View Full Version : General Discussion
- While this picture is funny, it's so damn true.
- North Korea artillery fire hits South island
- A nice short movie... and a message.
- Another TSA this a joke..
- the ever expanding kosher certification...
- Taliban impostor stuns US, NATO
- Max Kesier - Special Edition - Crash JP Morgan' Goes Viral - Nov 23 release
- ABC producer says TSA agent felt inside her underwear
- China has allowed the Yuan to trade against the Russian Ruble
- I no longer post much..........but?
- Look at these identical charts from the past couple days. IDENTICAL!
- BBC: Would a mass cash withdrawal bring down the banks?
- A major clue in your quest to seize the Keys to the Kingdom
- Condo groups facing unpaid dues push for foreclosures
- We’re All Austrians Now
- Man Proves TSA Policies Are Unconstitutional
- me the money
- theantiterrorist and RFID Pills
- The Color Of Crime
- StellaConcepts discusses the implications of today's victorious Options Expiry
- 77 Year Old Hero Defends Ranch kills 4 wounds 2.
- Next step for body scanners could be trains, boats, metro...
- It's Official: The Economy Is Set To Starve
- New Jersey Legislators Take on the TSA
- FCC may regulate Internet lines days before Christmas
- TSA pulls pants off 71 y o man with knee implant
- Do you drink well water or tap water etc... POLL
- DHS/TSA to tag resistors as "domestic extremists", build radical list
- Ron Paul Groped by TSA Thugs!
- Joe Miller Recount Legal Defense Fund
- Watch in HD
- Massive European Pyramids Discovered
- So it begins.. China, Russia to dump US dollar for bilateral trade
- Risk Assets Plummeted @ 8:35 AM Eastern Time - WHY ?
- 11-24 TSA Opt out thread
- If you could create your own Parallel Universe What Scenarios would you make?
- Touchdown!
- Video - The Project for a New American Century
- Do You Know Where That Glove Has Been?
- What do you do for Thanksgiving?
- Fool's luck - it wasn't just a paperweight
- Banks Seek Exemption From Dodd-Frank for Foreign-Exchange Swaps
- The middle-class tax hike nobody's talking about
- All The Roads Lead To Default, But Which Will We Take?
- Can one burn more than one disk at a time
- Why the influences in your life are so crucial to outcomes
- U.S. Sends Battle Tanks to Afghanistan
- The election’s over: Señor Juan McCain resumes amnesty stance
- Hong Kong Property Sales Slide 83% as Higher Tax Deters Weekend Homebuyers
- Enzo's First Day of Obediance Training
- Prediction: No Chemtrails present tomorrow, thanksgiving
- you know what would be really funny?
- Betting in the Endgame
- What Happens When China Collapses?
- Fiat Games
- Norton Anti-virus VS Norton "Internet Security"
- 2011 New Taxes
- Is it me or has their been a huge increase in Fruit Pushers and Clam Diggers???
- TSA agent in custody for rape and attempted suicide
- 12,000 silver eagles sold from APMEX today.
- Mythbusters' Adam Savage and the TSA, funny but also telling
- Scientists attach barcodes to mouse embryos – human ones coming soon
- They're Doing it. TSA Confiscating Cameras
- The Day the Dollar Died
- Euro moving towards collapse
- GM Stock Slides Close To IPO Price
- Buy, buy an American pie - Music video
- Smile, if you're in downtown Houston DHS instaling 300 New Cameras
- Happy Turkey day! And Thanks you guys
- A Young Adolph Hitler Proposes Rescue Plan for Ireland
- Website for No-Fly-List are you on it?
- Strike against austerity cuts brings Portugal to a halt
- Can't TSA be sued under the RICO Act?
- Who's behind the naked scanner hoax? WARNING: graphic, yet very, very lovely
- The Great Thanksgiving Hoax
- The first 12 hours of a U.S. dollar collapse!
- Analysis of the Occult Symbols Found on the Bank of America Murals
- 2010 U.S. silver bullion coin sales already surpasses records
- FDA pursues alcoholic 'energy' drinks
- Back Door To War
- Driving the News Agenda: Jones and Keiser
- Epic TG meal!
- Snow! - Who's Getting Some?
- Pay Cuts Aren’t Enough: Time to Lay Off Federal Workers
- FedEx searching for missing radioactive package
- Chinese Swan Lake...
