View Full Version : General Discussion
- USPS warns of default on retiree benefits
- The Friendship Case ( Il Caso Amicizia ) Full-Length
- Norwegian MP Has Had Enough of Multi-Culturalism - Whos behind it?
- Warner Brothers Steal Edison's Invention, FBI Protects Warner - Facebook Repeats
- $2M Michigan lottery winner defends use of food stamps
- CDC Warns Public to Prepare for 'Zombie Apocalypse'
- There is no way out, but THROUGH the jew
- Netanyahu in US for False Flag To Coincide with AIPAC Con [??]
- Ask NASA what this is?
- Hey goyim, who funds the IMF?
- Fukushima Day 67
- Dave Ramsey Gets Ron Paul Supporter Fired
- This was pretty cool, pre-planned?
- Keep hands off Pakistan, China tells US
- What recession? Stone Brewing announces $26 million expansion
- Japanese Economy Collapses: Q1 GDP Drops At Double Consensus Rate
- A good laugh.
- Bill would make it tougher for workers to tap 401(k)
- Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake
- Legislation Authorizing Endless Global War
- A man in my area was just framed for murder
- Elvis: Stupid or Clever?
- the "People You Never Knew Were Jewish" Thread
- Florida LP Chairman Adrian Wyllie surrenders license in protest of REAL ID act
- Jerusalem Post " Obama is the new Arafat "
- Anti-Israel protesters disrupt pastor Hagee's "Nakba Day" service.
- Why Gold & Silver? FULL MOVIE - Mike Maloney Tells All
- Islands in the stream: The extraordinary homemade dams holding back the Mississi
- GM uses Bailout money to fund Chi-Com movie
- More lies connected to Obama
- How many musicians do we have here?
- The_Citizenship_Contract by George Mercier
- Adrian Salbuchi "whats behind IMF Prez being removed"
- Help needed......about getting a dog.
- dollar collapse has started
- big potential terror days this year
- Engineers Request Permission to Speak Freely Regarding World Trade Building 7
- Is anyone else hating the new Firefox v4?
- George Noorey just said there was an 8.4 earthquake off the coast of Lybia
- What is Google image today telling us?
- Whistleblower says Russian troops fed dog food
- Iran's first nuclear power plant 'goes operational', state radio claims
- Could a mind-reading machine soon be a reality? Scientists 'decode' human brainw
- Mortgage default rates - A matter of National Security?
- "Patriot" Act to be extended 4 more years!
- Obama really Harrison J Bounel???
- missing anti-aging hormone found (very interesting)
- Isreal Isreal Israel!!!!
- A good friend of mine has this theory
- Biggest Names Discuss Silver
- Norway Stops Aid Payments To Greece
- Can you identify which one of these two is the 'dominant' party?
- Another GSUS Hero
- I'm disappointed in the metals today
- The Austin Comprehensive Plan is Local Agenda 21 in Disguise
- China Is Now Top Gold Bug,Wall Street Journal
- Cold Fusion E-Tiger Coming to America
- comet smashes into the sun
- There's finally a book that will help men understand women better.
- Question about Tires
- Fox doing some show "Secrets of 9/11" something is up.
- Man saved by vitamin C speaks
- Alfred Adask interviews Lloyd Smith
- Its a great day for a RAPTURE
- Skin cancer.... know your ABCDE's
- Take a look at Moscow subway
- Dr. Thomas Levy talks on the miracle of Vitamin C
- XVI - Making Sense of the 9/11 Cover Up Christopher Bollyn
- Silver Manipulation
- Private property posts - Who posted this?
- TSA to oversee searches at Santa Fe prom
- Reprogramming your DNA
- Atmospheric aluminum at 8,800 PPM in Ohio?
- Upset over Russian artist's "neo-Nazi" Winter Olympic ads
- Unraptured Saints believe God made mistake...
- "Learnin' 'Bout Antique Silver, Having some Food."
- Who Helped Forge Obama's Birth Certificate - 5/20/11
- JP Morgan’s Dimon Warns U.S. Government
- Earths Forbidden Secrets
- i'm buying most everything at garage sales from now on
- Women and Red Shoes?
- Here Is What Happens After Greece Defaults
- Volcano erupts in Iceland
- GOV argues it can lie under oath.
