View Full Version : General Discussion
- Death toll from Gaza aid attack hits 20
- We Do Not Need or Want a Revolution
- Israeli Butchery at Sea
- Turkey withdraws ambassador.
- Greece cancels military exercises with Israel over flotilla attack.
- Reacting to Gaza.
- This is all........NO LINK, will search for more.
- Netanyahu cancels Obama meeting in wake of deadly Gaza flotilla clashes.
- Jordan slams Gaza ship raid, summons Israeli envoy.
- DBS, Rafeeq, Ognir & Cynthia McKinney (5/31)
- Israeli Butchery at sea by Gilad Atzmon
- 2
- Activists cause own deaths by attacking nonconfrontational Israeli commandos
- Memorial Day: Honor = Truth
- they are really pissed in Turkey
- Hey BP, what's wrong with this picture?
- Jaghunter - Obama in Man's Country
- BP clashes with scientists over deep sea oil pollution
- Gulf oil spill threat widens.
- Turkey really raising the stakes (naval escorts to gaza, and more!!)
- High-seas raid deepens Israeli isolation.
- Turkey has threatened Israel with unprecedented action.
- Israel Forces Fired On Sleeping Civillians Under Cover Of Darkness.
- Brazil summons Israeli envoy over raid
- Oil map tracker.........
- President Obama will skip Memorial Day visit to Arlington National Cemetery.
- Five videos from holocaust aboard the flotilla.......
- Gaza flotilla launch attended by terrorists.
- Video of protests from Turkey, Jordan, etc over Israeli crimes
- Fury and despair as BP admits oil could leak for months.
- UN tells Israel to end siege of Gaza
- Is BP trying to cap the Gulf oil well, or keep it flowing?
- Gulf Oil Spill-Gutsy Solution Restores Environment in Just Six Weeks
- There Was 'Nobody in Charge'
- On CBS and NBC...........
- Flurry of Changes to BP's Well
- Monday night chat
- MOVED: How many more members will leave?
- For live oil leak.......interesting
- Israeli Advance Target Assassination List Found on Flotilla.
- 2010 Jupiter - Uranus Triple Align / T-Square Shot thru Space time
- IBM Patent Application Describes "Intelligent" Stop Lights That Turn Off Cars.
- Chinese Supercomputer Is Ranked World’s Second-Fastest, Challenging U.S. Dominan
- Could be scary: Sinclair's prediction concerning Israel
- Dutch have a solution for Oil Gusher (interesting)
- Ugly Truth interview on Flotilla Attack
- 'Rachel Corrie' aims to reach Gaza
- Oil Spill Contained!
- U.S. blocks Security Council criticism of Israeli raid
- Cutting the pipe! Live
- Supreme Court Says Suspects Must Disclose Intent to Remain Silent
- Egypt Opens Gaza Border as New Ship Tests Israeli Blockade
- Is Obama Jewish?
- Tropical Storm Agatha floods kill 150, cause giant sinkhole in Guatemala City
- more of the gulf oil spill/scam comes into focus
- Inflation and Deflation at the same time - yes
- Al Gore to separate from wife Tipper after 40 years
- Israel says Free Gaza Movement poses threat to Jewish state.
- West Poised for Worst Grasshopper Outbreak in 30 Years
- Owners Stop Paying Mortgages, and Stop Fretting
- Maybury Update
- The essence of the matter is there is really nowhere to hide, except gold.
- Criminal Investigation Under Way in BP Gulf Spill, U.S. Says
- U.S. Stocks Drop on Report Lebanon Fired on Israeli Warplanes
- The gusher will continue to gush
- Israeli Soldier Shoots American Art Student in Face
- World against Israel
- Bioremediation (microbes) for the gulf oil spill (very interesting new article )
- Marc Faber~May 22 presentation( good but long,1+hr)
- It's Official - Another BP Failure - Efforts To End Flow From BP Well Are Over
- Former CIA officer "Israel owns the U.S. Congress and the media"
- Bill Gates... so many fingers, so many pies
- John Quade "The Common Law"
- MOVED: US Mint Sells More Gold Coins In May Than Any Month Since January 1999
- 'Israel is a Lunatic State'
- FBI dubs man who robbed 21 banks 'Granddad Bandit'
- Harvey Organ, one of The Best Precious Metals/ Currency Guys - F'ing Zionist !
- New blood test can spot cancer before it develops....Good news for a change.
- Seagull steal cats food......infront of the cat.
