View Full Version : General Discussion
- Masonic Plot's favorite delicacy.
- The perception of reality is more important than reality itself
- Since it's our 2 year reunion, here's Missing Links - The jews and 9/11
- Drake: INSIDER Claims Mass Arrests of Globalists, Bankers, Elite
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference March 31
- CNN Lost HALF Its Viewers Since Last Year! MSM is dying!
- Oy Vey!
- Aussie Govt wants US workers to fill skill gaps
- Gold and Silver Manipulation
- 'OJ is innocent'
- FDA rejects call to ban BPA from food packaging
- Ins doc found: U.s. Certificate issued to one east african-born child of u.s. Citizen
- Md. woman(Leroyetta) won't share $105M lotto jackpot with McD's co-workers
- Chewbacca: Do these slacks make my ass look big?
- Mpls. Police Ponder 8 P.M. Curfew After Youth (AKA black) Mob Attacks
- Time For An Honest Conversation About Race And Crime
- Houston Cop Loses It & Threatens To Taze Teens For Filming
- OMG, the beaner Calderon, the kenya Obongo and the crypto jew Harper talking
- World debt comparison - The global debt clock
- Oakland School Shooting...5 dead, 4 wounded
- Depleted Uranium–’Dirty Bomb’–Now In America
- Kevlar or whatever the name is a national hero
- We get the morons we deserve
- Yup, L.A. is turning into the F.U. capital of the world
- Pink Slime mfgr gets pink slip from filing for bankruptcy!
- Whatever happened to the so-called Tea Party?
- Russian skycraper burns for 3 hours does not collapse into own footprint
- Detroit 300 Declares War On Detroit Gangs For Killing Babies & Seniors 2012
- Holy Facepalm! Priest’s PC Autoplays Gay Porn Slideshow to Congregation
- 78 percent increase in childhood autism rates over past decade
- Was Boy in K.C. Fire Attack Burned by His School’s Racist Teaching?
- FDA Removes 1 Million Signatures for GMO Labeling Campaign
- Presidential Fact Check: Staggering Results For Ron Paul
- OT - Little Enzo from this weekend
- Be carefull Dallas / Fort Worth folks - Tornados coming
- How Whites took over America
- Quebec takes legal action for gun registry info
- Nuclear powered drones !
- You'll Listen to Anything They Decide to Play
- Rules of the Court
- PLO Bestows Journalism Award on Helen Thomas
- Obama's Supreme Court Comments Prompt GOP Worries About Judicial Independence
- Graphic footage of US transport helicopter shot down. WARNING!
- 'O.J. Is Innocent And I Can Prove It'
- Border Security: Southwest Congress Members Ask For Returning Military Equipment
- Obama on the Defensive: I‘m Not First President ’Unable‘ to Visit Israel ’in Their Fi
- 25 Must Know Skills For Surviving The Coming Nightmare
- Obama Executive Order a Prelude to Martial Law and Suspension of Elections?
- Eustace Mullins
- EPIC Chimpout
- Canajewda - Man who punched bus driver spared jail time due to his native ancestry
- Father 10 years in jail for being accused of rape by daughter
- Vaccine failure admitted: Whooping cough outbreaks higher among children already vacc
- Police say Bendigo mother raped 14 times
- 637.535 million ounces of paper silver dumped in one hour
- TSA screener at JFK 'hurled hot coffee at American Airlines pilot
- Sex victims urge clergy to read letter at Easter - have a read of this
- Muslimification of Europe Creates Opportunities
- US students walk out of speech by two Israeli soldiers
- Obama Signs STOCK Act Into Law
- Angela Simpson Proud Of Murdering A Man In A Wheelchair Pulled Out His Teeth - Video
- Just around the corner: Gulag Americano
- Bomb Patrol: Afghanistan (Propaganda made in USA)
- It Begins… Youths Screaming “This Is For Trayvon” Beat 78 Year-Old White Man in Toled
- Sonny Bono was Silenced
- Documentary - Thrive 2011
- Austerity suicide: Greek pensioner shoots himself in Athens
- Ok who believes this? Prescription Drugs, "White Substance" in Whitney Houston's Hote
- Monsanto Threatens to Sue Vermont
- WTSHTF Don't Shoot The Hoard Headed Your Way
- Dr. Helen Caldicott: What We Learned From Fukushima (April 2, 2012)
- Filthy jew Boxer - Owe The IRS? Bill Would Suspend Passport Rights
- Why the West is Really trying to Silence N. Korea - video
- Obama Is A Jew
- The ancient belief in words having "magical" power
- Robotic support brings freedom to paraplegics
- Chewbacca's Easter celebration spirit
- Holy shit!
