View Full Version : General Discussion
- Israeli Premier Netanyahu invited to address US Congress. (0 replies)
- AJ supports israel and zionism in this older AJ video. (28 replies)
- There's no such thing as a dormant volcano (6 replies)
- Japan halts Pfizer, Sanofi vaccines after four die (1 replies)
- DBS and Rafeeq (0 replies)
- anyone own a gas dryer? (6 replies)
- Martial Arts Anyone? (36 replies)
- China to allow all trades to settle in yuan, encourages use as reserve currency (2 replies)
- Traders ‘short’ dollar as currency loses attraction (0 replies)
- And were off! (66 replies)
- Sunday chat 3/6 (15 replies)
- How to keep cats away (107 replies)
- Israel hires 50,000 mercs for Africa......... (2 replies)
- An Empire of Lies (0 replies)
- Same Cover, Same Lies (0 replies)
- Crowd Identity MAP. (3 replies)
- 2 US Soldiers for 9 Afghan Children. (27 replies)
- The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens. (14 replies)
- Capitalism Hits the Fan (3 replies)
- Rex 84 and COG (2 replies)
- New toll road, first in my state (5 replies)
- McCanney show on preparations (0 replies)
- Eat crow? (37 replies)
- Saudi Arabia, Which Allegedly Hiked Output, Just Raised Crude Export Prices To A (1 replies)
- Land O'Lakes makes case for more food (4 replies)
- Rice University Jewish Studies Professor calls police over youtube 9/11 video (12 replies)
- Movie to watch on your free time.......... (0 replies)
- Motorists illegally detained at Florida tolls - for using large bills! (2 replies)
- Which Comes First? (6 replies)
- Selling silver (24 replies)
- If you eat organic, watch this (3 replies)
- Staying put here. (7 replies)
- Why Is California Broke? (10 replies)
- Charlie Sheen.......shame, shame, shame..... (5 replies)
- Bates 8" Tropical DuraShocks Steel Toe Boots CLOSEOUT (0 replies)
- Wyoming concealed carry law (10 replies)
- Who's To Blame For $4.00 A Gallon gas?.....$10.00? (14 replies)
- Zell: Dollar's Global Fall Will Be 'Disastrous’ for US Living Standard. (0 replies)
- Gold to $57,000, Silver Even More? Interview of Adrian Douglas of GATA (0 replies)
- tactical nuke used in libya by Gaddafi (12 replies)
- Pakistan: Can America Get Away With Murder? page 2 (0 replies)
- Pakistan: Can America Get Away With Murder? (0 replies)
- Of Course They Will (Fire On US Citizens). (5 replies)
- .Mass Strike Spreads to Social Security Employees. (5 replies)
- Officials Catch A Man Traveling With $667,000 In Gold Bars On A Flight In India (12 replies)
- Know Your Rights When Talking to Police Officers (14 replies)
- OT: BBC Toughest place to be a bus driver (0 replies)
- Bank Closing Fridays (3 replies)
- A summation of the problem of Jews and Zionism. (12 replies)
- San Francisco pours $14m of bleach into sea after eco-friendly toilets cause a (8 replies)
- Letting your house foreclose is the norm now (6 replies)
- Charlie Sheen, Mind Control, 9/11 and The Sixth Extinction (8 replies)
- Interlocking Directors (2 replies)
- A Well-Planned Retirement: A perfect example of government mismanagement (5 replies)
- Utah Considers Return to Gold, Silver Coins (8 replies)
- Beware the Silver Ides Of March (8 replies)
- The world financial system is one gargantuan Ponzi scheme... (5 replies)
- The New Savior (TM) (10 replies)
- List of Dead Scientists (2 replies)
- The Anti-Semite Club (33 replies)
- How do I change my ip address? (11 replies)
- Rep. Rangel: Bring Back the Draft (13 replies)
- Ohio School Sorry for Making Black Student 'Slave' (3 replies)
- Connecticut Town Ordered to Pay for Union Workers’ Coffee (13 replies)
- America's Third War: Texas Farmers Under Attack at the Border (10 replies)
