View Full Version : General Discussion
- Hunt's Deathbed Confession Reveals JFK Killers
- My trip to the casino to play Texas Hold Them.....
- Hot Item for Christmas
- Something for Ponce
- Max Keiser flips out a bit
- Empire of the Elite ( volume 1)
- Christians are Jew Whores
- What TSA really means....
- Beast from the bottomless pit
- Using Google Chrome With Incognito (Privacy)
- Venezuela assembly gives Chavez decree powers
- Get your State Fair Pass!
- CSI Miami
- You can ask and you can tell
- Tourist killed near Jerusalem.
- Frozen ocean
- Armed 11 year old Girl Defends Home from 3 armed Burglars
- Switzerland considers reducing the taboo on incest.
- Video of Protest at AIPAC Fundraiser at Oakland CA Marriott
- ATF to Require Multiple Sales Reports for Long Guns.
- The weather me.
- Austrian MP Goes OFF On Turkish Ambassador!
- China fisherman dies in clash with S Korea coast guard.
- Amazing Spectacle: Total Lunar Eclipse Monday Night
- The Next Stop In Obama's Political Suicide Tour: Announcing Social Security Cuts
- Grandma got molested at the airport
- Big Brother iPhone APP encourages you to spy on fellow Citizens
- John Bolton eyes 2012 presidential run...oh my God.
- Stabbed U.S. tourist's body found near Jerusalem.
- John Embry on Gold & Silver
- Eustace Mullins: NEW HISTORY OF THE JEWS
- I try my hand at international diplomacy....8-)
- UNFPA Exposed:(population control)
- The high price we pay for cheap food
- Flour
- US water has large amounts of likely carcinogen: study
- Online holiday spending up 12 percent
- Sunday Night Chat Bitches
- US empire could collapse at any time, Pulitzer winner tells Raw Story
- Riots Erupt In Bangladesh After Stock Market Plunges 6.7%
- Who owns Christmas? You want to read this
- Twilight Series = poison for young women
- you need to watch
- 2010's world gone wild: Quakes, floods, blizzards
- The FAKE War on Terror and the REAL War for your mind
- TSA Admits Lying About Naked Boy Controversy
- So Long To Ya, 2010 | The JibJab 2010 Year in Review!
- A Merry MILITARY Christmas
- Response from an Office Work Pirate
- The FCC's Threat to Internet Freedom
- If the internet is turned
- Wikyleak.....Israel to shut down US
- Trash collectors to serve as eyes and ears in the street for police
- Heading towards a police me.
- The Red Cross bans Christmas.
- 6.3 Quake jolts Iran, fatalities reported
- San Francisco plans tolls between Peninsula and the city
- While you were griping about German Castrations... The Senate PASSED
- The CPI Is Broken. Here's Why.
- ATF requests 'emergency powers' for all weapons over .22 caliber
- Soap Making
- Are U.S. metal-shorting banks moving to hide their positions outside the country
- Now if this doesn't offend anyone I'll ban myself
- Latest Omnibus Lands Updates and News Reports
- FCC set to enact strong rules affecting Internet access
- Insider Reveals 21st Century Illuminati Agenda
- New Rules: You and the IRS this January
- StasiNazi Inc. Agent Praises Killing Of Freedom For Total Surveillance
- This is how stupid Amerikwa is - Womens Lingerie Football?
- Tiny Houses
- Brazil donates land for Palestinian embassy.
- Federal Reserve Bank Orders Oklahoma Bank to Remove All Symbols of Christian Fai
- Total kill count over 700 men in under 100 days
- THE DIGITAL STORY OF NATIVITY - ( or Christmas 2.0 )
- Israel: Jonathan Pollard Freedom Will Be Pressed.
- Where will she find the money to heat her house?
- Just got myself a dirt bike......because?
- Heroes rescue deer, cops award them with fines
- football and the masses
- Jesse Ventura on the Pentagon hit
- A Talmud Ace Tackles Net Neutrality
- Obama Prepares Executive Order For Indefinite Detention
- NUGENT: Extremely American
- Rod Class on live right now
- If "they" closed down GSUS..... ???
