View Full Version : General Discussion
- Are there to many people
- QE3 Coming... More for banks... None for you!
- Rense & Adrian Salbuchi - Did Hitler Make It To Argentina?
- Rense & Felix - Mini Ice Age Is On The Way
- Silver Update 10/16/11 - Bottoming
- CFTC Limits vote today! 3-2 it passes
- SNL Funny stuff
- Follow up Shamar Thomas: 'The Marine Who Told the Cops to Stop Brutalizing Protesters
- Economists: End/downsize the FED
- LOL, Thieves preying on fellow protesters
- US Judges Rule Government is Above the Law - GRTV
- U.S. Southwest Drought Could Be Start of New Dust Bowl
- B of A to America: Bend Over
- 100' Mystery hole in White House Lawn
- United States needs to reevaluate its assistance to Israel
- The gun is Civilization
- New baby finaly here!
- Record-high 50% of Americans favor legalizing marijuana use
- some analysts are predicting lower prices ahead for gold and silver. (Not me!)
- Sprott makes a bet on a different kind of bank
- Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know!
- Revealing the Cancerous Truth About Aspartame
- World's most expensive campervan up for sale - for a cool £1.9m
- Moody's downgrades Spain by 2 notches
- Republican debate tonight 8PM EST
- they find 3.1 milloin ounces of gold at old mine in S. Carolina
- Jaw Meet Floor: Israel and Saudi Arabia made up fake Iranian terror plot on Fox News
- Fukushima Update
- Another ebay score - gold coin cufflinks!
- How to register for Rebublican Primary
- 2 year old chinese toddler struck by two cars and nobody offers aid
- Teacher fired for saying zionist jews control banks.
- Time Magazine Bin Laden cover
- DBS & Rafeeq
- Congressional Reform Act of 2011
- Senate Bill Threatens Currency War with China
- US forces 'massing on Afghanistan-Pakistan border'
- Autoimmune Diseases
- Catholic Bishop tells the truth on 9/11 (WOW!)
- German Bond Auction Fails !!!!
- eric sprott "the world has determined that gold is the new reserve currency"
- Lesbian Couple Use Hormones To TransBend Adopted Son
- Bill Murphy... GATA Vs Jeff Christian ...CPM
- CFTC imposes Position Limits and ends phony exemptions
- A Magazine Is an iPad That Does Not Work.m4v
- Fed Reserve Now Backstopping $75 Trillion Of Bank Of America's Derivatives Trades
- Obamacare Reaming
- Hi Jack - South African handshake
- Lady Bugs
- I only wanted a size 14½! Missed decimal point sees slipper ordered from China
- Ramzpaul Video Review of 180 The Movie - Fricken hilarious
- ‘No Food Rights’ Judge quits to work for Monsanto law firm
- Apology to forum member whom I lashed out at...
- Being a faggot is now way cool???
- Revealed – the capitalist network that runs the world
- U.S. Girls just dropping dead
- Hezbollah Israeli war imminent
- Table salt multiplies hard disk space six times
- Gadhafi captured: Libya TV, NTC commander
- Average Fed worker pay in DC - $126,000
- Eric Sprott "All I see is buyers for Phys silver, and shortages keep increasing"
- need recommendation on good space heater
- Grim Reaper advertises flu shots at CVS
- Rapidly Inflating Super Volcano
- 100 ounce silver bars made of lead appearing
- NYPD detective forced 13-year-old runaway to work as a prostitute.
- Dr. Paul within striking distance
- Richard Maybury interview
- Occupy Wall Street Demands Global UN Tax and Worldwide G20 Protest
- Matt Taibbi - My Advice to the Occupy Wall Street Protesters
- TSA hits the interstates in Tennessee
- X-Men: First Class - interesting observation
- Why I no longer post here..........
- Strikes, Stuck Negotiations, Illiquid Banks
- Thank you for waking me up - Ron Paul 2012
- The Federal Reserve Is Selling Paper Gold and Buying Physical Gold
- Occupy Toronto "This Man Was in my Tent Sniffing my Girlfriend’s Feet”
- Anyone ever use silver bed sheets?
- the joe rogan experience. good shit
- a couple mormons stopped by today....
- Screw the Goy ! Israel first !
- Fed Board Member Tarullo Calls For Restart Of MBS Monetization
- Christian website tells kids if they’re going to die
- Quantum Levitation
- So Qaddafi is done, who's next?
