View Full Version : General Discussion
- Democrats are Satan
- Gilroy Shooting
- So is Elijah like the House Nigger in Django Unchained
- Marianne Williamson & industrial strength white guilt
- Guatemalans are Not the New Puritans
- Australian Economics
- Reagan referred to African blacks as "monkeys...uncomfortable wearing shoes"
- Immigrant Mass Murder In Canada Gets 1/56 Attention Of Gilroy Shooting, Even Though
- Soph banned from YouTube for Anti-Pride video.
- Trump Rally soon!
- Frankfurt Train Station Killer Praised as a Model Immigrant by Swiss NGO.
- CA judge rules semi-auto rifles not protected under 2nd Amendment
- Between 15 and 20 people shot at El Paso Walmart, suspected gunman in custody, Texas
- Spitting on someone is not cool
- Dayton, Ohio, gunfire results in 10 deaths, including gunman; at least 16 wounded
- Seth Rich Case Coming Back to Life?
- Mexico vows to take legal action against U.S. after deadly El Paso shooting
- Another exemplary resident of Portland
- Ohio gunman described himself as pro-Satan 'leftist' who supported Elizabeth Warren
- every-mass-shooting-in-the-last-20-years-shares-psychotropic-drugs
- Congress needs to get back to work to help solve this problem
- Dayton Shooter Was A Pro-Satan Leftist Who Supported Warren, Sanders, Antifa And Comm
- The Democrats couldn't be happier about the mass murders
- PHOTOS: Every US Mass Shooter in 2019 Who Shot Four or More People
- WTH did he just say???
- Does anybody remember Jeffrey Epstein?
- 8chan moves to ZeroNet.
- Italy: new law to stop migrants and NGO's.
- Owner of 8chan Says the Manifesto Was NOT Uploaded by the El Paso Walmart Shooter
- (((Rosanna Arquette))) Sorry I was born white/priv'd; feel disgusted...ashamed
- The Hunt - more garbage from Pedowood
- MASS STABBING in Californicate! Four dead...
- Maryland’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Turns Deadly: Officer Kills Man Who Refused To Turn In Gun
- Gun sales surge fueled by first-timers, mostly for ‘concealed’ pistols
- Every Mass Shooting Shares One Thing In Common & It’s NOT Weapons
- John McAfee interview with VLTV - arrests, cryptos, POTUS run
- Trump supporters descend upon Baltimore in effort to clean up a bad neighborhood
- 1991 Book Predicts School Shootings By Drugged Individuals In Order To Disarm Public
- From the party of gun control - A liberal wet dream
- Epstein supposedly DEAD
- Corrupt Clowns at FBI Forgot to Remove Search Words in Redacted Rybicki Transcript
- 3-Time Deported Migrant Charged in Houston Freeway Shooting Homicides
- Portrait of a cuck
- Here It Is… Complete List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously...
- Geez, the irony of it all
- Churchill's puppetmaster
- More evidence living standards are collapsing
- Don't ever buy an RV trailer from Waren Buffet's Forest River company
- John Mark's latest
- War on whitey has been declared
- Nigga Pleaze
- Su-27 fighter jets ‘spook away’ NATO F-18 from Russian Defense Minister’s plane
- Seth Rich's Ghost Won't Go Away
- Does this qualify as domestic terrorism?
- Christian Greek-American refugee from Saddam years deported to Iraq and dies
- Man Who Slammed Trump for ‘Racist’ Immigration Policies Killed by Illegal Immigrant
- Active Shooter Philly. 6 Police shot.
- Israel blocks Omar, Tlaib from entering country amid pressure from Trump
- The white race, headed for extinction becaue we are mostly indifferent to each other
- Buying Greenland
- trump, be gansta n' sheeiit - n*gger loving is what trump is
- Consider "Front"
- Pirates!
- Our Interesting Times: Woodstock +50
- Phone Call to Supremes to check on RBG
- This is how Sikh men dance
- Best explanation of so-called Red Flag Laws
- First Republican gives support to so-called assault weapons ban
- When Asked To Identify Yourself
- (Aug 9) RIP Paul Findley (R-IL) age 98 - Patriotic anti-Shlomo
- Ronda Rousey almost lost a finger shooting a TV show
- "King of Israel, second coming of God"
- Burn-ey declares war against whitey
- What are "guerilla freedom fighters?"
- Real ID (Oh My!!)
