View Full Version : General Discussion
- Larry Elder EXPLODES Piers Morgan Over Zimmerman... Total Ownage
- Absolute proof – foreign government take over of the us government treason
- DR. OWUOR .....relating to America
- Obama's UN nominee promised to represent.................ISRAEL
- "Federal government" BUSTED for forcing American nuclear industry to become a ticking
- Quantum Dawn 2: US banks on cyber-attack defense
- 2nd Dutch bank defaults on gold accounts (dominos)
- Kaye "Gold price smashed to prevent wave of gold defaults" (good read!)
- Putin rips into the G8 (shocking stuff here)
- BREAKING: Top NSA and DOJ Officials Have Fled the U.S.
- Congressman: Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements
- Syria's Assad may cling on, Britain will not arm rebels: sources
- Muni Retirees Face 90% Loss Under Detroit's Pending "Free-Fall" Bankruptcy
- Fertile ground for the seeds of collectivism/statism
- The Drone That Killed My Grandson
- I am supposed to be crazy but not stupid.....but now I feel stupid...... V
- Jew show rewards jew actors, gentiles snubbed SURPRISE!
- Autism Epidemic Linked to Epidemic of Vaccine Induced Diabetes
- Malaria Finally Defeated By Jim Humble
- Brinks Vaults Are Being Depleted: “This Has the Appearance of a Run On the Bank”
- Scientists Discover Quadruple Helix: Four Strand DNA In Human Cells
- Get Ready For The Next Great Stock Market Exodus
- How Consumer Debt Collection Works
- Granny’s Gold Bars Are Key to Vietnam Push to Boost Dong
- Detroit Files: Full Chapter 9 Petition
- white teeens slaughtered in florida, had "free zimmerman" bumper sticker
- Is Travon Sparking Communisr Revolution
- tools to help protect you from surveillance
- Boeing 787 made a U-turn over Canada
- Bullied Girl Voted the Ugliest on the Internet Gives an AMAZING Speech
- Poll - Impossible or Possible to start new business
- The Truth About Racial Profiling: George Zimmerman vs. Trayvon
- MY GOD, just put me on TV, most Negros are violent retards and be done with it
- New Huge Oil Find in Australia... 233 billion barrels, 6 times larger than the Bakken
- Virginia GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Wants To Outlaw Oral Sex, Even For Married Coupl
- US preparing for military action in Syria, top US general says
- Buchanan - Black America’s Real Problem Isn’t White Racism
- Premier, State Of full video........ V
- LOL Opps - Microsoft Writes Off $900 Million on Surface Tablets
- Feds seize gold coins worth $80 mln from Pennsylvania family
- BREAKING: Colorado Governor Sets Dates for Recall Election of Two Anti Gun Senators
- History... The Origins of the U.S. Intelligence Community (excellent)
- How Texans deal with the New Black Panther Hate group
- SBSS update.
- Never-before-seen GIANT virus found that's so unusual it may have come from Mars
- Maguire - LBMA Now Staring At Another Gordon Brown Abyss
- Murder Mystery(?) Michael Hastings and a CyberSecurity Firm Called Endgame
- Federal Reserve Refuses to Submit to an Audit of Germany’s Gold Held in U.S. Vaults
- Holy Cow! Asst. AG & NSA Deputy Chief declared enemies of the state by Obama!
- Fraud rediscovered - Evolution
- JPM loses 66% of its gold in 1 day
- latest from "V"
- NY woman accused of posing as Marathon victim
- Helen Thomas, trailblazing reporter, dead at 92
- Girl, 16, Lured to Brooklyn Roof, Raped, Thrown Off Building
- Girl, 16, Lured to Brooklyn Roof, Raped, Thrown Off Building
- Girl, 16, Lured to Brooklyn Roof, Raped, Thrown Off Building
- White House: No bailout coming for Detroit
- A Statute made in the Affirmative
- Unearthing a Frozen Forest.................. V
- Saudia threatened with New York ban over Israeli policy..... V
- US Secretary of State threatens Venezuela over Snowden asylum... V
- The worm turns against Uncle Satan
- Worldwide Zionist Stranglehold
- What have we learned from the Zimmerman/Martin incident?
- Hey Franks................................... V
- A £50 litter fine for grooming my dogs in the park
- When [?] Gold And Silver Bottom Is Irrelevant To Your Financial Health
- Noonan: A Bombshell in the IRS Scandal
- fekete "when gold enters permanent backwardation"
- 'Mexican Coke' made with cane sugar has become a hit among those in the know
- The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families
- Kelly Kettle Camp Kettle/Stove- Never Run Out of Fuel Again
- Got dry asparagus? You're a racist!
- Trayvon Footage From Tragic Night the Media Hid From You
- Judge Voids Detroit Bankruptcy, Says it “Dishonors Obama”
- *BREAKING* Massive Fire Reported in JP Morgan Basement Vault! Gold Force Majeure?
