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  1. Chabad of Russia claims that false messianic era began with the 'collapse' of USSR (3 replies)
  2. Tucker Carlson and the Kaballah (0 replies)
  3. How all Freemasons directly mock the Triune God (0 replies)
  4. Understand this (1 replies)
  5. Seders and Such: The Problems with Messianic Judaism (2 replies)
  6. 3 Sedevecantists talk about Bergoglio (1 replies)
  7. Traditional Catholics believe young earth, no evolution, real flood (0 replies)
  8. The Hall of Fathers (0 replies)
  9. The Vocation of the Sick and Disabled — It's Not What You Think (0 replies)
  10. Bergolio pushing for schism of Catholics who want the traditional Latin Mass (2 replies)
  11. TRIUMPHS - What else could it mean ? (0 replies)
  12. I was smote by The Stark Fist! (0 replies)
  13. Klaus Schwab is the Sorcerer’s Apprentice (1 replies)
  14. The Family Will Save the West ChurchMilitant.com 082822 (0 replies)
  15. Pray the Rosary the easy way (1 replies)
  16. StopWorldControl.com (4 replies)
  17. Canadian Pastor Gives WARNING To Those ‘Sitting on Fence’ (0 replies)
  18. 16:49 / 16:50 The Church and The Libertarian (0 replies)
  19. WOKEism (1 replies)
  20. Archbishop Vigano's Message to Catholics and The World 080122 (0 replies)
  21. Vatican Global Financial Corruption (1 replies)
  22. Which genealogy is correct? Matthew or Luke? (2 replies)
  23. 2:26 / 4:16 They worship at the altar of Moloch (0 replies)
  24. FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation (6 replies)
  25. The End of Roe V. Wade and the Empire-E.Michael Jones (0 replies)
  26. 12 Healthcare Reponses to Roe v Wade overturn (0 replies)
  27. Roe is Over 062422 (69 replies)
  28. Walking Together to Hell (0 replies)
  29. The Apocalypse of John and the Divinity of Jesus (0 replies)
  30. DOZENS of Attacks on Pro-Life Centers and Churches (1 replies)
  31. Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life (475 replies)
  32. It’s On Purpose Because they hate you. 6-16-22 Vortex (1 replies)
  33. I think this is Margaret Sanger (0 replies)
  34. The Vortex — A Significant Day June 15, 2022 (0 replies)
  35. 23 pro-life organizations have reportedly been vandalized in recent weeks (2 replies)
  36. Medjugorje - Daily Message of June 13, 2022 (0 replies)
  37. June 13, Saint Anthony of Padua (0 replies)
  38. Unraveling the Mysterious Happenings that Plague Us (0 replies)
  39. Where Did Ancient Native Americans Come From? with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson (1 replies)
  40. Infertility: A diabolical agenda (0 replies)
  41. BarfTime True News Friday, June 10, 2022 (0 replies)
  42. They Want You Dead (0 replies)
  43. Austin Texas Moves to Become an “Abortion Sanctuary” 0 (0 replies)
  44. Spiritual Warfare and Communism - Entire oncline course in this one video (0 replies)
  45. pride month shame ON america (1 replies)
  46. Put on the Whole armor of God Ephesians 6:10 (0 replies)
  47. Pride—Before and After the Fall (0 replies)
  48. The Victims of Communism Museum to open in D C (0 replies)
  49. Bad Men - The Vortex 060122 (0 replies)
  50. Rhe Specter of Communism (1 replies)
  51. 6:16 / 46:41 On Hope, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
  52. NEVER SHOP at Jo JoAnn's Craft Store again !!! (0 replies)
  53. Congressman Mike Johnson or "Abortion Care" hearing (0 replies)
  54. Weekend News Wrap-up May 28, 2022 - CatholicVote.org (0 replies)
  55. Praying for America LIVE with Father Frank Pavone (1 replies)
  56. Worthless (0 replies)
  57. Pelosi -Queen of Capitol Hill (0 replies)
  58. Young earth creationismMY 24 debate W. atheists - submit your questions (0 replies)
  59. Biology is not bigotry (1 replies)
  60. Both society and Church ‘infiltrated’ by people who want to ‘destroy’ them Part 2 (0 replies)
  61. VIGANO’S CLARITY Part 1 of 2 (0 replies)
  62. Family Tree of Jesus - Genealogy of Jesus (0 replies)
  63. Genesis Apologetics - Did Dinosaurs Walk With Man? (0 replies)
  64. If Vatican II had published a Document on the Devil, this is how it would read… (0 replies)
  65. Christian Russia’s War against the New World Order has begun in Ukraine (3 replies)
  66. Huge Praying for America tonight with Special Guest Dinesh D'Souza! (0 replies)
  67. Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity (0 replies)
