View Full Version : General Discussion
- Farmers and Seed Producers Launch Preemptive Strike against Monsanto
- the most wrong prep item i have ever bought
- 375-Pound Shark Leaps Into Fisherman's Boat
- Ferrer lobs ball into stands in direction of crying child.
- About prices in my tiny me.
- Dooooom
- Jesus healed using cannabis, study shows
- Highly Contagious AIDS-Like Disease Spreading in China
- US Military Vets Being Called Back Up For Emergency?
- So why did WE just pay for a B2 bomber to fly over Dodger stadium?
- This is how you celebrate March Madness.
- Lawsuit seeks dissolution of Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Johns Creek, Milton, Chatt
- EMPIRE OF THE CITY - Ring of Power
- GSUS State of the Forum Message
- Garden As If Your Life Depended On It, Because It Will
- April Fool’s Day: A History of Hoaxes
- Islamist extremists view Freemasons as the enemy: report
- BP: We lost laptop with data on thousands of residents making claims
- latest Keiser
- BREAKING NEWS: Bernanke resigns "for personal reasons"
- (not April Fool's) Zionism is Humanitarianism
- The 22 Most Hilarious, Unfortunately Placed Ads Ever
- Happy April Fool's Day America from Dont-Tread-On.Me
- Suit filed to dissolve cities for being "too white"
- United States Cleptocracy
- Is A False Flag Nuke Inevitable?
- Foreign Banks Tapped Fed’s Secret Lifeline Most at Crisis Peak
- Private pay shrinks to historic lows as gov't payouts rise
- Check out the short bus!
- Armageddon, Deep Impact, Fight Club - Hollywood Psych. Prep. for 9-11 ?
- I sold out my child for $30,000FRNs
- Tsunami survivor dog(owner found)
- Real Life: Counterfeiting 101 & covering your ass
- J.P. Morgan pays $50 an ounce for silver
- The Farewell Address of Andrew Jackson 1837
- British troops beat Iraqi children
- /28/11 - Sen. Rand Paul Responds to President Obama's Address
- “After All the Cops Are Dead”
- Satanist Insider Gloats Over Dire Prospects
- New and Improved Bailout for Auto Companies.
- By His Own Reckoning, One Man (jew) Made Libya a French Cause
- Happy birthday Ponce......conplaining, not bragging.
- Happy Birthday Ponce
- Cultivating the New World Order
- Smart Grid: Edge of the Authoritarian Wedge
- Portugal Advised to Beg
- G20 Considers Global Currency
- Rense & Maxwell -
- Protests over Koran burning spread in Afghanistan, with 9 dead in Kandahar
- My experience at the AIRPORT II- the sequel
- Intimate portrait of Liz Taylor at 24 seen for the first time.
- Wisdom from on high (the CFR)
- Major Brownie Points 4 Anyone who can tell me the Groundwater Level in Fukushima
- Ruby Ridge Documentary
- How the Law was Lost
- A letter from Kad = Ponce
- Latest Satellite Imagery From Fukushima Tells Sobering.
- Calls to 911.......
- Where has Silver come from and where is it going?
- Every Gun on Earth - owners manuals online here
- Bizarre and vivid dream about GSUS/Skyvike last night- WEIRD
- 125 Israeli Spies Detained by FBI / Short Sales Traced to Israel ~ New 9-11 Info
- A much better feel good story than finding a dog at sea after the tsunami
- the .gov hard at work...
- The real reason "Qaddafi must go"
- Memoir of a Male Masochist
- Dr William Pierce What's the Most Important Thing in Your Life?
- Genetically modified cows produce 'human' milk
- Sunday chat 4/3
- The rice with human genes
- Authorities in Awe of Drug Runners' Jungle-Built, Kevlar-Coated Supersubs
- How long before this guy gets tired of living?
- Want a Passport? Better Find Your Circumcision Records!
