View Full Version : General Discussion
- Sunday Night Chat!
- Gold tattoos
- Silver: Will Buyers Stampede?
- Napolitano: Scanners are safe, pat-downs discreet
- Safe , not so safe .
- If your bank fails, breathe easy; your deposits are covered
- Gordon Duff: Who Speaks Up For Holocaust Survivors
- Interesting Happy Thanksgiving video
- The Shadow Money Lenders
- Greek Government says it can't make Bailout Repayments
- The Rise of the Money Power -- First Era
- Oil And Gas Leaks Continue Unabated At Macondo:
- JB Campbell: Defense Against Zionist Aggression
- From 1889 - How familiar does this sound:-
- The Federal Reserve Act expires after 99 or 100 years?
- Shanghai high-rise inferno 6 hours - still standing....
- Geraldo Rivera On 911 Truthers - "The Most Obnoxious Protesters In Recent Years"
- The scary actual U.S. government debt
- WTF? Someone explain why Geraldo is jumping on the 911 Truth wagon.
- An appeal from Ziopedia founder Jimmy Wales - Make Your Donation Now!
- Prayers for The Wee One
- Quantitative Easing Explained
- Something to think and Inspire
- Rep. Rangel skips out of House ETHICS Trial
- Since there was no DOOM today, here's a great version of Wild Horses
- Some Thoughts on Money and the Future
- Robosigning for Idiots
- Paul Krugman Recommends 'Death Panels' to Help Balance Budget
- The World Says No to America's Monopoly Money
- Ringing Cedars
- More top hedge fund managers piling into gold
- Where Do You Stand Politically? (10 Questions Quiz)
- 128 Billionaires in China
- UK Captain Confirms: Wesley Clark Ordered Attack on Russian Troops in Kosovo
- Beat the law "How to get diplomatic immunity"
- Infrastructure for a post-bailout world
- Fed to buy 94% of all Treasury bonds in the next five months.
- Soros increased gold positions in third quarter
- Video: "The Banks!"
- Is the Army Already Using Invisibility Cloak?
- cme is raising silver margin requirements again
- CME Raises Gold Futures Margins By 6%, Hikes Silver Margins For Second Time In U
- Bernanke vs. America
- "Bond Mkt Implosion & Gold Tactics"
- NWO! Head of IMF Proposes New GLOBAL Currency
- NWO Plans 10 World Regions:
- Obama at the head of the UN- NWO has begun.
- SilentWeapons for QuietWars
- Eric Cantor's Pledge of Allegiance (to Israel over America)
- A random act of culture
- US cried Wolf
- Bond Market To Bernanke: F@&k You!
- Gold 8000 Hyperinflation sure, Prohibition possible
- Silver: Still The Investment Of A Lifetime
- Euro under siege as now Portugal hits panic button
- The Curious Case For $936 Ounce Silver
- Here is how we breaks their backs and it's perfectly legal.
- Max Keiser No 95
- The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) raises margins on commodities again
- QE 2 Explained in video
- California Will Default On Its Debt
- Nobody is White
- Amid airport anger, GOP takes aim at screening
- Red Alert - HR-3808 Veto Override Attempt
- How Terahertz Waves (used in TSA body scanners) Tear Apart DNA
- Dumbest Story of the Week
- Investigating Climate Change
- These are my people!
- Court cases are monetized
- Rense Radio
- Wake up the sheep: Full Body Scanners
- "Why governments try to control prices" ~ by John Maynard Keynes
- Ron Paul: "Bernanke is a Monetary Dictator", vid.
- Is GSUS the best forum on the net?
- "Money As Debt". Anyone care to agree or disagree with this video?
- Anarchism vs. Libertarianism
- Mrs SilverQueen Silver Porn Trailer
- WTF - Rivlin Proposes 6.5% National Sales Tax as Part of Deficit-Reduction Plan
- China to subsidize food after price spike
- Alaskan Fighter Jet Went Missing Last Night, Search Ongoing
- 6 Million Benefits Paying Jobs Have Vanished In One Year
- What Happens if You Decline a Full Body Scan?
- TSA boss: New pat-downs are more invasive
- 100 Naked Citizens: 100 Leaked Body Scans
- BULLIONET (silver) Mesh fabric: A monkey wrench for the TSA?
