View Full Version : General Discussion
- Wuhan virus is a matter of evolution, it's completely naturally occurring (0 replies)
- hat tip to ponce (0 replies)
- Event 201 (4 replies)
- Just went to sams club- post local panic reports here. (8 replies)
- Californicate considers martial law (0 replies)
- Exponential growth and epidemics (0 replies)
- The Demise Of The Financial System Is Imminent (14 replies)
- Reusing A N-95 Disposable Mask. Best Way ? (17 replies)
- Study that led to current lock down policies (22 replies)
- A suggestion - we need to be looking forward (1 replies)
- Platinum looks like a screaming buy (5 replies)
- Wow! (28 replies)
- Field update from my sister (2 replies)
- Looking on the bright side. (2 replies)
- Intel (48 replies)
- The plan is starting to come into focus (5 replies)
- Trump considering $1,000 checks to most Americans as coronavirus aid (0 replies)
- Black privilege (11 replies)
- Hoax takes over hospital! (26 replies)
- I might be joining MR's "I Hate America" club soon... (7 replies)
- ChiComs to use virus crisis to their advantage (2 replies)
- Why it is crucial that you wear a N95 particle respirator (0 replies)
- Stupid Liberals! (1 replies)
- More Hopium - Good Read (0 replies)
- Coronavirus Fatality Rate Reported by the Media Is COMPLETELY INACCURATE- MEDIA LYING (18 replies)
- Morning report (32 replies)
- What will a national lockdown look like? (6 replies)
- Gun and ammo sales surge in US with coronavirus fears. ‘Better safe than sorry’ (2 replies)
- New Coronavirus test now available! (0 replies)
- The World Is Hit With A $12 Trillion Dollar Margin Call (0 replies)
- freeze dried food?? (33 replies)
- Lockdown is coming (7 replies)
- Sniper Lee Boyd Malvo Gets Married. (3 replies)
- Why are all countries locked down like coronavirus is the black plague? (6 replies)
- It's March 14th guys! (1 replies)
- Illinois mayor signs executive order granting power to ban sale of guns and alcohol w (0 replies)
- The Complainer Thread. Post your complaints here! (13 replies)
- Trumpstein has doomed us all (14 replies)
- HA HA: He Has 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them (3 replies)
- Trump did it again! (25 replies)
- I found the cure for the corona virus! (43 replies)
- Report: Alleged Male Escort Involved In Andrew Gillum Crystal Meth Party? (1 replies)
- Nancy Pelosi Escorted Out of White House After Showing Up ‘Too Drunk to Speak’ (6 replies)
- "SHE WILL BE JAILED IN 72 DAYS" - Devin Nunes condemns Hillary Clinton on live Tv (4 replies)
- The best is yet to come! (1 replies)
- Russia uses America’s own weapon against them (7 replies)
- Black professor who tweeted 'whiteness is terrorism' doubles down in op-ed (1 replies)
- Alex Jones Arrested For DWI In Texas (4 replies)
- Bloomberg Camp Threatens Retaliation Against Trump’s Children if the GOP Continues Hu (2 replies)
- Sticker shock: Why are sun/glasses so expensive? (1 replies)
- Eurozone banking crisis looms as Itilian banks to be come insolvent... (1 replies)
- Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19 (3 replies)
- CDC Admits In Federal Court They Have No Evidence “Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism” (0 replies)
- Krauts Thought Letting Pedos Raise Kids Would Be Great. (1 replies)
- What my ND told me about 5G and the Wuhan virus (1 replies)
- anyone remember chuck harder? (5 replies)
- recommendations for where to buy more silver... (10 replies)
- A question for all of you in denial about the wahoo flu (44 replies)
- Trumpstein is burying himself (26 replies)
- A very clear indicator that the witch will swoop in on her broom to save the day (1 replies)
- FBI Raid Reveals Muslim Brotherhood Plot to Destroy America March 4, 2020 (7 replies)
- When monkeys attack (2 replies)
- Niggers and crackers tag team to beat up Asian-Americans (7 replies)
