View Full Version : General Discussion
- “Reduce America’s Debt Now Act of 2011”
- Egg industry, Humane Society propose cage laws
- Congress wants automatic wage deductions to pay down the debt
- Ok WTF was this?
- June Jobs Report: the Ugly, the Ugly and the Ugly.
- When will TSHTF happen?
- China's $70 Billion Fund Managers Rush to Boost Gold Investment.
- U.S. lawmakers vote to kill Hubble successor.
- Fixing Inflation Is Easy, Just Change The Measurement
- They warned us at first that we had to move the vegetables from the front
- Smart Meters
- TSA shave your heads!
- Silver stuff
- South Sudan becomes world's newest nation
- thrift store find
- Africans give monkey AK47
- Royal Family Landing in Los Angeles
- Hi-cap mag ban coming?
- Measuring the speed of earthchanges by monitoring the planet’s pulse
- Bank Fails Slow, Backlog Looms
- American Hellholes
- Court slaps Chicago’s gun grabbers
- Video - Zionist 'Thugs' Behind America's Police State
- Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches
- Great sources of truth/info on Wikipedia
- The three eyed monster
- Top Ten Reasons Why Men Prefer Guns Over Women
- The Dollar Collapse Will be the Single Largest Event in Human History.
- Making fun of Preppers
- DOJ is back into the business of forcing banks to make no-pay-back loans. Unbelievabl
- Smart Meter Killing Plants Close to it.
- Super flashlight.....good price.
- Israeli jew politician proposes that Australia should become Israel's etnic dumpster
- Sovereign Debt Crisis Won't End Until Global Financial Collapse
- Man explains to WFTV News why he loves the Orlando Police Department - Hilarious!!
- Book Review: "Among the Truthers" - by author of The Volunteer, Canadian Mossad
- Moving in search of Liberty is only biding you time
- Best UFO and ET Video Evidence - Jaime Maussan
- 22 Billion + Dollor Treasure unearthed in Hindu Temple
- 20 Warning signs of a global doomsday
- 10 Reasons I'm Cancelling My Credit Cards
- There’s No Recovery Because the Government Made it Official Policy Not to Prosecute F
- Breaking: killing the Constitution via the 14th Amendment
- One Christian. One Atheist. One Survivor.
- bad time to be a moose in newfoundland and labrador!!
- The Filthy Critic - F'ing HILARIOUS!!!
- Sunday chat 7/10
- Criminal Cops
- Finally Some Really Great News!!!
- Magic mushrooms' create positive mental and physical health benefits that can last a
- High fructose corn syrup contaminated with mercury and made using a toxic chemical ca
- TSA screener sticks traveler's iPad down his pants, steals $50,000 in other electroni
- Another Nail In The Dollar's Coffin: CME Launching Renminbi Futures On August 22
- Yet another reason why JPMorgan sucks
- New Andrew Maguire interview!!!!
- EURCHF Tumble Continues: 100 pips In Minutes
- U.S. may act unilaterally vs Iran-armed Iraq militias
- If you want to help Ron Paul's grassroots take Iowa...
- How To I.D. Genetically Modified Food at the Supermarket.
- Washington 6-year-old patted down by TSA agents
- The first of many......martial law........READ.
- Portland Cop Shoots Man 3 Times With Shotgun; Thought It Was A ‘Beanbag’ Gun, Says ‘S
- FOIA Release: Records Relating to Barry Soetoro - He's an Illegal Alien!!!!!!!
- Question for dirt bike riders......
- Weaker US $ Helps US Exporters ! ~ OOPS ... Maybe NOT.
- Secret Federal Reserve Location Revealed
- Stealing A/C units and stuff!
- Meet America's 51st (Broke) State
- Raging at SS
- Brilliant video - Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal
- Lecture: John Mauldin - The End Game
- Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006
- What Are We Capable Of - THIS IS ANONYMOUS!
- Minnesota shutdown
- Pick your sink hole
- US government caught in fake vaccination program harvesting DNA from civilians to tar
- Money and inflation
- Here's Why Small Business Isn't Hiring, And Won't Be Hiring
- Michigan Woman Faces Jail Time For Planting Veggie Garden
- Frack Sand Mining in Minnesota
- Financial rumours point to a second GFC in August
- 3D printer
- Ron Paul Calls For A Competitive Currency In The US
- Denninger - So How Many More Lies Will It Be?
