View Full Version : General Discussion
- Son of Colo. deputy gets $17,500 in excessive-force suit against Denver PD
- Morgan Stanley Says Government Defaults Inevitable
- Commercial Property Owners Choose to Default
- Client to Broker: Clean My Windows!
- Rising pay, benefits drive growth in military towns
- Mass amounts of info on the real history of the USA inc. Law cases and History
- WATCH THIS! Burzynski: The Movie
- Dan Norcini "Silvers unbelievable price action is dragging gold up!!!" (WOOHOO!!
- Morgan Stanley Says Government Defaults Inevitable
- Ron Paul is a hater
- AntiTerrorist on 'the communist manifesto'
- Finland Suspends Swine Flu Shots After Vaccine Linked With Neurological Disorder
- the 'Bancor' proposed new global currency....
- Brawls at the Fed, as the System Comes Down
- EPA Considering Ban on Traditional Ammunition
- Woman Caught Multitasking herself in Pontiac
- Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware
- Anyone have experience with Evaporative Coolers?
- The Government's New Right to Track Your Every Move With GPS
- Credibility Inflation - FOFOA - FYI
- US to go on the gold standard?
- Home invasion in Murray, KY
- Drug cartel suspected in massacre of 72 migrants
- Should I take another job?
- Remember the pharmacist that shot the kid in the haid....
- Cutbacks force police to curtail calls for some crimes
- Top US Senator Assassinated As Obama “Weather War†Plunges World Into Chaos
- something glaringly obvious about obama just occurred to me
- Texas fights global-warming power grab
- David Morgan "whats going on with silver?"
- Jim Willie "cancer and the desperation of QE2"
- Why We Are Totally Finished
- Bank Failure Friday - August 27, 2010
- Bollyn makes it onto Iranian TV
- Ever seen a train lay its own track?
- Massive Ufo activity! Germany 25.08.2010! Mindblowing!
- Payoffs for Judges, Prosecutors Is Legal by Statute
- This Is Why There Are No Jobs in America
- Max Keiser No 72
- Gov. Ritter of Co. cuts $60 million more
- Teenagers charged in murder of Cedarbrook man, 87
- Former RNC Chair Ken Mehlman: I'm Gay
- Race caller rendered a confused husband
- New microbe discovered eating oil spill in Gulf
- Dog Poet Transmitting…….
- The Donut Patrol
- The Most Isolated Man on the Planet
- Discovery Of Huge Weapons Cache South Of Laredo, Texas
- DNA Tests Show Hitler Descended From...
- A no-show for 12 years, worker in Norfolk VA. still paid
- Hitler's greatest mistake, Himmler
- How voting fraud could unseat a Senator and undo ObamaCare
- Damage to Israeli Companies exacts a heavy price
- Chuck Norris: A Shortlist of U.S. Citizens specifically Targeted for Killing?
- Some 200 Women Gang-Raped Over 4 Days Near Congo U.N. Base
- The Marijuana Conspiracy: The reason hemp is illegal
- Is Islamophobia sweeping the US?
- 20091111 Duck Field Rice organic farm in Miaoli.wmv
- Israel to reconsider deporting children
- Fingers crossed...
- Food Modernization Act
- Top economists: The second Great Depression has arrived
- RFID chips in recycle containers
- what's shelf life on jet fuel? cause israel just bought a crapload of it
- Feds to remove temporary cap from Gulf well
- Illegal scumbag rapes eight year old girl in Murfreesboro TN
- Man charged in Newark graffiti spree
- Delaware crime: Seaford boy, 3, blasts firehouse with shotgun
- The Elites Have Lost The Right to Rule
- Local farms could be illegal (RT interviews George4Title)
- GM salmon may go on sale in US after public consultation
- WikiLeaks war logs posting 'will lead to free speech ruling'
- This SOB assumed the "right" to judge YOU? (a "judge" with porn cache at work)
- Savage Chick to be on VoR tonight at 9pm Eastern
- We're about to crash, jet passengers told in error
- New Outrages Keep Gushing From BP
- Man Arrested at Alaska State Fair for Impeach Obama Sign
- Hard Truths To Consider About College
- Just saw "Piranha" for free..........
- EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue
- Great Endorsement: Jerry Springer says Obama "excellent" president
- Fidel Castro claims Osama bin Laden is a US spy
- Ground Zero Muslim center may get public financing
- Pharma Rep Confession
- Stephen Hawking arrested for cocaine possession...
- Grandpas Gasoline Invention for the Environment
- Afghan president condemns CIA payment reports
- Infrared Hunting Camera Captures UFO in Texas
- Carter returns to U.S. from DPRK with freed American citizen
- Fed ready to take further steps to spur economy: Bernanke
- Barack Obama 'to visit Jerusalem and Ramallah to press for peace'
- Fidel Castro claims Osama bin Laden is a US spy
- Senate To Sneak Through Internet Kill Switch Bill
- Generating voluntary compliance from a subject
- I knwo its a bit early, couldn't resist.
- Shotest runway in the world?
- Gates Foundation just bought a whopping 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock
- Inflation in Russia third highest in Europe
- Our Guy vs. Their Guy
- Economic Hitmen
- Black Ops Insiders Reveal Secrets
- Why am i here?
- How Not To Drive A Fire Truck
- MOVED: bartering/survival cheese 40% off
- 9/11 victims families exposing building 7 collapse (WOW!!)
- You cant wish for it.
- Lincoln Memorial Tribute To A White Supremacist
- Why U.S. reacts mildly to Bushehr nuclear power plant's fuel loading?
- What started WW2
- Life-size bathroom tissue maze installed in Toronto
- Don Adams Reveals Evidence of Multiple Shooters in JFK Assassination
- Central Bankers & Wars: Perfect Together
- MOSSAD and 911
- Thousands flee as Indonesian volcano erupts
- The Blue Plague is evolving
- Old soldier drops three bombshells
- Why am i here ?
- Doom-less weekend
- Your Info is Not Private as a Bidder on EBAY
- Doctors remove nails allegedly hammered into maid by employers
- Morgan Stanley Analyst Says Governments to Default
- Look out Book!!
- National Debt Poses Security Threat, Mullen Says
- Obama says he isn't worried about Muslim rumors
- Israeli Rabbi prays for the annihilation of all Palestinians
- Vaccine Zombie video
- Nashville Islamic Center Told To Increase Security
- Gunman kills four before committing suicide in U.S. state of Arizona
- Russia skinheads attack music festival
- Glenn Beck regrets calling Obama a ‘racist’
- NJ Public Pension - Slow Motion Implosion
- Hour north of Tampa - Family sickened by Corexit in their swimming pool
- N.Y. lawmakers hatch plan to require salmonella vaccinations
- WikiLeaks sex scandal deepens as estranged son enters the fray
- Farmers' Almanac: Kinder, gentler winter on tap
- UFO Crash Reported Live from California
- gsus becoming unusable for me
- Post Here! Time and Duration when Server locks up
- Obongo, & Dems got 88% of 08 contributions by TV execs, writers, reporters
- update on my first time home buyers credit
- US Postal Services post webpage displaying US Dollar to Special Drawing Rights
- Neil Cavuto admits U.S. Will Lose Triple-A Rating this Fall...
- Full body scanners - looking for PMs at the airport
- Phoenix doesn't show up on members list... did I miss something?
- China: Rumors of the Central Bank Chief's Defection
- Mexico fires thousands of police to combat corruption
- Two mosques far from Ground Zero get hate messages
- War on Whitey
- Glenn Beck 8/28 rally – the death rattle of mainstream conservatism
- Monday Night Chat?
- Death of the First Amendment - The Nazification of the United States
- 49% of all HIV patients are black
- Does anyone watch RT - Russia Today? Some good programs.
- IMF Eliminates Borrowing Cap On Rescue Facility In Anticipation Of Europe Crisis
- The Public must always pay for Banks leveraging - Reserve Bank of Australia
- Just got my 4,000 post :)
- This is what a lack of moderation looks like:
- Ken O'Keefe on Press Tv "Mossad did 9/11"
- The future of gold?
