View Full Version : General Discussion
- checkout this scam by russian central bank
- steve jobs pics released, not long for this world....
- Wtf? $600,000 ham?
- NWO Plans Exposed By Insider In 1969
- 'Liberating' Libya: If you're gonna make an omelet...
- Gee, how generous of you!!!
- (Humorous) Planning For TEOTWAWKI - Single Male and Female Category
- The implications of 0bamanation's 'Emancipation Proclamation'
- Very interesting 'terra-ist' exercise in Iowa last spring
- Police State Blowback? 19 of 50 slain police killed in ambushes
- Tweakers deserve justice too
- THC from cannibis bud oil Destroys Leukemia and cancer cells.
- The Silver Bullet And The Silver Shield
- Mega Disaster's hurricane Irene?
- First Circuit Panel Says There’s a Clear Constitutional Right To Openly Record Cops.
- Silver "Final warning"
- Different live tv cameras in NY.
- Dashboard Cameras
- Giant rat killed by pitchfork in Marcy Houses is believed to be Gambian pouched rat.
- The American Holocaust
- SGT interviews Bill Murphy
- A lot of links to news and others........
- Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Plum Island (FULL LENGTH).avi
- Citizen Spies for Homeland Security, 10 things you should report
- The internet: when the frontier closes
- German Court Wields Huge Economic Power
- IRS Creates New Canine Unit!
- NESARA proposal does away with Federal Reserve, income tax
- U.S., Israel Monitor Syria's Suspected Cache of Weapons of Mass Destruction
- First Circuit Panel Says There’s a Clear Constitutional Right To Openly Record Cops
- 9,173 Ounces Of Gold Transferred From HSBC To JP Morgan Gold Vaults Overnight
- Some live shots of NY and Irene........
- Has the Next False Flag Event Been Predicted by a TV Show Once Again
- U.S. Widens Role in Mexican Fight
- Sobering thoughts about the Nuclear Madness we all face (Original Content)
- The 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati
- Salvation Army Good, Red Cross Bad, remember for this hurricane season.
- Ottawa to give failed refugees $2000 as incentive to leave Canada
- Ga GOP Fish fry and Poll (RP comes in second!!)
- listen to alan keyes Feb 2009 (how true this is, frightening)
- Hurricane News Reporter Fail
- CUT time... entry deadline Sunday 11:59 PM - GET YOURS!
- Hurricane Irene: Insurance nightmare awaits homeowners
- Hello from new GSUS member
- Copper, the over-looked metal?
- Institute of Medicine adverse reactions report admits MMR vaccines cause measles
- The door bell..........a must see........58 seconds.
- Dmitry orlov - america will be dismembered by its creditors
- RESERVE Bank boss Glenn Stevens has issued a chilling warning to workers.
- U.S.: We will stop aid to Palestinians if UN bid proceeds.
- Air Swimmers - Awesome RC Flying Shark and Clownfish!.
- greek 1 yr rate 60%
- Sunday chat 8/28
- Gunderson "Japan going to burn all radioactive material, U.S. will get it all"
- The secret world government or "the hidden hand"
- Gold is at 1799 already
- You are all a bunch of racists if you don't believe in...
- Germany - Sept 7
- Hurricane Fail.
- Gold Drops as Bernanke Says Growth Intact, Offers No Additional Stimulus
- Games
- Are Most Americans Debt Slaves?
- The Secret Space Program - Red Ice TV, 1 hr
- Police question Artist for Thought Crime
- 0bummer's family values
- Sarcasm Emoticons - We Need Them !
- Any GSUSers in Vermont?
- CERN proving anthropogenic global warming is not true
- did you guys know lincoln signed the delcaration of independance?
- Obamas Uncle arrested for illegal immigration (serious)
- US Mint Silver Eagle Sales for First 8 Months of 2011 Equal ENTIRE Sales for '05-'07
- NaturalNews exposes secret vaccine industry ties and military involvement with Instit
- Was 0bama born in Kenya - video and website
- Another chimpout mob
- Climate change causes mental illness!
- alternate communication devices
- Forbes titles: Ron Paul "the master investor"
- Rick Perry channels Dubya
- Interesting article about the "earthquake"
- Just saw this, Filthy jew Kinky Friedman pushing Rick Perry
- Deadly Hurricane Threatens Polygamists in Libya!!!
