View Full Version : Finance and Economics
- Stentor Media "Live" Interviews Chad Ulansky
- Pa. accuses debt company of deceiving consumers
- G. Edward Griffin's Analysis of the "no-interest-money" myth
- Tapping Nature’s Power
- 100% FREE application for sharing videos and photos to mobile phones.
- Stocks Soar to New 2-Year High .
- Don't overlook other commodity prices today...
- Peter Schiff on Fox Business News 11/04/10
- Ron Paul on Fox Business 11/04/10
- Dafoe Corp.
- Peter Schiff on debt ceiling on Fox News 11/05/10
- Peter Schiff on CNBC Fast Money 11/5/10: Dollar Demise?
- Turning from Diamonds to Gold
- Ron Paul on CNBC 11/08/10 discusses Fed, inflation, Krugman
- Peter Schiff & Judge Napolitano on Fox Business News 11/08/10
- Choose Thwapr for Mobile Video
- Ron Paul on The Lew Rockwell Show 11/09/10
- Ron Paul on The Dylan Ratigan Show 11/10/10
- Marc Faber on CNBC 11/09/10
- Jim Rogers: China earned its success, G20 waste of time
- Dr. Bernanke Gets a Phone Call
- Clips of Peter Schiff at Kilkenomics Kilkenny, Ireland 2010
- Jim Rogers: Ireland should go bankrupt!
- Peter Schiff: Fed Waging War
- Rapid urbanization resulting in a myriad of problems
- Marc Faber on Bloomberg TV 11/19/10: U.S. and China on Collision Course
- Jim Rogers on Financial Sense Newshour 19 Nov 2010
- Jim Rogers, Andrew Schiff, Doug Henwood debate low interest rates & deficits
- Peter Schiff interviews Kelli Space (uni graduate w/ a 200K student-loans debt)
- Ron Paul on Bloomberg TV 12/01/10
- Peter Schiff: US dollar has lost its strength
- Peter Schiff: Stop prop-ups, let dying banks die
- Ron Paul uncensored on $9 trillion Fed bailout
- Economics 101 - Keynesian Economics is Wrong!
- Something afoot in the markets today?
- Jim Rogers: Britain is Bankrupt!
- Peter Schiff on Fox News 12/09/10
- Ron Paul on CNBC 12/14/10
- Tom Woods: How Economic Illiteracy is Dismantling Your Life
- Thinking about the new me.
- "It starts to seem like toy money"
- Quantitative Easing = Counterfeiting
- Peter Schiff on Goldseek Radio (17-Dec-10)(FINANCE & ECONOMICS series)
- How long before people realize it is all about the debt-money system.
- Fed Treasury Holdings: $1,000,341,000,000
- Swindling the Goyim
- U.S. changes how it measures long-term unemployment
- uh oh The Cashless Lifestyle Catches On
- Public Money vs Private Credit
- video: Soros openly discusses the coming NWO, calls for IMF one world currency
- Peter Schiff on Fox Business 11/03/11
- Jim Rogers: Top Bets for 2011 01/03/2011
- Milton Friedman: Capitalism and the Jews
- The Contrived Drama of the Debt Ceiling
- Presto! 9.4% Unemployment! How the Government Lies.
- The American Dream Film - Must Watch
- Wall Street Algorithms Are in Control
- Fractional Reserve Banking
- Boomers Could Force Economic Catastrophe
- Municipalities Bonds Crashing
- The Quigley Formula ........ Video Lecture Edaward Griffin
- And Now For My Next Magic Trick... NO Inflation!
- China ahead of World Bank in loans to developing nations: report
- Trade War to Lose: Jim Rogers on Hu Jintao American trip
- Peter Schiff on Fox Business 01/21/11
- Marc Faber on CNBC 01/19/11
- Peter Schiff: Inflationary Nightmare Coming 01/24/11
- Who's Brent?
- The US Today: What Happens When You Let Investment Bankers Run a Country
- Appreciating in value due to the impending tourist boom
- Fact-checking Politifact. Exclusive!
- Bernanke Says Happy Days Are Here
- Termites eat millions of Indian rupees in bank
- Petition to Redistribute GPA Scores
- ExxonMobil’s Educational Alliance Program
- BitCoins
- Who Owns The Federal Reserve?
