View Full Version : General Discussion
- Jose Guerena SWAT Raid Video From Helmet Cam
- new species of animal, plant, & insect photos
- Israeli's Shooting At Unarmed Fishermen
- Just zap myself to the ground with 1 mill volts :(
- Can a Jew legally cancel his Jewishness?
- Skylon Spaceplane Finally Gets Approval
- Government Cannot Be Trusted To Police Itself
- great deals to be had out there!
- Paging all Kentuckians
- U.N. sees risk of crisis of confidence in dollar.
- Adam Kokesh and Group Get Arrested For Dancing At Jefferson Memorial
- Migrant workers bring a slice of diversity and multiculturalism to El Paso
- Congressman Warns: “Those Who Can, Should Move Their Families Out Of the City”
- The Most Hated Family in America
- Middle Tennessee Police Profiting Off Drug Trade?
- We’ve Gone from a Nation of Laws to a Nation of Powerful Men Making Laws in Secr
- Coin firm investors wonder where shares went
- Man Builds Moat Fortress To Save Home From Flood
- . In reality, COCONUT OIL PREVENTS HEART DISEASE!Fuels the Brain, Prevents Neuro
- Melon-sized hail that fell during a severe thunderstorm
- Has everyone seen fair game?
- Ron
- Currency Devaluation in Belarus Causes a Run on Toilet Paper.
- Another Military/Police/First Responder TV Worship Show
- Do any of you Folks get the Free Morgan Silver Newsletter ?
- Funniest Bumper Stickers
- Search Engines and the WEB's Hidden Knowledge.
- Sunday chat 5/29
- Israel's Fischer interested in IMF job
- What would happen if I posted this on another forum?
- Look at the photos then read the Comments
- There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says
- How to intercept Skype calls
- Alexander Higgins' website server hacked
- Help finding video - found it!
- They Warned Us
- JFK Assassination Was witness Lee Bowers murdered?
- Total Transformation ( brainwashing ) Program
- Greek PM - Crypto jew George Papandreou accused of TREASON
- Amazing Tribute to a Fallen Soldier
- Why the US/Israel is destabilizing the Middle East really...
- Seasteading - living outside the territories claimed by any standing nation
- Filthy jews and muzzies leaders urge EU heads not to pander to extreme-right
- The Patriot Act: When Truth Becomes Treason
- David Cameron and Barack Obama ''don't have a clue'' about dealing with the war
- Memorial Day Blasphemy
- Insider trading laws don't apply to members of Congress
- Germany abandoning nuclear power
- So what's the deal with bitcoins?
- Famous Doctored Photographs
- Another dream...
- Steampunk
- Utah Law Makes Coins Worth Their Weight in Gold (or Silver)
- You flirty rat! New York fashionistas splurge on designer outfits ... for their
- The world didnt have an IMF for a few thousand years
- front page of today
- Japan pensioners volunteer to tackle nuclear crisis
- In other words, the world goes mad.
- Jimmy Carter: Crisis of Confidence
- thinking of starting a side business. need input from you guys.
- Thunder Road Report - Helter Skelter...
- Dominique Strauss-Kahn assembles ex-CIA crisis team to fight back
- Wells Fargo dropping the "Diversity" bit?
- 'Double-Dip' in Housing Prices Even Worse Than Expected.
- Pilgims Society
- House rejects debt limit increase without cuts
- Sesame Street Spreads Secret Political Messages, Insiders Admit
- My new toys......... : )
- The Canadian Dollar is No Haven from a US Dollar Collapse
- Martin armstrong Call June 14th 2011 "launch date for gold"
- Thanks for the Blank Check!
- George Gordon on Parens patriae
- I know there is a sub forum for this question but
- Latest on E. coli outbreak: More than 1500 people in Germany infected, 16 killed
- Darn ahoy silver here.
- Dumb question: Is it legal?
- Massachusetts State Militia Reactivated
- Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster
- FEMA To Demand That Hurricane Katrina Victims Return Aid Money.
- May manufacturing activity cooled to 20-month low.
- 18 Signs That Life In U.S. Public Schools Is Now Essentially Equivalent To Life.
- New police "Toy" This Stun Gun-Equipped Armored Glove Is Worthy Of Judge Dredd!
