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  1. Looming Over Greece: The Specter of Bankruptcy (2 replies)
  2. Keiser Report №32: Markets! Finance! Scandal! (1 replies)
  3. New Kyrgyzstan Rulers Aim to Shut US Base (7 replies)
  4. Do you want to work? 25,000 new UPS drivers. (0 replies)
  5. FCC Seeks New Web Plan (5 replies)
  6. UK troops trained by firing at ‘replica mosques’ (2 replies)
  7. We Are Change crashes Newt Gingrich speech (0 replies)
  8. IRS chief: Buy health insurance or lose your tax refund (6 replies)
  9. Round Rock, Texas, citizens allowed to pass out parking tickets (5 replies)
  10. Meet The 26 Members Of George Soros’s Secret Team To Rewrite Economics (3 replies)
  11. President Ford Approved Warrantless Domestic Surveillance (0 replies)
  12. The very essence of the 'right vs. left' dichotomy (3 replies)
  13. CIA Secret 'Torture' Prison Found at Fancy Horseback Riding Academy (0 replies)
  14. China Offers High-Speed Rail to California (0 replies)
  15. 'No US troop survives if Iran is attacked' (19 replies)
  16. I just bought an Ice Cream Truck (44 replies)
  17. So... what are your thoughts on Kol Nidre? (139 replies)
  18. About "Tinychat".......... (6 replies)
  19. MOVED: About the "rules"......... (0 replies)
  20. Canada's long-gun registry could be a thing of the past. (1 replies)
  21. Genetically Engineered ‘EnviroPig’ Waiting for Approval in US and Canada (14 replies)
  22. Your Credit Card Is Spying on You (17 replies)
  23. Israel launches ground incursion into Gaza Strip (1 replies)
  24. Looting Main Street (5 replies)
  25. Senior SEC Employee Warns of Potential Municipal Bond Market Collapse (0 replies)
  26. Summers Believes You Can Manipulate the Economy All You Want (0 replies)
  27. A Primer on the Difference Between Honesty and Fraud (0 replies)
  28. When to sell (7 replies)
  29. Steve Quayle on C2C last night (7 replies)
  30. Revolution in Kyrgysztan (2 replies)
  31. Treasury Crisis - MP3 (0 replies)
  32. IRS Retirement Income Security Act (3 replies)
  33. I've made my decision (16 replies)
  34. Obama lies and falsehoods, exaggerations and inaccuracies (9 replies)
  35. Homo Marriage (0 replies)
  36. Blame Europe, former Federal Reserve boss tells US inquiry into financial crisis (1 replies)
  37. First class state, second class citizens? (0 replies)
  38. M.Armstrong From the Hole #8 (0 replies)
  39. THANK YOU! sirgonzo420 (2 replies)
  40. OK, I'm outta here (4 replies)
  41. The obamapad (4 replies)
  42. Rev. Manning kicking some tail again (3 replies)
  43. The UK Tries To Prevent Debt Explosion (1 replies)
  44. Greece Run on the Banks! (23 replies)
  45. Centcom: No Plans to Reopen Probe Into Wikileak Video Killings (0 replies)
  46. That free credit report -- free no longer (1 replies)
  47. 4.0 on the San Andreas (4 replies)
  48. Deek is running for PM on the Landless Peasant Party (6 replies)
  49. Goodbye Paper Money (0 replies)
  50. The Rules are Written to Protect the Wealthy and the Powerful (4 replies)
  51. How $1 Trillion Time Bomb Posts a Phony Profit (0 replies)
  52. This is what it looks like when the Tree of Liberty is watered... (9 replies)
  53. Retirement delay seen key to solvent Social Security (4 replies)
  54. Harvey & Lenny Organ & Adrian Douglas: Drop Another Bombshell In What Could End (1 replies)
  55. Baghdad families to sue US Army over deaths in 2007 airstrike 'mistake' (0 replies)
  56. War by the Numbers (0 replies)
  57. Is Canada's Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault Nearly Empty? (1 replies)
  58. Genetic evidence of extraterrestrials on Earth (48 replies)
  59. Colombian drug strips users' free will (3 replies)
  60. URL's for 2010 Financial & Gold Market Fraud News & Webcasts (0 replies)
  61. my first post... Brooksley Born Excoriates Alan Greenspan: “You Failed” (2 replies)
