View Full Version : General Discussion
- Clive Palmer Says CIA Is Behind Campaign To Kill Coal Industry (australia)
- National Geographic Known Universe S03E06 Print Tools
- Mexican Earthquake Mega-Simulation Drill Coincided With Earthquake!
- Elite Picked Obama Long Before Voters
- Iran Doesn’t Need Nuclear Weapons to Destroy Israel
- Moron Krauts to spend $178 million to defend Israel.
- Ben Bernanke Tries To Convince America That The Federal Reserve Is Good And The Gold
- The Insanity of Carbon Capture
- Schwarzenegger's Horrible UN-Backed Sustainia Project
- Hollywood Producer: Bill Clinton Directly Told Me Barack Obama Not Eligible - 3/16/12
- Walter Jones (R-NC) Warning Obama: Start Another Illegal War and You Will be Impeache
- Breaking News, France Toulouse Shootings, Police after Mohammed
- How Not To Chop Down A Tree
- Get a pencil and paper ...its Lindsay Williams....
- Yahoo is going to block my email?
- Elke's warning
- U.K. Taxpayers Shown Exactly How Taxes Are Spent
- Just how does he do THAT? The monk who appears to have a flare for flying
- Military Coup In Beijing?!?!?!
- Ron Paul on Jay Leno: We will win Delagetes at Brokered Convention
- How long before the IRS gives local cops 'a piece of the action'?
- Sheriff Joe: "Tons more shocking Obama info"
- The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)
- Dick Cheney 1994: "Invading Iraq would create Quagmire"
- Obama: Craven Puppet of Racist Israel
- Threats, Duress, Coercion ... Fear and Loathing In Washington, D.C.
- FBI Linked to Yet Another Domestic Terrorism Plot
- My professor is a 32nd degree jewish what?
- GoD doesn't understand the desire to control people
- SILVER is The Achilles' Heel to the ENTIRE ECONOMIC SYSTEM
- Photograph Illusions
- Health Authorities Now Admit Severe Side Effects of Vaccination
- Original Tugboat (sorry non-doom)
- Looks like ILL is well flouridated.
- Good morning DHS! ('Homieland Security' monitoring alternative news & prepper sites)
- Battling Against Things That Are Not Flesh and Blood
- The Hunger Games
- breaking: wisconsin strange sounds solved
- Latest Duke
- Too bad the majority doesn't get it...
- The Global Dollar Dump Is Already in Progress Pt 2
- Media Racial Hypocrisy In Action.
- Earth Sheltered Storms
- Battery for solar power
- It’s All About Control
- Egyptians, Greeks came to New Zealand first
- Crab amputates its own claw after battle with angry birds
- Another fun forum!
- Sky News reporter just implied the Toulouse killing was an inside job like 9-11
- Israel’s Nuclear Triggers.
- Students at Texas college exposed to tuberculosis
- 52. 5 Reasons Why American Riots Will Be The Worst In The World
- Kosherized
- This really is space junk
- IsraHell - up and coming global superpower
- UK Schools ban children making best friends
- LAPD to quit enforcing impound law as a matter of 'fairness' to wetbacks
- 2005 Bankruptcy Laws and I.S.D.A. (wink wink nod nod)
- Geithner - "How Big Would Be Treasury Dept's Very Last Debt Ceiling Request?"
- Italy to launch Skynet tax collection system after 197% YoY borrowing increase
- Banker Gunned Down In London
- LMMFAO - This is a chimp out.
- Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness - Documentary
- Illinois to become first state to allow online lottery sales
- Kimbra's hot
- Neurosurgeon issues public challenge to vaccine zealots: Inject yourselves with all s
- School Me on Selling Property Owner Finance
- Obamas birth certificate surfaces....
- The Predatory State of California
- Google Criminals listening in on peoples phone conversations now ?
- Give me liberty or give me death moneybomb for RP
- 10 Reasons Why The U.S. Is On The Verge Of A Major Municipal Debt Crisis (MUB, MBB, X
- Motion Induced Blindness
- Nodding Disease: Turns Children Into Mindless “Zombies”
- The Power of Hemp and its countless uses
- National League of Cities Efforts to Ban Guns in America through your local govrnmnt
- Where Gas is Still Around $2 Per Gallon. . .
- Since there is NO stickie, Etch a sketch new RP ad
- Hunger Games Movie Review
- Be more interesting when both sides have guns...