- Earth's Gold May Come From Collisions of Dead Stars
- Most victimized in Syria? Young Christian women
- Earthquake ...NZ
- Google plans on implanting chip in your brain
- Army Scientists Secretly Sprayed St-Louis with Radioactive Particles for YEARS to Tes
- Black skull and bones
- Nephilim Annunaki and the Sumerian giant skeletons
- NY food stamp recipients are shipping welfare-funded groceries to relatives
- Bay Area Drivers Encounter “Speed Enforced by Drones” Signs........ V
- Rep. Jim Traficant Vs ADL Attack Of Pokerface Paul Topete Speech.......v
- Roderick Scott: Acquitted of Murder in 2009
- McCain Defends Obama, Questions Stand Your Ground Laws
- What do you make of this?
- Foul-mouthed flier kicks cop in the groin as she's dragged from plane over cell phone
- Jew Geraldo Rivera Tweets Semi-Nude Photo of Himself
- Family Sending All Ten of Their Home-schooled Children to College by the Age of 12..V
- Wrong woman to mess around with...... V
- mike adams "govt will seize all pension in the next few years" (good read)
- 11-Year-Old Yemeni Girl Nada Al-Ahdal Flees Home to Avoid Forced Marriage: I'd Rather
- So, can the Chinese army (PLO) take over America? me...... V
- Cliff Diving Monkeys
- Snowden reveals HAARP’s Global Assassination Agenda
- 5 conspiracy theories which turned out to be true
- How to remove parasites?
- Gold rush trash is Information Age treasure............ V
- "Living in the Shadow of the Cross" - Paul Kivel's WARNING about TooMuch Christianity
- Drone strikes, coming to a theatre near you
- Every household in the UK is to have pornography blocked by their internet provider
- What it means to be white in america
- Silverstein Loses Bid to Collect $3.5 Billion From Airlines for 9/11
- Is it real: Zimmerman Saves Family of Four in Florida Car Crash
- Anti Gun Poster
- The danger of fists
- GSUS Donations Request
- Detroit must reinvent itself, no bailout, What the city actually looks like (video)
- Kentucky Man Shoots Chupacabra
- Elite Pedophile Scandal
- Obama to travel to Florida in wake of Martin verdict
- First picture of royal baby released!
- The Ten Scariest Aircraft Landings Caught On Video
- Al Qaeda militants flee Iraq jail in violent mass break-out
- Southwest plane lands without front landing gear at New York's LaGuardia airport
- Yes, Monsanto Actually DID Buy the BLACKWATER Mercenary Group!
- Tweets from an insolent wannabe thug the jewsmedia won't show you
- What's the most efficient way to learn a new language?
- Galaxies a Trillion Times Brighter than the Sun Observed Inside Colossal Amoeba-Like
- joker appears to be cut clean in half and carrying his legs. Read more: http://www.
- South Louisiana Street Explosions - Bubbling Water from Ground & Sidewalks - Explosi
- HUGE withdrawals of gold and silver off COMEX
- Mike Adams (Natural launches the "Nutrition Library of Alexandria"
- the gold lease story you have not heard about
- African American Has Surprising Comments For Trayvon Martin Supporters
- Spain Privatizes The Sun: Multi Millon Dollar Penalties For Collecting Sunlight.. V
- $1,000 Fine for Flashing Headlights to Warn Motorists of Cops......... V
- Bloomberg Strikes Again: NYC Bans Food Donations To The Homeless
- good update by sinclair on gold backwardation
- The CIA Wants To Control The Weather Through 'Geoengineering'
- Obama pledges "bold" new idea to help US middle class........ V
- The perfect wife...
- US And Russia Simultaneously Announce Intent To Arm Opposing Sides In Syria... V
- Gold-Silver Update and Complete Wipeout of all Debt in All Banks Coming in Next Few
- Zionism, A Crash Course for Anyone Wanting to Know the Truth
- Keiser Report
- Postal Service looks to end at-your-door mail.......... V
- OFA Chair on Immigration Reform: We're Going to 'Force It Through the House'
- Obama Supporters Petition to Grant Him Immunity for All Crimes He Commits While in Of
- Big Sis' shockingly dirty secrets go public
- Nancy Pelosi: Congress must uphold Constitution by passing gun control
- Mayors abandoning Bloomberg's gun control group
- Some non-organic foods contain upwards of 180 times the fluoride level of tap water,
- turmeric
- Women absorb and carry living DNA and cells from every male they have sexual interco
- 61 tons of silver found on SS Gairsoppa shipwreck
- Beijing Subway Can Get A Wee Crowded In The Mornings
- I've got computer problems
- If you could go back in time......20,30,50 me........V
- One-man stand: Albemarle man resists police ID checkpoint
- Are jews predisposed to being sexual deviants and psychopaths?
- US And Russia Simultaneously Announce Intent To Arm Opposing Sides In Syria
- Selling Their Soul: The Luciferian Contract
- Egon von Greyerz
- Summerising this article.....for 85$ the TSA wont stick their hands down your pants
- Why take so long?
