View Full Version : General Discussion
- Looming Over Greece: The Specter of Bankruptcy (2 replies)
- Keiser Report №32: Markets! Finance! Scandal! (1 replies)
- New Kyrgyzstan Rulers Aim to Shut US Base (7 replies)
- Do you want to work? 25,000 new UPS drivers. (0 replies)
- FCC Seeks New Web Plan (5 replies)
- UK troops trained by firing at ‘replica mosques’ (2 replies)
- We Are Change crashes Newt Gingrich speech (0 replies)
- IRS chief: Buy health insurance or lose your tax refund (6 replies)
- Round Rock, Texas, citizens allowed to pass out parking tickets (5 replies)
- Meet The 26 Members Of George Soros’s Secret Team To Rewrite Economics (3 replies)
- President Ford Approved Warrantless Domestic Surveillance (0 replies)
- The very essence of the 'right vs. left' dichotomy (3 replies)
- CIA Secret 'Torture' Prison Found at Fancy Horseback Riding Academy (0 replies)
- China Offers High-Speed Rail to California (0 replies)
- 'No US troop survives if Iran is attacked' (19 replies)
- I just bought an Ice Cream Truck (44 replies)
- So... what are your thoughts on Kol Nidre? (139 replies)
- About "Tinychat".......... (6 replies)
- MOVED: About the "rules"......... (0 replies)
- Canada's long-gun registry could be a thing of the past. (1 replies)
- Genetically Engineered ‘EnviroPig’ Waiting for Approval in US and Canada (14 replies)
- Your Credit Card Is Spying on You (17 replies)
- Israel launches ground incursion into Gaza Strip (1 replies)
- Looting Main Street (5 replies)
- Senior SEC Employee Warns of Potential Municipal Bond Market Collapse (0 replies)
- Summers Believes You Can Manipulate the Economy All You Want (0 replies)
- A Primer on the Difference Between Honesty and Fraud (0 replies)
- When to sell (7 replies)
- Steve Quayle on C2C last night (7 replies)
- Revolution in Kyrgysztan (2 replies)
- Treasury Crisis - MP3 (0 replies)
- IRS Retirement Income Security Act (3 replies)
- I've made my decision (16 replies)
- Obama lies and falsehoods, exaggerations and inaccuracies (9 replies)
- Homo Marriage (0 replies)
- Blame Europe, former Federal Reserve boss tells US inquiry into financial crisis (1 replies)
- First class state, second class citizens? (0 replies)
- M.Armstrong From the Hole #8 (0 replies)
- THANK YOU! sirgonzo420 (2 replies)
- OK, I'm outta here (4 replies)
- The obamapad (4 replies)
- Rev. Manning kicking some tail again (3 replies)
- The UK Tries To Prevent Debt Explosion (1 replies)
- Greece Run on the Banks! (23 replies)
- Centcom: No Plans to Reopen Probe Into Wikileak Video Killings (0 replies)
- That free credit report -- free no longer (1 replies)
- 4.0 on the San Andreas (4 replies)
- Deek is running for PM on the Landless Peasant Party (6 replies)
- Goodbye Paper Money (0 replies)
- The Rules are Written to Protect the Wealthy and the Powerful (4 replies)
- How $1 Trillion Time Bomb Posts a Phony Profit (0 replies)
- This is what it looks like when the Tree of Liberty is watered... (9 replies)
- Retirement delay seen key to solvent Social Security (4 replies)
- Harvey & Lenny Organ & Adrian Douglas: Drop Another Bombshell In What Could End (1 replies)
- Baghdad families to sue US Army over deaths in 2007 airstrike 'mistake' (0 replies)
- War by the Numbers (0 replies)
- Is Canada's Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault Nearly Empty? (1 replies)
- Genetic evidence of extraterrestrials on Earth (48 replies)
- Colombian drug strips users' free will (3 replies)
- URL's for 2010 Financial & Gold Market Fraud News & Webcasts (0 replies)
- my first post... Brooksley Born Excoriates Alan Greenspan: “You Failed†(2 replies)