  68. Testable Predictions Confirm the Historical Truth of Genesis (0 replies)
  69. BREAKING: Roe V. Wade Evidently to be OVERTURNED! (20 replies)
  70. Latest Novus Ordo "catholic" scandal "Bishop" Barron Word on Fire Ministry (0 replies)
  71. Finding lasting happiness and peace, the existence for God, and the Catholic Church (0 replies)
  72. Marjorie Battles the Bishops - Church Militant - William Donohoe (0 replies)
  73. The Issue (0 replies)
  74. Thou shalt "deligitimize science" and Humanizzed Rats (0 replies)
  75. Post Church Press Conference (0 replies)
  76. Burger king is "apologizing" for offending Catholics - 33 second video (0 replies)
  77. Marjorie for Pope - The Vortex (0 replies)
  78. Free Audio Book reading by Mike Lindelll (0 replies)
  79. Hijacking the Blessed Mother ? ! (0 replies)
  80. Interesting Catholic Philosophical Discussion (0 replies)
  81. The Shroud of Turin - Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (0 replies)
  82. Senator Charles Schumer uses resurrection imagery on Easter to laud Ketanji Jackson (3 replies)
  83. Catholic Scholar Steven Moser on Shangai, Ukraine, Church in China 042222 (1 replies)
  84. JFlorida vs. HHS Church Militant News Report (0 replies)
  85. Saint of the Day (1 replies)
  86. Youug Earth Catholicis - The Kosbe Center 041922 (0 replies)
  87. Happy Easrter to all (2 replies)
  88. "We are facing a global coup..." Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano (0 replies)
  89. Does Religion or Atheism Cause more War and Violence? (0 replies)
  90. Today is Spy Wednesday 041322 (0 replies)
  91. Oklahoma Makes It A Felony To Perform An Abortion -- Laudetur Iesus Christus ! (0 replies)
  92. "The Austin School" Philosophy classes ? (1 replies)
  93. Free Awesine Angels art booklet, download pdf (0 replies)
  94. D.C. Satanic Lie, Kill, Steal, Murder and Destroy entity (4 replies)
  95. Joe Briano - The Fullerston Informer (0 replies)
  96. Catholic Saints Against Magicians[ (0 replies)
  97. Worse Than Nazis - The Vortex (1 replies)
  98. Roy Schoeman a Jewish Convert Shows how Jewish leaders broke 27 laws to crucify Jesus (0 replies)
  99. Oregon Imploring People to "Stop Having Kids" (3 replies)
  100. Horror in DC (1 replies)
  101. The Right Order -- Catholicism versus Atheism (1 replies)
  102. The Achilles' Heel The Vortex March 30, 2022 (0 replies)
  103. The Mirror (4 replies)
  104. Sedevacantist tradition Roman CatholicBishop Sanborn's Thoughts on the War in Ukraine (0 replies)
  105. 8:52 / 30:11 Bishop Fulton Sheen knew the secret to save Russia (0 replies)
  106. The Vortex — 'Conservative' Split[ (0 replies)
  107. Lead Advisor For WEF's Klaus Schwab Argues Against The Bible And God's Commandments (1 replies)
  108. "Conservative groups" Prager U and the The Blaze celebrate sodomites' "new babies" (0 replies)
  109. Why I stand with Abp. Viganò and his analysis of the Russia-Ukraine conflict 03172 (0 replies)
  110. Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (3 replies)
  111. Our Pincipal Citizenship is in Heaven - A Lenten message (0 replies)
  112. 26:42 / 2:06:24 Jimmy Akin Evolution Critiqued by Robert Sungenis (0 replies)
  113. These people really think that they are the Chosen Ones, the 144,000 appointed by God (0 replies)
  114. How Do We Know That Christ Is the Messias? by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
  115. 1:11 / 38:04 The Thesis Show - Episode 1 (1 replies)
  116. The Cry of Priests - The Vortex (0 replies)
  117. Save the World It's why you're alive. (0 replies)
  118. Jesse Lee Peterson, man of good will, pray for his conversion (0 replies)
  119. Vince James AFPAC III - Resurrecting the Historic American Nation (0 replies)
  120. EMJ and Fr. Jeff Langan: How Canada Became Ukraine (66 replies)
  121. Rome will be without a Shepherd”: Virgin Mary to Abbess Maria Steiner in 1840s (0 replies)
  122. What Is Liberty? - Bishop Williamson (1996) (0 replies)
  123. Abomination of Desolation: What Do We Do? (0 replies)
  124. Battles Everywhere - The Vortex 022422 (1 replies)
  125. Drawing Fire - Vortex 2-23-22 (0 replies)
  126. Operation Warps Speed -- Christian analysis (0 replies)
  127. Interesting Catholic philosophical and theological discussion Feb. 2022 (1 replies)
  128. Catholic — News Report — Driving American Patriotism (1 replies)