- Face of incredibly preserved 700-year-old mummy found. (4 replies)
- Jesse's Cafe- Monetizing... good chuckle (0 replies)
- House Republicans attempt to revive Real ID. (1 replies)
- The "Bold, Imperial Plunder" of Libya (7 replies)
- Charlie Sheen - MKUltra? (15 replies)
- Where is Mamboni?........ (81 replies)
- Gold Heist. Wonder who is on the hook? (0 replies)
- 'If the Americans Come, They Would Steal our Revolution. (0 replies)
- Did you silver jump to $35.13? (32 replies)
- i get $500 together to go buy peace dollars today...silver shoots up to $35.15 (28 replies)
- Running out of gas (16 replies)
- Marilyn Monroe: the unseen files (2 replies)
- Taps for the Dollar (1 replies)
- 13 Things Your Locksmith Won’t Tell You (6 replies)
- The problem with America...Inflation (1 replies)
- Virginia: Ship Commander Fired (1 replies)
- Israel provides henchmen for Gaddafi, Black Child Soldiers (11 replies)
- Agent: I was ordered to let U.S. guns into Mexico (19 replies)
- Dudes Record An Officer Chasing A Criminal & Getting Tired After A Couple Of Min (10 replies)
- UK...The bank for gangsters: Police opened up almost 7,000 safety deposit boxes. (4 replies)
- Ron Paul asks Bernanke "What is your definition of a Dollar....?" (25 replies)
- Gold still cheap? Don't laugh. (0 replies)
- Family of man shot by police tells their story; grandmother says she did not fee (6 replies)
- Underground Town of Kariz In IRAN (4 replies)
- A Conspiracy With a Silver Lining - NY TIMES (2 replies)
- Storm has Passed!.......about silver. (8 replies)
- Spiders lead to Mazda recall (1 replies)
- Gasoline prices nation wide. (10 replies)
- Philippine DOE Verifies Aviso's Self-Charging EV. (1 replies)
- If to see is to believe then I don't believe......a must see. (5 replies)
- Westboro Baptist Church Wins Supreme Court Appeal Over Funeral Protests. (11 replies)
- Bicycle Drivers License and Registration Fees. (0 replies)
- U.S. Manufacturing “Red Hot”? Dream On. (2 replies)
- Powering Cars & Homeswith Water & Sunlight. (3 replies)
- Airstrikes in Libya did not take place - Russian military (0 replies)
- X rays for anything and every thing........ (2 replies)
- Why are police so rude? Because they are trained to be. (9 replies)
- Are gay Lebanese (13 replies)
- Why the Dollar's Reign Is Near an End. (5 replies)
- China “Attacks The Dollar” (1 replies)
- End Game - Would US Police/Troops Fire Upon US Citizens? (33 replies)
- Silver Outweighs Gold (3 replies)
- Food Prices Hit New All Time Record In February (4 replies)
- Student files lawsuit over FBI's GPS tracking (8 replies)
- What's the correct spelling for Libyian leader (1 replies)
- HSBC Temporarily halts Foreclosures .........good news for me (2 replies)
- WSJ: Why the Dollar's Reign Is Near an End (2 replies)
- Julian Assange Says There Is A "Jewish Conspiracy" To Stop Wikileaks (2 replies)
- Police: AZ beheading tied to Mexican drug cartel (1 replies)
- Pope: jews didnt kill jesus (46 replies)
- In 10 years teacher pensions will be over $10 Billion Annually in CA (6 replies)
- It's Just One of Those "Moose Charges Skiers" Stories (9 replies)
- Are these prices good for tins, glass etc? (4 replies)
- WTSHTF (3 replies)
- Farrakhan: Jews are pushing the US into war (47 replies)
- TSA Officer Faces Charges Of Helping Drug Dealers Through SecurityPosted. (0 replies)
- Crown Land Grant Patents. Tell the regulators and bylaw officers to F-off (10 replies)
- Regarding Hillbilly - EVERYONE PLEASE READ THIS. (115 replies)
- Rockefeller to amend bill that prohibits the manufacutre of authorized generics (1 replies)