- A new gold standard. Hayek thinks not. (0 replies)
- The Plot thickens! More on Kings World news on Paper PM supression (6 replies)
- US sheriffs have highest power, constitutional right to keep Feds out (9 replies)
- A TIME TO ACT! - Yes, you. (7 replies)
- The Latest Gold Fraud Bombshell – Canada’s Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault is Nearl (0 replies)
- Renewable Power May Destabilize Electrical Grid (2 replies)
- Airline Wants To Charge Bathroom Users (3 replies)
- Wikileaks to release new video showing murder of scores of Afghan civilians (0 replies)
- Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax (1 replies)
- TINY CHAT BAR is OPEN TEST (4 replies)
- Murdock-people will start paying for newspapers when they have nowhere else togo (5 replies)
- America: The Grim Truth (8 replies)
- Is there a buy/sell area (0 replies)
- Bob Chapman on Discount Gold (0 replies)
- U.S. Birth Rate Down For First Time In Decade (12 replies)
- Union of Freedom Loving Posters (40 replies)
- Post Office getting desparate? (9 replies)
- 6 detained for organ trafficking in Israel (0 replies)
- Confirmed: Obama authorizes assassination of U.S. citizen (9 replies)
- Gold Nugget - James Turk (0 replies)
- MOVED: Should Christians Support Israel (0 replies)
- Icelanders opt for exile (3 replies)
- Largest exodus from Iceland since 1887 !!!!! (11 replies)
- The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (11 replies)
- Tim Turner: Guardians of the Republics/Restore America, on radio in 15 mins (1 replies)
- Good article about why you need to buy Gold! (0 replies)
- Hypertigers Latest. (40 replies)
- oops (4 replies)
- Earthquake 4.0 Central California (5 replies)
- There Are More Slaves Today Than at Any Time in Human History (5 replies)
- We've hit 1000 topics (2 replies)
- A pat on the back - well deserved! (2 replies)
- Politician complains about video games, dog - dog bites crotch of politician (0 replies)
- MOVED: Message from Dysgenic (0 replies)
- Landmark Case for Internet Privacy Rights - Ottawa, April 8, 2010 (2 replies)
- How to spot a schill (46 replies)
- Africa Addio / Farewell Africa (English Subtitles) (2 replies)
- Board Cleanup - Moved Threads (12 replies)
- U.S. military weighs renewing probe over Iraq video (0 replies)
- MOVED: Upload Full? (0 replies)
- .U.S. forecaster sees increased 2010 hurricane threat (6 replies)
- Rush Limbaugh, health care and idle threats (3 replies)
- MOVED: 7.8 Earthquake was an inside job! (0 replies)
- Brooks: Relax, America Will Be Fine (2 replies)
- VA Governor Revives Confederate History Month (9 replies)
- The No-Pay Movement (0 replies)
- MOVED: Fire wood (0 replies)
- Consumer debt falls by $11.5 billion in February (8 replies)
- The American Workplace: Sweatshop USA (3 replies)
- They won't take my leaves. (16 replies)
- Colombia: Killing Civilians to Justify Funding from the U.S. Military (1 replies)
- Russia Expanding Cooperation with Venezuela and Bolivia (0 replies)
- Fifteen Appointees Have Waited an Average of 214 Days for Senate Confirmation (0 replies)
- Los Angeles Earthquake Vision (1 replies)
- POPs Treaty Tackles Persistent Pesticides (2 replies)
- A picture says it all, "I don't need no stinkin job" (0 replies)
- Depressed Pilots Can Fly on Medication, FAA Decides (2 replies)
- Belgium To Ban Burqas (9 replies)
- Iran's president attacks Obama on nuclear "threat" (1 replies)
- Census Fines the Real Story (9 replies)
- Kyrgyzstan riot police open fire as protesters storm government building (1 replies)
- Tracking the DOW PLUNGE!!! (914 replies)
- Silver manipulation (0 replies)