- You guys have to watch this Patrick Byrne guy, never seen anything like it
- Can the CIA get anything right?
- Liberals Are in Full Melt-Down Mode Over News of Ginsburg’s Recent Cancer Treatment
- Stefan Molyneux: Sunset in the Golden State series
- BOE's Mark Carney Urges Replacing Dollar With Libra-Like Reserve Currency
- English professor under fire for showing students a 14-minute QAnon conspiracy video
- Israhell expands its war effort in the ME
- Biden in New Hampshire, gaffe again
- John Macfee for President?
- Grand Jury Investigating Andrew McCabe
- Russia admits nuclear reactor blew up during missile test 250 miles from Moscow
- nba nig not guilty despite video of dragging white woman
- How to ruin your career in 5 minutes at the VMA
- Salvini Out !
- Rotherham rape gang exploited young girls forced into sex with multiple men
- The branding of apparel
- website assessment
- Macaulay Culkin: Satanic Hollywood Elites Murder Children During Rituals
- NASCAR Anti 2A.
- This Just In
- Mass Shooting Mobile Alabama Football Game
- The most incredible cancer survivor story EVER!
- Active shooter goes postal in west Texas
- Police are searching for two active shooters that left two dead, at least 20 injured
- “Become other than White”: Ireland and Radical Jewish Activism
- Meet the Dims' 2020 nominee for POTUS
- Pennslyvania govenor becomes a goat-fucker
- Do not dis Antifa
- Cat5 Hurricane Dorian hits Bahamas with 185mph winds, heading west
- Zionist extermination plans for America, Project Pogo. Project Zyphr
- Red flag laws - just the beginning
- California Boat Fire: 34 Dead.
- Biden Calls For Banning ‘Magazines That Can Hold Multiple Bullets in Them’
- Reddit Karma Hell
- 14 year old Alabama teen kills family with 9mm shotgun
- minn state fair is so vibrant now
- Crisis Actors Role Players needed - NY Sept event??
- San Francisco officials brand NRA a ‘domestic terrorist organization’
- Remarks against Antifa prompt FBI seizure of former Marine’s weapons under Oregon’s ‘
- Creepy Joe has a blowout, is this the end of the line?
- Buy your body armor now legally before Chuck Schumer's ban gets adopted
- Due to the high cost of ammo, there will be no warning shots.
- Major University Study: Fire Did Not Bring Down Building 7
- They're just like us
- Cia, mossad & “epstein network”
- Silicon Valley - Eyes Wide Shut - Social Credit Scores /Truthstream Media
- Barr's DOJ covering for Killary--nothing changes
- 'Ike' was Satan incarnate
- AlabamaGate
- The "James McCanney Science Hour - At the Crossroads"
- Want More Mass Shootings? Keep Cracking Down on Free Speech
- The terrorist US government operates largest black market arms syndicate in the world
- Valerie Plame ("anti-semite" -lol) for congress??
- More Huns coming in the future...
- Bolton gone
- Sentenced to Life Without Parole for a Non-Violent First Drug Offense
- Quo Warranto
- 9/11 - the footage they didn't let you see twice
- New cities in China as our own USA cities become shitholes
- Another mass casualty incident!
- Anyone ask HRC or Macron where Gaddafi's gold got to?
- Douglas Macgregor: U.S. Needs to Leave Afghanistan Now
- 2019 Canadian Federal Election (NPC)
- PewDiePie pledges $50K to ADL, then redacts after fan backlash
- A Commie goes on a rant
- PSA: Mothers Against Staged Shootings
- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images
- Trumpstein wants mutual defense treaty w/ Israhell
- Oil To Hit $100?
- This was NOT a hate crime!
- Proposed FEDERAL firearms permit
- They want to ban high capacity magazines?
- Hitler escaped to Argentina
- Another MAGA hoax.
- Guess the makeup of Trumpstein's latest Nat'l Security Advisor
- Oddly this turned up in a search result
- Danish joke: Trump offered to buy Greenland from Denmark
- Ban on Eating Dogs and Cats Blocked in UK — It Might Offend Asian Migrants
- DOJ Accuses JPMorgan's Precious Metals Trading Desk Of Being A Criminal Enterprise
- get whitey yields brain damage for boy
- Oh no, he crashed the Draco
- Don't normally watch house proceedings, but this Lewandowski hearing is hilarious
- they dont expel anybody from skool, except this girl
- WITAF is going on?
