View Full Version : General Discussion
- Up for auction
- Rudy Giuliani Shows His True Colors -- White
- Irish terror threat to Britain raised to ‘substantial’
- ‘Clinton Cash’
- brazil in collapse...gets new leader...another dual
- Scotsman arrested coz his pug wants to gas the DinJooz
- whatever happened to Joshua Ryne Goldberg
- Black Pigeon Speaks Series
- WhatReallyHappened compromised site
- 911 TRUTH a breath of fresh air with Ken O'Keefe
- Imigrant gang rapists go free. Would not have raped a victim so young Judge says
- April Fools... Oops nope its May and Real!
- Maserati receptionist sues sales boss 'who ...called her sexy..."'
- Beepocolypse
- Latest VaticanLeak Scandals
- Tryvon Martin gun bids $65 million!
- The Universal Hot vs Crazy Matrix - a Man's Guide to Women
- SUGAR: The Great White Satan of Health and Nutrition
- They found dirt on Trump!
- Scenes From The Venezuela Apocalypse... sad... scary... could come here...
- With 20 WaPo journalists on him, Trump leaks "dirt" on himself. Grandmaster troll.
- Faster Food: Wendy’s Installing Self-Service Ordering Kiosks in 6,000-Plus Restaurant
- The Pentagon is building a ‘self-aware’ killer robot army fueled by social media
- West, Texas fertilizer plant fire was intentionally set; ATF offers $50k reward
- Disgusting Bag of Rat-Juice Mitt Romney Attacks The Leader Again
- Impending Calamity: Asteroids, Robots and Deadly Viruses will Kill Millions of People
- Will the New World Order Finally Get Its Own Nuremburg Tribunal?
- NASA's butt hurts over Australia's exodus from aerosol program
- Billions of dollars found in EPA’s ‘slush fund’ bank accounts… same agency that poiso
- Gay Old Pervs lining up to support Killary
- Bill Clinton Flew on Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ Plane 26 Times i
- Federal judge rules Obamacare is being funded unconstitutionally
- Western Kim-Phobia & The Danger of War
- In "Profound Loss for Maine's Citizens," Court OKs Sale of Town's Water to Nestle
- Did Trump punk WaPo and the rest of the media?
- Kurds shoot down Trukish military helicopter with Russian MANPADS
- Oy vey! Hate Crime Hoax
- This viral Hilldog video has almost 9.5 million views on facebook
- This guy will and should run for president!
- SALLY MILLER: Hillary and her ‘coke habit’
- Jim Marrs Remote Viewing Aliens - Secret Space Program Conference 2015
- Hillary stealing Bernie's delegates in NV, it sure isn't pretty
- Ex-CIA Chief: Bush and Cheney Knew 9/11 Was Imminent, Concealed Intelligence
- Bay area: Fbi microphones record public conversations
- Bill Sex Partner Calls Hillary a Terrorist
- US: “Largest Ever” Aid to Israel
- US$ 2 trillion lost to bribery and corruption every year, (2% of global GDP), claims
- Thinking about the US and war......... V
- Mop-up operations against the Confederacy continue: Houston.
- Chaos At Nevada Democratic Convention As Bernie Fans Boo Barbara Boxer
- "anti-Trump" video. Did someone from the Trump campaign work on this??
- Hey Big Brother...
- Mexican President Warns Of War If "Gringo" Trump Wins The White House
- Iran ‘preparing another Holocaust,’ Netanyahu charges
- Deepest Darkest Secrets behind the Establishment Hierarchy’s evil Globalist NWO Agend
- Romney leading group to draft candidate to stop Trump
- Selected not Elected — Rothschilds Hold $100,000 a Plate Dinner Fundraiser for Guess
- Jeb Bush Takes Down a BLM Protester
- German Teams-Up with Syrian to Create Dating Site for Migrants and Germans
- Terrorist President Attacks The Leader, Says Whites Exist Only to Serve Brown People
- Egad
- ""Commit perjury, or go to jail" Incredible.
