Self-evidently, their "claim on abandonment" to the bankrupt and long defunct Scottish Interloper is ridiculous, and also self-evidently, they are not even attempting to correct their "presumed" political status and standing to enable themselves to act as the actual living government of this country.
They are simply acting as international pirates like the original brigands and trying to make a hard sell to fool ignorant and misinformed people, but we are not fooled and we are not amused.
31st December 2019, 02:14 PM
Anna von Reitz ( qtF8khqbX_lppNU-6aIMUYS3qROPdLE5lS&hc_ref=ARQFHo2geT_FEKGZH0rYUyzNMARKsjE8KMaqfEghwZb GGYMB02AYEWHg8BM6L62Ylas&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 12:06 PM ( ·
About The Virginia Gun Grab -- It's This Simple
Citizens of the Territorial United States-- called "United States Citizens" (which is legitimately the actual Territories and Possessions and not any Territorial States of States) like Puerto Ricans, have never been covered by any Constitutional Guarantees.
So they have no "right" to "keep and bear arms", either.
Ditto "citizens of the [Municipal] United States" --- the denizens of Washington, DC and the District of Columbia. They are not covered by any Constitutional guarantees, either.
Both these populations are subject to foreign law.
The "United States" [Territorial Citizens] are subject to Federal Code and Statutory Law.
The "citizens of the United States" [Municipal Citizens] are subject to Municipal Law and Uniform Commercial Code.
Neither one of these kinds of "US" citizen have any Constitutional rights or guarantees at all, and never have had any.
So--- who and what are you? Well, you are a State Citizen of The United States of America --- a whole different kind of animal, and yes, you do have guarantees under the Constitutions, but you have been misidentified as one of these other critters. And you will have to prove that you are NOT one of these other kinds of "citizen" to uphold and claim your constitutional guarantees.
The easiest way to rebut claims that you are party to a consensual contact and to prove that you are indeed the victim of unconscionable contracting processes, is to produce a copy of "YOUR" birth certificate, which proves beyond any reasonable doubt that you were misidentified and "seized upon" as a United States Citizen and subsequently as a "citizen of the United States" when you were only a few days or weeks old.
This results in what is known as an unconscionable contract --- literally, a contract that has been executed without your conscious knowledge, and which is as a result, defective in the extreme, invalidated, null and void from inception.
This unconscionable contract identifying you as a Federal Citizen and the Legal Presumptions resulting from it including the creation of "federal" corporate CITIZENS operating in YOUR NAME has no weight in reality and cannot be used against you, so long as you stand on your own two feet and say, "No, I didn't consent to this or even know about it until recently. I don't choose to adopt any form of Federal Citizenship and have no need to do so."
And that, my dears, puts you back on Terra Firma -- the land of your actual birth -- and puts the lie to all their self-interested constructive fraud schemes. However, it is best if you get your declaration on the public record by: (1) publishing it in the newspaper or (2) recording it "for" the public record, BEFORE you have any altercation or dispute with these foreign renegades.
To all those in Virginia, inform the Governor of your actual political status as American State Nationals of Virginia (the actual State, not a State of State, not a Commonwealth). You could just get together and publish this as a newspaper ad with all your names listed, demanding recognition and adherence to the Constitution.
The Governor can do whatever he likes to Federal Citizens, but with you, he has to back water.
Make sure to force him to do so peacefully and lawfully, by declaring --- in public --- your correct political status, and standing ready to knowledgeably repudiate the false "unconscionable" contract that your Mother unwittingly signed and which allowed them to misidentify you as a Federal Citizen --- either as a Territorial United States Citizen (like someone born in Puerto Rico) or as a Municipal "citizen of the United States" (like a Federal Civil Service Employee or a US Corporation).
31st December 2019, 02:23 PM
Anna von Reitz ( vxFZormhP_1Ns4lu6YtUazp4yuIOP2KsCT&hc_ref=ARSk_n3Onc2oU1l0h_zpA_9ybXGbWFTy6xIsDvM46Ve qpQ2G-CsQT_1lLqc2AxmAE4Y&fref=nf)
16 hrs ( ·
What Is Wrong With Your Heads?
This is mainly addressed to the former members of the military and the Federal Civil Service, though many average Americans could stand to hear it loud and clear, too.
Why is it so hard to understand that there are State Citizens and Federal Citizens? And that the two occupy different political statuses?
You can look at any version of "Constitution" you like and you will see where the "Federal" Citizenships were created, right there in Article 1. As these Federal citizenships are being created by the Constitutional Agreements, it is a given that these people are not Parties to the Constitutions. They are subjects of the Constitutions.
We, the State Citizens, created the Constitutions, are Parties to the Constitutions, and are owed the services of the Federal Citizens. Period.
We and our States would still exist, even if the entire "Federal Government" disappeared tomorrow. That's because our existence as political entities does not depend on the existence of the Constitutions and their service contracts. We are the Creators. They are the Created.
We are the Employers. They are the Employees.
And nothing created is greater than its Creator. No Employee gets to tell the Employer what to do.
Even though you have not been taught this ugly fact, there have always been two "minority" citizenships in this country --- second-class "United States" British Territorial Citizenship, and third-class "citizenship of the United States" Municipal Government. Both.
So now you have been misidentified "accidentally on purpose" as a Dual Citizen carrying the weight of both these substandard citizenships and all their obligations, and I come to you and say, "Wake to Hello up! --- You were born in Minnesota. Why are you claiming to be a US Citizen?"
And you stand there like sheep in the rain....?
United States Citizen equals someone born in the British Commonwealth Territorial 'United States', like a Puerto Rican, or a mercenary in the Territorial Armed Forces or one of their Dependents. Are you in the army right now?
There's a reason that that Drill Sergeant gets to treat you like a "thumb-sucking maggot" --- and its because, for the term and duration of your military service obligation, you are adopting the foreign "United States Citizenship" associated with the Territorial Government.
So, do you want to be "in the army" the rest of your life and on endless KP duty, or do you want to come home and enjoy the actual freedom you have earned? That's the difference -- in a nutshell--- between being a "US Citizen" and being an American State Citizen or American State National.
If you aren't in the service and weren't born offshore to foreign parents In the Territorial United States --- or for some obscure, unknown, unfathomable reason you are a masochist and just like being abused and taxed to death and not having any constitutional guarantees---- then, you aren't a United States Citizen. So why are you accepting that political status?
Am I supposed to believe that 350 million Americans like being treated like buck privates in the army, in perpetual boot camp, trampled on and taxed to death and impersonated?
At least the guys who are actually in the service get a paycheck and some other perks and bennies, but you get none of that and all the ugly parts, too.
So why in God's name are you claiming to be a "US Citizen"? Why aren't you claiming your birthright political status as an American, instead?
Same thing with Municipal "citizens of the United States" ---- doesn't have anything to do with you. If you weren't born in the District of Columbia to foreign parents or working for the Federal Civil Service or living as a Dependent of such a Person --- why on Earth would you want to be dubbed a criminal responsible for paying all the debts of the "Federal" government, and presumed guilty until proven innocent, too?
Ever wonder why the Municipal Courts have a 96-98% conviction rate? It's because Municipal CITIZENS are guilty by definition. They are pre-judged before they ever enter a courtroom. All that is up for discussion is how long you are going to be in jail and how much are you going to pay?
If you were born in one of the Fifty States, you are an American.
You are not any kind of "US" citizen at all. Both "US" citizenships are substandard and not covered by the Constitutional guarantees and that is the way it has always been since 1787.
You've been misidentified. You've been duped. You've been played. You've been used and abused and impersonated and stolen blind, yet even when someone comes and gives you this information on a silver platter, you still can't grasp it.
If you love your country, it's time to come home and re-populate it. According to the liars, this is a country of 350 million public servants and no public to serve. According to them, you are all here "providing essential government services" as unpaid "volunteers" and just "residing" here on a temporary basis.
According to them, you aren't Americans. You are "US Citizens".
The same people that misidentified you as a "US Citizen" are poised to steal everything --- your country, your States, your identity, your lawful State Citizenship --- everything. They plan to do this without firing a shot. And they plan to charge you for this "service".
They are the Enemy Within. They are the enemies both foreign and domestic. They are gunning for you and yours and their primary weapon is just your own ignorance about who you are and what you are owed and by whom.
Begin with the fact that if you were born in this country and don't work for the Federal Government or get an unearned welfare check, you are not any kind of "US Citizen". Follow up with the fact that they are your payroll.
1st January 2020, 12:49 AM
Anna von Reitz ( I2dRn_N4I9RcpxKhG9GV_q6BP89Ii_-qz1&hc_ref=ARRgmpYew4vRvKySU0gpF4jFsEh4B5DJqoHKiNw7IA5 p1UAU4CDJdYtiAwR3oXfUPAY&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Earned? Or Unearned?
I get all sorts of distressed messages from Senior Citizens worried that if they exercise their right to declare their proper political status as Americans, they will lose Social Security payments or Military pensions or Military health care services.
There are a number of key questions only you can answer, and the primary question is --- were your particular retirement payments earned by you or by your spouse (or in some cases your parent) --- or are they "unearned" welfare benefits?
To qualify for earned benefits under the Social Security program, someone has to have worked and contributed to the Federal Pension Plan for forty quarters --- a period of ten years --- after which, they became "vested" in the program and have a legal claim against the program and against the "governmental services corporation" sponsoring it.
If you (or your spouse) didn't work and contributed to Social Security for at least ten years, you are not vested in the program and any payments you receive are welfare "benefits".
The difference between "earned program dividends" and "benefits" is crucial for one reason --- if you or your spouse (or parent) vested in the system and earned the payments and services you are receiving, this represents a Priority Obligation of the corporation in back of all this. If, however, nobody actually paid in for the required ten years, and you are receiving Social Security as welfare benefits ---- "benefits" are a gift; and, the corporation isn't obligated to pay out gifts. It can stop doing so at any time and you have no recourse.
So the first thing to determine is --- are your payments earned or unearned?
If they are earned the rats are on the hook for it, and you need to inform them that your "program receipts" are not welfare "benefits" --- they are earned program dividends and you object to their attempt to mischaracterize them as welfare. You (or your spouse or your parent) earned every penny of funds and services you receive.
You can live anywhere and adopt any political status you please and the corporation is still on the hook for it.
If they are not earned, you are a Federal Welfare Recipient, and you are stuck maintaining "US Citizenship" as a result. You are also advised that such "benefits" can stop at any time for any reason, because they are essentially gifts that are made without obligation, similar to promises to provide "Equal Civil Rights" to "US Citizens".
What the foreign corporations provide, the foreign corporations can take away--- except when it is a contractual commercial obligation.
So--- are your Social Security payments earned or unearned?
Same thing with Military Pensions and Services, though it is a given that you "earned" at least part of anything you receive by virtue of your military service, there may be some aspects of what you receive that have been added on as "gifts" --- and those extras might disappear at any time for the same reasons outlined above.
All basic military and dependent pensions and services are earned by definition and you should never allow a bureaucrat to mischaracterize the funds or the services as "benefits"---- which implies "welfare benefits".
You earned more than they can ever pay you, and certainly more than you are getting, so don't be shy about it. If there is any question about whether a particular payment or service is earned or a "gift" --- ask.
Generally speaking, if there are any limitations or eligibility requirements, it is an "earned" payment or service. Such limitations or eligibility requirements might include Honorable Discharge, service in a particular theater of action, or service during a particular time period, or length of service, and so on.
Unearned "gifts" amounting to welfare have to be generally available without restriction to all members of a population, so if you are not "charged" anything in terms of service requirements or funds, and everyone is eligible for it, its a gift.
In recent years, some pharmaceutical companies have provided certain drugs to the military for free and the military has passed these on to patients for free. This is not exactly typical, but it is common enough so that if you are in receipt of "free" drugs that are not part of the standard military program, you may be receiving these drugs as a welfare benefit or gift from the pharmaceutical companies.
That does not enable the military to claim that your program receipts are "benefits" overall and the removal of such "benefits" would be limited to loss of access to those drugs for free via military subcontractors.
You can regain access to the same drugs, same deal, same pharmaceutical companies, via a private physician-- so that this should not in any way endanger your claim to earned pensions and service-related medical care.
It's just something to be aware of, in case the Vermin among us attempt to mischaracterize your military pension and medical services as "benefits" in general, and you need to pull rank and address these specious claims based on your receipt of gifts from pharmaceutical companies or similar emoluments.
My point is that your basic military pension and service-related medical services remain in the "earned" category and remain owed and stand as an obligation of the governmental services corporations, regardless of whether or not you receive any sidebar "gifts" in addition.
Finally, and this is key to remember --- all such "Federal" retirement programs are being delivered by large corporations, so that your pensions are actually not being delivered by any government directly. This means that all the same principles apply to such pensions as to, for example, a pension from General Electric, Inc. or Ford Motor Company, Inc.
They continue to owe you earned pension funds and services no matter what political status you adopt and no matter where you choose to live on Earth.
1st January 2020, 07:54 PM
Anna von Reitz ( sGH24g&hc_ref=ARQLSMkOZyJfuOzMO0Su8vqFMCjcbRLwIHNMpTSJAgZ 38SQ7ZRHDSqOuyhs3ppmyYpM&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
More Light on the Virginia Gun Grab
I "offended" some people by telling them the truth -- that British Territorial United States Citizens and Municipal "citizens of the United States" have never had any right to keep or bear arms on our soil, nor, indeed, any Constitutionally guaranteed rights at all.
Well, the truth is the truth, and you've got to start somewhere.
If you don't start with the truth, guess where you end up? ---Lost somewhere west of Pittsburgh, and most likely in a snow storm, too.
I remember when I first learned about second- and third-class political statuses in America and how offended I felt about it then, so yes, I do understand where you are coming from, but, there it is. That's the way it has been since 1787, and if we want to change it, there's nobody here but us chickens to do it.
It's particularly galling that the men and women in what is supposed to be our military are disadvantaged and disrespected by being cast as second-class "United States Citizens" and stripped of the very rights and freedoms they are supposed to defend ---- but read the Treaty of Ghent (1814) and you will begin to understand that our military is not entirely under our control.
And that is why we reserved the right to treat the military as "foreign" and not extend the Constitutional Guarantees owed to Americans to our own troops.
The Treaties involved make it a possibility that our own troops would be ordered to fire upon us.
So they, and Territorial United States Citizens in general, have no right to keep and bear arms on our soil, except within the confines of their arsenals, bases, and actual military facilities.
Ditto, ditto, the members of the Papist Federal Civil Service. It's the same concern. They are under the control of a foreign government, that of the Municipal United States, dba Municipality of Washington DC and District of Columbia.
So we don't extend the right to keep and bear arms to these Federal Employees, for fear that they might be ordered fire upon us. In fact, much of what you are seeing right now is the result of exactly such a scenario that began developing in earnest in 2000.
The Municipal Government spent hundreds of billions of dollars building FEMA Camps and new railroad spurs, buying billions of rounds of ammunition, millions of body bags, 30,000 guillotines.... they invited foreign governments to build war-supply manufacturing facilities in our Free Trade Zones....they armed all their Alphabet Soup Agencies to the teeth, and militarized all their Pinkerton LEO police contingents.
Why? To make war on their Priority Creditors, on you and me. Just like the Nazis made war on their Priority Creditors --- the Jews --- in Nazi Germany. Same group of pedophile cultists, same "Final Solution".
When they can't pay their bills, they just kill their creditors like any other morally deficient thugs and robbers.
And that is what we were facing here, until we blew the whistle and caused enough stink internationally and within the ranks of our military leaders to expose it for what it was and take action against it.
So now you better understand why it is that not everyone who lives here is an "American" and why there are these other, lesser, less protected political statuses and why not everyone standing on our soil has the same guarantees or rights.
In view of the history set before us and the evil intentions of the Roman Pontificate that have been fully exposed by World War II and this most recent scheme to pull the same thing here, I'd say our ancestors were wiser than we are, and that the prohibitions against allowing British Territorial United States Citizens and Municipal Citizens the full rights of Americans, and especially the right to keep and bear arms, was the right thing to do.
Now, the remaining question you have to ask yourselves is---- what's my political status?
Are you being counted as an American? Or are you "mistakenly" identified as a British Territorial United States Citizen? Or even worse, as a "citizen of the United States" Municipal Government?
If you have to ask, guess what? You have almost certainly been misidentified as a Federal Dual Citizen, and had both British Territorial and Municipal Citizenship "conferred" upon you without your knowledge or consent.
This is what the rest of us are trying to bring your attention to. You are not being counted as an American, because you have not declared and recorded your proper political status. As a result, you are being treated as a British Territorial United States Citizen or as a Municipal "citizen of the United States".
The Governor of Virginia has every right in this world to demand the surrender of guns held by such Federal Citizens, and no right to demand any such thing from any American State National or American State Citizen.
So it is important --- if you want to keep your guns and your own safety assured --- to draw the line and make the declaration of your political status as an American and to repudiate any presumption of "US" citizenship of either kind. And be up front about it. Put it in the Governor of Virginia's face.
"Hey, you've got a ton of falsified records to deal with. I am a Virginian, not a "State of Virginian". I am exempt from any authority you have over the State of Virginia and owed every jot of my Constitutional Guarantees, including the right to keep and bear arms."
And now you know why, in detail. Go to: ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2KcIGNyI2e_RlG14QM9jRHWfTBl fOq0Mh-lK3zMaj0AxOgeERr_MSQPdc&h=AT2SNe1mlLG5br0nxwuFKkf489czWmQI8a7UHIikyN-Y5Zfw8MnPNo5QMe3lmGKJnRgF9RvtLoxlxKLFDRkdg4aSqyVmp kd6uG8rHEW8DSDWRF-PJkjoCMP0CyS_nQ__VuxJFZ0rgt6x6SPG0eScRi3r838o9cYS) and get started on the path to self-governance and enforcement of your Constitutional Guarantees.
Remember that there has been an absolutely horrific and fully intentional preparation for war that has been made on our shores.
Remember that the Alphabet Soup Agencies have been armed to the teeth.
The Pinkerton-for-hire LEO organizations have been militarized and fed a bunch of Bushwah about "sovereign citizens" being the enemy.
All that has to be wound down.
The Agency Personnel have to be disarmed and re-educated. The Sleeper Cell organizations that they spawned have to be neutralized. The armaments stockpiles have to be moved and diffused. The FEMA Camps have to be de-constructed or converted to positive use. The guillotines need to be removed -- train loads of them. The Free Trade Zones have to be swept clean.
Our peace needs to be firmly and permanently restored---- and we all need to sit down and really think hard about all that we don't know about our history, our government, our role, our political status, and our responsibilities.
Thank God that loyal members of the military gained and have kept control, and that some of us remained awake, or we would have all been plunged into a hideous and pre-planned and staged civil war for profit, aimed at nothing more than killing off the Priority Creditors of these European Goons.
Wake up, America. Stand up for who you are and what you are owed. Put all these shysters to rout, and all these Employees back in their places.
1st January 2020, 08:02 PM
Anna von Reitz ( oXap5mAnMzY_xcZkg5Zt_Rfj2lq01mrg-E&hc_ref=ARQ_5y050HaMGFvth6_gNAcWUIi2-ixGaDj9t9_4HmN5vhzQ1FjOEUjIvfAJK8qhqD0&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
The Wrong Attitude
I have recently encountered numerous Americans pulling an attitude toward "social welfare" and announcing their intention not to collect on Social Security and military pension benefits that are owed to them.
And once again, I feel like I am dealing with teenagers who need a good whup up the side of the head.
Some of them are afraid to collect, for fear that this would identify them as British or Municipal "citizens".
Some of them are outraged by the entire scenario. They want to drop out of everything and hole up in the woods somewhere.
But neither group is thinking straight about this and that is giving rise to what I call "the wrong attitude".
Imagine that you, by mistake, paid into the retirement pension fund of General Motors, Inc. ---- and for whatever reasons, they allowed and encouraged and even coerced you to do this?
And then, ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years down the pike, you discover your error. You realize that you've been bilked, that you were never even eligible for their program. What do you do?
Turn your back on all the money you put into their pension fund for all these years and have nothing for your Golden Years?
Not likely.
You would understand that its a big, multi-national commercial corporation you are dealing with, and even though you were never legitimately any employee of theirs, you are owed every penny you put in, or, alternatively, every penny of pension funds and services you unwittingly contracted to receive. Your choice. Not theirs.
You can readily prove that you are the victim of Unconscionable Contracting Practices (YOUR Birth Certificate is proof of this) and that you were never a Federal Employee (let them bring forward proof of all the pay stubs and work assignments and supervision and job titles they gave you, and try to relate any of their Big Story to you in actual, factual reality).
You hold the upper hand against Big Brother, and though they may wiggle and squirm, there are far too many millions of Americans who are in the same exact boat with you for them to escape their Priority Obligation to you.
So, step forward. Don't be shy. It's your money that they commandeered under False Pretenses. They are on the hook for it. It's nothing against you to claim back credit and services and everything else you are owed. You made a mistake that they induced you to make, and they didn't tell you a word otherwise ---- so it is, again, their failure to disclose at issue, and you are completely innocent.
Why should you suffer and go without funds and services that you stacked up for your retirement, just because crooks were running a "governmental services corporation" that defrauded you?
Pension and retirement funds are the First Obligation in a corporate bankruptcy, not the last. Make sure that you get every penny of yours. Contact the Social Security Administration or your Military Pension provider and let them know that your pension is earned --- not welfare benefits. And if you like, you can withdraw from the Social Security Program --- but don't do so without guarantee of cash out.
The right attitude is cool, calm, and determined. You know now who you are and you know who they are, and you are here to collect. Simple as that. Collecting implies no obligation on your part whatsoever. The obligation is squarely on them and nobody else.
1st January 2020, 08:14 PM
Anna von Reitz ( ylHUVoR69g6lh7wl5rgZqs8WHXRQkluIge&hc_ref=ARQXHRyJ56nJ19pKRMGYN-r8X7-_JdlSOkIRCXrO91tT6nsrNW_NES0hsM-kBuHbuxk&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
Mr. Trump's National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Proclamation
Please note that this Proclamation is issued as "President of the United States of America" ---- the British Territorial Government, not as "President of the United States" ---- the Roman Municipal United States Government, which has always practiced slavery and enriched itself via the sale of slaves and the peonage of indentured servants.
Savor the view: Nancy Pelosi, priestess of the Roman Cult, impeaching Donald Trump for his "failure" as CEO of the UNITED STATES, INC., to support the practice of human slavery and human trafficking ---- one of the main sources of profit for the Municipal Government Corporation?
That's what is really going on here. That, and a frantic effort to cover their butts for abuse of their offices for private gain.
Trump isn't supporting their criminal profit-making operations and is bucking against "The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States" that has had both the Territorial United States Government and the Municipal United States Government colluding together to fleece all of us since 1937.
Boy, howdy.....
Imagine the day when all the colored people and working class people in this country wake up and realize that its the Democrats---their supposed champions---- that have been keeping them down?
That Nancy and Chuckie and Harry have literally been offering them and their labor for sale to the highest bidder----and profiting themselves and their venal Municipal "Government" Corporation from it? Ever since the Civil War Era?
Yes, indeed, and that day is fast coming. All it takes is a few hearty individuals to start looking deep at voting records and legislation promoted by the "Democratic Party" and the Big Lie will be exposed, like the giant manure pile it is.
Imagine the day when all the "Roman Catholics" fully realize what the "Roman" part of that means?
When all these good people realize that the so-called "Roman" Church is a separate, venal, pagan "religion" that has been co-existing under the same roof with the Christian Catholic Church ever since the Council of Nicea---- will they make "Hell" pay for it?
When they realize that their Baptismal Certificates have been bought and sold just like the Birth Certificates?
My, my, my, what a web we weave, when first we practice to deceive..... and now, all the cows are coming home, all the birds to roost, Satan's Kingdom of Lies is laid waste, all his champions running for their lives or milling around in Washington, DC, confused and still too dim and arrogant to realize that none of their schemes will do them any good.
The Apocalypse --- which means the drawing away of the veil, the revealing --- is upon us, in more ways than one, and all I can say is --- glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth, peace and goodwill to men.
That, and to remind Mr. Trump that the continued practice of issuing foreign "birth certificates" to American babies is a form of the most venal kind of trafficking, forbidden by both the Geneva and Hague Conventions as a capital crime ---- and it must be stopped.
The entire birth registration machinery must be stopped and converted into a simple public record-keeping system without any ownership interest implied, beyond identifying place of birth and lawful nationality.
Everyone, everywhere must be given full disclosure ---- and if anyone is daft enough to wish to continue as a Municipal United States CITIZEN -- even after being given full disclosure, there is nothing standing in their way; but, let me suggest that being a slave with benefits cannot compare to being a Free Man with a country and a life of his own.
Let me also suggest that former "Roman" Catholics, are free to form a new and simply Catholic Church that is truly and wholly Christian. And there is no need to leave all the property and assets of the "Roman" Catholic Church in the hands of fraud artists, either.
After all, you are all the victims of an ancient and pernicious "Bait and Switch" and there is no statute of limitations on the crime of fraud --- even if it does date back to 325 A.D.
Join together and roust the pagans out of your Church Offices and out of your organization entirely. Let them hoist their own shingle for who and what they really are, and see how many people flock to their doors.
Let the formerly "Roman" Catholic Priests who are faithful to the teachings and values of The New Testament come out of Babylon and do battle spiritually and legally and in all ways with the Interlopers who have commandeered the Church in much the same way that they have attempted to commandeer this country---- by deceit and impersonation and False Claims.
Let the members of the US Bar Association and the American Bar Association also evaluate their positions and ask themselves whether or not they serve any true law at all; let those who stand for justice and who believe in it, stand up and do battle with those who have betrayed every semblance of justice for filthy lucre. Let the Officers of Law declare their law and be held accountable to it.
Let the sound of our mental and spiritual "blades" crossing fill the Earth as we put falsehoods and lies to death, as we liquidate corporations engaged in criminal activity, as we pull criminal patents off our records, and restructure the monetary system to serve mankind ---instead of using it to enslave mankind.
Let the Lord God Almighty, our Creator, Ancient of Days, remember us and hear our praises and come close to us again; let him search our hearts and rule in our favor. Let there be no new calendar of debts and deceptions, but only a calendar of lives led in peace and kindness. Let this be our prayer and let our Father hear it.
1st January 2020, 08:22 PM
Anna von Reitz (
2 hrs ( ·
They Can Control the Jet Stream ---- and a Whole Lot More
Our military can control the jet stream and has been able to do this since the 1970's. It was this fact that led to the ENMOD Treaty sponsored by the United Nations Organization.
So, now, there are other military and non-military organizations horsing around with the jet stream and conducting experiments with these "rivers of atmospheric water" streaming around the globe over our heads. The rule is: you can only conduct experiments on your own country. You can only inflict damage as a result of these experiments on your own people.
They were conducting these "dry out" experiments on "the US" this past summer --- witness all the burning going on in California, Alaska, and elsewhere. But, guess what? Actual Americans are non-domestic with respect to the United States citizenry, so they couldn't conduct their experiments here without violating the terms of the ENMOD Treaties.
And now poor Australia is suffering for it. The easy answer for the Aussies is to get the Aboriginal Tribal Leaders to complain to the United Nations that their people are non-domestic with respect to the "AUSTRALIA" Government and they are being impacted.
The gubmint is then forced to curtail its own activities and/or call off their subcontractors and police private corporations engaged in such activities, to bring them in line with the international treaties involved. So long as nobody calls them on it, they get away with it.
So call them on it.
This is an attack on the Australian People by the Australian Defense Ministry and can't be anything else, because anything "non-domestic" going on for this length of time would cause the Australian Government to complain against Russia or Elon Musk or China or whoever or whatever "non-domestic" source was causing the drought problem, and the entire membership of the United Nations would be on the perpetrators like white on rice.
Now, as to why the US or the Aussie counterpart would be interested in baking their homeland to a crisp, I haven't a clue. This much I can tell you, they have been able to control the jet stream for fifty years and if Australia is suffering drought, it's because the Southern Hemisphere's equivalent jet stream is out of whack and not being properly controlled.
Take that to mean that the drought in Australia could easily be ended, simply by diverting atmospheric water to Australia. I bitched to the United Nations about the US testing and the drought conditions resulting from it impacting non-domestic populations, and we had rain-- lots of it-- in three days when no rain was in the forecast for three weeks. Go figure.
They can also cause and control earthquakes by setting up resonant frequencies and broadcasting from mobile CIPPA Units. We are currently experiencing such activities on both sides of the American Continent. Again, this is part of geoengineering "experiments" being conducted by the "US" Government, and can't be anything else, or there would be broad spectrum complaining going on against the governments of other countries engaging in any such activity.
And again, consider this my complaint to the United Nations Organization and another clear example of violation of the ENMOD Treaties and impacts being suffered by non-domestic populations as a result of "US" activities.
In order to get action against these sorts of things be it weather modification or weaponized earthquake testing or chem trail pollution of the atmosphere, you have to know who to complain to ---- and know the basis of making a complaint.
In all these instances, the responsible "government" is the United Nations and the basis for complaint is that non-domestic populations are being adversely impacted by these purportedly domestic tests and experiments.
If any damage occurs to the American Continent as a result of "US" testing of the earthquake zones along our East and West Coasts, I promise a prompt and appropriate retaliation that will break the perpetrators and leave them sweeping streets in Singapore
3rd January 2020, 01:34 AM
Anna von Reitz ( FT2558cn7uBauNHPTEYlH-nwivdlBSifRL&hc_ref=ART4So5CyG5pKQGOKWoKbDJ5olG-yBXdDnJ37hsnETMut0ewlYMrySFD-E_SGtYoGWo&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
False Claims A-Coming
I am getting reports from all over the country that people are suddenly receiving large tax bills, especially property tax bills, that are being spun off the TARP Bailout that Mr. Obummer organized in 2007, in collusion with the Office of the United States Attorney General and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., in Arizona.
These False Claims against the assets of our Counties were engineered in advance of the 2008 Meltdown of the Financial Sector as a means to fund the bank Bailout, which was the entire object of the exercise ---- and then, to lay this burden on the unsuspecting American People.
This fraud was committed using a "MASTER FORM LINE OF CREDIT DEED OF TRUST", an example of which can be seen recorded in Recording District 301, Anchorage, Alaska, 2007-061209-0, on September 25, 2007.
We are now faced with international bill collectors up the wazoo, coming after us and our actual assets as if we had anything to do with any of this.
It's not your bill, even though it is "apparently" being addressed to you, and it is not your land and soil that is being attached --- it's their DESCRIPTION of your land and soil that is the object of these False Claims in Commerce.
They scheme up some description of your land and soil ---- like a street address: 5100 Morningside Circle, for example. Or a Lot and Block description like "Block 9, Lot 11, Silver Stream Subdivision" and so on. And these descriptions are being foreclosed upon, unless of course, you pay the racketeers large sums of "property taxes" that you either (a) outright don't owe, or (b) may owe, but are entitled to discharge by Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption.
The bill collectors don't know anything about this. They are being paid a commission according to how much they can "recover" from these Big Lies, so they don't care, either. And the Perpetrators who should have protected you from anything like this, are snugged up on Capitol Hill, hoping that you will just bow down and pay, pay, pay.
The Tax Assessors have your land and soil misidentified as "income producing" residential, commercial, or agricultural property" belonging to a brand new "federal county" organization. Take a real close look at the paperwork. You will notice that it is addressed in an odd way and that the names are slightly different --- in some cases the addresses are different, too.
A "federal county" is another oxymoron, and it refers to a "county" business organization operated by foreign corporations ---- as if "Target, Inc." --- a well-known French Commercial Corporation --- went into the "county" business and charged you for their services without any contract with you at all.
So you have to take on the Tax Assessor and his office and issue a "Correction Instrument" to the County Registrar in the county you were born in (telling them "under penalty of perjury under the Public Law of The United States of America" (and under a Witness Jurat from one of their Notaries) that you are not a "resident" and not a British Territorial United States Citizen and not a Municipal "citizen of the United States" and saying that you are acting "without the United States and without the United States of America". Firmly state that you are a State Citizen of The United States, a Texan, living on the land and soil, requiring correction of the mis-registration and impersonation of your name and misrepresentation of your political status as that of a federal citizen. They are requested and required to remove your name from the Register.
If you have been following along, you can additionally tell them that your proper political status and Trade Name (which is your Trademark) are already recorded as your private property.
Then issue a Corrected Deed and Re-conveyance of Title --- same perjury declaration and notarial Witness Jurat --- and record it with the County Recorder in the county where the land is mapped, also identifying yourself as the private American Person in possession of this land and soil and claiming all descriptions of it --- and then list them all --- street, plat, parcel number(s), lot and block, --- whatever descriptions they have applied to your property, you claim them all, and the underlying United States Patent, all titles, all easements, all driveways and accesses, all water resources and utilities and appurtenances related to to this land and soil properly described by its metes and bounds, mapped, surveyed and made part of and incorporated into this Public Record ---- are returned to Texas and to (Your Name) as a Freehold in perpetuity."
Then pick up a current UCC-1 Form off the internet and the Addendum Form to it and whatever name the land is now under, you write it in all capitals and you name that ENTITY as a DEBTOR on the UCC-1 ---- that's the Municipal Government Franchise. Give it's address as 55 Water Street, 4 Conc, New York, New York, 10041 and the country code is "US" Next, you write the name in Upper and Lower Case --- this will in most cases look just like your Given Name, but in this context, it is a Debtor to you ---- the Territorial Government Franchise --- and write in its address as your birth County Registrar's Address and the country code is "USA".
You are the Creditor, but for this purpose you are going to operate as part of an organization ---- the unincorporated version of The United States of America, to be precise.
You are going to name yourself as your own Fiduciary. So write your name out as an "Organization" ---- Upper and Lower Case, and give your country address as "usa" and "In care of" your usual mailing address.
In the collateral section you list all the descriptions of your land and soil again and check the "non-UCC Lien" in box 6. Then, on the Addendum, you name The United States of America [Unincorporated] as an additional Secured Party, give my In Care Of: mailing address as the address and "usa" as the country, and you check the box requiring this to be posted among the real estate records, and you put whatever the old owner of record name was in the bottom left box and you check the "Fixture Lien" box on the right hand side and you claim the additional collateral of all paper, all ink, all electronic substance being or bearing any impression of your Trademark: Your Name, however styled or ordered or represented on deeds, patents, powers of attorney, records and registrations.
You get three certified copies of all the above, and you keep one set for you, one set goes to the Tax Assessor, and the third gives to the "State of State" Secretary of State.
You write a cover letter very clearly stating that you are not a "resident" of the State of Texas. You are part of the living population of Texas and the State of Texas owes you Good Faith and Service under the terms of The Constitution of the United States of America. You are informing all Parties of your correct political status and proper possession of the land and soil of Texas associated with your Trademark (which is your Given Name) which is an American Person protected under Article IV.
You are directing the State of Texas to make the appropriate corrections to its records and directing the Tax Assessor to remove your name and your land and soil assets from the Tax Rolls of both the Territorial and Municipal Government Corporations. You are not operating as a corporate franchise and your land and soil is not "income producing" corporate agricultural, commercial, or residential property within the meaning and intent of Federal Code.
If they have bills for services rendered and agreed upon, the proper way to submit them is via a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemption Voucher, not by pretending that you are a federal corporation.
This is nasty paperwork, I know. But it is only about six pages all told, and it effectively puts an end to all their false claims about you and about your land assets. Claiming your trademark and everything that is imprinted with it pretty much does them over, and because you gave Notice to both the Recorder and the Registrars (County and UCC) they've got nowhere left to go to continue their False Claims process.
They may try to mis-address you by a different name. Just record another Certificate of Assumed Name to take charge of that name, too.
