View Full Version : General Discussion
- Turkey .. Good One!!!
- Possession being 9/10ths of the law
- Michigan to throw 12,600 families off welfare
- Bushmen have a fundamental right to water
- 31 shootings in 48 hours in GUN-FREE Utopia
- Ron Paul at New England College Raw video footage from 9/2/2011
- Wynter Benton: Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold, The Morgue May Be Dead by 2011
- Cops kill another innocent party, of course it wasn't their fault
- Uprising
- Giant crocodile captured alive in Philippines
- Pft. Silver suppresion as usual.
- The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth..Silver Shields latest
- How smart is your right foot?
- A Question To All Law Abiding Citizens…
- Recent radiological events @ Fukyoushima nuclear volcano, 9/5
- please dump this into the muzik thrwed
- 0bunghole declares war on Syria
- Temporary Suspension Of Silver Dragon Orders
- Ron Paul speech at Palmetto Freedom Forum 9/5/2011
- From gold high 1920 to 1866 back to 1900 in minutes
- You guys don't KNOW Chimpout.
- The EPA declares hay a pollutant
- Euro Land May Face Full-on Bond Meltdown
- Pickpocket who uses chopsticks to thieve caught on camera
- Freedoms I Wish the Military Were Defending
- Jimmy Hoffa Jr- Union Thug for Obama
- FEMA 2 out of 3 so far
- Doom p0rn
- Is the BP oil crisis still ongoing? Oil still gushing?
- Ron Paul on the cover of National Review (not very flattering)
- 0bunghole to Texans regarding wildfires: GO FUCK YOURSELVES!
- Ron Paul can win this !
- Thank You Swiss National Bank For $2000+ Gold
- The Greek Collateral Problem
- doug casey interview (he acknowledges 9/11)
- Iran’s Bushehr nuclear plant comes online
- Ron Paul runs negative teevee ad
- NY man: I called in threat because power was out
- Andrew Maguire - LBMA Shorts Will be Forced to Take Losses
- Damn
- moon walk tracks seen in photo's from satelite 13 miles above moon surface.
- Coast to Coast - Tuesday - Post-Nuclear Apocalypse
- The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy by Jim Marrs
- Bring out your dead - UBS warns of civil war if EUSSR breaks up
- Strong yen forces Toyota to end Camry exports to U.S.
- What Bob Pisani forgot to tell you about GLD
- Jeune Russe Chanceux qui touche les seins de 1000 inconnues
- Susan Lindauer 9/11 whistleblower
- Max Keiser Ron Paul at 3%
- Gates: Israel an ‘Ungrateful Ally’
- Remember Jane Standley?
- Enson Inoue Reveals Covert Trip to Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant
- Oops: $53,000 In Gold, Jewelry Thrown Away
- YouTube Censoring Key New A/E 911 Video, A great work.
- Who Brought Communism To China?
- Tony Hayward ruined the Gulf, said "Sorry" - Nat Rottenchild gives him the ME
- False Comparison to 2008,Jim Willie
- Rock snot algae clogs rivers, causing world-wide environmental problem
- Such a Brave New World
- Drunken elk rescued from Swede's apple tree
- The Male Cycle
- Ideas that could make other people Millions
- Central banks waging war on gold at this hour
- New question to ask the cops when detained.
- would .gov deputize street gangs ?
- Don't Honk at the Cops...
- Need Help? This is NOT the way to get it.....
- The debate @ 8:00 EST
- Deal Breakers for a Potential Wife or Girlfriend (Sexual History)
- Nations without a central bank
- My blackberry isnt working.....
- From Spacecrafts To Temples: The Amazing Uses Of Gold
- Greek 1 yr bond sitting at 96.95% yield currently.
- Innocent traveller stuck on airline watch list
- Ccw ftw
- a picture is worth a 1,000 words - Perry talks trash to Dr. Paul
- TRAINED volunteers swarm in to fight wildfires-Feds run them off
- Debate poll - more MSNBC dirty tricks
- If you could do anything you wanted, regarless of money, what would you do with your
- Handicaped Man Bodyslammed by DC police.
- check out the hilarious who won the debate bar graph
- eye-popping aerial display
- Woman crashes into police building with carjacking suspect on her hood.
- Guy butcher's cow in residential neighborhood
- Cannabis cures cancer?
