View Full Version : General Discussion
- Why does the joosmedia refer to machineguns as 'automatic weapons'???
- Russian megalithic ruins threatens to shatter conventional world history theories
- Three dead after shootings at Jewish-related sites
- Harry Reed, and now the villification and spin begins
- The Organic Economy
- I din't want to open any new post....but.........V
- APOCALYPSE NOW: Why a rare astrological event LAST NIGHT could herald the 'End of Day
- Washington Is Humanity’s Worst Enemy - Paul Craig Roebrts
- random observations of software and computers
- “Surrender or die,” that is the choice the US cabal government now faces.
- Russian fighter jet made repeated passes close to US warship in Black Sea
- Measles Outbreak Traced to Fully Vaccinated Patient for First Time
- BIRDBRAINS: Why the Mainstream Media Promotes Them
- If a nuclear bomb exploded in downtown Washington, what should you do?
- The unknown 20 trillion dollar company
- Costa Rica slips into Russian sphere, Russian army parks in Nicaragua
- Munich Creates Urban Naked Zones
- Chris Hedge: The Myth Of Human Progress
- Navajo families receive electricity for first time
- Fifty Years of the Deep State, The Cabal, Coup of 63' - Read some real history
- Another random Prison Suicide
- Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever The Illuminati were amat
- US Airways Tweets Out VERY NSFW Photo Of Woman With Toy Plane - LOL
- What the hell is wrong with the silver price?
- Holy Shit Michael C Ruppert Dead.
- Cygnus (mind blowing)
- Climate Change, Global Warming, Agenda 21 -- Back on the Radar
- so, what happened to the pm prices? nuclear war?
- US Is an Oligarchy Not a Democracy, says Scientific Study
- Obombya seizes Apache attack helicopters from states' NG
- Can All Cancer Be Cured in Less Than 12 Weeks?
- How the jews cover for crisis actors in fake conspiracy theory webpages
- Constitution Check: Does the Second Amendment need to be amended?
- Ukraine armed forces land airborne troops in eastern town
- Feminist Fraud
- US Postal Service Joins in Federal Ammo Purchases
- OWS 2.0 No Better Than the Original
- Boylston Street Evacuated After Backpacks Found at Marathon Finish Line
- Back from the void
- The Slow Death Of The Old Global Order
- FBI Visiting Gun Shops to Investigate "People talking about Big Government"
- Civil war in Ukraine appears to be getting underway
- Sacred albino moose killed by hunters
- Harry Reid innocent, Snopes said so!
- John Stossel goes after Glenn Beck for claiming to be libertarian
- Michael Bloomberg Is Starting A Gun Control Organization To Take On The NRA
- The Truth About Taxes - Molyneaux
- NATO ups military presence amid Russian threat
- Conspiracy Theory Goes Mainstream?
- The Constitution…Be Careful What You Wish For
- War on the West: Why More Bundy Standoffs Are Coming
- Why can't I find any .22 ammo?
- Canadian Guntards Seriously...
- Ukrainian mig 29 jet buzzes low over pro russian seps
- I Am Anarchy - Cody Wilson
- What's with all the knife stabbings lately?
- Oh dear is it really this bad out there?
- BRICS Consider Creating IMF-Alternative As US Loses Credibility
- Martin Armstrong Warns American Civil Unrest Is Starting Right On Schedule
- With MSM and makeup and propaganda...
- Who's the proud Papa?
- Fed Yellen said inflation too low
- FDA Reveals Shocking Statements On Vaccines
- Verboten
- Jose 'Cheo' Feliciano, Salsa music legend, dies in car crash
- Liberty Movement Rising
- Leaflet tells Jews to register in East Ukraine
- Boycott Las Vegas until Harry Reid is Recalled
- Fresh new Jews - Chelsea Clinton's Pregnant With A Future Leader
- George4Title Allegedly Calls Bomb Threat Into School
- Ford Recall Imminent ... Road Hazard Defect
- Public Justice Under Attack?
- Thank Heaven for Gold Manipulators
- More Evidence That Consolidated Global Power Is Wielded by a Tiny Elite - See more at
- Russian Spy Planes in U.S. Skies
- All Wars Are Bankers Wars
- A Brief History of SSRI Shootings
- 18 Stats That Prove That Government Dependence Has Reached Epidemic Levels
- 100% Evidence Weather Modification Hearing At The UN (what a fierce woman!)
- The truth isn't always negative
- Johnny Racist
- Do you think they had a party or two back in the day?
- If i held my breath on this place between posts.
- I was just one starred over on a thread at Gee Lee Pee
- What i witnessed at the Gun show today.