You are the Holder in Due Course of your Trademark (Given Name) and they have been abusing it via impersonation to benefit themselves. That's a crime, akin to rustling and re-branding cattle, and like rustling, is actually a capital crime in Texas. If they want to discuss it further, you are available for consultation. Otherwise, you wish your name and your assets to be off their tax rolls and also wish for an end to any attempts to mis-address you or latch your assets or mis-characterize you as any kind of foreign citizen owing allegiance to the Queen or the Pope.
Thank you very much for your time and attention, etc.,etc.,etc.,
Why we have not begun stringing the Perpetrators up on lamp posts is a testament to the Christian forbearance of the people of this country. Those who have engaged in these practices and in making these False Claims are international criminals, nothing more or less. It has no political substance or overtones. It is merely a vicious commercial fraud scheme.
And it is up to each of us to join together and put a stop to it.
Go to: ( E5PVw_YqxJLUlVlO47I) and get started today. You have the power to end the crimes and enforce against the criminals--- lawfully, peacefully, and effectively.
3rd January 2020, 01:48 PM
Anna von Reitz ( VH2ESjzZbli_6LWO82iOReiU&fref=nf)
56 mins ( ·
Note to the British Peerage
You all know the observation --- "If all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" --- that is what is happening with all this Iran War Talk.
Iran hasn't participated in a war outside its borders for over 200 years, about the same amount of time that we've been used as cheap mercenaries by the Pope and the British Crown Corp to rampage around the world and attack other people for profit.
So now the big buzz is --- will Trump go for a war against Iran?
He's being offered a Fat Contract to do so, and as everyone knows, he's up against it for money to fund the military and the Federal Civil Service.
That isn't, by the way, because Americans haven't already paid through the nose for their services. It's because the Popes and the British Monarchs haven't paid their debts to us for 160 years.
Now, the Pope wants a war in Iran because Iran is one of the few remaining nations that is still functioning as a land jurisdiction government.
The Pope wants a war with Iran, because they, the "Holy Roman Empire" elites, are aiming at their cherished goal of complete world domination and Corporate Feudalism.
So it has nothing to do with Iran per se. It has to do with how much economic pressure the rats can put on Trump, to force him to sell American soldiers as cheap mercenaries and make some payola.
That's all that is going on here, except that it is diametrically opposed to everything our actual country stands for. And it would cost Trump the election.
So, step back, children, and see what you shall see. It's not a nail. And we don't need a hammer.
What is really at issue is a debt owed to us by the Pope and the Queen, and all Mr. Trump has to do, is what we have urged him to do from the beginning. Redefine his Federal Dual Citizenship, and he can command all the wealth in the world ---as an American.
In his current status, he has to take orders from the Queen and the Pope. He has to constantly back-track against the European Power Elite because, technically, he is working for them. And by "European Power Elite" I mean mainly the rats in Brussels and Rome, though you have a few of your own.
Trump can turn that around and get where he wants and needs to go in an instant, simply by reclaiming his American State National identity -- and presenting the Pope with a bill for all the goods and services owed to us, the Long Lost Americans.
Federal Citizens can function as Dual Citizens--- all that matters is which two citizenship(s) you choose.
Most Americans have been deliberately misidentified as Dual Federal Citizens --- a process like rustling and re-branding cattle -- that has been going on here without our knowledge for decades via the "Birth Certificate" process, and which is entirely illegal, immoral, and unlawful and against all forms of national and international law, including both the Geneva and Hague Conventions.
No doubt Donald Trump was rounded up like the rest of us and had the "Federal" Citizen stamp affixed to his rump when he was just a few days old. But like the rest of us, he can change that.
His Birth Certificate is evidence of Unconscionable Contracting.
He doesn't have to work for the Pope and the Queen. In fact, as they are operating under our Delegated Power with respect to us, they need to be working for him.
And all he has to do, is stand up and declare that he's a New Yorker, born and bred, and that he adopts New York as his Birth State.
Not only is it true, it's easy. And then he can do everyone on Earth a great big favor by stopping the misuse of Americans as mercenaries and calling an end to "the New World Order"--- which is what he wants to do, and which we will require him to do.
All of a sudden the "Federal Budget Crisis" and the "presumed power" of the Municipal United States Government vanishes like a puff of smoke. Suddenly, instead of operating as Paupers and Debtors, Mr. Trump can operate in the actual Power Holder Office and have all the money and credit he needs to restore America and the rest of the world, too.
By working for the actual American States and People, he can change the entire chessboard, and that, my dears, will be the end of all this warring and waste and lies and everything else that has harmed us and harmed our world.
We aren't the Debtors. They are.
And on top of that, thanks to their mis-use and abuse of our Armed Services, we have the drop on them.
So, think: peace.
Think: wake up, Donald Trump. Wake up, US Military.
Think: we will hold everyone involved "personally and commercially liable and accountable" for any war with Iran or any war, period, at all.
Their salad days of making money off of war have just come to a screeching halt, though they may not know it yet.
And now, a Special Note to the British Peerage.
Apparently, this information is not well-known and even very distinguished British Peers are unaware of it, but----Queen Elizabeth II isn't sitting on the Throne of Great Britain and Commonwealth.
She abdicated that position three days after her Coronation and has been sitting on The Chair of the Estates ever since.
That is, she committed regal suicide on paper. Her reign lasted exactly three days.
Apparently, she was grossly mis-advised to do this by her husband, Prince Philip, and his Uncle, Lord Louis Mountbatten, who always had more ties to foreign interests --- and against the interests of Britain.
What this means is that Great Britain has been in the grip of a de facto corporate "government" in the same way that America has been.
The Queen is "dead" on paper.
Can she recoup from this? What help or control can she still exert from her perch on The Chair of the Estates? What can the British Peerage do to save Britain and the Commonwealth---- and their National Monarchy?
Ironically, the man uniquely entrusted and entitled to answer these questions is the Lord High Steward, Lord Talbot, and he is actually also entitled to the Throne--- and making a bid for it, as it is vacated: Elizabeth II abdicated in effect, and none of her sons seem interested and morally competent to do the job.
British Peers --- if I were you, I would think hard about my Queen and my country, both. Elizabeth II has been betrayed and ill-advised and done her best within her knowledge and capability for many years, so it isn't like you can just throw her under the bus.
At the same time, you can't go on like this, living under the thrall of the banks and the EU and the so-called "governmental services corporations".
You must assert your true national interests and begin operating as an independent land jurisdiction government again--- just as we have--- or you will be in the same position as the "United States" has been in --- indebted on paper beyond any ability to pay, and being jerked endlessly back and forth by the madmen in control of the Central Banks and the UN Corporation.
People need to stop thinking about and chasing after money. They need to realize that money is just a product like ACME widgets and national currencies are just brand names.
What's keeping you from making your own widgets and promoting your own brand name?
These and many other questions must naturally arise as we all walk forward together.
Speaking for, I am sure, the majority of Americans --- despite all the abuse that we have suffered at the hands of the British Crown Corp, we retain our fondness for the people of Great Britain and the actual British Commonwealth.
We simply need you to wake up out of your stupor and do what has to be done to help straighten things out. Work with the Americans -- not "the US" -- and fully inform your People. Help Elizabeth II make the most of her remaining position and assist Lord Talbot in his duties and efforts.
The world is waiting for you, just as it was waiting
3rd January 2020, 10:32 PM
Anna von Reitz ( eM65iXgLbtFxhEGDqnIcF&hc_ref=ARR-HbO2cDkIVQu4_rsdEp7U5fSMr_ffKmWkeeH8s9VzyXBKSwKs9Z 8ttFG0dqoTILE&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
One of Yours....
One of your "Officers" is causing trouble and unnecessary problems for us--- the so-called "Governor" of the "Commonwealth of Virginia".
Please note this Oath:
_Every person before entering upon the discharge of any function as an
officer of this Commonwealth shall take and subscribe the following
oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the
Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the
Commonwealth of Virginia, and that I will faithfully and impartially
discharge all the duties incumbent upon me as ____________________
according to the best of my ability, (so help me God)."_
Notice that this Oath is to what? "the Constitution of the United States" ---- not "The Constitution of the United States".
He is taking his Oath to the Municipal Corporation, not even the Municipal Government, which is what it would be if he took his Oath to The Constitution of the United States, and frankly, we don't know what this "Constitution" even says or requires of this man, because it is foreign and private, though it might be available as a Washington, DC Municipality document.
Also note that this man is not acting as any State Governor at all. He is acting as a Commonwealth "Governor" --- an entirely different position, with different citizenry involved.
So, within his little club calling itself the "Commonwealth of Virginia" he can probably confiscate member's guns all he wants, but that does not enable him to touch the guns of a single American.
He's your Officer acting under your Commonwealth auspices and it is your duty to me and to the other people of this country to stand him down and make him accountable to the actual Law and the international treaties involved.
We have reported, fully, on the widespread falsification of political status records in this country, so until that conundrum is sorted out, it is impossible for you or for him to know who is a "citizen of the United States" and who is a United States Citizen and who is an American State Citizen.
This is your NOTICE that you and the Holy See and the Municipality of Rome will be held 100% personally and commercially liable for any violence, any mistaken attacks on Americans, any damage done to us or our country in any way.
Touch a single American gun "by mistake" and your Officer will be guilty of Treason against the actual Constitution of the United States.
4th January 2020, 02:07 PM
Anna von Reitz ( wDjPfQX_BhRMKyBnKrVAylJyy_rDcBG8w1&hc_ref=ARR9uYak6rCFR0t984DUOA8fcpawhYHSufEqeB93g_9 jAzUuUlAX3bbsW-XgLD317t0&fref=nf)
9 hrs ( ·
Dear Mr. Trump -- January 4, 2020
[Please get the word out:
Every actual and factual American needs to send Donald Trump a Registered or First Class Letter addressed to the White House and/or email messages regarding claims made by Phil Hudok. Here's mine as an example:]
President Donald J. Trump
In care of: The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Trump:
It has come to our attention that a few renegade and retired U.S. Citizens have brought suit in arbitration against your Office and against THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. and that these same people who were born in this country, but who adopted U.S. Citizenship --- apparently knowingly as adults and still maintaining such citizenship --- are seeking a monetary return for the loss of their natural interest in the land and soil of this country and the Guarantees of the Constitutions that they would otherwise be owed.
The entire process and proposed "settlement" raised by Phil Hudok does not as they are attempting to claim "affect all Americans" and we object to any presumption or claim that he represents anyone but himself and whatever other individuals care to join him; the rest of us do not accept nor desire this so-called "Arbitration Award" as any settlement of our claims against the British Territorial United States Government or the British Crown.
We believe this to be another instance of offering trinkets in exchange for Manhattan and taking advantage of people too ignorant to know what the legal language means -- for example, "natural person" literally means "corpse" in Probate Law --- nor do they have Full Disclosure of what is at stake from those making this offer.
We in no way condone or offer to participate in this Arbitration Award and it should not be touted as any settlement being made for or by Americans in general, nor as any appropriate remedy. Offering people credit that is based on the value of their own assets as payment for those assets is a ridiculous and patently fraudulent offer not worthy of discussion.
Phil Hudok and his Associates are adoptive Territorial United States Citizens seeking additional payment for their loss of interest in this actual country, their actual Birth State, and its assets.
If they are fools enough to exchange that in return for paper credits issued against the value of these same assets -- that is, if they are knowingly willing to sell their birthright for a bowlful of paper porridge -- then let them. We won't regret them exiting from our shores on a permanent basis, but we do ask that they be transported to Nova Scotia or whatever other welcoming and appropriate British Crown Territory may be willing to accept them, as their renunciation of their birthright means that they are no longer even questionably Americans--- and as they are not directly employed providing "essential government services" they will no longer have any reason to be here on our shores.
Upon their Final Acceptance of money or credit in settlement of their claims --as indicated by cashing of these so-called "settlement" checks and deposits made in accounts naming them as beneficiaries or authorized representatives-- we wish you to pick them up and arrest them and transport them to the designated host country or countries willing to accept them as Paupers. Our doors will be closed to them and their immediate family members.
We have done our best to provide them will Full Disclosure even though the Municipal United States Government and the members of the United States Supreme Court have failed their duty to do so. We consider that that Public Duty has been done by the Fiduciaries of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and Phil Hudok and the others lined up at the trough have no further excuse or anyone to blame. They do what they do by their own hands and have been given the facts and consequences in advance.
We have also advised those who signed up to participate in this "Settlement Offer" in error--- people who simply made a mistake and wish to withdraw from any obligation --- contact the Territorial/Municipal Congressional Delegations attached to their States via Registered Mail, asking that their names and addresses be removed from the so-called Arbitration Award. We have also advised them to send copies of their Registered Letters requesting removal of their names and addresses to Secretary of State Pompeo.
There has been enough self-interested cheating of trusting Americans to last for the next 200 years and we do not want any American to unwittingly sever their birthright claims and lose their homes and recognition of their Natural and Unalienable Rights for a pocketful of paper.
Thank you very much for your assistance and understanding.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
4th January 2020, 02:15 PM
Anna von Reitz (
5 hrs ( ·
The Great Abomination
When I was a child, and even as an adult, when I was reading the Bible I would "stumble" over my understanding of certain references. For example, I always wanted someone to plainly and succinctly explain what was meant by "The Great Abomination" and other numerous references to "abomination" in the Bible, such as the one referring to sodomy as "an abomination".
We all tend to vaguely realize that we don't actually know for sure what certain things mean, but with no ready answers available, we also tend to make shift with what the context seems to be and assume a meaning for it.
Most people assume that "The Great Abomination" is referring to some loathsome sin, but no, it refers to an ancient and profane religion -- the same profane Babylonian religion that Abraham was running away from when he left the Babylonian City of Ur, and the long trek of the Hebrews began.
So what was this loathsome religion? Who was "The Mother of All Harlots"?
To this day, this secretive religion, doesn't really have a name. We call it "Mystery Babylon", but strangely enough, none of the Christian Churches or Jewish Synagogues talk about it or appear to know what it is, what it believes, or even that it exists in the modern world. Yet, "Mystery Babylon" is very much alive and in evidence nearly anywhere you care to look -- street plans, place names, corporate logos, statues -- it's still here.
This religion according to the ancient records of numerous cultures in the Middle East, began in Babylon, when a beautiful woman "fell to Earth in a silver egg that landed in the Euphrates River". This woman had rays of light coming out of her head. Her name was Semiramis. She married Nimrod, the King at that time, a grandson of Noah.
The story is consistent with a space ship escape pod crash landing in the Euphrates about 8000 years ago, and with Semiramis being some kind of E.T. from an advanced humanoid society being stuck here in the near Stone Age. As it turns out, the story is also consistent with Semiramis being some kind of criminal on the lam, because she brought to Earth any number of evil ideas and traditions--- among them:
1. Sex as a sacrament;
2. Temple prostitution -- you expiated your sins by paying for sex with a temple prostitute;
3. Idolatry -- the use of money to "represent" goods and labor, also the worship of other kinds of idols to "represent" gods and goddesses;
4. Tree worship/sacred groves -- used as places for sacrifices;
5. Immolation of infants -- death by casting babies into fiery (often owl-shaped) furnaces;
6. Pedophilia, bestiality, sodomy, fetishes, etc.,
7. Public orgies as festivals and celebrations;
8. Use of masks and wigs to hide identities and commit crimes;
9. Castration of priests
10. Worship of the "Father of All Lies" - aka - Nimrod, Poseidon, Satan, Neptune, etc.
11. Telling lies and making up con artist schemes as "prayers" and "worship".
12. Drinking of blood; ritual cannibalism.
13. Soothsaying, speaking with the dead, astrology, forecasting the future.
14. Casting of spells and incantations.
15. Invoking demons by "sacred utterances".
16. Abuse of alcohol and drugs of all kinds.
All this came from one humanoid woman named Semiramis who splashed down in the Euphrates River. You would think, that given the terrible impact that she has had on this planet, we'd all know her name?
It turns out that we know her by many, many names. In addition to her oldest name, Semiramis, we have Isis from Egypt and Africa, Astarte from the Levant, Ashtoreth is the name the Hebrews gave her, Cybele was her name in Asia Minor, and....Columbia, as in District of Columbia and Columbia Motion Pictures.
No wonder that the religion that she founded is referred to as The Great Abomination and no wonder that it has been repeatedly suppressed throughout the world for centuries, as its entire premise is based on purposeful deceit and lies, crime, power-mongering, parasitical abuse of others, selfishness, immorality, instant gratification, illusions, sex, idolatry, cruelty, exploitation, superstition, black magic .... the list goes on.
The Great Abomination is, literally, a Satanic Religion, built to honor Old One-Eye himself: The Spirit of Falsehood. Everything about it is twisted, inverted, sideways, upside down. Dog's hind leg and worse.
So when you hear militia groups calling themselves "ISIS" you know what to think.
When you hear that large numbers of "Roman Catholic" priests are diddling little children, you know that Mystery Babylon has been festering in the Church like a flea on a dog, using the actual Church as a storefront.
When someone talks about Temples, such as the Crown Temple, you know that they aren't talking about any Christian Church.
And when you see a statue of a beautiful woman with rays of light beaming out of her head, you know better than to call her the "Statue of Liberty" ---at least, not with a straight face.
I hope all you New Yorkers are listening. That's the Great Whore, the Mother of All Harlots, standing out there in your harbor. Continuing to have it there is like painting a target on your city.
And, as Jesus said --- "When you see the Great Abomination standing where it should not stand, you know the time is short...."
Should Semiramis be standing in New York Harbor, on the threshold of a largely Christian nation?
I would say that that definitely qualifies as "standing where it should not stand" and I would advise everyone based on everything else I can see --- to turn your minds and hearts away from violence and toward peace, away from sin and toward Our Father, away from death and toward life, away from falsehood and toward truth.
Do this with a will and a vengeance, as this is your greatest weapon and protection in this spiritual war between Truth and Deceit: "Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid....."
4th January 2020, 08:41 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Pkat5fHUXfqkgoOsQiIUMjtS_KuXnuEfLy&hc_ref=ARQqlFFU-PeO63oE_OrETGjXfrTUAfpr7xePH5FJ7AbJQQ627MEelTPKTsl S5s3p04U&fref=nf)
4 mins ( ·
Keeping Track of the Federal Fence
We must always remember which foot we are standing on, and which side of the Federal Fence we are standing on, too.
From the perspective of the foreign state-of-state franchises, we are "residents" or other temporary "inhabitants" of their jurisdiction when we enter either the State of _________ or the STATE OF __________ by such acts as entering their courts or administrative offices, as well as when we formally enter United States Territorial or Municipal United States jurisdiction by, for example, living on an Air Force Base or taking political asylum in a Consulate Office.
From the Municipal Government perspective we are even one step more removed from them and are considered to be "non-resident aliens" -- true foreigners.
From our perspective they are all "residents" and "inhabitants", too, when they enter our jurisdiction for more than a visit, because they are living among us temporarily as "residents" or "inhabitants" while providing "essential government services".
So, it is always a question of who is calling who a "resident" or an "inhabitant" at any given moment and also, what capacity we are acting in, and in which jurisdiction.
Am a "resident" if I go to Washington, DC, and rent an apartment there? You bet I am. I am then a guest there, just as they are guests when they venture into my jurisdiction.
Are Federal Employees and their state-of-state franchise employees who are in my State providing "governmental services" also "residents" in my jurisdiction when they take up jobs and live here? Yes.
The same kind of parallel universe exists with respect to "voters" versus "electors".
By pretending that we are Federal Citizens of one stripe or the other, they contrive to control and "regulate" us and claim that we are either: (1) employees of the corporation(s); (2) elected or appointed officials of the corporation(s); or (3) dependents of the corporation(s).
They interpret "voters" as being "persons" operating in one of these capacities and having a "right" to give their proxy as shareholders in the corporation to one or more corporate officials up for "election".
This is a very different kind of "election" than any public election that we, Americans, are heir to---- and even though they appear to be quite similar, they are not.
One is a private corporate shareholder "election" involving "voters" who often belong to political parties and who choose their CEOs and Board Members and fill other corporation offices by voting. These are rough and woolly affairs like beauty pageants and in recent years they have used electronic "voting machines" to tally votes, which is strictly forbidden in American Public Elections.
Our Public Elections don't involve political parties and we don't vote. We act as "Electors" to elect people from among our population of State Citizens to fill our Public Offices. As Americans have not been made aware of the falsification of their political status records and have been encouraged to assume that the corporate elections are their elections, fewer and fewer people and candidates have been available to fill our Public Offices -- but that doesn't mean that we and our Public Offices have ever ceased to exist.
All attempts made by our Territorial and Municipal Subcontractors to give away our state offices and laws to the United Nations -- see the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act and the International Organizations Immunity Act -- are the most spurious kind of fraud and just another example of our erstwhile Employees trading upon assets that are not theirs to give, define, or dispose of. All such deals are fraudulent by nature, null and void from inception.
Bottom line -- do we have any right or interest in participating in the elections of foreign corporations operated by our Subcontractors? No.
Do we have control of their contracts with us? Yes.
If they do things that displease us, or dis-serve us, or are in violation of their contracts, can we enforce their contracts?
Yes, so long as we are operating in our own properly constituted capacity as State Citizens--- the actual Parties to the Constitutions.
They have a right to organize their businesses however they see fit, and so do we. If they want to operate as corporations for "any lawful purpose" we have no grounds or reason to object, so long as they faithfully perform the duties we require of them and take no action adverse to our well-being, they can do all the silly things they do and waste all the money they waste on their flim-flam political elections, as long as they are spending their own money. It's no skin off of our noses. And not our business.
We are perfectly competent to trudge along and do our duties and fill our offices and count our old-fashioned paper ballots --- and tell the Federal Citizens of both stripes what to do, as our Employees. And we conduct our own no-nonsense elections among ourselves by holding simple Public Meetings, taking candidate nominations, holding our elections and fulfilling our functions. That's no skin off of their nose, either.
The problem is that over the years, there have been fewer and fewer people recorded as American State Citizens. People simply weren't told and didn't understand how they were being mis-characterized and impersonated, so they were "acting as" voters and as Federal Citizens, without having a clue what that meant or what it cost them. Most were not even aware that they were doing anything wrong or improper or contrary to their own best interest. They were in fact solicited and defrauded by the foreign government services corporations acting in Breach of Trust.
So, here we are. The Employers. The State Citizens. The Parties to the Constitutions. And here is our Federation of States, gearing up and getting ready at long last to finish the Reconstruction of our long-lost Confederation of States of States. Please note, our Federation can do everything that the Confederation ever did, and a whole lot more. Please also note that it's our business how we operate, just as it is our Subcontractors business how they operate. We are, after all, the Employers. And they are not.
Instead of being deceived into acting in a second-class and, I might add, foreign citizenship status, and trying year after year to control foreign corporate elections so as to get someone who will do a good job for the country, it makes much more sense to simply take up your own responsibilities as an American State Citizen, conduct your own elections, and then tell whoever they elect what they are going to do.
It's a straight-forward matter. Declare your proper political status. Conduct your own business and your own Public Elections. Take back control of your property assets.
And whoever they choose as their leadership and however they organize their business, you tell them what you want done and how you want it done.
That, my dears, is how we solve the problem of the Tail Wagging the Dog, and spending our days and nights worrying about what idiots our employees might elect. Simply by standing in our own lawful capacity and taking responsibility for directing our own business, we solve the problem. And we no longer have to worry about them; they have to worry about us.
And the Pope, well, he may not like it, but short of breaking all the laws he has put in place for other people to obey --- in public --- he doesn't have any choice. And neither does his UN Corporation. And neither does the United Nations. He owes what he owes to us, including peace.
5th January 2020, 12:18 PM
Anna von Reitz (
14 hrs ( ·
The Prince of the Air
I have taught you all the basics of jurisdiction -- air, land, and sea.
Most people tread the boundary of land and sea and find that most difficult, while the air doesn't seem like that much of a problem. After all, as my husband once joked, you can't trip on the air.
That's true, but one of the few redeeming aspects of it.
The Bible describes the Devil as the "Prince of the Air" for a reason.
The air is the realm of bad beliefs, lies, deceits, "words of art", patents, trademarks, copyrights, contracts, global law --- and, yes, corporations. It is also the realm of energy, demons and angels, spirits, and elemental forces, light and sound and all else that conspires to create and support --or distort --the physical realm.
It is at once the least substantial and the hardest to control realm, and it is also the battleground and location of the Final Battles of this World.
For many generations people have interpreted The Book of Revelation literally and making all sorts of surmises about it, but our Creator is Spirit, not Flesh and Blood, so all the great battles are fought and won or lost in the Unseen Realm and anything that happens in the physical realm is just a reflection of that which unfolds in the realm of pure energy and thought-feeling.
Some of you may have read about and studied the "Sacred Marriage" --- which is the marriage of thought and feeling which ultimately creates us and creates our world. This isn't about creating any literal gold. This is about mastering our ability to think and feel with purity and force, so as to move mountains, heal the sick, and transform our world. All this takes place in the Unseen Realm of the spirit, in the jurisdiction of the air.
So even though it is least substantial, the jurisdiction of the air is the most important, and so the final battle of Armageddon takes place in our minds and hearts, and not on a plain giving access to the heart of Judea.
Please note that while the Devil may be the Prince of the Air, there is One who is the King of the Air, and against him the Devil has no answer. Before him, the Slanderer stands still and silent.
The story of the War in Heaven and all the many wars on Earth, has indeed been an epic drama, and in its way, no prophecy will be left unfulfilled, but there must be an end to all the fear and anxiety and the most pernicious "we're all going to die!" hysteria.
Your Father in Heaven knows you more intimately than your own breath, and he searches your heart. Remember the words that have been spoken to you: "Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."
The actual battle is already over.
The Prince of the Air is vanquished and the True King comes; when what is true comes, what is false must pass away. You are witnessing that, day by day. All the secrets and the lies are being exposed, until not one "stone" of Satan's Kingdom will be left standing. Not one bit of The Spirit of Falsehood will remain.
Then you will know that actual Battle of Armageddon has come and gone in the twinkling of an eye, and that all has been made right, established on the Earth as it is in Heaven.
And then, you will be astonished and rejoice and praise your Savior, Faithful and True, and praise your Father in Heaven along with the Heavenly Host and the evils of the past will be like shadows that fade away and words you can't remember.
5th January 2020, 12:45 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 7fAB_hvYEnyBwjqeYIvdhnS1KBzuYjEyuo&hc_ref=ARQfp9g19wzOzjwryUwPL_y0D_WlNU9V9Cx7USAk7SG 7Otd4JuH9sHdagoXt8SoAJ8Y&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
For America and the Middle Eastern Countries
These Intelligence Agency guys sit around and tell so many lies back and forth that none of them know the truth anymore. Literally. The CIA guys can't tell the truth at all. It's not in them. They open their mouths and corkscrews come out.
FBI? The only difference is the charming American accent, mainly because they are trying to copy their Big Brothers at the CIA and DARPA and DIA and MI6.
It's hell to find good role models these days. Our sons grow up confused and crooked. Our "intelligence agencies" are more like Hollywood script writers....
DIA? I don't think they were ever acquainted with the truth to begin with, so truth is not even the question with them. They spew wads of thready, gluey, string-like information that sticks to the bottom of your shoes and makes you wrinkle your nose late at night twenty years later.
And if your "intelligence networks" can't tell the difference between beans and buckwheat anymore--- what then?
It's a sad commentary on where guile has landed us--- a manure pile of Corporate Feudalism, fraud, and lies piled on top of lies like a maggot and rotten banana sandwich.
Here's an example of the latest Big Lie being passed around: the CIA let the Iranians invest in our mortgage market and the Iranians are responsible for the subprime mortgage meltdown in 2008 and all the foreclosures.....
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I heard that one.
The actuality is that the perpetrators of the mortgage market crisis and MERS and the Foreclosure Mills are all home-grown in "the US". Not American. Not our "United States" --- No, the OTHER "United States" run by the Pope and the Queen.
What happened is this ---and bear with me as I take a detour into something that only appears unrelated:
Back in the 70's, the US had the refinery capacity to mainline Middle Eastern crude oil to market, so the US and OPEC cut a deal to corner the world's energy markets. Big bucks and big coercive power for both. The Middle East supplied the crude, the US supplied the refinery capacity. The Petro-dollar was born.
The oil business has always been a haven for Liar's Dice and Oklahoma Guarantees, but when it came to the Petro-dollar, it sank to a new low.
Do you remember hearing (constantly) how the US was "energy dependent" on other countries for oil? How we were always struggling against an "oil deficit"? Living in fear of an OPEC Oil Embargo?
Nobody told you that the US was consistently among the top three Oil Exporters in the world during that whole same time, did they? The US was shoveling oil and oil products of all kinds out the door as fast as the Iraqis and Iranians and Jordanians and everyone else could ship the crude oil.
And all that talk about "oil deficits"? The US was pushing OPEC to sell them more crude oil, cheaper, so they could maximize their profits on the refined oil products and by-products like plastics, that were the "value added" products at the end of the line.
My Grandmother would call it "shameful, deceitful, Poor Mouthing"---making everyone else think that we were starved for oil, dangerously low reserve supplies, oh, my, we just have to ask for higher prices at the pump.....
And nobody told you that the US was sitting on oil fields that make Iran's resources look small, either. But that's true, too, and I am not even talking about fracking. There's have light sweet crude less than a quarter mile down in quantities that stagger the imagination, sitting parked in the western states and just offshore.
The American Oil Companies didn't need Middle Eastern Oil---ever. They just wanted to buy out the Middle Eastern Oil Supplies, kill the Middle East off as a long term competitor as cheaply as possible, and then, oh, gee, look at all this oil we just found....
So, take in the fact that all that beeswax you heard on the Nightly News (and probably believed) about "oil deficits" and "oil dependency" was just more horse-hooey fed to you, and used to justify charging you $5 a gallon instead of fifty cents a gallon.
Between the gubmint and the news media and all the "intelligence agencies" combined, none of them could tell us what day of the week it was, without lying two or three times.
That's also another good reason to clean the cat box during the Nightly News time slot, but let's get back to the latest Big Lie about Iran being the cause of the mortgage debacles....
Both the Middle Eastern Oil Producers and the US Oil Refiners made out like bandits for years and years, and the Saudis and Jordanians and Iraqis and Egyptians and everyone over there was lapping it up and spending like drunken sailors on infrastructure and goods supplied mainly by--- guess who? European and American corporations.
And then, with the First Blush over and done, the new Middle Eastern Investors created by this glut of money, started looking for good places to invest their wealth..... and here is where the really diabolical stuff kicked in.
Did you know that "mortgage backed securities" became available just as the Saudis and everyone else over in the Middle East began earnestly looking for investment opportunities for their share of the oil money?
It was like magic. Men in turbans started showing up, looking for good, stable, long-term investments and Poof! Mortgage-backed securities appeared out of thin air. Brand new. Wow. Modeled on the Money Market approach to reduced risk long term investing for the future....blah, blah, blah.
And this happened-- just coincidentally? --about the same time that Bank of America and Merrill Lynch were getting nervous because they knew that virtually the entire mortgage "industry" in America was based on bank fraud and false claims in commerce.
Now, you might think that knowing what they knew about the fraudulent mortgage industry, they'd pull the brakes on "mortgage-backed securities investments" but no, they decided instead to share the pain with the whole world, and exploded it, instead. They took a simple but profitable 1930's style bank fraud and made it into a modern investment securities fraud.
So there's the CIA's Bank of America off-loading toxic investments based on bogus mortgages---- mortgages that they already knew were fraudulent because they set up the con game and hooked people who didn't really owe mortgages into paying them in the first place.
Enter good ole "Spread-the-Liability" Merrill-Lynch, licking its lips, and JP Morgan-Stanley, oh, what-a-wonderful idea! Mortgage-backed securities!
And they sold this "concept" to oil rich Middle Eastern investors, both individuals and entire countries, encouraging them to invest heavily in this new sure-thing: mortgage-backed securities---- and they did this with malice-aforethought, full and well-knowing that those mortgages were 90% phony baloney and that sooner or later the fraud would be discovered and the whole market would tank.
But you see, from their perspective, that wasn't a bad result.
All the Middle Eastern wealth --- that could otherwise compete with and be a threat to them --- would disappear when the fraud at the core of the mortgage industry came out and the bubble burst. And when it did, they'd be standing there innocent as daisies in May, with their own share of the oil wealth intact, ready to buy back everything in sight for pennies on a dollar. Just like they bought up everything in the 1930's for almost nothing.
Now, if you were a Middle Eastern country whose oil supplies were petering out and you had socked most of your seed money into American and European mortgage-backed securities, and you found out that in fact, over a billion people and companies had been grossly defrauded and were literally paying on mortgages that they never owed-----?
And that furthermore, the securities brokers and banks had sold off and sold on shares in the same mortgage-backed securities you thought you owned, with no actual paper trail or validated proof of ownership interest using "MERS", and had created a situation (deliberately) where dozens if not hundreds of different investors had purported ownership interests in the same houses? Well?
How would you feel about this?
Probably the same way you will feel when you wake up and realize that (in all likelihood) you've been paying a mortgage you don't owe, just like your parents paid mortgages they didn't owe, either. Probably the same way you might feel when you realize that your Pension Fund got suckered in just like those folks over in the Middle East.
And everyone will be pointing fingers at everyone else, the victims in the Middle East will be pointing at "the Americans" and "the Americans" will be told (are already being told) that it was the Iranians that did all this and so, if we are really, really stupid --- we will believe the Nightly News. Again.
But the fact of the matter is that this whole problem started back in the 1930's when FDR led this country off the tracks and "departed from a normal course of business" without telling the rest of us, and "the US government" ---which is a Subcontractor and not American at all, started letting the central banks bilk innocent Americans for fun and profit.
You see, the Americans are victims on the mortgage side of this. And the Middle Eastern Investors and our own Pension Funds are victims, too.
And there is only one common denominator: the Middlemen. The Federal Government Subcontractors working for the Pope, and the banks and securities brokers, who are also working for the Pope.
All roads lead to Rome and Mystery Babylon.
If we have learned anything over the past 5,000 years, let us remember now that: the Vermin always blame the Victims. And the Victims are kept so confused they can't blame the Vermin in return.
Let's change that. See through that.
They, the Vermin, will tell us that its the Evil Middle Eastern Investors, waging economic war against us. And they will tell the Bilked Middle Eastern Investors that it was the vile, sneaky "Americans" (never "the US" --the ones that actually did the dirt on both sides of the equation) and they will have us at each other's throats instead of going after the Middlemen responsible.
Well, folks, this is a proverbial pot of snakes, for sure. Hardly anyone in America ever legitimately owed a mortgage. Maybe 12% of mortgages were valid, and even those can no longer be validated. People from all over the world, including our own pension funds, have invested in these worthless, fraudulent contracts.
And the banks and securities firms knew that they were fraudulent, worthless contracts when they sold them as investments.
Now, I am trying to be as honest and fair about this as I can be, to everyone involved. I have the greatest sympathy for the victims on both sides--- the Americans who were bilked into paying debts they never owed, and the Middle Eastern Investors, who thought (like almost everyone else) that they were investing their oil wealth into rock solid investments for the future.
The ones I don't have much sympathy for are the bankers and brokers that have been engaged in bilking the American people since the 1930's and the government that has promoted and all allowed this.
I want everyone to understand that "the US" Government responsible for this is under contract to provide us with "essential government services" but isn't in fact American. It's owned and operated by the Pope -- both directly in the case of the Municipal United States Government, and indirectly, because the Queen is his Overseer of the British Territorial United States Government.
So, all you Mad-As-Hell Iranians, Jordanians, Iraqis, Kuwaitis, Egyptians, Everyone in the Middle East --- we hear you. We understand why you are angry. But it isn't us doing this to you. In fact, we've been taking it in the shorts ourselves --- and at the hands of the same Perpetrator(s).