- Israel threatens to shut off taps for West Bank water (0 replies)
- Personal Bankruptcies Hit a High and May Keep Rising (5 replies)
- As Iraq violence continues, fears return of civil war (0 replies)
- Israeli's Nukes are (finally) the Elephant In The Room (2 replies)
- FAMOUS QUOTES from (46 replies)
- China Said to Consider Yuan Trading Versus Ruble, Won (0 replies)
- Idaho Closes 1/3 Welfare Offices (7 replies)
- MOVED: FINALLY started P90X - Holy crap (0 replies)
- Why Does Everyone Hate Israel? (17 replies)
- Mexican cartels cannot be defeated, drug lord says (10 replies)
- Rep Steve Cohen - Tea Partiers are Klansmen without hoods (5 replies)
- Military can't find its copy of Iraq killing video (3 replies)
- Kind of dated by I love this dude (8 replies)
- Fed policy and the damage done (2 replies)
- Covert Economic Warfare: "The Gods of Money" (1 replies)
- Billions of Dollars of Stolen Money; Key Findings on the Wall Street Bank Bailou (2 replies)
- China's Role as America's Creditor (1 replies)
- Thanks to Greenspan and Bernanke, The Next Crisis Could Be "Even Scarier" (1 replies)
- Yale bans faculty-student sex (5 replies)
- Barack Obama Has Awakened A Sleeping Nation (8 replies)
- SA Police Use Barbed Wire To Separate Whites, Blacks (6 replies)
- U.S. Approves Targeted Killing of American Cleric (0 replies)
- Israeli Tanks Invade Northern Areas Of The Gaza Strip And Destroy Farm Lands (3 replies)
- Pastor Manning: Obama treason trial, Obama CIA Op in Afganistan (2 replies)
- The Latest Gold Fraud Bombshell: Canada's Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault Is Practi (14 replies)
- Read and cry, as I have...... (16 replies)
- Obama "Considering use of chemtrails to prevent global warming" (15 replies)
- Thai protesters break into Parliament (0 replies)
- Anti-govt protests sweep Kyrgyzstan, 17 said dead (10 replies)
- I HAVE SPOKEN (9 replies)
- Grandmaster Bobby Fischer (56 replies)
- Ummm Silver $18.13 and Gold $1143 (11 replies)
- IF YOU DON'T HOLD IT...... shhhh... the vault is empty (6 replies)
- Where's my free Obamacare? (8 replies)
- Wiki Leaks video - slaying of Iraqis 2 kids and Ruters correspondants (4 replies)
- US special forces 'tried to cover-up' botched Khataba raid in Afghanistan (5 replies)
- Giant Snake found at a water treatment plant (3 replies)
- Real Estate Tax in healthcare Bill.... (0 replies)
- Girls Dead, Naked Body found along freeway..Cops Do Nothing. (1 replies)
- California Public Pensions underfunded by $500 Bn and Obama Limits Nuclear Arms (0 replies)
- The No-Pay Movement (4 replies)
- When Soda Was a Nickel and Social Was Not Much More (7 replies)
- Foreclosures Are Rising (0 replies)
- Volcker: Taxes likely to rise eventually to tame deficit (6 replies)
- Illusion of Prosperity Entering Its Twilight (7 replies)
- American Tune(s) (0 replies)
- MOVED: A message from PDT/posted through his wife... (0 replies)
- GSR Gold Nugget - Elliott Wave Discussion (0 replies)
- Millions will lose unemployment benefit extensions April 5th (0 replies)
- Counterfeiting silver coins and bullion (5 replies)
- Lehman's dance with the Devil (1 replies)
- Taleban accuses Afghan president of 'playing games' (4 replies)
- Hooray for us!!! New milestone! (1 replies)
- Oriental yeti' discovered in China (7 replies)
- United states natural gas (UNG) (3 replies)
- I HAVE SPOKEN !! (1 replies)
- Karzai to lawmakers: ‘I might join the Taliban’ (3 replies)
- Gibbons makes good on promise to fight health care bill (6 replies)
- Imminent Dangers of Stagflation: U.S. Economic Policies Fail to Avert Hyperinfla (1 replies)