- What Happened To The Middle Class?
- Even The US Government Will Abandon The Dollar
- Indo-Australian Plate breakup triggering global chain reaction RECONFIRMED!
- Western lawmakers gather in Utah to talk federal land takeover
- The Next Shoe Just Dropped: Court Denies Attorney-Client Privelege
- Have a Disobedient Easter
- Oy Veh..Plastic Easter eggs filled with hate found on Oakdale doorsteps
- Cop Shoots Himself Trying To Kill Dog. Riverside California
- Reps. propose new anti-Photoshop Act
- Elderly Man Calls Ambulance for Wife with Dementia, Cops Show Up and Beat Him
- Roswell cop saves woman from fire
- Global Transformation Accelerates: Multiple Astrological Triggers Pulled During April
- What the hell is this American plane owned by the Bank of Utah doing in IRAN?
- Some Not-So-Hot Facts About Global Warming Research–Global Cooling Part III
- Krauthammer: Obama 'Makes This Stuff Up' on Obamacare
- White House Strategy: Fabricating Fear and Injustice
- NASA just crashed a satellite into the moon on purpose
- Rand Paul and the Welfare Rancher
- Jesus Was Shot by Lee Harvey Oswald in the 1300's
- Jenga, Man Style
- Spanish village of Castrillo Kill the Jews votes on name change
- Sheriff Tony DeMeo protected Nye County citizen Wayne Hage from illegal federal encr
- Happy Easter...
- Krugman Extrapolates Inequality
- 8 Beers That You Should Stop Drinking Immediately
- Bankers dropping like flies now
- Obama is about to take your GUNS - It is a line we cannot Cross
- Liberals(Communist) announce plan to 'purge' Christians
- Is somthing big about to happen?
- Grandma tuns out to be right about H. L.
- US To Target Putin's Personal $40 Billion Stash
- Martin Armstrong Asks "Do The Feds Really Own The Land In Nevada?"
- Crazy Freaking Preppers
- Metals sinking like the Titanic
- Decimation of the world population......... me............ V
- Genetically Modified Organisms: Killing The Natural World
- Anarchist Proposes Gauranteed Minimum Income
- MINNESOTA: Attend House Hearing for HF 3140 to Label GMOs!
- Truth and The Law of the Thread
- Retail Store Closures Soar In 2014: At Highest Pace Since Lehman Collapse
- Why Putin Is Smiling At The Bond Market's Blockade Of Russia
- Prosecutor: Minn. homeowner lay in wait for teens
- Devout, angry atheist finds new thing sue angrily about: VANITY PLATES
- Boeing-Built Fighter Jets Could Launch US Military Satellites Into Space
- Lyrid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight: How To Watch Live
- Hate crime charge in NY attack on Sikh professor
- Tough Guy
- The "Quarantine" Movie Soon Playing in EU? Ebola Possibly In Italy
- The Bundy Paradigm: Will You Be a Rebel, Revolutionary or a Slave?
- Abby Martin, RT, Ukraine, 911 Truth
- NATO Military Dolphins to Roam Black Sea – Media
- Mass Graves Discovered near Bundy Ranch in Nevada with slaughtered Cattle
- John Titor's third world war about to happen?
- Obama Calls for Highest Sustained Taxation in U.S. History
- Experts: Civilians not ready for EMP-caused blackout
- Is The US Military Preparing For The Collapse Of The Dollar?
- Richard Russell - The Dollar Will Crash In A Matter Of Months
- Chinese Revelations: Chinese Banks & 100,000 ‘Outlets’ Selling Gold to Public
- Inequalities in the Gender-Wage Gap
- Racism - So What?
- Bankers got this commerical banned in Switzerland
- K.Albrecht on surviving breast cancer, more
- Well, the #MyNYPD hashtag sure backfired quickly
- X-Men' Director's Accuser Names 3 Other Executives Involved In Hollywood Sex Ring
- Whoa talk about sitting ducks.
- Texas cop vs dog
- Police can stop vehicles now, based upon anonymous tips
- Google autocomplete spills the beans
- Married lesbian ‘throuple’ expecting first child
- citywide garage sale day is saturday
- Collapse and Systemic Failure at All Levels Coming to U.S.-Dmitry Orlov
- Coming soon: Powdered Alcohol
- Colorado 2016 poll: Rand Paul beats Hillary Clinton (By a lot.)
- Of course, it makes perfect sense.
- Uncle Satan's USG ignites fire for WW3
- Harry Reid's Long, Steady Accretion of Power & Wealth
- Walmart Just Revealed How Poor U.S. Shoppers Are
- The Color Wars
- NO Change in the DJIA?
