View Full Version : General Discussion
- 3 year old girl beaten to death by mother and new bf
- Halifax police investigating another weekend swarming
- Anyone familiar with vintage military trucks, I'm thinking about an M-37
- Debt and the Collapse of Civilizations
- The Quran Barbecue
- Sept. 11, 2010 in London
- For Phoenix - case cite regarding taxation
- MOVED: Fenix TK11R2 2 Level High Performance Cree LED Flashlight, Black, 6- Inch 50% of
- My last Lord Ponce hahahahahaha.
- NRA (literally !) Silver Flatware Set on Craiglist
- Chinese Bestseller Slams Goldman Sachs For Crisis
- NYPD detective admits torah thefts a priority over murder cases
- Anyone experience with Rat Terriers?
- Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award
- A message to the board
- Freemasonry and Islam
- wildcard's film review of Harry Brown.
- Arch Crawford on Goldseek Radio
- Playing games with us again
- Thanks to the people that
- Sunday Night Chat
- Amazing things...
- dollar drop?
- North Port code net snags another
- Koran burning report
- Royal Navy Field Gun Competition
- Scientists now develop ‘e-skin’
- Where's the R&D Cash??
- Physical Silver Imports Skyrocket In China And India
- "Qur'an hype": will it spread or hamper it??
- Guess Who Obama's Citizenship Attorney is.
- 5-Digit Precious Metals Coming Up Soon
- 6 days of semi-isolation
- There it is
- Happy Birthday Outlaw (a/k/a 1970 Art Bar)!
- 2000 Free MP3 Downloads from Amazon
- Favorite Search Engine?
- Pennsylvania advances NEXT year's cash so Harrisburg can make debt payments
- Doomsday warnings of US apocalypse gain ground
- Lady Gaga Accepts VMA Award Covered in Meat
- Water shortages reach crisis levels in China
- 1936 warning of a British and Zionist conspiracy against Palestine
- Work force re-entrants key to jobless rate: San Francisco Fed
- Boy's caretaker charged with murder
- Governor Christie Responds To Teacher During Town Hall
- Canada calls smuggling story 'speculation'
- Cuba to lay off 500,000 in 6 months, allow private jobs
- Burned Koran found in Michigan
- Impeachment trial of federal judge gets under way in U.S. Senate
- A veritable treasure trove of "caption this pic" goodness
- Nice Silver action today!
- Pennsylvania Speeds Aid to Its Struggling Capital
- Orthodox Jews burn hundreds of bibles in Israel, world media silent.
- Sovereign citizen scam ring busted
- Feds Spent $800,000 of Economic Stimulus on African Genital-Washing Program
- Is ethnic beauty the new 'it' factor?
- China's stash of US Treasuries is going... going .... gone?
- 15 Shocking Poverty Statistics That Are Skyrocketing As The American Middle Clas
- OK OK, I hear you.....stop your crying.......Ponce is back.
- Better Dead than Red
- Of book and symbology burnings.......
- Israeli millionaire builds mosque in France
- 109 days left...
- Tea Party Group to Plug Diversity
- Faiz Khan - 9/11 Truther also an associate of the Mosque Imam
- I'm out of here, loooosers!!!!!
- After a Year of Setbacks, U.N. Looks to Take Charge of World's Agenda
- Endtime Watchman, Live Now
- US woman arrested over dry lawn, left bruised and bloody.
- Obama Gives $850 Million to Whites-Only Colleges to Boost Number of White Gradua
- Mutant Rat Epidemic Spreading Economic Black Plague.
- New drug-resistant superbugs found in 3 states
- "Nazis" and National Socialists
- Appeals Court Guts Landmark Computer-Privacy Ruling
- False confessions: How the innocent admit, are convicted of crimes they didn't c
- Civil Rights Photographer Unmasked as Informant
- China's hurtful nest egg
- Treasure hunter finds rare antique in Cumbria
- Spanish drama "Carmen" staged at Beijing Fringe Festival
- Google buys second Israeli start-up
- How Student Debt Wrecks Marriages, Inhibits Family Formation, and Delays the Hou
- 100,000's of dead fish/animals in Lousiana
- John Williams Sees The Onset Of Hyperinflation In As Little As 6 To 9 Months
- The Drug War: Time To Wake Up?
