View Full Version : General Discussion
- Journalist Kept Quiet About Photo of Obama with Nation of Islam Leader
- Eminem Accuses Trump Of "Brainwashing" Fans, Says "F**king Turd Would Be Better Prez
- Aliens could survive on a diet of radiation
- Clinton, Podesta, Others In Senate Crosshairs Over Dossier Given Two Weeks To Respond
- SOROS THREATENS: Trump 'Will Disappear In 2020 Or Even Sooner' “We must do something
- New US Navy warship trapped in Canada amid cold and ice
- Basic Question: Do we want a white America, or not?
- major spy grid upgrade in near future: indoor gps
- FBI Releases Docs Claiming RT Founder Beat Himself To Death In His Hotel Room
- WIFRY ALL: Checkmate Humanity
- Meet Europe's Latest Threat: She Is A Blue-Eyed Blonde Who Wants "Finland First"
- CNN: Cuckolding can be positive for some couples
- Adelene: magazine for pregnancy, birth and family
- Looks like they found some pyramids in Antarctica after all.
- Trump Just Told George Soros To ‘Go To Hell’ Right To His Face
- snapshot of how the immigrants are performing
- ABC Pro-Flu Shot Doctor Admits Daughter Hospitalized After Flu Shot
- CDC admits 98 million Americans were given cancer virus via the polio shot
- FISA memo was just delivered to the White House.
- SJW and PC debunked!
- Canada ‘digital ID’ system that uses blockchain, biometrics to screen travelers
- What They Don’t Teach You About the Most Famous Scientists
- In First, Judge Blocks Kansas Law Aimed at Boycotts of Israel
- Israel forces black immigrants to be injected with permanent birth control
- Ben Swann Fired From CBS After Exposing D.C. Pedophile Ring
- Necros - "Tangled Up"
- Where is teh thread on the SOTU by POTUS?
- Who is Jesus Christ?
- Syrian Roads | September 1st 2017 | "The Road of Life"
- lol, he had to back and front
- wtf of the day: small skool district blows BIG bucks on crisis response viper
- they don't make empresses like they used to
- MSNBC Commentator: ‘People Need To Start Taking To The Streets. This Is A Dictator.’
- Patton assassination
- 100s of Thousands infertile after govt-sponsored vaccination
- Something Worse than Electroshock Therapy?
- Disgusting Super Bowl Ads 2018.
- bombers scanned me
- Delusion vs Illusion
- Do you ever use those hot air hand dryers in restrooms?
- Keanu Reeves: Humans About To Break Free From ‘The Matrix’
- All Is Lost
- Pat Boone & Swiss America pushing Bitcoin and an implantable chip to use Bitcoin
- Russian comedians prank phone call US representative Adam Schiff
- Amtrac and Cabal - new kind of false flag
- Iowa 70 car pile
- Russia Undermines USA - for over a hundred years
- Charleston Black Lives Matter leader shot, killed in New Orleans
- Melania Trump Demanded Spiritual Cleansing of Obama & Clinton White House
- Spectre-Meltdown - What businesses need to know
- SELCO: The Brutal Truth About Violence When the SHTF
- Where did my HUGE tit Silicone Bitches thread go?
- Bitter Cold In Every Direction…Harsh Winter Conditions Grip Northern Hemisphere
- A Slow Rumor Day?
- Q Matters
- That moment when you realize someone in a rubber rabbit mask knows more than you.
- splc secretly recorded: USA white genocide has been planned for a while
- Nanci Pelosi Proud That Grandson Wishes He Wasn't White
- Two Texas elementary school principles failed to report sex crimes on students
- Israel, Iran and Syria just start WW3?
- People Are Fleeing The Bay Area At The Fastest Rate In Years
- Take The 'Racist Xenophobe' Quiz: Who Said This About Illegal Immigration?
- San Francisco Unveils 'Safe Spaces' For Injecting Heroin
- The Deep State will allow millions to die in a war before being held accountable
- Good DOJ Inspector General Charles McCollough III OUT, Bad
- US megacorps funneling billions to NON-US defined benefit pensions
- Apocryphon of John
- generation zyklon drops bomb on cali skool
- MSM glorifying N. Korea in Olympics, just to spite Trump
- Bill Priestap - FBI Asst. Director in charge of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap
- New Photos of Michelle and Barack O. for Washington Gallery as of Feb 2018
- YUGE win? mandatory vaccinations to be illegal?
- Consider the source: “The Illuminati is real”
- Cop fired for not killing a man wins suit...
- Two Clinton Informants Killed In Russian Plane Crash February 12, 2018
- For the gamers on here
- If America Wasn't America, The United States Would Be Bombing It
- Eric Karlstrom on Gang-Stalking, Electronic Warfare and Mind Control
- video: cnn does short piece interviewing holycost truther
- Uncle Satan’s ground troops call in close air support in Syria
- Q-ANON or CORSI, which is it? CORSI is full of CRAP says Seething Frog
- Jeff Sessions Says Opioid Addiction Starts With Marijuana
- Have you ever heard of the "Ponce Massacre"?