Please stop shouting "Death to America" and "Death to Americans" --- we've been fed lies for generations and used as cheap mercenaries without even knowing that we were acting as mercenaries. We aren't the problem. The problem is with our Subcontractors, and they are all owned and operated by the Pope.
So let's give him a hard time instead.
We are doing our best to get control of the situation and it would be a good thing for everyone to simmer down and not let these rats succeed in getting us all to go to war, because that is what they want. They want to sit in the Middle as the Odd Man out, and let their Victims destroy each other, just by telling lies first to one and then to the other.
Instead, we should concentrate on exposing their criminality to the entire world. We should confiscate their wealth and work with other people and other countries to clean this Mess up--- and we can do so without firing a single shot.
midnight rambler
5th January 2020, 04:14 PM
5th January 2020, 04:43 PM
I must admit, I clicked on this thread out of morbid curiosity, to find out what MR had to add to Bigjons echo chamber.I have been watching this thread grow and grow like some monster from a B grade horror show.
6th January 2020, 04:27 AM
Anna von Reitz ( 0YSzYbPDg8lmSLjfRappJXr1Gp8g-jhH-j&hc_ref=ARRXTHLWChYtprpp8mG9hJjnb5-6JzYAc-53sX_K0QhOrF-P2g6GA7iBdcOeEFp8OiA&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
Cornwallis Prophecy? Ha!
When the British General Cornwallis was defeated at Yorktown and forced to surrender his sword to George Washington, he shared some very interesting thoughts, most of which have been repeated in truncated and edited form, taken out of context and misrepresented as threats, instead of talking points preceding a General Surrender.
The British General was actually doing his duty both as an Officer of the British Crown, and as a member of the Peerage.
In the one capacity, as an Officer of the Crown, he was obligated to give Commercial Notice.
Cornwallis, unlike Washington, knew that all the money the Colonists had been borrowing from the French was actually being funneled through the French by the British King. So at the end of the hostilities, the Colonists were deep in debt, in fact, to King George III.
Cornwallis had to gloat about that fact, and provide commercial notice, so he did. That was part of his not-so veiled message to General Geo. Washington.
In his other capacity as a British Peer he also had duties to attend to, which included giving Washington Notice under the Laws of International Engagement at the time. Remember that Cornwallis's surrender was not a General Surrender. Like Lee's surrender at Appomattox a century later, it was a Provisional Surrender of an Army.
With that introduction, I'll cut directly to a quote from Senator Joseph McCarthy detailing exactly what Cornwallis said to Washington:
"The confession of General Cornwallis to General Washington at Yorktown has been well hidden by historians.
"Jonathan Williams recorded in his LEGIONS OF SATAN, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that "a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown." Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem to be a self contradiction:
"Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry." And indeed George Washington himself was a Mason, and he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army."
"Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. What he predicted has come to pass. A brief sketch of American religious history and we have seen Masonry infused into every church in America With their veiled Phallic religion. Darby and the Plymouth Brethren brought a Jewish Christianity to America. Masons Rutherford and Russell started Jehovah Witnesses'
Judaism which is now worldwide with their message of the divine kingdom. Mason Joseph Smith started Mormon Judaism with its Jewish teaching of millennialism. At the turn of the twentieth century there appeared the Scofield Bible with a Jewish interpretation of the prophecies. With wide use of this "helpful" aid all the American churches have silently become synagogues. We now have Baptist Jews, Methodist Jews, Church of God Jews, apostate Catholic Jews, and many Protestant Jews throughout America. We are aliens in our own country because of false religion. All are praying for divine deliverance into that "Divine Government" which Cornwallis knew to be the British Empire. A false religion has been used to deceive us into allegiance to our enemies of Yorktown and Bunker Hill. No! Not a gun has been fired but the invisible and malignant process of conquering America with the Jew's religion has gone on unabated. The Union Jack has been planted in our hearts with religious deception. All has happened "legally," "constitutionally," "freely" and completely within our most sacred trust -- our churches. Religious deception is painless innoculation against truth. It cannot be removed from the conscience with surgery, yet it is the motivator of our actions and directly controls our lives. Once man gives over to false religion, he is no longer rational because he originates no thought. His life is controlled by whomever controls his religion."
"The veil of false religion is the sword of Damocles and its power to control humanity defies even the imagination of tyrants who use it."
"This is not to say that George Washington was a traitor willingly, or knowingly. He was beguiled into a Satanic religious order that insidiously controls men's minds. So have American statesmen and military leaders down through the years given aid and allegiance to the enemies of the United States because they did not have knowledge of the invisible subterfuge that stalks this land. My eyes were opened the day my colleague from Ohio handed me Wagner's FREEMASONRY AN INTERPRETATION. If every American would read it, they would no longer ask why and how it has happened."
Okay, this is what has come down to us from Washington to his cronies and affiliates including members of the early Congresses and what has been written down about it and shared among members of Congress as shared by Senator Joseph McCarthy and quoted above.
And now you may turn your attention to what has actually happened as regards references to "holy war" and look at Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address --- remembering that he is speaking her as "The President of the United States" --- that is, as the CEO of the Municipal United States Government and its Municipal Corporation.
What does Mr. Roosevelt say? That he is engaging his government and its citizenry in a "holy cause". He stopped short of saying "holy war" but the echo of Cornwallis is there just the same, and so is the proof in the pudding of everything that has happened in this country since then.
And this "holy cause" is?
Complete world domination by the "Roman" Catholic Church--- not as a Christian Church, but as a pagan Roman institution devoted to the worship of Mammon and operating through the secret "brotherhood" of Freemasonry worldwide, which includes members of all religions, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Christians --- anyone who wants to sell their soul is welcome.
So, do you want to sell your soul?
Turns out that, just like your body, it has already been seized upon, bought, sold, and traded via the use of "Baptismal Certificates", just as "Birth Certificates" have been used to buy, sell, and trade upon your labor and physical assets --- without any disclosure to you, without any consent on your part.
I think it is clear that these "sins and errors" of the Roman Church are even far worse than the "Indulgences" that sparked the Protestant Reformation, and that it is incumbent upon every living, breathing, sentient person on this planet to wake up --- especially the members of the Roman Catholic Church who will suffer for this gross mis-management and betrayal of their faith and trust, the unwitting member of all Masonic Lodges, who will also suffer if these practices are not ended and fully corrected, and finally, not least of all, the members of all corporate government structures, including the "Federal" Territorial and Municipal United States Subcontracting Service Providers.
Wake up and realize where the source of the actual trouble is, and where it has always been.
6th January 2020, 04:42 AM
Anna von Reitz ( eUfyw17PYA0Xng7iujKxF7Hc&fref=nf)
8 hrs ( ·
The Migration of Evil
So I have explained what The Great Abomination is, that it is literally an ancient, secretive, profane, Satanic religion founded by what appears to have been a female humanoid ET on the lam named "Semiramis" who splashed down in the Euphrates River somewhere around 8,000 B.C.
Let's follow the main migration of The Great Abomination from its birthplace in Babylon.
When things got too hot in Babylon, and that once-great kingdom was exhausted and parasitized into oblivion, the parasite "religion" moved west into Iraq and down through Samaria to the seacoast just above modern Tel Aviv, where the Great Temple of Balbek was established.
From there, the local tribal peoples of the Levant were seduced and the Philistines and Canaanites and Edomites and the "Sons of Amon" were all bowing and serving Molloch and Baal and the Mother of All Whores and Old One Eye by the time Joshua arrived.
Perhaps most important to note, however, is that during this sojourn on the far eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, Mystery Babylon became a sea-going religion, popular with sailors, and popular with the sea-going Israelite Tribe of Dan, whose Tribal Banner prominently features what? A snake.
And how is Satan described in the Garden of Eden? As a serpent. A snake.
As a sea-going religion, popular among sailors and merchants alike, Mystery Babylon was dispersed throughout the ancient world. We see it in the Snake Worship of Delphi, in India, Indonesia, Meso-America---- and in China, we see it in Dragon worship where dragons were recognized as a form of giant, more powerful "serpent" --- reptiles, all.
So this venal religion devoted to the idolatry of money and deceit, sex as a sacrament, infanticide, tree worship, death by incineration alive, etc., etc., was dispersed and practiced worldwide within a thousand years after the Great Flood.
It's next great center of worship was established in Crete and from Crete to Mycenaean Greece and....Carthage.
Mystery Babylon came to Greece through Asia Minor, where Semiramis had been renamed "Cybele" -- also spelled "Sybil"-- and her worship had picked up some local color. Her priests in Asia Minor and Turkey were called "Galli". They castrated themselves in honor of their goddess, wore black robes, and either bleached their hair white, or wore white wigs. We will meet them again --- in Rome, and elsewhere.
The culture of Mycenaean Greece came like a thunderbolt out of nowhere, lasted for several centuries, was eaten out by the hidden parasite, and then abandoned-- and disappeared as quickly as it arose, when the Venal Religion moved its chief center of enterprise to Carthage, in North Africa.
Carthage was a wonder of the ancient world, a seaport so vast and modern in concept and in lay out, that it looked more like a science fiction spaceport than anything existing in the world at that time.
Then, of course, the upstart and rugged Romans conquered Carthage by siege and sacked it in 146 B.C. They did what the Romans have always done, and brought the booty and the slaves home to Rome, and thereby unwittingly imported the parasitical religion of the Carthaginians, too.
Mystery Babylon was quickly accepted by the free-wheeling Romans as yet another pagan religion and adopted by many lower class Romans, sailors and soldiers, merchants and working folk. It began its insidious work eating away at the underpinnings of Roman culture and tradition a hundred years---more or less--- before Julius Ceasar invaded Britain.
The Galli, the priests of Cybele, were hired as Tax Collectors for Rome, soon after the sack of Carthage. Their black-robed, white-wigged figures were soon familiar -- and feared -- throughout the Roman Empire.
The first official arrival of Mystery Babylon in Britain came shortly after the sack of Jerusalem under King Zechariah's ill-favored leadership, but there is no doubt that the religion was already well-established in seafaring towns and along the coasts of the English Channel -- East and West -- before the Sixth Century B.C. As elsewhere, it came with the sailors and merchants along with merchant ships trading up and down the coasts of England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and Cornwall--- before it became a state religion in pre-Christian Ireland, Cornwall, and Wales.
Having now become familiar with the black-robed, white-wigged Galli, and with the tree worship and bonfires and human sacrifice traditions of The Great Abomination, it isn't hard to identify the black-robed, white-haired, tree-worshiping Druids and their Sacred Groves as local variants of The Great Abomination that took root in Britain long-prior to the Roman colonization.
So, when Julius Caesar invaded in 55 B.C. and Gaius Suetonius Paulinus (Vespasian) finished the job in 42 A.D., the religion of The Great Abomination, and its priests, were both already very well established in Britain, and the adherents were ready to serve their familiar Roman masters.
Once again, the Galli took up their job as tax collectors for Rome, and the Druids became hated and persecuted as a result. However, when Rome retreated from Britain 402-410 A.D. there were new, local chieftains and a mixed bag of Romanized and newly Christianized leaders to serve.
The black-robed priests of The Great Abomination returned as Soothsayers employed by the Saxon kings to foretell the future and interpret omens, and the so called "Old Ways" did not entirely die out. Various tricks and magick and arcane knowledges of drugs and other "arts" were passed on, and eventually, the Galli stopped castrating themselves and started practicing Admiralty Law as well as acting as Tax Collectors for the British King.
To this day, British Barristers wear black robes and white wigs and nobody involved in this "tradition" appears to know why-- when you are cheeky enough to ask them-- but there it is.
The very long association of this venal religion with sailors and sea-faring made it a natural conduit to form "The Law of the Sea" and the Admiralty Courts.
Don't forget that Satan was "cast down into the sea", and that apprentice attorneys in Scotland are still called "devils". Britain had always been a great trading nation and adept upon the seas, but under the lash of hellish "Naval Discipline" it was to become the dominant sea power on Earth.
We brought the Parasitical Religion with us to America from Europe. I have focused here on the conduit via Britain, but The Great Abomination was also coming to us via Phoenicia (the source of our slang word "Phoney" because this variant from Portugal produced such profligate con men) and France, where it had taken root in sea-faring communities, too.
Finally, and most importantly of course, it was coming through to us via the Roman Catholic Church. The Great Abomination gained entrance to the Church via Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. and rode along like a flea on a dog, unseen but virulent ever since.
Because The Great Abomination worships the Father of All Lies, its adherents are great hypocrites and con men and actors. Every lie is a prayer in their religion. Verbal deceits, deliberate confusion of terms and labels, puns, double entendres, any kind of illusion or "excusable" misrepresentation is fair game for them --- a circumstance that led our Pilgrim Ancestors to label attorneys "Masters of Deceit" and to banning them from living in Christian communities.
It also led to the adoption of separate Bibles to serve as the Law of the Soil, Law of the Land, and Law of the Sea in America --- and also the proliferation of different Law and Legal Dictionaries (Bouvier's for Land, and Black's for Sea)
The Wycliffe Bible, the first translation into English from the Latin Vulgate, becameaptismalby the Law of the Soil, used by our Protestant and Pilgrim Ancestors. The Geneva Bible is the basis for the Law of the Land. And the King James version is supposed to be the basis for the Law of the Sea.
So, The Great Abomination arrived on our shores right along with sailors and merchants that carried us here from Europe. It took root here as it had elsewhere and continued to gnaw into the fabric and framework of Europe, with the same demoralizing and destructive results it had in Babylon, the Levant, Greece, Crete, Carthage, Rome, and everywhere else it has gained a foothold.
And it has been here ever since, like a tapeworm, eating out the substance of our country to enrich both its Roman and British Masters--- not the Queen, though she gets her cut -- the Lords of the Admiralty and Westminster and the Lord Mayor of London: the British Crown.
So except for its very early dispersion worldwide, for example to the Khan Dynasty in China, the Parasitical Religion has kept a fairly identifiable form and body, moving ever-westward since ancient times. And no surprise, it is currently attempting to move westward again, this time trying to secretively jump the expanse of the Pacific Ocean from our shores all the way to China.
They have eaten out our substance and stolen our gold and silver, obtained fake title to our land and are attempting to do the same with our soil, have played their name-games with our trademarks and patents, seized upon the value of our labor and our bodies, even snuck around and obtained "birth certificates" by which they have proposed to buy, sell, and trade our souls.
So, what do you say, China?
Do you learn from the mistakes of: Babylon, Iraq, Sumeria, Israel, Greece, Crete, Carthage, Rome, France, Spain, Portugal, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Australia, America and most of the rest of the world?
Do you observe the work of the Parasites over the course of the past 8,000 years? Including the Boxer Rebellion and the Heroin Trade?
Even if you swallow the Parasite Religion and gain some temporary wealth and power for giving it shelter, you know what the end result will be: social decay, loss of dignity, loss of educational standards, loss of honesty, loss of justice, loss of your unique national culture and identity, loss of moral compass, loss of clarity, loss of sanity, and in the end, your economic and financial destruction is what they plan.
They will abuse and use and strip your country dry just like they have done with every other "host" since ancient times.
So now, when we finally have them nailed down, clearly identified, and in our sites --- isn't it time that we stopped their endless westward migration?
Why should anyone or any country knowingly harbor a parasite? Why should criminals and criminal practices and beliefs be allowed to multiple until they are like locusts consuming the Earth?
We woke up, just in time.
Come join us and together with all the other happy nations of the world, we will expose every facet of the parasite, every evil belief and noxious practice, including its fondness for human blood and its practice of enslavement and peonage and war for profit.
6th January 2020, 11:44 AM
Anna von Reitz ( s&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Ridiculous Excuses
Begin with the little-known and vastly under-appreciated fact that America has a hundred times more natural crude oil than Saudi Arabia.
Do we need to fight with Saudi Arabia over oil or anything else?
The people who need to meddle in the Middle East are the Europeans who actually are dependent on oil and gas from the Middle East and Asia Minor---and of course, Israel, which keeps banging on our door to assure their continued existence.
So it comes as no surprise that, once again, Great Britain and various other Players, are attempting to use American Muscle to get what they need and to Hell with what we need.
Mr. Trump is being tempted with a fat Mercenary Contract and pressured by the rats withholding money that is actually owed to us from his Administration.
This is why he needs to enter the actual Power Holder Office and work directly for us instead of acting as a lackey under "Powers Delegated" through the Pope and the Queen.
He is supposed to be acting as our President of The United States of America and directing the operations in our behalf.
Instead, he is acting as President of "the" United States of America and subjecting himself to the Queen, and as President of "the" United States and subjecting himself to the Pope.
If he would just get his own political status declaration on the public record, he could enter the correct office and access all the money and credit that both the Queen and the Pope already owe to us.
And not be coerced and manipulated by Europe and Israel anymore. He could simply do what he considers to be best for us, and for the world, and take care of everyone's actual needs without scrabbling and warring over oil transport costs.
And wouldn't that be a refreshing?
midnight rambler
6th January 2020, 01:17 PM
I have a question: are Sasquatch primates or not?? ???
6th January 2020, 02:54 PM
The hell you say:
Militant Wing of the Salvation Army
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midnight rambler
6th January 2020, 04:07 PM
The hell you say:
Need I remind you that the subject matter of this thread is “answers to questions”? So...I have a question about Sasquatch...are Sasquatch primates or something entirely different?
midnight rambler
6th January 2020, 07:38 PM
I'm confused. I really need some answers. Is Sasquatch a primate or not?? This guy seems to think Sasquatch is NOT a primate, and he's very emphatic about it.
7th January 2020, 02:27 AM
Wow, I rate two more shit posts from the top bs'r.
7th January 2020, 02:34 AM
Anna von Reitz ( nfstM2BhxLXpOz4ne0mQ5D6U&fref=nf)
13 hrs ( ·
The Nature of Our Universe
Remember that I started my life in love with mathematics? That's how my mind is wired. You are used to me talking about history and law and politics, but math and science are my True Loves, so please indulge me and I will try to make this painless and brief.
To the best of the knowledge of the top mathematicians and physicists in the world, we live in an ever-expanding morphogenic information field. What appears to be solid and have substance, doesn't. In fact, all the actual substance in the Universe could be collapsed down into an object the size of a sugar cube.
What this means is that everything we see and touch and assume to have substance --- is in fact empty space. And what is the "substance" we perceive? ---Ordered vibrational energy, like endless variations of tones and chords on a musical scale.
So the ancient Hindu Vedas are right --- at a fundamental level, everything that we see and experience in this world is an illusion.
And what does the Bible tell us about creation? That God spoke and by his voice created all this --- that is, by the power of sound this Universe was created and ordered, much like a symphony being played or a song being sung.
This has been confirmed by modern mathematics and physics.
Another analogy would be to think of our Universe as a giant computer program, but instead of using zero and one, this program uses 360 variants --- it is unimaginably more complex and variable than any computer or computer program we can currently conceive, and yet, it is still as simple at its core as "Yes" and "No", black and white, True and False, 1 and 0.
The Earth's "computer program" as set up, creates and supports what we think of and experience as life, and it does so on an eternal basis....but, something happened.
A Lie was introduced into the system, and like a computer virus, this single falsehood, this single "wrong note", began eroding the entire integrity of the program, causing "glitches" and altering results. Death and disease were caused by this First Lie, and it began proliferating itself like any computer virus, getting embedded in various subprograms and wrecking havoc.
Every time you tell a lie or believe one, you compound this problem and add to the chaos and dissonance created by lies.
This is why we must all strive to discern the truth and to tell the truth and to live the truth.
People can be part of the solution by being scrupulously honest, and by examining their own thinking processes.
There are a number of thinking processes that people commonly use in incorrect or imbalanced ways. Recognizing these and retraining ourselves will go a long way toward improving all our lives:
Relativism: the toxic false idea that there are no real standards and that our choices and what we do, don't really matter because "its all relative". This leads to indulging in perverse or unrealistic excuses for actions or inactions.
The classic example is thinking that we all die at some point for some reason, so murder is okay.
This logic fault denies the existence of absolutes, and seeks to avoid accountability.
To the extent that we discern and align ourselves with truth, we thrive. To the extent that we believe in lies and act upon them, we destroy life--- our own and others.
Either/Or Exclusionary Thinking is a useful tool we all use to sort things in our daily lives, but we become too dependent on it and abuse it when we apply it indiscriminately.
Either/Or thinking naturally focuses on differences between objects or concepts, which leads us to miss similarities. For example, we notice the difference between red apples and yellow apples, and miss the fact that they are both apples.
This can lead us to make errors of logic and judgment that function as falsehoods of the "yellow apples aren't apples" and "infidels aren't people" kind.
Generalizing: this is our tendency to extrapolate from particular instances and experiences to form expectations, which may be true or false, but which are accepted as being true.
The error results when we assume things about individuals that are generally true, without accounting for their individual nature and differences.
Thus, we may say and assume that men are physically stronger than women, but if we are lazy and rely on such generalities, we fail to discern the truth that there are also very weak men and very strong women. To find the truth in any given situation we have to evaluate individuals, not rely on generalities.
Group Think: this is our tendency to want to fit in and be part of a group and to adopt its values and standards without examining and testing these against our own logic and conscience.
Group Think at its worst leads to surrender of individual conscience.
The most common example is indoctrination into a military, and accepting the idea that it is "okay" to kill other people so long as you are wearing one uniform and they are wearing another.
This is patently ridiculous and so is the idea of "killing for Jesus", but in both cases, Group Think results in the surrender of individual conscience---and logic.
This same logic fault carried to extremes leads to wholesale slaughter of civilians, concentration camps, and organized butchery.
Again, there is a direct tie between our ability to discern truth and our ability to choose life.
It turns out that your Shinola Sensor and your Conscience are two exceptionally powerful tools that need to be honed razor sharp, and that the quality of your life and of life on this planet, depends on your ability to discern truth and reject lies.
Lazy and relativistic thinking, acting on generalities, surrender of individual conscience, unbalanced exclusionary thinking --- these bad habits, many of them encouraged by indoctrination in public schools and by religions and clubs/gangs, won't preserve life on this planet and they won't provide abundant and joyous life to you.
Only the truth will set us free and give us back the fullness of life our Creator intended, so we must make it our business to seek and discern truth every day and in every situation we encounter. We must "un-learn" defective thinking patterns and toss out false or limiting assumptions by the busloads.
We must find the courage to step out of the crippling mental boxes and middleman control systems foisted off on us by governments and religions, and when we do, we will find our Creator again. We will know the truth again. We will discover abundant life again.
7th January 2020, 02:46 AM
Anna von Reitz ( mRwQ3oXsCIathFOPZVcFtwwpo&hc_ref=ARQNh9Gtizk5qT8jmI1JbicEQJ7WVYXaR19ZMzBvcoa JVTv5vkmuBhWDKdtp5UqBVF0&fref=nf)
9 hrs ( ·
The Probate and the Pledges - Trading Upon What Isn't Theirs
First, I want to cut to the chase with all these silly people like Phil Hudok and Richard S. claiming that they are getting money and "awards" from the Federal Government.
The Federal Government has no money.
All the Federal Government has is "credit" based on the assets of the people of this country. Your assets.
So when the Federal Government offers to pay you, an American, with credit that is based on the value of your own assets, all it does is create more debt that is being held against you and your assets.
It's not a "payment" to you at all. It's more debt.
The idea that Congress is paying you back for anything using credit based on your same assets, is too profoundly idiotic to deserve comment, yet that is what these Cretins in Congress are proposing as remedy.
It's clear that either: (a) they don't have a clue or (b) they think that we don't have a clue.
The Pope and the Queen owe us more money and credit than Midas ever dreamed of, but having the Federal Government paying off in "Notes" provides no access to their coffers, because Federal Reserve Notes are based on the value of our labor and United States Notes are based on our gold.
They have to pay us with their gold, not our gold, in order for it to be a payment or a remedy.
So their tongue-in-cheek offer thus far is to have us pay ourselves by further indebting ourselves and our own assets, including our children and their children and their children and......
It's an outrageous con, I'll give you that, but no banana. Bad monkeys overall.
Second, let's blow the horn about "Property Taxes"....
Let's say you are the Gubmint (not the actual government, a foreign corporation in the business of providing governmental services for hire), and you sneak around and make a false claim in commerce against my 40 acre cow pasture and don't tell me a word about it.
You take your crooked claim, your False Title, to a Crooked Bank, and the Crooked Banker looks over his shoulder and says, "Well, nobody's here saying that this isn't valid, so I'll give you a loan against the value of this 40 acres...."
So now you, the Gubmint, have secretively helped yourself to the value of my land and the Banker has you on the hook for it.
You begin making payments with interest to the Crooked Bank on this fraudulent loan, but because you, the Gubmint, don't actually produce much of anything, you can never keep up with the payments and interest.
Eventually, you run out of the credit you leveraged against my land, and as a corporation, you decide to go bankrupt --- whereupon Mr. Crooked Banker hires a Bill Collector, who comes to me and says, "You owe $1,258,089.00 in back taxes on this 40 acre parcel. Time to pay up!"
And I say, "What? You've got crackers for brains. I never saw you before in my life, have no contract with you, and this forty acres isn't worth anything near $1,258,089.00."
To which he says, "I have title to this land, just lookee right here.... from the "State of Walamazoo".
Now, I live in a State called "Walamazoo" and once upon a time, that State had a business called "The State of Walamazoo" --- so it seems that Mr. Bill Collector is talking about my State and its State of State, because my ears (and maybe my eyes, too) don't catch the difference between "The State of Walamazoo" and "the" State of Walamazoo. But....
This Shandy Dandy Bill Collector is not actually talking about my State or its business called "The State of Walamazoo". He's talking about a different "State of Walamazoo", an incorporated franchise of the same foreign commercial corporation that took the loan against my land, and now, he's trying to profit himself and the Crooked Banker and the crooked governmental services corporation via a similar names deceit.
He's not talking about any actual "Property Taxes", either, but if I am a typical American Farmer, I've been trained to think that I owe taxes, lots of them, and that "the government" has the right to lay all these taxes on me.
Unfortunately, I haven't been taught to tell the difference between my own government and a foreign commercial corporation in the governmental services Biz ---- a foreign corporation that is operating under conditions of constructive fraud and color of law, a corporation that doesn't have any valid and fully disclosed contract with me or any justifiable right to make claims against my land, issue any titles related to it, or take out loans against it.
You see how this works? A Third Party, a foreign corporation in the business of providing governmental services, comes in, makes a bogus non-consensual claim against your assets, secures credit for itself based on your assets, then when it goes bankrupt, you are left on the hook as the "Co-Signer" who is purportedly "pledged" to pay this debt.
They try to hide this circumstance by calling it "Property Taxes", and they tell some other lies about the status and use of your private property by classifying it as "income-producing commercial, residential, or agricultural property"---- but what I have just described for you, is how they are actually working this constructive fraud scheme.
Another outrageous con job, no banana. Bad monkeys overall.
So now we get down to the "pledges" --- who or what "pledged" you, or Mr. Farmer, either?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt "pledged" the Federal Civil Service (Municipal Government) Employees and their Dependents to some "holy cause" during his First Inaugural Address.
That wasn't explained to us or to them, but that's what the words say.
And on March 6, 1933, the [Territorial United States] Congress of Governors "pledged their [Territorial] states and the citizenry thereof" --- meaning the U.S. Military and their Dependents and the U.S. Territories and Possessions---- which wasn't explained to us or to them, but that's what the words say.
So there you have the two "pledges" one made "in behalf of" Territorial United States Citizens, one made "in behalf of" Municipal United States Citizens, both on a non-consensual, undisclosed, and unilateral basis by FDR and the Conference of [Territorial] Governors.
Were any of your ancestors in the Federal Civil Service or the U.S. Military in 1933?
Are you a Federal Civil Service Employee or Dependent, getting the benefit of a Federal Paycheck every month?
Are you a member of the U.S. Military or Dependent, getting the benefit of a Federal Paycheck every month?
So how does anyone get off claiming that you were "pledged" then or now, to pay any debts of any foreign governmental services corporation?
Turns out that there's been a lot of alleged "pledging" going on behind your back.
It seems that your Mother "pledged" and donated you, your Good Name, and your worldly assets to the same foreign Territorial "State of Walamazoo" corporation that took loans out against land that belongs to you, but--- curious thing--- she wasn't given any disclosure that she was doing any such thing. And you were only a few days old when it happened, so you certainly were not competent to act for yourself.
And then, there is "The Pledge of Allegiance" foisted off on schoolchildren, none of whom are ever informed what a "pledge" is ----nor "allegiance" either.
More False Claims in Commerce. More BS. More fraud.
Another Big Con Job, no banana. Bad monkeys all round.
Now, the banks had and still have cause to know that nobody was given disclosure about any of this treasonous bullcrap purportedly being done "for" us behind our backs by treasonous politicians invested up to their eyeballs in these same foreign corporations, all of which happen to be owned directly or indirectly by the Pope.
They have cause to know or suspect that there are not hundreds of millions of unwed Mothers in America, all lined up to give their babies away as Wards of any foreign "State of State".
They have cause to know that there are not hundreds of millions of Federal Employees of either stripe --- Territorial or Municipal --- lined up to donate away everything including the skin on their teeth to any "cause" holy or otherwise, and whose assets have been illegally and immorally "pledged" by foreign corporation officers acting without disclosure or authority to indulge in what Mr. Trump's recent Executive Order called "National Enslavement".
The Crooked Banks loaned money in collusion with a Great Big Fat World Class Fraud Scheme, and at the end of the day, that is their problem. Not mine.
Now, because of all the foregoing outrageous international Bunko -- just imagine Slim Pickens leaned up against a fence saying, "I'll sell you that horse over there for fifty dollars." --- the Pope is shuffling his deck as fast as he can go. The entire world is now in probate.
Oh, glory, me. The only problem with that, is that virtually nobody is left alive to claim back any of it. There's me and my little group of Americans still standing, but the Queen is dead on paper, and the British Isles and the entire Commonwealth stands unclaimed. Yes, strange, but true, they've falsified records for so many years and gotten away with it, that all the living people and even the Sovereigns have suffered genocide on paper.
Because these billions of people and their Heads of State and their Monarchs have been "done in" on paper without their knowledge or consent, the Holy See is one of only a handful of actual unincorporated governments left, and while it is responsible for all this fraud, it still intends to try to claim everyone else's property as "abandoned assets".
Very, Very Bad Monkeys, indeed.
midnight rambler
7th January 2020, 07:41 AM
If your guru Anna is so smart and has all the answers then how come she can't answer my very simple question about whether or not Sasquatch is a primate? It seems like someone super-intelligent like your guru Anna would know the answer.
The latest from Steve, in this particular incident the fellow says he put a .44 mag round into a Sasquatch from about 20 yards and all it did was piss it off. Could you please ask your guru Anna what's up with that??
7th January 2020, 04:48 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Xg9ersZq6pfGo3RzkoQtaS0lDQWlHb_5cO&hc_ref=ARRlsdspBGIEYgisrmF5DKFTkJFwMgcEl07oWtnOnMz GltHaVc-AvmsZ68_MTQCR2oY&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Still Not Getting It?
Your older brother owes you $10 bucks. He's broke. He goes into your room on the sly, opens up your piggy bank, filches $10 bucks, then gives this to you as payment of his debt to you.
THAT is what is happening with Phil Hudok's arbitration "award".
They are proposing to pay you back --using your own assets to do it.
The "Federal Government" is operated via two foreign corporations, a Scottish Mercantile Corporation (USA) and a Papist Commercial Corporation (US).
The money this Federal Government has and which it spends with respect to us, is all credit issued to them by banks and that credit is secured against our assets.
These corporations spend none of their own profits on us.
Every penny they spend on us has to be repaid to the banks, plus interest.
As a result, when Phil gets an "award" from the Feds, they are paying him with credit that is secured against his assets---and yours.
He is putting himself and the rest of us further in debt.
And the Federal Government, these endlessly venal corporations, are trying to count this as repaying their debt to Phil Hudok.
The rest of us are saying "In a pig's eye!" to that.
Not only that, the Federal Government's offer includes having Phil agree to calling himself a "natural person".
Under probate law, "natural person" means "corpse". And we are all under probate law, because part of our government ---albeit, only a Subcontractor--- is missing, and the rats have used this as an excuse to pretend that our country is "adrift" in international waters and subject to salvage operations.
The Pope, meanwhile, has moved to probate our estates as property belonging to "missing persons".
So, when Phil innocently admits to being a "natural person" as part of the conditions of receiving his award, he agrees to be considered a corpse and gives up all his property rights to the land and soil of this country and also any guarantees owed to him under the actual Constitutions.
They pay him off with paper credit purloined against his own assets and in the same stroke, sever his rights to those assets. So he is left standing there with the debt-notes, no assets, and no Natural and Unalienable Rights, as his "payment" from these Shysters.
And Phil and Richard S. and their buddies are cavorting around and claiming this is a great victory and everyone should get on board and do it.
The rest of us see it as yet another con game. We also see it as more debt being shoveled off onto us and onto our assets. And yet another attempt to justify the creation of "infant decedent estates" in the name of American babies.
Now, we can't be sure if Phil is just innocent and gullible and making a mistake, or if he knowingly and willingly went over to the other side of this issue and is purposefully trying to mislead people.
Either way, two things are clear.
First, his "award" results in harm to us and to our country via more debt plus interest being alleged against our labor and other assets.
Second, his "award" severs his claim to be an American. By accepting its conditions, he agrees to being treated as an "infant decedent" -- a "corpse"--for purposes of probating our Joint Estate, meaning our country and everything in it. And corpses have no right to anything.
These two preceding facts being true and unavoidable, the least that our Trustees, the Pope and the Queen, can do for us, is to remove Phil and his Buddies to Canada or some other Crown Property willing to accept them as homeless Paupers.
After all, they have harmed us by further indebting us (though it is at issue) and they have severed their claim to being Americans by accepting this "award".
Why should they remain on our shores and still benefit from our hospitality?
7th January 2020, 04:55 PM
Anna von Reitz ( slpSR97zCKaWiHHTB6QxGnTE&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
Snakes in Our House
Snakes don’t like to be exposed and observed. They like to lay around camouflaged and safe. We are making that impossible for them.
As more people wake up, and start actually observing the world and using their critical thinking skills, it will become impossible for these guys to operate. As more Catholics and Freemasons realize that their organizations have been used and abused in Bad Faith by these Actors and that they and their organizations have been set up to take the blame for all this crappola, there will be action and counter-measures.
Despite all the resentment and violence and howling, the sale of “Indulgences” that sparked the Protestant Reformation did ultimately result in reform of the Roman Catholic Church.
This present situation where they have been caught buying and selling babies, committing acts of pedophilia, buying and selling birth certificates and baptismal certificates, etc., is a hundred times worse than selling imaginary Free Passes to commit sins.
The many sincere and devout Christians who have considered themselves Roman Catholics will now see what the “Roman” part of that name implies and drop it to form a new Catholic Church that is finally free of the pagan Roman/Babylonian taint.
This remnant should be allowed to keep a substantial portion of the Church assets and continue to provide non-profit services to the communities they serve. They have done nothing but good and are innocent of what these monsters have done “in their names”, much like Americans are innocent of the many evil things “the US” has done in our names.
In the same vein of preserving what is good and getting rid of what is evil, the new national governments should take a role in preserving the art treasures and libraries and major church buildings like Notre Dame and Chartres Cathedral. These are “more” than church buildings. They are a testament to humanity about our past. The libraries and art treasures should be made much more accessible to broad scale public access and appreciation, via digital copies of the manuscripts, translations of ancient texts, and photo archives.
The Truth is, as usual, more complex than we would like it to be, and the Truth is that while the Roman Catholic Church has fallen into great corruption, it also has preserved history and provided comfort for many generations of people in need of help and comfort.