- U.S. imposes new sanctions on DPRK: Treasury Department
- U.S. aircraft to surveil entire Mexico border from September
- Israeli PM weighing "goodwill" gestures to Palestinians
- Big incentive for school attendance: Cash
- Bankrupt Miami in Fiscal Emergency, Breaks Employee Contracts
- Appeals court rejects autism vaccine link
- Epitaph vs. Epithet
- Slovakian shoots dead six members of Roma (gypsy) family in gun rampage
- Vaccine Deaths And Injuries Skyrocket As Cover Up Implodes
- Ron Paul questions whether there's gold at Fort Knox
- Ore. man pleads bankruptcy fraud, hiding gold
- Max Keiser No 73
- U.S. Government Prepares for 'Crisis'
- JPMorgan Said to End Proprietary Trading to Meet Volcker Rule
- 200 times the energy of uranium, With less by-product
- Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis
- 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know
- Move Over America
- How To Kill Goyim And Influence People
- China goes organic after scandal of cooking oil from sewers
- Golfer's swing sparks 25-acre California blaze.
- Doomsday Scenario: Food Prices to Shoot Through the Roof.
- Murkowski Concedes!!! States Rights, Tea Party Candidate Joe Miller Wins!
- Cash-strapped Iceland to host “private army†– and Russian jets
- What is deja vu?
- WIPEOUT!... Best television show ever!!!
- Why did Barry swear to be C&C with Washingtons Bible?
- The Shocking Jewish Role in Slavery, David Duke
- Talmud in Action: 6 Million Homes in Foreclosure in USA
- Not Guilty. The Israeli Captain who Emptied his Rifle into a Palestinian Schoolg
- Behind The Wheel {Catherine Austin Fitts}
- US State Dep. backs digital diplomacy
- how much stock do you put in bob chapman?
- US is attempting to extradite a 9/11 FEMA Videographer
- DOJ Defines Constitutionalists as Terrorists
- The Dollar's Days are Numbered
- Military officers cancel trip after humiliation at US airport.
- Cops Shoot Driver After a Car Chase.
- It's a-comin'.'
- Thomas Jefferson's Quran
- An example of why I said texting is killing the english languange
- Scully Welding Supply Delco tank explosions
- Hostage situation at the Discovery Channel in Maryland
- WTF - Flash Gold spike to $3,401 an ounce
- FCC reacts to Google/Verizon deal with more questions - Thanks Jews
- Rape case reopened against Assange
- Facebook turns to Target to sell gift cards for its virtual world
- Can You Steal From The Government?
- Goodbye! Im outa here!
- EMERGENCY CHAT - Mamboni leaving the internets and shit
- Sebelius: Time for 'Reeducation' (Time to set up the camps?)
- Donations to improve this site and make it faster.......
- How Not To Drive A Car
- Absurdly overpriced products we all use
- > Who's your baby's Daddy?
- Welcome To Kiryas Joel: Please Dress Accordingly
- Mobile police arrest suspect in June slaying of Zoa White
- Pistol-packing Ala. grandmother shoots intruder in bedroom
- MMR vaccine isn't safe after all, UK government forced to concede
- Soetoro the mangina pleads case against Arizona to the UN
- Another oil rig in the gulf explodes / burns
- Bernanke: Shut down banks if they threaten system
- Feds sue Arizona sheriff in civil rights probe
- Paul Hogan vows to fight Australian tax office
- Too Big To Fail Global Banks Will Collapse Between Now and First Quarter 2011
- IDF vets forming jew militias in America
- i'm out of here
- Adolf Hitler - Rare Moments in Colour
- Who is StackerKen?
- Run on Afghan bank's deposits reported
- Half Joking...
- Prescription Drug Use Rose to Include Half of Americans in 2008
- Bank Failure Friday - Labor Day 2010
- Fuel Tanker With 9 Million Liters Of Diesel Fuel Runs Aground In Northwest Passa
- If you're going to cheat on your wife....
- Facebook CEO complains that lawsuit against him is invading his privacy
- Be careful what you say around paramedics...
- Cop identified, suspended by NYPD for failing to help woman save daughter dying
- Where is Fred?
- Why I'm NOT leaving GSUS
- Judge to Lakin: Find another defense
- OK, this time I really mean it - I'm out here!!!
- Case Dismissed! Sovereign Citizen Makes Judge Walk (UPDATE 10/1/2010)
- Marine Vet Ken O'keefe Talks About Israeli Involvement in 9/11.....
- North Carolina governor suspends gun rights
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