View Full Version : General Discussion
- Adding value to your Glock
- Buffett: Banks Victimized by Evicted Homeowners
- The Male Cycle
- Inca Girl, Frozen for 500 Years, Now On Display
- Frothy, Mellonhead seek SS protection.
- Adding value to your forum
- Adding Great Value to your forum
- Costco Prepping
- California health insurers to raise average rates 8% to 14%
- Constitution Halts Sheriff
- U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Arrested, Questioned And Released
- Dozens gather at MSU to cheer Ron Paul
- The Looting of Asia
- Playboy to plan a strip club in space
- GOP Primary Today in MI and AZ, take a break and go vote!
- Federal Jew Judge Naomi Buchwald Rules : Monsanto > Organic Farmers
- you cant put the toothpaste back in the tube......
- Breaking: Ron Paul's Resignation Letter from the GOP
- I'd just like to say it's nice to see silver holding past $33.
- Apparently Greece Defaulted
- Report: Gov't "collapsed" during Japan nuke crisis
- New Elite Meme? ... Dialectical Parallels Between Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Genghi
- The Secret Media War of 2012
- would you sell 100 ounces of silver to drill a well?
- Dow 13,000!
- Ron Paul Super PAC Breaks Exit Polling Monopoly
- Pentagon knows China will be America's greatest enemy starting in 2017
- Im sorry, but this deserves a thread....
- Stone Age hunters found on U.S. east coast prove the first Americans came from Europe
- Kick ASS Ron Paul speech from VA!
- Shambles: 'Syrian voters non-people for the West'
- After-Birth Abortion - Journal of Medical Ethics
- Goodbye, First Amendment: ‘Trespass Bill’ will make protest illegal
- HR 347...The Trespass Bill
- Is this anoth Glitch or Blythe ??
- Anyone catch RP grilling the Bernank today?
- The Jaffe memo - Planned Parenthood unveiled
- latest from shadow stats
- Hold on to the Constitution
- Davy Jones dead at 66
- Gas prices drop!
- BREAKING Cartel Dumps 225 Mill Oz of Paper Silver Over 30 Minutes, Gold/Silver Raided
- Federal Reserve charter is up for renewal in 2013
- Chinese Villages Use Giant Balloons to Steal Natural Gas
- Anyone near the killer storms last night?
- Monsanto Pays 93 Million to Victims In Settlement
- Six pointed star in this interesting Astrology of March 2012
- Peter Schiffs Brother Bitches About Making 350,000 +
- Texas 'navy' to patrol the Rio Grande
- Chi Energy
- Ron Paul Defeats Obama In Head To Head Polling
- Stratfor, Anonymous and WikiLeaks
- From my "experience" every action is driven by self interest
- Some parts of these vids made me spray my computer screen!
- TSA "Airport security screeners" reclassified as "Transportation Security Officers"
- Food Dehydrators..............which one??
- Alex Jones a STRATFOR agent?
- What do you know about Andrew Breitbart?
- Happy coin story
- Farewell to Gold
- If you were made King............
- Fishing Trip
- Foreign Central Banks To Begin Buying US Stocks Outright Starting Today
- Carol Paul: Election fraud confirmed
- Adrenaline Rush Flying
- AIPAC Declares War
- Oh, NO!!! Not Another Federal Zone
- An attack on Iran would be an act of criminal stupidity
- Bartlett man finds $26,000 in safe bought on eBay
- The great government hoax of public safety
- How FDA and Big Pharma mislead millions into taking dangerous anti-depressants
- Drudge Reporting on Sheriff Joe Arpaio Obama Eligibility Case
- Andrew Breitbart Dead at 43
- You too can be a Talmudic Scholar!
- Google Chrome anti tracker
- Money Laundering Whistleblower Interview
- Ever notice that.....
- Embalmer Allegedly Stole Gold Crowns From The Dead
- Bangkok's 'Hitler chic' trend riles tourists, Israeli envoy
- Gun-toting granny holds fleeing carjacker at gunpoint
- 503 Forum Not Available
- audio: CAFitts on the Breakaway Civilization (w/Corbett)
- Giant marijuana crop the fix for Spanish town high on debt
- tax return trouble....
- Is this the Breitbart video?