- Gresham’s Law Squared - gearing up for Game Over (pdf) (3 replies)
- U.S. has about $375 billion worth of gold (5 replies)
- Footage of the war in Lybia (6 replies)
- Bombers....I mean the Cops, scanned me (12 replies)
- USAF seeks diamond gunports for electropulse ray-cannon (9 replies)
- Sen. Wants State To Have Its Own Currency (2 replies)
- Massive copper/powerline thefts (5 replies)
- Man!, I F&^%ing hate Shills... (24 replies)
- Frankfurt airport shooting: two killed in attack on US military bus (12 replies)
- LIVE C-SPAN (1 replies)
- 'Booty' Is Given The Boot From The Bible. (5 replies)
- End of Gov HAMP program, finally? (0 replies)
- Once the base metal value surpasses 10 cents Nickels will dissapear magically (49 replies)
- US Mint running out of Silver! (4 replies)
- The Silver Bullet And The Silver Shield on ....... (5 replies)
- Australian Jailed 3 Years for Anti Semitic Video (66 replies)
- FDR’s 1933 Gold Confiscation was a Bailout of the Federal Reserve Bank (2 replies)
- Silver on Sale at $35, Next Move $37 Before 3 Digits (15 replies)
- Ron Paul Grills Hillary Clinton on Middle East Meddling - March 1, 2011 (2 replies)
- Good Source Of Info On Hitler, WWII, and NS (11 replies)
- Jewry goes ahead with Internet Censorship (7 replies)
- Monsanto GMO - farmers will accept all liability (2 replies)
- A revolutionary Russian string transport invention (16 replies)
- a question i have about the masons (27 replies)
- zionistssssss (a must read here) (5 replies)
- An important ruling on foreign financial accounts (11 replies)
- Bill Would Make Some Airport Screening Sexual Assault (7 replies)
- here comes the gun confiscation (16 replies)
- Gold, Oil, & Dow: Death Spiral Update! (5 replies)
- Food prices to skyrocket, riots could follow, suggests USDA. (5 replies)
- Terrorists were responsible for the 2008 market crash (8 replies)
- What are Scalar Waves? (17 replies)
- Sacks of gold caught with their hand in the cookie jar (6 replies)
- Will Wisconsin blues migrate north? (0 replies)
- Rand Paul on Peter Schiff radio @ 11am today EST (0 replies)
- Using Kerosene Gas Cans to Store Gasoline (21 replies)
- Morgan Opens Gold Window (1 replies)
- 12 Jews honored on African stamps as Apartheid fighters (1 replies)
- Sucessful China Bank Robbery! (0 replies)
- alex jones talks about being on the view yesturday (1 replies)
- The AGENDA.... Liberal-Progressive-Socialist-Communist (16 replies)
- Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Vaccines (0 replies)
- How to rob a BANK in CHINA (3 replies)
- youtube is down? (2 replies)
- Silver snaps through 34$ (39 replies)
- looking for... (2 replies)
- Suck it goyim - A Talmud Ace Tackles Thorny Issue of Net Neutrality (0 replies)
- The Catherine Austin Fitts & America's Financial Tapeworm Thread (3 replies)
- Dirty F*^king Hippies WERE RIGHT! (1 replies)
- "If law fails, CIA will assassinate Assange" (9 replies)
- Google Mail Logo Resembles Freemason Apron (10 replies)
- WOW, now Seattle is blatantly anti-white (38 replies)
- A winner with my Canadian dollars....... (4 replies)
- The Chemtrails in L.A. today were heavy (2 replies)
- Bank Robber Caught After Bathroom Breaks (2 replies)
- Déjà Vu: Neo-Con Hawks Take Flight over Libya (0 replies)
- The CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Thread (159 replies)
- Growing Industrial Demand Buoys Silver Outlook (0 replies)
- Excerpts from Eustace Mullins' Book, THE WORLD ORDER, A Study in the Hegemony of (0 replies)
- External security cameras coming to 'real time crime center'.. BLIMPS (2 replies)
