View Full Version : Religion and Philosophy
- Chabad of Russia claims that false messianic era began with the 'collapse' of USSR (3 replies)
- Tucker Carlson and the Kaballah (0 replies)
- How all Freemasons directly mock the Triune God (0 replies)
- Understand this (1 replies)
- Seders and Such: The Problems with Messianic Judaism (2 replies)
- 3 Sedevecantists talk about Bergoglio (1 replies)
- Traditional Catholics believe young earth, no evolution, real flood (0 replies)
- The Hall of Fathers (0 replies)
- The Vocation of the Sick and Disabled — It's Not What You Think (0 replies)
- Bergolio pushing for schism of Catholics who want the traditional Latin Mass (2 replies)
- TRIUMPHS - What else could it mean ? (0 replies)
- I was smote by The Stark Fist! (0 replies)
- Klaus Schwab is the Sorcerer’s Apprentice (1 replies)
- The Family Will Save the West 082822 (0 replies)
- Pray the Rosary the easy way (1 replies)
- (4 replies)
- Canadian Pastor Gives WARNING To Those ‘Sitting on Fence’ (0 replies)
- 16:49 / 16:50 The Church and The Libertarian (0 replies)
- WOKEism (1 replies)
- Archbishop Vigano's Message to Catholics and The World 080122 (0 replies)
- Vatican Global Financial Corruption (1 replies)
- Which genealogy is correct? Matthew or Luke? (2 replies)
- 2:26 / 4:16 They worship at the altar of Moloch (0 replies)
- FASCISM: An In-Depth Explanation (6 replies)
- The End of Roe V. Wade and the Empire-E.Michael Jones (0 replies)
- 12 Healthcare Reponses to Roe v Wade overturn (0 replies)
- Roe is Over 062422 (69 replies)
- Walking Together to Hell (0 replies)
- The Apocalypse of John and the Divinity of Jesus (0 replies)
- DOZENS of Attacks on Pro-Life Centers and Churches (1 replies)
- Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, and The Life (475 replies)
- It’s On Purpose Because they hate you. 6-16-22 Vortex (1 replies)
- I think this is Margaret Sanger (0 replies)
- The Vortex — A Significant Day June 15, 2022 (0 replies)
- 23 pro-life organizations have reportedly been vandalized in recent weeks (2 replies)
- Medjugorje - Daily Message of June 13, 2022 (0 replies)
- June 13, Saint Anthony of Padua (0 replies)
- Unraveling the Mysterious Happenings that Plague Us (0 replies)
- Where Did Ancient Native Americans Come From? with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson (1 replies)
- Infertility: A diabolical agenda (0 replies)
- BarfTime True News Friday, June 10, 2022 (0 replies)
- They Want You Dead (0 replies)
- Austin Texas Moves to Become an “Abortion Sanctuary” 0 (0 replies)
- Spiritual Warfare and Communism - Entire oncline course in this one video (0 replies)
- pride month shame ON america (1 replies)
- Put on the Whole armor of God Ephesians 6:10 (0 replies)
- Pride—Before and After the Fall (0 replies)
- The Victims of Communism Museum to open in D C (0 replies)
- Bad Men - The Vortex 060122 (0 replies)
- Rhe Specter of Communism (1 replies)
- 6:16 / 46:41 On Hope, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
- NEVER SHOP at Jo JoAnn's Craft Store again !!! (0 replies)
- Congressman Mike Johnson or "Abortion Care" hearing (0 replies)
- Weekend News Wrap-up May 28, 2022 - (0 replies)
- Praying for America LIVE with Father Frank Pavone (1 replies)
- Worthless (0 replies)
- Pelosi -Queen of Capitol Hill (0 replies)
- Young earth creationismMY 24 debate W. atheists - submit your questions (0 replies)
- Biology is not bigotry (1 replies)
- Both society and Church ‘infiltrated’ by people who want to ‘destroy’ them Part 2 (0 replies)
- VIGANO’S CLARITY Part 1 of 2 (0 replies)
- Family Tree of Jesus - Genealogy of Jesus (0 replies)
- Genesis Apologetics - Did Dinosaurs Walk With Man? (0 replies)
- If Vatican II had published a Document on the Devil, this is how it would read… (0 replies)
- Christian Russia’s War against the New World Order has begun in Ukraine (3 replies)
- Huge Praying for America tonight with Special Guest Dinesh D'Souza! (0 replies)
- Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity (0 replies)
- Testable Predictions Confirm the Historical Truth of Genesis (0 replies)