  62. A new gold standard. Hayek thinks not. (0 replies)
  63. The Plot thickens! More on Kings World news on Paper PM supression (6 replies)
  64. US sheriffs have highest power, constitutional right to keep Feds out (9 replies)
  65. A TIME TO ACT! - Yes, you. (7 replies)
  66. The Latest Gold Fraud Bombshell – Canada’s Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault is Nearl (0 replies)
  67. Renewable Power May Destabilize Electrical Grid (2 replies)
  68. Airline Wants To Charge Bathroom Users (3 replies)
  69. Wikileaks to release new video showing murder of scores of Afghan civilians (0 replies)
  70. Nearly half of US households escape fed income tax (1 replies)
  71. TINY CHAT BAR is OPEN TEST (4 replies)
  72. Murdock-people will start paying for newspapers when they have nowhere else togo (5 replies)
  73. America: The Grim Truth (8 replies)
  74. Is there a buy/sell area (0 replies)
  75. Bob Chapman on Discount Gold (0 replies)
  76. U.S. Birth Rate Down For First Time In Decade (12 replies)
  77. Union of Freedom Loving Posters (40 replies)
  78. Post Office getting desparate? (9 replies)
  79. 6 detained for organ trafficking in Israel (0 replies)
  80. Confirmed: Obama authorizes assassination of U.S. citizen (9 replies)
  81. Gold Nugget - James Turk (0 replies)
  82. MOVED: Should Christians Support Israel (0 replies)
  83. Icelanders opt for exile (3 replies)
  84. Largest exodus from Iceland since 1887 !!!!! (11 replies)
  85. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (11 replies)
  86. Tim Turner: Guardians of the Republics/Restore America, on radio in 15 mins (1 replies)
  87. Good article about why you need to buy Gold! (0 replies)
  88. Hypertigers Latest. (40 replies)
  89. oops (4 replies)
  90. Earthquake 4.0 Central California (5 replies)
  91. There Are More Slaves Today Than at Any Time in Human History (5 replies)
  92. We've hit 1000 topics (2 replies)
  93. A pat on the back - well deserved! (2 replies)
  94. Politician complains about video games, dog - dog bites crotch of politician (0 replies)
  95. MOVED: Message from Dysgenic (0 replies)
  96. Landmark Case for Internet Privacy Rights - Ottawa, April 8, 2010 (2 replies)
  97. How to spot a schill (46 replies)
  98. Africa Addio / Farewell Africa (English Subtitles) (2 replies)
  99. Board Cleanup - Moved Threads (12 replies)
  100. U.S. military weighs renewing probe over Iraq video (0 replies)
  101. MOVED: Upload Full? (0 replies)
  102. .U.S. forecaster sees increased 2010 hurricane threat (6 replies)
  103. Rush Limbaugh, health care and idle threats (3 replies)
  104. MOVED: 7.8 Earthquake was an inside job! (0 replies)
  105. Brooks: Relax, America Will Be Fine (2 replies)
  106. VA Governor Revives Confederate History Month (9 replies)
  107. The No-Pay Movement (0 replies)
  108. MOVED: Fire wood (0 replies)
  109. Consumer debt falls by $11.5 billion in February (8 replies)
  110. The American Workplace: Sweatshop USA (3 replies)
  111. They won't take my leaves. (16 replies)
  112. Colombia: Killing Civilians to Justify Funding from the U.S. Military (1 replies)
  113. Russia Expanding Cooperation with Venezuela and Bolivia (0 replies)
  114. Fifteen Appointees Have Waited an Average of 214 Days for Senate Confirmation (0 replies)
  115. Los Angeles Earthquake Vision (1 replies)
  116. POPs Treaty Tackles Persistent Pesticides (2 replies)
  117. A picture says it all, "I don't need no stinkin job" (0 replies)
  118. Depressed Pilots Can Fly on Medication, FAA Decides (2 replies)
  119. Belgium To Ban Burqas (9 replies)
  120. Iran's president attacks Obama on nuclear "threat" (1 replies)
  121. Census Fines the Real Story (9 replies)
  122. Kyrgyzstan riot police open fire as protesters storm government building (1 replies)
  123. Tracking the DOW PLUNGE!!! (914 replies)
  124. Silver manipulation (0 replies)
