View Full Version : General Discussion
- Rick Sanitorium making friends in NH
- What's really going on in Russia...
- Santorum: Vote Count Error in Iowa Is No Big Deal
- Israel Plans to Betray Promise on Prisoner Swap Deal
- Phil Donahue on Ron Paul & Foreign Policy CNN 1/5/12
- Ron Paul on Piers Morgan Tonight CNN 1/4/12
- U.S. Navy saves Iranian seamen from pirates
- Anonymous Spoofs Stratfor Head George Friedman, Sends Blast Email To All Clients
- can anybody see the seti berkeley site?
- anybody listening to glenn beck today?
- Rick Santorum On Small Government ( He's not for it )
- Zio cult releases TV ad blasting Ron Paul's foreign policy in South Carolina
- Ron Paul Will Win In The End
- The Next Step .... Are we there yet?
- AP Reporter Calls Romney Mitt Out On Lie For Having Lobbyist in Campaign
- James Turk - Gold is Great, But Silver is the Next Apple
- New Ron Paul anti Frothy ad...Betrayl
- Oh My...this is a family show
- Giant Foot Print 200 Million Yrs Old - South Africa
- Mitt Romney Fights With Reporter After Being Exposed As A Liar
- A very human-like robot invented by Japanese engineers
- New Volcano Off Coast of Saudi Arabia 1/4/2012 - Video
- ‘Wild Old Women’ Close San Francisco Bank Of America Branch.
- Dispatchers seek suit dismissals in boy's 911 call.
- Scriptures on U.S. Military Weapons
- Natural Cellular Zeolite Powder : Micronized
- MMA fighter Jared Downing wearing Ron Paul 2012 entrance
- What do some Black Americans think about Ron Paul? Interesting Video
- CNN Ron Paul interview, I think it's one of the best
- Holy smokes you guys should have seen Hannitystein shilling for Sanitorium tonight
- Incident in SF
- National Inflation Assocaition video on Romeny and Paul what a fricken hoot
- Dick Morris, jew, goes after Ron Paul again 1-6-12
- Suggestions for a SHTF Index
- History Repeats Itself, Dangers of Slashing the Military
- Romney's strategy is to seal nomination in Florida
- Cost to Make Penny and Nickel Rises, Annual Loss Reaches $116.7 Million.
- Duke's 'My Awakening' in Free Audio Book
- What if? Judge Napolitano
- Senator John McCain Endorses President Barack Obama
- Labor unions primary recipients of Obamacare waivers
- New Ron Paul grassroots vid, Unelectable?
- Great tape by Ron Paul.....simply to understand.
- Does this qualify as 'hook-nosed'?
- Mittens asks nicely that you pass this message along to others
- Hot Air Balloon Crash Kills 11 In Carterton, New Zealand.
- West Point grad/Iraq vet arrested for defending woman by Austin police
- Economic stimulus for the MIC
- Insanitorium has some splainin to the Tea Party
- Iowa Delegates: Ron Paul
- It's not a tumor
- Mitty's/Bain Capitols' 44 Million Federal Bailout
- A Simple Plan to Keep Your Assets Safe from an Out-of-Control Government
- Ron Paul wins Idaho straw poll
- New Images Of Mars: Published By NASA
- Gerald Celente: EU Collapses in 90 Days, Bank Holiday and War
- Amazing workplace for an excavator
- Morris Voice Over - Elite Fooling Everyone
- The Beast of the Bronx: Three-foot rat 'found in New York City shoe shop'
- Whatever else, call him "correct" - 1958 speech outlining plan to destory America
- Colorado Student Banned from Yearbook Over Racy Photo.
- NH debate thread.
- David icke on going beyond the "five-sense" consciousness
- Who really won Iowa?
- Don't Eat The Poison, Honey
- Physical Silver Surges To Record 30% Premium Over Spot, In Backwardation zerohedge
- Ava Causes The Housing Crisis
- 2012 Naked Archeologist Calendar ...
- A Radium Infuser?
- Using Body Heat to Cook a Potato
- More On The Austin Police Debacle
- The problem the world has in a picture
- Potash Mining At Moab, Utah
- Rena splits in two; pieces 30m apart
- Ron Paul on foreign policy - Tea Party Debate - Analysis by Michael Scheuer
- The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto
- I need a Ron Paul pep talk...
- Ron Paul Interview 1988
- Cut it with all the damn drama!
