View Full Version : General Discussion
- GreeceFire Re-Ignites
- Bank of America To Start Mortgage Principal Reduction
- Mideast nuclear conference in jeopardy
- John TRAVOLTA: Gay Jews control Hollywood
- U.S. Ambassador to Syria Runs Death Squads, has a history of this, W M .
- Fed Policy Not To Blame For Rising Food and Gas Prices; The Dollar Hasn’t Gone Down
- Miracle tree..............the graviola tree
- The Eye of Horus
- Raw security footage of Kelly Thomas police beating death
- Illustration: Media Consolidation, The Illusion of Choice
- No Jurisdiction
- Dick Lugar LOSES his Senate seat!!!!
- The Emperor Is Naked
- Project Orion
- If you Could Manipulate the Markets by Whispering in the Ear of World Leaders ...
- Looking for a Good WebHost service Run by Gentiles
- great truth radio podcast blog - no commercials!
- Surprise: Would be Suicide Bomber was US Informant
- Bachmann becomes a citizen of Switzerland
- Time to buy?
- Oy Vey! Kosher King Victim Of Goyim Justice
- World's cheapest gas: Top 10 countries
- Cars running at 70 mpg BANNED in the US by Fed Gvmt
- Austin Steals Elderly Veteran’s House for Crime of Having Fallout Shelter
- WTF - My BFG's swallowed a softball
- The Taliban are divided and in retreat, insist top US officials.
- Farage: We face the prospect of mass civil unrest, even revolution
- World Record Wave - Official
- Hsbc criminal bank
- China Stops Buying Europe Government Debt on Crisis Concern
- Oh shit - Michael Scheuer-Israel Owns The Congress
- The Hokey Shtick deception...
- I want Democrat vaginas out of my wallet
- Gross Ingredients—Not Always on the Label
- The Monsters at the Turning of the Age
- The EU - The Immaculate Contraception: A SNAFU at inception and by design
- The Ron Paul & Bernanke breakfast
- OT - Groovy internet web radio for your listening pleasure
- Bio-Terror Bible is a free ebook
- The Federal Deficit Explained
- Jp morgan carshing!!!
- Eric Sprott on CNBC
- Ron Paul: Energizer Bunny of US Politics for Good Reason
- Face of US$ 100 Billion ... Facebook Specialty Is Pilfering Client Data, While Instag
- Biggest Find Since Dead Sea Scrolls?
- Mitt Romney forced to apologize 'after he held down gay
- Apocalypse now? German drops Mayan magical skull owned by Himmler
- Past the tpping point: The United States Budget cannot be balanced!
- People 'freeze up' and fail more and more as the money on offer increases
- Vote , Prison Inmate Challenges Obama and almost wins !
- Jerusalem Post Boasts of Israeli Firms Buying up Greece at Firesale Prices!
- POS English Paki beaten up by passers after caught raping a young girl in China
- The Jones Plantation
- I Can't Fly
- Mayan calendar CONTRADICTS 2012 apocalypse
- My new website - Feedback Sought.
- Gold ‘Will Go To $3,000/oz’ – David Rosenberg
- Ben Swann Reality Check: There are NO bound delegates! Per RNC!
- Banks prepare for the return of the drachma
- Pusillanimity
- TFMR Podcast #19 - Jim Willie
- Is Bernanke Mom Enough?
- New Archeological Find Proves Mayan Calendar Doesn’t End
- Received a certified letter today.
- Recoverable Oil in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming 'About Equal to Entire World's oil reserve
- What You're Missing on TV...
- Wow! I could have written this article
- Sonic device deployed in London during Olympics
- Want to waste 16 minutes?
- Chicago police prepare for NATO Summit with riot gear and sound cannon
- Breaking News: Romney tried shutting down Convention.
- Courts Afraid of Us Now & Lawful Bank - Roger Hayes British Constitution Group
- Beach Boy chimes in on Obama
- The Jones Plantation
- Black Monkeys, White Monkeys
- There Really Is A "JewTube" Video Sharing Website
- AZ GOP convention field reports...more BS
- The Cover Time Magazine should have run
- why not to be an organ donor (must opt out!)
- More Interesting Tidbits Come Out On JP Morgan
- War not necessary to ‘destroy’ Israel – Ahmadinejad
- History Tidbit - Jew Terrorists tried to Kill Truman in 1947 via Letter Bomb
- Should critically discussing Islam be a form of hate speech?