- Bryan Spencer Speaks about Rigging St. Charles Caucus against RP
- NYPD Officer Reveals Mass Corruption and Is thrown Into A Psych Ward
- Flying Robots Deliver Tacos To Your Location
- Son of Israeli General Exposes Israel's Lies
- The Unwilling Prosecution of Robert Bales
- need help with weird Internet issue
- Ammo Prices to skyrocket ! Reports !
- Tungsten Filled 1 kilo Gold Bar Discovered in UK
- Abuse of Psychiatry in the Kennedy Assassination
- Ins doc found: U.s. Certificate issued to one east african-born child of u.s. Citizen
- Start typing your address...
- The strangest owl I've ever seen
- Dick Cheney receives heart transplant
- Voter Fraud Caught on Hidden Camera
- Ron Paul: The Movie
- Indiana Governor Signs Bill Allowing Citizens To Use Deadly Force Against Police
- NRA News interviews NY Democratic jew Michelle Schimel
- Research on Media Bias - Very Interesting but not surprising
- How to park a car....
- Ghost in aisle three.....
- This will come in handy to make everyone safe
- The Video the Pentagon doesn't want you to see!
- 3 blacks shot and killed a white guy last night at Mississippi State . MSM coverage ?
- Keiser Report: 9-11 Insider Trading and Germany’s Elusive Gold Reserves
- Flesh Eating Disease In Cocaine
- Chinese gold imports will keep increasing
- Social workers took away our baby for nine months: With no evidence against them....
- No DOOM, just a feel good video that not everyone is a piece of shit
- Land of the free? Finger ‘gun’ lands dad in jail with son
- Just a little seasonal humor...
- Sunday Night Chat (03/25/2012)
- Ron Paul Upsets Santorum In Missouri Caucuses Buoyed By Huge Youth Turnout
- Texe Marrs: “Die America Die”
- The u.s. President is not the commander-in-chief
- Defeating Delphi technique at (fake) "public input" mtgs
- Clif High's latest wujo- grand circumcision conspiracy
- Atf
- SPYCHIPS (RFID)...... the free E book
- The Jewish hand behind Internet
- Strange statement from the Onion
- Church fakes teens' kidnapping using real gun
- Vote Rigging Congressional Testimony of Programmer Involved,
- Oops! I just deleted the "Venus has no atmosphere thread"
- Fishing for carp the easy way....holy carp!
- The United States of Satan
- VENUS (96.5% CO2) has no Greenhouse effect compared with earth!
- 40% Yen Devaluation?! This is why you own GOLD.
- How to effectively used a concealed weapon on a Bad Cop
- No Easter Egg hunt do to over demanding parents.
- Obamacare Nightmare - List of States Filing Lawsuits against Obamacare
- Jim Sinclair - US Launches Economic War, Gold Reacting
- Frothy curses at NYT reporter
- Gas leak in North Sea, oil rigs being cleared.....
- Obama Sells the US out
- US and Australia discuss drone flights over Indian Ocean
- Erections resulting from the bite.....
- 38 House Members Filtered Government Money to Relatives and Their Employers
- Latest on the Ninjas........
- The Rothschild London IllumOlympic Arenas
- How to get more flouride.......
- State of Michigan to Begin Massacring Black Pigs
- broke state & federal pension funds looking to go after...private 401k programs
- JPM gets 200m margin call 3 days prior to MF Global debacle.
- 450 banksters resigned so far
- It's Official - The Fed Is Now Buying European Government Bonds
- Another banking BS story.......
- @no_limit_nigga
- Vaccination theory crumbles as science reveals antibodies not necessary to fight viru
- Get your Mellonhead pic here, Get your Mellonhead pic here. Only $50.00.
- There will be a nationwide frenzy for Leroy's new book, at least according to Leroy.
- The Keiser Report Sucked Today
- Hoodies for Trayvon and Obama
- Jew Media Version
- Supreme Court Quotes - Obamacare
- 10 Reasons Why The Reign Of The Dollar As The World Reserve Currency Is About To End
- UK go to hell, British Police burn in hell
- Hutaree militia members cleared of conspiracy
- Ron Paul: My Campaign is "Doing Quite Well". Excellent news!
- You folks do realize that your country is done, right?
- The Jews and the New World Order
- 5th National Bio-Threat Conference....March 27-29 Denver
- The silver witch
- Paria copulantur paribus
- So who is Flat_Tire?
- Leroy Congressman Bobby Rush Kicked Off House Floor For Wearing Hoodie
- 2009: Halliburton charged with selling nuclear technology to Iran
- Laws, Laws, Everyday More Laws...
- U.S. Army Domestic Quick Reaction Force Riot Control Training Photos
- Thinking about placing a big bet in Las Vegas
- Who kills who in this country? Want to look at the statistcs?