- 14 Governors : Prepare State Militia Defenses, To Be Ready Against Obama’s Rogue Fed
- Bank Of England Chief Economist-To-Be Warns:
- This mom obliterates bizarre Common Core math question
- Tom Woods Show: Larken Rose
- 52 Year-Old French Banker takes a dive, witness elimination program in full swing.
- Chicago police face overwhelming gun crime as 45 people shot over weekend
- if i started prepping today, i couldn't afford to
- Is Joe Biden completely stupid?
- 52 Year-Old French Banker Jumps To Her Death In Paris
- Mini-ice age has begun, says climatologist.
- Washington is humanity's worst enemy
- Inside the ‘DarkMarket’ Prototype, a Silk Road the FBI Can Never Seize
- How to become a Social Media Manager
- Biometric recognition systems
- Zones of One Type or Another?
- "We" are electricity
- George Orwell was right we are living in 1984
- Is Russia really furious over this?
- ‘He Suffered. He Screamed. He Cried’: Congress Calls for Investigation of Phoenix VA
- DHS Watchdog Bites the Dust
- Putin calls internet a 'CIA project'
- Drought covers 100% of California for first time in 15 years
- Jim Willie: The Climax Finale of the Petro-Dollar to Arrive in 2014!
- Well this freakin' place is hoppin' tonight.
- Pole Barn
- Snowfall warning in effect
- Pope Francis To Usher In Vatican 3D TV Transmission
- Attorney General Eric Holder, evading arrest in Oklahoma City, cancels speech at poli
- Unthinkable: An Airline Captain's Story, Phillip Marshall.
- What does it mean to be non existant online?
- Unknown gunmen land from helicopter, attack checkpoint in Donetsk region
- How many placed like Slab City are there in America?
- Setting A New Standard For Bravery
- Stacking Silver: Generic vs Premium
- This Is How Empires Collapse
- Nestle and World Bank taking over water............... V
- Come Visit Sunny California!
- The TRUTH about the RUSSIA UKRAINE crisis in 3:35.
- The Jew and the Peasant, by Douglas Reed
- Moving Closer To War - Paul Craig Roberts
- Why The Attacks on the 2nd Amendment?
- Martin Armstrong Fears World War III Is On The Horizon
- The latest from PCR on Ukraine
- Deja Vu
- The Social Tipping Point
- Obama's Drone Wars Undermine American Values
- Immigration Overhaul: NAU on Track?
- Pentagon to destroy $1,000,000,000.00 in ammunition
- Chemtrails: An Integral Part Of The Great Starvation
- What does Bill Gates, Monsanto, S510, Xe, BP oil spill, chemtrails
- I don't pay attention to doom anymore
- Union State Citizens
- Did the Negro use the Negress to set-up the Jew ?
- The World's Most Undervalued Asset
- Jeffrey Tucker Interview
- Whooping Cough Morphing into Superbug Due to Vaccine Use in Australia
- Citizenship test
- Electromagnetic pulse preparedness recommendation for the state of Arizona.
- Black man talks about taking the guns of white men
- U.S. drone strikes kill 55 in Yemen over the weekend
- Gas station explosion in Kiev, Ukraine.
- More good news for Texas...
- plane caught with its chemtrail sprayer on as it lands.....
- i will be demonstrating how to make perfect artisan bread. things you need.
- Vegas breaks record with 3.7M visitors in March
- Do You Have A Photocopy Machine?
- Buy a virgin, for only $550,000
- ‘Dark Wallet’ Is About to Make Bitcoin Money Laundering Easier Than Ever
- new silver rumor i just heard
- Utah lawmaker moves to disarm BLM, IRS, says ‘They’re not paramilitary units’
- BREAKING: Supreme Court Denies NDAA Lawsuit
- At least a dozen cities in Ukraine held by separatists
- Right Wing Call Kerry And Obama Anti-Semites Over Israeli ‘Apartheid’ Comment
- Man is NOT "evolving" but actually devolving
- ALWAYS bring a gun to a knife fight
- Cops Search Woman's Home Without A Warrant, Beat Her When She Asks Why
- The Supreme Court Dims the Lights on Coal Power
- The Sanest Approach to Gun Policy
- Woman admits tossing dog into traffic over dispute
- Almost Half Of New Yorkers Are Poor
- Oklahoma inmate dies after execution is botched
- knockout game still going
- LibertarianRealist Travels World To Document Cultural Marxism
- US Economy Is a House of Cards
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