- Perth Mint to End Free Silver Storage
- Einstein Was a Communist and a Plagiarist
- 38
- Obama's Imperial War in Libya Subverts the Constitution
- I'm at a turning point
- Medical doctors speak out about why they avoid naked body scanners at airports
- US troops fall for IED trap
- Rip off USGov with lousy Chinese ammo, get $4.2 million plus a Mercedes
- Debra Oberlin, Former Gainesville, FL President of MADD Arrested for … DUI
- Security Guard Says NYPD Arrested Her For Not Helping Them
- IMF Says US Must Raise All Taxes, Cut All Entitlements By 35%
- Holy smokes, my 82 year old mother got a $142 jay walking ticket
- The Lesson from Japan for PM Investors.
- Japan nuclear crisis: workers using newspaper and sawdust to block pipes.
- Never seen Celente so
- US: From Makers to Takers - Article
- Saved by cat..........
- Federal government seeking to make forms of bartering illegal
- Feds try to seize Liberty Dollars
- midas resources hahahahahahahah
- Japanese begin to release 3 Million gallons of Radioactive Water into the Ocean
- Where Has Silver Come From and Where Is It Going
- Spending Your Stash Peter Schiff
- UN forces now waging war
- Father Beheads Daughter's Rapist: Hero or Monster?
- Former CIA Analyst schools CNN host
- We'll do whatever it takes to get (the suspect we're after)
- Trump is right, Barry Soetoro, AKA Obama is hiding what appears to be a criminal
- Former CIA Analyst schools CNN host
- Samantha Power to be the next Secretary of State?
- The Banks want Ireland's pound of Flesh
- Nuclear War Survival Skills - free book - includes plans for DIY radiation meter
- False documents by banks.
- Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them
- Video on how the dollar will play out
- Russian Spetsnaz VS U.S. Special Forces
- Moraine Lake Alberta 2010
- Latest Bro
- The True Face of montage
- Flashback April 2003 - the "White Man's Burden"
- Gold - Silver Ratio
- Joyce's Checkout (super-couponing) - a woman after my GSUS'er heart
- Debunking Youtube user Dutchsinse (the "HAARP Ring" video guy)
- Obama Major Brain Surgery?
- Shortage of "regular" coins.........Ron Paul.
- ZeroHedge- Obama Won't Be Re-Elected Because he Serves the Bankers at Expense of
- TSA and video recording........
- Nigel Farage speaks at Ghent University 3-25-11
- For All You Asshats
- Radioactive water leak into sea stops at Fukushima
- GIM 1: Survival Prep Section
- Folks are you listening,are you ready for this ,yes its LW
- Mike Maloney - When to Sell Gold & Silver? - When to Buy Real Estate?
- Wall Street executive dies in fall after opening fifth-floor window
- McCanney Show on Radiation
- 39.60
- Why I don't trust (or like) Max Keiser
- more fun and games at the airport...
- The Price of Silver: Six Centuries of History
- Awesome Ventura interview on the View: Ron Paul, TSA, .gov ops, FEMA, Anti-FED
- 911 Pentagon employee
- Huge Object brushes by Soyuz Spacecraft April5 2011
- Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saud 35,000 British sovereigns
- Does a Weak Dollar Cause Inflation?
- Tips lead Lincoln police to suspected vacuuming bandit
- Full auto BB gun shoots BBs up to 900 fps
- Bullion Bank Trading – A Closely Guarded Secret!
- Anyone else getting snow right now?.......
- Prozac and other drugs cause thick arteries, raise heart risk
- U.S. committed to ending anti-Israel bias on UN council, envoy says
- It's NOT the jews you filthy anti-semites.
- Richard Branson Unveils "Underwater Plane" Set To Explore Ocean's Deepest Region
- latest from jim willie
- Racist? Angry? The answer may be in a pill
- Dead / Jailed /Missing Scientists & Individuals With The BP Oil Disaster
- People are exposed to radioactivity in cigarettes
- GOP lawyer drafts Obama impeachment
- Is it a Coincidence?
- "APOCALYPSE 2012" - CNBC Tonight
- DBS and Adrian Salbuchi
- any good books on buying rental properties??
- The Devolution Of The Consumer Economy
- Gaddafi Starts Bombarding His Own Oil Fields
- Too close to the sun?
- (USGS Modified) 1 Big Aftershock just hit Japan
- What you're probably not aware of about the Zetas in Mexico
- Iron Dome intercepts first rocket
- Emasculating our children in the name of safety.
- Google maps direct you to toll roads
- New war in Gaza to begin tonight?
