View Full Version : General Discussion
- Some southern folks just aint right
- Gold Bottom Is In! India Now In A Gold Buying FRENZY!
- Facebook blocked
- Senate to start votes on gun bill
- NZ legalises same-sex marriage
- 20,000 M16s Go Missing With No Leads
- AIPAC-Jewish Racist “Hopes Boston Bomber is White”
- The JooJooCoin Tracking Thread
- Jew behind £35M cocaine haul sues prison chiefs for 'denying him kosher food'
- Padded Bra
- U.S. Ready to Offer Mercenaries $10 Billion for a Drug-War Air Force
- Active Duty Soldier Illegally Disarmed and Arrested
- EU is the New Communism
- Suspect Arrested
- Anne Barnhardt prediction 2011, "when metal and paper price diverge, the end is here"
- Cat
- Governments Must Co-Opt Bitcoin to Avert Disaster - American Banker Magazine
- The UPSIDE to the world going to shit right now
- Israeli police head to US to aid in Boston Marathon bombing investigation
- Holy Shit, the Gun Bill is ALMOST DEAD, watch live on CSPAN
- BACKPACK: Now You See It.........Now You Don't
- chance of COMEX default increasing exponentially
- Police Shoot Peaceful Woman in Face, then LAUGH
- Gun Safes - The Truth
- US Senate: Will back Israeli attack on Iran
- My trip to the VA me........... V
- Pentagon sending additional troops to Jordan
- Short video - Perth 1907
- Fertilizer explosion in texas......... V
- Survey of cops about guns
- The Great Global Tax Grab is Already Underway
- abandon paper, buy phyz (excellent article), end game is here
- Lottery winners on welfare stir outrage in Michigan.
- monsanto now owns blackwater
- Will Precious Metals Save You?
- Gerald Celente Exposed!
- The Secret World of Gold, CBC-TV Tonight
- The Time For Change is Now! A Thesis by Roman Pearce
- Get Ready to Play the Coming Deflation Trade
- two people describe the same person to a forensic artist!
- Quickdraw 0bomber
- The Mass Murder That The Media Is Choosing To Ignore
- Rand Paul Says He’s Considering Presidential Bid in 2016
- I Hope It's True...
- Listen to Lieutenant Colonel Potter Please
- Iraq violence: Baghdad cafe hit by deadly bomb attack
- George Soros, enigmatic financier, liberal philanthropist dies at XX (Oops)
- Bid With Confidence... Ann Barnhardt's Glass Vase
- Israel seeking nearly $3 billion in fuel from US......... V
- Bosson?
- How the gold market was crashed
- 4 UK men jailed for toy-car terror plot
- Ach du meini gute: Letter Bomb Intercepted At German President's Residence
- Silver to gold........ one to one? ........ V
- Geyser erupts in Russain parking lot
- A call to action for gsus
- Shit blew up for Silver Shield - Chris Duane. Not looking good for investors
- Sinclair "U.S> will be cyrused" (Great article!)
- US Failing Again: Never Ending Downturn
- California gun confiscation
- Gold's Black Market?
- Here we go...
- George Osborne told by IMF chief: rethink your austerity plan
- Pakistani police arrest former president Musharraf
- Homosexual JEW Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage
- Manhunt over, bombing suspect alive and in custody
- whether 7000 tons of gold, enough to fill 300 lorries, has been stolen from Fort Knox
- Mayberry 2013
- Bitcoin's Dystopian Future
- Reminder, Today was the 20 anniversary of the Branch Davidian slaughter
- The Secret World of Gold
- Just thinking out loud about the Boston Bombing
- Empty shelves in Istanbul!
- Global Run on Silver and Gold (WOW!)
- COLIN POWELL: House Nigger
- jim mccanney science hour
- HIGHLY skilled and trained FBI......Climbing fences.
- Shreveport Louisiana man Aaron Woodbury was arrested for wearing his pants too low
- HUGE Unidentified Object on NASA Stereo HI2 Images
- Major general joseph d. Brown iv
- Gungrabbers regroup
- Kaye - This Move To Destroy Confidence In Gold Has Failed
- Going to get totally wasted tonight
- paper gold has unleashed unprecedented gold stampede globally
- Bummer Dude!