- Obama: “I’m working on gun control under the radar”
- Is Becoming A Farmer The New American Dream?
- The world’s first 111 giga-pixel image!
- I feel like I should return my check to the people b/c we don't do anything here
- Michigan wants lotto winner off food stamps
- Japan Set Up Jewish Colony in Manchuria.
- ..Diet Coke and Mentos stunt goes wrong
- Why are the elite pushing Israel...
- USofA's FICO Score?
- Check out "", one of the Guys @ started it.
- Mt Athos Prophecies on '666'
- Hyperinflation & US Dollar Collapse
- Almost four in 10 workers say they'll retire after age 70's or later.
- Raising bunnies?
- HEY GUYS: Beware of sperm stealers!
- Sunday chat 5/22
- China Prepares To Launch Gold ETFs As Utah Becomes First State To Make Gold And
- CFTC's "Endless" Investigation Of Silver Manipulation
- What does this Advert say to you? Visa PW
- Joplin mo, tornadoes and other stuff!
- Peaceful Republic or Police State
- bill that shuts down websites and news blogs
- Hasidic holy war horror
- Victor Sperandeo talks about precious metals and the world economy with James Tu
- New Men's Fashion, so get with it.
- Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
- A Post-apocalyptic Landscape...
- Paul Craig Roberts: Revolution Is The Only Answer
- warts!
- Utah Legalizes Gold, Silver Coins As Currency.
- 'US lawmakers forced to support Israel'.
- Judge Nap: Peaceful republic or police state?
- belarus devalues currency by 56% overnight
- Amerika in a Media-Induced Trance
- Obamas Limo bottoms out and gets stuck!
- Doomsday, Doomsday, gotta get dead on Doomsday
- What do You Think of Leap2020/GEAB Economic Prognosis for 2H 2011 ?
- Rand Paul floor speech of the Patriot Act
- Both Parties And The White House Are Advocating A US Default
- Oil Pulling books and references
- Just saw "Soylent Green" once again.......
- Alaa Wardi's A Capella Performances Of Arabic Hits Go Viral In Middle East
- CIA Owns Facebook
- Another peace campain
- Illuminati Sign?
- Without NFL football the crime rate will soar
- Peter Fonda trains his grandkids to use 'long distance' rifles to take out...
- Conditioning the public or just testing new propaganda? - Iran-9/11 Connection
- Cop Tasers 10 yr old girl for not going to bed.
- Ron Paul did not defend Israel.
- Chinese Company Eyes Idaho.
- Israel approves nearly 300 settlements.
- BofA to give away houses.
- Ferreira's Fast Fusion Frigate
- List of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) members
- Training Wheels Off, Crash Helmets On
- Feds to Mandate Black Box on all New Cars
- Landmark Case Could Stymie Legal System
- Inquiry Into Monopolistic Trading Practices By JPMorgan On LME Launched, Sending
- Richmond Fed Collapse: Atlantic Region Manufacturing Enters Contraction
- Welcome to Debtors' Prison, 2011 Edition
- East Texas clan still ready for a battle that hasn't come
- BOMBSHELL: Jerome Corsi claims Bush admin was looking into Obama....
- Illuminati Escalate Insane Attacks on Gender
- Bibi Netanyahu Takes Over America While Obama’s Away
- What happens when Greece defaults
- Policing for Profit in Tennessee - Civil Forfeiture Highway Shakedowns
- Barry is kinda stupid
- Silver Prices Surge Higher (SLV) Silver Margin Requirements Created Crash
- FACT CHECK: Netanyahu speech ignores rival claims
- Berkey Guy Show 05-24-2011
- America Sees Red
- Scientists Fight UCSD to Study Rare Ancient Skeletons - Injuns not happy
- Space in 1934?
- Rense and Celente - People don't want to know
- AIPAC sued for $6.6 billion
- CFTC Chairman Gensler Blames Rising Commodities Prices On Speculators
- Win the War on Debt: 80 Ways to Be Frugal and Save Money
- Shyster
- Confessions of a Former Racist
- Fluoride: The Hard to Swallow Truth Documentary
- Cool signature line I "borrowed".
- Feds threaten Texas with No-Fly Zone - seriously!