- Card services cold calls.
- Would you get on a boat which is listing?
- Military meltdown monday: Mangling booz allen hamilton
- Senator Alan Simpson (WY): Calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation.Displaying.
- ron paul will not seek re-election
- Would you pay $99.99 for a adjustable wrench?
- If Central Banks Believe in Paper Money Why Are They Loading Up On Gold?.
- The power of music and specifically TRANCE
- I want one...only $3000,000 "The Morouder"
- Filthy jew Geithner wants debt limit deal by next week
- Now for the other side of "DOOM AND GLOOM"
- I wonder what caused this spike?
- Microsoft passes 400m Windows 7 licences and implores XP users:
- Now that’s a holiday snap and a half! Giant crocodile gives tourists a shock.
- Made some soap today.....
- Think There Is No Downside To Being Owned By Govt?
- American Jewish Kid singled out beaten and arrested in Israel by Cops
- Illegal Israelis flee from NZ mall
- Awesome Metal Detecting Find!!! Must see!!
- Glenn Beck a star among right wing in Israeli Parliament
- Silver is Now Rarer than Gold
- I-90 will be closed tomorrow across South Dakota.
- Test confirms Roswell debris is not from Earth
- Jones Arrest EXPOSED! Martial Law False Flag.
- Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
- Open carry AK-47
- Honey, I shrunk the Flughafen: German builds world’s largest model airport
- Billions of bugs wiped out on Dutch roads!!!!!!!!!!!
- Another dick-stabbing!!!
- Sex, Lies & Audiotape (Part I) by Edgar J. Steele
- what is a citizen's arrest, really?
- Chertoff's airport porno scanners "10,000 times safer than your cell phone"
- Dow 30 Earnings Release Schedule - First Post Fukushima Financial Results
- 3 Explosions in Mumbai
- GOP fails to turn off light bulb standards
- There are no magic levers that will control economy Read more:
- Silver up $2.15? Wowwwwwwwww
- Minnesota-wi-fi-hacker-gets-18-years-prison
- CNBC - US Default Inevitable: Fund Manager
- Now it might start to hurt: beer & smokes in danger in MN shutdown!
- Would you trust anyone with the nickname "Chicken Lips?"
- Ron Paul vs Bernanke: Is Gold Money? - July 13, 2011
- You've been warned!
- Putin calls Bernanke a hooligan
- Atheist wins right to wear pasta strainer on head for driver's licence photo...
- x-ring commentary on Casey Anthony trial
- isn't this like the 20th time rodney king has been re-arrested?
- Fired Portland Police Officer Gets His Job Back
- Texting Smoke Alarm
- Andrew Maguire on King World News
- Mother of Gary McKinnon talks to Eamonn Holmes on SKY
- Israeli police will not face trial over death of Palestinian girl
- Today we have a hokus pokus money system
- Markets in a Fibonacci Spiral, Point of Singularity in 2019
- Elenin
- Silver Shield's latest article
- Ponce's "famous" hand........OHHHHH NOOOOOOOO hehehehehehe
- ....8-year-old Brooklyn Jewish boy is killed and dismembered.
- The Removal of Silver from US Coins, Ralph T. Foster is interviewed by Darryl Robert
- JFK Assassin caught on Camera
- Casey Anthony: "No more death threats please"
- Max keeps going on about bringing back the Guillotine
- Here's a trend I hope catches on
- Which one of you did it?
- Guns and bad guys always end in trouble
- Ron Paul - Conviction
- консервированный свиной продукт, суки
- Commentary on the PM rise and Ron v Bernake "gold isn't money" exchange
- Ron Paul: 'It's Going to End Very Badly'
- Forum blow up
- Ron Paul: "America's AAA Rating Not Worth Saving" Because "We Are Insolvent"
- What An American Bank Run Would Look Like.
- Could silver one day be worth more than gold?.
- Should there only be a few days a month that people can register?
- Is the Sunspot Cycle About to Stop?
- The Death Of The Middle Class.
- Killer Combo of High Gas, Food Prices at Key Tipping Point.
- L.A. braces for 'Carmageddon,' but hopes for good karma
- Marxism in America" by Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin
- Government incompetence, disfunctionality, and self-servitude
- Saving a humpback whale entangled in a fishing net
- The Family Prostitute.
- Staring into the abyss of a new Dark Age.