- surge in gay mexicans (8 replies)
- Greece Gaurding The Border Finally. (3 replies)
- Bucket of copper and brass... and crushed gravel (1 replies)
- The trouble with Tumbleweed! (3 replies)
- Undeniable proof the super rich are not super smart (1 replies)
- USA Made Vitamins ? (14 replies)
- Federal judge orders Hillary Clinton deposition to address private emails (1 replies)
- Joe Biden and Michael Obama, that's the ticket! (12 replies)
- Chicago's Finest (4 replies)
- Buttplug pulled out. (2 replies)
- Turkey and Syria/Russia getting hot (0 replies)
- Charitable Trusts (0 replies)
- US and Taliban sign historic deal to end Afghan conflict Representatives of the Unite (1 replies)
- The deal with the Wuhan flu (16 replies)
- doj: half of blacks, mexicans at harvard have no merit (5 replies)
- USMC Holocausts The Confederacy ! (4 replies)
- How about a positive drug story? (2 replies)
- Dow's point drop worst on record as stocks fall into correction (2 replies)
- Israeli scientists: 'In three weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine' (13 replies)
- Eat shit and DIE mini mike! (3 replies)
- Mass shooting in Milwaukee (10 replies)
- The panic has begun (14 replies)
- New Veritas vid, Sr. ABC whore David Wright blabs about suppressing Trump (0 replies)
- Chess Grand Master (0 replies)
- Dim shit show (5 replies)
- Drive The Money-Changers From The Temple by Father Coughlin (0 replies)
- "I know nothing about WikiLeaks" (7 replies)
- David Goldberg's final words: "Flu in Winter 2020, want to eliminate 15M Americans" (24 replies)
- Don't put you face by a dog you can't trust (10 replies)
- Get outta here ya faggot! (8 replies)
- The fix is in, it's gonna be a Killery/Mini Mike ticket! (4 replies)
- Bernie Loves Fidel (4 replies)
- Holy shit, thought criminal gets hammered (1 replies)
- Anti-semitism items in the news. (0 replies)
- vid - bernie's mask slips (1 replies)
- Best Holohoax Survivor Ever? (1 replies)
- Seth Rich, Jeffery Epstein and now Phillip Haney (3 replies)
- Philip Haney, DHS whistleblower, found dead, police say (0 replies)
- We Rise As One: a Jewish campaign to defeat white nationalism (5 replies)
- Polygamy is heading toward decriminalization in state of Utah (11 replies)
- Soooo anyways... got my car nicked. (30 replies)
- DevonStack/BlackPilled twtr acct gassed, book shoah'd by amzn - thx jooz! (0 replies)
- Polish Court Rules In Favor Of Public Anti-LGBT Campaign Linking Homos & Pedos (2 replies)
- Clint Eastwood loses his fucking mind! (4 replies)
- New amzn/joo "Hunting White Nazis" show premiers today (19 replies)
- How tall is Lil' Mike? (12 replies)
- zio's luv Trumps new NIA chief appointment! (1 replies)
- The Dims debate (10 replies)
- city in india awash with twins - why? (0 replies)
- One very unhappy and miserable niglet (7 replies)
- Never Trumpers Lust After a Romney-Bloomberg ‘Unity’ Ticket (2 replies)
- Chucky Schmer is beside himself regarding homebuilt guns (1 replies)
- AIPAC is a "hate group," says Congresswoman Betty McCollum (7 replies)
- hey professor, watcha doin? (1 replies)
- Flynn and Stone Cases Go off the Rails- New Management Takes Over (0 replies)
- Trump grand entrance to Daytona 500 (3 replies)
- Obama-Trump Socialism (0 replies)
- Bloomberg/Clinton 2020 (27 replies)
- Air Force to allow uniformed members to wear turbans hijabs, beards in new dress code (1 replies)
- Putin: There Will Be Dad And Mum. Rejects Gay Marriage. (0 replies)
- An AR lower does NOT meet the criteria for being a firearm! (0 replies)
- Unspun 184: Lloyd de Jongh: "Subjugated Under Islam: Dhimmis and Jizya in Sharia" (0 replies)
- Unspun 183: Lloyd de Jongh: "Ibn Taymiyyah: Jihad Explained" (0 replies)
- United States Department of State Working Definition of Anti-Semitism (0 replies)
- 'Multicultural space' is a code for... (3 replies)
- A new term has been coined for those failing school (6 replies)