- Funny video: "Why people don't buy gold"
- Almost arrested for refusing the TSA pat-down. (NOT ME - Article from a blog)
- Business offers 24-carat gold tattoos
- The Worth of Gold and Silver During Crisis
- California Will Default On Its Debt
- Bernanke: Bond-buying plan could create 700k jobs
- Moon Musings
- Bill Nye collapses onstage, the first thing that comes to mind...
- Guy punches TSA goon in the chest
- Breathtaking video on TSA
- Techno Music Question for The General or Other Techno/House/Club/DJ Fans
- Another human cog in the human machine - literally
- More TSA Nonsense
- Calling for help on, "Is the DOW an indicator of the U.S. economy?"
- Ron Paul introduced the American Traveler Dignity Act (HR 6416)
- TSA to announce new full physical exams as part of Obama health care package...
- Wife got a speeding ticket 72 hours starts now
- All you have to do is look...
- Silver marches higher. Is that it for this "dip"?
- DAMN IT, I can't find the article that says airports don't have to use TSA
- Eustace Mullins interviews
- Insurance, appraisals, safe storage... etc.
- This is what my kid is learning in school
- No Silver to be had?
- With everything going on, when will TSHT AKA DOOOOOOOOOM?
- Crazy Animation Starts Normal, Goes Full Retard
- Red man as loan shark
- Academic achievement gap between black and white students: who cares?
- Knight Research' Stunning Call: "The Game Is Over"
- Moody's Downgrades San Francisco To Aa2 From Aa1, As Muni Maul Goes Mainstream
- The Unstoppable Silver Train, $30 and Beyond.
- OMG, for you married guys out there...
- Seattle officer shown on video kicking teen
- Food Safety Modernization act
- TSA Backlash continues - Sanford Airport to opt out of TSA screening
- stocks
- Who Should Be More Embarrassed?
- It is not easy breaking away from the system. Can it be done?
- Max Keiser No 96 - Crash JP Morgan
- Was this a hit??
- Social Security judges facing more violent threats
- Look how dumb the pillbillies are in Idaho!
- Where's my 9/16" wrench???
- Interesting homesteading documents referencing land patent
- It’s Official: Southern Poverty Law Center Is Now Part of DHS
- Here Comes The Pain In The Bond Market
- Kitco keeps crashing... Wonder why? (Not really!)
- Damn, they're spraying heavily in L.A. today
- Podesta: Obama Can Use ‘Armed Forces’ to Push Progressive Agenda
- French police chased from Muslim zone
- Germany reports bomb in luggage - 24 hours after issuing Govt terror plot plans
- People with DirecTV might want to watch HDN - Bikini Destinations
- One Second After - Anyone read it?
- Webbot Tipping Point...HaHa
- What happened to Yahoo Finance today? It was all messed up.
- The Black Hypertiger Bible. WARNING - OBSCENE LANGUAGE
- 20 cities most under water homes
- Removing Land From Registration
- Terahertz/Submillimeter Activity Radiation (TSA-Rays)
- Liberated From Motherhood
- Bank Failure Friday - Nov 19,2010
- TSA Chief Says Airline Pilots to Get Faster Screening
- The annual payroll of USG employees will blow your mind
- As Things Fell Apart, Nobody Paid Much Attention
- Cabbie Shot to Death in Phoenix
- "It's Over" - A Realtor Finally Speaks the Truth About the US Housing Market
- Idaho scientists find new seismic fault in Rockies
- Cancer surviving flight attendant told to remove prosthetic breast
- SCOTUS Will Soon Issue a Landmark Decision on the Validity of the Constitution
- wisconsin deer hunting starts tomorrow am
- Why gold is a bad investment (MarketWatch)
- Commercial Real Estate (CRE): The Slow-Mo Cliff-Dive Gathers Speed
- Periodic Table and Money
- [Joke] English vs. German
- do you think there are u.s. nuclear subs in the great lakes?
