View Full Version : General Discussion
- Israeli Rabbis Marry Gay Men to Lesbian Women
- City Lowers Police Testing Standards Because Not Enough Blacks Passed
- Anyone Else Looking At HCA?
- Utah Signals Dollar Distress
- Reinhardt essay
- Daylight Saving Time starts Sunday
- Cuba sentences US contractor to 15 years in prison (Jewish community)
- Well I just Heard The News Today.....Seems Like My Little Lady is on her Way
- Americans vote: "Do you have confidence in U.S. disaster preparedness?"
- Math Education: An Inconvenient Truth
- Japanese super earthquakes to cause worldwide interest rate spikes
- Before and After Satellite photos of Japan, what a disaster
- Before the world implodes I've given myself a goal
- Sunday chat 3/13
- OK, I just added the custom description "Great Value Carrots" to my Profile
- Working mens Guilds
- funny quote from bank of japan
- OSI, Inc. (Rapiscan) making record profits
- North Korea ?
- Goofy thread about the numbers
- Welcome back, Mamboni!
- Anyone Own a Camper Van?
- Facebook morons react to the Japanese disaster
- Saudi Arabia invades Bahrain
- Today's press conference in Japan
- Goodbye paper money, hello plastic!
- Incredible swarms of fish form off coast of Acapulco
- interactive before and after photos of Japan
- here comes social security part two: harkin proposes new program
- Fighting breaks out in Ivory Coast Gbagbo stronghold
- Madness, March Madness that is!
- Obama Pens Op-Ed Calling for Better Gun Sale Background Checks
- Live News Video Feeds from around the world
- I`m running out of Japanese sencha tea
- If you feel like relaxing, watch Chernobyl documentary
- Treasury running out of cash?
- Last ditch effort to cool reactor before meltdown
- Any experience with starting and maintaining a service non-profit ORG?
- U.S economy sucks, Japan is screwed, what does it mean? We'll be going to WAR
- Gates Foundation Invests $10 Million in Vaccines Developer
- Silver Shield Pulls a Charlie Sheen Wed. March 16th 8pm EST
- RIP Derry Brownfield
- 36 hours in hell........
- isnt a comet supposed to pass between the earth and the sun tonight?
- Fixing a deer in under 3 minutes.
- Amazing Sapporo Beer Commercial -
- Gold - Silver tanking, U.S. Market down over 2%
- Bloodbath
- CERN Physicist jailed for ties to Al Qaeda
- 10 Year Bond Yield Plunges
- DBS and Rafeeq
- If government shuts down, so would troop pay
- Imran Hosein narrative continues to prove accurate
- Raid on medical marijuana in Montana
- Best commercial that I have ever seen.......
- Hidden in plain sight
- Prosecutors: Berlusconi had sex with teen 13 times
- US Has Weapons To Fight UFOs and ET, Says Former Canadian Defense Chief
- HHS warns that all infant formulas are contaminated with toxic fluoride
- Anyone ever seen Peter Frampton in concert?
- what's your survival "fetish?"
- Canadian humorist Stephen Leacock on the Jews (1915 or so)
- Not Guilty. The Israeli Captain who Emptied his Rifle into a Palestinian Schoolg
- Now I really hate the Chinks
- Last Eustace Mullins interview on Federal Reserve
- Calpers Vows Ethics Action Following Placement Agent Review
- Inflation Pressures Build on Surge in Energy, Food
- Potential for quake to hit North America soon - geologist
- 'World's largest paedophile ring' uncovered
- Guy tries to buy a $.99 taco with a 1 ounce gold coin, fails.
- Potassium Iodide Tablets (14 Tablets) 250 FRNs a Pack
- Is this possible - 6 months worth of preps for $220
- Currency Meltdown Coming
- My trip to the VA and Big Town......
- Meanwhile cocaine is found at NASA Space Center
- Obama- the world LEADER
- Holy Batman, anyone seen Rand paul?
- 40-Foot Section Of Hwy. 1 Falls Into Ocean
- Michigan Dems Charged in Forging Fake Tea Party Election Documents
- Top of the Mornin' to ya, GSUS
- New Maybury interview (Audio, 3/6/11)
- Largest existing gold nugget sells at auction for $400,000
- time for my annual march madness poster
- PepsiCo Unveils 100 Percent Plant-Based Bottle
- Owsley Stanley dies at 76; 'Acid King' of the '60s psychedelic era
- Silver Shield Youtube Interview- The Silver Door is Closing
- Massive UFO event in Russia: Crashed flying saucer?