- Eric Sprott on holding physical gold and silver
- M2 Increasing at Fastest Pace in 52 Years!
- Greenspan: Gold is a Currency, Euro “Breaking Down”
- silver event horizon
- Silver Shield is taking on 9/11
- Rules for Writing, Collecting and Transferring Notes
- Herman Cain is campaigning in Israel
- Compounding Interest
- Ron Paul Can Win
- Rumsfeld says that the US needs another "attack".......
- Ron Paul cannot win if this persists
- Article about unschooling
- Embry - Incredible Physical Gold Demand, Premiums Exploding
- Bill Murphy On Venezuela’s Gold
- Liberty Dollars may be subject to seizure
- Paul Craig Roberts "Israel owns the U.S."
- Deposit Rates Could Turn Negative in This Bizarro World
- The Dutch Are Planning To Build A $432 BILLION Mountain For Winter Sports
- Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold
- New body 'liquefaction' unit unveiled in Florida funeral home
- Insider: Obama Team to Incite Race Riots; Use White Guilt in 2012 Election
- financial sense newshour goes conspiracy "the globalists" (3 day show)
- Ripping us off!!!
- Egon von Greyerz talks to James Turk
- Silver Ready to Breakout - Technicals and Fundamentals Suggest $50/oz in Early Autumn
- Canada's pot laws go up in smoke
- Nato to send troops to Italy to fight freedom fighters (interesting here)
- Ponce - keep an eye on your employees
- Ark Man in Plane Sees His Home Being Burglarized
- 15 arrested in N.Y. Playland melee over head scarves
- 25 Signs That The Financial World Is About To Hit The Big Red Panic Button
- Father accused of throwing son off boat says he was joking
- Egon von Greyerz talks to James Turk
- Ron Paul...stop aid to Israel......they have 300 nukes.
- Babysitting bill in Calif. Legislature
- Ron Paul is 'an idiot'
- "Church closes food bank because it attracts poor people"
- Pro-vaccine agenda in shambles after pivotal Washington meeting
- Timebomb in Euroland: "Tick...tick...tick..."
- Liberty Dollars may be subject to seizure
- Euro bail-out in doubt as 'hysteria' sweeps Germany
- Gates Foundation wants to reinvent the toilet
- Fukushima Crisis: Caldicott Says Evacuate North-West Japan
- latest from Jim Willie
- $3000 gold on MSN's money front page.
- Belarus in Hyperinflation "food runs out"
- Unemployed Illinois Man Finds $150,000 In His Backyard
- Full home ownership vs. mortgage
- Low-IQ cops follow orders after looking at scrap of paper
- Wynter Benton "If silver does not touch $36 before Oct, Silver goes over $80 in 2011"
- The Fabulous Life of the Ravenous Vulture Funds
- States starting to eat Munis?
- ever get really angry? i do.
- Mother Bitch
- Shah of Iran speaks the TRUTH on Zionism
- i couldnt keep this to myself. russian scientist claim to decode crop circles
- Gerald Celente Trends report.
- Browse Upload Nuclear Boy Scout - DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME
- CNBC does a PR stunt at GLD vault "We got some gold here"
- Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 -
- The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 10 Years On - Another BBC FAIL
- silver update 8/31
- stephen leeb interview (good one!)
- Wiki's raw files leaked on web
- USA – Food Stamps for All ... For Now
- Hits a German Wall
- Best prices for solar pannels............
- The Evil Marionette Master
- Undermining Bitcoin and the American Justice System / Desperate Bankers Damp Lending
- Obama Lies 7 Times In Under 2 Minutes!
- Congress Knows That Increasing The Money Supply Is Taxation
- Ron Paul at New England College tonite 9/1/11 7 PM
- COP goes crazy when told NO
- The Coming American Police State
- Anybody here use Quickbooks?
- Taxing street walkers - Germany's answer to Greek bailouts?
- LA quake?
- They're Poisoning Us!: From the Gulf War to the Gulf of Mexico
- Weirdest Planets Documentary~National Geographic.
- China unveils new low-cost, nine-passenger family transportation system
- Do you need a gun to garden?
- Nashville suburb officially ends water fluoridation!
- Gaddafi vows to continue fight
- Did Hitler Survive World War II?