- Web Censorship Bill Sails Through Senate Committee
- Hey Outlaw, what's up with your peeps in Oakland
- HomeDepot
- It's Times Like These YOU learn to LIVE AGAIN
- New NIA Video End Of Liberty
- Without Prejudice
- Hitler's Foreign Policy Statement
- DBSmith and Nancy Turner Banks MD
- 2010 American Eagle One Ounce Silver Proof Coin
- Lawmakers Move to Eject Nude Scanners From New York Airports
- Professor - Citigroup, Bank Of America, JPMorgan & Wells Fargo Are All INSOLVENT
- Real IRA Threatens to Blow Up Bankers
- Karma poll
- Rahm Emanuel 'ineligible’ for Chicago mayor race
- A Dumb Society by Design.
- Pilots get OK to skip stepped-up airport screening
- $11,000 fine, arrest possible for some who refuse airport scans and pat downs
- Nearly 1 in 5 Americans had mental illness in 2009
- The Revolt of the Masses, selections
- Characteristics of Abusive Women.
- Nullification may have
- Change of attitude needed
- Local copper ordince puts
- Afghan hero dog euthanized
- Friends of Israel — Enemies Inside the Gates
- Saturday Chat 11-20
- Educators Baffled by Stubborn Achievement Gap
- If they taxed PM's would that drive the price higher to compensate for tax?
- JewUsury - Needs French Translation. - Is it about harming others after all?
- Emergency Broadcast System Coming to Cell Phones
- Obama stands by controversial air security screening methods
- What is the Ethnicity of the Banksters ?
- TSA May Exempt Muslims From Airport Pat-Downs
- Inside Job (movie)
- How To Track Your Vehicle On The Cheap
- Question for physicists/scientists re: detection of PM's
- Saturday Night Live TSA commercial (funny)
- Crisis of the Global Financial System: Collapse in Consumer Spending, Unemployme
- Silver SNAP!!!
- Sunday Night Chat
- Mayors from around the world sign climate pact
- Young Boy strip searched by TSA
- Canadian Dollar flash crashes from 98 cents down to 10 cents. Rebounds.
- TSA Agents Took My Son (Not My Commentary)
- In Entitlement America, .........
- Photos of George W. Bush 'Drunk As A Monkey' At the Olympics
- Bullets In The Back: How Boomers & Retirees Will Become Bailout, Stimulus & Cur
- The Road to World War III – The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play
- TSA chief: Body scan boycott would be mistake
- How to cook a cockatiel?
- Is it me of is that the all seeing eye on the History Channel Logo?
- Jamaican Ghost Throws A Kid Around In Front of News Camera.
- Tulving: "Sold Out" of gold, silver, and platinum?
- Dollar up by infinity percent!
- Generation Y: the new depression generation?
- movies of all time to keep!
- Feds Raid Connecticut Hedge Fund Offices in Insider-Trading Investigation
- Options Expiry tomorrow. The shorts are going to get creamed.
- Secret U.S. Spy Satellite Launches Into Orbit on Huge Rocket
- Old shit that everyone should know
- With all our pressing issues... what is the first order of business???
- New 100gm silver bits on offer...
- Nobel Prize Paul Krugman's Solution to the Debt Problem:MORE Government Spending
- Toddlers will have jabs for SIX diseases at once
- Body Scanner Operator Caught Masturbating at Colorado Airport (August 2010)
- IRS Asked to Revoke AIPAC's Tax Exemption
- You Don’t Need to See His Identification (Another TSA refusal - Again not Me)
- 'Apocalypse PA': Keep the inventions. -History Channel Show
- Michigan State Police Update No.86 Oct 2010
- Now showing edits
- lock box
- OMG...Passenger goes berserk and Dick Stabs TSA worker while undergoing pat down
- Obama Wins Second Nobel Peace Prize
- George Carlin on Airport Security
- Burning software
- Just for a grin on op systems
- Bombs, Body Scans and Israel (New David Duke Video)
- U.S. Military War Gaming for Large Scale Economic Breakdown and Civil Unrest
- Need some vent?
- As Of Today, The Biggest Holder Of US Debt Is The United States Of America
- Irish Debt Crisis Forces Collapse of Government
- Black Friday
- U.S. Banks Will Close 5,000 Branches, Whitney Says
- Califonia man arrested for stripping to underwear for TSA
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