- TSA follow the money
- Huaxi: Secrets of China's richest village
- Woman harassed by TSA over breast milk, detained and misses flight
- Oxygen found on Saturn's moon Rhea
- US briefs allies on WikiLeaks dump
- Porn scanner operator caught jerking off at DIA
- Analysis of the Occult Symbols Found on the Bank of America Murals
- TSA Agent Abducts Female in Atlanta
- Obama receives 12 stitches in lip after taking errant elbow in mouth during bask
- A Majority Of Americans Believe The US Government No Longer Operates Within The
- Second major drug tunnel found in San Diego in less than a month; marijuana seiz
- Shafted by Uncle Sam
- British riots - I've just spent seven hours being kettled in Westminster
- Spanish Woman Claims She Now Owns Sun
- Irish Cutbacks Pile It on for 'New Poor' .
- U.S. Shuts Down Web Sites in Piracy Crackdown
- Asian gangs, schoolgirls and a sinister taboo (Asian = Pakistani)
- Can someone explain to me how "after-hours" trading works?
- Defiant North Korea fires artillery warning shots
- NSC Study Shows You are More Likely to be Killed By a Cop Than a Terrorist
- Jim Sinclair: "...any thought other than self protections is madness."
- America keeps punching itself in the face.
- Feds: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Ore. AP
- Computer Glitch Leaves Some Australians Without Cash
- Willie Nelson Arrested for Marijuana Possession... YAWN
- WTF - Now Haitians with Cholera landing in Miami
- Will WikiLeaks unravel the American 'secret government'?
- Whoopi Goldberg Says We Won't Fly Founders Terrorists
- Ron Paul: ‘If we tolerate’ the TSA, ‘there’s something wrong with us!'
- Max Keiser:Germany will emerge as World's new Superpower
- 50,000 Turn Out To Protest Against Government Handling Of Irish Bailout
- California Dreaming
- How Joseph Lents Dodged Foreclosure for Eight Years & started a movement
- Move your private-pension fund assets to the state or lose your state pension.
- PBOC Researcher Calls on U.S. to Sell Gold Reserves
- Man puts "Crash JPMorganChase, Buy Silver" decals on his car.
- MOVED: Do you believe that the Devil exists? How about Satan?
- Electric Tricycles Puerto Princesa Palawan Philippines
- The Red Flag's Rule - anyone seen this?
- banks
- How much do you tip?
- Black Friday retail sales edge up only slightly
- OMG, my dream car is for sale and at a screaming price
- Ebay Auction Sniping Tools?
- DOOM - Steve Quayle On Korea ETC LIVE Right now
- Band of Brothers
- North Korea vs South Korea
- China, Russia quit dollar on bilateral trade
- The Tip of The Spear.........
- China, Russia, Iran Dumping Dollar For Gold
- Caterpillar issues first note in Chinese currency
- China and India both know about underground UFO base in the Himalayan border are
- When customers default, and business goes to $#!T.
- Why Amerika is DOOMED- video by Yankeeprepper
- Majority of Irish want to default on debts
- No Victim No Crime
- Wikileaks 'hacked ahead of secret US document release' Wikileaks 'hacked ahead o
- If your home were to be in Palestine.....
- Hidden from society: Police find children without birth certificates, immunizati
- Egyptian archaeologist admits pyramids contain UFO technology
- Just a reminder as to the thinking of one of the head pirates
- Sunday Night Chat!
- Experts predict more terror plots in U.S.
- Tell the EU and IMF to Shove It!
- Quantitative Easing Explained
- Leslie Nielsen Dies
- Audio: Zbigniew ~ "Easier to kill a million people than to control them"
- Has the Gulf Stream stopped...........
- Bomb Kills Iranian Nuclear Scientist
- Harvard scientists reverse the ageing process in mice – now for humans
- Kitco Censorship - for Your <censored> Viewing Pleasure
- Torrent site "seized" by Feds
- The Best iPhone Medical Apps
- Hilariously, Ahmadinejad Says Wikileaks Are Fake And That They're Part Of US "Ps
- Do you know of a marketing forum that you can recommend?
- The Real Wikileaks Story On Iran: It's Becoming The Mexico Of The Middle East
- Man arrested after ejaculating during TSA pat-down
- Massive Wikileaks Dump... Reminds Me School Girl Chatter.