- Paul campaign in a “Paid Russian Agent” FEC complaint
- 19 senators who voted to to shutdown or censor the internet
- Rarely-seen photos of nuclear explosion
- New Jersey Governor Christie Sued by Unions Over Pension, Health Benefits
- Solyndra, Solar-Panel Company Visited by Obama in 2010, Suspends Operation
- "Your federal family"
- Anyone checking out the new SuperNova?
- Perry promoted providing 'bi-national' health care to cover Mexicans
- Chase Burning - Artwork for sale on E-bay
- 10-12 Foot Great White In Waves With SoCal Surfers
- Gay Vaccine Experiments And The American (Not African) Origin Of AIDS
- 7.1 Earth Quake near Alaska
- sunflowers battle radiation at fukushima
- Film Exposes "Anti-Semitism" Racket
- Autistic man with toy gun shot dead by police in Florida
- Fake breasts and bottom padding for FOUR-year-old beauty queen
- Gold Surprises Both Bulls & Bears
- Bank Closing
- Central Bankers' Next Panic Move
- One Israeli Attack on Iran Not Enough
- UN Beninese Troops Had 'Ongoing Sexual Relationships' With Girls for Food
- Scientific Secrets Most Men Will Never Learn About Self-Defense
- Monetary Policy Releases
- Stilll sick and with a fever...see you tomorrow.
- NATO releases info on Libyan Air Strikes - over 7900 since March
- Berkey
- Connecting current events to Biblical "end times" scenarios
- Earthquake caused massive nuclear storage casks to move
- the doctor, depleted urnaium, and the dying children
- The black death & the renaissance
- George Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar
- RIP Left-Right Paradigm
- The Legend of 9/11 — 10 Years On
- U.S. regulator sues major banks over mortgages
- US breaches debt ceiling (again)
- At what point will America get sick of getting ass pounded by the jews?
- Boy dies after masturbating 42 times
- secret message
- Even Goldman Sachs Secretly Believes That An Economic Collapse Is Coming
- Chinese Kindergartener Drives Car, Turns Viral
- Work ok just asking here,
- Jim Rickards - Investors Fleeing GLD into Physical Gold
- Browse Upload Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival 02 Sept 2011
- U.S.'s "true indebtedness" amounts to $211 trillion.
- Michelle Bachmann supports Ron Paul?
- Report: Turkey navy to escort aid ships to Palestinians in Gaza
- Does anyone here own a geiger counter?
- A serious GOP debate
- How Walmart conducts contracts with private farmers:
- What's the best anti-virus product?
- Over 400,000 rally across country (Israel), police officials estimate
- Wikileaks Discloses The Reason(s) Behind China's Shadow Gold Buying Spree
- Volcano blows weird glowing smoke ring!!!!
- Keiser Report: Greed of no Boundaries
- Lead... the OTHER precious metal *!! Bitch Warning !!*
- Las Vegas Sandbox
- 14 Drugs & Chemicals Were Found In New York City Tap Water
- The 9 Things About America That You Knew Were True -- But Aren't
- Feds warn of small airplane terror threats prior to 9/11
- American jailed in Cuba: I was 'trusting fool'
- SEPTEMBER CLUES : Definitive Edition | 2008 (FULL VERSION)
- Why the Rottenchild sought to destroy the wealthiest country in Africa
- CDC: 2 children sickened by novel swine flu strain
- Son a gun, an hour out of L.A. yesterday and my A/C dies
- Doug Casey on the Continuance of the Greater Depression and the Brighter Prospects fo
- The Top 10 Quotes From Gaddafi’s Green Book
- What would you do if you had an extra $100 million laying around?
- govt lawsuits against bank make TARP/QE3 a sure thing
- Which Comes First? Gold $2000 or $50 Silver?
- High gold prices to sell leads to ticos chains, rings and pendants
- Ron Paul - CIA Chooses Dictators
- Parents of seven told: Your children are too fat, so you will never see them again
- Sunday chat 9/4
- Chimpout on football referee
- Something a little different...
- Flash-mob Haka rocks suburban mall
- People Can Close the Fed, Demand United States Notes
- Gordon Duff takes on the ADL over 9/11
- You Were The One That Gave The Order To Shoot Down A Plane
- The Belligerent Claimant in Person
- Experts Speak out on 9/11 (full video here!!)
- Still sick.........but.........
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