- 'You mean Pocahontas?'
- HOLY SHIT! Saudis Forcing US Navy to Use SILVER BULLION to Pay For Fuel! – Jim Willie
- The Asian Trump
- Carson reveals Trump's short VP list
- Ever Heard of Vigelandsparken?
- China’s ICBC buys giant London gold vault from Barclays
- Journalist who exposed ted cruz’s father’s ties to lee harvey oswald found dead
- Whitey owes TWENTY TRILLION in reparations
- Google
- Trump to get Dr. Evil's blessing...?
- Pentagon Wants AI to Read Social Media and Draw Up Lists of People for Lethal Autonom
- 300 CEOs Tell the British People: Leave the EU!
- America’s Elections, Cheap “Police State Theatre”
- Angelina Jolie Pitt: ‘Don’t Brexit, and Keep your Borders Open to Migrants’
- Politicians and the damage they do
- America’s “Down Home” News: Carrying a Message from the Elite
- Money troubles close college once headed by Sanders' wife
- Hillary horror! 'Get those f-ing retards out of here'
- World War III? Pentagon Sends Troops to Libya
- Dump Hillary? Clinton Slammed Yet Again By Mainstream Media
- World’s first head transplant to be carried out on Chinese patient next year
- Going for Gold: Russia, China Ditch Billions of Dollars for Prized Bullion
- Panama Papers reveal George Soros' deep money ties to secretive weapons, intel invest
- Jews Celebrate
- Google
- Anonymous Strikes the Heart of the Empire — Takes Down U.S. Federal Reserve Bank
- German produced so much renewable energy it ended up paying people to use it
- Are Megyn an Donald lovers now?
- Find Face
- New Evidence About the Dangers of Monsanto’s Roundup
- Guys, Gals, Visitors, Trannies, etc. You need to check out the Unz Review.
- Shot Live of the WTC from the NYU DORM
- How to rob a biker
- Billion Dollar Cruise Ship
- Journalist Found Dead
- 'Imperial Hubris': 100 Years Since Sykes-Picot
- German .22 Training Rifles
- Evalion Shut Down!
- Brexit the movie full film
- Nigeria: Only 40 CCTV Cameras Out of 1000 Work in Abuja
- UN: Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer, is not a cancer risk to humans.
- Trump calls out Clinton rape tonight on Hannity.
- Did ‘Citizen Kane’ Predict Donald Trump?
- New Law Introduced Into California Legislature Would Punish Companies That Boycott Is
- Developer of Online Anonymity Tool Tor Flees US to Escape FBI ‘Harassment’
- Wendy’s to Lay Off All Cashiers, Autonomize 6,000+ Locations to Fight Wage Increases
- Boston Police Dept. uses controversial social media spy tool made by CIA-linked firm
- Claim: Chavez Died of CIA Induced Cancer
- DC judge halts US capital’s ‘overly zealous’ ban on concealed guns
- Time Warner Cable CEO Rob Marcus gets $92 million severance after 2.5 years on the jo
- houston chimpout - 11 year old stabbed to death
- Trump accuses Bill Clinton of Rape! The madman actually said it!!!
- ultranationalists there, globalists here
- egyptian air flight 804 crash
- Rasmussen: Trump +5 over Killary
- cnn money reporter bidding for moron of the year
- I find it interesting that........... V
- group me chat comment leads to cop freakout at college
- Radiation Remains a Problem for Any Mission to Mars (or the moon)
- White preschoolers: When I grow up I wanna be black!