- Gold Rush & APMEX Cancels My Order
- John Williams Sees The Onset Of Hyperinflation In As Little As 6 To 9 Months
- Welcome to BitchBook
- SWAT responds to "man with a gun" call. He's a customer in a gun store...
- Government food safety scientists report political, corporate interference
- Another Day, Another Flash Crash
- Prospectors find largest gold nugget in 120 years
- Corn syrup producers want sweeter name: corn sugar
- Just refused installation of PG&E Smartmeter - round 1
- Muslims Protest Moment of Silence
- British kid banned from Amerika for life by echoing American sentiments
- What do you believe?
- Well I just heard ....The News Today ....Seems my life is Gonna change........
- MOVED: Who is Joo King?
- Sydney: Four Pakistani Brothers Gang Rape Young White Girls
- You paid for it! Penis Cleaning Classes for Black South Africans
- Job opening for old man
- Reptilian Shapeshifter EXPOSED! See the Undeniable Truth!
- Cap and Trade is Here !
- Gold Confiscation: Straws in the Wind.
- Georgia Man Fined $5000 for Growing Vegetables..........
- The persistent and sticky unemployment of the American worker.
- Obstacle to Deficit Cutting: A Nation on Entitlements
- MOVED: How to Censor an Uncensored Forum
- Grocery chain's 2Q net income, revenue rise
- ANOTHER Palin-Backed Tea Party Candidate Defeats Incumbent RINO Libtard!
- The U.S. Dollar Is In Trouble
- Koran Burner FIRED from Job at NJ Transit
- Obama Gives $850 Million to Whites-Only Colleges to Boost Number of White Gradua
- IMF fears 'social explosion' from world jobs crisis
- Getting $4K in disposable FRN's this Friday, should I spend it all on Silver?
- Protect Your Gold Against Seizure
- Currency Intervention, Bitches (BOJ is buying dollars!)
- The Forgotten Man
- Iceland debates prosecution of her former leaders
- ClubOrlov: The Future is Rated “Bâ€
- Shack On The River - Moron Brothers :]
- MOVED: Please! I can't stand it! GET RID OF PHOENIX!
- U.S. judge allows Va. health-care lawsuit to move ahead
- U.S. Home Prices Face Three-Year Drop as Inventory Surge Looms
- One in every six Iraqis is an orphan
- The Oil spill stopped Golfstream (?)
- Order of the Eastern Star
- Where Billionaires Are Putting Money
- Blue-collar, unemployed and seeing red
- Wal-Mart U.S. sees Christmas of socks and underwear
- Powerlessness
- Video - Cops on Camera
- Greenback Eases From Early Highs Against Mexican Peso
- Revealed: Bacteria That Turns Sunlight Into Fuel
- MOVED: So Phoenix is gone forever...
- MOVED: Pleeeeeeeeeeese stop this!!!!!!!!
- IISS Report on Afghanistan
- LOL - Pope aid "Heathrow airport was like landing in a "Third World" country"
- Rendell (PA gov) and "Institute of Terrorism and Research Response"
- Thumbs-Up to (Former) Gov. "Moonbeam" Brown
- One nation under revolt
- Proposed 28th Amendment to the US Constitution
- Dead man found in LAX restroom, his head covered in a bag and hands bound
- A Nation of Dodos - Liberals turn against the American public.
- Google Engineer Fired for Accessing Teens' Gmail, Chat Logs
- Thoughts on this reverse osmosis water system?
- Oy Vey - JDL ordering US Jews to buy weapons
- Just showing off
- Diesel engines anybody know anything?
- AU: Cover up for pool event during next year's Ramadan
- Kitco Censorship
- Something Stinks in Louisiana
- OK, I'm outta here also.
- Silver, what else?
- My beef with 'your' beef with blacks, etc.
- Sherrif Arpaio and his posse
- Why is Colombia Buying U.S. Dollars ?
- Oaths and Bonds
- October surprise - what will it be?
- U.S. Poverty Rate Rises to 14.3%
- Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer says that Globalization
- Speaking of the corruption of Christmas...
