View Full Version : General Discussion
- Nearly Every Mass Shooting In The Last 20 Years Shares One Thing In Common
- Remember Remember The 5th of November.....
- Exposing Wall Street's Hidden "Code"
- a personal testimonial from Me
- Fear at the highest levels, govt changes navy uniform
- Cops Force Man To Have Surgery
- school sucks project
- Ponce at council meeting on the 12 of this month.......... V
- Partisan politics push rural Colorado to vote on secession
- Armed citizens fight crime, shoot back
- Seriously
- The Problem With Pay-As-You-Go Social Programs: They're Ponzi Schemes
- Slash Your Power Bill
- Twitter IPO Another Sign of Burning Market
- Tired Of Living Without Your Triple Macchiato Spiced Latte?
- Obama's Ex-Bodyguard: Scandals 'Worse Than You Know'
- Remington Ammunition 22 Long Rifle
- The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel
- Turd Sandwich overtakes Giant Douche in VA governor sweepstakes
- Jim Willie talks with TMR about Gas, Gold, the end of the Petrodollar, and much more.
- Take some time out for some humor!
- ‘Courage Is Contagious’: NSA Employees Following Snowden’s Lead
- LAX Shooter's Note Mentions NWO, Fiat Currency
- Million Mask March: LIVE UPDATES
- Washington votes against GMO labeling – preliminary results
- Colorado voters overwhelmingly approve state marijuana tax
- Perfect example as to why YOUR single vote doesn't make a shit
- Obama - A Cocaine Smoking Homosexual.
- ASSASSINATED: Yasser Arafat was poisoned to death in 2004 with radioactive polonium,
- Floating island of rubbish three times size of BRITAIN floating towards California
- Froggy beaners establish beachhead at *respectable* fast food joint
- Aeromobil is a “flying car”
- Jewboo where are you?
- A historical comparison to this purge and those of Hitler and Stalin
- "Christian Faith" as written about by mainstream Jewish media - a tatted up feminist
- f-ing bitcoin
- 'Silk Road 2.0' Launches, Promising A Resurrected Black Market For The Dark Web
- Jury Nullification FTW!
- I took Hyperkitty's thanks virginity
- Meet Seattle's new mayor and his husband.
- Kokesh update
- FDA to ban artery-clogging trans fats
- A look inside Detroit's crumbled public lighting system
- Homeland Security Committee chairman responds to “Silk Road 2.0”
- Everybody pile on Twitter!
- Corruptions Last Meal Is Always Itself - Chase Isn't the Only Bank in Trouble
- India, on its way to Mars............... V
- WE know what's best for you - we will ALWAYS know what's best for you
- The Industrial Revolution You Haven't Met
- Global Warming Leak Proverbial Third Shoe Dropping
- World’s first 3D-printed METAL gun successfully fires over 50 rounds
- Sea Cucumber Found to Kill 95% of Cancer Cells, Shrink Tumors
- Democrats considering bill to lift minimum wage by 40 percent
- People have bought or sold $100,000 in Bitcoins from a Vancouver ATM, firm says
- Dad Calls Cops on Son to Teach Him a Lesson, Cops Shoot Son Dead
- Silver Valor
- ‘The Corrupt Fear Us!' Massive Anonymous 'Million Mask March' as it happened (PHOTOS,
- Secret Space War VI: Dead Humans by the Millions, the Real Alien Agenda?
- Bloomberg giving NYPD bodyguards jobs to ‘keep their mouths shut’
- Hypertiger
- US to require insurers to cover mental health, addiction same as physical illness
- We need to keep assault weapons out of the hands of the irresponsible
- Lara Logan Apologizes for ’60 Minutes’ Benghazi Report: ‘We Were Wrong’
- We fuck the world
- Tzipi Livni claims she had sex with two Palestinian figures, Erekat and Abed Rabbo an
- Saturated Fat Does NOT Promote Heart Disease
- Feds Subjected Innocent Woman to Finger Probe of Vagina & Anus
- Deep Structural Cracks Manifesting within the Economic and Monetary Systems
- Anyway, taking a vacation......see you guys in a few........ v
- I Quit. I Think.
- krokodil
- Dad unfit ,Mcdonalds
- Bacon deodorant, whats not to like?
- Aw-nold for POTUS!!!
- Three Guys Built a Better
- CNN Throws In the Towel; Moves Away from News
- Talmudists want to destroy the caucasian race.
- Study: Multiple vaccinations may actually cause autoimmune diseases.
