View Full Version : General Discussion
- Ted Cruz Ad
- Lou Dobb's
- Bird gets pissed when owner breaks his cage.... lots of cussing FUNNY! possible NSFW
- DOJ grants immunity to ex-Clinton staffer who set up email server
- A Letter to Donald Trump
- Ted Cruz is gay?
- Vicente Fox joins the Trump campaign
- Possible election fraud in Minnesota
- You bunch of Nazi's!
- Report: Illegals Rushing to Get into U.S. Before Trump Wall
- America's Little Fukushima: Nuclear Plant Leaking 'Uncontrollable' Amounts of Radioac
- Day after being indicted, former CEO of Chesapeake Energy dies in car crash
- This is How the 2016 US Presidential Candidates Feel About Russia
- Mitt Romney Praises Donald Trump
- Palestinian Leader Says Shin Bet Assassinated Arafat
- Trump attack thread
- Obama Gun Sales Program Booming!
- Canada Has Sold All Of Its Gold
- Arrest the Clinton's!
- British Central Bank Head Accuses Brussels of Creating Depression
- The Snowpack and the Avalanche: How to Understand Unfunded Federal Liabilities
- Contributions to Donald J. Trump for President
- Central Bankers Admit that Central Banks Have Failed
- kenyan shot in salt lake, chimpout operation follows
- GOP Debate Live
- All TITLE To Wild Animals
- Neocons line up against donald trump
- The European Union Was An AMERICAN Idea
- Pyongyang Orders Nuclear Weapons to be Placed on Alert
- Michigan’s GOP Governor Lawyers Up in Child Poisoning Scandal
- Laser Rust Removal Machine?
- Israel Bribed GOP Senator With $1M To Shut Down Iran Deal
- Gingrich: Establishment Scared of Trump Because He “Didn’t Belong to the Secret Socie
- High Profile British Imam Praises Muslim Who Murdered Pro-Christian Politician
- Monsanto is Suing California for Telling People the Truth About Its Chemicals
- Who is YOU?
- Computers/internet/security ..........v
- San Bernardino DA says seized iPhone may hold “dormant cyber pathogen”
- It's time for Fox News to come clean to it's viewers
- Glenn Beck makes death threat directed toward Trump
- Gingrich: "They don't want Trump because he didn't belong to the secret society"
- The Power of Meme Magic
- Who are the Jesuits?
- Ron Paul: “Absolutely No Meaningful Difference Between Hillary and Trump”
- Psychologists seeing 'Trump anxiety' among patients
- Did Mitt Romney Just File Papers To Run For President?
- Soldiers of Odin
- Trump Already Surrounding Himself With Establishment Men
- Immigration arrest moves gay wedding to detention center
- Jew interviews David Duke
- Japanese inventor supports Trump, creates weaponized wig
- The trap door is now closing......... V
- Saturday March 5th primaries and caucuses -- LA, KS, KY, ME
- HEAT: Huckabee says establishment should be grateful for ballots not bullets
- Gun vault can be defeated with a paperclip
- The Mosul dam is going to fail, thank Uncle Satan for that
- Rothschild Bank Now Under Criminal Investigation After Baron David De Rothschild Indi
- Immigration watchdog: Too many 'establishment ghosts' haunt cruz
- Inside the twisted, racist, anti-Semitic mind of the Jewish Daily Forward
- Who is managing the United States behind the scenes
- black shoes matter: shootings, fights for new bball shoes
- Looks like Narco's 'Dukakis moment'
- Something you will never see with Obama
- Aldous Huxley - The Ultimate Revolution... Better than 1984?
- Germany bans sausages so as not to offend refugees
- Harvard Law School bans official crest because slavery, also changing official titles
- Mittens: I'm not running, but...
- Trump nomination infographics & delegate counts for Sunday 3/6/2016
- Roger Stone -Ted Cruz
- Romney Stealing Election
- Giving your privacy away............ V
- Words of a racist bigot
- Sikhs, Muslims, and Hindus support Trump
- Slovakia will build wall and “never accept a single Muslim” says Prime Minister
- Foreign diplomats are expressing alarm over Trump
- Nancy Reagan and the occult
- Homeless Man Owes Government Over $110,000 In Fines For Being Homeless
- Warrantless Stingray Surveillance Deemed Unconstitutional, Proving Cops are Breaking
- Former DEA Agent Exposes US Government’s Role in Cocaine Epidemic
- Drudge articles...
- How much will the Republican party have spent...
- Michael Scheuer
- Pepsi and Coca Cola Corporations: History will view as “Phillip Morris”
- Trump Concord, NC rally
- Trump's friend from high school tells all that he knows about Trump
- mass shooting: 11 casualties, not headline news
- meisner wife shot dead, no investigation needed
- RNC rules for nomination is bad news for Mitt Romney
- Is Trump part of the NWO?
- nyc bankster bonus pool data released
- 25 years later Trump still the same guy
- Is January 1 2016 drug ban aimed at Russia?