- BREAKING: Roe V. Wade Evidently to be OVERTURNED! (20 replies)
- Latest Novus Ordo "catholic" scandal "Bishop" Barron Word on Fire Ministry (0 replies)
- Finding lasting happiness and peace, the existence for God, and the Catholic Church (0 replies)
- Marjorie Battles the Bishops - Church Militant - William Donohoe (0 replies)
- The Issue (0 replies)
- Thou shalt "deligitimize science" and Humanizzed Rats (0 replies)
- Post Church Press Conference (0 replies)
- Burger king is "apologizing" for offending Catholics - 33 second video (0 replies)
- Marjorie for Pope - The Vortex (0 replies)
- Free Audio Book reading by Mike Lindelll (0 replies)
- Hijacking the Blessed Mother ? ! (0 replies)
- Interesting Catholic Philosophical Discussion (0 replies)
- The Shroud of Turin - Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (0 replies)
- Senator Charles Schumer uses resurrection imagery on Easter to laud Ketanji Jackson (3 replies)
- Catholic Scholar Steven Moser on Shangai, Ukraine, Church in China 042222 (1 replies)
- JFlorida vs. HHS Church Militant News Report (0 replies)
- Saint of the Day (1 replies)
- Youug Earth Catholicis - The Kosbe Center 041922 (0 replies)
- Happy Easrter to all (2 replies)
- "We are facing a global coup..." Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano (0 replies)
- Does Religion or Atheism Cause more War and Violence? (0 replies)
- Today is Spy Wednesday 041322 (0 replies)
- Oklahoma Makes It A Felony To Perform An Abortion -- Laudetur Iesus Christus ! (0 replies)
- "The Austin School" Philosophy classes ? (1 replies)
- Free Awesine Angels art booklet, download pdf (0 replies)
- D.C. Satanic Lie, Kill, Steal, Murder and Destroy entity (4 replies)
- Joe Briano - The Fullerston Informer (0 replies)
- Catholic Saints Against Magicians[ (0 replies)
- Worse Than Nazis - The Vortex (1 replies)
- Roy Schoeman a Jewish Convert Shows how Jewish leaders broke 27 laws to crucify Jesus (0 replies)
- Oregon Imploring People to "Stop Having Kids" (3 replies)
- Horror in DC (1 replies)
- The Right Order -- Catholicism versus Atheism (1 replies)
- The Achilles' Heel The Vortex March 30, 2022 (0 replies)
- The Mirror (4 replies)
- Sedevacantist tradition Roman CatholicBishop Sanborn's Thoughts on the War in Ukraine (0 replies)
- 8:52 / 30:11 Bishop Fulton Sheen knew the secret to save Russia (0 replies)
- The Vortex — 'Conservative' Split[ (0 replies)
- Lead Advisor For WEF's Klaus Schwab Argues Against The Bible And God's Commandments (1 replies)
- "Conservative groups" Prager U and the The Blaze celebrate sodomites' "new babies" (0 replies)
- Why I stand with Abp. Viganò and his analysis of the Russia-Ukraine conflict 03172 (0 replies)
- Francis will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (3 replies)
- Our Pincipal Citizenship is in Heaven - A Lenten message (0 replies)
- 26:42 / 2:06:24 Jimmy Akin Evolution Critiqued by Robert Sungenis (0 replies)
- These people really think that they are the Chosen Ones, the 144,000 appointed by God (0 replies)
- How Do We Know That Christ Is the Messias? by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
- 1:11 / 38:04 The Thesis Show - Episode 1 (1 replies)
- The Cry of Priests - The Vortex (0 replies)
- Save the World It's why you're alive. (0 replies)
- Jesse Lee Peterson, man of good will, pray for his conversion (0 replies)
- Vince James AFPAC III - Resurrecting the Historic American Nation (0 replies)
- EMJ and Fr. Jeff Langan: How Canada Became Ukraine (66 replies)
- Rome will be without a Shepherd”: Virgin Mary to Abbess Maria Steiner in 1840s (0 replies)
- What Is Liberty? - Bishop Williamson (1996) (0 replies)
- Abomination of Desolation: What Do We Do? (0 replies)
- Battles Everywhere - The Vortex 022422 (1 replies)
- Drawing Fire - Vortex 2-23-22 (0 replies)
- Operation Warps Speed -- Christian analysis (0 replies)
- Interesting Catholic philosophical and theological discussion Feb. 2022 (1 replies)
- Catholic — News Report — Driving American Patriotism (1 replies)
- Beautiful Saint Bernadette Soubirous (0 replies)