- Florida Highway Patrol sued for giving out illegal tickets
- Sibel Edmonds interview with Ryan Dawson
- I am angry as hell.........
- People painted to look like animals.......nice.
- Fires are getting bad...
- Uncle Sam's IOUs Can't Save Social Security
- Hungard destroys all of Monsantos GMO cornfields
- Irony?
- 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate
- Chimpanzees free after decades in lab
- Congressman Says Israel Has Manifested TOTAL POWER Over U.S. Congress
- The Winds Are Changing (encouraging story)
- Chicago Man Who Shot Cops in Self-Defense Found Not Guilty by Jury
- Remington knives
- About Palestine as a state......please explain.......
- "Some rigid idea"
- More Sage Advice
- Fire! - Been out for a few days
- Breaking: New credible terror alert!
- FAKE "ELECTIONS" - Why Ron Paul Can't "Win"
- Why we can't win in the middle east
- Chemtrail activist Rosalind Peterson on Rense now- 8-9 AM PT
- Shopping mall releases find my car app using number plate ID tech, police excited
- Where is that brilliant Warren Buffet guy?
- J.P. Morgan puts in 52 week low, death approaches from silver losses....
- How are Silver coins minted.
- Eric Sprott: Silver to Make a 30 Bagger From Here to $1,200
- Fitch May Downgrade China and Japan: Worldwide Depression Draws Closer
- FBI Raids 'Connected' Energy Firm Solyndra
- Magnitude 6.7 quake off Canada's Vancouver Island; Tsunami is not expected - USGS, PT
- German Court Makes EU Survival More Difficult
- Congress expands Fast and Furious probe to White House
- Well... isn't this cute (Wells Fargo inline ad)
- 9/11 was an obscenely profitable covert operation (Catherine Austin Fitts)
- Wikileaks cable suggests the US bombed a building to destroy evidence they executed
- HSBC: The World’s Dirtiest Bank
- Egyptians Break Into Israel Embassy In Cairo.
- DHS: We Lost Our Own Explosives During Live Drill In Phoenix
- It's Over
- Obama Advisors Feared a Coup if his Admin Prosecuted Bush for War Crimes
- All the drama for the 911 anniversary!
- The Church of Oprah EXPOSED
- Another man freed from the Matrix
- Ron Paul’s Secret Weapon
- Ranting Andy: Urgent Alert – European Banks Crashing, Rumors of Greek Default, Potent
- Ministry of Fatherland Security now has perfect excuse to regulate the 'net
- Inside 9/11 - Who Controlled the Planes?
- I don't mother frinking believe it.........A MUST SEE.
- Man Assaulted Neighbor Over Noisy Generator During Blackout
- The Real Litmus Test (amazing!)
- DBS & Eli James
- "Amistad" - Spielberg's Inspirational & Compassionate Movie about American Slavery
- You Will Be Caught and PUNISHED ... no matter the crime
- How are Silver Coins Minted? [Video]
- (Trailer) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
- Neighbor warns me about Jooish Brotherhood.
- 9/11 biggest gold heist in history
- been thinking on this power outage thing, and 9/11
- CNN Apologizes After Playing R.A.P.E.D. Track for 103 Year Old Lady!!
- 9/11 – Occult Trauma-Based Mind Control
- Don't Name Your Kid "Wayne"
- Australian Property priced in Gold & Silver
- Ten thousand ounce silver bar
- mp3- Catherine Austin Fitts on Coast to Coast Sep 8
- Zero at Zero, the home of the BRAVE
- Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minute
- building 7, 10th anniversary tv ad
- Happy 9/11 Day!...
- Yemen AK47 $50
- Obama "I will look into your bank account and wallet".
- More wildfires erupt in Texas as it faces worst dry spell since 1895.
- Criminal Cartel Moves Forward With Printing $500 Billion In Funny Money.
- Israel embassy broken into and set on fire......Egypt.
- Football player scorned for comments on 9/11
- Sunday chat 9/11
- If only new search engine worked like old Search did, I'd put this image...
- A Decade of Denial and Deception By Silver Shield
- Goodbye Euro, Hello Drachma
- The 40 best blogs from the Middle East......
- General Assembly vote on Palestine: 1967 border is the point of reference........
- First Session of the Super Congress Interrupted by Protesters!