- $1.5 trillion in cuts agreed: White House
- Jerry Brown signs bill requiring schools to teach gay history
- Man Takes Viagra, Wears Sweatpants for TSA Pat Down
- Robber caught by woman... then kept as sex slave
- FOOD STAMPS PROFITS : how JP Morgan gets rich with increased poverty
- Keiser Report: Oligarchy Propaganda
- Harry Reid opens his yap "No Social Security Checks Without Debt Deal"
- Many sunscreens increase skin cancer risk, FDA has known for a decade but done nothin
- Is Andrew Maguire, Max Keiser "Soze"?
- The guy 0bunghole put in charge of getting Americans back to work...
- Top 10 Low Pass Flybys of All Time
- People Stampede For Public Housing Vouchers In Dallas
- Chemtrails, HDTV -- SSSS Waves as Mind Control
- Big Trip for ILL Gov
- 'Massive heat wave' on way; Oklahomans urged to pray
- Stranger moves into foreclosed home citing Texas law
- Obama stimulus funded 'guns-to-drug-lords' plan
- Florida jail ends free underwear for inmates to cut costs
- If she's 16 I am then 120.
- New Solar Cells Can Now be Printed on Paper.
- Eco-activists destroy Australia GM wheat crop
- Oak Park drops charges against home gardener Julie Bass, but hits her with two other
- Screw The National Debt
- Gold hoard found in French cellar
- "World Record Kick to the Groin"
- The Money Changers Last Hurrah
- 3 girls Busted for Illegal Lemonade Stand!
- Earthquake Causes River to Disappear in Costa Rica
- Rupert Murdoch Huge Scandal
- 30 Years in Prison For Saying the Wrong Thing?
- Surviors screwed over.
- Short The Dollar
- Contagion - Doomer Porn Movie
- Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black
- Treasury To Stop Funding Its Market Manipulation Fund
- America's Dx: Cancer - Full Spectrum Decay
- Grand jury declines to indict man who shot at police in Pleasant Grove
- Tree Of No Liberty
- Return of the Gold Standard as world order unravels.
- Woman Gropes TSA Agent
- Goldman Sachs Betrayal Of America - BroTube
- Holder Launches Witch Hunt Against Biased Banks
- Anyone been here............
- Dutch TV Tower collapses
- ..Early 'Carmageddon' traffic in LA moving smoothly
- Why Banks Aren't Lending: The Silent Liquidity Sqeeze.
- Return of the Gold Standard as world order unravels
- The Collapse of Paper Money & the Vertical Move of Gold
- I can't believe what I just heard at the bank...
- How do you supprise a polar bear in a zoo?
- Treasury To Stop Funding Its Market Manipulation Fund To Delay US Bankruptcy
- Mexican soldiers find biggest ever marijuana plantation
- Shocking illusion - Pretty girls turn ugly!
- Who here listens to PANDORA.COM?
- Michigan Senate votes to limit welfare benefits
- Watch where you shoot.
- Mention the J word and watch the attacks fly
- Google+...Googles answer to facebook
- Gerald Celente Proboards - looks good.
- nasa ufo sightings and space secrets revealed
- The madness of a lost society 2 : Final warnings
- Death of nude, bound woman hanging from balcony to be ruled accidential???
- Fake "reformed moozlem terrorist" rakes in big DHS bucks
- Hide your face
- Speechless... bumper sticker I saw
- We're better off hiring skilled immigrants
- AHAHAHAHAHAHA - Monsanto official Beaten by farmers in India over Failed GMO Cotton
- Central Banks' First-Half Gold Buying Surpasses 2010 Tota.
- Experts Warn of al-Qaeda Attack If Debt Ceiling Not Raised.
- THANKS XIMMY: Women 4 Truth
- jEW Murdoch - A Word Or Two on What Isn’t Being Said
- Congratulations to Japan for their womens team winning the World Cup
- Darn 8 year old MAC is dying on me, I need some advice on a replacement
- 20 cents from $1600
- Sunday chat 7/17
- Ten Years After Decriminalization, Drug Abuse Down by Half in Portugal
- "Federal government" BUSTED for forcing American nuclear industry to become a ticking
- So when is his birthday?
- Ponce in Chicago?
- SFPD Ruthlessly Shoots and Kills Unarmed 19yr old Man over $2 Bus Fair
- Should students be taught how to use guns?
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