- uaw union set to betray its membership
- Republicans, Democrats Agree On A Bill To Bailout Puerto Rico
- Poll Exposes 2-Party Dictatorship — 65% of Americans Want a Candidate Who’s Not Clint
- Super Monopoly: Bayer makes alleged $40 billion bid for Monsanto, details still emerg
- Texas Bullion Depository: Gold Backed Bank to be Completed Next Year
- Dead could be brought ‘back to life’ in groundbreaking project
- Black Lives Matter Leader Arrested On Charges Of Child Trafficking
- California Senate Passes Comprehensive New Gun Control Legislation
- NBA Champs: Warriors or Cavaliers?
- chicago: another mexican mass murder
- Mop-up operations against the Confederacy continue: V.A. Cemeteries.
- “Everyone steals from this store. Why are you picking on me?”
- Live NRA National Convention starts at 1:00
- Elon Musk Funds $1Billion Project To Stop Human Destruction From 'Demon AI'
- Five major banks rigged $9 trillion bond market – lawsuit
- Lake Mead declines to lowest level in history
- killary + lieberman? fahget about it
- Watch This Nigger
- White House on Lockdown After Report of Shooting Nearby
- So what do you think.
- 8chan /pol/ SHTF Thread
- Robots Patrol California - 300lb Robots Defend Weak Liberal Cucks
- Anti-Gun Barbara Boxer: My Armed Security Saved Me From Bernie Voters
- Schumer to Introduce Further Gun Control Legislation
- In this thread we name Zimmerman's gun
- Chomsky: US Republicans ‘Most Dangerous’ Threat in ‘Human History’
- Faggot Jew Kirchick: Jewish Media Victimized by the People
- Glorious Leader Speaks to the NRA Following Endorsement
- 83% Black Detroit Labeled as One of Two US Cities to “Never Visit Alone.” The Other?
- Hyper-reality
- The War on Whiteness Intensifies: Obama's Quasi-Black National Security Adviser Says
- If Trump Doesn't Win, the War on Whites Becomes the Fed Government's Holy War
- Will Venezuela Be Forced to Embrace the Dollar?
- Brazil: Skinheads Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison for Nazi Facebook Posts
- Hungary: Orban Calls Out Jew Soros on His Invasion Scheme, Calls Bill Clinton a Puppe
- Massive volcano in Costa Rica!
- “I’m Dead, I’m Dead” Unnerving Video Shows Cops Taser Handcuffed Man Until He Dies
- Activism On Covert Neuro-Experimentation/Directed-Energy Weapons: Tyrone Dew Informs
- Meet the Trans Escort Claiming to Service Anti-LGBT Republican Congressmen
- Parallels Between Israel and 1930s Germany
- Satanists Plan To Sacrifice The Earth
- The Lesbian Rule
- Welcome to a new world............ V
- VIRAL: McDonald's Workers Brawl Over Who Cooks the Apple Pies
- Glenda Beck Ass Kissing Zuckerberg- What a POS..
- 25 Of The Most Shocking Facts To Remind You Just How Bizarre America Is.
- fast furious: obama, holder, clinton gun running scandal is back
- univ of missouri collapsing, so it releases video attacking whites
- organ traffickers, pedophiles feast on refugees
- US cops and illegals ran coke smuggling operation
- Assimilated Muslim girl (living in Sweden since she was 7 years old) speaks out
- Hillary Clinton pushes for reinstatement of national 55 mph limit
- Meet the Americans primed to fight their government
- Washington state GOP snubs Trump in delegate elections
- FagPope opens cock holster again. Appears to be in an orgy with a dog and a Muslim
- Climat Change - Root cause of women's problems including rape
- Fed-bashing spurs calls to make America gold again
- Foreigners Around the World
- Faggots to investigate incident as a potential hate crime
- New Austrian president hates Austria
- New Trump attack ad on Clinton's
- Parents are stunned hearing a girl had sex with as many as 25 boys in school bathroom
- Ron Paul opens his cock holster, wants to 69 with Bernie.
