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20th July 2018, 12:30 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSsljwbJPNjj9ZUxNfh3SfOwgHWxabTp JamuIGnwuiyPnCQAMa1NpLJc7YihuFNzBc&fref=nf)

Answers to Questions
1) What is the current status of the International Obligation Lien?

The Lien is there for all to see and it is still standing.

2) Should we add the authenticated birth certificate as an addendum to the Deed of Re-conveyance?

No, the BC is a private document that you should use in the conduct of your private business. Some of us who have had cause to act in public capacities have recorded BCs but if you are not in such a situation there would be no reason to do this.

3) On a show about 6 month ago, you had talked about doing three UCC filings. Do these still need to be done?

Yes, there is need to do it if possible. The UCC-1 Financing Statement and Addendum are used for three different processes. In the first case you use it to give International Notice of your interest in your Name and NAMES. In the second use, you check the "Non-UCC Lien" box to claim back your private property. In the third, you check the "Agricultural Lien" box to lock down your land and soil interests.

These have to be filed in order. An example of their first use of a UCC-1 Financing Statement is shown in the Appendix of our book "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause".

You just fill in your name in the form: JOHN MARK DOE, JOHN M. DOE, and JOHN DOE as the debtors, and your re-conveyed Trade Name -- John Mark Doe-- as the Secured Party.

4) What about getting a passport as an American National? Some have tried this (including me), but keep getting put back as a "US citizen" status. Do you have a fail-safe procedure?

The Post Office is the actual issuer of Passports and they could care less about our squabbles over which "United States" or which "United States of America" either, so they just send out a generic passport and leave it up to you to sign it in such a way as to indicate your political status. I signed mine with a by-line, as in by: Anna Maria Riezinger (claiming copyright and ownership of my Vessel.) and "Retired" ---(serving notice that I am not under any obligation to any corporation) and "All rights reserved" -- (serving notice that my Powers are my own and cannot be usurped by any attorney without my consent). I also obtained a "global postage stamp" --- which guarantees first class postage for a letter to anywhere, and affixed it to the passport in the upper left above my signature and canceled it by writing my full name and my place of departure (Big Lake, Alaska) across the face of the stamp in red-ink. This identifies me as a land-lubber mailing myself to the rest of the land-lubbing world. A passport is basically a giant stamp mailing you to other destinations and giving the foreign authorities information about who you are and where you came from, so use it and think of it for what it is --- a postal service product. And think of yourself as a Post Master, because under international law, that is exactly what you are. You handle the mail all the time, buy stamps, and when you mail items you sell stamps. Think about it.

5) I've heard of a status called "Secured Primary Creditor". How does this differ from simply doing a status change back to an American national?

Secured Party Creditor refers to the international commercial code process of claiming to be a Creditor with a "Secured Interest" in assets (see UCC-1 comments above). In addition to the UCC-1 Financing Statement, you file a Security Agreement between the Creditor (Trade Name) and the Debtors (the NAMES) for the purpose of guaranteeing the interest of the Creditor. You also file a Hold Harmless Agreement in which the DEBTORS hold the Creditor harmless for the administration of THEIR affairs. You also file a Power of Attorney for the Creditor making your Trade Name the Attorney-in-Fact and revoking all other Powers of Attorney. You also need to file a Declaration of Permanent Domicile on the land and soil of the state where you were born for all the names --- Trade Name plus NAMES--- all need to return to permanent domicile on the land of your birth state. Last but not least you file a Property List showing what it is that you are claiming an interest in.

None of this makes much sense at first because it appears on the surface that you are making claims for and against yourself, but you must learn to think of your Name and any NAMES as things apart from yourself ---in fact, I find it most efficient to think of them as boats, literally "vessels", that you can use to "travel" in various jurisdictions of the law and exercise various capacities.

When you "return" the permanent domicile to the land and soil of your birth states for both your Trade Name and all NAMES associated with or derived from it, you reverse FDR's "New Deal" and exercise your "reversionary trust interest" in your own estate.

6) Are you and/or the Living Law Firm working the Trump Admin to usher in the return of the American Republic?

There is a great deal of confusion here. There are fifty American state republics, not one. So to speak of "a" single American Republic is another confusion and semantic deceit that must be avoided.

What we are helping to do is to put an end to the so-called "Reconstruction" that began after the equally so-called "Civil War" and all the British inspired fraud, guile, and bunko that followed.

Strange as it may seem to most Americans, officially, our rightful federal government has been "held in abeyance" for 150 years pending action by the sovereign States of the Union to "reconstruct" the States of America.

There's a whole layer of our Federal Government missing. It was moth-balled in 1868 by British/Scottish sympathizers in the U.S. Territorial Congress.

The States (meaning Maryland, Georgia, New Hampshire) formed a Federation of States known as "the Union". This Union of States came into being on September 9, 1776, and adopted the doing-business-as-name The United States of America. This is a Holding Company. The goods being held for the States by The United States of America are all their rights and prerogatives in international jurisdiction.

Secondarily, the States split off another kind of union called a Confederation of States known as the States of America, which was formed under the Articles of Confederation on March 1, 1781. This Confederation's members were all "States of States" such as The State of Maryland, The State of Georgia, and The State of New Hampshire. These are the original Federal States of States which "went AWOL" after the Civil War. They are the doing-business entities of the actual States of the Union, which should be conducting our business for us.

Instead what happened is that these original "States of States" doing business under the name of, for example, The State of Florida, were secretively and deceptively and fraudulently replaced by British Territorial entities doing business as "the" State of Florida. In this way a cuckoo-bird like substitution was achieved. The difference between "The" State of Florida and "the" State of Florida went either unnoticed, or was not understood by the clueless populace for what it was---- an undisclosed and heinous Breach of Trust by the British Government, which then and now seeks to hide its actions behind Scottish skirts.
As we speak, they are trying to continue this scam by creating yet another "ringer" --- a Scottish corporation doing business as "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [LTD.]" --- and no doubt trying to put in their "states" to replace us entirely----when we are in fact their Priority Creditors.

Obviously, this Scottish imposter is not our government and does not represent our government and no matter what claims may be made for it, should never be trusted as anything but an attempt to continue fraud and pillaging against us.

We are calling the actual States of the Union to Assemble. The States will then "reconstruct" the actual Federal States of States doing business as, for example, The State of New Hampshire --- at which point, the so-called Reconstruction will finally be finished and the Territorial and Municipal United States kicked back to the curb where they belong.

7) What is going to happen to these judges and attorneys that took our kids, took our houses, took our paychecks, etc? Will these scum actually wind up in prison?
I know we need to bring charges upon these rats, but do they have a "get out of jail free card" hidden?

Serious question.

I imagine that many of them will have to be forgiven as Third Parties and held harmless, because they have been forced to do what they are doing for the most part. The only difference between the guilty and the innocent is whether or not they enjoyed doing it. They won't be allowed to keep their ill-gotten gains and a lot of money and property is going to change hands. The actual guilty parties in many instances, however, are politicians, captains of industry, and military officers who betrayed our trust and concocted this monstrous fraud in order to pillage, plunder, and control us. The legal beagles were just that --- a pack of hounds employed to do their dirty work.

8) Once we become American national status, how can this be enforced with respect to the courts and law enforcement? I've heard one particular story where an American national was still held accountable for a "paper crime". Is the best we can do would be to keep records of all this injustice and hold those accountable at a later date (like question #7)?

It is better to get even than to wreck vengeance in my opinion, though anger is certainly understandable--- the object is to force these vermin to leave you and your property alone or suffer perdition for disturbing you. It is also to get back control of your country and your assets and to squeeze the vermin to start repaying at least part of what you are owed.

It is to those two goals -- enforcing peace and establishing control -- that I suggest we turn our attention.

By their own rules, if they transgress against you (I believe it is 18 USC 2333?) you are owed treble damages, for which you can sue in the United States Federal Court of Claims. This applies, because once you realize that you have been "mistakenly" mis-identified as a Territorial or Municipal United States Citizen, and have taken the time and made the effort to correct the Public Record, they are responsible for recognizing you and indemnifying you against loss or damage. See Army Regulations AR 27-20 for a clear statement regarding the indemnification they owe you and the Hold Harmless owed to the court as a result of the fraud being perpetuated against us by the British Crown.

If you suffer loss or damage as a result of being in their "custody"--- they owe you just compensation and if they exacerbated their crime by ignoring your status as a Third Party civilian -- they owe you treble damages.

The more people who become aware of this and who begin to make these claims stick, the better, as it hastens the day when everyone concerned wakes up.

26th July 2018, 04:18 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ART2ODJeLh3nNx7DkjjzOCKopYuM79p9l XEQdOBuXak8GiDrbq2poRL83hk1V237POM&fref=nf)

"Trying to Keep My Property...."
Anna answers the following question from one of our readers.

"Howdy Paul , I was trying to offset some debts. Had some luck with an A4V, offset 39k of student loans. But have had no success otherwise. Trying not to lose my property. What do you know about the BC and Indemnity bonds? I really appreciate your time and I would like Anna to know the same. I am very much grateful. Respectfully, (Name Withheld) "

Answer from Anna:
Paul-- I am in a location with very poor internet reception. You will probably want to post this as a separate article as everyone needs to wrap their head around this situation.

Any debt that is from a public lender --that is, an incorporated business- is subject to discharge. Private debts are not.

The vermin responsible seized upon your private property- your name-- and created unauthorized franchises named after you. This use of your name was unconscionable and non-consensual. In order to make it legal they had to indemnify you against loss or damage --that is, insure you against loss or damage resulting from their use of your property. Also, if they confiscate any of your assets they have to pay you fair market value. All that is required and set in cement by the Lieber Code and Hague Conventions and spelled out in Army Regulations AR 27-20.
They just never told you and never made it possible for you to claim your Indemnity.

So when they force you to pay off their mortgage you have the right to discharge it via the Federal Treasury Window but instead you are misled into assuming that it's your mortgage-- you are deceived and defrauded into paying off the government corporation's debts for them and the guilty banks facilitating this gross fraud don't even bother to report all this "Gift Income" to the IRS.

Here is what is supposed to happen:

They bring you the Bill, you approve the charge, they take the signed Bill to the TTL Officer at their bank, he sends it by certified or registered mail to the Treasury attention Steven Terner Mnuchin or his Successor with a Return Receipt Requested Green card. Sixteen days after the date received shown on the return receipt (the green card that comes back to the TTL Officer) the local bank is authorized to deposit credit into the Billing Party's account equal to the charge they presented.

You are put in the middle to keep the Billing honest-- you are NOT required to pay the Bill.

But since absolutely nobody ever told you any of this you have gone on slogging along paying bills that you are insured against and that were never actually yours to pay since the governmental services corporations claimed to own everything --including your Trade Name and they are in truth and in fact accountable for every charge they have made against you and your assets.

All this is handled by the Billing Party's bank and the US Treasury. All you have to do is check the bill over and authorize payment .

Anything that can be bought with credit can be paid for in this way with credit.

And this, legally, is what the banks and the corporations have been obligated to do all along and the way this system was supposed to be working all along.

This service department within the US Treasury is called the Seventh Department of Extraordinary Finance, but because you were never told how to access this means of indemnifying yourself against loss as a result of their use of the government franchise's NAME on your paperwork and never informed that you were paying off a government mortgage taken against your property-- you assumed that it was your own mortgage you were paying.

Not so. The bank shifted the entire weight of the government's debts off onto our shoulders and never said a word. The government kept mum, too. But the truth of the matter is that the filthy buggers in Congress told outrageous lies about you and their relationship with you. They borrowed huge sums of money against your assets, never told you, and never told you that you were supposed to be indemnified against the harm of these venal practices via "mutual offset credit exchange" and deposit of credit from the US Treasury to pay all the Bills addressed to YOU.

So Congress had you suckered into paying all their whims and you didn't have a clue and the banks were not doing their job and not informing you, either.

It's nothing but a giant identity theft and Ponzi Scheme with you targeted as the Fall Guy, being foisted off on you by the members of "a" "US" Congress that also conveniently did not reveal that it was acting in behalf of the Territorial United States and not the "United States" that you naturally assumed-- a foreign British-backed "Congress" that did nothing but serve itself at your expense for 150 years.

And the Kings and the Queens and the Popes acted in Gross Breach Of Trust, sat on their asses and raked in the profits from all this guile and fraud.

Generations of people worldwide have been hoodwinked and enslaved by these hidden commercial interests operating under color of law for the profit of a very few. And now it is time for "the System" to work the way it is legally mandated to work and for the guilty parties and banks to pay up or be liquidated.

Mnuchin needs to bulk up his staff and vastly reorganize his mailroom.

26th July 2018, 08:38 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARS61X-5vgrHTzhS0-JLgGRs_A-VmqiWZ7Vj8X_ZhZSTiTr2AJ0iX3Ns1ihsSPFsaC0&fref=nf)

Who to Light a Fire Under?
Where to go to report a crime? Like you being falsely identified and impersonated as a "US CITIZEN" or "citizen of the United States" and presented with federal tax bills and liens? Well, here it is, folks! Thank you, Texas!

Claim your indemnity from all this bull crap and make it stick.

Make them go through the process they are supposed to go through --- present the bill for your approval, accept your signature to release the credit, take the signed "voucher" to their TTL Officer at their bank and submit it to the U.S. Treasury for permission to deposit equal credit in the Billing Party's account. After the Treasury returns the green Return Receipt to the TTL Officer submitting the request, they have wait sixteen days from the return date before issuing the credit equal to the debt. The Billing Bank and the U.S. Treasury are supposed to be cancelling out all these bogus charges being sent to Americans.

U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)
https://www.treasury.gov/tigta/contact_report.shtml (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.treasury.gov%2Ftigta%2Fc ontact_report.shtml&h=AT3o1clNXsYVG2t958occ7nlPMdLerANW8hhb3MtvxW_47b6 t2r-PMjpgATC_52-OVq8XEYNtcqQiNfFbZYSloz_D6h9ouwX4xNvHZSVeOw6eyTgzs D6_l66zpnuEh1BQ8KBxs1HxelCUsE1GzCoe1s)
Report Fraud, Waste, & Abuse

If you are aware of fraud, waste, mismanagement, and abuse in the IRS programs and operations, report it to the TIGTA Hotline!

What kinds of things should you report?
Allegations of violations that impact the integrity of Federal tax administration and IRS programs. This includes allegations of misconduct by IRS employees.

Allegations of improprieties, false claims and fraud by outside contractors attempting to defraud the IRS by utilizing deceptive contract methods.

Allegations of identity theft where any individual (s) impersonated the IRS or an IRS employee or used words, letters, symbols, or IRS emblems to illegally obtain personal, confidential or private financial information.

Examples of specific allegations that should be reported include, but are not limited to: attempts by taxpayers to bribe IRS personnel; extortion or misuse of position by IRS personnel; assaults and/or threats by taxpayers against IRS employees; schemes involving the use of computer technology or mail that impersonate the IRS or IRS personnel; misconduct by tax practitioners (falsification of qualifications, theft of IRS tax remittances and theft of IRS tax refunds).

Note: Contact IRS for tax related issues - www.irs.gov/contact/index.html (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.irs.gov%2Fcontact%2Findex .html&h=AT2xfWziPxLSUtGJIwrMiow058zaXk7FXJr36srC6ev8R2SI 9X9yeY5pckxy5ScQ_vUD6xOJk3KJ5Owl7ahIdMuVFCjNipHCnu QQI8XMlipbaHHonvqZWo5sIQtD_E75MT5c8d013MiWw56mPhMr gI8)

Your complaint will be kept confidential if it is received on the phone, through the mail, or in person. We cannot guarantee confidentiality if you send your complaint via the online form or e-mail.

Laws protect you from reprisals (any action taken against you because you filed this complaint).

You can submit your complaint by these methods:
By Online Form or Email (TIGTA Hotline Complaints Unit):
Remember: if you submit your complaint via the online form or email, it is possible - though unlikely - that others could read it since the internet is not secure.
By Phone:
Call toll free: 1-800-366-4484
By Fax:
(202) 927-7018
By Mail:
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
P.O. Box 589
Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044-0589


27th July 2018, 04:21 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ART7lw9zzXETHkhbkiqCNGi5VYlAcex3D Kce10dQ27ZRwnNuukUxR-Std7AWxNa50mY&fref=nf)

Here It Is, All Tied Up With a Bow

Many people are still having a hard time grasping what went on here, even after the research has been done and published and re-researched and affirmed again.

The states that went to war in the Civil War were the Federal-Level “Confederate States” --- yes, there were “Confederate States” long before the Civil War. Those States of States were formed in 1781 under the Articles of Confederation as doing business entities belonging to the States of the Union.

We have the Federation (Union) of States doing business as The United States of America (September 9, 1776) and a few years later, we have the Confederation of States known as the States of America formed under The Articles of Confederation (March 1, 1781).

The members of the States of America Confederation were all corporate entities doing business using names in the form: The State of Georgia, The State of Ohio, The State of Massachusetts, etc.

They got along well enough and exercised the Delegated Powers under the Federal Constitution (The Constitution for the united States of America) from 1787 to 1861, when some of the “confederate” states broke away from the original Confederation and formed their own group, the Confederate States of America.

So not all “confederate” States were in rebellion against the original Confederation. There were “Union” States of States like The State of Ohio and The State of Wisconsin that elected to stay loyal to the original Confederation formed under The Articles of Confederation, and other break-away States of States that wanted to go their own way---the Southern members that formed the CSA.

And none of this had anything to do with the actual sovereign States of the original Federation, The United States of America, and their members--- Ohio, Wisconsin, Massachusetts et alia that existed at the same time.

The American Civil War was a cat-fight among commercial business entities and their backers, what we call a “mercenary war”. This is why there is no actual Declaration of War associated with the civil war and no actual Peace Treaty ending it.

It wasn’t really a war and Abraham Lincoln wasn’t really a President of this country, either.

But that’s another story. For right now, we want to follow the thread of what happened.

In 1863, the Northern Confederation States of States were bankrupt. Abraham Lincoln signed the Lieber Code (General Order 100) which is the first Executive Order as Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic. The next day he entered the Northern Confederation of Federal States into bankruptcy.

He made the Army responsible for the duties of the Federal States of States during their bankruptcy.

After the hostilities ceased two years later in 1865, the Federal States of States in the North were still in reorganization and the Southern States of States were in ruins and total disarray.

Britain saw its chance.
It came in via the guise of the banks acting as creditors to the Northern States of States and proposed to substitute British-backed Territorial States of States for the Federal States of States we are owed. Thus, in 1868, The State of Georgia was surreptitiously moth-balled and the British Territorial equivalent, the State of Georgia, took over.
It was a commercial fraud aimed at commandeering our Federal Government by Britain and it worked.

As a result, the “Federal” part of our “Federal Government” has been moth-balled and held “in abeyance” for 150 years, while the actual international government owed to this county – The United States of America [Unincorporated] has been vicariously “represented”--mostly by the perpetrators of the aforementioned scheme.

The actual international government that delegated the “Delegated Powers” in the first place, The United States of America, was left ineffective and unable to contact and assemble their member States, cut off from its sources of revenue, and its executive officers mercilessly hunted and murdered by British-sympathizers and spies.

Fast forward to 1933. The British-Territorial interlopers have made a mess of things and let the international bankers manipulate and destroy our stock market for their profit.

The Great Depression socks down. Millions of Americans lose their homes and farms and businesses. The banks buy up everything in sight for pennies on a dollar, profiting from the disaster they created for exactly this purpose.

As part of the clean-up, FDR pulled the biggest identity theft in history, declaring that we were all franchises of the British Territorial United States Government; that is, he seized ownership and copyrighted our Given Trade Names, and stole our most private property from us – our identities --- falsified them, and offered these new “franchises” as chattel backing government debt.

The theft was unobservable and unconscionable. On paper, there is no way to tell the difference between the Trade Name of a living man, John Mark Doe, and the name of a Territorial Foreign Situs Trust doing business as “John Mark Doe”. Millions upon millions of Americans were thus kidnapped into the foreign jurisdiction of the British Territorial United States and mis-characterized and impersonated in this fashion without their knowledge or consent.

It was and is a commercial crime of staggering proportions.
In order to legalize this theft the then-Congress published its intent as House Joint Resolution 192, enacted Public Law 73-10, UCC 3-104(c) and numerous court cases were fought: Guaranty Trust Co. of New York v. Henwood et al., 307 U.S. 247 (FN3) and Spencer v. Sterling Bank, 63 Cal. Ap. 4th, 1055 (1998), and as further proof we have the charges brought to the House Judiciary Committee by then-Co-Chair of the House Banking Sub-Committee, Congressman Louis T. McFadden (still waiting to be heard, but firmly lodged against the bastards nonetheless), and the admissions found in Witkin Negotiable Instruments, Volume III including the 2002 Supplement.

As a result of this outrageous and undisclosed claim by FDR, the assets including the names and property of virtually all Americans were “conscripted” and used as chattel backing the debts of a privately owned and operated governmental services corporation chartered in Delaware by the Roman Catholic Church and calling itself the “United States of America” (Incorporated).

As a further result, the Congress and the Church and the Bank of Scotland (for a prior bankruptcy of their commercial “service” corporation doing business as “The United States of America” Inc.) and the British Crown and the British Monarchs and the Popes all became liable to the American States and People for all debts, all damages and losses we have incurred.

And that is why our “friends, trustees, and allies” sought to paint us with the brush of their own guilt and have undermined our lawful government---to gain control of and profit from our assets.

Prince Philip collected $950 Trillion dollars-worth of “Life Force Value Annuities” from the bankruptcy of CANADA (Inc.) --- yet another bogus governmental services corporation, last April 15th, and promptly “retired” from his public office --- if he ever had one. Most of that credit as already reported, belongs to us, the American People who have been defrauded, and the People of Canada, who have been sold under the same completely outrageous and fraudulent circumstances.

That’s our credit, not anything owed to Prince Philip, not anything rightfully belonging to CANADA or the UN or some muckety-muck in the Philippines. We mean to have it back and to be fully credited for our time and labor and that of our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents, too. If the Queen doesn’t like it, she and Hubby know what they can do.

Also, please note, that our actual General Government, The United States of America, was never conquered, never directly involved in any of this ugly commercial squabbling, and not a participant in any “war” – civil or otherwise –related to any of this con game and it is owed every jot of every treaty and commercial services contract. We are here to exercise all the above in sum total.

We have called the actual States to assemble and they are doing so. Every American is being told to get their political status correction on the public land jurisdiction records and to join their State Assembly: go to the National Assembly website.

Also please note that we are not in any kind of “abeyance” and that Donald J. Trump is qualified and has been bonded to enter the actual Office of the President of The United States of America.

What is left to do is to exercise our indemnity – our “insurance” against loss and damage.

As explained in the prior article, you are responsible for examining Bills addressed to the franchises for accuracy and approving them for payment and sending it back to the Billing Party. They are then responsible for taking it to the TTL Officer at their bank and he is responsible for sending the approved bill to the Treasury via certified or registered mail with a return receipt requested; sixteen days after the bill is received by the Treasury, the TTL Officer at the Billing Party’s local bank is authorized to deposit credit in the amount claimed into the Billing Party’s account.
This then cancels the billing out, credit for credit.

You, Joe Average American, were never meant to pay any of these bills that are associated with mortgages, car loans, college loans, credit cards, public utility bills and so on. You have merely been coerced and suffered racketeering ---seeking to force you to pay, rather than letting you claim your indemnity.

27th July 2018, 04:29 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTBWXsNcR4XfGr487vseXVfKIf5x5p0n G3XcqwR3VqPbtLe-oN8C1yMi2gMhxNKVX4&fref=nf)

More Nitty-Gritty: How the Bar Associations Contrived to Overcome the Constitution and Common Law

We have long been aware of the "sea change" that happened in the American Court System circa 1965-66. We have been aware that the result was an unlawful conversion of the State of State Courts from operating in Common Law to Statutory Law and that this was accompanied by an equally unconstitutional and improper shift in legal presumptions about our "Persons"---in fact, an unlawful conversion and trafficking in our Persons occurred.

The organic constitutions under which our states (soil) and States (land) function all refer to "persons" defined as Natural Persons --- living men and women -- and "inhabitants" -- again, living people who have made their home (soil) and established their domicile (land) in one of the sovereign States of The United States of America.

So exactly how was this sleight of hand "redefining" Natural Persons as legal fiction "Persons" accomplished, and how was the Organic Constitution and Common Law overthrown?

And why?

The why is simple enough. The Territorial and Municipal United States and their federated "State of States" business franchises had been operating on a fiat currency system for decades and draining away our American silver dollars via their inequitable "dollar for dollar" exchange rate established by the 1934 Emergency Banking Act. By 1965 they were looking for new actual, factual assets to "exchange" for their I.O.U.s.

Credit systems based on I.O.U's. are not real in the sense of having something of intrinsic hold-in-your-hand value to exchange. Having established a virtual monopoly on our monetary system and having removed both gold and (largely though not entirely) silver from circulation at that time, they moved on to the next obvious step -- creating the fictional Persons/PERSONS to go with their fictional money -- and seizing upon and subjecting our actual Natural Persons as the source of their credit.

So profit and control of our assets were the motives. That's why.

And here's how: an unconstitutional and undisclosed "amendment" to the State Constitutions, allowing the rats to tack on statutory law as an administrative option and allowing the commingling of "Persons"----which then allows them to use "judicial discretion" to unlawfully convert Natural Persons to legal fiction Persons and prosecute these under statutory law.

These "amendments" were presented as voter initiatives by the schemers who then purposefully misled voters as to the nature and affect of the proposed amendments to their State Constitutions.

We have it dead in the water in New Hampshire and it is being confirmed as a repeat performance at about the same time in all fifty States. This is proof of a nationwide conspiracy, promoted by local Bar Association members and allowed by politicians.
All these "amendments" are null and void for fraud and failure to disclose their intent and affect, and in violation of the original organic Constitutions owed to the States and People.

The paperwork related to New Hampshire's case is being posted on my website: www.annavonreitz.com. (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F&h=AT3lZIRPnKfOdu3QaUcNMWjo3XLvziqRWeUrLFTP0BxBE0PU nxvBF4AlwxBX98V8gr9i1BBMKh97MuUfo9LfYry655JuxOTMB9 PmCHExZljNOVmpGYWgT6XJEPr6NzzZpGVgKsF1VQPri0zpNHLS 76o)

We need researchers in all fifty (50) states to examine the voter initiatives and constitutional amendments proposed in your states in about the same time period -- 1965-66 -- to nail down the same fraud being promoted in all fifty states.

These amendments allowing commingling of "Persons" need to be nullified by declaration from the moment of their adoption and brought forward for nullification by the courts themselves.

27th July 2018, 05:57 PM
Passports are issued by the Dept. of State. The Post Office handles the applications and takes the photographs.

When my original passport was lost I applied for an expedited replacement. I had to go the U.S. Consulate in Los Angeles not to the Post Office to get it. It was printed and ready that same day.

The Post Office is the actual issuer of Passports and they could care less about our squabbles over which "United States" or which "United States of America" either, so they just send out a generic passport and leave it up to you to sign it in such a way as to indicate your political status. I signed mine with a by-line, as in by: Anna Maria Riezinger (claiming copyright and ownership of my Vessel.) and "Retired" ---(serving notice that I am not under any obligation to any corporation) and "All rights reserved" -- (serving notice that my Powers are my own and cannot be usurped by any attorney without my consent). I also obtained a "global postage stamp" --- which guarantees first class postage for a letter to anywhere, and affixed it to the passport in the upper left above my signature and canceled it by writing my full name and my place of departure (Big Lake, Alaska) across the face of the stamp in red-ink. This identifies me as a land-lubber mailing myself to the rest of the land-lubbing world. A passport is basically a giant stamp mailing you to other destinations and giving the foreign authorities information about who you are and where you came from, so use it and think of it for what it is --- a postal service product. And think of yourself as a Post Master, because under international law, that is exactly what you are. You handle the mail all the time, buy stamps, and when you mail items you sell stamps. Think about it.


Older passports were issued to American Citizens


27th July 2018, 06:21 PM
I do have thoughts on this. sovereign citizen vs all else, let for me the dog will ley in a cool place in a hot sun. Most would be confused , translation, nice thoughts but will never happen today., unless major war = Nukes reduce the overall population of the world, fixing to do a run to restock, Yes sum here Monty probably will never meet u, sad u are correct as it stands , travel crossing boarders passport is required, sum here probably will not be granted one.

Peace bro..says the biker in me...grin.

I would like to meet u, sumday, u are I suspect one of the good ones. ( i have 6 country's I have hit the ground, never to return, Thailand is one I hope to revisit) = good people.


There that have done the walk and wish they could , but have not the balls to see it for the good or bad, never results being what u intended.

Dum ass me fading back into the background.

Hoot !

Fuck, on reflection, nite to the forum in general, tired still have to do basic shopping, then organize , every week is more of a challange, hell no one grow old, lmfao..

hate going shopping for basics, temptations are endless.

29th July 2018, 08:03 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARS1Ija-eJ8isv9k6uSNS5vSw5Wbv2upO1u2oHLw_9L5L4IrE0zgAfJEQF jPh6nbc1s&fref=nf)

How to Recognize the "Walking Dead" -- aka, Undeclared Federal Agents

As you now know, most of us have been declared legally dead and have to prove that we are alive and have to take action to establish our birthright political status and re-convey our Trade Names back to the land and soil of our birth in order to protect ourselves and exercise our reversionary trust interest in our own birthright estates.

This is because we are being targeted as victims in the biggest identity and credit and bankruptcy/insurance fraud scheme in history. They indemnify you from loss and damage to legalize their theft and literally "put a gloss" over their seizure and use of your identity, credit, and assets---- and then prevent you from ever making a claim, simply by not telling you how and never revealing that you have the option.

But at least you can, by dint of hard work and learning and help from others along the way, regain your living status.

As things stand, federal citizens are "dead" and remain so, because their only presence is as "dead" corporate entities: JOHN DOE (Public Charitable Trust), JOHN M. DOE (Bankrupt Public Utility) and JOHN MARK DOE (Foreign Grantor Trust). And many of them have no choice in the matter, other than invoking "Equal Civil Rights". They are in terms of law, among the "walking dead" by definition.

Now, nobody in their right mind wants to be stuck in that helpless zombie status, but as long as nobody knows that they've been handed a second class "citizenship" instead of their Natural and Unalienable rights-- who is going to complain, right?

Most Federal Citizens are harmless, but there are some notable exceptions: crooked judges and lawyers, insurance adjusters, paid snitches and trolls and runaway politicians.

So how do you recognize these predatory zombies?

Many of them are blowhards who speak the loudest and take the most extreme stances and try to convince you that they know what is "really" going on (and you don't). They also regularly entrap innocent people and encourage them to take wrong action as a means of getting them into trouble.

That's what happened to Schaeffer Cox. That's what happened to the "Colorado Nine".

Schaeffer's story is typical. The Federales imposed upon people of shady character who were in trouble already to act as infiltrators and snitches.

The snitches were then encouraged to lead Schaeffer to make mis-statements that could be used as evidence against him and they recorded those statements without Schaeffer's knowledge. They also used their position of trust to feed him wrong information and encouraged him to be paranoid and react to phantom threats. That's what landed him in jail with a very long sentence.

The Colorado Nine story is also textbook. An insurance adjuster (Honk! honk! Buzz! Wee-O! Wee-O! "Licensed professional" Honk! That's my Shinola Sensor going off in the background) named Michael R. Hamilton showed up all of a sudden and was immediately the loudest voice in the room, the most ardent advocate of "taking action" --- always implying violent action and "resistance" and "preparation" and calling me and anyone who supported me names and making suggestive remarks and even outright accusations against my "loyalty".

People who require licenses from the government to make a living are always at a disadvantage, and because they are, they can more easily be "compromised" and outright forced or "encouraged" to run these sting operations.

So Michael R. Hamilton, insurance adjuster, came in and made himself out to be the brightest legal mind that ever was, the most knowledgeable, most ardent patriot around, and he shoved the Colorado Nine into making exactly the wrong moves and he cast doubts in their minds about me so that they didn't heed my warnings.

But -- please note -- when it really came push to shove, Michael R. Hamilton was nowhere to be found. After preaching action, action, action --- he took none. He wasn't arrested. Once the others were in jail, he took a powder and disappeared. Probably went to the Bahamas for a well-earned vacation on Uncle Sam's ticket.

Beware the loudest voices, the ones that taunt and ridicule and cast doubt on others. Beware the big egos that are all about "me, me, me, and mine" touting their own horns and bragging about their accomplishments.

Beware those preaching action without really defining what "action" they advocate and especially beware of anyone pushing violence, fear, or suspicion aimed at local people and long-time friends.

Michael R. Hamilton wasn't even from Colorado.
If you listen carefully to these shysters you will always hear faint echoes of a carnival barker, someone selling you something, someone overbearing you, someone making you afraid, someone making you doubt your own horse sense.

Turn away from these characters, because they are up to no good. Just pay them no mind. Turn the knob. Shut them down. Don't let them dominate you or hog the floor at meetings and don't stand around while they insult and cast doubts on other members of your group.

Chances are, when you see these behaviors, you've got an undeclared foreign agent on your hands.

One way to help "cut to the chase" with these scenarios is to use the Bevins Declaration at the start of every meeting public or private. Just say, "Anyone here acting as an undisclosed federal agent or provocateur, anyone seeking to collect information for Third Parties, anyone working for some other agenda such as entrapment or solicitation or redirection of our group is now invited to declare themselves or leave."

Strange as it may seem, this simple precaution often causes Federal Agents to respond. They raise their hands or they vacate and that's just fine. If they don't respond appropriately to a Bevins Declaration, they are made fully liable for their lack of disclosure and any evidence they collect is tainted.

29th July 2018, 08:13 PM
Passports are issued by the Dept. of State. The Post Office handles the applications and takes the photographs.

When my original passport was lost I applied for an expedited replacement. I had to go the U.S. Consulate in Los Angeles not to the Post Office to get it. It was printed and ready that same day.


Older passports were issued to American Citizens


I think, there is some confusion here and I'm not sure what it is.

For instance they always mail you whatever license they want you to accept. It has to do with criminal liability, if they hand you that license and it is not really your's, but just a likeness of you like your strawman they then become liable for a trespass against you. If they mail it to you and you open it, it is you accepting it and you activating it and no one on the hook for it except you.

So the Post Office is involved in the issue of xxx.

2nd August 2018, 12:47 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARQbsZlPLmZLVxL0p_H0AKeg1uyuhQu7C rxDXbbAS4n-YPWYKZvF8Ff-rIYlTViaMWo&fref=nf)

Magic Words

Faced with Foreclosure? Child Custody theft? Federal taxes when you aren't a federal employee, corporation, or dependent?
Fine. Here's what you do.

You immediately request a "Status Hearing".
You walk in and when your NAME is called, you stand up right where you are -- don't go through the gate and "cross the bar" at all --- and this is what you say:

"There has been a mistake. I am here today in my true and natural capacity as one of the living people of ______ (your birth state) and I wish for this entire case to be dismissed with extreme prejudice and eliminated from the court record. (That gives the judge his Hold Harmless to act in your favor.)

I am the priority creditor and the employer in this courtroom and I am fully indemnified against loss or damage by Indemnity Bond AMRI 00001 RA 393 427 640 US on file at the U.S. Treasury.

I am exercising my reversionary trust right and my exemption from the jurisdiction of this court effective _____________(your actual birthday).

I wish to be paid treble damages by the prosecutor in compensation for my time, losses and inconvenience."

This is about as cut-and-dried as it gets. Chances are they will stare at you like a talking horse and may ask you to repeat what you just said.

Repeat it. About that time, sphincters are closing.

If the Judge (Court Administrator) asks for additional instruction, say,
"I wish for any and all charges to be offset by mutual offset credit exchange as guaranteed by the Congressional Intent of House Joint Resolution 192 and established as Public Law 73-10 and UCC 3-104 (c).
I wish for the Regulations to be followed to the letter by the claimant and the claimant's bank. You must obtain my signed acceptance of the billing on the face of the billing statement and the claimant's bank TTL Officer must return it directly to the Secretary of the Treasury for certified funds deposit in that amount in the claimant's account.

When the original signed Billing Statement is received by the Treasury as indicated by the date on the green Return Receipt card used by the bank TTL Officer to send in the claim, the clock starts running according to Federal Window Regulation J and Federal Reserve Regulation Z - Truth in Lending, 12 USC 226.1. On the sixteenth day after the green card is returned, the claimant's bank TTL Officer is enabled to credit the deposit to the claimant's account.

And that bit of bookkeeping settles the account. I have been greatly inconvenienced and wish for just compensation from those responsible."

In the case of the seizure of your children, this "Billing Statement" is going to be astronomical and no judge in his right mind is going to want to present it to you, but you must insist on seeing the Billing Statement related to the case or there is no case ---- which is the logical "out" for the judge. Simply dismiss with prejudice and beat feet. Otherwise, the losses to The Company will result in him losing his job.

Since you are dealing with a bankruptcy on top of everything else, you will want to bring certified copies of your BC and your Deed of Re-Conveyance and your Certificate(s) of Assumed Name to Court with you. If you are in a child custody matter, you will want to bring certified copies of your Baby Deed, too.

If the judge wobbles, wave the Bailiff over and give the certified documents to him to deliver to the Judge for the Judge to review.

These are very powerful Intellectual Property and Private Property issues. If they get caught pillaging Americans they can be fined $250,000 and spend ten years in jail. If they get caught mis-characterizing and kidnapping Americans in violation of the Geneva Conventions, they can face a firing squad.

The more people who exercise their exemptions, the quicker we will all get court reform.

Assuming that they decide to play ball, the Judge will return the Bill to you for your acceptance.
Write "ACCEPTED for full and complete settlement"
AMRI00001 RA 393 427 640 US (Ohio) [for example]
by: Your First Middle Last Signature
Give it back to the Bailiff.

The Prosecutor is required to bring his check book to Court and to be ready to write you a check. So look at him expectantly. If he doesn't have his checkbook, he is in critical melt-down condition. He suddenly owes you three times what he was claiming against you. The Judge is going to be extremely disgusted. The Company profits just took a dump.
Let it all roll. If anyone says anything to you, you just bat your eyelashes and say, "I have exhausted my Administrative Remedies." and keep saying that until the scurrying and bobbing and dodging has ended.
Then say, "Good day, gentlemen." -- and walk out without a backward glance and despite whatever they might say or call after you. You are the sovereign. They are the employees. Whatever difficulties they have, you have done your part.

Will this work post-foreclosure/pre-UD and post-UD/post-eviction? Thanks!

Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?fref=ufi) The honest answer is that I have never tried it for that and neither to my knowledge have any of the members of The Living Law Firm --- the issue after-the-fact is compensation that they owe you as damages for what they have already done. That is usually defined by the Congressional Intent of 18 USC 2333 - or maybe it's 28 USC 2333? I can't remember off the top of my head, but it is three times whatever they seized from you.

2nd August 2018, 01:01 PM
I think, there is some confusion here and I'm not sure what it is.

For instance they always mail you whatever license they want you to accept. It has to do with criminal liability, if they hand you that license and it is not really your's, but just a likeness of you like your strawman they then become liable for a trespass against you. If they mail it to you and you open it, it is you accepting it and you activating it and no one on the hook for it except you.

So the Post Office is involved in the issue of xxx.


Passport Acceptance Facility Search Page
This site will allow you to find the nearest location to apply for a passport. It is provided by the Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs, Office of Passport Services/Customer Service, which designates many post offices, clerks of court, public libraries and other state, county, township, and municipal government offices to accept passport applications on its behalf. This page allows you to search by one of three search scopes - Zip Code, State, or State/City. Once you enter your criteria, click on the "Search" button to view a list of the nearest designated passport application facilities.

Search By:

ZIP Code:
Closest 10 25 50 100 150 200 250 facilities

All facilities within 10 25 50 100 150 200 250 miles



Additional Search Criteria:
Handicap Access Photo On-site Photo Nearby

2nd August 2018, 01:07 PM
https://pptform.state.gov/PassportWizardMain.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSuppor t=1

Need help with this Site? (https://pptform.state.gov/include/FAQ.htm)

Skip to What You'll Need (https://pptform.state.gov/PassportWizardMain.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSuppor t=1#needDiv)

Estimate Your Passport Fees (https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/requirements/fees.html)

Fill out your application online

What you'll need:

Most recent passport book (if applicable)
Emergency contact information
A printer
Adobe Acrobat Reader (https://get.adobe.com/reader/)

Complete Online & Print (https://pptform.state.gov/PassportWizardMain.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSuppor t=1#)

Apply for a first-time passport book or card
Renew your passport book or card
Apply for a child's passport book or card
Update or correct passport information
Replace a damaged or limited validity passport

Report Lost or Stolen (https://pptform.state.gov/PassportWizardMain.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSuppor t=1#)

SUBMIT ONLINE : A lost or stolen report for an adult
Print out and mail : A lost or stolen report for an adult
Print out and mail : A lost or stolen report for a minor

Check Status (https://pptform.state.gov/PassportWizardMain.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSuppor t=1#)

Check the status of a recently submitted passport application

Need Help?
For status checks visit passportstatus.state.gov (https://passportstatus.state.gov/) or call 1-877-487-2778 (tel:+1-877-487-2778)or 1-888-874-7793 (tel:+1-888-874-7793) (TDD/TTY).
For general questions email NPIC@state.gov or call 1-877-487-2778 (tel:+1-877-487-2778) or 1-888-874-7793 (tel:+1-888-874-7793) (TDD/TTY).
For technical issues email PassportWeb@state.gov.

2nd August 2018, 05:00 PM
There was a case in Britain following WWII. An American with Irish parents relocated to Ireland when he was 2 years old. Prior to the start of WWII he applied for and was granted a British passport. Subsequently he found himself in Germany for the entire war. Nobody ever claimed he used the British passport in his travel to Germany but the fact that he had one raised the issue of giving aid and comfort to the enemy.


Be aware that a passport can be fatal to your health and well being

[astonishing new fact ... being shot in the buttocks can leave you with 4 wounds ... OUCH!!!]

6th August 2018, 12:07 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSLLC5OaLrigok9Xg6AbOjeg3NnZeh6i TkX7aiy2uALGaXvOEedeXCA0mx7qqKXvTM&fref=nf)

11 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1798727403509665) ·

Who Started the Rot?

By the "rot" we mean all the lies to the effect that people "voluntarily" agreed to enslave themselves and give all their assets to the British Crown in exchange for "benefits" that they in fact paid for, plus more---- themselves.

It was what we now call the Democratic Party. Southern Democrats to be exact.
They saw the opportunity to keep black people enslaved and serving to pay off public debts instead of private debts --- and that's what they did. They seized title to the freed plantation slaves as chattel securing public debt. They set up the entire racket, while claiming to be the champions of the poor and the colored and the down-trodden.

The historical record shows that the Democrats fought against giving black people the right to hold office, elect public officials, or have any other significant role in public life ---- other than to work hard and pay for public services and infrastructure.

It was the Republicans -- Abraham Lincoln's Party-- that fought to give black people and others of color a voice and share. And failed.

Who extended the enslavement racket to white people?
A Democrat, again, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Political parties have nothing to do with our actual government and are foreign to our election process --- they were introduced after the Civil War to encourage participation in foreign corporate elections in lieu of actual public elections--- to make people think that public elections were still occurring and to give the perpetrators an excuse to claim that the unwitting victims were "volunteering" to function as Federal Citizens, give up their private property, and submit themselves to the Queen (Territorial United States) or Pope (Municipal United States) or both.

This gross deception in Breach of Trust has resulted in the American Government and the American People being betrayed, our resources commandeered and stolen, the value of our resources including our labor and our time on earth--- stolen, even the insurance value of our lives reduced to "life force value annuities" seized by fraud by foreign princes.

Nobody in this country has suffered more than black people. Bar none, they have taken it in the teeth harder and longer than anyone else but the American Indians.

So, yes, it burns my buns that so many colored people cling to the Democratic Party, thinking that these deceitful politicians are their friends and defenders and champions --- when the historical and practical record shows that the Democrats were instrumental in keeping generations of black Americans enslaved and to this day, have been instrumental in denying them their Natural and Unalienable Rights and suspending their hard-won "Equal Civil Rights".

These vermin love to get us slugging our friends and idolizing our enemies, eating poison and turning up our noses to good healthy food, breathing polluted air and setting our standards lower and lower, until there is no dream and no value to anything, accepting a pittance of "welfare" while they spend our inheritance.

As my Father explained to me when I was a little girl --- the Communists steal everything and run it, but they also pay for it; the Fascists steal title to everything, run it via regulation, and leave you to pay for it, too.

I think it is pretty obvious what kind of usurpation we have suffered in this country, that it is a fascist rot, well-advanced and fat as a maggot. Now is the time to wake up and smell the Nazis and have sense enough to know that they are not, for the most part, Republicans. They are trotting around pretending to be fashionable Leftist Democrats, instead.

The fact is.....
There should be no political parties running our country and we shouldn't be participating in these foreign corporation elections -- unless we really are Territorial "citizens'.
There should be no Republicans and no Democrats --- no billions of dollars spent on popularity contests and snarky commentators, glitter and confetti and balloons and lobbyists. We've accepted it like everything else, on faith, without comment, because that's the way it was when we arrived on the scene and it never occurred to us to question it.

It is past time we did. Spread the word to the herd. Take a look at the books. There are generations of Democratic Party voting records standing solidly against colored people, working people, poor people, women, environmental issues ---- all the things and people they pretend to champion, and which they actually vote against.

Strange but true, at least if you believe the Democratic Party propaganda--- you can thank Republicans for most of what stands for "social progress" over the past 150 years, and also thank them for the economic growth that leads to jobs and security for families of all kinds and colors.

And that's coming from someone on the outside, someone that doesn't belong to any political party or vote in any of these foreign corporate elections.

I'm just telling you the facts. The Truth. I have no ax to grind, no reason but their own filthy deceitful voting record to dislike the Democratic Party.

Take a look at what Donald Trump is actually accomplishing in terms of economic growth and reducing unemployment?
And then look at the petty witch hunt, the whining, senseless, sickening display of partisan preening and willingness to squander hundreds of millions of dollars-worth of resources being provided by the Democratic Party.

We all know who colluded with the Russians to sell 20% of our Uranium for their own gain, and guess what? It was Hillary Clinton. Not Donald Trump.
The Democratic Party should be whipped. Not just beaten at the polls. Whipped, Kicked not just to the curb, but kicked into the next county. Burned down. Turned out on the streets. Left decimated. Just like they have turned millions of Americans out on the street thanks to their failure to oppose foreclosure fraud and their salacious back-rubbing with the big banks.

Those of you who really are Federal Citizens --- those who are stuck in servitude ---and whose only ability to do anything rides on a once-every-two-to-four-years visit to a voting booth, please, look and listen. This country is your employer, your protector, your only friend, and if it goes down, so do you. It doesn't take a lot of effort to research the actual, factual Democratic Party record. Do so.
Then, after you are done vomiting, save your own bacon --- and everyone else's.

8th August 2018, 06:55 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTUyF_KkDQ4kQcQ-7uLfunAmB1ay9sGrQWICVomcC2tp_MOoxSNVFCokUFUnF0UuFs&fref=nf)

Yesterday at 4:23 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1799744816741257) ·

Updates on Process

Okay, Campers -- more insight into the history and the process and the "rest of the story".

What you need to have ready to counter-claim back your Good Name and Estate:

1. Three authenticated copies (or if not possible for your State, certified at the State Secretary of State level) and at least one authenticated at the United States Department of State level copy of "your" Birth Certificate. These are private documents, not to be recorded.

2. Two notarized statements from Witnesses who know you, know your family, and have first hand knowledge that you are "the" person who was born to the parents and at the place and time shown as the actual birth day on the BC.

3. If possible, a "Lineage Treaty" showing that your family has been in this country since before the Civil War. This is just a simple recitation of your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, when and where they were born, when and where they got married, etc.

4. A Revocation of all Powers of Attorney effective the day of your birth. This wipes out your Mother's unwitting donation of your name to their fraud scheme and any applications that gave away General Powers of Attorney---prevents the Bar Attorneys from "representing" you and messing with the so-called "intermediary record" of your estate;

5. The Deed of Re-Conveyance moving your Trade Name back to the land and soil of your native State of the Union.

6. The Certificate(s) of Assumed Name that move all the "derivative" variations, permutations, orderings, and styles of your name to the land and soil of your native State of the Union.

7. Mandatory Notice of Liability under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.

8. International Will clearly establishing your disposition of your property interests.
All this Turkey Trot is the full-blown insurmountable "stick it down their throats sideways" seizure of control of your name and estate back from the vermin, valid in every international court on Earth.

If they make the mistake of addressing you as a Federal Citizen, you request a Status Hearing and blow them clean out of the water.
Thanks to the work we already did, you are free to assign the BC trust to the U.S. Treasury 1789 from whence it came, and you can go through the additional work to establish your own Private Indemnity Bond, but you can also just tag along and use the indemnity bond established to protect you and your actual State of the Union: AMRI00001 RA 393 427 640 US.

This looks like an "A4V" process, but it is not.
An Accept for Value is what is called a "Mutual Offset Credit Exchange" --- Party A owes you money, but you also owe Party A money, so you "exchange" debts. You owe me $20, but I owe you $10, so I exchange back my $10 debt against your $20 debt and you only owe me $10 as a result.
The Indemnity Bond also requires you to "accept" a Bill and signal that acceptance by writing "ACCEPTED" on the Bill, signing your Trade Name with a by-line, like this: by: John Michael Doe, assigning it to the Indemnity Bond Account, and dating the action. So it looks like a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange, but it isn't. It's an insurance claim.

So, long story short, when you are in receipt of your BCs and have recorded the other documents, you are iron-clad to claim your "indemnity" from any loss or damage.
There is just one other caveat -- the vermin seldom send actual Bills.

What they send are Billing Statements that merely track the status of accounts, and sucker you into paying a Bill that only appears to have been presented. In fact, you've just been told that there is an arrearage in the ACCOUNT, but you haven't been billed for it. Why? Because it's not a bill that you actually owe, and if the rats actually sent you a Bill that would be fraud on the face of it.

This is why you have to demand a "Voucher" from the IRS and can't just sign and stamp any old Notice or Statement they send you.

My comments have been limited to the situations people face in court precisely because when a commercial entity brings an action in court, they have to provide the Judge with an actual Bill. And he has to have an actual Bill in front of him ready to give you, or the entire case is void.

Any failure to produce the Bill on demand --- yours --- is cause for you to say, "I wish for the dismissal with prejudice of all actions related to contract case number (whatever it is) for failure to show cause and administrative default."

Please note that you do not "move" the Court to do anything. You merely express your wishes to your servants.

And if they do produce a Bill for you to sign, you sign it and charge it off against the Indemnity Bond for your State of the Union.

You win either way in the court situation --- Bill or no Bill.
We are still working on the business end of the utility companies, which are operating in true rogue capacity.

8th August 2018, 07:13 AM
I think rumor has it Destry is a Michigan native who was is imprisoned for driving without a drivers license.

Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARRPGmCgqwnKAgRSEeM18IPfb3FwTZYKg dC8JJda71YEEquEndXaa6HeG4MzvOTZutM&fref=nf)

14 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1801580323224373) ·

A BIG Mistake
Apparently, Destry and some others, have fallen into the mistaken idea that you can just join a Jural Assembly and voila! You are home again, free and clear, and all questions and issues regarding your identity and political status are magically answered.

Here's a quote from an email I sent out this morning addressing this:
".....you have to work backward from being in international sea jurisdiction to bring in international land jurisdiction and finally, back to being recorded as a living man or woman of the soil jurisdiction owed to this country.

A great deal of time and effort over many decades has been expended in the effort to steal your birthright from you.
You are naive if you think that reclaiming it is going to be effortless or unnecessary.

I wish it could be just a matter of joining a Jural Assembly, but it isn't.
The way they have you classified, it's improper for you to participate in a Jural Assembly until you correct your political status."

You have to think in terms of apples and oranges, living and dead, Spanish and English, employer and employee--- and you can't be a living man who is part of a living assembly of free men and at the same time "be" a corporate franchise. It's not possible. It is an oxymoron proposition like "sovereign citizen". You can be one or the other, not both.

It's the same way with "citizenship". You can serve as an official of the actual State of the Union and thereby function as a "State Citizen", but you cannot at the same time function as a Territorial "State of State" Citizen.

Once you re-establish your status as a living man or woman, you can move any corporations named after you back to a permanent domicile on the land and soil jurisdiction and operate them in international trade instead of international commerce. This is the difference between owning and operating a boat and being a boat.

So I wish it were as simple as joining a Jural Assembly, but it's not. There are international copyrights and patents and "derivatives" and "labor contracts" and "life insurance annuities" and all sorts of other business issues attached to the central issue of who and what you are and in what capacity you are acting.

In order to be part of a Jural Assembly of living people you have to claim the life and lineage you are part of and claim the reversionary trust interest in your natural estate ---- otherwise, these hideous corporations will simply claim that you are "cargo" aboard one of their "vessels" named after you, and you will be seized upon, impounded, moved around, and treated as "unclaimed cargo".

Which is precisely what is happening to Destry Payne right now, and what is happening to the Colorado Nine and what is happening to Steve Curry and what would happen to me, too, if I had not followed my own advice, gone through all the history and research and the recording processes and "Notifications" that I have gone through to regain my Natural Person standing and reclaim my country.

So, if you want back the prize of who and what you are, if you want your land and soil and flag returned to you and your control, if you don't want to be "mistaken" for a corporation or a dead person's estate or a public charitable trust or a public transmitting utility or, or, or, or..... then get up on your feet, face facts, and deal with the situation for yourself and for your family and for your country.

I will be posting additional examples of what my own "Claim for the Life - Lineage Treaty" looks like, International Will form, etc.

8th August 2018, 07:28 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARR1p7RYWJD2GUezzllf4ZziX64z7mats 6HPW9DlevdK9VziASS3bAJhyzNmDWLyD-Y&fref=nf)

14 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1801618223220583) ·

Example of My "Claim for the Life - Lineage Treaty"

The scanned copy of the actual record will be posted on my website, www.annavonreitz.com (http://www.annavonreitz.com/), which shows the stamps, etc. -- but here is the text showing the kind of detail and verbiage needed to establish your claim to your inheritance as a Natural Person aka Living-Man or Living-Woman:

For the Notice of the Claim for the Life: Lineage-Treaty
Date: November 16, 2017
Place: Big Lake, Alaska
Action: Claim and Conveyance
Presentment: To All Parties
:From the Living-Soul: Anna Maria Riezinger: Anna Maria Riezinger:Woman, Principal, Vessel with Manifest: Anna Maria Riezinger-Living-Soul, Priority Creditor, Paramount Security Interest Holder as of June 6, 1956 holds this Testament-Claim for the Life of Anna Maria Riezinger for the Public Record with this claim of the Fourth Article of the 1666 Cestui Que Vie Act as <one found alive> and with this claim of the writ of Habeas Corpus &: does form this Testament upon the Public Record of the states of the Union of these United States and the Alaska State:

:From the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger manifest this day alive and well, the living daughter of the Emmett Anthony Riezinger:Father of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger. The Emmett Anthony Riezinger:Father from the Peoria-City, of the Illinois-Land-State, born August 14, 1921 with the Chicago-City-Birthplace of the Illinois-Land-State, is the son of the John George Riezinger:Grandfather of the Living-Woman:Anna Maria Riezinger:

:From the Paternal-Grandfather: John George Riezinger of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger born June 1, 1879, from the Salzburg-City of the nation of Austria and from the Paternal-Grandmother: Emma Elizabeth Helmich, born 1879, of the Spring Lake-City of the Illinois-Land-State:

:From the John George Riezinger, the Paternal-Grandfather of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger, the son of the John George Riezinger:Great-Grandfather of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger, the son of the Mother-Wife:Caroline (Rothaus) Riezinger, born November 2, 1840 from the Salzburg-City, from the nation of Austria, and the Father-Husband:Frank Heinrich Riezinger, born the year of 1855 &: from the nation of Austria:

:From the Emma Elizabeth Helmich, the Paternal-Grandmother of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger, the daughter of the William Helmich, born July 4, 1850, from the Tete Des Morts-City, of the Iowa-Land-State, and the Mary Jane Zimmerman, born February 28, 1859 from the St. Clair-City, of the Pennsylvania-Land-State:

:The Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger is Manifest from the Paternal-Grandparents: John George Riezingerand Emma Elizabeth Helmich: Marriage Covenant from the Public Record, November 25, 1911, of the Chicago-City, Illinois-Land-State:

:From the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger manifest this day alive and well, the living daughter of the LaVera Myrtle Schnur of the Black River Falls-City, of the Wisconsin-Land-State, born March 9, 1920, from the Albion Township, of the Jackson County, of the Wisconsin-Land-State:

:From the Julius Alfred Schnur, the Maternal-Grandfather of the Living Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger, born November 20, 1867, of the Black River Falls-City, of the Jackson County, of the Wisconsin-Land-State, the son of the Julius Alfred Schnur, born December 31, 1832, from the Brunswick-City, of the nation of Germany and the Julius Alfred Schnur:Father’s Marriage Covenant with the Wilhelmina Sitchfield:Mother, from the Public Record of the Beloit-City of the Wisconsin-Land-State:

:From the Anna Wilhelmina Nielson, the Maternal-Grandmother of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger born October 2, 1881, in South Dakota-Territory, the daughter of the Augustinus Frederik Nielson:Father born May 10, 1852, from the nation of Denmark &: the Mary Ann Alexander:Mother born January 13, 1850, from the Watertown-City of the Wisconsin-Land-State:

:From the Maternal-Grandparents: Julius Alfred Schnur’s Marriage Covenant with the Anna Wilhelmina Nielson from the Public Record: June 1, 1905 of the Rochester-City, of the Minnesota-Land-State:

:By the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger-Manifest from the Marriage Covenant of Emmett Anthony Riezinger – LaVera Myrtle Schnur, from the Public Record, of the Day 6 June 1942, from the Kohoka-City, Missouri-Land-State, by and with the Provenance proven as an American-state-vessel with the Sacred-Cargo: Anna Maria Riezinger-Living-Soul.

:With Claim for the Vessel & for the Cargo & for the Manifest of the Estate of the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger: &: with the Estate from this Lineage-Treaty free from encumbrance, free from alien-title, free from charge, free from duty, the Living-Woman: Anna Maria Riezinger is with this Lineage-Treaty-Conveyance home from the sea:

By: ___________________________ :Living-Woman

Right-thumb-print Seal:


This record demonstrates my lineage claim to the land and soil of this country through numerous ancestors who were here before the Civil War and even before the Revolution.

But even if you are not lucky enough to have a similar recitation, if you were born in this country or born to parents who were born in this country or even to parents claiming to be American state nationals through their parents or who are legal immigrants who finished the Naturalization process to become a "US citizen" and then went on to adopt a permanent domicile in one of the States-- you can do the same thing.

Why? Because anyone born or naturalized into these Land-States is heir to their kingdom, free and clear.

Your Claim for the Life doesn't have to be long or ornate. It doesn't have to involve ancestors who lived in this country, so long as your were born here or naturalized and then expatriated to an adopted State of the Union.

To those who are misleading everyone and telling them that they don't have to go through all this effort to rebut lies being told about them and record their counter-claims ----- there are a lot of crooks that hope you don't, lots of corporations that don't want to pay back what they've stolen, lots of politicians who don't want to own up to the facts, lots of insurance underwriters and banks, too.

And if you don't record your claims because you were lazy or thought you didn't have to --- the rats win.
It's up to you.

8th August 2018, 07:44 AM
if you don't record your claims because you were lazy or thought you didn't have to --- the rats win.
It's up to you.

A rabbit born on the Land of America has a claim to the land. He doesn't have to record his claim. Likely this claim will not work in his favor during rabbit hunting season.

States are composed of counties. Counties are composed of cities, villages and townships (manors). There is no rabbit in any state 'cause there is no rabbit in any county. There is no land within any state 'cause states are not composed of land. Rabbits are born on the land and generally do not go to a hospital to be born. Passports are not required of rabbits and they generally make no claim of having an estate that other rabbits can cheat them of. A cheating rabbit is called a rat-fink rabbit.

8th August 2018, 08:12 AM
A rabbit born on the Land of America has a claim to the land. He doesn't have to record his claim. Likely this claim will not work in his favor during rabbit hunting season.

States are composed of counties. Counties are composed of cities, villages and townships (manors). There is no rabbit in any state 'cause there is no rabbit in any county. There is no land within any state 'cause states are not composed of land. Rabbits are born on the land and generally do not go to a hospital to be born. Passports are not required of rabbits and they generally make no claim of having an estate that other rabbits can cheat them of. A cheating rabbit is called a rat-fink rabbit.

source of this goobeldygook is?

0 lol

8th August 2018, 03:30 PM
source of this goobeldygook is?

0 lol
Reason ... for when you lack reason you are adjudged INSANE. Non Compos etc.

8th August 2018, 10:05 PM
Reason ... for when you lack reason you are adjudged INSANE. Non Compos etc.

The criminal rabbits have put your NAME in the COUNTY.
Do you just leave it there or do you address the problem?

Men are composed of land, dust to dust, ashes to ashes.

I'm crazy and talking to a 0.

8th August 2018, 10:10 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTzHMPZ3_qckSwPxzpAbDNoUFqXggN-CTMPBTpM7s7TbJsDBAChPaCBon-4EhWA6yU&fref=nf)

7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1803105883071817) ·

Not an A4V Process -- A Substitute Process

The A4V process was set up in the 1930's as part of The Great Fraud. Its actual technical name is "Mutual Offset Credit Exchange". What this involves is an exchange of debts --- you owe me ten dollars, but I owe you five, so we "swap debts" and at the end of the day, you only owe me five dollars.

That system ended except by implied succession contract in 1999 with the settlement of the 1933 bankruptcy.
That is, the organizations that acquired the underlying assets and stepped in to provide the services still got tagged to honor A4V processes because they had an implied responsibility to continue to provide the same deal as remedy, otherwise the whole situation is patently illegal and inequitable.

So between 1999 and now, some A4V processes were accepted and worked on a quid pro quo basis, however, all that stopped when both the Municipal and Territorial organizations went bankrupt between 2015-2017 and the Bankruptcy Trustees appointed by the big banks refused to pay up and it all got dumped back on the IMF functioning as the "US Treasury".

You can't bring an A4V against a bankrupt entity, even if they owe you and even if you owe them. The bankruptcy locks down their assets including their credits and so far as the Bankruptcy Trustees are concerned, you are just a debtor not necessary owed anything. So when you bring forward a claim against the bankrupts, they say you are acting in contempt and asserting a fraudulent interest against a poor, little, old bankrupt entity that is owed all the protection of the court.

So even though there was sporadic success presenting A4V claims prior to the bankruptcies and somewhat still some success because of the need to provide remedy-or-face-criminal charges, what I have suggested and provided for is not and has never been an A4V process.
It looks like one, but it is in fact an insurance claim process, not a Mutual Offset Credit Exchange.

What we did is that we claimed all the assets of the bankrupt "States of States" organizations, including those assets that are being held in trust by these organizations, supposedly "for" us, and we exercised our guarantees under the Lieber Code and Hague Conventions that require that we are indemnified against loss or damage, by establishing a Private Registered Indemnity Bond to cover the actual States and People.

Think of it as an insurance policy with an insurance policy number that is lodged in their system, and when you make a proper claim against it by "accepting" their Court Order (Bill) and signing off on it, they have to provide the insurance to cover the loss and balance the books.

It's really pretty simple, though the process of getting to this point has been anything but simple or straight forward.

In order to do this properly, the "person" making the claim must be operating as a "Natural Person" and have their ducks in order with a recorded claim to their birthright identity and political status and Testament of two
Witnesses proving that they are "the" man or woman born in such and such a place to such and such parents, etc.
A Lineage Treaty going back to before the Civil War establishes absolute "grandfathered in" status for the claimant, but anyone born on the land and soil of this country or properly Naturalized as a "US citizen" and then adopting State nationality, qualifies.

It is my understanding that the rats have suspended "Equal Civil Rights" as part of the bankruptcy, which leaves federal employees and federal dependents and people of color in harm's way, but they won't want to admit that they have suspended equal rights provisions and I would suspect that if people claim their equal civil rights the Trustees will be hard-pressed not to honor their claims on the same quid pro quo basis that A4V exchanges were honored sporadically after 1999--- because these commercial pirates have to offer remedy for their crimes or be recognized as pirates.

So -- the indemnity bond works despite the bankruptcy and hooks the underwriters instead of the bankrupt organizations, which clears up the whole conundrum created by their bankruptcies and gives people remedy that is simpler and easier to enforce.

8th August 2018, 10:21 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARQbQdDylJLqS4zPLEsVPSU8jes1PtcfD CY2zqfCG1JZMeST6Hg_8FdEwevaohRFtmE&fref=nf)

26 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1803706883011717) ·

One Page Situation Update for August 8, 2018

The Current System:

· A Scottish corporation calling itself “The United States of America, Inc.” and a Delaware corporation calling itself the “United States of America, Inc.” run by the Roman Catholic Church have been usurping upon our Government.... since 1868;

· They have provided the 19 enumerated services required by the original Constitution –and a lot more we never asked for --under fraudulently assumed contracts;

· The labor of the American People and their other assets have been used as tradable commodities to pay for all these services;

· Our legal system was unlawfully converted into a private debt collection service to seize our assets to pay for all this foreign spending on our tickets;

· Bottom line: we have been defrauded and enslaved in gross Breach of Trust. The purported Trustees have stolen our individual identities and racked up huge bills against our credit— just like any credit card thief.

The Correction to Be Made:

· The original unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America has organized and objected to the circumstance described above;

· The Federation States and People have been called to Assemble;

· We have the power to restore our lawful government and put an end to the abuses;

· Trump was elected to help restore our lawful republican form of government;

· All Governors have been briefed and the President as Commander-in-Chief is leading an orderly transition.

Where We Are Going:

· The fifty State republics of The United States of America are still alive and functioning;

· These States are not “States of States”;

· Our States are the Priority Creditors of all the bankrupt Federal Territorial and Municipal States of States and are heir to all the assets and property these foreign organizations were holding and managing “for” us;

· We, the People of this country, address the fraud committed against each one of us, get our own records corrected, and assemble our State organizations;

· Our States reclaim and receive back all the assets we are owed and direct control of our property is returned to us;

· Our State Deputies meet “in Congress Assembled” in Philadelphia to take care of long overdue business and chart a way forward;

· The United States of America, the actual federation of our States, helps President Trump “Make America Great Again!”

9th August 2018, 05:53 AM
The criminal rabbits have put your NAME in the COUNTY.
Would they be criminal if the NAME wasn't mine? Or if I didn't create the COUNTY?

Do you just leave it there or do you address the problem?
Here is me addressing the problem: Culpa est immiscere se rei ad se non pertinenti. It is a fault to meddle with what does not belong to or does not concern you.

Here is my advice: STOP MEDDLING or you will find the problem does belong to you.

Anything that affects me I take care of immediately or if there is a delay for whatever reason I act nunc pro tunc.

Men are composed of land, dust to dust, ashes to ashes.
'MEN' are composed of multiple instances of 'MAN' and generally as a group behave in an irrational manner.

I'm crazy and talking to a 0.
Really? You need to speak louder unless you are talking to yourself. [or unless you are truly crazy]

9th August 2018, 07:47 AM
Would they be criminal if the NAME wasn't mine? Or if I didn't create the COUNTY?

Here is me addressing the problem: Culpa est immiscere se rei ad se non pertinenti. It is a fault to meddle with what does not belong to or does not concern you.

Here is my advice: STOP MEDDLING or you will find the problem does belong to you.

Anything that affects me I take care of immediately or if there is a delay for whatever reason I act nunc pro tunc.

When they confuse you with YOU and haul you off to jail, you can then explain your hypothetical theories that they are of no concern to you/YOU.
I'm sure "they" will be very interested in them as in ho hum would you like stripes on your orange jumpsuit.

9th August 2018, 07:52 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARRI_8dZMScCW8G37czDnAhzqaecrywmD Vnmqrgs24X8EV3i2wqw3C5LPfUaxSVEBew&fref=nf)

8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1803804243001981) ·

Public Notary or Notary Public
Had a couple worthy questions today about notary services....

Notaries have been around since the Roman Empire.

A Public Notary acting in the land jurisdiction has more power than a State of State Supreme Court Judge.

A Notary Public is a different private office that the same people can occupy in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

And which office it is depends on your status, your purposes, the capacity in which you are acting and the nature of your paperwork, so you need to be able to figure it out and invoke the proper office of the Notary accordingly.

The people now serving as Notaries are all commissioned by "State of State" franchises and so, they normally function as Notary Publics in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

The jurisdiction invoked is indicated by the "Notary Block" the separate portion of the document reserved for them.

If it is Territorial United States jurisdiction being invoked, the Notary Block will show that the paperwork is taking place --- for example, in the "State of Vermont" and "County of Claybourne".

If it is Municipal United States jurisdiction, the Notary Block will show: "STATE OF VERMONT" and "COUNTY OF CLAYBOURNE".

But if you want to invoke the land jurisdiction owed to your country, the Notary Block will show: "Vermont State" and "Claybourne County". And, ideally, the Notary will be identified as a "Public Notary".

Sometimes we need the Public Notary to act as a Witness to our actions, such as sending a piece of mail, or hearing our testimony about something, which amounts to the same thing as being sworn in, in a court of law, or being deposed as a Witness outside the courtroom.

This is described by the Title of the Notary Block, which says "Public Notary Witness" or "Public Notary Jurat" [for testimony involving verbal utterances and affirmations or oaths] along with our declaration of the jurisdiction. This all serves to explicitly nail down the capacity in which the Notary is acting and what they are being asked to do.

Public Notaries count as two Witnesses.

Notary Publics count as one Witness.

Both capacities are officers of the court(s) they service.
So, yes, there is far more to the humble Notary than most people have ever begun to guess and the range of services that a Notary can perform is also much grander in scale than we typically take advantage of.

Of course, Notaries need to be compensated for their time and effort and as it is a largely volunteer occupation there is no salary and no set fee structure. Most Notaries ask a small fee -- $2 to $5 for witnessing a signature or autograph, and more for more involved services, such as mailing services and Notary Due Process Service.

This is just "the Basics" you need to be aware of in working with a Notary or Notarial Service. You choose the jurisdiction and the capacity you wish the Notary to act in, and you invoke it by your description in the Title of the Notary Block, the location described in the Notary Block, and the way the Notary is addressed --- either in their Public (land jurisdiction) capacity, or in their private (sea jurisdiction) capacity.

A study of Notarial Powers would take a good six months and is far beyond my capacity to address in a single article, but this gives you a good starting place and allows you to sort out the basic issues.

Land jurisdiction paperwork goes to a land recording office and is handled by a Recorder. Generally speaking, it requires a Public Notary and should be taking place in a land State and County: Ohio State, Lakeland County.
Sea jurisdiction paperwork goes to a registrar or clerk of court and is handled by a Registrar. It requires a Notary Public, and can be taking place in a fictional place such as: State of Ohio, County of Lakeland (Territorial) or STATE OF OHIO, COUNTY OF LAKELAND (Municipal).

You have to be sharp and watch closely and think about what you are doing to insure that you get the results and the services you want, and since you are the one preparing your paperwork, it is all in your hands and your choice, according to your purposes.

All the paperwork that I recommend (other than the Birth Certificate paperwork) will require a Public Notary service, will be a recording not a registration process, will go to and through a Recorder's Office, and the place will be a land jurisdiction state like: Wisconsin State, and a land jurisdiction County like: Jackson County.

9th August 2018, 11:14 AM
I'm sure "they" will be very interested in them as in ho hum would you like stripes on your orange jumpsuit.
A couple examples.

Adask signed AT ARMS LENGTH when he accepted extradition from Texas to Missouri. That got him 11 months in prison in Missouri with no charges.

Another guy I heard of had an attorney helping him. Both got arrested (fed - time). The guy accepted a contract to be released while the attorney sat mute and didn't agree to anything. The attorney got released at 11 months. The guy who thought a contract was a good idea is now serving a little over 3 years.

You get to decide which way you want to deal with the system. The way you decide makes all the difference. Paperwork has little to do with anything. Actions speak louder. And you don't have to do anything to be charged. Frequently if you do nothing you will be charged.

If you like some background on this watch an early '60s Citizen Kane type movie called THE TRIAL. The most outstanding advice was suggested by the advocates girl friend: "you must confess". Now there you have it. What do you want to confess to? I would suggest the facts and not the controversy.

For myself I will state that I would rather accept no hospitality from the system rather than eat everything on the plate they hand me.

9th August 2018, 12:25 PM
A couple examples.

Adask signed AT ARMS LENGTH when he accepted extradition from Texas to Missouri. That got him 11 months in prison in Missouri with no charges.

Another guy I heard of had an attorney helping him. Both got arrested (fed - time). The guy accepted a contract to be released while the attorney sat mute and didn't agree to anything. The attorney got released at 11 months. The guy who thought a contract was a good idea is now serving a little over 3 years.

You get to decide which way you want to deal with the system. The way you decide makes all the difference. Paperwork has little to do with anything. Actions speak louder. And you don't have to do anything to be charged. Frequently if you do nothing you will be charged.

If you like some background on this watch an early '60s Citizen Kane type movie called THE TRIAL. The most outstanding advice was suggested by the advocates girl friend: "you must confess". Now there you have it. What do you want to confess to? I would suggest the facts and not the controversy.

For myself I will state that I would rather accept no hospitality from the system rather than eat everything on the plate they hand me.

The key item is do you know of anyone who has secured his lawful State domicile on the land of his birth, who has been put in jail for any significant amount of time?

People who have addressed the issue of the BC and various trusts and adhesion contracts that we were tricked into.

9th August 2018, 12:51 PM
The key item is do you know of anyone who has secured his lawful State domicile on the land of his birth, who has been put in jail for any significant amount of time?

People who have addressed the issue of the BC and various trusts and adhesion contracts that we were tricked into.

Yep. Local guy. Most no-violent guy you would ever hope to find. Probably has spent 6 of the last 10 years in prison for the crime of asserting his right to occupy the road without the benefit of a license. His actual crime though is he was a high order mason who bucked his superiors. He has gone after seizing the estate established by his BC, gotten a couple judges to recuse themselves and meanwhile he gets to enjoy the hospitality of the state.

You are where you are by the law of your being. That law is not one that you can dispute or transgress without consequences. It is more instructive to examine this particular law than any statutes ever established for your benefit. You find yourself at odds with the system because you are not in synch with your own law. If you ever come into synch you will find you have no dispute with the government. You will only have a dispute with yourself.

9th August 2018, 01:08 PM
Yep. Local guy. Most no-violent guy you would ever hope to find. Probably has spent 6 of the last 10 years in prison for the crime of asserting his right to occupy the road without the benefit of a license. His actual crime though is he was a high order mason who bucked his superiors. He has gone after seizing the estate established by his BC, gotten a couple judges to recuse themselves and meanwhile he gets to enjoy the hospitality of the state.

You are where you are by the law of your being. That law is not one that you can dispute or transgress without consequences. It is more instructive to examine this particular law than any statutes ever established for your benefit. You find yourself at odds with the system because you are not in synch with your own law. If you ever come into synch you will find you have no dispute with the government. You will only have a dispute with yourself.

Do you know what paperwork he filed to try to secure a domicile in his State?
Do you know any particulars about his paperwork process?

As far as I can tell "our' current State of States are just federal entities with limited standing on the actual land.
And the courts are also not on the land. Most of them belong to the federal level.
Bottom line is they are not our courts.

9th August 2018, 01:39 PM
Do you know what paperwork he filed to try to secure a domicile in his State?
Do you know any particulars about his paperwork process?
I believe he attended a Jonah Bey seminar in Minnesota. He has taken it a bit further with another local guru.

As far as I can tell "our' current State of States are just federal entities with limited standing on the actual land.
And the courts are also not on the land. Most of them belong to the federal level.
Bottom line is they are not our courts.
All states are on the city-state model. The state is the governor and other top elected officials. State territory is defined by constitution. That doesn't mean a state owns all the property in their territory. It means they own the markers they use to establish their territory and nothing more. You can go back to the Law of the Forest where the concept is developed that a forest will likely contain parks, warrens and chases. Forest law does not apply to parks, warrens and chases because there are four elements required of a forest. In fact there is more written on what is required of a forest than of what is required of a state. That plus the fact that the Law of the Forest came about with the same document that promulgated the Magna Carte yet we never hear anything except the Magna Carte. What I am suggesting here is that there are other entities within the boundaries of a state that are not subject to state rules.

Joinder is created by engaging in controversy. Stay away from the controversy. I don't have a BC. I was born in a watershed and there ain't a single hospital or government agent to be found in any watershed. You want to deport me? Send me back to my watershed.

9th August 2018, 02:20 PM
I believe he attended a Jonah Bey seminar in Minnesota. He has taken it a bit further with another local guru.

Joinder is created by engaging in controversy. Stay away from the controversy. I don't have a BC. I was born in a watershed and there ain't a single hospital or government agent to be found in any watershed. You want to deport me? Send me back to my watershed.

How did you manage to get rid of your BC?

I was at a Jonah Bey seminar in Lafayette Minnesota about 3 to 4 years ago. I know the people who put it on. I suppose there might have been other Jonah Bey seminars. I have the video.

If you are not a US Citizen most of the statute law does not apply as it has to happen on US Owned land.

9th August 2018, 02:48 PM
How did you manage to get rid of your BC?
Not technical. According to Hobbes a person is a word, an action or representation. One action might be "What BC?" I am actually living so all the BC's I have ever seen place the guy as being born into a corporation. This is a defect amongst us living. I refuse any connection with a document that is not 100% accurate.

I was at a Jonah Bey seminar in Lafayette Minnesota about 3 to 4 years ago. I know the people who put it on. I suppose there might have been other Jonah Bey seminars. I have the video. Probably the right time frame. I didn't attend but know 5-6 people who went. I don't believe the guy in question went either but his girlfriend did. He was too busy being incarcerated.

If you are not a US Citizen most of the statute law does not apply as it has to happen on US Owned land.
U.S. citizenship is an office of public trust (in this grand charitable trust institution). If you aren't actually holding an office in the trust (this would be the 14th amendment trust .. check it out .. the 14th amendment is nothing but trust language) then you are not a U.S. citizen. You very well may be in the status "eligible to be a U.S. citizen" but being eligible is not being in office. When you are in the office then all these statutes apply. Mostly it is a case of "let's pretend we are in office and then see what an office holder must do to comply".

So I don't occupy an office of public trust. Is that a crime? I claim eligibility but if nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve.

9th August 2018, 02:57 PM
I have met 3 or 4 people from Iowa who come to the law group meetings at Michael H's place. I believe they were from Mason City. Is that near you?
Lots of Cheks and Irish in Iowa, what are you?

typo misspelled Michael's name, will he ever forgive me?

9th August 2018, 06:10 PM
I have met 3 or 4 people from Iowa who come to the law group meetings at Michail H's place. I believe they were from Mason City. Is that near you? Dont't know a Michail H. Never been to Mason City either.

Lots of Cheks and Irish in Iowa, what are you? I hail from Copperas Duck (on the westerly bank).

9th August 2018, 06:32 PM
Dont't know a Michail H. Never been to Mason City either.
I hail from Copperas Duck (on the westerly bank).

I guess I kind of knew that. Somewhere near the John Deere plant in quad cities.
That's where you are from, the question is where are those who brought you from?
Norwegian's like Jews, want to know just who we are dealing with. What strange foods does this guy eat? Ever eaten lutefisk?

9th August 2018, 06:49 PM
the question is where are those who brought you from?
My ancestors? They come from the same area.

Norwegian's like Jews, want to know just who we are dealing with. What strange foods does this guy eat? Ever eaten lutefisk? No but Hale serves a hot beef sandwich made from left over prime rib. I guarantee you wouldn't leave much on your plate.

9th August 2018, 10:42 PM
https://pptform.state.gov/PassportWizardMain.aspx?AspxAutoDetectCookieSuppor t=1

OK, I challenged Anna's assertion about the Post Office and got a perfectly logical response.

HAVE YOU EVER applied for a passport? If so, you may have picked up and dropped off your application at a post office. But the U.S. Postal Service doesn’t process your request. All passport applications are received, reviewed, and granted (or not) through the U.S. Department of State.

A U.S. passport provides proof of American citizenship and allows Americans to visit other countries and re-enter the United States again.

Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?fref=ufi) But it's not a "US Passport" Jon, it's a United States of America Passport, because the "US" has never had anything more than "Delegated Powers" to exercise. Hello? Earth to Jon?

10th August 2018, 12:15 AM
My ancestors? They come from the same area.

OK, I'll call you Tonto from now on.



10th August 2018, 05:50 AM
OK, I'll call you Tonto from now on
You can call me anything but late for dinner but don't be surprised if I don't reply.

10th August 2018, 08:55 AM
You can call me anything but late for dinner but don't be surprised if I don't reply.

I believe Cedar Rapids is the center of Czech country. I did a couple of jobs there delivering computer systems to Rockwell Collins. Nice town, had a great time, flew down from Mpls on a Saab puddle jumper, bumpy ride both ways.
So are you retired as you seem to have a lot of time for banter?

10th August 2018, 09:14 AM
OK, I challenged Anna's assertion about the Post Office and got a perfectly logical response.

HAVE YOU EVER applied for a passport? If so, you may have picked up and dropped off your application at a post office. But the U.S. Postal Service doesn’t process your request. All passport applications are received, reviewed, and granted (or not) through the U.S. Department of State.

A U.S. passport provides proof of American citizenship and allows Americans to visit other countries and re-enter the United States again.

Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?fref=ufi) But it's not a "US Passport" Jon, it's a United States of America Passport, because the "US" has never had anything more than "Delegated Powers" to exercise. Hello? Earth to Jon?

My passport is a United States of America Passport applied for online at the Dept. of State website, issued to me at the Dept. of State Consulate in Los Angeles, California and delivered to me in my hand. I got the official passport photo at the Post Office.



10th August 2018, 09:40 AM
I believe Cedar Rapids is the center of Czech country.
Yep. Try their Czech-Mex food sometime.

So are you retired as you seem to have a lot of time for banter?
Retirement is an institution established for the living un-dead. I find non-participation to be a logical course of action unless I develop an insane desire to be taken care of.

10th August 2018, 10:10 AM
My passport is a United States of America Passport applied for online at the Dept. of State website, issued to me at the Dept. of State Consulate in Los Angeles, California and delivered to me in my hand. I got the official passport photo at the Post Office.

Well I am still having a go at Anna, because her Post Office issued Passport application form does not seem to exist.

She's not answering, but she is pretty busy writing one missive after another.

If the Post Office issues Passports, the door to walk through is pretty hard to find.

10th August 2018, 10:13 AM
Yep. Try their Czech-Mex food sometime.

Retirement is an institution established for the living un-dead. I find non-participation to be a logical course of action unless I develop an insane desire to be taken care of.

OK, how big is your tractor? Does it have air conditioning?

10th August 2018, 11:59 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ART2P6KfzsM1LDzhWarmVYWiALzQJR91h NYmVLVbdeinOptdqjrfTFGwQP4Fa50hT8w&fref=nf)

Yesterday at 12:11 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1804666169582455) ·

The Civil War Fraud

-- This is a reprint of an article that explains a small but important part of what went on after the Civil War and it places a glaring spotlight on the mis-administration of our country that went on then and which has continued under the auspices of the Territorial and Municipal United States Governments ever since. ENJOY ---- and thanks to Bill Ward:

The Civil War Fraud
By Bill Ward
When the War Between the States ended, the victorious Northerners viewed Jefferson Davis, as the former President of the Confederate States of America, much differently than others who had served the Confederacy.

For example, when Robert E. Lee surrendered to U.S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, the meeting between the two generals was amicable. Lee was received and treated with courtesy as a senior officer. The terms were so apparently lenient, with Grant conceding to Lee’s requests on behalf of his soldiers, the surrender was referred to as “a gentleman’s agreement.”

However, even after signing a loyalty oath, Lee and other former Confederate Army officers and members of the CSA government were later disenfranchised and treated as second-class citizens. But in the eyes of the northern public, Jefferson Davis was set apart for still a different kind of treatment.

On May 10, 1865, about a mile from the town of Irwinville, Georgia, Federal troops captured Davis. With his arrest on that spring morning, his government ceased to exist. His wife, Varina, and their children were sent to Savannah, where she was kept under virtual house arrest and forbidden to leave the city. Because the soldiers, carpetbaggers and Union supporters treated the Davis children so badly, Varina arranged for them to go to Canada along with her mother.

Davis had been taken back to Virginia and imprisoned in Fort Monroe, where he would stay for the next two years. At first, he was bound in leg irons. Guards watched him around the clock but were not permitted to speak to him. He was allowed no visitors; a light burned in his cell day and night; and his only reading material was a Bible. His treatment was a clear violation of the Bill of Rights.

Many Northern Congressmen and newspapers were nothing short of vicious in their public attacks of Davis. They wanted to see him tried for treason and hanged. In one article, and in one very long sentence, the New York Times referred to Davis by every insulting comment and offensive name that was fit to print. Rhetoric far outran legal reasoning.

But if Davis was in an unusual legal predicament, so was the United States government. The dilemma faced by Washington was how to handle the Davis case. The government under Lincoln had created its own major obstacles by spending four years proclaiming that secessionists were “traitors and conspirators.” The U.S. military had silenced opposition to the administration by closing down newspapers that dared challenge the party line or to make the slightest suggestion that secession might be legal. Thousands of Northerners had been jailed for exercising their First Amendment rights, and those thousands had friends with long memories in the Northern bar.

Northern lawyers were angry for having their clients locked in prison with no civil rights as guaranteed by the Constitution; having civilians tried by military courts for non-existent crimes; having a government that ignored the Supreme Court, setting itself above the constitutional plan of checks and balances. They didn’t like having to beg the president for justice for clients convicted by phony courts-martial or locked up for long periods without any trial. Under Lincoln, the U.S. government had become tyrannical, and certainly anything but a free and constitutional society.

The best lawyers of the day were willing to volunteer to defend Jefferson Davis, because they were angry at the way Lincoln’s government had trampled the Bill of Rights and the Constitution for four years. Even those who didn’t believe in secession were repulsed by the conduct of the Republican administration and the U.S. military.
Charles O’Connor of New York, one of the most famous trial lawyers of the era and a man of great stature in the legal profession, volunteered to be Davis’s counsel. Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, would be the trial judge.

But interesting things began to happen, and the government’s dilemma became even worse. University of Virginia Law Professor, Albert Bledsoe, published a book, “Is Davis a Traitor?” Bledsoe methodically took apart the case against secession, delivering a solid blow to the prosecutors and dampening their zeal to try Davis. Prosecutors actually began to look for a way to avoid trying him without vindicating the South.

Then another method was decided on for prosecution. The attorney general would bring in outside, independent counsel, as we have seen in modern times, such as in Watergate or the Clinton scandals. The government needed someone of great standing in the legal community to be the lead prosecutor. It chose John J. Clifford. But after reviewing the case, Clifford withdrew citing “grave doubts” about the validity of the case. The government could “end up having fought a successful war, only to have it declared unlawful by a Virginia jury,” where Davis’s “crime” was alleged to have been committed.

President Johnson, Lincoln’s successor, thought the easiest way out would be to pardon Davis, as he had pardoned many other Confederates. But Davis refused, saying, “To ask for a pardon would be a confession of guilt.” He wanted a trial to have the issue of secession decided by a court of law — where it should have been decided to begin with — instead of on battlefields. Most Southerners wanted the same.

Northerners either forgot or were unaware of a great secessionist tradition in America. Southerners were not alone in their view that each state had the right to determine its own destiny in the Union. The procedure for joining the Union also applied to withdrawing from the Union.

That thought harkens back to an editorial by the Cincinnati (Ohio) Daily Inquirer, in the summer of 1861, after the “traitor” label was let loose by the North: “The Republican papers are great on treason. . . . It is treason to circulate petitions for a compromise or peaceful readjustment of our national troubles . . . to question the constitutional powers of the President to increase the standing army without authority of law . . . to object to squads of military visiting private houses, and to make search and seizures. . . to question the infallibility of the President, and treason not to concur with him. . . It is treason to talk of hard times; to say that the war might have been avoided. It is treason to be truthful and faithful to the Constitution.”

A year after John Clifford withdrew, the government appointed another special counsel, Richard Dana of Boston, who had written the novel, “Two Years Before the Mast.” But after reviewing the evidence, he agreed with Clifford; the case was a loser. Dana argued that “a conviction will settle nothing in law or national practice not now settled…as a rule of law by war.” Dana observed that the right to secede from the Union had not been settled by civilized means but by military power and the destruction of much life and property in the South. The North should accept its uncivilized victory, however dirty its hands might be, and not expose the fruits of its carnage to scrutiny by a peaceful court of law.

Now, over two years after Davis’s imprisonment and grand jury indictments for treason, the stage was set for the great public trial of the century. Davis had been released from prison on a $100,000 bond, supported by none other than Horace Greeley, the leading abolitionist writer in the North and a former Lincoln supporter. Greeley and a host of others were outraged at the treatment Davis had received, being locked up in a dungeon for more than two years with no speedy trial.
Since two famous special counsels had told the government its case was a loser, finally, none other than the Chief Justice, in a quirk of Constitutional manipulation, devised an idea to avoid a trial without vindicating the South. His amazing solution was little short of genius.

The Fourteenth Amendment had been adopted, which provided that anyone who had engaged in insurrection against the United States and had at one time taken an oath of allegiance (which Davis had done as a U.S. Senator) could not hold public office. The Bill of Rights prevents double jeopardy, so Davis, who had already been punished once by the Fourteenth Amendment in not being permitted to hold public office, couldn't be tried and punished again for treason.

Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase secretly passed along his clever argument to Davis’s counsel, Charles O’Connor, who then made the motion to dismiss. The Court took the motion under consideration, passing the matter on to the Supreme Court for determination.

In late December 1867 while the motion was pending, President Johnson granted amnesty to everyone in the South, including Davis. But the Davis case was still on the docket. In February 1868, at a dinner party attended by the Chief Justice and a government attorney, they agreed that on the following day a motion for non-prosecution would be made that would dismiss the case. A guest overheard the conversation and reported what was on the minds of most Southerners: “I did not consider that he [Davis] was any more guilty of treason than I was, and that a trial should be insisted upon, which could properly only result in a complete vindication of our cause, and of the action of the many thousands who had fought and of the many thousands who had died for what they felt to be right.”

And so, the case of United States versus Jefferson Davis came to its end — a case that was to be the trial of the century, a great state trial, perhaps the most significant trial in the history of the nation — that never was.

10th August 2018, 12:05 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARQxuvj-O-m1-tx6Cozw4JnPhlgdQcgTy84LVVq8LPHSyGjdbLBfP-7nlOe3Br9ji78&fref=nf)

23 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1804695419579530) ·

Pernicious Confusion About Milligan Ex Parte
The Supreme Court decided Milligan Ex Parte in 1866, a year after the creation of quasi-military courts in ten military districts covering eleven Southern States in May of 1865.

These courts were formed by the Rump Congress immediately following Lee's surrender at Appomattox, Virginia, in April of 1865.

Basically, a General "of at least the rank of a Brigadier" was put in charge of appointing civilians loyal to the North to act as Judges in Southern Courts: carpetbaggers.
These people were all either transported to serve as judges in these new quasi-military courts or they were hated members of their own communities --- Yankee Sympathizers --- who were given plenary power over their defeated neighbors, to rape, pillage, and plunder whatever property was left in the South.

It caused such an outcry that Milligan Ex Parte was rushed through the United States Supreme Court for remedy just a year later. The Court clearly stated that when civilian courts resumed operations in the military districts, the quasi-military tribunals were to shut down.
Instead, by a process of fraud based on similar names deceit and usurpation, the civilian courts were surreptitiously replaced by these same quasi-military tribunals operating throughout the nation.

That's where we find ourselves today, still cluelessly wrestling with the unresolved detritus of the so-called Civil War, still putting up with quasi-military courts --- which we could replace simply by operating our own civilian courts and invoking Milligan Ex Parte.

Recently, people unaware of this history, have brought forward Milligan Ex Parte and attempted to use this as an argument against President Trump's proposed use of military tribunals to try civilian criminals ---- however this reasoning is based on false assumptions that derive from ignorance about which courts Milligan Ex Parte is talking about, and assumes that it is addressing military courts in general.

As you can see, instead, it is only addressing the quasi-military civilian tribunals created in May 1865, not the actual military courts at all.

In my opinion, President Trump is acting correctly and Milligan Ex Parte has nothing to do with it. The vast majority of the criminals he is dealing with are US Territorial or Municipal citizens and they are subject to military courts as a result.

As for the rest of us, it is long overdue for us to stir our stumps, get our own political status records corrected, form our Jural Assemblies, and shut down the quasi-military courts operated by the Territorial United States using Milligan Ex Parte in its correct place and interpretation to do so.

10th August 2018, 12:11 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?sk=wall&hc_ref=ARQMwJFNk-YwiKpkl_2ZJz5J0l_vgqaTnKUx2u-pJJoVB0UOvl5Q_ffOovdPjkDRYSg&fref=nf)

23 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1804772606238478) ·

Demand and Decree
To boil it down pure and simple --- the Federal Government was created to exercise certain "Delegated Powers".

Three different levels of Federal Government were created --- the actual Federal Government operated by the States of America formed in 1781, which was moth-balled under conditions of deceit and fraud in 1868, the Territorial Government designed to administer new territorial acquisitions under the Northwest Ordinance and such Insular States and possessions (like Puerto Rico and Guam) and the Municipal Government to administer Washington, DC.

Over the last three years, all three levels of this "Federal Government" have been rendered incompetent. The actual Federal Government is still dormant pending completion of its "reconstruction". Both the Territorial and Municipal Government have gone bankrupt.

By Operation of Law, the Delegated Powers have returned to the source Delegating those Powers in the first place ---- The United States of America, its member States, and its People.

The text of The Demand and Decree accepting and acknowledging the return of these Powers and demand for the return of our assets is dated June 6, 2018 and the actual pdf copies and mailing receipts are being posted on my website: http://www.annavonreitz.com/




10th August 2018, 12:27 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARQE5zkL0nPk2EyATHqHAdDidlGxVAZPL lLJQcl0seST7bLQVuIPgymsnrR3N8OJOzA&fref=nf)

16 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1805212996194439) ·

Native Leaders -- Use Your Heads

If I had gone along with the "deal" Chief Fasthorse was promoting, I would have been signing your death warrants instead of welcoming you to the table. Most likely, I would have been signing my own death warrant, too.

You have to think things through and not just from your own perspective.
There is no way for 15 million Native Americans from at least 100 different tribes to come in and establish a superior claim and take away the land rights of 350 million other Americans without a bloodbath.

Such a thing would create a reason--- that otherwise doesn't exist--- for the final decimation and destruction of the Native Nations.

About the time you swaggered up some guy's driveway and told him that you were the new "owners" of his property, the same old war would begin, and there is no reason to think that the results would be any better or different.

Instead, you get to come home to the land and soil jurisdiction and get out of the "Second Class Citizen" status you were all stuck in, and are now able to live and stand on the land again as free men and women.

There are other reasons, too.
The United States of America is the established lawful government of this country. We have contracts and agreements with these "High Contracting Powers" that we can exercise ---- and not only treaties, but commercial contracts and trusts that we are heir to already. We don't have to recreate any wheels, fight any wars, or cause any problems. All we have to do is invoke what already exists and operate the General Government already owed to this country.

Any sort of new Native Super State would have none of that in place and would be prey to any number of foreign alliances coming against it and all sorts of traditional tribal squabbles and internal power struggles, on top of having 95% of your neighbors mad at you.

What chance would such a new "Indigenous Nation" have?
Not much.

You cannot hope to address injustices that occurred in the past by creating new injustices against other people in the present. Number One --- that doesn't work. Number Two -- all it does is create more injustice.

Injustice against anyone is a form of violence and violence just begets more violence. So if you want peace and plenty in your lifetimes, give justice to others who have paid their dues to be here, too, whose bodies have come from this land, and whose bodies will return to it when they die, just the same as yours. And stop fighting a war that ended 150 years ago.

You have a rich heritage and thanks to the work of The Living Law Firm, it can finally be a happy and abundant heritage, too.

As for me, I have always valued the great compliment that the local Winnebago Tribe, the Ho-Chunka Nation, gave to me as a youngster. It's an honor to be considered a member of the tribe, but we all know that I will never be a Winnebago by blood and so, we would be building a new nation on another "fib" of sorts, an honorary title "as" a Winnebago. That's not good enough to form the foundations for a new start for a whole country.

Finally, I want to point out that I have retrieved the "Natural and Unalienable Rights" our forefathers fought for from the dust bin of history, and if I were to turn my back on The United States of America [Unincorporated] I really would be committing treason against this country and its people----all of them, of every color and creed --- who have fought and died and suffered for it.

10th August 2018, 01:52 PM
OK, how big is your tractor? Does it have air conditioning?
How many lures do you have in your tackle box and do you use worms, minnows or stink-bait? Do you fish for the sport or to survive?

10th August 2018, 02:09 PM
How many lures do you have in your tackle box and do you use worms, minnows or stink-bait? Do you fish for the sport or to survive?

Stink-bait of course.
This is a sporting event.

http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Bigjon http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=934678#post934678)
Norwegian's like Jews, want to know just who we are dealing with. What strange foods does this guy eat? Ever eaten lutefisk?

Well we know your not a scandinavian, because no scandinavian could pass up a lure like that. You live in Czech land, eat beef and are not retired.
Farming is a part time job and with GMO there is no need to walk the beans anymore, so that's my best guess.

10th August 2018, 02:29 PM
that's my best guess.
Could you define the space within a cube in a spherical coordinate system?

10th August 2018, 02:43 PM
Could you define the space within a cube in a spherical coordinate system?

Short answer is no.

I do have the book, somewhere. I believe I studied that in vector analysis about forty years ago.

Is there a good reason why I would want to?

Or is this a hint as to what it is that you do for a living?

Do you teach it or use it?

10th August 2018, 02:56 PM
Short answer is no.

I do have the book, somewhere. I believe I studied that in vector analysis about forty years ago.

Consider for a moment the space in a spherical coordinate system to be analogous to EQUITY.

Consider also that the space in a cartesian coordinate system to be analogous to LAW.

Now both systems can define the same space but it would be difficult to convert a shape such as a cube in the cartesian system into spherical coordinates. The same statement is true of a sphere easily defined in spherical space but not so easily defined in cartesian coordinates.

You waltz into EQUITY court acting like a cube don't be surprised when they define you as a number of balls each with a radius of r fitted into the cube as r approaches zero. You might want to be treated like a cube but EQUITY is going to treat you as a ball because they have difficulty dealing with cubes.

10th August 2018, 04:01 PM
Consider for a moment the space in a spherical coordinate system to be analogous to EQUITY.

Consider also that the space in a cartesian coordinate system to be analogous to LAW.

Now both systems can define the same space but it would be difficult to convert a shape such as a cube in the cartesian system into spherical coordinates. The same statement is true of a sphere easily defined in spherical space but not so easily defined in cartesian coordinates.

You waltz into EQUITY court acting like a cube don't be surprised when they define you as a number of balls each with a radius of r fitted into the cube as r approaches zero. You might want to be treated like a cube but EQUITY is going to treat you as a ball because they have difficulty dealing with cubes.

There you go, taking the sport out of it.

And I thought this would be a fun topic:

The logical answer is they are not our courts, as I'm not a corporation. Therefor stay out of them.



10th August 2018, 04:28 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARQ510QIFVavlEepFqFrXHOtYjTIcnDN4 qX7-JZ4FPFfdj6gp8tPwAkacZt_OVoHiPc&fref=nf)

22 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1806631272719278) ·

By Operation of Law

I highly recommend that those who are just encountering this information read our book, "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" as a starting place. It gives the overall basics in an easy-to-read illustrated format and provides very handy information in the Appendix. This book gives references and citations as it goes through its narrative. It is available on Amazon.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FAmazon.com%2F&h=AT3WWeYf3H8CRo8NxEaDpsw_UnRsq1qtGF28MoA83_0D-x4Sc86UOJfV-bxisRwxzTWSOAiI3ttjdOpCE0YIwc8gMqH5MdrFvd1QeegtayM og7xVj3DGttV9ZPSterIzCAWoZ2zhd4Ky7kIJu7U2RsM) as are all the other books.