- Gulf Oil Refuses to Stay Hidden Underwater
- Bank Failure Friday - September 17, 2010
- Greenspan: “Fiat money has no place to go but goldâ€
- Everything there is is a scam
- The Rwandan Genocide
- Unemployment. Creepy.
- Torture Tort Terror - Obama uses national security as a cover for violating peop
- Auto-Tune the News: #13: driving. stripping. swinging. (ft. Weezer)
- Doctor shot at Johns Hopkins
- "Let their be light!" - .gov goons
- US homes lost to foreclosure up 25 pct on year.
- The Israeli Art Students are back in the states
- SPLC on Russia Today: Aiding "extremists" with 911 conspiracy theory coverage
- Michelle Obama: Being first lady is "hell"
- "IDF is most moral army in the world"
- Video - "Jews will play a leading role in multicultural Europe"Says Jew hag
- Tail that became the dog
- MOVED: Newbie Here
- Congress critters Desperate! To hold hearings on Gold! LOL
- Max Keiser No 78
- NBC Nightly News: GOLD
- Report on eight years frozen food.......
- Harry Ried on Senate Candidate: "He's My Pet"
- Porcupine and a PitBull
- Say Goodbye to Sunspots? better buy a heavy coat.
- The Money That Is Sold Abroad Is You!
- Mythbusters won't do RFID
- DC Congresswoman Leaves Voicemail Asking For Lobbyist Cash
- Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List'
- They are back.........
- POV Helmet Camera shows serviceman climbing to top of 1768 foot Radio Antenna
- Bix Weir thinks we have an unlikely ally in Greenspan:
- I MISS KENNY!!!!... I'm having Ken withdrawals... Who killed Kenny?
- Truth First, then........
- Blue and red pills are now obsolete. there is something better...
- Middle class running as fast as it can
- Bye Bye High Fructose Corn Syrup...well, not quite
- Banks Committing Widespread Mortgage Foreclosure Fraud
- The boot that stamps on your face
- US Soldier Who Committed Suicide After She Refused to Take Part in Torture
- Consumer sentiment weakest since August 2009
- DBS & Adrian Salbuchi
- Russian Offers $10M for Muslim Center Site to Build Chess Center
- Alex Jones = Zionist Pig
- The American ZOG, a photographic journey through history
- Here it is! Soros: Gold not Safe
- The Clintonistas - A closer examination of Hillary
- Email from Edgar Steele Defense Fund
- Monster cold snap hits state.
- What is going on? me.
- Pope Benedict XVI's astronomer: the Catholic Church welcomes aliens
- Dennis, Opponent of Pelosi: "Nancy Pelosi, Wicked Witch of the West" campaign ad
- The Saudi Arms Deal: The U.S. Stirs Persian Gulf Waters
- CARUBA: Turning off the light of liberty
- Vaccine ‘worse than the flu’
- Kissinger says Bosnia should be divided into three parts.
- Donated US weapon sold to china by Israel......
- Will China Be Israel's Next Strategic Ally?
- Zionist Kosher Tax and the symbols on YOUR food supporting Israel.
- Gold Doesn't Lie
- A bull market in amateur gold commentary - reply to Soros
- Download Youtube Videos To Avoid Censorship
- White House Jewish Liaison
- gold or silver
- CNN Mossad 911 video
- Land of the Free, Home of the Broke?
- Muslim leader incites WMD use against west (English subtitles)
- The Ugly Truth about the ADL
- Swiss Institutions Ask: Where's the Gold?
- Edgar Steele Needs Your Help BY CYNDI STEELE!!
- Unapologetic DeMint Savoring Revolution within GOP
- Texas standoff continues
- China's Real Monetary Problem
- Proposed Dollar Bill Design Puts Obama on Dollar Bill; Pushes Dieversity
- Red Rosa
- VIDEO: Brain Neuron Degeneration via Mercury
- Free Cell Phone & Service From .gov
- The Anniversary of 9/11
- MERS curse goes Mainstream!!
- BREAKING!!!! Authorities Exchanging Gunfire with Standoff Suspect 9/18/10
- Massive Fish Kill in Gulf Caused by "Dead Zone," Oil?
- The "New" Spartans
- Need a job? Fluent in ebonics? you're in luck
- Are These The Economic Numbers The BLS Now Openly Makes Up?
- Amazing New Designs For The Dollar Bill
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