As deeply outraged as I am by much of what has gone on, it would be very unwise and unjust of us to unleash any wholesale, one-size-fits-all retribution against Catholicism—especially at the same time as we are asking and expecting the rest of the world to understand that “the US” isn’t the same as “America”, they need to grasp the fact that this hidden, pagan, “Roman Church” is not the same as the Christian Catholic Church.
Many things are not what they have seemed to be.
The Roman “Church” is not the same as the Catholic Christian Church.
The “US” is not the same as America.
The British Monarchy is not the same as the British Government.
Deceptions of this kind abound and our first and most necessary action is simply to realize this, discern all the horse hunks we’ve been fed, and begin taking appropriate action — especially against the “Middlemen” who have provided the implementation for all this.
By this I mean the position of the Middlemen, —not the individual people so much as the role they play. The Middlemen are the strings of the “puppet” incorporated governments, so cutting their strings and regaining control of the situation is Job One.
Who are the Middlemen? The politicians and bankers and priests and attorneys and soldiers are all in Middleman positions.
To maintain peace and at the same time reform and recover from these evils requires re-educating the Middlemen and exercising more direct observation of their activities so that when they are misdirected both they, via their own conscience, and everyone else, knows it.
This in turn requires educating ourselves and paying attention to things that are important— if Americans had been educated about their own government and history, none of what we and the rest of the world has suffered at the hands of “the US” would have been possible.
Ditto the evils in the Catholic Church. If rank and file Catholics had been aware of the ritual cannibalism practiced as part of the “religion” of The Great Abomination, they would have realized —for example, that The Doctrine of Transubstantiation — the teaching that Communion Wine literally turns into the blood of Jesus, is a foreign and evil tradition leaking into the theology of their Church. They would also realize that Jesus came down off the cross a long time ago, and that the constant reminder of his suffering provided by their crucifixes serves two evil purposes in addition to any good that comes from our contemplation of his sacrifice—-
(1) it keeps Christians fixated on the horror of that injustice, suffering, and death instead of focused on the joy and bliss of his resurrection, and
(2) it secretly encourages the Satanic elements embedded in the Church to promote and project images of Jesus and his teachings as being helpless, dead, and defeated.
One can only see these things by a process of education, observation, and community-wide sharing—— which then causes community-wide action to change things. To police the actions of the Middlemen. To examine the directions they are receiving and the people and institutions giving them direction. To examine our own thoughts and ways of thinking. To observe how we are doing improper things and how we are being manipulated and focused in ways and upon things that don’t uplift us or anyone else.
8th January 2020, 01:52 AM
Anna von Reitz ( XyRPvCYDyRr7ryyEWXAQDzxIaoiA_FGdQS&hc_ref=ART5HqNK4Nm-epU7wK9cvSapWooifl_a0CkHo6ewkanIaxkoOCtEsJV7-nwQqhDi6K0&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
For the Record: About Tibrucio Villamor Marcos
I have been asked about the claims of Tiburcio Villamor Marcos Tallano Tagean IV, a man living in New York (last I heard) who purports to be the King of the Philippines and the "lost" Polynesian Empire of Mei, which is/was the remnant civilization left over on the surface from Mu and the Lemurians.
I first became aware of Tiburcio in the 1980's when he was introduced to me as one of the younger scions of Ferdinand Marcos. He was a pleasant, but already dissipated young man.
When I next crossed paths with him in the 1990's, he had hardened into a seasoned dandy. And by 2005, he had graduated to World Class Liar.
I have nothing against him. So far as I know he has never intentionally harmed anyone. But he is not the "King of the Philippines" and not the Heir of Mu, either.
In 2004-2005 Tiburcio made a number of claims, all of which were vetted and found wanting.
To begin with, like Ferdinand Marcos, he is Chinese, not Filipino. There's an end to the claim to be "King of the Philippines" by any possible long-ago heritage. The Marcos family is Chinese going back 5,000 years and any claim to be part of the Philippines is a recent top-dressing. They certainly have no claim on the Kingdom of Mu and not a drop of Lemurian blood, either.
And if that were not enough, which it is, we bought the Philippines from Spain as part of the settlement of the Spanish American War in 1898 and we still have all the paperwork and receipts and treaties and blah, blah, blah. That pretty much puts an end to the claim that there is any Kingdom of the Philippines or any King of the Philippines, either.
During that same vetting process, Tibrucio refused a genetic test, so there is no actual proof that he is or was Ferdinand Marco's son, no proof that he has a drop of Filipino blood--- nothing, zip, zero, nada--- backing up who he is or what he is or where he comes from on earth.
There is, however, a passport issued to him under another name entirely.
And even if he was proven to be Ferdinand Marcos' son, he would have to be the right son --- the heir with Ferdinand's blessing, and there is no proof of that, either.
In 2005, Severino's use of the name as Assignor ended, when the LSM accounts were set up. Plus, just to be absolutely sure, we acquired Tibrucio's assignment so --- not only does he not have any known right to use the name or act as Assignor, we have his Assignment, too, on record.
Is everyone getting the picture? He has no actual, proven right to act in any such capacity as he claims, but even if he did, he has already assigned any such right away.
And all of this is to tell the "White Hats" ---- if you don't know the history of something, you are better off shutting your mouths and learning the history. It may be dull, it may be boring, but it is important.
Nobody here is in any mood to put up with any more False Claims in Commerce, no more shifty legal and banker bunko, either. Just play it straight for once and do your actual duty, which is not to defraud and act as parasites upon your Employers, the American States and People.
Tell God's Gift I am ready to talk to him.
8th January 2020, 02:02 AM
Anna von Reitz (
4 hrs ( ·
The IRS / BATF Connection
Apparently some people are misunderstanding what I said the other night about the IRS and the BATF so I am putting it down in writing and explaining it.
The IRS has no capacity of its own to enforce anything.
All power of distraint related to the IRS is vested in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
See: 27 CFR, Chapter 1, Subchapter F, Part 70: all power of distraint enforcement of the IRS is connected to and through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
This goes back to the original plan to finance the Federal Government from the regulation (taxation) of "interstate manufacture, sale, and transport" of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.
This is how the Federal Government got into the "Sin Tax" business in the first place and this is the modern day connection back to it: BATF.
So, how, you may wonder, does the IRS figure into that?
By claiming that we are all federal citizens of one stripe or another engaged in some activity related to the "interstate manufacture, sale, and transport" of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.
You will remember that years ago I obtained "MY" IRS Masterfile and the separate code book needed --- literally--- to decode it.
I learned to my amazement that "ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER" --- the Municipal Doppelganger-- was engaged in managing a rum distillery in Barbados.
At the time I was simply flabbergasted and had my nose wrinkled up like a Venetian Blind. The whole concept was so completely off-the-scale that I made jokes about it every time I mixed a Hot Buttered Rum --- but there was a method to their well-hidden madness.
They were building a completely fictitious and vicious dossier connecting my name -- or what appeared to normal people to be my name -- to activities that are firmly under the thumb and forefinger of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
Likewise, and at the same time, I discovered that according to the IRS, my husband, James, was a big time gun runner in South America, right up there with Ollie North and the Contras.
Same schtick. Setting him up and mischaracterizing him as a Municipal Corporation franchisee engaged in the interstate (which means "international") sale and transport of what? Firearms. And firearms are under the control of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms --- BATF, again.
So all this Shinola on the part of the IRS is self-evidently created out of thin air and compiled as a False Dossier (where have we seen that before?) that they present to BATF Officials to justify action by the BATF in behalf of the IRS.
How much you want to bet that all those poor sods at Waco were similarly misrepresented as drug lords and kingpins and dangerous mercenary characters --- probably in possession of weapons of mass destruction? And how much would you like to bet that the "proof" of this was supplied to Janet Reno and the BATF in the form of IRS Master Files?
This has been going on since the 1930's, folks.
No doubt they have you and your family members all framed up, too.
The IRS "Agents" have all been working for a private trust fund in Puerto Rico run by members of the Dominican Order (not the much-maligned Jesuits) under the Spanish Law of the Inquisition collecting Church Tithes called "Peter's Pence"---purportedly in the form of "gift and estate taxes".
Though, to be sure, most IRS Agents don't know that, and will stare at you like you are a Talking Horse and walk away shaking their heads if you tell them that up front. Only their boss's boss's boss's boss's Boss will catch the drift, and his reaction will be to look worried and jog-trot away at the earliest opportunity, never to be seen or heard from again.
I can guarantee this from direct experience.
Can you imagine all the IRS Officials pooping green goo as they read this? Knowing that their "cover" is blown and their "system" dissected? Can you hear the Power Shredders at work in Washington, DC, as they struggle to destroy the evidence and "overwrite" the digital Master Files and try to change the meanings of their Master File code books?
But the evidence is already distributed world wide and their migration to the Mariana Islands where they planned to continue their predatory activities on us ---plus two billion innocent Chinese people--- has been well-noted and publicized.
I am just kicking back at the end of a long day, sharing reasons why the "IRS" in its present form is not long for this world, and why the hunters are now the hunted.
All IRS-generated Notices of Tax Lien and Notices of Tax Levy are unenforceable and do not constitute Notice, as the IRS has no powers of distraint.
Actual Legal Notice must be posted and addressed to you by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms --- and all of you who have received such phony "Notices" of liens and levies from the IRS have firm grounds to go after them and their officers and agents, plus the recording offices and banks and courts that have allowed them to use these phony "Notices" as part of any legal process.
And when and if they pick their cajones up off the floor and address you again via the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms issuing a Notice of Lien or Notice of Levy or any confiscation or distraint Order of any kind, guess what?
They will have to prove that you were operating a foreign corporation offshore and that that corporation was engaged in the interstate manufacture, sale, or transport of alcohol, tobacco, and/or firearms ---- and they will have to produce their proof and all the records related to this corporation, its board members, its articles of incorporation, its address, and so much more.
Imagine all the fun we will have? Asking to see our passports and Airport CCTV of our trips going back and forth to "Barbados" (for example)? Discovering all the money going into foreign bank accounts held in our NAMES?
I get a warm, fuzzy feeling just thinking about it.
Sadly for that prospect, if history is any teacher, when they become really, truly convinced that their "system" has been breached --which is right about now-- they will fold their tents in the night and disappear.
And they won't be able to move to China.
So I would guess that they will try to put on a new face -- maybe a Sales Tax face or a Fair Tax face or some other new name and mask and get something ginned up again. It's our responsibility to stay sharp and not let them.
Government has its valid purposes, but government is like an ever-hungry dog. If you let it, it will glut itself--- on you, and your children. As its Master, we have to discipline it and teach it and keep it within its bounds. Whether it is a "good" government or a "bad" government, it is still a government, just like a dog is still a dog.
8th January 2020, 01:29 PM
Anna von Reitz ( uBxX6eaczqi-JNqGA5PiaqHMAsqwLGPtFk&hc_ref=ARQVEk-IuhkBkS44P0ws80I4Eqa4lkFqeFcVP2TgXSFoSfL5hwDMXAqJK WiQ8kyrdFo&fref=nf)
36 mins ( ·
Setting the Record Straight
There is a group of relatively high level government employees both Military and Federal Civil Service (SERCO types) who are mis-advising President Trump and our veterans. Whether they are doing this because they don't know any better, or because they are disloyal, is unknown. They do have and hold many incorrect ideas about the whole situation and how the "world" outside of government is a actually set up. Communicating with them is extraordinarily difficult because they "only know what they know" and aren't particularly open to learning anything else.
I recently received an email from one of these characters in which he berated me and congratulated himself on his support of American veterans. I am sharing my response to him in hopes that it MIGHT finally break through the Brain Block some of these people clearly have:
I don’t care what you do with your own money or how you spend it. I have been supporting the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) the last three decades myself. So what?
None of that has anything to do with how to fund GOVERNMENT operations for the military or the veterans, either one. Nor does it shed any light on the topic at hand.
You cannot pay people using their own assets to do it.
That is simply crazy-making, and no matter how you cut it, it is a LOSS to them, not a gain.
If a robber comes to my house and steals everything I own, then relents and gives me a little of it back, have I gained anything?
No, I have not.
The robber may have soothed his conscience a little bit, but I am still far worse off than when I started, having lost the bulk of my possessions and being forced to spend what’s left to survive.
That is what you are proposing as a remedy, Mr. Robber. What I am proposing is something quite different.
Quite apart from your budgets and knowledge of things, the Queen and the Pope both owe us Americans a tremendous amount of money and credit—- and we have every right to access it and spend it ourselves however we see fit.
So we can afford to actually pay Veterans without robbing them first.
What a concept!
But the only way we can access those funds is by claiming back our birthright status as Americans and joining together to operate our actual government. Otherwise we remain in a “dependent” condition and can’t inherit all the money and credit that has accrued in the so-called Legacy Accounts.
So while you and Phil have been fixated on the dribs and drabs and chiseling a little bit more out of what the Queen provides as charity for the “Paupers”—- that’s what they literally call our veterans—- to live on, I have been concentrating on our “lawful inheritance” and claiming back the money and estate that all our “Paupers” are actually owed.
And you have the nerve to accuse me of doing anything wrong?
You are the one that is so clueless that you are actually harming the people you claim to serve, and insulting me and my efforts, and making all these bizarre assumptions about my motives.
I want our property and control of it returned to us, because that is to the advantage of all Americans— including veterans—-and it is also what is required by international law and treaty. I want the “Robbery and Give Back System” ended, but I have not been vengeful about it.
I might add that the very people who suffer the most under this system are our Military and Federal Civil Service Employees and that they were the first ones to suffer enslavement under this system of things. Apparently, Mr. Trump has recognized this with his new Executive Order and has even come up with a new term to describe it: "National Enslavement".
Logically, they are the ones --- especially as Retirees --- who should be most interested in seeing the present system reformed and the actual government owed to this country restored.
There are "pledges" of their assets and resources actually on the record -- FDR's First Inaugural Address pledged the Municipal (Federal Civil Service) Employee's assets to the Pope, and the Territorial Conference of Governors pledged the U.S. Military Personnel in the same way.
Federal Employees and Retirees have the most cause to object, as technically, nobody has any authority or right over the rest of us to "pledge" us to anything --- whereas for them, the loss of their assets has been a condition of their employment.
Any idea that I am unsympathetic to their distress and dilemma is completely off-base and untrue.
I am simply coming at these issues from a different vantage point -- one that is outside the box that our Federal Employees have been forced to live in.
And from where I sit, it is perfectly clear that every American regardless of their political status and regardless of their employment, benefits greatly by finishing the long-overdue Reconstruction of the Federal Government and by the proper operation of the Federation of States that we are spearheading.
Many Federal Employees, retired and present, are afraid the rest of us. They know or have cause to know that things aren't right, and though most of them don't know why, they fear reprisals and losses of retirement pensions, and all sorts of other Bug-A-Boos.
Let's put an end to all that and realize that we are all Americans. It is not possible for something that benefits all of us to be bad for anyone, and continuing to kick against change that restores our lawful government only delays a far better life for everyone concerned --- including our veterans and our civil service employees.
8th January 2020, 03:23 PM
Anna von Reitz ( SkwCupxWyAGIbM_jDiUWjTfUT8&hc_ref=ARRneES91Zc12rWbdIAdON15PnPMb5tOU6az4CzjgeX MxE1AI6t_80KvZggDt6_EZNE&fref=nf)
18 mins ( ·
For a Veteran
You have to make your own decisions and not just stand there. If you allow these foreign incorporated entities to rule your life as a condition of being employed by them, that's your business. If you are retired-in-fact and not doing any more work or getting any more paychecks and now want to "return home" and enjoy the freedom you are owed, that is also your business.
You need to write a letter to the top officer in your branch of the service (or multiple branches if you served in more than one) and tell him/them that you have returned to your birthright political status and nationality as an American state national effective _________________. And give the date.
You also need to send in a DD2068 and have them deny you benefits for any "military connected civilian duty" --- which is admission that you never did any such duty and cannot be presumed to have any further connection to military operations as a civilian.
In essence, they (eventually) discharged you from Active Duty, but did not change their records to reflect any change in your political status as a "United States Citizen"---- and used that excuse to continue to keep their thumbs and forefingers on you, because you didn't declare any other political status.
It will come as a surprise to you that none of the "wars" that these corporations have engaged in since 1860 are actually wars. Technically, they are all mercenary conflicts, including WWII and the Cold War. As such they can't be settled by Peace Treaties, and that is why they slumber on in a miasma of uncertainty and "veiled conflict".
The only way that this can be resolved and ended is for us to wake up and restore our lawful government, which can then impose discipline on the corporations and put a stop to this.
What I am telling you is that you and other Americans hold the key to ending "perpetual war" and also the key to your freedom and peace, but you have to make decisions and take action to create this change. And only you can decide what to do in your own case, according to your own conscience and circumstance.
As corporations, vis-à-vis your retirement funds and benefits, they have no choice but to provide all that they contracted to provide.
As for your "concealed carry" permit --- Americans have never needed any such thing to carry arms. It is only "United States Citizens" and "citizens of the United States" who are subject to such regulations.
9th January 2020, 04:28 AM
Anna von Reitz ( GfW_lKrx2ExdhKop6L3_eI3EagLaa5MAjN&hc_ref=ARTvIcKpf4lnoLRJFzQOj7uTtuL3Io5jurrpfCoYJ7z 5Mh-T9AuX4byEj0u_PUGKM6k&fref=nf)
10 hrs ( ·
Let's Clarify Something....For the Vets, Again
My Father was an 8th Army Air Force veteran in World War II. My Husband was in the Air Force during Vietnam and then "volunteered" under force for six more years as a Cryptographer for "Special Operations Services". I paid the price for this as a child and again as a wife.
Any flipping idea that I don't know veterans and don't know veteran's "issues" needs to be checked at the door and taken out with all the other garbage that certain ignoramuses have been spewing.
I didn't go to Boot Camp, but that is about all I missed.
I went to Shit-On-A-Shingle School, G.I. Jock Strap and Foot Fungus School, Drinking to Forget School, Comforting the Other Wives School, Stand By Helplessly and Watch School, Night Terrors School, and The VA Don't Give a Crap School.
Do I make myself very, very clear?
I also went through the Wake Up and Smell the Horse Crap School.
You have a choice, Gentlemen.
You can stay on and be harassed and bossed around and taxed and abused as a "United States Citizen", be deprived of your rights and your rightful inheritance and property assets --- that is Choice One.
Or, you can come home to America where you belong and be counted as an American State Citizen, with all your Constitutional Guarantees intact, your property assets returned to you free and clear of debt, and control of your own life again. That's Choice Number Two.
Now, nobody including me can make that choice for you. You have to walk that Lonesome Valley and walk it by yourself.
But I can tell you that you were all used as Mercenaries and didn't get Mercenary Pay. Either they sold you cheap, or they kept the difference, because with the True God as my Witness, you never got "Full Disclosure" and you never got what should have been your share.
And now, it's up to you what you want to do.
Stand there and agree with them that you are a "corpse", an "infant decedent" who is owed nothing, someone who is a "Pauper" and who is being given "welfare benefits" out of the goodness of their Pea-Picking Hearts ----- or, stand up as men and women and be counted as Americans who are owed this entire country, all your Constitutional Guarantees, your land and soil, and your Natural and Unalienable Rights.
9th January 2020, 04:33 AM
Anna von Reitz ( xhVmY_SylidnjkmZkNOZwuq2S1DqltQ4Y5&hc_ref=ARThD8sUlPlfMNR7usHxeeDRjaBzye8XGVNjswdJ1Z7 KvM-pTDfI1G_wnjqFPLQbaFw&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Correction of Form Number and Explanation for Veterans
I have been doing this a lot of years, folks. And things do change. The government departments and agencies regularly move and re-number and re-state and re-issue forms, so it is always a paper chase. I gave out the wrong form number earlier today.
The correct, current form and number is: DD2168, and here is the link to it: ( SIzL5cqzszuSuBqM5D6sMI42_Lhtw)
Thanks to everyone who brought this mistake to my attention. This stuff is hard enough to wade through without wrong form numbers.
To reiterate the situation: since 1946, when you get discharged from the U.S. Military, you don't actually get discharged --- as many of you can readily attest. Long after receiving what was supposed to be your severance paperwork and your DD214 you may find yourself being exposed to military discipline.
Although they eventually take you off the Active Duty and Reserve Rosters, they don't automatically correct your political status records.
As a result, you remain listed as a Federal "United States Citizen" as if you were lounging around in Puerto Rico and actively choosing Territorial United States Citizenship, instead of returning home to your home State of the Union.
They then use this as an excuse to keep you under their thumbs and forefingers and as a justification to mis-address you as a Federal US Citizen, subject to Territorial United States Code, and also to claim that you are a "Taxpayer" and that all your assets are "pledged" because of the actions taken by the Conference of [Territorial] Governors on March 6, 1933 --- even though the bankruptcy that occasioned that action has been settled since November of 1999 and the bankrupt corporations involved no longer exist.
So they made an outrageous claim against the assets of Federal Military Personnel and Dependents back in 1933, and have kept it up and profited themselves from it ever since.
To correct this requires sending a letter to the leader of your branch of the military services (or leaders if you served in more than one branch) telling them that you have returned to your birthright political status and gone home to [for example] New Jersey effective ____________.
Send this letter by Registered Mail and keep copies of your letter(s) and mailing receipts.
We also discovered that they were using claims of "military-connected civilian service" as a means of snagging more people.
To counteract this and provide yourself with more evidence of severance from U.S. Military Service, you submit the DD2168 and force them to deny you benefits, which then becomes an admission that you are not involved in any extracurricular "military-connected civilian service" and proof that you are well and truly out of the military and out of their jurisdiction.
They used to do the honorable thing and actually muster you out and back to your home of record. Nowadays you have to use a crow bar and tongs and do the job yourself.
9th January 2020, 04:47 AM
Anna von Reitz ( 5hFK6sLZHSwZt2jsF1J5XcBw44yTtbSc-2&hc_ref=ARQX0s1o3csbENCDOquX9eU1cERvZgbCtcb65wBBTfs 3nOFIDP1injPKgKAcvsK5szI&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
Here's Kicker Number 1 Regarding IRS/BATF
Yesterday, I told you why all these IRS Liens and Levies are Hokum.
But it gets even better.
Not only are the only powers of distraint related to the IRS overtly lodged with the BATF, but, the IRS is not allowed to access distraint powers lodged in any other Agency acting under any other Title of Federal Code -- including Title 27---that is, the BATF Title.
What this means is that the IRS doesn't have ANY access to ANY powers of distraint through the BATF, either.
I defer to one of my favorite researchers:
"Related to your recent accurate article on the IRS - about enforcement regulations only connected to Title 27 - ATF activities - TRUE - here's the clincher on this fact. See 1 CFR 21.21(c) below - that basically says: The IRS is not allowed to use Title 27 enforcement regulations. The IRS cannot use any "enforcement" regs from any other U.S.C. Title other than Title 26.
All Title 26 (alleged) code section violations -- HAVE TO HAVE A TITLE 26 "ENFORCEMENT" REGULATION in the Parallel Tables of Authority. There are "NO" enforcement regulations (meaning $ collection regulations) for any Title 26 violations. ( text%2F1%2F21.21%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0-zHed4wFCWNd77h2CGcui3ukVkyVposttkt8mBdBxVqx6ASdNku 4LT_w&h=AT13tXfn_ABytHll9X7aTGqeVhkYre2yAO7tXNsgXlYLixu8 PCBC2pkL-Ckkt89gwqs5MSine9GDtGQRTjxuPEn_4yN8CXNVjuRSbp7jCNL cGLbqyyzJ_1_hoDaKOlx6R3HrychPYKA8k9ohtWJG-6EsS1Q73r90)
Title 26 "Enforcement" regulations are regs "APPROVED" by Congress, but there are "NO" enforcement regs for any Title 26 violations. Why? Because the whole 1040 tax return scheme is 100% "VOLUNTARY" and when someone doesn't file a 1040 tax return and pay income taxes - they are "effectively" un-volunteering to pay, thus, Congress gave NO "AUTHORITY" or "RIGHT" to the IRS to file a lien or levy or seize anyone's bank acct. or garnish their wages, pensions, or social security payments -- so this is why there are no valid "ENFORCEMENT" (tax collection actions) regulations, in the Parallel Table of Authority promulgated (published) in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) in the Federal Register where they have to be published by law - or they are not valid positive law regulations applicable to the living men and women in the states of the union.
Every bank account seizure, wage garnishment or pension seizure by the IRS is an illegal "taking" - a theft of one's private property in violation of too many laws to mention here and I'm sure the IRS knows they have no "AUTHORITY" from Congress to seize anyone's bank accounts or other assets as they have never had any authority from Congress to even send anyone an "Amount Due" notice. This applies even to "taxpayers" who haven't revoked their election to be treated "as though" they are "taxpayers."
See attached one page "Enforcement" Regulations" - not one regulation relates to Title 26 like they have to be - and "ALL" tax code "violations" are Title 26 violations (allegedly). BINGO!!!!
Any IRS officer, agent, or employee will be terminated (fired) if found to be using illegal and un-authorized tax collection actions against anyone. Every tax collection letter, notice, or action by the IRS is "unauthorized" by Congress. Stand up people.
1 CFR § 21.21 - General requirements: References.
§ 21.21 General requirements: References.
(a) Each reference to the Code of Federal Regulations shall be in terms of the specific titles, chapters, parts, sections, and paragraphs involved. Ambiguous references such as “herein”, “above”, “below”, and similar expressions may not be used.
(b) Each document that contains a reference to material published in the Code shall include the Code citation as a part of the reference.
(c) Each agency shall publish its own regulations in full text. Cross-references to the regulations of another agency may not be used as a substitute for publication in full text, unless the Office of the Federal Register finds that the regulation meets any of the following exceptions:
(1) The reference is required by court order, statute, Executive order or reorganization plan.
(2) The reference is to regulations promulgated by an agency with the exclusive legal authority to regulate in a subject matter area, but the referencing agency needs to apply those regulations in its own programs.
(3) The reference is informational or improves clarity rather than being regulatory.
(4) The reference is to test methods or consensus standards produced by a Federal agency that have replaced or preempted private or voluntary test methods or consensus standards in a subject matter area.
(5) The reference is to the Department level from a subagency.
[37 FR 23611, Nov. 4, 1972, as amended at 50 FR 12468, Mar. 28, 1985]
1 CFR § 21.40 - General requirements: Authority citations.
§ 21.40 General requirements: Authority citations.
Each section in a document subject to codification must include, or be covered by, a complete citation of the authority under which the section is issued, including -
(a) General or specific authority delegated by statute; and
(b) Executive delegations, if any, necessary to link the statutory authority to the issuing agency.
[50 FR 12468, Mar. 28, 1985]"
Just wait, Folks. It gets better. And better. And better.
The Territorial United States Congress gave no power to the IRS to inflict any distraint upon anyone by any means at all. Title 26 is a Red Herring. It's all nothing but Smoke and Mirrors.
And you will be pleased to know that the IRS Auditors are all functioning as Officers in the Military and using DD150 "Commissions" --- without, however, any authority to audit 1040 Forms.
What you are looking at is the Biggest Con and Identity Theft and Money Laundering Scheme in the history of the world. You and your country and everyone that you are likely to know, have been the victims of criminal cartels operating as central banks ever since the Council of Nicea and the formation of the "Roman" Catholic Church.
For 1700 years they have been getting away with this crap and using the Christian Church as a storefront to pull it off. They were going to move their operations to the United Nations as their new storefront, and shed their moral obligations entirely, but now that won't be possible.
Hang onto your hats, because the Apocalypse is well underway, and The Great Tribulation (paying of "tribute" to Rome) is ending.
9th January 2020, 05:07 AM
Anna von Reitz ( onMagBJAvBIvAkeE0Bo&hc_ref=ARQcGzh4CcKo1fduNn-XxIafXCWSGE0zdaZPwLj1NsZ8qTz-qVzOWTbEu2WUDRfpTZA&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
False Narratives Upon False Narratives for Australia
Dear friends in Australia --- the reason that your country is so dry is that military contractors in your own country have been "driving" the Southern Hemisphere Jet Stream south to Antarctica, just as similar villains were driving the Northern Hemisphere Jet Stream away from Alaska and Canada this summer. Their object?
To create the appearance of melting ice caps when there is no such thing going on in Nature, and gin up "scientific evidence" of Global Warming, so that they can justify their new taxation scheme of taxing cow farts and every breath you take.
To counteract this cause and their motivation for it, requires you to bring forward complaints from non-domestic populations living in Australia to the United Nations. Under the ENMOD Treaties they are only allowed to conduct such "tests" on their own country and on "domestic" populations.
So there is the reason that you are suffering such a drought and high fire risk conditions.
And here is the second Tattle Tale: Deliberate Arson. 183 Arsonists arrested for deliberately starting fires across Australia.…/ ( _SD_qBHZIjfytEJAaW-B7j7RuODVXoYBQMw&h=AT0PPaK6Tz3lOiUcRcghrHOsIcQVgYhnXtIH1VMGmiznL7eC TpJ4mBQCiEa_LmPjzy6bwLxeCmj6t4_i_WrD7Iwy9yVY3g4RJ9 MXC6yhcOLu3dXT9Km2QwWjXAcbBiWEzCxUGL0de176C9bqb60U DvpWT5g1ME08)
So we've not only got the Australian "Defense" Ministry in on trying to sell "Global Warming" --- and bogus carbon taxes, by meddling with the atmospheric water distribution, but we've got Firebugs on the ground setting these fires and further causing the problem.
I say get your messages to the United Nations ASAP and bring complaints for (1) violations of the ENMOD Treaties resulting in the death and destruction of non-domestic populations (everyone who isn't a government employee and all the animals are "non-domestic" with respect to the incorporated governments,) and (2) violations of the Public Trust by the AUSTRALIA, INC.
And if I were you, Aussies, I'd make sure that all those "persons" caught setting fires would be very rigorously evaluated for ties to political parties, organizations, and interest groups having a material interest in pushing the idea of human-caused Global Warming and the collection of carbon taxes.
Remember that the enemies of all life on this planet deliberately CAUSE problems so that they can justify oppressive actions to solve the problems they cause.
That is, in this example, that they cause the drought by misaligning the flow of the Southern Hemisphere's Jet Stream and use the warmth and moisture that is diverted to cause unnatural melting in Antarctica, and then, they have some little helpers on the ground set these fires to ensure that there is great public outcry and misery. Then they use the circumstances that they themselves created as the excuse for oppressive carbon taxes.
After all, what are the crooks going to do, now that everyone sees that the "income taxes" and all the other crimes they have committed are invalid? They have to come up with some new excuse to tax everyone or their own salad days are over.
Don't believe that they can and do divert the rain and control the pathways of atmospheric water? Study up on the subject.
And then ask yourselves why Australia is suffering a drought --- and also why 183 Australians would be crazy enough to deliberately set fires under such conditions?
Look deep enough and you will find connections between all or most of those people engaged in these activities --- political parties, churches, clubs --- some link that puts them all in alignment to commit these heinous crimes for some reason either for political gain or economic gain or both.
Either way, throw the book at the United Nations and at the Australian Defense Ministry and at these Arsonists and make sure that their associates all get the message that you know what they've done, you know how they are doing it, and you have had enough, enough, enough.
9th January 2020, 02:13 PM
Anna von Reitz ( rEOuFU45u0k2nN1Y9kLEAPaszspyFSb5Uv&hc_ref=ARRURGkETRyv8J_UxoFHNnhQxUnUNk1br0Y5wZdIzIv nQjWoJvfhKmXF-zDjaCZPKOg&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
IRS Kicker 2 -- Hunting the Hunters
Pursuant to all the Good Garbage we have been digging up about the IRS/BATF and DD150 "Commissioned Officers" who have been pulling off this pillaging and plundering on our shores, a thoroughly "unanswerable" letter has been composed exposing the short-comings of their system and process, and yes--- it's criminal nature, and the resulting liability that all these characters accrue for participating in it.
The IRS Officers can be prosecuted and fined for these activities against American civilians, a fact brought home to them along with the basis for it. Most of these people dislike the prospect of losing their jobs and their bosses dislike the prospect of having their corporations (including banks and incorporated 'government' entities) liquidated for criminal activities.
They've been misaddressing you, so now it is time for you to take them to school.
Within the next 24 hours, a "Red Line" Letter will be posted both at my website: ( lid%3DIwAR122Ztzyl64HTj086lfNOWa67ST4hPOkAwUQJwbuz sHTt75wZcHTulWIhk&h=AT2jU0uXsUcm_61PVU4Siw_Hg4rPxaT4Ne3knOKCtyJnlQRc duFtQuMAUDhU3Qzm4YbK_MikSDTmZpZD2S0BEoDTkHtuEqPoXN g1CMBBrEttrUgXERQyfyKSZpmHpHn-QQ61jnFRkkplrTGCJ1fXNkG4ffByQ45v) and on the ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3ISVfYs4NoutdZPw90oGtlSYOuJ 94bMrvFL8OL2MjUG2JA4IBoNyl7qWs&h=AT1Gw41-7DAH9Y6sD0UdJSabgReYRid1KJpYNsVSV580thdW4Hyk8FslU_ uJT0_T-MzHoWipOEqqRQtKafspiEIj9BOtz9FR0ZBtQ1xnWzQ7asNI5iR ajjNLDwS43-zPj7tKgHSHYfae7ZyasLAXAFfsNWjfPe8y) website,
This is a letter in template form that you can use to stop any IRS or "property tax" action administered by the IRS. The instructions and places where you need to add in your own specific information are in red, so you go through and make the additions and deletions, then change the color back to black.
The reason that this letter is so effective, yet so polite, is that by law the IRS Officers are required to put their own wet-ink signatures on the Amount Due Notice and none of them want the liability of doing so for reasons that become obvious in the course of reading this letter.
This Notice Process should be sent to the IRS officers that are harassing you and bringing false charges, as well as your bank CEO, the Social Security Administration or any other agency that might garnish payments or services owed to you, and the State Commissioner of Natural Resources, who is the one responsible for allowing these characters to post bogus Tax Lien and Tax Levy Notices in the first place.
All these people need to be educated and you might as well do it all at once to encourage them to stop improper publications of bogus liens and levies, garnishments and "property tax" claims that have nothing to do with you and your actual assets.
9th January 2020, 02:21 PM
Anna von Reitz ( KZ7VUnk0k9v8AWa_nL29PO88fzB_7n5uYY&hc_ref=ARQqh4xpMadBoSomsUXx-hQgrnfjzVHln78dVo6iVY5U7BBASGSup8uDmwLe1w6iA8U&fref=nf)
21 mins ( ·
The Final Explanation of Chemtrails
First, I want to point out to you that the "governmental services corporations" have a long history of using industrial wastes as weapons and as a means of making money for their cronies.
They have added Fluoride, a dangerous by-product of Aluminum manufacturing to our drinking water for decades, using the excuse that it helps prevent tooth decay; however, while killing oral bacteria, it also kills our adrenal glands.
We need hardly mention that the addition of Fluoride to drinking water was stopped in Europe two decades ago, while Aluminum Manufacturers in this country continue to celebrate escaping the cost of properly disposing of a noxious by-product by foisting it off as a beneficial by-product that earns them significant extra income every year.
Similar Nogoodniks (think Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton and Sick Dick) dumped "spent" nuclear waste from Nevada and Utah salt mines over most of the Middle East, exposing our own service members to radiation sickness, genetic anomalies, tooth and hair loss, cancer, and early death in the process ---- and exposing untold numbers of innocent civilians to the same. You see how they made a profit for themselves off a noxious waste product that they would otherwise have to clean up responsibly?
And, so it is no surprise that the chemtrails are largely a slurry of noxious compounds and chemical elements collected from coal ash, aluminum manufacturing, oil refining, and metal smelting--- all being sprayed on us and the Earth we depend on as our home and food source.