- mexican priest molests mexican kid in mexico judge allows kid to sue U.S. church (11 replies)
- A Bank Run Reality Check (9 replies)
- Americans Earn a `D' on Understanding How Credit Scores Work (0 replies)
- US govt agrees to supply coins to Zimbabwe (26 replies)
- Iran threatens boycott of 2012 Olympic Games (8 replies)
- Ban Jubilee!!!! (68 replies)
- What kind of silver to trade for-SAEs or generic (58 replies)
- Well Looky-Looky Who's on "The View" (21 replies)
- Israel is paralyzed by Iran's warships (4 replies)
- Union Protests Turn Violent Against Tea Party Supporters (2 replies)
- Philippine DOE Verifies Aviso's Self-Charging EV (21 replies)
- Why people are slow to get it (18 replies)
- Donald Rumsfeld questioned about being a reptilian (11 replies)
- Suzanna Gratia-Hupp What the second amendment is really for (3 replies)
- First photo of Hawaiian surfer.......... (7 replies)
- False Flags Unraveling (0 replies)
- Marc Faber: "I Think We Are All Doomed" (4 replies)
- Do You Eat Bimbo Bread? (7 replies)
- Sunday chat 2/27 (1 replies)
- Wisconsin Police Union Announces Solidarity with Occupation of State House (vid) (3 replies)
- Gummit’s Approach To Suicide Prevention Increases Incidence - woops! (1 replies)
- David Rosenberg warns of $200 oil if turmoil hits Saudi Arabia (13 replies)
- Large crack opens in the earth in southern Peru (8 replies)
- United Nations, United States and European Union: Fine to kill Gentiles--But Pro (3 replies)
- Celente discusses the revolutions breaking out in the middle east and (0 replies)
- Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11 (6 replies)
- Experience in an Ice Storm, by C.V.Z...........good read. (1 replies)
- Proof the government is preparing for a catastrophe (16 replies)
- Burglars on my property......... (57 replies)
- Arab Revolutions explained by Hesham Tillawi (1 replies)
- ChemtraFIRST EVER! – Austinites Outbid Police in Gun Buyback Counter-Program. (3 replies)
- Need Help Moving My Blog To A Private Host (4 replies)
- Documentary: Inside Job 2010 (11 replies)
- Amazing Japanese Fake Pool (15 replies)
- Why the Illuminati Tolerate Truthers (10 replies)
- The Deek Freak news (0 replies)
- Mob robbers hit convenience stores in St. Paul. (18 replies)
- Silver Train Is A Comin: Are You Onboard?. (5 replies)
- Sheen Tantrum Likely to Cost in the Millions. (5 replies)
- Shoppers wary of GM foods find they're everywhere. (3 replies)
- Turk - Dollar Ready to Collapse, Silver Squeeze to Continue (15 replies)
- Don't Eat Da Poo Poo (5 replies)
- I wonder just how much...... (2 replies)
- Girl Scout Cookie Stand Shut Down By Police (22 replies)
- They all should rot in jail (5 replies)
- Senator wants to mandate background checks for all gun sales Even private (2 replies)
- 200 giant spiders, termites feast on man (4 replies)
- The Rich, the Famous, the Armed In NYC (13 replies)
- Wegmans freezes prices on 40 products (4 replies)
- Death Rays from Silent Sounds (May, 1932), the new is not new. (3 replies)
- Zombies are real (3 replies)
- Water As A Weapon. (0 replies)
- "Tactical" retreat for Americans.... (7 replies)
- Combat troops to get gay sensitivity training (11 replies)
- "Dancing With The Economy" me. (4 replies)
- John Stockwell: The Third World War/secret CIA ops (9 replies)
- Indonesian mud volcano flow 'to last 26 years' (3 replies)
- Paul International Movie Trailer (3 replies)
- The New McCarthyism. (4 replies)
- Charlie Sheen tells TMZ ... the reports describing him as an anti-Semite are B.S (4 replies)
- Analysis of Solar Flares and possible effects on humans (1 replies)
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