If you are a more hard-charging "Just the Facts Ma'am" executive type, the same basic information is covered in a sound-bite format in our book "America: Some Assembly Required". If you need to get up to speed fast and can take in information in 30-second or less increments and build the picture as you go, this book will summarize the situation and the history for you in about an hour and a half. This book doesn't give a references and citations that have been provided elsewhere so includes only one or two new citations covering additional topics.

Behind, before, and underlying these two books is the first book, "Disclosure 101", which is the history of how I got involved, how I addressed the problem, and ultimately where it all led. This book includes publication of basic documents I or others issued in pursuit of remedy and gives eleven pages of underlying citations and references.

President Trump has, since the publication of these books, sicced teams of lawyers on the information and combed the National Archives. As a result, it has all been newly confirmed. At the highest levels of international government there has never been any disagreement about the facts, there has only been a divide between those who knew and those who didn't know. President Trump now knows and has the proof of the facts we have brought forward.

Despite what is apparent in the external world, many people think that our country functions under one government. It doesn't and except for five years early on, it never has.

Examine what happened between 1776 to 1781. During those years The United States of America
[Unincorporated] was the sole face of our country to the external world. It was and is an unincorporated Federation of States, which are also unincorporated entities. The members of The United States of America Federation are known simply as: Wisconsin, Illinois, Massachusetts, Virginia, and so on.

Five years after the States and the original Federation were formed, a
Confederation of States of States was formed under The Articles of Confederation.

The members of the Confederation were all doing-business-as entities belonging to the Federation States. These "States of States" did business as "The State of Florida", "The State of Wisconsin" and so on. They were all members of the "States of America" and were called "Confederate States" long before the Civil War.

It was these original States of States that were party to The Constitution for the united States of America and they, together, were intended to exercise the nineteen Powers delegated to them by the sovereign States and The United States of America.

And then came the Civil War. The Confederation of States of America was torn apart. After the mercenary conflict (never a true war) ended, the original States of States needed to be "Reconstructed" --- hence the "Reconstruction Era".

Britain saw its chance to usurp --- again --- against our lawful government, and via fraudulent means substituted Territorial "States of States" to replace the actual Federal States of States, and used that as a means to commandeer our Federal Government and exercise our Delegated Powers for its own benefit. The Territorial "States of States" have operated under names styled like this: "the State of Vermont", "the State of Florida" and so on ever since.

Millions of innocent Americans assumed that the "State of Florida" was the same as "The State of Florida" but in fact a terrible change had taken place.

The actual Federal States of States were moth-balled and converted into State Land Trusts doing business as, for example, the Florida State, the Ohio States, and the Michigan State.

And every year the renegade Territorial United States Congress votes to "set aside" the actual Constitution owed to our General Government and pretends that our Federal Government --- which never exercised anything but Delegated Powers in the first place --- is "in abeyance" and that their Territorial Government therefore takes its place.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, by Operation of Law, when an agent exercising delegated authority becomes incompetent to exercise that authority, it does not evaporate or bump down the railroad tracks to the next lower level of government. It reverts to the government that delegated the power in the first place ---- The United States of America and its member States.

The problem is that we were never notified of all these changes purportedly being made "for" us and were in fact purposefully deceived by international Trustees acting in Gross Breach of Trust against us and against our interests.

As a result, the "Reconstruction" of our Federal States of States has remained incomplete since 1868. We were purposefully misled into thinking that the Reconstruction was over and done, but in fact, nothing but a fraudulent substitution had taken place.

In the last two years both the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States have been bankrupted and also become incompetent to function under their own power, albeit for different reasons.

So all three levels of the Federal Government created to exercise the Delegated Powers and manage the Territorial Possessions and provide a government for Washington, DC, have been rendered incompetent.

By Operation of Law, the Delegated Powers have reverted to The United States of America, it's member States, and their People. To us, in other words. We have stepped forward in a timely fashion and acknowledged and accepted the return of our Delegated Powers. We have arranged for President Trump to enter the legitimate though long-vacant Office of the President of The United States of America and extended a month-by-month service contract in support of the American military and basic services as outlined by our original Constitution.

Everything else that you are seeing go on -- all the fire and nonsense of the political parties, all the investigations into this and that, all the fear-mongering and posturing and arguments ongoing in Washington, DC --- are the stuff that dreams and illusions are made of --- the corporate politics of legal fiction entities.

And all of it is completely foreign to us. It has nothing whatsoever to do with our actual government. It's the Kitchen Staff amusing itself and beginning to sober up after a long debauch and improper occupation of the actual Landlord's estate.

Our Government is not and has never been a "democracy". Our people don't "vote" --- they elect. We don't convene Congresses of "States of States". We convene Congresses of States. Likewise, our Congressional Delegates are "Deputies" of our State Legislatures --- that is, Fiduciary Officers owing their allegiance to us and our States, not "Representatives" owing allegiance to political parties and corporate bottom lines.

It is this last point that deserves special Notice and mention. A Fiduciary Deputy
working for our actual State of the Union is accountable for the way they spend your money and can be "recalled" by the State Legislature if they fail to meet the Prudent Man Standard.

A mere "Representative" claiming to "represent" your State of the Union in an agency capacity has no such accountability or office, and as a result these Territorial Congressional Delegations have been spending like drunken sailors and racking up Odious Debt against you and your State --- and getting away with it for 150 years --- simply because you didn't wake up and object. Instead, you were misled and duped into participating in their fraud and thereby seeming to support their insubordination.

And now we come to a New Day, not a New Deal.
The Delegated Powers have returned to us and to our States by Operation of Law.

You have been informed of the situation and are called upon to correct your political status records which have been conveniently falsified "for" you, and to return to reclaim your birthright and operate your actual State.

The means to convey your Trade Name back to the land and soil of your birth state and to seize control of your affairs and to assert your "reversionary trust interest" has been provided for you. Go to Article 928 on my website: www.annavonreitz.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F&h=AT1Pyb4CgMuq0WpLpVqPtfimgY4KsfopN2KwwWuZ5UDSbF5o 5mH7aQtqxPMD67RYqrdLixB8x1Aw1fFE8QcQvS8XHa0prYe6oj bpWZTOC1J8FjU5N0TuFqOvpxX1ahKoYJ4lDvMrlaNrnHvJhFZg j0E) and record your claim to your Good Name and Estate.

Recording your claim to your own Name and re-conveying it back to the land and soil jurisdiction of your state is Step One. Seizing control of all the Derivative NAMES and expatriating them back to the land and soil jurisdiction is Step Two.

Denying all Powers of Attorney and assigning your Trade Name as the only Attorney in Fact is Step Three.

Rebooting your lawful County Jural Assembly is Step Four. And Reconstituting your State Jural Assembly is Step Five.

This is a lot to take in and a lot of work to do.

But Americans have done more with less.

All of you who have ancestors who were living in this country prior to the Civil War are automatically "grandfathered in" to the guarantees of the original Constitutions and the National Trust --- you merely have to accept and claim your birthright and heritage and record a "Claim for the Life - Lineage Treaty".

We took the pre-caution of locating a cadre of men qualified to claim each and every State over two years ago, so that under the Last Man Standing Rule, we have effectively claimed back the entire country from the verge of loss to foreign bank creditors. That does not relieve anyone of their responsibility as Americans to assemble and operate their lawful government.

That this situation even exists should be eloquent enough warning to all of you to

(1) take action to preserve your own protections and exemptions and property rights and

(2) pay attention and get involved in assembling your local county and state units of government.

Those things operating "as" counties and "as" States of States aren't your government. You are your government.

That is what "self-governance" means.
So get your records straight and get busy, or a bunch of
European sharpies will be more than willing to claim everything you think of as yours as payment for debts you don't owe.

And now one final plug. The research that led to these conclusions and actions and which have served to protect you and your family and bring forward the actions that have been taken to preserve your country and your property rights and your State of the Union --- has all been done by people like me, working away for free for years at a time, not all those people on your payroll.

We get nothing ---- no pay from the renegade "government" and in fact, many of us have suffered and died and been attacked by these criminals and prosecuted under deliberately constructed false legal presumptions.

Many of us have spent time in jail --- not for our "political beliefs" --- but because we had the temerity to assert our birthright and claim our property and our exemptions.

In doing this, we protected all of you and even protected those persecuting us, because without this, all our land, all our rights, all our freedoms would have been lost.

The international bankers actually thought they were going to pull it off, and claim that our entire continent was "abandoned" assets, up for grabs.

If you have any sense of just how close this entire country and the rest of the world has come to disaster --- get going. Reclaim your Good Name and your rightful political status and then, boot up your local assemblies.

And if you can, send a donation our way. Because our accounts were commandeered along with everything else and bungled up and commingled as part of these infernal bankruptcies --- we still have no money to operate on.

Everything is being boot-strapped. Everything is being done by volunteers. Our researchers and our lawyers are making huge sacrifices. The least we can do as a nation is to pay their out of pocket costs --- materials, court fees, postage, travel, electricity.

Our PayPal is the same as my email address: avannavon@gmail.com. Snail mail for donations is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

10th August 2018, 04:59 PM
There you go, taking the sport out of
The point of my example is you want to operate in LAW but EQUITY can only treat you as a sphere or as a cube approximated by a number of spheres. I am presuming here that a sphere in sphere space operates in a set of legal rules not entirely compatible with those a cube operates on in cube space. EQUITY will know you desire to be treated like a sphere because only spheres ever show up in their space.

Now you take the remedy ole Jonah is suggesting in the BC. He seems to want to suggest that your best position is to admit (and surrender) to EQUITY by proclaiming yourself the executor of your estate because, well, you have been presumed dead over seas for all these years you have been sending payments into the government. You aren't proclaiming yourself a cube where EQUITY laws have no application. You proclaim yourself an OFFICER of EQUITY in a position of being a trustee of an estate. You are abandoning your cubeness in favor of a round solution.

Just some thoughts. Used to be EQUITY was the position you wanted to be in when LAW was too harsh. Now you select EQUITY because they become too hard on you when you choose LAW.

10th August 2018, 05:46 PM
I don't understand why you say 'be a trustee of the estate'?

I was told trustee's always pay.
And never be the trustee,always be the beneficiary or the administrator.
Make the court be the trustee. Is that not right?

10th August 2018, 06:07 PM
I don't understand why you say 'be a trustee of the estate'?

I was told trustee's always pay.
And never be the trustee,always be the beneficiary or the administrator.
Make the court be the trustee. Is that not right?
I once sent in paperwork to appoint the court trustee and the judicial actor made it clear I didn't have the authority.

In regards to the estate established by the BC I would hold the administrator and trustee to be equivalent terms. But you could be right. Perhaps if the definitions of each were established?

10th August 2018, 07:19 PM
I have no idea.
I would have to read law books. Just no fun, I'd rather bs on the internet.

10th August 2018, 08:13 PM
I would have to read law books.
You don't need a lawbook to let you know what your law is. A lawbook is useful to let you know what others law is. As there are some ideas you might not have thought of exposure to other ideas can be useful. Just as I have no authority to appoint a court trustee the court has no authority to impose it's concepts upon me.

17th August 2018, 12:22 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARQKokZx9FXTc01GNH7NUazwmc-iPIatHPVRogRbN4qpf-kPlJGp9tTXLwE0xdjvNI0&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAsnQeHY0X8gvzObGeV28YpeQcNvo89 w-Q4W4Kd70mu92MZO3jSOZkTSmXU3_BRW3S_fIXxlKTIRDiXrfrR JfTNqh_dnLK10ZDh-3CUf0mu4O-RQ0jSvc1a6QLeEonMY0HHFrfLwNCp&__tn__=C-R)

23 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1817001671682238?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAsnQeHY0X8gvz ObGeV28YpeQcNvo89w-Q4W4Kd70mu92MZO3jSOZkTSmXU3_BRW3S_fIXxlKTIRDiXrfrR JfTNqh_dnLK10ZDh-3CUf0mu4O-RQ0jSvc1a6QLeEonMY0HHFrfLwNCp&__tn__=-R) ·

The Big Switch

So how did your nationality get combined with citizenship? A friend from Australia recently sent me a nicely summarized list of legislative acts from the 1920 through the late 60's, and what it very neatly summarizes is a fundamental change that happened in the 1940's and which has never been corrected.

At the beginning of the legislative history there were numerous "Nationality Acts" in the 1920's and 30's. Then, beginning in the 1940's all of these became "Nationality and Citizenship Acts". This is where your nationality got confused and "lumped together" with your political status as a "citizen" or not.

The organizations passing all these "Nationality and Citizenship Acts" were all functioning in Territorial jurisdictions, so it was no big leap for them to include "citizenship" presumptions with the topic of "nationality". For them, the two are synonymous.

If you live your life as a "resident" (temporary sojourner) in the "State of Wyoming" (a Territorial State of State) you are a federal "citizen" by definition, so that your nationality and citizenship are tied together.
If you live your life at home in Wyoming, you may or may not be a "citizen". It is entirely possible to live your entire life and never be employed by any "federally connected" employer and to never hold any office related to any federal corporation.

And that is the fundamental difference between "us" and "THEM".
We have no natural obligation to serve and obey the government. The government has a natural obligation to serve and obey us. Our nationality is not tied to any obligatory citizenship, but theirs is. And therein lies the rub and the misunderstanding.

People presume that you must be a citizen, because they are, but in fact this is merely a self-interested and unconscionable presumption on the part of the Territorial United States Government that began in the 1940's and which deserves to be soundly rebutted and refused now.

When you are born on the land of a sovereign State, say, New York -- you are under no obligation to act or serve as a Federal Citizen of any kind. They merely "presume" on the basis of a long-vanished war that you are a volunteer willing to assume "Territorial political status".

So that's how your nationality got balled up with the issue of citizenship, which is by nature entirely different.
We now know that the same thing happened worldwide during the Second World War and that "Nationality Acts" in places as diverse as Italy and Australia and the United States underwent the same kind of change to "Nationality and Citizenship Acts" at the same time. This implies in turn at that the participants were acting in Territorial capacity and that people were never returned to their natural birthright political status as non-citizen nationals after the Second World War.

This parallels what went on with the so-called Victory Tax. Prior to the Second World War, only Federal Citizens and federal corporations (like the big railroad corporations) were subject to pay "federal income taxes".
During the war the Territorial United States Congress passed the "Victory Tax" which allowed average non-Federal citizen Americans to "voluntarily" contribute an amount equal to that paid by Federal Employees as part of the war effort.

The sunset clause on this legislation stated "the end of hostilities" which by most reckoning means September 1945, but instead, the Territorial United States Congress just left everything in place as if the Second World War was still going on and people were still "volunteering" to pay federal income taxes as part of the effort to win it.

Eighty years later and millions upon millions of Americans have been deprived of their natural birthright nationality which does not include any obligations of citizenship and have paid trillions of dollars worth of federal income taxes they never owed.

It's easy enough to see why the Territorial United States Government wanted everyone to be in "citizenship" status so as to be able to control and commandeer the labor force during the Second World War. It is also easy to see why they wanted the extra income from American workers and why they acted in simple greed and continued on with both these false presumptions after the War---- both Territorial "citizenship" and "voluntary federal income tax" have been foisted off and presumed upon millions of Americans without their knowledge or consent.

And now has come the objection from the lawful government and from the people to this situation and the need to: (1) cease and desist these false presumptions and (2) make amends for them.

It is within our power as individual Americans to reclaim our "reversionary trust interest" in our own birthright prior to when the Territorial Government agents changed our fundamental nationality and citizenship status. We can revert back to being Americans standing on the firm foundation of our land and soil without any citizenship obligations and without any Territorial attachments to our earnings.

And this is why when we talk about Jural Assemblies it is so important for people to grasp what has been done to them in terms of damage to their natural capacities and political status, and why it is necessary for everyone involved in the Jural Assembly process to recoup their natural birthright political status which does not include any obligations of Territorial citizenship.

You were born in Vermont, not Puerto Rico. Say so and inherit the land and soil of your birth, your guaranteed exemptions and immunities, your Natural and Unalienable Rights, and be set free from the obligations of Territorial citizenship.

Run, don't walk, to the Recorder's Office and establish your claim. And if anyone tells you that it isn't "necessary" for you to make this change, tell them it isn't necessary to wipe your butt, either, but the consequences of not doing so have obvious drawbacks.

17th August 2018, 01:18 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARR-0j0xah8eMvZQ67s4YjU-c5Ae4aEXUgq2-UbEjEpvwpNmiFriay2f55dK7j6leVk&fref=nf)

August 15 at 10:29 AM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1815230148526057) ·

Important Point:
A couple weeks ago, I published an Article called "This is the Big One"---- in which I observed that:

(1) in commerce, the truth is established by Affidavit, and

(2) that corporations cannot possibly give an Affidavit because they have no "voice" or motive force enabling them to do such a thing, and

(3) since you have been "defined" to be operating in the capacity of a corporation (JOHN DOE, JOHN M.DOE, JOHN MARK DOE) you have therefore been deprived of having any voice or ability to make an Affidavit. Thus, YOU are helpless and cannot defend yourself or present the Truth in a commercial court.

So some people missed the point entirely, and others could not reason their way forward to a solution for this conundrum.

You will note that the exact verbiage of the Maxim is-- "Truth in commerce is established in the form of an Affidavit".

Thus, when you wish to act in the capacity of a Living Man in a commercial court, you do not offer an Affidavit --- because in the current scenario that allows them to ignore every word you say or write.

Instead, you offer "Living Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit".

You follow the "form" of an affidavit which is to swear or affirm for the Public and Private Record and from without the United States that your testimony is true, correct, and not misleading-- and then you enumerate your facts: 1, 2, 3, 4....

This allows the Court to hear your facts and gives de facto rebuttal to the presumption that you are acting in the capacity of a corporate franchise.

And since your opponent is a corporation, it has no ability to answer your Living Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit with any countering Affidavit--- and your facts stand as Truth in Commerce by default.

If the opposing attorney attempts to say anything or make any further argument in the case, ask how a corporation pretends to issue any opposition to your Living Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit?

They are caught in their own net.
A corporation can't make an affidavit and as officers of the court, they are all operating as corporations, including the JUDGE and the Prosecutor and the PLAINTIFF.

Plus, the Prosecutor/Prosecuting Attorney has no first-hand knowledge so cannot serve as a Witness or make any statement in evidence.

Soooo...... that's what we call "end game".

17th August 2018, 01:33 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSIQvxrKrNTJbq0n6IqK62oWHuf2ROqR UMEJ4YubltRyT75ChhOTwTsSbCYLI98HyU&fref=nf)

August 15 at 12:56 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1815193025196436) ·

For Doctors, Lawyers, and Indian Chiefs
The doctors, lawyers, and Indian Chiefs among us --- as the old poem goes ---have an extra stumbling block between them and their freedom.

The corporations that we have been dealing with "as" our governments set "Public Policies" which are then enumerated into Administrative Code --- as in "Federal Code" and State of State Statutes.

In order to become Public Law these Public Policies/Administrative Codes have to be published in the Congressional Record and enumerated in the CFR and enrolled. Titles 17 through 50 have never passed this test, because the so-called Revised Statutes have never been enumerated and enrolled.

The point of this is that Title XXXVII (37) which causes all the problems for civilian "Uniformed Officers" is part of the Revised Statutes that have never been rendered into Public Law. They remain merely the private "policy" of the governmental services corporations masquerading as our government.

So--- all the "requirements" that doctors and lawyers and Indian Chiefs be "registered" and/or licensed, or that they have to belong to some club or union like the American Bar Association or be approved as a member of the American Medical Association are nothing more than Public Policy of a corporation and its literal franchises, the States of States organizations.
People think its "law" but it's not.

That is the First Issue.

The Second Issue is that a corporation does have the right to set Public Policy for itself and its employees. Your employer can make you wear an ugly brown uniform and an orange gingham apron as a condition of your employment.

In this case, they can demand that in order to take advantage of company-sponsored insurance, their employees can only receive treatment from a "licensed" professional the Company approves of and licenses for that purpose.

So who are their employees?

Obviously, all the federal civilian and military workers and their dependents.

But, thanks to the Great Fraud, they also claim that everyone who has ever been "registered" in their system is a corporate franchisee, with the result that they claim that all Social Security participants are government employees and subject to their rules, too.

You can "retire" from this presumption any time you like, but you also need to know that this is being presumed against you before you have any motivation to object and notify Social Security and the IRS and the rest of the alphabet soups that you made "a mistake" and/or that you have "retired".

With nearly everyone enrolled by fraud and error in their corporation's "Social Security" program they have a mighty hammer to use against us until we "retire" and serve notice of our return to our birthright political status, or serve notice that we made a mistake and were not meaning to or required to enroll in Social Security. Or both.

The end result is that if you are seeking medical care and expect Social Security to pay for it or Medicare or Medicaid or any other government program, the Company has a right to demand that the provider is "licensed" and meets their criteria. Which they do.

So they enforce Title 37 even though it isn't Public Law via de facto commercial contract and coercion under monopoly inducement.
This cuts down the choice of "covered" service providers and also "covered" services, so that even if Doctor A has a cure for cancer, people diagnosed with cancer will be obliged to go to Doctor B, whose services are covered under the Company insurance, aka, Medicare, etc., and their treatment options will be limited in the same way that their choice of doctors or lawyers is limited: by commercial contract and coercion under monopoly inducement.

As a further inducement, hospitals and clinics which receive government corporation grants and aid are forced to work only with "licensed health care professionals" operating as civilian uniformed officers --- unpaid employees of the government monopoly.

You can go to any physician you like, licensed or unlicensed, in a public (licensed) capacity or private (unlicensed) capacity, but you have to pay for it yourself. You can also obtain any service or undergo any treatment you like, so long as you pay for it yourself.

Doctors who wish to conduct their business as "private physicians" may do so, too, so long as they provide all their own services and equipment and operate their own clinics as private enterprises, and of course, they can't accept Medicare or other government program insurance for services.

It is the "Company Store" phenomenon as recorded by Tennessee Ernie Ford singing, "Sixteen tons, and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt! St. Peter dontcha call me 'cause I can't go! I owe my soul to the Company Store!"

In this case, the monopolistic corporations serving in place of your lawful government, are forcing you and millions of others to receive their services and only their services at the price and under the conditions they dictate.

They have already taken all the money you might have otherwise had to spend on medical services as taxes over the course of your working life, and now they want to dictate who you can receive service from and how much you can pay for such service and which services you can access.

Lawyers and Indian Chiefs are in the same bind, more or less.
You don't have to be a Bar Member unless you want to work for "the government" or one of its "franchises", but since they have worked it to arbitrarily define almost everyone as a "franchise" belonging to their corporation, the vast bulk of the work is only available to Bar Attorneys.

Similar to the hospitals receiving "government" grants, the courts can only employ Bar Attorneys as officers of the court, because that is what the Company policy dictates.

You can be a private lawyer, called a "Counselor-at-Law" and you can assist your customers (not clients) to navigate whatever jurisdictions or processes are required, but its an uphill go, because most people don't know the difference between a "Bar Attorney" and a "Counselor-at-Law" and so don't have sense enough to seek your services out.

And meanwhile, the Company is ruthlessly passing more policies that make sure that only Bar Attorneys can use all the services and facilities of the courts, while you have to provide all your own clerks and receptionists and paralegal services.

We are dealing with two oppressive old-style monopoly-interest parent corporations acting "as" our government, and while we can --- and some of us do -- continue to operate as private and independent health care professionals and lawyers and tribal chiefs, our customer base is shrinking and the options that people have are shrinking, too, until we all wake up and operate the lawful government we are heir to.

The THINGS in Washington, DC, and all those THINGS operating in your State Capitols are only corporations like J.C. PENNY and Dairy Queen, and they actually have no more authority or lawful control over your lives than any other corporations --- so long as you make it your business to hold them to their limitations and to exercise your own rights and prerogatives.

Begin by reclaiming your own Trade Name and all your Assumed NAMES and removing them to a permanent domicile on the land and soil of your birth State.

And then get busy and boot up your State Jural Assembly.

17th August 2018, 01:43 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTurBXItcKQfqAqFT5e6MSOBDNfv3Wog vLnI75UBWqu21hNQISIlW1_a8cGGMrLvvY&fref=nf)

23 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1817140118335060) ·

Bingo, Crime and Politics
My article the other day mentioned the fact that political parties are lobbying organizations and need to be regulated the same way that other lobbyists are scrutinized and limited. Color that a timely end to all the shenanigans, the Diebold Machines, and the Clinton Foundation.

For some reason, that idea came as a huge surprise to many people who had never thought of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party as political lobbies.

And the next thought that arose like a lightning bolt was: "OMG! They are supposed to be lobbying Congress, not running it!"

In the lawful American Government structure, there are no political parties per se. There are opinions and there are those who support those opinions in an organized fashion for purposes of debate --- the Federalists vs. the Anti-Federalists, for example, but there are no permanent, organized, fund-raising political parties.

Political parties and the billions of dollars of graft and criminality that go with them are the creatures of the Territorial United States Government and its brand of Territorial "United States" Congress. They are part of the Territorial "democracy" that somehow never achieves a mandate, not part of the actual government owed to the States and People of this country.

So why do we put up with political parties at all? They have come ashore on our land and soil and had a "party" all right --- 150 years worth of "partying" at our expense.

These obnoxious lobbyists pushing their "agendas" back and forth on Capitol Hill have no reason to be there, and should be offshore in some place like the Virgin Islands or at their new IRS Headquarters on the Mariana Islands, plotting how best to convince our Congress to spend our money.

Instead, they have been masquerading as our Congress and passing themselves off as our "representatives" and the only limits to their bad behavior and deceits have been what they thought they could get away with and whatever curbs the demands of their differing agendas have applied.

The Democrats, if you look at their voting history, have a long tradition of stealing our money and assets to provide bribes and pay-offs to their constituents, and then, an equally long history of stabbing those same constituents in the back. This is so marked, so predictable, that I think of Democrats in terms of passive-aggressive psychosis. Donkeys, indeed.

The Republicans, if you look at their voting history, have a long tradition of promoting big business, manipulating commodities, services, stock markets, and currencies, and all aimed at control and profit, profit, profit. But they suffer from their own brand of mental illness and can't tell when enough is a enough; gluttony and compulsive hedonistic tendencies take over and they consistently squander the Greater Good for the sake of petty profits and short term goals.

Elephants are simply big benign animals that are not subject to any appetite compulsions that I know of; pigs should be the logical Republican emblems instead, if logic and voting records have anything to do with it.

But what do you expect from lobbyists? Leadership? Morals?
That's like expecting a hired cheerleader to earn a Nobel Prize in Physics.

No, the "Missing Piece" is you and your Congress, and that has been the missing piece for a long, long time.
These Territorial Yahoos are not supposed to be encamped on Capitol Hill running rampant and spending your money. They are supposed to be lobbying your Congress to spend your money. And you? You are supposed to be sending your own Deputies-- accountable fiduciary officers of your respective States-- to conduct your business in Washington, DC.

Until you wake up and take back your own birthright nationality and non-citizen political status, and until you attend to your own business, boot up your own Jural Assemblies, reconstitute the Federal States of States, and call your own Continental Congress into Session, this is the Mad House scenario we've got, where unaccountable lobbyists pretend to "represent" you and also pretend to have your authority and your permission to do whatever they want, which is only limited by what they can get away with.

Here is an example of what happens when people get fed up enough with lawlessness and idiots "representing" them:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_GGCgFij3s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_GGCgFij3s)


We have a good system of Law and Governance provided for us by our ancestors. All we have to do is operate in our natural capacity and take the responsibility for exercising our rights and running the lawful government we are heir to. No insurrections. No arguments. No way for your employees, including "your" hired lobbyists, to say one word about it.

19th August 2018, 09:12 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSPF6g30_RJAyXta3MdYrDyaniZxUGGs pNz1LTLFwcEy5hLdr3y89XdhsuH3Bzqyk8&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAB50AF8Im1wxcXtVHIATo9qKIeZCrs AW572k6-7Fp4fECquyvpnrtp14UyRMMQ3t2jxysQsaGYohVBZ10BsrfmeP 74otYXn2I-oWz1Zj_VUDSlviUcaknRQSiye0q_k13Qi2hfWBET&__tn__=C-R)

Yesterday at 1:57 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1820502424665496?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAB50AF8Im1wxc XtVHIATo9qKIeZCrsAW572k6-7Fp4fECquyvpnrtp14UyRMMQ3t2jxysQsaGYohVBZ10BsrfmeP 74otYXn2I-oWz1Zj_VUDSlviUcaknRQSiye0q_k13Qi2hfWBET&__tn__=-R) ·

As Things Now Stand
The assets of the bankrupt States of States (Territorial United States) and the liquidated STATES OF STATES (Municipal United States) have been claimed and rolled into the associated State Trusts doing business as, for example, the Maine State (Trust) and Wisconsin State (Trust) since 2016.

This was done by the Priority Creditors to protect the assets from the Secondary Creditors --- international banks.

Meantime, the guilty government of France has launched "The Republic for the United States of America" as a replacement Territorial Government and the guilty UK Government has launched THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as a replacement for the Municipal Government.

And they have both proposed, apparently with Mr. Trump's ignorant blessing, to continue paying themselves with our money, based on borrowing against our assets, without our permission and in fact against our actual instructions.

Therefore, as of yesterday, all the State Trusts were rolled over in-to the actual sovereign States and both The Republic for the United States of America and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA were hit with Agricultural Liens and seized upon.

Apparently, neither the UK nor France have learned that "No means no." and they have somehow convinced Mr. Trump that the Operation of Law related to Delegated Authorities doesn't work with the regularity of gravity.

Even though it does.

Their attempt to continue the same old scam on a different day has been thwarted and our assets are now safely off their playing field. From here on in, it becomes a matter of head-to-head debate.

When the Donor and the Heir to an Estate held in trust are one-in-the-same, that person can act as the Donor to collapse or amend the trust, or as the Heir to receive benefit from it. The Trustees in the middle have nothing to say about the actions of the Donor and must obey.

In our case we were coerced and defrauded into unknowingly becoming Donors of our Estates and conveniently not told about all the actions taken by the Trustees acting "for" us. We were, as the saying goes, kept in the dark and fed horseshit for a very long time.

Emerging into the bright light of day, it appears that although our Donor status was engineered within a few days after we were born and were still helpless, and that this was accomplished via deliberate falsification of our public records, the equal presumption that we intended to be the Beneficiaries of our own Estates was not deduced by our brilliant Trustees.

So the Donors have "come back from the dead" and made our Will in the matter explicit and clear: yes, we are the Heirs of our own Estates. We didn't give them away to England nor to France nor to Donald Trump, for that matter. Sorry. There has been a mistake.

And this Ship of State is not headed where we want it to go.

So, Trustees, get your girdles on and prepare to do some honest work.
High above the squabbling of commercial corporations masquerading as the governments of nations when in fact they are merely "service providers", there exist actual sovereign States and Governments.

In this country, each actual State is sovereign and unincorporated.
Our actual Government in the international jurisdiction, The United States of America, is also unincorporated.
We bear the actual responsibility, and therefore, we are the Powerholders.
Since those who formerly held the Delegated Powers have plotted to vacate the constitutional agreements --apparently thinking that that would give them even more liberty to plunder on our shores--- we have called them on it.
The Federal States of States were disabled during the bogus "Civil War" and "held in abeyance" --- so color them gone, along with the original Constitution.

The Territorial Government went bankrupt this past year, as did the Municipal Government in 2015. Count both of them gone, along with whatever ragged claims they had to any constitutional authority at all.

The so-called "International Organizations" which have proposed to replace the Territorial and Municipal Governments owed to this country have been rebuffed and the actual government, The United States of America [Unincorporated] has accepted back the Delegated Powers, and has extended Donald Trump a month-by-month contract and bond, enabling him to get his ducks in order.

The Trustees, both the Queen of England and the Pope, have been given more than adequate Notice and Demand from the Donors that continued interference in our affairs and sequestration of our assets is not acceptable. They are under demand and so is the "Congress" in whatever capacity it pretends to continue to exist and operate -- to deliver our assets back to us and to our control without further obfuscation or delay.

Anything less will be considered a criminal Breach of Trust and will appear so before the entire world.

Delivery and funding of basic government services under Mr. Trump's direction is to continue, including the funding of public and military pensions, which includes Social Security.

Congress does not have access to our assets to borrow against, so we hope that wherever that $716 billion in war-making expenditures was going to come from, they are prepared to ante it up all by themselves. Perhaps they could use some of the over $20 trillion that has been embezzled.

Pope Francis, the Vatican Chancery Court, the Roman Curia, the Queen and Westminster are all under demand to make amends to The United States of America and to our States and People for the great wrongs which have been practiced against us. It is in keeping with the Double Golden Jubilee that all should be returned, free and clear of all debt or encumbrance. It is also in keeping with established Law that those who have been harmed by fraud and breach of trust are owed additional compensation for their innocent suffering and loss: we are thinking now of the many millions of Americans who have paid "federal income taxes" they never owed and "mortgages" they never owed and "utility bills" they never owed, either.

We have suggested full disclosure of the circumstance and facts, allowing individual Americans to choose whether they wish to be considered State Nationals or British Citizens, and following that election for there to be a full and permanent and internationally recognized severance of all other legal presumptions created by the purposeful falsification of our public records and the pernicious offering of adhesion contracts disguised as "government mandates".

We note that although the Queen's Territorial Government has widely described itself as being a "democracy" it has yet to establish a single public mandate for its existence, much less any of the actions which it has taken to cause so much pain, misery, disruption, theft, and war for profit.

Again, if there is any question on this point, we suggest that Americans be offered full disclosure of the history and the facts, and be allowed to participate in free elections to determine whether they wish to live in a "democracy" sans mandate or in their own State Republics.

There is no need for war, only a great need for new understandings and an honest foundation for going forward.

Our assets need to be returned by our Trustees, so that we can operate our own lawful government without any undo interference or financial manipulation. We are not proposing any great disruption of the world banking system nor are we proposing a lot of physical action moving or removing assets on deposit, but we do require the return of title and access to our assets.

While it was laughed at by everyone on Capitol Hill except its lonely sponsor, the original NESARA provisions should be accepted and passed by those few members of the "Congress" who are actually eligible to vote on the matter and the rest of the "Congress" should be ordered to fully fund every iota of it. "Ordered" we say, since every Bar Member currently sitting in the "US Congress" is under the command of the Queen and obligated to do exactly as she wishes.

Passing and fully funding the original un-amended NESARA legislation would at least be a token of repentance and renewed Good Faith between the UK and the American States.

We note that the Law supporting the originally proposed NESARA has already been enabled and that all that is necessary is a swift kick in the keisters of the American Bar Association members and our permission to fund it. Consider that permission granted.

19th August 2018, 09:20 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARRW8xSahue8N738mhedboLJFQwZ_n0SU gw1Xo2--bAMs3vaEzMIMlz3zEw1UFxfQmQ&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDSt2Q4R8ugBqk6tRRPIkKQ0NoHqpmy xChMBfURbXP09OpCbOVTbc93wUuAN29N2W4cQUSL69GCek6GSa S3B0UTOHdtsehd_hqSKcN3GSwbYp-WBrGmmoaZwlRlWpzxdW_8IFnhluou&__tn__=C-R)

9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1822220584493680?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDSt2Q4R8ugBqk 6tRRPIkKQ0NoHqpmyxChMBfURbXP09OpCbOVTbc93wUuAN29N2 W4cQUSL69GCek6GSaS3B0UTOHdtsehd_hqSKcN3GSwbYp-WBrGmmoaZwlRlWpzxdW_8IFnhluou&__tn__=-R) ·

Lions, and Tigers, and Bears....and oh, my! World Trusts!
First, there was the "Unum Sanctum" --- "One Sacred" Trust, published in 1302. It gradually gained traction and assets and network connectivity that spanned the Globe.

Like most human endeavors, it had its upsides and its downsides....

Upsides include a global postal and banking system which allows us to communicate and to trade on a global scale. Those strawberries from Ecuador that you are eating in January would not be possible without the work of the Unum Sanctum Trust.

The idea of public hospitals and public charities and public schools for the masses are all the work of the Unum Sanctum Trust. The idea of foundations devoted to things like Public Broadcasting and Art Museums and Public Libraries---- all from the Unum Sanctum Trust.

In fact, much of the modern world as we know it, and much of the good that has been accomplished, has in one way or another been guided or implemented or expedited or planned by the Unum Sanctum Trust and we take this all for granted as if things like the Postal Service just sprang up out of the ground like mushrooms in the fall.

Not so. It took many generations of sacrifice and inspiration and donations by --- largely Catholic supporters --- to make all this possible.

And now for the downside..... over many generations, things got out of control and the power and connectivity and wealth of the Unum Sanctum Trust began to be abused for political and criminal purposes. The so-called "Middle Crown" of the Trust, the Romanus Pontifex was dissolved in 2011 as a result.

And then we had the ill-fated One People's Public Trust --- the OPPT, organized as a result of the work of the Paradigm Project --- an attempt to "take over" the assets and resources of the Unum Sanctum Trust and redefine it and garner political support by giving away little dribs and drabs of assets while retaining the vast bulk of the "foreclosed upon" assets for purposes unknown.

This is in common terms known as "rolling over" a trust. When one trust ends, another begins. Or so that theory and means of dealing with the situation has it.

It is one of the great ironies of the world that Bar Attorneys are generally speaking the only ones who know how to foreclose assets, but they also have no standing as owners with respect to the assets they foreclose. They are the eternal middlemen, foreclosed themselves from entering into the Kingdom.

Well, according to some of the most ancient texts on Earth, somebody had to be the Gatekeepers.

And then, there is "Manna World Holding Trust" that has been making a bid to take over and control all the assets of the world.

Same story as OPPT, different day, more sinister provenance.

Some hackers at MIT in concert with certain loose canons in the so-called "defense community" developed a means to transfer information from the current banking system and lock down accounts all over the world. They have since been thumping themselves on the back for their illegal acts and touting their own horns as if they have done a great thing.

We expect that when the dust settles they will all be tracked down and scrutinized and while they may make some claims that they did it for "national security", I believe that a very different motive will emerge. They are trying to roll over the World Trust Assets, just like OPPT. Only they serve their own masters and their own peculiar agendas.

Apparently, our simple idea that the assets need to go back to the countries and to the people to whom the assets naturally belong is too hard for all these power-hungry genius-types to grasp.

And in cases where nobody knows any longer who the owners are, simply put the unclaimed assets into an investment fund and use the proceeds to fund infrastructure in underdeveloped countries and to provide aid to those affected by natural catastrophe or war?

Once they deal with the fact that the American assets --- as in our assets --- are not "unclaimed" and that our government isn't in any kind of "abeyance", the larger part of all the land and other assets they were planning to divide among themselves disappears from the table and the whole issue gets cut down to size.

And the World Trust is no longer a single juggernaut poised to destroy all national governments and impose a single world government administered by some kind of global "meritocracy", either. It dissolves like a paper tiger in the rain, melting back into the National Trusts that are owed to the people of every country.

Sometimes going forward means going back, retracing and rethinking. A single World Trust --- or even half a dozen such trusts -- is a bad idea, because it concentrates too much power in the hands of too few people, who then become subject to the corrupting nature of such power.
Instead of universal brotherhood it resulted in universal enslavement.

So scratch that one. Erase the drawing board. Start over.

19th August 2018, 09:43 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTIHlq8y1wRePwYtdWI1JVgSLq7G_MYk yvoKVpgStBCHwm_mJ7U-7fgQNfuj3yaPqI&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAH-C8EvZTCSXQq03XJ3gK4G1VITaJsSxyxWqwD-X0-IpOfLckgWhYye1QtKjbPvb1xYZLJyO0Z2qOXt09mT4Mw9B3dz1 YmxzbsyfmepR97uUkCJUKeL7NBj9ige4rTfp-e498KKTHx&__tn__=C-R)

9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1822248577824214?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAH-C8EvZTCSXQq03XJ3gK4G1VITaJsSxyxWqwD-X0-IpOfLckgWhYye1QtKjbPvb1xYZLJyO0Z2qOXt09mT4Mw9B3dz1 YmxzbsyfmepR97uUkCJUKeL7NBj9ige4rTfp-e498KKTHx&__tn__=-R) ·

The Department of Injustice
I am re-posting this seminal article from "Four Winds" for all those who need to know the nature and status of the "Department of Justice" (http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/government/corporate_u_s/news.php?q=1252942793) --- and the fact that it's an Executive Branch entity not connected with the Judicial Branch of government at all.

This makes the "Department of Justice" an instrumentality of political policy and executive power and divorces it (from inception no less) from any actual role vaguely related to ensuring any kind of justice for anyone, including the President of the United States.

This is why you are continuing to see the DOJ Witchhunt in the national media: it is a political organ, and always has been. Ironically, as you will see, DOJ is also meant to be a creature under the thumb and forefinger of the President, and a means for him to exercise Executive power.

Always remember that your actual land jurisdiction government, The United States of America, [Unincorporated] has never been at war, never been bankrupt, and is not subject to any form of martial law.

And when you reclaim your birthright, neither are you affected by any of this drama.

All this "reconstruction" --- is within and a function of the Federal Government operating under Delegated Powers. And now that the Delegated Powers have
reverted by Operation of Law to the Delegators of those "Powers" it is time for us to settle this hash once and for all.

It is left to us, those who are awake and alive, to determine the fate of the "Federal Government" and finish not only its reconstruction, but determine its role in the modern world. Read on--- and all our many thanks to the original "Four Winds" who dedicated many years of worthy scholarship to the effort:

U.S. Under Martial Law Since The Civil War
Four Winds
Please be aware that what you are about to read will be very difficult to digest. All our life we have been living under a lie to keep us enslaved. The truth is now known.

The problem is, what do we do now? Like you, I became aware of this same truth today and I don’t where to go from here.

I learned judges in California are not “public officials” I wanted to know why, if they are elected by the people.
Now I know why, and so will you after reading this information.

It will take many educated and creative minds to solve our problem. I pray you are up to the challenge.

Further proof that martial law remained in effect after the Civil War can be found in the “Congressional Globe” (now called the “Congressional Record”). The following are excerpts from the April 20th through 29th, 1870 “Congressional Globe” concerning H.R. 1328 which established the Department of Justice to CONTINUE TO CARRY OUT MARTIAL LAW nearly five years after the end of the Civil War:

“The following bureaus shall be established in this department [the Department of Justice]: a Bureau of International Law, a Bureau of Revenue Law, a Bureau of Military and Naval Law, a Bureau of Postal Law, a Bureau of Land Management Law.”

Congressman Lawrence then said in the record:
“This Bill, however, does transfer to the Law Department, or the Department of Justice as it is now called, the cognizance of all subjects of martial law, and the cognizance of all subjects of military and naval law, except that portion of the administration of military justice which relates to military court martial, their proceedings, and the supervision of records.

“If a question of martial law is to be determined by the law officers of government, it will now belong to the Attorney General, or to this Department of Justice. It will not belong to the Judge Advocate General of the Army. He will not be called upon for any opinion relating to martial law or military law except as to that portion of the administration of military law which relates to military justice.

“In other words, the Judge Advocate General, instead of giving legal opinions to the Secretary of War relating to the status of the states of the union, their right to call upon the government for military protection, or military aid, and other grave Constitutional questions, will be limited.

The Judge Advocate General will perform duties administrative in their character and almost exclusively so.
“But I will state to the House why, in my judgment, no transfer of the Judge Advocate General or of his duties to the Department of Justice has been proposed in this Bill. If this had been done, the Bill would have encountered the opposition of some of the officers of the Bureau of Military Justice and their friends, and so great is the power of men in office, so difficult is it to abolish an office, that we were compelled in the consideration of this subject to leave officers in this Bureau untouched in their official tenure in order that this Bill might get through Congress.

“But so far as the Solicitor and Naval Judge Advocate General is concerned, he is transferred with all his supervisory power over naval court partials and the records and proceedings of such courts, so that to that extent, this Bill accomplishes the great purpose which it has in view of bringing into one department the whole legal service of the government. It is misfortunate that there should be different constructions of the laws of the United States by different law officers of the United States.”

These traitors knew they would have encountered opposition from the military with the provisions of H.R. 1328, so they decided to leave the military officers untouched during their tenure, and transfer them to supervisory positions over court partials. This appeased the military leaders, who didn’t have the foggiest idea as to what was really going on.

Had the traitors fleeced the military of all their powers during their tenure in office, the military would have realized and possibly taken some military action. But as nothing was happening at the hen house, they slept through this entire situation which resulted in an overthrow of the Constitution — an overthrow under which government pretended to operate in 1933, and under which it continues to pretend to operate today.

The traitors were now faced with a very serious problem, namely, what to do with the powers of the Office of the Judge Advocate General when their tenure in office expired. And they solved this dilemma by adding the following amendments, detailed in that same “Congressional Globe”:

Congressman Jenks: I move to amend Section 3 by inserting the word “naval” before the words “Judge Advocate General”.
The amendment was agreed to and later Congressman Finkelburg stated:
I would suggest the propriety of amending the third section of this Bill by inserting after the words “the Naval Solicitor and Naval Judge Advocate General” the words “who shall hereafter be known as Naval Solicitor”.
Mr. Jenks: I have no objection to that amendment.
This amendment was also agreed to, and the Office of the Judge Advocate General became known as the Naval Solicitor. Thus, when the existing tenure was over, the new office would have a different set of rules and regulations so that the Bill accomplished the great purpose which it had in view of bringing into one department the whole legal service of the government without the power of the Office of the Judge Advocate General getting in their way.

This was a necessary step to bring the President into the position of dictator over America.

But they had one other problem facing them, namely, DIRECT ACCESS to the Treasury for the Department of Justice without interference. They accomplished this by the following three sections of the Bill:

“…The Eighth Section provides that the Attorney General is hereby empowered to make all necessary rules and regulations for the government….

“…The Eleventh Section provides that all monies hereafter drawn out of the Treasury upon requisition of the Attorney General shall be dispersed by such one of the clerks herein provided for the Attorney General as he may designate, and so much of the First Section of the Act, making appropriations, past March 3rd, 1859, as provides that money drawn out of the Treasury upon requisition of the Attorney General shall be dispersed by such dispersing officer as the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby repealed….

“…The Fifteenth Section provides that the supervisory powers now exercised by the Secretary of the Interior over the accounts of the district attorneys, marshals, clerks, and other officers of the courts of the United States, shall be exercised by the Attorney General….”

It is important here to remember that under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the District Courts of the United States are:

“…hereby given jurisdiction to make and enter all such rules as to notice and otherwise and all such orders and decrees and to issue such process as may be necessary and proper in the premises to enforce the provisions of this Act.”

It is here that we find out that the district attorneys, marshals, clerks and other officers of the courts are under the Department of Justice. That seems an obvious statement, given the state of the nation today. But the REAL PROBLEM — given the broad scope of powers granted the District Courts under the Trading with the Enemy Act — is that the Department of Justice is *NOT* a part of the Judicial Branch of Government!

According to Section 101 of Title 5 of the United States Code, the Department of State, the Department of Treasury, the Department of Defense, the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, the Department of the Interior, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Energy, the Department of
Education, and the Department of the Veteran Affairs are

*ALL* under the Executive Branch of Government.

All of the above departments are under the Executive Branch–which raises quite a few questions about the balance of powers between the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches of government.

How can this be? There is no balance of power under a declared state of emergency. And we’ve been living under a declared state of emergency ever since the Civil War began, and have been living under a declared state of martial law ever since the Reconstruction Act.

This overthrow of the Constitution occurred long before the War Powers Act, and if we are going back in history to find our roots of legality — and if we stop our search when we reach the War Powers Act — we are NOT going to succeed in this venture.

Where is the separation of powers if the Department of Justice is under the Executive branch? Shouldn’t it be part of the Judiciary? The answer, of course, is yes; but it’s not. Again, just check Section 101 of Title 5 of the United States Code. There is no Judiciary!

If only Congress has the power to regulate Commerce, under Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution, why are the Department of Commerce and the Department of Transportation under the Executive branch and not under the Legislative branch?

And if only the Congress has the power to coin money, according to the Constitution, why is the Department of Treasury under the Executive branch?

The Commerce Department (from Title 5):
“…part of the Executive branch of federal government, headed by a Cabinet member, the Secretary of Commerce, which is concerned with promoting domestic and international business and commerce.”

To further illustrate the take-over by the Executive branch of government via martial law rule, the following offices, bureaus, divisions, and organizations are under the Department of Justice. And remember, the Department of Justice is under the Executive branch — NOT under the judicial branch.

The Office of Solicitor General
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Drug Enforcement Agency
The Bureau of Prisons
Immigration and Naturalization
United States Marshal Service
Office of Justice Program
United States Parole Commission
United States National Central Bureau
The Office of the Pardon Attorney
Executive Office of the United States Attorney
Criminal Division
Civil Division
Anti-Trust Division
Civil Rights Division
Tax Division
Environmental and Natural Resource Division
Community Relations Services
Foreign Claim Settlement Division
Executive Office of United States Trustees
Executive Office for Immigration Review
Justice Management Division
Office of Legal Counsel
Office of Policy Development
Office of Legislative Affairs
Office of Public Affairs
Office of Liaison Services
Office of Intelligence and Policy Review
Office of International Affairs
Office of the Inspector General
Office of Professional Responsibility; and
Interpol — (Note: Interpol is a private corporation, yet it comes under (in this country) the Executive branch of government.)

In my opinion: if the matter of the repeal of the Reconstruction Act and the old H.R. 1328 are not addressed, we will remain in a state of declared martial law. But few people do any research anymore, and even fewer read the results of research done by others. Yes, we are already, and have been all our lives, living under declared martial law.

The source of this law is from 1875.
‑CITE‑ 2 USC Sec. 118
Sec. 118. Actions against officers for official acts

In any action brought against any person for or on account of anything done by him while an officer of either House of Congress in the discharge of his official duty, in executing any order of such House, the United States attorney for the district within which the action is brought, on being thereto requested by the officer sued, shall enter an appearance in behalf of such officer; and all provisions of the eighth section of the Act of July 28, 1866, entitled ‘An Act to protect the revenue, and for other purposes’, and also all provisions of the sections of former Acts therein referred to, so far as the same relate to the removal of suits, the withholding of executions, and the paying of judgments against revenue or other officers of the United States, shall become applicable to such action and to all proceedings and matters whatsoever connected therewith, and the defense of such action shall thenceforth be conducted under the supervision and direction of the Attorney General.

(Mar. 3, 1875, ch. 130, Sec. 8, 18 Stat. 401; June 25, 1948, ch. 646, Sec. 1, 62 Stat. 909.)
The provisions of section 8 of act July 28, 1866, ch. 298, 14 Stat. 329, referred to in text, were contained generally in R.S.Sec. 643, which was incorporated in the former Judicial Code, Sec. 33, and was repealed by act June 25, 1948, ch. 646, Sec. 39, 62 Stat. 992. See sections 1442, 1446, and 1447 of Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure. Other provisions referred to were contained in R.S. Sec. 771, 989, which were also repealed by act June 25, 1948. See sections 509, 547, and 2006, respectively, of Title 28.

Act June 25, 1948, eff. Sept. 1, 1948, substituted ‘United States attorney’ for ‘district attorney’. See section 541 of Title
28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure.
Judgment against certain public officers, satisfaction of, see Rule 69, Title 28, Appendix, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure.
This section is referred to in section 118a of this title.
Statutes Relating to Commissions, Appointments, etc.
Sections in this file relate to required commissions, oaths, etc., for officers and employees of United States government and the government of the District of Columbia. All sections have been pasted directly from the 1996 CD-ROM edition of the United States Code produced and distributed by the Government Printing Office. Notes in Italics that follow the sections list regulations for each section listed in the Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules.It is significant that the “Seal of the United States” is no longer affixed to commissions of “judicial officers” appointed by the President with advice and consent of the Senate; commissions are filed with the Department of Justice under the D.O.J. seal, which is an executive seal. This is suggestive that there are no longer any Article III[constitutional] judges in the United States.
4 USC Sec. 41 01/16/96


The Insurrection Act (enacted in 1807) delegates authority to the President to federalize and deploy the National Guard domestically during an insurrection or civil disturbance (10 U.S.C. Sections 331-335). Section 331 authorizes the President to use federal military forces to suppress an insurrection at the request of a state government. Section 332 authorizes the President to use armed forces in such manner as he deems necessary to enforce the laws or suppress a rebellion. Section 333 authorizes the President to use federal military forces to protect individuals from unlawful actions that obstruct the execution of federal laws or which impede the course of justice under federal laws. Section 333 was enacted to implement the Fourteenth Amendment and does not require the request or consent of the governor of the affected state.

19th August 2018, 09:49 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSxWJjR4ToNBurudtX4PEc-oI2x6JXTabUogV6wW5gKwtFO5hxnnFJKeiP6fNDA6fQ&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAxzq_7ZodDdmDLQ2BcXxWrnXARfOkH Ydjyq2V3N4irbMxotIhZ-re1kBvK61GmZhNA1rX_TiPwUxocVCcPBNoEn3k3EncvGVDnojM oeotyym8RY0mkBvdK4YFWwjk5_hCeYbNRD3Ry&__tn__=C-R)

7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1822347734480965?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAxzq_7ZodDdmD LQ2BcXxWrnXARfOkHYdjyq2V3N4irbMxotIhZ-re1kBvK61GmZhNA1rX_TiPwUxocVCcPBNoEn3k3EncvGVDnojM oeotyym8RY0mkBvdK4YFWwjk5_hCeYbNRD3Ry&__tn__=-R) ·

To Be Clear About the Paperwork
Destry Payne did not do the paperwork I recommend that every American do.
(See Article 928 on my website: www.annavonreitz.com. (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F&h=AT2dk7nVz6PionM2EX0JHcnTuJwLTFxq_Ggty5j5B7menMG5 5QYwyTFEhyL2BsdPu6uymh4Eb8RVcoUBNVV1UCIkxxZGKn_RDk lV4SzCT_IdGr08ZZ5W9WtoKKKQAN_gZD4zlA1s4GAui1hwdhWO B9G9OuTHcuKk0C2mUCAAA5GWW38obQGXXASaaTRF4pyvqCfkEh LK9Hz-dGmulFlZepFZMZ_Nbk9U7ZF5-BlZ22Qp5q2cLLCWLzf0fKjINKGM6NF2FAp2BuXj_kJRxdgTQwR ycV9502n_Oo5P5xQXTf22mlsh1meaO5U8fAKDT2w3qMw1Dudny lSF_hvgMNlZWtKcTGPO5OqBm-HxTE0))
Bruce Doucette didn't do the paperwork I recommended, either.
Neither did Stephen Nalty.
Neither did Ammon Bundy.
Neither did the Hammonds.
Neither did LaVoy Finicum.
Neither did Steve Curry.

I could go on all day long listing all the people who have listened with only half an ear to what I am saying, and who have paid the price for not doing a few hours of due diligence and maybe a half-day chore of recording some paperwork.

All these men thought they knew better. They all went their own way. They all trespassed into Federal Jurisdiction. They all suffered the consequences.

Rain falls from the sky. Water runs downhill.

We are living in a bogus state of manufactured political "war", which is considerably more phony than any $3 bill,

but until you realize what is being promoted against you and by whom and what, it is not possible to gain control of the situation or take any action to correct it.

Now, some people have done the paperwork and have still been arrested by highway patrolmen and so on.
Best be aware that there is no automatic computer-generated connection between what you have on file at the Recorder's Office and what the police have on their screens. You not only have to record it, you have to bring it forward. (Someday, hopefully quite soon, there will be a database connection, but not yet.)

When people do this and knowledgeably defend their position as landlubbers, miracles are happening.

Mortgages are being set-aside and "paid off". People are leaving jails, set free because they are not subject to statutory law. The Indemnity Bond is being honored.

The police, the judges, and the "Machine" are slowly waking up along with the rest of America, and beginning to come to heel, but these are early days and these atrocities against our States and our People have been going on for a long time.

Imagine that you are at the helm of a Supertanker far out at sea and you are trying to execute a 180 degree turn around and reversal? Even at "Full Speed" that kind of change takes time.

So is the paperwork a Silver Bullet?
Yes, so long as you don't murder, rape, steal or do other things that damage actual people and property. And so long as you get it on the Public Record prior to running afoul of THEIR law. The Truth will set you free, so long as you establish what your truth is and provide proof of it.

19th August 2018, 09:58 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARR3wcdy0J9a9GJaaeHTbUeEopD3uZuby Y6cYKHci6FWzTFeZCg-RRgxru8iCA0LXiE&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBd8brH21xVxAQUGcn-9tUuom-5YgPH8MlDW1gbnqf8LLXCBMZ7SKodVMuzgw8dLaeWb-3i_mBfutnLlUh7nvDKDFIPQ_GZ8SmEOlqbG5_oCkasOeCh80bc wATRGiUuaTS0kIrBDm59&__tn__=C-R)

7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1822398054475933?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBd8brH21xVxAQ UGcn-9tUuom-5YgPH8MlDW1gbnqf8LLXCBMZ7SKodVMuzgw8dLaeWb-3i_mBfutnLlUh7nvDKDFIPQ_GZ8SmEOlqbG5_oCkasOeCh80bc wATRGiUuaTS0kIrBDm59&__tn__=-R) ·

Cancellation of All Powers of Attorney
Many people have been asking me, "Well, how do I cancel Powers of Attorney that I may or may not even know exist?" You record your Cancellation of all such Powers and make it another Extension of your Deed of Re-Conveyance.

Here is a bare-bones example of how it needs to be set up and what it needs to say:
"All prior Powers of Attorney granted by Anna Maria Riezinger are removed, cancelled, and permanently revoked effective June 6, 1956.

Anna Maria Riezinger is Attorney-in-Fact for all purposes related to the administration of her estates and all correspondence should be addressed to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652."

by:______________________________ this ____day of _______ 2018.

Public Notary Witness
Matanuska-Susitna County

I____________________, a Public Notary, was visited today by the woman known to me to be Anna Maria Riezinger, and she did affirm and sign this Cancellation of All Powers of Attorney in my presence for the purposes stated.

by:____________________________Public Notary; my Commission expires on:______________________.

To my readers--- notice that the place this notary function is taking place in is "Alaska" --- the sovereign State, and also that it is taking place in "Matanuska-Susitna County", both of which are unincorporated entities.

Not the State of Alaska, not County of Matanuska-Susitna, Not a Borough. Not a City. Or any other incorporated entity.

And also note, that because this is taking place in the land jurisdiction "State" and in the land jurisdiction "County", this is a Public Notary function and not a "Notary Public" function.

20th August 2018, 06:12 AM
Anna Maria Riezinger is Attorney-in-Fact for all purposes related to the administration of her estates
In other words she has agreed to represent herself.

attorney (n.)

early 14c. (mid-13c. in Anglo-Latin), "one appointed by another to act in his place," from Old French atorné "(one) appointed," past participle of aturner "to decree, assign, appoint," from atorner "to assign," literally "to turn to" (see attorn). The sense is of "one appointed to represent another's interests."

In English law, a private attorney (attorney in fact) was one appointed to act for another in business or legal affairs (usually for pay); an attorney at law or public attorney was a qualified legal agent in the courts of Common Law who prepared the cases for a barrister, who pleaded them (the equivalent of a solicitor in Chancery). So much a term of contempt in England that it was abolished by the Judicature Act of 1873 and merged with solicitor.

Johnson observed that "he did not care to speak ill of any man behind his back, but he believed the gentleman was an attorney." [Boswell]

In U.S., barrister is not used and the general designation became properly attorney and counselor at law; when presenting a case in court, simply counselor. The double -t- is a mistaken 15c. attempt to restore a non-existent Latin original, perhaps by influence of legal Latin form attornare.

On a historical note the function of attorney was abolished in England around 1873. Their function was in feudal law to make sure the vassal had eternal allegiance to his liege lord.

20th August 2018, 07:11 AM
In other words she has agreed to represent herself.

On a historical note the function of attorney was abolished in England around 1873. Their function was in feudal law to make sure the vassal had eternal allegiance to his liege lord.

Maybe, again I don't know, but there are many forms of law and many definitions and many lieyers.

23rd August 2018, 09:02 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSElqoWp_chtTZcyw8UMfSovTudriOuA iuDD7iprQX9HRZ86DhvZdNI88PpjQPntgM&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARC1P4O019Y8Jdv1uKumchPNa4fUZw6c uZffP5JCxyiZFBPnGfNe10DSwBB01PNMxu7qx8y21ygTIy3_n7 dDwJPltjqyMpqJsUWKTvFKbGeNWX-RudOUFFJPYLpmsC2XQrL9szs&__tn__=C-R)

August 21 at 3:08 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1825872780795127?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARC1P4O019Y8Jdv 1uKumchPNa4fUZw6cuZffP5JCxyiZFBPnGfNe10DSwBB01PNMx u7qx8y21ygTIy3_n7dDwJPltjqyMpqJsUWKTvFKbGeNWX-RudOUFFJPYLpmsC2XQrL9szs&__tn__=-R) ·

Basics of Birth Certificates
I have been asked and asked about Birth Certificates--- what are they? Why do we have one? Much less two?

You are given a "certificate" in exchange for "registering" something.

When you register a piece of property --- say, a car or truck? Or a name? --- you give up your ownership interest in it and pass the ownership interest on to the "entity" that you register it with.

So, when your Mother is subtly misinformed and coerced to register her new possession --- you ---- with the corporation posing as your government, guess what?

You get a "birth certificate" for the same reason you get a car registration.

It's a historical document memorializing the event and identifying the property that changed hands, in the event that anyone needs to know the details later on.

This is how the British-backed Territorial Corporation known as the "State of Florida" or "State of Maine" or "State of Texas"...... picked up an ownership interest in "you" and "your name" ---- converted your identity from that of a living man or woman, and gained the right (by your Mother's mistake and your later silence) to consider you a "franchise" of their corporation and chattel backing their debts.

But did you or your Mother ever knowingly and willingly give them the right to use your name, steal your identity, use you as chattel backing their debts, or any of this other nonsense? Of course not.

It's all fraud. It's all criminal. It's all malarkey.

And the corporations "acting as" governments that have promoted and permitted any such scheme richly deserve to be liquidated for their crimes.

So before I get off-track and into the bushes --- that is what a "Birth Certificate" is and it is basically the same as a car registration. You get to use the car, just as you get to use your own body --- with the owner's permission. The sleazy lawyers then step in as the owner's representatives and beat you silly and tax you to death in private customs houses disguised as public courts.

This has been going on since 1702 and has been outlawed worldwide since the Napoleonic Wars, but what the hey? Mack and the Boys got it all started again and the Popes and the Queens sat back and smoked cigars.... but I digress.....

Why do you have two different documents purporting to be some form of birth certificate?

Typically, you will have something called a "Certificate of Live Birth" and also something called a "Birth Certificate".

The Certificate of Live Birth will usually have your name in Upper and Lower Case, First, Middle, Last --- just as you were taught to write it out in Grade School.

The Birth Certificate will have your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

You have two of them, because two separate commercial corporations have claimed to have an ownership interest in you.

The British-backed Territorial State of State organization doing business as (for example) the State of Oregon has seized upon and laid claim to "First Middle Last" and the Municipal STATE OF STATE (for example, STATE OF WYOMING) has claimed an ownership interest in FIRST MIDDLE LAST.

Two birth certificates, two franchises for them, neither one of them having anything to do with you, except for the fact that they are using and abusing your Given Name without your knowledge, sending their franchise's bills to you for payment, and otherwise working confusion all across the board.

In Law, this is known as "unlawful conversion" --- a form of kidnapping of assets on paper, which converts the nature of an asset (from living man to corporate franchise for example) and the jurisdiction in which it operates (from land law to sea law in this case).

Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Co-chair of the House Banking Committee at the time ---recognized it for what it was back in 1934, and brought charges for it before the House Judiciary Committee which have yet to be heard.

He was the only honest and competent and courageous member of Congress.

One out of 435. And the odds have remained about the same ever since.

Send this article to the local authorities and Congressional "delegates" and object to being treated in this fashion and demand action to correct these practices.

See what you get back. Typically, since 1934, all you hear is silence. This is for the very good reason that they are obligated to keep silence under the whip of 18 USC 472.---knowledge and use of fraudulent conveyances, false securities, etc.

Send it Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested, so that you have proof you sent it and proof you objected to having your Given Name used and abused in this fashion, and that you want their cooperation in ending this venal practice.

A baby is not a new car. And so far as that goes, they have no right to demand any ownership interest in your car, either.

Kick them to curb as hard as you can, and keep kicking. And never register anything voluntarily.

Congressman McFadden was poisoned, mafia-style, for lodging his complaint with the House Judiciary Committee, but because he did the right thing, those charges still stand, as firmly lodged today as they were in 1934.

The next question is --- other than objecting on the record, what do we do?
Well, look at either one of the "Birth Certificates" that were issued in your name.

You will notice that your actual birth day is always a few days earlier than the "birthdate" of the THING they claim an interest in --- that is, it's "birthdate" is after your "birth day". This gives you a superior claim in commerce, and since all this fraud, theft, and legal chicanery is taking place in the realm of commerce, that is an important point.

Now all you have to do is prove who you are, that you objected to being "enfranchised" and that you have recorded your counter-claim to be the true and lawful owner of your Good Name and Estates and all derivatives thereof and re-conveyed your property (Name, Estate, and the derivative Assumed NAMES) back to their natural and permanent domicile on the land and soil of--- for example--- Georgia.

Georgia, you will note, is not the "State of Georgia" nor the "STATE OF GEORGIA" nor "THE State of Georgia" nor "GEORGIA" nor any other version of this corporate franchise naming scheme they can dream up. It's the actual unincorporated and sovereign State of the Union, so they can all go blow.

Please also note that it's right and proper for you to record --- record, not "register"--- your interest in your own Given Name and Estate and anything else that is named after you via infringement on your Common Law Copyright guaranteed under the Copyright Act of 1795 and still standing.

Most important--- why do you HAVE TO do something to counterclaim your Good Name and Estate back out of Babylon?

For starters, if you don't, you get stuck holding the bag for all their debts, and their debts are insurmountable.

For middles, if you don't, you will not be "identifiable" as a living man or woman, which means they can murder you at will and face no consequences.

For lasts, if you don't, the vermin will never be brought to justice and never forced to change their ways.

23rd August 2018, 09:31 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARRC0gMZLK2mIRWi-Fldt_23ZyiDbPK0KDWVCppm8X2GPV3XcKD4mdgbgcWo6b3lkqM&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAdPEOQ_I7KFl6RafsFusyvjLZL9sZz O0Low_uhvTwCyWM5gY9q5eID2K3oqUsheMmnZWwFn8GgxDsZc3 qmmwM4pZb0tUF4C7IG83dLYimYtH_SdOk0pD_qDQ0LqMDCO_IM ooM&__tn__=C-R)

2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1829632483752490?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAdPEOQ_I7KFl6 RafsFusyvjLZL9sZzO0Low_uhvTwCyWM5gY9q5eID2K3oqUshe MmnZWwFn8GgxDsZc3qmmwM4pZb0tUF4C7IG83dLYimYtH_SdOk 0pD_qDQ0LqMDCO_IMooM&__tn__=-R) ·

A Court Order is Like an Order for French Fries, Okay?
The Judge gives his Order and the for-hire private security force goons acting under Color of Law as "Sheriffs" and as, for example, "State of Vermont Troopers" --then swing into clueless action to bring him his booty.

But, what happens if someone intercepts and cancels his order?
"Hey, yah, Jaime, cancel that order for fries---!"

Then nothing happens. The "Order" just disappears. Nobody scurries around. The potatoes don't go in the oil. The house doesn't get sold. The whole thing gets dropped.
And that is what needs to happen with all these foreclosure cases that are taking place under false legal presumptions and color of law.

There are now three really good reasons why the Foreclosure Mills need to shut down.

(1) All the Federal States of States and Federal State Trusts have been seized upon and rolled back into the actual sovereign States. That reverses the legal presumptions all these courts have been operating under and takes all the "franchise" property off the table. They can no longer "presume" that anyone is acting in the capacity of a federal "citizen". Instead, they have to presume that you are acting in your private trade capacity under the Public Law owed to this country.

(2) They are using your bond to fund their case. You have every right to subrogate the case and dismiss it with extreme prejudice ---and can easily put teeth into the claim by claiming the Case (Contract) Number as the collateral and the Court's Name and Address as the Debtor. Use your Trade Name (First, Middle, Last) as the Secured Party and mention that it is a Trade Name of the living-man: first-middle-last to whom all the property, assets, and interest belongs. Check the Non-UCC-Lien box on the UCC-1 Form, and present a certified copy to the Court Clerk. Then instead of them getting to claim your assets, you get to claim theirs, and they promptly start losing money as a result of their criminal racketeering, which gives them motive to stop doing what they are doing.

(3) You are indemnified in the strongest terms possible from suffering any "loss or damage" as a result of the existence of these "federal franchises". In fact, you are exempt from claims and your VESSELS are already tax pre-paid. So how is it that these "courts" are dragging YOU in and railroading you with their "Orders"? Could it be that you aren't cancelling their Orders?

Yes, it could. If you just stand there and let their "orders" be served by the clueless police, they win because you don't do anything effective to cancel their order.
It's just a little bit more complicated than saying, "Hey, Jaimie...."

You take their "Court Order" and you write: "Accepted for Indemnification Value" on it, and you write: Private Registered Indemnity Bond Number: RA 393 427 640 US -- AMRI00001 -1 (California or Ohio or whichever State) and you sign it with your Upper and Lower Case Trade Name using a by-line, that is, pretend you are an author and sign it by: Your Signature, and date it.

Take copies. And either return it to the Clerk of Court via Registered Mail as soon as you get it, Return Receipt Requested, of course.

Or take two copies into the Clerk of Court's Office, get both date-stamped, and give the original to her, keeping your own date-stamped copy for yourself.

Consider the "Order" to sell YOUR house cancelled. Along with the French Fries.

Now, the "lawful conversion" back to the States is somewhat recent and not all courts will be aware of the reversal at the same time. Several Judges will no doubt have to step on the landmine before it is universal knowledge. It could take a few months.

The subrogation of your bond can be used right now.

And you can cancel their Orders to seize upon you or your assets by claiming against the indemnity bond, too. You are insured against loss or damage and your "policy number" is there on file and up to date.

Oh, and let's add a Fourth Reason --- a really BIG Reason -- why all these Foreclosure Mills need to shut down: no living man or woman ever owed any "mortgage" to begin with.

So, time to bat your eyelashes at the Judge and say, "Oh, and by the way....., your Honor, I wish to see the Bill connected to this case....."

And if the Judge doesn't have it ready for you to sign off, then you bat your eyelashes again and say, "I wish for dismissal of this claim with extreme prejudice, and I wish for the Prosecutor to pay me three times damages and court costs in the amount of....."

Calculate this number based on current value of the property that has been put at risk and a realistic idea of what the case has cost you in terms of time and money and angst. Don't go overboard, but make your point. And then walk away.

Some judges are honorable men and some are not. Be forewarned that some will try to trick you by addressing you as "Mister" or "Miss" or by calling you a "resident" or attempting to give you an "order" from the bench, such as, "Uh, Mister Johnson, come back here..... " Or, "Miss St. James, sit down...."

When they do this, they are trying to establish a basis for claiming jurisdiction they don't have. They are grasping at straws for some excuse to claim that you are subservient to them. Object to any attempt to call you "Mister" or "Missus" or "Miss" or anything else like that, and also to calling you a "resident" or giving you any orders.

You are the sovereign and they are the servants.

Get your attitude adjusted and your facts and processes in hand --- and stop sending me sad and desperate letters and emails about these vermin taking your farms and homes.

We are doing all we can to stop this criminality on a systemic level. Until we do, you have all you need to defend yourselves one by one.

23rd August 2018, 09:46 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARRO13meThScZzl50Gq2UhgMwTiUxaEZ2 3PrpN9ZZzxJq9moJh_gAZDIKNi1vWqGCjc&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBxrUeRUnUnRimDU41O8MQ3RKwmTE9t kxhggyMDcR4oU8UDcgTPjWdztfeg3g0SAt-naKbIzMTkLR94LV_tfOp36_iT8xKs3ZFCBPlMN72cnwnUz3ioP ByhTnomX1XNu-wr2oI&__tn__=C-R)

August 21 at 12:22 AM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1824672170915188?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBxrUeRUnUnRim DU41O8MQ3RKwmTE9tkxhggyMDcR4oU8UDcgTPjWdztfeg3g0SA t-naKbIzMTkLR94LV_tfOp36_iT8xKs3ZFCBPlMN72cnwnUz3ioP ByhTnomX1XNu-wr2oI&__tn__=-R) ·

Let's begin with this important piece of information:
"Hell" is not "Hades" as in the underworld of the Ancient Greeks, and it is not "Sheol" the shadow world of Second Soul in the Hebrew scheme of things, nor is it "Gehenna" the realm of separation and misery in the Hebrew system.

In fact, if you really search Catholic Dogma, you won't find any reference to "Hell" there, either, though most people attach the meaning of Satan's fiery prison to it.

"Hell" is literally the name of Debtor's Prison. And that's why apprentice attorneys are still called "Devils" in Scotland.

Don't believe it? I have plenty of books.

You've been living in a Debtor's Prison all your life without knowing it. So, yes, you are in Hell right now. Literally.

What are you going to do about it?

When I say, "Wake to Hell up!" this is what I am talking about: the circumstance in which you live. Wake up!

If I walked up to you and told you that the clerk at your insurance company stole the information off your credit card and that he is pilfering your credit account ----- you might stare at me, you would definitely be alarmed, but once you checked your statement and saw that it was true, you would know what to do.

You would call your bank or credit card company and say, "Hey! I didn't make these charges! My account has been compromised! This is a mistake! I don't know anything about "Felix's Massage Therapy" and I sure didn't order a new hot tub from "Wonder Spa" or buy anything at Neiman Marcus..... "

So why is it that everyone stops and balks and stares at me like I'm the crazy one when I tell you that a foreign, private, for-profit governmental services corporation has stolen your identity and your credit cards? And is charging you for services you never ordered and is charging whatever they want to charge for all the "services" they have foisted off on you and charged to your ACCOUNT?

It's really no different. It's the same crime. It's being committed at the same level -- the level of commerce. And the end result --- to put you in debt up to your ears for expenditures you never authorized --- is the same.

But, hey, until you raise your hand and object --- everyone assumes that you authorized the charges and that you owe them.

The bank isn't going to call up Neiman Marcus if you don't object to paying for someone else's trip to Beijing, the $1200 bath robe, the 3 carat diamond ring, and new leather furniture set they charged to YOU.

The so-called "government" doesn't use credit cards, it uses Treasury Bonds and CUSIP Bonds and other forms of debt instruments to pile its debts on your weary head.

They use the "presumption" that if you vote in their private corporate elections, you must be going along with all this and profiting from it somehow.

Why else would you let a foreign private investment corporation use your assets as collateral for its debts and charge you whatever it wants to charge?

Do you know that there isn't a single mortgage in America that is owed by a living man or woman?

That's what "mortgage" means --- its a debt owed by a dead person.
That "dead person" is a defunct earlier version of another foreign, privately owned, for-profit government services corporation that went bankrupt and left you and your children responsible for paying off its debts.

Got the picture now?

You and your children and your children's children's children are buried alive under a mountain of Odious Debt--- that is, debt that you didn't authorize and didn't benefit from.

When a "government services corporation" pulls this kind of criminal crap there is no bank or credit card company to call, so you may be standing there with a dumb, horrified look on your face, feeling terribly alone. And helpless.
Been there and done that.

But you are in luck. And you are not alone. There are at least 350 million other Americans in the exact same boat. And there are good solid historical reasons for why we are in this deplorable situation --- reasons that are known and there are things we can do to change "Hell" into Paradise.

We've written three books so far that give you all the basics, all of them available on Amazon.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FAmazon.com%2F&h=AT0CeRR14Sq9sg88dkwBDmAlaMsgb23bzzEdCD0ZsCA3PoOV c9BBOc9EZNwgiIBcJ-oMyuqPW91gPAvFXKljfD3wNTkZJEU95-Dmh27G4s3Q8N4bWlWJp8aiBwPclNyE-xcWNsSd-k-05V_Nw4znQX9WtLtuKD2C-ghR-yG9_Jbr3xyjwFKo9PZA19brCWfp0SYu9qBc-PByTXWc7eP3eL_lYElMH5TfWwa3xQLH3dNWj1IbFxEnf-Xr8KEcbOwnVeVF88UyUS1DTXEwwiRis0YXwr1o8ksFv-C3lsyJ5h6qffUELV26H6Thfb_MhsWziWZtGLcuGqQl6O7GK1Qm 8_P1SkDRWuMw) for a few bucks.

The first one, Disclosure 101 tracks my own experience, how I got my "wake up call" and details the early history of the effort to not only wake up, but make sense of what we call "The Mess" --- plus our early actions to put a stop to the crimes.

The second book is aimed at a broad audience. Anyone can read "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" which is lavishly illustrated with cartoons and helpful graphs and commentary. It may strike some people as to "not serious"---- but it is.

And the third book, America: Some Assembly Required, is very short --- an "executive summary" built on 30-second sound-bites of information that coalesce as you go, so, you can have the whole Big Picture lined out in an hour or two if the "Just the Facts, Ma'am" approach works for you.

We woke up to this reality more than twenty years ago and every year, more and more Americans wake up. Word is spreading every day. And yes, we have found ways to deal with the pesky "devils" among us.

The good news is that the Truth will set you free, and there is a path forward and onward and upward. There is a way to save our country and reform our government. And even if you are in "Hell" right now, you don't have to stay there.

You can come home, come out of Babylon, and once you boil it all down, it isn't even that hard to do (though we can assure you that the road to ferret out the information was anything but easy).

Go to Article 928 posted at www.annavonreitz.com. (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F&h=AT1EKNTuEWdWySQUu5BcXaS-5trBavFvalfy0Fjk2Rn40mzEIzUk9E9-QYOepMv_TKuuzHvrVwNAkkAOJq01ce-ux9ezHbBF8kZ_PTPc1YEDfJfAgfvU_2DidZk5-v0iG86O4f1fEN2BOINT2wC78nLblAyhMmZevbAFwJShdtwbmy_ hHtPItoULPG7LkPhalvlB3cKHvPXBBgxm1BSZQSzopP0eLRwG9 Z0CcIHs-uU7jZMHEU_sLAurnnt4cWVodoqtj8L72GiKk5wgka0V4WgwUEC nIW1Bg6a0hLWtAxRCeWRlWMoqXqzS22VIJnhWa4MTyeHlHsSzF lLKWqeUd12DpmPA0zHX) There you will find a handful of simple forms that establish your claim to own your own Trade Name and which enable you to claim your children and grandchildren's names for them, too.

This is the start --- the foundation to reclaim your freedom, your identity, and your correct political status. It's the beginning of taking back control of your country and your finances and your future.

And if the forms don't immediately make sense to you, take the time to read the books so that the Big Picture of what happened snaps into view. There is a logic to every thing that happened, and therefore, a logic to everything we do in response.

23rd August 2018, 09:59 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTInZTh7wHh0CxZYwHpLUwpN64UHDtmL 1XtojQSR1vWRqIWc18cKZx731JGzjo8oSk&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARArhHdNhAu40IYAEf8CxqjWrR0J2mzY gmC-k6dBCnr-cX5tVBBVPu-LfKEluDqvmVQl8JrqfUoLHE4oeoll9dLRyNIgEBcBx9mURzZMc 25Btz--9BY1g4HTBbKDI8yWoHlP7cU&__tn__=C-R)

August 21 at 3:11 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1825877017461370?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARArhHdNhAu40IY AEf8CxqjWrR0J2mzYgmC-k6dBCnr-cX5tVBBVPu-LfKEluDqvmVQl8JrqfUoLHE4oeoll9dLRyNIgEBcBx9mURzZMc 25Btz--9BY1g4HTBbKDI8yWoHlP7cU&__tn__=-R) ·

More Basics. Social Security: Impact On?
None. They still owe you.

I regularly get questions from retirees who want to know what impact claiming their birthright will have on Social Security payments and services owed to them?

Notice --- I did not say "benefits".

Let's begin with what "Social Security" is.

It's a government employee pension program started under FDR. Chances are, you were never eligible to enroll in Social Security because you were never a federal government employee, never a federal government dependent, and never knowingly or willingly sought political asylum from the British Territorial United States.

No American in their right mind would ever choose Territorial "citizenship" because it is a distinctly unfavorable status with no constitutional guarantees and no "Natural and Unalienable" rights, and tons of obligations.

But you weren't told any of this. Instead, you were told a Big, Fat, Self-Interested Fib --- that you had to enroll in Social Security and pay into it "in order to have a job" and your employers were lied to, too, and told that they "had to" participate in and collect taxes for the program also.
Another one of Satan's little half-lies.

Of course, if you were working for the federal government, you would have to enroll in their employee pension program and if your employer happened to have a contract with the federal government, they would have to allow you to (voluntarily) participate..... but for most of us who never saw a federal paycheck or even a "federally connected" paycheck in our lives, it is all nothing but fraud and false presumptions.

We were deliberately mis-informed by fraudsters and compelled under the "appearance" of a government mandate to enroll in a pension program that had nothing to do with most of us.

In recent years the rats in charge have plundered the Social Security funds and given them away to illegal immigrants and whoever else's votes they wanted to buy, so now they have taken to calling Social Security payments "benefits" -- as in "welfare benefits" -- because for people who never worked their forty quarters and who never "vested" in the system, that's what such payments are.

But there's another, darker reason, too.
Having busted your nickel and spent all your credit and the credit of your children's children, too, the "governmental services corporations" responsible have all declared bankruptcy and left you and yours holding the bag.

And it's easier and more justifiable to stop "voluntary" welfare payments than it is to avoid the obligations of an old age pension actually owed to someone.

Head's up, seniors. Those of you who worked your rumps off for fifty years -- they spent all the money you gave them on war and depravity, never caring or intending to pay you back. And now they are trying to grease their backdoor, Plan B --- change a few words here and there, call your pension payments and services "benefits" --- and skate.

And that is just One More Reason you have to take control of your affairs and wise up right about now.

So, what's the deal, Grandma?
First, you have do the basic paperwork I've assigned (Article 928, www.annavonreitz.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F&h=AT1GbhArc872fxjWTFBMU4OCQ9r3qswCzToUDhne7b022u6W pWqBS5qy5XA46hjjOnhjq9vmaFUCB1TZiH7u6hw7B5IWe6WP_v GwrY4VUtmDru1HjUFmkWWwZ-aBTtXdQg3aT--4qo5Xzwj0_PJNZTLkxF3ZUg0ZVN8dWS94KHcwHat4iPELLuCM8 vc9PIwItp2h_FpijuwSs_FUTPXQIcwLjgkdjdXhhx5A7hjWtKx MpBUuX89nEkPvOe0O_-MdZPE8Oj0Qjo8URr5cpPzxADeMQwVuqaxZGBfoFdKu9gd5M9rO 73eqi_yH6_RQp5DEjMABAQH_9kw9_c3FsF7LwU_wG5_9aUtJ)) and get your counterclaim recorded. And then, as part of that, you will also record your "Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney".

Unknown to you, as part of your "enrollment" in Social Security (most of us were 16 and real sharp about legal stuff) they slipped in a "General Power of Attorney" for themselves.

Once your "Cancellation of All Prior Powers of Attorney" is recorded, you will want to send one copy of the recorded document to the Social Security Administration and give them Notice that you have returned to your birthright political status, that you earned your pension, and that you have cancelled their Power of Attorney. As always, send it Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested.

Now, until everyone gets the "word" this may leave the Social Security Administration workers scratching their heads and their butts. They may think you are nuts. Hey, they really ARE "federal" workers and really DO get a federal paycheck, and yes, Social Security IS mandatory for THEM, so, they assume that you are obligated to enroll in Social Security, too, because THEY are----right?

That's what is so ingenious about this scam, just like Eve and the apple. It's half true --- true for some people and not for others. You won't die......right away.

Anyway, serve them Notice right up front, and then contemplate your next moves. The Legal Law Firm is stretched tight as a drum, but working away on all fronts: foreclosures, theft of Social Security, child custody snares, Odious Debt, utility bills, "citizenship", the "UN" --- all of it, and we are going as fast as we can.

You can help a lot by doing your part. Get your paperwork recorded at the local land recording office and get your own fat out of the fire. Next, boot up your local County and State Jural Assemblies. Those are the most important things to do right now --- (1) stake your claims and (2) begin operating your own lawful government again.

I think it is obvious that we cannot depend on hired subcontractors to do the job for us. If that were an option, we wouldn't be in this Mess. So even if the prospect of operating your own local government seems daunting --- do it. Feel your way forward and join together to help chart the way. Americans provided their own government for two hundred years prior to these European Sharpies moving in like Cuckoo birds and substituting their "services" for our lawful government. We can do it again.

The other thing you can do is help support The Living Law Firm. It's the only organization of its kind in the entire country, and its the only one organized to take on the Big Issues and find solutions that apply across the board, for the good of everyone concerned, and the good of our country.

It means a lot to me when one of "our guys" calls up and needs help, to be able to send help, and as this whole effort spools up, more Americans join the effort and become part of the team. As our efforts expand, so do our expenses. It cost me over $1000 this past week in filing fees and over $200 for Registered Mail -- multiply that by all the rest of the work being done by other members of The Living Law Firm and all the light bills, travel costs, paper and ink, certified copy costs, filing fees..... and then allow for a broken arm, flat tires, and a busted water heater for some of us along the way.... and you will know what our team is up against.

In addition to all my other roles, I am still serving as Paymaster for all of this. As Head Cheese (or "Cheese Head" since I am from Wisconsin) I have to parcel out the resources as they come in and do the best I can.

Right now, I have several team members who need help to buy school supplies and shoes and clothes for their children. That isn't -- strictly speaking -- related to the legal and research work they do for me, but it is part of their duty as mothers and fathers and it hurts when they work so very hard on all of this --- and can't meet basic obligations. Your donations make it possible for me to help them and keep the ball rolling. It also allows us to keep offering the information for free.

There are people out there selling "packages" for thousands of dollars that don't do anything more or better than what you find posted at www.annavonreitz.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F&h=AT1VmeoNeesLYRsX4ysh0jQ6by2Kh-a1WCxpTDCYVXlMyDxrb28yivRZK3LPsr6FaC9grVEmjD4mBqp7 IQ3rMOg3t73QPQK5Rew4fqLyk0B4mf5qpQooJNwYs1xZmIo1ho I1cTP3VHmFk-WSzzvLVkxB5T8UHbeuq111gW3_rrnOlXPHRY6b4CZczwwkdjMa sfdWSoebCEXDmfcjI2HJLcPGjwYeQPRv2nEVLJjiMGuy3s_Uaf BQRmRtJdjZ8zcpyxPwmzi1KQLW1alah-rPG6h_dfpy-8CPlHejvOvzJSwycsGJ0AgQztOSZDan_Nwn0-TK-rDS5s7xwglaePqSMkBUg9pJNdny) for free to everyone. Our attitude is --- and has always been --- we are all Americans and we are all in this together, rich and poor alike. We don't want anyone left behind because they couldn't afford it.

So, if you can, if you have some extra this month, think of our "legal troops and history snoops". We've come a long way, but we haven't done it alone, and we couldn't have come this far, this fast, without your donations tiding our volunteers over the rough spots.

We take PayPal at:
avannavon@gmail.com and other donations via Snail Mail: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652

28th August 2018, 02:59 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSbz8SriuaeWNLQfLyPKqJMIGbDRvLix 69T9lybRY5hfLj-3OmRzSU5cdiZgphzosE&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCzZCVQrZ3O4napngBGDoHhxRf-tvGWyH--hXHxVrA_cdMDkgI9taeV4n4jeb5Qv9jV49jBSuKVRQRTE1ycVT a9_u2r0Sy5Au4vB7T9BzrxiX01A1EFoPPhjgYZ6Tx3DS40dXY&__tn__=C-R)

August 26 at 12:11 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1833438950038510?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCzZCVQrZ3O4na pngBGDoHhxRf-tvGWyH--hXHxVrA_cdMDkgI9taeV4n4jeb5Qv9jV49jBSuKVRQRTE1ycVT a9_u2r0Sy5Au4vB7T9BzrxiX01A1EFoPPhjgYZ6Tx3DS40dXY&__tn__=-R) ·

To Our British, Aussie, and Canadian Friends
Be assured that the Birth Certificate Fraud was started in America by the British-backed Territorial United States and implemented by the British Crown with the full knowledge and approval of Queen Victoria and her Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli.

We have all been victims and we have all been victims together. The proof of the matter stands in the British public and private records of the time. We were not the perpetrators. We were the first victims.

The object of dragging the old Babylonian Slave System out of the moth-balls was to finance the Raj in India and to promote the profitability of British agricultural investments in Africa and India.

It goaded the members of Parliament that their textile industry was so largely dependent on American cotton, which despite the cost of shipping it all the way from America, was still less expensive than the Egyptian cotton the British government subsidized and invested in.

So there you have the reason that our country was subjected to a bitter and illegal commercial mercenary war, aka, "American Civil War" promoted by Bar Members acting as Esquires of the British Queen and her cohorts in Westminster. This was also the means and excuse by which the British Queen and the Lords of the Admiralty usurped our lawful government in Gross Breach of Trust.

They simply substituted their British Territorial "States of States" for our Federal States of States using similar names deceits to fool the trusting people of this country, and thus, commandeered our lawful government.

Four fingers are pointing back at Britain for all of this. Not at the British people. At the Queen and the Crown. And the Popes who, as Roman Pontiffs, assisted in all this criminality.

Since at least 1860, when Abraham Lincoln, a British Bar Attorney who was ineligible for public office in our actual government, took over as "President" of the incorporated British Territorial Government, all the bad things that the "Americans" and "the US" have been accused of are actually the fault of the British Government and the British Crown, instead.

They were using us as proxies, puppets, to do their bidding, carry their water, and pay their bills. And now, thank God, they are exposed as the criminals they are and that part of history is finally becoming history.

We have been ruthlessly, shamelessly defrauded and enslaved by our own purported International Trustees --- and those same Trustees have then dishonored every other constitution and treaty in the western world in the same way. After they pulled their sleight of hand with us, they betrayed their own people on their home islands and went on to rape and pillage Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and every other member of the Commonwealth.

From there, they used our wealth and manpower to enslave the Indian Subcontinent, used our resources and manpower to promote the First World War and the Second. They cast the seeds of "perpetual war" in the Middle East in order to guarantee their oilfield investments.

This is not in doubt. They bragged about it. They wrote it down.
They think they are so very special that they will never be caught and brought to task for what they have done to the rest of the world.

You only help your own slave masters by mischaracterizing all this as an American problem or as the fault of "the US" --- when "the US" has been run as a proxy of the British Government for 150 years.

More than any other people on the face of the Earth the members of the former British Colonies need to wake up and join forces with their brethren still on the Home Islands to put an end to this Great Fraud ----- and we will say, Great Evil.

Without us and our manpower and our resources, Britain is nothing but a pile of rocks in the Atlantic sea, populated by an enslaved and down-trodden people who are laboring under six layers of taxation, invaded by foreign work forces, and helplessly trying to pin the blame for all this on someone or something other than their very own beloved Queen and Parliament and Lords of the Admiralty.

We have spent forty years researching these issues and we can tell you with great certainty and more than adequate documentation that the problem began in Britain and it needs to end there, too.

We suggest that everyone begins by realizing that the Disraeli-Gladstone Debates were about more than giving working people a vote and that the attorneys among us have a quite different meaning attached to the word, "enfranchisement".

We are not angry with the British people. We have suffered the same scourge. Our statement of the facts is not to blame the British people for the sins of their government, but to draw the world's attention to the facts, so that the facts may be dealt with.

It's an Old Chestnut that to solve a problem one must first realize that a problem exists, but it is well-worth restating here.

Britain, not America, is accountable for the sins of "the US".

Britain, not America, imposed the Birth Certificate Fraud on all of us, in Breach of Trust and via legal chicanery implemented by the British Crown.

What we do from here on, is what counts. We suggest that the people of Britain realize just how miserable they are and for how long they have suffered, and join with the rest of us to demand reform of their government.

28th August 2018, 03:13 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARROd3aZk6Q1b7n8-WLoL17OZmHkl_R7CneRJDU4c5w7rPDnjdj3b_ACXYA5CVxDVk8&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAacvN48RXLkwkCIKHWfC0TGjaMn_X1 bhJV9HhtsXy6zyS_I8pZlmG3Dd5VCvfJv5XkMMRqmF90i1ypgN MOCr274ix_A7euAp6NdUlVLAa0_ss1B7PDHKq5atbjy9q68Zds 08g&__tn__=C-R)

August 26 at 4:16 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1833655203350218?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAacvN48RXLkwk CIKHWfC0TGjaMn_X1bhJV9HhtsXy6zyS_I8pZlmG3Dd5VCvfJv 5XkMMRqmF90i1ypgNMOCr274ix_A7euAp6NdUlVLAa0_ss1B7P DHKq5atbjy9q68Zds08g&__tn__=-R) ·

The War Against, Within, and Around the Church
The first thing you must realize about Satanism is that it is a religion --- it involves a complete belief system, involves worship of external deities, and anyone of any race or background can be subscribed to it.

This religion, Satanism, is older by far than Christianity. It was the state religion in the days of Noah, and its return was prophesied by Jesus when he said that in the Latter Days, it would be as in the days of Noah.

Satanism was the state religion of Sumeria and Babylon. It was this religion that Abraham sought to escape when he fled from Ur. It was this religion that ten of his great-grandsons returned to, thus becoming "lost" to the worship of the Hebrew God.

Satanism worships Death and Evil. Please notice that "death" spelled backwards is "htaed" and "evil" spelled backward is "live". In Satanism, everything is backward, including logic.

A lie is a prayer to Satanists. Sex is a sacrament, especially perverted sex.

It is common among Satanists to trade their children as sex slaves to garner favor or money for themselves, and the children are brought up to think that this is all well and good.

As a result, their world is upside down and backwards from ours, a mirror image. A twelve-year old Satanist who has been raped regularly by his "Uncle" since he was nine, thinks nothing of offering his rump to a priest or anyone else. He just does what he is told by his parents or whoever else.

I say this to point out the extremities of the depravity that this whole system holds and the use of even very young children of both sexes as knowing prostitutes and seducers, well-practiced in sex of every sort, willing to do virtually anything anyone wants.

In the Old Days, many of those groomed in this way became official Temple Prostitutes. In order to be forgiven one's sins in this venal belief system, you have to have sex with a Temple Prostitute and pay handsomely for the "service". We still refer to
"worship services" and "religious services" today.

The members of the "Lost" Ten Tribes went back to this religion and practiced it in Jesus' time, and it was to them he referred as literally "the synagogue of Satan". These same Satan-worshiping Israelites much later codified some of their practices and beliefs in the Talmud. Many of these Talmudic Israelites still later became bankers and brokers.

To this day, many bankers and many banking families are Satan worshipers. Satan is just another name for the horned "god" of the sea, Poseidon. There is very good reason to surmise that King Henry the Eighth succumbed to this religion, and that Elizabeth I followed it, too, and that ever since, various members of the British Royal Family have been devotees.

The Talmudic Israelite bankers are such snakes that they don't trust each other for banking services, and rely on Chinese and Muslim bankers instead.

The British are such snakes they depend upon the Scots and the Scots depend upon the French, the French depend upon the Popes and the Popes depend upon the Spanish.
And that's the way it goes.

So to finally get to the topic -- the current attacks and exposes against the Catholic Church began immediately after the Church took steps to rein in and clean up the banks. Immediately.

Does anyone think this is a coincidence?
Within a week of Benedict XVI moving against the banks, the first accusations of sexual abuse and sex crimes surfaced.

The Satanists are exposing their own victims within the Church --- men who were targeted, tempted, and overcome by lusts of one kind or another --- then used to do whatever the Satanists wanted done. Sex and blackmail.

Sex and blackmail.
This is what the Satanists do, and it is largely all they have ever done to get and maintain power. The antidote is to not blink an eye-lash and not be shocked or distracted.

Keep watching their little game, because that's what it is.
Their sex and blackmail ploy is an astonishingly simple gambit and it works an astonishing percentage of the time, especially among Christian leaders who cannot afford to be exposed as leeches and predators. When sex isn't enough, the Satanists add money to the pot. When sex and money don't do the trick, they try drugs and even such esoteric means as hypnosis and spells.

The relatively recent change that demands the Catholic clergy to remain celebate and solitary (1870's? Just about at the same time all this other Babylonian Slave System crappola was introduced) was a perfect Satanic set-up, both to make sure everyone in the Church leadership was physically deprived, and so that everyone else outside the Church would more readily believe that this deprivation led to gross and widespread sexual immorality.

No doubt it made the Satanists job easier, both to compromise many Church leaders, and to sell the idea of sex-starved priests molesting everyone.

It's evident that the bankers are selling out their victims, taking their revenge on men they purposefully compromised. I don't have to think twice about it. Do you? They are also accusing men they never succeeded in compromising, simply using the same dirty brush to paint everyone the same color.

They are trying to keep the attention focused on their victims and their victim's victims, so as to keep attention away from their own misdeeds and practices.

Just as they used the Church as a storefront --- like bookies operating out of a funeral parlor -- they are now seeking to use the Church's evils as a smokescreen to keep public attention focused away from the banks and the bankers and the politicians, too.

Don't fall for it.
If you let them, they will flip things around and have you believing that the Church was responsible for The Bohemian Grove and that your own Mother was a transvestite male.

As for me, I don't blink.
You could show me a picture of Pope Francis raping a pig and I wouldn't blink, because I would know where that photo was coming from and I would be keeping my attention on the snake, not the snake's victims.

Today, I heard the first whisper of what will be the Satanist's attempt to besmirch the entire Christian Church. Don't be deceived. Satanists always want us to blame the victims instead of the perpetrators---- for obvious reasons.

Keep digging, Campers, and look more closely at the accusers than at those accused.

I think Nuncio Vigano is an honest man. I think he is telling the truth with exactitude. I think he did tell Francis about Cardinal McCarrick's bad reputation and the punishment Benedict XVI imposed on McCarrick.

All of that is true, so far as it goes.
But the Nuncio and I both also know the cat-and-mouse game that goes on around the Catholic Confessional --- that Francis would have gone to McCarrick directly and privately and would have heard McCarrick's Confession, and that Francis's action going forward would be informed by what he heard in Confession.

Can the Pope tell us what he was told by McCarrick, so as to defend his own actions going forward?
We will never know what McCarrick told the Pope.

So once again, this is a classic Satanic logic trap. You use an honest man, the Nuncio, to tell the part of the Truth that he knows, in order to condemn a man, the Pope, who cannot reply and tell us the rest of the story.

Just like Satan telling Eve -- you won't die if you eat the fruit....

Well, at least not right away.....
So the real "story" here isn't about the Pope or McCarrick or the Nuncio, either. The real story is to be found in whoever pushed Nuncio Vigano to do this.

1st September 2018, 06:27 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSIYkJcEFTA_PLLimwSgDMh3cpZixIcb V7iGSZnou8YqmPfB12rBNEItZKE0dtD6ug&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARD5Sdb7DwUpYzTB4ICDvn3BlcvyBk2N EZgYd-s7gh_FjX8JGgjU52LVxRlBh0AAKa8e3QLr3iXnwKrBfp-rohMGXWrWyEjmYSBjX-q2OXCr5ZtOupm7sRjukD0z3FnC_bys5GN1GuCFIH7aFb_T7t9m B7NnJfnJV7nva98qBv2rvFovxdYP7w&__tn__=C-R)

56 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1839605586088513?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARD5Sdb7DwUpYzT B4ICDvn3BlcvyBk2NEZgYd-s7gh_FjX8JGgjU52LVxRlBh0AAKa8e3QLr3iXnwKrBfp-rohMGXWrWyEjmYSBjX-q2OXCr5ZtOupm7sRjukD0z3FnC_bys5GN1GuCFIH7aFb_T7t9m B7NnJfnJV7nva98qBv2rvFovxdYP7w&__tn__=-R) ·

How to Suppress Bad Courts
You can't present "Accepted For Value" offers to bankrupt entities for the simple reason that they have no available credit at their disposal to exchange.