You are now prepared to hear the single common denominator linking all those noxious compounds and chemical elements found in chemtrail residues: they are all flammable:
Strontium -- emits flammable gases on contact with water;
Barium -- a flammable solid that produces hydrogen gas;
Aluminum dust -- reacts with water, acids and alkalis, gives off hydrogen gas;
Magnesium -- highly flammable especially when powdered;
Aluminum Oxide -- dust forms explosive mixtures in the air;
Thorium -- pyrophoric, ignites spontaneously;
Lithium -- flammable and potentially explosive when exposed to air and water.
These are the makings of a form of chemical fire known as a "metals fire" which only gets worse when you dump water on it. And these are the industrial waste products they have been spraying all over creation for the past decade.
Observe what is happening in Australia and what happened in Alaska this past summer. Fires. Absolutely massive fires destroying everything in their path.
And please observe that this all fits right in with the religious nutcase's narrative: the Earth will be destroyed by fire (2 Peter 3:10) and a third of mankind destroyed by fire, smoke, and sulfur (Rev. 9:18).
However, this is not being done by the True God who loves and created the Earth, no --- by the False God and his minions mucking around with things they are too ignorant to touch, laying traps for the innocent, filling their purses, and not being held accountable for it. Self-evidently, that is what they have planned for us and our planet, and prepared for with these noxious Chemtrails.
But what does the True God say? "I shall bring to ruin those ruining the Earth." (Rev. 11:18)
I digress. I just wanted to point out how these vermin pursue a quasi-Biblical narrative, and propose to use Biblical prophecy fulfillment as an excuse to hide their own vile actions and avoid accountability.
So now you finally know the agenda pursued by the Chemtrails.
10th January 2020, 12:26 AM
Anna von Reitz ( oa3ubgzbv7n3evvuE3hfEyQg&fref=nf)
7 hrs ( ·
Climate Change, Uh-Huh
Oh, it's about change, all right. The kind you carry in your pocket.
Let's begin with the fact that I do not believe in human-caused climate change, unless you are talking about the kind that military contractors cause when they fool around with manipulating the jet streams and dumping noxious chemical compounds on us and setting up resonance weapons to destabilize earthquake faults and stimulate volcanic eruptions and air pollution and well, the list goes on.
THAT kind of "human-caused" climate change has been going on since the 1960's and is the reason that we have United Nations Environmental Modification, Geoengineering, and Weather Warfare Treaties. I believe in that kind of "climate change" and no doubt about it.
However, some people reading this were too young to remember that weather warfare manipulation of the Monsoons was a major hot topic during the "conflict" in Vietnam. It turned out that our boys in green were not only theoretically able to interfere with the Monsoons and the jet streams, but were actually doing so.
That's what provoked the whole cockroach-like swarm and then scatter activity associated with these treaties. Not only were they rapidly proposed and rapidly adopted --- it all happened very quietly, so that the mainstream news sources could continue to pretend that weather modification was just another "conspiracy theory".
Think about it. It's a theory about a conspiracy that is actual, factual, and proven. A conspiracy that is ancient and venal, having first taken its modern form during the reign of the Roman Emperor Justinian.
And it's okay to be a theory in scientific terms, for while nothing is ever proven, the vast preponderance and weight of the evidence and the test results do strongly suggest that our climate "change" is being rigged and orchestrated and that the motive is profit and oppressive political control.
Having once achieved the ability and technical know-how to dabble in adjusting the weather, the crackpots weaponized it, and now you can see what you've got going---environmental disasters by the busloads delivered by what appears to be our own governments.
Their gig with the IRS and the "income tax" has been exposed as fraud, and their illegal, immoral, and unlawful system of pledging and bonding and securitizing living people has been exposed --- so now they just have to come up with something, some way, to tax and control people again.
Using weather warfare and geoengineering technology that they have been developing ever since the 1960's they've been planning all sorts of death and destruction and "demonstrations" of their technology --- all without telling their "domestic populations" a word about it.
Sound familiar? Just like they "pledged" you behind your back to do everything short of wiping their butts for them, they have been carrying out "tests" of their weather warfare and geoengineering technology on "subject" domestic populations without a word to the victims, then using the horrible results of these tests as an excuse to ramp up their Carbon Tax Scheme, which is really what all this is about.
Regulations giving rise to taxes, fees, fines, and confiscations, otherwise known as "illegal takings".
Just a new excuse for the same old schtick.
Money and control gained by: (1) causing a big problem, and (2) offering a solution to the problem they caused, and (3) implementing their solution which always predictably involves more money and more coercive power for them.
Standard Hegelian/Machiavellian/Orwellian BS -- the kind that attempts to prove that some pigs really ARE more equal than others.
Diapers on cows anyone? Earthquakes on both sides of the North American continent at once? Panicked, stupid, wild-eyed teenagers and sobbing housewives?
Climate "change" symptoms that they control are not the topics of their discussions --- why should they be?
Carbon Taxes and Carbon Emission Regulations giving rise to the new taxes are the goal.
They want a new excuse to tax you and regulate your activities, since the old excuses are going down to dust. Pure and simple. And you can't afford to let them get away with it. Literally.
We have to expose and prosecute these monsters, or they will use ginned up "climate change" and engineered "natural" disasters to enforce a whole new regimen of taxation, regulation, and terror onto ourselves and our children's children.
This whole ugly system of diabolical lies and information manipulations being used as the means to profit and control has to end, and all those involved need to go get honest jobs instead.
Not only is my disbelief in Climate Change rooted in a good understanding of how current weather warfare and geoengineering technology can be used to secretively fake and exacerbate the appearance of climate change, and then used as an excuse to promote oppressive regulations and "Carbon Taxes" --- I also happen to be familiar with the Calcium-Carbon Cycle.
Above any beyond all other reasons why you and I can be absolutely sure that our innocent activities like breathing and cows farting has no ill-effect upon the Earth or its climate, stands the Calcium-Carbon Cycle, the process by which extra carbon dioxide is captured and turned into calcium carbonate.
It's a completely natural cycle built into the chemistry and biology of the Earth, that cashiers away extra carbon dioxide as soft rock minerals that are difficult to degrade by any natural process. Thus, unlike greenbelt carbon capture, which only "stores" the excess carbon as long as the trees are alive and growing, the Calcium Carbonate Cycle is a relatively permanent storehouse for extra carbon dioxide.
Best of all it costs nothing, is universally at work and available, efficient, and more than sufficient to sop up any extra carbon dioxide that we or our activities create. For free.
So these Blackguard already know that they are telling you all a Great Big Fat One and that all the hysteria they are causing --- deliberately --- is nothing but another theatrical production and Sting operation with which they hope to secure another long run as the comptrollers and beneficiaries of this planet.
You have a direct benefit of your own to realize by turning on your Shinola Sensor, leaving it on "High", and despite all their tricks, bells, and whistles, staying on track and investigating them and prosecuting them as the criminals and con artists they are.
10th January 2020, 07:24 AM
Anna von Reitz ( I9RMFozaE23gDRbP2pmWtH8zYppaVvd7jn&hc_ref=ARQQqmtmsURV-1Ydlh6cCG5h1VwaK9Ut8TBDOsG076W83U5M8wizVhj38dTm8GJ VuKk&fref=nf)
6 hrs ( ·
Person or One of the People?
In America you may commonly encounter two kinds of "Legal Persons", rarely encounter one kind of "Lawful Person", and American State Nationals who are people who owe no public service obligations beyond keeping the peace and harming nobody.
Unfortunately, mis-administration of our affairs by two Foreign Subcontractors acting in Breach of Trust has led to millions of Americans being "impersonated" --- that is, unlawfully converted into "persons" instead of being recognized as part of our American populace and as "people".
In 1860, one-third of our intended Federal Government, the American Subcontractor hired to provide services to our States, became inoperable.
From our perspective this situation was and is similar to what would happen if the young man we hired to mow our lawn broke his leg.
We can simply hire someone else or do the job ourselves ---- if we know what happened and are enabled to take appropriate action.
But our two remaining European Subcontractors acted in Breach of Trust, did not provide assistance or disclosure, and instead usurped upon the actual people and government of this country.
They pretended that because we did not Reconstruct the missing third of the Federal Government, that our entire government was "absent" --- and used this as an excuse for fraud and usurpation.
The British Territorial United States seized upon our good names and assets as "presumed salvage" to be claimed and accidentally-on-purpose misidentified millions of American babies as British Territorial United States Citizens--- all of whom are Legal Persons.
The Roman Municipal Government similarly sought to enrich itself and made counterclaim that, no, we were "citizens of the United States" instead -- and they moved to probate our estates.
All this bunko, all this theft and abuse of their employers --- has been made possible because we didn't hire someone new to mow our lawn.
There is a quote I hear quite often that was uttered by Karen Hudes and Karen doesn't know our history. She says that in 1933 "this country went bankrupt." This is not true.
This country is a sovereign entity. It's not eligible for bankruptcy, nor in need of it, because it is not an incorporated entity.
No, what happened is that a Delaware Corporation owned and operated by the Roman Catholic Church and doing business as "the" United States of America, Incorporated, went bankrupt.
That was no more this country than I am my own shoe.
She went on to try to explain away the criminal securitization of the American People and their assets as part of paying back the debts of this foreign corporation, but that isn't true, either.
What happened is that FDR "pledged" the Federal Civil Service Municipal Employees as assets backing this bankruptcy during his First Inaugural Address, and the Conference of [British Territorial State of State] Governors similarly pledged U.S. Military personnel and their Dependents via a similar action, March 6, 1933.
None of that had anything to do with us, and the only way that FDR and the "Governors" were able to get away with it was as a condition of employment and private contract.
This abuse of our Federal Employees encouraged those benefiting by it to secretively extend these outrageous claims against rank and file Americans who are not functioning as Legal Persons and not subject to any such demands.
So bear in mind that if many of us still don't know the actual history of our country, we can't rely on people from Canada and France to know it, either.
If you are someone born in these fifty States of the Union, I hope you will make haste and go to: ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2xDa1BVRhkQ7HQmXphZHzmJoG7Z oKqh-DML2kAzQsAbR1uE1uUQTDN2hg&h=AT1NzjAIKNzG8qLFaKKROarfN765v1EpxaYVsvyT0V0vCcCE scmxe1C4BMkho4qaYM0kyUqWlzQQTDHht0GryffO9Y0PmZYXQo 1Gl9R2rNR4GuFU5lK-zOPNUcCAaD43AT1qCxuCfGB7WL29tq8nZYdDWuQzdSwn) and begin the process of declaring your birthright political status. We need as many Americans as possible to "come home" and help correct 160 years of virulent fraud.
10th January 2020, 06:22 PM
Anna von Reitz ( qmNPOoEvEujSm&hc_ref=ARQ3eMQ0N2G0iMVYHjqa7eRadx7RiyLpe-VsIl2RIfw9t2yJVOPCVeW9mPRUx1bOzgQ&fref=nf)
5 hrs ( ·
From Lt. General (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn
This came across my desk early this morning as part of an email with the subject line "Global Prayer Warrior Mobilization ALERT" and it contained a brief note from General Flynn. I have never seen a more succinct or accurate description of the situation and the nature of the conflict that he, and we, find ourselves in.
From General Flynn addressed to Scott, apparently a member of the organization supporting General Flynn:
"Thank you for the note. Receiving it, especially today means more than you can imagine. I am very thankful for having you and the many other prayer warriors in my family’s life.
It is vital that we keep God in front of everything we do. I could never imagine myself ever being in the situation that I find myself, but it is a clear sign that evil does exist in our lives.
We are fighting a spiritual war that will only be won by prayers and the wisdom of the Lord has given us through his kindness and generosity of spirit and compassion. We must resolve that it is He who places us on the path of life and it is through Him that we will succeed in winning this war. We must.
God Bless America and God Bless our legions of Digital Soldiers!"
This brilliant summation deserves our attention and this good man deserves our utmost support in the face of the continuing onslaught of lies and injustice pouring out of the "Department of Justice".
This is a spiritual and mental war, a conflict between what we have been indoctrinated to believe and what is true, between illusion and fact, between assumption and logic.
In this fight, our minds and hearts are the battleground. We must all do our best to engage our logic circuits and discernment.
The "Department of Justice" was created in 1870 during the endlessly corrupt administration of Ulysses S. Grant as one of the first "federal executive departments".
Please note that the "Department of Justice" is not an actual government department -- it's an "executive" department, meaning that it was created within the structure of the interloping Scottish Corporation merely doing business as "The United States of America, Inc." at that time, for the use of the Executive Branch of their corporation as a legal department.
Under King Rat FDR, the proliferation of such "executive departments" and "government agencies" --- basically more unauthorized subcontractors doing the work of our Subcontractors --- sky rocketed. Last time I looked, the Democrats padded the "federal government" with at least 350 such "departments" and "agencies".
This arrangement allows the Perpetrators to do none of their own work, pass the work and accountability off to their subcontractors, and then pass the expense of all this on to us ---so long as we don't object.
Do I hear any objection? Now that you have been told the facts?
The existence of the "DOJ" isn't authorized anywhere in our agreements with either of the Territorial or Municipal Government entities, so it is entirely an "in-house" organization set up by the interloping European corporate managers as a convenience for them.
We, the actual government, by contrast, have a Judicial Branch that provides our services and the only members of the "U.S. Government" that also belong to our Judicial Branch are the Justices of The United States Supreme Court.
The actual job of The United States Supreme Court is to interpret the meaning of, and enforce the limitations imposed by, our Constitutional Agreements with the Federal Subcontractors---that is, the Justices are supposed to tell the Congress and the President what they can get away with and what they cannot get away with, with respect to our contracts with them.
Anything else that The United States Supreme Court does is extracurricular activity.
So, the DOJ and the Federal Courts and the State of State Courts are all, and specifically, not part of our lawful court system.
These "Courts" and the DOJ are instead part of the internal workings of the Federal Subcontractors --- and the nuts and bolts administration of their in-house activities as corporations. These various courts are all in-house corporate tribunals, and the DOJ is the "Legal Department" of the corporation.
The DOJ was set up to assist the President in his job -- please note again that it is an "executive" department, as in Executive Branch of the Federal Government, but things have changed since the DOJ was set up in 1870.
Since then, the Territorial Government's Military functions have been split off from the Municipal Government's Civil functions via a process of internal compartmentalization within the corporations, while the two European Federal Subcontractors have increasingly merged their operations in unintended collusion under their unauthorized "Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States" (1937).
The end result has been that the DOJ has become the creature of "the" United States Municipal Government, aka, the "Civil" (but not civilian) Government, and since the early 1990's, the Whipping Boy of the Municipal Congress.
So, how did the Municipal Congress manage to get control of the DOJ and wrest it away from the Executive Branch, when it is, purportedly, an "executive department"?
They changed the Judicial Oath. They deleted the little phrase "agreeable to the Constitution" and left the Judicial Officers -- the Bar Attorneys, Federal Judges, etc. --- and the members of the DOJ free to do "their duties under the Constitution", but that's just a joke.
None of these Judicial Officers have any duties assigned to them under the Constitutions. Only the Justices of The United States Supreme Court have any duties of that nature assigned to them.
In effect, we are paying for the Legal Services Department of a foreign Roman-controlled Municipal Government corporation, that is engaged in an endless stream of frauds and criminal activities aimed against our actual government, our States, and our People.
The Legal Services Department, dba, "Department of Justice" is being utterly controlled and mis-directed by the Municipal Congress, against the President of the same corporation--- because the President is attempting to abide by the Constitutions that the Municipal Congress, operating as the Board of Directors of the Municipal Corporation, is trying to evade.
And that is also why the Municipal Congress is trying to impeach Donald Trump.
He's doing a great job for us, but as President of their Municipal Corporation, he sucks. They are losing money and getting disciplined in ways they don't like, so the Board of Directors, aka, the Municipal Congress, is trying to get rid of him and using their in-house DOJ to do it.
Like all "executive departments" the paperwork still places the DOJ under the President's control, even if the members of the DOJ think that they are not obligated and liable to support the Constitutions anymore.
So, Donald Trump could dismiss all of them. He could fire the entire DOJ and set up a new in-house Legal Department.
He could just get up one morning and say, "You know what? You guys just aren't getting what you job is supposed to be about. You're confused. You think that your job is to protect the Municipal Corporation and maximize its profits. You think that the Congress is your Boss, even though you are an executive department. I got news for you. You're fired. I am hiring a whole new staff that will do their actual job -- which is to protect this country and the people in it. The people of this country have suffered on your watch, because you and the members of the Municipal Congress didn't pay attention to who your actual Employers are."
Give them all pink slips, re-name the "Department of Justice" the "Department of Legal Services" and hire new blood.
None of this drama has a thing to do with us. It's all internal squabbling among our Subcontractors.
We can certainly object to the unintended collusion of the two European Subcontractors that was established by their "Declaration of Interdependence", and that may have some benefit, but generally speaking, the Subcontractors can organize their internal affairs as they see fit.
And as a point of fact, both these European Subcontractors -- the British Territorial United States and the Roman Municipal Government -- are both owned and operated ultimately by the Pope.
We should be taking our complaints about all this and about the mis-administration in general, directly to him, because he controls the Commonwealth through the Queen, and the Municipal Government through the City of Rome and the Roman Curia.
The actual Federal Employees and other Dual Citizens can wake up and clean the clocks of the Municipal Congress members at the ballot box, with the realization that even if we remove every present member of the Municipal Congress, the Municipal Government will still function in a corrupt way because the structure of the corporation itself is corrupt.
Our agreements with the Pope and the Curia limit their activities to the "one mile square" apportioned to them in the District of Columbia. They do not allow for the proliferation of 185,000 Municipal Corporations on our shores, nor do they allow for the mis-characterization of our State Citizens and populace in general as "citizens of the United States".
Their little oligarchy perched on our shores has run wild and is totally their responsibility and should not be our concern, though of course, this ongoing circumstance causes us trouble, too.
We are constantly having to slap the hands of the pickpockets and argue with their bureaucrats and debunk their lies and false assumptions regarding us, our political status, our government, and just about everything that they do "for" us has to be countermanded and objected to.
The Pope and his Minions are quite literally the "Employees from Hell" -- yet at the end of the day, with respect to us, that is what they are: Employees.
Remember that, and we will be well on our way toward getting this battlefield of the mind secured and cleared. Better still, get your rumps in gear and go to: ( 2GMXhpnJvguDCjzvF3w)
---and take action in the material world to reclaim your identity as an American and not a "citizen" of their version of "United States" at all.
10th January 2020, 06:29 PM
Anna von Reitz ( L8EKVXLZHt71HeQl5FJcqu0E&fref=nf)
27 mins ( ·
Comment About "Kim Possible" and Claims that the IRS is Shut Down
The report is that the IRS's computer logging system is shut down. Good. Stopping theft and misadministration is good, even if all you can do is pull the plug on their mainframe computer.
As I have told everyone before, "Kim" can shut things down, but not open things up. I have heard and seen nothing to suggest that anything has changed in this respect.
She didn't actually "pay off" anything --- they owed us credit that they were not putting on the books.
In other words, just as I told the President in my YouTube video about the "National Credit" --- the so-called National Debt disappears when the National Credit is (finally) applied.
Do I get a Nobel Prize for observing that?
Another aspect is that such bogus debts disappear when they are recognized as "Odious Debt" -- that is, fraudulent debt or debt tainted by fraud.
Once the "National Credit" is applied -- not only ours, but the National Credit(s) owed to all the other countries and people -- 95% of what is left is Odious Debt tainted by accounting fraud and racketeering and undisclosed, unconscionable contracts. And that has to be "discharged" --- written off the books.
So with that bit of accounting genius and legal acumen applied, we get rid of the debts worldwide. It seems I am due a second Nobel Prize for noticing the obvious and poking enough butts to get the wheels moving in the right direction, however....
IF Mr. Trump wants to get this show on the road and actually operate on a solid foundation with lawful access to the so-called "Spiritual White Boy" accounts and a great deal more, plus have access to the key to the computer programs on the asset side of the equation, plus have all the history and receipts and documentation, plus be able to almost-instantly and seamless convert the "legal" system back to the lawful system and normal course of business that we are owed as living people --- THEN he needs to get in touch with me as the Fiduciary for The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States formed in September of 1776, and I will work with him to make sure that America is safe and "great again" and to assure the peaceful return of everyone's purloined property worldwide, including ours.
AND I will provide a whole new transparent universally accessible free internet and banking system that isn't weaponized, isn't full of traps and bugs and spyware, an impenetrable system with no 5G dangers--- a system that is 200 years in advance of anything their "Quantum Financial System" can do, plus a new currency system that is actually honest and which cannot be manipulated by speculators....
OR, he and Kim can continue to sit there and spin and try to clunk along as they have been, trying to pick through the wreckage and cobble things up.
Their choice.
They are getting some hits in by manipulating and capturing illegal computer systems, mainly IMF associated systems associated with the B.E.A.S.T. in Belgium and the mainframe in Luxembourg. And that's okay, but that will never give them the keys to the kingdom. That will never provide a solid foundation to build on, either.
For me, it's like watching the gardeners pruning back overgrown hedges and mowing lawns and weeding unkempt borders. I am pleased and grateful to see that they are back to work and making progress on these tasks, but it does nothing to rebuild the roof and reset the foundations.
That's why I haven't been overly concerned or putting in any big effort to convince anyone that I am the Lawful Fiduciary.
Sooner or later they will face facts and realize that they are two-blocked and their corporations are two-blocked and their computer systems are two-blocked and the only way out of this is the way they went in: they have to reverse the "unlawful conversion" of living estates engineered by FDR via a "lawful conversion" returning those purloined assets.
Pure and simple---the corporations need to pay their own bills using their own assets from now on.
That's where we are stuck.
Mr. Trump's Administration needs to admit, however quietly, that they need our help. Just like we all have to ask heaven for help, and have sense enough to accept that help when it comes.
11th January 2020, 12:04 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 0Y7NAPxYQci-147vs-EXfE&hc_ref=ARQ4qrF679MxsbYMooGDr0dPmxyqD6UxugBtECBWK_C 5ouG4n5zKDqENxPylLlxrxDg&fref=nf)
11 hrs ( ·
Notice to The Casino Royale and Pope Francis
We are going to go to an alien world today, one that I call the Casino Royale Multi-Verse. It looks like this world in many respects, except that like the Land of Oz, it has its own peculiarities. You would, however, be able to navigate well enough. There is still a sky overhead and ground underfoot, and things familiar enough so that you can cope.
In this strange land that resembles the Earth you are used to, nobody works for a living. They make their living by gambling, instead.
When you first arrive, you notice that there are many small countries and each one of them has their own casino, plus a few franchise casinos from other countries operating within their borders. The casinos all have their own distinctive casino chips, just like the big casinos in Las Vegas, stamped with their own logos. They all use casino chips as money.
The casino owners are happy to see a newcomer, so they give you chips and set you loose to play all the classic games any way you like: roulette, Black Jack, Poker, Slots, whatever. Not having anything else to do, you become a Player and like every one else, you learn the rules of the games and how to play and you wander around from casino to casino trying your luck.
There is one really big, successful casino in a neighboring country, called the Casino Royale. It's the biggest casino around and it has franchise operations in all the other countries, so that you can cash in chips from the Casino Royale, and exchange them for local casino chips.
This makes Casino Royale casino chips very handy, because all the other casinos will accept them in trade.
Time goes by and one by one, the other casinos start selling out to the Casino Royale. It continues to run its own franchise casinos in the other countries under its own name, and runs the local casinos that it buys under their own names, so people think that nothing has changed--- like acquiring a brand name. Nobody knows the ownership has changed.
Eventually, almost all the casinos are being run by the Casino Royale, and it appears that there are still a lot of local casinos in operation, when in fact, there are fewer and fewer independent casinos. Finally, there only six left in the entire world.
About this time, the Casino Royale announces a new policy.
From now on, when you lose, you will be given black chips, and when you win, you will be given white chips. The black chips are debts and the white chips are credit against those debts -- and you can use either one to buy stuff.
The only difference is that when you use the black chips and receive something in return for them, your debt increases. When you play with the white chips, and receive something in return for them, you give up white chips, but your debt decreases.
Some people just can't get this through their heads.
They think that "more chips is more chips" and so they hoard up black chips as well as white chips, and because both can be used to buy things, they think black chips are the same as white chips and vice versa, even though the use of one leads to more debt and the use of the other leads to breaking even.
There are even people known as "Debt Mongers" who go around collecting and buying up black chips on purpose. This makes people think that, hey, there must be value in these black chips. So they buy more and more stuff using black chips and they start collecting black chips, too.
Their anthem is: "The More Debt, the Better".
Sound familiar?
These confused people use black chips in exchange for just about everything, and as a result their overall debt just continues to grow. They start out with minus five hundred dollars and buy a hamburger with black chips, and now they are $506 in the hole. And so it continues, day and night, night and day.
Did I mention that interest accrues to every penny of this debt?
The value of everything they receive in exchange for black chips gets added to their debts as more debt. Plus interest.
But some people don't care if they are trading on debt or with credit, so long as "it spends the same".
One day, Casino Royale sends out an army of Bill Collectors to collect back all the black chips. There's panic, because the people are used to using black chips "as" money, and they think that black chips are valuable because of this. They never realized that the black chips were just a way to transfer and accumulate debt, debt, and more debt.
And now they are left holding a lot of debt that they don't want to give up. In fact, they cling to their chains even tighter. Crazy as this is, they get possessive about it. Nobody is going to take away their debt without a fight!
And when one of the Bill Collectors comes to take their home or their business in "payment" of their debts? What do these people do? They pay him off with black chips and increase their debt some more!
Casino Royale is loving this. Every turn of the wheel, and no matter how it spins, the House wins.
But, finally, the Gambling Commission catches on and takes action.
Casino Royale has to send out Circuit Riders with bags of white casino chips and make offers to trade them, one for one for the black chips. A dollar of credit in exchange for a dollar of debt, and upon acceptance of this trade, the people who would otherwise be harmed break even. The debt is "offset".
Some people still aren't getting the drift of this, but it was always an in-house Zero Sum Game.
Federal Reserve Notes are the black chips and United States Notes are the white chips.
Neither one meets the definition of a United States Dollar.
We bought the United States Municipal Government with recorded silver United States Dollars posted as Bonds, accepted by the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT in Anchorage, Alaska, and posted upon the Public Records of the State of Alaska Recorder's Office.
Each such bonded silver United States Dollar is pegged against $40,000.00 of United States Debt, and as the actual Priority Creditors and Lien Holders, even a penny would be sufficient equitable exchange.
The contest is over. Jesus won.
midnight rambler
11th January 2020, 12:51 PM
This thread should be called The Anna Cult thread.
11th January 2020, 04:21 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Hp7uzk6oVSi1pXlHXJoiV_z-5Y9QdjanlD&hc_ref=ARSkbNedRZy7FON8LKrDlcp61KzVxWHcjsuI07MfQ4N JT3mabzIg1mN87IBkWEyiFU0&fref=nf)
1 hr ( ·
Advisement About Common Law Writs
This morning I was asked again about the use of Common Law Writs as a means of moving the foreign courts. Here is my reply:
Writs like this don’t apply to any of these courts except The United States Supreme Court.
This is because as I explained yesterday none of these courts except the USSC operate in our jurisdiction.
And never have.
As they succinctly said in Thompkins vs Erie Railroad, they have no “General Common Law”.
The only kind of “Common Law” they have is Military Common Law. So now if you attempt to address anything using Common Law in their courts you inadvertently push it into military tribunal mode.
And then you fail to properly declare yourselves and that gives them the opportunity to presume that you are an Enemy Combatant.
Once you get into Admiralty mode you can declare The Law of Peace and the Saving to Suitor’s Clause but that requires a level of awareness and expertise that most people including most lawyers don’t have—- and even after you hop through the hoops in this case, you would be claiming redress against bankrupt entities.
You can now see why all the Ancient Writs don’t work in their courts, except the Supreme Court, and why even if you win in Admiralty, you lose.
Writ of Habeas Corpus has additionally been suspended for “US citizens” since the Civil War and most court actions involving statutory and regulatory infractions are addressed to US citizens.
So that’s additionally why Writs of Habeas Corpus aren’t honored by these courts.
Just so you know.
The best way to deal with these courts is simply to concentrate on building up our own courts so that we never have to go in them in the first place.
If you do have to deal with them there are three pertinent questions you always wish to address to the Court and the Prosecutor:
(1) Does this Court have jurisdiction over the living man? (No, they do not.)
(2) What probable cause does the Prosecutor or Police Officer have for presuming that.... (for example— the Defendant was driving for hire and not simply traveling for private purposes? Use whatever applies to your case.)
In the vast majority of cases the Prosecutor has no probable cause to presume anything about the capacity in which you were acting.
(3) Finally, put them in a Double Bind. If you are dealing with a Law Enforcement Officer giving testimony against you, ask him if he is an attorney? If not, how is he competent to interpret the statutory law or Federal Code and make a determination that any crime occurred? (He’s not a competent Witness for their purposes and they know that, but they will bluff if you don’t call them on it.).
The other alternative will be a standard case where you have an attorney acting as Prosecutor and they will be making accusations against you without any first-hand knowledge of anything at all, so you ask— Mr. Prosecuting Attorney, do you have any first-hand knowledge of the circumstance and happenings that you are referring to in this complaint? (No, of course not, he is just chuffing wind.) “Will it please the Court to hear my testimony under affirmation and penalty of perjury, as I am (in most cases) the only Witness to these events having first-hand knowledge of them?
Either they have no competent Witness or ninety-percent of the time they have no Witness at all and whatever account you give of your actions and intentions stands.
“On April the 7th of this year, I got into my car about four-thirty in the afternoon and proceeded to via that means to our local grocery store where I purchased items for dinner. I was enroute going back to my home with the intention of cooking my dinner when I was accosted by Patrolman Pierce in his patrol car. I stopped to see what he wanted and if I needed to render assistance. He demanded to see a Driver License and Registration. I asked him if he had probable cause to think that I was engaged in commercial business for profit of any kind? He then arrested and detained me under force without my consent and without any lawful authority to do so, whereupon I counterclaimed that he was violating my Fourth Amendment Guarantees and he refused to discuss anything further. So here we are, still stuck on the question of probable cause and exactly why Patrolman Pierce assumed that I was doing anything at all beyond returning home to cook my dinner — and why he violated my freedom from violent detainer? He didn’t in fact ask me what I was doing or why. He simply assumed that I was engaged in some sort of commercial activity requiring a license and reacted violently when I asked for his probable cause for that assumption. I find that I have been detained, hauled into a court and jurisdiction foreign to me for no clearly stated reason, and compelled by the circumstance to comment about my private actions and intent, which is certainly a violation of my free will and privacy by a man who is not adequately trained in the practice of law to even make a determination of probable cause much less presume that any entity subject to the statutory law was even present and inhabiting an Office of Person. Whereupon I wish for this Court to dismiss these unsubstantiated charges and set my persons free.”
What can the judge do or the police Officer say?
That the Registration of the car as a Motor Vehicle was the only basis for their presumption that it was being operated as such that afternoon? And also the only basis for their presumption that you were operating as a licensed driver, too?
The same issues apply to virtually any issue entertained by any of these courts. They are always operating on the basis of unsubstantiated presumptions brought forward by Witnesses who are incompetent or lacking first-knowledge.
The fundamental presumption of capacity and guilt being foisted off on you and giving rise to their idea that you are guilty by definition rests upon the presumption that you are a Municipal citizen of the United States within the meaning and intent of the “Fourteenth Amendment” which is in fact a By-Law of the Articles of Incorporation of an interloping Scottish Commercial Corporation that was infringing on our name and copyrights and which has been defunct since 1907.
THAT is truly how absurd and baseless their legal presumptions about you are, but it is still your job to rebut them in an effective manner, so that the judge can identify who you are and the capacity in which you are (or were) acting.
If he then convicts or harms you in any way upon being fully advised that you are an American State Citizen and that you were acting in your private capacity as such and had it demonstrated that there is no credible probable cause to presume otherwise— it is his proverbial neck in the noose upon your appeal.
11th January 2020, 04:28 PM
OK, Anna's stuff plus a whole lot of others stuff;
I'm not out here touting just Anna's stuff. If she was the only one who was saying it I would also say crackpot and move on. but she is just one in a long line of people who talk about how our country was formed and how it is supposed to work.
Two classes of citizenship: State citizens and US Citizens.
State citizens are "We the People" with god given rights.
US citizens are slaves of the federal govt who are granted civil rights by congress.
State citizens are out of reach for the Federal govt, unless they commit some sort of capital crime or some sort of interstate commerce. State citizens have the capacity to be Electors as opposed to voters.
The basic problem is the Feds changed our States into States of States. And that State of State is a Federal entity based in DC.
Most of us are going blissfully along thinking I'm a State of xxx citizen. Which is a US citizen, domiciled in Washington DC.
In order to be a citizen of your state; You have to declare it. You have to do something about it. If you do nothing the govt assumes you are a happy
US citizen slave.
Anna is trying to do what should have been done in 1870, reconstruct the States by populating our respective States with State citizens.
midnight rambler
11th January 2020, 05:40 PM
Anna is a crackpot ergo any of her followers are crackpots.
12th January 2020, 02:10 AM
Anna is a crackpot ergo any of her followers are crackpots.
Well mr. nash rambler is a crackpot too, but for very different reasons, he has none.
Anna is trying to recreate the Republic that the founders of this country created. I guess they were crackpots, according to you.
12th January 2020, 03:27 PM
Anna von Reitz ( 9MqJ24SS&hc_ref=ARS1obbaTtS2xHH_PNmQiEAmFwXWSUUPhMHowduX4y3 wm29JrLWiIq6mk7ub4z4gAKw&fref=nf)
17 hrs ( ·
For the Sake of Peace
The Founders of this Universe are still here. They didn't die. They didn't leave.
They continue to watch over us and care about us and our progress, much like human parents care about their children, but on a much grander scale and including all life as part of The One Life of All That Is. Their transit vehicles have been identified, but rarely seen here, as very large, very beautiful globe-shaped air ships with lights in concentric circles.
The Original Heavenly Host included a dominant society in this Galaxy that was a Caste Society, like the Hindu culture still is.
There were scientist-priests known as the All Seeing.
There were soldiers known as the Dragons.
There were merchants known as the Children of Men.
The Dragons were a conquered race of Reptilians that originated in the star system of Draco; their ancestors rampaged across the Galaxy approximately two million years ago, colonizing widely and diversifying as they went.
When they came up against the All Seeing, the scientist-priests of the Sirius B "Morning Star" star system, they were steadily defeated and pushed back toward their home planets. Their war-like nature and physical strength and other attributes, however, made them ideal warriors.
Right or wrong, the All Seeing bred captive populations of Reptilians to fight against the original Reptilian invaders in the same way that we breed dogs for special purposes.
The greatest warriors of the Reptilian races were thus conceived in captivity and trained and imbued with the wisdom of their All Seeing captors to become Seraphs --- Angels.
In this context, Satan, a Seraph, can be seen as a rebel throw-back returning to his Reptilian roots, however imbued with new knowledge and new capabilities.
The Children of Men were the races of the Pleiades descended from their great ancestor, who was called "Men" as a Proper Name. They formed powerful trade and market alliances with the All Seeing.
All three Castes were from substantially different backgrounds and races, with different biology, different sense organs, different capabilities, different values, different cultures, different histories.
These very different castes could have sex and produce hybrid off-spring, but the off-spring were often sterile and suffered health and mental problems, so intermarriage between castes was generally discouraged for practical reasons.
Here on Earth, hybrids were eventually engineered in an effort to preserve the unique genetic heritage of the All Seeing, and to tame and calm the Reptilian war-loving nature.