- Before the Blast, West Fertilizer’s Monsanto Lawsuit
- Stephen Crothers Destroys the Quackademic "Black Hole" & Relativity
- why do they chant "USA USA"? as martial law is imposed
- Tamerlan Tsarnaev? Naked, alive and in police custody
- Amid Boston Frenzy, Privacy-Shattering CISPA Internet Bill Passes U.S. House
- Mike Vanderboegh speech - He broke the Fast & Furious story
- Report of Dr.’s Appointment by Col Marty of the USMC.........V
- Israel seeks Turkish airbase for attack on Iran: Report......... V
- Bernanke to miss jackson hole symposium
- More Free Shit To Israel From US Taxpayers
- Wood as food?
- Glenn Beck has given the Obama administration until Monday to come clean on the Bosto
- Can your washing machine do this?
- **MUST WATCH** Nestle's Jewish CEO "Water is NOT a human right"
- The lost Briton of Guantanamo......devastating secret about MI6 and the Iraq invasion
- Video- Police perform house-to-house raids in Watertown MA
- Israeli Doctors Are Treating Boston Bombing Suspect: New Details on His Condition
- Oh dear this does not look good.
- Arrested 396 Times
- Meteorite Explosion
- State actors are NEVER wrong, EVER
- Bombers had illegal guns - tougher gun laws will prevent such a thing
- One Chick, One Bedroom
- Buying guns with bitcoins
- ‘Jordan opens skies for Israeli drones flying to Syria’.....V
- video shows searches were not voluntary in watertown
- Sell your SILVER? What price?
- 1945 Early Days of Peace in Nuremberg
- Bix Weir 21 days till silver freedom
- What do these events have in common.?
- Our religion trumps your religion
- The sex manual for ultra-Orthodox Jews
- Mushrooms can provide as much vitamin D as supplements - but only if you put them in
- U.S. Mint sold 681K ASE's today
- more delivery issues on LBMA
- Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bomb
- Teen Arrested After 'Almost Inciting Riot' Wearing NRA Shirt to School
- Rocori School District Gets Bulletproof Whiteboards
- Freedom
- To stop earthquakes, do this.
- AntiRacist Hitler
- Things that make you say hmm... Uncle Tsarney more than meets the eye
- Sinclair - Swiss Bank Just Refused To Give My Friend His Gold
- I think I found mamboni's area of medical expertise
- Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous
- America: #1 in Fear, Stress, Anger, Divorce...basically all things bad..
- Juveniles Charged with Detonation of “Bottle Bombs” in Bel Air (UPDATED) April 21, 20
- Lipstick Bounty Hunters
- Boston's Prelude To Martial Law
- Ever seen the inside of a salt mine?..........v
- Americans required to add Star of David to U.S. flags by July 4th...... V
- Germany Out of the Euro or the Great Synthesis Has Begun?
- Suddenly Carbon is a US$6 Trillion Bubble
- 220 million ounces of silver stand for delivery in May
- Boy Scouts now Unisex
- Teacher Suspended For Showing Kids Pliers
- Oops! Boston PD Commisioner Slips Up, Calls Tsarnaev Bros. Actors (Video)
- Get ready for THIS.....
- "Actors" must read: Are You Just A Believer Or Do You THINK?
- PSY Gangum.......Females!
- Foreign ministry asks China to pull back troops who allegedly advanced into disputed
- If I can’t put it in my pocket, I have some reservations about that.”... V
- The coming ecosystem of virtual me..
- We have fallen into the golden twilight zone.
- Chinese mother has gone on trial accused of killing a man by squeezing his testicles
- At long last.................
- UN official blames Boston Marathon bombings on American 'domination'
- After Senate setback, Obama quietly moving forward with gun regulation - Import Ban
- The thing I'm getting from the dip in Gold prices
- America The Fallen: 24 Signs That Our Once Proud Cities Are Turning Into Poverty-Stri
- 30,000 Year Old Bosnian Pyramids Built With Man Made Cement
- Md poised to become 19th state to legalize pot
- Maryland State Prison: Four Guards Pregnant by Tavon
- Missile Strike Appears To Have Destroyed West Texas Fertilizer Plant
- Sibel Edmonds: Boston Bombers RECRUITED by FBI
- update from steve quayles "V" (very good)
- Young Lady Goes Off On Boston/Watertown Residents
- C-Span gets barraged with callers "Boston was a false flag"
- Rand Paul, Ok for Americans to get killed by drones.......... V
- Women Mistakenly Shot at in Christopher Dorner Manhunt to Get $4.2M... V
- war on terror is over, america lost
- APMEX 1 oz silver bars, start at $37
- Antiracist Cartoon - A Review
- Kevin Barret on how Israel/FBI did Boston
- Ever known a dumb Cuban?........hello........... V
- GE Capital banksters cut off lending to gun shops
- At the end of the day everything is a war against Nationalism
- Fucking psycho people
- Meet the New $100 Bill, the World’s Most Popular Bank Note... v
- US Mint suspends sales of 1/10 ounce gold coins
- Fourth explosion in fuel barge fire
- The World's Most Powerful Mercenary Armies
- Cops get OWNED - Brilliant
- Need help finding thread
- A Monetary Blind Spot?