- Repub Sunday Morning Debate
- scumbag douche water plant is now putting chloramine in our water
- More Evidence That You Are Controlled By Language
- Looks like the 4th ammendment is about to take another hit
- My ignore list got its first addition
- WOW, Ron Paul speech in 2002 predicted what's happened and what is happening
- Rick Perry wants U.S. troops back in Iraq
- OK guys... I was gone for a few days; what did I miss?
- Patagonia In Danger of being taken over by the Jews.
- 50 Things We Know Now That We Didn't Know Last Year
- if your neighbor owns a gun, turn him in for CASH
- Huge Victory for Ron Paul in New Hampshire Debate
- Ice? or Pirates?
- Our Constitutionalist
- Alberto River, an ex-Jesuit ELITE/TPTB INSIDER.
- US orders expulsion of Venezuelan consul
- Sunday chat 01/08/2012
- Israel IDF in Patagonia, Israeli War Criminals in Patagonia.
- Please don't interupt me............
- Ohio Peace Officer Drafts NDAA Letter For Police And Sheriffs
- Tax gap: IRS comes up $385 billion short
- Ron Paul Town Hal & Q&A, CSPAN Sun
- McCain has massive brain fart then melts down speaking for Romney
- All The World's Gold
- Debt limit - a guide to american federal debt made easy.
- RP townhall live on CSPAN w/ stream now
- Full Wolf Moon
- The West Wing - Holy Land Map
- The frame-up of edgar steele.
- Phones who spy on you, is yours one of them?
- Film footage from Palestine back in 1896......
- The Possibility of $1,000 Silver before Hyperinflation.
- Found the missing snow
- Russian woman sneaks into missile factory... and discovered it looks just like a scen
- Expect the unexpected: The Assassination of Ron Paul
- The man who puts God first
- White House threw secret 'Alice in Wonderland' bash during Recession
- Hope 2012
- Illuminati in FULL view
- CNN Smear Job on Dr. Paul
- Another big endorsement for Ron Paul!
- No Police Immunity for Claims of Urine Torture.
- Academy Award for best documentary will now need to have been reviewed in the New Yor
- Cuban Missile Crisis, the Sequel; $3,000 Gold Possible.
- Mossad seeks Chinese speakers.
- Obama Hires Religious Jew to Cure $1 Trillion Budget Disease (New Chief of Staff)
- Quite possibly the most ridiculous thing ever said about gold.
- How to Elect Ron Paul - By Stefan Molyneux
- Monsanto Now Owns Blackwater (Xe).
- From Silver Art at GIM2...........
- Greece, the playland of what?!
- Everything you need to know about Mittens
- Poll: Romney, Paul Tie Obama
- The reptilian brain
- CHEMTRAILS: US Military Ownership of GLOBAL Weather
- EE this is just for you brother from today
- Pat Buchanan Out at MSNBC?
- About deleting my own thread........
- Three Elements of Manipulation ....Theodore Butler
- Unbeliable mountain goats jumping down from 50 meters!!!
- McEwen - Gold to hit $2,000 & Accelerate,
- Michelle Blechman goes full propaganda mode on Iran
- I'd like to introduce you to Marron
- Full GOP New Hampshire Debate
- You might be a prepper if...........
- Hmmm look at PM's
- i'm going ponce
- Uncertainty in the future
- Magpul Dynamics releases: Art of the Precision Rifle
- Trolling really is fun....LOL
- Israeli bill would outlaw comparisons to Nazis
- Where does RP finish in NH today?
- Does anyone in NH cook their own food?
- Ron Paul scolds reporter, she isn't happy with that :D
- Logical Arguments vs. Emotional Arguments
- Hyperinflation Comes To Iran
- Conscription
- The US Government Is A Mafia Enterprise
- Boy drags up whopper cray
- Man Trapped In Time Vortex Appears In The Future
- New Nationwide FEMA Camps Should Raise Eyebrows
- Ron Paul losing to Mittens on Drudgereport poll today
- Who Really Owns Your Gold Stocks?
- Ron Paul Defends Romney, Lashes Out at His Critics
- "Top Secret & Redacted" Historical Russia US space coop 50 yrs ago SCANNED COPIES
- Israeli Nazi Eugenic Experiments on Jewish children 1/5
- What is in cards for China
- Answer the following questions to see which candidate is most like you.
- How To Prepare For The Difficult Years Ahead
- Secret Documents Revealed – USA Bought Space Program From Yugoslavia 1961
- My trip to the big town.......
- Glitch in the forum software?