  125. Israel threatens to shut off taps for West Bank water (0 replies)
  126. Personal Bankruptcies Hit a High and May Keep Rising (5 replies)
  127. As Iraq violence continues, fears return of civil war (0 replies)
  128. Israeli's Nukes are (finally) the Elephant In The Room now...lol. (2 replies)
  129. FAMOUS QUOTES from gold-silver.us (46 replies)
  130. China Said to Consider Yuan Trading Versus Ruble, Won (0 replies)
  131. Idaho Closes 1/3 Welfare Offices (7 replies)
  132. MOVED: FINALLY started P90X - Holy crap (0 replies)
  133. Why Does Everyone Hate Israel? (17 replies)
  134. Mexican cartels cannot be defeated, drug lord says (10 replies)
  135. Rep Steve Cohen - Tea Partiers are Klansmen without hoods (5 replies)
  136. Military can't find its copy of Iraq killing video (3 replies)
  137. Kind of dated by I love this dude (8 replies)
  138. Fed policy and the damage done (2 replies)
  139. Covert Economic Warfare: "The Gods of Money" (1 replies)
  140. Billions of Dollars of Stolen Money; Key Findings on the Wall Street Bank Bailou (2 replies)
  141. China's Role as America's Creditor (1 replies)
  142. Thanks to Greenspan and Bernanke, The Next Crisis Could Be "Even Scarier" (1 replies)
  143. Yale bans faculty-student sex (5 replies)
  144. Barack Obama Has Awakened A Sleeping Nation (8 replies)
  145. SA Police Use Barbed Wire To Separate Whites, Blacks (6 replies)
  146. U.S. Approves Targeted Killing of American Cleric (0 replies)
  147. Israeli Tanks Invade Northern Areas Of The Gaza Strip And Destroy Farm Lands (3 replies)
  148. Pastor Manning: Obama treason trial, Obama CIA Op in Afganistan (2 replies)
  149. The Latest Gold Fraud Bombshell: Canada's Only Bullion Bank Gold Vault Is Practi (14 replies)
  150. Read and cry, as I have...... (16 replies)
  151. Obama "Considering use of chemtrails to prevent global warming" (15 replies)
  152. Thai protesters break into Parliament (0 replies)
  153. Anti-govt protests sweep Kyrgyzstan, 17 said dead (10 replies)
  154. I HAVE SPOKEN (9 replies)
  155. Grandmaster Bobby Fischer (56 replies)
  156. Ummm Silver $18.13 and Gold $1143 (11 replies)
  157. IF YOU DON'T HOLD IT...... shhhh... the vault is empty (6 replies)
  158. Where's my free Obamacare? (8 replies)
  159. Wiki Leaks video - slaying of Iraqis 2 kids and Ruters correspondants (4 replies)
  160. US special forces 'tried to cover-up' botched Khataba raid in Afghanistan (5 replies)
  161. Giant Snake found at a water treatment plant (3 replies)
  162. Real Estate Tax in healthcare Bill.... (0 replies)
  163. Girls Dead, Naked Body found along freeway..Cops Do Nothing. (1 replies)
  164. California Public Pensions underfunded by $500 Bn and Obama Limits Nuclear Arms (0 replies)
  165. The No-Pay Movement (4 replies)
  166. When Soda Was a Nickel and Social Was Not Much More (7 replies)
  167. Foreclosures Are Rising (0 replies)
  168. Volcker: Taxes likely to rise eventually to tame deficit (6 replies)
  169. Illusion of Prosperity Entering Its Twilight (7 replies)
  170. American Tune(s) (0 replies)
  171. MOVED: A message from PDT/posted through his wife... (0 replies)
  172. GSR Gold Nugget - Elliott Wave Discussion (0 replies)
  173. Millions will lose unemployment benefit extensions April 5th (0 replies)
  174. Counterfeiting silver coins and bullion (5 replies)
  175. Lehman's dance with the Devil (1 replies)
  176. Taleban accuses Afghan president of 'playing games' (4 replies)
  177. Hooray for us!!! New milestone! (1 replies)
  178. Oriental yeti' discovered in China (7 replies)
  179. United states natural gas (UNG) (3 replies)
  180. I HAVE SPOKEN !! (1 replies)
  181. Karzai to lawmakers: ‘I might join the Taliban’ (3 replies)
  182. Gibbons makes good on promise to fight health care bill (6 replies)
  183. Imminent Dangers of Stagflation: U.S. Economic Policies Fail to Avert Hyperinfla (1 replies)
  184. The perfect crime (0 replies)