- What kind of God asks you to sacrifice your wife and kids to him?
- Old psychology studies aren’t reliable, says a new study
- Robert De Niro Caught In International Underage Prostitution Ring
- Happy Saint Valentine's Day
- f-ck ur cookies
- Mitt Romney to launch Senate campaign
- Distraction Alert: 'nother FL school shooting, MSM goes Wall to Wall
- school mass shooting parkland florida
- There are no ancient Jewish cities in Israel
- Illuminati game Snipers can drop Trump...
- $20 Billion Spent On Valentine's Day
- "CRYSIS" actors awards 2018 (coming soon)
- Someone’s Doing The DOJ and FBI Interrogations and It’s Not Congress…
- Ron Johnson Tells President Trump “it makes no sense to try and bring back high labor
- A re-run of the 2008-9 financial crisis in making?
- the united states of vaccines
- Dead Male Prostitute, Piles of Meth Found in Clinton Mega-Donor’s Home—NO ARRESTS
- Nice improvisation in high crime neighborhood
- Beware the Useful Idiots
- Fannie Mae Wants Another $3.7 Billion Taxpayer Bailout
- In Sweden, 10 of 12 viking artifacts must be melted down or archaeologist defunded
- skype internet censors strike again - google images destroyed
- Foreign Agents Registration Act
- African Gets Knocked Out and they Jerk his Meat To Bring Him Round
- City of London's Ownership of American Colonies
- A good program for chronically homeless - central Texas
- Pro wrestler admits part in coverup of Arkansas teen murders by politican
- Pastor and his family rob Sunday school teacher during Sunday school
- “Climate Denial And Misogyny Seem To Go Together”
- Fans confused to whether Wakana is real or not
- Robot bees warning
- 'Shady Bosses' Stealing $15 Billion in Wages from Low-Income Workers
- The fatal flaw within NAFTA has not been addressed
- Pelosi: "Mowing The Grass" Better Border Solution Than Wall
- immigrants commit over 40% of mass shootings
- Balanced Summarizing Conversation -all big topics 022218 Indictments Now!!!!!
- This Just In ...
- A Weapon of Math Instruction
- video: houston pd detroys gun grabber argument against ar-15
- Culture of Critique, book by Dr. Kevin McDonald, reviewed serialized YouTube
- Billy Graham (RIP) & Nixon on da DinJooz-Media
- Israeli Grand Master: Freemasonry Is Like 'Boy Scouts for adults'
- Art Jones (pro-white Republican from Illinois) on Internet Radio
- adl/splc busy at googtube
- Barry Soetoro for POTUS? How in the Jesus, Mary and Joseph did that happen?
- Our Country has been taken over - But it's not too late - The Timeline of Evil
- Dustin Nemos - where you can find his videos for now
- Cryptocurrency Exchange Coinbase to Give IRS Data on 13,000 Users
- Donald Trump Ends School Shootings By Banning Schools
- Florida Gun Show sees “record number” of attendees despite gun control debate
- state of the republic
- the black panther scam
- border wall that the Mexican people widely consider offensive
- "artwork" from FERMI LABS
- Attack on First Amendment by Congress and attack on stopping human trafficking
- earth to jewboo and crimethink
- Are You A Russian Troll?
- "We Don't Belong Here Anymore" - Even Landlords Are Fleeing The Bay Area
- ‘If you’re martyred, we’ll honor you!’
- Project Veratas video of planel at CPAC
- Italy sends in army to combat Siberian ‘beast from the east’
- grandparent scammers rounded up
- Silicon Valley Joins War On Cash: Tim Cook Seeks "Elimination Of Money"
- Jerome Corsi YouTube channel messed with??? Feb 27 2018
- ship's godmother gives birth? and names ship?
- Local cops are freaking out over the opiate crisis here
- Today is the First Day of Spring
- Brave folk of Herxheim vote to retain Adolf Hitler church bell
- Hey Hoarder!
- princeton summer journalism program
- Sailboat Racing and Politics
- Uber News
- Gorilla Statue Removed After Complaints It Was 'Racially Insensitive'
- Married middle school teacher arrested for having sex with 14-year-old student
- So is Trump going to push a ban?
- Wisconsin man is currently on burger No. 29,877 and is fast approaching his 30,000
- 3rd World Entertainment
- illegal alien convicted of arranging kidnapping/ransom of US citizens
- what is d tube?