- One-month old infant raped and murdered by illegal alien.
- Boy falls broke legg, teacher says to crawl back to class on his own.
- Juicing medical marijuana the latest trend in amazing cures
- Results from NH coming in.....
- How tall is Huntsman?
- What's the story with Tebow?
- How the illuminati really began
- Doomsday Clock ticks closer to midnight
- Citizen Election Observers Threaten Election Integrity
- In The Wake Of A Powerful 2nd Place Finish......
- Huntsman misses Arizona ballot after paperwork error
- READ! Was anti-Huntsman ad really anti-Ron Paul?
- Paul Campaign To Republican Field: Drop Out, Unite Behind Paul to Defeat Romney
- Ron Paul's Fantastic Speech After Taking 2nd In New Hampshire
- HUGE NEWS FOR RON PAUL: Florida May Allow Proportional Delegates
- Incredible Multi-Dimensional Alien Images Discovered
- Some of the craziest stuff I've ever heard about Roswell
- Skyscrapers 'linked with impending financial crashes'
- Israel is Named after Satanist's Son
- Fed Made $77 Billion In Profits in 2011
- Lieberman's Bill to Kick Off Internment Camps
- Hispanos Por Ron Paul
- Obama names Orthodox Jew new WH chief of staff
- Top German cop installed spyware on his daughter's computer, causes huge retaliation
- At a Romney Event Yesterday, I Was Removed and Arrested. I Still Don't Know Why.
- Car bomb kills Iranian scientist
- enemy expatriation act hr 3166
- How in the F#@! does a governor pardon 200 dangerous criminals?
- ORomney WILL lose against Barack Obama: Republicans don’t be fooled
- Default CNN Exit Poll screencap: Most likely to beat Obama: Paul 88%!
- Expired drugs in preps
- Romney gets 10million bail out at Bain
- The tragedy of tens of thousands living in 6ft by 2ft rabbit hutches .
- Economy
- The war on free news continues
- "no chance that "a centralized database will emerge."" - Internet ID on the way
- She Flumoxed the Great Gas-Bag Rush Limbaugh
- Back from the Dead - to Vote in NH
- Probably not a surprise at all, but...
- Israel proposes to make it a crime to compare people to Nazis
- January 11, 2012 VIDEO: NH poll workers shown handing out ballots in dead peoples’ na
- Consequences of Collapse: Access to Critical Medicines Is Disappearing in Greece
- North Korea Reportedly Punishing Those Who Didn't Sufficiently Mourn Kim Jong Il
- NDAA in Action: FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as
- 9/11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA - US Consulate Whistleblower
- Have to turn in some silver
- Awesome - Doug Wead Interview On Fox Day After Ron Paul 2nd Place Finish
- Some Ron Paul / Romney Thoughts
- Who is JohnWood?
- A rare look inside North Korea as seen by photographer David Guttenfelder.
- Martin Armstrong Article
- This isn't good
- West Virginia DMV Among The First In The Nation To Follow Federal ID Guidelines
- Critical Video on how to HELP Ron Paul get elected
- Man Attacks Cop
- MELTDOWN! Cop Flips Out When Told He Can't Search Car Without Warrant
- Cop punches woman in the face.
- Children 'dumped in streets by Greek parents who can't afford them anymore.
- Plan of action for U.S
- The Serpents Seed Capitol Of Norway Shocking Statues mirrored from Marygreeley
- Israel is holding the world nuclear hostage
- Glenn Beck: 'Solid' Ron Paul could be candidate, needs to get rid of 'Crazy' support
- Romney Free-Enterprise ‘Trial’ Aligns Republicans With Obama
- EFF Reveals How Your Digital Fingerprint Makes You Easy to Track
- Canadian military gear stolen in transit, replaced with rocks
- Rick 'Frothy' inSanetorum's communist roots
- The Romney Con
- CNN bypasses its own rules to let Perry in SC debate.
- Israel vows to retaliate after credit cards are hacked.
- Mainstream Media To Bully Bloggers Out Of ‘Fair Use’
- Gold Correction Is Over By: Alf Field
- Glock Book Chronicles A History Of America's Gun
- Market Implies Greek Devaluation To 1530 Drachma Versus Euro
- 100 Year Old Prostitute Still Going Strong......
- Breakfast with Ron Paul
- 30 Japanese Giant Hornets kill 30,000 Honey Bees
- Chris Matthews’ Brother Arrested on Perjury Charges
- Disclosure
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