- Holohoax Survivors who Tell the Truth
- Money and Power vs. 'Money Power'
- How America Was Lost
- Ted Cruz With Jay Leno
- Trans Pacific Partnership
- Operation Misdirect: the recent marketing push by the 501(c)(3) businesses
- How big bankers profit from food stamps J.P. Morgan makes big money off program while
- US and Israel lose UNESCO voting rights
- Protesters, civil rights groups seek justice after Detroit-area man kills woman
- Mormons Buy Florida 2%
- White guy wins after leading voters to believe he’s black
- President Cowboy
- As BitCoin Touches $400 The Senate Starts Seeking Answers... As Does The Fed
- Death to all E-coins
- Wanna make the world a better place?
- The face of a snake
- US, Israel lose UNESCO voting right over Palestine dispute
- Farming
- Such a lovely minaret...........
- Seeing Red: Dutch King pelted with tomatoes during visit to Moscow
- Bill Moyers on why the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement is death for de
- disappeared threads?
- Chinese troops will have boots on the ground in Hawaii on Tuesday
- COMET ISON! The end of the Mayan Calender is Dec 31st 2013 and I can prove it!
- KABOOM! Russia Today Declares 9/11 Was An Inside Job.
- Texas
- lol White Guy Pretends To Be Black Guy And Wins Election In Predominantly Black Distr
- Don't miss GSUS Worldcoin Promotion.....
- UTTER DEVASTATION - Philippines Typhoon Tacloban residents scramble for supplies
- Guy nails his scrotum to the ground as protest against police brutality
- Russell Brand - Committee on Addiction (complete)
- Best Youtube Comment
- Alert! London grid down! “live & happening now”
- American Blackout 2013 Movie
- MUST READ: The Bursting of the Shale Gas Bubble
- Barack H. Obama - AKA Harrison J. Bounel - Deadbeat and Tax Fraud
- Revered Hollyweird intellectual condems 'global warming skeptics'
- 7 cops watch man die then in frenzied craze beat dead body
- 'Prepping' goes mainstream
- How to flip a hippo..................
- Seagulls
- Stuxnet infected Russian nuclear plant and space station
- Man dies after drinking $58,000 worth of crystal meth in fruit drink bottle
- Sick of The Lies and The Liars....Turd Ferguson
- Breaking News: Martin Luther King Jr has been killed!
- What Obama and I Learned at Columbia: How to Destroy America From Within
- Don Quixote and the Quest for the Startup Silver Bullet
- US Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11
- Letter to a very selfish and cold hearted man
- TPTB Want the [Physical]Gold! They have always suppressed gold, always! Liars all!
- “We are those people, we’ll kick your door in and take your supplies"
- Wi-Fi Kills Plants, Could Harm Kids—But Can Be Harnessed for Energy
- Netanyahu is in a state of shocked disbelief
- Black mob kidnaps, rapes teen girls Brutal assaults captured on cell-phone videos rec
- Former Fed Quantitative Easer Confesses, Apologizes: "I Can Only Say: I'm Sorry
- Americans 34 Times More Interested In Buying Guns Than Obamacare
- What Would Happen If There Was No Central Bank?
- The child sex slaves of Brazil's Highway From Hell
- CAUGHT ON TAPE: Obamacare Navigators Counsel Applicants to "Lie"
- The Matrix Trilogy Decoded -- Human Microchipping & The Internet of 'Things'
- Why Has Nobody Gone To Jail For The Financial Crisis? "Blame The Government"
- Whistle BLOWER- Secret Plot to NUKE parts of the USA Exposed!
- Bat shit crazy Ann Barnhardt speaks again... sometimes with a little truth...
- "Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony..."
- Just got back from the city council meeting............ V
- Freedom Tower spire lights tested for first time
- US TREASURY: Ramps Up Zimbabwe Style Printing Press or 1 bitcoin is worth $10,000
- inFORM - Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display
- The Book of Jubilees
- Couple robbed by Muslims feel they "Deserve it"
- 'bama Says 'You may keep your PLAN'
- Terrorists using Obama’s “Yes we can” slogan
- Typhoon Haiyan: Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste
- Willie: “There will be a 50% dollar devaluation [and] a doubling of gold price"
- US Military to Blow up Paradise Island
- Why the State Likes to Frighten You
- My mini-micro hydro water plant............. me............ V
- EPA Bans Most Wood-Burning Stoves.............. V
- Seattle police deactivate surveillance system after public outrage
- i just an ad on the radio for PALLADIUM
- Shooting at Pittsburgh High School
- Wave at the dumb crackas Sasha...
- NASA requires private ventures
- Who's A Rat? Largest Online Database for Informants and Agents
- Pittsburgh shooting "Units are looking for actors"
- The Rise Of The Psychiatric State Under Obamacare
- WarmBeerSucks
- Three students shot near Pittsburgh high school
- The Trans-Pacific Partnership Is a Corporate Coup in Disguise
- How JPMorgan's Latest PR Stunt Blew Up In Its Face
- Got Food?