- Check out new Trump ad
- US Army Fails Tank Competition. Effeminate Tinkerbell Boy Battalion strut their stuff
- Another 68 IQ Negroid primitive threatens Trump with death. (needs Fruitloops)
- Kosovo, the New Jihad State in the Heart of Europe
- dinjooz-media suggesting Trump visit to israHell imminent
- “Bimbo” Nikki Haley Should Be Deported!
- fla: nigs and agitators trying for another blm martyr
- sec 8 now BUYING blacks homes in white neighborhoods
- another long running scam by nyc.dc: nimby
- Killary is a shape-shifter? Actual unretouched photo
- Canada May Ban Anti-Transgender Speech With 2 Years in Prison
- 1,750,000 Year Old Man-Made Bridge
- big hedge funds are partners in crime with nyc banks, thus frbny
- High school graduates dumb, but smarter than their teachers.
- First–ever magnetic wormhole created in a lab
- Trump hater turns into supporter
- The Nigger Bill Gates
- Jewish Pedophile who was on cover of TIME story about illegal immigration
- Nbc: Your children will be microchipped “sooner rather than later”
- US Federal Court: Private Lawsuit Can Bring 16 of the World’s Largest Criminal Banks
- Susan Rice Tells College Grads There Are Too Many White People in Top Government Post
- "Pre-Crime" Arrives In Chicago - Big Data Tells Cops Who's Next To Be Shot
- Saudi Press: U.S. Blew Up World Trade Center To Create ‘War On Terror’
- CIA Links Top Hillary Donor George Soros to Terrorist Bombing
- Russians Report on American “Military Collapse”
- The Illuminati Were Amateurs — The Facts Shows These Five Families Rule the World
- Hanging on to what They’ve Got
- Western Imperialism ‘Must Go’
- Mad About Rigged Elections? Mainstream Media Says "You" Are The Problem
- Hi alll
- House Just Passed “Donald Trump Act”
- anti trump chimpout in new mexico
- Around 10,000 people in the UK enjoy the pet play craze
- another big shot murdered - coal ceo
- high roller prostitution ring in nyc busted
- Addicted to the drug war
- Ten states to sue Obama administration over transgender bathroom directive
- Kike Sanders L.A. Ad with Viva La Raza
- Photo of Melania, suck it liberals!
- Manufacturing Recession Goes Global as Demand Withers
- Trump tapping into ‘inherent racism’ in US: Jimmy Carter
- Anonymous Hits New York Stock Exchange, World Bank, The Fed, & Vatican — Total Media
- IRS Malfeasance Gives a Glimpse of Larger Government Corruption
- Condescending BBC Kikes Attack America as Racist Haters
- Good News:
- Corey Feldman protecting Pedophiles
- Is it time for Trump to dump Paul Ryan?
- DePaul University
- Vegan Climbs Everest To Prove Vegans Aren't Weak. Dies.
- Chinese detergent ad
- BUSTED: Katie Couric Anti-Gun Doc Deceptively Edited to Make Pro-Gunners Look Foolish
- LA Senate Passes Total Gun Ban After Radical Muslims They Let In Killed People
- A Spirit Of Violence And Civil Unrest Is Rising In America
- 'Kill Trump' Threats Flood Twitter Before Potential Anaheim Riots
- “I Hate F*cking White People!” – Black Charged with Hate Crime for Stabbing White Cop
- US Arms Industry Dead: World Bought American Weapons, Stole the Technology
- "No Violence Day" in 83% Black Detroit Ends With Nine Shot and Two Killed
- Trump Was Told There Was ‘No Time’ For the National Anthem. Here’s His Live-TV Respon
- Angry Birds Movie is Red-Pilled Anti-Immigration Propaganda Chris Menahan
- Global Monetary System Has Devalued 47% Over The Last 10 Years
- #TaylorSwiftWasRight: Jew Admits to Dreams of Defiling Aryan Blood
- Wells Fargo.........3% down for a house............. V
- UK: Kitchen Knives and Tweezers Now Considered “Weapons” Zeiger
- The debate is on!
- CCW or CW ... Which?
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