- U.S. Mint Silver Eagle Coin Sales Through May Best Since 1986
- Police and Firemen Let Man Drown
- Nigerian 'baby factory' raided, 32 teenage girls freed
- This just in - Ed Steele in his OWN words, FINALLY
- Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full
- U.S. House rejects debt limit increase without cuts
- The Chalk Guy Is Back!
- Tornado outbreak in Massachusetts
- Will You Become an Inflation Victim? Take This Simple Quiz
- EPA-Corps Bypassing Congress With New Clean Water Regulations
- Religion Poll - What do you believe in?
- DSK Ally, (Jack Lang, Talmudist) accused of "liitle boy orgies" in Morocco
- Solar Furnace...why aren't these more common?
- Chemtrails going mainstream?
- Palin
- Where are our rights against search and seizure?
- 100 Civil War Scenes: Rare Photos by Mathew Brady
- New Jewish Kosher organization gets attacked by others for scamming
- Will Evil Pencil-Neck-Geek Congressman Weiner get a pass?
- 25 bucks for a traffic citation hearing in Massachusettes
- ks Slips Coming For 450,000 State and Local Government Employees in 2012.
- Fearsome lawn ornament shot dead by cops.
- War on drugs has failed
- “Silver is the new gold”
- faces 75 years in prison for recording law enforcement
- Report: Economy Failing Because U.S. Built On Ancient Indian Burial Grounds
- DEBT CEILING: Moody's Just Threatened To Slash The US Credit Rating
- White Identity: Racial Consciousness In The 21st Century
- New FL law: No $$ from state w/OUT Urine,Blood,Hair samples drug tested first!!
- Edible RFIDs being proposed has many benefits?
- Who Is Behind Adam Kokesh and Russia Today Television?
- My Kidney for an ....
- Cut Food Stamps?
- Wilhelm Reich and the Orgone Energy
- Connections?
- MRSA 'superbug' is found in British milk
- Police State Interrogations: Obama Rolls Back Miranda Rights
- Third Time's a Charm? Whispers of QE3 Emerge
- GoD's DOOOOOM diesel get's an improvement
- SPECIAL REPORT: Symptoms of Tyranny, Oathkeepers in Arizona
- Devilish Packaging, Tamed
- In tornado zone, a helping hand gets slapped with a $275 fine
- Need a job? Work on a farm
- Silver Shield: Don’t Hold Your Breath.
- More groping at airport
- Doctor Death is dead
- Racial Violence Has Not Made It Into the Conversation about Race
- History Question - Authoritative List of Countries that Jews were Expelled From
- Ohio woman, 100, has bank account dating to 1913
- Evil Cops Prevent Fatherhood Just Before Father's Day
- Earthworm Doom
- Volcano blasts tower of ash near Mexico City
- US lawmakers cut Homeland Security funding.
- Miami Beach Police Ordered Videographer At Gunpoint To Hand Over Phone.
- U.S. projects in war zones are unsustainable, study finds.
- Goldman Sachs Lost 98% of Libya’s $1.3B Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment.
- An Agent Of The King In Every Home
- Mutiny On The Acropolis: Greek Protesters Seize Finance Ministry
- Random Disney Madness
- Video - The Government's War on Cameras!
- China Has Divested 97 Percent of Its Holdings in U.S. Treasury Bills
- James Arness dies.....
- The Pope needs to shut his fricken cock holster
- Truth is hate
- New Al Qaeda Video: American Muslims Should Buy Guns, Start Shooting People
- "The Gun is Civilization" by Marko Kloos
- WTF - Educators’ Conference To Get Your Racist White Minds Right Coming Soon
- Israel: The Promised Land for Organized Crime by David Duke
- Joe Rogan is talking politics
- Oil manipulation hits our pocket books
- Identity theft victim gets rose, thank you note from thief
- Deputies and movers show up at bank to seize property for homeowner.
- Does anyone knows?..........
- Pickup runs on wood.
- Family Lives in 320-Square-Foot 'Shotgun Shack'.
- Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond flies Gay Rights rainbow Flag
- Do the American people support the 'special relationship?'.
- Toyota Hybrid Ad (FU Toyota!)
- Half of Last Month's New Jobs Came from a Single Employer — McDonald's
- Deputies and movers show up at bank to seize property for homeowner
- Britain and France will share aircraft carrier to combat defence cuts
- Netanyahu’s Triumph
- Can You Pass the 2011 Silver Quiz?