- Canadian mining company pays wages in bitcoin and plans new cryptocurrency exchange
- A Warning From Anonymous – 9/11 Style Attack in LA in May Be Imminent
- Our savior is here!
- Foundations of Freedom
- Something not mentioned at our last twon V
- Supreme Court OKs Obama Impeachment Proceedings?
- Impersonating A Cop Won't Get You a Donut at Dunkin'
- More Taxpayers Are Abandoning the U.S.
- Are you okay General?
- Smooth sailing for Yellen in front of Senate
- Typhoon Haiyan: Desperation triggers anarchy in storm-devastated areas
- Israeli minister 'astounded’ by Kerry's remarks on Iran
- Twitter: President Obama First Follower of @IHateN**gers
- Properties you can escape to for under $100,000
- Risky fuel removal about to start
- China Poised To DEMAND U.S. LAND As Payment For U.S. Debt
- Whoaa...
- What an incredible economy!
- Who's got leaves?
- Gold, the unwanted red haired stepchild.
- Anti-Common Core Speech by High School Senior.
- Oprah on Racism and Hatred
- New Bitcoin 'Black Hole-Quasar' Discovery Baffles Astronomers
- Silence of the Vaccine Makers
- What Is The Real Agenda Of The American Police State? - See more at: http://www.theda
- James Jaeger on His Latest Film, MOLON LABE, and the Restoration of Militias -
- Humans do NOT come from Earth
- Thorium-Fueled Automobile Engine Needs Refueling Once a Century
- When is having a serious protection dog superior to having a gun in hand?
- Are Foreign Buyers Propping-up The US Real Estate Market?
- Bloomberg: So Many Memes, So Little Time
- The ADL
- More on the Myth of Lincoln, Secession and the 'Civil War' - See more at: http://www.
- Congressional Hearings to Provide Bitcoin Enlightenment? - See more at:
- Colossus - The Forbin Project (1970) Part 1
- AP Exposes Ethanol ... We Want More
- Shocking Documentary - How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It
- 'Knockout' game grows in popularity nationally among teen jungle savages
- Police: woman beat and robbed elderly victims
- Mike Rowe on How Many Are Following the ‘Worst Advice in the History of the World’
- What These Foster Parents Allegedly Did to This 11-Year-Old Child Is Hard to Believe
- President Obama Insults Former President Bush At His Own Portrait Hanging
- Shut Up White B**ch’: Conservative, Black Actress Tweets MLK ‘Dream’ Speech, Gets Sla
- I just saw WWZ................ V
- Blue Gold - World Water Wars. (Full Film)................. V
- 53 million people at risk as powerful Midwest storm brings tornadoes, severe winds
- Pelosi... as bad as barry without a teleprompter
- Your Phone Number Is Going To Get A Reputation Score
- Motorcycle Racer Kurt Caselli Dies After Crash
- i suck at piloting an x-wing
- Shape-shifter on Barry's SS detail??
- Shoot at a van full of kids, get a paid vacation!
- The Obamacare Divorce
- Federal Reserve Steals From the Poor and Gives to the Rich - See more at: http://www.
- Obamacare and the New Soviet Man
- Oprah: Generations 'marinated' in racism will need to die out for discrimination to e
- UK: Three years in jail for posession of "rape porn"
- "Dark Web" Exposes $75,000 Bitcoin-Based Bounty For Bernanke'
- Seminole deputies arrest George Zimmerman
- Headbutt table
- BERNANKE: Bitcoin 'May Hold Long-Term Promise'
- Reuters: Pentagon Guity of Billion-Dollar Accounting Fraud
- Good news and bad news
- Nobody Has ‘Good Model’ Of What Moves Gold
- PONZI: Treasury Forced to Issue $1T in New Debt in First 6 Weeks of FY14
- When Have You Received Medical Care?
- 'Bamacare Non-Participation
- Geithner Joins the Wall Street Party
- EU Seizes on Snowden Revelations to Justify a Deeper Union - See more at: http://www.
- Government To Investigate Government Over Jobs Manipulation Report
- World Stocks Muted as Reality Check Taken on Gains
- Free-diver Nick Mevoli, 32, Dies While Attempting New Depths in Bahamas
- 6 More Arrested in $45M Cyber Heist, Feds Say
- What Are Bitcoins? Virtual Currency Explained (Like You're an Idiot)
- Teen Who Dismembered 5th-Grader to Be Sentenced
- Deal Closer: Iran Concedes on 'Right' to Enrich
- Yuan going higher: convertability and floatability coming (buy the yuan!)
- Salon: One World After All
- Unfrozen Sleazebag Lawyer: Edwards back into Trial Law (ugh!)
- Special Report: The Pentagon's doctored ledgers conceal epic waste
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