It was realized too late that breeding the Reptilians to be super-soldiers led inevitably to the pursuit of war, so the opposing effort was made to correct this and mainstream the Reptilians by reverse genetic engineering.
Homo sapiens today are a blend of all three of these Elder Races, plus some I haven't discussed.
All Homo sapiens have a Reptilian brain that controls their Autonomous nervous system, tiny scales that cover their skin, and numerous other reptilian traits. The genetic traits of the All Seeing are far less common, but also widely distributed, with some individuals being throwbacks to this ancestor race, too.
Once you become aware of this it's easy to see, but until you become aware of it, you are ill-disposed to evaluate what's what and who's who.
As the All Seeing dwindled in numbers and "faded away" --their diluted genetic content carried on by hybrid children-- the leadership and knowledge that once guided this planet steadily toward peace and nurturance faded away, too.
Their absence left a vacuum of power and the predominantly Reptilian scions stepped in to fill it, but the Reptilians are ill-suited to peace. They are still too close to their original genetic code, and as result, they create war and think as warriors, and delight in the spoils of war.
They have not outgrown this predilection.
You can see them wandering around the halls at the Pentagon and in bunkers from here to Timbuktu, and in the boardrooms of corporations planning the next marketing "campaign", and in the agencies and in the political parties --- wherever there is conflict or danger, there the Reptilians can be found, attracted like moths to flames.
And if there is no conflict, they will start one for profit or out of pure boredom.
It's not for me or anyone else to judge them. They are what they are, and its not their fault that they are geared this way. It is however a fact, and until the rest of us wake up and stop electing Reptilians to positions of political power, there won't be peace on Earth for obvious reasons.
For obvious reasons, too, these people need to become self-aware. They need to step back and realize what they are doing and why they are doing it, so that they can consciously evaluate their impulses and motives and not just function "on reptile brain".
Once they are fully conscious and aware, they can stop following their genetic beaten-path to destruction, and stop promoting war, war, and more war.
They can find ways to make war against disease and poverty and pollution, and turn that basic Reptilian impulse into something profoundly powerful and good.
As for the rest of us, those who have a greater portion of heritage from the All Seeing and from the Pleiadeans, we need to help the Reptilians find outlets for their boundless energy and physical strength, and provide them with ways to fulfill their need to be active and competitive ---- without being destructive.
There are those who think that the Reptilians should be destroyed, simply wiped out as an evolutionary mistake. They think that Reptilians will never learn to choose life or peace. They think that Reptilians "have served their purpose". They are tired of struggling with Reptilians, and would just as soon see them written out of the Book of Life.
Faced with the Reptilian propensity for war and destruction, their violent history, their conflict-driven mentality, and the sheer cost of their mismanagement of resources on this planet, it's hard not to agree.
But then the wisdom of Our Father intercedes and reminds us that the turtles are reptiles, too, and they are among the wisest and most tolerant and most avid protectors of life. And the birds are the descendants of the reptiles. What would creation be like without them?
And let's not lose sight of the fact that Homo sapiens all depend on a reptile brain to keep our hearts pumping and our eyes dilating and our lungs inhaling and exhaling. Our skin, the largest and in some ways the most important organ of our physical body, is also largely reptilian in origin. Just look at your skin under high magnification and you will see the scales of a reptile.
As we wake up to our history and to a higher consciousness, and we begin to see with new eyes and hear with new ears, we will recognize reptilian combativeness and "Either/Or" thinking in ourselves as well. And we will pause and think about the many ways in which our reptile heritage has preserved us and protected us and made our lives and our species possible.
Our reptilian heritage is not a matter of "for us" or "against us". It's something we need to acknowledge and accept along with all the other gifts passed on to us and to include in our conscious awareness of both its good and its potentially evil attributes at work within us.
12th January 2020, 03:40 PM
Anna von Reitz ( BEA_VZ5OL92x1TG8UGozeklUv33U_dpdGe&hc_ref=ARQhrPP2fDc6AnwapyyIGxDrQceP7DArW2jVrbhzJzM ZcdHFPGN5D9sOe9kVpdGiOfs&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
For the Militarists
I often encounter people, mostly from military backgrounds, who talk about me as if I weren't standing in front of them, as if, indeed, I were instead an inanimate object or some other "she" in another place entirely. These men are also invariably the type who discredit and discount women, the sort who strut around as if they had a broomstick up their butts saying things like, "She's only a woman."
My reaction to them is just an invariable. I wonder what kind of down-trodden woman their own mothers must have been, to receive back that kind of disrespect from their sons. I also wonder what kind of men their fathers were to allow it. And then I go briskly on, explain what I need to explain to them, and move away at a jog-trot.
My own parents had such a happy and mutually respectful adjustment to the battle of the sexes, such a calm equanimity in the face of their differences, that the idea of one being significantly in servitude to the other is foreign to me.
To be sure, my Mother cooked my Father's meals and ironed his shirts and kept his laundry spotless, but on the other hand, he toted her groceries and mowed her lawn and fixed her roof--- or made sure that someone else was hired and paid to do it. It all got shared out and nobody in our family attached any importance to these chores of life. There was no inferiority or superiority at issue.
If pushed into service, my Father was able to cook and clean and wash clothes with the best of them. He certainly knew how to sit down in a chair and read stories and have children and dogs and cats clamber all over him. My Mother could saw lumber and true up floor joists and shoot a woodchuck at a hundred yards, as well as forage through the surrounding forests for herbs and berries and mushrooms like a Truffle Pig, and host a gracious Sunday dinner for eight without raising an eyebrow.
They got along so well most of the time that it was like hand and glove. If anyone had ever dared to disrespect my Father, they would have had my Mother to contend with, and vice versa, though I can't think of any instance where that ever happened.
My own married life has been similarly happy and even-keeled. My husband and I are both introverts so that's a bit different, but otherwise our household and our sharing of tasks and roles has been easy and equitable. I let him shoot any charging moose or bear that threatens, and he lets me spray rosewater on the flannel sheets, and we get along famously.
So with that as a proviso, I don't understand people who are hung up on sex-based superiority complexes. And I don't like being talked about in the guise of an object, like a table or a sideboard in need of repair or relocation.
These same men (and sometimes women) also have a tendency to say things like, "Nobody could know all that stuff." and "I wonder what her Handlers fed her today."
Well, let's see....
By the age of 23, I had majors in Biochemistry and English Literature and was halfway through a Master's Degree, studying Histology. Hmm. It's been forty years since then.
Granting that I have spent at least half my time since then raising kids, chasing dogs, working at jobs and running my own business--- unlike everyone else (apparently) I never stopped going to school. I never stopped reading, studying, observing, and learning.
What can you do with a firm college education in both the humanities and sciences, and twenty years to pursue any other subjects you wish? Well, that's time enough for three Doctorate Degrees without sweating it, or ten more Baccalaureate Majors, or five Master's Degrees.
So, yes, Major Dodge, I can know all that I know, and legitimately, too. I am old enough and have spent my days in the academic trenches and my nights solving ciphers.
That is not to say that I don't benefit a great deal from the scholarship and research of many, many other patriots and people from all walks of life and areas of expertise, because I do.
That's part of the advantage of having a great education. It allows you to communicate with others across a broad spectrum of subjects and enables you to benefit from their knowledge and to share yours, too.
Over time, that allows you to connect dots and jump over tall buildings with a single bound. And it doesn't matter which sex you are, either.
Nothing that I have achieved should be considered extraordinary or unusual. My expertise across a range of subject areas should be common as dirt for a woman my age, and the fact that it is not, doesn't mean that I am so exceptional. It means that a lot of other people haven't made the effort to explore their own world.
I didn't start out to study law or history or theology or pharmacology or art. I encountered these subjects out of necessity. I didn't plan to study civil engineering, statistics, communications, land surveying or materials science, either. Business management and accounting? Are you kidding? All that, too, came with the turf of my life, my jobs, my business endeavors, and my family.
The difference is, that instead of spending my days and nights glued to the television watching re-runs of Columbo, I spent my time reading and thinking and experimenting and building and exploring the world around me. I didn't sit around in a bar wondering what to do next.
I've kept busy learning and observing the Earth and the world that men built upon it, all the days of my life. I've employed my mind and engaged my heart, and as a result, I don't need any "Handlers" to "feed" me anything, thank you.
Also as a result, I don't feel isolated from my world, like a separate thing set apart from it, that inanimate object that "she" represents, existing in my own little cell of a space suit waiting for the time allotted to me to run out.
Instead, I've learned that I and everyone and everything else on this planet and in this world make up a whole. We are all part of it and it is part of us. High time we realized that fundamental fact and started thinking in those terms, too.
Earth to NASA.... Earth to Pentagon....Earth to Australian Defense Ministry....
That's the way it actually is, and we do nothing but harm ourselves and each other if we miss that basic point.
In my long mental and spiritual battle with the Cabal I have often observed their smug and self-satisfied concentration on themselves and their schemes and their secret social networks and ancient deceits.
And I have just as often thought, my God, my God.... these people can find nothing better to do? No better way to live?
They must be bored senseless. They must have no better expectations of themselves or of life, than to chase around after "symbols of value" and concoct infantile sting operations to fool the unsuspecting public.
Now, all those military types who wonder who my "Handlers" are, have tried to beat the cabal at the cabal's own game. They have tried to out-lie the liars and find even better ways to cook the books, ever more mechanized ways to fool the public, more secret and complex codes to pull the strings....all in the name of protecting this country and "the free world".
All they have accomplished by this is to make themselves into liars and crooks just like their adversaries, and to form their own criminal syndicates and networks, while de facto preying upon and deceiving the same people they are supposed to be protecting.
Sometimes fighting fire with fire isn't such a great idea. Sometimes it just blows back on you and creates a bigger conflagration.
So we have crime syndicates and weird pagan religious cults running the Roman Catholic Church as a storefront --- and attempting to move on to new digs at the United Nations, fully intending to use it as a storefront, too.
And we have almost the entire Law Enforcement community ultimately on the payroll of this venal organization, plus the military and "intelligence agencies" trying to out-con the con artists--- and only corrupting their own organizations in the process.
If it weren't so dangerous and nasty, I could afford to stand back and regard the whole situation as ridiculous and strangely funny.
For myself, I don't try to combat lies with more lies.
That's like trying to add negative numbers together in hopes of getting a positive result --- and everyone I am talking to has already tried to do exactly that with the federal debt accounting system.
No, my solution to The Problem is quite different. If we are going to ever have a Free World, fundamental changes must be made to reconstruct the world that exists, changes to our assumptions, changes to our understanding, changes to the way we do things, and all those "secrets" need to go.
The Unsuspecting Public needs to suspect. And observe. And armed with a new way of seeing things, needs to take action, too.
My solution isn't about favoring this or that bad option, doesn't involve pitting competing criminal cabals against each other, doesn't promote Corporate Feudalism, and doesn't pretend that telling huge lies and diddling little children is a religion.
My solution is about providing a stable and honest platform to support life and social interaction on this planet, something that is good for everyone, and which harms none. A transparent way for everyone to get ahead and be limited by nothing but their own imagination. A system based on what is true, instead of promoting what is false.
12th January 2020, 07:23 PM
Anna von Reitz ( w-TfbfaEwPbvrlwl-b73oEPs&fref=nf)
2 hrs ( ·
The J - Haplotype
In the article just published and titled, "For the Sake of Peace", I discussed the three primary Elder Races from which the current Homo sapiens -- or as I should say, Homo sapiens species, are derived, because there are two extant species, both called generally "Home sapiens".
This is the same kind of deceit we have with "judges" and "justices" both being spoken of as "judges", but actually being different offices. Home Sapiens and Homo sapiens sapiens are two different species, both being called "Homo sapiens".
If you study biological science, and especially if you study embryology and histology as I have, you will eventually find this out. If you study law, especially law concerning probate and identity and identity theft, you will discover the same thing.
There are literally two species of Homo sapien and they are related to each other by the same maternal mitochondria going all the way back to --- you guessed it --- Eve.
The first and elder species is simply called "Homo sapien" and the younger model off-shoot is called "Homo sapien sapien".
Homo sapien is also called "Man" and Homo sapien sapien is called "Human" and together they are called "Mankind".
All Homo sapiens as a class are descended to a greater or lesser extent from the "angels" -- the Reptilian super warriors who were bred by the All Seeing scientist-priests of the Sirius B star system to fight off other Reptilian invaders from the Orion and Draco star systems during The War in Heaven
So, naturally enough, we all have Reptilian DNA--- Homo sapiens simply has more of it, than Homo sapiens sapiens.
The difference shows up genetically as the J-Haplotype and as differences in skull structure. The older model Homo sapiens have a severe reproductive glitch. Almost all Homo sapiens females died when giving birth, compared to 25% of Homo sapiens sapiens.
The problem is caused by the longer gestation period (eleven months) and especially by the large, elongated, two-plate skull structure of Homo sapiens, which doesn't allow for natural passage through the birth canal.
By the time Caesarian Section arrived to save the day and prolong the genotype, the population of Homo sapiens -- what we call the Nazca or Neantherthals -- had largely disappeared and been replaced by the smaller, more fecund Homo sapiens sapiens.
But just as they had a major reproductive problem, the original Homo sapiens also had a big advantage.
They were (and are) much longer-lived than Homo sapiens sapiens, and they have physically larger craniums and brain capacities-- a third to one-half more brain capacity. They are also immensely strong, largely built, with thicker diaphragms, more lung capacity, denser bones, bluer blood that coagulates more quickly, more digits (typically six), and multiple sets of teeth. A true Homo sapien can re-grow teeth just like a shark and live 500-600 years on average.
So not only do they have a much longer life span in which to accrue knowledge, they have greater brain storage capacity to match.
However, as with penile structures, size doesn't necessarily matter. They still have to make the right choices to benefit themselves or anyone else from their longer lives and larger brains, and that they have often --and spectacularly-- failed to do.
Like their smaller and newer model half-brothers, Homo sapiens tend to waste their lives on sex, drugs, booze, and whatever other thrills they can get. If anything, they are even more secretive, arrogant, and perverse than Homo sapiens sapiens.
Like us, they tend to waste their inherent brain power on unworthy topics, like how to delude and better profit from the labor and subjugation of others, instead of making the effort to better themselves or the rest of Mankind.
There are some exceptions to the rule. There have been some great teachers and kindly hearts among the original Homo sapiens, but their efforts and aspirations for Mankind have largely been undermined by the greed and rapaciousness of their brethren.
Homo sapiens sapiens by contrast live a maximum of around 120-30 years at the present time, get only one set of permanent teeth, and make do with their smaller brains by developing more nerve synapses and connections between the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
In recent decades the effort to preserve the Homo sapiens subspecies has led to genetic manipulation to shorten the length of their natural gestation period and otherwise compensate to allow female Homo sapiens to survive childbirth without undergoing Caesarian Section.
To put it bluntly, more recent, less emotionally evolved Home sapiens have developed the whole system of religion and laws deriving from religion as a means to control and exploit Homo sapiens sapiens.
They have used both religion and law as a means to cheat and oppress Homo sapiens sapiens and to provide themselves and their servants with very luxurious lifestyles, political power and whatever else.
Now, with the chance to reproduce without restriction -- they see little reason to keep Homo sapiens sapiens around as anything but slaves, and they don't need seven billion slaves.
Their computational abilities and relatively few connections between the left and right hemispheres of the brain are both traits that lead them to make decisions "by the numbers" and to discount emotional and moral concerns.
If a small lie serves their ends, they see no reason not to try a bigger lie....and a Bigger Lie and a BIGGER LIE. In fact, it is something of a game with them to see how much they can get away with. They take wagers on such things and take these wagers seriously, too.
Brain power and brute strength, yes, moral values, conscience, and emotional content ---- not so much.
So, yes, Virginia, there are so-called "Coneheads" in the Vatican and in Buckingham Palace and elsewhere, too. That's who they are and where they come from and why they are here and how they are related to us and the highlights of their strengths and weaknesses.
I might add, that also like us, there are good and bad individuals among them, those who are more evolved and those who are not.
Many of Homo sapiens are deeply hurt and offended by our failure to appreciate the beauty of their elongated skulls and by our ignorant supposition that "Neanderthals" were --or are-- less intelligent.
The few who are left have made enough of their gifts to rule the world by guile and deceit, even if they could not prevail at arms.
Generations of Homo sapiens sapiens have been enslaved and billions have been induced to slaughter themselves in senseless wars based on false premises, false flags, and simple -- if large -- lies. And there are those who make the argument that we are too stupid to live.
This, then, is the source of our angelic -- reptilian -- heritage and how it has resulted in two subspecies, "Man" and "Human", making up Mankind.
And now, we go to the Pleiades and the Children of Men, more ancestors of Homo sapiens sapiens, who have progressed on their own pathway since they made up the Merchant Caste here on Earth.
The Children of Men descend from the angels, too, and have a their own ancestry as descendants of a particular angel named "Men". For whatever reasons, the genetic content he passed along was of a gentler, more refined, more Teran (as in Terrapin) reptilian nature, with the result that the Pleiadeans have not struggled and stumbled over their reptilian ancestry to the same extent we have.
The Pleiadean genetic quotient makes up a third of our genetic heritage more or less. Its from them that we inherit our cultural and group instincts, our family units, our bargaining and trading traditions, our sociability, our ability to work in teams and our basic sense of justice.
Thus, not only do we have two reptilian species derived from the same root ancestry and existing as Man and Human --- Home sapiens and Homo sapiens sapiens --- we also have a good dollop of additional, other, different-source reptilian genetic content from our ancestor, Men.
The confusion between "Man", "Men", and "Human" has existed since very ancient times.
I think of it as "Snake Genes", "Turtle Genes", and "Snake-Turtle Genes" respectively, just to keep it straight---and all of this inheritance comes down to us from the "Angels"--- the Seraphs, both those Fallen and those Loyal, who were, and are, Great Reptilian Warriors bred by the All Seeing --first in the Sirius B star system, and later, in the Orion star system.
This is your human heritage--- though admitting your debts to reptilian bloodlines may not be comfortable or pleasant to contemplate, it is nonetheless the truth, and we wouldn't be here or be what we are, for better or worse, without them.
So being descended from the angels doesn't quite mean what we thought it meant. Being "men" doesn't mean what we thought it meant, either.
And we can more clearly see the sources of our war-like impulses, our competitiveness, our Either/Or thinking, our hardness of heart, our misuse of our intelligence as a weapon, and our lack of emotional wholeness that stems from not having enough connections between the right and left hemispheres of our brain.
Once you consciously see this you can make other choices. From "knowing yourself" and knowing your actual history, you can come to grips with the things that seem natural to you, but which are actually the result of purposeful genetic engineering that took place on distant planets eons ago. And you can make conscious correction.
You can teach yourself to use your reptilian strength and intelligence for good. You can consciously create more connections between the hemispheres of your brain and regain your emotional connectivity. You can expand your repertoire of thinking patterns far beyond Either/Or. Despite everything, you can humble yourself and open your heart and be healed. You can ask for help, and then all you have to do, is accept it when it comes.
The War in Heaven ended long ago. The Founders, the Pleiadeans, the Great Dragon Lords, and the All Seeing have gathered to end the last vestiges of it, here on Earth.
So what about the Wild Card? Your inheritance from the All Seeing?
The All Seeing are not reptilian at all. They are warm-blooded as we are and they appear to be comely men, who serve the Almighty and True God, our Beloved Creator. To them is granted the gift to see the past and the future, to know what is good and what is bad, to be able to heal what is seen and what is unseen, to nurture and to understand and to be complete and whole within the greater whole of Creation. They are given the peace of the True God which passes our understanding.
The All Seeing are known as The Wise -- but the Liars also call themselves "the" Wise, in the sense of "getting wise" and "Wise Guys".
The All Seeing cannot be fooled by the lies and con games of the Liars. They see through falsehood as easily as looking through a pane of glass, straight to the heart of the truth. They act from that truth, and their deeds are mighty. Their renown lives in all times and places, and they are called the Sons of God.
They gift you with your passion and high emotions, your understanding of words and your inborn sense of conscience and justice. They give you your power of true imagination, and the ability to weld thought and feeling into fact. As the True God is the Wisdom and the Well-Spring, they make themselves the Fountain, and pour forth their Father's Glory.
This is your inheritance from them.
Use their gifts and powers to re-imagine yourself and your world, not according to the lies and false presumptions of those having an interest in promoting themselves through your demise, but according to the image and will and majesty of Our Father in Heaven.
Homo sapiens sapiens might appear to be a small and insignificant creature, weak and short-lived and foolish, easy to deceive, easy to kill, vain, often insensitive, prone to selfishness, stiff-necked, noisy, and they create a lot of trash.
What can I say? Our Father has a great sense of humor.
To us, unworthy and confused as we are, has been given a destiny of great glory and honor, a destiny that others are more aware of than we are, and which they covet and some would seek to destroy.
Hold fast to your inheritance from the All Seeing. Turn on your Shinola Sensors and peg them on "High" so that when the Liars come, you will know the truth. When they want you to hate, turn away from their speech. When they want you to fear, shut your ears. Turn your face away from their distractions, deceits, and sideshow entertainments.
Heal. Let go. Accept. Ask for help. And keep your eye on the ball.
Your destiny is different than theirs, by the Grace of God. And your inheritance is certain.
13th January 2020, 01:25 PM
Anna von Reitz ( eD7eFSdF9dZXGI67RAKJm-9g&fref=nf)
16 hrs ( ·
The Pope, The Chemist, The Truth
It may have bypassed most people, but Pope Francis has an advanced degree in Chemistry.
He's a scientist under those priestly robes with a mind like a steel trap.
So how has it escaped his attention in the midst of all this talk about "Climate Change" ---that the atmospheric content of oxygen has dropped from 21% to just above 16%?
And that that is what is causing the gravitational shift and unsettling the magnetic dipole as well?
We know that oxygen is Anion ions in search of Cation ions. At the level of keylons it is highly charged and generating more than enough magnetic field force to cause gravitational attraction.
Read that: gravitational attraction has nothing to do with mass. It has to do with the amount of oxygen in our atmosphere and the magnetic field generated at its zero point. When you drastically reduce the amount of oxygen, you reduce the magnetic field strength and Earth begins to "wobble" and the magnetic pole begins to "walk"---which is what it is doing right now, straight toward Siberia.
It's not a matter of too much carbon dioxide.
It's a matter of too little oxygen.
If we increase the amount of oxygen instead of depleting it, things will return to normal. Minus, of course, the big fake emergency you've all engineered and the excuse you've drummed up for "carbon taxes" and oppressive "carbon regulations".
I suggest that you and all the Bully Boy corporate bosses and the P2 all do a 180, reverse throttle, and shift.
As we all know, oxygen is created by our little green friends, the plants, and especially the algae in the oceans (which the vermin have killed off with radiation) and the trees (which they have cut down and not replanted).
As we also have cause to know from recent events and the historical records and the United Nations ENMOD and Geoengineering and Weather Warfare treaties, that their Sky Jockeys have been "driving" the jet streams around like mobile water flumes and causing drought in one place and monsoons out of season in others.
The drought caused by this criminal idiocy is then used in an opportunistic fashion to set the stage for gigantic wildfires, exacerbated by spraying a bomb-like cocktail of flammable industrial metallic wastes all over the landscape --- and burning down more trees, causing more air pollution, and further depleting the atmospheric oxygen.
Pope Francis --- you have an advanced degree in chemistry.
I don't have to tell you that Lithium and Magnesium and powdered Aluminum Oxide are flammable. Turns out that all the other elements and compounds commonly found in "Chemtrails" are too--- every single one.
Are we supposed to believe this is a coincidence?
That all the industrial waste products that these corporations are spraying on us day after day just happen to be highly flammable materials that generate metallic combustion fires?
What plausible deniability do you have as a chemist for this apparently deliberate mis-representation of the whole situation?
Please tell us how you keep a straight face?
While we are on these subjects, let's give this factoid a thorough review for all the completely clueless politicians who flunked Eighth Grade Science.
Carbon dioxide makes up one three-hundredth of one percent of our atmosphere. That is: 1/300th of 1%.
Now, I know that thanks to dumbing down we have fewer and fewer math geniuses out there, but anyone can imagine cutting a big sheet cake into a hundred pieces and then taking one piece of that cake and cutting it into 300 itty bitty tiny little slices ---- and we can all see in our mind's eye what we wind up with: virtually nothing. Maybe half a crumb.
We are supposed to believe--- and you are standing there with a straight face telling us--- that this ridiculously small component of the atmosphere is causing any such affect as "Climate Change"?
Unless you are proposing that carbon dioxide acts as a catalyst in some as yet undiscovered, unpublished, undisclosed secret process, there is no way in-you-know-where that carbon dioxide plays any significant role in changing the climate or much of anything else.
Deliberately depleting our oxygen is a different story.
Any atmospheric scientist, any chemist, any oceanographer, anyone with any background in science at all has cause to know that all this talk about "Climate Change" being caused by carbon dioxide is complete and utter bunk.
Anyone who has thought about the "Greenhouse Gas Theory" for more than five minutes knows that that is complete bunk, too.
So seven billion people want to know how a guy with a degree in chemistry missed all of this?
We all want to know exactly why, in view of the facts, we shouldn't haul you and your guests and every politician who voted for the Paris Accords to the nearest dock?
We can give you all one-way tickets to Australia and a lifetime supply of garbage bags so you can help clean up the mess.
Pick up the bones of the billion-plus animals you killed for no good reason, animals that died in terror and torment because of Thugs and Liars and Evil-Doers ----and Fools who have believed this crap and shoveled it for you.
You should all be ashamed beyond all shame, especially when you reflect, that for all you have killed and destroyed, you can't give as much back as the life of a single ant.
My decree and judgment stands: all Catholic priests and all Bar Attorneys worldwide can have new jobs as gardeners Down Under.
13th January 2020, 01:39 PM
Anna von Reitz ( wPmdp23bo9vpE5pHrWqaBMWCBG4vHcgQNZ&hc_ref=ARStbnd3Vufb9Tr1_sLcDjL-PHmf6Zw-eqBNXZmx2vMzy984HBQVFiqKN521pElfhuI&fref=nf)
27 mins ( ·
Want Proof?
Even by my standards, I've been exposing some pretty outlandish things, and I understand that people will want proofs and basis for the credibility of what I am saying.
The existence of another version of Homo sapiens is probably the hardest pill to swallow, but it's published worldwide in every Bible in existence.
Remember what I have said about the J - Haplotype? That this version of man, the original Homo Sapien, lives hundreds of years?
What does it tell you in Genesis Chapter 5? Adam lived 930 years, Seth, his son, lived 912 years....?
And then, in Genesis 6:3: "My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years...."
This is where we, Homo sapiens sapiens, were created as a new version of Homo sapien. We are literally an offshoot from the race of Adam.
Our biology is different and our life spans and our brains are different, but we are still derived from Adam and are part of mankind.
So, given this, did God kill Adam's sons? No. Homo sapiens, the people we call "Neanderthals" went on living for many, many centuries after this.
They were giants compared to us, "the mighty men of old", and their cities can still be seen in the hill country north and east of Jerusalem. David fought such a man, Goliath, and references to this Adamic race dot the Old Testament.
The "big news" I am bringing you is simply that a very few of them are still alive now, scattered all over the world, and with modern medical advances, they are now poised to make a comeback and advancing the idea that as our Elder Brothers, so to speak, they should inherit the Earth and rule over us by right of Primogeniture.
Our answer is, and has to be, that they were passed over by our Creator, who according to his wisdom made the changes spoken of and told them why. Thus new sons of Adam were created and chosen, and thus we have prospered and they have dwindled.
Primogeniture doesn't enter into it, where God has chosen.
Still, we don't bear them ill-will or seek to be their enemies. We would be pleased for them to have life and pursue wisdom. The Father of us all made them and grants them life. Who are we to complain, so long as there is peace? Let them choose life for all of mankind, and not seek to enslave us by deceit or words of guile. We, too, have a right to live and to live in peace.
All the sons of Adam, both Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens sapiens, have the same inheritance of the Earth and we all have the same duty to take care of the Earth and not destroy it.
The second revelation that many people will find distasteful is that we are descended in part from reptiles and are in fact warm-blooded amphibians. We have fish, snake, and turtle genes. We are born out of water onto dry land, and as anyone who has studied embryology can tell you, we pass through distinctive stages of development that clearly demonstrate our genetic heritage from the reptiles.
And why should this surprise us or be any great cause of concern?
We are familiar now with the Fossil Record. We know that the dinosaurs, the Great Lizards, inhabited this planet millions of years ago. These reptiles gave rise to modern day reptiles and we take that for granted.
Where is the big leap in accepting that we have reptile genes, too? Lots of them.
When we fail to recognize our reptilian heritage, we can't properly observe and know ourselves and that makes it difficult to deal with some of the most problematic aspects of our nature.
Our snake inheritance is particularly troublesome, as it is both the source of our basic intelligence and our imagination.
So we have a baby and bathwater situation built into us at a biological level.
The same foundation that enables us to daydream and imagine and create, also gives us the ability to scheme and delude and destroy.
Thus, as the Bible explains, because of the snake (genes), we have the knowledge of good and evil ---- and the ability and responsibility to discern both.
Would you give up your ability to imagine? ---Or would you rather learn to choose and imagine what is good?
The snake actually gave us a great gift, but it is not without equally great responsibilities.
Until we recognize this heritage and see the snake within us, we are ill-equipped to know ourselves and our potential for both good and evil.
My attitude is that whatever is true, is true. We have to know and accept the truth, or we aren't dealing with a full deck--- and are crippled as a result.
Let 'er rip. I have snake genes. Great. So what?
It means that we have the ability to project our consciousness back into the past and forward into the future. It means that we envision people, landscapes, and even emotions based on words in a book. It means we can draw out architectural plans in our heads. It means that we can create and hear a symphony without actually picking up a single instrument.
The Sacred Marriage between thought and feeling can take place within us, and our ability to create both good and evil is unfettered, waiting for us to use, like a two-edged sword.
It is in fact a power so magnificent and so frightful, that it has been deliberately obscured and withheld from the vast majority of mankind.
Unfortunately, those who would destroy us and destroy our ability to create, are at work in the world. They see us as a dangerous and largely failed experiment. So they work with might and main to focus us on evil things, in an effort to secure our self-destruction.
They do everything they can to distort our vision into darkness and cataclysm and they profit themselves from it.
These Evil Ones are here among us, and they have used the false power of idols --- idolatry is one of the dangers of our imagination --- to enslave us.
As terrible as this is, as dangerous as this is, all we need to do is to wake up and stop listening to their propaganda, stop believing in their lies.
Those who wish for our destruction have no power over us. Their symbols have no power over us. Nothing that they project has power over us.
As soon as we turn our minds toward happy things, and our emotions toward love, their shadows disappear and new images emerge --- images of peace, images of beauty, images of oneness, images of harmony.
Their lies are exposed and set aside, recognized as nonsense.
So, you want direct proof?
Turn off your televisions and radios for the next thirty days, forget about war or politics or any of the other death and destruction propaganda----and during this time, go to your own mental Happy Place, instead.
Daydream about all the happy and joyous and fulfilling things you can think of and envision. Paint that picture. Write that book. Play with that new recipe. Kiss your own prince or princess. Watch the baby ducks paddling by. Smell the wet Earth in spring. Surround your loved ones in a golden cloud of love.
Imagine a crystal dish full to overflowing with jewels and gold coins, and you, just playing with them, running your hands through them, enjoying the colors and different shapes as baubles meant to be toys.
You are in a beautiful palace with high ceilings and bright windows. You can hear the birds singing and see flowering branches outside. All is at peace. The sunlight is warm and golden. The countryside stretches out before you, green and beautiful as far as the eye can see. You walk out on the balcony and feel the fresh wind flow over your skin like a caress. The stone floor is warm under your bare feet. You can hear a fountain splashing.
You are perfectly healthy. Perfectly attuned.
All is well. All is as it is meant to be.
Want more proof?
Make peace with the snake. Tell him that you understand now and that you have chosen what is good and what is true. Thank him for the gift of your imagination. You will learn to control it and guard it and use it well.
Take a deep breath in and exhale it out. It's over. You've come home.
There is, in this world, a time delay between what you envision and its materialization, a natural pause of varying duration between cause and effect. Suspend any doubt or disbelief. Just set such things aside. It's one way or the other, and you are here to find out what happens.
For the next thirty days, everything is on the sunny side of the street. Make the conscious effort to tune out the bad stuff and tune in the good. Rest, relax, daydream, snuggle, play. Be kind to yourself. Doodle. Daydream. Dance. Take naps.
You are on a thirty day vacation.
Yours is not to reason how or why. Just do it, if you want proof.
Take your mind to the South Seas and find a quiet beach. Watch the fronds of the palm trees playing with the wind. Smell the salt air. Stretch. A long, luxurious stretch, head to toe. Watch the tiny waves curl around your toes. Pick up a shell and be amazed by all its many designs and colors. Everything is crystalline and clear. You take a deep breath and wander along the beach, listening to the lapping waves, filled with peace.
It's late afternoon, July in Door County, Wisconsin, cherry season.... and the air is warm and the sand is golden and dusty underfoot. The one-lane dirt track you are following takes a dip downhill and then through a pine grove where the air is shady and cool and pine-scented. Just beyond the grove you can see the road winding on, bathed in sunlight again, and a small cabin built of stone looking out over the deep blue waters of Lake Superior. You have a basket of ripe cherries you are bringing home and dinner with friends planned for the evening. You stop for a moment and look at your little cabin with its copper weather vane and blue morning glories running along the porch railing. It's such a quaint, quiet little place, so far off the beaten track....
Or, switch your gears, you're at your mountain place in Norway and the snow is very deep....
You're grateful for you thick wool mittens and thick-soled snow boots, and you smile at your dog, bounding through the snow while you stay on the path to the woodpile. There is a cleared space in front of the woodpile already and the low-angled sun is amber-colored as you stoop down and pick up a last armload of birch logs. You can smell the snow and the saw dust as you turn back to the house. It's a lodge house made of ancient logs, tucked against the slope and facing south, away from the wind. Even so, the snow has drifted up, almost as high as the bottom of the windowsills....
Wherever your Happy Place is today, whatever it looks like, whatever season of the year it may be --- go there. Go alone, or take your companions. Commune with your cat. Pet your dog. Perhaps like my friend, Judy, you have a favorite bookshop in England where you like to roam. Maybe you want to sit on an empty bench at your favorite stadium. Maybe your Happy Place is in the Eighteenth Century, or Elmhurst, Illinois, in 1910.
It doesn't really matter, because your mind can take you anywhere.
Do this for thirty days, consistently. Don't let your mind wander off into ugly places. Erase any ugly, fear-producing images you happen to see. This is your time on Earth, not THEIRS.
At the end of thirty days of doing this, I guarantee that your world will be changed and you will be changed. And if enough of us do it, the whole world will be changed, for the better.
And then we won't have any arguments about whether I am full of beans or not. The truth will be right in front of your faces and within the bounds of your own experience and that will sort things out better and faster than any amount of question-answer or argument at all.
You want proof? I've given you a simple and pleasant way to prove it to yourself, and that's the best kind of proof there can ever be.
13th January 2020, 09:55 PM
Anna von Reitz (
3 hrs ( ·
Back About 50 Years Ago.... More Proof of a Different Kind
I live in Alaska, where the single-most obvious, visible, and oldest still-standing icon of Scalar Tech still stands --- HAARP. I not only knew or still know the people most crucial to its development, I know how it works and why it exists.
Believe me, I know the dangers that this technology in general presents, and also the blessings it could provide..
So the whole issue is what we do with our own money and our own minds? Are we to be trusted with ourselves? Or are we two-year-old children with another kind of hammer?
That's a question for us to decide.