- Hot time in Illinois this summer
- Lawsuit Claims Patti Labelle Directed Her Bodyguards To Beat West Point Cadet.
- Do foreign men deserve Russian women?.
- The Occult History of the Third Reich
- Untrusted connection warning with Safemail
- the average person in Seattle breathed in 10 hot particles a day.
- Hundreds of protesters gather near border with Israel on Golan
- Fed Lawyer Alvarez: “The Federal Reserve Does NOT Own Any Gold at All.
- Police Officer Written Red-Light Tickets Ruled Unconstitutional.
- Silver Price Manipulation and the Coming Silver Shortage.
- When the old becomes the new......"The Drew Pond"
- 7,000 years older than Stonehenge.
- 6 Cyl. F150 Full-Size Truck - Enough to Haul 4 Wheel Trailer with 1 Ton Load ?
- How gold could reach $13,644 an ounce and silver $853.
- Armchair astronaut discovers Mars 'space station' using Google earth.
- Again, NRA shows true colors and opposes 2nd Amendment protections!
- Moscow to build new metro lines in the air.
- Mindless distraction: Armless man flips out
- UFC fans: Joe Rogan v.s. UFC heckler
- All climate change deniers should be tattoed
- =
- No chat tonight
- A wealth of useful info
- Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record 'forged'
- Plastic leaching question
- MOVED: Bullets chart.....something handy to print and save.
- Joke
- Smart boy: Schoolboy Lawrence Rook, 13, invented Smart Bell, which calls your mo
- rnia, the state built on gold prospecting, is set to outlaw ... gold prospecting
- Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered
- Rothschild confronted in his own yard!
- Apmex Flash Sale on Silver Eagles.
- Silver's D-Day invasion June 6th
- ADL blasts Foreskin Man comic book's 'anti-Semitic' images on circumcision
- Celente......raising hell about everything.
- defense against the psychopath
- If You Build It For A Million People, They Will Come... Oh, Really?
- Some good articles here........
- What a weiner!
- Swiss Banker Unmasks Bilderberg Criminals
- Who are your favorite bloggers?
- The Next Financial Crisis Will Be Hellish And It’s On Its Way
- Undeniable Fact No.1- Chris Matthews is biggest A**hole on TV
- Three Silver Dimes
- Is Japan being held as a nuclear hostage.
- Comex Physical Silver sets another all time low!!!!
- One in four US hackers 'is an FBI informer'
- The Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010
- Palin: Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British to leave Americans alone
- 5 U.S. Soldiers Killed In Iraq, Officials Say.
- Soros is selling his gold — should you too?
- Great Video by James Turk
- Man arrested, held on $50,000 bond for exposing government corruption
- Steam electric hybrid... Ultimate SHTF vehicle?
- Canadian court slams the U.S. for trying to crush a corporate whistle-blower
- Why America Needs An "Evil Plan" In Advance Of The Next Revolution
- My trip to the Big town 2........... by me :)
- How I survived a suprise 21 firearm audit by the BATF
- The high cost of just getting by........
- Idaho to be first Chinese state
- possibly 25-30 (children's?) bodies have been found in Liberty County (Texas) in
- Cop To Citizen: "If You Take My Picture Again, I'm Going To F** Break Your Face
- Another reason not to buy GM
- Weiner shows his weiner
- Miseducation of America: Charlotte Iserbyt
- Why did TT's thread get locked down?
- Extreme mountain biking in urban Chile
- Mobs (negros) Attack on City Buses: Police
- TSA puts Reporter on no fly list for reporting on TSA
- Man forceloses on Wells Fargo and wins using RESPA letters.
- Why did Osoab's thread about TT's thread about getting locked down get locked do
- Republicans Pushing For A "Brief" Default As China Warns US Is Playing With fire
- Make sure you pay on those student loans!
- Experimenting In Africa With Polio Vaccines Has Led To Vaccine-Induced Polio
- Today in History - Jun 8, 1967: Israel attacks USS Liberty
- Chilean volcano
- U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms.
- Much Ado About OPEC:Russia Is The True Wildcard, And Just Got Even More Powerful
- Death By Debt
- The Apocamix
- MIT Figures Out a Way to Refuel Electric Cars with Liquid Fuel
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