- Read This First Before You Decide That Preppers Are Crazy
- "God" removed from song in school.
- Columbine shooters both Khazar
- Amazing photographs of this exploding!
- The next war will be over water and not oil.......
- Desiderata
- NO DOOM - Bus driver gets all passengers to sing Tiny Dancer.
- Gerald Celente and Jim Sinclair
- happy holy thursday
- Why The West Created The Islamic Republic of Iran, And Why It Wants To Destroy It Now
- The Pagan Origin of Easter
- Hey loser Goy, give us another 700 million.
- What judeo-liberalism does to your mind
- Ron Paul breaks another record with 6,200 people in CA
- Plan to modify humans due to climate change, smaller and cooperative - Ag21
- Arsenic and Other Chemicals Found in Chicken
- Earthquake
- NSA - They Hire It Out To The Israelis
- Good Friday - The day the Jews killed God
- Blythe Masters on CNBC talking about silver manipulation!!
- OctoMom- now on public dole
- Check out Naomi Cambells house
- USDA Ammo Shopping LIst
- Ron Paul is Winning!
- Hahaha... Whore lol
- what's up with that f-18 crash? anybody hear anything?
- Chemical Dumbing Down of a Nation Part 1 of 3
- Amazing Adolf Hitler Tribute Colour HD
- "JEWBAGS" - Cash Money Millionaires (Jews supporting Obama)
- Lolz!
- Transgender woman allowed to enter Miss Universe competition
- $3.9 billion pledged to prevent E. Africa famines.
- Ron Paul not quitting race...3rd party not impossible.
- White Identity: What It Is and Why It Is Necessary
- Adam Rothschild calls Stephen Harper Israel's slave
- mike maloney on gold & silver manipulation (new video)
- “Jews will be annihilated in Palestine, God will relieve humanity of their evil”
- Another Credit Agency Downgrades US
- Greensboro Massacre
- Atmospheric Aerosol Spraying
- Melinda Gates @ TED: Population control DOES NOT exist.....
- Candidate calls opponent "Whore for AIPAC".
- Organic Food Industry Bought Up by Corporations Like Coca-Cola
- Trolling Could Get You JAILED in Arizona
- BPA Makers to Gross $8 Billion Thanks to FDA Rejecting Ban
- Twenty Genetically Modified Foods Coming to Your Plate
- Audie & Pam Murphy
- All the victims were black
- White guy is beaten, robbed and stripped naked by blacks. Media silent about race.
- Barack Obama blackmailed by Vladimir Putin, betrays United States and her Allies
- Justice for Daniel Adkins!
- The Talk: Nonblack Version by John Derbyshire
- The Police State Road Map
- Fun with facebook
- Jackie didnt do it..............
- Understanding The Slave Mentality
- The 101 Most Useful Websites
- Yeaster paradise
- powerful new ron paul vid "alone no more" (wow)
- The Who, How, and Why Behind Silver Price Manipulation...Butler
- Ron Paul and Communistfornia
- The Swiss yield their sovereignty again.
- Jew Mike Wallace dead at 93
- Tedbits: 2012 Outlook, Part 2 - Bombs, er...Bonds; Currencies and Gold
- Guns.....
- Osama bin laden death footage (real)
- Hey good news, the race is suppose to start tomorrow 4-9-12
- Sheriffs Bushwhacked
- The Controversy of Zion (interesting book, free download of PDF)
- George Carlin on the death penalty
- OT - Watch God Bless America online
- Heaven must need...
- Happy Easter Chat! (4/8/2012)
- Rothschilds to merge British and French banking operations to secure control
- Shallow Water No Diving
- When I say I Have No TV....
- Fed Trapped in Its Own Matrix at an Enormous Cost
- Supernatural Abilities Of Qi Gong Masters
- 19 Signs Of Very Serious Economic Trouble On The Horizon
- Swish and Spit
- Trayvon racial slur on Mich road sign "Trayvon is a Ni****"
- Ten Minutes After The Titanic Struck The Iceberg
- There will be no Zimmerman grand jury
- O'Keefe Voter Fraud Investigation: Young Man Offered Holder's Ballot
- Is the Race War coming?
- High Crimes or Low Comedy?