What people so cavalierly call an "A4V" is actually called a "Mutual Offset Credit Exchange", in which two or more parties exchange credits: for example, you owe me $10 bucks and I owe you $20, so we "trade" these credits (you could just as easily look at them as debts) and I wind up owing you $10 at the end of the day.

That is what an "A4V" with a government corporation is. They owe you for leases and rents and payments you made for them above and beyond services you received, and at the same time, you owe them for services you did receive. Both sides have an obligation to trade the credit they are holding against the other --- my tax bill against your lease payments. Or your service fees against my bond.

But what happens when one party to this arrangement goes bankrupt? Suddenly, all bets are off, their affairs get passed off into the hands of Trustees, who must then decide which creditors get paid and which ones take the loss and in what order and for how much.

The time to get in line as a Secured Party Creditor was ten years ago. The time to do A4V transactions ended last October, almost a year ago. As the Territorial United States continues to wrestle with its reorganization and the Municipal United States continues its liquidation, the only claim and hope that millions of Americans have rests on the work and claims that The Living Law Firm put in place for years prior to this.

We are even now wrestling with the Powers That Be to bring forward the Principal Priority Creditor Status and Claim of the American States and People, to own and control their own assets.

Foreseeing the current situation, we took steps to create and lodge an Indemnity Bond with the U.S. Treasury, which is essentially an insurance policy for the States and People against loss and damage. This means that when they drag you into court and attempt to seize upon your home or otherwise bill you for public debts owed by the foreign FRANCHISES, you can continue to charge those bills off against their underwriters----but this is not an "Accepted for Value" nor is it an exchange of any kind.

It's a private insurance claim, which only superficially resembles an "A4V" because it discharges against a pre-existing U.S. Treasury Account and requires your signature.

When the foreign governmental services corporations that you have mistaken to be your government created all these franchise PERSONS to enrich themselves, they did so under the obligation of causing you no harm.

In far, far too many cases that is precisely what the existence of these PERSONS has done. They have been used as a means to defraud Americans and steal their property under force --- paid racketeers operating under color of law as "STATE OF COLORADO TROOPERS" for example --- have evicted millions of Americans from their homes under false pretenses, in order to "take title" to the properties and resell them for their own profit.

These crimes have shocked the world and we have had a hard time gaining traction to prosecute it precisely because what appear to be (but aren't really) law enforcement personnel have been used to carry out the racketeering activities. That is what is meant by "color of law".

There are no easy answers and confusion still abounds, but for millions of Americans, the worst of the nightmare is over.

When these fake courts act against you, the Judge who is actually acting as an Executive Administrator, is required to have the Bill in question sitting on the bench in front of him or her.

You ask to see the Bill in open court.

If the Judge has no Bill it means that the Prosecutor was just "fishing" and didn't provide the Bill and Bid Bond required.
If they don't instantly produce the Bill, you say, "I wish for this case contract to be dismissed with prejudice and the proceedings to be eliminated from the record and for the Prosecutor to pay me three times damages for my harm suffered and inconvenience."

They have to dismiss for failure to Show Cause and the Prosecutor has to take out his checkbook and pay the Piper ---- you ---- on the spot. If he fails to do so, he is in Dishonor and you can ask the Bailiff to arrest him for Gross Negligence and Fraud Upon the Court.

If they do produce the Bill, you simply write:
Accepted for Indemnification Value:
Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001
Account Number: RA 393 427 640 US
by: ____________________________ (Your Normal Signature)
dated: __________________________

And hand it back to the Judge. Be aware that you are making an insurance claim for the full face value of whatever it is that they have attempted to charge against your bond.

Which brings up another point that offers another way for average Americans to fend off the "offers" of these courts and their officers.

They are using your bond to bring their charges, a fact that you can flip on its head and use to your advantage simply by bringing recorded Witness Testimony identifying you in a color photo as the man or woman born in such and such a place to such and such a family--- and your Birth Certificate.

The BC is your bond and their warehouse receipt showing that one of their franchises is holding your bond.

"Your Honor, my bond is being used to fund these proceedings. I wish to subrogate the case contract, eliminate the record, and dismiss the charges with prejudice."

You are basically telling the Judge -- hey, slime bag, you can't use my own money and authority to prosecute me.

Both of these are commercial remedies owed to you and these are commercial courts you are being forced to deal with. They are here on your shores as foreign vessels in dry-dock. The Bar Attorneys are operating as Shipping and Transfer Clerks. And they are all engaged in racketeering and personage under color of law---- shipping your assets "home" to their bosses in Europe.

This criminality which stems from the courts and the officers of the courts themselves is hard to recognize and once recognized is hard to stop, because these entities and officials are supposed to represent the forces of law and order.

It is anti-intuitive for people to see them as gangs of racketeers operating under color of law and employing mercenaries under color of law like the "STATE OF COLORADO TROOPERS" to do their dirty work, but such are the facts and the circumstances.

Trillions of dollars have been looted from our shores by these Bad Actors and we all continue to endure the ravages of the Bar Associations and their members --- crime syndicates that should be internationally suppressed and outlawed.

Do what you can to protect yourselves. Get your own paperwork corrected and recorded so that you have admissible evidence ready to go and available to stand in your behalf. Become familiar with the rationale under which these "courts" are operating and the jurisdiction they are inhabiting. Don't go in there arguing about Law and Fact or the Constitution --- which are all moot points to them.

These are foreign Bill Collectors seeking to collect money from the franchises of bankrupt commercial corporations: YOU.

1st September 2018, 06:32 AM
Promissory notes discharge. They don't extinguish. The difference is with extinguishment the contract vanishes. Doesn't exist. May be said to have never existed at all. A discharge on the other hand insures that the contract can be brought up any time later.

The world is awash in discharged contracts.

4th September 2018, 08:49 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSwuIrAgZGn5ZiqjEuw_596pskAD8vYi kSjEUe5K-TSai1auwrmRAOdZlNc1prfEEY&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAAwEtnbs2fNBOQYau7vwoHPiGTQ10G OsOXDXkMfXLT0KCM9OcMdQZNAnTvOLHgJEI3FuAZxxJ47B82x9 tw_pVviPKCg8Jg9StN3q-7F0X08qiqxM1rKgO0krR8yLCqAzyCJNTWwnWd76XMoyaTiJbu4 2tb2_BJQpxTn6fMhVF6hT4wT0HePQ&__tn__=C-R)

7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1844778512237887?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAAwEtnbs2fNBO QYau7vwoHPiGTQ10GOsOXDXkMfXLT0KCM9OcMdQZNAnTvOLHgJ EI3FuAZxxJ47B82x9tw_pVviPKCg8Jg9StN3q-7F0X08qiqxM1rKgO0krR8yLCqAzyCJNTWwnWd76XMoyaTiJbu4 2tb2_BJQpxTn6fMhVF6hT4wT0HePQ&__tn__=-R) ·

This is Your Story, America
Your real name is Juan Xavier Catalan y Hermes and you are the only son of one of the richest men in Spain. Your family is ancient and noble and you are the heir of vast holdings of land and livestock, vineyards and villages --- but, while you are still very young, both your parents died.

Unfaithful servants then see their chance to inherit all that is yours, so while you are still a baby, they hatch a plot to kill you. Before they can do this, one servant does what she can to save you. She puts you adrift on the outgoing tide in a small open boat with blankets and toys and enough food and water for a week, hoping you will reach the sea lanes and someone will find you.

Night comes and day and another night. You are alone and cold and frightened, but your light little boat has drifted far and wide on the current and you are spotted by an Irish fishing trawler. The amazed Irish fishermen take you aboard and, finding no clue about your identity, one of them decides to take you home and raise you as an "extra" son.

Everyone in your new hometown knows your strange history and they can see from your huge dark eyes and black hair that you are not one of them, but you have an honest heart and work hard and you learn your adopted Father's trade. Like all your older adopted brothers, you join the Irish fishing fleet. You marry a local girl and settle down and, despite the nagging sense of not really belonging here, you are modestly happy.

One day, when you are fifty years old, a strange old woman dressed entirely in black appears on your doorstep. She doesn't speak English or Gaelic and brings an interpreter with her. She is very excited and teary-eyed, but you have no idea why or what is going on. It takes offering your visitors some tea and a couple of chairs and more than an hour to get the gist of what she has to say.

She was the one who put you in the boat so long ago. She didn't give up hope and kept looking for some news. Finally, she ran across an old Fisherman's Daily Report that described your rescue--- and from that, she was able to trace your whereabouts.

Now, all the evil servants who plotted to murder you and steal your estate are dead and gone themselves. She outlived them all and has come here to see justice done. She has prepared all the paperwork and given her testimony about everything that happened and confirmed that you are the rightful heir. All you have to do is sign the paperwork and record your claim and you can finally inherit all that was naturally yours. You can, if you wish, return to Spain and live like a king.

This comes as a big shock. You always knew you were "different" but now you know exactly what happened. All sorts of details become clear. You are Spanish. Your parents didn't abandon you. Your family comes from Catalan....

This is your story, America. It is the same basic story.
Your British servants have defrauded and "murdered" every single one of you on paper. By registering your birth they transported you to their foreign jurisdiction and after a few years they listed you as "missing, presumed dead".

All this was done so that they could claim to own (and profit from) your estate. It has all been done to deprive you of your inheritance and birthright--- and do it in such a sneaky way, that you would never discover the truth and never take action to reclaim all that is lawfully yours.

And I am that strange old woman appearing on your doorstep.

You are free to despise the men who did this to you. You don't have to love the woman who put you in the boat. But you do need to come to terms with who and what you really are: an American, not a United States Citizen, the heir of a vast estate, not a bankrupt Irish fisherman.

Even though, at age fifty, you may feel more comfortable with your identity as "Joe O'Malley" the truth is the truth.

The tides and the heavens run in their courses, and the time has come for America and Americans to be set free of British meddling and self-interest once and for all.

And as for you, the paperwork has been prepared, the Old Woman has given her Testimony to the whole world, and all you have to do is record your claim. You can come home to the land of freedom you've heard about, but never really lived in so far as the falsified public record shows---- just by correcting the record.

As we go forward this process may become vastly improved and much faster and easier. We are at the leading edge of the correction process, but as more people wake up and realize the benefit of doing this, millions upon millions of Americans will choose to "repatriate" to their native land and soil.

And as they wake up to what the British Crown has done to them and to their families and to their country for six generations, they will have no maudlin regrets about the British Empire's setting sun.

4th September 2018, 08:59 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTTsTyX-pTg0ld9fZnogFf0dxjS7RbNf3voi9wT4axC1vuyz6VIHsi02Vi V3bbe28I&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBFoL4b2AMMWG6BYU2YsgqI4bMnfJUX UwzTjD6pg4cXdSXxIRZ3Y95g2NsydBEHLTZ1oAFiW692vvhg2X P2qLcML4BmZiZIhzk86lF8JcDusQ8SB-ZLLnJjFbVsa3yEWZ0EuQxVHtdf7XWZTmvfb22fonf-6uF3z6qLbYlkbc-hpLFCnuPncw&__tn__=C-R)

5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1844912405557831?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBFoL4b2AMMWG6 BYU2YsgqI4bMnfJUXUwzTjD6pg4cXdSXxIRZ3Y95g2NsydBEHL TZ1oAFiW692vvhg2XP2qLcML4BmZiZIhzk86lF8JcDusQ8SB-ZLLnJjFbVsa3yEWZ0EuQxVHtdf7XWZTmvfb22fonf-6uF3z6qLbYlkbc-hpLFCnuPncw&__tn__=-R) ·

Quote Me
Recent reports have described Nathan Rothschild as being one of "the good Rothschilds" and certain sources exude sheer happiness that "Nate is back!".

I myself know some Rothschilds that I would describe as sane and "good" people. They appear erratically, like Throwbacks to some illustrious unknown ancestor. They are always a little different in their appearance and mannerisms, too. And, most notably--- they have all suffered for their goodness, played with since birth like mice born into a family of cats.
They are seldom killed, but they are always terribly abused.

And certainly no member of that Family ever arose to the pinnacle of power in either Britain (Nathan) or France (Jacob) without being severely and absolutely vetted and approved by the rest of the clan, because that is what it takes to attain such a position. He must basically agree to the self-interest, motives, and modus operandi of the other family members in all respects or they won't accept his leadership and there will be constant internal struggles and in-fighting that detracts from profits.
And we can't have that, can we?

There is, somewhat, an inheritance factor added in, but if the "Chosen One of God" is a mouse, the cats will find ways to disinherit him.

And the beat goes on.... they are consolidating their Hundred Year Plan to put the world back on the gold standard just a few years delayed from what they set up in 1907.

Profits, first, last, and always is what the Rothschild Family is about. Profits in the morning and profits at night. Profits for breakfast. Profits for lunch. Profits for dinner time, too. There is no time for long discussions of politics or philosophy---unless, of course, these things affect ..... profits. There is only time enough (just barely) for strategic planning to do what? Acquire more profits, of course. They care nothing--- absolutely nothing---- about anything in the world, apart from its impact on profits, the opportunity it presents to make profits, and its potential for endangering ---- you guessed it ---- profits.

With the Rothschild Patriarchs there is no good or bad, only roles to play and profits to be made.

They aren't immoral. They are amoral. Issues of morality simply don't appear on their horizon unless they relate to profit.

Quote me. Remember it. Believe it. Know it. Take it seriously. And never forget.

These men would, truly, do anything for profit. If they could find a way to turn dog poop into a "delicious steak substitute" they wouldn't hesitate a nanosecond. And the real source of the "steak substitute" would be a closely guarded "trade secret" connected to "national security"--- just to make sure that nobody ever found out.

This single-minded focus on profit, profit, and more profit makes the Rothschilds very useful and reliable tools; all you have to do is offer them an opportunity for profit, the more profit the better, of course ---- and if it requires murdering millions of babies via legalized abortion and then selling their fetal body parts, tissues and DNA ----they will have nothing but practical objections:

Who will buy such products? Can we corner and control the market? How are we going to get it through Congress? What's the cover story? Can we patent it?

How much media should we focus? Who do we need to "convince"? How do we redefine and package age-based genocide as something good? Won't old people object, seeing as how they are --- logically----next in line? Well, what can we do with them? As body products? Animal feed, maybe? .... Any market for wrinkled human skin handbags? Old School Handbags.... trademark it. It's already trademarked, you Putz....

Hey, some people think wrinkles add character....
This is the kind of outrageous talk that goes on, day after day, like a ticker tape machine. And these discussions, outrageous or not, get acted upon as long as there is some reasonable likelihood of profit to be made.

If the role the Rothschilds are playing pleases you and profits them, so much the better. They can play Angles of Light just as easily as they can play Chinese Businessmen. To them, it doesn't matter. That's all just "grease" for the deal. And whatever makes the deal go down better, that's what they will do.

As a result, the other thing that you can count on with the Rothschild Patriarchs is that they have absolutely no attachment to any country, flag, or religion. To them, it is all a game on a single gameboard--- and who laughs and who cries --- is simply a matter of who profits.

4th September 2018, 09:07 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARToGkvH9Vfgb9-U2zhnzCtgd9hePn258LqeXZH-imlfGyrA5YYTlerfjuGDZ7Cndtc&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDtQXhBU3m9mljQ05LWYEqvyheht0-ud5musmtbE_TTt_RPv6-VatjFdZQ4mq2JId4tR9E2AXDY4OUdXFXvsGkMFGsn5TKamh4Cc Jk_er5_ul65Fjr3njQYDtmmIRZXCJ5TeQFksERR_7vcJr4gcdG m1T1BDOiteOFbQ5nRzeSYhH352TIvEw&__tn__=C-R)

20 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1844015198980885?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDtQXhBU3m9mlj Q05LWYEqvyheht0-ud5musmtbE_TTt_RPv6-VatjFdZQ4mq2JId4tR9E2AXDY4OUdXFXvsGkMFGsn5TKamh4Cc Jk_er5_ul65Fjr3njQYDtmmIRZXCJ5TeQFksERR_7vcJr4gcdG m1T1BDOiteOFbQ5nRzeSYhH352TIvEw&__tn__=-R) ·

Urgent Message for All Jural Assemblies:
The Jural Assemblies are now being investigated as possible insurrectionist groups and/or "terrorist" groups.

You have invited this kind of scrutiny and trouble by failure to do the paperwork and officially reclaim your name and estate and birthright political status.

As I have pointed out repeatedly, the British Territorial "United States" is a different version of "United States" than the one you think of. It is the equivalent of a foreign country with respect to you, and no one who accepts such Territorial citizenship has any right or business participating in an American State Jural Assembly.

As a result, the goons are out in force looking for "Easy Pickens" --- which is anyone, like Destry --- who hasn't done their homework and recorded their paperwork and reclaimed their names and estates.

There is also a plague of "new names" appearing. For example, my husband has never used the abbreviation "JAS" for "James" in his entire life, but we recently received bills in this variation. Similarly, my pen name, Anna von Reitz, was suddenly and inexplicably changed to simply "ANNA REITZ".

This is just part and parcel of the same old fraud scheme of naming franchises after you and then pretending that these franchises are-the-same-as you, which is a crime known as "personage".

Whenever you see any new names being used to address you, you want to haul out your Certificate of Assumed Name template and claim and re-convey that name, too. Record it as an Extension to your original Deed of Re-Conveyance.

This removes "you" from their playing field ---- again ---- and sooner or later, they do run out of variations. Then they are left with nothing they can claim against.

We are working hard to educate Americans about this venal system and how they have been entrapped in it. We wish there were some blanket means to eradicate it, but all of this has arisen on a one by one basis as each American baby has been unknowingly "registered"--- the vermin claim that this fraud and genocide-on-paper is a protected right to contract issue.

We do not agree.

But for the time being, the only way to overcome this circumstance is to one-by-one repudiate any such contract and one-by-one reclaim your name and estate from out of their clutches.

Nobody in their right mind would knowingly exchange the wealth and security and guarantees that are owed to Americans for the poverty and deprivation and servile condition of a "United States Citizen".

That is no doubt part of the reason why the Bar Attorneys laugh and call us "incompetent", but it isn't that we are incompetent; it's that we have been deliberately defrauded and deceived and taught wrong information.

It's like teaching a baby to say, "I am a bastard." --- with no idea what the words mean.

It's the same way with parroting, "I am a United States Citizen." when in fact you are not and never were and if you stand up for yourself and your proper standing, never will be.

All of you who have joined the Jural Assemblies need to get your paperwork together and recorded ASAP and be prepared to identify yourselves as American state nationals exercising your guaranteed right to peacefully assemble.

And nobody who hasn't done the paperwork to reclaim their actual birthright political status as a New Yorker, Virginian, Wisconsinite, Idahoan.....should be allowed to participate in any Jural Assembly functions.

Newcomers should be welcomed. The basic situation should be explained.

The paperwork should be given to them along with whatever local help and insight can be brought to bear --- but they should not be counted as members nor allowed to participate in meetings until they return certified copies of their recorded re-conveyances and certificates of assumed name and cancellation of all prior powers of attorney to the Assembly for confirmation.

No meeting should convene without a Bevens Declaration -- which is basically calling out anyone who is attending as a Federal Agent and requiring them to identity themselves as such or leave the meeting.

For their sake and for all of yours, this must be enforced. Otherwise, the group as a whole will be ravaged and taken down and portrayed as something it isn't--- and you will have lost all the lawful and legal protection you are owed simply because you neglected to officially cancel their "private contract" with you, which was formed without your knowledge or consent just a few days after you were born.

Do not fall into the same trap as Destry and the Colorado Nine and countless others. Make your severance with Babylon clear and concise and record it with the Land Recorder's Office using the Deed of Re-Conveyance and associated paperwork explained as part of Article 928 on my website.

It is only AFTER you make this decision to leave Babylon public that you begin to see and feel the benefits, and you begin to build up admissible evidence of your identity, your living status, your standing, and the great fraud that has been committed against you.

So don't stand around and wait like Destry and the members of the Colorado Nine did --- thinking that you don't have to do this and that it should be obvious who and what you are and what is this BS anyway?

Well, it is BS. Unfortunately, the only way out of something is the same way you got into it in the first place. You have a "contract" --- a birth registration --- on the public record, obligating you to a lifetime of servitude and subjugation as a British Territorial "US Citizen"---- as if we were all born in Puerto Rico. It takes an equal or greater counter-claim also established on the public record to overcome it.

When you signed up in the "US military" you were supposed to be briefly in federal "US Territory" and were subject to the same kind of service and subjugation.

We have recently learned that the vermin responsible for all this found means of discharging all our veterans without actually discharging them from this foreign and subservient status --- via a false presumption of their continuing "federally-connected civilian military" service status. This, too, is a false and undisclosed "BS" contract that has to be repudiated in order for our veterans to receive the actual freedom and repayments they are so richly owed.

Until we locate and rebut and overcome all of these traps we are at the mercy of the Euro-scum responsible for this, literally "subject" to them and their courts and their statutory "laws"---- and so far as the Public Record shows, all by our own consent.

Why anyone reading this would not immediately understand the dangers of remaining in such a political status and the benefits of leaving it behind -- is frankly beyond me. Would you rather be a bankrupt or wealthy?

Subjugated or free?

In Babylon or standing safely outside it?

The choice is up to you. You got into this mess via unknowing acceptance of an unlawful (but perfectly legal) adhesion contract. You have now been told the facts and given the tools to sever this contract and inherit your actual birthright. And the only question in my mind is ---- what are you waiting for?

5th September 2018, 05:26 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTdWbqeSmxJByVeXaaa-GKfPvnVSFg1FoqDFePxWv8P3mij0HfXUCQGxR7VL0CULcI&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAmjll_tPiUxj4E_vFCUTvb6sIDvHX4 zR4qYV_An2Th1QUiP4Vs15ZRvEQRDC8HzxU0ns23q_IBiY3KGf H4ZrTnkiDwVh18uH69JhX09xm25zJ8enVUt1YwQh_9lUrij6mj AJoeUpY8dJM6yP_0d3f4excZcIQ9IFj30ETkePNsEBV9e2j9VQ&__tn__=C-R)

1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1846090395440032?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAmjll_tPiUxj4 E_vFCUTvb6sIDvHX4zR4qYV_An2Th1QUiP4Vs15ZRvEQRDC8Hz xU0ns23q_IBiY3KGfH4ZrTnkiDwVh18uH69JhX09xm25zJ8enV Ut1YwQh_9lUrij6mjAJoeUpY8dJM6yP_0d3f4excZcIQ9IFj30 ETkePNsEBV9e2j9VQ&__tn__=-R) ·

For All Those Still Dead Asleep
From Federal Agent Robert Corona: "There's a national emergency going on. That's what your viewers need to know. This emergency is this weaponization of our departments; DOJ, FBI, IRS, as we saw, that was also weaponized to attack people from the Tea Party, has been going on by the former administration...The wrong people were at the helm and that's what caused this debacle."

You can listen to the rest of the interview here:
https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/finally-the-dam-is-breaki…/ (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fforbiddenknowledgetv.net%2Ff inally-the-dam-is-breaking-intelligence-officers-come-forward%2F&h=AT0MX-0EoP86DazN2tUrbHOUvO145kwTDIj72Hx0EC3yn_nNcrlLIrnK fKpHS_f9UQdGkKO1rWNLej3A0UoKsPH0lMri92yNLLGVJFVqlS kCpDPXOhPWHm1QWX622cA1rjhH5kPhX9joM8Er8a_NXSQCq-6ZAzvIR4dXOAti3WPyfcoSOSdGFqm0B2WXhTjKD6ssyyYg9dg4 g5bJ4vI7a3yxbO28K_AFkQ4Aipets5yZgtv5kSm-ShD35Bji35G13r2XE2wPzuIvcyViNb2JdMLRiNhGrFSOYAyYqy EnLOIn-EUmyL4Y4bTFrzS7Devgp9OBCTtFdy0Qr0WgA0HueI1AwZfhcwT ODe_YNDAqdladEUd4IMLWD7SIyYRxIjQx5QBv_6eOW7CkZwex6 oC5nU0M7NrZK4Q)

I want you to hear--- really hear--- those words "weaponization of our departments".

This is what we addressed in our 2014 General Civil Orders issued to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Obama and his cronies were planning to rip open this entire continent and embroil our country in a commercial mercenary war using "weaponized" federal agency subcontractors to do the dirty work---and all acting under Color of Law.

This is fully documented fact. We caught on to it in 2008 and tracked it until the crisis point six years later in 2014, when we issued a series of General Civil Orders.

This is a quote from the June 23, 2014 Order:
"If Mr. Obama acts upon his publicly stated evil intentions offered toward The United States of America (Major) even after he has been presented with the first two General Civil Orders and has been clearly advised of the consequences of precipitating by any means an armed conflict between federal agency employees and American State Citizens, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Commanding Generals of The Grand Army of the Republic are authorized to proceed to the Municipality of Washington in the District of Columbia and place Mr. Obama and the members of his Cabinet under arrest and thence to transport them to Fort Belvoir on the Potomac to await trial. These Orders are to be executed if the Obama Administration attempts in any way to physically obstruct the seizure of federal agency arms stockpiles or to otherwise prevent the peaceful disarmament of federal agency personnel.

All federal agency personnel affected by disarmament are to be freely informed of the reasons for it, and no presumption of disloyalty or incompetence on the part of any individual federal civilian employee is implied by the confiscation of guns and other armaments of war and their removal from American State soil. This is simply a security measure that must be enforced. We cannot allow the potential abuse of federal agencies armed with billions of rounds of ammunition on our soil, however they may operate “as” or under the guise of being governmental services agencies."

We took action to thwart the Obama Administration's plan to use the agencies as unwitting commercial mercenary troops in a literal war against the American People four years ago--and this is just now coming out of the closet into the clear light of day.

These "weaponized federal agencies" ---including the IRS, FEMA, BATF, DHS, BLM, FBI, and other Alphabet Soup agencies of both the Territorial and Municipal United States ---were to act under the cloak of governmental authority to displace, murder, and relocate millions of Americans in a "resettlement" similar to what the English did to the Irish population in the mid-1800's, or, more aptly, considering the large number of guillotines ordered and distributed around this country and the millions of body bags and coffins stockpiled--- like the Nazis did to their Priority Creditors, the Jews, during World War II.

We were alerted by railroad workers in Georgia who discovered a very large shipment of guillotines and then repeatedly tipped off by FEMA workers who were rightly alarmed by the massive stockpiling of coffins and body bags. At the end of the day, enough workers within the "Federal Government" woke up to what all this implied and the Electoral College made the halcyon decision to elect Donald Trump, who won't allow that nightmare to happen.

Hillary Clinton would have.
The rotten school system and educational theorists have left two generations of Americans intellectually and emotionally unprepared to deal with reality -- a deficit that must be rapidly repaired. Whining has to give way to self-discipline. Feeling sorry for oneself has to change into compassion for others. Hopelessness has to change into taking charge. And inaction has to transform into organized, purposeful, and determined action to eradicate "victim theology" from our schools, our churches, and our whole way of life.

This fracturing of humanity into separate groups according to color and sex and religion and every other difference the vermin can exploit, and all the labeling and prejudice that goes with it, has got to end. The Evil has to be recognized for what it is.

And we all need to put our feet down and shove.

The criminality of what the political party leadership and the banking interests and the defense contractors had planned for us speaks for itself.

They planned the murder of millions of innocent Americans simply because they didn't want to pay their debts to those same Americans.

When I was a little kid and I would fall down and scrape my knee, my Grandmother would cluck and say, "Come here, I'll pick you up!" Later on, as a teenager I would get dissatisfied with my lot, and my Mother would snort and say, "Self pity stinks!" And so it does.

It's time to show people what underlies all this nicey-nice "political correctness" --- cattle cars fitted with manacles and crates full of guillotines and warehouses full of body bags and coffins.
If you want to speak up against something, speak up against that.



5th September 2018, 09:44 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?sk=wall&hc_ref=ARTVvNwV9igFRMJkS_RGbOgZHCHBnUrZvQesG5GjST-Cag2f8hGhdX3MBfEZxhV4lPs&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCtsBOgs-97mhzjwUKfzwBtIweuwDqpAy0rHsQzJWMvOOPspDTNBrvTum-JpzcfsDsegOpYZiD71iclYeerAwjIEeQ7ZI5qoXy8UQntBW6bG Qk9kA8THJvJdI3NkDtyxMJVtYAV6nm6pkkSAVpkNiyjJ9OZVR1 FMXUMNuhTR_A-5N1Nl41j0w&__tn__=C-R)

1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1846266465422425?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCtsBOgs-97mhzjwUKfzwBtIweuwDqpAy0rHsQzJWMvOOPspDTNBrvTum-JpzcfsDsegOpYZiD71iclYeerAwjIEeQ7ZI5qoXy8UQntBW6bG Qk9kA8THJvJdI3NkDtyxMJVtYAV6nm6pkkSAVpkNiyjJ9OZVR1 FMXUMNuhTR_A-5N1Nl41j0w&__tn__=-R) ·

The Intent of Evil
Look around. Think. Everyone.

When we started our work, the Evil in High Places was very well advanced.
Only a very small handful of nations on Earth were still operating as sovereign unincorporated governments --- the Holy See, North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Libya, a handful of Pacific Island Kingdoms --- and The United States of America [Unincorporated]--- but nobody counted us, because we'd been asleep so long.

You think it's a mistake that the "US" has been constantly involved in efforts to pick fights with and undermine these exact same governments?
Iraq was attacked under false pretenses.

Then Libya fell and their leader was murdered by American Troops who were unknowingly being used as cheap mercenaries to do the dirty work of the Cabal.

And what have we had ever since? Still more threats against North Korea and who else? Oh, Iran.... and what other sovereign government has been taking it in the shorts lately? The Holy See.

You still think that is all just "coincidence"?
It's not. It's pre-meditated and criminal.

And it's not coming from "America"---it's coming from the "United States"--- the British-backed Territorial United States.

What was the purpose of all this? The establishment of the "New World Order" --- a world without land or soil rights at all, a world governed by and for corporations instead of people, a vast, totalitarian oligarchy controlled by bankers dictating everything behind the scenes.

This "new" world would be run entirely in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

The old Land Law and private property rights would be permanently obliterated, the Constitutions of all countries rendered moot.

This is an assault against national sovereignty worldwide--against every country and every people.

Keep your attention focused on which one of the remaining sovereign land jurisdiction governments is being attacked this week--- North Korea? Iran? The Holy See? The United States of America [Unincorporated]? Some little Pacific Island? --- and judge for yourselves the importance to asserting your own birthright political status and occupying your own land jurisdiction.

6th September 2018, 07:40 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTdWbqeSmxJByVeXaaa-GKfPvnVSFg1FoqDFePxWv8P3mij0HfXUCQGxR7VL0CULcI&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAmjll_tPiUxj4E_vFCUTvb6sIDvHX4 zR4qYV_An2Th1QUiP4Vs15ZRvEQRDC8HzxU0ns23q_IBiY3KGf H4ZrTnkiDwVh18uH69JhX09xm25zJ8enVUt1YwQh_9lUrij6mj AJoeUpY8dJM6yP_0d3f4excZcIQ9IFj30ETkePNsEBV9e2j9VQ&__tn__=C-R)

1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1846090395440032?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAmjll_tPiUxj4 E_vFCUTvb6sIDvHX4zR4qYV_An2Th1QUiP4Vs15ZRvEQRDC8Hz xU0ns23q_IBiY3KGfH4ZrTnkiDwVh18uH69JhX09xm25zJ8enV Ut1YwQh_9lUrij6mjAJoeUpY8dJM6yP_0d3f4excZcIQ9IFj30 ETkePNsEBV9e2j9VQ&__tn__=-R) ·

For All Those Still Dead Asleep
From Federal Agent Robert Corona: "There's a national emergency going on. That's what your viewers need to know. This emergency is this weaponization of our departments; DOJ, FBI, IRS, as we saw, that was also weaponized to attack people from the Tea Party, has been going on by the former administration...The wrong people were at the helm and that's what caused this debacle."

You can listen to the rest of the interview here:
https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/finally-the-dam-is-breaki…/ (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fforbiddenknowledgetv.net%2Ff inally-the-dam-is-breaking-intelligence-officers-come-forward%2F&h=AT0MX-0EoP86DazN2tUrbHOUvO145kwTDIj72Hx0EC3yn_nNcrlLIrnK fKpHS_f9UQdGkKO1rWNLej3A0UoKsPH0lMri92yNLLGVJFVqlS kCpDPXOhPWHm1QWX622cA1rjhH5kPhX9joM8Er8a_NXSQCq-6ZAzvIR4dXOAti3WPyfcoSOSdGFqm0B2WXhTjKD6ssyyYg9dg4 g5bJ4vI7a3yxbO28K_AFkQ4Aipets5yZgtv5kSm-ShD35Bji35G13r2XE2wPzuIvcyViNb2JdMLRiNhGrFSOYAyYqy EnLOIn-EUmyL4Y4bTFrzS7Devgp9OBCTtFdy0Qr0WgA0HueI1AwZfhcwT ODe_YNDAqdladEUd4IMLWD7SIyYRxIjQx5QBv_6eOW7CkZwex6 oC5nU0M7NrZK4Q)

I want you to hear--- really hear--- those words "weaponization of our departments".

This is what we addressed in our 2014 General Civil Orders issued to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Obama and his cronies were planning to rip open this entire continent and embroil our country in a commercial mercenary war using "weaponized" federal agency subcontractors to do the dirty work---and all acting under Color of Law.

This is fully documented fact. We caught on to it in 2008 and tracked it until the crisis point six years later in 2014, when we issued a series of General Civil Orders.

This is a quote from the June 23, 2014 Order:
"If Mr. Obama acts upon his publicly stated evil intentions offered toward The United States of America (Major) even after he has been presented with the first two General Civil Orders and has been clearly advised of the consequences of precipitating by any means an armed conflict between federal agency employees and American State Citizens, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Commanding Generals of The Grand Army of the Republic are authorized to proceed to the Municipality of Washington in the District of Columbia and place Mr. Obama and the members of his Cabinet under arrest and thence to transport them to Fort Belvoir on the Potomac to await trial. These Orders are to be executed if the Obama Administration attempts in any way to physically obstruct the seizure of federal agency arms stockpiles or to otherwise prevent the peaceful disarmament of federal agency personnel.

All federal agency personnel affected by disarmament are to be freely informed of the reasons for it, and no presumption of disloyalty or incompetence on the part of any individual federal civilian employee is implied by the confiscation of guns and other armaments of war and their removal from American State soil. This is simply a security measure that must be enforced. We cannot allow the potential abuse of federal agencies armed with billions of rounds of ammunition on our soil, however they may operate “as” or under the guise of being governmental services agencies."

We took action to thwart the Obama Administration's plan to use the agencies as unwitting commercial mercenary troops in a literal war against the American People four years ago--and this is just now coming out of the closet into the clear light of day.

These "weaponized federal agencies" ---including the IRS, FEMA, BATF, DHS, BLM, FBI, and other Alphabet Soup agencies of both the Territorial and Municipal United States ---were to act under the cloak of governmental authority to displace, murder, and relocate millions of Americans in a "resettlement" similar to what the English did to the Irish population in the mid-1800's, or, more aptly, considering the large number of guillotines ordered and distributed around this country and the millions of body bags and coffins stockpiled--- like the Nazis did to their Priority Creditors, the Jews, during World War II.

We were alerted by railroad workers in Georgia who discovered a very large shipment of guillotines and then repeatedly tipped off by FEMA workers who were rightly alarmed by the massive stockpiling of coffins and body bags. At the end of the day, enough workers within the "Federal Government" woke up to what all this implied and the Electoral College made the halcyon decision to elect Donald Trump, who won't allow that nightmare to happen.

Hillary Clinton would have.
The rotten school system and educational theorists have left two generations of Americans intellectually and emotionally unprepared to deal with reality -- a deficit that must be rapidly repaired. Whining has to give way to self-discipline. Feeling sorry for oneself has to change into compassion for others. Hopelessness has to change into taking charge. And inaction has to transform into organized, purposeful, and determined action to eradicate "victim theology" from our schools, our churches, and our whole way of life.

This fracturing of humanity into separate groups according to color and sex and religion and every other difference the vermin can exploit, and all the labeling and prejudice that goes with it, has got to end. The Evil has to be recognized for what it is.

And we all need to put our feet down and shove.

The criminality of what the political party leadership and the banking interests and the defense contractors had planned for us speaks for itself.

They planned the murder of millions of innocent Americans simply because they didn't want to pay their debts to those same Americans.

When I was a little kid and I would fall down and scrape my knee, my Grandmother would cluck and say, "Come here, I'll pick you up!" Later on, as a teenager I would get dissatisfied with my lot, and my Mother would snort and say, "Self pity stinks!" And so it does.

It's time to show people what underlies all this nicey-nice "political correctness" --- cattle cars fitted with manacles and crates full of guillotines and warehouses full of body bags and coffins.
If you want to speak up against something, speak up against that.



This is a quote from the June 23, 2014 Order:
"If Mr. Obama acts upon his publicly stated evil intentions offered toward The United States of America (Major) even after he has been presented with the first two General Civil Orders and has been clearly advised of the consequences of precipitating by any means an armed conflict between federal agency employees and American State Citizens, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Commanding Generals of The Grand Army of the Republic are authorized to proceed to the Municipality of Washington in the District of Columbia and place Mr. Obama and the members of his Cabinet under arrest and thence to transport them to Fort Belvoir on the Potomac to await trial. These Orders are to be executed if the Obama Administration attempts in any way to physically obstruct the seizure of federal agency arms stockpiles or to otherwise prevent the peaceful disarmament of federal agency personnel.

Isn’t this exactly what the Obama administration commited at the Bundy Ranch just 2 months prior to the date of this order?

9th September 2018, 05:37 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTVfJUT1uUflrgJ-KHsC-imSOKaaTwp_h34OsHgylT5RX4V5mZoUilnqLJ1msvNJ9g&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBU-2mk4tIRNEId4jgTT1jRH_wpv3CVO3SdbMndPRzeyl9M3ncvveY eCqi9LAynW29Kuzd3W2q9FKNQXoXQWJ3u4_sTsDZvJv4DNTob9 0tDMmrxWQ3z-R_bhLjSNHr1IB2jqS2QXPiOP2928v2XaGwzCI1Lb0khaZRkzKH 2Im_9XHaGsr_Wrg&__tn__=C-R)

2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1851427591572979?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBU-2mk4tIRNEId4jgTT1jRH_wpv3CVO3SdbMndPRzeyl9M3ncvveY eCqi9LAynW29Kuzd3W2q9FKNQXoXQWJ3u4_sTsDZvJv4DNTob9 0tDMmrxWQ3z-R_bhLjSNHr1IB2jqS2QXPiOP2928v2XaGwzCI1Lb0khaZRkzKH 2Im_9XHaGsr_Wrg&__tn__=-R) ·

"Social Security" Fears
Millions of Americans were forced into Social Security adhesion contracts by undeclared Foreign Agents acting under color of law. You were told that you had to have a Social Security Number in order to have a job, and that turns out to be a Big, Fat, Self-Interested Lie.

Social Security is a federal employee pension program, and if you are Joe Average American, you never even qualified to enroll.

The further fact is that those corporations and responsible for this Big, Fat, Self-Interested Lie are criminally and commercially liable for this circumstance and being brought to task for it.

Does this have any impact on the goods and services that are owed to the elderly Americans who have been defrauded?
No, if anything, it increases the obligations owed to them.

Does objecting to the fraud and deceit and reclaiming your birthright political status, Good Name, and Estate change or endanger Social Security payments or services owed to you?
No, it does not.

What if you went to Europe and worked all your life for a French corporation, were vested in their retirement system, and upon retirement, returned home to America?

Would the obligations of the French corporation cease because you changed your address?

No. And neither do the obligations of the Social Security Administration change when you return "home" to your birth state and your native political status.

In recent years there has been an attempt to "redefine" pension payments and health insurance owed to seniors who are vested in the Social Security System as welfare "benefits".

It is important to know that some people receiving payments from Social Security are actually receiving it as welfare payments, since they didn't actually work and earn their forty quarters needed to vest in the system.

For all of you who did work your full forty quarters and pay into Social Security, whatever you receive back is not a "benefit". It is a social insurance payment owed. You need to draw a line and make the distinction.

Send a registered letter, return receipt requested, objecting to any attempt to mis-characterize the payment and health services you are owed as "benefits". In your case, you and your employers paid for every penny you receive back.

You are not a welfare case and the Social Security Administration needs to be given Notice of that fact.

When push comes to shove, it is a lot easier for THEM to justify not paying welfare "benefits" than justify not paying insurance annuities and covering health care costs that you and your employers already paid for.

14th September 2018, 11:26 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARQDm9vYr1_wIpfwResNHY-SmRQ3_EKWT4ddMucP4_PTBh0IwyLCpBshoDeLD-aRsKM&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAWef3eDaWz_0gSxYuwAPTw1kDtAire ZfVl1Exp2xYagwgY2RI-fKg_cQix0YM0AuOd6osyTmxmuxNaRLVv6zxcy1ltEHFE040Yl_ e4OlrWUI-KMKO09SpTdShABqhwI9aDsfbvEK9To05wNFuWeeTE7WjQ2lYYu yhcZy_dh4yIJ2QivSoiqw&__tn__=C-R)

3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1857797970935941?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAWef3eDaWz_0g SxYuwAPTw1kDtAireZfVl1Exp2xYagwgY2RI-fKg_cQix0YM0AuOd6osyTmxmuxNaRLVv6zxcy1ltEHFE040Yl_ e4OlrWUI-KMKO09SpTdShABqhwI9aDsfbvEK9To05wNFuWeeTE7WjQ2lYYu yhcZy_dh4yIJ2QivSoiqw&__tn__=-R) ·

How Do You Want and Need to Operate?
Do you want and need to operate as a franchise of a federal corporation?

Advantages: bankruptcy protection if needed.

Disadvantages: Subject to 80 million foreign statutes, rules, and regulations and bearing the cost of enforcement thereof via taxation. All assets and property interests held as collateral backing the debts of the federal corporation sponsoring your franchise(s). Having to support two often conflicting layers of "federal government" --- both Territorial and Municipal, and obey the laws and support the interests of both. Being deemed automatically "guilty" and liable to pay any bill presented in one of the Territorial or Municipal Courts. Being considered a "THING" under the law and your body being considered "cargo" belonging to the THING named after you, subject to seizure and impoundment --- arbitrary arrest and detainment. Loss of all Constitutional guarantees and limitations.

Subjection to the whims of foreign governments. Loss of control over your assets and property interests.

Or do you want to float your own boat and take care of your own business?

Disadvantages: Must either self-insure via an indemnity bond or secure private insurance.

Advantages: Not subject to any form of statutory law, code, or regulation.

Must actually injure someone or their property and Injured Party must appear in court to accuse you before you can be addressed in a court; lawyers cannot "represent" injured parties that are legal fictions and operate against you. You own your own body and keep your own assets.

You are presumed innocent until proven guilty. You are not subject to search, seizure, or subjected to being considered a THING. Your body is not subject to unlawful arrest or attainer. All Constitutional guarantees are upheld. You stay in control of your Good Name, own your own assets, and retain your interest in all your property. You are not required to pay federal income taxes and once land is held in your name and under your copyright, you are not subject to property tax, either.

Now, this is a pretty straight choice. Are you a THING or a living man?

Subject to foreign statutory laws of private corporations? Or only subject to Public Law?

Inheritor of all interest in America and the American States, or a foreign "resident" only sojourning here as an "alien" on our shores? Subject to "federal taxes" and owning only "property"---- or not a federal corporation or officer, and therefore not indebted and not subject to taxation?

You need to make up your mind, once and for all. And then follow the logic of your choices accordingly.

If you wish to operate as a THING and subject yourself in all the ways enumerated--- hop to it. Subject yourself as in "subject to a King" to their foreign-for-profit governmental services corporation and let them whip, beat, and help themselves to your assets.

Otherwise, wake up and get moving to reclaim your Good Name and Estate.

17th September 2018, 08:47 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARQm2p23NTmfS_gYusfDGM0RctuOIm1ax bdrqin-XWtNlBtH_JzZsB9jDmsVRiZ6T80&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARB-GNRTLyQfBFeRzC6ur2g_RYonHHbPy10DoRWEtqLW8K9dP_-7HVdkVQN1CWNyXwrUrCBtWrcEBWcHk2N5b65clwTOly18C-kgaxLckAwq4D1GL0ot2D1ApKUsNKEUfnSeCut3NEtNEY2dAwOA j3QGMEtD2DYSJRIdNsFN3_hwdSmBtBRsPw&__tn__=C-R)

19 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1859851664063905?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARB-GNRTLyQfBFeRzC6ur2g_RYonHHbPy10DoRWEtqLW8K9dP_-7HVdkVQN1CWNyXwrUrCBtWrcEBWcHk2N5b65clwTOly18C-kgaxLckAwq4D1GL0ot2D1ApKUsNKEUfnSeCut3NEtNEY2dAwOA j3QGMEtD2DYSJRIdNsFN3_hwdSmBtBRsPw&__tn__=-R) ·

A Plea for Common Sense and Brotherhood
Yesterday, I got a blazing tabloid article across my desk: "Pope Blames Satan for Exposure of Pedophiles in the Church". The "spin" of this article was to accuse the Pope of protecting pedophilia among the clergy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Francis was observing the obvious. Of course, Satan is bringing all this to light. Who else knew? Who placed those men in their positions? Who tempted and compromised them? Who decided to pull the plug and sacrifice them to the Cause of tearing down and discrediting the Church?

Obviously, the head Fallen Angel in charge of the entire effort set this up, and just as obviously, a decision was made to expose the operation at this time.

We are witnessing a pre-planned, long-term, purposeful, predatory attack on the Roman Catholic Church, something that is decades (at least) in the making.

The bankers did this to insure that if the Church exercised its authority to curtail their operations, they would have "a bomb"-- "an insurance policy"-- to employ against the Church.

By 2008 the corruption of the banks had become so apparent that Pope Benedict XVI had to act --- and he did.

Within a week, the pedophile accusations began coming in and Benedict himself was blackmailed with accusations of homosexuality.

This was a "tit for tat"---and the deeper the Church delved into the bank corruption, the more the banks unleashed the pedophile scandal.

This "coincidental timing" should tell you all something about the situation --

(1) that the Church is being retaliated against by criminal factions in the world banking community;

(2) that those same criminal factions pre-planned and infiltrated the Church leadership with their own operatives;

(3) that the exposure of these same operatives is deliberate and well-orchestrated to promote chaos within the Church and discredit of the Church at a time when the Church's authority over corporations needs to be effectively exercised.

Who has the authority to liquidate corporations acting as criminal syndicates?

The Roman Curia and the Pope.


Because the Holy See created the entire concept of corporations --- trusts, cooperatives, foundations, limited liability corporations, S-corps, C-corps -- you name it, all these business entities and structures were dreamed up by the members of the Curia, and by Maxim of Law, the creator remains responsible for the creation.

Quite simply, the Corporate World is on the ropes.
They know they have been endlessly corrupt and have over-stepped their bounds and failed to honor the requirement that they function "lawfully" --which is part of the obligation the Church placed upon corporations as a condition for the creation of all corporate entities worldwide.

So the corporations and especially the Big Banks are trying to control and destroy the only power on Earth that can bring them back under control and put a limit on their criminality --- and if necessary, liquidate them.

THAT is what is at stake and it has nothing to do with pedophile priests.

Let me suggest that there are laws on the books to deal with pedophiles, vampires, persons engaged in trafficking, and every other crime imaginable, but there is only one Curia responsible for the proper functioning of corporations worldwide.

If the corporations can gain control of the Curia, they can continue to rampage at will with no accountability to the Public. This includes the "governmental services corporations" that have dis-served us for six generations and which are firmly entrenched and evil to the core.

It's time to see through all this garbage and the sins of individual men and to rally round the Church and the Roman Curia as it struggles to regain the focus and sense of purpose and strength to deal with the Corporate Evil which will otherwise impact billions of people worldwide.

My roommate in college was Catholic. I am a Lutheran. She saved my life.

I was going through "the dark night of the soul".

A great many adversities had piled up on my young life: my beloved Father was dying breath by breath from emphysema, my Mother was on the edge of mental and emotional breakdown because of this, and our entire family was horribly impoverished by it. I had one pair of shoes for all occasions and was working my way through school on scholarships and summer jobs. On top of that, I had lost several long-time childhood friends, some to death and some to other circumstance beyond my control. My despair was complete. I felt utterly alone.

And then, my Catholic roommate who had only known me a few weeks, looked at me and shook her head and laughed.

"Of all the people I have known," she said, "you are the least helpless."
She said it with such complete, utter certainty, with such sincerity, I had to listen.

"Look at yourself," she continued in her practical, flat-footed way. "God has blessed you with an intelligence I can't even imagine. You must believe that there is a reason? That there is a purpose, even for your suffering?"

And she was right. All that early suffering and deprivation was a proving ground, a place where I learned my own strength, a time when my faith hit rock bottom, where I faced off fear and loss and poverty and loneliness.

My roommate couldn't begin to grasp all the "devils" I fought with for the next several years. She couldn't conceive the questions I asked or the answers I found, but she stuck by me and loyally supported me and shared her own life with me as a loyal friend through it all.

And she was Catholic. And I was Lutheran. And it didn't matter, because at the heart of our relationship stood the firm love of Yeshuah.

Let us all get beyond centuries of doctrinal in-fighting and the stupidity and blindness that goes with it.

Let us all realize that our similarities far outweigh our differences.

Let us, as Followers of the Way, the Truth, and the Life, join together to help the Roman Catholic Church bind up its wounds and celebrate its victory over Evil and recognize its true nature as a Communion of Believers in all that is good and all that is just and all that is right.

Like me all those years ago, the Roman Catholic Church has been beset by evils, weighted down with trials and pain and misfortune on every side, left standing embattled from within and without.

Let the rest of us be that voice of comfort and certainty in the storm. Let us stand with the Roman Catholic Church worldwide as Fellow Believers, united and unafraid, resolved to recognize and put an end to the evils of Satanism wherever they are found and no matter what the risk or the cost.

We are all soldiers and bondsmen of Our Righteous Savior. We have all committed to this fight. The Watch Fires have been lit at St. Peter's.

Will we answer the call?

Let us all pray with one united heart for the leadership and membership of the Roman Catholic Church.

Let us all pray that the Roman Curia finds the strength, the cohesion, and the determination to address The Mess that the corporations have created, and let us all support them in the tasks that Our Father has set before them

17th September 2018, 08:53 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARS8D1ucfvp3ROnUFFVuzS3ILLI8-5DfAl1yKeJdiHJUR_dIEIwcZQseRL8_Cpx9GJo&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDGwScn59V1vSAEUD9GuCq3UmQ7NMf-G-IyfOqS4Q0y-O2MK70HNlwjU0X2DPGkHJN966PRjonBFH7aautzVh2sgbz8ZZK oT5D6mGQptyYO2Fg0vt21pA7kiJXg8NkKC9JWCNlDrjm5KKEWn hYOD1zeSXaeF9KiHz20L7W6y0O9Wo-vfqmFeA&__tn__=C-R)
18 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1859921960723542?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARDGwScn59V1vSA EUD9GuCq3UmQ7NMf-G-IyfOqS4Q0y-O2MK70HNlwjU0X2DPGkHJN966PRjonBFH7aautzVh2sgbz8ZZK oT5D6mGQptyYO2Fg0vt21pA7kiJXg8NkKC9JWCNlDrjm5KKEWn hYOD1zeSXaeF9KiHz20L7W6y0O9Wo-vfqmFeA&__tn__=-R) ·

The Queen Found Guilty
It has been established by incontrovertible evidence in the matter of Paul Anthony Hill [Mu-ad Dibh] v. Elizabeth II "Regina", that the Queen violated her Coronation Oath three days after she accepted it, and that she and her Government have functioned in constructive fraud since June 6, 1953.

There is additional evidence that both the Queen's Father and Grandfather did the same.

The people of the British Isles are owed a Christian Monarch occupying the throne of The United Kingdom.

The entire Coronation process is designed to guarantee the acceptance of that role and responsibility---- and to assure the people of their Queen's accountability to Christian law and principles.

One must also remember that the Queen is the titular head of the Church of England, an additional Office that she is obligated to serve in Good Faith and Honor.

Instead, three days after her Coronation, Elizabeth II abdicated the Christian throne and occupied the pagan "Chair of the Estates" instead.

The immediate impact of this is the unlawful conversion from Public Law to private corporate law being practiced throughout the realm in otherwise Public Courts, the use of "legal" rather than "lawful" presumptions in these courts, unlawful conversion of private property into public property, enslavement and press-ganging of living men by a process of personage and impersonation, and all the other evils we have witnessed.

This additionally means that the entire British Government has been functioning as a criminal organization since the 1870's, and this has implications for the entire world --- not just the British Territorial United States.

When we started our investigations we naturally thought that this whole problem was endemic to the United States, but soon found that it had proliferated worldwide and had its factual modern genesis during the reign of Queen Victoria.

Exactly how and by whom this continued to be "pulled off" despite all the protections and provisions against it was not immediately apparent, but the Queen's abdication of the lawful and Christian throne provides the answer.

She willfully converted the mechanisms of her Government and the Judicial System to the service of the pagan "god" Baal, and adopted the Talmud as the form of "law" to be used. Like her own abdication, these "unstated" provisions were implemented with no Notice given to anyone in a position to object.

This Gross Breach of Trust and the profound violation of The Rule of Law which is involved must be addressed by Parliament and by the United Nations and by the Geneva and Hague Conventions. Mr. Trump, please take note.

England has had no Queen since 1953 and all actions undertaken since then are in doubt, as are the actions and authorities of her predecessors back to the 1860's.

The secretive abdication of the Christian throne and occupation of the pagan Chair of the Estates is an act of purposeful, criminal fraud against the people of England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the British Territories and the Commonwealths worldwide-- including the British Territorial United States.

Elizabeth II's secret abdication is the single most virulent source of the criminality which has infested government services corporations worldwide, created the Matrix of Corporate Feudalism, and reduced governance to the level of modern day Robber Barons.

We have the right, the responsibility, and the power to require an end to this circumstance----bankers, kings, and queens be damned.

By Operation of Law, The Throne of The United Kingdom stands vacant. The Queen is "civilly" dead, murdered by her own hand 65 years ago. The Parliament was adequately informed of this circumstance and has done nothing. It is time for international intervention or there shall be no Rule of Law and no safety for anyone anywhere on this planet.

17th September 2018, 09:42 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARToPbshJRvTrdRCMozv6AFMRlTyUZIXg KLljCLn8lnhGqkV71IYoZ11zvbICyMYTcI&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARA57sX2KATdTCxOMFzMuuwxTpebIufV PtaJC8kB17q2cakgy1AzBI70ug0HInKF49ISimsD0o8UCqCdBN mMfPKeJVclMpDV54jK2yZvlWCQZYZbJuueTfy7j0Fmyc-8OuMri16XTK31AjABIaOLIQltbYPfUSYoNS_jpavnx55XFgYNh neVDg&__tn__=C-R)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1861275383921533?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARA57sX2KATdTCx OMFzMuuwxTpebIufVPtaJC8kB17q2cakgy1AzBI70ug0HInKF4 9ISimsD0o8UCqCdBNmMfPKeJVclMpDV54jK2yZvlWCQZYZbJuu eTfy7j0Fmyc-8OuMri16XTK31AjABIaOLIQltbYPfUSYoNS_jpavnx55XFgYNh neVDg&__tn__=-R) ·

First Fraud, Second Fraud, Kavanaugh Proves His Prowess-- and Gets My Approval

The essence of the First Fraud against Americans is that when we say "United States" we are using the original meaning of the words --- as in "the states united under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence" ---

but when THEY, the Federales, say "United States" they are always referring to some version of the Federal United States, Territorial United States, or Municipal United States. They don't know or don't allow that any other version of "United States" exists, until you haul out the actual Declaration of Independence and rub their noses in it.

When my Mother repudiated their claims, she very clearly enunciated exactly what she meant by "United States" versus what THEY meant by "United States". She also tackled the word "citizen" and pointed out that Americans live in state republics and that we can either function as "nationals" of those republics and have no official duties or we can act as "State Citizens" when we occupy a public office and work for one of our state republics. And in no case do the state republics allow Dual Citizenship. Put a big star by that fact. So far as our state republics are concerned, you are either for us or against us. No wishy-washy. You are an American or you are not.

So, if you are an American, you can be a "state national" known as a Virginian or a Wisconsinite or Californian and have no official duties or obligations to the government at all. Or, you can work for the state republic in a Public Office --- such as a Justice of the Peace or Public Notary --- in which case you are a "State Citizen".

Those are the only two options for an American, even though in a general sense, people talk about being "from the United States" ---meaning all the states as a group, it is more exact and proper to say that we are from The United States of America. Note that "Americans" come from "America" and if we take up any international office in behalf of all our States, we are acting as "citizens" of The United States of America---- not what the Federales refer to as the United States.

This is also why there are two different kinds of Passports --- those issued under the auspices of The United States of America for those of us who live in the States and those issued under the auspices of the United States for those who live in the Territorial or Municipal United States.

The Second Fraud against Americans occurs because the Federal United States is supposed to exercise nineteen enumerated "Powers" of our States "for" us. They are all powers that belong to our States of the Union and they are all "Powers" arising in the international jurisdiction of the sea. We "contracted out" those functions when we signed off on the Constitutions --- all three of them: Federal in 1787, Territorial in 1789, and Municipal in 1790.

So these "Enumerated Powers" are actually our powers, but they are being exercised for us by subcontractors. The subcontractors we hired to do this were the Federal United States, the Territorial United States, and the Municipal United States, each with specific limited duties and roles to fulfill.

Unfortunately, the Federal United States organized under The Articles of Confederation ceased to function in 1860 and has been moth-balled "pending Reconstruction" ever since.

The Territorial United States operated by the British Government usurped itself into position to take over the role of the Federal United States in Gross Breach of Trust and Contract and has been exercising the so-called "Delegated Powers" to our detriment ever since.

Still later, the Municipal United States operated by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation got into the act, so that nineteen of our most important international functions have been commandeered and have been exercised to our detriment by foreign "federal" subcontractors purported to be acting "for" us and under our authority.

This then leads to the confusion used to promote the Second Fraud. We have four entities, The United States, which is the original Union formed under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, the moth-balled Federal United States, the British-run Territorial United States, and the Municipal United States all being referred to as "United States", so when asked if you are a "United States Citizen" or a "citizen of the United States" --- it can mean any of several different things.

For Americans, by definition, "US Citizen" can only mean that you owe duty to the original United States ---- "The United States".

For Federal Citizens --- employees or dependents of any of the "federal" entities --- it means being subject to the Queen if you are inhabiting the Territorial "United States", or being subject to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation if you are inhabiting the Municipal "United States".

But which is which and what do you mean by it? If I say I am a "horse" I leave the door open to all sorts of assumptions and presumptions about what kind of horse. And that is precisely what has gone on here.

It has been convenient and very profitable for the British Territorial Government to presume that when you check a box on a form saying that you are a "US Citizen" that you are a Territorial United States Citizen, and not an American merely meaning that you have an allegiance to The United States. This subjects you to the British Queen, makes you liable for her debts, and instantly deprives you of your constitutional protections.

The same thing happens with the Municipal United States and its corporate "Government". The presumption that you are a Municipal United States CITIZEN subjects you to the whims of the Municipal United States CONGRESS, makes you liable for their debts, and also deprives you of your constitutional protections.

Obviously, you have to be extremely explicit about what you mean by it when you say you are a "United States Citizen" or better still, avoid all that confusion and explain that you are a national of The United States of America and not under any citizenship obligation at all.

For an intriguing and enlightening expose of this whole issue, observe the word-play going on between Lindsey Graham and Supreme Court Justice Nominee Kavanaugh:
https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/sen-lindsey-grahams-curiou… (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ffellowshipoftheminds.com%2Fs en-lindsey-grahams-curious-questions-to-judge-kavanaugh-on-military-tribunals-for-u-s-citizens&h=AT1rxNkwH4BEdeTpvmapkUSkY6e3Jx8AITWwglofrPk1JAYQ 2L9f_LZ_61Ug05dPdrCR9UM3-27uDEcwXzgDIFLPBXoh3sHMZpMwCrqBdDp8l9moP0n16pdVUkY 4S16thia1wIhkrp38dvx4YObSaYV8QP_cNv9_SvBCyVLRdcuze lZjs4vZ7c-6Ox3szEd7yzlvUR6K74hd6ewjh_27GltAz2OBU1_aX5KSNriB8 Vg5XhsN-LTm8f3TUbYeaCWhZLpsuRFZtsYW7E0yOnBFGURT1qpaZZpqLUU XNLJuTPPSPwgaOuEf2AVWi1myXVcblGywQfxQPd3rp38oJCISG 9KxWFlU3fHs1wQWISkj0JAehzWjePtN02RiEyD9YYWufsayoJY POSmdbqBcpqnCC35KlWqXWBg)

Both these men know that "Americans" are exempt from prosecution in military tribunals and by the military's own admission we are owed The Law of Peace: AR 27-161-1 so long as we properly identify ourselves. Every senior JAG officer worth his or her salt knows this, and here we have two of them on opposite ends of the stick.

What court and system of justice and form of law is owed to all the non-Federal, non-citizen civilians indicted for pedophilia, human trafficking, and related crimes? And what is the status of Territorial United States Citizens versus Municipal United States CITIZENS facing these same Tribunals?

Technically, so-called "Federal Grand Juries" and federated State of State Grand Juries can't even address an American National, nor can they produce a "jury of our peers" from their jury pools.

Both Bill and Hillary Clinton have thus far evaded arrest by seeking safe-harbor in our jurisdiction, thinking that The United States of America is uninhabited and that our judicial system is so far decayed that we cannot possibly arrest and prosecute them under the Public Law. But we can. And that is the actual, factual answer to the veiled debate going on between Graham and Kavanaugh.

Americans are owed the Public Law, which means the Un-Revised United States Statutes-at-Large, and the General Session Laws of their States. In any military tribunal we are owed The Law of Peace ---- and only regarding issues that are legitimately within military jurisdiction.

Obviously, the crimes of soldiers and corporate officials are within military jurisdiction, and just as obviously, the crimes of Joe Average are not.

The Truth about the "Injustice System" that the US Attorney General's Office has been running and the railroading of Americans into federal jurisdiction is about to break out, because the high ranking criminals will expose it rather than be tried themselves.

Our land jurisdiction Grand Juries can present charges against Americans and indictments against Federales, both. And this is the end of the Great Fraud --- when enough Americans understand the importance of reclaiming their birthright political status and restoring the right functioning of their government, well-educated pirates and criminals will no longer be able to play "jurisdictional hop-scotch" and escape prosecution for actual crimes--- and equally, hapless, innocent Americans will no longer be mis-construed as any kind of Federal citizen and railroaded into federal courts.

And here is one other crucial Fun Fact: even though we see all sorts of Municipal Courts, "Family" Courts, Traffic Courts, etc., and all sorts of "State of State" and "STATE OF STATE" courts ---- all of these courts are bringing their prosecutions through the U.S. District Attorneys.

So when Joe Blow, Bar Association Attorney, brings a "civil" case against you, he is not actually working in any kind of private capacity nor is he working for any Court that has any natural jurisdiction over you and he is not actually operating in any civilian capacity. He is working as an adjunct to the U.S. District Attorney, who is the "Person" actually responsible for prosecuting you for any and every crime and infraction, from speeding tickets to murder. And they are doing absolutely all of this under the false presumption that you are a "citizen" of the Federal United States, Territorial United States or Municipal United States.

It is for this reason that when you file your paperwork related to a court case in ANY court no matter what the Court is named or what jurisdiction it displays, that you send a copy to the U.S. District Attorney, informing him/her that you are an American National, that you are exercising your exemptions and have reclaimed your reversionary trust interest in your state and your natural birthright political status---- and are not "voluntarily" acting in any federal capacity at all. Make sure that you carbon copy the whole package to everyone involved --- the Judge, the opposing attorney, the Clerk, and the District Attorney.

When you go after these %@#%$@s, it will be the US District Attorney's Office responsible for failure to honor your exemption and your indemnification from loss and damage.

The actual Prosecutors never read the case files. This is so that they can maintain "plausible deniability". If they get caught improperly prosecuting Americans under false presumptions and enforcing unconscionable contracts, they can plead that they never saw the evidence you provided the Clerk. And the Clerk can plead that he or she has no duty to nurse-maid the Prosecutors.

So you need to shove it down the throats of the US District Attorneys and they need to discipline the local Bar Attorneys and Judges, who have been getting rich racketeering and pillaging bogus PUBLIC TRUSTS.

And everyone needs to look sharp and mind their hind-quarters.

Please note:
Graham: So, if you’re in Afghanistan, do your constitutional rights protect you against your own government?

Kavanaugh: If you’re an American in Afghanistan, you have constitutional rights as against the U.S. government.

See what is really being said? If you are on foreign soil, do your constitutional rights protect you against you own government?

You have to stop and ask yourself --- "What's my own government?"

If you are an American, the Territorial United States is not "your own government". It's a British entity. And if this entity were your "own government", you would have no constitutional rights in Afghanistan or anywhere else. If you are an American, the Municipal United States is not "your own government" --- ditto, ditto.

Kavanaugh knows this, so he very properly responds -- "If you are an American in Afghanistan, you have constitutional rights as against the U.S. government."

If --- and be prepared to prove it.

American --- not a "US citizen".

Against the U.S. government --- not your own government, but a government under subcontract via the Territorial or Municipal Constitutions.

Your own government in international jurisdiction is The United States of America [Unincorporated]. Know it, say it, make it explicit as a sharp knife.

18th September 2018, 05:33 AM
Be aware that a passport can be fatal. Review the Joyce case here


Joyce was an American and had American citizenship. His parents returned him to Ireland at an early age. He accepted a British passport and was presumed to have used that to enter Germany prior to WWII. After accepting German citizenship he aided them and after the war was sentenced to death.

You don't have the option to change your citizenship without approval of government (either legislative, executive or judicial or all three). The British hung an American citizen when they hung Joyce. The only connection to the British was his passport.

When you are traveling on a government issued passport then you might want to ask: Which of the presumed U.S. governments issued it? Was it issued to a citizen or a national? Is there a conceivable situation that results in the passport putting you in the same position as Joyce?

18th September 2018, 08:44 AM
Be aware that a passport can be fatal. Review the Joyce case here


Joyce was an American and had American citizenship. His parents returned him to Ireland at an early age. He accepted a British passport and was presumed to have used that to enter Germany prior to WWII. After accepting German citizenship he aided them and after the war was sentenced to death.

You don't have the option to change your citizenship without approval of government (either legislative, executive or judicial or all three). The British hung an American citizen when they hung Joyce. The only connection to the British was his passport.

When you are traveling on a government issued passport then you might want to ask: Which of the presumed U.S. governments issued it? Was it issued to a citizen or a national? Is there a conceivable situation that results in the passport putting you in the same position as Joyce?

Hey man where have you been? I've really missed your messages where I think I wonder what this is about.
Life is dangerous and in the long run we are all dead.

18th September 2018, 10:55 AM
in the long run we are all dead
I see no need to accelerate the process. Suicide by passport is still suicide.

18th September 2018, 04:03 PM
I see no need to accelerate the process. Suicide by passport is still suicide.

Just don't be a Nazi like Joyce and they won't hang you.

Made me laugh. Good one.

18th September 2018, 11:16 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARRBXoqUnQj8laOeT5oWJu6XWOWXpDfi7 D-P49G-u8n9J3as5ISK6ycUSpjcb3yHWP4&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAdaD-uQbAd8LKsmzZPFQrm1ojCJN0F8Ig7T5YgLD4m9FEdc8XKP3yJl BVwOayMsOhwEuoBJ5NwDwKXu5o0SRDu65DnLH4a53N37I0XoY_ 5NMsW7WyZSxrgx0rYc61VdeASKRRH1BEbFRlB_EHHD5-LTXi8Df030ITwCk5_pc8OQkHFjacaJg&__tn__=C-R)
22 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1861802083868863?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAdaD-uQbAd8LKsmzZPFQrm1ojCJN0F8Ig7T5YgLD4m9FEdc8XKP3yJl BVwOayMsOhwEuoBJ5NwDwKXu5o0SRDu65DnLH4a53N37I0XoY_ 5NMsW7WyZSxrgx0rYc61VdeASKRRH1BEbFRlB_EHHD5-LTXi8Df030ITwCk5_pc8OQkHFjacaJg&__tn__=-R) ·

My Bad Attitude
First point-- this can be an ugly world. And I have seen plenty of that ugliness. I have seen how every nasty, prurient, self-serving, lousy aspect of human nature gets "employed" by the Satanists among us and how every virtue can be twisted to serve the Devil, too.

Some people call this a "Bad Attitude". Others recognize it as wisdom.

There is, in fact, a Bad Attitude that is required, if you don't want to be taken in and messed with and abused. You have to be skeptical. You have to be hard. And sometimes, you have to be rude, too.

Second point --- we are dealing with Satanists, whether we wake up and realize it or not. Satanists and their flunkies make up around thirty percent of the population.

And Satanists worship the Father of All Lies.

They lie about anything and everything. They lie for money. They lie for amusement. They lie for political advantage. They lie simply to lie.

Third point --- think about what you are being asked to believe.

Normal children who are harmed by predators go to their parents and tell them that they have been hurt. Why? Because they trust their parents to protect them and help them feel better.

The parents then report the abuse to the police.
The police investigate. Reports and complaints are generated. All sorts of interviews take place, including mental health interviews, medical examinations, and so on.

If there is sufficient evidence, charges are brought.
So what kind of child doesn't report abuse?

The children of Satanists don't, because their own parents abuse them the same way.

If Uncle Marty rapes you, it's no big deal because Daddy already did the same.
And there is nowhere to go in the mind of such a child, because if they go directly to the police, all they will get is more abuse, or, they will wind up dead.

So, enter Professor Ford and all the people coming forward with claims of rape and sexual molestation and attacks from thirty years ago.

The Big Question in my mind is, and has to be: "Why am I just hearing about this now?"

This question is rapidly followed by: "Why didn't you tell your parents?" and if they were old enough, like Professor Ford -- "Why didn't you report it to the police?"

I have to be hard-boiled. I have to ask these questions. And so should you.

Bearing False Witness is part of the Satanist's religion. They think its a great when when they tell a Whopper and garner some advantage for themselves.

Their law is: "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived."
You get no points for being gullible.

If they can't get someone into a compromised position, that inconvenience doesn't necessarily stop them. They will lie and say they did anyhow.

Satanists use lies as tools to accomplish goals and make money, and once you understand that, your innocent Bleeding Heart impulses get seriously curtailed. For example:

There is an entire industry that lures young girls into lives of prostitution. It works like this. They look for and target girls that are dissatisfied with their family for some reason: they have to share a room with an obnoxious younger sister, they don't get an allowance, their parents expect them to work during the summer, they don't have a car, parents won't let them party, and blah, blah, blah.

Then the sympathetic Recruiter tells them how easy it is to be "emancipated"--- set free from all the disciplines and hardships of life at home. All you have to do is tell a school nurse or some other ready ear that your Father molested you, and the court will set you free.

Just say it, whether he did anything or not. Lie.

They don't mention all the nastiness the victim will endure once they do it.
Nobody tells them that their family will be destroyed, that their parents will most likely divorce even if the Big Lie is exposed, and how their younger siblings will be thrown into the Foster Care System.

Nobody mentions the double-bind these girls put themselves in--- how they will be shamed and pitied no matter what they do.

And most of all, the Silver-Tongued Devils never tell these young ladies that after you are "emancipated" at the tender age of fifteen or sixteen, there is still a need to find a place to live, to earn your keep and make a life without the support and love and network of a family---- because guess what?

You destroyed all that.

After the dust dies down and the social workers move on to the next case, the Recruiters befriend the victim. They take her out and show her a good time and they suggest the "lifestyle" she can have as a whore.... all she has to do is lay on her back, spread her legs, and make plenty of money.

And since she is too young to have any other skills.....
This has been going on non-stop for decades in America, and with all the billions of dollars spent on police protection and investigation, nothing gets done about it. And no matter how often the social workers hear the same story and see the same results, they never report it, never put two and two together.

Their story--- and they are sticking to it --- is that millions of American Fathers diddle their daughters, and that the girls are so "damaged" by this, that they gravitate into lives as prostitutes.

Fourth point --- all this is BS.
These girls are being misled and coached, deliberately, to make false accusations against their Fathers and other male caregivers. They are being sold a bill of goods for the purpose of recruiting them as whores.

And that is just one particularly nasty example of how the Satanists among us work to destroy lives, create victims, and then prey upon them for profit ---- and all via the simple vehicle of a Lie.

Did Kavanaugh get drunk as a teenager and paw over Ms. Ford?

Here's my Bad Attitude:
If it didn't matter enough to Ms. Ford to report it when it happened thirty years ago, it surely doesn't matter to me now

18th September 2018, 11:46 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTCIQE4NgSDxSD6fNQcuzl9Qv9Niy4Kl fWeml0qo8eVn_ea_zmE8qSQ37ouBBwLDKk&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCBA_Dojvsfvx_3BnZlinxaa3Xk3FqS-9wL4Ay6luxt_S7dck13iQA-4_FHOYC1RvAx7t3u9hMOzxuwTTQEQ4qteNraMpyZEWZaMkqpet tZK8om9xwjvjkUe5YWQ1L9uqbcXx8_sjNZh3_KtkYYbDNWClhb YnA8PJ6v4YfDxU9WiZGAW6FIxw&__tn__=C-R)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1862753580440380?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCBA_Dojvsfvx_ 3BnZlinxaa3Xk3FqS-9wL4Ay6luxt_S7dck13iQA-4_FHOYC1RvAx7t3u9hMOzxuwTTQEQ4qteNraMpyZEWZaMkqpet tZK8om9xwjvjkUe5YWQ1L9uqbcXx8_sjNZh3_KtkYYbDNWClhb YnA8PJ6v4YfDxU9WiZGAW6FIxw&__tn__=-R) ·

Your Land, One, Two, Three....
I receive many inquiries about how to reclaim your proper land claims. There are no one-size-fits-all
circumstances, but for most people and circumstances, this Plan will work and stand-off the Greasy Glomers.

All names in this example are entirely fictitious and/or arbitrary, but this is a reply addressing an effective plan to remove yourselves and your land from foreign jurisdiction and subjugation to incorporated entities.

The first order of business is to claim back your own Good Name and Estate as outlined in Article 928 on my website: www.annavonreitz.com. (http://www.annavonreitz.com/)

Do everything you can to identify yourself as "the" man born on such and such a date and such and such a place and get this information recorded. This is a good opportunity to learn. If possible, go to the local land recording office and find out about the process of recording deeds and miscellaneous public records is in your area and get an example of a Recording Cover Sheet and ask what needs to be on the Recording Cover Sheet before you actually record anything.

I would go to the Bureau of Land Management and look up the actual patent. I would get a certified copy of the land patent from BLM and I would attach an "Allonge" to the Certified Copy identifying myself and my girlfriend or wife or partner or whomever else is involved as the landlords without recourse and naming the property something pleasing to me, like "Happy Hills Homestead"

and using the "c" enclosed with a circle copyright sign to copyright the name right there on the Allonge. I would also assign it a street address to my liking ---- "2131 Happy Hills Drive" c/o Rural Delivery, Your Town, Your State, No Zip Code and use the "c" to copyright this new self-created address. Sign this Allonge using a by-line, as in by: James Allen Walsh and apply the "c" copyright notice after your name and by: Jennifer Renee Adams, also with "c" copyright notice. Date it. That is

Piece One of your evidence of ownership.

Now have a surveyor come survey your entire property including the easement and have him/her set the corners of the property and give you a "Metes and Bounds" description. This is based on actual physical characteristics and measurements. This will cost you some money, but it will pay back in no more property taxes and no more interference and false claims. Okay, so, now you get to think up what physical markers you want to use to identify the corners of your land --- your landmarks. I used stakes painted orange and blue set into cement poured inside cement blocks and rebarred into the earth over the surveyed corners. But suit yourself. You could use any recognizable, clearly described and hopefully immobile physical "thing" to locate each of the four corners. If you use the same means of marking all four corners, you only have to take one photo --- otherwise, you need to take photos of all four markers.

Suit yourself. Anyway, now you have a complete and competent physical description and you have set your landmarks and taken photos and made copies of the photos onto typing paper, identifying them as necessary --- Northwest Corner Landmark, etc. Add this to the Survey and the Metes and Bounds description provided by the Surveyor.

Add a cover page entitled: Acknowledged and Accepted Geophysical Survey of Happy Hills Homestead, acknowledged and accepted this ____ day of October (probably by the time you get this done) 2018 by: Your Name Signature followed by the "c" in a circle copyright mark and your girlfriends by: Her Name Signature and copyrright and slap this on top of the Survey and property description and photos of the corner markers.

This is part 2.
So now you have the BLM paperwork on the bottom, the new survey material on top. Now you finish with part

3....which goes on top.
This is a Deed of Re-Conveyance --- and that is what you use as a title for the cover page.

What you want to say is basically this:
The property formerly described as "509 Little Brook Road" in the City of Springfield, Massachusetts and as Lot 5, Block 9, Fairfield Subdivision, Fifth Meridian, Palmer Recording District and as Plat 1-0989233 and Plat 3-2918909-A (whatever the street numbers, subdivision numbers, plat numbers or other devices have been used by the rats to label and create a "title" to your land) is hereby described and identified as land and soil and is re-conveyed to John Robert Walsh (c) and Jennifer Renee Adams (c) as a land parcel and portion of soil in Massachusetts without the Commonwealth and the City of Springfield, near the intersection of County Road B and US Highway 10.
And you both sign and date this---- by: John Robert Walsh (c), Landlord, and by: Jennifer Renee Adams (c), Landlord.

Right under this page goes "Declaration of Permanent Homestead and Domicile" This is another simple statement of new facts: "The land and soil herein described and recorded and held in our private possession is an heirloom homestead known as "Happy Hills Homestead" (c) belonging to living Americans who are permanently domiciled on the land and soil of Massachusetts, one of the sovereign unincorporated State members of The United States of America [Unincorporated] established September 9, 1776. This land and soil is under private and competent possession by the Landlords and this is recorded Public Notice of the new address: 2131 Happy Hills Drive (c), Springfield, Massachusetts. Any correspondence regarding this privately held land and soil may be addressed to: John Robert Walsh (c) and/or Jennifer Renee Adams (c) in care of: 509 Little Brook Road, Springfield, Massachusetts, 01567. (That is, whatever "your" old US Post Office address was.)

Right under this goes "Public Notice and Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit"

And here you say, "Let this be Fair and Public Notice to all Parties Public and Private: Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents:

the land and soil described as part of this Deed of Re-Conveyance is a physical portion of land and soil belonging to the sovereign and unincorporated state known as Massachusetts and it is free and clear of foreign title or encumbrance and in the possession of living Americans known as John Robert Walsh (c) and Jennifer Renee Adams (c) who have returned all the former property interests to the land jurisdiction of Massachusetts and re-conveyed all their assets to their private possession and hold these assets in original jurisdiction without exception effective (his actual birth day) and (her actual birthday), respectively, and as a joint interest, these provisions apply effective with the earlier date and accrue to the benefit of the actual Landlords in possession as Heirlooms.

The land and soil described herein is not subject to any taxation or regulation by any incorporated entity and the Landlords hereby claim their exemption and the exemption of their land and soil assets.

Any public easement granted to any incorporated entity or incorporated body politic allowing access across our land is strictly limited to the exact purpose for which the easement was granted in the first place.

This means that easements granted to provide for access to electrical utilities, for example, are limited to that purpose, and easements granted to provide egress and ingress to land otherwise landlocked are limited to that purpose, and so on.

There are no general purpose or unlimited easements of any kind related to our private property. Any trespass or transgression against us or against our private land holdings apart from the limited stipulations that apply are cause for Damage Claims and the assessment of Usage Fees in the amount of not less than $5000.00 in American Dollars or the equivalent thereof per offense,

which contractual obligation of the Trespassers accrues the moment they step foot on our land or access any easement for any purpose not specifically allowed; such Usage Fee may only be waived by the Landlords at their discretion and may result in direct enforcement actions against chronic abusers of our private assets. This Notice and Testimony is being recorded and provided to the U.S.District Attorney and the Tax Assessors Office and other Parties for the Correction of Public Records."

by: John Robert Walsh (c), Landlord

by: Jennifer Renee Adams (c) Landord

in care of: 509 Little Brook Road
Springfield, Massachusetts
Leland County

I, __________________________ (printed name), Public Notary, was visited today by a man properly identified or known to me to be John Robert Walsh and a woman also properly identified or known to me to be Jennifer Renee Adams and they did sign this "Public Notice and Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit" in my presence and without coercion on this ______ day of October 2018. In Witness whereof see my hand and seal:

_________________________________, Public Notary; my Office expires on: ________________________. Seal:

Put all of this in a stack with the Deed of Re-Conveyance on top. Add a Recording Cover Sheet on the very top showing JOHN ROBERT WALSH/ JOHN R. WALSH/ JOHN WALSH and JENNIFER RENEE ADAMS/ JENNIFER R. ADAMS / JENNIFER ADAMS as FOREIGN GRANTORS and showing John Robert Walsh and Jennifer Renee Adams as American Grantees, listing the Land Recording Office where you are going to Record this, and giving the "in care of" mailing address where you can be reached. You will need to go to the local land Recorder's Office and ask to see a Recording Cover Sheet and use it as an example to make your own fit their requirements.

Typically the top 4" or more of the Recording Cover Sheet is left blank. Different offices may require dates or other additional information. Find out what you need on the Recording Cover Sheet before taking all this in to record it. Be friendly to the Recorders. They are, ultimately, your friends.

19th September 2018, 08:51 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARR4NGvAZYKb_xUgKJXtjZdRXa4WrldHj 5D4Rf_BKOJRdYjrbGcbcgx54iFs8B8KClg&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBmPb-fRdxJgrf0htJOEzgSeAAx3Vsw8wo7WxSq0sep_AMpKDK3sQBqO RBTrAtbYR94gyIkKxxNyMsc2Vu7XrF2Up6aAv--x6OrzqTybo6jqLQdw7EctAVrfuBW-u7m9gyPSUgwziPbs7dX6rSTCiU1WE1mlVpXo6JrrmQ5OLUTt3V mAUbQ8w&__tn__=C-R)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1862980110417727?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBmPb-fRdxJgrf0htJOEzgSeAAx3Vsw8wo7WxSq0sep_AMpKDK3sQBqO RBTrAtbYR94gyIkKxxNyMsc2Vu7XrF2Up6aAv--x6OrzqTybo6jqLQdw7EctAVrfuBW-u7m9gyPSUgwziPbs7dX6rSTCiU1WE1mlVpXo6JrrmQ5OLUTt3V mAUbQ8w&__tn__=-R) ·

Ignorance as a Defense -- Reply to "Eeyore 2.0"
You have been told repeatedly that "Ignorance of the Law is no defense." ---

but studiously left uninformed of the fact that "Ignorance caused by non-disclosure is an adequate defense."

So, listen up, Campers.

Our ignorance about Satan and Satanism was deliberately enforced. It was decided by the Learned Church Doctors a thousand years ago that the less we knew about Satanism the better --- for us, and most pointedly, for the Church.

They figured that if the Church was the only option that people knew about, the Church would be enabled to save all souls. And corner the religious market.

To some extent, of course, they were right.

Their more or less successful suppression of Satanism followed the same pattern as the Roman efforts to the same end: the average people were gradually encased in a nice cocoon of ignorance about any such nasty subjects, but the elite and the most educated members of society were taught --- on the theory that it was necessary for Rulers to know.

So the Rulers were taught Babylonian necromancy and Phoenician aphrodisiacs, Egyptian, Persian, and Enochian Magic, Tarot and seances and all manner of things that are otherwise forbidden.

What inevitably happened in Rome and, as it turns out, in modern Europe, was that the leaders and the elite became corrupted by their knowledge of Satan and Satanism. They were lured by their lust for power and riches and sex and all the other "goodies" that Satan has on offer, and so Nero and Caligula fiddled and slaughtered while Rome burned, and Queen Victoria sold her kingdom in a vain attempt to permanently subjugate the entire Sub-Continent of India.

And here we are.

The reverse side of the argument concerning our ignorance/innocence is that not knowing our Enemy leaves us sitting ducks, totally unaware and unprepared, unable to recognize the nature and cause of all the Evil besetting us on every side and unable to trace the growth of its corruption until it erupts in full stinking bloom.

It's really quite simple.

Just take everything you have ever been taught about virtue and redefine virtue as vice and vice as virtue.

Now lying is prayerful, and every form of adultery, prostitution, and perversion is sacred and good. Bearing false witness is a religious duty and deceit in all things is an obligation. If it is considered good in normal society to protect and care for children, then under the boot of Satanism, endangering and harming children is the rule of the day. Usury, bondage, enslavement, and purposeful murder are also applauded, practiced, and elevated as "art".

If communion with the dead is forbidden, then the Satanists will find a way to do it in broad daylight. And make a profit from it, too.

Most of all, Satanism is about death. It is a Death Cult. Its followers rejoice in destruction, misery, terror, and death.

Just think of those "Isis" cage-burning and crucifixion videos coming out of the Middle East.

All they needed was a giant cast iron furnace in the shape of an owl and we would have been witnessing a repeat of Sumeria in 10,000 B.C.

You think it can't happen here, now, in the modern world?

It already is. Abortion worldwide is already claiming more lives than disease and will soon out-strip the death toll attributable to war.

Killing babies is one of the most venerable and hallmarked practices of Satanism and the closet Satanists among us have sold three generations of Americans the idea that legalized age-dependent murder is a good thing.

Listen closely to all those screaming Banshees wailing shamelessly about their "sacred" right to abortion during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. Sacred? Really?

The rise of this Ancient Evil is taking place right under our noses, and though we can smell the rot, too many of us still can't give it a name: Satanism.

There are those who claim that the Gospels are a farce promoted by the Romans to intellectually enslave us. There are those who say no such person as Yeshuah ever existed. Even very good friends from my youth roll their eyes toward the ceiling.

How could I be so naive as to believe this obvious bastardization of the Egyptian Isis Myth?

The essence of the truth is that you must believe things because they are worth believing in, and no other reason.

You choose life instead of death. You choose right instead of wrong. You choose compassion instead of contempt. These are choices about what is worth believing in and nurturing, never mind all the nastiness that exists.

As for the rest, I realize that I am part of the One Life that was and is and always will be, and that is enough for me to lift up my head and shine, shine, shine.

Eeyore --- and you know who you are --- I hear you.

"What's the use? People never learn.... You teach one generation and by the next generation, they forget. I don't see the point in it anymore. I'm tired, Chief. Let's go home."

And I see your stooped shoulders like a mountain shuffling westward to the sea, old and cold and dark, but you can't fool me.

There's still a volcano deep inside of you. There's still a heart that cares. You are still in love with this beautiful creation. And in your way, you keep faith with it.

Even so.

In this War of the Spirit the battle doesn't belong to the young and the innocent and the brave. This is our war, Eeyore, and the battle is ours --- the old and the cold and the sharpest blades. This is our day. Sharpen your teeth and get ready.

22nd September 2018, 02:58 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARRS7fB66ecPY048JULUf7-0aABd13lEuTY-xCbU7nxWd_JIPNvUKrrHcyfiVMQdjeQ&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARC3wYEPd7zOnC9yqLASy8SmXsxn7BXF WUHqupWUmSCayl02_OgH4nBJwel73CHWcR65gDeqoZB3lue6QZ v72RjWkA6AlX2j_StHpPsXqKgZ7POb3YBQHitsNhmCPIKK58N9 EybfIDyjsTWEOHwFiGRESNX-8wjF9hZHb9AaGUCgTRVB87KRcg&__tn__=C-R)
September 20 at 7:50 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1864984896883915?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARC3wYEPd7zOnC9 yqLASy8SmXsxn7BXFWUHqupWUmSCayl02_OgH4nBJwel73CHWc R65gDeqoZB3lue6QZv72RjWkA6AlX2j_StHpPsXqKgZ7POb3YB QHitsNhmCPIKK58N9EybfIDyjsTWEOHwFiGRESNX-8wjF9hZHb9AaGUCgTRVB87KRcg&__tn__=-R) ·

Light Unto the Peacekeepers
I keep getting indications that desperate people are trying to organize their own local peacekeeping forces to enforce the Public Law, but they are often confused about how they can do this and how their activities are different from those of all the "law enforcement personnel".

Just as there are "Americans" and "U.S. Citizens", there are "Peacekeepers" and "Law Enforcement Officers".

You must get it straight in your own minds who you are and under which system of law and government you are functioning---and work within that system, or you will be arrested and prosecuted. Any ignorance must be thwarted and overcome and your own proper paperwork etablished BEFORE you embark on a career as a Peacekeeper.

Just this morning I got an email from a group of would-be Peacekeepers in Colorado who made the mistake of trying to order "law enforcement" badges, and who were fortunately rebuffed by the manufacturers of these items. They don't know how lucky they are, that the badge manufacturer warned them.

Here is what I told them-- and I quote:
We do not need badges. We need stars. The Five Pointed Star with the fifth point pointing straight up is the emblem of our Sheriiffs and Marshals and they are not "law enforcement officials" but are "peacekeepers".

The symbology goes back to the fact that Americans live under the Law of Men and US Citizens live under The Rule of Law. The upward pointing Five Pointed Star is the symbol of Mankind, thus the proper emblem for us and our system of Law--- not corporate badges.

There is no confusion about who you are or what system of law you are enforcing so long as you know these emblems and facts.

These people are correct in refusing to issue "badges" to peacekeepers.

The peacekeepers have to become knowledgeable enough about who they are and what their role is and what their Law is that they don't ask for or expect badges.

Our American Common Law emblem is a Silver Star, 5 Points, with the Fifth Point Straight up, with the name of the Office inscribed/indented , "Sheriff" for example, and the name of his political domain, "Montrose County, Colorado" for example, on a ring encircling the star.

The ring encircling the Star and the statement of the domicile of the Office gives Notice that the Office is "limited" to the physical parameters of that County. [Remember that land offices, unlike sea offices, are rooted within and limited to specific geophysical boundaries.]

You can use the same Star and designation for our United States Continental Marshals.

In that case the circle of metal around the Star would say, "United States Marshal" and "Third Postal District" for example.

We are not acting as incorporated entities so we never use all-capital letter designations at all.

"JOE BLOW" denotes only two things: (1) the estate of a dead man; or, (2) an incorporated entity.

Living men never use all caps for any purpose but these--and since we are not operating in either capacity, we use only Upper and Lower Case Names for Offices and Place Names.

That's why these are "Proper Nouns"-- any other use or style is "improper".

Likewise, never use the word "of" as in "State of Colorado" or "County of Jackson".
"Of" means apart from or aside from or belonging to whatever follows it.
Your State is Colorado. Just that. Period.
Your County is, for example, Montrose County.

Put those words on your Star and they have no excuse for making any presumptions or complaints against you nor any cause to object--- presuming of course that you have your own claims in order and on the record and have given the District Attorney Notice of your Non-Incorporated Standing prior to assuming your Peacekeeping Office.

Peacekeepers act as men enforcing the Public Law of this country. Law Enforcement Agents and Officers are private security personnel enforcing the private law of governmental services corporations on the employees and dependents of those corporations.

I will follow that up with some additional important pointers for Peacekeepers and Law Enforcement Officers, too:

1. Peacekeepers always outrank all Law Enforcement Officers (LEO's) when dealing with issues that impact living people on American soil. Always, without exception. The County Sheriff can tell any "US MARSHAL" to take a hike.

2. The only issues to be determined are--- (1) are we dealing with people who have chosen to act as living people, that is, as Americans, or (2) are we dealing with people who have knowingly and voluntarily chosen to act as officers, employees and/or dependents of foreign governmental services corporations--that is, as "U.S. Citizens"?

3. As this has been considered to be a political status and a matter of private choice in the past, the only way to tell the difference between "Americans" and "U.S. Citizens" or "citizens of the United States" has been whether or not the man or woman's name has been registered as a "U.S. Corporation" or not.

4. We are finding that a great many of these registrations have been falsified and put in place without the knowledge or consent of the actual Possessors of the underlying Trade Names, which results in Americans being chronically and unconscionably misidentified as "U.S. Citizens"---and deprived of their natural and unalienable rights and constitutional guarantees, misaddressed by Law Enforcement personnel, railroaded into U.S. Court venues that have no actual jurisdiction over them, and subjugated under foreign private statutory law. Peacekeepers have the right and the duty to claim jurisdiction for anyone who maintains their identity as a living American.

5. Peacekeepers and the people they serve need to establish their identity as the actual owners of their Given Trade Names and record these facts on the public record. Also as a result of the widespread false registration problem,

Americans need to give Notice of their Non-Corporate Status and Standing on the Public Record and stand ready to provide such proof of status and standing to Law Enforcement Officials---otherwise, LEO's presume that everyone they meet is subject to the statutory laws they enforce.

6. Peacekeepers enforce the Public Law, including the provisions of the Constitution owed to Americans, the Unrevised United States Statutes-at-Large, and the General Session Laws. They do not enforce Statutes, Codes, or Regulations of any kind. That is the duty of Law Enforcement Officers, and Law Enforcement Officers are only supposed to be addressing other "U.S. Citizens" --- not Americans.

A seminal U.S. Supreme Court case, Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc., has established that Law Enforcement Officers may, if they so choose, enforce the Public Law and uphold the Constitution(s), but it is not in their job description and many of them fail to honor the Public's trust.

7. Peacekeepers except for The United States Continental Marshals work exclusively for and with Public Courts operating under American Common Law and under the supervision of Justices and Justices of the Peace. The United States Continental Marshals work for Postal District Courts under the auspices of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the supervision of Postal District Judges.

It goes without saying that many, though not all, Americans, have been purposefully misinformed and dumbed down about these and other issues of law and jurisdiction and the proper functioning of our government ---- including LEO's and members of The American Bar Association and The United States Bar Association.

Final Note....getting back to the problem of securing proper identification for Peacekeepers in each of the States of the Union:

It is in keeping with our tradition that each State and County has its own recognizable Five-Pointed Star emblem, according to Trade Name and applying within the recognized geographic boundaries. These star emblems are allowed their own distinctive hallmarks, designs, colors, texture pattern and other embellishments added to the basic Five-Pointed Silver Star. These distinctive "Sheriff's Stars" can be worn as a pin over the left breast or carried in a leather wallet designed for the purpose.

They should be made of actual silver and in addition to the Proper Name of the Office such as "Sheriff" or "Deputy" and the name of the County and/or State, should have distinct identifying information incised or permanently engraved on the back of each star. For example, the Peacekeeping Sheriff of Montrose County, Colorado might bear the inscription: Joseph Layne Alexander, Peacekeeping Sheriff, Montrose County, Colorado, J.L.A.19560909TNTUSA, standing for "Joseph Layne Alexander, born September 9, 1956, Tennessee, The United States of America [Unincorporated]."

Every element of the design should be strictly defined, including the size and the type font used for inscriptions.

Traditionally, Sheriff's Stars have been made by jewelers commissioned to make the pins and the jewelers have further authenticated them by adding their own "Maker's Mark" to the back of the Star.

Temporary Deputy Stars are traditionally numbered and issued according to a written roll-call record that keeps track of which pin is issued to who and for what time period using a sign in/sign out log. This allows the Sheriff to issue identification to Temporary Deputies as needed.

And one final note -- Peacekeepers do not take "Oaths" which are part of religious ceremonies and they do not swear or pledge "Allegiances" which are part of ancient feudal practices of giving allegiance to a king.
Peacekeepers are not Bonded by Surety Bonds. Those are all provisions that may or may not be work requirements for Law Enforcement Officers depending on which governmental services corporations they are working for--- but in no way apply to Peacekeepers.

The so-called "swearing in" of deputies so often depicted in old Hollywood Westerns is not actually an "oath taking" and is instead a Public Acknowledgement in which the man accepts the responsibilities of the Office he is entering as a Peacekeeper in front of two or more Witnesses. There is no mention of any "God" involved, as our lawful government maintains separation between Church and State.

This Public Acknowledgement is sometimes done by a whole large group of men at once, each and all witnessing the others, and then they hit the leather and ride off to catch bad guys as a Possee. Far more typically, men are elected as Deputies and do their Public Acknowledgement in front of the Sheriff and a Justice of the Peace under far less dramatic circumstances.

The purpose of this is to set forth in short order what the duties of a deputy or sheriff are, and for the office holder to make public admission that: (1) he or she is aware of what the duties are, and (2) that he or she accepts the responsibility to perform those duties in good faith. This creates a Public Record of the Office Holder's commitment and accountability --- to the General Public in the case of Peacekeepers, and to their corporate employers, in the case of Law Enforcement Officers.

As always, rights go with responsibilities, and roles are defined by the duties of the Office and the jurisdiction within which an Office operates.

22nd September 2018, 03:14 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSfo91nVu1lmhiRRpf0UtYAaP0i-tOcnj-luTTWu_AxvfAoBmbToMVCajRJZFEfXfI&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCjw2l173v_B0jatpTm_2i6gtpeITCf QOTwYM6fH_EeVXAue14SibdAZIS229uoO36UjBy59SB5C4304J WYedfOSz5SuVAUmqiDfNle1vEJ3XZ_VVlN-YfMNYUx5M43sAAcdmRzYAgXu97rOVFcIvMGLnXWPj3NK4yZx9r I4x-XI5YGx3o7yg&__tn__=C-R)
Yesterday at 12:31 AM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1865181470197591?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCjw2l173v_B0j atpTm_2i6gtpeITCfQOTwYM6fH_EeVXAue14SibdAZIS229uoO 36UjBy59SB5C4304JWYedfOSz5SuVAUmqiDfNle1vEJ3XZ_VVl N-YfMNYUx5M43sAAcdmRzYAgXu97rOVFcIvMGLnXWPj3NK4yZx9r I4x-XI5YGx3o7yg&__tn__=-R) ·

Witches V. Satanists [Circa 600 BC]
I have already explained --- many times --- how Satanists operate: they pretend to BE their targeted enemy, do their dirty work, and leave their "target" (also called, "the mark" in slang) to take the blame.

When the Phoenicians (aka "phonies") fled to Britain once their activities in Portugal and Spain were discovered and they were forced to hot foot it out of those countries circa 600 BC, one of the first groups to suffer their competition were the native Druids and witches of the British Isles.

Contrary to what you have been taught, and largely because of this Phoenician Satanist invasion of Britain,
there are good witches --- both Green and White.

These groups known originally as "Covenants" left to themselves are peaceful students of Nature who study Nature's Creator through contemplation and exploration of the Creation. They were known as "The Wise" because they inevitably learned many things about how the physical and energetic world operates. They loved music and poetry and created beautiful works of art that mirrored back the handiwork of the True God.

White Witches devoted their lives to discerning and overcoming and outsmarting and deflecting evil powers of all kinds.

Green Witches devoted their lives to healing and learning the healing properties of plants and foods and waters and sounds. They were our first pharmacists and midwives.

All this is a far cry from the foul and nasty reputation of "witches" who eat little children and cook them in ovens, witches who deceive wayfarers on the highway to rob them and lure them to their deaths, who spoil the milk and deflower virgins, who spread disease from town to town, who peddle recreational drugs, who put "curses" on everything, who engage in gross orgies, who set fire to the grain storages to hide the fact that they've robbed them and who carry gossip and speak ill of others and cause feuds and bear false witness and.....

Oh, but, hey, we've heard all this before, haven't we?

Burning children in ovens....where have we heard of that? Deceivers, liars, curse-mongers---sound familiar? Wild orgies and perverse sex? Drugs? Disease? Robberies? Arson? Murder?