- David Morgan "JP Morgan is now long on silver"
- Time for a wash
- Leaked memo reveals big pharma’s strategy to combat regulators
- max keiser on gold backwardation (pretty good)
- How to Fix Detroit in 6 Easy Steps
- Majority of Americans prefer "security" to freedom
- What Happens when you put a bicycle innertube on a cars exhaust
- Bank Wrongfully Repossesses Wrong House......nothing new........ V
- U.S. city looks to penalize Bible believers
- Bitcoin A Ponzi Scheme.......fixed for you......... V
- US Knife Laws ................... V
- More BoA Foreclosure fraud
- Giant Pyramid Built In Area 51! Why?......... V
- he ordered her to “work without her panties on”
- If you're in the L.A. area: Movie event @ Geo-engineering 7/26/13
- USC student claims police told her she was NOT raped because the attacker didn't orga
- 22yr old Woman speaks out after being assault by Police officer..... V
- Bill Watch! Spooked White House Asks Congress To Reject NSA Spying Amendment
- Hackers Reveal Nasty New Car Attacks
- BREAKING: Attempted Set-Up of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn
- Obama Claims IRS, Benghazi Are ‘Phony Scandals’ Distracting Congress From Economy
- Congress to probe lethal crash that killed SEAL Team 6 members
- Grieg
- AK-47 Underwater Firing - High Res
- history of the khazars
- "National Security"
- Totally legal criminals who are sanctioned by the state
- ReThink911
- Critical of JFetzer & JFriend's No Planes @ WTC campaign
- Indian Temple Where Buddha Reached Enlightenment Hit by Bomb Blasts
- Zion Crime Factory Clearing The Air
- Evacuate earth !
- Australia Raped
- Louis vuitton cup
- 20 Controversial Questions The Mainstream Media Won’t Touch With A Ten Foot Pole
- House Rejects Amendment to Defund NSA Program
- Spanish Train Crash Caught By CCTV Camera
- Fired 4 Standing for Freedom:I Got Into L.E to Serve and Protect, Not to be a Bully
- The Time To Fight Back Is Now: Striking Back at Police State Amerika
- after he buys storage container contents blind for just $100
- This is What Wi-Fi Looks Like
- Paul Craig Roberts: US a Lawless State
- New Red Wing Arena Should Be Unaffected by Detroit Bankruptcy
- Cliff in France falling
- The CIA's Secret Museum.......LOL
- Why Speak of Violence?
- Terra Papers: The Hidden History of Planet Earth
- Illinois State Police Post Official FAQ For Upcoming Concealed Carry Laws
- Karen Hudes on RT
- Feds tell Web firms to turn over user account passwords
- Holder looking to require Texas to get federal approval before changing voting laws,
- Poll Finds Rand Paul to Be GOP Presidential Frontrunner for 2016, But He'd Still Get
- Israel real terrorist power in today’s world: David Duke
- So, you want to visit Cuba? here ya hour video........ V
- Glenn Beck: America Was Established for the Establishment of Israel
- How The Establishment Will Attempt To Bring Down The Liberty Movement
- Ben Bernanke resigning Sept 1st?
- Chris Christie attacks libertarians
- Must Watch - Imperium Europa - The IDEA!
- Tnb
- Police Caught Planting Drugs In Small Business......V
- U.S. Army to Buy Millions of Russian Rounds of Ammo and Popular Civilian Firearms...V
- Your lap top is safe with Fed X...... V
- BREAKING: Attempted Set-Up of Stewart Rhodes & Dan Johnson With Child Porn
- Drivers stoned on marijuana test their driving skills
- Terminally ill “Simpsons” co-creator to leave entire fortune to charity
- If you like Freedom DO NOT watch this
- Magpul Suing Four Magazine Manufacturers for Patent Infringement
- Labour pains! Joke pregnancy prank sends men running for cover after baby pops out an
- Syrian Rebels trebuchet
- Roger Waters puts Star of David on pig balloon
- NC Expands Gun Carry Rights to Colleges, Bars – Liberal Media Freaks Out
- Police Caught Planting Drugs In Small Business
- UK Porn Filter Will Censor Other Content Too, ISPs Reveal
- NSA Award for Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper
- Canine Question
- Hacker found dead days before he was due to demonstrate how to kill someone fitted wi
- JPMorgan To Sell Physical Commodity Business!
- Hastings crash on VID
- Good Stefan Rant..
- Palin On Fox: I Was Forbidden From Telling Truth About Obama In 2008
- JPMorgan to exit physical commodites business
- NSA & the switch to HTTPS?
- Ex CIA agent explains how to delete the elite!
- Diff between UK, G.Britain & England Explained, plus CA & AU
- Putin Controls the Chessboard...Chicaco the next false flag attack?
- Wake Up America: Homeland Security Preparing For 2nd Revolution/Economic Collapse
- ILLINOIS: If It Floats, It’s Taxed ....... V
- 2009: Black Neighborhood Watchman Shoots and Kills White Teen Boy
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