- CNBC: "What If We Get Rid of Cash"
- Soon the Government Check Won't Be in the Mail
- TSA is gonna see a whole lot more of us soon
- book: After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation
- Sing along with Obama and Biden!
- Karl Rove's friendship with Swedish Prime Minister & WikiLeaks
- The White House (a for-profit company)
- The Politics of the Blue State Bankruptcy
- Taxing of the internet has begun Ebay will shut you down without SSN,TIN
- Baltic Dry Free Fall Accelerates
- Paedophilia
- Israel moves to legalize segregated Jewish-only communities
- Larger Than Expected BOE Drawdown Sends Crude Off To The $100/Barrel Races
- The Proletariat becomes aware of the invisible yoke about their necks
- I think I've uncovered more jewish fraud
- Max Keiser No 104
- X-M@$....Corey Taylor song
- Any other SKYPE users having problems today?
- 21Holiday Terror: Weaponized Candy Canes.
- Gene Healy: Homeland Security is getting stuck on stupid.
- Today's WTF Data Point: Meet To The CIA's WikiLeaks Task Force
- Four Sue TSA Over 'Aggressive' Pat Downs
- Ted Butler Commentary
- Is this the energy breakthru of our life times
- Elie Wiesel Holocaust Winner
- to all the people who motivated me to get a good SSB radio
- Trying to find the raunchy Christmas video posted on here
- Obama Order to Formalize Permanent Detention Without Trial.
- A Loophole in the Balfour Declaration...
- An Open Letter To Ron Paul From Benjamin Fulford
- Christina Aguilera routine 'too racy
- Greatest acronym of all time joke
- Six White Boomers, Snow White Boomers
- House Values Fall 30%, But Property Taxes Keep Rising
- Slavery and the Eight Veils
- Is the jew Einstein our new mascot?
- 25K (more) soldiers headed to Afghanistan in 2011.
- Alabama Town’s Failed Pension Is a Warning
- Bank Failure Friday - December 24, 2010
- The winning definition of "Politcal Correctness"
- Missoula District Court: Jury pool in marijuana case stages ‘mutiny’
- A village was swallowed by the earth
- CNN suggests you go see bluecifer at DIA
- Police raid wrong house, gun pulled on 13-year-old child
- Norse God is now a
- TSA - "Please insert your penis into the scanner, and hold"
- Weird
- Favorite Christmas music thread.
- Owner kills 3 robbers in jewelry store shootout
- What Happens When We Speak Truth...
- book "The B*tch in the House" - more attacks on nuclear family
- How To: Remove Einstein
- Rense & Felix - Ice Age Now?
- Unicorn Cow Discovered in China
- Shortage of food ........for
- Latest Duke
- Oil Ignores Poor Economy as Energy Concerns Loom
- Einstein Picture thread
- Same numbers all the time in silver..........
- Boy, 13, Busted For Illegal Marker Possession
- The Cabal Finds Farmers Easy to Steal From
- Bombshell Report: WikiLeaks to Release US at War with UFOs
- Merry Christmas GSUS
- Rahm Emanuel Cleared for Mayoral Run.
- Israeli amb. suddenly leaves Cairo.
- European Jewish Congress 'repulsed' by Greek priest's anti-Semitic remarks
- Googles hidden 666
- Flint paying $625K to settle lawsuit from woman shot by police
- Grandpa is Babysitting
- Christmas Eve chat?
- We Bombed the Wrong Side - Major-General MacKenzie on Serbian Bombings
- Merry Christmas from Afghanistan
- Breaking News 7.6 Earthquake Vanuatu Dec 25th 2010
- One year later: Who was the sharp-dressed man who helped Abdulmutallab board?
- Nothing says Merry Christmas like Chem Trails
- Is it just me
- Best fluoride talk you will ever see
- Missing Wedding Ring???
- Jack Bauer Interrogates Santa Claus
- Batterys!!!!!!!
- A view of to remember.