- The Ultimate Humiliation: Nikkei Explodes Higher After Japanese PM Hatoyama Resi
- How did I miss this - Jewish lobby has 'absolute control' in US foreign policy
- Car Runs On Air
- Peter Schiff comments on Goldline
- Finnish police probe theft of virtual furniture.............say WHAT???
- Using cash doesn't solve anything
- Video of IDF boarding the "Aid" ship that wouldn't halt on command.
- Another blog with pictures from deprived Gaza
- Someone just woke me up and.........
- Getting our babies to kill their babies
- Revolution: How the Jews stole Britain
- Aliens exist and live among us (?) - Catherine Austin Fitts
- D Estulin Speech - Turning Point?
- Desert storm: Huge cloud of sand descends on Chinese village
- Of course, they were asking for it...
- Big A$$ Hole..
- Betelgeuse! Betelgeuse! Betelgeuse!
- New Law Will Require a License to be a Journalist.
- John Stossel: Fight Bigotry without Government
- Private Corporation Building Detention Camps Across America.
- Israel Fully Prepared for Another Massacre or Cast Lead 2 If Needed.
- Natalee Holloway
- UK Taxi Driver Kill 12, Wounds 25 In England
- Israeli "Defense" (Terror) Minister: "there is no mercy for the weak"
- Jacob Judicial
- What Happens if Turkey Attacks Israel?
- US Economic Recovery of Lies
- Letter from an online zionist supporter...
- A government that serves Israel cannot serve the American people.
- The Turkish military
- After Miranda rights read, burden falls on suspect
- Police officer's estimate good enough for speeding ticket
- I could be wrong, but judging by his hat, this guy ain't gonna make it!!!!
- Advanced Victimology, according to the world's experts in victimology
- Oil from Gulf of Mexico spill 'nears Florida beaches'
- Why the fluoridation of public water supplies is illegal
- John Kaminski "last path left" ( a blockbuster here!)
- US Nuclear Weapons are guarded by Israel
- So What Do we Do about it ?
- Economy hitting Porno industry hard!
- After 72 years the Mercury car is going bye the end of 2010.
- Max Keiser
- Electrical Demand Drops Two Straight Years, First Since 1949
- What Natanyahu is telling the world..........
- Managing director of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn (official portrait 2008)
- No Gold left to guard?
- So much for Videotaping the Police
- What percent of the population is actually starting to get it?
- Glenn Greenwald Destroys MSNBC's Israeli lapdog Apologist
- Beck Forgot to nAttack Obama Today
- Census workers topped 550,000 in mid-May
- Our legal system.. creating domestic terrorists.. one child at a time.
- Return of the Bilderberg
- DBS w/ Rafeeq (6/2)
- flotilla attack part of Israeli/Pentagon plan to take down turkey
- US Mint Out Of Not Only Silver But Gold American Eagles As Well
- good deal on solar GPS/cell phone charger
- US money supply plunges at 1930s pace as Obama eyes fresh stimulus
- Maytag Recalls 1.7 Million Dishwashers After Fires, U.S. Says
- latest from jim willie (6/2) a must read
- Nicaragua cuts ties with Israel
- Adam Rothschild call's Prime Minister of Canada a Slave
- Pastor James David Manning - Zionist SHILL
- How Free Explains Israel’s Flotilla FAIL
- How reliable is Wayne Madsen?
- Iran Bets Big on the Dollar and Gold so You Don’t Have To
- Freedom Flotilla: Separating Truth from Zionist Bullshit
- Now Buffet is changing his tune..........AGAIN
- Why the fluoridation of public water supplies is illegal
- PCR "AIPAC Purchases all U.S. Elections"
- Woman claims she was fired from Citibank because she is too hot
- What do you get for a Hundread Grand?? Very nice bird cage Liner
- Former US Diplomat Edward Peck cites attack on USS Liberty on primetime cable
- Bollyn "Global Outrage grows, Americans killed and maimed by Israel"
- Catherine Austin Fitts and Clifford Carnicom on Chemtrails
- Did You Plug The Hole With A Blue Dress Yet, Daddy?
- Israel Explores Changes to Gaza Policy
- Egyptian god Anubis gets huge statue at Denver Int'l Airport
- The Coming Resignation of Barack Obama
- Glenn Beck: Kissing Israels Ass Again- June 3 2010
- Cynthia McKinney interviewed on CBC (on Flotilla Massacre)
- US backs off plan to take Vt. farm for border port
- David Williams - Discussion on the Constitution
- America's Complicity In Evil
- ARTICLE: "Analysis of Jewish genomes refutes the Khazar claim."