- Our American Initiative/Gary Johnson
- Saif al-Qaddafi: We funded Sarkozy's campaign and we want our money back
- The Israeli's fight terror, 1 olive tree at a time
- Chinese Troops Seen in Mexico
- Radiated by CT scan
- Currency Wars: RIP Shadow Banking System, Long Live QEx!
- The gold and silver money system is in Title 31 sec 501-512 of the USC
- vehicle explodes on 5th ave nyc
- Latino men are possessive and Asians are rubbish in bed
- Mice and Rice
- Shepard Smith goes all conspiracy theory
- I swear to GOD, it seems like they're trying to kill us
- anyone else having trouble with coast to coast?
- Waxing philosophical about GSUS
- Congressman Calls on Obama Administration to Expand Distribution of Anti-Radiati
- Police Find Field of Money in Ohio Highway Median
- House-Size Asteroid Zooms Close by Earth
- Green Shoots of Price Inflation
- Richard Koshimizu
- Oh! Boohoo - Barack H. Obama Elementary to close
- GAO Backs $1 Coin to Replace $1 Bill
- Any stock market gamblers here?
- I must ask.......about snow, what is going on?
- Double Disqualification for Christian Basketball Championship
- A question for the financially inclined researchers
- Silver Shield On Deadline Live With Jack Blood in less than an hour.
- need radio station help
- 100% of rapes in Oslo last year were committed by Africans and Turks.
- Palin to Israel
- Doug Casey: Stupidity, Evil, and the Decline of the U.S.
- Ex-Goldman programmer gets 8 years for code theft
- Charlie Sheen LIVE: My Violent Torpedo of Truth Tour
- Get your detergent, tp, diapers, wipes now: prices going up
- Oh man, Tim Wise really really really hates whitey
- David Horowitz spreading anti-Authentic-Semitic hatred at Brooklyn College
- Look at this
- North Koreans, not Chinese, now the villians in the Red Dawn remake
- Helen Thomas to Playboy: Jews 'own the White House'
- Jews own the world, wtf are you doing about it?
- Was the first Atomic Bomb test a fake?
- 100 Silver is a No Brainer CNBC a throwback Vid
- The "Whats good about America" thread
- Wacky MSNBC Lawrence O’Donnell Begs for Viewers While Blasting Beck & Bible
- A Crucial Constitutional Fact
- We Have Forgotten What True Money Is
- School Named after Obama closing
- Liberty Dollar creator convicted in federal court
- You are now considered a domestic terrorist if you use silver as currency.
- Breaking Report: New huge spill near Deepwater Horizon.
- 80 people reportedly killed in U.S. drone strike in Pakistan.
- Is onslaught of 'gun show loophole' legislation--and worse--about to begin?
- Small fish takes big bite
- Aspartame Outrages Continue - Diet Coke For Heart Health
- Oil Spill Reported Near Deepwater Drilling Site in Gulf
- Charting The Ten Year Prelude To The Keynesian Endgame
- MOVED: What if the Jap reactor Blows??? what will be the effect on the Western USA???
- MOVED: Radiation Network - real time environmental radiation levels across the USA
- MOVED: Ron Paul on Libya
- MOVED: Why Aren’t Arab States – Instead of the U.S., France and Britain – Taking Care o
- MOVED: U.S. & Europe attacking Gaddafi to Secure Libya's Oil...
- MOVED: At least 110 Tomahawk missiles fired at Libya:US
- MOVED: Muammar el-Qaddafi Terrorist Attacks on THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
- MOVED: France: Libya military action within hours
- MOVED: Poor Israelis fear sushi shortage... How can Japan do this to us...
- MOVED: Israeli firm runs security cams etc. at Fukushima nuclear plant
- MOVED: Japanese quake map
- MOVED: Japanese don't loot because they trust their government, Americans loot because
- MOVED: So Much for Japanese Engineering
- MOVED: Illuminati card for Japan
- MOVED: Gaddafi about to get a rocket up his..........
- MOVED: Libya question
- why is everything being moved?
- American in china
- What the Muslim Sharia Laws Will Do To You
- The frameup of Edgar Steele continues, the government has not released 3rd tape
- okay, this is freaking me out. found markers on my mailbox & tree
- Rothschild Globalist Killers Pour DU On Libyans In Nuclear War
- Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans
- I had a dream last night... re: price of Silver.
