View Full Version : General Discussion
- Massive Silver Find in Cincinnati Home: 19,400 One Troy Ounce Silver Bars
- US Bequeaths 13 Million Pounds a Week of Broken Military Gear to Afghani's
- a run on the bank
- save your soul, leave your govt controlled church
- The Mower Gang: Anarchy in Detroit
- largest destroyer ever built, sets sail
- 70s Chocolates
- I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow --Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer Tells Congress
- September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor
- Remember the video 'bulletproof vest test gone wrong'...?
- 12 Shocking Clues For What America Will Look Like When The Next Great Economic Crisis
- irish lawmaker rips Obama o new one. is this real??
- China now overtly calling to replace the dollar
- "Roar" performed by the Children's Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
- Dr Mike Vasovski Discusses Reasons For Going Off The “Insurance Grid”
- Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?
- £350,000 cost of a legal battle over........right to shave pubic hair
- Redskins’ Kike Owner Refuses To Change Team’s Offensive Name
- Australia Fires
- Update on panamas banks
- I had no idea by Bill Holter
- Andy Hoffman "death of the worlds largest silver mine"
- Female Jewish Morality (Jewish 98year old interviewed by a female Shapiro)
- Shocking dashcam video catches moment of deadly Volgograd terrorist attack on bus
- The Real Story Of Ruby Ridge Idaho - Aug 21 1992
- The Government's Top Secret Pursuit of Mystical Relics
- checkout malibu high school teachers suffering weird health issues
- China, gold prices & US default threats
- Obamacare in 12 seconds
- The Health Revolution
- Karl Denninger: Obamacare Could Implode Before the End of the Year
- Money Does grow on Trees after all - Gold money that is
- Daily Show on the Rollout
- Faber "1 trillion dollars a month in money printing, coming soon"
- Holocaust survivor makes symphony debut; plays duet of song written in Nazi camp
- Nightmares at Elm Guest House. Bill Maloney interviews Chris Fay
- California Sheriff's Deputies Shoot, Kill 13-Year-Old Carrying a TOY GUN
- How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses
- "Not My Fault" Greedspan; Brookesley Born would Beg to Differ
- Johns Hopkins Scientist Slams Flu Vaccine
- Get This: Officer in UC Davis pepper-spray incident to get $38,059
- Halloween costume
- Why I Will Never, Ever, Go Back to the United States
- .Russell Means: Welcome To The Reservation
- McCain townhall: "Why Is My Money Funding al Qaeda?"
- Monsanto denies its pesticides behind Argentine health problems
- Taxpayers To Help Pay JPMorgan’s Fine For Causing 2008 Financial Crisis
- Iraq violence: Police killed in Anbar attacks
- The Most Interesting Jew in the World
- JPMorgan sells New York building to Chinese firm for $725 million
- Uber Wars: How D.C.Tried to Kill a Great New Ride Technology
- Occupy 'pepper-spray cop' awarded $38k settlement
- Kenya police warn media after mall massacre looting reports
- news in 2 minutes
- B.P. failed miserably to clean up the gulf
- federal judge suddenly greenlights lawsuit that could stop obamacare
- as above, so below
- 9 Generals Fired, 2 Military Leaders Suspended
- your life literally depends on getting your money out of the bank
- Two soldiers shot near Millington Naval Base
- 1 Smart Meter=radiation exposure of 160 Cell Phones
- Look what this cop did to this shoplifter..
- In a bind, what's the best way to sell about 150 silver oz
- Obama Readies Military for Domestic Gun Confiscation
- Hey madfranks or... Where is that challenge thread silver/gold coin would rise in %
- Dangerous Freedom Vs. Peaceful Slavery
- How to Emancipate Your Family from the Government w/ rob in the page family
- MOLON LABE - How the Second Amendment Guarantees America's Freedom
- NSA monitored calls of 35 world leaders - the final straw!
- James Jaeger. Film, MOLON LABE, and the Restoration of Militias
- S. Arabia rift threatens the petrodollar
- America - Land of the Free - Home of the....dependent
- 7.3 off coast of Fukushima
- "Let's test the tolerance of the rubes"
- A very interesting and informative website someone pointed out to me
- Ponce - The Most Interesting Man In The World
- VERY disconcerting video
- Why They Sank The Titanic
- “Free Flow of Information Act” Targets Independent Journalism
- Exclusive–Documents: Congress Charges Secret Fee to Land Top Committee Spots
- Check out the new gun that allows cops to shoot and capture your dna
- Is Obama Through?
