View Full Version : General Discussion
- Gold Fire Sale Buy Now Sale Ends Soon
- FINALLY: Sh*t Wall Street Says
- All the world gold
- Ron Paul Is Secretly Taking Over The GOP — And It's Driving People Insane
- No more Stossel
- Ben Swann Reality Check: Vote tampering in Maine GOP caucus? Rigged for Romney?
- State Inspectors Searching Children’s Lunch Boxes:
- DBS & Rafeeq
- Eustace tells all on the holohoax
- Q: When does a poll show the loser on top and the winner at the bottom?
- Officer threatens to make up evidence after arrest of innocent men
- Rothschild loses libel case, and reveals secret world of money and politics
- Gold, fiat currencies & Greece as catylist..
- Alaska Bill Would Criminalize Invasive TSA Pat Downs
- CLC condemns vote ending long gun registry in Canada
- 25 Signs That The Nazification Of America Is Almost Complete
- paper silver market losing all control
- Geithner Attempts To Defend Tax Increases
- Trade Deficit Data Belies U.S. Recovery
- Eisenhower and the Aliens
- Fox news, American women in the military to blame for being "raped too much"
- How Ron Paul is secretly taking over the GOP
- Deadly Alcohol Needs Global Regulation, Health Expert Says.
- $1 million gold stash discovered in French rafters
- Private Prison Company to Demand 90% Occupancy
- Time for a Skewl Lesson
- Republicans pull plug on CNN debate
- Maine GOP recounting caucus votes - Due to Ron Paul Supporters
- Anonymous planning to blackout the 'net on March 31?
- Wash St:Paul says we're bankrupt, over extended...100's turned away by fire marshall.
- Battlefield USA 2012: Gerald Celente on year’s top trends
- ATTY=Witness Impact Statement [below] @ Underwear Bomber Sentencing
- Ever seen a tornado on the sun?
- Man shot to death while holding baby
- Shocking numbers hidden in USA government's employment report
- I.C.E. Agents shoot each other at federal building...
- And now, for something completely different...
- For sale: SHTF floating fortress
- anyone following the jeff rense versus henry makow war?
- ebay score
- Feds succeed in destroying entire business of Amish raw milk farmer
- Preparing for the Collapse of the Petrodollar System
- Blacklisted, But Not Beaten
- Put an aspirin between your knees, contraception
- Abbott and Costello on unemployment
- Hahahaha! New respect for AJ - Napolitano is a man
- Greek default exclusive:senior us bankers given explicit timetable for athens default
- Many Of You Will Not Believe Some Of The Things Americans Are Doing Just To Survive
- It happened again...
- Japan and Haiti earthquakes - One Year Later
- Iran To Be Dropped From Swift System in Belgium
- US Military Issues Warning to Ron Paul Supporters
- How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did
- I caught this tonight on tvee
- Afghan opium production up > 3100% since '01 invasion
- Financial Nuclear Bomb. Declaration of War on Iran.
- I Went to the Ron Paul Rally in Spokane tonight
- Washington DC: FBI Foils Own Terror Plot (Again)
- Mississippi's sickening hate crime double standard exposed
- Khazar Lieberman Introduces The Cybersecurity Act of 2012
- Guess who owns Univision ?
- purim is march 7 & 8
- Kill the Fed
- Airsoft Machine Gun
- Monsanto board meeting infiltrated by activist
- Is Ron Paul Dangerous? Yes!...
- the RON PAUL latest video thread....
- Useful Yurts
- A few more war clouds gather
- Judge Napolitano This Week
- What Do Doctors Actually Do?
- Question About Offshore Accounts
- Massive turn outs for Ron Paul over the last 2 days
- I need a new search engine
- Report: Obama Administration Is Giving Away 7 Strategic Islands to Russia
- Damn it, a good friends 7 year old daughter has type 1 diabetes
- GOLD 1980 Vs. TODAY
- Sunday chat 02/19/12
- Nopal cactus (prickly pear) is rich in antioxidants, plus it helps normalize choleste
- 97% of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure...
- Sweden snow: Man 'survives two months trapped in car'
- jimmy rogers contraindicator "gold will not break 2000 dollars this year"
- David Morgan "myths in the silver market"
- When the chips are down, the buffalo's empty.
- IDK... this made me laugh!
- Porsche stuck in wet cement: Proof karma exists?