- Missing Idaho Teen. Very Odd Case. (5 replies)
- Daily Stormer article goes viral, gets on Google News Feed (0 replies)
- Salvini 2B charged w not letting 131 afro-vibrants disembark in IT (2 replies)
- OneCoin and Multi Level Marketing scams (2 replies)
- James Carville: The Dem party is "leftwing zombie land" (0 replies)
- South Dakota RepubliCucks Shoot Down Bill Opposing Child Sex Changes ...... (6 replies)
- Abby Martin suing over GA's anti-Izzy-BDS oath (10 replies)
- Jewish roots of Islam (0 replies)
- Turkish Police Recover Stolen jewish Torah Scrolls Decorated With Satanic Illuminati (4 replies)
- What the media does not want you to know about South Asians (1 replies)
- Asking random cops the same silly ass questions they ask us (2 replies)
- 7-9 years for Roger Stone??? (10 replies)
- Official parody twitter account for AG Barr (0 replies)
- What is The Fourth Turning? (10 replies)
- Let’s Cut The Crap On ‘Diversity’ (6 replies)
- Barr announces sanctions, significant escalation' against left-wing sanctuary cities (0 replies)
- Hospital named after a Jewish benefactors suffers unfortunate light malfunction (3 replies)
- Mexicans form militia to protect their village (0 replies)
- Hey Amanda (11 replies)
- Your complete Jewish guide to watching the Oscars - Forward (3 replies)
- Norovirus outbreak at Louisiana casino sickens at least 200 (0 replies)
- H.R.5383 - New Way Forward Act (3 replies)
- good short vids (27 replies)
- Elizabeth Smart Says She Was Sexually Assaulted On An Airplane (3 replies)
- Black Crimes Matter (2 replies)
- Look what the Californicate Communists are up to! (0 replies)
- CONFIRMED: The Pope is a fucking Communist (1 replies)
- Hitler's undeniable peace proposals (4 replies)
- Black dude with no DRIVER LICENSE sets cop straight on 'traffic' stop (5 replies)
- Compared to the Germans the ChiComs are a bunch of pikers (0 replies)
- Kirk Douglas faux patriot dead (5 replies)
- Romney announces he will vote to convict President Trump in impeachment trial (8 replies)
- Nancy broke the law when she destroyed a government document! (11 replies)
- Pelosi Expected Hand Shake...........................LOL (1 replies)
- Rand Paul outs Justice Roberts! (6 replies)
- Tribute to a fallen hero (3 replies)
- Listen to the NERVE of this WHITE GUY !?!? (4 replies)
- When Civil War 2.0 begins in earnest (1 replies)
- The Cuckservatives @CPAC Disinvite Romney. (2 replies)
- Homosexual Cross-Dresser to be Featured on PBS Kids’ Program ‘Sesame Street’ (1 replies)
- New Orleans Saints & Catholic Church Email Scandal (1 replies)
- Hey Brother Tumbleweed (2 replies)
- traffic tickets for whitey, free car repairs for nigs (1 replies)
- Trump says "I have a dream" in Israel (0 replies)
- Please look directly at the Sun (1 replies)
- High Winds Knock Portion Of Trump's US-Mexico Border Wall Over (3 replies)
- can someome check something for me? (15 replies)
- 7,000 stuck on cruise ship off Italian coast amid coronavirus concerns (1 replies)
- USMCA??? North American Union??? (17 replies)
- Burnie to hit the ground running to create Supreme Soviet? (0 replies)
- W. Virginia govenor invites 2A counties in Virginia to join W. Virginia (16 replies)
- Angry Rand Paul Demands Trump Sue Schumer (12 replies)
- Pandemic and famine (6 replies)
- Empty egg carton (1 replies)
- Goyim It's Almost Time For The Big Game And We Got Some Woke Ads For You (19 replies)
- We need more folks doing precisely this (1 replies)
- Saudi MBS--"I was raised by a Jewish woman" (5 replies)
- queen isabella spinning in her grave (3 replies)
- The Big Picture: The Empire Of Banks (Part 3) (1 replies)
- The Jew Coup (20 replies)
- Fifteen Years Before Kennedy, Zionists Murdered Forrestal (7 replies)
- The Big Picture: The Empire Of Banks (Part 2) (0 replies)
- The Big Picture: The Empire Of Banks (Part 1) (4 replies)