- Gunboats Seen Patrolling in Eden Isles, Louisiana
- VIDEO Girl Toddler LED Halloween Costume LOL...
- More legal trouble for Affordable Care Act
- SWAT teams surround Roseville house where suspect holed up
- COPS Now Capable of Firing Missiles At You
- What’s Wrong With Fining JPMorgan Chase $13 Billion?
- "Active Shooter" check point.
- DentiDrill - DIY cavity repair, no more insurance issues, good if you have a family
- Need a good value automatic watch
- ETX man arrested for forging fake gold and silver
- Julian Lee - White Ancestry & Race Mixing
- A Sweet Synergy Between Health and Energy Policy
- Massive Barge on San Francisco Bay Likely Secret Google Facility
- Independent Order of Odd Fellows
- Went to the teledolar today
- Throw The Bums Out
- Detroit- as bad as I heard
- Russell Brand interview by Paxman
- As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap
- Dr. Antal Fekete on Real Bills, Quantity of Money Theory and the New Austrian Economi
- Military Police Leak Fema Gun Confiscation Plan (Video Evidence)
- Body armor
- 5 Ways Video Games Try to Get You Addicted
- Survival Food Sold Out In Many Areas of USA
- IMF Pushes Plan to Plunder Global Wealth
- Some states move to put black boxes in cars to track 'mileage'
- American Blackout on Nat Geo tonight
- Lou Reed- Walk on the Wild Side
- Update from "V", The U.S. is now in default
- Amish Girl Being Forced into Experimental Chemotherapy
- The Plan Is Not Working
- HAARETZ: Snowden, Assange, Manning, Vanunu - the true heroes of our time
- Catherine Austin Fitts - Obamacare, Collapse, and Surviving/Thriving
- US banks are told to be prepared for 30-day crisis
- Meet Mr. Balls, Brazil’s Disturbing New Testicular Cancer Mascot
- CBS Busts Obama--and Itself--in Benghazi Cover-Up
- Detroit pensioners receive 16 cents on the dollar
- Faber "gold has bottomed"
- Like the new hats?
- superstorm pounds the U.K.
- Gold Wars
- Adelson: US should drop atomic bomb on Iran
- The Gathering Storm
- Federal agents' pre-dawn raid on reporter's home raises questions
- Chemtrails: Neurologist Warns of Exploding Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Nice fish!
- Stores! Don't Ask Me for Charity
- Obama didn't know the NSA was spying on Merkel
- NEWSNIGHT: Paxman vs Brand - full interview
- Brazilian surfer may have set new World Record
- Obama asks Eric Schmidt if “Bitcoin is Anything He Has to Worry About”
- Bitcoin ATM's arrive in Canada.
- 11 Reasons Why You Must Own Physical Gold and Silver
- The other store
- Gold premiums in India jump from $100 to a record $150 over spot
- The FBI's Bitcoin address
- Real unemployment at 23%, £430bn ADDED to the national debt and STILL running £100bn+
- Help me make a list of all the things the gov 'doesn't' have their hands in.
- Seven-planet solar system found
- Manthrows $500,000 Gold In Trash to Keep Divorcing Wife from Getting It
- strange kitco spot price (did you see it?) [was this a manipulation in progress]
- Poland Seizes Bank Accounts
- Russia Grabs Pension Money
- Congress To Eliminate The Debt By Not Counting It Anymore...
- Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out the Human Race
- How Americans Will Adapt to Lower Living Standards
- Police State Conditioning: 5th grader attacked by drug dog in "simulated drug raid"
- Small transfer pumps, anyone?
- Feds Told GM To Drop Pontiac Or No Bailout, Ex-GM Exec Says
- ITALY: “Anti-Racist” Social Worker Raped by African Illegal Immigrant at “Anti Racist
- WTF is going on?
- WTF? 22 Year Old With Down Syndrome Beaten By The Police
- Police blow up drug raid chemicals
- I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow --Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer
- The world's best comedy comes out of the District of Corruption
- Obamacare Data Hub Crashes For Second Time In Three Days, Verizon Blamed Again
- Just When You Thought "Cyprus" Isn't Going to Happen Here.
- revisiting anecdotal field reports
- Insurance Cancelation Letters Are “Transition Notices”
- Final Word on 911
- CNN Anchor: Obama’s People Will “Threaten Your Job” If You Question Them
- What's in the box?
- Obama To Spend $75 Billion For Mandatory 'Government-Controlled' Preschool...