- Turd interviews Gonzalo Lira; pretty interesting
- Dummies Guide to EASY silver bullion refining at home as a long term precious metal i
- silver and opium
- Iceland is the example
- Ron Paul vs. Israel's Propaganda Ministry
- Marc Faber "total economic collapse, WWW3, death of the dollar"
- OT - Formula One's Robert Kubica breaks his leg AGAIN
- John Williams "this is end of the world type stuff"
- Veterans march on White House: Presidents Day 2/20/2012
- A Sign of the Times
- Can someone ID this rifle?
- TSA Uses Body Scanners to Check Out Attractive Women
- ron paul atracts technical difficulties
- Freemason Freaks Run the US Army
- Lord James of Blackheath on banking investigation..
- James Turk "more bullish on silver than gold"
- Eric Sprott Intterview "My Dream is to run the silver market dry"
- ZeroHedge "the nightmare of an attack on Iran"
- House panel approves broadened ISP snooping bill
- Hiding the Elephant: Fort Knox’s Vanishing Act
- Another March to War
- Zio-Christianity Programming - 24K Example @ Horizon Church with 'Pastor Bob'
- Freud, Einstein, and Other Jews - Dr. William Pierce
- Infographic On The Greatest Gun Salesman In America: President Obama
- DIY near infrared sauna
- Long range shooting simulator
- Legislators attempt to force fluoridation on New Jersey
- Test tube hamburgers to be served this year
- The sci-fi movie Hollywood would not dare to make
- Eric Sprott: Silver Will Become a Currency Again
- Inside LSD-Full Length Documentary
- Europe seals new Greek bailout, doubts remain
- Is this proof that the North Pole has shifted?
- Openly Homosexual Bilderberger Jew Wall Street Insider Gives Ron Paul Millions
- Resist!
- big bankers around the globe resign en masse (frightening)
- interesting phone call with my dealer
- OK, which GSUS'er is going to step forward and 'take one for the team'?
- Satellite captures enormous 90-mile-wide storm that's UNDERWATER
- US firm forced to return Spanish shipwreck treasure it discovered worth more than $50
- 4.0 quake jolts Missouri
- Red - Jay Chou Portrait with Coffee Cup Stains
- Satan's Lil' Helper Frothy Insanetorum sez Satan out to destroy America
- India needs to start discouraging gold imports - Advisory body
- Mysterious "Humming" At The Center Of The Milky Way Remains Of Unknown Origin
- the Santorum phenomenom
- Wishing to find a like-minded mate?
- "Animal Rights" Group Has Drone Shot Down
- You guys are going to love this one LOL
- New DSM: 'anti-government phobia' (AGP) = mental illness
- LOTS of *fresh* early '60s pennies showing up locally
- As US Debt To GDP Passes 101%, The Global Debt Ponzi Enters Its Final Stages
- Voting fraud...
- Iranian 'nuclear scientist' killed in Tehran bomb attack
- 25% of Americans have more credit card debt than savings
- What is the matter with people?
- Former CIA Boss Says Iran Will Attack Statue of Liberty
- One little, Two little, Three little.......
- Is this Ron Paul's real delegate count?
- Russia developing monster 100 ton ICBM called 'Satan'
- Reason to Upgrade to Windows 7 ? IE"Tracking Protection Lists" stop Google Tracking
- Was this the broadcast that got Judge Napolitano fired?
- Eye-popping numbers of those getting govt. handouts vs. 'taxpayers'
- Tonights debate
- Gold through Sinclairs angel of 1764
- Time for a laugh
- Ice crack Antartica
- New Hampshire man who fired his handgun into the ground to scare an
- U want Change?
- Gubbermint Circumvents tSecond Amendment By Targeting Ammunition Not Guns
- Reason #5323 to stay off of Facebook
- The truth about waking people up
- Have a nice day, I'm Bob Miller!