- Woman arrested at border shows clear signs of demonicc possession (3 replies)
- Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested by again by "NAZI police" in Alberta, Canada (0 replies)
- Catholic Cartel (1 replies)
- The Politics of It All - The Vortex Fenruary 8, 2022 (0 replies)
- Indefectibility = Sedevacantism, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
- 18:28 / 39:09 2+2=5, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
- BETRAYING GOD AND COUNTRY - It's as clear as communism. (0 replies)
- Big Tech and Big Pharma bankroll Church's jab-peddling 'fact-checkers' (0 replies)
- The Storm of Modernism, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
- La Salette (0 replies)
- 14:45 / 44:21 The Trans-Human Agenda of the Beast (0 replies)
- 55:29 / 59:30 Usury and Socialism In America (0 replies)
- You Need Both - The Vortex January 27, 2022 (0 replies)
- The Thorns of Riches and Impurity, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
- Finland woman - up to 2 years in jail for linking to passage from the Bible (0 replies)
- Predictions on the End World, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
- ACH ARCHIVE (1497) Bishop Richard Williamson – God Is Not Mocked! (2 replies)
- FDA Commissioner nominees and Mail-Order Abortion Pills (5 replies)
- New Jersy - The Genocide State -- new Abortion Law (1 replies)
- Is Genesis History? - Watch the Full Film (0 replies)
- Christmas 2021 Christmas message and interview of Bishop Williamson (0 replies)
- Idolatry and False Religions - Then and Now (0 replies)
- Matthew 6:24 – U.S. Christian churches dis First Commandment, push "vaccines" (0 replies)
- Explanation of the Great Commandment, by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
- "The Biblical Limits on Civil Government" Lecture Series (0 replies)
- You Want Insurrection? You'll get insurrection! The Vortex 010622 (2 replies)
- The Big Lie The Vortex 010722 (0 replies)
- Two Traditional Sermons for the New Year (0 replies)
- Texas Right to Life - 2021 Recapped (0 replies)
- Ave Maria (1 replies)
- In a hopeless world, hope abounds (0 replies)
- God bless us each and every one (3 replies)
- God With Us, Emanuel (0 replies)
- How Do We Know That Christ Is the Messias? by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
- Christ the Killer Join Him. December 23, 2021 (0 replies)
- The Illinois Capitol building has a satanic deity sitting next to the Christian Nativ (0 replies)
- Nothing Comes Fom Nothing - E. Michael Jones (1 replies)
- Message from Arch Bishop Vigano to the American Popple Deember 19, 2021 (0 replies)
- A Rosary for Healing: A message from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. 12-19-21 (0 replies)
- Irida TV: The Conflict Between Labor & Usury – With Dr. E. Michael Jones (0 replies)
- Amazing and Miraculous Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12, 1531 (0 replies)
- How Do We Know That Christ Is the Messias? by Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn (0 replies)
- Fr. Michel rodrigue -terrible warning! Vaccine (1 replies)
- 4th Beast of Apocalypse statue in display at New York United Nations (0 replies)
- Faith (0 replies)
- Low Bars - The Vortex (0 replies)
- Battling Demons -- Spiritual War (0 replies)
- Advent Meditation, Archbishop Vigano (0 replies)
- Archbishop Lenga of Polland in hiding exile, recomends Catacombs for Christians now (0 replies)
- The Vortex – All or Nothing A post-Roe world? (3 replies)
- Kyle Rittenhouse & The Hand Of God (0 replies)
- Pro-abortion people outside Supreme Court Building today did what ?! 120121 (0 replies)
- The Kingship of Christ (0 replies)
- Converting the Culture -- Mic'd Up Report (0 replies)
- St. Pius X (0 replies)
- 6 Catholic Facts for Thanksgiving (0 replies)
- Happy Thanksgiving (1 replies)
- Bishop Donald Sanborn Talks About Controversial Issues including the vaccine (0 replies)
- Political and Spiritual Treason Surrounds Trump – Mark Taylor (0 replies)
- Catholic — Headlines — November 23rd, 2021 Protests Worldwide (0 replies)