- Neighbors Compilation
- Rafael is not eligible to be prez
- Even China prefers Trump over Hillary
- The Dissenters List
- cruz: first day in office i will...israel
- Sibling directors of the Matrix movies got gay bombed???
- Tuesdays presidential map
- Eat Shit Karl Rove, Krauthammer and Steve Hayes!...
- Anyone here vote in the Idaho cuckus?
- Rubio is being destroyed on the front page of Drudge right now
- marine biochemist shoots guy in idaho, goes to dc to deliver info
- Trump is killing it in hawaii
- Trump gets UUUUGGE endorsement
- Has the time/space continuum broken ? Queen Elizabeth in favor of Brexit !
- Donald Trump Says Massive Legal Migration Is Eroding Middle Class.
- Money talks, bullshit walks - Trump plays joos media like a fiddle
- Putin and Russian General Warns of US Collapse In 28 May 2016
- Trump Calls BLM Out For Stealing Ranchers Land
- Rothschild Bank Now Under Criminal Investigation After Recent Indictment
- The Collapse Of Italy’s Banks Threatens To Plunge EU Into Chaos
- Syrian refugees sharing hotel with Canadian furry convention
- All you normals are just plain weird and unnatural
- Trump: Our Only Hope for Escaping World War III
- [VIDEO] ROMNEY Waiting In The Wings: Of Course I’ll Accept The Nomination!
- Clinton Loses Vote In Michigan, Leaves With More Delegates
- Didn't read the fine print...
- good website with unapproved facts/info
- Facist National Review Blocks Discussion of Ted Cruz Natural Born Citizen Issue
- Washington Times: Trump will be 74 delegates short of nomination threshold
- Killary refuses to answer: "Will you drop out if indicted?"
- Tools, explained
- Stop Trump/Never Trump movement intensifies
- Cali shuts down crab season “indefinitely”
- Monopoly goes Cashless
- 'I am a Zionist' Joe Biden reassures US-Israel alliance
- Damian Thorn, Satan’s Son, Ragpicker’s Fantasy
- China Meltdown Triggering Worldwide Recession
- This is an interesting Blog. Pro White European from a Christian perspective.
- Who is the Arch Racist: Hillary or the Donald?
- At least 5 killed in shooting outside Pittsburgh; police searching for 2 gunmen
- 5 (blacks) shot dead, 3 (blacks) wounded in Wilkinsburg...shooters (black)
- It's all so rigged!
- Ted Cruz, A Bush By Another Name
- Powerful blast reported in Moscow residential building
- One of ISIS’s Top Commanders the U.S. Likely Just Killed Was a ‘Star Pupil’ of U.S. S
- Two Corrupt Establishments
- Flordia Nuclear Plant Leaking Radioactive Contamination into Biscayne Bay
- Missing Clinton E-Mail Claims Saudis Financed Benghazi Attacks
- "The Most Brutal, Vicious Political Rebuke Ever Aired in US History" THE HAL TURNER S
- Will Donald get rid of Federal Reserve bank?
- Megyn Kelly: Trump’s Unscripted Campaign Is a ‘Breath of Fresh Air’ by Alex Griswold
- Let’s Talk About the Federal Drones Flying Over US Soil
- Meet Robert Morrow, Travis County GOP Chairman
- US Credit Card Debt Balloons to $917B
- GOP Majority Voters in Primary are Wayyyyyy Beneath Cruz, So Says Cruz
- American Workers Rank Last In Problem-Solving Skills With Technology
- Debate -- live stream
- 19 US Piloits lost fighting ISIS in last 6 months
- Iran Told to Pay $10.5 Billion to Sept. 11 Kin, Insurers
- Man in bear costume scares the crap out of co-worker... slow start... Very funny!
- Zionist Desperation and the Coming Societal Pivot
- Rigged Democracy – Nearly 10% of Democratic Party Superdelegates are Lobbyists
- This Eco-Death Suit Lets Mushrooms Consume You When Your Die
- The latest policing tool to monitor rowdy spring breakers: Drones
- What the Trump Phenomenon Means for Israel
- The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis
- Elites Link Anti-Government Thought to Mental Illness, Lay Groundwork for Incarcerati
- How the media is lying to you about economic recovery
- Rubio Drops out of Ohio - Rubio's campaign tells Ohio supporters to vote for Kasich
- Aryans are God's True Chosen People
- Kenneth 'I need fuel for my jet' Copeland speaks of the anointed son Lyin' Ted
- Having a baby in 1943
- 112-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor Named Oldest Man in the World
- War on Terror Turns Inward – NSA Surveillance Will Be Used Against American Citizens
- Cuban's leave family behind
- Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 45 Million for 56 Straight Months
- Donald Trump Says His Supporters Should 'Hit Back' At Protesters More Often... V
- This ain't no Cruz rally!