- Growth momentum to top Europe's woes: Geithner
- American Jews eye Obama's 'anti-Israel' appointees.
- Rachel Corrie is getting Turkish warship escorts
- Israeli Collective Madness by Gilad Atzmon (video)
- Mania coming?
- MOVED: What are you holding
- Max Keiser: war and gulf oil disaster are deflationary events, offset inflation
- Bank Failure Friday, June 4 2010
- State and Local Government Still Firing
- Obama At 1:02????
- In DC, even the Spelling Bee draws protesters.
- A Decision = Peace of Mind!
- Review of Zionism, Militarism And The Decline Of US Power by James Petras.
- California to ban plastic bags.
- Any architects here?
- Fla. tomato farmers have surplus despite cold snap
- Iran poses threat to dominance of the US dollar.
- The Government Is Not the Country
- SP Daily Chart: Looking Ugly as Baghdad Barrack Declares Economic Victory
- Angler lands monster catfish weighing in at a massive 250lb.
- Video: 'Price to pay' for opposing Israel.
- Hydrofracking can lead to Flammable or even Radioactive water
- Dublin Protestors Create Siege at Israeli Embassy (tit for tat)
- Cynthia McKinney "Israel bought the U.S. Govt"
- The end of the Gaza blockade, the beginning of NATO occupation?
- Helen Thomas tells the tribe: "GTFO!"
- Six Giant Banks Made $51 Billion Last Year; The Other 980 Lost Money
- GOT MILK ????
- things i should be able to do in the year 2010
- Hamas officials given one month to leave Israel.
- Obama secretly deploys US special forces to 75 countries across world.
- ASSOCIATED PRESS 'Rachel Corrie' boarded, no one hurt.
- Census Says It Hired More Workers Than It Needed As a ‘Cost-Saving Measure’
- Engineers Say Deepwater Horizon Well Could Leak for Years if Not Stopped
- Vivos.
- Rachel Corrie boarded without incident.
- Brasscheck picks up Obama bootlicking for Israel
- all Swedish Ports refusing all Israeli ships/goods for 1 week (woohoo!!)
- Any RVer's on this thread...need advice
- Not Paying Federal Taxes Now the OBVIOUS Moral Choice
- The Bilderberg Group: fact and fantasy
- Irish Times: ITF shot pirate victims in back of head and back
- Paul Craig Roberts goes On The Edge
- Gazan Survivalism
- Bollyn update (and new interview)
- Jim Puplava, Cali to bankrupt itself.........
- Netanyahu "The same countries that are criticizing us today are targeted next"
- French cinema chain cancels Israeli film, replaces with one on Rachel Corrie.
- Border Patrol - Australia
- Norwegians want a ban on all Israeli products
- Question for those who condemn Israel
- This Van Der Sloot thing is damn convenient for the Media
- You're gonna love this! Official .GOV anti-conspiracy website
- Jew-lover Michele Bachmann demands Lebanese-American Helen Thomas be fired
- A video to keep you up tonight
- Toxic Seafood Warning !
- Rep Brad sherman (jew) "throw all americans in Jail who were with flotilla"
- Jewish Billionaire
- PAC talkshoe
- Lack of water threatens Iraq's long-term stability
- we bought the bullets
- Bilderberg 2010 conference (attendees)
- Kidnapped by Israel, abandoned by Britain
- Treat Palestinians Like Jews
- Swindling The Goyim, by Eddie Rothschild
- Altered mural fuels racial debate in Prescott
- Is this perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever?
- GSUS Sunday Nite Chat!
- Growing ranks of long-term jobless face tough odds
- The Mead Thread!
- Worse than a Depression
- Missing thread?
- WOW - Nikkei down -396
- Clinton says she expects Iran to 'pull some stunt'
- North Korea Parliament To Hold Rare Second Annual Session Monday, Major Announce
- uvb-76 has stopped transmitting
- MOVED: Where's Percival?
- The old Pete don't know any better she just goes.
- Holy Shyt somethings up people!
- My God, it's full of stars...
- About freedom of speech
- Hero Marine disarmed Israeli Commandos
- Jewish Flotilla aim's to break siege of Gaza
- Israel's blockade of Gaza is in large part motivated by the broader issue of con
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