- The perfect crime (0 replies)
- The opium wars in Afghanistan (1 replies)
- The Micro Chipping of Americans? (0 replies)
- Officer questioning eligibility faces new threats from Army (2 replies)
- The Pentagon is using Haiti as a Training Ground for Afghanistan (1 replies)
- The Greek Crisis And The EU Timetable (0 replies)
- WSJ Hides JP Morgan Chase Gold/Silver Manipulation (1 replies)
- Comcast Can Now Legally Shut Down Downloads (3 replies)
- Anticipating the Wake of the Wikileaks Revelation (5 replies)
- The United States takes the matter of three-headed babies in Iraq very seriously (5 replies)
- Robby Noel Podcast - another good listen (8 replies)
- Sheriff Joe - TV Ain't Free at the Greybar Motel (3 replies)
- Educate me on Internet Home Security Systems (36 replies)
- INTRODUCTION (13 replies)
- Contrarian View of PM Market Ma&# (1 replies)
- Hitler declares war on the zionist state: USA (speech with english text) (0 replies)
- Tom Sunic interviewing Kevin MacDonald RIGHT NOW 9PM East 4-6-10 (4 replies)
- Ron Paul signs on the sides of my shell camper. (3 replies)
- OBL, GWB and Mr Putin (0 replies)
- Black Conservative Tea Party Backers Take Heat (2 replies)
- Court Strikes at 'Net Neutrality' (1 replies)
- Pet Fish? (10 replies)
- Pay or hold it.......... (7 replies)
- When the truth comes into the light....... (0 replies)
- Is there a New Post button? (4 replies)
- 7.8 earthquake! (17 replies)
- My trip to Walt Mart........... (25 replies)
- Ponce and the cops, going to town.... (17 replies)
- April fools! (0 replies)
- i don't give a shit about some guy, his wife, and some 8th grade bullshit (9 replies)
- Negative Karma (34 replies)
- Daily Market Commentary (0 replies)
- Federal Reserve owns the biggest mall in Oklahoma (3 replies)
- ECB Gold Data Feeds Suspicions of Market Manipulation (1 replies)
- Tipping Point (1 replies)
- U.S. fights Taliban with heavy metal music (10 replies)
- Detroit Bankruptcy Looms with Deficit of $446 Million in Budget of $1.6 Billion (2 replies)
- Dollar Drama - MP3 (0 replies)
- You will be sure to get a kick out of this guy....... (6 replies)
- Realistic Scenario for Stock Market, US$, and Gold & Silver (0 replies)
- Washington man charged with threatening to kill senator (1 replies)
- Steele's defense: I'm held to higher (black) standard (0 replies)
- How will Texas find money to fill $11B budget gap? (12 replies)
- NFL Player Seek Workers Comp In Cali (0 replies)
- Patriot News Hour Boyz Are Back (4 replies)
- Peter Schiff on Kingsworld (1 replies)
- Skyscrapers and Business Cycles, or How You Can Predict the Next Economic Crisis (0 replies)
- Court: FCC has no power to regulate Net neutrality (0 replies)
- Finland postal service to open mail and send scanned email copies (1 replies)
- Teaching Positions Open Locally For Foreign Workers (1 replies)
- HAARP (0 replies)
- The other side of the coin (6 replies)
- IRS Launches New Global Program to Target ‘High Wealth Individuals (0 replies)
- NEED AN ANSWER FAST........ (26 replies)
- S. Fl Spring Turkey...whos going? (0 replies)
- Hello all (10 replies)
- The IMF Flag reads: ECONOMIC SLAVERY (0 replies)
- For Warren Mosler: A Primer on the Difference Between Honesty and Fraud (0 replies)
- Michele Obama admits Kenya is Obamas homeland (2 replies)
- Caption Time... (13 replies)
- Collateral Murder (0 replies)
- WTF _ THEY KNOW ALL ABOUT ME (10 replies)
- Max Keiser (0 replies)
- Report on Social Security delayed (2 replies)
- U.S. Supreme Court: Will distress trump the First Amendment right to free speech (0 replies)
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