- Izzy is commited to peice!
- Calif. FBI agent missing, possibly armed, suicidal, massive man hunt
- The Power of the State Militia
- More than 250 Canadian cabbies are trained doctors
- Roadkill
- 3 Phase Plan for Greek Recovery - Default, Dollar, Silver backed Drachma
- Barack Obama the country's "first gay president."
- Devil's Breath drug can block free will, wipe memory
- Remnants of Civil Law in the United States
- In stead of buying 86 ounces of silver I got new shoes
- Chat?
- James Rawles interview.
- The Tesla Gun
- Baby Duck, Life or Death?
- Law-enforcement authorities sat on a major bank’s money-laundering allegations
- Strategic Reserve Super Tanker in HIGH seas
- Ron Paul on Center Seat
- POST SHTF ( big die off ) question - what about the dead bodies ?
- Youtube to mp3
- The future of the USA - 2012-2016: An insolvent and ungovernable United States
- The Corbett Report: When false flags don't fly.
- Everything Will BE Fine
- Ron Paul Throwing in the Towel?
- What is wrong with PM price movement today?
- picture taken at the Athens ministry of finance.
- Frontrunning China's Insatiable Demand For Gold...
- 4-Year-Old’s Overdue Library Books Returned After Police Sent To Family’s House
- bitcoin hacked...again
- Watchdog: RCMP acted reasonably at G8-G20 summits
- George Zimmerman prosecutors file list of witnesses, evidence in Trayvon Martin shoot
- Interview with E. Michael Jone. An interesting Catholic perspective
- How to peel a hard boiled egg
- Plastic waste garbage floating in Pacific Ocean has increased 100-fold
- IMF stresses need to increase reserves due to rising credit risk
- Gold miners need $3,000 price in five years - gold council
- Sounds liket he olympics should go of with a bang...
- World braces itself for Greek euro exit
- A Censored Race War?
- Crash Time
- Is Ximmy in reality Book?
- FBI may charge George Zimmerman with hate crime
- The wrong Carlos: how Texas sent an innocent man to his death
- Who's side will the Zombies be on?
- The destruction of Amerika
- Facebook IPO to raise 85 million shares
- Greece has a 436 million euro principal repayment due Today
- Revolution...
- "Sieg Heil"
- Woman aspires to turn herself into real life Barbie doll
- Israelification of American Domestic Security
- Jim Comiskey rumor
- Documentary on what could become our future
- Identified some fake Morgans and other coins at a jewelry store
- Man Loses $22,000 In New 'Policing For Profit'
- Mississippi Highway Murders: Killer Posing as Cop?
- Will there be a Presidentional Election in November ?
- VW Passat 78.5 MPG (Imperial gallon) 65.2 MPG US gallon in the Uk
- Greek bank runs starting? 894 Million withdrawn in 1 day
- Baptismal Names and Names of Repute (registration)
- Jesus Speaks Telepathically to Woman, Tells Her of Khazar Satanists and DNA
- Biden Comes Unhinged in Angry Ohio Speech: ‘They Dont Get Us!’
- Two armed police officers spent an excruciating two hours ignoring the laughs of pass
- Jerry Brown Address to the People of California - 2013
- Pacquiao Banned from L.A. Mall for Same-Sex Marriage Opposition
- Is the low in?
- California median home price...$647,000.
- Breaking News: Robert F Kennedy Jr's Wife Found Dead.............Developing
- D.H.S. Looting Safe Deposit Boxes under " patriot act " Gold Silver Weapons
- Pasadena K-9 unit demonstration, ok these guys have no control of their dog
- The Wisdom of Thucydides
- A Daily Brazil Nut Better than a Supplement for Selenium
- Project "Orion": Powered by an Atomic Bomb Machine Gun
- Ain’t No Party Like a Rothschild Party!
- Spanish Bank Plummets On News Of Bank Run - $1Bil in1 Week
- Senators to Unveil the ‘Ex-Patriot Act’ to Respond to Facebook’s Saverin’s Tax ‘Schem
- interesting conversation i just had with CC company per PMs
- Iceland’s Amazing Peaceful Revolution – Still Not in the News
- Donna Summer dead
- The conversation we need to have - Age of Limits
- Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia & HI
- Is NBC About to Go Bankrupt?