This is nothing but the same-old-story of the Satanists infiltrating the pre-existing benign culture of the Druids, polluting it from within, and ultimately destroying it.

It's the same thing they did to Judah (Torah) by pretending to be "Jewish" (Talmud) in the run up to the Second World War.

It's the same thing they tried to do with "ISIS" in the Middle East against the Muslims.

And it's the same thing they are trying to do with the Catholic Church right now, today.

They pretend to be their virtuous enemies, gain a toe-hold like a parasite, then corrupt their targets as much as possible, misrepresent them as much as possible, and then skate off, leaving "the mark" to be blamed and to pay the price of their wrong-doing.

The witches of Britain have taken it in the shorts like everyone else, been infiltrated and soiled by these worms, and blamed accordingly. I feel like I have to say this explicitly for people so they don't go running off on any literal "witch hunts" or get confused between Satanists and Druids.

Enough innocent people have suffered already. We owe it to the millions of dead and the billions who have been robbed to get it straight and turn our Shinola Sensors on.

We know how the Satanists operate, so, if we are thoughtful and observant, we can see behind all the smokescreens and mirrors and storefronts --- and catch them red-handed. It's not always easy, but if we are tuned up and watching closely, we can nab them like any other criminal.

All we have to do is watch for their "fruits" --- missing children, dead babies, whores, broken families, drugs, sexual perversions, necromancy, tree worship, human sacrifices, pollution, deceit, vampirism, lawlessness, and so on and on.

And what is the bottom of all this insanity and cruelty and egotism?

Their completely whackjob teaching that is (if) we are bad enough, we will force the Creator to come rescue us from ourselves. Just like the horrible little kid who gets their parent's attention by doing awful things? Like that.

According to the Satanists (and they try to sell this to Muslims, too) we will bring the Messiah sooner if we are unrelentingly, horribly bad.

Apparently, they never read the Torah. If they had, they would know that the True God honors free will. He isn't here to save us from ourselves. He gives us all the choices and we choose. If we choose wisely, we reap the rewards.

If we don't, well, we reap that outcome, too.

Don't mistake Satanists for Witches nor for Muslims nor for actual Hebrews; don't imagine that Satanists wearing the robes of Catholic priests are Catholic. Every once in a while, they take a shot at the Lutherans and Baptists, too.
Instead, be alert and stay awake. Use your mind and heart and powers of observation to ferret the vermin out no matter which costume, race, or religion they use this week. Just observe their fruits and keep tracking.

22nd September 2018, 03:32 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTH4aN9V_NJNVFrHX7An5auV4wO6MfsG rt1RuCbNzU1n0gtEVaV7g-WkivVGsVSbBg&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCQG-HYKWnQcvQZsaOCIm9izQx0eBQACHNJmszMgXuT3R7o08q3Sfck Tb7NEDnLEoDEWR1ixO0s8Sp0_iPJAb_vpaKHKzyLH5ojzTtYvK cNJpmf32Aw09J4Pl_x8JwgvxbUcjMFOjlbzoK35rOt0Zs_1JPp jqVsUN94IkrHZcomRC2a-dEA8A&__tn__=C-R)
23 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1865386040177134?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCQG-HYKWnQcvQZsaOCIm9izQx0eBQACHNJmszMgXuT3R7o08q3Sfck Tb7NEDnLEoDEWR1ixO0s8Sp0_iPJAb_vpaKHKzyLH5ojzTtYvK cNJpmf32Aw09J4Pl_x8JwgvxbUcjMFOjlbzoK35rOt0Zs_1JPp jqVsUN94IkrHZcomRC2a-dEA8A&__tn__=-R) ·

Lazy Man's Guide to the Last 150 Years in America
1861 -- a bogus mercenary "conflict" begins on our shores, and the perps pass it off on us as a "Civil War" even though no war was ever declared by our Congress and no Peace Treaties ever signed. It's a con and a set up for more fraud games.

1863 -- Lincoln declares the Northern Federal States of States bankrupt, but neglects to fully disclose and inform people about the actual identity and nature of these business entities. A false presumption gets started that our States are bankrupt, and that our assets are up for grabs, when in fact our States were never involved and not eligible for bankruptcy protection.

1865 - The Territorial "Rump" Congress sets up bogus quasi-civilian, quasi-military courts and ten new Southern military "districts" run by "District Court Judges" appointed by military commanders. This is the beginning of the Slow Creep of the Talmudic Court System insinuating itself where it should never be.

The overall situations is similar to what would happen if your Lawn Maintenance Service Company ran up unimaginable debts, went bankrupt, forged your Name as Co-Signer of all their loans, gave your address to their Creditors, then stepped back and let you bear the burden of paying their bills.
And you were dumb (or innocent) enough to allow this.

1868 - The British Territorial United States re-writes its own constitution and issues it as a Scottish-sponsored incorporation charter---all without disclosing this to the people of this country. This Scottish commercial corporation merely doing business "as" The United States of America (Incorporated) takes over and usurps upon and steals the identity of the lawful government using semantic deceits and fraud to accomplish its aims.

1907 - The first Scottish corporate "ringer" pretending to be the United States of America, goes bankrupt and the perps in the British Territorial version of the [Territorial] United States Congress (get the joke now?) arrange for their creditors to accept title to our land as surety for their debts.

This is the First Fraudulent Bankruptcy since Lincolns' bankruptcy in
1863---- and it causes the First World War.

Again, the situation is similar to what would happen if your Lawn Maintenance Service Company went out and charged your credit to the utter limit, sought bankruptcy protection for itself, forged your Name as Co-Signer of all its loans---and left you to pay the bill.

1913 - their creditors, not ours, come to our shores and they start the Federal Reserve nightmare and begin devaluing our currency --- though we weren't involved in any of this stinking scheme. They start printing paper "notes" --- I.O.U's for future payment -- and exchanging these for American Silver Dollars without disclosure or consent. They also charge interest for this "service" to us, the targets of this fraud and Breach of Trust.

1925 - a Roman Catholic Church Delaware Corporation doing business as "the" United States of America (Inc.) is formed to take over where the Scottish fraudsters left off.

This one oversees the run up of the "Roaring Twenties" and the 1933 Stock Market Crash and the entire debacle of the Great Depression.

This is the Second Fraudulent Bankruptcy since Lincoln's Big Fix in 1863.
Again, the situation is similar to what would happen if your Lawn Maintenance Service Company, racked up astronomical bills, went bankrupt, forged your Name as Co-Signer of all their loans, then stepped back and let you take it in the shorts.

1933- 1946: Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his cronies offer up the labor and private assets of their Territorial "States of States" and the "citizenry thereof" to secure the debts of their bankrupt privately owned corporation doing business as "the" United States of America (Incorporated)-- and via a blatant process of unlawful conversion, they presume that everyone in this country is a "United States Citizen".

[That's like presuming everyone here is actually Irish and was born in County Clare on a Friday in October.]

The perps deliberately lie and act under color of law to ensnare as many Americans as possible to act as franchises of their venal, bankrupt corporations and the "US Trustees" assist them in the pillaging and plundering of innocent Americans.

1953 - The bankruptcy of the First Scottish Shill Corp settles. The vermin in the Territorial Congress pretend that they can't locate all the people whose land should be returned to them free and clear. Instead, they roll everything over into giant land trusts and "manage" the assets "for" the "absent owners". And they also charge the actual landlords for all this "service" the vermin are giving us without our knowledge or consent.

1999 - The bankruptcy of the Second Roman Catholic Church Shill Corp settles.
Al Gore was actually elected to serve as President of this bankrupt corporation, but he couldn't take office because the bankruptcy settled; that also resulted in the need to empty out Washington, DC, for 90 days, the Florida Chads nonsense, and all that RUSSELL-J:GOULD endured for us all. It also led to the 9/11 debacle in 2001, both Iraq Wars, and a lot more.

2008 - the MERS fraud comes home to roost and we all suffer The Big Short. And once again, the perpetrators trot out the American States and People as the ones responsible for their debts.

Now, I won't bore you with the maddening proliferation of Shill Corporations and "derivatives" that took place following this, and all the "assets" that these crooks dreamed up and put on the books that simply don't exist, but the same people who think they can print money out of thin air also think that they can create new land and real estate assets simply by giving the same assets a new name and taxing all the various names ("titles") that they bestowed on the same property. All sorts of crazy stuff goes on. Karen Hudes, a Bar Attorney working for the World Bank---a foreigner absolutely forbidden and prohibited from holding any Office related to our Government --- claims that she represents us. We say, basically, "Like Hell she does." Deutsch Bank gets stuck handling all the "derivatives"--- that is, bogus assets made of paper and lies. Bank of New York Mellon and Bank of Canada get caught money-laundering slave labor and human trafficking for the Queen of the Damned and the Pope.... Prince Philip gets caught benefitting himself from insurance and bankruptcy fraud via "Life Force Value Annuities" to the tune of $950 trillion, give or take a few "T".... its all crime and craziness beyond imagining.

I don't know how Donald Trump is keeping an even keel. Lesser men would have run screaming into the bushes a long time before this.

2009: The Federal Reserve Board of Governors declares the Federal Reserve System TM bankrupt --- remember all those I.O.U.'s they printed? All those prior to 2009 Federal Reserve Notes? Oh, oops. The vermin skipped town. Welched on all those "Promises to Pay" us back for all the American Silver they received in supposedly "equitable" exchange for their BS.

Now tell me again, why is the "Federal Reserve" still in existence? Why are the banks still in existence? Why hasn't the "corporate veil" been stripped away like wet tissue paper in a high wind?

2013-16: The Municipal UNITED STATES, INC. and cohort Municipal "governmental services corporations" enter involuntary bankruptcy liquidation.

Again, the situation is similar to what would happen if your Lawn Maintenance Service Company ran up unimaginably huge bills, went bankrupt, and forged your Name as Co-Signer of all their loans--- stepped back and left you to pay their debts.

2017 - The Territorial version known as the USA, Inc. enters bankruptcy reorganization.
[I hate to be monotonous, but this part of the story is monotonous, because the same thing has happened and been allowed to happen over and over and over again. This is nothing but an unimaginably huge national scale credit and identity theft swindle and it has been allowed to go on and on and on and on --- so hear it AGAIN in hopes that everyone reading this will know what went on here and have it memorized....]

The situation is similar to what would happen if your Lawn Maintenance Service Company deliberately ran up huge bills, went bankrupt, and forged your Name as Co-Signer of all their loans....yada, yada, yada.

It's not bad enough that you've got one of these crime syndicates bilking you senseless, you've got two of these organized crime syndicates on your weary backs, doing the same thing, competing with each other and taking turns---and to add to the irony, you are their employers.
They are your employees.
You are paying them to do this to you.

Hello? Good morning, America. Wake up. If coffee won't do it, I recommend a string of fire crackers.
Remember the Scottish Shill Corp calling itself "The United States of America" (Incorporated) back in 1868?

Well, the same parties responsible then just tried to set up a Municipal version called "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and the Bank of France set up its version "THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" and pretty soon every joker in the western world will think they have some excuse to infringe on the Good Name of our lawful Government, and to practice more identity theft against us, and to try to rook us into assuming their debts. Again.

Can you all hear and see the words "Non-Assumpsit" plainly written here and elsewhere and recorded all over the world?

Can you hear the words, "Odious Debt Returned for Cause"?

The score stands 0:0:0. And you are surely beginning to see the pattern in very bright colors and high relief?

They go to the banks and claim you are their "Surety" --- their "Co-Signer"---and the guilty as sin colluding banks let them do this. As long as you don't wake up and say, "Not me, Pilgrim." -- they get away with this Gross Breach of Trust and this Gross Abuse of the Commercial Service Contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America ---- which all of the same vermin are supposed to be "defending" with their lives from enemies both foreign and domestic.

In the words of my cat, "Pffft-thut!"

Original Federal United States Government? Moth-balled since the so-called "Civil War".

Municipal United States Government? Incompetent as a result of bankruptcy.

Territorial United States Government? Incompetent as a result of bankruptcy.

All three layers of "federal government" have sequentially failed and by Operation of Law, we are finally rid of them. Our Federation of States is the only lawful and sovereign Government left standing since September 9, 1776.

The Delegation of Power returns to those who delegated it in the first place --- to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and to our States of the Union which were never involved in any of this venal, criminal, shameless nastiness, and to the People of this country, who never deserved to be made part of it, at all.

We have Acknowledged and Accepted the return of our Delegated Powers.

We also discovered absolute proof that the Queen abdicated her Christian Throne three days after her Coronation, pulled a giant fraud on the people of the United Kingdom, and occupied The Chair of the Estates instead. She has been ruling in deceit and Color of Law since 1953 --- which renders everything that she and her Government have done ever since then legally and lawfully invalid, null and void, ab initio. Including what they did to us. Including all the years that our land was held under corporate franchise "titles" and "managed" by "federal" agency subcontractors and buried in foreign land trusts.

That's all profit and leases and fees and taxes and mortgages and insurances and stocks and bonds owed back to us, the actual owners of the assets.

[No wonder the vermin made plans like the Nazis to kill off their Priority Creditors, eh? There is no way they could pay back all the principal, forget the interest and damages owed. So they ordered millions of body bags, built "FEMA Camps" and spent our money on billions of rounds of ammunition to kill us. Nice people. The problem for them is that we now know who they are and where they live and they don't have a snowball's chance in the Congo, if they don't do an "About Face!" and make Good Faith effort to remedy all this.]

We are claiming our land back and our labor back and all of our other assets.

We are going after the black-robed devils who have served their Courts of Baal on our shores and attacked our innocent people under Color of Law.

Guess who was really at the bottom of the Big Short? Lehman Brothers were just the surface scum. Who was playing "JAWS" underneath surface?

Wells Fargo Securities -- pretending to be just a nice, little ole "National Banking Association" or "NA"---- that just happened to be owned by the Office of U.S. Attorney General, writing unauthorized credit agreements for itself and using our land assets as the collateral.

Make no mistake --- there is going to be a settlement of these issues.

The vermin in "Congress" should all be locked in their rooms and down on their knees praying that Donald Trump succeeds and stays the course. They should be doing everything they can to help him. When he tells them to do something, they should say, "Yes, Sir! Right away, Sir!" --- because if they don't, they are going to find out what democracy is really all about--- and its not a National Debate about High School drunkenness and groping three decades ago.

Get your own affairs in Order, claim back your Good Name and estate, boot up your lawful land jurisdiction County and State Governments via organizing your local Jural Assemblies, and support the rest of us in our work, so that we can continue to do the necessary research and continue to make the necessary international claims.

It costs me thousands every month to keep this operation running. I know many of you are suffering and facing a long winter ahead. But as you can observe, the Banksters and their political pawns are still stalling and caterwauling, trying to hang on to money and power even after their crimes are exposed for the whole world to see, still choking and sputtering and scheming---- and their new favorite buzzword: "resisting".

I'll take care of their continued "resistance".
With enough thrust, believe me, pigs really can fly.

This is going to be the permanent end of the banker's constipation problems. No more "Doctrine of Scarcity" applied to everyone but them and their cronies.

Help us knock this whole situation over the Goal Poles and past the Tipping Point. Send us whatever help you can. Send us prayers. Send us information. Send us donations-- we still need them. Send to my PayPal account: avannavon@gmail.com or via Snail Mail to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

22nd September 2018, 03:50 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARS2u09In5dmSAG3meocKJuP9R2HEUIDC TZCS9_leJbSai5Vjkq0ytkVouddr-WJBl0&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBoQzF0nseFF4fKRr6PfsuiMU0R1JxZ yc_D-pX8qjm3SnFl_OtSFzZ0rUKCd0NM08ZB-D4bemSgDEGCH2vfX9GHE0hwTBlhXh8XeoTbQLimml13jlVjZe1 jC8_kz-QUM_vVCiquusWo1NjT73B5m5sMCxJOwd-8gw2aQe2QnBQY8TqbWf9zkg&__tn__=C-R)
13 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1865932173455854?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBoQzF0nseFF4f KRr6PfsuiMU0R1JxZyc_D-pX8qjm3SnFl_OtSFzZ0rUKCd0NM08ZB-D4bemSgDEGCH2vfX9GHE0hwTBlhXh8XeoTbQLimml13jlVjZe1 jC8_kz-QUM_vVCiquusWo1NjT73B5m5sMCxJOwd-8gw2aQe2QnBQY8TqbWf9zkg&__tn__=-R) ·

But Which "God"?
I don't know how this is possible, but it is very clear that a great many people have remained ignorant about their professed religion as well as their government.

The Bible tells us explicitly and by inference that there are multiple "gods" out there plying their wares. Why say, "have no other gods before me" if there aren't other "gods" being offered to you for you to worship?
"God" is a title, not a name.

So when someone (especially the vermin) start talking about "God" you have to inquire, "Which God?" the same way you have to ask, "Which United States?"

The True and Living God we know as the Creator, whose name and title in Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic is: "Yahavah", means, "Yah, the Creator"--- or some "other" God?

Yahavah's Son is "Yashuah" sometimes transliterated as "Yeshuah"--- which means "Yah's Anointed One".

There is only one Living God.
All other gods are dead.
They are little idols, like carved wooden statues, or the coins in your pockets --- "representations" of reality, not reality itself.

"Christ" means "Anointed One" --- but again, whose anointed one? The Anointed One of Yah? Or the Anointed One of Sam Spade?

Likewise, "Christians" translates as "Followers of the Anointed One" -- but which Anointed One?

The Satanists have built a whole "parallel" religion to mirror the faith of the Apostles---which was never a "religion" and never a "church".

They have taught us to use the name "Jesus" instead of "Yahshuah" and they have taught us to worship "God" and "Jehovah" instead of "Yahavah" and they have taught us to say "Amen" --- the name of an Egyptian deity at the end of every prayer, to make sure our prayers get dropped in the "Dead Letter Box" the moment they leave our lips.

Then we wonder why prayers go unanswered?
Instead, worship "in spirit" and "in truth" --- with your living heart and soul, not with twisted words. Just try. You will discover that you know how to pray without words. And then you will discover that "double-mindedness" vanishes and that in union with Yahavah, all things are possible.

Make good things manifest according to the ultimate and unfathomable goodness of our Creator. Bypass all the fear and ugliness and go straight home to your Father, and let the sons of the Devil go home to theirs, too.

Yah, the One, lives in you and makes you part of All. There is only one "God" --- one Creator, one Life, one Ordering Principle.

All else is deception and idolatry and just plain old hot air.

If these vermin would deceive you about "which" United States of America they are talking about, would they hesitate a moment to deceive you about which "God" they are serving?

Or which "law" they are observing?

Do you think it is amusing that cannibals want you to drink blood from your communion cup? Instead of remembering "as often as you drink (wine)" --- Yah's Anointed One?

What would happen if every time wine touched your lips, you remembered Him? And every time you had a piece of bread?

Do you think it is a coincidence that churches have converted the faith of living men into the doctrine and rules of dead institutions?

That they have also mis-represented their laws as "God's Laws"?

Or that the leaders of these institutions have set themselves above you and sought to place themselves between you and Yah as middlemen and arbiters?

Do you think it is funny that they have sought to keep you from communion and placed a price on it and also sold forgiveness which they have never earned?

That they have turned your body, the House of Yah, into a bonded slave for them and called a business Joint Venture a "marriage"?

Where is your common sense?

How could you believe in, much less consent to this?

There is no end to their blasphemy and evil, their recklessness and greed--- but if you would save yourselves and save your country, you must wake up.

You must repent of all this error and discern the gaping Pit prepared for them.

You must come out of Babylon and know which "God" you serve.

22nd September 2018, 05:55 AM
Now tell me again, why is the "Federal Reserve" still in existence? Why are the banks still in existence?
Ification is the process of being. Reification is the process of being AGAIN. ZOMBIES are walking dead. CORPSES are simply dead. LEGAL FICTIONS have no existence at all except through the representations of their agents.

Law One of defendants is: Don't answer until a carte de persona (authority for agency) is provided.

Too many people answer without requiring said carte de persona. That is the process of ification.

In English law issuing a writ of quo warranto sets up a hearing for the office holder to provide his bona fides.

23rd September 2018, 04:42 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSitKtQZMbm7f1CWEsC57NBAF9azD85m dWqLUcufOgjP8FndK5m7ALi_EKVTue926Y&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARD2YOsLeTuJoD27Hq72cCnj6Hxtrc5R rb7dlgtxiPt3HTJXVDJ9fcY4ryVF7Ie7gVzGpw11K7QNrup_Fs T0Ecal1rf1TasdwdPQP1F9XnP6A2cRDpxMVMWIxsuyVpYlYNrk wr4Gdi9pD8PSWPml3Eq3V1n0j-W_t0oGSis2Rhz0wKdRDbzqVg&__tn__=C-R)
22 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1867524713296600?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARD2YOsLeTuJoD2 7Hq72cCnj6Hxtrc5Rrb7dlgtxiPt3HTJXVDJ9fcY4ryVF7Ie7g VzGpw11K7QNrup_FsT0Ecal1rf1TasdwdPQP1F9XnP6A2cRDpx MVMWIxsuyVpYlYNrkwr4Gdi9pD8PSWPml3Eq3V1n0j-W_t0oGSis2Rhz0wKdRDbzqVg&__tn__=-R) ·

Attention, Please! This is Crucial Information for All Concerned....
Disinformation: the spreading of false or only partially true information so as to promote incorrect assumptions, actions, or conclusions about an issue, a subject, a product, or an individual. The object of a Disinformation Campaign is usually to sidetrack whatever normal action would be the result if the truth were clearly known and presented, for example, to delay adoption of legislation.

Disinformation is commonly used against rival products, political candidates, public infrastructure projects, and proposed legislation.

Most Disinformation contains elements of truth designed to create a factual basis for part of the message, which then promotes blind acceptance of the whole message---which is false overall.

Once a Disinformation Campaign gets started the false information is passed on unknowingly by otherwise innocent people whose credibility is trusted, and spreads by word of mouth.

As a result, disinformation can come from otherwise credible sources, may contain elements of truth, and may be passed on either deliberately or unknowingly.

Disinformation is often plausible and requires deeper research to evaluate and discover the actual facts.

And here is another classic Disinformation Campaign coming at you:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l7hcXHAFVM&feature=youtu.be (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv% 3D5l7hcXHAFVM%26feature%3Dyoutu.be&h=AT2jnM1svFktV_omOFdiocW9X-p0pkukJcTrLdUp3-Tjgoc33qdwSgf0G2sU07z4o_DvI73_lpeq-IkgBLG_wqzW5YnQ76npfCRv_V80YwDdRun06reQnHSfIBgRDdo QpHDCLMRU8Q7DCRp86_Jdr3YME9FRiHnoi_TbvYnEnYxslPFq2 mknUUEP8Vh6t8zWEu_dGZZkV62o12D74jLyzb2LWovEy2A9Ivs 9920YM5FIk8cSZO-Q-E3aYbuut6gkpaI1fA7Yy7XNrtBdMoKZsoJ6vaYX0Nl_MTOm-eDQEOIeKQUWR6_Jr-ZMLVWoQcTq3DndbBrUWDaM0Na0OMIaDe9SCneMr840VV76qg7f-mqOmoXaSEVYdCsE-c1JOeo9SYjpQN08N9gQ3ru7sFY92kcjb1c7244)

Begin by taking notice of the source: The-National-Voice.org (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FThe-National-Voice.org%2F&h=AT3wOE0EGcO5U-_pRupkNdAnS0P2L7vtauIT-SG_AwFvbK-UFllDPJc_P2ezMEe0HAGS-z-jueLUDQgOxGOOCuIzVBzKCT7ITkJZwwZifDUyBaNV5IcjCo0nk vBVk46Vs6vB_ZLT20C-qDakwmc5WFWz9k-OwJZctO9njcKCOd3QCvenUhkqGqs3S7mNLhD0eU4FGgEYv0BQ2 iFPBO42PLkeawpuEMi1px-zSeT5ynH81oGH5EKgH9ghm6EHEkv-NJhqfD7-J9D95Q5NIB1emDJDee425kBlvpd5PtEOfpxFkGHeUreVWGS_k1 c8BdUDYuy7XCJeolX3XqqsVB6UC0NpTQPi58DaDY-QJDd732f_kOqwPpSosdw4tPTqoEu6E4bnOKpfbKqSGjpQFPvDV 5lngk0hjKw), [which is probably a legitimate enough patriot organization that is making wrong assumptions and being co-opted] being "Presented by Legal Registry LLC" out of where? Oh, 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, #190-626, Washington, DC 20004.

Legal Registry is at the heart of the problem. Legal Registry makes its living from "registering" everything and everyone it can possibly register--- and thereby trafficking whatever is registered from the land jurisdiction to the sea jurisdiction and from your possession to the possession of various for-profit "government services corporations" acting "as" your government under Color of Law.

I have already told you ---- record everything, register nothing.

Anything that requires "registration" is a demand that you give away your interest in whatever is being registered as a "donor" of that asset retaining a "beneficial interest" in the asset.

Car registration is a demand that you give away your private auto or truck to the "State of ___________", Incorporated, which then becomes the actual owner and the State of State then gives you back a "Certificate" of beneficial interest allowing you to use their car.

This "voluntary" act on your part makes you the Donor of the asset to a "Public Trust" managed by a private, for-profit corporation acting as Trustee, and reduces you to a Leasor of your own asset. They have endeavored to do the same thing to all your private landholdings.

Thereafter, you have to pay for the privilege of re-registering what was your property every year or two---- essentially paying a tax to retain your beneficial interest in the car, which you supposedly "voluntarily" donated to the racketeers. Or a "property tax" on land that is naturally already yours.

I watched the short video being promoted at the link above, and it does contain elements of truth. The Federal Reserve Banks (and other banks) have been allowed to hold title to our assets and to prevent us from accessing the credit side of the ACCOUNTS established in our names as remedy--- all in contravention of the actual Public Law. That part is true.

They do this by claiming that we are "dead", "missing, presumed lost".

The credit they owe us is then placed in a generation skipping trust --- a giant Slush Fund for the banks --- and invested by the same banks "for" us, pending our "return". The catch, of course, is that you never get the benefit of any of this fraud.

Anyway, that much is all true and so is the fact that when you are "proven to be alive" the actual Public Law demands that they release the benefit of your ACCOUNT to you.

The rest of the information, however, is skewed.

The bankrupt governmental services corporation that FDR was "President" of was "the" United States of America (Incorporated), a Delaware Corporation set up as a religious non-profit in 1925, hence his use of the word "consecration" when he announced "The New Deal".

But who did "The New Deal" apply to?

Not to us.

As the Conference of Governors vote on March 6, 1933 stated, this Deal with the Devil applied only to "their states and the citizenry thereof".

So what were "their states and the citizenry thereof"?
Well, as we have documented, the actual States that are members of The United States of America (Unincorporated) federation of states were never involved in any aspect of all the incorporated "State of State" skullduggery, so it wasn't us and it wasn't our "states" being discussed by the Conference of Govenors.

The advent of Municipal "STATES OF STATES" was still more than a decade away (1946) at the time FDR made his speech, so the only possible conclusion is that the "states" and the "citizenry thereof" being referenced by the Conference of Governors action in 1933, were the "States of States" of the British Territorial United States-- which had been established in Breach of Trust and constructive fraud to replace our actual Federal States of States "pending Reconstruction" after the Civil War.

[Territorial] U.S. Citizens were the "citizenry" subject to The New Deal, who were sold by the Roman Catholic Church to the Federal Reserve Banks as collateral backing the debts of "the" United States of America (Incorporated) which was bankrupted in 1933, together with all their personal and private assets, including their bodies and their labor.

But who was legitimately a "U.S. Citizen" in 1933 or at any other time?

Federal employees both civilian and military, federal dependents, knowing and voluntary political asylum seekers, people born in actual U.S. Territories like Puerto Rico, Guam, and the District of Columbia not having any other citizenship elsewhere, corporations actually and deliberately formed under Territorial United States auspices, and their corporate officers.

That's it. The whole laundry list. And it doesn't include us.

We were being "brought along" under the false pretenses that the incompetence of the moth-balled Federal States of States was an excuse to presume upon the people of the Free States of the Union.

It wasn't a valid excuse for such false premises then and it still isn't now.

Our States --- Maine, California, Wisconsin, Alaska --- are not party to any of this European-Inspired Manure Pile. Our Federal States of States have been held "in trust" under false pretenses and Gross Breach of Trust by these vermin for six generations and we have not even been given disclosure of the facts.

So the rest of the assumptions in this video --- for example, that the debts of FDR's Territorial United States -- are our debts, or that his "New Deal" applies to us, are entirely fraudulent.

The idea that we need to pay those debts to "redeem" our country is also fraudulent. Those debts being held against the [Territorial] United States by the Federal Reserve Banks are in fact debts owed to us and our States --- Alaska, California, Virginia, et al.

We are the Priority Creditors.

Not Debtors of any kind.

The actual Debtor is the Queen of the United Kingdom, who has by allowing the Territorial United States to enter bankruptcy, become "incompetent" and who has therefore lost claim of delegated authority and has turned over the affairs of the British [Territorial] United States to Bankruptcy Trustees appointed by the guilty banks.

These are the vermin that President Trump has been struggling with.

But we are the actual Priority Creditors of the Territorial United States, not the Banks, which are only standing in an "assumed" middleman capacity; we are blatantly and internationally informing all Principals of the fact that the Banks are not our Agents or Representatives and neither are the members of the Territorial or Municipal "United States" Congresses.

Furthermore, all members of the Bar are prohibited from assuming any such position of Trusteeship or Agency related to our country. We present ourselves, in the flesh, and are fully competent otherwise to exercise the International Powers of our States of the Union.

There are now only two solutions to The Problem:

(1) the Queen is prevailed upon to pay the debts of the Territorial United States which her employees and dependents ran up -- knowing that she has permanently lost any claim to delegated authority related to us; or

(2) we, the actual States and People to whom the debt is owed can:

(a) forgive the debts of the Territorial United States after negotiation with President Trump regarding resumption of a private trade relationship, or

(b) we can force the Territorial United States into Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy, liquidate its assets in receivership (which would involve all Territorial Governments worldwide and create no end of trouble for everyone, everywhere) or

(c) we can demand that the Federal Reserve Banks pay the debts of the Territorial United States directly from the vast Slush Fund owed to us and its profits pending an agreement with President Trump.

President Trump needs to speak to us directly regarding this situation and reach an agreement with The United States of America [Unincorporated] going forward. This should not be difficult to do or take any long period of time, so long as we are mutually agreed --- and we are --- that the American States and People must be protected and the profits of the criminals used to build infrastructure and improve the lives of the victims of this vast fraud.

Remember: never register anything you don't want to give away.

Remember: no registration is valid if the nature and result of the transaction is not fully disclosed to you.

Remember: no involuntary or coerced registration is valid.

Remember: you were never legitimately a citizen of the "United States" they are talking about, except perhaps for a period of time while working as a federal civilian or military employee, etc. or if you had no other political status available to you. [White Americans born in the States have immediate State National status; colored people are still stuck with "Equal Civil Rights" pending action to finally correct this gross injustice.]

Remember: you are a Priority Creditor of the British Territorial United States, not a Debtor thereof.

Remember: your State of the Union is competent to operate in either International Commerce or International Trade, and since the Delegated Powers have reverted to our States by Operation of Law, there is no reason for any other "state of state" or foreign principality to assume any form of Trusteeship or ownership interest in any jurisdiction of the law with regard to us or our people.

Remember: both the Territorial and Municipal United States are and were foreign entities with respect to us and though they are supposed to be under the control of our moth-balled Federal States of States, they continue to be under the control of our States, from which all the "federal" authorities derive.

Remember: all members of the Bar Associations lost their native birthright political status (as of 1819) as a result of the conflict of interest created when they accepted the title of nobility "Esquire" from the British Monarch, and they cannot regain it except by claiming Non-Disclosure and removing themselves from the Bar Association membership.

The Queen abdicated her moral accountability a long time ago and has thus far abdicated her financial accountability as well. We cannot expect honor among thieves, but we can stand our ground and demand that all those corporations and persons concerned respect the Rule of Law they have adopted for themselves.

Don't be bamboozled into "assuming" that you or your State of the Union owe any debts, when you are in fact the Priority Creditors.

Write the words "Non-Assumpsit" in large letters and make your position clear with respect to these issues.

Please also make this information widely available to other Americans including those who have been misled by semantic deceit to assume that they are "U.S. Citizens" --- when they are not.

It is, of course, not our intention to harm U.S. Citizens or citizens of the United States in any way. These people are confused and have acted according to Disinformation they were literally fed and need to wake up from their nightmares.

Like President Trump, we have goodwill toward all our fellow Americans and malice toward none but the actual and knowing criminals who have acted in violation of our constitutional agreements and who have sought their own benefit at the expense of The Public Good.

23rd September 2018, 04:58 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTsNsnEsVYbMM2knWXRZVFBNccOpvYC6 P7Lq3raVdgui9zjttRxs97lkL7PWkiB-0c&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARB3XU8XbbtqfhiC3-CPjWF-C2z1y6-G67Gw4W4OZ7vK3aZ3DOQA7LGg4L_pr_0WQa4cgShAhKVMptiVv mNOP-C6pBrBer2hfGPnSmZ9o9njU99NrJhH8qZ7ki5XeWfkhbyxAXlc UcZM6QlbasLO9Npcx0vCwcEhS7QME86zDHEh-_d0LcNUMw&__tn__=C-R)
17 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1867758293273242?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARB3XU8Xbbtqfhi C3-CPjWF-C2z1y6-G67Gw4W4OZ7vK3aZ3DOQA7LGg4L_pr_0WQa4cgShAhKVMptiVv mNOP-C6pBrBer2hfGPnSmZ9o9njU99NrJhH8qZ7ki5XeWfkhbyxAXlc UcZM6QlbasLO9Npcx0vCwcEhS7QME86zDHEh-_d0LcNUMw&__tn__=-R) ·

Notice and Demand Issued to Westminster
Our initial comments are for the General Public and the understanding of people blissfully unaware of the actual history of the world-at-large.

Therefore, bear with us as we make our points explicit:

The Bar is the "veil" between life and death that Ancient Babylonians and Sumerians crossed over when they came to the Temples of Ba'al to offer sacrifices.

The Bar has a very limited right to be on our shores and is a foreign entity with its operations centered in the Inner City of London known as Westminster, which is an "independent international city state" all its own. All the "Bar Temples" usurping our Courthouses are run from the Temple Bar (Ba'al) in Westminster.

Our version of United States has a permanent and perpetual treaty with Westminster signed November 19, 1794, guaranteeing peace.

However, to avoid honoring this Perpetual Treaty of Peace, the members of the Temple Bar have contrived to try to weasel around and "redefine" the words "United States" and to change the political status of the States and the People that the Treaty of Westminster applies to.

They have done this by identifying four principle "kinds" of "United States" and playing all sorts of semantic deceit games between them.

There is the actual unincorporated United States that they have the treaty with and the States and People operating that version of United States via their Holding Company in international jurisdiction, The United States of America [Unincorporated].

And then there is the Federal "United States", a secondary Union known as a "Confederation of States" operated as "States of States" originally set up March 1, 1781, under The Articles of Confederation. This version of "United States" was subjected to "Reconstruction" following the so-called "American Civil War" and moth-balled without Full Disclosure and more importantly, without the Good Faith assistance of the international trustees responsible.

Next, there is the Territorial "United States" which is a British operation controlled by the British Monarch, which deceitfully usurped upon the Federal United States and created new Territorial "States of States" for itself in Breach of Trust and which has operated as a private, for-profit "governmental services corporation" ever since.

Finally, there is the Municipal "United States" which is supposed to be limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia, another independent, international city state just like Westminster, that our lawful Congress (not their Territorial Congress) is supposed to run.

Westminster doesn't have any treaties of peace with the Federal United States, the Territorial United States, or the Municipal United States, so they have conveniently forgotten that all these entities are in fact owned by The United States [Unincorporated] with which they do have a "Perpetual Treaty of Peace" ever since November 19, 1794.

Liars, liars, pants on fire....
We are here to remind them of their pledges and guarantees to us and to demand their removal from our shores of any hostile or misinformed "Court" Vessels and Bar Association Members of The International Bar Association, The American Bar Association, The United States Bar Association, The United Nations Bar Association, and any other Bar Associations, period, at all, worldwide.

Perpetual means perpetual and The United States includes all the holdings of the United States, however named. You cannot make war against our toe and pretend not to make war against our entire body.

In other words, Westminster, get your sticky-fingered "knights" and "esquires" under control and obeying the Treaty of Westminster, November 19, 1794, in spirit and in fact, or you will all be hoisted on your own petards and exposed for promoting lawlessness at the same time that you pretend to be the "prayerful" keepers of The Rule of Law ---and the nature of your "God" in whom you "Trust" will also be exposed as nothing but a gigantic Lie and Farce created by thieves for the promotion of crime against living people.

We also remind the Lords of the Admiralty and the Lord Mayor of Westminster that we men of flesh and blood live under the Law of Yahavah, not The Rule of Law, and any continued pretensions and usurpation otherwise will be cause for your arrest and your international prosecution under The Law of War.

The Templars --- and their Heresy --- were tolerated in Westminster and in Scotland following their ouster on the European Continent in exchange for gold given to the British Monarch and taxes imposed on the Templar Fleet, renamed as "The Dutch East India Company" and "The Dutch West India Company", operating in both Hemispheres.

Like the "Lost Tribes of Israel" there is absolutely no mystery involved in what happened to the Templars or where they went following their expulsion from mainland Europe. Nor, in view of their re-opening of The Temple of Ba'al is there any doubt about their beliefs or the nature of the Heresy that resulted in the Pope and King Philip of France denouncing them and their activities.

When things got too hot for them in the late 1600's, they again decamped and "disappeared" in plain view, when the British Monarch gave them shelter (always for a price) in the New World, and specifically, in New York.

That's where the bulk of their operations still are, except for their outriggers established in Mainland China. Your "Chinese Elders" are already identified and will be held to the Treaty and subject to this Notice and Demand.

What you have dreamed of practicing in shadows and deceits stands fully exposed to the light of day and the records are secured. There is no Wormhole left to run to and the rat-lines back to shore are being cast off.

Very sincerely,
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The World Trust [Unincorporated]
The United States of America [Unincorporated]

23rd September 2018, 05:10 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTTlx8WRreB4qEIiu4h4EMS4MNukjXrB ABa1MaBlh11ovD8D60gPdxZpzm20o5089s&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCYgKzJJ0USsAOdA01snQMuo5J2OMM3 Uk4zA6Q0AoxaP2BREQ_CjlThWh0Vx2nrox3AnI09ZhLBWcDypp kBXHg2LEkCv-NWyzqay2tO9WzpJhOFDrgiYNasIX-SRfmie0kSi1izS0SxQnL6Nmwtq0miKrT_WBYLAhbvnQ1uL5EzH jUnwTllJg&__tn__=C-R)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1868698276512577?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCYgKzJJ0USsAO dA01snQMuo5J2OMM3Uk4zA6Q0AoxaP2BREQ_CjlThWh0Vx2nro x3AnI09ZhLBWcDyppkBXHg2LEkCv-NWyzqay2tO9WzpJhOFDrgiYNasIX-SRfmie0kSi1izS0SxQnL6Nmwtq0miKrT_WBYLAhbvnQ1uL5EzH jUnwTllJg&__tn__=-R) ·

The Baby and the Bath Water -- The Church and the Temple of Ba'al

There is mounting evidence that The Roman Catholic Church leadership has allowed hideous sin and heresy to corrupt their Church from within. This morning I have read the "Crimen Sollicitationas" openly published since 1929 and included in the Vatican II Reforms.

This is nothing more or less than a policy to protect criminals and ordering members of the Church to keep silent.

That this order, "Crimen Sollicitationas" is described as "a Pontifical secret" again gives credence to my published assertion that the Office of Pontiff charged with the Secular Duties of the Church has in fact been abused to operate a Temple of Ba'al in parallel and within The Church of Rome, perhaps as far back as the Council of Nicea.

The Office of Pontiff was vacated in 2011, together with the liquidation of the Romanus Pontifex Trust, but the end of the so-called "pontificate" does not in itself cleanse the Church of heresy and evil. That is a much more difficult process, which many faithful members of the clergy and local parish members have undertaken, despite the crushing pain of these revelations.

If my surmises are correct and Ba'al worship was allowed within The Roman Catholic Church as a "Secular Religion" in keeping with Roman practices at the time of the Council of Nicea--- and that such "worship"has been part of the Pontificate ever since--- this is a very entrenched, protected, and intricately interwoven "secret" which has served to undermine the mission and performance of the Church for seventeen centuries.

The structural proof exists that the Office of the Pontiff used the Church as a storefront to hide crimes of unimaginable proportions, and even went so far as to order church members to keep quiet about it on pain of Excommunication.

How would you like to be a sincere Catholic waking up to that reality?

So I have urged everyone of all the denominations to pray for the sincere Followers of Yashuah who are members of The Roman Catholic Church.

They need our prayers and support far more than ever now.

Share the fight with them and encourage them in their calling to cleanse their Church of this great evil once and for all ---- and do not turn away from them because of the sins that have been perpetuated "in the name of" The Roman Catholic Church.

These are not the sins of Catholics, but are the sins of Satanists --- Ba'al Worshipers embedded within the Church.

Today, there is credible news and evidence that the necessary cleansing process has begun in earnest.

Members of the Catholic Clergy from many countries have taken a stand and broken with the Code of Silence imposed by the "Crimen Sollicitationas".

Please read their Declaration and remember the many good and earnest Believers who are members of The Roman Catholic Church in your hearts and in your prayers. They face a most terrible conflict in this War of the Spirit. They followed through on their Declaration by providing a "massive" file of information to prosecutors at the ITCCS.

A Legal and Moral Declaration and Pledge of Non-Cooperation issued by Concerned Roman Catholic Clergy
Issued on Sunday, September 23, 2018

We are a group of clergy within the Roman Catholic Church who in good conscience are unable to associate any longer with the criminal, anti-Christian actions of the Vatican and the Papacy. We refer to the massive cover up of violent crimes against children now being perpetrated as a matter of policy by the church hierarchy: crimes in which every Catholic is expected to collude.

The growing exposure in the world media of a massive network in our church of child trafficking, rape, torture and murder, and the direct implication of the Pope and senior Cardinals and Bishops in this network, compels every one of us to make a choice. For by our daily association with the Church of Rome we are accomplices in its crimes, under both the laws of God and Man.

No Papal statute or command can justify or absolve such a criminal and sinful association. Whether Pope or Priest, we must all face and answer to God for our actions, or our inaction. And we must also answer to the Law.
Under the law, anyone – including ordained clergymen – can be tried and convicted for harming a child or enabling or concealing those who do. As Catholics, we are all therefore guilty and subject to prosecution according to our own church policy known as Crimen Sollicitationas (1929), which requires that we suppress evidence of child abuse in the church, not tell the police of such abuse, and silence the victims.

This policy refers to the rape of children as “a pontifical secret” which, if disclosed, will result in the excommunication of any honest Catholic who reports the crime! Such a bizarre and inhuman statute constitutes a massive criminal conspiracy for which we are all liable for arrest and prosecution.
For this reason, as moral beings and followers of Jesus Christ, we cannot any longer adhere to the collusion and silence imposed on us by a criminal church regime that places its own money and power ahead of the lives and safety of children. For did not our Lord tell us, “Whatever you do to the least of these my people, you do to me?”;

and “Whoever would cause one of these little ones to fall, it would be better that a millstone be tied around his neck and he be cast into the sea”?

Christ’s judgement on those who harm children is the same as ours.

Accordingly, as of this day, we publicly disassociate ourselves from any allegiance to the leaders of the Church of Rome and from our vows of obedience to our Bishops and to the Pope. We will not be subject any longer to Crimen Sollicitationas and its requirement of collusion with the rape and murder of children. Under the law of God and Man, we are obligated to always protect children and prosecute their tormentors, not simply when it is expedient.

As a consequence, we pledge ourselves to the following faithful course of action:

1. We will actively uncover and report to our congregations, the police and the media any violence or other crimes done against children within our parishes, dioceses and communities, regardless of Church policy.

2. We will also uncover and report to our congregations, the police and the media the names of anyone within the Church who harms a child or who aids and abets such harm, and who conceals it, regardless of their rank or position within the Church.

3. As ordained clergymen, we will refuse to give Holy Communion or any other sacrament of the Church to anyone associated with such crimes. We will also refuse to accept financial donations or tithings of such persons.

4. If ordered by our nominal superiors to collude with such crimes, or if we face discipline or punishments for acting according to our consciences and the Law, we will separate ourselves from those officials and continue to conduct our pastoral and sacramental offices apart from the church hierarchy, within separate congregations under the authority of Christ Alone.

5. We will actively reach out to all our brethren clergy and to all Roman Catholics in our communities, and urge them to join us and take this same pledge of Non-Cooperation and Witness against the anti-Christ regime that governs our Church.

Our faith is in God and not in Man. As God wills it, so it is done.

Signed and Published on this 23rd Day of September in the year 2018 by Ordained Clergymen of the Roman Catholic Church in America, Canada, Ireland, England, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Italy.

Please share this Declaration. It has been released to the global media. We invite all clergy and adherents of our church to reflect on and endorse this statement.

You can contact us at congregationalcovenant@gmail.com

24th September 2018, 09:07 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARRyZw11S2HNnBplpTRkbqXHcyUUSCKgT 8GpWw3dp9SX5_AGqKXFRRDkTwN5bVOREnU&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAB0RmeH5r_jLU91CvwJ8DRm4VYc8Ev 4z-KRmR3t0KsJjcfvHRLhAqN7W3EaOGY99O_ts2rqnSEMMZ4Tk2R2 49BfmU1BW1r23Wpvq66xFIgb5ZFQcso44mxZWeUFOqy1Dmk5zd 6JgS0r6MghX4CUOwnNNiSHWP0HCjLUS9NzTcG6QIQp2bkEw&__tn__=C-R)
21 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1869077053141366?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAB0RmeH5r_jLU 91CvwJ8DRm4VYc8Ev4z-KRmR3t0KsJjcfvHRLhAqN7W3EaOGY99O_ts2rqnSEMMZ4Tk2R2 49BfmU1BW1r23Wpvq66xFIgb5ZFQcso44mxZWeUFOqy1Dmk5zd 6JgS0r6MghX4CUOwnNNiSHWP0HCjLUS9NzTcG6QIQp2bkEw&__tn__=-R) ·

Karen Hudes Tries Selling Another Big, Fat One
Yesterday I issued a warning in the form of an Alert about Disinformation coming from National-Voice.org (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FNational-Voice.org%2F&h=AT2HxKck5w190q2QXLXuotmpzgY2fb_EL1VZLJIxBxD39CaJ cIclgsM_1EEOUUa3xIN0UwBYCnyHabOlOa3WYPHaymIc_OdTDa 7W2g08KUQyh1sEj5IrIDGXXmuUDhMpDvFUIX8mF34qUpxdBBVD duirFeIkD2dvhfy2S410rxH4wJee0QND7eQwY7lXGxio0TO7E1 Tr2rJGn5W7zBzkMDemOZKbrBnYMruJuzrpuf_Q6AFifzXQazGP a_x79T8PpOL7_vyx2iM5xNPIywe1tePiEDFqJkI2CKR3gbgKx9 RaB6YM_Ism45Qod51HHqOSpDnlKCu1U4qAZ2ON8iUnqH-lfxTs7KRE-IQm3rB3Om8f255tKKaHt8F8wXtZavUcCqLp3S_-KuhIih7iAnbrTzw0R5olqLs) (via Legal Registry, LLC, an organization in Washington, DC, that makes its living by registering (and stealing an undisclosed interest in) everything in sight.

While giving them credit for accurately describing the corruption of the banks, I drew your attention to the fact that they are incorrectly assuming (and teaching you to assume) that the debts of the Territorial United States are our debts.

Instead, all that debt of the Territorial United States is owed to us, the American States and People.

Instead of being the Debtors responsible for their debts (the Queen of the UK is actually responsible for them and their debts) we are their Priority Creditors.

The banks pretending to be the Creditors are "Secondaries" standing in a Middleman position, pretending to "represent" us in one capacity, while trying to stiff us for debts we don't owe in another.

Well, here's another one --- Karen Hudes' latest "offering" on the Altar of Deception.

She claims to have found a "secret" Constitution written in 1871, revealing "trillions of dollars" of debt purportedly left over from The Revolutionary War.

[Hahahahahahah! Good one, Karen. How did you keep a straight face?]
I have news for her.

The British Territorial United States usurped upon our lawful Federal Government in 1868. The only Federal "Government" operating in 1871 was the Territorial United States Government and all that debt left over from the Revolution? That was owed by the Territorial United States -----that is, The United Kingdom and their pals, the Templars.

How can I be sure? Because Andrew Jackson paid off all our debts from the Revolution during his Administration before the Civil War, and because of the dates. Our actual Federal Government ceased functioning in 1860.

I have some additional comments to make. Our contract with the vermin allows them to charge us for expenses related to our States' mutual "defense"---- not for illegal commercial mercenary conflicts perpetuated on our shores by undisclosed Territorial United States Agents.

Abraham Lincoln was a Bar Association Member strictly prohibited from holding any Public Office related to our States or Government. Likewise, Ms. Hudes is prohibited (since 1819, no less) from claiming or occupying any office or agency or position of trust related to our States and Government.

No matter what gratuitous and ignorant and corrupt claims the World Bank may make, she does NOT speak for us in any capacity and is denied any such position by our Public Law.

The secretive actions in Breach of Trust by the British King and Parliament in 1860 seeking to pull a commodity rigging scheme and bolster their own investments in Egyptian Cotton do not amount to any defense of our States and the resulting expenses of the Civil War are not our problem.

Likewise their losses in the Revolution are the problem of the Territorial United States, not ours, and that is what is being discussed in the "secret" 1871 "Constitution" discovered by Ms. Hudes: the rats discussing how they were going to pawn off more debt on us when we didn't have a thing to do with any of this gross malfeasance and criminal mis-administration and when they don't have a leg to stand on for any of their actions.

I am sorry. If the Queen won't ante up and honor the debts of the UK and the Territorial United States, they can ask for our forgiveness of the debt, but we are not going to stand here and allow them to "assume" debts against us.

It's time for the United States Army to wake up and get up off their dead fat *rumps* and deal with the fact that they hired our Enemies as their providers of justice and the end result has been the pillaging and plundering of millions of innocent Americans, endless racketeering, and gross criminality in Breach of Trust and commercial contract on our shores----and all on their Watch.

The Officers of the United States Army are liable for this entire debacle and if they don't want to be held responsible for gross dereliction duty resulting in genocide, pillaging, plundering, unlawful conversion of assets, kidnapping, inland piracy, conspiracy against the Constitution, treason and press-ganging, it behooves them to correct all the deliberately falsified public records and bring these banks and the members of the Bar Associations to justice.

Now the Queen has decided not to pay their debts and we are not going to forgive them absent being asked to do so, and they are all between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out what to do.

They have tried to use their usual means of making money --- starting a war and using our young people and resources to win it --- but that hasn't worked.

They have planned to do various kinds of False Flags to "get something started" here in the US, tried to touch off race riots, tried to get a foot in the door with geo-engineered weather disasters, any excuse to kill off their Priority Creditors or charge them more money for "services".

But that hasn't worked either, primarily because the rest of the world is now aware of who and what they are--- and the fact that they are British Flunkies and Templar Flunkies that don't represent the American States and People at all.

The Territorial United States and the Municipal United States are both cornered at last --- stuck between a "Rock" made of outraged Americans and a "Hard Place" represented by the Sino-Russian Alliance.

Professional liars like Karen Hudes may be amusing, but ultimately we stop laughing when faced with the facts. Millions of people have died and millions more have suffered and been robbed because of these purveyors of deceit.

What the world needs is a clearing of the air, truth, and practical measures, not more Shinola.

24th September 2018, 09:21 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARRO098Q3Q9fCnwvPEg21Dkwn81zNogcO TIULxy_Z59pRjCLJfJ-aBLEGIy7csGm2TI&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBEPtZN5c3dbviCKd4jx6jRjWbkKN0X pTW7Hyw_PHPCXkWgHlDauvqwoCJclYLV4MCPtHDlRQWg6DksK9 R9XckWudg5oZ6Zwe3kRY-mThl4OKvs7v_lznJno2awnhtdavfaCgpji5aWcUyLYeeowbfz5 e4-2OMVBmTAYfW4_bQZF3zU18dL6Q&__tn__=C-R)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1869815513067520?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBEPtZN5c3dbvi CKd4jx6jRjWbkKN0XpTW7Hyw_PHPCXkWgHlDauvqwoCJclYLV4 MCPtHDlRQWg6DksK9R9XckWudg5oZ6Zwe3kRY-mThl4OKvs7v_lznJno2awnhtdavfaCgpji5aWcUyLYeeowbfz5 e4-2OMVBmTAYfW4_bQZF3zU18dL6Q&__tn__=-R) ·

Why The Articles of Confederation Matter ---- Today
When I was in school the whole subject of The Articles of Confederation was glossed over. I was told that The Articles of Confederation were used very early on in our history and then "replaced" by the Constitution.

I would be willing to bet that 99% of the people reading this were given the same pat answer about The Articles of Confederation--- not because our teachers meant to lie to us, but because they were never taught the truth about this subject themselves.

Still, even back then, reading both documents, I had a hard time seeing how The Articles of Confederation could be replaced by the Constitution? That was Sixth Grade.

We passed over the subject again in Eleventh Grade. By then I had even more pesky questions in my mind.

The Articles of Confederation proposed to create a "perpetual Union" so, logic dictates that for that Union to end, some official action would have to be taken by the States to end it. Where, I asked, is that official action?

There's no record of anything like that happening at the Constitutional Convention. Nor is there anything like that in evidence anywhere at any time afterward.

Like the missing Declaration of War and missing Peace Treaty ending the Civil War, it's what's not there --- that should be --- that exposes the lie we've been told.

The Articles of Confederation were broken by Secession of the Southern States from the Confederation, but never by formal agreement.

Under Law, you cannot force parties to remain in association once they have determined otherwise; pieces of paper have only so much ability to guarantee the future decisions of living men and so it was that the decision of the Southern States to withdraw from the original Confederation and form their own --- The Confederate States of America -- was what ended The Articles of Confederation as a viable instrument.

They were not replaced by any Constitution. Self-evidently they were not replaced by the Founders at the Constitutional Convention, and were still in full effect in 1860 when The Great Schism occurred.

Since then, I've been told, Keith Livingway went to a Navy auction and bought a copy of the original Articles of Confederation, which he claims gives him the power to resurrect the original Confederation of States.

While it is an important artifact at this point and while it is worth wondering why the Navy had it in its possession and what possessed the Admirals to offer it for sale at an auction--- the legal eagles in charge of the British Territorial United States got one thing straight: once the original Confederation was broken, it would have to be "Reconstructed".

That would require action by all the States to establish new Federal level States of States and then their agreement to create a new Confederation of States to operate the Federal level Government as intended by our Forefathers.

Instead what happened is that the British Monarch operated in Gross Breach of Trust and the then-Pope sat by like a spider and did nothing to prevent Queen Victoria from creating Territorial level "States of States" and under conditions of semantic deceit, substituting her own proxy franchises for the Federal States of State that we are owed.

Most people couldn't tell the substantial difference between "The State of Georgia" and the "State of Georgia" and the general populace of this country was certainly never told.

The sudden appearance of entities called, for example, the "Georgia State" was never explained, either, but these are the vestiges of the Federal States of States--- so-called "land trusts" to hold the assets of the former Federal States of States in trust.

But that is another deceit. These are "land trusts" in the same sense that the Federal Constitution is called "the Law of the Land" --- that is, these are descriptions from the British Territorial perspective. They are at sea and when they come to work here, they are obligated to obey what? The Law of the Land. In the same way these "land trusts" are trusts that they have held "for" the land jurisdiction States, and don't actually hold any interest in the land owned by the States at all.

Our States kept all right, title and interest in both the soil and the land, plus all non-delegated powers in the international jurisdiction of the sea, and they limited the interests of the delegated global air jurisdiction to the ten miles square of Washington, DC.

Our States were never involved in the so-called "American Civil War" and our Federation was never directly affected by the dissolution of the Confederation.

So we have been lied to in our schools for generations in order to cover up the British Breach of Trust and contract and usurpation against our lawful government.

The Brits were also at the bottom of the dog pile giving rise to the Civil War conflict. The Queen and the Parliament had invested heavily in Egyptian Cotton ventures, seeking a cheaper and closer alternative to American Cotton for their mills. They felt the need to curtail American Cotton production to increase prices and stabilize the market for their own Egyptian Cotton.

And as they have done so often in other places in the world, they started a "mercenary conflict" on our shores.

Abraham Lincoln was a Bar Association Member in Illinois, strictly prohibited from holding any public office in our Federal Government since 1819. He couldn't hold the actual Office of President of The United States of America, but he could hold the Territorial Office of The President of the United States of America. See the difference? "The" versus "the" United States of America
It would take a sharp and well-educated man with an appreciation for the deceitfulness of law and government to discern any difference at all between "The President of The United States of America" and "The President of the United States of America" ---- and Lincoln made full use of the deceit to embroil this country in a terrible and totally illegal commercial mercenary war, not that different from what went on in Vietnam a generation ago.

It is now time that everyone concerned, including the Roman Curia, woke up and smelled the java.
This great country was grossly abused and defrauded by international Trustees that owed us Good Faith Service and "perpetual amity", deliberately deceived by members of the Bar Associations engaged to act as Privateers by those same Trustees, and then misdirected and used as a source of mercenaries and materials to fight endless wars for profit.

That is what actually happened here.

And both the American People and the rest of the world have a vital stake and interest in seeing that this venal "set up" comes to an end in America and is not perpetuated again in any other part of the world via the abuse of any other people or foreign government.

We, the living people and all the nations of the world, must recognize the sources of all the misery and deceit and the destruction that the corrupted Church officials and British Monarchs have wrought for the past two centuries. We must all join together with one accord to put the British Con Artists under our heels and drive Ba'al out of the Church, so that we can again enjoy our peace and prosperity worldwide.

This is not just an American "problem". It is a problem for the entire world and it has been for thousands of years.

The resurgence of this profane "religion" in the 1860's has already led to two World Wars. Enough is enough.

Solving this Mess on a worldwide basis requires outlawing and disbanding the Bar Associations and re-educating lawyers to obey and execute the actual Public Law. They are acting as racketeers and most of them don't even realize that they are doing anything wrong.

It also requires an adjustment of perceptions.
The Roman Catholic Church's corruption is a principle cause of the problem, not a solution; apart from its sincere repentance, reform, and proven correction it cannot be relied upon to act as a Trustee for America or any other nation.

The British Throne has likewise been overthrown and those functioning as "Kings" and "Queens" have knowingly deceived the people of Britain by going through the Coronation process and then secretively abdicating the Throne and occupying the Chair of the Estates on the land and the office of "Britannic Majesty" on the sea.

This overthrow and misrepresentation of the Christian nations of Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales by Satanists who pretend to be Christian Monarchs simply for the purpose of gaining access to power is yet another example of how the Satanists mirror everything in their efforts to confuse the issues and identities to their advantage.

Are you dealing with the Pope or the Pontiff? With Her Royal Majesty or Her Britannic (Satanic) Majesty? With The President of The United States of America or The President of the United States of America?

It is well past time for the Evil in High Places to be kicked in the rump, recognized for where and what it is, vanquished once and for all--- and not allowed to get started again anywhere on Earth.

25th September 2018, 10:12 AM
I like reading her, but has she debated anyone ever, or provided any evidence of her stuff other than her own declarations?

Surely there are scholars out there that can refute her claims and prove it, no?

25th September 2018, 10:59 AM
Surely there are scholars out there that can refute her claims and prove it, no?
Most people operate in the mode of 'understanding'. What you understand and what you know are two different concepts. I assume Anna von Reitz operates in the 'knowing' arena. When you know something there is no amount of understanding that can rebut that knowledge. Knowing is superior to understanding but if a consensus is being sought then understanding comes into play. Presenting knowledge for educational purposes is not the same as presenting knowledge for the purpose of winning a debate.

Scholars understand but they really don't know.

25th September 2018, 01:58 PM
I like reading her, but has she debated anyone ever, or provided any evidence of her stuff other than her own declarations?

Surely there are scholars out there that can refute her claims and prove it, no?

Find a mistake and cite the source of your evidence.

The good old USA has had many names and when you change the name of something there has to be an authorization for it. I think you will find a lot of the changes that were made are absent that authority.

25th September 2018, 05:07 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARQ_RqRK83lIrA-KQs2xQ6fUTIanlneGXfVx79lXdB5OT7-d047Hto9I8-I09jsVKmY&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCd6HnBovoCstdwTu1W5dEU--r9BxGsqUPUdqyiISbfX_whOH75yN_f7BsTZfhGmEpPITcqdUlk w2-fJUCXtwC53qoJyd12aw-mpZ2jGX65sT7i21vB92stI1kp5e55o4rJkVJcN7dIT1FtQSaVk Zj4DwiuBQkScN8vKtqMJTcP9vR9mI51lg&__tn__=C-R)
18 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1870223919693346?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCd6HnBovoCstd wTu1W5dEU--r9BxGsqUPUdqyiISbfX_whOH75yN_f7BsTZfhGmEpPITcqdUlk w2-fJUCXtwC53qoJyd12aw-mpZ2jGX65sT7i21vB92stI1kp5e55o4rJkVJcN7dIT1FtQSaVk Zj4DwiuBQkScN8vKtqMJTcP9vR9mI51lg&__tn__=-R) ·

They Raped Me.

I am not sure exactly when it happened or where or who was there, but I have proof in the form of legislation they signed, actions they took, and actions they failed to take --- hard evidence, if you get what I mean.

And that is far more proof than Ms. Ford or her Hispanic clone can offer of any impropriety by Brent Kavanaugh.

Let's start the prosecution.
The fact is that they are not bringing any evidence or accusation against Brent Kavanaugh the actual man, and because they aren't accusing the actual man, they can say whatever crazy fool thing they want, and that is enough for the Municipal Courts in this country to presume him guilty and convict him. Whoever and whatever "BRENT KAVANAUGH" may be.....he is guilty by definition.

Paper people have paper penises, too.
Seems pretty unlikely that "BRENT" did any damage to Ms. Ford, but who knows?

Maybe her feelings were hurt when the actual Brent Kavanaugh totally ignored her at a party, and she sulked and made do with "BRENT KAVANAUGH". After all, he's a make-believe man. What harm is there in making up all sorts of stories about him?

And if people take all this seriously and "accept the charges" as being actual and factual, so much the better.

Women of this ilk using this "System" have absolutely no responsibility for bearing false witness or causing the man damage, because when you look at the paperwork --- lo and behold! All those charges are against who? Or more exactly, what? ---A THING named "BRENT KAVANAUGH", not a man, and according to the 14th Amendment, THINGS are always guilty. Always. No questions asked.

"BRENT KAVANAUGH" is dead. He has no family. No reputation. He's just a THING created out of thin air as a "proxy" to accept debt and sins of all kinds. That this is a form of personage and impersonation and has been illegal for over two hundred years doesn't matter to the perpetrators.

This witch hunt against Brent Kavanaugh is being orchestrated and affirmed by members of the Municipal "CONGRESS" promoting it and they all know its bogus. They all know that there is no credible evidence. They all know the attack is politically motivated.
And they all know how "the System" works and that they can make any ridiculous claim that they want to make and nobody can or will hold them accountable for it.

Because JOHN MARK DOE is always guilty. And he can't defend himself, either, If he does, he is in automatic Dishonor. Read the 14th Amendment.

Read it and then read it again. Read it with your eyes crossed. Read it until it's twisted diabolical nonsense makes sense.

As long as Judge Kavanaugh puts up with this nonsense, he's the goat. He can't even lift his voice and must go like Jesus to the cross and pay the price of making sacrifice to Ba'al.

So, I am going to reply by example and accuse all these men of raping me.

Seriously. THEY did it. While I am at it, I think I'll accuse Hillary Clinton and Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi of raping me, too. THEY are a gang of lesbians that use date rape drugs to incapacitate their victims.

Nobody in their right mind would consider having sex with them any other way.

Oh, well, since all these THINGS are fictitious, its fictitious rape, too, right? Makes sense, in a weird way. Legal fiction men and legal fiction women and legal fiction crimes.

After all, as Bill Clinton demonstrated, it's not the words, its what the words mean in every case. How do you define "sex", much less "rape"?
And as the Accuser, I bear no responsibility for my accusations anyway. So let's all have at it: The PLAINTIFF is always right.

"Rape! Rape! Rape!" (I mean, in the rhetorical sense, but what the hey? I don't have to explain. I'm a woman, right? I have no responsibility and if I say I've been "raped" everyone assumes that it's physical and that I know what I am talking about, too, whether I mean "rape" exactly, or not.)

"Rape! Rape! Rape!" (Oh, and I have no respect or compassion for actual physical rape victims. I don't care if I marginalize all the violence done to them. That doesn't matter --- only my political agenda matters.)

Yes, I think that it's time that I brought forward my rape complaints against Ms. FORD, too. She is a violent character and shows no remorse for her crimes. After all, we met at a drunken brawl years ago and she, being fifty sheets to the wind, spilled beer all over me ----I mean, head to toe, drenched.

I felt so "violated". I remember sitting in the back of the car, hunched over, cold and damp, so "raped" and "violated", certain that everyone had seen the "shameful incident" and that I would never be able to wear my favorite sweater again....

See how this works in the Land of Oz?
The rest of us know what we mean by rape, but these Satanists just take advantage of us and "redefine" the words to mean whatever they wish. And then, they apply all this fiction to fictitious characters, too, and try to ignore the fact that actual people are being damaged.

And Justice is being dis-served.

25th September 2018, 05:13 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTALEOkr7-k4U5LimZq0-vB08f1jtMpiYETMf3o0OmlXFlHAP938p21YyGaQdUjM_M&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAB7uwMFDtZK4vjLQyiwx57BBm0PRHi xqC8ZiOk_GWNj8338uaMmwi_crXEA-eN2W92CFWRd5tkwZthWZEbolhMy-fUqMhAuYvcFL8Ers17DEFlSnvygLpflzy6NJB3fMSS4sjE9Qgw A64WVaFTxtt-N6rX8ga7DxOHSY3PCnQbXKNtYGlmQA&__tn__=C-R)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1870926719623066?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAB7uwMFDtZK4v jLQyiwx57BBm0PRHixqC8ZiOk_GWNj8338uaMmwi_crXEA-eN2W92CFWRd5tkwZthWZEbolhMy-fUqMhAuYvcFL8Ers17DEFlSnvygLpflzy6NJB3fMSS4sjE9Qgw A64WVaFTxtt-N6rX8ga7DxOHSY3PCnQbXKNtYGlmQA&__tn__=-R) ·

Backwash --- Initial Emergency Alert
The people of North and South Carolina are facing a far more serious disaster than has been reported in the so-called National News and it is coming from a source most of us haven't even considered.

We all braced for the impact of the tropical storms and survived that.

What is proving more deadly is inter-tidal flooding of coastal rivers and estuaries overwhelmed as rainwater from the storms that fell in the mountainous areas finds its way back down the local rivers and into low-lying delta and estuary areas all along the coast.

For people in those areas, the real disaster and result of the storms last week is just arriving.

We don't have full details yet, but ask you to be aware and to keep these folks in your thoughts and prayers.

As many of you know, I lived through a "National Disaster" here in Alaska -- a fire, not a flood -- but you can count on some things being the same.

One of the things you can count on is that FEMA won't respond for at least three weeks. And when it does, the kinds of help it offers won't be what you expect.

What FEMA did here was hand out checks of $13,000 to each landowner (to limit their own liability claims) --- renters and apartment dwellers got nothing, though they were just as devastated as everyone else.

And FEMA also gave our names to the "US SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION" ---- another deliberately mis-named corporation actually owned by Lehman Brothers Bank --- and they offered us "Disaster Assistance Loans" at a lower rate than market interest to "help us rebuild".

Only catch with that is that a couple years later, they sold off all those loans to one of their own subdivisions that appeared to be a different company, and that company contacted everyone with a "New Deal" -- 12% and new terms and deadlines and balloon payments and only the Devil Knows what else.

And if people weren't sharp enough to say, "Hell no, no contract, non-assumpsit!" --- all those disaster victims got bilked and wound up paying far more than any normal loan. Most of them lost their shirts and Lehman Brother's got all the new houses that these disaster victims labored so hard to build, plus their land.

I notified the Alaska Congressional Delegation about the scam and [Territorial United States] House Representative Don Young stomped hard enough on Lehman Brothers so they backed off and honored the initial contract "for those that complained".

Everyone else took it in the shorts.

So much for "Disaster Relief" from FEMA.

The only groups that mobilized and actually arrived timely and did help us were the Salvation Army, the LDS Church, and the Mennonite Church.

Those guys came prepared to launch, knew what they were doing, and they just flat-out did it.

So to those reading this, who have contacts with the Salvation Army, LDS, and Mennonite Churches, please let them know that their neighbors along the coast in North and South Carolina are hurting and will be facing a mammoth task of rescue and rebuilding.

People can only expect help from other people --- certainly not from the bankrupt and self-interested "US Government". Any expectation of help from "federal agencies" or thought on our part that these people and their communities "will be taken care of" and some of their tax dollars paid back---- give those naive suppositions up right now.

The Queen has already spent all that money on war planes in Iraq.

26th September 2018, 06:18 AM
Find a mistake and cite the source of your evidence.

The good old USA has had many names and when you change the name of something there has to be an authorization for it. I think you will find a lot of the changes that were made are absent that authority.

It was a long ass time between Madison, Constitutional Conventions and The Great Schism .....but to say that the congress couldn't change the government in that time without something other than an "official action".....What were the Constitutional Conventions, but if not an "official action"?

I'd say the whole Constitution thing was a margin call. Debtors got their note called in. Constitutors are debt arbitrators.

26th September 2018, 07:08 AM
What were the Constitutional Conventions, but if not an "official action"

When smoke and mirrors fail to impress there is a general demand for more smoke and mirrors. If not more then different. And it is interesting to note that it is not the public that demands the smoke and mirrors but rather the politicos who choose smoke and mirrors to decorating oak trees or falling on their swords.

26th September 2018, 07:56 AM
It was a long ass time between Madison, Constitutional Conventions and The Great Schism .....but to say that the congress couldn't change the government in that time without something other than an "official action".....What were the Constitutional Conventions, but if not an "official action"?

I'd say the whole Constitution thing was a margin call. Debtors got their note called in. Constitutors are debt arbitrators.

The Constitutional Conventions were held at the beginning. The rules were set at that time. There was no authorization for the congress to change the rules absent approval of we the people. Yet that is what they did.
They changed the definition of "person" to that of a corporation and proceeded to set up an incorporated govt structure. All while issuing a whole lot of smoke and mirrors to obscure their actions. Can you say Lieyers?

They essentially flipped the Constitution from rules that controlled the Federal govt, to rules that control persons. They dropped the 13th amendment that prohibited Bar members from serving as congressmen and substituted one of their own choosing.
Can you say Lieyers?

26th September 2018, 08:25 AM
The Constitutional Conventions were held at the beginning. The rules were set at that time. There was no authorization for the congress to change the rules absent approval of we the people. Yet that is what they did.
They changed the definition of "person" to that of a corporation and proceeded to set up an incorporated govt structure. All while issuing a whole lot of smoke and mirrors to obscure their actions. Can you say Lieyers?

To add to the smoke and mirrors Congress also changed the definition of State to District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, a Territory and Insular Possessions.

26th September 2018, 10:16 AM
The Constitutional Conventions were held at the beginning. The rules were set at that time. There was no authorization for the congress to change the rules absent approval of we the people. Yet that is what they did.
They changed the definition of "person" to that of a corporation and proceeded to set up an incorporated govt structure. All while issuing a whole lot of smoke and mirrors to obscure their actions. Can you say Lieyers?

They essentially flipped the Constitution from rules that controlled the Federal govt, to rules that control persons. They dropped the 13th amendment that prohibited Bar members from serving as congressmen and substituted one of their own choosing.
Can you say Lieyers?

"Representatives" & "delegates" weren't around at the beginning?....what was the beginning? So it was direct democracy by 'we the people' under the Articles? Doubt it.

"we the people" wasn't every human on the land mass either. It was a specific group\sect.

Didn't the "organic 13th" magically disappear in the 'War of 1812' time-frame?

Thought the fictional "person" shit came as part of the 14th amendment, after the 'war for southern independence', which the 13th amendment slaves were included....

...which I contend: 'the de facto 13th amendment freed the black slaves, and the 14th enslaved EVERYONE'

When the 7 members of 13 walked out 'sine die', that ended whatever was setup prior. There was no 'general'/'federal' government for a period of time until after they setup the new one.(reconstruction) This wasn't the same Constitution that Madison was 'the father' of. It was a bastardized altered version.

Bringing about equity, admiralty, Roman civil law, whatever the law form was changed to...abandoning British common law.

Which brings me to...the way I read what she is portraying, is that there wasn't a Constitution until after The Great Schism?

26th September 2018, 10:45 AM

BRIEF HISTORY DIFFERENT CITIZEN (JURISDICTION) CREATEDThe original citizen the US Constitution created is found at Article 4 Section 2 (state citizen). Exhibit (A ) http://www.dirtyunclesam.com/constitution.pdf (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dirtyunclesam.com%2Fconstit ution.pdf&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEKpyned48HpjUO79NAK1y8RM4SRA)

Next, in 1862, Congress redefined the meaning of the word PERSON to include the definition CORPORATION, AMONG OTHER THINGS. Exhibit (B) http://www.dirtyunclesam.com/Person-act.pdf (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dirtyunclesam.com%2FPerson-act.pdf&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGdZG6XbGzvaBKU7bIcPynW1LWEeA)

Then, in 1868, the 14th Amendment created a different citizen making all “PERSONS”, corporations, citizens of the “UNITED STATES” and “SUBJECT TO” the “JURISDICTION” “THEREOF”.

“SUBJECT TO” (Blacks Law dictionary, 5th edition, Page 1278) – “Liable, subordinate, inferior, obedient to, governed or affected by; provided; answerable for
“JURISDICTION – authority

A link to Blacks Law Dictionary online 5th Ed. http://www.mindserpent.com/American_History/reference/1979_Black_5/1979_Black_5_index.html (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mindserpent.com%2FAmerican_ History%2Freference%2F1979_Black_5%2F1979_Black_5_ index.html&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHFze3TdS0DvtBCGQbu37uOjmac-Q)

UNITED STATES = Washington D.C. doing business as the United Stated incorporated Feb. 01, 1871. http://www.dirtyunclesam.com/United_States.pdf (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dirtyunclesam.com%2FUnited_ States.pdf&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNF1myWMos3TAkG6Kx3OI4vKP2bbIA)

Note the Constitution created a government in 1787. This Organic Act of 1871 created a government for the District of Columbia and incorporated it as The United States Corporation. In This corporation was given all the powers not inconsistent with the laws and Constitution of the United States, which means consistent or double talk. Washington D.C. was already our nations capital since the Organic Act of 1801. http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=llsl&fileName=002/llsl002.db&recNum=140 (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fmemory.loc.gov%2Fcgi-bin%2Fampage%3FcollId%3Dllsl%26fileName%3D002%2Fll sl002.db%26recNum%3D140&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNESJjpE27kxVo1E-grt1v52YWiqCg)

Note that many misinformed folks seem to be under the impression that the
Organic act created a local or CITY government for Washington but that is not the case because as you can see 10 months prior to the organic act of Feb. 21, 1871 there already was a local or city government incorporated and in place http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=llsl&fileName=016/llsl016.db&recNum=117 (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fmemory.loc.gov%2Fcgi-bin%2Fampage%3FcollId%3Dllsl%26fileName%3D016%2Fll sl016.db%26recNum%3D117&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFjiSA-YRgL2e3khuQTdXEpgRguVA)

ORGANIC ACT Blacks law dictionary 5th Ed. Page ” An act of Congress conferring powers of government upon a territory”

FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT Blacks Law Dictionary 5th Ed. Page 591 (in part) . It became part of the Organic law July 28,1868. It created or at least recognized for the first time a citizen of the United States as distinct of that of the State(ARTICLE 4 SEC.2 US CONSTITUTION ORIGINAL STATE CITIZEN)

NOTE: If you’re a citizen of the United States, you’re a corporation, says the US Supreme Court. “A corporation is a person within the meaning of the equal protection due process provision of the US Constitution.” Metropolitan Life Ins. v. Ward Ala. 470 U.S. 869, 105 S.Ct. 1676 at 1683, 84 L.Ed. 2d. 751. http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=us&vol=470&invol=869 (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fcaselaw.lp.findlaw.com%2Fscript s%2Fgetcase.pl%3Fcourt%3Dus%26vol%3D470%26invol%3D 869&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHx6F00YlSU_MlXzDzqsLYxKxTd-g)

” The United States is a federal Corporation”, says US Code title 28 USC 3002 15 (a). http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/3002 (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.law.cornell.edu%2Fuscode%2F text%2F28%2F3002&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFaQPDnGTLDbN7Rg8J1CYDoTSJyXw)

“All crimes state or federal are commercial crimes”, says Code of Federal Regulation title 27, 72.11 http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/27/72.11 (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.law.cornell.edu%2Fcfr%2Ftex t%2F27%2F72.11&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNEXXmEkkHQoATrA0qfd-ofs0KWe0w)

Blacks Law Dictionary 5th Ed. Page 306, Corporate Citizenship – Corporate status in the state of incorporation, through a foreign corporation is not a citizen for purposes of the privilege and Immunities Clause.

U.S. Constitution Article 4 Section 2 “ORIGINAL CONSTITUTIONAL CITIZEN is not a corporation” Bank of Augusta v. Earle 38 U.S. (13 Pet ) 510, 10 L. Ed. 274 http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=38&invol=519 (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fcaselaw.lp.findlaw.com%2Fscript s%2Fgetcase.pl%3Fcourt%3DUS%26vol%3D38%26invol%3D5 19&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHH36gbzujZD1I_WWGPSEhpfqWJVw)

Blacks Law Dictionary 5th Ed. Page 104, Artificial Persons – Persons created and devised by human laws for the purpose of society and government, as distinguished from natural persons. Corporations are examples of artificial persons.

The 14th Amendment was not properly ratified. Congress knows this. Every member of
Congress received a copy November 26, 2008. Congressional research service report . Order
Code 98-611 GOV prepared for members and committees of Congress, Exhibit (D) http://www.dirtyunclesam.com/98-611.pdf (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dirtyunclesam.com%2F98-611.pdf&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFdCc9IDUD-2XWMp5ET4uEZvmJBUA)

Page 5 of this report which is crs-2, top paragraph, makes clear that Executive Order 6 (Presidential proclamation #11) ordered the 14th Amendment ratified. Exhibit (E) http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=llsl&fileName=015/llsl015.db&recNum=739 (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fmemory.loc.gov%2Fcgi-bin%2Fampage%3FcollId%3Dllsl%26fileName%3D015%2Fll sl015.db%26recNum%3D739&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNH-HIoeuPOCac8JjJJE5DGNq5_GEQ)

Executive order #7 (Presidential Proclamation #13) Ordered the 14th Amendment lawful and published. Exhibit (F) http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=llsl&fileName=015/llsl015.db&recNum=741 (http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fmemory.loc.gov%2Fcgi-bin%2Fampage%3FcollId%3Dllsl%26fileName%3D015%2Fll sl015.db%26recNum%3D741&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFT_JYsrangx3Xz73aTau2LqPB_mw)

26th September 2018, 12:10 PM
"Representatives" & "delegates" weren't around at the beginning?....what was the beginning? So it was direct democracy by 'we the people' under the Articles? Doubt it.

{I would say the beginning was The Declaration of Independence. Not arguing about representatives, are you?}

"we the people" wasn't every human on the land mass either. It was a specific group\sect.

Didn't the "organic 13th" magically disappear in the 'War of 1812' time-frame?

{According to the records of the time it was finally ratified by Virginia in 1819 (http://www.amendment-13.org/index.html)}

Thought the fictional "person" shit came as part of the 14th amendment, after the 'war for southern independence', which the 13th amendment slaves were included....

{Next, in 1862, Congress redefined the meaning of the word PERSON to include the definition CORPORATION, AMONG OTHER THINGS. Exhibit (B)http://www.dirtyunclesam.com/Person-act.pdf (http://www.dirtyunclesam.com/Person-act.pdf)}

...which I contend: 'the de facto 13th amendment freed the black slaves, and the 14th enslaved EVERYONE'

When the 7 members of 13 walked out 'sine die', that ended whatever was setup prior. There was no 'general'/'federal' government for a period of time until after they setup the new one.(reconstruction) This wasn't the same Constitution that Madison was 'the father' of. It was a bastardized altered version.

{They maintained the ruse that it was still the original 1789 version. There was no declaration that they had adopted it as their corporate by law and changed it's name from the Constitution "for" to the Constitution "of".}

Bringing about equity, admiralty, Roman civil law, whatever the law form was changed to...abandoning British common law.

Which brings me to...the way I read what she is portraying, is that there wasn't a Constitution until after The Great Schism?

Where is your evidence that Anna says No Constitution until after civil war?

All the original laws are still in place and published as part of the US Code.

26th September 2018, 02:43 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSyWizn_JtenL3T8lSEAZ0yWoJrOlsdt-kIcbtT_Rv1HleQEwDOENiE7Ta6wWJb5tg&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCAv74TeHRV562_1c6wTLLrtUQABV1j O5EGqdk44GfDY1Ij4QpOn9kLtz1YaYlNynZ7ytThCBlgY4dFS2 CNLszPt5w9dthP8z6mhO1kfk3O_uxGMps3JZOPw_WSHhyeBho1 jfGf6jbRvNHA5Ejz1MIBRX1kDw1aAUustiIqR5rRsldPM6wnIA&__tn__=C-R)
11 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1871588856223519?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARCAv74TeHRV562 _1c6wTLLrtUQABV1jO5EGqdk44GfDY1Ij4QpOn9kLtz1YaYlNy nZ7ytThCBlgY4dFS2CNLszPt5w9dthP8z6mhO1kfk3O_uxGMps 3JZOPw_WSHhyeBho1jfGf6jbRvNHA5Ejz1MIBRX1kDw1aAUust iIqR5rRsldPM6wnIA&__tn__=-R) ·

"Nobody Knows the Value of Anything".....
This succinct and honest statement from a member of the GCR Committee sums up the problem they face. Think about that for five seconds.

How does anyone know the value of anything?
Does "what the market will bear" actually define the value of anything, much less the value of anyone?
If you are scratching your heads, that's okay. You should be.
Add to that the fact that we haven't had Free Markets for the past two centuries, so there is absolutely no recent data to support an actual "market value" based "what the market will bear" and you will have another Data Point.

All Precious Metals have been stuck and propped and "fixed" by the London Gold and Silver Boards, and the members of Parliament have been kept in the dark like all the rest of us concerning the amount of precious metal both in the ground and out of the ground.

And if you don't know how much of a commodity you have relative to the demand for that commodity, you don't have a blooming guess of what that commodity is really worth market-wise.

All Currencies have been stuck and propped and "fixed" by the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) which has been used as a giant Commodity Price Fixing Mechanism with the keys to that kingdom in the hands of only two men -- the President of the Territorial United States (Mr. Trump) and the Secretary of the Treasury (Mr. Mnuchin, actually an IMF employee and Interpol Officer).

Now before you go blaming us for this situation, this "mechanism" was dreamed up and implemented by the World Bank and European Interests, not by us.

Apparently, nobody ever told them that commodity price fixing is a serious crime -- and that currency is a commodity.
The reason that commodity price fixing and especially currency price fixing is a crime, is that it results in market and economic manipulations that undermine national independence and sovereignty and which gives unjust advantages to some countries at the expense of others via the artificial manipulation of the value of their currency.

Such cornering of the market -- especially the currency market --- provides a means of secretively waging economic war, garnering Unjust Enrichment, and promoting political agendas via economic blackmail.

As an IMF employee and Interpol Officer, the Secretary of the Treasury owes no allegiance to the American States and People per se. And as an Executive Officer of the British Territorial United States, the President has no particular allegiance to the American States and People, either--only a contract to fulfill.

We were just a convenient staging ground for what amounts to international crime syndicates operating under Color of Law on our shores. We unknowingly provided them with a "storefront" for their operations and they took full advantage.

Imagine being a member of the GCR Committee, faced with trying to re-establish a basis for Fair Market Trade of commodities under these conditions?

Let's just pull out our hair and run screaming into the bushes right now.
The Precious Metals Markets are stacked and controlled and have been for many decades. The Currency Markets are stacked and controlled and have been for almost as long.

Nobody knows the actual honest value of anything anymore, because Crooks and Robber Barons have been manipulating absolutely everything to suit themselves since the 19th Century.

It gets more complicated when you consider that all the collateral used as assets backing the Banks largely belongs to private people and private trusts and not to the Banks at all.

And then the Banks tell Big, Fat Whoppers, claiming that all these private assets have been "abandoned" in their care and that these assets are actually their assets now ---- and issue seven to ten times the value of those assets as credit.

What happens when the actual legitimate owners show up and want to move their assets elsewhere? What happens when they want to spend some of their assets? The bank is already grossly "over-extended" and can't afford that, can they?

So they lie and they steal and they refuse to let the actual owners have access to their deposit boxes and "flats". The Trustees and owners are told, "we don't know who you are" and "no such assets on deposits here", and despite the receipts and proofs all these people have showing precisely when their deposits were made and what they consisted of and who signed off on them, the banks continue to stonewall.

Oh, it's a matter of "National Security". Our banks are "too big to fail".
They have already failed the most crucial test of honesty and good business practices, which is how they got into this trouble in the first place, and their failure and placement under new management is probably the best thing that could happen to them.

So not only does the GCR Committee have no idea and no basis for placing a valuation on "anything", they can't even get an honest answer from the banks as to what assets the banks legitimately own and what assets belong to Depositors.

Let's dance around on one leg, pull out our hair, and run screaming into the bushes. Again.

The plain fact is that the Banks have been greedy and engaged in dishonest practices. They need to be shut down and restructured, but until we wake up and get our backs up and force the issue, they will just go on bilking Depositors and selling bogus "home loans" and "securitizing" assets they don't actually own any valid interest in.

Bottom line --- they aren't cooperating with the effort to clean up their operations and are tucked down on the mattresses like old style New York mobsters.

What? Audit us?
Stop dancing around on one leg. Stop being confused. There is evil in our midst, both evil in High Places, and evil in these banks. It has to be stopped and until it is, there will be no rational basis for any economic system and no public trust merited by these institutions.

You would be better off keeping all your money in your mattress, especially if you have a lot of money--- because although it is anti-intuitive, the more money you deposit, the more likely you will be the victim of Bank Theft.

One wealthy guy deprived of access to his wealth is just one guy griping to the wind. Steal small amounts from 50,000 people and get them griping at you, and you've got political problems, but steal fifty billion from one man--- who cares? So that's what they've been doing.

They've been stealing from the wealthy, but they haven't been giving to the poor.

Twenty years ago these banks set up "Private Placement Trading Platforms" --- purportedly to generate profits for philanthropic purposes worldwide. I have yet to see a single philanthropic project actually funded from all this trading and all the secret profits generated by this blackmarket casino. Not one. And I have looked high and low.

So what you've got is vast, vast, vast criminality entrenched in our economic and financial system, theft of Depositors' assets, illegal trading on other people's assets, and yes, casino-style gambling in the name of philanthropy. And this is going on, worldwide.

Wake up, America. Get on your feet. Rub your sleepy eyes. You've got issues to settle with the banks. Big issues.

26th September 2018, 04:15 PM
All the original laws are still in place and published as part of the US Code.
The US code is based loosely on the statutes at large but a fair amount of interpretation goes into the code that never (ever) saw the light or authority of legislative act.

Federal employees need the US code. They are the only ones though.

The similarity is Kramer in Seinfeld in the episode where he reports for work without the ceremonial prerequisite of actually being hired. His manager tells him "We would like to fire you." whereupon Kramer states "Well, I don't really work here." to which the manager replies "That is what makes this so hard."

27th September 2018, 06:36 AM
I'll start with saying that I'm only medium at the internet, so take my attempt to convey my inquiry with a grain.....also, thanks Bigjon.

Where is your evidence that Anna says No Constitution until after civil war?

I was told that The Articles of Confederation were used very early on in our history and then "replaced" by the Constitution.

I would be willing to bet that 99% of the people reading this were given the same pat answer about The Articles of Confederation--- not because our teachers meant to lie to us, but because they were never taught the truth about this subject themselves.

Still, even back then, reading both documents, I had a hard time seeing how The Articles of Confederation could be replaced by the Constitution? That was Sixth Grade.

We passed over the subject again in Eleventh Grade. By then I had even more pesky questions in my mind.

The Articles of Confederation proposed to create a "perpetual Union" so, logic dictates that for that Union to end, some official action would have to be taken by the States to end it. Where, I asked, is that official action?

There's no record of anything like that happening at the Constitutional Convention. Nor is there anything like that in evidence anywhere at any time afterward.

Like the missing Declaration of War and missing Peace Treaty ending the Civil War, it's what's not there --- that should be --- that exposes the lie we've been told.

The Articles of Confederation were broken by Secession of the Southern States from the Confederation, but never by formal agreement.

Under Law, you cannot force parties to remain in association once they have determined otherwise; pieces of paper have only so much ability to guarantee the future decisions of living men and so it was that the decision of the Southern States to withdraw from the original Confederation and form their own --- The Confederate States of America -- was what ended The Articles of Confederation as a viable instrument.

They were not replaced by any Constitution. Self-evidently they were not replaced by the Founders at the Constitutional Convention, and were still in full effect in 1860 when The Great Schism occurred.

I would say the beginning was The Declaration of Independence.

it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

What is a Constitutional Convention (were these rouge agents just BS'ing around, not delegates from states?) and what was the actual purpose of holding it?

Did the CSA issue a direct "official" proclamation saying they were leaving the "Articles of Confederation" or something else?

Under Law, you cannot force parties to remain in association once they have determined otherwise; pieces of paper have only so much ability

What is Law anyway, other than scribbles on paper? If I say "that bullshit doesn't apply to me, get fucked.".....then surely, here comes the force.

Which I recall a saying that I read from here or GIM1 "Rights are purchased on the battlefield"

27th September 2018, 08:57 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARQjbEnnzksJxu_m93cEyFzIj1ZUCybw2 dY3HaZT4glnmtsdp41NEe2XxosKZG5tUX4&fref=nf)
10 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1873097726072632) ·

The Other Side of the Law
I am sorry. Where I come from people are innocent until proven guilty.

There has to be hard, logical, provable evidence present to back a conviction.
People are tried in courts of law, not in the tabloids.
Responsible members of society stand for these and other basic principles that help to guarantee justice for everyone.

We do not marginalize actual rape victims by calling groping without penetration "rape".

We don't hold witnesses to real crimes guiltless when they fail to report.
People who don't report crimes at the time they happen are accomplices to them.

Anyone who admits to willingly and repeatedly going to ten rape parties is either a willing participant or an accomplice -- and either way, I in no way, shape or form consider such people "victims".

I consider them accomplice criminals and perverters of justice who grossly failed their most basic social responsibility to report crime--if any crime actually exists. And if it doesn't, what are we wasting time for?

These women disgust me and I would not entertain any complaints from them in my Court for more than ten minutes. Tell that to Chuck Schumer.
These irresponsible women either (a) stood by and let other women be date raped and gang raped and otherwise abused and said and did nothing to prevent it or (b) nothing actually happened amounting to a crime or non-consensual under age sex, in which case they are doing nothing but telling Big, Fat, Grossly Irresponsible Lies.
Take your pick.

I would have them and their lawyers for breakfast and Chuck and Diane for afternoon lunch in my courtroom. They'd all get a lecture they would not likely forget. And this nonsense would end right smart quick.

Send me to Washington and see how fast all this bleeding heart nonsense lasts and how many of these actual criminals get moddle-coddled as "victims".

I will take their lawyers to task and rub all their noses in actual crimes and show them what actual rape looks like and when I am done I will kick these sorry excuses so hard to the curb they might for once in their lives have actual bruises.

Wah-wah-wah-wah and a wah-wah to all these useless, mindless, self-absorbed irresponsible "victims" who either (a) didn't care enough about themselves or anyone else to report the crimes 30 years ago or (b) are just callously making up politically motivated hokum to harm a good man who doesn't share their political ideology --and his wife and his family.

I think we DO need to get to the bottom of this. REALLY get to the bottom of it. As a nation we owe it to ourselves to prosecute these women for failure to report -- because if there is anything to it, they stood by and let a lot of innocent girls suffer, and if there isn't anything to it, they are guilty of libel and slander and false accusations and should be brought to task for that, too,

Hard? You bet I am. All my logic circuits still function. Too bad that the members of the Territorial United States Congress can't say the same

27th September 2018, 09:03 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTaDmfE3p_48ledzMo52ElCdGCZlgtlw 3yr7lBhrEqDjuIwprctD5CNDlJMtia2mdY&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1873157826066622) ·

Which "Supreme Court"?
The thing calling itself the "Supreme Court" and squatting like a corpulent spider in the middle of Washington, DC, is self-evidently not our Supreme Court and everyone who has been reading my articles should know that by now, but let's review.

The way the judicial system was set up was this:
One Supreme Court for the States. This Court was called: The Supreme Court of The United States of America. It functioned entirely in international jurisdiction and decided cases in that jurisdiction for the States of the Union.

This Court was established at Philadelphia, having retained all powers in all jurisdictions of the Law --- air, land, and sea -- as the final Arbiter of all questions that could arise among the States. This was meant to truly be a Supreme Court for the States to iron out their differences and decide issues in international jurisdiction affecting all of them.

Once the Constitutions were adopted, some of the functions of The Supreme Court of The United States of America were shunted off to a new court, The Supreme Court of the United States, which was tasked with ruling on issues arising out of the Federal exercise of the "Delegated Powers".

So after 1787 we were left in the inane position of having two "Supreme Courts" --- one for "Non-Delegated" issues arising under the Non-Delegated Powers, one for "Delegated" issues arising under the Delegated Powers.

Sometimes "split jurisdiction" cases would arise and both courts would have to rule on different aspects of the same case.

It was, admittedly, cumbersome and failed the original idea of having a Supreme Court, but there was (and is) no alternative that adequately addresses the Schism that occurred once the Constitutions were adopted and our Powers in International Jurisdiction were split into "Delegated" and "Non-Delegated" functions.

Exactly what happened to The Supreme Court of The United States of America and how The Supreme Court of the United States usurped upon it and morphed into The United States Supreme Court is one of the best-kept secrets in this whole maze of lies and obfuscations.

Maybe it was accomplished with nothing more than another semantic deceit.

Maybe they just substituted the Territorial Court dba "The Supreme Court of the United States of America" for our Supreme Court dba "The Supreme Court of The United States of America" ---- the same way they substituted their States of States doing business as the "State of Georgia" for our States of State doing business as "The State of Georgia".

This has yet to be thoroughly unraveled. We know that it happened and we know approximately when it happened; the details are murky, but the results are not.

After the Civil War the Federal entities that were left minding the store --- the Territorial and Municipal Governments --- formed "The United States Supreme Court" and it has been that way with a few variations ever since.

So that "Supreme Court" in Washington, DC which has been accorded such veneration and power actually has nothing to do with us or with our States of the Union.

It's entire importance is to act as an Arbiter of the constitutional contracts and interpret those for the Territorial and Municipal United States and their foreign "citizenry".

And now that both the Municipal and Territorial United States corporations are in bankruptcy, there is nothing to interpret. The Constitutions have been vacated except for our contracts with the Indian Nations which enclosed the constitutional contracts --and all the Delegated Powers have returned to us by Operation of Law.

Judge Kavanaugh and Mr. Trump could both be spared the spectacle of fighting with these skunks, because the "prize" has already moved on: we moved the cheese.

"The United States Supreme Court" no longer has any function or Office, aside from deciding whatever squabbles arise between us and our Native Corporation service providers.

It's The Supreme Court of The United States of America that is accepting viable nominations.

27th September 2018, 09:07 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSTs3MSecy7CogXOhRBVMtzwsj_SGMgB Iz9Eb3VAK7sYIqlUTQ9DAqk035hGgw5LJg&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1873242319391506) ·

Mr. Trump, What's Wrong With This Picture?
The Department of Justice works for you as an "Agency" --- it's a subcontractor under your own thumb and forefinger --- unless of course, the foreign "U.S. Trustees" named by the Secondary Creditors are interfering in your Administration?

Otherwise, why are you finding it so hard to properly direct the "Department of Justice" to do its actual job?

Aside from the meddling of bankruptcy trustees, there seems to be no plausible explanation for how and why Department of Justice personnel are so far off course. If this were a golf course and they were the ball, they'd be in a swamp behind the local fire station.

So here is today's mystery. These guys who are supposed to be helping you in your executive duty to prevent, detect, suppress, and punish actual crimes, are wasting millions upon millions of dollars prosecuting you --- their Boss and the man they are directly tasked to assist.

How is that even possible?
I'd have an Attitude Adjustment Meeting with Jeff Sessions and tell him what his job is. I would give him a week to straighten this entire situation out or he'd be down the road with no return bus fare.

And we'd have a new U.S. Attorney General.
One that didn't have any flimsy excuse to take a powder and recuse himself, one that didn't have any "Baggage" from years in Congress, who would have no problem shutting down the ridiculous Mueller witch hunt, someone with some practical common sense and grit....

How about Brett Kavanaugh? Withdraw his Supreme Court nomination and appoint him the new U.S. Attorney General.

Get rid of Sessions.
We have said it privately and now we are saying it in public. Jeff Sessions has personal liabilities and is useless as an Attorney General. He provides no competent leadership for the DOJ, which is why they are wasting our time and money and contributing to the Circus that Washington, DC has become -- instead of assisting you.

He is supposed to work for you and the rest are supposed to work for him, but if there is nobody competent at the helm and in control of things you know yourself from your own experience that things just go to Hell.

Please put an end to the Circus. Get rid of Sessions. Appoint Kavanaugh. Kill two birds with one stone.
And watch the roaches run....

29th September 2018, 12:14 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSCno2A8AHxKYrCRcvyzk8spXcStI_Tl nKCHORTlW6Yk1T9bRnP5-oC5vWdxGQcq3Q&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1874401969275541) ·

The Pillar and the Post Revisited
Pernicious Disinformation and confusion is ruining this entire country and the effort to restore its rightful government. Only you can make the needed difference.

One old lady and The Living Law Firm can't do it alone, even with your donations of money toward the cause, for which we are truly grateful. (Paypal: avannavon@gmail.com and Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652)

The American People as a whole must wake up and educate themselves and take appropriate action to disentangle the web of lies and "legal presumptions" that have been used to enslave us and then, must take appropriate political action.

But what is the "appropriate" political action above and beyond reclaiming your birthright estate and Good Name? There are groups springing up like mushrooms and while many groups have good intentions, many do not.

There are two principal groups that are promoting agendas that would be disastrous for our country, both very well-funded and also---
foreign: British Territorial Templars vs. French Templars.

They are both Templar groups, all worship Satan, all are steeped in gross deceit. It's the Old Choice. Would you prefer Vanilla Feces or Chocolate Feces?

This goes back thousands of years and was enshrined in Solomon's Temple. Solomon was a Ba-El worshiper, too. He worshiped an entire Pantheon of Demons, including Ba-al, the Chief Demon.

And what did his Temple famously display? The two pillars -- Joachim and Boaz, which symbolize the modus operandi of Satan and Satanism: False Choices.

You can eat of the Tree of Knowledge or the Tree of Life....
(Answer: Neither one, thanks.)

You can have Bubonic Plague or Cholera.... which do you prefer?
(Answer: Neither one, thanks.)

A war in the Middle East or a war in Eastern Europe?
(Answer: Neither one, thanks.)

You can hate each other because of skin color or because of religious doctrine --- which do you prefer?
(Answer: Neither one, thanks.)

You can be undermined by Democrats or Republicans? Which brand of selfish incompetent nastiness would you prefer?
(Answer: Neither one, thanks.)

It's all predicated on "when did you stop beating your wife?" logic.