- The Bank Runs Of The Early 1930s And FDR’s Ban On Gold
- Metals Update
- Utah House stamps gold, silver as legal tender
- “The dog started it.”
- Why did Oil go to $110 today ? Because of the Aftershock in Japan ??
- Ron Paul on CSPAN: "They're going to spend until they destroy the dollar", more.
- OK Silver Seers... Show us the future, biatchez!! :)
- Got a geiger counter in the mail today...
- Dys' dream part two
- I hate it when....
- Damn look at silver $39.92 does it go to $40 tonight?
- Glen Beck gets sacked by Fox
- Silver Pushes Past 40, Debts Continue
- Question on market manipulation
- Bankster’s Battle of the Chosin Reservoir
- BS Elitist Presidential Poll Shows Trump #2
- uncensored video on flouride toxicity
- Houston silver breached $40.00
- INDIA is sick of the CORRUPTION
- Study of Morgellons Fibers with The Colored Fibers Found in US Currency
- debris from Japan earthquake and tsunami that's floating towards U.S. West Coast
- Simultaneous Pipeline Blasts in Colombia & Iran - How do the Rebels Do It ?
- Radiation leak reported at Onagawa Nuclear Plant after yesterday's EQ
- Cheap B vitamin beats Big Pharma's Zetia cholesterol drug
- How do you get an Enzo into a Porsche?
- Rumors of Government Shutdown, hint that it is already underway
- Guess Who's Almost Out Of Silver (Big news Here!!)
- Afghan footage showing attack on US convoy where 40 American troops were killed.
- Comex Silver Default, Govt Shutdown, and bankruptcy
- Ebay Silver
- folks we are knocking on $41 as I type
- If you want to know the nature of government...
- The ONLY reason PM's are going up is because the dollar is tanking
- Oops! FBI Confirms Roswell UFO Incident
- Student yawned so hard during lecture that she couldn't close her mouth
- New DOOOOOOM movie, looks to be about Nibiru
- I'm gonna sell some silver.
- Glitzkrieg
- Conspiracy Theory – A State Of Mind
- Soros – Bretton Woods Conference
- Phobos is artificial, hollow, and basically a titanic spaceship.
- The Quest
- "Dry Rain" Chemtrail Fallout Filmed in Phoenix
- Lyndon LaRouche: The Face of Evil -
- Police search for suspect in Santa Monica synagogue explosion
- Homeschooler's review of the "Waiting for Superman" movie
- A Day In The Life Of A “Homegrown Terrorist”
- Norbert Mueller describes his wave disk generator
- BREAKING NEWS: Israeli Embassy in Cairo Under Siege
- Happy Birthday Silver Shield!!!!!
- Naked man with AK-47 shoots at Police robot in his home....
- Wrongly injected toddler fights leukemia
- Priceless Silver
- Swedish Girl Who Supports Multiculturalism Learns About Diversity Firsthand
- Can Safety Deposit Boxes Be Siezed as an Excuse To Fund the Goverment to Avoid a
- Stockpiling Coins for Future Currency Exchanges.
- 3 D drawings.........
- Come see the new VBulletin Forum
- Taliban takes over abandoned US
- Globalist George Soros: “America Should Be Replaced By a World Government
- How much do fertility drugs usually cost with tri care insurance?
- Latest Armstrong
- Anyone got any suggestions on a good value for a geiger counter?
- Hello World...Martin Armstrong
- How many of you check out the price of silver?........
- Obama's Fake Family Photo
- Neoethnic & Masonic tunes for Sunday Morning
- Here's Why the Jews Would Attack Japan
- The more advanced our technology the less obvious our record behind.
- wow Did I really make over 4000 posts here?
- Another UFO Vid
- FBI opens ‘The Vault,’ UFOs, Jimi Hendrix and Malcolm X fly out Read more: http
- Cat and Dolphins playing together
- Youtube source for truth?
- Marvin Heemeyer, an American hero
- keiser report "virtual pigs eat dirty cash" (rothschild info)
- Hobo With A Shotgun
- Repeal of 1099 law reaches Obamas Desk
- Ok people, will silver open up or down?
- Is Donald Trump Stupid?
- To protect and to serve.........
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