  129. Beautiful Saint Bernadette Soubirous (0 replies)
  130. Woman arrested at border shows clear signs of demonicc possession (3 replies)
  131. Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested by again by "NAZI police" in Alberta, Canada (0 replies)
  132. Catholic Cartel (1 replies)
  133. The Politics of It All - The Vortex Fenruary 8, 2022 (0 replies)
  134. Indefectibility = Sedevacantism, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
  135. 18:28 / 39:09 2+2=5, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
  136. BETRAYING GOD AND COUNTRY - It's as clear as communism. (0 replies)
  137. Big Tech and Big Pharma bankroll Church's jab-peddling 'fact-checkers' (0 replies)
  138. The Storm of Modernism, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
  139. La Salette (0 replies)
  140. 14:45 / 44:21 The Trans-Human Agenda of the Beast (0 replies)
  141. 55:29 / 59:30 Usury and Socialism In America (0 replies)
  142. You Need Both - The Vortex January 27, 2022 (0 replies)
  143. The Thorns of Riches and Impurity, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
  144. Finland woman - up to 2 years in jail for linking to passage from the Bible (0 replies)
  145. Predictions on the End World, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
  146. ACH ARCHIVE (1497) Bishop Richard Williamson – God Is Not Mocked! (2 replies)
  147. FDA Commissioner nominees and Mail-Order Abortion Pills (5 replies)
  148. New Jersy - The Genocide State -- new Abortion Law (1 replies)
  149. Is Genesis History? - Watch the Full Film (0 replies)
  150. Christmas 2021 Christmas message and interview of Bishop Williamson (0 replies)
  151. Idolatry and False Religions - Then and Now (0 replies)
  152. Matthew 6:24 – U.S. Christian churches dis First Commandment, push "vaccines" (0 replies)
  153. Explanation of the Great Commandment, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
  154. "The Biblical Limits on Civil Government" Lecture Series (0 replies)
  155. You Want Insurrection? You'll get insurrection! The Vortex 010622 (2 replies)
  156. The Big Lie The Vortex 010722 (0 replies)
  157. Two Traditional Sermons for the New Year (0 replies)
  158. Texas Right to Life - 2021 Recapped (0 replies)
  159. Ave Maria (1 replies)
  160. In a hopeless world, hope abounds (0 replies)
  161. God bless us each and every one (3 replies)
  162. God With Us, Emanuel (0 replies)
  163. How Do We Know That Christ Is the Messias? by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
  164. Christ the Killer Join Him. December 23, 2021 (0 replies)
  165. The Illinois Capitol building has a satanic deity sitting next to the Christian Nativ (0 replies)
  166. Nothing Comes Fom Nothing - E. Michael Jones (1 replies)
  167. Message from Arch Bishop Vigano to the American Popple Deember 19, 2021 (0 replies)
  168. A Rosary for Healing: A message from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. 12-19-21 (0 replies)
  169. Irida TV: The Conflict Between Labor & Usury – With Dr. E. Michael Jones (0 replies)
  170. Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12, 1531 (0 replies)
  171. How Do We Know That Christ Is the Messias? by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
  172. Fr. Michel rodrigue -terrible warning! Vaccine (1 replies)
  173. 4th Beast of Apocalypse statue in display at New York United Nations (0 replies)
  174. Faith (0 replies)
  175. Low Bars - The Vortex (0 replies)
  176. Battling Demons -- Spiritual War (0 replies)
  177. Advent Meditation, Archbishop Vigano (0 replies)
  178. Archbishop Lenga of Polland in hiding exile, recomends Catacombs for Christians now (0 replies)
  179. The Vortex – All or Nothing A post-Roe world? (3 replies)
  180. Kyle Rittenhouse & The Hand Of God (0 replies)
  181. Pro-abortion people outside Supreme Court Building today did what ?! 120121 (0 replies)
  182. The Kingship of Christ (0 replies)
  183. Converting the Culture -- Mic'd Up Report (0 replies)
  184. St. Pius X (0 replies)
  185. 6 Catholic Facts for Thanksgiving (0 replies)
  186. Happy Thanksgiving (1 replies)
  187. Bishop Donald Sanborn Talks About Controversial Issues including the vaccine (0 replies)
  188. Political and Spiritual Treason Surrounds Trump – Mark Taylor USAwatchdog.com (0 replies)