With Vanilla Feces you get the Queen operating as Her Britannic (Satanic) Majesty while pretending to be a Christian. You get the Raj taxing you for salt that comes from the sea for free. You get brutal oppression wrapped in a tea cozy.

With Chocolate Feces you get the French Republic operating our country as a Territorial "Republique"-- just take a look at what the French people endure and the scourge of Muslim invasion against a Christian nation and figure this out, please.

These people are all Ba-El worshipers. They all hate Christians and hate Christian nations. The only difference is that the Talmudic Madmen at the very top of the pyramid hate everyone equally, while their minions below still have to be deceived to follow along using catch-all labels like "National Security Concerns" and lies like the "National Debt" to ensure their complicity.

So they are doing their usual schtick and lining you all out with two bad choices---- the Same Old Same Old British Bunko enforced by the Roman Inquisition (Internal Revenue Service) or the French Republique also enforced by the Roman Inquisition (IRS).

Take your pick.
Or not.

There are other choices, like minding your own shop and exercising self-governance, educating yourself about your birthright freedoms and responsibilities, correcting your own political status records, operating your lawful government to straighten out and "reconstruct" the Federal Government you are owed.....

This is an option, too, one that you control. And its a Good Choice --- one with real ice cream and a cherry on top.

But you have to recognize the Bad Choices and the Satanic Either/Or False Choice Set Up or you will be confused and not know who or what to believe and be wandering around like sheep "from pillar to post". Literally.

Whenever you see anything about "Kim" or "Reno" or "North Carolina" you know that it is the French Templars. Whenever you see anything about Canada or China, etc., you know it is the British Templars.

And when you see glimpses of Spain and Greece, you will know that you are seeing the real power players, rooted in places nobody suspects.

You must learn to know your true Enemies --- the Haters from El Caziri -- the Black Magicians who promote perpetual war, whose entire belief system is rooted in duality, false choices, and conflicts.
You must recognize their organizations --- the Bar Associations and "Secret Fraternities" established all over the world.

You must also realize that the Talmud is not born of the Torah nor does it come to us from Judah, just like the Six Pointed "Star of David" has nothing to do with Judah or Judaism, either.

This is the sign and emblem of two members of the Ancient Caste of Merchants having sex, each represented by an Equilateral Triangle.

The remnant of the Ancient Caste of Merchants is who runs Israel and also who set up the Holocaust.

They are Aryans (from the star system of Orion) not native to the Earth at all. And they marry each other in a vain effort to preserve their alien gene pool, not because of any religion.

If this is shocking to you, well, read your Bible. I am told that Americans have more Bibles than the whole rest of the world combined. I am also told that nobody reads them. They just sit on the bookshelves and bedside tables gathering dust.

You, my Readers, are especially blessed, because you have the benefit of our research and have the tools to figure out the :who is who" and the "what is what" in the midst of the Maelstrom these vicious enemies of Mankind have created.

But you are especially tasked, too --- to get this information out to all who will listen and benefit and take appropriate action, and to support the effort with might and main, with prayers and pennies, with -- as the Founders put it: "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor".

There are enough Christian and enough sane countries left in the world to ensure that we have a choice. They are backing our efforts diplomatically, and if necessary, will intervene in other ways. But we must make the effort to educate ourselves and get our lawful government restored and operating -- and nobody can do that "for" us.

We have to take the responsibility and do the work ourselves.

1st October 2018, 12:58 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARQM44G8DF9ucf1TV5z9Nr7PUIrnhbf-ch52aLmmW6x4BvcHJHjPR60oURsUFbnZK4w&fref=nf)
19 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1876945069021231) ·

It's Official. Hell Has Frozen Over.
Decades ago we began a journey by the narrow path full of difficulty.... and it has been a weary and long and often heart-breaking road. But now the walls of ignorance and secrecy are falling like the walls of Jericho --- just tumbling down, one after another, as more people around the world are waking up and coming forward to help the effort.

Because what we are facing is not just of concern to America. This has been a concerted effort by business interests to overcome the national sovereignty of all nations on Earth.

And it has been thwarted.

In the days to come many people will ask --- how did you do it?
Answer: by the Maxim of Law: "As a THING is bound, so it is unbound." and by the Holy Scriptures.

If I am relatively quiet the next couple of weeks, it should be no cause for concern. A huge amount of work has been done over the past several weeks, too much to even begin to describe. I am exhausted and my offices are stuffed floor to ceiling with paperwork related to all of this.

So I am going to be taking a few days off to "mop up" and rest and recoup and spend time with my friends and family, who have been sadly neglected the past several years.

Until you hear otherwise, we continue to need donations. We are operating your government of the people, for the people, by the people on your prayers and Cookie Jar Money, while the government of the persons, for the persons, by the persons is being reformed.

Please do what you can to make sure our team is fully enabled to take all the actions (and pay all the fees and travel expenses, etc.). My PayPal is: avannavon@gmail.com and the Snail Mail address here is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

It may take a couple years or more before all the issues are addressed. Believe me, I know how anxious you all are for relief and I know how urgent many needs are. We are dealing with vast problems that impact the whole world. I pray for your understanding --- The Living Law Firm is not able to take on individual cases and I don't have any way to respond to all the individual correspondence I receive.

Please try to understand that as much as we wish we could just wave our hands and make the worst of it disappear, the actual world takes time to heal and to re-educate.

The corruption of the economic and monetary systems has to be addressed.

The corruption of the legal versus lawful system has to be addressed.

Even the corruption of our own military has to be addressed.

And the worst of it is that many of the people most in need of correction, don't have a clue that they are doing anything wrong. They will stand there and look me in the eye and say, "But, but.... this is the way we do it. This is the way it has always been done...."

The plain fact is that they have been doing it wrong for so long that almost nobody remembers how to do it right. We face a gigantic task to re-educate not only the General Public, but the government employees.

And a lot of the history that people learned in Grade School and High School has to be re-learned with all the actual facts revealed.

The Split Title to your Good Name and Estate was divvied up between the Territorial State of State and the Municipal STATE OF STATE. The Territorial State of State held the "Beneficial Interest" -- the Equitable Title, while the STATE OF STATE held the Legal Title.

You got nothing at all. You weren't even in the picture. You were a "discounted entity" to use the callous words of Queen Elizabeth II--- with regard to your own Good Name and Estate.

You were totally disinherited. They had pulled off the ultimate identity theft and had succeeded in racketeering, plundering and pillaging on an unimaginable scale not only here, but worldwide.

So that's how you've been treated -- as a "discounted entity", as "cargo" aboard a "derelict vessel". An inanimate THING, subject to "salvage" and claim by any passing privateer, or otherwise as a "Thing"--- an unpaid volunteer in the Queen's Merchant Marine Service, liable to pay every debt and obey every rule under martial law which was imposed on Territorial United States Citizens in 1863 and never released.

In 1980, Jimmy Carter transferred all your Birth Certificates to the IMF as collateral backing the debts of the Municipal United States government--- that is, the government established under Article I, Section 8, Clause 17, and which was run by the members of the Municipal CONGRESS as an international independent City State on our shores, and by their private governmental services corporation doing business as the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia and various related Names.

All these atrocities have been allowed under the False Presumption that because the actual Federal level of our Federal Government was inoperative, "held in abeyance" since 1860, we were subject to whatever the Territorial and Municipal entities did to us, pending "Reconstruction" of the original States of States.

So we have seen the depths of human depravity, greed, and most of all, Breach of Trust, because the Donor of all the Delegated Powers entrusted under the Constitutions was here all along --- simply kept in the dark, but fully enabled to operate the government in international trade and commerce, both.

Left minding our store, so to speak, both the Popes and the British Monarchs grossly failed us and willingly joined in the feeding frenzy, racking up huge charges against us and our country's resources, then claiming bankruptcy protection for their "governmental services corporations" and leaving us to hold the bag.

This happened in 1907 with the bankruptcy of the Scottish "ringer" calling itself "The United States of America" Incorporated.

It happened again in 1933 with the bankruptcy of the Roman Catholic Church's deceitfully named "United States of America" Incorporated.

And for the last several years they have been trying to execute a "Double Grand Slam" of criminality against this country and its people---- they proposed to bankrupt both the Territorial United States and Municipal United States at once, and leave this entire country at the mercy of their own creditors--- international banks that colluded with them in this horrifying prospect.

The Municipal Government was accordingly bankrupted in 2015 and the Territorial Government was bankrupted in 2017 and with those two actions, all the remaining constitutional obligations were cancelled and overcome and vacated from the "federal" side of the agreements.

You were to be left without a competent government operating in international jurisdiction, and at the mercy of their creditors--international banks like the BANK OF FRANCE and the BANK OF SCOTLAND.

So they thought and so they planned and so they attempted to destroy our country via deceits and "legal presumptions" and self-interested fraud that would have left America subject to "resettlement" similar to what the British did to the Irish in the 1850's.

What they could never win by force of arms, they proposed to take by guile and legal chicanery.

Thank God that there were still a few Americans who hadn't fallen asleep.

They were not paid to keep to watch. They weren't government employees. They were just plain old average Americans who knew that something was drastically wrong and who set out (a long time ago) to find out what it was.
"Ask and ye shall find."

At the end, the paperwork was reduced down like a soup stock to its barest elements. The Heirs came forward to claim the Kingdom. They proved their Provenance. They claimed back their Right, Title, and Interest. They locked down their claims in the Uniform Commercial Code system,. and then transferred everything back to the Land and Soil jurisdiction of the sovereign States. They demanded the return of the "abeyance" and received by Operation of Law and by their acknowledgment and acceptance, the return of all their Delegated Powers.

The Vermin vacated all three levels of Federal Government, so we invoked the Operation of Law, which requires the return of all Delegated Powers, when the Agent receiving those Powers becomes incompetent.

Against all the odds, The United States of America [Unincorporated] still stands, and has secured the assets belonging to the American States and People. There won't be an Irish-style re-settlement. And instead, both the British Monarch and the Holy See are on the ropes, called to account at last.

Now it is up to us, to the American States and People, to regroup and recoup and take control of this country and its government. Mr. Trump has only a quid pro quo performance contract to provide the services owed under the actual Constitution.

The members of the two Congresses still sitting in Washington, DC, are operating two bankrupt corporations, one in liquidation, one in Chapter 11, and trying to pull another "fast one" and establish new commercial service contracts by process of assumption.

That possibility has been foreclosed by numerous facts and actions --- first, they have been served Public Notice of Non-Assumpsit via newspaper articles published all across this country.

Secondly, no member of the Bar Association can hold any Public Office or position of trust related to our lawful Government and that has been the case since 1819. The vast majority of members of the Territorial and Municipal "Congresses" are precisely such Bar Association Members, rendering both those governments inoperative with respect to any action or claim related to us and our States and our People.

Third, the Territorial United States has made a Big Deal of announcing to the world that they are a "Democracy" and it is absolutely just as well-known that our States are Republics. Since its inception, the British Territorial United States has never demonstrated any Public Mandate (51% of its eligible voters or greater) allowing it to exist, much less determine any public issue whatsoever. A more complete and demonstrable and irresponsible fraud can hardly be imagined.

Fourth, the Municipal United States has operated as an independent, international City-State on our shores and as an oligarchy which is limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia. They usurped upon that and have lost their position as a result.

Please see attached. (The referenced documents will be posted on my website: www.annavonreitz.com (http://www.annavonreitz.com/)).

1st October 2018, 01:02 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARRHClnND7pPgCZdkszKbfs5BEqOAbTdg YRIsvxcmaU-HGOsRnIiqoZmy4VQXQCCjT0&fref=nf)
20 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1876951035687301) ·

Who or What is (Wrongly) Holding Equitable Title to Your Good Name and Estate?

The Territorial State of State Department of Natural Resources Commissioner is holding your Estate captive under false pretenses and benefiting the "State of ________" organization and robbing you.

So you have the Municipal Thieves acting as Gatekeepers for the Territorial Thieves and they are both complicit in the crime.

If you did not "voluntarily" and "knowingly" agree to give your Name and everything you own to these Shysters, it is time to bring pressure to bear upon the Territorial Governors of these "States of States" dry-docked improperly on our shores and tell them to get off your backs.

1st October 2018, 01:07 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSwdLnlYrWhvAAjGyBLb5mPDXUoVlght qiIyRKt5cqpHXc0Qe3EVxqayFPpCATKIxo&fref=nf)
20 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1876953112353760) ·

Pernicious Claims of "Incompetency"
The latest trick of the Foreign Vermin on our shores is to call our "competency" into question using their own bought and paid for "Uniformed Officers" --- medical doctors conscripted against their will and licensed under the old Federal Title 37 provisions -- to testify against us and claim that we are not "competent".
This has been part and parcel of their deception and racketeering plan from the start.

However, the "competency" that they are actually trying is our financial competence. They assume that we, like them, are bankrupt and therefore "incompetent". If so, they will gladly steal anything of value you have to underwrite their own debts.

It's time for these criminal gangs to be (1) ignored and (2) arrested.
The first question to the Judge should be --- "Are you a U.S. Citizen?"
They will say, "Yes."

And your second question should be --- "By what right then, are you addressing me, a national of The United States of America (Unincorporated)?"

They are operating in a Foreign Jurisdiction on our shores and they have no right whatsoever to address any of us.

Third question --- if there ever is one --- "By what right and for what reason do you question my competency?"

Fourth question --- if there ever is one -- "By what stretch of imagination do you propose to use your own employees as supposedly expert and unprejudiced third party witnesses? Your doctors are all licensed to your State of State organization, therefore are incompetent witnesses for conflict of interest."

Fifth question --- "Under what Treaty are you operating on our shores?"

Sixth question --- "Are you aware that our Government, The United States of America (Unincorporated) has a permanent Treaty of Amity and Peace dated November 19, 1794 --- and that you are in violation of that Treaty right now? "

Seventh question --- "Where is your proof that the entity you are citing as DEFENDANT or Defendant exists? I wish to see the incorporation documents, and provenance, if you please?"

Start holding these vermin feet first to the fire. Use questions to do it. Give them no opportunity to gain any kind of excuse. If summoned, don't go to their courts. If you do know anything about a crime they are addressing, send your "Crime Report" to the District Attorney, Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested. Otherwise, stay away from these courts and if they interfere with you, refuse to sign or say anything to them and never give them any identification. Give them a card with your Counselor-at-Law's name and address and nothing more.

If they seize upon you and detain you creating a charge of False Arrest, complain directly to the District Attorney.

1st October 2018, 01:14 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARR1D-c-HoWQb8E2JTdatCTJ7YkQezHHY0l564Ap-tN-P-ArMxaOwkkbnQSNzdkbtwk&fref=nf)
16 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1877117329004005) ·

Remember Henry George
"The main trouble now is neither any material shortage of the resources of nature nor any inadequacy in man's power to exploit them. It is all, in one form or another, a maladjustment; not an insufficient productive capacity, but a series of impediments to the full utilization of that capacity. The main obstacles to economic revival have been the hindrances opposed to the free flow of labor, capital, and goods."

This quote comes from the 1927 World Economic Conference, Geneva, conclusions provided to the League of Nations.

It is synonymous with the findings of American Economist Henry George, whose vision smacks of clarity today as it did in the 1880's and slaps the faces of all those who have fallen into the sophistry and lop-sided pandering of Keynes.

The Problem and the resulting Mess is entirely the fault of Big Business Interests usurping upon the rights of the living people and their national governments and seeking Unjust Enrichment via their constant official (governmental) and unofficial (private) tampering with commodity markets --- including the currency markets.

It hit a crisis point in 1907 with the bankruptcy of the Scottish Interloper and Impostor calling itself "The United States of America" Incorporated and found its final fruition in the current hegemony of Wall Street.

To put it simply, Big Business Interests --- Robber Barons like the Vanderbilts, Carnegies, Harrimans, and Roosevelts took over our lawful government via deceit and fraud and used the tools of government to afford political and economic advantages to themselves.

That is, they used the Regulatory Powers of Government as private tools to ensure their market share and market dominance. We see this in the hideously self-interested birth of the "American Conservation Movement" which we were all taught to venerate just as we were taught to venerate "The Constitution".

The actual policy adopted by Teddy Roosevelt was supremely cynical and shrewd--- buy everyone else's natural resources for pennies on the dollar and preserve our own under the guise of "conservation", and at the same time, limit supply of natural resources coming to market and ensure the value of commodities already under the control of the plotters.

That is, use the regulatory powers of government to ensure yourselves fat market shares and high prices for generations to come.

Commodity price rigging and supply rigging and creation of monopolistic interests in all sectors of our economy have been the Order of the Day since the 1880's, and in many ways, it still is.

These things must be recognized as the Evil that they are, and there must be an end of allowing the regulatory powers of government to be used as tools implementing the self-interest of private parties.

We must come to terms with the fact that the two Roosevelts were hideous schemers, liars, and louts, the very worst of the worst kind of criminals in suits --- and that Americans were not even the primary beneficiaries of all this fraud; instead, we were set up as the Fall Guys for it, the ones who would be blamed for it even as we suffered from it.

We need a call to political action busting monopolies and conglomerates and trusts that have functioned as crime syndicates for generations. That includes the entire water and power industry, the communications industry, the stock markets, the banks, and the SEC. It's time, America.

It's you or them. Make the right choice while you have a choice left.

And if you have any questions, read Henry George -- Progress and Poverty. He very succinctly explains why economic models predicated on infinite and continuous growth are worse than Big Lies and why abuse of regulatory powers and manipulation of commodities and markets, including currency markets, inexorably leads to polarization of economies, stagnation, and war.

If you would have peace, you must have free markets.
And that requires busting up the regulatory fraud and abuses of federal agencies and the exercise of anti-trust and anti-monopoly legislation to enforce the actual Public Law ensuring competitive free markets.

The fallacy of the thinking of the --- I shall call them pigs ---- is that there is no end to the patience of the masses; and, the arrogance that they share in thinking that their activities and abuses are not observed or not understood for what they are.

It is as self-evident as catching six year-olds with their grubby paws in the cookie jar, but these grown men persist in thinking that their activities are "secret" and that the rest of us haven't figured it out, don't see it --- and won't take action against them.

Prove them wrong.

2nd October 2018, 05:46 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARTFL1T68uWrx426EatC5AA-qHrgRN1hljGurKt0dFxMgQNEE46oaq94FMrsG29ptdI&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1879294872119584) ·

The "War" You Haven't Known About
Every two years the Territorial United States Congress does something inexplicable. They declare a "state of emergency" and they set aside the actual Constitution. Then the President comes along and also declares states of emergency and declarations of "war" against this and against that --- poverty, terrorism, drugs, just to name a few.

This is all specious, almost tongue-in-cheek, done to secure a "legal" basis for unlawful acts and presumptions against us, including the misidentification and mis-characterization of millions of Americans, falsification of public records, and other crimes too numerous to mention.

This constant state of perpetual "war" is not actually declared, because it is an illegal mercenary conflict being played out on our shores by foreign interests.

Please note that the so-called American Civil War was exactly the same thing--- an illegal mercenary conflict passed off as a "war". This has been the stock-in-trade of the British Crown for over a hundred years and they have been using us as their "base" of operations all this while.

There are in fact no "emergency powers" granted to the Territorial Government by our Government and any such declaration of "war" on their part can only apply to them and their employees and dependents.
This is why they have endeavored to mis-identify all American babies as belonging to the Territorial United States--- to involve us and our assets in their perpetual phony wars and "states of emergency" when in fact we are owed The Law of Peace and Good Faith Service from them.

That their false claims and falsifications of our public records are evidence of Gross Breach of Trust hardly needs to be said. That they have continued to prosecute us and persecute us under these known false presumptions is nothing less than despicable.

A couple weeks ago we issued Notice to Westminster regarding these activities by their Bar Association members on our shores. We have a perpetual Treaty of Peace and Amity which they have been disregarding via the convenient pretense that Americans are all "United States Citizens" and dissembling over which "United States" we are part of.

Let's make it clear that we are part of "The United States" and so are our Armed Forces---- not "the United States" in any form. See the difference? "The United States" was formed under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, but "the United States" could be any spin-off or Pretender and could refer to the Federal United States, Territorial United States, Municipal United States or maybe the United Nations United States or the South American United States.

We must be explicit and clear about which "United States" and which "United States of America" --- because there has been no end of semantic deceit and trickery and legal chicanery attached to these names.

We have recent proof that Americans who have recorded their Deeds of Re-Conveyance and who claim their American National (or more explicitly still) their National of The United States of America [Unincorporated] status, are being passed over and left alone --- as we should be.

The best recommendation for the moment while new instructions trickle down is to clearly identify yourself as a non-combatant National of The United States of America [Unincorporated], pending the issuance of new National and State identification cards.

If the Queen and the Pope want to engage in mercenary conflicts, they need to find new staging grounds for their games. China has already told them --fine, so long as you remain under Chinese Law.

And if you screw around like you did in America, that means Firing Squads in the morning. Ditto "the UN".

At last report, the Internal Revenue Service (Inquisition) has decamped from Puerto Rico after destroying as much evidence as possible of their decades of defrauding Americans, and have set up new offices in the American Marianas--clearly intending to continue their piracy from a new location.

Mr. Trump already knows that this is not acceptable and that all traces of both the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and any would-be Successors must be gone from our shores including our territories and municipalities, and they must stop addressing our people and must remove all liens against American-held assets.

We are innocent Third Parties who have been embroiled in merchant "wars" that have nothing whatsoever to do with us. We have been used as gun fodder in these phony "wars" and our assets have been used as collateral by these foreign gangs of criminals without our knowledge or consent. Those who have profited must pay for this circumstance and those who have engaged in these crimes must be set to rights.

There are a great many people who have committed crimes unaware that
they were doing anything wrong -- and they must be forgiven. Those who promoted this circumstance, who benefited themselves from it, and who knowingly participated in harming the States and People of this country while taking their paychecks from our pockets deserve our universal disgust.

3rd October 2018, 07:41 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?hc_ref=ARSs3XmHbqv85XKYcqIrRkrCjjri-iN45So-4TlR6gHEfuYsQoJXF7p7wIUHprghX60&fref=nf)
19 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1879835168732221) ·

Did You Go to Law School or Legal School?
If you went to Law School you learned that Law is an outgrowth of religion and ethics.

If you went to Law School you learned the complete History of Law in the Western World from the time of the Ancient Babylonians and Hellenistic Greeks to the present day.

If you went to Law School you learned all the various kinds of "Common Law" and the verbiage associated with them.

If you went to Law School you learned about Lord Mansfield and the pollution of the British Common Law with Admiralty Law in the 1750's.

If you went to Law School you also learned how that development triggered violent debate and was one of the causes of the American Revolution.

If you went to Law School you learned how this corrupt form of British Common Law now practiced as Equity Law turned judges into proxies for the British King, allowing them to arbitrarily take the property of the British People (provided the King gets his cut, of course) and give it to the King's Cronies, including themselves under Color of Law.

And that is where "Law" separates from "Legal".

If you went to Legal School this corrupt form of "Common Law" now practiced as "Equity Law" is what you were taught.

If you went to Legal School this system making the Judges mini-sovereigns and reducing everyone else to serfs or slaves is all you were taught.

If you went to Legal School great emphasis was placed on finding supportive case law to excuse injustice and on procedure which could be used as another excuse to the same ends.

If you went to Legal School what you learned was how to corrupt and pervert actual Law and Justice so as to better serve the economic greed and political agendas of your masters.

If you went to Legal School as 95% of you did, while paying to go to Law School, you've been cheated.

If you went to Legal School, you are only competent to "practice" Law.

If you went to Legal School, something less then two percent (2%) of you ever receive a Certificate to execute actual Law, and then only in Admiralty Courts.

Actual Admiralty Courts.

If you went to Legal School you know virtually nothing about your own purported profession and less about the history of the world. You've paid thousands of dollars for an education you didn't receive.
In fact, what you've been trained to do like donkeys in a treadmill, is to act as British Shipping Clerks. That's what journeyman "non-certificated" attorneys are. And all the supposedly great Law Schools in this country? Subverted to that end by British Sympathizers who glutted at the King's Table on American bread and butter.

Harvard? Useless, politicized to a point of stupor. Yale? Even worse, the home of economic barbarism practiced as a fine art and believed in without question. Stanford? Shall I show you how many Stanford alumni have their names blazoned across Patent Applications that do nothing but destroy this planet and the people on it?

The very basis of Law is Ethics, yet you have been taught none. That has been the very furthest thing from your basic curriculum.

Your minds have been honed in self-interest and tricks and sneaky ways of doing things, semantic deceits, sophistry and its brand of logic, oh, all these things you have been taught ---- and not a thing about the actual Public Law or Justice.

And all because the Kings and Queens of England wanted you to grow up and be little cogs in their version of Commercial Feudalism.

How does it feel to be so completely, utterly duped? Left so pathetically ignorant after spending what? -- $300,000.00 for a "Law" School education?

Even more to the point if you are an American --- how does it feel to be part of a gang of privateers pillaging and plundering public trusts, robbing your own people for the aggrandizement and unjust enrichment of foreign governments and evil Monarchs---living your lives as traitors to America and to Justice?

Stealing "title" to babies?

Have you no shame, no decency at all? Not even a regard for your own necks?

Wake up. Sober up. Realize just how far behind the curve you really are.

And also realize that there are penalties for ignorance of the Law -- that is, the actual Public Law.

If you are acting as members of the Bar Associations, if you are participating as Officers of these Courts, you had better carefully check the facts and become familiar with the American Common Law, because that is the form of Law that the people of this country are owed.

And you have no right in Heaven or on Earth to apply any other kind of law to them. Not Statutory Law. Not Talmudic Law. Not Equity Law. None of it.

Despite falsification of the Public Records to better grease the wheels of what amounts to a National Identity Theft and a mercenary crime of genocide on paper-- there are millions of us fed up with your ignorance and your activities on our soil. You are nothing but pirates acting in violation of our Treaty with Westminster and in violation of every principle of Justice.
The fact that you are nearly all too ignorant to realize it doesn't change a thing.

The penalty for inland piracy is death by firing squad, hanging, guillotine, or lethal injection.

Are you sure you wish to continue your membership in the Bar Associations?

If not, there remains one honorable option.
You can tear up your Bar Cards and act as Counselors at Law and you can assist the millions of Americans who have been mis-addressed by the so-called Equity Courts operating under Color of Law--- and you can do your actual duty to Justice and to America by putting these other courts out of business.

You can realize that just as other Americans have been defrauded, so have you been the victim of this same pernicious British Bunko. Oh, yes, Bar Association Members, this fraud scheme is so mammoth it includes you, too.

You can learn how to re-establish your own standing as an American and help others re-establish their natural political status in the public records of these fifty nation-states as people and as American Persons, not as presumed-to-be British Territorial slaves.

Start by reading Brent Winter's The Excellence of the Common Law. That will start you on the Long Road Home to sanity and justice and the country you call home.

When you look back at how arrogant and stupid you were, thinking yourself and your fellow attorneys as so superior to everyone else, you may have cause to be embarrassed, but at least you will be an honest man or woman again. You will not be living in the shadow of the gallows or mindlessly betraying your countrymen for the sake of European greed.

And considering the penalties involved otherwise, that is not a small recompense.

4th October 2018, 08:32 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBu_Qrt_ca4kC9U0cijOdcDyYj-okhmCutDzLRZUsjdHvvAnvUrjwdPbL01bCPozFCwMMCmbmw2cS GM&hc_ref=ARS-PNuGlFOl1TBC8BMMqwCrdmSfHdOOs8Mhog1sn0RtqL1CLzC0QV ogCG5VmhvehnI&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1881828548532883) ·

Don't Petition and Don't Register
Do not sign petitions and do not voluntarily register anything.

If you are forced to register anything, be sure to get a reference or limitation on the paper with your signature indicating it was not voluntary on your

Or make an illegible signature, just a squiggle that nobody could ever read, and if they complain, shrug and say, well, that's my signature. Take it or leave it.

That's what senior postal officials have been doing for years. Doctors too. There is a method to their bad handwriting skills. And it's not the Palmer Method.

Most of what we are "forced" to do is done by a simple process of lying to us. They say that we "must" and that it is "the law" and we simply haven't asked --- who says? And what law promulgated by what organization? And since when am I part of that organization?

Let's see.... STATE OF ALASKA, run by the Roman Catholic Church.
Since when did I become a Roman Catholic and subject to that Church's dictum, taxes, and inquisition? Or, State of Alaska, run ultimately by the British Monarch?

All the hooks that these predatory organizations have set in you and in your assets have been accomplished by the same process: you are told a lie, you (or your Mother) act upon the lie, and they gain a veiled and highly illegal "interest" in you and your assets without paying a penny.

They will say that you "voluntarily" enslaved yourself.
As I put it, these vermin have been on our shores "stealing title to our babies" for six generations --- and all under false pretenses.

So here you have proof that the Father of All Lies does exist and his minions, too.

This is why you never serve them as an "Informant" against your own children. This is why you never voluntarily "Register" anything. This is why you never sign "Petitions" --- which automatically admit that someone other than you has power over you and your life and that you agreed to this.

Americans are literally born as sovereigns on the land and soil of this country. We need to push that point home into their pointy little heads and stand on it. Record your interest in your Good Name and Estate as part of the international land records, because your Good Name and Estate is a land asset.

You have no reason and no need to register anything so as to give away your ownership interest in your assets. Likewise, you have no general need for any trusts.

The creation of Public Trusts held in your name without your knowledge or consent is how you got into this Mess. Creating a Private Trust to hold your assets is not necessary and for most people is just an additional entanglement. Your Trade Name is already a trust, one that belongs to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the British minions responsible know what that means in actual fact.

If you want to get out of the Mess and I do mean -- out, out, out --- the only kind of trust you need is your own private arrangements stipulating who gets your belongings, who gets to pull the plug if need be, and who acts as Executor of your Estate upon your incompetence, death or permanent disability, established by a properly witnessed Testament. Two living Witnesses and a Public Notary and that Testament declaring your Will gives you all that you need in terms of trusts.

Take care of your own business, make your own arrangements, record your own claims and instructions, and stop believing all the BS you are being sold by self-interested and undeclared Foreign Agents.

4th October 2018, 08:37 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?sk=wall&__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBDdpkLiMGsZ4n5XBXgI67z-FNw9SMnNhiyhBfDsw3XCW6yr-fPwrB37Vbcm71jQehmq8-N3vlppFDV&hc_ref=ARTRUIx3PYRHDOQLjfnIkfuddusLXfYK4BI0181amoM eAOjXqEEvaj7QQZTGSRyqqas&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1881850148530723) ·

For All the Generals, the Popes, and the Monarchs:
This is all just business, gentlemen.

There is the "United States of America" Incorporated, which you will see referenced in The Definitive Treaty of Paris, 1783, which names King George III as "Arch-Treasurer" of that British commercial corporation.

And then, there is "The United States of America" [Unincorporated] which is, just coincidentally, the American Common Law copyrighted name of the Federation of our States operating in international trade and commerce as of September 9, 1776 --- years before the Treaty of Paris hit the bricks.

So what is going on here?
It's called "mirroring" -- a deliberate effort to confuse one thing for another, by semantic deceit or other means, seeking to deceive the gullible among us for purposes of unjust enrichment via direct theft -- as in identity theft -- or via surreptitious theft of credit, both of which have gone on here.

They have run up debts "in the name of" the United States of America and then left everyone to assume that those debts are debts owed by The United States of America.

This is not the first time they have done this fraud scheme pas de deux. The only difference is that we woke up and caught them at it.

Now they are telling you that the "United States" and the "United States of America" are both bankrupt and they can't make the payroll. But which "United States of America" are they talking about?

Well, get a clue. It's not us. It's not our Federation of States and most importantly, not our people on the hook for this. It wasn't us on the hook last time they pulled this crappola in 1907 or 1933, either --- but we were dunned for it. And we stupidly paid it, because it appeared to be addressed to us.

This time, it's not going to go the way they would like it to go. They are going to pay their own debts and honor their obligations to this country, including the vast debt that they already owe us as a result of their earlier fraud.

We realize that they can't possibly pay it all back and that we will have to forgive vast amounts of debt, but at the end of the day, there is no doubt whatever that we are their Priority Creditors.

Which means that we are owed all the credit and money that they purloined from our States and that we have first dibs--- not the Secondary Creditors. And not the "US Trustees" appointed as bankruptcy Trustees by those Secondary Creditors.

As for you, Generals, if you want to get paid, the process is simple enough. Go back to work for the actual States and People that you owe your allegiance to: The United States of America [Unincorporated]. It's going to be a lot easier to put the screws to Rome, London, Edinburgh, and Hong Kong than it is to deal with 350 million outraged Americans, a billion Chinese and only God knows how many Russians.

4th October 2018, 09:10 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBXWgXQ5Eto578WX_i5DXX18Rn7UfriIFBsLk3gG4fajp _bVApfVs-PR-619KtmVFHll2CdFf0IwvnS&hc_ref=ARTMU3Yh6RN3KDNF2h7dcnARM63DQHWHVfFwW2I1dKB _fRvTo1hljkQopOD_bfOpYU0&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1882017841847287) ·

Stealing Title to Babies
Yes, I said it. That is, objectively, what they have been doing for at least six generations, if you count ----and I do-- their outrageous fraud and Breach of Trust during and after the so-called "Civil War", when they "took title" to every supposedly freed former Plantation Slave in America as property belonging to their commercial corporations.

And then, they just continued with more of the same rot, expanding and institutionalizing and mechanizing and compartmentalizing and applying the same scheme to everyone, until ---- according to them ---- damn near everyone is a "voluntary" slave who has donated everything including their own Name to these criminal commercial corporations.

They have been purposefully creating "public trusts" and operating those public trusts "in our names" for the express purpose of misrepresenting us, stealing our identities, siphoning off our assets, and racking up debt against our assets.

This is no different than what any Credit Card Hacker or Identity Thief does, except that these organizations have been masquerading as governments and abusing their position of trust as government service providers.

They have "taken title" to over 300 million American babies. Think about that. Think of how hideous and unlawful the entire concept is. These corporations claim to own you. Literally. And they have hired troupes of actors wearing black robes and mercenaries wearing your own uniforms, waving your own flags, using your own money and assets to enforce these slave-owner claims against you.

And who are "they" but criminals caught in the act? Slave traders. Kidnappers. Pirates. Vermin. Outlaws. Truly despicable criminals in nice suits, having dinner at the finest restaurants on your ticket, jet-setting around the world pretending to "represent" you in one respect or another, all blatant as pigs can be.

More than 30 Trillion Dollars has been siphoned off and embezzled out of this country during the Obama Administration and more untold trillions of counterfeit "US Dollars" were printed off-shore and dumped into other economies worldwide --- and it was all state sponsored counterfeiting by "government agencies". They used official government printing presses and papers and inks and engraving plates to do it. And they fully intended to leave the clueless American People responsible for paying for it.

Do we need any other reason to disband the CIA?
All of this was going on under whose noses?
The DIA and the FBI and DHS and Homeland Security and the Armed Forces and the National Guard and State and Local Police Forces and the Department of Administration and the GAO and the US Mint and "Treasury".

Do we need any other reason to fire all of them and start over?
The problem-- from their standpoint-- is that we found out about all of this corruption and criminality as a result of historical and legal research spanning decades.

As for the actual owners of this country, the American States and People, dba The United States of America [Unincorporated] and The United States [Unincorporated] we object to any supposition that the debts and criminality of "the" United States of America, Inc., and "the" United States, Inc., has anything to do with us, our States, our People, or our assets.

British and European Interests and yes, some American Traitors, set this Bunko Scheme up to secretively profit from American assets and to revive their old disgraced Colonial System--- allowing the Monarchs and Robber Barons to enslave and steal from others, and in our case, set us up to take the blame for them, too.

They have done a good job of stealing us blind and using us as gun fodder in their commercial mercenary "wars", but the jig is up.

We are the Priority Creditors and Number One victims of these criminals, and we have proof in the public record going back before The American Revolution demonstrating that "the" United States and "the" United States of America responsible for all this rottenness are corporate dopplegangers or "ringers" that simply infringed upon our Good Name and our Common Law copyrights as a means of purposefully promoting identity theft, credit fraud, bankruptcy fraud, press-ganging, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, and other international and confidence crimes going back generations.

We know who they are. We know where they live. We know how they profited themselves illegally and immorally and in flagrant disrespect of the Public Law. We can cite Chapter and Verse and step-by-step demonstrate how this entire odious system worked.

And now, it is time for it to end.
The Titles must be returned to the "missing" owners, who were somehow easy for the tax collectors and Selective Service to find, and the entire abhorrent practice of corporations "taking title" to men and women must be consigned to the Rubbish Heap of History where all such practices belong.

4th October 2018, 09:16 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCsz9jPT_0CUpXWEuXw0VCzNRJoNNIN4WmLWcGjFhg_Xg XjvhP__xM7puXuSdShP4BSlCvwqkqukb4B&hc_ref=ARTL_mjzX-aS6tPk9U1IV8Ey3NAU_Y6Gg8-BVTU4_jDFfFaeimfxr-NlVDFaBocpmYs&fref=nf)
36 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1882133905169014) ·

Additional P.S. For the Generals, the Popes, and the Monarchs:
Our formerly Delegated Powers returned to us by Operation of Law the moment the original Federal level of the Federal Government was rendered incompetent in 1860, but we were not told this by our Trustees.

The Delegated Powers merely "assumed" by the Scottish Interloper doing business as "The United States of America, Inc." returned to us again in 1907, when that entity declared bankruptcy. Again, we were not informed by our Trustees.

The Delegated Powers merely "assumed" by the Roman Catholic Church Delaware Corporation doing business as the "United States of America" Inc. returned to us again in 1933, when that entity declared bankruptcy, but again, we were not informed by our Trustees.

So, as should be apparent, these Trustees aren't worth the powder to blow them to Hell and back.

When the bankruptcy of the "United States of America" Inc. settled in November of 1999, our claim in behalf of ourselves and The United States of America [Unincorporated] had already cured for over a year. Again, our Trustees never said a word.

We were astonished and confused: who are these people pretending to be our Trustees, who don't respond to us---or for us or for our benefit?

Thus began a long and arduous journey.

Our Delegated Powers have been commandeered for over 150 years by Foreign Interests that had absolutely no right whatsoever to do what they have done in this country. Our identity has been stolen along with our assets by these Trustees operating in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of Commercial Contract.

All Parties including the Principals have been given extensive Due Process and Due Notice culminating in a Final Civil Judgment entered and published worldwide in April 2014.

So when the UNITED STATES, Inc. went bankrupt in 2015, we re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent, and reclaimed the STATES OF STATES and the States of States and rolled them into the Federal State (Misnamed "Land") Trusts. When the Territorial "Government" similarly declared bankruptcy in 2017, we said-- very clearly -- enough is enough.

All three levels of the so-called Federal Government were at that point incompetent. The actual Federal Government intended and ordained by our ancestors has been held in a phony "abeyance" since 1860. The Municipal Government was liquidated. The Territorial Government bankrupt.

By Operation of Law all Delegated Powers returned to us, to the Federation of States that delegated the "Powers" in the first place --- The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the American States and People. As this is an Operation of Law, no court action is necessary and no controversy is present. It simply is, and we are here, present and accounted for --officially-- since 1998.

Our purported Trustees have continued to ignore us to the extent possible, so we issued a formal Acknowledgement, Acceptance, and Re-Conveyance on June 6, 2018.

We also re-conveyed all the Federal State Trusts back to the ownership of the sovereign States where they remain protected on the land jurisdiction of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and each of the States. This is all a matter of public record, firmly established by UCC notices and liens and land recording district records in Alaska and Illinois and various other locations.

We have reminded the Queen and the Popes of their duties with respect to us and our States and our People, as well as reminding the Government of Westminster of their Treaty obligations.

We have also reminded everyone of the fact that members of the Bar Associations are prohibited from holding any public office or position of trust related to our government and that has been the case since 1819. Thus no action undertaken by any Bar Attorney, including their votes in the Territorial United State Congress or Municipal United States Congress, can ever be presumed to apply to us or our assets in any way, shape, or form.

This is no threat to anyone nor is it any provocation of war. It is simply a matter of actual ownership interest and Law, which we have exercised. Contrary to the expectations of many, our assets are not "abandoned", not "unclaimed" and they are no longer subject to contrived commercial claims by Secondary Creditors, nor any administration by Bar Attorneys subject to the Crown.

We consider what has gone on here to be a crime, both a recognizable international crime and a domestic crime.
We consider that the perpetrators have aimed at the overthrow of not only our government but all national governments worldwide.

The United States of America [Unincorporated] is the actual government owed to the American States and People and it is our established and lawful right and obligation to function in both international trade and commerce effective July 17, 2014.

We have done so and we have standing to do so.
All Trade Names of living people issued on or arising from the land and soil of the American States and all derivatives thereof are Public Trusts of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and they always have been.
They are all assets of the land and soil, not engaged in any form of interstate commerce.

Review that fact in view of the false commercial claims and unlawful conversions of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration. Also review that fact in view of the false commercial claims made upon American Negroes and other people of color by the Scottish Government dba "The United States of America" Incorporated.

Every dog has its day and you have all had yours. What remains is a necessary and profound ---and lasting--- correction on all your parts.

5th October 2018, 07:02 PM

6th October 2018, 01:13 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAJCbanD9EDAzzn9KWGT1KcnqGLKUBHnTKJFJwdchJY-5FvdEvbKXWgqp3eSSXzySYdBmXBmxECizXM&hc_ref=ARTJ5n0YmqADpECQ2VYpW4kNeK8479k1K3NudNtXK1i EpH49_9FiQoKO7iOsQ74URMk&fref=nf)
11 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1883086635073741) ·

Your Own Experience
No doubt if you are adult enough to be reading my articles you have had numerous odd experiences in your life -- coincidences and happenings that you simply cannot explain.

One of my standard questions when I give a talk is to ask how many people in the room have experienced a "miracle"---something beyond all probability or explanation that happened to them or someone they knew? Invariably, I get an odd response: a few hands shoot up immediately, and then over the next few seconds more and more and more, until finally, almost everyone in the room is silently signaling, yes, I have seen, witnessed, or been part of a "miracle".
Oddly, because the "miracle" lies outside the boundaries of all normal expectations, most people have not deeply considered it or what it meant to them. They remember it, but because they can't explain it, it remains in the "reject" pile of experience, as if the Sorting Machine rejected an over-sized tomato, and there it sits: unquestionable.

However, when my "Sorting Machine" kicks out an experience, I am even more intrigued. I focus on it more, not less.
How did such a thing happen? What makes it a "miracle"? Is it merely my inability to explain it that makes it miraculous? I suppose it's my Inner Mathematician struggling to make things fit the equations I know.

As my straw vote with many audiences shows, I am not alone. Nearly everyone experiences miracles, and in fact, when you hone your observational skills you find that you are living in a world full of inexplicable miracles, all precisely timed and delivered.
As this realization dawns on you, it also become apparent that there are many one-off creations, mini-miracles given like gifts specifically to you or for you: the perfect car that you can afford just shows up "like magic", the right caregiver or carpenter arrives out of the blue, you get fired one week, and the next week your dream job lands in your lap, the love of your life (you thought) disappears over the horizon, but then....here comes someone else who makes you so happy, so at peace, you know that "it was meant to be" and you are grateful in retrospect for the heartbreak.

As you wake up to this reality, you begin to almost grudgingly consciously interact with The Great Unseen that surrounds you. You become aware of "It" with the red-faced realization that "It" has always been aware of you, always been present and always in one way or another, shepherding you along and giving you gifts, hand-tailored just for you. You were just too dull and half-asleep to notice.

Wisdom is just a process of sharpening your observational skills and being willing to look at the over-sized reject tomatoes, the miracles that occur in your own life. These odd inexplicable experiences provide us with points of reference outside our normal box and expand our vision, not only of what is possible, but what is actually "miraculous" in the mundane day to day of the simplest existence.

Once this Wisdom Process begins, you can't stop it. You are on the fast track to learn what is really going on in the world and see what others miss. Good and bad.

What I am going to share with you today is information that is available directly to you via your own experience, but as my Mother used to say you have to -- "Look sharp!" and wake up.

There is One Life on this planet. Just one. And we are all part of that One Life. We are not separate at all in any way at any time from All That Is. This is true and it remains true whether we are "alive" or "dead".
We are having our experience of that One Life the same way that a microbe is having its experience of that One Life. Even rocks are "alive" to this One Life, and their crystalline structures are ordered by it with the same beauty and precision as the functioning of the cells in our lungs.
As a result, we can't hurt anything or anyone without hurting ourselves. The violence we unleash on others is ultimately returned to us --- not because of karma per se, but because we are part of the One Life. You can't stub a toe without hurting the whole body.

Because of the delusion of separateness we think we can cause harm without harming ourselves, but this is not true and it is not true in the same way that water flows downhill. It is a natural result of the fact that we are not separate from each other, not separate from the deer roaming the golf course, not separate from the ant scurrying home with a peanut on its back, not separate from the iris blossom unfurling to the wind.

Another thing you will learn is that we are not alone on this planet. There are other kinds of beings here, angels and demons and spirits that aren't explicitly discussed in the Bible, but which nonetheless have their part to play. Nothing about this circumstance will change merely because you become aware of it, but you will change and be more aware and more fully alive because you will perceive more and see what you see more clearly.

I have told you before that your bodies are like space suits that allow your consciousness to dwell in this dimensional space and operate within it. I have also directed your attention to the fact that bodies can be occupied by non-human entities as described in the Bible. Both angels and demons can inhabit the same space suits as men and women.

So what looks like a man may in fact be a demon. Or an angel. Or one of the other beings that can inhabit our bodies.

A couple of months ago I suffered a direct attack by "Lucifer" and five Irish Republican Army hit men. Without going into the details, I am still alive, all five of the would-be assassins are dead, and Lucifer's present incarnation slipped away like the coward he inherently is.

I did, however, get a very good look at his body and face, and I have been asked to share the description in hopes of assisting the worldwide effort to locate and capture this criminal.

His present incarnation looks a good deal like a thirty-something Charlie Sheen. His jaw is not quite as squared off, his features are a bit more refined, but not much. His skin is very pale, as if he never sees the light of day, and his eyes are very, very dark. He was wearing a small, precisely trimmed, traditional moustache, and his very dark brown-black hair was also very nicely trimmed and quite short on the sides, maybe two to three inches long on top, wavy, but not curly.

His body ethnic heritage could be "Black Irish" given the company he was in, Ashkenazi, Greek, or Spanish.

A close observer looking into his eyes will see a strange reflective quality, a slightly more than average glassiness or "beady" appearance.
Though we didn't speak --- just got right down to business with him and his henchmen trying to kill me, he did smile in the midst of the furor when he thought he had me -- enough to say that he has even, small, white teeth.
His body type is significantly different than Sheen's, with over-developed shoulders, a well-proportioned torso, slim overall, medium height not above five foot ten. I would say he has studied dance, martial arts including fencing, and is an expert swimmer. He would be an excellent candidate for the Navy Seals.

The entity inside this body is a seraph--- an angel. He is in fact a special kind of angel -- an archangel. Think of archangels as an older model of angels -- older, more powerful, more abilities. It isn't just a matter of seniority or rank. They are literally different from other seraphs, and most importantly for all of you to know--- only an archangel can take down another archangel. It takes one to slay one or even capture one.

So if you see this man or anyone resembling the man I have described, avoid contact -- even eye contact. He can hypnotize normal people quite easily merely by catching their eye and staring at them. Keep walking or moving calmly and break off -- turn in a different direction, away from him. If necessary, turn around completely and go back the way you came, as if you forgot something and had to go retrieve it. Give him no cause for alarm.
He is unimaginably dangerous, but is very unlikely to show his true nature in public and also unlikely to desert this particular body. He has trained it and developed it for his purposes and he is not able to find many suitable "donors" who have the physical characteristics and genetics he needs to incarnate.

So, you think that you have seen Lucifer. What do you do? You find a quiet spot and you pray to Our Father in Heaven and address the Archangel Michael as "Michael, Son of the Morning...." The Archangel Michael is also present and incarnate on Earth and the message will get passed to him with the swiftness of thought. Then go home and tend to your business and go on with your life.

The new so-called "Quantum Financial System" has been rigged by the Grandfather, Marduk, one of the original Fallen. In their religion, sex and duality are worshiped, with the result that the new banking system has a female "key" ---- apparently, this is Kim Goguen, aka, "Kim Possible"--- and a male key who hasn't made his appearance yet.

The female key is always negative, always about blocking, stopping, or ending things, and true to form, Kim Goguen has found that while she can access and manipulate and transfer accounts around, she can't open them. Only her male counterpart can do that, and he is laying low.
Because he can open the accounts and provide everyone on Earth with a windfall of his favorite self-made commodities--- money and currencies--- he counts on being very popular and adored and yes, even worshipped by the masses.

Chances are, he'll look like a thirty-something Charlie Sheen. That is, unless we catch him first, or this expose causes him to fall back to an alternate body.
Either way, watch the play. Kim doesn't understand her role, and doesn't anticipate the appearance of her male counterpart, and neither one of them are counting on "the rest of us" being aware of who they are and what they are doing.

6th October 2018, 01:18 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCWqXWS9Wt4QuDe6kB-FTriPjO98o35Hb4GYPONnU40RSHU7OjvySml-3oyVGmd19QR6DAttVUL1yH7&hc_ref=ARSyY9pJZziqfEA7_CzIOhnOfo5X5VkXuXTlNcT43ps J6JwycP_gCbZnLVxuBGDfN0U&fref=nf)
11 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1883122981736773) ·

Martial Law Schmartial Law
Hate to break it to everyone, but technically, "the United States"
--as opposed to "The United States"-- have been under "martial law" since 1863, and they have illegally and unlawfully intruded upon the rest of us, seeking to involve us in their commercial mercenary "wars".

If Mr. Trump needs elbow-room to go after the worst of the criminals in their corporations, let me be the last one to raise a finger to prevent him. It is long overdue.
At the same time, let Mr. Trump and the rest of the world be aware that people identifying themselves as "American Nationals" who have reasonable evidence of their provenance and who are not directly employed by the federal "government" or offering to harm anyone should not be endangered or overly inconvenienced by federal housecleaning activities on our shores.

As large as the number "51,000 indictments" sounds, and is, it's not all that overwhelming. We deal with more cases than that every day in this country; the only difference is that this time, actual criminals will be brought to trial instead of "offenders".

And if, for example, Hillary Clinton or other known shysters attempt hide themselves in our jurisdiction, it is already established Public Law that Mr. Trump and the U.S. Army can come reclaim their own vermin. They just have to be very careful not to harm or unduly impose upon our people or property in the process.

As for us, none of this federal frou-frou-rah is our business and should not concern us. We should be more than happy to sit tight in our homes and snug in our beds and play pinochle for a few days. Let the Army and the National Guard come rule the streets for a few days and flush out the worst of the vermin.

Go pack in some extra food, water, fill up prescriptions for yourselves and pets. Extra pet food. Toilet paper. Tampons. Some gas for the grill and sterno to heat water. A few extra gallons of drinking water and some tap water for flushing the toilets manually. Considering the time of year-- extra firewood and blankets might be nice.
Consider it a mini-vacation. Time with the family.
Turn off the television and radio. Leave your cell phone on, in case there are any important announcements. Watch a movie. Read a book. Play indoor "fetch" with your dog. Cuddle your kids. Get around to reading that dusty Bible on the shelf.

These are the "Last Days" of the old system.

7th October 2018, 12:39 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCjsrYj_Hfe8hHhlC8ykSGjC0mpyz-kXiGM9ZGVpQGIkEWz378XzUjIhED666KTlpxR66oWKT0vlMNp&hc_ref=ARTwtRpUd2xuxKJX3FDmD1G6HKCPC6vqhGaih0FEBO3 i89mNLdv6pFLSspR7yhYED4s&fref=nf)
12 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1884351434947261) ·

More Reminders: For the Generals, the Popes, and the Monarchs:
We are aware of the issues crossing your minds and the arguments that some people are trying to make as excuses to deny the lawful government of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the rightful claims of the American States and People. We are also aware of your concerns about who we are and what our intentions are. Read on.

1. Probate never closes. The lawful owner of an "abandoned" estate can be "missing" for hundreds of years, yet if the lawful heir returns, it is the obligation of the court to return their assets unharmed and free of debt or encumbrance.

So the fact that the sovereigns of this country have been misinformed and defrauded in breach of trust and counted as "absent" for a century and a half is of no consequence when it comes to their right to inherit, possess, and enjoy their birthright and heritage. Once they come forward and prove their provenance and basic competence-- as we have-- there can be no further issue or obstruction.

2. This circumstance is most inconvenient for certain grossly irresponsible governmental services corporations and their creditors who have been counting on us not showing up to claim our assets and who have been in anticipation of claiming our assets as "abandoned property". These corporations need to work with us as their Priority Creditors and as the only people competent to forgive their debts and settle their problems with their Secondary Creditors.

3. With regard to Anna Maria's Offices:
"Private Attorney" for Pope Benedict in the matter of giving Notice to his many erring employees, was an unpaid, voluntary favor done to assist the Pope in his efforts to end the gross criminality of taking title to babies and enslaving entire countries via legal chicanery. That Notice Process went through several stages and levels and occurred on a worldwide basis in concert with shutting down the Pontificate (2011) and securing Final Judgment (2014) in favor of the States and People.

"Fiduciary" of The World Trust (Unincorporated) and of The United States of America (Unincorporated) is a terrible responsibility that nobody would want, yet it has fallen to Anna Maria to do. A Fiduciary Officer is accountable and obligated to act according to The Prudent Man (or Woman) Standard and in Good Faith to administer the financial affairs of others, so as to protect and enhance their interests. She serves everyone on Earth in this capacity.

The Roman Curia will note that in all the centuries since the founding of The World Trust nobody but Anna Maria has presented the Bills of Lading to turn over the International Jurisdiction of the Sea - the Kingdom of Satan - to the lawful owners: The Kingdom of Heaven. This should be a sign to them that indeed The Kingdom of Heaven is come upon the Earth and once again, the woman sent to them as the harbinger and grandmother and fiduciary---- is, as it has been since Old Testament times: Anna.

An old woman from a remote corner of the world has been sent to overthrow the Kings of the Earth and clean His House. With the Living God, all things are possible.

What she has begun in America is only the beginning of a much greater re-structuring and expansion of finance, law, and education worldwide. The People who have seen The Great Light will now live with that Light, and it will not be the false, dim glow of Lucifer.

The Armed Forces of the world will be re-tasked to fight the true enemies of mankind: disease, pollution, greed, ignorance, poverty, dishonesty, famine, and all the other factual problems we face.

You will be building and installing high tech that saves lives instead of high tech that takes lives. This is a simple concept and we trust you all got it.
Any questions?

7th October 2018, 12:51 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBN-2nDc4b7lYyhZmZ1a1UlKbcea5v4_g7bSayxNlqcfzfzdAYFk9Q Ud_d04Qi0FSUhaqR-cBSo4e5T&hc_ref=ARR2PQxEPOtd8gS3F9oX9hBKGr8xw28gK5k3RbxMxJR wwAPhOYEDgiepIHZf-YiXDeE&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1884606674921737) ·

About Foreclosure -- A Simple Plan to Get the Upper Hand

Most people don't have a lot of extra time or money or energy for fighting court battles they can't win in foreign jurisdictions that are stacked against them in courts that literally work for "the other side" in blatant conflict of interest. So here is a bit of timely, simple to do, and simple to grasp advice:

First off-- living people can't do affidavits. Only corporations (their officers) give affidavits. What we give is "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit". It may seem like splitting hairs but it tells the judge that you know what you are doing and that you are acting in the capacity of a living man.

All such testimony needs to be addressed to the District Attorney, the case prosecutor, and the judge. Just giving it to the clerk accomplishes nothing. She files it, but nobody reads the case file. This preserves their plausible deniability when we bring valid points so every case file is moot until a case reaches appeal---so in order to gain traction short of an appeal you present directly via Registered Mail--- and hopefully do this the moment you get Notice of any foreclosure case with a case contract number being filed.

Here is what your "Testimony in the Form of an Affidavit" needs to say--IMHO:

(1) I am not the one responsible for paying this mortgage.

(2) The Trust is.

(3) And if the Trust isn't able to pay it, their Underwriters are responsible for paying it.

(4) And if their Underwriters are incompetent I don't know what you are going to do to enforce your title but it has nothing to do with me or my assets.

(5) I am exempt and not subject to this court so I don't know why you are even addressing me or why you continue to address me when I have told you I am not the one obligated to pay this bill.

(6) The Beneficial Title Holder is the Territorial State of Wyoming (for example) and the Legal Title Holder is the Municipal STATE OF WYOMING.(Plug in the name of your state-of-state instead.)

(7) I am not a voluntary franchisee of either the Territorial State of Wyoming or the Municipal STATE OF WYOMING.

(8) I am an American National and native of Texas (for example).

(9) Now, obviously, you should be talking to the Territorial State of Wyoming and the Municipal STATE OF WYOMING, not me.

(10) I am a Third Party to all this and supposed to be Held Harmless and my interest in the assets is supposed to be insured against loss or damage by all these other Parties-- the Territorial State of Wyoming, the Municipal STATE OF WYOMING, the Title Company, and all their Underwriters.

(11) And if my private interest is not being defended and properly presented, I want to know why not.

(12) Since I am not voluntarily involved in any of this and never conscionably was, and since my assets have been dragged into this mess without my knowledge or consent, and since all the other Parties that secretively benefited themselves at my expense are now trying to palm this situation off on me, and since this Court works for those same Parties and is acting in Gross Conflict of Interest and under Color of Law--- any issue related to this foreclosure complaint that continues to involve me or affect my assets in any way is going to be settled by Private Binding Arbitration and I am going to choose the Arbiter.

(13) Now you've made your "Offer" and I've made mine and it is time for all of you to give me some answers.

Joe W. Teeth

(Stands for "Joe With Teeth" -- a take off on the nickname the Bank of England gave me--- just substitute your own name.)

If everyone in America who is facing "foreclosure" follows this simple plan, you will (A) probably get an immediate "Hot Potato" dismissal or (B) have an iron-clad Appeal ready to not only take down the foreclosure, but take down the DA, the Prosecutor, and the Judge, too.

You are spelling it all out for them -- who you are, who they are, what you are owed, which other organizations and parties are responsible, the "All of It" --- and if they continue to come against you once you have read them the Riot Act, the sword that takes them down will be their own.

What happens if they agree to Arbitration? Well, then, you look around for a non-Bar Member professional arbitration expert. There are a lot of such services around.
Or, if you can find a Private Third Party who is familiar with the Foreclosure Fraud, you can name them as your Arbiter. Just make sure you have good, solid, "aware of the problem" people, hopefully someone from outside the local area, so you don't have to worry about the Good Ole Boys Network.

And then go for it. You've got nothing to lose by doing this and everything to gain, because if a chicken asks a fox "What's for supper?" you already know what the answer will be.

Once the Arbitration Services are fully clued in and understand the problem the banks will fail, but that's okay, too. Honest banks will take their place.

Give the Arbitration Service a copy of your Testimony, too, and explain how the Dirty Rats took "title" to your house under conditions of deceit, making you think they were giving you a home loan, when in fact they were soliciting for you to "loan" your home to them!

They took your asset, pretended to be the actual owners, sold your home to Third Parties, remitted a fraction of the proceeds back to you as the "loan" they purportedly gave you, and then-- kept you still laboring under the misconception that they gave you a loan based on their own assets, and kept you on the hook to pay back a loan "from them" that never happened.

You and your assets funded the whole transaction. You should have walked away from the closing table free and clear.

These Bunko Artists just pretended to provide a loan to you to promote their own unjust enrichment and to get you to give them a totally unearned "security" interest in your property. And of course, they never fully disclosed any of this to you, because you would never agree to it.

You never owed the bank anything, but maybe a small brokerage fee. They got a security interest in your home for nothing and all the interest for almost nothing.

And now they are tossing it back in your lap and blaming the victim.

What should happen to them besides maybe a letter "C" for "Con Artist" tattooed in bright pink on their foreheads?

Once the Independent Arbitration Services get a load of what these vermin have done, they will be handing homes back to the actual owners as fast as these self-interested corporate tribunals have been taking them.

For those who are confused about how the "State of State" and "STATE OF STATE" are working for the banks -- the banks "sponsor" the governmental services corporations that are masquerading as your government, so they literally own the corporate tribunals calling themselves names like "The State of Wyoming Superior Court"---another little factoid they conveniently fail to disclose. [Oh, yes, and it's a two way street-- the banks charter themselves under the auspices of the Territorial US and Municipal US.]

All you "Bar Attorneys" out there yearning to breathe free and live as honorable men again--- just scared that you can't make a living? Here's your Sure Thing opportunity. Tear up your Bar Cards, thumb your noses, do the right thing, and start an Independent Arbitration Service.

And as for anyone who fears that they might be in foreclosure soon or might be facing bankruptcy, etc., --- why wait for "the bank" to foreclose in their very own bought and paid for court? File against them as the Plaintiff Party and expose what they did to you. Claim damages. If there is already an Arbitration Clause in the mortgage-- and there almost always is --- take it straight into private arbitration from the get-go.

Now, smile. This is a game of Whack-a-Mole and you've got the bat.

8th October 2018, 04:27 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB0Oo2boBz-7pSNgYD5fED-557fawKdHxvnpb_3YjVou_PCiKM3vvZb3DD_FpwKdX1Eb9Hqsb ZHrss7&hc_ref=ARQFE4M-6bCBy2gjCLQhDMSIhrGKh2y1UyzKe2iqzl7vqTrbCi97OQroc5 D12f6k47A&fref=nf)
23 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1885945144787890) ·

Change of Jurisdiction
Many people are having a hard time understanding jurisdiction, but it is simple enough once you wrap your head around it.

When you enter a new jurisdiction it is like crossing a border into a different country. Different laws and standards and even different languages apply. Unfortunately, there is no well-marked border crossing and you can slip back and forth across the jurisdictional border without being aware of it.

Therein lies the proverbial rub.
You were all born in what is called "Original Jurisdiction" --- the land and soil jurisdiction of the States and People.

However, thanks to Breach of Trust and legal chicanery on the part of the British Monarch and the Government of Westminster and the British Crown, you are purposefully mis-identifed within a few days after your birth and registered as a British Territorial Citizen.

This falsification of the Public Record results in you being "presumed" to be a subject of the Queen, strips you of all your Constitutional guarantees, and holds your Good Name and Estate as chattel backing the Queen's debts. It also places you in a foreign jurisdiction.

You are supposed to be a man living on the land and soil of Illinois -- for example, but instead, soon after your birth, your Name and Estate are "unlawfully converted" and suddenly, instead of living in Illinois, you are residing in the British Territorial "State of Illinois".

You have crossed the imaginary border between the land and sea and in effect, entered a nightmarish Land of Oz. You have left your Original Jurisdiction on the land and soil of the American States, been disguised as a foreign British "vessel" and unknowingly cast adrift in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea. All without leaving your crib.

Instead of speaking plain English, you are are now supposed to know and speak "Federalese" -- a foreign derivative language full of "terms of art" and deceit, where the word "person" suddenly means "corporation" and the word "human" refers to a "monster" and the words "state, State and United States" all mean "the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation".

Obviously, a British Territorial Citizen is very much like a slave. They are "presumed" to have voluntarily donated everything they are and own -- their bodies, their assets, their names --- to the Queen and the British Crown Corp, in exchange for "privileges and benefits", which the slaves pay for themselves.

And you are told nothing whatsoever about all these cozy arrangements and presumptions. Neither you nor your parents are ever informed by your worthless, dishonorable Trustees. Yet this unconscionable contract is enforced upon you just as rigorously as if you had actually, consciously, willfully signed up to act as a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service.

It's enforced upon you by members of the Bar Association, who are all Undeclared Foreign Agents working for the Government of Westminster and/or the Queen, and all holding "Titles of Nobility" as "knights" or "esquires" of these foreign governments.

That's why they have in fact been prohibited from holding any Public Office or position of trust in our actual land jurisdiction government since 1819.

Some of these men and women are in on the joke and know full well that you have been mis-identified and kidnapped without your knowledge or consent into their foreign jurisdiction, the better to prey upon you and seize your assets.

Most of them are simply trained like dumb animals to do a job without thinking too deeply about it, and are victims of this "System" just like the rest of us.

Anyway, this is how you came to be in their "Land of Oz" reality: you were shanghaied into their jurisdiction.

And how, Dorothy, do you get home again? How do you cross back over that imaginary border and get back to your Original Jurisdiction, where there are no Flying Monkeys and you can tell the Wicked Witch to stuff it up her Royal Bum?

It's not quite as simple as clicking the heels of your Ruby Slippers, though it should be.

Our Living Law Firm Team has been painstakingly, step by step, researching the question and developing the ways and means of correcting the Public Records and as we go, sharing the information with all of you, to help you reclaim your Good Names and Estates and get back to Original Jurisdiction one-by-one.

But obviously, this is a major educational effort, frought with various obstacles, and such one-by-one return to the land and soil is not going to happen quickly enough to save the vast majority of Americans from the Creditors of these British Bunko Artists.

Remember -- as a British Territorial Citizen you are presumed to be "standing" as chattel and collateral for the Queen's debts and also the debts of the British Crown. And they all claimed bankruptcy protection. So where are you now?

Right in the cross-hairs of the international banks, coming to collect on all this British debt that we supposedly underwrote.

In response to this, we have placed international liens on the British Territorial States of States and the Municipal STATES OF STATES and together with the Federal State Trusts, have rolled all the assets back to Original Jurisdiction.

You are living in Illinois again, not the State of Illinois, and that means -- although it takes time for the word to get out-- that the "legal presumptions" have to change, too. The Bar Association Members and their Courts can no longer just assume control of you or seize your assets or distribute your property as they see fit.

They have to assume that you are an American, not a British Territorial Citizen.
You can grab Toto in your arms, and say, "I'm an American National born in Kansas on the 4th of February 1952 and I act in no other capacity."
You still have to correct your own Public Records. Still have to claim ownership of your own Good Name and Estate. (www.annavonreitz.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F&h=AT2L7dGaTDIxy3sfG_lhZkaiFXSYzQgwMZdGVBDIHfGYUDXn UZl6zI9FX1Afakxy8FVq_HCBJLyVNLaGokCsZdYpuEquKqmHcv Zc-Hryr5xm1UOYG6J3Ppt3zQ4FEWUaRxojVcEAjSAdRGmljgs5_dg ), Article 928 Here: http://annavonreitz.com/basicforms.pdf (http://annavonreitz.com/basicforms.pdf)) And soon you will need to come forward and enter Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Claims, too, just for good measure.

You will have to learn about jurisdiction and all the choices you have open to you as ways and means to conduct your own affairs, but the worst of it is over.

Dorothy is back in Kansas, and she brought her little dog and her farm and Auntie Em back with her.

8th October 2018, 04:38 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBMhTI35Xeop8xTVq4KQV98W_MPRyFo--aTjsxAQr1Qaj7Ikw0F_s8Se7tyeIduXQ5kSGVoWTaQnY0a&hc_ref=ARSU5-RgTikE1wvZnYAzv4XjMBJu09ysdRaEawOtP2jkAMROPk_Xp1PV qHex2ZYq9IY&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1887234227992315) ·

Important Message About Karen Hudes:

For the Generals, the Popes, the Monarchs, the General Populace, the United Nations, the United Nations Security Council, the Trilateral Commission, the members of "Congress", the President of the United States (Corporation), the Democrats, the Republicans, Her Britannic Majesty, the Lord Mayor of London, the Lords of the Admiralty, the Banks, the British Crown Corporation, and Everyone Else Who Needs to Know:

1. Karen Hudes is a Bar Attorney pretending to "represent" us based on an appointment to do so granted to her by the World Bank.

First, she does not and cannot represent us. We are presenting ourselves as the Naked Owners. That should be enough said.

Second, she does not and cannot represent us. By our Public Law since 1819, no member of the Bar can hold any Public Office or position of trust related to us. Ms. Hudes is trying to assume a "position of trust", but she is prohibited by our Law from doing so.

Third, she does not and cannot represent us. The World Bank has been complicit in defrauding us and has no consent to appoint anyone to any position of trust related to us.

We are competent to handle our own affairs, thank you, very much.

2. Karen Hudes is pretending that there is a "statute of limitations" that protects the World Bank and the members of the Bar Associations, but no such statute applies.

First, there is no statute of limitations to protect against charges of fraud, breach of trust, murder or kidnapping --- all of which crimes have been committed against the American People.

Second, a first year law student should know this, which leads us to believe that in addition to the objections presented above, Karen Hudes is either: (a) dishonest or (b) incompetent.

3. Karen Hudes is presenting what she claims to be a "Secret" Constitution written in 1871, revealing an "insurmountable" debt on the part of "the United States".

First, our Federal Government doing business as a Confederation of States ceased operations in 1860 and has been "held in abeyance" since that time pending "Reconstruction" of the Federal "States of States".

[This circumstance in no way precludes nor prevents The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the sovereign States of our Union from operating in commerce and international trade, which is precisely what we have done and are doing. That is, we are under no obligation then or now to "reconstruct" anything.]

Second, the Municipal Government in 1871 was just getting organized and would not actually take form until 1878.

Third, this means that the only version of "federal" government operating in 1871 was the British Territorial United States and its corporation doing business as "the United States of America" (Incorporated).

Fourth, this means that it is the British entity dba "the United States of America" that admitted insurmountable debt in 1871 and agreed to any such "Secret Constitution"----- not the American Holding Company dba "The United States of America" [Unincorporated].

Fifth, this is consistent with the known fact that Andrew Jackson's Administration paid off all American debts related to the Revolutionary War and subsequent activities just a few years prior to the so-called Civil War.

Sixth, Ms. Hudes willingness to "accept" the "insurmountable debts" of the British Territorial United States as if they were any debts of ours again demonstrates that she is: (a) dishonest or (b) incompetent.

We are sick to death of this nonsense and all the persons pretending to "represent" us in any capacity whatsoever. We are here, we are of age, we have given due notice and due process to all concerned.

Give us what is rightfully ours and get out of our way.

12th October 2018, 10:41 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDI9xGcmaPnmgQcTkS7bGk_rItFaQT3NZxhdRLzqg0gaX G_pKM_XXA1-v119VqXQPdBV2km5P9KPeo0&hc_ref=ARQRcy_JL0ysDJETN_h6q81aLlkpc6_VcDo1hik78z4 k_am5Q9tCjC40urhdv_7J0RQ&fref=nf)
October 11 at 9:09 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1891286470920424) ·

"The National Credit" -- My First YouTube Video -- By Me -- Ever
There are milestones in every life. For me, a woman plagued by shyness, a big one came yesterday. I made my first YouTube video. You can imagine the stress that put me under. It is under five minutes long.
https://youtu.be/M4gLp5k9IZ0 (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FM4gLp5k9IZ0&h=AT3XsvPecUR3olaETsXbURch7i9zy4inEBzMCTvtGyms37VA pqbub2Rg1hAnztFO4KWjWW6YPdI_di7n467i6cpLlok5tqlbTK Tb8H8YHupQnB_61TvYEFawyAPFHtWSiJFugc6PGS3mLFt5C4BB d2k)


My dog could pant and roll over and be more entertaining, but....the information is crucial. Go to YouTube and look up "The National Credit". That's right --- The National Credit, not the National Debt.
I am not confused, but everyone else sure seems to be.

A Federal Reserve Note is a Promissory Note --- an I.O.U.
When you accept an I.O.U. as "payment" for actual goods and services, a debt is created and assessed against the party offering the I.O.U.

So that is the source of the "National Debt" that has accrued to the Territorial and Municipal United States and the Federal Reserve since 1913.

They have been getting something --- actual goods and services --- for nothing but paper and hot air.

So, yes, their "National Debt" is actual, factual debt and that debt accrues interest, etc., like any other debt. And most of that debt is owed to us, the American States and People of this country. We are by far their Priority Creditors.

On our side of the ledger -- the side of the living people and the actual States -- the credit owed to us for our goods and services continues to be owed and collects interest.

So we get richer and they get poorer with every transaction that occurs.
However, we have been "blocked" from having access to our wealth and instead, our purported "Trustees" have been using our accumulated wealth as a gigantic investment fund. They have used it to secure majority ownership interest in all the Fortune 500 Companies and to rig commodity markets including currency markets from here to Bangkok and we've never seen a dime.

Instead, all we hear is the Territorial and Municipal United States officials poor mouthing about their "National Debt" and more than a few of us assume that the "U.S. National Debt" is something we owe --- when in fact, it is mostly owed to us.

And here we are, rich beyond Midas on paper and in terms of actual assets, working like dumb animals in a treadmill, and our purported Trustees (the Popes and British Monarchs and the members of "the" United States Congress) and their bankers are sitting like cats in cream enjoying our money and exercising our power "for" us, bilking us, reducing us to poverty, and ignoring the National Debt of our subcontractors.

But we have news for them and good news for Mr. Trump. At least nine-tenths of his "National Debt" is owed to us. We are his Priority Creditors.

And we have enough money and credit on the books to: (1) wipe away the U.S. National Debt like a fly-speck; or (2) simply forgive the debt and get him out of hock and out from under the thumb and forefingers of any international bankruptcy trustees.

And then, maybe, with a renewed sense of duty and understanding of how this country is supposed to work, we can combine forces to put the rest of the screws where they need to go.

That is the import and meaning of my first YouTube video addressed to President Donald J. Trump and the American People.

Basically--- let's stop being stupid. Reconcile the accounts and go after the crooks. Make America great again. Make the whole world great again.

12th October 2018, 10:57 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCP-WI1U4E4MO8_hslKiVqyGR6ddMAwgG0260P4drNISlNpk4eTaKF X8DGmmwNI2IKXFotlgdJofalr&hc_ref=ARQXRWivlBJdDC5VTIiEUo75sU44HC9gpZc2gJBdmBS 3IZwgApxrdYoJNuQAxoZH1C4&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 12:19 AM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1891443754238029) ·

A Tale of Four Companies
If you read history and read it closely you will notice all sorts of odd things.

You will learn that on the ninth day of September in 1776, the Americans created an unincorporated international Holding Company and called it: The United States of America.

Please note that "The" is part of the Proper Name of The United States of America, and it is always capitalized. Notice that there is never any reference to incorporation, no "Inc." designation, because it isn't incorporated.

The United States of America is what is called a "Federation" of States, in this case, now-fifty sovereign States, operating as one entity in international jurisdiction to secure their mutual best interest.

Then, as you are reading The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, which ended The Revolutionary War, you will see that King George III is named as the Arch-Treasurer of something called "the" United States of America.

Please note that this is a British commercial entity chartered by the King.

The word "the" is not part of its Proper Name and is never capitalized.

So almost from the get-go, you have two entities, one British, one American, both called "United States of America" and indistinguishable from each other, except for the use of the definite article, "The" or "the".

The United States of America = unincorporated American Holding Company....the United States of America = British commercial corporation.... and both of these entities operate exclusively in the International Jurisdiction of the Sea.

Really makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Were the Brits so lacking in imagination that they couldn't think of a different name for their corporation? Or was infringement of copyrights and deliberate confusion of identities an object of desire from the very start?

When you research the genesis of the name "United States" you will find a parallel development, only instead of the British King, it was the Roman Pontificate of the Holy See involved via their Postmaster, Benjamin Franklin, who established the first United States Post Office in 1754-- some two decades before The Revolution got started.

So Mr. Franklin invented "the" United States and the Holy See chartered it, and it was only later, after the Colonies unanimously declared their independence, that "The United States" came into being as a "Union of States" operating in Global Jurisdiction.

Again, the only way you can tell the difference between the unincorporated American Union of States doing business as "The United States" and the Roman Catholic corporation doing business as "the United States" is the use of the definite article: "The" or "the".

Were the Americans so dull they couldn't think of another name? Did Ben Franklin convince them to use "United States" so that his already-established (foreign and separate) Post Office could serve as the first seat of government?

We may never know the whole story, but what we do have in front of us is very odd and telling:
The United States of America [Unincorporated] = American
The United States [Unincorporated] = American
the United States of America (Inc.) = British
the United States (Inc.) = Holy See

From the very beginning of our country there is an obvious effort to "mirror" our public companies by foreign commercial corporations---- and for what purpose, but to create confusion and constructive fraud?

Less than a century later the perpetrators took good advantage when the Scottish Government got into the act and chartered it's own version: The United States of America [Incorporated].

Because Scottish Law didn't require them to declare the nature of their business entity -- whether unincorporated or incorporated, they got away with using the exact same name as our original Holding Company.

Without the "Incorporated" versus "Unincorporated" designation it is literally impossible to tell the difference:
"The United States of America" [Unincorporated] = American Holding Company.
"The United States of America" [Incorporated] = Scottish commercial corporation.

It was the Scottish corporation that set up shop in 1868 with the blessings of the British Territorial "United States" Congress and which published it's own Articles of Incorporation as a new "Constitution" for the British concession we saw in The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783: "the" United States of America.

At this point, the British corporation dba The United States of America was "re-constituting" itself as a modern Commercial Corporation. And using this further semantic deceit as an excuse to call their new charter document "The Constitution of the United States of America" they pulled off the biggest constructive fraud of all time, using nothing more than semantic deceit.

People throughout the world naturally assumed that "The United States of America" had to be "the same as" our unincorporated Holding Company that had been doing business under an identical name since 1776.

The Great Fraud was off and running.

The paperwork this commercial corporation published as "The Constitution of the United States of America" in 1868 was not a constitution in the same sense as the Federal United States Constitutions published in 1787, 1789, and 1790 ---and was instead merely Scottish-issued Articles of Incorporation mimmicking the Territorial United States Constitution of 1789.

The vermin promoting this could now operate a brand new deceitfully and similarly named commercial corporation and substitute it for the actual Territorial Government and Constitution the American States and People were owed.

This explains why the States no longer ratify "constitutional" amendments. The actual Territorial United States Constitution ratified in 1789 requires that a majority of States must authorize every Amendment, but the Scottish Commercial Corporation only required approval from the Board of Directors: the same treasonous members of the Territorial United States Congress that engineered and self-approved these changes. Thus they usurped power from the actual States by deceit and made it easier for themselves to change 'the" Constitution and pass it off as changing "The" Constitution.

They snuck into our nest like cuckoo-birds and pulled it off, usurping first the Territorial United States Government, and then sponsoring new "State of State" corporate franchises to usurp upon the original Federal States of States.

Again, the schtick was the same -- merely a difference between "The" and "the". Their corporate franchise "ringer" operated as "the" State of Georgia usurped upon The State of Georgia.

By 1907, the Scottish ringer was bankrupt.

And their Creditors showed up on our doorsteps wanting payment from the American version of The United States of America. And we paid them.
So the set was ready for more bad behavior from our other "Trustees"--- the Popes.

In 1925 they set up a Delaware Corporation called "United States of America". In 1927, they set up the "Internal Revenue Service" as a collection agency. In 1933, their wheelman, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, bankrupted this version of "the" United States of America, and again, we paid for it all

The European schemers were more than ever encouraged. They'd got that much. Why not go for it all?

They set up the "UNITED STATES" (Rome) and the "USA, Inc." (British) and numerous affliliates and subsidiaries and created an entire mercenary army of unelected and unaccountable alphabet soup "agencies" to control and territorize us and racketeer on our shores.

They pillaged and plundered and racked up "hypothecated" debt against our good names and other assets, promoted the biggest mortgage fraud scheme in history, and then in 2015, after doubling their "National Debt", the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, and left us to hold the bag--- again.

And in 2017, the Territorial Government followed suit.
So all their Creditors are lined up on our doorsteps again.

And meanwhile, our Trustees, have been pretending that the real Americans are all gone, can't be found, have abandoned all their inheritance and assets--- ready to be claimed by the banks as "unclaimed property".

What they couldn't steal outright they intended to give away to their Creditors for a share of the spoils. No wonder they billed it as the "Greatest Wealth Transfer" in history.

Imagine their choking amazement when we showed up and cited both Chapter and Verse?

If a herd of horses had surrounded the Pope and started talking to him, he couldn't have been more stunned.

And then, he realized that a good share of this fraud and Breach of Trust was done in his name and the name of the Church.

To his credit, Benedict XVI took immediate steps to correct, and to his credit, Francis has continued to pursue reform.

The Queen, in my estimation did little or nothing to reform and showed no sign of repentance while Mr. Obama was in Office. It has only been since Donald Trump took Office that she has done anything substantial toward paying her own debts and correcting the operations of her agents on our shores.

There is still much to be desired from the Queen and her Consort, such as the return of our share of the "Life Force Value Annuities" which Prince Philip received under false presumptions in April 2017, and the return of all our intellectual properties, all rights, titles and interests, all copyrights and patents, and the payment of all the leases and fees we are owed -- return of all the bogus mortgages and internal revenue taxes we never owed, all the birth certificates, everything in fact that is rightfully ours -- free and clear and restored.

We clearly view this entire circumstance as a gigantic multiple generational fraud scheme --- a commercial crime, not a matter of politics, having no statute of limitation.

We are clearly presenting our Federation of States, The United States of America--- Unincorporated, and operating our Flag Ship in International Jurisdiction.

We have seized upon all assets of the Municipal and Territorial United States and their franchises. We have rolled these assets back into the possession of and to the jurisdiction of the sovereign States, where they are not subject to seizure by any Secondary Creditors.

As of October 9, 2018, the Delegated Powers have returned to us by Operation of Law --- the automatic result of having all three levels of the "Federal Government" rendered incompetent at the same time, and our official action accepting their return.

This means that no "U.S. Bankruptcy Trustees" have any further authority here. We are the Priority Creditors and Heirs. We are in possession and our claims are cured. With our pending agreement, the debts will disappear and all Third Party interests will be subsumed.

Mr. Trump needs to work with us to finish the lawful conversion necessary to return all the assets to the realm of Public Law and restore our lawful courts and correct our public records and get our government "of the people, for the people, and by the people" booted up, funded, and fully operational.

This will be a test of our National Will and our ability to act self-responsibly in our own best interests, as well as our Good Faith enabling other nations to do the same.

The domination of living men by corporations and crime syndicates is at an end. We now face and accept our right and duty to self-govern in all respects, now and forevermore

13th October 2018, 06:38 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDqSzp0NfClycVKVXeib3Hg-x2vzk3m5l1wfqWmhMtbT3kChVZ0hCntzEXGbHQOU8fPUsWFWqm P541F&hc_ref=ARTro2iNn4Evh_lCWTlh9ZvsTMnlyBn7f91Ukr0tzi_ KhlulFvvSw6oT689HcKpNoyQ&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1893027050746366) ·

The "Historic" Trusts
The banks did something deplorable, criminal, inexcusable.
It wasn't the first time.

They pretended that actual assets left "on Special Deposit" in their banks were "abandoned" simply because nobody had used or inquired about the assets in a long time. Of course, there was no contractual obligation on the part of the Depositors to meet any schedule of contact with the bank, but the banks acted upon the theory that if Depositors didn't walk through the doors as often as they or someone in the Legislature thought they should---- well, of course, those assets had to be "abandoned", "lost", "unclaimed".

It's basically the same schtick they have applied to all the "missing" American babies who were born on our shores and who magically "disappeared" (on paper) and whose good names and estates were then labelled "Disregarded entities" for the purposes of fraud, racketeering, and theft.

After cobbling up this after-the fact requirement, which was never disclosed to the Depositors, the banks then seized those private account assets for the bank's use, and the bank gambled with those assets and made use of these private deposits to underwrite lending, which the bank multiplied according to the rules of "fractional reserve" banking --- thus benefiting itself many times over with no risk or expense for itself and no consideration for the actual owners of the assets.

All of this took place with no notice given to the actual owners.

And as the banks had unlawfully and without authorization made use of these private assets for investment purposes, and those investments were often time-dependent and had to be left in various funds for various lengths of time, the discovery of their malfeasance was a constant worry.

So they came up with a new label, "Historic Trusts" or "Legacy Trusts" and they cut a deal with the "governmental services corporations" officially allowing them to steal the trust assets and block the actual owners from accessing the assets.

If you care to look, you will see that many "State of State" organizations did the same thing with your Birth Certificates, labeling them "Legacy Certificates" or "Legacy Trusts".

And just like all of us waking up and saying --- "WT-- do you think you are doing?" The actual owners, trustees, and beneficiaries of all these so-called "Historic Trusts" have rumbled awake.

The owners of the defrauded trusts are more then willing to pay handsomely for the return of their assets --- more than the banks would ever share. So this is another avenue of help for Mr. Trump.

I have an "Historic Trust Association" of asset holders who have been robbed by the banks. Just one account in one of these trusts is enough to fund recoupment of all of them, and access to enough money to run our entire government including the military for two hundred years.

And it is all good, clean money with known provenance. The Trustees are ready to make a deal.

Again, I say, let's stop being stupid.
We have the records, we have the provenance, we have the proof. When people see that we mean business and that their deposits are going to be protected in America, they will bring their money here, just as they have been bringing it to Iceland.

Between what we can do for you in terms of crediting and/or forgiving the U.S. Debt, Mr. Trump, and what we can do for you in terms of delivering hard assets, its pretty apparent that we "Tin Hats" hold the cards that you need and have done our homework for many years.

If you are serious about making American Great Again and are open to doing it without World War III, you need to find a conference table with two seats.

13th October 2018, 07:53 AM
Really makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Stop wondering. Rely upon your senses. If you cannot sense something then likely that thing is a product of your imagination. Illusions are shared.

If it helps here is Law 1 for defendants from Spanish civil law that is several hundreds to a thousand years old.


There is no need to re-invent the solution since the problem was not just invented recently. Previous generations have wrestled with the same problem (too much imagination).

14th October 2018, 12:50 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAPbYw8iuFfkdp00mRXE4wS_-VN8c9UdqzuZ3ZrOxOXkSCreOCWDWNAeQWkuyxSU1hMpZOYQYj3 257g&hc_ref=ARSbBH6IvXKmSnERBljs4KMZ5qSvFWtpVcqGuwH8MpX vjZat-Qt8XWbThsKLDrs92is&fref=nf)
23 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1893727364009668) ·

A Note of Explanation For Melania Trump:
What I say is true. The National Archives contain all the proof that will ever be needed and those records are available to you. So let's cut to the chase.

Donald Trump needs money---actual money as well as credit to run and rebuild a viable organization.

The banks are holding our assets captive and thereby preventing us from helping your husband.

We are the actual asset owners underwriting their banks.

So not only are we in a position where we can forgive the "National Debt" and pay off any actual Secondary Creditors, we can fund the government going forward.

We are not Tin Hats. We are the (potential) victims of a Middleman Swindle by the banks.

Now, ask yourself-- what happens when a man like Robinson Crusoe, marooned on a desert island for twenty years, disappears?

The courts declare him "legally dead" and give his estate to Secondary Beneficiaries.

What happens if he isn't actually dead, and returns home?

The courts are obligated to return his estate free and clear of debt or encumbrance accrued by the presumed Secondary Beneficiaries.

We've returned home.
Our assets are owed back to us free and clear.

All debts accrued by the Territorial States of States and Municipal STATES OF STATES against our assets have to be wiped clean. All their assets have already been claimed and returned to the sovereign land jurisdiction States.

Knowing this, your corporations have sought bankruptcy protection and are milling around not knowing what to do.

Do you kill your employers in hopes of re-inheriting their property? That doesn't seem reasonable, does it?

Or do you side with your actual employers to bring these banks to heel and free up our assets and make a deal with us?

As of October 9, 2018, all the Delegated Powers returned to The United States of America [Unincorporated].
All three branches of the Federal Government have been rendered incompetent. The Delegated Powers revert to the Donor of those Powers by Operation of Law.

We acknowledged and accepted the circumstance and the return of our Delegated Powers on June 6. Ninety-three days later, it became final and cured.

So, not only are we the only ones with the standing and the provenance and the claims in place to receive our assets back, our Holding Company is in receipt of all the "Powers" delegated to the Federal Government by the Constitutions.

Your husband needs to make a deal with the right people and stop chasing tails. We are Americans. We don't care much for the Queen or the Pope, but if your husband wants to make America Great Again, we are on his side of the issues.

As for Bob Hurt and Larry Becraft, if they actually knew anything about Law, they would know the difference between Law and Legality--- but they don't. The reason for this odd lapse is discussed in my article, "Did You Go to Law School or Legal School?" published on my website: www.annavonreitz.com. (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F&h=AT3O1qIG4vktMiqpDKvEe-nwZFE9_gbLKY_SJRYFbvfgIRLj6_1_kAuwNzqhIyMrLuNoT2Pp SmLMdtgLeIfC5vdZNQqdwpe0BsSZN__jNxoCxDM6AOTu9yymr5 o_MaDhcFUeOPaj_lFu8nJeNuLKHxE)

Like most Americans, Larry and Bob are blissfully unaware of how their actual government is supposed to operate -- but it is our responsibility (and yours) to teach them and enable the American People to regain control of this runaway train.

In the article below, we explain about the "Historic" Trusts. Those trusts and the assets in them belong to us. The banks are trying to claim the assets under false legal presumptions.

Even the President does not have standing to challenge them, because the assets belong to us, not him, nor the "United States" ---- but we can bring the banks to their knees, because we are the rightful owners.

Once our assets are in our control, we can fund the federal government services without blinking an eye-lash. And since The United States of America [Unincorporated] is the lawful and still-standing government owed to this country, this can be done without international controversy or question.

Even though the Federal Constitutions are now all dead and gone, we can continue to honor them in the interim while this mess is being resolved.

Loan us some Treasury Agents, some Forensic Auditors, and a few Marines, and we will fund the American military and the Trump Administration and set things on course again.

The proper jurisdiction for this (ask Judge Kavanaugh) is international and without the Delegated Powers, your husband cannot act lawfully or legally in our behalf in international jurisdiction without working with us.

The Federal Government was always limited to the realm of Commerce and without access to the Delegated Powers your husband is in charge of a bankrupt British Territorial corporation, up a creek without any lawful or legal authority, no viable long-term funding, and a huge mess on his hands.

With us, the American States and People, dba The United States of America [Unincorporated] he is out of debt free and clear, in peaceful possession, fully funded and able to navigate toward a new future.

It's true that we have every right in the world to despise both the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States and their leadership since 1860. It's also true that the past is now dead and gone. We are ready to move on.
The "Historic" Trusts
The banks did something deplorable, criminal, inexcusable.

It wasn't the first time.

They pretended that actual assets left "on Special Deposit" in their banks were "abandoned" simply because nobody had used or inquired about the assets in a long time.

Of course, there was no contractual obligation on the part of the Depositors to meet any schedule of contact with the bank, but the banks acted upon the theory that if Depositors didn't walk through the doors as often as they or someone in the Legislature thought they should---- well, of course, those assets had to be "abandoned", "lost", "unclaimed".

It's basically the same schtick they have applied to all the "missing" American babies who were born on our shores and who magically "disappeared" (on paper) and whose good names and estates were then labelled "Disregarded entities" for the purposes of fraud, racketeering, and theft.

After cobbling up this after-the fact requirement, which was never disclosed to the Depositors, the banks then seized those private account assets for the bank's use, and the bank gambled with those assets and made use of these private deposits to underwrite lending, which the bank multiplied according to the rules of "fractional reserve" banking --- thus benefiting itself many times over with no risk or expense for itself and no consideration for the actual owners of the assets.

All of this took place with no notice given to the actual owners.

And as the banks had unlawfully and without authorization made use of these private assets for investment purposes, and those investments were often time-dependent and had to be left in various funds for various lengths of time, the discovery of their malfeasance was a constant worry.

So they came up with a new label, "Historic Trusts" or "Legacy Trusts" and they cut a deal with the "governmental services corporations" officially allowing them to steal the trust assets and block the actual owners from accessing the assets.

If you care to look, you will see that many "State of State" organizations did the same thing with your Birth Certificates, labeling them "Legacy Certificates" or "Legacy Trusts".

And just like all of us waking up and saying --- "WT-- do you think you are doing?" The actual owners, trustees, and beneficiaries of all these so-called "Historic Trusts" have rumbled awake.

The owners of the defrauded trusts are more then willing to pay handsomely for the return of their assets --- more than the banks would ever share. So this is another avenue of help for Mr. Trump.

I have an "Historic Trust Association" of asset holders who have been robbed by the banks. Just one account in one of these trusts is enough to fund recoupment of all of them, and access to enough money to run our entire government including the military for two hundred years.

And it is all good, clean money with known provenance. The Trustees are ready to make a deal.

Again, I say, let's stop being stupid.
We have the records, we have the provenance, we have the proof. When people see that we mean business and that their deposits are going to be protected in America, they will bring their money here, just as they have been bringing it to Iceland.

Between what we can do for you in terms of crediting and/or forgiving the U.S. Debt, Mr. Trump, and what we can do for you in terms of delivering hard assets, its pretty apparent that we "Tin Hats" hold the cards that you need and have done our homework for many years.

If you are serious about making American Great Again and are open to doing it without World War III, you need to find a conference table with two seats.

15th October 2018, 02:56 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCr2COgbGYuwf790ZiPHjebizIrNDsVSZeMRSVNxlkQgJ H0mwCDxLOJhG4jaKjCKxZQvPkevF1CAHXl&hc_ref=ARTLDtJs9NLawiNf-KOqj-O0Y--q6YjD2lF3VWt4GlKbY3tfU-BoYqhEFPZQaI1ViOE&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1895344943847910) ·

Why There is No Change in Treaty Status and Why There is No "Numbers" Requirement
Some self-interested parties are challenging our right to self-government and to our inheriting of our own estates based on the idea that we are a "new" entity and that there hasn't been "continuity of government" between The United States of America formed September 9, 1776 and today.

We invite them to prove it.
Did our States ---- Alabama, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc., suddenly disappear?
And if they did, what had to happen to all versions of "State of Alabama" and "State of Ohio", etc.?

Ever tried to form a "State of Iowa" without Iowa?
That is what their claims logically reduce to.

Did we actually, physically disappear?
No, we have all the direct evidence of our provenance that anyone could ever imagine or wish for, back beyond the Revolution. We and our ancestors have been here continuously and never left.

All that happened to make it appear otherwise in any sense was a self-interested fraud scheme by commercial corporations masquerading as "governments" to steal our property via falsification of public records.

Have we and our parents and grandparents and great-grandparents ever ceased to object and take exception to these false representations and presumptions?

My Great-Great-Grandfather took definitive action against them in 1855, my Mother born in 1920 reiterated it, and here I am in 2018 saying the same thing.

Did someone say, "continuity of government"? What about the Trustee's "continuity of government"? There's the bankruptcy of their Scottish ringer in 1907, and their HRE ringer in 1933, and now the bankruptcy of both together, 2015-17.

None of these bankruptcies should have been allowed, but they were, and in each case, there was severance. The Trustees simply acted in Breach of Trust and conveniently neglected to honestly and fully disclose their "private circumstance" to us. Note that they have continued to hide their bankruptcies from any public cognizance and also their improper hypothecation of debt against our assets.

Also note that our mailing address has not changed in over two hundred years and that our family has maintained additional proper mailing addresses in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere since the Founding. We even wrote to the Queen and made sure that she had updated her address book.

There's no excuse for trying to claim lack of continuity on our parts.

Nor is there any "change in Treaty status", because the entities owed the Treaties, The United States of America [Unincorporated] and The United States [Unincorporated] are still alive and well and as you can see, kicking, and besides that, we were never involved in any of the conundrums coming out of the illegal commercial mercenary conflict mis-represented as "The American Civil War".

The Federal United States was represented by the united "States of America" --- not The United States of America. By what possible idiocy does anyone miss the grammar? Their Proper Name is: States of America. Our Proper Name is: The United States of America.

We are not deceived. We have demonstrated that we know the difference between ourselves and the look-alike, sound-alike impostors that other governments have run as commercial corporations infringing on our Good Names and Copyrights.

It is shameful beyond the extreme that the Popes and the British Monarchs have allowed any of this fraud to go on, much less prevail, while standing there pretending to be defenders of justice and purveyors of the Rule of Law.

Now either get off your Duffs and stand for these concepts and honor your responsibilities under the Public Law or stand down and go away. Permanently.

Some other Weasels are complaining and saying that we need to meet some arbitrary standard which they offer to impose, demanding that we expose our People to their scrutiny and that we "prove" to them that we have some Magic Number of souls in each State of the Union who are competent to inherit their own assets and tell a jury whether they are afoot or on horseback or drifting about in the international jurisdiction of the sea.

Indeed? These same persons making these demands upon us, who are responsible for this deplorable circumstance in the first place?

By what right do they have any right to demand anything from us but a good, swift kick in the rump?

Lest everyone needs to be reminded of the source of controversy between our lawful government and the monarchies of Europe --- William Belcher, heir of William the Conqueror -- granted every Continental Soldier and everyone born on the soil of this country forever afterward --- "sovereignty in their own right".

In terms of international law, this means that any American born on the land and soil of this country is competent to act as a Monarch of equal standing to anyone in Europe or the Pope himself. As long as there is an American left alive who remembers who they are, anywhere in the world, America has representation among the High Contracting Powers and Principals of the world
And here we are.

It just so happens that in addition to being an American and born on the land and soil belonging to our States, James Clinton Belcher is a direct descendant of William Belcher, fully enabled to hold and wield both The Great Seal of The United States of America and The Great Seal of the United States---and able to "personally" require HRM Elizabeth II to stay in her Dependent Sovereignty status with respect to us and our assets.

Does anyone wish to continue to pretend that The Norman Conquest never happened? Want to challenge our DNA?

As the bankruptcies were deemed to be private matters, we deem the identities and the numbers of those Americans retaining claim and title to the States to be our "private" business.

More than two years ago, we solicited qualified volunteers and received a landslide of people coming forward to verify their ancestry and standing in all States of Union --- more than sufficient to claim all the assets back in every State. The solicitation and the report of the results as they came in and the announcement of the successful "re-population" by sovereign entities is a matter of Public Record published here: www.annavonreitz.com. (http://www.annavonreitz.com/)

And that is more record and explanation than we owe to anyone, anywhere.

15th October 2018, 03:03 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCFnQmZrjJDe0PDLIU0-INVtLH_orRTM1uJvag1LCKlrJY8sLk7qn5YSaAeK34tespdZZV 4Jy0se3qx&hc_ref=ARRhx-7BFl7PnrgoHSI15oU9wREAYVDJWA2AwxXQNHGbrP8BDhnzZbkJ iVVh9Q4LFBc&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1895426407173097) ·

Stop Talking About "The" Republic. There Isn't One.

Our fifty nation-states are each owed a "republican" form of government. Note the difference: "republican" (feminine) versus "republic" (masculine) in Latin.

There is no doubt that the Founders who were schooled in both Greek and Latin said exactly what they meant.
Their purpose was to describe the government owed to our soil jurisdiction states as opposed to the "democracy" adopted by the British Territorial Government and the oligarchy of The Roman Republic.

The only "Republic" even remotely related to our Government was the Municipal Government of Rome --- The Roman Republic, under which auspices the District of Columbia owed its aegis.

Thus, there is no American "Republic" related to our lawful government nor any American Government for "which it stands" and never was; except for the distant and intended-to-be minor authority of the now-defunct Roman Pontificate within the District of Columbia, which is, itself, foreign to our government "of the people, for the people, and by the people".

Similarly, except for the British Territorial Government, there has never been a "democracy" here, either.

It's all just more deceptive talk, talk, talk based on the expectation that we will be ignorant enough to mistake their government for our government, and their government's debts for our debts, and allow the Interlopers to use deceptively similar names to gain access to our credit and control our assets without even the nicety of a viable formal contract.

As we told Mr. Jacob Rothschild and as we told Mr. Nathan Rothschild, thanks, but no thanks. Le Republique needs to either stay in France or bid for an honest contract. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LLC, needs to stay in Scotland, peddling red-white-and-blue t-shirts to Irishmen.

We, the actual Americans, are having none of this nonsense.

Read the words: non assumpsit. Those words have been clearly published and spread across newspaper Legal Notices sections all over this country and the sentiments backing them are unlikely to disappear.

We are sick of clandestine European meddling, lies, deceits, half-truths, Breach of Trust, commercial mercenary activities, racketeering, inland piracy, conspiracy against our lawful government, false commercial claims, kidnapping, human trafficking, adhesion contracts, unlawful conversion, religious lunacy, insurance fraud, bogus taxation, commercial "wars", pratfalls, snide jokes, and all the rest.