- The Twelve Days of Christmas... Government Style...
- Seattle: Anti-Israel campaign called off.
- Nine 2011 Predictions.
- Changes Are Coming - Things We'll Be Saying Goodbye to.
- The Gift of the Magi to the Elect - A Christmas Essay
- In your face whiteboy
- Tinfoil Panacea or Giant popcorn popper?
- Julian Assange with David Frost interview
- Wikileaks Set To Publish Thousands Of 'Sensitive' Israeli Cables
- Someone is having a BAD Christmas
- Global warming 'will give Britain longer, colder winters' because of ice melting
- Get any, or give any "prep" gifts this year?
- Cristmas..... heart of stoned
- EU Declares Peppermint a Controllable Herb
- Yoga for men
- Sell Everything.......2 videos.
- Israel spies on the USA, video
- Missouri Guard to train inmates for emergencies.
- Stripped In Oklahoma City Airport Security.
- Bodyguard business is booming.
- One of my favorite me with link.......
- Advice........what should I do? me.
- War as entertainment
- EU - Its OK to Steal from Criminals
- More Consumers Are Letting Insurers Monitor Their Mileage
- Tax Code for Ebenezer Scrooge
- RVs Map a Different Road Back .
- Sunday Night Chat
- Congress sticks it to U.S. farmers with passage of food safety bill that will ac
- An Old Farmer's Advice
- So I Got John Rubino and to Promote the Academy...
- MOVED: Im gonna open up to you folks for a another min
- At what point in this crisis does the people turn and fight City Hall for their
- 101 gold coins seized from convicted pharmacist
- the war prayer
- Plunder, The Crime of Our Time
- Just saw a subliminal in Crocodile Dundee
- Opium production up 40,000% since 2001 in Afghanistan
- Lending out cars...opinions!?
- TSA and Big Sis Coming to a Mall Or Hotel Near You, 1984 is Here.
- The First 10 Major Cities That Will Run Out Of Pension Fund Money.
- When Women Questioned Their Right to Vote
- Drove Same Car For 82 Yrs... see picture.
- You two should be ashamed to call yourself Men .....Then I walked off
- Man playing piano by bouncing balls
- Max Keiser No 105 & 106
- Patriot app to help "fight" terrorism
- I found the worst thread on the internet, and it's not mine
- WOW - Gigantic Storm With Huge Tail Erupts on Saturn
- That Santa feeling hasn't quite left shoppers yet
- Dr Pepper Sees Sticky Prices Sweetening Profits
- Mocked U.K. Forecaster Who Predicted Snowy Winter get last laugh
- Bill Cooper The CNN Interview (Pt. 1 of 12) *Rare*
- conspiracy theory w/ jesse ventura marathon
- Securacom and WTC
- The Case Against Toilet Paper...............
- Hold the phone Gold and Silver moving fast
- Elton John, Husband Welcome New Son
- 30,000-calorie Christmas feast eaten by the world's fattest mum
- 25% of Kids and Teens in the U.S. Take Prescriptions on a Regular Basis
- NYC sanitation workers destroy a Ford Explorer - video
- America in Decline: Why Germans Think We're Insane
- I got proof that Mamboni isn't a doctor
- Artist produces living wallpaper that is much more than just a 'cut and paste jo
- Mr. Kissinger, Have You No Shame?
- I found my dream job, now I need an application
- Could you eat 2 - 25 lb. turkeys at one sitting?
- Has the legendary chupacabra been found?
- Last chance to make your tax-deductible donation to ADL !
- American charged with hacking after snooping on wife's emails
- The Waves of 2011
- “Commodity Super Cycle” Ripples into China
- "The rapper 50 cent is at the door, wants to shovel the driveway for 100 FRNs"
- Israeli foreign minister says peace is 'impossible'
- Coded American Civil War message in bottle deciphered
- Wikileaks: False Flag Cyber War is Here
- Jim McCanney "death of the gulf stream, and climate change"
- Oil Juggernaut Unleashed
- All new first-class stamps to be 'Forever Stamps'
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