- "NSA Tapped The Pope", Spied On Vatican To Prevent "Threats To Financial System"
- Married rabbi, 30, arrested for 'sexually molesting and spanking naked boys' in NY
- Family sells old safe for scrap metal, buyer finds huge hoard of PMs
- Mike Snyder: Obamacare LIES, Economic COLLAPSE & the Fukushima NIGHTMARE
- QE Failure – By the Numbers!
- US Gold Treason - The Coming Reset and Remonetization of Gold
- Never let your small stature prevent you from performing big tasks...
- US Gold Treason (Gold to $134,000/oz)
- Anybody have a Grover Heavy Duty Rocket Stove?
- Be warned! Smart Money Now exiting Real Estate - Beginning of the End
- South Park Episode Makes Fun of Obamacare
- White House told insurance execs to keep quiet on Obamacare
- Happy Halloween Satanists!
- Sinclair and Greg Hunter interview.
- Have we had an endrun around the 2nd amendment?
- China is taking over................... V
- Protest
- More Bad News For ZeroCare - Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare
- Breaking News - Israel strike on Russian missile shipment in Syria
- For no V
- The Conversation
- Awesome and very safe new slingshot design
- Gold Mining in the Amazon Rainforest Surges 400%
- New NASA map shows where you are most likely to die from air pollution
- Common Law Right To Travel .. In Lamborhini ... Coast to Coast in 29 Hours
- Stove in a Can
- Dr. Jim Willie Drops Gold Bombshell – World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Is Right!
- Shots fired at Los Angeles LAX airport
- "Thank you Satan!/Yes we can!"
- Neveda chainsaw massacre!
- WTF is wrong with people??
- russian radio propagandists attack dave hodges
- US drone strike kills head of Pakistani Taliban
- Israel to attack Iran in less than a month
- Moondust beer anyone?
- Two members of Greece's Golden Dawn shot dead
- Gen. Robinson Risner, POW for 7.5 yrs., passes
- stunning speech, George Galloway "free palestine"
- Why stay in Chernoblyn? Because its my home.
- hyperkitty is drunk
- Man’s Obama costume spurs boss to order diversity training for all
- Global-Warming: The Wall Street Party Has Begun
- Latest anti-Iranian Zio-propaganda
- jim willie "king dollar is dead, game is over"
- JURYacquits pro-gun sheriff of all charges
- The United States is still a British Colony
- CNN: The notion of a 'new world order' is absolutely a far out conspiracy theory
- Coporate America’s Hidden Hand in Government Programs
- Four Horsemen - Documentary
- forex manipulation probes spread across the globe
- Grounded, amazing health rediscovered
- Gerald Celente on Multinationalism, Breaking the Chains and Individual Renaissance W
- Turkey & iran sign secret cooperation deal
- How That Stolen NSA Intelligence is Used
- Are all Aussies totally useless like this?
- propane tank rocket stove 1/3
- Things That Make You Go Hmmm... Like India's 'Gold Refuge' From "The Establishment"
- Double Barrel Pistol
- G. Edward Griffin ? The Capitalist Conspiracy
- 0bomber, the proud gunslinger
- Ebay's sick trade in Holocaust souvenirs: Outrage over auctions of Death Camp relics
- Ebay Expands Accepted Digital Currencies, Says PayPal May One Day Incorporate BitCoin
- BREAKTHROUGH: 3 Benghazi Survivors WILL Testify Before Congress
- Angry Over U.S. Surveillance, Tech Giants Bolster Defenses
- lindsey williams interview (10/22)
- New miracle material poised to alleviate the global water and energy crisis
- Russia/China conduct nuclear missile drill
- velocity of money has fallen off a cliff.....
- Israel to drill for oil in the West Bank.......................... V
- Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging
- Graphic artist pokes fun at NSA, they tell him, "Cease and desist"
- Guy goes to Israel and Palestine, realizes "everything is a lie"
- silver shield warns about sinclair (nee seligman)
- ellen brown "ireland is the model for austerity/asset seizure"
- Duck and cover: Israeli army drills in populated Palestinian areas are ‘legal’ – IDF
- Changing Demographics: State Percentages of Newborns Being White
- Shots fired at Garden State Plaza mall
- Super creepy collectivist pro-0bummercare ad
- Starved of gold, Indians may import record volumes of silver
- "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome"
- Suspected gunman found dead at New Jersey mall
- We Are Close to The End: “The Con Job Is Up”
- Judge Jeanine to Barack Obama: "No One Believes You Anymore!"
- Will GOP Rebel Justin Amash Bring Down the NSA—and His Own Party?
- Stand Together Now Or You Will End Up Facing the Police State Alone
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