- 6 Independent News Sources That Sold Out to the Highest Bidder
- Caitlyn Jenner HATED by LGBT Community and Liberals Now for Not Supporting Hillary
- Out of HIS OWN Mouth: Ted Cruz "Will SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE Immigration" by 500%
- Kasich fails to supply enough signatures to be on pennsylvania ballot!
- Coroner Report Contradicts Claims of Heart Attack — RT Founder Beaten to Death in D.C
- SWAT Goes to Wrong Home, Smash Windows Deploy Flashbang on Innocent People Anyway
- Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are angry about Oreos
- large anti trump chimpout in chicago
- Power Companies and the State
- Good anti-Cruz campaign ad
- Obama: New World Order Created a “Shit Show” in Libya
- The Ugly Truth that Donald Trump has Exposed
- Kasich Voted for NAFTA; Cost America 2.7 Million jobs, 112,500 lost in Ohio Alone!
- How to Stamp-Out Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism in one Generation!
- Drought-Stricken L.A. Admits to Using Weather Modification “To Produce More Rain”
- Organizations Funded By George Soros’ Open Society Institute
- Trump says they are trying to steal Florida, voting is being rigged & manipulated
- Why the establishment hates Trump
- Water drone: Boeing launches incredible unmanned super-submarine (VIDEO)
- German Police Arrest Man in Bomb Threat at US Embassy. Has he been IDed yet ?
- Trump to start pressing charges on protesters + Police pepper spraying degenerates
- Do White People actually have the Freedom of Assembly?
- American Atheists
- South African “Diversity studies” lecture: Whites everywhere should kill themselves
- Lump Sum Social Security?
- A Forrest Doth Chiefly Consist
- Bully
- Splenda ingredient, sucralose, linked to leukemia
- Clinton, Bush, Obama stand on ~500 million innocent dead from intentional policy of w
- Neocon 'Hissy Fit' Over Trump: US Hawks 'Are Afraid of Becoming Irrelevant'
- The cough returns!
- Media Mogul Plans to Live Forever by Uploading His Personality to a Robot
- Saw this in an elementary school...
- Chicago Assault on Civil Rights Backfiring on Protesters, Cruz, and Rubio
- Kasich didn't qualify to run in the state of Pennsylvania
- Black Trump supporter killed in Chicago after cancelled rally on Friday
- Game of Thrones Cast Pushes Rapefugees on White Countries
- Watch Hernie Panders spew garbage
- Marco really is a dirty scurrying rat, wet with the foam of his own drool
- URGENT PUBLIC HEALTH ALERT: Black Male Videos Self URINATING on Kellogg's Cereal Prod
- Trump supporter created video.
- murderous chicago gang symbol
- New Study Shows Even If Cops Commit a Crime on Video, 96% of the Time they Aren’t Pro
- Donald Trump and Free Speech
- Jean-Claude Van Damme calls out Rothschild and Rockefeller on live TV
- Billionaire George Soros funds $15M effort to stop Trump, mobilize Latinos
- Army Researched Weaponizing Of Mosquitoes
- We Don’t Need a New President; We Need a New Consciousness and a New System
- project shield: 3,600+ surveillance cameras
- For Ohio voters...
- Trump and Christie in Hickory town hall
- The God-Emperor arriving in Tampa
- Todd Palin hospitalized in intensive care after 'very serious' snow machine accident
- Y'all better be sayin' your prayers
- Krazy John Kasich: Illegals "made in the image of the Lord"
- The Fed Caused 93% of the Entire Stock Market’s Move Since 2008: Analysis
- John Kasich taking money from George Soros
- Make Busy work
- Former Citi Vice Chairman Robert Rubin, Target of DoJ Investigation, is Too Big to Ja
- Anti-Trump Ad Widely Mistaken for Pro-Trump Ad by the Internet
- One thing Trump will not have to do
- Does anyone care for the Jew Yolk accent?
- RNC Rules Comm. Member: Every Delegate At GOP Convention Not Bound On First Ballot
- The Assassination of Donald Trump
- 15 million of Soros donation goes everywhere...
- Putin pulls out of Syria!
- Ted Cruz goes all-in for Monsanto; insults tens of millions of health-conscious Amer
- Petition Calls for the Arrest and Prosecution of Trump
- Super Duper Tuesday - FL, NC, OH, IL, MO + NM Islands already won (+9 delegates)
- People Are Going To Prison Thanks To DNA Software — But How It Works Is Secret
- Trump just cleared crucial threshold for nomination
- Sure is quiet in here
- Voting problems in usual
- Trump breaks 50% in national support for the first time !!
- Anonymous declares ‘total war’ on Trump, plans April attack (VIDEO)
- Breaking: Big Food Giant Guilty of Money Laundering in GMO Labeling Stunt
- AIPAC Is Coming to Town
- BOMBSHELL! Larry Silverstein designed NEW WTC-7 in April of 2000
- A Rejection of Neocon Foreign Policy – American Military Members Prefer Trump and San
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