- Judge issues Subpoena for Barry's original typewritten Birth certificate
- GIM Radio
- CNBC's Mark Haines died
- Baltic Dry Index has cratered again, at 1349
- National Inflation Association
- Queen humiliates Mr. Obama
- Things Are Spinning Out Of Control
- Vedic creationism
- "The First Casualty of War" - Stefan Molyneux
- For the past seven hours, Senator Paul has been holding the Senate floor!
- Live Senate discussion of Patriot Act
- The European Gold Confiscation Scheme Unfolds.
- The car that thinks it's a tank.
- Israel will not comply. Israel never complies with the United Nations.
- The American Dream Film-Full Length
- Silver up $1.83.......... : )
- AIPAC/Israeli Government sued for $6.6 billion
- Egypt's lost pyramids: Spied from space by satellite, 17 tombs buried by sands o
- stunning shots of the Milky Way using a simple digital camera.
- Sen. Paul Agrees to Vote on USA PATRIOT Act; Sen. Reid Refuses
- Voila 37 Million Ounces of Silver Appear at the COMEX Warehouse - Or Not
- No bullet proof vest is going to stop this gun
- For those who care......Lily AKA Gata is here.
- Saudi Facebook Campaign Calls for Men to Beat Women Drivers
- Shocking before and after images reveal how giant tornado ripped apart Joplin's
- Now This is a Pretty Bird - Salmon Faverolle Rooster
- Anyone else watching silver?
- The Zionist Red Army
- Anyone else sad about current events and what got us here?
- GSUS-TV June Schedule
- Durable-Goods Orders in U.S. Dropped 3.6% in April, the Most in Six Months.
- The Free Online Survival Guide.
- Be careful out there...
- Another hidden secret in Obamacare "RFID Chip Implants"
- Return to Honest money - FOFOA
- Wickard v. Filburn, .gov case/ruling on food "self" production
- Yemen Crisis to Block World's Oil?
- IMF Austerity Is Headed to America – Watch Out!
- Shock: Krugman Turns on 'Elites'
- No Wonder Seattle Cops Think They Can Get Away With ANYTHING.
- SCOTUS upholds Arizona immigration law
- The American Manufacturing Crisis and Why it Matters.
- Venezuela oil chief says US can 'go to hell'.
- Spiraling debt points to dollar free fall; 'there won’t be anyone to bail out US
- Is Farmland A Smart Hedge Against Inflation?.
- QWAK, This forum needs a GOLD DUCK
- Westboro Baptist Church Plans Protest for Joplin MO
- 20 Questions To Ask Anyone Foolish Enough To Believe The Economic Crisis Is Over
- Government ready to openly put drugs in the water to keep you from rebelling.
- Dear Mastercard… (Request for Personal Debt Ceiling Increase).
- 'Business death penalty' for hiring illegal workers is upheld by Supreme Court
- US Commodity Regulation - A Failed Mission? By: Theodore Butler
- China used prisoners in lucrative internet gaming work
- Videographer provocateur Joey Boots was detained, harassed and eventually ticket
- MOVED: Applying logic to religion (folly, I know)
- Bomb kills seven US soldiers in southern Afghanistan
- India Creates Jobs in the U.S., Not the Opposite.
- The Silver Stealers
- No Cannes do as Mel looks to revive reputation with The Beaver
- Mob Rule
- Here is the dog Ponce really wanted..........
- Egyptian activists 'to form Nazi party'
- The Police State is Personal
- 8th grader executed for scaring a Kop
- Israel defensible borders - please distribute!
- I Found a New Home for Israel - Southern Tasmania
- Two New York City Police Officers Acquitted of Rape
- Vatican crackdown at Rome's Playboy Mansion-style monastery.
- Belarus devaluation spreads panic.
- States shorten duration for unemployment benefits.
- A fugitive has holed up on his land for 11 years.
- Prison computer error lets 450 violent felons walk free
- Obama "hot air" ad by nrsc
- The Last Will and Testament of Cecil Rhodes - THE SILVER STEALERS
- Mayor says no to fema trailers for residents, in town distroyed by tornadoes.
- Mysterious sinkholes have residents fleeing QC neighborhood
- Some things are so unbelievable, you just can not make it up! :2 women---------
- Just a simple random thought.....
- ‘Grandma Bandit,' now known to be a ‘Grampa' killed after police chase
- Economic Implosion September-October 2011?
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