We need to choose and we all need to know how this technology is used and deployed and we should not allow any amount of politicians hiding slush funds or militarists yelping about "National Security Concerns" deter us.
Also about the same time that HAARP was being recognized as an "issue of concern", another problem surfaced: Chemtrails.
They appeared in concert with two other plagues upon humanity, delivered by the same basic group of what can only be called: Fake Scientists, aided and abetted by----yes, dear---- Fake Journalists.
You have to know the other two parts of "The Story" before we get to Chemtrails.
The first part of "The Story" --- or maybe I should call it --- "The Script" --- was provided by a Stanford Professor: Paul R. Ehrlich, Author of "The Population Bomb".
Ehrlich did some simplistic computations followed by dishonest extrapolations, and convinced all sorts of people that our entire planet was doomed by the looming specter of human overpopulation-- as a "mathematical certainty" no less-- unless of course, we ceased all manufacturing, all agriculture as we know it, and most of all, stopped having sex and producing children.
If we didn't willingly self-castrate, the world was doomed. If we didn't stop eating anything but grass, the world was doomed. If we didn't ration water, the world was doomed. And, he even projected that this cataclysm would happen sometime in the 1980s, so there wasn't much time to prepare....
Right. Well.
It's 2020. We are still here. No signs of utter destruction yet.
I personally think that Professor Ehrlich dropped a half-dozen zeroes from his calculations. Read a four as a nine. Something like that.
And in any case: his theories have been thoroughly disproven along with his timelines. We should be concerned about overpopulation, but there is no excuse for the wide-spread hysteria Ehrlich caused and apparently, no end to the number of trusting people he misled.
The Population Bomb is credible-sounding story trumped up in "scientific terms" and what you get is the equivalent of a pernicious Urban Myth being used as the excuse for ill-considered political action and investment of public funds.
The Population Bomb is still causing clueless teenagers to have nightmares forty years after it was proven to be bunk.
I read The Population Bomb in about 1970, while it was still hot off the presses. I knew the math was bunk. I sniffed. I wrinkled my nose. I thought--- hmmm? Why would anyone in their right mind be peddling this? But I moved on without answering that question.
It was one of those Odd Aberrations like the IRS that I flagged, but I didn't dig into it at the time.
At about the same time, another Ugly Lie reared its head, only this one was brought forward and resuscitated from the early 19th century: The Greenhouse Gas Theory.
This theory postulates that the warming effect that our atmosphere has on the Earth is not just a result of insulating us like a warm blanket, but that certain kinds of gas in the atmosphere create a heat pump driven by those gasses reflectively radiating heat and interacting with -- and at the same time -- being radiatively "equilibriated" within the same system.
That's like saying my foot is inside and outside my shoe at the same time.
And it violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
It's utter, complete, and obvious bunk.
So why, in the name of good sense and logic, are we still talking about it 196 years after it was first proposed---and rejected?
And again, I wondered ---why is anyone in the scientific community talking about it, when they know it's bunk? Why are politicians parading this moldy doggerel out and using it as excuse for plugging the public purse?....
Ah, well, bingo, that's the point, isn't it? Most politicians know and care nothing about science. If it sounds plausible, they will buy it-- literally, and split the resulting purse with the Fakirs bringing the tripe forward. Regrettably, once this path to the pork barrel was discovered there was no stopping the proliferation of plausible causes and issues -- often tongue-in-cheek, which nonetheless yield pay days.
The Liar's Syndrome thus breached the walls of our science faculties and university departments, wormed its way through the Defense Contractor Maze, and landed full-blown in the National Laboratory System. From there, it ping-pongs back and forth.
I did my bit to debunk The Green House Gas Theory whenever and wherever I heard anyone making reference to it, but once again, it acquired the status of an Urban Myth.
As proven and demonstrated by The Greenhouse Gas Theory, such a myth may make no sense. It may have no scientific merit or validity at all. It may break axioms so set and reliable as to be considered natural "Laws" with no suggestion of a viable mechanism and certainly no experimental results or evidence in its favor---- but the Talking Heads will still plow onward, oblivious of any distinction between fact and fiction, so long as it makes a buck.
So we have two pieces of Quasi-Scientific Hokum -- The Population Bomb and The Greenhouse Gas Theory -- both appearing/reappearing about the same time, for no apparent reason.
In retrospect, it's easy to see that these both contributed to the proliferation of a form of mass hysteria predicated on ignorant "faith" in science, and that both contributed to the public's acceptance of another even Bigger Lie: Human-Caused Climate Change, purportedly the result of "skyrocketing" levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Forgive me for observing that with free carbon dioxide amounting to 1/300th of one percent of the atmosphere, it can "skyrocket" all it wants, and for a long time, without having any effect on anything.
In fact, if we "skyrocketed" atmospheric carbon dioxide all the way to one percent of the atmosphere --- basically 300 X its present concentration, the only likely effect would be faster accretion of coral reefs and other calcium carbonate structures, and greener, more robust plant life. And more oxygen for us to breathe.
Oh, my, I am running to the kitchen, checkbook in hand.... have to stop the terrible impacts of increased carbon dioxide!
At the same time a very real and pressing problem has developed---oxygen and ozone depletion, caused in part because of numbnutz efforts to suppress carbon dioxide levels and deliberate criminal activities.
Those criminal activities include sabotage of the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor (killing off vast amounts of algae (causing oxygen depletion) diatoms, fish, and marine mammals), deforestation of the Amazon Basin (more trees gone and more oxygen depletion), destructive manipulation of the world's jet streams (causing floods and droughts, both) and Chemtrails.
And who is pushing all of this? Religious nutcases who think they have to fulfill Biblical prophecy to keep their street cred.
I am not going to quote all the la-la from Revelation, but you've all read the "and the Angel poured out...." and "a third of all the creatures of the ocean perished" and "a half of all the land animals perished" and so on, but that is what they are trying to do.
The point is that the True God isn't doing any of this to us or to the Earth. Religious nutcase zealots are doing this.
They are also trying to carry out by their own hands, the prophecies about a third of mankind being destroyed by fire.
Here we have proof of it being planned and put in motion way back in 1985 ---- and by who? The Vatican. They minted a coin celebrating the glories of Chemtrails, so we don't have to ask where all the Chemtrails are coming from. We know.… ( ls%2Fubbthreads.php%3Fubb%3Dshowflat%26Number%3D16 156%26fbclid%3DIwAR32qhjtgAtLUy8KnAD6Wd0vJ1EYfwFeY Gs08-ZL_49Fcre8NRRlsvLKs9E%23.XhwOjndFwdk&h=AT3fMGtM1-QVZzGYG57SWraeU4bNlAgaalUyEEOTp7Mbjm032HYI-iwDaZrmUodL-7NAIHw5QLEl_A4V6bl2-EsE_zcr5NedfWNFh7wCG3ZBsOApBENNUQ_WRK40xsBZ-Bw6uIBCK3SkQseDxPyHy169kdS1w8dr)
What most people haven't known was what was in the Chemtrails, and what the composition of the Chemtrails implies.
It had to be ferreted out by concerned people doing painstaking soil sampling over a number of years in different locations, but the facts dribbled in, and here's what it amounts to.
Chemtrails contain a slurry of flammable industrial wastes that are conducive to spontaneous combustion and chemical fires. All the odd ear-mark components of Chemtrails are flammable. All of them.
Lithium -- flammable, potentially explosive when exposed to air and water.
Barium -- a flammable solid, produces hydrogen gas, may ignite spontaneously.
Strontium -- emits flammable gases on contact with water.
Magnesium -- highly flammable, especially when powdered.
Aluminum oxide dust -- forms explosive mixtures in air.
Thorium -- pyrophoric, ignites spontaneously.
Put their ability to control and manipulate the jet streams to cause artificial droughts together with their Chemtrail campaign ongoing for 35 years, blanketing the Earth with flammable metallic elements, and what have you got?
"God" destroying the Earth by fire, Alaska in the summer of 2019, Australia in the winter of 2019-2020, and only "God" knows where the Nasty Bastards will strike next, but we do know who is responsible for it.
He just happens to be a Pope with an advanced degree in Chemistry and not a shred of plausible deniability for peddling "Climate Change" or "Carbon Taxes" or dumping Chemtrails on us, either.
Now, I am going to put it straight to the Roman Catholic Church. This is YOUR problem. Along with the pedophilia and all the rest of it.
There is no reasonable doubt in my mind that someone, inside or outside the Church, torched Notre Dame on purpose and perhaps as a demonstration and a warning.
There is no doubt in my mind that unless the Church stops pursuing these evils, including the manipulation of the jet streams and the dumping of Chemtrails, unless the Church whole-heartedly repents from all of this agenda, the retaliation against the Church and its members and its institutions will only escalate. Innocent Catholics will be paying the price for the demonic elements in the Church leadership who are responsible for this madness--- men who have betrayed your trust, denigrated your faith, and shown themselves to be enemies of all Mankind.
Take a good look at the pictures from the fires in Alaska and Australia. See the innocent animals roasted alive? See the funerals of firemen and others caught in these deliberate, man-made infernos. This is nothing but the Immolation Sacrifice these madmen are making to their "god" --- Mollech. It has nothing to do with anything Christian at all. In fact, it is distinctly anti-Christian.
So the first thing you want to do is tell them that you know who they are and that you are not fooled after all. Express your disgust and dismay over their use of Chemtrails and their support of the phony Carbon Tax Narrative.
The second thing you want to do, is stop exposing your families to this. Protect your children. Keep them home and out of Catholic schools until this evil is purged from the Church.
Third, withhold your money and labor and support. If the Church will not repent, leave it. Do not be part of what comes to it as a result of the evils that it is stubbornly engaged in.
Fourth, warn all your family members, friends, and neighbors --- anyone who will listen. Let them know what you found out. These gigantic fires are no accident. They've been set up, planned for, since at least 1985.
Fifth, get busy and ride your politicians like horses. Let them know what you found out, too. Give them the same drill you give the Church officials.
Sixth, alert anyone and everyone that you know in the Fire Protection Services, the Police, and the Military. Give them a copy of this article if you want to. They are the ones most at risk. They are the ones most directly involved in fighting these fires. Ask them if they want to risk their lives so that these Actors can have their "fire sacrifices" and rampage around committing crimes against Nature and Humanity?
I am fully in favor of taking pitchforks inside their low-vibrational fence and routing them out of St. Peter's to answer for this, like so many hedgehogs.
14th January 2020, 05:36 PM
Anna von Reitz (
7 hrs ( ·
IRS Kicker 3
You can't beat the horse's mouth. Here is the video clip from 2013 in which former IRS Commissioner Steve Miller admitted that income taxes are totally "voluntary".
Unless they have changed the meaning of "voluntary" to mean "compulsory", millions of Americans have reason to differ with the foreign courts and private police forces engaged in pillaging and plundering unauthorized public trusts.… ( wPYPYVPgW4EOxaXoshQ-LsKw)
In case it has not dawned on some people yet, by "impersonating" us and creating these various corporations functioning in our names, the perpetrators are unlawfully converting our private earnings into corporate income -- which they can then tax.
All "income" is a corporate profit accrual that has nothing to do with your small business or private earnings at all. You have to be set up as a corporation --- think: Articles of Incorporation, Board Members, Officers, Shareholders, etc.--- before you even have "income".
So what is actually going on here?
Well, these foreign corporations came in here and "seized upon" your name, infringed upon your natural copyright and the evaded the protections you are owed under the Constitutions.
They created corporation franchises for their own actual corporations, the US, Inc., and the USA, Inc., and named these franchises (like Dairy Queen franchises) after you.
Then, as they created and laundered money through these franchises --- money (according to them) coming from activities related to interstate manufacture, sale, and transport of firearms, alcohol, and tobacco --- but actually representing your private earnings, they claimed that you were engaged in these industries and had income as a result.
Complete, total, fraud.
So you can imagine the situation. Here are these IRS auditors and agents coming in to examine the books of JOHNNY WALKER, INC. They think you are running a corporation. They are convinced that your earnings are corporate "income". Moreover, because you are supposedly getting this income from shady sources and regulated activities, they are already pre-disposed to think of you as some questionable, shady character, too.
And you walk in, innocent of the flowers in May, having no idea what is going on, no idea what they are seeing or thinking based on the (false) information they have been given, and you have conversations that make no sense at all.
You, of course, are talking about money that you earned running your own small business or working at a job, and they are talking about corporate income. And because nobody involved realizes that there is this gargantuan impersonation fraud involved, it stands.
The IRS Agents come in like they are fighting the Whiskey Rebellion and you are left standing there, still clueless, hat in hand.
So, put this handy-dandy video clip in your iPhone collection and on your computer, ready to send to any IRS official who contacts you. You are free to explain that for you, a non-citizen, non-Federal Employee, payment of federal taxes is voluntary and you are choosing not to volunteer.
The other thing that you need to know is that there are two (2) "IRS" organizations. There is the Internal Revenue Service, collecting money for the British Territorial United States Government, which acts under the premises described above, and there is the IRS, collecting money for the Papist Municipal Government, which has a different rationale, leading to the same ends.
The Papist Municipal Government pretends that you owe it money for the privilege of impersonating yourself and operating as one of their incorporated franchises. In other words, they are taxing your "corporation" --which you don't even know exists-- for a privilege you are unaware of, too.
They claim that you have been "pledged" by your Mother, or by FDR, or otherwise by yourself, to pay Municipal Income Taxes--- which they call "Peter's Pence".
Peter's Pence has been collected as an income tax since the 1100's, and it is collected by the Inquisition, as a "gift" and "special offering" that is due every year on April 15th.
This is the reason that all the incorporated PERSONS were warehoused in Puerto Rico, where the Municipal Government had access to the Spanish Law of the Inquisition, and this is why the persecution of American "TAXPAYERS" has been so brutal.
When we took this to Rome and bearded the then-Pope and his Vatican Chancery Court Officials, they replied that oh, no, this was a great misunderstanding! No, of course, we were exempt from any such collection! And as for the PERSONS, they were all tax percuse --- meaning "tax pre-paid".... The PERSONS were merely given to us as gifts....
Like Trojan horses.
The mis-administration by the Inquisitorial IRS is legend and so are the horror stories of those victimized by it. Unlike their Territorial Brethren, these IRS Officers usually do know what they are doing and they know that it is a crime, and they do it anyway --- "for their holy cause".
The best thing you can do if you suspect that you have run afoul of this breed of "IRS" official, is to look them right in the eye and say, "I am not a Catholic, I don't embrace your holy cause, I am not pledged nor pledging, and I don't consider Municipal citizenship a benefit or privilege of any kind. I am a foreigner with respect to the Municipal Government owed every jot of The Constitution of the United States agreements."
It's only when they "know that you know" what they are doing and the premises upon which they are acting that these Gila Monsters let you go.
They usually identify themselves by using the "IRS" designation.
And now, finally, we will observe that both these Subcontractors are impersonating you for other reasons as well as being able to tax you under False Pretenses.
They are conspiring to evade the requirements of the Constitutions governing their operations on our shores, and as such, are operating as "enemies"--- both foreign and domestic.
They are obligated to shoot themselves for it, but since both these organizations are, at the end of the day, owned and operated by the Pope, there is no credible reason for any of this. He is "fighting" against himself, because he owns the Territorial "Commonwealth" Government which the Queen manages for him, and he directly owns the Municipal United States Government and all its franchises through the incorporation of the City of Rome.
Once again, as with the Chemtrails and the gun grabbing in Virginia and the mis-administration of the "IRS" and the pedophilia and all the rest of it --- all roads lead to Rome and Babylon, if you want to be more precise.
Time to wake up, people. Time to take action
14th January 2020, 05:41 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Fgh-4PbPn8KY2L3Jp0GuemDg&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
Notice That I Am One Lawful Person
I don't have super powers. I don't have unlimited time. I don't have unlimited space. I don't have unlimited help. I don't have unlimited resources of any kind. I don't have the immediate answer to every question and every need.
I get on average several thousand emails a day. I get several hundred pieces of mail every single day.
We, my team and I, do our best to share the results of our research and our legal and diplomatic work, but it is a gross understatement to say that we are stretched thin and often exhausted.
It isn't that we don't sympathize. It isn't that we don't want to help. But you are all grown ups and you can see that there is no way for our relatively small organization to assist 320 million people one-on-one. It just isn't possible.
That is why we have made and continue to make the effort to educate your State Coordinators and also to educate you directly--- to better enable you to "know who you are" and defend yourselves and develop court-admissible evidence in your own behalf in support of your position as an American.
There are many, many issues to address --- everything from "lawful postage" rates to child custody to income taxes and beyond. As we are currently set up and funded --- by donations --- we can't address them all.
Every day I get up and I have to pick and choose what I can do today.
Everyone reading this needs to consider--- what can I do today to help myself or help someone else get through this? --- in exactly the same way I do.
There are those who are used to the Nanny State, and who assume that we should be able to hand out welfare and do all the things that they are used to receiving from THEIR government, but that is not and never was our government.
Self-governance is an entirely different prospect.
Nearly every day I have to reply to people whining that they aren't getting enough service. Where do they think these services are coming from?
If you self-govern, they come from where?
We have to do this ourselves, all of it. Our own court system. Our own peacekeeping. Our own money. Our own recordkeeping. Our own political system. Our own elections.
We have boarded our Ship of State and we are running it on a skeleton crew. We are making headway and maneuvering skillfully. We are doing all that we can possibly do for the country and the people as a whole, and as we can, for individual people, too.
But----- that said, we cannot and do not propose to do everything for everyone and that is not the proposal we have set before you at all.
You have the right to self-govern, but you have to have the will to self-govern, too. You have to grab an oar and do the actual work. You have to fund it. You have to participate in it.
You have responsibilities that go with the rights you are heir to, and sitting around carping about your "rights" while failing to exercise them, is just so much hot air.
We have developed effective information to help you safely stop paying Federal Income Taxes.
We have developed effective means for you to reclaim your birthright political status and lay claim to your assets.
We have developed an organized government in most States of the Union and through these organizations are training more people to assist people in reclaiming their birthright political status, do credit exchanges, fight illegal foreclosures, and provide more support for individuals.
Your State Assembly is the place where you need to go for help with these sorts of issues and if you don't have a State Assembly yet, you need to form one.
This is self-governance in action.
15th January 2020, 03:45 AM
Anna von Reitz ( CUPWfZ10kJ9_7sUq&hc_ref=ARSD30Yf1ih3EUWNgwaQcCCtIOFx8b6sx2z3H09O82y zi-PTkPKBPEnotqOfh03bkFM&fref=nf)
25 mins ( ·
The Gra-El Kings and Greg Hallett's [Weird] Declaration
Among the other extraordinary claims made by this Australian Grandmaster and erstwhile British Noble complete with titles, etc., is a recent public recording in which he, Hallett, claims to be a Gra-El King, and to be the --- get this --- Posthumous Progeny of Queen Anne Boleyn.
Now, I regularly have to deal with a lot of weird stuff and ancient history and claims from people claiming to be everything from God to Rosie the Riveter. I even have to deal with alien technology and yes, what most people would consider "aliens" though in fact, the Other Beings referenced have been here all along, and often a lot longer than we have.
From their perspective, we are the New Comers.
In full view of how strange the world can actually be, and in all the years I have been plodding my way through it, I do think Gregory Hallett's claim takes the cake.
Imagine this---- after Anne's guiltless and untimely death, her headless body was salvaged, DNA was extracted from her cadaver, and used to create children of Anne Boleyn. According to Greg, he's one of the progeny.
They still wouldn't have been sons of King Henry VIII. But who cares?
I digress.
It is entirely possible to recapture DNA from cadavers and use it to incubate a human baby.
How do you think the original Homo Sapien strain was kept alive, when 99% of the females died giving birth? Doesn't the Bible tell you that the True God can raise up sons of Abraham from rocks?
Ironically, that isn't even the wildest part of this particular declaration. It's his claim to be a Gra-El King.
I used that style of the name, "Gra -El" in an article, a few months back, and so far as I know, that is the first time that name has appeared in print. Ever.
I did that to point out that these Kings are "El" --- as in "Elohim". They are not human.
They are members of the Elder Race of Sirius B, the priest-scientists called the "All Seeing", the ones who bred the Seraphs, and whose DNA is part of our own -- the part that makes the miracle of a warm-blooded amphibian possible. Some people have called it "the God gene", and so it is.
So, to be a Gra-El King, Greg Hallett would have to be a scion of the All Seeing.
Let's describe the Gra-El Kings --- they are very tall, very pale, and in their youth --- which can last thousands of years --- they have an abundance of fine, soft, wavy, dark auburn (red-brown) hair. It is a truly beautiful but strikingly different color, so different that if you ever see it, you will notice it. It's not brown. It's not red. It's like Cherry Cola shot through with sunshine.
You will stop. You will look. You will take note. It may not strike you as anything too horribly odd, but you will notice their hair color if you ever see a young Gra-El King.
The other things you will notice right off are their eyes and their mouths.
Their eyes are pale aqua with dark blue rings around the iris, and flecks of gold that make their blue eyes appear green in some light. Again, there is nothing truly odd about this, but their eyes, like their hair, are a very striking color.
Their mouths are finely sculpted, with a flat spot on the lower lip, and overall in the shape of a "Cupid's Bow".
Today, the progeny of the All Seeing left on Earth are pretty much limited to a few small areas in Austria-Hungary, Ireland, and Croatia. The traits come through the Paternal line, and once in a great while, there will be a true "throwback" to the All Seeing.
There is a mysterious young man that I have seen in London with his Italian-Irish Mother, who is the splitting image of a Gra-El King, but he entirely lacks the gentle and caring nature of the All Seeing, and if he has the All Seeing gifts, he is not using them for good purposes. To me, he brought to mind the young Uther Pendragon, ready to spite the world.
Nonetheless, I had occasion to attend a public function with him and his Mother, and it would not be an overstatement to say that when he walked in, every head in the room turned and you could hear an audible intake of breath.
On Earth, the remaining progeny of the All Seeing tend to age rapidly and live short lives. Their dark auburn hair starts turning pure white around the age of thirty, and by forty-five, they will be completely white-haired----though still having youthful looking faces.
I am giving you this description so that when someone says he is a Gra-El King you will know what one looks like, but that is not even the defining characteristic of the Gra-El. The defining characteristic of the Gra-El is the fact that they are literally "All Seeing".
Like Jesus.
For real.
It is traditional to paint Mary Magdalene with dark red hair, and I often hear theories about her being the "Holy Grail", but they are missing the point, in a "chicken or egg" way. Mary Magdalene could have been a descendant of the All Seeing ---- the Gra-El, not the Grail.
That would certainly explain why she alone had the certain knowledge that Jesus was going to his death in Jerusalem. And the red hair.
16th January 2020, 07:15 PM
Anna von Reitz ( Tord6ij3cIYx8ODz3pSJSyrQ&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 4:40 PM ( ·
False Gods and False Men
Some people are wondering why I have "veered off" a bit from my normal course and focus on restoring American Government. It's because other forces are at work to undermine not only America, but the entire world at this time. I shall soon return to exposure of what has passed for our government, but it is also necessary now to expose what has passed for our God.
There is a True God.
The True God is a Spirit, called by many names, and described by no less than 72 descriptions in the Bible. These descriptions are not names. They are attributes of the True God, like Mercy, Compassion, and Ultimate Wisdom.
I suppose my favorite description of Our Father is: The Spirit of Truth, because people can more easily contrast this with The Spirit of Falsehood.
As I have explained before, our imagination is among our greatest gifts and powers, in no small part because our imagination -- our ability to picture things in our mind's eye -- also inspires our feelings and our actions. But, as I also observed, our imagination is a double-edged sword.
If our imagination is based on truth, blessings abound and progress is made. If our imagination is distorted by falsehood and omissions, things go sideways.So we must make the effort to discern and reason and ask for help to find Truth and adhere to it, if we want our lives to be happy and our world to prosper.
Our imagination has several known weaknesses, one of which is the tendency toward idolatry. Idolatry arises because we get confused between an image of reality, like a photograph, and reality itself. This perceptual confusion leads to odd-- even insane-- assumptions and activities.
In ancient times people made "images of God" in the form of statues, even though the True God is invisible to our physical eyes. These statues were mistaken for and treated as if they were the True God. Imagine the spectacle of a million people all encamped on the Plains of Babylon, all bowing down to a statue made of wood and iron?
And today, we have made "images of value" in the form of coins and currency, bonds and promissory notes. It's the same thing. Idolatry. The perceptual confusion between something that is intangible and a physical representation of what cannot be seen or exactly defined.
Now imagine the spectacle of the New York Stock Exchange? Thousands of traders poised like starving dogs, hunched over computer terminals, holding their chit cards, watching the big screens and small screens as if their lives depended on the flashing letters and numbers--- which are again--- "images of value" as fleeting as the numbers rolling across the screen.
What has happened is that we have been confused and have misused "keylons" or "keys" to our own brain circuitry --- letters and numbers --- to create a false, representational reality that is just as whackjob in its own way as building a stone statue and then bowing down and worshiping it.
There is even a name for the particular False Deity worshiped at the Stock Exchange --- Mammon. And, as it happens and as it has always been, it is impossible to worship both the True God and Mammon.
If you are nose down in the dirt worshiping an idol --- you can't possibly perceive the True God.
You've been distracted and deceived and aren't even looking for the Truth. Your eyes are closed. Your perception is distorted. Your attention is diverted, and here's the kicker--- you don't even know that it is.
As a result, you can't correct and get your mental train back on track. You don't even know that it's off track and speeding toward oblivion.
In the same way you have been falsely claimed as chattel backing the debts of a corporation doing business "as" the United States, and worked half to death and oppressed under False Pretenses, and yet, never noticed it.
The Sons of Mammon used words and images, slogans and similar names, propaganda and false statistics and false, manipulated market reports, and they told "white lies" that turned into "grey lies" that turned into black lies, and they trooped the colors and you were deceived.
It's the same way that your lawful government has been converted into a legal "system" ---- "system" in the sense that Chicago gangsters use the word.
It's the same way that your name has been unlawfully converted, without your knowledge or consent, into the name of a corporation "doing business as" YOU.
This is how you, the living man, have been subverted and reduced to the level of an idol: a STRAWMAN.
This is why it is necessary to pray to the True God for help and protection from delusion and why it is necessary to discipline and guard and make wise use of your imagination.
All this evil for the sake of "profit" --- Mammon --- is based on Delusion. Falsehood. False representations.
False men, STRAWMEN, are created to worship False gods----CORPORATIONS.
All this evil has been accomplished using this one flaw in our imagination: our tendency toward idolatry, the perceptual confusion between what is true and a false physical representation of it.
It's as if we are not able to tell the difference between a man and a photo of a man, but we are in fact able to discern the difference if we turn our minds to it.
So turn your minds to it. Is that name on a piece of paper equivalent to you? Is a photo of you equivalent to you?
Come on, wake up, get serious.
Are those THINGS --- the US, INC. and the USA, INC. or the UN, INC.--- "representative" of you? Or are you representative of them?
The living men and women on this planet need to wake up or there won't be a planet. The deluded promoters of Corporate Feudalism intent on their worship of their False God will destroy everything for everyone, and won't even realize they are doing it.
So now we come to an important part of the discussion --- who is responsible?
And the answer is: the Pope.
I know that a lot of people will be aghast and wondering how that could possibly be? They are used to thinking of the Pope as a religious leader, but not used to thinking of him as the Chief Conductor of the Jurisdiction of the Air.
And what exists in the Jurisdiction of the Air?
The Jurisdiction of the Air is the realm of thought and feeling, of spirits and unseen realities, of dreams and inventions ---- and also the realm of "mental constructs", "business models", "logos", "patents", "trademarks", "IDs", "copyrights", "S-Corps", "C-Corps", "B-Corps", "Non-Profit Corps", "Foundations", "Cooperatives", "LLS's", "Trusts", "Marriages", "Estates", and so on.
That is why the Pope has the unique power --- and obligation --- to liquidate any corporation that engages in unlawful activities.
And by that we mean "legal" activities.
Look up the definition of "legal" in Bouvier's Dictionary.
When the Pope doesn't do his duty, the entire world gets sidetracked into the False Worship of Mammon.
The corporations that he is supposed to ride herd on run rampant and are not held to account. They start operating "legally" but not "lawfully" as our contract with the Pope requires. They are left undisciplined and are not rebuffed in their ruthless lust for profit by any means.
Thus, Monsanto poisons half the world and suffers no punishment for it. Thus, the "US, Inc." indulges in press-ganging and enslavement and identify theft and credit theft and suffers no rebuke. Thus, the "U.S. Bar Association" promotes pillaging of unauthorized public trusts and gets away with it. Thus, the "USA, INC." cheats our soldiers and service members and lies to the people of this country and is not brought up short.
And yes, this and vastly much more, is the Pope's fault.
He and his immediate Predecessors have fallen into idolatry, so much so that instead of disciplining the corporations and keeping them in check, he is promoting their ascendancy over mankind and trying to consolidate all power in the "UN Corporation", which (he thinks) will be a willing servant to the Holy See.
In that, too, he and his cohorts at the Vatican are deluded and fallen into idolatry.
The nature of Corporations is unnatural. They are false in every respect possible.
Corporations do not even exist apart from a business model --- a collection of ideas about how they are structured and how they function and setting limits on what they can do or not do, what advantages they have or don't have.
And then each one of them must be individually created on paper and "chartered" --- mapped out and their "offices" must be filled with "persons" --- not people.
They are airy-fairy Beasts from the realm of Falsehood.
So now the True God has come and sees what idiocy men have fallen into and the evil that they promote "in his name" and as you can all understand, he is not pleased. When he sees gangs of these miscreants rampaging around interfering with the weather and killing billions of animals, he gets downright angry.
And now perhaps you can all see more clearly why idolatry is still a big issue in the modern world and why we are on the brink of destruction because of it, and why we must all make the effort to regain control of our imagination and apply our discernment.
And also why we all need to be sitting on Pope Francis and banging on his door and enforcing the contracts we have with the Holy See and holding him and the Bishops to account.
16th January 2020, 07:20 PM
Anna von Reitz (
7 hrs ( ·
Can’t Anyone In This Country Read?
For the last three weeks I have been reading endless hysterical reports about gun grabbing in Virginia and I even shared my correspondence to the Pope about it and still there are people so clueless that they haven’t noticed what the “Governor” in Virginia is “Governor” of?
The Commonwealth of Virginia.
Is that Virginia, the State?
Is that even the State of Virginia?
Is it even the STATE OF VIRGINIA?
Wake up!
This man “acting” as “a” Governor in Virginia has no authority to issue any orders affecting any actual Virginian.
Nor does he have any authority over any U.S. Territorial State of Virginia or its U.S. Citizens, either.
If you are not a Pauper on the public dole seeking welfare benefits as a ward of the Commonwealth of Virginia, he can’t say or do spit with you or your guns.
The only people he can order around are members of the Commonwealth— Paupers and welfare dependents receiving actual Federal Welfare Benefits.
So stop calling this idiot by names and titles he does not possess!
He is not The Governor of Virginia, nor is he the Governor of the State of Virginia. He’s the Pope’s locale Nabob and the Queen is derelict in her duty to shut him down and observe his limits and so is the Pope.
Don’t bother talking to him. Go straight to his Bosses and get in their faces. They know the limits of his role and “powers” so make them responsible for controlling their own employee.
16th January 2020, 07:26 PM
Anna von Reitz ( MMRnZEj0kbjiQaoE&hc_ref=ARQ_ztMmFYTNfn5DOVOxfOV_-0kCIetsd5YpY3URpUCUmqi_KxGDY9BhhcO-oWYmqxA&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
Symbols, Icons, and Keylons
Ever go to a baseball game and noticed the hand signals passing back and forth between the pitcher and the catcher? And often, the other players as well? How about football? Seen those signals, too?
Okay, so, have you gone to a courtroom and watched the attorneys passing signals back and forth among themselves and with the judge? Same thing.
And if you are alert, you have long seen the same use of hand signals going on in the media and among the politicians, too --- for example, FDR's famous "V" for "Victory".
But is it a "V" for "Victory" or is it a "V" for something else?
It's actually a very ancient hand signal of the followers of "the Horned God" --- Baphomet.
It takes discernment to know if someone is using it innocently to denote "Victory" in some struggle, or if they are an initiate in the Kingdom of Liars connecting to and asking for the support of other initiates.
In the same way, a crucifix has a double meaning and discernment is necessary.
A crucifix can be a constant reminder of what Jesus suffered ---- a symbol calling us to repent our sins.... can be a gloating remembrance of how Baphomet "triumphed" over his body, mocked him, and inflicted cruelty and pain on one who was blameless.
While a "V" for "Victory" is a temporary symbol that is here and gone like a flag signal, an "icon" -- a symbol made physical -- like the flag itself, is much more permanent.
We are surrounded by such symbols that have acquired double meanings.
Is it the Statue of Liberty? Or an idol honoring a venal and foreign goddess named by various names: Semiramis, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Ashtar, Isis, Cybele, Sybil, and..... Columbia?
As in District of Columbia?
The phenomenon of "Q" is an example of a countering symbol, raised against the Corporatists.
The followers of Baphomet have always been Corporatists. They change living bodies into dead bodies ---- Corps. Get it?
That's why they play games with legal terms like "natural person" in Probate Court, to mean "corpse".
The only power that Baphomet (whatever you want to call the Devil) has, is the power to destroy, murder, deflower, and defame. These people take life, but can't give it back. In that sense, they are thieves.
And all their works are crimes, all based on lies and illusions and delusions of one kind or another.
So it behooves us to see how these criminals do what they do on a larger scale, to observe how they get people focused on negative things, how they distract people from what is important in every situation, how they twist our emotions by feeding us bad information, and overall, how they impersonate what is living and seek to substitute what is dead.
It also behooves us to seek the truth within ourselves, to face our struggle to recognize what is true and what is false, to discipline our imaginations and guard them against manipulation, and to be vigilant guardians of life -- all life.
What appears to be physical substance in this world is actually composed of the symbols, the keylons, which includes numbers and letters, that project and order our perceptions.
Those perceptions become thoughts, the thoughts translate to emotions, and the emotions become actions.
You perceive smoke coming from the edge of your jacket cuff. You think: "My coat sleeve caught fire!" So you are immediately alarmed and fearful of injury. This prompts you to take quick action to put the fire out, either by smothering it or splashing it with water.
Perception becomes thought, thought becomes emotion, emotion becomes action.
At every step, you must be receiving and properly processing true information, or you wind up thinking wrong thoughts, feeling wrong emotions, or taking inappropriate action.
What if what appears to be a smoking coat sleeve isn't smoking? What if the "smoke" is fog instead? What if it isn't coming from your coat sleeve?
You see the problem. It's easy for these fraud artists to feed you bad information or set up illusions that you fall victim to.
Like the illusion that the "Governor" of the "Commonwealth of Virginia" is The Governor of The State of Virginia, for example.
You have to maintain clarity and be sharply observant, but this can be difficult to do, when you have spent a lifetime without such focus.
Begin by trying to clear your mind like erasing a chalkboard.
It's extraordinarily difficult for most people to do and maintain for more than a second or two at first, but try. As you keep trying to "quiet your mind" you will be able to stay in this empty state of awareness for longer periods of time, and use it as a place both to rest and to observe without judgement.
You will discover that you can be aware without words or numbers -- simply aware and taking in the view. And in this restful state of awareness, you will know what is true, because you can bypass the jumbled up true and false symbols, icons, and keylons the same way that water bypasses a maze of rocks.