- Hey silver freaks check this out!
- what on earth is going on with the gold at JPM's Vault??? (going going gone)
- facebook page setup for nuke event in L.A. for 4/28 (WOW!!)
- “Choose One” — Little Red Riding Hood or an Assault Weapon?
- America's Gun - The Rise of the AR-15
- World's Richest Man Cited for Profiting From Phones for Poor
- Spain Unemployment Rate 27.16%
- One in five
- It's a Fvcking Miracle!!!
- Survey: Americans feeling better about jobs
- Nigel Farage: People should withdraw their money from banks
- Did Michelle Obama visit Saudi student?
- Lawmakers and thousands of their aides to get Obamacare exemption
- A great American moment at the George W. Bush Presidential Center dedication in Dalla
- Sen. Feinstein's Husband Gets Contract For CA High Speed Rail
- jPM is getting cleaned out folks
- Shortages Of Ammo, Physical Gold And Physical Silver All Over The United States... V
- $500 premiums on 1 oz gold eagles in tokyo
- a warning to american gun owners from a canadian news anchor (WOW!)
- Need a Drum
- California bill would let NON-CITIZENS serve on Juries
- Israel Finance Minister calls ultra-Orthodox Jews "parasites."
- Is about Ponce once again.......buuuuuuu, buuuuuuu, buuuuuuu .... V
- "and many will die" coming to light.............V
- Barclays forging loans and foreclosing on businesses
- Bullish News for Gold & Silver!
- physical silver prices to explode
- The hatred in the heart of white America
- One Food Can “Beet” High Blood Pressure
- Farmer squash seven police cars with tractor......... V
- Nestle-ceo-seeks-to-control-the-worlds-water suppy........ V
- Taibbi/Rolling Stone | Everything is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever
- Tila Tequila warns the world on zionism and World War 3
- Kosher Certification Program Bans All GMO Ingredients......... V
- A comparison between GMO corn and Non-GMO corn
- Panic In The Gold Market Creating Problems For Shorts...... V
- George W Bush Gaffs on ABC News, admits conspiracy
- Pento "U.S. Bond Bubble is ready to burst"
- The adventures of Gata and Dog......... V
- 12 Years Later ....
- 19-Year-Old Develops Ocean Cleanup Array That Could Remove 7,250,000 Tons Of Plastic
- Tenn. Senator Asks Piers Morgan When He’s Moving Back To England
- Sure is mighty quiet in here....
- Is this scream even human?
- Holder calls amnesty a "civil right"
- Stay tined!
- Donate Jim Goad on “a specific minority Who Must Never Be Named Under Threat
- 2081 Universal Absurdity
- So to all my friends and family
- National Guard On America’s Streets: “It Is Absolutely An Option”
- New Bill Would Require Background Checks for “Explosive Materials”
- Bloomberg: New Yorkers will 'never know where our cameras are'
- V from steve quayle, a warning
- Falsely Accused Boston Bomber Dead
- Police: Dutschke arrested in ricin case
- ‘Israeli Police Head to U.S. to Aid in Boston Marathon Bombing Investigation... V
- physical and paper disconnect is here
- Two Spanish men chopped off their own HANDS in £2million insurance scams
- Government admits using 'professional actors' to play the role of victims in terror d
- Metal Cuts Paper: The Gold and Silver Disconnect Has Arrived .... V
- The Science of Sleepy Teenagers
- Bitcoins in Argentina – a Brief Documentary
- Comments from the TURD
- Matt Taibbi, love him or hate him, he's pretty much right on everything
- Icelandi Pirate Party WINS, Enters Parliament
- Chinese Sue Fed For Monopoly USD Devaluation
- Knife wound not bullet wound on "terrorist" kneck........... v
- Arkansas is starting to ship Tavor bullpups!............ V
- God, Money and Lies
- Federal reserve refuses audit of german gold, admits it has none
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