  185. The opium wars in Afghanistan (1 replies)
  186. The Micro Chipping of Americans? (0 replies)
  187. Officer questioning eligibility faces new threats from Army (2 replies)
  188. The Pentagon is using Haiti as a Training Ground for Afghanistan (1 replies)
  189. The Greek Crisis And The EU Timetable (0 replies)
  190. WSJ Hides JP Morgan Chase Gold/Silver Manipulation (1 replies)
  191. Comcast Can Now Legally Shut Down Downloads (3 replies)
  192. Anticipating the Wake of the Wikileaks Revelation (5 replies)
  193. The United States takes the matter of three-headed babies in Iraq very seriously (5 replies)
  194. Robby Noel Podcast - another good listen (8 replies)
  195. Sheriff Joe - TV Ain't Free at the Greybar Motel (3 replies)
  196. Educate me on Internet Home Security Systems (36 replies)
  197. INTRODUCTION (13 replies)
  198. Contrarian View of PM Market Ma&# (1 replies)
  199. Hitler declares war on the zionist state: USA (speech with english text) (0 replies)
  200. Tom Sunic interviewing Kevin MacDonald RIGHT NOW 9PM East 4-6-10 (4 replies)
  201. Ron Paul signs on the sides of my shell camper. (3 replies)
  202. OBL, GWB and Mr Putin (0 replies)
  203. Black Conservative Tea Party Backers Take Heat (2 replies)
  204. Court Strikes at 'Net Neutrality' (1 replies)
  205. Pet Fish? (10 replies)
  206. Pay or hold it.......... (7 replies)
  207. When the truth comes into the light....... (0 replies)
  208. Is there a New Post button? (4 replies)
  209. 7.8 earthquake! (17 replies)
  210. My trip to Walt Mart........... (25 replies)
  211. Ponce and the cops, going to town.... (17 replies)
  212. April fools! (0 replies)
  213. i don't give a shit about some guy, his wife, and some 8th grade bullshit (9 replies)
  214. Negative Karma (34 replies)
  215. Daily Market Commentary (0 replies)
  216. Federal Reserve owns the biggest mall in Oklahoma (3 replies)
  217. ECB Gold Data Feeds Suspicions of Market Manipulation (1 replies)
  218. Tipping Point (1 replies)
  219. U.S. fights Taliban with heavy metal music (10 replies)
  220. Detroit Bankruptcy Looms with Deficit of $446 Million in Budget of $1.6 Billion (2 replies)
  221. Dollar Drama - MP3 (0 replies)
  222. You will be sure to get a kick out of this guy....... (6 replies)
  223. Realistic Scenario for Stock Market, US$, and Gold & Silver (0 replies)
  224. Washington man charged with threatening to kill senator (1 replies)
  225. Steele's defense: I'm held to higher (black) standard (0 replies)
  226. How will Texas find money to fill $11B budget gap? (12 replies)
  227. NFL Player Seek Workers Comp In Cali (0 replies)
  228. Patriot News Hour Boyz Are Back (4 replies)
  229. Peter Schiff on Kingsworld (1 replies)
  230. Skyscrapers and Business Cycles, or How You Can Predict the Next Economic Crisis (0 replies)
  231. Court: FCC has no power to regulate Net neutrality (0 replies)
  232. Finland postal service to open mail and send scanned email copies (1 replies)
  233. Teaching Positions Open Locally For Foreign Workers (1 replies)
  234. HAARP (0 replies)
  235. The other side of the coin (6 replies)
  236. IRS Launches New Global Program to Target ‘High Wealth Individuals (0 replies)
  237. NEED AN ANSWER FAST........ (26 replies)
  238. S. Fl Spring Turkey...whos going? (0 replies)
  239. Hello all (10 replies)
  240. The IMF Flag reads: ECONOMIC SLAVERY (0 replies)
  241. For Warren Mosler: A Primer on the Difference Between Honesty and Fraud (0 replies)
  243. Michele Obama admits Kenya is Obamas homeland (2 replies)
  244. Caption Time... (13 replies)
  245. Collateral Murder (0 replies)
  246. http://www.spokeo.com WTF _ THEY KNOW ALL ABOUT ME (10 replies)
  247. Max Keiser (0 replies)
  248. Report on Social Security delayed (2 replies)
  249. U.S. Supreme Court: Will distress trump the First Amendment right to free speech (0 replies)