The cards have been called. The liens established. The assets have been claimed and rolled over. The Delegated Powers have returned to us via Operation of Law and have been acknowledged, accepted, and our claim upon them has cured.

The Schemers have succeeded in destroying the last fetters of the original Federal Constitutions, and they have succeeded in bankrupting both the Municipal United States and the British Territorial United States, but they shall not reap the unjust enrichment they anticipated and they shall not gain control of our country via legal chicanery.

The Sleeping Giant may still be a bit fuzzy headed, but make no mistake, we are awake.
The United States of America remains.

The United States of America is the Priority Creditor and has exercised its liens and assigned all "state of state" assets back to the sovereign land jurisdiction States of the Union where they can't be meddled with anymore by any incorporated entity on Earth.

The United States of America has received back the Delegated Powers that it assigned under the Federal Constitutions.

The United States of America is owed every jot of every Treaty. Every drop of ink and blood is owed to us.
And we are not "a" Republic. And we are not a "democracy". Not now, not ever.

When people ignorantly or with purpose to deceive talk about "The Republic" we take exception to the deceit and when they insist on prattling about "democracy" -- which is an evil form of government our ancestors decried and avoided like the Plague, we hold our noses and try to be diplomatic.

However, in this instance with the Rothschild Empire trying to front both a bogus "Republic" that is billing itself as a "democracy" and the Council of Cardinals milling about wondering what to make of all this, we feel compelled to make our grievances public and explicit.

The actual government of this country is not a Republic and not a democracy--- and never has been either one.
The actual government of this country in international jurisdiction is a Federation of States -- The United States of America [Unincorporated].

15th October 2018, 06:43 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCpGa2GUUq6yvhgreFcL8kL_frITs1mBj3V55tMXX1ckf tHxNw6Wz__D8MDXDjMnPv6A6B1UFWsVb20&hc_ref=ARQH1JtZMCvYD_pFwqI9aXDvkypSWmQtv1x2k4KuTL9 nYAk3sMTH0X52QNubgyNdTMk&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1896341283748276) ·

Come On, Donald Trump. You Are a Smart Man....
Picture then-President Obama and the UN Bankruptcy Trustees sitting around a conference table.

Picture Obama saying, "Well, all these land assets have just been sitting here unclaimed since 1953, why don't we put them into the pot as abandoned assets and use all that land as collateral backing our debts?"
The Bankruptcy Trustees readily, eagerly, with great glee say, "Why, yes, that would be acceptable....if you are sure that all these vast acreages are abandoned by the original owners?"
Obama says, "Oh, yes, quite sure. The land titles were taken back in the 1930's, released in 1954.... I don't think there is any realistic likelihood that the heirs will show up after all these years."

So the deal was done and all the American land assets were put up as collateral for Obummer's debts, "securing" and underwriting all the fraud and cronyism of the 2008 meltdown.

A couple weeks later, Obama shows up again for a little discussion with "his" bankruptcy trustees, and he says, "Yeah, hey, fellas, I found all these private and personal trusts just laying around in the banking system. Most of these haven't been accessed for fifty years. Why not take these assets as collateral, too?"

"No problem, Mr. President. We can do that. We'll just do a little allonge in the name of the missing trustees....."
"Right," says Mr. Obama. "These dumb clucks were never told that these trusts exist, so what they don't know won't hurt 'em."

So then, right after that, which basically means right after selling America to his Creditors--- he created new Public Transmitting Utilities named after every American.

Suddenly instead of seeing mail addressed to "JOHN SMYTHE JONES" we start seeing mail addressed to "JOHN S. JONES".

The estates have all been attached by the bankruptcy trustees, so the vermin needed a new "handle" to continue their scam of bleeding dry the clueless Americans.

But meantime, day by day, the Americans are waking up and figuring things out, and even if it seemed like a good bet to the bankruptcy trustees----against all the odds, the Americans show up and they claim back their assets.

And not just a few people claiming back a few pieces of land or a few ESTATES.
No, the Americans show up in their long-disused Ship of State and they roll the whole shooting match back into the possession of the sovereign, unincorporated land jurisdiction States, against which no incorporated entity can transgress.

So, even if Donald Trump wanted to seize our assets and honor Mr. Obama's deal with the corporate bankruptcy trustees, he couldn't, because he is President of an incorporated entity which is incompetent to sue a sovereign State.

Our assets have been saved and our claims are cured and the Courts are obligated to change their legal presumptions accordingly. All of that is in motion now.

But the bankruptcy trustees and the Secondary Creditors they represent are all screaming bloody-murder: "Wait, hey, wait a minute! We've been swindled! Obama told us nobody knew about the land titles and the trusts. We were under the impression that none of the assets had been touched in years--- that they were abandoned assets. Somebody set us up! We want blood!"

No, it was the American States and People who were swindled and mis-represented and defrauded decades ago -- first by Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt, then by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, then by Truman and Eisenhower.

They all acted as a bunch of colluding self-interested accomplices to identity theft, credit fraud, bankruptcy fraud, and genocide on paper.
And the plain fact is that they got caught, called on it, and out-gunned.

So what's the mop up?

The corporation Donald is trying to guide out of bankruptcy isn't going to make it. That's not his fault. Without our "abandoned" assets on the table, it never had a prayer, anyway. And with our claims added to the claims of the Secondary Creditors, the whole shebang is doubly damned.

Imagine what happens --- you are trying to claw your way out of a bankruptcy. Your Priority Creditors are presumed dead, lost at sea. So you are wrestling with your Secondary Creditors. Then your Priority Creditors show up and you already owe them so much money that the Secondary Creditors get blown off the table, down the hall and into the elevator.

Worse, all the "abandoned" assets of your Priority Creditors that you
proposed to use as collateral backing your debts get whisked away, too. They are back home demanding that their assets be returned free and clear of debt.

Holy crappoli, could it get any worse?

It could get a lot better, if Donald Trump realizes that his Priority Creditors have the option to buy him out of his situation and can do so without blinking. All he has to do is help us reclaim our assets from the guilty banks and go to work for the American States and People instead of the Queen and the Pope.

Which was, if you recall, the original idea?

As the Queen and the Pope owe us a tremendous amount of money as a result of their 150 year fraud against us, and as they have no "Delegated Powers" left to exercise in our behalf, and as all their little henchmen in the Bar Associations are prohibited from holding any public office or position of trust related to us and as Westminster owes us a Treaty of "perpetual amity and peace"-----it would appear that it is time for Donald Trump to weigh anchor and get on the right side of the Public Law and all the related issues.

Incorporated entities have their advantages, but they also have their limitations.
You can see the dark clouds. You can see the confusion. You can see the paralysis. OMG, the actual Americans came home and claimed their assets.....the "dead" have risen, the Great Tribulation (tribute to Rome) is over, and we come like thieves in the night.

Only we are not thieves. We are the actual landowners. And the Priority Creditors of both "the" United States and "the" United States of America and all their Subcontractors and all the corporations formed under their auspices since 1860.

15th October 2018, 06:49 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA36Alim_I-ybdWJ9jbe-Gs8GIDI3CVLYSqoWRWkbR2lD6rr9UY2NT62DF5bcP3BURs6zZ-oAZBryWb&hc_ref=ARSJu6iIPXVvZKgCjhwFrTIEXqr8gHubYwkWHQwELsL TLNXUeIhK9ZJWQks8DBJQHvs&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1896474273734977) ·

Christmas "TROVE" From FEMA
Save your fellow Americans more stress this Christmas Season. Demand the resignation of the FEMA top brass and their replacement. Anyone who could come up with this scheme deserves to be in prison, not walking the streets with a government ID.

FEMA is an unaccountable, illegal, unelected "Agency" that we never authorized operating on our soil. Our advice to President Trump? Kill FEMA now and save yourselves the liability of being associated with this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch… (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=103&v=j_yiY1QI9oE&fbclid=IwAR0DBgRlmN1SbMyM1gFgkga1jQip6xz7vs8J0_iNt TUWolE_sXZ3RmWytzw)

No involuntary surveys.
No picture books about the glories of children snitching Nazi-style on their parents.

No assholes in flak jackets coming to private homes on Christmas Day, barging in and telling us about their importance and authority. These bastards are on our payroll and we want them stomped, de-funded, sent home to their own families on Christmas Day and as for their deranged Boss, we want him fired.
Not eligible for rehire.
Anna Maria Riezinger
The United States of America [Unincorporated]

17th October 2018, 08:43 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBPOacMPFkEwFsD4hUP4uoAAoOZizZKJea9ZGdblWaqFN weHNVj1Y76Z5v7vb-dE2xLq7g-gwRovyiL&hc_ref=ARQZakm7teU9iK3MiVmTH3Uu2hOlnMc9VeKlprfOPEx 6re9FZGO2ecCeQjeAwkoss20&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 3:14 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1897574100291661) ·

For Those Just Now Awakening
Remember when you were a teenager? How obnoxious you could be and often were?

Oh, yes, you knew everything and your parents knew nothing.
It was all so easy to take in at a glance, with no work and no thought and no effort on your part.

And of course, you were more than willing to blow off your mouth on any subject and present yourself as an expert.
Unfortunately, the "American Awakening Experience" goes through the same awkward, scary, stupid stage.

When people first Wake Up and realize that all is not Yankee Doodle, Fun, and Roses, their almost universal response is:

1. Fear. What does this mean? Where are we? What's going to happen? Who is in control? (During this stage people feel panicked, alarmed, insecure, paranoid, like they want to bolt into the bushes, but most are sensible enough to know that there is nowhere to run.)

2. Anger. Who the hell is responsible for this? Who are all these people? Who or what is trying to harm me and my family and my country? Well, whoever it is, I want a piece! (During this stage people are in a rage. They feel betrayed, They want someone to pay for this mess. They want the guilty parties lined up in front of a firing squad.)

3. Cold Resolve. Whatever needs to be done, I am going to do it. I don't know what exactly to do, but, whatever it is, I am going to do it. (During this stage, people are calm, but still running around doing this and that on a hit or miss basis, not connected with others of like-mind, but beginning to search.)

4. Connection. Ah, so.... the dawn has broken, storm clouds cleared away, I know what is going on and I know generally speaking, what has to be done. I am finding other people who know what is going on and we are beginning to feel our way forward. (During this stage experience varies widely depending on local conditions and what organizations are operating and which people are active, but no matter what, there is comfort in knowing you aren't alone.)

5. Testing. I begin to flex my muscle and exercise my God-given rights. I begin talking about these issues and the history I am learning to other people who are still asleep. I face rejection from some. (During this stage people find out that being an American requires hard work and determination and may involve sadness and losses of relationships as even loved ones and family members don't want to wake up.)

6. Perseverance. I begin to harden and mature. I begin to realize just how precious freedom and property rights are, and how I and millions of others have been defrauded. (During this stage, people realize how stupid they've been and how they have been unknowingly contributing to the evil, simply because they didn't bother to inquire, didn't learn their history, didn't care about government, and didn't think deeply enough.)

7. Strength. I begin to be truly effective. I am not only master of my own situation, I begin to be able to help others. I find ways of dealing with the runaway government. I continue to learn and share and build back my country and my countrymen. (During this stage people still make mistakes and it is at this point that they are likely to get "cocky" and run the risk of federal jail time, because they still don't know the fine points of jurisdiction and court.)

8. American. I emerge from the process a fully-fledged American. I know who I am. I know my history, my law, and how my government is supposed to be structured and operated. I know what's missing and what's still there and what has to be done. And every day and in every way, I nibble away on it, like a mouse chewing down an elephant.

Everyone on our Living Law Firm team has gone through these stages. I have gone through them myself. I expect them and I am not overly offended when I get some neophyte calling me up in the middle of the night and swearing at me as if I were the cause of the problem.

Most such people are so disoriented that they mistake me for one of their erring public servants and think I owe them the time of day.
Some think that I and the others involved are trying to steal something from them or commandeer "their" government away from them and still don't realize that:
(1) that thing in Washington, DC is not their government, and
(2) they have to participate and work to restore their actual government --- which is what we are encouraging them to do.

Still others think that they can argue with The United States of America [Unincorporated] --- and to a man, they don't realize that The United States of America is the only viable, competent government still standing in international jurisdiction. It's the only boat still afloat.

So I guess you can stay in the water and let the sharks eat you, or you can sober up, climb aboard, and start doing your share of the work of running our Ship of State. And be glad that Old Glory is still sea-worthy and that someone still had the lawful standing and skill to sail her.

There are at this point only two choices for those living in this country--- (1) you can embrace the hard work of educating yourselves and restoring your lawful government to full operation (that is, help sail your Ship of State and restore your land jurisdiction government) or

(2) continue to subject yourselves to the tender mercies of the British Monarchs and the Popes.

That fact in itself should sum up the situation for all those just now rolling over and saying, "Whaaa? Huh?" And being able to trace where you are and where other people around you are in the process of waking up may also help you bear the considerable stress of realizing that your country has been amok by foreign interests for 150 years.

17th October 2018, 08:46 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBmJo6_aUWOlF-w6lLRiIPNcC-Q3ScqCt3jkVQxuQGRqU9Jld8RfgxZibxBdtcKj_IXlGP84nPbc I26&hc_ref=ARQLU8D6-57enbTGDscVDdFbj74HZKfgHeKyPksb3yfDcdtKic-YciTrKYGeSOz4z0U&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 12:42 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1897600183622386) ·

Note to the Rest of the World:
No, we did not leave you behind or adrift or struggling all by yourselves.

The Megalomaniacs who set this System up abused our Copyright Office, our Patent Office, and our Trademark Office to accomplish all this fraud against living people.

That means that with the Delegated Powers returned to us fair and square, we are now able to sort through and return the purloined intellectual property to the actual owners.

Please be aware that this was all done by British Territorial United States operatives and Bar Association Members ---- not by our actual American Government and certainly not by the American States or People.

We have no interest in keeping anything that isn't ours and will rest easier when all the other countries are properly back on the map and all the other people are in full possession and enjoyment of their Good Names and assets, too.

Each country is responsible for making its own correction in terms of correcting its own public records, restoring its own lawful government, and resolving its own "national debt" once it has access to its "national credit". And, obviously, each country will need to address their own banks and guilty bankers and politicians.

Most of the original Plotters are long dead, so there is no direct satisfaction possible, but we can fully expose who they were and what they did and we can guard our countries from ever being afflicted by such parasites again.

We will assist to the extent we can and stand with and stand by all the other people who have been impoverished and defrauded by these monsters in suits.

17th October 2018, 08:55 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCzRmhIUA0IiZRAJjV92MieqJ_psAVDgWtsTdd4AmE_QR pvUZ9xZovYN9Q609wpg3WmDn9-X300YDIl&hc_ref=ARQXzjn6kJfyAT00L0WwjktRp4oebqMLktwIODu4_Dm D2k0KRsk6tYxHVEHEvI05B2A&fref=nf)
20 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1898084976907240) ·

A Donation and Something More Precious Than Gold --- Thank You!
I was recently interviewed and will be making that link available. In the interview I was asked honestly and frankly --- how do I demonstrate to people who are totally asleep that what I am telling them is true? That I am not just a nutcase?

This was reasonable to ask and I immediately thought back over the long, long process that brought us here and the "pivot moments" when I knew for sure.

There was that sick, sinking feeling in the IRS Office, when they refused to sign off in writing on what they had told me verbally.

There was the similar sick moment when I got out my magnifying glass and looked at what appeared to be the signature line on my "personal" checks and saw that it was a line of micro-print endlessly repeating "Authorized Signature" and wondered why it was there and why was it so tiny?

There was the stupefying moment when I realized that: (1) there was no Declaration of War related to the so-called American Civil War, and (2) equally stunning, no Peace Treaty ending it.

There was the moment when the Congressional Research Office replied that yes, I was correct, the bulk of the Reconstruction Acts were still in full force and effect. Never repealed.

There was the moment when..... on and on.

Both according to the things that were there and equally, the things that weren't in the Public Record---- inexorably, the story that I am telling you was told to me--- not in some free-flowing narrative, but fact by fact.

That fact by fact narrative is still standing there for all of you to see for yourselves and I cherish all who make the effort to do the research and see it for themselves.

To be honest, I was caught somewhat flat-footed in the interview and just grabbed some of the most obvious things to direct attention to.

Yet, today, in the mail, I received a donation and an Atta-girl that answered the question far better than I did, an answer that is literally more precious than the "gold" that came with it.

It's very brief and I will quote:

1. "Inhabitants" = loyal to the King [George III] 1783 Treaty of Versailles, about fishing rights: people = sovereigns & inhabitants = loyal to the King.

2. Northwest Ordinance also supports this in that people had a different requirement to meet to be able to vote/elect than the "inhabitants".

3. Rule of Law = Commercial Law, according to John Codman Hurd, Counselor-at-Law, The Law or Freedom and Bondage in the United States, 1858.

These and other references including the The Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, leave no doubt that there are two populations on this Continent and always have been.

As The Definitive Treaty of Peace describes these two populations -- we have the "free, sovereign, and independent people" and the "inhabitants" --
- British officials left behind after The Revolution to provide "essential government services" --- as later described in Article IV of the Territorial Constitution.

So, if I am "crazy" and don't know what I am talking about why weren't you taught these facts --- any of them --- in school?

It's simple.
Criminals in Britain (includes Scotland), France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Italy were intent on defrauding you and hooking you into paying their debts and "voluntarily" enslaving yourself for their benefit through ignorance of language, ignorance of history, ignorance of public finance, and plain old ignorance, full stop.

These vicious criminals deliberately made sure that unless you educated yourself by reading dusty old treaties and moldy law books, you would never know that there are two populations here, and would not be enabled to easily discern which population you naturally belong to.

The same criminals were busy falsifying all the public records related to you and your name, so as to build an alibi for themselves and their grotesque mistreatment of their hosts and employers. Theirs is a criminal Breach of Trust, carried out over the course of decades against an innocent unarmed civilian population.

No shame is deep enough for them.
Our only crime was to employ them and trust them to do their jobs. We should have kept hob-nailed boots on their necks and an army of Forensic Auditors on their tails

This is the reason you have been taught to parrot things like the "Pledge of Allegiance" --- a veiled feudal "pledge" to the British Monarch --- and to unthinkingly identify yourself as a "US Citizen" without asking --- which United States?

This is why you were never told to record the names and parentage of your children with the land recording office as soon as they were born.

The sympathizers and collaborators of these criminals on this side of the Atlantic played their role, too, pretending to be loyal Americans to the Public, while taking in the European Payola and pillaging us for their masters in Edinburgh, Whitehall, and the Hague.
Bankers, politicians, members of the Bar --- and even some ranking members of the American military colluded against our lawful government beginning in 1860. And they progressively, deliberately played this long charade for all it was worth, false taxation, false regulation, false arrests, false imprisonment, phony "wars", fraud, fraud, and more fraud and all accomplished under Color of Law.

So what are we going to do about it?
I can tell you this much --- anyone who wants to speak to me about "The Rule of Law" had better be prepared to have it stuffed down their throats, sideways. And "Lucifer" better run.

Our Living Law Firm is The Lion in the Door. Our Counselors-at-Law are doing battle every day. Our bankers are in the fire fight. Our friends are answering the call. We are in it for the duration and determined to end this criminality once and for all.

Are you with us?
PayPal: avannavon@gmail.com and via snail mail: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

17th October 2018, 09:00 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCns7dzFih66T9fKfOizzXlG4Vu0jkxKtMiz0CPbWLtOC vHHSwnvf5fTbI9FVssir-xmiex36qt4AgJ&hc_ref=ARTDoy-LEXMHCt4ez7wbNELuZbVB_2JO_8QiaIhD7Z55yCKLTBvUnzd1T TWsyyz_XDE&fref=nf)
19 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1898135856902152) ·

American Armed Forces. See That Word--- American?

What do Marines shout out every single day?
"I am an American!"

Not, "I am a United States Citizen!"

There is a reason for that.

Your loyalty as a member of our Armed Forces is supposed to be loyalty to America and your fellow Americans. Not some spider's nest of evil old men sitting over in Europe. Not some ugly criminals in New York. Not venal vicious sick immoral politicians inside the Beltway.

We have suffered a classic geo-engineered weather warfare hit.

"Hurricane Michael"---- yeah, my fat rump. Just like 9/11. Another inside job.

This was done using CIPPA-based frequency generator equipment and other scalar / satellite technology being "tested" on a supposedly "domestic" population.

Except that we are not "domestic" with respect to "the" United States which is where? The District of Columbia and only the District of Columbia.

The ENMOD Treaty requires the signatories to limit tests and deployment of weather warfare technology to domestic targets. And Florida is not a domestic target.

The "United States" is out of compliance.
Rogue elements in the old nasty DOD and UN Corp (not the United Nations organization --- the corporate doppelganger set up by the Vichy French during the Second World War) are playing war games and making threats against our States and our People. Most of this is coming from the "US" Navy, which has maintained inappropriate ties and accepted unconscionable orders.

It is no mistake that the recent assassination plots against President Trump had their genesis in the Navy and that the Navy has been instrumental in these weather warfare attacks beginning with Hurricane Katrina.

Lets make this perfectly clear: failure to refuse illegal orders results in prosecution as a war criminal. War criminals are dispatched via lethal injection, hanging, or guillotine. Which do you prefer?

Or, by special demand, we could bring back the gibbet.

It is imperative that all members of the American military act as Americans, now and forevermore. This includes US Navy personnel. The 'US" you are paid by and that you actually are supposed to work for is The United States, not "the" United States.

Listen carefully and remember the words, because it may be your only warning.

Any American who is aware of "UN Corp" personnel rigging CIPPA or other scalar technology for attacks against American targets is authorized to use deadly force to halt such plans and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

17th October 2018, 09:03 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCvN_3_kqxsfEAInPCBcY6fUYmeN1hQKCNNVKqMYAOam7 H9RgJefU9gD-zJnQUjf90MsQWg83HW-Ie5&hc_ref=ARQUrkciSX97VevBkRqCp-gp5O_GnahXSKod4_W1s14kJ5KTiKBQxTEEGlNb_8WiyIs&fref=nf)
18 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1898177563564648) ·

France? Liquidate the UN Corp and All Successors and Derivatives
We know how it started. We know who did it. We know that the "UN Corp" as opposed to the United Nations organization (chartered in 1945) was chartered in France during WWII by Vichy French Nazi sympathizers and these criminals then colluded with Swiss officials (also Nazi sympathizers) to transport their ill-gotten gains into Swiss banks by the railroad cars full.

We know.
It's not just the Brits, though as usual, they are at the bottom of our particular dog pile. It's you, too, France. And Switzerland. Oh, and Italy, too. Ironically, you are all now suffering from the parasites you harbored and wondering why?

Because a snake is a snake. It is its nature.

And a worm is a worm. It is its nature.

If you want to prove where you stand on the issues of civility and law and culture, if you want to do the right thing and free yourselves to live as free men again, then start doing what has to be done.

Liquidate the UN Corp as a crime syndicate.
Then maybe you can stop talking about your "national debt" and start talking about your "national credit" instead

17th October 2018, 09:07 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDVHeHPfLhHnXetgttb-SrLDmLJ2lKzuDt3qO5I8JDH0BEIZJDzvQ9YpClTCUolutIqutV Y6sEvzw5a&hc_ref=ARSMPKwIVWXgxBhQVuWaTtTuTMSL5ai3PhdfHDiVsiW iwZ3Z4tfCVBIUBEqUgPiHXYc&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1898873723495032) ·

How Simple Is This, Really?
We are the actual owners of the assets that have been "blocked" and which the banks claim are "abandoned".

We have shown up in plenty of time, lodged our claims, and said basically, "That's just plain old-fashioned fraud. We are here to collect."

And we have provided everyone with our Provenance and our proofs and nobody anywhere has come up with any logical or compelling reason why we should not be recognized as the actual owners. Because we are.

But the banks are still standing there stonewalling, more than three years later.

And Mr. Trump is still being forced to play patty-cake with Rothschild instead of being paid directly.

These middlemen bankers, like their buddies in the Bar Associations, have no business usurping a middleman position in the first place.

It should be just Donald Trump being paid by the American People to do a job.

As our Delegated Powers have returned to us, we have every right to bypass European interference, to secure our assets, and to pay our own employees.

We also have the unquestionable right to receive back our purloined assets.

Mr. Trump can't access our assets, because they aren't held in his name, but we are in a different status. We have standing as the actual Heirs and Original Entitlement Holders.

So---Donald Trump needs our help, and we need his, to push the asset recovery effort home and put an end to all this criminality on the part of the banks and Bar and certain politicians here and abroad.

By all means, let's get on with it. There's nobody here but us chickens. And we are all American chickens for a change.

17th October 2018, 09:10 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBEfG1OGKDLSkcPYviHkroPuDVx9mrApXsJVr3AkIe113 nHn8VEmNxuCD2aroH4eDXUwc91cBYi31ak&hc_ref=ARSnndPbg7EC3ZwMmdeWZJQcodD4_lcZGrmt7fKE0mi YXLIwP2v4T21YZ-eRcaRkwM4&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1899003390148732) ·

Weep With Me
Today, a box came in the mail. It was just a small brown cardboard box. Inside was a smaller box, again just a box like anyone might have laying around the house.

Inside was a pile of donations to the Cause. Each one had a note attached to it.

In memory of Nichole...
This money was probably lost by a child since it was folded up many times....but we could never find out who left it behind.....so in their memory, whoever they were or are.... one dollar.....
This packet of money was found in our driveway..... in 2009. Whoever left it never came back and we had no way of returning it..... so here is a donation in their name, too....

I sat down and wept.
I could clearly see these good people keeping this money all these years, wondering what to do with it, and finally deciding to put it toward America, in memory of those who left it or lost it.

For me it was a microcosm of the whole asset recovery process --- all the money that was owed to our Great-Grandparents and Grandparents, our Friends and our Siblings, our Aunts and Uncles and Parents, all the Service Men and Women
who never got their due, all those who paid into Social Security and never collected a dime, all those Americans who were taxed and harassed by these vermin and never actually owed a penny, all the farmers who lost their land.

Well, it's due now.
And as we go after the assets that are being held by the World Bank and the IBRD and the "Federal Reserve Banks" and the BIS and UBS and all the other thieves and False Trustees--- weep with me for all those who have suffered.

Let's make it count for all those whose names are lost, all those who contributed and never received anything back in recompense, those who bled and went without because of these vicious criminals.

Because criminals they are, criminals and nothing but criminals. Any attempt to describe any of what has gone on here as politics must fail and any attempt to excuse it must also.

It's time to collect.
For them, for all those Americans who were cheated and whose lives were truncated. For all the people all around the world who have labored and suffered under this veiled criminal commercial feudalism and institutionalized fraud.

18th October 2018, 04:28 AM
It's time to collect.
For them, for all those Americans who were cheated and whose lives were truncated.
Sounds good but if anyone was cheated then it is incumbent upon them to find their own relief. I suspect nobody has been cheated simply because they chose limited liability as their course rather than full responsibility.

Is an action ever founded on the basis that that the one you are taking action for was stupid? Who appointed you as guardian in such a case?

18th October 2018, 08:36 AM
Sounds good but if anyone was cheated then it is incumbent upon them to find their own relief. I suspect nobody has been cheated simply because they chose limited liability as their course rather than full responsibility.

Is an action ever founded on the basis that that the one you are taking action for was stupid? Who appointed you as guardian in such a case?

I would say those who set up the rules to begin The United States of America.

18th October 2018, 09:06 AM
I would say those who set up the rules to begin The United States of America.

When it comes to the practice of shearing sheep I am as inclined to blame the sheep for growing wool as the guy who takes it upon himself to clip it. Without the concept of 'TRUTH' there can be concept of 'FALSE'. Without 'GOOD' there can be no 'EVIL'.

18th October 2018, 07:14 PM
Sounds good but if anyone was cheated then it is incumbent upon them to find their own relief. I suspect nobody has been cheated simply because they chose limited liability as their course rather than full responsibility.

Is an action ever founded on the basis that that the one you are taking action for was stupid? Who appointed you as guardian in such a case?

I rather doubt the sheep knew there was a choice.

18th October 2018, 07:53 PM
I rather doubt the sheep knew there was a choice.
Yes. That is why they are sheep and not wolves.

Now if they had the ability to imagine themselves as wolves the story might be different.

18th October 2018, 09:16 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB8AzkrXq0VMyHEbOk33fBudXHRLC9p7xQlx6G0m7_jlE E19ea6FxkpvizZruxNKkTAn5pv-Rmu6dM5&hc_ref=ARQpp3JWicE1igILA9AjyF_iyQPHz5E-ZAEU0rGEg6GIVqhH5oEZe_rcKOl3wWPuLLk&fref=nf)
17 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1899554590093612) ·

No Hate or Fear Mongering Here
I don't hate monger or fear monger. I don't feel either one of those emotions and it is certainly not my intention to engender them.

My point is to wake people up.
They have fallen asleep on a railroad track, so the fear in the situation isn't caused by me grabbing them by the shoulder and saying. "Hey, Buddy, you gotta move!"

The fear is caused by the approaching train and the whistle blowing in the background.

Many people--millions of people worldwide-- are hearing what I am saying, but they are suffering cognitive dissonance.

I am telling them that they have to reclaim their Good Name and estate and have to declare their political status on the public record to protect themselves and their assets--- and they say, "What? I am Jane Marie Parker, an American from Point Hope, Indiana. Isn't that self-evident???"
It should be, but it is not. Others have made sure to muddy the water, so that they can take advantage of you and steal from you, Jane Marie.
They say you are a different Jane Marie Parker, one born in the British Territorial "State of Indiana".

According to their Master File, you make your living peddling drugs. If that's not you, you have to get evidence of who you really are on the Public Record.

And yes, you do need to wake up and do the paperwork and educate yourself and get off the railroad track. Or these criminals and liars and thieves will happily prosecute you as a criminal.

Then stand there when they are caught and say, "Oops! I made a mistake!"

See how they are working it? The pot always calls the kettle black. They are criminals so they accuse you of being a criminal. And they concoct evidence against you the better to grease their scam.

I tell people, hey, you have to get busy and self-govern. You have to organize your own Jural Assemblies and operate your own separate land jurisdiction court system.

They look at me and say, "I am already paying through the nose for those government services! Why should I have to volunteer and organize Jural Assemblies and volunteer to serve and provide another whole court system on top of what we've already got? We have too many lawyers and statutes already!"

Understandably, they are incredulous and not happy, but-- hear that train whistle? It is getting closer.

All those courts you are paying for aren't your courts. They are the King's courts.

And that "United States" they are talking about? That's not your "United States" either.

What? What! What???
It's all hidden in plain view. I have explained it until I am blue. The Brits acted in Breach of Trust, commandeered the so-called federal government under conditions of fraud and deceit 150 years ago, and have been bilking and abusing Americans ever since.

And now they say that you abandoned your estate and that it is fair game for their creditors to come collect against you and your assets.
After all, you just voluntarily donated all your assets, even your name to QE II, didn't you?
Well, if not, it's time to speak up.

Entire Counties in this country are tagged for sale as "real estate". You know what "real estate" is? It's "royal estate"--property belonging to the British King.

And you? You are all deemed to be sharecroppers, mere feudal tenants living on the King's land, ready to be evicted under Color of Law when his creditors show up on your doorsteps.

There's a train coming and you are still standing there in the middle of the tracks, disoriented, wondering what to do.

Our legal team is running full out, doing all that they can do to protect everyone. But you do have to wake up. Because you are still standing on the railroad tracks.

You have to get your own paperwork on the record as evidence countering their false claims and presumptions.

You have to organize your own lawful land jurisdiction courts so that you have the means to arrest and try these criminals.

Some of our guys jumped the train and pulled the brake switch. Hear all that screeching? That's the sound of the guilty banks howling.
The Big Sting isn't going as planned.

But there are still millions of people in harm's way. And these venal foreign courts are still operating on our shores.

And you are still on the tracks being "mistaken" for a British Territorial Citizen, an "inhabitant", a "dependent", a "resident", a "person", a "volunteer"--- anything and everything but a living breathing American, one of the free, sovereign and independent people owed every square centimeter of this country.

That's the one thing you are not being labeled as: an American.
So you have to label yourself, Jane Marie. Like this:
Say it loud and strong: "Exempt. Unincorporated. American."
Not real estate. Land. My land and soil. Not the Queen's. Not the Pope's. Not anything subject to the Territorial United States or the District of Columbia or any corporation anywhere.

I am a private "person" and this is "private property" and I will ream anyone who says anything otherwise. And no, it is not mortgaged. I am very much alive.

Did you all hear that loud and clear? Alive. Not decedent. Not incompetent. Here in the flesh.

This is an American State not a British "Commonwealth".
If I wanted to be a Communist, I'd move to China, thank you.

And I am not a resident. Not an inhabitant. I am Native to this country and my State of the Union. I am not a Territorial or Municipal Citizen.

I am not registered to vote. I am a Sovereign body politic elector.

I am not a volunteer in the British Merchant Marine Service, not a voluntary "Taxpayer", not a Withholding Agent, either.
I enrolled in Social Security by mistake, based on false information given to me by undeclared foreign agents.

I am retired from any and all federal service whatsoever. I waive all benefits.

I simply require the return of everything that was purloined from me under conditions of fraud and deceit.

My Indemnity Bond is posted and my Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act Notice is recorded.

I own my own name and all variations of it.

And if any Prosecutor wants to address me, he'd better address my Proper Name and he had better have evidence of authority to address me and he had better have his bonds in place because I am going to take him to task.
And whip his butt bloody from here to Texas.

Yours truly,
Jane Marie Parker, born July 11, 1975, Point Hope, Indiana, United States of America (Unincorporated)

18th October 2018, 09:25 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA3wEk4GRNzIvOcS0sPQ44K-Z3Ljo39a549fQKv71X-CpYKran0qx7MW-Dh_CH_TpFjV_JoughddBOo&hc_ref=ARQ5NYb--S3U6iMVwTqL615IiMvGy8Z0QSnvG4x7uH9ioDHvBwKjQbRs0lF Wp7b-MeU&fref=nf)
16 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1899591436756594) ·

Get It Together, People
I can't believe some of the nonsense I am hearing. Cart in front of the horse doesn't begin to describe it.

For beginners, people living as British Territorial "inhabitants" have no standing, right, or power to organize anything pretending to represent this country.

We are here, present, acting for ourselves now.

No "representatives" needed, thanks.

This is the reason why you all have to make your declarations of political status and move your Good Name back onto the land jurisdiction of this country officially BEFORE you can set up and operate a lawful Jural Assembly.

British Territorial "inhabitants" function as "persons" and when they set up a court they act as a "Jural Society". Okay? Two different groups, two different political statuses, two different jurisdictions.

They occupy a part of the sea jurisdiction and the rest of us, the "people" as opposed to the "persons" occupy the land.

Without land, you don't have a country.

Without a country, you have nothing to stand upon, therefore, you have "no standing".

Without land, you are just a "legal fiction entity"--- a "person", a business, a THING -- with no port to call home, no Public Law, and no way to operate effectively in your own best interest.

There is no such thing as "Nation States" as in "Nation States Assembly" or "Congress" or anything of the sort. Never mentioned in any historical documents, no history, no standing to act for any State of the Union. Just something someone heard and misunderstood and then bulled ahead without thinking and tried to apply.

I cannot stress enough that there is a logic to everything.
There is a history to everything. And until you have it straight, you can't build a solid foundation to act upon.

International law is thousands of years old. It has its own conventions. It has definitions. A "nation" is not a "state, through several "nations" can occupy a "state" and we sometimes talk for convenience sake about nation-states, there is no such thing as a Nation State in international law and it is completely silly to think that you are going to found some new "Republic" on verbiage you pulled out of a hat and made up that has no history, no provenance, and no authority as a result.

In international law, it's first in time, first in line. The government of this country in international jurisdiction has been established for over 200 years and has never changed, never been affected by all the frou-frou-rah and changes and disasters of the so-called "Federal Government" which is a subservient government under contract to provide nineteen services as a subcontractor.

The "Federal Government" as is well-known operates under "Delegated Powers" --- well, folks, who or what do you think "delegated" those powers? And obviously, if there are "delegated powers", that implies that there are "non-delegated powers", too?

The entity that delegated those powers was The United States of America [Unincorporated] and when the subcontractors go tits up, as they just did, and we step forward to receive back our Delegated Powers as we just did--- guess what? By Operation of Law, the Delegated Powers return to us, not some new version of federal contractor that wants to get a new contract by assumption.

There is no way that some Johnny-come-lately cobbled together effort made by British Territorial Citizens dba "Republic" can "stand for" this country any longer. That part of our history and that kind of usurpation is over.

The actual living people who are not "persons" and not "citizens" of the watery realm have shown up and taken back their "delegated powers" and are here to conduct their own business.

We are not confused and we are not deceived. We don't mistake any foreign wannabe subcontractors for our own land jurisdiction government and we won't accept any more British or French cuckoo bird operations usurping against our actual government and pretending to "represent" us.

We woke up. All the way up. And now, Federales, you need to negotiate a new contract --- not try to bluff your way into usurping against our lawful government again.

The United States of America is the sovereign government of this country in international jurisdiction and it always has been and God-willing, it always will be. We operate as States populated by people, not as "States of States" inhabited by persons.

Furthermore, we are the ones who hold and are owed the credit side of the ledger --- the National Credit our country is owed. The "Federal" entities only have access to the debt side of the ledger and responsibility for paying the National debt.

So if you want to get through this and have jobs and be free of the debt, wake up!

We are your employers.

We have the money and credit to pay for your services and discharge your debts. All you can do is go ever more deeply into debt and keep on bankrupting yourselves in the vain hope of bankrupting your way to prosperity.

So thanks, but no thanks, Nathan. We figured out the schtick. Another version of the same old crap won't do.

18th October 2018, 10:19 PM


19th October 2018, 09:15 AM
Yes. That is why they are sheep and not wolves.

Now if they had the ability to imagine themselves as wolves the story might be different.

Since you admit that the sheep were never given a choice, how can you claim they chose wrong?

I would say this is more illustrative of the malfeasance of the lieyers who knew the choices, but failed in their duty to educate and offer a choice.

19th October 2018, 03:29 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARD9ha1veLidAt8prCS4igBAnKpNFsltX1UdvBecUTL7u8 BMdy0Nkd6ZEBzkIgAyT1QCrWRBAGrt4tT9&hc_ref=ARTxtrE7nion10nLNJI4BWcMjgDqIfmCWX8mukM6XTO VugoVHFsS4A8yI2IGmwOBvjU&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1901312003251204) ·

The Paperwork Debate
Incredibly, despite the actual experience of literally millions of Americans, there are still millions more who need to get the message.

These quasi-governments operating on our shores to provide "government services" are not Common Law entities so trying to do anything in Common Law has no effect. None. Writs bounce off. Rights are ignored.

You have all been kidnapped and shanghaied into a foreign jurisdiction with the result that none of these idealistic ideas about "Common Law" and individual rights or Constitutional guarantees apply.

Imagine being kidnapped and finding yourself aboard a Chinese fishing trawler where everyone speaks nothing but Chinese?

That's where we all start out-- in a completely foreign place operating under foreign commercial law and being forced to deal with foreign language.

The situation is only made worse because the foreign language is superficially similar to English and until we learn "Legalese" we are constantly at a disadvantage, because certain words no longer mean what we think they mean.

Who knew, for example, that the word "person" means "corporation"? So your "personal bank account" means "corporate bank account"?

Or that a "not guilty" plea means "guilty" by default? You need to enter a plea of "Innocent" if that's what you mean, but nobody on the opposing team of privateers is going to tell you that.

People who cannot or will not deal with the reality of this situation just get slaughtered by it. They are defenseless and unable to respond and have no evidence on the public record to back up their claims to be treated any differently or under any other law but commercial law.

This is all dictated by the registration of your name and the issuance of a Birth Certificate.

Unless you take steps as outlined to reclaim your own name and establish your permanent domicile on the land and soil of your birth state, you are at the mercy of these fiends and have no recourse.

And no right to participate in the land jurisdiction government, either.

After all, what right does a Chinese fisherman have to serve on an American Jury?

People have got to wake up, face facts, and deal with them. All this airy-fairy 'what I was taught in grade school' and the 'Bible is my defense' stuff does not work against these animals in suits.

They will be quick to prosecute anyone mis-identified as "one of theirs"--- look at what happened to Schaefer Cox and the Colorado Nine?

Even after you do the paperwork, you have to learn how to use it and bring it into evidence and shove it down their throats. These people make their livings off of preying upon defenseless Americans and they don't go down easily. The only thing they are really afraid of is exposure.

They are afraid of having a lot of people know what they are doing and how they are doing it and that is about the only thing they are afraid of.

Which means that all Americans need to wise up. All Americans need to record their actual political status and domicile. All Americans need to push back and getting their own paperwork in order is Job One to be able to do that.

So enough of the "debate" over whether or not you "have to" correct the public record and declare your political status as an American. If you have been issued a British Territorial Birth Certificate there is absolutely no doubt that yes, you do need to record your actual political status on the public record.

Besides, unless you are a Brit trying to infiltrate and otherwise mess up the American Jural Assembly process, why would you have any objection to declaring your political status and nationality as an American?

Why, in God's name, would any American prefer to have the same political status as a Puerto Rican? Especially now that Puerto Rico is bankrupt and at the mercy of Secondary Creditors of the Queen?

Wake up and listen to what I am telling you all--- and get moving. Get your paperwork on the public record so that you have evidence of your claim and stop milling like cattle in a feed lot.

You already know for sure what happens to cattle in a feed lot and I should not have to say one more word.

The paperwork is necessary and the paperwork is only "First Base". Once that is done you have a lot more work to do to educate yourselves and get in position to blow these British Privateers out of the water.

It may well be a daunting task, but it is still a task that has to be done. So buck up and do it. Those of you who have talent for pushing paper, help the others. There is safety in numbers, so the more people you can get on the public record as Americans, the more on your side of the fence.

And the fewer "British inhabitants" there are. Kill them off the same way they have offered to kill you ---- on paper

19th October 2018, 03:38 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?sk=wall&__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCHYrS_mclKtDoeP63XMu4gkqa3L9EQe1i54ggfxyfIxC MgX_ZjsYzT5ujTgvtHCqf8O7r9qwIUR-TB&hc_ref=ART6uuVipKGb0zkLQfAr4OYZySxp9apu7VsxG6i3yJz PGeZoRjk_AzRhblC36agT9pI&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1901348353247569) ·

For the General Staff About Nathan Rothschild:
There are some of you who were very relieved when Nathan Rothschild stepped forward and agreed to front the expenses for the Scottish Interlopers doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LLC.

You were duped into believing that this country was bankrupt and that you had to go lick his boots for funding to "defend" America.

Not so. Mr. Rothschild and the European banking community as a whole are in fact our greatest debtors and owe the most money to this country, and to our lawful government, The United States of America [Unincorporated].

What they are offering is to give you some of our money at interest and let you work for them, instead of us.

Did all your mothers drop you on your heads? Simultaneously? Or are you simply traitors in American uniforms?

What should be happening is that you should be pressing Rothschild out of his ill-gotten "middleman" position and forcing him to not only make our American assets available to the actual American Government --- The United States of America [Unincorporated]--- but also make arrangements to start paying back what he owes us and has owed us since 1840.

Furthermore, even if it means "picking shit with the chickens" for a while, no officer in our military should ever agree to place yourselves or our Armed Forces under the thumb and forefinger of any foreign power, much less a foreign banker loyal to a Queen who is in flagrant Breach of Trust and busily defrauding Americans both at home and abroad.

We do not agree to contract with any of the Rothschild interests, British or French, which means that any money they use to support either "The Republic" which I more correctly call "Le Republique" or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LLC from Scotland, had better be their own money and not one penny of ours or any penny derived from our assets.

You should all be most anxious to bust loose our assets which are being unjustifiably and illegally held captive by the same bankers who are trying to seduce you into working for them instead of the American States and People.

Anything less on your parts would be disloyalty to the American States and People, which in our book, counts as mutiny and treason against the sovereign States of the Union.

We will also point out that as our Delegated Powers have returned to us via Operation of Law, you need to get a new contract from us to provide us with military services and absent that, you have no jobs.

We will have to hire other military service providers if you don't get your tails in a knot and go get our assets back from the Queen and these endlessly crafty bankers.

You have thirty (30) days to:
(a) negotiate a new service contract with us;

(b) at our direction and with our help reopen our asset accounts in this country; and

(c) get your heads out of your asses.

19th October 2018, 03:41 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?sk=wall&__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBFigSGmW5buaz4ySWOr6EmPS37PejxLzc1LeUnSY58O_ l-1nzb8VPX0kCaiLHLiUIe2H0gsvNkznf-&hc_ref=ARRxJZN1beXk3-bAYDxvxsOBnC_bJTm3FhHeq7OfrXO8gZRlHwxYvLULufX994Gv VoQ&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1901370546578683) ·

About Federal Code....
The first thing every American has to know about Federal Code is that only about 10% of all the Federal Code--- only those General Session Laws posted in the Federal Register -- ever applied to us.

The rest is and always was just internal rules and rule-making for federal employees and dependents.

The second thing that every American needs to know is that the "Revised United States Statutes" that would have applied to us were never in fact adopted or "revised" because neither the Territorial Congress nor the Municipal Congress had authority to "revise" anything done by our actual Federal Congress prior to 1860. So the old "unrevised" Federal US Statutes-at-Large still stand.

The third thing every American needs to know is the organization that promoted and developed all the rest of the Federal Code structure from 1860 to 1999, went totally out of business when its bankruptcy settled November 7, 1999, and all those rules --- all fifty (50) "Titles" worth --- became "discretionary" -- that is, something that federal employees are taught as standards, but not obligatory.

The fourth thing that every American needs to know is that you look like complete idiots when you go around quoting these defunct federal rules and codes. Why? Because you are like Dutchmen lecturing Australian Aborigines about their own history, and they could care less.

Just stop.
These people are your employees and that is what you need to drum into their thick, thick, thick heads.

19th October 2018, 04:28 PM
The first thing every American has to know about Federal Code is that only about 10% of all the Federal Code--- only those General Session Laws posted in the Federal Register -- ever applied to us.

Is that a fact?

19th October 2018, 07:16 PM
Is that a fact?

I would say it is a generality like how much is ten percent? Or is it 10.4562390%?

Otherwise I would say it is true.

Most of the US Code is private contract law.

19th October 2018, 07:43 PM
I would say it is true.

In the field of Justice it seems there are only two item of interest. One is Law. The other is Fact. Ignorance of Law is not a defense since ignorance of law, consists in the want of knowledge of those laws which it is our duty to understand, and which every man is presumed to know.. Ignorance of a Fact is not a crime. Moreover ignorance of a Fact is the want of knowledge as to the fact in question. It would be an error resulting from ignorance of a fact, if a man believed a certain woman to be unmarried and free, when in fact, she was a married woman; and were he to marry her under that belief, he would not be criminally responsible. Ignorance of the laws of a foreign government, or of another state; is ignorance of a fact.

Now that a background has been established I would ask again: Is the Federal Code a Fact?

20th October 2018, 08:25 AM
I would say, that the above depends on being a person as defined by the US Code.

When someone else defines the terms, you have already lost.

I don't volunteer.

20th October 2018, 09:00 AM
When someone else defines the terms, you have already lost.
What is there to win? Define 'lost'.

I don't KNOW.
I fixed it for you.

It is understanding that is voluntary. When you cease striving to understand then what you know will be without understanding.

20th October 2018, 06:49 PM
What is there to win? Define 'lost'.

I fixed it for you.

It is understanding that is voluntary. When you cease striving to understand then what you know will be without understanding.

Still defining the terms I see. I understand you are lost.

20th October 2018, 07:38 PM
Still defining the terms I see.
Don't you believe a better approach would be to define these terms before you actually use them?

I understand you are lost.
I know you could do better than regurgitating Reitz articles. Her agenda hasn't been established. Do you have any original thoughts?

20th October 2018, 08:31 PM
Why would I use your terms?

I believe the agenda began with The Declaration of Independence.
And those terms are well defined.
If they are good enough for Anna they are good enough for me.

20th October 2018, 09:56 PM
Why would I use your terms?
Just 'cause you have none of your own?

I believe the agenda began with The Declaration of Independence.
Perhaps it began sooner with the circumstances that led up to the Declaration of Independence? You might look at the ethnic mix of people in the New England area. The Irish have always been at odds with the English and if not the English then anyone who would care to exchange blows.

Merchants routinely adulterated liquor during that period. If it didn't kill you it made you irrational.

And those terms are well defined.
If this were 1776 you would likely be correct. The Public Fool system has been successful in modifying the English language. That is why you need to nail down the definition of words before you rely upon them.

22nd October 2018, 12:27 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDyKTE2HBSsHLAJFyDAXvL_A06atDvATQXF5cI89bpmWc HqHgDbPRf5xgt4p16yI7TMZ0f3Yu0eWT6g&hc_ref=ARQFG7IhE0RBH2f7yKFRvR8rxbn8MHGw_-CICrj55MuLbL-ZmZMZYksSZUDtqKv3onc&fref=nf)
17 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1904436149605456) ·

Helpful Analogies for President Trump and the General Staff
Imagine a checkerboard. Everyone knows it is called a "checkerboard" and that a game called "Checkers" is played on it, but, the same board can also be used to play another game, called "Chess".

Now imagine that for some reason, you have been confused all your life about which game is which, and when someone wants to play "Checkers" you bring out the Chess pieces, and when someone wants to play "Chess" you bring out the Checkers pieces.

That's the kind of confusion that has had our government running amok for 150 years. It's the same gameboard, but.....

Now imagine that there is a 30 story office building, and the first eighteen floors are serviced by one set of elevators, and the floors 19 through 30 are serviced by another set of elevators.

If you work on any of the floors numbered 1-18 you always use the elevators on the left, and if you work on the floors numbered 19-30, you always use the elevators on the right. Now pretend that for some reason nobody ever crosses over, the people from floors 1-18 never visit floors 19-30, and vice versa.

That's the way the Office of the President is. Mr. Trump can function on Floors 1-18 or he can put on another hat and function on Floors 19-30. But, if he wants to, if he is wise, he can access all 30 floors simply by using both sets of elevators.

This is the kind of barrier that has kept generations of American Presidents from accessing and exercising the full range of powers available to them.

Now imagine that all your employer's actual physical assets are on Special Deposit in Bank A and all your paper debts and loans are lodged with Bank B.

Now pretend that Bank A decides to steal your employer's assets by deceit and colludes with Bank B in this endeavor, so that Bank B calls in your loans while Bank A makes up excuses for not giving your employers access to their own assets-- rendering your employers unable to pay you, and you unable to pay your debt to Bank B.

This situation then gives the false appearance that both you and your employers are insolvent debtors and forces your company into bankruptcy, whereupon "Bankruptcy Trustees" assigned by Bank B take over control of your operations and further pillage and control your operations for the benefit of Bank B while Bank A gleefully sits on the sidelines and makes use of your employers' gold, silver, and other actual assets to benefit itself.

This is, of course, criminal activity on the part of both banks and they should both be addressed as crime syndicates, placed under new management or liquidated.

However, bringing them to justice at your current level of operations is impossible, because you are operating as an incorporated entity--- and as a bankrupt corporation at that.

Even if you boot up a new corporation, it has no new assets to operate upon, so has to borrow from Bank C to get a foothold and is in debt from Day One. And the leadership of the new corporation is still stuck dealing with the bankruptcy of the old corporation and its trustees.

Sound familiar?
So why are you operating as incorporated entities at all?

By working with the actual States and People that you are supposed to be working for instead of dealing with crooked bankers who are playing both ends against the middle, you can operate in unincorporated (sovereign) capacity, and solve the problem.

Arrest the criminals at Bank A and either liquidate their corporation or place it under new management, and thereby expedite your employer's access to their own assets.

Your employer's assets--- which are actual gold and silver and gems, not airy-fairy stuff made of paper, are now accessible ---or to use banker jargon, are "recallable" as a result.

Your actual employers then pay off any actual and valid debts owed to the criminals at Bank B, and send their odious bankruptcy trustees packing.

We, the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, have the absolute right under international law to regulate and control all foreign banks operating on our shores and also any banks that are chartered or asset-backed under our delegated authority.

That means just about all of them are at our mercy and either belong to us outright or are subject to us when we put on our Come to Jesus hat.

With the return of the Delegated Powers, The United States of America [Unincorporated] is in direct control of commercial banks and corporations on our shores. And we have the right to liquidate any bank, any corporation, any agency run as a corporation, that is being operated in any unlawful or criminal manner at all.

This means the Federal Reserve, this means the IRS, this means the BLM, this means Target, this means General Electric--- all corporations are subject to us and if they are operated by criminals for criminal purposes, it does not matter how large, how old, how necessary or how powerful they may be.

All these corporations are nothing but a group of people, assets, and some paper organized to provide a lawful product or service.

If they are being misdirected by criminals and operating in a criminal or harmful fashion detrimental to the States and People of this country, the criminals need to be removed and new managers put in place. If a corporation continues a pattern of criminal mismanagement it needs to be liquidated, its assets sold off to satisfy its victims and its stockholders --- in that order.

When corporations harm our States and our People, we pull their charters, arrest their officers, and seize their assets.

This is as true of the banks as it is for any other corporation.

There may be fears that this is "bad for business", but in the end --- as Iceland proves -- it is far better for business when people know that they can depend on the banks to be run honestly and depend on the government of this country to protect their assets against criminals in suits.

So, come on up to the 19th Floor, Mr. Trump. Bring Joe Dunford with you

23rd October 2018, 09:16 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCNJWCsa09e0leuLgyWdhi6Z8bZam8_lMFNSUdg58_Bgx hV3xBKZHIq4kYJeeRzU5igH2RLvESCszRE&hc_ref=ARQmPt9DlFbnP7BlxasiN5Vla5MP7JKzuPWoF7qnljM vDgezeOGxNfu3zNVlCm4gNUo&fref=nf)
10 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1906393126076425) ·

More Pollocks Needed
Let's start with the Polish farmer's answer --- "I have ten daughters. You can't scare me."

But let's also admit that being Grandma for the whole world --- more than 200 children calling themselves "countries" --- is a scary proposition.

A carpenter views the world in terms of hammer and nails. A doctor views it in terms of disease and health. A Grandma views it in terms of children.

As any parent who has had to deal with more than one child at once can confirm, the first thing you notice is what?

Oh, they are all different.

The second thing is?
They all have their own needs.

The third thing is?
I don't have all the answers or talents or materials to fulfill all these needs.

That pretty much sums up the parent's dilemma worldwide and at all scales, including being Grandma to the whole world.

Now, this may sound odd, but I view war as an attention-seeking behavior.
When I look at history and spin the globe, I see it in terms of erring children trying to get their share.

Let's look at the countries that have started the most wars, shall we? They fall into two groups: those that are small and embattled and don't have enough resources, and those that are large and rich in natural resources, but lacking natural borders.

As representatives of the first group we have England, Israel, and Japan.
England and Japan are small island nations surrounded by the sea, lacking enough arable ground and other materials to sustain themselves without trade. Israel is also small and lacking sufficient natural resources, only instead of being surrounded by the sea, it is surrounded by hostile neighbors. Yikes!

In the second group we have the examples of Germany and the Congo in central Africa. These are relatively large and resource-rich nations, but they have amorphous arbitrary borders and a long history of contracting and expanding like amoebas, causing bloodshed as they do so.

Often, the neediest children in a family are the oldest, and as a result, they are the most likely to give into attention-seeking behavior, just when the embattled parent is most depending on them. They also become experts at quid pro quo bargaining.

"Ah, Mom, I helped you get the three younger kids on the bus, fed the dogs, raked the yard, and took Aunt Sue to her doctor's appointment..... now, about that new saxophone....."

It's the same way with countries. Dealing with the old monarchies of Europe is very much like bargaining with an oldest daughter over a Prom Dress.

If we want to avoid war, we need to deal with these realities. We need to make sure that Israel, England, and Japan can live comfortably without starting a war. We need to help countries like Germany and the Congo to feel safe and complete within their borders.

In Asia and Africa, where the actual oldest countries are, it's different because a different level of maturity has been reached. The hard edges of need and ego have been buffed and rounded.

These countries know who they are, know who their neighbors are, know what their challenges are, are confident in their abilities, know their limitations, and contribute as adults.

They are hard to provoke into a war for the same reason that a forty year-old is less volatile than a teenager, but if they go to war, they are far more dangerous because they aren't doing it to get attention or to create a deal-making situation to get their needs met.

They are doing it to kill or be killed. This is why tiny Vietnam could stymie France and bring the U.S. to a standstill.

So it is four o'clock in the morning.... somewhere in my memory, I am aware that it is time to get up and feed the cows. My dog is hopeful, trying to convince me that he is a cow. I am shaking my head and thinking about Poland.

Poland, like Germany, has no natural borders to speak of. Like Germany, Poland's historical borders have shifted and re-shuffled many times. Unlike Germany, Poland has an admirable record of keeping the peace. Why?
Like the middle child, Poland has to shoulder in between Germany and Russia and make sense of it all, and Poland does that.

Germany may be brilliant, but Poland is wise.
Russia may have all the latest tech, but Poland knows the value of a good outhouse.

At the end of the day, a little vodka and some polka music makes the world a better place.

Me thinks we could all learn a lot from the Pollocks about what is truly valuable and how to keep the peace.

So, I have ten daughters, a herd of cows, and slightly more than 200 countries to feed and care for. And yes, it is still dark every morning when I get up.

I am looking for a few good Pollocks to help me out here.

We need peacekeepers who are comfortable with being at peace, self-sufficient, self-respecting, and willing to nurture the rest of the world because they come from a position of inner strength. We need to observe and learn from all the people and countries that keep the peace and who value peace, because it is not enough to enshrine peace as some airy-fairy ideal.

The time has come to make peace a living, breathing reality, and not be distracted from the goal just because a queen or emperor has an ego-driven meltdown or a neighboring country can't pay its gas bill.

When the small and vulnerable countries throw tantrums, we need to recognize their needs the same way we recognize it when a baby needs changing. When one of the larger "border-less" countries gets confused, we need to help them find workable definitions the same way we help teenagers find their identity.

Through it all we need to act as a family and be aware that we are part of a family -- the family of Mankind. Just step back for a moment and view the world as a Grandmother.

24th October 2018, 09:27 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARD-55hvCDniylDVyVOGBK8dwYFFZLkqAMPAJkbnoL2I3_4O2ojqb8 4oWERBumR4_jp99fnXPA15-U15&hc_ref=ARQs93LLefgKAseB9Hr1LwOXTM7dHOt0AOEk_lhIxiA 8aZpmmLvwuBImLOgxq7x6Uis&fref=nf)
October 23 at 8:27 AM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1906484052733999) ·

Abel Danger to the Rescue
For all those who desperately need to know this, there really ARE heroes out there leading the fight for sanity, safety, health, accountable government, and the American Way. Meet Field McConnell and Abel Danger.

This is for all you guys out there who realize that America and the rest of the world have fallen into really deep Kim Chee and who are frustrated by all the legal battles and historical recaps and can't-do-anything-about-it news. Here is where the pedal hits the metal:

SERCO: why is a British conglomerate acting as the Paymaster for our military?

Senior Executive Service? --- The Grand-Daddy of all the unaccountable agencies within agencies exposed at last.

Benghazi ---- you want the real poop? Well, here it is.

Begin with visiting the website: http://www.abeldanger.org (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.abeldanger.org%2F%3Ffbcli d%3DIwAR10reDcMhk1I-2HtccB8YZG64i-uz1Nh2lP8DdJiOba42pUML4UTsMzG6s&h=AT0IIp37sp0004IAOtZ-DvXhK6e55vLmhnYR5xhJY9wYbhzJwcVwgLXjs4bEIvHdUmWfrv 9oa3ecZnDv0JzLJL3903tjtStXjjI2El_UAdLMiKE1gnm8PmUT Tun0UliN6xkCCmztyezEcwHwD0AAEqU)

Then sample the vast video archive of over 900 radio shows: Cloud Centric (C2) Crime Scene Investigation

Then kick back and listen to Field's annual addresses straight to you from Canton, Texas, Van Zandt County Veterans Memorial:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJEXAS_8DCY&t=107s (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv% 3DhJEXAS_8DCY%26t%3D107s%26fbclid%3DIwAR1hxMYqqJB-97DkBwY0ion6UKVQxiMZznI3czsFwLR-XhFkV4PAVuggCF4&h=AT02OF_c-T7AShLX4_KuUVlu4C1OZw2evSsDaoZQuFZ3270QizCg6Gffwaz WHfh05a8nW5MjdGs_L8nnzpQ9PFUkXVuN_lEahT8nVq81wB8hW BHw9Qq3uraS_EluJaMqP8BHX3C9QbYBTYASvTSuaaU)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NGIFwDTjNw&t=162s (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv% 3D6NGIFwDTjNw%26t%3D162s%26fbclid%3DIwAR1z8kFf_lN5 ZkpUj0O0xuzeoDSFVszQE3ds1wXDc1uIhlhTpJpzaEocB00&h=AT2EmbxTlb9HCERZJJ-MABzmkicXxSuuefaRe1FDBChCj2BbK39yYKcaYe8kLKiJ3sYyy qko0h-z8x9jkss-2aqVRt3dGS6kKP0G_LMsTbVFCcJ4NR_oc9MaE7sqQekrwmfGDl mgr6_-_9gnA-5ROtt8EA-VHZ8P7XJx)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov92Fi9NHT4 (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv% 3DOv92Fi9NHT4%26fbclid%3DIwAR0_rhcgFlIPlVxaIpY-Df3T2TBtju70nzdeptTlY5dKYpuOodUi4pIdoVc&h=AT3x4NKZ4e_twT58_NEK0nr56D2kc8u4QjidntrJk5HrMkFc saqxPcKka2rS5Lx1ab8ARI9aSSKiFTfto_tfG_Nh_jFLk_4i4K F9_a_4lZh7y_HLeI-yW5mVTMcfS-8rNrg9ONECnh1Ct23z6v2knhk)

Then learn about the assassination of Pat Tillman and 38 others aboard Extortion 17:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L61UUaQ8n9w&t=5s (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv% 3DL61UUaQ8n9w%26t%3D5s%26fbclid%3DIwAR3isdlIQwHLBs Ymw1xfqgtxg-AsPlj-4YM9EWl1nmel_V8URQflSu_SudU&h=AT0fEZYNB_whrVDqnU65alsxAhRQykA9tUEoq8CjcZCh-vGH_RyN7ZlVc1we-laUnfrLjPmzNfQZp2Cd4OqAnEgH-J5vcyGUYZq2qckLhyZxkyuwQa9Z00a1uCbm0Y2yIqAvHW7lL5M 09rt-MFuOqB8)

If all this evidence and reporting isn't enough to convince you, nothing ever will be enough.
While I and my Living Law Firm have been battling on our front, Abel Danger has been whooping up on another. And just like an Army in the field, we all need your insight, help and support to expose and combat the evils that oppress people worldwide.

I am often criticized because I don't get into political movements. Though it comes as a real jolt to most people, political parties were never part of our lawful government and still aren't. The so-called "Democratic Party" and "Republican Party" are professional lobbying organizations no different than the Tobacco Lobby, and just as corrupt.

So why support or get drawn into all that? Giving it a nice label and calling it a "Party" doesn't cover up the stench. A pig is a pig is a pig, isn't it?

But there are organizations that are worthwhile--- organizations that prevent nasty things from happening, organizations that help find and define solutions, organizations that seek out what is good for all Americans and all mankind. Abel Danger is one of them.

24th October 2018, 09:35 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDOXyRgQ2o9gynGOkx_pGDZsOAQqOaxULY1CPKdlnkBC1 g5cV9H-WEBH49f0hBYJfW189jvo7Ifpvhk&hc_ref=ARQa2XXJVNClwL0KknoJmP916wP-QTPZj8tau23wJ22iGD3P24I2Q9L7lvhQAE95A6c&fref=nf)
22 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1907196925996045) ·

The Accounting
For all the confused people out there:

An accounting ledger traditionally has two sides to it, a plus side, and a minus side.

For 150 years, without our knowledge or consent, the purported "Trustees" have had all American land, property, and assets sequestered and held in trust, accruing credit and interest and lease payments and fees and rents.

All that has been going onto the plus side of the ledger for the benefit of the American States and People ---- supposedly.

In actual fact, the American People were never told a word about this cozy arrangement, with the result that the Trustees (Queens, Kings, and Popes) were able to invest our assets "for" us and benefit themselves and their bankers via having access to this gigantic Slush Fund and control of all our assets.

They borrowed against all our assets and thus created obligations that they forced their own subjects --- the unwitting "U.S. Citizens"--- to pay off as franchise debts.

So, as you can now see, all the debts and costs have been accruing on the minus side of the accounting ledger, against all the "U.S. Citizens".

Americans = credit. U.S. Citizens = debt.

Of course, accidentally on purpose, we, the Americans, were all systematically mis-identified as "U.S. Citizens" and divested of our lawful inheritance and forced to go through an unmarked legal obstacle course to prove who we are and regain what was always rightfully ours.

All of this, everything we have suffered, is nothing but a gigantic Breach of Trust and Identity Theft swindle-- using a bogus accounting system, falsified public records, a rigged foreign court system, and private, foreign mercenaries operating under color of law to provide enforcement.

The bankers have sat in the middle and profited as middlemen, making sure that they had access to all our assets for their investment slush fund, and making it difficult nigh-unto-impossible for people to ever find their way "home" again and reclaim their estates.

What happens when you bring both sides of the ledger together?
The "U.S. National Debt" vanishes like a pfoof-tee in a high wind. It is literally nothing compared to what the Americans are owed.

And that puts an end to the "presumption" that we are bankrupt and that our service providers are bankrupt and also puts an end to U.S. receivership by "U.S. Bankruptcy Trustees" appointed by the guilty banks responsible for this situation.

We, the People, of The United States of America [Unincorporated] are richer than Midas, several times over. They, the "inhabitants" of the British Territorial United States and Municipal United States, are destitute.

And this is all arbitrary, the result of false accounting practices and deliberate self-interested falsification of public records.

Many banks have benefited themselves from this situation --- not just the Federal Reserve. The IMF has been on the receiving end, too. The World Bank. The IBRD. The BIS. J.P. Morgan. Citibank. Wells Fargo. Bank of America. Bank of England. Bank of Scotland. Parabas. UBS. The list goes on and on.

They all lined up at the trough, they all benefited themselves at our expense, they all conspired to rob us blind and leave us mis-characterized as destitute, endlessly indebted "U.S. Citizens". And at the end of the day, even that wasn't enough.

No, this time around, they planned to take it all, and "resettle" America, just as they resettled Ireland 150 years ago, using mercenaries from the Federal Agencies acting under color of law to displace and evict their clueless victims ---- over debts the victims never owed.

What we have done is to reclaim the American Credit side of the ledger and put the screws to these criminals. Now, acting as the Priority Creditors, we are waiting for Mr. Trump to bring us the debt side of the ledger. We will exercise our option to reconcile the books.

By law, we are owed our estates back, free and clear of debt or encumbrance compiled by secondary parties. See the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, which is still standing and still part of the international probate code. See Article 9, Section 402, of the Uniform Commercial Code.

Not only are we owed back all of our actual factual assets and our Good Names free and clear, we are also owed 150 years worth of fees, leases, rents, accruals, insurance payments, labor contracts, and joint venture proceeds, plus interest.

Thanks to action taken by Living Law Firm members, all the assets of the Territorial and Municipal United States and the Federal State of State Trusts have been rolled over and under the protection of the sovereign unincorporated States.

Thanks to our Living Law Firm, the Constitutions are still in place, and the Queen and the Pope are still obligated, but no longer in control of our contracting process.

Thanks to our Living Law Firm, your lives and your property have been re-secured and returned safely to the land jurisdiction States. All you have to do is the paperwork to identify yourselves as Americans, native to your State of the Union.

Best of all, all our Delegated Powers have returned to our control by Operation of Law. That's the cherry on top of the whipped cream. We are free to determine our own future and enjoy our rightful place as a free and independent country.

It has only taken 242 years.
"But, but, but....don't we have to pay taxes to pay for all the public assistance and welfare and costs of government and the military and....."

No. Not anymore. A new way of financing government is being put into place, one that does not depend upon human trafficking, bogus accounting systems, identity theft, enslavement, or any other evil.

This will bring wonderful changes not only for America, but for the whole world. So, take a moment. Bow your heads. Listen carefully to the silence. The Great Fraud is ending as quietly as it began, with the shuffling of some words on paper, and the reconciliation of an accounting ledger.

24th October 2018, 09:44 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBUS5_bK-2Dv0Ry_m2bT6H_I3o90ataMdDDHdNmB7VSuuRopCoxZ0Plojzc HiREjXyem-_9-24J-AU1&hc_ref=ART2yaN-huG-jEhjpfF9KJ__d2ykdIOGN8v5x8XyWmznFdwbXTvx5u9OZrxkxH PHBk8&fref=nf)
19 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1907347545980983) ·

About Winston Shrout
So, WINSTON SHROUT was convicted of "income tax" offenses.

You can only be convicted of such offenses if you or your "vessels" owe such taxes--- right?

And no "vessel" permanently domiciled on the land and soil of an American State owes such taxes, because why?

Because all our taxes of every kind on all vessels whether trading vessels or commercial vessels are either tax exempt or tax pre-paid, a condition known as "tax percuse". So long as these "vessels" are operating as American vessels, they are safe.

It's only when these names can be mistaken as British Territorial or Municipal United States VESSELS that they can be taxed.

So---that in turn tells you that Winston never went through the process of reclaiming his Good Name and Estate and re-conveying them to the land and soil of the American State where he was actually born. He never recorded his claim to his own name and estate, or if he did, he didn't bring that recorded information forward to the District Attorney and others responsible----most particularly, the Clerk of Court.

If you have your paperwork in order and on the record and you look the Clerk in the eye and say, "You are operating under the 1933 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act" that is as good as saying, "Caught you. Prove that I am an enemy combatant or yield."

But, Winston never re-flagged his "vessels" in international trade and commerce---- never permanently domiciled these NAMES on the land and soil of one of the sovereign States via a recorded claim presented to the Clerk of Court.

If he had recorded his Re-Conveyance and his Certificate of Assumed Name and his two Witnesses confirming that he was the "Winston Shrout" whose actual birth was recorded on the BC issued by the Territorial State of State --- that is, if he had proof that he was operating as an American Vessel/VESSEL --- their court couldn't say anything to him, much less accuse him of a foreign statutory crime or successfully try him.

From the above, he know that he was operating "WINSTON SHROUT" as a British Territorial Vessel belonging to the British Crown. And none of those vessels are tax pre-paid. All such "U.S. Citizens" operating under the "Diversity Clause" owe federal income taxes.

As a result, his remedies worked as long as the other Party was solvent. Once they declared bankruptcy, no Mutual Offset Credit Exchange was possible, because the bankrupt entity had no credit left to exchange. And as we all know, you can't bring claims against a bankrupt.

This is exactly the reason that I issued the Private Registered Indemnity Bond covering all the unincorporated States of the Union, so that people could switch from remedy based on Mutual Offset Credit Exchange to remedy based on making an insurance claim against the Underwriters of the bankrupt entities.

So --- Mistake Number One --- continuing to operate as a British Territorial Citizen and/or Municipal United States CITIZEN when you don't have to, and thereby subjecting your Name / NAME to their jurisdiction and having no evidence on the public record to counterclaim against their presumptions.

Mistake Number Two --- not claiming exemption and revoking "election" to pay federal income taxes BEFORE they bring their claims. Remember--- first in line, first in time. Hit them BEFORE they hit you.

Mistake Number Three -- continuing to use remedies that became "discretionary" for the Federales in 1999, and using these remedies even after the Federal entities are bankrupted.

Mistake Number Four -- not observing that these vermin are acting under the 1933 Amendment to the Trading With the Enemy Act and holding the actual Holder in Due Course as Surety for their debt, which is a securities fraud of very high order resulting in a war crime that carries a capital crime charge with it.

Read that, they can be hung for doing what they are doing.
It is called "salacious securities fraud with intent to foment sedition". Reduce that to plain English, they are setting up a situation where normal people will start to riot and hang the perpetrators in the streets.

Once you give them Notice of that fact and claim "Habeas Corpus -- deliver the body to me." they are also looking at civil fines described under 18 USC 472 and are in violation of UCC Article 9, Section 402, which clearly states that the Secured Party (the American) is not surety for the DEBTOR (the U.S. Citizen/ CITIZEN) entity.

So, bottom line, as usual, they convicted WINSTON, a Municipal franchise entity, not Winston, the man, and they have offered to incarcerate the man as "cargo" on the foreign Municipal United States VESSEL dba WINSTON SHROUT.

The man can counter-offer at any time, by going directly to the Clerk and the DA and delivering his demand. It's not as strong when he hasn't bothered to do his paperwork to reclaim his birthright political status, but they are still attempting to railroad him under the 1933 Amendment to the Trading with the Enemy Act, they still have no excuse for doing so, they are still subject to all the penalties once he calls them on it, and they are still committing securities fraud by holding the actual Holder in Due Course as surety for WINSTON's debts in violation of UCC 9-402.
WINSTON = "U.S. Citizen" = DEBTOR.

Winston = American (if he claims it properly) = Priority Creditor

We are closing in on the whole lash-up, so I don't expect that Winston or anyone else is going to be held for very much longer, with or without exercising their proper options and claims as Americans. We have returned all the State of State and STATE OF STATE and State Trusts to the control and ownership of the sovereign unincorporated States, so all this horse hooey based on similar names deceits is coming to an end.

24th October 2018, 09:48 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDufWfxsFA4HeHfum6g8P7TRX2xO7ruI2Vl4m2fnBFp3j paBiSS-uwkGi46OJDerDkr919FKZRWXd-g&hc_ref=ARQWcdPh0GjEQHWoUiouhv2tcdTBKqeF_166YTvdqd7 BB3k0djmtYXDUSrnGwECDJtE&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1908135199235551) ·

Common Sense 2018
Karen Hudes continues her Big Lie campaign and accuses me of being a "Vatican Agent" and says I "tried to steal" her precious Global Debt Facility a "fourth time".

In actual fact, I have never worked for the Vatican (only for the Pope in a private capacity as detailed in Disclosure 101).

And the only "stealing" that has gone on has been by the banks she works for.

Their theft of largely American and Jewish assets is what resulted in the existence of the "Global Debt Facility" in the first place.

The banks created the Global Debt Facility as a Dropbox for stolen loot. It is their attempt to wash their hands and avoid culpability for having stolen goods in their possession ---- no different than a Pawn Shop owner who gets caught fencing stolen property.

Reclaiming property that belongs to Americans for the Americans from the banks that stole it from us in the first place isn't stealing. It's called asset recovery.

If you reclaim what is yours, is it stealing?

If America demands back what lawfully belongs to Americans who are heirs of the original owners, is that stealing?

The World Bank together with the Federal Reserve and the IBRD were the principal parties responsible for the Great Fraud, They all deserve to be liquidated and placed under completely new management.

And as for Karen the only whistle she is blowing is theirs. If you listen to that woman, you will believe that the banks are great philanthropists and that they just created the Global Debt Facility out of the goodness of their hearts.

If you listen to me, you will see that they are self-interested criminals trying to avoid their culpability for profiting from stolen goods.

Which story rings true in your experience?

24th October 2018, 09:52 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDi9Q1RbR30_nXxKFJMcDabOC6OWhLy32H2EF0wIZpsY6 uhP83w0lc0DOS3HVljvh3JBuRgBX4dvSXg&hc_ref=ARQAX0ehtgLOM7XAROd9R_cwddwy9-bxMRli_SP5YJ6lIDjvrbPqSlQSgXp-jmep1W8&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1908170125898725) ·

A Quick ReCap
In 1933 the vermin in the British Territorial United States Congress amended The Trading With the Enemy Act to include average Americans as "aliens" (which we are, thank God, with respect to their illegal and immoral corporate venture) and as possible "enemies". This gave them an excuse to seize all our assets and roll everything into trusts under The Office of the Alien Property Custodian.

The Territorial States of States "took title" to us and our lands and kept the equitable title to benefit themselves, and they split the takings with the Municipal United States organization run by the Roman Catholic Church by giving them the legal title to everything.

And what did we get out of this cozy arrangement?
The bill.

The schemers abused their position of trust to run up huge debts against our assets, then claimed bankruptcy protection for themselves and left us holding the bag.

They did this in 1907 and in 1933 and have tried to pull it again in 2015 and 2017.

Now the Rothschilds are trying to boot up two new corporate government structures, one British doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LLC chartered in Scotland and one French doing business as The Republic of the United States of America (Inc.) and we are having none of it.

Non-assumpsit. No contract.
And, by the way, all those "Delegated Powers" of ours that they were assuming were there for their new corporations to exercise in our behalf?

The Delegated Powers returned to us by Operation of Law, and we accepted them back. Formally. On the record.

So there is where it stands. Checkmated.

We, the Americans, are owed back all our assets free and clear of debt and encumbrance. We are also owed all the back rent, leases, mortgage escrows, utility payments, labor contracts, life force value annuities, and other assets that are rightfully ours.

We are the Priority Creditors and we are presenting ourselves as the Naked Owners. The banks are only middlemen with little or no bargaining position of their own.

27th October 2018, 10:33 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB_D7aYF7UNNUhpgPEXsBKxwoe1Gpi1lIMWU-e-Rvhter1RRkKr-Z6YF3aSkRjaVD_eXzJQFKL2XASV&hc_ref=ARSnzwc6bJG2JukL0lPckR9ak_hAfFl2kX4kmUNlOyj j_IzVZaL7m2m26JXVjn9tOf4&fref=nf)
20 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1911185278930543)

So Much for the Goldfish Report....
Good intentions have to count for something, even if it would be far better and more effective if those intentions were backed up with actual truth and with right action. So I have refrained from saying anything much about "The Goldfish Report", but finding myself illogically attacked and misrepresented once again, I have decided to take exception.

Not just because "The Goldfish Report" is definitely wrong about me and what I am saying, too. I have to speak up because as long as people believe in lies they are incapable of defending themselves. And that is how and why --- above and beyond all else --- they wind up in jail.

We already know that the "US District Courts" are not operating under any Constitutional power whatsoever.

We know in fact that the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS are ecclesiastical courts --- Star Chambers, Inquisitions --- run under the auspices of the Roman Municipal Government and its franchises.

We have "judges" here in Alaska who are now openly admitting that they are mere "Jurists" --- hired under contract to give opinions about law without having any public office or power at all.

We also know in fact that the United States District Courts are run as private corporate tribunals under the auspices of the British Crown Corp and that these have no power to address anyone or anything but British Crown Corp officers, employees, dependents, and franchisees.

The fact that actual justice will not return until our actual government is restored should also be self-evident.

The question should no longer be: "Why are we being screwed over by these courts?" but rather should be:

(1) Why are we allowing these foreign courts to operate on our soil and address our people? and

(2) Why are we individually subjecting ourselves to these private religious and/or corporate tribunals instead of claiming our actual birthright standing? and

(3) Why are we failing to form our own Jural Assemblies and providing ourselves with our own American Common Law Courts?

Where the @%@#%@ is John Wayne when you need him?

It's largely because everyone involved has their favorite brand of reality that they, like The Goldfish Report, insist on clinging to, even when their theories have long been disproven and even when they fly in the face of the actual facts, the actual experience of patriots, and the historical records, too.

The Goldfish Report would keep us all running in circles looking for answers to questions that have been answered for twenty years, instead of facing facts and dealing with reality.

They don't like to hear that their hero, Winston Shrout, was most likely still operating as a VESSEL owned and operated either by the Holy See or by the British Crown Corp and therefore owed federal taxes. And if so, [because we really don't know the whole story yet] that would be the reason that the DEFENDANT was impounded. Uh-duh.

The answer to the court problem is right in front of us and the success of our effort in the right direction is already assured. I have been harping on it for years. Declare your political status as an American, stop claiming to be a "U.S. Citizen" [which means you have voluntarily adopted the political status of a Puerto Rican], and then organize your Jural Assemblies. Provide your own courts. That is what "self-governance" means.

You haven't been providing your own Courts and enforcing your own Public Law. That's what's missing. That's why we have lawlessness in our courts. That's why people like Winston get railroaded and defamed. Don't believe it?

Read the Supreme Court case Mack and Prinz v. USA, Inc., in which Sheriff Richard Mack imposed upon the court for a finding that yes, Sheriffs hired as Law Enforcement Officers, could if they so choose, actually honor the Constitutional guarantees and enforce the Public Law.

Now, ask yourselves, why on God's Green Earth should it be necessary for a Sheriff to go all the way to the Supreme Court to be told that he can, if he wants to, enforce the Public Law in this country?

It's because there are almost no Public Courts left. It's because the Sheriffs are working as "law enforcement officers" and not as "peacekeeping officers" ---- they are hired by "Counties" operated as corporate franchises of federal "government services corporations", not land jurisdiction Counties owned and operated by the People of our States.

It's because stupid people have been leading stupid people.
It's because these foreign "governmental services organizations" make Big Bucks by entrapping and feeding off of you.

It's because the British Monarchs and Popes have been in Breach of Trust for 150 years and nobody has called them on it.

Except for me and the rest of the Party Hearties.
You can go arrest these vermin who are parading around using commercial "law" as a means to entrap and falsely accuse people. You can kick the Inquisition off shore. You can kick the British Crown Corp Tribunals to Kingdom Come, too.

But the only way to get there from here is by: (1) straightening out the deliberately falsified public records concerning your own political status and (2) booting up your own local County and State Jural Assemblies and (3) operating your unincorporated County and State Governments.

Once you do that, all the treaties and Public Laws come back into view and have enforcement. Until then, the only "law and order" is whatever the priests and pirates want to do.

Now, I am giving it to you all straight up, neat, no ice, no dilution. It's not a pleasant drink. But it is the truth before my Maker. And "The Goldfish Report" and all the other Gossip Sheets are stuck with it, once again, staring them in the face.

27th October 2018, 10:39 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCMzGAOHsdhlbh89XNqIdB2vpbIpab6AengRpfmSsJNHT CR5x-uZgEeKElii_no9bjhogDeRJYcgjq9&hc_ref=ARR6i_oSpetqPckqAEiI_eKdSSpaTBoiWLNJjTnHxdQ S7cQWxqxtaZgIX6-zPWmMBVg&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1912099392172465)

Your Grandfather's Clock
Let's pretend that you inherited a beautiful Grandfather's Clock from your Grandfather. It's big and old and heavy and tall and you have to wind it every day by pulling down a heavy iron weight, but it keeps good time and the chimes marking the hour are quiet and melodious.

You grew up with it, you like it, you decide to keep it, but in your house the only place that it easily fits is in back of a stairwell in a hallway that leads to a back door that you seldom use.

So you put the clock out in that seldom-used entry way and over time, you forget to wind it, so it just sits there day after day, month after month, and year after year. It's still there, still usable, but because of its location and your busy life and the difficulty of moving it into the living room (where it would fit, if you took the time and made the effort to move some other stuff around) --- it just collects dust. You almost forget that its there.

That's the situation with your actual government.

The new hustle-bustle world of commerce butted in and grabbed all the attention, and it was so fast and easy. Just buy a battery and you never have to worry about winding the clock.
All those private, for-profit "government service" corporations nosed in and offered you all their many, many services, and you bought them all (whether or not you realized that you were buying them).

From then on, a "government" employee was always there ready to buy new batteries and change them for you. You didn't even have to think about clocks anymore, except to read the time. Everything just seemed to run by itself and you didn't have to do anything. You didn't even bother to vote in the employee elections.

[To be fair, some of you were aware enough to realize that you weren't government employees and couldn't justify voting in their elections, so you didn't volunteer. And still others realized their mistake and stopped voting for that reason.]

What a shock to find out that all that "government service" is costing you far, far more than anyone ever told you? What a shock that you never actually even thought about it until now?

No doubt it's an even bigger shock that you have to drag the old Grandfather's Clock out from behind the stairs and start winding it again if you want to know what time it actually is.

I just read the paperwork where Obummer and Joe Biden and the rest of the completely insane former "Administration" issued 25,000 trillion "US Dollars" ---- not to be confused with The United States Dollar --- as "US" Treasury Debt Notes.

God only knows which "United States" and which "United States Treasury" was supposed to pay for all this, but it wasn't our United States and it was not our Treasury issuing these "Notes". That much I can assure you.

They have seriously tried to put this country 25,000 trillion dollars in debt. They tried to hang all that on you and your kids. And all because you forgot to wind your own clock.

Get down on your knees and thank your Creator that everyone else in the world --- everyone except the completely insane U.S. Democratic Party ---understands that this is nuts, and knows that the books have to be wiped clean of Odious Debt, and that all the deliberate confusions about who is who and what is what must end.

Certain criminals who have sought to defraud not only all the Americans, but everyone else for the past 150 years, must be brought to justice. The banks that colluded in all of this fraud, have to be shut down and placed under new management. All the currencies in the world need to be "reset" against the value of an actual American Dollar--- our actual, factual silver dollar.

All you government employees and volunteers and dependents out there? All you welfare recipients and pensioners? Vote Republican. It's your only chance of survival. And I mean that literally.

28th October 2018, 11:33 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAxbJ3jBNL-JcqfVQ_CcF6X1CvuxnvKWAOxXS_9t61WHKj5KNPc9-X_cec8mE3yuUGAnFqvOnL8XPmm&hc_ref=ARR-id3iDpJyaKdBWDgOLXiRJD-aI6Uza40lTYpfseRZyl4vcaIYTgj5etX-1BYCJi0&fref=nf)
12 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1912644005451337)

It's Almost Dark
It's almost dark. Just a faint orange strip of sunset sky remains, with a dark purple band of clouds and and a slash of dazzling stars far above. It's cold, but not uncomfortable as I work, harvesting the last of the Swiss Chard, chives, and herbs.

This has been a beautiful fall this year in Alaska, all amber and gold and warm lingering days, but at last all the leaves are on the ground and the weatherman says it will snow for the first time tomorrow.

It won't stay long. We will have a few days yet to dump out flower pots and pile up leaves. There will be a few more days, maybe a couple weeks-- before the real snows of winter arrive. I know I should be thinking about burning a certain brush pile, but a family of rabbits moved in a couple weeks ago and I'll just leave it until spring.

Coming home tonight the in the dusk the road was empty, just a dull silver ribbon making a straight line among the fading colors of the day. I came to the familiar turn off and paused. There's a rough wooden cross at the corner there, in memory of Garrett Seurat. I never knew him. I knew his Father, Jay.

I briefly remember the summer day, maybe fifteen years ago, when I heard tires squealing wildly in the very early morning, and later, the sight of his shiny black sports car hanging nearly upside down and halfway up a stand of birch and spruce trees, like an airplane that didn't make take off. He was dead on the scene.

Shortly thereafter the wooden cross appeared, and it has been there ever since. This late summer I saw a woman and a girl there putting new silk flowers around the cross arms. I suppose the girl was his daughter, too young at the time of the accident to ever remember her father or know his face.

I've marked the passage of the years and noted the days when old flowers have been taken away and new flowers come to take their place, and nodded to his loved ones who have kept their faithful tending of his memorial as I went upon my way.

Tonight I stopped, the cross was awry, knocked about by wind and rain perhaps, or some careless accident of passing moose or motor bike. I parked and set it straight again, piling up the stones around the base of wood and replaced the silk flowers that love left there a couple months ago.

Not a soul passed by and hardly a leaf stirred in the fading light. I thought about this young man that I never knew. I thought about how loved he was, and is, even now. It seemed like setting his cross straight in time for the winter was the least I could do, if only to comfort those who remain and who will come again and look for it at Christmas and again in the spring.

Then I hurried on home and put dinner in the oven and tended to the last of my green garden tasks, quickly heeling in the potted perennials, cutting the Swiss Chard and herbs, taking in a couple wine-colored petunias that will live on for a couple months and bloom in a glass of water long after the rest of this year's garden is gone or sleeping.

Chives and spearmint, bee balm and oregano, sweet verbena and lemon balm, hyssop and cone flower; I have already and long-since potted up the lemon balm and parsley for the indoor garden. These are just the straggle ends that will go into a salad or top a baked potato or make a cup of tea. My teapot is sitting on the table, center stage, a cast-iron pot on a cast-iron tea candle-powered base, guaranteed to keep the tea warm for an hour or two while I work deep into the night.

I have more sympathy for autumn now, that like the year, I am older, too. Life oddly seems more precious and love more miraculous now, when nothing is guaranteed and beauty is gone past remembering and every day that dawns appears in its true colors as a blessing.

The great struggles of kings and queens and countries and empires shrink down to the embers of the fire on my hearth and the wind blowing around the chimney. All day long v's of Canada Geese have been passing over, their mournful honking like a friend calling good-bye over their shoulder, and now, at this time of night, the bats, too, are taking to the sky in search of what scant insect dinners may be left.
The resident bunnies are snuggled in their brush pile beds after a hard day of munching sweet autumn clover.

I hope that all those who are reading this will take Nature's message to heart and re-connect to the times and where we are. Make the effort now to shore up your world, and to do what you can to prepare for dark, cold days ahead, to be ready for yourself and your family and your friends, and to be able to assist others who are less fortunate.

We especially want to thank the many people all over this country who have eased our days and budgets by sharing the good produce of the land and the things they have made. Cheese curds and mustard from Wisconsin. Vanilla beans from Hawaii. Cucumbers and squash and tomatoes from Washington. Herbs and honey from Oregon. Mushrooms from Pennsylvania. Lobster from Maine. Vidalia onions from Georgia. Buffalo jerky from the Great Plains. Pistachios from California. Apples from Eastern Washington. Cheddar from Iowa. Ham from Virginia. And so much more. These gifts of the land and the people mean so much to us and to other members of The Living Law Firm who get their share of this bounty, too.

It helps a lot in many ways and we want you to know that we are grateful and we have shared and we give deep thanks in our hearts for all of you and for this abundant land we share.

As winter closes in our days grow rapidly colder and darker. By mid-December we will be down to about four hours of daylight per day. It becomes increasingly difficult for mail and deliveries of packages to get to us in Big Lake. Anything but First Class Letters and packages of dry goods get problematic this time of year, so please be aware that you shouldn't send anything that can freeze or break in transit, and if you send meat or other frozen perishables, the best way to send it is to the office in Anchorage: The Living Law Firm, 1336 Staubbach Circle, Anchorage, Alaska 99508.

We are deeply truly grateful for all of you and everything you send, whether it is cash or radishes. It all gets put to good purpose and good use by good people for a good cause. God bless and keep you all.

29th October 2018, 07:51 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAaIPPYctiMOhovGf498SiUpG4LHteCttT-lC7AAE14LBdZLLq47ljpJ0rMoThxgdYWH93bA99VaqeR&hc_ref=ARQQ7Or3SLm73hW6odVsuqs9zQD_rd2_0jm2bsMLIeO 27aIRxBZnNNZysQJ6t7XJlQw&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1915981545117583) ·

Good News
Lord, love a patriot..... I do believe that the proverbial "Enforcement Nut" has finally been cracked wide open, and that we are now in position to fully credential our Continental Marshals and unleash the Bounty Hunter Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the British Territorial United States Constitution known--deceptively enough --- as "The Constitution of the United States of America" first published in 1868.

This will have four more or less immediate and much-longed for affects:

(1) An end to the crooked court system. We will be able to enter, catch the Vermin evading or dishonoring the Constitutional provisions, arrest them on the spot, and turn them over to the military authorities for trial and execution for treason and other capital crimes including inland piracy, kidnapping, and fraud.

(2) An end to the crooked banks. We will be able to enter, catch the Vermin refusing to let depositors have access to their deposits, creating improper mortgages, manipulating credit to benefit themselves at other's expense and boom! --- replace the erring bankers with honest men much sobered up by their predecessor's experience.

(3) An end to the crooked commodity markets. We will be able to enter, catch the brokers fixing prices and supplies and running up situations like The Big Short, and arrest them by the boat loads, along with all the SEC functionaries that sold out and allowed all this crappola.

(4) An end to the crooked double accrual accounting and budgetary system. We will be able to review the books in sum total and recapture the sequestered assets, aka, Slush Funds --that these Vermin have been creating and manipulating for their own unjust enrichment.

And none of the phony local "law enforcement" fat asses who haven't done their duty by the Public and none of the "federal agencies" including the FBI and DHS and Homeland Security and all the rest will have a word to say about it, because we are the superior jurisdiction and we mandate the action.

What was that I said the other day about --- where in the @$!$!@$ is John Wayne when you need him?
I think we just found out.

29th October 2018, 08:00 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAyclXJq3TkQ41F-Ru_y3SmBKrwWpURublQXuMb5jcet_9a1UCds6aBBGFDQ742-6gt2y-8_ZNRTwiD&hc_ref=ARR06NjVcoe75Ub6RgdkP__o1jIXJB38lhtd6bzlEZQ l4FYOxU0loMhjpTkSpgAcfic&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1915983155117422) ·

Regarding the Treaty of Paris 1947
What you are looking at is another attempted unlawful conversion of national authorities by the globalists, however, no government anywhere has any right to give away anything that we are owed. Ever. They can falsely claim that we "volunteered" to give up our birthrights, but cannot stand in the face of our denial of their actions. This is particularly true of The United States of America, as we never conformed, confirmed, not accepted any fall-out occasioned by or created by the British Territorial United States nor the Municipal United States (Roman Catholic/Municipal/Pontifical "Government") purportedly "in our behalf", including any such Peace Treaty, and we don't do so now.

Here are the kind of "citizens" that these vermin are offering to claim and subject to the tender mercies of the "UN Corporation" ---- not the United Nations organization. See the succinct definition of "U.S. citizens" given below:

"The U.S. citizens [citizens of the District of Columbia] residing in one of the states of the union are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an “individual entity”. Wheeling Steel Corporation v. Fox, 298 U.S. 193, 80 L. Ed. 1143, 56 S.Ct. 773."

So are you a "U.S. citizen" and does any of this verbiage apply to you?

Note the key words of deceit --- "residing" and "individual" -- more words that have been twisted and corrupted into "words of art" by the legal chicanery professionals. British Territorial and Municipal "citizens" merely "reside" here in the actual geographically defined States temporarily. And we, the actual People, are said to "reside" --- also temporarily in their "States of State" and "STATES OF STATE" jurisdictions.

To illustrate: A living Californian walks into a STATE OF CALIFORNIA court. He is entering a foreign municipal "STATE" and for the time being, is considered to "reside" there. The same thing can be said if he enters a State of California court --- he is temporarily "residing" in the foreign domain of the British Territorial "State of California".

But flip that around, and any Municipal or Territorial "citizen" entering upon California's land jurisdiction is "residing" in California --- just there temporarily to provide "essential government services".

British Territorial United States and Municipal United States citizens cannot own land in our States and we choose not to own anything in their "states of states", so it is important that you deny "residing" in the State of Ohio or the STATE OF IOWA or wherever you happen to be, and draw the distinction that you live in California, or Ohio, or Iowa.

The word "individual" has also been much abused. They use the word "individual" as shown above to denote single franchises and single franchisees of their corporations, while we use it to describe single unique living people. These two usages of the same word which are almost diametrically opposed then give rise to endless opportunities to confuse identities and capacities of both people and things.

To illustrate: "On the night of July 7th, 1951, JOHN MAYNARD DOE, was involved in a car accident that netted the largest single auto insurance claim in Arkansas history." translates in Federal-ese to "On the night of July 7th, 1951, JOHN MAYNARD DOE [Foreign Grantor Trust from Puerto Rico] was involved in a car accident....." Everyone automatically and reasonably enough assumes that "JOHN MAYNARD DOE" is a living man, when in fact, for the purposes of the MUNICIPAL COURT, we are talking about a constructive ESTATE trust "residing" in Puerto Rico.

In the same way, look at this: "The "individuals" involved, JOHN MAYNARD DOE and ELIZABETH "LIBBY" MAE HUNT, were severely injured." Again, we assume that only living people can be injured and interpret the verbiage accordingly, but in Federal-speak, two foreign ESTATE trusts have been "injured".

All this language is deliberately used to deceive and confuse and alienate people from their identity and their nationality and most importantly, their rights and their property assets. This can only be interpreted as deliberate and self-interested criminal activity on the part of politicians, courts, government agencies, international governments, banks, and military personnel involved in these schemes, which are capital crimes under the terms of the Geneva Conventions.

The attitude and practice of the Vermin has been ---- "Oh, it's against the law to shoot grouse? Well, we will just call them "Spruce Hens" instead and blast away...."
Still a grouse by any other name is still a grouse and it is still against the Public Law to shoot them.

And nobody can make you a "citizen" of the UNITED NATIONS or any other criminal organization absent your knowing and willing participation and agreement. I would strongly suggest that anyone raising this issue should be pinned to the wall and educated on the fine points. And just to be absolutely and doubly sure, you might all add a "Declaration" to your recorded documents making it perfectly clear that you do not subscribe to any element of the Treaty of Paris 1947.

29th October 2018, 08:06 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBfUnr9meUpyAnyXLtk6o8g4crMa5n3XLhFWF84n_PTNA aBa1H5bGJpj7miSsvGTSK0-A8ICTaDJG9W&hc_ref=ARRO5aiZ3KyiO0chnA-KSl7npQ9OllsSCmPFPpJYig-G0vZwfj8EGzdhL-gh-DTEjd8&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1916436295072108) ·

Bretton Woods 2?
Let's get this straight. There should never have been a Bretton Woods 1.
What came out of Bretton Woods 1 was a total airy-fairy disaster, an economic plan and theory so flawed that a zombie with an I.Q. of 10 would give it a thumbs down.

The centerpiece of Bretton Woods 1 was the idea that if we can keep the world economy constantly expanding at a given rate per capita we will never have to pay our debts. Never. Ever.

Isn't that just a nice example of "sophistication" ---- ? And I do not mean that as a compliment.

It's also emblematic of a bizarre kind of out-of-touch-with-reality Wishful Thinking that seemed to invade the planet after the hostilities of the Second World War.

Anything seemed possible --- apparently even such known impossibilities as a constantly expanding world economy.

Big surprise. It didn't work.
The world economy has sputtered along as it always has, and the weight of the first Bretton Woods Conference has fallen on America and we have taken it in the shorts for every discrepancy between Keynes' "Ideal World" and actual fact ever since, and now, we have Bretton Woods 2, which if possible, is even worse.

Remember that I told you the plan of the Vermin a hundred and twenty years ago was to force us all to use fiat currencies, inflate them so as to make them worthless and meanwhile collect all the gold, silver, and platinum reserves in one huge stockpile, so that the Rats could sell it all back to the grandsons and granddaughters of the people they stole it from? At a vastly inflated profit?

Well, that is in fact what they are still pushing for.

Thanks to Obummer and Biden and Company signing off on 25,000 trillion "dollars" in debt cast as "US Treasury Notes" the last viable fiat currency was tanked --- with or without the Midterm Election results.

We have repudiated any suggestion that their actions pertain to us or any American or any "United States" related to us, and we have invited all their Creditors to collect from them directly. Semantics being what they are, there are bound to be misunderstandings.

I keep remembering Hillary Clinton saying, "If he [Donald Trump] gets elected, we will all hang!" It's the only cheerful thought in all of this. I keep imagining the criminals in bright orange, hand-cuffed, awaiting the gallows.

Bretton Woods 2 produced two answers to the dilemma the Fraud Artists have created:

(1) Depopulation of the Earth (not the first time this has happened) down to a tiny fraction of the current population, so as to "collapse the debt pressure"--- which is in fact just killing off one's Priority Creditors, as I have also described, and

(2) Arbitrarily setting the "value" of an ounce of gold at $25,000 per ounce.
Considering that the Vermin stole most of this gold and paid around $40 per ounce for the bulk of the remainder I will leave it to you to do the math and figure out what percentage of profit they are anticipating.

As one Bretton Woods 2 Attendee snickered, "It's going to be a "killing" either way!"
We have a different plan and vision for the world. If you despised Bretton Woods 1 and hate Bretton Woods 2, it's time to be pro-active.