- Brutal Hate Crime - Mr Obama, would you say these could be your parents??
- Dry but timely humor...
- Know the TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill H R 3200 Key Points
- TSA Manager Arrested for Running Prostitution Ring
- Remarkable Russian Petroglyphs
- Ron Paul First GOP Candidate to Appear on Ballot in All 50 States
- Chittum's Civil War 2 checklist
- Panetta says polls cannot dictate Afghan war plans
- Justices poised to strike down entire healthcare law
- U.S. Reps. Introduce Resolution to Bar UN Regulation of Internet
- Meet Tyson
- Jim Sinclair Selling Connecticut Farm/ Estate: Plans to Become an Expatriate
- If you have Netflix - Mugabe and the White African
- World Bank Nominee Tied to Monsanto Shareholder Bill Gates, Soros
- Congressman wears hoodie during speech
- VIDEO: George Zimmerman Has No Injuries
- Cops kill unarmed suspect, charge person that called 911 with his murder!
- Man arrested for reading Bible in public! Freedom of speech violation
- Martin Armstrong on the Sovereign Debt Crisis
- -- Defeating Financial Tyranny..Wilcox
- anyone remember the jeep FC?
- Ghetto Bastards - James Manning
- One Government's Meat Is Any Other Man's Felony Poison
- Something Besides Gloom And Doom
- oooo C.I.A ?? oooo
- Obama says his father served in World War II, he was born in 4/4/36
- Trayvon martin what really happened
- Mint will stop making pennies this fall
- Ezra Pound Uncensored
- Go Gator Corrine Brown talks about Trayvon Martin
- Gay Old Perverts scared shitless of Dr. Paul
- The Pirate Code, Letters of Marue & Reprisal, and the Privateers at Sea.
- ok,for the smart ones
- Ron Paul screams "At least I'm not George Bush, and the CIA, dealing in drugs!" -1988
- BRICS summit: Emerging economies condemn military threats against Iran, Syria
- Jaws of DEATH
- Watching a company unwind
- Why All Politicians Are Guilty
- Why Economics Can't Explain Our Cultural Divide
- This is for the birds
- Twitter account dedicates itself to killing zimmerman
- Don't forget to get your lottery tickets today!
- Biden: "We Want To Create What's Called A Global Minimum Tax"
- Deepwater Horizon Part Deux
- Why Ron Paul will loose......paper vote, our only hope.
- Hussein is officially a Nigger
- Why we don't care
- Help me Jesus photos
- Jim Grant Crucifies The Fed; Explains Why A Gold Standard Is The Best Option
- Hoodie-Wearing Gunmen Kill 1, Wound 5 in Bobby Rush's Chicago District
- food stamp friday nightclub party
- Merchants on lookout for counterfeit $100 bills
- The 2012 TIME 100 Poll - Vote Ron Paul
- 4 ft. x 8 ft. x 12 in. Raised Garden w/ Cedar Timbers @Home Depot $99 + Free Shipping
- Bernanke Hebe Hero - So Says Atlantic Magazine!
- I will buy pizza for the shift with the highest total
- 'Digital wallet' will transform smartphone and how we spend
- Protests in Syria - map
- AIPC Pilicy Highlights video and link
- Consider yourself 'conservative'? You must be cognitively challenged.
- Larry McDonald on Terrorism
- Total Chaos in UK As Gas Stations Run Dry; Massive Panic Buying
- Collapse confirmation news 2/7/2012
- Software/ Website (besides Flash) for blending Photos of Faces
- Cashless: The Coming War on Tax-Evasion
- Los Angeles Riots
- Keith Olberman fired........AGAIN.
- Powerful Video
- Digital Video of WTC 7 Controlled Demolition discovered! Please watch at 1:16 mark
- HOMELAND IN-SECURITY: Rise Of The Global Police State (Sneak Preview)
- Vaccine Illusion – New book by Ph.D. in immunology
- April 1 Thread - Israel Relinquishes Palestine, Moves to Easter Island
- Stare Kiejkuty, Poland ... CIA Meat Tenderizing Facility
- White Plains, NY - The Chamberlain Case - WTF is Going On ?!
- Sand Flea - Robot video
- It’s a JEWISH World… Gay Flag Flies at Afghan Base But the Christian Cross Is Banned
- Slime at NBC edit Zimmerman 911 call.
- (Scary) Moozlems are taking over call centers and the 'net!
- Worst album covers of all time
- Have you seen it all, LOL, I thought I did.
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