- Outrage over woman's plight at hospital
- Chinese toddler left for dead in hit-and-run crash dies
- V for Vendetta masks: Who's behind them?
- London Trader - China Bought Massive Amount of Gold Today
- London Trader "silver shortages growing worse by the day worldwide" (no end in sight)
- The Real Story of How Israel Was Created (Alison Weir)
- The Bankers Want America To Lose World War III
- Mass. Overturns foreclosure laws (this is a big one)
- Rabbis order Pope to condemn Bishop Williamson’s new “anti-Semitic” slur
- Only room for one
- It's Baaack: FT Deutschland Pronounces Deutsche Mark's Return, Prices Itself At 4.11
- lets get rich
- USA pulling all troops out of Iraq , by the end of the year!
- BOMBSHELL - Massachusetts Supreme Court Rules That Most Foreclosure Sales From Previo
- G. Edward Griffin: Individualism & Capitalism vs. Collectivism & Monopolies
- Government is a Monoploy of Force
- Ford Had It Right on the bankers!!!
- Bernanke's comments today blacked out?
- Thirsty? Looking for a source of spring water?
- How to get rich quick...guaranteed. Proven results.
- checking out for awhile. see you later.
- In The Appearance of Reality Organs Represent Mortgage Payments
- In Memory of the late Col. Gaddafi - What History Books will NEVER tell your Kids
- The Assassin.. . . . . .
- Anybody else wish they could be left the fuck alone?
- *Part 1 of my speech given at the 2011 Silver Summit...Bixy
- If Europe Should Fail
- Rugby World Cup Final.....
- more fed officials "QE3 is probably a good idea"
- Bill Murphy interview "Silver is going to go ballistic any day!" (10/19/11)
- Occupy Zionist Wall Street by David Duke
- DOOM! First Nationwide Test of Emergency Alert System Scheduled for Nov. 9
- full silver debate
- Russian Leader Tells Top Generals, “Prepare For Armageddon”
- want a good laugh?
- GSUS calendar of doom, predictions, and more
- Mccanney "11/11/11 is primetime for the psychopaths"
- Some words from the "jewess" you all might find interesting...
- The new revolutionary: Give me bisexuals or give me death or a smoke or whatever.
- The Five Myths Of Silver Investing (VERY GOOD!!)
- Awesome the living room.
- Good video on Saddam and Qaddafi
- I finally found out a way illegals help the economy
- I couldn't help laughing at this
- Alan Grayson Destroys Conservative PJ O' Rourke
- DBS and Rafeeq
- Worried About Silver? Listen to Eric Sprott’s Stump Speech
- Damn it, anyone know how to fix a pixelated video?
- OMG - Marco Simoncelli is killed in MotoGP crash today
- Moving - transporting the stack
- the ascent of money by Niall Ferguson
- Shocking Truth Behind BofA’s Trillion Dollar Derivatives Move!
- Out with Qaddafi, in with Sharia law
- B of A & Merrill "another U.S. Debt Downgrade just weeks away"
- Ron Paul on Meet the Press, today....good interview.
- Supermarkets May Sneak in Price Increases
- Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds? MUST READ !
- Here's some proof that genetics trumps everything in the working dog world
- Couple are forced to demolish their £300k four-bed home after it was invaded by
- Leaving Iraq, maybe not.
- Sunday chat 10/23/11
- Fired Teacher Update (occupy L.A.) good stuff here!!
- Now McCain wants to "protect the civilians" in Syria
- Why Companies Aren't Getting the Employees They Need
- How the Reserve Bank works - Aussie comedian nails it
- Ron Paul on Jan Mickelson Radio Show - Part 2
- US Pays 18 Percent of Israel's Military Budget
- ominous signs from the middle east
- Vatican calls for global authority on economy
- Canadian Gun Registry
- The Real Contagion Risk
- Ahmadinejad throws out challenge to all western leaders, go directly to the people
- WTF, today is United Nations Day?
- crude oil hopss into backwardation, signalling massive easing by the federal reserve
- How many fronts are there?
- Up to 20 million tons of debris from Japan’s tsunami moving toward Hawaii
- World's fastest ever crash test: Family car vapourised as it smashes into wall at 120
- James Turk "there is a financial hurricane katrina coming"
- Serbian ecology leader arrested for openly defying GMOs and chemtrails
- Superior Wine Shelf Collapse
- Checking out
- jason hommel arrested
- Emergency Alert System
- first 6 months of 2012, complete decimation of all western banks!