- More Seth Rich cover-up questions
- Central Michigan University shooting leaves two dead, gunman on the loose
- Proof the two party system is an illusion
- gun ban bill has been released
- Dr. James Fetzer "Censorship, False Flags and World of Lies" Soundcloud audio 3-2-18
- New York Attorney Generall uses abortion clinic escort to spy on pro-lifers
- Where they have gone
- the death of shale/fracking - another pack of lies
- Millions have less than £100 in savings, Most of EU Is a Lot Poorer than Most of US
- Dogman encounters episode 66
- federal judge rules indiana MUST accept syrians and pay for them
- Farrakhan speech: powerful jews are my enemy, satanic jew is through
- Previously unknown 'supercolony' of 1.5 million penguins discovered in Antarctica's
- Ipso Facto
- Do Not Spend Your Money at these companies that disparage the USA Second Amendment
- NEW executive order from 3/1 - coincidence?
- "Some Men Have a Uterus"
- Nick Freitas for US Senate
- The War Against The Free Speech Of The Right Will End Badly
- 'Rent-For-Sex': Landlords Exploit Thousands Of Broke Millenials
- Millennials And Their Scary Support Of Socialism & Communism
- Moron Gun Control: Women and Children First
- HPV Documentary “Sacrificial Virgins” Wins Australian BEST OF FESTIVAL Award
- Memorial Day crosses for fallen soldiers removed after single complaint
- Democrat Scandal: California Gun Control Senator Yee Heads to Prison: Gun Trafficking
- Dont't grow old in Oregon
- WOW - Delegate Nick Freitas Speech on Floor of House of Delegates
- elvis' daughter gets skyped good and hard
- skypestika promotion in nyc
- Is white genocide real?
- Retired Green Beret Warns, Prepare For War: 'Globalism, Socialism, And Communism' Ver
- Base Money
- Mnuchin says Mexico and Canada will be exempt from Trump's tariffs
- Benefits and Privileges Reserved For No One
- Tariff May Have Just Revealed Trump’s Plan for Income Tax… and It’s Massive
- Porn star sues Trump; tells TV they did sex
- isis, student, and bomb inside utah skool
- The Hegelian Dialiectic - Tried and True - Create the Thesis or Problem if needed
- The two "conspiracy theorists" arrested for harrassing Sutherland Springs survivors
- What's not to like?
- Broward County Scott Israel Lamborghini MIHOP
- For History Buffs
- ADL and Southern Poverty Law center behind internet cencorship of conservatives
- Hollywood Reporter Headline Celebrates Rise of the Beta Males
- House passes bill to force lawmakers to pay their own sexual harassment settlements
- Disobey Trump
- Florida lawmakers vote to keep Daylight Saving Time all year
- CalPERS on the Brink of Insolvency
- Shooter takes hostages at Yountville veterans home
- This Is The Fascinating Way Blue Eyes Get Their Colour
- 'Pharma Bro' Martin Shkreli sentenced to seven years
- Trump pardons USN Sailor who took nuke sub pics
- NRA fast to sue Governor Scott
- sentencing, just 19 years ago
- Safest Cities 'Requires' Its Citizens To Own A Gun; CNN Unsure Why Crime Is So Low
- Trump Pardons Sailor Who Used "Hillary Defense" Against Felony Conviction
- EPA Wants China to Sell Bee-Killing Pesticide for 165 Mil Acres of US Farmland
- Democrats Release Tax Hike Plan
- 03/10/18 Weekly Presidential Address
- Cutting welfare to illegal aliens would pay for Trump’s wall
- Th UK in one picture
- The Doomsday Clock moved closer to Midnight in 2018 !
- Meet Snowden, streamed March 11, 2018
- Keep Your Eyes Open At Yard Sales
- FBI Insiders Blow Whistle on Massive Las Vegas Cover Up
- HOW the illusion really works
- bombs in austin - poss HATE crimes
- I know a few members here were disappointed Hillary didn't win (you know who you are)
- Marty Daniels of Daniel Defense does 180 on 'Fix NICS Act'
- Remember in the old days...?
- Trump Backstabbing - Trump White House Declares Support for Gun Confiscation Orders
- Hungary's Central Bank To Repatriate Its Gold From London
- Yes, Italy!
- Seedlings on crack?
- Whiteness is an “existential threat” to the United States.
- Trump won ‘backwards’ voters who ‘didn’t like black people,’ women
- Caption this photo
- RIP Stephen Hawkins dead since 1985.
- basketball (((owner))) accused: calls players 'rich niggers'
- Comment on Firing Method
- Why is this a felony and not homosexuality and transgenderism?
- They Dont Want You Seeing This! WATCH Before its Deleted
- 3/14 the day the Communists went on the march
- Steven Crowder Crashes SXSW Gender Fluid Panel
- JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
- Killery stumbles on stairs twice in India
- “White Trash. The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America” about this book
- CIA/Mil Intel Agents Running As Democrats In 2018 Elections
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