- RFK's son claims 'compelling evidence' his father was assassinated by a CIA operative
- Got to get me one of those helicopter chainsaws.
- Gastro Obscura
- BUSTED: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Wore “Brownface” in Party Pictures
- Red Flag Laws...
- Lewandowski frustrates Democrats, as impeachment-probe hearing descends into disarray
- Colt Cucks, Suspends AR-15 Production for Civilian Use.
- we're travel
- 09/24-28/19 - the period of days when THE EARTH STOOD STILL
- example of what declining population does to real estate values
- RT: trump could delay war until after the 2020 selections
- 'Islam is RIGHT About Women'
- Colloidal silver in a plastic container
- Google Says It's Achieved Quantum Supremacy, a World-First: Report
- 6 y.o. niglet displays TNB, gets 'arrested', printed and booked
- Why don't we murder more white people?
- How bad is it?
- Parkour on a bicycle
- Take a glance at the future
- Utah Senator Mike Lee Senate Bill S386 will give Ares’s Job to an Indian
- Check out the white supremacist!
- Who will Killary tap for her running mate this time?
- Knockout Game Attack
- Teen climate change activist angrily berates UN Climate Summit attendees
- US Army discovers the mother lode of cannon fodder
- The ultimate use of a flattop by Uncle
- Doom
- Atlantis: 10 kingdoms of nig nogs
- Good luck humans
- 4 word infallible magical incantation works every time
- Trump signs biggest wilderness protection bill in decade, designates 375,000 new acre
- Ukraine info
- Pack of niggers take turns sodomizing a 5 year old in South Africa
- Trump Double Down... 9/25/2019
- Hartman loses appeal from arrest while trying to serve judge
- Evangelical ‘Leader’ Calls On Christians To Stand On Guard At Synagogues On Rosh Hash
- blacks kill 13 yo boy with sucker punches at skool
- Who is calling for violence?
- great list of banned youtubers now at bitchute, etc
- Illegitimate
- I couldn't think of a title for this thread
- Declass probably never going to happen...
- Slick Willie about to pull a Jeffery Epstein?
- Why feebay likes it when a seller offers 'free shipping'
- Joo York Slimes gets its just desserts
- Will Justin Trudeau survive this?
- Sex slave thread
- Saudi Aramco Attack fakery
- The speech they're trying to hide: President Trump's stellar UN speech
- New RNC ad
- Another Day, Another Hate Hoax.
- 250lb negro fag is memphis skool homecoming queen
- V90 Drone
- ihop restaurant damaged, employee attacked over OJ refills
- Do you guys read the Gateway Pundit? You should
- Sheboon in its natural habitat
- Just talked to my neighbors.
- Portland Trail Blazers sever ties with company that supplies IDF with rifle scopes
- A Virginia police officer was suspended after allegedly turning over a suspected undo
- Retired cop gives some of best info I've heard
- Octopus PROMIS: The Conspiracy Against INSLAW Software,
- Tesla has an app for people too lazy to walk to their car
- Burnie's out!
- We are ruled by psychopaths
- Diversity is NOT a strength
- univ of tennessee student athlete
- Another One Exposes (((Herself)))
- Mass kililng at Paris POLICE HQ!
- Check the forecast for 2025
- Tucker Carlson eviscerates the Cocaine Importation Agency
- In A War with the Trees ... Guess Who Wins?
- LarouchePAC Trolls AOC - eat the babies
- Nigga culture matters
- You know it's bad when...
- Retired woman cop to Dims: "I will NOT comply" with an assault weapons ban
- Italy: Migrant murders two police officers
- Retired cop Rick Gore is a hoot
- "Those with guns and ammo...
- white 8th grader charged w/felony, jailed for hate speech
- When around blacks, never relax
- What are they hiding?
- Dominican Immigrant Arrested For Bashing Four Homeless Men To Death With Pipe
- Well it's been awhile but moving to Croatia was a great decision
- Former Trump Organization executive believes Trump will resign to avoid impeachment
- 90% of Syrian "Refugees” in Sweden are Living on Welfare
- Website Kiwi Farms refuses to surrender data linked to accused Christchurch terroris
- jew gets stay of execution by claiming judge is antisem
- Can someone explain this tweet fro POTUS Trump?
- white girls aged 10, 11 charged w/assault, harrassment, assault, hate crime
- Whatfinger Alt Drudge !
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