- Raw Milk vs Pasteurized
- Ron Paul debate highlights - Arizona
- Syria regime tanks reportedly enter Homs
- Duck Tales Inflation Lesson
- Revealed: US Government Program Secretly Injected Citizens with Plutonium, Uranium
- Rare pink diamond unearthed in Australia
- John Kettler: Interesting observations
- Three simple steps to delete your Google browsing history... before it's too late
- Attractive Undercover Cop Poses As Student And Entraps Teens To "Sell" Her Marijuana
- Jim Sinclair - 1980 Was a Warmup, Gold to Range $400 a Day
- How the FED Steals Your Life
- Latest gallup poll
- Leniency sought in sentencing of Liberty Dollar founder
- Hmmm, looks like Google street view and satelites are updated
- Race riot in Heywood England over musllim child sex ring
- $15,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO FRAUD EXPOSED in UK House of Lords
- Ron Paul quietly amassing an army of delegates while GOP frontrunners spar
- will the coming zionist war vs Iran go nuclear ?
- Bill Maher donates $1 million to Obama super PAC What a TOOL!!!
- In the news: Peak oil is dead?
- In the news
- 10 Excellent Reasons to Attack Iran
- Jewish money behind Austrian Economics; Libertarianism is an Illuminati ploy
- The Hunt Brothers REAL STORY
- Latest free energy thingy
- Fed Conflates Inflation with Growth
- Horse Contraceptive Vaccine: Is Human Immunocontraception Next?
- Sorry Steal...RP on Kudlow, clearing the air and talkin' truth
- Multiculturalism has left Britain with a toxic legacy
- Using jury nullification for raw dairy farmer persecution cases
- Filthy jew Geithner: 'Privilege of Being an American' Is Why Rich Need Higher Taxes"
- A Rothschild Speaks - Listen Closely
- Quake experts warn next 'big one'
- RFK's (Kennedy) Son Arrested in Westchester Hospital Maternity Unit Clash, Police Say
- Farmer Faces Possible 3-year Prison Term for Feeding Community
- Greyerz - Gold Will Trade Above $2,000 by the End of March
- New Unlimited Energy Source Discovered
- RCMP officers' antics make news from coast to coast
- Mellonhead admits Afghan war not needed.
- Israel Builds Massive Detention Center for Illegal Aliens
- 'US pays price in money and blood for Israel'
- UFO with American star
- Anonymous takes on prison industrial complex with latest hack
- Church Bells "ruin" Islamic Prayer Service(Moscow Russia)
- Murdoch launches new Sunday paper
- Cartel Dumps 102.5 Million Ounces of Paper Silver in 7 Minutes, Yet RAID FAILS!
- Doom, still 6-8 months away?
- NLP in action: Darren Brown at the dog track
- buffet s just full of it
- My trip to the small town....By Me
- this is good reading, we know it anyway
- Wyoming State Reps introduce 'doomsday' bill
- 384 Rolls of 500-Sheet Boardwalk 2-Ply Bathroom Tissue $92 + Free Shipping
- Man arrested after daughter draws gun at school (art class?)
- You Are A Slave To The Government
- Gorge Bush sightings!
- The Illuminati’s Plan for World War III
- Romney stages campaign event in virtually empty Detroit stadium
- Illegal Everything - documentary
- World Meters Realtime Statistics
- The Harbinger - Solid warnings that time is short
- Number of deportation cases drops by nearly a third, report says
- Faux edits Boltons boos into applause!!!
- Need Help (Web Tech Support/Hosting)
- Chat
- School Tells Mom to Declare Son ‘Racist’ After He Asks Classmate ‘Are You Brown Becau
- Gulf Oil Conspiracy (Coverup) Million of Barrels "Bad Oil" Dumped into the Ocean (Bef
- The moon is your worst nightmare
- Amazing Photos Of Nazi Germany
- La Femme Nikita TV series... WTFingF????
- Choo Choo!!
- Nice going Sacha Baron Cohen
- Let's check in with the Omnibus case again - where a freeman won.
- Govt explored possibility to build interstellar ark 1946-1960
- So what's a tobin Tax? It replaced the Bretton Woods system.
- When the $1 Note Was Silver-Backed
- Left/Right Paradigm condensed?
- Delete your Google history before the deadline.
- Truth in advertising - Get your flu shots here
- Rollover (1981) full move on YouTube!
- US Gov. has Guidelines for "Zombie Apocalypse" @ CDC Website
- The perfect floor for the global elite
- Adding Value To Your Contracts
- Adding value to your carrots
- Preparing for the Collapse of the Petrodollar System, Part 2
- Adding Value to Your Coffee
- What really killed the dinosaurs?
- Insider Warns Family Of EMP Strike On U.S. This Year
- Gay marriage' to be taught in schools
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