- Sunday chat 3/20
- 200,000 Year Old Statue Found On Moon
- How many calories in a lb of white rice?
- Predictive programming
- So it was Israeli all along...
- 46 calibar Air Gun from the 1700s!
- MOVED: Japanese nuclear fears freeze German real estate fund
- MOVED: Graphical depiction of relative exposures to radiation over several orders of ma
- MOVED: Earthquake Japan: 7.9 **Updated to a 8.9 quake**
- MOVED: Do Western Elites Really Care About Fukushima?
- MOVED: Radioactive bullshit fallout - FKN Newz 031911
- MOVED: Ringing Earth - Tibetan Monks in "spirit cave" hear new sounds
- MOVED: Anyone remotely worried about the assult on Libya?
- MOVED: GM closing pickup plant for lack of Japanese parts
- MOVED: US Surgeon General Warns Be prepared for harmful radiation from Japan
- MOVED: Protocol for Nuke Contamination: Iodine, Glutathione, Chelation, Clay, Soda
- MOVED: Jim McCanney on Japan (Great Show!!!)
- MOVED: The First Batch: Japan To Issue ¥10 Trillion In Earthquake Relief Bonds
- MOVED: Tokyo Passengers Set Off O'Hare Radiation Detectors
- MOVED: Devastation: Pictures of Japan
- MOVED: USDJPY Flash Crashes As All Support Taken Out - Record Collapse
- MOVED: Russia says Japan may face meltdown at six reactors
- MOVED: Japan earthquake: Japan warned over nuclear plants 2 years ago
- MOVED: Alert: Nuclear (And Economic) Meltdown In Progress.
- MOVED: Geiger Counters
- MOVED: Why is there no looting in Japan?
- MOVED: The reality of the Radiation Leaks in Japan
- MOVED: Potassium Iodide pills are recommended to protect people from radioactivity
- MOVED: Workers at Japan's damaged nuclear power plant evacuate
- MOVED: Is the Japanese earthquake the latest natural disaster to have been caused by a
- MOVED: .07 RD/Hr.......waesn't here before.
- MOVED: Rachel Maddow Tells it like it is 2-8 Cores worth of meltdown in Reactor Pool #4
- MOVED: Libyan website reports rebels sink Gaddafi ships
- Thanks to Gaillo I have less to read now........
- Christchurch earthquake anger erupts
- Why people are afraid of clowns
- US Army 'kill team' in Afghanistan posed for photos of murdered civilians
- rangel calls for draft
- GMMRA Great Man-Made River
- Sinking Liberty.
- The technology that enables a computer to print off a full-working bicycle.
- Useful Tidbits on Radiation and Journalists.
- MSN explains the Bank scam?
- Iran Orders Attacks on Saudi Interests Worldwide
- The Things Israel Does.
- Financier Martin Armstrong Released After 11 Years in Jail
- BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules Fed Must Release All Bailout Data.
- Man has full face transplant
- Coulter: Radiation is 'Actually Good For You'
- Woman Hid 54 Bags Of Heroin & Money In Her Vagina
- The Red Sparrows Air Show (not for the faint of heart)
- Laugh at this Add - Obama Fail
- Banksters & Government Exposed by Mainstream News
- Actor 'in talks with Fox as CBS move to bring him back to Two and 1/2 men.
- Palin visits Jerusalem, reaching out to Israel's right
- Portugal gov't nears collapse amid debt crisis
- Nazism vs. Zionism
- Libyans and Iranians and Gold, oh my!
- DBS & Rafeeq
- Recomend a commodities trading forum?
- Heroin Rock
- Madoff says entire US government is a Ponzi scheme!
- Little Red Ridinghood - more brainwashing - spoiler
- BRIC nations call for immediate ceasefire in Libya
- you guys following this breaking seiu news about JPM + the market?
- Well we've got two of Enzo's three brothers
- Geologists warn another earthquake could tear Tokyo in two.
- Portuguese Government May Collapse Tomorrow, JPMorgan Says
- Psyops over Lybia broadcasted on the internet
- what are "time deposits?"
- Revelations by an ex-Jew
- Coming soon to your local restaurant
- CNN mentioned Kadaffy's Gold
- perfect illustration of why the country is fucked
- Safe nuclear does exist, and China is leading the way with thorium
- Israeli attacks kill eight in Gaza
- Bad guy strategy vs. bad guy tactics
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