- Two historic days that could change the Western world forever: Oct. 26 and Nov. 23
- Masonry by a 90th degree mason
- Strange Air Traffic right now
- NOAA LaNina Winter
- Northern Lights.. in the Modwest?
- End of the U.S. Dollar, its happening now folks!!
- Further linkage showing Soros' influence over OWS
- Cargo Ship Rena Footage - On Board Stricken Cargo Ship Rena Off NZ Coast - Salvage Cr
- clive maund, "chart is hinting a MONSTER QE is coming"
- Techno Music thread
- A New Facetious U.S. Coin?
- Could this be Obummers exit Strategy?
- New Book Claims Gen. Patton Was Assassinated (Patton Said, "We Fought The wrong ppl)
- FT Reports Italian Government On Brink Of Collapse
- Parent furor at bawdy sex ed - NY Post
- Only the best wear the badge.
- Were is the picture of....
- World's most expensive house lies abandoned
- Sixteen Things Libya Will Never See Again…
- Conspiracy Of Silence(Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)
- 0bummer's ol' pal Bill Ayers up to his elbows in OWS
- The Coming Derivatives Crisis That Could Destroy The Entire Global Financial System
- The 10 Worst Excuses For Missing Work
- Journalist Accuses Israel of Fukushima Sabotage
- Fix Congress? This might Work! What do you think?
- Eric Sprott interview
- Goldman Sachs vs Occupy Wall Street
- ammo boxes for 6.95 over a 1000 in stock
- A Question You Will Never Hear a Candidate Asked
- Red alert - tsunami forecast 11-9-2011
- Wow - CAP ex-leader, Connie Fogal calls out Zionism
- Wartime Contracting Panel Seals Records for Next 20 Years
- The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret Wayne Madsen
- talks break down as Angela Merkel rejects rescue deal
- POTUS Zog says people want to be free on Leno
- Any Lawyers Out There?
- Obama Admin Seeks Permission To Lie In Response To Freedom Of Information Requests -
- What effect will snow have on the Occupy Protests?!
- Occupy Chicago (pictures say 1000 words) commies and socialists
- Why I do not care why you want to leave or choose not to post here anymore
- outstanding interview w/ mike maloney on banking, money and taxes!
- mccanney mentions 11/11/11 and his site is destroyed
- The Large Families that rule the world
- bix weir from the silver summit "Silver is going to the moon"
- HPV for boys too.
- Euro Crashing- As it should be!
- The Best Way to Cook Corn on the Cob for a Crowd?
- latest from Jim Willie
- As the criminals walk, (again)
- Condit Dam Breaching- Live
- The US Is Fast Becoming a Third World Police State
- One Trillion Euros for emergency fund
- school shooting in NC
- Irishman who saved Hitler from being kicked to death by a mob
- Make Early Bucks Go to Bed Late
- Bangkok faces worst flooding yet, governor warns
- New Street Lights To Have “Homeland Security” Applications
- The best video on "occupy the world"
- Been looking for rings....
- Welcome Back Ponce!!!
- NWO sends 7 y.o. boy to Occupy Girl Scouts
- Greeks May Look North
- Why is there so much apathy?
- Has the USA ever done any of this for you?.....
- Do Zionists Control Wall Street? The Shocking Facts!
- Dirty, sexy money: people saw sex toys, religious symbols on plastic cash
- Vatican names it's new telescope 'LUCIFER'
- Portrait of Zio Christian, Joel Rosenberg
- Obama says he’ll be taking ‘executive actions’ without Congress on ‘regular basis’
- The Plan
- Looking for recomendations on a Tazer
- If you don't pay your credit card...they can kill you.
- Obama Has 250,000 “Contractors” in Iraq and Afghan Wars.
- Anyone else notice the surge today?
- Ponce Back/Thread Is Gone???
- "we the sheeple of america" (classic)
- Selling to the seller........
- Facebook ..unveils massive new five acre data center near Arctic circle
- Shock vaccine study reveals influenza vaccines only prevent the flu in 1.5 out of 100
- MARINES TO OAKLAND POLICE: 'You Did This To My Brother'
- Longueuil police fire at car that ran a stop sign
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