- College Conspiracy (Full Film)
- Peter Schiff meets his match
- Making Money in a Volatile Market
- The Tragedy of Common Ownership
- Gold is Catastrophe Insurance (Do you want to collect?)
- Uranium is the Trade of the Decade
- In Natural Resources Your're Either A Contrarian Or A Victim
- When did eMacro 10oz Gold Futures contract start up?
- Here they go..
- Does Anyone Else Watch RT's "Capital Account"?
- Ann Barnhardt & W Pollock Re John Locke and Future Trends
- How Big Banks Victimize Our Democracy
- If BoE's 1999 400T Gold Sale rescued WrongWayCITI's Al t' Weed, depressing PoG ($256)
- What's in YOUR wallet?
- Email from a financial institute receieved yesterday (9-12-2012)
- Let's see if this pans out....
- The role of speculators
- Proofs of a Conspiracy
- Poof
- Can Shut This Down Anytime
- Wealth Preservation Problem
- That Thing He Likes
- Entering the Third Industrial Revolution
- Citi, Goldman, J.P. Morgan got Fed minutes early
- Mother in China sues US central bank over shrinking cash
- Damien, son of satan - keeps dual roles
- Wealth On A Plane................90-second Video
- Who knew - looks like the Aussies have the richest middle class?
- Missing money
- AMERICA: The Food Stamp Nation
- ‘Lawrence Summers rejects post of Bank of Israel governor’
- Another jew to "police" his fellow jew bankster criminals
- Frank Dodd bill as of January 1, 2014
- Dow’s 7th triple-digit drop this year as market dives
- Tracy Davison discussing FACTA, the Georgia Guidestones, the Fabian Society, & Russo
- Fed's Fischer: Bail-Ins Coming For Your Cash
- The Recovery Deluision - Retail Sales Data Reality - Not government spin
- Distributionism - Back to the land - Interestiing Discussion
- A Platform For Monetary Reform
- Harry Dent: How To Hedge Against Economic Collapse
- Goy Guide to World History 2 part video Dr. E. Michael Jones
- Dollar Flash Crashes: Currency Market Pulverized As Dollar Implodes After Close
- Coming Crash in Fall 2015 - Martin Armstrong on Alex Jones Show
- Ranting Panama Orange- The Sideways DOW
- this explains a lot - pope's fall accompanied by vatican bank takeover
- RawDog: It's coming and you better have hard assets!
- American Dependency: Abuse of the Food Benefit System
- Finland May Be Starting Minimum Income
- Neil Cavuto embarrasses student who wants GibsMeDat
- GSR Interviews MARTIN ARMSTRONG - Dec 30, 2015
- Powerball take-home depends highly on taxes where you live
- Marijuana stocks - will they be hot again soon?
- Panama Orange - The US Economy Sucks!
- GSR Interviews MARTIN ARMSTRONG - Feb 18, 2016 Nugget
- The People versus Goldman Sachs Who's your Daddy?
- Behind the Facade: America, The Bankrupt Hegemon
- The Rally is Over, Crash to 6,000 Dow by 2017
- Can you buy shares outside the market?
- ForEx and/or Binary Options - How to safely start and learn without getting burned?
- All we need to know about FRNs
- Federal Reserve Yellen declares open war on Trump
- E Michael Jones - King Midas Social Security War and Bank Looting
- Money -v- Credit: What's the difference?
- Brother Nathanael: On money creation
- Cancelling credit cards
- New Movie: The Spider's Web; Britain's Second Empire
- Bloomberg net worth $20 billion in 2008 to $52 billion in 2019 explained
- Debt And Power - With Michael Hudson Mar 19, 2020
- Public Pensions This thing's going to get UGLY !
- Amazon - One World Death and Slavery System for All
- Professor explains coronavirus and coming economic crash
- Biggest Economic Blowback From COVID-19 - study and ranking by state
- Economic reality
- Peter Schiff versus his Son
- Retirement
- M.S. King clarifies our corporate dictatorship
- /XMR/ Monero General
- Keeping your money safe in days to come - Catherine Austin Fitts / Dr. Tenpenny
- Reverse Plunge Protection Team in force for the past 2 weeks
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