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  1. "Rookie" Kruse - Alabama Charter Boat Captain Commits Suicide
  2. “Unprecedented” fish kill in Jacksonville, brain lesions point to toxicity
  3. 60 Minutes
  4. Video of the Gulf oil, Dolphins, whales, tragic
  5. Is the gulf oil catastrophe causing you to prep more?
  6. Pensacola Sherrif Areil footage of oil on beach
  7. 400 Zombies seek medical care after knowingly exposing themselves to toxic sludg
  8. australian 60 minutes on BP oil disaster (pulled footage)
  9. new message board/forum to help Gulf Evacuees
  10. Toxic Gulf :stay out of the water (wow!)
  11. Hands across the sand: Floridians join together to protest spill
  12. First death?
  13. Matt Simmons interview "casing is gone, open hole in the gulf"
  14. Gulf Weather Page
  15. Corexit is eating through boats in the Gulf
  16. Warren Pollock on Charlie McGrath (Rense radio) talking oil disaster
  17. Gulf Oil Spill Doobie Brothers
  18. Alex becomes a hurricane
  19. Treachery In The Gulf
  20. Gulf of Mexico Presents Unprecedented Toxicity Problems
  21. Most Cleanup Workers From The 1989 Disaster Are Now Dead
  22. Airline Pilot reports "a dark haze over Florida"
  23. the guy who filmed "oil rain" has gotten sick from oil fumes
  24. Well releasing HUGE amount of methane
  25. California Notified Of Gulf Evacuation Plans (Per WMR)
  26. Methane's hidden impact in Gulf oil spill
  27. Relief well 900 feet away
  28. A Toxic Warning from the Foreman of the Valdez Clean Up
  29. deleted
  30. Are some water supplies already becoming contaminated?
  31. CDC: Everyone Should ‘Avoid the Oil and Spill-affected Areas’
  32. Oil-eating Whale or ‘white elephant’?
  33. Worst case scenario
  34. ''there's not enough money in the world'' to pay all claims against BP
  35. Oil in beach sand will NEVER be cleaned up
  36. Abiotic Oil
  37. EVACUATION: must haves in your "eKit"
  38. Must read! Think about this. NO ACCIDENT ON SPILL
  39. Oil in Lake Pontchartrain
  40. deleted
  41. Tar balls in Texas mean oil hits all 5 Gulf states
  42. no investigation on gulf oil spill (no surprise there, ala 9/11)
  43. acid / toxic rain hits texas
  44. Sanford fla reports acid/toxic rain
  45. BP is hiding the third oil leak (interesting)
  46. Rense interview with Lindsey Williams
  47. raining oil in North carolina
  48. water samples from the gulf (citizens effort)
  49. swimming in Gulf can cause respiratory failure
  50. This time it's oil trouble for Lake Pontchartrain
  51. oil now found all along Florida East coast
  52. Spill spells more trouble for Florida real estate
  53. I have a solution
  54. Creating a lot of sympathy for Jindal...
  55. Oh great, Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event
  56. Tar balls washing ashore on Daytona Beach
  57. Maple trees showing effects of oil/acid rains first (a good clue here)
  58. Gulf journals: Sticking with the shore, come what may
  59. A reasonably accurate way of judging the daily release from the Macondo well
  60. Urgent Message From The President Regarding The Gulf Air Quality
  61. EPA: Air in 2 Louisiana towns poses health risk to vulnerable people
  62. Gulf Oil Disaster Proof of Oil Rain in New Orleans
  63. Britain prepares for possible collapse of BP
  64. Stunning aerial video of Macondo Prospect 'ground zero' on 7/6
  65. Russian Sub could stop the oil leak
  66. toxic rain killing trees, shrubs, grass in Miami Fla
  67. oil reaches miami beaches
  69. good interview on oil catastrophe
  70. Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event.
  71. BP: Cap on gushing well removed, oil flows freely
  72. Reporter on Scene "Gulf Evacuation is imminent"
  73. 50 Ways to Depict the Gulf Oil Spill
  74. Previous spills
  75. they have capped it (for now)
  76. A Tale of Two Muddy Oil Volcanoes - *OMINOUS PARALLELS
  77. Sad pics of the oil spill
  78. FLA sailors poisoned after short trip
  79. Toxic Rain killing all plants around the Gulf
  80. the truth about the gulf oil spill (very good)