- Six Truths in Life
- CNN is really trying to get this thing going
- Race Poll
- Food Ingredients Most Prone to Fraudulent Economically Motivated Adulteration
- Report: Secret Japan nuclear bomb program covered up by nuclear power industry —
- Child witnesses to Afghan massacre say Robert Bales was not alone
- Trayvon Martin Case: NBC Fires Producer Over Edit
- Where would you start someone that wants to learn?
- F.E.D.S. Order 750 Million Rounds of Ammo
- An appellate attorney has been engaged for Edgar Steele.
- Silver, Gold, Platinum, Electronics & Bulk
- Know how to hack a video game console? The U.S. Navy wants you!
- Rising home insurance rates point to climate change
- Indiana to Cops: You’re Not Special!
- Breaking....Insanitorium is out of POTUS race.
- JPM’s TV Appearance ... Theodore Butler
- U.S. Judges Admit to Jailing Children for Money
- Gingrich Over $4 Million In Debt Over Failed Presidential Campaign
- Gubbermint Explained to a Alien
- Echoes of Trayvon Martin in the police killing of Kenneth Chamberlain Sr
- Russia Is Massing Troops On Iran's Northern Border And Waiting For A Western Attack
- Summons for Jury
- Time Wave Zero.....
- Leaked Video Shows US Contractors Randomly Killing Civilians
- Ron Paul admits in speech to public that the FDA And Big Pharma 'are in bed together
- Elite Psyop? Public Banking and OWS Converge to Provide Mass 'Public' Solutions
- Elite Meme: Anything Is Better Than Gold
- Operation Sarkozy : how the CIA placed one of its agents at the presidency of the Fre
- Lincoln Must Have Worked for Money Power
- Ron Paul at Texas A&M University
- So what happens to Insanatoriums delegates?
- Zimmy goes 'off grid', out of touch with his lawyers since Sunday
- April 11 Indonesia Earthquake
- Supreme Court Rules: Police can search you ANYTIME, ANYPLACE, for ANY REASON
- time for another one of SirGonzo420's "I love you guys" thread
- breaking: da to charge zimmerman with murder
- Bernanke to Congress: We're Much Closer to Total Destruction Than You Think
- He is most likely an illegal alien.
- Morgan Stanley's Failure To Segregate Client Assets Creates Default Risk
- MSNBC: "Ron Paul has a lot of delegates"..."Oh dear"...
- Should Ron Paul fight on?
- 12 year old girl explains the banking system
- Jesus > Religion
- Europe Will Collapse in May-June
- Doomsday shelter' being built below Kansas prairie where millionaires will be able to
- In Guns We Trust [In Dollars We Don't]
- Peter Schiff - Why is Bernanke Lying Again?
- Can someone tell me what type of music this?
- Now that Tyvecs kiler i doomed we all are back to our own doom treads.
- Jews coming after Remington (we must disarm the goy)
- Another college chimpout this time St. Louis
- Incompetent scriptwriter blames Gibson (anti semite) for own failings
- Romney Won't Rule Out Romney-Santorum Ticket
- Chris Martenson: "Are We Heading For Another 2008?"
- HUGE MISS: Initial Claims Surge To 380K
- The Secret Caves of Giza
- Get Out and Stay Out of Jail
- Bird Mites
- Of Diocletian's edictum de pretiis and Obama
- Would you mind mowing my lawn please...
- breaking news: bomb found in wtc 2
- Khazar Comedy
- Sleepy Man Banjo Boys
- Ron Paul beats Obama 44-43 in Rasmussen poll!
- Decoding Kosher labels for the goy... post your info here...
- Go Gators!
- Don't you hate when other people spell stuff wrong on ebay?
- Ron Paul vs Flopney crowds April 10th.
- Radish Kimchi
- The insanity of government regulations
- Its OK, we are saved by sterilized QE...........
- Press bus takes wrong turn in North Korea
- it is against the rules for a student to hug a teacher.
- Nkorea launches rocket over pacific
- Manly P. Hall - Playing Cards Symbolism
- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The 9/11 Conspiracy Theory In Under 5 Minute
- La Raza President: Blacks, Hispanics Should Team Up 'To Attack Common Enemies'
- Gordon Duff - ‘United States plans another 9/11 style attack'
- Chief Killed, 4 Officers Injured In Greenland Shooting
- And many will die........
- Boy, Girl, Him, Her pronoun replaced with HEN - somethings stinks in Sweden
- Cop caught masturbating in patrol car while on the job
- CME Lowers Silver, Copper Margins
- Friday 13th 2012 Closing Price. Whats it going to be?
- Cast A Ballot .. Hire A Spaniard
- makes Colbert Report
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