Our government hasn't been paid for all the American soldiers who were used as mercenaries and sent out to fight under Color of Law, having been told plenty of Big, Fat Lies on their way to the Front of two World Wars and endless other wars and conflicts. I think it's time to present our bill to the schemers responsible for all this --- $250 trillion per life lost under such conditions sounds about right, doesn't it? Who knows? With a push it might be enough to buy some comforts and consolations for all those left behind.

Paid in gold.

30th October 2018, 05:15 AM
Paid in gold.
Notice how most analysis come back to how you are going to get paid?

Hopefully ya know how the universe works. You establish a debt of $250 trillion x number of lives invested in war divided by $42.22 per ounce (the official government price for gold) and demand payment and the universe is likely to send a meteorite your way at 150,000 mph of that exact weight composed of gold.

In astronomy they call these type of meteorites 'planet killers' but that shouldn't really matter as the debt is now paid in full.

30th October 2018, 06:03 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCyMU6A2ibQ5Z8NMCfeYDiyvwolued33D0DIc3yXRhj7G Pd-uHpL4M_7E7NQYvVkBaSfaPmUbdnx6H7&hc_ref=ARRSk52C1YEpX9iDX_P9R7J3UCzYtD73QSJfI7ko54C D3vwmbZpu3lKyNlprqczX1gw&fref=nf)
20 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1916568088392262) ·

Getting Wise to It
The Satanists worship duality. They only think and act in terms of "either/or". And that is how they train you, like a salivating dog, to think and act, too.

Ever wonder why they constantly prod little kids to segregate objects according to their differences and not their similarities?

The better to divide and to conquer. The better to "habituate" conflict and thinking patterns that support conflict.

If they can get the white people to hate the Jews and the Jews to hate the blacks and the blacks to hate the whites and the Hispanics and the Hispanics to hate everyone else who isn't Hispanic and the Asians to despise whites, blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and Palestinians, and the Saudis to hate the folks from Yemen.... hey, it's a lot less likely that everyone is going to sober up from the Hate Fest and notice who and what is actually manipulating all of it.

And the easier it is for the actual culprits to take advantage of the polarity they have created: sell arms to both sides, put both sides in debt, collect on the life insurance policies, foreclose on the widows.....

Am I wrong?
We have one common enemy, and though they are slippery as eels and masters of disguises and deceits, you can tell them by their fruits.

It's always the same stinking May Apples. Always the same trick: find a difference and exploit it. People are too stupid to see through this, which allows the Vermin to profit.

So, by all means, wake up and see the way this works to our mutual detriment.

When the Jews are gone, it will be the blacks, and after the blacks it will be the Hispanics, and in between it will be the old and the fragile and the unborn babies and the Jehovah's Witnesses and the LGBT crowd and all the Archie Bunkers, and at the end, there will be just one big ball of hate and fear destroying everyone and everything that is "different".

That's the snake oil the reptiles are selling. It's what they always sell. And we will not be free of them until we all learn better and say, "No, not falling for it anymore."

30th October 2018, 06:10 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAJBNL4XopXAMPcI4s883Wn1t4hYCNu1ORrrJg0tSymNY o2gxf9gBzJz3gyyu0nSI1pKGeXT0Wc--YN&hc_ref=ARQbrzNM8xafiDb20cU7Oig-pMxo7WWSY47WCl7EAh7Hp5XrEJKJapUFiQ8wHF4cNFM&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1918032714912466) ·

Yes, He Can and No, He Can't
There is a big flap this morning because President Trump is trying to end the "Anchor Baby" provisions that immigrants and the INS have been abusing, by ending birthright citizenship claims related to "U.S. Citizenship".

Many people have reacted in alarm and thought that this means that he has power to end their birthright claims of nationality and State Citizenship.

The real answer is: yes, he can, and no, he can't.

As President of a corporation, already empowered by over 350 "emergency powers" granted to his Office by the British Territorial United States Congress back in the 1930's and continued by their Successors, Donald J. Trump can do darn near anything in the wide world he wants to do with respect to the day to day operations of that corporation, its subsidiaries, its subcontractors, its employees, its policies, and its statutory "laws".

It was, after all, their policy to allow "Anchor Babies" to provide their families with instant access to our country in the first place, and many would argue an irresponsible policy, too. It is Mr. Trump's job as President to alter corporate policies as necessary to deal with emergencies. The "National Emergency" status as already been declared. He is already in position to move. God bless him. Being born on American soil makes the baby an American, but doesn't (necessarily) make him a "U.S. Citizen".

I have been trying to get exactly this point across for many months.

That said, as President of a foreign corporation, Donald J. Trump has no ability or authorization to tamper with any aspect of American nationality or American State Citizenship.
As above, it is entirely possible for a baby born on the soil of California to be a Californian, but there is nothing that makes his Mother or Father a Californian, too. They have already been born on the soil of Honduras or Mexico or wherever else, which establishes their nationality and citizenship obligations, if any.

This idea that they could busload hundreds of women in late pregnancy to the border, offload them like cattle, and then simply wait for them to give birth on American soil and thereby get a free pass for everyone in the family all the way back to the grandparents to become "U.S. citizens" was always crackpot and a means to end run around the Public Law.

It is also a cruelly deceptive means to entrap these people who are seeking freedom in the corporate enslavement racket instead.

Mexicans and Hondurans are not worth as much as slaves in the international slave market, but when they cross our border they magically gain in value astronomically, simply by having the label "U.S. citizen" attached to them. This sets up a situation where both the corporations serving "as" governments can profit by their migration.

All the U.S. Government has to do is provide a cut of the resulting profit to the Honduran or Mexican or other "government" corporation, and they will be happy to send an unending supply of new "U.S. citizens" to our borders. This is profitable for both corporations, because the value of an average "U.S. citizen" is far and away above any welfare costs or benefits the people ever receive, and the "U.S." Inc. can borrow against the value of its "citizenry" in the world slave market, thus providing extra income for the vermin in DC.

That is the dirty reason for all the dirty Democrats supporting mass immigration.

It's also the reason for all the forced immigration of Muslims -- quite apart from the wars in the Middle East -- into Europe.

A German "citizen" is worth a lot more than a Yemen "citizen" and the guilty governments are profiting themselves without regard for the people they are supposed to serve.

I gave a citation yesterday regarding "U.S. citizenship" and got back a response that someone went online and couldn't find it.
First, be aware that if you want to read law you have to go to a Law Library and read the hard copy, and if you want to know what really happened you have to go into the case files. What appears online is often heavily redacted, simplified, and annotated in various ways. Second, it has been profitable to the knaves to hide key citations and they have done so, just as they have burned books and suppressed treaties throughout their history. Third, that's far, far from the only citation giving you the same facts (and more) about the issue of "citizenship".

Here's a few more to cut your teeth on, for all of you who aren't sure that there is a difference between being an American and being a "U.S. citizen":

“We have in our political system a government of the United States and a government of each of the several States. Each one of these governments is distinct from the others, and each has citizens of its own...” United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)

“...he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and voter of the State,...” “One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States”. McDonel v. The State, 90 Ind. 320 (1883)

“That there is a citizenship of the United States and citizenship of a state,...” Tashiro v. Jordan, 201 Cal. 236 (1927)

"A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government ..." Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383

"On the other hand, there is a significant historical fact in all of this. Clearly, one of the purposes of the 13th and 14th Amendments and of the 1866 act and of section 1982 was to give the Negro citizenship. Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co. (1967), 379 F.2d 33, 43.

"The object of the 14th Amendment, as is well known, was to confer upon the colored race the right of citizenship. " United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U. S. 649, 692.

“The governments of the United States and of each state of the several states are distinct from one another. The rights of a citizen under one may be quite different from those which he has under the other”. Colgate v. Harvey, 296 U.S. 404; 56 S.Ct. 252 (1935)

“There is a difference between privileges and immunities belonging to the citizens of the United States as such, and those belonging to the citizens of each state as such”.
Ruhstrat v. People, 57 N.E. 41 (1900)

“The rights and privileges, and immunities which the fourteenth constitutional amendment and Rev. St. section 1979 [U.S. Comp. St. 1901, p. 1262], for its enforcement, were designated to protect, are such as belonging to citizens of the United States as such, and not as citizens of a state”. Wadleigh v. Newhall 136 F. 941 (1905)

“...rights of national citizenship as distinct from the fundamental or natural rights inherent in state citizenship”. Madden v. Kentucky, 309 U.S. 83: 84 L.Ed. 590 (1940)

----And, always note, that the so-called "Revised Statutes" were never actually enrolled on the Federal Register, that is, never actually "Revised" except for internal corporate use, because those making the revisions never had the power or authority to make them apply generally.

30th October 2018, 08:23 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCHpN76HXXKQx1_fGj9e9LWK7dK9asba0Th29r_aGZKbj KVKcHz6ayAzetDX8zrD-vFmqwm3LvxiT3G&hc_ref=ARQkF9xCcA-8tzvQ95F_jBnWQk6uELwvycFno2nANy4jLmzT8wgcAgdxR14xq RP9DYY&fref=nf)
23 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1918258168223254) ·

Notice to All Wannabe Interlopers:
There is no way in Hell that Keith Livingway bought "The United States of America" or any special right related to it at a Naval Auction or via any other action he has pretended to take. Our actual copyright to that name is held in sovereign jurisdiction and is not transferable or for sale to any commercial entity whatsoever.
Livingway picked up on pieces of the Scottish interloper that infringed on our copyrights in 1868: The United States of America, Incorporated, not The United States of America [Unincorporated]. The Scottish corporation was bankrupted in 1907. The bankruptcy settled in 1953. The Navy was selling off whatever scrap was left. Keith totally misunderstood what he was buying and the provenance of it, and therefore misinterpreted the meaning of it.

Our actual government is a government of, for, and by the people ----- not a government of, for, and by the persons.

This is a fundamental understanding that must be accepted by everyone concerned. And the Maxim of Law that applies, as I noted yesterday, is: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership."

The Scottish corporation deceitfully calling itself "The United States of America" for purposes of pillaging and press-ganging, kidnapping our people into foreign conscription, and seizing false title to our assets, was a criminal operation intent on inland piracy. If the Navy had been worth beans, it would have intercepted and prosecuted this Pretender.

That it succeeded in its fraud is of no concern to us at this point, as there is no statute of limitation on the crime of fraud and there is no cessation of probate related to any estate.

We are here to collect our assets and we will prosecute any and all foreign corporations infringing upon our copyrights, titles, and interests or attempting to insinuate themselves as Successors to any constitutional contract by a process of assumption.

I hope that makes it all abundantly clear to everyone, including the supporters of the French corporation attempting to do business as "The Republic" and the Scottish doppleganger attempting to do business as "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".

We are all thoroughly sick of these deceits, this disservice, and this dishonor. We want no more Pretenders of any kind or stripe. Moreover, as of October 9, 2018, the Delegated Powers returned to us by Operation of Law, as I have explained elsewhere.

What this means is that there is no longer any "federal" government of the kind we have been dealing with. The only actual government left standing in international jurisdiction is our lawful Federation of States formed September 9, 1776.

Go figure.
There aren't going to be any new interlopers picking up "governmental services contracts" by assumption here.

And all the BS is at an end. All the Europeans can go home and read their tea leaves from now on, and horribly confused people like Keith Livingway can stand down.

31st October 2018, 04:03 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAqSzENKBNimYXkxcf_5A84AWLqgzPBsQ0vTfSvtI4Ab5 fDyWhRYfNPh6te_TcaR516gFRaE92Y9V11&hc_ref=ARRRCVuxNVyQ4QHonAMd_N4HgexosKa5kTIOROI4SSg PkrD5MbPKzPkZQId6X_ibqZU&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1918373071545097) ·

Urgent Message to Americans Age 80 and Over
We need your help.

False claims are being made to the effect that we consented to being British subjects, that we willingly consigned all our assets and land and homes as chattel backing the debts of the British Crown Corporation and voluntarily adopted a Commonwealth as our form of government, that we gave up our constitutional guarantees, and that we agreed to be considered "citizens" of the British Territorial United States, purportedly in equitable exchange for welfare benefits that we financed and paid for ourselves.

In fact, we were never told about any of these false claims.

This Hogwash being promoted by the guilty parties needs to be rebutted and rebuked by the eye-witnesses who were alive at the time and who have first-hand knowledge of the facts and events.

We have abundant evidence that on March 6, 1933, at a private meeting of the Conference of Governors, the British Territorial Governors "pledged" the assets of "their states and the citizenry thereof" to pay off the debts of the "United States of America" Incorporated, a religious non-profit corporation fronted by the Roman Catholic Church as a Delaware Corporation in 1925 and bankrupted in 1933.

Of course, their "States of States" had nothing whatsoever to do with our States and their "citizenry" had nothing to do with our State Citizens.

Nonetheless, as a result of this "pledge" of foreign assets, Americans were deliberately mistaken-on-purpose as British Subjects, and kidnapped into the foreign jurisdiction of the British Territorial United States, there to be plundered and conscripted and divested of their rights, property assets, and other guarantees in Gross Breach of Trust.

We have abundant evidence that Franklin Delano Roosevelt lied through his teeth to the American People and never disclosed the meaning, intent, or result of his New Deal---- which was treason wrapped in a blanket, a self-serving and odious plot to further undermine our national sovereignty and rob us blind for the sake of foreign interests.

And now they want to claim that we all knew what was going on and willingly, voluntarily consented to all this abuse and damned lies and false claims and foreign Inquisitors occupying our courtrooms to collect debts we never owed.

There can be no words competent to describe the infamy of the British Territorial United States or the criminality of the Holy See for allowing any of these practices against The United States of America and the innocent American People.

According to their deeds, Rome, Westminster, and London should all be turned to sheets of glass, with Hong Kong and Washington, DC and Ontario, Canada, to follow.

We stood by these wretched bastards through two World Wars, and this is the thanks we get for it. They have attempted to genocide us on paper and leave us holding the bag for all their debts, all their war-mongering, all their sins.

So now is the time for pay back and an end to all this self-serving drivel that we "consented" to any of this abuse and theft.

We are calling upon those Americans who are 80 years of age and above to come forward and give testimony based on their living recollection of the events taking place in the 1930's and 40's. We are calling upon their sons and daughters to help them do the paperwork and get their testimony witnessed by a Public Notary and recorded at the local land recording offices. We are asking that you all send a certified copy to: The Living Law Firm, 1336 Staubbach Circle, Anchorage, Alaska 99508.

In doing this, you will also create a Public Record in defense of your own property and establish evidence to protect your whole family from these vermin and their lies.

We realize that this may be a bit difficult to organize, so we have created and attached a basic template that can be used all over the country. For those who have more specific information to bring forward and who feel competent to do so, please add and adjust. For convenience sake, we colored the specific information you need to change in the template red.

Please discuss the situation with your Elders and those who understand the situation, please encourage them to come forward and testify in behalf of all Americans. And get it on the record, so we can shove it down their throats.

[Facebook Friends -- please go to my website, www.annavonreitz.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F%3Ffbc lid%3DIwAR3C9laxeCSuDGYGfY6xhVA_o-3Nc1jsJ7EZH2zi2NMlzcSvNC8HqDq7qXs&h=AT0bVGE-BrB8XPFAtaVd0bg8P8GfXSRP6grUQ7nbtNEMzHRzmn7CUYw1XL uMEbAAzFcmcte5Qm6v-9IHViF5TgiLQup_gkpGK8rZxq1s8bU4jomN54fwtQi8Pe-iYvo4DQe0Lz8Ezuod7rRh9mHjL64) to download the template example and ignore the stupid "security challenge". My website is safe. ]

31st October 2018, 04:08 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDX0GL-2tKJ2hgOw8MHKqrYhl9TNflM470QyydXL2SbtisM1cPRLBTcRt V6-yow62vwQfm2P-o95ly1&hc_ref=ARTu30hRvMkAqiPQXoptK0Sn0X_gmv1WJ6FaNVbHXgN 2okGFgUWDlKlE99jFk8JP46c&fref=nf)
4 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1918432844872453) ·

IMF "Take Over" of Federal Reserve
Most people will be alarmed to hear rumors of an IMF take over of the Federal Reserve.

The IMF organized and promoted by the Rockefeller interests and Oil Barons has been functioning as the "U.S. Treasury" since shortly after the Second World War. They have used the IMF for no end of market manipulations and political intrigues and false claims in commerce.

That said, the Federal Reserve fronted by the Warburgs and Rothschilds is even older and worse in its own sluggish nasty way.

So you have the spectacle of the snakes eating each other, and quarreling over which tail is which.

The important take home point is that despite the pandering and plumage, they are all snakes, they are all criminals, and a choice between raspberry feces and vanilla feces is still an insane non-choice scenario for the rest of us.

Asked by a friend this afternoon to name a bank with "clean hands" I couldn't name one major international bank that is less than pitch black filthy. None.

Asked what I would do, I said --- take them over, establish new management, establish new regulatory agencies, and stand with both feet on their necks until the end of time.

Until we all grow up and get rid of the entire concept of money and "representations of value" and adopt a sane worldwide currency based on all commodities, all natural resources, and all labor assets, keeping both feet on the banker's necks is the only answer.

The moment you let up on one of them, he sets out to free all the rest of them from competent regulation. They are like gang members. They have the Big "B" tattoo on their chests.

A bunch of silly Nellies are running around predicting chaos and meltdowns and rioting in the streets if the Federal Reserve is taken down. I got news for them. They bankrupted the "Federal Reserve System" in 2009, so all that was protected by Mama Vatican and the Slime Balls in the United States Bar Association, instead of being returned to the lawful Priority Creditors ----us.

The time for rioting and giving a damn about the "Federal Reserve" was ten years ago or more. The time to liquidate the IMF and blast the Rockefeller Mobsters off their French thrones is right about now.

All those assets ---- all of them ---- belong to us. The "National Debt" belongs to us. The Bid Bonds and labor contracts --- ours, ours, ours. The indemnity bonds and guarantees and bottomry bonds and "Life Force Value Annuities" ---- all ours. The CUSIP bonds --- ours, again. All the Puerto Rican Foreign Grantor Trusts ---- ours, nobody else's. All the IRS collections, all the Internal Revenue Service collections, and all the property taxes and mortgages ---- all of it, is owed to us, minus a relatively small fee for services we actually contracted for and actually received under the stipulations of our Constitutions.

And these criminals, including the IMF, are trying to say that they are our Trustees and that they are collecting "for" us.

Have you heard enough of this chant and rant? We don't have any Trustees.
The Trustees who were supposed to be safeguarding our interests were worse than common thieves. So..... guess what?

We are standing here on our own flat little feet demanding the return of our rights, titles, and interests, our assets, our labor, our rents and leases, our fees, our property in sum total. Now.

No Karen Hudes, no Kim Goguen, no IMF, no middlemen "representing" us and administrating our estates "for" us. They are nothing but Executors de Son Tort --- a phrase that can only be answered for with Autrefois Convict.

Just dump it all into our bank and we will tend to our own business from now on.

We will sort through the horrible mess that all these very competent and important and highly educated people have made, and bring relief at last, with decency and common sense that has been completely lacking for decades.

Let the IMF be forewarned---- they aren't our Treasury and they aren't our Trustees and as much as we despise and care nothing for the Federal Reserve, in our view, the IMF is not a bit better.

We will nail them both to the wall for fraud and mis-representation with equal alacrity and we will demand their liquidation if they steal one peso from any American and that means all the Americans who have been mis-identified on purpose as British Territorial "Citizens", too.
Got that, Butch?

I can't think of a single international commercial bank that deserves to survive a liquidation challenge for criminal activity. Not one.

1st November 2018, 08:15 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAUMeZob3ZrfQawc-eHTCKfDP8MgzPfBJxyiAPxFkbg5hzW3ztZQY0Xy9-ej8ri9N8oX-2-dk4Nb0n6&hc_ref=ARQgndO069kCUtkTVOcL_oOCYID6aYF6A_R5yiuiJrJ AEFLDDMWMpdTfyPslTNNA9o0&fref=nf)
31 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1920990131283391) ·

The Wage of Fraud
The wage of fraud is confusion.

Let's straighten out everyone's thinking right here and now.

No actual government can be incorporated.

The reason for this is that the moment you incorporate anything, a charter is issued by another, different sovereign entity---thereby subjecting it to the authority of the other sovereign.

Scotland can't issue a charter for the actual government of America. At most, the nasty vermin can infringe on our international copyright and create a commercial corporation doppelganger. Which is precisely what they did in 1868 and what they are trying to do now.

And as for Keith Livingway and T-Roh they are trying to capitalize on the original Scottish fraud of 1868, trying to say that they bought an interest in that defunct Scottish commercial corporation and therefore now own America.
Good luck with that bull crap.

"The United States of America, Incorporated" created in 1868 in Scotland was chartered by the Scottish Government, not the American Government.

And this defunct Scottish entity owes us a helluva lot of money. It's just a matter of how hard we want to press the issue of their fraud at this late date. Bank of Scotland, do you hear me? BIS?

As you can see, it isn't even possible for any entity incorporated by any other government to be our government.

And it is the same way for the "United States of America" Inc. chartered by the Roman Catholic Church in Delaware in 1925. That entity is subject to Delaware, which is obviously not able to act as "the" government of this country.

There is one and only one lawful government of this country still standing in international jurisdiction, and that is The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the member States ---- Wisconsin, Kentucky, Maine, Texas, and so on.

The Universal Postal Union knows that it has contracts with the unincorporated version so none of the idiocy being promoted by Keith Livingway and "T-Roh" will be honored.

A incorporated entity acting "as" a government is not a government.

Because the fraud artists created all these deceptively named incorporated entities in foreign countries there is a lot of confusion. Most recently we have had to deal with "The Republic of the United States of America" (France) and "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" (Scotland--- again!)

But all these incorporated imposters are not our government and can't be our government. They are merely identity thieves trying to get a governmental services contract by a process of "assumption" long after we have told all of them, including Keith Livingway's group, thanks, but no thanks.
All this fraud has to end.

Apparently, some officers in the military thought that because there was a "Grand Army of the Republic" that there had to be "a" Republic, but in fact, the lawful government of our country in international jurisdiction is now and has always been a Federation of States (not a Confederation of States of States) operated in tandem with state Republics---- fifty of them.

So, please, everyone, get your heads clear on the subject of sovereignty and subjection. Incorporated entities are always 100% of the time subject to a sovereign entity. I think all Americans can agree on the fact that our government is not now and never has been chartered by Scotland or France.

Let's bring all this confusion to a halt and end all the fraud as well.

2nd November 2018, 03:00 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARC_L99p7cg0mixbGh7kf-E6xDcGFYGQ3Ahc32Jwe4U9qNRye2tUCMAgIIjM9H9_KQtzPiLN CZ6QFLC2&hc_ref=ARS7bDx9R35kTktfnrNBgyo6rEsNNhiyyAJdR9I4NX6 NR9uOYkxoeE9HNvhSqGMR5ys&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1921978804517857) ·

$100 Reward: Find the Missing Republic
Times being what they are, and the expenses of The Living Law Firm being what they are, I can't afford to offer a big reward (on the off chance that I have to pay up) but I am sick and tired of having to argue about this with knotheads and I will pay $100 of my own money to anyone who can prove that a singular national "Republic" exists.

Yes, there was/is a "Grand Army of the Republic" --- the Union Army during the Civil War.

Yes, there was/is a song called "The Battle Hymn of the Republic".

Yes, there is an oblique reference in "The Pledge of Allegiance" to "the Republic for which it stands."

Yes, Ben Franklin is reported to have told a by-stander when asked what kind of government we have --- "A Republic. If you can keep it."

And yes, we are guaranteed a "republican form of government" in the Constitution.

We even have "The Supreme Republican Declaration of the United Colonies of America".

But nowhere can I find in any of this any substantiating proof that "a" Republic was ever formed on this Continent to represent all the state republics.

Instead, what I find is a consistent reference to our Federation of States, The United States of America ---- the unincorporated version. And it only operates in international jurisdiction.

If any of you researchers out there can shed light on this question, please weigh in.
The monetary reward is slight, but the satisfaction of proving me wrong might be worth something, right?

I've looked. I can't find it. And until some proof surfaces ---and despite the popular references and belief that "a" Republic exists--- I say "the" Republic is the Civil War Era equivalent of an Urban Myth.

Many of our researchers are hurting financially and having a hard time keeping the lights on and the printer ink in stock. They are asking me for help and so I have to turn to all of you reading this.

If you can see how important it is for us to know the truth about our history and government --- and be able to prove it --- please consider "joining the party" and doing some research yourself or helping to support the expenses of those who do.
We take donations to the cause via my PayPal account:
avannavon@gmail.com and via snail mail: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

2nd November 2018, 03:08 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAfk6ZUL3xnQI-9s_BOJ6DKFbxbZaVD1pue0pEEziEd5ZGs1nRC4jA-O7oNznNqlFoCmntjcbUHDmy8&hc_ref=ARSurax2MGVvGhpsHLcu3L7wZQIMjWfodTbyMGp5r8b s-CFxqq6lrHQnL7IUyzHfm7o&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1922090547840016) ·

Dual Versus Singular Citizenship
One of the things that sets "U.S. Citizenship" apart from American State Citizenship is duality. The Federales --- from their standpoint anyway --- are content to let you keep your "state citizenship" intact and still also be considered a "U.S. Citizen". As it says in their 14th Amendment --- "citizen of the United States" and "the state in which they reside".

[Please note --- it's their 14th Amendment, not ours, and it's an "Amendment" to their corporation's Articles of Incorporation disguised as "a" Constitution. And you are right, their 14th Amendment was never ratified by the States of the Union, for the simple reason that amending the By-Laws of a Scottish commercial corporation only requires approval by the Board of Directors --- in this case, the Territorial United States Congress.]

The problem is that the Federales can't alter the rules that the States adopted, which require a single State Citizenship.

The actual States don't recognize Dual Citizenship. You are either a Minnesotan or you are not.

It doesn't matter to them if you came from Germany or Zimbabwe. You have the option once you have immigrated through the U.S. and established your new permanent domicile on the land of Minnesota to declare yourself a Minnesotan.

When you do, you have to leave all other claims of foreign allegiance and nationality behind. The Founders considered Dual Citizenship to be "serving two Masters" and an inherent "conflict of interest" that could not be condoned.

So, if you wish to retain your identity as a Wisconsinite, you have to go whole hog or none. Wisconsin will not recognize you as one of its own if you voluntarily retain any other political allegiance, including any allegiance to the Territorial State of Wisconsin or the Municipal STATE OF WISCONSIN. You have to cleave to the actual State and not merely "reside" there on a temporary basis, if you want to be recognized as an American State Citizen.

Throughout most of our history this was clearly understood and it was also understood that our people sometimes migrated back and forth between their State Citizenship and "United States Citizenship". Men who served in the military were considered to be on a temporary "loan" to the United States and to be "residing" in Federal jurisdiction during their period of service obligation, but returned home upon discharge from the service. Same thing with Congressional Delegates, who did their business in the District of Columbia, and then returned home to their home States.

The First Naturalization Act passed by the United States Congress described a lengthy process by which an American State Citizen could transition to permanent United States Citizenship, if they wished to do so. It required posting Notices over time and supporting oneself without public assistance and committing no felonies, etc., There is no doubt that adopting "United States Citizenship" versus birthright citizenship as a Citizen of Maine, was a sober, deliberate, and lengthy process.

Also, all new immigrants had to pass through "United States Citizenship" before adopting a final State Citizenship, and again, the decision to adopt State Citizenship required deliberate action on the part of each one.

Say that you came from Germany originally. You would first pass through the Naturalization process and become a "United States Citizen". You were then free to move about the country and not subject to the INS anymore, no green cards, no quasi-parole status as a visitor--- but you were not a State Citizen.

In order to become a State Citizen, you had to (and still have to) meet other requirements and make the deliberate choice to "declare" your intention and publish it and establish a home in the State of your choice and stay there for a stipulated period of time (usually a year) without committing any felonies or making use of public assistance.

There is a famous case from Minnesota (Rheume) that discusses the necessity of immigrants declaring their State Citizenship.

The fundamental difference is that "U.S. Citizens" occupy the Federal jurisdiction within a State and "reside" in the federated "States of States", whereas State Citizens live in their State of the Union.

Example: An active duty Lieutenant in the US Air Force lives in the State of South Dakota, but my friend Anne lives in South Dakota "proper".

Think in terms of Army bases like Fort Hood, for example, which exists within the borders of Texas. You have people from every State who live within the confines of Fort Hood which is Federal Territory within Texas and for the term of their service obligation, all those active duty personnel are "U.S. Citizens" living in the "State of Texas" even though they may have been born in Texas and have their natural birthright nationality and citizenship as Texans.

When they leave active duty and inform the General Staff of the Army that they are returning home to Texas and their birthright political status, they pop back into view as Texans and as State Citizens of Texas.

The British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States oligarchy run by the members of the Territorial Congress have long sought to keep everyone in the status of "U.S. Citizen" because that allows them to tax and control and make claims against the assets of the people involved. It is that monetary self-interest that has led to most of the abuses we now suffer and also to the corruption of the courts and the obfuscation of the facts about State Citizenship.

They don't want you to know that you can adopt your lawful State Citizenship and enjoy your freedoms and the guarantees of the Constitutions, because they lose money and control when you renounce "U.S. Citizenship" in favor of, for example, Texas Citizenship.

Nonetheless it is your birthright as an American, and so long as you are not a federal employee, dependent, or "voluntarily" operating as a U.S. corporation, THEY have nothing to say about it, except, "Yes, Sir!"

4th November 2018, 11:08 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBK5bSpZ1J9zjFrQbhJu6qKfCtCFcuTxC96-Dqf_6BaM4LfV8UPI9OtjQ_i1n5JH8ashTbOQAJg-uZF&hc_ref=ARSrg76hzbBG5OtavpFfeA4nCyO7gkInYH9a4ZcG8Jf TNRuwXmBZk8gWFAW0PG1f4U4&fref=nf)
November 2 at 10:58 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1922809221101482) ·

Analysis of FDR's First Inaugural Speech: Why No American Should Vote For Democrats. Ever.

This weekend I answered a challenge and analyzed FDR's speech on assuming Office, March 4, 1933.

I went through and de-constructed it with all key legal terms of art noted in purple.
These are all terms that a person with a normal 7th or 8th grade education (the standard for law written at this time) could not possibly be expected to know as legal terms apart from their common meaning.

Please note that two days later on March 6, 1933, FDR addressed The Conference of Governors (private, Territorial) and secured the "pledge" of "their states" and "citizenry thereof"---- which could only and exclusively mean the British Territorial United States and the Territorial States of States put in place during the Reconstruction Era:

You are all invited to go to my website at www.annavonreitz.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F%3Ffbc lid%3DIwAR1_Jn1BEEy7w0hzR_h2hC4_sxdwi-F1M_7_l1RirP5yibjGvzC8WQi2wow&h=AT3Nt040yDVt81N3EauuGScypl2OkAXher9nVf5MCtDrRpMf PkQRpfViwEWuzR4JfVuWfMZ2eIadHWiCGIv2SZJPZSlFXrm1sX zKQYmiT7ooYrRjg5SvoUzC0qcT0PppUcegWgV8jnDevjjUgbsE nsI) where it will shortly be posted and you can see for yourself just how many deceptive legal terms and words of art were employed in this speech to veil its actual meaning and create a "Double-speak" version that only attorneys and other insiders familiar with Federal Code could interpret.

What FDR basically said in "Federal-ese" was that he was going to conscript everyone---as in conscript or press-gang into the Army or Navy, seize upon their lives and property as "gifts", "pledge" it all to royal and religious institutional creditors (primarily the Holy See), regulate everything especially labor and utilities to high Hell for government profits, re-distribute wealth and displace populations, impose gag orders on the media, and prey upon the actual American People for the "good" of the "democracy" of the "United States" ----which virtually everyone in that audience interpreted as meaning The United States and as America, not the separate foreign hegemony of the deceptively similarly-named British Territorial United States.

Anyone still want to claim that it was "our fault" and that we '"voluntarily" "consented" to all of this crap and that we were given "full disclosure" of what FDR set in motion and all the false claims in commerce and the false conscriptions and confiscations that he and his pals in the Democratic Party pulled against the innocent American States and People?

I thought not.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was no hero. He represented the Corporate Government --- British Territorial and Roman Municipal -- at the Geneva Conventions of 1930.

He sold us and most of the innocent poor people of the world down the river as slaves to the bankers and other peddlers of flesh. He was a King Rat in an Age of Vermin, a treasonous betrayer and a cruel, clever, nasty, disloyal POS. And that is why finding his grave and pissing on it at midnight during the Dark of the Moon is still an item on my Bucket List and just one prime example of why no American in their right mind should ever vote for any member of the Democratic Party ever again.

If any of my readers are still involved in the current elections, please take this information to heart and share it with friends, family and co-workers.

The Democrats have been stealing and selling the American People down the river and promoting slavery and lies since 1860. It's high time everyone realized it and came to grips with just HOW bad they really are and how far down the pipes this country has gone because of them.


I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our Nation impels.
This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today.

This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself -- nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.

In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. In such a spirit on my part and on yours we face our common difficulties. They concern, thank God,only material things. Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone.

More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return. Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment. Yet our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of locusts. Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for. Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it. Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply. Primarily this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and abdicated.

Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.
True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers. They have no vision, and when there is no vision the people perish. The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit. Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. These dark days will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow men.

Recognition of the falsity of material wealth as the standard of success goes hand in hand with the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are to be valued only by the standards of pride of place and personal profit; and there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing. Small wonder that confidence languishes, for it thrives only on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection, on unselfish performance; without them it cannot live. Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone.

This Nation asks for action, and action now. Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously. It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our natural resources. Hand in hand with this we must frankly recognize the overbalance of population in our industrial centers and, by engaging on a national scale in a redistribution, endeavor to provide a better use of the land for those best fitted for the land. The task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of agricultural products and with this the power to purchase the output of our cities. It can be helped by preventing realistically the tragedy of the growing loss through foreclosure of our small homes and our farms. It can be helped by insistence that the Federal, State, and local governments act forthwith on the demand that their cost be drastically reduced. It can be helped by the unifying of relief activities which today are often scattered, uneconomical, and unequal. It can be helped by national planning for and supervision of all forms of transportation and of communications and other utilities which have a definitely public character. There are many ways in which it can be helped, but it can never be helped merely by talking about it. We must act and act quickly. Finally, in our progress toward a resumption of work we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order; there must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments; there must be an end to speculation with other people's money, and there must be provision for an adequate but sound currency.

There are the lines of attack. I shall presently urge upon a new Congress in special session detailed measures for their fulfillment, and I shall seek the immediate assistance of the several States. Through this program of action we address ourselves to putting our own national house in order and making income balance outgo. Our international trade relations, though vastly important, are in point of time and necessity secondary to the establishment of a sound national economy.

I favor as a practical policy the putting of first things first. I shall spare no effort to restore world trade by international economic readjustment, but the emergency at home cannot wait on that accomplishment.

The basic thought that guides these specific means of national recovery is not narrowly nationalistic. It is the insistence, as a first consideration, upon the interdependence of the various elements in all parts of the United States -- a recognition of the old and permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer. It is the way to recovery. It is the immediate way. It is the strongest assurance that the recovery will endure. In the field of world policy I would dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neighbor -- the neighbor who resolutely respects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others -- the neighbor who respects his obligations and respects the sanctity of his agreements in and with a world of neighbors. If I read the temper of our people correctly, we now realize as we have never realized before our interdependence on each other; that we can not merely take but we must give as well; that if we are to go forward, we must move as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline, because without such discipline no progress is made, no leadership becomes effective. We are, I know, ready and willing to submit our lives and property to such discipline, because it makes possible a leadership which aims at a larger good. This I propose to offer, pledging that the larger purposes will bind upon us all as a sacred obligation with a unity of duty hitherto evoked only in time of armed strife. With this pledge taken, I assume unhesitatingly the leadership of this great army of our people dedicated to a disciplined attack upon our common problems. Action in this image and to this end is feasible under the form of government which we have inherited from our ancestors.

Our Constitution is so simple and practical that it is possible always to meet extraordinary needs by changes in emphasis and arrangement without loss of essential form. That is why our constitutional system has proved itself the most superbly enduring political mechanism the modern world has produced. It has met every stress of vast expansion of territory, of foreign wars, of bitter internal strife, of world relations.It is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us. But it may be that an unprecedented demand and need for un-delayed action may call for temporary departure from that normal balance of public procedure.

I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measures that a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world may require. These measures, or such other measures as the Congress may build out of its experience and wisdom, I shall seek, within my constitutional authority, to bring to speedy adoption. But in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, and in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis -- broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe. For the trust reposed in me I will return the courage and the devotion that befit the time. I can do no less. We face the arduous days that lie before us in the warm courage of the national unity; with the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious moral values; with the clean satisfaction that comes from the stem performance of duty by old and young alike. We aim at the assurance of a rounded and permanent national life.

We do not distrust the future of essential democracy. The people of the United States have not failed. In their need they have registered a mandate that they want direct, vigorous action. They have asked for discipline and direction under leadership. They have made me the present instrument of their wishes. In the spirit of the gift I take it. In this dedication of a Nation we humbly ask the blessing of God. May He protect each and every one of us. May He guide me in the days to come.

4th November 2018, 03:19 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCqwwKaHenCKzb_AWeemQMWefP-bGSFa-6Z9dzXt6iI-03h395bw24vQVIXlt3m3IR4Zpot0clUC2up&hc_ref=ARTDiHxWczC6fzp9_duhpTJm9rLvjAasD5t22cQrGlo 38kv3vBoWWq1RhBySv1rpmYQ&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1925451960837208) ·

Letter of Notice and Demand to Pope Francis and Elizabeth II
Fourth November 2018

Your Holiness, Your Majesty:

We all start to read with the letter "A"..... and in the same way, we all start our understanding with certain key concepts. If the key concepts are flawed, incomplete, deceptive, or untrue, then all that follows afterward is similarly flawed, incomplete, deceptive, or untrue.

This is why the crime of fraud knows no statute of limitations. This is why contracts all fail upon the first defect.

In this case, people have been taught to think of that THING in Washington, DC as their beloved "government of the people, for the people and by the people", but in fact, "the federal government" is an interlocking trust directorate of foreign corporate interests merely in the business of providing "governmental services" for profit. And since 1860, there has been no counter-balance to provide the intended checks-and-balances on their power.
This is the first defect.

The contract between the American States and People and the "federal government" was broken in 1860, but they were left uninformed by their remaining Territorial and Municipal partners. In fact, those same partners who owed them Good Faith and Good Service deliberately hid the situation and profited themselves from the circumstance instead.

It's the same situation as if Ma Bell and Verizon knocked off their competitors and formed a cooperative venture to bilk the public silly and then split the monopoly profits. The British Territorial United States and the Holy Roman Municipal Government have secretively colluded to the same ends.

We have no greater enemies than our supposed friends and trustees.

This is why London and Rome are on the top of the list for demolition, if we cannot secure a right and proper understanding of what their leadership's obligations with respect to The United States of America (Unincorporated) always were and still are.

Once FDR's Inaugural Speech is "decoded" from Federal-speak to actual unimpaired English, all his malice and deceit and his true intentions are revealed and can be matched up against the results we have in fact experienced.

What he actually said was that he would take our lives and property as gifts ---voluntary donations --- to his holy cause.

Conveniently, since none of the actual Americans understood what he said, nobody stepped forward to shoot him and forthrightly counter his offer.

It is exactly the same situation as an armed bandit "offering" to take your purse. If you meekly comply with his demand and don't object, what is intrinsically a crime and an armed robbery is converted by "implication" and "interpreted as" a consensual act under commercial law.

And that is what the Men in Black have been doing. Just "interpreting" themselves into fatter and fatter paychecks and retirement pensions and shipping all the rest of the ill-gotten gains home to Rome and London.

But we, the living people of this country, don't operate under commercial law. We were all clearly standing as men and women in 1860 and in 1933 and not operating under commercial law then, either. So all claims and cobbled together evidence to the contrary are simply self-interested crime.

It isn't until we object that it becomes a crime? We have objected both individually and en masse. Our lawful government objects. Our States object. Our People object. And as our Will in these matters has been clearly published and on the public record for over 200 years, there is no plausible excuse for any of what has gone on here.

So, Whitehall and Rome, here is our objection: not only do we object, we repudiate in all respects all of your presumptions from 1860 onward, including all the Birth Certificates that you have issued to profit yourselves.

The profits of all this infamy must be returned to the rightful government and for the benefit of the rightful owners --our States and our People-- and absolutely no presumption of ownership of these vessels by any foreign commercial corporation is allowed.

Release every single American from these repugnant presumptions or else.
In this case, the people of this country were not even provided with the nicety of a clearly stated "demand" and had no realistic opportunity to respond to FDR's deliberately concealed gibberish.

We trust that this Notice and Demand is clearly stated.

FDR simply "converted" the court system to begin collecting on his "New Deal" ---- which was in the barest sense, "I am requiring you to give me all that you are and all that you have as a gift for my holy cause", with both the nature of the "holiness" and the "cause" left hanging.

It was on this basis that he confiscated privately held gold from the American People. It was on this basis that he required everyone to sign "Birth Certificates" donating our children (though we were not told this) to his corporation as chattel backing his corporate debts. It was on this basis that he exercised the "Trading With the Enemy Act" against his employers.

And all of this now has to end.

All of it, without exception.

The entire Public Charitable Trust must be returned, along with the Puerto Rican Public Transmitting Utilities, the Donor Trusts, the Life Force Value Annuities--- all of it. Now. The pretense that you are not really trafficking people with all your nonsense of incorporating and copyrighting their names has to end, too.

The American States and People did not voluntarily and knowingly acquiesce to FDR's veiled offer. No valid contract exists. No excuse for it can be made. No claim that FDR met the Standard of Law in his communications during the First Inaugural Address nor at any other time can stand.

His very memory should be erased and all his words and actions damned.

He was not our President and did not serve this country nor its people in "Good Faith". Death and destruction on those who wait to deliver the relief and the remedy owed to this country and its people and to all the other countries and peoples around the world who have suffered and been robbed by their own employees bent on criminal deceit.

We have our "A" and we know our "B", our "C", and all the rest of it.

The Trading With the Enemy Act does not apply to us, the American States and People, nor to our lawful Federation of States, The United States of America (Unincorporated) and never did.

It is well-past time that the Holy See and the Queen and the British Crown and the Lords of the Admiralty, all heard the legitimate government of this country tell you --- bugger off. And it is time for Donald J. Trump to act as our actual Commander-in-Chief to make sure that you do so.

Take your New Deal and FDR's corpse with you.

As for the "Democratic Party" in this country, the record of its actions as a seedbed of sedition, criminality, and deceit speaks for itself. It is an outlaw political lobby and is on trial for its crimes against humanity even as we speak.

We highly suggest that people examine the actual facts surrounding the Democratic Party --- its activities and voting records ---and you will see for yourselves that this is literally the Party of Deceit, a political lobbying organization that has preached one set of values and delivered exactly the opposite for over a hundred years.

Your Majesty, you are under demand to remove the present "court system" and re-convert it to its lawful purposes or we will remove it permanently ourselves and never pay another penny for such "services".

Your Holiness, return all the Birth Certificates and Baptismal Certificates you have collected under conditions of fraud and non-disclosure, together with all profit from the rents, leases, insurances, mortgages, etc., etc.

You all must give up the pretenses of the TWEA and consider your "offer" of March 4, 1933 as finally received and firmly rejected; and may the crime of it be upon your heads if you should fail in your duty to comply with this demand to return all the citizenry of our federal states together with their assets and also all the innocent American State natives and their assets. They are all to be safely re-conveyed to our shores and replaced under the protection of our lawful government.

In the meantime, do not talk to us about the "Rule of Law" which you have yourselves breached in finality, but instead talk about the "Rule of Mankind" and the dominion that we are all owed.

The Bills of Lading for the Estate of Yeshuah have been delivered. We expect payment on normal terms.

The Fiduciary,
Anna Maria Riezinger
The United States of America
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
cc: President Donald J. Trump

5th November 2018, 02:20 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCM7BnsnoE_grZq9Jb1smnwHuXg3w81j75aI9QsyaSmdf uyrVQTq99K-0bXVRjctzp8cXyGYB5MrPpd&hc_ref=ARSF_DcdgUWadXmfq_6g9RX5ubi_qX0d-AibdGYNHEyViq916esmTMH-eg29w7v8bf8&fref=nf)
10 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1926103304105407) ·

Judge Not, Indeed.
I was sound asleep when heard my Lord say, "Arise, and go answer them."

So here I am.

To those who have complained that I am "playing God" and that I am usurping the position of Him who comes to judge the quick and the dead because I have in fact pronounced a judgment in these recent days:

The judgment I have spoken was spoken long, long ago. You all have cause to know it.

There is a group of men (and women, if the shoe fits) who are pre-judged and who have been condemned since ancient times. They have been judged by Our Father who knows both the beginning and the end.

Who are these people who have been condemned from afar, even from thousands of years in the past?

The ones who meet in secret. The ones who defile the temple. The ones who look to the East for their deliverance. The ones who worship underground. The ones who worship in buildings without windows. The ones who wait for The Father of All Lies. The ones who think that their deeds are secret and unknown. The ones who hide in darkness. The ones who are misled in all their thinking. The ones who shall inherit the consequences of their reckoning.

I have repeated His Judgment upon them so that the minor felons who waver on the brink of the Abyss might yet repent. I have repeated it so that all you people who hear this may not be taken unaware or frightened or mistake His Judgment for anything but what it is.

Strangely, though His Judgment has been set before you in the scripture for thousands of years, yet you do not recognize it and do not expect it.

I am here to tell you --- expect it. Soon.

I have repeated His words and the words of the Prophets against those who delay the salvation of the poor.

In frustration I cry out to Our Father in Heaven against the Evil which destroys the beauty and meaning of Life. Do you not all see that "Evil" is the opposite of "Live"?
Can this be so hard to recognize?

The stench of sin and corruption envelopes the Earth worse than any smog.
The Judgment of the Cedars and the Sycamores also stands against these perpetrators, who raise up their pride and do not repent. They think as they thought in days of old, that they will build towers to Heaven, yet not respect the Earth beneath their feet.

In 9,000 years these sons of Cain have learned nothing.
The Hypocrites, the Annunaki who taught Mankind idolatry and the use of money, who introduced the lures of prostitution and drugs--- have returned. True to form, they have condemned all but 144,000 for succumbing to the evils that they themselves taught and provided. They think its a big joke.

So I pulled back the curtain of the stars and showed them the vastness of the Heavenly Host arrayed against them and suggested that they move on.

Those who wait for Satan shall wait in vain, and those who put their faith in Lucifer will wither, but the Lord of Lords endures forever.

New Guardians have been appointed and the Thousand Years of Peace declared, not from a position of weakness or mere hope, but from a position of overwhelming strength and truth. The Victory of the Lamb is secure.
Turn back and turn away from those who believe in secrets, for there are no secrets. Our Father's Judgment stands against them. Jeremiah said it. John said it. And I have said it.

This is the third and final time.
Let those with ears both hear and listen. I have indeed pronounced a judgment, because the time for it has come, even though the judgment itself is not my own.

5th November 2018, 02:30 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBjE9FclB2QJK9_UtaKX6FoJm2UOXvrdMVRNLvv926mMm GtH6Z9DVdHwyqeYglTEDJ6z4qpR_na77mT&hc_ref=ARS_jwmgr-vnRfjB8Kb52wWbzhWKUJSzJuSaNnlM4qWQ-V09Lm1ni40PqXmmvtltwQw&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1926669427382128) ·

What Elections?
There are "Body Sovereign Electors" in this country, and there are "Voters". Which one are you? The answer determines your political status and Government I.Q.

Political Parties are lobbyist organizations, just like the Tobacco Lobby or the Peanut Lobby or the LGBT Lobby.

That's right.
"Republican" and "Democrat" are both just lobbyist groups. In a sane world, they should be pleading with our Congress to spend money on their causes, not running their "Congress" to benefit a smorgasbord of special interests at our expense.

Their "Party Platforms" are supposed to tell you what perks they will seek in your behalf if you elect them to represent you. More often, they just feed you a pack of lies and do whatever they please with no accountability whatsoever.
All of which means that these things called elections are actually not elections in the sense our Forefather's meant and intended.

These events usurping upon our actual Public Elections are private Shareholder Elections in which people choose proxy voters to cast ballots for them, the purpose of which is to choose new employees to run now-bankrupt federal corporations like the "United States of America, Incorporated" and the "UNITED STATES, INC."

When you "vote" in these Private Shareholder Elections you are actually giving up your right and responsibility to cast your own ballots, and handing off your proxy to a lobbyist, who, you hope, will go to Washington, DC, and bring back a share of the federal corporation bacon.

And by doing this, you lose control of everything, including the actual government owed to this country.

Most of the people reading this are familiar with the concept of proxies and proxy voting. You have the right to cast ballots yourself, but you are too busy and can't be bothered. Your Aunt offered you her beach cabin for the weekend. Your dog needs his toenails clipped. So you hand your "proxy" to Joe Blow and he promises to "vote the way you would" without actually knowing (or caring) how you would vote.

Usually, when we knowingly give someone our proxy the issues are nothing terribly important -- things like how often do the rain gutters get cleaned? --- or we really, truly have no other choice but to trust someone with our vote.

But since the Civil War people have been willy-nilly giving their proxy to run this country to any passing dandy with a nice smile and a political party platform--- a platform that he doesn't have to honor, once he has your proxy.

In this way the entire country gets turned into a roller derby.
And your checkbook is left open to the Four Winds.
And the Creditors of Joe Blow gain a rationale for holding you accountable for his spending.

Why would anyone in their right mind participate in this?

Once you realize what is going on you should run to the Voter Registration Office and annul any record that you were ever a "Voter".

Is it possible to "register" (remember that when you register anything you are giving up an ownership interest in it) to "vote" and give your proxy to someone else ----and still retain your status as a Body Sovereign Elector? No.

You have passed on your rights and your responsibilities to someone else, handed him your checkbook and your future and not even held him accountable for how he votes "in your behalf".

This is not the kind of "representative government" your Forefathers practiced and handed on to you. It's just another usurpation and deceit-- this time by two powerful lobbyist organizations, one funded by the Brits and Barons, one funded by the Roman Catholic Church, both nearly equally bad.

Your representatives in Congress are supposed to be Fiduciary Officers -- Deputies -- held fully accountable to the people of your State of the Union. In the actual government, these Deputies can be recalled and held to account by the State Legislature. And the State Legislatures are accountable to you.

But since you handed your proxy off to Joe Blow by voting in the Shareholder elections instead of holding onto your ballot and sponsoring your own Public Elections, you no longer have a voice or a choice. You gave away your own actual power as a Body Sovereign Elector to a Flim-Flam Man, a lobbyist who isn't even obligated to be honest about what he is lobbying for.

Thus we get RINOS and DINOS and a perennial choice between chocolate feces or vanilla feces and everyone stands around like great dumb brutes, dimly wondering: "What's wrong with this country?"

Now, you know.
And perhaps you also realize the urgent need to organize and restore your actual, factual government and exercise your position as a Body Sovereign Elector and sponsor Public Elections for your State Legislature and fill the long-vacant Deputy offices to serve in your actual Congress.

Those of you who have exercised your reversionary trust rights and re-conveyed your Good Name and assets to the land and soil jurisdiction have the responsibility, right, and power to function as Body Sovereign Electors.

Why would you ever choose to be mere "Voters" and leave your pocketbook and your country to the mercy of thieves and lobbyists?

5th November 2018, 08:15 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARD27paM7a5Zvn_J9H8OxiZfM7lJEnKOo3c5oUAv1JPwlV XECShFSkaHHmp-_OGN9sr5JX1jnrZtMOw0&hc_ref=ARQwNQZQh8MzLpBECIrt9e153lILLevIfurUJmtVBsY 00wFgFZsnw8ehRfGp9m_Y3tE&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1926743194041418) ·

A Note About Roman Civil Law:
Roman Civil Law is foreign to us. It's ancient and schmarmy and elitist compared to our Puritan Common Law.

One of its most infamous Maxims is, "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived."

In other words, under their rules, it's okay to deceive and defraud someone so long as you can get away with it and the victim doesn't object and doesn't take exception to it.

So, now the Municipal Authorities that function under Roman Civil Law have been duly notified of our objection as an entire country. They violated our Public Law and tried to pull a fast one. They got away with it for a period of years, but now that time is over.

We are not deceived. We are not amused. And we are not putting up with any more legal presumptions based on deceit and coercion.
This seems very "strong" language and very short-tempered and abrupt to some people. Bear in mind that we are dealing largely with an audience that knows both Latin and "Federal-Speak". They know far better than the average American what has gone on here and why strong language is appropriate.

Bear in mind, also, that we are at the end of a Due Process and Notice Procedure that has gone on for twenty (20) years. This isn't sudden.

Also bear in mind that if these problems are not responsibly resolved in favor of the living people and the Earth---and resolved soon---we will be facing interplanetary warfare of a kind that has not been seen here for 32,000 years.

This War in the Heavens would mirror the Spiritual Warfare on Earth and would result in very few people being left alive, yet Our Father's Will, is that not one be left behind and not one child should suffer.

Please consider carefully what we are meant to do. The Old Saturnine Guard and the Fallen Angels are being picked up and removed back to their home planets. This process is already well-advanced and it is being accomplished by a coalition of overwhelming force.

The new Guardians from the Aquarius star system are meant to peacefully take their place and open up a whole new way of living and being on the Earth. This Change has been in the works for thousands of years.

"I go now to prepare a place for you, so that where I am, you may be also be."

We are meant "to have life and have it abundantly". We are meant to have plenty of every good thing, including plenty of love and plenty of space. We are not confined to just the Earth.

Those who yearn for peace and brotherhood will not be disappointed. Those who cherish the Earth will rejoice. We will all remember the words, "I make all things new again."

In a way that is not yet comprehensible, we are going home.

But first we must wake up, realize that we have been deceived -- and take exception to it.

6th November 2018, 05:32 AM
One of its most infamous Maxims is, "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived."
Sometimes maxim state the obvious. It is a law not because of the maxim but because people really seem to want to be deceived. These are called illusions and actions taken upon them are called delusions.

we must wake up, realize that we have been deceived -- and take exception to it.
You can take exception to it all you want but realize it is your OWN actions that you are taking exception to. So what is the answer? Just accept the past as unchangeable and modify your own actions in the future. But realize that your own illusions are still as false as any you have been handed in the past.

6th November 2018, 10:34 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAHFmgT1sMQ9EIJ8Fv6JbOab5yQ1JLuYCovsuuelqtOuu bzZ8hhg6a7CeFp0O9hv6psZXLUfddFDrD5&hc_ref=ARTgKLdfTH8hWuiLdGL5R0m_1rfidIAOFrhraj3I4bS N7KhJmGs_OSQgsnT_8E3wS04&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1927762127272858) ·

Who Owns the Philippines?
We do.

Of course, the people have their own government, like any other Territorial State of the Union, but in point of fact, we bought the Philippine Island land mass from Spain in exactly the same way that we bought the Louisiana Purchase.

And as long as we, The United States of America [Unincorporated] are the lawful government of the Sovereign States and People operating in international jurisdiction, we might as well also inform the world-at-large that we own virtually all the Territorial and Municipal Governments on Earth, whether they are bankrupt or not --- and we hold them as their Priority Creditor.

As you think about this a little further, you will see that because we own the Territorial and Municipal Government Corporations we also own all the C-Corps, S-Corps, Foundations, Cooperatives, Trusts, LLC's, PC's, etc., that have been chartered and registered under these Territorial and Municipal business structures.

We own 185,000 Territorial and Municipal Government Corporations in the U.S. alone.

All of this is ours in the plain and simple sense of commercial ownership of chattel assets, because all of it has been created via the exercise of our abused Delegated Powers, which have now returned to us by Operation of Law.

This does not mean that we want to keep it all or that we wish to exercise any oppressive political control over any other nation. What it does mean is that while the British Territorial United States is bankrupt (to us) and the Roman Municipal UNITED STATES is bankrupt (to us), The United States of America [Unincorporated] is not bankrupt.

Instead, virtually all the rest of the world (with the exception of Iran, North Korea, the Holy See and a few Pacific Island Kingdoms) are in debt to us.

We are in full control of our assets and enabled to dispose of all international debts owed to us.

Thanks to all the crazy history that we have exposed and the resulting confusions regarding which "United States" and which "United States of America" one is talking about at any given time, these facts have been somewhat obscured, but they remain the facts just the same.

We own it all and the Queen and the Pope are no longer delegated the authority to exercise our interest in these assets "for" us. Before everyone has a heart attack thinking that this is a bad thing, consider that it is in fact a very good thing. Why?
Because the Evil Geniuses that created this System of cradle-to-grave enslavement have been displaced by the operation of their own commercial Rule of Law, and instead of the UN Corp owning everything and everyone, and instead of the Swiss BEAST system keeping title to everything, all that is overturned.

It's all back in the hands of living people again, back in the hands of actual countries. And the actual Americans are not the greedy, nasty, immoral, war-crazed animals that the British Territorial United States portrayed to the rest of the world.

It's just us, Ma and Pa, back on the farm. Good neighbors, generous to a fault. If anything, everyone should be sighing a great big sigh of relief and calming down. The specter of being ruled by heartless, faceless, nameless corporations and living in a computer operated hive society under One World Government is in the rearview mirror.

6th November 2018, 10:36 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAnKFHelUjoM5w8W58750TdUMnHYht31baGMTUFWvQVaU 1DENCbVebRzFr5X-yYl8AF3Mwo6HbbKgPd&hc_ref=ARS95jLcyEMPPrm9KZ9hJOuvAnqe62z0E8qMtN2eLPm ti0zFI_zkCuUzao6HWghiQEE&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1927815697267501) ·

Acceptance of Titles -- International Notice

As of October 6, 2018 our Acceptance cured in all venues of International Trade and Commerce, and as of today, November 6, 2018, we Accept Title and give International Notice of the Acceptance of Title to the assets held in the names of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and the member States of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and to the People of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and to the charters and to the patents and to the copyrights issued under the Delegated Authorities of The United States of America [Unincorporated] and of its member States and of its People.

The United States of America [Unincorporated] accepts the return of the Powers delegated under the agreements of The Constitution for the united States of America (1787) and of The Constitution of the United States of America (1789) and of The Constitution of the United States (1790) and of the sovereign patents upon the intellectual properties, the rights, the titles, and the interests owed to the American States and People and to The United States of America [Unincorporated] effective September 9, 1776 and at all times and at all places since that given effective date.

The Fiduciary
Anna Maria Riezinger
The United States of America [Unincorporated]
c/o Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

6th November 2018, 10:58 AM
Who Owns the Philippines?
We do.

Livery of seisin and perambulation are requisite to owning anything. 'Course she could be talking about a trademark or copyright on the name 'Philippines'.

This is similar to the fiasco on another island. The timeline started around 1492 on this island and involves a series of names. The first is Borinquen. The Spanish then called it 'Porto Rico'. The U.S. defeated the Spanish and as war booty got the island and renamed it Puerto Rico. Now you can still visit Borinquen if you like but I don't believe you could spend any money there. If you do you are likely to be charged with some form of immaculate immigration.

9th November 2018, 07:06 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARB-ZHH1GDWjfbC3NB9ouh4Q8zO0SISLbtHJSvuJPBHzTVCz9HzRJF 1vHV0PX69Db3iSt6sHbihbaLTC&hc_ref=ARTxR2VTEH7EtWsAmk4H3swlzgth2rJBCiEFnbdwVNc VrxtWVNX5FeloMhxCJWFQlDg&fref=nf)
16 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1930849946964076) ·

The Iteration Method of Stopping Any Court Action Before It Starts

This must be done at the very outset of any court case, criminal or civil, and you must avoid the whole issue of the "name game" entirely. When asked to "state your name" say only your first name -- "John" for example, or "John Michael" -- and admit that you are here to address the court "in this matter"--- which actually means, in your fleshly body.

There are only three jurisdictions available to the courts now assaulting the American People --- ecclesiastical courts, maritime (commercial) courts, and admiralty (military) courts. To defeat the action against you, you must establish that you are outside all three of these potential jurisdictions.

At each step of the process the jurisdiction changes and the change is signaled when the judge gets up from the bench and leaves the courtroom. When he returns, you have "ratcheted up" into another and more serious jurisdiction.

They always follow the same order and begin in the maritime (commercial) jurisdiction where the answer is to "wish for" remedy.

The second more serious jurisdiction is admiralty (martial law) where the answer is to "wish for" cure and relief.

If the judge dares to leave and come back again, you are both playing for High Stakes, and are now in ecclesiastical court (cannon law)..... where the answer is to identify your self in connection with the Creator. A Judge who violates your sovereignty in this jurisdiction loses his job permanently.

This is the "iteration" method when facing any action in one of their courts. You make these three "iterations" as your only replies.

"Your Honor, for and on the record of this court, I am a living man, the blood flows and the flesh lives and I wish for remedy....."

He will have to get up and leave the courtroom. When he comes back....
"Your Honor, just to reiterate, for and on the record of this court, I am a living man, the blood flows and the flesh lives and I wish for cure and relief...."

He will have to exit again, or dismiss outright. Most judges will dismiss at this point rather than risk the consequences of a final confrontation, but if he comes back a third time, you reiterate.
"Your Honor, to reiterate, for and on the record of this court, I am a living man, the blood flows and the flesh lives, and we are sovereign. Nothing stands between my self and the Divine Creator of All That Is."

And there is the final end of the nightmare. He has no further recourse, no other jurisdiction to exercise, and he has to exit --- permanently.

The DA may be dumb enough to set up another case and the Clerk may attempt to assign another Judge, but after a few judges lose their jobs by pushing the envelope and running afoul in canon law, they all get the message.

9th November 2018, 07:14 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARC_l6Ap7MmY_Mo5t3q1DLrZXSo9k8dv73xbMkAmcl9KUY st5k4DJPJ3wGlLgsWcAin0zsyq3Lz-2UCb&hc_ref=ARQmbixfhmeZ2C-y8UKpBPZiaaZwVRMJze4oZdvTnKnhOXK8-Ra1IoHzu2yMAz3m1qo&fref=nf)
16 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1930863083629429) ·

Your History
Even today in French, "elle" is the word for "she". And she was Eve. "Eve-El" a name that translates as "Eve, the Goddess" but became our word "evil" because Eve brought death (the opposite of our word "live") into the world.

She confessed and repented and was punished and the Lord of Lords allowed her children to live.

In the same way we have Ba-El and He-El and Be-El and Pe-El. These are just prefixes added to "El" as in "Elohim" -- "the Gods of Heaven to Earth Come Down".

The words ""Belles" and "Helles" and "Pelles" are all related, too.
Notice that these are, again, just prefixes -- "be", "he" and "pe" -- added to "elles", the plural of "el", the word for "god".

"Helles" refers to the Mycenaean Greeks.

"Pelles" refers to the Grail Kings of Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man.

"Belles" refers to the French Kings of Normandy.

These are all branches of Eve's family, the family of Man-kind.

Always remember that both Eve and Satan passed the test and earned the right to rule the Earth by accepting responsibility for Original Sin. It has been a contest between their lineages ever since:

"And you shall bite their heels and they shall bruise your heads."

The descendants of Eve are called "Man" while the descendants of Satan are called "Hu-Man"---literally, "color of Man", but not in the sense of skin color-- in the same sense as "color of law".
They appear to be men, but are not.

This is why you should not use the word "human" to describe yourself.

Obviously, you have all been told many lies and half-truths, but for my money, few are as outrageous and silly as the idea that America was named after Amerigo Vespucci, an early cartographer.

America was named after the Amoricans who settled Canada and the East Coast of the United States. The Amoricans are a French Celtic tribe from the coast of Normandy and part of the Belles Family of Man.

They had lived in England and Ireland for centuries --but in fact most of the Colonists were Norman French, and many of them were Amoricans.

Amoricans are why you are Americans.

And Eve is why you are part of "Mankind" and not "Humans"

You are all quietly entering an Age of Wonders, where many things that were hidden will be revealed and much history that was lost will be found again.

At the same time, if you think about it you can see that nothing I have said is really that strange and in fact, it has been hidden in plain view the whole time.

You were told about the enmity and contest between the children of Eve and Satan.

You were told about both the Roman Conquest and the Norman Conquest of Britain.

You were told about the Founding of America.

Now you just need to think through the facts and the consequences.

November is a great time to learn and think about history. So cuddle up by the fireside and enjoy the opportunity to observe where you are and how you got here-- no thanks to University Publishing.

9th November 2018, 07:18 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARC570Ca0OuVpVFXp68n3v1jGkzsA4kBGhbnkarGxon3DV d7kqpfbaUBQHc0pJUFdH8jL2IWa3qxogun&hc_ref=ARS-xyKV4kN4H7dI7UMcVpRfC9ccBGkcJ0ajuNq6MQIBgAknUg341K iXRk0rizTzEGU&fref=nf)
14 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1930969273618810) ·

Special Projects Updates and Appeals
Restoration of Federal Continental Marshals, Bounty Hunters, and Private Attorney Generals -- We are working in collaboration with other researchers and jurists on this one and we are finally all gaining proper traction to implement the credentials needed to interface these needed land jurisdiction peacekeeping officials with the current law enforcement community. Also working on plans for Bounty Hunter and PAG training. All these efforts are aimed at restoring the proper enforcement of the Public Law in this country.

We hope that President Trump will sign an Executive Order soon expediting the deployment of our American domestic peacekeeping forces.

Research into the Trading With the Enemy Act, which is, by the admission of the military officials the "only law and the only federal title" that they have used since the end of the Second World War. This is how Americans were kidnapped and conscripted and the means by which American assets were stolen and dumped into the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) under the control of the U.S. Attorney General as Successor to the Alien Property Custodian. We are working diligently with primary researchers to investigate the remedies offered by the TWEA itself and by international law.

Asset Recovery. Vast amounts of American Assets were entrusted to the Government of the Philippines, which is attempting to claim that those assets have been abandoned. This is untrue and must be countered by the records and the claims and liens which we have placed upon those parties responsible. This is a very urgent circumstance that needs all the manpower and help we can afford.

We need your help, folks, to push these efforts forward and keep our guys going.
Those who can donate, please remember to make Paypal donations for the Living Law Firm directly to my Paypal account: avannavon@gmail.com and to send checks made out directly to me: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652. Every penny counts and helps. Thank you for your support of these current Special Projects.

9th November 2018, 07:30 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDCDcnRf24HwK2E6GwRdDDYTMHLtrFsQaLF9Le2cB4WDT dQrND3hmevlvWV0SuxULfkVKXuAExgz645&hc_ref=ARTl4a3h1FKuf-qhH5E-9Y_xOJRvxUzG_9HCFox7sKpMh2VV_AA35AcUQFYc9Oq74Xs&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1931390850243319) ·

The Brother's Keeper Government
The way our government is supposed to work, the British inhabitants are supposed to perform nineteen governmental services for us, the free, sovereign, and independent people of this country.

We guarantee their liberty and their democracy. They guarantee our freedom and our republican form of government. It's supposed to be Even Steven, mutually beneficial, mutually respected. And mutually understood.

They have their Federal Code and State of State Statutes and we have our Public and General Session Laws in each State of the Union.

The entire structure is supposed to work together peaceably and well, and each one, whether acting as a person or as one of the people, is supposed to be secure and untroubled in our respective capacities.

Supposed to be.

But in 1863, the Grand Army of the Republic under Ulysses S. Grant took control, and in the years since then, the successors of the GAR have failed to do their duty by the States and the People, and have sought to undermine, deceive, and pillage the lawful civil government and the people they are hired to serve.

They have colluded with foreign governments to create a state of permanent war and emergency and have not respected the rights of the States and the People who provide not only their payroll, but the bulk of the personnel staffing their military services organizations.

The British Territorial Government and the Roman Municipal Government which have owed us Good Faith have instead usurped upon our lawful and still-standing government in the international jurisdiction, The United States of America [Unincorporated], and our member States.

Worse, in contravention of the Public Law and in disrespect of the guarantees of the respective Constitutions, they have kidnapped Americans via legal chicanery and practiced extortion against them through the United States Mail.

They have pretended that our Mothers voluntarily donated us and our Good Names and Estates to the Territorial franchises operated as "States of States" on our shores, after soliciting undisclosed and unconscionable adhesion contracts of political subjection and enslavement under color of law.

The U.S. Armed Services have been doing exactly the opposite of what we have paid them to do. They have failed to secure our safety and protect our rights and property interests. They have failed to yield to the direction of the actual Civil Government and have pandered to foreign mercenary interests and to foreign service providers--- instead.

This is how the tail has managed to wag the dog.

This has been going on for 150 years, with the worst of the abuses accelerating under the boot of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's obscene and deliberately obscured "New Deal".

Whereupon, we announce and declare and freely establish that we accept all gifts and waive all benefits. We do not wish to hear any more offers to rob, defraud, or enslave us, nor to suffer the ministrations of the false Trustees who have glutted themselves on our produce, our labor, and our lives.

We wish for the release of all Americans from the Alien Property List, and all the attendant fraudulent false claims in commerce that the practices enshrined by the Trading With the Enemy Act impose upon innocent people who have been harmed and preyed upon as Third Parties.

We wish for the return of our assets, and the repatriation of our lawful titles, Good Names, and Estates without further obstruction, obfuscation, excuses, or delay. We wish for the removal of all blocked accounting structures and return of all escrows, rents, leases, mortgages, insurances, copyrights, patents, trademarks, logos, charters and other assets that are ours. We wish for the removal of all encumbrances, odious debts, and the end of all pretenses of emergency, war, or necessity.

It is against our religion to support immorality, thievery, deceit, slavery, pillaging, unjust enrichment, inland piracy, kidnapping, unlawful conversion, fraud, extortion, treason or any other of the egregious crimes that the British Territorial Government and the Roman Municipal Government have tolerated, promoted and engaged in on our shores.

We are each owed the return of all our assets and full return of all right, title, and interest in all of our natural possessions: our land, our lives, our homes, our natural resources, our identities, our intellectual properties, our relationships, our beneficial contracts, our warranties, our guarantees, our restored and lawful government, our insurances and indemnities. We are also owed recovery from the unjust enrichment and profits made from our purloined credit and assets.

This is what we are owed no less than we may be owed from any other debt. This is a commercial affidavit. Not a point of Law.

There are Points of Law to be addressed with the Government of the Philippines, the Government of the Netherlands, the Government of Switzerland, the Government of France, the Government of Scotland, and the Government of the United Kingdom, all of which have sought to benefit themselves and blame us for their own criminality, gross breaches of trust, and failure to take immediate and effective steps to correct their operations with respect to The United States of America [Unincorporated], our States, and our People.

This is internationally published Due Process and Notice to all British Territorial Government and Roman Municipal Government departments, agencies, officials and employees, to all foreign governments, including the Government of the Philippines, and the Municipal Government of Vatican City, also fair and adequate Due Process and Notice to the members of the Territorial United States Congress, to their State of State Governors, to the Municipal United States Congress and to their STATE OF STATE GOVERNORS, to all banks, most especially the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, the British Crown, the Bank of Scotland, the Government of Westminster, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and to the other Governments of the World, including the Spanish Monarchy, the Holy See, and the United Kingdom ---- that our lawful Government, The United States of America [Unincorporated[ and our unincorporated sovereign States of the Union, still stand and still make claim upon all the Treaties, commercial contracts, guarantees and assurances, and all material rights, patents, and other assets naturally belonging to us.

There are no unclaimed or abandoned American assets anywhere in the world. Any claim that we have now or have ever "voluntarily" given away our Good Names and Estates is false and self-interested hokum promoted by would-be criminals, and we hereby take exception to it as attempted unlawful conversion, piracy, theft and fraud.

We have not accepted any representation in these matters at all; by our Public Law members of the Bar Associations are precluded and prohibited from occupying any public office or position of trust related to us, our lawful Government, and our assets. This has been plainly stated on the Public Record since 1819.

We remind all parties that all laws and legislation that are repugnant to our Constitution are null and void from inception, including those elements of The Trading With the Enemy Act which would include us in the same category as Enemies and would seek to secretively enslave and subject Americans via unconscionable and undisclosed adhesion contracts solicited under color of law and color of these actions by the British Territorial Congress as being any mandate associated with our lawful government at all.

Finally, we reserve the right and duty to issue our credentials and commission to Federal Marshals known as Continental Marshals, to act as peacekeeping officers serving the international land jurisdiction of this country, to enforce the Public Law, to combat widespread interstate securities and bank fraud, to prevent human trafficking, kidnapping, racketeering, and unlawful arrest and detainment of Private American Nationals, who are in fact internationally Protected Persons.

We rely upon President Donald J. Trump to instruct the American Armed Services and conduct business as a cooperative and mutually beneficial administrative service, for we are inevitably our brother's keeper, and the welfare of our employees ultimately depends on the welfare and safety of their actual employers.

9th November 2018, 05:40 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBOOpu2g-HZ8e0FMvhTH1P792JdG9yTp-3oYZsvwtMX8DZzLg7XU_U_WvRxNiNqUa00QLfBvwyZsBox&hc_ref=ARTF7X7ypBfolipNNZcto2M_Yju5wwYAY-EJ9FyzZACoj2xNrwmlk3mIOEparhFheuc&fref=nf)
18 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1932322846816786) ·

The Trial of the Century
Is it plausible that the American People just sat on their thumbs for 150 years and willfully, knowingly, never did the work of "reconstructing" the Federal States of States?

Or is it more plausible that self-interested parties never forthrightly explained the situation to the American People, never followed through on their duty to assist the American People, and instead, used the resulting inaction of the American States and People as an excuse to substitute their own foreign organs of government to replace the Federal States of States in fact mandated by the American States and People?

Having been informed that exactly such substitutions have occurred, that is, that Territorial "States of States" and even Municipal "STATES OF STATES" organizations have been substituted for the lawfully and contractually mandated Federal States of States organizations, do you suspect that this violates the original intent and substance of The Constitution for the united States of America, and thereby also violates all contracts and agreements deriving from it---including any form ("form" is being used in the legal sense here) of "The Constitution of the United States of America"?

Would you consider such secretive substitutions of foreign governmental organizations for American organizations to be treason on the part of those members of the "United States" Congress promoting these actions and also a gross Breach of Trust on the part of the British Monarchs and the Popes responsible for acting as our Trustees on the "High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways" and in the Global Jurisdiction of the Air, respectively?

We have noted via reference above that there are two "forms" of constitution called "The Constitution of the United States of America". The first, completed in 1789, is a tri-lateral international treaty and trust indenture supporting the execution of a commercial services contract. The second document, published in 1868, which is almost verbatim the same--- so as to promote deliberate confusion with the original, is used as Articles of Incorporation for a Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated".

Would you consider this substitution of Scottish Articles of Incorporation for the actual Territorial United States Constitution to be a deliberate concealment and act of self-interested fraud, both contrary to the international law established by the actual Territorial Constitution and in violation and Breach of the Public Trust established by the original tri-lateral international treaty?

Having seen two such examples of secretive substitution, first the substitution of British Territorial States of States for American States of States, and secondly, the substitution of the Articles of Incorporation of a Scottish Commercial Corporation for the actual Constitution creating the British Territorial United States --- would you say that we have ample evidence of Breach of Trust and purposeful deception amounting to fraud against the American States and People?

Please note that the Scottish Commercial Corporation doing business as "The United States of America, Incorporated", was deliberately and outrageously infringing on the name of our lawful Government in international jurisdiction, The United States of America [Unincorporated], so as to deliberately confuse them and their commercial corporation with us, and our unincorporated Federation of States. The historical record shows that this deliberately created confusion led to the Scottish corporation accessing our credit and other assets and allowed them to run up debt against our assets as a result. This is clearly nothing but identity theft and credit theft on a national scale, all promoted under the auspices of the United Kingdom. Do you think that this large scale identity and credit theft should be treated any differently than the small scale thefts that occur when credit card thieves do the same thing?

Continuing on, the Scottish Commercial Corporation declared bankruptcy in 1907 and skated off with a large portion of its ill-gotten loot transferred to (mostly Belgian, French, and Swiss) shell companies prior to the bankruptcy. In this way, it shed its debts, sheltered its gains, and left us holding the bag to pay off their creditors. This was the responsibility of the British Monarch and the Government of Westminster, both of which have had and have exercised and enjoyed treaties of peace and positions of delegated authority dependent on their trust obligations owed to The United States of America and the States of the Union Federation and the American People since the 1780's. Should this Scottish Corporation have been granted bankruptcy protection, considering its criminal acts of fraud and misrepresentation? Should the American States and People have been held accountable for the debts of this Scottish interloper, when they and their lawful Government were Third Party victims of misrepresentation, Breach of Trust, and identity theft?

The Schemers and their international collaborators, the banks, "took title" to the land holdings of the American States and People as "security" for the debts of the bankrupt Scottish Corporation in 1907. We, our grandparents, and parents worked hard and paid off this bogus debt in 1953, when the bankruptcy of the Scottish usurpers was settled. Instead of returning the title to our land to us, the British Territorial United States Congress voted to roll our land titles into Federal State Trusts under their control and operated for their benefit.

Conveniently, the actual unincorporated Government, The United States of America, and the American States and People, were told none of this. We were all kept in the dark like mushrooms and fed a steady diet of patriotism and red-white-and-blue flim-flam. In view of these circumstances, should the land titles and Federal State Trusts be dissolved and all right, title, and interest be returned to The United States of America [Unincorporated], the member States, and People of this country?

Meanwhile, in 1925, the Roman Catholic Church and the Office of the Roman Pontiff got into the act and did their own dirty little "business" on our shores. They set up a Delaware Corporation doing business as the "United States of America" Inc. This is essentially the same con game the Scottish corporation played. The only difference is the definite article "the". The Scottish usurper called itself "The United States of America" and the RC version called itself the "United States of America" and both were phony, unauthorized, and criminal as three dollar bills.

This "religious non-profit" ran up bills against our remaining assets (remember our land had already been seized upon as security for the debts of the Scottish corporation) --- our bodies, our life force energy, our private businesses and homes, our copyrights and patents, our labor, everything that you might consider to be your own property. They played hard and fast and bankrupted "the" United States of America, Inc. in 1933. And they followed the same play script, of leaving us to pay their bills.

Given these facts in evidence, do you think that any commercial claims against the American States and People which were established by the Scottish look-alike, sound-alike corporation infringing upon the name of our lawful unincorporated government, have any validity then or now? Do your think that the nearly identical claims in commerce established on the same basis by the Roman Catholic Church operating as "the" United States of America, have any validity then or now?

If Franklin Delano Roosevelt had on the occasion of his First Inaugural Speech stood up in public and said, "I am making you an offer in the commercial sense. That offer is to take everything you are and everything you own, your Good Name and Estate, as a gift to my [unstated] holy cause."----do you have any reason to think that the American People would voluntarily accept and act upon such an offer?

Do you, upon reading FDR's First Inaugural Speech, derive the above meaning and intent from it? If not, do you think that it met the Law Standard in effect in 1935, that all laws and public notices had to be written so as to be understood by an average seventh or eighth grader?

After reading the preface and notes of the Trading With the Enemy Act (TWEA) and the Congressional debates underlying each Amendment to the TWEA, do you think that the Congressional Intent was to declare war on the American States and People?

Do you think that it is possible in any sense of the word for the British Territorial United States to declare "war" on its creator and employer, The United States of America [Unincorporated}, its member States of the Union, or the American People, via any possible act of legislation or internal Federal Code, without breaching the Constitution and the Public Trust --- and thereby nullifying every word of such repugnant legislation?

Do you think that when the Territorial United States Congress included the one-sentence long section 50 USC 4307 (d) "Voluntary payment, conveyance, transfer, assignment or delivery by holder not an enemy" was intended to facilitate trafficking in babies and their enslavement via a process of registering their Good Names and Estates as "gifts" made to the usurping British Territorial States of States organizations?

Do you think that trafficking babies born in America into the jurisdiction of the British Territorial United States as if they had been born in the British Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and laying claim to them as British Subjects and subjecting them and their property to the British Commonwealth system and claiming that they were all "voluntarily" gifted by unwed Mothers as "wards of the state" to the Office of the Alien Property Custodian (later the U.S. Attorney General) is anything but yet another totally unlawful, illegal, Gross Breach of Trust being promulgated by the British Monarch and the Government of Westminster in violation of the Treaties and Commercial Service Contracts (Constitutions) owed to The United States of America, the American States, and the American People?

Do you see any reason in law or fact or sanity, that these false claims and all the mechanisms and agencies including the "Internal Revenue Service" and the licenses issued to the "Uniformed Officers" (doctors and nurses and dentists) attached to them, should not be summarily liquidated? And the property of the American States and People extracted from the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) managed by the U.S. Attorney General?

These claims are all nothing but self-interested lies and false claims in commerce. In order to take them seriously, you would have to believe that every woman giving birth in America (including, BTW, the Catholics) is an unwed Mother, and that all these Mothers "voluntarily" gifted their babies to the British Crown and obligated their assets for the benefit of the British Commonwealth. Do you believe this? Do you see any reason why everyone on Earth who has been similarly "seized upon" by these fraud artists--- and that includes the Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, Germans, Japanese, and nearly every country in between --- should not simply stand up and say, "Hell, no, we don't agree to this bunko." and walk out the door? Who but lawless pirates and dishonorable mercenaries and gangsters could ever defend any of this?

All of this criminality has been supported by politicians and by the banks, and unfortunately, by some military commanders working for the "United States".

Donald J. Trump has been left holding the bag, without any of the actual facts of the situation being made available to him. Of course, the criminals responsible have been unwilling to step forward and admit the depths of the depravity to which they have sunk---stealing and enslaving babies--- but it is all there on the Public Record of several countries, exactly what they have done, and how they have worked this grotesque bunko scheme against the interests of all free men and women everywhere---- and all while singing "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and blaming us, the American States and People for these crimes against humanity. Having seen the longevity of the crimes and the purposeful step-by-step execution of these crimes against humanity, do you have any questions about why these criminals need to be arrested and punished?

In 2014 we finished giving Due Notice and Due Process and issued our Final Judgment and Civil Orders related to these subjects. In 2015, we re-issued our Sovereign Letters Patent and published them worldwide. In 2015, Barack Hussein Obama bankrupted the Municipal United States Corporations and thereby vacated the Municipal United States Government. In 2017, via a domino effect, the Territorial United States Government was also bankrupted and vacated. These organizations had maintained a claim of "successor-ship" by a process of assumption of contract inherited from the Roman Catholic and Scottish usurpers -- a process of pirates making claims based on the claims of other pirates going back to 1868.

But now, finally, they have outsmarted themselves. By vacating the last two remaining federal contracts and doing so at the same time, we have been able to end any further "assumption" of contract and to acknowledge and accept back our formerly delegated powers.

As a result, The United States of America {Unincorporated] stands as it has since September 9, 1776, as the Federation of Sovereign States representing the American States and People in international jurisdiction, and is the only actual Government still standing. Any further exercise of our once-delegated powers by any commercial corporation on Earth without our written and express consent is unlawful, unacceptable and denied. Any claim that our persons are now or have ever been subject to the Queen in any relationship apart from those established by the original Constitution of the United States of America is null and void. This has happened by Operation of Law and is the result of the incapacity of the delegates in bankruptcy and also as a result of the corrupt and criminal basis of the former claims to "represent" us and to own us as property in violation of international law, the Geneva Conventions, common decency, and Good Faith. Do you see any reason why the American States and People should continue to put up with dis-service, incompetence, fraud, false claims in commerce against us and against our assets, and other double-dealing crime on the part of our hirelings?

Most recently, there has been an attempt by hackers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and certain offices of the Department of Defense (DOD) to gin up a "new" computer system based on re-hashing old Binary System Data Processing ideas, calling it the "Quantum Financial System" and seizing upon all the off-ledger Special Deposit Accounts in the world banking system. They then propose to roll all these assets which in fact belong to other people and which are supposed to be under the control of other Trustees into what they are calling the "Manna World Holding Trust" --- which is just another pirate operation based on seizing other people's assets and calling them yours or, to be more exact, claiming that they are or should be under your control.

About half of all the assets seized in this latest round of criminality belong to Americans. We have located the rightful owners of about 30% of the remainder. We have also tracked down the actual paperwork and the receipts demonstrating actual ownerships and trusteeships. Our best advice to all those trying to re-establish a world financial system on a basis of theft and lies is to stop. Just stop right now. You are only making a bad situation worse. You cannot hope to establish anything good based on more crime.

The world going forward needs a rock solid foundation, not more piles of sand.

And this needs to be done via cooperation and honest dealings among the actual Trustees, not by one micro-chipped female A-1 experiment chosen by a King Rat.

The actual Trustees, as opposed to the Middlemen Bankers and politicians responsible for this ghastly mess, have nothing but Good Will toward the Earth and its peoples. They are agreed that there is more than enough for everyone to do all the many, many things that have to be done to restore Good Faith and Credit, to restore the Earth, to restore rightful Government, and to restore sanity. Do you see any reason why the people who created and prolonged this mess should be the ones trusted to resolve it?

Do you agree that the actual trustees of the assets that have been dumped into the Manna World Holding Trust should be allowed to do their jobs and the actual wishes of the owners and beneficiaries of these assets should be honored, insofar as they seek to heal and reform and restore and put an end to lawlessness and criminality and oppression of the living people?

We can see no reason to allow these private trust assets to be commandeered by the Hired Help, especially after their performance record over the past 150 years. WDYT?

Mr. Trump must feel like a man surrounded in a Crocodile Pit, not knowing where to turn or who to believe. We don't blame him for that. The fraud and the lies and the identity thefts and forgeries and counterfeits and all the rest of it run deep and run long. Still, at the end of the day, the Public Records are the Public Records, the Public Laws are still the Public Laws, the actual ownerships of all the assets still are what they are, the treaties and the contracts say what they say.

The American States and People have been victimized by European Sharpies for far too long. The Flim-Flam has to end, and the actual work of the Government of the People, by the People, and for the People has to begin. All the debts of the Shysters are not being accepted by us again and we do not propose to validate their theft of private trust assets or Public Trust Assets as a means to pay their debts, either. Those debts have to be offset and/or forgiven, and the actual Employers, Trustees, and Fiduciaries have to make that possible, because the only other option is more criminality.

All those that agree that more false claims and more extortion and more crime is not the way to go forward, raise your hands......

All those that want their names and their property formally removed from the Alien Property List and extracted out of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) managed by the U.S. Attorney General and returned to them and their States of the Union, raise your hands......

All those who are fed up with lies and criminality from your Employees, raise your hands.....

All those who are fed up with what appear to be public courts acting as private bill collectors for foreign interests, raise your hands....

All those who are fed up with the British Monarchs promoting Commercial Feudalism and seeking to indebt others for their madness, raise your hands....

All those who are owed tons upon tons of services and goods that were provided in Good Faith on the basis of I.O.U's issued by the various banks, and never received any actual remedy or relief.... raise your hands....

All those living people who were taken in by false advertising of "Home Loans" when the perpetrators were actually proposing that you loan your homes to them for their investment and profit.... raise your hands.....

All those that feel that the Governments and Institutions and Commercial Corporations including banks and churches that have acted in Breach of Trust owed to the American People, the Canadians, the Australians, the Japanese, the Germans, and all other populations that have been subjected and abused by this same brand of legal chicanery ---should be (a) held accountable and obligated to reform and makes amends or (b) outlawed and liquidated and no longer allowed to exist.... raise your hands....
All those that feel that seizing upon private trust assets and converting them into "holdings" of the "Manna World Holding Trust" as a means of paying for public debts, is not a viable or honorable or lawful means to dealing with the situation, raise your hands....

All those who are sick of being kept in the dark and fed horse manure by foreign media cartels jamming up our national airwaves....raise your hands....

All those who have had enough of military officers failing to honor their oaths to defend us against all enemies both foreign and domestic, (please note that--- "and domestic") --raise your hands....

All those who are stunned and amazed that this level of fraud and abuse could go on right under our noses for the better part of two centuries before push came to shove ---- raise your hands.....

All those who are determined that this rampant criminality has to stop---raise your hands....and get your own records straight and join your Jural Assemblies and send a donation in support of the position and work of the lawful Government of this country:

I am still acting as Paymaster after all these months. My PayPal is: avannavon@gmail.com and we accept other donations via Snail Mail. Please make checks payable to: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

There's nobody here but us chickens. If you want reform and relief and restitution, you have to get busy and organize and demand it. You have to share this information and take action against the false claims that have been and are being made against you and your country. And, unfortunately, until we route through all the false claims and interference from our own misguided employees, you have to support with your prayers and your cookie jar money, too. Thank you, and God bless the men and women of the Jury.

10th November 2018, 11:09 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDZvK5_tTT9Vg-yexf1bpM02ywoUQ002YxWQ-45g6KtIT-WGWPtgV2utMb3xcUWfkRlwZJgOkYnSjEy&hc_ref=ARQhthQQQP5najHF15DnnorJ6eNqU2ZE-LXFKaUayyV-e4hJHk3vN19mj_Rdq3wWE2I&fref=nf)
8 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1933521926696878) ·

Moms of America
When my Mother (born 1920) discovered what the Vermin had alleged against my sister and I and our children as a result of her signature on the hospital records, she wrote a scathing rebuttal and explained the source of the "misunderstanding" -- the failure of the perpetrators to fairly and fully disclose which "United States" they were talking about.

She filed her Testimony on the land jurisdiction record and revoked her signature and her purported election to have herself or anyone in her family "considered to be" a federal citizen of any kind.

Thus when the U.S. Attorney General comes to me and pretends that my Mother "gifted" me to their corporation, the opposite set of facts and counter-claim is already part of the international land jurisdiction record.
And he can go blow.

I shall never forget the look on my Mother's face when she understood what these Vermin have done. It was a look of sheer outrage, and I have felt it myself, because the same extortion and the same repugnant demands were made upon me by hospital personnel when my son was born.

I repudiated them on the public record, too, and gave full testimony of how a huge male nurse and two female accomplices came to my hospital room which I paid for--- and demanded that I complete their paperwork, or they would seize my son and never let him come home from the hospital.

This is what is going on in America. Unfortunately, it's going on all over the world. A giant crime syndicate has built this "system" and administered it via an interlocking trust directorate.

They are stealing our babies and using them as slaves and as chattel backing their corporate debts.

If you can think of anything more repugnant, more un-American, more inhumane, more evil or more false --- let me know.

Now, all you women, all you Mothers out there --- the U.S. Attorney General is holding your babies to this unconscionable "contract" based on your signature.
They, the Vermin, are claiming that you "willfully" and "voluntarily" donated your children as gifts to their corporation. Just like they are claiming that your Mother's donated you.

Is that true?
Are you mad?
You ought to be.

This evil system has been clicking along for decades, like a lawn mower, cutting the living people down to mere corporate franchises. Their corporation has been racking up debts against you and your children purportedly with your "voluntary" and knowing consent.

Is that true?
Are you mad?
You ought to be.

Who owns your children? You, or the foreign government service providers?

Your children are being stolen by racketeers and as, in my case, by extortionists, threatening actual physical kidnap.

Your children are being sold into debt slavery and your rightful ownership of your minor children is being by-passed to the State of Whatever. Even your marriage is being "interpreted" as a "licensed" Joint Venture, with the State of Whatever playing an undisclosed Third Party role with an interest in the "products" of your JV -- your children.

The men and women who are supporting this unconscionable theft and this whole system of enslavement are lower than snakes bellies in deep, deep wagon ruts, and they need to be stopped. Permanently.

So what are we going to do about it, Moms of America?
Are you content to have your children stolen and sold into debt slavery to benefit foreign corporations? How about having yourselves identified as "Unwed Mothers" who are "voluntarily" donating your kids as "wards of the State of State" and delivering them to the U.S. Attorney General as "Alien Property"?

Isn't it more than past time for all this CRAP to end?

So let's begin with the U.S. Attorney General, who is an Officer of Interpol, not an American at all, and not even a "U.S. Citizen" anymore.

Let's ask him what in the %1$!#%^^@ he thinks he is doing seizing upon our children via false commercial claims solicited under color of law?

He's got a lot more to think about and answer for than any Russia Investigation.
And so does Donald J. Trump.

We can address the long-running international fraud and we can reclaim our assets from the Philippines and elsewhere and we can settle all and any lawful debts that are owed by anyone on Earth, but in order to do that, the political lobbyists occupying Capitol Hill and other "administrative agencies" like the DOJ, FBI, DOD, IRS, et alia, have to be brought to heel.

And that's where you come through the door, Moms of America.
This is where you grab those political lobbyists by the crotch in your Mama Bear jaws. This is where you nail the "U.S. Attorney General" and all his stinking little minions to the wall. This is where you tear up and return all the licenses. This is where you pigeon-hole the local country and State of State vermin and tell them: (1) what is going on and (2) where to get off.

10th November 2018, 11:13 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDGF1Cabw7UR-fh-mN6dcwWv8yNghn7s9J_iXPwq9L3bRIw8NgSO-ret321xElaqAeOxlbnWRZx7HWu&hc_ref=ARSBtV7Ld7y7mfKrzOOHCE1fp1mUQ4hDMcyUoMQuLmK s_ELKH_CmtBazD4mBmvHOAvY&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1933628166686254) ·

Fraud, Piracy, and Manna World Holdings Trust
First, the crime of fraud has no statute of limitations. If I discover a fraud that happened in 1860 (and I have) and I report it and take exception to it today, the crime and all the subsequent history tainted by it, is still very much alive, still actionable, and still deserving remedy, cure, and divine service.
As a result, when something begins in error and fraud, it ends in the same status. No progress toward any actual and honest solution is made until the fraud comes to an end.

As long as FDR's "Bank Holiday" continues, the fraud continues. As long as the "State of Emergency" continues, the fraud continues. As long as the "United States" continues to run amok, so does the rest of the world. And there is no way to fix this or end this condition absent the end of the fraud itself.

Second, the crime of piracy also has no statute of limitations. If my great-grandfather's gold was stolen by pirates (thieves of any sort acting in international jurisdiction) he is still the lawful owner and I, as his heir, am still owed the return of that gold from Interpol or any other international law enforcement agency that obtains custody of the stolen property.

Now those who are responsible for this ongoing Mess have sought to make things easy on themselves and difficult for the rest of us by trying to seize all private assets and to dump our private assets into trusts, which are then combined and commingled into larger trusts----all controlled by them.

While they try to justify this as the act of valid Trustees, the actual owners and purported donors never elected them to the job and this is in fact just more piracy, more unlawful seizure of our assets in international jurisdiction, more false claims of rights and interests that do not exist.

The fact that the theft is more sophisticated and accomplished by paper transactions and keyboard strokes instead of cutlasses or broad axes, does not change the nature of the theft itself. Nor its affects on actual people.

In the case of actual private assets (gold, silver, jewels, etc., ) that were deposited in Good Faith as Special Deposits in the banks, Manna World Holdings Trust is trying to claim control of those accounts and those assets with no valid authority at all.
It's simply more piracy, more commandeering of assets, rights, and responsibilities that belong to others.

Those assets belong to the people and/or organizations that deposited them.

Is that concept somehow suddenly difficult for everyone to understand?

And most especially, is it difficult for the bankers to understand?

Because if our deposits are not secure, what do we need banks for?

As holding tanks serving to make consolidated theft easier on the criminals?

11th November 2018, 05:52 AM
If Anna has all this figured out and remedied .... then what drives her to share this outrage?

I am tired of reading how everyone has damaged me. Could she please write about some good things that the system has brought about?

Pharrell Williams
It might seem crazy what I'm 'bout to say
Sunshine she's here, you can take a break
I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space
With the air, like I don't care baby by the way
Huh, because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do
Here come bad news, talking this and that
(Yeah) Well, give me all you got, and don't hold it back
(Yeah) Well, I should probably warn you I'll be just fine
(Yeah) No offense to you, don't waste your time
Here's why
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along…

11th November 2018, 06:21 AM
If Anna has all this figured out and remedied .... then what drives her to share this outrage?

I am tired of reading how everyone has damaged me. Could she please write about some good things that the system has brought about?

Looks to me like you want someone to tell you, you are free. That's all it took for our slave masters before. We paid our taxes and said hip hip hooray, we are a free people who live in the land of the brave.

11th November 2018, 06:44 AM
Looks to me like you want someone to tell you, you are free.
I might be cheap but I am not free!

11th November 2018, 06:48 AM
I might be cheap but I am not free!

Chuckle, good one, broke me up.

11th November 2018, 11:19 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAbZGBP-HWKggfM58GrvmfopbiaXWfjGZQQGoLU4OLklVSjQca0GwE2an6 pt5baccj0XQxdP1E7Dp7M&hc_ref=ARR2TcYJHfGKrDW6sEekpE38m-pQ_mif-0-daw7nmifYDt1xffeoPnfTt4yullW8DJc&fref=nf)
36 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1934754293240308) ·

The Missing Republic Found!
The prize goes to my friend, Tom, a long-distance trucker based out of Phoenix, Arizona. You gotta watch those truckers. They have a lot of time on their hands to just sit and think....

Many good theories were proposed, many people drawing a connect between the old Roman Republic and the Municipal Government, but still, nothing very conclusive in terms of any official singular "Republic" associated with any level of our Government.

Until Tom said to himself.... well, what else is missing that should be there?
The original Confederation of Federal States-of-States is missing. And sure enough, if you dig around a bit, you find that the Confederation of States was sometimes referred to as the "Federal Republic".

We still have to be very careful to define what we are talking about.

Just because there was once "a" Federal Republic doesn't mean that there is one now, and it doesn't mean that any organization calling itself "the" Republic has any relationship to the original Federal Republic, either.

It all depends on how such an organization is structured, what its articles are, what its purposes and leadership and ownership interests are.

Is it American?

Is it really our Federal Republic being restored? Or another look-alike, sound-alike Ringer trying to sneak in the back door?

Obviously, a French commercial corporation calling itself "The Republic of the United States of America" is no more our Federal Republic than a Scottish commercial corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" is our Federation of States.

And any foreign government infringing on our copyrights and promoting any such confusion needs to have its ass kicked, Mr. President.

11th November 2018, 08:31 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARArILdN6T6tUYqtXj6L4JNV06hYhj9xZcWPdWWJqxu_OV YbH_7BV13wPsLuo-6TKaVXIxj4gsGzvDHM&hc_ref=ARRZbObkrdNEis9Vh7aEnUuqNkSU3mHxSG7H_gnYsfh ZnTO11oi5M1xaljXND9qXayw&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1934840286565042) ·

More Smoke and Mirrors from Manna World Holdings Trust
So now Kim Goguen aka "Kim Possible" is going all the way back to Ramses to try to justify her position.

Ramses was my Uncle. We used to call him "Ram-bubba" behind his back. Take a
look at my slanted toes and the gold flecks in my eyes. No, that isn't a sign of liver trouble. It's royal Egyptian DNA .

But nobody cares and neither do I.

When people die in actual fact --- as opposed to dying on paper due to government-led legal chicanery --- they leave behind their earthly possessions. By laws long established, their assets are passed on to their heirs. And that's that.
If their heirs lose those inherited possessions by fair means, there is no recourse for that.

If their heirs are the victims of fraud, however, there is recourse.

We, the American States and People, have been the victims of fraud.
Ramses and his Heirs just had bad luck.

They ran into the Romans, remember? And then the Romans ran into the Visigoths? (They were also my ancestors, BTW.) And then the Visigoths married into the French Celtic Kingdoms and that gave rise to the trans-English Channel Kingdom of Camailoth circa 500 A.D. ..... and that gave rise to William of Normandy.... who controlled both England and large sections of France...and that led to the Amoricans settling in England and Ireland and to their eventual migration to guess where?

Oh, who knew?
And as interesting as all this is, it doesn't have a thing to do with the price of beans in China, except in terms of intellectual property rights and whatever physical assets actual heirs have been able to maintain.

Please note that Elizabeth II isn't an actual heir to the British throne. She's a German married to a Greek. Go figure.

So now the children of Hiram Abiff, King of Tyre, come forward with their long, long story of how they should have the right to everything on Earth and I say-- it's just more crime and piracy.