- Children Commodification -- "This is a gigantic public experiment."[ (0 replies)
- Saint George Floyd, portrait, Catholic University of America (2 replies)
- The New Mass vs the Traditional Latin Mass Full Movie (0 replies)
- Abp. Viganò Calls for Anti-Globalist Alliance to Stop Global Enslavement of Humanity (2 replies)
- The Disaster: Vatican II 1962 - 1965 (1 replies)
- Prophecy of the Last Days according to St. Louis Marie de Montfort (0 replies)
- Shroud of Turin used to create 3D copy of what Jesus looked like - video (0 replies)
- Address of archbishop carlo maria viganò, pandemic measures, switzerland 111221 (1 replies)
- Fifteen million Jews, the vaccine, and the conscience to refuse (1 replies)
- Bishop Donald Sanborn replies to Bishop Daniel Dolan (1 replies)
- About Liberalism Part 2 (0 replies)
- The Vortex – The Entire Complicit Crowd (0 replies)
- If You See These Signs God Is Saying You Are On The Right Path! (1 replies)
- Novus Ordo Watch Tradcast Number 031 111321 (0 replies)
- Prover me wrong... (0 replies)
- Dr. David Jeremiah: Why Socialism Is Anti-Family and Anti-Faith (0 replies)
- Father Augustus Tolton, First Black Priest in the U.S. (0 replies)
- The Spiritual Battle of Our Time, Father William Casey C.P.M. (0 replies)
- The French Revolution IMPORTANT HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY (0 replies)
- Democrats Demoralized - Church Militant short news report 11-04-21 (0 replies)
- No Jab, No Jesus! (1 replies)
- Dr. Vladimir Ze’ev Zelenko - message of faith, hope, and love (0 replies)
- Why the “prosperity Gospel” is bankrupt (0 replies)
- vax is to erase the name of God from your genetic code (0 replies)
- Vaccine Symposium - What Catholics Bel;ieve Rumble Channel Father William Jenkins (2 replies)
- Enemies Within - The Vortex October 24, 2021 (0 replies)
- St Pius X Bp Donald Sanborn (0 replies)
- Why America’s Freedoms Are Disappearing (1 replies)
- Unas Dominus, una fides, una baptisma (0 replies)
- Pray to defend our faith, culture, and end the ‘psycho-pandemic' Archbishop Viganò (1 replies)
- Peggy Hall is attorney Leigh Dundas and Sscientologist - not Christian (6 replies)
- Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano said Bergoglio is Great “zealous cooperator” (0 replies)
- A High Priest Able to Sympathize With Our Weakness (0 replies)
- Blessed Carlo Acutis First Miillenial on rpath to sainthood (0 replies)
- What the Bible says about Homosexuality (Bible verses about homosexuality and Gay) (1 replies)
- Modernism - The Synthesis of all Heresies (0 replies)
- Eco Terrorist Tracy Stone-Manning - new head of Bureua of Land Management BLM (0 replies)
- Mother Earth (2 replies)
- A Hidden Problem The Vortex 100721 (0 replies)
- Political theater du jour (1 replies)
- Federal Judge Blocks Texas Heartbeat Act (10 replies)
- The Devil (1 replies)
- Kapaun’s Choice (0 replies)
- Is the Pope Catholic ? Traditional priest explains sedevacantism (3 replies)
- Is this right or is this wrong ? (1 replies)
- St. Pius X Sermon Excerpt by Bp. Sanborn, Stirring! (0 replies)
- Adolf Eichmann - The Struggle for a Soul (0 replies)
- E. Michael Jones on Vax Mandate Backlash with Kevin Barret (0 replies)
- FBI and Defense Dept Funding / Training Satanic Neo-Nazi Pedophile Death Cult (4 replies)
- General Flynn prays to a god of the "sevenfold rays" (0 replies)
- Silencing Doctors - looks like Communism to me (6 replies)
- Evidence for the faith (0 replies)
- Government health agency and BigPharma company employees blow the whistle on COVID (13 replies)
- Outstanding Lie-Kill-Steal-Destroy Vdeo Picks (1 replies)
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration buying baby parts for “humanized mice” research (0 replies)
- What is truth? Interview of a Christian M.D. sadly far away from true science (0 replies)
- Leading the Charge The Vortex (2 replies)
- How to spot (and handle) a narcissist (1 replies)
- A Day to Memorialize 9-11-01 TRUTH (0 replies)
- The Antichrist (0 replies)
- The Papacy (0 replies)
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