17th January 2020, 06:38 PM
Anna von Reitz ( hjI7TE_E5GEPVQHtSzJoQGroNZS4ztIc_u&hc_ref=ARSDOXi_VoBss4TBc6ymPFO8JC4dSuCFFAVA9UrX-OkR4uKKn1TjZCbhwPVKseCmfAU&fref=nf)
4 hrs ( ·
American National Alert and Appeal
I am being told by my intelligence sources (and bits and pieces are being confirmed in the news media) that rogue elements in Dick Cheney’s Department of Homeland Security (which is a private subcontractor and “executive” Department like DOJ—- meaning that they subcontract for our Subcontractors) —-were also working for “Hell’s Brigade”.
They conspired with other members of this elite transnational mercenary group which has infiltrated the national militaries of many nations including Iran and the US to steal two small nuclear bombs called “Baby Boomers” that are easily transported via railroad car or shipping container —-from an arsenal in the Southeastern United States.
The bombs are thought to be intended to stage another even worse attack than 911 on our own soil. The attack would take out the records of our so-called “Legacy Trusts” and Land Office Records for the past two centuries which are stored in Kansas —so the Vermin could come in and claim whatever they want about who owes our gold and who owes our land.
For my money, call it yet another Papist-British-Zionist collusion scheme — an attempt to steal our assets and avoid their own debts by any means possible.
Colorado would be a secondary target because that’s where the back-up records were stored. Please note—-“were” stored. A team of clerks transported computer data copies of all our land records and Legacy Trust data to our safe, if humble, Patriot Archive this morning.
Soleimani was involved in transporting and acquiring medical grade Uranium made in Iran into this country via our Southern Border, and from there it could be amassed and used to construct more bombs on site in major cities across America.
Iranian and Danish officials discovered the theft of the medical grade Uranium from Iranian facilities and tracked it back to Soleimani. The Iranian Government was afraid of him and what he was doing and ratted him and his collaborators out to the US.
Now the hunt is on to locate the missing bombs and the “small batch” Uranium stolen from the Iranian nuclear facilities by Soleimani and crew.
The men doing these awful things are driven by hatred and greed and a shared total disrespect of life and truth. They come from all nations and all disciplines and walks of life but have only one true allegiance — to a pagan religion that is called “The Religion of the Dead” and which takes its premises from the Grimoire of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
This is the “religion” of the Nazi SS and also the “religion” of Aleister Crowley and his Temple of the Golden Dawn, which in its English form is called Thelema and which in its German form is called The Thule Society.
This is very creepy, very polluted, demon-centered magick. The Practitioners forget what end awaits them.
The rumors that Crowley was Barbara Bush’s Father are substantiated by Crowley’s own diary and together with Prescott Bush’s financial support for Adolf Hitler makes a convincing argument that the Bush Family was part of an inter-generational cult of closet Satanists.
Do you think that it is a coincidence that GW was reading a nursery story about a goat to school children as 911 was going down? The Goat is the animal totem of The Horned God, Baphomet, the Demon these people worship.
ISIS was named after their principal goddess— Isis, the Egyptian name of Semiramis, also known as Ashtoreth, Astarte, Cybele, Sybil, and Columbia—- as in “District of Columbia”.
This ancient pagan plague came to Rome and became a popular religion after the fall of Carthage and was picked up by the Roman Legionnaires and the Coliseum Gladiators —remember their salute to Caesar: “We, who are about to die, salute you!”
It has continued to be practiced in secret and not so-secret, especially in military circles ever since.
It seems that at least some of those who make war for a living go soft in the head and make a cult of dying.
So, Hell’s Brigade has been summoned to wage an ersatz nuclear war on America.
By taking out Soleimani we took out one of the heads of the viper—- a man who was willing to set up his own country as the Fall Guy for this plot.
As usual the Plotters were aiming for a Double Score—- destroy our trust and land records so that we could never claim back what is owed to us, and at the same time, use this attack as an excuse to attack Iran.
Just like the bogus BS against Iraq and Libya and 911 it was a set up executed by the same group of mercenaries being paid by the same British and Israeli Banks and using the same subcontractors to do it and all planned out and supported by the same no-good politicians and industrialists.
Cheney had better hope and pray to God that we find those nukes and medical Uranium stockpiles. If we don’t, and those things actually get detonated on American soil, the mis-named “Department of Homeland Security” is likely to be deconstructed down to a subatomic level.
And as for those people planning on attending any Pro-Gun Rally in Virginia —don’t.
The “Governor” of a “Commonwealth” has no power to take the guns of rank and file Americans. All you have to do to stop him is make sure that you are counted as a rank and file American and NOT as any kind of “US” Citizen.
For assistance doing that, go to: ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR0LjQ03xqbYx7gCq0VIEVvWdlcRJ 28uSQOqiB450_400tEDBTxy9736yn4&h=AT21mtctslRlNPex-FVF6pWZy3gADEcl7AoViYZNws0rQnKz28v9GdBpEJ84hCz2HM4 VwV_K-tR9sbU8cqg5Dsx7wz5swZ5MW9sEnLT4c4InlEMb8Xs5EXIefkN UqGSux2Zpr61UvXib_BSAoT0cXalVuM9hNlQN)
Declare your political status and join your State Assembly and you can thumb your nose to all “offers” to subject you to gun grabbing, false arrests, child snatching, federal “income” taxes, political correctness, and all the other associated evils.
Just come home to America. Stop living in that corrupt and nasty Doppelgänger called “the US” and (unwittingly) subjecting yourselves to its foreign laws and its “Commonwealth” Governors.
The organizers of the Virginia Rally need to have the good sense of horses, realize it’s just another trap— the Vermin trying to get something going so that they have an excuse for killing innocent people— and call it off.
Cancel. Don’t go.
With all this other crappola in the air and nationwide man-hunts ongoing over entire states, this is no time to leave home. It’s time to hunker down and help your family and communities. And keep your guns safely at home for self-defense purposes.
Finally, we need our Prayer Warriors and People of Good Will to come to our defense as a nation that’s greatest sin was falling asleep.
Please know that America didn’t do these horrible things to the rest of the world—-the Pope’s Municipal Government dba “the” United States and the Queen’s Bully Boy doing business as “the” United States of America are the culprits and they have been operating in our names and doing evil in our names like any other criminal impostor.
The Pashats are needed now for the search and destroy mission.
17th January 2020, 06:42 PM
Anna von Reitz ( jhME4dEpIc3AUAmYM7n&hc_ref=ARTOtx0kqZ44Hp-FOWQMJ7YFeP-pXlxmxM59-DMakcRLyqzt1EhnSqC-6o_XJmEZOps&fref=nf)
3 hrs ( ·
From James Belcher -- False Flag in Virginia
I don't often speak out, but I am doing so today.
The Agents of the Municipal Government (Pope) are planning another attack in Virginia, by which they hope to justify violence and seizure of our guns.
I am going to explain something that every member of the Armed Services and every veteran from every branch of service should understand.
When you enter the Service, you sign a contract. That contract obligates you to a tour of duty. During your tour, you stand under military law.
That is simple enough for anyone to understand and everyone who has been there knows what I am talking about.
Would it surprise you all to learn, that having placed yourself under that law, you remain under that law until you remove yourself from it again?
It used to be that you were automatically presumed to return to your lawful status as an American once you leave the Service, but that is no longer the case.
You have to declare your political status as an American and willfully "return" home to your natural jurisdiction on the land and soil of this country in order to stand under the law of this country----- and regain your Constitutional rights and guarantees.
It's that simple.
The only way that the "Governor" of any Municipal "Commonwealth of Virginia" gets to mess with your guns, is if you are clueless and fail to declare your proper political status and allow him to "presume" that you are acting in the capacity of a "citizen of the United States", instead of as an American.
Just like in the Service, a commanding officer can tell his troops to disarm.
That is what this "Commonwealth" Governor in Virginia is doing. He is ordering all his Municipal "citizens" to disarm themselves. They have to do so, because they signed up. They have a contract to obey him.
You, on the other hand, can exercise your exemption and stand under the original Constitutional Law of this country, called the "substantive law".
So instead of giving the enemies of our country a chance to cause trouble, don't go to any pro-gun rights rally in Virginia or anywhere else--- exercise your exemption from gun-grabbing legislation directly and make it official.
There's no reason to fight over something that you already have --- your guaranteed right to keep and bear arms.
There's just a need to declare who you are and which law you are standing under.
Go to: ( .net%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1iwBWt08eQfKyzvcyO11vSNpYES uZ95F6NcuB9GFchP84PtFWf_xzYQ6Q&h=AT1DZBweWMQxYP2-r4Hg3AHtQqol8AyZS8h-4djmrJKQxwClaUUAfrho8F3eUvc5p4UTlsm_HiaV6k1Q6QyzAD 1t7wBsTIfaeOP-pu21jXNeDu0b5GGxesAMuKLCfaGiskb874bFOBrE1Btv6qKRgE VK6t0yoe2s) and get started today.
12th March 2022, 11:21 PM
Not sure what to make of this --I started to look into her info, and even wanted to buy her books, but I just don't have enough time. Anyway, I thought this was interesting....
Letter to JP Morgan Chase (
By Anna Von Reitz qYEQ_wRcTLcqb8kH1E4l3HTLez6roP2P7Q0olmDWK7VMX8jW18 rkvjNhBNIBlByAhWwWhar3WX6OZMVAV8LE7_qgmEZMK2DRcdM-VHKZYvyOnYgQbyItOCijK9WasV5VG-=s16000 ( qYEQ_wRcTLcqb8kH1E4l3HTLez6roP2P7Q0olmDWK7VMX8jW18 rkvjNhBNIBlByAhWwWhar3WX6OZMVAV8LE7_qgmEZMK2DRcdM-VHKZYvyOnYgQbyItOCijK9WasV5VG-)
March 12, 2022
Chairman William B. Harrison, Jr.
CEO Jamie Dimon
JPMorgan Chase Banks
270 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10017
Dear Sirs:
I am the lawful Fiduciary for The United States of America --- Unincorporated, and have recently inherited similar duties worldwide.
All British Crown copyright claims and similar attachments have been overturned and the Crown is under prosecution and investigation for crimes of unlawful conversion, personage and breach of trust against the American people and other nations worldwide.
My standing is already established, recorded, accepted, and absolute in all jurisdictions of the law.
I have the signature and donor authority over the 1,181,336,675 metric tons of gold administered for The United States of America under Certificate of Entitlement by the Central Bank of the Philippines-- which was delivered to Chase Manhattan Banks.
We have the appropriate Federal District Court Orders.
Ferdinand Marcos was our Trustee in this matter; Ferdinand Marcos had no individual right to or interest in our assets, and he could certainly not convey a right that he himself did not possess to his relatives, including Tiburcio V. Marcos.
As the Donors, we have the controlling interest in these and all other physical assets held in trust, and as the Public Government, we are the lawful owners and protectors of all American assets in international and global jurisdiction.
Some people have advanced the idea that when the Federal Republic ceased to function in 1861, it's powers devolved upon the British Territorial United States or reverted to the Municipal United States Government, or some combination thereof.
In fact, all powers vouchsafed to the Federal Republic returned by Operation of Law to the Delegator of those Powers --- our unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America since 1776.
It is our role and responsibility to clean up this mess, take control of the assets, define the monetary standards, and issue both coin and credit.
You presumably realize this, having a long history of involvement in the Civil War and its aftermath, including the issuance of "Greenbacks" and all the way to the present day credit crisis. You know, or have cause to know, that none of the Congresses that have convened ever since the fall of the Federal Republic actually had the power to issue coinage or credit, and merely claimed to "represent" us. It's time to correct all that and get this show on the road.
I have all the original American-side records, receipts and manifests, so there is no point in arguing or fighting. This is simply a correction that has to be made, and it is best made in public and with full cooperation on all sides.
It is my understanding that you have, as of 2017, acquired the trademarks and names of the FEDERAL RESERVE and the FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS respectively, and have been instrumental in the settlement of the bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve System.
Thus your cooperation in reassigning and using the American gold and silver assets and in negotiating the role of the FEDERAL RESERVE and status of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is both requested and required.
As the responsible Fiduciary, I don't wish to cause undue disruption; I am not interested in any court battles --- those are already won; I wish for a prompt and amiable resolution of all differences between the banks and the actual asset owners, and I call upon you to work with me to help prevent an unnecessary worldwide economic collapse.
Your prompt response is appreciated and highly desirable under the current circumstance.
I can be reached at (907) 250-5087 or via email at
Time is of the essence. Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
13th March 2022, 05:44 AM
Way to go Anna. To cite a precedent:
Joshua Abraham Norton (February 4, 1818[3] – January 8, 1880), known as Emperor Norton, was a resident of San Francisco, California, who in 1859 proclaimed himself "Norton I., Emperor of the United States". In 1863, after Napoleon III invaded Mexico, he took the secondary title of "Protector of Mexico".
13th March 2022, 06:53 PM
Anna does document the sins of the powers that be, but I doubt if anyone of TPTB care one whit about it. She really has no weight other than documenting the crimes of the powerful.
I love to read her stuff, as I think most of the American/US govt history is accurate.
But when she starts talking about the galactic council that's coming to save us... "oh really" is my thought.
29th March 2022, 09:29 PM
Not sure what to make of this. Found this comment on another website:
“ Something weird is going on here. I’m not certain what it is, but I am confident something really odd is again happening in the background.”
What’s happened is that the true American Government is back, has proved their standing, and is in process of taking control of all the resources that belong to true land and soil jurisdiction Americans. We have control of all the gold and the Biden Administration is not our government and never was. They are talking heads of the losing governmental service corporation that the True American government is no longer funding. Their funding has been cut off.
1st April 2022, 11:48 AM
Don't Be Led; Lead (
By Anna Von Reitz EeERa0NnMFbPAOUu39jFQbfTyOnRC_rziIbyqaWFbKEK2-twRWmDY2V1N3u_Sf-2uaunaOLrcsB96dXIFRG17PzTcKZMI6n0zVPjU2i3Lqsp7-OY_FCXyaxI739SlU7M71x99vOiLmXm_b=s16000 ( EeERa0NnMFbPAOUu39jFQbfTyOnRC_rziIbyqaWFbKEK2-twRWmDY2V1N3u_Sf-2uaunaOLrcsB96dXIFRG17PzTcKZMI6n0zVPjU2i3Lqsp7-OY_FCXyaxI739SlU7M71x99vOiLmXm_b)
This may come as a big surprise to a lot of people, but the way the Rats win is by capturing your attention with all their bad behavior.
They present all these ugly alarming things and all these "threats" but in the end, that is not what matters. None of it.
What they are after is your attention and the power that your attention has, that you are unaware of.
Whatever you focus on, whatever you give your attention to, manifests itself --- not instantly, but reliably.
So when you give away your attention to their nonsense, they win.
When you invest your energy in the "concerns" that they cause, they win.
When you take them seriously, they win.
When you fail to take charge of "fictions" ---- they win.
So you must learn their secret agenda, which has nothing to do with Plandemics or wars or political changes or drugs or any of the other things that they have done, and everything to do with what you envision for yourselves.
You MUST keep your attention focused on a positive and happy future for yourselves.
You MUST keep your hearts and minds fixed upon the heritage and promises that are yours.
You MUST turn away from all their violence and drugs and blame and lies.
And just focus intently on what you want to experience and the kind of world that you want to manifest and the values that you hold.
Don't let the rats have your mind.
Don't let them steal your energy and focus and sidetrack it into building their ugly dreams.
Steadfastly, purposefully, without fear concentrate on and work for the world you want to create and upon asserting the values you hold dear in your own daily lives.
Dismissing the Devil is easy. Just turn aside your attention, back to the world you desire. Tell him to go play with himself, as he refuses to play nicely with others.
Smile. Know your own secret.
It's your attention, it's the focus of your attention on his bad dreams that Satan most desires and needs, for he and all his henchmen have no power of their own. They are merely seeking to steal and redirect and use the power that rightly and naturally belongs to you.
And all you have to do is yawn and say to yourself --- nah, not today..... I am going to my Happy Place.... and I am going to build my dreams. I am going to keep faith with my visions and my interests and I am NOT going to be sidetracked with the sideshow.
1st April 2022, 11:01 PM
Just found this at
2nd April 2022, 02:00 AM
For Those Trying to Understand the New World
Understand is complicated. For example the best way to comprehend understanding is to examine it's opposite
misunderstand (v.)
"understand amiss, attach a false meaning to; fail to understand," c. 1200, misunderstonde, from mis- (1) "badly, wrongly" + understand. Related: Misunderstood; misunderstanding.
As to 'unferstand' the word might be a verb, noun or adjective. Here is a good source to unravel them.
All in all it is a good word to avoid because it has too many meanings and they boil down to CONSENT.
Once upon a time I awoke from being knocked unconscious by an assistant county attorney to find a semi automatic in my ear and and a plaincloth policymen holding it. He started negotiations by a verbal notice 'IF YOU TWITCH I WILL PULL THE TRIGGER. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"
My counteroffer was "NO. I DONT UNDERSTAND". and asking if there happened to be a peace offer present among the 6-8 uniformed policymen in the area watching the show.
Now I prefer to avoid understanding altogether. I prefer the Chinese proverb
And by the way he did not choose to pull the trigger but was so distressed at my declining the benefit that he attached a claim to me called INTERFERING WITH A POLICE OFFICER which of course is false because there are no police officers who are not peace officers.
Another time a pretend U.S. marshal attempted a contract as follows:
"The next time you appear at the Federal building bring your driver's license. Do you understand?"
Of course this offer was declined because while the State of Iowa does permit me to hold their property they have not given me permission or tools to protect it from petty theeve's. So I prefer to walk around with a notarized photocopy simply because my oath (to the notary) is MY property.
Long story short this encounter led to no INTERFERENCE WITH A PRETEND FEDERAL OFFICIAL charge. Instead he presented a weak counteroffer "LEAVE OR I WILL CHARGE YOU WITH TRESPASS".
2nd April 2022, 10:43 AM
Read Roger Sayles book from Sovereign to Serf.
5th April 2022, 05:29 AM
Read Roger Sayles book from Sovereign to Serf.
To counter the antiquated words of past generations a simple declaration (made publicly) is all that is needed:
I am a born-again Apache. My country is known as Apacheria.
13th April 2022, 08:08 AM
"We" Are Not at War; THEY Are (
By Anna Von Reitz sYaSBjMHNetzrY4csl54Or5oaPM9nQvpcML6n_DubU0eAosKgw biU88mvR5PIwWpyXDPj5QPBjrc4jodOnWoTSP8D1_kz6h_MDlr UWAwz0srXHO-O2aEqDriFUsuDCE2nD-T7mw5hc8suk=s16000 ( sYaSBjMHNetzrY4csl54Or5oaPM9nQvpcML6n_DubU0eAosKgw biU88mvR5PIwWpyXDPj5QPBjrc4jodOnWoTSP8D1_kz6h_MDlr UWAwz0srXHO-O2aEqDriFUsuDCE2nD-T7mw5hc8suk)
There is a lot of misinformation circulating now, especially in the patriot community. It is of great importance to everyone that this gets set straight.
We are not at war. Our feckless erstwhile commercial corporation subcontractors may be at "war" --- of some kind, or by some definition, but in order for Americans to be at war, there would have to be a formal Declaration of War coming from our own legitimate Congress --- not a "Congress" of British Territorial or Municipal United States citizens.
All Americans are owed The Law of Peace, not The Law of War, and no American can be presumed to be allied with either Territorial or Municipal citizenry.
We have issued our International Declaration of Peace and our Peace Treaty among the States of the Union. Any Federal Subcontractor, dependent, official or employee caught violating the peace will be recognized as a criminal engaged in an illegal commercial conflict, and also acting in breach of trust.
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.
by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
13th April 2022, 08:43 AM
"Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals"
1. Everyone you are likely to find is going to be an agent. A wise man once said WHEN YOU SEE AN AGENT RUN.
2. Notice to agents by other agents has no effect.
Notice to Masters is Notice to Slaves; Notice to Slaves is NOT Notice to Masters
15th April 2022, 11:57 AM
By Anna Von Reitz 70hVh_KQbylMXdE5QVnQ0DfuUcigVemTjjAo3FLAuFHaG55j8J GP1LnESISPduv97Hr8iDdg=s16000 ( 70hVh_KQbylMXdE5QVnQ0DfuUcigVemTjjAo3FLAuFHaG55j8J GP1LnESISPduv97Hr8iDdg)
High School Students in several States are being told through their school affiliations that they "must" sign up for "Selective Service" now and that they can get in trouble if they don't.
This is a lie and if they follow these instructions, their own action will be taken as volunteering and applying to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces.
They are being asked to provide name, address, and "Social Security Number" --- which would be used against them as evidence that they were "voluntarily" acting as Municipal United States citizens.
We will fight to defend America, but we will not fight to defend criminals. Not anymore.
Our High School Students aren't being illegally press-ganged and sent to their deaths to defend criminals again. It's over.
The Pentagon and CIA have gone rogue, as have elements in the United Nations.
International Arrest Warrants are being issued.
These entities have no authority whatsoever to impose any kind of Selective Service, Draft, or to engage in any press-ganging or conscription activity on our shores.
Please inform all High School Principals in your area and take Witnesses to confirm that you have delivered this information to them in person or via Registered Mail. Nail them and your city officials all across this country with unequivocal refusal to obey any more illegal, foreign edicts issued by corporations of any kind.
Get off your rumps now, and protect our young people! Educate the Educators. And hold them 100% personally and commercially liable for spreading false and misleading information.
15th April 2022, 02:21 PM
Free home delivery of mail implemented in 1862 resulted in conscription into Lincolns' Crusade Against Southern Hillbillies. To this day selective service is the quid pro quo for not using General Delivery.
In England press gangs would offer their services in exchange for a free beer which concealed the Kings' shilling. This is the reason for glass bottoms in pewter mugs.
The principle of selective service follows this time tested tradition with the value offered being delivery of mail to your home. Oh, and don't think having a box at the post office will protect you. General Delivery is counter to counter. The few steps they take from the counter to your box constitutes FREE DELIVERY.
The choice is always going to be yours whether to accept the hospitality of a free beer or a free service provided by your friendly government. The consequences are yours too.
13th June 2022, 07:57 PM
One of Anna Von Reitzinger's State Nationals was evicted by the Sheriff's Swat Team
Washington State Sheriffs Run Terrorizing and Illegal Waco-Style Home Eviction on American State National Teri Kealoha Sahm Who Lawfully Holds All Land Patents on Her Home (
Posted on June 13, 2022 ( Ramola D (| Leave a comment (
Report & Newsbreak Links | Ramola D | June 13, 2022
In an extraordinary and shocking action of public terrorizing and invasion of privacy, depriving rights under color of law on June 2, 2022, King’s County and other Washington Sheriffs from numerous counties executed an outlandish Waco-style home eviction—the second one within three months–on Teri Kealoha Sahm, a 65-year-old peaceful homesteader, living woman, and declared American State National and Citizen who reports she lawfully holds all the land patents to her home and has correctly notified her county and all mortgage companies, agencies, and courts well in advance. (
Mosaic of images: Helicopter over Waco, generic drone, furniture removed outside Teri’s home on first eviction
To start, the land and homestead have been in Teri’s name since she purchased that home, land, and homestead in 2004. A historic home, the “original wet ink signature” land patents signed by then President Benjamin Harrison, are dated 1889 and 1890. These were framed and hanging inside her home when she first toured the house, and she recognized them as prize possessions. (
Land Patent in Teri’s HomeTeri then correctly claimed her land from the larger original land patent of 600 acres, specifying her metes and bounds, which stays in honor with the list of land patent processes which are all in place as found on the public record. Teri’s lawful status correction, “from US citizen to American State National” has also been on public record.
But perhaps this entire saga of unlawful eviction-with-Force was played out to discourage Americans from breaking out of corporate US citizenship and reclaiming their birthright American status as American state nationals, and thence “re-conveying” land correctly in their name (more below).
SWAT Team, Helicopters, Drones, Bearcat Tank, 12 Armed Sheriff cars, Tear Gas, Handcuffs, Fire Trucks, Loudspeakers, Fatal Capture of Canine Companion
Short of burning the homestead down, the terror at Teri’s house sounds like the Waco, Texas ambush where numerous families were terrorized, shot, and burned to death on overreaching and unlawful FBI, ATF, and Texas State Police action. (
Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas, burning, 1993/Image: ABC News (
Teri describes the extent of the over-the-top police and Sheriff-eviction action against her in Newsbreak 152/Published June 10, 2022 (video links below) 81&ssl=1 (
where helicopters (no doubt engaging in massive noise harassment) shuttled overhead while a private SWAT team blew in her door with an explosive, threw tear gas in, sent drones in, and captured her in a brutal arrest which also involved arresting and confiscating her elderly dog, who was thence subjected to further trauma and died shortly after.
Teri reports the dog was taken to a shelter and then an experimental vet, where she was pumped without Teri’s permission with 12 drugs one of which was Pentothal, a drug used to euthanize animals, and died later in Teri’s arms.
The scene outside was chaotic and resembled a war zone.
Teri reports there were 12 Sheriff cars from neighboring counties, an armored Bearcat Tank, fire trucks blocking the street on both sides, and a local school nearby actually locked down with loudspeaker-commands from the helicopter while creating a demented and terrorizing spectacle for the entire neighborhood—which, given the enormity of the retaliation against Teri (story below) may well have been the primary intent of this public Show-of-Force. (
Lenco Bearcat G3, Generic pic from, of the kind Washington State Sheriffs bought in Feb 2022:
A loudspeaker from the helicopter commanded Teri to come out of her house with her hands up while declaring “This is a Sheriff Eviction ordered by a Judge!” Teri says she and her dog took refuge in her office underneath her desk while the doors and windows were blown out and drones sent into the house were flying about. She emerged with her pug in her arms while a long gun was pointed at her forehead.
Loudspeaker commands directed people in the neighborhood to “stay inside your houses!” “It was shameful, an absolute disgrace,” she says, “This is what we’re up against – blatant criminality: these people have to go.”
Show of force intended to engender fear of the police and Sheriffs and sudden obeisance to their “authority” thus displayed?
What such an outrage invokes rather is shock at this profound trespass on privacy and homeowner rights. Is this what America has come to? A place where Sheriffs, police, and EMS staff can run amuck, terrorizing the population?
It’s a disgrace, says Teri, and they will be held accountable.
The Sheriff contingent sought to legitimize their over-the-top a ttack with a false narrative that Teri was armed and dangerous, says Teri, who spoke of the false claims in the Sheriff’s reports, one of which from the first report is excerpted below. As she pointed out in Newsbreak 152, it is curious that “Narrative” is an item on the report rather than “Evidence of Crime” and signaling of Fiction, not Fact. Many other discrepancies and inaccuracies are evident, such as labeling her the oxymoronic “sovereign citizen” which American state nationals and citizens do not claim. Also: “Sovereign” is not the same as “sovereign citizen” which seems to negate itself, and is a mislabel used by FBI to dismiss lawful claims of sovereignty. (
Sheriff’s report from the first eviction on April 20, 2022/Teri’s document cache online (links below)There is an administrative process of “Noticing” such miscreants with proper Notices, and liens – a process she has embarked on and reports some progress on, to be further investigated and reported on shortly.
The state of affairs in America today, Teri explains, is such that the corporate government construct baulks at stopping their crimes but continues to act against the people, trampling on basic rights and freedoms, going so far as to engage in horrific actions such as was leveled against her.
Foreclosure fraud is rampant across the USA currently, she informs us, with a number of parties including attorneys, law enforcement, Sheriffs participating in it.
Yet beneath that is a larger reality, that of an essential fraud underpinning all mortgages, all exchange of property, all ownership and sales of property, and that has to do with the NAME fraud or Birth Certificate fraud (discussed in many Let Freedom Ring! Podcasts here (, and online at numerous sites and video channels including Romley Stewart’s Justinian Deception, and the American States Assembly sites, ( and in many articles by Anna von Reitz ( where the Legal Person or Strawman corporation created by the All Caps Name is used as a transmitting utility or in-between to ignore everyone’s God-given rights and traffick people involuntarily into the Maritime/Admiralty Law jurisdiction as subjugants to corporate statutes of the British Territorial US Inc and Roman Municipal corporation (explained here (
With specific respect to mortgages, the Legal Person is used during the property sale transaction to unlawfully and covertly (fraudulently) create trusts where the house-buyer unwittingly names as beneficiary a financial corporation, as evidenced in this property sale notice in April, when the financial corporation named as mortgage holder unlawfully put Teri’s property up for sale, after which she took them to court. (
Document Excerpt, Notice of Trustee’s Sale/Teri’s document cache online (links below)Monica McGuire, the California Co-Coordinator of the California State Assembly says in an informative email:
“Teri uncovered evidence of an obvious “foreclosure mill” (ousting people from homes illegally via corrupt courts and other corporations) operating that involves attorneys, judges, commissioners, real estate agents, and people from other countries stealing homes from people like any of us. Teri filed a RICO lawsuit in 2019, which called out the crime in progress being committed against her by 133 mortgage and banking professionals, and much more. Her primary unanswered question is, “Why are there 133 people who make substantial 6-figure salaries, why are they all involved in my homestead that is worth approximately $750,000 in 2019?”
The fraud that takes place in the mortgage industry is big, big business. Multiple corporations and systems have profited off of crime games against people like Teri, but few have ALSO paid off their mortgage, having held the “wet ink signature” Land Patent since purchasing her home and land 18 years ago.
King County of Washington State (where she lives) has joined in the mortgage fraud schemes to profit from what is called a “foreclosure mills” But the brutal tactics intensified the last couple of months.”
–Monica McGuire, California State Assembly Co-Coordinator, Santa Cruz County Co-Coordinator
What Teri has done perhaps, as an American state national, goes to the core of and exposes the massive fraud committed against every home-owning and land-owning American.
American State National versus US Citizen
As an American state national, Teri’s status is that of a “living woman” keeping to American common law and restored to her birthright American status on the land and soil jurisdiction—while the State employees who terrorized her are US citizens (which most birthright Americans wrongfully think they are), slaves of the US Inc. corporation, who are, she reminds us in Newsbreak 152, also Covid-jabbed, meaning filled with nanographene and unable to control their own actions, being susceptible physically now to remote-access 4G/5G manipulation of their biology and brains (as per published intent in scientific papers, and explored extensively here including in this article ( and this podcast interview ( (
Image from Anna von Reitz’s book You know something is wrong when: An American Affidavit of probable cause
Teri is also the Washington State coordinator and Super Coordinator for all State Assemblies, working with the Federation which Anna von Reitz has formed.
As such, she hosts conversational weekly webinars with Anna von Reitz to share breaking news on the status of the restored 50 state Republics and help educate all on the nature of citizenship and jurisdiction within the Land and Soil Jurisdiction versus the Sea Jurisdiction of Admiralty/Maritime Law wherein the current (British Territorial) US government, an incorporated entity, is currently situated.
In Newsbreak 152 she clarifies the need for Americans to wake up and invites viewers to learn more and take steps to reclaim their own birthright American status and join the growing state assembly in their own state. The tyranny we are seeing will not end until Americans act to reclaim their God-given rights in their birthright American status, and, as Ron Carriveau the Massachusetts Co-Coordinator often says in the Let Freedom Ring! Podcasts “become the American you always thought you were.”
Energetic Shifts and Cosmic Assistance (
Image: (
Stepping out of the sea jurisdiction of enslaving US citizenship and returning to the land jurisdiction by declaring one’s status as a living soul is a profound act of overturning millennia-long fraud and realigning energetically with the Universe, which is on our side currently, she offers, with an outpouring of energetic change and love energies which has already begun to transform the Earth, and which we can tap into by changing our own vibrations to a higher love and harmony space, thereby helping to discourage lower-vibrating negative entities and intentions and helping to transform our world into a better place (free of helicopter drone and Sheriff/police terrorism one hopes).
Uplifting and reassuring, Teri offers powerful encouragement for people to look within, find their own power, and also call freely on God/Creator/spirit guides for help when needed, while working to build the new world through building our state assemblies and ignoring the mayhem-through-media messaging and narratives the globalists and cabalists are still pounding away at.
A message that surely resonates with all of us!
You can watch Newsbreak 152 here:
Brighteon: (Processing currently, will be active in a couple hours)
Odysee:—Teri-Sahm-Unlawful-Home-Eviction:b (
Learn More About Teri’s Case and American State National Status and Citizenship
Monica McGuire offers a list of links for all to explore to understand further about reclaiming your born or birthright American status as Anna von Reitz advises, the difference between lawful/legal, and how you can help Teri, as well as look further at her publicly available evidence:
1. One county’s simple website ( ( is a good, simplified overview website which makes simple, initial investigation source about Lawful vs legal/legalese government]
2. More replete ways to gain in-depth learning about what Anna has done for all Americans (to create a path to “Return to the Land and Soil Jurisdiction” and regain our Born Rights) is ( and ( and (
3. To find your Assembly Coordinator in your State, please visit: (
4. If you wish to donate to Teri to assist with ongoing expenses, please donate here: (
5. Teri has created an evidence channel that is publicly available here: ( and the unlawful eviction here: (
This report includes information provided by Monica McGuire and Teri Sahm. Please share widely on social media and email to reach every American, especially given the lack of mainstream media coverage on this very important story.
13th June 2022, 09:14 PM
Communism has 10 planks. One says ALL private property will be banned.
This is a fairly high bar. There are no tolerances. +/- 1% of a target goal is entirely unacceptable. ALL private property must go. In Toto (recall Toto was the name of the dog in Wizard of Oz ...and the landlady wanted Toto ...everything)?
July Garland was sending a message from the thirties. You cannot be in part way or just until it hurts and then you can back away or get out.
14th June 2022, 09:21 AM
Monday, June 13, 2022About Public and International Notice -- and Obama's Activities (
By Anna Von Reitz xLXfI2GfNnTTce-UjNQUKaERR7x7ZKvC52E6zWweS5saGbCdqwHdYXpzyoCVi0EBL 3FJcWEXubzVgUPnkfZ13NlZxVJ8ZmD3dd9kxQEHCbEu2wD2OcB rrrcx8WarDD9lj8g7NQ8J0idQyn=s16000 ( xLXfI2GfNnTTce-UjNQUKaERR7x7ZKvC52E6zWweS5saGbCdqwHdYXpzyoCVi0EBL 3FJcWEXubzVgUPnkfZ13NlZxVJ8ZmD3dd9kxQEHCbEu2wD2OcB rrrcx8WarDD9lj8g7NQ8J0idQyn)
When a President travels abroad there are public meetings and private meetings. During Obama's trip to Belgium featured in my recent release, the content of the private meeting was secretly recorded. These are two different audiences. One private meeting with predominantly Bar Association Members took place before the public meeting with the politicians and bureaucrats predominating.
Mr. Obama was put in power by the Queen's men. His mission was and is to destroy the fiat currency. His further mission is to promote monarchy as the only form of government and her son as the king of the world.
Although I allow lots of room for speculation as to the "king's" identity, and personally believe that it may prove to be the Lord Mayor or some other character besides Prince Charles, there is no doubt that pushing a system of oppressive monarchy has been the agenda of these cretins all along.
See the Secret Treaty of Verona as an example. The cronies that benefit from the feudal system of monarchy always want a king --- and demand it, just as they demanded it of the prophet Samuel. In this way, they succeed in substituting a man that they control in place of the True God.
Mr. Obama, despite all the efforts to paper over the facts, is a Kenyan. And there is no real reason that a Kenyan can't serve as the "President" of a commercial corporation anywhere on Earth ---- the necessity of creating a Hawaiian birth record for him was only for public appearances.
So what they are doing is technically "legal" just as describing Abraham Lincoln as "President" of the United States of America, ----Incorporated, was technically legal. They have made a lot of advances on such puerile deceptions, but it is time they were stopped.
Having a private meeting at the same location and not filming it, and then holding a public meeting and filming it, is just more of the same.
It's time we all woke up.
It's time to realize that with them, the cure is always the killer. And nothing is as it appears.
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