- Banks, Governments Move To Restrict Personal Gold Bullion Purchases
- Greece Is Toast
- In the mind of a suicide-killer
- google, scroogle, and search query privacy
- comet whipping around the sun, followed by blackness of doom
- Latest on Elenin Partial Recovery of Deleted thread that was the best of the web
- Baracula: "America does not give into fear"
- thousands of UN vehicles hidden on the west coast
- Any of you or your friends up in Woodfords yesterday?
- High-Level Officials Eager to Spill the Beans About What REALLY Happened on 9/11 …
- 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
- Europe edging into cataclysm
- How close is JP Morgan To Collapse?
- Gordon Duff "Israel and the upcoming nuclear war"
- Canada pushing to arrest dirt bag dubya on his next visit, Oct 20
- Ancient Meteorites Showered Earth With Gold: Study
- Wynter Benton: Greece to Default by Wednesday, JPM Silver Derivative Bomb to Explode
- Overheard at work
- The U.S. Abandons Israel.
- Damn it feels good to be a gangsta!
- Quotes on frugality
- Why Ron Paul scares Rick Perry
- Badass CR123 sized flashlight, 600 lumens
- Rick Perry brushes off a student after asking about his debt spending record.
- Turk "silver to test $50 in Sept, Gold over $2000 in 45 days"
- Need Recommendation - Domain Name Registrar that you LIKE ?
- Hot new planet could be in habitable zone - barely
- Hyperkitty: IRS has $14 Trillion lien against the US?
- CNN Tea Party Debate live
- Did I just hear Ban the Federal Reserve at the Repug Debates?
- Seeing more of these offers:
- 188 Day Cycle Quake Coming 9/15/11 To America?
- September 11 – Ten Years Later (Selected Statistics)
- great article by Gary North on hyperinflation
- Nibiru / Elenin ........
- Farmer flies home-made flying saucer(nearly)
- Ron Paul Highlights - CNN Tea Party Debate
- RED ALERT: FDA Set to Ban Your Supplements
- My Ass/Gut is too Fat...
- the time has come America! (outstanding!!)
- suicide bombers as false flags
- Dov S. Zakheim
- Alfred Adask on AJ
- A 14-year-old boy got into a fight at a school bus officer responded by shooting him
- Microwave = Farraday Cage
- Peruvian family claiming Machu Picchu take fight to UN heritage body.
- Palestine Statehood Campaign: European Union Will Urge Parties To Return To Negotiati
- Alfred Adask on AJ today....
- Troll gets jailtime
- Lawsuit Aims to Punish Olympia Food Co-op for Boycott of Israeli goods
- The American Debt Crisis (free Online course w/ Doug Casey)
- Let’s Forget 9/11
- Audience at tea party debate cheers leaving uninsured to die
- CNBC - HSBC - GLD - Public Relations Backfire
- Tiger's Robertson "Europe In State Of Financial Collapse"
- BRICS to the Rescue: What they'll be talking about at the Next Fed Meeting ?
- CIA Threatens 9/11 Researchers After Discovery Of Cover Up Details
- Ordinary 'heroes' pull biker from beneath burning car
- Ron Paul Highlights - CNN Tea Party Debate
- Photo of Ponce from the old days.........
- Richard Pryor as Obama
- Gold +143.70
- Attacks: Get the Facts
- Jefferies Describes The Endgame: Europe Is Finished
- what is michelle obama saying?
- Watching the Rome TV Series.
- schiff in front of congress. whole 2 hour hearing
- Strange noises reach Canada
- On-duty New York City police officers get too 'involved' with parading civilians
- The Fourth Force (CIA)
- Fed report blames missteps by BP, others for Gulf oil spill
- 'Buy American' provision returns in Obama's jobs act
- senate finance committee meeting thursday to talk about 401Ks and other retirement
- The Fukushima video.......what it could be......"Blind".
- Man building house boat that's 3,200 square feet
- "If you love me then you gotta help me pass this bill!"
- Donald Trump Takes Gold Over Cash as Security Deposit
- Lawless America: 20 Examples Of Desperate People Doing Desperate Things.
- Porn crowd works toward plan to insure survival of porn lifestyle post-apocalypse
- The Stones Speak
- CIA Threatens 9/11 Researchers After Discovery Of Cover Up Details
- Mind you fucking business
- 9/11 summarized in 5 minutes
- Anxieties mount over Palestinian statehood bid.
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