Many of the trusts that Kim and her buddies have "seized upon" belong -- and I do mean, legitimately belong -- to families and people that live and breathe and have the right to their assets just like you have the natural right to own your Great-Great-Grandmother's diamond ring. And all the excuses otherwise don't matter.
She and her buddy Thomas have used computer keystrokes and programs to steal the bulk of the world's private wealth, which they now proudly claim to control.

But whose wealth is it? Not his. Not hers. Except in the sense of them getting a share of the purloined goods, they are just thieves and despots once again.

Most of the private assets they have stolen are American assets, including gold owed to the American States and People.

Which means that Mr. Trump should be holding both of them upside down by their heels and shaking hard, not bowing down to their B.S.
There is always a right way and a wrong way to do anything.
The right way is to concentrate on getting back the 10 million metric tons of American gold (granted, a good portion of that is gold that was simply on deposit here, but it is our responsibility nonetheless) that the U.S. Army and Navy deposited "for" us in the Philippines, and recouping our share of the $950 trillion dollars worth of "Life Force Value Annuities" that Prince Philip absconded with, and also go after our estimated $387 billion worth of gold being held captive in the World Bank's drop box.

It's not as quick and dirty as stealing from the mouths of Navajo Grandmothers or defrauding people from Spain, but it's the right way to do things, as opposed to using some computer program to steal private assets held in banks and then trying to justify it with some cooked up story about trusts existing thousands and thousands of years ago.

There may be assets among the assets that Kim and her group have stolen that belong to Bad Guys or which are in the possession of Bad Guys as a result of earlier acts of piracy. If so, both Kim and the U.S. Government should be able to prove that the heirs involved actually committed crimes and they should then be brought to trial and if found guilty, convicted and punished.

That's how we do things in a lawful society operating under Public Law. Otherwise, we are just criminals ourselves, doing the same thing that we are accusing others of doing to us.

Harming thousands of legitimate trustees and potentially billions of people who aren't Bad Guys can't be condoned on the basis of "suspicion" or vague historical claims.

The United States of America, the American States, and the American People have been grossly defrauded and that is a matter of both public and private record. There is no doubt about what we are owed, including the American private assets that Kim has claimed control of. Those assets need to be returned to our own National (State) Banks and to our International Banks--- that is, banks operated by The United States of America and our States, for our People.
At which point we will gladly fund our restored government the honest old-fashioned way --- with actual American silver and gold and credit that is owed to us by the rest of the world.

11th November 2018, 08:38 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDzfwFpLN27PJjjLTP1flsgwOftjnQtwy3DzusIUXBIGz 9TZ-0iwNyjbbt6b6VjHNF-cJKuvlg-Yl2v&hc_ref=ARQ9kwHegNxoZPzT3Q3s7SQR12goXzhMPV_mc74WibP khnGOgQFIyXv31VI6P7tRUso&fref=nf)
7 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1934901003225637) ·

What ISN'T There 2.0
As I have noted before, many of the most interesting discoveries in the long bunny hole romp come from what ISN'T there.... that should be.

We have discussed the missing Declaration of War related to the Civil War and the lack of a Peace Treaty ending it. We have noted the lack of an Executive Order ending FDR's "Bank Holiday" before, but let's examine that a bit more. What does it mean?

What it means is that the banks we are familiar with aren't banks.

They are securities investment and holding companies.

And what have they "securitized" to promote their business and trade?

Securitization is a process of assigning a value to an asset and then trading certificates, stocks, bonds, mortgages and other "tokens" of ownership interest.

As our research into the Birth Certificate issue and our research into Foreclosures has yielded, the "U.S. Attorney Generals" have "securitized" the living people of this country and all our private property, too.

But "securitizing" living people is against the law and is both illegal and unlawful, because doing so enslaves them.

Both the international law and the Public Law of this country very clearly forbids it.

Not only is slavery forbidden, but since 1926, voluntary peonage is also forbidden by Public Law. You can't volunteer yourself into indentured servitude, even if you wanted to.
So how is it possible that since 1934 America has been the site of a booming slave industry based on "securitzing" living people and their private property?

Answer: FDR's Bank Holiday, which is still in effect. You are all challenged to find any action anywhere rescinding or ending the so-called "Bank Holiday" via Executive Order (by which it was created) or Congressional Act or by any other means.

The Bank Holiday ended "the normal course of business" in this country. Imagine that you are playing a game of checkers, and without overtly changing the playing pieces, the game is converted into a game of chess instead ---- all without any fully disclosed explanation or warning?

That's what happened in 1934.

And that is what is still going on today. We are led to believe that normal business practices and procedures and assumptions apply, but in fact, they don't.
When these banks that aren't banks offer "home loans" what they are really "offering" is that you "voluntarily" loan your home to them for their benefit.

They then conveniently create credit on an accounting ledger --- all out of thin air, with nothing but the value of your home and labor at risk --- and set up an escrow ACCOUNT in your Name, without telling you. They charge you on average five times the value of any loan as interest and demand an unearned security interest in your labor and assets on top of it. Then, when you mysteriously fail to come forward and collect on the escrow ACCOUNT (that you know nothing about) they declare the funds "abandoned" and take all the mortgage payments that you paid to YOURSELF for their profit, too.

This scam has been going on since 1934 and it still is. And that's just the mortgage-foreclosure scam. It gets worse. Much worse.

See the next article for more.

11th November 2018, 08:45 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDRWZsHo8-cNDW_dlc0uQmN9-DC6Ll6htRfE8ObBPOkCem-fkV0DEszsBCZnMV2XbuXcfkztJ1EaQP6&hc_ref=ARTfCmFfeFLsTI16gUAluf8JZS-zH1I7aloh-tVcRGnQvWaKD1lOReFTRxQKsWdrnTA&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1934949609887443) ·

What ISN'T There 3.0
So we continue our investigation into missing pieces of history and also missing pieces related to the present circumstance.

We left off with the fact that FDR'S Banking Holiday has never ended, with the affect that what we know as banks aren't really banks--- they are deceptively operating under the names of old banks, but in fact they are securities investment, trading, and holding companies.

We briefly discussed how these "banks that aren't banks" have created securities to trade by "securitizing" living people which is grossly unlawful, and how they have profited themselves by false advertising and undisclosed mortgage escrow practices.

So let's look at how they have contrived to do all this.
Go back to the Trading with the Enemy Act and 50 USC 4307 (d) which allows the "voluntary" donation of property belonging to parties who are not enemies to the Alien Property Custodian (now the U.S. Attorney General).

Now add that exactly such a contract is "offered" to your Mother at the hospital under color of law. She is coerced under false pretenses to sign a totally undisclosed and repugnant contract donating her child as a ward of the British Territorial State of State.

So, the U.S. Attorney General takes the new "donation" and "enfranchises" it and copyrights its Name. As a result, the Trade Name our parents gave us is now "interpreted" as the name of a British Territorial Commonwealth Public Trust, instead of the Trade Name of a living American.

All the assets attached to the Trade Name are now dumped into the Public Trust.
And since Your Name is now registered as a Public Trust and no longer recognized as the Name of a Living Man, it can be "securitized" --- so they unlawfully convert Your Trade Name into the Name of a Public Trust, and that then ends the prohibition against slavery and involuntary peonage.

You can do whatever you want to do to a corporation. It's just a legal fiction after all.

What they try to ignore is that the legal fiction is now attached to a living man and a living man's assets, and they then act as Executors de son Tort to administer and manipulate both the man and the assets via the unlawful conversion of his American Trade Name to the name of a British Commonwealth Public Trust.

This is a known crime called "personage".

It gets worse. They don't stop there. The U.S. Attorney General then spins off two more primary corporations under variations of your Trade Name. There's a British Commonwealth Public Transmitting Utility operating under Your Name in this form: Michael R. Doe and a Cestui Que Vie Estate Trust operating under Your Name in the form: Michael Ransom Doe.

Then the Roman Catholic Church gets into the act and spins off its own versions of corporate municipal franchises operating under your name. And here, if possible, is where things take an even worse turn, because they define "your" Municipal PERSON as a criminal.

And under the 14th Amendment of the British Territorial United States Constitution, criminals can be enslaved. And they can be subjected to Bounty Hunting by the British Territorial Government and its assigns.

So here you are, hapless Joe American, naturally an innocent Third Party, being ruthlessly subjected to all this fraud and confidence crime by foreign governments that are both under obligations public and private to protect you and which are instead conniving to pillage and plunder and enslave you.

Perhaps the only question in your mind right now is --- why isn't President Trump nuking Rome and London?

See the next article in this series.

11th November 2018, 08:50 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCl6nCAEiIeqCzvLYaU68_gH7BU1E1LTee9VIM9_rBW_H HDVbqZiF_w2uwH2neZq4SzA5aaD5RNcyi-&hc_ref=ARQ83q7sNKfN2LWJNVLpjvpLMCk5hMiT86FFyoMe24c 8ZBjNx2vVGrr8RSRzw786Fi0&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1934981229884281) ·

What ISN'T There 4.0
One of the things that "isn't" there is any conscious agreement by our Mothers or Fathers consenting to any of this.

The entire process is predicated on forcing unknowing women to sign away their children into lives of debt slavery, and doing it under color of law --- pretending that there is some mandate by their lawful government demanding this, while on the other side of their lying mouths, the miscreants responsible are claiming that this is all "voluntary".

It's not mandated by our government. It's not allowed by our government. It's against our Public Law and against the Geneva Conventions and against at least a dozen United Nations Declarations.

Maybe someone should inform the Government of Westminster what their American Bar Association and United States Bar Association members are doing here?

Oh, wait, we did that twenty years ago....
Maybe someone should tell the Roman Catholic Church?

Oh, wait, we did that twenty years ago, too....
Maybe someone should complain to the U.S. President?

Ah, yes, well, did that more than twenty years ago....
It's racketeering, identity theft, and credit theft on a vast international scale, carried out by private, for-profit governmental services corporations and members of the Bar Associations, and all supported by the treasonous and/or clueless Generals and Admirals of the U.S. Army and Navy and clerics of the Roman Catholic Church.

So let's look for some other missing elements.

Does anyone have a peace treaty ending the Second World War with Hungary or Bulgaria? No? Curiously, they are both named as "enemies" in the Trading with the Enemy Act and are the only parties that could still be considered "Enemies".

Which means, baldly, that these animals have been knowingly preying upon their friends and Allies in gross breach of trust and violation of their commercial contract obligations--- exactly as our Final Civil Judgment of 2014 finds. And they have no plausible excuse.

It means that this is the thanks that we get for saving Britain's butt in World War II, and the thanks we get for our religious tolerance of the Roman Catholic Church, too.

So, Campers, are you inspired enough to sit down and write some nasty notes and take action to clean up this mess? Peaceful actions of course. They've only killed us on paper so far, so it's time to return the favor and take out the entire B.E.A.S.T. System.

11th November 2018, 08:54 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBr_jGne66vqio7sd20BorlF089vjkTxNICDJWgvOGyfR Ls-UMoqfvkQrimj3Wzdlzl-9rW5Gws4b7H&hc_ref=ARQvWw8nA1mM0ldvFJR-S_Q8HGhOjj7jUIPLniJ7ReKEauNQu4-7e3grHlDI_RMLP4I&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1935046709877733) ·

The Capper --- What ISN'T There 5.0
We aren't "there".

Not even in the so-called Civil War.

Our States and our lawful Federation of States doing business as The United States of America were never involved in the Civil War. We were Third Parties throughout. The entire action involved The Federal States of States, not the States.
That is, the Civil War was fought over and by the Confederation of States, not the Federation of States.

Georgia never fought in the Civil War. The State of Georgia did.
Note that it is the original Federal State of State --- "The State of Georgia" we are talking about, not the Territorial franchise doing business as "the State of Georgia" --which did not exist prior to the Civil War. And should not have existed afterward.

Two different Unions. Two different jurisdictions. Two different populations.
And they, Britain and Rome, knowingly came in here and pretended that we were part of their mess and subject to their debt collections. They "sponsored" their commercial mercenary conflict on our shores without our participation or consent and then blamed us and billed us for it, as if we were parties to any of this.

Then they just continued their abuses and "presumptions" through the First World War and the Second World War and all their endless warmongering ever since.

It had nothing to do with us, then or now, except that we have been unconscionably presumed upon and imposed upon by the most obnoxious guests --- pirates and con artists --- ever since.

So all the miseries that have been visited on us as innocent Third Parties being dis-served by treaty partners who owed us far better, are crimes. Pure and simple. It has nothing to do with politics, though it does have something to do with diplomacy --- or lack of it.

As a Christian nation --- which we are, and they aren't --- we could forgive them, but only if they repent and stop their reiteration of crimes: put an end to false claims against our assets and our people, properly discharge their duties and obligations, hand over the physical assets and profits naturally belonging to our States and People and stop interfering with and misrepresenting and imposing upon us.

The United States of America is a unincorporated Federation of fifty noble State republics, the lawful government of a generous and gallant and peaceful people.

The U.S. is a Confederation of States of States that went off track a long time ago under the guidance of the British Monarchs and the Popes of Rome and treasonous members of Congress.

The original Confederation of Federal States of States disbanded in 1860 and the members, all Federal States of States, fought the Civil War. The surviving Federal States of States entered a process of "Reconstruction" that has never been completed. British Territorial States of States usurped at this point and began a rampage of criminality and Roman Municipal STATES OF STATES joined the fray.

Our country has been in a crisis ever since because our Hired Help can't obey their treaty obligations, the Public Law, or find their butts with both hands.

Time to wake up, Virginia. And that includes the General Staff, the President, and members of Congress.

12th November 2018, 05:50 AM
[SIZE=2]The entire process is predicated on forcing unknowing women to sign away their children into lives of debt slavery, and doing it under color of law
Actually there has never been a woman in law who ever had title to her own child. You cannot sign away anything you don't possess or own.

Law has always been a male institution. Equity is a female concept. In the case of freemen the condition of the child follows that of the father. In the case of slaves the condition of the child follows that of the mother.

https://books.google.com/books?id=zdENAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA68&lpg=PA68&dq=in+the+case+of+freemen+the+condition+follows+th e+father&source=bl&ots=m6xaeSh_Nz&sig=i7sekCSOoxfmc73q443EqHFcBnE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPgOXT8c7eAhXIxYMKHVwFAKIQ6AEwDnoECAMQA Q#v=onepage&q=in%20the%20case%20of%20freemen%20the%20condition %20follows%20the%20father&f=false

13th November 2018, 02:38 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCW8nnXKzcrNJch2SksUsFr7ugf07sZtksdM0kZYGfYS5 noap7Bk2hhB2hQplnK9QPECixtgv1LhuGB&hc_ref=ARTl4hsYaIiOMKV2o1RpF3inC_nnB_49ZqJI27G-1Mk2_oLjABJrA_SAeUkUwfY7utY&fref=nf)
November 11 at 7:38 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1935176603198077) ·

For the Bar Members to See and Know--- And Everyone Else, Too
This is from a member of the Living Law Team a couple years ago. Read it, Bar Members, and weep.

The Role of Counselors-at—Law and The [unincorporated] Delaware Statutory Trusts

Remember when you were told you that you "had to have a Social Security Number"?

Sometimes, that is true, but only if you are applying for employment with the federal government. For of course, you would need it to enroll in their retirement and employee benefits program....but you don’t have to have one otherwise.

It is the same scenario with the Bar Associations telling new JD graduates that they have to have a Bar Card....again, that is true, if they want to be a prosecutor for the federal government corporations and their "federated state of state franchises" and become an employee of the court…………but not otherwise.

The fact is that there is no requirement for anyone to be a Bar Association Member to engage in the profession of law in this country and there never have been.

I challenge anyone anywhere to prove that there is any general requirement to be a Bar Member, in order to use the court facilities, present cases, or offer effective counsel to others with or without pay.

The fact is that the perpetuation of these "mandatory" Social Security enrollment and Bar Association Membership half-truths are undertaken in self-interest by undeclared foreign interests.

Research the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) if you have doubts and also see Trinsey v. Pagliaro and the cases that Robert F. Kennedy fought pertaining to these very issues.

Happily, quite a number of some of the best minds working in the profession of law today have awakened to this realization and they are turning in their Bar cards and leaving the association to stew in its own juice.

This was precipitated as a direct result of Bar Associations kicking members out for committing the sin of actually defending and protecting their clients' best interest, as well as, a result of lawyers waking up and going, "OMG!" -- and exiting as fast as their feet would get them out the door.

The lawyers among us are waking up along with the rest of the populace and realizing that they have been sold a total bill of goods, and don’t have to spend their lives being professional “liars”.

The fact is, lawyers can function either as attorneys-at-law or as counselors-at-law. These are "capacities" within the profession in which a lawyer can choose to work, [just as you can choose to work in the capacity of a hotel manager or a hotel bartender and still be working in a hotel].

Attorneys join the Bar to gain group insurance and bonding benefits. [Also so their buddies in the fraternity will gang up on any outsiders].

Counselors pay their own insurance and bonds and otherwise don't have any reason to join the Bar, because they aren't involved in the disposition of public property or addressing issues related to public employees-- that is, they aren't working in administrative capacities as members of an administrative court.

Attorneys-at-law traditionally function as property managers involved in the administration of civil cases in Article I courts dealing with in-house legislative "laws" and statutes.

This is why those working in administrative courts supported by the United States Districts, the Territorial States of States, and the Municipal STATES OF STATES are all required to be "attorneys" and Bar Members by their employers.

Attorneys work in administrative tribunals. Not judicial courts.

This fact accounts for these frank admissions about the nature of the federal territorial and municipal courts and their various state-of-state franchises operating on our shores:
"There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789, Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statues and Codes. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators." FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178.

"Courts are Administrative Tribunals" Clearfield Trust, et al v. United States 318 U.S. 363 (1943).

Counselors-at-law traditionally function in judicial court capacities and have the duty to protect and defend their living clientele, unlike their attorney-at-law brethren who are limited to dealing with public property and public employees and incorporated "things", either belonging to or working for or working with the government corporations.

Naturally, when a counselor-at-law appears a number of things are different about the nature and tenor of the proceedings:
A counselor-at-law is not required to enter an appearance prior to a court date and may simply walk in with a brief explanation to the judge that he or she is working in the capacity of a counselor-at-law and providing effective assistance to the Plaintiff or Defendant.
Often, to further clarify things, the judge will ask if the counselor-at-law is a member of the Bar Association…….If not, the proper response is simply, "I don't have a card (or more properly, a "ticket") with the Bar."
This is referring obliquely to the Bid Bond that the Bar Associations post in maritime cases involving incorporated entities, thus, further signaling to the judge that the Plaintiff or Defendant is appearing in the capacity of a living man or woman and that the court has to shift gears from international sea jurisdiction to international land jurisdiction.

The first difference for the court's notice when a counselor-at-law appears is the explicit revelation of the capacity in which the Plaintiff/Defendant is operating.
If he or she is operating in their actual, living capacity as a man or woman standing on the land jurisdiction of the United States, they are owed all their constitutional rights and guarantees including a counselor-at-law who can advise them but not "represent" them, because they are presumed to be free people above the age of twenty-one and competent to make their own decisions. That's why they have hired a counselor-at-law instead of an attorney.

That is also why they are forcing the court to engage them as people under the Public Law of the
United States or the General Session Law of the State instead of as "things" subject to the Private Administrative Law of any foreign territorial or municipal corporation or state of state or incorporated county franchise tribunal.

Attorneys represent "things" --- corporate franchises, wards of the state, bankrupt businesses, murdered victims of crime, mentally incompetent people, --all things that cannot "stand for" or answer for themselves. That is why they have to be "re-presented" by a substitute acting "for" them.

Counselors-at-law assist in presenting cases for living people.
Notice the difference: attorneys "represent" and administer the affairs of their clients often without regard for or even consulting with their clients. For example, they cut plea-bargains and waive rights and sell off property in whatever way best benefits the court.

This is because they work for the court and the client is at best considered a public trust subject to the court's administration. [And this is true whether you pay the traitor or not].

Notice that counselors-at-law "present" cases with and for their patrons, who administer their own affairs and make their own decisions throughout the proceedings, retain all their rights and prerogatives and do not willingly subject themselves to the court's administration.

Now, obviously, from the court's standpoint, it is very convenient to be able to dictate whatever happens in each and every case, so as to "administer" it as best suits the "public good" and the "good of the court" ---and the court's corporate employers, of course, without regard for any such niceties as equity owed to living people, or any rights owed to living people.

Just as obviously, it is a death knell to justice and an end to all freedom for living people to allow this state of affairs to go on.
When even the lawyers among us are so dumbed down and ignorant that they think the Bar Association has the power to obstruct them from pursuing their vocation, it's time to outlaw the Bar Associations, because they are clearly over-stepping any rational function or status that they have.

U.S. District, State of State and STATE OF STATE courts can demand whatever credentials they wish from people that they hire to represent their interests, just as other private and public interests can demand whatever credentials they desire from their employees.

If a "State of State" Legislature can pass a statutory "law" saying that all its court officials have to be Bar Association Members, our State Legislatures can just as easily pass a General Session law saying that none of our courts will allow Bar Association Members.

Take Note:
State of Wyoming is a Territorial Franchise Court. STATE OF WYOMING is a Municipal Franchise Court…………. Both of these are foreign corporation franchises like the local Target store.
They are limited to running administrative tribunals and they can require all the people in their "court system" to be Bar Association members until the cows come home, because these are private administrative tribunals.

But the Wyoming State Court belongs to the people of Wyoming and they run judicial courts of record that are superior to any private administrative tribunals and they can mandate that no Bar Association members are allowed to practice law in their venue ---thereby providing plenty of work for counselors-at-law.

That this great country and its people have been hoodwinked and pulled off course for so long by selfish private interests is an immense and horrifying Breach of Trust, but it is one that is being swiftly rectified, when we change/correct our own presumed political status and consequently change the "presumed" capacity in which we choose to act in court; while changing the capacity in which lawyers act.

To all former Bar Attorneys and those who are [currently] thinking seriously of tearing up their [fraud] cards?
It is time to face the truth and set yourselves free of the imaginary shackles that the Bar Associations have placed on you.
You can enter any court in this country in the capacity of a Counselor-at-Law and there is nothing any of the courts can say except, "Yes, of course...."

13th November 2018, 02:44 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAKx0LfAMurzM7veLLLsMfo3XjCJN4QxPYTqNWzfbzA6R uctHsl9_IQUtoJljtKU8LWTRfx34r3eAy8&hc_ref=ARRUIQ4N9FcoLWcxB33l8-2WYQ9AP6IUM7-Bdri2hPkI22a3Zst6osNtefoo8ckyE_k&fref=nf)
November 11 at 6:05 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1935245589857845) ·

Great Quotes:
My detractors always try to make it seem like I am the only one out here saying these things, but that is untrue, too.

From Brian Kelly:
“When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, it pledged all Americans as collateral against the national debt, and confiscated all gold, eliminating the means by which you could pay, it also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay, and it did that by providing what is known as the Exemption, an exemption from having to pay for anything. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that ”something” is your [own] credit."

From Mr. Richard James, McDonald, former law enforcement, California:
“Unbeknownst to most people, the class termed “US citizen” did not exist as a political status until 1866. It was a class and “political status” created for the newly freed slaves and did not apply to the people inhabiting the states of the union who were at that time state Citizens.”

This is what people were talking about when they referred to a "second class citizen" ---- Negroes and other people of color including American Indians had this newly created status of "US citizen" conferred on them without their knowledge or consent. Over time, the Vermin have tried to extend this political status to everyone.

From Debt Discharge:
"The original birth or naturalization record for every U.S. Citizen is held with Washington, D.C. and the property and assets of every living U.S. Citizen is pledged as collateral for the National Debt."

"You" are being mis-characterized as a "second class citizen" traded as a commodity on the U.S. Stock Exchange.
Slaves, slaves for sale! Black slaves! White slaves! Red slaves! Slaves of every age, sex, and color!

This is why they want all the Hondurans they can get to come to this country---- U.S. citizens are worth more in the slave market than Hondurans. So for every Mexican or Honduran that crosses the Border and gets labeled as a "U.S. citizen" the cash registers go "Ca-Ching!" and the difference in value gets deposited in the coffers of the Queen, the Roman Catholic Church, and the worthless, feckless traitors in Washington, DC.

Can you think of anything more rotten? Telling these poor people from Honduras and Mexico that they are coming to the "Land of the Free" --- to purposefully enslave them and sell them at a higher price on the "U.S. Stock Exchange"?

It's time to make the soldiers and the politicians and the bankers and the stock brokers and the SEC regulators and the "U.S. Attorney General" and the Government of Westminster and Her Royal Majesty and the Pope and all the rest of them account for this criminality.

Because criminality, it is.
Personage is a crime. Knowing mis-characterization of our political status is a capital crime under the Geneva Conventions. They can hang for this.

13th November 2018, 02:48 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDSTdpEK6_-XeUsLC4S2mNVFYpU7CGjkuZHe4CWbLZ1ov5RkV0rncUpV6Gr67 0xxhdQrV6whCpgWaI3&hc_ref=ART3G5ewV0sxEsjAQy0bj7aPdzO7A-IMbso02_fatdfIKe_BwdDvURuVdFaHAIKJ7b8&fref=nf)
November 11 at 7:09 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1935288489853555) ·

P.S. About Ram-Bubba....and My Position Regarding Manna Trust
I made a joke and said, "Ramses was my Uncle. We used to call him "Ram-Bubba" behind his back."

My point is to shed light on the ridiculousness of claiming to be heirs to ancient trusts that are--purportedly-- thousands of years old, and claiming to be heirs of Ramses and heirs of Montezuma and heirs of Big King Put and Tut.

The actual history is written in stone in Ten Mile Canyon, if anyone can still read it and needs to know. But it doesn't matter.

Because life goes on. People die, possessions are recycled, new generations take over and make their mistakes and their good decisions, too.

What we are left with is the present moment and the fact that some people gained more than others by fraud and deceit, and others gained more than others by hard work and diligence, and still others gained more than others by sheer luck and blessing.

It's not okay to universally hate and rob from rich people on the presumption that they all got what they got by crime and cruelty. Some of them did, but many of them didn't.

Why should the good suffer with the bad?

And what kind of judge would I be to stand here and agree to some kind of mindless pogrom against "the rich" any more than I should stand here and agree with some mindless pogrom against "the poor"?

Each situation has to be considered on its merits for justice to be done.
We all know that, as inconvenient as that may be.

So, no, I won't give a Green Light and Happy Happy to Kim Goguen seizing 5,000 private trusts that belong to families and organizations that deposited those assets in Good Faith, and just letting her decide who gets what.

These are private property assets and if you disrespect someone else's private property, you know what you can expect when it comes to your own.

13th November 2018, 02:51 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCXAnqlhudKGGCJ4LD1yzp2BGHcFrI4pcyCKwmFZp-SUdGntCkjGl9q7zCh1_Gu3zLK1510B06IPzrK&hc_ref=ARQsPRQ21NMcj0g5gQtKgE5SJCqB-L09jCJobkI4BOP-JR4oPMWvvqZ9Bc7pIKcNGG8&fref=nf)
November 11 at 11:22 PM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1935478623167875) ·

Veteran's Day 2018

When my brothers came home
I was sixteen years old
And I didn't know why
They looked so haunted.

Now I know
The years have flown
I still see their faces
Etched with pain.

The weeds and flowers
Ramble over their graves
And the flag still waves
Over their heads.

I have to wonder what
Might have been
For all of us
For all of them.

13th November 2018, 02:56 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDPboCRryEg7mdJHnQGkYcFnUfC4--7smimlnWew-pqjrlhezZtECpkA5FQ7eJ0ACMNxWAWABpfzenH&hc_ref=ARTl9rs6x4gGUHEQKQcEzlzENcOlcg7ZQkV_Ai7SXB2 lgiBIBDY1IePifN-RyvNpfbY&fref=nf)
Yesterday at 3:09 AM (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1935512616497809) ·

Securitization is Illegal and Unlawful
Securitization is illegal and unlawful. And it has been the backbone of the world economy since 1934. Think about that.

I have pointed out that securitization of a man's Good Name and Estate is completely illegal and unlawful because it is an act of personage and results in enslavement --- both of which are crimes.

And here to discuss the point further is an excerpt from British researchers published in 2010, with more explicit detail of exactly why securitization, or, as the Brits write it, "securitisation" is illegal in the U.S. and throughout most the world:


Securitisation is illegal under US legislation – primarily because it is fraudulent and causes specific violations of R.I.C.O., usury, Antitrust and bankruptcy laws. And it flies in the face of public policy in numerous ways, as is expounded in extensive detail in an analysis to be published in our journal Economic Intelligence Review 2009Q1 (7) with several pages of book, article and case references.

To begin with, securitisation violates US State usury legislation. Secondly, all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ as well as ‘assignment’ securitisations are essentially tax evasion schemes, and the penalties for tax evasion in the United States are excessively severe.

Thirdly, in all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations, the conflict of interest inherent in the sponsor also serving as the servicer constitutes fraud and conversion. In the fourth place, in all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations where the Special Purpose Vehicle [SPV] is a trust, the declaration of trust is void, as it exists for an illegal purpose.

In the fifth place, off-balance sheet treatment of asset-backed securities (both for ‘true-sale’ and for assignment transactions) constitutes fraud.

Sixth, all ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations involve blatant fraudulent conveyances. In the seventh place, securitisation usurps United States bankruptcy laws and is accordingly illegal, as well as being also demonstrably contrary to public policy.


In ‘true-sale’, ‘disguised loan’ and ‘assignment’ securitisations, there are fraudulent transactions which serve as ‘predicate acts’ under US Federal R.I.C.O. statutes.

The specific R.I.C.O. sections are: Section 1341 (mail fraud); Section 1343 (wire fraud); Section 1344 (financial institution fraud); Section 1957 (engaging in monetary transactions improperly derived from specified unlawful activity) [‘the money you make from the illegal exploitation of my money, is my money’]; and Section 1952 (racketeering).

Furthermore, securitisation constitutes violations of American antitrust statutes through market integration, syndicate collusion, price formation, vertical foreclosure, tying, price-fixing, predatory pricing, and the rigging of allocations.

Securitisation also involves void contracts, given the lack of consideration, illusory promises, the absence of any actual bargain, the absence of mutuality – and finally illegal subject matter and the contravention of public policy.

Securitisation is riddled with Fraudulent Transfer, Fraud in the Inducement, Fraud in Fact by Deceit, Theft by Deception (Fraudulent Concealment) and Fraudulent Conveyance: see the US securities regulations routinely breached in such activity, listed at the foot of this report and of most of these reports for THE PAST THREE YEARS, and other laws also routinely flouted in this context.

13th November 2018, 03:08 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCdApzmY28K7l0jbnzNEbJdFs084ujM_kfkgMeDwk4xJf XQsOevFBlLdEZQtUttU1_T77LKZ-FNV44x&hc_ref=ARSS68iOzuyIs4WHTQPBo4gh_5NIPt0lhQZ_rar5xLa zxSPzs-6lK0APuirnCPj5z8o&fref=nf)
15 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1936084916440579) ·

Counter-Offer to Manna World Holdings Trust, November 11, 2018
1. Perhaps you could explain how Marduk had any legitimate right of control or ownership of the assets he transferred to you? Because to my certain knowledge, you are claiming control of assets that weren't his and aren't yours to meddle with. The law is: possession by pirates does not change ownership. He could not give you authority or legitimacy he didn't have himself. So let's see Marduk's chain of provenance and bona fides establishing his interest and role in assets like the V.K. Durham Trust and the D'Avila Trust .... all approximately 5,000 of the private trusts that have been swept up in a big bag and handed to you to dispose of.

2. Renaming a trust or group of trusts to create a new legal person, e.g., changing the name of Alpha and Omega Trust to Manna World Holdings Trust doesn't give you any new authority or grant any new authority to the trust you made up out of thin air. Remember that these trusts contain actual assets, not digits, and fall under the Law of the Land, not legal and statutory provisions.

3. I didn't credit or accuse you of creating the QFS--- simply using it with Marduk's help--- to purloin control of approximately 5,000 Special Deposit Accounts, the actual donors of which never elected you (or him) as trustees. This is a sticking point. Actual assets deposited by people and organizations in Good Faith in a bank should not be seized upon by anyone but the lawful depositors. Interference with these assets and normal bank protocols is a threat to all private property rights and also whatever public confidence people can still have in the banks.

4. You are not the only good person out there. I have met plenty of good solid people who are legitimate private trustees with proof of trusteeship over accounts you are now controlling as an Executor de Son Tort. You blame them for not deploying assets to help Mankind sooner --- but surely you know or have cause to know that these same Trustees have been blocked from having access to their accounts for decades?

The Committee of 300, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderburgers, the Roman Cartel, and the guilty banks were all too busy using these private assets to make money for themselves.
The actual trustees AND beneficiaries went hungry to bed ---- some, like the intended beneficiaries of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty Trust have been kept waiting for relief for literally hundreds of years and anyone who stepped forward as a Fiduciary to deploy the funding has been refused access, too. So it isn't like you can sit there and blame the people I am talking about. They have been victims as much as anyone else. Their Good Will should not be impugned for not doing something that they couldn't do through no fault of their own.

5. Generally speaking, the assets in the trusts you are seizing upon belong to private people, not "the People". Special Deposits belong to the Depositors, unless you can prove that the funds are the fruit of money laundering or other serious crimes---- and unless you have a receipt that says, "The People" on it, "The People" don't have anything to say. There are some trusts like those belonging to The United States of America [Unincorporated] and our member States that actually do belong to The People, but these are dedicated trusts in the National Interest.

In our case the plan is simply to transfer the assets to our International Trade Bank and from there disperse into fifty State accounts on a per capita basis. Each State Account will be assigned a competent Fiduciary CFO and from there, "The People" will be fully informed about their inheritance and enabled to make choices individually and via plebiscite. Each State Fiduciary issues a yearly online report and an abstract report. In this way each State is responsible for maintaining accountability to "The People" and reflecting the actual Will of the People in that State.

(6) Trust beneficiaries are not and cannot be "required" to appoint agents with plenary control over their assets, especially when the Donors didn't mandate any such condition. Rather, it's your job to liquidate or rollover the public trusts to the actual states and actual people and to return the private property trusts to their own trustees. If you want to help, you would be welcome by our Trust Association Members to do so.

Everyone understands the need for disciplined and organized deployment of relief efforts and infrastructure development
funding, so you might logically start with people who: (1) have valid claims and clear, public aims; (2) have already agreed to work cooperatively for the common good of all. I will point out that expecting one woman to act as Trustee of 5,000 trust accounts is sheer lunacy. The private trust trustees can help you as much as you can help them.

(7) As for getting four countries to release control of their trusts "back to their former trustees" --- there are no such valid trustees that I know of, because any valid Public Trusteeships have been usurped (in most cases) for over a hundred years. So why make such a reference to a system that was of the pirates, by the pirates and for for the pirates? It isn't like countries can go back to anything like a valid Public Trusteeship, and you know that. In virtually all cases, the purported trustees of the incorporated governments weren't even functioning in a fiduciary capacity--- and you presumably know that, too.

In the world I live in, rights go hand-in-hand with responsibilities. Anyone who doesn't take responsibility under The Prudent Man Standard has no right to act as a Public Trustee. By that standard virtually none of the incorporated governments on Earth even have Fiduciary Trustees---- the "United States" certainly hasn't bothered to have Fiduciary Trustees for decades--- and when you are talking about actual National Trust assets, Fiduciary Trustees are required. The United States of America [Unincorporated] does have Fiduciary Trustees in place, so we have our horses in front of our cart.

(8) As for the Indian Nations, most of them did sign deals with the Devil, but it is also true that most of those deals (similar to the U.S. Attorney General's claim to own all of us via donation) are fraudulent, void for non-disclosure, etc. We call such nations "dependent sovereignties" because some entity has to hold the responsibility in order to exercise the rights of the landlord, but many nations can co-habit the same geographical space.

We, The United States of America [Unincorporated], are the recognized landlords of this country since 1776. In 2015, we opened up the land jurisdiction to put an end to second class citizenship in this country. Those Native Americans who elect State Citizenship instead of U.S. citizenship have been free to come home to the land jurisdiction of this country since November 6, 2016, and once separated from the international jurisdiction of the sea, they own their own bodies, so also own soil.

Michael Stephen Young exercised this option in 2015, thus securing standing as an American and as a Tribal Chief in America. He waived his rights as a beneficiary of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty Trust, formed a plan, established it as his Irrevocable Will on the Public Record, and has stood ready to begin implementation with our full support and approval for three years.

And here we are, looking at another bitter winter, still fuss-farting around and trading insults about this situation. A lot of good, worthy --- and needy --- people have been waiting over 200 years to see any benefit from that trust, and they are still waiting. One must ask if the trustees have any concern for the intended beneficiaries --- Native Americans, Hispanics and Cowboys and Traders in seven western states --- or sense of "reasonable urgency" in the performance of their duties at all. I certainly consider promptness an element of Fiduciary Duty and am bewildered how a Treaty Trust with us could remain in limbo, gathering interest and dust for over 200 years. And still isn't deployed.

(9) Since we are discussing actual, factual assets the legal/lawful requirements are a bit different than you suppose. For example, we don't need to be in good "legal standing". We need to be in good "lawful standing".
Actual assets exist in the realm of sovereignty, not the realm of legal fictions. We are the ones that give corporations licenses -- that is, corporations are licensed by us, not the other way around.

(10) It appears that you have your heart in the right place but are confused about various points of law and nobody is blaming you for that. It is confusing. You have also come out of ---and cut your teeth inside of--- a criminally malfunctioning system, so it's not like you have any experience or knowledge of what a correctly functioning world economy looks like or how it is SUPPOSED to function. Perhaps, just maybe, if we got together face to face we could iron it all out enough to MAKE A START.

13th November 2018, 03:21 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCiNP6uDSfO3PAhNTsN0-0ZNo9TfrFvdHg_pC3tcNXZVzfvw52OfBRTYzZ4S8iIUyUH-CX-0bqL_kgS&hc_ref=ARQKvwIQ6vwqtSwYz075nKGZk1GRr3HRqKrJFxPJEdN y8I80Bq3anl-G6O2PdRLyZCo&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1936552856393785) ·

Dear Kim – A Reply, November 12, 2018
First, I had visitors come here today and threaten to kill me over this conversation.

Ever see what happens when arrogant idiots get the attention of a Battle Class Seraph from the Age of Storms? Let’s just say that they left here considerably faster than they came. I doubt that you will get a full and honest report about this from them, but the Galactic Council certainly will hear about it.

Second, we are the “unknown country” --- the "dust that returneth to dust" (land and soil) fixed in “a time that is not a time and a place that is not a place”. We are not his dominion and the unknown country has nothing whatsoever to do with the family business of Marduk, Satan, and Sons, which was supposed to be turned over to new management circa 500 AD. They decided not to keep their end of the bargain they made with The Anointed One, so that resulted in a major diplomatic faux pas. New Precessional Guardians have been dispatched to replace the Saturnine Brotherhood and more than sufficient firepower is present to blow any resistance clear out of this sector of the Galaxy.

They are not going to get their way. In fact, they are just going to sit down and shut up and observe basic math. A negative seven plus a negative seven equals negative fourteen. They are, by my count, 1500 years and counting behind on their rent. And this planet, which actually belongs to the people and other beings who live here, is long past due for maintenance and renewal.

Third, you must realize that “money” is a child’s game where I come from. It’s like everyone is expecting me to play Barbie’s Pet Shop with them, which is very frustrating for me. Money and routing it around and sharing it out so that people can live decent lives should be the least of our problems. It's like telling me people can't move widgets from Point A to Point B because Standard Oil still controls the oil pipelines in Texas. Say what?

Fourth, there’s no need for all this distress. I already have what you need as a system to trade freely and to get relief to everyone on the planet. It’s already here, ready to deploy, safe, private, seamless and 200 years ahead of anything that now exists. A brand new clean and supremely user-friendly worldwide system could have been in place months ago---- which is what winds my clock. We can simply bypass the existing banks.

Fifth, each one is indeed sacred and doesn’t need “management” in the form of oppression and Group Think, however, until education and emotional support catches up with everyone -- there has to be a transition. We both know that. Thanks to the way this world has been plundered and mismanaged, the majority of adults are like children ---scared, miserable, confused children. And you know that, too.

These people need help establishing self-rule because they have been abused and oppressed and not just for a little while –for generations.

Sixth, Bank of Dene is not my bank and never has been. Our International Trade Bank is called The American States and Nations Bank, “ASAN” for short. It isn’t part of the commercial system. As you have so clearly described the endless rabbit warren of their corruption, I don’t have to explain the desirability and even the necessity of starting over.

Seventh, like most of those who have fought with this “System” Michael has had his share of troubles and run-ins with what passes for law here in a country which depends on securitization --- completely illegal and unlawful processes--- to generate an economy for itself. Most of my friends have spent time in jail, been hauled over the coals, and many have suffered alcoholism, drug addictions, broken marriages and heartbreak of all sorts, because they haven’t meekly gone along with injustice and criminality.

I don’t know where you are getting your DNA results, because I have seen reports confirming not only his Native heritage, but everything else he has claimed in his book, The Shekinah Prophecy. Maybe you are the one that needs to take a second look? In any event, my support of Michael is based on his heart, not his war record. I can see his heart. I know what he wants. And he truly wants nothing for himself, but to share in building something beautiful for all the people he loves --- which is darn near everyone. Not just the Natives. Not just the Hispanics. Not just the Cowboys. And that, IMHO, is exactly the kind of man that is needed to build a new world --- a man who still has his heart intact. Think closely --- there aren’t that many of them left.

Eighth, my political system and their political system are two different things, operating under different forms of law --- and they are subservient to my system which is sovereign. We charter and license and if they misbehave, we liquidate corporations, not the other way around. Now, that is hard for people to understand because they are used to being bullied by corporate bureaucrats, but it is nonetheless the truth. We have Law. They have what passes for Law. So when you are dealing with huge issues like rebuilding the entire world and providing new banking services and new medical tech and all the rest of what needs to go on ----

it’s my brand of Law that you need to be using, not theirs. I am sorry if you got the impression that I wasn’t willing to help you, because I am willing to help anyone (see above) who wants to do the right thing by the Earth and its people.

Ninth, for the purposes of the current discussion I am not talking about all the accounts. I am talking about the approximately 4,800 Historic Trust and Private Accounts held as Special Deposits that contain the bulk of the precious metal assets on Earth. What we are left with are two basic kinds of accounts containing large quantities of gold, silver, and other assets that people have traditionally used as tokens and commodities in trade that have been left on deposit in banks and which you have gained control of via computer programs. Control of the assets needs to be returned to the Depositors, both Public and Private. There needs to be a cooperative but honest effort on all parts to resolve these issues.

Tenth, one of the exit interviews I had with Marduk and with Satan was about the Big Lies they have told. If you listen to them, black will be white and up will be down, because truly, actually, factually---- and despite all their intellect and knowledge --- the Truth is not in them. Even basic logic such as Who Owns What gets distorted in their presence. This is because the Truth departed from them when they rebelled, and has never returned. This leaves them and their progeny in the unenviable position of being permanently out of tune with the Universe, living in their own self-created and egotistical world, separated from All That Is.

Eleventh, if we were to allow all their premises and what they have taught about the “Unknown Country”--- which is not their dominion, then this alienation and separation from the Truth would continue for more generations on Earth. I don't want that. I don't get the impression you want that, either. So why not focus on resolving the nuts and bolts and getting on with it?

13th November 2018, 01:45 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBe95skuM4h4ROy7VqwcKwEZU1yycTz-gq3YykiF1ed9fuNx78NGN60XWZK1WTfvx5HzsGMJgr93tbJ&hc_ref=ARSb3nXzxhBAMimlQtk5bRLe06JmGWszIuGrcFC2eYH PiHYPJNn-iMO4VV3L99jmFBs&fref=nf)
46 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1937443662971371) ·

Clarifications About Kim's Problem, Oil, and Money Systems
Yesterday, in my Reply to Kim Goguen aka "Kim Possible" I noted my frustration with the whole topic of money and moving it around by saying that, "It's like telling me that people can't move widgets from Point A to Point B because Standard Oil still owns all the pipelines in Texas."

Apparently, that flew over many people's heads and caused confusion ---- what was I talking about?

J.D. Rockefeller made his fortune --- not on oil, but on oil pipelines. That is, he didn't get rich on oil, the product, whether crude or finished commodity. What he made his money on was a monopoly of pipeline infrastructure. This was the basis of "Standard Oil". By controlling the pipeline infrastructure old J.D. could move or block the flow of oil and by controlling monopoly interest, he could grant favors to whomever he chose in terms of access to getting oil to refineries and to markets --- both. He could also charge as little or as much as he liked for the pipeline service he provided.

Thus, by controlling the pipelines he could make or break any oil company and even manipulate the prices of crude oil and finished products.

What finally caused the "busting up" of Standard Oil was that they went too far in their monopoly interest activities and their coercive control of the commodity transport and therefore, the commodity supplies.

What I meant by my comment was--- we have the same problem now, with the banks. This is exactly what Kim was describing as her problem --- owning the commodity (oil) and not being able to move it reliably (through the pipeline) because those controlling the transport system (Standard Oil) were blocking and shunting and causing problems.

So, in banking terms, Kim, the Comptroller, is having trouble moving the commodity (money) through the transport system (banks) because the people that own the transport system are, like old J.D., playing games -- blocking, locking, shunting deliveries, etc,, etc,. etc, ------ so I was, in essence, saying ---WTF?

We have been here before. We know how to solve this particular problem. Why isn't someone doing what needs to be done?

And what needs to be done is that Interpol (which controls the U.S. Attorney General's Office) needs to be outted as a criminal organization and shut down. The USAG works for them since 1976, not the President, even though the Department of Justice is a Federal Agency and even though the President appoints the Attorney General.

So we have a key Office in our government under the blatant control of Globalist interests and those Globalist interests have been running a white collar slave market on our shores and harming our people, which is both illegal and unlawful.

Shut the rats down. Kick them out. No more participation in Interpol. No more kidnapping American babies as "alien property" donated to the U.S. Attorney General.

If necessary, do what they do: rename the "Department of Justice" and rename the "Office of the Attorney General" ---- shift the contract over to the "new" Agency and place it back under American control. Just vacate what is there now.

That's Job One. Regain control of the Justice System in this country and stop all the game playing.

So, now we move on to Job Two.

Job Two is analogous to busting Standard Oil. We need to bust the banks that are abusing their privileges and acting as obstructive monopoly interests.

We know how to do that.
We liquidate them --- or threaten them with liquidation --- under a vast variety of laws and regulations that forbid what they are doing already. If they won't play ball according to the rules, we take the ball away. Boom. Shut their doors, take over their operations, and that is that.

And all that is just a matter of correcting the existing system and bringing the oversight tools (the Justice System) and the commodity transport (the Banking System) back into alignment and control.

If I were President, I believe I could have this problem fixed in less than a week. So.....once again, if a Grandma in Big Lake, Alaska, can see the problem, analyze it in fifteen minutes, develop a general plan of action and be ready to move on it ---- why in blazes is the entire federal "system" all bolluxed up and constipated over this nonsense?

And that's just the existing system. Who says we have to stick with the existing system?

We have the technology and the means to deliver a totally new and "fool proof" banking system to the entire Earth and everyone on it. Kim can just move the old accounts over to the new tech and that really solves the problem once and for all.

Put the records onto a new communications platform that is so transparent and user friendly and yet so private and seamless that all the banks will be begging to use it.

13th November 2018, 02:51 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAaPghaA8bJ0Y3rdkCmeODOjWU0rl5wZuHhPu6VFhyKXN mdSvm1h54kJ1wLOJlWlXxotbcETV0PiY5q&hc_ref=ARQmf7CwFU3oDA0TRgLN_suubf-GlomybpfByF9t2SSwhhwyGGMJdgqKIaeSpv-Qreo&fref=nf)
12 mins (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1937528859629518) ·

Ah-ha Moment Regarding Health and the DOD
Now, I know that my Readers are not coming to this page for health advice. They want to know what-the is wrong with the government and what to do about it. This article only obliquely addresses a problem with the government, which is the over-protection of Aluminum Industry profits by the Defense Department at the expense of public health ----but read it anyway, because it could save your life and improve the quality of your life and the lives of those you love.

I've thought for years that there is an obvious link between the proliferation of aluminum cookware and the vast "mysterious" increase in Alzheimer's Disease which involves plaque deposits in the brain containing --- what? Aluminum.

The Aluminum Industry has a very shady history of pollution and self-interest going back many decades. It got its big boost (not with Reynold's Wrap) with the use of Aluminum in air craft sheet metal during World War II. Because it was a necessary "war material" the industry as a whole got all sorts of perks and open doors. After the war, the growth of the commercial airlines and the need for new commercial transport planes continued to guarantee the demand for aluminum.

Almost as an afterthought a burgeoning business in aluminum cookware and disposable bake ware sprang up after the Second World War as aluminum manufacturers sought to increase demand for new aluminum-containing products.

Aluminum has several properties that are good for cookware -- it is light weight, fairly rigid, and a good even heat conductor.

Unfortunately, it is also quite poisonous when ingested. That's hardly a concern for airplane fuselages but is a concern when you are boiling water in an aluminum tea kettle day after day. While the amount of aluminum ingested as part of a cake baked in an aluminum pan is truly minute, aluminum is very hard for our bodies to get rid of once ingested, and builds up causing an anti-poison inflammatory reaction. The body tries to save itself by insulating the aluminum in a blanket of fatty acids ---- plaque.

When you consider the exact correlation between the increase in the use of aluminum cookware and the increase in Alzheimer's in the adult population --- it does not take rocket science to figure this out, even if it does take aluminum to make rockets.

Another way that the Aluminum Industry harms our health is the addition of Fluoride to toothpaste and to our community water systems. Fluoride is touted (ironically enough) for its anti-bacterial and plaque-fighting abilities without any disclosure of why Fluoride has these properties. Fluoride is a low-level poison, just like the aluminum ore it comes from, and while it "kills" the kind of bacterial plaque that forms in our mouths, once ingested, it forms the other kind of plaque that gunks up our vascular systems and brain synapses.

The Aluminum Industry thus found a highly profitable market for its poisonous waste products at our expense, and it was allowed to promote this because aluminum is a protected "Defense Material" and the mining and manufacturing related to aluminum has been a protected industry ever since WWII.

Now, I have nothing against the use of aluminum in conjunction with aerospace and the airplane industry generally, and I see nothing wrong with the government protecting the Aluminum Industry in regard to its importance to the military --- but I draw the line when the known ill-health affects of aluminum are ignored and people's lives are ruined and truncated because aluminum is being used in inappropriate ways (such as cookware and bake ware) and its poisonous by-products are being marketed (and even mandated!) for use in toothpaste and added to municipal water supplies.

I count myself extremely lucky that my Mother stuck to black cast iron and stainless steel and I highly recommend that everyone else do the same.

There are other cookware dangers from non-stick and ceramic surfaces, too. A friend forwarded this little gem to me from Buzz Video this morning:
Four Types of Toxic Cookware to Avoid and Four Safe Alternatives:
https://www.buzzvideo.com/a/6561018307401482762… (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzvideo.com%2Fa%2F6561 018307401482762%3Fuser_id%3D6603778697479045125%26 language%3Den%26region%3Dus%26app_id%3D1184%26impr _id%3D6623424024850467077%26gid%3D6561018356726497 545%26c%3Dsys%26fbclid%3DIwAR10sVp7x4ZbZmEMcu0k5yj GF4sWp6Z19CyGFbQh6c2cyBOD2UpcHpzavlE&h=AT3w1_JzJL-m6xNRbnY3LmUUfLqJvjiGj5Tkuy0HxhHz4BxeRWfYpSDgh5VIa Y3DDpvrQUVdYxwZ-dbnLF-q3YVFjO7kmM7kVw8iuSRdWQe9wskzQOLK9OsAxlfwrqwbCD9Za Q0s8512zQjvTTrTktfZlLBRkS8m)

So to help my Readers have healthier and happier lives, here is a piece of Ancient Chinese Wisdom passed on from my Mother, LaVera, to all of you:
"Hot pan, cold oil, food won't stick."
That is, you don't need non-stick cookware to enjoy non-stick food. You just heat your pan up BEFORE you add the cooking oil. This causes the cooking oil to form a protective layer of natural non-stick between the food and the pan, and you can have fuss-free scrambled eggs and pork chops to your heart's delight.

Buy cast iron and stainless steel and the other safe alternatives and use this little trick to make your own safe "non-stick" cookware.

Also, you can get all the benefits of Fluoride-containing toothpaste with none of the nasty risks and side effect by buying Flouride-free toothpaste and simply rinsing your mouth with a couple tablespoons of coconut oil mixed with a couple drops of cinnamon or clove essential oil. Just swish the oil around like you would use any mouthwash, then hold in your mouth for 30 seconds.

This oil combination is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-plaque and gets under your gums more efficiently than any toothpaste --- and unlike Fluoride-containing toothpaste, this option continues to fight plaque-forming bacterial for many hours afterward.

You can also lobby for the end of adding Fluoride to municipal water treatment programs and expose the Dirty Little Secret of the DOD connect via its protection of the the Aluminum Industry and therefore, Aluminum Industry profits. They are, after all, supposed to be protecting us, not poisoning us.

14th November 2018, 10:35 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDcTmV5il4oc7DHOCylB_Pi5Ds0PWfTER9xkbz5Ee7IKU 3NbZWAcoLxbofNjzwsvRFDSQZCoI7n4gv3&hc_ref=ARS8NlgX2eKWuVgs_L8-mWiYstgCytn0-qNbQvGHAAgrXXny6sOc4d-rsyeIoTOxP90&fref=nf)
14 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1937817716267299) ·

RFID? Beat Them With Their Own Stick.
For reasons that should now be self-evident, Satanists have been persecuted and suppressed for centuries. This is part of the reason that they hide and pretend to be Christians, Muslims, and Methodists, Greek Orthodox and Korean Buddhists and adherents of every other religion you can name.

It's cover for what they really are, and gives them a means to undermine and steal from and gain the confidence of the people who really ARE Christians, Muslims, Methodists, Jews, and so on.... and they exercise the influence they gain however they will.

This is how the "Jews" were successful in bringing America into World War I. They weren't really Jews, but they influenced people who were Jews under the pretense of being Jews themselves.

They can do the same thing with Germans or Chinese or anyone else. Same Schtick.
Once you are aware of that and how effectively these quick-change artists have defrauded and made use of the rest of the world for their own profit, you are prepared to take advantage of them in the same way.

What? What?
The one tenet derived from the actual Constitution that they adhere to rigidly and which remains the ONLY exemption to the gross military dictum that was established here after the Civil War, is the Freedom of Religion exemption.

Because they fear being found out and having their religion suppressed again as it was under the Romans and later under the Holy Roman Empire, they are always in the forefront of the Religious Freedom bandwagon.

You can rely on the fact that Freedom of Religion will remain a rock solid guarantee, because if it were not: (1) they would face the possibility of governmental suppression and (2) they could face suppression against other religious groups that they are sheltering under and that would be bad for business.

This then becomes your shield as well as theirs. And they can't take it away without exposing their own backsides and business interests.

Now, here's how we apply it to the "Real ID" and the RFID chipping of people like cattle with ear tags:

"I'm sorry, but the 'chipping' of living people is against my religion and dignity."

Christians and Muslims can both legitimately claim that it is against their religion.
Christians because of the warnings against the Mark of the Beast and Muslims because they accept Jesus as a Great Prophet. Hindus and Buddhists, Shintos and Sikhs can object to it as a desecration of the body.

We can all find plenty of religious reasons to say no to RFIDs.

The Vermin among us who have no respect for themselves and certainly no respect for others, will try to push it, and will argue it and attempt to force feed this final devaluation of our uniqueness and sacredness, but if enough people remove themselves it will undermine the marketplace, and there will be no "Real ID" and the rats in the legislatures will have to go to bed without supper.

They only do things that are profitable for them, so make the RFID idea as unprofitable as possible and voice your objections loud and strong.

And now, prepare yourselves for a delicious irony: the people who are responsible for all the gross identity theft that has gone on for the last 150 years, will try to sell you RFID chipping as a solution to the problem they caused: identity theft.

However, the answer to this is easy, too. RFID's can be duplicated and forged and counterfeited like any other product. And the potential end result is even worse than having some transvestite from New Jersey pretending to be Anna von Reitz.

Imagine a few hundred thousand impostors claiming to be you and accessing your credit on the same day?

Tell that to your legislators.
And as for the "Mark of the Beast", which in these days is actually the "Mark of the B.E.A.S.T" ---let's just skip it, and for the sake of the prophets, say we did.

The B.E.A.S.T. is the Belgian Electronic Asset tracking system. Because you have been misidentified as an "asset" --- a chattel slave in their "System"---- they want to use the RFID chip to locate you in their worldwide warehouse, like a lump of cheddar cheese.

Just say no, it's against your religion.

14th November 2018, 10:38 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAOC_-AivspvZHgJVyqk4EMB6ULv4KvjBXSlybHiqNV2mbctb5QfakO4 7Pee4fzaPQzTkT3b3OB6Hbh&hc_ref=ARSnWGol4lLagESD-ws9BStcdxCODJsLBoH8X_pzCU4tIUF93iJQ0T0ypbKANU18PXs&fref=nf)
13 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1937859849596419) ·

Red Light, Green Light....
This is the simplest explanation to date:
They reorganized the "government" as a private, for-profit corporation in the business of governmental services.

Without explaining anything to the people, of course.

They then claim, falsely, that we are all knowingly and willingly standing as "surety" for their debts. They do this by undisclosed contract. They get our Mothers to sign paperwork at the hospitals "donating" us to the State of Wisconsin or whichever corporate government franchise is running the operation in the actual State where we are born.

This allows them access to our assets and credit. They then run up huge debts against our assets and credit. Then they go bankrupt and leave us holding the bag as their "secondary" ----
just like if you co-sign for a car loan. They set us up as their co-signer.

And when they pull the plug, we get the bill, and if we can't pay we have to either go bankrupt to protect what we can---- and be part of the problem in the process, or, we lose our assets to pay for their debts.

It's an identity theft scheme applied to our whole country and everyone in it.

14th November 2018, 10:43 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBr-4n4L2A0p9twfs0NmFwFeXvIJwQyT7iKDAbVvLQw69XrUjrzA81 XpaOGdT4wvwqs_FtiaWe_ZXb9&hc_ref=ARR7a-1FtH_671ioZO0d60MMeaUQo233HVhKtlmEGAoMPdk615hN846P mT8EExDfdV0&fref=nf)
12 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1937932736255797) ·

The Druid's Last Defense
More than 20,000 Druid priests voluntarily sacrificed themselves and were interred on Bardsey Island to create a plasma seal that is now, after two thousand years, wearing thin.

This was done to preserve the British Isles and the British Royals, come what may.
It was the removal of the living to the Kingdom of the Dead, in order to defend the British Isles from "beyond the grave".

Because we are immortal, there are two sides to the mirror of our reality. Hints of this are in literature, both secular and sacred, all over the world. The most popular and current and easily accessible example is the Lord of the Rings segment about the Army of the Dead, which Aragorn is able to summon from the distant past.

Their blood and bones saturated that tiny Welsh Island, known as Ynys Enlii.
Enlil, the brother and enemy of Enki, the Lord of the Earth, is the Lord of the Sea.
And Barsey Island and the horrific sacrifices made there, are his to account for. It is his fading army that is under final siege, and that is good thing for the rest of the world, for the land and the people and the animals, for all that lives and breathes.

For, as difficult as this is to understand for many, Enlil has been the bitter enemy of Mankind, an elitist of the Emerald Covenant, who despises people based upon their humble "polluted" DNA.

Remember the evil Father of Draco in the Harry Potter books? An elitist who kept the poor house elf, Dobby, enslaved --- ?

This is what we are dealing with, and what Bardsey Island's dead thousands supported, whether they truly knew what they were dying for, or not.

They, the present-day followers, thought that with their "Dead Baby" sealing ceremony at the London Winter Olympics they were going to get away with it, and ensure themselves another thousand or so years of unrestricted hegemony.

Instead, they exposed themselves to the discernment of those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. And now, it is all well and truly finished, but not in the way that they had planned.

The Heavenly Host has arrived.
For all those who are attuned to the Truth and the Beauty of the Creator, who made all things according to their kind, and who continues "to make all things new" again, rejoice. Bring your thoughts of peace to bear on Bardsey Island, off the Coast of Wales, and break the Seventh Seal.

14th November 2018, 05:28 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA_4yHXR9l-_emUkiQlrtGWq-zEjbitL8ATIx7lQ4YTe_G9BGI-mLJoqMCrEurIsgbZU64VL8vyvhKP&hc_ref=ARTsBjb0RiKY2iOzF97nM38AuwxFCS0VuEiY5plhSGv Q33fZPyEV6hYOAnxv8pHnJbM&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1938944226154648) ·

Hold the Presses! This is incredible ---
I have a statement on my desk attributed to former Democratic Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa. He retired in 2015 after twenty years service in the U.S. Congress, ten years in the House, ten years in the Senate. So he should know what he is talking about, right?

He is still alive so far as I can discover, so maybe someone in Iowa can track him down and ask if he actually said the things that have been reported to me and ask him to make additional comment, because what I am about to discuss is nothing less than astounding.

According to these statements sitting here on my desk this morning, Senator Harkin believes the following quotes. My explanatory notes and answers appear in brackets [ ]:

1. Senator Harkin: [The Internal Revenue Code] "or any other constitutional or federal provision [is/are null and void because] "those authorities fell with the loss of our national money standard in 1933." ----that is, because the (Territorial) United States went off the gold standard.

[Obviously not, Senator, because the Municipal United States continued to function and the Internal Revenue Service continued to click along. Changing from the gold standard to the silver standard in commerce in 1933 could not possibly have any such international treaty consequence. Both forms of money, gold and silver, are actual money and they both pay debts which the American States and People continued to pay for stipulated services under conditions of contract assumption.

Federal Codes established by the old service corporation may have been vacated, but if so, the members of the U.S. Congress failed to serve Public Notice of those facts, and continued to publish and use those same Federal Codes--- which means that just as the American People were "assumed" to bind themselves to the new service providers by process of assumption, the U.S. Congress is "assumed" to bind themselves to the provisions of the Federal Code they have published and used as a basis for suing people in courts all over this country. Anything less results in institutionalized constructive fraud on the part of the members of the U.S. Congress in 1933 and every year since then.]

2. Senator Harkin: "Since 1933, the people have formed a new unincorporated United States in trust by their silence in accepting the loss of their ability for paying their debts at law."

[We must immediately ask --- "Which 'people'? The actual living people of this country, or the invisible fictional "persons" of the Territorial United States? Because the States and People who actually own this country continued to pay their debts all along and have no reason to believe in the existence of any unwritten or implied "United States" trust.

The bankruptcy in 1933 ruptured the assumed service contract with
"United States of America, Incorporated" and ultimately led to the demise of that corporation in 1999, but so what? If a subcontractor goes bankrupt the only affect on the Principal is to hire new subcontractors or extend additional duties to already existing subcontractors --- which in this case meant, historically, the UNITED STATES, INC. taking over.

Also, there is no such thing as a totally "unincorporated" trust. Trusts may be corporate or incorporated, but they have to have substance and form and a written indenture in order to exist. There are no Zombie Apocalypse States or States of States or Commonwealths in our country or anywhere else.

Senator Harkin's belief ----if indeed he said all this -- that some kind of un-stipulated public trust exists then or now is straight out of the realm of fantasy and has no basis in law or fact.

There are unincorporated state trusts, but they are not some airy-fairy merely "presumed to exist" construct. Our unincorporated state trusts are formed by declarations, not constitutions. Those declarations may take different forms -- they may be compacts, they may be sovereign letters patent, they may be commonwealth treatises --- but they all have definite written hold-in-your-hand provisions that include public trust indentures. All of them.

Stop a moment and think about what this purported statement by Senator Harkin implies --- the members of the U.S. Congress think that our States don't really exist or have substance, because they are not incorporated? That's like denying the existence of chickens because you broke an egg. Our States are the authorities that charter all their States of States and if the members of the U.S. Congress missed that fact in Grammar School, we are all in a heap of trouble. You cannot ever have a "State of Florida" without first having a "Florida" --- does everyone grasp that fact?]

3. Senator Harkin then quotes Russell v. Allen, 107 U.S. 163, 27 L.Ed. 397: "The United States Government may be the trustee of a charitable trust."

[Well, I "may" act as a fan dancer, too, Senator. But in the absence of evidence, we cannot presume that I occupied that capacity, can we? Or any other "potential" capacity --- dog catcher, soothsayer, or rocket scientist. I might act as the trustee of a charitable trust, too. Might. Or might not. This is crazy stuff, right out of Loony-Tunes Central.... The Trust to which the delegated powers return by Operation of Law is and has always been The United States of America, Unincorporated, which was formed and announced to the public by The Continental Congress, September 9, 1776, and to all the State Trusts functioning under their statehood compacts, letters patent, commonwealth treatises, etc. If this is not perfectly obvious to the members of the "U.S. Congress" it is still perfectly obvious to the rest of us.]

I literally can't believe what I just read. If this two-page statement by Senator Harkin is legitimate, and if this is representative of the level of understanding among members of Congress, our Ship of State has been lost at sea for over a hundred years, captained by pirates and crewed by imbeciles.

And that discussion was just the first paragraph of this statement. There's more. Unfortunately. But I must stop and draw breath....

Dear Mr. President Trump: there is no need for any vacuous supposition. The occasion of any service provider going bankrupt results in the delegated powers returning to The United States of America, Unincorporated. We were not given Notice by the International Trustees that they were unable to make provisions for new service providers (or were incompetent to do so) and in fact, new service providers readily came forward and assumed the service obligations and have been paid for those services since 1868.

You can see that the obligations of contract by assumption swing both ways, and that any failure by the U.S. Congress to recognize this fact (such as their obligation to honor the entire Federal Code so long as they continue to publish and reference it ) results in constructive fraud against the sovereign States and People of this country and is in fact, treason.

On this occasion with the failures of both the corporate Territorial and corporate Municipal service corporations, we have said --- "Enough." and have made public our non-assumption of contract and have also published our acknowledgement and acceptance of the returned Delegated Powers.

It is now your turn to educate the members of Congress about life in the actual world and tell them that there is no implied United States trust charitable or otherwise available for the United States Government to (possibly) administer.

Andrew Jackson sold off the unincorporated United States as a business in 1836 and used the proceeds to pay off all debts owed by The United States of America, Unincorporated.

All variations of "United States" incorporation(s) since that time have been completely foreign operations acting under assumed contracts, both Municipal and Territorial --- and aside from being responsible to obey and execute the constitutional agreements they were assuming, never had any authority, business connections, or any other rights, titles, or interests related to this country or its people.

We are now calling for the "Internal Revenue Service" to vacate our shores for lack of valid contract and lack of evidence that any valid Municipal or Territorial PERSONS exist. We also remind the American Armed Forces that if they want to work for us, they need a new contract. And as for the "United States" meaning the British Territorial United States and Municipal United States -- we are your Priority Creditors, and that is set in cement.

Finally, as for the Office of the "US Attorney General" ---that whole mess needs to be straightened out along with dismissal of any claims that Americans "voluntarily" donated their babies as chattel "alien property" --- ASAP. Thank you, very much.

14th November 2018, 08:12 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDCs-I6AwyNezjfRB3S61COgJzmaL8m3cqgVmO9PobfYNe8gISiQkvc o17xI4PQTfCREtnq0Y2XyTwv&hc_ref=ARSP_7oUY7oYCIa2Zp68SNAv45QKg02_XpCsORHJ-Mbj_zNMz4P1EMRBoGcQTznSOxw&fref=nf)
2 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1939141746134896) ·

Pedigree of the IRS
For all those who need to know, this is what the IRS is and what it does and who it does it for--- I quote Pao L. Chang for convenience sake:
"The Internal Revenue Service is considered to be a Bureau of the Department of the Treasury; however, like the Federal Reserve, it is not part of the Federal Government. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS, et al., CV-93-405E- EJE - U.S.D.C.D.I; Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148, page 5967; Reorganization Plan No. 26; Public Law 102-391---and is in fact incorporated in Delaware ...." ("Internal Revenue Service" was incorporated in 1925, the Municipal "IRS" was incorporated in 1933.)

"It is pointed out that all official Federal Government mail is sent postage-free because of the franking privilege; however, the IRS has to pay their own postage, which [again] indicates that they are not a government entity."

"They [the Internal Revenue Service/IRS] are in fact a collection agency for the Federal Reserve, because they do not collect any taxes for the U.S. Treasury. All funds collected [by the IRS working under color of law "as" a Treasury "Bureau" and collecting funds under false pretense as the funds are collected under what appears to be a Treasury presentment] are turned over to the Federal Reserve. If you have ever sent a check to the IRS, you will find that it was endorsed over to the Federal Reserve."

"The Federal Reserve, in turn, deposits the money with the International Monetary Fund, an Agency of the United Nations (Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition, page 816.) where it is filtered down to the International Development Association (see Treasury Delegation Order No. 91) which is part of the "International Bank for Reconstruction and Development" --- commonly known now as the World Bank."

Bottom line --- the so-called "Internal Revenue Service" is not now and never has been a part of our government and has been deceitfully misrepresented as such by our British Territorial and Municipal United States subcontractors.

At the bottom of the dog pile which progresses from the U.S. Treasury to the Federal Reserve to the IMF to the IBRD ---- we find what? Ah, the World Bank.

Karen Hudes' erstwhile Dropbox Fixer and sometimes employer.

Please note that the Federal Reserve, IBRD, and World Bank are the Secondary Creditors that forced the "United States of America, Incorporated" into bankruptcy in 1933.

And also note that the IBRD and the World Bank are the ones who, in 2000, following the settlement of the bankruptcy, showed up and lied through their teeth and without anyone giving any Notice to the actual Priority Creditors (The United States of America, the American States and People) claimed that all our assets were "abandoned" --- including approximately $387 billion dollars in gold that FDR confiscated from the American People under color of law as "surety" backing the bankrupt "United States of America, Incorporated" bankruptcy.

Also please note that the bankrupt governmental services corporation doing business as the "United States of America, Inc." was fronted by the Roman Catholic Church as a religious non-profit.

Ms. Hudes is still holding onto our gold and pretending to be our Trustee, even after we entered our objections (according to our Constitution no Bar Attorney can hold any position of trust) and collapsed any such "Trust" by directly presenting the Bill of Lading issued by the actual Priority Creditors.

Let me interpret this situation --- these banks caused the problem, then profited from it under false pretenses for sixty-three years, and afterward lodged false claims of abandonment against the bankruptcy surety assets as Secondary Creditors. And they are still holding onto gold and other assets that rightfully belonged to your great-grandparents and grandparents and parents and now, also, to you.

And now, to bring it all back "Full Circle" ---- the IRS got its start back in the 1100's in France and England, when the Pope (acting as Pontiff, of course) started collecting an income tax called "Peter's Pence" which was a special collection to support the cost of the Crusades, collected every April 15th. It was collected by members of the Dominican Order, the same nice people that brought us the Inquisition. They continued to pop up as Privateer organizations on the sidelines of every war thereafter, as this was the Holy See's way of supporting the cost of all the Pontiff's war-mongering.

The Civil War was no different. The "Internal Revenue Service" back then was issued Privateer licenses and Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and they operated out of Puerto Rico and other Island bases, preying upon both Northern and Southern commercial vessels. Nice, huh?

Just special.
Things got reorganized after the Civil War and they moved onshore for a brief time, only to be repelled and sent packing by our more sentient ancestors, back to their base in Puerto Rico. After 1904, they were allowed back to operate on our shores via the Insular Tariff Cases, and particularly Downes v. Bidwell and Hooven and Allison v. Evatt--- for the express purpose of collecting from Municipal United States employees only. By 1916, the Pontiff was busy financing another war---
World War I, so sympathetic war-mongers in Congress acting without a quorum majority on Christmas Eve, passed the "Sixteenth Amendment" to their corporate "Constitution"---- and set the wolves loose on the innocent American Public.

And then came World War II.
Things got "tight" for the Pontiff again. He couldn't collect enough from all those corporations and employees and dependents that were legitimately "U.S. Citizens"
so the war-mongers in Congress came up with another plan: The Victory Tax.

The Victory Tax wasn't a tax at all, really. It was a charitable donation toward "the war effort". American workers signed up by the millions and agreed to donate an amount equal to that paid each month by federal civilian and military employees and to have it deducted from their paychecks. The wording of the "Victory Tax" was vague and the sunset clause on this arrangement was the "end of the hostilities".

Most of us understand that the "end of hostilities" came in September 1945, but the Internal Revenue Service kept right on collecting from all those millions of American workers who had so patriotically "volunteered" to donate to the war effort. If anyone objected, they were told that there was "still a war on"----- the Cold War.

Since then we've had every kind of "war" you can think of --- wars on poverty, wars on drugs, wars on wars, as well as innumerable other conflicts ---- like Vietnam, like Iraq I and II, like Afghanistan..... and to hear the "Internal Revenue Service" talk, we are still volunteering and still obligated to be docked larger and larger percentages of our earnings in support of a Victory Tax that should have ended in 1945.

How about this? A "War on Con Artists" and especially a "War on European Con Artists"? How about a nice big boot on Dominican Order rump?
And all the members of Congress that have mindlessly, ruthlessly, undeniably furthered their power and paychecks by glutting on the extortion and racketeering profits rolling in from all this?

For the life of me, I don't understand why General Kelly and General Mattis and General Dunford don't have Karen Hudes hanging upside down by her thumbs, why they aren't helping us recoup our assets---which would far more than pay for their services---?

Why aren't they arresting at least all the Bar Members usurping upon our lawful government and occupying seats in Congress? They have cause to know that no Bar Attorney can hold any Public Office or hold any position of trust in our government. It has been this way since 1819. Think they'd get the news?

And what is this nonsense of "Political Parties"----groups of lobbyists occupying Congress as "Representatives"? We are owed Fiduciary Deputies elected by the People (House) and State Legislatures (Senate). Not two colors of Tobacco Lobby on speed.

Why aren't our military geniuses arresting and deporting all these undeclared Foreign Agents---- especially "IRS" employees--- and shutting down the phony Treasury Bureau? Instead of just stupidly standing here and letting these robbers steal and coerce and harm the people of this country---the same people they are hired to protect?

I have a Big Question for the members of the "U.S." Congress---whichever "U.S." that is, and for all the employees sucking off this gigantic crime and for the Pope and his minions, too -----

Just how long do you all think that you can abuse your employers and bite the hands that feed you, and get away with all this crap, before it all comes home to you?

Hell, no, I'm not "volunteering".

15th November 2018, 07:38 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARCthyk_BlVTlN2BncVIYeH6MWC_D0OHJzHPQpMytYtlqV U7VBTPGXIRFT_i5Ob-IhjKxjmP-FcOPaFD&hc_ref=ARQgZOzi4KcExcM1ihWbLcG-Rham_AjS9XJ9CiE3qXxtTmtEOA0PJaLP3otQdDwJSh4&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1940294162686321) ·

Hold the Presses -- This is Incredible 2.0 Recap
Yesterday we began discussion of comments attributed to former Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa. He served in the U.S. House for ten years and in the Senate for ten more before retiring in 2015.

Bearing in mind that we still don't have confirmation that Harkin actually said all this, if even a small part of this is typical of what members of Congress think and are taught about our history, we are in a heap of trouble and they, like everyone else, need to be brought up to speed.

The first off-the-wall idea was that the Constitutions and the Federal Code went out the window because of the 1933 bankruptcy and going off the gold standard.

Let's try to get this in perspective.
We contract for certain governmental services with the British Territorial United States and its corporations. This would be analogous to contracting with a Property Management Corporation that also has subcontractors that work for it: a carpentry subcontractor, a lawn mowing contractor, a trash removal contractor, a snowplowing contractor.... got the picture?

So the trash removal subcontractor went bust in 1933, stopped accepting gold as payment, and started offering I.O.U.'s in lieu of paying for its debts.

That really has nothing much to do with us, does it? And it doesn't change what we are owed in terms of services by the parent Property Management Corporation, either. Our contract with them is still the same and it is their problem how they are going to get the trash removed. Not ours.

It's the same thing with the 1933 bankruptcy. They stopped accepting gold as payment. We paid in silver instead. They started using I.O.U.'s instead of paying for their own debts. That's on them. And on their Parent Corporation. Not us.

We are the Employer in this situation, and what is owed to us is owed to us regardless of how the Parent Corporation or their subcontractors operate or what they do with their money, and if they don't provide the service, we simply take out the trash ourselves or hire someone else.

What we recently discovered was an outrageous and undisclosed ploy by Franklin Delano Roosevelt proposing that we "gift" ourselves and our assets as collateral backing the debts of their failed trash removal company---to underwrite their I.O.U.s. And then we discovered the actual means by which they extorted all these "gifts" under color of law.

So the dirt is all on them and none on us, thanks. This whole debacle is now back on the laps of the Queen and the Pope, who are the Principals responsible.

We are their Priority Creditors by several country miles as a result of all this malfeasance, fraud, extortion, and racketeering under color of law, and their only hope is that we agree to settle this without blowing them off the face of the Earth.

The Constitution(s) owed to us are not affected by their bankruptcy, and all the debts they piled up "in our names" without our knowledge and free consent are fraudulent, going back to 1860, because, as we have discovered, 1933 was not the first round of this chicanery.

The other idea that the Senator exposed is the idea that the Federal Code somehow went "out the window" because of the bankruptcy and end of the gold standard being used by their corporations.

What happened in fact is that a Municipal Corporation doing business as the "UNITED STATES" came in and took over the trash removal contract by a process of "assumpsit". That is, nobody at the Parent Corporation asked us, they simply moved in a new subcontractor to continue taking out the trash. We have no contract with the "UNITED STATES" but because we received the trash service from them, we assumed the contract and paid them for it.

But assumption of contracts swings both ways.
We assumed and paid the contract under the provisions of the actual Constitutions, and the assumption that they owe us in return is that they are continuing to operate under the Constitutions and according to their published rules, codes, and regulations.

Any deviation from that quid pro quo is not allowed, and in order for it to be allowed, they would have to make a very substantial Public Notice and Public Disclosure regarding the "sun setting" of the Federal Code. They would also have to stop publishing the Federal Code and stop using the Federal Code for administrative purposes and stop referencing it in court cases and stop repealing and amending and adding to it, too.

Anything else would, as I explained, amount to knowing and purposeful constructive fraud by the members of the Congress.

We have seen plenty of evidence of fraud and wrong-doing by the Congress and its members as a whole, but if Senator Harkin didn't understand these facts and circumstances after twenty years in Congress (and Tom Harkin was by far not the dumbest man in Congress) -- the only thing we can conclude is that the men and women in Congress are being misled by their legal advisors and dumbed down so that they make wrong decisions based on wrong information.

It is up to us to inform them and hold them and their Parent Corporation sponsors-- the Queen and the Pope-- feet first to the fire. Get out your pens and paper, Campers, and send this to the appropriate Congressional Delegation that is supposed to be serving your state of the Union.

You might also drop a line to:
Office of the Prosecutor
International Criminal Court
Post Office Box 19519 - 2500 CM
The Hague The Netherlands

The "US" is not a party to the Hague Conventions, but they are party to the Geneva Conventions, and any enslavement racket involving securitization and personage of living people under color of law, especially innocent Third Parties who were never involved in their "wars" in the first place, is a major faux pas.

We would, of course, like full recognition of our claims against them and the deplorable fraud that has been practiced against our States and our People, by treaty partners who owed us far, far better treatment and whose bacon we saved through two World Wars.

Let all the innocent American blood shed at Bull Run and Gettysburg, at Flanders and in the Argonne Forest, the boys who gave their lives in North Africa and Normandy, in Germany and Japan and Okinawa and Korea and Vietnam---- let their blood rise up and reproach the very souls of the criminals responsible for this -- if they have souls. And if they do not repent, may they come to a swift and certain end without the protection of man or God.

16th November 2018, 10:07 AM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAeGOkPKqyuTRib0_DgSOE1OY_NHfJHtZv-ICJeAaHuHpTHQKPcvoDjRAGUkOq5hd0teqKBUSrFCOnT&hc_ref=ARRkDjQdlqXHcOK_37KWkkdSRMFebUhA1bvUMfMvMAS kMcK43EIoTXXirV7htGd1XK0&fref=nf)
9 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1940806475968423) ·

For Uriah, the Hittite
This message is coded, as it must be. The one receiving it will know to whom and for whom I speak:

Bathsheba loved you. Only and ever and truly.

It was you that she yearned for through all the lonely years.

It was your voice that echoed in her heart. It is your voice that echoes still.

Nothing can take your love away from you. Nothing can dim its glory.

No man can tear away what God has joined or destroy what He has planned.

She is still yours, Uriah, as she always was and is.

In the days to come, the world will be made new again.
The children that you have mourned for, the children that would have been, shall live. She will smile into your eyes again and take your hand.

She is a Queen now and she will make you King. Your love for each other will be honored, and you shall never be parted again.

Let this be a comfort to you, Uriah. Let it ease your way.
She is coming to you now, pure and blameless as the snow. The sunrise is in her eyes and all her ways are peace.

Receive the laud and honor that are yours, Uriah.
Let go all pain and grief. Lift your gallant heart again and see what the Lord has said!

You will rejoice and not be disappointed!
You will come to her arms as a hero coming home, beloved husband.
And all the suffering, all the injustice----will be gone as if it has never been."

16th November 2018, 09:23 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARBiqFjzEYxZqFcSrPXzrhqMs3whn6dqgTLHTVo1a-AEFl-UYWQurun4lJ7WVTMnfYDa43_SDMfsxIjo&hc_ref=ARQd2Dde_kmgJIp6Q6A8VP8XZo4Yz7vkZ7hfbza1eNB HJZRai-2I5XRsDeP6-Bs-AhE&fref=nf)
5 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1941761882539549) ·

Nineteen Services
This is a reply to a reader who noticed that, hey, under the Constitution, our States only agreed to receive nineteen services from these vandals, but this has now proliferated to hundreds if not thousands of government services. What is going on here?

The perpetrators making all these offers of services are not really your government.
That's for starters. They are foreign, for-profit corporations in the business of providing government services.

That lack of disclosure is a large part of the whole problem --- they have been "offering" services as private commercial corporations and people have been mindlessly accepting all sorts of "services" ---- and then have to pay for these services they accepted above and beyond those that the States agreed to.

It's like the magazine publishers back in the 80's --- you'd get a "free subscription" to something like "Outdoor Life". It would just show up in your mailbox, "Absolutely Free!" --- and when you read the fine print, "If you like "Outdoor Life" just keep this complimentary copy and three more months of the magazine will be sent to your door absolutely free!"

Okay, so typical American --- whether they like "Outdoor Life" and read it or throw it out with the Junk Mail --- thinks nothing of it. Three months go by. The magazines come. In the third magazine is a postcard-like insert and in absolutely tiny print it says, "We are happy you have enjoyed your subscription to "Outdoor Life". To continue, simply do nothing and the magazine will continue to be delivered every month. To "unsubscribe" simply check the box on this return postcard and you will receive no additional copies."

Well, guess how many people saw that card and read It?

Pretty soon folks are getting all these magazines they don't want and scratching their heads. And then they start getting all the bills attached to these "Free Offers".
And the complaints start piling up with the Congressional Delegations about these "unfair" solicitations and "subscription scams". And the magazine publishers got their hands slapped and prohibited from doing this kind of "promotion" through the U.S. Mail.

Unfortunately, the government, operating as a foreign, for-profit governmental services corporation has done the same sort of thing with governmental services. They have "offered" services, often for free, and as people having unknowingly used these services (probably thinking that it was just part of the program) they have been "subscribed" -- exactly like the magazine subscriptions --- to receive these "unearned benefits".

When they unknowingly sign up to receive these benefits by enrolling in or applying for what appears to be a "government service" they become identified as "U.S. Citizens" --- that is, British Territorial United States Employees or Dependents or Corporations or Political Asylum Seekers. The British Territorial United States Government Corporation, like the magazine publishers, readily agrees. That's what the "offer" was all about from their perspective in the first place.

What they don't tell their new subscribers is that: (1) In exchange for all these wonderful new "free" services, the perpetrators are going to "take title" to their names and land and all their assets including their children to pay for these "benefits", and (2) the victim's political status is going to be altered to that of a British Territorial United States Citizen, a subject of the Queen and the British Crown, no longer a free and independent American.

Just like the magazine subscriptions, these subscriptions to what-appear-to-be government services have unseen costs that no right thinking American would accept, if the cost were fully disclosed. Just like the magazine subscriptions, there isn't a clear, clean up front offer involved. Just like the magazine subscriptions, the process of ensnarement is gradual --- you have to accept the proverbial "additional three months of free magazines" --- before they shut the trap door. That extra "three months" in commerce is the equivalent of three months of Due Process Notice that you are being offered and are accepting a magazine subscription.

This creates an implied contract between you and the magazine publisher and it is then "presumed" that you are knowingly accepting the product and are expected to pay for it, whether you ever read your copy of "Outdoor Life" or not.

Same thing with what appears to be the government. All those services you "apply for" ignorantly, like Social Security, and Selective Service, and all those benefit programs you "enroll in" like Medicare --- have a cost that you are not being told, which results in an undisclosed contract, called an "adhesion contract".

It is primarily undisclosed on two counts: first, you are misled to think that you are dealing with your own government when you are dealing with a foreign, for-profit corporation in the business of providing "governmental services" instead, and second, you are not being told about the actual cost of participation in all these "offers" --- that you will be "gifting" yourself, your good name, your credit, your land, and all your assets to these Grafters in exchange for these comparatively petty freebies, and that you will be subjecting yourself to the British Queen as a member of the British Commonwealth System, too, and selling yourself and your children into eternal pauper-hood, a form of debt slavery.

That something like this could happen in the modern world is beyond abhorrent, but the combination of commercial fraud opportunity combined with the ability to enforce these bogus contracts under color of law was apparently too great a temptation, and now we have the ugly and inevitable confrontation between the purported "subscribers" and the "magazine publishers".

The fact is that we didn't knowingly, willingly or "voluntarily" subscribe to this fraud scheme at all, because it lacked disclosure and lacking disclosure, no offer accepted can be considered "conscious" (therefore the whole offer is "unconscionable") and therefore cannot be "voluntary" either.

Essentially, all these international corporations in the business of providing "governmental services" have sought to expand their control and improve their bottom-lines by preying upon the people that they were hired to serve. They have done this by the same process as the erstwhile magazine publishers: "voluntary" subscription that in this case, is not voluntary because it is never fully disclosed and because it is falsely presented as a "government mandate" to people who are not naturally subject to the British Territorial United States Government.

As a result, the consequences in commerce are already well-established. First and foremost, the British Territorial United States Government corporations must stop making all these undisclosed "offers" and demands. The property and assets they seized upon under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure have to be returned to the States and People they have harmed and imposed upon. Any services or payments that they legitimately owe to the victims --- such as vested Social Security accounts to which the victims and employers contributed and paid for --- must be paid out as commercial obligations without any presumption of ownership interest or pretense that these are "welfare benefits".

As for the States of the Union, they have been dis-served, too, and all their land patents and titles must be returned to the States and the People. Our country is not going to be bought and sold for the sake of British and Belgian and French false claims in commerce, and our People are not going to be considered British Subjects or Paupers of the British Commonwealth for the sake of similar false claims in commerce.

We have caught them at it and we have the patents that the perpetrators used to set up and automate this gigantic fraud scheme.

17th November 2018, 03:35 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAU6uz4AZ05pbdOCdLp-Q5myB3XnZar_8MtVL_wTTlQMPTW_upz85jARg125A70YbXrpU1 ZMnoyxhdK&hc_ref=ARQOSTdlPSfruo8DXaHrE8mPp4e7bpn7uPg-S2GJQb27z_mb6t7MwIVzbvdlzg-EH_U&fref=nf)
3 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1942897329092671) ·

Hold The Presses! --- The is Incredible 3.0 Recap -- The Public Trust
We've been reviewing and commenting on statements attributed to former Iowa Senator Tom Harkin this week. Harkin, a Democrat, served in the U.S. House for ten years and in the U.S. Senate for ten more years before retiring in 2015.

Among the startling ideas expressed and presented to me as "direct quotes" (unconfirmed) was the idea that because of the bankruptcy of the U.S. Corporation(s) in 1933 and the removal from the gold standard.....

Senator Harkin: ".... a resulting or implied trust rushed in to fill the void. In a resulting or implied trust, there are not terms of how and who is to administer the terms of the trust, therefore you can't put the blame on anyone besides the people for letting the trust be established." He then quoted, "The United States Government may be the trustee of a charitable trust." Russell v. Allen U.S. 163: 27 L.Ed. 397, and further, "The United States or a state has capacity to take and hold property upon a charitable trust, but in the absence of a statute otherwise providing, the charitable trust is unenforceable against the United States or a state."

I pointed out that I "may" be a fan dancer, too, but that doesn't give me a job at a club. Just because a person or organization "may" act in some capacity---as being theoretically or potentially eligible to act in a given capacity, does not grant them any authority or official capacity to do so.

I also pointed out that a trust without written terms and stipulations is non-existent. You can't have a trust without a donor, a trustee, and a beneficiary. Period.

I also pointed out that any necessity for such a nebulous and merely presumed to exist "trust" is bogus, too.

We already have unincorporated (sovereign) trusts established for both the nation as a whole --- The United States of America [Unincorporated]--- and for each one of the states. These national and state trusts are formed by declaration, not by constitutions, and they have been here and been in place in all cases before and after anything that happened to any foreign governmental service provider in 1933.

Our national and state trusts are not implied, not merely "presumed to exist", regardless of anything that happens to any commercial entity formed by a constitutional agreement.

Those trusts are all owed full service and Good Faith by every member of any "Congress" ever assembled, including the Territorial and Municipal versions of "Congress". They are also owed full service and Good Faith by the Pope and the British Monarch.

If you stop a moment and think you will, if you are an average person of good sense, realize that these statements attributed to Senator Harkin are all zombie-speak, pure blather, designed as a smokescreen to excuse the members of Congress and blame the victims --- the people of this country --- for the unfolding debacle that the members of Congress and prior Executive Administrations have caused.

The only "Public Trust" actually in existence with any viable role for anyone in the Territorial or Municipal Government to administer is in fact the "Public Charitable Trust" (PCT) established for the welfare of displaced plantation slaves in the wake of the Civil War.

Looking a bit deeper, we find that----yes, indeed, this is exactly what the U.S. Attorney General has been using and operating as the "dump box" for our names once they are "donated" as "Alien Property".

Little baby Johnny Whittaker is thrown into the hopper as "John Whittaker" a Public Trust "member" of the aforementioned Public Charitable Trust left over from the Civil War Era, and from there, they create "John A. Whittaker" Public Transmitting Utility and "John Adam Whittaker", a Puerto Rican Cestui Que Vie Estate Trust.

The British Territorial United States Government keeps the equitable title in all these assets created out of thin air, and hands the legal title to them off to the Municipal United States Government --- the oligarchy run by members of Congress -- that then sets up the ACCOUNTS -- JOHN WHITTAKER, and JOHN A. WHITTAKER, and JOHN ADAM WHITTAKER.

For God's sake, people, wake up! These crackpots in Congress have lost their minds. They actually think they have some right or rationale to do all this to their Employers, and they don't. They never did. Not in 1868. Not in 1933. And not now, either.

The cretins in the Department of Law and DOJ have encouraged them in this insanity and acted as their handmaids and expediters, and they have all proposed to sell you down the river without the least little bit of valid authority or consent or ownership interest to do so.

Apparently, the "American" military is so corrupt and incompetent that they can't recognize the "domestic enemy" or know which country they owe allegiance to. It's time they found out.

And it's time President Trump told them.

17th November 2018, 03:42 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARAdj5kjIqLW6Urh-aYL6_UpRhxwpjIEYV9E_7Af0CBCCnnSkoabNuTPqz-zjWYJYU8tsYSx7U08c3W4&hc_ref=ARRLp6kUIHJsO-hwoL1efpZF-1epBWlLcrEu8kbrkyBFyIyL6YQAXeEDDS0vIEtxZLY&fref=nf)
1 hr (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1943027339079670) ·

Paper Monsters
The people who have done these evil things to Americans for the past 150 years, and to people worldwide for centuries, are criminals. It has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with crime.

It's just plain old garden variety crime: identity theft, credit theft, unlawful conversion, illegal securitization, kidnapping, human trafficking, press-ganging, conspiracy against the constitutions, personage, barratry, blackmail, fraud, false flag attacks, counterfeiting, impersonation, pedophilia, drug trafficking, prostitution, extortion, racketeering, mail fraud, enslavement, arson, murder, false witness, peonage, and treason -- among many, many other crimes that have been committed against the innocent people and countries of the world by corporations in the business of providing governmental services, banks, insurance companies, title companies (that shouldn't exist), armed services, regulatory agencies, and so on.

Those hired and subscribed under Oath to serve the people have instead oppressed, cheated, enslaved and betrayed them. They have taken the saying, "The master is the servant." and turned it on its head: "The servant is the master."

And they have tried to excuse their actions by saying, "We are a corporation and can't be held accountable for our actions."
Oh, yes, they can.

Every corporation involved in this gross disservice and criminality is subject to liquidation --- loss of their charters, loss of their assets, loss of their public personas. And they are not owed any protection from the so-called "corporate veil", no bankruptcy protection for their shareholders, no privileges at all.

Every single corporation that has refused to repent and come to heel deserves complete dissolution, with their assets to be sold at public auction to pay restitution for their crimes.

Depending on the severity and deliberateness of their acts, the assets of their shareholders may also be attached and sold to recoup the damages.

Who has the authority to order their liquidation? First and foremost, the responsibility to liquidate these offending corporations is with with the Roman Curia and the Pope, who created the entire concept of corporations in the first place.

Secondarily, the responsibility to liquidate these corporations is the Queen's, because we delegated and entrusted her, specifically, with the responsibility to create and police the activities of commercial corporations "for" us.

Finally, the responsibility to liquidate these corporations is our responsibility, because it is our delegated authority that is being abused to create, sustain, and allow the unaccountable rampages of these Paper Monsters.

These corporations think they are safe.
They think the Pope and the Curia will protect them. They think the British Monarch can protect them.

They don't realize that their charters are all issued under our authority, and that the ultimate specific authority allowing their existence and continuance lies with us: The United States of America, the States, and the People.

As our Delegated Powers have returned to us by Operation of Law and we have acknowledged and accepted their return, there can be no question or interference from either the Pope and Queen if we are obliged by their incapacity to begin liquidation of corporations from here to Bangkok.

We are fed up, ready to pull the plug on them, their patents, trademarks, copyrights, and charters. No criminal organization is owed any public privilege and that includes governmental services corporations and banks.

Let this be published Legal Notice: Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents, Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.

17th November 2018, 09:47 PM
Anna von Reitz (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz?__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARDcOZ4wSja0Y76Vx3BY2s-54o5ynfRkQDLQbS4vqGuGJrFws4ylNkk0sjxNmn2CPxosbJZZj 6XxrU2j&hc_ref=ARR21Vy782sWhNDjLfU5bzgJwzXOMQat0Cf8vbZZlM_ Ims2_DUam_wJBW4UqrhGKFbo&fref=nf)
6 hrs (https://www.facebook.com/avonreitz/posts/1943108305738240) ·

The Right Way, the Wrong Way, and No Way
I have been asked to comment on all the various "Patriot Group Efforts" out there and that is a tall order, as they have been springing up like mushrooms. Part of this is due to people jerking awake and thinking, "OMG! We have to do something!" so they start "doing something".

Other efforts are cynical, even diabolical efforts to co-opt and derail any meaningful effort to fix the problems we face and suck up resources in the process.

Still other efforts are partially right and partially wrong as a result of having some information, but not enough.

This is typical. The Mess creates more mess. Just think of it in terms of your own housecleaning efforts. Things always look worse before they get better, more chaotic, not less.

First, there are two primary jobs, not one, to be undertaken. That adds a lot to the general confusion.

The first job is to organize the land jurisdiction States, which are the foundation of the international government --- the dog, not the tail. This requires the formation of Jural Assemblies composed of people who are retaining and lawfully asserting their original jurisdiction and original birthright identity and capacities as private American nationals and State Citizens. We are talking here about Wisconsin, Maine, Texas, Utah, Alaska..... those unincorporated and sovereign states formed by Declaration --- Statehood Compacts, Commonwealth Treatises, etc.

So far as I know, the only organization that is pursuing this fundamental task is the National Assembly being led by the Michigan General Jural Assembly. The only bone I have to pick with them, is that they need to be more adamant about membership and requiring that people properly declare their political status on the record before being allowed to participate. I am a stickler about that, because without it, these groups as a whole remain subject to infiltration and harassment and the legitimacy of their actions is left open to question.

The second job is to organize and "reconstruct" the Federal States of States that belong to the States of the Federation as business operations. This is the tail of the dog that is supposed to wag in our behalf, but which has been incapacitated for 150 years. This requires the formation of Jural Societies composed of people who are retaining and legally asserting Federal citizenship. We are talking here about corporate businesses belonging to the States and doing business as, for example: The State of Wisconsin, The State of Maine, The State of Texas, The State of Utah, The State of Alaska.

So far as I know, there are two principal groups working on this --- the Nation-States and RuSA, plus a relatively new organization that is pushing (ignorantly) for a Constitutional Convention.

Let me briefly comment that until people learn how their government is actually supposed to be structured, how jurisdictions work, and what the problems are, we don't need a Constitutional Convention and are not ready for one.

As for Nation-States and RuSA, both organizations are well-intended, but disjointed and need to get together and iron out differences, because in the process they will each learn important facts---like the fact that they are acting as would-be inheritors of the Confederation of States, not the Federation. Like the fact that there is actually no such thing as a "Nation-State" though we sometimes discuss things in those terms. Like the fact that Federal Citizens are not in the same political status as British Territorial United States Citizens and not in the same status as Municipal United States CITIZENS, either..... and they have to declare and record their own political status as Federal State Citizens.

So that is the status of the two major jobs confronting the people of this country that are absolutely necessary for us to restore our legitimate government to full function. And those are the principal organizations already engaged.

In addition there are numerous other groups out there doing various things, the National Liberty Alliance, T-ROH, and so on.

Just very briefly, NLA is in my opinion, hopelessly misguided. They are trying to set up Grand Juries without Courts, which makes as much sense as trying to build a horse with nothing but a mane and tail. Actual Grand Juries are supported by Jural Assemblies and Jural Societies. (See above.) So anyone who wants to build a viable Grand Jury needs to join either a Jural Assembly (land jurisdiction) or a Jural Society (sea jurisdiction) and get on with the job.

Same thing with T-ROH. Their leadership bought a copy of The Articles of Confederation at a Naval Auction and placed a "claim on abandonment" on the name of "The United States of America, Incorporated" --- a defunct Scottish Corporation that infringed upon our lawful name in 1868 to create their commercial corporation. This gives rise to a situation where honest men are making unjust claims based on prior piracy --- the Maxim of Law is: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership."

As a result, though the Navy auctioneer may have been selling the false "title" of a defunct Scottish commercial corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" --- it has nothing to do with our lawful government beyond the fact that the scam artists infringed upon our copyrights in order to promote a mistaken identity fraud more than a century ago.

This is not a viable basis upon which to restore American Government, especially since our actual government --- The United States of America [Unincorporated] is still here, still operating, and not pleased with all the fraud against it by con artists trying to work similar names deceits.

On top of these Home Grown organizations gone astray, we have deliberate foreign competitors. From France we have two versions of the same poison from the same basic perpetrators, "The Republic of the United States of America" and "The Republic for the United States of America". They started their operations with the first name and then apparently realized they'd made a mistake and added the second name to the roster.

Since then they have taken to simply calling their operation, "The Republic". This is not our missing Federal Republic that the Nation-States and RuSA are trying to restore. It's another "ringer" commercial corporation from Europe trying to sneak in the backdoor and take over our federal service contracts by a process of assumption.

Finally, the Government of Scotland, which was the first perpetrator in the Den of Liars, is fronting its candidates and trying to pull off the same scheme as the French "governmental services corporation" ---- they have set up "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC." and "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, LLC".

Just Say No.