- Good discussion of Corporate Media versus Independent media (0 replies)
- Jack Posobiec visits ChurchMilitant's Voris, topic - journalism and truth (0 replies)
- Anti 2A Doctor Tries To Pull Off Hoax, Gets Busted On Twitter. (4 replies)
- MSNBC, she had it right the first time! (1 replies)
- WATCH: Glenn Beck Reads ‘Disturbing’ Letter Biden Campaign Sent To Media Outlets (0 replies)
- The Trump curse strikes again! (2 replies)
- Over a MILLION Iraqis protest against US occupation (0 replies)
- Texas DPS idenifies "Incels" as" emerging domestic terrorism threat" (3 replies)
- Bus Carrying Covington Catholic Students Involved In Deadly Crash (6 replies)
- Contagion (1 replies)
- Virginia politicians push bill to make criticizing state leaders criminal offense (2 replies)
- Ripple > Coming Soon, the NEXT Google of the Financial world (0 replies)
- The changing perspective I've noticed recently (16 replies)
- Brian/HIV calls out Sean/SGT Report (20 replies)
- 570 Viewing The General Discussion Forum Now. (14 replies)
- Need help with this meme (4 replies)
- izzy hosts greatest cuckfest in world history (7 replies)
- 20 million now quarantined in China from Coronavirus (1141 replies)
- Illegal Immigrant Caravans and Criminal Catholics (1 replies)
- Rejoice when asshole cops like this get capped (1 replies)
- Trumpstein became a member of the Chabad Labavitcher cult?? (12 replies)
- Example how to handle G men when they drop by for a knock and talk (2 replies)
- Texas governor Greg Abbott shows his Zionist colors (10 replies)
- The natives don’t recognize it for what it is (0 replies)
- Book’s home is getting Californicated! (0 replies)
- Sheriff's deputy stands up for 2A (0 replies)
- Marting Luther King Day (7 replies)
- Google Whistleblower Suggests Wife's Fatal Car Crash May Not Have Been Accidental (0 replies)
- Joe Rogan EXPOSED CIA Elon Musk, MAPS, Esalen, Military MK Ultra Brave New World (((I (0 replies)
- What Muhammad Did When He Saw a Beautiful Woman (5 replies)
- Math test score gap between white and non-white in Brazil due to complex factors (5 replies)
- Israeli ties to Virginia !!! (21 replies)
- UN's Agenda 2030 is about inventory and control (8 replies)
- WTF is up with all the latest war mongers here? That is all this place is about (36 replies)
- Perhaps deep down inside Trump wants to end foreign entanglements (2 replies)
- Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple (3 replies)
- Who Is Really Behind The “Nazi Flag Incident” In Australia? (2 replies)
- Zog (20 replies)
- Greg Mannarino- financial stuff... (5 replies)
- GAO finds Trumpstein WH broke law re: withholding aid to Ukraine (7 replies)
- Bah Bah Bah Bah Baaaah I'm hating it (0 replies)
- Banned Ted Talks: The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake (2 replies)
- China Deal- Cui Bono- Banksters!!! (3 replies)
- Project Veritas exposes hardcore Communist as paid staffer for Bernie (22 replies)
- cohen: it's not the nigs, it's the businesses that cause crime (3 replies)
- How schools make kids dumb (0 replies)
- Barbara Spectre is back (1 replies)
- Israeli LOVES ISIS (2 replies)
- The real deal about Controled Remote Viewing by one of the originators (0 replies)
- It is high time to ban rocks! (2 replies)
- Something to think about when you take a shower, cook with, or take a drink in CA (0 replies)
- Hospital groups file lawsuit to block Trump's price transparency rule (0 replies)
- The ultimate evidence Qanon is a psyop (46 replies)
- Congrats to Trump! (13 replies)
- Bloomberg: We Can’t Just Let “Average” Americans Have Guns (0 replies)
- Iran admits it shot down airliner by mistake (38 replies)
- The War Pigs Are Finally Revealing Themselves - And This Is Just The Beginning... (36 replies)
- The Facts About Iran and Terrorism by Larry C Johnson (2 replies)
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