- Skishing
- Obongo's a f-ing liar: what a shock!
- California food police gone wild: LA County health enforcers conduct door-to-door raw
- Census Bureau: Minority births outnumbered whites for first time
- Lindsey Williams Urgent Update: Derivatives Market Collapsing & JP Morgan
- France’s new prime minister his name sounds like the Arabic for penis
- Otb
- I've got a spare lower AR-15 reciever should I finish it?
- Reality show blamed in surfers death
- The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style
- Presenting the Ponce of China. :]
- OK, which state is going to be the first shooting at the Feds?
- Cannibal Gets A Day Pass In Canada
- Obama Born in Kenya Top Story at Drudge May 17 2012
- Filthy kike Rabbi Yosef: Treating gentiles violates Sabbath
- Two Real Americans Get Off Couch And Start The Revolution That Will Save Our Nation
- lindsey williams "derivatives fuse has now been lit, goodbye dollar"
- Goldwater's Son "RP is most like my father"
- Paul Harvey: If I were the Devil
- How To Be A Crook
- Marriage License is a Trap
- Facebook Suit Over Subscriber Tracking Seeks $15 Billion
- Man who fathered 30 kids says he needs a break—on child support
- Man who has 80 wives and 250 kids.
- New Breakfast Cereal
- Empty sculpture stand and blank canvas are main attractions at ‘invisible art’ exhibi
- Paper gold & silver Ponzi exposed - Technical analysis
- A Letter from Mark Zuckerberg
- Honeyville
- What we teach children about police
- His name....
- I thought I was drunk when:
- Doug Casey Interview on Mind of Money
- 18 Signs Crisis in Europe has gone Bad to Worse
- 12 Pictures That Demonstrate How The New World Order Openly Mocks Us
- Truth About the 14th Amendment
- Man accused of stabbing random Dallas shopper
- Denver International Airport Conspiracy
- 20 years jail for warning shot
- Gotta be a Chinese Geek- Earthlink scam
- Martin Armstrong: We’re Still in Phase 1 of Capital Flight to Quality
- What's New? tab broken?
- What's between this gal's legs?
- First NATO "terror" suspects
- If you are up for some heavy duty reading- What is National Socialism.
- Jesse Ventura talks about his lawsuit against TSA on the Robert Scott Bell Show
- 5.9-magnitude earthquake strikes near Bologna, Italy
- Ron Paul Wins Minnesota State Convention
- Radical Greek Blog
- Al Sharpton: "White Folks Was In Caves, While We Was Building Empires!"
- Solar Eclipse in Japan in 1 hour 40 minutes
- Crime and punishment, Norwegian style
- BP chemicals messing up migratory birds- Minnesota
- Yard Sale ups and downs
- Watch Swiss Alps mountainside disappear in seconds
- 2 Russians Climb 1,000 Feet Bridge!
- Marijuana Compound Spurs Brain Cell Growth
- Fred & Nina Gutierrez use 3rd articles courts to bring freedom for Americans.
- Top Derivatives Expert Estimates Size of the Global Derivatives Market at $1,200 Tril
- Chicago live stream video, now.
- next 10 years Canada, China and Mexico would be running out of silver.
- Picture of the Day: Barack Obama's Sealed Records ... In A Nutshell
- Sunday Night Chat 5/20
- Anyone else watching the Live feeds for the NATO summit?
- The Real Reason Ben Bernanke Resists the Gold Standard
- I commend you on getting the server back up
- How can "vagrancy" and sovereignty co-exist?
- So, what the fuck happened?
- How can the average man or woman begin to push back government abuse?
- CARTEL RAID UPDATE: The Coming Trigger Event Will Make Physical disappear
- Radical Abundance
- Can You Spot a Secret Service Agent in This Picture of the Presiden’ts Daughter?
- Need some Tech help
- Fluoride Lowers Your IQ | A Debated Truth?
- Jim Willie interview with TF
- No "Thanks"
- ATF to accept public comments prior to outlawing shotguns
- Physicist: HAARP Manipulates Time
- What do you make of this?
- Rand Endorces Mittens
- I need some design help and ideas for my dog box
- The Great Pension Fund Hoax
- Illuminati symbol cheered and worshipped across britain
- Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don't want the government spying
- Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don't want the government spying
- The Butler did it..................
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