- Silence Gun: Strange weapon of the future immediately quiets you, whether you like it
- May Day 2012 - A Peoples' Call to Action!
- Kaboom. Iceland Wants To Adopt The Dollar... No, Not That One, The Other One
- Florida mulls outlaw of Shariah, other foreign laws; critics say bill addresses made-
- you just never know what stupid rule tomorrow will bring........
- Trade your privacy for $5 gift card every 3 months: Google screenwise is now live
- Plumes erupt from New Madrid Seismic Zone = 2.9M quake follows.. more coming?
- Precious Metals are on the cusp of breaking out says John Embry of Sprott Asset Mngmn
- UBER GEEK assist Pronto, PLS.
- British government launches task force against flea markets
- Private firms invited to bid for police roles (UK)
- Exceptionally filthy jew Gene Simmons 'Gentiles are for manual labor'
- Obama Can Now Imprison You For Life WITHOUT Trial Or Charges
- NDAA Nullification Passes Virginia Senate by a Veto-Proof 39-1 Vote
- TSHTF, for these folks.
- Rex research might shut down at the end of the year
- 5 Min. Forecast - Keeping the Faith After Gold's Plunge
- Quick Quiz ... Can You Find The Injured Party Here?
- Orwell’s Startling World Is Officially Here
- Silver Shields Latest
- What's the next thing a dying Empire should do?
- Is there any experience in your life that you are not sure is real or is a dream?
- Return of The Company Town.......
- The Empire's Thermonuclear War Option
- Astroid bound for Earth............
- Chemtrails and Depopulation – An Insider Speaks Out
- economic collapse explained in 3 minutes
- GSUS goes to the big screen
- The Message .. How to Communicate
- Washington Caucus Results
- Betrayal of the Constitution..
- ECB bankster left speechless by Irish journalist
- Money as Debt 3.
- Jewish ABC Airs "Good Christian Bitches" (Rev Ted Pike)
- Tech ? - Do Websites ever Share Cookies ? e.g. Facebook & Haaretz
- Jews Do Not Want Putin, Portrayed As Boogyman...
- Obama tosses AIPAC's salad
- Barack Obama: I'm not bluffing on military action against Iran
- Convert Your Plastic Garbage Into Oil
- need a customizable, go anywhere SHTF trailer? check these out...
- Putin Wins Election by Sizable Majority.
- "The Box" or... Would YOU push the button?
- tongkat ali - Herb for building massive Testosterone levels
- Chat time
- A Travesty
- Diseased Rabbi Sucks a Babies Circumcised Penis, Baby Ends Up Dyin
- Circus freak show FAT MAN circa 1900 is now common sight
- Cooking with pressure!
- 4.0 magnitude earthquake reported in San Francisco, California area
- Disappearing In Plain View
- Holy cow!
- Who said it......Mitt Romney or Mr. Burns?
- Gun sales boom in expectation of Obama re-election
- Anti-Boycott Laws Straitjacket Americans of Conscience, Conflict with Bill of Rights
- Molyneaux 2008 Preditcitons on Obama Election
- MK Ultra's successor: Monarch Programming
- Federal Judge rules Maryland gun permit law unconstitutional
- McCain open his cock holster.............
- Breaking - The Vetting, Part I: Barack's Love Song To Alinsky
- Stupid Questions about Dumb TV Shows
- Turning the Tables on Big Brother: Internet uses can watch who's spying
- "Israel has already made decision" (regarding Iran)
- Napalitano on NDAA and more...
- United States was the “great Satan” to Israel's “small Satan”
- Latest Russian jet with differentially operating 3D thrust vector control
- This hoax affects everyone
- NATO's Fundamentalist Muslim Dogs Unleashed Bringing Freedom
- Trinity College student beaten by Invisible Assailants
- AG Eric Holder says Murdering US Citizens is legal
- I'd just like to say it's nice to see silver holding past $21
- bin laden not burried at sea!
- Chevy Volt ad
- A solid reason why oBummer has multiple Social Slavery Numbers!!
- Turbo entabulator overview
- In Memory of Steve Bridges, Dead At 48
- In Memory of Steve Bridges, Dead At 48
- Daryl Bradford Smith With Adrian Salbuchii
- Anderson cooper busted! Staged fake cnn news
- David Icke on AJ today: ITS THE ZIONIST
- The Communists Around You
- Drone crashes into SWAT team tank during police test near Houston.