  81. Don Van Nieuwenhuise interview, CNN, July 13, 2010
  82. Oil Industry Expert: Government and BP are Just Fooling Around Instead of Stoppi
  83. Feds give OK for testing of BP's oil leak cap 7/14
  84. BP chokes off the oil leak
  85. Low pressure reading may suggest well has lost power, not that it's leaking
  86. Jim Willie
  87. Water sample exploded when tested for oil; likely methane or Corexit (VIDEO)
  88. BP hiring Gulf scientists at $250/hour, must keep research confidential 3 years
  89. Government Orders BP To OPEN THE CAP, Return To Siphoning Oil
  90. PBS vid: Relative area of BLACKEND GoM
  91. Breaking: Seepage Detected Near Blown - Out BP Well
  92. The Gulf, Denninger, and the hype...
  93. Dr. Rikki Ott warning to Gulf Residents
  94. Oil lies becoming more preposterous
  95. LA Times coverage of the Gulf hearings
  96. Is experimental well cap making disaster worse?
  97. Contractor: BP Pumped Unusual Chemicals Into Well Before Explosion
  98. BP caught using altered image of command center
  99. Childrens toy orginally designed to clean up oil spills - Magic/Aqua/Space Sand
  100. Deepwater Horizon Disaster - a Cover-up for an earlier Gusher ?
  101. Unsersea oil seepage...
  102. Oil Spill Hearings: BP's Actions Before Disaster Look Problematic
  103. Ships ready to leave leaky well as storm brews
  104. Simmons Discusses BP's Oil Leak in Gulf of Mexico July 21
  105. another James Fox interview re Gulf on Veritas radio
  106. BP Music Video: Black Water
  107. Scientist Denies He Ever Predicted BP Oil Spill Would Cause Extinction Of Mankin
  108. Strippers, Booze and Race Riots: BP’s Cleanup Workers Run Amok in Grand Isle
  109. BP chief Tony Hayward 'negotiating exit deal'
  110. ALERT: Gulf Readers, please contact us about residents hemorraging in the millio
  111. BP Oil Spill: Clean-Up Crews Can't Find Crude in the Gulf
  112. Message from The World Expert in Well Control
  113. oils gone? thats ok...there's more...
  114. this might be the answer to the gulf of mexico disaster
  115. Gulf crews prepare to start plugging well for good
  116. Gulf floor heaves
  117. Mike Ruppert interviews FL evacuee Michael Tillman
  118. BP Options: Seal or Sell?
  119. Trashing tar balls on the Gulf: Is there a better way than dumping it?
  120. Italian Vogue’s oil-spill themed photo shoot: thought-provoking or tasteless?
  121. Corexit Nullifies Oil-Eating Microbes
  122. Gulf Stream dying, Gulf Loop Current already dead- New Ice Age?
  124. Who will Tell us the Truth about the Gulf now that Simmons is Dead ?
  125. Oil expert, whistleblower Matt Simmons found dead of drowning
  126. Government Gags Scientists on Oil Spill Information
  127. Veritas radio: guest James Fox, gulf update
  128. Lies and more lies? Bottom kill or not?
  129. Dead Fish Are Washing Up Everywhere Is It Due to BP Oil Spill and Dispersants ?
  130. Workers Allege that Oil Is Not Being Cleaned Up During the Day ... Instead, Core
  131. Seafloor covered in oil 40 miles south of Panama City, FL - HEADING EAST
  132. BP told to submit blowout preventer removal plan
  133. Gulf claims chief says no-sue rule was his idea
  134. Thousands of dead fish reported at mouth of Mississippi
  135. "Blue Flu" cases spreading around Gulf
  136. Sickened family has 50.3 ppm of Corexit’s 2-butoxyethanol in swimming pool!
  137. MDs find oil toxins in Gulf residents' blood, "far inland"
  138. Scientists: Dispersants May Delay Recovery of the Gulf By Years ... Or Decades
  139. BP Oil Spill - still leaking?
  140. My Dogs Won't Drink the Rainwater
  141. Thousands more dead fish turn up in La. waters
  142. 61.6 ppm of Corexit in sediment near Florida border
  143. Australian Mainstream News Reports Gulf Diaster Truth, Police State Action in th
  144. 2 hours, 2 Gulf experts on Rense tonight, 7PM PST
  145. Project Gulf Impact crew poisoned in 'Nazi America' chem-warfare op
  146. 3 Mexican states sue over gulf spill
  147. Scientists: 40 Times More Cancer-Causing Toxics in Gulf than Before Spill ... Di
  148. Gulf Oil Spill: Mission Accomplished or Ongoing Crisis?
  149. Univ. of Georgia Scientist Blog - Oil Covering Gulf Sea-Floor
  150. Substance stretching for miles in gulf waters creates a stir
  151. PBS Frontline 10/26, "The Spill" (TV and online)
  152. GULF BLUE PLAGUE: It's Not Wise to Fool Mother Nature (synthetic biology)
  153. That was Then (Live Coral), This is Now (Dead Coral)
  154. Dust-Up Clouds Spill Test
  155. BP doesn't pay fisherman/clean-up worker claims; pays stripper $80K
  156. BP Oil Well Capped, But Trauma Still Flowing (NPR)
  157. Exclusive: Submarine Dive Finds Oil, Dead Sea Life at Bottom of Gulf of Mexico
  158. Halliburton Worker on Smoke Break Missed BP Well Data
  159. Armed services are urged to stock kitchens with Gulf seafood
  160. Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory - The Gulf Oil Disaster Was Planned
  161. Has the gulf stream stopped?
  162. New York Times article - Dec. 26 - Pre-Planned Chaos, or just Chaos ?
  163. Yep, it's dying!
  164. B.P Oil Geyser 2010 -creating OMG "Synthia" Syn-(Sin) thetic Life! !
  165. MSNBC "they are still spraying dispersants"
  166. BP are nice folk
  167. Federal Study to Track Health of Gulf Cleanup Workers
  168. BP reneges on deal to rebuild oyster beds, repair wetlands, Louisiana officials
  169. New OIL SLICK emerges- or is it Dredging Mud?
  170. One year ago today.
  171. Spinach from South Texas near Gulf ? PASS.
  172. Gulf Oil film at Cannes Festival, voice to millions poisoned people
  173. florida paper on sick fish
  174. Pictures of Pensacola Beach-June 2010 & June 2011
  175. BP wants to end future loss claims from Gulf oil spill
  176. BP island building to circumvent offshore drilling ban.
  177. only viable solution to ongoing oil disaster in Gulf
  178. Louisiana: Worst Shrimp Season in Over 50 years
  179. Would it be safe to visit S. Padre Island, TX this spring?
  180. Gulf Of Mexico 52x More Toxic From Corexit Clean Up Than The Original Oil Spill Itsel