- Keynes in quotes: Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren (1930)
- Rubicon Climbs After Reporting 4 Million-Ounce Gold Estimate in Ontario
- Silver money for China
- Progressives Should Target the Real Robber Barons
- The Next Sovereign Crisis – Belgium?
- France has Now Grabbed Their People's Pension Funds
- Peter Schiff : The Irish Should Default On Their Debt, Not Become Slaves To Bank
- interesting new take on forum censorship
- Swiss pass measure to expel foreigners convicted of crimes.
- Armed Student Reportedly Holding High School Classroom Hostage in Wisconsin
- Organic Farmer Fined 5000 For Growing Crops On Own Land
- Bombshell video exposes Illuminaughty
- CIA, Mossad and Soros Behind Wikileaks MADSEN
- Crowley and the NWO
- Remington "Hit Piece"
- Furnace Went Down Tonight
- Real Airport Security: Lying Dogs or Useful Sniffer Dogs? (Brasscheck TV)
- Can the anti-Jew crowd here ARTICULATE *why* they blame the Jews?
- Congressman Barney Frank Considers Changing Jobs!
- 100,000 mortgage files missing in US
- Pensioner seals self in cellar
- Experts: Mystery contrail was from Chinese missile
- DBS interviews Jim Corr on Ireland, NWO etc
- attach tiny studs of silver to bacteria
- Breaking News: Some Bullsh*t Happening Somewhere
- WTF Silver on CNBC
- Afghan police officer kills 6 US service members
- Gladiator School
- BofA Mortgage Morass Deepens on Promissory Notes Issues
- Israeli FF Attack on U.S. Motivated 1963 Senate Investigations - Newly Declassif
- As Euro Tumbles, Gold Squeeze Gets Vicious
- Adolf Hitler : We shall crush the Freemasons!!
- Federal workers rage over President Obama's two-year wage freeze
- the food safety act just passed
- Max Keiser No 99 -
- Max Keiser No 98
- $6.8 Billion POMO Closes: Brian Sack Monetizes $1.1 Billion
- This is why the People have Thrown You Out Of Power.
- TSA. Homeland Security & Tampa Police Set Up Nazi Checkpoints At Bus Stations
- Surge In GLD December $145 Call Volume
- People Shot At Funeral Home!
- DAMN, look at Silver
- Chinese Can Build, but it is this good? No
- Can Comex Deliver Silver And Gold in Dec 2010
- New Martin Armstrong - Indirect v Direct Stimulus
- "Satanist Insider -- Hillary's Australian Visit"
- new U.S. Army rifles that use radio-controlled smart bullets
- Any Marines on here? Advice needed.
- You probably have no idea how refined data mining is
- WikiLeaks Says It Holds Documents From Bank of America Executive
- Update on housing
- Video: Market Crash Pending
- Quick Question Regarding eBay Seller w/o Feedback
- Student faces three years in prison for modifying Xbox 360
- Interpol Issues International Arrest Warrant For Julian Assange For "Sex Crimes"
- "Don't Refuse the Gift of Gold"
- We are now as GIM used to be......
- Will The Comcast Internet Toll Test The Netflix Business Model?
- "It's all rigged" S510 vote
- Rod Class on live now
- The Savage Nation
- Senate fails to pass unemployment benefits extension
- Rense now: John Coleman, author "...Committee of 300"
- I found a counterfeit coin. It's copper on the inside.
- Idiot Liberals in Portland Oregon in the wake of Christmas Tree Bomber
- QE2 & The Great Misdiagnosis by Jim Willie
- "JEWS" That Filthy Keynes Claims Don't Really Exist
- Interesting Zero Hedge article - Value of BoA in Bankruptcy + comments
- Michael Hoffman: NPR's Propaganda System against Iran 11/29/10
- Land ,if you can't sell it then just give it away.
- Geitner - Cap German Exports NOT Chinas
- Israel Launches Public Relations War In Europe
- Tom Flanagan Calls for Assaassination of Wikileaks director Julian Assange
- Kevin Boyle on Ireland and Protocol 20
- $30 by the end of TODAY
- Fed to Name Recipients of $3.3 Trillion in Aid During Crisis
- Building an International Chinese Police Officer (Need Help)
- TSA Caves On Pat Downs But Mandates Government Permission For All Fliers
- Different Explainations for six-pointed star
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