- Super Tueday
- I've joined the Iridium club.
- New brilliant scam to install a virus on your computer
- ancient Sumerian tablet
- Get rich AND die trying
- BUSTED! Google Caught Lying About Ron Pauls Search Traffic
- The Cost of Israel to US Taxpayers
- Do you like spiders? Then you will love Wagga Wagga
- Speech-jamming gun
- Tech assistance request - searching
- Anyone else feel that the red pill of truth is getting heavier as each day passes?
- Breitbart’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio Interview , arranged hours before death !
- Martin Armstrong - The Movie Trailer
- The Dangerous Misreading of Obama's 2012 AIPAC Speech By The Stupid Anti-War Left
- Happy Purim!
- Defeating TSA Rape Scan Machines Successfully
- Top members of hacking group Anonymous arrested after LEADER 'betrays them
- George Calin - Cruxifiction?
- How to get ANYTHING through the TSA naked body scanners
- Peter Schiff on fascist taxation
- NOAA issues major solar flare warning
- disregard. I messed up.
- Need transcrip for this video.
- London Trader - 40+ Tons of Physical Gold Acquired Yesterday
- Carcinogenic Dioxin Set Free: EPA Kneels to Monsanto and Big Agriculture
- Unintended Consequences...of Central Bank Monetization
- Opossum bite, rabies? Let's check and see
- The Most Astounding Fact (Neil DeGrasse Tyson)
- Worm farming anyone?
- New York Prostitution Ring Provided Minors For Wealthy Elitists
- Sarkozy sings a new tune.
- Most outrages gold chart
- Parasite wins 1Mil. Still a parasite.
- mantyhose. now i've heard it all.
- Bug Island
- There must be a lot happening in the world right?
- Movie - Camp FEMA
- It's just a matter of time before U.S. tires of Israel- Haaretz
- Jim Grant with CNBC
- Guesstimating the Truth in a Fascist Society
- how TSA body scanners are completely useless
- Mandatory Vaccinations: A Collectivist Viewpoint Emerges
- New stealth vaccine bill AB 2109 introduced in CA
- Germany and Switzerland want their Gold Back from N.Y. Fed
- Illinois state ‘on brink of collapse’
- Australian children to be sterilized without parental consent under new eugenics law
- Is this another hook nosed varmint?
- Big Gold Headlines
- Modern Family
- Radioactive
- Kony 2012
- Ron Paul's pointless internet presidency
- Invisible Mercedes
- Greyerz: Greek Deal to Collapse Causing Trillions to be Printed
- America's secret space plane has been in orbit for over a year
- Build your own helicopter for the price of a car
- What is this commercial all about?
- Joom's Anti-Black Rants
- Google forcing it's employees to use it's payment system
- Seriously? Million dollar lottery winner still using food stamps
- Are the Iranians involved with the scam or complicite?
- (video) more outrage from ØBama administration .. scarey stuff
- Tom Woods (good speech)
- Vaccine debate: Jenny McCarthy v Corporate medicine shills
- Firearms - The Box O' Truth
- From Strike the Root
- Can the president kill you? : Judge Andrew Napalitano
- MSM - Be scared USGOV is coming after you sovereigns!
- What role does AIPAC play in US elections?
- Blood pressure drug 'reduces in-built racism'
- Philly man gets $25k from city over gun stops
- Manufacturing Steps So They Don't Have To Bear A Cancer-Warning Label
- Congressmen Walter Jones Starts Impeachment Process on Barack Obama 3/9/12
- ‘Contagion’ or How Disaster Movies “Educate” the Masses
- Greece Defaults..............
- USDA school lunch meat contains "pink slime"
- Identity theft. Could use some advise.
- Eveillard - All Hell May Break Loose & Gold is Way Undervalued
- Jew - Gloria Allred seeks Rush Limbaugh prosecution
- Israeli President Shimon Peres Applauds Hollywood's Influence on Youth
- Seven "assylum seekers" detained after suspected gang rape in Sweden
- The Protocols in Plain English
- the real republican delegate numbers...
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