  189. Catholic — Headlines — November 23rd, 2021 Protests Worldwide (0 replies)
  190. Children Commodification -- "This is a gigantic public experiment."[ (0 replies)
  191. Saint George Floyd, portrait, Catholic University of America (2 replies)
  192. The New Mass vs the Traditional Latin Mass Full Movie (0 replies)
  193. Abp. Viganò Calls for Anti-Globalist Alliance to Stop Global Enslavement of Humanity (2 replies)
  194. The Disaster: Vatican II 1962 - 1965 (1 replies)
  195. Prophecy of the Last Days according to St. Louis Marie de Montfort (0 replies)
  196. Shroud of Turin used to create 3D copy of what Jesus looked like - video (0 replies)
  197. Address of archbishop carlo maria viganò, pandemic measures, switzerland 111221 (1 replies)
  198. Fifteen million Jews, the vaccine, and the conscience to refuse (1 replies)
  199. Bishop Donald Sanborn replies to Bishop Daniel Dolan (1 replies)
  200. About Liberalism Part 2 (0 replies)
  201. The Vortex – The Entire Complicit Crowd (0 replies)
  202. If You See These Signs God Is Saying You Are On The Right Path! (1 replies)
  203. Novus Ordo Watch Tradcast Number 031 111321 (0 replies)
  204. Prover me wrong... (0 replies)
  205. Dr. David Jeremiah: Why Socialism Is Anti-Family and Anti-Faith (0 replies)
  206. Father Augustus Tolton, First Black Priest in the U.S. (0 replies)
  207. The Spiritual Battle of Our Time, Father William Casey C.P.M. (0 replies)
  208. The French Revolution IMPORTANT HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY (0 replies)
  209. Democrats Demoralized - Church Militant short news report 11-04-21 (0 replies)
  210. No Jab, No Jesus! (1 replies)
  211. Dr. Vladimir Ze’ev Zelenko - message of faith, hope, and love (0 replies)
  212. Why the “prosperity Gospel” is bankrupt (0 replies)
  213. vax is to erase the name of God from your genetic code (0 replies)
  214. Vaccine Symposium - What Catholics Bel;ieve Rumble Channel Father William Jenkins (2 replies)
  215. Enemies Within - The Vortex October 24, 2021 (0 replies)
  216. St Pius X Bp Donald Sanborn (0 replies)
  217. Why America’s Freedoms Are Disappearing (1 replies)
  218. Unas Dominus, una fides, una baptisma (0 replies)
  219. Pray to defend our faith, culture, and end the ‘psycho-pandemic' Archbishop Viganò (1 replies)
  220. Peggy Hall is attorney Leigh Dundas and Sscientologist - not Christian (6 replies)
  221. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano said Bergoglio is Great “zealous cooperator” (0 replies)
  222. A High Priest Able to Sympathize With Our Weakness (0 replies)
  223. Blessed Carlo Acutis First Miillenial on rpath to sainthood (0 replies)
  224. What the Bible says about Homosexuality (Bible verses about homosexuality and Gay) (1 replies)
  225. Modernism - The Synthesis of all Heresies (0 replies)
  226. Eco Terrorist Tracy Stone-Manning - new head of Bureua of Land Management BLM (0 replies)
  227. Mother Earth (2 replies)
  228. A Hidden Problem The Vortex 100721 (0 replies)
  229. Political theater du jour (1 replies)
  230. Federal Judge Blocks Texas Heartbeat Act (10 replies)
  231. The Devil (1 replies)
  232. Kapaun’s Choice (0 replies)
  233. Is the Pope Catholic ? Traditional priest explains sedevacantism (3 replies)
  234. Is this right or is this wrong ? (1 replies)
  235. St. Pius X Sermon Excerpt by Bp. Sanborn, Stirring! (0 replies)
  236. Adolf Eichmann - The Struggle for a Soul (0 replies)
  237. E. Michael Jones on Vax Mandate Backlash with Kevin Barret (0 replies)
  238. FBI and Defense Dept Funding / Training Satanic Neo-Nazi Pedophile Death Cult (4 replies)
  239. General Flynn prays to a god of the "sevenfold rays" (0 replies)
  240. Silencing Doctors - looks like Communism to me (6 replies)
  241. Evidence for the faith (0 replies)
  242. Government health agency and BigPharma company employees blow the whistle on COVID (13 replies)
  243. Outstanding Lie-Kill-Steal-Destroy Vdeo Picks (1 replies)
  244. U.S. Food and Drug Administration buying baby parts for “humanized mice” research (0 replies)
  245. What is truth? Interview of a Christian M.D. sadly far away from true science (0 replies)
  246. Leading the Charge The Vortex (2 replies)
  247. How to spot (and handle) a narcissist (1 replies)
  248. A Day to Memorialize 9-11-01 TRUTH (0 replies)
  249. The Antichrist (0 replies)
  250. The Papacy (0 replies)